Tomorrow february 2016 edition (low res)

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3000 FREE copies this month

A community newsletter for the western Algarve

February 2016


Riding the Waves

What's on

Strictly Dancing


Heart health


Love Spa Week


Food & Drink

Creative gardening

Chocolate Orange Protein Brownies

Plus much more... Aljezur


A 22

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A 22

TGFH Office VilamouraLoulĂŠ TGFH Partner Office Albufeira Quinta do Lago N 12 5

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N 12 5

TGFH Office Tavira A 22

N 12 5

Vila Real





TGFH Office Lagos






The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

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Welcome to Tomorrow Algarve... SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: Industrias Gráficas Solprint, S.L . Pol. Industrial La Vega, c/ Archidona B5. 29651 Mijas-Costa. Málaga. CIF : B29.593.357

Welcome to our February edition

Useful Numbers

We are always looking for ways to improve the newsletter and everyone I have spoken to seemed to love the 50th issue cover of the magazine so we decided to make some changes.


This year we are going to be upping our efforts for the good causes in our community. For example, we will continue to help provide funds and donations for the Soup Kitchen where so much hard work and dedication is shown every week of the year by Mike and the team. More than one hundred people were given a hearty Christmas dinner and funds are constantly in demand. You will see a great and novel fundraising effort being promoted in the magazine to provide a new ambulance for the bombeiros. Thanks to Pat Allen and her team of volunteers. Good news at last on the Christmas lights, not yet completed but not far off. Thank you all for your support and especially your patience! We are very excited about CONNEXAO and the way it is developing to help provide ‘a pop-in centre’ for people on their own who are wanting and willing to make new friends. The coffee and hospitality are FREE. Lots of activities are also available, for example, language and computer lessons. Caroline is starting Strictly Dancing classes at Boavista this month and at only €5 per hour they are a bargain. We really are excited about this as we are hoping it will bring more and more people together. Another busy month ahead and one where we hope, as always, that you will provide your comments and suggestions to improve the Tomorrow Newsletter for the good of the western Algarve. Best wishes for a great month,

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282 490 750 808 781 212 118 282 782 282 914 479 300 916 606 226 213 308 200


Tom, Amber and the team. Call Tom on 919918733 and email our editor at

GAVIN COX 916 430 132 PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR 912 417 994 Geoff Hurst Chimney sweep & window cleaner 926 860 123 Locksmith - Luis 964 605 213 Satellite & TV - Dave 965 774 176 Mobile Hairdressing Alison 918 663 352 Computer problems - Pedro 917 165 238 XELI- FLorist Free delivery 282 768 129 Electrician Helio 917 288 966 IPhone/Ipad repairs 966 863 260 Mobility equipment - Andy 964 230 225 Parcel delivery to the UK +44 208 123 1966 Plumbing & more Tristan 938 989 704 TRANSLATIONS ENG / PORT 916 618 527 Survival Portuguese - Alice 914 269 118 All sewing - Ana 919 747 591 COMPUTER MOT - Steven 936 387 512 Kieron Squires - PROFESSIONAL 917 637 475 ENGLISH Mechanic


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Community... Joana Schenker: Riding the Waves By Lena Strang

Joana Schenker

Catching the perfect wave… That’s exactly what Joana Schenker managed to do in the Bodyboarding World Championships in Chile in December. In the face of fierce international opposition, the perfect score of 10 helped her earn a bronze medal for Portugal. Winning a world medal was the crowning glory for the 28-year-old bodyboarder. Over the years there has been no shortage of medals. She has a long string of successes under her belt, including six national titles (three in the Women’s Open and three in the Junior section) along with three European titles (two in the Women’s Open and one in the Junior division). Portugal with its 800 km long stretches of coastline and mild climate offers plenty of opportunities for water sports. The strong waves of the south-western Atlantic beaches and the peninsula of Sagres provide a haven




for surfers and bodyboarders. There can be no coincidence that Sagres is where Joana lives. I meet up with her to find out about her remarkable achievements. With her long, blond, sun bleached hair and lithe body she seems to radiate energy and I can well imagine that her natural element is water. She has an easy, open manner and is keen to talk about the sport that she loves. So why body boarding? “Sagres has a very long history of body boarding as the conditions here are excellent. All my friends practised the sport so it was only natural for me to have a go too,” Joana tells me. “I remember the very first serious wave I caught. It was such a wonderful experience that I was overwhelmed and knew that this was what I wanted to do.”

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From the age of 13 Joana was hooked. Having joined a local school it didn’t take long before she started competing and making her mark on the national bodyboarding scene. She left her studies at university at the age of 18 in order to spend time surfing the waves, driven by a constant desire to improve. Since then she has dedicated her life to the sport. And what does it entail? Bodyboarding is a surface water sport where the surfer rides prone on a bodyboard on the crest, face, and curl of a wave, which is carrying the surfer towards the shore. You only need a short rectangular board, which comes in different sizes, a pair of fins and a wet suit. And I am assured that bodyboarding isn’t surfing’s lesser cousin. Bodyboarding is an extreme sport in its own right and huge waves are attempted with various gravity defying manoeuvers. The fact that Joana was one of only four at the World Championships who managed to catch the ‘perfect wave’ is intriguing. What does it mean? “It takes skill and experience to choose the right wave to go for that allows you to do your manoeuvres,” she explains, “The perfect wave for bodyboarding is a tubular ‘hollow wave’ that we can attach ourselves to. We need maximum force.” I am slowly beginning to appreciate the enormous amount of work and dedication needed for Joana to have reached this level. She practises daily in the sea throughout the year and does supplementary exercises in the gym. “You need good fitness, flexibility, balance and above all you need to be mentally prepared. The sea can be

Community... frightening but we must be calm and never, ever panic,” she says.

Joana Schenker

But what is it about clinging onto a board that provides the fascination, I insist? She pauses for a moment as she tries to capture the sensation in words: “It’s the contact with the water and nature. It’s always a new, fresh experience because each wave is different. There is a sense of humility as we are faced with the forces of nature. We are only tiny specks in relation to the sea!” Apart from participating in the competition circuit and travelling to new places, which she enjoys, she also teaches bodyboarding at the Sagres Bodyboard Association. “It’s important to ensure we have a new generation of bodyboarders who will carry on,” she says. As I know Joana recently acquired Portuguese nationality I am curious to know more about her background. She tells me that her German parents settled in a small village near Vila do Bispo in search of a simpler and healthy life style. Born in the Algarve, Joana along with her three siblings lived in a small quinta in the middle of the countryside. As she is also a passionate defender of the environment and a keen advocate of healthy living, having recently turned vegan, I see the connection. “Yes, my childhood was important in creating an awareness of the natural environment. I

have always followed my mother’s footsteps in not wasting any resources and always using local produce,” she explains. “I am very interested in diet and try to share this with others.” As her German parentage initially didn’t allow her to have Portuguese nationality I wondered if this created problems in national and international competitions? “Yes,” she sighs,” it was awkward at times and did give rise to some issues. Having spent all my life here it was only right that I should be able to represent the country.” And a year ago bureaucracy was overcome and dual nationality was finally granted. “First and foremost I feel Algarvian,” she smiles, “Sagres is where I live and where I feel most at home.” Her fiancé of many years, Francisco Pinheiro, is the driving force behind the Sagres Bodyboard Association and also her trainer. “He is my greatest support but also my critic,” she laughs. “We are a good team.” She stresses the importance of the support she has had from the Municipality of Vila do Bispo without whose help she would never have got to where she is today. “I appreciate their confidence in me and I’m proud to represent the municipality.”

Joana Schenker

>> Continues on page 6


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Joana Schenker: Riding the Waves >> Continued from page 5

She is also pleased to be a positive role model for youngsters and particularly for girls. Although there is no overt discrimination it is always more difficult for women to pursue sports, she thinks. But with more girls and women visible on the beach it is easier for others to start. And of course, women like Joana who achieve considerable success, will be a real inspiration for others. And what’s in store now? She would like to defend her national and European titles and take part in events coming up in counties like Chile, Japan and Puerto Rico. For her the world really beckons now. “I’d like to be part of the international circuit and represent Portugal at the highest level. But this, of course, is dependent on support and sponsorship which I can’t take for granted.” But one thing is certain. We are likely to see much more of this athlete who dares to ride the highest waves imaginable. JoanaSchenkerBodyboarding

StartUp Europe Week comes to the Algarve! Many global initiatives have been created to celebrate entrepreneurship.

10 minutes stories about their incredible failures in business over a few beers.

From 1st to 5th February 2016, StartUp Europe Week (SEW) partners all over Europe will present the projects sponsored by Startup Europe and all other relevant initiatives being developed in regional ecosystems. Entrepreneurs will have the chance to meet Startup Europe project leaders as well as some of the most relevant people supporting entrepreneurs in your region.

Maria Nobre de Carvalho, one of SEW's coorganisers said: “We only tend to hear about the fame and fortune, but there is more to learn from the mistakes we make along the way than from the success stories. And an entrepreneur knows failure all too well. The idea here is to share what went wrong, learn from it and have a good laugh"

During one week, the Startup Europe Week will unite all European regions to help entrepreneurs make a difference and turn Europe into a better place to start and grow a business. In the Algarve, the company "Beat, Social Engagement" (who you know from other events such as the "Lagos Food Fest" and "Christmas at the Market") is bringing SEW to Portimão. Over the course of one week, a few entrepreneurs will be visiting local schools and talking about StartUps and what it takes to start a business. And the week will end with two fantastic events in Portimão. On Thursday, February 4th, Bar Cool 33 will host the first "I've f***ed Up" Night. Yes, you've read that correctly. An interesting evening where three speakers will share

The Airbnb website has been vital in boosting last year’s tourist figures, accounting for 6% of all breaks booked in 2015. Portugal now is the 10th most popular destination using the website, says Arnaldo Muñoz, Airbnb Iberia’s director.

Most listings are in the greater Lisbon area with 12,000. The second most popular region is Oporto with 3,700 listings of private accommodation. Airbnb’s top four countries where bookings in Portugal



On Friday, the 5th of February, the week ends with the official SEW Algarve Meetup. Set at Casa Manuel Teixeira Gomes, in Portimão, the event will have an excellent panel session with a Start-up Founder, a member of CRIA Algarve, a member of the soon-to-open CEIS (Centro de Empreendedorismo and Inovação Social) and Top Investor in Portugal. After the panel session there will be time for some networking followed by a Bar Crawl in Portimão. Entrance is free, but be sure to get your ticket ahead of time as there is limited space. For more information, send an email to Maria at:

One million bookings in Portugal

Muñoz says that currently there are 34,000 Airbnb listings for short-term accommodation across the country.


Entrance is 2€, the setting is cool and all is ready for a fun and relaxed night. So stop by after work, you will not regret it.

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come from, are France, Germany, the UK and Spain. The overall Institute of Statistics data shows that Portugal received 15 million guests to October 15th last year with a million coming to Portugal's Airbnb listed properties. Muñoz says the website has doubled the number of guests in 2015 with the number of houses available for rent increasing 65%, both riding the boom in tourism and helping it along. Thanks to Algarve Daily News for this story


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Lagos street art By David F. Each year since 2011 Laboratório de actividades Creativas (LaC), with the backing of Lagos Câmara, has invited three or four international street artists and two Portuguese artists to decorate the walls in our town. The stunning results can be seen all over the city. This is an ongoing series in Tomorrow which will feature some of the best street art around over the coming months. If you spot something that you would like to share, please email 1. Bullet Boy

2. Skeleton

3. Bears

This rather depressing, but nonetheless brilliant, depiction by ALIAS was added in 2015 and is striking because of its location on the internal wall of a ruin. It can be viewed from Rua do Ferrador.

My favourite piece of Lagos street art and possibly the most viewed as it is in the main Avenida Dos Descobrimentos - and it is huge.

This example was painted in 2014 by a duo from Amsterdam, Willem and Dionysia, who sign their creations "Pipsqueak Was Here". It is one of several pieces across Europe featuring bears and a young girl (Goldilocks?). You will find it in Estrada da Ponte da Piedade on the edge of town under a bridge beneath the main EN125 that circles Lagos.

There are various outstanding works by the German artist ALIAS around the town.

Produced in 2014 by Aryz who comes from the US, he created this using a cherry picker crane (the sort they use to change bulbs in street lamps).

You will find more about street art at This art is included in the Street Art Munzee Trail accessible using the free Munzee smartphone app.

The Lions of Lagos The holiday season is over, members are returning loaded with energy and ideas to bring the Club forward. Potential members are also showing their interest. The Lions District Governor, Dr Carlos Torres, has been updated about our status and the charter procedure is set into motion. The founding board, a British president, a Dutch secretary and a Swedish treasurer have been elected and are soon preparing for the Charter Night, the reward for the enormous motivation, enthusiasm and dedication of all members from the day they joined our already vibrant club, eager to engage in humanitarian-and fundraising projects in the Lagos community. To serve the community we’ll continue to recruit motivated members in the

Lagos area, of all nationalities, including Portuguese, to join and add their expertise and experience to our club. We recently organised our first fundraising event, a well visited wine tasting at the Herdade do Seromenhos near Espiche, organised by the Lions Lagos Branch members. Together with the proceeds of a Christmas lunch and raffle, with members, family and friends we raised the first input for the - pending charter, - Lions Clube de Lagos, new charity fund. Once formally chartered, the club is ready to invest time and skills for the objectives of Lions International, and serve the local Lagos community. The objects of Lions Clubs are: to create a spirit of understanding between people; to promote good citizenship; to take an active interest in all aspects of the community; to unite with

other Lions Clubs in a bond of friendship; to provide a forum for discussion in matters of public interest, and to encourage serviceminded people to serve their community. We have our general meeting conducted in English, followed by a lunch every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. You're most welcome to get in touch, visit our next meeting, join us for a lunch and meet the members, together exploring the options. If already active in our community as individual or organisation, or wish to become a member of the established International Lions Organisation, by joining the Lions Branch Lagos, feel welcome to contact our new secretary Jan Kuipers at

Riding for the Disabled Could Mervyn who wants to volunteer at Riding for the Disabled please contact David Hibbert on 93644 5945. Riding for the Disabled is always looking for more volunteers to help so please




get in touch if you are interested and have time to spare. The charity has now extended its sessions and operate each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10.30 am each day (subject to weather conditions).

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Please contact for further information: Frank Bulmer 912967870 David Hibbert 936445945 Mike Platt 913215389


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Lighting challenge By Tom Henshaw When Paul Anthony from the Portofino's Restaurant on the Marina suggested Tomorrow led a campaign to ‘Light up Lagos’ we never foresaw the difficulties lying ‘in wait’ for us. We can only apologise that things didn’t quite go to plan. It was out of our hands and thank you all for bearing with us while we have tried to sort out the issues that stopped all of the lights going up as quickly as we had expected. In spite of the many problems we hope we are now nearing the completion of the lights. All of the lights are now up in Luz and we are endeavouring to complete the last few lights and replace the one or two plaques

‘removed’ on New Year’s Eve. We gave the Câmara special wire to secure the plaques and we are hoping they are going to use this as originally planned around the girth of the trees and thus making a permanent fixing. In spite of the challenges - a euphemism – we want to thank all concerned in this campaign for at last pulling it off. Once again thanks go to the Joaquina Matos, the President of the Câmara, Carlos, Milvia Felix, Steven Dunswell and Graham Jones. Without their total commitment I don’t think we would have got there. Remember to take a look at the website

Shoebox Drive a success to thank everyone who took part and very much appreciate their generosity. This year almost 150 shoeboxes were filled and delivered to elderly people in Silves.

Janice and Mike Donohue delivering filled shoeboxes from the members Balaia Golf Club in Albufeira.

The 11th Annual Shoebox Drive for the elderly was a massive success, according to the organisers. They said they wanted

The boxes were handed out by Castelo de Sonhos. For more information about Castelo de Sonhos please contact Celia Mossman on: 282 332665

Martinhal’s owner declared a winner Chitra Stern from Martinhal Hotels & Resorts in Sagres won ‘Manager of the Year’ both for the Martinhal hotel in Sagres and for her company's expansion within Portugal to Quinta do Lago and Lisbon. She said "It is a great honour for me and, as a foreign investor, I was not expecting anything. I hope to continue to exceed expectations and grow our brand in Portugal as we have announced three new Martinhal units and are perhaps looking for two more.” The businesswoman added that they hoped to take the brand abroad in the future. Chitra Stern added that she shared the award with her business party and husband, Roman Stern. Former Secretary of State for Tourism, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, was chosen as ‘best public manager of the year’ in the third annual Amadeus Brighter Awards ceremony. The former Secretary of State for Tourism was given the awarded for his




innovation in the tourism sector, primarily for his work on digital marketing and developing new ways of promoting Portugal as a top tourism destination – it was not for his launch and the subsequent failure of the Alojamanto Local legislation. The award was presented by his successor, Ana Mendes Godinho. This award "represents the effort of Turismo de Portugal in developing a new promotion strategy," according to Nunes, attending the gala event at the Tivoli Theatre in Lisbon. Ana Mendes Godinho, part of the new Socialist Party government, gracefully said of her predecessor, "what separates us is no more than what unites us, that is the intention to make Portugal a better and fairer country, albeit in different ways, and tourism is a key player in this regard."

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Lagos Netball Squad victory

A Lagos-based netball team has celebrated success in its first ever competitive match, just four months after being established. Lagos Fireballs took on a team from Carvoeiro on home ground in early January, beating the visiting team by 11-8 in what was an incredibly close match. The visitors - an established team that has been running for many years - proved strong opposition for the Lagos side, with the score even at half time. But the Fireballs were able to dig deep and eventually emerged as victors. It’s an incredible achievement for a club that has only been running since September 2014. Set up by captain, Stephanie Wood, the club has grown from just seven people at last year’s initial training session to a group of more than 20 regular netballers who come together every Wednesday night at their court behind the Bombeiros building in Lagos. Speaking following the win, Stephanie said: "I’m so proud of all our players. It’s hard to believe that just four months ago most of them hadn’t set foot on a netball court in years - if at all!" She added: "So many of the girls tell me how much they love the game, and that Wednesday night is now a highlight of their week, which is great to hear." The club is always keen to welcome new members, both players (regardless of age, fitness levels and experience enthusiasm is the key!) and off-court helpers, especially anyone with umpiring or coaching experience. To get involved, contact Stephanie by emailing or join the ‘Netball in Lagos’ Facebook page.

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Diplomatic Ramblings – Part 12 By Doug McAdam part led the Argentines to believe we had lost interest in the South Atlantic!).

The highlights of our posting in Rio were probably the four “carnavals” which we experienced there. It was not necessary to go to the formal parade street more than once since the whole of Rio was buzzing as Brazilians enjoyed the festival to the full – usually involving cachaça, the local spirit of choice, with samba music permeating all aspects of life. My wife, Sue, and I became actively engaged with the British community. She more than I became heavily involved with “The Players”, the mainly British local amateur dramatic society, eventually stage managing a major production. I was amazed to find that Rio sported a good cricket side – our major matches were against São Paulo and Argentina. But we also played against a team from a visiting Royal Navy task force - ironically on its way south for joint manoeuvres with the Argentine Navy - but also against a team from HMS Endeavour (it was the later decision to scrap this which in

Towards the end of our stay Argentina invaded the Falklands which meant it was all hands to the pumps. But, such was the longstanding acrimony between the Brazilians and Argentines, that most of the propaganda from Argentina fell on deaf ears. Most of the letters we received from Brazilians were supportive, some even offering their help as stretcher-bearers. One remarkable incident in Rio during the conflict started with two loud explosions. Since we were regularly receiving bomb threats from Argentine nationals I immediately ran along the road to our consular section where Sue was working. But there was nothing to see. No sooner had I returned to my office to confer with a colleague when, from his office window, we saw a Vulcan bomber coming in to land. Within minutes a British tabloid newspaper was calling to ask what was going on. And rumours were flying round Rio to the effect that the Vulcan had dropped its bombs. What had actually happened was that the Vulcan, returning from a bombing run to the Falklands, had missed its airborne refuelling RDV and had sent a mayday message to Rio airport saying that they had only a few minutes fuel left. The Brazilian Air Force had

scrambled two jets which flew at supersonic speed over Rio - thus the two loud bangs - to intercept the Vulcan and guide it straight into Rio Airport. We later heard that the Brazilian Air Force were happily refuelling the Vulcan only to receive a call from their Defence Ministry in Brasilia reminding them that on paper anyway, Brazil was supposed to supporting Argentina! I thoroughly enjoyed my job and became something of an expert on a wide range of commercial areas but including British coal mining equipment. I actually accompanied a team of Brazilian mining engineers to the UK where we had a fascinating experience in one mine scrambling a long way over the cutting equipment on a coal face before returning to the lifts by riding the coal conveyor belt – all very character forming! As departure date approached we had the usual “where next” discussion with the Foreign Office. With ageing parents and both children at boarding school I sought a European posting only to be offered the position of Assistant Governor on one of the Caribbean islands! The office was astounded when I declined this but eventually agreed to post me to Vienna. Doug McAdam retired to the Algarve in 2004 after 43 years in the Foreign Office

A day in Conexao We will continue to be open on Tuesday afternoon, as well as Wednesday and Thursday between 11.00 am and 3pm this winter. Come and join us for free coffee, tea, Wi-Fi in a place where you can relax and chat.

We are more than delighted to hear from people with ideas that may be incorporated. Come and chat - may be you have a skill suitable to share with others although remember most of what we do is voluntary.

You can also take advantage of our experts – we have Matt who can advise for free on pensions and investments. Steve Dunwell our IT expert giving training sessions on basic computer knowhow followed by a trouble shooting session on Tuesday from 2pm to 4 pm fortnightly from February 23rd.

Then we have our man, David, who could deal with maintenance issues being an excellent skilled carpenter and all round facilitator of repairs etc. David has to charge for this service.

Elizabeth’s Esther Massage treatments is proving to be very popular with a number of clients from Sweden, Switzerland, England and USA with very positive feedback which is having great beneficial impact on their well- being. Whilst Elizabeth charges for this service, her fees continue to be low for the winter. Don’t forget we also have Hannah providing nutrition advice.




If you ask David nicely he might even go fishing with you. John is considering having interesting discussions or lectures and he could talk as an apprentice motor homer. What’s one of those you may ask? So what else are we expecting to offer over this period? Start of the internet radio station which will be a challenge for us - maybe you can support this. There’s also going to be cookery classes for men!!!! Art and crafts - maybe you have an interest

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in photography you could share? There will also be film evenings and why not learn Portuguese for everyday life here. We also plan to produce a Conexao brochure. We are hosting a music evening on February 26th so why not come along? It starts at 7pm at Conexao 32 Rua Dr Joaquim Tello. Lagos - near Hotel Cidade Velha, close to the local cinema beneath the language centre. Find out about other events by popping in or email: conexao


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve




Healing - It's all about energy! By Lena Strang Why did you move to the Algarve? I decided I didn’t want to stay in the UK anymore. I followed my heart and moved to the Algarve, which is the perfect location for me. I like Lagos because it’s not too big; it's relaxed, quirky and arty. And of course there’s the weather…

Through her own difficult experiences as a child and young adult, Noeline Oldham knows first hand what healing therapy can achieve in order to restore a natural balance in the body. Having moved to the Algarve five years ago, her vocation as holistic practitioner is to help others, whether it is through yoga, massage, aromatherapy, reflexology or crystal healing. Lena Strang met up with her to find out more. Tell me about your background. I was born in Liverpool in 1967. As a child I found myself in an unusual situation. My mother had a brain clot when I was 18 months old and along with my father I became part carer for her. I became responsible emotionally for them especially as my father had a stroke later on in life. I became ultra sensitive to everything around me. What did you do for a living? In my 20s I became owner of eight hairdressing salons. I wasn’t driven by an urge to make lots of money. My passion was to help my clients and deal positively with the staff. But I pushed myself too hard, became ill and after some months I was diagnosed with ME, a chronic fatigue syndrome with a devastating effect on the body. You suffer from constant tiredness, digestion problems, depression and physical limitations. I knew it was time for a change. And what happened? It was the start of my healing journey. I began studying nutrition, herbal medicine, started exercising and doing yoga. I realised I’d been out of balance because of the hectic life style I’d been leading. What I passionately wanted to do was to help others overcome diseases and difficulties in their lives so I embarked on a series of therapy courses. I worked with voluntary healing centres, charities and travelled worldwide to different retreats where I offered my services. I also set up retreats in different venues in the UK.




What’s your work here? I have worked as a holistic practitioner for 23 years and continue my practice here. What I have discovered throughout my work is that so many suffer from imbalances in their body with energy that is blocked. Our mind and our thought system need to be updated from fear to love in order for people to find their path. People suffering from imbalances, depressions or illnesses would benefit from my six week Inner Healing and Crystal Healing courses. I see clients once a week and look at the whole of their imbalances and the way they feel blocked. We work through diet, meditation and different forms of therapy, releasing the blockages. I use Crystal therapy which has been used by healers for thousands of years. Energy is released from the body to create balance and harmony. Each crystal is attracted to different vibrations in the body and can help remove the blockages more quickly. It’s really amazing to see the difference in people. How do you know what therapy is right for a person? I always do a consultation first and work out intuitively what’s best for each individual. I sense the energy and what the person needs. Sometimes it’s a mixture of massage, reflexology and crystal healing. Everyone is different. And what about yoga? I run classical Hatha yoga sessions at Boavista Health Spa four times a week. I haven’t adapted it to western yoga at all as I believe this style of yoga encapsulates the true essence, which is to reach enlightenment. When the body is relaxed and tense free only then can the mind relax. Yoga is for everybody regardless of age or level of fitness. I had an 89 year old man with a pacemaker in my class. He loved it and did his best. What else do you do? I was asked to work with the Malo Clinic in Alvor that help young women with anorexia. I have had experience of running healing

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centres in the UK previously for people with emotional and mental issues including terminally ill patients. Through Crystal Healing and nutrition they were given tools to help change their lives. I see the clients at the Malo clinic once a week and help them during their on going, long-term convalescence. As a qualified practitioner I also do baby massage. How do you relax? Meditation and yoga, gym work, running and I love walking along the cliffs. I also read, write and listen to music. I must make sure I do what I preach. And your future plans and dreams? I run ‘Zen Garden Retreats’ here that I started in the UK in 2009. We use Quinta Bonita in Lagos and organise courses where people can come away from their chaotic lives and recharge their energies. I’d love to build on the retreat and one day run my own. I want to continue doing what I believe is my true vocation – help others release their energy and step into their own power. What would you say to a reader of Tomorrow who’d like to get fit and healthy but perhaps lacks motivation? Look at all areas of life – diet, exercise and what it is you are telling yourself that’s holding you back. Start a programme and if possible get support from friends and family. Cover physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. Are they in balance? If someone needs help, maybe my six-week programme or one-off sessions might help. Any change has to be mindful and a new pattern established. Contact Noeline: Tel 282 761745 Mob 963614499





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Let’s drink to the bombeiros By Vi Gillman 1.5 litre water bottle handy and pop in a euro every day that you enjoy an alcoholic drink.“One for you and One for me” = one for them”. It won’t take long for those euros to mount up and what an easy way to help the bombeiros to buy a spanking new ambulance.

Pat Allen has appealed for help to get a new ambulance for the bombeiros in Lagos. We think we’ve come up with a great (and easy) idea to help raise the funds. It’s called ‘One for me and One for you!’ and it is so easy. Simply keep an empty

Don’t forget, according to the pundits, moderate drinking is good for you - so we’ve been told. A red wine a day keeps the doctor away - or something like that! So every day that you have an alcoholic drink either indoors or out remember the bombeiros and pop the euro in the bottle. I wonder how many euros there are in a bottle that size? A lot so cheers!

Kapa Dois Center The Kapa Dois Centre is in the heart of Lagos on a little side street just off the Rua Infante de Sagres. It’s been a hub for aspiring dance students, capoeristas (native Brazilian influence) as well as music, arts and culture lovers alike since 2009. The centre features a huge dance floor with mirrors, a music segment with piano and drums, an art studio and office rooms. "We offer a platform and curriculum for young ones and the young at heart to be active, to learn and explore. Our audiences are people from our vicinity, different nationalities and ethnic groups," said Tessa Sander. Tessa Sander and Wale Bakare, who both manage and teach at the centre, moved to the Algarve from Germany in 2001. Both have a track record as artists and have been involved in other cultural activities like organizing music concerts on the Algarve and in Lisbon and inviting world class artists to Portugal for workshops.

teaches dance at the centre and schools in Lagos. Wale Bakare has Nigerian roots. As a musician, recording artist and performer, Wale has toured extensively, sharing stages with Bands like the Beasty Boys, Faithless or Joe Zawinul. At the Kapa Dois Center, Wale teaches rhythm and drums. The Capoeira Group is being led by the prolific Mestre Betão of Grupo Revolução. Capoeria combines acrobatics, dance, music and African culture into a martial art form. A very dynamic sport that can be practised at the Kapa Dois Centre on Monday evenings. Apart from the normal timetable, there are regular workshops or educational events linked to music and dance offered at the Kapa Dois Centre. For more info please visit or call on 282 764 224

The Kapa Dois Centre was most recently featured in the theatre play "Revolução Ama Historia de Capoeira" by the Teatro Experimental of Lagos and premiered last October at the Centro Cultural de Lagos. Tessa Sander is of German origin and has been dancing since early age. She studied dance and choreography in many parts of the world including Cuba and Holland, and is skilled in modern jazz, hip hop, salsa and contemporary African dance. Tessa




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You’ll be glad you made the effort when you see a smooth new ambulance whizzing around Lagos taking the sick to hospital. The cost of a new ambulance, which has been fully kitted out, is somewhere in the region of 40,000 euros. Hopefully the local council will make a contribution but we all still need to dig deep! If you can think of any other novel ways to raise funds then please get in touch with Pat Allen with your ideas. When the bottle is full or you want to call ‘Time!’ contact Pat Allen on: or call her on 282-697-548.

Lagos Orphans Fund

Children from the orphanage in Lagos, aged between 9 and 18 years old, enjoyed a lovely Christmas Dinner at the Adega da Marina in Lagos which was sponsored by the Lagos Orphans Fund. The children also received individual presents which had been kindly sourced and donated by members of the Floresta Bowls Club in Luz, members of Floresta Parque Golf Club and various other kindhearted people. In some cases, these children would not have received much else for Christmas. The Lagos Orphans Fund also organises birthday presents and fun things to do and get them out and about. Things like camping, Slide & Splash and trips away. If you are interested in helping or making a donation, please contact Richard Stead at


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve




Prevent animal cruelty By David Thomas In a joint initiative aimed at raising awareness and preventing animal cruelty, Safe Communities Algarve and the Territorial de Faro da Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) will be holding a seminar on the subject. The event will take place on February 4th from 4pm to 7pm at the Conrad Hotel, Quinta do Lago. The event will be opened by Exmº Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Dr. Vitor Manuel Gonçalves Aleixo with introductions by Sr. Coronel Silva Gomes Comandante do Comando Territorial de Faro da Guarda Nacional Republicana and David Thomas, President Safe Communities Portugal.

A panel of government and non-government expert speakers will address this subject, namely: • Tenente Pedro Fernandes, Adjunto do Comandante do Destacamento Territorial de Silves GNR; • Dr. Paulo Sepúlveda, Procurador Adjunto no DIAP - Unidade Local de Olhão, • Ana Silva, Médica Veterinária, Municipal Monchique; • Laura McGeoch President SOS Algarve Animals, Almancil and • Karin Holmström Forster, a Dog Behaviour Expert.

rescue and the relationship between dog behaviour and cruelty. Following this there will be a panel discussion in order that those attending can ask questions. The event will be in English and entry is free. It is open to everyone who has either interest in or who work with animals. As this is the first seminar of its type in the Algarve it is likely to be heavily subscribed. Reservations are essential. Contact: David Thomas at info@safecommunitiesalgarve. com or call 913045093.

The British Ambassador to Portugal, Kirsty Hayes, will address the seminar (subject to confirmation).

The subjects to be covered include: the work of SEPNA, concerning the rescue of animals and enforcement of laws; cruelty to pet animals and judiciary practice in the public prosecution perspective; animal welfare in Monchique; the work of charities in animal

Brilliant bowls

Shoebox appeal for orphanage

On December 8th Floresta Bowls Club invited the youngsters from Lagos Orphanage to have a fun session at the club. Several of the members volunteered to help and after a few pointers the children did very well, so well in fact they might be potential players of the future.

After a fun match, everyone suitably dressed, had a lovely traditional Christmas lunch in the Picanha Restaurant. We had a grand raffle with superb hampers donated by the bowls clubs at Albufeira, Balaia and our own members. We also received generous donations from Tavira and Alvor Bowls Clubs and Roberto and the staff from the restaurant. At the end of the day we had raised an amazing €850. A huge thank you to all who took part and dug deep into pockets.




I just wanted to say a big thank you so much to all of those people who contributed to the Christmas Shoebox Appeal for Caslas in Lagos.

The children’s home in Lagos, CASLAS, looks after some of the most needy and disadvantaged young people in the community.

The teenagers were delighted with their personalised gifts with nail varnish and make-up being a particular hit with the girls!

It is a cause that we, at the Tomorrow Newsletter, are always keen to support.

If anyone would like to be included on my list to fill a shoebox for Christmas 2016, please contact me on: or phone 914381598 or 282098305.

On December 14th, as it was the first Christmas at our new venue, we decided to do something special and combine our traditional Christmas roll-up and lunch with a fundraiser for the orphanage.

by Lois Herrington

The staff at the home do an amazing job and we like to support them and the children as much as we possibly can. Thanks to Lois for this great idea.

Tourism trends The Olhão - Faro tourism area has recorded occupancy rates last December, way above the rest of the Algarve region when compared to December 2014.

Overall, the Spanish indeed are leading the pack, up 26.5%, followed by the charming Dutch up 24.4% and the long-suffering Germans up18.9%.

According to preliminary data released by the Association of Hotels and Resorts in the Algarve (AHETA), the Olhão - Faro area had a December occupancy rate 28% higher than the year before, mainly due to a resurgence of Spanish visitors.

As for areas; in December, Faro / Olhão was up 28.2%, Carvoeiro / Armação was up 24.7% and out east, Monte Gordo / Vila Real de Santo António was up 18.9 %.

In the last month of 2015, the overall average occupancy rate in the Algarve’s hotels and resorts was 32.3%, an increase of 11.1% over that recorded in December 2014.

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As for the boom in villas, hotels and resorts, figures show that between 1985 and 2000 the number of buildings in the region increased by 55%. Olhão was not part of this increase.










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Passion | Expertise | Excellence


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



What’s On... Strictly Dancing at Boavista have done little or no dancing to the more experienced dancer.

Now is the time to put your dancing shoes on and step out, as dance classes will start at Boavista Golf & Spa Resort in Lagos in February. Caroline Johnston who will be teaching the weekly sessions, moved to the Algarve 18 months ago from West Sussex where she taught Modern Ballroom and Latin American Dancing to both adults and children. She has danced since the age of 11 and has competed at Blackpool’s famous Tower Ballroom.

Regular Wednesday classes will commence on February 24th at 4 pm. All sessions will take place in the superb Emerson Suite at the Clubhouse. Modern Ballroom and Latin American Dancing will be covered. Afterwards the bar downstairs is a perfect place to have a drink and socialise. There are many reasons for learning to dance. From a hobby, socialising, keep-fit to preparations for a special occasion such as a wedding or anniversary, or maybe a cruise. But the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun!

Calling all supper clubbers The next Supper Club is taking place at Café Fresco on February 4th at 7.30pm. The menu will consist of a tasting plates of pate, cheese, pickles and dips which will be followed by homemade vegetable soup, Lasagne Calabria with mixed salad and garlic bread. Pudding will be delicious summer berry Pavlova. The cost for the four-course meal will be €12 per person. There are limited places available so if you are interested please pop into Fresco or ring Vanessa on 913733684.

Please telephone Caroline at 961 916 821 or email: to indicate which free taster session you would like to attend (4pm or 5pm).

Please leave your contact telephone number so we can confirm your attendance near to the time.

In Lagos, free taster sessions at The Boavista Clubhouse will be held on Wednesday February 17th at 4pm and 5pm. These sessions are open to all, from those who

Cost: Block of six sessions at €5 each (€30). Individual sessions at €6.

Sing for fun

Yes. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience, nationality, gender or age.

The Tomorrow Summer 'Beach Ball' 2016

A member of the The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD), Caroline currently runs classes and one-to-one private lessons at the Carvoeiro Club de Tenis.

Will I have to audition? No - you will not be asked to audition in order to join. You can just come along to a rehearsal and join straight in.

The choir started rehearsing again last month after a short Christmas break and we were delighted to welcome several new members to the group. New members are accepted throughout the year, but the beginning of a new programme is always a good time to join as the choir is starting to learn new pieces together. In case you are thinking of coming along to one of our rehearsals, but you're still not certain, here are a few of your questions answered: I've never sung in a choir/I haven't sung since I was at school - will I be allowed to join?




What if I can't read music? No problem at all. At least half of the current choir do not read music. There are many ways to learn new music and we use as many of them as possible to help you. So if you are interested in joining the choir just come along and see how we work - you will be very welcome! The Western Algarve Community Choir is a group of people who sing together for fun. For more information on joining or on booking the choir for future performances and events, please contact choir leader Liz Roberts at: and check out our You Tube site 'The Western Algarve Choir' to see some of our performances.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

Tickets are still available for this summer's Tomorrow 'Beach Ball' but hurry because they are selling like hot potatoes. The Christmas Ball at Boavista was a huge success and we expect the summer ball to be even better. After one month of sales we have already sold 200 tickets. There are only 100 left so if you wish to attend please get in touch with Steven Sutton by emailing to reserve a ticket or book a table. It looks like it is going to be a sizzling success. There will be plenty of food, drink and lots of entertainment. Tickets are 35 euros per person and this includes a donation to our charity. This is the second annual summer ball and promises to be bigger, better and more spectacular than last year.


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



What's On...

Algarve Archaeological Association on open-air outcrops and its distribution overlaps with that of another abstract style found inside megalithic tombs. Schematic Art occurs across Mediterranean regions mainly as paintings in shallow caves, rock shelters and stone-built tombs. The second part of the lecture will address the biography of such sites. In addition to the preservation of carvings and paintings, an associated oral tradition was perpetuated over time.

On Tuesday 2nd February 2016 the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Lara Bacelar Alves titled 'Vibrant Stones' about prehistoric art. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm in the Museu de Trajo in São Bras, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm in the library at Lagoa. The first part of the lecture will deal with prehistoric art in north-western Iberia where two rock art traditions on natural rock formations – Atlantic Art and Schematic Art – occur in distinct, neighbouring, regions and share their setting with two different styles of Megalithic Art. Atlantic Art occurs throughout NW Iberia, Ireland, northern England and Scotland. It is typically carved

These sites are frequently given names, showing how important they still stand as landmarks for peasant populations in the region. Stories and legends recurrently tell us about the beautiful young Mooresses living trapped inside rocks under a magical spell. They are the guardians of great treasures and often reveal themselves to humans on St John's day. But why do these legends still dominate the imagination of peasant communities in NW Iberia? Lunch in São Bras can be arranged in advance - please call Maxine on 917267948.

Bring on Bollywood The Annual Ladies Day Extravaganza is taking place at Pashmina in Luz this year and the theme is Bollywood. The event is taking place on March 8th at the restaurant which is near to the church. There will be a three-course meal with half-a-bottle of wine per head. As usual Jackie and Sarah who organise the event will be organising fun and games all evening, with a few surprises! Dressing up for the occasion is optional, but with a few brightly coloured scarves, sarongs, voile curtaining, beads, bangles etc, you will be amazed at the effect. Numbers are limited but if you are interested then please phone Jackie on 917029831 or Sarah on 967105562.

Jazz standards

For more information contact or visit

Try for the Luz Triathlon Are you up for a bit of a challenge? If so, why not sign up on your own or as part of team to take part in the third annual Luz Triathlon. The event, which is taking place on Saturday April 23rd, will be open to those who want to do either Sprint or Olympic distances. This year’s Praia da Luz Triathlon already has all the makings for it to be the biggest and best event to date. Local teams as well as teams from across the Algarve and further afield have already signed up. Organisers hope there will at least 250 participants. The event follows hot on the heels of the success of the Sagres Triathlon which was held last November. We think the success of the triathlons we have held so far is largely down to the generosity and support from the local communities. We have been stunned by




the commitment and generosity shown by locals, businesses and athletes alike. Charitable donations from all our events will go towards the long-standing Luz-based charity NECI, which cares for physically and mentally challenged children and adults from three West Algarve boroughs. So for those of you who might need some motivation to get fit again after the festive period, please put 23rd April down in your diaries and set yourselves the target of taking part in this year’s event! Registration is now open at:  So please come and challenge yourself. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us on: 00351 933 713 867 or by email:

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

A concert is being held at the Quinta das Alagoas near Almadena on February 6th at 4.30pm. 'Jazz Standards' with Hilaria Kramer, trumpet, and Zé Eduardo, double bass. Tickets cost €15,00 which includes refreshment buffet with wine, cheese and homemade products. Information and reservations: Tel: 924 204 343 Email

Support group The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group will take place on February 24th at 11am. The meeting will take place at Restaurant Pirilampo, Rua do Moinho do Azeite, Lagos. Please call Carol Evans on 926297527 for more information.


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



What's On... Sand Sculpture Festival

Sand Sculpture Festival The 13th International Festival of Sand Sculptures, in Pera, in the Algarve was another huge success.

sculpture project that will be displayed to the public in the summer.

The festival, which had a theme of music, ended on January 3rd with the demolition of 40,000 tons of sand which had been carefully carved. The organisation, Prosandart, that holds the festival is now preparing a new sand




For more information please go to: or You can call 282 317 084 or 00351969459 259/61. Email

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve


vila palmeira

BISTRO: 11:00 - 24:00 VIVENDO: 19:00 - 24:00 Spacious parking Closed Mondays

apartmentos turisticos ★★★★ Meia Praia . Lagos

Fine dining & beautiful surroundings Vivendo Restaurant & Bistro set in the Vila Palmeira resort. Outstanding Mediterranean cuisine & excellent Portuguese wines offered at attractive prices. The Wine & Dine four-course gourmet menu changes weekly. Reservations: 282 770 902 | Email: |


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What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Please advise of items and events you may wish to have in our monthly calendar - IT’s FREE OF CHARGE



Swimming Lessons with Yvonne - Mon, Thurs & Sat (from 2.30pm) & Sat

Bowls for Beginners 11am | 1st lesson free €10 (non members)

(from 9am) | €9 | Boavista Golf Resort | To book: 917 953 914

Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz

Lunch Yoga Stretch/Flow/Classic1 - 12:30-1:30pm Monday - Friday

Tel: 919707635

€5.30 - 9 | InLight Lagos

Body Fit Classes 9.30 - 10.30am (&Thurs) | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio,

Holiday Courses with Yvonne 3x per Week | €20 Members €25 non

Budens | 282 690 086

members | Boavista Golf Resort | To book: 917 953 914 Riding for Disabled - 10.30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday's Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim Call Frank: 912967870 | Healing Session with medium Edina - every 2nd & 4th Friday | FREE InLight Lagos

Stain Glass Classes with Dianne 10.30am - 12.30pm (&Thurs) €10 Espiche | 919 117 108 Hatha Yoga with Diana 10am- 12pm €7 (regulars), €10 (drop-ins) Monterosa, Barão de São João | 962 492 607 Yoga Classes with Ann 10.30am -12pm (&Thurs) | €10 (€60 for 8 for


residents) Burgau | 913 202 621

Fun Quiz - 3rd & 17th February at 8pm | All free and all welcome

Life Journal Bible Study 7:30pm | Oasis Christian Fellowship

Spinnakers, Lagos Marina | 916 410 624

Tel: 936 358 553 |

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Meeting - 24th February 11am

Mantra Chanting Circle with Marion & Dani - 8pm | Inlight, Lagos

Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Carol Evans | 926 297 527

Tel: 914523636

'Jazz Standards' with Hilaria Kramer, trumpet & Zé Eduardo, double bass

Live Music - 8.30pm - Late (& Mon,Thurs & Fri) | O Artistas bar, Lagos

- 6th February 4.30 pm | €15.00 inc. refreshment buffet (wine, cheese &

Tel: 282769147

homemade products) | Quinta das Alagoas, nr Almadena | 924 201 343

Meditation group with Marion 7.15pm | Inlight, Lago Tel: 914523636

Live Music with Emma Louise - 5th,12th,19th & 26th February at 6.30pm


All free and all welcome | Spinnakers, Lagos Marina Tel: 916 410 624

Zumba Classes with Monica 9.30-10.30am


€5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282 690 086 Hatha Yoga (Beginners) 9.45am (Mon & Fri)

ROLL UP - for bowlers that have played before - 10am (10.30 start) & Fri

€10/ €55 for pack of 6 (90 min. group)/ 25€ (private) |

€10 (non-members) | Floresta Bowls Club , Rua Direita Praia da Luz

Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf

Tel: 919707635

Tel: 351 282 790 930

Mat Classes with Lisa - 9.15 & 10.30am Wed & Fri | €9 | Pilates Room,

Fitness Circuit for Men & Women 10 - 11am | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre

Lagos | 926 514 613 |

282 697 350

Zumba with Linda - 9.30 - 10.30am (& Fri) | €6 | Alma Verde

Zumba with Lucienne 10 - 11am (& Fri) | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz,

918 461 840 |

968288258 |

Tai Ji Quan with Carl - 10 - 11.30pm | €8 | Barão São João

Strictly Dancing at Boavista | 17th February at 4 and 5 pm free taster

Tel: 919 718 955

sessions | From 24th February weekly lessons at 4-5pm Emerson Suite,

Life drawing classes with Kasia - 11am to 1pm | Beginners & Professionals €10 per session | Marina de Lagos | 916 035 308 Pilates with Indah - 6pm (&Thurs) | €5 | Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo 911754890

Boavista Golf Club Pilates with Lucienne 11-12pm €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz | 968288258 Gentle Hatha Yoga - 12.15 - 2pm | €8 | Hotel Belavista, Luz

Mat Classes for Men with Lisa - 6pm & 7.15pm | €9 | Pilates Room, Lagos 926 514 613 |

965 201 477 Yin Yoga Class with Ann - 6.30 | €10 (€60 for 8 for residents) | Burgau

Gymnastik with Irmela - 6.15 to 7.15pm | €7 | Hotel Belavista, Luz

913 202 621

Tel: 965 211 996

7pm Social Netball in Lagos | All ages & abilities welcome

Gentle Hatha Yoga with Meg - 6.30 to 8pm | The Yoga Place, Burgau | €8

First session free | 'Netball in Lagos' on Facebook

Tel: 965 201 477


Football Academy (5 - 10yrs) 4.15 - 5.45pm | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350

Adults and Kids Sports 7 - 8.30pm | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350

Capoeira Classes (Mestre Betao) 6.30pm | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal

Late Karaoke 9.30pm - Late (& Sat) | O Artistas Bar Lagos

23, Lagos | 282 764 224

Tel: 282 769 147




Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

What's On - Your weekly events calendar...


Thursdays Walk with Ros & Lol 9.30 | (Approx. 2 1/2 hrs) | Boavista Golf Resort 282789358 | 914573373 Pilates with Indah 10.30am | €5 | Centro Cultural, Barão de S. João 911 754 890 Zumba Step! 10 - 11am | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz

968 288 258 Pilates 11 - 12pm (&Tues) | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282690086 Tai Ji Quan with Carl 5.30 - 7pm | €8 | Barão São João | 919 718 955 Percussive Dance Class (Tessa & Wale) 11.30am | €7 | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos | 282 764 224 Fun Tennis Doubles Men & Women 5 - 7pm | €6 | Burgau Sports Centre 282 697 350 Yoga Flow 6 - 7.15pm | €5.30 - 9 | InLight, Lagos | www.inlightlagos.wix. com/inlight Zumba with Gi & Vitor 7pm | €5 | Magnolia Apts, overlooking Praia do Porto de Mós, Lagos | 912 417 994

Fridays Zumba 9.30am (Tues) | €6 | Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf 00351 282 790 930 Roll Up 10am | €28 Green fee & entry fee | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens 282 690 054 Practical Portuguese Lessons - 10.30 - 12.00 | €5 | Lounge bar, Marina Club Hotel | 964 696 345/ Yoga & Pilates with Lucienne 11-12 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 968 288 258 | Rally Obedience/Agility 11 - 12 | €25 x 4 sess. | Espiche | 968 086 320 Childrens Football Skills 4.30 - 5.30pm | €4 | Burgau Sports Centre 282 697 350 Karaoke/Live Music 10pm - 'till late | Atabai Bar | Barão S. João Tel: 282688072 Live Music Ephy Clarke 5 - 7.30 | The Marina Bar, Lagos Marina | 282 789 701

Saturdays Computer Classes w/ Teresa10am | All levels | €10 | Lagos 918764613 Zumba with Gi & Vitor 9.30am | €5 | Magnolia Apts, overlooking Praia do Porto de Mós, Lagos | 912 417 994 Zumba Kids with Gi 10.30am | 4-6 & 7-11 years old | €5 | Magnolia Apts, overlooking Praia do Porto de Mós, Lagos | 912 417 994 Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa) 11 am | €7 | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos | 282 764 224 Rally Obedience/Agility 4 - 5pm | €25 x 4 sess. | Espiche | 968 086 320 Live Music Atabai Bar 10pm - 'till late | Barão S. João | 282 688 072

Sundays Worship, Praise & Teaching 10.30 | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | 960450750/ Satsang/ Group Meditation 10:30-11:30am | FREE | InLight Lagos 913.127.421 | Lively Worship and Biblical Teaching 11h - 13h | Lagos | 964 285 351 Blues, Jazz Music 8.30pm | O Artistas Bar, Lagos | 282 769 147


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



What's On...

The Trial of Galileo

"Rota do Petisco" is coming to Lagos This May you can discover the real flavours of the Algarve!

that you have a whole month to get to know the best eateries around. And cheap.

Organised by the Teia D’Impulsos Association in association with Beat, Social Engagement this year’s Rota do Petisco will be coming to Lagos!

Oh, and the money from the passport goes towards a group of charities in the Algarve. The event has been a huge success in Portimão over the last five years. Last year in Portimão, 146 restaurants were serving savoury tapas, with 24 serving desserts. And over 250,000 meals served in just over a month.

Created in 2011 in Portimão, the goal of Rota do Petisco is to put the region’s cuisine in the spotlight with all kinds of eateries offering special dishes at accessible prices. A ‘petisco’ costs €3, and includes a small meal and a drink (wine, beer or juice), while desserts and sweets are sold for €2. It's a great way to discover the many flavours of the Algarve, without breaking the bank. On February 16th, at 5.45pm, at the Biblioteca Municipal de Lagoa, Lagoa Arts and Science presents a lecture by Prof. Ron B. Thomson on the trial of Galileo. In 1633, Galileo Galilei, a Florentine mathematician, physicist and wouldbe philosopher, was called before the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Rome to answer charges that he had disobeyed specific orders relating to his research, teaching and publications. The facts surrounding the charges and the trial itself are confusing, if not ambiguous, but in the end Galileo confessed his “crimes” and was sentenced to house arrest for the remainder of his life. This incident was widely considered, both at the time and throughout the centuries which followed, to be the point at which the Roman Catholic Church turned its back on modern science. The trial has been a much debated event ever since 1633. Dr. Thomson tries to make sense of the record, offering a reasonable explanation for the actions of each of the participants, and for the existence of contradictory evidence at the centre of the trial. In the end, of course, the myths surrounding the trial have proved to be more powerful than the truth itself. Dr. Ron B. Thomson earned his doctorate in history (medieval mathematical astronomy) from Oxford University, and spent his career at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and in teaching the history of science at York University, both in Toronto, Canada.




This year we are still accepting inscriptions from restaurants in Lagos, Luz, Barão and Odiáxere, and the route’s full programme, including all venues and entertainment will be released in April, just before the event is launched.

The idea is that you buy your own “passport” for €1.50 and select a route to try several "petiscos" in one day.

In the meantime, if you own a restaurant and want to be a part or want to volunteer in the organization, just let us know!

You collect stamps from the restaurants you visit to be in with a chance of winning prizes from local businesses. And the best part is

Get in touch with Maria Nobre de Carvalho at for more details.

Travel tales It’s another busy month for the Algarve History Association with lectures covering a range of subjects from Gibraltar to ‘Travellers' tales’ from Iran or Persia.

The first will be on February 23rd at 6pm at the Municipal Library, Lagoa and the second on February 26th at 11am at the Municipal Library, Tavira.

The first talk about Iran or Persia will be on February 1st at 6pm at the Municipal Library in Tavira with the same talk being repeated on February 2nd at the Municipal Library in Lagoa at 6pm. These talks will be given by Peter and Lynne Kingdon Booker.

On February 28th at 4pm the The Lacerda Quartet will be performing at the Quintinha da Música. Details to be confirmed at a later date.

Peter Kingdon Booker will also be giving two more talks about Gibraltar later in the month.

If you require more information about any of the events please email Lynne Booker at

Treasure hunt in cars You are invited to take part in a treasure hunt with a difference! Almancil International Rotary Club is organising a treasure hunt car rally where you have to follow the clues!

the rally there will be a prize giving ceremony and lunch. The cost for entry is just €25 euros for adults and €12.50 euros for children.

The event is taking place on St Valentine’s Day, Sunday February 14th) and money raised will be to support local charities which operate in the Almancil area.

If you think you might be interested in having a bit of fun and raising money for charity you will need to register by February 4th.

The rally will start at Karting Almancil at 10am, finishing at Restaurant Belo Mundo, Vale Formoso, Almancil at 3pm. At the end of

You can register by contacting Alice Krings on 968 928 597 or by emailing

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Health... Heart health By Ann de Jongh Being the month of Valentine’s Day it is a good time to look at heart health. In the UK heart disease is responsible for over 25% of all deaths, so we need to learn to love our heart and give it the nourishment and movement it desires. We need to feed our hearts lovely healthy and nutritious foods: • Eat fruit and vegetables with every meal (including breakfast) • Eat legumes (beans and pulses) at least 3 times a week • Eat only whole, unprocessed grains • Avoid processed foods and trans fats • Avoid refined carbohydrates (biscuits, white bread, pastry etc.) • Eat fibre-rich foods • Eat foods with lots omega 3 fats (flax

seeds, salmon, mackerel, sardines, chia seeds, etc) We need to move our body to get the heart working (it is a muscle and needs a workout): • Exercise 3 to 5 times a week • Brisk walking is fantastic for heart health • Circuit/interval training • Cycling • Swimming We need to avoid stressors in our bodies: • Reduce caffeine intake to no more than 3 coffee a day • Start to meditate even 5 mins a day can help to reduce blood pressure • Adapt a positive attitude to life • Be mindful

Bedtime Struggles By Laura Newman Many parents struggle with getting their children to bed, dealing with whining for more play/stories, aggression, tummy aches, refusal to cooperate, night time fears. Why is their behaviour often worse at bedtime? What do parents need to know to change the pattern? Children are supposed to learn and adapt to difficult situations every day. By evening tiredness sets in and cooperation falters. From a ‘relationships’ point of view, the biggest challenge is yet to come: getting ready to leave their loved ones for a whole night. Their brain perceives a threat to their survival - they behave in ways to keep parents close. They may feel fear and see monsters under the bed. How do parents commonly react? By trying to stop their behaviour with negotiations, threats, lengthy explanations, rewards, getting fed up in many ways! 1. Understanding their behaviour is key. Ask: Does my child feel connected with me or pushed away? What am I doing that is pushing my child away? What does my child need to feel connected with me?

focusing on your child with warm, supportive attention. 4. Routine and structure are parents’ allies. Inject as much fun as possible, allowing enough time so they don’t feel rushed. 5. Children often need a burst of physical activity before bedtime, particularly boys. It can take 10-40 minutes so be prepared. 6. Get children to bed earlier rather than later and cut out stimulating effects of tv/ computer and sweet snacks in evenings. 7. When the final moment arrives, focus on the next connection: “See you in the morning”; “I’m going to check on you in 10 minutes & I’ll leave a heart on your pillow in case you are asleep”; “I’ll see you in your dreams”; “I’m looking forward to……”. Be imaginative! For more information & support contact Laura Newman, Speech Therapist & Parent Consultant at: Tel: 9616 33995

2. Sharing a family evening meal together & spending time connecting afterwards helps builds relationship & feeling of safety. 3. Connection time is anything that involves




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• Hug more often – hugging can reduce blood pressure, • Hugs are a natural stress reliever Laugh lots • Laughter has been shown to be linked to the healthy function of blood vessels So this month enrich our hearts, hug our friends and laugh a lot. Ann de Jongh is a personal trainers, teaches yoga and nutrition. She also does sports massage. Call her on +351 913202621 or email and her website is

Pilates and Cycling? By Lisa Longhurst Everyday I drive down the N125 and I see cyclists. It is a sport that my husband and I have recently fallen in love with but both of us have noticed various strains in our bodies. The strain comes from the position on the bike and interestingly my husband went for a “bike fit” with G-ride in Portimão. He was told how important his core strength is and how it can help hold his position on the bike. A strong core will help transfer more power to the pedals and it will enable you to position yourself correctly on your bike. Pilates exercises are targeted to develop strength and stability in the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine, taking pressure off the superficial muscles promoting a more balanced and efficient use. With focus on alignment, torso stability and flexibility this will support you as a cyclist through long rides and ensure you recover from the position and ease those post ride aches and pains. Be you a weekend or an avid cyclist Pilates could help you so if you are interested and have questions call 926 514 613 or email


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Pets mate By Lars Rahmquist The New Year is a good time to reflect and process things from the previous year. It’s with sadness I write that many people in our community passed away last year. A majority of local people will have known someone who departed for their next adventure. So let us remember as we knew them and treasure that their lives will always be a part of ours. Death is a topic (even a word) that often strikes dread into people. It is something that I have seen many times over the years, both with family and friends and during twenty years as a vet. We fear most the things that are uncertain in life; why else were we afraid of the dark? Well, death is the ONE thing in life of which we can be certain (OK, and taxes). It might require a quantum change in perspective, but the degree to which anything affects us, is metered only by our own responses to it. When my mate Rich Hill passed away, leaving four young kids behind, many sentiments echoed about how it just wasn’t right. I felt that too. Well (sadly) it did happen…so it has to be right, by definition. It is up to us to reconcile

this fact of the universe with our feelings. Death is very much part of life. Losing someone (including your old pet) is an experience which you (as all of us) must go through. Sometimes it hurts like a knife in your chest, but that is an experience too. After I lost my dad the thought of not seeing him again was awful, but I see him in my memories every day, and they make me smile and feel nice. To have known him and known his love is something that death cannot take away; and I have no interest in forgetting about it in order to avoid a bit of sadness. We all deal with grief differently, at some point it’s important to step outside yourself and look at the whole picture. We have many unknown adventures ahead of us in our lives. The odds of our own birth is already ludicrously small, so maybe we owe it to make every moment (sad ‘n’all) special and not something to try and ignore. More on tapeworms in dogs next month, alright? Now step outside, suck in a lung full of life… and carpe diem.

The cellular cost of smoking By Niki Medlock Tobacco leaves and stems produce various poisonous compounds, one of them is nicotine, repelling or annihilating predators such as insects! Nicotine is absorbed through the skin and mucosal lining of nose, mouth and lungs, travels through the bloodstream and hits the brain within 10 seconds! The brain, made up of billions of neurons which communicate with each other using chemical messengers called neurotransmitters, seeking out their own individual family of receptors located on the surface of other neurons and other cells in the body, sending messages of activation. The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine and mimics its actions allowing it to attach to the corresponding receptors therefore triggering them. Whereas acetylcholine is controlled by the body, nicotine is not and so the affected neuron messaging system is uncontrollable when smoking! Some of processes affected: • Stimulating the release of the “fight or flight” hormone, adrenaline, breathing




becomes faster and shallower, heart rate and blood pressure increases and blood vessels constrict making you feel energised! • Control pathways of fatty acids and glucose in the blood stream are also affected leading to high levels of both, as well as insulin sensitivity and resistance (causes of Diabetes and heart disease). • Areas of the brain involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward are activated through the release of dopamine, with heightened feelings leading to addiction (nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin) • Glutamate, another neurotransmitter, involved in learning and memory, when stimulated by nicotine, creates a memory loop of the good feelings and further desire to smoke hence only 4%-7% of people quit smoking without medication or help! Around 4000 chemical compounds are released into the body when tobacco is burned and next month I will write about some of their effects! Niki Medlock is head nurse at

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Fibromyalgia – can chiropractic help? By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro As you may know, Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic disorder involving widespread pain and sensitivity in the entire musculoskeletal system. In addition to pain, patients will also report long-term fatigue, disturbed sleep and mood. With the cause still not known, and with no proven prevention, or known cure, treatment is typically aimed at symptom management. Chiropractors are trained as neuromusculoskeletal specialists, and evidence suggests that those with FM consult chiropractors quite regularly…but does chiropractic work for them? Some recent studies indicate it does. In one example, chiropractors surveyed Fibromyalgia patients before, during and after a series of treatments to see if they responded favourably to chiropractic adjustments. 60% of the subjects in the study said they experienced a significant improvement with regard to pain reduction, improved sleep and decreased fatigue. What was especially encouraging was that these improvements were maintained in a 1-month follow up. In recent weeks, we have been treating a holidaymaker with FM at our clinic and he too has responded very well. After the first session, he reported feeling better and, despite the recent chilly weather in the Algarve (Fibromyalgia sufferers prefer warmer conditions), he now feels able to do more and enjoy his holiday…and, of course, I am happy to see a satisfied patient. If you are suffering from Fibromyalgia and think chiropractic care will help ease your discomfort and improve your lifestyle, please come and see us at Lagos Health. You can make an appointment by calling 282 768 044.


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Business Why buy new when you can re-do old?

The silent killer

An exciting new business has arrived in Lagos. The talent behind this venture are two charismatic guys’ from Holland, Marco and Dimitri. With backgrounds in design, restoration and carpentry they have started a business, Trico, which will transform the way we look at our furniture and our homes.

furniture remodelled to the highest standard and to your taste or made to your specific instructions. Just look at the photos and judge for yourself.

Finding the winters quiet in the Algarve Geoff Hurst went back to the UK four years ago and trained to become a fully qualified chimney sweep.

Please Contact Marco on 913934350 Or Email: Website

Since then he has learnt a lot about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and it is a fact apparently that 95% of homes have no smoke or fire alarms fitted.

Once the dark, wet days of winter are over and the sun begins to shine, we all start looking at our homes, particularly our furniture, and think of ‘spring cleaning’ or out with the old and in with the new. We all get fed up with the same old furniture and wish we could afford to replace it.

As there is almost no smell detectable, so Geoff says, it is highly recommended that, for a very small price, we all should have both fitted.

This is what Marco and Dimitri specialise in. They take that old dresser, sideboard or chair and totally re-fashion it into a brand new piece of bespoke furniture. The finish is amazing and you will love how it transforms your home. There is nothing they will not work on, from table lamps to beds. If it’s a new piece of furniture you want but cannot find what you are looking for…..this is where your search ends as it can be made. They are also interior designers and will advise on colour and style all to suit you and your home. You can have a brand new look to your home without spending a fortune and know that the work is of the highest quality. This is


So whilst everyone with a fire or wood burner should have an annual ‘chimney’ check which is recommended by the UK fire service they should also fit these low cost alarms. The ones Geoff recommends are ‘Kite marked’ ‘KIDDIE’ CO1SA6 and can be brought through Amazon as a dual pack. Geoff is willing to give expert advice and can, if required, fit these lifesavers.


For more information call Geoff on: 926 860 123 for free advice.

Bonding and belonging On February 4th Women & Success will organize its next lunch for professional women at Quinta Burger in Quinta Shopping, Quinta do Lago. The event starts at 12 and finishes at 3pm. You will have the chance to promote your business. Tables are available for all your promotional material, so bring your banners, flyers, cards or products to show us what you offer. Founder of Women & Success, Ria van Doorn says: “We believe that showing up and connecting to others is the easiest way to create a steady professional network. Taking the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience and catching up with like-minded professional women, really makes people opening up their addressbook for you.”




She added that she did not believe in competition. She said that in her opinion there was enough for everyone and the best way to create success was to connect with others that were successful, seeing success as a positive thing. Please confirm your presence and preferred menu to There will be a selection of starters including avocado prawns, garlic mushrooms, Caesar Salad. The main course is a choice of a hamburger with fries and salad or a vegetarian vegetable ‘hamburger’ with fries and salad. Pudding is either chocolate brownie or apple crumble. The price of €20 per person (to be paid at the door) includes water and 1/2 bottle of wine per person as well as coffee or tea.

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To sign up, please send an email to Women & Success is an initiative of Ria van Doorn that started in 2012. Read more information about her work on and join this powerful group of ambitious women:

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Relax overseas transfers are our business Considering buying or selling a property in Portugal? It is never too early to choose your foreign exchange company. We pride ourselves on getting to know our clients and their needs.

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How to plan your holiday home purchase.... Once the decision has been made that a home in the sunny Algarve is something for you, there needs to be a certain amount of planning before you start your search. Property sales have improved significantly over the last couple of years to a stage where if you see it you need to buy it. You cannot procrastinate for weeks on end like you could have during the depths of the recession. So what do you need to prepare prior to your visit. Finance: Firstly, decide on your budget and stick to it. It is very easy to get carried away and overstretch yourself. Agents will always present you with a couple of options just outside your budget just in case you can stretch but you need to be strong! Property type: This can be flexible. The dream may be a large villa with pool overlooking the ocean. However, this may not fall within your original budget. You may need to decide what the priority is. View, property or location. In some instances you can have it all but at a cost. Therefore you may need to choose which is most important for you. There are many choices around the Western Algarve from walled and gated condominiums through residential apartments through to stand alone villas. The choice is yours.

Agents: This area can be a mine field. Agents split into different categories. There are portal agencies which do not have many or in some instances any direct listings. They simply advertise properties listed by the local agent and then pass you to this agent once you have expressed an interest to view. You then have national agents which in the western Algarve tend to cater for the residential market. And finally, local high street agents. These agents are usually the most knowledgeable about the area and the properties. The choice is yours and within the final category there are probably a handful of primary agents supported by a large number of smaller agents. It may seem sensible to try and deal with as many agents as possible so that you don’t miss anything that could be your potential dream home. However, things work a little differently in Portugal. Most properties are listed on a multiple agency basis. This means that there is no limit to the number of agents that can list one property. Therefore you will find that the larger agents will usually have almost every property on their books or the ability to list for you. It is sometimes much easier to choose one agent and stick with that agent. It allows the agent to fully understand what you are looking for and your likes and dislikes. It also allows you

to spend more time looking for the right property rather than explaining this 3 or 4 times to different agents. Agents as in life come in all sorts. Some good some bad but overall the Lagos agents offer a pretty good standard of service. My advice would be to choose one you are comfortable with and stick to it. The final area is to do your homework. Decide on the above, budget, property type, agent to use and finally book your viewing trip. You need to do this at least a couple of weeks in advance. You can book earlier but there is no guarantee the properties you are interested in will still be available. Once you are here there will be a lot to do. From money exchange to lawyer to furniture. All these will be covered next month. For further information or assistance you can contact me directly on: or call into the office.

Ringing in the changes at Lazy Jacks

Romance in Sagres

‘Always aiming higher’ certainly seems to be the motto for Jo and Peter Brown at Lazy Jacks in Lagos Marina.

For just €99 you will get one night’s accommodation with dinner for two including sparkling wine and breakfast. You will have access to the indoor pool and bicycles are free of charge to explore the beautiful coastline. There is also an incredible 30% discount on Spa massages and treatments.

Start looking out for the changes when they re-open after a short break for renovations. The doors will re-open on February 7th when there will be a much improved kitchen and work area for the very busy kitchen staff.

If you fancy a special treat this Valentine’s Day why not try some luxury at the Memmo Balbeeira Hotel in Sagres?

There will also be a new menu and new drinks list after the major ‘makeover’ to ensure they are well prepared for the busy season ahead.

The Memmo Balbeeira Hotel is characterized by its relaxing, contemporary atmosphere of design, this 4 star design hotel has everything you need for a weekend break from your daily routine or for a few days of holiday retreat.

Please call Lazy Jacks on: 913428539.

Call to book 00 351 282 624 212 or go to




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By David Westmoreland

Aroundanswer SERVIÇOS, LDA.









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I.T. can be easy By Steven Dunwell I was recently asked if I could explain some of the technical terms (and slang) used with computers, so here is part one of an occasional series: A to B ADSL - (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) a method of connecting a computer to the internet over a standard voice telephone line. Adware - Software which displays advertisements on your computer. Sometimes installed as part of a "free" application, sometimes by stealth. Antispam - An antispam program is used to filter out spam emails.

Backup - A backup is an extra copy of your work, e.g. documents, pictures etc., saved onto a removable device such as a DVD or external disk drive, so that if your computer is stolen or breaks down you don't lose everything.

Bug – An error in a computer program, which has been missed in testing. There is an urban legend that the original bug was an insect that got itself cremated on a circuit in an early computer, causing it to fail (ruining the insect's day too). It took the techie guys ages to figure out what was causing the problem, and when they eventually found the bug the story passed into legend.

Bitmap or bmp - A standard type of graphics file. An uncompressed format, so the files tend to be fairly big.

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help.

Bluetooth - A wireless system for connecting smartphones and other computers to external equipment such as speakers or keyboards.

Please contact me via email: or call me on: 00351 936 387 512.

Autocorrect - A feature in many programs which automatically corrects your spelling, and even your grammar, as you type.

Entering a new era By Algarvehomesales Leading Algarve property sales and management company reveals dynamic new rebranding initiative to enhance online and offline presence. A strong online presence is essential for any company to be able to provide an unrivalled level of service and after 11 successful years within the industry, we have now decided that the time is right to embark on a complete company rebrand to allow the business to be able to flourish online as well as off. The importance of both the property sales and the property management elements of the business has led to the company rebranding under two distinctive new names, with each clearly reflecting what the team is able to offer to clients from both areas. Now clients looking to both buy or sell their property in the Algarve will now work with Algarvehomesales, while those interested in the holiday rental area of the company will be catered for by Algarveholidaylets. The choice of names for the rebranding has been very important, with the need to demonstrate the overview of the companies and the location of the Algarve easily within a single name being achieved with each business. Mary Mangan, of Algarvehomesales and Algarveholidaylets said: “We recognise after 11 years of experience in the Algarve property




sales and property management business that the majority of our customers are online and like them our business must have a strong presence within the online media space.” She added: “A strong online presence is vitally important for our outbound marketing whether we are promoting a property for sale or helping our owners to generate a return on their property investments by advertising their property for holiday rentals. “This area is also important for inbound marketing so that when prospective buyers find our website, Facebook page, or blog they are drawn to the quality of the properties we have available and then make contact with us directly to view a property or book their holiday rental.” The rebranding of the company continues with new logos to reflect the names and a strengthened social media presence across multiple platforms to further increase the online reach of the companies and the properties that are available either to rent for a holiday or to buy. It is the beginning of a new era for Algarvehomesales and Algarveholidaylets, however, while the name of the company may have changed, the same experienced, friendly and professional service remains firmly in place. For further information about Algarvehomesales and Algarveholidaylets, please visit the new websites at:

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Love Spa Week

Love Spa Week is starting on February 13th at Boavista Golf & Spa Resort. For an entire week visitors and guests are invited to try a full range of facial and body treatments at the resort’s Essential Fitness & Spa taking advantage of very sweet and special prices. Love Spa Week will include several treatments such as the very romantic couple massage that will include champagne, chocolate strawberries and roses. During this week, special gift vouchers will be available. This will be a special treat to all lovers and certainly the right way to relax! Find out more by contacting Boavista on: 282 000 111 or go to the website


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Food & Drink... Chocolate Orange Protein Brownies by Ann de Jongh

We all love a bit of chocolate, and if it is “healthy” then that makes it even better. This recipe is brimming with antioxidants, protein, fibre and good fats perfect for your heart. • 1 tin black beans (260g drained weight) • 3 eggs • 60g cacao (raw if possible if not something like Green & Blacks cacao) • ½ tsp orange essence • 1 tsp vanilla essence • Zest & juice of 1 orange • 4 tbls honey • 85g Coconut oil • 30g butter. • 75g pistachios (or walnuts, almonds, cashews) 1. Preheat oven to 170. 2. Rinse and drain black beans. 3. Slowly melt butter and coconut oil until liquid. 4. Put black beans into food processor along with all the ingredients except the nuts, and blend until smooth. 5. Put ¾ of the nuts in and blend for a couple of seconds so there are still pieces of nuts. 6. Grease either a china or glass container (20cm x 20xm) or use molds. Poor mixture into the container and sprinkle the top with the remaining nuts. 7. Place in oven for 20-25mins. You want to take them out of the oven when they are still slightly “wobbly” to get that lovely moist brownie texture. 8. Leave them in the tins to cool and then place in fridge. Cut them into pieces once cold. Keeping them in the fridge will retain the moistness in them.




Do you know the grape called Baga? By Tomorrow’s sommelier, Miguel Martins Baga is the name of one of the best Portuguese grape varieties. I'm sure you have heard of the famous grapes Alvarinho and even Touriga Nacional, but this is another great revelation amongst many of the Portuguese grapes. It goes back a long time and has always been associated with the wines of the Bairrada region. However, one can come across it in other regions sometimes under different names and in much smaller proportions. The zone of Bairrada is the real birthplace of this magnificent grape because it was here that it began to be produced on a larger scale and this is where the perfect ‘terroir’ can be found. The Bairrada is one of the most charismatic regions of Portugal but unfortunately, does not have the international recognition of the Douro or even the Alentejo. This does not prevent it, in my opinion, from being one of the best wine regions of this country, situated about 50km from the Atlantic Ocean in the centre of Portugal. With its clay and part sandy soils it is the perfect match for this grape that has in its acidity and tannin structure what is required to make quality wines, or wines that we can trust and keep for many years in the cellar. In fact, some of the oldest wines on record in this country are precisely the wines made with this grape in the region of Bairrada. The best way to describe these wines is to compare them when they are young, to the great Barolo wines from Italy. They are always robust with firm tannins and great character, but then when they age somehow transform into a style similar to the great French Pinot Noirs of the Cote D'Or. These fine and elegant wines are always accompanied by a high degree of freshness. For those who appreciate and seek wines of the Pinot Noir grape variety in Portugal, they can be a good alternative. In gastronomic terms these wines are increasingly fashionable in great Portuguese restaurants because of their exceptional ability to accompany food. In actual fact, we are witnessing today a sort of rediscovery of this fantastic grape by the Sommeliers of

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Portugal and I think it also has to do with the more refined way producers work with this grape, which makes them more commercially acceptable to the public. If we cast our minds back a few years, we will recall that these wines were more austere and rugged and would be drinkable only after having been bottled for 8-10 years. Now we find wines with softer and harmonised tannins. I will just mention a few producers of the grape for anyone who would like to taste these wines, starting with the great master, Luis Pato. He has always been a promoter of this grape and continues, in my opinion, to be the greatest point of reference for this grape and the region. John Povoa of the Kompassos Project, is a lesser-known producer but with spectacular wines that deserve to be tried. Finally, Dirk Niepoort, who doesn’t originally come from this region but who is also fascinated by the excellence of this variety. He has already begun a project producing wine with the Baga variety in this region. I mention Niepoort because for me, this could be the biggest surprise in the next few years as far as wines produced in this region are concerned. The Sommelier Wine Shop is in the avenida in Lagos. Miguel also runs private tours and wine tasting events. Email Miguel at:

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Outdoor... Bordering on the creative By Clive Goodacre

varieties include: Lavandula angustifolia (English lavender) which has a dense tufted flower head; L. dentata (French lavender) with a tufted petal like flower head; and L. stoechas (Spanish lavender) distinguished by its dark purple tufted flower head. The latter variety takes most sun and least water. Other good low hedging candidates include most varieties of hebe provided they are only clipped lightly, Santolina chamaecyparis, Westringia fruticosa, and Teucreum fruticans. Myrtle is often suggested for hedging, but avoid the common variety (Myrtus communis) for lower applications and instead look out for dwarf varieties and be aware that good drainage and low watering are critical.

Clipped edge random planting of Lotus berthelotii merges well into border.

A mild winter plus some rain and we are now infested with the yellow peril – Oxalis pescaprae to give its full name. It can flow from borders into paths and shoot through gaps in paving all in a few days. This, plus the fact that everything has flowered very early, makes it a good time to look at your garden’s edging and have a good clear out. Plants arranged in straight lines edging a border can easily look too formal for a Mediterranean-style garden. A row of clipped box (Buxus sempervirens) or privet which looks good in downtown Reigate does not really go here with a mature mixed border of succulents and palms for example. If formality is your style then choose your border plants carefully and also consider re-arranging contained areas and introducing groups of similar sized plants with one or two architectural specimens for accents. For something really striking consider creating an edging with identical slow growing cacti or succulents. Moving outwards, boundaries often involve incorporating existing trees – old olives, carobs, almonds etc. Be careful with watering – new irrigation can cause established natives to produce unbalanced ‘water’ shoots or even die. Creating a random looking hedge is often a case of managed opportunism than careful planning. Mixed planting of larger trees and shrubs such as Melaleuca, Viburnum, Metrosideros excelcis, Nerium oleander and Photinia fraserii, will inevitably result in some plants crowding others out. Allow good




spacing, which in the short term may seem too open, but later on will result in fewer failures and better-shaped plants. If screening is vital and you have space don’t cram together a single row of plants because restricted light will cause die back resulting in gaps – especially lower down. Also fitting in replacements for any failures will be almost impossible. Instead have layered planting which will also avoid creating a green wall garden effect. A staggered row of oleanders, pittosporum, and buddleia in front of a well spaced taller planting of Schinus molle, Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian olive) or Grevillea robusta is far and away better than a single row of Myoporum laetum – with the added benefit of mixed flowering periods. There are cases of course where space is very restricted and the need for privacy and screening is paramount. The secret here is to choose young vigorous plants, rather than squeeze in older larger specimens which may give short term shelter, but be unable to adapt from a life of pot bound intensive feeding and watering in the nursery. For low edging first consider whether the border needs to remain compact or whether you want it to sprawl and soften the edge of a paved area. Lavender is a popular choice with a long flowering season, but ensure it does not get top watered or irrigation overspray from a lawn for example as the foliage will die back and turn black. Common

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If you want hedging that is spectacular in spring and late summer then the intensely crimson flowering bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus) is a strong contender provided it is allowed to grow high and wide. Many varieties are available including the weeping bottlebrush (C. Vimanalis) which can grow as high as 4m, the tree-forming ‘King’s Park Special and the almost prostrate ‘Little John’. Lantana is another brilliant flowering shrub widely used for hedging as well as border specimens. It is available in weeping/prostrate (L. montevidensis), dwarf and large growing varieties (L. camara) so be sure to check when choosing. It produces masses of flower heads composed of individually coloured separate heads ranging from white, yellow, orange pink and rose in unlimited combinations. Pittosporum tobira is widely grown here forming a beautiful glossy shrub, hedge or small tree. In a climate where most things grow quickly and can soon get out of hand, P. Tobira is one to cherish, gradually improving in shape over the years. In spring it produces white compact flowers turning yellow with age, which emanate a heady jasmine/citrus blossom scent throughout the garden. It takes sun, partial shade, salty winds, poor soil and even drought when mature all in its stride. Privacy and wind protection from mature hedging and established trees.



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