Photos: Wolfgang Helm/Messe Dortmund
{Tradefair Roundup}
InterTabac 2019 Draws Record 13,800 Visitors
many challenges in the future. The con-
Improved services, a new accompanying programme, and a modernised look set higher new standards at the InterTabac and InterSupply trade fairs. »CONTRIBUTED REPORT
therefore incredibly important for whole-
densed overview of all tobacco product and ancillary product segments as given by InterTabac at the Dortmund location is salers and retailers in today’s world.” Classic segments continue to be a central element. Fans of classic tobac-
nterTabac, the world’s largest trade
Almost 58 per cent of the visitors
co products and pipes and cigars got
fair for tobacco products and smok-
came from Germany. “German partic-
their money’s worth. Exhibitors in Halls
ing accessories, was again the most
ipants primarily included classic tobac-
4 to 7 showcased additive-free ciga-
important meeting place for national
conists, explained Sabine Loos, CEO of
rettes, high-quality pipes, and interest-
and international representatives of
Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe
ing up-market products from small cigar
the tobacco industry, retail and whole-
GmbH. “The interest in new topics and
manufacturing businesses.
sale sectors this year from 20 to 22
trends and the personal exchange of in-
The satisfaction of the tobacco retail
September and boasted about 40,000
formation prevailed as usual. That is not
trade with InterTabac 2019 was under-
sqm of exhibition space in the halls of
surprising because only InterTabac gives
lined by Steffen Kahnt, Director of the
the Dortmund Exhibition Centre.
retailers and wholesalers the opportuni-
German Association of Tobacconists. “In-
Besides numerous German visitors
ty of exploring and testing the product
terTabac has once again given the retail
from the key target groups and sec-
width and depth and making contacts
sector an overview of all segments of the
tors—including classic tobacconists
with established and new customers.”
national and international tobacco world.
petrol stations, and kiosk retailers—inter-
Thomas Schäfer, Managing Director
It continues to be an indispensable dia-
nationality was again an important fea-
of the Tobacco Trade Association of North
logue, information and order placement
ture of the trade fair. About 42 per cent
Rhine Westphalia added that, “Year after
platform, especially for tobacconists. This
of the visitors came from abroad: The vis-
year, InterTabac expands its reputation as
central meeting place gives a comprehen-
itors’ home countries included the USA,
the world’s flagship trade fair of the to-
sive overview, especially of the classic ci-
China, Chile and South Africa. European
bacco industry and as the meeting place
gar, cigarette and pipe segments, to make
home countries were primarily Spain,
of the tobacco family. And that applies
the retailers’ product portfolios viable for
Italy, France, The Netherlands and Turkey.
again this year. The trade must overcome
the future,” SteffenKahnt said.
Q2 2018