Tomorrow August 2016

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August 2016 | Edition 57 | 5000 copies

A community newsletter for the western Algarve


How to find geocache ‘treasure’

What's on

Game for it - Tomorrow charity golf day


Stepping out of your comfort zone


Looking for 'L' around Lagos

Food & Drink

The simplest BBQ snack in the world


SUP - Stand Up Paddle Boarding Plus much more...

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Photograph courtesy of

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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow Algarve August edition

Emergency 112 Hospital 282 770 100 Fire Service 282 770 790 Police Service 282 762 930 Whether you are a Tomorrow regular or a holiday maker, you are all very welcome to our GNR National Guard 282 770 010 57th edition of the magazine. We hope you will find some interesting and informative pieces Telecom Nat. Info 118 to read that may give you a better insight into the community in Lagos and the west coast. City Council 282 780 900 Tourist Office 282 763 031 Town Info 282 764 111 We are very pleased with the money we raised on our third annual Golf Day at Espiche Tourist Support 808 781 212 which was held on July 22nd for our chosen charities. You can read more in the magazine. Taxi Service 282 460 610 Bus Station 282 762 944 It is also pleasing to see that the initiative by Mandi Kean, ‘Loose ends’ which aims to get likeTrain Station 282 762 987 Taxi : Pedro Costa 917 617 675 minded people of all ages to meet up and find ways of getting involved in sociable events. Lagos Cinema 282 799 138 Please contact Mandi through her email if you would like to get involved. Cultural Centre 282 770 450 Health Centre 282 780 000 Luz Doc (Luz) 282 780 700 We can also reveal that the winner of our competition to win a BUGG BBQ (courtesy of Private Hospital 800 201 000 | 00351 282 790 700 Moveison) is Joyce Grinnall from S.B. Messines. Congrats, Joyce - and happy barbecuing! Chiropractor (Lagos) 282 768 044 Dental Clinic (Almadena) 918 366 646 The first issue of Tomorrow magazine for Alvor, Ferragudo, Portimão and Carvoeiro has Lagos Vet 282 782 282 Funeral Services 282 769 827 been a real ‘hit’ and Steven and Stephanie have worked really hard to ensure their August

FARMACIA: Lacobrense Chemist (Lagos) Neves Chemist (Lagos) Ribeiro Lopes Chemist (Lagos) Tello Chemist (Lagos) Silva Chemist (Lagos) Odiaxere Chemist

282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

British France (Faro) German (Faro) Netherlands (Faro) Canada (Faro) Swedish (Faro) Irish

282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL: Portuguese Lessons €5p/h 912 417 994 Translations ENG/PORT 916 618 527 Alice (Survival Portuguese) 914 269 118 Gavin Cox (General Builder) 916 430 132 Tristan (Plumbing & More) 938 989 704 Helio (Electrician) 917 288 966 Luis (Locksmith) 964 605 215 Chimney & Window Cleaner 926 860 123 Russell (English Mechanic) 282 639 778 Ana (Sewing) 919 747 591 Steven (Computer MOT) 936 387 512 Pedro (Computers) 917 165 238 Xeli (Florist, Free Delivery) 282 768 129 Parcel Delivery to the UK 0044 208 123 1966 Graphic & Web Design 916 606 226

offering meets the needs and expectations of all their readers. Well done! Our second focus group meeting at Boavista on Amber’s recent visit was a great success with many ideas being discussed and we are very determined that as many beneficial changes are being actioned for the future. Amber and I thank you all for sparing so much time to help us to improve the magazine so it reflects what you all want. Fundraising for our community is very important to all of us at Tomorrow and we are processing the information necessary to give us charity status. We aim to start a small but effective committee to ensure the money we raise is given to those who are most in need. We are always looking for ways to help good causes so feel free to get in touch with ideas. Have a great August with family and friends. Amber, Tom and the team Tom’s number is 919 918 733 and you can email Amber at

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Community in Lagos her plans crystallised: “I felt so much at home here and knew this was where I wanted to realise my dream.” With her German business partner, ex-financier Christian Kraus and French designer Martin Blanchard, project Casa Māe took shape. With an 82.5% share in the business, Veronique is very much the driving force behind it.

Casa Māe: Rosy future for old manor house By Lena Strang

Casa Mãe from the back

“When I visited the house for the first time I knew it was the place for me. It gives one such serenity and a sense of well-being. You feel it’s steeped in history,” Veronique Polaert explains. The intrepid 31-yearold French woman has undertaken the huge task of transforming a crumbling mansion house and its extensive grounds into a boutique style hotel complex with a difference. ‘Casa Māe’, as it is now called, is situated on Rua do Jogo da Bola by the city walls in the upper part of Lagos old town. Nearby is the stronghold of Sāo Francisco, accessible to visitors keen to scale the walls. I have stopped by the rusty iron gates in the past and viewed the overgrown garden and dilapidated façade of the building, trying to imagine what it was like in its heyday.

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How pleasing that another gem of Lagos is now being rescued. This time I am faced with quite a different scene. Two giant cranes tower above the site where construction work is in full swing. The mansion house is undergoing a thorough restoration while other sets of buildings are being erected. This is the end of June and the grand opening is due for August. Is this a tall order, I wonder? However, the more I learn about Veronique and her iron determination, the more I’m inclined to believe that she will achieve her aims. Having worked in the financial sector in London, Paris and Los Angeles for a number of years, she felt there was something lacking in her life. “I knew I wanted to work with people. On my travels I have seen many luxury hotels but yearned for something with a soul.” During a holiday

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Their aim is to offer something unique to the region – a hotel that is more than just a hotel. “It will offer discerning travellers a first-rate experience; mixing international standards, quality food and fresh local ingredients with all that is genuinely Portuguese,” she tells me. She has scoured the country to work with artists and crafts people who will lend their support to create something that is special but retains authenticity. In restoring the old manor house and the surrounding land she is also keen to preserve as much as possible of the past. Because tradition and a sense of place are important aspects of what ‘Casa Māe’ enshrines, I need to explore the history of the old manor house. Frederico Paula, Lagos city architect, is able to give me some interesting information about its past. “The area has always been prime agricultural land and has supplied Lagos with produce for many centuries. During the 18th century Civil War, all entrances to the city were blocked so this kind of urban agriculture and access to water inside the walls were essential for survival,” he explains. The building that still stands here today was constructed after the earthquake of 1755. How do we know this? Marques de Pombal who was instrumental in rebuilding Lisbon after the earthquake, developed the first anti-earthquake technology for

buildings which was also employed for this house. ‘Gaiola de madeira’, a wooden criss-cross framework, laced with sticks and vegetable fibres, were integrated into the walls, making them more flexible and resistant. In true ‘Pombaline’ style the windows were vertical as construction methods at the time required resistant walls to be as continuous as possible.

The original Pombaline section on the right and modernist extension on the left

It’s a traditional noble house associated with the landed gentry, and different to the more exuberant houses that sprang up at the end of the 19th century on the back of industrialisation and commerce; a prime example being ‘Casa das Palmeiras’, the pink abandoned manor house by the new Câmara building. Frederico shows me photographs and maps of Lagos where the house and land are clearly visible. In a photograph from 1936 the original small house is shown but by 1947 it has been extended and modernised, probably for practical reasons, adding much needed space, and introducing some facilities such as bathrooms. “The soul of the building is a dialogue between the Pombaline style with its vertical windows and ‘gaiola’ frame, and Modernist style with its horizontal windows and early concrete structure, composed of slabs and beams,” Frederico says. I will be interested to see to what extent the present modification of the house has taken this into account.

It is interesting to note that the house spanned land on both sides of the city walls. According to Frederico, it’s likely that the construction of the city wall in the 16th century divided the property in two. In order to have immediate access, a hole in the wall was made, shown clearly in the photograph from the 1940s. “It was totally unauthorised,” he says, “It is still in a precarious state but nothing has been done about it. Heritage authorities seem to pretend it doesn’t exist!” The land beyond the wall belongs to the council and is part of the development of the city’s urban park. And who lived in the house and worked the land at this time? Known as ‘Casa do Jogo da Bola’ or ‘Casa Salvador Mateus’, it belonged to the family Mateus since the 1940s. Having subsequently rented it out to another family for some time, it was sold to Lagos Câmara some years ago. In 2014 Veronique appeared on the scene and bought the house and adjoining land inside the walls. Having a much clearer idea of the history of the place, I am now ready to have my grand tour. Veronique meets me by the main house and having donned bright yellow hard hats, we set off. The original manor house looks fresh and distinctly different to the old photos. The whitewashed exterior has certain symmetry and I count additional horizontal windows and balcony doors.

Casa Mãe; ongoing renovation work

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Casa Māe: Rosy future for old manor house >> Continued from page 5

Martin Blanchard, Christian Kraus and Veronique Polaert

We have to climb over cables and wires but manage to access the upstairs with its superb views. “We have kept as much of the original wood as possible,” Veronique says, pointing to the panelled ceiling in the main suite. “It has been a struggle because I want to maintain original features, not replace them.” She admits she had to accept defeat as far as air conditioning goes and reluctantly agreed to its installation. The main building accommodates five bedrooms upstairs, while the downstairs houses a lounge, library and two rooms to host fine dining ‘Casa Mãe by Pedro Limão’ with an outside terrace overlooking the city walls. A wine shop run by Lagos Sommelier, Miguel Martins, will offer a special selection of wines. I also note the finishing touches being made to the outside swimming pool. Nearby, three traditional ‘cabana’ style cottages are being constructed while a large building with an additional 22 rooms, dominates the lower part of the site. How

is it possible to reconcile such a modern edifice with the traditional style that is being maintained elsewhere? Yes, Veronique tells me, it’s a concrete structure but externally will be clad in white ‘reixas’, traditional Algarvian wooden shutters; each room has a balcony with latticed windows facing the garden while the entire floor area will be covered in rustic terracotta tiles, especially made for ‘Casa Māe’. She explains that the collaboration with artists and crafts people is an essential part of the project. “Portugal is fortunate in having such a wealth of traditional arts and crafts. We wanted to tap into this and use the expertise in our venture.” Hence, numerous design items, including textiles made in the Alentejo and pottery and olive oil pressed in the north of the country will find pride of place at ‘Casa Māe’. The building also houses the second restaurant ‘Orta’, serving healthy, locally sourced meals prepared by renowned Chef, Pedro Limāo, who has relocated from Porto and promises to serve delicious food with a personal touch. I am pleased to discover that the ancient well and irrigation system are being restored. There is a 20-metre, half secret tunnel leading down to the source of the water, appropriately named ‘The Inferno’ which unfortunately is blocked off because of repairs. The property is still self-sufficient as far as water is concerned and will be able to irrigate the extensive gardens. Continued agricultural activities maintain a direct link with the past. Later on this year the following will also open: a bakery, grocery shop, local farmers’ market, a large concept store showcasing work of local and international artists, outdoor cinema, residence for artisans /artists, yoga workshops … I am amazed at the scope of

Dialect corner that you were a bit of a shady character.

Jane Pye’s favourite word recalled from her time in Scotland was ‘swithering’ - which meant you were deciding, or choosing between alternatives (‘dithering’, perhaps?)

A packed lunch for workers in North Derbyshire was ‘snap’.

Vi Gillman recalls that ‘clag’ means to stick, as in “Clag the stamp on the envelope”. ‘Bool’ means to roll, or push, as in: “Bool that bairn ower here, pet.”.

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Undertaking this work can’t have been all plain sailing? “Oh, it’s been extremely stressful, especially battling against tight deadlines and bureaucracy. They all know me at the Câmara as I spend so much time there sorting out certificates and missing paperwork,” Veronique laughs. I take my yellow hard hat off to what Veronique and her team have managed to achieve. Two years from conception to the opening of the hotel complex is nothing short of a miracle…or perhaps it’s down to meticulous planning, sheer determination and hard work? And what will it do for Lagos? The hotel and facilities will be open all year round. Veronique hopes it will be a hub for locals as well as visitors, promoting the best the region has to offer. It will also be a welcome boost to the local economy creating up to 80 new jobs. Frederico Paula agrees: “It’s an excellent project that reconciles the recuperation of a historic building with other functions. It utilises local products and promotes culture and heritage. Opening up this key area of the city for the public is important. There can only be benefits for Lagos.”  


Don’t swither, just clag it on!

Mick Furlong recalls that, in Barnsley if someone played truant or ‘skived-off’ work they were described as ‘laking’. In Sheffield, to be ‘wide’ didn’t indicate a large girth but

the venture. Securing finance is of course, Veronique’s forte. Of the total cost of nearly 6 million euros, 3 million was secured as a loan from ‘Turismo de Portugal’ through ‘Jessica’, a European Support Fund. “I was very lucky as the very last part of the fund was earmarked for the Algarve and our project fitted all the criteria,” she says.

Not strictly dialect but interesting because of the connection with Portugal - Chris Freer, local yachtsman and designer, notes that, in the British Royal Navy, navigation officers are invariably addressed as ‘Vasco’ (after the hero from the Portuguese Discoveries, Vasco da Gama). As in: “Any idea where we are, Vasco?”  Know an interesting dialect word or phrase? Please send to 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Do you have a problem with alcohol? If so, a new open Lagos AA English speaking meeting will take place at Conexao on Sundays between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. Conexao Café is in Rua Dr Joaquim Tello in Lagos (next to Peugeot and Centro da Linguas.) There will also be meetings on Wednesdays between 7.30pm and 9.00pm at Freguesia of Lagos. The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous have been helping people for decades. Open meetings are for anyone cross addicted and meetings all over the Algarve are listed on AA websites worldwide. 

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How to find geocache ‘treasure’ By David F Unless you are a Geocacher you will probably be surprised to learn that there are 55 geocaches hidden in Lagos, and more than 300 others in the Western Algarve between Sagres and Portimão. So what is geocaching and what is a geocache? Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices, like your smartphone for instance or a dedicated GPS device. The ‘treasure’, or geocache, can be anything from a 35mm film container to a tupperware box. There is generally little of value in the geocache, often just a logbook for you to sign and possibly some toys for the kids; but the pleasure comes from trying to find the box. You may even bump into one of the three million other geocachers from around the world or around the corner. Having found the container you can log your find on the geocaching website ( which will keep a record of your exploits and provide you with details of more than 2.8 million geocaches across the world (and one in the Space Station). If you enter "Lagos, Portugal" into the search box on the website you will get a full list of local caches. Some of the caches can be sneaky. They may be camouflaged or you may need to visit several places to gain information. Some require you to solve puzzles and

some are straightforward but in places with amazing views or points of interest.

use the search facility to find geocache GC64YBY.

To play you need to register free at (you won't receive spam) normally using a pseudonym - you will find a short explanatory film - then download the Geocaching app. There is an option to purchase Premium Membership (US$35) which gives you some extra bells and whistles and access to some exclusive caches, but this is not necessary and not recommended until you get the bug!

Go to the given GPS coordinates and you will find your first geocache, often guarded by a tiny gecko who will scamper away. Remember to sign the log book (take a pencil) and return the cache as found - if there are any goodies help yourself but please replace with something of similar value. Make sure you are not seen by muggles - this is the name given to nongeocachers.

Once registered you are ready to go - you will find many cache details in English as well as Portuguese and there are no ongoing charges other than normal data usage from your mobile provider.

Then record your find online with a short note but don't post anything that will give clues to others. On a laptop or PC it is easy to call up a full screen map showing the location of all our local caches and I'll guarantee you will be surprised at how many are right near you.

Once you have found 50 or so you might want to hide some of your own, because all caches are placed by the geocaching community. The website will create a webpage for your cache, then it will be reviewed by a volunteer Reviewer to ensure it fits within sensible geocaching guidelines.

Next month: Circular geocaching walks and the different types of caches in the Algarve and around the world. Plus some more difficult ones to try. 

Optionally you can also attend an ad hoc local event where you can meet the many Portuguese cachers in the area as well as a good few Brits and others. You will be made very welcome. As a start try one of my straightforward geocaches between Lagos and Bensafrim. On the Home Page

Sometimes caches are off the beaten track

Tower reopens after revamp The tower at Beja Castle was due to reopen last month after a €500,000 renovation programme. The repair and renovation of the Beja castle tower ‘the highest in Europe’ is ‘a landmark step in the suite of works in progress at this monument’ according to the council. The state of the 183-step tower meant access was barred and in November 2014 a balcony collapsed causing a rapid rethink on the acceleration of the maintenance programme with the Alentejo Culture Board appointing a specialist company to carry out the work before more of the structure fell down. The work involved taking much of the tower structure apart, including balconies and battlements, replacing friable stonework and treating the surface with chemicals before repointing. Much of the

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spiral staircase also had to be rebuilt. At Paderne castle in the Algarve, a new programme has been launched to make better use of the historic site which is usually closed to the public, much to visitors' irritation having managed to find the right road out of the village and negotiated the track.

twelfth century during the Almohad rule, a period in which the Arabs held a strong defensive system in order to try to stop the expansionist policy of the Christians. The first written reference for the castle dates to 1189 and the archaeological work that has been carried out shows human occupation dating to the mid-twelfth century.

‘Discovering the Castle of Paderne’ is due to run in August with the castle opening its gates from 10am to 6pm. (Please check before you go!) Albufeira Council and the Regional Directorate of Culture have opened up the castle and developed enhanced on-site information.

In the year 1506 the population transferred from inside the castle to the current parish of Paderne when a new church, Nossa Senhora da Esperança, was ready. Silves castle is now open from 9am until 11pm to encourage evening tourists to a series of music evenings to be held until August 3rd. 

The Castle of Paderne is in a strategic point between the coast and the hills between Loulé and Silves. It was built in the

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Thanks to the for this piece

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Quinta do Pincho Blueberry Farm By Chris and Sue Wells was blueberries (mirtilos), which are low in calories but highly nutritious.

We visited the Algarve in 1998 and by our next visit had decided to retire here. By 2003 we had purchased land with planning permission to build, but because of the complicated and incomprehensible regulations, we eventually bought an adjoining villa and ended up with 40 hectares (100 acres) of beautiful tranquil countryside, with a huge lake, trees, and copious weeds! We decided to use our water to good effect, and in consultation with the ever helpful and supportive Patrick Castaldo, from Flora Verde, thought the best crop to cultivate

As health care professionals we knew they could reduce DNA damage, lower blood pressure, protect against heart disease and cancer and improve brain function and memory – a true superfood! At that time, they were not grown locally, but imported from Spain and further afield. This means they have to be chilled or even frozen, reducing the nutritious value and adversely affecting both taste and consistency.

delighted to find the taste is excellent! Friends and customers have been thrilled with our blueberries and can’t get enough of them. We enjoy them for breakfast with yoghurt, and they are great as a smoothie or used in cooking.  For further information re sales, contact: Elaine Matthews, Sales Director at:  Chris and Sue Wells at: 

We decided to grow them as organically as possible in our unspoiled countryside; the first plants were sourced from northern Portugal, and planted in prepared terraces in October 2013. With intensive care they are thriving, and our first proper harvest has arrived this year, one year ahead of the expected schedule (due to the wonderful weather and constant care). We are

Bringing history back to life A new venue opened its door in Lagos in June. Mar d’Estórias was born as a place that takes Portugal to the world. The developers took an 18th century building in the heart of the city, which had been used as the Church of the Lagos Maritime Association, a winery, a wine warehouse and even at one point the headquarters of the Lagos Fire Brigade, and converted it. It is now a shop, café/bistro and art gallery with a sea view terrace bar that invites you to delve into this sea of memories and experiences that characterise the best of Portugal.


The developers’ mission is to promote what’s best of Portugal, adapting traditional techniques to what’s modern and taking advantage of materials that are genuinely Portuguese.

“Mar d’Estórias tells the story of the people who are connected with the sea in a space that is a testament to time.” The developers want visitors to share this sense and be part of the history.

Luis wanted to establish a business in Lagos on the basis of cooperation and Célia had a passion for arts and craft and everything that springs from work done by hand.

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Mar d’Estórias progressed from a dream to an idea and then from an idea to reality.

In a statement the developers say: “We want to promote culture and tradition where the flavour of the gastronomy, inspirational events at the Art Gallery, the excellence of products which are genuinely Portuguese, together with the identity of the Portuguese people all come together in one physical space.

The project came about when two people – who didn’t really know each other – came together in 2014 with a shared ambition. Luís Ledo was a real estate entrepreneur in western Algarve with an instinct for business opportunities and Célia Real moved to Sagres looking for a quieter life and a new project after 8 years in Lisbon.

They wanted to find the perfect space in the historic centre of Lagos. The building

they chose, which dated back 500 years, was ideal as it was steeped in history.

They have done everything possible to recover the architectural, historical and social identity of a place that has been so important to the history of Lagos. What you will find today is a shop selling

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a selection of the best artifacts, jewelry, footwear, wine, liqueurs and local delicacies. There’s a café/bistro with walls lined with traditional Portuguese ‘azulejos’ tiles serving delicious nibbles and light, tasty meals. You can try the Mar d’Estórias bread made with figs and carob flour From the roof terrace you will find a fresh breeze, excellent views towards the sea and over the rooftops of historic buildings. On the mezzanine is a space dedicated to books about the history, culture, local gastronomy and regional and national architecture. There’s also the art gallery which will host exhibitions, workshops and conferences as well as thematic dinners with a very personal service. The venue is open every day between 10.00 am and midnight. It's on Rua Silva Lopez, Lagos (near St António Church). Why not go and see a different side of Lagos for yourselves?  

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Come and wonder at ‘The World’s Most Beautiful Beach’! By Matt D’Arcy mysterious cliffs that enchant the eyes. And the Huffington Post article goes on: Yes, we have stumbled upon some incredibly gorgeous beaches, and yes, we stumble upon beaches a lot. But we couldn’t resist running off to Ponta da Piedade, the beach in Portugal where rock cliffs are so high they almost touch the blue, blue sky. Fishermen have given silly names to each formation, and there are oodles of caves, grottoes and arches to duck into as you navigate the crystal-clear water by boat.

It’s been described as ‘probably the most beautiful beach in the world’…and it’s right here on your doorstep! So, why not put aside a day in your diary to visit Ponta da Praia Piedade in Lagos, which has been given that label by the renowned American website Huffington Post. Under the headline ‘Behold the most beautiful beach in the world’ they also claim that Ponta da Piedade, which translates variously as ‘Point of Pity’ or ‘Mercy Point’, could very well be part of the most beautiful shoreline on Earth.

In fact, it’s kinda hard to look at, it’s so beautiful. With magnificent views of the Atlantic and the shapes of cliffs carved by the sea and time, Ponta da Piedade is an idyllic setting of cut out rocks that sharply contrast with the greenish blue waters below. Located 2 km from Lagos on the Costa d’Oiro and full of grottoes, unknown bays and quiet beaches, the Ponta da Piedade is particularly captivating when viewed from the sea.

The promontory of Ponta da Piedade is ‘a fantasy landscape of caves, grottoes and sea arches that nature has sculpted from the cliffs over thousands of years, with

Long, narrow stairs lead you down to a small cove where pretty boats wait for visitors wishing to explore this natural paradise. On these trips, experienced

fishermen wind their way expertly through the gigantic stone sculptures whilst revealing their names and secrets. Some names given to these misshapen rocks and perpetuated by fishermen include General De Gaulle, Chaminé (chimney), Catedral (cathedral), Belas-Artes (fine arts), Camelo (camel), Museu (museum), Submarino (underwater), Cozinha (kitchen) and Gruta dos Amores (grotto of love), O casal se beijando (The Kissing Couple) and the Sphinx. Further enriching this setting are the many bird species that make it their habitat. A little distance away from the coastline, there are several islands on the slopes of which it is common to see nests of peregrine falcons, ravens, jackdaws, alpine swifts and pallid swifts, as well as colonies of egrets and cattle egrets. Those daring to climb up 182 steps to the top of the lighthouse will have a view of the Ponta da Piedade promontory, which marks the limit between land and sea.   ponte-da-piedade_n_5133300.html

A day in the life

This is part of a new series we will be running over the next few months. It features a day in the life of someone in our community. This month we are starting with Guida Vieira who runs a business doing massages on the beaches. If you would like to suggest someone to do 'A day in the life' piece of if you would like to volunteer yourself then please contact Amber at Guida works on Meia Praia, in front of Linda Beach Bar and here she tells us all about it. “Many evenings when I get home from the beach I ask myself, how could I cope with this? The answer is easy- I love my work! I love doing massage, I love doing healing,

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I love helping people and I love the feedback! Doing massage on the beach is very much about all that but is also a pleasure to socialise, to meet people, to be outside, to feel the breeze (sometimes strong wind) to enjoy the light (with sunglasses).

connection of energy. I keep many of them in my heart. I do counseling for body and mind and sometimes, years later they got back in touch to say how much I have helped them,that is very rewarding. Some other times it is just a good massage, it is not up to me to decide...

When I started doing it, some years ago, my clients were mostly the ones passing by, those became regulars and now every time they come to Lagos they have at least one treatment from me. They have learned they have to book in advance (lol).

Do I work alone? No! We are a team, the lifeguard, the boy in charge of the shades, the staff from the bar, the regular visitors... even those that aren’t having a massage from me, make contact, wave when they arrive and wave again to say see you tomorrow, year after year...

Sometimes people observe my work and they wonder what it will be like, then they say to me ‘I have to get one of your treatments, they seem so different...’ I have learned Oriental therapies, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic and traditional massage, and I put them together to create my own style. I work on my knees. No, it is not difficult but it makes the massage stronger and keeps my body in balance. Over the years I made many friends among my clients, a session with me is not just that, it is a

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Do I get tired? Yes, of course! Don't you get tired just from being on the beach? So, imagine that over four months and working hard day after day...does it pay back? Yes of course, with money, with emotions, connections and the feeling of sharing something.”  You can contact Guida on:  00351 914 554 674  

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Focusing on the future By Tom Henshaw to take stock of what the magazines deliver in the way of service and information.

Here at the Tomorrow Magazine, we are always open to suggestions and comments on how we can serve the community better through our magazines and offer a valued service. With this in mind, a group of regular readers and work colleagues met at BoaVista Golf Club to speak openly and honestly about the areas thought to be good about the magazine and areas that we thought might serve the community better. Considering that we have two magazines now covering a wider area, we thought now was the time

Well, it was hard to stop the ideas flowing so we thought we’d share some with you. Firstly, people liked the quality and the fact that it was free needed more emphasis. Contributors around the forum said people often commentated that it is the ‘go to’ magazine for information and services with excellent topical articles that perhaps would often be missed. Some ideas about what to include additionally in the magazine were pharmacy opening times, to try to engage more with the local Câmara on events coming up, reaching out more to our colleagues in Aljezur and much, much more. Over the next few months, we will be working our way through as many of these suggestions as possible in our effort to deliver magazines that are truly community based.

Of course, we realise that our readership is extensive and we would always welcomes comments and suggestions from anyone that wishes that the inclusion of their ideas would benefit the whole community. If so, please drop an email to:   We continue to look for interesting articles so please get in touch if there’s anything you would like us to cover or anyone that you think we should be interviewing. And if you know about services that we could all share please get in touch. A big thank you to everyone that picks up a copy of the magazines and to those that participated in the focus group. It's very much appreciated. 

Connecting people A few months ago a brand new venture – a drop-in centre, opened its doors in Lagos. Admittedly, it’s a little bit hard to find but well worth the voyage of discovery. Down one of Lagos’s narrow streets you will find Conexao – it's a Portuguese name and it means to make connections. The centre’s motto is ‘connecting people to people and people to places’. The centre is a large space of about 90sq metres with its own kitchen and other facilities. It’s next to the Oasis Christian Fellowship Church and is linked but the people that run Conexao are very keen to point out that it is a secular venture.

One of the volunteers Michael Findlay says: “We hope to encourage people to communicate, to have a place that feels like home in town, a place where they can arrange to meet with others and explore ideas, I guess we could call it a community centre.

Micheal says he believes that Conexao is a place that can serve young and old alike.

The building has a light and airy feel to it and is very welcoming. As it is in the centre of Lagos it is an ideal location as a drop-in. There are tables and chairs to seat over 20 people and sofas and loungers for those who just want to take time out and relax in some comfort. There is a free WIFI connection and they offer free tea and coffee and a light lunch if you


So what is the point of it?

“We are offering free advertising space for those who need workers and for those who are looking for work even if it is for only a day or two.”

It is run by volunteers as a non-profit making venue. At the moment it is almost entirely funded by the members of Oasis but they hope to cover the cost of the rent and bills (about 400 euros per month) via donations.

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are there when the voluntary workers eat together.

He adds: “A place of mutual respect for one another irrespective of race, creed or culture. It’s a place that crosses the divides of society, Conexao is open to all who are in need or have something to offer.” Ideally, they would like to open Conexao six days a week but at the moment it is open three days a week on Tuesday from 12noon until 3pm and on Wednesday and Thursday from 11am 3pm. Michael says: “We have lots of ideas that

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Conexao could be used for. Some of these include cooking lessons for men, knit and natter gatherings, Survival Portuguese courses, Let’s paint together, beginners art lessons, music lessons, Mums and Tots as well as seminars on releasing your potential.” Conexao can be used for small business meetings, it’s about to host AA meetings and it already offers basic IT skills. In the future they hope to host an online radio programme. So if you have some time to volunteer, a skill to share or need to shelter from a storm, why not go and chat to the team at Conexao? Next month we will profile the husband and wife team behind the centre.  For more details please go to the website:  Getting there: There is plenty of parking in Lagos, the nearest being the underground car park on the main Avenida (main road by the river). From the Taxi rank walk into the main square, turn left into Rua de Abril, after 200 metres, turn right into Rua Dr. Joaquim Tello, Conexao will be found after 100 metres on the right.

The best summer colors is one of our kind. ďŒŽ TomorrowAlgarve

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Life as a lifeguard courses and ask around to find people. Off season most of the lifeguards are young students, others have some other jobs. In the winter I spend more time at the Bombeiros (fire service) and do some work as a private driver.

This month we have spoken to Nemésio Rafael Viana Damas who is a lifeguard on Meia Praia - in fact, he is in charge of all the lifeguards that work on Meia Praia during the summer. Here he tells us how to stay safe while you are having fun and gives us an insider’s view about his favourite restaurant. 1. Please tell us about yourself - where you are from and your family background. I was born and raised in Lagos. My family were either fisherman or were in the military. I have always lived near to the beach. 2. Please tell us about your professional background. I have been a lifeguard since 1999. I am also a firefighter and an ambulance driver. 3. How did you get into being a life guard? Ever since I was born my family and I have lived near to the beach. Growing up we were near to Porto de Mós beach. The lifeguard from the beach Macarrão was my mentor and was always saying that I should train to become a lifeguard so when I was old enough I decided to do it. I thought it would be the perfect summer. At that time there were only a few lifeguards, and Baywatch on TV. When I started I never wanted to stop – it’s a way of life.

5. How many life guards work on the beaches in the summer? On the beach I work on we have 13 concessions (shadesrental) so it’s necessary to have 18 lifeguards, one bystation and the others to operate the rescue jet ski, rescue quad bike, and some areas that need some because it is so busy. I think it depends on each beach.

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8. Can you describe a typical day on the beach. The working day starts at 9am. First I get the rescue quad bike, then I get to the beach and put up a shade for me, get the jet ski ready to operate and in the water, then I make a patrol to all the lifeguard stations. Talk with all of them to see if everything is ok and that they have everything they need. Some days we do rescue training with the jet skis and water patrol. If it’s a normal and quiet day I can spend some time under a shade, if the beach is busy I try to get extra lifeguards. The day ends at 7pm with all the gear closed and ready for the next day. 9. What are the main challenges you face? The main challenges I think is how to deal with the lifeguards, different people of different ages with people who have different ideas.

4. Is it your full-time job? I work at the beach six months a year. It’s one of my jobs but not a full time job.

6. Where do you recruit the other life guards from for the summer? I recruit the lifeguards that I know and I go to the training centres that offer lifeguard

7. What is the procedure in an emergency? When there is an emergency the lifeguard from the area calls me with the radio and tells me what kind of emergency it is - if it’s a drowning rescue I send the jet ski and go with the quad bike to the area. It if is an emergency on the beach I go there and see what the problem is, if there is a need to take the victim to the hospital I call 112 and tell them what the emergency is and where I will be with the quad bike to get the paramedics near the patient or to take the person to the ambulance, we have 6 different meeting points at the beach to evacuate the patient.

10. What is the best bit of you job? The best is to spend all day long at the beach, meet new people and help anyone who needs it. 11. What has been the most difficult challenge you have faced? I have had a few challenges - the worst are always when lives are at risk. I have had some hard situations but with the support of the fireman we are able to sort out these situations. 12. What is the most common problem you

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have to deal with? One of the most common problems is that children get lost. It happens every year but normally it turns out ok. 13. What are the biggest risks you have seen holiday makers or tourists take? The main risks are the people don’t avoid the hours that are hottest and skip sun protection. They also should go and talk to the lifeguard to ask about the water conditions and about potential dangers that the beach poses. 14. What advice would you give to beach users during the summer? My advice is, check the flags when arriving to the beach, stay near the lifeguard stations and ask for help when in need. 15. How can people keep themselves and their children safe? Talk with the lifeguards about the beach, don’t take your eyes off your children when they are in the water. 18. Please, tell your favourite restaurant and your favourite beach. I have a few nice restaurants that I like but the one I go to most often is Bahia Beach Bar, all the staff are very nice and the food is really good. My favourite beach – it’s difficult to say but probably Porto de Mós – it will be always my beach. I also like the old Dona Ana beach and of course, the one I work on, Meia Praia, which is a long white sand beach, with sand dunes and clear water. 

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Diplomatic Ramblings – Part 16 By Doug McAdam covering the whole of Nigeria: I had to maintain close contact with them so that we could keep our communities abreast of the ever-changing security situation and our contingency plans in good order.

View from Chellarams

In my last “Ramblings” I described the post I was about to take up in Nigeria’s Lagos as one of the biggest of our overseas management jobs. The Visa and Consular Sections I was to run were housed on the 10-12th floors of the Chellarams Building situated in the commercial heartland of bustling Lagos Island: the main High Commission Building in the early 90s (but nowadays in new capital Abuja) was on leafy and relaxed Victoria Island – fairly close geographically but in an entirely different world! At the height of our frantic summer season with our staff reinforced by temporary immigration officers, my staff in Chellarams numbered almost 100 – this included 10 Consular staff one of whom was my wife Sue. There were also Visa and Consular offices in our Deputy High Commission in Kaduna to the north for which I was also responsible. Furthermore, I ran a network of 90 voluntary Community Liaison Officers

There was always underlying tension in the air with violence never very far away. Communications were a problem with the ‘phone landlines unreliable (no mobile telephones in the 90s!) and all staff were allocated and expected to use individual mobile radios. The staff houses and flats were all well secured, the main motto being to make your house look more formidable than the one next door so that you were second choice when it came to a break-in! But, just in case, all our accommodation had keeps where occupants could take refuge until rescue arrived. We also shared a walking blood bank with other friendly diplomatic missions so that information was centrally available of individuals’ blood types. One Sunday I was taking a cold drink to one of the drivers delivering water (another downside) when I heard my name being called on the tanker radio. I have a rare blood type which I apparently shared with an Australian colleague who had multiple bullet wounds following a daylight robbery and the hospital concerned was desperately short of his blood type. So I dashed straight to the hospital and he survived, if only just. There was civil unrest at least once

every summer of our four years there and given our geographical location we were generally in the thick of things. Dilemma! Do you stay in your upper floor offices and risk being burnt alive or risk taking to the streets and getting involved in a riot? We had to evacuate my staff half a dozen times with the timing absolutely crucial to arrive shaken at the main High Commission only for them to be totally unaware of what we had been experiencing. There was also considerable unrest due to petrol shortages (criminal in a country producing over a million barrels of oil a day) and it was worrying when the police trying to control squabbling motorists at the service station we overlooked would fire their powerful M16 rifles into the air. The routine violence was bad enough but our position was complicated by “Operation Desert Storm” in 1991. Our office was located near the main mosque on Lagos Island so for a while we kept a very close eye on which direction the congregation were heading after Friday prayers. The situation was even more tense for our office in Kaduna in Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north and because of specific threats we felt obliged to close this for a while.  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after 43 years in the Foreign Office

World’s longest zip-line and cable car planned for Monchique It’s already a haven for nature-lovers, but Monchique could be about to become an adrenaline junkies’ paradise too. Plans have be submitted to build both a cable car and a zip-line connecting the quiet mountain town with the peak at nearby Pictoa, reports local Portuguese newspaper Barlavento.

current heliport. There will also be a restaurant, ice cream parlour, toilets, a small children’s leisure park and a stationery and a handful of shops.

Covering a distance of 2,360 metres, the zip-line would be the longest in the world. The current holder of that title is ‘The Monster’ at Toro Verde Adventure Park in Orocovis, Puerto Rico, which measures 2,205 metres.

An extreme sports hub is also planned, with a paragliding and hand-gliding launchpad and an abseiling area. Designed to blend in with the natural surroundings with a green roof and using raw materials such as wood and cork wherever possible, the cable car structure will also have a system for collecting rainwater, to be used for irrigation and cleaning.

Funded by a private investor, the €6 million project promises to revolutionise Monchique, making it one of the leading extreme sport centres on the Algarve. The plans received by Monchique’s Municipal Câmara show that the cable car entrance building will be built close to the town’s

The project has also sparked plans for a bus station near to the cable car entrance in order to improve bus links with Portimão and avoid traffic congestion. It is hoped that the development with help boost Monchique’s tourist trade, and in turn its local economy which has suffered recently,

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by getting people to stop in the town rather than just passing through."The idea is to create a structure that will allow people spend a whole day in Monchique, not just an hour or two,” the project’s head architect, Eric Castaldo, explained to Barlavento. Pointing out that many local businesses have been forced to close their doors in recent years, Monchique’s mayor, Rui André, added: “This infrastructure will also be a way to revitalise the local economy, creating attractive new opportunities.” Provided the project is given the green light by local authorities, work is scheduled to start on the construction of the cable car and lip-line in 2017, with a view to open the facilities in the summer of 2018. Ticket prices for the cable care are estimated at €6 and the plan is to operate all year round, albeit with a reduced service in the winter months. 



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Passion | Expertise | Excellence  TomorrowAlgarve


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Beating executive burn out By By the Nova Vida Recovery Centre

We live in stressful times. If we are not careful we start to use alcohol or even drugs excessively in order to cope and risk a breakdown or ‘burn out’. Burn out is the result of physical and mental exhaustion brought on by working too long hours for too long, under too much pressure. When the fuse blows and the lights go out it is too late and only a period of rest and recuperation with therapeutic help will help us get back on our feet again. The secret is to recognise the symptoms and seek help before the fuse blows. Don’t overload the circuit! It is important to recognise that stress or burn out can affect all of us in the working environment. When you are used to managing others it is highly likely you will struggle to manage yourself. There are many symptoms of burn out. Some are easier to identify than others. In order to identify the symptoms it is vital that you listen to others and not ignore what they say as criticism. It is essential you listen to what your body and your head are telling you - don’t ignore it. Your performance may decline as you become more tired (you work longer hours to achieve the same output); you become more irritable in the workplace and at home; your sleep becomes disrupted; your enjoyment of life outside or work decreases and relationships start to suffer. Tiredness leads to exhaustion and with it physical health problems (high blood pressure, headaches, ulcers, heart attacks) and maybe mental health problems (clinical depression). There is an unfortunate tendency to start to self medicate at any stage along the road to burn out. Alcohol is often the ‘medication’ chosen but in today’s world other drugs like cocaine are also being used. Both are highly addictive and although we may start by having a couple of drinks or a line of coke to help us unwind or to get to sleep, the addictive nature of these drugs is such that you need more and more of the substance to achieve the same effect. Before you know where you are, addiction has set in and your job performance suffers even more. This rapidly increasing downward spiral has an inevitable consequence: you lose

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your job, your business or your family or all three. If you have managed to avoid excessive use of alcohol or drugs there is a strong possibility that clinical depression will result. Clinical depression is not an illness of the weak – they don’t get overly stressed. It is an illness of the strong. Watch your coffee consumption. It keeps you awake but it also keeps you from sleeping and recharging the batteries. Sleep is essential to rebuild and to regroup after a stressful day. Caffeine can cause headaches, irritability and increased blood pressure. In very large quantities coffee has an addictive quality and classic withdrawal symptoms – increased anxiety, slight hand tremor and cravings. Cigarette consumption also increases in times of stress. If you can identify the build up to ‘burn out’, you may be able to apply self help techniques and avoid the need to see a doctor or therapist. Cut back on alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes or cut them out completely. Take a break – a weekend away can be very beneficial and the business will still be there when you get back. Take some regular but not necessarily strenuous exercise – 30 minutes a day two or three times a week. If the gym isn’t your scene, try just simple walking. If you can find ways to relax, do it. But most important of all and probably one of more difficult changes you may have to make is to recognise the aspects of your life you cannot change. Recognise what you can change and change it. Accept the things you cannot change and move on. Stress and ‘burn out’ need to be taken seriously. If you are in any doubt you should consult your doctor or a qualified therapist. Don’t put if off. Burn out is not a sign of weakness – on the contrary, recognising it and doing something about it is a sign of strength and responsibility. This article has been written by the Clinical Team at Nova Vida Recovery Centre, Almancil, Algarve. If you require any further information on this or any related matter, please call Sally on:  919 357 827. We are here to help so book a free fully confidential initial assessment. Often a few sessions of therapy can stop the necessity for time off work or long term treatment. 

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Fishing tournament June saw the Lagos IX International Jigging Tournament with fishermen coming from as far as Oporto to take part. Already cancelled once due to bad weather conditions along the West Coast of Sagres, the fishing finally went ahead a week later than planned and was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants. Early morning departures at 5am gave time for the eager fishermen to travel from the starting point of Lagos marina to their favourite spots. The only British competitor, Brett Ashmore came 5th with his team mate Carlos Santos, representing Clube da Vela, Lagos Team No 2. “It was a great day and well sponsored," said Brett, “Dr Julio Monteiro (2nd place with Carlos Pires) and Clube Vela work hard to organise the event and Sopromar boat chandlers always help and support." “The presentation ceremony and dinner always follows the event once everyone has had chance to freshen up..!! It’s fun, it’s a great way to mix and socialise with our hosts, the Portuguese. It’s not cheap but what is these days?" April was the ‘bottom fishing’ tournament which included having the world champion fishing in one of the teams. The next tournament is in September when teams will be chasing Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish, Dourada etc. It would be great to have more boats compete. For more info contact Club Vela Lagos (under the green statue). 

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Our unsung heroes a fortnight negotiating a 45% share deal in Luz which would be the beginning of his exciting entrepreneurial life, filled with the usual twists and turns, ups and downs. Barry ran the LBC for five years before taking up a position as managing director of the Vale do Lobo Club which, in those days, was a complex of 410 units; that was of course until the revolution! In 1969, following 36 years of Salazar’s authoritarian regime, Portugal still remained in the firm grip of the Estado Novo. Describing the Algarve as definitely third world, Barry recalls that milk was delivered by donkey, telephones were like gold dust and electricity hit and miss! The foreign population was thin on the ground but did exist.

Every now and again we like to focus the spotlight on some of the unsung heroes in our community. Let’s face it where would we be without them? This month Alison Blair, the president of the palliative care charity, Madrugada, tells us about two of their key supporters, Barry and Michelle Sadler. “This month Madrugada celebrates its seventh anniversary and has provided end of life care and bereavement support to 80 families. The Support Centre in Luz welcomes anyone affected by a life limiting illness, including nearest and dearest, right from diagnosis and offers a number of supportive therapies. Our home in Luz has seen us grow and evolve into an association to be proud of; the worthwhile nature of our service attracts many volunteers to whom we will be eternally grateful. Our patients and their families regularly express their gratitude for the loving care we provide but I want to share with you a snapshot of our unsung heroes beavering away in the background, enabling our clinical team to deliver the care it does. The very first people to make a substantial contribution to our progress were Barry and Michelle Sadler and my attempt at a potted history may offer our community some insight into how important benefactors are to any organisation especially in its infancy. In 1969 Barry and Michelle Sadler made a radical decision to leave the UK amidst a backdrop of the devaluation of the pound, rising prices and hard economic times. Barry answered a recruitment advertisement in a national newspaper, placed by Luz Bay Club in Praia da Luz, for an investor/ manager. With Michelle and little Claire enjoying a relaxing holiday in Albufeira, Barry spent the best part of

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The Carnation Revolution (Revolução dos Cravos), also referred to as the 25 April, had a marked effect on foreigners living in Portugal. Barry was just one of many gainfully employed foreigners sacked at the ‘behest of the workers’ but he managed to return to the Luz Bay Club where he eventually became a joint owner. Later he and his Portuguese business partner parted company, dividing the assets which remain the main stay of the Sadler family enterprises to this day. My husband and I met Barry and Michelle in Lagos Marina 2002, having neighbouring births on the same pontoon. We enjoyed lively discussions and reminiscences about sailing, jollied along by great wine and local delicacies. In 2009, when I explained to Barry what I was attempting to create with our Madrugada Association, he had no hesitation in offering us one of his properties as a base for a rent free period. I find it hard to imagine where we would be today if it hadn’t been for Barry’s generosity. It gave us an immediate opportunity to open a charity shop and generate an income with which to operate; it also gave us office space in which to get ourselves organised relieving the pressure from my dining room table! I asked Barry why he and Michelle chose to support our charity right from the start and he responded by saying that he thought Madrugada was a marvellous charity that, if properly supported, could meet the obvious needs of the community who are so often concerned about what would happen if they become seriously ill and in need of nursing care at home.

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Barry remembered how hard it could be to get potentially successful enterprises off the ground in the Algarve. He said there was a lack of suitable schools in the early 70s so he and his wife got involved in the embryonic stages of The English Barlavento School, Michelle being one of the three founding governors. In the early days the schools struggled for a home of its own on more than one occasion. Its saving grace came in the form of Col. Angus and Mrs Phyllis Vickers (Vickers Aircraft) who made a generous donation of land just north of Luz on which to establish a school. Barry believes this early boost gave the school a lifeline enabling it to grow and flourish. The Sadler family absolutely recognise the importance of giving and that is why they are one of Madrugada’s most generous benefactors to date. Of course it’s not just a roof over our head that we are sincerely grateful for. Over the years Barry has drawn on his business experience and local knowledge to offer advice and imaginative fundraising ideas. With this in mind he now offers a week’s holiday accommodation in one of his seafront properties as a stunning prize to the lucky person entering and successfully winning the “Moneytree Matters” competition which closes 31st August (see poster). The holiday apartments can be viewed at  and their delightful location offers a visit to Praia da Luz to remember. The Algarve is full of retired, successful people, all of whom have a great deal to offer to charities like Madrugada. Don’t be shy, we need you. Because you care, we can.”  Don’t forget if you want to tell us about an unsung hero in our community please email our editor: 

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Loose Ends.

Cheers for the Cossack troupe

The first get-together of Loose Ends, which is a new group launched by Tomorrow, to get similar minded people together to enjoy each others’ company while they take part in various activities, got off to a resounding start! Meeting at Spinnakers on the Marina, 17 people attended, with apologies from a further three. There was a mixture of nationalities - Brits, American, German, South African, and a good wide age span. Firstly, there was a lively discussion about what the group wanted – this ranged from fine dining, walking, tai chi, art using mosaics, learning the Portuguese language for conversation, computer skills, wine tastings to cookery lessons at home. This was followed by really positive and interesting input about what these people could also offer to others; a lady who was a Weight Watcher’s teacher offering weight guidance planning, say on a weekly basis, coupled with gentle (or not as requested!!) exercise to music. There were offers of teaching knitting and crochet skills, basic computer skills, tai chi and yoga. A suggestion was made for a book club; also for anyone with interesting stories to tell the suggestion of a speaker for the evening, with debate or Q and As after if the subject matter allowed. At the end of the event the organiser Irene ran through a very comprehensive list of entertainment that was already available for the single person to join, such as the Algarve Choir, horse riding for the disabled, boat trips…the list is endless. This get-together clearly showed that there are plenty of people who want to do something, plenty who can offer something, and a big overlap of these desires and skills, so much so that the time ran away with us! After a discussion regarding starting a website to show, say monthly but updated, what is available, it was decided to meet again in the near future to move the group forwards. So, if you think you might like to find out more about this enterprise,then contact:  We can tie up these loose ends neatly!! 

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strong in classical ballet, contemporary and national dances, winning many medals and trophies and finishing second behind a much larger Team England in the junior country trophy and third in the senior level.

There were plenty of medals for the Escola de Dança de Lagos at this year’s Dance World Cup. Here Carolyn Ellison tells us all about who won what. Fifteen dancers ages 10-16 with four qualifying choreographies recently represented the region in the Portuguese team that travelled to Jersey, Channel Islands for the Bloch Dance World Cup. Whilst once upon a time the cry ‘the Cossacks are coming’ would have induced panic, the Cossack troupe of the Escola de Dança de Lagos came back to the city of Lagos to cheers and congratulations for bringing with them silver medals in their junior category with 87.0 points and the children’s duet of Afonso Gouveia and Sara Nascimento won bronze medals with 85.0 points. The two soloists Alexandra Kolkina and Melanie Calado also put on sparkling performances with 81.7 and 83.7 points respectively but were pipped for medals. Generally the Portuguese team proved very

The youngsters had some free time between performances to explore the island and discover some of the history of the WW2 Atlantic Wall and the underground hospital, which is all part of the experience of participating in such championships. All of the Escola de Dança would like to publically thank all those kind supporters who directly or indirectly contributed to the fundraising effort for this trip these last months by attending the many events and shows. The pupils would like to thank the teachers Marina Khametova, Nina Minkova, Tatiana Ursu, Veronique Vincente, Margaret Marques and Daniel Matos for their coaching and choreographies throughout the year. For anyone who would like to join the school which takes pupils from 3-years-old upwards including adults, and maybe join in such opportunities or just learn to dance, classes will resume on September 1st. For details of classes, call the school secretary on 915812055 after September 1st. Check out the Facebook page for videos and other examples of the school’s work, including highlights of the summer show Brisa do Amor. 

Are you at a loose end? On the left of this page you can read a report about the first Loose Ends meeting but here's a reminder about what the group is all about. Do you ever find yourself at a loose end and wonder how to catch hold of it? Are there things in life you would enjoy doing, but not so much on your own? How about trying something completely different, but you shy away in case you are the only single one there? And dining out, hmmmmm - alone is hard. Would you like to meet up at the Marina one night for a glass of wine? This isn’t aimed just at single people, but couples whose other half is perhaps quite comfortable with their lot! I lost my husband nine months ago after a

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long illness. Having spent four years caring for him, I now find a void in my life that I struggle to fill. From walking my dog to riding my bike, cooking a special dinner or going out for one, visiting the cinema or walking the west coast of the Algarve. All great pleasures but different these days… Is any of this ringing true with you? Maybe you want to learn a skill or perhaps you can teach one… Would you be interested in meeting up with like-minded people for a bit of fun, company, chatter….whatever?  If you would like to go to the second meeting of Loose Ends please contact: 

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Community - West Coast

West Coast After lots of discussions with readers in the west there seemed to be some enthusiasm for a west coast page in the newsletter. We thought it was a good idea so for the first time this month we bring you this new section.  Matt D’Arcy will be our correspondent for the area but if you have any ideas please share them with our editor 

Family Fun Day By Matt D’Arcy

It’s all about family fun in the sun! The West Coast’s third annual Family Fun Day, the pivotal event of a local residents’ association 2016 charity fund-raising, is to take place on Saturday August 13th near Aljezur. And the organisers, Amovate (Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Telha or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha), expect it to once again live up to its name! The first two attracted an estimated total of around 650 people and a spokesman said: “The last two did what it said on the tin, and we expect the same again. “They certainly were Fun-In-The-Sun days, and they were family-oriented with perhaps more kids enjoying themselves than anyone’s ever seen in one place on Vale da Telha. “It will take place on the large field in front of Hugo’s Bar at the apartments on the road leading from Vale da Telha towards Arrifana and we are planning to pack the afternoon and evening with a variety of activities, events and entertainments for the whole family to enjoy. “The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word 'fun' as a source or cause of amusement or pleasure, also diversion, amusement, sport; also, boisterous jocularity or gaiety, drollery. “And that’s exactly what we’ve got planned; all of the above. Mum and dad will love it, and so will the kids—six hours of unbridled pleasure and enjoyment.” For the mums and dads there is a beer tent selling draught

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Guinness and John Smith’s Bitter as well as Sagres. And Hugo’s Bar, the co-host of the event, will be offering their usual cocktails along with the normal wines, beers and spirits.

Aljezur Bombeiros plus three life-saving defibrillators, two for the Bombeiros to use in their vehicles and the other for the use of residents in Vale da Telha and the surrounding districts.

Amovate’s first two Family Fun Days attracted an estimated total of around 650 people. And, as before, this year’s event, which will raise funds for the Conferencia de Nossa Senhora d' Alva, a childrens’ charity in Aljezur, runs from 2pm to 8pm, with a packed programme of games and entertainment.

“We have provided and/or facilitated the donation of 35 wheelchairs for Portimāo Hospital (the donation also included 50 hot/cold gel packs for pain relief) and a walking frame for the orthopaedics unit, a ripple bed to ease the suffering of longterm bedridden patients, a much-needed new computer for a rehabilitation centre and a washing machine for a local charity, which has also received cash donations from Amovate.

There will be pony rides, children’s entertainment with a juggler and balloon sculptor, a bouncy castle, face-painting and various stalls, some with games to play and others selling a wide variety of goods. And the day will close with live music from Emma Louise, well known across the Algarve as an accomplished and versatile singer with an incredible vocal range covering pop, country and soul music. There is also the extra attraction of Amovate’s famous West Coast car boot sale, normally held on the first Sunday of each month at Amovate Old School House HQ in Vales. But for this August month only, the car boot will be held alongside the Family Fun Day at the apartments central area, from 2pm, with the usual caveat: Unwanted household items only--no goods grown, made or bought for profit please. Stallholders charged €2 for each table space, x multiples of €2, or €4 for vans (i.e. Transit size). Amovate’s spokesman added: “Just as importantly, while everybody’s having such a good time they’ll be helping to raise more money for the charities supported every year by Amovate. “We are proud that through our Charity Fund we have helped local families in need, helped facilitate the donation of €50,000 worth of firefighting and life-saving equipment for

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“So, while you are having as good time today you can do so knowing you will also be helping good causes in your area. “So come along, bring the family, support our local worthy causes…and have a great time in the process! “A wise woman once said: “As long as you’re having fun, you’re doing the right thing”. “So, why not do the right thing? Come along to the Family Fun Day and enjoy a fun-packed day out”. This is the timetable of events – although the timings may change a little on the day! Open at 14.00, fire dancer at 14.30, Bombeiros Band 15.00 (awaiting confirmation), fire dancer 15.45 and Emma Louise (singer) 16.30 to 19.00. 

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Community - West Coast

Exploring the west coast beaches of the Algarve When you’ve seen the rest…go west for the best. We have a secret to share with you! When it all gets too hot and too much in the Algarve, we sneak off in the car with a picnic and our cameras and we head west. The beaches on the West Coast of the Algarve are stunningly beautiful, yet they are often quieter and are always welcoming. The sand is soft, the surf is usually up, and the air seems fresher and cooler – and the views from the surrounding cliffs are always fabulous. So we thought we would explore some of our favourite West Coast beaches with you – which also gives us a chance to share some of Dave Sheldrake’s fabulous photographs, too. To head west, you have a choice to make at Lagos – you either head further ‘southwest’ on the road to Sagres and then turn off at Vila do Bispo … or you can take the turning to Aljezur and follow the scenic west-coast route of the N120 .. it depends which beaches you want to explore as to which route you choose, although nothing is that far away from the main routes. We have worked our way up from the bottom left of the map for you with these beaches, starting with two of our favourites that are reached via Vila do Bispo. Castelejo This is a beautiful sandy beach popular with surfers and families – and it has a café and toilets at the entrance to the beach too. Huge black rocks jut out of the cliffs, and at low tide particularly, this is a spectacular beach to watch the sunset. Cordoama

Cordoama One of our favourite – and most photographed beaches, Cordoama is the neighbouring beach to Castelejo, and has a fantastic wide-open and expansive feel to it – with a lovely wide beach and big skies, this is a photographer’s delight! You can

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often spot para-gliders taking off from the cliffs overhead, and this is a lovely beach to walk along. Amado This is a surfer’s paradise and very popular with families as well in the summer. There’s a café and a nice wide beach to enjoy, and plenty of car parking – including lots of camper vans. The cliffs behind the beach are so beautiful along this part of the coast, you can drive from here to the next beach – Bordeira – as well, although the drive is not for the faint hearted! The beach has a surf school on site for budding surfers too. This is also a fab beach for rock collecting! Bordeira Or Carrapateira ..depending who you ask! This is a massive beach, backed by sand dunes and perfect for families and walks. This is easy to find and well signed from Carrapateira village, there are two ways onto the beach – be warned one involves a long climb down a wooden walkway and the other involves getting your feet wet! It’s a lovely big 3km of sand once you arrive, but there are no facilities on the beach, so pack a picnic and plenty of water. Arrifana A well-protected beach, this is a pretty little spot that is safe and popular with families. The beach has toilets and a café. If you want to explore you can discover the ruins of an old 17th century fort built to defend the tuna fishermen and their boats. At the end of the cliffs, the Pedra da Agulha (literally translated as the Needle Rock) rises from the sea as an impressive landmark. Monte Clérigo Driving from Aljezur along the cliff road, this beach has to have one of the most impressive ‘wow’ moments as you turn the corner on the road and see this beautiful beach stretched out before you. Wide, sandy and unpredictable, this is an impressive beach. There are several cafés beside the car park serving fresh fish, and plenty of rock pools for the children to explore. Watch out for the tide though, we’ve been caught out here before! This is one of the easiest beaches to access along the west coast, with a wide flat path beside the car park onto the beach. Amoreira This is absolutely one of our favourites! Tucked away, it’s quite a drive along a bouncy road, but it is so worth the trip! Turn

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left just before the sports centre at the far end of Aljezur and then keep going! This is a amazing beach, popular with locals more than tourists, with the most stunning rock formations in the cliffs. There is a lovely restaurant near the beach too. Amoreira

Odeceixe Situated at the mouth of the River Seixe, this is a wide open beach that is very popular with surfers – and at the southern end (Praia de Adegas) there is a designated nudist beach – you’ve been warned! A 3 mile walk or drive from Odeceixe village this is a very peaceful and picturesque area to enjoy, with a lovely wide beach. The hillsides around the beach are a mass of colourful flowers in the spring too. Almograve We thought we’d add a little-known beach to the list. Almograve is a small village with two beaches, the northern one is sandy with sand dunes and gentle slopes, and the southern one has dramatic black cliffs which sums up the different landscapes of the region perfectly. Almograve is a 14km drive from Vila Nova de Milfontes, and well worth exploring if you are looking for something more traditional and unspoilt. Zambujeira do Mar This is one of the brightest and buzziest beaches in the summer when the town also hosts the very popular ‘Festa do Sudoeste’ music festival. A backpacker’s dream, this is a lively place in the summer, but altogether a different place in the winter, when everything calms down and the fishermen reclaim their town. The beaches here are stunning, the fish restaurants very reasonable, and the view form the church is breathtaking.  Thanks to:  

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What's On Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort

It’s not only a relaxing atmosphere for retreats or for any groups who aim to experience healthy living, but it’s also an amazing family holiday spot for those who want to be in touch with the natural environment and support sustainable tourism. Rooms and common areas are cozy and simple, with space for indoor and outdoor activities, swimming pool and herb gardens. Sweet Spot Cafe and the Farm Shop’s delicious organic food, preserves, jams and other delicacies from the farm are bound to tempt. Bed & Breakfast service is offered and the possibility to engage in farm-based activities for all ages. Families with children are welcome. Meals are optional and depend on availability, as the kitchen is not always open. Advance notice is required if you plan to have your meals on the farm.

Looking for something different this summer? Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort might just be the answer if you are keen on ethical lodging and food in a natural environment. Farmbased learning experiences are offered for guests, groups and local people who like to be close to nature. The EcoResort is located in the central part of the farm. It is surrounded by gardens and small water features and faces the river and the sea in the distance. There is easy access

to different walking and cycling paths and Meia Praia beach is only a 30-minute walk away. Lagos and Portimão are 15 minutes driving distance and the nearest village of Odiáxere is 2km away. Being a guest at Casa Vale da Lama is an ethical choice. Its ecological concept combines with all farm life that surrounds it. Here you can engage in diverse seasonal activities during your stay and experience a low impact way of living.

Expect a simple and friendly service based on ethical principles of low ecological impact. There are no televisions or room service; however, most services are available upon request. All in all, a perfect choice for those seeking a quiet and relaxing eco-holiday experience.     (+351) 282 76 40 71  (+351) 91 3485568

Discover heritage and art in Lagos As part of the historical and cultural promotion in August, the Lagos City Council organises guided tours (walking and tourist train) to better get to know the heritage of Lagos.

21.30) to promote monuments and public art in the city. This initiative is free, although prior registration is required (number of participants limited) at the Tourist Office, located at Praça Gil Eanes - 282 763 031.

Residents, visitors and tourists will be able to discover Lagos as an increasingly differentiated destination with regard to its heritage and history.

This is also the place of departure for the tours.

Visitors will be shown places of significance, including churches and chapels, city monuments, bastions and public art. In each street and alleyway, artistic expressions related to the history and identity of Lagos will be encountered.

Tuesdays (2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th)


2nd | 10.00 - 12.30-Church of St. Sebastian, Chapel of Bones & The Renaissance Port

The tours "Discovering the Heritage and Art in the City" takes place every Tuesday and Thursday, morning and evening (10.00 and

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9th | 21.30 - 23.30-Discovering the Heritage: Architectural Walking Tour (Contemporary Monuments) 16th | 10.00- 12.30-Church of St. Sebastian,

 TomorrowAlgarve

Chapel of Bones & The Renaissance Port 30th | 10.00 - 12.30-Church of St. Sebastian, Chapel of Bones & The Renaissance Port 21.30 - 23.30-Discovering the Heritage: Architectural Walking Tour (Contemporary Monuments) Thursdays (4th, 11th, 25th) 4th | 22.00 - 23.30 - The Heritage and Art in the City:Tourist Train 11th | 10.00 - 12.30-Church of St. Sebastian, Chapel of Bones & The Renaissance Port 21.30 - 23.30-Discovering the Heritage: Architectural Walking Tour (Contemporary Monuments) 25th | 10.00 - 12.30-Church of St. Sebastian, Chapel of Bones & The Renaissance Port. 

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What's On

Major Lego exhibition returns for a second year Kids of all ages (big ones included) will be delighted by the Fun Brick exhibition taking place at Portimão Arena from 16th August to 4th September. Following on from last year’s successful inaugural event, the exhibition features the largest collection of Lego constructions in the country. Designed and built by a single collector, the exhibition is spread over more than 90 sq metres and features around five million Lego pieces. Sights to spot in the display include a medieval town with an imposing castle where hundreds of warriors and men on horseback are seen mid-fight on the battlefield. Elsewhere there are pirates, famous monuments, Star Wars scenes and a space city to be explored, as well as a Lego Friends' section. And for those who feel inspired by the incredible display, there is a Play Zone where you can build your own Lego creative, and a Fan Zone where you can purchase official products. What’s more, Lego enthusiasts from the local area have the opportunity to get involved with the initiative by displaying their own creations in the Fan Zone 2. Anyone interested should email  The exhibition is open between 2pm and 10pm Monday to Thursday and from 2pm to 11pm on Fridays. Weekend hours are 10am to 11pm on Saturdays and 10am to 8pm on Sundays. Tickets cost €3.50 for adults, €2 for children aged four to 10, and kids under four go free. For every ticket sold, Portimão Câmara will donate 10 cents to a local IPSS charity. 

Enjoy sardines every which way at annual Portimão festival The annual Portimão Sardine Festival takes place this month and, as ever, will celebrate the fish that is so synonymous with Portugal. From 3rd to 7th August, stalls will line Portimão’s waterfront promenade serving up a variety of tasty sardine treats. It’s been a tough year so far for the local sardine fishing industry, with a ban from Brussels stopping fisherman taking to their boats during the early part of this year in a bid to boost local reserves. But since that ban was lifted at the start of May, sardines are now firmly back on the menu. There’s plenty to choose from on that menu, too. It’s hard to beat the taste (or the smell) of perfectly grilled sardines simply served with a side of bread and salad, but sardine sandwiches and dishes

incorporating the fish in marinated form will also be available. And when your belly is happily full, there’s live music every evening to entertain the crowds. Acts scheduled to play include Carolina Deslandes, a former finalist on the Portuguese version of Pop Idol, and an accordion orchestra. Other scheduled entertainment includes craft stalls, a book fair and the latest addition to Portimão’s riverside, the ferris wheel.  The Portimão Sardine Festival is open 7pm - 11pm from 3rd to 7th August. Entry is free. For more information, visit: 

Silves Medieval Fair 2016 Prepare to grab your joust, charge your tankard and don your finest tunic, because the annual Silves Medieval Fair returns for its thirteenth year next month. Taking place within and around Silves Castle in the historic centre, this year’s event will once again transport the city back to the historic medieval period when it was the capital of the Algarve, celebrating its Moorish and Christian heritage. The Royal Banquet will recreate a hearty and exquisite medieval meal with Arabian dishes such as couscous, harira and tagine.

Add to that dancers, snake charmers, jugglers, acrobats, musicians and more on hand to entertain, plus food and drink stands to feed and water visitors. It's a fun evening out for young and old alike. Running for 10 days between 12th and 21st August, the fair is open from 6pm to 1am daily. Entry is €2 a day and, for those really wanting to embrace the spirit of the event, costume hire is available at a cost of €3 for adults and €2 for kids. See you there! 

The rhythm of summer rocks at Boavista Zumba, and aqua-football are amongst several activities on offer and when it’s time to cool off, take a dip in one of our inflatable pools.

The next meeting of the Alzheimer/ Dementia support group will be on August 24th at 11am. The monthly meetings take place at Restaurant Pirilampo in Rua do Moinho do Azeite in Lagos. Everyone is welcome. 

Boavista Golf & Spa Resort will stage its first Summer Fest on August 13th August 2016. From 3pm onwards our guests can listen to sensational music, participate in a variety of sporting activities and savour delicious food - all to be enjoyed in a relaxed environment.

Please call: Carol  926 297 527 Kirsteen  968084946

This promises to be a memorable event with music by DJ Soul Beat, DJ Just and the sound of reggae by JahLita Friends.

For more information, please contact:  +351 282 000 114 

Monthly support

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And having worked up an appetite, feast on paella, spit-roast pork (which will be served during the afternoon) or try a delicious hamburger after 7pm. Tickets are available at a special price for early reservations. 

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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


Pilates Pilates Room, Lagos |  926 514 613 | Mat Classes 9.15 Mon, Wed & Fri, €10 | Equipment Classes 8.30 Tues & Thurs Hotel Belavista |  968288258 | 11.00 Wed | €6.50 Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 | 11.00 Tues & Thurs | €5 Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo | 18.00 Mon & Thurs | €5 Centro Cultural, Barão de S. João | 10.30 Thurs | €5 |  911754890 Boavista |  282 790 930 | 9.30 Thurs | Members 8€, Non-members 10€

Tennis for Children, Mon & Wed 09.30 - 10€ Football Summer Camp Thurs & Fri 16.00 Weekends 09.00, €30 p/day Swimming Lessons 14.30 Mon, Thurs, Sat & 9.00 Sat Holiday Courses, 3x per Week Golf Clinics for Children Mon - Fri 11.00 Boavista |  282 790 930 Fun Tennis Doubles Men & Women, 17.00 Thurs €6 Childrens Football Skills, 16.30 Fri €4 Football Academy 16.15 Mon €5 Burgau Sports Centre |  282 697 350 Netball in Lagos 19.00 Wed | All ages & abilities |  Netball in Lagos  Experienced Bowlers 10.00 Mon & Fri | Bowls for Beginners 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson free €10 | Floresta Bowls Club Praia da Luz |  919707635

Yoga Inlight Lagos |  913127421 | Yoga, Mon & Fri 10.00 & 12.30, Mon - Thurs 18.00, €5 - €10 | Yoga Nidra, 1st & 3rd Thurs 19.30, €5 | Basic Hatha Yoga, Wed 10.00 Boavista |  282 790 930 | Hatha Yoga 9.45 Mon, Wed & Fri, €10 | Yoga for Children Sat 09.15 & 10.30 | 9€ (Visitors), 7€ (Members/guests) The Yoga Place, Burgau | Gentle Hatha Yoga 18.3 Mon Hotel Belavista | Gentle Hatha Yoga 12.15 Wed | €8 |  965 201 477 Monterosa, Barão de São João |  962 492 607 | Hatha Yoga 10.00 Tue €7 (regulars) | €10 (drop-ins) Burgau |  913 202 621 | Yoga 10.30 Tue & Thurs | Yin Yoga 18.30 Wed €10 (residents pay €60 for 8 classes) Hotel Belavista |  968 288 258 | Yoga & De-stress, 11.00 Fri | €6.50

Tennis Doubles, 15.30 Mon €7.50 Tennis Clinics Tues: Teens 16.30, Kids 17.30, Adults 18.30 €15 Football Academy Thurs: 4-9 yrs 09.00 & 10-15 yrs 11.00 €18 Kids Golf Lesson (4-16 yrs) 09.30 Tues & Fri €12 Adults Try Golf Lesson 12.00 Tues €15 Golf Santo Antonio |  282 690 008 Capoeira 18.30 (kids) & 19.30 Mon €7/9 Rhythm & Dance 18.30 (basics) & 19.30 Tue €7/9 Creative Yoga 19.30 Wed Rhythm 18.30 Fri €9 Urban Kids Dance 11.00 Sat €7 Kapa Dois Center, Lagos |  282 764 224 Ethan’s FUN 9 Hole Social Golf Competition Wed 15.30 Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson Wed 14.00 €10pp Espiche Golf “Roll Up” 18h Social Golf Thurs 08.00 Reduced Green Fee Women’s Beginners Group Golf Lessons Fri 09.30 10€ pp Women’s Intermediate Group Golf Lesson Fri 14.00 €10 pp Summer School “Holiday” Junior Classes, contact for details Espiche Golf |  282 688 250

Zumba Boavista |  282 000 100 | Tues 18.30 | €6

Classes | Lessons

Alma Verde |  918 461 840 | 9.30 Mon & Fri | €6 Golf Santo Antonio |  282 690 086 | 9.30 Wed | €5 Hotel Belavista |  968288258 | Zumba 10.00 Wed & Fri & Zumba Step! 10.00 Thurs | €6.50 Magnólia Beach Club, Lagos |  912 417 994 | 19.15 Thurs | €5

Life drawing with Kasia 11.00 Mon | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916 035 308 Stain Glass with Dianne | 10.30 Tues &Thurs €10 | Espiche |  919 117 108 Portuguese Language Workshop | 10.30 Sat €5 | Magnólia Beach Club, Lagos |  912 417 994 Teresa Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat - All levels €10 | Lagos |  918764613


Entertainment & Events

Tai Ji | Mon 10.00 (beginners) & Thurs 17.00 (advanced) | €8 | Barão S. João  919 718 955 Body Fit Classes | 9.30Tue & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282 690 086

Jazz Concert by Trio Hugo Alves | 21st August 21.00 | €18 (inc. wine & food tasting) | Quinta das Alagoas nr Almadena |   924 204 343

Gymnastik | 18.15 Mon | €7 | Hotel Belavista |  965 211 996

Boavista’s Summer Fest | 13 August 15.00 |   282 000 114

Fitness Circuit for Men & Women | 10.00 Wed | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre  282 697 350

Live Music: Saxophone | Tues 19 - 22.00 | Mirandus Restaurant, Boutique Hotel Vivenda, Lagos |  282 763 222 | 

Aqua Aerobics | 16.00 Tues, 9.30 Wed & 9.30 & 16.00 Fri | 1 or 2 x week – 16€/23€ (Owners & Guests), 18€/28€(Visitors) | Boavista |  282 790 930

Live Sunset Music | 9th & 23rd with Lex & 16th &30th with Peyoti | FREE entrance | 18.00 - 20.00 Espiche Golf Clubhouse |  282 688 250

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Entertainment & Events (continued) Country, Pop & Soul Music Night | Wed 20.30 Live Music with BBQ | Fri 19h30 | €17 PP/10€ children (- 11 yrs) Clubhouse Restaurant Boavista Golf |  282 000 114

Activities Wine Tour Daytrip to the Alentejo | Weds 09.00 €210 p.p | Wine tasting, 2 vineyards, 3 course lunch with jeep tour Hidden Gems 5* Wine & Gourmet Experience | Thurs 4pm €250 p.p | Wine tasting in a 5* cellar, 5 course tasting menu with wine pairing | Breath taking surroundings and a soon-to-be-awarded Michelin star chef Silves Castle and Paderne Art Gallery | Fri 10.00 | €90 p.p | Visit the castle, Cathedral and market. Includes a trip to Paderne to enjoy a traditional meal and a visit to a restored farmhouse art gallery. Pick up & drop off |  938957893/ 911500516 |  Kids Club for 3 to 12 year olds | 14.00 Mon-Fri | €15 | Golf Santo Antonio  282 690 086 Bridge 1.30pm Tues & Fri Marina Hotel Bar, Lagos |  964188319 Dr. Why Quiz Thurs 20.30 Clubhouse Restaurant Boavista Resort  282 000 114 Open Mic Night | Fri 18.00 - 22.00 | Bar Carib, Luz |  964 201 904

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm | Make some new friends while helping animals |  913 659 675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912967870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912 444 666 |  AA International English Speaking Meeting | AA hotline: 917 005 590 19.30 - 21h00 Wed Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c, Lagos | 18.00 - 19.00 Sun 5 Travessa de Santo Amaro, Lagos |  964201904/282760506

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching 10.30 Sun International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos |  960450750 Meditation group with Marion 19.00 Tue Figueira |  914523636 Power House of Prayer 11.00 Tue | Praise, Worship & Holy communion 11.00 Sun | Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553/ 964 285 351 Silent Group Meditation | 8.30Sun | FREE | InLight Lagos, Travessa do Forno 4 |  913127421 Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs | 8.00 (oral) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz |  282 788 104

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing: IT’s FREE OF CHARGE

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What's On

Singing for fun By Liz Roberts Thank you to everyone who came to listen and support us at our summer outdoor singalongs in Luz last month - it was great to get out into the sunshine and share some of our summer songs with you!

learn the material together.

This month the choir will hold rehearsals on 9th and 17th and will then be taking a short break to rest their voices before starting on our Autumn/Winter programme (is it really that time already?!). Rehearsals will begin again on Tuesday 30th August. Our rehearsal venue is the Almadena Centre where we rehearse every Tuesday evening 6.15-8pm. The start of a new programme is always a great time to join the choir as everyone is starting to

We have a wonderful programme coming up - including a very special joint performance with a visiting choir later in the year (more details to follow). So if you are interested in joining the choir please feel free to come along and see how we work - you will be very welcome!  The Western Algarve Community Choir are a group of people who sing together for fun.

in hotels and private houses, and gives art classes for children. Leila is an actress. She studied at the Lee Strassberg Theatre and Film Institute, Hollywood. She also has a passion for oriental dance. Together, the three girls have created a new space for art. You are all very welcome to celebrate with them on August 18th.   Rua Amendoeira 26, Lagos (next to café Prego, between the health shop and  962 022 677   artclassesydama and artydama

Discover an enchanted forest By Carole Henchy This September we invite you to the third Magical Musical Walk which we hope will be bigger and better than ever. The annual event raises money for the bombeiros (firefighters). The first year we raised 1200 euros and doubled it the following year. Our theme this year is The Enchanted Forest, a place of music, magic and delight at every turn. As usual, as you follow the woodland tracks you will encounter various musicians serenading you, and you can donate money as you stop to listen. But this year there will also be other spellbinding surprises to charm money from your wallets! Entrance is free and all donations go to the Bombeiros' Fund. You can also buy delicious

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S A S ons ntigos

Dia 5 / 6 de Agosto

“Chinoiseries, ou o Oriente imaginado”


Dia 12 / 13 de Agosto “Signora de la Guerre”


Dia 19 / 21 de Agosto “Modinhas e Lundús”


Dia 26 / 27 de Agosto

Celebrating art

When an artist goes on a trip, magic arises and art comes to life. Jasmin received her artistic training with numerous well-known artists all over the world. Her paintings show earthy colours, lonely landscapes, the world of signs and symbols, mystical and mysterious. Snakes, turtles, kangaroos as well as ornaments, an empty glass leaning on a piano and some pictures even with a touch of humour. Jasmin paints as well on order. She paints and decorates walls

The Early V CICLO MÚSICA ANTIGA [EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL] AGOSTO’16 Music Festival ul Sons Antigos a Sul [SAS] is a • unique project of AML, on the promotion of Early Music throughout the western part of the Algarve region, which aims to introduce this genre to wider public appreciation. V Ciclo de Música Antiga [Early Music Festival]

“Loas, romances e vilancicos nos tempos da Restauração (1640 - 1660)”

For more information on joining or on booking the choir for future performances and events, please contact choir leader Liz Roberts at: 

Ydama’s Art is holding a grand opening on August 18th at 7pm. You are invited by Jasmin, Kaliah and Leila to attend the studio warming party for their new gallery space in centre of Lagos.

Early Music Festival

food and drink from the BBQ area and bar and at the pop-up cafe under the trees. And in the evening various acts will take to the stage to further bewitch you. The provisional date is Saturday 10th September from 2.00 10pm. We are awaiting official confirmation, so watch this space, look out for the posters or check our Facebook Events Page. Come and enjoy a magical family day out and support our brave voluntary bombeiros in the Enchanted Forest.  Any musicians, dancers, singers, circus acts, etc., who would be interested in taking part, or anyone wanting to help out with the organisation please contact Carole:  918257690 

 TomorrowAlgarve


DATA & HORA: ERMIDA DE N. SRA. DE GUADALUPE, V. BISPO [5,12,19 & 26, 17H00] | IGREJA DE S. ANTÓNIO, LAGOS [6/08, 21:30] | IGREJA DE S. SEBASTIÃO, LAGOS [13/08 21:30] | IGREJA DA LUZ, LAGOS [21/08, 21:30] | IGREJA DE SANTA MARIA, LAGOS [27/08, 21:00] MAIS INFO : WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/AMLGS | DARTISTICA@AMLAGOS.PT | 00351 910508134 promotor

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EFFE LABEL 2015-2016

The first series happened in August 2012, and gave privileged access to cultural heritage venues, affording original acoustic sound throughout every weekend of August. This cycle continues to embrace the Ermida da Guadalupe (supported by Directorate Regional for Culture in the Algarve), a recognized Portuguese heritage site with concerts being held every Friday of August at 5pm. In 2016. The Festival maintains its traditional venues in several sacred places in Lagos, such as the beautiful golden baroque Igreja de Santo António (6th August), Igreja de D. Sebastião (13th August), Igreja da Luz (21st August) and Igreja de Santa Maria at the heart of Lagos historical center (27th August). Concerts start at 9pm or 9:30pm. The repertoire is always performed by national and international specialists in the fields of Early Music, using historical instruments. The 2016 edition will bring Ludovice Ensemble (Lisbon, PT), The Goldfinch Ensemble (The Hague, NL), Duo Lundú (Lagos, Évora PT) and Bando de Surunyo (Porto, PT), in a time travel between 1700 and 1800. These talented ensembles will bring repertoire connected with Gender Equality and Diaspora, strong issues throughout World History until present times.  For more details and to find out about other events taking place throughout August please go to:  m%C3%BAsica-antiga-early-musicfestival-sons-antigos-sul

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What's On - Tomorrow Charity Golf Day

Game for it This year’s third annual Charity Golf Day held by Espiche Golf Club and Tomorrow was a great success. The event took place on July 22nd so we are still waiting to get the final tally of the total raised but we have got our clubs crossed that it is going to be more than ever. We’ll let you know in our September edition. We had been hoping to raise at least €5000 to help support our chosen local charities. These include CASLAS the home for disadvantaged children. Our aim was to send a minimum of 20 children on a camping holiday. We also

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support the Lagos Soup Kitchen which provides food for the very needy in our community – usually giving away meals for around 120 people at least twice a week. We also support Madrugada which provides palliative care to cancer sufferers in our area. Espiche Golf Club is a top venue, which has just celebrated its third anniversary. The wonderful management and staff there support us to the hilt. They charge €50 per player for the round of golf and dinner but half of that is distributed to charity. Thanks to everyone who attended the event and gave prizes for the raffle.

 TomorrowAlgarve

The winners this year were: 1st place: Brian Newsham, Brigitte Beck, Bob Hart & Alan Abblett 2nd place: Alan Hodson, Jeff Wright, Val Wright & Jamie O'Doherty 3rd place: Frank Morley, Theo Morley, Jason Brown & Scott Tesan For more details contact  282 688 250  Or you can call Tom on:  919 918 733.




Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lançarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos  TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On - Lagos Street Food Fest

Photograph courtesy of

Fantastic food fest This year’s Lagos Food Fest was bigger and better than ever. There were more food trucks on the streets of Lagos and more visitors converging to try out flavours from across the world. This year there were bistronomique burgers, italian piadinas, Turkish sweets and even some vegan food directly from the UK just for the festival. From old VWs transformed into Caipirinha bars to horse trailers transformed in pizzerias – there really was something for everyone! The event took place from July 15th to 17th in

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Jardim da Constituíção in the Avenida with more than 35 food trucks from across the country and Europe. The event organiser Maria Nobre de Carvalho (who works with the Chamber of Lagos to host the festival) told us that in addition to all the food trucks, the Lagos Food Fest 2016 had a seating area, a covered tent with a cocktail bar and lots of music throughout the weekend. There was also a photo booth provided by the Memory Box Company.

 TomorrowAlgarve

She said the festival promoted street food, adding that the purpose of the event was to merge innovative and increasingly popular types of outdoor service in one place. One person who went summed it up perfectly: “We ate, we drank, we filled our boots. What a fantastic weekend.”  We’re just looking forward to next year’s Lagos Food Fest! Contact Maria Nobre de Carvalho at: 

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What's On - Candle Fair Lagoa

Candlelight coup in Lagoa Last month the atmospheric Cultural Market by Candlelight took place in Lagoa. It was an absolutely stunning event featuring 12,000 candles in individual glass jars. The lighting started at about 8.30pm at night – a team of volunteers joined forces to make the event really sparkle. They were mostly arranged into over 50 different and intricate Celtic patterns on the streets and pavements. The ‘Mercado de Culturas – à Luz das Velas’ or ‘Cultural Market by Candlelight’ attracts thousands of visitors from across Portugal and the rest of Europe.

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Some estimates suggest there were more than 40,000 people at this year’s event candlelight market which was around the town’s São José convent. ‘Mercado de Cultura… à Luz das Velas’ also featured several musical performances and rituals, as well as a fair with over 60 craftspeople from different cultures and religions. The theme this year was Celtic Culture. One of the highlights was Malcolm Macmillan and his Highland bagpipes. There was a profusion of market stalls selling all kind of food and handicrafts. There were also lots of stalls selling herbs, seeds and fruit too.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Following another successful event Lagoa Council has confirmed that the event will return next year between July 6th and 10th. Thanks very much to Dan and Natasha Birch for these stunning photographs. To check out more of their work go to:  You can contact them:   965770093  birchphotography

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What's On

Top 10 activities to keep the kids entertained this summer The Algarve is a great place to be in the summer but, as any parent knows, keeping the kids busy and happy can be a challenge to say the least. With that in mind, in collaboration with My Destination Algarve we’ve compiled 10 of the best activities for kids to help you make this summer the best yet. Go forth and have fun!

Get wet and wild With no less than four exiting venues to choose from in the Algarve, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to waterparks - and there’s never been a better time to visit them. Slide & Splash is celebrating its 30th anniversary with an exciting new slide, The Big Wave, set to open this summer. Meanwhile, Zoomarine - which has rides and shows focused on environmental education as well as slides - is celebrating 25 years, with lots of fun stuff going on. Book online in advance for discounts of up to 15% at both venues. Visit the land of sand Now in its 14th year, the annual Fiesa Sand Sculpture Festival at Pêra is back and better than ever! Billed as the largest sand sculpture festival in the world with up to 40,000 tonnes of sand used, it’s lovely during the day and magical by night. There’s a bar serving drinks and snacks, occasional live music and a very relaxed vibe. This year’s theme is music, so kids can enjoy spotting the likes of Lady Gaga or the characters from Frozen - or else you can educate them in the ways of U2 and Frank Zappa! Tickets are €9 for adults, €4.50 for children up to 12 years, and free for children up to five. Senior citizens receive a 15% discount.

Take to the trees If you’re looking for adventure, a trip to a tree top adventure park is just the ticket. With sites in Albufeira and Lagos, Luso Aventura adventure parks have a variety of high rope assault courses designed for those seeking an exciting physical challenge, all under the watchful supervision and encouraging guidance of qualified personnel. Both parks offering courses accessible from four years old, and no physical training is required to enjoy them. Embrace your inner pirate While they might not usually want to sit still for too long, most children really enjoy boat trips. The adventure of boarding, hoisting the anchors and riding the waves while trying to spot pirates on the horizon usually goes down very well. Add in a trip through the caves and secret grottos of the coastline aboard a small boat and a BBQ lunch on a private beach and you should have a very happy tribe of swashbucklers at the end of the day. Give geocaching a go If you’re sat there thinking ‘geo-what!?’ then allows us to explain. Dubbed ‘the world’s largest treasure hunt’, geocaching involves using GPS-enabled devices (such as mobile phones) to navigate to geocaches (containers) hidden at given coordinates. On successfully discovering the ‘treasure’ geocachers can leave a message in the log book and swap a piece of ‘treasure’ left by a fellow player in exchange for another item. It’s great fun and there are already plenty of locations in the Algarve visit to find out more. Awaken their curiosity Kids love to get involved and that’s exactly what they can do at the Centros de Ciências Vivas in Faro and Lagos. There are plenty of interactive exhibitions and experiments to awaken curiosity. The centres are inspired by Portugal’s rich seafaring past and give a nod to renewable energy. Great on cloudy days or for a break from the heat, and very good value for a few hours’ fun. A family ticket for two adults and up to six (!) children costs €8. Pack a picnic Leave the beach behind for a few hours and discover the beauties of inland and rural Algarve. In the west, head uphill to Monchique where you can enjoy some great country walks and find some lovely scenic picnic spots - the ‘small routes’ on

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 TomorrowAlgarve

the Via Algarviana are ideal. Elsewhere, at the Fontes de Estômbar (natural springs) you can follow trails along the River Arade, do a spot of bird-watching and fire up the barbecue for lunch while the children enjoy the playground. To the east, the Pego do Inferno near Tavira is spectacularly beautiful, with a waterfall, rock pools, rich vegetation and picnic areas galore. Discover a whole world of fun FunWorld in Porches ( is once again hosting a summer programme of events for six to 16 year olds, with the focus on being active, healthy and, as the name suggests, having lots of fun! Week-long camps run until 16th September (8.30am to 17:45pm daily), each with a different theme - everything from Star Wars and the Wild West to Junior Masterchef! Costs include all activities, insurance, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks and drinks. Kart them to the racetrack If your kids feel the need, the need for speed, then karting is an option with three locations in the Algarve. The indoor track at Olhão is the largest in Europe, there is a pretty impressive outdoor track at Almancil, and another fabulous karting track near Portimão, adjacent to the International Race Track, home to world championships and Superbike competitions.

Get active There are so many activities available across the Algarve, particularly during the summer months. Check out the local tennis clubs, and ask about surf and sailing schools at the marinas and beaches. Do a bit of horseriding - there are centres all across the region offering lessons and guided treks through the countryside or on the beach. Meanwhile, each summer at Praia da Rocha beach there is a full programme of beach activities - volleyball, hydro gymnastics, yoga, surf try outs and even scuba try dives. Best of all, many of these activities are totally free of charge!  For more ideas on what to do in the Algarve this summer: 

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Readers' Letters We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Praise for our sister publication

Big thanks to Days of Adventure

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor, I have just returned home from a wonderful week’s holiday in Luz. While I was there I travelled to Lagos for a Days of Adventure Dolphin watching trip. Being disabled with walking difficulties I was apprehensive about managing to get to/ on/off the boat. My worries were needless, a crew member helped me down the gangplank to the floating pontoon and along the jetty to where the boat was moored where more crew members were on hand to confidently and expertly get me on board.

I have just returned home to rainy Scotland from 17 nights in Alvor, Carvoeiro and Armação de Pêra and was suffering from the usual post-holiday blues when I stumbled upon your new magazine, just wanted to say it was a really good read and had some decent content. I will look out for future editions as I have a real interest in the area and I am hoping to relocate there in the not too distant future. I visit Carvoeiro three or four times a year and love the feel of the place. I was particularly interested in the Carvoeiro boxes article as I think they are a great idea to bring a bit of colour to the town.

Algarve Network for Families in Need Dear Editor, We continue to try to help as many disadvantaged people as we can across the region. The Soup Kitchen in Lagos is a wonderful distributor of clothes, bedding and goods to many needy people. Solidario in Lagos distributes to all registered with the Câmara who are in need and we give a lot to them. We are currently trying our best to support a single mother with a 4-yearold boy who are moving into unfurnished accommodation.

Where I was greeted by Steve the owner and Zuca his dolphin hunting dog. Once seated, Steve gave us a rundown of what to expect on the trip along with some blown up pictures of the various species of Dolphins we might encounter. Steve regularly checked to see I was ok which was very reassuring. After a while (12 miles out ) Zuca started to get agitated barking endlessly, indicating we were close to our prey and sure enough the engine was cut so not to stress the dolphins and we glided along surrounded by these lovely creatures playing and showing off in their natural environment completely unfazed by our presence.

I have had a little idea regarding these boxes which I feel would be good for tourists and perhaps raise some money for a local charity in the process and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of who would be the best person or people to talk to regarding this.

Steve then gave a polite warning to us to carefully hold on to our cameras and not lose them overboard, or as he put it make sure they don’t start taking pics of us! All too soon it was time to leave and we cruised back along the coast past the Lagos caves and into the harbour where again the crew expertly helped me off walking me back down the jetty, up the gang plank to the quay. A great adventure and being disabled was no barrier to undertaking it. I would highly recommend it.

Dear Editor,

Tried the ribs too, fantastic flavour and melt in the mouth ribs, thank you for giving me two more recipes to add to my limited list.

If you can help please contact Algarve Network for Families in Need on Facebook.

Yours sincerely,

Yours faithfully,

Yours sincerely,

Richard (UK)

Annie Reeks


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Kind Regards, Paul Gilmour

Thanks for the recipes

I don’t want to contribute a recipe this month, but many thanks for the last two you published. The roast pork belly with fennel seeds had unusual ingredients and the result was an amazing flavour - crisp, crunchy skin and so good cold.

 TomorrowAlgarve

She works full time at Odiáxere Old People's Home and at the moment is privately renting and has no money to furnish her new place. We have had so many generous donations but still need more. Many thanks to all who continue to help us and the people we help. Algarve Families in Need is a group for Algarve residents who wish to help families in need. Poverty in the Algarve, unfortunately, is at an all-time high. We want to connect people who have things they don't need anymore, with people who are desperately in need. We need people who are willing to donate old clothes, school books etc. We also need volunteers to help sort through donations and make deliveries.

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Health ………and relax … By Ann de Jongh

feeling, stretch out those aches, and allow it to restore. Try out new activities, maybe find a yoga class, learn to surf, SUP (stand up paddle). In this modern society we are all so busy and never switch off, and with wifi now available throughout the world and often when on the beach it is very hard to truly switch off, so we need to make the time to do it. Have time every day when we disconnect, take the focus inwards, allow us to focus on our breath. Holidays are a great time to take stock, to think about where we are, what we want to do and how we are going to do it, maybe coming up with plans to maintain those feelings of relaxation gained on holiday when we get home, creating more family / friend time.

Summer is a time when for some of us it is a time to relax and enjoy some valuable down time. Especially for those of you who are in the Algarve on holiday it is time to be with your family and friends, catch up on some sleep, read those books you have been meaning to all year. To sit around

on the beaches listening to the waves and allowing the body & mind time to switch off. For us all whether we take out holidays in the summer or the quiet months of the winter it is important for our well being to take the time out, to be mindful of our surroundings, take note of how our body is

Aching backs and stiff necks By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro

It’s holiday season…and we’ve been seeing lots of patients with back and neck issues! Judging from what our patients say, the problems stem from either sitting for hours in a cramped aeroplane seat, sleeping in a different hotel bed or sleeping underneath the air conditioning that’s blasting out cold air. So, these tips should help… • Try to stretch your legs a bit on the flight home…if you can squeeze past the refreshment trolley! • You can’t change the hotel mattress, but try to have a stroll before breakfast to loosen up muscles and joints. • Finally, DON’T sleep with the air-con on all night! Have it on for half an hour before you go to bed to cool the room, but then turn it

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off once you snuggle down. If you wake up sticky during the night, turn it on for 5 minutes and then switch it off. In the morning, get up slowly and try not to make any sudden neck movements. If you do have problems, come and see us at Lagos Health Chiropractic…we’re in the big pink building by the Lidl roundabout. We’ve helped so many people these last few weeks, I’m sure we’ll be able to help you too. By the way, to celebrate our first year in Lagos, we’re offering treatments, consultations and spine checks on Saturday August 6th between 9am and 4pm in return for a donation to the charity Riding for the Disabled Barlavento (RDB).  To make an appointment please call us on:  282 768 044 or you can also pop in and see us.

 TomorrowAlgarve

All these things are vital for our health, to keep our stress levels in check and so help us to stay happier and healthier.  Ann is a trainer, Yoga Teacher and sports massage therapist. Please contact her on:  913202621  

Stroke By John Clifford Do you know what the acronym FAST stands for? It will help assess a person: FACE: Ask the person to smile - is one side drooping? ARMS: Get the person to raise both arms is one side weaker than the other? SPEECH: Get the person to try and speak by asking a simple question - is the speech slurred or are they unable to speak? TIME: Get the person to the hospital immediately - CALL 112 - lost time could be a lost brain. Any one of the above does not mean a person is having a stroke as they may have had a previous underlying health condition. Ring 112 for guidance. Stroke is just one of the many topics which will be covered in the certified Cardiac First Response course being run in Lagos in October 2016.  Watch Tomorrow for details or email: 

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Is real play an endangered activity? By Laura Newman

Summer is well underway! Beaches to explore and adventures to be had. A change in the daily rhythm and space from school work. An opportunity for kids to engage in real play, the kind of play that stimulates their brain and their development: exploratory, expressive, creative. It is through play that our ability to learn, to solve problems, to interact, and to express emotion, first takes place. Play is what actually equips us for the world of work, for school and for social interactions. But real play has become an endangered activity in our society. There are too many quick fixes for entertainment which our kids are becoming addicted to: TV, movies, video games, social media, phones, etc. There is constant stimulation from the outside. When kids go to summer

camp their fear is that they won’t have their phone with them. Our children need space and time to play. They need room to express their thoughts and ideas. Space to explore who they are and the world around them. Space to connect with those they love. Space that is free of pressures, repercussions, and agendas. Space to play. Laura Newman is a Speech Therapist & Parent Consultant offering sessions in Burgau and consults on Skype internationally. She promotes healthy lifestyle for children and supports parents with challenging children. Online parenting course starting in October.    connectedchildfamily  @connected_child

Farmers’ market health foods By Hannah Sharpe de Rosa

By now most of us know that eating lots of deeply coloured fruits and veggies that contain flavonoids lowers our risk of disease.

partly to its polyphenol content and also red wine’s ability to enhance quercetin absorption.

One of the most abundant flavonoids in the human diet, quercetin plays an important role as an antioxidant in fighting free radical damage, the effects of ageing and inflammation. Research shows that inflammation is at the root of most disease, including heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline and autoimmune disorders. Plant polyphenols such as quercetin, resveratrol and catechins can help to keep LDL cholesterol at a healthy level, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Our markets are currently full of fruit and veg that are loaded with this star nutrient. Seek out the richly coloured fruits such as cherries and berries, grapes, plums and apples. A medium apple provides 50mg of quercetin which is impressive and explains why an apple a day might indeed keep the doctor away. Veg that provide quercetin in high amounts are red cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, fennel and red onion. As these flavonoids are synthesised by light the highest concentrations are found in the skin of the plant so try to buy organic fruit so that you can eat the peel.

At therapeutic doses quercetin is a natural antihistamine making it effective for aiding symptoms of seasonal allergies, asthma and skin reactions. There is ongoing research into quercetin as a protective agent against cancer.

Hannah is a registered nutritional therapist based in Lagos.

You can find quercetin in green tea and red wine too. The benefits of moderate consumption of red wine are attributed

Contact her on:  914 950 740 

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Look out for a quercetin rich salad recipe over the next few months. 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Lupus By Niki Medlock One of the Tomorrow readers requested this subject so here goes! Lupus is one of over 80 types of known autoimmune diseases. In an autoimmune disorder your immune system does not distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens, i.e. foreign substances produced by bacteria, viruses and toxins which trigger the body’s immune response through the production of antibodies. This reaction causes destruction and injury of normal tissue, abnormal growth of an organ or changes in its function. The exact cause of these disorders is not fully known and many have similar symptoms making it very difficult to diagnose them. They are generally chronic in nature and there is no known curative therapy, with treatment focusing on relieving symptoms which generally fluctuate between periods of remission (little or no symptoms) and flare-ups (worsening symptoms). So what can we say about Lupus? It is categorised as a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body such as the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. There are three types that are classified according to the physiological system that is being targeted. Symptoms vary from person to person with many mimicking other illnesses and can be vague, coming and going over long periods of time. Diagnosis is usually made by a careful review of a person’s medical history, a physical examination and analysis of results obtained in routine and specialised tests related to immune status. When there are many signs and symptoms of Lupus doctors have very little trouble in making a diagnosis and starting treatment but when an individual has vague, seemingly unrelated symptoms such as achy joints, fever, fatigue or pain it becomes more difficult. This is where a good relationship between the patient and doctor is imperative as a healthy open dialogue results in better medical care, not only for Lupus but for anyone seeking medical care.  Niki Medlock is head nurse at 

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Pets Mate By Lars Rahmquist Hot dogs and hamburgers... Our more distinguished, middle-aged readers may recognise the reference to John Cougar Mellencamp (under that banner, and not John Cougar, etc). 22 singles in the top 40, you young´ns can google him when you’re bored enough. And so a tenuous link to the rising mercury levels. We have all read that hot dogs die in cars. As a vet, it is with sadness, that I can confirm this happens. Over the years in Australia (and in the UK(!)) I have had clients who have lost their little mate through such unfortunate circumstances. It is more often the dog that has jumped into the open door without the owners realising this has happened. So when you arrive home check that your dog(s) are all out of the car when you close it. Use some common sense when leaving your dog in the car when you are out and about. Park in the shade and have two or more windows open to allow a draft to

pass through the cabin. If you see a dog in distress in a locked car, contact the GNR and know that it is a criminal offence to break a window, in case you are feeling heroic. Know also that the dog in that car may attack you, as you are encroaching on its territory...if you feel you must, then proceed with caution!

more of padded pads for your little mate's burnt feet!

With the mercury thinning into top of the thermometer there are other things to consider. If you must tether your dog, make sure he has access to water AND shade. It is much better, again, if there is a draft where the dog is.

All brachycephalic breeds (pugs, some boxers, some maltese etc) can have problems with this. If you are concerned, speak to your vet about this.

If you have a long-haired dog then maybe a trip to the groomers for a short-back-andsides is worthwhile to help with the heat. Make sure to use anti-mosquito products (eg activyl, advantix) as they are more prone to Leishmania infection from mozzy bites without the full coat. Beware of the asphalt if it is REALLY hot. Melting tar will scald foot pads and necessitate a vet consult with a week or

Finally be extra cautious if your dog has a heart condition (or even more so, an upper respiratory condition). Panting from the heat can lead to respiratory failure (this is a bad thing!).

If you think your dog is suffering from heat-stroke... this is well beyond panting, basically starting to lose consciousness then put a wet (cold) towel over him and some air flow over the towel and make sure there is some moisture on the tongue for them to evaporate and get to the vet clinic ASAP. With air-awareness your hot dogs can enjoy the summer with you (and maybe a hamburger crust...).  

Stepping out of your comfort zone By Amber Henshaw Over the last few years fitness has crept up on me. I swam in my teens and twenties but then gave up beyond the odd length here and there. I walked and hiked off and on but that was about it. I was very strongly against running – why would ya?

and definitely weaker. My core definitely suffers! So I was reading Lisa Longhurst’s article about losing fitness last month and it made me think about trying to keep up with my regular routine while I was in Lagos a couple of weeks ago.

That was until a friend who I hadn’t seen for a while suggested that we did a 10km in London as a way of meeting up. For about 24 hours I thought she had gone mad – I couldn’t run. I couldn’t even run to catch a bus.

I’m not sure why I hadn’t really thought about it before but maybe it’s a bit daunting trying somewhere new with people you don’t know. Anyway – I decided that wasn’t a good enough reason so I asked Lisa whether I could do a class at the Pilates Room Lagos. She found a space and I duly went along.

After giving myself a good talking to I downloaded the app couch potato to 10km and set off….running for 90 seconds virtually killed me and I wondered whether I would ever, ever make 10km. It got easier after a lot of blood, sweat and tears and I did 10km and now I’ve done the Luz Triathlon (in a Tomorrow team), a half-marathon and run home from work once a week which is about 11 or 12 miles. I also took up Pilates a few years ago so I’m almost sporty! I know that if I have a break from Pilates for any length of time I feel achier, less mobile

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to help with our strength training, deep muscle toning, and stretching. It was great. Pilates really is a refreshing mind-body workout. It doesn’t take its toll on your body and it can actually correct spinal and pelvic alignment. It has definitely helped me to get more in tune with (add) my body – there’s still quite a way to go! And I have realised that I have still got a lot to learn about breathing! From now on wherever I am in the world I am going to try to find a Pilates class – I just hope they all measure up to the Pilates Room Lagos and to Lisa’s high standards.

I was really impressed by the light, airy room which has a mirror along one wall – perfect for being able to see when you are getting it wrong!

If you want to continue your fitness regime whilst in the Algarve the Pilates Room Lagos offers equipment and matt classes for all ages and all abilities.

There was a real mixture of ages at the class but they were all very friendly and welcoming as was the instructor.

I would really recommend getting in touch with Lisa – maybe Pilates will be just the thing for you too – whether you are 20 or 70 (and older) it’s definitely worth a try.

I have had the same wonderful teacher in London since I started Pilates and it was great to get a little bit of a different perspective. We also used slightly different kit – in Lagos we used a sort of wheel

 TomorrowAlgarve

Contact:  926 514 613 

Jardim das Dunas

A wonderful place to be...

Under new management - Fully refurbished, revitalised and ready to go! Superb Pool for relaxing in the sun or a fun day out for the family Fully shaded kids playground Stunning food from an imaginative and creative young michelin star trained chef American style cocktail bar Live Music Fantastic DJ for all music tastes Dance Floor Weddings, events, parties our speciality

Come and relax at Jardim das Dunas... Full day pool use €6.00 including umbrella and sunbed Children from 5 to 12yrs €3,00 1/2 day €4,00 | Kids €2,00

Restaurant and snack bar open all day 10am - 11pm. Pool closes at 6pm Reservations: 00351 282 769 684 | Email:  TomorrowAlgarve


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Business Looking for 'L' around Lagos By Amber Henshaw

thought they were the creation of local resident, Dutch-born Ernst van Amersfoort. We found Ernest's wife, Marina of O Ponto and she put us in contact with him. Back in Holland he had worked with his father at his business in Amsterdam. He said: "I was working with him and he taught me everything to run a business." Ernst moved to Lagos 25 years ago and put those skills to the test by starting a business with his sister (Bangla Lagos) The L campaign started in April 2016 as a way of promoting his latest business venture Ernst told me what the business was all about: "We are promoting companies or persons online (computer and smartphone). We have an app and you can download it for free and find the businesses."

Has anyone else noticed a rash of blue and yellow L stickers all over Lagos? They are all over the place – walls, windows, on the ground, on cars, in cafes, on air balloons, on tuk tuks, on segways, on scooters, on taxis, on bikes, in beach bars, in supermarkets and on windbreakers

and shops. It was beginning to feel like an epidemic so we decided to track them down. Who was putting them up all over the place and what did they mean?

You can have a month’s trial. 

The trail took us into the old town where we met someone who told us that he

If you need help or have some questions: 

To find out more about the L please go to: 

I.T. can be easy By Steven Dunwell Key to success? Ever wondered what all those extra keys are for on a computer keyboard? Well wonder no more! Here are some of the least obvious ones:

Short for Alternate, Alt is a key located on both sides of the spacebar key on a computer keyboard. Alt is most often used to describe a key combination such as CTRL + ALT + DEL or pressing ALT + TAB to switch between open programs. Handy hint: press CTRL + ALT + 4 on a UK keyboard gives you the Euro symbol!

Short for Escape, Esc is a key located on the top-left of a computer keyboard that allows a user to cancel or abort operations. For example pressing Esc to stop a slow internet page loading. The Caps Lock key is a toggle key that enables or disables all the letters being typed in uppercase. When the Caps Lock key is enabled, the keyboard types "LIKE THIS" and when it is disabled, it types "like this."

Sometimes abbreviated as Prscr, PRTSC, Prtscrn, Prt Scrn, the print screen key when pressed, sends the screen image to the computer clipboard or the computer printer depending on software currently used. Pressing Shift + PrtScrn takes just snapshot image of the window you are working in.

Short for Control, Ctrl is a key found on the bottom left and right portion of the main keyboard. Ctrl is mainly used in keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL + ALT + DEL to unlock a computer or CTRL + S to save a document or file.

Sometimes abbreviated as ScLk, ScrLk, or Slk, the Scroll Lock key is often found next to the pause break key. While not often used today, the scroll lock key was originally intended to be used in conjunction with the arrow keys to scroll through the contents of a text box.

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Located near the top right of most computer keyboards and shared with the break key the Pa or pause key can be used to temporarily halt the actions of the program being run. Short for numeric lock or number lock, the Num Lock key is located on the top left corner of the numeric keypad of the keyboard and enables and disables the numeric pad. Turning the Num Lock on allows you to use the numbers on the keypad, very similar to a calculator keyboard. If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help.  Please contact me on:   00351 936 387 512 Have a great month, see you for another tip in the September issue.

This million Thismorning, morning, aa few few million Scandinavians to start start Scandinavians had had to This amillion This morning, aafew few million rning, a few This morning, amillion few million This morning, fewmillion million orning, a few the day by out their their themorning, day bydigging digging out Scandinavians had start Scandinavians had to Scandinavians had start navians had to start Scandinavians had start avians had to start Do you have atostart home cars fromunder under snow. cars from the snow. the day by digging out their the day by out their the day bydigging digging their by digging out know their the day by digging out theirif y digging out their to sell? We Might be good to know Might be good know cars from under the snow. cars from under the cars from under thesnow. snow. if under the snow. cars from under the snow. mmunder the snow. you’re looking for someone aMight lotbe of frozen you’re looking for someone be good toto know Might be good know be good to know if ifififif Might good to know Might be good to know e good to know if to buy your house. you’ elooking for someone to your house. Scandinavians. you’ elooking looking forsomeone someone ooking someone you’ rbuy errfor for

you’ rfor e looking for someone oking someone to buy your house. to buy your house. ourtohouse. to buy buyyour yourhouse. house. ur house.

FASTIGHETSBYRÅN IN ALGARVE +We 351 have 282 782the 024 /buyers! FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE/ALGARVE are Sweden’s leading real estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing WeWe have the buyers! fast! Our registers are always full of frozen Scandinavians who dream of a Weare have the buyers! We life Sweden’s in the sun.leading real estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing We are Sweden’s leading estatefull agency in Europe. And we’re growing We have the buyers! ! Our registers are real always frozen Scandinavians who dream of a Let us prove If frozen weof don’t manage towho selldream your home, you don’t Wefast! have the buyers! fast! Our registers areourselves! always full of Scandinavians of a life in the sun. We are Sweden’s leading real estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing real estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing pay anything. But since we sell more than one home every day, that’s life in the sun.buyers! We are Sweden’s leading real estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing We have the fast! Our registers are always of frozen Scandinavians who dream of a you don’t ways full of frozen Scandinavians who dream of a don’t Let usprove prove ourselves! Ifdon’t we don’t manage towho sell your home, probably not going Let us ourselves! Ifhappen... wefull manage to sell your home, you fast! Our registers are alwaystofull of frozen Scandinavians dream of a lifeSweden’s in the sun. We in are leading real estate agency inhome Europe. And l estate agency in Europe. And we’re growing anything. But since we sell more than one home every day, that’s pay anything. But since we sell more than one every day,we’re that’s growing life pay the sun. Let us prove ourselves! If we don’t manage to sell your home, you don’t s!full If we don’t manage to sell your home, you don’t fast! Our registers are always full of frozen Scandinavians who dream s of frozen Scandinavians who dream of a probably not going to happen... probably not going toIfhappen... Let us prove ourselves! we don’t manage to sell your home, you don’tof a pay anything. But since we sell more than one home every day, that’s we sell life more than one home every day, FASTIGHETSBYRÅN GRAN /that’s +34 928 768 803 in the sun.But since FASTIGHETSBYRÅN ALGARVE/ +351 964 432 546 pay anything. we sellIN more thanCANARIA one home every day, that’s probably notourselves! going to happen... ppen... Let us prove If weyour don’t manage to sell your home, you don’t we don’t manage sell home, you don’t probably not going to to happen... GRANCANARIA@FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE / FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE/OVERSEAS FASTIGHETSBYRÅN IN GRAN CANARIA / +34 928 768 803 ALGARVE@FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE payFASTIGHETSBYRÅN anything. But since weIN sell more than one home every day, that’s ell more than one home every day, GRAN CANARIA /that’s +34 928 768 803 GRANCANARIA@FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE / FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE/OVERSEAS not going happen... n... FASTIGHETSBYRÅN IN GRAN / +34 928 768 803 GRAN probably CANARIA / to +34 928CANARIA 768 803 FASTIGHETSBYRAN.SE/OVERSEAS




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Fluctuating foreign exchange By Alison Daun It’s been a turbulent few months in the foreign exchange market and it’s likely to continue as we begin to understand the effects of the UK's negotiations to leave the EU. Today as I write we have seen a positive rise in the value of Sterling as Teresa May spends her first full day in office as UK Prime Minister. The markets view her as a steady hand to guide the UK through the Brexit negotiations and the pound has rallied a little as a result.

should hold fire until then. The MPC still won’t have enough information in August to make a proper assessment of the postBrexit economic situation."

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) have today voted to leave borrowing costs at 0.5%. Expectations were for a cut to 0.25%. This wait and see attitude appears to be highly appropriate, with investors reacting positively to the news. Many factors are unknown in the UK's immediate future and as yet there is not enough economic statistics available to build a complete picture of the effect Brexit is having on the UK. It would appear too soon for the Bank of England to jump in with any major policy changes. Following on from today's vote Andrew Sentance, a former member of the MPC, said:

If you rely on income from the UK or are considering buying or selling a property here how can you protect yourself during this time?

"Though political events have been fast-moving, there is a need for stable economic policy until we are clearer how the economy is performing in the wake of the EU Referendum result. That will not be clear until the autumn, and the MPC

Fluctuating rates of exchange are likely to be a key factor in the coming months as we see the UK's initial steps towards leaving the EU, the release of figures showing if there is any impact on the UK economy and the MPCs subsequent moves.

Establish what you want (and stick to it) – Decide on the exchange rate that you are happy with and when the market moves in your favour move quickly and purchase your currency. Don’t wait, the markets are extremely volatile and change every second! What you can get now may not be what you can get in an hour. And remember just because the rate is going up today does NOT mean it will continue to gain tomorrow. Act quickly to secure the rate once you can achieve your preferred rate. If you transfer your pension or mortgage payments to Portugal you will notice a dip in your income due to the low exchange rate. Why not consider bulk buying for a few

Hot property at Boavista Boavista Resort is a serendipitous find on the Algarve’s western shores, boasting an award winning 18-hole championship golf course, an excellent spa with fitness facilities, a family games centre and a well reputed à la carte restaurant – all of which are open to the public but are also at the heart of the residential village which has been fastidiously developed over the last fifteen years.

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Buying or selling a property in Portugal? If you need to buy Euros for your property purchase or are selling a property and need to transfer your Euros the UK, consider buying your funds on a forward contract. This helps you fix the rate in advance with only a deposit and the balance payable at a later date. This gives you the flexibility to purchase your needed funds, fix the rate and pay for it as and when you need it – you know exactly how much you are receiving even if the rate moves – Be safe and secure your rate. Be realistic – When we talk about volatility in the exchange rate in the next few months – we are talking about a few cents. We are not talking about a sudden improvement to 1.40 or a sudden fall to parity, be realistic and aim for an achievable exchange rate.  To make sure you are getting the best out of your currency talk to a currency specialist, contact GCEN on:  289093137 

By Tom Henshaw

the entrance to the resort, to meet her colleagues Ann Laws and Fernanda Gomes and to learn about the company’s exciting plans for a new release of prestigious homes entitled ‘Properties of Distinction’.

The development of prestigious, well designed, eco-friendly properties has attracted buyers from all corners of the world. The brain-child of Peter Emerson Jones, a long established and well-renowned developer in the United Kingdom, the resort has been meticulously planned to harmonise and complement the natural beauty of its prominent location. Sophie Sadler invited me to visit the newly refurbished sales office located at

months at a fixed rate? This will stop you being affected by the fluctuations in the rate as you will know exactly how many Euros you will receive every month no matter what is happening to the exchange rate.

Properties from this range are selling well with seven of the eight 3-bedroom semidetached fairway villas already sold. The different property designs have been named after some of the birds that are seen around the resort. As well as semi-detached Sandpiper Villas and the Goldfinch Link Villas, this new property range is being developed to fill a gap in the market for detached 4 bedroom villas at around the half million price level, with an option for a private pool and interest is already high. To facilitate greater market awareness, both locally and internationally, a new computer software system has been installed in the

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sales office, allowing better communication with clients visiting the office or from the other side of the world. To complement Boavista’s bespoke resort website, a new site has been developed to solely target those seeking golf properties in the Algarve. The sales team invite you to browse by visiting:  On a personal note I can honestly say that the finish, style and location are outstanding and the fact that the EMERSON group have an enviable reputation and were established in 1959 in the UK with assets of over $1 billion.  For further information please contact:  00 351 282 000 170 

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Property sales and the web By David Westmoreland We bought B&P back in 2011. The recession was at its worst and friends & colleagues thought we had lost the plot when we announced we were buying the ailing agency here on the Avenida. Resort resales had been relatively successful at our Luz office, being the only bespoke resort property agency in the western Algarve.

The website increased its performance in a number of areas: Number of hits increased by almost 600% Number of pages viewed increased by almost 400% Duration on the site increased by almost 700%

The move to become a mainstream estate agency was a risky move at that time. On taking over the office we immediately started work on re-building what was a tired brand and office.

Total pages viewed per visitor increased by almost 1000% This resulted in final closed sales increase of 3400% 2010 vs 2015

The website we inherited had a Google ranking of 74 (eighth page of Google), an outsourced database management system and a website that hadn’t been updated in around a decade. This was resulting in low levels of enquiries, low visibility and when found, a less than positive image of our offering. Over the next 10 months, apart from smartening up the actual office, we invested in new logos and branding, new back office system and window designs. The website was completely replaced with only the web address retained. By the end of this period we had a state of the art website that had achieved first page on Google status and in fact had an average Google ranking of 5. This has over the last 4 years developed to 3 and is only consistently beaten by Rightmove and being the highest Google ranked agent in the Western Algarve!

All in all this is a great success story of which we are immensely proud. As for our rental and management business again this area has seen huge growth. Since its conception in 2009 this business has grown from a side business looking after around 10 personal clients' properties to a rental & management company of approximately 165 properties. In 2015 the business handled around 1150 holidays. The support systems being used were fine when we had 10 units but as we grew we were starting to feel those growing pains and knew drastic action needed to take place. In the world of holiday rentals, real estate and IT you can never sit still. Because of that in 2015 we commissioned Creation Media, a Lagos based Web Design, & Business Management Solutions Company to redesign both the portfolio of websites as well as a data management system that

could handle our company’s size & depth. In July 2016 we launched our new websites for sales and rentals. These sites incorporate resort resales & B&P and also the new B&P Lisboa. The rental site incorporates resort rentals, Lagos Long Lets as well as our owner log-in areas. All the websites are responsive meaning improved accessibility and readability on smart phones and tablets The new back office systems allows us to automate many of the manual tasks currently handled by our admin team improving response times and workloads. Our field property managers work off tablets, again improving response times and communication with our owners. The rentals side of our business is also automated improving not only response time to holiday enquiries but also payment and confirmation times. Upgraded newsletters for both sales and rentals will increase our accessibility to potential clients and keep current potential clients fully aware of offers, new listings or price movements. Overall we believe this new system will allow the group to continue to grow, continue to offer our customers the highest level of IT service and our owner clients a speedier and informative level of information communication. We would welcome any comments or reviews of your B&P or resort rentals experience.  Please contact me at the B&P office on the Avenida or email: 

Tourists take a hit By the Algarve Daily News Britons are among 110,000 holidaymakers whose forthcoming trips have been plunged into turmoil as travel website has been taken offline and the Low Cost Travel Group has gone into administration leaving thousands facing losses.

Customers not covered by insurance will have to pay for their holiday again, find alternative accommodation, or not travel. Those that already are on holiday abroad, an estimated 27,000 people, should have no problem returning as their flights have been paid for, says the company.

The group was not covered by the Air Travel Organisers' Licensing agreement (ATOL) and the company admits that most of the hotel stays already paid for by customers have not been paid for by the company. A group of around 1,000 customers also have stumped up for fights which the company has not paid for with only those covered by travel insurance able to claim back the costs involved.

A plummeting post-Brexit pound to euro exchange rate crippled the firm’s financial planning. Many customers had delayed booking their holidays over Brexit fears which choked off cashflow at the privately owned company. Administrators Smith & Williamson, said, “The group experienced significant market headwinds in the run up to the EU referendum as holidaymakers delayed decisions. This was compounded

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by the Leave vote itself and the subsequent fall in value of the pound." Low Cost Travel said: “The directors wish to profusely apologise for the inconvenience and distress that this will cause to our customers.” Customers will have to attempt to get their money back through the Spanish travel authorities, their credit card or their holiday insurance. Lowcosttravelgroup Limited, Lowcostholidays Spain S.L, part of Lowcostholidays Spain S.L. and A.G are affected.  

SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? WE BRING BUYERS TO VIEW PROPERTIES 7 DAYS A WEEK, 364 DAYS A YEAR PUT ‘SOLD’ ON YOUR PROPERTY BY CONTACTING US NOW! Our dynamic, multilingual listing team are waiting to hear from YOU! Head Office Tel: +351 289 513 434 | Freephone: 0800 133 7644 Email: |

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Food & Drink The simplest BBQ snack in the world.....probably! By Chris Winstanley

place you prepared cheese on the other side away from the direct heat, replace the lid and let the BBQ act as an oven. The cheese should be left for about 15 mins or until it is nice and soft. Whilst this is cooking get some great Caseiro Bread and cut into 1 cm thick slices, put some good extra virgin oil in a bowl and chop up some further garlic cloves and put them into the Olive Oil and add some black pepper. Get a food brush and coat the slices of bread generously with the oil / garlic mixture. About 5 minutes before the cheese is done put the bread over the charcoal or the lit gas burner and grill for about 2 minutes a side.

It is so hot now, there are times when only simple things will do and you want to be cooking as quickly and easily as possible. You may have had enough of ribs and burgers and want something a little different So here is a great simple BBQ snack or starter which looks great and tastes even better! So here we go with, Baked Camembert with Garlic Bread Dippers. All you need to

do here is buy a nice round of Camembert in its box from the supermarket, unwarp it from its plastic wrapper and put it back in its box and with a sharp knife make incisions in the top of the cheese and get two or three garlic cloves cut them into quarters and insert the pieces into the incisions you have made, if you have some rosemary growing in the garden cut off a couple of sprigs and insert these into the top of the cheese as well. Then by either pushing your charcoal to one side of the BBQ or putting on one burner of your BBQ,

After 15 minutes you should have a very tasty and gooey cheese, so remove it from the heat. And then take of the crispy garlic bread slice and cut into 3cm strips. You are ready now to dip these into the molten cheesey loveliness……a few calories in this recipe but OMG well worth it….enjoy! Ingredients for 4 people 1 or 2 Rounds of Camembert 4 to 6 Garlic Clove Sprigs of Rosemary Black Pepper 4 slices Caseiro Bread or other Rustic Bread Extra Virgin Oil  Thanks to Chris Winstanley from Moveison 

‘Valley of Moonlight’ By Miguel Martins we do not come across very often or at least not of this quality. Secondly, I was taken aback by its freshness, as until some years ago, this was not easy to find in the Alentejo. In fact, what we used to consider typical for Alentejo wines - highly concentrated, powerful wines, without much freshness - is changing!

The name is inspiring, almost poetic, but the truth is that ‘Valley of Moonlight’ is the name of one of the big surprises of wines that I've had this year. Produced in the fantastic region of Alentejo, more specifically in Vale da Ribeira de Tera near Estremoz, this is a wine that surprised me for several reasons. Firstly, because it is a cool Chardonnay or in other words, it’s a wine made exclusively with this fantastic French caste, something that in Portugal

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This has to do with the new Alqueva dam that somehow has influenced the climate of the region that was once known for its continental climate with warm days and cold nights. Now we see increased moisture and more temperate days because of the huge volume of water that has already had much influence not only in terms of the climate but also in cultivation. This used to be cereal but now we find fruit and vegetables. Returning to the wine, this particular one maintains the typical characteristics of

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Chardonnay with a touch of good, healthy and balanced creaminess with fresh fruit that prevents it from being tired. It’s produced in stainless steel, keeping its freshness and equilibrium, making it one of the most interesting Chardonnays that I have tasted in recent times. As if this was not enough, the wine has a very attractive price. I am pleased to be the exclusive representative in the Algarve of this small production where we can distinguish the passion of those who produced it and the care in making a product that is not for supermarkets but for the best restaurants and the best wine cellars such as the Sommelier Wine Shop. You are welcome to come and taste it in our store on the Avenida in Lagos. 

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Food & Drink

Ol’ fashioned fish and chips - served cool! By Ray Gillman There’s a new, old-fashioned, fish and chip restaurant in Lagos: on Rua Candida dos Reis, near the cinema: ‘Ol’ Bastard’s Fish and Chips’.

of the best fishes for ‘proper’ fish and chips - cooked to white, firm, flakey perfection encased in light, crisp, melt- in-the mouth batter (made with vodka and beer).

Apparently it’s named in ‘honour’ of the owner’s dad who always wanted to have a restaurant. He was known in the family as the ‘Old Bastard’ (they are Australian) so that’s what they decided to call it!

These sit in the wooden box/basket on top of lovely, hand-cut potato chips, with a dollop of Tartar sauce. On the side, in a little jar, you choose whether to have the ‘English’, Aussie’ or ‘American’ garnish respectively Mushy Peas and (separately) malt vinegar, Beetroot Salad and chicken salt (? please ask - we forgot to), or Coleslaw and Southern Cajun spiced sauce.

It’s cool, a bit hipster. ‘Earthy’ - the paper the fish and chips are served on is 100% recycled (as you’d expect). The food nestles in wooden boxes with (complimentary) iced water served in jam-jars. The decor is natural wood, plus white, plus black and white stripes with the occasional, witty, gilded embellishment. But the main point, of course, is the food: generously portioned fillets of hake - one

All for €9.95. For a wee bit extra you can get the meal gluten-free, leaving out the beer and using cornflour for the batter. A simple wine choice - red, white (Alandra) or vinho verde (Casal Garcia) in half bottles at €6. Plus a

choice of cocktails, beers and cider. You can also get, beautifully presented onion rings on the side (think Stonehenge) for €3.50, and as starters or an alternative main course Calamari or ‘Popcorn’ prawns. Additionally ‘Ol’ Bastard’s’ offers special ‘Loaded’ Chips - Spicy Chili, Jalapeno Mex, or Guinness gravy. And you can get take away, as well as eat-in. Great food, good atmosphere, friendly people - the Lagos restaurant scene just keeps on getting better! It was packed the night we went and it was also hitting the top spot on Trip Advisor when we were there so it may be worth booking in advance:  +351 963 742 664. Good luck to husband and wife team, Mika and Ali. 

GOJI -LOUNGE –CAFÉ By Tom Henshaw the main hub of Lagos city but is so lovely and cool and makes you feel you are out of the melee and have found a secret corner. They offer a lovely range of inexpensive treats which include cakes, sandwiches, gorgeous smoothies, tapas, cocktails and much more. Lena and Ricky have a threeyear-old and so it’s very much a family affair. It is always a pleasure to find a new business opening in the western Algarve and that is what Lena and Ricky have done in Rua Marreiros Neto square. This little square is off

Great service with a genuine smile make you want to spend some time just sitting and gazing. GOJI offers a ‘Tapas of the day’ for only €3.50 and a four dip Tapas platter

Jardim das Dunas By Tom Henshaw

with its excellent ‘makeover’ really makes me feel this is going to be a real ‘hit’ all year round with all ages groups.

I was invited to visit the newly re-opened and fully re-furbished pool and restaurant complex just behind the marina and I was genuinely very impressed. It really has become a haven of peace and tranquillity. This always was a lovely place but it never quite felt up to the mark so to see it now

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There is a lovely new cocktail bar serving a wide choice of reasonably priced cocktails. and I was especially pleased to see their new dining areas which all have a distinct modern theme. The young chef, Caio, has a wealth of experience working in Germany and Caiscais near Lisbon in a Michelin star restaurant. The manager Vincent was very informative and it was easy to see that he intends to make this a great success. Weddings, parties and events are especially welcome and live music will be a regular feature with other music on offer too.

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for only €6.99. Guacamole and Nachos for only €4.90 'Caribbean Dream' Smoothie for example is only €3.50 and if you really want an’ uplift’ try the ‘Power booster’ for €4.50. Happy hour is from 6pm to 8pm and all cocktails are then offered at €4.00 Highly recommended and we certainly will put it on our list of regular top spots for real value.   00 351 282 760 240  gojiloungecafe

Families are high on the priority list with sunbeds and umbrellas at only €6 per day for adults and children at only €3, so it will be very affordable for families to enjoy the fabulous pool and facilities including a children's play area. I can certainly happily recommend this as a must visit and Tomorrow has already got plans for an event there. It is open open from 10 am to 11pm and the pool is available from 10 am to 6pm.  For bookings please contact:  00 351 282 769 684 

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Outdoor SUP - Stand Up Paddle Boarding By Julie Battersby

took us from Praia da Batata beach in Lagos and we passed wonderful rock formations paddling around cosy coves and under bridge formed rocks, the water was crystal clear so very easy to see the fish beneath. A few tourist boats, yachts and kayaks went by casting a wave but after a while we all developed our own counter- balancing to cope with the challenge of the sea. It’s a great feeling to be on the water and being close to the fantastic coast line around Lagos, it’s relaxing yet you’re using your major muscles so it’s a great way to get fit. Luís later showed us how to turn left then right and do slow circles plus later trying to get us to turn in a circle quickly by standing back further on the board by the fin and changing our foot holds. We all had fun trying to do this trick but three out of the four of us ended up in the water!

Standing on a board and paddling – the easy version! Well, it does need a little bit of balance, as first timers we were given instructions at the beach on how to stand, where to stand and how to hold the paddle. There were four of us in our group and we had life jackets fitted before setting off onto the water and on a hot summer’s day with

no wind and no swell, it was a delight to get started. If you like the water you will love this experience so the proof of the pudding is.….try it yourself. It is surprisingly easier than it looks when you get your balance! Luís our tour instructor watched us all as we began are balancing act on the board and after the initial wobbles we were off and paddling gaining confidence as we travelled along. Our two hour tour

There’s SUP boarding from beginners, to tours and wave sup, plus rentals. It’s a fun day out for all ages who love water, go on try it you can only get wet. Mon-Sun: 9am-7pm   919 524 684 

Top 5 reasons to dive the Algarve By Chris Hansen Scuba diving in the Algarve has recently seen a surge in popularity. New dive centres are popping up all along the coast; but what are the reasons for this growing popularity? What is there to see? Is the diving any good over here? Hopefully after the following five points we will gain some clarity on these questions. 1. Octopus: My personal favourite and the Algarve is teeming with them. Octopus are fascinating and strange in equal measure. They are highly curious, intelligent, can change their color and texture at will to hide themselves and the ability to fart ink at a moment’s notice. What's not to love about them? 2. Anyone can do it: If you don't have any pre-existing medical conditions; you can scuba dive. The

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minimum age to dive in the sea is 10-yearsold and providing you are healthy, there is no cut off age. The oldest students that I have taught to dive were well into their 70s. This is really an activity that the whole family can enjoy. It’s easy and provides a good gentle exercise for those who like to keep in shape.

4. It's safe: Diving accidents in the Algarve are rare, and there is a brand new hyperbaric chamber situated in Alvor; in a great central location. That aside, diving is actually a very safe sport with both national and self-regulating bodies monitoring standards. Talking of which...

3. Great transport links to the rest of Europe: With more routes flying into Faro than ever; the Algarve has been placed on the doorstep of most European countries.

5: Regulation: As a business owner, it's difficult for me to say this; but Portugal's love of bureaucracy and licenses does have its upsides. As a result of the, some would say, overzealous desire to license everything here, it is very difficult for “cowboy” dive centres to operate. The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to run a dive centre in Portugal; you better make sure everything is in order. Otherwise big fines lie in wait. 

More and more people are enjoying a quick diving break in Portugal instead of having to take a long haul flight to some of the further flung diving destinations around the world. It's cheaper to fly here for a long weekend too. Especially outside the busy summer season.

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Contact: 

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Gardening on a purely seasonal basis. Because they flower on new growth a good hard cut back can do wonders to restore a leggy plant that looks worn out. But carry out any radical surgery before any cold weather sets in otherwise the plant will die back even further and may not even recover. As well as being splendid climbers bougainvilleas make good ground cover and look particularly good scrambling down banks and rockeries.

Crazy about climbers – part 3 By Clive Goodacre

Mandevilla splendens

This is the third part of Clive’s series about climbers. The other two parts appeared in our June and July editions.

mounds of colour. Given good light it also makes a striking houseplant.

Autumn can be a difficult month for colour in the garden with bedding plants and summer favourites like oleander and hibiscus past their best. There are however a number of climbers that tend to peak in late summer and autumn. Top of the list has to be mandevillea with varieties available in pink, white and yellow. Often listed under their former name of dipladenia, mandevilleas given some care and attention are outstanding performers producing large deep trumpet shaped flowers and glossy green leaves. Favourite is the gloriously pink M. Alice du Pont although it can prove a bit of a prima donna attracting more than its fair share of mealy bugs, scale, whitefly and red spider mite. It needs rich soil, shelter from wind and regular watering without becoming bogged down. Expert growers have been known to use Epsom salts as a tonic for this beauty, although regular feeding every few weeks seems to work provided water and soil are not too alkaline. Beating the bugs unfortunately calls for some heavy artillery like Confidor. For something different try the intensely yellow or brilliant red M.splendens which has smaller leaves and is shrubbier than M. Dupont making it useful for pots and growing in borders where it provides

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All mandevilleas flower on new growth so cut back old stems and examine new growth for pests where they quickly take over and stunt growth. These are not cold weather plants and once temperatures fall below 10ºC they become deciduous, losing their leaves until things warm up. Long periods of cold usually kill it off so avoid growing in areas prone to frost. Hibbertia scandens (commonly known as golden guinea or snake vine) is another yellow climber with a long flowering season. Originating from Australia it has no airs and graces, naturally occurring along sandy beach areas making is useful for coastal areas, requiring little water or feeding. It makes good cover - although seldom growing more than two metres bearing large buttercup like flowers and blunt tipped fleshy leaves. H. scandens is one of those useful plants that seems to survive anywhere with occasional watering. Perhaps its no-nonsense behaviour is why it is used to make an extract said to provide people with a more balanced outlook on life and ability to absorb new information without being overwhelmed. So try reaching for the Hibbertia when new technology stresses you out! Plants like bougainvillea flower at regular intervals throughout the year rather than

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The purple Alexander variety is particularly useful in this way and also makes a good dense pot plant when regularly pruned into a mounding shrub. Use the latter treatment to consolidate more delicate and spindly varieties such as those having variegated leaves and flowers which otherwise can look scraggy. Poor flowering is usually down to three factors: too little light, too much water or too much fertilizer. The already mentioned pink trumpetbearing Podranea ricasoliana can also be used for ground cover. If you want to grow it in a pot then choose the largest possible because this is without doubt the most vigorous climber available here making it hard to tame. Stems root wherever they touch the ground making it useful for consolidating loose ground and very easy to take cuttings. Solandra maxima, otherwise known as the Chalice vine, is another rampant winter performer hailing from South America. It easily produces runs up to 60m long and does well in coastal conditions. Although a woody vine, S. Maxima can be trained into an unusual shrub or potted specimen tree for the patio which looks amazing when its huge flowers are in bloom. These have a coconut-like scent, particularly at night, and form into a chalice shape measuring from 10-17cm across. They can last for several weeks, starting off mid yellow in colour then deepening to almost orange with age. Beauty comes at a price however and the Chalice vine can sometimes be too rampant, requiring strong support and drastic pruning. But if you are looking for something evergreen with shiny leaves and dramatic flowers to hide an ugly building or create a shady spot or arbour then it is unbeatable. 


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