Volume 21 • Number 3 PUBLISHER
Cathy S. Zion
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april may 2012
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Melissa Donald BLOG EDITOR
Miranda Popp
42 4 Introduction 6 On the Cover 8 Family Challenge #3: Reducing our Trash By Megan Seckman
14 From Baby to Child By Lori Leitner
16 From Child to Adult By Veda Pendleton-McClain, Ph.D.
18 Conquering the Fear Stage By Megan Seckman
20 Parent Perspectives: Stages 22 What’s Your Family Plan? By Joyce Oglesby
miranda@todayspublications.com EDITORIAL INTERN
Kim Kerby
Jessi Winner
24 Allergies 101 By Yelena Sapin
28 Raise a Can-Do Kid By Sandra Gordon
32 Living Off the Land: The Courtney Family By Yelena Sapin
36 Calendar 40 Celebrate: Party Places 42 How Birth Order Affects Your Kid’s Driving By Gina Roberts-Grey
Published bi-monthly by: Zion Publications LLC 9750 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 307 Louisville, KY 40223 Phone (502) 327-8855 Fax (502) 327-8861 www.todaysfamilymag.com www.facebook.com/todaysfamily
Subscriptions are available by sending $15 to the above address for 6 bi-monthly issues.
Today’s Family magazine is published bi-monthly by Zion Publications LLC and distributed free to the people of metropolitan Louisville and Southern Indiana. Circulation 33,000. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Today’s Family magazine does not endorse or guarantee any advertiser’s product or service. Copyright 2012 by Zion Publications LLC with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited without permission from Zion Publications LLC. MEMBER Greater Louisville, Inc., Metro Chamber of Commerce, Area Chambers of Commerce, Better Business Bureau.
46 My Family, Your Family: All Girls or All Boys By Carrie Vittitoe
48 6 Things By Anita Oldham
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It ’s Jus t
Stage a
“Well, I don’t think they’ll take him back.”
— Megan Seckman’s husband, during a “what the heck have I gotten myself into” moment when the baby was in the colicky stage.
“If you don’t like the stage you’re in, just wait a couple of days. You may like the next stage even less.” — Elaine Jack’s mom 4
April/May 2012
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April/May 2012
on the cover Farm Livin’ Four-year-old Lucas Courtney’s toys can be something as simple as a dirt clod in a newly plowed field. “This is a dog bone,” he says, throwing the dirt to his pretend dog. His imagination can take him to an unseen world, but then he has to pause every once in a while to be “man-like” as he goes over and spits to the side. We had a two-hour photo shoot with Lucas, his little sister Elly and their mother Mary on a beautiful day in mid-March, right before their crazy, busy planting season really starts. Father Shane had to head off to work after including him in a quick shot by the tractor, which was when this cover photo developed — as Lucas rested in the tractor tire. Read this family’s Photo: Melissa Donald story on page 32.
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April/May 2012
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
F a m i ly C h a l l e n g e # 3 :
Reducing Our
Trash By Megan M. Seckman
ccording to the EPA, the average American discards 4.34 pounds of trash every day. My family composts, recycles, reuses shopping bags, and buys local and organic when possible, but we still manage to throw three kitchen-sized trash bags in the landfill every week. No one wears diapers, and we work outside the home, so where does all this trash come from? In an effort to examine my family’s impact on the planet, I’ve proposed a challenge: to inventory our trash for a week and cut our waste by two-thirds. 8
April/May 2012
The Seckman Family One kitchen-sized trash bag — that’s all we get, folks. Four small receptacles — one for each of us — occupy the corner of the kitchen poised in anticipation for our week’s challenge. Throughout the week, Will (7), Nadine (4), my husband Billy, the dog Cowboy, and I will analyze our individual waste and hopefully reduce our rubbish.
Sunday Family is gung-ho. Researched Louisville’s recycling requirements and realized I can recycle all junk mail, a relief. Had to bring used q-tips downstairs to our individual bins this morning; removing cans from around the house and carrying home lunch rubbish has made us all hyper-aware of our waste.
Monday Kids guiltily placed their empty
yogurt tubes in their individual receptacles when they got home. I feel used; all the dinner packaging waste has to go in mine? I have plenty of ideas of how to reuse trash: OJ lids are becoming a checkers game, tofu containers are now paint trays; actually everything is becoming a paint tray. Guess we really need to start painting. Excited about reducing our waste, but a little concerned I’m going to become a hoarder in the process.
Tuesday Breakfast created no trash. Kids brought home two deflated juice pouches and tried to sabotage one another by filling the other’s bin. Everyone is enthusiastic about examining the trash, including the continued on page 10
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April/May 2012
continued from page 8
dog. Dog sorted through each bin and spread contents onto the kitchen floor. Everyone felt exposed, seeing our trash spread out like that.
Wednesday Started the day with a Styrofoam dilemma. Went out the night before and now feel guilty about putting the leftover Styrofoam box in my can. Louisville does not recycle Styrofoam and I’d have to cross the bridge over to Foam Fabricators in New Albany to recycle. Gulp, I trashed it. Thought having lunch already prepared would be a relief, but feeling guilty. Several states banned Styrofoam, but not in the Bluegrass. Should have taken my own reusable container; oh no, I’m potentially becoming one of those customers. May need a larger purse.
“Excited about reducing our waste, but a little concerned I’m going to become a hoarder in the process.” Thursday Realized today that the paper towel roll has barely been touched all week with the use of cloth napkins. Why did I not make the switch previously? Cloth napkins look beautiful on the table and can be reused several times before they need washing. Used soft rags to wash the glass and dishtowels for spills. Eliminated the use of Kleenex; no need for all that paper. Toilet paper did the trick for runny noses, and it’s flushable. Reused kids’ graded work for scratch paper, not for runny noses.
Friday Ending the work-week with plenty of room still in the bag. Thank goodness wine bottles are recyclable.
Saturday Last day of challenge, but hit a roadblock: cupboard cleaning. Needed to purge the junk-drawers and cupboard and took much longer tearing off recyclable paper from used notebooks. 10
April/May 2012
ABOVE: Will and Nadine try to sabotage each other’s trash cans. AT RIGHT: Nadine recycles a laundry detergent bottle. Phew! It doesn’t go in the trash.
Realized my monthly frantic organizing produces a lot of trash. Realized reusing takes a lot of space. A conundrum. At the end of the day, the contents were tallied and only one bag went out to the curb instead of three. Between free city recycling and our backyard compost, feeling satisfied about our minimal contribution to the landfill. Megan M. Seckman lives in Louisville with her husband Billy and their kids Will (7), Nadine (4) and Cowboy, the family dog. She is a frequent contributor for Today’s Family.
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
It’s Just a
Certain behaviors come and go in a matter of days or weeks, but how do you know if it is a personality trait or a stage? Just ask another parent.
“I know for a fact that at least one of us will survive your adolescence and that would be me. If you would like to join me, try being a bit nicer.” — Barb Hartman
“Don’t let anyone tell you about terrible this or terrible that. Every stage has its good and bad.” — Stan, Elaine Jack’s friend
“Find your calm.” — Stephanie White’s sister, when in danger of panicking or losing it
“If everyone tries to do more than their share, no one will have to do more than their share.” — Bob Uberti
“OSHA has determined that the maximum load capacity on my butt is two persons at a time unless I install handrails or safety straps. As you have arrived 4th in line to ride my a** today, please take a number and wait your turn.” — sign in Carrie Vittitoe’s kitchen
“Don’t be sorry, just don’t do it again!” — Dottie Kaufling, Leigh Ann Burckhardt’s mom “It goes by SO fast, just not in the moment.” — Terra Santos “Don’t just have your kids apologize. Have them ask for forgiveness for intentional wrongs — and MODEL it yourself to them.” — Terra Santos
“Then don’t do that!” — Mary Churchman, quoting a Groucho Marx bit when children say, “Mom, it hurts when I do this.”
“Today is a disaster.” — Graeme Langford, age 4
“The children will not remember what you did, they will not remember what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”
“The best one is not a SAYING but what we refer to lovingly as THE LOOK. You know you better stop what you are doing when you are at the receiving end of THE LOOK.” — Leigh Ann Burckhardt “Self-control is doing the right thing even when you don’t want to.” — Mary Churchman 12
April/May 2012
— Stacy Westray Tackett
“You can’t wait to feel better to get moving, you’ve got to move to feel better.” — Kristina Jorgensen Harrigan, M.Ed.
“Stay together.” – Ursula Robertson-Moore, when sending kids out to play, on family trips, and even now as her kids live in different cities.
“. . . the bad news is in a few years she’ll be old enough to start driving a car. The good news is she will also be old enough to drive the riding mower!” — John G. Warren “If you want to be happy, then go and do something for another.” — Stacy Westray Tackett’s grandmother, Foreman Westray
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It’s Just a STAGE
From Baby to Child By Lorie Gant Leitner
y baby read a book to me! My baby! Granted my baby is 6 years old and attending kindergarten, but I am no less in awe as I listen to each sentence.
Noah is “all boy.” As the first-born grandchild on both sides of the family, he is showered with love and attention. Noah is creative and shows it through songs he makes up on the spot, hilarious knock-knock jokes, and a T-Rex Land constructed out of paper and glue. If you have been on a cave tour with a boy raising his hand over and over to ask questions, more than likely you have already met Noah. He is curious about the world and asks me to consult the Internet to learn how people digest food, why the clouds rain, and what polar bears do with their Mama for fun. My Baby Noah When Noah turned 5 years old, I literally held my breath as he blew out the candles. It was his last birthday before he began school. My level of excitement and anxiety was equally balanced as I watched the candle smoke swirl, imagining the new friends and experiences he would encounter. What I didn’t understand was how Noah would be affected by the growth from “baby” to “kid.” His most memorable transition experience occurred at the Kentucky State Fair. Noah was excited for his annual visit to a pretend safety town complete with a McDonald’s and police officers instructing kids driving tricycles how to heed traffic signals. I watched Noah as he ran up to the registration booth for his license. He looked confused as he listened to the volunteer and watched her point to a pole next to the booth. Noah’s head easily passed the line indicating he was too tall. “So he can’t ride,” I asked. From the look on her face, it was clear the volunteer thought I was a pushy Mom. Actually, I was panicked. I knew one day Noah would be too big to ride the tricycles but thought he — WE — had more time. I felt cheated. Where was our warning last year to enjoy it? Both of us walked away in a daze. I looked at Noah and his eyes were full of tears. I opened my mouth to tell him there were better rides now that he was a “big boy.” Instead I said nothing, bent down and hugged him tight. Those tears were justified. My Kid Noah Noah’s change from “baby” to “kid” can be as subtle as his friends enjoying Chinese while he munches on PB&J or when his invitation to play with Thomas the Train can’t compete with the Nintendo DS. It can also be more obvious on occasions such as his first sleepover. Although Noah orchestrated the event and barely glanced at me when waving goodbye, that night he called to request his bedtime songs. My favorite example is Noah’s first skating party. It was a scene from Jekyll and Hyde. During the drive to the rink he 14
April/May 2012
Helping your child with the transition from “baby” to “kid” • Give more responsibility
Allowing your child to be responsible for a family chore can give her an opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment. This boost to self-esteem can carry over to activities assigned at school.
• Be consistent with discipline
Consistency is a comfort to your child because he is secure in knowing what to expect from you. During times of conflict, teach him to verbalize frustration by using words to describe what is upsetting. Explain to your child that tantrums are not acceptable forms of expression.
• Provide opportunities for socializing
At this age, your child enjoys being with adults and children. Social interaction with other families can result in her learning to take turns, following rules, demonstrating concern for others and showing respect to adults.
• Watch for physical cues
School can be emotionally and physically taxing on your child. Having an earlier bedtime — as well as allowing a few minutes of downtime after school — can help. Inform him about schedule changes and acknowledge it is okay to miss children from his former pre-school. Inquire with your child’s teacher if you have concerns. Contributed by Dr. Laura Kellie, pediatrician at Springs Pediatrics
said he was absolutely not skating because he was afraid to fall. No angle I presented was strong enough to change his mind. However, within two minutes of entering the rink’s doors he was shouting hello to friends and dragging me to the skate rental booth. He skated the entire night, periodically rolling up beside me to ask, “Having fun, Mama?” “Best night ever, Noah,” I replied. I watch him transform and take interest in new things. Our conversations range from the storyline of “Cars 2” to his future job as a paleontologist. I am proud when Noah teaches me a fact he learned watching Animal Planet or humbled when he draws a better family portrait. For the times he gets excited to spend the day with me instead of his friends, I am thankful. Most of all I am committed to taking his hand when he relies on me for comfort. If growing older is too overwhelming, I will resist pulling him along out of my selfish need to protect him. It’s only fair that he rides the waves at his own pace.
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It’s Just a STAGE
From Child to Adult By Veda Pendleton McClain, Ph.D.
o, your child is going to college. Now what? There is nothing that can properly prepare you for the high school senior year and all of the angst that accompanies it. Your child is both anxious about leaving home and going to college and fearful about his new future away from home and learning on his own. As a parent, you must develop the fine art of listening. Senior year of high school signals the end of childhood and the onset of adulthood. As seniors begin to make plans for the upcoming year, they tend to vacillate between wanting to make their own decisions and wanting their parents to make significant contributions to the decision-making process. It is important for parents to be available to listen to their child’s concerns and to observe how they reason and make their decisions. Just listening is not always easy, but it is necessary for the proper continued growth and development of the young adult. Micah, 17, is the youngest of my five offspring. I have launched four other children into college and adulthood. One would think that it gets easier with time and experience, but that is not necessarily the case. Micah is a highly creative young adult who sings, takes awesome photographs, designs clothing — Lady GaGa donned his jacket at her Louisville concert — and he cooks five-course meals from scratch. He has his own distinctive style of dress, and because of his choices in haircuts, I am grateful Just listening is not that his barber is good with geometric shapes. always easy, but it Folk at school know him is necessary for the as simply “Micah” or “LaMicah,” and he has proper continued planned and produced fashion shows for a growth and school club. With all of development this on his calendar, it is difficult at times to of the young adult. help him remain focused and target what’s most important as he plans his life for next year. I have stressed to him the importance of having a plan for college before he arrives on the campus, because once he arrives, others will have already planned his time for him either through campus events or other extra-curricular activities. He has to have clear-cut goals about what he wants to achieve in college, and a sense about how he thinks he might want to pursue those goals. As he enters adulthood, it is critical that he have a sense of purpose in using his gifts 16
April/May 2012
Helping your child with the transition from “child” to “adult” When considering helping a young adult establish his independence, Dr. Marian Higgins, a career counselor and an associate director for diversity programs in career services at the University of Georgia suggests, “Always prepare your young adult to make sound decisions based on his goals and the values that you have taught him. Never leave decision-making strategies up to chance. Those strategies will serve him well, not only in college but in life as well, as he becomes more independent. Furthermore, every effort should be made to encourage him to embrace the challenges that he face as well as the opportunities for growth and development.” in service to others. He has to establish his own identity and independence in thought and action. Helping Micah plan for college life is bittersweet. It is pure pleasure to listen to his concerns and watch him conduct his own research about college, internships, jobs, and life in the big city. Yet I am aware of some of the many challenges that he will face as he grows and learns more about himself and the world. I am also both sad and happy to know that after nearly 34 years of parenting, for the first time since 1978, I will not have a minor child living in my household. Throughout this year, I have learned to be more of a listener than a talker as he talks through his thoughts and ideas about college. And I have come to further understand my role as his encourager and avid fan as I continue to steer him in a positive direction. Although I will truly miss his daily presence, I am excited about the world that awaits him. Look out world! Here comes Micah! Veda Pendleton McClain, Ph.D., lives in Louisville with her son Micah, 17. She has four other grown children. She is the founder of Veda McClain Consulting and a frequent contributor for Today’s Family.
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It’s Just a STAGE
Conquering the
Fear Stage By Megan Seckman
ach day I watch them spill outside after the school day has ended. Free at last, they nonchalantly locate their mothers, drop off their disheveled backpacks, cringe at any gesture of affection thrown their way. Then the boys hit the playground. They are the essence of cool — 7-yearold survival of the fittest — hanging from monkey bars, chasing each other in dizzying circles. They need no one. Until the sun goes down and the lights turn off. Then these boys that smear away our stolen kisses, are suddenly whimpering like babies and waiting at the feet of our beds. Fear slinked up the steps and nestled into my son’s room at age 7. The fear stage began each night like this: my son would hide, agitate his sister, throw a fit, or sometimes manage all three. Storytime was followed by hysterical clinging, his eyes like saucers as he wailed, “Don’t go downstairs!” I would hug him, rock him like an infant, his little heart running a marathon. An hour later, lying beside him, afraid to move a muscle, I’d pray for him to fall asleep, and attempt to tip-toe from the bed like a phantom. It was a flashback to his infancy except for the lanky legs and attitude. Ten minutes later, a shivering resemblance of my tough-guy would be standing at the foot of my bed, begging to sleep on the couch. For eight weeks. As the need to reclaim my living room came to a head, I consulted the playground moms, and it turns out many of their sons (same sons currently decapitating one another with imagined light sabers) were also residents of the sofa. Whimpering, irrational phobias of witches, tornadoes, flying monkeys, death — you name it. After weeks of probing questions to the source of his fear, my son finally broke his silence. “I see ghosts. There is a ghost upstairs — you even said so.” Shoot. That was true. We live in an old house; old houses have ghosts. I didn’t think twice about the fear I was going to spawn. I remember, around the same age, just before my First Communion, seeing a vivid image of the devil on my bedroom walls; he came in through the basement vents. A lovely church discussion on hell (and a glimpse of my big sister 18
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“I see ghosts. There is a ghost upstairs — you even said so.” watching “The Exorcist”) prompted me to sleep at the foot of my parents’ bed one night — or 17 — and the basement was off limits for about a year. Where does this fear come from, and how, as parents, do we ease our children’s willies? The Science of Fear Turns out, fear is an essential emotion and one of the first to develop. In infancy, loud noises, sudden movements, or loss of support instinctively create fear. In early childhood, after a child develops facial recognition, he fears separation, and will cry out when you leave the room. In essence, a child expresses fear of us leaving before they can express love when we are near. Around two, the toilet holds many fears for a potty-trainer. Some children scream when they come near a toilet; they fear the potty will swallow them whole. Like adults, they fear change. Toddlers also fear doctors or loud noises, anything that might cause distress or pain. Children ages 3-5 are typically afraid of the dark, of the unknown, and of getting lost. It is very important to monitor images they may see on television as their active imaginations have difficulty separating reality from the imagined. Around ages 4-7, a child’s imagination is vivid, but his sense of reality is defined, so he might fear fanciful creatures such as monsters or ghosts because he believes them capable
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of existing in realistic settings (i.e. basement or under the bed). Finally, from ages 7-12 he might enjoy being lulled to sleep by a horrid ghost story, but may fear logical tragedies such as death, bodily injury, or natural disasters. In each stage, fear acts as precaution. Fear might actually save him from harming himself or others. For instance, one mother on the playground told me storms and tornadoes kept her son on the couch, but they also helped him prepare his household with a definitive tornado plan. Fears also serve as an integral stage in development because, like all stages, they teach children to cope and adapt. As parents, we should comfort and guide our children to the other side of their fears. Once a child learns to overcome a fear of the potty, he will also have the mechanisms needed to later overcome a fear of, say, failure. Exit Stage Right Like all the difficult stages my son and I have been through, this one also had an end. The most important step to easing through the fear stage was, once again, to learn patience. Yes, I wanted my couch back, but looking back now, it was also nice being needed. My son rarely asks to cuddle or needs me to reassure him, and in the fear stage, that was exactly my job. We are forever bonded because I comforted him when the ghosts came. I also realized I couldn’t pressure him back up the steps, just like I couldn’t pressure him when pottytraining. He needed to go at his own pace, and I had to deal with that. Second, and this was the motivation for his making it back upstairs, I revamped his room. By rearranging the furniture and adding a more grown-up look, the ghosts seemed to vaporize. They had to in order to make way for a new book nook and Lego station. Even with the new look, however, I think it took the stretch on the couch for him to feel comforted, to know his parents cared, and that he could communicate with us without being judged. He needed to find his own sense of safety, to know he could conquer anything, even fear. Megan M. Seckman lives in Louisville with her husband Billy and their kids William (7) and Nadine (4). She is a frequent contributor to Today’s Family. today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
Parent Perspectives—
WHY? Lydia is in the “why” stage, but her questions are often much more detailed than the average 2-year-old’s. She is very verbal, and this helps me to understand how her active mind works. Toddlers are fascinating, and their curiosity is insatiable. Neither of my sons was as verbal as Lydia, and one of them struggled with severe speech issues, so I really savor having the ability to converse with my daughter and to understand what type of answer her “why” seeks. One thing Lydia has taught me is that toddlers generally want detailed answers. Even if I think that she won’t understand all of my explanations, I give her specific answers. I have found that if I answer with just one or two words, she will ask many more “whys.” If I give her details from the start, she is more likely to be satisfied with my answer. Another way to limit the number of questions is to ask her opinion. It doesn’t always work, but often her answers are really creative and fun. Most “whys” are to find out how the world around us works, but some “whys” are to establish boundaries. When Lydia questions established house rules, I ask her a question, “Who is the boss?” She knows that the answer is “Mommy or Daddy” and usually that is enough to satisfy her. Like all 2-year-olds, Lydia feels secure knowing that her parents set boundaries for her. Some days the “whys” seem unending, but I know that this stage is fleeting. How I respond to her questions now assures her that I am someone she can trust with whatever issues she faces, both now and in the future. — Angel Lyn Nance
My Kid is Neat There is a lot to like about kids in early elementary school. Aside from being able to dress themselves, brush their own teeth, and even retrieve their own snacks from the pantry, they are developing all sorts of skills that are just as amazing as the walking and talking milestones. My daughter Norah turned 8 in February. Over the course of the past year, I have seen astounding changes in her fine motor skills. Her artwork is more detailed, her printing is neater, and she is increasingly adept at cursive. Her sense of humor has developed. She recognizes sarcasm when she hears it and often gets a chuckle out of things I find funny. She knows that her Dad’s sense of humor is pretty dorky and says so regularly.
April/May 2012
It’s Just a STAGE
From Baby Einstein to CSI “Dad, you need to Chillax! If you lose that big account you’ ll just go get another one. Everything’s going to be okay.” This is amazing coming from my 10-year-old daughter Mary, who just a few years back considered Where the Wild Things Are to be a horror classic. There were countless nights on our knees, flashlight in hand, searching through underbed dust bunnies to make sure it was safe to go to sleep. Over this last year Mary has exploded in maturity, surprising us with adult-like abilities. As the father of three young girls, I have no doubt my hairstylist skills are not where they should be. But Mary is able to twist up the cutest styles ever seen, not only on herself, but her younger siblings as well. She also knows the family’s morning routine so well it’s never a surprise to come down to find she’s served breakfast for all. This is great, for there is often sibling rivalry and bickering on what to have for breakfast. If I say Pop Tarts, they say cereal. I say doughnuts, they say waffles. But when Mary — who is one of them — serves it, suddenly breakfast is great and all issues melt away. My wife and I have capitalized on this peer respect the younger girls have for Mary on everything from making their beds to doing their homework. Mary is awesome when it comes to making her younger siblings feel they’re doing the right thing. We all know the challenges of dealing with the latest techno devices that Santa can drop under the Christmas tree. I am convinced Christmas morning would have been a disaster if it hadn’t been for Mary’s attention to technical detail, as well as her young eyes that don’t need reading glasses. She was relentless in making sure all the electronic gadgets got up and running for her sisters. I wish I had her with me at work when a nasty engineering issue comes up that has us all scratching our heads. Of course this newfound maturity comes with a price. There can be times when Mary doesn’t agree with, or understand, a punishment handed down to her sisters. Then suddenly we have an advocate for children’s rights interfering with discipline. I’ve been impressed with her steadfast argumentative appeals on her sister’s behalf that rival Perry Mason, although this behavior can be disruptive and confusing to her younger sisters. Her mother and I are trying to channel her energy into other things, such as her music, dance, and schoolwork. Mary has become a huge force in our household and she makes our lives a lot easier, as long as we keep the boundaries straight on whose role is whose. — John G. Warren She understands limits now, and unless she is really tired, she knows that sometimes she needs to just say, “Yes, ma’am” and lay low (like when Momma is exasperated by her younger brothers). Norah is pretty even keel emotionally, which I am savoring because I know it won’t last forever.
catch me off guard. It is a joy to have a child her age because I am getting small glimpses into the thoughtful woman she will become. — Carrie Vittitoe
One of the best parts of this stage is having Norah read to me before bed. It is a little bittersweet to think back to the wee babe she was and how she sat in my lap as we looked at board books in the rocking chair. Now we sit in her bed, bolstered by pillows, as she reads to me from her Nancy Drew chapter books. We discuss the characters’ motives and make predictions about who done it. Her mind is growing ever more analytical, and she poses questions that sometimes
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
What’s Your Family Plan? By Joyce Oglesby
lanning is part of becoming a family. Whether it is related to a wedding, a job interview, the purchase of a home or car, or the starting of a family, strategizing is vital to a couple’s progress. However, these particular “events” are time-limited. Of far greater importance is planning that should go into a couple’s life about matters that are continuous. Top priority? Harmony. A common misconception is, if the bank account is flush, there’s stability within the home. But most people would agree that when family dynamics are amiss, there is no balance in life. Good planning equals good stewardship. Without it, we can set ourselves up for failure in the single most important area of our lives — our family unity, the legacy of our lives. As a Family-Life Fitness Pro, I spend a lot of time digging through debris of collapsing family structures. How does it get that way? It didn’t happen overnight. A better question might be: How can I prevent it from happening to me? While nothing in life is infallible, there is a formula by which you can monitor and preserve your legacy of family unity.
Start A Family Plan
• Evaluate who you are, where you are, and where you are going. As critical as this is to personal growth and marriage, it is equally important to evaluate how you look as a family unit. There are issues Mom and Dad will discuss privately, but having a family meeting with your children creates an atmosphere of inclusion and teamwork. Teaching your children the balance their voice lends within the home can narrow sure-to-be generational gaps as they approach the challenging teenage/young adult years. Discuss issues such as satisfaction with teachers, relationships with peers, threats from bullies, and general comfort levels at school. (Be sensitive that grades might dictate more private discussions.) Include dialogue surrounding your children’s friends (of both sexes) and offer suggestions on how to make good choices. Allow their input regarding vacation plans and weekly entertainment. Explore interests in hobbies and career choices. Don’t forget to share age-specific accounts of your experiences as a child. Always incorporate laughter and levity into your family meeting time. Assessing the state of your union will by no means offer immunity from family pitfalls. It will, however, ensure less guilt for you, knowing you did your best to keep you finger on the pulse of your family. 22
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• Eliminate excess baggage that causes dysfunction, disharmony, and distraction. Your family evaluation will likely cause you to become increasingly aware of problem areas in your home. Now it’s time to step into the parenting role and begin eliminating aspects that could be slowing or dragging the family down. Today’s economic pressures find Mom and Dad in the workplace. That, alone, complicates family dynamics, but it doesn’t have to be its undoing. It could mean, however, that you must scale down some of the other busyness surrounding your family’s activities in order to maintain stability and civility on the home front. Instead of multiple extracurricular events, it might be necessary for each family member to scale back to one outside recreational or community involvement. Keeping priorities at the forefront of your decisions — church, family time, school, friends — will help you formulate the best plan for keeping everyone satisfied with these sorts of decisions. Again, allowing the voice of your children to be heard is important. Encourage team cooperation in order to win big. Everyone gets to choose something, but, ultimately, you are the parent. If poor choices interfere with the ultimate goal of the family plan, explain why another selection might be more suitable. Your authority cannot be usurped in the process. You are the parent, and your rules must remain steadfast if you desire to keep order in your home. Eliminating distractions, whether it’s too much sports, too much technology, or too much media, is not always popular. Its rewards, however, are immeasurable. You will have traded distractions for time, disharmony for peace, and dysfunction for structure. Complaints today will turn into praise in the future. • Elevate your family to its fullest potential. The sky is the limit, but it doesn’t have to be your goal. Every family’s ultimate purpose should focus on building a legacy of pride. Life often causes some regret, but working on a plan is a way to diminish lamentations. Your children might not aspire to become the CEO of a large corporation, a physician, inventor, or a teacher. But imagine how satisfied you will be as a parent in knowing you helped shape your family members into understanding the value of a dollar, giving an employer an honest day’s work, and dreaming loftily that she has the potential to achieve. Your main objectives might be to ensure open lines of communication, to ensure your home is a refuge at all times, and to ensure that you are leaving a legacy filled with loving memories and lasting relationships. Now that’s a family plan that leaves its mark for generations. Joyce Oglesby helps guide people through relationships. She is a regular writer for Today’s Woman magazine. Contact her at JoyceOglesby.com.
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
Allergies 101 By Yelena Sapin
llergies 101: Itchy rash, hives, persistent runny nose, a cough that won’t go away? When lotions, chicken soup, and throat lozenges don’t bring relief, it could be allergies.
How to Help Your Child Breathe Easier
Here’s how to recognize the signs and what to do to make your child more comfortable:
Symptoms of Allergies
Over 25 percent of kids have some sort of allergy, and the majority of them are year-round, or perennial types, says James Sublett, M.D., co-founder and managing partner of Family Allergy & Asthma and professor of Pediatric Allergy at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Allergies usually manifest themselves in what doctors refer to as a trilogy of symptoms: atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma. Atopic dermatitis, a skin condition commonly called eczema, can start pretty early in childhood or even in infancy and is often caused by a food allergy, with cow’s milk and eggs being the most common culprits at this young age, says Sublett. The next symptom of allergies is allergic rhinitis — that runny nose and nasal congestion that is often mistaken for a cold. But while a viral illness typically runs its course in about 10 days, gradually getting worse and then getting better, allergic rhinitis doesn’t follow that pattern and can either last longer or seem to come and go. Finally, chronic episodes of wheezing, or a cold that always seems to go to the chest, may indicate an asthmatic response, which can be either caused or made worse by allergies, says Sublett. 24
continued on page 26 April/May 2012
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Today’s Family Wellness Advisory Group Sounds Off:
Q: How do Allergies Affect Your Family?
Food allergies affect how I cook and where we can go for special treats (for instance, both children are dairy-allergic so the only ice cream shop we can visit is Graeter’s, which offers sorbet). – STACIE L. MARTIN
We moved here from Southern Arizona (where most people go to escape allergies) about a year and a half ago. Everyone warned us that if we’d never suffered from allergies before, we surely would in the Ohio Valley. My husband and oldest son have started to have allergy symptoms. – RHONDA BREISCHAFT Advisory group members are: Klaus Boel, MD, FAAP; Rhonda Breischaft; Erin Brown; Becky Carothers, MD; Amanda Castle, RN; Carrie Crigger, DO; Dr. Bradley Goldberg; Ann Greenwell, DMD, MSD; Korie Acord, DMD; Stacie L. Martin; Lisa Mascio-Thompson; Veda Pendleton McClain, Ph.D.; Lorie Minnich, RN; Abigail Mueller; Dr. Mark Perelmuter; Ursula Robertson-Moore; Yelena Sapin; Jeb Teichman, MD, FAAP; Jeanine Triplett
April/May 2012
continued from page 24
When to see an Allergist If your child has a severe reaction to a food or to stinging insect venom — hives, swelling, wheezing, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness — you need to take him to a doctor and learn how to keep him safe. But when your child has milder indoor or outdoor allergy symptoms like itchy eyes, coughing, congestion, or a runny nose that are more of a nuisance rather than a life-threatening event, it can be difficult to know whether to see a specialist. Asking your pediatrician to recommend a medication to alleviate some of the symptoms is a good start, according to Derek Damin, M.D., of Kentuckiana Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. There are a lot of generic and over-the-counter antihistamines on the market now, and for the most part you can’t go wrong with trying different things to see what works for your child, says Damin. But read the labels and be aware of which medicines have a sedating effect so they don’t interfere with school performance. If your child is having to take medication all the time, however, if what you’re doing on your own doesn’t seem to work and your child is miserable or having to miss school, or if there are respiratory symptoms involved like wheezing, chest tightening or chronic cough, then it’s time to see an allergist who is trained to focus on the entire immune system to get to the root of the problem.
Getting an Accurate Diagnosis Identifying the sources of your child’s symptoms is the first step in deciding what course of treatment to follow. Doctors agree that the most accurate way to find out what you’re allergic to is through skin testing, where a small amount of an allergen is pricked into the skin to check for a reaction. Most kids tolerate the testing well, says Damin, and because it can be customized to check for any number and any variety of suspected allergens, the temporary discomfort of the test is well worth the result. There are several benefits to getting your child tested. You may discover that the allergy is seasonal and that your child only needs medications a few months of the year. Or that the problem is not the cat, as you had suspected, but rather mold and dust mites, so you can keep your pet. Or that your child is only allergic to tree nuts and doesn’t have to give up PB&J for lunch. More and more allergists are also starting to use carefully controlled
A Note about Indoor Air Quality Allergies cause inflammation in the respiratory tract, making people more sensitive to irritants and pollutants in the air. Keeping indoor air as irritant-free as possible helps alleviate the symptoms. Here are some recommendations from James Sublett, M.D., of Family Allergy & Asthma: • Don’t smoke in the house. Be aware of lingering smoke odors and particles on clothes and hair. • Avoid strong perfumes and heavily-scented products. • Don’t use incense or scented candles. Anything you burn releases airway-irritating odors and combustibles. • Don’t use plug-in air fresheners. They produce small particles and ozone, both of which are irritants. • To clean the air, use devices with HEPA air filters. Do not use ozone-producing air ionizers. oral challenges, giving small amounts of suspected foods under medical supervision, in tandem with other tests and a detailed history, to confirm an allergic reaction. “We don’t want to put kids on very restrictive diets when they don’t need to be,” says Sublett, “and testing is really the most accurate way of getting a diagnosis.”
Treatment Options Once you isolate the allergic triggers, treatment depends on the nature and the severity of the allergy. Usually it will be a combination of three options: If there’s a risk of a life-threatening reaction your doctor may also recommend getting an EpiPen, an autoinjection device that administers an emergency dose of medication. While not exactly a cure, allergy shots work by gradually desensitizing the immune system to a particular substance and are effective for all except food allergies. Children can start allergy shots as young as ages three or four, says Damin, and over a period of several years can build up a tolerance to an allergen to a point where they can get rid of most of their medications and not worry so much about their exposure. But whether your child’s allergies are severe enough to warrant aggressive treatment or mild enough to just sniffle through, they’re usually a lifelong condition that should be kept in check, not only to prevent potentially serious complications, but to improve your child’s overall quality of life.
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ShopGirlz Be Summer Camp Cool! ShopGirlz has Summer Camp essentials, like Vera Bradley Duffel Bags, Weekenders and Backpacks, and other travel accessories to send your girl off to camp this summer. Largest selection of Vera Bradley in Louisville. Present this ad to receive FREE monogram through April 30, 2012 with qualifying $100 purchase. ShopGirlz @ Landis Lakes TowneCenter 125 South English Station Road Louisville 40245 - 502.409.7464
A p r i l / M a April/May y 2 0 1 2012 2
27 27
“Short of breeding MRSA, I think a child’s bedroom should be off limits to housekeeping rules.” Carleton Kendrick, family therapist
Raise a
Can-Do Kid By Sandra Gordon
hen Allison Carter, an organization coach, got tired of doing the endless piles of laundry her family generated, she didn’t hire a housekeeper. Instead, she taught her 9-year-old son and 12-yearold daughter to wash their own clothes, fold, and put them away. Not only has this step lightened Carter’s housework, it has been good for the kids, too. “If you run a full-service household, your kids may never learn how to do practical things like laundry or pick up after themselves,” Carter says. Indeed, studies show that having children pitch in around the house continued on page 30
April/May 2012
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
continued from page 28
provides an opportunity to learn responsibility, organization, regard for others and a general sense of being a capable human being that can serve them well throughout their lives. A recent Wellesley University study found that parents now typically only give their kids trivial jobs, such as putting dishes in the dishwasher. Schoolwork is their main task. “Although homework and academic curriculums can be much more demanding than in the past, children may not be doing enough to help around the house to develop a sense of competence,” says Markella Rutherford, assistant professor of sociology at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, who authored the study. Guilty! At my house, for example, I often find myself setting the table while my kids do their homework, which just feels, well, wrong. Isn’t setting the table a kid’s job? It sure was when I was growing up. And I had a paper route, too. Of course, chores aren’t something you can expect your kids to want to do. Even you probably don’t look forward to scrubbing the toilet or taking out the trash. But because doing them fosters so much more than just getting a job done, they’re worth incorporating into your child’s busy schedule.
Here are five ways you can help your kids learn to clean up their act that can teach them invaluable life lessons.
Stop being a pick-up artist. A natural place to
you all inhabit, where kids get the greatest sense that “we’re all in this together” and consider letting them do what they want with their bedroom.“ Short of breeding MRSA, I think a child’s bedroom should be off limits to housekeeping rules,” says Carleton Kendrick, a family therapist in Millis, Massachusetts. Assign tasks based on your child’s age. It’s never too early to enlist your child’s assistance. Even preschoolers can put napkins on the table, help match the socks, put their toys away and help you look for specific items at the supermarket from their perch in the shopping cart. From preschool to the lower elementary grades, you’ll need to do the task with them until they’re old enough to do it themselves. Even a first grader isn’t likely to clean the living room solo. Emphasize “we’re doing this together” without getting angry. But over the years, you can expect kids to do more without your support or reminding. Eventually, the process will become ingrained and your kids will tidy up automatically. Based on your child’s age and stage, the tasks they can be expected to handle (from toddlers to teens) might include putting their toys away, putting their backpacks away after school, putting their clean clothes in their dresser drawers, loading and emptying the dishwasher, taking out the garbage, setting the table, vacuuming and dusting, mowing the lawn, washing the car, doing the laundry and making dinner. And later, doing household errands around town with the family car. Rotate chores as much as possible, given your children’s ages so that no one gets stuck with the same job. Put all the chores that need to be done into a hat. Whatever gets drawn is your child’s job for the week. You can also encourage your kids to work together, which fosters cooperation and problem solving. “See if they can sort the tasks out by themselves,” says Vicki Panaccione, Ph.D., president of the Better Parenting Institute in Melbourne, Florida, as in ‘you dust the furniture while I pick up the dog’s toys.’” That teaches another life skill: teamwork.” Don’t be a nag. If you’re always reminding your kids to do their chores, they’ll learn to depend on you for that cue. Instead, help them remember to do tasks without prodding by teaching them to evaluate their own work. “If you go into the bathroom and see the towels on the floor again, for example, instead of saying, ‘Pick up the towels,’ ask your child: ‘What’s wrong with this picture?’” Panaccione suggests. Another option is to assign your kids their own designated towel color. If it ends up on the bathroom floor again, so be it. That’s what they get to use next time, which is a logical consequence for not hanging the towel up. Pile on the praise. “Giving lots of praise, especially in the beginning, for every small helpful thing your child does, even if it’s small, helps reinforce the behavior,” Panaccione says. But rather than, “you’re the greatest laundry folder in the world,” you might say, “Oh, wow! You’re doing such a great job folding all the laundry. I’m so proud of you for helping out.” “Make your accolades authentic,” Panaccione says. “Kids love it when you recognize their contribution and honestly express gratitude; it’s a competence and confidence booster.”
start with household chores is teaching your kids to pick up after themselves, which likely means resisting the urge to do the tidying. Consider: “Every time you pick up after everyone, you reinforce the behavior and condition them to keep cluttering,” says Josh Klapow, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. Your family learns that if they leave their stuff around, you’ll bail them out. Instead, teach them to keep the house clean by stating a rule such as “I’d like you to take your dirty dishes into the kitchen before going to bed so we don’t come down to a messy living room in the morning.” If dirty dishes are still there in the AM, let them pile up, even if several days’ worth amasses. Consistency is key. Whatever you do, don’t touch the dishes, no matter how much they bother you. Just keep stating the rule, emphasizing that as a family, you all need to do your part to keep the house neat. When kids finally get the message (they will), reinforce that behavior with praise, as in, “thank you for bringing your dirty dishes into the kitchen. I love how clean the living room is.” In time, picking up will become as much of a habit for them as expecting you to do it once was, Klapow says. Focus on the outcome. Meanwhile, you can also encourage your kids by offering an incentive to clean up. For example, tell them that once they’ve picked up their toys, they can go to the playground. Or once they’ve cleaned the den after their slumber party, then you can all go shopping. Or once they’ve emptied the dishwasher, then they can go to their friends’ houses. That’s not bribing. Rather, it makes them understand that completing chores makes other fun activities possible. Keep it positive by focusing on how clean the playroom, or whatever room they’re tackling, will look when they’re done. Concentrate on public areas in your house, the common ground 30 April/May 2012 www.todaysfamilymag.com 444 todaysfamilyeveryday.com 444www.facebook.com /todaysfamily 444 @todaysfamilynow
today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
Living Off the Land: The Courtney Family
ary Courtney knows exactly where her family’s food comes from and how it’s grown. That’s because she and her husband Shane grow most of it themselves, on the expanse of land right outside their front door. As owners and operators of Courtney Farms
April/May 2012
in Shelby County, Kentucky, the young family of four, due to become a family of five in May, raises more than 100 varieties of vegetables that includes nearly everything from arugula to zucchini. “I like being able to take as much as I can from the garden and make a meal,” Mary says, “and pretty much every night at supper we’re eating something that we’ve raised. The other night I made spaghetti, and the garlic, peppers,
and tomatoes, and a lot of the herbs, too, were from our farm.” For Mary, there’s nothing quite like the taste of just-picked produce, and salads made with their own lettuces are one of her favorite things to eat. Four-year-old Lucas and 2-year-old Elly have favorites of their own. “They can’t get enough of our cherry tomatoes,” Mary says with a laugh, “they eat them like candy. And they’ll eat raw green beans right out of the field.” Living off the land means eating what’s in season, and Mary generally serves whatever they’re harvesting. Summer means lots of salads and BLTs, and continued on page 34
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What is a CSA? In Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), consumers buy shares of a farm’s products and pick up their portion in weekly installments throughout the season at a predetermined location. Many farmers now offer some choices in the products, and often several farms will combine their products to offer more variety.
Where to find a CSA
You can enter your City, State or zip code at www.localharvest.org to get a listing of farms and CSAs, as well as farmers’ markets and grocery stores that carry local produce in your area.
Other options in the Greater Louisville Area
• Grasshoppers (grasshoppersdistribution.com) lets you custom-make a weekly or biweekly food basket that includes a variety of products from different local farms, available for pick-up at one of their locations. • Green B.E.A.N. (www.greenbeandelivery.com) delivers bins of local organic produce of your choosing on a weekly or biweekly schedule. • Fresh Stops (newrootsproduce.org/fresh-stops.html) lets members order weekly boxes of locally grown produce at $24 per box, $12 for EBT/Food Stamp recipients or anyone qualifying for low-income eligibility, at several locations. • Louisville Metro provides a list of farmers markets and Fresh Stop locations in Louisville at www.louisvilleky.gov/ HealthyHometown/healthyeating.
The Courtney family owns and operates a farm in Shelby County, Kentucky. today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
continued from page 32
“when the corn is producing like crazy,” says Mary, “we’ll have corn five nights a week.” She tries to preserve as much of the bounty as possible for her family to enjoy all year, an effort that paid off big recently when Elly tried pickled beets and loved them. Fresh farm produce “just tastes better, so they want to eat it more,” says Mary, but another reason the kids love their veggies is that they participate in everything involved in the growing process. When Mary goes to work, Lucas and Elly are usually right by her side. “They’ll hang with me all day if we’re outside working on something, whether it’s seeding or planting or even packing,” she says, “and their playtime might be running around the greenhouse, or exploring a dirt pile, or making a boat out of an onion box while I’m planting onions.” Juggling the responsibilities of managing a farm while parenting young children has its own challenges, especially when the work involved is not child-friendly. “If I need to be on the tractor,” Mary says, “I have to schedule time to make sure I’ve got somebody to watch the kids.” The children also get antsy when she does administrative work in the office, so that often gets taken care of during their afternoon naps.
Shane and Mary Courtney and son Lucas, 4, and daughter Elly, 2.
There’s very little separation between family life and work on the farm, and for the Courtneys the two seem to simply flow into one another. Living and working together, the family takes advantage of their opportunities to reconnect throughout the day. “I might take a chicken pot pie that I’ve made with our vegetables, and a jug of lemonade,” Mary says, “and we’ll have supper on the tailgate. Or I can grab a blanket and we might all eat together in the middle of a field where Shane is harvesting soybeans. It’s something that works for us.”
Lucas and Elly enjoy life on the farm.
April/May 2012
If farming seems to come naturally to the Courtney family, it’s because they’re so passionate about their work. Both Mary and Shane grew up on farms and started public jobs after college, but soon the pull of the land brought them back to doing what they love. They bought the first 45 acres of their farm in 2006 to grow tobacco, but as more land became available they were able to expand and diversify into growing corn, soybeans, and vegetables. Today Courtney Farms consists of almost 100 acres, which is a mediumsized farm for the region according to Mary. The vegetables account for almost a third of their crops and are sold directly to members of the farm’s Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, as well as to other CSAs and grocery stores. Courtney Farms also works with communities in Louisville to help bring fresh produce to city schools. Mary admits that running a farm of such size and diversity is very challenging, but also very fulfilling. “We farm because of the lifestyle we had growing up,” she says, “and we want that for our children.” Her eyes well up with emotion as she talks of what she hopes to instill in her kids: respect and appreciation for the land, the value of work and responsibility, and the joy of giving back to the community. Most of all Mary and Shane hope to create a welcoming place for their children to call home, a place they can come back to and join if they so choose. “For our children to have that appreciation for farming and to want to someday continue what we’ve started,” she pauses to collect herself, “I couldn’t think of a better reward for a parent.” For more information about Courtney Farms, visit their website at www.CourtneyFarmsCSA.com.
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April/May 2012
CALENDAR of events
Today’s Family Hero Contest Winners!
Party for the Planet: Celebration of Earth Month
Congratulations to the winners of the Today’s Family Hero Contest. The winners of this contest will be riding on the Kentucky Derby Festival float in the Pegasus Parade.
WHEN~ Throughout the month of April WHERE~ Louisville Zoo COST~ General Admission: Adults: $13.95; Children (3-11) & Seniors: $10.50 CONTACT~ www.louisvillezoo.org/events/earthday
• Maggie March, age 10 Wrote about her Grandmother “Gra.03 • Jerron Owens, age 9 Wrote about God • Luca Metzger, age 8 Wrote about her dad • Olivia Tamagni, age 7 Wrote about her grandmother “Mimi” • Casandra Sullivan, age 6
The Louisville Zoo is celebrating Earth Day all month long. Each weekday visitors can enjoy the many presentations and animal encounters offered and every weekend will be filled with special activities.
Lyle the Crocodile When the Primm family moves into their new apartment, they are very surprised to find Lyle the Crocodile living in the bathtub. Lyle, however, is no ordinary crocodile. He eats only Turkish caviar, can play the saxophone, and has impeccable manners. An adaptation of the picture book classic. Recommended grades pre K-3. WHEN~ April 14-May 12, Times vary WHERE~ Kentucky Center, Bomhard Theater COST~ $12.75 CONTACT~ Box Office: 1.800.775.7777 or www.kentuckycenter.org
Louisville Science Center IMAX: To the Arctic The documentary adventure To The Arctic tells the ultimate tale of survival. Narrated by Meryl Streep, the film takes audiences on a never-before-experienced journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her twin seven-month-old cubs as they navigate the changing Arctic wilderness they call home. WHEN~ April 20- May 24, times vary WHERE~ Louisville Science Center COST~ $7-IMAX only; $18-IMAX & exhibits CONTACT~ 502.561.6100
Apassionata: The Beginning
Go to
www.TodaysFamilyEveryDay.com Parents, win prizes, find recipes and learn what is going on with family related events in the Louisville area.
Win One of These Giveaways in April and May: • Children’s Museum of Indianapolis • Apassionata • Day Out with Thomas at the Kentucky Railway Museum • Slugger Museum • Holiday World
We give away a great prize every week starting on Wednesdays! Don’t miss it.
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April/May 2012
A magical adventure featuring more than 40 horses, with equine stunts by the world’s best performers. Breeds from Friesians to Bretons – some rarely seen in North America – and their riders were brought from Europe to create this evocative theatrical event. From trick riding to liberty dressage, these teams have honed their craft on a single breed for generations. WHEN~ April 27-29. Friday @ 7pm; Saturday @ 3pm & 8pm & Sunday @ 3pm WHERE~ Freedom Hall COST~ $27-$130 CONTACT~ 1.800.745.3000
Rapunzel “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” Enjoy this magical musical of the classic fairy tale about a princess with long, golden hair who has been locked away in a tower for most of her life. WHEN~ May 19 & 26, Shows at 10 am or 1:15 pm WHERE~ Derby Dinner Playhouse COST~ Breakfast: $16; Lunch: $21 CONTACT~ 812.288.8281
Kentucky Flea Market Come shop a variety of vendors during Memorial Day weekend. WHEN~ May 25-28, Friday- Noon-6, Saturday 10am -6pm, Sunday 11am-5pm, Monday 10am-5pm WHERE~ Kentucky Expo Center, South Wing C COST~ Free CONTACT~ www.stewartpromotions.com
See page 38 for a list of Derby events.
Don’t Miss Baby of the Day! On www.todaysfamilyeveryday.com, we will be featuring a Baby of the Day during the month of April. You can place votes to choose the Runner-Up in our Beautiful Baby Contest.
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
Derby Events Thunder Over Louisville Don’t miss your chance to see the grandest fireworks show in the U.S. WHEN~ April 21, Grounds open at 11am, Airshow at 3pm, Fireworks at 9:30 pm WHERE~ Downtown Louisville Riverfront Waterfront Park, River Road and Southern Indiana Shoreline COST~ Free CONTACT~ 502.584.3378
Student Art Contest Display
Thousands of area private, parochial and public school students produce original works of art from their favorite Derby Festival events. The kids use watercolor, acrylics, inks, crayon, colored pencils, oil pastels, felt markers or any combination of these. A panel of local artists selects the winners.
Great Steamboat Race
PHOTO: Jonathan Roberts, KDF OfficiaL PHOTOGRAPHER
WHEN~ Now-April 27 WHERE~ Gallery B at Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center COST~ Free CONTACT~ www.kdf.org
Kroger’s Fest-A-Ville on the Waterfront This ultimate entertainment experience features must-see concerts, great food, helicopter rides, and a kids’ inflatable playground. WHEN~ April 26, May 4 from 11am-11pm weekdays, 7:30 am -11pm Saturday & 1-11pm Sundays WHERE~ Waterfront Park, Great Lawn COST~ Free with a 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ www.kdf.org
A pet friendly cocktail event. Bring your pets (leashes are required) and enjoy music on the Great Stage, mingle, and play games with your furry friend. S.P.O.T., Metro Animal Services mobile adoption unit will also be on hand with adoptable animals.
WHEN~ April 27 @ 7am WHERE~ Bowman Field COST~ Free with a 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ 502.584.6383
U.S. Bank Great Balloon Glow Watch as the balloons inflate in their launch position on the field, but do not ascend. As the pilots fire their burners, watch the balloons begin to glow against the blackness of the night sky, synchronized to a special musical score. WHEN~ April 27 @ 9pm (Gates open at 6pm) WHERE~ Kentucky Exposition Center COST~ $ 8 KEC parking fee plus a 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ 502.584.6383
Republic Bank Parade Preview Party Curious spectators can get a sneak peak of the entire parade. All floats, inflatables, bands, clowns, and equestrian units will be on display for an “insider” preview of the parade. Children can even get an autograph or photo with the Derby Festival Queen and Royal Court.
WHEN~ April 29 1-3pm WHERE~ The Seelbach, 500 Fourth Street COST~ $ 30 CONTACT~ 502.552.5069
Children’s Tea
Enjoy a great family event on the waterfront. Family activities will be programmed throughout the day, including an inflatable playground, rockclimbing wall, ferris wheel, carousel and more. Musicians will take the stage at 5 pm. WHEN~ April 29, 1-11 pm WHERE~ Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville on the Waterfront COST~ Free with 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ 502.742.6927 or www.kdf.org
Discovery Day presented by PNC This event features educational and interactive activities for young people and families featuring Stage One performance, a soccer clinic, kids inflatable playground and other fun activities.
April/May 2012
Don Fightmaster Golf Outing for Exceptional Children
WHEN~ April 30, 9am-12 pm WHERE~ Shawnee Golf Course COST~ Free for spectators CONTACT~ 502.243.8295
Children are encouraged to dress like a prince or princess for this social event with the members of the Derby Festival’s 2012 Royal Court.
WHEN~ April 30 from 5-9pm WHERE~ Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville on the Waterfront COST~ Free with a 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ 502.473-7387
For the eighth year in a row, the Kentucky PGA Foundation is sponsoring the Don Fightmaster Derby Festival Golf Outing for Exceptional Children. Activities will include a lunch and awards ceremony featuring local celebrities, including the 2012 Derby Festival Royal Court.
Children’s Tea with the Kentucky Derby Festival Princesses
WHEN~ April 30, 11am-1:30 pm WHERE~ Kroger s Fest-a-Ville on the Waterfront COST~ Free with a 2012 Pegasus Pin CONTACT~ www.kdf.org
HappyTail Hour
U.S. Bank Great Balloon Race
Celebration Sunday with 88.5 WJIE
Balloon Glow
WHEN~ May 1; Private group tours 9am -1pm. Open to the public 5pm-9pm. WHERE~ Kentucky Exposition Center, South Wing C COST~ Free with a 2012 Pegasus Pin plus $ 8 KEC Parking Fee CONTACT~ 502.584.3378 x823
Republic Bank Pegasus Parade A Derby classic, the Republic Bank Pegasus Parade features huge, elaborately designed floats and other kid-friendly attractions. This year’s theme is Family, Fun & Games. WHEN~ May 3 @ 5pm WHERE~ West on Broadway from Campbell to 9th Street. COST~ Bleacher tickets $ 9 and chair seating $11. Review stand seating $26. CONTACT~ www.kdf.org.
Great Steamboat Race WHEN~ May 5, Race begins at 6 pm WHERE~ Ohio River/Awards presentation immediately following at the Chow Wagon COST~ Belle of Louisville: $130; Belle of Cincinnati: $ 55 (New this year: special bourbon tasting tickets $75) CONTACT~ 502.584.3378 or www.kdf.org
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today’s FAMILY
April/May 2012
Pa r t y Pl ace s Why Go All Out for A Birthday? by Kara Ferraro
n my tenth birthday I received a blue three-speed bike. Aside from that, the only other gift I remember receiving was a small wooden trinket box my mother had polyurethaned with some random magazine pictures and a groovy picture of me with a “shag” haircut and the date 1976 on the inside. That was 36 years ago—and I still have my trinket box today.
Now that I am a mother of two children, I look at birthdays in a whole new light. I think back on my own childhood memories and realize that I now have the control to create family birthday traditions for my children. We are all so busy these days, and finding simple, inexpensive ways to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary birthday celebration may take a little time and creativity, but it certainly doesn’t have to empty your wallet. What children want more than anything on their birthdays is to feel like it is their own special day. Here are seven ways you can start your own birthday traditions to create some magical moments that your children will remember for years to come. Start the day off by making a special birthday breakfast. • Pull out some baby pictures or other birthday pictures from the years past and decorate the house with them. • Stick a special birthday snack or note in your child’s lunch box. • Have lunch with your child at school. • Have your child help you make his own birthday cake. It’s more fun to decorate the cake and get sugared up on eating the extra batter, frosting and sprinkles than it is actually eating the cake. • Plan a family outing that you will do each year: a trip to the beach, a picnic in the park, or even a trip to your favorite pizza joint. • Start a scrapbook each year on your child’s birthday and decorate the cover with a picture that was taken on the day.
A Mother’s Touch Jewelry & Gifts 12312 Shelbyville Rd. Louisville, KY 40243
A Mother’s Touch offers a party room for both boys and girls ages 5 & up. Enjoy a theme or beading party. You can also use our room for classes, meetings, wedding or baby showers, or a fun girls night out. Prices start at $10 per person or a room fee. Reservations and deposit required. We can help make your event fun and memorable. Call 502.253.9477 with any questions and availability.
Kart Kountry
www.amotherstouchjewelry.com Facebook.com/A-Mothers-TouchPersonalized-Jewelry-Gifts
Joe B. Hall Ave. Shepherdsville, KY 40165
YMCA Several Kentuckiana locations
Facebook.com/Kart Kountry
Kart Kountry is fun for the whole family, featuring the largest go-kart track in the world at over 1.5 miles. Decide which of several party packages works best for you, then relax and have fun. Activities include go-karts, bumper boats, miniature golf, jumpshot, our huge Arcade with a mix of new and classic games, and our renovated Redemption Prize Center. Come celebrate with us! The Y has several great ways to celebrate birthdays with fun-filled activities! Options vary at Y locations and include pool, Calypso Cove, Hawaiian luau, Wii play, rock climbing, party art, pirate, Disney princess, Twilight, Justin Bieber, Toy Story and more! Come and celebrate with the Y; your party will be a blast!
For Party Places advertising information email: advertising@todayspublications.com or call 502.327.8855 Deadline for June/July issue is May 2. 40
April/May 2012
www.todaysfamilymag.com 4 4 4 www.facebook.com /todaysfamily 4 4 4 @todaysfamilynow
Party at Kart Kountry It’s Ethan’s 8th birthday! and, to celebrate his special day with friends and family, Ethan chose Kart Kountry for all his birthday activities. there was pizza, cake, presents, games, prizes, and go-karts! Ethan’s designated party center was in the midst of all the indoor action, and conveniently located to more fun outdoors. after cashing in their ticket winnings from the vast number of video games played, Ethan and his friends were able to choose from a wide variety of prizes. With the world’s largest gokart track close by, Ethan and other partygoers enjoyed being out doors and behind the wheel. With five different go-kart sizes, including two passenger karts, there is plenty of fun at Kart Kountry for everyone. Booking a party at Kart Kountry is easy and convenient. you can go online and review all the policies and procedures, and place a deposit with a credit card.
Happy Birthday, Ethan! Make your 8th year a great one!
Birthday boy Ethan Martin takes a spin around the go-kart track.
Justin Campbell claims his prizes from his ticket winnings.
Lainey and her brother Nolan Boston check out the Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Brothers Dominick and Donovan Jackson challenge each other. today’s FaMILy
How Birth Order Affects Your Kid’s Driving By Gina Roberts-Grey
he number of siblings your child has — even if that number is none — drives some key personality traits that could determine how safe he’ll be on the road. “There are many birth order-specific traits that affect your attitude toward driving and the way teens interact with other drivers,” says Soroya Bacchus, MD, a triple board certified psychiatrist based in Los Angeles, Calif. Here’s how to tame the traits your teen has as a result of birth order.
First Borns Bacchus says oldest children are natural sticklers for detail. “They pay attention to the road and their surroundings, and aren’t easily distracted by conversation, cell phones, etc.” Greg Cupper, president, National Traffic Safety Institute, says that’s due in part to first borns’ parents. “Oldest kids are more likely to have received better guidance or training from parents about safe driving practices when learning to drive. And those lessons likely stayed with their kids. The oldest sibling of the family is also less likely to deviate from intended driving routes or to engage in driving unsafely with peers. “They probably won’t succumb to peer pressure and drink then drive,” says Cupper. Counter your traits: Just because first borns are detailoriented doesn’t mean they’re perfect. Bacchus says oldest kids often have a sense of entitlement. “They act as if they own the road,” she says. If that sounds familiar, she says the easiest way to make sure your young driver shares the road by calling for a breather. Before cutting someone off or being stingy with asphalt real estate and not letting someone merge in, Bacchus suggests encouraging kids to take a breath. The time it takes to consciously inhale will usually allow a teen driver enough time to think clearly and help him avoid what could be a potential accident or traffic ticket in the making.
Middles Because they hate confrontation, Bacchus says middles are the least likely to have road rage or engage someone who has it. And middles’ people pleasing tendencies mean they’re courteous on the road, too. 42
April/May 2012
“Middles will allow other to merge in or go first. They’re very conscientious behind the wheel,” says Bacchus. Counter your traits: Lauren Pearce, a driving instructor at the nonprofit Driving Concepts Foundation, in Mission Viejo (Orange County) Calif., says courteous drivers are some of the best on the roads. “They allow other drivers in when they need to get over, they are more likely to stop to let someone back out and in general, make the road a more enjoyable place to drive.” But she says it is possible to be too nice on the road. “If your teen gives up the right-of-way, he or she can inadvertently cause confusion among other drivers. For instance if they slow everyone down and go out of the way to let another driver in, that affects traffic behind your teen driver.” That can cause an accident or your child to become the victim of road rage. So remind him to be nice to a fellow driver, but don’t go too far out of the way as Pearce says it will likely cause more harm than good.
Babies “Babies of the family are very social,” says Bacchus. “They love to talk and be part of the action which makes them most likely to be distracted by cell phones, radio, others in vehicle, etc.” And despite ‘knowing better’ Cupper says babies have a hard time turning off their social nature when they slide behind the wheel. Being social makes babies more likely to respond to peer influence like the constant pinging of a friend’s repeated text messages, he says. Counter your traits: To curb your kid’s enthusiasm for being social, use cell phone physical apps that prevent texting and driving. TXTBlocker ($24.99 to buy ten $9.99/ month) allows you to set time and location restrictions for texting or talking on the phone. You can also limit the number of passengers in the car (regardless of what the state’s laws allow) to cut down on distractions, says Cupper.
Only Children Bacchus says onlies are highly conscientious and consider other drivers, not just themselves. “They’re likely to take care of their car and everyone in it and that translates into being a safe driver,” she says. “They are more independent and more skeptical which results in a more careful and analytical way to drive,” adds Cupper. But they’re also sensitive, possibly because they didn’t have siblings to fight with and help toughen up their ‘skin,’ which makes them prone to road rage. “If they are hurt or feel wronged, they may react emotionally when driving,” Bacchus says. Counter your traits: Pearce suggests teaching your only child to leave his or her emotions in the garage and not take them into the car. “Drivers will always disagree with other driver’s actions, but that doesn’t mean only children should take what other drivers do personally,” she says. Before reacting negatively to a fellow driver, tell your child to count out loud to five. “Use those seconds to remind yourself that you won’t fix that person through your retaliation. Once you stop letting other drivers make you upset, you’ll realize how much more enjoyable driving is,” suggests Pearce.
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maternity/BaBy (Cont)
sUmmer CamPs
Sullivan University
Clark Memorial Hospital Family Birth Place
Aviation Camp at Bowman Field
Take the guesswork out of your nanny search. Hire your next nanny through Sullivan University’s nationally acknowledged Professional Nanny Program, an institution with more than 20 years experience training and placing qualified childcare professionals. Our graduates hold Certified Professional Nanny credentials from the American Council of Nanny Schools and are trained in CPR, First Aid and Water Safety. Available for in-home day or live-in services. Visit sullivan.edu and click “Hire a Nanny,” or call 502-413-8607.
The Family Birth Place offers expectant parents a personalized birth experience. With spacious labor and delivery suites, in-room waiting areas, and garden tubs, the Family Birth Place has the ambience of a luxury hotel. Providing quality care to mom and baby is of utmost importance, that’s why the Family Birth Place promotes Kangaroo Care, the practice of a mother holding her baby skin-to-skin, and Quiet Time. Clark Memorial is also the only hospital in the area to have two Certified Nurse Midwives on staff and an on-site Breastfeeding Center staffed by a Certified Lactation Consultant. Childbirth Classes – Prepared Childbirth, Lamaze, Breastfeeding, Brothers and Sisters To Be, Infant CPR and Safety, and Doula Night. A complete class schedule is on our website. Breastfeeding Center – Breastfeeding supplies including bras, pads, and pumps for purchase. Breast pump rental, free weight checks for baby, and individual consultations. Hours: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday – Saturday. Phone: 812.283.2901
Join us on Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18 for a two-day Aviation Camp at historic Bowman Field!
Sullivan University 3101 Bardstown Road • Louisville, KY 40205 502.413.8607 www.sullivan.edu
Children’s ClothinG
Little Treasures Kid’s Sale Area’s most anticipated kid’s consignment event held every March and August. Parents can earn money on the things their kids have outgrown and save up to 90% on new and delicately used brand name items. For more information about the sale, visit www.littletsale.com 502.541.4446 • www.littletreasuressale.com
Children’s Parties
Bubble Truck Bubble Truck and Bubble Bus offering unique bubble parties. Create memories that will last a life time. We bring the party to you. Our parties are very interactive. Your guests will be making bubbles over 30 feet long. 502.442.5917 after 5pm www.bubbletruck.com
CaKes and treats
Queen of Treats Queen of Treats bakes-up fabulous treats and cakes for any celebration! We make your ideas a delicious reality, or visit www.queenoftreats.net for some of our own creations! Call 502.554.7110 to order.
“Like” us on Facebook for specials and updates!
St. James Catholic School Come soar above with St. James Elementary and Monsignor Horrigan Pre-School/Pre-K Programs! We encourage and support the development of every child by enhancing a positive self-image through education. 1818 Edenside Avenue • 502.454.0330, Ext 11 www.stjamesbluejays.com
Foster Families
Home of the Innocents FOSTER PARENTS Above average personal support and financial assistance provided. Classes forming in both KY and IN! For more information, contact Home of the Innocents: tlc@homeoftheinnocents.org or 502.596.1313
Babyology Breastfeeding Resource Center & Boutique We rent and sell a full line of breast pumps, maternity/nursing bras 32B to 50L, nursing covers, baby carriers, and a lot of unique mommy/baby gift items. We also offer lactation consults by IBCLCs, latch checks, and more. Plus, we offer FREE weight checks and Gift Registry on-line. ClaSSeS — Free Mom’s support group, Lamaze, Breastfeeding, Cloth Diapering, Introducing Solids, and many other classes. Complete listing of classes on our website: www.babyology.com. BaBy ShowerS — For facility rental and planning info, contact Vicki Sanders at vicki@babyology.com or 502.721.7727. Hours M-F 9a-7p & Sat. 9a-6p. 3934 Dutchmans Ln., Louisville, KY 40207 502.721.7727 • www.babyology.com
Clark Memorial Hospital Family Birth Place 1220 Missouri Ave., Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812.283.6631 • www.clarkmemorial.org
Floyd Memorial Hospital Birthing Center
Floyd Memorial’s Birthing Center offers spacious labor and delivery suites, state-of-the-art surgical suites for emergency and scheduled c-sections, an expanded nursery and remodeled post-partum rooms. Moms and babies come first at Floyd Memorial, which is why we promote mother/baby skin-to-skin kangaroo care and quiet time on our unit. We also offer a wide array of natural childbirth options, including birthing tubs, birthing balls, remote fetal monitoring, acceptance of birthing plans, and doulaassisted births. Childbirth Classes: We offer classes covering pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and c-sections as well as classes for new siblings, infant health and CPR and infant massage. Breastfeeding Support: We are one of only two hospitals in the region to be recognized as a “breastfeeding-friendly hospital” by the International Board of Lactation Consultants. Our certified lactation consultants offer a 24-hour breastfeeding support hotline, as well as unlimited follow-up care and advice. Floyd Memorial Hospital Birthing Center 1850 State St., New Albany, IN 47150 1.800.4.SOURCE, www.floydmemorial.com/baby
Women First of Louisville, PLLC women taking care of women. At Women First of Louisville, professional women in all stages of life, career and motherhood take care of other women who are balancing the same issues. So we’ve built our medical practice by focusing on women first, in everything we do. We offer comprehensive care for women with many innovative technologies and even surgeries available right in the office. Our services include digital mammography, osteoporosis screening, OB/GYN ultrasounds, genetic and preconception counseling, high risk obstetrics, lactation counseling, urinary incontinence testing /surgery, sterilization, minimally-invasive GYN surgeries, menopause counseling and hormonal therapy management. We make it easy, too, with our on-line patient portal so you can pre-register and schedule appointments, pay your bill on-line, and renew prescriptions — all though our website www.wfoflou.com. We know you take care of a lot. At Women First, we take care of you. Find out more about us on-line or call and set up a new patient appointment.
Sponsored by the Louisville Regional Airport Authority and conducted by the Aviation Museum of Kentucky, campers (ages 10 to 15) will learn about flight navigation, computer flight simulation and aeronautics. Additionally, aviation camp students will have the opportunity to co-pilot an aircraft with a FAA certificated pilot (weather permitting). When: Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18 Where: Bowman Field (Hangar Seven) Cost: $269 per student (ages 10 to 15) Note: Student Financial Aid applications are accepted. For more information and to register, visit HYPERLINK “http://www.aviationky.org” www. aviationky.org and click Camp. Aviation Museum of Kentucky 859.353.0467 camps2012@aviationky.org
Camp Alleghany Founded in 1922, Camp Alleghany offers three-week summer programs for girls 8-16 in West Virginia’s Allegheny Mountains. Emphasis on character development aims to help campers experience new activities, express themselves and broaden their abilities away from the distractions of technology. Campers wake up each morning with reveille and go to sleep every night with taps. Each camper takes four daily activities, choosing from 11 traditional offerings including archery, drama, canoeing, arts and crafts and other classes. Campers will have the opportunity to master skills, accomplish real goals and succeed in passing set progress levels. During two unstructured periods daily, campers swim, play tennis, write letters and relax. Each session’s fun Blue/Gray Event features friendly competitions in swimming, archery, rifle, canoe, tennis and more. The staff prepares balanced meals, three times a day that include fresh fruit and salad. (And cookies and milk before bedtime!) The camp store is open after dinner for limited sweet snacks and a small soft drink, should a girl wish to partake. Campers live under an honor system, and counselors supervise all activities. E-mail: CampGhany@aol.com • 540.898.4782 www.campalleghany.com
Camp Palawopec A good old-fashioned fun camp in the hills of Brown County, Indiana. Activities include swimming, mountain biking, canoeing, soccer, basketball, climbing, campfires every night, Indian lore, crafts, horseback riding, archery, etc. Great summer fun in a relaxed outdoor setting. One staff for every three campers. AGES: Ages: 8 – 15 years COST:
$595 for one week, $1095 for two weeks, $1595 for three weeks, etc.
DATES: Boys: Two 1-week sessions: June 17 – June 30 Co-ed: Five 1-week sessions: July 1 – Aug 4 Girls: One 1-week session: Aug 5 – Aug 11 Nashville, Brown County, Indiana 812.988.2689 www.camppalawopec.com
Baptist East Medical Pavilion • 3900 Kresge Way, Suite 30 (40207) • 502.891.8700 • www.wfoflou.com
SUMMER CAMPS continued on pages 44 & 45
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
Chess and Video Game Creation Camps
Frazier History Museum
Jewish Community of Louisville
Chess Camp – July 16-20, 2012 USA Chess is offering a fun and entertaining chess camp at Kentucky Country Day School for children ages 5-15. USA Chess is the largest and premier chess camp organizer for children in the United States. Their staff is comprised of the finest children’s chess instructors in North America. Registration options include mornings, afternoon and all-day sessions. Campers experience chess instruction and play in a fun filled environment designed to improve their skills whether they are interested in casual or competitive chess. Video Game Creation Camps – July 16-20, 2012 This summer Active Learning Service’s present their video game creation camps at Kentucky Country Day School. Children, ages 8 to 15, will have the opportunity to actually design and create their very own one-of-a-kind video game. All that’s required is a bit of imagination because there are no limits! Using state of the art computers, these camps teach introductory and intermediate programming skills while encouraging creative thinking.
Fascinating stories come to life at Frazier History Museum Summer Camp! Children engage in an array of fun, multi-sensory experiences and activities, including daily excursions into the galleries, handson investigation of museum objects, creative arts & crafts and lively interactions with our costumed cast of historical performers. Children ages 6 to 14 (rising 1st through 8th graders) explore over 1,000 years of history via multiple weeklong and day camps offered in June, July and August. Camp sessions are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We also offer an extended care option until 5:30 p.m. All camps are led by museum education professionals. Parents receive a daily newsletter. Pick-up and drop-off are easy with parking passes for our adjacent lot. Camp size is limited to 16 children, so early registration is recommended. Visit www. fraziermuseum.org for more or call (502) 753-1039 to register today!
Experience the magic of JCC Summer Camp with something for every child. JCC Summer Camp offers traditional camp for kids 20 months through 6th grade with arts ’n’ crafts, sports, free swim, swim lessons and more! Children 2 years old receive private swim lessons twice a week, children 3 and 4 years old receive group swim lessons three times a week and children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade receive group swim lessons daily. Specialty camps are also offered which include: Football, Soccer, Theatre, Dance, Horseback Riding, Lego, Sailing and more. All specialty camps swim once a day. Also, Middle School students have their own camps which include: Community Service, and Counselor in Training program. Beautiful campus with two outdoor pools, baseball and soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts, as well as indoor gymnasiums, auditorium and more! Call for brochure and information.
Kentucky Country Day School 1.888.652.4377 • www.chesscamp.com
Frazier History Museum 829 W. Main Street, Louisville 40202 502.753.1039 Facebook.com/Frazier History Museum
exploreCollegiate Summer
Hwang’s Martial Arts
exploreCollegiate offers a menu of half-day and full-day activities for ages 3 through 84 year olds that combines academic, athletic and aesthetic pursuits. Dig for fossils at the Falls of the Ohio! Strengthen your lacrosse skills with the aid of head coaches from Denison University and Centre College. Create your own video games or build your own computer! These are just a few of the nearly 100 different camps to choose from at Collegiate this summer.
Hwang’s Martial Arts All Day Summer Camp is considered the finest and most popular Martial Arts camp in the area. Our camp helps kids develop essential life skills such as confidence and selfdiscipline in a fun & positive environment. Campers learn Taekwondo from the best instructors, trained personally by Olympian and director, Grandmaster Jung Oh Hwang. Each week offers exciting field trips, movie star technique training, and everlasting friendships. Join us at Hwang’s Martial Arts for an unforgettable summer. Signups for camp is flexible. Try one-week of all day summer camp or sign up for the entire summer. Drop off times are between 7:30 A.M.-9:00 A.M. Pick up times are between 5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M. at any of our four convenient locations. For more info visit us at www.alldaycamp.com.
Visit loucol.com or email chelle_wabrek@loucol.com for program descriptions, dates and to register. Camp opens May 28 and closes August 10. Prices range from $165 to $500 weekly.
2427 Glenmary Avenue, Louisville, KY 40204 502.479.0340 www.loucol.com
2931 S. Hurstbourne Parkway• 502.499.7787 2813 N. Hurstbourne and Westport Road • 502.412.7755 7321 Preston Highway • 502.966.5222 4226 Shelbyville Road • 502.893.6000 www.alldaycamp.com facebook.com/hmalouisville
Falls of the Ohio Foundation
Jefferson Memorial Forest
Early drop-off and late pick-up available.
Young Explorers discover the wonders of the Falls by exploring the world famous fossil beds, and examining specimens, artifacts, exhibits and more. This camp is ideal for energetic, curious students who like hands-on learning and exploring outside. Teen Archaeologists discover how archaeologists learn about past cultures and societies by studying human artifacts left by these earlier peoples. Young Paleontologists discover how paleontologists learn about the history of life on Earth by studying fossils (the remains or traces of organisms such as plants and animals that lived in the past). Half Day /Young Explorers - $100, Grades 4-6/8:3011:30am; Grades 1-3/1:00-4:00 pm June 11-15, July 9-13, July 23-27 Full Day/Teen Archaeologist - $100, ages 11-15, 9:00am-3:00pm, June 28-30 Full Day/Young Paleontologist-$100, ages 10-16, 9:00am-4:00pm, July 17-19 Falls of the Ohio Members receive 10% discount. 201 W. Riverside Dr., Clarksville, IN 47129 • 812.283.4999 • www.fallsoftheohio.org • Facebook.com/fallsoftheohio dani@fallsoftheohio.org
By combining science with summer camp fun, campers have an adventure to remember! JMF offers camps for ages 4 to 15. Go to our website for information and registration, or call the Welcome Center. JMF is offering shuttle service from Joe Creason Park across from the Zoo to JMF. Forest Explorers $105/session July 9-13 Adventure Camp $125/session June 4-8/July 16-20 Water Wonders June 11-15 Creature Trek June 18-22 Nature in Locust Grove $195/session June 25-29 Fairies, Trolls, & Gnomes $135/session July 23-27 Reptiles to Raptors $135/session July 23-27 ECO Extreme $195/session July 9-13 NEW CAMPS - Reptiles to Raptors Learn about reptiles and raptors,– the things they have in common and differences developed over time. Nature Camp at Locust Grove Travel back 300 years to the natural world and historic people who existed in Locust Grove. Track native animals, experience Native American games, and discover life in the 18th century. 11311 Mitchell Hill Road, Fairdale, KY 40118 Email: forest@louisvilleky.gov • 502.368.5404, Ext 0 www.memorialforest.com
3600 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY 40205 502.459.0660 • www.jclouisvillecamp.org
Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana / JA BizTown Camp 2012 June 18-22 • June 25-29 • July 16-20 Ages 9-12 • 9am-4pm • $185/week At this camp, the kids run the place. That’s because the place is Sam Swope JA BizTown®, a 7,000 square-foot mini-metropolis. JA BizTown is home to Papa John’s, Stock Yards Bank, UPS, Walmart, WDRB Fox 41 and other businesses you find in our own region. JA BizTown Camp gives kids the opportunity to experience what it’s like to work in a job and run a business. But it’s much more than that! JA BizTown Camp is an indoor, academic camp that combines classroom-style teaching with hands-on activities. Much of the camp experience includes working with other campers of different ages on group projects. Concepts learned and applied at camp: Entrepreneurship-brainstorming ideas and bringing them to life Job preparation-applying for/interviewing for a job Teamwork-working with a group to reach a goal Marketing-why and how to communicate your products or services. And much more! Register today! www.jaky.org/summercamps
1401 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd (40203) • 502.561.5437 www.jaky.org • facebook.com/Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana
Louisville Ballet
Let your dreams take center stage at our Summer Dance Programs! June 11 – July 13 The Louisville Ballet School offers workshops designed to develop coordination, musicality, and kinetic awareness, as well as instill a love for dance and the arts. The experience your child has in one of our programs will build skills valuable for a lifetime. Summer Dance Programs fill up quickly so register now to reserve your child’s place in class. Register via email to school@louisvilleballet.org, by fax to (502) 583-0006, in-person at our studios or by mail. Children ages 3 - 8 (levels 1 and 2) will discover an exciting mix of dance, visual arts, and storytelling through movement. Students ages 8 - 16 (levels 3 and 4) will join in the grand tradition of classical ballet repertoire by learning dances that have been performed by professional ballet dancers for hundreds of years. Cost: $195 - $400 Louisville Ballet School • 4121 Shelbyville Road 502.583.3150, ext. 245 • school@louisvilleballet.org www.louisvilleballet.org/DanceSchool
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
SUMMER CAMPS (continued)
Louisville Science Center
Puzzle’s Academy
St. James School
Whether it’s learning to engineer with LEGOs, discovering the science behind being a pirate, or debunking your favorite myths, your little scientist will never be bored when you register for
Puzzle’s Academy Summer Camp is a fun filled day camp for children ages 5-12. Your child’s day will be packed with interesting activities to keep them productive and happy during the hot summer months. Our attentive staff will create a safe, fun and creative summer experience for your child. Each day will include a different event or activity. You want the best for your child! Don’t miss out! Call today to find out more about Louisville’s most exciting summer program. Fun, Fitness, and friendship awaits your active child.
“Soar Above” with the Bluejays! St. James School Summer Day Camp St. James offers fun-filled days with: • Games • Arts & Crafts • Swimming • Bowling • Movies • and more! Age: preschool-grade 6 Daily box lunch provided to all registered campers! Location: 1818 Edenside Ave Louisville, Kentucky www.stjamesbluejays.com To register call 502-454-0330, ext. 11
School’s Out Science Camp. Half day camps available for grades Pre-K – K, full day camps available for grades K – 8. Visit LouisvilleScience.org/events or call for program descriptions, dates, and to register. Summer Camps: June 4 – Aug. 17 Cost: Grades Pre-K – K: $90/wk. Member, $105/wk. Non-Member; Grades K – 6: $175/wk. Member, $200/wk. Non-Member; Grades 6-8: $275/wk. Member, $300/wk. Non-Member
$150 per week. Includes all meals (breakfast, lunch and snack) and field trips each week. $35 per day. Includes all meals (breakfast, lunch and snack) 11530 Bluegrass Parkway Louisville, KY 40299 502.261.7144 www.puzzlesacademycdc.com
1818 Edenside Avenue 502.454.0330, Ext. 11 www.stjamesbluejays.com
Mad Science of Kentucky
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
YMCA - Camp Piomingo
Are you ready for the most unforgettable summer ever? Mad science is fun, unique, interactive, and affordable. Make indoor lightning. Launch rockets. Explore lasers. Experience the giant vortex generator. Build cool take-homes! Our Mad Scientists are the experts at captivating the children’s attention and awing them with spectacular experiments and demonstrations. We can bring the fun to your camp location or you can come to one of our locations throughout Kentuckiana.
Develop your gift at a camp that connects skills and spirit. An exciting week of classes, orchestra, recitals, and more! Work with our expert, encouraging faculty. Touch someone’s life playing in the Community Outreach Concert. Make great friends, learn, and grow at Seminary String Camp!
Camp Piomingo’s coed camp for kids ages 6-16 is the summer experience that builds self-esteem, promotes friendship, develops interpersonal and leadership skills, and instills in your child an appreciation of nature … all in a safe, fun and nurturing environment. Living in a rustic setting, campers share unique adventures and have many opportunities to grow on the inside … by being outside. We offer a variety of overnight camps from June 10 - August 3. Our programs help kids develop the skills and relationships they need to be healthy, confident and connected to others. Check out some of the fun like high ropes, zip line, horseback riding, and our new aquatic facility at ymcacamppiomingo.org.and register online to reserve your bunk today! You can also find us on facebook at facebook. com/camppiomingo or speak with us directly at 1-800-411-5822.
727 West Main St., Louisville, KY 40202 502.561.6100, Ext. 6111 • 800.591.2203 LouisvilleScience.org facebook.com/louisvillesciencecenter
Visit us at www.madscience.org/kentucky or call 502.995.8899 today! Various locations throughout Kentuckiana 502.995.8899 www.madscience.org/kentucky facebook.com/Mad Science of Kentucky
Oldham County Schools Arts Center
The Oldham County Schools Arts Center is truly a unique arts institution that provides cultural opportunities that not only nurture its students, but also the community at large. Classes in music, theatre, visual arts and dance are offered on a quarterly basis for students ages 3 and up. The 2012 Summer Camp quarter runs from June 11th through August 10th. Do you want to play in a Rock ‘n Roll band or are you hoping to improve your skill when you audition for the next school play? Maybe you prefer creating with your hands and would like to join a clay sculpting camp or you’d love to participate in a choreographed hip-hop dance. This year you can choose from over 45 camps at the Arts Center. Camp offerings include half day, weekly camps which can combine to create a full day camp experience, or choose a camp that meets once per week for the full summer quarter. Private music and voice lessons are also available. Please call the Arts Center at 502-241-6018 for more information or visit www.ocsartscenter.org for a complete listing of camps and to register online. 7105 Floydsburg Road • Crestwood, KY 40014 502.241.6018 • www.ocsartscenter.org
June 11-15, 2012, 8:30 am-1:00 pm. All classes in Cooke Hall, on the lovely Southern Seminary campus. Free parking. · Beginner through advanced Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Guitar, Harp · Orchestras, Chamber Ensembles, Voice, Fiddle, Handbells · Free Afternoon Swim at Student Center · Friday Pizza Party · Camp Concert Friday, June 15, 7:30 pm Seminary String Camp SBTS, 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY, 40280 Registration: www.sbts.edu/string-camp
800.411.5822 www.camppiomingo.org facebook.com/camppiomingo
Square One
YMCA of Greater Louisville
Medical, Psychiatric, Psychological, SpeechLanguage Intervention Evaluation & Therapy for Children and Adolescents Ages 1-24 Developmental & Mental Health Specialists Our multidisciplinary expertise encompasses developmental and mental health concerns including ADHD, learning, emotional, mood and anxiety disorders, autism, speech-language disorders and social skills abilities. Team-Based Evaluation Medical, psychological, educational and speechlanguage evaluations help patients, parents and professionals in the community understand differences in children and adolescents that impact on development, behavior and emotions. Comprehensive Therapy Our doctors provide ongoing collaborative therapeutic inventions working closely with your child’s pediatrician and school personnel to address developmental, behavioral and speech-language differences identified through our evaluations.
A world of discovery awaits children at YMCA day camps so give your child the chance to play, to learn and to grow as a person at the Y this summer!
Judith Axelrod MD • Ann Ronald MEd • Michael Mayo MD David Causey PhD • Sherri Stover LCSW • Lisa Ruble PhD Ashley Redenbaugh CCC • 6440 Dutchmans Pkwy 502.896.2606 • squareonemd.com info@squareonemd.com
No one creates a camp experience like the Y where activities include swimming, arts and crafts, sports, field trips, reading and more. Campers have fun while making new friends, building self-confidence and becoming more self-reliant. Choose from over 40 locations in Jefferson, Bullitt, and Oldham counties. Visit us at ymcalouisville.org for more details and to register, or call 502.587.9622. At the Y, we make sure that all children have the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive; ask us about our affordable program rates for everyone. 502.587.9622 ymcalouisville.org In Southern Indiana, visit ymcasi.org
Reach more than 75,000 readers. Advertising rates as low as $50. For more information call 502.327.8855 or email advertising@todayspublications.com
My Family
All Girls Amy and Scott Goodenough, Madison (8) and Ava (4) Playthings — Madison and Ava both enjoyed bright, colorful, and loud toys as infants but once they reached the toddler stage they began moving into pretend play using tea sets, a play kitchen, and dress-up clothes.
Communication Skills — Madison and Ava spoke early and were excellent communicators who could speak in complete coherent sentences by age two. Amy says, “Both girls literally wake up and fall asleep talking, so I guess their ability to communicate was due to lots of practice.”
Daddy’s Girls — Scott Goodenough was a long-time, stay-athome dad while Amy has worked full-time as a teacher. Scott did everything for the girls: from hair styling to school functions to playing tea party. Both girls were — and still are — incredible Daddy’s Girls.
Girl Drama — According to Amy, “Dramatic and emotional describe both of my children to a tee!” Madison tends to be sensitive and get her feelings hurt easily, while Ava has been more prone to temper tantrums. Gender Roles — Amy and Scott neither encouraged nor discouraged gender specific toys. Amy explains, “Both (girls) have gravitated more towards Barbies and princess things, but each girl went through a huge Thomas (the Train) 46
April/May 2012
phase which entailed us having a train table with trains and Hot Wheels cars as well as a remote control train set.”
Favorites, Then and Now — As toddlers, the girls enjoyed movies like “Finding Nemo” and the Disney “Princess” series, and books such as Where Is Baby’s Belly Button. Nowadays, they enjoy movies like “Soul Surfer” and “A Dolphin Tale.” Madison likes nonfiction animal books, while Ava is a big fan of the Junie B. Jones series.
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How different families deal with similar situations
All Boys Chinelle and Matthew Bowdy, Aaron (7) and Parker (4) Playthings — Aaron tended to enjoy blocks, cars and trucks, and toys with lots of buttons/ knobs. Parker preferred to have someone play with him rather than play alone with his toys.
Communication Skills — Aaron often used gestures to get his point across, while Parker would grunt to make his needs understood. Both boys were on target verbally throughout toddlerhood.
Momma’s Boys — Chinelle says both her boys are very close to her and show her a great deal of affection. She explains, “They constantly want to go with me whenever I go someplace when they could stay with their daddy.” Matthew takes this in stride since he knows the boys love him too, as evidenced by their imitations of him (see below).
Like Father, Like Son — Both Aaron and Parker have gone through periods where they want to dress like daddy and wear button-down shirts. Chinelle says, “Parker has to go to ‘meetings’ a lot, and has a computer that he works on while Matthew works on his.”
Gender Roles — Chinelle encouraged her sons to play dress-up or with dolls if they were interested. “I think it is great for them to do it all,” she says, “I don’t see anything wrong with pretend play ‘girl’ activity.” Aaron and Parker played with babies and strollers, pretended to be mommies and ballerinas, and had a toy kitchen. Both of them enjoyed this type of play. Chinelle notes that once Aaron got into kindergarten his interest in such play waned. Favorites, Then and Now — As toddlers and older kids, Aaron and
today’s FAMILY
Parker have enjoyed movies like “Cars” and “Monsters Inc.,” books like Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter, Nate the Great books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and toys such as Legos, Brio trains, and a play cash register. April/May 2012 47
School Lunches Just Got Better!
Grasshoppers Distribution and its local farmers will be providing a portion of the Jefferson County Public Schools fresh fruits and vegetables: cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, melons, sweet peppers, tomatoes, apples, berries, and summer squash from more than a dozen local Kentucky small family farmers.
Learn about Preventing Child Abuse
Family & Children’s Place hosts Community Conversations About Child Abuse on April 17 at Stewart and Associates (6-8pm) and April 21 at 4th Avenue United Methodist Church (2:30-4:30pm). Also the film Mother’s Red Dress will return to Louisville for a theatrical run at the Village 8 Cinemas, April 20 -26. Find out how to help with child abuse at www.familyandchildrensplace.org.
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They’re Back!
This pre-historic wonderland at the Louisville Zoo will include dinosaurs from five different continents through July 31. A special attraction fee of up to $5 applies.
Win Holiday World Tickets @ www.TodaysFamilyEveryDay.com!
Mom Style
Does it help or hurt to know that the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ranked Louisville as No. 3 on the Most Challenging Places to Live with Spring Allergies list?
Stone oversized printed scarf $21 at dorothyperkins.com
Gretta Monahan (www.grettastyle.com) gives some fashion tips for busy moms:
• The Oversized Scarf: Functional and fashion-forward, a scarf will punch up any outfit. An added bonus: When your child gets sleepy, your scarf becomes a cozy blanket! • Mom-Approved Wedge Heels: Gives height but allows you to move easily and chase your toddler down. • Leggings: Leggings can be dressed up or down, and they also allow you to run around and play with your child. Basic black is always wise, but charcoal, slate blue, eggplant or chocolate brown can up the ante on your style. • Colorful Sunnies: Stay on trend this spring with a bold pair of sunglasses. Experiment with a bold or pastel. • Soft Jewelry: The hardware on some pieces can hurt the little ones so go for soft necklaces, simple leather wrap bracelets, and stick to studs during your playtime to avoid sore ear lobes. • Maxi Dress: A maxi dress is a stylish and comfortable alternative that keeps your modesty intact when little hands tug on your skirt.
April/May 2012
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