Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur April 2017 Edition

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FREE to take home April 2017 | Edition 65 | 5,000 copies |



Community Filming by the seat of their pants!

What’s On Literary Lagos

Health Poppy the herbalist


Statue of São Gonçalo - Lagos

Business Booming holiday rentals for 2017

Food & Drink Recipe: Pastéis de nata Plus much more...

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Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow's April edition

EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 GNR NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 As predicted March was another busy month for the Tomorrow Team and April sees us TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 planning more and more activities. CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 First for this month on April 2nd is the second Tomorrow ‘Giving it back day’ and we are TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 joining forces with the ‘Extreme Algarve Surf School’ on this occasion. We will be helping to TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 clean up Praia da Cordoama in Vila do Bispo. If you want to join us please meet at 11am in TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 the car park. Please bring bags and gloves. TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 We are still looking for more ideas for both the ‘Giving it back days’ and the ‘Loose Ends’ CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 initiative so if you have any suggestions please let us know. LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 800 201 000 | 282 790 700 Mandi Keen is promoting a new initiative this month for singles to meet through a new CHIROPRACTOR (LAGOS) 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC (ALMADENA) 918 366 646 whatsapp group but the first point of contact is LAGOS VET 282 782 282 We really feel that this is another great way to make new friends without a major FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 commitment. Make new friends, pop out for a drink, see a new film or just a walk on the MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 coast. Do not waste any more time, seize the moment! ALL MOBILITY AIDS 960 004 682


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200


We are very pleased that our story ‘Born to ride’ about young João who was looking for land to practice his moto-cross riding has received several positive offers and a final choice had been made - once again a big thank you to our readers. Steven Sutton has confirmed that over 150 tickets out of a possible 225 have been sold for the Tomorrow Summer Ball on June 17th at the ‘Tivoli Dunas Beach Club. Look out for more details in this issue. The Summer Ball at the Tivoli Hotel in Portimão on July 15th is already half sold. It looks like it’s going to be another great success with Tiago and 5 EX playing. Please email Steven Sutton for more information. Remember the JUST JOBS page of our website - you may be looking for full time or part time job. Post what you are looking for on our FREE page and find a business or restaurant looking for your skills. Maybe you are retired and you would like a few hours a week - try it, you never know! Equally businesses looking for staff can post jobs too. Always inform Amber about your forthcoming events, large or small so that we can include them in our next edition. We always welcome your suggestions and views too. Best wishes for a great month in the Algarve. Tom, Amber and the whole team  Call Tom on 919 918733 or email our editor

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Community Filming by the seat of their pants! By Stephanie Ginger

distinctive red rock just offshore, I already feel that I’ve passed some seat-of-thepants initiation. The precipitous access, more goat track than road, is deemed too perilous for me, a mere Tomorrow journalist of a certain age in my low-slung Mini. Gonzo, intrepid photographer (and surfer, fortunately), is dispatched to collect me from the market square in Vila do Bispo. The second team member I meet is BJ Boulter, production designer and Kristjan’s mother. “Now you’re here,” she says cheerfully, “you’re stuck with us until we take you back!”

Ponta Ruiva | director Kristjan Knigge | cinematographer Chad McClarnon | sound recordist Erik Schuring

A blustery Monday in the last week of February and I’m heading for Vila do Bispo, to an isolated beach not far from Sagres, the place once called ‘The End of the World’. It’s Day One of Longship Films’ five-day shoot in the Algarve. On February 18th, a close-knit team of nine dedicated film professionals led by director, Kristjan Knigge, arrived in the Algarve from Ericeira, Amsterdam and as far away as Nashville Tenessee and Los Angeles. After three weeks preparation, a couple of days brainstorming and a micro-budget they will shoot a blistering thirty scenes of their second feature film “Exposure” from Ponta Ruiva on the West Coast to Vila Real de Santo António at the eastern end of the Algarve in less than a week.

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Their first film ‘Second Honeymoon’ was a drama thriller about newlyweds Jesper and Agnes honeymooning in sun-drenched Portugal, who find their happiness threatened by Jesper's memories of an earlier, similar holiday. Although shot in Portugal in just six days, it was good enough to win a special ‘Maverick’ award at the Flyway Film Festival in the United States last year. I hear disbelief reverberate along the coast. “What? Shoot a feature film in six days?” But this, I assure you, is not feature filmmaking as we know it, with years of development, thousands of dollars and hundreds of people already in the mix. This is the Longship way. This is seatof-the-pants filmmaking. And as I arrive on set at Ponta Ruiva, a wild, westerly beach famous with surfers courtesy of the

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She talks to me while she finds dry clothes for Kristjan and American actress Erica Anderson, playing Rachel one of the two main characters. They’re both wet through after shooting a scene at the water’s edge. While Kristjan, now clad in a kikoy and hoodie, moves on to set up the next shot, BJ, a British producer and set designer from Tanganyika now settled in the Algarve, tells me about her maverick son, the evolution of Longship film, as well as this latest venture Exposure. BJs been in the film business all her life so it’s no surprise that Kristjan, carted from film-set to studio from the year dot grew up to be a filmmaker too. “But he wasn’t going to ride a motorbike or be involved in the film business, or smoke or do any of the things I did,” she laughs. “But of course he grew up and does all of them!” “I never considered anything but going into film,” Kristjan says. “I started out as a runner when I was 18 and I’ve done practically

every production job since: lighting, camera, grip, even special effects and that was back in the day before computers.” He took the plunge to direct in 2004 and in his regular job makes commercials and corporate videos. He’s also involved in a project called Mission Live Ocean, an initiative to bring attention to the worldwide environmental problem of circulating ocean plastic.

He continues: “I wanted to come up with a way to speed up that whole process; to ride the wave of the joy and energy of creating, devise a method where we can say, ‘hey, let’s make a film’ and then five to six months later it’s finished and out in the world in front of audiences.” So three actors, a writer, a cameraman, a production designer and producer came to Portugal and gave it a go. “I was very open that it was an experiment,” says Kristjan. That experiment turned out to be Second Honeymoon. But how does it work in practice?

Villa Madrigal in Praia da Rocha | local actresses Clarissa Meca and Michelé Frasca | lead actresses Geerteke van Lierop and Erica Anderson | director Kristjan Knigge | cinematographer Chad McClarnon | sound recordist Erik Schuring

So what brought about this idea to shoot a feature film in the shortest possible timeframe? “We’d made the comedy drama The Right Juice here in the traditional way,” says Kristjan, prepping for 18 months and shooting it in seven weeks. The Right Juice was hugely enjoyable to make but it got me thinking.” “Traditional filmmaking is inherently a very lengthy process. It takes a long time to develop a script, work out the kinks, forever to put the financing together but a relatively short time to shoot. Then it takes a long time to edit it and distribute it and so forth. So the Run and Gun bit – the shooting – is this tiny percentage of work in the middle of this vast thing!”

Kristjan explains: “Beforehand we only have a ‘concept’ of the characters and the type of story we want to tell. Then we take it out into the world and let the world influence the script and the development of the story rather than the characters having to fit the narrative of the story. It could be the people you meet along the route, locations that you haven’t thought of or it could even be the weather. It’s opening the door to what people call ‘happy accidents’; things you couldn’t have thought of but add to the artistic merit and the story.” So how did that affect Second Honeymoon, for example?

Ponta Ruiva | lead actress Erica Anderson

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Community >> Continued from page 5

Biblioteca Municipal Vila Real de Santo António | Filmando a Luz Exhibition | lead actresses Geerteke van Lierop and Erica Anderson | cinematographer Chad McClarnon | production designer BJ Boulter | sound recordist Erik Schuring | director Kristjan Knigge

“Actually,” says Kristjan unable to disguise the pride in his voice, “I think “Second Honeymoon” is a really good film, and what’s really gratifying is that part of the reason that it’s good and interesting was because of things that happened along the way.” Lead actress Geerteke van Lierop agrees. “There are a lot of people who have a dream but don’t do it. Kristjan is a guy who simply says ‘Let’s do it!’” Having worked with him before, Geerteke jumped at the chance to star in Second Honeymoon as Agnes and was involved in Exposure from the outset. “As an actress, normally the script is all written and planned and you have to do exactly what the Director wants you to do,” she says. “But what’s really exciting about this process is that you really have a voice, not only within the character but also in making the story.” And make no mistake. There is method and process in seat-of the-pants filmmaking. With a maximum three weeks of pre-production, a week of shooting and two months of post-production, there’s essentially a three-month window of creative opportunity.

“For the period of the shoot, it’s like being in a pressure cooker,” laughs Geerteke. “But we do need that pressure for this process.” Erica reappears to change into a polkadot


Instead, what they actually had was one half of the film they are now making which begins – or perhaps ends – in the Algarve? So why the Algarve? “I grew up here,” says Kristjan, “so I know it very well. But it’s more than that. Portugal and specifically the Algarve, is heaven for shooting a film! It works from an artistic point of view because of the landscape, the locations, and the light. Western European light is somehow more magical for celluloid or video than other lights. I don’t know why? It’s the same sun,” he laughs. “But it also really really works because of the people!” He goes on. “One of the things that attract the people who have moved here from the UK or from other countries is that one just feels welcome. And as a filmmaker you can just rock up somewhere and say ‘hey, can we shoot here?’ or ‘hey, can you help us with this?’ and ninety-nine times out of a hundred they will say ‘yes’. And it’s a yes plus benefits!” And what about the script? As a screenwriter myself, I’m not sure how I’d feel about dispensing with a traditional script, but catching up with Exposure’s screenwriter Jackie Poplar, holed up in one of the cars on the cliff, hunched over her notes for the next day’s scenes, she’s quietly sanguine about her role.

It’s lean rather than mean filmmaking but those few days of shooting demand total immersion as well as professionalism from each member of the team. Inclusivity, not exclusivity is key and Kristjan believes that by giving everybody a voice in the creative process they can get the maximum out of minimum time to create engaging wonderful human stories.

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But it doesn’t always fall into place so easily. The intention was to shoot Exposure in one go while they were in Wisconsin for Flyway. However, when they got back home they realised that although they had some great scenes and a wonderful main character, they didn’t have a complete film!

sitting over a Bica or three in the Vila do Bispo café, examining what’s been achieved on their first long, chilly day of filming and how their story is shaping up. What strikes me most is how well they work together; how easy-going everybody is. What’s happened to all those egos you hear about in the film industry? But with this kind of filmmaking there is little room for that; for just one week everybody – from Director to Unit Manager - has to be at the top of their game. I think back to something Kristjan said on the drive back up the track from the beach, one hand on the wheel and one eye on the potholes. “Everybody has a voice. As director, I have veto because there has to be a vision but I have to be flexible, refine, fine-tune and develop my vision according to what we as a team are creating.” Everybody may have a voice but it’s only fitting that Kristjan as creator of seat-of-thepants filmmaking should have the last word. “We (at Longship) are much more than the sum of the whole. It’s a kind of synergy. It’s a true collaborative process and together we come up with stuff that challenges me and takes me places that alone I could never have come up with. Sometimes better and sometimes just different. It’s just super fun! He grins boyishly. “And you get your feet wet!”   To watch Second Honeymoon  To watch The Right Juice  Crowdfunding for Exposure post production went live in March 

“It’s a different way of working. It has to be very fast but quite fluid. There’s no time to worry about if you’re doing the right thing or not. You just do it. There’ll be a lot of improvisation of course on the day but the scenes do have to have a bit of a target.” The day over, I leave the Longship team

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Ponta Ruiva | sound recordist Erik Schuring | cinematographer Chad McClarnon | director Kristjan Knigge | lead actress Erica Anderson

Photos by Gonçalo Osório | Photos by BJ Boulter

shirt for her next scene. She agrees. “Everybody has to be on their best game! Even after a long day, we’ll go back to BJ’s quinta and talk for another hour and a half about what happened today and how do we shape what happens tomorrow based on that.”

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Support Syrian children Aljezur International School is organising a 12 km sponsored walk to take place on Friday April 7th. Students, teachers and friends of the school will be fundraising in aid of Alwan Kindergarten in Syria. Alwan Kindergarten is located in the village of Hass, Idlib province. Its survival over several years of war is the result of the determination and motivation of director Abdulkader Almurie. With tremendous efforts, he has managed to make it possible for the children in his area to have access to education despite the precarious conditions. After particularly heavy bombing in October last year, Alwan was forced to close its doors. The current cease fire agreement has made it possible for it to reopen and fundraising here in Portugal has begun again in earnest. Along with a team of five colleagues, Alwan’s director is also launching a

campaign which aims to educate 1000 local children about the dangers of touching or approaching explosive remnants of war. According to estimates, more than five million Syrians live in areas that are heavily contaminated by unexploded devices, including more than two million children who are at risk of falling prey to landmines, cluster munitions and other dangerous devices.

Jennings, a bagpiper attempting to play his bagpipes in every country of the world, will also be taking part. The sponsored walk will start at 10 am at the Serrão Campsite which is situated north of Aljezur, and everyone is welcome. 

Alwan Kindergarten was originally supported by the American NGO Bridge of Peace for Syria and later by the Algarve for Life Movement. Aljezur International School and the Alwan Kindergarten have been in regular contact for over a year, and several events have been organised to raise funds, the last one being a Christmas fair.

Based in a large farmhouse on seven acres of protected land near Aljezur in the Western Algarve, it welcomes students of all nationalities and backgrounds. Teaching at the school is in small groups, with great attention given to individual educational needs.

Along with over 70 students, teachers, parents and friends of Aljezur International School, the Burros e Artes organisation is coming along with four donkeys and Ross

Aljezur International School offers secondary school education to children aged between 10 and 18.

Please contact Karen Whitten for more details or to request a sponsor form.   +351 914 447 710

Father and daughter reunited

You may recall that in a recent edition of Tomorrow we appealed for information regarding João José Gomes da Silva after his daughter Priscilla got in touch to ask for help. Born in Florida, USA, after her pregnant mother left Portugal in 1989, Priscilla knew little more than the name of her Portuguese father. With a little extra information supplied by her mother - including the fact that he lived in the Lagoa area when she knew him - she reached out to Tomorrow earlier this year in a desperate bid to locate the dad she had never met. We published details of Priscilla’s search in the magazine, and also shared her search for her long lost father on our Facebook page. Well, readers, we are thrilled to report that Senhor da Silva has been found! An elated Priscilla told us the story via Messenger:

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“A few weeks passed [after the Tomorrow article was published and the Facebook posts were shared], but eventually I received an email and Facebook message from a woman stating she was my cousin and she knew of my fathers whereabouts. The emotions were unexplainable. I was able to Facebook call my new cousin speaking with her; I’ve never experienced such excitement and happiness in all my life. I'd never met this woman before and we were thousands of miles about, yet I already felt like a part of this family. “My father was unavailable at the time of us speaking, and so I made arrangements to speak with him the following day. I carried on my daily routine, exited and nervous to speak with him and hear his voice something I never thought would happen. “Upon receiving the phone call I felt my heart rate quicken, as I was nervous he wouldn't be able to understand me due to a possible language barrier. But I answered and finally spoke with the man who helped created me. I could hear huge relief in his voice and listened to him cry with happiness as he explained that I was his only child and that the hole in his heart was finally filled - as was mine.

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“Not only did I speak with him, but we also video chatted and I was able to see some simple characteristics we have in common; our noses, teeth and eyes. It was an experience I will never forget and I will be forever be grateful for the efforts of everyone who searched and shared our story via Facebook. I would like to thank Tomorrow magazine, and in particular Lena Strang, for her efforts. As a 26-year-old woman who has never known much about her father, I set out by asking a few simple questions - and now I have found my father. “The new journey in my life begins now. I'm hoping to try and save money in order to visit Portugal soon, so I can not only meet my father for the first time, but he can also meet my son - his grandson! “Thank you once again for all your kindness and love.” Needless to say, the whole Tomorrow team are thrilled at his happy ending and we hope we are able to bring you a further update on this incredible story once Priscilla makes it to the Algarve to be reunited with her father. Watch this space! 

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We did it! By Pat Allen As stated in the last issue of Tomorrow magazine, the grand sum raised to replace an old and worn-out ambulance for the Lagos Bombeiros was just over €33,000. We needed about €8000 more than this so discussions were held with the AHBV de Lagos and the Camara de Lagos, with wonderful results. The Bombeiros found donors to make up the shortfall and a new ambulance is ordered and on its way. This is very fortunate as the ambulance that it is to replace died a death in February. This old workhorse had given 19 years of service and with almost 600,000 km under its bonnet, it is no wonder that it was past it sell-by date. In the last seven years, it averaged 3000 health and emergency service trips every year, needing to be in action 60 times a week and the latest problem with the engine needed another €3000 to be spent on repairs and so it was retired.

‘Our’ ambulance is to be a shiny white Mercedes with full equipment for injuries, for some medical emergencies and also for transporting patients who need to be on a stretcher between hospitals maybe to take them to Lisbon or further afield. When Lagos Camara became aware of our efforts, they looked at the age and state of the vehicles and came up with the marvellous decision to not only to help our efforts, but to also provide a muchneeded A1 emergency red ambulance, fully equipped which will deal with all emergencies. This type has a price tag of over €60k – beyond my abilities, I am afraid - and it will be in addition to the existing vehicles which will then bring the fleet up to 20 vehicles. This includes one INEM yellow ambulance plus eight red or white healthrelated vehicles and an additional 11 various fire appliances, the oldest being bought in 1988. So having some bang-up-to-date

transport will be a great help, I am sure. So, not ONE but TWO new vehicles for the Bombeiros Voluntarios de Lagos in 2017. I am absolutely thrilled – it was so daunting to attempt to raise the funds necessary to purchase one so what a huge bonus this is. I may have started it all (and nagged throughout the year to keep it in the public eye!) but it was the generosity of all who donated, did various events and freely gave their time that made it become a reality. Something I could only dream about. There will be an open day in May to which you are all invited to come along and see the fruits of your labours – indeed, the Bombeiros would be delighted if you all could attend. I will give further details in the May edition of the Tomorrow magazine but for this April edition a huge, huge THANK YOU from me and from the Bombeiros Voluntarios de Lagos. 

Music festival gets go ahead An international music festival can go ahead in Lagos on May 20th because it managed to exceed its crowdfunding target of €10,000 which means local charities will also benefit. Organiser, Toby Millage, from the Surf Experience in Lagos said they had reached the target eight days before the campaign deadline. He said: “At the time of writing the crowdfunder has finished with donation payments still coming in but we hope to have raised around an extra €2500 on top of the €3000 for the four charities which are: Surfing for the Disabled, Lagos Voluntary FireService, Salvador's Cancer Campaign and Carlota's Dogs Home.”

“The Dub Pistols came to Lagos four years ago. They are a multiple award winning outfit – one of Europe’s busiest and best festival band. Reggae and Ska vibes that kills every crowd regardless of age or nationality.

Toby said: “We love the way that local causes have over taken this event especially everyone's focus on the environment and a sustainable surf tourism market place.” On the day the AESCV and all its members will co-ordinate beach cleaning on the days and flood the internet with the hashtag#algarvesurfbeachclean. Absolutely


Following this, on the night, ECO CUPS will be used onsite whereby you can keep this throughout the show and beyond therefore leaving zero impact. Toby says he hopes that some bars and clubs will also have deals in place for these cups after the event so you simply keep going. Toby said: “We are super-stoked to announce all these live acts and DJs that are organically interwoven with Surf Experience history and have instantly wanted to be involved.

The event, which will bring international talent to the town, is being held to celebrate the Surf Experience turning 25.

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everyone can join in on any beach with another prize awarded on the night for best hashtag ‘shot.’

“Frankie Chavez. We met Frankie surfing Meia Praia, Lagos in boardies one summer's day. Little did we know he would become Portugal's biggest blues folk rocker. “The Cuban Brothers are friends of ours from our snowboarding days and blend sexy, soulful music, with jaw-dropping

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b-boy action and riotous comedy. The greatest entertainers we know. “Dedy Dread, a friend and fellow surfer, who entertains with his Reggae Funk Mash Up party bangers. “DJ Rhythm - another surfer and an up and coming DJ talent representing Lagos.” Toby says: “The Surf Experience was created for love rather than money. The same philosophy continues. We provide surf school, surf camp, surf guiding, high end surf coaching - long and short board, yoga, fitness, culture weeks and intertwine music and social events.” If you would like to find out more about the Surf Experience you can go to their website. You can find out more about Toby Millage and about the surf scene in Lagos 25 years ago by reading an interview with Toby which is on page 24 of this month’s magazine.      frankie.chavez.986 

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It’s a dog’s (and a donkey’s) life By Sophie Sadler and support. A recent fund-raising event, held at Picanhas Grill in Praia da Luz and featuring a magic show raised €1490. This money was urgently needed to buy materials for new shelters, as well as food for the inhabitants.

Having been invited to the Associação Bamboo’s shelter in Guadalupe, I arrive with a degree of trepidation. As an animal lover, I am dreading the spectacle of abandoned or abused animals in cages looking mournfully at me. On arrival, however, I am met with the wonderful spectacle of a menagerie of barking dogs, with happy faces, tongues out and wagging tails all running free in a field surrounded by open countryside. The charity’s founder is the charismatic Nana, who gives me a warm welcome and is constantly surrounded by an array of adoring hounds, each of which she evidently cherishes. Although it is the dogs that immediately grab your attention on arrival, the charity originally began with donkeys. I am told some of the history as Nana pours oats into an old bath to feed one of their latest arrivals, a donkey called Bolino, who is over 25-years-old. “There is something holy about donkeys,” she tells me, “they are the most wonderful animals and will let you stroke them for hours, but in Portugal, they are considered by law as objects and currently do not fall into the anti-cruelty legislation that exists for domestic animals.” It is for cases like these that the nonprofit making charity needs donations

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I ask Nana how the charity started as we meet one of the volunteers who come daily to help with the animals. She arrived in Portugal to retire in 2000, Dutch by nationality, she has lived in the Caribbean, the US, Canada and South Africa and even spent time living on a boat to escape a civil war, she explains: “I wanted to live in a hot climate and I had always had a yearning to share my health and my wealth with animals.” She bought the farmhouse with 135,000 sq. metres of land and now homes 14 donkeys and 25 dogs. The project started after a phone call from the late Peter Landon, who ran a donkey sanctuary. “Peter called me to ask if I could take seven donkeys, he had no room at his shelter and he had 24 hours to collect them otherwise they were going to be fed to the lions at the circus. They had been owned by gipsies and were in terrible condition having been tethered with metal wire.” Shortly after, someone left puppies at her farm and so gradually Nana started buying containers and fencing the property, in order to home dogs as well. “To me, it is all about giving the animals a quality of life.” No one could dispute that Nana has done this. I am invited along with the volunteers to walk the dogs and I ride with Nana in her reclaimed golf buggy which she now uses having damaged her hip while lifting a dog! The oldest pooch rides with Nana in the buggy and we go to the lake where the volunteers groom the dogs and they can roam over the hills or swim in the lake.

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At night, the dogs sleep in containers on mattresses while the donkeys can roam over the countryside. Nana is always looking for new volunteers. “Basically you shovel poo,” she laughs, “however if you cannot keep an animal yourself or you want an activity to relieve stress there is no greater peace to be found than caring for animals.” Nana particularly needs volunteers to cover Saturdays and she also invites people to visit if they are looking to adopt a dog. At one time, she was re-homing 30 dogs a year and last year it was only 12. All her dogs are neutered and have lovely temperaments and even if you are elderly and not able to walk a dog so much she urges you to acquire a more elderly companion, who does not require so much exercise. The Bamboo Charity was named after Nana’s first dog Bamboo and now all the animal’s names begin with a B with dogs including Boulder, Bronson and Bimi, all looking for a home. This reflects this wonderfully individual charity where, under the guidance of its dedicated founder, every animal is revered and given a quality of life which they otherwise would not have received. If you would like to adopt a dog there are photos of all the animals that are up for adoption on the charity’s website. There are also details about how you can volunteer for the organisation, what exactly you can do and there are also details about making donations to the charity. They are always looking for dog food, leads and collars, kennels and small sheds, DIY equipment amongst other things. Monetary donations are also very welcome and you can read more about that on the website too.   +351 968 858 924   associacaobamboo

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A bookworm’s delight By Sophie Sadler and revealing the treat within.”

If you are a bookworm like me, stepping into the Owl Bookstore is absolute heaven. Nestled in the old streets of Lagos the bookshop is a plethora of used books, all in mint condition. Even more captivating than the books is the vivacious owner Christine Westropp, who describes herself as a voracious reader and when not serving a customer, she will be devouring another novel. Ever since Hugh Grant made being a book shop owner ‘sexy’ in the film Notting Hill our sympathies have been with the plight of the small business pitched against the might of on-line commerce. Christine dismisses this: “People always ask me if Kindles have made a difference to our business; I have not seen any decline in people's enthusiasm for books, nothing compares with opening that front cover

The only bookshop dedicated to English language books in Lagos, it contains titles to suit any taste including children's books and Christine will happily chat and give recommendations. She runs the business with her husband John, on behalf of their daughter Imogen who is also involved. I ask Christine how this family enterprise came about. “We bought a property in the Lagos area 23 years ago, with the intention of living here permanently, however with elderly parents it became impractical and so we moved back the Lake District but kept the villa as a holiday home. “We decided to retire out here six years ago and were regulars at the book shop when the last owner mentioned he was moving further north. As book-lovers we jumped at the opportunity for a retirement project and bought the business. We extended the shop and changed the stock which, to an extent, reflects our tastes particularly with the historical and military works.” The Westropp's display of classical literature has proved a hit with Portuguese and

Spanish students who want to read the likes of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen in English. They also can't get enough of the literary guides which they use for their studies and are harder to come by in Portugal. As well as a straight forward purchase, the shop will also give you credits against the purchase of another paperback if you bring in an old one. They will attend house clearances or accept good quality books you have read and what better way for a reader to obtain new titles while dispatching of old ones? Occasionally they discover a real gem like a signed copy of Jean-Paul Sartre's philosophical essays or a copy of Byron's poems first published in 1829, which are currently available in the shop. So, if you are the type of person that likes to feel the weight of a book and flick through its pages before you buy rather than clicking ‘buy’ on Amazon, then I urge you to visit and support this wonderful gem. It is a rare gift to find such enthusiasts keeping the passion of booklovers alive.  Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 5.30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm  Rua Marreiros Netto 67 8600 754 Lagos  owlstorybooks  +351 917 414 386

Born to ride By Julie Battersby

Last month we told you about nine-yearold João who is a passionate moto cross rider. João was in need of somewhere to practice his very noisy hobby and we are delighted to say that we had a great response from our readers.


in taking such an interest in helping their youngster. 

The Tomorrow team is always pleased when we achieve good results from our efforts to support our community in the western Algarve.


So it is with great pleasure and satisfaction that we can report that a piece of land has been found by one of our readers to help young João to practice his hobby.

I had met young João when I visited the Lagos private hospital where his father, also

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João, was working at the time. It would seem that almost from birth all he wanted to be was a moto cross rider. He had his first motorbike when he was only four after his parents had given up trying to detract him from his passion.

His Mum, Patricia, was full of thanks and praise for the magazine and its readers

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Please remember we always help where we can. Please send in your stories or events to Amber, our editor.

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Small school, big heart

Members of year 10 at Vale Verde International School raised €300 for the soup kitchen in Lagos, The Mustard Seed, towards the end of December to help pay for a magnificent Christmas dinner for all its patrons: the homeless and those in extreme poverty. This was followed up in January by a lunchtime visit to help welcome, cook, serve, socialise and clear up. This started as a business studies project in which year 10 was challenged to come up with a profitable event to combine school fun with business skills. Two groups of four each worked out a day’s fun activities, which included Christmas photo shoots, the ever-popular wet-sponge throwing, yummy bake sale, bean bag tossing, guessthe-name-of –the-teddy, and fun footballskills challenges. It was a "spectacular success" said Joe, aged 14, dripping wet and cold, but smiling after a long day as a sponge target. At the Mustard Seed, Daniel Saunite, from the International Community Church, welcomed year 10s and teachers Ms Miller, Mr Foreman and Ms Catron. He explained the purpose of the project. He said: “We don’t just serve food; we serve love.” The term the soup kitchen is really a misnomer, he explained, as full meals, open arms, and often entertainment are

provided in the spotlessly clean and welcoming room. He advised the students to welcome visitors warmly explaining the need we all share for love. Shane Bergin, 14, acted as translator for the school group as they were shown around and told about the work of the Mustard Seed, and the wonderful donations and support they receive from Intermarche and the local community. During the lunch the girls, Shona, Filipa and Anneke, bravely wore regulation hairnets and a smile to greet visitors, while the boys served and chatted and Ryan entertained with his djembe drumming. Pupils had their eyes opened to see how some people live and how small things can help change their lives for the better. Leo, aged 15, said: “It makes you grateful for what you have!” Ryan, also 15, has decided he wants to make this work a part of his life and is planning to visit again. The school plans further support in future for the impressive organisation. The Mustard Seed (can be found on Facebook) welcomes donations of all kinds, which it will then distribute among those in need or use to fund their work. The autumn term was indeed a busy time for fundraising for this small school between Luz and Burgau. Sixth formers organised a bake sale and raised over €300, which with €200 from a school musical concert was donated to Monchique firefighters. They also enjoyed donating shoe boxes in their annual shoe-box appeal, delivering fun toys, treats and essentials to children in need overseas. “It’s great to know you can make a difference!” 

Pub parade boosts coffers A Spring Chicken fundraising event which included food, an Easter bonnet parade and karaoke, raised over 500 euros for the Royal British Legion. The event last month, which was held at the Fools and Horses Pub, was organised by Sue and James Salisbury Howe. Sue said: “The Spring Chicken event went down a treat and a good spread was provided by Fools with Eddie, Sam and staff all in action.”

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A beautiful ‘chicken’ cake was given by Sue and some of the other prizes were, to say the least, interesting - especially the raffle of the black cock named as 'Reggie the Regimental Cockerel' which brought tears to a few eyes, went down a treat! The hat parade winners were Greer Hogg for the ladies and Mr Drew for the gents.  The total amount raised was 516 euros as we went to print.

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Dance triumph Nicola’s Move-Ment Dance Academy, based in Porto de Mos, has once again brought back multiple medals from the Dance World Cup SemiFinals in Figueira da Foz. Taking eight choreographies, they were able to bring back four medals; silver for Children Song and Dance Group and three Bronze medals which qualifies them to represent Portugal at the Dance World Cup in Offenburg, Germany. This year’s competition team included many local residents, from ages seven to 16 (Annika Thomas, Susana Morgado, Siena Westcott-Toi, Nicole Fagan, Katherine Tramner, Laura Raeves, Niamh Broomfield, Ella Gough, Lena Leo, Sierra Sprong, Olivia Ware, Sierra Sprong and Lily Longhurst). Many students have only been dancing since September, whilst others have only trained for a year. The team was led by teacher Nicola Thomas, who for the second year has been able to transform young girls into dancers that are able to compete and win on a national level. Competition against many big and established schools is always a challenge. Nicola’s Move-Ment Dance Academy has only been going for three-and-a-half years and in a small time has been able to achieve a lot and become a huge part of the community. The academy believes strongly that every child was born to be a star, and staff hope to bring that out of any child. Presently, the school is looking for a bigger studio space, as it is hard to prepare their students for national stages in their current small studio. Funding is tight with small numbers, but if anyone is aware of premises that have enough space for a dance school please get in touch.   +351 913 832 335 

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Diplomatic ramblings By Doug McAdam

Soon after taking up my post as Ambassador in Almaty I heard that Lakshmi Mittal, who was rapidly becoming a steel magnate by purchasing, then turning around, struggling steel mills, had paid $400 million for such a mill and associated coal mines in northern Kazakhstan. I happily accepted an invitation by his senior Indian staff to see for myself the transformation. But to do so I had to observe the protocol of beforehand making a courtesy call on the powerful Russian governor of the Karaganda Oblast (state) where the mill was located. My reception by the Governor was frosty to say the least as he clearly thought I should firstly have made an official visit to him. I was only able to appease him by agreeing to make such a visit shortly thereafter. To reach the mill from Karaganda involved

a long drive across the steppe but the mill was visible from many miles away because of the clouds of smoke arising from it. The spanking new equipment of the rolling mill was very impressive but the still-functioning ageing blast furnaces were resilient of tales of Britain’s industrial revolution and its dark, satanic mills. But with it's own coal, iron ore and power plant, and rail access to steel-hungry China, the plant’s economic success was never in doubt. It's environmental impact and conditions for it's workforce rather less so. Soon thereafter I duly made my ‘official’ visit to Karaganda Oblast. This is the largest (about the same size as England) and arguably most important economically in the country with its solid industrial base and massive mineral resources and transport links. I guess I was the first resident British Ambassador (previously the British Ambassador in Moscow was also accredited to Kazakhstan) to visit as the boat was firmly pushed out to receive me. I was met at the airport by a battery of TV cameras and microphones but, more embarrassingly, by the Governor’s ‘Chaika’ bearing British and Kazakh flags. This then proceeded as part of a motorcade into town at high speed where the police had

stopped the traffic at every crossroads to facilitate our progress! The ‘circus’ continued in this fashion over the next couple of days starting with talks with the Governor and retinue followed by the inevitable press conference and ending with a grand vodka-laden banquet. But at least the Russian Governor spared me the sheep’s head ceremony which is typical of such Kazakh and Kyrgyz occasions – my worst was to be three in one day! Travel within massive Kazakhstan inevitably entailed using the local clapped out Antonov aircraft or, for shorter journeys to specific installations (like oilfields), the equivalent somewhat tired Russian helicopters (picture). On one occasion flying to one of my further-flung destinations I was alarmed to note that as we approached the interim airport we were missing the runway. We actually landed alongside on the steppe. It was drama free in the end, but it might have caused less concern among the passengers if the pilot had warned us beforehand.  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office

Students go on a journey of discovery When Head of School Mike Farrer joined Nobel International School Algarve last year, he promised to take the students out of their comfort zone. Last month, a group of Year 10 students found out what he meant as they embarked on Nobel Algarve’s inaugural Journey of Discovery (pictured as they departed on March 10th). “The Journey of Discovery is a concept Mr Farrer brought with him from South Africa,” said Matthew Harris, Geography teacher and Year 10 tutor. “It’s essentially a rite of passage for young people.” During the eight-day expedition, 18 students trekked through difficult terrain, kayaked on a reservoir, worked together to set up and take down campsites, and took part in team-building games and problem-solving activities. The Journey was designed to be physically, emotionally and intellectually challenging, with students having to assess and develop skills including teamwork, communication,

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planning and reviewing. “Modern-day society provides very little assistance to young people as they make the emotional and often confusing transition between being a child and becoming an adult,” said Mr Harris. “The Journey of Discovery offers an opportunity for students to step away from their everyday lives, look back on where they have come from and make decisions about where they are going and the type of adult they want to become.” The students kept journals throughout the trek, and were given themes to reflect on in their writing. They were also faced with choices as to how they record their solitude experience, and made group presentations to share what they had learned. “This a powerful journey of self-discovery, during which the students stretch and look within themselves,” said Mr Farrer. “There are no cellphones or laptops, no pizza

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delivery. There is just the great outdoors and opportunities to overcome difficulties, deeply reflect on where they are in life, and think about their future. This is why we are doing The Journey.” Mr Harris, who planned the itinerary and led The Journey, has extensive experience taking young people on adventure treks. Before becoming a teacher, he led wilderness and adventure activities in Scotland, training vulnerable young people to develop their personal and social skills. He is trained in Mountain First Aid, is a Level Three Kayak Coach, and holds a canoe lifeguard certificate. He specifically designed the trek to be beautiful, rigorous and memorable. “While the students took part in the physical discovery of the surrounding wild places,” said Mr Harris, “the main discovery is about themselves.”  

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Musical notes By Jazzali he joined the Consortium Big Band in Leamington Spa. In common with most budding musicians it was essential to have a ‘proper job’ and Roger applied himself to an apprenticeship as a panel beater with Coventry’s aircraft and motor industry.

Anyone familiar with the live music venues of Lagos Town and Marina or the charming seaside town of Praia da Luz and surrounding areas, will have enjoyed listening to some of the best of the regions masterful musicians. My quest over the next few months is to share some of their stories with you in my regular feature ‘Musical notes’. This month we feature Roger Clarke A popular trombonist, Roger, at 6’8” (203cms) is blessed with the requisite long arms necessary to master the slide. At a lesser height and aged just 12yrs, Roger was encouraged by his father, a bandsman in the Leamington Spa Silver Band, to take up an instrument. The choice of trombone, he says, was made easy, “it was the only instrument left in the music cupboard!” Whilst studying at the Coventry School of Music, Roger played in the Youth Brass Band and progressed to the City of Coventry Brass Band. At 21 his interest in Trad Jazz, Pop, Soul, Motown and Ska was developing with a passion and

In 1999 Roger’s interest in basketball led him to manage a professional team, the ‘Worcester Wolves’. Sixteen years on the team celebrated success after winning the British Championships; shortly after, Roger finally called it a day and gave up his international commute. At the age of 28, he founded his own company which kept him warm and fed until 1999 when he and his beautiful wife Eva turned the first page in a new chapter of their lives. Roger’s passion for sailing, started in his teenage years as a sea cadet and later progressed into an enjoyable form of corporate entertainment for his engineering company. The search for a better climate became the driving force in a decision to take early retirement and head south with the Rally Portugal finishing in Lagos. There followed two years of Mediterranean cruising adventures but like many before and since, they answered the pull of the Algarve returning to drop anchor in Lagos. They purchased a home near the Barragem where they settled with their two dogs and two cats.

Although sailing remains a passion for Roger, he has deservedly earned his reputation as a popular trombonist. His playing is imbued with an impressive breadth of texture and fullness of tone. Able to master balance and control volume under tight restraint, he has a distinctive flair and firm foothold over a range of genre. During his 18 years in the Algarve he has played with many bands including the ‘Goodtime (Trad) Jazz Band’ which gigged weekly at the Lagos Tivoli and took him to Lisbon, Cape Verde, and the Azores taking part in Jazz festivals. He played with the Lagos Jazz Orquestra for five years, was a regular feature at Stevie Ray’s, and remains an integral part of the Fortaleza Jazz Band appearing in Praia da Luz every Sunday lunchtime from April to November. The Orquestra Lligeira de Lagos relies on his mastery to augment their performances, Roger playing solo parts with great dexterity. He can be enjoyed in the Marina de Lagos on Sunday afternoons playing with Saxophonist Pedro Rijo and Percussionist Paulo Jorge Pereira, a trio that always receives an enthusiastic reception from its audiences. Roger also has a function band known as ‘Jazz B’stards’, available for private, and corporate functions, hotel and restaurant bookings.  For more information you can contact Roger on:  +351 919 095 676 

Pope Francis and Fátima Pope Francis will be visiting Portugal next month to mark the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions that featured the so-called ‘miracle of the sun’ and the highly contentious ‘third secret’ of Fátima. The pope’s pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima on May 12th and 13th will be at invitation of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and the bishops of Portugal. The first of six monthly visions of the Virgin Mary reported by three shepherd children at Fátima occurred on 13th May 1917. A following by the faithful rapidly grew and spread internationally. Pope Francis’

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visit will attract many thousands of other pilgrims from all over the world. “The story of Fátima has always been steeped in mystery and controversy. I think it is the most intriguing story to have emerged from Portugal in modern history,” says the Algarve-based journalist Len Port. He is the author of 'The Fátima Phenomenon', which carries the subtitle Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud? The book was first published in 2010 after years of research into historical, theological, political, philosophical and scientific aspects of the story. “After my first visit to Fátima

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I wanted to delve deeply into the story, focusing on facts and accuracy in pursuit of the truth. The relevant opinions of a great many individuals past and present are included in the book but I leave it to each reader to make up his or her own mind.” The recently updated edition is available in English as an ebook from Amazon. The Portuguese edition, 'Fátima - Milagre, Ilusão ou Fraude?' has been in the top nonfiction best seller lists of leading bookshops throughout the country since publication in early January. 

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10 minutes with… The Outsiders How did you both get into music? Paulo: I’ve been playing guitar since I was nine years old. At first I wanted to be a drummer, but then one of my brothers got a guitar and I was curious. I would listen to classic rock ’n’ roll tunes by the likes of Elvis, Johnny Cash and Eddie Cochran, and wanted to play like them. Daniel: I come from a family of musicians. My great grandmother was a fado singer and my dad was a keyboard player. When I was growing up, the radio would be on all day, my dad would be playing eighties tunes, and that was it! The music bug was inside me.

When Tomorrow reader Julie Thompson got in touch to let us know how much she loves this local band, saying they are “guaranteed to get people dancing and singing along”, we figured we should find out more about them! Who are the members of The Outsiders? We are Daniel Silva (keyboards and vocals) and Paulo Contreiras (guitar and vocals). Daniel comes from a little town called Iserlohn near Dortmund in Germany.

How did The Outsiders start? We met through Daniel’s sister and became firm friends right away. We played our first gig together in December 2004 and we’re still going strong now! We play a little bit of everything: pop, rock, old tunes from the fifties through to the eighties, and current hits.

He lives in Silves with his wife, two kids and pets. Paulo is French and lives in Loulé with his wife, who is also a singer and keyboard player.

Where might Tomorrow readers have seen you? We mostly play around Carvoeiro and Quinta do Lago. In Carvoeiro we often play at Brady’s, Round Up Saloon and other cafes

and beach restaurants. Some people come every year to listen to us, which is amazing. What’s the best - and worst - gig you’ve ever played? We’ve had lots of good moments, but the gig we played for the captain of a Royal Caribbean cruise liner in Australia was memorable. The worst is when we’re playing and all the audience want is to get signal on their mobiles! What are your plans for the future? We have a full schedule for summer 2017, which we’re looking forward to. We’ll be playing in our regular places and also at private parties, charity events and the like. Come and see us! What do you love most about living in the Algarve? The Algarve is small but huge at the same time because it is so diverse compared to other places. The weather, beaches, food and lifestyle are also great. We’re very lucky to live in this small paradise.    +351 966 901 050 / 968 041 409 

Charles Darwin: The man and the myths This illustrated presentation at Convento São José, Lagoa on Thursday April 13th at 5.45pm surveys the life and work of Charles Darwin, pointing out how several popular ideas about his activities need to be reassessed in the light of modern historical research. Darwin’s first scientific work was in geology, not natural history, although he had been exposed to evolutionary ideas from an early stage in his career. He did not undergo a

‘eureka’ moment on the Galapagos Islands, nor did he delay publication of his ideas for fear of criticism.

Henry Huxley’s confrontation with Bishop Samuel Wilberforce in 1860 was not an unalloyed triumph for the evolutionists.

Although aware of alternatives to his own theory of evolution by natural selection, he never wavered from his belief that selection was the most important factor – and he did not undergo a deathbed conversion to Christianity. Looking at support for his theory, it is now recognized that Thomas

Peter J. Bowler is Professor Emeritus of the History of Science at Queen’s University, Belfast. He is the author of numerous books on the development and impact of evolutionism. This event is being organizsed by Lagoa Arts and Letters. 

Logistics support base back on track It’s been announced that the Quarteira Logistics Support Base will be opened in the summer of 2018.

parking of vehicles”, says the municipality of Loulé.

The base will serve to place “all the necessary equipment for the Civil Protection action, namely in situations of catastrophe, which may imply if there is a need for operational detachment, since it meets all the conditions for accommodation, food, administrative spaces Management and communications), storage of equipment, supply (exterior) and

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The base, which “will be one of the largest” of the five planned for the whole country, “will have capacity for 120” Operational, said the Secretary of State. The GNR GIPS will have 30 military personnel permanently there. “In this sense, given that in addition to protection and r these men and women also carry out their police and criminal investigation functions,” Jorge Gomes emphasized that the equipment is also

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important for “citizen safety”. The Quarteira Logistics Support Base represents an investment of 1.3 million euros – financed by the ministry through community funds and by the municipality – and represents the solution for a building, at the entrance of Quarteira, which was originally intended to be for the local Bombeiros. The work was halted for about six years due to financial problems.  Thanks to www.safecommunitiesalgarve. com for this story.

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Carry on surfing when we got our driving licences finally we could get totally lost on the west coast.

This year the Surf Experience in Lagos is celebrating its 25th birthday with an international music festival which it hopes will become an annual event. Here, Toby Millage from the Surf Experience, talks to Tomorrow’s Amber Henshaw about how he got started and what the surf scene was like a quarter of a century ago. 1. Please tell us a bit about yourself From being at school and college in the Algarve and UK I travelled the world. I then started a degree in Graphic Design, as I was heading towards a career in animation and illustration at the time, but ended up with a qualification in Water Based Leisure Studies from a navy college - what?! Yep - life has its tangents. Luckily for me within this course I had to create a project within the water sports industry in our first summer break and The Surf Experience was born with my old school mate TobyG pretty much dragged along. Ironically the tutor told me I had in reality failed with my submitted project but because I was a ‘good bloke’ he passed me. Two years later we were asking to employ students off the course. Nice touch. 2. Please tell us how, why and when you ended up in Lagos? I arrived in the Algarve as an 8-year-old with my mum in 1980 for a two-week holiday. The rest, as they say, is history. 3. What did you do in the early days? In the summers as a kid in Lagos through the 1980s a bunch of families would get together on Meia Praia every week and ride Surf Jets. No, not Jet Skis - I'm talking about a board with a lawnmover on the end. It was an American 1980s fad that got picked up by our good friends the Lonsdales and that was our first taste of standing on a board really. From this lylos, body boards and anything that could float was used at any opportunity. West coast visits were rare because the olds just wanted flat water but

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4. What was it like when you started Surf Experience Portugal back in 1992? Can you describe what the scene was like? Basically the problem in the surf scene at this time was accessing/buying boards as no shop sold them. The only things you could buy were body boards or polystyrene ones with a fin the whole length of the board. Most of the locals would go to the world comp in Figueira da Foz and buy off the pros. I used to drive second hand boards down from Newquay and sell them. Then you had the roads - they were terrible. For the guys coming as far as Faro it could take a full day in the summer as it was the old EN125 all the way. The result of this though was pristine and empty west coast beaches. As I look back there was a tight community: a very humble generation of surfers that had come before us and some new frothing ones from communities in Faro, Portimão and Lagos/Luz. As I think back now, when a wave would be working and no one was there you'd look somewhere else to find someone to surf with. When we starting taking people surfing in the very first year locals were genuinely surprised at what we were doing and saying how's it going , well done, good luck. Nice. 5. Can you tell us about a typical day back then? The very first year we were just taking day trips. A few black and white photocopies on the walls of bars and it was probably the most effective advertising we did to date. There was no internet and there was no Marina yet of which we would later raid for daily weather maps. So really apart from sticking up a wet finger out the window or asking local fisherman we'd sometimes get the timing right to check national news as the weather often gave the swell height. In 1992 - Lunch was boiled eggs, potatoes and Nobre canned sausages. Transport was a fiat 123. All boards pretty much too short to learn on and a bunch of random suits. From this things slowly grew. We really never had much money and never borrowed any so we'd go away for winters working two jobs to finance the following

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year. We literally just LOVED every minute of what we were doing although we had no idea of what it was we were creating. Money at this time never really came into the equation. 6. What has changed? The internet, surf board shapes and obviously a lot more surf schools. 7. What are you organising now and why? We are celebrating 25 years in the game with an international music festival. (you can read more about this in our community section - page 10). We actually celebrated pretty large for the 20th bringing our mates REEF down. Anyhow we have kinda kept going on since then annually - but now, seemingly before we've drawn breathe, we've hit another milestone of a silver jubilee and the line-up has got a little out of hand. It will be very hard to top this. 8. What do you think this event will mean for Lagos? Lagos for me is the best looking and has the best cosmopolitan vibes of all the Algarvian towns by a long way. My only issue in the past has been seeing it reflect this with appropriate well organised events for the demographics, age groups and targeting the international clientele as well as local. Not that this is going to change the world but hopefully this is a fun and alternative night for everyone. It's also been identified by the council as a great date to ‘kick off’ the summer in Lagos. Maybe this could become a regular event in the future. 9. I noticed your Facebook piece about this warned people to hire babysitters for the music festival so how much has your life changed since those early heady days 25 years ago? Interesting question. Have I grown up? Hmmm Yes and No. I have an amazing family now which changes your priorities but I'm still driven, I still travel a lot DJing, I still have the same stoke to go surfing as much as ever, still get incredibly hyped when customers return to Surf Experience and still get excited about doing these kind of events - especially this one as the business has been my entire adult life and I am incredibly proud of it. 

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Canine capers on the West Coast By Matt D’Arcy giving a demonstration of agility training. She will also set up her agility equipment in a separate ring to give entrants for the agility competition the opportunity to practice during the afternoon. There will be a number of different local art, crafts, beauty and bric-a-brac stands selling pet products, handmade crafts, jams, chutneys, beauty potions, jewellery and good quality second hand clothes amongst others. Food such as burgers, sausage rolls, hot dogs, salads, quiche and cakes will also be served all day and there will be a superb doggie hamper raffle prize.

They’re calling it the West Coast Fun Dog Show because it’s all about having fun with your dogs. That reminds me: Q: Why aren’t dogs good dancers? A: Because they have two left feet. And… Q: What do you call a dog magician? A: A labracadabrador. OK, down to business. The third annual Costa Vicentina Dog Show, which features competitions like the dog with the waggiest tail, and the dog looking most like its owner, will take place on Sunday April 9th 2017 at Vales, just outside Aljezur. Once again the show will be hosted in the grounds of the re-named La Preferida restaurant (GPS 37°17'47.9"N 8°50'38.6"W), thanks to the hospitality of new owner Dino Vallas, and will include 15 different classes to go before the judges. The show opens at 10.30am for entries, stalls and food. And—for anyone coming from the south coast along the N120 at the western end of the A22 motorway—there will, on the day, be signposts from the N120 junction with the hill up to Vale Da Telha (on the left, a few hundred yards before you reach the town of Aljezur itself) directing people to the venue. Judging starts at noon and the 15 classes will be judged, amongst other things, on mixed breeds, rescue dogs, pedigree, obedience and agility, culminating in a parade for best dog of the day. The full schedule for the day is listed below. The organisers ask that all dogs should be on a lead, and owners should bring their dog’s vaccination record. Before the judging, at 11.45am, Albertina Moll from Algarve Dog Training will be

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All profits from the show go to AEZA, the Association for Environment and Animal Protection of Aljezur, a non-profit association based in this west coast town, whose main objective is to provide abandoned animals decent conditions to live in, with shelter, food, care and health care.This show is organised by Friends of AEZA, a group of Vale Da Telha locals who give their time and energy freely to benefit the animals in the Aljezur shelter.

Break for 30 minutes 8. Dog & owner lookalikes: Largo Damaso Clinica - Mexilhoeira Grande 9. Most pretty bitch Hugo's Bar - Vale da Telha 10. Most handsome dog O Paulo Restaurante - Arrifana 11. Best trick Parque da Floresta Bowls Club, Luz 12. Minute sit and stay Wendy Smith 13. Most beautiful eyes Kerry Gross 14 Agility competition (practice sessions available) Ana Paula Cabrita 15. Best dog in show The winners from each class compete against each other in a parade for best dog in show. Best in Show rosette sponsor AlmaVerde Show Rules - All dogs kept on leads please

Judging starts at 12 noon and the show schedule is:

- Please clean up after your dog

(Rosettes 1st to 5th, & a since thanks to 1st prize sponsors)

- Bring your dog’s current vaccination records

1. Best AEZA rescue dog Catherine & Alan Smith - Red Setter Rescue Best AEZA rescue bitch José Restaurant - Vale da Telha

- Class entries and payment accepted from 10.30am

2. Veteran dog or bitch 8+ years old Jorge Gameiro director of Visky 3. Pedigree dog Bafo do Baco - Loulé 4. Pedigree bitch Font do Vale - Vale da Telha 5. Puppy under 1 year, dog or bitch Pont' a Pé - Aljezur 6. Waggiest tail 'O Zé' Restaurant - Monte Clerigo 7. Best condition coat Batata Doce Museum - Rogil

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- Entrance to the public is through donations to AEZA please. 1st class €3, subsequent classes with the same dog €1.50. Agility practice session €2. The show vet is Dr. Filipa Alves.    AEZA




Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lançarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos  TomorrowAlgarve


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Why the west is best By Matt D’Arcy The Western Algarve, according to the Sunday Times has some of the best beaches in Europe, provides superb seafood and offers outstanding value for your money.

from the N120 road ends up at a sweep of sand and dunes. The more sheltered southern coast is easier to get wrong — piped music and rows of sunbeds for hire are more common here — but still has some crackers.

It's travel writer, Martin Hemming says: “A few years ago, much talk in the neophile world of travel was about holidays in the Alentejo region of Portugal — because, essentially, it wasn’t the Algarve. “By which they meant it was authentic and wild, and devoid of high-rise hotels and beach discos. Truth is, though, most of the Algarve isn’t like that either — and it has better octopus restaurants than the Alentejo. “High-street tour operators tend to send us into the thick of things, around Faro, Albufeira and Portimão, for big family resorts and some very good golf courses. “Which is all well and good. But if that’s not your thing, head west or east: to Lagos and beyond for hiking, surfing and — I’ll say it — the best beaches in Europe; or towards Tavira for fishing villages, barrier islands, calmer sands and the flamingos, seahorses, dolphins and birdlife of the Ria Formosa estuary.”

Praia da Amoreira I’ve yet to visit a European beach that ticks more boxes than Amoreira. It’s a giant arc of flat sand that gets even more giant at low tide, when the surf rolls back to reveal rock pools and sticky sand that’s perfect for beach cricket. Just the one catering facility, the Paraiso do Mar, but it’s a proper restaurant that does grilled bream and spuds for £12. There are dunes to muck about on (warning: some nudists). Best of all, perpendicular to the shore is the warm, calm River Aljezur, perfect for kiddie splashing and stand-up paddleboarding. Yes, it can get a bit blowy — we’re on the Atlantic — but that’s all the better for the surf lessons run out of the Surflife Atlantic Riders’ shack on the sand (three-day course £110pp, board hire £8.50 a day).

But if you do decide to go west, here’s what Martin has to say:

Praia da Bordeira You may well be reminded of the Gower coast or Cornwall at its most robust. While that might prepare you for the elemental, edge-of-the-world feeling induced at Bordeira, it won’t prepare you for the scale.

The Beaches A good way to ingratiate yourself with the locals is to ask them what their favourite beach is — and the number of different answers they’ll give you is revealing. The choice can be overwhelming, especially on the Costa Vicentina, between Sagres and Odeceixe, where seemingly every turn-off

Checking out its epic golden splodge on Google Earth might help, but only a bit. There’s a car park inland, but it’s more fun, if there’s space, to pull over on the Estrada Praia coast road, then clamber down from the western headland via the wooden walkway. (You’ll need to wade through the River Carrapateira to reach the sand.) There

might be hundreds of people there before you; it’ll still look empty. Waves crash noisily along nearly two miles of shore. There are dunes at the back there somewhere, but it’s a long way back there somewhere. Not much in the way of amenities — there’s a hut that sells Cokes and rents surf kit — but that’s not the point. There is a lifeguard on duty in summer. Praia de Odeceixe Another Costa Vicentina classic that does the river-hitting-sea thing with aplomb. This time it’s the River Seixe, which forms the border between the Algarve and the Alentejo, and whose final meander into the Atlantic has formed this thumb of sand, popular with families and the local pet dog population. A mini resort mainly made up of surfers’ whitewashed holiday cottages clings to the steep hillside to the south. Here you’ll find the Esplanada do Mar cafe — its terrace is a hardly improvable spot for elevenses of an espresso and a nata custard tart. Praia do Barranco do Martinho It’s hard to think of many other beaches that can be filed under both 'city beach' and 'secret beach'. Head south out of Lagos, the western Algarve’s biggest town, until you hit the lighthouse (a matter of minutes). Leave the car there, then head west on foot, hugging the edge of the orange cliffs. You’ll spy Barranco do Martinho way below, a W-shape of sand with a few beautiful young backpackers flopped on it. And it’ll only be a few, because getting down’s a bit of a fag — one steep section of the path requires you to hang off a length of rope. It’s all worth it, mind, when you’re skipping in and out of sea caves and waving to the sightseeing boats that bob past enviously. 

New cycling route to boost tourism Aljezur and Vila do Bispo councils have presented a project to set up new cycling and walking routes through the two council areas in a scheme that will cost around €3 million. The ‘Ecovia and Ciclovias do Litoral’ project was presented at the Lisbon Tourism Fair by the two councils and will be a "structuring for these two municipalities that, from the point of view of mobility and attractiveness of the countryside, will be another fundamental piece in the sustainable development of these territories.”The

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objective is to create a central cycling and walking network with branches running off to places of interest and natural beauty. The project will link to other established routes such as the Rota Vicentina, Via Algarviana, the Cultural and Environmental Historical Circuits of Aljezur and Vila do Bispo, and to the Amoreira Beach Biodiversity Station and the future Aljezur Nature Centre, among others. The project has an estimated cost of around €3 million and already has European Regional Development Funding of €2.1

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million. Aljezur council says the new series of routes will be a "factor of enormous attractiveness for tourists and visitors to the Aljezur and Vila do Bispo areas, motivated by the contemplation and enjoyment of the natural richness of these territories, throughout the year." This partnership between the neighbouring councils will boost nature tourism in the area and will help towards what the tourist board calls 'sustainable development.'  Thanks to the Algarve Daily News for this story.


RUM BAR. Local CRAFT BEER. Good Tunes. Great Vibe. Y’all Come See US! For Reservations: FACEBOOK.COM/olbASTARDs

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17/01/2017 09:08

What's On Give bowling a go

Literary Lagos

By Ze Martins

An Open Day will be held at Alvor Lawn Bowls Club on April 5th where people will have the chance to give bowling a try. The event will start at 11am and some members will be there to meet visitors and try to get them started. Bowls will be there for people borrow, but we have to ask you kindly to wear flat shoes with no sharp profiles in order to protect the green. We will have a drink and some snacks for you to enjoy. For those of you who want to stay for something a little more substantial, it will be possible to buy sandwiches and drinks from the club bar.

Lagos will once again show that there is plenty of talent in town. The eighth edition of the local authors’ book fair will this year take place from May 14th to 28th at the Armazém Regimental (Military Warehouse) at the main Praça do Infante in Lagos.

present her book ‘Touching Lives’ / ‘Vidas que nos Tocam’ on Tuesday May 16th at 9pm. Many of the local people she has written about will be present and she guarantees there will be a few surprises. Thursday May 18th at 9pm is dedicated to local English writers. Peter Cain (P.D. Cain) with his witty children’s poems and adult fiction, along with Anthony Pearce with his recently published adult novel, will be part of the line up.

Books of local authors – both Portuguese and local writers from the foreign community – will be exhibited and available for sale. Apart from photo and art exhibitions, there will be presentations by authors each evening at 9pm and there is promise of lively music and entertainment. The fair will open on Sunday May 14th at 4pm with an exhibition of photos by students of the Centro de Estudos de Lagos followed by a song performance. Winners of a writing competition under the theme of ‘Journeys’ will be announced at 9pm.

On Wednesday May 24th, artist and writer, Tim Dillner will present his poems and paintings in Portuguese and German. During the 15 days of the festival there will be plenty of activities, including the presence of some ‘big name’ Portuguese authors that we will reveal in next month’s edition of Tomorrow. 

Tomorrow’s own writer Lena Strang will

Enjoy the carnival This year’s Soul in the Algarve Carnival will take place on Sunday May 14th and it promises to be bigger and better than ever. Organisers say they expect about 3,500 to take part. This third annual carnival follows two very successful street festivals in Alvor in 2015 and 2016. All you have to do is turn up on

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the day and if you could please remember to dress up in the most colourful and ‘carnival’ costumes as possible that would be great. To find out more then please go to the website and search for the carnival. You can also book seats at your favourite restaurant through the website for after the procession. 

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How to find us? Coming from the EN 125 you take the turn towards Alvor. Stay on this rather narrow road for 2km, passing the small airport, the road has a left curve, shortly after there are two speed bumps. Almost immediately after the second one turn into the small road on your left hand (there will be a sign saying Alvor Bowls Open Day), 200 meters to a small round about, take right turn, another 200 meters and turn right into the parking area. In the unexpected event that we have heavy rain on April 5th, the Open Day will be postponed to April 12th.  Ze Martins is the Manager and Club Owner of Alvor Lawn Bowls Club.

Easter fun You are invited to join Nicola’s MoveMent Dance Academy for its annual Easter Egg Hunt and barbecue in Barao de São João Forest on April 2nd, 12-4pm. If last year’s hunt was anything to go by, there’s likely to be lots of giggles, chocolates and fun for everyone! The tickets cost €6 per person which includes burger/hot dog, drink and chocolates from the hunt for the kids!  To buy tickets please contact:  +351 913 832 335 

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What's On

Calling all singles By Mandi Keen

Celebrity golf

Do you ever find yourself wanting to do something but don’t know who to do it with? Here’s an idea - enjoy short notice events which are spontaneously arranged, no meetings required to plan things in advance – just a spur of the moment email/ WhatsApp between all, to see if there is interest on the day!

A three-day Celebrity Classic Golf event is being held this summer in Vilamoura in aid of the charity The 24x7 Special Needs Holiday Trust. The event takes place between June 29th and July 3rd. Funds raised will enable underprivileged families with special needs, or disabled members, to experience a memorable overseas holiday together at Europe’s first specialist holiday centre in Moncarapacho in the Algarve.

Any of these sound appealing to you? There is a great film on in Lagos this week – who can I ask if they would like to go and maybe have a meal after. The local market is on in Aljezur this Saturday – I wonder if anyone would like to go. I would love to go out for dinner tonight, dress up and have a laugh, but not on my own!! It’s a lovely day, great day to lie on the beach and go for a swim – anyone up for this?

Anyone fancy a walk on the coast - it’s just the weather for it! Share a sunset with good company and a nice glass of wine. Enjoy a theatre performance in Lisbon, with a companion. The possibilities are endless. This is about you doing the things you want to do - so let everyone know what it is you would like to do (preferably earlier in the day), and then send to ALL! Those interested will reply, those not interested won’t! As a starting point, if you are interested please send your email to: All emails will then be circulated to all, and we take it from there – it’s as simple as that. When we have a few people interested we can meet up and swap WhatsApp numbers. If this appeals to you - email us!! 

Get together By Kirsteen Landert The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group will be on April 19th at 11am.

easier for all involved. Through our shared experiences we can help UK citizens apply for attendance and carers’ allowances if applicable; suggest where and how to get power of attorney, and a living will can be attained if desired.

The support group started four years ago and has seen members come and go. It gives those who attend the chance to learn from one another about how to deal with difficult situations which arise along their partner's, parent's or friend's journey with this illness. Very often those caring need more help than the sufferer, as they are often in their own world, which is very different to our logical one!

We meet once a month in Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos at 11am and all are very welcome.

We exchange experiences and strategies on how to deal with challenging behaviour, continence issues, nutrition, carer's contacts, available appliances for the home and general tips which can help make life

The LBOA welcomes new members who

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The organisers are also appealing for donations for the gala dinner raffle and auction so if you feel you are able to help in any way, require any booking support or for any further information please contact Jacqui via email: or telephone +351 968 949 943. Alternatively, bookings and donation information can be found and made directly at 

Some of us also speak German and Portuguese. Please see the magazine for future dates and contact numbers.

Thanks to Algarve Daily News for this piece.

Don't feel alone and isolated - give us a call or just join us at a meeting that suits you.

Time for the triathlon

Carol  +351 926 297 527 Kirsteen  +351 968 084 946

Luz Bay Owners Association The LBOA will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Luz Bay Hotel on April 3rd 2017 at 11am. All members are welcome to attend. Lunch will be served at the hotel after the meeting and members are asked to advise the Hon Sec Sally Maltby of attendance and numbers for the lunch.

The holiday centre ‘Centre Algarve’ ( has dedicated facilities to ensure a safe and unique family holiday for those who suffer poor mobility or need special requirements. Many of the families who visit are often having their first ever overseas holiday together as a family group and it is a place where many fun and exciting memories are created. The golfing event has been organised with great attention to detail and promises to be an exceptional weekend for all.

own or have owned property in Praia da Luz. We hold two social drinks parties during the year, one in the early spring and one in the autumn, in addition to the AGM, with the dates and venues announced later in the year.  Contact Hon Sec Sally Maltby at: 

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This year’s Luz Triathlon is taking place in the town on April 22nd and promises to be bigger and better than ever. The event is organised by Algarve Triathlons, which is run by Tom Longhurst and John Hill. People can either enter the Olympic event as an individual or as part of a team. The event consists of 1.5km swim, a 40km cycle and a 10km run. The other option is to enter the Sprint as an individual or as part of a team. This involves a 750m swim, 20km cycle and a 5km run.  

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What's On

Escola De Dança de Lagos triumphs choreographies. Every dance had achieved the minimum points requirement for the finals but places are restricted and even some medal winners fail to be selected. In the end the Lagos school has eight dances selected to join the Portuguese team for the Finals in Offenburg, Germany, June 24th to July 1st, but this is across the age ranges 7-17 and includes almost the whole team who danced in Figueira da Foz.

The Dance World Cup Portuguese qualifier was recently held in Figueira da Foz and the Escola de Dança took 41 children performing 22 dances, in ballet, contemporary and character dance, and returned with medals for 11 of the

2017 has proved to be the most successful year yet for entry to DWC. Some of these dances are competing in Dançarte (Faro), Albufeira Children’s Art competition and other locations in the next few months. If the readers of Tomorrow wish to see these choreographies and more, then the next show in the calendar celebrating the International Day of Dance will be at the Cultural Centre on April 21st and 22nd at 7.30pm. Tickets will be on sale at the CC and the school.  If you wish to make any other enquiries please phone the secretary on:  915812055

Review of Flights of Fancy By Val Dillon David Butler-Cole describes his latest production ‘Flights of Fancy, a revue’ as “thoughts skimming through a turbulent mind”. He has taken these thoughts and created witty and satirical sketches which reflect the myriad of modern day frustrations and topical situations encountered by us all.

from Duncan Kennell and Matt Lester who expertly delivered a selection of standard easy listening and soft jazz numbers from the great American song book reflecting the themes of the various sketches.

Performed in the quaint and atmospheric Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves, he entertained his audiences with a wide selection of topics. This setting is perfect for any drama which is faintly old fashioned and supported the gentle humour which was, at times, faintly risqué and peppered with double entendres. The first half focussed mainly on the many trials and tribulations which we have all encountered whilst flying, from budget to first class, security and safety, whereas, the second half concentrated on a far wider range of subjects, including a job interview, the problem with bankers and immigration. Each sketch was interspersed with music

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Whilst all of the themes struck a chord with the audience, Butler- Cole’s brand of humour shone through his insightful use of drama, song and monologue. In her own inimitably mischievous style, Gloria Costa presented as an elderly lady negotiating the rigours of airport security. With a false leg, false teeth, hip replacement and piercings the scanner was bleeping manically! Definitely a situation with which many of the not so young in the audience would have empathised! We were treated to a rousing rendition of a song reflecting the current desire to purchase the cheapest airline ticket possible, only to find that the hidden charges are exorbitant. Entitled ‘Cheap Flights’ and brilliantly delivered by Maxine Costa, Angela Theobald and Sandy Whittle,

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this song had the audience laughing out loud and deserved the generous applause at the end. Another highlight was the excellent monologue about being on benefits, delivered by Maggie Cooper. Her comic timing and dead pan humour, as she revealed the extent of her “ailments” and complicated family situation, was hilarious. David Butler-Cole manages to take a wry look at the world we live in, and as his audience share his flights of fancy, they laugh, empathise and groan in dismay, sometimes simultaneously! The actors are sometimes required to exaggerate the frustrations of dealing with the everincreasing bureaucracy of day-to-day life for comic effect, but in its entirety, the production is somewhat wistful. Life used to be so much simpler and the only thing we can do is hold on to our sense of humour! Flights of Fancy was performed last month by the The Algarveans Experimental Theatre group.  

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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


PILATES Pilates | Thurs 11.00 - 12.00 | €7 | Madrugada Centre, Luz |  282761375 Mat Classes | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30, & Mon 18.30pm | €10 | Equipment Classes | Duet, Semi Private & 1-2-1 |  926514613 | Pilates Room, Lagos Fisiopilates | Tues & Thurs - Sat 9.00 & Mon 19.00 | €12.50 | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  282782707 |  With Andrea | Mon 9.30 & 18.00, Tue & Fri 8:30 & 10:30, Wed 10:30, Thurs 18:00 | €10 | AR Pilates Studio, Lagos |  966784280 With Lucienne | Wed 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258 With Monica | Tues & Thurs 11.00 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 Physio-Pilates with Indah | Tues 18.00, Pavilhão Desportivo, Raposeira | €5 Perinatal/pelvic Floor Pilates Fri 09:30 | Raposeira | €8 |  911754890 Pilates | Tue 9.00 & Thurs 9.30 | €11 | Boavista Golf Resort |  282790930

Walking Football | Weds 09.30 -11.00 | Everyone +50 welcome | €3 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930 |  Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Women’s Group Golf Lesson | Fri 09.30 - 10.30 & 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Junior Golf School | Sun 10.00 - 11.00 | €10 per lesson (buy 3 get 1 free) Espiche Golf |  282688250 Kids Golf Lesson (4-17 yrs) | 4th-21st April Tue & Fri 09:30 | €12 Adults Try Golf Lesson | 4th-21st April Tues 11:00 | €15 Tennis Clinics | Tue 4, 11 & 18th April | Kid 16:30, Teen 15:30, Adult 17:30 | €15 Tennis Doubles Afternoon (Round Robin) | Thurs 15:30 | €7.50 Football Academy (4-15 yrs) | 13, 17 & 20th April 09:00 | €18 (2hrs) Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690008 Football Academy | Mon 16.45 (5-11 yrs) & 18.15 (12 -16 yrs) & Sat 09.00 (7-11 yrs), 10.30 (3-6 Yrs) & 12.00 (12-16 yrs) | €5 | Circuit Training | Wed 10.00 | €5 | Touch Rugby | Thurs 19.30 | €4 | Ladies Sports | Fri 13.30 | €5 Burgau Sports Centre | More Activites & Info:  282697350 Netball | Wed 19.00 | All ages & abilities | Behind Bombeiros Building, Lagos |  |  'Netball in Lagos'

YOGA Yoga | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €7 | Madrugada Centre, Luz |  282761375 Hatha Yoga | Tues & Thurs 8.30 | Pre Natal Yoga | Thurs 10.15 | 1per wk €35 Casa Sakra, Lagos |  968681682 Hatha with Kathrin | Tue 10.00 & Thurs 09.30 | €8 | Alma Verde |  919297638 Hatha Flow | Mon & Wed 10.00 | Yin Yoga | Tues 18.00 | Yin & Yang Yoga Fri 08.30 | Integral Yoga | Sat 09.30 | Inlight Lagos |  913127421 Hatha | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.45 | €10 | Classes for Children | Sat 9.15 (4-7 yrs) & 10.30 (8-12 yrs) (Booking required) | Boavista Golf Resort,  282790930 Gentle Hatha with Meg | Mon 18.30 - 20.00 The Yoga Place, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 14.00 Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 |  965201477 Hatha | Tue 10.00 | €7 (reg.) €10 | Monterosa, B. S. João |  962492607 With Ann | Tue & Thurs 10.30 - 12.00 | All levels | Yin Yoga | Wed 18.30 | €10 (residents €60 x 8) | Burgau |  913202621 & De-stress with Lucienne | Fri 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista |  968288258 Yoga for Chidren with Anna | Sat 10.00 | €8-10 | Alma Verde |  920265137 ZUMBA

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-mem.) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson FREE €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz |  919707635 Tennis Clinics for Children | Mon & Wed | 09.30 | 10€/1 hour Equipment inc. Soccer School Children Wed 17.30 & Sat 09.00 Booking required | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282000100 Flood-lit Paddle-Tennis Courts | Available for booking (inc. non-members) Clube Tenis de Lagos |  282086485/936568858 | 

Classes | Lessons Tango Argentino Dance Course | Sun 17.00 - 19.30 | €5 | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 |  Adult Ballet | Mon & Wed 13.00 €9/€50 pm | Baby Ballet (2-3yrs) Sat 9.30 €3 | Children Dance Lessons (Ballet,Modern,Tap,Street,Jazz) Mon-Sat | Nicola's Move-Ment Dance Academy |  913832335 Programming for Children with Gil | Mon 16:00 | €10 | Aljezur |  927 186 016

With Linda | Mon & Fri 9.45 | €6 | Alma Verde |  918 461 840

Watercolour Painting with Sandie | Thurs 10.30 - 13.00h | €10 | All abilities welcome (Materials supplied or BYO) | Fortaleza Da Luz, Luz |  912149839

With Monica | Wed 9.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086

Archery | Booking Only | Games Centre, Boavista Golf Resort |  282790930

& Dance with Lucienne | Wed & Fri 10.00 | Zumba Step! (pre-booking) | Thurs 10.00 - 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258

African Dance Classes | Mon 19.00, Teatro Experimental de Lagos | Tues & Fri 10.30, Aljezur | Wed 19.00, Monte Rosa, Barão S. João | €8 |  964588588

With Debbie | Mon & Wed 18.00 | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre |  282697350

Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes with Eva | Wed & Thurs 15.00 | +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary | €10 | Barão S. João |  962039574

OTHER Tai Chi & Qigong | Mon 8.30 & Fri 10.00 | Mon donation / Fri €5-8 | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 |  Qi Gong | Wed 18.30 | €35 p.m | Casa Sakra, Lagos |  282081636 Bootcamp | Mon - Fri 10.00 & Mon 19.00 & Fri 18.30 | AXN Pump | Mon Fri 10.00 & 18.00 | AXN 3B | €8 w/ Tomorrow | AXN Club |  915183888

Portuguese Lessons | Fri 10.30 | €5 | Marina Club Hotel Bar |  964696345 Life drawing with Kasia | Mon 11.00 - 13.00 | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916035308 Stain Glass with Dianne | Tues &Thurs 10.30 | €10 | Espiche |  919117108

Tai Ji | Mon 10.00 (beg) & Thurs 17.30 (adv) | €10 | B. S. João |  919718955

Portuguese Beginners Class | Tue & Thur 11.00 (Chinicato) and Mon & Wed 11.00 (Portelas) | €5 |  912417994 | 

Body Fit Classes | Tue & Thurs 9.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086

Teresa's Computer Classes | Sat 10.00 | All levels | €10 | Lagos |  918764613

Gymnastik with Irmela | Mon 18.15 | €7 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  965211996 Aqua Aerobics | Tues 16.00, Wed 09.30 & Fri 9.30 & 16.00 | 1/2 x week €18/€28 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930

Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | Mon & Thurs Afternoon & Sat Morning Holiday Courses | 3x per Week | Boavista Golf Resort |  917953914

Senior Fitness Mixed Class Mon & Thurs 09:45 | Step/Body Toning Mon & Fri 08:30 | Stretching Wed 08:30 | €6 | Ginásio Via D'Ana/Tennis, Rua Sta. Casa de Misericordia, Lagos |  965337973

Capoeira | 18.30 (kids) & 19.30 Mon | €7/9 | Rhythm & Dance | Tue 18:30 (basics) & 19:30 Tue & Fri | €7/9 | Twerking Class | 18:30 Wed & Sat | €9 Ritmos Latinos | Fri 21:00 | €9 | Urban Kids Dance Class | Sat 11:15 | €7 Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos |  282764224

Tai Chi/Qi Gong | Wed 11.00 & Thurs 14.00 | €7 | Madrugada Centre, Luz |  282761375

Music Lessons with Jo | All styles, 1-2-1 guitar, piano & voice | Theory & performance | €25 p.h | Lagos & Sagres |  964201904

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Entertainment & Events 9th April Harp Concert by Helena Madeira | 17.00 | Chapel capacity 90 pax | €7 ticket office in Convento de S. José, Lagoa |  282380434 | Ideias Do Levate - Associação Cultural de Lagoa |  (Música/Últimas Notícias/Concerto De Harpa) 16th April Special Easter Sunday Set Menu (with wine paring, “Cabrita”, Algarve) | 12.00 | Reservations recommended | Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Lagos |  282763222 |  19th April Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group | 11.00 | Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Info. Carol  926297527 or Kirsteen  968084946

Activities Kids Fun Club (3-12 yrs old) | 3rd - 21st April | Mon-Fri 14:00-18:00 | €10 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086 Dog Training with Albertina | Tue 11.00-12.00 (Rally-Obedience), Fri 11.0012.00 & Sat 16.00-17.00 (Agility), | €25 4 sess. |  968086320 | Espiche Dr. Why Quiz & Fish n’ Chips | Fri | Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista Golf Resort |  282000114 |  Weekly Walk with Ros & Lol | 09.30 (approx 2.5hrs) | Various locations | Meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) |  Open Studio/ Painting Atelier with Eva | Wed & Thurs 11.00 -13.00 | for women to explore their creative potential | €10 | Barão S. João  962039574 Live Music | Sat 20.00 | Bistro Central, Salema

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm | Make some new friends while helping animals |  913659675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912967870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912444666 Trudy  AA International English Speaking Meeting | 19.30 - 21h00 Wed, Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c | 19.30 - 20.30 Sun, Rua Dr. Joaquim Tello 32 A, Lagos  964201904 / 282760506 | AA hotline:  917005590

Faith | Spiritual Healing Zazen Meditation with Carl | Tue & Thurs 07.30 & Wed 19.30 - 20.30 | €3 Barão S. João |  919718955 Meditation | Sun 10.00 | FREE | Mantra Circle | 1st Thurs of the month 19.30 | Donation based | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | Clive  918754416 |  Meditation True Chanting with Marion | Thurs 19.30 | Figueira |  914523636 Power House of Prayer | 11.00 Tue | Praise, Worship & Holy communion | 11.00 Sun | Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553 / 964285351 Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) | 8.00 (said) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz |  282788104 |  

Tomorrow Calendar (FREE OF CHARGE) Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing:

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What's On

Charity for charity By Barbara Keyland

Have fun for charity This month two charity events are being held to raise money for Vila de Bispo bombeiros, AOA, Madrugada and Macmillan Nurses. On Saturday May 6th Espiche Golf Club is hosting a ‘Swing your club for charity’ which is an 18-hole, 2 ball golf competition. The first tee time is 8.30am with an entry fee of €50 per person, buggy hire, if required, is an extra cost. Prizes for; Out Right Winner, Nearest to the Pin, Pin Down the Line and a special Wooden Spoon for

My grandson Jack sustained a brain injury on bonfire night last year when a firework hit him on the head. He was rushed to Birmingham Children’s Hospital where he underwent surgery in the neurology department. He was very poorly for a few days in hospital and then took several months to be able to return to school full time. The treatment, love and care he received in hospital was second to none and I wanted to show an appreciation for what the hospital had done. Being a life-long knitter, I could always knit something, but what? I came across the teddy idea and set to work. I have decided to knit for a year to raise as much for the hospital as possible. So far I have sold about 30 and am knitting furiously to meet orders, each Teddy taking 15 to 20 hours to complete. Tom Henshaw and Julie Battersby called to see me on their visit to UK recently and caught me ‘clacking’ my needles and really liked the teddies I was making, hence they purchased four to bring back to Portugal for the Tomorrow magazine’s charitable work and will be raffling them at this year’s charity balls to make more funds for the charity’s they support in the Algarve. I have also made teddies and sold them to organisers of breast cancer charity to help with their funds. I love the idea of charity making money for charity and hope my much travelled teddies make lots of money for good causes supported by the Tomorrow magazine team in the Algarve.  You can find out more or buy a teddy by emailing Please note there will be a delivery charge for postage.

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Tail End Charlie! Numbers are limited so please sign up in good time. There will also be a Charity Dinner and Auction at the Hotel Vila Gale, Meia Praia, on June 10th which will include a raffle draw and live music. Tickets are €26 per person including drinks, with wonderful and unusually varied auction lots plus great raffle prizes. For further information, tickets etc. please contact Dominique at  +351 965 640 721.

Tune up when you turn up By Liz Roberts When the conversation about singing comes up, many people tell me that they are 'tone-deaf' and that it's always been the case. I hear it so frequently that, even though I've covered this topic before, I felt it was worth another mention. Studies into singing ability have concluded that singing is a learned (rather that a natural) skill and that if it isn’t practised regularly, the skill can be lost. It would certainly explain why some people felt that they were good singers in their youth, but as they grow older decide that they can no longer sing. So, if someone is told early on (perhaps by a teacher or parent) that they ‘can’t sing’ or are ‘tone-deaf’, then they are very likely to have given up trying before having ever developed the skill. It would explain why the vast majority of people who join the choir (after telling me that they can’t sing) are able to sing perfectly well in a group and become more skilled and confident over time.

If you’re one of those people who think that they ‘can’t sing’ but wished you could, it shouldn’t get in the way of you coming to a choir meeting to see what it’s all about – and be prepared to find your singing voice at long last! Incidentally, the correct term for tone-deafness is actually congenital amusia – and it only affects 4% of the population. And even then, if you’re one of the small minority, it still doesn’t mean that you still can’t indulge in a good sing to enjoy all of the other benefits that singing can give you!  The Western Algarve Choir is an allinclusive choir with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, and a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more information about joining, performances or bookings, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts. 

New SandCity Last month a group of sand sculptors started building the new SandCity in Pêra, in the Algarve. They were using 40,000 tonnes of sand to create art that will be shown to the public from April 1st. This year marks the 15th International Sand Sculpture Festival, the Fiesa, with a new concept for 2017 of ‘sand city’ and a new exhibition of sculptures in a tribute to the Seven Arts. In March some of the best known works of painting, sculpture, architecture and

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design begin to take form in this megaexhibition, as well as memorable scenes and protagonists of literature, cinema and music. Among the artists, who came from different parts of Portugal, from several European countries, from United States and Canada, there are some who have recently won awards for this type of sculpture. SandCity will be open until October 31st with new activities, a space for atelier of arts and shows of music, dance, multimedia and theatre in unprecedented sand stages, offering a new experience to visitors. 

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What's On

Portugal’s First Stand Up Paddleboard Festival southern Portugal. Now in his third year of business he has taken hundreds of guests along the stunning Algarve coastline. He enjoys adventure and was the first person to stand up paddle the breadth of the Algarve from Sagres to the Spanish border, following that up with a 260km paddle through central Portugal in 2016. Nick founded the Guadiana Challenge in 2014 and with a few friends set out to complete a 32km paddle from Mertola to Alcoutim. Three years on, Nick has partnered up with Tom Longhurst, who is a keen paddleboarder and owner of Algarve Marquees. Tom, no stranger to events was delighted to be asked to join the team and help Nick make this year’s event bigger and better than ever.

The Stand Up Paddleboarding Festival, the Guadiana Challenge, takes place this month. The race, which takes place between April 7th and 9th, is spilt into three main categories: a 32km race, the main event (which is the 32km paddle from Mertola to Alcoutim), there’s also a family adventure and a novice category which is a 10km fun paddle. The event was set up by Nick Robinson owner of Algarve SUP which was one of the first companies to popularise the sport in

"We're really trying to promote the sport so anyone can come along and try a board on Saturday and Sunday at the quay in Mértola," said Nick.

health benefits are tremendous! There will be the widest variety of boards to try for free. It's your chance to try out SUPing for the first time, as there will be experienced instructors on hand to show you how." There will be great food on the riverside, festival music, chill out bar with campfires, free camping and a huge waterslide into the river. Sunday is a chance to meet surf and paddle legends: Andrew Cotton, world famous big wave surfer, Spike Reid, SUP Explorer extraordinaire (he’s just paddled 3,000 km down the Ganges River in India!) and Kiko Matthews who will be demonstrating her training to row the Atlantic. There will also be a SUP race clinic with world rated paddleboard professional, Leonard Nika and an opportunity to meet the WSA (Water Skills Academy). You can find out how to become a SUP instructor from them.  

"It's such an easy sport to learn and the

'A Viking Legacy – Iron Age journeys and findings' By Jane Robertson holds presentations and lectures for students and the interested public at universities and local museums. His Masters thesis focuses on the centralisation process seen during the pre-Viking Iron Age and the emerging relationship between the high chieftains of the pre-Viking Age society and the newly emerged Norse pagan religion. On Tuesday April 4th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Hampus Norrgren. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. Hampus Norrgren is an MA student at Uppsalla University in Sweden and has worked in archaeological fieldwork for the past five years. He is currently working as a project leader at the company Arkeologikonsult. Hampus has also worked as a guide at some of Sweden's most famous archaeological sites and regularly

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Many people have heard about the Vikings and their exploits, travels and journeys to distant lands. Known as discoverers, conquerors, traders and warriors, the memories of these Scandanavian brigands still echo well into modern times. The 8th to 11th centuries saw a remarkable highpoint in activity outbound from Scandanavia, including trade, colonisation, occupation, plundering and pillaging. The Vikings emerged onto the world stage of politics with a fury that left its mark on world history. The lecture will look at some of the reasons beind the Viking age journeys and why they

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went where they did. This will be done by taking a look at some of the pre-Viking age history and some of the centralisation tendencies that we are able to discern in the archaeological material. By looking at famous Iron Age sites such as Old Uppsalla, Birka and Stroja amongst others, we can discuss the hard facts of archaeological results in the light of the written material left to us. Some of the Viking age sagas, runestones and other written material can be interpreted as having an Iron Age origin and by looking at the archaeological results we can try to come closer to the Viking age legacy. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on 917267948. Non- members are welcome to attend the lectures for a €6 admission fee - all money raised by the AAA is spent on archaeological grants and speakers.  Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.    Algarve Archaeological Association

What's On - Espiche Golf Ladies Day

Be bold for change Espiche Golf held its first ever Ladies Day on March 8th to celebrate International Woman’s Day.

which was then doubled by Espiche Golf – meaning the final figure amounted to €652.

It was deemed a great success and it’s hoped that it will be the first of many to come. The format of the competition was a Pairs Better Ball and 1st place went to Susan Denman and Helen Gould. In total 60 women took part in the event, which comprised a tournament followed by dinner. The three-course menu was prepared by Chef Luis Rodrigues and music was provided by DJ Stereo Silva. Throughout the day the guests raised €326

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This money will be donated to Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro which is Cancer Charity Algarve region. A very big thank you from Espiche Golf to all the ladies who supported the event. Gecko Restaurant is open every day from 7.30am until 6.30pm. Also available for all kinds of occasions and celebrations - from weddings to business events, or simply a relaxed cocktail party. International Woman’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural

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and political achievements of women. International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since in the early 1900s. This year the theme for the day was ‘Be bold for change’.  For Espiche event enquiries please contact:  +351 282 688 250  Don’t forget our Easter Special Golf Offers! For great deals and last minute special rates please visit our website 

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What's On - Spring Garden Fair

Blooming spring success Record-breaking numbers visited this year’s Spring Garden Fair on Saturday March 4th at Quinta da Figueirinha. The garden fairs, that are organised by the Mediterranean Garden Association for Portugal (MGAP), are popular fixtures in the gardening calendar and this year more than 600 visitors turned up for the spring event. All of the hard working volunteers involved in the planning and organising really excelled themselves this year and there was great support from Silves Camara and helpers

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from the local school (ESPAMOL) who are now experts at organising a car park. The rural setting of the Quinta was ideal for the plant nurseries and other exhibitors were able to use the large barn, which had been especially cleared for our event. Unfortunately, some plant nurseries did not attend as planned but those who did make the effort to support the event had a great response from the hundreds of visitors. The theme for this year was 'The Edible Garden` and we had plenty of vegetables,

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herbs, fruit trees and organic seeds available. A unique offering at MGAP events is the free access to talks by experts on their topics. This year was no exception with the rare chance to hear from JeanPaul Brigand on his recommendations of fruit to grow here in the south west of Europe. MGAP plans to make the slides available on its website.  Thanks very much to Dave Sheldrake for the photographs of the event. 

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What's On - Spring Garden Fair

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Health 'Poppy the herbalist' By Sophie Sadler

and individualised herbal prescriptions, are introductory workshops on herbal medicine. Her first session entitled “Wonderful Weeds” is intended to educate people on how to make use of the abundance of wild herbs that grow freely in the Algarve countryside. “Nettles are everywhere at the moment and are the most amazing source of vitamins and minerals,” says Poppy. “You can combine them with apricots and red wine and leave to soak for 2 weeks and you’ve got a fantastic iron tonic that can be used for anaemia.

Having grown up in the Algarve, Poppy Burr discovered an interest in medicine while travelling in India, she has now returned to Portugal to set up a Herbal Medicine clinic.

much the same way as your GP. Our degree covers anatomy, physiology and pharmacology in great detail. The big difference is that we prescribe herbs!”

I must admit, on stepping into the bright airy clinic over-looking the rocks of Luz from the Reserva da Luz development, I was rather sceptical. Half-an-hour and a lovely cup of lemon balm and rose tea later, Poppy’s enthusiasm and depth of knowledge on the subject had me convinced.

Having grown up in the Algarve with British parents, Poppy gained her Bachelor of Science in Herbal Medicine from Middlesex University in London and is now a member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (CPP).

“The body works together as a whole,” she explains, “It is not just lots of different parts. For example, there is a link between good mental health and good physical health. Inflammation in the body, caused mainly by poor diet and gut health, leads to inflammation in the brain and mental health issues. Herbalists, therefore, treat the whole. I often recommend a change in diet or prescribe tinctures, which are alcoholic extracts of plants.” It was while travelling in India that she discovered Ayurveda - traditional Indian medicine, and was intrigued to learn more. On returning to Europe, she decided to focus on a branch of alternative medicine that was ‘closer to home’. “Western herbalists are trained in Western methods of diagnosis”, she tells me. “Unlike Chinese or Indian traditional medicine, herbalists will examine and diagnose in

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After graduating with a First, she set up a clinic in Sheffield but has now moved “back home” to carry on her practice closer to the family. I ask Poppy what sort of conditions you can treat with herbs? “Herbs are most suited to treating chronic, long-standing conditions, although they are also great for things like colds and flu. Herbal medicine is also particularly good for children, who are very receptive.” In certain situations, a change in diet is also necessary. “Eczema is a great example,” Poppy explains. “The health of the gut is directly linked to the skin, and a simple change in diet, reducing things like wheat, dairy, sugar or processed food can make a huge difference. Herbs like burdock, heartsease, chamomile and cleavers are used alongside.” One of the things Poppy plans to offer from her clinic, other than consultations

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“Nettle is an amazing anti-inflammatory medicine almost as strong as ibuprofen with none of the side effects and is excellent for allergies, skin conditions, colds and flu. You can make a delicious soup from the leaves, too. Elderly people with arthritis can even sting themselves with nettles for temporary pain relief.” Listening to Poppy, all that she was telling me made total sense. We are constantly hearing on the news how antibiotics are being overused so it seems obvious that we need to seek alternatives. “Antibiotics are of course life-saving,” said Poppy, “but should only be used as a last resort.” Why should it be considered “alternative” to look to nature for a cure before we turn to medicine? Poppy tells me that herbs can also reduce the side-effects of strong drugs, like Tamoxifen prescribed for people with breast cancer. The initial consultation lasts for an hourand-a-half and covers: historical factors behind the development of the presenting complaint; factors which modify the complaint (ie. make it better or worse); current and previous medication; diet as well as social and medical history. An initial consultation with Poppy costs €50, and she says the herbs she prescribes are the best in the world - “made in Australia to very high standards”. For more information contact Poppy, who admits with a smile that her name was tailor-made for anyone destined to choose the herbal path!   +351 969 091 683  

The Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen Lagos We serve over 300 meals each week. Please, we need your help to continue helping those in need. Account #


- For more information- 919 439 069  TomorrowAlgarve


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Choosing the best mattress for lower back pain By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro If you’re here in the Algarve on holiday, there’s not much you can do about the hotel bed…but at home, sleeping on the wrong mattress can cause, or worsen, lower back pain. Lack of support from your mattress can cause poor sleeping posture, muscle strain and a misaligned spine, which all contribute to pain. With a variety of mattresses on the market, choosing the right one can be difficult. Be sceptical regarding claims that a mattress is “orthopedic” or “medically approved”…there has not been extensive medical research or controlled clinical trials regarding mattresses and low back pain. If you suffer from back pain, the following guidelines should help you choose the best

mattress that combines back support with sleep comfort: • Understanding the physical components of the mattress. The coils or inner springs of a mattress provide support, with different mattresses varying in the number and arrangement of coils. Padding on top of the mattress comes in many different thicknesses, while mattress depths typically range from 7 to 18 inches. Your eventual choice of mattress should be based on what feels right for you according to your own (and your partner’s) individual preferences. • Achieve a balance between back support and comfort. A good mattress should provide support for the natural curves and

alignment of the spine. Perhaps Goldilocks got it right with her choice…”it was neither too hard nor too soft. In fact, it felt just right, and in no time at all she fell fast asleep”. While there is little clinical data about mattresses, one study found that medium-firm mattresses provide more back pain relief than firm mattresses, because they allow the shoulders and hips to sink in slightly. Sleeping on a mattress that is too firm can cause aches and pains on pressure points. If, unlike Goldilocks, you wake up one morning aching all over, come and see us at Lagos Health Chiropractic. Alternatively, call us on +351 282 768 044…we can’t offer a cup of tea in bed, but we can offer help for your back pain! 

More than just words Speech therapists work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitivecommunication and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

stammering (dysfluency), hearing impairment, among others.

The work of a speech therapist includes rehabilitating adults who may have different issues, some of which include stroke patients, neurological impairments and degenerative conditions (head injuries, Parkinson’s disease, motor-neuron disease, dementia), cancer of the head, neck and throat, voice problems, learning disabilities,

A Speech therapist will not only work directly with the patients who need some help, but also work with family members and other professionals to make the patient’s life as easy as possible, providing training and advice for relatives, carers, communication partners and other service providers. The care team at Hibiscus (which is part of Madrugada Charitable Association) has

recognised a need for this service and has a qualified bilingual speech therapist (in this case English and Portuguese). All profits from this service go directly to Madrugada Associação and patient care. For more information regarding speech therapy please contact Gabriela Grant dos Santos at Hibiscus.   +351 282 761 375  

Parenting needs practise By Laura Newman Parenting is a set of skills that need practise. A recipe for successful parenting includes a large spoon of ‘good’ information, clear goals for your children, put into a mixing bowl of a culturally-supportive environment. Children are like seeds in a garden; naturally supplied with instincts to attach to their parents and full of potential to grow when provided with the right conditions. The relationship is the garden where children learn to adapt to their environment and emerge as separate mature, individuals. Many parents and teachers are stuck in the old cycle of rewards and punishments. Children are more sensitive and vulnerable

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these days: their attempts to protect themselves from an (emotionally) wounding world are resulting in stuck behaviours that are difficult to manage. You cannot teach a child to be good, to say sorry and mean it, to want to help with chores, to respect their teachers. You can only ‘teach’ the surface behaviours. Children need warm, consistent connections with their parents daily; a super-protective factor which will keep children safe and connected….always. Simply asking pertinent questions will lead to answers: What are your family goals? Are you satisfied with your child’s behaviour or is there room for improvement (=

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development)? Where do you need to set better limits? How can you hold on to your children through the teenage years? How are you building connection every day? How are you resourcing yourself? Parenting is a job and a journey. It carries huge responsibilities and it is deeply rewarding. If you are not completely satisfied with your child’s behaviour or desire to be good, then what piece are you missing?  Listening Circles for Parents is a weekly group providing support and exploration into these areas.  +351 961 633 995   connectedchildfamily

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Pets Mate By Lars Rahmquist So the weather is picking up from a winter of…rather pleasant weather, thank you very much. Following the mix of rain with warmer temperatures we have already been seeing a larger number of ticks on animals… and, indeed, more cases of tick fever. Tick prevention is the best ‘treatment’ for tick fever. Preventative health is always more effective (and cheaper) in all arms of medicine. From vaccinations to parasite control and nutrition…preventing a disease is always better than trying to treat it! Note, by the way, that the above are the top three measure of disease control from the WHO regarding human health. It is just the same with the smaller, more hirsute humans who live amongst us. Complete tick prevention is never possible: they are tenacious little pests, at best. So nothing is 100% (unlike some flea products). The products most effective against ticks are Bravecto, Activyl, Advantix, and Seresto collars. There are other tick spot-ons, tablets collars and sprays, many of which are inferior to these four. The last arm in tick prevention is your arm. At the end of them you have a decimal dozen (or so) fingers. These fingers of yours can used to do a tickle-check for buried ticks. Ruffle through their fur when you are

giving them your after-dinner pat. Use your digital deftness to find any ticks ignoring the collar. Tick fever is a lay term for an infection contracted by a dog or cat, from a tick bite. There are various forms of tick fever, thus presentation can be quite varied and non-specific. Clinical signs can be as simple as lethargy and inappetence. Left untreated the infections can be fatal but, if brought to a vet early, most cases are treat successfully. This same argument applies to another disease which is more transmissible as the weather warms up, and that is Heartworm. Heartworm is another insect-spread disease (and before our entomologist readers roll their eyes, I acknowledge that ticks are arachnids). But this time it’s the mosquito. There are also 2 arms of disease prevention with Heartworm. Firstly, mosquito repellent products help to minimise the injection of larva during feeding. Mozzie repellents become even more relevant when we discuss Leishmania control (stay tuned for next month’s enthralling instalment…zzzzz (mosquito noise, not snoring).

by giving the dog specific preventative medicine. For years, there have been several commercial options available. All in various forms of tablets, chews and spotons. These treatments are given monthly. With warmer winters, some parasitologists now recommend year-round protection. Injectable 'Guardian SR' is something that the Lagos Vet Clinic is very much promoting at this time of year. Dogs given this injection remain covered for heartworm throughout the season. The cost is similar to monthly treatments and the dog is given a thorough physical examination at the time. Clinical signs of Heartworm are coughing and exercise intolerance. If your dog is showing these signs, mention it to your vet. A quick note to cats. Heartworm disease CAN happen in cats but it is not something that we see clinically, and thus don’t recommend regular control. If you are worried about Heartworm in your (outdoors) cat, you can speak to us or your vet about prophylaxis against it.   So watch out for them ticks, and get your dog a Heartworm injection. Easy-peasy.

Effective Heartworm control is achievable

Let’s talk about the lymphatic system By Niki Medlock Lymph is a fluid containing nutrients, oxygen and hormones as well as toxins, such as bacteria and viruses, and cellular waste products. Its composition changes constantly as the circulating blood and surrounding cells continually exchange these substances.

Organs that are part of the lymphatic system and made up of lymphoid tissue are:

Around the lymph nodes lymph is rich in lymphocytes, white blood cells which identify foreign antigens, such as bacteria and viruses, creating antibodies to destroy them.

LYMPH NODES These are bean shaped lymph filtration units distributed throughout the lymphatic pathway (approximately 600-700 nodes) mainly concentrated in the neck, axillae, groin, chest and intestinal region. These are an important part of the immune system, the body's defence against disease, filtering lymph fluid as it flows through them, trapping bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances, which are then destroyed by the special white blood cells called lymphocytes that are matured and stored there.

Unfortunately cancer cells which are picked up by the lymphatic system are not always destroyed and use this route to spread to other parts of the body (metastases).

SPLEEN this has several important functions; it filters blood in much the same way as the lymph nodes playing an important role in

At the level of the gastrointestinal tract lymph has a milky appearance as it picks up and transports triglycerides (fat), carrying this to the blood circulatory system.

red blood cell metabolism by destroying old and damaged red blood cells. It also serves as a reservoir for lymphocytes which are activated as part of the immune response system. TONSILS They contain a high concentration of lymphocytes as protection against bacteria or viruses that enter through the oral cavity or airways. THYMUS An organ that is only active until puberty, located in the upper chest behind the breastbone and in which lymphocytes again mature.  Next month: do we get swollen glands?

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Niki Medlock is head nurse at 

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Business No+ Vello IPL permanent hair removal By Cláudia Mochacho

I am really happy that we are part of the No+Vello franchise. I am really happy with the equipment, the treatments and the products which are first class and at a very affordable price to everyone. We started with a smaller centre with only one cabin and now we have two as there was so much demand from our clients who come from all over the world. I am grateful to the existing clients and look forward to meeting new clients who want to be hair free, cellulite free or want a specialised facial.

It was a joy starting the centre with my sister, and we have now been open for seven years with lots of happy customers. For some people hair removal is purely aesthetic but for others it is more serious and in those cases we work closely with doctors.

wasn’t sure it was a job that would suit me but it has become a passion.

No+Vello, the indisputable world leader in IPL hair removal treatments and photo rejuvenation, was born in Spain in 2007 and started its journey into franchising in 2008. The concept rests on the popularisation of the IPL permanent hair removal, revolutionising the world of aesthetics by launching the first flat rate unisex IPL hair removal treatment priced per area.  To find out more please contact Cláudia

I qualified from Escola Europeia de Estética in Lisbon as a beauty therapist in 2002. I

At No+Vello we learnt how to perform permanent hair removal from specialist doctors and it’s really safe. I was keen to introduce it to the Algarve because there’s a great need for hair removal with so many people outside in the sun, on beaches and doing a lot of sport.

 Centro No+Vello, Rua Drº João Moniz Nogueira, Lagos  +351 282 094 002  +351 910 325 248 

What today’s buyer’s want By David Westmoreland At B&P we receive approximately 30 clients per week, 52 weeks of the year. From this volume of clients we get a clear understanding of their wants and likes. These range from current fashions to standard features.

wardrobe doors and even main doors on the rooms. This style is one of the recent past where clients were looking for traditional Portuguese features. Be it the dark wood, the garish tiles or the old style extractor hoods, these are now seen as passe and the modern buyer looks at these properties with an additional bill to change if they buy the property.

So what are these current trends and, if your property does not have them, what should you do? The obvious ones are the same the world over. Modern stylish kitchens, smart bathrooms, good showers and easy to take care of gardens. Whilst most of these features are becoming standard in many of the new apartments coming to the market, many of the older properties are still furnished in the dark solid wood fittings. Not only in the kitchens but throughout the properties including

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Remember that following a five-year recession the average buyer is now around 45-55 years of age. We have almost lost a generation of buyers and the new customers have much more contemporary expectations. Smart modern laminate kitchens have replaced the dark wood or cherry wood finish. Induction hobs are preferred to gas in many cases and light colours with neutral decor is a must. So what do you do if your

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property is looking outdated or in need of a freshen-up? It will most certainly have an effect on the time it takes to sell your property as well as the price you achieve. You have three choices. One, make the changes prior to selling and add to the price. The property will be more appealing but take advice from your agent as the final price may not exceed your investment. Secondly, reduce the price to include the refurb cost or inform your agent that you would be negotiable based on your understanding that the property is looking dated. Or do nothing and hope someone loves the property as you do but this option could lead to a long wait.  Whatever you decide speak with a professional agent and get advice. You can email me at or pop into the office.

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Booming holiday rentals for 2017 By Vicki Harding We thought it was a busy last year but it’s looking like 2017 will be even busier. Properties are booking up fast and there’s little left to offer families for the peak seasonal weeks.

That said we noticed that there seemed to be a lot more people around this winter. The Scandinavian market has picked up and we are seeing more Swedish and Norwegian people using Lagos and Praia da Luz as their winter bolt hole.

All this is very good for the local economy and publicity for the area. People that visited last year have re-booked, told their friends and family and they have booked as well. All this culminates into a supply and demand problem where there aren’t enough properties to go around with most people still wanting the July and August weeks while the kids are off school.

It’s obvious why as we have had wonderful sunny days since January. It is lovely to see more people here giving the area a much needed winter trade. Algarve Accommodation Agency is looking for more villas and apartments in and around the Lagos and Praia da Luz

areas to add to its portfolio of holiday rental properties so it can supply to its ever growing database of clients, if this is something you are considering doing then please contact Algarve Accommodation Agency and we can talk through the different management and rental options for your holiday home.  With 20 years in the business we can offer you a very reliable and professional service.  +351 282 760 970 

Free real estate clinic! Don't forget, your opportunity to ask about absolutely anything to do with real estate.

Pop into the office for coffee and biscuits, and get your questions answered!

Contact Emilie or fill out the contact us page on the website for more information. 

Property Specialists Algarve is hosting a real estate clinic to help answer your real estate questions!

Free of charge, no obligation. Every Friday from 3pm at Rua Hospital São João de Deus, Lote 1, Loja G. Next to Pasteleria Ritinha.

 +351 925 106 230  

Leading furnishing group expands

By Tom Henshaw

I have watched the strong growth of G II HOMES especially as I was personally involved in the furniture business myself.

was invited to see their latest new venture, which takes them into a whole new area of expertise.

the transformation and display the skills that GII HOMES can bring to any home or business.

Paul and Angela Pacheco started their business in 2013 and have developed a great brand with an excellent product range including gifts, major furnishing items and including curtaining and reupholstery, in fact there is nothing that I can think of that you cannot find here and at extremely fair prices.

Paul, Angela and their team with the amazing talents of their interior designer Anadá Filipitsch have designed from scratch an old shop in Sagres as part of their turnkey portfolio for their clients Ana and Helio Santos.

Whether it be design, marketing, planning, renovating or building and including all the latest signage options, digital printing, banners etc it can all now be done ‘in house’. The complete package and at economic prices because they have the flexibility through their team of professionals.

I certainly recommend a visit if you are interested in any category of home decor even if you think you have all you need you will, I am sure, find something you want! So with this great background in mind I


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Called the ‘Pote D’ouro’ (or in English pot of gold) has received a total overhaul and proves beyond doubt their ability to create a whole new look for this or any tired property. I have added pictures for you to recognise

Anadá Filipitsch's interior design impression

 TomorrowAlgarve

Make a call, there is no obligation whatsoever.   +351 282 031 726  


Enjoy professional hair cuts & colours in the comfort of your own home

10% OFF

FOR EACH NEW CUSTOMER +351 916 837 661 | +49 174 451 39 49

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Boutique rentals By Sophie Sadler

New clinic opens

The Algarve Private Collection is a new approach to villa rentals and the brainchild of Anna Charles, who established the company seven years ago.

in the summer months while they return to England or travel. Some of my top villas can achieve as much as €6000 per week during peak season and you can have the peace of mind that your villa is being well looked after if you use our management service.”

At the end of last year neuromuscular physical therapist David Murphy decided to up and leave cold and rainy Ireland and set up here in the Algarve after running a very successful clinic for 10 years there.

Anna, who runs her business with husband José and assistant Laura does not work in a traditional way. She runs her enterprise from an office on her equestrian property surrounded by dogs where she indulges in her hobby of riding and breeding dressage horses. When she is not running around looking after her clients and properties you may find her on a horse or looking after her 5-year-old son!

He specialises in treating very painful conditions that most people believe they are stuck with like sciatica, osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder to name a few.

Anna had worked in a central London real estate office for many years when she made the move to Portugal and became Sales Director at Martinhal Resort in Sagres. While working there she spotted a gap in the market for a top-end rentals business where the client is treated to a personal and tailor-made holiday experience. She has since become the rental market's answer to ‘boutique’ in the Western Algarve. Her formula has been a great success with Anna regularly achieving 30 weeks rental a year for her owners with over 30% of her reservations being repeat bookings. “We often accommodate big groups,” explains Anna, “extended family will often rent a villa for a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary and we give them first class treatment and spoil them a bit. We always give a personal check-in service, we can stock their fridge with their favourite things for their arrival and will provide massages at the villa, a personal chef or babysitting. I have even organised a wedding at one of the properties!”

Anna is now looking for new properties in the Western Algarve to add to her exclusive portfolio and you might be surprised that she does not charge excessive commission, her rates are in line with the average at 20% but you know that your rental guests are receiving the best treatment. She says; “because we offer a unique service we receive a high calibre of guest and rarely have any problems, so if you are thinking of renting your villa please talk to me. We are not only looking for million euro properties just good quality villas where our guests can enjoy a good break.”

This year Anna has even created a boutique wine list including labels that you won't find in the supermarket which can be in your villa nicely chilled for your arrival. She will also help organise day trips for her guests including surfing, water sports boat trips and horse-riding. “I provide the full concierge service,” says Anna, “which is why we get so many repeat bookings. This level of rentals is also particularly well suited to residents who want to obtain income from their villas

Boost your business

Last year Ponte Vertical, a company that represents several food brands in Portugal, organised a photo competition. The rules

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With Portugal's tourist industry currently thriving and Anna's energy and enthusiasm, you can be sure that her chic holiday business will continue to grow.  For more information:    +351 918 378 319  +351 917 070 085

were simple – take a photo with one of the products and win a motorbike Vespa PX 125 - the latest stylish model of famous Italian motorbikes. Meet the winner, who lives in the Algarve. Katya Mogireva is a Lagos-based photographer, who specialises mostly in food and lifestyle photography. After moving to Portugal she created a project ‘Beast Inside’ that helps local businesses to improve their marketing and supports the brands in social media. Katya is sure that creativity and being open

 TomorrowAlgarve

“Most people have to take painkillers or anti-inflammatories just to make it through the day,” says David, “but recent press reports have shown they don’t always work and have other side effects such as stomach upset etc. I have used the latest techniques in soft tissue release and pain management to restore some, if not all range of movement to the affected joint/muscle but most importantly the reduction of pain is immediate”. His new clinic is in Mexilhoeira grande and offers a string of treatments. Physical neuromuscular therapy allows David to use many different techniques such as dry needling and Graston Technique which go a little deeper into the muscle when treating, as only having to specialise in Musclo-skeletal / Myofascial based disorders. This makes it very easy to treat with quick results, without the need for 10 costly sessions where very little difference is felt after treatment.  For more details:  +351 928 022 494 

to the digital sphere is the key for local restaurants, hotels or small enterprises to win over their audience. Interesting content and a good story can attract more attention than big budgets spend on marketing. And she has proved that by winning her prize with a picture taken with an iPhone. Soon her team will organise workshops for owners of local businesses, where she will share her knowledge on how to use social media.    BeastInsideLagos

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We have got it framed By Tom Henshaw well established and well respected framing operation. It all stemmed from working in a well known hotel as a receptionist where she became bored and so she thought she would start her own business, her parents ran and still run the very successful glass business Vidreira Candeias and this helped to inspire her to find a small shop in Lagos. Now 17 years later she has grown her business and moved on to where she works now.

I met up with Edite Candeias at her Moldopoli Frame and Gallery Showroom which is across the road from Hospital S. Goncalo. A first glance it looks like an ordinary framing store but walking in and seeing the extensive workshops and stock I realised this is a totally professional business.

Many of her clients have worked with her since she started and she is constantly meeting new clients with every kind of individual requirements plus she works with many hotels, golf clubs and camaras etc. Moldopoli has a small team of professionals, Bibi and Fernando who alongside Edite herself create exactly

Edite speaks very good English and found the time to show me every aspect of her

I.T. can be easy By Steven Dunwell This month, a couple of quick computer tips and two of the best apps available from the often overlooked Windows 10 app store. Quickly Get to the Windows Desktop Got a lot of windows open? Quickly get to the Microsoft Windows Desktop by pressing the Windows key + D at the same time on the keyboard. Create a shortcut key for Internet web pages Create a shortcut on your desktop to a favourite web page by following the steps below, very handy if you access your email via a web browser. • If your internet browser window is maximized make it a window by clicking on the window resize icon. • Once windowed, click and drag the icon or text to the left of the web address in the address bar and drag it to your Desktop. • In this example for Yahoo mail, click and drag the word Secure to your desktop and it will create a shortcut to Yahoo Mail, so

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in future just double click this shortcut to open Yahoo Mail. Two of the best from the Windows 10 App Store The Weather Channel – Free Windows's included Weather app is perfectly usable, but if you want a few more options then The Weather Channel App has you covered. Easily access multiple locations, see animated weather maps, read weather news, and watch weather videos. The app can even notify you about severe weather, rain, or breaking news. Polarr – Basic version free; Pro version about €19.00 Polarr is an impressive photography app. It offers easy camera file import, lots of lighting and colour adjustments within a clear touch-friendly interface. It also boasts a wealth of effect filters to make your photos look amazing. A Guided mode is a great for showing you how to improve your digital photos. 

what their clients want and they have had some strange requests including one client who had her wedding dress framed! One client an elderly lady has been coming in ever since Edite started up with her own 180 cms x 120 cms pictures for framing even though she spends most of her time overseas. Edite feels that her aim is provide a quality of service above people’s expectations and that is the clear message I came away after my visit. I can really recommend a call, Edite is certainly knowledgeable and her advice is given freely and she certainly puts one at ease.   +351 918 612 320  +351 282 763 306 

Local snapper opens studio A new photography studio has opened in Carvoeiro. Located on Estrada do Farol, JF Studio is the working base for photographer Jorge Fonseca. Originally hailing from Évora in the Alentejo, Jorge now calls the Algarve his home. He studied multimedia at university, but was inspired to take up photography thanks to the stunning setting of his hometown. Initially his work focused on natural landscapes and he established an extensive portfolio of work, some of which featured in national and international magazine - winning several awards along the way.

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Have a great month, see you in the May issue.

Now he has branched out to offer a wide range of services locally, from events such as weddings and christenings to family and new baby shoots. Jorge’s aim is to capture moments, emotions and personalities through his lens, resulting in unique images that tell a story. He considers it an honour for people to invite him to take their pictures. 

  +351 936 387 512

  @jfonsecastudio

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Mr. Sweep +351 919 498 280

20 years sweeping experience

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Food & Drink Recipe: Pastéis de nata

half. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours, or preferably overnight. (The pastry can be frozen for up to 3 months.) 9. Next make the custard filling. In a medium bowl, whisk the flour and 1/4 cup of milk until smooth. 10. Bring the sugar, cinnamon and water to a boil in a small saucepan. Do not stir. 11. In another small saucepan, scald the remaining 1 cup of milk, then whisk the hot milk into the flour mixture.

Ingredients For the pastry 2 cups (minus 2 tablespoons) all-purpose flour, plus more for the work surface 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 3/4 cup (plus two tablespoons) water 16 tablespoons softened unsalted butter For the custard filling 3 tbsp all-purpose flour 1 1/4 cups milk 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar 1 cinnamon stick 2/3 cup water 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 6 large egg yolks, whisked To finish Icing sugar Cinnamon Method 1. Start with the pastry. In a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix the flour, salt and water until a soft, pillowy dough forms that pulls away from the side of the bowl. 2. Generously flour a work surface and pat

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the dough into a 6-inch square using a pastry scraper. Flour the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rest at room temperature for 15 minutes. 3. Roll the dough into an 18-inch square, making sure the underside doesn’t stick to your work surface. 4. Brush the excess flour off the top of the dough and then dot and spread the left twothirds of the dough with around one-third of the butter, leaving 1-inch border unbuttered. 5. Fold the unbuttered right-hand third of the dough into the centre, brush off any excess flour, and then fold over the left-hand third. Pat down the dough with your hand to release any air bubbles, then pinch the edges of the dough to seal. Brush off any excess flour. 6. Turn the dough 90° to the left so the fold is facing you. Lift the dough and flour the work surface. Once again roll it out to an 18-inch square, then repeat steps four and five. 7. For the last rolling, turn the dough 90° to the left again and roll out the dough to an 18 x 21-inch rectangle, with the shorter side facing you. Spread the remaining butter over the entire surface. 8. Using a spatula, lift the edge of the dough closest to you and roll away into a tight log, brushing the excess flour from the underside as you go. Trim the ends and cut the log in

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13. Heat the oven to 290°C. Remove a pastry log from the refrigerator and roll it back and forth on a lightly floured surface until it’s about an inch in diameter and 16 inches long. Cut it into 3/4-inch pieces. Cut side down, place one piece in each well of a nonstick 12-cup mini-muffin pan (2-by-5/8-inch size). Allow the dough pieces to soften several minutes until pliable. 14. Have a small cup of water nearby. Dip your thumb in the water, then insert straight down into the middle of the dough spiral. Flatten it against the bottom of the well to a thickness of about 1/16 inch, then smooth the dough up the sides and create a raised lip about 1/8 inch above the pan. The pastry sides should be thinner than the bottom. 15. Fill each pastry cup 3/4 full with the slightly warm custard, then bake the pastéis until the edges of the dough are frilled and brown, about 8 to 9 minutes. Repeat with the remaining pastry and custard. 16. Remove from the oven. Allow the pastéis to cool a few minutes, then transfer to a rack and cool until just warm. Sprinkle generously with icing sugar then cinnamon and serve.  This was contributed by Mar d'Estórias in Lagos - Have you got a recipe of your own you’d like to submit? Email our editor:

© Jpatokal / Wikimedia Commons

Created by Catholic monks at Lisbon’s Jerónimos monastery in the 1800s, these delicious custard tarts are now synonymous with Portugal. You can find them in every local café and supermarket - but why not have a go at making your own?

12. Remove the cinnamon stick and then pour the sugar syrup in a thin stream into the hot milk and flour mixture, whisking briskly. Add the vanilla and stir for a minute until very warm but not hot. Whisk in the yolks, strain the mixture into a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside. The custard should be thin. (You can refrigerate the custard for up to 3 days.)

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Food & Drink

Swedish Beef Burgers (Beef á la Lindström) By Chris Winstanley One of the great things I love about living here on the Algarve is the great cultural Minestrone soup we live in here. Recently we have seen an influx of Swedish people who are making Portugal their new home in the sun. We recently invited some new Swedish friends over to home for an early season BBQ and thought what could we cook to make them feel at home? And came across the great recipe for burgers. Judging by the empty plates after the meal it seemed to hit the spot! Apparently, the recipe is a classic of Swedish cuisine, describing it as a burger might put some of you off trying this dish, but adding beetroot and capers makes it super tasty and much lighter than your bog standard burger. Having cooked the recipe, I for one will find it hard going back my simple alternative. The burger gets it Swedish name from a famous industrialist called Henrik Lindström, who went into his favourite hotel's kitchen and taught the dish to the head chef, and before long it was being

prepared all over Sweden.

into flat burgers between 1 and 2 cm thick

Ingredients: Should make enough for four people

4. Let the burgers rest for about one hour at room temperature before grilling

500g ground beef with low fat content 2 egg yolks 6 cream crackers crushed to a powder 120g onion finely chopped 2 tbsp pickled Beetroot, Finely chopped 2 tbsp capers, coarsely chopped 2 tbsp water or beetroot juice 1 tbsp finely chopped chives Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Butter (Herbed if you want to be really fancy!)

5. Heat for BBQ to a medium heat and place the burger on the grill on top place a little butter which kicks in a lovely richness to the flavor. Grill for 3 to 4 minutes and then flip over

Method: 1. Put the minced beef, egg yolks, onion, beetroot, capers, water/juice, crackers and chives (optional) in a large bowl 2. Blend the ingredients together until reasonably evenly mixed, but do not over mix or you will make the burgers too dense 3. Divide the mixture into four, and shape

6. Again place a little butter on top and grill for 3 to 4 minutes. The burgers should now be slightly pink inside and ready to serve Traditionally, the burgers are served with a fried egg on top, when we cooked the dish for our friends we served with garlic sautéed potatoes and roasted tomatoes and a nice cold beer. Har en stor måltid!  Thanks to Chris Winstanley from Moveison for this recipe. If you would like to send your own recipe please email 

Zavial Beach Bar By Tom Henshaw Heading out of Lagos or Luz in the direction of Sagres you will come to the small town of Raposeira where you turn left and follow the signs for this excellent beach bar. Zavial has been family-run since its opening in 1978 by owners Ernesto and Maria Lucilia Mochacho. It is nestled on one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in the Algarve region and one that you will never tire of visiting especially as the beach bar food is made

with love, served with professionalism and a ready smile by the owners’ friendly team.

A really great choice of gin is available if you just want to catch the sun and enjoy a cocktail or two!

They serve lunch and dinner and the kitchen opens at noon and closes at 9pm every day except Mondays but as the season gets really underway it might be a good idea to check as they will be open every day!

Please email for group and private party menus. Zavial Beach Bar also specialises in weddings and bachelor parties.

The beach bar has a tapas menu and a snack menu so there is plenty of choices for all budgets.

 +351 282 639 282   restaurante.zavial

It is a very good idea to book ahead to avoid disappointment. 

Fresh food at A Fábrica A Fábrica in Luz is launching its new menu this month with new flavours and cocktails inspired from around the globe. This fine dining restaurant and cocktail bar is open for lunch from 12 noon to 3.30pm and dinner from 6.30pm to 10pm. It’s closed on Sundays and Mondays (until

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 TomorrowAlgarve

17th of April).  To find out more go to:  RestauranteAFabrica  @AFabricaLuz Or contact:  91 777 6245  282 761 792

Rua Silva Lopes, 30 8600-632 Lagos Portugal +351 282 792 165

Shop Café / Bistro Roof Terrace Bar Homeware Books & Music Gallery

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open daily* from 11am * Starting from the 8th February

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f  TomorrowAlgarve


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Food & Drink

Italian delights By Julie Battersby great ability to learn the art of Italian cuisine from the previous owners really can pay off. Rocsana has a ready smile and a great talent for working closely with her team and this has proved another part of her winning formula. Part of the winning team is Dida who is friendly, helpful and committed to this lovely small restaurant. Borsalino has made very few changes since Rocsana took over but she insists that she has definitely improved the quality and especially makes sure that each order of pasta is fresh for each customer.

Borsalino Italian Restaurant has been in Lagos now for 15 years and is delighting more people than ever! I love the fact that the owner, Rocsana Osan started as the bottle washer! It just shows that hard word, determination and a

So much so that many of her clients keep returning on a regular basis.

I had a brilliant pizza the other evening, my favourites being their pastas and obviously the pizzas! Lunch special is €7 from 12.30 pm until 3pm includes pasta, pizza, dessert and a free drink! Dinner is from 6.30pm until 10pm (closed all day Sunday and Saturday lunch). Reservations really necessary as the season starts.   +351 282 782 417  Borsalino is close to Lidl supermarket.

Bonsoir, bonsoir, bonsoir By Steven Sutton and instantly escorted to your table. The staff are friendly, attentive and extremely pleased to assist you the entire evening. Then, even before the food is served, the show starts, and continues all the way through till the end of the evening.

Welcome to the jewel of the Paris Cabaret World right here in the Algarve. Opening its doors earlier this month in Monchique was Portal Da Serra, the newest and freshest cabaret theatre and restaurant in the Algarve. Here to dazzle you with song, dance and comedy, and so much more. Offering fine dining with over four hours of non-stop music and theatrical entertainment.

The comical compère is a master of surprise. Delighting you with comedy, magic and a great talent for making even the shyest member of the audience want to take part. The food itself is freshly prepared in the kitchens, which are behind glass windows allowing the guests to see everything that is happening. Very Conrad. There follows a four-course meal, including coffee. Drinks are extra to the price, but are very reasonably priced. Throughout the evening, the entertainment varies from Fado to Frank Sanatra. Smooth Jazz to Middle Eastern delight.

Prepare to be amazed as you walk along the red carpet to an evening of delight and wonder. Prepare to be amazed with an evening of pure escapism and wonder. As you arrive, you are greeted at the door

There is great audience participation and it's all done in the best possible taste.

Come Dine with Me

up of four couples. From May to August one couple in each team entertains the other three couples. The couples invited to dinner judge the hosts evening by placing how much they would be willing to spend on the evening into an envelope. The charity will record the amounts. The winners in each team will have generated

On top of this I have a feeling that the sound system and the lighting has come at

Sixteen couples are needed to take part in a fundraising idea based on the TV programme 'Come Dine with Me. The money raised will go to the Goldra sanctuary. There needs to four teams made

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 TomorrowAlgarve

great expense as the quality was second to none. It is amazing that there is such a pool of talent in the Algarve, let alone up in Monchique. It was Portal Da Serra who brought them all together for this show. Many of them were living in the Algarve but some of them came in from Paris. It wasn't until we spoke to the man behind this venture, we found out that they had all come over from Paris to work on this event. The entire evening was slick and polished. The performers have strong and extremely powerful voices and vocals. Modern dance and musical seduction as the evening comes alive right before your eyes.  On Friday May 12th they are offering Tomorrow readers a special deal which includes the meal, show, a welcome cocktail and transport to and from the venue for just €60. To book the deal, email  Portaldaserra

the most money. There will be finals in September and October when the winning couple from each team will host an evening. The couple with the most money wins.  Find out more by emailing Sue Ward sue@

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Outdoor A hillside garden visit By Jeanette Fulbusch March's WAGS (Western Algarve Garden Society) monthly garden group gettogether involved a visit to Geoff and Jenny Bertenshaw's beautifully situated hillside garden in Luz. Against a breathtaking background of the sea and high cliffs sits their large, terraced 22-year-old garden, originally designed by Justin Wride (Mediterranean Gardening). Jenny explains: “When we bought the house in 2011 the garden was overgrown and in very poor condition. Years of neglect meant too many trees crowding the plot, bushes were allowed to grow to enormous heights, but the worst was the soil: just bare rocky sand. “Knowing that the secret to successfully growing plants is compost and plenty of it, this is what we concentrated on with the help of our fantastic German shredder Gloria,” Jenny added. “We followed this by bringing the garden back to it’s original ‘bones’ by felling several trees and overgrown bushes to reveal

the beautiful rocks laid by Mr Wride in his original design.“ On this gloriously sunny day, all the plants showed themselves at their best: the Bertenshaws' favourite colour combinations being purple, lilacs, pinks and whites. We strolled along garden paths infused with the heady scent of masses of full in bloom white jasmins and fringed by superbly trained cerise Bougainvilleas, mature lilac lavenders, purple Osteospermums, large shrubs of the extraordinary flowered purple Algarvian Pea and white and lilac irises – all of which mixed harmoniously with different species of tall feathery grasses such as chocolate pennisetum. These, combined cleverly with huge yuccas, a variety of mature succulents and cacti, together with an enormous 'Bird of Paradise' tree added a true sense of a Mediterranean Garden.

by the poolside, we were given the opportunity of a botanical water colour demonstration by local artist Sandie Croft, who chose a delightful corner of the garden to show how to paint this start to finish.  Our group is open to anyone interested in plants and gardening and we offer a welcoming and active social gardening network! There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (of which we are the Western Algarve offspring) is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.   +351 969 439 867 

Following our stroll and generously provided refreshments, stylishly served

Rainy day savings By Claire Friedlander In last month’s article, we touched on how global warming is likely to put pressure on the Algarve’s water reserves, exacerbated by increasing demand for water. Why aren’t we doing more to conserve and collect our primary water source – rainwater? Unlike chemically treated water from our taps and hosepipes, rainwater is a source of relatively pure water. There is barely anywhere on earth that it doesn’t rain. Even Israel’s Negev desert, with only around 100mm of annual rainfall, has supported habitation and cultivation for decades using stored rainwater. Globally, rainwater has been harvested since antiquity using bodies of water, stormwater drains, paved and unpaved landscapes and rooftops for water catchment. Evidence remains of roof catchment systems from early Roman times. In light of current water concerns traditional wisdom, alongside modern technology, could alleviate future water scarcity. With forward-planning, rainwater

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harvesting can be designed into built environments to meet water needs at community scales, but for most of us at a domestic level, rooftop harvesting is most pertinent. Stormwater disposal relies on complex drain systems to arrive at central treatment facilities for filtration and treatment, before being returned for household use. Our utility bills reflect the related infrastructure and treatment costs! For gardens and topping up swimming pools chemically treated water is not ideal, yet account for around 75% of household water use in summer when rainfall is minimal. Just as Joseph advised Pharaoh to store bounty for times of need, so we could benefit from storing winter rainwater. The roofs of our houses provide ready-made catchment areas, providing immediate water supply at point of use- free of charge! A medium sized villa roof could collect around 65,000 litres of rain a year enough to fill approximately 325 standard water butts. Although the contents of

 TomorrowAlgarve

one water butt could easily be used in an Algarve garden in a day or two in summer, running a garden hose for just one hour can equate to the household water requirements of a family of four or five for a full day. Owing to rainfall variability, reliable longterm rainfall data for the locality is required alongside the specifics of each house for calculation of optimal storage system design. The degree of sophistication of each system depends on initial capital investment, but is flexible to all budgets and requirements. Even a simple water butt used to fill watering cans is helpful, and can be installed very reasonably. Investing in rainwater storage equipment not only benefits the environment, but avoids potential savings being washed down the drain.   

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Gardening bluish tufted grass seldom growing taller

Gardening on the rocks – part 2 By Clive Goodacre

Cycas like to be thoroughly watered and then almost allowed to dry out while misting from time to time is beneficial. As your rockery develops and plants expand plus the impact of our highly alkaline water and soil, your Cycas will turn yellowish, but an application of iron chelate solution or sulphate of iron granules will normally restore its characteristic deep green glossy sheen.

Use Gazanias to add colouful impact to rockeries

So you have gathered some rocks or planned an area around existing rocks in your garden and it is spring. So what about some plants? Firstly being in the Algarve, don’t expect a manicured rockery. Summer will put paid to any ideas of an alpine or English rockery. Think more of a wild rockery filled with strong drought resistant plants – a collection of succulents and cacti perhaps. Then add some wild flowers, grasses and shrubs that can be kept small with bonsai type pruning. Leave spaces for some striking bedding plants. Larger areas can have plants like Persian carpet and Lotus berthelotii and L.maculata, otherwise known as Parrot’s Beak for their distinctly shaped crimson and orange flowers respectively. They hug the ground with feathery foliage that flows over and round obstacles extending as much as two metres in all directions from a single stem – so watch out! Gazanias make wonderful rockery plants, naturalising into clumps, flowering on and off for most of the year, and taking all kinds of abuse. Some groundcovers need handling with caution as they can quickly take over and pop up all over the garden as in the case of Polygonum capitatum. It has many common names including pink knotweed and Afghan carpet. It is a prolific groundcover plant bearing masses of tiny pink flowers shaped like globes and has attractive oval green leaves bearing arrow shaped bronze marking. For contrast, grasses are indispensable. Use Festuca glauca which is a fine textured

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related to conifers that have been around for more than 200 million years.

than 20cm which stays in single clumps and does not put out runners. It dislikes waterlogged conditions and high alkalinity, so is ideal for rockeries. Monthly deep watering is sufficient and a single specimen in a narrow rock arrangement looks outstanding and seems to naturally encourage people to stroke it. Brown areas can be removed by splitting and replanting while tall clumps can be sheared to shape. Keep a few potted specimens to move into bare areas. Use limestone cracks and crevices in you rockery and you will be surprised where grasses can flourish. If you have space, especially at the back, then choose Pennisetum alopecuroides (fountain grass). This can grow to almost one metre high and has very graceful foliage and long arching, pinkish fluffy seed heads. Watering should be at least twice monthly although the reddish variety needs more attention. Inevitably there will be parts of the rockery that only receive occasional irrigation or attention. The usual offerings of succulents and yuccas etc can be a little dull. One solution is to use a central focus plant surrounded by a formal arrangement of small succulents such as those from the Haworthia family or cacti like Mammillaria. Cyca revoluta plants make good focal points in rockeries, resembling small palm trees. With a little care and attention C. revoluta can live for a hundred years and add a special touch to any Algarvean garden whether potted or planted. Commonly known as the Sago palm it is in fact part of an ancient family, more closely

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Lavender is a popular choice for rockeries with a long flowering season, but ensure it does not get top watered or irrigation overspray from a lawn for example as the foliage will die back and turn black. Common varieties include: Lavandula angustifolia (English lavender) which has a dense tufted flower head, L. dentata (French lavender) with a tufted petal like flower head, and L. stoechas (Spanish lavender) distinguished by its dark purple tufted flower head. The latter variety takes most sun and least water. Other good shrubs which tolerate hard pruning include most varieties of Hebe provided they are only clipped lightly, Santolina chamaecyparis, Westringia fruticosa, and Teucreum fruticans. Hibiscus, or Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, to give its full name, is often squeezed into rockeries or planted in pots and after starting off well, can prove disappointing. For best results give it space – perhaps on the rockery’s margins - use good compost with slow release fertiliser, allow to almost dry out between waterings and make sure drainage is good. Prune after flowering and add sulphate of iron 2-3 times a year and you should be successful. Treat old plants past their best like roses, pruning them hard almost down to the ground. Ideally hibiscus like some shade as full sun reduces blooming and colour; also humidity helps, so for garden planted specimens try and use an irrigation systems that provides misting. If your hibiscus regularly produces yellow leaves don’t worry, as this is part of its natural growth cycle. Large amounts are a sign of stress – too much fertiliser, overwatering or a change in its ambient conditions such as cold winds etc. Aphids love hibiscus so keep a close watch on growing tips and buds. 


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