Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - December 2019

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Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Editor's note

Time flies, they say, and here we are, already in December getting ready for the festive season celebrations and welcoming in 2020. 2019 has been an amazing year at Tomorrow magazine, quite a lot has changed, a new area opened with a second edition, new editors and contributors added to the team, yet some things remain the same. Our dedication to making a community magazine that you enjoy. With that thought, we are always keen to hear of new ideas, new businesses, interesting people and story ideas, we are also happy to hear from those of you with a need to write stories. The massive support from businesses and individuals for our lids for life campaign, recycling plastic and metal lids normally destined for the rubbish bin, to provide much needed help for Vicente will continue during 2020. If you are a bar or business owner who has been too busy during the summer months, perhaps now is the time to make contact with us to see how you can pledge your waste to helping others.

On a somber note, this holiday season please remember that drinking and driving can kill. Many of us know of someone who has caused or been the victim of a drunk driver. At seventeen, four of my best friends were tragically killed on their way home after a party.

The road death statistics in Portugal make for grim reading, take a taxi or make sure you have a designated driver, don't get in a vehicle when you know the driver has been drinking and remember, friends don't let friends drive. Happy Birthday Tomorrow magazine, eight years old already and we could not have achieved all that we have without our advertisers, contributors, and you, our readers. For this we raise a glass, thank you and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

With the climate at the top of every agenda we are happy to hear of any initiatives that you would like to inform the wider community about.

On the cover The Gift and the joy of giving. Season's greetings from everyone at Tomorrow.


MEET THE MAYOR When the PS won the recent Legislative elections, sitting Lagos Mayor, Dr Joaquina Matos resigned her post to take up a new position in Lisbon. Tomorrow magazine sent Milvia Félix to meet Hugo Pereira, the new Mayor of Lagos City Council. Hugo Pereira is forty-three years old, although born in Lisbon he was back in his home town of Lagos within a few days. His youth was divided between Praia da Luz, where his paternal grandparents lived, and Lagos, where his maternal grandparents lived, and where his parents worked. “I have a younger sister, together we had a happy childhood, playing with friends on the street, spending time with family and practising handball.” Today, Hugo is the father of a 22-month-old baby.

"This heritage is seen as a challenge, a mission, demanding of greater responsibility, by the entire city council executive."



A background in finance, he started working at the Ministry of Health, at ARS do Algarve, later becoming the Chief Financial Officer of the Hospitals of Portimão and Lagos, and later of Faro too. At the same time, he taught at the Department of Health, Graduate Studies at the University of Algarve, was an accountant, and was responsible for the accounting department of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lagos. In 2001 he began to have a closer relationship with politics, becoming a member of the Lagos Municipal Assembly, while continuing his professional activities. His participation in the Assembly lasted three terms. It was through this experience that in 2013, Dr Matos invited him to join the executive as Vice President. Abdicating his professional career, “facing the new position as a mission, to take a short amount of time has been proving more lasting.” “The desire to be Mayor was not something on the table. Despite being on the electoral lists, it was always as Vice President. However, the current position was not won, it was inherited. This heritage is seen as a challenge, a mission, demanding an even greater responsibility to the citizens, by myself, and the entire city council executive.”

TOMORROW - Based on the political philosophy of the socialist party, and the fact of being the President of a Socialist City Hall, do you have any projects for your term? “My team will develop the electoral programme presented in 2017 by Dr Matos in its various aspects. Despite the resignation of Dr Matos, the new President and his team’s job is to implement the approved electoral programme, only its management may be carried out differently.” TOMORROW - The city has a shortage of affordable housing, are there measures that CML can develop to bridge this situation? “This question is a big challenge for any City Hall and Lagos is no different. This challenge becomes more visible when we have competition with the quality of life, with a university, or with tourism, such as Lagos. A touristic city by excellence, with a very large foreign community, which led to an imbalance in the law of housing supply and demand. This situation was further accentuated, with the tourism boom, with new foreign communities emerging, notably from northern Europe, France, and Italy who joined existing communities in the city. The emergence of local housing, the increase of the average price of construction, the end of the recession in the real estate market, has led to the real estate market and the builders focusing on the middle to upper prices. This has created a void between homes for rent at reasonable prices, or for affordable purchase. CML is preparing a study to understand what are the real needs in terms of family typology, whether they are


buyers, or in need of social housing, the percentage of young couples and single parents. City Hall also intends to develop an injection of new homes. To this end, several projects for the acquisition of land for the construction of houses have already started, mainly in Sargaçal and Bensafrim, new homes are planned for next year. On other acquired land, which belonged to a cooperative in the area of ​​Júlio Dantas Secondary School, there are plans to build another 100 apartments. In Chinicato too, CML will develop a selfbuilt semi-detached housing project so that people can buy and build their own home. At the same time, CML, through dialogues with some investors of the area, are trying to reach an understanding, not only to develop luxury housing, but also to build more affordable housing. In tax terms, the reduction of IMI for those who own a second home, and intends to lease it, and also a regulation to support urban lease, in order to help households to pay rent.” TOMORROW - Considering most jobs are seasonal, what is the role of CML, in order to captivate young people not to leave the city or return after their studies? “The CML has had several meetings with local employers and is aware that the big problem that appears is the shortage of human resources. The resolution that those companies are providing is to move some of their human resources between stores to fill and reinforce their teams, even helping them with their accommodation and other expenses they may have. On the other hand, another big question that CML has been facing is: what can the city offer to graduates? Following this, there has been an effort on the part of CML to try to run competitions that can captivate graduates, and what you have noticed is, a high number of candidates with higher qualifications that apply for jobs where the remuneration is equal to a worker with completed secondary education. Alongside this, we have the reverse of the model, where we lack human resources, with professional technical training, in the area of construction, hotel and catering. The City Hall, for its part, has been supporting entrepreneurship, creating value with the finalists of the professional courses, creating co-work spaces with the purpose of attracting investment, in which there is a huge licensees membership. At this point, CML has been developing entrepreneurship workshops inviting several entrepreneurs to assist and help future entrepreneurs develop their ideas.” TOMORROW - Given the pressure that tourism places on natural resources, does the Câmara intend to develop more measures to combat the pressure? “The city of Lagos has, in a way, been able to withstand this tourist pressure, which, over the years has been increasing, namely with the increase of Local Accommodation and services. The urban cleaning, the collection of solid waste and other materials generated by the tourism business is performed not only by municipal services, but also by companies that are hired by the City to provide such services.

Regarding natural resources, besides the area of Ponta da Piedade, another tourist spot that needs intervention is the Meia Praia dune cordon area. As such, we requested the collaboration of APA (Portuguese Environment Agency), so that we can move forward, with an application for community funds, to protect this dune cord with the construction of a footbridge from Barra de Bensafrim to the last part of the beach. Finally addressing the issue of the caves of Ponta da Piedade, and particularly the huge number of boats that do the tour, the Câmara has had several meetings with tour operators, APA, Port Authority of Lagos, the Portuguese Board of Tourism, in order to raise awareness among these stakeholders that this area is very sensitive and that it is necessary to protect, for example, the boats could use alternative energies in order to minimize the impact of pollution in that area. Unfortunately, the role of the Câmara is merely a mediating role. Only in an exceptional situation can the City Hall, play a tougher role by invoking a protection mechanism in that area, allowed by the POC( Plano da Orla Costeira)- shoreline plan, which prohibits access to that area by sea, which the Câmara hopes not to use, because this type of tourism is one of the business cards of the city.” TOMORROW - Are there any special projects that you want to fulfil ? “Yes, no doubt. From a personal point of view, it is housing. But along with this, we have others, among them, the resurfacing of Estrada da Luz. A new tender will open, and if all goes well, the works could start after the summer of 2020. Another project that I would like to see completed is the resurfacing of the Meia Praia Road, namely the stretch between Hotel Vila Galé and the Palmares. Finally, the other project concerns the surrounding area of Ponta ​​ da Piedade, namely the beginning of the second phase of intervention in that area, which encompasses the Farol area and Praia do Pinhão, with the laying of walkways, the reinforcement of security, the rehabilitation of the road, the creation of parking areas near Praia do Camilo, thus restricting car access to Praia D. Ana. Along with these projects, we want to rehabilitate the area of the ​​ walls as well as access to the ramparts and turrets, with the possibility of implementing an elevator outside the wall, so that anyone interested 



COMMUNITY can appreciate the entire surrounding area of ​​the wall. Alongside this, we are also rehabilitating the Dr Formosinho Municipal Museum, which is expected to open next year, and the expansion of the Archeology Museum is underway. These projects are supported by Community Funds.

The City Council is developing a project of remodelling the roundabouts, in which they will change the grass, for one that does not require major maintenance and each will have an element alluding to the discoveries.” TOMORROW - How can you strengthen the ties between the Lacobrigense population and the foreign community? “We must emphasize the role of the English community since it was the first community that started here, and helped the city to develop in terms of population and economy. It should be emphasized the emergence of the Brazilian community, in terms of

the search for better living conditions. Finally, the emergence of the French, Italian and Swedish communities in the post-crisis, which first visited the city for tourism purposes, but today choose the city to live in and in some cases for investment. The City Hall continues and will continue to provide all the necessary support to these communities, setting the example that the French and Italian communities hold various meetings, using the facilities of the Municipal Chamber for this purpose. Although we have such a large foreign community, the English community remains the most important, both in terms of population and in terms of investment and wealth, for our county. On a practical level, Câmara Municipal de Lagos website will soon be available in the English language version. It is important for these residents to register to vote, it is your town too and you should have your say.”

As part of the awards the municipality presented the recent coastal refurbishments carried out at Ponta da Piedade.

ECOXXI AWARDS The ECOXXI programme is an initiative of the Blue Flag Association of Europe which seeks to encourage and recognise the growing concern of decision-makers about policies that will enhance the sustainability of their territories and the quality of life of their populations. At the recent ECOXXI Environmental Awards ceremony the Municipality of Lagos brought home the Green Flag 2019, as well as scoring the highest ever points obtained by the county in the sustainability rankings.

Play and Recreation An investment by the Municipality of approximately 250,000€ has resulted in a new outdoor play area at the intersection of Rua Filarmónica 1º de Maio, and Rua Cooperativa Chesgal, providing an intergenerational recreational area and street workout. By creating three spaces with different typologies, the project aimed to create a leisure area and accessible pedestrian circulation, also allowing the development of cultural and sports activities. The area includes new modern urban furniture alongside equipment for



traditional games such as chess, ping pong and petanque. Another highlight is the area with exercise equipment, also known as street workout, with a circuit containing various equipment designed to be accessible for all ages to practice sports. The new space also includes reforestation and the creation of a concrete amphitheatre that will allow the development of outdoor cultural activities. The new area is already open to the public, ready for Lacobrigenses and visitors to enjoy another play and recreation space in Lagos.

Sectors with the best performance were those related to the implementation of the Blue Flag Programme, making information available to residents, nature conservation and sustainable tourism. For 2020, the municipality services are already planning a set of actions to deal with the new challenges, among the initiatives will include environmental education for the local employees who will be putting in place protective measures to reverse erosion, remove soil and deal with contamination. Other areas of action will include assessing, and adopting climate change strategies, putting in place action plans and recording the implementation of these measures. Two existing projects, The Sea Begins Here, and the Council Action for Climate Action will be continued and strengthened by creating partnerships with the local schools.


The aim is to help as many people as possible with psychomotricity and physiotherapy to stimulate the brain and body. Preventative therapies and enabling people to retain a level of independence is key. Luisa explains, “Helping people with their mental agility as well as their physical health, not only improves their quality of life but also helps reduce the cost and strain on resources for a community that are living longer. If physical and mental deterioration sets in, they may need care 24/7 in the future.” Luisa is a full-time nurse in Portimão hospital, and mother to two girls. She spends every spare moment running the charity as a volunteer. Luisa says, “To help one person is good, to help a hundred people is better. This is the reason for my life.”


"To help one person is good, to help a hundred people is better. This is the reason for my life"

When it comes to helping people, the team behind Espiral de Vontades don’t hold back. We sent Suzanne Radford to find out more about their projects and Idosos em Movimento, Seniors on the Go. Behind the main square in Monchique on the Rua Dr Bernardino Moreira stands Loja Social, Charity Shop where ‘previously loved’ items are on sale. This is one of the initiatives led by the charity Espiral de Vontades, with Luisa Martins and Teresa Campos at the helm, supported by a small team of volunteers who work tirelessly, helping people young and old. They have successfully raised funds by recycling bottle tops and corks, using the money to buy wheelchairs and equipment for children with disabilities and special needs. They also contribute towards Vicente’s treatments, who is one of the 80 children the lid collecting has benefited. A portion of the proceeds from the shop goes towards Idosos em Movimento, aimed at supporting the elderly members of the community, and their needs. With a growing population over the age of 60, conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression are common, with joint problems and arthritis causing mobility issues. The Monchique Municipality supports two therapists so the charity can run an outreach programme, they assist more than 150 elderly people across Monchique, Alferce and Marmelete on a weekly basis.



Luisa thinks big, constantly looking for ideas and solutions to help more people. The Guinness World Record attempt, to make the largest blanket in the world, as previously reported in Tomorrow, was one of her ideas. Her big ambition is to open a Snoezelen room in Monchique. Snoezelen rooms are a multi-sensory interactive space that uses light and sound to stimulate the senses and calm the mind. They help people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s as well as those with chronic pain and mental health issues. Dutch therapists; Jan Hulsegge and Ad Verheul came up with the name, snoezelen, combining ‘snuffelen’ which means to seek and explore with ‘doezelen’, to relax. Developed in the UK, Snoezelens can be found all over the world, in schools, hospitals and long term care facilities. Luisa explains that in Portugal these spaces are housed within institutions but the one planned for Monchique would be independent, and accessible to everyone, including people from the wider Algarve. People of all ages would benefit. “We have the space already, now we need to prepare the areas, and then buy the equipment to set up the Snoezelen Room.” That means collecting 30,000 kg of corks. It is an arduous task for the ten volunteers, separating the cork from the plastic and metal tops that go to recycling. The organisation is appealing to the public to help speed things up by saving corks, or by making a donation of some form, whether time, materials, or financial. Twenty per cent of the 15.000€ budget has already been raised although it is has taken two long years. Luisa explains “every day poses a new set of challenges, with limited resources and so many people in need of assistance, it is an uphill struggle.” Luisa and the team at Espiral de Vontades won’t give up, not whilst there are people worthy of help.

+INFO:  Espiral de Vontades   +351 964 638 153

SIGNATURE APARTMENTS AT PALMARES - 1, 2 & 3 BED From 390.000€ | REF. A /05445 | LAGOS Private condominium with a total of 37 fabulous apartments of which 19 are now being released, will comprise of adult and children's pools and communal gardens, in the heart of Palmares. All apartments face southwest with views to the river estuary, the Atlantic Ocean and the golf course, and will be sold fully furnished and equipped. Two garage spaces and storage are included in each unit. An annual golf membership will be offered for 2 people. Areas of the 1 beds are around 75sqm plus terraces. Modern finishes. Stylish design. Able to generate interesting 'return on investment', these apartments would be ideal as a holiday/rental/investment property.


www.c as a s d oba rlave


CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS During November, across the country there were hundreds of celebrations for the centenary of the birth of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, often just referred to as Sophia, she was one of Portugal’s greatest figures in literature. President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa awarded posthumously, the GrandeColar da Ordem de Sant'Iago da Espada. Sophia became the first Portuguese woman, and the first non-head of state to receive such distinction. While Sophia spent her working life in Lisbon she would spend her holidays in Lagos, where she owned a home on the street that bears her name. As part of the celebrations, the Municipality of Lagos decided to create a permanent reminder of the poet and author, by commissioning two new urban wall art projects for the city. When the Câmara briefed Laboratório de Actividades Criativas (LAC) with the ambitious project, they knew exactly who to ask. The artist known as SAMINA was invited to undertake this prestigious work. SAMINA first caught the eye with his distinctive works when he was invited by LAC for an ARTURb art residency in 2013. “I was starting to paint more and more at that time. I had recently finished Architecture School when I received the invitation from LAC. I fell in love with the experience there. I also fell in love with the project, becoming a good friend of everyone from LAC. Since then, every year I come to Lagos once, or twice a year, to do some



projects with them. Workshops or painting some walls, or just to check the results of ARTURb residence. I have met some of my best artist friends and great artists here. So, for the last six years, Lagos has become a special place to me. I feel at home there and it is always good to be back.” LAC supported his work by supplying the equipment, and the gallons of paint for the artwork. “Each project has its own specificities, depending on the ground conditions next to the wall. We chose the best way to make it happen, so for the first mural I used a scissor-lift, and for the second, the cherry picker. I use plastic paint for big shapes and backgrounds, and spray paint for the stencil. Stencil is my main technique to reproduce images and faces.” Photo © LAC At eight-metres wide, four high, the first giant mural of Sophia adorns the elementary school that bears her name. The second can be found appropriately, on the road named in honour of the famous Lagos educator. Rua. Joaquim Alberto Taquelim. Fifteen-metres tall and five wide, the giant mural of Sophia looking out, makes me feel that I didn’t pay enough attention in English. Thirty-year-old SAMINA is from Quinta do Anjo, a small village called close to Setúbal, from where he divides his time between Teresópolis in Brazil with his Brazilian wife. His artistic lifestyle 


Reach for the Stars BY SOPHIE SADLER

Photo © LAC started when he was young, by fourteen he had started to make stickers and stencils on the streets. Those early years were just a hobby.

“I would spend a lot of time outside, in public spaces. I noticed all of the artistic manifestations in the streets. I always thought it special, and clever, the way artists could express themselves in places they were not primarily supposed to. The way people react to something that they don’t expect to find in their daily routine was interesting too. Naturally, I felt the appeal to express myself. I think that aspect keeps me loving to paint in public spaces. Art makes you think about something, or feel something, and it excites me the idea of having an influence on a specific public space, on people, or even on the architecture of the place.” The hobby became a lifestyle. SAMINA was invited to paint at events in many cities, as his skill level raised, so did his profile. A job for NIKE, he was earning real money from his passion. Six weeks of work, hIs latest project for his love of Lagos is his last outdoor project for the year. “Winter is coming and it is time to do some studio work. It is also time to look at my latest works, and have a reflection about what am I doing, and what I want to do next. I have some possible projects for next year, but nothing I can confirm for now. Anyway, I am sure it will be something cool!”



Young people from Lagos are achieving a high level of success in the performing arts. The fantastic story of 19-year-old Susana Morgado, who has just achieved her life-long dream of attending Escola Superior de Dança in Lisbon, is a prime example of this. The school is part of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa and is an important artistic, training centre, preparing talented dancers to become professionals in the field of dance. What makes this even more remarkable is that for years, Susana thought her dream of becoming a dancer was unachievable. Susana was born in Cascais to a Portuguese father and English mother, moving to Lagos when she was young. She became obsessed with the idea of becoming a ballerina after her mother and grandmother bought the DVD of Swan Lake. For the young Susana, it was love at first sight. “I fell in love with ballet and used to copy the dancers in front of the television.” She joined the Gwen Morris dance school at the age of six, the school recognised her talent as a performer, but as she became older, it became evident that she did not have the 180º hip turnout that is required for a professional ballerina. “I had always felt that it was my destiny to become a dancer, but it felt that it was unachievable, and so I quit my dream.” It was only after Susana started to look around for different types of dance that she discovered another dance school, Sobre Artes where she started tap dancing. She competed with the dance school in the Dance World Cup and achieved 3rd place in the group qualifiers.

They also achieved 3rd place in the Algarve Dance Open and won 1st and 2nd place at the Leiria dance competition. This was the start of a new journey for Susana who discovered a talent in jazz, hip hop, ballroom and contemporary. She then decided to pursue the path of a commercial dancer. She practices Pilates to give her core strength and luckily for her, she is naturally thin and never has to watch what she eats! As her mother is English, she thought she would try to gain entrance to a London dance school, but then she was injured, and her sister was born. She has spent the last year looking after her baby sister for her working mother, in return for all her dance lessons. “I felt in England I would be a small fish in a big pond and that Lisbon offered me the chance to explore who I want to be as a performer before I move to new waters.” On 24th July a very nervous Susana made the journey to Lisbon for the auditions for the Escola Superior. Unfortunately, she had been sick and so only had one week to prepare her choreography and in the middle of the audition forgot the moves. Devastated, she had given up hope, but when the time came to get the results, she checked online to see her name was on the list of only sixty candidates who are accepted each year. “I was over the moon to have achieved what I thought was not possible.” Susana started the school on the 30th September and hopes it will take her into a career as a professional dancer. Watch this space!


Surreal moments along the way


Accompanied by friends en route

Longest Walk - Setting off


Trekking across the Algarve… with a set of golf clubs?! When the Captain of Parque da Floresta Golf Club, Peter ‘Macca’ McDonagh suggested walking the Algarve coastline with a set of golf clubs on his back to raise money in the fight against cancer, he wasn’t sure if any of his fellow club members would be nutty enough to join him. But after a few beers at the 19th hole, Giles ‘Foxy’ Fox and Dave ‘Chick’ Chicken accepted the challenge…and ran with it. A few months later and with a target of raising 10,000€, they set off on their intrepid 150km trek in late October. They started at Parque da Floresta on the Western Algarve and ended the walk seven days later at Monte Rei Golf Club, near the Spanish border, where their fellow PdF club members were meeting for their annual Captain’s Away Tour. Various friends joined them along the way for moral support as they hiked the coastal paths and navigated their way with the help of mobile phone GPS, lashings of sun cream and a good dollop of humour. “It was amazing having friends walk with us and a massive boost seeing how people were donating with every step we took,” says Dave. “We’d literally be chased by stray dogs one minute, then find ourselves hiking with golf clubs past nudists on deserted beaches the next. We talked a lot of rubbish and pretty much managed to avoid discussing Brexit, we knew it was the best way forward for our sanity.” Their most striking observation was how much easier it was navigating the coastal route at the western end of the Algarve where development was less obtrusive. “Once you head east from Portimão, finding a coastal path gets progressively harder. It’s quite shocking how large-scale development has been allowed to happen right up to the cliff edge,” says Foxy. “Those were the toughest days when we were forced to walk inland, pounding concrete roads because the coast was blocked off by building work and holiday complexes”. They had just one goal in mind; fulfilling the promise they had made to get to Monte Rei on time, and in one piece.



The beautiful Algarve

“We’ve all suffered the devastation of losing people we love to cancer,” says Foxy. “The three of us are no spring chickens but knowing the money raised is going to help fight something so cruel made all the aches, swollen shins, splinters, blisters and the insufferable moaning bearable.” Club Captain Macca struggled with glass splinters in his foot and became the support driver halfway through the trek. But after walking an average 25km a day, Foxy and Dave finally passed through the gates of Monte Rei, a week after setting off with their golf clubs, ready to play in the Captain’s Tour. Foxy’s son Rafa joined them for the last 12km of the walk. Not far to go...

“After a hell of a hike to get there, we didn’t play our best ever rounds but a cold beer never tasted so good,” says Foxy. They are hoping people will keep giving now they have accomplished what many didn’t believe they could. Every cent raised will go directly to Madrugada, an Algarve-based charity offering palliative end-of-life care, and for Stand Up To Cancer, a UK campaign to speed up progress in cancer research. If you would like to help in the fight against cancer and ensure the intrepid walkers reach their target, all donations are gratefully received.

+INFO or to donate: 

The long-awaited cool beer


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Foreign press reviews 2019 An article in the New York Times focused on the Alentejo region and in particular the village of Melides, which is being transformed “as a wave of super affluent Europeans — artists, bankers, actors and sports stars — have discovered this extraordinarily beautiful spot”.

Portugal has been much in the international news this year and most of the reports in the major papers have been positive. When Portugal was rated number three in this year’s Global Peace Index, published annually by the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace, the Sydney Morning Herald was naturally among those quick off the mark to list the results. While noting that Portugal was up one place from last year and now third behind Iceland and New Zealand, the newspaper quoted the institute’s founder as saying that of the 163 countries monitored over the past decade, 80 had become more peaceful while 83 had become less so. The Washington Times had to admit that the United States had dropped four places since last year and was now rated 128th in the global index. October’s general election in Portugal was extensively covered and, even though Prime Minister António Costa’s party failed to win an outright majority, the Guardian pointed out that the Socialists’ victory cemented modest gains across the European Union for the centre-left, which has



suffered a disastrous few years of fallout since the 2008 financial crisis. The Financial Times emphasised that the re-election of Prime Minister Costa was the latest sign of a resurgence among Europe’s traditional social democratic parties following worries for the centre-left in Denmark, Spain, Finland and Sweden. “In Portugal it’s heaven. The rest of Europe has gone crazy” made a catchy headline in the Sunday Times. It was referring partly to the fact that the global financial crisis had brought Portugal to its knees, yet a decade later the country was booming thanks to a left-wing government. The paper went on to quote Portugal’s Finance Minister Mário Centeno as claiming: “We’re growing faster than all average-sized countries in Europe”. Various editions of Forbes Magazine have been raving about the Algarve as one of the best places in the world to retire to and Lisbon as one of the best places to invest in property. Bloomberg had plenty to say about property and declared that Portugal was Europe’s hottest property market but that it was getting too hot for some buyers. It attributed this to Portugal sticking to its golden visa programme even though locals are being squeezed.

The paper went on to tell its readers that Melides: “happens to sit in the middle of a 40-mile stretch of nearly untouched Atlantic Ocean beaches, and at the edge of hundreds of square miles of cork oak fields, vineyards and rice fields”. Melides and the rest of the Alentejo coast, it said, is what St. Tropez used to be in the 1950s, “before Brigitte Bardot, or Ibiza – before the first wave of summer partygoers ever heard of the Mediterranean hot spot”. The Wall Street Journal came up with another secret hideaway for the elite: Comporta in the municipality of Alcácer in the district of Setúbal. Apparently, it has been attracting vacationing royalty, politicians and celebrities, but for decades this 18-mile stretch of coastline has remained largely undeveloped. The paper reckons that international developers are aiming to capitalise on the area’s growing popularity by launching new resort and residential projects. Tourism for ordinary folk with tighter budgets has also taken up a lot of newspaper space this year. All-inclusive holidays have become increasingly popular, especially in the Algarve. “All-in on the Algarve proves to be easy-going family fun”, according to the travel section in the Times. It gushed about “sunshine, entertainment on tap and no money headaches,” on an all-inclusive visit. A couple of years ago the Boston Globe ran a story explaining why Portugal was such a hot holiday destination: 


“Relatively affordable with a fascinating history and even a little Harry Potter must-visit mystique, is why this tiny country is suddenly on everyone’s lips”.

an abundance of great bars, shops, cafés and restaurants, while trips to colourful local markets provide an entertaining and rewarding pastime. With warm sunshine”.

Holiday recommendations have been just as enthusiastic this year in other papers. For example, “Golden beaches, low prices: Portugal's most beautiful seaside destinations for a final dose of summer”, made a helpful headline in the Daily Telegraph.

Summer is the ideal time for most holidaymakers to enjoy this most appealing and lively destination, but the Irish Independent had some other timely advice: it’s good to visit the Algarve out of season for those who seek tranquillity. For one thing, it’s easy to hire a car “unhindered by August’s intense heat and traffic gridlock”.

A seven-night, half-board B&B at £416 per person was on offer in the Belfast Telegraph, which waxed lyrical about the Algarve’s coast and country, described the region as one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe, with modern resorts offering every amenity any holidaymaker could wish for, as well as historic whitewashed towns and fishing ports, full of tradition and atmosphere. If they didn’t already know it, Belfast readers learned that resorts here offer

The Mail Online travel section suggested that holidaymakers “savour the Algarve at its authentic best, from sensational seafood to some of Europe's best coastal walks”. A guide in the Toronto Globe and Mail rated all parts of Portugal north to south as “a foodie’s paradise” and went into detail why. Occasionally, foreign newspapers quite correctly

come up with stories involving serious misadventure or crime in this country, but the Scotsman ran a remarkably positive article on drug addiction, entitled “Why Scotland can ill afford to ignore Portugal’s ground-breaking war on drugs”. The award-winning columnist wrote that it was the lack of moral judgment, even more than the headline-grabbing decriminalisation, that defined Portugal’s much-lauded drugs policy. The gist of her article was that, as the country with the highest number of drug deaths in the EU, Scotland is desperate for answers, and perhaps Portugal can provide some of them. Oh, and by the way, the Straits Times in faraway Singapore was one of the highly reputable newspapers to remind readers in October that 34-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo had just scored his 700th goal in a dazzling career. Never mind that Portugal lost the game 2-1.

A SIMPLE SOLUTION As part of the “Garbage 0 - Environment 100 Campaign, the Municipality of Silves, through its Environment division has installed a series of nets in Pluvial Conduct that prevents pollutant debris, namely plastics, from leaving a rain pipe in Armação de Pêra and polluting the sea.


The net that was put in place results from the reuse of material used by the fishermen that was collected under Operation Clean Beach that took place earlier this year. The simple solution also fulfills the principles recommended for the three R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Silves City Council has recently purchased a remotely operable tracker for clearing vegetation, Máquina is the first publicly-owned equipment to operate in the Algarve.

More environmental preservation actions are being prepared in this important battle against pollution.

The equipment is handled remotely, allowing it to operate in hard to reach areas without compromising the safety



of the forest sapper operators, who, until now have carried out deforestation work using brush-cutters in often adverse terrain conditions. The acquisition will increase the capacity and speed of intervention for the defence of settlements and roads in the main risk areas of the municipality of Silves.


Made of Metal

A professional footballer until he was 32, Fausto Lucio has filled the void left by sport with creating unique art-works from steel. Sophie Sadler interviewed him to find out about his love affair with metal. BY SOPHIE SADLER Fausto Lúcio, is 34-years-old from the Algarve and lives in Loulé. A professional footballer until three years ago, playing centre back for, among others, Benfica, Louletano and Bradford City. After playing since 2003 and many years of travel away from his family, his love of football began to wane. “Feeling unmotivated by football undoubtedly it was art that made my days after playing.” As a child his passions were football, building and inventing. By the age of eight he had already disassembled electric cars and made boats, bikes and moving parts. “I learned early to play with machinery, so I made my own toys.” Since craftsmanship was something he did for pleasure in high school, he decided to study in the arts, but he never studied metal art. He reasoned that if football didn’t become a profession then he could go on to another career that he liked, such as architecture. As an adult, he always had space in his garage where he tinkered. “Instead of moving vehicles or some other kind of toy, my passion began to turn to decorative objects. I woke up in the middle of the night with ideas and, afraid of forgetting them, I kept a notebook on my bedside table. I visualised the pieces using the materials that I was used to working with, bicycle parts, car parts, tools, engines and electrical parts.”



Since retiring from football, he has been working in a decoration shop in the Algarve, Casa & Jardim, while making art pieces in his spare time. “I mostly use recycled material. I enjoy giving a second life to them and doing something good for the environment.” Fausto’s Mum works in administration at a car workshop in Loulé where he is able to source scrap metal. “I also depend on people who, instead of selling the scrap material let me take it to make art.” He sees his art pieces as being a culmination of all the years he has experienced. “Everything is influenced by what I did over the years when I was younger, the stuff that I wore, the ambition and imagination I had. Some ideas come from joining two or three parts of iron or some other material, and that makes me imagine something else. I follow the idea and others just come from looking at some old iron that I have in the garage. Inspiration arises spontaneously because art has no rules. I like to sketch my ideas on paper, but my finished pieces often become much more complex from the sketch. Sometimes in the plan it has about forty parts and in the final piece, maybe 200 or 300 welded parts. Some can take about a month to do; others may take about two or three months, depending on the spare time I have.”

Many of Fausto ́s art pieces are musical instruments, why? “Sometimes people ask me if I’m a musician because most of my pieces are guitars. When I was younger, I learnt music and played some instruments, but it was never a real passion. Although uncles, aunts, cousins ​​ and even my godmother play in the Minerva Philharmonic Band. My parents also did for over twenty-years, and of course some music stays in us!” The reason, however, for making his first decorative piece, a guitar, was wanting to make an instrument that was recognisable and appealed to everyone, whether they are a musician or not. He overcame the difficulty of finding materials, working with few resources and adapting machinery. His favourite piece is the golden guitar. Containing over 250 parts, it weighs 50kg, has an interior red led light and a Bluetooth speaker, Fausto spent three months in Qatar during 2018 creating it for a decoration shop called Luxury Signature. He has also made an incredibly crafted Portuguese guitar for the Parish Council of Quarteira, at the request of President Telmo Pinto no less. “I have sold pieces to clients in Qatar, Nigeria and also Portugal including visitors. I currently have some orders but being a hobby it is not always easy to have time for everything. I hope in the future to be able to dedicate my body and soul to this project.” Fausto’s dream for the future is to open an art gallery where the public can get to know his work. “Yes it is a dream, but I already have some of my work reserved for this purpose.” Fausto certainly has an iron will and surely his steely determination will pay off!

+INFO:  steel art lucio  artsteel_faustolucio


"Building a new unknown business in a foreign country as a single mum has been very challenging, but I hope that by continuing to following my passion I can continue to live in the place I love".


Fiona Greene is passionate about two things, animals and the environment. Four years ago she combined the two to create an ethical pet company. BY SOPHIE SADLER

After a long spell in London looking after her parents who passed away, she decided to begin a new chapter and moved to the Algarve with her daughter, after falling in love with the area while on holiday. A committed vegetarian, Fiona has worked in many different fields but admits she always comes back to animals and campaigning about climate and environmental issues wherever she lives. “My company began as an obsession with finding products that are good for us and the environment and not always accepting what is commercially offered. It is a company that prides itself on selling only 100% Natural, 100% Ethical, 100% Whole Food and 100% sustainable treats and products for dogs.” Some of the products she sells cannot be found in the rest of Algarve. They are nutritious with many health benefits and all her products are Grain-Free, Low Fat, and HypoAllergenic with human-grade ingredients and are suitable for dogs of all ages. Fiona also cooks her own dog food from locally sourced meat and adds extras like vegetable oats and potatoes, which she also sells in 500g tubs. “It has been a long journey and quite disheartening along the way to find truly ethical products. Many companies claim to be natural but that is a long way from being ethical. Her research uncovered some alarming facts about dog treats. “I found a brand that is made from leather and is bleached in very harmful chemicals and coated in glue, but because they can chew it for a long time and comes in pretty shapes people were sold on it and it is on sale everywhere,” alleges Fiona.



All her products have stories behind them from her thorough research. Her Long-Lasting Cheese Chews are made from a hard dried cheese that originates from the Himalayas, where the Sherpas used to carry them on their treks. They are now sold as dog treats, with all of the fat and lactose being removed during the drying process. She points out that hard chews are not suitable for all dogs and chewing time should be managed. Fiona explains that it is important when looking at ingredients to understand what your buying. “My new biscuit bone contains meat sourced from free-ranging organic chickens in Switzerland. It has been taste-tested by my three rescue dogs and it is now on sale as a great treat to take on days out. Each stick contains 50% of the dog’s usual dinner portions.” Her sustainable products go beyond food. “One of my first products were dog collars made from Cork. I loved the fact that it is sustainable. By using cork we help the tree to develop, and the Cork collars are great for dogs with sensitive skin as they are hypoallergenic, odourfree, lightweight, dirt and mould resistant and also water and fire resistant and very strong. Even my packaging is now Biodegradable and recyclable.” She also makes her own Paw and Nose Balm from essential oils. One of her most unusual sustainable products are deer antlers! “Many people don´t realise that deer antlers naturally fall off every year after rutting season and make sustainable dog chews, they don´t smell or attract flies like bones. Don´t buy Buffalo horns which have most likely been hunted or cut off live animals.” The company also works closely and support many animal charities locally like the Cadela Carlota, Bamboo Association and network continuously about animal welfare here and worldwide. They offer free delivery along the Algarve on a regular basis. With delivery dates advertised on the Facebook page. In addition, they will have a stall at many Christmas Fairs and dog shows around the Algarve. So, if you are looking for a great Christmas present for your four-legged friend Fiona is stocking Cranberry and sweet potato treats. Fiona and The Greene Pet Company wish all her doggie customers a Very Waggy Christmas.

+INFO:   Thegreenepetcompany



As businesses have come and gone in Lagos, one place that has stood the test of time has been the Centro de Línguas de Lagos. Owner, Maureen McKeeve, has been breaking down language barriers for 25 years. Originally from Glasgow, Maureen graduated from university with a BA Honours in English and from there went to work for the Arts Council in Edinburgh. However, adventure called, and she wanted a change of scenery and to travel. Someone suggested that, with an English degree, she could teach English abroad. So, in 1990, she gave up her Arts Council job and enrolled on a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course. After qualifying she then packed her bags and headed off to Lisbon to work at the Cambridge School. She was happy in her work in Lisbon and only came to Lagos by chance. Her friend, Isobel, asked her to go with her to Lagos for a weekend to catch up with friends here. Maureen agreed and it turned out to be one of those happy quirks of fate. Amongst the people she was introduced to, was a friend of a friend, Pedro, an architect formerly from Lisbon who had moved to work in Lagos. Romance blossomed, they got married, and Maureen left Lisbon behind. They set up home in Luz and have lived there ever since. As Maureen told me, "I didn't get very far with my travel plans!" She moved to the Algarve around 1992 and started working at Interlingua Language School in Portimão. After a year there, the owner, Zita Neto, decided to open two more centres in Lagos and Lagoa, as business was booming in Portimão. The site for the new Lagos branch for the first year was in a rented flat near Intermarché, to keep costs down. The new centres didn't generate the extra business expected and in 1994, Zita asked Maureen if she wanted to buy the Lagos centre. Maureen agreed but with the change of ownership, they had to apply for new licences with the Department of Education. It was almost like starting from scratch and times were hard with recession impacting her business. The initial number of 200 students fell to around 50. Luckily, by 1995, things started picking up and as the business grew, it necessitated a move to a more central commercial property. Rua Dr Joaquim Tella 32, has been home to the school ever since. In the mid-90s, English was the primary language taught, but also people who moved from the UK signed up for Portuguese lessons. Most of these Brits were retirees. German was also a popular language, French too, although most people found German very difficult to learn. In the early days, English was taught at all



levels, but the Cambridge exams were very popular with people who wanted to get onto university courses in the UK. The British clientele has changed now, with many younger people moving to the area wanting to learn Portuguese. Nowadays, Scandinavians, Chinese and Brazilians form a sizeable percentage of Maureen's clients. Many Brazilians come to work in the hotel and tourism trade. In 2010, with yet another downturn in the economy, things were difficult and did not start to pick up until 2-3 years ago. There has been a miniboom in French lessons as many tourism-related businesses, property sales and management companies request bespoke business French sessions. The way languages are taught has changed over time too. It was normal all those years ago to sign up for sixty lessons, but for many people, this was a big financial commitment as well as taking up time. So, nowadays, blocks of thirty lessons are more the norm. They also found that by offering Portuguese lessons with explanations in English, and vice versa, students felt a lot happier. Many students also see lessons as a social activity, a way to meet people and make friends. Nowadays, after a long career in English teaching, Maureen has decided to concentrate on the management side of her business and leaves the teaching to her staff. I asked her if she would retire any time soon, but she said, "I have no intention of retiring because I like being active." And she doesn't miss the UK. "Every time I get off the plane when I go back to Glasgow, the first thing I notice is the cold, here the lifestyle is happy and relaxed, and I can be outside almost all year." It looks like Maureen and the Centro de Línguas are here to stay.

+INFO:    Centro de Línguas de Lagos

She was happy in her work in Lisbon and only came to Lagos by chance.


Saida’s Treasure Trove


Saida travels the world finding unique merchandise for her two shops and hopes to entice you this Christmas with gifts that help support needy families in India and Morocco.

Everyone thought Saida was crazy when she opened a decor shop in Aljezur selling Moroccan inspired handicrafts and furniture. Moving to Portugal in 1994 was her exhusband's idea, with a successful career in IT in Amsterdam, Moroccan born Saida, was reluctant to follow. Her German spouse was keen to find peace and quiet, and so they landed in Aljezur which in those days was a quiet back-water with not much activity and certainly no demand for IT skills. So Saida came up with the idea of decor shop offering unique imported products and so Fantasia Decor was born. It now sits comfortably with the increasing number of shops aimed at tourists, surf operators and organic food outlets. In those days though people thought it would never last. “The concept was to offer something unique that didn’t exist in Portugal before. I was born in Morocco, so that was the obvious place to start. This is how I started my journey of discovering hidden treasures, furniture, textiles and much more from all over the globe.” Following her divorce, Saida had more time and energy to throw at her project and now spends the whole of January and February on a voyage of discovery to uncover and create new treasures for her customers. “I discover every item, I touch it and feel it before it enters my shop.” Saida spends a lot of time in walk-in markets in Morocco where people take home items they wish to sell. She sometimes sources bespoke items for peoples houses, like doors or furniture. Speaking the local language, she has the lingo to barter and then imports her purchases into Portugal. She also works a lot in India where she hunts for furniture and antiques in Jodhpur, textiles from Jaipur and jewellery from Delhi. Saida did not stop in her enterprise at buying. She decided that she also wanted



to create too. She discovered a talent at designing jewellery and handbags and has started small-scale industries in poor communities to create unique items. Sometimes she buys leather in Portugal and takes it to Morocco to manufacture bags. She also commissions ceramic pots and glass from Morocco. Visiting Saida at her shop in Lagos you will be met with a treasure trove of delights, the beautifully made dream catchers caught my eye, “I make those with my own hands in India with old ladies who crochet them by hand. I sit on the floor with them and help make them, enjoying their companionship.” Although the process of importing into Portugal many find complicated, this inspiring entrepreneur seems to take the process in her stride, bringing in containers from India, she now has a separate shop, The Leather Bag, selling her jewellery, clothing and belts. “I do everything on my own, window decoration, buying and selling, but I feel like I have achieved my vision. I love to work with small companies, individuals, women and small families. It is like a big family, helping them and producing something unique.” Saida has just shut her small shop in Lagos to move to larger premises which she is opening on the 15th of December, just in time for people to purchase their Christmas gifts. The shop will close again on 5th January for Saida to go and search for more treasures, re-opening again in April. It is all too easy to click on Amazon, but why not buy your family and friends something unique and unusual this festive season? If you buy one of Saida’s rare items, you will be supporting a local business, families in disadvantaged communities, and giving a local entrepreneur the credit she deserves.

+INFO:  Lagos Shop - Almaty Rua Candido dos reis 123  almatylagos


UPGRADE A new feature has been added to the website of the Municipality of Portimão providing useful information on a searchable map of the county.

School Awards Two educational institutions in the Algarve have been awarded the “Protective Seal” from the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Youth.

Júlio Dantas School in Lagos, and the Nobel International School Algarve in Lagoa were the only schools in the region to receive the certificate by fulfilling the requirements needed in the eight categories. The necessary requirements include a declaration of commitment, defining a code of conduct, implementation of specific procedures

for recruitment, selection and training of employees, development of a high-risk activities management plan, a strategic plan and collaboration with social networks and services. Establishing policies and procedures to signal and manage maltreatment, and the formation of a coordinating team utilising a risk and hazard management system have also been implemented. This innovative project recognises merit and promotes greater efficiency of the entire Portuguese education system for the safeguarding and protection of children and youth.

Located in an area of seismic ​​ risk, Portimão is the first municipality in the country to expand the siren network by installing two new units that will become operational by the end of the year.



In partnership with the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, the new sirens will be installed in the Portimão Port Captaincy building and at Praia da Rocha Viewpoint to add to the unit already located in Santa Catarina Fortress at Praia da Rocha. At least seven units will be installed to cover all of the areas identified in the Algarve Seismic and Tsunami Risk Study. The amount may vary depending on the tests for the sound propagation capacity to be performed after the installation of each phase, which will then determine the location of the next sirens location in the parishes of Portimão and Alvor. The city of Portimão is located in an area that could be deeply affected by a tsunami as happened on the 1st of

Especially aimed at residents of the county the upgrade includes a set of relevant and exclusive information such as where the ecological drop points are located, where are the routes and stops for public transport and where the canine bag dispensers are located. The answers to these, and many other questions can be found at the tip of your fingers by consulting the website. With the present and near future in mind you can also find the network of electric vehicle charging stations, the location of municipal and public services, educational and health establishments, pharmacies and leisure facilities. This new tool aims to complement the online information already available on the main portal of the Portimonense municipality.

+INFO: 

November 1755. Data from this historic event has provided information to the emergency planners at the Municipal Civil Protection Service who are pioneering a number of measures in the face of this unpredictable phenomenon. A model for the implementation of safe areas and evacuation paths from tsunami-prone areas to population meeting points in areas previously identified for that purpose. A comprehensive and targeted awareness and information programme has already started in the county's schools. The plan will be launched at residents and businesses about the risks and the importance of early preparation, providing information on emergency kits that must be permanently ready as part of a families emergency planning strategies. Although uncommon, tsunamis can be extremely destructive and deadly. Over the past 100 years, more than 260,000 people have lost their lives in 58 occurrences.

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674



Found in most of the countries churches, some public buildings and even homes, Portugal has a rich heritage of stained glass. From her little studio in Almádena, Liza Walker continues the tradition, making her art from coloured glass. The Glass House Algarve is a hive of activity, busy creating new works, some for fun and others on commission. During October through April Liza shares her passion by teaching the vintage craft of working with stained glass. After taking a class Liza became addicted to creating more and more, mostly self-taught and with the help of many others who choose to create pieces of art from glass. “As anyone who has had to work things out for themselves will know, this can be a time consuming and frustrating, but you come out the other side proud and pleased.” Liza works utilising the same procedures devised by Louis Comfort Tiffany, famous for his glass lamp shades. “Each individual piece of the design is cut out of the chosen glass by hand, the edges are ground smooth then wrapped in a thin strip of copper foil. Then, using flux and solder to adhere the whole design together.” WHERE DOES SHE GET THE IDEAS FOR HER WORK? “One of the main sources of inspiration is the glass itself. When you handle a piece of coloured glass sometimes it tells you what you should be making from it, the light shines differently through each piece, and I spend hours holding any new glass up to the natural light to see what comes through. I am particularly fond of birds and nature, so am always finding a way to add them into my designs.”

one person you know all of the plasters were worth it.” For those who have never tried stained glass Liza offers an informal beginners course of approximately eight hours, split over two consecutive days and held in a comfortable home. Once you have completed the beginners course, or for those who are already familiar with the method and would like to carry on making other pieces, there are weekly or fortnightly drop-in classes. A fun and informal class where you can work at your own speed, chat and discuss your designs. “In the beginners class we will be making sun catchers with all of the materials included to start and complete your first project. A selection of patterns are provided for you to choose from. The class is small and informal with a maximum of four or five people. For those who are concerned, we do not use lead in any of our projects.” Liza's work will be on sale at the Artisans Fair in Almadena, on the 1st of December, and at Vale de Lobo Christmas Market on the 7th.

+INFO:   +351 914 185 021    theglasshousealgarve

HOW LONG DOES EACH PIECE TAKE TO CREATE? The length of time depends on many things, often the pattern itself takes the longest to work on, some patterns have taken nearly a month to complete. Once that is done the process of cutting, grinding, foiling, soldering then cleaning can take anything from a few days with small sun-catchers, to weeks and months with larger panels. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO YOUR WORK? “Of course I want people to love it. I like it when people see the same thing in a piece that I did when I made it. It doesn't always happen, but when it does, even if it is just



L to R: Angel with trumpet; Sunrise art deco style panel; Magnolia window panel

Top: Christmas decorations Bottom: Detail of stained glass window







COMMUNITY Inside the jail


American Indian


In the November edition of Tomorrow, we encouraged you to visit the Old Town Jail to enjoy an exhibition created by a group of visiting artists as part of ARTURb 2019. The striking stencil of an iguana found on the back wall of the jail’s tiny solitary confinement cell is chilling enough when it is unadorned. This is a piece of work by Stephane Moscato, one of two artists from France. Visitors are also encouraged to add their own graffiti to the cell walls.

Through the guided tour to some of the most representative artists within the panorama of contemporary urban art, participants are invited to discover the possible implicit messages in the city's murals, looking for other revealing particularities of its cultural importance, historic and artistic.

If you didn’t make it to the jail there are some created works on the streets in the Old Town. On the corner of Rua do Ferrador you can find a piece by DNO3, Benoit Doensen from Belgium, and you can find other creations nearby including a great image of Steve McQueen from the film poster for Papillon.

There are additional dates throughout 2020 with one day each month between January and May for those who can’t make the December tour. You will need to allow yourself a couple of hours choosing either 10 a.m to noon, or the 3 p.m to 5 p.m tours.

EVOL from Berlin has turned some of the Old Town street furniture into representations of buildings. Be on the lookout for telephone junction boxes around town that have been transformed into mini-apartment buildings. The centre-piece of the exhibition at the jail is a sculpture of a tower block that appears to have suffered an attack, the work having been painstakingly created by EVOL. On the 7th of December Laboratório de Actividades Criativas (LAC) who were responsible for inviting the artists to the city will be conducting a Street Art Tour of Lagos. Commencing at the old jail the tour is designed to discover what street art does for the city.



Tower Block

The programme includes a Stencil Workshop, where you can experiment and create your own work under the guidance of an invited artist. All materials: stencils, masks, spray paint, paper and other materials are included, and at the end of the activity you can take your piece home. Art Tour Tickets cost 15€ and are available from Worten, Agências Abreu, at LAC and Ticketline (

+INFO:  Rua Largo do Convento de Nossa Sra. Da Glória (the old jail), 8600-660 Lagos  lac.lagos   +351 282 084 959

The opening party at Galeria LAR for a new exhibition, "Oficinas do Convento" will be on the 6th of December, the show remains open until the 25th of January. Permanent exhibitions can be viewed at the LAR Gallery & Shop, Rua Prof. Luis Azevedo No 37, Thursday through Saturday from 3 p.m until 8 p.m.

AMI 1538










00351 282 788 977


What's on in December GALLERY OF ARTS Sunday 1st of December from 4 p.m at Algarve Gallery of Arts Lagos, Portugal “Don't count on me” is the name given to the exhibition by artists André Silva, André Costa, Catarina Cortez, Mariana Malheiro, Jose Sottomayor, Fernão Cruz, Ricardo Marcelino and João Maria Pacheco. The eight artists live, study and work in Lisbon, where they graduated, seven in painting and one in sculpture, at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon. Their works are among the latest emerging contemporary movements of art in Portugal.

9 X ARTE A group of local artists are exhibiting their paintings at the gallery Armazém Regimental de Lagos from the 16th until New Year’s Eve. The works on show demonstrate how nine artists express their differing perceptions of reality and subject matter. Some have an artistic background, while others explore and develop their latent passion and natural talent for art. The collection of oil and acrylic paintings reflect a broad diversity in colour, shape, style and interpretation. Members of the Cobra Verde Art Group are; Bianca Bailleul, Deb Chadwick, Annie m.a.Daenens, Maris De Vos, Sally Mullender, Patricia Prevel, Trude Sargeant, Kate Stratton and Sandra Venner.



“The exhibition's title, an apparent paradox, ironically responds to what the gallery seeks to: promote and stimulate, cultural activity in the Algarve, seeking to understand, reflecting with artists, their artistic practices, which in turn become the identity of the latest artistic practices of the Algarve.”

+INFO:  Exposição Coletiva - Não contes comigo


The Vila do Bispo Interpretation Centre exhibition, Comenius and the Art of Teaching ends on the 13th of December. Organised by the Rosicrucian Foundation, the exhibition highlights the personality of the educator Jan Comenius (1592-1670), who was equally distinguished by his universalistic thinking as well as the father of pictorial teaching. Comenius defended the need to teach everyone everything and was

the author of the work Didactic Magna (1657). Thirteen panels address themes such as; Man as Microcosm, the concepts of Nature, Divine, World and Human. And personalities such as those of educator Maria Montessori (1870-1952) and the great Algarvian educator João de Deus (1830-1876), author of the famous Maternal Booklet, which helped many Portuguese to learn the first letters. The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m to 3.30 p.m Admission is free.

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Dinner Theatre

O PRESENTE DE CÉSAR BY GIACOMO SCALISI O Presente de César is the story of Caesar Tróia, his family and the story of Portuguese cod fishing nationwide. During the last century's dictatorship fishermen across the country went to the banks of Canada and Norway to fish cod, including fishermen from Aljezur and Monchique. This is a story of the hardship and loneliness, and includes some photos of the men of that time. Dinner consists of an amazing menu of soup, main dish and dessert and, of course, “the wine that the chef likes very much, really very much.” Minimum age allowed is 12-years-old, limited tickets are available at 10€ which includes dinner. Everyday from Thursday 5th until Sunday 8th from 7.30 p.m at Casa do Povo de Alferce, Monchique

Skating Gala For the 6th consecutive year Roller Lagos is pleased to organise the Solidarity Figure Skating Gala, a show with lots of music where parents, family and the general population will have the opportunity to watch a figure skating show with all the athletes from the club.

as well as a few invited clubs. There will be the opportunity to see the Say Yes quartet, the bronze medalist at the World Roller Games in Barcelona, ​​as well as the European Pair Champions of Dance, Mariana and João Souto. Undoubtedly, a sight not to be missed.

This is an event that brings a lot of joy to all athletes and where you can enjoy a beautiful show on skates. This year there will be some very special guests,

Catch the show at the Municipal Pavilion on the 8th at 6.30 p.m until 9.00 p.m. Entrance is free.

SUSTAINABLE CHRISTMAS Reusing and recycling is the motto for the contest “Sustainable Christmas”. This initiative, which is aimed at all classes of kindergartens, as well as young people and families of the municipality, aged between 3 and 16-years old, aims to carry out creative, original works related

SPIRITUAL THEATRE Join Beatriz Chacel and the Spiritual Theatre for a full-day experience at the beautiful Temple of the Earth, near Aljezur, Saturday the 7th from 10 a.m. The Spiritual Theatre combines physical theatre, pantomime and improvisation techniques, along with exercises that focus on self-awareness and personal improvement. This is a great opportunity for exploring and developing acting skills, as well as observing and understanding oneself. The full-day experience includes: - Introduction to the Spiritual Theatre - Guided meditation and exercise on imagination and visualization - Dynamic warm



up with physical theatre and pantomime games, exploring and playing with scenarios, roles and characters - The stand-up “comedy show” with the group divided into audience and actors - Reflection and feedback on each performed act - Closing circle for sharing and integrating. The price for the the full-day experience is 45€. Confirm your participation.

+INFO:   +351 915 656 756  The Spiritual Theatre - Full day experience

to the Christmas season. using various materials. The works will be on display at the Vila do Bispo Cultural Centre, from the 2nd of December until the 3rd of January.

+INFO:  +351 282 630 600


PORTIMÃO ANGELS Saturday 21st of December all roads lead to Angel Pilot. Gathering at 2 p.m. The Christmas ride invites motorcycle of any displacement for the annual event that aims to celebrate the season by visiting a child-care institution in the municipality of Portimão delivering gifts to all the children. This year they hope to surpass the record attendance of 2018 when they exceeded 200 motorcycles.

+INFO:  Honda Angel Pilot Estaleiros Navais, Lote E, 8400-278 Lagoa - Parchal  Passeio de Natal - Moto Grupo do Arade - Angel Pilot

New Year's Ride Sunday the 29th at 2.30 p.m Moto Grupo do Arade invite you to join them for the 11th New Year's Ride.

Over the years the ride has brought together a large number of motorcyclists from various parts of the country. The objective of the tour is to travel to the highest point in the Algarve. Foia is accessible by road from Monchique,

and has an altitude of 902 metres. The tour will take place to finish at the headquarters of the Moto Group do Arade located in Portimão, in the village of Tres Bicos.

+INFO:  11º Passeio de Final de Ano - Moto Grupo do Arade -Portimão

The Silves Municipal Swimming Pool Complex (CPMS) is offering a wide range of classes for children, youths and adults.



CPMS introduce Hydrotherapy classes for people suffering with musculoskeletal problems, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, fracture sequelae, immobilization muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle tension, arthritis, pre and postoperative injuries and general injuries. There are Yoga classes for pregnant women who want to benefit from specific yoga exercises and practices in order to balance their physical and mental well-being and better overcome all the changes inherent in pregnancy.

TABLE TENNIS If you are looking for a new sporting challenge, or even enhancing your skills, Clube Ténis de Mesa in Lagos are hosting a Christmas Table Tennis training camp from the 16th until the 20th.

+INFO:  XMAS Table Tennis Training Camp. Lagos Algarve

JUNIOR GOLF The Boavista Junior Golf Trophy, a GJG Tour & 21golfleague event with separate U14 division will take place at Boavista Golf & Spa 4th – 7th December. This event is WAGR, JGS & EGR ranked. The 10th - 13th December, Espiche Golf presents the 2nd West Algarve Golf Trophy. For reservations contact Espiche.

+INFO:  +351 282 688 250 

Children and young people will be able to enroll in Hip Hop classes and in Zumba Kids classes. A choreographed class teaching various dance steps in a relaxed and fun way. Jump is for youth and adults, a fun and motivating class where there is a predominance of combined aerobic exercise by jumping over an individual mini-trampoline. This class is intended for young people aged 16 and over. Interested parties should register with the CPMS.

+INFO:  +351 282 440 270 

Alcalar Talk

Alcalar, a settlement of the 3rd Millennium BC in the far south-western corner of Europe.

Algarve Archaeological Association’s December talk will be about the prehistoric site of Alcalar, presented by Rui Parreira and Elena Moran, at Museu do Traje de São Brás de Alportel at 2.30 p.m and the Convento de São José, Lagoa at 6 p.m on Tuesday 3rd of December. The site of Alcalar lies 8km north of Alvor (Portimão) and includes a central dwelling area and groups of monumental funerary tombs, covering an area of over 60 acres. The talk will present the main results of research carried out over 25 years. The

Photo © wikipedia user: Notafly

research was based on archaeological excavations on the dwelling area, on funerary monuments Alc7 and Alc9 and on the rock cut graves of Monte Canelas. Since 2004 Rui Parreira has been an archaeologist in the Regional Directorate of the Algarve for Cultural Affairs in Faro where he currently holds the position of Director of Services. Since 2002 Elena Moran has worked as a senior archaeologist at Lagos City Council in the area of urban archaeology management and the development of research projects.

The 20th of December is the last date for students in the municipality of Vila do Bispo, at high school or college, to apply for scholarships and research grants for the school year 2019/2020.

by the Regulation for the Granting of Scholarships and Research Fellowships, which is available for consultation at the Education Services during 9 a.m. until 3.30 p.m, daily or via the website.

Interested parties should submit their application to the Education Services of the City Council, taking into account the documentation required

+INFO:   +351 282 630 600


The Frontal Shock Live series ends the year with a live show featuring Teresa Aleixo, the Algarvian singer songwriter who comes to Portimão on the 13th with her debut album How Much of Me. Contact for tickets.

+INFO:  +351 968 057 353 / 962 882 616 

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association





The Alvor Estuary is an important coastal wetland, the rich ecosystem supports a diverse population of birds. The Rocha Association invites you to join them for their Bird Tour of Ria de Alvor on Sunday the 8th. Meeting at 9 a.m the walk is expected to last three hours. Registration is required at least 24-hours prior.

+INFO:   +351 282 770 000 / 969 685 985

Photo © Ricardo Dionísio



Celebrate the Festive Season NATIVITY SCENES The city and county is dressed in light and colour, ready to receive Christmas. Street nativity scenes add to the festivities.


At Portelas, the village nativity exhibition is open from the 8th of December until the 6th of January, from 3 p.m to 7 p.m

The annual Christmas parade through the streets of Lagos includes Santa's anticipated arrival on the 7th at 3 p.m in Luís de Camões Square.

There is an exhibition of Christmas Sweetmeats, Fried Foods and Nativity Scene at Liberty Square in Odiáxere, 21st and 22nd, 5 p.m until 10 p.m

At 4 p.m be on the look-out for the juggling-jugglers. Santa Claus and his trusty Elf will stay at Santa Claus House from the 7th until the 23rd. With so many presents to wrap their time to meet the public are limited to 11 a.m to 1 p.m and 3 p.m until 6 p.m.

In Lagos, at Rua 5 de Outubro, nº 18, José Cortes animated nativity scene is sure to please. Open from the 21st until the 4th of January, 3 p.m to 7 p.m (Closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day).

available from 3 p.m to 6 p.m. Santa and his elf have to leave town on Christmas Eve, so your last chances to see him are between 11 a.m and 1 p.m. With a busy night ahead, they will be leaving early, 2 p.m to 4 p.m. On Infante Square there will be an Ice Rink and Inflatables, from the 7th until Christmas Eve, open during the week from 2 p.m until 7 p.m and at weekends from 10 a.m to 9 p.m. (24th closes at 4 p.m)

On Sundays they have to clean and prepare the reindeer so will only be



Lagos is offering free parking in town during the festive season.

The only rule, that you support a local business, keeping your shopping receipt equal to, or greater than 10€, from the same day.




Drive into town and make use of the free parking at the waterfront, between the 9th and New Year’s Eve, or the Street Parking (ZEDL - Limited Time Parking Zones) between December 16th and New Year’s Day.

CHRISTMAS AT THE ZOO Experience the magic of Christmas at Lagos Zoo's Natalândia. From 6th to 31st of December, the Zoo in Lagos is transformed into a winter wonderland. Every day from 10 a.m until 4 p.m, you can visit all the amazing animals and Natalandia's Christmas Village including Santa Claus' house.

On Saturdays and Sundays watch the pelicans, primates and penguins being fed, and catch the special show, 'The Pirates Steal Santa Claus' a Christmas theatre performance.

There are Christmas shows, bouncy castles, face-painting, toy making and many more surprises to enjoy.

There is a 50% discount for Algarve residents.


CHRISTMAS EVE CAROLS IN LAGOS CENTRE Come and join the Western Algarve Community Choir, in the town centre for an early-evening performance of Christmas carols and festive songs as the sun sets and the town lights up its Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. Back by popular demand, and by invitation of Lagos Câmara, the choir will be in their reindeer antlers and with a large dose of festive cheer, lead you in all of your favourite Christmas songs.

SWEDISH CHEER Friday 13th from 6 p.m, the Swedish real estate agent Fastighetsbyrån Lagos, invite everyone over to their office for entertainment, “beautiful Lucia songs with our cute little children's choir,” accompanied with mulled wine and gingerbread.

+INFO:  Glöggmingel på Fastighetsbyrån i Lagos!

SHOW TIME December offers a range of Christmas themed shows at the Lagos Cultural Centre, Duval Pestana Auditorium. On the 7th at 9:30 p.m there is a concert by the Lagos Light Orchestra, tickets cost 6€. The 12th, at 9 p.m the Lagos Dance Association will perform the show 5 to 3, tickets 5€. On the 13th and 14th at 7:30 p.m they will be enacting their version of Pinocchio, tickets cost 7€.

At 7 p.m on the 21st, the Lacobrigense Philharmonic Society May 1st will entertain the audience with a Christmas Show. Tickets are 5€ or 3€ for members. Tickets need to be booked at least 48 hours before each event.

+INFO:  lagos cultural centre

DANCING IN THE STREETS To mark this special time of year, the municipality has prepared a programme that promises a lot of street entertainment, concerts, shows and fun during the months of December and January. The town will get into the Christmas Swing on the 7th, 14th and 21st when there will be two sessions during the day. The first

from 11a.m until 1p.m and then from 3p.m to 5p.m at Portas de Portugal Street. Working its way around Portas de Portugal Street, Gil Eanes Square and Luis de Camões Square will be the Christmas train. The Senior Christmas Ball at the CASLAS Sports Pavilion, Lucinda Anino dos Santos Social Centre, will take place on the 8th from 3 p.m, entrance to the dance is free.

TIME TO TANGO Monday the 2nd from 6.30 p.m with teachers, Pedro Oliveira & Rob van der Woude. Ever wanted to dance the Argentine tango? It is never too late. Join with Esperança de Lagos Tango to learn and dance this passionate dance in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturday the 14th,

from 5 p.m at Galeria LAR, where tango meets art. Dance at Milonga do LAR, in a unique place with a friendly atmosphere. Everyone is welcome.

+INFO:  Tango Milonga do LAR




The cast of ‘The Windsors in Portugal’ Photo © Peter Kain

THE WINDSORS IN PORTUGAL WHERE IS THE CHOIR The Western Algarve Community Choir are an all-inclusive choir who accept all newcomers with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, they have a strong emphasis on singing for fun.

Set in 1940, with a cast of nine actors, written and directed by Carolyn Kain, The Windsors will be staged in the English language at São Brás Museum. “A great deal of intrigue occurred when, at the beginning of World War Two, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor fled from their home in France to Portugal. The story is retold in a black comedy performance covering a truly fascinating period of Portuguese history”.

Evening performance on Friday 13th at 7.30 p.m. Matinees, Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th at 4 p.m. Tickets are 10€ or 8€ for friends, all profits will be donated to the Bombeiros of São Brás.

+INFO / TICKETS:  +351 966 329 073  admin@amigos-museu-sbras-pt

The choir is ready to help you get into the festive spirit by singing some of your Christmas favourites throughout December. Over the next few weeks you can catch up with the choir at the following events. Sunday 1st – Xmas Fayre - Almadena Hall - midday Monday 9th – Swedish Community Christmas Evening at Boavista Golf Resort and Spa Tuesday 17th – Christmas at Bar 6, Almadena – 7.30 p.m Thursday 19th – Annual Carols around Luz followed by Christmas at Barroca event (please email for timings) Saturday 21st – The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina – 7.30 p.m Tuesday 24th – Family Special Christmas Eve Carols, Lagos Centre – early evening 5.30 p.m



The 20th Aljezur Christmas Fair, 13th, 14th and 15th December at the Aljezur Multipurpose Pavilion.

During festive season there are many reasons to visit Monchique. Streets are dressed in Christmas colours for the Christmas Market with traditional crafts, new creations and food products, the Gastronomic Show and entertainment.

Raposeira The Vila do Bispo Schools annual Christmas Fair is on the 7th, from 11 a.m until 11 p.m and 8th, 11 a.m until 8 p.m.

For more details on where you can meet up for carol singing events, about joining the choir, or for future events, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts.

Free entrance and activities for everyone. Handy-craft, Portuguese pastries, food and drink, board-games, entertainment, plus live music and maybe even Santa Claus.

+INFO: 

The fair Raises funds to provide activities for the schools children.



For the children, a very special programme has been planned: with Christmas characters, ateliers and various animations there are fun surprises for the whole family. The Gastronomic Christmas Show Sabores de Monchique offers food in the restaurants that adhere to the traditional, regional cuisine. The Municipality Christmas campaigns theme "Win this Christmas, buy in Local Commerce!".


CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN CHARITY SWIM On Christmas Day and New Year’s Day at 11.00 a.m, on the beach at Armação de Pêra for the annual fun-filled Charity Swim. Take a dip in the ocean and help to raise money for local children in need. Bring your swimwear, a towel, and go in for a swim, or just a paddle, as long as a part of you gets wet. Then recover in the Holiday Inn hotel bar to enjoy a hot bomba on Christmas Day, or a hot chocolate on New Year’s Day. If you are attending on Christmas Day, why not wear a Santa-suit. New Year’s Day you are encouraged to wear your pyjamas! Adults and children are all welcome to take part on the understanding that they do so at their own risk. To join the swim is free, although a donation is requested to help raise money for two local charities: ‘Espaço Amigo’ Armação de Pêra and ‘A Gaivota’ - Albufeira.

+INFO:  +351 282 320 260 

Tickets are sure to be in demand for the Lavrar O mar circus. Last year there were many disappointed, so do not leave booking too late! This year the organisation are bringing two circus' to the Big Top, located in the area of Monchique’s Heliport. 27th to 31st December and 1st to 5th of January, there are no shows on the 30th or 2nd as the actors will be resting. Tickets for either show cost 12€ for adults, while children up to 11-years-old are 5€. Minimum age allowed is 6-yearsold. LES DODOS - LE P’TIT CIRK The show begins at 6 p.m and will last 1 hour 20 minutes. Seasoned French acrobats who formed in 2004 bring their show, Dodos. “Dodos were a species of bird that became extinct because it was too clumsy to survive: it could not fly or swim and was too naive to face the hardship of life. This bird was physically the opposite of the acrobat, and yet they are both equally unconscious. They travel between fear and naivety, life and survival. A performance made up of five acrobatic musicians who present models of microsocieties expressed through games of sensitive relations of fragility, power and

benevolence. The hostility of the world condemns them to inventing frenetically derisive survival mechanisms, such as the unlikely attempts to escape gravity through limitless imagination. A rhythmic show where the music of guitars, double bass and violin are its breath.”

COLLECTIF MALUNÉS - FOREVER, HAPPILY... This show starts at 9:30 p.m with a running time of 70-minutes. Collectif Malunés is a Franco-Belge circus company founded in 2009. For the new season, the Malunés family grows and consists of sixteen nomadic souls. “Fairy-tales will accompany us, cradle us, and haunt us. We will grind them up, transform them, caress them, dream into them, adapt them, revisit them and twist them throughout the creation, to extract a contemporary renovation. A performance that exhausts the superficiality of this “wonderful world” displaced from reality, bringing a modern vision, alive and current, but also ridiculous. The idea is to create a collective art and a shared experience.”

+INFO:    +351 913 943 034

New Year’s Eve



Come celebrate another New Year's Eve at this free party in Praça do Infante to the music of Anselmo Ralph. The musical show and the fireworks are more than enough reasons to share these unforgettable memories, on a night full of magic and fun.

End the year with revelry, music and fireworks at Portimão and Praia da Rocha where the entertainment begins at 9 p.m




AFROMANDINGA DRUMMING CLASSES Experience all the benefits of drumming in a group setting, for your mind and body, Michael will be running free drumming classes on Thursdays at 5.30 p.m at Monte Rosa, Rural Guesthouse in Lagos. Learn and enjoy the traditional African polyrhythm with this weekly class that is open to all levels.

+INFO:  +351 913 826 680 


December is the final opportunity to visit four art exhibitions in Lagos which all conclude on the 28th of December. BONGARD EXHIBITION AT LAGOS FORT CENTURY OF THE SEAS

ESTÁTUAS VIVAS NO NATAL The masters of the art of stillness are back in Lagoa for the fifth edition of the 'Living Statues at Christmas' event, Thematic painted artists of the skilled urban art of immobility, the amazing living statues will be around Rua 25 de Abril and Largo 5 de Outubro. Even highly trained artists can only remain still for part of the day, so be sure to catch them all on the 13th December from 3 p.m to 6 p.m and 14th from 10 a.m through 1 p.m.

An exhibition of ceramic stoneware sculptures at the beautiful Forte Ponta da Bandeira in Lagos. Entrance costs 3€, 9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m and 2 - 5 p.m, closed on Monday. The exhibition has an ambitious remit, according to the curators: “To highlight the endless originality and amazing beauty of sea creatures...while alerting the present generation to reflect on the imminent threat of environmental pollution”. Well... Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet it certainly isn’t. There is one section featuring a startling exhibit of a stoneware turtle in a life jacket, hanging over a sea floor littered with human detritus - shoes, bottles and the like rendered in the gritty, visceral, ceramic stoneware that the Bongards create so well. But for the rest the exhibition works best simply as an introduction to the two artists’ brilliant ‘magic realism’ take on wildlife (in this case sea creatures) and household objects transformed. As well as a few disquieting human heads and disembodied hands. Sylvain and Tara Bongard sculpt in Monchique and Ferragudo, the most extensive display of their work is at their fascinating ‘Studio Bongard’ looking over the estuary as you approach Ferragudo. Here you will see a huge variety of magical artefacts and creatures displayed among plants and vines and tinkling water.



Studio Bongard, Rua Infante D. Henrique 62, Ferragudo. AFRODISIAC BY NEUSA NEGRÃO IS LOCATED AT LAGOS CULTURAL CENTRE Free entrance, Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m to 6 p.m Neusa, a native of Lagos, composes paintings inspired by the female body, with dark tones and African contours. 50 YEARS IN LAGOS BY PETER JONES AT LAGOS CULTURAL CENTRE Free entrance, Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m to 6 p.m Born in the UK, Peter established an early connection with Portugal. In 2010 he retired to Lagos and painting is now part of his life. He has held collective exhibitions and participated in the V and VI Edition of MALA - Lagos Artists Show, winning 1st prize in the 6th edition in 2017. SÃO GONÇALO OF LAGOS LIFE AND WORK AT THE LAGOS OLD TOWN HALL Entrance is free. São Gonçalo 1360 - 1422, was born in Lagos. Standing out for “writing books”, copying and “illuminating” building works. In this exhibition, the visitor will find a set of miracles and living spaces counted through tiles in the Convent of Grace in Torres Vedras where he died. An image of São Gonçalo dating from the 18th century and a Reliquary of the Patron of Lagos and Torres Vedras. Copies of a rare set of printed and handwritten documentation complete the exhibition.


December Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: CLASSES & ACTIVITIES

Creative Writting €10, Marina de Lagos 968787664 Algarve Walking Meetup Wed 10am | Friendly walk & talk meetup of 2.5 - 3hrs All welcome Full listing and information: www.meetup. com/algarve-walking Biodanza® Wed 9.30Am | €30 P.M, 965227951 | Salsa Cubana Thurs 6pm (Begin.) Mon 8.30Pm (Interm.) Thurs 7.30Pm (Adv.) €35 P.M, Bachata Thurs 9Pm €20 P.M 964151952, Capoeira Tues & Thurs 7Pm €30 P.M, 920547209, Contemporary Dance Wed 7.30Pm €25 P.M, 965310351, Children’s Drama Classes Mon & Wed 6Pm, Teenager’s Drama Classes Mon & Wed 7Pm, 962512133, Tel, Lagos Rally-Obedience Dog Training | Tues 11am €25x4, Espiche 968086320

CHARITY & SUPPORT December 19th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590



Open Painting Studio | Wed & Thurs 10.30am-1pm | €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+- | Thurs 3 - 5pm - €10, Barão S. Joao, 962039574

Suzuki Violin Lessons (English speaking, Suzuki trained), lessons for children & adults (refs. available). Your home in Algarve, Rebecca 915847703

Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort,

Classical Guitar Classes Jammig experience & chords practice (English Speaking ABRSM Certified, Suzuki approach) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962690582

Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613 Mum & Toddler Dance & Gym Class Thurs 9.3010.15am €6 drop in/ €20 p.m Bilingual Dance Clases All Styles (Babies-Adults) Classes from €20 p.m. Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz 913832335

African Dance Wed 7pm & Thurs 10.30am, pre booking required €10, Rancho Folclorico do Rogil, Aljezur 964588588 Dance classes Mon - Sat from 1pm until 9.30pm (3+yrs) 25€ per month, Lagos, Rua Gil Vicente 50, 912376595 or 915812055

Oriental Dance Mon 6.30pm | Beginners & Intermediate €6.50 p.class, €20p.m, Lagos 914851331 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Interm) €9 (€30 monthly) 11.30am (Improv.) | Wed 6pm (Begin.) & 7pm (Improv.) €8 (€25p.m) Alvor Community Centre Social Dance 7pm €20p.m, Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis, 961916821 Watercolour classes Thurs 10am - 12.30pm (beginners welcome), €12, Social Club, Praia Da Luz (Rua Direita), 912149839 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, 919707635

Golf School (until 18th Dec) Sat 3pm (Max. 10 juniors p.class) €25 p.m Mixed Group Lessons (until 18th Dec) Fri 9.30am (Min. 3 pax p.c) €20 p.p (Book 24hrs in advance) Equipment provided Espiche Golf, Espiche Contact Golf Pro Mickael Carvalho Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm | Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, 916035308 Portuguese Classes | Individual or groups, all levels | Barão S. João or at your home, 966176131

FITNESS Pilates Tue & Thrus 10.45am | Yoga Mon 7.40pm & Wed 9.35am Zumba Tues & Fri 7pm, €7.90, Maisfit de Lagos 961547531 Gentle Hatha Fri 6 - 7.30pm | Burgau Sports Centre | Burgau | €8, 965201477 Yoga Mon- Fri 9.30am 10.30am & 6pm (Small friendly groups) €10 or €90x10, AR Pilates Studio Lagos 966784280 Beginners Yoga Sat 1112:15pm & Sun 6.30-7.45pm, €45 for 5 classes Inlight Yoga Studio, Hatha Yoga Classes Wed 6pm-7.15pm Yoga for Back Care Thurs 2-3.15pm, Lagos Marina €10 drop-in or €45 x 5 cl 912176914

Lagos Walking Football Tues 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282790930 Nia Technique Class Tues 4pm | Studio Ballet de Gwen Morris Lagos | Fri 5pm Espacão Viral Lagoa €8 or €28p.m, 913006590 Yin and Tonic - relaxation and meditation Tues 9.30am Vinyasa Yoga 7.30pm €10 , SUP Yoga Thurs 11am €15, Body Conditioning blend of pilates & yoga tone & strengthen 9.30am €10, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel 964593937 Yoga Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am | €10 | 75mins Drop-in | Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz, 282767303

Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613 Tai Chi Wed 1pm | Qi Gong Fri 10.30am €7 Taoist Meditation Fri 11.30am (Donation), Madrugada Center, Praia da Luz 939734394 Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Mat Wed 11am | Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola €7.50, 968288258

Qi Gong Mon 8.40am | Tai Chi Wed 8.40am €8 Inlight, Lagos, 913127421 Hatha Yoga (Begninners) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am | | Booking required, €10, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beginners) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde, 963614499 Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 9.30am | Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am | Ashtanga based Core Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau fit2lovelife 913202621


FAITH Holy Communion Service Sun 8am & 11.30am & Thurs 10am (No Service Thurs 21st) CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Sunday Service 10.30am | International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611

PHARMACIES/CHEMIST EVENTS Open Mic Night | Thurs 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz | 964201904 Quiz Night Mon 9pm, Rodizio of Tapas 7pm Call for dates BBQ Meat Feast Sun. 2pm – 9pm, €7.50, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor 912441143 December 1st Aljezur International Choir Sing Christmas Carols as part of Morning Service. 9.30am Igreja da Assembleia de Deus, Rua das Bombeiros Voluntários, Aljezur 914285640 December 7th Round Walk - Vila do Bispo - Cordoama Beach 10am, €10, Vila do Bispo December 14th Photographic Walk Autumn Colours 9.30am €10, Marmelete Querença Quimera Experience, 962647741


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750



Those of us who live in, or regularly visit Praia da Luz will be familiar with Ludwig who used to create remarkable sand sculptures on the beach close to the Paraiso restaurant. His later years were fraught with problems. Homeless and with an addiction to alcohol, he deteriorated steadily and had stopped building his sand images, which once were complex and wondrous. Indeed, Tom Henshaw wrote an article about Ludwig in July 2013, highlighting his creativity. Earlier this year he finally passed away, just short of his 53rd birthday. Sadly, what remained of his family in Germany felt unable to take responsibility for ensuring he had a proper funeral. Instead, it fell to the Priest in charge of the Anglican church in Luz, Father Rob Kean, to arrange a proper send-off from this world. On Tuesday 22nd October a service to celebrate his life was held at Igreja Nossa Senhora da Luz, there was a good turnout of those who had known him. Father Rob and local resident Kirsten, a fellow German, gave moving tributes to a man whose considerable attributes had

become overshadowed by his later life. Before travelling to Portugal some eleven years ago, Ludwig worked as a typesetter, a lorry driver and even had a spell looking after a cemetery. Interestingly, he also ran a rock 'n' roll bar at one stage. He had five brothers and a sister but lost his father when he was very young. His mother died more recently severing the lifeline he had back to the land of his birth. The service concluded with the Chordettes rendition of Mr Sandman – an uplifting and amusing way to draw the occasion to a close. A retiring collection covered the cost of the funeral. Ludwig's body was then interred in Luz cemetery. Farewell Ludwig. Luz will miss you. Brian is a Financial Journalist and Broadcaster.

A full house at the Igreja Nossa Senhora da Luz heard tributes from a colleague in the UK, a friend in the local community, and one of his granddaughters.


The church community in Praia da Luz also said goodbye to a well-regarded member at the end of October. Leslie ‘Les’ Johnson finally succumbed to cancer in July, but his memorial service and the scattering of his ashes took place some three months later. 52


It was eight-year-old Grace, in her confident tribute, who referred to her grandfather as Mr Brilliant. It seemed nothing was ever too much trouble for Les. If something needed sorting out, then Les was the man to do it. The tributes from friends Martyn and Ross underscored how much he had contributed both while working and in retirement. Les and Christine arrived in Luz in 2001. For all his working life he had been involved with trains. Indeed, trains could well be described as an obsession with him. Employed by Freightliner, he ended up in the traffic office outside of Manchester having worked all around the company’s depots. He was the man put in to sort out problems. Once in Luz he quickly became involved with the local Anglican church, acting as its principal fundraiser, a role in which he excelled. On stepping down

(which resulted in the amount of money raised dropping significantly), he put his efforts into the lunch club he had formed which provided a welcome opportunity to socialise after church. These gettogethers, known as Les's Lunches continue today, organised by his widow. His passion for trains continued in retirement, with an extensive model railway layout in his home. Finding the spare bedroom inadequate for what he had planned, he conceived the idea of knocking through into his and his wife's bedroom, a plan that Christine swiftly knocked on the head. Les would always provide a helping hand to those in need, running people to hospital appointments when they were unable to get there independently. Mr Brilliant seems a perfect way to describe him. He will be sorely missed. Brian is a Financial Journalist and Broadcaster.


FISHING NEWS The 28th Shore Angling World Championships took place recently at the beautiful beaches of Sabaudia and Terracina, 100km South of Rome, Italy. Portugal sent one team in the Under 16’s category, and one team for the under 21’s to compete in the annual challenge. Twelve-year old Lourenco Martins, the son of a local solicitor, Cardine Martins was the youngest of the team competing in the Under 16’s group. Lourenco from Burgau is part of the Clube Naval Portimão and he has enjoyed competition fishing with them for three years. The opening ceremony in Sabaudia included a parade through the town where the locals waved to them enthusiastically and the local mayor, local dignitaries and representatives from the Fishing Federation wished the competitors good luck. The under 21 team came 3rd, winning the bronze medal. Unfortunately the under Under 16 team came 4th, just missing out on a medal and the podium position but there are not many 12-year-olds that can say they have already represented their country at the highest level of competition.



DANCE CHAMPIONS OF PRAIA DA LUZ Between 1st and 3rd of November, Auditório de Carlos de Carmo in Lagoa was filled with 400 dancers from across Portugal, as well as Spain, Latvia and the United Kingdom to compete at the Algarve Dance Open. The Western Algarve was well represented by Sobre Artes- Escola de Dança of Praia da Luz, that brought 17 choreographies in Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Acro dance, Modern/Lyrical, Contemporary and Musical Theatre. They danced and sang their hearts out and walked home with an impressive number of medals. They took four gold medals, eight silver and two bronze, in age groups from the small 7-year old’s solos, up until the preprofessional older students. The cherry on the cake was Annika Thomas being awarded a summer scholarship to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester. She has also been invited to the recall

auditions for the Urdang Academy Degree Program in London. The team comprised of; Annika Thomas, Nicole Fagan, Lisa Brown, Sierra Sprong, Lucas Dreger Gilbert, Tova Sproston, Ellaouise Harding, Pearl Baker, Mila Holmes and Ariana Sprong, and Nicola Thomas choreographed all dances. For many of these children, it was their first competition, with some only joining the school in September. If you want to catch any of these performances, Sobre-Artes Christmas Show will be on the 14th of December at 6 p.m (Location TBC)

+INFO:   +351 913 832 335


Surfer Sam

Pics courtesy of @lasurfpics


The 15-year-old surfing sensation who lives in the Algarve and attends the Aljezur International school has just returned from the World Junior Championships. In the August edition, we interviewed Surfer Sam, the English under-16 champion. We are now delighted to report that Sam qualified for the England squad to compete at the World Junior Championship in California. The Vissla ISA World Junior Surfing Championships was held at Huntington Beach kicking off on the 26th October. The premier world event for crowning under-18 Surfing World Champions, it returned to ‘Surf City USA’ for the second consecutive year. After eight days of world-class surfing from the top 342 young surfers from 44 nations, Team USA earned the Team Gold. Every country can send up to three of their best surfers in each category (under 16 and under 18 boys and girls), so the full team is 12 children. 44 countries competed with 343 teenagers in total. Team England came 17th out of 44 countries. I spoke to his mother Sue, who had been supporting him “virtually” with online screening; “We



were super proud of him for just being there and representing his country. Sam came 33rd out of 99 in the under 16s category, which is in the top third of the worlds best under 16 surfers. For his first year competing at that level, it is a fantastic achievement.” Sam ́s family are very grateful for the companies that support him with clothes, wetsuits and his surfboard. However, the family have to make many sacrifices to enable him to take part in events like this and he is looking for funding for his training and competitions. “Sam thought it was an amazing experience but he is now back to school to ramp up his studies for IGCSE’S next spring. Thanks Tomorrow magazine, for your continued support of Sam.”



BY MICKAEL CARVALHO The Driver is the most difficult club in the bag to use simply because of one fact. It has the least amount of loft of all the clubs (generally between 8 and 12 degrees) which means there is little latitude for error on impact if your club head is not square at impact (by square we mean in the direction of your target). It is natural that you can feel significant pressure when using this club. Often it will be the first shot on the first tee to start a competition therefore vital that you are prepared before this first swing as everybody wants a good start and the ball flying nicely onto the 1st fairway. 1.) STRATEGY First, ensure that you breathe slowly, staying focused on what you need to do with the ball and remain completely relaxed. Take some time to think about where you want the ball to finish ensuring that you will be away from any dangers such as bunkers, water hazards or out of bounds. Make sure you consider the weather conditions by checking the strength



and direction of the wind (such variations can change the trajectory of the ball in flight) and consider the temperature as hot weather will mean the ball will fly considerably farther than cold weather. Altitude is also a factor, as high altitude will ensure more distance than low altitude, and be aware that rain, especially heavy rain, will of course reduce distance as the strength of the raindrops are forcing the ball to the ground quicker. 2.) ROUTINE A good routine is essential to ensure that your focus is concentrated on the target. Stand a few feet behind the ball and pick your intended safe target line. Place the Driver behind the ball in the direction of your target (make sure you position the ball in line with your left heel) and position your body so that the shoulders, arms, hips, knees and your feet are in line. Before the start of your

swing relax with a deep breath, and maintain a good rhythm through the movement until completion. 3.) SWING Start the swing with the arms and then the hands. Your hips and shoulders will follow the move by rotating around your spine. On the back swing, your weight needs to be approximately 80% onto the right leg. Then, transfer your weight onto the left leg and bring the club down and through by using your arms and your hands, the shoulders and hips will follow again providing the power in the shot. Mickael Carvalho is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf.

+INFO:   +351 282 688250




More sport for all

Portimão has been named as Best European Sport City 2019 by ACES Europe, the Association of European Sport Cities. In the nine months up to the end of September, when the evaluation took place, Portimão had already hosted over six hundred separate activities. Three hundred and forty-four were participatory while one hundred and forty-six events were of a competitive nature. Combined the events attracted over half a million participants. Of the sixty events promoted, twenty-two were new activities with the highlight being the hosting of twenty events for people with disabilities. At the same time, the city provided over eighty training courses. Nearly two thousand volunteers gave up their time to assist in the mammoth effort. CED 2019 is estimated to have generated about 4.4 million euros of potential financial return to date, for an investment very close to 3.8 million euros, largely justified by the construction of the Boavista Sports Pavilion, that will be opened in December, and the new BMX race track at the Portimão Youth Park, among other initiatives. For Isilda Gomes, Mayor of Portimão, “this distinction ends with a golden key an extraordinary year and rewards the commitment of all those who dedicated their bodies and souls to make the project a success, from the local associative movement to the various partners. Without forgetting the role of the many volunteers who said they were present and, above all, our team of dedicated staff in the most diverse areas. One aspect that I am pleased to note at this moment of joy has to do with the expressions of pleasure that I received from numerous athletes and sports leaders who passed through Portimão, both for the loving way they were received and for the excellent conditions for the sports found here.” During December, the city continues to offer a wide variety of sporting activities, including the Portimão Half Marathon - Running the Mediterranean Diet, the final event in the Running Wonders circuit. The event is expected to bring thousands of participants from around the world to compete in 21k and 10k runs, or the 5k walk that takes place on the 8th December at 10 a.m. During the Mediterranean Race everyone who visits the Running Care Centre on the 7th of December will receive free health screenings and medical advice. Other running events during the month include the National Race on the 1st at 10 a.m organised by the Portuguese Athletics Federation. On the 8th at Alvor sports complex the Dawn Run, and the 11th Portimão Trail Runners are holding an urban trail run.



If you prefer water over tarmac at Mexilhoeira Grande swimming pool you can improve your techniques in hydrodynamics and apnea times, at the freediving event on the 6th and 7th. Portimão swimming pool will host the Aquatic Festival on the 8th, while the same weekend Portimão Naval Club will hold the regional Sailing Championships on the 7th and 8th. D. João II Naval Club in Alvor are holding an open day on the 11th and their Christmas paddle meeting on the 21st from 10 a.m, until 1 p.m at Portimão Marina beach. For fans and players of tennis, Portimão and Rocha Tennis Club will hold the Club Cup on the 7th and 8th, and a pairs tournament on the 11th. Those under-14 and under-18 may be interested in the McDonalds Open from the 18th to 22nd taking place at the municipal tennis complex. For golfers, the 4th NAU Tournament starts at 10 a.m on the 1st at Morgado do Reguengo Golf Course. A shooting tournament takes place at Portimão Shooting Academy on the 7th, while for the more sedate Portimão Chess Club will hold the João Vasco Memorial on the 8th. Petanque will take place at Montes de Alvor on the 8th, and at Jardim Águas Vivas, Portimão on the 11th. Other events include three skating events, two karate championships, capoeira, futsal, gymnastics, while Skydive Algarve will hold their Christmas Boogie from the 19th until New Year’s Eve. For a full schedule of events consult the calendar.

+INFO: 



We know how important it is to perform rejuvenating peelings of our skin. However, living in a sunny country, we are also afraid of side-effects from the peeling, because of the sun rays. Biorevitalization is an innovative new chemical peel that stimulates the regeneration of the skin, without involving exfoliation of the epidermis. It helps to strengthen the radiance and brightness of the skin and correct skin imperfections of the skin. WHAT IS IT? ESABIOPEEL is a new brand of medical peeling based on Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Kojic acid, Mandelic acid and Hexapeptide 8. Thanks to that, this new peeling is not as ‘aggressive’ as the pure ТСА acid. It penetrates very fast to the dermis activating the regenerative process. On the other hand, the peeling also moisturises skin tissues and stimulates its regeneration and improves pigmentation spots. This peeling has an intense lifting effect on the face, neck and décollete. HOW DOES IT WORK? Classified as botox-like and bio-revitalising peeling, it slows down Chrono and photo-ageing effects stimulating the skin in depth without causing superficial

irritation. It can be applied no matter the season as it does not increase the sensitivity of the skin towards the sunbeams. It is suitable for all skin types. BENEFITS FROM A BIOREVITALIZATION PEELING? Strengthen the radiance and brightness of facial skin Treat dilated pores Plumping the skin like a mesotherapy Mitigate recent depressed scars (acne scars, superficial traumatic scars, post-surgical) Revitalise the surface of the neckline Improve the hydration of the skin For rejuvenation of the facial skin, 1 to 4 sessions are recommended, with 7-10 days between the sessions. Per session € 95.00 Package of 3 sessions € 255.

+INFO:  Sakia Beautysalon 


Dr. Adam and his son before a surf in Noosa, Australia

Dr Adam Rich (DC) at Lagos Chiropractic is an experienced chiropractor and keen surfer. Who better to advise you if back pain is hindering your time in the water? Whether you are a grom enjoying the waves with one of the amazing surf schools the Algarve has to offer, a longboarder enjoying the ride at Arrifana or a shortboarder ripping it up at Zavial back pain can strike and hinder your time in the water. Because surfing involves dynamic moves on an unstable surface, surfers need good body strength. A common injury I see amongst the surfing population of the Algarve is in the TL junction - where the ribs and the lumbar spine join, in the lower back. This is because surfer's arch up and lean back on their boards to paddle out, and that hyperextension (over-stretching) can cause both joint and muscle pain. I also treat lots of surfers with neck pain from wipeouts and shoulder pain from prolonged paddling.

The muscles, the spine, nerves and fascia are some of the structures that may become inflamed and cause pain, which leads surfers to my clinic. Fortunately, these niggles can often be rectified with some good adjustments and use of the mobiliser at Lagos Chiropractic. If you're an avid surfer, whether professionally or recreationally, it's important to have your spine adjusted regularly, so you can enjoy your sport, pain-free. And remember – Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning, Taylor Knox and Rob Machado all see a chiropractor regularly to optimise their surfing. Where TL pain can strike





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How to stay motivated BY ANN DE JONGH

Shorter days, darker mornings and colder nights can cause us to feel low on energy, unmotivated and like we just want to curl up in front of the fire (perhaps with a mug of hot chocolate!) and stay there until Spring. However, being inactive will only make you feel more lethargic, which then makes you feel less motivated and it is easy to slip into a downward spiral in the direction of the sofa. Getting a workout done will fill you full of energy, it will lift your mood, give you focus, alertness and increase your productivity…you just have to get up and move, get out of the house and do it. Plan your workout and arrange to go with a friend, to keep you both accountable. Treat yourself to some new workout gear. If you are going to workout in the morning, have it out ready for when you wake up, or if you are going to exercise after work, get changed as soon as finish your work day so that you have no excuses. Set yourself some goals and create a plan to get there, even if it is just adding the workouts into your diary. Then prioritise them, make sure nothing gets in the way. Giving yourself a reward can help with motivation, maybe it is to treat yourself to a pedicure, a long hot soak in the bath with a glass of wine, or a few squares of your favourite chocolate, just be careful if you are rewarding yourself with food that you do not consume too many calories. The most important thing is to Just Do It! Get off the couch, embrace the cooler weather and move your body. When you are having an argument with your “lazy side” who just wants to stay put, just remind yourself of how good you will feel afterwards and how your body will thank you eventually. Ann de Jongh is a trainer, yoga teacher, sports massage therapist.




Apart from all the lotions and potions, we can use to hydrate and protect our skin; we can include certain foods that help prevent sun damage. Living in a warmer climate, we are more exposed to the harmful rays that can damage our skin. Particularly if you are fair like me, these damaging rays can contribute to the ageing process. We should protect our skin with an SPF and avoid the midday sun. We are, though, all guilty of basking a bit longer than we should so why not try consuming the natural remedies below?

of the age-related changes that occur in our skin.

GREEN TEA High in antioxidants which help against free radicals, (pollution) these powerful antioxidants change their structure, so the free radicals are unable to cause damage.

POMEGRANATE Higher antioxidants than green tea, this fruit can prevent sun damage, repair already damaged skin and improve collagen production.

DARK CHOCOLATE/COCOA Chocolate contains flavanols which protect the skin from sun damage and also help with hydration. AVOCADO Rich in heart-healthy fat, fibre and vitamins, they can help repair the skin and prevent sun damage. TOMATOES Tomatoes contain lycopene, which studies show may protect your skin from the harmful rays. Over a period of time wrinkle depth can be reduced. (Not to be used as an SPF alone)! CHILLI PEPPERS Chilli can slow down and reduce some

CINNAMON Increases collagen production and improves firmness and elasticity. GINGER An anti-inflammatory, it can reduce age spots developed from sun exposure.

FLAXSEEDS Protects against sun damage and improves smoothness and skin quality. A great source of Omega-3. VEGETABLES Veggies are high in carotenoids like Beta- carotene. These protect against sun damage and free radicals. Carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato are a great source of beta-carotene. Other vegetables such as leafy greens, tomatoes and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. We cannot turn back the clock without a little aesthetic intervention. Still, by incorporating some of these foods into your diet, we can encourage a healthier, fresher more toned skin.

We care for each other like family.



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"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat." Unfortunately for some people the words of that song can fill them with dread and anxiety.

For example, people who are struggling with depression would rather go into hiding than have to put on the mask of false festive cheer in order to please their loved ones, and as you know, there is no escape from Christmas. For some people who are struggling to hold everything together, this can be the loneliest time of the year. Part of my counselling work is to help clients to be more in touch with what is going on inside them. This isn't an easy process because of the harsh judgement many have received for being depressed, usually from the people who are supposed to care, and has led them to cut themselves off from their emotions. Instead, they have learnt to wear a happy face in order to feel accepted. For this reason, some clients require several counselling sessions before they feel safe enough to explore their buried emotions. The gift of acceptance is often missing in our relationships. When we unwrap this quality further

it should contain other qualities such as listening without judging, supportive dialogue and unconditional love. Unfortunately, our loved ones can not always provide these qualities and may not realistically have the time to support us. For that reason, I believe counselling offers an opportunity for people to feel safe enough to learn more about themselves, and in turn, learn how to become their own counsellor. This involves taking a more curious approach to our emotional selves, nurturing what needs to be healed, like a mother would to a young child by communicating clearly and honestly with the people in our lives. Talking to someone you trust, whether that is a loved one or a professional counsellor can be a beginning to breaking out of your current emotional situation. It could be the best gift you have ever received. Paul Jokinen-Carter is a Integrative Counsellor at Natural Joki Flow.

The festive season is here. The decorations are up, presents are being bought, families and friends are preparing to come together and celebrate. It is supposed to be a time of celebration, although as many of us know, children and families can be very demanding. Financially, Christmas is often hard on the wallet too, meaning it can be the most stressful time of the year.

Christmas Stress BY JOANA FEYO



One stress-busting technique that many are turning to is meditation, namely TM (Transcendental Meditation). With endorsements from celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Harry Styles and Katy Perry, even the Portuguese President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, it seems everyone is talking about TM and extolling its benefits for stress reduction. Scientific studies have proven that TM is more than a passing fad, and the proof is in the pudding. The “stress hormone” cortisol decreases 10% or so after a good night’s sleep, but decreases 30-40% after just twenty minutes of meditation. Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, is no stranger to stressful situations crediting TM as “the single

most important reason for whatever success I have had.” He says it gifts him a clarity of mind that enables him to act “like a ninja” seeing patterns and solutions to difficult problems. Sometimes people are concerned that meditation will make them so peaceful they will lose their passion for life and that meditating will make them passive. However, because the TM technique reduces stress, increases energy and boosts creativity, people find more dynamism giving them a greater foundation for staying focused and being successful. Einstein once said “I think ninety-nine times and I find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” TM offers this experience of swimming in silence. What’s more, as all its proponents assure, TM is completely effortless. So whether you want to change the world, or if you are looking to calm the nerves, lower your cortisol levels, or just feel more relaxed this Christmas, this could be the time to find out more about TM.


Cinnamon On the left Ceylon Cinnamon and on the right Cassia Cinnamon


BY SHAIRA, THE SPICE GIRL Cinnamon is the bark of the tree, this makes it a spice. Most of us think about the Cinnamon sticks that only have one layer, this is called Cassia Cinnamon. What many people don’t know is, that there is an organic variety that has multiple layers. It looks like a cigar, this is Ceylon Cinnamon. What is the difference? Cassia is mainly grown in China on large-scale monoculture farms. The trees are grown solely for the bark and die after harvesting. Ceylon Cinnamon is grown, mostly, in an organic way in Sri Lanka. The art of peeling the bark is passed from generation and only appointed members of the family are allowed to harvest.

BY POPPY BURR BSC MCPP More than just a fragrant festive spice, this ancient spice really packs a punch where medicinal properties are concerned. Western herbalists use Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Ceylon cinnamon, over the Chinese variety Cinnamomum cassia, which contains higher levels of coumarin and is potentially toxic in large amounts. Chinese medicine uses Cassia cinnamon freely as medicine and is included in a well-known formula for treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, along with Paeonia lactiflora, Paeonia suffruticosa, Poria cocos and Prunus persica.

When whole, Ceylon is a tan brown colour, while Cassia is a reddish dark brown, ground powder form however, you will not be able to see the difference. The properties of the two are completely different though.

These conditions are associated with excess oestrogen levels, which lead to heavy bleeding - cinnamon is useful here for its astringent (drying) action on the womb, as well as its traditional Chinese indication for “stagnant blood”, a group of symptoms including pain, dark clotted menstrual bleeding and immobile masses.

Widely known for its culinary and medical use cinnamon can also be used for natural cosmetic products. A simple mask can remove acne, pimples, blackheads and blemishes. Remove fine line, enhancing complexion and boosting hair growth it can also help combating Eczema. It is good for rough feet too!

Ceylon cinnamon is softer and sweeter in taste, but it boasts similar astringent properties as well as potent antimicrobial compounds. Used for coughs and colds as a warming expectorant along with other festive spices like ginger and clove relieves congestion and stimulates blood circulation, kicking the immune system into gear.

How to make your own Winter Cinnamon and Nutmeg Glow face mask. 1 teaspoon of Cassia cinnamon 1 teaspoon of nutmeg 2 teaspoons of organic, local honey 2 teaspoons of lemon juice

In Ayurvedic or traditional Indian medicine, the warming, pungent qualities of cinnamon are used to rekindle the digestive fire in people who have become too ‘cold’ and suffer from sluggish digestion. In Western terms, this is often referred to as ‘low stomach acid’, and may manifest as acid reflux, indigestion, intestinal cramps and loose stools.

Mix all of the ingredients together and patch test before applying. The combination with nutmeg and lemon is nature’s miracle when you have oily skin, while honey is great for keeping the cells as young as possible. Keep the mask on for at least 10 minutes before rinsing. It is not advisable to use this mask in the sun or to keep on for longer than 15 minutes.

Low stomach acid is extremely common in those who are anxious, have experienced trauma or are going through stressful times - cinnamon is a great choice to warm the stomach, promote the secretion of digestive juices, reduce intestinal spasm and stimulate the appetite. Other uses include treating type 2 diabetes, due to its muchresearched blood sugar lowering effects, and as part of a gentle parasite cleanse alongside fennel and chamomile.

During December I will be teaching classes about “Natural Cosmetics with Spices, X-mas edition”.

+INFO: 



Poppy is a UK-trained medical herbalist practising in Praia da Luz.

+INFO: 



Christmas Laptop Buying Guide Thinking of buying a new laptop for Christmas? Choosing the right laptop for you can be a challenge. So, what type should you go for? Here is a guide to help you out. MAC, WINDOWS OR CHROME? There are three main operating systems (the software that controls the laptop). Choosing the right one for you can be tricky, but here's a quick summary of what each offer. Windows 10 - Windows laptops can range from €150 to several thousand euros and can offer a wide array of features. Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft's operating system and is vastly improved over the older versions. Great for students, gamers and serious business users. Apple macOS (Catalina) - Apple's most recent desktop operating system, offers similar functionality to Windows 10. It has access to a huge collection of applications along with access to one of the world’s biggest film and music libraries. Chrome OS - Found on inexpensive Chromebooks, it's simple and secure, but more limited than Windows or macOS. Great for simple tasks like surfing the Web and checking emails etc. They are highly portable and have great battery. CHOOSE THE RIGHT SCREEN SIZE Laptops are usually categorized by their display sizes and this dictates how portable they are: 11 to 12 inches: thinnest and lightest, weigh 2.5 to 3.5 pounds. 13 to 14 inches: best portability and usability, can weigh under 4 pounds. 15 inches: The most popular size, weigh 4 to 5.5 pounds. 17 to 18 inches: Usually found on laptops high machines, usually kept on desks. KEYBOARD AND TOUCHPAD Make sure the keyboard offers a solid click on each key press, with enough space between the keys for comfortable typing. Look for an accurate touchpad without a jumpy cursor and is responsive. PICK YOUR SPECS Processor - The "brains" of the computer, here is a rundown from the two big suppliers, Intel and AMD: Intel Pentium / Celeron: Common on cheaper laptops, offers slow performance, good for are web surfing etc. Intel Core i3: The most basic, great for simple tasks. Intel Core i5: If you're looking for a mainstream laptop with the best combination of price and performance.



Intel Core i7: Top of the range. AMD A, FX or E Series: Found on low-cost laptops, provide decent performance for web surfing, media viewing and productivity. AMD Ryzen Mobile: A new set of chips that are designed to compete with Intel Core i5 and Core i7. RAM - The memory of a laptop. Cheaper laptops come with only 4GB but ideally, you would need at least 8GB or more. Hard Disk - Just as important as the CPU is the speed and size of your storage drive. If you can afford to, get a laptop with a solid-state drive (SSD) rather than a hard drive (HDD), you'll see a dramatic increase in speed. Display - The better the screen the sharper it will look. On cheaper laptops, look for the pixel count of more than 1366 x 768. Pay a little extra and look for screens that are 1920 x 1080, also known as Full HD or 1080p. Graphics Chip - If you’re just surfing the web or watching videos, a built-in chip (one that is built into the laptop) will be fine. However, if you're playing PC games, video editing or playing games then a dedicated separate graphics chip from AMD or Nvidia is essential. Ports - Most mainstream laptops have USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports (sockets) along with HDMI for watching films etc. directly on your TV. DVD/Blu-ray - Very few laptops come with optical drives these days. If the laptop you choose doesn’t come with one, you can always buy an external one that connects via USB for under €20. DON’T SKIMP ON BATTERY LIFE If you plan to use the laptop away from a power socket, look for at least 7 hours of battery life, with 8+ hours being ideal. Don’t take the manufacturer's word on battery life, look at online reviews for real-life figures. If you have any questions, suggestions or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am always happy to help.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT

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TOURISM AWARD The Algarve has made a triumphant comeback as the world’s premier golf destination. At the 20th edition of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators’ annual golf tourism awards, held in Marrakech, the Algarve secured the top prize as “Golf Destination of the Year”. IAGTO is the influential body, which boasts 700 golf tour operators in 63 countries as members, and controls more than 87% of golf holiday packages sold globally. To add even more impetus to the honour, this year the awards included just one overall “Golf Destination of the Year”, instead of one in each of five geographical regions. IAGTO chief executive Peter Walton was in Morocco to present the awards, which took place in October, in his speech he said, “As the guardians of the most important

and prestigious golf tourism awards, for two decades now we have presented only a handful of awards each year, which lends enormous gravitas to the event and significance to the winners. With only one ‘Golf Destination of the Year Award’, the expectation was palpable.” Formally receiving the award, Algarve Tourism president João Fernandes said, “I’m very proud to accept this award on behalf of everybody working within the golf tourism industry in the Algarve, and we would like to offer our thanks to IAGTO and the golf tour operators who voted for us. Fernandes went on, to sum up why he felt the Algarve had won; “We believe the Algarve has so many reasons for visiting us: the weather,

Bounce Back to Fitness BY REBECCA SIMPSON

Boogie Bounce is an exciting and brilliant edition to the fitness scene on the Algarve. A new and incredibly fun way to exercise, it is putting the fun back into fitness and blasting the fat away. 70


the people, the beaches, the accommodation choice and, of course, the golf. But even if all the ingredients are present it still needs dedicated, passionate and highly-skilled people to serve it up correctly.” Boavista Golf and Spa Resort in Lagos attended the event, Golf Director Hugo Pinheiro comments; “It is very important for the Algarve to win this prize because it stands us out from aggressive competitors such as Turkey, Spain and Greece. Since this prize is originated by the votes of the Tour Operators, it is great recognition from those who send us business. On the other hand, the public always likes to visit awarded destinations, and therefore they will also give priority to Algarve when choosing their golf-break destination.”

Samantha Wolstenholme, a previous Karate and Aerobics instructor, saw how successful and fun Boogie Bounce was in the UK and decided to bring the motivation to the Algarve. Sam started with 12 trampolines doing three classes per week at Burgau Sports Centre, and she now has 30 trampolines in two different locations. Boogie Bounce is a complete exercise program on a mini trampoline, with a safety T-Bar Handle, choreographed to an eclectic mix of tracks from across the decades. Boogie Bounce delivers a full-body cardio workout that is suitable for everyone, all ages, shapes and sizes, men, women and children. Boogie Bounce uses high-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) techniques to maximise the most effective fat burning process in the cardio section. Using the pliable surface of the mat to perform a range of core stability exercises, engages more of the deep core muscles.

Sessions are 45 minutes to an hour, encompassing a floor exercise section which is performed on top of the trampoline. Stretch and tone sessions will be available later this winter using a resistance band, turning the trampoline into your whole gym. This will be alongside shadow instructors Maria Cristino and Samantha Stephen. The benefits of Boogie Bounce include; a fantastic full-body workout, massive calorie burning, increased metabolism, stress relief, improved lymphatic system and reduction in cellulite. Sam is currently teaching seven sessions per week at Burgau Sports Centre on Mondays at 6 p.m, Wednesdays at 5 p.m and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m, and at Ryan Smith’s Fitness Studio- Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m and 7 p.m. Trampolines must be booked in advance to avoid disappointment.

+INFO:  Boogie Bounce Burgau


MIXOLOGY MAGIC With the advent of the new lounge and cocktail bar at Vivenda Miranda, João Franco explains what a mixologist is and how he aims to enrich the local cocktail scene. "Being a mixologist means crafting and working with local and seasonal produce and flavours to appeal to all the senses in harmony with the local environment. " A mixologist is the creative soul behind the bar scene and embodies the skill of preparing mixed drinks. Inspired by his beautiful surroundings, João investigates, creates and works with textures and tastes. “My aim is to create unique and distinctive blends for every

guest by technique, experience and showmanship.” Of course the lovely view of the Ocean at Vivenda Miranda has had some influence on his inspirations. As a result, some of the cocktails have a touch of the sea! So, here are a couple of his recipes for those that like alcohol and those that don't.

By the sea 40ml Gin 20ml Port wine 15ml Orange 10ml Sea essence Top up with sparkling wine and a sprig of coriander.

ENJOY! João Franco is Mixologist at the Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda

Água na Boca BY YUM YUM BOYS

Yum Yum and chums are back and for this month we made a slight detour to take in the delights of Salema. As well as being a brilliant, on the fishing village, it has some fine eating establishments too and upon recommendation, we were grateful to have stumbled across Água na Boca. If you know Salema it is not spread out, so to find this place you take a slight detour from the water’s edge and up a slight hill, Água na Boca is on your right-hand side. Four of us were there for an evening meal and I am so glad that we did. The view looks out onto the water’s edge and there is an outdoor space, but as you know, it can be slightly cooler in the evening now. The place is a good size with a great atmosphere, soft lighting too so not like you have just come out of the cinema! I would say a little bit extra than most restaurants around. We were greeted by the owner, a delightful and hospitable chap. As soon as we were seated, the waiter arrived for drinks. Smart service. Knowing that the portions may be generous, Yum started with beef carpaccio, which had a nice touch of a little pesto, other Yum shared the usual couvert, whilst chum went for prawns wrapped in bacon. Different and delicious on each account. Main courses were spicy ribs,



of which Yum reckons “the best they have tasted”, a grilled chicken dish while two of us had the lamb steak with homemade mint sauce. The latter is always compared to your mums, and it was that good. The veggie and fries were shared between the four of us, and what looked like shaved fries were different and very moreish. The regular vegetables were cooked perfectly with just enough crunch and not soggy at all. All washed down with suitable wine, beer and coffee to finish. The service was excellent, a nice busy buzz, but by no means noisy, just a gentle hum of efficiency. The bill was mid-priced and was very good value for the whole experience. This place deserves to be on everyone’s radar, and is a definite must if you wish for a quiet meal for the two of you, or to impress some friends. Yum Yum Boys are definitely booked for a return.

+INFO:  Rua dos Pescadores 82, Salema 8650-199  aguanaboca82  +351 282 695 651

Algarvian Sweet 25ml Almond syrup 20ml Lemon juice 40ml Orange juice 50ml Chamomile tea A spoon of fig puree


A Lazy Girls’ Guide to Christmas BY THE LAZY TIGERS

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! At least in Lagos where the lights have been going up since the first days in November. As someone observed in the shop the other day, `this country seriously needs a holiday like Guy Fawkes Night or Thanksgiving between Halloween and the Big One.´ We are smack bang in the season of Christmas Fairs now, some of the big ones have come and gone, but there are still goodies to be picked up and charities to be helped locally. Get down to them and find something unusual to stuff in your loved one’s Christmas stocking. We are going super easy this month on the recipes. No one wants to work harder than they have to at Christmas. We have a Portuguese variation on the classic Mimosa (the shops are full now with the fruit the Portuguese call romã), crowd-pleasing sausage rolls (there ought to be a law against passing these off as home-made), and some no faff gluten-free cookies. These are our last recipes for the year, but we will be around in the café, with coffee, cake and drinks all through December. Merry Christmas from the Lazy Tigers at London Tiger Coffee.



Vanilla Pomegranate Mimosa (MAKES 1) 5 ml of Vanilla vodka (or add a dash or 2 of vanilla extract to the remains of the old bottle already in the fridge) 5 ml of pomegranate juice Your sparkling wine of choice Pomegranate seeds to garnish Give the vodka and juice a vigorous shake in a shaker. Pour into a tulip glass and top up with the fizz. Float the seeds on top

Sausage Rolls (MAKES 8 BIG ONES) 500 grams of ready-made puff pastry 1 packet of English link sausages 1 egg A little milk A little flour Defrost the pastry in plenty of time if it comes frozen (we suggest overnight). Heat your oven to 220ºC. Sprinkle some flour on your work surface. Cut the block in half and roll to a length which will fit 4 sausages, making sure the strip is also wide enough to encase the bangers. Remove the skins from the sausages and place the first 4 lengthways on the rolled

pastry. Wet one edge of the pastry with a mix of the egg and milk and enfold the sausages.Take a fork and press down on the edge to seal. Remove any surplus pastry and cut between the sausages to make 4 rolls, Repeat with the second half of the pastry and next 4 sausages. Place on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper and sprinkled with a little flour, prick the rolls on top and wash with the remaining egg and milk mix. Bake for approx. 20 to 25 mins or until golden brown.

Chocolate Volcano Cookies (MAKES LOTS) (these are gluten-free and as light as anything with chocolate in it can be)

Add egg whites and vanilla and beat with a wooden spoon until smooth.

450 grams of icing sugar 100 grams of unsweetened cocoa Half a tsp salt 4 large egg whites 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract 260 grams of dark chocolate chips or good dark chocolate chopped up (don’t cut corners on the quality of the chocolate, don’t use cooking chocolate)

Fold in chocolate chips. Set dough aside for 5 minutes. If your batter is too runny, cover and chill for 10 minutes or until slightly thickened.

Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl, whisk the icing sugar, cocoa, and salt.

Let cool on cookie sheets 3 minutes; then, with a spatula, carefully transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls, 2 inches apart, onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes, or until set and crackly.


DOGS DINNER BY DR LARS RAHMQUIST Thank god, it is Christmas! Well, so I have been told by every department store I have been in since midSeptember. Which is often, as I am such a shop-a-holic. So, let us look at Christmas and how it affects your pet. There are a few things to be cautious of at Christmastime, with regards to your cat or dog (bunny´s are more of an issue at Easter…).

turkey breast and a potato, but no gravy (or not too much, at any rate!).

So, when it comes to foods:

PARACETAMOL Usually a Boxing Day ingredient… Just be mindful that it will cause end stage liver failure and anaemia in your cat.

CHOCOLATE Yes, the list always starts with chocolate. Chocolate toxicosis is a real disease in dogs (mainly, but also some women). It has theobromine, which affects breathing and heart rate. One small bar of dark chocolate can kill a small dog. NUTS. OH, NUTS! This author has had to do several manual enemas (sound fun, hey?) on dogs who have eaten too many walnuts and maccas and had blocked intestines as a direct result. Macadamia nuts are also directly toxic to dogs, causing gait problems and stumbling. RAISINS AND GRAPES These have a direct toxic effect, to the kidneys of dogs. They cause acute kidney failure in their various forms, i.e. raisins, sultanas, currants. Remember that they are also found in those traditional mince pies! ONIONS AND GARLIC These cause damage to the red blood cells of dogs, causing anaemia. LEFTOVERS Do not give leftovers with onions to your dog. Fatty leftovers from meat can cause severe pancreatitis in your dog. As mentioned, onions can be serious too. It is best to feed your dog its own food, or maybe some



ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS If you use these in coffee or cooking, keep them away from dogs. The xylitol in them cause collapse and liver damage in dogs.

Other things to be mindful of at Christmastime are tinsel and decorations. Dogs can eat these and also cats, who have a propensity for linear foreign bodies to get caught in their intestines. Christmas trees can be pulled over (like I did with our border collie when I was four) and Christmas baubles can be dangerous to their mouths and throats if they chew into them. All of that said here are some things you can give to your pets this Christmas: Turkey meat (no skin or bones), fish, lamb meat (no bones), scrambled eggs, green beans, brussel sprouts, parsnips, carrots, peas, swedes, mash potato new potatoes, sweet potatoes. Don’t forget to wrap up a pressie for your dog and cat. We always got delight watching Sheila, our golden retriever tear open a dental chew under the Christmas tree every year. Remember, a dog might be for life, but it is also for Christmas ! Happy Chrimbo everybody, from all of us at Lagos Vets


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using this type of grass. The planting of these drought tolerant grasses along with indigenous trees within the landscape has enriched the morphology, and helped secure the environment from further erosion. This has also increased the area’s capacity for percolation of water to the underlying aquifer. Lakes, streams and groves of trees have been added, enriching the biodiversity of the area and creating one of nature's sanctuaries.

SUSTAINABILITY AT ESPICHE GOLF Espiche Golf is already one of the courses in Europe visited annually by the winners of the prestigious Golf Environment Awards, an award that recognises sustainable management projects, achieving an increase in habitat varieties and improving playing experiences for golfers, while providing a positive contribution to wildlife. Espiche Golf has now been selected as a case study by the Portuguese Golf Federation and the United Kingdom's prestigious Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) as an example of best management practices, and for its unique integration into the existing landscape with use of warm season grasses.

"All of the original stone from the existing ruin was used in the lower walls of the outside structure to maintain the sense of history and place."



The land where the golf course was built is classified as an Ecological Reserve. This classification is given because the land is of a geological structure of a karst rock (Limestone) with a natural aquifer, a water lens below it. The covering landscape of this geological structure is of a fragile morphology that has taken thousands of years to establish itself. In seasons of high rainfall this morphology helps stop the erosion of soils to lower water lines, while also helping retain water to percolate through the soil and rocks strata to replenish the aquifer. Water is one of the most critical management issues for golf facilities. Regardless of location and climate, it is important to demonstrate a responsible approach to water management in terms of consumption and the quality of water and on a monthly basis water analysis data and water consumption statistics are sent to the Ministry of the Environment. Unique in this part of the world, the warm season grasses, Bermuda and Paspalum, used at Espiche result in the reduction of water consumption by up to onethird when compared to other courses in the region. The use of fertilizer is also dramatically reduced by

“Our privileged geographical location, while being incredibly beautiful is also one of an extreme microclimate. With the consistent rising temperatures, the predicted and experienced, lesser rainfall in this part of Europe, the course has been designed to cope with these changes in mind.” The award-winning Club House is a spectacular modern design built on the site of an old Algarvian farmhouse, all of the original stone from the existing ruin was used in the lower walls of the outside structure to maintain the sense of history and place. The rest of the natural stone used in the walls came from the surrounding land. All or the laminated woods used in the structure were selected from sustainable source then worked by local craftsmen. The building’s climate is maintained by heat source pumps. Everyone who works at Espiche are aware of their environmental responsibility and are always looking to implement some new routines to their working day. Reutilization of paper in the office, replacing all of the plastic cups for glass and better segmentation of waste for recycling. Espiche also has a policy to always employing locally, therefore, helping the sustainability of the area, and its economy. Espiche Golf maintains a permanent link with the council and local schools with the club professional, Mikael, providing one free hour of tuition every week to the children. During 2020 the club plans on rolling out a number of initiatives, including installing three hundred and forty solar panels, with the system providing sufficient passive energy to run all of the installations, including the clubhouse during the daylight hours. Two electric vehicle charging units will be installed in the car park and the most ambitious of the projects will see Espiche Golf maintenance team’s attempt to reduce water consumption on the course by 25% during the year. Espiche Golf is also a participating member on "GEO Foundation" OnCourse® programme, committed to continually improve in important sustainability areas of nature, water, energy, supply chain, pollution control and community. “Espiche Golf takes an exceptional pride in its responsibility for its course maintenance and its history in environmental research. We are committed to an ongoing process of research and development for sustainability. For many years we have been a monitored course on an environmental program linked to the University of Algarve and various departments within The Commission of Coordination of the Algarve (C.C.D.R.A).”




The American literary figure Mary Ellen Chase once said, “Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.” The same can be said of an eco-friendly Christmas. Once you get into the green groove you’ll find it easy to make the holiday season a bit more sustainable. GIVE YOUR TIME, OR AN EXPERIENCE Consider buying tickets to a gig, a play or a match, or see what’s available locally and buy vouchers for a massage or a meal in a local restaurant. Try a Secret Santa among the adults in your family so you can focus on finding one perfect gift. LOOK FOR TOYS THAT LAST Preferably wooden, not plastic, and battery-free (batteries are a real environmental headache and 40% of them are bought at Christmas time). WRAP CLEVE If you get packaging paper in the post, let the little ones get creative on it and then tuck it away for wrapping paper with a personal (and oh-so-cute) touch. Reusable gift bags, pillow cases, scraps of fabric and even old clothes can make charming and original gift wrap. Try to avoid metallic wrapping paper (it’s non-recyclable plastic) or anything with glitter on (it’s just another kind of plastic cut into tiny pieces). IS NEW ALWAYS BETTER? Think vintage and pre-loved. Have a look in your local social media groups and charity shops for some great bargains and think about toy swaps for the kids – it’s a very affordable way to breath new life into a toy box and reduce unnecessary consumerism in the process. THINK LONGEVITY Some gifts just keep on giving! Duplo and Lego for example seem to last forever and get handed down from child to child. Other things barely make it through one day before they’re broken or lose their shine. Think about gifts that will last and avoid the novelty shelf that’s designed to lure you in for a quick laugh but will have an enduring (and totally disproportionate) environmental footprint. SLIM YOUR BIN Try banning single-use disposable items like napkins, straws, cups and crockery for the Christmas period. Even if you don’t manage 100%, you might be surprised at how much you manage to avoid with some easy alternatives. MAKE YOUR OWN Soaps, candles, jams, pot pourri, cookies, organic



toothpowder, sugar scrubs… there are plenty of ideas online, so why not get creative? CUT YOUR BILLS If you’re investing in new fairy lights go for LED bulbs. They last a lot longer and use much less power. As an added bonus, if one LED light burns out, the rest of the strand will stay lit. KEEP IT REAL The environmental impacts of fake Christmas tree production mean you’d have to use one for 20 years (not the average 6) to break even with a real tree. If you can, buy local and then compost it afterwards, or better still go for a living tree in a pot (e.g. a Norfolk pine) and decorate it at Christmas. GIVING BACK Before Christmas, ask children to round up the three toys they play with least and donate to a local charity; adults the same with outfits or gadgets. Try making a Christmas lunch for wildlife – suet and seed balls for the birds who often struggle through the winter, or a tray of cat food for hedgehogs. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Don’t overdo the shop, especially with fresh food that has a short shelf life over the bulging Christmas period. Consider some meat alternatives, turn leftovers into tomorrow’s buffet, and experiment with spicy soups and bubble and squeak. Start eating up food in your freezer through December to make way for storing leftovers. DON’T SEND A CARD Go online and send e-cards, and donate the money you would have spent on cards to charity instead. Save the cards you receive and you can use them next year as postcards, gift tags or decorations. CONSIDER A PRE-CHRISTMAS CLEAR OUT Pass on or sell any unwanted items for others to possibly use as a Christmas gift, and pass on any unwanted gifts in as good a condition as possible to make sure someone else can get the full use out of it, and don’t let it go to landfill! Zoë and Lisa are writing this series in support of WasteAid, sharing recycling skills around the world.

+INFO:  Attainable Sustainable Algarve


MOTORCYCLING IN THE ALGARVE BY ANTON NICHOLLS I am sure that even if you are not a keen walker that you will have heard of the many famous walking trails here in the Algarve, the Rota Vicentina, Via Algarviana and perhaps the most famous of them all, Caminho de Santiago. However, if you are a keen motorcyclist, especially off-road rider or trailrider, have you heard of the TransEuropean Trail (TET)? This is, in essence, an attempt to create a long-distance off-road trail riding that runs the length and breadth of Europe and is aimed at challenging famous off-road trails in places like Australia and the United States. TET is a route that covers over 51,000 km. It runs in a closed circular shape stretching from the Arctic Circle in the North to the very edge of Africa (Morocco) in the South, and from Portugal in the West to Turkey, in the East. It has been created by teams of volunteers who have downloaded a GPX, a type of GPS track file used by GPS units, of their local backyard. These volunteers are called linesmen and they continually monitor their local tracks for such things as landslides, closed areas, snowfall etcetera, updating the TET forums and website with newer versions of the afore-mentioned GPX file. So what about Portugal? Yes, the TET does indeed come through Portugal and extends into Spain. It starts or ends depending which direction you're going, in the North close to a small village called Tourem extending south to the Monchique district before turning East again and heading over to Spain at Castro Marim. Initially devised for adventure riders on mid-sized bikes although it doesn't stop anyone from riding on any sized engine “adventure” bike the rider deems suitable. It has to be said though, that in recent months riders of larger bikes (BMW GS1250, KTM 1290 et al) have been caught out on the trail with a few well-publicised instances of rescue helicopters and military intervention as well as local farmers intervening to rescue riders. It is advised not to travel solo on any part of this adventure ride, (wise words of wisdom in my opinion) and to seriously consider the weight of your bike. For this reason alone I still maintain a classic trail bike such as a Suzuki Drz400/650 or a Honda XL650 or XR400 would still qualify as the “perfect” TET bike in my opinion. Regardless of what you ride it on, the TET has opened up a whole new world for adventurous amateur riders looking to get their fix of off-road motorcycle adventure. I was booked to ride it in September with a friend, but



sadly a fall from my own enduro bike has laid me low with a broken foot. If you prefer tarmac then there are a number of clubs that are always welcoming new riders, whether experienced or not. The Vespa Club Algarve (VCA) holds regular rideouts across the region, mostly combining the rideout with visiting cultural events. The November ride had about thirty members taking the scenic route to Monchique for the Chestnut Festival, a stop for lunch on the way, the day ended at an adega to sample the wines and take in the art on display. Each year the members join with riders from Spain to tour the Berber desert of Morocco as well as the National annual gathering of Vespa riders from across the country. In 2020, Portugal will host European Vespa Days at Guimarães and is expected to attract 4000 riders from dozens of nations. To join VCA you don't even have to own a Vespa, any scooter, modern or classic, is always welcome. If riding slowly in a blue haze of two-stroke isn't your thing then you could consider joining Algarve Senior Bikers, a club with 200 members who meet monthly for a leisurely ride through the beautiful countryside of the Algarve and normally include stops for coffee and lunch. Membership is free to join with members donating 5€ per ride that goes to the children's home in Albufeira, so far the club has raised over 14,000€ for this worthy cause. The club will hold their Annual Charity Christmas Lunch on the 12th of December at Restaurant O Foral, near Algoz. Anton is a motorcycle trail riding coach at

+INFO:  vespaclubesulalgarve  / /

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52


BOARING BY FRANK MCCLINTOCK Many residents complain at this time of year of damage caused by European Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), and it is useful to know something about them in order to minimize their destructive tendencies. They have increased in great numbers over the last few decades throughout Europe, their original home range, but now they are also present again in the UK as well as having been introduced into North America just over one hundred years ago, and a wild cross is present in Australia and New Zealand as well. Their recent success is down to several factors. First of all they have the largest litter size of any ungulate and their population can double in a single year should sufficient food be readily available. Secondly, they are opportunistic feeders, with over 80% of their diet being made up of a wide variety of plants, both cultivated and wild, but they also eat tubers, fruit, funghi, invertebrates, carrion, small mammals and ground-dwelling birds. Thirdly, they can migrate large distances should their food sources dry up in a certain area, easily covering more than 100 kilometres should this be necessary. Lastly, with the absence of any top predator apart from Man and the general flight to the cities of the rural population, there is an increasing scarcity, (an odd concept!), of any check on their population growth. To make it worse, they are also increasingly unafraid of Man. To put it succinctly, they breed well, they have no predators to speak of, they have a varied and opportunistic diet and they can travel large distances in search of the right conditions. Apart from farmers, whose crops they attack on a regular basis, they prove themselves a nuisance in the majority of their interactions with humans at this time of year due to the advent of rain. This moistens the earth allowing them easier access to tubers and invertebrates which they gorge on, in general not minding where that gorging takes place. However, the Algarve has undergone a massive change over the last fifty years, with the introduction of huge open and watered meadows called “golf courses” and large swathes of previously dry and barren soil turned over to further patches of grassland called “lawns”. One can hardly blame such a successful species for taking full advantage of this offered bonanza, and their population hereabouts is growing at an ever-increasing rate.



However, rightly preferring their own company, they can be dangerous when approached, so what can be done? Shotguns are no use; it requires a solid shell to bring one down and solid shells in built up areas are, in general, not such a good idea. Solid, boar-proof barriers can be difficult and costly to erect legally so this is also seldom an option. What’s more, they rarely pay any attention to even the largest dogs. Five years ago, ours were going ballistic one night so I rushed out to quieten them down before our guests were inconvenienced too much, only to find over thirty milling around in our car park. The dogs all welcomed me to the party, milling around my legs, suddenly much braver, but even our large Rafeiro Alentejano was keeping a wary distance. Dressing-gown-clad and slipper-shod, the only thing I could do was to heave a few rocks in their general direction, which, after a few minutes, became enough of a nuisance that they moved off leisurely into the bordering undergrowth, but they were certainly unfussed about either myself or the four dogs. The next morning revealed the damage they’d left me as a calling card, a 50-metre stretch of dry-stone wall toppled over that cost north of €300 to rebuild. Enough was enough, so on came the thinking cap and I installed the only solution that I have found to be effective – it has kept them at arms-length for the last five years anyway. An electric fence of the type farmers use to keep cattle in, with a night timer set from 8 p.m until 8 a.m. Total cost for a stretch of a little over a quarter of a mile was the same as one night’s damage, so I reckon I’m onto a winner.

"they breed well, they have no predators to speak of, they have a varied diet and they can travel"

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Houseplants Part Two: Indoor Flowering Plants BY TAMSIN VARLEY Everyone loves some colour in the home and so I recommend four different houseplants that are reasonably easy to look after. My first choice is the pet friendly moth or Phalaenopsis orchid, which I have grown very successfully for many years and are widely available in various shades of white, pink and occasionally yellow. They are very tolerant of low light conditions and must never have any direct sunlight which will scorch them. They are very forgiving water-wise – I suppose I water mine once a fortnight in summer and once every four to six weeks in winter. It is much better to keep them on the dry side and whatever you do, never let them sit in water otherwise they will rot very quickly. When you water them, really soak them and then let them drain well. I fertilise mine with a special orchid fertiliser every other time I water them. If they like you, you will be rewarded with at least one flower spike in winter which can last for months. I couldn’t help but notice the Guzmania bromeliads at a local garden centre recently. Their bright red flower bract was a real head turner and they are non-toxic to pets too. These plants require indirect light to moderate shade and must never be exposed to direct sunlight. The central cup should be kept full of water (preferably rain water) which should be changed frequently. In winter, let the cup go dry and water the soil sparingly. They like humidity too, so stand on some damp gravel. When the flower dies back, cut it off. The parent plant will also die but will produce many pups at the base of the main plant to ensure the next generation. The secret to success I’m told is to ensure adequate heat and humidity and as they’re top heavy when flowering, make sure the pot is well weighted down. My next choice is the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) which looks stunning with its glossy dark green leaves and showy white long-lasting flowers. They filter more indoor pollutants than most other plants so are ideal for bedrooms. The only downside to them is that they are toxic to both humans and pets if ingested. They like medium to low light but flower better with brighter light.

Peace Lily The key to success is the watering regime and they are much more tolerant of under watering than overwatering. Check the soil once a week. If it is dry, then water but otherwise leave well alone. When the leaves droop, it is time to water. They are not greedy feeders so fertilise just once or twice a year. They also benefit from dividing when they become crowded in the pot – cut in half with a sharp knife and replant each half into a new container. The leaves tend to become very dusty so wash or wipe down the leaves at least once a year. My final recommendation for indoor flowering plants is the Flamingo flower, or Anthurium. This is a tropical plant from South America with large simply glossy leaves and spectacular very long-lasting red heart-shaped spathes. Their growing requirements are very similar to the Peace lily above, but don’t let them dry out completely. In summer, they will probably require watering once a week. They also like high humidity, so stand them on a tray filled with damp gravel and mist them periodically. Note that these are toxic to pets. Tamsin Varley is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

+INFO:  Bromeliads




Phalenopsis orchids



Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

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+351 919 869 700




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