Tomorrow April 2014

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April 2014 | Now 4000 FREE copies per month

A community newsletter for the western Algarve

Demonstrate Your Support for Lagos Market

By Lena Strang

Market stall holders in Lagos, who are campaigning against new national regulations, are appealing for our readers to take part in a demonstration which is being held in Lisbon on Thursday, April 3rd. Protesters from across the country will be attending the event which has been called by the CNA (Confederação Nacional de Agricultura).

receipts books. Each receipt costs 70 centimos and as some purchases are less than this, protesters say they will actually make a loss. Critics are concerned that issuing receipts in a busy market, together with the fact that many stallholders have limited literacy skills, will make the proposals impractical. Campaigners say it will mean the end of local markets.

thought these measures were similar. He doesn’t read or write and sells a few things at the market from a neighbour’s land to help him top his 300 euro pension.

Stall holders and small scale farmers are furious about plans by the Portuguese Government which would force them to issue receipts for every purchase at local markets. Under the proposals, which are due to come into force at the end of this month, having been adjourned four times, stallholders would have to to register with Finanças and buy numbered

One Lagos trader, 77-year-old Isilda Coelho, told ‘Tomorrow’ that she sold at the market to supplement her pension. She said, “I think that having to issue receipts is ridiculous like a bad joke.”

If you want to go along to support the stall holders a coach has been hired for April 3rd. It will leave from the car park behind the Renault showroom near the new Câmara building at 8am. It costs 15 euros and people are asked to take a picnic lunch.

Another 79-year-old stallholder known as ‘Praia’ said he lived through dictatorship and

The group in Lagos that is mobilising protesters ahead of the rally is called ‘Movimento do Levante’.

Call 966991512 to book a place on the coach.




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Welcome to April 2014

Useful Numbers - Lagos

The weather has certainly cheered up and it feels like it’s time to get out and about.

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We have lots of things happening in our area this month from choir meetings to Rosie and Laurie’s weekly walks. There is also the Supper Club event on April 3rd and also a special ‘Tomorrow’ curry night at the Pashmina Restaurant in Lagos on April 11th. We’ve also organised a day out in Faro for readers on April 14th. You can find details about all these events as well as plenty of others in the newsletter. Don’t forget to tell us about events you know about. And if you would like to have your say about anything going on in the area or anything you have read, please email us at or call 919 918 733. Our monthly deadline for contributions is around the 15th. Have a great April, Best wishes, Tom and the rest of the ´Tomorrow´ team.

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In this issue... P4-14: Community The iconic pink building Don’t live in fear Trip to Faro Writers Retreat Western Artists Buy a bunny to help stray dogs Paddle challenge New Madrugada Centre

P17-22: What’s-On Western Algarve Secrets Our monthly calendar Pippa Pan

Cine Celebrations Winery open day And much more

Quay Lagos Turiscampo Ambassador in Albufeira

P24-22: Health

P 32 Letters

Pets Mate Harmony Earth Careful carrying Chiropody Corner Triathlon nutrition

Your letters

P28-30: Business

And much more...

Vive La France Get your channels back

P34: Outdoor Gardening with our expert Wild flower walks


EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 GNR NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TAXI SERVICE 282 763 587 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 AERODROME 282 762 906 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 TAXI-PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LACOBRENSE CHEMIST 282 762 901 NEVES CHEMIST 282 769 966 RIBEIRO LOPES CHEMIST 282 762 830 TELLO CHEMIST 282 760 556 SILVA CHEMIST 282 762 859 D Concept Dental Clinic 282 763 496 Farmacia (Odiáxere) 282 798 491 Chriropractor lagos 282 768 044 BABYSITTER €6/HR - STEPHANIE 915 911 643 Mobile Beauty - STEPHANIE 915 911 643 Dental Clinic - Almádena 918 366 646


282 780 700 808 203 537 808 781 212 118 282 782 282 914 479 300 916 606 226 917 370 294 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL:GAVIN COX WILL & PEDRO WINDOW CLEANING - Geoff PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR Electrician- Anibal €10/HR Chimney sweep Locksmith - Luis cleaning services - Karil Drain sPECIALIST - John Satellite & TV - Dave PC centre Painter & decorator Mick James Private luxury transport Mobile Hairdressing Alison

916 430 132 965 353 301 926 860 123 912 417 994 912 109 081 926 860 123 964 605 213 918 350 053 912 712 077 965 774 176 282 960 960 916 050 114 910 384 382 918 663 352

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House in its present state

Unravelling the past By Lena Strang

What intriguing stories are hidden behind the façade of an old house? I am sure many will have shared my curiosity about the history of the pink-coloured abandoned mansion house on Rua Convento da Senhora da Gloria, near the new Lagos Câmara. Despite the graffiti on the walls, the intrusive ivy and the unkempt grounds, the grandeur of the building cannot be disguised. I am convinced it must have a story or two to tell. I arrange to meet up with the granddaughter of the family that lived in the house. We have

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coffee in a café overlooking the building but I realise that perhaps it isn’t the best place when she explains how much it saddens her to look at its present neglect. However, her memories are vivid and together with other relevant sources, I am beginning to form a clearer idea of the compelling history of the house and the role it has played in the development of Lagos. It is believed that a monastery dedicated to Nossa Senhora do Loreto, funded by the Bishop of Algarve and given to Franciscan monks, was built at this very spot in 1518. The proximity to the water’s edge and nearby aqueduct became a health problem for the monks so the monastery

was relocated in 1560 to higher ground, where the GNR is situated. It was renamed Convento de Nossa Senhora da Gloria. There are still the remains of a chapel underneath the present pink building. According to city architect, Frederico Paula, the chapel has 17th Century baroque features with vaulted niches, stone benches and a water cistern. “Further archaeological studies into the area would provide useful evidence,” he maintains. It is clear that a long and colourful history preceded the erection of the present building in the late 1890s. The turn of the century heralded a period of revival in Lagos when the city was rebuilt

Community alongside the rapid expansion of the fish canning industry and many arrived from abroad to set up businesses. The granddaughter tells me that her great grandparents, Eugène and Angélique Boulain, originally from Brittany, came to Lagos and established one of the first fish canning factories here. Their 16 year old daughter, Marie met and fell in love with 26 year old Giorgio Novak from Croatia who had arrived in Lagos with his brother, a naval commander. The house was built for the young couple as a wedding present by Marie’s parents and was subsequently in the family for over a century.

Wedding photos of Giorgio and Marie Novak, 1897

Frederico Paula tells me the house is typical of the late 19th Century, with its square shape, curved stone work around the windows and balconies made out of industrial type cast iron. The decorative terracotta Marseille roof tiles were also characteristic of the period.

methods to resemble marble. “The rooms were all spacious and painted in different soft colours. I really liked the blue dining room with a huge rose in the ceiling with reliefs of fruits and flowers,” she says. Many dinners will have been enjoyed there with family and invited guests. The grounds were extensive with a garden at the rear, leading to a mill and an olive press. She remembers well the ‘Jardim das Conchas’, a beautiful round garden area made of out of shells. Although the family referred to it as ‘Casa São João’, it later acquired the name ‘Casa das Palmeiras’ due to the line of palm trees flanking the entrance to the house. Her grandfather, Giorgio Novak assumed an important role in Lagos. He followed in the steps of his father-in-law and expanded the fish canning business. He managed a factory next to the house in the name of F. Delory, an enterprise with its origins in Brittany. As commerce expanded in Lagos, foreign representation was needed and in 1899 Giorgio Novak was appointed consul for the Austro-Hungarian Empire and vice consul for Greece. The house functioned as consulate for a period of time and must have had many different nationalities passing through its doors as well as being a centre for commercial activity. »

“The new bourgeoisie, many from abroad, brought wealth to Lagos by establishing a thriving fish processing industry here. They wanted to show their prosperity through the houses they built,” Frederico points out. The granddaughter remembers clearly the beautiful interior of the house. There was stucco plasterwork on ceilings and walls were decorated using ‘escaiola a quente’ ,&(&5($0B)$&725< 00 SGI

House in its present state









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COMMUNITY regularly by the expanded family, many of them located in Lisbon. They spent prolonged periods in the house during holidays. However, as it was not permanently occupied, it remained vulnerable. The granddaughter remembers arriving one day to find the back doors open and valuable objects stolen. After a second break-in, the family realised that something had to be done.


» The granddaughter proudly shows me a yellow piece of card with intricate lettering, which turns out to be a menu. She explains that the king of Portugal regularly sailed into the Bay of Lagos in his yacht and the consul was often summoned to meals on board. As a lover of opera and culture, Giorgio, his wife Marie and daughter Olivia used to travel to Lisbon during the opera season. It was necessary to go by horse and coach to Portimão and then by train to Lisbon as at that time there were no connections to Lagos. Near the house was a residential area for fishermen and workers in the canning factories. 65 year old fisherman, João Neves lived there with his family and recalls the kindness of Marie Novak and her eagerness to give Catechism lessons to fishermen’s children every Sunday. “Although I was fascinated by the beauty of the house I was very naughty and always tried to escape as I preferred to play with my boats in the river!” he chuckles. A turning point for the occupation of the house came in 1974 when Marie Novak died, her husband having predeceased her by many years. A decision was made by the family to restore the house completely. The granddaughter and her husband took up residence along with her father until his death in the early 1990s. During the next twelve years the house remained unoccupied but was visited

“We came to the conclusion that we could no longer maintain the house and we made the decision to put it up for sale,” she says. In 2003 the house was sold to a builder who subsequently sold it on to a local businessman. For the last eleven years the house has stood empty and it is rather a sad sight. When asked what she would like to happen to the house, the granddaughter doesn’t hesitate. “I would love to see the house restored to its former glory and be used as a centre for culture in Lagos,” she enthuses. She reminds me of what happened to ‘Casa da Fogaça’, another distinctive old building that used to belong to a member of the family at the same period of time. It is now the Science Centre of Lagos, situated above the Municipal market and has been put to good use. ‘Casa das Palmeiras’ is undoubtedly a significant building in Lagos with its unique history and location. The house is in private ownership and is not listed. I was interested to find out that according to Portuguese law (107/2001) it is perfectly possible for any private individual to propose that a building be protected.

Listed buildings in the Lagos area There are 3 levels of listings in Portugal: • National Monuments • Object of Public Interest • Object of Municipal Interest

NATIONAL MONUMENTS IN LAGOS: City walls and towers of Lagos Church of São Sebastião Church of Santo António

OBJECTS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: Roman archaeological excavations at Praia da Luz Roman archaeological excavations at Monte Molião, Lagos Roman fountain Fonte Coberta, Lagos Forte Ponta da Bandeira, Lagos Church Matriz de Odiáxere Fortaleza at Praia da Luz Church of N. Sra. da Luz, Praia da Luz Pelourinho (plinth in courtyard of Municipal museum), Lagos The Slave Market, Lagos São Roche / Meia Praia fort

Lagos would benefit greatly if ways were found to restore ‘Casa das Palmeiras’ and give it a prime place once again in the life of the city. And maybe this is the right time as there is considerable interest in preserving its historical heritage.

OBJECTS OF MUNICIPAL INTEREST: Casa Corte Real on Rua Dr. Joaquim Tello, no 1.

The house deserves to come back to life again and be part of the future of the city.

OBJECTS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING LISTED Armazém do Espingadeiro (Warehouse of Gunsmiths) Igreja de N. Sra. do Carmo, Lagos (Object of Public Interest) Casa da Dízima, Lagos (Object of Municipal Interest) Convent of S. João Baptista, Lagos (Object of Public Interest)

The house with the line of palm trees

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The chapel with niches and water fountain

Menir of Cabeça do Rochedo (Object of Municipal Interest)

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´Tomorrow´Faro Trip

Lagos Handball

trundle our way along the coastal line until we hit our destination, Faro. In a relaxed manner we could wander around the city walls and the old town, hitting the Largo Da Sé and its orange trees, and gently exploring that area.

Image: Rui Morais de Sousa

Capital of the Algarve since 1756, Faro has been reborn several times over the centuries - following invasion, fire and earthquake. It is a fascinating place with its Moorish and medieval influences as well as its 18th and 19th century buildings. We think it is the perfect place to stroll around. Our suggestion is that we would leave Lagos, by train, at 9am on April 14th and

Don´t live in fear By Tom Wilson

In the UK in 2012 there were an estimated 800,000 reported cases of domestic violence. These reports represented 10 per cent of all emergency calls received. The National Domestic Violence Hotline receives on average 445 calls per day and it is thought domestic violence is the contributing factor in 42 per cent of all female related homicide. A recent report studying domestic violence in Europe found that it was the major cause for injury, disability and death among women 16 to 44 with the World Health Organisation estimating that 35 per cent of women experience some level of domestic violence in their lives. A study conducted by shelter also found that 40 per cent of homeless women cited domestic violence as the original cause for their homelessness. Women’s Aid figures for 2012 for the UK alone show that the cost of dealing with domestic violence and its knock-on impact was almost 16 billion pounds. These figures are sobering enough until you realise that it is thought only around 15 per cent of all incidents are reported to the police. In fact it is acknowledged that there are no reliable data on the general incidents of domestic violence. Domestic violence and domestic abuse (psychological) is mainly about one thing - control.

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In the afternoon we could move into the more modern Faro, along the pedestrianised area of Rua de Santo António. Our train ride home would be about 4.20pm, getting into Lagos at approximately 5.50pm. The cost of the train ride is: €7.30 return for the older lady or gent, but please bring some ID for the ticket station. Lunch at a local restaurant would be part of the trip, so if you are coming please do let us know by Friday 11th April so that accurate numbers can be reserved for a table. Please contact me, Layinka Howes, on 935 095 143 if you would like to come. Hope to see you at the station!

No person should live in fear of another and many cite fear of your partner as a major indicator that you are in an abusive relationship. Do you walk on egg shells and have to be careful of what you say around your partner?

The Handball Club of local secondary school Gil Eanes were all out in Lagos Market recently to raise funds for their very successful senior team (13 – 14 years). Handball teams at the school have gained many local and national titles – including being awarded Gold Medal of Merit by the Municipality in 2010. The money raised will assist in travel and subsistence costs when participating in forthcoming events. We wish them the best of luck.

Portuguese snow dog

Physical violence is a clear indicator of abuse, but in many cases psychological abuse can be as devastating to the victim having because it has such a severe impact on the person’s psyche and well being.. Victims can feel so much fear and shame that they do not report domestic abuse and often, especially when children are involved, the fear of repercussions stops people from seeking help. The sad truth is that statistics show, that left unchecked, inevitably the abuse escalates often with tragic results. Knowing where to seek help is the first step for a victim in need. In the UK organisations like are a good place to begin, also available is the National Domestic Violence hotline www. uk. Here in Portugal is an organisation that aims to assist those who are victims of crime. It has regional offices where help and advice can be obtained and all these organisation of course work closely with the police. Another helpful resource is There is a free survivor’s handbook available for download.

In the last issue of ‘Tomorrow’ we said cheerio, to Chuvisco, a Portuguese Waterdog puppy, reared at 'Casa da Buba' in Lagos. He was about to embark on a journey to Toronto to join his new owners. We are told that it all went smoothly. He spent a night in a dog hotel in Hamburg before the long haul flight to his destination. The new owners report that he has settled in very well and that he loves playing in the snow! We wish Chuvisco all the very best in his new home.

ADVERTISE WITH US NOW 4000 copies 200 locations From â‚Ź30 per month Call Tom Henshaw: 919 918 733

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Writers Retreat This month, internationally acclaimed writing teacher Barbara Turner-Vesselago from Canada is offering a 6 day Freefall Writing Retreat/Workshop at Monte Rosa in Barão de S. João (six miles from Lagos). The Freefall approach shows both beginners and experienced writers how to get the thinking mind to step aside, so that writing becomes truly creative. For almost 30 years, Dr Barbara TurnerVesselago has helped hundreds of writers to publish fiction, memoir, non-fiction and poetry worldwide. By means of five simple precepts, she leads the writer step by step into real trust in writing and the courage to fall without a parachute into the words as they come. Barbara reads and comments extensively on everything you write, and in the safety of this quiet space, you will be amazed by what you accomplish. See or contact The workshop is taking place between April 7th and 13th. The cost is €1032 for a residential retreat, incl. meals, and €570, for non-residential, 9 am – 6 pm including lunch.

Western Artists: Else van der Laan celebrating the generous land By Clive Goodacre beauty or ugliness and delivers a theme that confronts or wakes us up. Other times it makes us laugh. It can inspire us, give hope, can cure, or just reflect. For me art is a way of letting go, liberating oneself for a moment.

Capturing the Western Algarve’s special colours and atmosphere has occupied legions of artists in a similar way to that of Province in France’s deep south. For some it is the brilliant light, while others love the tranquillity and landscapes. For Else van der Laan it is all these plus freedom and a mystic energy that emanates from the area around Barão de São João. Many other artists are driven by this creative force and the village is well known for turning into an open air gallery every summer. Else paints mostly in acrylics from a small gallery in the village centre she has occupied since 2006 when she moved here from the Netherlands, having studied art at the Vrije Kunst Academy in Amsterdam. Her work is mainly abstract with swirling colourful forms and layers which she says is influenced by her early career as a psychotherapist.

Reach out for help Caring for someone with dementia is very demanding. I know from personal experience the physical and emotional effects it can have on you, especially if you are a family member and sole carer. I also know the relief that comes when you finally ask for help and support. Our carers’ self help group provides just that in many ways. If you want to find out information regarding care etc, or just want to talk to other people in the same situation, please come along for a coffee and a friendly chat. The next meeting will be on Wednesday April 23rd at 11am in the Hugo Beaty Bar, located in the Estrela da Luz resort, Praia Da Luz. Contact: or call 961805909

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As well as being a driving force in the Barão de São João art scene, Else displays and sells her work across the Algarve, not just in galleries like Lagoa’s Arte Algarve where her work has been on permanent display since its opening, but in restaurants and other retail outlets. She believes art is about making surroundings more beautiful – even in Martin’s E-Bike shop in Almancil where her work is currently on display until the end of April (Avenida Duarte Pacheco 48). When talking about art in general, Else’s enthusiasm becomes clear: ‘There are two important functions of art. Firstly, the personal one gives us the possibility to remember the freedom and creativity of life, to go beyond the objectivity. Sometimes art transcends

‘Secondly, art has a big social function, it unites people. Contacts are easily made at concerts, exhibitions and wherever art is presented in whatever form. Sharing beauty with other people opens hearts and can be uplifting. In neighbourhoods where you find art in architecture and sculptures, the atmosphere is friendlier, less aggressive. Else is currently producing more work for her collection entitled ‘Generous Land’ celebrating the Algarve’s bounty with work bearing names like ‘Joyful Spring’ and ‘Sonata in yellow’. Rich reds, shades of orange and ochres reflect the soil’s fertility. ‘Many fruit and vegetables crop at least twice a year. Wild flowers start appearing right at the beginning of the year and carry on until there is a reawakening with the autumn rains’ Else says. Else van der Laan’s studio can be found in Barão de São João next to the Atabai bar. Tel: 912 293 317.

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Easter hampers to help stray animals By Lars Rahmquist

With the right medication and a good dose of TLC you can see how much better life is for Lottie in the photos. Lottie helped Chicca think about helping with preventative health measures at charity centres. Not only will the animals be healthier, but they are easier to re-home as healthy dogs, ready to become a member of a new family. All of the money that is raised will go to the shelter animals, with all Cadella Carlotta dogs already allotted three months of parasite control.

Chicca (the patroness of the Chicca’s restaurant, no less) buys all of the items for the hampers out of her own pocket, and all of the money goes to helping shelter dogs through the Lagos Vet Clinic. Chicca has four dogs (three of which came from local shelters) and works with passion to help those still in shelters and on the streets...whilst running a restaurant with an international reputation (as well as a growing local one). Inspiration for her idea came when Chicca adopted a black Labrador, Lottie, from the Lagos animal charity, Cadella Carlotta. Lottie came with Leishmaniasis, a debilitating, life-long infection.

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This month will see the first ever Algarve Stand-up Paddling Challenge Event with paddle surfers signing up to do a gruelling 156 kilmometres in just six days. Between April 15th and 20th a small group will attempt to paddle across the southern Algarve from Sagres to Vila Real de Santo Antonio to raise awareness about the ever growing problem of pollution in the oceans and along the Algarve’s shores. The paddle surfers will also be raising money to boost a local campaign against pollution. The event is being organised by the Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association which says pollution across the Algarve is likely to increase significantly if the proposed oil and gas exploration does go ahead later this year.

Chicca’s Restaurant in Luz has launched a campaign to help raise money for stray animals in the Lagos area. A test run at Christmas was followed by a resounding success for Valentine’s Day, when Chicca put together gift hampers with chocolates, wine, scented candles and a special something from the restaurant. The Valentine´s Day effort raised 1166.46 euros which was allocated to help the local stray animals. With Easter comes another opportunity to create more tempting bundles for patrons to enjoy whilst contributing monies for local animal charities. Hampers (with bunnies amongst other goodies) start at only 5 euros.

Up for a challenge?

Pollution in the ocean kills more than one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles each year through ingestion, entanglement as well as from sound waves from offshore drilling and seismic surveys.

The vet clinics in Lagos, Espiche and Odiáxere, as well as local domicilio vets already do work with the local animal charities and the municipal Canil. These local veterinarians are also working together to coordinate health programs for animal shelters, something that will help raise health levels of local animals. Epidemiology dictates that across-theboard raising of health levels affects all in the local area, for it decreases levels of infectious diseases locally. A rising tide lifts all ships, if you will. So this month - get your bunnies and help some puppies this Easter. And if you have a spare evening for a memorable meal, go to Chicca’s Restaurant in Luz and enjoy her fabulous food (author’s recommendation). Chicca’s is in Rua da Varzea in Luz. To get more information or to buy a hamper please call 962742033.

All proceeds from the event will benefit ASMAA’s campaigns ´Say Yes to Alternative Energy and Say No to Oil and Gas in the Algarve.´ ASMAA is a non-profit organisation that advocates for healthy and diverse ocean ecosystems while promoting responsible surf and other marine business best practices. SUP is the fastest growing water sport in the world. Originally the sport of Hawaiian royalty, and then popular with the Waikiki beach boys of the 50’s, it has recently enjoyed a resurgence world-wide. Portugal is following in this global trend. The organisers are seeking additional sponsors, donations and a limited number of experienced paddle surfers for this inaugural Algarve SUP Challenge. For additional information, please contact Laurinda Seabra at: Donations can be made by sending a check made out to ASMAA Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association or by paying directly into our bank account. For information how to donate contact Laurinda at the contact information above so that donation forms can be emailed to you. To register, for more information or to find out more about making a donation please contact Laurinda or go to:


Chicca s


wine,chocolate easter eggs and bunnies gift wrapped All contents and gift wrap donated and made up by Chicca. 100% money raised goes directly to helping abandoned and rescued dogs In association with lagos vet clinic

Rua da Várzea, nº 3 Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal Phone : (351) 282 761 334 Mobile : (351) 962 742 033


HUGE EASTER SALE 10% OFF ALL ORDERS During April online or instore for Tomorrow readers, using code ?????? We deliver to anywhere in the Algarve. Showroom: unit 8d, vale paraiso, albufeira , 8200-383 | Open: 9-5pm Monday-Saturday | Sat Nav: n 37º07.019 w 8º14.678 Phone: 289 102 552 | Email: | Website/Online store:

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Getting Connected

Madrugada Support Centre Programme Following months of work during the winter refurbishing and fitting out, the Madrugada Support Centre in Praia da Luz is offering a range of activities, classes and support groups for individuals who have been diagnosed with a life limiting illness and for their families and carers. Madrugada President Alison Blair states: ‘We are now offering our community a range of service, including counselling, complimentary therapies, support groups, creative and physical activities, as well as workshops and seminars.’

Last month’s ´Tomorrow´ networking meeting took place at Linen-etc’s showroom near Budens and thanks to Karen, Ian and Matt it proved to be a great success. It was fabulous to have the meeting in their wonderful new showroom and a great opportunity for local businesses to get together with excellent canapés and drinks all provided free of charge by Linen-etc. These meetings continue to be of real value to businesses in the Western Algarve and we would like to welcome anyone planning to start up a local new venture. The next meeting will be held on April 14th at Atlantic Restaurant in Luz, courtesy of Joanna and Paul. Details will be emailed nearer the meeting and put on our Face book page Tomorrow Algarve.

Sign up to Sing Summer is on its way and the Western Algarve choir has been busy working towards a new project (more details to be released in a few weeks). We’ve just celebrated our first anniversary and are marvelling at how the time has flown since our first meeting at the Fortaleza in Luz one year ago! Thank you to everyone who has supported us during this time, not least Tom, Amber and the rest of the team at the´Tomorrow´ Newsletter. We’re looking forward to another year of singing together and welcoming any new members who share a love of signing, regardless of experience. For more information regarding joining or bookings please contact choir leader Liz Roberts by emailing:

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This is what is now on offer at the centre every month: Every 3rd Monday 11.00 Bereavement Support Group Every 4th Monday 11.00 Support Group for Carers Every 2nd Monday 11.00 Dementia Discussion Group Every 1st Monday 11.00 Support Group for Survivors of Life Limiting Illness Tuesdays 14.00-16.00 Complimentary Therapies

Alcoholism on the rise The economic crisis is increasing the number of cases of alcoholism in Portugal warns the president of the Portuguese Society of Alcoholism. “What we noticed in studies of consumption patterns is that there has been a progressive increase in the consumption of spirits. Even in the case of young people this is the preferred type of drink,” commented Dr Augusto Pinto. According to the Society’s president, an economic crisis in the country “can actually exacerbate consumption” and it is the consumption of spirits rather than wine that is leading to alcohol related illnesses. “The amount is higher in distilled drinks which reduces the time required to get the disease,” says Dr Pinto.

Wednesdays 10.30 – 12.30 Art Group Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 14.00-16.00 Reiki Group Thursdays 11.45 – 13.00 Yoga The four support groups offer people the opportunity to meet others with similar circumstances, enabling them to share experiences, knowledge, thoughts and feelings. It’s not all serious discussion; there’s a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and many support groups evolve into social groups nurturing new and lasting friendships. If you are struggling with any aspect of care giving, survivorship or bereavement or would like to join any of the activities provided in the Support Centre, please contact Madrugada on 2827613752 If you would like to find out more about any of these services please go to our website to read a fuller version of this article at or go to their website “I would say that the crisis may actually increase the intake and can lead to more dangerous consumption patterns. Physiological consequences and the ability to develop alcoholism is more severe in spirit drinkers than someone who consumes wine or beer,” said the expert. According to Dr Pinto, the fact that someone is drinking regularly creates tolerance, ie, the person will be drinking more and more without getting drunk, thus debunking the myth that alcoholics always get drunk - the opposite is true due to this tolerance built up over time. “When you develop tolerance there is always a poor prognosis. This means that the brain and the liver are getting worse.” For more information, please visit: and or email: info@ Thanks to the Algarve Daily News

Don’t forget if you want to send us any news, letters or information about events that are coming up, please email

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Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 15

Holiday Property Owners – Empty Weeks? Want to get more bookings & make money from your holiday home? Request your free book by holiday lettings expert Wendy Shand, packed with practical and proven tips and advice to increase your inquiries, bookings and letting season. For more details contact Helen Jones: +351 282 760 548 | |


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WHAT’S ON Your PULL-OUT guide to events this month in the western Algarve

Western Algarve Secrets

Barragem de Odiâxere at Corsino By Clive Goodacre

Photo by: Peter Seville

From north to south the Barragem de Odiáxere is approximately 5km long with the southern tip by the dam and the Hansel and Gretel Café being the most popular starting area for walking and biking.

east around top of Barragem (drivable for part of the way).

The top western corner however, provides some equally spectacular scenery with views down the Barragem’s ‘fingers’ and through forested hills.

View here is Lat: 37°13’37.34”N Long: 8°42’42.84”W, but the trails in this area are outstanding for bikers and walkers. Other roads come down from Marmelete and across from the Portimão racetrack. Authentic Portuguese café experience at Romeiras north of Corsino!

From the A125 at Odiáxere take signs to the Barragem, then fork second left after Cotifo and head 8km north to Corsino. First track on right leads to network heading

If you would like to send us your Western Algarve Secret please email: by the 15th of the month.

Algarve top spots Thanks very much to Tracey Duckworth for sending in her Western Algarve Secret. Please email if you would like to share a place you like to visit.

15 picnic table, three communal bbqs, grassed area, kids’ play park, damned swimming area and the river with a small slip way and floating pontoon. The kids had a great time in & out of the water and we took an inflatable kayak as well.”

“The place we went for a BBQ and picnic at the weekend was called Sítio das Fontes, it´s just outside Estombar.There are maybe

You can find our more by searching for Parque Municipal do Sítio da Fontes em Estômbar on the internet.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 17

WHAT’S ON - Weekly calendar

(Please advise of items and events you may wish to add)

Weekly Any day-Horse Riding for Beginners | All ages - €15

Tuesdays (Continued...) 10am

Call Gail for times and more info: 917758404

Computer Classes with Teresa | 917758404 | Lagos Mon, Wed, Thurs & Sat

Swimming Lessons with Yvonne Fisher | €40 x 4 sessions | Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914

Monthly 14 & 22 April

Chanting Circle Mantras & Songs | 962 962 410 14th - 11am Aljezur | 22nd - 6.30pm, Burgau

6 April

Crystal Course with Leonor | Mythos Lagos 10 - 6pm | 969 928 571

6 April

Concert with Helena Madeira | 5pm - €10 Call Casa Sakra for more info: 915 410 702

20 April

10.30am -12pm

Yoga Classes with Ann: 913 202 621 | €8 | Burgau

6 - 7pm

Circuit Class: Lagos, Shinobi Academy | 916 033 004

6.30 - 7.30pm

Urban Freestyle Dance with Sander | 282764224 Kapa Dois Center, Lagos


Curry Night: The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | €6.50 282 762 115 / 968 073 449


Circuit Classes with Ann: 913 202 621 | €8 | Burgau


Singing with Brendan | 1st class FREE | 969870371

8.30pm - late

Live music: Luis bar, Lagos | 282 769 147 (& Thur/ Fri)

From 9pm

Live music: The Pigs Head, Burgau | Call: 282 697 315

Special Easter Buffet | 16€ | Espiche Camp/ Turiscampo | 282 792 217

7-13 April

6 day FreefallWriting™ | Barão S. João | 965292540

5, 12, 18 & 26 April

Live Music | Espiche Camp/ Turiscampo | 919686905

Wednesdays 9 & 10.30am (1hr)

Pilates Classes with Lisa: Call 933 714 178 €9 | Pilates Room Lagos |

9 - 10.30am

Yoga Classes with João | €9 | Casa Sakra, Lagos Call: 91 541 0702/

10am - 12pm

Tai Ji Quan -Beginners | Barão S. João €8 | 919 718 955

10 - 11am

Zumba Class with Linda: Call 918 461 840 €6 | Alma Verde |

5.30 - 7pm

Football Academy 10-15yrs: Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350 | €4

6 - 7pm

Pilates Classes with Lisa: Call 933 714 178 €9 | Pilates Room Lagos |

10am - 12pm

Open Door: Open Door...for everyone to pop in International Community Church, Lagos | 282 086 804

4.30 -5.30pm

Ballet | Move-Ment Dance School Lagos | 913832335


Tone Zone | €6 | Alma Verde Studio | 926 353 452

6 - 7pm

Swimming Club for Adults with Yvonne | €20 p/m Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914


Gymnastik | €7 | Hotel Bellavista | 965 211 996

Mondays 9 & 10.30am (1hr)

Hatha Yoga with Claire | €7 drop in, €6 reg. Monte Rosa Barao S. Joao | 965292540

6.30 - 8pm

Yoga Classes with Ann | €8 | Burgau | 913 202 621

6 - 8.30pm

K9 Dog training with Luis: Call 964 083 602

9.30pm 9.30pm- Late (& Sat)

Swimming Club for over 7’s with Yvonne | €20 p/m Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914

Quiz Night | McCabe’s Irish Bar, Lagos | 915 820 215 Late Karaoke | Luis Bar Lagos | 282 769 147


7.30 - 9pm

Capoeira: Kapa Dois Center, Lagos | 282764224

9.30- 10.30am

6.30 - 7.30pm

Teen Jazz: Move-Ment Dance School, Lagos 913832335 |



Yoga Classes with Maria: €40 p/month | Lightroom, Lagos | 964 526 979

10.30am -12pm

Yoga Classes with Ann: 913 202 621 | €8 | Burgau


Pub Quiz FREE: Kelly’s Irish Bar, Luz | 282 788 631

11 - 12pm

NIA Dance & Fitness | €7Alma Verde | 965768891


Live Music: Lazjacks Bar, Lagos Marina | 282 761 384 (Also Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

3-7pm & Wednesday 2pm

Pilates with Monica: Parque da Floresta, Budens €5 | Call 915038184 | Also Tuesdays Ladies Golf & Coffee Morning with PGA Professional Peter Lester | €25 | Espiche Golf | 282 688 250

E-Drum Lessons with Wale | Lagos | 282764224 Yoga for Backs | Barao S. Joao | 965292540


4.30 -6.30pm

7.30-8.30am & Thurs Zazen Meditation | Nr Barão S. João | 919 718 955


Pizza Night | The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | €5 Tel: 282 762 115 / 968 073 449


Pilates with Lisa | Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350

Mixed Dance | Dance School, Lagos | 913832335

8.30am - 1pm & Thurs

Equipment Classes with Lisa | Pilates Room, Lagos 1 Hr | Drop-in | 926 514 613

9.30 - 12.30am

Art Group | €15 | Barao S. Joao | 912 266 835

6.15 - 7.15pm

Circuit Classes with Ann: 913 202 621 | €8 | Burgau

11am -12pm

Bodypush | €5 | Parque da Floresta | 915038184


Touch Rugby | Burgau Sports Centre | Call: 933713867

18 |

WHAT’S ON Fridays 8am - late

Fish,chips & mushy peas | ‘TOMIK, Burgau €6.95 | 282 695 525

11am - 12pm

Dog Obedience/Agility with Margaret/Albertina €25 x 4 sess. | Odiaxere | Call 968 086 320

12.45 - 2pm

Yoga classes with Sue | €7 | 915233504

4.30 -6.30pm

Tap Dance: Move-Ment Dance School, Lagos 913832335 |

5:30 - 6:30pm

Modern Jazz Dance | Lagos | 282764224

6 - 7 pm

Meditation Time | Casa Sakra, Lagos | 915410702


Salsa & Latin moves with Rosita | €5 (trial class) €50 x 8 cl. | Marina Club Hotel, Lagos | 916718513

6 - 7.30pm

Home Made Fish & Chips (+ full menu): Barroca Bar Praia Da Luz | 282 762 799

7.30 - 9.15pm

Kirtan (Mantras) Circle | 914 523 636 | Figueira


Pub Quiz FREE: Kelly’s Irish Bar, Luz | 282 788 631

From 9.30pm

Quiz Night | The Pigs Head, Burgau | 282 697 315


Live Music - ‘Mashups’ | The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | 282 762 115 / 968 073 449

10pm - 1.30am

Karaoke | Bar Paris | Lagos | 918 660 457

Saturdays 10 - 11am

Dance Morning | Burgau Sports Centre | 913832335

4 - 5pm

K9 Dog training Lagos: 964 083 602 | €65 p/month

4 - 5pm

Dog Obedience/Agility with Margaret/Albertina €25 x 4 sess. | Odiaxere | 968 086 320


Steak Night €10 | The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina

5 – 6pm

Oriental dance classes with Célia | Casa Sakra, Lagos | €9 | 91 541 0702/

9.30pm - Late

Karaoke (& Wed) | Luis Bar Lagos | 282 769 147 Live music: Barroca Bar, Luz | 282 762 799

Sundays 8.30am onwards

Sunday Special | Champ potato, smoked haddock, poached eggs & toast | Lazjacks Bar, Lagos Marina

Midday - 8pm

Sunday Lunch | The Pigs Head, Burgau | 282 697 315


Jazz lunch BBQ | Fortaleza, Praia da Luz Bookings: 912 511 196 |

Until 4pm

Sunday Roast | €8.95 | International Cafe, Lagos €8.95 | 966 499 554


Blues, Jazz Music | Luis Bar Lagos | 282 769 147

1 - 7.30pm

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Adult 5-A-Side Football | Burgau Sports Centre €3 | 282 697 350




Sunday Roast | Barroca Bar, Luz | 282 762 799

Selling your Property? Instruct us, and watch our award-winning marketing strategy in action Fine & Country is proud to offer its sellers an unbeatable promotional strategy which was recognised in 2013 by the International Property Awards for the 5th year running, having won the award for The Best Real Estate Agency Marketing. Here in the Algarve, as part of Fine & Country's international network of over 275 offices, we offer our vendors comprehensive marketing combining online, press advertising and PR, with an expanding network of offices and associates throughout the region. Our staff speak English, Portuguese, German and French.

West Algarve | Ocean & Country Lda. | AMI No 5653 Praia da Luz office: Rua Direita 44, 8600-160 Luz, Lagos | +351 282 771 007 Lagos office | Avenida dos Descobrimentos 43F, 8600-645 Lagos | +351 282 771 007 Central Algarve | Fino Propriedades Lda. | AMI No 9767 Carvoeiro office: Rua do Barranco, Bloco 11/111, Loja 70, Praia do Carvoeiro, 8400-569 Lagoa | +351 282 354 140 | | Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 19


Algarve Triathlon

April events

Don´t forget the first ever Luz Triathlon is taking place on April 26th. It consists of a 750m swim, a 20km bike ride and a 5km run. You can enter as an individual or share the disciplines amongst a team of 3, with prize money for the individual and team event. All money raised is going to the local charity Neci which helps and supports people with physical and learning disabilities. If you think you´re brave enough take a look at the website for more information or to sign up. Read our expert´s triathlon nutrition tips in the health section this month.

This is what the Algarve History Association has coming up this month:

Celebrate Culture

SATURDAY 5 at 2 pm Herdade da Corte Charity Bring and Buy Sale MONDAY 7 at 6 pm Municipal Library Tavira Bringing Order to the Natural World: The Work of Carl Linnaeus with Mick Jones TUESDAY 8 at 6 pm Municipal Library Lagoa Landscape Management in the Algarve with Marilyn Medina Ribeira TUESDAY 29 at 6 pm Municipal Library Lagoa FRIDAY 2 MAY at 11 am Municipal Library Tavira -The Political Prisons of the Estado Novo with Peter Kingdon Booker SUNDAY 27 at 5.30 pm CLUBE DE TAVIRA JAZZ

Cine Celebrations This month the 15th anniversary of the Tavira Film Club will be celebrated with a special concert performed by the renowned Eric Andersen trio. Together with Bob Dylan, Tom Paxton, Phil Ochs and David Blue, Andersen was one of the founders of the

The first Market of Cultures is taking place at the St. Joseph Convent in Lagoa this month. The theme of this event is Muslim culture. As part of the three day festival, which will take place on April 17th, 18th and 19th, there will be an exhibition of photographs from Jordan, workshops in oriental dance and percussion, Arab “darbouka” and also street entertainment. The music on offer will be performed by musicians from countries including Morocco, Algeria, Sudan and Syria. Probably the biggest highlight of this event will be the lighting of candles in the Convent of St. Joseph and surrounding streets. The event will take place between 5pm and 11pm on April 17th and between 12 noon and 11pm on April 18th and 19th. Admission is free. For more details you can check out the Face Book page Mercado de Culturas à Luz das Velas.

20 |

ALSO: Sunday 27 from 11.30 am. Jouk´s Fashion Show at Bela Romão Country Club, Bias de Norte, Moncarapacho. Bela Romão Croquet Club will be providing a superb backdrop for Jouk Harris´s upcoming Fashion Show on Sunday 27 April. Jouk has been selling designer fashions in the Algarve now for over 30 years and her exciting collections are well known, particularly in the Western Algarve where she is based. Jouk, who has her studio in Carvoeiro will be bringing her clothes to the Eastern Algarve for the fourth time and local East Algarve models will show this year’s Spring and Summer Collection. Jouk’s clothes are for people of all ages, shapes and sizes: people who buy Jouk’s clothes have one thing in common - Style with a capital ‘S’! 10 models from the UK, Holland and Germany will be showing 20 of Jouk’s outfits. Visitors can come to the show and have a look around the superbly situated Club site. For more information please email

singer songwriter movement in Greenwich Village, New York, in the early sixties. He will perform in Portugal for the first time, on Friday 11 April, at the Cine-teatro António Pinheiro in Tavira. The event starts at 9.30pm until 11pm. For information:

Don’t miss out!

Chinicato Light Orchestra (a 20 piece band) playing at 5.30 pm.

You are invited to an open day at the Quinta dos Vales winery in Estombar, just outside Portimão 6th of April from 11am to 7pm.

Entrance is free. For more information please go to the website:

This is a privately owned boutique winery with a selection of Algarve wines, many of which have won awards including two prizes this year awarded by Mundus Vini. The owner also has a talent for creating interesting and whimsical sculptures which are exhibited around the manicured gardens. Along with a menagerie of farm animals the grounds are almost as interesting as the winery itself. You will be able to visit the adega as well as taste their new wines which are being launched onto the market. There will also be a number of other local producers as well as crafts, artists, live music including the

Dine & Dance



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Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 21


Super Supper Club The next Supper Club will be at Fresco´s in Lagos on April 3rd so get booking if you fancy going along. The menu includes couvert, cream of chicken soup, steak and guiness pie with potatoes

A Naifia The Portuguese group, A Naifia, celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special tour date on April 5th at the Tempo Theatre in Portimão. The group is promoting its latest album “The Songs of A Naifia” which was released at the end of last year. The group is

and vegetables with Lancaster tart for pudding and costs 10 euros per person. The club starts at 7.30pm. Please call Vanessa on 913733684 to book a place or if you would like vegetarian food.

composed of vocalist Maria Antónia Mendes, guitarist Luís Varatojo, bass Sandra Baptista and Samuel Palitos on drums. The concert starts at 9.30pm and tickets are on sale for €10. For more information please call 282 402 475.

Harp in Vila do Bispo Enjoy a wonderful concert of harp and song in the beautiful chapel of Nossa Sra. de Guadalupe in Vila do Bispo on Sunday afternoon, April 6th. This concert features Helena Madeira, a singer of stories, who is deeply passionate about the music and

spirituality of traditional communities around the world. The concert starts at 5pm. Please call 282 763 943 for more information.

Dance Competition in Faro For the 11th consecutive year Figuras Theatre, in Faro, is hosting the International Dance Competition which brings together participants from national and foreign dance schools. This competition, organized by Beliaev Centro Cultural Association,

gives young dancers competing in classical, contemporary, character, jazz, tap dance and hip-hop the opportunity to qualify for the Dance World Cup 2014 competition which takes place in Lagoa, Algarve, later in the year.

Blooming eternity

piece tells a story which she connects with memories from her travels. She said: “I am very much looking forward to this exhibition. It is at a lovely restaurant in a romantic setting, which gives my paintings even more elegance and dynamic.” The theme for this exhibition is ‘Blooming Eternity’. For more information please visit or

Swiss artist Jasmin Chouikha is exhibiting her work this month and next at the restaurant Cachoa in Lagos. Jasmin, who uses the artist name of Ydama, has had exhibitions in Switzerland as well as in Uruguay, Australia, and the large and famous fair exhibition Art Innsbruck in Austria. She is an ambitious artist who prefers working with acrylic paints. She says that her art speaks from her heart and that each

22 |

Pippa Pan This month the brand new Lagos-based Move-Ment Dance School will present its inaugural show ´Pippa Pan´ based on the classical story of Peter Pan. The show will include ballet, tap, modern, jazz and hip hop. The show will lead you through the fantasy of the much loved fairy tale story with dancing twists and turns and our unique take on the original. Come and join us and experience the magic by booking your tickets. The prices are €4 adults and €2.50 children. To reserve/book call: 913832335 or email: The show is taking place on April 4th and 5th at the Tempomar Theatre in Burgau.

Spice Up Your Life ‘Tomorrow’ readers are being invited to an Indian Supper Night on Friday April 11th at the Pashmina Restaurant in Lagos. There will be a full Indian buffet for just €15.00 per person which includes everything from poppadoms and pickles to mixed starters and main course which includes chicken, lamb and vegetarian dishes. There is also a range of desserts. Booking is essential so please call: 960 453376 to reserve your table.

Lazyjacks Find Us On The Ground Floor of Lagos Marina Open from 8.30am Till Late NEW Gourmet Burger Collection! Happy Hour 12-2pm & 5-8pm Selected Bar Meals Come With a Free Drink* Drink Promotions Available During Happy Hour Daily Specials Including Homemade Desserts New Menu Coming Soon with Delicious Mixed Meat Kebabs, Fresh Fish, Exciting Salads and More Pensioners Special Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12-2pm â‚Ź6.00 including a glass of house wine or Small Beer

CN COMO NOVO high quality second hand furniture

Check out our new Stock! Debbie (+351) 965 193 458 Ann (+351) 965 193 443

Showroom in Lagos - EN125 next door to Furniture World Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 23


Pets Mate

By Lars Rahmquist

Welcome Spring and welcome back insects and arachnids...oooohh. So, you were warned that if we didn’t get enough feedback on the Lagos Vet Clinic Face book page you would be subjected to boring articles. Last week was vaccinations, now you got fleas (so to speak). People have started coming in concerned about growing flea numbers. These are the clever folk, for ignore flea control at your future peril (and itchiness). The female flea will lay hundreds of eggs IN YOUR HOME during a lifetime. Fleas lay their eggs in dark, warm, safe places around your house. These eggs are resistant to surface flea sprays and are very resilient. About 95% of the flea population are in the environment in the form of eggs, larvae and pupae. It is only the adults that live on your pet and indulge your sentience as to their presence... SO, address the flea topic now or you may be inundated with little biters

in the summer. Warmer weather means a smaller ‘generation gap’. Because eggs are resistant we have a spray in the clinic that lasts months on surfaces to kill the flea larva as they hatch from the eggs. THIS is the best way to decrease your flea population, before it explodes. Speak to us if fleas are becoming a problem for you. There are two new flea treatments available: Activyl (a ‘spot-on’ treatment for fleas and ticks) and Comfortis, a tablet that kills fleas for one month. With dogs who have a ’flea allergy’ this is very exciting because dogs (and cats!) can be regularly (medically) bathed without washing off any of the ‘spot on’ product. Please, let us know if there’s any topic you´d like us to cover about your pet´s health by going to the Lagos Vet Clinic Face book page. Happy April!

Careful with that Bag!

By Daniel Keane

Move slowly and, whenever possible, break the action into smaller parts. For instance, when loading a suitcase into the boot of a car, try lifting it first onto a chair or stepstool, then lifting it into the boot. Similarly, when placing luggage in an overhead compartment, first lift it onto the top of the seat. When lifting your luggage, get close to the load and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees and let your leg muscles, rather than your back do the lifting. Hold the load close to your body. Avoid twisting. Instead, turn your feet in the direction you are headed and turn your entire body in that direction.

In the flurry of packing for a vacation or business trip, it’s easy to get carried away and pack everything but the but the kitchen sink into your suitcase and carry-on. But over-packed luggage and improper lifting and carrying techniques are common causes of injury to the back, neck and shoulders. Lifting your luggage can’t always be avoided, even if your luggage has wheels. But practising safe lifting techniques can substantially reduce your risk of injury.

24 |

Do not carry bulky luggage for long periods of time. Make sure to check heavier items when travelling rather than carrying them for the duration of the trip. Try to carry light pieces in each hand rather than a single heavy item on one side. If using a backpack, use both shoulder straps and the waist strap, and adjust them to minimize the bag’s movement. If using a duffel or shoulder bag, switch sides often to reduce strain. To make an appointment with Daniel please call Eugenia on 282 768 044.

Marine sourced magnesium oil the purest source known. By Meri Hanlin It is believed that more than 75 per cent of us are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for a great many functions with the body, including calcium absorption, normalised muscle function, energy production and hormonal health. Trials have shown that when magnesium chloride is massaged into the skin it is absorbed and retained by the body better than it is when taken as an oral supplement. Magnesium is the single most important mineral to sports nutrition that no athlete can afford to overlook. Surfers, golfers and all people who exercise regularly need magnesium to replenish their muscles. Most people who suffer from leg cramps or restless leg syndrome have had incredible results within days of using magnesium. I personally suffered from excruciatingly painful leg cramps which disappeared within four days of starting to use the magnesium oil and they have never returned. Anyone who has had an episode of leg cramps can tell you how painful they are. I am now telling you how easy it is to get rid of them for good. Four varieties are available: pure oil; a special sport spray; one designed for a more restful sleep and one containing glucosamine for joint pain. I highly recommend that you give them a try if you play sports, exercise regularly, are menopausal, have muscle/leg cramps or restless leg syndrome. Harmony Earth is in Praia da Luz if you want to pop in to have a chat with Meri.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 25


Do you have a ‘drug problem’? By Niki Medlock

A surprising number of people don’t know the name of drugs they are taking or why! “It’s the little round yellow one – you know!” Others, including those with chronic illnesses, don’t take prescribed medication as directed – some never even get it, due to cost for example. Others stop taking it before they should, without telling their doctor as they did not think they needed it. Some people stop taking it because they say it wasn’t helping or that the symptoms went away, they felt better; had adverse reactions or forgot to take them. Others decided to take much more or less of the medicine than prescribed! One of the most dangerous responsibilities a doctor has is prescribing drugs to a patient, as even correctly prescribed essential medication can have catastrophic results. Part of that responsibility is assumed by the patient through taking medication correctly and providing their doctor with accurate information on existing medication, including over the counter/ alternative medicines. This helps to avoid possible serious interactions and severe adverse effects, especially in the older, polymedicated patient. Taking medication properly may be one of the most important health decisions of your life – sparing you from discomfort, pain, disability, unnecessary health care expenses and, not forgetting, it may prolong your life. Many chronic conditions (high blood pressure / high cholesterol) have no or few symptoms, making it difficult to notice the effects of forgetting to take medication or stopping altogether and are only evident when a patient has a heart attack or stroke! NEXT MONTH: How you can help the important doctor/patient “drug” relationship. Niki Medlock is the head nurse at

26 |

Chiropody Corner

By Owain Harris

To support or not to support? This is the question. Living in the Algarve it is almost impossible to wear corrective insoles all the time due to the fact we have such a gloriously long summer when we wear sandals and flip flops. Now I’m not going to start telling you not to wear your favourite footwear but I would suggest that if you do suffer with foot, ankle, Achilles, knee or back discomfort that you think about insoles when wearing closed shoes - especially if you do any sports like golf or tennis. Be wary of just buying arch supports though as the arch is very important for shock absorption; fill the arch and the knee takes the impact. Rather look to functional

insoles because these are usually more rigid and less arch filling. Also you could choose something that gives partial control for everyday use and then have something more controlling for your sport. I find people have no problem spending a fortune on golf and tennis equipment but then try and save money on the device that could very well keep you playing pain free for years. With the advance in material technology and assessment techniques, insoles are now more affordable with off the shelf functional insoles costing from €70 and custom made ones which would be ideal for sports around €120. You can contact Owain at the Lagos Foot Clinic Tel. 911967586

Nutrition for Triathlon Training

By Ann de Jongh

A sprint triathlon will not need much (if any) in-race nutrition, water should suffice. If you want to take energy drinks then make sure you try them out in your training, as the high sugar that is in drinks and gels can cause stomach upsets, so it is best to let your body get used to it.

Many of you are out running, cycling and swimming at the moment ahead of the Luz Triathlon later this month and making sure you have the right kit is important, but often nutrition gets overlooked. Eating a big plate of pasta the night before and drinking energy drinks on the day is not the ideal way to prepare. By now you should be looking at ensuring you are only eating single ingredient foods i.e. meat, fish, eggs and lots of vegetables (especially dark green leafy veg) but nothing processed. Hydration is also very important, if you struggle to drink enough water a day, then try measuring out how much water you need in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Ideally you should drink between 2-3 litres a day, plus additional when doing heavy training sessions. The 48hrs before the race keep well hydrated.

The meals you have the day before and on the morning, should be foods that you normally eat and your breakfast should be one that you have had before training, so that you know it agrees with you. Ideally, eat some slow release carbs and some protein such as porridge with nuts & seeds or banana omelette. The most important part is to enjoy the day. Ann will be providing pre and post sports massage on the day for any pre-race niggles or post-race strains! Ann is a personal trainer and sports massage therapist. To contact Ann please call 913202621 or go to:

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Vive La France! By David Westmoreland

Well, the French Revolution is still taking place here in the Algarve. Since the start of the New Year over 70 per cent of our clients have been French. But why have the French suddenly decided that the Algarve is such a great place to live? And why is it that Lagos specifically has such a wide appeal to the French? In the past I have already written about the NHR scheme allowing French and Scandinavian nationals the opportunity to live here in Portugal and save huge amounts in tax. However, even though they have a such wide selection of places to live, ranging from the East of the Algarve in Tavira, to the central areas of Vale do Lobo or Quinta do Lago through to Vilamoura, Albufeira, Carvoeiro and finally the western Algarve from Alvor to Sagres, it would seem that Lagos and Luz are the areas which are the most appealing to the majority of our French clients. They appear to love the vibrancy that Lagos offers all year round; January and February are not the easiest months of the year to sell property, however, the French are here and buying! The feedback from our French agents is that Lagos seems to fit well with the French lifestyle and the way they desire to live. The town is small enough to still be quaint whilst having enough local residents and businesses to still have a buzz even at this time of year.

There is plenty to be enjoyed from all the restaurants serving delicious fresh fish menus, to the vibrancy and charm of the fish market itself and of course the traditional Farmers market every Saturday morning. Add to all this, the gorgeous sweeping bay of Lagos and the surrounding scenery, it’s obvious Lagos has lots to offer even at this time of year. It seems that Lagos is beating some of its rival touristic destinations hands down, and for those of us that have chosen to live in this fantastic city we all know why! So we should be welcoming the French in to our town, let them see how great Lagos is all year round. Even though the atmosphere may change with the seasons - the charm, quaintness and vibrancy are maintained all year round. French clients can be quite demanding; they want it all - views, modern properties, good locations, close to amenities, rural settings, traditional villas, contemporary apartments... And they want to see absolutely everything before they commit. However, they are buying and so we need to be prepared to show more properties than normal before we get the sale. When they commit they do go through with the deal, so it’s worth the additional work and time. Once they commit we are signing promissory contracts within days rather than weeks which leads to happy vendors, clients as well B&P itself! Vive la France!!

British Beds, Linen & Furniture After years of running shops in the Algarve, Paul Bennett decided he wanted to bed down on his own. So he decided to open Bennetts Bedrooms in Albufeira in the heart of the Algarve where it is easy to reach from across the region. This means he is able to deliver across the whole of the Algarve with next day delivery available. All our products are transported over from the UK and kept in stock in our warehouse in Albufeira. We are able to offer fantastic quality at great prices in a range of sizes from single to super king British beds, furniture and linen with a large selection of duvets, pillows, sheets, duvet covers, towels and much more. You can visit our shop online at: or come to our large showroom where you can see all

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of our goods on display. You are free to lie on the beds, sit on the sofas and feel the quality of the linen – we want to make sure you leave with the right product for you. We can help with goods for your home or for your rental property. The store is at: Unit 8D, Vale Paraiso, Albufeira, 8200-383. 383 SAT NAV: N 37º07.019 W 8º14.678 Please call 289102552 or email: and don´t forget our website:

How to get your channels back By Jose Muchacho

If you remember we predicted the likely outcome of station loss in the November edition of the ‘Tomorrow’ Newsletter. Well, we think there is a solution but you will need to invest a little to get all of the channels back. First of all you need to have an internet connection then you will need to get a ‘box’ installed which has a one-off cost of €239. There is also an installation cost which will be between €50 and €70 depending where you live. If you live in Lagos it will be €50 but will go up for other areas. Please check with us about which areas we cover. That is it. There are no other costs. You will then be able to get an outstanding picture quality using a Portuguese I:P:address unlike others using a foreign address which can lead to a poorer internet speed and less stability. If you follow our suggestion then you will be able to get the widest selection of channels including all BBC and ITV channels. This also means a wide choice of sports to include all major European stations along with Austrian, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, USA and Portuguese stations. You will also be able to get the latest film channels and all main British and American shows. We know some people are worried about the cost of having to pay €25 and €30 per month for their internet connection but it means you can have all of your favourite channels back and it may help you when you come to sell or want to rent out your property. Please call us at the Algarve Satellite Centre for more information on: 282 764 121. Jose’s number is 967 505 055 or call Marc on 917 545 644.

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Big Changes at the Turiscampo Restaurant By Julie Battersby

There´s a totally new look and feel at the Touriscampo Restaurant near Espiche now that manager Marco Mauricio has taken over and they´ve got a brand new menu. As soon as you arrive you feel at ease and you cannot fault the professional approach and welcoming staff. The tables are nicely arranged to ensure you can relax, socialise and enjoy your meal in the restaurant area or in the bar area where there is a covered patio area. At lunchtime they offer a fabulous buffet and you can either have a buffet or food from the à la carte menu in the evening. The lunch buffet costs €8.50 and includes soup, starter, main course and a pudding. The evening buffet costs €11.50 and has a wider variety of choices including prawns, smoked salmon and cheeses as well as fabulous main courses and desserts. We met up with friends and started with drinks around the lovely swimming pool

Ambassador in Albufeira The British Chamber of Commerce is hosting a lunch debate with the British Ambassador to Portugal, Jill Gallard on April 1st at the Sheraton Hotel Algarve Praia da Falésia, Albufeira. Mrs Gallard began her post as British Ambassador to Portugal three years ago, roughly at the same time as the Portuguese Government asked for the European bailout which had a tremendous impact on the lives of Portugal´s citizens. This event is a chance for the ambassador to share her views about how things look now.The British Ambassador will share her views with us of how do things look three years on.The event starts at 12.30pm.

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which is surrounded by trees with a comfortable seating area. What a delightful place to eat lunch on a sunny day. We sat in the lovely covered area which is certainly spacious and the tables are not too close together. We started with soup, then onto a really good choice of starters with a variety of lovely fresh salads which tasted as good as they looked. We all chose something different for our main course – between us we had salmon, sword fish, pork and chicken curry. It was all beautifully fresh with an excellent choice of vegetables with rice, potatoes or chips on offer and a lot more. It was well presented which added to the experience of eating, good flavoursome food, making it a very enjoyable lunchtime. To finish there was a large choice of desserts included for you to try. We look forward to returning at night for dinner, maybe having the special menu which as we said at €11.50 - all in - is such a bargain or something from the à la carte menu? We wish them every success – in our view it is a real winner. There is plenty of parking at Turiscampo call or pop in and try it for yourselves. It is also available for all sorts of functions and special occasions like weddings and parties just ask them if you want to know more. Please call for more details on 282 789 265.

Be Inspired Women & Success is inviting women across the Algarve to a cocktail event for ‘Inspired Women’. The event is taking place on April 16th at Eco-lar- Design de Interiores, at Quatro Estradas, Quarteira. The programme for the evening will include a talk show with four female entrepreneurs. Women & Success organises workshops, meetings and events to stimulate women to unleash their potential, enabling them to reach and exceed their goals. To join the group find W&S on Facebook: facebook. com/ womenandsuccess. Participation is for free and for women only. The event starts at 6pm and finishes at about 8.30pm. Please find all the details and further information about the cocktail event on

A warm welcome awaits at Quay Lagos By Tom Henshaw At last the ‘gaping hole’ on the Marina waterfront has been filled by a great new bar and bistro. The award-winning marina has a fantastic range of eateries to suit every taste and budget now. Holiday makers and locals alike flock to Lagos Marina because of the great choice of venues, the fabulous views and the easy parking at the railway station. David and Susie Robson have just opened ‘Quay Lagos’ boasting great credentials and a brilliant track record. They come from Plymouth where they already have a very well established restaurant on the marina there and I think it looks as though they have another ‘hit’ on their hands. They´ve brought their renowned chef Steve Bowden with them. Steve has worldwide experience and also has a one year butchery course in France under his belt. When it comes to food Steve says his driving passion is to keep it fresh and that means everything straight from the fish market or the farmers’ market or wherever he can find the best ingredients to raise the quality and flavours of the food served at the bistro. Another passion of Steve’s is pastry and I am already convinced you will not wish to miss out some of his delicious offerings. The menu is really excellent with loads of my favourites including a fabulous goat’s cheese salad. To add the final touch they are offering a ‘dish of the day’ for only €5 from 12pm to 6pm. If you don´t feel like eating why not pop in for a drink – any time of the day – whether it´s a coffee or a cocktail, there’s plenty to choose from. Good business skills, a great location, very friendly and welcoming staff, a lovely light and airy place with real style. I would say it really is a must visit with smiles all round. And guess what – they have even got their own loos! It looks set to be a very popular new addition in Lagos so why not book a table and then you won´t be disappointed – the number is 282 761 128.

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Readers Letters...

We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Dear Editor, I would like to draw your attention to the deplorable situation of the road access to not only our estate in Bensafrim but also the through road to Sargacal. After many approaches to our local president we have eventually managed to secure a slight remedial (albeit temporary) solution. Unfortunately the couple of loads of hard core laid the other day is already deteriorating. The road initially was tarmaced with calcada on both sides. Over a period of some 40 odd years this was destroyed by several excavations not only for sewerage installation (unfinished) but also telephone cables, water lines by aguas do algarve and private housing outside the boundaries of the urbanisation of Colinas Verdes for electrical supply. The result is absolute misery for us. The President of the Junta Bensafrim admits the slight attempt they have made to rectify the terrible situation is only temporary and they cannot promise more as there are no funds. Interesting from our point of view, what is the Camara doing with our Autaquia payments from over 54 houses? I am personally quite prepared to collect any one from Lagos to see this problem and at the same time will ask them to imagine that they are an ambulance driver on an urgent call to collect and deliver the patient to Portimao Hospital safely. I recently returned from Lisbon by train from the I:P:O and at 10.30 at night the taxi driver refused to take us home because of the appalling state of the roads so we were forced to walk home in the pouring rain with my sick wife and suitcase etc. We managed a few years ago to have installed weight limits and speed limits through our roads. These clearly state 12 tons limit except urban vehicles, such as rubbish collection etc. Imagine our fright when a large truck and trailer turned up with a 7.5 ton digger on the back within the limits. This was instigated

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by Multiservice under the instruction of the camara, junta? The main access bridge off the en 120 is an old bridge as is the other access from Cotifo. When this bridge eventually breaks after such excessive loads who will be responsible? And how long will the camara take to repair? Three to five years? We need help obviously and not false promises from politicians. Name and address withheld.. If anyone has any suggestions about how to tackle this problem please email our editor at

If you are able, please watch the DVD on the Samaritan’s Purse web site Thank you so very much. Your new contact in Portugal is: Kehren Dalton e.mail: Best wishes, Gill Rhodes

Dear Editor, I have been back a couple of days and asked many questions about TV access......I can’t imagine why! However, I see a theme - people not understanding how accessing TV via the internet can affect their pocket. Perhaps the next issue of Tomorrow could carry a warning “You must pay your phone bill by DD” Unless you pay by DD usage is not unlimited and you will get hit will a large phone bill. Video via the internet uses around 1GB PER HOUR or up to 5GB per hour in High Definition.

Dear Editor, Operation Christmas Child... Shoe Boxes! Our Shoe Boxes collected throughout the Algarve and Lisbon have been sent to children in Romania! Just imagine those smiles! Thank you to everyone who supported the campaign last Christmas…..your kindness and generosity really does make a huge difference to a child’s life. We shall do it again this year! Start collecting suitable gifts now! It makes it easier! Last Christmas over 70,000 Shoe Boxes were given by Operation Christmas Child in the States to child refugees from Syria.

If you watch 5 hours of TV per day this equates to around 150GB per month. Even unlimited - you may breach the “fair usage” policy of the Internet Provider!!!! Initially people should be warned - pay by Direct Debit, or beware the consequence - I spent a while queuing in the PT shop today listening to a couple of expats complaining about extra internet charges on their bills! It´s a good idea to log in to your account and check usage against allowance. I am a Meo (PT) customer so go to and then “Area de Cliente”. You need to register if you haven’t already! Yours sincerely, John Joyce

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Walk amongst the wild flowers There’s no better time of year to explore the West Coast. April is when Portugal’s wild flowers are at their most stunning so this could be the time to join Rosie and Laurie’s weekly walking group. The walkers are always glad to welcome new people. You don’t have to be an experienced walker but you do need to have a reasonable level of fitness. The group meets in the car park at Boavista Golf Resort (adjacent to the children’s play area) at 09.30am Anyone requiring further details or wishing to go direct to the start of the walk should contact Rosie and Laurie on 91 4573373 or 282 789358. The walks normally take place on a Thursday but this month, there will be a Tuesday walk too. Anyone wishing to go along is advised to wear sensible clothing and shoes, to take water and a stick if you have one. The cost is three euros per person and dogs are not allowed. Here is this month’s walking programme: Thursday 10th April Wild Cliffs of Cabo St Vincente Thursday 17th April – The Coves of Figueira Thursday 24th April – North of Praia da Bordeira Thursday 1st May Colinas Verdes Bensafrim For more information please call Rosie & Laurie on 91 4573373 or 282 789358.

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Trees in bloom

By Clive Goodacre

We are fortunate here in the Algarve in being able to grow a wide range of trees producing outstanding flowers. Top of most people’s list must be the Jacaranda which is fairly nondescript for most of the year, yet in late spring glows for two weeks in a magical intense shade of lavender blue. The downside is that Jacaranda saplings take a long time to flower and certainly do not do well in pots making large specimens hard to come by. Jacaranda does not like windy or cold conditions and its spindly foliage hardly creates a centrepiece for your garden. For windy conditions choose the evergreen Metrosideros excelsus. Known as the New Zealand Christmas tree or Pohutukawa, it can be grown in a pot as a large shrub, where it does not seem to mind being root bound, or planted out to develop into a multi-stemmed tree more than 10m high.

Extremely wind resistant and salt tolerant, its leaves are green on top and grey underneath while its branches develop fibrous aerial roots that in mature specimens can hang down for several metres. Early May sees intense flowers similar to the Australian bottlebrush - Calistemon splendens - in the deepest crimson colour imaginable. For best results give Pohutukawa humus rich soil and regular watering at first, then much less water once established. For something unusual try the deciduous Parkinsonia aculata. Starting out as a long thorny stick topped with a few tufts of serrated greenery, within a couple of years it changes into a feathery tree with bright green branches and from late June to August develops masses of small scented yellow flowers with red centres. Otherwise known as Jerusalem thorn, it grows in the driest most inhospitable places.


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