Tomorrow january 2016 edition

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january 2016


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Welcome to Tomorrow Algarve... SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: Industrias Gráficas Solprint, S.L . Pol. Industrial La Vega, c/ Archidona B5. 29651 Mijas-Costa. Málaga. CIF : B29.593.357

Welcome to our 50th edition

Useful Numbers

A very happy New Year and welcome to 2016! The Christmas and ‘all year round’ lights that we have been campaigning for have proved a huge success – even though the lights started to go up a little bit later than expected. But that’s another story! You can read more about it in the magazine. Thanks again must go to Steven Sutton who managed our superb Christmas Ball with Joäo at Boavista and his team who provided a wonderful dinner and far more. There’s more details about the ball with plenty of photographs in our ‘what’s on’ section. Steven is taking bookings now for the Tomorrow Masquerade Summer Ball which will be at The Tivoli Dunas Beach club on Saturday June 18th. We are expecting another sell out at around €35.00 per head. As always the event is about having fun but also raising money for charity. Please email to book your tickets. We’ve already sold 100!



I nearly forgot to mention that this issue of Tomorrow is our 50th edition and we think our front page says it all. Thank you all. We hope to continue providing you with good and useful information and also keep providing much needed money for the local charities you all support so willingly.


Best wishes,


The Tomorrow team Please call Tom on 919 918 733 or email our editor at

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GAVIN COX 916 430 132 PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR 912 417 994 Geoff Hurst Chimney sweep & window cleaner 926 860 123 Locksmith - Luis 964 605 213 Satellite & TV - Dave 965 774 176 Mobile Hairdressing Alison 918 663 352 Computer problems - Pedro 917 165 238 XELI- FLorist Free delivery 282 768 129 Electrician Helio 917 288 966 IPhone/Ipad repairs 966 863 260 Mobility equipment - Andy 964 230 225 Parcel delivery to the UK +44 208 123 1966 Plumbing & more Tristan 938 989 704 TRANSLATIONS ENG / PORT 916 618 527 Survival Portuguese - Alice 914 269 118 All sewing - Ana 919 747 591 COMPUTER MOT - Steven 936 387 512 Kieron Squires - PROFESSIONAL 917 637 475 ENGLISH Mechanic










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Community... I am invited to her apartment in Lagos and during a pleasant afternoon many of my questions are answered. Laurinda with her striking black hair and brown sparkling eyes is a surprise. In her distinctive South African accent, she speaks with assurance and conviction and it seems, always from the heart. Very different from the brusque manner she sometimes presents in public.

A rebel with a Cause By Lena Strang

She tells me about her background and the profound significance it had on her life. “I was born in Angola, the only child of Portuguese parents," she explains “After the 1969 uprising there, I spent a couple of years in Portugal but South Africa became my home.” She loved Johannesburg where she spent 40 years of her life and where her daughter, son and four grandchildren now live. Laurinda

Yes, Laurinda Seabra is very much a rebel and has plenty of causes to pursue. In the last few years many people will have come across her in the Algarve through her involvement with a number of regional issues. 2011 saw her fighting the cause of António’s, a family restaurant in Porto de Mós, closed by the borough council due to long running legal disputes with foreign developers. The decision was later overturned by district courts and the popular family restaurant was reopened and is doing very well today. A year later she was locking horns again with the local authorities. This time over proposed changes to closing times of bars and restaurants and introduction of noise reduction measures in the historic centre of Lagos. The argument against the proposals was that the reduced opening times would




impact negatively on businesses that rely on the income generated during the high season. After many public meetings and heated discussions, the proposals were dropped. Throughout the debate Laurinda remained steadfast, gaining support but also attracting some criticism as to the reasons for her involvement. Today she is spearheading the campaign against oil exploration and fracking in the Algarve – a campaign that is gaining increasing momentum across the whole of the region. I have come across Laurinda over the years and like many others, pondered about her unwavering stance and the motives for her actions. Why is a South African woman prepared to spend so much time and energy in trying to resolve issues in the Algarve?

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“And I can take it that you were a bit of a rebel as a child?” Her face creases with laughter. “Very much so,” she assures me. “I was born with a social conscience and have tended to question everything since I was a little child. My mother had to buy me new shoes every week, as I would always take them off and offer them to poor children. At times my mother wasn’t too pleased!” During the 70s she became increasingly involved with the anti-apartheid movement. The decisive moment came when her nanny was arrested for not having a pass in town. “How on earth could they do that?” was the question she asked and afterwards became active in Black Sash, a non-violent white women’s resistance organisation as well as other Human Rights organisations. I am not surprised to learn that she has worked in the petrochemical industry in South Africa for over 20 years. This might go some way to explaining her detailed

Community... knowledge of the issues relating to the planned oil exploration in the Algarve.

Protest in Tavira against oil exploration

As an aside she tells me her father wanted her to become a lawyer. Although she enjoyed law she didn’t want to obey him and opted for mechanical engineering; a decision she hasn’t regretted. Strong-willed as ever, she made her mark in the multinational petrochemical organisation, SASOL, for the next two decades. She was involved with technical forensics, managed a number of projects and ran her own engineering business. She was always concerned with environmental issues and made her views known. “People at SASOL still refer to me as ‘daai vrou’ – that woman!” she laughs. She tells me about one of the projects that had significant impact. “We took 300 people off the streets and trained them in our own factory,” she says, “sixteen graduated as engineers and the majority ended up with employment in the industry. This is what being a social entrepreneur is all about.”

founded ‘Empowerment Gateway’ - a tool to generate jobs and to retain capital in local communities. A prime example of this was the project ‘Adopt a Pothole’. Having been the victim of poor road conditions and finding herself stranded in the middle of nowhere at night, Laurinda decided that action was necessary. A feasibility study was made and in time for the World Cup in 2010, 6 million potholes were repaired creating over 25,000 jobs in local communities. By this time I have ceased to be astonished at anything that Laurinda tells me. Is the Algarve really ready for this whirlwind of a woman? Six years ago she arrived in Lagos. Her elderly mother who has lived here since 1979 became seriously ill and as there were no other family members in Portugal, Laurinda decided to help. Initially, she had no intention of becoming involved in local affairs but what she discovered here dismayed her. “I found that people were very much disconnected. There was a lack of cohesion between communities, even within the Portuguese speaking sections, creating unnecessary barriers,” she says, “And there was a real need to retain capital in the local community.”

However, 2004 was a turning point. A major explosion happened at a SASOL plant where many employees lost their lives. “I nearly lost my own son and found it traumatic to knock on doors trying to explain the tragic loss of loved ones,” she says, “especially as there was a cover-up.” And that was it. A couple of weeks later she left the company and with colleagues

Laurinda Christmas 1995 Lagos

>> Continues on page 6


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A rebel with a Cause

She has recently been “on a roller-coaster of awareness raising sessions covering the Algarve from the west to east.”

>> Continued from page 5 In 2002, ASMAA (Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association) was founded. With her Empowerment Gateway colleagues, Laurinda had just completed an indepth study into economic and social life in the Algarve. The new organisation would be a vehicle for fulfilling a dual purpose protecting the environment and encouraging marine activities as well as promoting enterprise in the region. A large proportion of ASMAA’s resources have concentrated on alerting people to the implications of oil exploration and fracking in the Algarve. They are concerned about the fact that signing away oil rights to multinational companies will result in little of the wealth remaining in the country. And as no environmental impact study has been done, the effects on the natural environment haven’t been taken into account. Laurinda believes that in an earthquake prone area, fracking should not even be considered.

Four municipalities in the Algarve have now indicated that they are against fracking on their doorstep. “What has accelerated the campaign is the release of the latest signed onshore contracts which has now brought to people’s attention the risk of fracking,” Laurinda maintains. And as far as she is concerned, the fight continues and she is prepared to hold out until the end. I have a few more questions for Laurinda before I depart. Are you a driven person? This gives rise to some mirth and she calls for assistance from Joe, her partner of some years, who is next door. He is quick to respond: “Laurinda always rises to the challenge of finding solutions to a problem, especially when it comes to human rights or equal opportunities.” And he adds with a chuckle, “And there is no way that I cannot be involved. We share the same values and outlook.” When prompted as to what she would dearly like to see happening in the Algarve

she comes up with three things. She would like to see people becoming more assertive and question the status quo, become more compassionate with each other and for political figures to personally care about what happens in the region. Perhaps not an unreasonable wish list? Someone who Laurinda has worked with for 20 years sums her up: “I have a lot of respect for her intellect and ability to get to the core of the problem long before anyone else. She is a true visionary that pursues her dream of a better world with great enthusiasm and endless resilience. I am a better person for knowing her.” There’s no doubt that Laurinda has divided opinions in the region – it’s something she’s well aware of. “If some people see me as arrogant or as a troublemaker, why is this? It’s because I ask questions - and don’t give up until I have answers!” And it looks like Laurinda will continue to pose her awkward questions. Only time will tell if she will receive recognition for her efforts and leave a lasting legacy in the Algarve.

Lagos street art By David F. Each year since 2011 Laboratório de actividades Creativas (LaC), with the agreement of Lagos Câmara, has invited three or four international street artists and two Portuguese artists to decorate walls in our town. This is an ongoing series in Tomorrow which will feature some of the best street art around over the coming months. If you spot something that you would like to share, please email 1. The Hunt

2. The Moving Finger Writes

3. Knot

A surrealist painting of a bird of prey chasing greyhounds, sharks and a boat with a computer cursor added for good measure. It was produced in 2013 by two Swiss street artists, ONUR who drew the outlines and WES21 who added the detail. It is in Rua Lançarote de Freitas close to ROA's Kissing Snails.

I have no idea of the title of 2012 piece by Pantonio and Sainer who are Portuguese and Polish respectively, but I have called it "The Moving Finger Writes" in honour of Omar Khayyam. It is in Rua de Atalaia and is one of several examples of street art that you can track down using the Munzee app on your smartphone.

Created in 2012 by home grown artist MAR, this (Gordian?) knot decorates a wall on the side of a building in Rua Lançarote de Freitas. Below it is another example of street art in the style of Portuguese tiles, produced two years later by AddFuel & Samina, also from Portugal, although parked vans and cars frequently obscure it.

You will find more about street art at This art is included in the Street Art Munzee Trail accessible using the free Munzee smartphone app.




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Portugal British Legion Continues To Expand By Matt D’Arcy The Royal British Legion’s footprint in Portugal continues to grow, following a Christmas charity lunch on the Algarve’s West Coast. The Portugal branch of the Legion has been holding regular lunches and dinners across the Algarve for a number of years. And now, thanks to their recent expansion onto the Algarve’s west coast the Legion was able to hold a Christmas fundraiser in Vale da Telha, outside Aljezur, attended by some of their more recent recruits. The lunch raised €438 which is to be divided equally between the branch and the Poppy Appeal. Branch Chairman Jacquie Collins welcomed the newer members - and some more established members from across the Algarve’s southernmost area, who had

travelled over to meet their new colleagues to the event at the Vale da Telha hotel. Mrs Collins said afterwards: “It is really wonderful that, as the Legion approaches its centenary in just over five years time May 15, 1921 - it continues to attract new members who appreciate the value of our armed forces and the wonderful work they do to protect us.” The Army, Navy and Royal Air Force were all represented at the lunch by retired military personnel, many of them meeting each other for the first time. They enjoyed swapping - sometimes literally! - war stories and reminiscences of their service. In fact two former RAF men, who had not met before, discovered that they had served

Conexao month one By John Suddrey The streets are quieter as the Algarve hibernates for the winter but there are still a number who wonder, then stumble over us or deliberately come looking.

Those who have eating disorders or health issues like diabetes can receive professional services of Hannah, our nutritionist, or the listening ear of John, Stacey and others.

Visitors come to find out what we are all about.

Then let’s not forget Pilates - hey guys I did this for the first time in my life and the laughter at my antics (groans) was not quiet. Paige is an excellent tutor.

Meeting a Portuguese lady I was asked how we finance the centre. I mentioned we support ourselves financially with donations from Tomorrow magazine and others. And completely manned by volunteers. ‘Why’ was the next question? My response was out of love at which she burst into tears and reached out and held my hand. John, a recent widower, still grieving came in and found a place of warmth and people who loved him. Result he is coming back to spend a month with us and in our company for the month of February. Other visitors include several from the UK, Austria, Portugal, USA, Brazil, Holland and Germany. Some come to just sit, relax, do Wi-Fi have coffee, or tea, chat or sit quietly. So Christmas fast came upon us and now is gone. We are looking at New Year activities which include providing massage by Elizabeth who has had new customers as well as old visitors. Elizabeth provides a tremendous range of specialist massage services and her prices are low.




What's ahead? Well, we continued to open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and have welcomed some lovely new volunteers. We thank them. Sometimes we hear the practice of live music and we are hoping to have evenings of varied music with bands and individuals and no entry fee. Come and talk with us if you want to participate. Free film evenings, art and craft or perhaps you need a handyman and a skilled carpenter who can also teach the art of fishing. So, if you want to know what’s going on call in to see us. In Rua Dr. Joaquim Tallo, Lagos near Hotel Cidade Velha and round the corner from the cinema. or email: Please call 965458706.

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at the same time in the Middle East months apart some 50 years earlier, not just under the same commanding officer but in the same quarters! And to make the coincidence even more incredible it transpired that back in England the daughter of one of them now lives in the same house where the other RAF man lived as a boy. The RBL’s Western Algarve organiser Sue Howe, commented: “Not only was this first lunch here on Vale da Telha highly successful as a fundraiser it was also a wonderful success from a social point of view, both of which fulfil our raison d'être. “We are happy that this will lead to more similar events here on the west coast as the RBL in Portugal continues to grow.”

Lagos Christmas fayre By Tom Henshaw

It’s always great to see local craftspeople using their initiative to create a local market. The event in Lagos took place on December 5th and 6th and we arrived just after they had set the stalls out. We heard from the organisers that the event had been a huge success. We were talking to Paula Seromenho while we were there. She runs an up-andcoming wine business just outside Lagos. In fact ‘Quinta de Ferrel’ has just been given a gold and a silver award at the recent Fatacil Exhibition in Lagoa under the Algarve wines category. We will be visiting to do a full story this year and a wine tasting event. I look forward to reporting back! Long may these local craftspeople display and make interesting products!


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West Coast Car Boot cancelled for winter months A long-running monthly car boot sale on the Algarve’s west coast has been forced to go into “winter hibernation”. The sales held by community association AMOVATE on Vale da Telha, outside Aljezur, on the first Sunday of each month have been called off until April, citing the “knock-on” effect of changes in the Portugal Government’s licensing laws governing flea markets and car boots first introduced early in 2013. An AMOVATE spokesperson said: “Those changes made the traditional car boots too expensive to be viable as it meant we could not afford to host commercial traders who had always been an integral part of our car boot operations. “We have tried to adapt by ruling that stallholders could sell unwanted household items only—no goods grown, made or bought for profit.

“This, of course, significantly reduced the number of stalls on site each month and made it less appealing to the customers visiting our sales.

Amovate is a charitable organisation that has donated 35 wheelchairs to Portimao Hospital, organised the donation of €50,000 worth of fire fighting equipment to Aljezur Bombeiros and also provided them with two new defibrillators. It also bought a €700 ripple bed for the charity Madrugada. The spokesperson added that they hoped the decision wouldn’t impact on their fund raising too heavily. The next Car Boot will be held on Sunday April 3rd, 2016.

After a moving service conducted by the Reverend Ron Curtis and following refreshments in the Palhagueira Village Hall, lunch was taken in the adjacent Le Marquis Restaurant with Mrs Kirsty Hayes and Gordon Sanders as distinguished guests. The Legion’s Portugal branch Chairman Jacquie Collins said afterwards: “The Royal British Legion would like to thank all those who contributed, both in attendance and organisation, to this Remembrance Commemoration.

A Chelsea Pensioner, resplendent in his familiar scarlet uniform, was among the guests at a Remembrance Day Service at St. Luke’s Church, Palhagueira Village, Gorjões earlier this month.

“Throughout the Portugal branch we also had services in Lisbon, Madeira and Porto. They were all well attended and supported by HM Embassy and the British consul, and we are so pleased and moved that we have that support.”

Military veteran Gordon Sanders was joined in the wreath-laying ceremony by Mrs Kirsty Hayes, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic and Philip Ladbrook, on behalf of the Portugal Royal British Legion’s Algarve Branch.

The Royal British Legion also laid a wreath in commemoration of Armistice Day at the Grand Guerra Memorial in the Praça da Republica, Tavira on Wednesday 11th November.




By Tom Henshaw

“We then found that numbers dwindled even further in the winter months, to the point of being uneconomical, and the November sale was washed out completely by heavy rains.”

Chelsea Pensioner at Remembrance Day Service

Once again there was an impressive turnout for the service commencing with the Last Post, the 2-minute silence and Reveille followed by the wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial.

Light up Lagos & Luz Campaign

This was in conjunction with the ‘Liga dos Combatentes’ who hosted the ceremonial and religious service which was attended by the Mayor of Tavira and representatives of the Portuguese military.

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Thanks to everyone who supported the campaign to light up Lagos and Luz. As we all know, things don’t always go as smoothly as we hope and it took a little bit longer than expected to get the lights up but we got there in the end with a big team effort. I can only apologise for the delay. Thanks to the President of Lagos Câmara for supporting the idea and to Carlos and his team at the Câmara who helped fix them. A big thank you also to Milvia Felix from Tropical Café – without her calm diplomacy the lights may never have reached their correct destinations. Also a big thanks to Graham Jones and Steven Dunwell for ensuring the plaques got to the right trees and they even provided us with a website so you all can check your plaques position. Mark Lauterslager from Sulosolar was entirely instrumental in the project. He provided the lights at a very special rate after a meeting with me and Phil Harding, our graphic designer, a few months ago. Thanks to Barbara at Narua for the plaques. Mark moved to Portugal because he realised the full potential of being here to promote the natural energy of the sun so he got fully involved in solar resources and LED lighting solutions. Sulosolar, Mark’s trademark, offers energy saving lighting solutions, for home, business, hotels and a myriad of other operations. We thank him and his team for ‘making the difference’ for us in the Western Algarve. Thanks to everyone else who also helped with this campaign too and to all those that bought lights. Call Mark on 00 351 915 005 511


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Diplomatic Ramblings – Part 11 By Doug McAdam beach (sorry, but somebody has to put up with such hardships!) and loving commercial work, I quickly settled into the way of life.

Preparation for our posting to Rio de Janeiro was fascinating. I first of all had to become acquainted with the new field commercial work in which I would be specialising. But also I was expected to be fairly fluent in Portuguese before my arrival: our previous experience with the language in Angola was of course invaluable. But, as I was soon to discover, although there is little difference between the Brazilian and Portuguese written versions of the same language, the spoken version is very different. We found Rio stunning - both visually and audibly. Having assimilated the new version of the language, with a flat by Ipanema

I could spend days visiting development areas all over northern Brazil, speaking only Portuguese. But the narrow limitations of my fluent technical Portuguese could quickly be brought down to earth if our maid tried to speak to me about a domestic matter: I would at that stage often have to ask my wife to interpret!! Sadly crime was ever-present and most of my colleagues in the Consulate suffered in one way or other - some on more than one occasion. I quickly abandoned trying to drive to work – for some reason I found the route to the office which was along the road by Copacabana beach highly distracting. I therefore travelled to and from work by ordinary bus – not on the alternative airconditioned coach which was always being robbed. But always in short sleeves - never wearing a suit, which I kept in my office – reading the local paper and with a cheap

watch and my brigand’s ransom in my shirt pocket and never had any problems. At nights when driving you simply did not stop at red traffic lights. The only incident I was involved in was after the Brazilian cup final at Maracana stadium where my son and I, along with it seemed 200,000 others, were trying to catch a bus. Eventually our bus came and I managed to get my son onto it. As I was getting on, a guy stooped on the step of the bus to tie his shoe lace and, as the bus moved off, a woman’s hand reached from the bus and removed the money from my top pocket. I managed to heave myself onto the bus, retrieved my money from the woman, and said in my best colloquial Portuguese, “You’ve got to do an awful lot better than that to rob a Scotsman”. I was lucky since they were only pickpockets. If there had been any sign of a weapon I hope I would have reacted differently. Doug McAdam retired to the Algarve 11 Years ago after 43 years in the Foreign Office

In Search of the Saint By Lena Strang

When Finnish born Riki Grahne moved to Lagos three years ago, he was puzzled by the fact that there was little information about the saint that had given its name to the Cape of St Vincent. He was well acquainted with the cult of Saint James of Compostela in Spain and the very popular pilgrim routes established there. Why was there no equivalent in the Algarve? For the last couple of years, Riki has been on a mission. He was determined to find out about the facts, myths and legends regarding St Vincent and the significance for the region. He also began to appreciate the volume of the pilgrimages that once took place to




the Cape and the potential it may have for re-establishing the ancient routes today. What were the circumstances surrounding the presence of the Saint’s body on the Cape for nearly 400 years until it was transported to the Cathedral in Lisbon in 1173, he wondered? Where exactly is the ancient church of the Crow (Igreja do Corvo) where the cult of St. Vincent is said to have started?

of skepticism. An impossible task he was assured by all and sundry. But in characteristic style he set about designing the statue, producing various prototypes and doing feasibility studies. The overwhelming difficulty was to persuade the different authorities and entities involved on the Cape that it was a worthwhile project and would promote general awareness of local history.

Riki has done some meticulous research into these turbulent times and the significance of the legacy that the Saint has left behind. His findings will culminate in a book ‘The Saint, Vincent and the Cape’ to be published in time for St Vincent Day on the 22nd January. As patron saint of Vila do Bispo, St Vincent is honoured on this day when the town’s population turn out for a service in the local church and a subsequent procession, where a relic of the thumb of the saint is paraded in a gilded cask through the streets.

To date, Riki has the full support of the Diocese of Faro and the Regional Ministry of Culture that welcome the erection of the statue in the area outside the lighthouse. After positive meetings with the councils of Vila do Bispo and Sagres, Riki is awaiting written confirmation of their support. He will fund the statue himself but hopes the sale of his book will help financially. The final hurdle is to gain permission from the Portuguese Navy, which is responsible for the area.

Riki has also taken on a different challenge. When he proposed to design and erect a statue of the Saint at the Cape, he was first met with a degree

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Perhaps in due course, visitors to the Cape of St. Vincent will be able to admire (and photograph) the statue of the young deacon, St Vincent, standing in the location that bears his name.




TGFH Office Lagos A 22

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TGFH Tavira Office TGFH Office loulĂŠ TGFH Vilamoura Partner Office Albufeira Quinta do Lago A 22

vila real

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The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS




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Straight from the street

An ambulance appeal By Pat Allen

Thanks very much to reader, Hettie Goverts, who sent photos of some of the street art she has noticed. This is what Hettie told us when she emailed in: “Just saw a new stencil graffiti that was also seen in Santa Catarina de Fonte do Bispo.

It is time to throw myself at your mercy and ask for your help to achieve a huge project.

In the latter it is about a shepherd with a goat everybody knows but the Algarvian goat with its lovely curled horns is new in Lagos. It seems to be from the street artist Strayfox from The Netherlands.”

As we know, the Bombeiros Voluntarios do a wonderful job and when we need them, they are always there. We also know they are not funded as in the UK – although they receive some money from government sources, a large proportion has to be made up by the force itself. Therefore, there are many things that are getting past their best and in need of replacements. One of the main –and most expensive to replace – are vehicles although they do try and keep the older ones running for as long as possible. However, this can be false economy and over the last two years 39,000 euros was spent on mechanical repairs. Do you agree with me that this is silly and a new ambulance should be bought instead? The cost of a new one fully kitted out is in the region of 40,000 euros and although the local Câmara will hopefully contribute something towards this, it will still leave a large shortfall which will have to be found from somewhere. Without a big lottery win, I know I cannot raise this sort of money alone so this is my appeal to you all. Either – all buy me a lottery ticket and I will try via this route OR, during 2016, could you possibly contribute in some way? If you belong to an organisation, can you think of ways to bring in something for the cause? Some ideas that have worked in the past are charity bingo or race nights, charity dances, numerous sponsored activities, coffee mornings, raffles, golfers have put €1 for every ball in the water or the bunker, even an extra 50 cents or €1 per person on social occasions will all add up to swell the coffers at the end of the year. I don’t know if such an ambitious project is achievable but involving as many people as possible could make this a reality. I know it is not an overnight thing which is why I am dedicating all of 2016 to this monumental task. A simple way of contributing yourself is to collect any loose change in your pocket that is under 50 cents – throw it into a jar and bring it to me, it is surprising how it mounts




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up – all of it matters and I can bank it in Fundo de Bombeiros account that I hold. Or you could even do a straightforward donation into the account at Credito Agricola IBAN (PT50) 0045 7191 4018 8770 5586 1 - all of it will go towards this and at the end of 2016, perhaps, just perhaps, we would have enough to make up the shortfall and stop the exorbitant amount being spent on repairing the fleet instead. When I was heard about the need for a new vehicle, I wondered if I had the energy to do something about it as you have all been so supportive in the past when I have tried to help the Lagos Bombeiros but my mind was made up when Carole Henchey got the ball rolling with her wonderful donation of over €2000 which was raised at the second Magical Musical Walk and concert through the forest at Barao Sao Joao in September. Her great effort gave me the incentive to at least try. Hopefully, another one will be organised this year to swell the fund further. The cause is also being greatly helped by the BoaVista Clube de Golfe sharing their 2016 charity collections for this cause and indeed a grand Charity Day is being organised by the management of Quinta da BoaVista for June 18th so that will hopefully boost it considerably too. So it is over to you – golfers, bowlers, social groups, musicians, individuals – anything you can think of to save the huge amount that is currently being spent on repairs to old vehicles. It is our turn to assist the brave men and women who help us in our time of need. We have one year to achieve this – with your help over the next 12 months we can do it! After all, if I need a ride in an ambulance, I would rather go in one that will get me there instead of one that keeps breaking down. Wouldn’t you? Please help…. Pat Allen. Tel: 282-697-548





Welcome home. Visit us and find all the products you love in the UK. Try our bacon, eggs and beans and rejoice with a perfect English breakfast. Also, our scones are absolutely delicious and go really well with a warm cup of tea of our fine selection. you have to try it!

Everyday, the best and the cheapest


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Funds for Casa de Santo Amaro The tablet holder was purchased through donations from another friend Tony Levet who was volunteering in Portugal at the time. This was then customise by my father Terry Piercey, a resident in Portugal for more than 30 years. Through further discussions with the staff Jennifer established that they did not have enough towel and bedding. So we raised an appeal for these items. All donations to be dropped off at the home labelled as for 'For Friends of Leonor.' Jan Benjamin is a keen crafter and has been in touch with the therapists at the home. She has appealed for help to buy craft materials for the residents, many of whom sell their crafts to raise personal income. We have a list of the items needed. A campaign has been launched to raise funds for Casa de Santo Amaro, the home for disabled people next to the Centro de Saude in Lagos. We’ve spoken to two people who have been closely involved, Stephanie Gray and Jennifer Herrtage. Here they tell us their story.

The therapists said that it would be great to have a tablet for the therapy department and so another appeal was launched.

1. Please tell us how you got involved, Jennifer? My husband and I have known Leonor for quite a long time. She is the disabled lady who sits in her wheelchair at a little stall in Intermarche in Lagos. She suffered strokes about 15 years ago and is paralysed on her right side and is unable to speak.

Also fabulous are Karen Carfrae from Linen etc who has supplied new curtains and Tim Bebbington of Quality Paints who donated paint for the dining room.

Her electric wheelchair broke down and the quote for repairs was nearly 2,000 euros which was quite out of her reach as her pension is about 250 monthly of which nearly all goes to pay for board and lodging. I wrote to ‘The Resident’ who sent a reporter and published an article about the problem. Stephanie saw it, knew it was me and phoned me. She organised a group on Facebook, and a wonderful gentleman paid for the total repair. We then looked further and visited the home, and discovered that they needed help. 2. It didn’t stop there did it, Stephanie? We then thought it would be good for Leonor to have a tablet as she communicates by texting on her mobile phone. This was donated by a lovely lady called Ann and a good friend of mine Jan Benjamin set up the apps on there so that she has a voice.




Lee Jackson then dropped off 5 brand new tablets to the home. We are completely overwhelmed by his generosity.

3. Can you tell us more about the home, Jennifer? Casa de Santo Amaro can be found next to the Centro de Saude in Lagos. It was started by the Cheshire Foundation, and the Rotary Club (next door) are involved too. There are 22 disabled men and 20 disabled woman living there. Many have to use electric wheelchairs and beds with hoists. The home is suffering from the reduction in funding that occurred in 2008. The electric wheelchairs, beds and hoists need maintenance, as do the normal ones. Many things could do with repair and maintenance. Part of the roof needs attention, and general painting etc and the mini buses need servicing but there is no money. The staff do a fantastic job under difficult conditions. As with the homes for children these people need help too. Unfortunately they are not cuddly like animals or cute like children. Once Leonor's wheelchair had been

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repaired ‘The Resident’ sent their reporter to the home and they published a full page article on the home. I would be prepared to bet that most people have no idea where it is. They may have seen one or more of the residents in town but will not know anything about them. How can our readers help you? There is still a need for the towels and bed linen. If anyone has chairs suitable for disabled people, or sofas (not low) they would be welcomed. Although there is a "No Entry" sign at the entrance, it does not mean that people cannot go in and talk with the staff, who do speak reasonable English! Items that could be used in the occupational therapy department, maybe unwanted laptops that could be used. Even money, as the residents have to be assessed three times, in Faro (used to be done at the home) and it costs about 30 euros each time, which they have to pay! Some of them have no income at all, some do not leave the premises. What are your aims and ambitions for the future when it comes to the charity, Stephanie? We cannot replace the state funding so are trying to take one project at a time. We have an ongoing appeal for towels and bedding as well as the craft supplies. We ran an appeal to make sure all of the 42 residents had a Christmas present. Next we would like to be able to buy protective holders for the tablets. Jennifer: These people are not visible like the orphanage, NECI and the animal charities, but also need help. The gratitude for the little we have managed is overwhelming.


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New animal charity to focus on strays By Lars Rahmquist Before the joy of the Christmas buzzz starts to fade, remember back to how nice it felt to see your loved ones opening your present from under the tree (even just for a pair of socks). It’s nice and fuzzy, isn’t it... ‘Tis said that the quality of mercy is twice blessed, and so it is with giving: it feels as good to give as well as to receive. It’s part of the magic of Christmas… So why not try and carry on that feeling of helping with you through more of the year. There are many ways to help others. From our vantage, 2016 is a year when we will be working to help create a more coordinated effort in dealing with the problem of stray cats and dogs in the western Algarve. For many years local vet clinics have been working with various animal charities to help treat and sterilise stray animals. This has been supported by privately managed charities and publicly listed shops such as of the Nandi charity in Lagos. Shelters and clinics also receive occasional personal contributions to help fund work with street animals. We want to start the New Year by way of giving special mention to individuals who have given so much of their time, their money and sentiments, as well as scratches of skin off their hands and legs, into helping stray animals in our area.

Firstly, Sandra Lancaster is a lady who works tirelessly helping the stray cats around Lagos and Luz. She is the ‘fall-girl’ for most of the Nandi cats. For years, Sandra has fostered stray kittens at the drop of a hat (despite the growing numbers already at home) and organised their rehoming. Even with the sad loss of her lovely man, Les, Sandra has maintained an energy and love for these little furry maniacs that is inspiring. The other is Luis Sykes, a mechanic by trade and a constant champion of the Cadela Carlota shelter. Whilst working in his garage (so he can eat), he somehow manages to be there 7 days a week, as well as through the night (I know this because of the times he has called my emergency number). Taking home puppies to protect them from parvo outbreaks as well as adopting dog after dog. There are many other people who do lots and lots to help local animals, this we know well. But to Sandra and Luis we honour you with our LVC animal supporter of the year. Last year with the help of Chicca’s Charity Lagos Vet Clinic was able to do over 30 spays, and well over 100 emergency treatments. Francesca Cookson of Chicca’s Restaurant in Luz managed to singlehandedly organise, make and purchase hampers etc to raise money all year whilst

running her busy restaurant. We want to thank Chicca for all the work she did to help us help the Cadela Carlota shelter, as well as animals presented directly to the clinic. It is off the back of this that we are going to promote a new in-house charity to help with the treatment of more strays. We are calling it Bootsie’s Trust. On moving back to the UK, our lovely client, Bootsie Connell donated her car as a fund for the payment of treating stray animals in our clinic. Through raffles and other activities we will be encouraging people to donate money or pet food towards the fund. People who are able to give a bit of their time to help instead are also encouraged to contact us and we can see which shelters are closest to you and who needs help more urgently. All of the vet clinics and shelters and Canils saw terrible overcrowding with pups and subsequent parvo outbreaks last year. We’re all working to see less of this and we can do it. We’d love your help. Contact us or your vets to see how you can help. Happy 2016 to you all too…

Portugal’s last travelling projectionist Antonio Feliciano has had quite a journey. The travelling projectionist from Monforte - a typical Alentejo village – told Reuters that over six decades he had travelled about four million kilometres to screen 4,000 films in some of Portugal’s most remote and farflung locations. He fears that he may be the last of Portugal’s travelling projectionists but at 75 he has no plans to retire. “If I'm not the last one, I'm close," he told Reuters News Agency. "This is a legacy that is going to end. When I'm gone, travelling cinema will be mentioned in articles, but only as a memory." Antonio Feliciano said he was resigned to the fact that the internet, digital TV and distribution monopolies have made his craft obsolete. He started out when he was a boy in the 1950s helping a travelling projectionist announce the weekend's bill on a loudspeaker in his village.




"The film bug", as he calls it, grew and by his teens he was travelling, helping screen films in music halls and bullfighting rings. Antonio’s career as a bookkeeper took him to Losbon during the week but every weekend he made sure that there were screenings. One resident, 71-year-old Nazare Alfaia said: “Our entertainment was the travelling cinema, we didn't have anything else, no TV, no radio, we were very poor." She added: "I don't know how to read, so I can't remember the names of the films, but they were adventures, cowboys and horses." Artemisio Pecas, the projectionist's son, recalled that "before the film, they showed news, and it was at the cinema that people would see Lisbon, the colonies, even the sea, for the first time". Wearing overalls, Feliciano spends an hour setting up, at one point using a hammer to

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align the reel of a biopic of Amalia Rodrigues, diva of Portugal's melancholic 'fado' music. "This is a ride of unpredictable emotions, never easy. The sound must be good, the image clear, the equipment protected for travel. I'm like a trapeze artist without a net," he said. But he has no regrets: "Sometimes I feel like I 'am' cinema. At a screening, here's the machine, the screen, the audience, all concentrated together, we laugh, cry together. And without me it doesn't work. Thrilling." Antonio’s mood only changes when he thinks about the future and the fact that he cannot find anyone to carry on the tradition. He told Reuters: "It's a shame that this important cultural expression is lost, that when I die there will be no one left to go from village to village to show a film."










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Rua Dr. José Francisco Tello Queiroz, Lote 1, Loja M. 8600-707 (+351) 308 800 878 | | Offices in: Lagos - Vilamoura - Golden Triangle - Lisbon

Passion | Expertise | Exellence

Rua Dr. José Francisco Tello Queiroz, Lote 1, Loja M, Lagos 8600-707 (+351) 308 800 878 | | Offices in: Lagos - Vilamoura - Golden Triangle - Lisbon 15_0306

Passion | Expertise | Excellence


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What’s On... Get fit for the Luz Triathlon

Come & race with us! Registration now open!


Praia da Luz 23rd April 2016


Sprint & Olympic distance ‘After Party’ Live Music, BBQ Bouncy Castle

for more information and to register please visit e:

t: (+351) 933 713 867

After another successful triathlon in Sagres, Algarve Triathlons is now turning its attention to the up and coming third Praia da Luz Triathlon.

Local teams as well as teams from across the Algarve and further afield have already signed up. Organisers hope there will at least 250 participants.

The event, which is taking place on Saturday April 23rd, will be open to those who want to do either Sprint or Olympic distances.

Those of you who might need some motivation to get fit again after the festive period, please put 23rd April down in your diaries and set yourselves the target of taking part in this year’s event! Registration is now open at: so please come and challenge yourself.

This year’s Praia da Luz Triathlon, with your help and support already has all the makings for it to be Algarve Triathlons’ biggest and best event to date.


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What's On...

Lazyjacks and Tomorrow Fancy kicking the New Year off to a sizzling start? Why not join the Lazyjacks and Tomorrow ‘one off’ Supper Club. It’s taking place on January 14th at Lazyjacks in Lagos Marina.

Also look out for a prize on the night. Please remember that you really do need to book and please let Lazyjacks if you would like to have a vegetarian option.

This is a special Tomorrow event and there will be a three-course meal which includes either a glass of wine or a beer. There will be fish and chips for the main course. Bring along or join the ‘Golden Years’ club and benefit from the special deals. If you get your card stamped six times you will get a free dessert, get it stamped twelve times and receive a free bottle of wine! If you introduce a new member you will gain an extra stamp.

Please call 913 428 539 Lazyjacks would like to thank all those that contributed to their first Christmas Fayre on behalf of ‘The Casa de Santo Amaro’. You can read more about the home in the community section of the magazine. We have spoken to two people who are helping to raise funds for the home in Lagos.

Wine tours

Why not discover the best ‘terroirs’ in Portugal under the expert guidance of sommelier Miguel Martins? Miguel is offering private tailored wine tours to suit your requirements and interests. You will visit the best wine producers in Portugal with plenty of wine tastings and food on location. Accommodation will be in some of Portugal’s most charming quintas.

Charity chop Very well done to Jessica Beadman who raised 700 euros by having a haircut for charity. Jessica works at Quay Lagos on Lagos Marina and was raising money for Cancer Research.

For more details, please email Miguel on, pop into his shop on the Avenida in Lagos or call him on 927 309 103.

Jessica told us: “The hair has been donated to the Little Princess Trust to make a wig. The reason for doing it was that my grandad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and I wanted to raise awareness.”

Waltz into January

Jessica’s hair was cut by Simon Tappenden. Well done Jessica and Simon!

Snap happy The Racal Clube de Silves in January 2016 will start two more photography courses. One is for beginners and one is for photographers that have some experience. Both courses will last for six months. The course for beginners will have 22h lessons per month, theoretical and practical every Thursday night (20.30 / 23.30), at the headquarters in Silves, and outdoor field work (in different parts of the Algarve) for two afternoons per month on Sundays, alternating. In addition to teaching the ABC of photography, the trainees will learn basic concepts of aesthetics and image composition, and the organization of software use to edit the basic and midlevel images.




The advanced course, looking at photography as art with the aim of taking it to another level, requires the participates to already have a reasonable knowledge of photography and imaging, particularly with Lightroom and Photoshop. With 28h of monthly lessons, the theoretical classes practices (dealing mainly with advanced Photoshop techniques) will take place on Friday nights, at the headquarters in Silves, and field work will be in several places in the area, twice a month on Sundays (all day).

Quinta da Alagoas near Almadena is hosting concert on Saturday January 9th at 4.30 pm.

The monthly cost of both courses is 60 euros which needs to be paid at the beginning of the month.

'Waltzing into the New Year' with Paulo Galvāo playing classical guitar. Tickets cost €15 including refreshment buffet with wine, cheese and homemade products.

For registration to more information send an email or call the number 917 260 695

Information and reservations: 924 201 343, Email

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What's On... Christmas Ball

Cracking Christmas Ball By Tom Henshaw Thanks to everyone who went to the Christmas Ball. It was a fabulous evening. I would like to thank everyone who helped to make it such a success. That includes the organiser extraordinaire Steven Sutton; Steven Dunwell and Graham Jones for selling so many raffle tickets. Thanks to Emma Louise, João and the




Protons and the Western Algarve Choir who provided a wonderful evening of music and carols. Thanks to Boavista for hosting the event and the brilliant serving staff.

Tickets are 35 euros – approximately a third of that will go to charity.

All in all what a night! Thank you all.

Please email: to book your tickets.

The focus is now on Tomorrow’s Masquerade Ball which will take place at the Tivoli Dunas Beach Club on June 18th.

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As always the event is about having fun but also raising money for charity.

We’ve already sold 100!

What's On... Christmas Ball


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What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Please advise of items and events you may wish to have in our monthly calendar - IT’s FREE OF CHARGE



Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | Mon, Wed & Thurs (from 2.30pm) & Sat

Bowls for Beginners | Free Lessons | Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita,

(from 9am) | €9 | Boavista Golf Resort | To book: 917 953 914

Praia da Luz | 919707635

Weekly Services | Sundays 8am & 11.30, and Thursday 10am

7.30 - 9.30am (& Thurs, Fri)- Zazen Meditation | Zen Dojo Tai Ku An, nr.

St. Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz

Barão São João | Donation Based | 919 718 955

Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €20 Members €25 non

9.30 - 10.30am (&Thurs)- Body Fit Classes | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio,

members | Boavista Golf Resort | To book: 917 953 914

Budens | 282 690 086

10.30am - Monday, Wednesday, Friday's : Riding for Disabled

10.30am - 12.30pm (&Thurs) - Stain Glass Classes with Dianne | €10 |

Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim Call Frank: 912967870 Zumba® Kids with Gi Curto (Certified Instructor) | Perfect For Kids 4-6 & 7-11 years old | Magnolia Mar, near Praia do Porto de Mós

Espiche | 919 117 108 10am- 12pm - Hatha Yoga with Diana | €7 (regulars), €10 (drop-ins) Monterosa, Barao de Sao Joao | 962 492 607 10.30am -12pm (&Thurs) - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Classes with Ann | €8

Tel: 912 417 994

The Yoga Place, Burgau (overlooking the beach) | 913 202 621

Monthly 20th January - 11am - Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Meeting

12.30 - 13.45 - Hatha Yoga with Kathrin | (Can be adapted for anyone with a medical condition) | €5 or €20 x 5 sess | Madrugada Support Centre

Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Carol Evans | 926 297 527

Tel: 282 761 375

Saturday Concerts - 4.30pm €15,00 (inc. refreshment buffet with wine,

1.30 - 4pm - Bridge Club | Marina Hotel Bar | 964188319

cheese & homemade products) | Quinta das Alagoas nr Almadena

5pm - Sanctury - 20 mins Quiet, Music & Refelction | St. Vincent’s

Info. & Res. 924 201 343/ January 9th - 'New Year' | February 6th - 'Three Cultures'

Anglican Church, Praia da Luz 7:30pm - Life Journal Bible Study | Oasis Christian Fellowship |

March 5th - 'Jazz Standards

936 358 553 |


8pm - Mantra Chanting Circle with Marion & Dani | Inlight, Lagos

(& Fri) ROLL UP - for bowlers that have played before | Floresta Bowls


Club , Rua Direita , Praia da Luz | 919707635

8.30pm (& Mon,Thurs & Fri) Live Music | O Artistas bar, Lagos

(& Fri) Senior Golf Day (Over 50s) | Green Fee €25 p.p. | Espiche Golf,


Espiche | 282 688250

The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | All burgers €6.95 | 282 762 115

9.15 & 10.30am (Wed & Fri)- (1hr)- Mat Classes with Lisa | €9 | Pilates Room, Lagos | 926 514 613 | 9.30 - 10.30am (& Fri)- Zumba with Linda (Licensed Instructor) | €6 Alma Verde | 918 461 840 | Happy Hour - The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | 4-8pm | 2 free chicken wings with each pint of Sagres | 282 762 115 10 - 11.30pm - Tai Ji Quan with Carl | €8 | Barão São João | 919 718 955 10.30 - 12.30 - Art Class with Mo | Madrugada Support Centre | 282761375 10.45 - 12.15 (&Thurs) - Yoga with Noeline | €10 | Quinta Bonita Boutique Hotel, Lagos | 282 762 135

Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am - Zumba Classes with Monica | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282 690 086 10 - 11am (& Fri) Zumba with Lucienne | €6.50, Hotel Belavista, Luz, 968288258 | 11-12pm - Pilates with Lucienne | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 968288258 | 12.15 - 2pm - Gentle Hatha Yoga | €8 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 965 201 477

11am -1pm - Life drawing classes with Kasia | Beginners & Professional artists | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos | 916 035 308 6pm - Dance Nia with Danni | €7 | Casa Sakra | 914523636 6pm (&Thurs)- Pilates with physiotherapist Indah | Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo | 911754890

6.00 - 8.30pm K9 Dog Training | €50 per month, twice a week, Lagos Tel: 964 083 602 6.30 Yin Yoga Class with Ann | €8 | The Yoga Place, Burgau (overlooking the beach) | 913 202 621 7pm Social Netball in Lagos | All ages & abilities welcome

6pm & 7.15pm - (1hr)- Mat Classes for Men with Lisa | €9 | Pilates Room, Lagos

First session free | 'Netball in Lagos' on Facebook

926 514 613 |


6.15 - 7.15pm - Gymnastik for fit back & body with Irmela | €7 | Hotel

8.30 - 9.30am (& Thurs, Fri) Zazen Meditation | Zen Dojo Tai Ku An, nr.

Belavista, Luz | 965 211 996

Barão São João | Donation Based | 919 718 955

6.30 - 8pm - Gentle Hatha Yoga with Meg | The Yoga Place, Burgau

9.30pm - Late (& Sat) Late Karaoke | O Artistas Bar Lagos

965 201 477

Tel: 282 769 147

10pm - Fun Quiz Night | The Star, Travessa 1st Maio | 282 769 265

The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | All Pizzas €5 | 282 762 115




Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

What's On - Your weekly events calendar...


Thursdays 8.00am Espiche Golf “Roll Up” | Reduced green fee rate | 282 688 250 9.30 - Walk with Ros & Lol | (Approx. 2 1/2 hrs) | Boavista Golf Resort Tel. 282789358 / 914573373 10.30am Pilates classes with physiotherapist Indah | €5 | Centro Cultural, Barão de S. João | 911 754 890 10 - 11am Zumba Step! | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz

968 288 258

11 - 12pm (&Tues) Pilates | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282690086 11 - 12pm NIA Dance & Fitness | €7 | Alma Verde Studio | 963 233 725 5.30 - 7pm Tai Ji Quan with Carl | €8 | Barão São João | 919 718 955 6.30 - 8pm Kids Yoga | €7 | Abrigo Natura (organic health food shop), Lagos | 969 764 192 | 10pm Live Music | The Star, Travessa 1st May | 282769265 The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | Pie and a pint of Sagres €8.95 | 282762115

Fridays 11-12 - Yoga & Pilates with Lucienne | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 968 288 258 | 11am -12pm - Rally Obedience/Agility with Albertina | Espiche Tel: 968086320 10pm - 'till late Karaoke/Live Music | Atabai Bar | Barao S. João Tel: 282688072 10pm (& Wed) Live Music | Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | 968073449 The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | Fish & Chips €8.95 | 282762115

Saturdays 10am - Computer Classes w/ Teresa | All levels | €10 | Lagos 918764613 4 - 5pm - Rally Obedience/Agility | €25 x 4 sess. | Espiche | 968 086 320 4 - 5pm - K9 Dog Training | €50 p/m, twice a week | Lagos 964 083 602 6 - 7.30pm Yoga Flow | €5.30 - 9 | InLight, Lagos 6:30 pm - Curry Night hosted by Pashmina & Live Music (8pm) The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | 960 453 376 7 pm - Live Music | Turiscampo, N125 | 282 792 217 10pm - 'till late - Live Music Atabai Bar | Barao S. João | 282 688 072 7 pm - Live Music Turiscampo | EN125 | Tel: 282 792 217

Sundays 10am Kids Golf School | €20 p/month | Espiche Golf, Espiche | 282 688 250 10.30 - Worship, Praise & Teaching | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | 960450750/ The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina | Sunday Roast from 12noon | 282762115 11h - 13h Lively Worship and Biblical Teaching | Lagos | 964 285 351 5pm (&Thurs) Live Music | Lazyjacks Bar, Lagos Marina | 282 761 384 8.30pm Blues, Jazz Music | O Artistas Bar, Lagos | 282 769 147 8.30 Karaoke | The Star, Travessa 1st Maio | 282769265


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



What's On...

Our community choir

Saint Andrew’s Ball: Saturday 28 November 2015 The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve once again held a highly successful Saint Andrew’s Ball at the Penina Hotel with nearly 100 participants. Our piper Malcolm MacGillivray greeted guests into the hotel and then led the parade into the ball after the champagne reception. Once again the Hotel Penina produced a superb buffet – including preparing a cake with the Saint Andrew’s cross – and the friendly and attentive staff ensured that everything ran smoothly. For the seventeenth year running the Scottish ceilidh band “The Sounds of Islay” entertained guests warmly.

We ended 2015 with some really enjoyable performances - thank you to everyone who invited us to sing for them! We are now looking forward to a new year, and with it, our new programme. The Western Algarve Community Choir are a group of people who sing together purely for fun. Everyone, regardless of previous experience (there are no auditions), nationality, gender or age is welcome. The songs we sing are mainly popular songs (new and old) and the choir are always coming up with new songs that they would like to try. Last year saw our largest number of new starters to date - and January is a perfect time to join as we begin to learn new songs together. So if you've ever been in a choir or singing group before and want to get involved in one here in the Algarve, or if you fancy trying out singing in a group for the first time, then come along and join in with us - you will be very welcome. And you don't need to live here all of the time...many of the group pop in to sing when they are over on holiday; and friends, family and visiting guests are always welcome to join in too when they are here...the more the merrier! For more information on joining or on booking the choir for future performances and events, please contact choir leader Liz Roberts on: And check out our You Tube site 'The Western Algarve Choir' to see some of our performances.




They, along with contributions from piper Malcolm, ensured that the dancing was both energetic and enthusiastic leaving just enough strength for a lusty “Auld Land Syne” on the stroke of midnight.

The Society hopes that the Ball will have whetted appetites for their next event – the Burns’ Supper at the Restaurante Ponte Romana in Silves on Saturday 23 January 2016. So put this event in your diaries now and watch this space for further details later. And if in the meantime you would like to practise your Scottish country dancing skills give Mardie Cunningham a call (282 356029) about the sessions at the International School in Porches on Monday evenings from 7.30-9.30 pm. If you would like to know more about the Society – no need to be Scots – give Chieftain Doug McAdam a call on 935 577362 or Treasurer Kathy Prentice on 919 635246. Doug McAdam - Chieftain

The Society was very grateful to its sponsors EuroFinesco for once again contributing to the costs of transporting the band from Scotland, to Medal Insurance for providing the heather and Prime Drinks for supplying the whisky. Janette Owenson very kindly made up the magnificent heather arrangements.

Historical associations There’s a wide range of events being organised this month by the Algarve History Association ranging from a talk about Portuguese fishing to a concert and a lecture about the social history of Tavira. The first talk, Portuguese Fishing in the North Atlantic, is on January 11th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Tavira and then again on January 12th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Lagoa. Arne Jakobsen, who was born in Copenhagen and has worked all over Europe, will be asking questions like - who were the dory men? Why do Catholics eat fish on Fridays? How is the trade embargo for export of fish to Russia interfering with Portuguese interest? Peter Kingdon Booker will be giving a talk called A Social History of Tavira on January

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

26th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Lagoa and again on January 29th at 11am at the Municipal Library Tavira. In the past Peter has discussed the built environment of Tavira, and this lecture will concentrate on the people of the town. How highly did they rate in the social strata of Portugal? Tavira has been a town of great significance in the history of Portugal, but is much less so nowadays; when did its importance wane, and why? What role does the town play in the present day Algarve? A concert will be staged on January 31st but details will follow. Details will go onto the Tomorrow Algarve Face book page. For more details please email Lynne at

Pigs Head QRT JAN2016.pdf













Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



Health... January Resolutions By Ann de Jongh of planning and learning what to eat and ideas to make the necessary tweaks to your existing diet, to maximize the health and nutrient potential. Likewise, deciding to start exercising does not mean you have to go and join a gym and go every day. It means finding a way of exercising that you enjoy, is fun and fits into your lifestyle and budget. That may be joining a gym, learning to play tennis, going swimming, walking, cycling….but it is about what works for you, not for your friends, not for a celebrity in a magazine, but what you enjoy and is right for your body. In January you end up bombarded with lots of “quick fix, weight loss, detox” products promising the earth and whatever the latest fitness craze is, is touted as the best and only way to get results. What we actually need is to find a sustainable way to keep our weight under control, eat healthily, incorporate exercise into our daily lives in a realistic way and to feel amazing all year round. Eating healthily is not something that should only be done for a few weeks when trying to be good and lose weight, it is how we should eat all year and it does not have to be boring and certainly not tasteless. It is just a matter

Starting in January, fit2lovelife are running a ‘Kickstart 2016 Group’ – learn how to be fit 2 love your life. A 4-week course, running either on a Tuesday afternoon or Thursday evening for 90mins. Each week will focus on a different area of nutrition, lifestyle and there will be a 45 min exercise session. Places are limited to 6 in each group, so if you want further information or to sign up details can be found at kickstart2016 or Please call Ann on 913202621 or email

the patient – it’s all about team work! The point of my articles is to provide you with a little knowledge on how your body works, what materials it requires to work as efficiently as possible and what can go wrong with it!

As health professionals our duty is to not only to provide care and a cure during times of illness but a great deal of our time if taken up in education and prevention – which is better than cure!!

The aim is for you to take something from them that may be of relevance to your own personal health and hopefully through this take action to improve it – either by life style changes or discussing your health issues further with your doctor.

So I am striking while the iron is hot, so to speak, and would like to point out that all our efforts would come to nothing without the collaboration and partnership between your health professional and you!!!!

Life is good……. and precious, we only have one shot at it so, at this time of year, think of how you can improve it yourself, with a little help from us!!!! We cannot do it without you!!! Happy New Year!

Looking after your health is not just the responsibility of the doctor, nurse or you,

Niki Medlock is head nurse at




By Dr Wen Oates I am often asked by patients whether I think chiropractic or massage would be the best choice for them. The answer is usually a combination. Your muscles attach to your bones and, whether or not they are tight and contracted, are controlled by nerves. If bones don’t move, the muscles will have no reason to lengthen. How do you know if your bones are moving properly? Is the motion in your neck restricted when you look at the ceiling? When you try to look round while driving, do you have to rely on your mirrors because your neck is too stiff? If you answered yes, then the problem stems from a skeletal issue and so chiropractic would be your best choice. Do you ever have tingling or numbness in your fingers or toes? Do you have referred pain down an arm or leg? These things point toward an issue with your nerves and so your problem needs chiropractic attention.

Life is good By Niki Medlock I am digressing this month as it is the beginning of the year!!! Not to talk about New Year’s resolutions, as these are usually forgotten by February, but generally when a new year begins we do stop and think, even if it is only for a few minutes, and take stock of our lives.

Chiropractic or massage?

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Massage is a wonderful thing. It stimulates blood flow and just the simple act of someone touching you is relaxing. But does it correct the underlying cause? The reason your muscles are too contracted is often much more complex than a simple muscle issue. It often relates to poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle. When faced with the choice of chiropractic or massage, try chiropractic first to get your spine moving better and then supplement that work with massage. If you’d like to know more, or make an appointment, contact Lagos Health on 282 768 044.

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New Year, new you? By Lisa Longhurst and many of the exercises use just your own bodyweight. Pilates is designed to strengthen the deep core and stabilise the muscles of the body (primarily the shoulder, pelvis, abdominal and back muscles). It is popular with runners, dancers, the elderly and individuals who suffer with sciatica, lower back, shoulder, neck, hip/ pelvis and knee joint problems. If you fancy getting fit and healthy this New Year then why not consider Pilates. Pilates has become a hugely popular choice over the last decade and is proving popular with men and women of all ages and all abilities, from the elite athlete to individuals with joint and mobility issues. Pilates is a set of exercises performed in standing, seated and lying positions

Pilates aids your posture, flexibility and balance as well as toning the whole body. It is easy on the joints because it is low impact, making it great for those who cannot participate in more energetic exercise classes due to injury, illness or age and it is a perfect starting place for those who haven’t exercised for a long time.

Pilates is non-competitive and the exercises are suitable for both men and women of all ages. Each exercise is performed in a slow and controlled manner and all can be adapted to suit your individual needs. Like any form of exercise, regular attendance is paramount to gaining most benefit from it and according to the man himself “you will feel a difference in 10 sessions, and see a difference in 20 sessions”. (Joseph Pilates) So if you want 2016 to be the year for improved posture and a stronger, healthier, younger body please get in touch and I can answer any questions that you may have. Call 926 514 613 or email:

Reboot your lymphatic system! By Tom Henshaw I recently went for a lymphatic drainage massage with Marlene Ribeiro at Mythos which is on the way to Meia Praia. This was an entirely new experience for me and very much a good one. Marlene is quietly spoken and welcoming, the area is warm and has an air of gentle calm. The massage technique consists of gentle pressure and is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymphatic system, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back towards the heart. Manual

lymph drainage uses a specific amount of pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow. After the massage I felt very relaxed and a little tired I could hear it in my voice! I drank a lavender/peppermint tea which tasted wonderful and added to my calm mood! We chatted about the other therapeutic sessions that are offered, like the candle massage and aromatherapy massage, with oils that are supplied by a company in Monchique. The Mythos Centre has been in Lagos now

for two years and it is developing slowly and building on its reputation. The centre has introduced workshops for professionals and clients on aromatherapy and the use of herbs, plus meditation. Lymphatic Drainage costs 25 euros, Thai Massage (relaxation) is 20 euros, back/head/ neck/legs is 15€ and reflexology is 30€. The opening hours are 3pm to 7pm. Please call 969928571 or email:

Raising sensitive children By Laura Newman One in five children are more affected by their environment and stand from their peers. How does this sensitivity show up and what can parents do about it? Sensitive children are more easily overwhelmed and prickly in their responses. They may complain that their clothes are too itchy, sounds are too loud, smells are too strong, or some foods taste so bad. They frequently suffer allergies, skin problems and attention difficulties. They also possess a natural brightness and intellect. Why is this so? Because their natural filter system is not working properly and they are bombarded by sensory information. This makes them highly tuned to their environment and easily overwhelmed. It is




comparable to radio antennas that are tuned for maximum receptivity.

3. Welcome upset before it erupts rather than waiting for things to get out of hand.

In stressful environments they may suffer mental health issues, addictions, and delinquency but in nourishing conditions they can blossom into a flower of unusual delicacy and beauty.

4. Bridge problem behaviour, saying: “This behaviour isn’t okay but I will talk to you later about it and we will find a way through.” Discuss problem behaviour outside of the incident, in the context of a warm connection.

What can parents do?

5. Help them express their big feelings over things that are not working for them and eventually feel their sadness through tears. Over time this will lead them to a place of emotional regulation andresilience.

1. Protect them from environments, relationships and experiences that are overwhelming by reducing stimulation where possible. 2. Be a resourceful, caring, strong parent who can handle their child’s emotions and not let their behaviour affect their relationship with you.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

For more information & support contact: Laura Newman, Speech Therapist & Parent Consultant, at Connected Child, Tel: 9616 33995


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve



Business I.T. can be easy

By Steven Dunwell

So you have got your new IPad, Android or Windows 10 tablet as a Christmas present? Why not use it to keep in touch? This is a time of year for friends and family, but if you can’t be with your loved ones technology can help, in particular video calling apps. See your friends, children, grandchildren or parents from the comfort of your pool lounger for free (with an internet connection and a similar device at their end) with these applications: If you own an iPhone, iPad or Mac then FaceTime is an easy way to get a video chat started. It doesn’t allow multiple

person chats, but video and audio quality is usually good. Nice and simple. Skype is one of the oldest and most famous apps providing calling functionality. Users can communicate to other Skype users for absolutely no charge, it also supports both front-facing and rear cameras. It also allows sharing files and sending messages between the two devices using Skype. It also offers low cost calling and messaging facility to mobiles or landlines. Similar to Skype, you can use Viber for sharing contacts, files, messages,

emoticons, locations, etc. It also allows group calling facility for up to 40 participants. Have a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year and see you for another tip in the February issue. If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Please contact me via email: or call me on: 00351 936 387 512.

Another year flies by... By David Westmoreland

Get connected

As I sit down to write about another year passing it only seems like a few weeks since I was sitting here writing about 2014. I seem to remember that there is an explanation about the years passing quicker the older you get and it has something to do with the proportion of your life that 1 year has 1:20, 1:40, 1:60 years…. That being said everyone I speak to seems to think that life is speeding by faster and faster every year, whatever their years.

On Thursday January 21st, Women & Success will organize its next lunch for professional women in the Algarve.

However, I also feel blessed that I live in a place where we can enjoy a calm life in beautiful surroundings. Whilst we are all living in a troubled world, Lagos and its surrounding towns and villages seems to be a million miles from all of this. Gorgeous beaches, white washed villages surrounded by lush green countryside makes the western Algarve a very special place. Fifteen years ago when I first moved to Lagos things were much different. Lagos was not really a popular destination in terms of holidays or even less as a destination for investment or property purchases. Most people had never even heard of Lagos let alone, Luz, Burgau and Salema. It was a full time marketing job just to explain where we were let alone justify why someone should be coming here on holiday. Over the last 15 years we have gone from being seen as a new frontier destination to now a location known by most and seen as a stylish and beautiful holiday destination. We don’t attract the Union Jack shorts and football




shirt brigade - we are happy for that to stay in Albufeira or Marbella. We attract people who are looking for restaurants serving traditional food and beaches unspoilt by tower blocks and concrete and a calm environment to spend their relaxation time. The local people here appreciate its tourists and offer the best welcome anywhere in Europe. This way of life has continued to attract new home seekers as well as people trying to avoid the rat race and live in a calm environment. French, Scandinavians and many other nationalities have now learned of this haven and we are seeing property sales grow to levels of pre-recession. However Lagos and its surrounding towns and villages still remains Portuguese with traditions, festivals and of course its people. Sales in this area continue to flourish and at B&P we experienced an incredible year selling almost 3 properties a week on average over the whole year. Holidays are continuing to grow and we expect 2016 to be even busier. The western Algarve continues to grow in popularity but fortunately a sensible development programme means we will never be an Albufeira and whilst we keep attracting the same quality of clients and holiday makers we hope that Lagos will be the destination choice for these type of people for many years to come. For all you holiday or property purchases contact me on

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The event is taking place at Quinta Burger in Quinta Shopping, Quinta do Lago from 12 noon. There will be a welcoming and networking session followed by a threecourse lunch. There will be the chance to promote your business so please bring promotional material like banners, flyers and cards with you. Promote your business Founder of Women & Success, Ria van Doorn said: “We believe that showing up and connecting to others is the easiest way to create a steady professional network.” To sign up, please send an email to

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Pets & finishing touches to your property. Part 4... By Portugal Property

So, last month Portugal Property told you the most effective ways to de-clutter and de-personalise your property for prospective buyers. This month we’re tackling the issue of pets, and then we’ll look at adding those finishing touches to your property, which can make all the difference. Pets can have a really big influence on how your buyer takes to your property. It’s important to remember that you may regard your pets as your best friends, but to somebody else they may not be. Living with pets 24/7 can also make you blind to the negatives that may put someone off your property the moment they walk in. If you own pets try to put yourself into the prospective buyer’s shoes. Outsiders often see pets as being unpredictable or event threatening, so make sure they’re under control when ever someone comes to look at

the property. The last thing you want is for the buyer to be worrying about your lively, excited pet running around and not taking in the property itself.

• Prepare a fresh pot of coffee just before anyone arrives, unlike your pet’s unwanted smells, nothing can beat the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Non-pet owners may see animals as being detrimental to property, causing damage to homes. Other than that, they may just not like pets at all.

• Lastly, make sure your property has a nice even temperature throughout. Not too hot or cold, just a comfortable temperature.

Always ensure that any animal toys, beds or bowls are tidied away before anyone arrives to view your property, and it goes without saying that litter boxes should be out of sight. Also, try to neutralize any odours associated with your pets. Open the windows and get some fresh air into the property. A bad smell in a home can be just as detrimental to your sale as a damaged property. The last few tips we at Portugal Property would like to offer you when selling your home is the little added extras. Try these little touches to add the cherry to the cake; • Why not try playing some music during your viewing. Nothing too heavy, just some light background music to help create a relaxed atmosphere.

We hope you have found some of our articles useful over the last few months. At Portugal Property we have over many years experience selling properties at all ends of the market so you can rest assured that our advice really does make a difference. If you have a property you would like to sell or would like further information on our portfolio of work please don’t hesitate to contact us: Tel (UK): +44 203 011 0051 Tel (Portugal): +351 308 800 878 Email: or visit:

• Avoid having any noisy machinery on, such as dish-washers and washing machines.

Rental Licenses (Alojamento Local) By Cardine Martins As per Decree-Law nº 39/2008 of March 7, it is mandatory to obtain a license to rent a private property – villa, apartment and lodging establishment - on a temporary basis and be considered an ‘Alojamento Local’ unit. In order to apply for this license some requirements need to be met. Apart from the general property requirements such as being connected to a mains water supply, have hot and cold water, have windows for ventilation, etc, there are also a number of safety requirements that need to be inserted into the property, namely:

All rental establishments must provide a "Livro de reclamações" (complaints book). Any complaints must be sent to ASAE who is the entity responsible for ensuring you have a license and ensuring regulations are met with and also managing any complaints your rental clients may have. Before you apply for the rental license you will need to sign on in the Finance department as an independent worker. If you estimate rental income to be below €10.000, 00 this will be tax free until this amount has been achieved.

- Proof that you have signed on in the Finance department as an independent worker. Once the application has been submitted you may legally commence renting your property. The local council may conduct a physical inspection in the months following the lodging of the application and if they are not satisfied the application will be cancelled. Fines for not having a rental license range from €3.500, 00 - €25.000, 00 so don’t get caught out!!

The rental license application is made via your local City Hall (Câmara Municipal) and for this you will need:

I am available to help with the above process and can arrange all safety equipment and documents on a client’s behalf making it a simple process.

- Proof of identification (passport and fiscal number)

Should you require assistance please do not hesitate to contact me at:

- Indication of the emergency number 112

- Habitation license

- Fire blanket

- Caderneta (tax office document)

Cardine Martins Solicitor | 967550485

- Sufficient fire extinguishers and blankets for the size of the property (Usually 1 in the lounge and each bedroom) - First aid kit - Instruction manuals for the electrical appliances




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Let's get healthy at the spa By Lena Strang bodybuilding,” Isaura says. “In the low season we work with the local community who come to the spa to do rehabilitation and maintenance.

A Golf Club and its leisure facilities conjure up an air of exclusivity reserved for its wealthy members. But this is not the case for Boavista Essential Fitness and Spa near Lagos, Isaura Custódio, the Manager, assures me. Opened up in 2008, the aim was always to provide facilities for everyone, for visitors to the area as well as local residents. “Our mission from the very start was to be all inclusive,” Isaura tells me. “It’s been a process of little baby steps for the last eight years.” Every time I visit the Health Club and Spa, I see lots of activities going on involving both foreign visitors and locals. The baby steps must have paid off, I imagine. Isaura explains that they focus on two specific areas. The Family Health Club caters for holidaymakers in the high season with a range of activities from golf and tennis clinics, archery lessons, scuba diving, swimming lessons to aqua aerobic, yoga and zumba. And of course, there is a gym and the spa itself with sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room. The second area is Rehabilitation. “We are not a Health Club for weight loss or

Clients work with personal trainers who design specific programmes which at times involves working with our osteopaths. Throughout Isaura stresses the importance of fitness and healthy lifestyles. “We want to treat causes of any problems; not just symptoms.” The treatments provided are always very popular and a fifth treatment room has just been opened due to increased demand. During the low season, agreements with local firms, schools and hotels in the region that don’t offer the same range of facilities, provide a steady stream of clients. And as Isaura points out: "Long stay visitors, increasingly from the Scandinavian market, are keen to use our space. They take out 3 or 6 months contracts at a time.” As part of community involvement, regular fund raising for charity takes place. Swimathons have raised money for Madrugada, APSI, the Portuguese Association for Road Safety, NECI and an event for the Bombeiros in Lagos is planned. Whenever I take part in aqua aerobics, I notice there is a large contingent of Portuguese ladies who seem to relish the exercise and a good chat. Bernadete Amendoeira tells me that she has been attending the Health Club and Spa for three years. “I take out a year’s membership which works out well as I can use all the facilities.

I come 3 to 4 times a week," she says. “It's a good way to keep fit and see my friends!” Another satisfied customer is Yuliya Sushych, originally from the Ukraine, who has lived in Lagos for 15 years “My two children have regular swimming lessons here and I do yoga and use the spa. It’s perfect for our needs.” When I ask Isaura what it is that makes the Essential Fitness Spa so special she doesn't hesitate: “It's the friendly atmosphere. For us clients are not just numbers; they are part of our extended family here.” And Carita Nordman from Finland, who has just settled in Lagos, bears this out. “The very first time we visited Boavista we felt at home. Now we take part in regular activities from golf, aqua aerobics and yoga to walking tours. My husband who had never visited a gym before goes four times a week! The staff are knowledgeable and friendly. We like it here.”

Teresa Mártires and Isaura Custódio at the Spa reception

Trio to Togofor-Homes

Togofor-Homes Lda is proud to announce the expansion of its company with the opening of its third office in Tavira. Established 11 years ago by a husband and




wife team, Togofor-Homes is a no-nonsense real estate agency which has successfully sold properties throughout the Algarve.

Their portfolio is also present on main international real estate portals and a selection of more specialised sites.

Now with offices in Lagos, Vilamoura and Tavira, this family firm has over 800 properties in its portfolio, with 20 multilingual professionals skilled in providing exceptional customer service.

If you would like more information, wish to sell your property, or are thinking of buying in Portugal, this is the only agency you need to call! Contact our Vilamoura Head Office on 289 322 134.

To emphasize their knowledge of each area and transparency, the firm publishes its properties in a range of magazines, newspapers, and websites in French, German, Portuguese, English and even in Russian. and

Constantly growing they are also offering attractive job vacancies.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

If you are interested please send your CV with a photo to:


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve




Food & Drink... Christmas Club

"Diamond Rock Champagne"

by Tom Henshaw

by Miguel Martins, Tomorrow's sommelier

Last month Café Fresco’s two Christmas lunches were another great success.

It is often said that diamonds are a woman’s best friend; in this case I will say that this fantastic champagne promises to be the best friend of men as well.

There were two sittings to satisfy the growing demand for places. The food was fabulous for just €13.95. Guests were treated to a full - and I mean full - three-course turkey lunch with all the trimmings. I just wish I had been there on Christmas Day! Unfortunately they are not open then -shame! Maybe we can persuade them for next year!. Vanessa and her team really make everyone welcome and I think I can speak for everyone in saying ‘well done’ once more. We look forward to more Supper Clubs in 2016.

O Tiago – A restaurant with soul

This is a new departure and one of the best bets of the Sommelier Wine Shop for next year; a luxury champagne that makes its debut locally through the store but is also available for national distribution. It is a brand with a strong presence in markets such as Miami and Dubai. It is clearly associated with the luxury market, not only through the image of the bottle but obviously the quality of the product. It

would certainly be a waste to have such a luxurious bottle if the contents weren’t of the highest quality. Available in three classical versions - Brut presented in a golden bottle, Blanc de Blancs in a silver bottle and finally, Rosé, presented in a black bottle with pink crystals. All of these are vintage champagne which means that the wine is based on crops of several years and when combined makes for a balanced profile. It is creamy with a golden colour and aromas of hazelnut and caramelized fruits but fresh at the same time. It is an easy to please champagne that can be perfect with a variety of dishes. It is champagne that will be available only in the best restaurants and gourmet stores throughout the country. Discover the sparkle of the diamonds in a champagne bottle. For more information, contact me on: Tel: (00351) 927 309 103, or facebook:

Beetroot and Black Bean Burgers 2. Add the chopped chillies and smoked paprika and thoroughly mix. 3. Drain the black beans and rinse in water. Add to the onion mix and allow to cook for a couple of minutes.

This is a photo of Tiago and his mother (Estella Borges) in the restaurant called ‘O Tiago

Motor west along the EN125 to Budens – yes it finally has a shiny new roundabout – and you can be forgiven for only stopping at the EcoMarché supermarket and perhaps Linens Etc a little further on. Proceed up the hill and you are on your way to San Antonio Golf, formerly Parque da Floresta, and a number of condominiums including Quinta Encosta Velha. But head into Budens village and opposite the church you will find O Tiago and be in for a real treat. O Tiago is open every evening except Saturday from 17h30 until last orders at 22h00. Booking is recommended – call: 282 695 081 or 917418973. Email




4. Add the grated beetroot, chopped coriander and orange juice. 5. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

1 large can Black beans ( 500g drained weight) 2 grated Raw Beetroot 1 chopped Red Onion 1 clove garlic Fresh chilli (1 or more according to how spicy you want them) Fresh chopped coriander ( a handful) 1 tsp smoked paprika Juice 1/2 orange 1 cup ground oats Salt & Pepper to taste Coconut Oil or Olive oil for cooking. 1. Chop onion and garlic, put some oil in a pan and cook the onions and garlic until softened.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

6. Using a hand blender partially blend the mixture, but do not blend completely as you want to maintain some texture. 7. Add the ground oats stirring as you do, so that the mixture then has a firmer consistency. 8. Place the mixture in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour. 9. Preheat the oven to 170. 10. Lightly oil a baking tray, and then make "burgers" with the mixture, placing on the tray. 11. Cook for 30 mins in the oven turning halfway through. 12. Serve with some beetroot and orange salsa and salad, or as in the picture with beetroot hummus and apple.

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Outdoor... The secret is to keep cutting back to encourage lots of single stems with bushy tops while keeping watering to a low level, but never completely drying out. Eventually it will form a broad, golden and green leafed shrub for indoor or selected outdoor locations. Variegated and green-leafed Scheffleras in general, are popular with bonsai enthusiasts thanks to their ability to withstand hard root and top pruning.

Outdoor/indoor gardening By Clive Goodacre

Some plants appear forever housebound yet benefit from being moved under a veranda from early summer. Top of the list is the beautiful Dracaena reflexa, Song of India, which forms a shrub-like tree up to 2m high with narrow pointed leaves having dark centres and creamy white edges.


Because so much time here is spent outdoors, the difference that house plants can make to the look and feel of your home is often overlooked. A splash of green, some variegated foliage or brilliant exotics do wonders for walls painted in ultra-safe creams and tints and hints of this and that. Imagine how your beige palace would look with some carefully placed plants - orchids for example - in beautifully coloured pots and also how they would soften the transition from outside to inside? Unlike bold colour schemes that may not work or become out of fashion, plants are so versatile and can be moved around to ring the changes. Winter of course is a good time for choosing house plants and trying out different positions. Use a veranda or other sheltered area for overwintering marginal plants and as summer quarters for indoor exotics and shade loving plants. But beware, because even after one of the warmest autumns on record, winter temperatures can easily fall as low as -5ÂşC. We live in what is classified as a Mediterranean climate where winter temperatures in frost pockets regularly scorch outdoor plants such as Hibiscus, Lantana, Agave attenuata, Dracaena draco and Crassula. Plants like Tetrapanax (rice paper plant), Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (Butterfly palm), Shefflerer gold capella, Howea Forsteriana (Kentia or ‘parlour’ palm) and that old house




plant favourite Ficus benjamina, all grow happily outside during summer provided they get some shade and wind shelter during the day. But in frost prone areas definitely benefit from overhead shelter or even coming indoors during winter. They are all relatively unfazed by winter living room conditions yet quickly adapt to outdoor living in spring. Some plants like Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail palm) seem to put up with everything indoors and out whether it be irregular watering, cold, heat or just plain neglect yet still look fabulous. Schefflera is another plant with a cast iron constitution. For sheer impact indoors Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens (variously known as Areca, Golden Cane, Bamboo or Butterfly palm) wins hands down. Its beautiful soft mid-green foliage emerges from yellow bamboo-like stems forming graceful arcs. Originating from Madagascar, it naturally grows into huge clumps, but is kept in check when potted and pruned once or twice a year. Keep it in top condition with regular water, fertiliser (particularly potassium) and good drainage. It can be grown outside, but cold cuts it back severely as does wind and coastal conditions. Some houseplants commonly grown in Northern Europe will perform here way beyond anything you have experienced before. A good example is Schefflera gold capella which can either grow into a rangy pot plant with a few groups of finger-like variegated leaves, or made into something really special.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve

If you are looking for an architectural stunner to brighten up a dark(ish) corner surviving on a moderate to low watering regime then this is the one to choose. Dracaena marginata is another outstanding indoor/outdoor plant and comes in bi- or tri-colour varieties. But expose any of these fancy Dracaenas to full sun, cold wind or waterlogged conditions and their foliage quickly turns brown and falls off. Although shortening bare and leggy stems usually renews them. Tropical jungly type plants such as the Aroid family, which includes the universally known Swiss Cheese Plant, (Monstera Deliciosa) and other commonly grown varieties such as: Philodendron, Dieffenbachia, Spathiphyllum and Alocasia, also prefer shade and warmth all year so make ideal houseplants. Some large leafy houseplants can gradually be introduced to shady outdoor exposure provided they are associated with similar plants to create a microclimate.

The beautiful Song of India will transform any interior



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