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Blades of Chaos The weapon forged by Ares for Kratos to wield as his grand champion, bound by chains and imbued with hellfire, these dual swords are the ultimate weapon if you need to slay a god.

Assassin Blade

Great knife

“The hidden blade has been a constant companion of ours over the years. Some would say it defines us - and they would not be entirely wrong. Many of our successes would not have been possible without it.” - Altair Ibn-La’Ahad’s codex.

The weapon of choice for Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series. Often heard screeching and scraping its way across the floor before it is seen wielded by a 6ft 6 megalith of a man lumbering slowly towards you. The use of said weapon is highly ill advised unless you are beyond the strength limitations of a normal man. The damage inflicted is inhuman and unbelievably contagious.

The hidden assassins’ blade is by far the most satisfying way to end a life, dressed as a commoner or more likely hiding in plain, painstakingly obvious sight to extend the blade and sink it into the target’s gut.


The gunblade borders between the projectile base firearm and a close combat melee weapon, but since the blade can be used long after the ammunition is depleted therefore it is in the “blades” category.

Popularised by Final Fantasy VIII where the majority of the weapons were based oon this basic model of the gunblade; the revolver. Adapted from bayonetted muskets with an emphasis on the bayonet, it serves as an excellent ranged and

close quarters weapon. One of the most appreciated weapons across all platforms and gaming fans, as its appeal spreads to all genres.

Heavenly Sword


Kunai Spear

changes into one of three forms depending on what attack stance the player uses as part of a unique fighting style. Speed Stance, the default, provides an even balance between damage and speed, where the sword takes the form of two separate blades. Range Stance allows fast, long-ranging, but weaker attacks, with the sword resembling two blades, chained together. Power Stance is the most powerful, but slowest style, where attacks are made with the Sword in the shape of one large, two-handed blade.

Keyblades play a huge part in the battle between light and darkness as well as unlocking areas in the game Kingdom Hearts. There are a huge variety of Keyblades, but this one in particular is Sora’s main weapon at the start of the game, whereas other adversaries wield much more extravagant Keyblades imbued with various powers and abilities.

The ninja spectre Scorpion chose this particular blade as his own favorite weapon in both life, and death as he continued to use it in battle and even slaughtering his foes and anyone who dared to get in his way throughout the entire Mortal Kombat legacy, especially when he shouts his famous catchphrase “Get over here!” as he pierced his opponents with this attack.

Master sword One of the most iconic weapons in videogaming history, the master sword is a legendary weapon that is wielded by generations of floppy green capped, tight wearing, fairy fondling Heroes descended from Link in the original games from the 80s.

Much is pondered about the sword and its history but what is known is that is yields a wealth of power that can be tapped when using a kyai scream and a subsequent spinning movement.

rebellion A weapon wielded by one of the coolest anti-hero’s in the known virtual world: Dante. The sword was given to Dante as a child, not knowing its full potential until his own blood was spilled onto the blade and it awakened not only

power by the ability to replenish cartidges for his custom pistols, Ebony and Ivory.

vega claw

Sky scorcher

The claw of Vega is lethal, 3 razor sharp claws are supported by an iron manacle, with the most irritating spaniard attatched to the end of said weapon. Street Fighter could not of created a more annoying character.

One of the few weapons that are based on historical fact and not fiction, this spear was heralded as the best weapon attainable for the character Lu Bu from the once popular Dynasty Warriors franchise.

Soul Edge

Soul Reaver

A living, breathing blade capable of devouring the users (and victims) souls upon contact. Existing in a superficial realm composed of ego and mass superstition, this confusing relic has been the prime cause of the Soul Caliber series.

A word of warning to those bearing the reaver as it was only intended for 2 to bear it; Raziel and Kane. The Soul Reaver series allowed players to be either a harvester of blood or souls, with the soul reaver being

The franchise was born out of the book “Romance of the 3 Kingdoms” which had its basis from the Han Dynasty of the same name. Over 8 feet in length the spear is still on show at China’s museum of history.

the primary method of attacking. In the later end of the series, Raziel fuses his soul with it so Kane can take down the lord of time, Mobius. Do not use.

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