t’s now time to turn our attention to what is, arguably, the most significant alien abduction account of all. Yes, there have been more extraordinary and amazing cases over the years, but the case in question has become a staple of ufological history, and for one particular reason: it was the first reported case of abduction that was taken seriously by UFO researchers. Yes, the Hunrath–Wilkinson affair of 1953 can be classed as a definitive abduction; but it’s the case we’re going to tackle now that contains all of the key ingredients of what it is that really defines an alien abduction. The saga is also made notable by the fact that official files on the mysterious affair were created by the US military. And, as we’ll see, there are good indications that the event galvanized the US Air Force into looking at the abduction phenomenon evermore closely and secretly—and what they found both shell-shocked and concerned the organization. It’s a legendary story that took place on the night of September 19, 1961, and involved a married couple, Betty and Barney Hill, of New Hampshire.