Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur December Edition 2016

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FREE December 2016 | Edition 61 | 4,000 copies |


A community MAGAZINE covering Lagos to aljezur

Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2017 to all

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Photograph courtesy of Creation Media

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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow's December edition

Emergency 112 Hospital 282 770 100 Fire Service 282 770 790 Police Service 282 762 930 Here we are in December with Christmas just around the corner. GNR National Guard 282 770 010 Telecom Nat. Info 118 City Council 282 780 900 As we publish the 61st edition I can’t help but think back to the very first issue of the magazine Tourist Office 282 763 031 which came out in December 2011. Five years has gone quickly and I am delighted that the Town Info 282 764 111 magazines fly off the shelves providing good community news and interviews as well as Tourist Support 808 781 212 support for our local charities. Taxi Service 282 460 610 Bus Station 282 762 944 Train Station 282 762 987 This month we would really like people to support the soup kitchen which will be providing a Taxi : Pedro Costa 917 617 675 Portuguese Christmas Eve dinner to people who are in need of some festive cheer. Lagos Cinema 282 799 138 Cultural Centre 282 770 450 Health Centre 282 780 000 The Tomorrow Christmas Ball is on December 9th and again, it is a sell-out. Thanks to Steven Luz Doc (Luz) 282 780 700 Sutton for putting so much effort into these events which we hold twice a year. Next year we Private Hospital 800 201 000 | 00351 282 790 700 Chiropractor (Lagos) 282 768 044 will have two summer balls – one for Lagos on June 17th and one for Portimão on July 15th Dental Clinic (Almadena) 918 366 646 as well as a Christmas ball. Lagos Vet 282 782 282 Funeral Services 282 769 827 Next month we will launching our ‘Just Jobs’ section on the website allowing employers and Mobility vehicles 964 230 225 all mobility aids 960 004 682 those searching for jobs to use the page free of any charges. Please let Tom know if you have

FARMACIA: Lacobrense Chemist (Lagos) Neves Chemist (Lagos) Ribeiro Lopes Chemist (Lagos) Tello Chemist (Lagos) Silva Chemist (Lagos) Odiaxere Chemist

282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

British France (Faro) German (Faro) Netherlands (Faro) Canada (Faro) Swedish (Faro) Irish

282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

any job vacancies or need to search out jobs in the area and we will post them up early to help get our new initiative off the ground. We hope you are viewing our great new website which was designed by Phil Harding and Rebeca Silva at Creation Media. It has lots of back copies and information useful to all of you in the west. Best wishes for a great December. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year. There's free parking in Lagos again this year from December 15th to 31st on all the town meters (ground parking not included). Tom, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team. 

NO JOB TOO SMALL: Portuguese Lessons €5p/h 912 417 994 Translations ENG/PORT 916 618 527 Alice (Survival Portuguese) 914 269 118 Gavin Cox (General Builder) 916 430 132 Tristan (Plumbing & More) 282 101 010 Helio (Electrician) 917 288 966 Luis (Locksmith) 964 605 215 Chimney & Window Cleaner 926 860 123 Russell (English Mechanic) 282 639 778 Ana (Sewing) 919 747 591 Steven (Computer MOT) 936 387 512 Pedro (Computers) 917 165 238 Xeli (Florist, Free Delivery) 282 768 129 Parcel Delivery to the UK 0044 208 123 1966 Graphic & Web Design 916 606 226

Tom  919 918 733 Amber 

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Community a keen proponent. Local singer and artist Sandie Croft remembers these times well. Between music acts at a restaurant in Praia da Luz, she also taught line dancing and Petra became her star pupil, learning quickly and always looking the part. Sandie recalls one memorable occasion: “For one of the dance displays in the courtyard of the restaurant we used straw bales and lots of flags. And to top it all, Petra and Heinz brought their horses. The audience loved it!” After 10 years running the business, another turning point came. Heinz headed for Brazil, the ranch was let to someone else and Petra was left to fend for herself. It was a traumatic period which has left some deep scars, she tells me. But there were always her horses.

Dancing with horses By Lena Strang

Horse Festival at Colegã

“Horses are special,” German born Petra Viol asserts in a tone that cannot be contradicted. Having spent her entire life working with horses, she must know a thing or two. Talking to her about her life’s passion but also being able to visit the annual horse show at Colegã last month and seeing the elegant Lusitano breed in action, opened a whole new world for me.

spending my summer holidays on a pony ranch and that was it – I was smitten,” she explains. “It doesn't run in my family as no one else does horse riding but I knew it was for me.” She put everything into it, gaining as much experience as she could. “I started teaching riding, I broke horses in and trained them, did side saddle, dressage and jumping, took part in competitions and undertook all the work around horses.”

I visit Petra in her house at Odiáxere where she has lived ever since arriving in the Algarve 22 years ago. She teaches at Vale do Ferro riding school in Mexhiloeira Grande as well as giving private lessons. Behind her slender, almost fragile looking appearance I sense an iron hard determination. Why this special relationship with horses? “My first experience was as a seven year old

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However, there seem to have been many turning points in her life. One of these was running a pony ranch for children, with her then boyfriend, Heinz, but difficulties arose and the ranch had to be sold. She followed him to the Algarve in due course where he had already established the 12-hectare Horse Shoe Ranch in Mexilhoeira Grande with 25 horses. Western style riding was introduced in the Algarve and Petra was

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At the 10-hectare Vale do Ferro Ranch where she now works part time, there is plenty to do. The seventeen Lusitano horses need cleaning and feeding, boxes have to be mucked out every day and other jobs need doing. But what Petra loves the most is training horses to respond to riders and teaching riding techniques. “Riding is similar to learning music or acquiring a language. You have to study riding in the same way to gain fluency,” she maintains. Her specialty is seat position. She explains to me that it is important to ride a horse in an ‘over the seat position’ and not over hands or reins. Weight and balance are all important. The horse will feel the rider’s sit bones and will respond accordingly. In competition riding there is more use of hands and legs, which she is not too keen on, adding: “My clients wouldn’t have the power in their hands to manage large Lusitano horses so it is important to learn these techniques.” She also trains horses to respond in this manner. Her face is

animated and she speaks with obvious conviction and passion. “If you give the horse the right information and touch the right buttons, it will respond to everything you say with your body. It’s magic. It’s dancing with horses,” she smiles.

Petra Viol

Petra also teaches and rides side saddle. There is more interest in Germany, Austria and the UK but she is happy to teach the technique in the Algarve too. It is not difficult, she assures me. You have to sit straight in the saddle, using a stick on the right side and respond with the leg on the left. I must admit there is something very elegant about riding a horse in this manner, dressed in appropriate attire, as I saw for myself at the Horse Festival at Colegã. What amazed me particularly at the Festival were the calm, composed, effortless movements of the Lusitanos, whether forward or diagonally, at the trot or canter. How is this possible? Petra explains that all the things you train a horse to do come naturally to them: “When we see horses playing in the fields this is what they do anyway. We just teach them to do the movements on command.” I slowly begin to see the whole picture. One of the horses closest to her heart resides in the stables just behind her apartment. As she tells me the story of Casanova, she becomes visibly emotional.

He is one of the three Lusitanos belonging to a neighbouring businessman, also keen on horses. In 2010 she broke the young stallion in and trained him for the next four years. She entered competitions at nearby Fataçil, doing well but had to give up because of health issues at the time. Taught by Petra, the owner took over and Casanova is now excelling at advanced level. “It’s my greatest achievement and I’m so proud of the horse and of the rider.” Later I have the privilege of meeting Casanova and his two companions, also trained by Petra, and see the interaction between her and the horses she loves so much. I was interested to know that the horses that Petra and Heinz used at the Horse Shoe Ranch in the past were bought at the local gypsy horse market in Odiáxere. “There was always a choice of horses. We could try them out and decide on the ones that were suitable for us.” She confirms that they were good ones and always procured from known horse traders. Although gypsies still use horses for transport, the once thriving market has died down with only a market in Portimão still active.

Petra and Casanova

We do hear some stories about horses that can be unpredictable and easily spooked on the road. Can riding be a dangerous occupation because of this? >> Continues on page 6

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Dancing with horses

>> Continued from page 5 riding a horse inebriated, the rider will be banned from driving a car too. The same distance should be adhered to between horse and car as with all motor vehicles. “People have forgotten what horses are, their history and their role in the past,” she asserts angrily.

Lena enjoying the Horse Festival

Petra has a well-considered response: “Horses have different characteristics, same as human beings. There are sensible ones, stubborn ones and those that can get easily frightened. Some should only be ridden indoors while others are suitable for outdoor riding.” However, the problem on the road is not the horse but the behaviour of some car drivers who don’t respect horses as road users. According to the law a horse is one horsepower and the same rules apply. For instance, if anyone is

When I ask the question whether she thinks riding is for everyone, I already know the answer. Yes, she says without hesitation. “Anyone can start riding at any age. I would encourage people to take up horse riding as it teaches you a lot about your own body and balance.” She feels it works particularly well with young people as shy children can gain confidence and can learn about actions and consequences, both to others and to themselves. She believes hippo therapy can be highly effective for people with disabilities. She is very pleased with one of her elderly

clients who started lessons three years ago and is doing very well. When I later meet up with Ron Thomson, he confirms that Petra is an excellent teacher. He said she explains exactly what’s required and encourages constant practice. Having already passed his level 2 exams, he is raring for more: “It’s never too late to learn!” he pronounces with enthusiasm. Having experienced the tremendous atmosphere at the Colegã Festival, in the town considered to be the undisputed horse capital of Portugal, I begin to appreciate Petra’s passion for these magnificent animals. She has had ups and downs in her life but horses have always been a constant. As we part, she remarks in a wistful tone: “Horses make you a stronger person and help you make the best of life. Thanks to them the show must always go on.” I understand now what she means. 

The Lusitano numbers have grown steadily • Long flowing manes, compact powerful bodies and proud heads with agile and elevated gait. • In 1966 Spanish and Portuguese stud books split and Portuguese strain named Lusitano after Lusitania , the ancient Roman name for Portugal. • Portguese breed also known as the Pure Blood Lusitano (Puro Sangue Lusitano) related to the Spanish Andalusian horse

• Noted for their intelligence and willing nature

• Breed has been strengthened and

• The aftermath of the 1974 revolution

threatened the existence of the breed with loss of stud farms; best lines were saved through effort of breeders • Originally bred for war, dressage and bullfighting. • Present on Iberian peninsula since 20.000 BC and admired by ancient Greeks and Romans for their ability to start, stop, gallop and turn more quickly than others. • Successful in Olympics and World Equestrian events

Wreath-making workshop On December 3rd a wreath workshop is taking place at Lar Gallery, in Lagos. It’s being held organised by LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas) and Flor Unikon, a Scandinavian-style floral design company. The workshop will be with the Finnish florist Pasi Jokinen-Carter from Flor Unikon Flowers at 3-5pm and 6-8pm. The fee is 20€ per session and anyone from the age of five is welcome (children must be supervised by an adult). This event promises to be a fun hands-on approach to an ancient craft and a chance

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to work with natural materials to create something elegant for your home. Pasi will initially teach the traditional weaving technique, not often taught these days, to create the fresh and natural green structure of the wreath and then will demonstrate how to decorate it using berries, pinecones, cinnamon etc. You can take your wreath home to hang on your door – it will both look and smell fantastic. Flor Unikon has been trading for over 35 years across Europe and is currently based in the design district of Clerkenwell, London and here in the Algarve.

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One of its most infamous creations has been a luxury Christmas wreath that was valued at £2.5 million. It was created with quality natural materials, including Heleborus and was studded with rubies, sapphires and diamonds. So, if you are looking for something creative to do for the coming advent season, we can't promise you rubies and diamonds, but you will create something beautiful. For booking and more information:    

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Help the hungry this Christmas By Geoff Ives – serving the community of Lagos – therefore, is preparing to provide for the most vulnerable people in our community; the homeless, the needy and the lonely, a Christmas event that reflects the moments of cheer, caring and love which most of us will hopefully experience within our own families at this time.

As we approach Christmas, no doubt many of you are making arrangements to get together with families and friends for the coming festive celebrations. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with loved ones young and old. But for many it can be a time of great difficulty. A time, when many of us are enjoying each other’s company and generosity, just goes to accentuate the fact that they have nobody and nothing to share this occasion with. ‘The Mustard Seed’ (the Soup Kitchen)

So, for the first time, on the evening of December 24th, the International Community Church, who will be hosting the event, will provide a traditional Portuguese Christmas Eve Dinner within a loving environment and a real family experience. As we are expecting up to 150 people to attend, we really cannot do it without your help to make this event a success. Can you support us by donating the following: • Food donations – (e.g. cod fish, eggs, soft drinks, etc.)

• Cash donations. • Advertising of this event. So we can reach the most vulnerable in Lagos. We know from experience that the kindness and generosity expressed by the people and organisations in the Algarve will continue to support such causes whatever way they can and for this we are truly grateful. So if you are able to help in any way please contact: Daniel  +351 915 808 490 (Portuguese) Elisabete  +351 932 787 764 (Portuguese & English) Clive  +351 918 754 416 (English) Thank you so much for all your support to The Mustard Seed this year. We really could not have done it without your help and may we take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. 

10 minutes with… Colin MacBean By Stephanie Wood

Along with his dog, Roly, Carvoeiro man Colin, recently walked 160 kilometres from Vila Real on the Spanish border to Carrapateira in Aljezur to raise money for the local bombeiros. We caught up with him after his mammoth charity effort, which has so far raised 1500 euros - and counting… What gave you the initial idea to do the walk? When I first moved here I would walk the dog from my home in Vale de Centianes to Armação de Pêra and back. I thought to myself, ‘one day I’m going to walk the length of the Algarve’. Then I mentioned the idea to a few people earlier this year and they said, ‘do it!’ What was the best thing about doing the walk? The people have been so great, and I’d like

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to say a massive thanks for all the support. I was in a little bar in Tavira where the owner asked if I’d eaten. When I said no, he went home, picked up a bowl of his wife’s homemade soup and served it to me at the bar with a big French stick. Things like that really make you believe in humankind.

Easyjet! No, I wanted to live abroad and try something different. My wife and I had been here on holiday a few times, and the most recent time we stayed in a villa in Vale de Centianes. That was the eureka moment; I was back within six weeks of flying home.

Why did you choose the bombeiros as your charity?

What do you do here?

It’s been a tough year for them. A lot of people were helping out after the fires. I had friends who went out and bought socks, water and things, so I thought I’d do my bit. Which leg of the walk did you most enjoy? Caneiros to Alvor, because it was the shortest! Lagos to Budens was nice, too. From Meia Praia I passed the fire station and then headed down to Porto de Mós. Then there’s that lovely walk to Praia da Luz over the clifftops. Ah! I loved it. How can Tomorrow readers donate? Now that I’ve collected in all the cans, the best thing to do is leave donations behind the bar for me at Harry’s Bar, Hemingways or Carvoeiro Bar. You’ve lived here 12 years -what brought you to Carvoeiro originally?

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I was a central heating engineer at home in Manchester, but there’s not much call for that here. I’ve done two installs in 12 years! So now I mainly do plumbing, tiling, painting and decorating, and the like. What do you do when you’re not walking or working? I play darts in winter at Harry’s Bar - my team won the league last year. I also do a bit of stand-up comedy. There was an open mic night last year at what used to be Rascals. About 15 to 20 people entered, and I won! My favourite joke? A dyslexic walks into a bra… What do you love about living in the Algarve? I love Portuguese food. My favourite dish is feijoada; the one at Escondidinho at Quinta do Paraíso is fantastic. I also love bacalhau com grão. Lovely! 

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A day in the life of a trainee ballerina Dança Contemporâneo de Setúbal. It came as a scary surprise to me. We have no family in Lisbon, but luckily this was the first year that the EDCN had an agreement with a student residence in Lisbon, administered by nuns, that admitted students under 16 years. There are 12 spaces for girls on one floor and 12 for boys on another. In the first year we were just four girls and two boys but now we have nine girls and eight boys (13-18) of nine nationalities. I am the youngest. Living away from home at the age of 11 was difficult in the beginning, but I love Lisbon now and have many friends.

Francisca Ellison, aged 13, is the youngest of four girls in a family of English-Irish descent. She was born in Portugal a year after the family moved from England. She attended primary school in Odiáxere and then the Escola das Naus in Lagos before moving on the dance school in Lisbon.

EDCN is in the Bairro Alto next to the Conservatory of Music. It has approximately 210 professional dance students in year groups of about 25 who attend normal school classes until year 9 and then a specialist arts curriculum for the last three years. This is okay for me as I have always attended Portuguese schools. Most pupils are Portuguese but there are Ukrainian, French, Italian, Taiwanese, Japanese and Brazilian students too.

She was joined in Lisbon recently by her sister Chantal, who is studying bassoon at the music school of the Conservatório Nacional. Here she tells Tomorrow what it’s like to train as a ballerina in a capital city away from her parents. “I started to dance when I was 5-yearsold at the Escola de Dança de Lagos, and then stopped to try gymnastics. I returned to the dance school just in time to join another more advanced group in a national dance from the Caucus called Lesginka that went on to win a trophy and gold medals for us at the Dance World Cup in Villach Austria in 2012. We loved performing Lesginka and winning world championship gold medals at the age of eight and nine changed our lives. It made us believe that anything is possible if you work hard. Most of us are still dancing together and some of us have gone further. In the summer of 2014, I auditioned for the Escola de Dança de Conservatório Nacional (EDCN) Lisbon and was admitted. One of my friends, Inês Costa, got into another professional school, Academia de

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The dance lessons are set into the day between the academic classes. Every term we have evaluations in dance technique and a public exam in the summer term. The base of the classical curriculum is Vaganova, like my old school in Lagos. We don’t do as many shows or competitions as Lagos, which I miss, just four shows in the summer, the Nutcracker in alternate years and some small performances in the school. On a typical day, I will get up at 6.15am, dress into uniform dancewear and put my hair in a bun. I need to pack my snacks to eat between classes, my books and ballet material, have breakfast and be ready to catch the metro by 7.10am to the Baixo-

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Chiado, then walk to the school. Classes start at 8.15am and we have to warm-up if dance class is first. This year I start with an academic lesson then my dance classes are in the middle of the day. We have 16 hours per week of ballet, contemporary, repertory, national, character and physical preparation but when we have show rehearsals there might be another two or three hours per day. The year classes are divided into a group for the boys about eight to nine per year and two groups of girls and then we have 12-13 per academic lessons as the boys are split and shared with each girls’ class. These small classes mean we get a lot of attention but it is very competitive – in a good way though and we are all friends trying to drive each other on. Yes, we do work on points from the second year. Did it hurt me? No. These days we have much better toe protection. Do I feel tired? Not enough. I love to dance but EDCN is governed by the Ministry of Education rules so the hours are set. My friends in Lagos dance just as much and sometimes more than me. Generally my day finishes at 5.30pm but more senior years start later and carry on until 8pm. So I get back to the Residence around 6.30pm, passing by the supermarket for supplies. I study, wash my ballet kit and other clothes, shower and then we all have dinner, including the university residents at 8pm. On school nights we try to get to bed about 10.30pm but mostly we are too excited and talking. We are always looking at films and talking dance. At weekends we try to meet up, usually in the Baixa or go to the cinema, Gulbenkian gardens or museums. There is always something to do in Lisbon. Because of dancing I now have friends in schools across Portugal and beyond. We keep in touch via the internet and meet at competitions and workshops.” 

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Farewell to a man with a heart of gold By Lena Strang

A fun loving, gregarious and affable person with a heart of gold. That’s how friends and family described local Praia da Luz resident William Chadboum, better known as ‘Chaddy’ who passed away in November, aged 74. After a service at Praia da Luz church, a reception was held at Bar Carib in the village, one of Chad’s favourite haunts. It was a convivial occasion in the brilliant November sun – just the way Chaddy would have wanted, one of the guests remarked. Long standing friend, Chris Drummer summed Chaddy up as a ‘massive character’ who loved the good life - which to him included smoking (despite doctor’s orders) a regular tipple, golf, socializing with his friends and singing karaoke. Having retired from his scaffolding business in the UK, Chaddy had visited Portugal many times and finally settled in Praia da Luz in 2001. He became involved in local affairs from the word go and loved raising money for charity. NECI, the local centre for young people with learning and physical disabilities, particularly touched his heart, Eduarda Santos, cofounder and ex-director

of NECI, wanted to pay her respects to Chaddy “a man with a great heart who over the years helped the charity enormously.” She especially remembers him dressing up as Father Christmas, having previously ascertained exactly what the children wanted as presents. He managed to get all his friends to buy the items, which he subsequently handed out to the delighted children on Christmas Day. Eduarda would like him to be remembered for his kindheartedness and generosity. As a keen golf player he also wanted to raise funds for the bombeiros. A one-day golf tournament at Espiche raised €4800 which helped to purchase much needed equipment and uniforms. It was also the bombeiros who later took him to hospital and back when his leg had to be amputated. This however, didn't slow him down and he could be seen whizzing around town on his disabled scooter. The people who helped him in the house became personal friends and always went the extra mile for him.

Kammerkoret and Bombeiros Ambulance fund donations... The choir would like to thank everyone who came to watch their joint performance with Kammerkoret from Norway on Friday November 11th at Luz church. Both choirs had a truly wonderful evening, which was the culminating performance for Kammerkoret before they headed back to Norway, and it was made all the more special by our enthusiastic audience! We also would like to thank the Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz for their generosity in allowing us to use their special venue for our performance. All donations from the event were in aid of the Ambulance for the Bombeiros fund (run by Pat Allen) and 745 euros were raised for the cause that evening which the choir presented to Pat on Tuesday November 15th. 

Daughter, Emma Bishop and son, Shawn Chadboum who had flown over from the UK to attend the funeral, confirmed that their father was a larger than life character – stubborn at times but always provided well for his children. The family will donate Chaddy’s wheelchair and walking aids to NECI; a final gesture that would meet with his approval. 

Ambulance appeal By Pat Allen This is the final month of the appeal to help buy a much-needed ambulance for the Lagos Bombeiros. For those of you collecting a euro for each day that you have a glass (or two) of vinho, then you have the Christmas season to boost your contributions - and if you can persuade your guests and fellow revellers to put in €1 each as well, then more monies will be raised. The funds were boosted in November by a collection at a concert given by the Western Algarve Community Choir and a visiting Norwegian choir. It was a very entertaining night and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely as was proved by the generosity of the donations.

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A fantastic amount has been raised by Graham Vince and members of Boavista Golf through various charity events too and their contributions throughout the year now top €7000. The fund is still short of the amount needed so it is to be hoped that Lagos Câmara will also make a generous donation for this vital piece of equipment that will benefit the whole community. I will be gathering in the 'Tip a Tipple' bottles and the 'small change jars' in January Friday 13th from about 10.15am at Boa Vista Golf Club or from 7pm on Friday 20th at Quay Lagos on the marina. But until then, please keep giving generously.

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If you need to hand your money over before you go away then the details Credito Agricola Bank are: Caixa: 7210 CCAM Algarve C.R.L BIC/SWIFT is CCCMPTPL IBAN is PT50 0045 7191 4018 8770 5586 1 (NIB is that same as Iban less the PT50) or we can arrange to meet somewhere. You can contact me via:   +351 282 697 548. I wish you all a peaceful Christmas season and hope that none of you have a need for the Bombeiros during this time but if you do, I know they will be there for you so please be there for them. 

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open daily* from 11am * We will be closing during the festive season as follows:

December 24th and 25th and all January 2017

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

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A family business fuelled by hard work By Sophie Sadler

When 81-year-old Manuel Afonso took over running the BP petrol stations (then Mobil) more than four decades ago he sold 1000 litres a day, now on average he sells 20,000. Back in 1973 the majority of vehicles pulling in to fill up were tractors and agricultural vehicles - donkeys and carts would still have been a common sight on the roads. It’s quite a different story now as more and more cars pass through his petrol station. A trend which was accelerated when the A22 came to Lagos in 2003. The petrol station, then Mobil, was opened 47 years ago and owned by a Sr. Hiloi who was the President of the Lagos Câmar a

at the time. At about the same time Manuel Afonso, who was originally from Braga was working in Beja and was employed by Mobil, refuelling planes. He planned to leave the job but when he tendered his resignation, Mobil instead offered him the position in Lagos to replace Sr Hiloi. As a result, he moved to the Algarve and has grown the business for the last 43 years.

always take jerry cans on a journey - the car used 14 litres of petrol per 100km (20 mpg) and in a country where petrol stations were still scarce, the chances of running out of fuel at least once on the journey to his home in the north were high. In those days, diesel cost 2 escudos per litre which is around 1 cent now and petrol was 8 escudos or 4 cents. He recalls that the quality of the roads meant that you would struggle to be able to accelerate over 100kms per hour.

Originally managing the station as a franchise, he bought the business 11 years ago and it is now a family enterprise, with himself and his wife still working on the 5000m2 site. His charming daughter Fatima helps with the Lagos business while his son José Manuel runs the other two family petrol stations in Portimão and Porches.

Financial trends and increased competition have affected the business, at the financial peak he was selling around 8 million litres per year but since the crisis of 2008 it is now more like 4.5 millions. However, in 43 years the business has grown from three staff to ten and the road once accommodating a single lane has increased in size and traffic. The franchise changed to BP 18 years ago when Mobil sold out in Portugal.

He remembers that in the 1970s the main car brands on the road were Toyota, VW and Daihatsu. Technology has developed a lot since then, reminiscing, he tells me that he owned a VW - 2 turbo and would

I would rate Manuel as one of Lagos's first entrepreneurs and today he is reaping the rewards of many years of hard work by being able to provide a secure business for his family. 

Teaming up for success gain promotion to the 1st Divison. Having played 12 games, home and away, Boavista has travelled as far as the Spanish border to play against teams Quinta do Vale and then as close as Morgado, Silves, Vilamoura, Quinta do Lago and Pinheiros Altos. A hard fought season with a number of big home wins helped the 10-member team to win by seven points at the end of the season. After many years Boavista Interclub Golf Team has managed to win the Division 2 and

proud of the team and would like to thank team sponsors Casas do Barlavento for the shirts, Multi-rental for a mini bus for all away games, Pashmina Restaurant in Luz and Intermarché in Lagos for the money that was used to help with costs to the team throughout the season. “We now look forward to playing a number of different teams in Division 1 and hopefully winning that league next year.” 

Team Captain Paul Cotterell said: “I’m so

Dialect Corner (No. 6) Pauline is now a resident of our area but was ‘made’ in Devon (or should that be: is a Devon maid). She recalls these words used when she was a child in Exeter: “Wer goin tats - this was great excitement – we were going somewhere nice. Yer t’is. - Here it is, - often found as a sign on a toilet door. I love this word - Dimpsy - it means the

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light just before sunset.

My family say chuggy pigs for woodlice.

Spring onions were called chipples.

Yum, – oggies – pasties (Cornwall or Devon they were delicious), teddy oggies - potato pasties (the vegetarian option!)” 

Grockles – I’m afraid this was a derogatory name for tourists who brought a much needed income into a poor area. Smeech, to describe the haze you get in the kitchen when you've burnt sausages or toast. In the days of coal fires if the wind was in the wrong direction you got smeechy.

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Our thanks to Pauline, and, remember, if you’ve got some examples of dialect you think your fellow readers would find interesting or amusing email: 

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Stir Crazy By David Foot of Lagos on sites preagreed with the Câmara and the owners of the walls. We will feature these in coming issues of Tomorrow. First off, here is a creation on 3 walls of the old jail's exercise yard. It is by M-City (Mariusz Waras from Poland). It depicts workers fleeing from burning offshore oilrigs, with a reference to local virgin olive oil - highly topical in light of plans to drill for oil off the Algarve.

Once again street artists from different parts of Europe hit Lagos this year. Laboratório de Actividades Criativas (LAC), an organisation part financed by the government and sponsored by EDP, invited five well-known street artists from Norway, Poland, Holland and two from Porto for this year's series of events. LAC is based in Lagos' old town jail, right next door to the GNR, in Largo Convento Sra da Glória. The first task of the visiting artists is to redecorate the inside of the jail for viewing by the public and some of their creations are featured in this issue. Once the jail has been transformed it is time for the three international visitors to create murals around the streets

You can view much more of his art at  We will feature a large piece of Lagos street art by Dutch artist Daan Botlek in a future issue, but here is a small example that he produced inside the jail.

Third, a street artist from Porto ( thirdrua), produced the robot which appeared partly completed in our last issue. Although the exhibition in the jail is officially now over, LAC always welcomes people to go inside, to visit the space, meet resident artists, see their works and chat with them about their projects. There is no need for prior arrangement. The other Porto artist, Mots (real name Diogo Ruas) painted all 4 walls and the ceiling of one of the rooms at the jail here is a detail from his painting which is perhaps redolent of M C Escher.

In our next issue we will show how M-City created the large piece of art covering the electricity tower that you can see from the roundabout as you leave Lagos heading in the direction of Sagres.  

Lagos Saturday market By Lena Strang local produce for the week, especially now that Christmas is approaching. It is a feast for the eye with colourful vegetables, fruits of all kinds, fresh eggs, herbs, local honey and a myriad of other produce. There is also the chance to stock up on a live chicken or or two!

Lagos Saturday market (by the main bus station) is the place to stock up on fresh

The market is locally known as Reforma Agrária, established after the revolution of April 25th, 1974 to enable smallholders to sell their produce. Many of the stallholders

have sold their home grown produce there ever since. For anyone who wants to support local farming and be ensured that the produce is fresh - usually picked that very same morning - it is the place to spend your money. It is open every Saturday from 8.00 to 1pm. 

The Luz Bay Owners Association The LBOA is a social and charitable organisation which has been in existence for over 30 years and is open for membership to owners and past owners of property in Luz. The autumn drinks party held on October 16th was a success with many friends and acquaintances catching

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up and introducing several potential new members. The next drinks party will be at the Luz Bay Hotel, Praia da Luz, on February 12th 2017 at 6pm and for anyone who would like to join us please contact Sally Maltby.

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The 2017 AGM is to be held at the Luz Bay hotel on April 3rd at 11am and if members/ potential members would like to attend please contact or send suggested topics to Sally Maltby at:  To become a member please email Sally.

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Palácio de Queluz: Portugal’s Versailles? By Ray Gillman he masterminded and implemented the rebuilding of swathes of the capital and other parts of the country in the aftermath of the 1755 earthquake. Younger brother Pedro eventually married his niece: King José’s daughter, Maria. She duly ascended to the throne on José's death in 1777. Maria I then reigned jointly with her Having tried to illustrate the elegance of the palace’s ballroom, Ray goes on to husband as King Consort depict the exterior and garden to complete the panel. - Pedro III. They promptly Queluz Palace is often referred to as dismissed Pombal. ‘Portugal’s Versailles’ but comparisons with the much larger palace built by France’s The madness of Queen Maria (and ‘Sun King’ in the previous century are Carlota?)... misleading. Queen Maria lost two children in infancy The architecture of Queluz is emblematic and this seemed to unbalance her mind. of the extravagances of the Portuguese She ‘descended into madness’ after Pedro monarchy in the 18th century - funded by III died in 1786. gold from Brazil - but its style is fanciful - sometimes described as looking like From 1792 her son, João (VI), acted as a ‘very expensive birthday cake’. This regent. Queluz Palace was by now the Rococo frivolity contrasts with the Baroque official residence of the royal family and architecture of Versailles - designed to have Maria was discreetly incarcerated there, an aura of ‘majesty’ and built to exhibit in while Prince Regent João attended stone ‘all the glories of France’. to affairs of state and his wife, Carlota Joaquina - a Spanish princess - brought up Today, the beautiful palace’s setting seems their children, Pedro and Miguel. incongruous. When it was built, Queluz was An insight into eccentric aspects of royal a village set in rolling parklands, used for life at the palace is provided by wealthy hunting, five kilometres from Lisbon. Now English writer and aesthete William Beckford it is an unprepossessing dormitory suburb (famous for his tenancy of Monserrate of the city only a 10-minute train ride from palace in Sintra, where he designed the Rossio Station on the line to Sintra. gardens). He visited Queluz at the end of the 18th century with one of his friends - a It’s that man (Pombal) again... young marquis from a noble family. Building started in 1747, near the end of They came across the regent’s wife ‘seated João V’s reign (1706-1750) on the orders in oriental fashion on a rich velvet carpet of his second son Dom Pedro of Bragança. spread on the grass...surrounded by 30 or He designed it as a summer retreat (it still 40 young women, every one far superior has no chimneys!). in loveliness of feature to their august mistress’. The future queen challenged the When João V died, Pedro’s weak older two visitors to race with two of the girls. brother, José, succeeded to the throne Beckford won, prompting Carlota to ‘see but the effective governor of the country whether he can dance a bolero’ - which became José I’s confidant and mentor: the the Englishman successfully executed ‘in a Marquis of Pombal. delirium of romantic delight’. Pombal encouraged the royal family to Carlota was ‘fantastically ugly and while their days away in the country and extremely short’ (4ft 6in/137cm), constantly leave affairs of state to him. This ruthless, sniping at her husband and plotting to domineering character proved his mettle, advance the cause of her favourite younger of course, and earned the gratitude son, Miguel (elder son, another Pedro, was and respect of the Portuguese, when

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of course the heir apparent). At Queluz she entwined her dirty hair with pearls and diamonds and wore an old green cloth coat embellished with gold lace. Outdoors she sported a man’s cocked hat. She converted one of the palace’s salons into a ‘cocoon-house’ hung with silk worms. (And they said her poor mother-inlaw was mad!) Goings and comings in Brazil... The whole family was whisked away to Brazil after the Napoleonic invasion in 1807. As has been described in earlier articles, elder son Pedro was proclaimed ‘Emperor of Brazil’ and stayed there when Dom João, Carlota and Miguel returned, rather reluctantly, to Portugal after an army uprising against the crown in Oporto had been put down. Although Dom João had signed a new constitution acknowledging the concerns of the ‘reformers’, and heir Pedro, in Brazil, was also sympathetic, Carlota and Miguel were apoplectic. After João died, in 1826, they mobilised sympathisers among the nobles and landowners, tore up the constitution, ‘disowned’ Pedro, and proclaimed Miguel himself ‘King with Absolute Powers’. The country was convulsed with many liberals fleeing for their lives. This ‘counter-revolution’ drove Pedro to return to Portugal to wage war on his brother and mother in the ‘Liberal Wars’ of 1830-34, after which ‘King’ Miguel was forced to abdicate and banished to Austria. King Pedro IV died within a few months, in a diphtheria epidemic, at only 35 years of age. Queluz had fallen out of favour and when Pedro’s young daughter, Queen Maria II, married Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-CoburgGotha, they embarked upon building a new palace: Palácio de Pena. 

Queluz Palace - the pedimented façade facing the courtyard and garden.

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Debut novel based on real life drama Cypriot business man dealing in hair cosmetics and beauty products.

Algarve-resident Eleanor Michael, who is better known by her married name Elly Clayman, released her first novel this year. 'Two Months in Summer' is set in the Mediterranean Island of Cyprus and brings together a fictional story around the historic and political events that took place in 1974. Events that Elly and her husband witnessed firsthand. Here Elly tells Tomorrow how she accidently discovered the HQ of a terrorist group plotting to assassinate the president. “I was born at the beginning of WW2 in inner suburbs of London NW2 to an Austrian mother and a Greek Cypriot father. During the air raids over London we squeezed into in the cupboard under the stairs till the all clear sounded but after the house across the road was bombed we evacuated to Bridgwater in Somerset with my newly born sister. A couple childless took us in. She fell in love with our dark eyes and glossy dark hair so we were spoilt. My ‘uncle’, the local milkman, travelled around the area with his horse and cart carrying the milk in big churns. My ‘aunt’ fed us on the clotted cream made from the surplus milk, we were healthy and chubby during the war. After the war we returned to London and moved to our new house in Neasden. I attended the local school until I passed my scholarship and moved on to a famous girls’ grammar school in Kilburn. After passing My GCE exams I went to the London Polytechnic in Regent Street to study architecture but I was useless at maths so gave up. I was, however, artistic and later became an interior designer in hotels. In the meantime I went into hairdressing as a colourist and manicurist. In 1967 I moved to our holiday home in Cyprus and eventually married a Greek

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In the 10 years I lived there I accidently discovered the HQ of a terrorist group plotting to assassinate the president. My novel 'Two Months in Summer', a fictional story is based around this experience and the dreadful destruction of the island by the Invading Turkish Army that occurred as a consequence of my discovery. We escaped back to our home in the capital Nicosia when the invasion force arrived in huge battle ships at the beaches in front of our summer house by the sea on the north coast. We huddled terrified in our home near the centre of the city as the fighting escalated around us. Eventually the UN arranged an air evacuation of all foreign passport holders back to their home countries. As my husband had a Cypriot passport we escaped up to the mountains along with many of the Cypriot populate fleeing from the fighting. We stayed there for the duration of the hostilities, our ears glued to the radio for the latest information on the fighting, experiencing a feeling of utter frustration and helplessness as the course of our lives was now entirely in the hands of the invading army and the international heads of state constantly talking in Geneva but resolving little. There was nothing we as individuals could do apart from keep breathing. We were shattered when we realised that our summer house was now in enemy territory and we had no idea if our home in the centre of the city or our brand new business premises near the air port were still standing. Whenever I see refugees fleeing and cities being bombed, my heart goes out to the people as I know exactly what they are going through. Some years later after my husband died I returned to England and eventually remarried but when my husband’s hotel group was taken over we moved to our holiday home in Portugal in the early 80s

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outside the picturesque fishing village of Carvoeiro. I became friendly with a successful authoress who came to talk to the ladies lunch group, I and a friend had just started in the early 90s. Over lunch I mentioned my experiences in Cyprus to her. She said I had a great story and I should write a fictional novel around those incidents. Nothing was further from my mind but eventually the seed took root and with her help and suggestions I started writing my first novel 'Two Months in Summer'. But it was a long and lonely process and I often set the writing aside for months as daily living and new interests got in the way. Then about five years ago I got back on track. I realised that as I’d got so far, it would have been crazy not to finish. Trying to find an interested publisher was a big frustration. Eventually I decided to get my novel printed digitally and then at the end of June my novel was listed on the Amazon book page and since then it has sold steadily and I have receives some great reviews. Many people have asked did it really happen. My answer is YES but not exactly the way I have written it. Now I have got the writing bug so my mind is churning over the sequel novel to tidy up all the loose ends and bring my story up to date. My words of wisdom to any budding writer are: Keep going, don’t let anything or anybody discourage you. If, at this late stage of my life, I can become a published author with a novel that is selling successfully, one day it could happen to you too.” 

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Diplomatic Ramblings By Doug McAdam During our time in Nigeria crime of one sort or another was ever present. Cyber crime is now all too familiar. But Nigeria initially became infamous for this when scam letters (known as ‘419 letters’ after the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code which addresses this) used to arrive worldwide offering untold riches if recipients would merely give details of their bank accounts to unlock the deadlocked bank account!). Fortunately most people straight through them. But others could not resist the temptation. One such person turned up at our Consular office completely traumatised. Rather than give his bank details he arrived at Lagos airport with £10,000 in cash – all it would allegedly require to unlock the supposed blocked riches. He was met by two apparently very nice guys who drove him to an isolated farmhouse where he was relieved of the money, locked in a bedroom and threatened with death if he tried to break out. He stayed there in terror for a couple of days, eventually daring to break down the door to find the house empty! Having found his way to our office and arranged finance for his repatriation he had to be accompanied to the airport that evening as he was too petrified to venture out alone! Economic migration is currently very topical but scarcely novel. We collaborated

very closely with friendly diplomatic missions and airlines to combat the latest wheezes used locally to gain illegal access to the UK and North America. If an airline carries a passenger without proper documents not only do they have to return the passenger to their country of origin, but also face a hefty fine under the Carriers Liability Act. No sooner were new passports or visas issued than the forgers would be busy trying to produce convincing copies. Alternatively they would alter a lost or stolen passport. On two occasions tampered British passports were passed to me by the Consulate where Nigerians had tried to obtain visas for North America with them. Amusingly both of the original passport owners were friends of mine and I was able to summon them separately to my office to show them how their lost passports had been put to good use with new photographs substituted. The frightening part was that one of the passports was the new type which we had hoped were tamper-proof!! The extent of corruption in Nigeria is well documented and we constantly had to ensure that our visa issuing processes in particular were squeaky clean with a number of built-in safeguards. I met one regional chief at a couple of social events only for these encounters to be followed firstly by the ‘gift’ from him of a beautiful Benin head sculpture, and then a large

Concert boosts Lions coffers The performance by the Norwegian Chamber Choir, who were on tour in the Algarve, was a huge success, raising about 1500 euros for the Lagos Lions.

Lions aims to serve 200 million people a year by 2021. More members means we can provide more service to those who need us most. Each member serves 70 people on average.

The choir performed a selection of Scandinavian and international songs to an audience of more than 90 guests at Clube Artistico Lacobrigence in Lagos, among them the Norwegian Consul in the Algarve, Dr. Francisco Weinholtz. The Lions Club in Lagos is gradually growing in numbers with well-motivated members ready to use their skills and enthusiasm to serve the community.

Thank you all for helping us grow so we can serve even more people. Let's keep climbing new mountains together! 

Internationally the Lions surpassed the 1.4 million member mark at the end of October, the largest the organisation has ever been, thanks to members from all over the world believing in its objectives. The

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To keep this momentum going and to help reach our service goals, every member is encouraged to think about someone they know who shares our desire to help people and then invite them to join us.

For more information welcome to contact the membership secretary, Theo de Jager  

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bottle of expensive cognac. These were inevitably followed by a request for a meeting at my office on a ‘routine matter’. Needless to say the visa matter he raised was far from routine and he left my office not only with his two ‘gifts’, but also with a flea in his ear. This was a fairly harmless, but sadly routine, example of the acceptable way of doing business in that country. Travel in Nigeria was always an adventure. By road you never knew what challenge was likely to be round the next bend. But given the size of the country air travel was usually a must and this was certainly never boring. Up-to-date information about delayed flights was almost non-existent and flights were routinely over booked with free seating. Boarding inevitably became a free-for-all and sharp elbows a must. There was one story in a British newspaper - possibly, but not necessarily, apocryphal that one pilot, infuriated with the unseemly scrum to board his aircraft, had insisted that the passengers should race three times on the apron round his plane and board in the order at the end of the race! We had been asked to extend our stay in Nigeria and after more than four years there were ready to leave - bound for London postings after eight years overseas.  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office

Charity dinner for new van Tickets are on sale for a charity event to raise money for Castelo de Sonhos which is based in Silves. The charity which supports the underprivilged is in desperate need of a replacement van in order to carry out its worthwhile voluntary duties. There will be a charity dinner with live music by Emma Louise and other guests at the Ponte Romana Restaurant in Silves on December 9th at 7.30pm. There will be a raffle and organisers promise some other ‘surprises’.  Tickets cost 20 euros per person and are available by calling:  282 441 654  968 774 904

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Community - West Coast

Green Waste Residents of Vale da Telha on the Algarve’s west coast are demanding that the Aljezur Câmara tackle a growing problem that has seen the proliferation of green waste throughout the area.

“This is an ongoing project, and will no doubt take time to find a suitable solution to this problem.

Local community association Amovate says the waste is not just an eyesore but is also a potential health hazard. Amovate’s President John Bergstrom-Potter also cites an instance where one mound of green waste caught fire, apparently by spontaneous combustion, posing another hazard to the community. Amovate has publicised the problem on its website, and by writing to its members urging them to send e-mails to the Câmara, demanding that they do something to alleviate the situation. They said: “As you may or may not be aware, members of the Amovate Committee have recently been in conversation regarding the mounting problems of green waste in Vale da Telha, not to mention other household and builders’ waste.

“In the meantime, it appears that during at least the last two months, the Câmara have failed to collect the green waste left at the bin sites, which has caused not only an eyesore, but a potential health hazard at these sites, and now at empty plots around the area. “We urge you therefore to write to the Câmara individually by email in an effort to get something done about this problem. Perhaps the more people that complain, the more chance there is of a solution. “We have attached an example email in Portuguese (together with the English translation) which you may copy and send if you wish. We understand that emails have to be sent in Portuguese”. Email in Portuguese: “Estamos cientes de que você estão em discussões com Amovate sobre os problemas em Vale da Telha com resíduos verdes e outros detritos e estão esperando para chegar a uma solução a longo prazo.

“Entretanto, os resíduos verdes continuam a acumular e os residentes, empreiteiros etc. continuam para despejar resíduos verdes em bandejas e sobre parcelas vagos. Isso é uma vergonha para a área e um perigo para a saúde, e solicitamos que você retomar a recolha dos resíduos verdes até que outra solução está no lugar.” Email in English: “We are aware that you are in discussions with Amovate about the problems in Vale da Telha with Green Waste and other rubbish, and are hoping to come up with a long term solution. “However, in the meantime, the Green Waste is continuing to build up as residents, contractors etc. are continuing to dump green waste at the bins, and on vacant plots. This is a disgrace to the area and a health hazard, and we request that you resume collection of the green waste until another solution is in place”. Amovate says emails should be sent to:  and should include the sender’s full name, address, and fiscal number. 

December events on The West Coast Christmas is coming, and the west coast community of Vale da Telha is preparing to join in the fun. Local residents’ association Amovate has announced its annual Christmas Dinner at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale on Saturday 10th December, starting at 7pm. And the Portuguese branch of the Royal British legion, which last year signed up several new members after expanding onto the west coast, is having a Christmas lunch at the same restaurant on the Pines Roundabout. This will take place on Monday December 5th at 1pm for 1.30pm. Amovate says numbers for its dinner are limited to just 80 people to ensure everyone is seated comfortably. The cost of the tickets is €18 for Amovate members and €20 for non-members. And, just like every other day, there is a 10% discount on drinks at the Fonte for members of Amovate on production of their membership card. The menu is shown

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below, with options for each course. Throughout the evening the entertainment will be provided by the beautiful and very talented singer, Ilza Van Zenten, who wowed the guests when she starred at Amovate’s 2013 Christmas dinner. You can reserve your tickets by contacting Amovate Committee Members, Dave Ogborn, Steve Scott, Ian Bedford & Steve Baker or emailing  The Christmas Party menu is as follows: On arrival: A welcome drink of typical Portuguese champagne

person, and includes red or white house wine and water. British Legion lunch menu: Bread, butter, olives, tuna pate, marinated carrots Main course (choice of): Meat: Mixed Grill (beef, chicken, pork) with chips, rice Fish: Horse Mackerel with carrots, potatoes, broccoli Vegetarian: Portobello Burger with chips, (bread roll, cheese, mushroom, tomato, onion, lettuce)

Starter: Prawn Cocktail or Melon and Ham Main course: Roast Turkey with stuffing or Roast Pork with apple sauce (Both with roast potatoes, two types of vegetables and gravy) Pudding: Trifle or Christmas pudding and cream. The British Legion lunch costs 15 euros per

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There will be dishes of mixed salad on the tables for everyone Pudding: Fruit salad served together with sweet potato tart Please contact Leni Eves:  912 547 198 Leni also says raffle prizes and gifts for auction to raise funds would be greatly appreciated. 

Boavista Full page advert FINAL.pdf












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Community - West Coast

Charity bar walkers bring joy to Aljezur school By Matt D’Arcy you really understand what the Bible meant with the words ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive”. A few days earlier Cath had met representatives of the St Vincent de Paul Society at Arrifana - where the charity walk began to present them with an electric bed that will be used by local boy Nuno André Chirac Ribeiro who is suffering from a degenerative disease.

The teacher said to the children: “The Christmas Angel has come early”. The teacher was in charge of Aljezur School’s special needs section, and the ‘angel’ was charity fund-raiser Cath Baker, bringing gifts to light up those young faces.

The Society also received eight blankets plus schoolbooks, pens, crayons etc., all to be distributed to needy children in the Aljezur area. Also, the Society identified another local child who had required urgent dental treatment, and Cath visited the dentist to pay off the remaining €400 still outstanding on the bill his family were struggling to pay. The remainder of the funds raised on the walk went to the school in Aljezur.

Cath, from the west coast community of Vale da Telha, 6km from the town of Aljezur, had, with friends Steve Scott and Brian Jutsum, organised a charity bar walk in September which raised a total of €2,305 for local children’s charities. The walkers, most of them in fancy dress, made the 3.45km route for fun, but they were aware there was a serious purpose behind the smiles and frivolities.

Cath told Tomorrow magazine: “Both the teachers and the St. Vincent de Paul Society are overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of the local people and can't believe how much money has been raised by walking. The school equipment is vital, as the school does not have the funds for these kinds of things.”

It was the second of these annual charity walks and the 2015 ‘fun pub crawl’ resulted in Cath and co handing over 29 wheelchairs and other equipment to Portimão Hospital. This time the end result was reflected in donations closer to home with the Aljezur School and the local St Vincent de Paul Society being the grateful beneficiaries. Cath described her visit to the special needs class with co-organiser Steve Scott and fellow charity walkers Faith Quinton and Cath’s daughter Emily - a former pupil at the school - as “tearful, emotional and at the same time joyful”, adding: “Sometimes

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She went on: “Before we bought anything we consulted with the special needs teachers to discuss exactly what we should do to make sure everything we donated would be useful and would have a positive impact on the children’s daily lives at the school. “They gave it careful consideration before telling us exactly what they wanted and needed, so nothing we then bought was wasted or surplus to requirements. One of the items was a tricycle, for example,

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because some of the children cannot ride a normal two-wheel bicycle. And when we showed it to them, several of them were soon riding it around the playground perhaps their first time ever riding a bike. “Some of the equipment was from the UK, the rest bought in Portugal, and it consisted of educational, therapeutic and sensory toys all designed with special needs children in mind. “We must thank John Scott at Algarve Removals who once again transported the items for free from the UK, just as they did last year with the 29 wheelchairs we donated to Portimão Hospital. “The teachers assured us when they examined what we had donated that every single item of the toys and equipment will be of use and will be put to good use. “And it was clear the children agreed. They were excited and overwhelmed, coming up and hugging myself, Steve, Faith and Emily and we were all pretty tearful, I don’t mind admitting. “It was a humbling but magical experience, an amazing feeling to see the children so happy, and that night I went to sleep with a big smile on my face!” As a ‘thank-you’ gesture, the school presented Cath with a special tile made by the students. And she, Emily, Steve Scott and Faith Quinton were also invited to the school’s Festa de S. Martino with musical entertainment and special autumn food dishes prepared by the students, teachers and school helpers. They told her that they needed to purchase musical and stage equipment for a talent show they were organising and as they were somewhat inexperienced in the area of fund raising they were hoping to enlist their experience in this regard. 

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What's On Christmas at the Market!

Carols this Christmas By Liz Roberts Christmas is here again - and what better way to truly get into the Christmas spirit than by singing carols and other Christmas songs with family and friends. This is one of the choir's favourite times of year as we get to share some of our festive favourites with you in various venues throughout December.

After last year's success, the New Fish Market in Lagos is changing into a real Winter Wonderland – without the snow! The new market will be Lagos' very own Christmas meeting point which brings together the traditional Portuguese setting with a modern twist, the classic Christmas tunes and good ol' Christmas comfort food. Besides the traditional vegetable & fruit stands, you will find over 20 small stalls offering a wide range of options, all within the Christmas Spirit: minced pies, cheese, chutney & port wine and traditional snacks. There will also be some wine tasting throughout the weekend!

Just buy your glass for 5€ and try all the regional wines you can take at the fair. Take the opportunity to buy a few bottles for Christmas too. We're expecting over 15 regional wineries at the Market so don't miss out! With a a wide selecion of food & drinks, that you can choose to eat right there and then, take home, or even wrap up and offer as a gift, Christmas at the Market is the place to be in December. And Santa will be there too!  For more details please email: 

Charity roller skating The Lagos Roller Skating Club will be performing a show on Saturday December 10th at 8:30 pm at the Lagos Municipal Pavilion - Pool Complex. ‘Around the World’ is the theme of the show that will take you on a dream trip to distant destinations. Involved in a dream and fantasy story, the skaters will perform different ‘dances’ to traditional songs from different countries. It is an unprecedented show in Lagos, with the participation of the following guest clubs: Arpa-Albufeira, Sport Lisboa e Benfica, Real Amizade Farense, Patinagem

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Clube de Tavira e Grupo Desportivo os Olhanense. The admission cost is only €2 per person, which will be donated in full to the Good Samaritan Children's Home of Alvor, which shelters children and youngsters from 5 to 18 years old who were abandoned or suffered neglect. Take a tour "Around the World" with the Lagos Rollers and help those who need it most!  For more details contact Sofia Fresco on:  966 349 683

 TomorrowAlgarve

And this year is our biggest yet for performances which include the Tomorrow Christmas Ball at Boa Vista Golf Resort on Friday 9th, our Annual Carol Singing evening around Luz on Thursday 17th (look out for us at various locations in the area including the church of Nossa Senhora da Luz, Spar and Baptista) finishing with carols and Christmas songs at Barroca Bar & Restaurant. We'll also be at The Lighthouse pub at the Marina, Lagos for a family and fun carol singalong on Thursday 22nd and at Boa Vista Club House - singing around their fabulous Christmas tree on Friday 23rd. Wherever and whenever you are able to join us, you'll be sure to leave with a warm, festive glow! The Western Algarve Community Choir is an all-inclusive choir with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, and a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more details on where you can meet up with us for carol singing events, about joining the choir, or for booking future events, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts on:  

Monthly support The next meeting of the Alzheimer/ Dementia support group will be on December 14th at 11am. The monthly meetings take place at Restaurant Pirilampo in Rua do Moinho do Azeite in Lagos. Everyone is welcome. Please call Carol on  926 297 527 or Kirsteen on  968084946. 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


Pilates Mat Classes | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30, & Mon 18.30pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10 | Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer, Semi Private & 1-2-1  926514613 | Pilates Room, Lagos |  Fisiopilates | Tues & Thurs - Sat 9.00 & Mon 19.00 | €12.50 | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  282782707 | 

Walking Football | Weds 09.30 -11.00 | Everyone over 50 welcome | €3 | Boavista |  282 790 930 |  Tennis Clinics for children | Mon & Wed | 09.30 | 10€/1 hour Boavista Tennis Courts | Equipment inc. | Booking required Soccer School Children | Wed 17.30 - 19.30 & Sat 09.00 - 12.00 Boavista |  282 000 100 | 

Xmas Style with Lucienne | Wed 11.00 - 12.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258 |  dancebodymind

Football Academy | Mon (5 - 11 yrs) 16.45 -18.15 & (12 -16 yrs) 18.15- 19.45 | €5 Circuit Training | Wed 10.00 - 11.00 | €5 Fun Tennis Doubles | Thurs 16.30 - 18.00 | €5 Touch Rugby | Thurs 19.30 - 20.30 | €4 Ladies Sports | Fri 13.30 - 15.00 | €5 Burgau Sports Centre | More Classes & Info:  282 697 350

With Monica | Tues & Thurs 11.00 - 12.00 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa

Netball in Lagos | 19.00 Wed | All ages & abilities |  'Netball in Lagos' 

With Indah | Tues 18.00 - 19.00 & Fri 09:30 - 10:30, Raposeira | Thur 10.00, Barão S. João | €5 |  911754890

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-members) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson free €10 (non members) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz |  919707635

With Andrea | Mon 9.30 & 18.00, Tue & Fri 8:30 & 10:30, Wed 10:30, Thurs 18:00 | €10 | AR Pilates Studio, Lagos |  966784280 | 

Air Pilates (Perinatal/pelvic floor) | Mon 13:00 | €10 | Chinicato |  911754890 Pilates | Tue & Thurs 9.00 - 10.00 | €10 | Boavista Golf Resort |  282790930 Yoga Hatha Yoga | Tues & Thurs 8.30 - 10.15 | Pre Natal Yoga | Thurs 10.15 | 1per wk €35 | Casa Sakra, Lagos |  968681682 Hatha with Kathrin | Tue 10.00 & Thurs 09.30 | €7-8 | Alma Verde, nr Burgau |  919297638 Hatha Flow | Mon & Wed 10.00 - 11.15 | Yin Yoga | Tues 18.00 - 19.15 | Yin & Yang Yoga | Fri 08.30 - 09.45 | Inlight Lagos |  913127421 Hatha with Noeline | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am | €10 | Classes for Children | Sat 9.15 (4-7 yrs) & 10.30 (8-12 yrs) (Booking required) | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  |  282790930 Gentle Hatha with Meg | Mon 18.30 - 20.00 The Yoga Place, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 14.00 Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 |  965201477

Golf Academy with PGA Pro Tennis Academy with certified Pro Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282 690 008 Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Espiche Golf “Roll Up” 18h Social Golf | Thu 08.00 | Reduced green fee Women’s Group Golf Lesson | Fri 09.30h - 10.30h & 14.00 - 15.00 | 10€pp Junior Golf School | Sun 10.00 - 11.00 | €10 per lesson (Buy 3 get 1 lesson free) Espiche Golf |  282 688 250

Classes | Lessons Archery | Booking Only | Boavista |  282 790 930 African Dance Classes with Arantxa | Mon 19.00 - 20.30, Teatro Experimental de Lagos | Tues & Fri 10.30 - 12.00, Aljezur | Wed 19.00 - 20.30, Monte Rosa, Barão de São João | €8 |  964 588 588

Hatha with Diana | Tue 10.00 - 12.00 | €7 (reg.) €10 (drop-in) | Monterosa, Barão S. João |  962492607

Healing painting classes with Eva | Wed & Thurs 15.00-17.00 | +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary | €10 | Barão S. João |  962 039 574

With Ann | Tue & Thurs 10.30 - 12.00 | All levels | Yin Yoga | Wed 18.30 | €10 (residents €60 x 8) | Burgau |  913202621

Practical Portuguese Lessons with Susana | Fri 10.30 - 12.00 | €5 | Lounge Bar, Marina Club Hotel |  964 696 345

De-stress Xmas Style | Fri 11.00 - 12.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista  968288258

Life drawing with Kasia | 11.00 - 13.00 Mon | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916 035 308


Stain Glass with Dianne | Tues & Thurs 10.30 | €10 | Espiche |  919 117 108

With Linda | Mon & Fri 9.45 -10.45 | €6 | Alma Verde |  918 461 840 With Monica | Wed 9.30 - 10.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 Dance Xmas Style with Lucienne | Wed & Fri 10.00 - 11.00 | Zumba Step! (pre-booking) | Thurs 10.00 - 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista |  968288258 With Debbie | Mon & Wed 18.00 - 19.00 | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre  282697350

Portuguese Language Workshop | 10.30 Sat | €5 | Magnólia Beach Club, Lagos |  912 417 994 |  Teresa Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat | All levels | €10 | Lagos |  918 764 613 Swimming Lessons | Mon & Thurs Afternoon & Sat Morning | €12.50pc (nonmembers), €10pc (members) Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €25 (non mem.) €20 (mem.) Boavista Golf Resort |  917 953 914

Other Qi Gong with Sonia | Wed 18.30 | Casa Sakra, Lagos | €35 p/m |  916060814 Bootcamp | Mon - Fri 10.00 & Mon 19.00 & Fri 18.30 | AXN Pump | Mon Fri 10.00 & 18.00 | AXN 3B (Brazilian rythms, lower body workout) | €8 w/ Tomorrow Magazine | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  915183888 Tai Ji with Carl | Mon 10.00-11.30 (beginners) & Thurs 17.00 -19.00 (advanced) | €10 | Barão S. João |  919718955

Capoeira | 18.30 - 19.30 (kids) & 19.30 - 21.00 Mon | €7/9 Rhythm & Dance | 18:30 - 19.30 (basics) & 19:30 - 20.30 Tue | €7/9 Hatha Yoga (Maria Brand) | 09:30 - 11.00 Sat | €9 Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa Sander) | 11:15 - 12:45 Sat | €7 Conscious Dance Sessions (Dr. Kathya Kaye) | 11.00 - 13.00 Sun | €9 Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos |  282 764 224

Entertainment & Events

Gymnastik with Irmela | Mon 18.15 - 19.15 | €7 | Hotel Belavista |  965211996

Conferences with 5 visiting Tibetan Monks : 9th Dec "Freedom from Fear and Anxiety - From Inner Peace to World Peace" | 10th Dec "Love & Attachment" | 12th & 13th Dec "Education for Peace- Meditation in Schools" | Call for Details & Locations |  968681682 | 

Aqua Aerobics | Tues 16.00, Wed 09.30 & Fri 9.30 & 16.00 | 1/2 x week €18/€28 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930

17th Dec | Casa Padaria Christmas Party with Santa | Presents for kids | 17:30 | Burgau | Reserve a table  966545509

Body Fit Classes | Tue & Thurs 9.30 - 10.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa

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 TomorrowAlgarve

Entertainment & Events (continued) 15 Dec | Music Extravaganza with Paulo Terrao & supporting bands | 20.00 late | FREE entry Light refreshments | Donations to local charity | CONEXAO, Lagos (nr Riomar Hotel) | Contact John  913940698 21st Dec | Carol Concert by Grupo Coral de Lagos | 19.00 | Quay Lagos Restaurante, Lagos Marina | 282761128 23rd of Dec | Western Algarve Community & Norwegian Chamber Choir | 19.30 | Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista Golf Resort |  282000114 Christmas Eve | Mulled wine & Carols | 15.00 - 19.00 | New Years Eve Party Night | Call for details | €25 pp | ZAZA Bar (old ‘Tomik), Burgau (open 12th Dec) |  913529639 New Year’s Day Brunch | from €10.95 inc. Bucks Fizz | Oasis Cafe, Marina De Lagos |  931374772 Saxophone Live Music | Tues 19.00 - 22.00 | Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Porto de Mós, Lagos| | Booking recommended  282763222 Carvery Lunch & Saxophone Music | Sun | 13.00 | Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista Golf Resort |  282000114 | 

Activities Open Studio/ Painting Atelier with Eva | Wed & Thurs 11.00 | for women to explore their creative potential | €10 | Barão S. João |  962 039 574 Weekly Walk with Ros & Lol | 09.30 (approx 2.5hrs) | Various locations | Meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) |  Dr. Why Quiz | Fri 20.30 | Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista |  282000114 1st Dec | Refugees Suporting Hike | 9km Easy; 2 1/2 hrs | €5 | Max: 25 10th Dec | Orange Route | Visit a producer's farm, learn about orange production, collect fruit & visit a tea room | €30 | 4-8 pax 17th December | Journey Through History | Discover the ancient city of Ossonoba (Faro) inc Boat ride & Lunch | €35 | 3- 8 pax 1st January | Hike + Swim in the Sea | Walk Lagoa's cliffs | 6km 3 hrs | €7 Quimera Experience |  962647741 /969467275 | 

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm Make some new friends while helping animals |  913 659 675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912 967 870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912 444 666 Trudy  AA International English Speaking Meeting | AA hotline: 917 005 590 19.30 - 21h00 Wed | Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c 19.30 - 20.30 Sun | 5 Travessa de Santo Amaro, Lagos  964201904  282760506

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos |  960 450 750 |  Meditation group with Marion | Thurs 19.30 | Figueira |  914 523 636 Power House of Prayer | 11.00 Tue Praise, Worship & Holy communion | 11.00 Sun Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553 |   964 285 351 |  Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) | 8.00 (said) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz (church by the sea) |  282 788 104  | 

Tomorrow Calendar (free of charge) Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing:  TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On

Stone Age archaeological investigations in Mozambique By Jane Robertson of interest to evaluate the success and diffusion of Homo sapiens outside of southern Africa. Based on the early maps from Santos Júnior (1950) and more recent data acquired through various projects, he was able to produce a series of maps for the Stone Age prehistory of Mozambique. The maps were also based on a critical evaluation of the sites and a review of some of the materials that are presently curated at the IICT (Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical) in Lisbon, Portugal.

On Tuesday December 6th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Professor Nuno Bicho. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. Professor Bicho is the Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB), and is Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Algarve. He specialises in Palaeolithic ecodynamics and his research focuses on prehistoric coastal hunter-gatherers of southern Iberia. More recently he has developed research on the Mesolithic period of the Tagus Valley and on the Middle Stone Age of Mozambique. The talk will discuss Prof Bicho's archaeological investigations in Mozambique. Located between modernday South Africa and Tanzania, both of which have well known and extensive Stone Age records, Mozambique and its Stone Age sequence remained largely unknown in the broader context of African Pleistocene prehistory. This is in spite of the country’s critical position linking southern and eastern Africa, and of its clear potential to inform various models about recent human evolution, since the geography of Mozambique makes it a natural area

This year half of the money raised by the show will go towards helping 7-year-old Salvador from Lagos who has cancer. The cancer he has is untreatable in Portugal

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On December 16th at 7.30pm Essential Fitness & Spa is holding a party for all its friends and guests on December 16th at 7.30pm at the Clubhouse Restaurant of Boavista Golf & Spa Resort. Get into the Christmas spirit by socialising with friends and Boavista staff, while tasting delicious and varied food and listening to live music.  To get more information about this event or make a reservation, please contact:

Up to 2013, there were a total of 258 referenced Stone Age sites for all of Mozambique, located in all 10 districts, but concentrated mostly in the Maputo, Sofala and Tete regions. He was able to list the geographic locations of 141 sites, of which only 70 are precisely located.

  +351 282 790 930

In this event, he will present the first results of field survey in various regions of Mozambique (Niassa lake region, in northern Mozambique, the Elephant river and the Maputa land regions in the south), that took place between 2011 and 2016. His team was able to locate close to 200 new sites dating to Early Stone Age up to more recent times. In addition, Prof. Bicho will present data on the natural wild life and the survey and living conditions of the team while in the field.

The next big event scheduled at Golf Santo Antonio is the Christmas Festival, planned for December 24th, 26th and January 1st 2017.

Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on:  917267948.     Algarve Archaeological Association

Escola de Dança Lagos Christmas Show The Escola de Dança Lagos, will be holding its Christmas Show on the evenings of December 9thand 10th in the Cultural Centre of Lagos at 7.30pm.

Christmas at Boavista

and he needs to go abroad to get specialist care. Tickets have been raised to 10 euros to support Salvador and are already on sale at the school office and at the ticket office of the Lagos Cultural Centre. Please phone  915812055 for details. 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Christmas Festival

There will be two Texas Scramble Competitions, on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. The Newland Trophy will be held on Boxing Day. The format for this competition will be Greensomes, with prizes very kindly donated by Carol Newland. The festival is open to all at the special green fee rate of just €25 per competition, plus the entry fee where applicable. Santo Antonio Resort is organizing an evening full of entertainment for New Year’s Eve. With a delicious menu, a professional service and live entertainment, all the ingredients are there for a memorable evening. This will be the first of many enjoyable nights that the Santo Antonio Resort will organize during 2017.  For further information please contact:  282 690 054  




Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lançarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos  TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On - Oktoberfest

Beer festival in Aljezur Last month Amovate held an Oktoberfest event at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale, which was a rip-roaring success. Our west coast correspondent, Matt D’arcy, said: “The beer flowed, as it rightly should at a beer festival. The event was well attended by members of the German community.”

can find all of our details, and some articles and photographs which you might find of interest on this website, including details of how to join.

AMOVATE is the Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Tel, or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha, available for people of all nationalities who have links to the area. It is a non-profit making charitable organisation and you

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A spokesman for Amovate said: “We would like to thank the management and staff at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale, Steve Baker and Steve Scott for organising the event, Melanie Baker, Hans, Angela and Larissa Merth for the amazing food. We would also like to tahnks all those that helped behind the scenes, and to everyone who attended.”

 TomorrowAlgarve

We would like to thank Amovate's Sue Bedford for these photographs. If you would like to find out more about Amovate, which has its headquarters in the Old Schoolhouse, please go to its website  If you would like to see photographs of an event that you are involved with in the Tomorrow Magazine then please don’t hesitate to contact our editor by email at  

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What's On - 'Pollen' the musical

The Algarveans blossom After months of rehearsals and 30 years of planning ‘Pollen: The Musical’ finally took to the stage at the end of October. Here are a selection of photos which include pictures of the after show party. The musical was Ian Carfrae's brainchild. It was set in an English country garden populated by animated flowers, the storyline is simple; wanton killing of nature by greed is overcome by the power of good. Reviewer David Butler-Cole said: “Ian's professional career as a musician shines

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throughout the musical numbers that had us all tapping our feet and feeling every emotion possible. The alchemy of his partnership with director Chris Winstanley resulted in a show that was a worthy golden choice for the Algarveans' 25th anniversary production with five months in rehearsal and the smooth, professional product we saw on stage reflected that.” Ian said: “I had the original idea for Pollen: The Musical over 30 years ago and as I have written songs over the years I have pulled together a collection of them to

 TomorrowAlgarve

be performed in this show. I really never thought I would ever see it performed but following discussions with the show’s director Chris Winstanley about two years ago it has been full steam ahead.” The Algarveans selected this show to celebrate 25 years of entertaining in the Algarve with around 70 shows – the first one being the pantomime Puss in Boots.  Thanks to Zehra O'Shea who took some of the pictures

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Readers' Letters We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Christmas at Casa de Santo Amaro

the same size! And although they are devoted to each other, in terms of physical work outs, fast and feisty Ozzie is no match for bolshy and boisterous Lola!

Dear Editor, Christmas is approaching rapidly once again! We are asking for help in providing the disabled residents of Casa de Santo Amaro with presents to brighten up their lives! Last year we gave each resident a 'smelly' present, lotions, bath items, after shaves, colognes, all donated by kind people here around Lagos. Both residents and staff were quite overwhelmed by the generosity of local people. We gave out the gifts at their pre -Christmas party, I believe that the photos can still be seen on the Friends of Casa de Santo Amaro site on Facebook. The gifts were so well received that we would like to keep to the same type again. Elaine at 'The Card Shop' in Lagos has kindly agreed to be a drop off point again.

So, by mutual agreement to address their respective needs, Ozzie and Lola are looking for regular beach walk companions – small and medium sized, so they can both have their match! They have also suggested that, as they are very spoiled, they would like to help other dogs and some fund raising would be great fun alongside all that beach lark. Any friendly dogs and their owners interested to start a regular (weekly?) dog walking group – perhaps Meia Praia, but all open for discussion – please contact.  David & Jeanette   969 439 867

I can be contacted on  282695875 if anyone has a problem delivering there and we will arrange for donations to be collected.

Macmillan and Madrugada

Macmillan. However, many people seem to believe that some of the funds raised for Macmillan here in Portugal find their way to Madrugada. This is not the case and nor would we expect this! It is entirely due to the public through its generosity, donations and support of Madrugada’s charity shops, events, and the Madrugada Support Centre in Luz, that Madrugada is able to provide its services free-of-charge. Yours sincerely, Doug McAdam Madrugada board member 

What is Afpop? Dear Editor, Following last month’s publication, I have been asked who or what afpop is. It is an association that started almost 30 years ago when ex-pats of all nationalities got together to offer advice on living in Portugal amongst themselves.

Dear Editor, Thank you for your kindness in helping to brighten up their lives

Many of you here in the Algarve will have participated in Macmillan’s recent ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ raising millions of pounds globally. Macmillan provides invaluable care and support to millions of cancer sufferers and their families in the United Kingdom exclusively.

Your sincerely, Jennifer Herrtage 

Calling all small and medium dogs (and owners!) Dear Editor, It all began, when Millie, our beloved Cairn terrier, died very suddenly and unexpectedly. Ozzie, our Westie, was bereft. Where was his playmate? As it happened, friends of ours just had a litter of Portuguese Water dogs, and so Lola came into our lives. Now, a few months later, little pup Lola has grown into a magnificent large specimen. Alas, Ozzie has remained

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We at Madrugada are working in our own small way to provide specialised end of life care and support for anyone in the Algarve who is facing a life limiting illness. Our association was registered in August 2009 and the following year, after appointing our first nurse, we began our home-based ‘end of life’ care service. To date, some 90 patients have benefited from Madrugada’s `hospice at home’ service: a unique offering in Portugal. Madrugada has benefited greatly from an on-going professional association with

 TomorrowAlgarve

Nowadays it has grown to a 6000 plus membership throughout Portugal but still offers advice and important information, help with bureaucracy, it keeps you up-todate with legislation and provides detailed bulletins on various procedures for living here as well as offering discounts at many outlets - indeed the health insurance is second to none in Portugal. On top of this, there are many social events to help with meeting people and making new friends - and as event organiser for the Lagos and district area, I hope that we have helped people settle into their new country. For more details, please contact me on:  282 697 548  Yours sincerely, Pat Allen 


 TomorrowAlgarve


Rua Infante Sagres 95-97 Loja B, Lagos, 8600-743

Tel:(+351)282 031 726 Cell:936114838


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Health Pets Mate By Lars Rahmquist

All I want for Christmas is… A Beatle? My two front teeth? Relief from back, hip or knee pain? Dora Bryan can help with the first request. Spike Jones or Michael Bublé could help with the second. For the third, you need Dr Wen at Lagos Health Chiropractic! Since Dr Wen and her husband Geoff took over the clinic in July 2015, patient numbers have grown due to Wen’s considerable knowledge of how the body works, her gentle chiropractic treatments and the rapport she has with her patients.

This month I'd like to direct the article to owners of pets with long-term medication. There are many conditions, ranging from hormonal problems to chronic organ dysfunction for which animals require medication for life.

diseases. For instance kidney failure and heart failure require life-long medications to support a good quality of life. Once these are deteriorating body conditions, and only with regular rechecks are we able to maintain a happy life for as long as possible.

Over the years I have found many people either don't realise the importance of continuing the medication, whereas others don't appreciate the relevance of rechecking blood parameters with the vet.

Speak with your vets about this if you have a little loved one with a chronic disease... help us help you, to help your little mates.

Hormonal conditions which require life-long mess include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease, and diabetes. Many owners don't appreciate that these are often progressive diseases.

And have yourselves a lovely little Christmas too!  

For instance low thyroid function occurs because there is an immune driven destruction of the thyroid gland. As a results of this, with time, the thyroid gland will slowly become more and more dysfunctional. Hypothyroidism is a pretty easy disease to treat, as long as the dog can receive daily (or twice daily). Because the immune destruction continues, the required dose of the tablets will is imperative to recheck the thyroid levels over time. This rechecking of blood parameters is essential for good control of all hormonal diseases but also for chronic organ

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Lagos Vet Clinic, located on the western edge of Lagos on the N125, is open between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings. Consults are done on an appointment based schedule to examine and treat outpatients. Consultation times are between 9am and 11am and 4pm and 6pm through the week and between 10:30 until noon on Saturdays. Surgeries, diagnostic procedures and horse visits are undertaken throughout the day. Emergency cases are seen at any time as a matter of priority. Lagos Vet Clinic works with a number of animal charity organisations and with the municipal kennels in the local region providing emergency work as well as vaccinations and sterilisation programmes.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Clinic Director Geoff says: “Since arriving in Lagos, we’ve been warmly welcomed into the community and many of our patients have become our friends. Wen and I have fallen in love with the town and believe it’s now time to give something back”. “We plan to have a few Charity Days in the lead-up to Christmas…on the 19th, 20th and 21st December, we’ll be raising money for The Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen at the International Community Church in Lagos,” he added. For half the normal price, patients can have their regular treatment, or for new patients, their first consultation, which includes treatment. All the money paid will go directly to the Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen. Go online ( to find out more or call us on  282 768 044 to make an appointment. By the way, the clinic will be closed from 2nd December until 2nd January, but if you hurt your back taking the turkey to the table or you pull a muscle while you’re pulling a cracker, you can call our emergency number ( 920 455 524) and we’ll open up the clinic to sort you out. Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year from Dr Wen and the team at Lagos Health Chiropractic. 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Cold versus flu part 2. By Niki Medlock So how do we tell the difference?

Generally, for both the cold and flu, there is no cure, although anti-viral medication can shorten the duration and severity of the flu and prevent complications. Antibiotics do NOT work, as these diseases are not bacterial but viral.

disorders, such as leukaemia), this helps to create perfect conditions for opportunistic secondary viral or bacterial infections to take hold, ranging from ear and sinus infection to, last but not least, life threatening pneumonia! Also chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and lung or heart diseases, can become much worse due to this viral attack on the body – again possibly leading to life threatening conditions.

Treatment in both cases is usually rest and plenty of fluids with symptomatic over the counter medication such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for fever, sore throat, headache and muscle pain. If you are a healthy person then, whist it feels like you are dying at the time, your immune system can usually cope with this “viral onslaught” and eventually overcome it.

The best way to avoid infection by the flu virus is vaccination - when you are given a number of inactivated (dead) flu strains so that the body can create its own natural antibodies to fight the virus before it takes hold. Also keep your body in the best physical condition by eating healthily, exercising and getting enough sleep so it is able to fight off these infections.

But when there is a compromised immune system (as in the case of the very young, over 65s and patients with immune

If your symptoms continue to worsen or become severe then please see your doctor for advice and treatment. 

quickly with mild symptoms whereas flu tends to come on suddenly and symptoms are more severe.

These are the symptoms that you can expect when you have a cold: a fever sometimes but generally mild; an occasional headache; slight aches and pains; occasional fatigue and weakness; a stuffy nose and sore throat are common and sneezing is usual; there’s also the chance of having a mild, hacking cough. When you have a flu the symptoms can include: a fever above 38 C which can last for three to four days; a headache is common; aches and pains can be severe; fatigue and weakness are usual and can last up to two to three weeks; extreme exhaustion is also usual particularly at the beginning of the illness. Sometimes you can sneeze, get a stuffy nose and sore throat and chest discomfort and a cough is common and can become severe. Colds usually develop slowly and resolve

Cardio Polumonary Resuscitation (CPR) - part 2 By John Clifford Compression only CPR Having checked the scene is safe, established that the casualty is not breathing and called 112 to activate the emergency services, you should begin cardio pulmonary resuscitation - that is doing chest compressions, which will force the blood to flow out of the heart. • •

Make sure that the patient is lying flat on their back The patient should be on a firm surface, so if in a bed, you must put them on the floor to make sure you are providing

effective chest compressions • Open or remove any heavy clothing such as coats, or jackets with zips. • Kneel at the patient’s side and trace a line between the 2 nipples and place the heel of one hand in the centre, over the breast bone. • Place the other hand over your first hand and interlock your fingers • Start to press down about 5 cms. • You need to press down about 100 – 120 times per minute • Keep your arms straight and your shoulders over the patient’s chest • Make sure you allow the chest to recoil

after each compression • If someone else is available, let them take over giving chest compressions every 2 minutes. • Keep giving compressions as long as you are able or until the emergency services arrive and take over, or the casualty starts breathing themselves. Infant CPR is different and will be covered next month.  Our next course is planned for March/April next year. If you are interested in attending please email 

Dementia awareness in the Algarve By Mkhululi Mpofu An increase in life expectancy caused by the improvement in healthcare provision in the developed world has directly led to a gradual increase in the older adult population. Unfortunately, so has dementia, a debilitating and degenerative disease. It is important to bring awareness about dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, as many people still believe it is an expected development in old age. Although dementia is considered as a disease that mainly affects older people it is

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not exclusively found in older people. At Mais Vida Healthcare we recognise that dementia sufferers experience the condition uniquely and differently from the next person and which is why we aim to practice person-centred care. The approach considers the individual as a whole rather than a set of symptoms they may be going through. Mais Vida provides domiciliary care services around the Algarve region where we assist people in their homes. We also help people suffering from depression, anxiety crisis and

 TomorrowAlgarve

home treatment service. At Mais Vida healthcare we believe in getting fully involved in the community through participation which is why together with Tomorrow Algarve we plan to have a dementia talk early next year for all to attend. We also invite readers to suggest mental health promotion strategies that we can all engage in across the Algarve.  Mais Vida Healthcare is based in Lagos  

Want to be part of an art group? Want to learn how to paint? Want to paint with like minded people? Get in touch for more information or watch this space

Call +351 911 068 062 or +44 (0)1934 733877 on one of our residential holidays in the UK or here in Portugal in 2017 Learn with some of the All abilities welcome

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î „

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Change your lifestyle after Christmas By Ann de Jongh December is traditionally a time when fitness articles are about how to eat moderately over Christmas, and how to ensure you don’t over indulge…but let’s face it, who really wants to read about how to make your Christmas dinner less fattening, or how far you should run to counteract all the additional food, so instead as far as your Christmas dinner goes, makes sure you enjoy it!

‘training’ in the gym, but I have spent much more time outdoors doing things I love which not only maintains fitness, but keeps the brain stimulated; it's social and the most important thing is that I love to do them. Whether it is paddle boarding, walking my dogs, cycling, walking the golf course etc., and whilst I may not be the strongest I have ever been, or the fastest, I feel the fittest and most prepared for whatever mad idea I decide to do at the weekend.

December is a good time to reflect on the year. To think about how the year has gone, and what you would like to do differently next year. A typical resolution is to get fitter by going to the gym more, but gym membership usually gets used a lot at the beginning of the year and then forgotten about.

Health and well being is not just about going to the gym twice a week, it is more about adopting lifestyle changes that enhance your life so that your life becomes more active, which helps mental health as well as physical fitness. So as you reflect on the year think about how you can make changes to ensure

This year I have definitely spent less time

Rude behaviour: How to Solve It By Laura Newman Many parents complain about disrespectful behaviour from their children. Backchat, sarcasm, bad manners, swearing and cheekiness can be frustrating and difficult to handle. A new way to look at it and the obvious solution. 1. Children are often stressed and frustrated.

The parents Don’t take their behaviour personally. Put yourself in time-out or take a ‘mindful moment’ to stop and assess the situation. Be the adult and deal with the storm…don’t be part of the storm. Ask yourself:

2. Frustrations come out in many ways 3. Parents' reactions create more frustration and weaken the connection. Alternatively, consider: What does the child need to reduce frustration and keep the connection? What do parents need to do to nourish the connection? The child • When a child is full of feelings they cannot listen to what you say. Frustration needs to be released.

• What is causing the frustration? • What does my child need to let go of the frustration? • Do I need to set a limit or listen to the frustration? • Is there anything I need to do to safeguard their relationships with others? (like removing them from a situation) • What can I do to strengthen this relationship in the future? • How can I create opportunities to listen to my child’s frustrations in the future? • Where is my child copying their behaviour from?(TV, peers, adults) Ultimately, maturation will solve the problem of behaviour (in most cases!). 

• A frustrated child needs to feel their parents' unconditional acceptance.

Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc is a speech therapist and parenting consultant

• Explanations must come after the storm. •

If a child is constantly frustrated, it indicates a need for clearer limits to be set and set earlier, so the child can release their frustration fully.

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   connectedchildfamily  9616 33 995 (GMT)

 TomorrowAlgarve

activity is part of your daily life……for those of you who grew up in UK in 70s and 80s will probably remember a children’s TV programme whose title I think gets more and more applicable …” Why don’t you switch off your TV set and go and do something less boring instead.” We are lucky to live (or holiday) in the most beautiful part of the world, with the most amazing beaches and countryside so take advantage of the wonderful outdoor gym we call home.  Ann is a trainer, Yoga teacher and sports massage therapist  +351 913202621  

Get pumped The new class at AXN CLUB100 Wellness Company is AXNPUMP and is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast. Using, light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, AXNPUMP gives you a total body workout. It will burn up to 540 calories in 50 minutes. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than you would on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more. This full-body workout will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health. The other novelty at AXN 100 is a fantastic class called 3B BUM BUM BRASIL. A registered trademark programme, created by Professor Cláudio Silva, a renowned Brazilian instructor, widely known in Portugal for more than 20 years. The 3B is an energy programme that lasts 35 minutes, prechoreographed to the sound of Brazilian rhythms, fun, and easy learning that aims to work the lower body with greater emphasis on the glutes.   +351 282 782 707 | +351 915 183 888  

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Business intervention, and keeping prices for the holiday maker at a minimum. One such site launched in September 2016 is LetsLetAlgarve

Let’s let Algarve By Catherine Caetano

The founders are the perfect team: Ian Locke, former management consult, and developer/owner of an established UK and France holiday rental website, provides the technical expertise, and long-term Algarve resident Catherine Caetano, whose experience in property development and holiday rentals brings understanding of the local market. Focusing on the Algarve, rather than 'taking on the world’, the site is optimised to achieve good ranking with specific keyword searches (try ’Algarve villas owner direct’), and is also mobile friendly to maximize accessibility.

Within the private holiday property rentals market, online advertising has been dominated by a few major websites who are now making the move to become online agencies, introducing high commissions for their middleman services.

who now find themselves excluded from dealing directly with client enquiries and bookings, and having to factor third party commissions into their rental prices. In response to this shift, a gap has opened for new websites offering a return to direct advertising, facilitating that all important personal service and dialogue between property owner and holidaymaker, without third party

This has angered many owners, who for years have been successfully paying by annual subscription to advertise and manage their holiday home rentals, and

The site has already attracted advertisers from all areas of the Algarve, and to build on this, free trial advertising until April 2017 is on offer to property owners or their local Algarve property managers, who list their property by January 2017.  For more information please contact:    +351 912 103796

Apps of the month By Steven Dunwell Here’s a couple of suggestions of the best apps for your Android or Apple smartphone. This month a handy post office app and an even handier cocktail one for the Christmas party season!

(post office) address and contact details SIGA request: get your parcel re-forwarded to another address or CTT sales point Tolls: Check your unpaid tolls and make a request for ATM reference for payment

CTT – Correios de Portugal Supports: Android 2.3 and higher Apple iOS 10 Application language: English

Cocktail Flow

A nice and uncomplicated app that allows you access to various CTT services, including:

A sweet cocktail mixing app with great content and a beautiful, clear interface.Your bar or cabinet: Mark the ingredients you already have at home and it will show you a list of the drinks you can make Shopping: The shopping assistant can calculate prices of new ingredients in the local currency.

Supports: Android 2.3 and higher Apple iOS 7.0 and higher Application language: English

Postcodes: Check and validate Portuguese postcodes and addresses Deliveries: Track your deliveries in real time Shop finder: Find your local CTT sales point

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 TomorrowAlgarve

Find the drink: Browse the recipes by category, drink type or party event Packages: There are lots of free recipes built in, but you can download premium packages that include Alcohol Free, Christmas, New Years, Shots and Valentine’s Day.  Steven has got 15 years IT experience with a major law firm in London and now offers a top notch IT service to people across the Algarve. He can provide upgrades, software support, printer and internet issues on laptops, tablets, desktop PC’s and smartphones. He’ll quote you ahead of time rather than just charging you. Contact Steven with any of your IT issues:  936 387512 

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Relax overseas transfers are our business Considering buying or selling a property in Portugal? It is never too early to choose your foreign exchange company. We pride ourselves on getting to know our clients and their needs.

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Busier than ever By David Westmoreland Talk about Indian summers, the summer of 2016 rolled right through to November this year. An unprecedented number of visitors have filled the parking spaces, beaches and restaurants this summer. The most amazing summer I can remember and a diverse cross section of tourists coming from all over the globe has made this year interesting to say the least.

We have once again sold property to over 15 nationalities already this year and holiday bookings have come from America, Brazil, Australia as well as the normal UK, Ireland, Sweden and our European neighbours France, Spain and Benelux. The number of Estate Agents in Lagos and its surrounding towns has also increased with around 25 new agencies opening this year alone. This, however, has not slowed

things up with B&P where we are seeing our 4th consecutive increase, year on year, in 2016. Bolstered by the French & Swedish markets, we now are seeing Italians, Belgians and even the Germans are buying again. This has resulted in B&P selling a property every 2.5 days, every week of the year for the 3rd year running. So what are they buying? This year we again have seen another diverse year. Firstly the average sale value has increased by around 8%. Some of this increase is down to recovering prices and some down to the strengthening of the mid-market over 500,000€. An increase in viewings is reflected with similar numbers. B&P average around 25 unique client viewings every week with an average of 4 properties

Christmas feasts, delivered Fresh food delivery service Algarve Gardens is now taking orders for its delicious Christmas boxes. Filled with largely organic goodies grown at their own farm, delivery is free to most areas. Get your orders in now!

Christmas Dinner Box This option includes your choice of free-range chicken, turkey, beef sirloin, pork joint or nut roast. Vegetable accompaniments include organic potatoes, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, sprouts and leeks. Also included is homemade cauliflower cheese, sage and onion stuffing, Yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets, cranberry sauce, gravy and bread and onion sauce, homemade bread and your choice of dessert: Bailey’s cheesecake, chocolate orange cake, Christmas pudding trifle or Christmas panna cotta pots. This box serves four and costs €100. You can add extras for €20 per person, and more meat can be ordered.

Christmas Hamper Box This box includes your selection of five homemade, organic items for €40 or 10 for €60, all nicely wrapped and delivered to your choice of address. Choose from: Honey, spicy or normal chorizo, goats cheese, mixed fruit and nut granola, salted caramel hot chocolate, olive oil, garlic pesto, caramel and whisky sauce, spiced meat rub, chilli infused vodka, melosa, medronho, lavender sugar, spiced beetroot and orange chutney, mini Christmas cake, Bailey’s fudge, chorizo jam, triple chocolate cupcake kit jar, organic bath salts, spiced pecans, mixture of fresh herbal teas, or vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetable delivery. Boxing Day Recovery Box This box contains everything you need for a lazy Boxing Day, including: Chestnut cream soup, vegetarian or chicken tikka masala with wild rice, mango chutney cheese bites, Boxing day Bombay potatoes, spiced apple

being shown from our excellent portfolio to each one of them. Of course, for this to continue, we need to replenish the sold properties and we have an active campaign to constantly achieve this, but we still need more. 70% of our sales are properties that have been on the market for less than 10 weeks! So if you are planning to sell or if you are not getting the viewings you want, contact B&P and we will offer you professional, personal and efficient service in the listing, viewing and selling of your property. We pride ourselves on our customer service whether you are buying or selling.  If you would like more information contact me at  or call into the office on the Avenida in Lagos.

coleslaw, beetroot pate, homemade bread, selection of cheeses, crackers and chorizo, medronho or melosa, salted caramel hot chocolate, and a choice or apple and raspberry crumble, banoffee pie or festive rocky road brownies. This box costs €80, the selection for the selection for additional people is charge at €10pp. The Night before Christmas Box This box for children includes a handwritten personalised letter from Father Christmas, mince pies and carrots for Santa, pyjamas in your child’s size, chocolate covered popcorn, sprinkles and sweets for ice cream, a cookie kit in a jar, snowman marshmallows, a Christmas present application form, colouring pencils and stickers. Each personalised box is €40 per child.    +351 927 094 497  algarvegardens

Intermarché’s pride over bombeiros kit Staff from Intermarché in Alvor were ‘filled with pride’ as they delivered new sets of protective equipment to Portimão’s bombeiros following a fundraising drive.

with the League of Portuguese Firefighters, the goal of the book was to explain the work of the bombeiros to young people.

Stores across Portugal sold educational children’s book The Profession of a Firefighter over the summer. Developed by Intermarché’s social responsibility group Os Mosqueteiros (The Musketeers) in partnership

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Five hundred set of protective equipment - including boots, gloves, balaclavas, trousers, jackets, helmets and sweatshirts - were purchased with the money and are currently being distributed to 100 fire brigades across the country.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Presenting equipment to Portimão’s fire department, Franck Saintemarie, store owner of Intermarché Alvor, said: "This is an initiative that fills us all with pride. In a year in which the country was particularly slaughtered by forest fires, this book has highlighted the importance these professionals have in the community and also raised the necessary funds to improve the safety of Portugal’s firefighters.” 

Rua Silva Lopes, 30 8600-632 Lagos Portugal +351 282 792 165

Shop Café / Bistro Roof Terrace Bar Homeware Books & Music Gallery

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Chestertons opens office in Aljezur One of the world’s oldest and most respected estate agents, Chestertons, has established a presence in the small but fast-growing community of Vale da Telha, Aljezur.

Cape to Lagos in the south.

Chestertons, which was founded in 1805, has identified the Algarve’s west coast as a burgeoning real estate market. The company has formed a joint venture with the well-respected agency Ocean Country, which has been operating in the Algarve for 50 years, appointing them as its main partner in Portugal. Chestertons, which has 34 high street branches across London, can also be seen internationally in more than 50 offices covering Europe, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, South Africa and the Caribbean. The Chestertons name is now proudly displayed above a new office on Vale da Telha’s integral hub, the Pines Roundabout, as well as on other offices in Lagos, Praia da Luz and Porto. The new office in Aljezur will cover the entire west coast, stretching from the Alentejo border in the north and around the

Managing the new office is Vale da Telha resident, Matt D’Arcy, who is wellestablished in the Algarve’s real estate market and a fluent Portuguese speaker. He told Tomorrow magazine: “Having known Chris and Jacqui from Ocean Country for many years and identifying with their honesty, ethics and work practice, joining them in the Chestertons project was, for me, a perfect scenario, a matchmade in heaven. “The fact that Ocean Country and Chestertons were so keen to develop the west coast market, one I know so well and which I believe has massive growth potential, sealed the deal!” Matt moved to Portugal 20 years ago and into property 12 years ago and worked for prestigious Portuguese developer MSF on projects like Royal Obidos on the Silver Coast as well as the Amendoeira and Vilamoura golf resorts in the Algarve and resorts in the United States, Ireland and the Azores. In the past four or five years he began specialising in the west coast market, forming trusted relationships with the area’s administrators, business people and residents.

Living within this community, few people in the real estate business know Vale da Telha and its people as well as him. And once the partnership between Chestertons and Ocean Country was agreed, the new Portuguese operation instantly identified Matt as the man they wanted to head up their west coast operations. The Algarve’s west coast, previously largely ignored and untapped, has been enjoying a raised profile over the past few years largely due to the opening of the Rota Vicentina and the growth of eco-tourism in the area, designed to prevent it becoming the focus of mass tourism and widespread dense and high-rise development which characterises much of the southern coast. Property prices here tend to be significantly cheaper than along the south coast and it is expected to attract increasing numbers of people keen to live in such a tranquil coastal area while still being able to enjoy all the advantages the Algarve has to offer.  Contact Matt D’Arcy on:  91 856 7878   

Why would you use a foreign exchange company? By Alison Daun The low value of the pound is headline news in the UK currently. If you are selling a property in Portugal and moving funds back to the UK or involved in exporting products from the UK, then it is good news. If you are buying a property or living here then it is not so good news. Whether the exchange rates are good for you, or bad, it is important to make sure you are using the best possible method of transferring money for you.

It’s what we focus on and because of this we can tell you what is causing the exchange rates to move and while we cannot tell you when to transfer, we can help you decide when the best time to buy your currency is.

We can set limit orders, where if you have a specific exchange rate in mind we monitor the exchange rate and buy the currency when the rate gets to the level you have requested. We can also forward buy, which is similar to buy now pay later.

1. To save money We give better exchange rates than you get from your UK high street bank. To give you an example at the time of writing this article a UK high street bank were offering GBP/


2. We are specialists in currency

3. We have options to help you that you cannot get from your bank

One option is to use a foreign exchange company. If you have not considered this before then you may be wondering why you would do this, rather than using your bank. There are four main reasons:

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EUR at 1.10 and we have seen interbank highs of 1.145

4. You have a dedicated account manager We are hearing more and more about the

 TomorrowAlgarve

impersonal service clients receive from the banking industry. With GCEN you have one contact who gets to know you and your requirements, so they are best placed to help you. If you are looking at foreign exchange companies then you do need to check that they are FCA regulated and authorised. You can do this on the FCA website. GCEN are regulated and authorised by the FCA for money remittance. With GCEN, funds are held in a safeguarding account, therefore your money is held in these accounts and is not an asset of GCEN, giving you complete security.  If you would like to find out more about GCEN and how we can help you or your business transfer money you can contact:  282 768 136 Portugal  01622 815201 UK 

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Food & Drink Zest of two oranges

Recipe: Christmas mincemeat By Simon

Zest of two lemons

Davies, The Little Kitchen Co.

Method Combine all of the ingredients except the brandy in a large bowl and mix together thoroughly. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and leave the mixture in a cool place for 12 hours (overnight works well) so that the flavours have chance to mingle and develop.

As it cools, stir the mixture from time to time; the fat will coagulate and encase all the other ingredients. Mince pies are a Christmas favourite and, whilst I know it’s a lot easier to buy premade mincemeat it can be hard to find (and expensive!) here in Portugal, and homemade really does make a difference.

50g slivered almonds 4 tsp mixed ground spice 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg 6 tbls brandy

Use the following recipe with your favourite pastry to create a Christmas classic…

225g shredded suet 350g raisins 225g sultanas 225g currants

Ingredients 450g Bramley apples, cored and chopped small

When the mincemeat has totally cooled, stir well again and add the brandy. If not using immediately for mince pies, put the mixture into sterilised jars and cover the top with waxed discs. Your mincemeat can last up to three years if kept in a cool dark cupboard. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! 

225g chopped candied peel 350g soft dark brown sugar


Food Tours in the Algarve Recipes, passed down through generations, ensure the continuation of a culture in the face of all things mainstream.

restaurants. Hard, but not impossible! And that it why we are here," says Maria Nobre de Carvalho, co-founder of Food Tours Algarve.

And it is over a meal that we can truly get to know the people who live in a country; only by eating in a hole-in-the-wall off the beaten track, learning to cook our food or simply joining a local for a meal at their home can you experience the true flavours of a culture. And this is why Food Tours Algarve was born. For tourists and locals alike, the purpose of Food Tours Algarve is to promote our culture and cuisine.

The company offers different several types of tours - Classic Food Tours, Cheese and Wine Tastings, Market Tours and even an Eat with the Locals experience - mainly with small groups but also caters for corporate events, such as team building activities. The company also builds customized tours for people interested in learning and tasting more of a specific side of Portuguese cuisine.

"The Algarve is so rich in flavours that go well beyond the grilled fish or chicken piri piri and most people are not aware of this. This is mostly because the true traditional dishes - the ones we eat at our grandmother's house - are hard to find in

In line with the RTA's goals, to fight seasonality in the Algarve, Maria says: "We also wanted to help fight this idea that businesses can only work in the summer, and eating is something you can (and should) do all year round."

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The company started operating in October and is already generating a lot of interest by hotel chains and local companies, looking for synergies and different types of partnerships.  For more information contact Maria Nobre de Carvalho at:    foodtoursalgarve

Photo credit:

When the mix is ready, pre-heat the over to 110°C. Cover the bowl loosely with foil and place in the oven for three hours. then remove. The mincemeat will be swimming in fat, but don’t worry - that’s what’s supposed to happen.

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Food & Drink

Gastronomic surprises at Casa Mãe By Lena Strang Garçia was asked what the they were, he kept up the suspense, “If I tell you, what’s the surprise!” One turned out to be bourbon with orange zest and the other one a liquor flavoured with a burnt taste of verbena - both with obligatory pomegranate seeds.

Casa Mãe, a boutique style resort in Lagos, has opened its doors to welcome food lovers in their fine dining restaurant named ‘Orta’. During October and November, dinner guests have been treated to something rather special – seven gastronomic dinners, exploring seven iconic Algarvian products with seven different courses. Veronique Polaert, the owner of Casa Māe, had kindly invited Tom Henshaw, Julie Battersby and myself to partake in the 4th dinner of the series, this time focussing on the pomegranate. Yes, the fruit is said to be one of the healthiest around, brimming with vitamins and antioxidant properties, but how do you use the fruit in seven different courses? We were soon to be presented with a series of delightful surprises. Arriving early, we made ourselves comfortable in the seating area adjoining the restaurant. Food and beverage manager, Filipe Garçia recommended ‘Maias’, a full-bodied, ripe Dão white wine, with flavors of green fruits, grapefruit and spice. A very promising start to the evening. Our gastronomic adventure began with pomegranate and purple sweet potato bread, baked on the premises, served with goat cream cheese. It was an amazing combination that worked well.


The previous gourmet meals have featured local products such as pink peppercorns, medronho, wild mushrooms, chestnut & sweet potato and alfarroba (carob). The choice of produce is made by Júlio Machado, the producer at Casa Mãe’s own farm, the management and the chef. And what an interesting concept it is. The integration of a local product into each dish has been well thought out. And even for someone who doesn’t eat huge meals, the seven courses were more than manageable. We thoroughly enjoyed the meal in very pleasant surroundings. The contemporary minimalist interior complimented the traditional features of the terracotta floor and the woven wall hangings. Thanks to good acoustics, the soft music added to the ambience. The large outside patio next to the medieval city walls also looked inviting. A follow-up visit is definitely due.  Casa Mãe is situated at Rua do Jogo da Bola, nº 41 8600-712, near the city gates of São Francisco. Restaurant Orta is open for breakfast and lunch every day between 8am and 1 pm and dinner from Wednesday to Saturday.

Then followed a succession of dishes: a sea bass starter with a beetroot and pomegranate salad, quail eggs with a consommé, tuna and red sweet potato with an avocado and pomegranate sauce and succulent rabbit with crispy parmesan topping. In between dishes we were served drinks to refresh the palate. When Filipe

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The dessert was equally delicious with chocolate lollipops, this time pomegranate covered in dark chocolate followed by a sorbet.

Bookings can be made but walk-ins are also possible. During the month of December, the Friday special dinners continue with the theme of Christmas flavours.  For reservations, please contact:  968 369 732 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Sommeliers working together with top chefs By Miguel Martins, Tomorrow’s sommelier At the end of October the culinary event, Extravaganza 2016, took place. The chosen location, once again, was the spectacular Conrad Hotel in Quinta do Lago, a hotel that is increasingly getting more attention because of its excellent location, but also the many events that it has organised during the year. The culinary Extravaganza is definitely the happening of the year for gastronomy in Portugal. During three days various guest chefs prepared delicacies that were then paired with wine by one of the guest sommeliers, so this is an event where the chef and the sommelier are featured equally. It was definitely an honor to be invited to this event but more than that, it is a pleasure to see our role as sommeliers starting to get more recognition for the work and importance of what we do. The guest chefs were all Michelin star, national and international and on the first day a dinner was held with a menu of five dishes made by five chefs and then wines were then chosen to go specifically with each dish. On the second day this was repeated but with different chefs and ssommeliers. We also had a pizza pasta party at lunch in a more relaxed environment where I used the wines that I work with exclusively - the Chardonnay Vale do Luar and Quinta de Lemos do Dão. The high point of the event was the last day's party, where guests were invited to go different stalls where they were received by chefs and sommeliers welcoming guests in a relaxed atmopshere with finger food and entertainment including dancers, games, lights and colours. It was something really different and interactive that guests could really get involved with. I am already looking forward to Extravaganza 2017. It’s a truly wonderful event.  Miguel's shop is on the Avenida in Lagos 


AND SO HAS THE QUEUE Now is the time to nd out why people line up for our pancakes


All day English & American Style breakfasts served from 8:00am - 4:00pm

Behind the church on Praça Do Infante, Lagos. T: 028 082 160 |

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Outdoor Oil and gas exploration in Portugal By Claire Friedlander

fuel taps without many things grinding to a halt - transportation for instance. For electricity production, however, energy diversity affords consumer protection against fuel price volatility and encourages development of green energy technologies. Oil and gas has a substantial head start over renewables, but financial investment in research and development, bolstered by international climate goals and incentives could quickly change that. Comparatively, offshore wind offers a rapidly advancing alternative, and despite uncertainty regarding long-term environmental impact, installation is getting cheaper and increasingly non-disruptive.

Recent world political events confirm that the winds of change are blowing, and they herald chilling times. It’s been a bad year for the environment, which has set two influential democracies (post-Brexit Britain and postpresidential election USA) on course to undermine their environmental departments. Portugal’s outlook has been somewhat sunnier. Approximately 48% of our electricity is now from renewable sources, and in May the entire country ran for four days on renewable energy alone. Opponents of Portuguese oil and gas exploration reached a further environmental milestone in July when Parliament approved suspension of Algarve oil drilling, but many argue that oil and gas investment in the Algarve would benefit impoverished local communities. The World Bank, however, suggests that

the opportunities ostensibly offered to developing economies and local communities for poverty reduction is marginal, citing a ‘paradox of plenty’ to highlight the imbalance between resource development and expected benefits. Portugal’s projected ‘billion barrels’ of oil is nonetheless enticing, but to understand its real scale, this quantity is only enough to supply global demand for about ten days at the current rate of consumption! Furthermore, the onus would be on the Government to assure sound, stringent macroeconomic policies and governance to guarantee any economic advantage from these corporate juggernauts. One legitimate argument in favour of oil and gas regards transition to renewables. Pragmatically, it would be almost impossible to turn off the fossil

Conversely, oil and gas industry is bad for the environment. Carbon emissions are just one aspect. Requisite seismic surveys are likely to be responsible for unexplained mass whale beaching in exploration areas. Oil recovery from wells on the ocean floor releases toxins such as mercury, lead and arsenic into the sea. And can Portugal cope in the event of an oil spill? Considering the risks to the environment and local communities, and with only forty years of proven global fossil fuel reserves according to a recent BP report, investment in renewable technologies makes more sense. Weaning ourselves from fossil fuel dependence is necessary rather than desirable and Portugal is ideally placed to set an example, favouring investment in revolutionary technologies instead of in fossil fuels. Where to start? Perhaps the answer is blowing in the wind…. 

Imperial eagle soars again A juvenile Iberian Imperial Eagle has been released after a period of intensive treatment for baldness.

An assessment led to some quick thinking and the eagle was captured and taken to Lisbon council’s Wildlife Rescue Centre where a team started treatment.

The young bird, the progeny of one of only 15 breeding pairs in Portugal, was under a surveillance regime and was observed to lack the necessary feathers to fly, a distinct disadvantage as a two-month-old keen to leave the nest and strike out for independence.

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The youngster is now six months old, has a full set of feathers and has been set free in the Special Protection Zone of the Guadiana Valley, near his home in Mértola: he also has been receiving some basic hunting tips having recovered his feathers

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and his dignity. Now the eagle is free to roam, he will be closely monitored by a team from the League for the Protection of Nature and the Institute of Nature and Forest Conservation who will follow the eagle’s early flights to ensure his successful reintegration.  For a full version of this story please go to 

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Gardening No rest for the Algarvean gardener – part 2 By Clive Goodacre like bougainvillea, solanum, salvias and cuphea for example. Little and often is a better way of maintaining flowering and foliage rather than hacking back. The deciduous pomegranate really wakes up after the winter rains do their magic.

Autumn is also a good time for planting new trees which will become established throughout winter with little or no irrigation until next summer. Now is good time to prepare and plant bulb borders with plants like Iris Iberica, Hemerocallis and a huge variety of lillies. Light pruning of shrubs and trees in autumn is ok because, unlike northern Europe plants, ours are not shutting down for the winter. Citrus fruit should not be hard pruned since they crop in winter and early spring. Pruning for shape, quality and to reduce loading may be carried out however depending on the weather. Tip pruning is a good way of coaxing plants back to life during winter and also gradually reshaping climbers, shrubs and perennials

Punica granatum is ideal for the shrubbery offering something special from spring to late autumn. Firstly comes brilliant copper coloured foliage followed by bright orangey/ red flowers that last for weeks gradually turning into the familiar fruit with a leathery skin that changes from pale yellow through pink and orange. The pomegranate can be shaped into a tree, but naturally prefers to grow into a large shrub which in hot sheltered spots hardly loses its leaves at all in winter. Dwarf Japanese varieties are available forming perfect miniature pomegranates. They need little water and will grow in very poor acid or alkaline soil. The list of plants we grow here originating mainly from a relatively small south west corner of Africa is immense. It includes herbaceous perennial favourites like arctotis, felicia, gazanias, leonotis, osteospermums, pelargoniums and senecio.Shrubs and climbers include carissa, euryops, strelitzia,

jasmine, plumbago, tecomaria and thunbergia. The list of succulents runs into literally thousands including varieties of aloe, kalanchoe, crassula, lampranthus and stapelia. Why they grow so well here is simply due to similar climate and soil conditions which are also replicated in areas of Australia, South Africa, California and parts of South America. Don’t forget the kalanchoes Aloes and agaves regularly feature in gardening columns as winter flowering stars, but really come into their own during January and February so please don’t ignore them. Likewise kalanchoes which are brilliant winter plants with some crazy varieties. Unusual forms and shapes give rise to common names like the Penwiper Plant (light green paddle shaped leaves with brown spots), Pussy Ears (soft felty, brown edged leaves), Mother of Thousands (leaves edged with tiny plantlets) and Walking Kalanchoe (plantlets on long stems enabling the plant to spread over wider distances). In early spring Kalanchoe Tessa comes into flower making it an ideal accent or bedding for semi-shaded dry gardens. 

Inspiring garden design By Jeanette Fahlbusch Question: 1. Are you passionate about plants, gardening and garden design? 2. Would you like the opportunity to learn about and deepen your knowledge of Mediterranean gardening? 3. Would you enjoy the conviviality of doing so within an enthusiastic, mixed and welcoming group of like- minded people? If so, then read on! Since starting our new Lagos Mediterranean Garden Group in September (we are the Western Algarve offshoot of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal) we are thrilled to have had a steady flow of new participants, all inspired by a love of Mediterranean gardening there is definitely interest out there! Following our first fabulous cliff top garden visit, and last month's visit to a specialist

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Cacti & Succulents nursery, followed by a very enjoyable wine tasting at award winning Morgado da Torre vineyard, we have just had another great morning out. Alison McPherson opened her wonderfully romantic and wild garden in the countryside just outside Lagos for a ‘Don't just do something, stand there!’ Garden Design inspired theme. Faced with age old huge trees, massive cacti and succulents, live sculptures and garden pockets that were well, established and beautiful but needed some fresh input, we invited along professional plants woman and Garden Designer Marilyn Medina Ribeiro, of Waterwise Gardens. Strolling around the garden, raising and answering each others' questions with Marilyn to hand offering whole new design perspectives, was an eye opening morning which was rounded off perfectly by a further Q&A session whilst seated round

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Alison's Bougainvillea clad verandah (just think: American porch with rocking chairs) to a Devon cream tea – home made cakes, plum jam, cream and delicious coffee & tea. The morning concluded with an inspiring Mediterranean style gardens slide show and commentary by Marilyn Ribeiro. How can I sum it up? We just went home with a big smile on our faces and straight out into our gardens full of inspiration, motivation and zest to just get on with it! For more information and a copy for our 2017 Spring/Summer programme, contact  or  969 439 867. There is no membership fee for our local group, but membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.    


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Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

282 780 709

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

Urgência / Emergency

+351 919 869 700

Group Matwork, Private & Semi Private Classes Tel.: 926 514 613 |

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