Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur March 2017 Edition

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March 2017 | Edition 64 | 4,000 copies |


Community A royal connection...

What’s On Portugal’s First Stand Up Paddleboard Festival

Health Is your child an orchid or a daisy?

Business Children going ‘Wacky’ over new kids club

Food & Drink Cooking with oranges Plus much more...


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Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow's March edition

EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 We had a great February in the Algarve – a warm month, plenty of sunshine and lots of GNR NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 beautiful blossom on the trees. Hopefully it bodes well for a superb Spring in the Algarve. CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 More or less all the Tomorrow team turned out last month to share our support for Robert TOWN INFO 282 764 111 and his donkey sanctuary with our first ‘Giving it back day’ where we all helped clear the TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 land in preparation for him to sow white lavender. BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 A great idea to help in the community and we are hoping some of our readers might wish TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 to join the next one which is a beach clean-up on April 2nd at 10am at Praia da Cordoama, CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 Vila do Bispo. Please call Tom for more details on 919 918 733. We intend to make this a big HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 feature of our annual calendar. LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 800 201 000 | 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR (LAGOS) 282 768 044 And talking about calendars here are some other dates for your diaries. The Summer Ball DENTAL CLINIC (ALMADENA) 918 366 646 in Lagos is on June 17th at the Tivoli Dunas Beach Club followed closely with our Summer LAGOS VET 282 782 282 Ball in Portimão on July 15th. Please book early as we are absolutely sure they will both be FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ‘sell out events’ Call Steven on 919 185 567 or email Please ALL MOBILITY AIDS 960 004 682


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do not leave it in abeyance as you could miss the best events in the Algarve with Tiago and 5 EX giving, as always, their all!

Another great opportunity for people searching for summer jobs etc or employers needing staff try out our free Just Jobs page on It really is FREE. Once again we are asking our readers to offer up any ideas for our ‘Giving it back days’, for example old people needing a visit or a trip out for a bit of shopping. Help us make this an even better community. Have a great month. Best wishes, Amber, Tom and the rest of the Tomorrow team  Please call Tom on  919 918 733 about advertising and email our editor at 

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Community fame, titles nor money, but yearn for acknowledgment of who I am and where I come from.”

Who do you think you are? By Lena Strang


It was whilst enjoying a cup of coffee seated on a sunlit terrace after a session of yoga that the newcomer to the group dropped a bombshell: “I believe I am the grandchild of Edward, the Duke of Windsor.” Judging from his frank and earnest demeanour, I knew he wasn’t pulling our legs. In fact, the 70-year-old Frenchman, François Graftieaux, who now calls the Algarve his home has an extraordinary tale to tell.

observed his rather distinguished bearing, with his tall build and regular facial features. When I later look up photos of the Duke of Windsor - the king who notoriously abdicated the throne in 1936 to marry his twice-divorced mistress, Wallis Simpson - there seems to be more than a passing resemblance. I am intrigued. Why has François published a book after all these years and what does he hope to gain?

In his book, launched in Paris last September and mischievously called The Man Who Should Have Been King, François argues that his father is the illegitimate child of a love affair between the future King Edward VIII and his grandmother. I note that if this were the case, François would be the first cousin once removed of the UK’s current queen, Elizabeth II. I’d also

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I am invited to his apartment situated at a pleasant golf resort in the western Algarve. It is tastefully furnished in a style that wouldn't be out of place in fashionable Paris. Comfortably seated, I slowly begin to appreciate his need to tell the story to the world. He speaks in a measured way in his slightly accented English. “To me, identity and establishing ones roots are all important,” he tells me. “I don’t want

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His journey of self-discovery has been a long one. He was born in Morocco, which was under French administration at the time, and where he spent the first 10 years of his life. An interesting childhood then, I remark. “Yes,” François smiles, “but it was just the beginning.” Due to his father’s career as an army officer, the family lived in various European countries, as well as the United States and Africa. His own career as a hotelier took him to various parts of the world, and he ended up spending 20 years in Africa. “I do like travel but I always thought I needed to move on and find something better somewhere else. I now know the problem was inside me,” he explains. He experienced a constant unease about his family situation along with his father’s apparent rejection, which he could never understand. His father’s own childhood and background were never a topic for discussion. “As a child you feel guilty, thinking you’re not good enough to earn your father’s attention and trust.” Years later the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of his life began to come together. Psychoanalysis and later psycho-genealogy convinced him that he needed to delve into his own family history. He remembered that an old girlfriend had once remarked that he looked like the Duke of Windsor – a person he’d never heard of before. “When I looked him up on the internet I realised he was the spitting image of my father,” François says. “I knew that whatever the outcome, I needed to find out who my grandfather was and where my own roots lie.”

she had other means of gaining money at such short notice, this hypothesis doesn’t seem too far-fetched.

Marie-Rose, mother of François, at a fashion show in Casablanca, 1955

It is a remarkable claim to make that he is of royal descent. Is there any hard evidence? He believes there are too many coincidences and historical facts to discount his assertions, and a simple DNA test that he has already requested from Buckingham Palace would resolve the matter. François thinks the Duke met his grandmother on one of his jaunts to Paris in 1912 and began their affair at the famous Luna amusement park, which was open to everyone regardless of social class. The Duke’s own memoirs and the grandmother’s diary corroborate the dates. Marie-Léonine Graftieaux, the daughter of a butcher’s assistant and a cleaning woman who worked as a poorly paid seamstress in Paris at the time, gave birth to a baby boy in 1916. Only two years later did she register the birth of the boy, naming him Pierre-Edouard. It is usual in France for the son to be given his father’s first name as his second Christian name. On the birth certificate, however, the father remained ‘unknown’. The baby was looked after by his nanny and later lived with a family in Marseilles before being sent to boarding school. “My grandmother subsequently changed her name to Marcelle Dormoy and suddenly had the means to open a fashion house, and become a popular designer,” says François. “I think her silence was bought by money.” As it seems unlikely that

More coincidences followed. When François himself was born, his mother received a mysterious gift: a Van Cleef & Arpels diamond bracelet from a design created by the Duke for Mrs Simpson. “Where did it come from? My father would never have been able to afford something as expensive as that,” he muses. Only recently was François provided with what he considers to be conclusive evidence. He has proof that at the age of 19 his father travelled first class on a P&O ferry from Marseilles to London and stayed at Grosvenor House, the club frequented by the Duke. “He must have been sworn to silence and I don't think my mother ever knew the truth. Only now can I begin to understand the traumas that my father must have gone through and the fact that he couldn't deal with his own children.” He adds wistfully: “Commitment to others is difficult as you don’t want problems to go further down the line.” François himself has never married and has no children of his own. Would he have persevered with his enquiries if his grandfather was proved to be someone other than the Duke of Windsor?

François with parents and sister in Switzerland, 1950.

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Community >> Continued from page 5 Yes, is the categorical answer. Reaching the truth and knowing where you come from is what matters the most to him. I can’t help asking François what he thinks about the Duke’s rather controversial past, and whether this makes him feel uneasy in any way. Edward was a popular figure in British society before the war, but his reckless bachelor lifestyle and his subsequent abdication from the throne “to be with the woman I love” caused a constitutional crisis. When abdicating, Edward renounced the throne for himself and any of his descendants. There is also the little-known fact that when Germany invaded the north of France in May 1940, the Duke and Duchess fled to Lisbon and spent some time in Cascais. Because of his sympathies for the German cause, he was appointed Governor of the Bahamas in order to be kept well away from European affairs. The couple returned to France after the war where they spent the rest of their lives in effective exile.

François at the age of 10 in 1956.

François shrugs his shoulders. “No, his past doesn’t make me feel bad at all. I know that people loved him before the war but then he was forgotten. I can’t feel responsible for what my ancestors did. All I want is the truth regardless of what people think.” And has the publication of his book helped? He pauses before considering the question. He has already made it clear that he communicated with the Foreign Office and even wrote directly to the Queen before going public. He was anxious to go through the right channels and show respect for the royal family. It is no surprise that the only response he received was to say that Buckingham Palace does not deal with matters like these. Despite the reluctance of his now deceased mother and his sister living in Paris with her family, he went ahead with the book’s publication. He explains that it took courage and determination but he simply had to tell the story.

François at the age of 20 in 1966.

Pierre Édouard, father of François at the age of 20 in 1936.

Seeing the book in print was perhaps not the cathartic experience he had imagined but it is the first step in trying to gain recognition. The book will most likely be published in English in the near future, and several other countries have expressed an interest in obtaining publishing rights. He has chosen to retire to the Algarve and enjoys the climate, lifestyle and the architecture, which reminds him of his childhood in Morocco. This tranquil corner of western Europe is the place he wants to call home. He spends his days playing golf, doing yoga and trying to come to terms with his situation. His mission is still ongoing: “I believe many people are experiencing dislocation in different ways. We live in an uncertain world and many feel lost. Discovering your roots and your own identity and being acknowledged for who you are is all important.” François, I wish you well in your continuing journey. 

Pierre-Édouard, father of François,at the age of 23 in 1939.

Cover of the French version of the book

Oh my – where did you get that hat! By Clive Goodacre OK so it’s not just a hat. It is the Rolls Royce of Beanie hats being hand knitted from merino wool. It all started last summer when I started treatment for brain cancer at the Hospital Particular in Faro and Alvor. Long sessions of radio therapy and chemo predictably took my hair away.

de. Although in German, there is an English button. The name incidentally comes from her daughter Anna who was often asked ‘who knitted your sweater’. Jutta’s appreciation of colour and form is an extension of a career together with her husband in digital colour reproduction and retouching.

Meeting up with our neighbours - Jutta and her husband Dick de Groot - in Praia da Luz I was introduced to a new expat craft activity, designer knitting. As winter arrived my head got colder and I realised that my Tilly (think Indiana Jones) was insufficient. But Jutta, whom my wife and I had noticed knitting furiously outside her villa nearby, came to the rescue.

Everything Jutta knits is a one off item and just because they are knitted does not mean they do not look luxurious, stylish or beautiful. Coats, ponchos, men’s and women’s waistcoats, house socks (warmly recommended!) My beanie is multi-coloured but there are hundreds of colours to choose from. Equally the choice of materials includes cotton, silk mix, sequins, and mesh for summer wear which is far cooler than tightly woven cloth, Jutta maintains. Other yarns include merino wool/cotton, wool/cashmere, mareno/

She produces a range of what can only be called designer knitwear which can be viewed on her website: www.annasmama.

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camel hair, yak/cotton, alpaca and mohair – many of which Jutta has in her store. A new material she was waiting for during our visit is called Seacell, made from algae – breathable and anti-allergenic. New spinning procedures mean materials are much lighter, fluffier and softer. Sweaters may look heavier but are lighter and can be worn indoors. 

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Help support an incredible International Live Music Festival right here in Lagos This year The Surf Experience in Lagos is celebrating its 25th birthday with a free concert on May 20th which it hopes will bring international talent and focus to the town. The event, being organised by Toby Millage, will be crowdfunded so local residents are being urged to cough up to make sure the festival goes ahead. This will also mean that local charities including Surfing for the disabled, the bomebiros, Salvador and a local dog’s home will also benefit. The evening event will focus on clean oceans and during the day there will be a mass beach clean on the west and south coasts organised by the schools of AESCV (Algarve Surf School Association) or anyone else that wants to get involved. Organisers will create a hashtag on the day for everyone to share their photos. Local businesses are being encouraged to get behind the event with donations and

get in on the advertising. Anyone who does donate will be put into a draw for a brand new Kelly Slater firewire surfboard. But the event can only go ahead if at least £10,000 is pledged by 1:10pm March 8th 2017. Toby said: “Crowdfunding is a super easy way of accumulating funds to pay for anything from launching a new product to paying for a school lunch. Essentially you donate any amount you wish and if the campaign reaches its target your donation will be deducted. Anyone, anywhere can donate." “The great thing about this particular campaign is it ticks so many boxes and all for good causes and is specific to this community,” Toby added.

the Dub Pistols (UK) Reggae Ska Jungle, Frankie Chavez (Portugal) Rock, The Cuban Brothers (UK) Comedy. Music. Breakdance as well as DJs Dedy Dread (Portugal) and DJ Rhythm (Lagos). Toby said: “There will be no food so we encourage everyone to support all local eateries. There will be beer and cocktails onsite with the unique difference of there being ECO CUPS to buy and refill which will hopefully add to the environmental awareness that we aim to promote during the event.” If successful Toby hopes the festival could be an annual event to kick start summer and help promote tourism in Lagos and help support local businesses.  To find out more go to:

Any money raised above the target amount to fund the festival will be added on top of the €3000 they will already give.


So far the Surf Experience has lined up

 The Surf Experience Portugal

Textures on the Street By David Foot In the last of our series on last year's street art interventions in Lagos organised by LAC we turn to Anders Gjennestad who comes from Norway. Whereas the other artists we have featured are ‘in your face’ with bold murals that jump off the wall, Anders' jumping men are far more subtle. He prefers to work on old naturally weathered surfaces using stencils that he painstakingly produces in advance, each one slightly different to the next. He uses up to eight stencils in any one piece of work and applies different shades of spray paint, sticking each stencil in place in turn

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with masking tape. The result is a piece of 3D art that integrates with its surroundings as can be seen on the weathered gates in Rua Convento Sra. da Glória. You will find other examples of Anders' stencils around the town but you may need to keep your eyes open, or you can go to his website at: And to conclude our series here is a stencil by M-City painted in one of the cells in the old town jail, next to the GNR

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station behind the Tivoli, which is now permanently occupied by LAC. I imagine the original inmates would have liked to have had a pneumatic drill on hand. You can visit the jail free of charge to view the art, and they might even let you leave! 

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Life as a currency dealer By Emma Guerreiro

I was born and raised in the Algarve with a Portuguese father and an English mother so I had the best of both worlds from an early age – Sunday roasts and cataplanas! Loving sports and outdoor living, the Algarve has so much to offer. I have lived in the UK, USA and in Cabo Verde but living in the Algarve is like living in paradise. I love to travel and even when I don’t have the time to go abroad I love to explore the coastlines and the countryside this country has to offer! I have just turned 30 and live in Vilamoura with my family – Elton, Margarida and Jack. In my spare time I travel, plan adventures with my family, do sports (preferably outside circuit training or CrossFit), cook new vegetarian and vegan recipes and spending time with the better parts of me – Elton, Margarida and Jack. Every morning I wake up at 7.30am, eat, get dressed and go to work! I wouldn’t say

I was a morning person but neither am I a night person! Waking up at 7.30am doesn’t come naturally but having said that 9am is probably the latest I stay in bed – even on Sundays. When I get to work - I start work at Global Currency Exchange Network (GCEN) at 8.30am – I am often still half asleep so I turn on my computer and check my emails I then run to the coffee shop for a strong dose of caffeine to make sure I am fully awake before contacting my clients. My working day at GCEN can be challenging as we have to multi-task and it can be quite stressful at times dealing with clients, exchange rates moving, and trying to do various tasks at once – it is sometimes difficult to prioritise as everything needs to be done at the same time! This is where I rely on coffee to get me through the day! I need to understand why exchange rates move and as I work with clients from all over the world this gets a little complicated so I spend some time looking at the news and understanding what is happening to the exchange rates globally.

but each offices has a really small closeknit team and we all talk to each other regularly and inspire and learn from each other and there is a lot of banter between the offices. We get the chance to meet once a year. Then there are the clients - the diversity of our clients keeps me on my toes. One minute I will be speaking to a client who is moving their young family to Portugal and the next I will be talking to a an elderly person who has been living in the Algarve for 20 years and is moving back to the UK followed by speaking to someone who imports products for their business from America and needs US Dollars. At the end of the day I destress by doing sports and yoga! Sweating and stretching is the answer to all my stress, oh and having dinner with Elton and Margarida listening to Smooth FM while drinking a glass of red wine also does the trick!! 

Going home for lunch and walking Jack also breaks up the day and gives me some time to destress and refocus for the afternoon. The thing I like most about my job is the people! We have offices all over the world

Born to ride By Julie Battersby be a Motocross rider and his parents feel it must be in his genes as he never even wanted a tricycle, a bicycle or anything else! He had his first motorbike when he was only four, they had, like many of us, tried to avoid, deviate, his interest with the usual ‘bribes’ but nothing would deter the very determined João. I came across young João, who is just nine, when I visited the Lagos private hospital where his father, also João, was working at the time. So we arranged a meeting and talking with his mum, Patricia, it would seem that almost from birth all he ever wanted was to

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If you met him in the street you would have no idea that this diminutive youngster who thinks that football and playground games are dangerous - had such a fierce competitiveness but yet he is extremely forceful on the track. João learned all on his own even though his Mum and Dad

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are never far from his side and in fact they all go to events all over Portugal - even though Patricia has two other children, the youngest is only one! They all find it very hard for places to practice as obviously it is pretty noisy for the neighbourhood. So we are asking on behalf of young João if anyone has some spare land for his practice. I am absolutely sure that his name is going to be up in lights in the not too distant future. It would be great if one of our readers could help him achieve that success. Can you help us? Please call Tom in the first instance 919 918 733 Look out for his track name and logo ‘Johnny Bala’. 

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Walking the Via Algarviana enthusiastic about the project and secured the EU funding necessary to make the trail a reality. It was opened in 2009. In its guide, Almargem recommends walking the route between February and April when the landscape is at its most beautiful and the weather is pleasantly warm; however, we weren’t free until early May. We left Alcoutim on a cloudless morning, uncertain of what lay ahead but hoping we wouldn’t be forced to pitch our tent too often (we wouldn’t) or face sweltering temperatures (we would). Such is the meandering and often demanding nature of the trail that on that first day we walked 24.2km to finish in Balurcos, just 7.3km and 12 minutes away by road from our starting point.

Harri Garrod Roberts and Tracy Burton are outdoor writers and publishers from Newport, South Wales. Having hiked all 300 kilometres of the Algarve’s Via Algarviana route (and written two books about it), they told Tomorrow about their experience… It was our first visit to southern Portugal and yet we weren’t heading to the region’s stunning beaches, but inland to a littleknown Algarve few holidaymakers see. We would be exploring an Algarve of sleepy, unspoilt villages, rolling hills, dry orchards and cork forests – a place where life hasn’t changed much in decades. Having hiked the length of Wales the previous summer, we were keen to complete a second end-to-end challenge. The waymarked Via Algarviana sounded perfect because it was possible to complete the 300-kilometre distance from the Spanish border to the Atlantic Ocean in two weeks. It was an Englishman – the late Maurice Clyde – who came up with the idea for a scenic walking trail between Alcoutim and Portugal’s most south-westerly point at Cabo de São Vicente. Loulé-based environmental group Almargem was

Day after day our eyes feasted on the spectacular landscape, tranquil except for the birdsong and hum of bees. We passed depopulated villages, disused water mills and long-abandoned agricultural terraces, and followed for hours the snaking shoreline and turquoise waters of the Barragem do Arade. In traditional villages like Furnazinhas, Cachopo, Barranco de Velho and Salir, we wined and dined like kings. We often struggled to make ourselves understood, but were treated with unbelievable kindness by our gracious Portuguese hosts, who would phone ahead to ensure we had a bed for the following night. Our original plan to cover the total 300km distance in 10 to 12 days rather than the suggested 14 was quickly abandoned.

Inland Algarve was far hillier than we’d anticipated and, as we trekked through the Serra do Caldeirão and the Serra de Monchique, those steep climbs kept coming and coming. The Via Algarviana climbs the Algarve’s second highest peak, the alpine-like Picota (Harri is pictured at the top), and wanders below the summit of its higher neighbour Fóia (902m). The panoramic views from both made every upward step well worth the effort. Five months later, we returned to walk the routes linking the Via Algarviana with Loulé, Mexilhoeira Grande and Aljezur, and check out an alternative, mostly coastal finish from Aljezur to Cabo de São Vicente along the Trilho dos Pescadores (Fishermen’s Trail) and Rota Vicentina. Did the Via Algarviana live up to our expectations? You bet it did! In fact, we were so bowled over with the Algarve, we are spending our first winter here, and in December we were delighted to have the opportunity to meet members of the environmental group Almargem and some of the British hikers who made the Via Algarviana a reality.  The Via Algarviana - an English guide to the 'Algarve Way' by Harri Garrod Roberts is available from online bookstores, including Amazon and Apple, priced at £2.99. Never Too Old To Backpack: The Via Algarviana by Tracy Burton is available from Amazon and is priced at £2.99 (£5.99 for the paperback).  

Amazing results for ambulance appeal By Pat Allen At the time of writing, the grand total that we raised for Lagos Bombeiros Ambulance Appeal stands at €33077.59 with the cost of the ambulance being €41k. The appeal is now closed but all is not lost as I am having a meeting with various people from the Bombeiros and the Camara and hopefully, they will be willing to make up the shortfall. The year of fund-raising was hard work but

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enjoyable and I really do appreciate all your efforts to help achieve such a marvellous amount. Over the last 15 years that I have been involved with the Bombeiros, your generosity has enabled me to buy many necessary items for both firefighting and ambulance work - indeed, the contributions have been between €50,000 and €60,000 during this period - and all this started because I wanted to buy the

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firemen fireproof gloves which they did not have at the time! However, to reach over €33,000 in one year is spectacular - and I am sure that the effort to replace one of the oldest vehicles in the fleet will not be in vain. Further news will follow next month - but once again, heartfelt thanks from me for the tremendous response to this cause. 

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Algarve shooting complex is on target for world domination By Sophie Sadler The Portuguese team have come for their qualifying shoots for many years and O Pinhal is now increasingly being used by international teams such as France, GB and Luxembourg for their selections. Peter Wilson MBE, who won gold in the London Olympics in 2012 is a regular, now a coach, he often brings his protégées such as James Dedman to practice in the Algarve. A request from friends to use his family’s land for clay pigeon shooting led Rui Terra into setting up a world class shooting complex now used by Olympic teams. It is a credit to his 21 years of hard work that Complexo O Pinhal, is now rated as one of the best in Portugal with the world’s premier shooters visiting the Algarve to train.

“Of course, one of the main reasons is the weather,” explains Rui “we have lots of sunny days and the light in the Algarve is great throughout the year. I am also focused on quality; my traps are some of the best in the world and that means the teams keep coming back. We also have conference facilities and six bedrooms where teams or the public can stay with us.”

Rui was working in bars before 1996 when he started his project. It was after seeing the land used for target practice he got the idea to build six shooting ranges, a restaurant and accommodation building which now provides the striking backdrop and acts as a viewing terrace for competitions. His wife, Silvia, who was working in an office at the time gave up her job to work with him and now runs the cosy restaurant, which serves traditional Portuguese cooking at very reasonable prices. She also provides buffet meals for competitors during the events. Rui knew O Pinhal was really making its mark in 2012 when it hosted the World Championships of Universal Trench and saw the best shooters in the world arrive to compete. “Hosting the World Championships really put us on the map;” explains Rui, “Shooting is not as big a sport in Portugal as it is in the UK so I am attempting to bring the top competitors from around the world to promote the sport in my country.” Abbey Ling (née Burton) was a competitor at the complex in 2012 and the four time ladies British champion and Commonwealth Games Olympic Trap silver medallist. She still visits the complex regularly with her husband, Ed Ling, who represented Team GB at the 2016 Olympics and won bronze in the Men's Trap.

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The next competition being held at the site on March 4th and 5th is the First Algarve Premier Olympic Trap which is on the FPTAC calendar. It will attract some big names in shooting, so if you are keen on the sport then spectators are welcome. The venue has superb views over the beautiful surrounding countryside at Vales De Pêra near Algoz and is easily accessible off junction 8 of the A22. It hosts several events such as Olympic Trap, Universal Trench, Olympic Skeet and Double Trap. If like me, you are not familiar with the sport I asked Jacqui Poole, a coach at the complex to explain more about it. Jacqui has lived in the Algarve for 14 years but previously shot for Essex ladies in the UK but since moving to Portugal competes in the Trap events and has trained with the Portuguese champion José Faria. A silver medallist in the GB Trap 5 team event at the World Championships last year, she shows me the ranges where you shoot at the flying targets which appear from traps in the ground in front of you. She explains: “With numerous different targets available, this provides a good introduction to the sport. If I am working with beginners though I don't like anyone to leave without having hit a target so we adapt it to your level.” Beginner’s lessons start at €25, you receive a talk on safety and coaching and you are

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provided with all the equipment you need, including ear defenders and a jacket. If you are an experienced shooter and don’t require supervision the cost will be less. I ask what makes a good shooter; “It’s just instinct and good co-ordination,” says Jacqui, “I started the sport and within a few months I was competing, you either have it or you don't but it’s a lot of fun having a go and we get lots of groups coming for a day out and host many stag dos.” During the 21 years that the operation has been going Rui, who had never shot before, has now become a good competitor himself and has taken part in some competitions as well as working in the armoury and running events. “The shooting season will start soon and so we also get a lot of local hunters visit for shooting practice and there are pistol and rifle shooting ranges, we can also host corporate events, group events and coaching, so there is something for everyone as well as Archery.” So, if you were thinking that clay pigeon shooting was synonymous with hunter wellies and the muddy fields of England, think again. The Algarve is set to become one of the most visited centres for shooting in Europe.    +351 282 322 563 +351 914 082 704  Rooms start at €40 per night in low season.

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Diplomatic Ramblings By Doug McAdam reschedule my programme. Fortunately for me, as in Kazakhstan, Russian is also an official language spoken by the majority of the population.

Although resident in Almaty, Kazakhstan I was also accredited as Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. Landlocked like Kazakhstan, its gigantic neighbour, Kyrgyzstan (slightly smaller than Great Britain) was also part of the Soviet Union until 1991. It too has a fascinating ethnic mix and when I was there in the late 90’s its population of around 4 million comprised mainly 65% Kyrgyz with Uzbeks and Russians about 13% each with the rest spread among 60 other nationalities. To ensure my Kyrgyz contacts of my commitment to their country I tried to visit the capital Bishkek (with its backdrop of the nearby Ala-Too mountains) every 6 weeks or so. This entailed a hazardous road journey of 4 hours on a good day, but often with traffic problems – especially in winter as treacherous (sometimes impassable) passes had to be negotiated. I frequently had to fall back on my portable satellite phone (see photo) to ask my Embassy to

In an earlier Ramblings I mentioned how the Kazakh Ambassador was transported by royal carriage to Buckingham Palace to present his Letter of Credence to The Queen. In both Almaty and Bishkek I was transported to the Presidential Palaces (from my Embassy/hotel respectively) by Chaika (the huge Russian limousines used for such occasions) to present my Letters of Credence from The Queen. For both ceremonies I decided to wear my kilt. At the time we were encouraged to raise our public profile wherever we were posted and it was successful! I subsequently got to know both Presidents reasonably well. Before my posting I was briefed at Clarence House about an official visit by the Prince of Wales which was to take place in November 1996 (six months after my arrival) to both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. He would be spending two full days in Almaty before flying direct from there to Bishkek where he would spend a day. For me and my three UK staff this involved a huge amount of work. But it subsequently turned out to be highly rewarding as it brought me into very close contact with a number of leading Kazakh

One man and his dog raise over €1,500 The bravery shown by the bombeiros when they faced the terrible fires that tore through parts of the Algarve last year inspired one local British man to raise funds by walking across the region with his faithful dog. Colin MacBean successfully completed his walk across the length of the Algarve and raised enough money to buy a heart monitor for the Lagoa Bombeiros. Colin, who lives in Carvoeiro, braved terrible weather conditions, injury and his fair share of navigational problems to complete his walk in aid of the Bombeiros, raising over €1,500 in the process. Colin said: “I would like to thank many people for their help along the way, including John Wilson from Bespoke Architecture who helped with the organisations and my good friend Dave for running me about during the walk.

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“Thanks also to Sue and Aaron Glashier from Harry’s Bar for believing in me and to Bob and Ida Harris from the bar for adding an additional €400 to the fund, Peter and Miranda Gilpin for putting in the first €100 and Nicky Burns for also making a generous contribution.” Many local bars and businesses supported Colin on his journey and helped to raise funds including Carvoeiro Bar, Hemingways, Accordeão, Boa Vida, J Bar, Algarve 2000, Bar , while the Tavira Taberna kindly provided Colin with some much needed warm food while en-route. Colin added: “I would also like to thank Faro Bombeiros for drying my clothes and pointing me in the right direction and everyone in Carvoeiro for their support, however my greatest thanks go to my dog Roly for keeping me company all the way.” 

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and Kyrgyz figures. The highlight of the Almaty visit was probably the small dinner in the Presidential Palace with just the President and his wife, the Prince of Wales, the Kazakh Foreign Minister and my wife and I. We got through some very useful business matters with the Prince asking me to get involved in the nitty gritty of subjects like the investment pitfalls for foreigners. In Bishkek we persuaded the President to entertain the Prince in a ceremonial yurt, something of a challenge in November, which they achieved marvellously. Fortunately visits to both capitals went without hitch but it was with some relief that I watched the Prince’s aircraft take off successfully from Bishkek! It was fascinating to spend three days in the company of the Prince. I had previously met him briefly in New Delhi and Vienna (the latter accompanied by Princess Diana). I greatly admired his command of a brief, but more importantly his ability to work a roomful of people in the time allotted and, in doing so, to make them all feel at ease.  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office A correction and an apology from the Editor for the incorrect figure in last month’s Ramblings. There were 20 staff at The German Embassy NOT 205 as stated.

New Algarve author Anthony Pearce is delighted that his novel ‘Perspectives’ will now be made available to locals at the Owl Story Book Store in Lagos. Anthony won ‘a most promising writer’ award as a young man and has written prolifically ever since for limited publication and relaxation but in recent years since retiring from a busy career as an international ‘paper trader’ he has found time to craft his first full scale novel for which the early ‘reviews’ have been highly favourable. We hope to do a full interview with Tony in the next few months. 

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Connecting with your child

Laura Newman is a speech therapist and parent consultant who set up Connected Child in Portugal one year ago. Connected Child is an independent family support service that is aimed at supporting and helping parents to raise their children to reach their highest potential. It specialises in children and young people of all ages with difficulties in speech and behaviour. Here Laura tells Tomorrow magazine more about herself and her work. Please tell us about yourself now? I’m a full blown Capricorn. I like cycling on the coastal paths, playing in the waves and discovering new places in the mountains to walk. I love learning Portuguese, talking to shepherds, eating raw food and watching good movies that make me laugh or cry. I love to see my daughter growing and blossoming in this environment. How did you end up in Lagos? I moved to Portugal two years ago with my daughter after living in England, Florida and Brazil. Visiting my friend in the Algarve was set to change my life; my ‘impulsive’ gene was already excited. We moved to Sintra in the summer and quickly relocated to the Algarve after the Winter clouds started to invade my house. ‘Damp’ doesn't begin to describe it! I followed the Steiner Waldorf education system to the Lagos area. What is your professional background? I have degrees in Biology, Speech Therapy and a Master’s Degree in Human Communications (my boyfriend called me The Three Degrees!) I worked with special needs children for 20 years in the UK. In 2002 I certified as a health educator and since becoming a parent I have been engaged in ongoing training in Developmental Attachment-Based Parenting with The Neufeld Institute. Learning never stops.

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What are your areas of expertise? Childrens’ communication challenges, including autism, stammering, speech disorder, delayed language development, dyslexia. Childrens’ behaviour challenges, including sibling rivalry, aggression, anxiety, fussy eaters and poor sleepers. Childrens’ learning challenges, including under-achievers, literacy issues. Parents who would benefit from effective tools and emotional support. How did you get into working as a parent consultant? I found it tough from the start, being a single parent and not knowing how to manage with three years of sleep exhaustion! Her need for connection and her immature behaviour pushed me to the edge. It forced me to look at myself and work on my emotional triggers and find an approach that really worked for me. When I saw the amazing results, in her and in myself, I started to share this with my friends and community. It was a natural progression to integrate this into my work as a therapist. Why was this something you wanted to do? I feel passionately about children getting the best in life, having their emotional needs met, and being able to communicate clearly and with full expression. Being a mother is the most challenging work I have ever done and what I need most is good information and support, so naturally I want the same for other parents. It is inspiring working with children and parents who are engaged in the process of change. What are the main challenges facing parents today? In terms of childrens’ development, it is digital devices, the erosion of extended families and ‘peer orientation’, connecting more with their peers than their parents. The desire to connect is the strongest force in nature; if children are not developing deep nourishing relationships with their parents, their desire to connect typically finds attachment with digital devices and peers. The result is that ‘immature brains’ are raising each other and children are staying at that level of immaturity,

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resulting in a host of behaviour issues and a nightmare for parents. Please tell us about what services you offer? I offer individual and group support for parents and professionals in my areas of expertise, through school/home visits and online support. I welcome new enquiries from parents and professionals, with a free initial consult which can be scheduled directly via my website and fb page. This year will see the start of Listening Circles for Parents in Lagos and online. What are Listening Circles for parents? A confidential space for parents to feel deeply supported in their unique parenting journey, to be able to think clearly and intuitively, and discover the answers to their parenting challenges. Learning to listen and be listened to is one of the most transformational skills for any social human being. Can you share how you have worked with a client? My first client in the Algarve was a 3-yearold boy showing many signs of autism. He used short repetitive phrases, parroting rather than communicating. His parents were distraught with his behaviour. I worked with the boy in play and taught the parents how to talk with him. But the real key was supporting the parents in dealing with his behaviour. When they stopped reacting to his frustration and dealt with their own, his learning took off. Within one month he was starting to communicate in a more developmentally appropriate way. What difference does your work make in peoples’ lives? My aim is to help parents make sense of their children's behaviour and learn how to raise a child in optimum emotional and physical health; to make sense of their own emotions and embracing the parenting journey; to teach children to overcome their communication issues and expressing themselves to their fullest. My client summed it up when she said: “Laura was expert in seeing my situation with great depth and brought me valuable insight and clarity, marrying intuition with logic.” Anna Freedman. >> Continues on page 20

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Loose Ends By Irene Wareing

>> Continued from page 18 I have other testimonials on my facebook and website.

Our second meeting of the year for the Loose Ends community group will be held on March 27th at the usual time of 4pm in the Madness/Smooth restaurant annexe at the far end of the Lagos Marina next to the Marina Bar. Our thanks go to the management and staff for the use of their venue and to Tomorrow magazine for their continued support. We run the meetings from March to November each year.

Can you sum up the top three things that parents can do to help their children. First, parents can de-schedule childrens' lives and spend more time together as a family; nourishing those family connections and giving children opportunities to engage in real play.

Loose Ends was started towards the end of last year in collaboration with the Tomorrow magazine, formulating the idea of bringing together newlyarrived couples, singles and the recently bereaved. In fact anyone wishing to connect with the community at large in the spirit of friendship and to discover opportunities for connecting with each other and like-minded community groups for social events, activities such as sport and recreation, arts and crafts, gardening, volunteering or supporting fund-raising for worthwhile local causes.

Second, parents can listen to childrens’ feelings without consequence and see what happens to their behaviour. See through their behaviour and see the child, who is immature, frustrated and needing their attention. Third, focus on their children’s connection with them and keep that relationship safe, no matter what, even if they have to put themselves in time out sometimes.    961 633 995   connectedchildfamily

We would also like to introduce to our membership the concept of the barter system within the group. So if one

person has a skill such as arts and crafts, recreational and lifestyle activities such as Tai Chi, Yoga, sports or natural therapies or language skills they can ‘trade it’ in return for the skill of another member for free. This could include activities such as a book, theatre or lunch/supper club or to be a guest speaker to the membership on the area of their expertise at no cost in return for a skill/activity from another member of Loose Ends. Alternatively, if you are a community organisation or a supplier of any of the previously-mentioned services and would like to contact the Loose Ends group, we would welcome your input for distribution to our membership and our affiliated associations. You can contact the convenor, Irene Wareing via email at:  We are looking forward to hearing from you so we can confirm numbers for the restaurant and to seeing you all at our next meeting. 

Fantastic Fado lunch Adeia Azul in Lagos, the quality of meal and service added to the splendid mood. Some guests indicated interest in Lions’ activities and are invited to our March meeting. All proceeds are a welcome contribution to LC de Lagos charity fund.

The Lions Clube de Lagos was overwhelmed by the enormous interest for its first Fado lunch, one of the many events in the pipe line of this young and vibrant, the only English speaking service club in the Western Algarve. Of those attending, mainly international newcomers to Portugal, this was the first acquaintance with this traditional music and singing. The appreciation was shown with generous applauding after each part of the enthusiastically performing guitarists and fado singers. The location, Restaurant

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Fado (‘destiny, fate’) is a music genre which can be traced to the 1820s in Lisbon, Portugal, but probably with much earlier origins. Fado is commonly regarded as simply a form of song and music characterized by mournful tunes and lyrics, often about the sea or the life of the poor, and infused with a sentiment of resignation, fatefulness and melancholia. This is loosely captured by the Portuguese word saudade, or "longing", symbolizing a feeling of loss. The Lions Clube de Lagos is steadily growing in numbers, and has members from seven different countries and many

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more showing interested to join, ready to use their skills and enthusiasm to serve the community. Internationally Lions surpassed the 1.4 million member mark at the end of year 2016, the largest it has ever been, thanks to members from all over the world believing in the objectives of Lions and aiming to serve 200 million people a year by 2021. For more information you're welcome to contact the membership secretary, Theo de Jager  

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Penguins set to make a splash at Lagos Zoo By Sophie Sadler

A passion for animals in his childhood led the Algarve's very own Gerald Durrell, Paulo Figueiras, to establishing a zoo near Barão de São João. Having visited many times with my children I am excited to meet the owner and find out how he turned his parent's land into an attraction and in the process, I stumble on an exclusive for Tomorrow magazine readers! There is a great deal of negative publicity nowadays surrounding zoos so I am keen to find out whether we should be supporting them or staying away. I immediately warm to Paulo, he does not come across as a Cruella de Vil figure, on the contrary, he is passionate about animal conservation. “People need to start looking at zoos in a different way, they are not about cages, it is all about conservation,” he says. One of the lovely things about Lagos Zoo is that many of the primates live on islands surrounded by a lake so that you do not look at them through bars.

On top of this deforestation is leading to many of these animal's habitats disappearing. Zoos play a vital role in preventing species from becoming extinct and they put millions into conservation projects every year. None of our animals come from the wild and in fact, several of the schemes we cooperate with are working towards breeding animals to put back in the wild.” One of the projects Lagos Zoo is involved with this year is helping to preserve the Socorro Dove which comes from an island in Mexico. After a military base was established on the island the dove numbers are dangerously low. Two breeding pairs are arriving in Barão to hopefully reproduce chicks that will be sent back to Mexico. In order that they will re-integrate into the wild one pair will be kept out of the sight of the public while the other pair will be visible.

Paulo is very excited that in 2016 the zoo became a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums). Normally it takes some time to achieve full membership but Lagos zoo achieved this after the initial application process.

Zoos now work in conjunction with each other, there is one designated custodian of a species who is responsible for the programmes for that breed throughout Europe. They will determine whether there is a surplus or if more breeding is required. Animals are then moved between locations for breeding programmes using a software programme that monitors all the animals and controls the gene pool, with the ultimate goal of releasing animals back into the wild. Paulo co-ordinates the White Cheek Horn Bills from Africa for all the zoos in the scheme. “It is just like being part of a big family; we meet regularly at conferences, the EAZA meeting was four weeks ago, in Belfast.”

Formed in 1992, EAZA’s mission is to facilitate cooperation within the European zoo and aquarium community towards the goals of education, research and conservation. Paulo works with schools in conjunction with the Portugal Ministry of Education aiming to instruct children in conservation and explain the problems caused by man's commercial activities. Lagos Zoo is home to many endangered species from around the world, “you wouldn’t need zoos if people acted in a different way,” explains Paulo. “The second biggest illegal trade after guns is animals.

The zoo has had many successes one of the most endangered monkeys, the Cotton-Top Tamarin from Colombia is currently pregnant and the coordinator will decide which zoo to send the babies, which will hopefully expand the population in other zoos. Paulo has just built a new flamingo pool which is a beautiful spectacle and home to the bright pink Cuban flamingos which have just arrived from Barcelona zoo. He is receiving 23 more European flamingos from Bristol zoo. Fans of the endangered Pygmy hippos will be pleased to know that a boyfriend has

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just arrived for the two females, Flory and Luna. Paulo is hoping that this will result in some baby hippos soon. Once any young arrive though the male cannot be kept with the female, as they are solitary animals, so he will then be introduced to the second female. Paulo, who has done a course in animal welfare, tells me that it is not always the size of the enclosure which determines the animal's quality of life but rather the enrichment they get through being able to carry out natural behaviour patterns. An example of this is seen in the Chimp enclosure where a termite hut has been provided from which the animals dig out food with sticks. The two primates have both been rescued, one from having photos taken with tourists in Tenerife and another from a circus. “I deliberately do not have any animal shows,” says the zookeeper, “the only presentations we do to the public is showing the animals engaged in a natural activity such as using a stone to break open fruit. I get very happy when I see on TripAdvisor people saying that the zoo does not feel commercial because I don't want it to be a spectacle.” On this score, I would say that Paulo has achieved this his goal. You get a feeling of peace and tranquillity as you walk around the zoo and always come away feeling relaxed rather than exhausted, as you do when you leave some other tourist attractions in the Algarve. I can highly recommend that if you are a Resident or visit regularly that you buy one of the “Friends of Lagos Zoo” passes, which at only €45 for an adult and €30 for a child gives you a year’s unlimited access. If you have young children it is a magical and safe environment to bring them to run around in, or if you are an adult a calming place in which to unwind! The zoo receives 70,000 visitors a year and it has taken many years of hard work and dedication to get to this point. I ask Paulo how he got things started; “It was very hard,” he says, “banks want to lend you money for a house, not a zoo. Of course, if we were more in the centre of the Algarve we would receive more visitors but I am happy that the zoo now pays for itself and I can re-invest in improving the zoo each year.” >> Continues on page 24

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Community >> Continued from page 22 Paulo started the zoo from scratch on land owned by his parents, each lake was dug out and is supplied by their bore hole. He started with some Capuchin monkeys from a zoo in Budapest and some birds from a zoo in Porto, opening on the 16th November 2000 and has grown the project each year now employing 15 staff.

giving you the feeling of swimming with the penguins. For anyone worrying that the pool might be a bit cold, these are African penguins which do not live on ice so the water will be a normal temperature, although there might be some refrigerated crevices which the penguins can retreat to in the height of summer.

On which note I can exclusively reveal to Tomorrow's readers the new addition to the zoo for summer 2017 is a swimming pool for visitors which will be separated by a glass partition from a penguin pool,

I ask Paulo if he is proud of what he has achieved. “Of course, I am very proud and happy, I am a dreamer and this has been a life-long dream but you also have to confront reality on a daily basis. I love

animals but have never wanted to pet them, I like to observe them in their natural habitat. My next idea is to create an African savannah with giraffes.” It has been an honour to meet such an inspirational character who shows that dreams can come true and I can't wait to tell my kids about the penguin pool!  For more information:   +351 282 680 100 

By Jenny

Dialect and a very brief history of the English language Bertenshaw What happened to dialects and why do most people now speak a less colourful form of English? Foolishly I agreed to try and explain. This is a huge subject so here we go! Lets begin at the top, so to speak, geographically and linguistically: Scots is one of the oldest and richest languages dating back before the Anglo -­Saxon invasions of the 6th and 7th centuries. We could even say that its influence spread further south into the northern counties of England which in turn were heavily influenced by the invasions of the Danes and the Norsemen. My own home town was a Danish settlement. Having lived in the Netherlands I can recognize many similar words that are used both in NL and also to this day in Scotland. “Kerk” is perhaps the most famous word for church, the language being rooted in old German. Why then is the Scots language no longer written in Edinburgh or Glasgow? Why are the dialects of Yorkshire and Lancashire rather frowned upon in some parts of the country and perhaps taken as an indication of lack of education? Historically the

answer lies in the South (no surprise there) arising from developments in 17th and 18th century London.

by the middle and upper classes (not the Royal Family apparently who had their own pronunciation).

It was from there that the English Crown consolidated its rule throughout a barely “United Kingdom” where many forms and dialects of English were spoken. The Crown encouraged the spread of southern English at the expense of regional varieties.

The movement for the standardisation of the English language began and continued into the educational acts of the late Victorian era. The emphasis was upon “correct” English which naturally became that which was spoken by the most influential classes i.e. the middle and upper classes of the “home counties”.

It was here that the language became refined as the ‘de facto’ language of power and learning to the detriment of the Scottish language and other varieties. From the restoration in 1660 to the publication of Samuel Johnson’s dictionary in 1755 there became a pressing need to unify the language and particularly spelling.

This group developed a striking pronunciation known as the “long a” as in “baaath” and “paaath” along with other slightly idiosyncratic pronunciations. Such developments of course also helped some to make judgements distinguishing the so called educated from the non educated.

The push for this ironically came from two Irish men John Dryden and Jonathan Swift, his cousin who was born in Dublin. They felt it was important that language became as precise as maths and science. As the southern counties contained most of the rich and powerful including writers and scientists, it is no surprise that this area developed the language as spoken

You might try applying one such idiosyncratic “rule” to your own name. If for example you understand that the stately home ”Belvoir” is pronounced “Beever” then how do you think such a interpretation might apply to your own name? You might get quite a laugh or laaaaugh out of it. 

high. The breakdown by nationality indicates that the hotel sector received 7.6 million Portuguese guests and 11.4 million foreign tourists – more foreigners than Portugal's indigenous population of 10.5 million.

million, 9% percent more than in the previous year. Foreigners, led by the British, accounted for 14.2 million overnight stays, 11.9% more than in 2015. Faro airport recorded 7.6 million passengers, a new record and 18.5% up on 2015. 

Tourism hits a high Confirmation of last year’s tourism figures for the Algarve, and Portugal as a whole, have delighted even the most conservative commentators with 2016 now being lauded as an historic year for the country, led by the booming Algarve. The National Institute of Statistics revealed last month that hotels in Portugal received 19.1 million guests and 53.5 million overnight stays last year, a new

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The 2016 number of overnight stays in hotels, holiday villages and holiday apartments in the Algarve reached 18.1

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Thanks to the Algarve Daily News for this story.

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What's On Searching for peace and quiet at Quinta Alfarrobeira By Lena Strang

for a unique holiday experience in a natural setting. In the low season the couple open their doors for events, artists’ workshops and retreats for a reduced price, wanting to share the mindful and beautiful energy of their quinta with others. From Saturday March 25th to Saturday April 1st, a Hatha yoga and healing retreat (Connecting to Our Divine Essence) will take place at the quinta. This will include daily yoga, individual healing sessions with massage, crystal healing and reflexology also available. It will allow each one to release any blockages and change mental thought patterns with the aid of Noeline Oldham, during an intensive but still relaxing week, progressing at an individual pace.

Ever fancied getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spending some time in a tranquil environment? Luckily, we don’t have to board a plane to reach a far-flung exotic location, as right here in the Algarve there is the perfect place for this. Quinta Alfarrobeira, a six-hectare rustic country estate near Odiáxere, with its wide ranging views over the surrounding country side, offers the peace and tranquillity that many are seeking. It’s owned by a Dutch

couple, Inge and Theo who for many years have been welcoming visitors from all over the world. The quinta is run in a relaxed and sustainable way. The accommodation units have been built and restored with an eye for detail in traditional Portuguese and Moroccan styles, each connected by an inner garden, terraces, pathways, old olive trees and herb gardens. There is the lure of siestas spent swinging in a hammock where worries of the world are bound to disappear in an instance. In the summer season the quinta is visited by many people looking

This is where I will be spending the week recharging my batteries. And no, it won’t be the batteries for my iphone this time. I might not emerge a totally new person but I hope it will be an energised and new me. At the time of going to print there are still places available for one single and two people sharing. Please contact Noeline Oldham for more information.   963614499   Noeline Oldham  Quinta Alfarrobeira, Sustainable Rural Retreat

Portugal’s First Stand Up Paddleboard Festival Portugal’s first Stand Up Paddle Festival will take place this year between April 7th and 9th. SUP is one of the fastest growing sports in the world popular with every age group. Nick Robinson owner of Algarve SUP was one of the first companies to popularise the sport in Southern Portugal. Now in his third year of business he has taken hundreds of guests along the stunning Algarve coastline. He enjoys adventure and was the first person to stand up paddle the breadth of the Algarve from Sagres to the Spanish border, following that up with a 260km paddle through central Portugal in 2016. In 2014 Nick founded the ‘Guadiana Challenge’ and with a few friends set out to complete a 32km paddle from Mertola to Alcoutim. Three years on, Nick has

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partnered up with Tom Longhurst, who is a keen paddleboarder and owner of Algarve Marquees. Together they hope to make this event bigger than ever. "We're really trying to promote the sport so anyone can come along and try a board on Saturday and Sunday at the quay in Mértola," said Nick. "It's such an easy sport to learn and the health benefits are tremendous! There will be the widest variety of boards to try for free. It's your chance to try out SUPing for the first time, as there will be experienced instructors on hand to show you how." There will be great food on the riverside, festival music, chill out bar with campfires, free camping and a huge waterslide into the river. Sunday is a chance to meet surf and paddle

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legends: Andrew Cotton, world famous big wave surfer, Spike Reid, SUP Explorer extraordinaire (he’s just paddled 3,000 km down the Ganges River in India!) and Kiko Matthews who will be demonstrating her training to row the Atlantic. There will also be a SUP race clinic with world rated paddleboard professional, Leonard Nika and an opportunity to meet the WSA (Water Skills Academy). You can find out how to become a SUP instructor from them. The race itself is spilt into three main categories: a 32km race, the main event (which is the 32km paddle from Mertola to Alcoutim) and for a family adventure or a novice we have a 10km fun paddle.  Please sign up at: 

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What's On

Algarve Burns Supper welcoming guests outside the restaurant. Guests enjoyed a glass or two of excellent espumante arranged by Joaquim Tinoco of Catuna & Silva Duarte Lual da Costa of Ervideira. The restaurant has been used for this event for many years and is now well practised in preparing and serving the traditional haggis, tatties and neeps. The haggis was exuberantly addressed by Chieftain Doug McAdam after it had been piped in and a quaich offered to the piper and accompanying party with Grant’s whisky sponsored for the evening by their distributors Prime Drinks.

The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve held its Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana Restaurant in Silves on Saturday January 28th. According to Society Chieftain Doug McAdam: “The supper was a resounding success with almost a full house of about 120 participants. We were particularly delighted on this occasion to be able to welcome so many guests attending for the first time”.

dancing – which included an Eightsome Reel piped heartily by Malcolm MacGillivray – and the proceedings were brought to a close around midnight with ‘Auld Lang Syne’. Audibility can be a problem at our spacious venue so we were very pleased that this year CW Entertainments Algarve provided the sound system for the evening. Anyone interested in knowing more about the society and its activities – no need to be Scots – should ring Chieftain Doug McAdam on 935 577 362 or Kathy Prentice on 919 635 246.

As usual bagpiper Malcolm MacGillivray got the evening off to a scintillating start by

The excellent main speech - the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns - was delivered by Sue McAdam. The mildly provocative toast to the Lassies was made by Vice Chieftain Rod Frew and Mahala Baker gave the more than adequate riposte on behalf of the lassies. The assembled company then partook of lively and enthusiastic Scottish

Beach clean-up

Cacela Velha in the Islamic period Robertson

Tomorrow magazine in conjunction with Extreme Algarve Surf School and through the Oceans Initiatives have set the date for this year’s annual beach clean-up at Praia da Cordoama in Vila do Bispo, Algarve. It is April 2nd. The meeting place will be the car park from 11am, please bring extra bags and gloves. Anyone and everyone is invited to help maintain our beaches and this year were hoping for our biggest turnout yet. Our ocean and beaches are filling with human rubbish especially plastic at an alarming rate and it will take every one of us to be more conscious about our refuse. This includes cigarette butts on the beach, recycling as well as every time you are on the beach and see some litter, it doesn’t take much effort to pick it up and leave it at the bins.   collecte/9508

By Jane

On Tuesday March 7th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Cristina Garcia. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

Cristina Garcia studied Historical Science at the Universidade Lusiada, specialising in prehistoric civilisation. She has worked in the Algarve since 1989 and has developed projects in the Ria Formosa Natural Park, the Municipality of Vila Real de S. António and the Direção Regional da Cultura do Algarve. Cristina has published several articles about the history and archaeology of the Algarve and has also published a book entitled "Cacela, Terra de Levante: Memórias da Paisagem Algarvia" (2008). With a scholarship from the FCT (Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology), Cristina was able to study the materials and deposits from archaeological excavations undertaken in Cacela Velha in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2007. Cristina Garcia's PhD thesis, a historicalarchaeological study of Cacela Velha, aimed at understanding the town's life with the maritime and agricultural activity in SW Iberia between the 12th and 14th

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And if you would like to give Scottish dancing a try why not speak to Mardie Cunningham, who runs the dancing at the Nobel International School in Porches on Monday evenings from 7.30 - 9.30pm Her number is 282 356 029. 

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centuries. The historical record for Cacela Velha, which is located at the eastern end of the Ria Formosa, is incomplete. With a long coastal territory, several 19th century scholars have proposed an ancient human occupation for the town. Roman material provides most of the evidence for ancient times, although there are indications that the first settlers may date to the Copper Age. Written sources also mention that Cacela Velha had its largest settlement during the Islamic period, characterised by a lively human community and the building of a castle and the town.

Analysis of the historical records and the abundance of archaeological data collected during the excavations at Cacela Velha (including human burials, ceramics, metals and animal bones) has allowed the development of a coherent historical interpretation of the Eastern Algarve during the Medieval Age, from the Islamic period to the installation of the Christian monarchies. As such, the aim of this talk is to explain how this study was undertaken and to present its results. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on 917 267 948.     Algarve Archaeological Association

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What's On

Algarve International Music Festival returns After a seven year gap, the 32nd Algarve International Music Festival (FIMA) kicks off this month.

Israeli Jerusalem Quartet. The Orquestra Clássica do Sul will also join other artists and musical groups like the choir Lisboa Cantat and the Companhia de Dança do Algarve, as well as pianists Jean-Bernard Pommier and Constantin Sandu.

One of the oldest Portuguese music festivals, FIMA’s mission is to promote access to classical music through a series of 20 concerts. Running until May across the Algarve, the programme will feature quality and diverse repertoire and first-rate musicians.

The varied programme incorporates a range of musical styles, eras and composers, ranging from Baroque (Vivaldi, Bach and Telemann) and Classicism (Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven) to Romanticism (Schubert, Brahms, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky) and Modernism (Debussy, Schoenberg and Stravinsky). Great examples of contemporary Portuguese music, such as the pieces written by with Luís Soldado, Sérgio Azevedo, Eurico Carrapatoso and Luís Carvalho, will also

The Orquesta Classica do Sul will feature heavily, taking part in 11 of the planned concerts. Other groups on the bill include the Academy of Ancient Music from the UK, the Orquestra de Extremadura (Spain), Portugal’s Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, the Danish Carion Quintet and the

The choir performs throughout the year (past performances have included a 'flashmob' at a summer ball, a joint concert with a Norwegian choir, singing for the inauguration of a new statue and surprising

a bride and her guests at a wedding) and there are also regular social evenings and events organised. Whatever the choir does, there is always a strong element of fun involved. Plans for 2017 include our regular summer singalongs in Luz, a weekend choir skills seminar in the autumn and of course our ever-popular Christmas performances at the end of the year. So if any of this sounds like something you might be interested in - feel free to come along to find out more (there are no auditions - so you can join straight in). For more information on joining, performances or for future bookings, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts.  

‘Touching Lives’

As there are so many local people featured in the book, the owners of the bar, Mário

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Ticket prices range from free to €20, with most concerts costing between €8 and €12. The festival runs from March 18th to May 28th. For tickets and to view the full schedule, visit the FIMA website.  

and Jelice Braga, are organising an informal event on Sunday March 12th at 3.30pm where Lena will present her book with her customary enthusiasm along with a short film about the people she has interviewed. Everyone is welcome to attend. The book will be available in both in English and Portuguese.  Bar do Clube is situated on Rua 25 de Abril, 18, Burgau  +351 282 697 092

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David Butler-Cole devised and is directing the comedy revue Flights of Fancy, which looks at the agony of travelling by cheap and cheerful air charters in this day and age. Naturally, there was only one choice when it came to designing the poster - his good friend, set designer BJ Boulter. The result was just perfect. BJ commented: “I always enjoy the challenge of thinking up a poster design for the eternally funny, constantly inventive, comedy skits that David writes for his comedy revues.” The production, for adults only, is taking place at the Mascarenhas Gregório theatre in Silves for three evening performances, March 2nd to 4th starting at 8pm. The following week there will be two more performances at the Auditorium in Vale Do Lobo, March 10th and 11th at 8pm and 5pm respectively.  Tickets cost €12 and can be reserved by calling  966 211 634 / 913 723 611.

Photo courtesy of BJ Boulter

Have you ever thought about joining a choir? If you have, you may be interested to know that there's a local community choir based in the Western Algarve where everyone is welcome (even if they're only staying here on a week's holiday!) The Western Algarve Community Choir (WACC) meets for weekly rehearsals to sing all types of music - new and old. We're currently working on several new pieces together - which also means that it's a good time to join in if you're thinking of becoming a regular member.

His story along with others from the region is one of the captivating chapters in her book ‘Touching Lives’, now also published in Portuguese as ‘Vidas que nos Tocam’.

The festival’s opening concert, Ode To Joy, takes place at Faro’s Teatro das Figuras on March 18th at 9pm. Concerts in our local area include Chamber Music: Great Quartets I at Lagoa auditorium on April 27th and Danses Concertantes at the Centro de Congressos do Arade on May 26th. Other locations include Lagos, Loulé, Albufeira and Tavira.

Flights of Fancy

Sing for fun

It all began in ‘Bar do Clube’ in Burgau. Here Lena Strang, one of Tomorrow’s best known writers, met 90-year-old Burgau resident, José Arenga, drinking his customary glass of red wine and where he told her about himself and his experiences.

feature - some of them in a world premiere.

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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


PILATES Mat Classes | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30, & Mon 18.30pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10 | Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer, Semi Private & 1-2-1  926514613 | Pilates Room, Lagos | 

Walking Football | Weds 09.30 -11.00 | Everyone +50 welcome | €3 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930 | 

Fisiopilates | Tues & Thurs - Sat 9.00 & Mon 19.00 | €12.50 | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  282782707 | 

Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Women’s Group Golf Lesson | Fri 09.30 - 10.30 & 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Junior Golf School | Sun 10.00 - 11.00 | €10 per lesson (buy 3 get 1 free) Espiche Golf |  282688250

With Andrea | Mon 9.30 & 18.00, Tue & Fri 8:30 & 10:30, Wed 10:30, Thurs 18:00 | €10 | AR Pilates Studio, Lagos |  966784280 | 

Golf Academy with PGA Pro  282690054 | Tennis Academy with certified Pro  282690008 | Contact us for details | Golf Santo Antonio

With Lucienne | Wed 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258

Tennis Academy with certified Pro  282690008 Football Academy | Mon (5 - 11 yrs) 16.45 & (12 -16 yrs) 18.15 | | €5 Circuit Training | Wed 10.00 | €5 Fun Tennis Doubles | Thurs 16.30 | €5 Touch Rugby | Thurs 19.30 | €4 Ladies Sports | Fri 13.30 | €5 Burgau Sports Centre | More Activites & Info:  282697350

With Monica | Tues & Thurs 11.00 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 Physio-Pilates with Indah | Tues 18.00, Pavilhão Desportivo, Raposeira & Thur 10.00, Barão S. João | €5 | Perinatal/pelvic Floor Pilates Fri 09:30 10:30 | Raposeira | €8 |  911754890 Pilates | Tue 9.00 & Thurs 9.30 | €11 | Boavista Golf Resort |  282790930 YOGA Hatha Yoga | Tues & Thurs 8.30 - 10.15 | Pre Natal Yoga | Thurs 10.15 | 1per wk €35 | Casa Sakra, Lagos |  968681682 Hatha with Kathrin | Tue 10.00 & Thurs 09.30 | €8 | Alma Verde |  919297638 Hatha Flow | Mon & Wed 10.00 | Yin Yoga | Tues 18.00 | Yin & Yang Yoga Fri 08.30 | Integral Yoga | Sat 09.30 | Inlight Lagos |  913127421 Hatha with Noeline | Mon, Wed & Fri 9.45 | €10 | Classes for Children | Sat 9.15 (4-7 yrs) & 10.30 (8-12 yrs) (Booking required) | Boavista Golf Resort,  |  282790930 Gentle Hatha with Meg | Mon 18.30 - 20.00 The Yoga Place, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 14.00 Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 |  965201477 Hatha with Diana | Tue 10.00 - 12.00 | €7 (reg.) €10 (drop-in) | Monterosa, Barão S. João |  962492607 With Ann | Tue & Thurs 10.30 - 12.00 | All levels | Yin Yoga | Wed 18.30 | €10 (residents €60 x 8) | Burgau |  913202621 & De-stress with Lucienne | Fri 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista |  968288258 Yoga for Chidren with Anna | Sat 10.00 | €8-10 | Alma Verde |  920265137 ZUMBA

Netball | Wed 19.00 | All ages & abilities | Behind Bombeiros Building, Lagos |  |  'Netball in Lagos' ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-mem.) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson FREE €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz |  919707635 Tennis Clinics for Children | Mon & Wed | 09.30 | 10€/1 hour Boavista Tennis Courts | Equipment inc. Booking required | Soccer School Children Wed 17.30 & Sat 09.00 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282000100 Flood-lit Paddle-Tennis Courts | Available for booking (inc. non-members) Clube Tenis de Lagos |  282086485/936568858 | 

Classes | Lessons Tango Argentino Dance Course | Sun 17.00 - 19.30 | €5 | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 |  Adult Ballet | Mon & Wed 13.00-14.00 €9/€50 pm | Baby Ballet (2-3yrs) Sat 9.30-10.00am €3 | Children Dance Lessons (Ballet,Modern,Tap,Street,Jazz) Mon-Sat | Nicola's Move-Ment Dance Academy |  913832335 Programming for Children with Gil | Mon 16:00 | €10 | Aljezur |  927 186 016 Watercolour Painting with Sandie | Thurs 10.30 - 13.00h | €10 | All abilities welcome (Materials supplied or BYO) | Fortaleza Da Luz, Luz |  912149839

With Linda | Mon & Fri 9.45 | €6 | Alma Verde |  918 461 840

Archery | Booking Only | Games Centre, Boavista Golf Resort |  282790930

With Monica | Wed 9.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086

African Dance Classes | Mon 19.00, Teatro Experimental de Lagos | Tues & Fri 10.30, Aljezur | Wed 19.00, Monte Rosa, Barão S. João | €8 |  964588588

& Dance with Lucienne | Wed & Fri 10.00 | Zumba Step! (pre-booking) | Thurs 10.00 - 11.00 | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258 With Debbie | Mon & Wed 18.00 | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre |  282697350

Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes with Eva | Wed & Thurs 15.00 | +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary | €10 | Barão S. João |  962039574 Susana's Practical Portuguese Lessons | Fri 10.30 | €5 | Lounge Bar, Marina Club Hotel |  964696345

OTHER Tai Chi & Qigong | Mon 8.30 & Fri 10.00 | Mon donation / Fri €5-8 | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 | 

Life drawing with Kasia | Mon 11.00 - 13.00 | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916035308

Step/Body Toning | Mon & Thurs 08.30 | € 5 | Personal Training | € 25 | Tennis Club, Lagos |  965337973

Stain Glass with Dianne | Tues &Thurs 10.30 | €10 | Espiche |  919117108

Qi Gong with Sonia | Mon 10.30 & Wed 18.30 | €32x1 class p.m or €40x2 c.p.m | Casa Sakra, Lagos |  282081636 | 

Portuguese Beginners Class | Tue & Thur 11.00 (Chinicato) and Mon & Wed 11.00 (Portelas) | €5 |  912417994 | 

Bootcamp | Mon - Fri 10.00 & Mon 19.00 & Fri 18.30 | AXN Pump | Mon Fri 10.00 & 18.00 | AXN 3B (Brazilian rythms, lower body workout) | €8 w/ Tomorrow Magazine | AXN Club, Cascade Resort, Lagos |  915183888

Teresa's Computer Classes | Sat 10.00 | All levels | €10 | Lagos |  918764613

Tai Ji with Carl | Mon 10.00-11.30 (beginners) & Thurs 17.30 -19.00 (advanced) | €10 | Barão S. João |  919718955 Body Fit Classes | Tue & Thurs 9.30 | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282690086 Gymnastik with Irmela | Mon 18.15 | €7 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  965211996 Aqua Aerobics | Tues 16.00, Wed 09.30 & Fri 9.30 & 16.00 | 1/2 x week €18/€28 | Boavista Golf Resort, Luz |  282790930

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Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | Mon & Thurs Afternoon & Sat Morning | €12.50pc (non-mem.), €10pc (mem.) | Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €25 (non-mem.) €20 (mem.) | Boavista Golf Resort |  917953914 Capoeira | 18.30 (kids) & 19.30 Mon | €7/9 Rhythm & Dance (Tessa Sander) | 18:30 (basics) & 19:30 Tue | €7/9 Hatha Yoga (Maria Brand) | 09:30 Sat | €9 Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa Sander) | 11:15 Sat | €7 Conscious Dance Sessions (Dr. Kathya Kaye) | 11.00 Sun | €9 Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos |  282764224

Entertainment & Events 15th March Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group | 11.00 | Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Info. Carol  926297527 or Kirsteen  968084946 3-6th March | Full Activation & Healing Retreat | To remove fears, wounds & become aware of patterns | €440 (inc. tea/coffe & lunch) | SAL Camping, Salema |  00467399271 |  18th March Jazz-flavoured Concert | Vasco Ramalho & Tuniko Goulart, Vibraphone & Guitar | 15.00 | €19.50 (inc. refreshment buffet w/ wine) 28th March 'Os Lusiados' as you've never heard them before'' | 15.00 | An audio book of Portugal's greatest classical epic poem by Luis de Camões readings, translations, music & sound effects take you back into the Age of Discoveries | €10 (inc. snack buffet with a 'Discoverers' recipe) Quinta das Alagoas, nr Almadena | Reservation only | Info. & Res.  924204343 |  24th March Wine Tasting Dinner Barranco Longo | 19.30 | €30pp 26th March Mother's Day Carvery Lunch | 13.00 | €16pp Boavista Golf Resort, Luz | 282000100 Dr. Why Quiz & Fish n’ Chips Fri | Clubhouse Restaurant, Boavista Golf Resort | 282000114 |

Activities Dog Training with Albertina | Tue 11.00-12.00 (Rally-Obedience), Fri 11.0012.00 & Sat 16.00-17.00 (Agility), | €25 4 sess. |  968086320 | Espiche Weekly Walk with Ros & Lol | 09.30 (approx 2.5hrs) | Various locations | Meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) |  Open Studio/ Painting Atelier with Eva | Wed & Thurs 11.00 | for women to explore their creative potential | €10 | Barão S. João |  962039574

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm | Make some new friends while helping animals |  913659675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912967870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912444666 Trudy  AA International English Speaking Meeting | 19.30 - 21h00 Wed, Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c | 19.30 - 20.30 Sun, Rua Dr. Joaquim Tello 32 A, Lagos  964201904 / 282760506 | AA hotline:  917005590

Faith | Spiritual Healing Zazen Meditation with Carl | Tue & Thurs 07.30 & Wed 19.30 - 20.30 | €3 Barão S. João |  919718955 Meditation | Sun 10.00 | FREE | Mantra Circle | 1st Thurs of the month 19.30 | Donation based | InLight Yoga & Massage Studio Lagos |  913127421 Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | Clive  918754416 |  Meditation True Chanting with Marion | Thurs 19.30 | Figueira |  914523636 Power House of Prayer | 11.00 Tue | Praise, Worship & Holy communion | 11.00 Sun | Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553 / 964285351 Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) | 8.00 (said) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz |  282788104 |  

Tomorrow Calendar (FREE OF CHARGE) Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing:

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What's On

Poetry unleashed In an unprecedented initiative, Lagos Experimental Theatre (TEL) will celebrate the World Day of Poetry on March 21st with a group of actors that will take to the streets of Lagos, visiting shops, markets and cafes reciting and offering poems, not only to residents but also to tourists visiting the city. People will hear poems in various languages including Portuguese, French, German and English. Each actor will choose a poet and will be dressed in a costume personifying this poet. This interaction will last for an hour and a half between 11am and 12.30pm. 

Prayer service On Friday March 3rd people all over the world will be taking part in a Prayer Service which this year has been prepared by the Christian women of the Philippines on the theme 'Am I Being Unfair to You?' It has been translated into 1000 different languages and dialects to be used throughout the world, starting at sunrise over the island of Samoa and continuing until sunset off the coast of American Samoa. In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippine islands in the western Pacific Ocean. This is mentioned in the service, but you will also hear the stories about a girl, a mother and an older woman, recounting their situations, hopes and fears. The service focuses on the Bible story of the workers in the vineyard. There is a reflection on the artwork designed by an artist living in the Philippines. This year there will be a service in Portimão at the International Christian Fellowship Church on March 3rd at 4pm. There will be a ‘bring and share’ finger buffet afterwards. This is not just for women but offered by women for everyone to join in. For directions to the church go to the ICF website. 

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Spring Garden Fair The Mediterranean Gardening Association in Portugal’s annual Spring Garden Fair will be held again at the lovely rural setting of Quinta da Figueirinha near Silves on March 4th between 11am and 4pm. This is the only Spring Garden Fair in the region and includes those smaller, specialist nurseries - always ready with help and advice - alongside natural history and gardening book sales, native plant seed sales, advice for members and tours of the Quinta. There will be specialist succulent nurseries, drought tolerant perennials, fruit trees and shrubs a great opportunity to see a different range of plants from those offered at the Association’s popular Autumn Garden Fair. The main aim of this Spring event is to encourage gardeners to buy the right plants for the Algarve’s Mediterranean climate. With this in mind, local nurseries have been invited along to sell plants which are native to Portugal or from the wider Mediterranean climate zones.

own stock have responded admirably and consequently offer an expanded range of waterwise and robust plants. In addition to the sale of plants there will be free talks on ‘fruit’ at 12 noon by Jean-Paul Brigand with examples from his famous fruit collections and on Permaculture at 1pm ‘An Introduction to Permaculture’ by Julia Thiemicke. There will also be a speaker’s corner with a talk about the pH (relative acidity and alkalinity) of soils. Visitors are encouraged to visit the ‘Demonstration Barrocal Garden,’ a new association project at Quinta da Figueirinha. Spring is a great time of year to see plants looking their best and ready to go into the ground before the summer heat. Come along on March 4th and you will find plenty of choice for your garden.  The fair will be open from 11am - 4pm. Free parking on site, plant crèche and catering. Entry fee €1 – under 16s free. Directions: 

This year, apart from ornamental shrubs, trees and plants, the association is focusing on The Edible Garden and so will encourage the sale of fruit trees, vegetable plants and herbs. One of the aims of the Mediterranean Gardening Association in Portugal is to encourage, if not actively pester, local plant nurseries to widen their range of plants. The smaller family run nurseries and garden centres which propagate their

A night at the opera This month, Lagos Music Academy presents Henry Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas, the most iconic baroque opera, in a unprecedented production within the Algarve. The performances takes place at 9.30pm on March 3rd at Lagoa Auditorium. It will bring together the Algarve’s resident chamber music orchestra, Algarve Camerata, the choir and soloists from the early music department at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, and visual artists from Escola Artística de Soares dos Reis in Porto. Guest musical director Adrian Van Der Spoel, stage director Carlos

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Meireles Sousa, and Belgian tenor Aeneas Jan Van Elsacker (as Aeneas) will join locals singers Joana Godinho (as Dido) and Margarida Marreiros (as Belinda), together with many other many amazing artists. The project is part of both the academy’s and the municipality of Lagoa’s strategy to promote the arts in a strong educational context, and is part of the 265 Algarve programme, which seeks to combat the traditional seasonality of tourism in the region.    @amlgs

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What's On

Tournament triumph With perfect weather conditions and no wind at all, Boavista Golf & Spa Resort welcomed the 64 players that attended the seventh Adega Mayor Tournament at the end of January.

11th and by Staffan Baaz on the 4th. Rae Kondes took the Longest Drive Ladies’ Prize and Cristiano Marcela won the Longest Drive Men.

This popular event proved once more to be a lively and very competitive tournament, as we can see from the results.

Cristiano Marcela also won the 2nd prize of this Stableford competition with 40 points playing off handicap 3, followed closely by Barry Whittles that achieved the 3rd place with 38 points.

When it came to winners, nearest the pin prize was taken by Jennie Howe on the

The tournament’s sponsor, Adega Mayor, provided exquisite wine and gift vouchers

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to the lucky winners, but it was a lady who took it all! Kath Sells, with 41 points won this year’s edition and took home the 1st prize, a fabulous 2 night-stay for 2 persons at Dona Beatriz Hotel at Campo Mayor, 2 bottles of Wine Comendador Reserva, a gift voucher to visit Adega Mayor Winery, Delta Café Factory and the CCC (Centro de Ciência do Café), a museum where you can find out more about coffee. 

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What's On

Inauguration of the Statue of St Vincent By Lena Strang On St Vincent Day, the January 22nd 2017, the statue designed by Riki Grahne, in honour of the saint was officially inaugurated at the lighthouse of the Cape of Saint Vincent in Sagres. As a patron saint of Vila do Bispo, this day is celebrated each year by the town’s population. There is a local church service and a procession where the relic of the saint’s thumb is paraded in a gilded cask through the streets. But this year there was a celebration with a difference. The inauguration at the Cape attracted a large crowd of people, with many local

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residents and foreign visitors present. Adelino Soares , the President of Vila do Bispo Town Hall expressed his satisfaction that the Cape that bears the name of the saint now has a statue in his honour. After unveiling the plaque, the statute was blessed by D. Manuel Quintas, the Bishop of the Algarve and guests were able to listen to the performance of the Western Algarve Choir. Finnish born Riki Grahne has contributed something significant to enhance awareness of the culture and history of the region. This once popular saint

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whose bones had rested on the Cape for over 400 years (until transported to the Cathedral in Lisbon in 1173) had attracted extensive pilgrimages for centuries but now appeared to be largely forgotten. After much research and the publication of two books, Riki decided to do something about it. The iconic modern piece of art symbolising the saint, now stands in a prominent location by the lighthouse. It is bound to attract the attention of visitors who may well learn something new about the history of the Cape. 

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Readers' Letters We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Casa de Santo Amaro Dear Editor, The residents, staff, Jennifer and Stephanie would like to thank everyone who helped to give all the disabled adults who live in Casa de Santo Amaro in Lagos a very merry Christmas! The gifts of ‘smellies’ which came from the generous public, and the donations that came from the German community around Aljezur caused lots of smiles and excitement. We asked Marlene, the director, what they would like purchased with the donations and she replied that paint for the bedrooms would be very welcome. She could not remember when the bedrooms were last painted. We duly purchased three very large containers of paint, some rollers and brushes. Stephanie and I were invited to the Christmas party and brought all the gifts and paint, wrapped and decorated. I found that I had a spare bedroom again once they were gone! As we went in there was a lot of excitement! It was lovely to watch their faces as they were given their gifts. We also have to give a huge thank you to Karen, from Linen Etc who donated 20 new pairs of lined curtains for the bedrooms. Marlene and the staff members who helped carry the curtains from the car were completely overwhelmed by her generosity. A big thank you also to the English Paint shop who gave us a big discount on the paint which we purchased from them. The Nandi charity shop have also been helping with various donations, thank you too! The staff told us that they have been amazed by the generosity of the expats from many countries, and that since we have started publishing their needs they have had help from locals and local Portuguese shops as well. Gifts of towels,

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bed linen, blankets, good clothing for men or women (they don’t need be new, just in good condition) are always welcome, as sometimes residents have to be showered and changed more than once daily. The shower cubicles are also being redecorated so gifts of good shower curtains for male or female showers would also be welcomed. If anyone has something which they think could be useful, a visit to the home would be welcomed. It is next to the Centro de Saude in Lagos - there is a barrier across the entrance, but the attendant will raise it, and there is parking inside. The residents welcome a bom dia even if they are unable to reply, personal contact is important for everyone. The office is on the right hand side the first door on the right. Once again, many thanks to everyone, especially to Tomorrow for the invaluable help in publicising the needs of the Casa. Best wishes, Jennifer and Stephanie  

Appeal to help Jeff and José Allen! Dear Editor,

of him having only one good leg and the other an artificial one from knee down, was finally finished. In 2004 he and his wife Jose set sail. They visited Panama, Cuba, South America, the US and the Caribbean (you can see a lot of pictures on their blog ‘Stravaig's travels’ on the internet). To reduce their costs, they had to sell the big boat and buy a smaller one, which is also called ‘Stravaig’. They established themself in the Fiji islands, where Jeff went back to work in a small clinic run by an animal charity. They still sailed a lot around in the area, though, and on one of the last trips they unfortunately lost their mast, which came down and had to be cut loose to avoid more damage to the boat. Just back in a small bay on Fiji they were hit by a storm, which caused further damage. As Jeff only receives a small pension, and there is not that much choice on Fiji where to look for equipment, they had to borrow money to buy a second-hand mast, which still needs to be adapted to the boat. So we, like other friends, offered to send out an appeal to help them. To all of you who remember Jeff helping your sick animals at any time day and night, or to any who would simpy like to help a warmhearted, genuine couple in difficulties, we ask to contribute a little to their new mast and it's riggings.

Many of your readers with pets from Lagos and around will certainly still remember English veterinary surgeon Dr. Jeff Allen, founder of the Ferrel vet clinic- Clínica Veterinária do Ferrel, which he ran between 1992 and 2001.

You can either donate something via this site: or directly to their bank account, which we can send to you on request.

After two heart atacks in 2000 he decided it was enough and sold his clinic. About two years later his beautiful catamaran ‘Stravaig’, which he and his wife had built with their own hands during almost 10 years, in spite

Heike Rauterberg Vet at the Clínica Veterinária do Ferrel in Espiche 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Yours sincerely,


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Health Your Spine and how important it is By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro

How to eat healthily By Anne de Jongh So this is the month we look at what makes a healthy diet. This can often be a very confusing area, full of trends; low fat, low carb, sugar is evil, intermittent fasting, eating six meals a day, drinking shakes …whatever the current trend is that is being advertised or endorsed by a celebrity. It gets to the point that we just do not know how to eat healthily.

How many spines do we have? The answer, of course, is ONE. And as it’s in use every minute of every day, it’s vitally important to look after it! There are five important functions of the spine: • Movement: With 24 vertebrae, our spine is able to twist and bend. However, because it can move, it can be easily injured. • Protection: The vertebrae in the spine protect your spinal cord and the nerves that come from it. The spinal cord is the first thing that develops in life and it controls every single organ and function of the body. • Posture: The spine holds up upright. If your spine is crooked, your posture will be crooked. • Support: The vertebrae in the neck support the head, which weighs 9-13lbs, or

about 5kg. Lower down, we have just TWO vertebrae in the lower back that support all the weight above, which is about twothirds of your total body weight. • Attachment: Your back and neck muscles attach to your spine. If the spine is not straight, the muscles on one side of your body will stretch to compensate, while the muscles on the other side will shorten. Muscle imbalance pulls the vertebrae out of alignment. Finally, take a look at yourself in a fulllength mirror. If you see that one shoulder is lower than the other, or your pelvis appears twisted, it really is time for a chiropractic check-up. Call us at Lagos Health Chiropractic Clinic and we’ll book you in.   +351 282 768 044

Scene safety By John Clifford If you come across someone who doesn’t seem to be alive, you and scene safety are your first priorities before you even consider approaching the patient. Don’t become a victim yourself. Here are some of the many scene safety tips to consider after you have called the emergency services at 112: Environment - weather, water, ground levels, steps, syringes etc. Hazardous materials - chemicals Unstable building

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Fire hazards, Electrical hazards Bystanders (suspicious) REMEMBER: Follow the instructions of the emergency services at all times. If you are interested in participating in our next certified course in CPR, Defibrillator, cardiac arrest, choking, heart attack, stroke etc. due to be held in Lagos on Saturday April 1st, please contact us.  

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The basis of a healthy diet is simple food, food that is not processed, single ingredient food. It is not in a packet, or in a container, it has no added sugars, or fats or any other ingredients with strange unpronounceable names. It is good oldfashioned vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, pulses, eggs. Each meal needs to have a combination of protein fats and carbohydrates. We all need a balanced diet, but we are all individual so whilst some people might function better on a diet with more protein than carbs, or fats, or someone else more carbs then protein and fat, but we still need them all. So stop over complicating and get back to basics, eat fresh local produce, with lots of variety and different colours of veg and fruit and protein with that is meat, fish, nuts, eggs or pulses. If it is advertised on TV it is more than likely ‘unhealthy’, but this does not mean we never have anything unhealthy, we all like our treats, our wine, chocolate, crisps whatever it is, but just have that in moderation and not with every meal. Learn to listen to our bodies, eat when we are hungry, stop eating when we are full and eat fresh foods that provide us the energy we need.  Ann is a trainer, yoga teacher, and sports massage therapist.  +351 913202621  

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Is your child an orchid or a daisy? By Laura Newman Science reveals that 15-20% of people are highly sensitive, meaning their nervous system is more sensitive to external stimuli (sights, sounds, touch etc) than the rest. The same is also true for more than 100 species of animals.

them stuck and immature. Parents of highly sensitive children need a lot of patience and understanding and a sound approach to raising them. These children need specific conditions for growth, like an ORCHID, to stop their defences from becoming chronic and arresting their emotional development.

Highly sensitive children can be easily overwhelmed by being told off, noisy classrooms, overscheduling, or anything that feels too much for them. They have more difficulty hearing “no” and feeling disappointments in life. Their brains go into ‘defence’ mode and shut down their emotions to keep them safe.

They are often ‘gifted’ and show exceptional skills, rising up above their peers, like an ORCHID. In contrast, many children grow up well in spite of their environment and upbringing, like DAISIES.

They can appear very frustrated, anxious, withdrawn or rude because they feel unsafe and cannot control themselves. Their sensitivities lead to behaviour challenges which get them into trouble, and keeps

expressive activities like art, music, dance and above all time to rest emotionally as well as physically.  For more information or a free initial consult, contact: Laura Newman BSc, BSc, MSc Speech Therapist / Parent Consultant  961 633 995    connectedchildfamily

The key to raising an Orchid child is to keep their relationship with parents safe and strong. Understanding their intense outbursts and staying present for them no matter what. Giving plenty opportunities for

The lymphatic system – what is it? By Niki Medlock It is part of our immune system, maintains fluid balance and is essential for the absorption of fats and fat-soluble nutrients.

is complete, 90% of this fluid returns to the blood circulation as venous blood but the remaining 10% stays in the tissues as a slightly yellow fluid known as lymph which then enters the lymphatic capillaries, 70% of which are near or just under the skin with the remaining 30% surrounding most of the body’s organs.

Similar to the blood circulatory system it consists of an extensive network of lymphatic vessels that infiltrate almost all of our tissues to allow the movement of a yellowish fluid called lymph which bathes and surrounds the cells.

These capillaries then join together to form a mesh-like structure of vessels and unlike blood (which is pumped by the heart in a continuous loop) the lymph only flows in one direction – up towards the major arteries at the base of the neck, where it rejoins the blood circulatory system.

Arterial blood carries oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the cells through plasma (the straw coloured liquid component of blood) which filters out of the small arteries and is called interstitial fluid, delivering these nourishing products to the cells and removing cellular waste products and proteins. When this process

valves in the vessels that stop back flow, smooth muscle contraction in the walls of surrounding vessels and external tissue forces – such as contraction of the skeletal muscles (and massage!!!). During this process the lymphatic vessels travel through junctions called lymph nodes and this is where it gets even more interesting!!!  Next month: Have you ever wondered why you get swollen glands in your neck when you have a sore throat? Niki Medlock is head nurse at Luz Doc

Not having a heart to pump it, the upward movement of lymph depends on one-way


is suitable for most people and is becoming increasingly popular.

mindfulness in your everyday life. You can learn to be more open and curious to the world around us, with loving kindness and compassion,” adds Sofia.

Time to be mindful? Is it time to carve out some quiet time to escape the crazy world we live in? Well now there is a place where you can do just that. Mindfulness Algarve offers courses, retreats and holidays. Mindfulness Practice offers a way to find stillness in our busy world. It is a mix of science, psychology and draws on many eastern meditation practices. Mindfulness

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Sofia from Mindfulness Algarve says it is recognised by the NHS for the proven benefits it has on our mental and physical health and wellbeing. She says it is particularly good for reducing stress, dealing with pain and finding calm.“You can learn how to live in the now and practice

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Courses are available online too for individuals and groups.   +351 965080287 

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Pets mate By Lars Rahmquist give up, when the odds are stacked against you... (take your own pick, there's tonnes more to choose from). Not only has a branch that I had given up on as dead, sprung to call of springtime; but following the February storms its low lying vantage point means that it has the only flowers left on the tree! Cinderella's not dead...she's just on the couch where you made her sleep. At the bottom of our drive stands an almond tree. How long it has been there and what it is blighted with, I don't know. Two years ago the main branch rotted from the trunk and fell over the drive. That kept us warm for a few nights this winter. At the end of the summer the Nortada winds brought down another branch. Decayed away from its moorings and fallen. Philosophically I would look at it as I walked past, knowing the ‘rot had set in'. And now: Look at that baby bloomer! (not far off a description for some readers, I should guess). I rushed back to the house to get my philosophers hat again (and the camera). I wanted to show you, (in a floral pictorial) all that old's never too late, never

The human condition is surely a beautiful one. So much so that we cannot help to corrupt it with negativity. It is most on display in how we behave. Towards other people (dressed up as racism, war, indifference to suffering) or to animals (cage-raised Frango piri piri, anyone?) or to our planet. But it starts from within. We not only insult the future by presuming how it will be; either with woe of the upcoming test or with misplaced optimism, often leading to disappointment. We certainly insult the past by keeping it with us. A man in a wheelchair once said to me: I miss me legs, of course... but I don't miss the pain of the car accident. We 'miss' so many things but we don't wish we still had the flu from last winter, that dreadful boyfriend from school, (or the pimples and embarrassment). But so often we keep a strangle-hold on what we loved.

If you love it, set it free. Life is happening now. Embrace it, don't mourn for something that isn't. Be like an almond flower and blossom right now! Our receptionist, Natasha, brought her lovely Labrador in yesterday. Sasha was walking on three legs, occasionally touching the fourth one to the ground. Meanwhile jumping around, wagging her tail and trying to lick everyone. Because they are not burdened by the 'future' like people are, the pain in her knee just made her not use that leg as much. She didn't dwell on it and how it will ruin her weekend camping trip. Animals in pain modify their behaviour to soldier through with it...people in pain, well, don't get me started! So be more like a dog, don't dwell over a sore knee, a lost lover or an upcoming exam. Live in the now, enjoy that next meal like it's your last one, right now you can savour that next breath filling your lungs...go on, try it now, inhale.............Nice eh?! Veterinary relevance of article: If your dog is limping but not IS in pain but it is not a whinger so take it to see the vet.  

Osteoporosis can sneak up on you! By Dr. Bock If you are over the age of 50 or you have parents or grandparents past this age, osteoporosis - the silent and gradual weakening of bones - could be developing without you realising it. One in three women and one in five men are affected annually and, unfortunately, every year we needlessly lose too many people to osteoporosis-related hip fractures. Two years ago I lost my mother in this way. To help you or your loved ones avoid a similar outcome, there are several early warning signs to be aware of: 1. A gradual loss in height of three centimetres or more, and/or the back becoming stooped or rounded. When the bones of the spine weaken they can gradually collapse, with a settling of the bones which causes a decrease in height. There can also be a humping or rounding of the back as the vertebrae collapse. 2. Sudden back pain without any apparent cause. The vertebrae can spontaneously

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collapse or fracture from something as simple as bending over to pick up a newspaper. Any time an adult has sudden or very intense back pain from little or no activity, they should have an immediate bone examination and assessment. 3. A fracture occurring from minor activity such as a simple slip, bending over, or even a cough or sneezing. This is a red flag that something is not quite right and needs assessment. The International Osteoporosis Foundation provides a free risk assessment quiz; search online for ‘IOF one minute osteoporosis test’. You will immediately receive a result that will give you a general indication of your risk factors for osteoporosis and possible future fracture. If you are at risk, a simple and pain-free bone mineral density test will give an idea of the strength of your bones before a fracture occurs. There are a variety of different types of density tests, which you

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should discuss with your doctor. Osteoporosis can be helped and prevented with adequate calcium and vitamin D, a healthy diet including fruits and vegetables, regular gentle exercise (weight-bearing and muscle strengthening), avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol to no more than two to three drinks a day. My mother was doing everything right except, with her dementia, she refused to exercise! So talk to your doctor about any other risk factors that you may have so these needs can be addressed. Prevention is always the best course of action.  Dr. Bock can be reached at Active Quiroprática. Please consult a healthcare provider for specific advice regarding your health.   +351 966 706 606

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Business Children going ‘Wacky’ over new kids club By Sophie Sadler

requirements, whether it is looking after your children when their schools are shut for holidays or while you go out for dinner.” Regular events are a Mums and Tots group on Tuesday and Fridays from 10-12pm which is open to all children from ages 0 to 3 and an after-school club for kids from 0-12, the café is also open to everyone with a selection of drinks, delicious cakes and snacks. The pair also have some great ideas for children’s parties including clowns, discos, face painting or beauty parties for little girls. Security as well as cleanliness is a priority for Wacky. “We only allow staff into the play area to keep children secure and I can’t tell you how many bottles of Dettol we have got through,” laughs Sam.

Super-nanny duo, Sam and Sofia, have joined forces to manage a dynamic new kids club and babysitting service aimed at helping parents in the community with their child-care needs. Their open day at the beginning of last month was greeted with enthusiasm by children and adults alike who came along to have fun and meet new friends. Mother of one and child psychologist Sofia Gomes de Almeida said: “We are

open to all kids from 0-12 and here for the community.” The indoor playground is a great space for children to have fun under the supervision of the staff with lots of toys to play with. Qualified nanny and mother of three, Samantha King Velinho, has run other kids clubs in the Algarve before joining forces with Sofia for this project, said: “Anything is possible, we can make everything happen and can be totally flexible to your

Get sweeping! Giant nests, toys and much more - your chimney needs sweeping!

One of the reasons of the annual clean is the humidity and salt that helps corrode wood burners.

What started out as bet with a friend after a frustrating season on a para sailing yacht ended up being a great career move for Miguel Sousa.

Miguel is also offering 50% off a winter clean of your wood burner as a way of protecting your investment and your safety. He also offers and fits smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms for peace of mind.

Since 1997 Miguel has been professionally making house owners’ chimney’s safe and clean, removing the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning. Miguel said it has been a very satisfying career and most of his business is referral repeat business and word of mouth. He does recommend an annual clean as the quality of the wood burned today is not the standard that it used to be and so much more waste is created.

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Very importantly indeed is that Miguel is recommended by the Bombeiros and most insurance companies. Your home is left immaculately clean and has never had a complaint on his work in the 20 years he has been a chimney sweep.  Contact Miguel on:  919 498 280 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Judging by the fantastic turnout at their open day on Saturday and the fact that their Facebook page got 300 hits on the first day, Wacky seems set to make a big impact in the community. Sam and Sofia make running a kids club look like child’s play and I would urge all parents to support this fantastic new enterprise!  Open Daily 10am to 7pm   wackylagos  +3541 282 764 416 

Win dinner for two Property Specialists Algarve has just opened its doors and to celebrate the opening the company is giving away a dinner for two at Campimar at Porto do Mós Beach. All you need to do is go to the website, send an email on the ‘contact us’ section and then put ‘prize draw’ in the subject box. The closing date is Monday April 10th. The winner will be personally contacted by email.  

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GCEN is fully authorised by the FCA to provide payment service as an Authorised Payment Services Institution. Registration No. 50446

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Equity markets buoyant despite political uncertainty By Alan Belcher First the Brexit referendum, then Donald Trump. In 2016, investors were surprised by events that pollsters and other experts said wouldn’t happen, although on both occasions stock markets swiftly recovered before reaching new highs.

Matteo Renzi’s referendum defeat and subsequent resignation doesn’t last. Any of these events could cause investors to become less relaxed about the outlook for their investments.

Uncertainty and political risk remain key themes for financial markets in 2017. After his inauguration, President Trump’s policies will start to become clearer; the UK is expected to trigger article 50 sometime in 2017; and the euro zone faces important elections in the Netherlands, France and Germany. Italy could also go to the polls if the government appointed following

There are many sources of political uncertainty — in the UK and US of course, but also in Europe and throughout the emerging economies. We suggest that the risk premia demanded by investors are not commensurate with this uncertainty, which causes us to start the year cautiously. Over the past 12 months, global equities have risen by more than 20% in sterling

terms and many portfolio strategies have delivered over and above investors’ required rates of return. To be clear, our base case does not include a recession in 2017, and equity bear markets do not occur without one. So we at Private Fund Management recommend staying invested, adopting a cautious, proactively managed strategy during this period of uncertainty. Alan Belcher is a senior partner at Private Fund Management  +351 289 392 484 

Bringing happiness in Sweden and then transporting it to Portugal. Not many online stores deliver to Portugal and if they do it is very expensive most of the time. When the French furniture arrived it was terrific. We got lots of compliments from visitors and it sparked the idea of making the furniture available here in Portugal. And Happy Furniture was born. Happy Furniture is a new business which has been set up by Sofie and Peter. They supply online garden furniture. Here Sofie tells us a little bit more about why they moved to the Algarve and what they are offering to customers across the country.

We love design, we demand high quality and we want to surround ourselves with furniture that makes us happy. Happy Furniture offers a selection of outdoor furniture, lighting, and garden accessories.

“Being Swedish doesn’t necessary mean that you are born to enjoy cold weather and
the darkness. Summer in Sweden is great. There’s just one problem, it only lasts for three months a year. We love being outdoors and enjoying the sea and nature, but without snow and rain. So 18 months ago we decided to enjoy life more all year around and bought a house in the Algarve. When we were decorating the property we struggled to find outdoor furniture that we liked. Everything we saw was so boring.

The furniture is made of lightweight metal - steel or aluminium, with a very high protection treatment for outdoor use and Anti-UV powder coating. Almost all of the furniture has a three-year guarantee.

Running a design/communication studio in Stockholm with a big interest in interior design we love modern high quality design. We ended up buying French furniture

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We focus on Fermob, the leading French outdoor furniture manufacturer. Fermob offers innovative, clever, practical and fun outdoor furniture filling your world with colour. Their furniture is available in 25 different colours all from loud, beautiful colours, like pink, orange, red or green as well as in more subdued colours such as black, grey, or white.

Happy Furniture also stocks the French brand Vlaemynck which has been decorating the exteriors of mythical hotels

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and restaurants for 50 years and now sells to individuals too. We also sell Brita Sweden which designs and produces sustainable and high quality rugs and runners for your home. We want to bring happiness to Algarvian terraces and gardens. It is important that the furniture can stay out all year round and won’t be affected by the strong Algerian sun. And there is also a story to tell about the different collections. The Luxembourg collection for example is developed from the model that was made for the Jardin Luxembourg in Paris 1923. The company still delivers furniture to that garden and many other gardens in Paris. As a designer I can also help our customers with advice about how to decorate their garden or terrace. I love to meet people and love coming up with suggestions and ways to make their garden happier. For now we have the online shop up and running and the Fermob Corner at Q Garden. We are hoping our next step will be to look for additional sales spots in the Algarve probably in the Amancil area. You can find some of our furniture at Q Garden and all online at www. We deliver throughout Portugal.”   (PT) 967 217 872  +46708948825  


RUM BAR. Local CRAFT BEER. Good Tunes. Great Vibe. Y’all Come See US! For Reservations: FACEBOOK.COM/olbASTARDs

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The winter of content By David Westmoreland With all the turmoil in the world at the moment from Brexit and Trump through to the French and German elections, refugees and terrorism it wouldn’t surprise anyone if the overseas property market was struggling.

days worked in January, the sales team closed a sale every 1.3 days, or put in terms of hours worked they closed a sale every 10 hours! This is extraordinary even in the world of B&P where we keep breaking records consistently.

However this is not the case in Portugal. 2016 saw unprecedented levels of growth, and here at B&P we enjoyed the best quarter 4 in our history.

So where has this rush to buy come from? The exchange rate most certainly wasn’t helping as it sat at around 1.15 for most of the month. Brexit is still making buyers feel insecure and NHR is looking less secure than it did 12 months ago.

So after such a buoyant end to 2016, you would again expect a slow start in 2017. Seasonality has pretty much disappeared from our market; January for sure is slower than say September but not akin to the days where agents could pretty much shut up shop from November to March. I think we all saw how the summer holiday season smoldered on all the way to the end of November last year, which was clearly part of the reason for the superb quarter 4 results. So as 2017 kicked in we were expecting a steady start to the year and in fact in terms of enquiries and viewings that was most certainly the case. However in terms of sales closed we saw one of the best individual months ever. If you look at actual

All we can put it down to is the same reason as the holiday boom we are currently experiencing. More and more people are returning to Portugal for holidays instead of holidaying in Tunisia, Turkey or Egypt, meaning there is a huge influx of new or returning holiday makers. Some of these are helping with the increase as well as people who visited over the summer realising how attractive Portugal is and what it has to offer. These clients are returning now to make their investments. The same old reasons such as ‘would you leave your money in a bank?’ or if you do 'what level of return are the banks offering?' are helping clients make their decision.

Some banks are actually talking about charging you to leave your savings in their bank in the near future and this is definitely having an impact! Unbelievable. Portugal still offers a fairly secure investment in terms of your holiday or in terms of bricks and mortar. Added to that, the beaches are some of the best in the world, cheap cost of living, fantastic food, amazing culture and huge investments in places like Lisbon & Porto. All these points are helping. One further selling point is Lagos itself. We are seeing much more investment in the town. Of course we all want more but, compared to other cities, Lagos is looking superb. A strong Christmas period and an increasing number of events across the year are making Lagos a year-round resort. Overall, we are experiencing the ‘winter of content!’ The market is in a good position. If you have decided to sell then come talk to me! If you are considering selling now is a perfect time, come talk to me. If you are thinking of buying, come talk to me.    00 351 282 764 193

I.T. can be easy By Steven Dunwell I was recently asked “Bluetooth, what is it?” Here’s some history about it and detail of what it is. Where did the term Bluetooth originate?

designed to be a secure, inexpensive way of connecting and exchanging information between devices wirelessly.

Bluetooth was originally developed by communication company Ericsson in 1994 and it is now used by many other companies. You will know if it’s on your device if you see the symbol displayed on it. The name came about originally as Ericsson were looking for a unique name for the technology, they settled on "Bluetooth" after a tenth century Viking king called Harald "Bluetooth" Blatand. During his reign, he united Denmark and Norway and was well known for his ability to help people communicate. Bluetooth itself is a wireless technology that allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances (up to 100 metres). It uses radio waves and is

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You'll find Bluetooth in mobile phones, computers, printers, headphones, speakers and televisions. Uses for Bluetooth include, sending photos from your mobile, exchanging business cards, sending voice from mobile phone to a specially designed earpiece receiver. You can also play music from an MP3 player to Bluetooth speakers. If you have any questions on this topic, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help.

Free IT support drop-in centre! I will be holding a free IT Support drop in session on Tuesday March 7th from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Tropical Café, nº. 33 Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos. No appointment necessary. Bring your device, purchase a drink and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support for any simple issues you may have with your laptop, PC or smartphone.

Please contact me:   00351 936 387 512

If the issue cannot be resolved there and then an appointment can be booked at a later date, at your convenience, standard fees apply.

Have a great month, see you for another tip in the April issue. 

Looking forward to seeing you there.

 TomorrowAlgarve

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Food & Drink A thoroughly English afternoon in Luz By Stephanie Wood

collection of gins. A great afternoon was made wonderful by the lovely Beattie's team and their personal touches, from the sign placed outside welcoming Tina by name to the kind gift they gave her as we were departing. Overall, the tea room is an ideal place for group celebrations, with everyone at the shower proclaiming what a great time they’d had as we made our way back out into the rain with full, bulging bellies that only one of us could blame on a baby. If I had to sum up our experience at Beattie’s in one phrase, it would be ‘thoroughly lovely’ - and it doesn’t get more English than that, does it?  Beattie's English Tea Rooms is open 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Booking is advised for afternoon tea, and for parties of four or more is necessary.

As I drove into Luz one unusually dreary day in February, I could easily have been arriving at any village in England; the sky was grey, the air was chill, and the first drops of what would become a full-on downpour were just beginning to fall. What better day to enjoy an afternoon tea, that most English of traditions? Happily, the warm welcome my friends and I received at Beattie's - a newly-opened tea room situated a few doors down from the Madrugada shop on Rua Direita - was the perfect antidote to the weather outside. Beattie’s currently opens Monday to Friday, but owners Russ and Mel Muldoon (ably assisted by son Jamie) happily opened up especially for me and 14 gal pals one recent Saturday afternoon to host my good friend Tina’s baby shower (and just in time, too little Koby arrived early the next day!). The tea room’s main space feels just like an old English country kitchen - all exposed stone, wooden beams and chintzy finishing touches (think polka dot tablecloths and floral cushions). There are five tables, with enough seats to accommodate 28 people. Plates depicting country scenes hang on the wall and there are weird and wonderful teapots everywhere, including one in the shape of Henry VIII and a collection of NatWest piggy pots. There’s additional space upstairs too, which has been fashioned into something

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resembling a reading room, with four large leather armchairs perfect for curling up on with a tome from the well-stocked bookcase. A small balcony will make for welcome outside space in the summer. With everyone seated at the impeccablylaid table (complete with mis-matched china cups and saucers), it was time to get down to the serious business of the afternoon tea. A selection of finger sandwiches were served on a traditional three-tier stand, with five delicious - and, once again, oh-so-English - fillings: egg and cress, ham and mustard, cheese and piccalilli, salmon and cream cheese, and tuna and cucumber. Next up were fresh-from-the-oven fruit scones, which we smothered with deliciously gloopy clotted cream and strawberry jam (or the other way round, if you are one of those people). And just when we thought we couldn’t possibly eat any more, great slabs of moist Victoria sponge and what we all agreed was one of the best carrot cakes we’d ever tasted were passed around, which of course we found room for. The food was complimented by a choice of teas, with a range of black, herbal and fruit infusions on the menu. There’s also a small bar which everyone (except mum-tobe, of course) made use of, raising a glass of prosecco to toast Tina or enjoying a G&T made from one of Beattie’s extensive

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It costs €15 per person (€12.50 for groups of 10 or more) and includes sandwiches, scones, cakes and tea. Additional drinks are extra. Alternatively, try something else from the menu, such as homemade soup and a roll (€1.50), crumpets (€1.50 for two) or teacakes (€1.50). Gluten-free options are also available.  +351 913 386 824  @Beattie'sEnglishTeaRooms

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Food & Drink

Cooking with oranges The Algarve produces amazing oranges - a fact it likes to celebrate! Last month saw Portimão’s annual Festa da Laranja take place at Mercado Avenida São João Deus, the first of the market’s 10th anniversary celebrations. Here’s two ways to cook up a storm with this local hero fruit.

Sarrajão with cucumber and gin foam and orange compote This recipe - featuring sarrajão, a fish similar to tuna - was cooked live at Festa da Laranja by Chef João Oliveira from VISTA restaurant at Bela Vista Hotel and Spa in Portimão. The recipe serves four.

3. Score the fish skin. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat but don't use oil - there is enough in the skin for cooking. Put the fish in the pan skin-side down and leave to cook. Don’t touch or turn it, as messing with it will cause the fish to break up. Cook to your desired level.

Ingredients 1kg sarrajão cut into fillets (skin on) 4 oranges Fresh chilis (chopped) Fresh dill Salt and pepper 130g sugar

of sugar, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of water. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until a syrupy liquid forms, stirring occasionally. Leave to cool.

1 cucumber 1 cup of cream 100ml white balsamic vinegar 100ml vermouth Gin Rosemary Thyme

Method 1. Marinate the sarrajão fillets in the juice of two oranges, the chilis and dill. Season with salt and pepper and leave to stand for two hours. 2. Whilst you’re waiting, make the orange compote. Slice the zest from the used oranges, then peel the other two oranges and slice thinly. Combine in a saucepan with 70g

Ingredients 1.2kg goat meat 8 garlic cloves 5 tbsp olive oil 2 bay leaves 150ml white wine 2-3 sprigs of thyme

6 potatoes 3 small onions 2 oranges 300g spinach Salt and pepper Paprika

The venue was ‘The Green Room’ in the old quarter of Lagos which occupies a slightly elevated position, with floor to ceiling opening glass on three sides. It has a definite young vibe as you enter the bar area, that said, unencumbered by the first flush of youth we were made to feel very welcome by ‘Foxy’ who was very attentive and knowledgeable about the whole menu.

5. Pickled radish makes a picture-perfect garnish for this dish. Slice the radish thinly and place in a bowl with the white balsamic vinegar, vermouth, rosemary and thyme. Mix together and leave to marinate for 1015 minutes.

There are vegetarian and gluten free options and everything is fresh, tasty and home cooked. It was also reasonably priced and to be repeated as often as an excuse is found to wander from our valley. 

the fridge overnight. 3. Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks, and cut the onions in half. Season with salt, pepper and paprika and spread in a baking tray. Drizzle over two tablespoons of olive oil and bake in an over preheated to 180ºC for 10 minutes. 4. Place the meat on top of the potatoes and onions. Pour some of the marinade over the meat, along with the juice of one orange. Add the thyme and return to the oven for 40-50 minutes. Regularly baste with the juices. 5. When the meat is almost cooked, sauté the spinach with one tablespoon of olive oil.

2. Spread over the goat meat, drizzle with white wine and cover the clingfilm. Leave in

6. Slice the other orange and serve with the meat, along with the potatoes and spinach.


The promise of good food and friends was enough to draw us from our beautiful valley in Aljezur.

4. For the foam, juice the cucumber so you are left with just liquid. Add the cream, 60g of sugar and a glug of gin, then use an N20 cream charger (available on Amazon) to create a delicate foam. Serve alongside the sarrajão.

Method 1. Peel and crush the garlic. Add a teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of paprika and two tablespoons of olive oil, mixing well until a paste forms.

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A review by Maggie and Stuart from Aljezur

After much deliberation and advice, choices were made. When the food arrived it was piping hot with authentic Mexican flavours. The low lighting and rustic seating created the perfect ambience which helped add to a most enjoyable evening. We finished the food with a shot recommended by Hamish ‘a Pastel de Nata’- that was a coffee, a dessert and a shot all in one!

Roast goat with oranges, potatoes and spinach This recipe serves six and is used courtesy of Mercados do Portimão (www. mercadosdePortimã In the supermarket, look for cabrito - a young goat meat.

Mexican it is then!

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 42, Rua da Oliveira. Lagos  00 351 913 127 510  00 351 910 263 071 Thanks very much to Maggie and Stuart. If you would like to send a review to us we would be delighted. Please email our editor

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open daily* from 11am * Starting from the 8th February

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f  TomorrowAlgarve


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Food & Drink

A Rooftop restaurant with a view By Lena Strang refurbishment work ever since. ‘The hotel and the pool area is all new,” he says, “What used to be a an open terrace space has been transformed into a restaurant and is the only rooftop with an ocean view in Lagos.”

“The view says it all,” Afredo Pedro, owner of the Carvi Beach Hotel and the newly opened Rooftop Restaurant at Praia Dona Ana in Lagos, says with conviction. I must admit he is absolutely right. Visiting his large airy restaurant with an astounding vista over the ocean gives you a feeling of space and light. The floor to ceiling windows in the restaurant and the open terrace take full advantage of the unique position. The white interior design, complete with white furniture, light floorboards and a ceiling that almost looks like a canopy, give me the feeling that I am on board a ship. Pedro tells me that he took over the building in 2008 and has been doing

The restaurant has a capacity of 80 and serves food from 12 until 10pm with the bar being open until 1am. The pool bar also serves drinks and snacks all day. The food served in the restaurant is typically Portuguese with a distinctive Algarvian flavour. Fresh fish is of course, on the menu and all produce is locally sourced. The cooks are native Algarvians and so are the members of staff that he employs. “I am a firm believer in using local resources,” he says.

building and its potential and set to work. The improved Carvi Hotel has been open for business for some years but he has now added another dimension – a roof top restaurant serving authentic Algarvian cuisine. The restaurant is open seven days a week and can cater for small parties. In peak season advance booking is advisable. Prices at the restaurant seem to be mid range, with lunch at around €11 and dinner a bit more expensive. There is soft live music five times a week. Definitely worth a visit to satisfy all your senses!  Carvi Beach Hotel and Rooftop Restaurant  282762026 

Born in Évora, in the Alentejo, Pedro started out as an engineer but became involved in the hotel business in the 1980s. He opened a hotel and restaurant in New York, which he still runs. However, when he visited beautiful Praia Dona Ana beach, he discovered the then dilapidated

New location for Algarve Gardens’ café Algarve Gardens has relocated its café to new premises in Portimão. Green Bifes (formerly Flor das Laranjeiras) is now open on Rua da Pedra, where the team will continue to serve up homemade food, takeaway meals and other healthy deli eats, all made using the freshest fruit and vegetables from their nearby organic farm. The new space also features a lovely Zen

garden which clients can enjoy, and they will also be holding yoga sessions. Plans are a-foot for a kids club, too. The team invite you to pop in to their official opening party on Saturday March 4th, where you can enjoy live music and - of course - great food. The party will be an all-day affair with a special taster lunch buffet from midday and live music from 3pm.

If you can’t make that date, stop by another time to enjoy something from the tasty menu, which caters to all dietary needs. The café is open 7am-8pm Monday to Saturday - and you can also place veg box orders there!   @greenbifes  +351 927 094 49

Recipe: Thai beetroot soup Here Algarve Gardens Kate Ignacio shares one of her favourite soup recipes, which also works well with carrot or pumpkin. Ingredients Three beetroots, peeled and chopped One onion (chopped and peeled) Three garlic bulbs, peeled and chopped Small piece of grated ginger Can of coconut milk Tbsp red Thai curry paste

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Juice and zest of one lime Salt & pepper Method 1. Fry the onion and garlic with olive oil until golden brown. 2. Add the beetroot, ginger and the red Thai curry paste and simmer, allowing the flavour to really absorb. 3. Add the coconut milk, salt, pepper and

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some water depending how thick you would like the soup to be, then simmer for 20-25 minutes. 5. Add the lime juice and zest and simmer for a further five minutes. 6. Blend to your desired consistency. 7. For a lovely finishing touch, add a dollop of sour cream and some fresh chives. 

Rua Silva Lopes, 30 8600-632 Lagos Portugal +351 282 792 165

Shop Café / Bistro Roof Terrace Bar Homeware Books & Music Gallery

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Outdoor Drowning in complexity By Claire Friedlander

Source and support of all life, water is, however, a finite resource. Fresh water comprises just three percent of the water on Earth's surface. Whilst ‘Peak Oil’ continues to dominate our psyche, most scientists and economists agree that ‘Peak Water’, exacerbated by climate change, poses the greatest threat to our future. With a looming water crisis in the Algarve, it is important to understand the challenges we face. Climate change forecasts suggest that Southern Europe may be one of the most adversely affected regions globally, being particularly vulnerable to hotter, drier conditions. Portugal has consistently seen average temperatures rise at almost twice the global rate in the last half-century, and desertification marches ominously northwards. Water availability is set to decrease substantially in the future, and water quality will likely deteriorate with increasing temperatures and reduced flow in waterways. Greater agricultural demands, and burgeoning tourism and permanent populations will diminish surface and groundwater reserves putting great pressure on the Algarve’s water supply. Population growth and increased water demand in the North and in Spain will pose further problems, limiting the eventual trickle from waterway sources running south to the coast and heralding potential conflict over resources. The complex transboundary river and catchment systems of the Iberian Peninsula, and the existing bilateral agreements with Spain could be undermined, raising problems for the Algarve as resources dry up. Precipitation trends won’t help. Rainstorms will be

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increasingly short and intense, inhibiting aquifer-recharge and increasing surface runoff speed and erosion. The inability of already degraded soils in the Algarve to hold water, as fertile soils do, will progressively promote evaporation and rapid runoff to the ocean, accelerating erosion and desertification in a vicious cycle. Local municipalities currently depend mainly on surface water from local dams for public supply. Pumping distances, treatment processes and erratic rainfall mean water isn’t cheap. Historically, groundwater from a complex network of aquifers provided most of the Algarve’s water, the QuerençaSilves aquifer system constituting the regions’s major reserve. Overuse of aquifer groundwater depleted water-tables, though, causing saline concentration in the remaining water. Rising sea levels caused by climate change could exacerbate saline contamination of coastal aquifers, necessitating costly treatment to produce potable water. There are many aspects to consider in safeguarding and replenishing our water reserves in order to mitigate future water crises. A regional strategy to replace devolved municipal authorities might be prudent, as would emphasis on balanced supply from both surface and groundwater. Insistence on fostering water-efficient technologies, practices and a culture of water saving could make all the difference. To this end, next month’s column will focus on heaven’s bounty and harvesting our primary water supply: rainfall.  

 TomorrowAlgarve

WAGS By Jeanette Fahlbusch Our Lagos Mediterranean Garden Group (now named WAGS – Western Algarve Gardening Society) kicked off the New Year with another very enjoyable tour of the private garden of two of our members. A large hillside garden close to Barão São Miguel which the owners describe as ‘being tamed, naturalistically’. The owners' principal gardening ethos is to create a garden that is sympathetic to its natural surroundings, water-wise and sustainably self-sufficient including a huge compost heap and a solar energy collector (under construction) surrounded by a cleverly designed retaining wall made up of coloured old wine bottles. Now a true Mediterranean garden, the owners first cleared what was primarily an overgrown scrubby hillside, exposing some lovely large rocks and Barrocal plants such as wild thymes, irises and orchids and then creating weaving garden paths amongst planted areas to link the terraced levels. Having created the structure, masses of draught tolerant plants such as succulents, cacti and conifers, and sun loving herbs like lavenders, sages and santolinas were added, all of which the owners propagated themselves. Although our WAGS programme features diverse monthly events, we all agree that visiting private gardens in a variety of locations, getting inspiration by different garden designs, sharing ideas and experiences is our favourite activity. Our tour of the garden was followed by a gardening book, magazine and seed sale, swap and discussion over coffee and delicious home-made cakes provided by our hosts. Our group is open to anyone interested in plants and gardening and we offer a welcoming and active social gardening network! There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (of which we are the Western Algarve offspring) is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.    969 439 867 

Julie Ansiau for Fermob

Make the most of


Lounge, pool and dining furnitures Fermob Shop at Q Garden in Odiáxere/Lagos (N125) Buy online at

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Gardening Gardening on the rocks By Clive Goodacre

and weathered rocks in particular blend in far more easily, as they are found naturally scattered across the Algarvean landscape. Weeds can be the biggest problem in rockeries so use water permeable membrane where possible. Brought in topsoil may look clean, but more often than not will be loaded with weed seeds ready to spring into growth. You don’t have to membrane the whole area as this will make smaller planting tedious and reduce naturalization, which often helps consolidate a rockery. Instead place pieces of membrane directly under rocks and over other areas where weeds will sprout. If you are unsure of planting, then membrane it anyway as it can always be cut out – also you may grow to like raked open spaces.

Anyone who has experienced the magical atmosphere of Stonehenge or the dolmens and menhirs scattered across Portugal cannot help but appreciate the fascination of stone in landscaping. Garden designs incorporating rocks have long been regarded as an art form by the Japanese while centuries of European landscapers built grottos, fountains and terraces, drawing on ancient texts from the likes of Pliny and Hero for inspiration. Here we can take advantage of stone in abundance without necessarily becoming too tied up in its mystical aspects – or its cost. However successful garden design incorporating rocks seldom happens by accident; instead it requires careful placement and grouping. Get it right and you have the satisfaction of creating a garden focal point, get it wrong and you have a jumble of rocks that is hard to weed and maintain. Additionally we have abundant supplies of cork oak which blends in perfectly with rocks and succulents as show in the picture here. When planning a new garden don’t just leave it to the developer or landscaper, instead take time to consider its main purpose - is it to be purely a visual architectural feature, do you want a rockery to link different levels in your garden, provide protection from the elements, retain banked earth or various combinations of these? If it is primarily to retain banked earth then the common

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standard Algarvean practice involves a mechanical digger and staggered rows of flat rocks all fitted together so that you can barely plant a petunia let alone something more attractive. Large flat rocks are quick and convenient, but they take up space and severely limit your options if, say for example, you want to plant a screening hedge or trees later on to hide a blot on the landscape. We all love the idea of swimming pools surrounded by tropical palms and dense vegetation, yet how many times do you see a pool terrace edged with enormous flat rocks? Water and labour intensive pots and planters are often brought in an effort to remedy the situation. The best solution by far is to build retaining walls that enable you to plan border width, soil quality, drainage and planting. Also remember you can still build a rockery or add stone features within walled terraces, retained borders. Concrete walls can be disguised with outer layers of stone. Try to bring in large interestingly shaped rocks early on when there is still mechanical digger access and before driveways and paths are laid. Be prepared to move rocks around until the right look is achieved from different viewpoints. Group smaller rocks together for greater impact, remembering if possible to leave planting holes that penetrate though to the ground beneath. Think twice before importing exotic coloured rocks; remember local

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Be sure to have membrane placed inside rock walls before backfilling. This will prevent soil from being washed through crevices onto lawns and paving etc. Don’t use polythene sheeting as this will disintegrate in the long term and initially create waterlogged areas just when you most need plants to establish themselves. Soil and rocks will gradually slide off it Statues in rockeries are a matter of personal taste – try to have them slightly obscured by a plant or positioned offcentre, otherwise they will dominate your landscaping. A figure peeping out from behind a plant or tree trunk is far more effective than having it standing exposed. Rockeries however are not just about design. Gardening with rocks, stones and gravel helps produce healthy plants in a number of ways. First, they absorb and store water from the atmosphere and optimise irrigation. Second, they enable raised planting to provide good drainage which is often difficult in the type of clay soils found here. Third, they allow you to create microclimates by protecting small plants from the wind and sun while giving cooler root runs for larger ones. And a big plus is that membrane, feature rocks and Britta are a low maintenance way of getting rid of lawns. Anyway, plastic sheeting looks cheap and nasty! Next month I intend to discuss planting the low maintenance areas discussed here. Suffice to say spring is the perfect time to begin planting a new rockery as garden centres are brimming with fresh plants. 


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Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

282 780 709

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

Urgência / Emergency

+351 919 869 700

Group Matwork, Private & Semi Private Classes Tel.: 926 514 613 |

Algarve Satellite Center Watch Sky Sports, BT Sport, all BBC, all ITV, and many more for only 14,95€ for 30 days No commitments, extend and top up whenever you like Also available IPTV from France, Sweden & Netherlands

Open from 10 a.m to 6p.m Largo Salazar Moscoso Lt 5 r/c A 8600-522 Lagos 917 545 644 or 967 505 055

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