Haling from worlds afar, to
shivs, daggers, axes, razors and
ones neaerer to home, this
broadswords to name but a few
booklet will help you decide
of the various types of weapons
what sort of trophy you would
that have been around since the
hang above your mantlepiece of
dawn of tribal affairs and homo
just show off to your mates on
Conventional they may appear, but there are a whole host of pointy headed, bloodletting
A razor blade.
The flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon.
blades noun:
downright nasty pieces of flesh cutting implements that could not even be conjured in the head of the worlds most bespoke blacksmith. From the possible, to the impossible, to the downright ridiculous and even the outright dysfunctional, there is a weapon for everyone in this manual.
Blades, knifes, schimitars,
assassin blade DMG EFF WGT Assassin’s creed immortalised this as the hidden mercenary’s weapon of choice, as well as confusing many teenagers into thinking this was actually a weapon created and devised by
blades of chaos
an ancient cult for a reliable method of execution.
Its light weight and ability to
remain concealed even in a crowd of people makes it an ideal weapon for stealth kills.
WGT Smithed by the finest smithy in all of Mt Olympus for the war
However, it is advised to maybe
god, Ares.
get into a disguise before taking on certain targets, as
They were crafted for Ares’
it may leave you open to being
champion, Kratos in the hack n
spotted as you start slotting
slash title, Gods of War.
people on the streets, be it in
Held together by chains and
Italy or in the Middle East.
imbued with Ares’ fiery wrath, they are only useful in the
A fun, stylish piece of kit
hands of Kratos as they burn
that will probably be used by
the hands of those not deemed
assassins worldwide thanks
to the publishing of Assassins Creed.
great knife DMG EFF WGT Wielded by Pyramid Head from the Resident Evil series.
Extremely heavy, but can be
Watch out, as it deals cat. as.
used in aerial combinations.
trophic amounts of damage.
gunblade heavenly sword One for stealth which is two
blades, one sword and one dagger, one for speed which is two medium swords, and the
last but best, strength which
Hailing from the game of the
metal which can be swung
same name, this loathesome
around like a brick in a sock.
is the whole piece of heavenly
blade can be dissasembled into 3 different forms.
keyblade have their roots in magical
Having 18 chambers is a major
advantage to this particular
Is it a blade? Is it a gun? No its
being as sharp as a Hanzo
Keyblades play a huge part in
thebest of both worlds, uniting
Hattori katana makes it a
the battle between light and
mans desire to shoot and maim
formidable weapon to be on the
darkness as well as unlocking
into one glamorous package
other end of.
areas in the game Kingdom
weapon, as well as the blade
that delivers both such options. Despite this being a rather cool
kunai Normally one would hear the
There are a huge variety
phrase “Get over here” or
of Keyblades, but this one
“Come here” as it so gracefully
in particular is Sora’s
impales a body part - though
main weapon at the start
usually the head - and then be
of the game, whereas other
dragged towards Scorpion for a
adversaries wield much more
This particular model is the
Scorpion from the Mortal
devasting ninja death overhaul
extravagant Keyblades imbued
revolver, which packs the most
Kombat series has made this a
brutality move.
with various powers and
feasibke punch, since the vast
must have blade.
Immortalised by Final Fantasy
weapon, it is not an original
VIII where th main selection
idea, since it would be rather
of weapons revolved around
heavy compared to what would
the selection of gunblades
be viewed as its primitive
counterpart: the musket a la bayonet.
majority of the other gunblades
sky scorcher DMG EFF WGT Sky Scorcher is the final weapon attained for the character Lu Bu from the Dynasty Warriors series of games.
master sword
soul edge
soul reaver
vega claw
Although this weapon is actually historical in context
since it was wielded by a
fiersome warrior known as Lu Bu.
WGT The Master Sword is the
It is about 7ft in length and
The Soul Egde is first seen in
A word of warning to those
Street Fighter’s least fun
weapon that made the Nintendo
weighed an extreme amount due
the relatively popular, realistic
bearing the reaver as it was
character. Crap to play with
franchise what it is today.
to the elaborate decorations
fighting game, Soul Caliber.
only intended for 2 to bear it;
and awful to play against. You
Raziel and Kane.
just can’t win.
adorning it. Known for its mystical powers
Weighing next to nothing Awakened by naught but his
since almost every character
The Soul Reaver series allowed
own blood spilled on the hilt,
can inherently swing, slash
players to be either a harvester
the powers that lay within the
and fling this aesthetically
of blood or souls, with the
blade allow Dante to flail this
cumbersome piece of mythical
soul reaver being the primary
wefty piece of steel dextrously.
method of attacking.
and can trap the sould of the
Devil May Cry’s Dante wields
Very useful for those who wish
It feeds off the soul of the user,
In the later end of the series,
most evil, desert dwelling pig
this unholy blade, forged for
to gauge their attacker and
bending their abilities to shape
Raziel fuses his soul with it so
demon known to the universe;
him buy his dear old demon
fling them into the air for some
the sword into a more personal
Kane can take down the lord of
insane aerial combos.
time, Mobius. Do not use.
including time travel, absorbing ethereal energy and being the bane of all evil. The sword is well balanced, with a decent amount of damage
prince father of darkness: Sparda.