Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur January 2017 Edition

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January 2017 | Edition 62 | 4,000 copies |

A community MAGAZINE covering Lagos to aljezur

Community A day in the life

What’s On Top 10 things to do when it rains in the Algarve

Health Making changes one month at a time

Food & Drink Fancy a food tour? Plus much more...

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Photograph courtesy of | Forte da Ponta da Bandeira, Lagos



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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow's January 2017 edition

Emergency 112 Hospital 282 770 100 Fire Service 282 770 790 Police Service 282 762 930 GNR National Guard 282 770 010 Happy New Year to one and all. Telecom Nat. Info 118 City Council 282 780 900 Every New Year should start, we think, on an optimistic note and we certainly hope that Tourist Office 282 763 031 Town Info 282 764 111 through Tomorrow, your community newsletter, we can all find more to fill our lives with Tourist Support 808 781 212 activities, interesting topics and events. Taxi Service 282 460 610 Bus Station 282 762 944 Train Station 282 762 987 So, as always, we turn to you to help fill our pages with things that you believe will bring Taxi : Pedro Costa 917 617 675 happiness, fun, opportunities and useful information to the western Algarve. Lagos Cinema 282 799 138 Cultural Centre 282 770 450 Of course we now have a second Tomorrow Magazine that carries its own valuable Health Centre 282 780 000 Luz Doc (Luz) 282 780 700 contributions from Alvor, Portimão, Ferragudo and Carveirio. Private Hospital 800 201 000 | 282 790 700 Chiropractor (Lagos) 282 768 044 Combined, we try very hard to make a difference in people’s lives in the Algarve. May we Dental Clinic (Almadena) 918 366 646 Lagos Vet 282 782 282 suggest you visit our updated website and improved Facebook Funeral Services 282 769 827 page tomorrowalgarve to find out more. Mobility vehicles 964 230 225 all mobility aids 960 004 682

FARMACIA: Lacobrense Chemist (Lagos) Neves Chemist (Lagos) Ribeiro Lopes Chemist (Lagos) Tello Chemist (Lagos) Silva Chemist (Lagos) Odiaxere Chemist

282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

British France (Faro) German (Faro) Netherlands (Faro) Canada (Faro) Swedish (Faro) Irish

282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL: Portuguese Lessons €5p/h 912 417 994 Translations ENG/PORT 916 618 527 Alice (Survival Portuguese) 914 269 118 Gavin Cox (General Builder) 916 430 132 Tristan (Plumbing & More) 282 101 010 Helio (Electrician) 917 288 966 Luis (Locksmith) 964 605 213 Chimney & Window Cleaner 926 860 123 Russell (English Mechanic) 282 639 778 Ana (Sewing) 919 747 591 Steven (Computer MOT) 936 387 512 Pedro (Computers) 917 165 238 Xeli (Florist, Free Delivery) 282 768 129 Parcel Delivery to the UK 0044 208 123 1966 Graphic & Web Design 916 606 226 Alison Hairdresser 918 663 352 Painting - Interior / Exterior 925 374 624

This month we are launching our new and free ‘JUST JOBS’ page on our website which we really believe will help people looking for a vacancy and employers searching for new staff. REMEMBER you are never too old to seek a job to fill some of your spare time! Once again a big thank you to Steven Sutton who planned and executed the marvellous Christmas Ball at Boavista Golf and Spa resort and who did a splendid job on behalf of the sell-out event. More than €2400 was raised for the local Bombeiros, soup kitchen and Madrugada. Please make at least ONE New Year’s resolution and that’s to keep up informed about all of your upcoming events and other news. Best wishes for a happy 2017, Tom, Amber and the rest of the team.  Call Tom on  919 918 733 or email 

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Community The story of Pickle in Portugal

By Stephanie Wood

Pickle docks in Portugal

Sitting with his wife and friends at one of the restaurants on the square in Ferragudo, Mal Nicholson looks like any other Brit making the most of the Algarvian sunshine. But as soon as the North Lincolnshire man opens his mouth and starts telling you his tale, it soon becomes clear that he is no average Brit abroad.

original 1799 ship - on eBay, Mal headed to Gibraltar in 2014 to collect his lot and bring her home. To say it was a journey plagued by problems is an understatement. The first disaster struck before even setting sail from the Rock when the alternator caught fire, leading to a total loss of electrics.

Mal is the man behind the successful restoration of HMS Pickle, a replica of an old Royal Navy ship that was at the Battle of Trafalgar. Full of twists of fate and strokes of good and bad luck, that tale of his is one that easily rivals classic seafarer poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. And one of those twists of fate led to Pickle’s story being forever tied to Portugal.

A shiny new alternator in place, Mal’s next challenge came when he hit bad weather coming around Cape Trafalgar. “Both masts came down,” Mal recalls. “About two tonnes of wood went flying. It was horrific. It’s amazing no-one got killed.” Fortunately he was able to dock at Puerto Sherry near Cádiz in Spain, where he made temporary repairs and received a warm welcome. “They were fantastic with us there,” Mal says. “Paco the harbour master was beyond belief.”

Having successfully bid for the topsail schooner - a remarkable reproduction of the

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Sadly, things did not go quite so well at his next port of call further along the Spanish coast. “We pulled into Mazagón, where the next disaster happened. A storm was coming, and we were just getting in as it started to rip. Unlike our friend at Puerto Sherry, the harbour master wouldn’t get off his backside.” Battling to bring Pickle in safely in high winds and heavy rain with no assistance from the shore, Mal soon had another problem to deal with. “There was a bang and the engine just screamed. I’m thinking, ‘What the hell’s wrong?’”. The answer? The propellor had fallen off. It’s here that Pickle benefited from her first stroke of good fortune: the propeller could be saved. “There was 15ft of clear water underneath the ship, and then 15ft of the sloppiest mud. If the propeller had fallen into the mud we’d have lost it, and the whole project would have bit the dust,” Mal says sombrely. Luckily, it had gotten lodged before reaching the mud. But there was one issue - how to get it back to the surface? It was this particular problem that eventually brought Mal and the Pickle to Portugal. “I called Kev Smith, a friend of mine who used to work with me years ago and who lives in Loulé. I said, ‘Kev I need a diver.’” Mal’s old friend delivered, putting him in touch with a diver from Tavira called Salvador - Portuguese for ‘saviour’, Mal poignantly notes. Having successfully got the propellor back to the surface, he found it was in a bad way: “The nuts, the keyway, the locking plate - everything was gone.” With the propeller eventually restored and refitted by a company in Olhão, Mal was ready to “try and limp her home.” He was originally going to head directly westward

the dry dock facility. “They’ve got probably the biggest hoist for lifting boats in all of Portugal; it’s 500 tonnes,” Mal tells me. “It lifted Pickle right out of the water and transported her - it was a fabulous sight. Rui knew the staff and we got treated exceptionally well.”

Mal on board the Pickle

to Salvador’s home of Tavira but, with relations with the Spanish authorities in Mazagón strained, he was forced to sail out into the Atlantic and come back around, instead docking in Vilamoura. And it was there that he first encountered his second Portuguese ‘saviour’, Rui Pinto. “Somebody said to me, ‘There is a man in Quarteira that repairs wooden boats.’ Well, that is the biggest understatement I’ve ever heard in my life,” Mal says with a smile. “Rui Pinto comes from Viana do Castelo in the north of Portugal and his family have built wooden ships for 300 years. He’s probably one of the most skilled boat builders I’ve ever met, and I’ve met plenty - those who think they can help, who assure you they can, but they always fall short of the mark. But this fellow is so gifted; he was a godsend.”

Thus started a huge restoration effort that saw 22 tonnes of wood put into Pickle, kept Mal away from home for a year and a half (living in the captain’s cabin, no less), and depleted his bank account substantially. “I daren’t tell you how much I put into it,” he says, gesturing towards the corner of Ferragudo’s main square and adding: “There used to be a cash point over there and I used to empty it nearly every night.” For anyone who ever found they were unable to get cash in Ferragudo last year, now you know why! Many long days later, the Pickle left Portimão in late July 2015 and returned to Vilamoura for some final work, with Mal recalling: “There was a great send-off when we left Portimão, it was wonderful. All the shipyard owners were there, wishing us well.” He worked with yet more local experts in Vilamoura - including Pete Keeping, who runs a rigging company, and a sail maker, Filipe - making yet more friends in the process.

Mal says the synergy between the two ship enthusiasts was instant. “You know how there’s sometimes a special magic when you meet somebody and you know instantly that you’re going to get on? I shook his hand, and immediately the friendship was formed.” With neither man speaking the other’s language, communication around the job was achieved via hand gestures, diagrams and mutual understanding. Having rebuilt the masts, Rui and Mal then brought Pickle to Portimão to make use of

Work in progress on the Pickle in Portimão

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Community >> Continued from page 5 Mal and Rui

From Vilamoura, Pickle headed homeward, enjoying a brief stop in Lagos before rounding Cape St. Vincent and making her way north. Unbelievably, her bad luck was not yet over. “In Sines, we had a terrible accident again,” Mal says. A huge storm caused more damage that needed fixing but also revealed a fun fact. “The Portuguese navy gave us their mooring,” Mal remembers. “One of them came to see me and said, ‘Can I show you something?’ “He turned his lapel over on his uniform and there’s Lord Nelson on the inside of the lapel - he’s on every uniform. I never knew that. So I said to him, ‘Do you know the story of the Pickle?’ ‘Oh yes,’ he said. Here we are, 200-odd years later, and they’re all absolutely aware of what went on and how it happened and what significance the Pickle had! Incredible.” Fixed up once more, Pickle called at ports including Nazaré, Viana do Castelo and Lorien on her way to the UK - always receiving a hero’s reception wherever she docked - before finally making it home where she was met by local mayors, BBC reporters and thousands of cheering well-wishers. This impressive tale was all recounted to me over galões and toast at Ferragudo’s A Gaivota restaurant, where Mal - who is in town to present Rui with a painting of Pickle as a thank you - is on first-name terms with

the staff. “Wherever he goes, he makes a connection with a local bar or restaurant,” his friend, Stewart Bentley, tells me, and that certainly seems to be true. A Gaivota is one of two restaurants (the other being family-run Praça Velha II in Estômbar) that became Mal’s ‘local’ during his time in the Algarve, and it’s clear that owners Maren and Mario like him as much as he likes them. “They threw a party for us here on our leaving night. Anything the crew wanted, it was theirs free of charge,” Mal beams. “They really looked after us when we were here, and I wish them every success.” The role Portugal has played in Pickle’s restoration clearly matters to Mal, and it’s something that is now fixed in her not only historically, but also physically. “There were some coins we found underneath the mast, Danish Kroner,” Mal reveals. “With the Portuguese influence on this vessel, I thought it would be appropriate to put in some Portuguese coins too.” These were provided by “a really old lady from Lisbon” who sent Mal two fifty escudo pieces bearing the face of his childhood hero, Vasco da Gama. Mal clearly feels indebted to all the skilled craftsman and experts he found here in Portugal, too (“a lot of the skills have not died here,” he says), but ultimately it is Rui Pinto that is the main focus of his gratitude. “The project would have been doomed without Rui,” he says matter-of-factly. “It was destined. I don’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo, but I do believe that sometimes things happen for a reason. How is it that we came in within two miles of probably one of the best boat builders in Europe? How is it that we became such great friends? How have we produced this wonderful friendship with no common language?” Having paid a visit to Rui’s hometown on Pickle’s voyage back to the UK, Mal hopes his friend will one day visit him and the ship

in the UK. “I would look forward to that,” he says. “He wants to see [Mal’s other vessel] the Spider T, it’s one of his dreams. I would love to take him out into the North Sea.” Until then, Mal’s got plenty to keep him busy. Pickle is currently moored in the marina at Hull, and will be part of the City of Culture celebrations next year. She has also forged close links with HMS Trincomalee in Hartlepool, the oldest battleship currently afloat in the world. Mal has launched a new company HMS (Historic Motor and Sail), a non-profit agency that promotes training, education and living history. And there’s more. “I’m doing Trafalgar Night shortly,” Mal says enthusiastically. “A group of re-enactment people called Hearts of Oak are coming from Anglesey and staying the weekend. We’re going to be partying” “Our chef Christine from Your Chef Ltd has actually just found out she’s related to Admiral Lord Nelson,” he casually adds. It’s just another example of the sometimesfreaky twists of fate that litter Mal’s story. Others includes the fact that his house in the UK was built in 1805, the year of the Battle of Trafalgar, and also that his wife’s birthday falls on Trafalgar Day. One could also argue it was fate that brought Mal and Pickle to Portugal, where they found what will forever be a welcome second home.   @schoonerpickle

Pickle sets sail

Bonus for Boavista team Having won the second division the Boavista team went to Vila Sol Golf with its six-man team to play against the other 19 teams from the Algarve in a 2-ball better ball competition. The Boavista team came in with three scores of 37-38 and a fantastic 43 points which gave Boavista a clear win on the day over a very competitive field. This year’s Boavista team sponsored by Casas do Barlavento, Intermarché Lagos. Pashmina Indian Restaurant in Luz and

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team bus sponsored by Multi rental in Lagos have had a fantastic year and would like to thank all their sponsors and look forward to another successful year in division one in 2017.  For those of you who don’t know much about Boavista Golf Resort – it opened in January 2002 with its 18-hole championship course. The resort has a golf academy with practice facilities which include a driving range and a short game practice area.

Burn's Night Wednesday, 25th January at 7.00 pm Join us for a very special evening supported by Malcolm MacGillivray, former Pipe Major with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who will, amongst other things pipe in and address the haggis. Steve will be cooking up a selection of Scottish dishes including the inimitable Haggis, Tatties and Neeps. €25.00 per person - Book early this is a very popular event

January Special From 2nd to 31st January, throughout the day and evening Freshly prepared beer battered fish, hand cut chips, homemade

Quiz Nights

tartar sauce and mushy peas for only €9.95 per person

Tuesday, 10th and 24th

Regular menu is also available

January at 7.00 pm Get those brain cells working! Put a team together and book

Wine Pairing

a table.

Friday 13th January at 7.00 pm

The quiz starts at 7.00 sharp.

In conjunction with our vintner;

€12.50 per person which

Misterwine and the fabulous wine maker Quinta do Pinto we will prepare a fantastic five course dinner paired

includes a main course and a contribution of €2.50 to the prize fund.

with superb Pinto wines. €40.00 per person To reserve call us on 282 761 128 Not one to miss.

For non-quizzers our delicious regular menu will still be available.

Don’t Forget... Pie & Pud Night

every Thursday Evening

Thai Supper

Roast Dinner

every Saturday evening

every Sunday

For further information and bookings please contact: T: 282 761 128 | E: quaylagosmarina


Quay Lagos

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Guterres: ‘The right man at the right time’ By Len Port

In taking on the toughest diplomatic job in the world, Portugal’s former Prime Minister António Guterres has clearly laid out his priorities and expressed remarkable determination. Now the serious work begins. “My main goal as the new SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations is to play a contributing, non-partisan and positive role in solving regional and international crises, to relieve as much as it is possible the pains and sufferings of human beings across the globe” said Guterres. Even before assuming office on January 1st, he had mentioned Syria and the international agreement on climate change as high if not top of his agenda. Given the on-going conflicts across the Middle East, the political turmoil in Europe and concerns everywhere about Donald Trump becoming President of the United States, Lisbon-born Guterres has taken on a truly herculean task, but there is no shortage of people wishing him well over the next five years. Among the first was Russia’s Ambassador

On welcoming Guterres to Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping uncharacteristically praised the UN as “the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental organisation.” Unlike Trump, Guterres does not think global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. He is also well aware of the increasing contribution being made by China to international peace-keeping efforts and its predominant role in world trade. Iran’s permanent chief representative at the UN, Gholam Ali Khoshroo, has assured Guterres that “the Islamic Republic of Iran would not spare any efforts in cooperating with the UN for spreading peace and stability in the region.” Other ambassadors at the UN headquarters in New York have emphasised their hopes of a resumption of dialogue and de-escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan, and between Israelis and Palestinians. After a meeting in the White House, outgoing President Barack Obama spoke of his confidence in the new secretarygeneral and praised his “extraordinary reputation.”

Although a familiar figure in high political and diplomatic circles, Guterres is still not well known among ordinary folk in the world at large. A brilliant student, he graduated in Lisbon in 1971 in physics and electrical engineering. Having embarked on an academic career, he joined the Portuguese Socialist Party after the 1974 ‘Carnation Revolution’ and switched to full-time politics. He was Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. From 2005 he served for ten years as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, heading an organisation that towards the end of his tenure had a staff of more than 10,000 working in 126 countries, providing help to more than 60 million people in desperate need. Guterres is recognised not only as a man of true grit, but also of great integrity and humility. Originally inspired by the “shock” he experienced as a student volunteer working in the slums of Lisbon, he said that as High Commissioner he felt “privileged”to have contributed to “the most vulnerable of the vulnerable.” Now aged 67 and a devout Catholic who speaks fluent English, French and Spanish, Guterres is heading into the unknown, not as yet another jingoistic political leader, but as a uniquely-placed bridge-builder in a bitterly divided world. The outgoing US Secretary of State John Kerry perhaps summed it up best when he said of the new secretary-general: “he is the right man at the right time.”  

Giving a smile this Christmas By Tom Henshaw It was a great pleasure for Tomorrow to share in the presentation of all the individual gifts for the children at CASLAS, the home for the disadvantaged children in the western Algarve. Each child received a personal gift supplied so generously by the local community to help the youngsters enjoy Christmas it meant they had some little treats to open on Christmas Day.

Lois Herrington and Ana Leal

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Lois Herrington has been very instrumental, for many years, providing these fabulous

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gifts for each one of the children in the home. Ana Leal, who is the director in charge of the home, has been a great supporter of everything that Tomorrow has managed to do for the home. We would just like to say thank you to everyone who took part in the Shoebox Appeal for Christmas 2016. We know that it makes a big difference. 

Photo Credit:

to the UN Vitaly Churkin who said Guterres was obviously the best man for the job. Promoting greater cooperation between Russia and the United States is one of Guterres’ key aims.

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A Day in the life... I usually stay in bed and relax, do some mental planning, until it’s safe to risk waking her up.

Micheal Reeve is head of the largest association for foreign property owners and residents in Portugal. A role he took on in 2003, a year after moving to the Algarve. Here the 58-year-old tells us what life is like when you are running an organisation like AFPoP and how his life changed after he had a heart attack. “In February of 2016 my wife Linda and I moved from Lagos to Guia, having lived for the previous three-and-a-half years at Meia Praia. I usually wake up between 5 and 6am but I do get to sleep very quickly when I go to bed. It’s a throwback from being in the forces I think. You get your kip when you can and sleep for as long as you need to. Unfortunately my wife does not wake up early but does detect movement, so

As I work every day, my morning routine is basically getting up and getting ready for work. That did change a little in 2015 after I had a little heart attack in October. We get up a little earlier now and I make time to eat a breakfast before leaving – which wasn’t always the case before that. I usually arrive at the office around 8.20am if I’m starting my day there. I’ve normally checked the e-mails that have come in on my phone, so when I get to work I usually start the computer and print off anything I want to read thoroughly and then go to the café next door for a morning coffee and a read. I still find it easier to digest longer documents if I have them on paper. My day-to-day contact with people varies a lot actually. Of course I am with my colleagues in the office, but I usually meet or talk on the phone with a few other people during the day too. Another thing that has changed a little since my attack is that I used to eat at my desk a lot, or at least in the meeting

room, but I now try to get out and walk somewhere most days – more for the exercise than the food, but I do eat lunch with others from time to time – which can make our evening meal a problem. In the afternoon there’s more work to do. As most meetings I have are arranged for the mornings, afternoons are usually taken up with paperwork or planning meetings. What I like about my job is that I work for an organisation that is dedicated to helping people, with a staff, councils and area event organisers that believe in what they are doing. As for my life, what I like ‘most’ is hard to say – I like that I have a lovely relationship with my wife, we have a son that we’re proud of, I live in a country that is safe and has a great climate and the roads are nowhere near as busy as they are in most other countries. At the end of the day we are looking to change how we unwind. We’ve fallen into the trap of getting home and relaxing after dinner with the TV or perhaps music. We do go for walks but not often enough and we are looking at other things to do in the New Year. I play golf most Sunday mornings and occasionally Linda joins me for a walk around the Resort Course at Penina, which we really enjoy together.” 

High rise art By David Foot As in previous years, Laboratório de Actividades Criativas (LAC) invited selected street artists from across Europe to decorate streets and walls around Lagos. The most prolific of these artists was M-City (Mariusz Waras from Poland) whose crowning achievement is a painted tower which stands next to the large roundabout as you exit Lagos heading for Luz and Sagres. In fact it is in the grounds of the former cash and carry on

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an electricity tower owned by EDP who sponsors LAC. We followed Mariusz as he created this piece in just under five hours using a cherry picker. Paint was applied using rollers and cans of spray paint. So what is it? Close examination reveals that it is a wrecked bus or coach standing on end covering two sides of the tower, one showing the side of the bus and the

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other the underside. M-City has produced other pieces around Lagos, including a stencil opposite Joe's Garage in the old town which is worth a look. You can view his extensive catalogue of street art on the internet by going to ‘’ and selecting ‘walls’ from the menu. In our next issue we will follow Daan Botlek from the Netherlands as he creates a new mural under the EN125. 

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From Costa to running a Luz-based charity Please tell us about your involvement with Madrugada. I joined Madrugada as a volunteer in 2015. I was vaguely aware of the service in general terms, however, it wasn´t long before I realised the importance of the care and support being given to patients and their loved ones. The new president of the palliative care charity, Madrugada, Carol Spires tells Tomorrow how a five-day holiday in Luz led to a life-changing move. We managed to catch up with Carol to ask her about her plans for the charity and to find out how her background in business will help her in her new position. Please tell us about yourself. I am originally from Halifax and was ‘born and bred’ in West Yorkshire. I left my home town before I was 20 and have lived in London, Manchester and Wakefield before heading to Portugal. Please tell us about your professional background. The vast majority of my work experience has been in retail and leisure, working for Whitbread for 20 years in various roles, including developing and rolling out the Costa Coffee brand in the UK. I opened 34 stores across the North of England, including the Isle of Man. Before moving to Portugal I was on the Management Team at Leeds University Union responsible for all the commercial activity. All the profits from these activities were channelled into student services so it was great to see the benefits of the team’s endeavours. I was also a volunteer at The Samaritans, on the director team of the local branch. Please tell us how you ended up in the Algarve. I think I have always subconsciously thought that I wanted to live abroad but had never found the ‘right spot’. In May 2005 I came to Luz on a five-day holiday and less than a year later I drove to Lagos with all my possessions in my car, having sold my house in the UK, and given everything else away! I just love it here and Portugal is now my home.

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Since getting involved I have assisted in recruitment, helped with fundraising, attended conferences and functions on behalf of Madrugada. Please tell us why you wanted to take over as president. Good question! It was not a quick decision as I had to consider the impact of my time out of our business and on my personal time. It is a volunteer role so getting the right balance with my ‘paid job’ was key. Luckily I have a very supportive partner who has encouraged me at every stage. As my friends will tell you I never do things by halves and once I get involved I commit 100% and I saw the role as a way to be more involved and help drive the service forward. Alison taking retirement has created at least three roles that need to be filled, the Presidents role is a nonclinical position so I can really focus on implementation of the agreed strategies for Madrugada and our core aims. Madrugada have volunteers and members with a wealth of skills and experience. I am feeling really excited about the future What do you think you bring to the role? The role of President is to ‘guide and supervise the respective services’ and my previous (and current) positions, and involvement with The Samaritans in the UK serve as a strong foundation on which I can perform that role. The management board is responsible for developing the Action Plan and budget and my experience of not for profit organisations, volunteering, recruitment (including Samaritan volunteers) and business development will be useful in developing new strategies. I am passionate about what Madrugada is doing now and what can be achieved over the longer term. I am pretty tenacious too.

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What would you say in tribute to the departing president, Alison Blair? Alison has achieved so much for Madrugada, she is inspirational, tenacious, committed, and overall someone who truly cares. What will be your priorities for the coming year and perhaps looking ahead even further to that? It is a time of change within Madrugada and so it is important that we consolidate. However, that does not mean we will be standing still. My objectives for the coming year include growing the membership and improving awareness of the service and care that Madrugada provides within the community. Palliative care and end of life care has come a long way over recent years and is being reviewed constantly, therefore it is important that we at Madrugada are in a position to keep up with these changes in approach. Without our nurses and carers Madrugada would not be able to provide the service that we do today and I will be working with the Clinical Lead to ensure that they continue to have access to palliative care courses and training. Local businesses and individuals could help through sponsorship and this is an area we will explore. We also need to develop our services in our Support Centre and this is one area that will be an area of focus for the coming 12 – 18 months. It is going to be a busy time! How and why do you think an organisation like Madrugada is so important? People should have a choice and many wish to be at home when they are at the end of life, and Madrugada provides the care and support to enable this to happen. We have already supported over 90 patients, their families and loved ones over the years. What particular strengths do you think Madrugada has as an organisation? The ‘hospice at home’ service our nurses and carers provided to those at end of life is free but we could not provide this without the hard work of our volunteers, fund raisers and support teams. It is a real team effort and one that we can develop further.  

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More than just hot meals By Geoff Ives As we begin another new year, it has been encouraging for us to look back and take in how far we have come with our attempts to reach out and serve the community of Lagos. 2016 saw us provide around an estimated 10,230 meals, plus 450 bags of food as well as many take-away meals for the disadvantage and homeless people in the area. The Mustard Seed (Lagos Soup Kitchen) project provides a hot meal twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes and homemade soup and bread on Friday evenings. Daniel and his fantastic team of volunteers are committed to the task and their dedication goes well beyond just ‘putting food in stomachs.’ It is very

interesting when we look back to the years 2004/5 when 2/3 members of the International Community Church in Lagos, felt led to take some homemade sandwiches and hot drinks to some of homeless people living in the centre of Lagos. Who would have thought then that that act of kindness would lead to so many needy people being provided with a regular hot meal?

To all those who have been involved in some way during 2016 we would love to say ‘A VERY BIG THANK YOU’ for your help and sincerely hope that you are able to continue to support us during 2017.

Perhaps one day we will tell the full story in more detail.

Daniel  915 808 490 (Portuguese)

But obviously, we could not do what we are doing today without the regular donations of food and money, etc, from faithful supporters of the project, as well as the occasional donation from various organisations and individuals.

Eating in Roman and Medieval Islamic times in Southern Portugal By Jane Robertson animal remains in archaeological contexts. But how does the obtained data compare with literary sources? In this talk we aim to show that day-to-day human behaviour, as portrayed by the archaeological records, did not always follow the official doctrine displayed in the written documents.

On Tuesday January 10th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Professor Maria João Valente. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de Sao Jose in Lagoa. Professor Valente has been a Professor of Archaeology at the University of the Algarve since 1999. She specialises in zooarchaeology and is mostly interested in the usage of animal resources in past human diets. She has published many articles on the subject, from the Palaeolithic to the medieval period.

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Which were their favourite meats and seafoods? What were the food taboos and were these always obeyed? Did urban civilians eat the same as soldiers living in military enclosures? How did the rich people's diet compare with the diet of the less fortunate ones? Finally, how closely did recipe books represent real life meals? Let's take a walk into the past and see what our ancestors considered 'bon appetit!'

Currently she is organising the first Iberian Zooarchaeology Meeting (EZ12017) which is to be held at the University of the Algarve in April 2017. Zooarchaeology focuses on the study of

We will look into the fringes of the Mediterranean diet and examine what the Roman and Islamic people living in Southern Portugal were herding, hunting and eating.

Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on:  917267948 For more information contact:    'Algarve Archaeological Association'.

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If you would like to donate something towards the work of ‘The Mustard Seed’ please contact:

Elisabete  932 787 764 (Portuguese &English) Clive  918 754 416 (English) We wish all the readers of Tomorrow Magazine a very prosperous and peaceful New Year. 

Drones could be used to tackle major disasters Six people from the Bombeiros and civil protection in Portimão are being trained to operate small drones. It’s the first move to evaluate whether drones should be used to help during major accidents or disasters. The drones could be used to capture live images in inaccessible areas and would be helpful for the bombeiros when they are tackling forest fires amongst other emergencies. "For now, this training is taking place, and then we will use this equipment in training situations to evaluate if it is a useful tool," said Richard Marques, commander of the firefighters, in an interview with the Correio da Manha. The training, which lasts 375 hours, is being carried out by a specialised company, and is taking place at the fire station and at the Portimão aerodrome. The elements integrate the Teams of Recognition and Evaluation of the Situation, within the scope of Municipal Civil Protection. "The potential of the equipment, the introduction to flight and fundamental concepts of safety of operations, as well as the use of aircraft software and maintenance are taught", explained Richard Marques.  

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Palácio de Pena. The last royal palace By Ray Gillman the new, liberal, constitution which had recently been agreed by João and ratified by Pedro. Aided by landowners and members of the nobility, they began a witch hunt against the reformers in the land. This sparked the so-called ‘Liberal War’ between the two brothers. During this ‘reign of terror’ young Maria was shuttled between Detail from Ray’s tile panel the courts of Europe It is easy to regard Pena Palace, high in including Vienna, Paris and London. the hills above Sintra, as a self-indulgent folly - the last thing Portugal needed to Pedro sails (reluctantly) to the rescue spend money-on in the mid nineteenthPedro felt compelled to return to Portugal. century. However, it is also the case that Forces were mobilised, with the backing the extravagant-looking ‘fairy-tale castle’ of parliament and the majority of the of Pena is an expression of the heartfelt populace, and, after much bloodshed, longing for security and comfort of a Miguel was defeated, forced to abdicate Portuguese queen. and exiled to Austria. Maria II took the throne in 1834, at the age of 15, and reigned until she died, aged just 34, giving birth to her eleventh child. Her young life had more than its fair share of turbulence, drama, and grief. The much-travelled queen Maria was born in Rio de Janeiro. Her father was Pedro IV, who became king of Portugal in absentia after his father King João VI died. (João had led the Royal family to the safety of the Brazilian colony when the French invaded Portugal in 1807). Thoroughly at home in Brazil, Pedro had proclaimed the country independent and himself the nation’s first Emperor.

However, although initially agreeing to this deal, this was not enough for the ambitious Miguel or his scheming mother, the widow Carlota. They wanted Miguel to be the absolute ruler of Portugal. Mother and Miguel rose up against Maria and her father (still in Brazil), proclaiming Miguel the rightful ruler of Portugal. They abrogated


Wanted: A new bridegroom Almost immediately, Maria married a young nobleman, Auguste, Duke of Leuchtenberg, grandson of Empress Josephine of France. The marriage, sadly, ended only two months later with the poor man’s premature death. Maria had faced more challenges and traumas than most. Betrothed to her uncle at eight, dispossessed of her birthright and homeless when he usurped the throne and fought over the country... becoming Queen while still grieving the premature death of her father... then, almost immediately, losing her new husband...

Not wishing to leave, Pedro nominated his daughter, Maria, as his regent in Portugal and said he would abdicate in her favour. His younger brother Miguel (Maria’s uncle) was to be betrothed to the nineyear-old queen and would rule Portugal, as her regent, until she came of age. Accordingly, Maria and Miguel returned to the homeland.

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Soon after all these trials, poor Pedro IV of Portugal, Pedro I of Brazil, contracted diphtheria and died, at only 35-years of age - making 15-year-old Maria the Queen of Portugal (she renounced her claim to be Empress of Brazil, and her younger brother became the second emperor).

Maria, and the country, were therefore mightily relieved when a highly suitable new consort was ‘pressed into service’, so to speak. The tall and dashing Duke Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha - a brilliantly connected Prussian nobleman (only 19), was the cousin of Leopold, who married the queen of Belgium, and Albert, who was to marry the mightiest of all monarchs - the Empress Queen Victoria of England.

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The Grand Design Ferdinand was an artist - a talented painter of water colours (examples of which can be seen at the Palace today) and a friend and patron of artists and designers. Together with Maria he set about creating their own ‘Ideal Home’, their ‘Grand Design’ - Pena Palace. Designed by a German architect (Baron Von Eschwege) and taking inspiration from the medieval ‘fairytale’ chateaux of France and Switzerland, the palace couldn’t be more different from the grandeur, pomp, and ever-present religiosity of Mafra and the other royal palaces. Romantic, frivolous, eccentric - it is a mishmash of architectural styles, including Moorish flourishes in arches and domed towers, Manueline windows and doors, Crenellated roofs, walkways, tunnels and stairs to accommodate the differing levels of the building (built on the ruins of a sixteenth century monastery). Bizarrely, large sections of the exterior were (and still are) painted yellow and pink and blue! It is said to have inspired the design of Disneyland along with ‘Mad’ King Ludwig’s Neuschwanstein in Bavaria (built 40 years later). Home Sweet Home One surprising aspect of the palace is that, internally, it is not grand. The rooms are mainly ‘domestic’ in scale, the furnishings surprisingly ‘cosy’, with armchairs in front of fireplaces, comfortable window alcoves and soft plush fabrics. There are a couple of ‘showpiece’ rooms: the Sala Nobre (Noble room) which is still only the size of a large drawing room that you might have found in an upper class Victorian house in England, and the Arab room: Sala dos Arabes. Again not large, but with ‘coffered’ ceilings and what looks like intricately carved and moulded plasterwork, akin to that you might see in the Alhambra in Granada. >> Continues on page 18

Pena Palace, high above Sintra

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Community >> Continued from page 16

Diplomatic ramblings By Doug McAdam So after four years of working in different sections of the British High Commission in Nigeria my wife Sue and I were Londonbound. I was appointed Head of Section dealing with Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi and Sue was appointed to our Protocol Department dealing with errant foreign diplomats in London.

‘Sala dos Arabes’ - amazingly - painted, not carved

Closer inspection reveals that this is an optical illusion - an astonishing piece of ‘trompe l’oeil’ decoration commissioned by Ferdinand from an Italian master painter. With Maria almost constantly pregnant it is easy to envisage that the young couple didn’t get out much (!) and they made sure that their home, high in the hills, was a sanctuary for the family. The sadness keeps on coming The tragedies in Maria and Ferdinand’s life together continued, however. The couple lost four children at birth and poor Maria herself died giving birth in 1853 to her last son, Eugénio, who died a few hours after his mother. Eldest son Pedro succeeded his mother, becoming Pedro V, but he was to die only eight years later, at 24, in a cholera epidemic, along with two of his brothers. The second son, Luis, became king and he reigned for twenty-eight years, dying in 1889. This was only four years after his father, Ferdinand, who had outlived eight of his eleven children. 

The FO’s plan was for me to spend two years in that job, then two years as the Assistant Head of one of our major departments, before we were again posted abroad. So we were all set for the long haul of a home posting. I won’t bore you with our humdrum work in London. However, I did enjoy my familiarisation visit to my three African countries which included calling on major political figures and getting to know the staff in the British missions I would be dealing with. One disappointment was that my visit to Zimbabwe coincided with the only ever absence from that country of Sue’s relatives there. But after a year – and completely out of the blue – my knowledge of Russian was again to change the course of our lives. Our Ambassador in Almaty, Kazakhstan died unexpectedly and I was asked if I would like to throw my hat into the ring of candidates to replace him. Much to my delight I was selected to do so and we very quickly had to switch back to overseas mode. Sue was obliged to take special unpaid leave since the only job which would be available for her in Almaty would be as my Deputy and neither we nor

the FO thought this was a starter. I had to start the rapid briefing process for the job as Ambassador which included meeting many representatives of companies already engaged in Kazakhstan or with plans to do so. Kazakhstan has massive reserves of oil and gas, as well as of almost any mineral you care to mention not to mention an infrastructure in desperate need of modernisation. Although based in Almaty I was accredited to neighbouring Kyrgyzstan – much smaller, but still with significant mineral deposits, including a lot of gold! During the briefing process I met the future Kazakh Ambassador to London – he was previously the President’s right-hand man. It emerged that he and I would be in Buckingham Palace at the same time. He was to present to The Queen his letter of credence from the Kazakh President as Ambassador to London and shortly thereafter I was to ‘kiss hands’ – or be received by the Queen – along with three other prospective British Heads of Mission. But the difference in approach was stark. He was to be collected from his residence in Kensington and transported to the Palace by a royal coach and horses. The four of us Heads of Mission and our wives were collected from the Foreign Office and delivered to the Palace in a people carrier. But it was a great honour to meet The Queen and answer her questions about my next appointment.  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office

Boavista Golf Classic Boavista Golf & Spa Resort welcomed the 1st PGA’s Boavista Classic of this season at the end of November. Forty-six golfers attended this challenge on the spotless Boavista Golf course, in a very competitive game, won by Daniel Garner taking the

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€2000 prize to England. The Portuguese Tiago Cruz, was second with 136 shots, 6 under par, a great result considering that he occupied the 20th place in the Boavista Golf Classic in

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January 2016! António Ferreira da Silva, Golf Director of Boavista emphasizes the importance of PGA’s work and of this competition in the Portuguese Golf Scenario and how these tournaments bring great opportunities to the young golfers. 

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10 minutes with… Julia Swallow By Sophie Sadler at the world cup in 2012, and went on to win the British nationals every year since 2009, apart from 2014 when I was pregnant. I’m also the female world record holder for the highest number of points in a competition and hold another world record for completing a formation with 121 skydivers.

Part of the team behind Skydive Algarve in Alvor, Julia is also a world and British champion skydiver, a two-time world record holder, has been a Bond girl and is due to be a mother for the second time in April. We caught up with the local wonder woman… 1. How did you get into sky-diving? I watched my brother do his first jump when I was 13. I vividly remember the smile on his face when he hit the ground and I wanted that feeling. He bought me a static line jump for my 16th birthday. I got such a buzz from the experience and I wanted that sense of achievement again and again. Eight thousand jumps later I am still going! 2. What are your skydiving accolades? I first won the British Nationals with a female team in 2006. I then formed a mixed skydive team with myself and three men called Satori. We won bronze

3. What has been your most memorable jump? When I was Halle Berry’s stunt double in Die Another Day. I was dressed up in a wig and fake boobs, with a selection of knives in my belt. We acted the scene in South Korea when Jinx (Berry) and Bond (Pierce Brosnan) jump out of a helicopter behind enemy lines. I had to free-fall past a helicopter that contained all the cameramen in terrible visibility, so it was a challenge! 4. How have you been able to go back to competing after having a baby? Many women say they lose their nerve when they become a parent. I just appeared in a BBC documentary alongside Jessica Ennis called Britain in the Skies about this topic. They followed women getting back into competitive sport after becoming a mother, and filmed me preparing for the British Nationals. I was determined to come back to compete after having my daughter, Chloe. I’m

certainly more conscious of safety being a mother. I was in training when I found out I was pregnant the second time; I had no idea until I realised my jumpsuit was starting to get a bit tight! 5. What made you move to the Algarve? I came to train at the skydive centre in Alvor in 2010 and thought it was incredible. Most drop zones are in the middle of nowhere, so to have one in the centre of a tourist location near the ocean is unique. We took over the business in 2014, and we are a family company. My sister-in-law Hannah runs the business with my husband, James (who is a pilot), and my parents in law. I am not involved with the day-to-day running as I am so busy with my daughter and competing, but I chip in with my ideas! We are now open 365 days a year and last year we did 60,000 jumps, with people coming from all over the world. 6. What do you love most about living here? It has to be the weather, doesn’t it? With so many sunny days it means you can jump more and have a better view when you jump!     +351 914 266 832

A magical musical experience By David Jones The music scene in Lagos has progressed beyond recognition over the past years. There are nights when the marina hosts no fewer than five different venues where good quality live music can be enjoyed. You can hear everything from jazz to country and western as well as classical music. In the last year there has been a new genra added to this eclectic mix. The singer songwriter Ephy Clarke can be seen and heard playing his own satirical compositions interspersed with Irish folk and American popular in several location’s, including a regular Friday evening spot at The Marina Bar in Lagos. Ephy Clarke grew up in Drogheda Ireland. From an early age his overwhelming passion was music. This was to be a hobby that worked well for Ephy. He taught himself to play guitar and discovered that he could sing. Starting off by playing in the

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local venues he progressed and moved on to play spots in Dublin venues like "The Tudor Rooms". He was invited to sing for Pope John Paul the second during his visit to Ireland in 1979 to a crowd of three hundred thousand people. In 1984 he did his first TV show, the "Music Show" on Ireland's National channel RTE. This was quickly followed by his winning The International Cavan Song contest on live TV. Ephy graduated from university with an MBA followed by a PHD before he launched himself into the world of commerce. He had a very successful career progressing to Vice President of Honeywell Corporation, a $60 billion global business. His career took him all over the world. The downside of this occupation was that his performing and song writing were relegated to second place. Now (luckily for Lagos) Ephy has retired and decided to

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settle just outside the town where he now plays his music in a number of bars. So what of the future for this newish arrival to the local scene? After his family, music is his enduring passion. He keeps himself aware of current issues so take heed and consider this as a warning. If you are going to get yourselves in the headlines, then there is a good chance the Ephy will put pen to paper and immortalise you with one of his satirical compositions, and he doesn’t hold back. Ephrem and his family consider themselves privileged to live here, his wife Isabella, a lawyer and accountant who is an accomplished musician –she plays piano and violin - his daughter Marianna, aged 6, has already developed a great love of music and singing.  For those wishing to book him for events in the Algarve, he may be contacted on  960287242.

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Community - West Coast

The mouse that roared By Matt D’Arcy

It has been described as ‘the mouse that roared because such a small organisation has inspired such large charitable works. The tiny residents’ association called AMOVATE in the west coast community of Vale da Telha, outside Aljezur, has just 126 fully paid-up members at the present time. But over recent years it has punched well above its weight in its appointed designation as a non-profit-making charitable organisation providing facilities, services and events for the people living there. Formed around 30 years ago with a largely Portuguese committee and membership AMOVATE is the Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Tel, or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha, available for people of all nationalities who have links to the area. It was in Vale da Telha that we believe AFPOP held its first meeting almost 30 years ago, in a villa close to the Pines Roundabout, reflecting the community’s keen interest in serving the local expat community. AMOVATE was also formed around that time largely to work with the local Portuguese community. But it has now morphed into an organisation that exists to serve ALL of the area’s people, Portuguese and expats of all nationalities alike in Vale da Telha, Aljezur, Espartel, Arrifana, Paisegem Oceano, Vales and the surrounding districts. The driving motivation behind the association is to instigate social events and to raise money for deserving causes. Its biggest project to date, which drew international attention through newspapers and TV, was to help organise the donation of €50,000 worth of fire fighting and rescue equipment from the UK to the Aljezur bombeiros. Aljezur Fire Chief, Mario Costa, declared as he and his men unpacked the huge shipment

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from UK Fire Services Charity Operation Florian: “This is going to save lives.“People who would have died in accidents and fires will live because we now have this equipment with us as we deal with lifethreatening emergencies. “If we had to buy all of this equipment—and it goes without saying that this is something we are not really in a position to do, financially—it would cost somewhere in the region of €50,000”. The bombeiros were also beneficiaries of another fund-raising drive by Amovate and member Dr David Quinton, a retired surgeon, which raised €4,500 in less than a month to buy two defibrillators and an item of training equipment from the UK. Amovate also raised €1,000 from various fund-raising events after member Cath Baker suggested the organisation’s next charity project should be aimed at buying wheelchairs for the Orthodpaedic Unit at Portimão Hospital. The end result was that nine wheelchairs— standard, extra wide and commodes—and other pieces of equipment were presented to the hospital, which led Orthopaedic Unit Director and Surgeon Dr Alvaro Botelho to praise Amovate and the people of the Vale da Telha area. He said: “It is difficult to put into words how much we not only appreciate, but rely on, the wonderful generosity of people like those who joined so enthusiastically in the fund-raising for these wheelchairs. “Because of their generosity, we have received a wonderful gift that will help in a huge way both the patients of the orthopaedic ward and the professionals who take care of them”. Amovate has also supported Cath’s Charity Bar Walks in 2015 and 2016, the first of which resulted in the presenation of a further 26 wheelchairs and equipment to Portimao Hospital. The second walk provided the local St Vincent de Paul Society with an electric bed, specially shipped in from the UK, to be be used by a local boy suffering from a degenerative disease.

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The Society also received eight blankets plus schoolbooks, pens, crayons etc., all to be distributed to needy children in the Aljezur area, plus €400 for another local child who had required urgent dental treatment, with his family struggling to pay. And on top of all that, a wide range of educational, therapeutic and sensory toys, all designed with special needs children in mind, was presented to the Aljezur School. Amovate has also paid for a ripple bed for the Madrugada Charity appeal to assist people with life-threatening illnesses, part of a total of €2,596 presented to then Madrugada President Alison Blair. She said: “I am overwhelmed and so moved. I wasn’t even aware this community was here, just half an hour from our advice centre and shop in Praia da Luz until we heard of your donation. “This comparatively small number of residents has shown the warm heart of its community by managing to raise such a large sum. This will enable us not only to buy the ripple bed which we need so badly, but also to prioritise other important projects.” One of Amovate’s Family Fun Days provided the funds to furnish a wet room for a Burgau toddler suffering from cerebral palsy. A Christmas charity event raised €700 to provide local needy children with toys for Christmas and to the St Vincent de Paul society for distribution amongst the area’s poorer families. Amovate also donated bedding and blankets to needy families, and bought the St Vincent de Paul Society a new washing machine for use by a local family struggling financially and chosen by the Society. Amovate, and the Vale da Telha Golf Society also presented a much-needed state-of-the-art laptop to the CMR Sul Rehabilitation Centre São Brás de Alportel which had successfully treated two Vale da Telha residents during their recovery from serious illness. Smaller donations have included €250 to the AEZA Dog & Cat Charity towards a fencing project that enables dogs to have a safe area to run and play, and more recently the donation of supplies like water, food, towels, socks etc., to Aljezur Bombeiros whilst they were fighting the fires in Monchique during September. >> Continues on page 24

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Community - West Coast >> Continued from page 22 But Amovate also works in the local community on a daily basis. It is partnered with the Vale da Telha Golf Society, has arranged for Proof of life verification for expats in receipt of the UK state pension, and helped to form a British Legion west coast branch. Amovate also stages regular events in local restaurants and bars to help support businesses in the area; a Summer Solstice evening at a cliff top restaurant, an Oktoberfest, a Beatles tribute evening (complete with an impressive Cavern stage), a Masterchef competition and Christmas parties.

Monte Clerigo Beach Action Group to support their campaign aimed at saving this lovely little beachside community from the bulldozer. And it is also a link between the community and the local Camara, as committee members hold regular meetings with the President and/or his staff to raise any relevant issues.

gymnasium facilities including treadmills, exercise bikes, cross-trainers, a multi-gym, rowing machine and free weights. And the Old School House is the starting point for the walking group, setting off for walks of varying distances, according to your requirements. There is also a reasonably well-stocked library.

Amovate is at the hub of the community from its HQ, a former schoolhouse which now houses a range of activities and is also home to the local Petanque club which competes right across the Algarve.

And of course Amovate also holds the popular west coast car boot sale on the first Sunday of each month.

The Old School House has plenty going on. Regular classes include keep fit, dance instruction, yoga, pilates, line dancing and capoeira. Amovate also has a tennis club, using the three Amovate-administered courts on the road heading towards Monte Clerigo, which are also available for pre-booked public use to help the charity fund.

Amovate also appointed one member, a former national newspaper journalist in England, as their press and public relations officer with the brief to raise the profile of Aljezur and the west coast. This is being done by placing positive, upbeat stories about the area in both Portuguese and English newspapers and magazines.

More recently the building has benefitted from the provision of well-equipped

Amovate is currently working with the

Aljezur in the past For a long time Aljezur, in its comparatively remote location on the west coast of the Algarve, lay largely untouched by the outside world, developing much more slowly than the towns along the southern coast. But over the past thirty years or so improved road access, the growth in tourism and a steady influx of foreign ex-pats seeking a new life in the sun away from the bright lights of Vilamoura, Albufeira, Portimão, etc, has seen rapid changes to the once tiny town, surrounded by so much beauty. Here are a few photographs of Aljezur's not-so-distant past, showing what the

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town looked like before the world woke up to its existence.... The photographs first appeared on the website of ADPHA, (the Association for the Defence of the Historical and Archaeological Heritage of Aljezur) the excellent organisation founded barely 15 years ago, which is now doing so much to make everyone aware of the important part Aljezur has played in Portugal's history, and to protect that heritage and its heritage sites.  For more information on ADPHA please go to their website: 

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Amovate is keen on growing even bigger, believing that the more members it has the more it can achieve for the people living on the west coast. Anyone wishing to join and become part of this active organisation which exists solely for the benefit of the people in the area can find all of the information they require— and some articles and photographs which they might find of interest—on its website, including details of how to join.  

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What's On


Christmas Ball is another cracker The second annual Tomorrow Christmas Ball held at Boavista was another massive success. Tickets sold out within days and we managed to raise a cracking €2400 for the palliative care charity Madrugada, the Bombeiros and Mustard Seed, the Lagos soup kitchen.

job and ensured it ran like clockwork – he managed the whole thing very professionally from start to finish. Phil, Steven, Graham, Julie and Stephanie raised over €1100 on the raffle which had great prizes and a very big thank you to everyone who gave gifts.

The evening kicked off at 7pm with a fabulous performance of lovely Christmas carols by the Western Algarve Choir. Steven Sutton did an outstanding

The band, Tiago and 5 EX were absolutely superb as ever and kept us all dancing until midnight. Tom had his Memory Box and for a 1 euro donation to the charities

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everyone received four funny photos. The food was excellent and once again Boavista’s staff were absolutely top notch. There will be two balls next Summer one at the Tivoli Dunas Beach Club on June 17th followed by a second ball at the Tivoli Portimão on July 15th.  You can book now by emailing Steven Sutton at: 

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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


Pilates Mat Classes | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30, & Mon 18.30pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10 | Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer, Semi Private & 1-2-1  926514613 | Pilates Room, Lagos |  Fisiopilates | Tues & Thurs - Sat 9.00 & Mon 19.00 | €12.50 | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  282782707 |  With Andrea | Mon 9.30 & 18.00, Tue & Fri 8:30 & 10:30, Wed 10:30, Thurs 18:00 | €10 | AR Pilates Studio, Lagos | 966784280 | With Lucienne | Wed 11.00 - 12.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista |  968288258 With Monica | Tues & Thurs 11.00 - 12.00 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens  282690086 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa With Indah | Tues 18.00 - 19.00 & Fri 09:30 - 10:30, Raposeira | Thur 10.00, Barão S. João | €5 |  911754890 Air Pilates with Indah | Mon 13:00 | €10 | Chinicato |  911754890 Pilates | Tue & Thurs 9.00 - 10.00 | €11 | Boavista |  282790930 Yoga Hatha Yoga | Tues & Thurs 8.30 - 10.15 | Pre Natal Yoga | Thurs 10.15 | 1per wk €35 | Casa Sakra, Lagos |  968681682 Hatha | Tue 10.00 & Thurs 09.30 | €7-8 | Alma Verde |  919297638 Hatha Flow | Mon & Wed 10.00 | Yin Yoga | Tues 18.00 | Yin & Yang Yoga | Fri 08.30 | Integral yoga | Sat 09.30 | Inlight Lagos |  913127421 Hatha with Noeline | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am | €10 | Classes for Children | Sat 9.15 (4-7 yrs) & 10.30 (8-12 yrs) | Boavista |  282790930

Walking Football | Weds 09.30 -11.00 | Everyone +50 welcome | €3 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930 |  Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Espiche Golf “Roll Up” 18h Social Golf | Thu 08.00 | Reduced green fee Women’s Group Golf Lesson | Fri 09.30h - 10.30h & 14.00 - 15.00 | 10€ pp Junior Golf School | Sun 10.00 - 11.00 | €10 per lesson (Buy 3 get 1 FREE) Espiche Golf |  282688250 Golf Academy with PGA Pro | Contact us for details | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690054 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa Tennis Academy with certified Pro | Call for details | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282 690 008 | FB: SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa Football Academy | Mon (5 - 11 yrs) 16.45 & (12 -16 yrs) 18.15 | | €5 Circuit Training | Wed 10.00 - 11.00 | €5 Fun Tennis Doubles | Thurs 16.30 - 18.00 | €5 Touch Rugby | Thurs 19.30 - 20.30 | €4 Ladies Sports | Fri 13.30 - 15.00 | €5 Burgau Sports Centre | More Activites & Info:  282697350 Netball | 19.00 Wed | All ages & abilities |  'Netball in Lagos' | Lagos  ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-mem.) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson FREE €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz |  919707635 Tennis Clinics for Children | Mon & Wed | 09.30 | 10€/1 hour Boavista Tennis Courts | Equipment inc. Booking required Soccer School Children | Wed 17.30 - 19.30 & Sat 09.00 - 12.00 Boavista Golf Resort |  282000100 |  Flood-lit Caddle-tennis courts | Available for booking ( non-members) Clube Tenis de Lagos, Lagos |  282086485 | 

Gentle Hatha with Meg | Mon 18.30 - 20.00 The Yoga Place, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 14.00 Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 |  965201477 Hatha with Diana | Tue 10.00 - 12.00 | €7 (reg.) €10 (drop-in) | Monterosa, Barão S. João |  962492607 With Ann | Tue & Thurs 10.30 - 12.00 | All levels | Yin Yoga | Wed 18.30 €10 (residents €60 x 8) | Burgau |  913202621 & De-stress With Lucienne | Fri 11.00 - 12.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz  968288258 Zumba With Linda | Mon & Fri 9.45 -10.45 | €6 | Alma Verde |  918 461 840 With Monica | Wed 9.30 - 10.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 & Dance with Lucienne | Wed & Fri 10.00 - 11.00 | Zumba Step! (prebooking) | Thurs 10.00 - 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258 With Debbie | Mon & Wed 18.00 - 19.00 | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre  282697350 Other Step/Body Toning | Mon & Thurs 08.30 | € 5 | Personal Training | € 25 | Tennis Club, Lagos |  965337973

Classes | Lessons Massage Course (Level 1) | Starts end of January (60hrs total)  965337973 |  Programming for children with Gil | Mon 16:00 | €10 | Aljezur  927 186 016 |  Watercolour Painting with Sandie | (from 12th Jan)Thurs 10.30 - 13.00h €10 | All abilities welcome (Materials supplied or BYO) Fortaleza Da Luz,Praia Da Luz |  912149839 Archery | Booking Only | Games Centre, Boavista Golf Resort  282790930 |  African Dance Classes with Arantxa | Mon 19.00 - 20.30, Teatro Experimental de Lagos | Tues & Fri 10.30 - 12.00, Aljezur | Wed 19.00 20.30, Monte Rosa, Barão S. João | €8 |  964588588 Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes with Eva | Wed & Thurs 15.0017.00 | +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary | €10 | Barão S. João  962039574 Practical Portuguese Lessons with Susana | Fri 10.30 - 12.00 | €5 | Lounge Bar, Marina Club Hotel |  964696345

Qi Gong with Sonia | Wed 18.30 | Casa Sakra, Lagos | €35 p/m |  916060814 Bootcamp | Mon - Fri 10.00 & Mon 19.00 & Fri 18.30 | AXN Pump | Mon Fri 10.00 & 18.00 | AXN 3B (Brazilian rythms, lower body workout) | €8 w/ Tomorrow Magazine | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  915183888 Tai Ji with Carl | Mon 10.00-11.30 (beginners) & Thurs 17.00 -19.00 (advanced) | €10 | Barão S. João |  919718955

Life drawing with Kasia | 11.00 - 13.00 Mon | Beginners & Professionals €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916035308 Stain Glass with Dianne | Tues &Thurs 10.30 - 12.30 | €10 | Espiche  919117108 Portuguese Language Workshop | 10.30 Sat | €5 | Magnólia Beach Club, Lagos |  912417994 | 

Body Fit Classes | Tue & Thurs 9.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 Teresa Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat | All levels | €10 | Lagos | 918764613 Gymnastik with Irmela | Mon 18.15 | €7 | Hotel Belavista |  965211996 Aqua Aerobics | Tues 16.00, Wed 09.30 & Fri 9.30 & 16.00 | 1/2 x week €18/€28 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930

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Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | Mon & Thurs Afternoon & Sat Morning | €12.50pc (non-mem.), €10pc (mem.) Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €25 (non-mem.) €20 (mem.) | Boavista Golf Resort |  917953914

Classes | Lessons (continued) Capoeira | 18.30 - 19.30 (kids) & 19.30 - 21.00 Mon | €7/9 Rhythm & Dance (Tessa Sander) | 18:30 - 19.30 (basics) & 19:30 - 20.30 Tue | €7/9 Hatha Yoga (Maria Brand) | 09:30 - 11.00 Sat | €9 Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa Sander) | 11:15 - 12:45 Sat | €7 Conscious Dance Sessions (Dr. Kathya Kaye) | 11.00 - 13.00 Sun | €9 Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos |  282764224

Entertainment & Events 1 Jan | New Year’s Carvery Lunch with live music | 13.00 | €17pp Dr. Why Quiz | Fri 20.30 Carvery Lunch & Saxophone Music | Sun | 13.00 Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista Golf Resort | More info  282000114  Saxophone Live Music | Tues 19.00 - 22.00 | Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Porto de Mós, Lagos| | Booking recommended  282763222 

Activities Weekly Walk with Ros & Lol | 09.30 (approx 2.5hrs) | Various locations | Meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) |  Open Studio/Painting Atelier with Eva | Wed & Thurs 11.00 | for women to explore their creative potential | €10 | Barão S. João |  962039574 21 & 22 Jan | Workshop Therapeutic Massage | Tennis Club, Lagos (Torraltinha) | 96533793 | 25 & 26 Jan | Meet Yourself, 2 Days of Inspiration | 10.00 - 16.00 | €160 inc. tea/coffee, fruit & snadwiches | Find yourself workshop with Linn  |  0046 739 92 71 52 28 Jan | Adega Mayor Golf Tournament | 09.00 Shotgun Start | Entries before 14/01 €63, entries after 14/01 €71 (Guests) | Boavista Golf Resort | More Info  1 Jan | Hike + Swim in the Sea | Walk Lagoa's cliffs | 6km Medium 3 hrs | €7 Many more walking tours | Quimera Experience | (Gen.)  962647741 (Res.)  969467275 | 

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm Make some new friends while helping animals |  913 659 675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912 967 870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912 444 666 Trudy  AA International English Speaking Meeting | AA hotline: 917 005 590 19.30 - 21h00 Wed | Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c 19.30 - 20.30 Sun | 5 Travessa de Santo Amaro, Lagos  964201904  282760506

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos |  960450750 |  Meditation True Chanting with Marion | Thurs 19.30 | Figueira |  914523636 Power House of Prayer | 11.00 Tue | Praise, Worship & Holy communion | 11.00 Sun | Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553 |  964285351 Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) | 8.00 (said) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz |  282788104 | 

Tomorrow Calendar (free of charge) Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing:  TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On - B&P 10th Anniversary

B&P celebrate 10 year anniversary in style B&P Real Estate Agency celebrated its 10-year anniversary in December at Dom Henriques restaurant and DH cocktail bar in Lagos. The event had a high turnout from the many agents, lawyers, constructors and developers as well as suppliers and partners in and round the Western Algarve. Starting off as Investment consultants the group has developed and grown over the

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years. The group now comprises of three main businesses, B&P Real Estate based in Lagos and Lisbon, Resort Rentals which manages and rents around 165 properties in the Western Algarve and Lagos Long lets which is the only bespoke residential letting agent in Lagos. B&P was set up in 2006 by David Westmoreland who had previous experience at both Vigia Group, Parque da Floresta and Praia D’el Rey where he was Sales and Marketing Director.

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The group has grown from one person to around 20 direct employees and is still owned and run by David along with Karen Sneider. Tomorrow Magazine was proud to attend the event in support of a local company that is growing and developing in such a professional manner. Congratulations and here’s to the next 10 years! 

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What's On - Ballet

Christmas Ballet Show by the Escola de Dança de Lagos The Cultural Centre of Lagos played host, yet again, on December 9th and 10th to a colourful array of dances from the pupils of the Escola de Dança de Lagos from their newest recruits of 3-yearsold to their seasoned performers, some who have been with the school since the beginning 10 years ago.

dances, culminating in a dance from the Caucus normally represented by men in the professional dance troupes of this region. A mother of one pupil, whose family origins lie in the Caucus, said it was as good as any she had ever seen or better. Praise indeed for our teacher Marina Khametova.

The performance started with a beautiful suite from the classical ballet Coppelia and demonstrated the attention to detail characteristic of the school's Vaganova roots, and then moved through the current contemporary dance repertoire and then the wide range of national

Many of these dancers will be representing the school in the forthcoming international competitions here in Portugal. The first of which is the Dance World Cup qualifier in Figueira da Foz in February, where it is hoped that the school will qualify for the sixth

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consecutive year for the finals, which this year are in Germany. The school is donating over 2100 euros, half the proceeds of the shows, to the fund for 'Ajudar o nosso Salvador'. The next performances will be in the spring. New pupils are welcomed at any time during the year. Contact the school secretary Viola for details of classes and shows on  915812055, Facebook or email  for details of classes and shows. 

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What's On

Top 10 things to do when it rains in the Algarve By Algarve Holiday Fun about wine. Alternatively there is the beautiful Quinta dos Vales winery between Portimão and Lagoa; try some of their awardwinning wines for a day to remember. 4. Enjoy some retail therapy In recent years there has been an explosion in the number of shopping centres and retail parks, and Portimão has become the Algarve’s unofficial capital of shopping thanks to the opening of the enormous Aqua Shopping, home to the biggest branches of Primark and H&M in this part of the country.

The Algarve is known for its 300 days of sunshine a year but what do you do on the other 65? Have a look through our top 10 things to do when it rains in the Algarve and get some inspiration for those inevitable rainy days!

It’s also worth making the trip to Algarve Shopping in Guia where you’ll find a large branch of stylish Spanish brand Zara, along with a sizeable food court and many bigname shops. Close by there is also a Nike Factory Superstore, Makro, Leroy Merlin and Sports Direct. Meanwhile in Faro there is the Forum Algarve, which is home to the Algarve’s only ice rink until January 8th!

1. Catch a flick There are a selection of independent and pop-up cinemas in the Algarve, but if you don’t want to practice your Portuguese, it’s best to head to one of the multiplex cinemas, such as Cineplace and Algarcine in Portimão, Cineplace at Algarve Shopping in Guia, or Cinema NOS at the Forum Algarve in Faro, where films are usually shown in English. Look out ‘VO’ after the film’s title - this means it is the original version. ‘VP’ means it is dubbed in Portuguese. Note that children’s films are usually dubbed during the day and shown in their original format at night. 2. Spend a day at the museum A visit to one of the Algarve’s museum is a top family option. Discover more about the region’s history - from the Moors to the Romans and beyond - with a visit to the Museu Arqueologia in Silves. Located by the walls of the castle, this is a great place to find out more about this ancient city. The Museu de Portimão details the long history of the sardine industry in the Algarve alongside changing temporary exhibits, whilst the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve in Faro is located in an old electricity building near to Faro cathedral – another historical highlight. 3. Go wine tasting Not only are wine tasting sessions mainly inside, but a glass or two of vinho will help you forget the grey skies outside! One of the best known wineries in the Algarve is Adega do Cantor in Guia. Part-owned by Sir Cliff Richard, you can escape from the rain in the cool cellars while you learn more

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5. Kick back at a beach bar Don’t discount the beach just because the sun isn’t shining; there is nothing better than watching the dramatic Atlantic waves crash onto the beach from the safety and warmth of a good beach bar. Try the terrace of the hideaway beach bar Escondidinho at Praia Grande near Ferragudo and watch the fishing boats come in, or travel a little further along the coast to Rei das Praias at Caneiros beach, a favourite with José Mourinho and other celebrities. Another very special spot is Arte Nautica at Armação de Pêra. Run by five star resort Vila Vita, it serves amazing seafood. 6. Take a gamble Gambling is illegal in Portugal - except for the lottery and casinos! There are three of the latter here in the Algarve; the Hotel Algarve Casino in Praia da Rocha, Casino Vilamoura, set just back from the marina, and Casino Monte Gordo in the eastern Algarve. They are open to all and offer a choice of gambling tables, games rooms with machines, or gala rooms where you can enjoy a meal and a show throughout the year. 7. Be a culture vulture There are a huge amount of art galleries

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across the Algarve that are ideal to visit in the rain. Located in the old winery in Lagoa, Galeria de Arte has a huge collection of affordable works, while the Corte Real gallery in Albufeira is one of the most beautiful and idyllic places in the Algarve to pick up one-offs and objets d’art. If art is not your thing, try a live music or dance performance at one of the region’s auditoriums instead. Venues such as Portimão Arena, the Centro de Congressos do Arade in Parchal, Lagoa auditorium and the Teatro das Figuras in Faro all have a regular programme of events throughout the year, and prices are always very reasonable. 8. Unwind with a spa day A visit to one of the many luxurious spas in the Algarve is a treat that everyone should indulge in, with many venues offering special deals in the winter months. Most of the five star resorts and hotels in the region have their own spa and welcome non-guests. Great local options include the Spa by L’Occitane at Bela Vista in Praia da Rocha, which has the exclusive use of the French brand in Portugal. Alternatively, escape to the mountains to enjoy some R ’n’ R at Macdonald Monchique’s Sensorial Spa or the hydrotherapy spa at Villa Termal in Caldas da Monchique. 9. Take a train journey Invoke the spirit of adventure by taking a rainy day trip by train, getting off where you fancy for a closer look. The regional line in the Algarve runs from Lagos in the west to Vila Real de Santo António on the Spanish border. Just remember to pack a brolly for when you get off at the other end! 10. Get crafty Take inspiration from the wealth of artists here in the Algarve by spending a rainy day getting crafty. Art supplies are sold in all large supermarkets, with good quality products available at reasonable prices. If you’d rather watch the experts at work, head down to Porches Pottery where you can watch as items are hand-painted, ready to be sold in the on-site shop. Alternatively, head up to Monchique to see traditional basket weaving, or to enjoy another type of local ‘craft’ - a warming shot of medronho!  

We had a ball and now we have the Burns Supper By Doug McAdam Following our very successful ball at the Hotel Penina at the end of November, the Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve is pleased to announce that our next event will be our Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana restaurant in Silves on Saturday January 28th. Our members and guests will be paying tribute to the national poet of Scotland Robert Burns with their traditional ‘Burns Supper’. Once again guests will be greeted by piper Malcolm MacGillivray and after a glass of bubbly will sit down for the usual supper of soup, followed by haggis with ‘neeps and tatties’ and then a sweet – all accompanied by wine and, who knows, even some amber nectar! Apart from the supper itself and the traditional address to the haggis, there will be a short speech about the life and times of Robert Burns followed by lively toasts to the laddies and lasses. The rest of the evening will be spent on Scottish dancing. Tickets for the supper will again be €25 for society members and €27.50 for non-members and are available from Kathy Prentice on  919 635 246. Anyone interested in knowing more about the Society – no need to be Scots – should ring Kathy Prentice (as above) or Chieftain Doug McAdam on  935 577 362. And if you would like to brush up your Scottish dancing, or even give it a try, why not speak to Mardie Cunningham, who runs the dancing at the International School in Porches on Monday evenings from 1930-2130. Her number is  282 356029. 

The history of salt and much more This month the Algarve History Association has a whole string of activities to look forward to. Starting on January 9th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Tavira and and on January 10th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Lagoa there will be a lecture about the History of Salt. This talk is being given by Arne Jakobsen. The History of Lagos is the focus of a lecture which will be given by Peter Kingdon Booker on January 13th at 11am in the Municipal Library Tavira and Peter Kingdon Booker then again on January 24 at 6pm at the Municipal Library Lagoa. On January 29th at 4pm there will be a concert which will include works from Schubert and Piazolla at Quintinha da Música, Covas de Prata, Tavira. Tickets cost €25 and you can book by contacting Carola Ligt will be playing the flute and Inge Lulofs is on the piano. The Algarve History Association aims to promote interest in Portuguese culture and history. The organisation is non-profit making and undertaken on a voluntary basis. There are no membership fees, and there is no charge to attend presentations unless there is a need to cover expenses of visiting lecturers. 

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Readers' Letters We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Ambulance appeal update

used during the year to raise Bombeiros funds. You don’t have to have the meal to drop off your money.

Dear Editor, At the time of writing, I am still unaware of how much the total amount has been collected for the Ambulance Appeal. There are tins and bottles sat out there which now need to come to me or to be banked. If you wish to bank it yourself – or to add any more to the fund – the account is at the Credito Agricola and is the Patricia Allen Fundo dos Bombeiros: Caixa: 7210 CCAM Algarve C.R.L BIC/SWIFT is CCCMPTPL IBAN/NIB: (PT50) 0045 7191 4018 8770 5586 1 Alternatively I will be at Boa Vista Golf Club on Friday January 13th from about 10.30am ready to receive your offerings. At 11am Matthew Krystman of Blevins Frank will be given an informative talk on how Brexit is affecting the European Union. His talk is sure to be thought-provoking and hopefully a lively discussion will follow. You are welcome to stay and join in –there is no cost, just a friendly get-together and coffee-morning - maybe we will learn something! But if you just want to drop off the Ambulance money, that is also fine. The last occasion that you can do this will be on the evening of Friday January 20th at Quay Lagos on the Marina. I am organising a meal there which will consist of Coq au Vin OR Salmon Fillet - both with herby new potatoes and veg OR Roasted Red Pepper and Spinach Lasagne with salad and garlic bread to be followed by Blackberry and Apple Crumble with custard (of course!) and ½ bottle of wine per person with the meal. The price is €20 (€18 for afpop members). Please book with me if you want the meal. It is at 7.30 but I will be there from 7pm to relieve you of your ‘Tip-a-Tipple’ bottles and your small change jars that you have

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You can also bring any offerings to my house in Montinhos da Luz – I will give directions – or maybe we could meet up somewhere. Originally I was told that a new ambulance was about €40,000 but it is actually just over €50k and I think that the fund will end up about €15,000 short. I am still hoping that Lagos Câmara will make up the shortfall and will approach them when I know what is needed. Hopefully, there will be enough to buy the ambulance even if the equipment has to be purchased at a later date. Thank you most sincerely for backing the appeal – it has been hard work but fun and I hope it has been for you too with all the different initiatives to gather in the cash. I will update you later with full totals and details of what has been bought.  Pat Allen   282 697 548.

Frustration with EDP Dear Editor, I’m writing this missive as an open letter to the residents and businesses of Barão de São João and Barão São Miguel. I have been coming to the Algarve at this time of the year since 2004 and whilst I appreciate that at that time the infrastructure still left a lot to be desired and the occasional cuts to the water and electricity supplies were considered normal, over the last 10 years we, in the two Barãos, and ONLY us have faced an annual problem with a cessation in electrical supply the first rains of autumn

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descend. I’m perfectly aware and so are EDP that this is due to the inefficiency of the pole mounted transformers which are shorted out by a combination of the rain water and the accumulated dust deposits accrued during the summer months. Having had this problem every year over the last decade there is no way that EDP can be unaware that there will be problems but they do not, in their wisdom, deemed it necessary to take preventative measures. Thus the inevitable occurred last evening and in total lasted for some 9 – 10 hours leaving us without water, heating and light. Even as I try to write this email there have been at least 6 cuts to the supply and this is my sixth attempt to complete it after having, yet again, rebooted the computer. I therefore am astounded the people mentioned at the beginning of this email seem merely to have accepted this situation. Why is there no concerted action to confront EDP? After all, in the two villages there must be several people whose wellbeing has been prejudiced by the lack of electricity and no access to fresh water, not to mention heating and possibly food. Lord knows how the Old People’s Home managed to cope! Equally, I’m amazed that the various catering establishments have apparently been so sanguine, notwithstanding the loss of revenue. It’s not as if there is no recourse e.g The Complaints Book, Deco etc. If we all confronted EDP I’m sure they would get the message and replace their third world transformers. So please join me in descending on EDP in Portimão and registering your complaint and demanding action.  Name and address supplied.

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Health Is ‘text neck’ becoming an epidemic? By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro

look around you - everyone has their head down…on the street, in restaurants and at home.” Smartphone users spend, on average, two to four hours a day hunched over reading e-mails, sending texts or checking social media sites. That’s 700 to 1,400 hours a year that people are putting stress on their spines. And for teenagers, it’s worse - they are spending an additional 5,000 hours in this position. “But now, it isn’t only young people,” says Dr Wen. “The older, retired generation are sitting up in bed at night reading their Kindle or tablet for several hours. In recent months, I’ve seen more and more patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain that has developed solely from prolonged, latenight ‘mobile technology’ reading”.

The human head weighs about the same as a tenpin bowling ball at about 5 kg (12lbs). But as the neck bends forward and down, the weight on the cervical spine begins to increase. At a 15-degree angle, this weight is about two bowling balls (12kg or 27lbs) and at 45 degrees it’s almost four balls (22kg or 49lbs).

That’s the burden that comes with staring down at a smartphone. Over time, this poor posture, sometimes called ‘text neck’ could lead to degeneration of the spine and perhaps surgery. “It’s extremely common,” says Dr Wen Oates of Lagos Health Chiropractic. “Just

“Be aware of the position of your head. Instead of bending your neck, try to look down at your device with your eyes. Continue to enjoy your smartphone and tablet…just make sure your head is upright!”  If you’re suffering from neck or shoulder pain, get it checked at Lagos Health.  282 768 044

What is a scar? By Niki Medlock Over the past few years, as a nurse, I have become very interested in the field of aesthetic medicine, as one of our doctors, Dr Joanna Karamon, started training in this field over five years ago. Through the training she has received in Europe and South Africa, and the Master’s Degree she is currently studying for in Aesthetic Medicine and Skin Ageing, we have been able to offer our clients a chance to rejuvenate and repair signs and symptoms of the ageing process, as well as wear and tear! An important area of treatment is that of scars. This is a natural part of the body’s healing process as, every wound, be it the result of an accident, disease or surgery, will result in some degree of scarring. Scars on the skin form when the dermis, the deep, thick layer, is damaged. Through this trauma a chain reaction is activated

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beginning with haemostasis (blood clotting) when platelets begin to stick to the injury site creating a provisional matrix. This clot not only prevents further blood loss, it also activates the production of fibrin, forming a mesh of ‘glue’ to bind the tissues together. Next follows inflammation, where damaged and dead cells, as well as bacteria, are cleared out through activated white blood cells ‘eating’ this debris. Platelet derived growth factors (substances capable of stimulating new cell growth and healing) are then released causing cell migration and division during the proliferation stage (growth of new tissue). In this phase, along with the formation of new cells and blood vessels, collagen is introduced into the matrix. This most abundant protein in our bodies, forms the supporting scaffold which

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provides strength and structure to the tissues, through a fibrous mesh upon which new cells can grow. Usually in normal tissue collagen is set out in a random basket weave formation but when tissue is replaced in a wound much more collagen is laid down in a single direction alignment making it more densely packed. How much collagen is formed and deposited is based on the severity of the tissue loss and explains why there are different types of scars with different textures, elasticity and motion to the surrounding tissue.  Next month: Different typed of scars and their treatment. Niki Medlock is head nurse at 

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The 'Parent Rescue Service' By Laura Newman Being a parent these days requires a considerable set of skills, knowledge, support and above all, plenty of sleep. There has never been so much information available and yet it has never been so hard to be a parent! Dealing with sibling rivalry, temper tantrums, discipline, children with anxiety/ ADHD/ autism/ learning difficulties/ allergies/ sleep issues/ learning difficulties/ sensitivities…the list goes on. All this while running a house, a career and maintaining family relationships!

levels. Ultimately, parents have the answers but sometimes it’s good to have a little help from an outside authority. For professional and confidential parent consultancy, covering babies to adolescents, with a free initial consultation, contact Laura Newman. Sometimes one session is all it takes. “Laura was expert in seeing my situation with great depth and brought me valuable insight and clarity, marrying intuition with logic. Thank you so much!”

Wouldn’t it be great to have a ‘Parent Rescue Service’ that helps you out when you feel overwhelmed, when you are stuck in a pattern, when you want to make things easier for you and your children, when you want to safeguard your adolescents? A parent consultant can give you the support you need in times of crisis; emotional support, practical strategies, and best of all a plan. With an approach that is scientifically proven and saturated in common sense and age-old wisdom, parents benefit on many

Anna Freedman, Food & Health Coach, 

While cardiac arrest in infants (under 12 months) is extremely rare, and most of the steps are similar to adult CPR, there are some small differences.

   connectedchildfamily  +(351) 9616-33995

• When opening an infant’s airway to check for breathing, only tilt the head back to neutral position.

• Go to bed around the same time every day, and before midnight • Not have caffeine after 2pm • Avoid using computers, smart phones etc the hour before you go to sleep • Magnesium can help the brain to relax and switch off and taking a Magnesium supplement at night is a great way to do this • Keep your bedroom dark and cool

So for January let’s start with sleep, which after lots of partying over the festive period, has probably been lacking for a lot of us!

Over the last two months we have covered cardio pulmonary resuscitation in adults.

By Ann de Jongh

This year why not adopt a different approach. Each month make one change, or have one area to focus on. They do not need to be major changes, but just small steps which when put together can help to enhance our health and well being.

By John Clifford

Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc Speech Therapist - Parenting Consultant For children/adolescents with challenges in communication, learning or behaviour

Making changes one month at a time January is the time for New Year’s Resolutions, which if we are, lucky might last until Easter, but very rarely make it to the end of the year.

Infant CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) – compression only

• Having carbohydrates with your evening meal can help with sleeping soundly

You need to ensure the infant is placed on their back on a firm, flat surface. Due to size of the infant, it is easier to use a table or something similar.

• Draw a line between the two nipples and use 2 fingers only to press down to perform compressions just below the nipple line. • You need to use appropriate pressure and press down about one third of the infant’s depth – about 4 cms. • Aim to give 100 to 120 compressions per minute. If you are by yourself, you should aim to do 2 minutes of CPR (150 chest compressions) before calling 112. Follow the adult CPR guidelines for all children over 12 months using appropriate pressure (maybe one hand may suffice).  Many thanks for all the positive feedback on the courses we have held.

Whatever your health or exercise goals are, having a good nights sleep is imperative. It is essential for fat loss, exercise recovery, bolstering our immune health, muscle mass, reducing stress levels, detoxification and allowing the body time to repair and rebuild.

So start the New Year by getting to bed a bit earlier and enjoy improving your health whilst you sleep.  Ann is a trainer, yoga teacher, sports massage therapist.

It makes it all worthwhile and am already looking forward to our next course which is planned for March/April 2017.

In an ideal world we should:

 +351 913202621  

If you are interested in attending please email: 

• Get 7-8 hours a night

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Want to be part of an art group? Want to learn how to paint? Want to paint with like minded people? Get in touch for more information or watch this space

Call +351 911 068 062 or +44 (0)1934 733877 on one of our residential holidays in the UK or here in Portugal in 2017 Learn with some of the All abilities welcome

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î „

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Pet’s Mate By Lars Rahmquist

As they say, a dog is indeed for life...but isn't it cute to have a puppy at Christmas?! This year we have been lucky enough to foster a playful little fluff-ball for a few months...and it turns out she LOVES Christmas. Well, she´s only human, I guess. Little Piffy was found, dumped, in the car park at InterMarche in Lagos. Along with her brother - they were about 3 weeks old. Unfortunately the little fella had terrible nerve and bone damage to the back legs and we had to let him go. Feeling for young Pif, I took her home from the clinic to our house. My sister, Malin, in Sweden works with mentally handicapped people. She has been undertaking a pilot study with using

(her) dogs as councillors with her patients.

home, though we did lose one special one last year...

Incredible breakthroughs in communication happened almost straight away. When her Aspergers and Autistic patients started opening up (to the dogs) about their feelings and their aspirations, Malin couldn´t hold back the tears, and now she is giving talks to other care workers throughout the country.

If you got or gave a puppy for Christmas, now is the time to speak to a good vet about, not only health prevention, but socialising and nutrition in this important puppy age.

So we are raising little Pif (Malin chose the name: Pay It Forward) to go over to Stockholm and help bring out the love in our special cousins in Sweden. Once she is six months, I will spay her and get her ready for her new adventure. Living with Malin and her daughter will of course mean that the ´not allowed on the bed or the sofa´ training will be right out the window... With fostering Pif, we get the joys of having a naughty little puppy running a mock and nipping at the other dogs in the house. As a bloke, I gotta say: a puppy in the house is very cute indeed and there is a new energy that seems infectious to all of us. But with her leaving us in the new year we still aren´t increasing our (full) dog pack at

There is always scope for using your dogs as therapy dogs. You can speak with your local hospital, elderly respite facilities or special school. It might be you have a four legged friend who could bring some love into the lives of others, as well as is a special feeling, indeed. A final note on the topic, the various dog kennels in the area are (always) full. Sometimes they bring us a dog that needs an operation. When dogs are convalescing from surgeries, they often need some rest and TLC. If you think you can foster a dog for a period of time, get in touch with your local vet clinic. It may be you can give some well needed love to a post-op doggie in your area. Happy 2017, everybody, let´s share the love!  

Homemade remedies to beat the winter bug By Lesley Wall When the lurgy strikes this winter, rather than buying expensive over-the-counter cold and flu treatments, why not make your own? Harnessing the power of nature, the remedies below are not only all natural, but you’ll have the added benefit of knowing exactly what ingredients are in them. Homemade vapour rub Ingredients 4 tbsp coconut butter 4 tbsp Shea butter 20 drops eucalyptus oil 15 drops peppermint oil 15 drops lavender oil 10 drops lemon oil 5 drops tea tree oil Between them, these essential oils pack a health-boosting punch, with antiviral,

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decongestant, mucous-clearing, feverreducing and relaxing properties. To make the rub, whip the coconut butter and Shea butter together using a hand mixer. Add all the essential oils and continue to mix together until a smooth mixture forms. Using a spatula, scoop the mixture up and place in a clean jar with a secure lid. Be sure to label the jar and store it in a cool, dark place - it should last a couple of months. To use the rub, apply a small amount to the chest during a cold. It can also be rubbed into the back, or onto the soles of the feet at night (put some socks on after applying). Homemade lemon sip Ingredients 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tbsp honey (ideally from a local supplier) 2 tbsp hot water

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When you’re feeling under the weather, mix all these ingredients together and drink. The lemon juice will boost your immune system and fight infections. It’s also an excellent source of Vitamin C, and helps to cut through mucous. Honey is another fantastic immune system booster that will help ease coughs. It is also anti-bacterial and an anti-oxidant. You could also add in some pineapple juice to help ease a cough. Fresh pineapple juice is five times more effective that cough syrup because pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme with superb anti-inflammatory properties that fights infection as well as killing bacteria.  Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor. 

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Business Boavista gets new buggies

and par information. Also, the buggy’s clever computer will keep you on track as it ensures that players stay clear of the greens and bunkers, as well as slow down on steep inclines, especially when the ground is wet. These new buggies will certainly allow players to enjoy even more the outstanding Boavista Golf Course. But this wasn’t the only novelty on the resort during the past weeks, as Boavista has also released its new resort video! The new video is a ‘one-of-a-kind’ journey that will take the viewers into the wonderful World of Boavista, experiencing all the beauty and serenity that characterizes the resort. The new video shows an inside out of Boavista, from a privileged point of view, as well as the stunning views of the surrounding area of Praia da Luz, Lagos and Monchique hills.

Boavista Golf & Spa Resort has recently acquired a brand-new fleet of high tech ClubCar buggies. The new Precedent i3 cars, which include built-in GPS with Connected® technology, enable golfers to navigate the course with ease and in complete safety, delivering a golfing experience above par.

The new buggies have several fun and interactive features that will make your game even more enjoyable and practical. For example, an electronic scorecard, that can be sent to each player via e-mail once the game is over, a real-time broadcast of the leaderboard in every car, an overview display of each hole with static yardages

For those who still don’t know the resort this is an irrefutable invitation to pay a visit, for those who already have been there, a gentle reminder of the reasons why they should return.  The new video was released on social media and on youtube and it’s available on Boavista’s website: 

Tip and tricks for the New Year By Steven Dunwell A few tips and tricks to make life with your PC or Mac easier and who knows, a little more fun? Translate One of the best translation websites is Google Translate. The free translation service provides instant online translation of over 100 languages. Working at high speed, the service can instantly translate words as well as whole sentences and pages. And of course Portuguese to English is included, invaluable! Try it out: Don’t just walk away – lock your computer in seconds On Windows, hit "Windows key" and "L" keys at the same time to lock your computer. On a Mac, hit "Command," and "Option," and "Eject." (Or "Power" if your computer doesn't have an optical drive.)

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Screenshot Here is a simple way of taking a copy of part of your screen to maybe email or save to your computer:

Tap and scroll You can tap the Space bar to scroll down a Web page one screen at a time. Press the Shift key at the same time to scroll back up.

For Mac: "Command," plus "Shift," plus "4" brings up the tool. Then you just drag the area you want.

Old junk Just putting something into the Trash or the Recycle Bin doesn’t actually delete it. You then have to “empty” the Trash or Recycle Bin otherwise the files will just sit there taking up valuable space on your computer. 

For Windows: Just go to "Start" and then locate or search for "Snipping Tool." Who needs a dictionary? In the Google search box, type “define ebullience” (or whatever the word is) and press Enter, such fun! Who needs a calculator? You can also use Google to do math for you. In the search box type the equation, like 23*7+15/3=, and hit Enter. On a computer the star symbol * means “times” and the forward slash / means “divide”. It all adds up you know…

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Have a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year and see you for another tip in the February issue. If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Please contact:   00351 936 387 512.

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Brimming with beauty By Julie Battersby

Rosie's Hair and Beauty Salon is a lovely new salon in Lagos. It's set in a beautiful little square on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by a lovely garden. As soon as you walk into the salon you get a real feeling of a warm and homely

atmosphere. The decor has been done very tastefully in a shabby chic style. Rosie wanted all their customers to feel like they were walking into her home rather than a traditional salon.

experience. She owned her own beauty salon in South Wales before moving to Portugal. She is experienced in natural or enhanced nails, manicures, pedicures, waxing, tinting and eyelash extensions

The girls make a formidable, fantastic team together. Rosie has over 30 years’ experience in hairdressing working in England, Greece and Portugal, offering everything from basic haircuts to stunning wedding styles. Rosie has a lot of experience working alongside brides, helping them to achieve the beautiful hair and glamour they are looking for. Sammie, is a fully qualified creative nail technician with more than 15 years’

Hayley has been in beauty therapy for the last 25 years, working in England, Singapore and for the last 16 years in the Algarve. She now uses massage and energy treatments and her facials combine these practices. Together they can cater for all your beauty needs.

life and what I do for a living is one: it is my calling to help people in creating a better life for themselves, I love supporting and empowering women.

and I called it the Circles of Empowerment.

They would like to thank all their existing clients for their support and they look forward to meeting many more in 2017. 

Aiming to empower Ria van Doorn is a transformational coach and trainer who set up Circles of Empowerment in Portugal two years ago. It’s a group that is aimed at supporting and empowering women to achieve their goals – both personally and professionally. Here she tells Tomorrow a little bit more about her passion for change. Please tell about yourself. I’m Dutch and moved to the Algarve seven years ago, with the intention to stay for six months. I live here with my husband. What is your professional background? I graduated as a drama teacher, learning about directing, acting, conducting on the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in the Netherlands, but started to work as a coach and became a meditation teacher. How would you describe yourself and what you do professionally? My vision on

How and why did you move to Portugal? When I met my current husband, he invited me to come on a holiday at his house in Querença and I immediately fell in love with the valley and with the country. Within six months I made the move. What is your professional vision? After having worked with women as a transformational coach and trainer for more than 30 years – five years of those being with the international community in Portugal - I identified what is holding women back from living the life they are yearning for and also how to create a breakthrough in the area that is most important to them, whether it is relationships, love, health of work. That is why I came up with the idea to form groups,

What are Circles of Empowerment? A Circle of Empowerment course is a high quality trajectory for women dedicated to support and growth. These circles are for women that want to change their current situation with the support of others. It is based on trust, mutual respect and creating space for each individual to be authentic. It is for women that want to take their work and life to the next level. What next? As a professional, I do a lot of international courses and I can see that the culture differences are more visible, from north to west and from continent to continent. As a result I am going to start running facilitate online Circles from January 2017 that will be virtually available to any women in the world.    +351 92 640.40.76

The Italians are coming By David Westmoreland First it was the French quickly followed by the Scandinavians then followed by the Belgians. Next it appears we will be selling properties to the Italians!

Portugal. I expect that to be the same and hopefully this market will be as fruitful as the French and Scandinavian markets have been over the last few years.

The last quarter of 2016 has seen a marked increase in clients from Italy. Just as the French started out there is just a trickle. They appear to be going through the same market learning curve where they are viewing properties and making very low offers, but we saw that with the French until they understood the value of property in

At B&P we are ready and prepared for this new market. The B&P team speaks 15 Languages between them including Italian and Russian which is also an emerging market in the Lagos property business. In 2016 B&P have once again sold to a wide number of nationalities. 15 in total this year so it’s a good job we speak so many languages.

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Sales have maintained even with the shock of Brexit, mainly due to our wide distribution on sales leads. 2016 has drawn to a close and the year end results are looking good for both sales and rentals where once again we have seen a 30% increase in number of holidays versus 2015. We are now looking for new properties to sell as well as quality villas to rent for 2017.  If you would like to discuss any of the points above email me at 

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Food & Drink Vegetarianism in childhood - is it healthy? By Vera Belchior

Science shows that a vegetarian diet is healthy but there are still those who argue that, without animal products, children cannot grow in a healthy way. Is it really true? Qualified naturopathist Vera Belchior reveals all… Planned and supplemented with specific vitamins, a vegetarian diet provides excellent nutrition in all stages of a child's life, from birth to adolescence. Children who are fed a vegetarian diet not only grow strong and healthy, but also have a reduced risk of developing clinical conditions in adulthood such as obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes - conditions that not only

Detox boxes By Kate Inácio New Year’s Resolutions... Three words which fill most people with dread. I wanted to find a way of making one resolution easier to keep. By helping people across the Algarve eat healthily. Come January most people feel quite bloated and guilty with how much they have over indulged over the festive season. But if you completely overhaul what you normally eat it might seem incredibly virtuous but it is way too drastic to maintain. Make small changes that are easier to integrate into your life. With Algarve Garden’s diet plans it is easy to stick to as everything you need is delivered

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impact on their own lives, but also on wider society. Nowadays, many infants are fed diets that are over processed and severely deficient in important elements such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Rich in phytonutrients, these foods have protective effects against the main causes of death worldwide, including cardiovascular disease (the number one cause of death in Portugal), making them an important part of a healthy diet. These same foods are the basis of a meat-free diet. Why is this important? Because the majority of today’s children pass the day without consuming at least three pieces of fruit, and consume an excess of saturated fat -

to your door and includes tasty healthy versions of your favourites. In our cafe Flor das Laranjeiras in Portimão we also offer free nutritional consultations. We serve healthy fabulous food every day in our cafe for all different dietary types including daily gluten free, vegan and vegetarian options. We also do two types of detox boxes. The juicing box (40 euros) - all the raw ingredients you need with the recipes ready to put in the blender – which provides you with two juices a day for a week with juices such as the Green Wonder with spinach, chia and cucumber. We also have the detox week meal box which contains 7 juices, 14 homemade

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major sources of which are dairy products and meat - that obstructs the arteries. This eating pattern has lead to about 70% of obese children having one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For example, one study showed that 40% of children aged between 6 and 11 years old already had high cholesterol levels. Hypertension is also increasingly common in children. In these respects, a vegetarian diet is beneficial because it is free of cholesterol and low in saturated fat. There is much evidence that confirms that vegetarian diets are safe at all stages of life. The American Dietetic Association argues that, so long as it is well-planned and supplemented with vitamin B12 (because of the lack of meat products, vegetarians sometimes have an inadequate iron intake), a vegetarian diet is appropriate in all stages of life, including childhood and adolescence. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees, saying: ”Well planned, dietary patterns vegetarians are healthy for babies and children.” Therefore, a well-structured vegetarian diet can bring great benefits to the health of a child. I would also venture that when we educate a child to feel empathy for an animal, we are teaching them one of the most valuable lessons in life. We are teaching true respect for others, which will hopefully be applied in all areas of their life, and lead to a more sustainable society - good for us and, above all, good for the planet!   

snacks, 7 homemade soups for lunch and 7 homemade evening meals which change weekly but could include stuffed peppers with quinoa and feta cheese or Thai green light curry with sweet peas and brown rice. You can get all of this along with my support and guidance with free delivery for 80 euros for one person and 100 euros for two. What are you waiting for? Get in touch with Algarve Gardens to find out more about our organic fruit and vegetables, homemade ready meals, speciality boxes and much more.  Check out Flor das Laranjeiras by Algarve Gardens on Facebook

Rua Silva Lopes, 30 8600-632 Lagos Portugal +351 282 792 165

Shop Café / Bistro Roof Terrace Bar Homeware Books & Music Gallery

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Food & Drink

Smoked salmon burgers By Chris Winstanley Method Using a food processer pulse the salmon fillet about eight to 10 times so it is roughly chopped but not of a smooth paté consistency.

At Christmas I was given a new toy for my kitchen ….a burger press and I have been looking for some new burger recipes to try and this one provides a light and fishy twist to the humble burger after all that Christmas bulk food and this muffin of loveliness is so easy to make.

Transfer to a bowl. Add the remaining burger patty ingredients to the bowl and stir to combine. Form six equal size patties of about 2cm thick in a burger press or using your hands to press and shape.

Ingredients: Burgers 700g fresh salmon fillet preferably skinless 250g smoked salmon finely chopped ½ cup of fine breadcrumbs 3 tablespoons of finely chopped onions 3 tablespoons of minced chives 1 tablespoon of minced garlic 1 teaspoon of salt Fresh ground pepper

Cover and stick in the fridge for a minimum of one hour. This allows the delicate patties to firm up. Get your grill up to a medium heat or heat up the griddle on your BBQ for 10 minutes. Mix the cream cheese with the spring onions until well blended and then pop in the fridge until you are ready to grill the burgers.

To accompany 100g cream cheese 3 spring onions finely chopped 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 6 muffins or soft rolls 1 tablespoon of butter 6 large fresh eggs Handful of rocket

Brush each burger with olive oil prior to cooking and place on the griddle or grill on a direct medium heat for 6 to 8 minutes turning them once in the process. About 30 seconds to 1 minute before serving place

the muffins or rolls cut side down over the direct heat. In a non-stick frying pan melt the butter and fry the eggs to your desired doneness. Spread both sides of the muffins (rolls) with the spring onion cream cheese and top with the burger and then the egg and a small amount of rocket and season with black pepper. And lean the muffin or roll up against burger tower you have created. And there you have it! A really tasty alternative to the bog standard beef burger. Great with a good bottle of white wine, my current favourite and available at good supermarkets is Mula Velha Premium, a top quality premium wine and currently available at under €5 a bottle. Bon Appetite!  Thanks to Chris Winstanley from  If you have a recipe to share please contact our editor 

Food Tours in the Algarve Recipes, passed down through generations, ensure the continuation of a culture in the face of all things mainstream. And it is over a meal that we can truly get to know the people who live in a country; only by eating in a hole-in-the-wall off the beaten track, learning to cook our food or simply joining a local for a meal at their home can you experience the true flavours of a culture.

true traditional dishes - the ones we eat at our grandmother's house - are hard to find in restaurants. Hard, but not impossible! And that it why we are here" says Maria Nobre de Carvalho, co-founder of Food Tours Algarve.

And this is why Food Tours Algarve was born. For tourists and locals alike, the purpose of Food Tours Algarve is to promote our culture and cuisine. "The Algarve is so rich in flavours that go well beyond the grilled fish or chicken piri piri and most people are not aware of this. This is mostly because the

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The company offers several different types of tours - Classic Food Tours, Cheese and Wine Tastings, Market Tours and even an Eat with the Locals experience - mainly with small groups but also caters for corporate events, such as team building activities. The company also builds customized tours for people interested in learning and tasting more of a specific side of Portuguese cuisine. In line with the RTA's goals, to fight seasonality in the Algarve, Maria says: "We

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also wanted to help fight this idea that businesses can only work in the summer, and eating is something you can (and should) do all year round." The company started operating in October and is already generating a lot of interest by hotel chains and local companies, looking for synergies and different types of partnerships.  For more information contact Maria Nobre de Carvalho at:    foodtoursalgarve


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Outdoor Losing Ground - The Environmental Battle for Our Soils By Claire Friedlander

Soil is also integral to the Global Carbon Cycle, containing organic and inorganic carbon three times greater than current atmospheric carbon. As soils degrade and desertification intensifies, substantially more carbon is emitted into the atmosphere than is returned via terrestrial plant photosynthesis. Furthermore, conventional use of nitrogen fertilisers as response to diminished soil productivity not only masks impoverished soil quality, but amplifies nitrous oxide release (a greenhouse gas over 300 times more potent than CO2) into the atmosphere.

As the International Year of Soils draws to a close, it seems apposite to reflect on what grounds us and sustains our existence on earth. Soil: Inherited from the stars and weathered and shaped by time and local conditions on earth.

This is substantially faster than it can be naturally replenished. Generating just three centimetres of topsoil can take a thousand years. The European Commission’s draft Soil Framework was designed to protect the fertility of Europe’s soils but with persistent protest against additional red tape, agribusiness forced its withdrawal in 2014. Political and economic complexity renders farming a dirty business, and without return investment factored into food pricing, the loser is the earth on which farming depends.

Just a teaspoon of it teems with unimaginable life, often containing more microorganisms than there are people on the planet. Indigenous histories can be traced in its profiles, and it determines the nature and microclimate of the environment surrounding it. It is truly remarkable stuff. So why are we treating it like dirt? With agriculture and deforestation steadily destroying our soils, scientists warn that we have only sixty years of topsoil left. Billions of hectares of agricultural land are already considered seriously degraded, and we continue to lose approximately 12 million hectares to soil degradation annually.

Intensive farming practices compromise soil’s biological functions and tilling destroys its aggregate structure, preventing water penetration (contrary to popular belief). Staggering quantities of irrigation water containing precious topsoil and chemical contaminants (pesticides; fertilisers) are lost as runoff. 60% ends up in waterways and dispersal into the oceans accounts for an astonishing 25% of annual rise in sea levels.

It is time to eschew modern conventions in favour of traditional wisdom. Permaculture, zero-till and organic farming methods reduce chemical use and erosion. With lower yields and higher costs, though, farmers need incentives for environmental stewardship and science suggests that even these measures are inadequate. Moreover, substantial acceleration of global food production is required to feed more than nine billion people by 2050. Farming methods and unsustainable modern dietary preferences require a radical makeover. The meat industry is particularly environmentally destructive, yet ecologist Allan Savory has had surprising success in rapid land regeneration by increasing livestock to improve soils. Imitating great animal grassland migrations by constantly moving large herds of livestock to trample natural animal waste fertiliser into the soil creates ‘closed-loop’ ecologies, regenerating soils and vegetation. These in turn sequester more Carbon, mimicking nature to great benefit. Clearly, we should let Mother Nature and her cycles guide us- or return to dust. 

Stand Up Paddle Festival Next April Portugal’s first Stand Up Paddle Festival will be taking place in the Algave.

of fun, camping, paddling and many other activities too.

The Guadiana Challenge is primarily a full day paddle 32km down the River Guadiana from Mertola to Alcoutim. There’s also a fun 10km paddle option. The mini festival around this event would include a weekend

Organisers say they aim to register 150 people in stages for the paddle. These will include stand up paddlers and kayakers. The aim of the event is to create an awareness of stand up paddle as a sport and the

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possibilities for adventure, particularly in Portugal. As well as to promote the Guadiana Region. We will be featuring a lot more about this event over the coming months but you can also check out the website for more details 

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Gardening Versatile Trees By Clive Goodacre

But every new garden needs new trees as well and it is here that careful planning will pay dividends later on, although every garden should have at least one indulgence. So here are some fast growing evergreen trees that are good for screening and withstanding windy conditions. Most commonly used are Schinus molle (Pepper tree) and Grevillea robusta (Silky oak), which respond well to generous watering and feeding yet can survive on low water once established. The pepper tree can be difficult to establish right on the coast where its foliage is battered by wind. Grevillea robusta sheds a lot of foliage in the early spring, but when mature produces magnificent clumps of yellow flowers in late spring to early summer.

It is said if you sleep under an olive during the driest summer you will wake up covered in drops of water. This is only one aspect of the amazing olive (Olea europaea) which, apart from the ability to live for a thousand years or more in the most inhospitable conditions, condenses water from the atmosphere.

Algarve and Alentejo. They may take a year or two to form a good head of foliage, but olive trees normally survive the most brutal transplanting provided they are watered weekly during their first two summers. Olive trees can be stored – if for example a site is being cleared for development – by planting them temporarily in a spare piece of land and moving them into position later as the building takes shape.

Moving an olive tree could not be easier, just cut the branches back to the classic curved fingers configuration, dig it up and replant. Trucks loaded with bare rooted olives lifted from ancient orchards are a common sight on the roads between the

Ancient trees like olives and Carobs (Ceratonia siliqua) have tremendous visual impact on new gardens and it is good that so many are being preserved in this way.

Be inspired By Jeanette Fahlbusch To quote one of our local members: “Visiting gardens of all sorts will always be top of my list of events” and that perfectly sums up what our Lagos Mediterranean Garden Group (an offshoot of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal) largely is about. To have the opportunity to visit private gardens in a variety of locations, be inspired by different garden designs, share ideas and experiences within a like-minded group of people passionate about gardening is lifting the sometimes too solitary pleasure into one that is inter-active, social and educational. In December we visited a house and garden located in the hills between Espiche and Barão de São João. The location was fabulous – rolling green hills, isolated little farmhouses here and there and the

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juxtapositon between the rough Algarvian untamed hill sides with the manicured but pleasant Espiche Golf course was delightful! Our hostess Ruth Jackson told us about her steep learning curve when it came to gardening in the Algarve. “The terrain is tough – full of rocks and poor soil, so if a newly planted plant can survive in the first two years and get established, it will stand a chance! The best things to grow are agaves and succulents, as they need little attention and can look after themselves. Grasses also seem to be happy to be left to themselves. Anything that needs lots of attention and water is not a plant for me!” Our group spent a glorious hour walking around the gently stepped garden, stony but adorned with massive statuesque Agaves, Aloes and Yuccas and other interesting succulents. We concluded with drinks and delicious cakes on the verandah – thanks to Ruth, also a passionate cake decorator.

 TomorrowAlgarve

The pepper tree produces aromatic pink peppercorns that can be dried, roasted and ground to make a pepper substitute while spice oil is produced for a variety of uses. For shade nothing beats a pepper tree as it gives ideal dappled moving shade rather than creating a gloomy area of garden. It is not worth buying large specimens of either trees because well treated small ones will catch up within two years and ultimately overtake them by developing a better root structure rather than one crippled within the confines of a pot. 

Our Lagos group is open to anyone interested in plants and gardening (be it balcony, courtyard or garden) and we offer a welcoming and active social gardening network! We have lots of interesting events planned over the next few months! Apart from garden and nursery visits, we will include wine tastings at local small vineyards, horticultural speakers, wood-fired oven breadmaking, floristry workshops, ‘Art in the Garden’ and much more! There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.  For more information contact:   969 439 867 


 TomorrowAlgarve


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Free Evaluation Wednesday, February 15th and Saturday, February 18th

BOOK NOW 282 788 217 Rede

Address: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

Group Matwork, Private & Semi Private Classes Tel.: 926 514 613 |

Algarve Satellite Center Watch Sky Sports, BT Sport, all BBC, all ITV, and many more for only 14,95€ for 30 days No commitments, extend and top up whenever you like Also available IPTV from France, Sweden & Netherlands

Open from 10 a.m to 6p.m Largo Salazar Moscoso Lt 5 r/c A 8600-522 Lagos 917 545 644 or 967 505 055

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