Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagoa - August 2020

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A Lazy Girl's Guide to August BY THE LAZY TIGERS It's official, it is really hot. Broiling clear days, and warm balmy nights, who could ask for anything more? Also, we have just enough visitors in town to make it feel like the place has come back to life without being too crowded. Well when it's hot, hot, hot, what we want is cool, cool, cool. Not a single thing we are recommending you produce this month involves `cooking' with all that implies: stuffy kitchens, pots and pans, and roasting you, losing your temper while something boils over. As always, remember the Tigers' advice: eating out is always best. It's also good to get out, see friends, and give a little push to the local economy while everyone gets going again. This month we are recommending, in a town where there is always sea fresh fish, that you make a classic Ceviche. This is the ultimate lazy dish: all you do is a little shopping, a little chopping, and the fridge does the rest. How about some ice cream to follow? This is the easiest recipe for homemade ice cream we could find. And, if you have an extremely sweet tooth, have you tried Dalgona (Korean whipped coffee) yet? The Tigers would like to point out that we don’t condone this as a substitute for a real cup of coffee, but it has become immensely popular during lockdown. So, one extremely refreshing healthy dish, that would pass at a dinner party followed by two comfort foods for enjoying while lazing about. If you can get up the energy in this heat, come and see us at London Tiger Coffee. +INFO:  R. Marreiros Netto 14, Lagos 


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Vanilla Ice Cream (MAKES ABOUT THREE QUARTERS OF A LITRE)  Half a 350–400g can of condensed milk (not the `lite' stuff)  600 ml of double cream (not single)  1 tsp of vanilla extract (not essence) Put all the ingredients in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until as thick as clotted cream. Put into a covered, freezerproof container and freeze until solid. Serve with melted chocolate or puréed fruit

Dalgona (MAKES ONE LARGE GLASS)  2 tbsp instant coffee (I know!)  2 tbsp granulated sugar  2 tbsp of hot water  250 ml of milk or 200 ml of milk and 50 ml of a `brown' spirit (rum or brandy or whisky) Combine the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water in a small bowl. Beat with a hand mixer for 3 to 5 minutes until it thickens and turns golden brown. Pour the milk (plus booze?) into a tall glass with a few lumps of ice and top up with the brown mixture. Stir it before drinking.

Ceviche (MAKES 2–3 MAINS OR 4–6 STARTERS)  500 grams of firm white filleted fish (anything good in the market: haddock, halibut, bream or you can make up the weight with some juicy raw prawns or baby squid)  8 limes juiced (about 250 ml), plus an extra lime for wedges  1 red onion, sliced into rings very thinly  2 or 3 green chillies, finely chopped (your decision on this one: do you want more or less heat? Seeds in or out?)  2 or 3 salad tomatoes, seeded and chopped into 2 cm pieces  A nice big bunch of coriander chopped roughly  2 tbsp of olive oil (the good stuff)  Caster sugar, a good pinch or to taste Put the fish that you have skinned and thinly sliced and any seafood in a large bowl with the lime juice, and the onion. The juice must completely cover the fish, this is what is going to do the `cooking'. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1.5 hours. Pick out a beautiful serving bowl, clear might be nice. Remove the chilled fish and onion from the marinade and discard the lime juice. Add the olive oil, chillies, tomatoes, and coriander and stir carefully. Add the sugar to taste, and some salt and pepper. Serve with shop-bought bread, pitta, corn chips (whatever), and plenty of beer.

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