Visa pour la certification d'anglais - CEC, J. Martin, H. Oldendorf - Editions Ophrys

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LA 1RE COLLECTION DE CAHIERS POUR UNE CERTIFICATION RÉUSSIE ! CEC Ce cahier de préparation à la certification d’anglais est original et précieux à plus d’un titre.

• un outil original qui te donnera la possibilité de découvrir ou de redécouvrir plusieurs villes de pays de langue anglaise. Tous les exercices sont articulés autour d’un scénario dont deux adolescents, Charlotte et Nicolas, en sont les protagonistes.

Pour t’aider à optimiser préparation, nous te proposons : ta préparation • des exercices nombreux n et variés conformes à l’esprit de l’examen ; l’ex

• deux CD aud audio indispensables pour préparer l’épreuve orale ora de compréhension ; • un sujet suj blanc pour te mettre dans les conditions de l’examen. cond

Nous te souhaitons une bonne préparation et une réussite à ton examen !

Conception et réalisation : Nord compo

• des exercices d’entraînement dont la moitié est corrigée pour po te permettre de valider tes connaissances et ton niveau ;





• un cahier qui te permettra de te préparer avec l’aide de ton enseignant ou en autonomie, selon le contexte dans lequel tu t’inscris,


En effet, il sera pour toi : • un support d’entraînement intensif au CEC,





Julie Martin Hélène Oldendorf

Julie MARTIN • Diplômée de l’UFR de langues à l’Université de Nantes (LLCE Allemand). • Diplômée de l’Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes (ISTI).

Hélène OLDENDORF • Diplômée de l’Université de Bretagne Sud (LLCE Anglais). • Diplômée de l’Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes (ISTI).









Les élèves anglicistes de 2 nde de lycée ou de lycée pr ofessionnel inscrits en section eur opéenne ont la possibilité de s’inscrire à la certification d’anglais, appelée CEC (Cambridge English Certificate) afin de valider un niveau A2/B1 dans les quatre activités langagières suivantes : la compréhension écrite, la compréhension orale, l’expr ession écrite et l’expr ession orale. Cette certifi cation est rédigée et délivrée par le Cambridge ESOL1 (English for speakers of other languages), organisme de renommée internationale, à la demande de l’Éducation Nationale. La maîtrise de l’anglais dans le monde du travail est devenue incontour nable. L’obtention de la certification CEC est donc un atout majeur car elle est r econnue au niveau international et constitue une véritable valeur ajoutée dans un curriculum. De plus, elle permet d’accéder plus facilement aux universités étrangères. Nous conseillons donc vivement à tous les élèves motivés de passer cette certification.

L’objectif de ce cahier Les sujets de la certifi cation peuvent tomber sur n’importe quel thème étudié depuis le collège. Nous avons donc privilégié dans ce cahier « la variété » tant dans les exercices que dans les thèmes. L’objectif est de vous entraîner à appréhender au mieux la certifi cation en anglais. N’hésitez pas à demander l’aide de votre professeur. Il vous guidera tout au long de votre préparation et vous fournira, le cas échéant, des fiches de vocabulaire. Enfin, n’oubliez pas que la certification se prépare à chaque cours, en approfondissant vos règles de grammaire, en apprenant votre vocabulaire et en consolidant votre culture générale des pays anglophones.

Voyage à travers le Royaume-Uni Afin d’égayer ce cahier, nous avons introduit un scénario entre chaque exercice : deux jeunes Français (Charlotte et Nicolas) ont gagné le concours « Festivisa » qui leur donne le droit d’assister à cinq fêtes typiques et célèbr es du Royaume-Uni. V oilà une bonne excuse pour partir à la découverte de six villes : Edimbourg, Dublin, Londres, Cambridge et Cardiff. Ils sont accueillis dans chacune des villes par un guide qui va leur faire découvrir un maximum de choses en un minimum de temps tout en les entraînant à la certifi cation (le guide avait reçu des instructions précises de la part de leur pr ofesseur d’anglais !). Le scénario qui entour e les exer cices est donc franco-anglais : Charlotte et Nicolas parlent français entre eux mais s’expriment en anglais dès lors qu’ils s’adr essent à leur guide ou aux Britanniques tout simplement ! Le contenu des exer cices traite également de points spécifi ques à la ville dans laquelle se trouvent nos deux héros. Nous vous souhaitons à tous d’obtenirvotre « Visa pour la certification d’anglais ». Le Visa est au bout du voyage ! Julie Martin & Hélène Oldendorf, diplômées de l’Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes (ISTI)

1 Nous vous invitons à consulter le site Internet de Cambridge ESOL














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PAGE 131




Mode d’emploi de ton cahier On a vraiment pensé à tout ! Pour débuter chaque chapitre, on te présente les conditions dans lesquelles se déroule la certification et également le nombre de parties que tu devras traiter pour l’activité langagière.

Temps imparti pour cette compétence le jour de la certification Pré Présentation détaillée dét d de l’épreuve d

Les parties de cette d compétence c

Document(s) type(s) donnés(s) le jour de la certification.

Quelques conseils pour bien comprendre ce que l’on attend de toi


Instructions for use of your exercise book Moi j’ai pensé à toi ! En plus de mes échanges avec Charlotte, dans les pages d’entraînements tu auras des repères qui t’aideront à t’y retrouver afin d’appréhender les exercices. Bon courage !

Tu es dans le chapitre Londres : bonne visite !

Numéro de l’exercice et en plus pour celui-ci tu retrouveras la correction dans ton cahier

Le fil rouge, c’est le scénario des échanges entre Charlotte et Nicolas

La consigne et les questions sont enregistrées sur l’un des CD inclus dans ton cahier Piste


Voici la consigne de l’exercice

Voici l’espace pour tes réponses



Entraînement aux épreuves de la certification

Édimbourg Chapitre 1

COMPRÉHENSION ÉCRITE READING Ce chapitre sur Édimbourg va te permettr e de t’entraîner à l’épreuve de compréhension écrite de la certification. Dans ce chapitr e, tous les exer cices traitent de la ville d’Édimbourg. Par conséquent, tu pourras découvrir cette ville tout en t’exerçant à l’épreuve !



Description et déroulement La personne qui surveillera l’épr euve, te donnera une liasse de feuilles. Dans cette liasse, se tr ouvent les parties « Reading » (compréhension écrite) et «Writing » (expression écrite). Dans ce chapitre, nous allons nous concentrer sur la partie « Reading ». Comme tu auras une feuille de réponses pour la compréhension écrite et une autr e pour l’expression écrite, il sera noté sur ta page de gar de « Additional materials : answer sheets » (pièces jointes : feuilles de réponses).

60’ minutes

Au total, tu as 1 h 30 minutes pour fair e les deux épr euves Reading et Writing. Nous te conseillons donc vivement de dédier 60 minutes à cette première partie.

Le jour de l’examen : ■ Il ne faudra pas que tu ouvres tes sujets avant d’y avoir été invité(e) par le surveillant de l’épreuve. ■ N’oublie pas de r emplir toutes les informations que l’on te demande : ton nom, ton numér o de candidat, etc. ■ Lis attentivement toutes les consignes pour éviter un hors sujet et surtout répond à toutes les questions ! ■ Regarde bien comment tu dois r emplir ta grille de réponses, tout sera bien expliqué. À la fi n de l’épreuve, tu devras rendre les sujets et les feuilles de réponses. L’épreuve de compréhension écrite comprend au total cinq parties. Les exercices sont numérotés de 1 à 18.


QCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Exercices 1-2-3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Exercice d’appariement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Exercices 5-6-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

V/F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Exercices 8-9-10-11-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


QCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Exercices 13-14-15-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


QCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Exercices 17-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Attention ! Tu n’as pas droit au dictionnaire et tu n’as pas le droit de demander de l’aide à la personne qui surveille l’épreuve.



PARTIE 1 – signs (QCM)

READING PART 1 Voici la consigne. Comme tu le vois en haut de la feuille, on te rappelle que tu travailles sur la partie 1 « Reading » (compréhension écrite). Tu as ensuite 5 questions, tu devras lire les textes de chaque question et te demander ce qu’ils signifient. Tu devras choisir parmi les trois propositions A, B ou C, la définition qui s’y rapporte.

ti ns 1-5 Questio

question. Look at the text in each What does it say ? weerr sheet. nsw B or C on your ans Mark the correct letter A, 0 Example:


the “Kill Your In the Uniteedd Kingdom, ce aiggnn,, which has run sin mppai Speed” cam … sedd… ocuuse 1991, has foc areas. A on speeding in urban ways. B on speeding on motor ntryside. C on speeding in the cou

Le jour de l’exa l’examen tu auras un exe exemple comme celui-là qui sera numéroté : que question 0. On t’indique ici que la bonne réponse à la définition A. On te montre également comment remplir ta feuille de réponse pour ces cinq questions.

ment to… This sign is an advertise A play football online. City video B subscribe to Cardiff channel. . C meet a football player

Les textes sont très courts mais ils méritent toute ton attention. Essaie de repé repérer tous les petits mots (négations, adverbes, adjectifs) qui t’éviteront de tomber dans des pièges. Si l’on teste ta faculté à comprendre le texte court qu’il y a dans l’encadré, n’oublie pas que l’on te teste aussi sur la compréhension des questions du QCM ! Ne te précipite pas !




Entraînement à la partie 1 Charlotte et Nicolas arrivent à l’aéroport d’Édimbourg en Écosse. Ils sont accueillis par le guide Bruce Mc Neil, qui leur souhaite la bienvenue! Il les félicite d’avoir gagné le concours « Festivisa » qui leur donne le droit d’assister à six fêtes typiques dans des villes des îles Britanniques. La fête qui les conduit à Édimbourg s’appelle Hogmanay et aura lieu samedi.

Exercice 1


Charlotte et Nicolas sont en forme et très heur eux de retrouver leur guide qui les a r ejoints pour pr endre le petit déjeuner à leur hôtel. Nicolas ne compr end rien à la carte, ni au menu ou aux indications d’ailleurs ! Bruce se doutait bien que cela poserait pr oblème : il leur a donc préparé un exercice qui va leur permettr e de commander sans se poser de questions. Bruce leur dit en rigolant : — Look at the text in each question. What does it say? — Ça commence bien, je ne comprends pas la consigne ! Ça veut dire quoi “each” ? demande Charlotte. Charlotte veut dire « chaque » ! Ha ha, tu ne savais pas ça ! dit Nicolas. — Ça ve non ! Mais maintenant, je le sais ! Bon, j’imagine que l’on doit choisir — Et bien b la rréponse A, B ou C. Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet, indique Bruce. —M Ok, pour moi c’est clair ! Alors c’est parti ! s’exclame Charlotte. Au fait —O Nico, au cas où tu ne le savais pas “answer sheet” c’est ta grille de N rréponses !

Scottish breakfast Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C. 1. What does this logo mean?


The hotel has been chosen by the Scottish Food Guide as a recommended food producer. A guide about food in Scotland can be given for free. Ask a Scottish waiter to order your breakfast.


PARTIE / PART 1 2. What does the sentence in bold mean? CLASSICS PREPARED IN THE KITCHEN • Traditional Scots porridge or creamy porridge with Drambuie laced raspberries. • Orkney kipper with lemon and melted butter. • Omelette “Arnold Bennett” - smoked haddock and Mull cheddar cheese. • 28 day aged Scotch beefsteak with Portobello mushrooms, free-range egg, vine tomatoes and Rooster potatoes. • Finnan haddock and poached eggs. • Free range egg white omelette with summer peas and potatoes. • Traditional French toast on its own or with cinnamon stewed apples and sultanas. • Free-range eggs cooked to your liking. • Waffles with blueberries and Chantilly cream. • Marrbury hot smoked salmon and poached egg kedgeree. • Fried duck eggs with dry cured back bacon. A B C

Eggs are cooked in water until firm. Eggs are cooked in the garden. You can choose the cooking of your eggs.

3. What does the title of the menu mean ?

The chef’s special today Pork Sausage Scottish Best Middle Bacon Fried or Scrambled Egg - we use free range eggs, from the Isle of Seil Traditional Haggis Pudding or Scottish Black Pudding Potato Scone Baked Beans or Plum Tomato


The chef is someone really special. The chef is exceptionally not there today. The chef cooks his special recipes.

4. This breakfast is made of… ? BREAKFAST Whole Scottish Kipper with scrambled egg Locally Smoked Haddock Fillet served with poached egg Scottish Smoked Salmon served with scrambled egg Beans on toast Scrambled Eggs on toast Sausage, Veggie Sausage or Bacon sandwich Savoury Pastry (meat & veggie options) served with scrambled egg Croissant with mini pastries A B C


meat, fish and eggs. meat and eggs (no fish). vegetables only!



5. What is not served? BEVERAGES Freshly brewed Blend coffee. Espresso, Latte, Macchiato, Cappuccino. Fruit, green and herbal infusions. Newby English breakfast or Earl Grey tea. A B C

The hotel doesn’t serve any coffee for breakfast. The hotel doesn’t serve any tea for breakfast. The hotel doesn’t serve any juice for breakfast.

Bruce félicite Charlotte qui a brillamment répondu à toutes les questions quasiment tout faux!

! Par contr e, Nicolas a

-Tu as des progrès à faire Nico ! dit Charlotte en rigolant.

Exercice 2


Vexé, Nicolas veut prendre sa revanche. Il sort du sac de Charlotte un cahier sur lequel elle écrit tout le vocabulaire qu’elle ne comprend pas ! À son tour de se moquer… le cahier de Charlotte est déjà rempli à la moitié ! — Hé ! Rends-moi mon cahier ! En plus je te signale que c’est comme ça que l’on progresse ! Et puis toi non plus tu n’as rien compris aux panneaux qu’on a vus hier à l’hôtel. — Oui, c’est vrai, mais moi je les ai pris en photo avec mon portable ! J’ai gagné du temps ! Allez, tiens le voilà ton cahier ! On peut demander à Bruce ? — Bonne idée. Bruce, could you help us please? Look at these signs. — Of course. So, I mark the correct letter, all right? — Great! Thank you so much Bruce!

Hotel signs Look at the text in each sign. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C.



You can only have breakfast in this hotel. You can take the three main meals in this hotel. This hotel doesn’t serve any food.




On the first floor, you can find rooms and a fitness centre. On the first floor, you can find rooms and a restaurant. On the first floor, you can find a bar and a billiard.



You can swim safely in the swimming pool. You have to be careful when swimming in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is closed.



In case of fire, please take the stairs. In case of fire, please stay in your room. In case of fire, please don’t panic.



Children can’t go alone to the fitness centre. Children are not allowed to access the fitness centre. All children are welcome to the fitness centre.



You are allowed to smoke in the hotel. The hotel doesn’t sell any cigarettes. Smoking is prohibited in the hotel.



The hotel is closed at night. You have to check-in in the morning. You have to check-out at noon at the latest.




You can’t open the doors when they are locked. You have to use your own card to open the doors when they are locked. You have to stay in your room when the doors are locked.



Exercice 3 Charlotte et Nicolas ont dévoré leur petit déjeuner et une quantité de mots nouveaux lance alors :

!! Charlotte

— So Bruce, what are we going to do now? — I suggest that we choose an activity in Edinburgh. This is such a beautiful city. I did not succeed in selecting one. That’s your job now! Try to find out the activity related to each title of this document. These titles have been taken from the Internet website of Edinburgh. Then, you will select your favourite one! All right? So, I suggest we meet in half an hour at the reception and you’ll let me know your choice. — Oh là là, une demi-heure pour tout comprendre, ce n’est pas gagné!!! Allez vite Nico, Il faut que l’on aille voir sur Internet. Il y a sûrement des photos, ça nous aidera ! — Tu connais l’adresse du site ? — C’est noté en bas de la feuille

Internet website of Edinburgh

Edinburgh website Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C. 1. What information can you get if you click on the following link?

Find out where to visit in Edinburgh A B C

Some information about what you can eat in Edinburgh. It tells you what you can see in Edinburgh. It informs you about the weather in Edinburgh.

2. What information can you get if you click on the following link?

See a map of Edinburgh’s visitor and tourist attractions A B C

It helps you to find your way in Edinburgh. It gives you some recommendations for sight seeing in Edinburgh. You can buy a map of Edinburgh.



3. What information can you get if you click on the following link?

 Get to and around Edinburgh A B C

It helps you to find a hotel in Edinburgh. It deals with the people in Edinburgh. It tells you how to travel to Edinburgh.

4. What can you find if you click on the following link?

 Go to a museum or gallery A B C

You can find a list of the museums in Edinburgh. You can find a list of the restaurants in Edinburgh. You can find a list of the shops in Edinburgh.

5. If you click on the following link, you will find a text which deals with?

 Go to a museum or gallery A B C

Shopping in the city. Nature in the city. Culture in the city.

Charlotte et Nicolas sont très fi ers d’eux ! Ils ont réussi à r etrouver tous les onglets et ce en moins d’une demi-heure ! Ils rejoignent Bruce à l’accueil qui jette un œil sur leurs réponses. — Well done! So what have you decided? — We want to visit a museum. — Excellent choice!

Bruce est ravi. Il est étudiant à l’université de langues où il étudie l’espagnol et le français, mais c’est aussi un passionné d’histoire ! — And why did you choose that? — Because we have an oral presentation to prepare about the history of Scotland. — Il va croire qu’on est hyper sérieux! dit Nicolas en rigolant. — Bah quoi ! On est sérieux, non ? Bon maintenant, il faut qu’on décide : quel musée allons-nous visiter ?

Exercice 4 Avant de choisir, Bruce tient à leur montr er quelques panneaux qu’ils peuvent r encontrer dans un musée. Comme ils n’étaient pas très au point pour les indications de l’hôtel, il s’est dit que cela pourrait leur servir ! Lui aussi a pris des photos sur son portable.




Museum signs Look at each sign. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C. 1


You are not allowed to take a white camera with you. You are not allowed to take pictures in the museum. You are allowed to use either your camera or your mobile phone.



It is forbidden to go further. It is not allowed to stay in the museum. You can’t jump over the wall.



Museum Hours Monday: Closed (Except Holiday Mondays) Tuesday–Thursday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday: 9:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Visitors are not allowed to speak. Visitors should speak slowly. Visitors should speak softly.



You can visit the museum everyday. The museum is closed the first day of the week. The museum is opened 7 days a week.



You can only eat and drink outside. The museum doesn’t sell any food or beverages. All visitors are on a diet.

— Thank you Bruce! It was really helpful to have a look at these signs! dit Charlotte. — Maintenant, nous sommes prêts pour la visite, déclare Nicolas.



PARTIE 2 – short texts (Relier)

PART 2 Questions 6-10

ce in Cardiff. t to visit an interesting pla diff. The people below all wan interesting places in Car ht eig of s re are description . ple peo ing ow foll On the opposite page, the the for be the most suitable D Decide which place would correct letter (A-H). the rk ma 0, 6-1 ns stio For que F an read ks and hopes that she can lot. She keeps buying boo a re ratu lite s like otte 6- Charl in a few years. a whole book in English

Voici la consigne igne de la deuxième partie de l’épreuve de compréhension écrite. Les questions de cette partie sont numérotées de 6 à 10. La première phrase de la consigne est là pour te donner le contexte de l’exercice. La page suivante contient huit textes. L’objectif de l’exercice consiste à choisir le bon texte pour la bonne personne. Le principe est toujours le même ; seuls le contenu et les photos changent. On te demande enfin de reporter sur ta grille de réponses les bonnes lettres (A-H) en face des numéros des questions (6-10).


ugh parks and relaxing.

s. She likes walking thro

and garden 7- Samantha likes nature

rugby. He rts and particularly likes 8- Nicolas is fond of spo g. yin pla are s nch team matches on TV, when Fre

always watches the rugby

to looks for peculiar things very sporty and always is He ! ure ent adv s like 9- James do in a new town. r, at the ts to study this topic late in theology. He even wan . ting ina fasc gs ldin 10- David is interested bui es and all religious university. He finds church

V i i un exemple de Voici présentation. Tu as donc le numéro de la question (6-10), la photo du personnage et le texte qui résument son souhait, sa pensée et son opinion, etc. Le texte est certes court mais les phrases peuvent être complexes. Fais bien attention à tous les modaux, les négations, les adjectifs et adverbes qui vont moduler le sens général de ce petit texte !


ES IN CARDIFF INTERESTING PLAC onaall Museum ion B- I would like to visit Nat to bbe verryy ng special. ethi som ed do pos to sup like is ld A- I wou Cardiff. It that there is a the temporary I’ve read in my guide interesting. On top of It s. tree on b clim can museum houses Wales’s the s, ion park, where one ibit exh venture Park. , archaeology is called the Tree Top Ad national art, natural history g up 30ft bin ides, it is clim rs Bes . hou ons 3 nd ecti spe coll y You can and geolog from zan Tar which is like k ng par ngi lic swi pub rope ladders, surrounded by a ly exciting! tree to tree! It sounds real y nice, too. ver ! Bring Out Your Inner Ape country, I always D- When I’m in a foreign edrals. That’s 0. cath 200 p and tshi es ligh rch the chu t t visi visi C- I will go and to Llandaff and go ly me bab h pro wit l ing wil I why My family is com lding was bui t lity ren sibi cur pos a The for Cathedral. that’s why I’m looking over the tury my cen h ing 12t includ constructed in the to entertain all of us, . It is dedicated is a rch 0 chu 200 ier ip earl tsh an ligh of The site little sister. l, and also to essel with a to Saint Peter and Saint Pau restored old red Lightv utiful site.. bea in a is ated It ts. situ rd sain three Welsh cafe and chapel on boa e hav we t tha Cardiff Bay. I’ve heard rature, I will go F- As I’m fond of lite Cardiff from an unforgettable view on l library. The tra cen ff rdi to the Ca was opened in the Light tower. it ; new building is brand ks e that the library par gin ugh ima thro you g Can kin 9. wal 200 E- I really like 000 of which y I will go to contains 90,000 books, 10, and gardens. That’s wh is also very ich cal wh ani bot lsh, a We is in are written Dyffryn Gardens. It of . age diff vill important in Car garden located near the outskirts of St. Nicholas, in the and I would like H- I am a fan of rugby al Edwardian stadium. The Cardiff. This exception ium len to see the Mil ng restored garden is constantly bei dium is the national Sta ium lenn Mil home to the and is very, very nice. stadium of Wales. It is on team and to uni t by wan rug ’t l don ona I Wales nati G- I really love art and by World . Rug tre the to Cen 9 m was built in 199 miss the Wales Millenniu the also hosts many in it s, ated eles loc erth tre Nev cen . Cup arts This is an such as the houses one other large scale events, Cardiff Bay. The Centre les Rally, Wa ls of hal ge ller Sta sma cial Super Spe large theatre and two at Britain, Gre of You s. Prix ant nd aur Speedway Gra with shops, bars and rest comedy music concerts. y ce, man dan and let, ing bal box ra, ope can see interesting! and musicals there. Really


Voici ce qu que tu trouves sur l’autre page (opposite page). En haut, se trouve le titre qui te résume l’idée générale de tous les textes. Ensuite, tu peux lire les huit petits textes numérotés de A à H. Tu as un titre pour chaque paragraphe (généralement des noms de lieux, des titres de formulaires, etc.). Essaie de dégager les mots-clés de ces petits textes. Oblige-toi à trouver une idée par texte ! Tu peux ensuite te demander si cette idée colle à l’envie ou l’opinion du personnage. Si non, tu l’élimines. Si oui, tu creuses le texte en soulignant tout ce qui semble être l’opinion ou le désir du personnage mais formulés autrement ! Ne perds pas de temps sur cette épreuve. Seuls cinq textes sont bons, trouve-les vite !


PARTIE 2/ PART 2 Entraînement à la partie 2 Exercice 5


Un groupe de jeunes, assis à côté de leur table, entend leur conversation. Ils sont arrivés avant-hier et ont déjà visité la ville. Eux aussi restent jusqu’au Hogmanay. Dans ce groupe, il y a Kate et Wendy les Américaines, Harry l’Irlandais, Nicole l’Australienne et enfin Edward le Canadien. C’est Kate qui les aborde la première. Elle est ravie car elle parle très bien français ! — Est-ce que vous avez déjà visité des musées à Édimbourg ? demande Kate. — Non justement, on ne sait pas lequel choisir ! — Nous aussi, nous avons beaucoup hésité hier ! Nous allons, chacun notre tour, vous donner notre point de vue et ensuite vous pourrez choisir plus facilement. — Oh merci Kate ! C’est vraiment cool ! s’exclame Nicolas. — Tu es le bienvenu Nicolas, répond Kate. — Non, nous en français on dit « de rien » ! C’est la traduction de « You’re welcome ! » dit Nicolas tout sourire et un rien charmeur.

Museum in Edinburgh My friends and I have visited museums in Edinburgh. There are descriptions of eight different museums. Decide which museum had been the best choice for each of us. For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter (A-H). 1- Kate : I am fond of the history of Edinburgh from the earliest times to the present day. I wanted to discover more about the city, its people, crafts and trades and the beautiful objects they created. That’s why I decided to visit this museum!

2- Harry: I wanted to explore the lives of Edinburgh’s ordinary people at work and play from the late 18th century to today. That’s why I decided to visit this museum!

3- Nicole: I wanted to visit a museum where there are many interesting objects on ‘open storage’ display, especially social history objects, decorative art and archaeology collections. That’s why I visited this centre!

4- Edward: I wanted to know more about the lives of three great Scottish writers – Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson. That’s why I wanted to visit this museum!

5- Wendy: I wanted to explore the past and traditions of historic Queensferry and neighbouring Dalmeny. That’s why I wanted to visit this museum!





Museums in Edinburgh A- The writers’ museum – In this museum, you can see personal objects of 3 Scottish authors. A desk and even a printing press on which famous books were produced, are also stored there. The life of the three giants of the Scottish literature is celebrated in this museum. Do you know what these writers have written? B- People’s story museum – Visitors can experience the real life of ordinary people in Edinburgh in the past. How people used to live in the city. How did they wash their clothes? How and where did they work? Did they have any holidays and leisure? Inhabitants of the past are brought to life through re-created settings and costumed figures. C- City art centre – This museum presents the best things of Scottish art, as well as some exhibitions from other countries. You can see historic and modern photography, contemporary art and design. The museum offers a large range of art, from Egyptian objects to costumes from the Star Wars films! D- Queensferry museum – The Museum showcases the past and traditions of Queensferry and neighbouring Dalmeny. A display on local wildlife is complemented by nice views across the Forth from the museum’s picture windows. A telescope helps visitors to take in the view, spotting wildlife and exploring the Bridges.

E- The Museum of Edinburgh – You can discover the history of the city of Edinburgh from prehistoric times until today. For instance, you can see the work of metalworkers or you can admire glassware or pottery made in Edinburgh in the former times. You can also see some ancient furniture and costumes, as well as plans of the New town, created in the 1760’s. F- Lauriston Castle – This museum in a castle contains collections of Italian Furniture, Sheffield Plate, Crossley Wool Mosaics and Blue John ornaments. The oldest part of the castle was built in 1593 and was restored a couple of years ago. The castle is set in a beautiful garden, which is worth a visit, too. G- Museum of childhood – Here, young visitors can see a wide range of toys and games that children of the past used to play with. Teddies, dolls or trains, even adults will enjoy the visit! H- Museum collections centre – You can see the diverse collections of the City of Edinburgh council Museums that are stored here. This museum is open on the 1st Tuesday of the month only. The staff will show you objects of general interest related to working and domestic life of people in the area. Some objects are even on open display for viewing (but not touching!)

— Sans hésiter, je choisis le Musée d’Edimbourg! déclare Charlotte. — Pareil ! lance Nicolas. Pour une fois qu’on est d’accord.

Charlotte et Nicolas se tapent dans la main très satisfaits de leur choix !


PARTIE 2/ PART 2 Exercice 6 — Tant qu’on y est, continue Charlotte, vous pourriez nous dire quels sont les cinq monuments que vous avez préférés ? — No problem ! dit Kate. — On doit faire la même chose que dans l’exercice précédent ? demande Nicolas. — Exactement ! Chaque personne du groupe nous a écrit sa passion et à nous de retrouver leur monument préféré parmi les huit proposés, répond Charlotte en parfaite pédagogue.

Monuments in Edinburgh My friends and I saw some monuments in Edinburgh. There are descriptions of eight different monuments. Decide which monument corresponds to the each of us. For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter (A-H). 1- Kate comes from the USA. It is the first time she comes to Europe. She loves horses and would like to do some horse riding in the beautiful Scottish landscapes.

2- Harry comes from Ireland. He knows Edinburgh quite well. Ireland is not so far away and he already had the opportunity to visit Scotland. He loves literature, especially Scottish writers.

3- Nicole comes from Australia. She had to fly more than 24 hours to get to Edinburgh! But it is worth seeing this city. After having visited Edinburgh, she will fly to Paris because she loves France!

4- Edward was born in Canada. He can even speak some French! He likes sculpture and spent one year studying arts in Italy. He is always looking for sculpture with Italian influence!

5- Wendy, Kate’s best friend, also comes from the USA. She studied history in New York and this year, she’s writing a paper about American-Scottish history.





Monuments in Edinburgh A- The Burns monument: this is a statue of the writer Robert Burns housed by a monument. This work was completed in 1831 but in 1839 the statue was moved due to smoke from the gasworks below affecting the marble. The statue is now in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery on Queen Street. B- Greyfriars Bobby: The statue of a dog! Yes, a dog! Actually, this is a column of polished granite with a bronze sculpture of the Skye Terrier ‘Bobby’ on top. Greyfriars Bobby was a wee Skye terrier who pined at his master’s graveside in the nearby cemetery. How cute! C- Charles II : The equestrian statue of King Charles II is the oldest statue in Edinburgh. It was erected in 1685 at the expense of the Edinburgh Town Council as a tribute to King Charles II. Very impressive! D-The Manuscript of Monte Cassino is a three-piece sculpture outside St Mary’s Roman Catholic Cathedral. The sculpture is an allegory of a pilgrimage and also makes reference to giant Ancient Roman sculpture in Rome. Thanks to its design, it collects rain water and allows children to play on the sculpture.

E- The famous David Livingstone is shown on this statue as a missionary, inspired from his time in Africa. It was sculpted by Amelia Paton Hill, one of the few women sculptors in the 19th century. F- The National Monument in the city of Edinburgh is Scotland’s memorial to those who died fighting for the United Kingdom in the Napoleonic Wars. The monument dominates the top of Calton Hill, just to the east of Edinburgh’s New Town and is modeled upon the Parthenon in Athens. Construction started in 1826, and the building is only partially completed. G- The Ross Fountain is a great example of 19th century cast-iron work. And guess what? It comes from the foundry of Antoine Durenne ‘Maitre de Forges, in France! You can see mermaid figures sitting on scallop-shell basins as well as 4 female figures staying for science, arts, poetry and industry. A very beautiful piece of art. H- The Scots American War Memorial shows a soldier wearing a kilt, with a rifle across his knees. It was sculpted between 1924 and 1927 as a Tribute From Men and Women of Scottish Blood and Sympathies from the United States of America to Scotland.

Que de choses à voir !!! Bruce a validé leur choix du musée d’Edimbourg et pr opose de s’y r endre en passant devant tous les monuments cités par la tr oupe de jeunes ! Ils s’échangent leur mail et promettent de leur faire visiter Paris ! « Vive la France » s’écrie Kate !

Exercice 7 Les voilà rendus au musée d’Edimbourg. Charlotte boit littéralement les par oles de Bruce et n’a de cesse de répéter combien cette ville est magnifi que. Il semblerait que Nicolas soit un peu jaloux… Pour charmer Charlotte, il lui suggère de créer un exercice du même style qu’ils pourraient proposer comme jeu dans le journal de l’école. — Mais oui, tu as raison, c’est une super idée ! Par contre, je propose qu’on le fasse un peu moins long sinon on n’aura pas la place de mettre notre article sur le monstre du Loch Ness ! — Bien madame ! obéit Nicolas rassuré de voir que Charlotte lui prête un peu plus d’intérêt.

À la sortie du musée, Charlotte et Nicolas s’assoient sur un banc et rédigent leur exercice. Voilà leur création (dont ils sont hyper fiers !)



The Museum of Edinburgh The people below are visiting the Museum of Edinburgh. There are descriptions of five parts of the museum. Decide which part of the museum (A-E) would be the most suitable for each person/group (1-3)


1- Kate and her best friend Wendy, coming from the USA as well as the Australian girl Nicole want to see something related to the history of women in Scotland. Is it possible?

2- Harry and Nicole are interested in learning something about the history of the city itself, because they have to write a dissertation when coming back home.

3- Edward promised his girlfriend to bring back some presents from Great Britain. “What about eating something, afterwards?”

The Museum of Edinburgh A- The first possibility is to visit the spectacular collection of decorative arts of the museum. It shows the fantastic history of Scottish craftsmanship. You can find Scottish porcelain, pottery from Edinburgh or things made of glass. B- Before entering, you can also take time to look at the buildings that house the museum. They were built in the 16th and 18th century. Throughout the centuries, these buildings were transformed and restored. The museum opened in 1932. C- The history collection shows visitors the life of the city of Edinburgh, from earliest time to the present day. You can discover James Craig’s plans for Edinburgh’s New

Town and even see the collar of Greyfriars Bobby, the little dog you can find a sculpture of in the town. D- There are also temporary exhibitions. For the time being, the exhibition shows the struggle to win the vote for women, from the mid-19th century to 1928, when the right to vote was finally achieved. With pictures and original artefacts, the museum shows how women had to fight for the right to vote for a member of parliament. E- The museum houses a beautiful shop. It offers a range of Scottish products and souvenirs of the museum. There is no restaurant in the museum but plenty of cafés and pubs in the area.

— Parfait ! dit Charlotte. On peut être fiers de nous ! J’ai faim moi ! Pas toi ? — Oh que si ! — BRUUUUUCCE crient-ils en chœur. We’re hungry !!




PART 3 e tions 11-20 Ques Voici la consigne de la partie 3. Tu devras traiter dix questions numérotées de 11 à 20. La première phrase de cette consigne te donne le contexte des phrases ! On te demande ensuite de lire le texte qui se trouve sur l’autre page car c’est lui qui te permettra de décider si les phrases sont vraies ou fausses. Si tu estimes que la phrase est correcte, tu dois répondre A dans ta feuille de réponses. Si tu estimes que la phrase n’est pas correcte, tu inscriras B.

. ow about the Cardiff bay Look at the sentences bel rect or incorrect. cor is ce ten sen h eac if ide Read the text below to dec et. your answer she If it is correct, mark A on on your answer sheet. B rk ma t, rec cor not is If it . gest waterfront in Europe 11- Cardiff bay is the big the coal industry. in role jor d to play a ma 12- The port of the bay use les. became the capital of Wa Second World War, Cardiff 13- Immediately after the y was closed down. rld War, the coal industr 14- After the Second Wo ion kept developing. 15- In spite of this, the reg created in the 1980’s. elopment Corporation was 16- The Cardiff Bay Dev cessful. 17- This project wasn’t suc Cardiff. in es bik 18- You can borrow is an opera. 19- The mermaid Quay ons for all people. rs a wide range of attracti 20- The Cardiff bay offe

The Cardiff bay e and form a freshwater lak . Two rivers supply the bay diff . Car th ont Sou erfr in wat a est are an larg is ’s Cardiff bay centre. This is Europe nd area south of the city the life and in role jor ma a round the former dockla yed ays pla the Cardiff bay has alw export coal. The coal Thanks to its harbour, this was a possibility to es, tim er form the In . helped it to become and diff Car development of the city of the industrial development in nt orta to be stopped imp te qui ustr was industry ugh, the coal ind y had the Second World War, tho t. elic der e am bec it the capital of Wales. After rs, h the yea denly neglected. Throug purpose was to redevelop Its . and the Bay area was sud ated cre was n atio elopment Corpor area was 1987, the Cardiff Bay Dev built. Ten years later, the a result, a barrage was As meter a. kilo are 13 a the is te re lita The abi and reh t of private land. have now access to a par positive effect y ver a had s Thi unrecognizable. People up. lt e bui and many apartments wer walkway around the bay thanks to this. w gre also ich wh l, large cities, wel on the city centre as bay easier. Like in other to make the access to the er ord in bay. This is up the set e und wer aro e Transports e bikes and driv launched. You can hire som area. Some of the of gs ldin bui a cycle hire system was ing interest see all the beautiful and d area. One example certainly the best way to ect to find them in a restore exp n’t uld wo e On . ing is now a venue for and 2 199 in them are really surpris uilt wooden church was reb this : rch Chu n erfront and offers a gia wat rwe is the No id quay is situated on the rma me The s. ion is home ibit exh small concerts or art Millennium Centre which e can also find the Wales On s. bar and s ant aur rest range of era. ts ride, for to the Welsh National Op through the year, like boa for the whole family all ons acti attr ny ma also There are its desires. find something to fulfill instance. Everyone will

Tu as donc une série de dix phrases phrases. Nous te conseillons de les lire très attentivement avant de lire l’autre texte. Cela te permettra de gagner du temps car tu sauras ce que tu dois trouver ! Chaque phrase est numérotée. Dans ta grille de réponses, tu noteras 11 A ou 11 B selon ton choix !

Voici un exemple de texte : il s’agit d’une lettre, d’une publicité, d’un dépliant, etc. C’est un texte qui contient un grand nombre d’informations. Tu ne dois pas perdre de temps à tout décortiquer et tout comprendre : concentre-toi sur les informations que tu dois rechercher ! Pose-toi la question suivante pour chaque phrase : « estce que je peux trouver dans le texte l’information contenue dans cette phrase ? » Si oui, la réponse est A, si non la réponse est B !


PARTIE 3/ PART 3 Entraînement à la partie 3 Alors que nos deux compères sont en route pour trouver un restaurant, Charlotte s’arrête devant un cybercafé. — Cool ! Cela ne vous ennuie pas qu’on s’arrête cinq minutes ? J’avais promis à Sarah de lui écrire et je ne l’ai pas encore fait ! — Who’s Sarah? demande Bruce. — My best friend. She’s Irish and lives in Dublin. Et toi Nicolas, tu ne voulais pas écrire à Maxime? — Si ! Je viens avec toi! — I’ll wait for you in front of the cybercafé. Did you know that

“ café ” is the English acronym for “ Communication Access For Everybody ” ? — Excellent ! C’est bon à savoir ! dit Nicolas qui compte bien faire mouche auprès de son grand frère, monsieur « je-sais-tout ».

Exercice 8


Charlotte a absolument tenu à raconter à Sarah tous les moyens et astuces r epérés dans cette ville et notamment ce que l’on peut faire pour lutter contre la pollution dans les rues ! Mais avant d’envoyer son mail, elle voudrait êtr e sûre de ne pas dir e de bêtises… Elle demande l’aide de Bruce.

Pollution in Edinburgh Look at the sentences below about pollution in Edinburgh. Read the e-mail on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B. A 1- Edinburgh is a very clean city. 2- Very few things are undertaken to fight against pollution. 3- Many things are organised to fight against pollution. 4- Everything has to be recycled. 5- Unfortunately, big waste cannot be picked up. 6- Not cleaning up after your dog can be expensive. 7- Everybody should drive by car; bike is too slow. 8- Tourists should park directly in the city centre. 9- Waste on the streets doesn’t look good. 10- In some cases, you may have to pay a fine if you are polluting.





From Charlotte to Sarah Hi Sarah ! I’m writing from Edinburgh, capital of Scotland! Nicolas and I arrived a couple of days ago and we have a great time. We are walking through the streets, visiting and sightseeing; it’s a very beautiful city, very different from Paris or other French big cities. For instance, the inhabitants of Edinburgh are doing a lot regarding pollution of all sorts. Can you believe that you will get a fine if you don’t clean up after your dog in the street? You have to pay 40 £ if you are caught by the police. Can you imagine this in France? Certainly not! Furthermore, you also have to pay when you drop litter on the streets. Local authorities also control the surroundings of supermarkets or restaurants and these are made responsible for cleaning their premises. Not bad either! In order to avoid the storage of bulky household items like furniture, construction or garden waste on the streets (so called fly-tipping, quite a funny name, isn’t it?), you can organize a special uplift. The goods will be picked up and the streets remain clean. No risk of outdoor fire or pollution anymore. Besides, it looks much better. Edinburgh is also developing and encouraging cycling for short and medium distance journeys. You can even take cycling lessons! Incredible! The concept of “park and ride” is also a new trend. Tourists can park outside the city and go very quick to the city centre with a shuttle. And, last but not least, recycling is a key word of the life in Edinburgh. Each bin has a special colour indicating what you have to put in it. There are clear rules for recycling and if you can’t cope with it, you can take part in a recycling workshop! Never heard about this before! Sorry Sarah, but I have to leave. Nicolas and our guide, Bruce, are waiting for me. See you soon! Charlotte — Very interesting Charlotte, dit Bruce en lisant son mail attentivement. Well done!

Exercice 9

Auto-correction — Please, could you do the same for my e-mail Bruce? demande Nicolas — Sure! — So, my e-mail deals with sport in Scotland! Maxime is my best friend and he is mad about sport! I wrote in English because I made a bet that I could write an entire letter only in English!


PARTIE 3/ PART 3 Sport in Scotland Look at the sentences below about sport in Scotland. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B. A


1- The Scottish government is pushing people to do some sports. 2- You can do a lot of sports in Scotland. 3- Only few sports are not represented in Scotland. 4- Just like in France, cricket is very famous in Scotland. 5- Scotland doesn’t have any national teams. 6- There are 22 players on a cricket field. 7- Scottish men are wearing a kilt and as a consequence, can’t do all sports. 8- Scottish teams compete on an international level. 9- Women are not allowed to do some sports. 10- Nobody really knows cricket in France. From Nicolas to Maxime Dear Maxime, How are you doing? Guess what, I’m in Edinburgh! I just thought of you because you like sport so much and I’m watching a football match on TV in the pub I’m sitting in. Did you know that you can do many sports in Scotland? Sport is very important in the Scottish culture. The Scottish Government’s national strategy for sport - entitled Reaching Higher, Building on the Success of Sport 21 - has a vision for Scotland as: - a country where sport is more available to all; - a country where sporting talent is recognised and nurtured; and - a country achieving and sustaining world-class performance in sport. Not bad! Rugby, Golf, curling, biking, tennis, dance, football, baseball, croquet, ice hockey, badminton, squash, judo, karate, athletics… you see, you can do everything you like! Actually, the country even has independent representation at many international sporting events, for example the Football World Cup and the Cricket World Cup. Cricket… do you know it? This type of sport is not so well-known in France and I hadn’t seen this before, but Scotland has even its own national cricket team: the Scottish Saltires. They are not bad! Scotland has even co-hosted the 1999 Cricket World Cup together with England, Ireland and the Netherlands. Cricket is a game played between two teams made up of eleven players each. There is also a reserve player called a «twelfth man» who is used should a player be injured during play. One team needs to bowl the other team out twice and score more runs than them to win the match. It is quite complicated, when you don’t know the rules, but it is very exciting to watch. So you see, Maxime, Scottish people are very fond of sports… even if some men are wearing a kilt, indeed! Have a nice day; let us meet when I’m back in France. Nico PS: I won my bet!




— Tu as vu un peu Charlotte ! J’ai réussi à écrire un mail en anglais tout seul ! — Je te félicite. Cela dit, si tout à l’heure j’avais faim, maintenant c’est pire ! dit Charlotte en sortant du cybercafé. Allons vite au resto !

Bruce emmène Charlotte et Nicolas déjeuner dans un excellent restaurant proposant des spécialités du pays.

Exercice 10

Une fois le repas englouti, Bruce distribue à Charlotte et Nicolas un fl yer qu’il a jugé très intéressant. Ce document récapitule les plats les plus typiques du pays. Mais avant d’endiscuter ensemble, il leur donne une liste de phrases.

Food in Scotland Look at the sentences below. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B. A


1- Scotland doesn’t have many specialities. 2- Scotland has few specialities. 3- Scotland has quite a lot of specialities. 4-You can eat delicious fish in Scotland. 5-You can eat salmon in Scotland. 6- Every meal is made from meat and there is nothing for vegetarians. 7- Scotland makes its own cheese. 8- Haggis is made of vegetables. 9- As a desert, you can eat a typical Scottish chocolate. 10- Porridge is perfect for a light meal. Scotland has a very peculiar food, mostly based on traditional dishes. • HAGGIS I guess that the most famous thing is the so called “Haggis”. Actually, it is made from sheep’s offal… The windpipe, lungs, heart and liver of the sheep are boiled and then minced. This is mixed with beef suet and oatmeal. This mixture is placed inside the sheep’s stomach and is boiled for 3 hours. It doesn’t sound delicious, that’s right, but it is very tasty! Just don’t think about what you are eating!


PARTIE 3/ PART 3 • PORRIDGE Porridge is also well-known. It is a very simple dish made of oatmeal. It needs to be boiled slowly and stirred continuously with the traditional spirtle – a wooden stick which is about 30 cm long – to avoid the formation of lumps. It is very thick and if you eat it for breakfast, you won’t be hungry until lunch! • SEAFOOD Scotland is also famous for seafood, like mussels, scallops or shrimps, or even lobster! You can also eat some delicious fish, Scottish salmon, for instance. It is fished in The Rivers Tay and Tweed or caught in the numerous fish farms. Really nice. • VEGETARIAN DISHES Apart from porridge, vegetarians can also eat something in Scotland. Colcannon, for example, is also a speciality of the area. It is made from boiled cabbage, carrots, turnip and potatoes. This mixture is then stewed for about 20 minutes in a pan with some salt, pepper and butter. Hotch-Potch (boiled meat with vegetables), Scottish pies or a potato-based dish like stovied tatties also taste very good. • CHEESE Did you know that Scotland is making some cheese, too? Just like in France, you can find many cheese specialities like crowdie, a simple white cheese or the well-known cheddar, of course. • DESERTS And, last but not least, Scottish food has some tasty deserts too, like Black Bun, a cake made of raisins, currants, chopped almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon and ginger. Very nice and traditional too! So you see, you can eat a lot of various things here; they all taste good and I really recommend Scottish food. Scottish beverages like whisky or beer are only for adults and you shouldn’t drink too much of it… As you know, alcohol is not healthy at all.

Exercice 11 Charlotte est très intéressée par le sujet et pose énormément de questions à Bruce, notamment sur la manièr e dont se passent les repas à la cantine en Écosse. Elle a pris quelques notes dans son cahier. — Voilà de quoi faire un super article ! C’est la rédactrice en chef du journal de l’école qui va être contente, déclare Charlotte.

Voilà ce qui paraîtra dans le journal du mois de juin.

Food in schools Look at the sentences below about food in schools in Scotland. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B. A 1- Some young people in Scotland have problems with their weight. 2- The city of Edinburgh is trying to change bad habits. 3-Young people mostly eat enough vegetables and fruit. 4- The government is going to vote some laws about nutrition is the next years.







5- Schools don’t serve chips at all. 6- This is also important to inform young people about nutrition habits. 7-People in Scotland are doing enough sport. 8- Fat, sugar and salt are healthy ingredients for a meal. Canteen in Scotland : All you should know! by Charlotte Mané Like in many other countries, food in schools is a very big issue in Scotland. Of course, it is very important to offer quality food to our pupils. I haven’t eaten in a canteen for a very long time now, but I remember that the food was pretty good. Nowadays, it seems that we have a problem with what young people are eating. They don’t eat enough vegetables or fruit and are getting fat. Even if the government is encouraging sport, young people don’t move enough and are often overweighed. Fat, sugar and salt are the enemies of health. The city of Edinburgh would like to change this and suggests school lunch menus that contain less fat, sugar and salt and are now better balanced, healthier and more nutritious. The Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007 and the Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008 have now been implemented in all Scottish primary and secondary schools. It aims at serving better food and also at informing pupils about what they are eating. Concrete steps are: • every school meal includes at least two portions of fruit and vegetables; • chips are only served as a part of a main meal; • we serve less deep fried food. All children should have a balance diet but also food education. This is the only way to keep them healthy.

Exercice 12

Uig, Isle of Skye

Falkland Palace Fife

Nicolas, qui aime les défis et ferait n’importe quoi pour se faire bien voir de Charlotte dont il est de plus en plus amoureux, souhaite écrire un article encor e plus long que celui de Charlotte ! Quoi de plus intéressant (après le sport) que les vacances ? Oui, voilà. Nicolas a trouvé son thème, alors Bruce sort son agenda dans lequel sont notées les dates des vacances scolair es en Écosse. Nicolas n’en perd pas une miette. Voilà sa production.


PARTIE 3/ PART 3 School holidays in Scotland Look at the sentences below about school holidays in Scotland. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B. A


1- Scottish pupils have more holidays than their French counterparts. 2-The Scottish government attach much importance to educational issues. 3- The school year is divided in four terms. 4- There are also some bank holidays in Scotland. 5- School finishes earlier than in France. 6- In Scotland, there is no homework. 7- The schools are closed in July. 8- The education system is the same as in England. 9- Scotland has its own school system. 10- Schools are opened on December, 25th. Holidays in Scotland, better than in France ? by Nicolas Gatu The Scottish education system is different from the other countries in the United Kingdom. The Scottish Parliament controls all educational matters. In Scotland, school begins mid of August. Yes, in August! I know this is unbelievable for French pupils but this is the truth! The school year is divided in three terms: autumn term, spring term and summer term. The pupils are at school mid of August. Holidays are over! They have to wait until mid of October to be allowed to stay home again for the so-called mid-term break, which lasts approximately 10 days. The term ends in December, a couple of days before Christmas. Like you, Charlotte and Nicolas, Scottish pupils enjoy 2 weeks holidays in order to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve with our traditional celebration called “Hogmanay”. But we’ll talk about it later on! Then, lessons resume. The next holidays are in February, for approximately 10 days (mid-term break again). The term officially ends at the end of March, followed by a few days off because of Easter. Fortunately, there are numerous bank holidays in May too, so that pupils can wait until June to get their next holidays, long ones this time: until mid of August. In 2011, Scottish pupils had to attend school 190 days. What about France? I guess you have more holidays than we have here in Scotland, but please bear in mind that school is over at 3 pm here! As a consequence, pupils have time to relax a little bit, even if they also have to do their homework. The Scottish government is taking many measures to support education. The so-called “3-18 curriculum” aims to ensure that all children and young people in Scotland develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they need to flourish in life, learning and work. Four capacities are emphasised. They are supposed to help pupils to become 1) successful learners, 2) confident individuals, 3) responsible citizens and 4) effective contributors. You see, no time to get bored! — C’est génial ton article ! dit Charlotte à Nicolas dans le creux de l’oreille. — Merci ! répond Nicolas soudain intimidé. Un long silence s’installe. le. Nicolas est le premier à parler… — Je me demande ce que l’on va faire cet après-midi ?




PART 4 Questions 21-25 Q ns below. Read the text and questio on your answer sheet. correct letter A, B, C or D the For each questions, mark Voici la consigne de la partie 4 de compréhension écrite. Les questions seront numérotées le jour de la certification de 21 à 25. On te demande de lire le texte et de répondre aux questions. Tu dois choisir la bonne réponse : A, B ou C. Attention, il n’y a qu’une seule bonne réponse possible ! Tu dois reporter tes réponses dans la feuille de réponses.

Voici un exemple des l d 5 questions de QCM auxquelles tu dois répondre. Les questions suivent l’ordre du texte. Attention, la dernière question de ce QCM est une question générale sur le texte. Elle sera souvent liée à l’intention ou l’opinion de l’auteur. Comme tu peux le constater, tu n’as pas de consigne te disant d’entourer la bonne réponse ! En effet, tu dois inscrire tes réponses directement dans la feuille de réponses en indiquant la lettre choisie à côté du numéro de la question.

is Cardiff. Other Wales United Kingdom. Its capital is a country that is part of the ut 3 million. abo of ion ulat Wales (in Welsh: Cymru) pop rt “the Mumbles”. It has a reso sea the or ea ans Sw nd the Irish Sea. famous places are Atlantic Ocean and of England, direct on the t par tern wes the in Wales’ diverse of It is situated being Anglesey. Much islands, the largest one 50 ut abo es and windy. lud wet inc n ofte It also gh; the weather is . The climate is quite rou inct Welsh dist A s. ton Bri landscape is mountainous tic was inhabited by the Cel les Wa , iod per val die in the 5th me During the early withdrawal from Britain centuries after the Roman the in ed erg e many em wer y re ntit The ide national modern Celtic nations. is considered as one of the les them! Wa of lt ay, tod resu the and , are tury cen tles and fortresses Wales. The numerous cas system al leg the e am bec wars between England and law the English to the Law in Wales Act, t growing. In In the 16th century, thanks Welsh national feeling kep the , tury cen h 20t the In . ntry cou the of ts sts. in both par id Cymru, which still exi party was created: the Pla form of self1925, a national political chose to establish a limited d tlan d in Wales and Sco al Assembly ion Nat the 8, In 1997, Referendums hel 199 ed the devolution. In call is It es. ntri cou h areas of bot government in red in 1999. The twenty e powers were transfer som and include ated cre s’, tter was ‘ma for Wales Government, known as to the Welsh Assembly ed social olv nt, dev me ity ern ibil gov al ons resp lth, housing, loc elopment, education, hea agriculture, economic dev rt and the Welsh language. guage Act services, tourism, transpo of this area. The Welsh Lan major role in the daily life a ys pla ge languages gua lsh lan We lsh The We e that the English and of Wales Act 1998 provid ent nm e schools ver Go som the lsh, and We 3 aks 199 of the population spe 20% out Ab y. alit equ les of be treated on a basis s and place names in Wa Most of the time, road sign y. onl ge gua lan lsh We are teaching in lsh. are in both English and We

Voici un exemple de texte sur lequel portent les questions de QCM. Le texte fait environ 20 lignes. Ne panique pas devant la longueur du texte et essaie dans un premier temps de repérer l’idée principale de chaque paragraphe. Ensuite, regarde les questions et retrouve le paragraphe qui cache la bonne réponse à la question de QCM.

21. Wales offers …. A) a nice climate. B) few rainy days. the time. C) nice weather most of D) a rough climate. 22. In the Middle Ages, A) Britons. B) English people. C) Irish people. D) Scottish people.

who was living in Wales?

… 23. The Law in Wales Act te England from Wales. ara sep to ant me A) was les. ce the English law in Wa B) was meant to introdu Wales. C) gave a parliament to language in Wales. lish Eng the D) introduced in 1998 and… bly for Wales was created 24. The National Assem olved the same year. A) some powers were dev r later. were transferred one yea lity abi B) areas of respons r. d the same yea C) a referendum was hol exception. all local matters without in ns isio dec ke ma D) can 25. The Welsh language… Wales. A) plays a minor role in in Wales. role jor ma a B) used to play in Wales. role nt orta imp an ys C) still pla schools. lsh We D) is taught in 20% of the


PARTIE 4/ PART 4 Entraînement à la partie 4 Exercice 13


C après-midi, Bruce réserve une surprise à Charlotte et Cet Nicolas : il les emmène sur la côte. Mais, avant cela, il veut N leur montrer deux endroits incontournables : le parlement et la l banque d’Écosse. Le parlement est un bâtiment à l’architecture insolite qui jure avec les vieilles bâtisses en brique de la ville. Bruce explique alors que l’Écosse a son propre parlement et sa propre banque. Et maintenant, un peu d’histoir e. Bruce s’est régalé à concocter un petit résumé sur l’histoire du parlement d’Édimbourg, avec les dates les plus marquantes. — Oh là là ! c’est pas mon truc, les dates ! s’exclame Nicolas. — Pas de panique Nico, répond Charlotte. Il faut procéder par ordre. D’abord, je te propose de lire le texte et ensuite on souligne toutes les dates. Après, on lit les questions et enfin, on essaie de retrouver les réponses ! indeed ! dit Bruce. There is only one possible answer. It — Yes ind should not be so difficult! sho — Pas difficile…pas difficile…il est gentil lui ! — Allez, arrête de râler, lis le texte et réponds aux questions.

The Scottish Parliament Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. During almost 3 centuries, Scotland was directly governed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. But the Scots were not really satisfied with this situation and in the 1960’s, nationalism and protest rose. In the 1970’s, the combined effect of economic factors and pressure of the Scottish National Party (SNP) forced Prime Minister Wilson to think about the situation again. The United Kingdom was ready to transfer some decisional power to a Scottish Assembly but the referendum that was organized in 1979, failed. In 1989, a first step was made with the Scottish Constitutional Convention, creating Scottish churches or political parties. The Convention provided much of the basis for the structure of the Parliament. In 1997, Tony Blair was elected as a Prime Minister and was in favour of the devolution3. In September 1997, another referendum was held in Scotland and this time, the Scottish electorate was in favour of the establishment of a new devolved Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. An election was held in May 1999, and on 1 July of that year, power was transferred from Westminster to the new Parliament. Between 1999 and 2004, the new Parliament used buildings of the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Since September 2004, the official home of the Scottish Parliament has been a new Scottish Parliament Building, in the Holyrood area of Edinburgh. Yes, you’ve heard right: Holyrood and NOT Hollywood! Designed by a Catalan architect, this building shows a big contrast to the other buildings in Edinburgh. It has a very modern, unique architecture. Queen Elizabeth II opened the new building on 9 October 2004.

3 Au Royaume-Uni, ce terme désigne le transfert du pouvoir politique de Londres vers de nouvelles structures parlementaires en Écosse, au pays de Galles et en Irlande du Nord.




1. What happened in the 1960’s? A The Scots were very satisfied with the government in place. The Scots decided to protest against the government in place. B C The Scots started to leave Scotland. D The Scots created a new government. 2. What happened between the 1970’s and 1989? A A Scottish Constitutional Convention was signed. B Nothing new was done. C The access to churches was forbidden. D Prime Minister Wilson decided to resign. 3. What happened in1997? A Tony Blair, the new Prime Minister of the UK, disagreed with the devolution. B The Scots did not have the right to vote. C The establishment of a new devolved Scottish Parliament was out of the question. D The Scottish electorate was asked to vote pro or against the devolution. 4. What happened in1999? A The power was transferred from Westminster to Edinburgh. B A new parliament was impossible to set up in Edinburgh. C The new parliament was governed by The General Assembly Hall. D The Church of Scotland was located in Westminster. 5. Where is the new parliament since 2004? A The new Parliament is located in Edinburgh in winter and Hollywood in summer. B The new Scottish Parliament Building is located in the wood. C The new Scottish Parliament Building is located in the Holyrood area. D The new Scottish Parliament Building is located in Holywood. 6. What would be the best heading for this text? A A presentation of the Scottish Parliament. B The history of the Parliament. C The English people and the devolution. D Tony Blair and the Scottish Parliament. — Et bien dis donc, ils ont dû batailler dur pour pouvoir obtenir cettee « devolution ». Tu veux bien demander à Bruce de quoi ils s’occupent exactement ? Parce ce qu’en fait, ils partagent le pouvoir avec Westminster si j’ai bien compris ? demande Nicolas. icolas. — Demande-lui toi! rétorque Charlotte.

Exercice 14


—O OK. Bruce, tell me! what does the new parliament deal with? w — Excellent question Nicolas! So, look at this text. It first deals with the new parliament matters and then with the famous Bank of Scotland. — Tu as entendu? Excellente ma question ! — Grâce à qui ? Je te le demande. Allez c’est reparti !


tish Parliamen

The new Scot


PARTIE 4/ PART 4 The new Scottish Parliament Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D ! This new Parliament is in charge of domestic issues in Scotland, the so called “devolved matters” or “reserved matters”: agriculture, fisheries and forestry, economic development, education, environment, food standards, health, home affairs, Scots law courts, police and fire services, local government, sport and the arts, transport, training, tourism, research and statistics and social work. However, the Scottish Parliament is not allowed to deal with things like abortion, constitution, nuclear energy or monetary system, for instance. These issues are under the responsibility of Westminster. Very interesting, isn’t it? Do you have something similar in France? I don’t think so. Did you know that Scotland also has its own bank? It was founded in 1695 and was dedicated to the support of Scottish business. During the 20th century, the bank expanded and merged with other financial institutes. It became more and more important and even opened some offices in the USA and in Asia. Although the Bank of Scotland today is not a central bank, it retains the right to issue pound sterling banknotes. These notes are equal in value to notes issued by the Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom. Its headquarters are in Edinburgh, just in front of us!

1. What are (among others) the matters of the new Parliament? Sport, transport, and monetary system. A B Food standards, tourism, and abortion. C Social work, police and fire services, and nuclear energy. D Agriculture, fisheries, and health. 2. What is Bruce asking at the end of the first paragraph? He wants to know if such a system exists in France. A B He wonders whether Westminster also deals with French domestic issues. C He is not sure if issues such as abortion are under the responsibility of Westminster. D He is not sure of what he said. 3. What do you learn about the Bank of England in the third paragraph? A The Bank of Scotland was not created in 1965. B The Bank of Scotland did not open some agencies abroad. C The creation of the bank mainly aimed at supporting Scottish business. D The Bank of Scotland has been replaced by Asian and American banks. 4. What is the particularity of the Bank of Scotland? A The Bank of Scotland today is a central bank. B The Bank of Scotland is going bankrupt. C The Bank of Scotland is not based in Edinburgh. D The Bank of Scotland has the right to produce banknotes. 5. What is Bruce most likely to say about his text? I’m sorry but this text does not highlight the history of the Parliament. A B I’m very satisfied with this text which deals with the Bank and the Parliament. C I forgot to talk about the central bank of the United Kingdom. D I made a mistake because the money in Scotland is not the pound sterling.




Exercice 15 Cela dit, il est temps de partir vers ce qu’on appelle les «Lothians». —D Do you know what the writer Robert Louis Stevenson said? demande Bruce. d

Et là, à la grande surprise de Charlotte, Nicolas répond : Yes I know! He said “Edinburgh is what Paris ought to be”. —Y

Charlotte est impressionnée, Nicolas, lui, est aux anges… C — Moi, je ne savais pas ! dit Charlotte. Pourquoi il disait ça ? — Parce que nous allons nous rendre dans l’un des endroits les plus majestueux de la région ! répond Nicolas. — Have you already heard about “Lothians” ? That’s where we are going to, right now! Believe me, you won’t be disappointed! So, here is a short presentation.

The Lothians Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. Lothian is a region of Scotland, that includes Edinburgh City, West Lothian, Mid Lothian and East Lothian (this leading to the name “the Lothians” in a plural form). The name of this area is related to the legendary British King Loth or Lot. They speak their own dialect. Let’s begin with the coast. Yes, you can go to the beach in Scotland! And yes, the weather is nice, even if you can’t compare it to the French riviera! East Lothians is the sunniest area in Scotland. North Berwick, for instance, is under an hour east of Edinburgh. It is a very nice seaside town on the shores of the Firth of Forth. Big Victorian villas line the front, which stretches along a small harbour filled with fishing boats and a long sandy beach: just a dream! There, you can visit the Scottish seabird centre and go for a boat trip to do bird watching. If the weather is too cold to bathe or eat an ice cream, you can go to Musselburgh, a well-known place for golf and racecourse. Positioned midway between Edinburgh and Glasgow, another big Scottish city, West Lothian is easy to reach and offers a lot of possibilities for leisure. If you are motivated and want to be active (just like you, Nicolas?), you can walk or hike on some exciting trails. You can even sail in Queensferry. For people who want to relax, West Lothian also has a lot of green spaces or shopping facilities. Linlithgow is very famous for its Palace and also because Mary Queen of Scots was born there in 1542. Finally, we can drive to Mid Lothian, to Penuicuik. There is even a memorial commemorating French prisoners of the Napoleonic times! You see, France is everywhere! Apart from that, there is a big leisure centre where you can really have fun. For tourists interested in culture, Penuicuik offers a lot of things to visit, like the Scottish Mining Museum, Rosslyn Chapel or Newbattle Abbey, for instance. What about having dinner there? In the town centre, you can find international as well as traditional restaurants and have a drink in a cosy pub. 1. What is said in the first paragraph? A The legendary British King Loth invaded Scotland. B Lothian is a region of Scotland which gathers four areas. The Lothians are located in the south of Scotland. C D People living in the Lothians speak their own dialect named “King Loth”.


PARTIE 4/ PART 4 2. How does Bruce describe the Lothian coast ? Even if the seaside is beautiful, it’s unfortunately always raining. A B It’s a beautiful place but you have nothing to do there! C East Lothian is not only a beautiful landscape but also the sunniest area. D Big Victorian villas spoil the sight. 3. According to Bruce, what is the advantage of the East Lothian? A The East Lothian has the advantage of being very far away from Edinburgh. B The East Lothian has the advantage of being very noisy and polluted. C The East Lothian has the advantage of being very alive and relax at the same time. D The East Lothian has the advantage of being old and neglected. 4. What can be found in the Mid Lothian ? A A lot of Penuicuik fast foods! B The grave of Napoleon. C Several cultural monuments. D International call centres. 5. What would be the right title for this text? Scotland offers few possibilities for leisure. A B Scotland offers a wide range of interesting areas and nice landscapes. C Scotland is not made for tourism. D Scotland is not attractive. — C’est génial! Je suis trop contente d’aller là-bas. Mes copines ne vont pas me croire quand je vais leur dire qu’on peut se baigner en Écosse! s’exclame Charlotte. — Bruce, is it possible to surf? demande Nicolas. — Yes, sure! But I think we have to book. Maybe it will be possible next time! — Quoi : il y a des surfeurs!! Oh là là, mais assez parlé… On y va maintenant ! dit Charlotte en bondissant.

Exercice 16 Charlotte, Nicolas et Bruce sont arrivés à destination. Effectivement, le paysage vaut le détour. Tandis que Charlotte se demande où se cachent les surfeurs, Nicolas s’exclame : — J’espère qu’on va voir le monstre du Loch Ness !

Charlotte éclate de rire. — Mais non, ce n’est pas du tout de là que vient la légende ! — Ok, ce n’est pas la peine de te moquer de moi, rétorque Nicolas. Vas-y explique moi, puisque tu sais mieux que tout le monde. — Je ne sais pas mieux que tout le monde, c’est juste que les légendes et moi, ça ne fait qu’un ! Tiens regarde, j’ai toujours ce livre avec moi. C’est un cadeau de mon grand-père qui parle des monstres et des légendes. — Au fait, ce serait super de faire un article sur le sujet pour le cours d’anglais Euro ! — Ha carrément ! Voilà un sujet intéressant. Tiens écoute-ça.




The legend of the Loch Ness Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. The earliest report of a monster associated with the Loch Ness appeared in a story written in the 7th century. So you see, it is a very old monster which must have lots of wrinkles by now! In 1933, two people believed they had seen a monster, which they described as “the nearest approach to a dragon or pre-historic animal”. Some years later, more and more stories were told and even the government thought that the monster existed: nobody was allowed to kill him. In 1934, the first picture of “Nessie” was taken. We could see a neck and a head, but nothing more. Then, the monster was filmed. The last film was made in 2007, but everybody doubts about the existence of the monster. Many people think that it is an otter, a seal or a big water bird. In 1962, the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau (LNPIB) was founded, in order to “study Loch Ness to identify the creature known as the Loch Ness Monster or determine the causes of reports of it.” But it wasn’t successful and couldn’t bring any evidence of the existence of Nessie. As a consequence, it was closed 10 years later. Various submersible investigations, trials with sonars or expeditions were undertaken in order to see the monster. Incredible! In any case, the Loch Ness monster is more than a myth. A variety of explanations have been given over the years to explain sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. These may be categorised as misidentifications of common or exotic animals, misidentifications of inanimate objects or effects or simply reinterpretations of traditional Scottish folklore. Bird, seal or even an elephant: Nessie could be everything! 1. How old is the legend of Nessie? A This is a modern story. B This is a recent story. C This is a very old story. D This is a story of the 20th century. 2. What was the opinion of the government about the monster? A The government was convinced that the monster did not exist. B The government had never heard about this so-called monster. C The government did not believe in such a phenomenon. D The government decided to protect the monster, it was forbidden to kill him. 3. What was the aim of the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau (LNPIB) ? A The LNPIB had to study Loch Ness. B The LNPIB had to produce a movie about the Loch Ness. C The LNPIB had to analyse French rivers and lakes. D The LNPIB had to work with the FBI. 4. What was undertaken in order to bring some evidence of its existence? Boats with modern equipment were used to investigate under the water. A B Some planes were used to see everything from above. C Some divers explored the Loch. D Some journalists were asked to take pictures. 5. What are the possible explanations for Nessie? A This story was purely invented by some people without any reason. B People had drunk too much Scottish whisky and mistook their neighbour for a monster. C Nessie may exist but might just be a huge animal. D The legend was created to attract tourists in the region. — Oh là là…j’ai des frissons, j’adore ce genre d’histoires ! déclare Nicolas. — Et aujourd’hui, où en est cette enquête ? Do you know that Bruce?


PARTIE 4/ PART 4 Exercice 17 Bruce sort fièrement de son sac un article de journal qui permettra de répondre à la question de Nicolas. — Well, yes! There’s precisely an article in this newspaper! Look at this! It also explains some other Scottish myths and legends.

The Loch Ness today and other legends Read the text and questions below, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. Some years ago, scientists assumed that the Loch Ness monster – if it ever existed – was dead: no significant sonar readings and less sighting for some years now. They assume that the creature may have failed to adapt to temperature changes as a result of global warming. So you see: no danger! Anyway, Scotland has a long tradition in legends and myths. Have you ever heard of “shellycoat”, a Scottish bogeyman who haunts the rivers and stream, covered with shells, which rattle when it moves? Scotland also has a devil, “Black Donald” or some fairies called “Sidhe”, the Gaelic name for them. But the most famous legends in Scotland deal with haunted castles. For example, the Borthwick Castle in Lothian, where we were today, is supposed to be haunted. Mary Queen of Scots is said to appear dressed as a page boy. In many other castles, some people say that they saw ghosts, heard screams, saw blood or things move, out of a sudden. Strange, isn’t it? 1. What did scientists conclude? A The Loch Ness monster never existed. B The Loch Ness monster existed and was dead. C If the Loch Ness monster existed, he is dead. D The Loch Ness monster still exists. 2. Why did they arrive to such a conclusion ? A Because the Loch Ness monster suddenly disappeared. B Because the Loch Ness monster did not succeed in adapting to temperature changes. C Because the Loch Ness monster was too big to survive. Because the Loch Ness monster was a bird. D 3. What is the shellycoat? A A coast full of shells. B A kind of doll covered with shells which frightens people and animals. C Someone who can’t swim. D A very dangerous stream typical of Scottish rivers. 4. What do the other most famous Scottish legends deal with? Monsters in rivers. A B Fairies in trees. C Devils in houses. D Ghosts in castles. 5. What is Scotland famous for? Its whisky and beers. A B Its legends and myths. C Its language and dialects. D Its landscape and sunny weather. — Ça me donne la chair de poule tout ça ! dit Charlotte en attrapant la main de Nicolas. Nicolas rougit… — Let’s go now ! dit Bruce.

Ils rentrent à l’hôtel complètement épuisés et ébahis par toute la beauté de cette ville. Ils sont étourdis par tous les kilomètres parcourus et ne rêvent que d’une chose : DORMIR !



PARTIE 5 – Cloze texts


Voici la consigne ne de la partie 5. Les questions uestions sont numérotées es de 26 à 35. Pour cette e partie, on te donne un exemple. Lis le attentivement tivement pour ne pas te tromper lorsque tu vas reporter tes réponses dans la grille de réponses. On te demande de lire le texte ci-dessous et de trouver le mot manquant parmi les réponses proposées en A, B, C et D. Tu devras inscrire tes réponses dans la feuille de réponses en suivant le modèle. Attention : une seule bonne réponse possible !

Voici le QCM. CM Ne sois pas surpris par sa présentation : il est présenté en ligne et non en colonne. Tu as donc le numéro de la question et les quatre propositions de réponses ! Ne tombe pas dans les pièges. Pour ce genre d’exercice, tu dois avoir confiance en toi : la première idée est souvent la bonne ! Ne te laisse pas décontenancer par les autres solutions qui ressemblent à la bonne réponse, mais qui ne sont pas la bonne réponse !

ti ns 26-35 Qu Q estio

for each space. choose the correct word wer sheet. R ad the text below and Re A, B, C or D on your ans ter let t rec cor the rk ma , F For each question E Example : A the



B a

C one

D it


hi off this Cardiff les and the (26) ) is (0) of Wa ydd . erd ..... ) Ca (27 lsh t We par is (in ff and Cardi Kingdom h largest city in the United 00 4.0 .31 ..... ) (28 has area. This is also the 10t city es. The the largest European citi rdiff is the Eurocities network of pment of the (29) ....... Ca elo dev the in e rol t can nifi sig a rting ys spo pla It and al ts. inhabitan (30) ......cultur centre, the base for most l rcia for me bly com t sem ges As al big ’ tion Wales t of the Na ional media, and the sea a As ff. rdi Ca of ent pm institutions, the Welsh nat elo .a major role in the dev ..... ) (31 l . coa of ..... ) rt (32 spo , in 1955, the Wales. The tran r, Cardiff became a city and bou har all sm a m fro ce, consequen ous of Wales. Everybody knows its fam city of Cardiff (33) ....... o als city e Th ng. ndi sta Sport is a landmark of the out rt in which Cardiff is spo y onl the e not Th . t’s nts tha rugby team, but ) ......sporting eve club and hosts major (34 cs leti ath r an me m, Sum tea 2 ll 201 tba has a foo tches as part of the l also host 11 football ma wil m 4. diu 201 Sta in m rt niu Spo llen Mi ropean City of l (35) ......again be the Eu Olympics and Cardiff wil

26. 2 A large 227. A of 28. 2 A among 29. A countryside 30. A national 31. A is playing 32. A city 33. A in spite 34. A internationally 35. A first

B largest B from B upon B city centre B nation B played B capital B on the opposite B international B second

C larger C on C before C region C nationality C plays C state C due to C internationals C once

D larg D in D about D station D nationally D play D town D as well D internal D upon

Voici un u exemple de texte lacunaire que tu dois compléter. Tu dois retrouver le mot correct à placer dans les espaces. Comme tu le constates, le premier mot manquant, le numéro (0) est celui de l’exemple. Ensuite les mots à trouver vont de 26 à 35. Cet exercice est surtout un exercice de précision grammaticale ! Si tu hésites, peut-être que tu peux trouver des tournures similaires dans les autres textes de cette partie. Ne te précipite pas, mais ne perds pas trop de temps quand même, car il te reste encore l’expression écrite à réaliser !


PARTIE 5/ PART 5 Entraînement à la partie 5 Aujourd’hui, Charlotte et Nicolas se sont levés très tar d car ils doivent êtr e en forme ce soir pour Hogmanay !

Exercice 18


— C’est aujourd’hui le grand jour dit Charlotte. J’ai lu que Hogmanay est le mot écossais pour désigner le dernier jour de l’année. C’est un peu comme notre 31 décembre, mais p les le Écossais sont beaucoup plus festifs que nous, car en vérité, cette fête dure jusqu’au 2 janvier ! j — Quelle chance ! — C’est nous qui avons du bol d’être ici pour vivre au moins une soirée de cette super fête ! Tiens, regarde ce que j’ai trouvé sur Internet.

Charlotte tourne alors l’ordinateur vers Nicolas pour qu’il puisse mieux voir l’écran. Ch

n hill

lto Procession Ca

— C’est la page spéciale sur les traditions écossaises. Regarde, il y a une page de jeux sur « Handsel Monday ». — Je ne connais pas ! Rien à voir avec Hansel et Gretel ? — Mais non, tu es bête ! Bon, on lit d’abord la consigne.

“Handsel Monday” Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. There is another interesting secular tradition in Scotland: the Handsel Monday. Have you ever heard [0] . A . this? Handsel Monday is the first Monday of the year, and, [1]. . . . . . the rural population of Scotland, Auld Hansel Monday is [2]. . . . . . celebrated on the first Monday after the 12th of January (it is the only holiday the Scottish peasantry [3]. . . . . . allow themselves). The word “handsel” refers [4]. . . . . . the small gifts or presents that are given to employees at the very beginning of the working week, as a token of luck. Handsel is a Middle English word for [5]. . . . . . or a good omen. The tradition said that the object could not be sharp, or it would «cut» the relationship between the giver and the person who is [6] . . . . . . it. Funny, isn’t it? 0

A of

B about

C for

D from


A among

B inside

C in the middle of

D upon


A often

B traditionally

C normally

D suddenly


A never

B often

C ever

D few


A at

B in

C on

D to


A look

B luck

C duck

D buck


A getting

B having

C giving

D buying

La correction automatique a attribué un 6/6 à Charlotte et Nicolas ! — On a drôlement progressé en quelques jours ; je suis trop contente d’être venue, dit Charlotte. — Et moi, je suis trop pressé d’aller faire la fête ! Tiens, voilà Bruce justement ! Nous n’avons même pas le temps d’aller chercher plus d’infos sur Hogmanay . Tant pis, ce sera la surprise ! — Let’s go now, we’re late!




Charlotte et Nicolas r egagnent leur chambr e d’hôtel la tête pleine de souvenirs. Charlotte décide d’écrire dans son journal intime avant de se coucher « Comme ça, quand je le r elirai dans quelques années, je me rappellerai tout ce que l’on a appris en venant ici» pense-t-elle. Très sérieuse, Charlotte poursuit sa pensée « Tiens, je vais faire un texte lacunaire…comme sur la page Internet ! ». Nicolas, lui, dort déjà !

Hogmanay Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. Dear diary, Today was a very special day…It was Hogmanay! Nobody really knows where the name Hogmanay comes [0]. C .; some people think that it might derive from the Northern French dialect [1]. . . . . . in Normandy (hoguinané or aguillanneuf). Hogmanay has been celebrated in Scotland [2]. . . . . . ages now, probably because Christmas’ celebrations used to be banned because of some [3]. . . . . . of opinion between the Protestant and the Catholic churches. Many Scots had to work over Christmas and New Year’s Eve [4]. . . . . . the family feast. Hogmanay has a lot of [5]. . . . . . , the most famous of them being the so called “firstfooting”, which starts at midnight. Traditionally, a tall dark man has to be the [6]. . . . . . person to cross the threshold of a friend and bring symbolic gifts like whisky, biscuits or black bun (a Scottish [7]. . . . . . cake). Then, people sing “Auld Lang Syne”, a poem reinterpreted [8]. . . . . . Robert Burns and dance. Tonight, you will see the magnificent firework of Edinburgh, [9]. . . . . . also belongs to the customs. Finally, it is worth [10]. . . . . . that January, 2nd is a bank holiday in Scotland, so that people have enough time to recover the celebration of this – pagan – festival! Now it’s time to sleep! Good bye 0

A in

B of

C from

D out


A spoken

B told

C talked

D speak


A since

B for

C ever

D always


A difference

B distinction

C dissimilarity

D diversity


A become

B came

C come

D became


A myths

B legends

C traditions

D stories


A first

B second

C third

D one


A piece

B slice

C fruits

D fruit

8 9 10

A by A what A to remember

B from B which B remembered

C of C who C remembering

D at D whom D remembrance

Ça y est, l’heure du départ a sonné ! Charlotte s’engage à faire plein de pub sur Édimbourg et promet de revenir très prochainement. Une chose est sûr e, Charlotte et Nicolas ont bien commencé l’année !! Ils ont r eçu les félicitations de leur professeur pour leurs contributions dans le journal ! Ils ont eu un 18/20 à leur exposé sur le musée d’Édimbourg (Nicolas a au une crise de fou rire), et devant l’enthousiasme de tous les élèves, les professeurs d’anglais ont décidé d’organiser un voyage en Écosse l’année pr ochaine. Super ! Nicolas est vraiment pressé de repartir… d’autant qu’à l’école, Charlotte est plus occupée à papoter avec ses copines qu’avec lui ! Allez, la prochaine étape promet d’être aussi étonnante : destination Dublin !


LA 1RE COLLECTION DE CAHIERS POUR UNE CERTIFICATION RÉUSSIE ! CEC Ce cahier de préparation à la certification d’anglais est original et précieux à plus d’un titre.

• un outil original qui te donnera la possibilité de découvrir ou de redécouvrir plusieurs villes de pays de langue anglaise. Tous les exercices sont articulés autour d’un scénario dont deux adolescents, Charlotte et Nicolas, en sont les protagonistes.

Pour t’aider à optimiser préparation, nous te proposons : ta préparation • des exercices nombreux n et variés conformes à l’esprit de l’examen ; l’ex

• deux CD aud audio indispensables pour préparer l’épreuve orale ora de compréhension ; • un sujet suj blanc pour te mettre dans les conditions de l’examen. cond

Nous te souhaitons une bonne préparation et une réussite à ton examen !

Conception et réalisation : Nord compo

• des exercices d’entraînement dont la moitié est corrigée pour po te permettre de valider tes connaissances et ton niveau ;





• un cahier qui te permettra de te préparer avec l’aide de ton enseignant ou en autonomie, selon le contexte dans lequel tu t’inscris,


En effet, il sera pour toi : • un support d’entraînement intensif au CEC,





Julie Martin Hélène Oldendorf

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