Tomorrow April 2016 Edition

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3500 FREE copies this month

A community newsletter for the western Algarve


April 2016 | Edition 53


A Way of Life: The Gypsy Community in Lagos

Why have a skin screen before summer?


What's on

Good news for restaurants

See a star in sand

Food & Drink

Visiting Champagne


April Potpourri Plus much more...



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The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

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Welcome to Tomorrow Algarve... SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: LISGRÁfica - Impressão e Artes Gráficas, S.A Rua Consiglieri Pedroso, 90 Queluz de Baixo 2730-053 Barcerena NIF: 500166587

Welcome to our April edition

Useful Numbers

Grab the chance and don’t be sorry for what might have been.


Tomorrow is constantly aiming to help the community we all love so much but at times it is very frustrating as many initiatives do seem to fall by the wayside. However, we are not deterred because there are lots of people in need of a friendly face and someone to chat with. We think that Connexao is just the place to do that and it’s in the town too which makes it easier to get to. We are also willing to help with taxis to help people go to and fro so they can get out and try some activities at the centre - so as we say, why not grab the chance? Free coffee, tea and biscuits are always on offer. The magazine, as always is packed with useful information, quirky stories and health features. Please, keep your ideas coming - we like them! Please look out for details on Steven Sutton’s great initiative and information on the Luzdoc/ Tomorrow free dermatology checks at Medilagos. The Strictly Dancing has proved to be another great idea allowing beginners and improvers alike to enjoy the great dancing classes every Wednesday from 4pm at Boavista. The Summer Ball is on June 18th and we really do have a fun packed evening planned with one of the very best bands in the area. At the last count we had some 50 tickets available so please make sure you look for the full details later in the magazine. Our next golf day is July 22nd at Espiche golf club and HALF of the ticket price will be given for us to support our really local and needy charities. With your help we can keep helping Madrugada, the palliative care centre, the Soup Kitchen and the children at CASLAS. Please let us know if you have other suggestions for causes that we should help support. Best wishes for a great month, Amber, Tom and the Tomorrow team

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Please call Tom on 919 918 733 or email our editor at

GAVIN COX 916 430 132 PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR 912 417 994 Geoff Hurst Chimney sweep & window cleaner 926 860 123 Locksmith - Luis 964 605 213 Satellite & TV - Dave 965 774 176 Mobile Hairdressing Alison 918 663 352 Computer problems - Pedro 917 165 238 XELI- FLorist Free delivery 282 768 129 Electrician Helio 917 288 966 Mobility equipment - Andy 964 230 225 Parcel delivery to the UK +44 208 123 1966 Plumbing & more Tristan 938 989 704 TRANSLATIONS ENG / PORT 916 618 527 Survival Portuguese - Alice 914 269 118 All sewing - Ana 919 747 591 COMPUTER MOT - Steven 936 387 512 Kieron - ENGLISH Mechanic 917 637 475 Russell English garage 282 639 778


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Community... had to go away, my uncle was asked to look after me and we got on so well that I stayed with him,” he explains. “We were nomads and moved around in a horse and cart in the northern part of the country.”

A Way of Life: The Gypsy Community in Lagos By Lena Strang

His nine siblings who live in Lagos were able to have basic schooling but for Romeo the situation was different. What he tells me next is perturbing: “During the time of the dictatorship and until the 25th April, 1974, gypsies were constantly persecuted. Whenever we arrived in a village, the word got around and the police evicted us the next day. Even if I’d wanted to, I could never attend school. And because of the repression at the time, no one had a voice and certainly not the gypsies. Just surviving was difficult.” Condenccia and Joāo Reis

Never the twain shall meet… Is this true of the relationship between the long standing gypsy community and the rest of the population in Lagos? Is mistrust and prejudice the order of the day? Or has the gypsy section of the city’s population well and truly integrated? Visitors to the city are reminded of the presence of gypsies going about their everyday business, selling items of clothing in the white canvas tents flanking the Avenida in Lagos. Familiar sights in winter months are the horses and carts, often packed with gypsies of all ages, careering along the streets. Where have they come from and where are they going to in such a hurry? Do they belong to the same community as the resident ones in Lagos?




I have been told that the chief of the gypsy clan in Lagos is Romeo Duarte. With a friend I amble along the Avenida in the certainty that we will bump into him. No sign of Romeo but we meet one of his sons in the main square. We learn that Romeo is in Spain doing business but we arrange a meeting by phone. This is the first of my many encounters with the gypsy community, learning about their way of life, history and culture. I have also been able to speak with a representative from the Câmara about pressing issues regarding the nomadic gypsies visiting the city at regular intervals. Romeo proves to be a font of information. His open manner belies the slightly disconcerting first impression of a man used to wheeling and dealing his way through life. And he hasn’t had an easy life. “I was born in Alvor near Lagos. When my father

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But survive he did. Ever resourceful, he admits that he had an eventful bachelor life travelling around, spending a few years in Rio de Janeiro; enjoying ‘singing to flamenco’ in Spain and along the way, acquiring his almost flawless English. On his return to Lagos he settled down, married his cousin and is the proud father of three grown up sons. “What matters most to me in the world is family, my children and our gypsy identity.” And this is exactly what I want to understand. Have Romeo and his family integrated seamlessly into life in the city or are they struggling to maintain their traditions and lifestyle? Are there contradictions or compromises to be made? He explains that all the gypsies in Lagos are members of his large extended family called Oliveira. According to custom he has adopted his father’s name Duarte. Branches of the family have been resident in the city for four decades, live in permanent houses

Community... and children attend local schools. Maria Fernanda Afonso, Councillor for Culture at Lagos Câmara confirms: “Multiple members

Condenccia adds, “but winter months are challenging.” Having previously owned a shop in town, Romeo now buys and sells carpets offseason. Income from the trading on the Avenida isn’t sufficient to feed five mouths in the house. However, he is proud to point out that a nephew, who also works in the trade, is about to qualify as a lawyer. “And he takes part in local politics and was a candidate in the municipal elections,” Maria Fernanda Afonso points out.

Romeo Duarte

of the extended family are integrated into the life of the city. They have full residence along with all other citizens of the municipality.” Right. I want to find out how this works out in practice. The traditional occupation of gypsies throughout history has been that of trade. It is still the case and this is where the tents on the Avenida come in. Three years ago gypsies plied their trade on the streets of the old town, “creating a very disorderly situation. The vendors occupied a lot of space on the pavements, giving visitors a negative impression of our city,” Maria Fernanda Afonso explains. “There were prolonged discussions with all interested parties and we arrived at a solution, albeit a temporary one. The tents were erected to regularise trade and provide vendors with better facilities.” “We are very grateful for this,” Condenccia Reis, a cousin of Romeo’s wife, affirms, “I’ve been selling on the streets for 33 years and welcome the opportunity to have a permanent place. We were each given licences payable to the harbour authorities.” Their merchandise is procured from Lisbon or Seville and all purchases have to be declared. “Trade is brisk in the summer,”

Romeo emphasises that while there is a desire to integrate, have a better life and create more opportunities for the younger generation, there are constant issues. “We have our own very strict rules and codes of behaviour. It’s as if there is a certain path paved for us and we can’t divert to the left or to the right. If there are problems within our community, we don’t rely on outsiders and we would never go to the police.” Romeo consults with his brothers and if they can’t resolve the situation they will seek advice from elders in Portimāo.

Avenida in Lagos

There has always been one enduring rule - you marry within the community. To a large extent this still applies. Breaking this tradition usually ensures censure and the family are likely to cut off relations. This has happened more than once but attitudes are >> Continues on page 6


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A Way of Life: The Gypsy Community in Lagos

her uncle and whether she could meet her father. “I took her to Francisco’s stall. She met the whole of the family who accepted her straight away. It was very emotional. She came back the following summer and we expect to see her again this year.” To Condenccia the matter is of great concern: “When girls reach adolescence, it’s worrying for us. They attend school until the 4th year of secondary school but then we’d like them to start working as traders. They all have outside contacts via the internet and facebook. We’d like them to marry within our own community but also realise that things change.”

>> Continued from page 5

Sandra Rodrigues, Valentina Oliveira and Sandra Fernandez (left to right)

slowly changing. Romeo tells me about one poignant case involving Francisco, one of his brothers, who 30 years ago had a love affair with a Norwegian woman, resulting in pregnancy. “There was absolutely no way my parents could accept this. But my brother acknowledged the baby and went to Norway to give her his family name.” Two years ago a young woman appeared at Romeo’s stall on the Avenida, wanting to know if he was

First time triathlete Catherine Robinson has never been an athlete but here she tell her amazing and inspirational story about battling her own demons and taking up training for the Luz Triathlon which takes place later this month. Catherine will fill us in on how she got on after the event. This summer after a lot - and I mean a lot of hesitation - I decided I was going to take part in my first ever triathlon. I'm certainly not a sporty woman, it's not something I ever imagined doing but here I am, a few weeks to go and I'm actually excited. This time last year I was a different person, for 10 years I've battled with health issues triggered by an eating disorder. I’d had enough: I was tired of being tired, sick of being sick. I didn't want to be a victim, I wanted to fight for my health. I decided to take control and make some changes in my life. I got a bike and began my journey to health. I felt, and most likely




Music and dance are important elements that bind the community together. Somehow I’m not surprised when Romeo tells me that his wedding celebrations lasted for eight days! To him religion plays an important role too: “It can have a calming effect on many gypsies who tend to have an impulsive temperament.” There has been a presence of gypsies in Portugal since the second half of the 15th century with the arrival in Europe of groups from India via North Africa. It is estimated that there are between 40.000 to 60.000 gypsies in this country. Portuguese ‘ciganos’

looked a bit silly wearing neon lycra, all redfaced puffing along the road. I had all the gear with no idea but I was motivated. For the first time in years I'm nourishing myself through a plant-based diet and moving my body every day and loving it. I've never felt fitter or most mentally together. I had let my health take a back seat and now it's my priority. Without a healthy body and mind how could I ever be truly happy? I've worried more about how clean my house is and disregarded how clean my own body was. Having the triathlon meant that I had to exercise and be consistent about it, something I've never done before. I know it's corny but finishing this race is me conquering my past. It's my way of rewriting the kind of person I want to be. My sister is coming from Ireland which is where I am from. We are both competing on our own. Having her there at my side brings home what the day means to me. I don't see the triathlon as a competition with anyone, I see it as a community of

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belong to the Iberian Kale group along with the Spanish ‘gitanos’. I am intrigued when I hear Romeo talking to his Spanish friends on his mobile in a dialect that is specific to the group. “Only the older generation still speak it,” he says, “my sons haven’t learnt the language.” A pity, I think. I have been told the harrowing tales of repression during the era of the dictatorship but throughout Europe the community has faced constant discrimination and harassment, not to mention the systematic extermination of gypsies in Germany during the Second World War. Have conditions today improved? Yes, Romeo thinks, in the sense that there are more opportunities available and there is an increasing acceptance on both sides that change needs to happen. However, they are faced with a daily struggle to combat discrimination and prejudice. “I am very proud of my heritage but many people pre-judge us because we are gypsies and don’t give us a chance to prove ourselves as human beings. There is still some way to go.” In the next instalment Lena Strang will be dealing with the issue of nomadic gypsies and the concerns raised in terms of child welfare and the treatment of animals.

people coming together. I see it as to proof to myself that with a little hard work and dedication I can do whatever I set my mind to. I'm so grateful that I live in this beautiful area to host such an event and grateful that Tom and John took it upon themselves to create the Luz Triathlon. Catherine Robinson lives in Burgau and runs a hair salon. Good luck to Catherine and all those taking part in the Luz Triathlon. The Luz Triathlon is on April 23rd.


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Choral manoeuvres This month we have spoken to the woman who set up the Western Algarve Choir, Liz Roberts. Here she tells us about the ups and downs and what puts a big smile on all of the singers' faces. Tell us about your family background. I grew up in Cheshire, England. My family also have a house here in Luz so it's a second home for us. And your professional background? After leaving university I worked as a retail manager for several years before gaining an MA in Human Resource Management. I was working as an HR Business Partner before I moved to Portugal. How did you end up in Portugal? I came out to Luz for a break at the family house a few years ago and met my partner Mike over a game of pool - I moved out here six months later and haven't looked back! Have you always had an interest in singing/ drama? Yes, I was involved in acting and ballet since I was very young. I've played music all my life too - my main instrument is the piano. I played in youth orchestras and, later on, sang and played keyboards in bands. I also have a BA Joint Hons in Drama and Music. Why did you decide to set up a choir in the western Algarve? I'm still not completely sure what it was that made me decide I wanted to start a choir - it just sort of happened! However, I didn't want to give up playing music when I moved

out here - and teaching and training have been a big focus in all of my past job roles. Running the choir has given me a chance to keep doing all of those things. Have you seen people change since they joined the choir? A lot of people join the choir telling me that they aren't good singers - but singing in a group gives them confidence and that's the key to singing well. We've all changed together - particularly with regards to our confidence in performing. The sound of the choir has grown and improved so much since we first started three years ago. And that's very much down to the dedication and hard work of everyone in the group. What were the hardest parts? With a mixed ability group, the onus is always on me to find various ways to teach the choir as a whole so that everyone can learn the new materials. In the early days this was really a challenge for me, especially as the choir grew very rapidly from the onset. What have you learnt along the way? To set the bar higher. We started off with simple music but the choir soon proved that they wanted to stretch their skills more that I had initially thought. Some of the most recent music that they have performed really showed how far they'd come and what they are capable of. What have been the best bits so far? Without a doubt it's watching the faces of the choir members when they're singing

a completed song and they can hear how great they sound. It's a group feeling that is very hard to put into words. Suffice to say, I feel incredibly proud of them when we perform What would you say to other people who are thinking about joining? I very much believe that everyone can sing - it just needs confidence and to be enjoyable. So there are no auditions and everyone is welcome to join. If you like the idea of singing with the choir - even if you have never sung before - come along and try a session. We sing a wide range of popular music throughout the year and rehearse at the Almadena Hall every Tuesday evening. You can contact me on: for more information. Here are Liz’s top three: Best beach - you shouldn't ever tell - or else everyone will go!! However, Luz beach is incredible - and I'm so lucky to live by it. Best day out - mountain biking and/or kayaking on the West coast - or a trip to Lagos Zoo! Best restaurant - hard to say as there's so many but you can't go wrong at Agua na Boca in Salema - seriously good food served with an elegant twist.

Abandoned mansion to be revamped offering 30 rooms and will also host a large vegetable garden, a traditional bakery, an outdoor cinema, a local artisan space as well as a pool, restaurants and bars. Veronique Polaert and Christian Kraus, a French and a German who previously worked in the financial sector in London realised there was a potential for all-year-round tourism in Lagos. A new venture called Casa Mãe will open this summer in the old historic centre of Lagos. Casa Mãe is at the far end of the city walls by one of the gates called St Francisco / Nossa Senhora Glória near Rua de Jogo da Bola. The old abandoned mansion house with a large garden will function as a hotel




They say: "We have found a very special place with some fascinating history right in the middle of Lagos’ old city, five minutes from the beach, in the wild part of the western Algarve. We call it Casa Mãe and are turning it into a place where people will

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experience and share what we love about Portugal, its authenticity, its 'tranquilidade', the kindness of its people, its craft traditions." a very special place with some fascinating history right in the middle of Lagos’ old city, fiIn August 2014 Veronique and Christian began looking for properties. Finally, in dialogue with Lagos Câmara, they found the ideal place to realise their ideas. They have plenty of plans, including ‘pop ups’ by international chefs, conferences and meetings and want to establish links with existing initiatives in the area of wellness in Portugal and abroad.


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Rocking Back To the West Coast By Matt D’Arcy Rock ‘n’ roll returns to the Algarve’s west coast on Sunday April 3rd as Vale da Telha braces itself for another great night of 50s rock ‘n’ roll/rockabilly music. The last such event in January - the first authentic rock show ever staged in the area - had a packed crowd dancing in the aisles… and on the tables! One of the driving forces behind the fantastic entertainment that night at the Restaurante Vale da Telha was that ball of energy and force of nature Ruben 'El Pavoni' on the double bass. Ruben was the star of the show, throwing himself on the floor or leaping onto tables and chairs as he played that big bass with energy and expertise. And now you can see Ruben in action once again! Vale Da Telha’s own Brian (DJ Rockindad) Jutsum really struck a chord when he staged that rock 'n' roll party on the last day of January. The place certainly rocked when nostalgia for music that most of us grew up with, brought people flocking to the first genuine rock ‘n’ roll show ever to be staged in the area; a fullblooded rock show that made us all feel like teenagers once again! It was such a night to remember that, by public demand, DJ Rockindad has decided to do it all again, this time with another fantastic Lisbon band, A J and The Rockin’ Trio. On that memorable night in January the band was the Wine-a-Billy Rollers; now, on April 3, AJ & the Rockin' Trio, a classic Rockabilly quartet with voice, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass and drums provide the electrifying entertainment. The big bonus is that bass player Ruben and that brilliant drummer Rui "Tex" Gomes play with both bands. And they will be back with AJ & the Rockin’ Trio in what will be a real coup for Vale Da Telha as the band unveils its first CD, 'Howlin' At The Moon” on this short tour of Lisbon, Loule and Vale Da Telha. After that AJ & the Rockin' Trio will officially launch the CD in the largest and most prestigious European festival, the twentieth edition of 'Rockability Rave' which is held in the UK in June. So, the audience at this fantastic rockabilly party here on April 3rd are in for a real treat,




among the first people to see and hear the band performing the songs on their debut disc. So, make sure you book your tickets well in advance. Don’t forget, a 'house full' 120 people - some from Portimao, Lagos and points south who had never before been to Vale da Telha turned up for that last electrifying evening generated by musicians whose pure quality of music is matched by the sheer spectacle and vibrancy of the show they put on. Tickets are €5 if bought from the Restaurante Vale Da Telha in advance, or €6 on the night if there’s any room left to squeeze in! The doors open at 7.30pm, with music from DJ Rockindad Brian Jutsum from 8pm before the band starts kickin’ up a storm from 9pm. A J & the Rockin' Trio was formed on June 12, 2014 when the four old friends played an impromptu Saturday afternoon rockabilly jam session at the Aloha Coffee Bar Lisbon. The quartet created a show 'Johnny Cash & the Rockabilly Favourites' which became a big hit on the Lisbon area bar and club circuit. Band Members: André Joaquim, vocals and guitar. He was born in Lisbon in 1974, the year of the revolution, and began studying at the 'Academy of Amateur Musicians' for six years, following his studies at the 'Gregorian Institute of Lisbon'. He discovered Punk and rock ‘n’ roll in his early teens. Founder and mentor of the band Surf / Garage band, Dr. Frankenstein, André was producer / guitarist / bassist and drummer of bands like Texabilly Rockets, Captain Phantom, SupraHeat Surrenders, The Levities, Phantom Vision among others. He has been a leading figure on the Rockabilly / Rock 'n’ Roll scene for 10 years as a guitarist / composer / producer of the Texabilly Rockets, one the first Portuguese Rockabilly Bands. Celso Ladeira, guitar: He was born in Angola in 1966, and developed a love of music very early, because his father played the piano, and had a vast collection of 5,000 records! At the age of 9 he first heard Bill Haley & His Comets, which triggered his passion for rock 'n' roll and the guitar. He also studied classical viola at the Conservatory. He lists

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his major influences as Scotty Moore, James Burton, Cliff Gallup, Chuck Berry, and Brian Setzer. In 1984 Celso joined the Rollover & His Beethovens Band and, in Brazil, played with several Rockabilly bands, including Cafajets and Drive-ins. From 1998 to 2002 he was a member of the Texabilly Rockers before occasionally playing with Desso Blues Gang up to 2014, then Los Roques before becoming a founder-member of AJ & The Rockin' Trio. Ruben 'El Pavoni', double bass: Born in Lisbon in 1980, Ruben is a 'Bluesman' who was born and raised in the world of Blues. He started playing drums at the age of 8, but when he was 13 he discovered the electric bass and harmonica. He has been a musician with bands like Gang Desso Blues and Blues Fever Band, and has played with Glenn Kaiser (US), Alvin Johnson (US), Fred Barreto Group (LUX), among others, and played harmonica on the Texabilly Rockets’ last three albums. Ruben began playing bass with Sara & The Hot Chillies, and currently plays with the Wine-a-Billy Rollers as well as AJ & The Rockin’ Trio. Rui 'Tex' Gomes, drums: Born in Lisbon in 1971, from an early age he was introduced to rock 'n' roll by his father who was a big fan of Bill Haley & His Comets. He has been connected to the Rockabilly scene since his early teens and was a founding member and drummer of Texabilly Rockers from 1993 to 2002. He also played with Sara & The Hot Chillies, and currently plays with the Wine-a-Billy Rollers as well as AJ & the Rockin’ Trio. Useful links to see the band in action:


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Brexit By Global Currency Exchange Network What is it? UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union to be held on Thursday 23 June. This event has been coined Brexit. A referendum is basically a vote in which everyone (or nearly everyone) of voting age can take part, normally giving a "Yes" or "No" answer to a question. Whichever side gets more than half of all votes cast is considered to have won.   The prime minister wants to remain in the EU and has had on-going talks with the European commission over the last few months to improve the terms of the membership. The main changes agreed by Cameron included Child benefit, migrant welfare payments, protection for the city of London, Sovereignty, 'Red Card' for national parliaments, competitiveness and some limits on free movement. Cameron feels that the renegotiations have improved our membership terms and that the best option for Britain is to remain in the UK.   The question is always crucial in any referendum. The Electoral Commission proposed the wording, which has been accepted by MPs: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" The options for voters will be 'Remain a member of the European Union' and 'Leave the European Union'   How will it affect us? This is one of the biggest issues in recent times for Britain. At the moment there is fear and anxiety because if the UK were to leave the EU, we will be on unchartered ground which will have repercussions in the years to come. Most businesses are keen to stay in the EU as being a member makes it easier for them to move money, people and products around the world. If we leave, what will happen? How long will it take to negotiate new deals? What will happen to our exports, how much tax do we pay on them? The truth is, we don’t know and the renegotiations after the Brexit is likely to take years to iron out.    What has happened to Sterling? OK, now the boring stuff is out of the way…   The pound has tanked…It was always on the cards since the Tories won the election and




this event was on the horizon. Over the last year, we’ve seen sterling rallies but they’ve been sold into aggressively. We expect more uncertainty with the referendum but there are euro issues too, starting next Wednesday where further easing measures are expected. Also should the UK leave the EU, this will be the first country who has left and opens the door to others should they want to follow suit (Grexit and Frexit are being mentioned) so euro weakness is likely.   Should the UK leave, we have 2 years to pack our bags and during this time there is further uncertainty whilst new trade deals are trying to be created. So the longer term impact for Sterling is far greater.   In a nutshell, there is no way to know what will happen. Goldman Sachs have called GBPUSD to 1.20 by year end and other large clearing houses have said the opposite if the UK remains in. All we can do is hedge clients and this is what we should be pitching.   GBPEUR has moved underneath the trading range seen in 2015. The moving averages shows the clear downtrend and the rate has dropped 12.13% since November.   GBPUSD The below GBPUSD chart shows monthly candles going back to the early 90’s. Since November GBPUSD has lost 10.85% but price is approaching the bottom of the market at 1.35. This band of support between 1.40-1.35 may keep price buoyant and we could see consolidation here, the way it happened in 2001. Price is also very attractive to buy down here and in the past the rate has jumped up greatly from these levels.   The Bank of England   Bank of England's Cunliff: We're not able to predict impact of a 'Brexit' The above announcement came amidst a series of information presented recently. It is important to realise that the implications are so far reaching and unknown that even the Bank of England cannot predict what will happen.   Contact Global Currency Exchange Network on 289 093 137, If you have any questions about the European Union Referendum, please email our editor and we will do our best to get an answer for you.

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Time to tee off for charity

The third annual Tomorrow and Espiche Charity Golf Day is taking place on Friday July 22nd. The event is being staged to raise money for local charities including the palliative care charity Madrugada and the Soup Kitchen. Shotgun start at 10.30am followed by a BBQ, prize giving and a charity raffle. The cost is 50 euros per player and half of that money will go directly to charity. Non-golfers are also welcome to join for the meal, prize presentation and the entertainment which will be on offer. Espiche Golf is just a few minutes from the coast and Lagos. The course combines a sporting challenge with respect for the surrounding environment thanks to its location within a nature reserve. Espiche Golf provides an exceptional golfing experience in a beautiful natural environment. The architect Peter Sauerman designed the shape of the course to integrate harmoniously into the surrounding landscape, its maintenance is carried out with extreme concern towards preserving the natural ecosystem and unique reserve. Espiche Golf offers a challenging 18hole course, par 72. Its lakes, streams and indigenous vegetation enrich and promote the biodiversity of this area which is surrounded by fields and vineyards, and sits below the beautiful Serra de Monchique. If you would like to register your team please contact Pauline Binnie at Espiche Golf Club on 282 688 250 or email:


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Golfing against the odds

Manuel de Los Santos is a golfer who inspires others. He was born in the Dominican Republic in 1984 where he was a promising baseball player. In 2003 – when he was just 19 - he had a terrible car accident which cost him his left leg. After the accident he moved with his wife Elena to Paris and started playing golf. Manuel’s dedication and commitment have led him to become one of the most popular players in adapted golf. He recently took part in the Algarve Pro Golf Tour at the Boavista Golf and Spa Resort. Here he tells us about the difficulties he has to overcome as a disabled player and about his love of golf. 1. We feel that your story is all about going against the odds. Most people who have had an accident like yours wouldn’t become a golfer No. Well, it depends. You know, when you have all family around you, you have good friends, a good base then life is easier. Ok, I had my accident but I had my wife to support me. After my accident I was very sick and to have a person that loves you and that helps you step by step… it wakes you up. When you lose a leg or something it’s difficult to fight and you think that life has finished for you. 2. At the time, you were a baseball player. Were you a professional? No. I was supposed to sign for a big team. In baseball, when you sign for a team first you have to go to an academy where they prepare you and then if you are very good, you know…

3. How was it for you losing that chance of a baseball career? Was it your dream? I played to represent my country and to represent my team. I tried hard to be the best and you have to be the best because everybody wants that position but I have to say I prefer my life now. I prefer golf. I don’t know why I think this way but I feel better now than when I used to play baseball. I think that God had another future for me. When we live our lives it’s not like being in a movie or seeing something on television - there you can control things and you see only one version of reality. I love what I do because I don’t have a choice. This is what I have now. I’m happy for everything that I have, everything that I do. I’m ok. 4. Do you think your life would be different if it wasn’t for the accident? Really, I think “yes”. Maybe I would have fulfilled my dream of having a baseball career, maybe I would have been the baseball champion I wanted to be. But when I was playing baseball I was stupid. I used to think that I was on the top of the world, in my head I thought “I’m so good”, “I’m the best” and all my friends thought this way. You think that people around you are “little” compared to you. You forget where you came from. I don’t want to be this kind of man. I lost my leg and yes, it is difficult and I didn’t want to have this problem but I’m happy. I respect this life more than the one I had before. People look at me and see me with only one leg, but in my heart I’m not disabled. I thank God that I’m in good condition to play golf. When I’m at the golf course playing I’m just like anybody else. That’s one of the reasons why I play golf, I feel just like all the other players. I love golf, I live to golf. Golf is in my heart. 5. What message do you have for other people? The message I want to pass on (not just to disabled but to everybody) is that things are more difficult when you don’t believe. When you don’t believe in yourself you’re nothing!

And I’m telling you this because this happened to me. When I lost my leg I didn’t want to do anything, I didn’t believe. 6. How do you think you can help others to face adversity? Do you try to help other people with similar problems? Yes, I do. I have the chance to do a lot all around the world, to speak for companies like Cannon, for example. In the future, I plan to have a project in my country… I want to create an academy or school to help boys accomplish their dreams. A lot of us, in my country, have the talent but not the support. So, I’m thinking about having an academy where the boys can choose between baseball and golf and practice these sports without paying. They have to pay me only one thing: they have to try to fulfil their dreams. 7. Why golf and not some other sport that you would be able to do? Why golf? Look at us! What are we doing here? We are disabled and we play and we are playing with professionals, we can play like anybody else. I also do archery and some shooting…I think that if I trained I would become very good in it. I do it sometimes with my friends, we put some Coca-Cola cans up and we try to hit them. I win all the time. I like that. But golf…sometimes you wake up and you just want to stay in bed, you feel tired and then you think about golf and you don’t feel tired any more. It gives you the little power you need to wake up. 8. Is there anything that you would like to add? An important thing is to say thank you to the people who organised this tournament and to the people who gave me the chance of participating in this event. Thanks to Sofia Baia from Boavista for her help with this interview. Next month we will be introducing you to another player who has overcome his own obstacles to become a golfer and we explain more about the Algarve Pro Golf Tour.

Algarve Pro Golf Tour Once again Boavista Golf & Spa Resort proudly hosted the Algarve Pro Golf Tour at the end of February. With driving rain and strong wind, around 50 players challenged the extreme weather conditions to play this Boavista Classic II. Ben Stow shot an incredible 6 under par




second round 65 and won this competition by 3 shots. Eight birdies in eleven holes from the sixth, which included a run of 6 in a row, drove the opposition out and led Stow to his second professional win. Manuel de los Santos also participated in the Boavista Classic, finishing ranked 48th.

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The Algarve Pro Golf was started in September 2014 when Jose Correia, Gary Harris and Richard Law met at the Gramacho Golf Club in the Algarve. All three of them are passionate about golf and wanted to provide an exciting and competitive tour for players to compete in during the winter months.





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Weekend Drama at Praia da Luz As a long-term resident of the Algarve I have no hesitation in admitting my good luck to have discovered this wonderful place. But there is no completely perfect location on this earth and Portugal has its share of negativities. One segment of the public sector that comes in for criticism is the police force. And so it is a pleasure for me to be able to communicate an incident in which I was involved in that I hope will demonstrate a positive side of this sometimes maligned force. One Saturday in mid March, I received a phone call from a good friend whose husband is suffering from Parkinson’s disease and dementia. She was worried because he had wandered off and although she had searched in all of the obvious places he was not to be found. I went immediately to their house and looked in all of the places that I thought relevant but there was no sign of my friend. I called my daughter who lives nearby and she joined in the search, again to no avail. We called the hospital in Lagos but there was no record of a man fitting my friend’s

By David S. Jones

description having been admitted. It was now time to call the police. They arrived quickly, a senior male officer and a young female officer. The senior man allowed the younger officer to carry out the enquiries. She asked for a picture and identification of the missing person and photographed them with her mobile phone, which meant that they were immediately circulated to other officers. They then went off to carry out their own search of the area. Before too long I could see two GNR jeeps driving past the property. They called the house to say that they had discovered a man close to the beach who fitted the description. I went there immediately, but it was not my friend. Four hours had passed since the disappearance and night was rapidly closing in; the temperature was dropping and we feared the worst. I called other friends to help in the search. Mercifully, the call went up that my friend had been discovered. He had somehow crossed the road and entered the garden

of a block of apartments that we had checked several times but he had now somehow crawled into a position that made him more visible. The person who made the discovery was none other than the male officer who attended the initial call. He had finished his shift, returned to Lagos, changed from his police uniform into civilian clothes and returned to Praia da Luz. The paramedics were called and arrived quickly. I myself spent many years as a fire officer in London and can say with confidence that the professional way that they dealt with the situation was exemplary. Without any delay my friend was taken to Portimāo hospital for treatment. This article is by way of thanks and appreciation of the highly professional and committed officers involved. Recognition for an unselfish good deed doesn’t always get the acknowledgement and respect that it deserves. Many thanks to all involved and in particular, to Corporal José Roque.

Head of hospital groups resigns Thanks to the Algarve Daily News The director of the Emergency Departments within the Algarve Central Hospital (CHA) group resigned at the end of March just a week after a new director was appointed.

from any difficulty," as he does not agree with new plans for his department and considers that it is only possible to work if both share "the same ideas and goals."

Dr Luís Pereira, who has run the Algarve's Emergency Departments since 2012, said he wants to "release the new Board of Directors

The high level resignation was confirmed by the new Chairman of the CHA Administration, Joaquim Ramalho, who said

that it was normal for middle managers of public bodies to offer their resignations when there is change at the top. The new bosses of the CHA, which covers Faro, Portimão and Lagos hospitals, replaced the controversial director, Dr Pedro Nunes.

Move-Ment at the Dance World Cup 2016 away with a silver in Children Song and Dance and a bronze in Senior Quartet Modern.

you think that your business might consider sponsorship please contact the school.

Choreography was done by Nicola Thomas, who at 18-years-old was on of the youngest but most successful choreographers and teachers there.

For more information on Move-Ment contact: Tel: 913832335 Email: or check out their Facebook page.

For the second year running, Move-Ment Dance School will be sending dancers to represent Team Portugal at the Dance World Cup.

However, this year's finals are being held in Jersey and with nine dancers going, costs are high. During the months leading up to it, there will be a number of fundraising events which they hope the community will get behind.

After a very successful weekend in Figueiria da Foz for the qualifier, Move-Ment walked

The school is also looking for sponsors, whose logo will feature on Move-Ment's team kit. If




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New baby monkey at Lagos Zoo

Heartmade Market The Heartmade Market will be a monthly event at Artistas- Rua General Alberto da Silveira, n.º 8 8600-594 Lagos (in front of the Lagos Museum) which also intends to promote the historic centre of Lagos. If you have crafts to show and sell please email The market will start on April 23th and 24th between 11am and 7pm. Entry is free.

Two years ago Keny and Lola became a couple at Lagos Zoo. The male arrived in January 2013 from Santillana del Mar Zoo in Spain, while the female came in October the same year from Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic. Just two years after meeting, a baby monkey was born. The sex of the offspring hasn’t yet been disclosed. A characteristic of this species is the fact that the young are born completely white but gradually will turn a darker shade; just like their parents. For the team at the zoo, this is a great victory as it is the first off-spring to be born, contributing to the conservation of the Colobus monkeys. Colobuses live in territorial groups of about nine individuals, based upon a single male with a number of females and their offspring. Newborn colobuses are completely white. Colobuses are important for seed dispersal through their sloppy eating habits, as well as through their digestive systems. They are prey for many forest predators, and are threatened by hunting for the bushmeat trade, logging, and habitat destruction.

This local craft market aims to promote the most varied creations and crafts of local artisans and designers from various fields. You will find a selection of local handmade goods on offer including jewellery, illustrations and many other things. It’s not a new concept – it already exists in Lisbon and Porto and it’s very popular in the UK. The Lagos market is being set up by Sara Whittle who said: “My goal is to give an opportunity to all local creative people (art students, institutions like NECI, photographers, illustrators, jewelers and painters etc) to show and sell their work which is made by hand with lots of love.”

Sara Whittle was born and raised in Portugal, with Mozambique family roots. Sara moved to England at 18, graduating with a degree in fashion design from Falmouth and a post-graduate degree in image and fashion consulting in Lisbon. Initially setting out to work in fashion and clothing, she had a chance encounter with a laser cutter that quickly transformed her interests. She became fascinated with the speed and precision available to her.

Portugal - Europe's largest seizure of fraudulent importation of tobacco leaf At the end of January the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR), through the Fiscal Action Unit and the Tax and Customs Authority, under coordination of the Central Department of Investigation and Prosecution, executed 41 search warrants (26 in-house and 15 others), in several economic operators in the regions of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Fundão, Castelo Branco, Leiria, Lisbon and Ponte de Sor, on suspicion of the crimes of fraudulent smuggling in tobacco consumption. As a result of the searches, the following items were seized:

Follow us on Facebook to check on future events -

• More than 182 tons of tobacco leaf and ground tobacco; sufficient quantity to produce more than 364 million cigarettes; • 4,800 packs of cigarettes without excise stamps affixed, several hundreds of thousands of tubes (filters and smoking paper ready to be filled with tobacco);

• Three illegal firearms, precision scales and several industrial milling accessories, in addition to other documents and computer storage devices supporting the development of the aforementioned activities. This seizure, considered the largest held to date in Europe, constitutes an evasion of tax payments owed to the State amounting to more than 30 million euros in excise duty. In the course of the operation, 12 Portuguese and foreigners were formally accused, as well as six companies they represented. The parallel and illicit criminal activity was carried out by national and Spanish operators that were involved in tobacco production and processing. Thanks to Safer Communities Algarve for this piece.

• 611,526 euros in cash;




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Bombeiros update By Pat Allen Please inform Pat Allen who manages this special fund account no: Credito Agricola IBAN (PT50) 0045 7191 4018 8770 5586 1 and she will certainly try to publicise it for you. We know that Portugal Property in Lagos and Boa Vista Golf Club are both doing things later in the year and details will follow. The campaign to help buy a new ambulance for the Lagos Bombeiros stands at about €8000 but another €32,000 is needed before the end of the year. Are you able to help raise something towards this mighty task?

But if any groups, individuals, golfers, walkers, musicians, artists, charity committees and donors can help in any way, however small, then the dream of a new ambulance before the end of the year could become reality.

West Coast Car Boot Reopens By Matt D’Arcy The popular car boot sale on the Algarve’s west coast begins again on Sunday April 3rd following its winter break. Changes in the Portugal Government’s licensing laws covering car boot sales forced community association Amovate to reluctantly cancel their own monthly car boots at Vales, outside Aljezur, during the winter months. An Amovate spokesman said: “We are delighted to announce the resumption of our popular car boot sales at the Old Schoolhouse on the first Sunday of each month after being forced to suspend them through December, January, February and March. “The changes to the licensing laws here in Portugal have made the traditional car boots too expensive to be viable, depriving so many communities of a popular local attraction, many of which - like ours supported local charities. “It meant we could not afford to host commercial traders who had always been an integral part of our car boot operations. “We tried to adapt by ruling that stallholders could sell unwanted household items only - no goods grown, made or bought for profit. “This, of course, significantly reduced the number of stalls on site each month and made it less appealing to the customers visiting our sales.




“We then found that numbers dwindled even further in the winter months, to the point of being uneconomical, and the November sale was washed out completely by heavy rains. “Amovate therefore decided that in future the car boots would be suspended for the winter period. We offered one of the supporting charities the opportunity to run the sales through these months but that offer was declined. “Now, we hope all the people who have enjoyed the Amovate car boots over the years, turn up again in significant numbers, enabling us to at least continue through the spring, summer and autumn months. “And, of course, we hope that the return of these car boots on the first Sunday of each month will enable us to once again increase our support of charities in the area, which are suffering some financial loss because of this Government legislation.” So, car booters - make a note in your diaries: Car Boot Sale Sunday April 3rd, and the first Sunday of every month: Old School House, Vales, Aljezur. Unwanted household items only - no goods grown, made or bought for profit please. Stallholders charged €2 for each table space, x multiples of €2, or €4 for vans (i.e. Transit size) and are permitted to enter and set up their tables from 7.30 - 9 am with the sale then being open to the public from 9am.

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Let’s do something By Tom Henshaw

Together with Connexao we are trying to find ways of making more activities available for people on their own and we are having an open day every Thursday at the Connexao Centre from 11am until 3pm. For those with difficulty getting to the centre we will provide free transport for a trial period to assess how it works. The idea is that we start up some interesting classes for example knitting, art classes and who knows what else but let us do something! There’s already a huge amount on offer at the centre including massage, nutritional advice, IT skills, counselling and much more but please do get in touch if you have something to add. Since it started Conexao has also been able to connect people who have needed work in Lagos with home help and nursing at home. If you have work to offer - even if it is only a day - then drop in for a free tea or coffee and leave your phone number or email address and we will try and connect you with the right person. Please email me on: to register your interest. You will find Conexao in Lagos centre on Rua Dr Joaquim Tello 32 a, near Hotel Cidade Velha and below the language school. For more info and a map check out or email Conexao is open Tuesdays between 12 and 3pm and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 3pm.


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An artistic all-rounder Dutch-born artist Bertine Snijder moved to Portugal in 2008. She trained as a designer but can turn her hands to almost anything. She now paints, makes sculptures as well as hats and bags. Our editor, Amber, recently spoke to her about what motivates and inspires her. Please tell us about your background and family life? I was born in Groningen in Holland in 1949. I got married in 1969 and had two boys. I am now divorced. Please tell us about your professional background After I left school I trained as a designer and ended up having a fashion shop. I designed and made clothes for about 30 years. For as long as I can remember I have created things and used all kind of materials. Now I am concentrated on clay, gypsum, and fabric. I make little bags and hats – at the moment mostly in patchwork. I am also painting. I have taken a lot of classes but I don’t want to be taught because I like to find out for myself. I am aware that this takes a lot more time because you do not use the experience of teachers but I can only learn by practising , I have to do it myself , I have to find out myself. What brought you to Lagos and how long have you been here for? I came to Lagos after a very bad period in my life. I got burnt out in 2000 and then got colon cancer. I decided I needed to live in the sun for a while and in 2008 I went to Portugal and I am still here.

How would you describe yourself now as an artist? I never had much ambition in my live - only to live my life as well as possible, to do the things you have to do and to do the things you like to do. I never wanted to be a great artist, have a big career or become a millionaire. I am always creating, always having a lot of ideas, always dreaming. How would you describe yourself as a person? I never am very business-like, sometimes I try to be, but it never succeeds. People call me chaotic but that's not the way I see myself. People think that I want to be chaotic, because it means I can create things more easily but I think I do control the things I have to control. I am highly sensitive but that does not mean that you are crying about a lot of sentimental things or emotional things. It just means that you feel and see and know (emotionally) a little bit more than other people. I think I am a lucky person, because I have got a lot of gifts. A psychologist once told me after a test that I came out as being very talented but without backbones. He said that I didn’t do much with my talent. I say let it be - I am content with the gifts and the talents because it makes me a contented person.

in Holland. I do like to sell my pieces - it gives me inspirations to create more so if you would like one of my sculptures please let me know. What has life taught you? There are lots of changes in this world like the internet, you can go anywhere by plane which makes the world small, you can make a call anywhere in the world but essentially people are the same - people come and go. We all started as babies, we grow up, think we know better but our experience makes us wiser and builds our characters. Some people do important things with that wisdom but others don’t. There is a lot of cruelty, happiness, progress, etc in the world. There is a lot of progress in the technical world but essentially you live, you die and you have to fill your life in the best way possible. If you would like to buy any of Bertine’s work please call her on her Portuguese mobile on 961677695 or her Dutch mobile on 0617304042.

How do you sell your work? I have some examples of my clay work in various places - I put things in shops and in beauty salons. At the moment I have two sculptures in the Connexao in Lagos. I have about 20 sculptures on display

Orphanage charity shop A new charity shop will be opening in Lagos in the next few months to raise funds for the local orphanage. Organisers are still trying to find a property but are appealing for people to come forward as volunteers and for donations ahead of the opening. After the shop overheads have been paid, all of the profits will go to the orphanage. The money will be used to pay for outings, necessities for the young people as well as




repairs and decorating amongst other things. “We therefore appeal to the generosity of all residents of the Algarve and beyond to open their hearts and please help us towards our goal with donations of unwanted articles that we can sell in the charity shop, such as clothes, households items, furniture, in fact anything of good quality that can be sold to raise money,” a spokeswoman said in a statement. “We do collect if necessary but we are still looking for a reliable van at a reasonable price,” she added.

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Organisers say they also need a vacuum cleaner if anyone has a spare one and shelving to display the smaller goods for sale. There is also a plan to include an art/craft/ artisan section in the shop to promote local talents with a percentage of the takings going to the orphanage. Please get in touch with Christine 918357549 or Tricia 916533866 or email


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Community... Gardening Fair

Green fingered fair The Mediterranean Gardening Association’s ‘Spring Garden Fair’ was held on Saturday March 5th. The event was held at the very pretty and idyllic Quinta da Figueirinha on the edge of Silves, a fabulous setting in the beautiful rural countryside. The fair was organised by the Mediterranean Gardening Association and was a nice mixture of stalls, sales, food and produce, and talks, all combined together for the day. The stands were selling native and Mediterranean plants suitable for




Algarve gardens including succulents, robust perennials, trees and shrubs … and pretty flowering plants. You will probably deduce that we are not gardeners … but we did enjoy wandering around looking at the displays!

accommodation available to rent for holidays, and they also run guided tours focussing on organic produce, renewable energy, sustainability, and agricultural research and development.

The event also held a plant clinic which was run by experienced Algarve gardeners giving practical advice; and they also offered free irrigation water salinity tests to anyone that took along a sample with them. The Quinta is a family-run bio-agricultural farm that also has self-catering

Thanks very much to Dave Sheldrake for the photos:

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If you want to find out more please go to Alyson and Dave's blog:


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What’s On... Alvor Carnival To help carnival-goers get to and from the event Days of Adventure will be putting on its bigger boat taxi service from 2pm on the day which will cost 10 euros each way.

Thousands of people are expected to take part in the second Alvor Carnival which takes place on May 8th from 3pm until late. The Soul in the Algarve Festival is likely to be bright, bold and lots of fun. More than 3000 people took part last year and this year promises to be even bigger and even better.

This water taxis is a fabulous boat trip in its own right. It goes along the coast opposite Meia Praia Beach into the Alvor inlet and along the nature reserve, finally disembarking on the pontoon in the centre of Alvor.

The champions were as follows:

This year we have around 60 restaurants in Lagos and Aljezur taking part, and the petiscos are delicious!

A ‘petisco’ costs €3, and includes a small meal and a drink (wine, beer or juice), while desserts and sweets are sold for €2.This year, it's coming to Lagos!

Get ready and put your diet on hold because we have everything from Tuna Tartare to Sardine Fish Cakes, and you will not be disappointed! The passports can be bought in any of the adhering restaurants from May 1st, and the value goes entirely to support charities in the Algarve. For more info, follow Rota do Petisco on Facebook! Meanwhile, have fun and bom apetite!!

The idea is to grab your passport, that you can buy for 1€ each, and start trailing. You can go to as many restaurants you want, whenever you want and however many times you want. It's a great way to discover the many flavours of the Algarve, without breaking the bank. At each stop, collect stamps from the restaurants you visit to be in with a chance




After two days of very competitive bowling the honours were shared equally between Floresta Bowls Club and Santo Antonio Bowls club in Alvor. Despite the cold wind the event was very well supported and a good time was had by all.

of winning prizes from local businesses. And the best part is that you have a whole month to get to know the best eateries around. And cheap.

Created in 2011 in Portimão, the goal of the Tasting Trail is to put the region’s cuisine in the spotlight with all kinds of eateries offering special dishes at accessible prices.

Bowlers from all over the Algarve descended on Floresta Bowls club in Luz March 9th and 10th for the Bowls Algarve Interclub Finals.

Bookings are via any of the Days of Adventure outlets or agents, by telephone 282181282

Tasting Trail starts in May!

The sixth edition of the hugely popular ‘Rota do Petisco', Algarve's very own Tasting Trail, will officially begin in Lagos and Aljezur on May 1st.

Bravo for the bowlers

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LADIES SINGLES: Debbie Stewart - Floresta MENS SINGLES: Geoff Hargreaves - Floresta MENS PAIRS: Brian Walker & John Jones - Alvor LADIES PAIRS Carla Kenny & Jeanette O´Neill - Alvor MIXED PAIRS George Humphreys & Carol Williams Floresta TRIPLES Pat Derouane, Sheila Rapsey & John Jones - Alvor MIXED FOURS Maria Jones, Sue Jones, John Jones & Brian Walker - Alvor OPEN FOURS David Hibbert, Geoff Hargreaves, Ron Cane & Nick Roberts - Floresta Most clubs held their own finals at the end of last month and then there’s a rest from competitive bowls until the new season in October. If you are interested in taking up bowls as a sport or just for fun please ring Lynne Riddle on: +351 919 707 635 to find a club near you.

Located in the heart of Espiche, Fontenario Restaurante is now under new managment. Using fresh ingredients, a creative flair and international culinary experience, Ginny’s eclectic menu is sure to wet any appetite. Open for lunch on the patio 12.30-2.30pm and evenings for dinner Next to Espiche church

Bookings preferred, please contact: T: +351 282 789 953 E:


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What's On...

Pure style Tavira and again on Tuesday 5th at 6pm in the Municipal Library, Lagoa A designer, stylist and author, Jane has written the best-selling ‘Pure Style’ titles (including Pure Style, Pure Style Living, Pure Style Recipes for every day) which have sold over 500,000 copies worldwide.

‘Queen of Simple’ Jane Cumberbatch is internationally known for her ‘Pure Style’ philosophy which promotes a simple, practical, inexpensive and timeless way of living and decorating. Jane will be giving a talk called ‘Pure Colour: simple updates and inspiration for the home and everyday living’ on April 4th at 6pm at the Municipal Library,

Her uniquely stylish and influential look has also been used to promote many home furnishing brands including Habitat, Marks and Spencer and Laura Ashley. A former decorating editor of House & Garden magazine Jane has also worked as a journalist and style director on leading publications such as Elle Decoration.

The Passionate Pilgrim Based on fact and set in medieval Portugal, 'The Passionate Pilgrim' is a tragicomic drama where miracles of healing and supernatural apparitions take centre-stage. A paragon of English virtue and Queen of Portugal for almost 30 years, Philippa of Lancaster was married to Dom João I. They were parents of six surviving children – the so-called Illustrious Generation – including the much talked about Prince Henry the Navigator. Using recent research, the author investigates the intimate personal life of the Prince and the androgyny of a cleric who sells papal indulgences.

group of courtly ladies to the hallowed city of Santiago de Compostela, one of the most important religious sites in the medieval world. Bizarre events, blind faith and love of the Almighty shape the journey with comic and sometimes ludicrous results.

Like Chaucer’s Pardoner, this droll character illustrates aspects of corruption in the medieval church. Parodying the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales, the Queen leads a

The performance will take place on April 10th at 4pm at the Municipal Library, Tavira. Tickets cost €10, contact: E: or T: 281 971 567

Filled with risqué lines, burlesque characters and factual information, 'The Passionate Pilgrim' is beautifully staged and costumed and enacted by a cast of eleven.It has been written entirely in rhyme by Carolyn Kain whose previous plays include ‘The Rhyming Diary of Mrs Pepys’ and ‘Rags to Riches.’

As well as outlining her path from design assistant to style guru Jane will be sharing secrets and tips from her latest style bible Pure Colour (Quadrille). In the style of a personal notebook Jane will take you on a journey through 5 colour palettes and a veritable paintbox of ideas and colour updates for your life and home. It will make you excited for summer and beyond! Jane divides her time between London and her simple Pure Style house in Olhão, so there will be plenty of local colour to inspire you too. Jane has a popular blog and website: where readers can keep in touch with the latest Pure Style Ideas.

Algarve Sketches An exhibition by the Urban Sketchers Algarve – which is part of the Urban Sketchers worldwide – is exhibiting sketches of the Algarve in Lagos until April 8th. The sketches will be on display in the event room of 'Centro - work & event space' in Lagos, Rua Afonso de Almeida 16. The exhibition is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 4pm to 7pm. Urban Sketchers is a worldwide organisation which focuses on sketching on location.

Learn about a legacy

Four Seasons

This month come and find out more about D João V O Magnífico at a talk being given by Peter Kingdon Booker. The lecture will take place on April 26th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Lagoa and April 29th at 11am at the Municipal Library Tavira.

'Quinta das Alagoas' near Almadena is hosting a concert on Saturday 9th April 2016 at 4 pm.

D João V 1706 – 1750 reigned in Portugal during the second period of its great riches. His kingdom benefited from the gold rush in Brazil, and later from the discovery of diamonds in Brazil. Portugal owes to him the legacy of so many beautiful baroque buildings, including the enormous Mafra Palace, the stunningly beautiful Joanine Library in Coimbra and the Aqueduct




in Lisbon strong enough to survive the Earthquake. Many towns and cities in Brazil originated during his reign, and he was responsible for fixing the present borders of that country. D João's personal life was not without interest since he had a predilection for nuns. Peter Booker examines the highlights of his reign and the benefits to Portugal of so much wealth. Talks are free but we welcome voluntary monetary contributions to help us run our association. For more information contact:

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Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' performed by the João Pedro Cunha Ensemble. Entrance, by reservation only, is €18 including refreshment buffet with wine, cheese and homemade products. For information and reservations please contact us at: Phone: 924 204 343 Email:


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What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness Pilates

Sports Football Academy (5 - 10yrs) | 16.15 17.45 Mon

Mat Classes with Lisa | 9.15 - 10.30, Mon, Wed (10.30am only) & Fri (1h) | €10 Equipment Classes | 8.30 - 16.00, Tues & Thurs Pilates Room, Lagos | 926 514 613 | Pilates with Lucienne | 11.00 - 12.00 Wed | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 968288258 | Pilates with Monica | 11.00 - 12.00 Tues & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282690086

€5 | Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350 Capoeira Classes (Mestre Betāo) | 18.30 Mon €7 | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos Tel: 282 764 224 Fun Tennis Doubles Men & Women | 17.00 - 19.00 Thurs | €6 Childrens Football Skills | 16.30 - 17.30 Fri | €4

Pilates with Indah | 18.00 Mon & Thurs at Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo & 10.30 Thurs at Centro Cultural, Barão de S. João | €5 | 911754890

Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350 Netball in Lagos | 19.00 Wed All ages & abilities | First session free

Yoga Gentle Hatha Yoga with Meg | 18.30 - 20.00 Mon - The Yoga Place, Burgau & 12.15 - 14.00 Wed - Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 | 965 201 477

'Netball in Lagos' on Facebook | Walking Football Team | 9.30 - Wed

Hatha Yoga with Diana | 10.00 - 12.00 Tue | €7 (regulars) | €10 (drop-ins) Monterosa, Barão de São João | 962 492 607

Boavista Golf Club Football Pitch | 50+ years of age | €3

Yoga Classes with Ann | 10.30 - 12.00 Tue & Thurs | for all levels Yin Yoga Class with Ann | 18.30 Wed €10 (residents pay €60 for 8 classes) | Burgau | 913 202 621

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-members)

Hatha Yoga (Beginners) | 9.45 Mon, Wed & Fri | €10 | €55 for pack of 6 Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf | 282 790 930

Nick - 910 751 615 |

Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson free €10 (non members) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz | 919707635 Espiche Golf Roll Up | 8.00 Thurs | Reduced Green Fee Women’s Beginner’s Golf Lessons | 14.00 Fri | 10€ pp

Lunch Yoga Stretch, Flow & Classic6 | 12:30 - 13:30 Mon - Fri Yoga Flow 6 | 19.15 Thurs €5.30 - 9 | InLight Lagos | Yoga & De-stress with Lucienne | 11.00 - 12.00 Fri | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz | 968 288 258 | Zumba

Men’s Beginner’s Golf Lessons | 14.00 Sat | 10€ pp Kids Golf School | 10.00 Sun | €20 p/m Espiche Golf | 282 688 250

Classes | Lessons Life drawing classes with Kasia | 11.00 - 13.00 Mon

Zumba with Linda | 9.30 -10.30 Mon & Fri | €6 | Alma Verde | 918 461 840

Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session Marina de Lagos | 916 035 308

Zumba with Monica | 9.30 - 10.30 Wed | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens 282 690 086 |

Stain Glass Classes with Dianne | 10.30 12.30 | Tues &Thurs

Zumba with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Wed & Fri Zumba Step! with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Thurs €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz | 968288258 |

Strictly Dancing at Boavista | Ball Room and Latin American classes

Zumba with Gi & Vitor | 19.00 - Thurs & 9.30 - Sat Zumba Kids (4-6 & 7-11 years old) | 10.30 - Sat €5 | Magnolia Apts, overlooking Praia do Porto de Mós, Lagos | 912 417 994

€10 | Espiche 919 117 108

Every Wednesday | Beginners' class at 16.00 | Improvers class at 17.00 Emerson Suite, Boavista Golf Club Practical Portuguese Lessons | 10.30 - 12.00 Fri | €5 Lounge bar, Marina Club Hotel | 964 696 345

Zumba | 9.30 Tue & Fri | €6 | Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf Tel: 351 282 790 930 Dog Training & Agility with Albertina | 11.00 - 12.00 Fri & 16.00- 17.00 Sat €25 x 4 sessions | Espiche | 968 086 320

Other Tai Ji Quan with Carl | Beginners at 22.00 - 23.30 Mon & Advanced at 17.30 19.00 Thurs | €8 | Barão São João | 919 718 955

Teresas Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat | All levels | €10 | Lagos | 918764613

Body Fit Classes | 9.30 - 10.30 Tue & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens 282 690 086 |

Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | 14.30 Mon, Thurs, Sat & 9.00 Sat | €9

Gymnastik with Irmela | 18.15 - 19.15 Mon | €7 | Hotel Belavista, Praia da Luz | 965 211 996 Fitness Circuit for Men & Women | 10.00 - 11.00 Wed | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350




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Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €20 Members €25 non members Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914 Percussive Dance Class (Tessa & Wale) | 11.30 Thurs Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa) | 11.00 Sat €7 | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos | 282 764 224

What's On - Your weekly events calendar...


Entertainment & Events Concert Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' with the João Pedro Cunha Ensemble 9th April - 16h00 | €18,00 reservation only inc. refreshment & buffet Quinta das Alagoas nr Almadena | 924 204 343 | Royal British LegionvCharity Dinner (live music & raffle) | 16th April 19h00 €19 pp (bookings close 10th April) | O Gomes, Praia de Luz Call Leni 282 995366 or 912547198 Open Mic Night | April 16th 21h00 - Midnight | "Pizza Mobil", Praia da Salema

Activities Walk with Ros & Lol | 9.30 Thurs | (Approx. 2 1/2 hrs) | Boavista Golf Resort 282789358 | 914573373 Biological Breadmaking Workshop | 3rd April - 9.30 | Come prepared to knead your own loaf! | €45 (by reservation) inc. veg. lunch Quinta das Alagoas, nr Almadena | 924 204 343 | Bridge | 1.30pm Tues & Fri | Marina Hotel Bar, Lagos | 964188319

Charity | Voluntering | Support Groups Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Meeting | March 23rd - 11.00 Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Carol Evans | 926 297 527 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim | 912967870 | AA International English Speaking Meeting | AA hotline: 919 005 590 19.30 - 21h00 Wed | Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c 18.00 - 19.00 Sun | 5 Travessa de Santo Amaro, Lagos 964201904 or 282760506

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | 960450750 | Satsang & Group Meditation | 10:30 - 11:30 Sun | FREE | InLight Lagos 913.127.421 | Meditation group with Marion | 19.00 Tue | Figueira | 914523636 Life Journal Bible Study | 19:30 Tue Lively Worship and Biblical Teaching | 11.00 - 13.00 Sun Oasis Christian Fellowship 936 358 553 | 964 285 351 | Mantra Chanting Circle | 19.15 Tue | Inlight, Lagos | 914523636

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing: IT’s FREE OF CHARGE


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What's On...

Egyptian mummies

On Tuesday 5th April the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Dr Campbell Price, Curator of Egypt and Sudan at Manchester Museum, titled 'New Light under ancient wrappings: studying Egyptian mummies at the Manchester Museum'. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm in the Museu de Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm in the Library at Lagoa.

Manchester Museum – part of the University of Manchester, UK – has been a centre of the study of Egyptian mummies since 1908, when Dr Margaret Murray conducted a multidisciplinary mummy unwrapping in front of an audience of hundreds. In the last three years the museum has CTscanned all 20 of its human and around 30 of its animal mummies. This lecture details the new insights gleaned from using the latest hospital CT and industrial micro-CT technology, and how this has affected the interpretation of ancient Egyptian culture within the Museum. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on 917267948. For more information contact or visit

Charity Tea Dance for Madrugada Apologies from the organisers that the Charity Tea Dance for Madrugada had to be postponed in March but please note there is a fresh date to get your dancing shoes ready for. The new date is Sunday May 22nd. The event will take place at the Penina Hotel, Portimāo where a 50s Vintage Tea Dance will help to raise funds for the wonderful Madrugada Association. The charity event will be held between 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Discerning shufflers can show off their best moves to the sound of an excellent jazz band and a tasty

afternoon tea is included along with prizes for the best dancers and 50s-style costumes.

Let’s get this party started The band 5EX and the other entertainment are all booked for what promises to be an even bigger and better event then our first Summer Ball last year. We have room for 300 people to eat, drink and dance the night away under the stars. The band 5EX plays a selection of music from the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties. They also play rock, pop, soul, funk and Portuguese music. We have the venue until well in to the morning so no creeping off early. The 2016 Summer Beach Ball will be at the Duna Beach in Lagos on June 18th and tickets cost 35 euros per person. There are still a few tables left so make sure you have your booking in by the end of April. Please email or give him a ring on 919 185 677.

A plethora of tea-themed side shows will be on offer to whet your appetite for even more swing and jive, all in aid of Madrugada’s marvellous work to provide care and support for people facing life limiting illness. Why not book your tickets now and enjoy an energetic and memorable afternoon at the delightful 5* Penina Hotel & Golf Resort on the N125. Tickets at €15 each are available from Madrugada Centre, 282 761 375.

Spring into Action at Vale da Lama By Lena Strang With the arrival of spring, Vale da Lama (near Odiáxere) reopens the doors of the farm. The first seasonal gathering of the year was held in March but plenty of activities are organised for the coming months. Open Days will be held with Pizza Nights on the 3rd Saturday in April and May. An exciting project is taking shape using ‘rammed earth’ techniques under the guidance of architect Henrique Schrek. Three buildings with a total area of 410m2 - all at different stages – are being constructed. ‘Rammed earth’ is a clay and gravel based traditional construction technique used for erecting walls. It was




a popular method in the Algarve but its use has almost disappeared. However, there is awareness today of the need for constructing more sustainable buildings as part of efficient conservation and the well being of its inhabitants. Visitors are welcome to see the progress and can join practical workshops. There’s an opportunity to participate in Campo do Vale’s pedagogic vegetable garden and aromatic nursery activities. These take place every Saturday during spring and autumn. Additionally, the cycle of wool will be explored, learning to wash, dye, card and spin. There is something for everyone. Activities are aimed at parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren,

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

friends, colleagues, and entire families from 8 to 80 interested in learning about the environment, contributing to the gardens at the farm and having fun! A number of retreats and events at Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort are also organised for families and groups. Comfortable space is provided where groups can come together to share practices, knowledge and inspiring moments. And of course, delicious Mediterranean vegetarian meals, made mostly with organic products from the farm, can be enjoyed. For information on any of the activities please email:


vila palmeira

BISTRO: 11:00 - 24:00 VIVENDO: 19:00 - 24:00 Spacious parking Closed Mondays

apartmentos turisticos ★★★★ Meia Praia . Lagos

Fine dining & beautiful surroundings Vivendo Restaurant & Bistro set in the Vila Palmeira resort. Outstanding Mediterranean cuisine & excellent Portuguese wines offered at attractive prices. The Wine & Dine four-course gourmet menu changes weekly. Reservations: 282 770 902 | Email: |


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What's On...

Sing away from the suds want to be hearing first thing in the morning...but it's certainly good news for the soapy warbler! Not only have studies shown that singing can increase the immune system but it is also good for the heart rate and therefore a healthier heart - much the same as yoga breathing.

Where do you like to sing? When new members of the choir join, they often jokingly say that their only singing experience to date has been in the shower.

Singing has also been shown to potentially combat depression, sadness and feelings of anxiety. A recent study also shows that regular singing can prevent our spoken voice from aging.

But why do we love to sing in the bathroom - and does it really deserve its reputation for encouraging 'bad' singing?

So next time you're in the shower, don't hold back on the singing and remember - it's good for you (if not for everyone else in the house)!

Well firstly, a shower or bathroom has mostly smooth, tiled surfaces creating an acoustically pleasing 'echo chamber' which in turn gives our voice fullness and depth.

Elizabeth Roberts is the choir leader for the Western Algarve Choir - a community choir with no auditions and a strong emphasis on singing for fun.

So we enjoy listening to how our voice sounds which increases how loudly and confidently we sing. This might not necessarily be what our family or neighbours

For more information on joining the choir, or for future bookings, you can email Elizabeth at:

See a star in sand holidaymakers alike. Many visits have already been scheduled for this year – these include school groups and tourists from across Europe. Visitors can take a fun and educational trip through this sand sculpture exhibition which shows stars that have been key in the global music scene for the last 50 years. Go along and find your music idol! This year’s International Festival of Sand Sculptures reopened last month in Pêra in the Algarve. It is one of the largest collections of sculptures in sand that has ever been built. In fact, the exhibition shows 40,000 tons of sand transformed into the most amazing sculptures. The theme is ‘music’ and this time a group of sculptors of various nationalities, is to restore a hundred sculptures, but also to carve new figures such as David Bowie. The exhibition will be open to the public until October. The FIESA continues to attract huge interest from locals and




This event is for all ages, including children who have a space to play with sand and a part of the exhibition which features some of the most popular characters in children's entertainment. The FIESA opening times change according to the time of year: From 20 March to 1 June: from 10am to 8pm; between June 2 and July 14: from 10am to 10pm; between 15 July and 15 September: from 10am to midnight and between 16 September and 30 October: from 10am to 8pm.

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Down at the Old Bull and Bush The Algarveans Experimental Theatre Group will be performing Down at The Old Bull and Bush Old Time Music Hall at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves on April 1st and 2nd. Tickets can be ordered via or 966211634 / 282496635. A prize will be awarded each night for the Ladies’ Best Hat and each member of the audience will receive a complimentary glass of wine on arrival.

Super Supper Club The next Supper Club will take place at Café Fresco on April 7th. The cost is 12 euros per person and the menu this month includes couvert followed by carrot and coriander soup, Thai chicken curry served with Basmati rice. There will be lemon cheesecake for pudding. May’s Supper Club will be on the 7th of the month and details will follow in our May edition. Booking is essential so please call 282 769 256 to reserve your place and please do say if you would like a vegetarian option.

All that jazz A 1920s Jazz Night was held at the Clube dos Artistas in Lagos on Saturday 12th March. There was wonderful music to the tunes of the New Orleans Jazz Band.

Tel:(+351)282 031 726 Cell:936114838 Rua Infante Sagres 95-97 Loja B, Lagos, 8600-743


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What's On...

Plumrosa Pinkin By Tom Henshaw

A little taste of Bollywood by Jackie Jell restaurant inside and out to make it look like an Indian Palace. It certainly helped to create the perfect atmosphere. The magician Phillipart provided the entertainment and there was a quiz all about India which proved to be a bit difficult but fun!

Around 70 women celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8th at a special Bollywood Night at the Pashmina Restaurant in Luz. There was a three-course meal which was cooked to perfection. I think it’s amazing that so many older people find the passion to return to ‘unfinished missions’ and that’s exactly what happened with Rosamund Gale.

Jackie and Sarah had decorated the

A retired teacher, lived in Canada for 40 of her 84 years and eventually settled in the western Algarve, often compares this area with her time in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

An exhibition of art by the students of Lagos Marina’s Art Academy is now underway, marking the school’s fifth anniversary. The Art Academy Project was created through the patronage of Lagos Marina owned by Ingrid and Martinho Fortunato. It is now a recognized mark on the cultural map of Lagos. Over the last five years several events with live music have taken place bringing a real vibe in this corner of the Marina.

By chance she found a wonderful Polish artist doing very original and delightful pictures that seem to resonate with the animals portrayed in the book.

The Art Academy is a project which brings together professional artists and beginners who come here from across the Algarve and different parts of the world.

The book is aimed at all the ‘young at heart’ and especially children between three and eight years of age.

They participate in classes, sharing their experiences and learning more. The beautiful location of Lagos Marina attracts and inspires everybody who takes part.

Please contact Rosamund on and the price of her lovely book is €7.50. Rosamund previously co-wrote a book with Nora Robson called Uncertain Heritage which was set in Canada in the 1800s. It's a story about two innocent, warm-hearted orphan girls and their quest for happiness, success, knowledge of their parentage, and love.




We finished off with some dance music and Sarah entertaining us by singing. A good evening was had by all. Roll on next year!!!!

Exhibition marks five years

Having settled here permanently she decided to ‘tidy up’ her life. After lots of writing and re-reading many of her pieces she came across a poem she wrote some years earlier and decided it was a shame she had never had it published.

Rosamund is launching her book on April 9th at 3pm at the Lagos Library with a children’s orchestra providing a lovely afternoon’s entertainment.

The winning team won a basket of goodies! All the ladies were then given presents and the 'rule' was you had to wear what you were given! We then had Margaret Marques teaching the basics of Indian dancing.

The Art Academy Project was created by Kasia Wrona and Roger Green in 2011. There were painting classes and creative writing in the past and maybe there will be photography workshops in the future. The core of the Art Academy activities are the drawing classes. Kasia says: “Drawing is the foundation of all other disciplines of art. It is therefore an important part of artistic development. You are unable to learn it once forever. You must practice it constantly in order to train your hand, your mind and imagination."

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Therefore everybody is welcome to these life drawing sessions; professional artists in order to practice and beginners to acquire the skills of drawing. There is always room for new projects, such as workshops for children. Some of them took place last year and were sponsored by the Polish Embassy. The workshops gathered children from five countries and produced a wide array of art and a wall full of their drawings. This exhibition marking the five year anniversary shows the work of all kinds of Art Academy participants. Kasia says: “It is a pleasure to present them and define who those people are. They are all artists with great passion, determination and talent.” Kasia’s plans to hold more exhibitions for Art Academy students. She says she believes that the project will continue to grow thanks to the support of Ingrid Fortunato. For more details please go to the Lagos Art Academy page on Facebook.


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



Readers Letters...

We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Ideas for older people Dear Tom, Congratulations on another brilliant edition of Tomorrow. You have certainly filled a gap in the market and its very much appreciated I received some interesting stuff which must have been forwarded to me from Lancashire. It was from Age UK Lancashire but also featuring Chorley and surrounding areas. It looks like the idea I was telling you about when I last saw you - which seems a long long time ago now.

getting involved. I am having serious short term memory problems and finding life quite difficult living on my own, trying to cope with my health problems.. I still have the empty apartment which I told you about but am so vulnerable now. I am afraid to have tenants and yet I do need to have somebody around. I wish I were younger, I would love to participate in some of the things which are being organised through 'Tomorrow'. Its brilliant and you have certainly done a wonderful job. Lena has made her mark hasn't she and seems to be really enjoying life, thanks mainly to your 'Tomorrow' newsletter.

Of course its a totally different situation here, where there is such a mix of nationalities and where people are coming and going all the time. People in Chorley have mostly never lived anywhere else. I saw some of my school friends at Christmas who are still living in the same houses from 60 years ago!! Their families also are still living in the area and attitudes are so different. My brother has five children, they all have children, and now their children are having children - all still living in the same area.

Many people of my generation do not have sufficient incomes to cover the cost of medicines and domestic help etc That is why I think the 'Pop In' idea is so good. I have not yet found it. I would love to be involved but simply would not be reliable. I could play the piano for singalongs if that would be of any use. And I have tons of nostalgic music, collected over a lifetime. Music which is rarely heard these days.

I am sure that you and your team would be interested to read about some of the new initiatives and how the young generation is

Very sincerely, Eileen

Lights campaign

all the palm leaves, so this may explain why 25% are not working, having being disturbed.

Dear Editor, Firstly I must say what a fantastic initiative to organise the lighting up of the Avenida in Lagos. And tonight walking down the whole length of the Avenida to locate my tree showed how many local businesses joined in. All in all a fantastic scheme! However, the purpose of this email is to point out that at least 25% are not working. I suggest the company that installed them send a chap to check each and every one. A lot of the solar panels are hanging by their wires, and some with their solar panels still in position simply aren't working. In all fairness I noticed this week the Câmara cutting back



Keep up the good work Tom.


From a personal point of view, I set out tonight to locate for the first time the one in memory of my brother. When we found it the lights were not on, with the solar panel swinging in the wind and a twist of lights covering the inscription on the plaque. It was not the moment I had planned for my family. Regards, Kevin Lortan (The Garden) Thanks to everyone who has emailed about the lights. We are doing our best to get the outstanding issues and problems resolved as quickly as possible. We will keep you posted.

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Cutting edge or carbuncle? Dear Editor, As a long-term resident of Praia da Luz, I have always considered myself immensely privileged to live in such a picturesque and beautiful location. The stunning golden sand beach, which is flanked at its western end by a rocky promontory, capped by an ancient fort and picturesque church, is in contrast to the dramatic and unique cliffs and rock formation at the eastern end. This idyllic setting frames a view of the magnificent Atlantic Ocean with all of its many colours and moods. Undoubtedly, this superb beach is the Jewel in the crown of the Algarve. I have witnessed the sad purging from this beach of the centuries old fishing industry, steeped in tradition with its gaily-painted boats and fascinating fisher folk. But the latest twenty first century insult to this exceptional location is beyond comprehension. A huge carbuncle, which is completely out of context, both in respect of scale and design, without consideration for the location, has been constructed at the centre of the beach. It’s obscuring and greatly reducing the wonderful views of this magnificent and truly precious stretch of coastline. This is the latest of three beach bars that have stood on this spot, each one growing in size from the previous version. I have watched Luz evolve from a sleepy fishing village into a tourist town. Not all of this evolution has been sympathetically thought through, but now in 2016, lessons should have been learned from the past. In the words of several locals: “It looks as if Aldi, Lidl or Ikea have built an outlet store on Praia da Luz beach.” Surely we must all pull together to get this monstrosity removed or at the very least reduced in scale? David S Jones, Praia da Luz


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Health... Allergic conjunctivitis By João Albano Spring is finally here! Spring means better weather, sunny days and those dreaded seasonal allergies. At this time of the year, we are more exposed to pollen and mould spores which may cause itchy, watery, red eyes. This is a consequence of the inflammation of a membrane of the eye called the conjunctiva. It is susceptible to irritation when in contact with these substances. This reaction is known as allergic conjunctivitis. It's quite common and the best thing to do is avoid rubbing your eyes. Cold compresses and artificial tears will help relieve the symptoms. First, wash your

eyes, apply a cold compress to reduce the inflammation and apply the artificial tears. Also avoid using contact lens, which worsen the inflammation. If the symptoms persist, we end up having to take medication. It's important to visit your eye care specialist to determine if you have allergic conjunctivitis and if simple homecare will be sufficient. Keep your eyes healthy and protected! João Albano (BSc Hons) is head of optometry at Optician Algarvisão, professional eye care. You can make an appointment by calling 282789096

Why have a skin screen before summer? By Niki Medlock Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a major environmental factor, regarded as the main causative factor in the formation of skin tumours such as basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. This radiation causes DNA damage to the cells triggering mutations (genetic defects) that cause skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumours. Melanocytes are a type of cell that are located in the basal layer of the epidermis (outer skin layer). They are spread evenly throughout the skin but can occur in clusters forming moles. They produce melanin, a brown pigment responsible for skin colouration (your tan) to shield it against the harmful effects of UV rays by absorbing them and dissipating the energy as harmless heat. This mechanism is not particularly effective in preventing damage to the skin and when melanocytes cannot work quickly enough to produce melanin the UV rays damage the skin cells – sunburn!!! To compensate for this injury the skin sends extra blood to the damaged area in an attempt to repair it – accounting for the redness!! Melanomas, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, often resemble moles, with 20 – 30% of melanomas developing from existing moles, as they make melanin but some don’t and they can be skin-coloured,




pink, red, purple, blue or white!! If untreated the cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. It is thought that tumour development is linked to occasional UV exposure in short periods of intense sunlight (frequently leading to sunburn), such as at the weekends or when we are on holiday. Whereas accumulated, long term UV exposure tends to cause non-melanoma cancers such as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas. In this day and age when the ozone layer is thinning and tanning machines are popular there is an increasing need to screen our skin for any abnormalities that could be potentially dangerous if left untreated. Luzdoc, in partnership with the Tomorrow magazine, is offering a FREE SKIN SCREENING DAY on May 7th, just before the summer starts, concentrating on pigmented lesions and carried out by our consultant dermatologist, Dr Ana Dinis. The 15 minute screening will be carried out at Medilagos from 10am in the morning until 5pm in the afternoon. If anyone is interested they should phone either Luzdoc or Medilagos for one of the slots. Niki Medlock is head nurse at

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Chiropractic care for low back pain By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro Seeing a doctor of chiropractic, otherwise known as a chiropractor, can be a beneficial step towards effectively treating low back pain. Similar to a medical doctor or a dentist, qualified chiropractors undergo a minimum of four years of specialist training, so you can be assured that we know more about your spine than anybody else. What chiropractors do Chiropractors utilize a series of treatments designed to manipulate the spine, joints and tissues of the body to relieve pain and improve functional ability. Examination procedure If it’s your first visit, your chiropractor will examine you thoroughly before making any sort of diagnosis or treatment plan, as there are many reasons why low back pain occurs. In addition to discussing your ‘health history’, your doctor will test your reflexes, sensory nerves, joints, muscles and other areas of the body to determine the most appropriate treatment. Treatment plan If a patient is suffering from ‘acute’ low back pain (usually lasting for up to six weeks), a typical treatment plan is two or three weekly sessions over the course of two to four weeks. Often, this can be sufficient to completely resolve the pain. After this period of intensive treatment, it would be beneficial to consider regular maintenance care – one visit, every four weeks or so. If you would like to find out more about how chiropractic care could benefit you or members of your family, please call Lagos Health on 282 768 044 or pop in for an informal chat – we’re in the big pink building on the other side of the Lidl roundabout.


In partnership with the

Tomorrow Magazine










With a donation of 10 Euros per person towards ////////////////////// Cadela Carlota ///////////////////// ********************************************** There is a limit of 24

consultations during the day

By appointment only


Please contact us on 282 788 217 / 282 780 700 if you are interested in making sure your skin is ready for the summer!!


Rede ............................................................................................


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Why cyclists should include Yoga in their Training

Counselling – is it for me? By Teresa Hughes Counselling can help people overcome emotional difficulties. During the session we explore fears and anxieties together. The overall aim is to discuss ways of living life in a more satisfying and resourceful way. We may look at:

By Ann de Jongh Continuing the theme from last month, and with the Triathlon coming up this month we look at the reason cyclists should take up Yoga. Yoga can provide a multitude of benefits and is becoming an essential performance enhancing tool for cyclists. More and more pro’s are using it to get the benefits it brings such as improved flexibility, core strength, enhance breathing techniques, aid recovery and help create sharper mental focus. When cycling our bodies are hunched up and the upper body tends to remain still. This can affect the shoulders, back, neck, wrists and hands. Legs don’t achieve a full range of motion, the knee is never fully extended or flexed and neither is the hip and this means cyclists develop shortened hamstrings and tight hips. Our bodies need a way to bring balance back to these muscle groups, this is where yoga comes in. In restoring balance between the muscles, creating length in the muscles that have shortened, making the body more supple and resilient to injury. Breathing correctly, is vital to getting essential oxygen to the muscles and to help get up the hills! Yoga focuses on the breath, and techniques learnt in yoga help make each breath more efficient. This is particularly useful just before a big climb or a sprint. Yoga is all about calming and stilling the mind. In cycling we can use yoga to calm the mind and help deal with pre-race nerves and anxiety, having a calmer mind on the day of that big event or race, creates sharper mental focus on the task in hand. If you cycle and you don’t do yoga maybe this article has given you a taste of how yoga can improve your performance and well-being on and off the bike.


Identifying the presenting problem will lead the client to finding a solution. This can be particularly helpful for a person who has been previously problem focused. I will honour whatever issue the client chooses to bring to the session in a nonjudgemental confidential environment. This will empower individuals to look at their lives and make changes as they see fit. It is not my role to be directive and tell them what to do, the choice is entirely theirs. This is a person centered counselling approach. Some clients may choose to review historic material in an attempt to understand why


An individual presenting with unresolved loss may have an exacerbated reaction to a further loss either through bereavement or a relationship breakdown if the original issues were not addressed. The loss of a loved one is without doubt one of life’s most traumatic events, the rawness of grief and the accompanying emotions can feel overwhelming. In our modern society we have witnessed a major decline in the extended family and more of us are living a nuclear existence, this may have significantly contributed to an increasing demand for counselling services, together with a wider acceptance of therapy generally. I view my clients with compassion based on my firm belief all human beings have the desire to be happy and can overcome suffering. Please call Teresa Hughes on 960417731 or email Teresa is a person centered counsellor and bereavement therapist. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Top tips to stop bullying By Laura Newman Bullying is the source of a lot of suffering for many children. Unfortunately, it's hard to stop by simply saying “No” or trying to stand up to them. Bullying occurs because the child has been divorced from their own heart, their goodness. They are angry & reflecting this on their external world. Bullying is a plea for help. How can we make our children resilient to bullying? 1. Children are shielded from bullying by a strong connection with their parents. The more you matter to them the less it matters what other people think of them. 2. Children need to be able to express their tears of sadness over the many things they cannot change in their day. Setting clear & loving limits can often bring children to their tears and soften their hearts.

Ann teaches Yoga in Burgau. Please call 913202621 or email


• What is causing the client’s emotional disturbance? • What are their expectations of counselling? • What are their choices in respect of the presenting difficulty?

they are having problems and what exactly has led them to therapy.

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3. Children need to be able to feel their alarm, to feel scared and unsafe about things they feel threatened by. If they can see where trouble is coming from they can usually stay out of the way. 4. Make sure children are not too peerorientated. Children need to look up to their parents & take on their values & guidance. Spending too much time with peers, wanting to be the same, is a recipe for peer-orientation. If your child is still being bullied and you think it is too much for them to bear, then structures have to be put in place that prevent bullying from occurring or remove the child from that situation. For more information & support contact Laura Newman, speech therapist and parent consultant by calling 9616-33995 or emailing

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Pets Mate By Lars Rahmquist Well, well, spring has certainly sprung. Isn’t global warming like a warm hug from an over-exuberant aunt?!

conjunction with mosquito repellents eg collars or spot-ons, Leishguard confers 98% protection for your dog.

So, as promised, this month we will be discussing Leishmania. The yearly instalment thereof…

The logic is that if most mosquito bites are repelled, the ‘Leishguard-effect’ is enough to stop the remaining Leish organisms from taking hold.

There has been a lot of good research work done recently regarding this debilitating disease. Leishmania disease comes from a combination of the organism (the antigen) and antibodies made in response to it. Antibody-antigen complexes float through bloodstream. Where they lodge, excess inflammatory response ensues and signs of Leishmaniasis are seen. This happens most in the skin, the kidneys, the eyes and the bone marrow. Leishguard is a product with a novel approach to Leish. It encourages the immune system to attack the infection with ‘killer’ T cells instead of making antibodies. In fact, stimulating T cells is the latest approach to cancer research in people.

There is also a vaccine called CaniLeish for preventing infection. The statistics are not quite as good as Leishguard but following the initial course of 3 injections, there is only a yearly booster to give, as opposed to Leishguard which has to be given daily for a month (in the food). Both Leishguard and CaniLeish vaccines should incorporate some mosquito control for maximum protection for your dog throughout the mosquito season. Contact your vet for more information or email us with any queries you may have.

If your dog has Leishmaniasis, speak to your vet about including regular Leishguard courses to help improve the life of your dog.

'Leishguard' can be used at any age to protect against Leishmaniasis

Pilates and swimming? By Lisa Longhurst The last two months I have written about how Pilates can help with cycling and running in preparation for the Luz Triathlon, which is taking place on 23rd April. So this month brings me to swimming.

add seconds to a competitive time or – even worse – to a variety of tears, pulls or strains. Swimmers who practice Pilates will see stronger stomach muscles, which are the base of all their movements.

For swimmers, proper body alignment is critical. Swimmers need to work with the water and the slightest misalignment can cause them to work against it.

For a swimmer a strong core will keep the scapula, shoulders, pelvis and spine balanced and aligned so that they can lift their arms up and out of the water without the usual straining of the neck muscles, leading to less overall wear and tear on the body and a faster swim.

Swimming does not work the inside 'stabilizing' system, it works on the shoulders, arms and legs. This imbalance leaves a swimmer open to misalignments, which make certain parts of the body work harder than they should. That can




As one of Tanja Rai’s clients said: “Galloping old age, over-enthusiastic volley on the tennis court, that golf round which left you with an aching back. What do you do? Take a couple of pills, rub in the Ralgex, shot of whisky and the pain goes away for a few hours. Then what?” As they said: “We were fortunate to be pointed in the direction of Tanja Rai, at the time Physiotherapist at Boavista Golf Club. We thought it was worth a session or two, having tried the overthe-counter remedies. “Eight years later we still have regular appointments to soothe away the aches and pains but what is invaluable is Tanja’s ability and expertise to identify problems and offer an alternative to surgery.” Since Tanja first started a lot has changed for her. She has now had a daughter, qualified as a hippotherapist (hippotherapy is a physical, occupational or speech and language therapy treatment that uses equine movement).

With less antibody response, the disease is better controlled (though never cured).

Leishguard also has a preventative effect with regards to infection. Used in

Physiotherapy Lagos

If you feel Pilates could help you after reading this article please call 926 514 613 or email

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She has also now opened her own treatment rooms: Physiotherapy Lagos. It is located in Santo Amaro, right across from Casa Lux, and has been practising since January. The new premises includes a light and welcoming treatment room and an exercise area where different classes are held weekly. Physiotherapy Lagos aims to provide you with a more complete way to optimal recovery and full rehabilitation. Want to know more? Please check out our website: To make an appointment please contact us: Tel: 914947313 Email:


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Business Computer Spring Clean By Steven Dunwell “Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world." Virgil A. Kraft It’s not just the software in a computer that can benefit from an occasional clean from viruses and malware, cleaning the components and peripherals on the outside help keep everything in good working condition and helps prevent germs from spreading. A few tips before starting: 1. ALWAYS turn off you PC before cleaning it. 2. Never spray or squirt any liquid onto any computer component. 3. Never use a vacuum inside your computer as it generates static electricity that can damage your computer. Case Cleaning Why? Cleaning your case keeps the appearance of the computer looking new. If you see ventilation slots, these can be cleaned or cleared to help keep a steady cool airflow to the components inside. Procedure: The plastic case that houses the

PC components can be cleaned with a slightly damp lint-free cloth. For stubborn stains, add a little household detergent to the cloth. You should not use a solvent cleaner on plastics.

the computer screen to be difficult to read. Procedure: When cleaning the LCD or LED screen, it is important to remember to not spray any liquids onto the screen directly.

Keyboard Cleaning Why? The computer keyboard is usually one of the most germ infected items in your home or office. A keyboard may even contain more bacteria than your toilet seat. Cleaning it helps remove any dangerous bacteria and keeps the keyboard working properly.

Press gently while cleaning and do not use a paper towel, since it can scratch the screen. To clean the LCD or LED screen, use a soft microfiber cloth or Swiffer duster. If a dry cloth does not completely clean the screen, you can apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to the cloth and wipe the screen.

Procedure: Before cleaning the keyboard first turn off the computer. Many people clean the keyboard by turning it upside down and shaking (over a bin). A more efficient method is to use compressed air to blow the dirt out from between the keys. Once that’s done use a disinfectant cloth and rub each of the keys on the keyboard and then allow to fully dry. LCD/LED Cleaning Why? Dirt, dust, and fingerprints can cause

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Please contact me via email: or call me on: 00351 936 387 512 Have a great month, see you for another tip in the May issue.

Selling your home? By Julie Battersby If you are trying to sell then maybe it is time to consider BEVERYWHERE. At some stage most of us have to consider selling our house or apartment and it is always important that we find the right agency or agencies to expedite the sale and get ultimately the best possible deal all round. I was recommended to a company called BEVERYWHERE. I had never heard about them until somebody told me that they had sold

their house at a fraction of the normal cost of estate agents. So I read about them and decided to call and find out how it works and I found it is very straightforward. You can buy a month at a time or take, as I did, the six-month package and that is only €255. There are no hidden extras and almost immediately my property was on the most viewed property websites in the world where there are literally millions of active buyers.

Of course, I chose an estate agent as well so that I felt I had a ‘belt and braces’ approach which made me feel I could not have done more. I had over 300 ‘views’ and sold the property in around a year, which in the market of the last three years I considered was totally acceptable. No fuss, no fees, no strings and I met the clients that visited. Simple and very cost effective. Contact

‘Restaurante Bar Inna’ By Steven Sutton You are spoilt for choice when looking for somewhere to eat in Lagos.

Luís de Camões. It is run by Inna who has a ready smile and fabulous cooking skills.

It is a fabulous evening out, although it is open for breakfast and lunch as well.

There are many good restaurants and bars which offer a multitude of dishes. Sometimes all you want is some good food at a reasonable price in a typical Portuguese setting, all served with good humour and a warm welcome.

They have a main course menu for 5 euros, which, to be honest is so varied why would you not want to order from it.

Places such as ‘Restuarante Bar Inna’ deserve to be successful as they offer value for money and more than a touch of honest to goodness old fashioned hospitality. I give it ‘3 yums’ out of 5…………yum, yum, yum.

‘Restuarante Bar Inna’ is such a place, it is small and cosy set in a side street on Rua da Oliveira just a few minutes’ walk from Praça




You can choose fish or meat, the pork with clams is delicious as is the chicken with hot sauce. The atmosphere is lively and friendly. I would recommend that you go early as it tends to get busy and go hungry as the portions are substantial.

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You can find ‘Resturante Bar Inna’ on Rua da Oliveira, 52. Telephone 967 547 326

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What has gone and what is coming.....? By David Westmoreland 2016 is now well under way. After a record breaking 2015 we came into the year half expecting things to calm down a little. That has not been the case so far. Both January and February have exceeded 2015 achievements by approximately 20% and enquiries are reflecting the same. Lagos and Luz feel busier than ever, even though we have had some very inconsistent weather. So, what are we expecting from 2016? From a sales perspective I believe we will see a consolidation year. 2015 was extremely busy fuelled by the NHR market through the Scandinavian and French markets. I honestly believe that sales trends come in waves and the French revolution was always going to be a five-year wave. Believe it or not, we are in to the fourth year of that five-year wave and we are already seeing a calming of the French market. Of course, there are still plenty of French buyers but budget levels and numbers have dropped slightly. This I predict will continue until we get a more even and normal French overseas market. We are already seeing churn in terms of buyers from 2013 and

2014 selling and upsizing. The Scandinavian market is still going strong and in 2016 we have already seen an increase in both enquiries and sales from this region. When any market improves, naturally new players come to the market to capitalise on this growth. Lagos has seen at least a couple of dozen new players enter the market trying to “get in on the action”. Whilst competition is always good for business and I welcome new competition some of these players are only here for the short haul. Some of the more established agents such as B&P have been trading for many years through thick and thin and offer a history of professional trading and a successful track record. I think we will still see more new smaller players enter the market but the experienced agents have invaluable knowledge and experience.

holidays this year. The biggest challenge is to secure more quality properties for holiday rents for both 2016 and 2017. We are actively looking for new modern stylish properties to add to our portfolio. 2015 saw our newest venture 'Lagos Long Lets' grow from a small additional interest to a business in its own right. We have around two enquiries a day for long lets every trading day of the year. This demonstrates how strong this market is. The weak area is the number of rental properties. Long term letting offers a great investment for landlords. For more information email: As an overview I believe 2016 will be an eventful year. Property sales will consolidate with the new markets calming down.

With all the negative events taking place across Europe and the Middle East, Portugal is cited as a hotspot for holiday makers this year. 2015 saw a 30% increase in pure holiday numbers for Resort Rentals.

Holiday rentals will continue to grow and residential letting to overseas clients will develop as quickly as the properties become available.

I am forecasting a further 30% increase in 2016 meaning we will handle almost 1500

So hold on to your hats for another fantastic ride in 2016.

Good news for restaurants Last month Portugal's parliament agreed to cut VAT for restaurants from 23 per cent down to 13 per cent as part of a raft of measures aimed at rolling back on unpopular austerity measures. The approval of the country’s 2016 budget came after months of battling with the European Union which wanted greater cuts. The vote will mean a gradual move to restore public sector worker wages to where they were before Portugal's debt crisis and 2011-14 bailout. Politicians also raised the minimum wage. Finance Minister Mário Centeno told parliament that the budget aimed to return hope to the Portuguese in a responsible way and to fully meet Portugal’s commitments. However, pressure from Brussels for more deficit cuts forced the government to find 900 million euros in extra revenues, mostly from indirect taxes on things like petrol.




The European Commission has warned that Portugal still risks breaking the bloc's fiscal rules and asked Lisbon to prepare additional stand-by measures for a review in May.

percent, she sees the budget deficit only reaching 3 percent of GDP as "we have some doubts surrounding the foreseen effects of revenue and expenditure measures."

The budget, which was approved with 122 votes to 107 opposed, is the culmination of months of political uncertainty which started with an inconclusive national election in October and resulted in a minority Socialist government taking over in November with backing from their far-left allies. The budget sees growth rising to 1.8 percent this year after 1.5 percent in 2015. On the insistence of Brussels, the budget deficit will be cut to 2.2 percent of GDP after 4.3 percent in 2015.

Any failure to reach fiscal goals could prompt Brussels to demand more budget cuts, which could cause friction between the Socialists and their far left partners, who have warned that the government cannot simply budge on austerity and blame Brussels.

Chief economist at Banco BPI, Paula Carvalho, told Reuters News Agency that there were some risks as growth could fall short, potentially undermining tax revenues. While her growth estimate is also 1.8

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"In terms of political risk, everything depends on how this budget is executed," said Joao Pereira Leite, head of investment at Banco Carregosa. "But I don't think it (political turbulence) will happen in the short term. There will be a grace period, but everything depends on the Socialists delivering what they promised." The budget also foresees a slight decline in total debt to 127 percent of GDP from around 130 percent last year.


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Spruce up this Spring By Abode Each year as we head into Spring we often look at our home with fresh eyes. Whether your property is your principle residence, holiday home or a rental property, you are sure to have a few things that you would like to change or update before the summer season begins in earnest. If you are looking to freshen up the interior, you might want to start with the basics. A new mattress will change a bed completely – or a new sofa transforms a living room. However you can also bring a room up to date with a few carefully placed accessories or single items of ´statement´ furniture. Interior trends for 2016 include the return

of rattan – back with a modern twist – and these natural but striking pieces are perfect for interior rooms or covered balconies; creating a comfortable, modern beachhouse feel. Interior colours for this season include powder blues, mustard yellows and pale lilacs – all of which sit strikingly with the blue Algarvian sky and jewel-coloured sea – and you can add them with painted feature walls, soft furnishings or decorative items. Whether your outside space is a small balcony or a large garden, it's guaranteed that this will become the main 'room' of your home during the summer months. If you're

looking to update your outdoor furniture, it's worth taking a look at the new fabric outdoor dining and sofa sets which are both fresh and elegant in appearance and also exceptionally durable (being UV, stain, water, mould and fade resistant). Here at Abode we offer a huge range of interior and exterior furniture and accessories (including all of the above) – visit our showroom here in Lagos and one of our friendly, multilingual team will be happy to help you – or take a look at our website: and get your property ready for the summer! Lagos 282762070

A touch of style By Tom Henshaw

It really is a pleasure talking with Paulo Pacheco from Gii Homes because it is immediately obvious that here is a man with passion and commitment to his profession. His drive to develop a furnishing company that offers beautiful products that predominantly come from Portugal’s leading designers in their sphere, more than ninety proven national and International suppliers is exactly what discerning

international clients have been waiting to find in the Algarve.

touch without the pressure’ where the customer becomes part of the whole process.

Having spent my early life in the furniture industry I can truly see this development proving that quality, design and price can meet to give buyers high expectations that prove to be well founded and a great move away from the mundane that fill most furniture stores nowadays.

My article can only give a flavour of this progressive company’s myriad of product choice and support so please do check them out yourself. Call: 282 031 726 or 00 351 936114838 Email:

Versatility and diversity are offered in abundance from Paul’s beautiful store and because the team offer ‘the whole package’ and I do mean the whole package one should need look no further for curtain making, interior design consultancy, made to measure projects and so much more. You can rely on prompt, friendly and genuinely helpful service - 'the personal

Linen-etc By Steven Sutton Linen-etc is situated on the EN125 just past Budens. It is run by Karen and a small team. They have updated their merchandise and now, beside the beautiful crisp sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, toppers and bedspreads there is everything you would want to make your home special whether you live in Portugal, have a holiday home here or provide rental properties. They have a myriad of additional soft furnishings. Ready-made curtains of various




colours and designs, also the beautiful voiles that so suit the summer climate are now available.

In addition to the soft furnishings there are some gorgeous table lamps in varying shapes, sizes and colours a really wide range to choose from.

They have fabulous scatter cushions in vibrant colours and modern patterns, all different shapes and sizes to grace any bedroom, sofa or sun lounge.

All the merchandise is sourced from around Europe including Portugal and are of the highest quality.

My favourite are the nautical designs that hint at New England beach houses, fabulous. If you are looking for rugs to give that finishing touch look no further.

Monday to Friday between 10am and 5pm. Please call 282 697791 or check out their website It’s really well worth a visit.

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Food & Drink... Visiting Champagne By our sommelier Miguel Martins in the store because they are wines of character and personality, produced in smaller quantities which make them less known but more authentic.

It is not the first time that I have talked about champagne in the Tomorrow newsletter, but this time I would like to tell you about my recent visit to this fantastic wine region. The month of March is always cold as we know, but for a Portuguese like myself who is used to the Algarve sun, to go the Champagne region is always more difficult this time of year because it really gets chilly there. I arrived one bitterly cold morning but my heart soon warmed with the wonder of the landscape and especially the wines made in the region that are unique in the world. Although there are good sparkling wines in Portugal and other countries, champagne is champagne! It’s the climate, soil and the typology, the ‘savoir fair’ of generations of families who are keen to keep the business within the family – a combination of everything that makes this wine one of the most appreciated in the world. In my quest to have wines that are not very commercial, I have found some champagne producers who I’d like to have represented

Try out the tropical

Please email or call 917924741.

The producers were invited to come and present their champagnes in my store. So watch this space, as I will announce in advance when this will happen. Many people ask me when wine tastings take place. I always announce these on Facebook in advance so do follow me on my Facebook page to find out about events.


The beautiful ocean view has not changed, but a “refreshing and subtle renovation” has been made to one of the top-class restaurants in the Algarve. Its decor has certainly changed, however. Vivendo Restaurant and Bistro have had an indisputable reputation for quality and service for a very long time. Therefore, it really deserves its Tripadvisor 'Certificate of Excellence 2015'. Under the management of Christoph Voigt over the last ten years, this restaurant has prospered. Combining this with the very friendly and genuinely helpful staff, I can definitely say it's a restaurant that should not be missed from your list of `top places to eat out`. The weekly changing four-course gourmet dinner at €38.50 per person, including a half bottle of quality wine, is excellent. It does really bring to mind an old saying that “the ratio of quality to price is equally provided”.

I apologize for not mentioning all the champagne houses that I visited but as there are so many and such good ones, I run the risk of being unfair to some of them. So the best thing is to come to my shop when we do the tasting.

Making a reservation guarantees you a place in one of the best restaurants in the Algarve. The Bistro is open between 11am and midnight and Vivendo is open 7pm until midnight.

I look forward to your visit.

Please call 282 770 902

By Julie Battersby

At the Tropical Café you will always find a friendly smile and a warm welcome as well as crepes and other light meals to suit every taste. There’s a terrace where you can enjoy a coffee and a cake.


Last year I organised a champagne tasting in the store and this year I will have the pleasure of sharing with my clients some of the brands that I encountered on my visit.

A true favourite

Last month Milvia Felix and her family celebrated the two year anniversary of the opening of the wonderful Tropical Café which is adjacent to the Adega da Marina and the Caravela Boa Esperança.


I have nothing against the big brands but believe that we can find fantastic products that are less expensive. From the mountains of Reims, through the great Pinot Noir de Aÿ to Chardonnay of Mesnil-sur-Oger - the diversity is great.

Vivendo Restaurant and Bistro By Tom Henshaw

Marques Piri Piri is very close to Lagos Bus Station and I’d say one of the very best places to get a chicken piri piri takeaway in our area. It’s a bit of a secret treasure because most people don’t seem to know this small and casual restaurant is even there. It’s very reasonably priced and there’s a wide selection of other favourites too. It really is well worth a visit. Churrasqueira Marques on 282 767 933

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Outdoor... the house and patio which can be planted out once they have finished giving masses of cut flowers next year onwards. Average water and average soil with minimum disturbance or fuss makes the Peruvian lily a long-lived summer favourite here. Other solid tuberous/bulb favourites include Tulbaghia vilacea (wild garlic) and the dazzling Hemerocallis family (daylilies). For large impact then it has to be Agapanthus mostly growing here in many shades of blue.

April Potpourri By Clive Goodacre


Despite a cold(ish) winter one should not leave it much longer before pruning back any plants that have finished flowering. This will still give them some moisture to put on new growth for hardening off during summer and autumn. Be sure to clear away debris and anything likely to harbour snails, slugs or other pests. If your pot plants are not looking too good check that it is not something as simple as lack of water – even a small foliage canopy will act as an umbrella when it rains. See what plants you can add to provide extra colour next winter and fill difficult areas. Although this may seem a long way off, many plants like Jasminium nudiflorum, although relatively unfussy regarding soil or position, can take a year or so to become established. Known as winter jasmine it has handsome dark green foliage all year with bright yellow flowers from winter to the beginning of April. It can form a large sprawling bush or grow up to 4m high tied up against a wall or even a dead tree. Yellow jasmine is unscented, but for a glorious heady perfume this summer and even better performance in its second year, choose J. sambac (Arabian Jasmine) which has shiny dark green leaves and waxy white flowers. It grows very well here, as it only requires low nutrition, likes mildly alkaline conditions and does best in raised beds or planters. Jasminum oditissima is far more discrete having small six petalled flowers surrounded by dull green leaves – although its scent is all pervading.




For something altogether more spectacular then Jasminum grandiflora is the one to go for. Widely used in aromatherapy, it has larger flowers and leaves than other varieties – look for the ‘De Grasse’ variety, an ingredient of Chanel perfumes. This is a long-lived plant and with patience will become one of your garden’s aristocrats. Another white beauty is Magnolia grandiflora which grows into a huge shrub or tree so give it space. Many people do not plant it here on the basis that magnolias are regarded as being only suited to northern climes, but in fact this is a true Mediterranean species and grows easily in alkaline conditions provided it is given rich soil and regular water. Large thick dark green glossy leaves, rust brown underneath, and the purest white flowers up to 20cm wide with burnt orange centres make it the focus of any summer garden here. Still thinking ahead for summer, long lasting cut flowers for interior use can be hard to find so Alstroemeria aurantiaca (Peruvian lily) is well worth planting. They are a tuberous perennial which can be left year after year to form large clumps of brilliant colour up to one metre high ranging from yellow and red to the deepest purple. As cut flowers they can easily last several weeks while outside they flower all summer finally fading. Now is a good time to buy pot grown flowering specimens for decoration round

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Massed groups of agapanthus work best and once established need little care except for deep watering during their flowering season. It is easiest to buy established plants which can be split rather than grown from seed as they take several years to flower. Unusual varieties such as the deep blue/purple A. inapertus pendulus are worth looking out for. Incidentally, agape is Greek for love and anthus means flower thus making agapanthus the flower of love. Still in the blues, late spring and early summer is a good time for Echium candicans otherwise known as the pride of Madeira. It is a relatively short lived shrub bearing masses of blue spikes and beautiful rosettes of grey/ green pointed leaves. Plant it in well drained spot in full sun, but not in a container so plant nursery grown specimens as soon as possible. Pride of Madeira can die suddenly for no apparent reason – it is also killed by frost. Cape mallow (Anisodontea) is another good flowering shrub for the late spring and early summer garden that only requires moderate watering and average soil. It is an old favourite here thanks to masses of small pink rose shaped flowers and the ability to withstand hard cutting back when it gets leggy. Also in the easy and useful shrub category requiring only moderate water are Teucreum fruticans, and Westringia fruticosa or coast rosemary. Originating from Australia, Westringia flowers almost all year and can grow to 1.75m high and twice as wide. Teucreum makes perfect bonsai specimens. Agapanthus



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.