Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur May 2018 Edition

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Editor's note  TomorrowAlgarve

EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733

DESIGN Creation Media

Majestic May in the Algarve! It is always a pleasure to know that our readers do actually ‘read’ the magazine thoroughly, Pat Allen managed to find a mistake on page 36 of the April issue and emailed us: “Having not ridden a bike for 50 years, I am sure you can categorise me as one of those 'bloody beginners' when it comes to cycling! Thank you for our laugh of the day! We assume that predictive text is at fault but we are now wondering what the word was meant to be.”

On the cover Powerboats are back in Portmão this month so if you feel like some super charged fun get down there this month. Read more on page 48.


Pat wasn’t the only person to spot this. Apologies.We also said in the same article that this was the first company doing electric bikes in the Algarve. This is not in fact correct so we would like to say sorry for our error. Another busy period has just finished with another 'Giving It Back Day' on Meia Praia Beach in Lagos, there is more information later in the magazine. Well done everyone that supported the 'Clean It Up Campaign' yet again. You don’t need to take part in events like these to make a difference though. We would urge all our readers to pick up bits of rubbish when they are out and about. Why not pick up any plastic bags, bottle tops and the like that you spot when you are out with family or friends and have fun in the process! Plans for the Summer Ball, which is being held on June 9th, are coming on really well.

This year the event at the Tivoli Duna Beach Club has a ‘Hawaiian’ theme. Please don’t panic about the theme, you will be welcome in whatever finery you may choose! The price is still only €35 with music and more! Please email Steven We are very excited that a group of young locals want the magazine to be its media partner for the up and coming festival of youth, known as the Lagos Sunset Colour Party. This year’s event takes place on the Meia Praia beach on August 12th, which is International Youth Day, and will start at 4pm. This really has impressed us as it encompasses all the good community spirit that the magazine has engendered in the area and especially with young people. Another great day for your diary is Sunday May 13th which is the annual Soul in the Algarve Carnival Day which sees around 4,000 people congregate in Alvor in fabulous costume, a great day of fun for all the family. As always we want to hear of your events for both the free calendar and also anything that helps us promote our local and needy causes. Enjoy your every day in the Algarve, hoping good things get better! Best wishes from Amber, Tom and the whole Tomorrow team.

Editor's note 3

The ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia: Looking towards the future

Top to bottom, L to R: In July 1997 before pavement work was done. Courtesy of Fototeca de Lagos; A house in the settlement; July 1997 before pavement work was done 2. Courtesy of Fototeca de Lagos; The café

In the April edition, Lena wrote about the history of the so-called ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia. Members of a poor fishing community in Monte Gordo, in the eastern Algarve, arrived in Lagos in the 1940s and 50s, attracted by the more plentiful fishing in the Alvor estuary and Lagos Bay. They settled in the dunes of Meia Praia living in flimsy huts made out of reeds and straw. The revolution of 25th April 1974 changed all that. As part of a nationwide project, every member of the community collaborated in constructing their own brick built houses. Since then they have lived in the Bairro de 25 de Abril but without receiving legal recognition by the local authorities.

BY LENA STRANG How is it possible for the residents of a well-established community, celebrated in film and song, to have lived clandestinely in their officially constructed houses for more than 40 years? Is it doomed or is there a brighter future for the community? This is what I am now determined to find out. The settlement was constructed as part of national project SAAL (Serviço de Apoio Ambulatório Local) in 1974 to combat poor living conditions. It was headed in the Algarve by local architect, José Veloso. Improved housing was provided for thousands of people up and down the country, including this particular settlement. Two years later the responsibility was transferred to the local municipalities. “In 1974 everything was done by the book,” José Bartolomeu, the President of the Residents Association of the Bairro de 25 de Abril, tells me. “The Association had proper statutes and the construction was government funded. We built our own houses as part of the project, supported by the local authorities. One of the issues to resolve is ownership of the land.”

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The settlement is in a zone of increasing tourist activity with hotel complexes and apartments together with a golf course adjacent to the settlement. The coastal area where Meia Praia is situated is public domain (Domínio Público Marítimo) and does not come under the jurisdiction of the local authority. However, according to architect José Veloso this can be overcome: “The fact that the land does not belong to the Council is not an impediment to the legalisation of the settlement. It’s possible to transfer the area to municipal ownership. In fact, this was what the Câmara did with a similar settlement in Praia da Luz.” A ten year Development Plan for Meia Praia (Plano de Urbanização da Meia Praia) was ratified in 2007 and approved by the government. It outlined the priorities for the area, indicating that the area occupied by the Bairro de 25 de Abril should be “deactivated” and “naturalized.” The Câmara of Lagos has informed us that the plan is integrated into the Burgau-Vilamoura Coastal Land Management Plan and is “hierarchically superior.” The inhabitants of the settlement have always made it clear that they have no intention of leaving their homes

and the lives they have created in their close-knit community. 87-year old Rita, one of the oldest inhabitants, echoes this when I talk to her: “I’m a great-greatgrandmother. There are four generations of us living together and we are happily settled here.” What is life like in the Bairro? Why is there this determination to overcome obstacles put in their way?

It’s a typical old fishing village that should be preserved and enhanced...

José Bartolomeu tells me there are over 300 inhabitants. Only members of the community have right of residence as the houses belong to the Association and not to individuals. “If a house becomes vacant we allocate it to someone else who may perhaps need an alternative property. Because of our uncertain legal status no one from outside can move in except through marriage,” he says, adding wistfully, “This will change if and when the Bairro is legalized. We want to comply and need to pay municipal property tax like everyone else.” Having received very little support from the local authorities over the last 40 years, residents have tried their best to improve their living conditions albeit with limited means. I visit several houses and I’m struck by how well some are cared for in terms of brightly painted gables and potted flowers. However, others are clearly in a more dilapidated state with peeling paint and haphazardly constructed annexes. As families grew over the years, more accommodation was needed. The authorities at the time allowed more construction or at least turned a blind eye. As there was no official planning permission, no documents were issued. “Again we

are happy to do whatever the council deems necessary, whether it is pulling down illegal buildings or re-designing the area,” José says. Overcrowding remains an issue. José and his wife share the two-bedroom house with two of his adult children and a grandchild. Not an ideal situation. In the original plans for the settlement other facilities were planned such as a crèche, laundry, medical centre and children’s playground but none materialized. In 2014 the Junta de Freguesia of Lagos, with the support of the Municipal Council did some overdue work, tarmacking half of the area, pruning and cutting vegetation and collecting refuse. According to the President of the Freguesia the remainder of the area will be improved within the next four years. The Bairro has always been a typical Algarvian fishing village. Even today 70% of the population are fishermen, contributing a great deal to the local economy. Others find seasonal employment in the tourist sector or construction. José himself has been a fisherman for 40 years and his son is following in his footsteps. Isabel, the manager of the local café in the Bairro tells me she was ten years old when she moved from Monte Gordo with her parents. She has three adult children who also live with their families there. Her husband still works as a fisherman. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon and she is in a rush to go home and prepare dinner. “My husband is about to go out fishing in his boat and will only return in the early hours of the morning,” she explains. 

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As I sit in the busy café sipping my coffee, Elsa, her daughter, has more time to talk to me. “Although I love living in our Bairro, life is hard and it’s difficult to make ends meet,” she remarks. “Our houses need urgent updating since nothing has been done since they were built. We try and do as much as we can but it’s not easy.” She emphasizes that their community is supportive, providing a good environment for children and the elderly.

Top to bottom, L to R: The settlement today; Work still to be done; José Bartolomeu

I’m interested to note that Daniela Filipa Martins in her thesis regarding the Psychosocial Representations of Community Experiences in the Bairro de 25 de Abril (2013), makes similar observations abut the significance of living in a close community. Their shared history has contributed to an elevated sense of togetherness thanks to the “friendship and the union of people and place, along with freedom, clean air and the proximity to the sea. There is a strong sense of belonging to this place.” She also describes the closeness of family ties that contributes to a better quality of life for the elderly. Much has been done over the years to try to resolve the legal situation of the settlement. Numerous motions have been presented to the Municipal Council to recognise the rights of the inhabitants and legalise the settlement. Necessary arrangements need to be made to cede the territory to the Association. In 2012 a petition was presented to the National Assembly calling for the “upgrading of a typical and tourist-valued neighbourhood, with the possibility of attracting and supporting new investment, employment and socioeconomic growth.” No action was taken. José Barolomeu is adamant that the Bairro can play its role in the development of Meia Praia. “It’s a typical old

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fishing village that should be preserved and enhanced. The local council needs to play its part in turning it into part of a tourist attraction.” There is some sense of hope in the community. Everyone is aware that the 10-year development plan of Meia Praia that negated the existence of the settlement has come to an end. On the 28th June 2017 José Bartolomeu received a letter from the President of the Municipal Assembly saying that a unanimous decision had been taken to consider the revision of the plan, including the possibility of legalising the settlement. This was a year ago and the inhabitants are still waiting for news. José acknowledges that the present Câmara has done more to assist the settlement than any before and he remains hopeful that a resolution will finally be found. There may still be some way to go. A statement sent to us on behalf of Joaquina Matos, Mayor of Lagos, points out that any changes to the Meia Praia Plan “may only arise following a revision of the overall Coastal Land Management Plan.” Rigorous evaluations have to be made “based on studies of climate change and its impact on coastal areas.” Does the Bairro fit into this scenario, I wonder? In the meantime an RTP film crew is currently filming yet another documentary about the settlement to be shown later this year on national television. There are preparations for the annual Day of the Fisherman to be held on the May 26th at the Bairro with music, dance, food and boat trips to enjoy. Why not go along, as visitors will be welcomed with open arms? On Lagos Day on the October 27th, the fishermen will again oblige with offers of boat tours around the bay. “The Bairro de 25 de Abril is here to stay and will flourish,” José assures me. Given its unique history, its contribution to the life of the city along with the undaunted determination of its inhabitants, I truly hope he is right.

Giving Leonor a voice BY TOM HENSHAW

You may not know the lady who sells small items at the end of the tills in the large Intermarché store in Lagos and up until a few months back neither did I. I, like many others, had no idea she was unable to speak and ‘conversed’ via text message alone! When we started this campaign I was so excited that we could hopefully make a big difference in someone’s life. I met recently with Inês, who is the speech therapist, and who is now in the third month of Leonor’s therapy

and she has reached a vocabulary of 28 words with many more which, at the moment are incorrect, but this is major progress. Inês has asked me to go along to Leonor’s therapy class this month which is exciting and something that will truly show me how it really is progressing. The results are already very good indeed and it’s down to sheer determination and Ines’s inspiration. Well done to you both. If you wish to contribute to Leonor’s speech therapy you can donate to Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT): Ref ‘LEONOR’ Millennium bank PT50 00330000 455 13974338-05

Support for a local student A campaign has been launched to help 17-year-old high school student, Nelma Fonseca. Nelma, a pupil at Escola Secundária Gil Eanes in Lagos, has sarcoma and her family needs to raise €80,000 so she can go to Spain to get specialist cancer treatment. Here a family friend, Susana Duarte, tells us about the appeal. For the last seven years Nelma has been a fabulous goalkeeper for the Clube Gil Eanes handball team. She is a very pleasant and cheerful girl with a fun personality and she knows what she wants. She never gives up on anything and is full of dreams. So far so good… she’s like teenagers across the world but suddenly Nelma faced a massive obstacle. In early November, Nelma began to feel calf pain in her right leg which later swelled up. By the end of that month, it worsened to the point that she could no longer go to classes and could only walk on crutches. In December surgery was performed and some tissue removed for analysis, and in January the results arrived to say that Nelma had a sarcoma.

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Sarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops from both a primitive cell, derived from an embryological tissue and cells usually present in the body that can split into a variety of specific tissues.

outside Portugal. They need to find out more about the gene causing the sarcoma to be able to eliminate it. This type of more advanced analysis is performed at the University Clinic of Navarra, Spain.

In Nelma’s case, she has a very rare type of soft tissue tumor by the name of Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (TNEP). It has a genetic abnormality called ‘translocation’. Subsequently, this tumor was included in a group of neoplasms entitled ‘Tumors of the Ewing Sarcoma Family’ (TFSE), in which all neoplasms have this chromosomal translocation. She has already had four chemotherapy treatments but all of them have been unsuccessful.

There is no state funding which means that Nelma’s parents must pay for everything themselves which is where we can help. Many little drops of water make the mighty ocean… all of us together can help find a solution for Nelma.

Now - with the support of her doctor in Lisbon - her parents are looking for medical help

Today we want to help Nelma. Tomorrow, who knows, it could be any of us. But we are not alone and together we will win this hard battle! Nelma Susana de Jesus Fonseca NIB : 0010 0000 5605 3970 0018 9 (Banco BPI)

+351 282 780 870




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Naval world history coming to Portimão A replica of the historical French frigate, which played a crucial role in the history of the American Revolution War, will be in the port of Portimão this month. Edgar Naveda fills us in on the L’Hermione’s historical significance.

Patrick Mangin, President of Union des Français de l’Etranger Algarve (Union of the French Abroad)

Launched in 1779, this amazing war ship was built in the city of Rochefort as an urgent response to the maritime combat raging between France and Britain, loaded with 32 cannons aboard. It was on L’Hermione that The Marquis de La Fayette, a liberal aristocrat, officer and an important political figure during the French Revolution, sailed to the United States in 1780 to come to the aid of the American insurgents in their fight against the British colonialists, playing a crucial role to secure their independence. The 1,166 tons of nautical marvel, one of the fastest frigates of its time, had an overall length of 66 meters, 11.55 meters wide and a main mast of 56.5 meters high. In 1992 the Association Hermione-La Fayette was conceived by initiative of a few members of the Centre Internacional de la Mer to honour the achievements of the ship by building an exact replica of the ship. Similar to the HMS Victory, moored in Portsmouth, L’Hermione was built in the very hometown of its original at the Rochefort arsenal in less than six months. The challenge was to construct a replica of the 18th century frigate using the same techniques, including bringing together skilled artisans capable of reproducing former practices but also guaranteeing the security of the public complying with modern health and safety standards. When Patrick Mangin, President of Union des Français de l’Etranger Algarve (Union of the French Abroad), heard

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that the ship was going to pass by our coast he was convinced they must bring it to the Algarve. “Two years ago,” he recounts, “ I was told the boat will pass here to go to the Mediterranean and I thought it must stop here. Then we made the contacts with the Association Hermione-La Fayette and started to raise the funds to make it happen.” “This is a very important” says Patrick, “it is a symbol of liberty and fraternity between different people. The existence of this ship has changed the picture of the world, because of its journey and its help to the United States in their independence process and therefore to become the power that it is now.” “On the other hand” he continues “the Portuguese have been the greatest navigators, they opened the doors of the world to civilization, spreading the principles of liberty, so we, the french, have a lot in common in that respect. Bringing L’Hermione here is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate those values and the fraternity between our nations.” During May 8th, 9th and 10th at the port of Portimão, the Algarvian community will enjoy a variety of attractions, music, food, street arts, etc, take a closer look at the boat and connect with this important part of history. The 80 crew members, including 15 professional sailors and 55 trained volunteers, will be dressed in period costumes and working as they used to do through the wonder years of achieving freedom for many. “We expect around a thousand visitors per day and we’ll also see the participation of the community and the local schools.” adds Patrick. This event wouldn’t be possible without the participation of the Municipality of Portimão, which is providing, free of charge, the security, firemen, electricity, toilets and all the necessary facilities to provide a wonderful experience for its visitors. At the time of printing this issue, L’Hermione would be already sailing its way through the Mediterranean visiting cities like Tangier (Morocco), Barcelona, Marseille, Toulon and Monaco, before stopping in Portimão then going on to visit Pasaia in Spain and Bordeaux to finally go back to Rochefort and get ready for its next adventure. Don’t miss this incredible chance and bring your family and friends to go back in time on board this magnificent piece of nautical history.

Top to bottom, L to R: Dorothy; Front with bikes; Dorothy at 24; Royston at 75; Penguin Postcard 1962

An inspiration to us all

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At 100 years of age this month, the ever-smiling and positive-thinking Dorothy Boulter still manages her own affairs and takes care of all the daily chores in her home in the village of Estombar near Lagoa. Dorothy’s extremely active and much-travelled life began on the Mediterranean island of Malta on May 9th during the last year of World War I. Malta’s location as a British colony gave it great strategic importance as a military base. Dorothy’s father, Frederick Lockley, was a serving British naval officer there when he married his lovely wife, Vincentia Sperandeo. As the second of seven children, Dorothy Lucy Lockley, spent her first 14 years in Valetta, the capital of Malta, and still has contact with her family there. In 1932, the Lockeys moved to England and settled in Haslemere in Surrey. 10 years later, with World War II raging and three brothers as well as her father in the Royal Navy, Dorothy joined the Wrens (see photo). After training on board HMS Dolphin in Portsmouth, she served on HMS Phoenix in Ismailia, Egypt, and in 1943 was billeted on HMS Braganza in Bombay. Having first met Royal Engineer Royston Boulter in the English military town of Aldershot, in 1942, Dorothy and Royston married in 1944 after meeting again in Bombay. When his ship was bombed in the Mediterranean, Royston was rescued and taken to Alexandria. He subsequently served in Abyssinia and Ethiopia, which led to the Boulters falling under the spell of Africa. After the war, Dorothy became fully involved with all her husband’s building projects in Dar es Salaam, Lushoto and Bukoba in Tanganyika, and in Uganda and Kenya.

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16 years and seven children on, African decolonisation prompted the Boulters to head for Europe, leaving behind and eventually losing all their property in Africa. Dorothy and Royston, together with their 5 girls and 2 boys - Barbara Jane, Robert, Christina, Jerome, Margaret, Valerie and Patricia - fell in love with the Algarve, partly because of its similarities in some ways to East Africa. They bought the iconic Solar Penguin overlooking the waterfront at Praia da Rocha in 1962 and started running it as a traditional pensão offering full board. A comment in Dorothy’s memoirs reads: “Having never run a guest house I was a bit nervous of the idea. However I consoled myself with the thought that having been quite accustomed to catering for a large family of 9 it would be a small adjustment to extend those numbers to about twenty; and so I became enthusiastic and we bought the place". Royston converted part of a cellar, originally used for winter storage of lifeguard equipment, into Praia da Rocha’s first public bar. Dorothy ran it along with the 15room pension for the next 45 years. Widowed in 1981, Dorothy eventually retired in 2007 and settled in the centre of Estômbar near her daughter BJ. As she has got older Dorothy has naturally slowed down a lot, but she is still quick witted and humorous. She enjoys company and copes with her deafness by offering pen and paper to visitors. As an insight into why her mother is doing so well at such an advanced age, BJ says: “She goes with the flow and doesn’t let much bother her.”

Take to the skies BY JEFF MORGAN

Brigadeiro Costa Franco Municipal Aerodrome is a small airfield 2km from the centre of Lagos. Better known as Lagos Aerodrome, the tiny island is the home to the Aeroclube De Lagos and three businesses that can fulfil most of your recreational flying needs.

Opened in 1965 by the then local mayor, the site went through a period of stagnation until the arrival of pioneer aviator Jerry Breen and his tri-wheeled, motorised cobweb. Rather than running from the contraption Jerry managed to encourage locals to come fly with him. They also caught the bug and the Aeroclub of Lagos evolved in 1986. José Carmo, the current club treasurer and one of those founding members, remembers those days. “We started with a shed that had no doors, the high tides would come up to the outside of the control tower. We reclaimed the land from the sea using material taken when they were building the harbour, building with the members hands and the loaning of council vehicles on weekends. Really there would be no club if it were not for the monumental effort put in by a small group of people, including the current club president Luis Duarte, a local engineer with the council.” Finally a tarmac strip was laid and today the club boasts of 150 social, active and non-active members, many of whom were introduced to the joys of flying by Jerry who had to retire his microlight school a couple of years ago. Microlight lessons and taster flights are still available onsite today under the experienced eye of

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Malcolm at Fly365, over the next few months we will have an article on the school. The Aeroclub is actively working to attract the next generation of flyers with the launch (due imminently) of a major initiative which plans to see many young children being taught the basics of flying with model controlled aircraft courses. “We are hoping to pass a lot of children through the stages, taking those with the aptitude and interest who we maybe able to get to a level where they are flying themselves in the future,” says José. Should you be too old for the children's activity then perhaps Algarve Balloons can provide you with a more serene journey through the blue Algarvian skies. ”Due to the winds, we usually begin the trip in the foothills of the mountains of Monchique, crossing the wild and agricultural areas before heading over the more built up areas ending the flight somewhere around Alvor or Lagos,” says Helena Sá, the owner and chief pilot of Algarve Balloons. Helena caught the ballooning bug in 1991 in her home country of South Africa where she learnt the ropes as a crew member before progressing to pilot and then commercial pilot. Moving across Europe she set up in Britain when, in 2001, the foot and mouth disease saw most of the farms quarantined and balloons grounded. 

“With nine balloons and a lot of booked passengers we were faced with a big challenge. Thankfully my parents had a home here and we quickly moved to the Algarve. That first year we flew 600 passengers.”

One happy family @ the aerodrome

The UK-licensed operator offers two packages of flights. A traditional flight, sharing a basket with a maximum of six people costs just €195 pp. Or there is the exclusive private flight for a minimum of two people including a picnic. Helena can also cater for larger groups with a mammoth 26 person basket or the option of adding more balloons, “Summer can be amazing with 10 balloons in the air driven by skilled pilots.” Helena herself represented Portugal at the European Championships though has given up her racing career to focus on the business. Should you be looking to take control yourself then

consider the Gyro-copter experience operated by Kevin Whitehead. Not quite a helicopter due to having an unpowered blade Kevin's Gyro is the open cockpit, tandem version. “It is perfect for the Algarve sunshine you can go up with just a t-shirt on.” states Kevin. Not unlike Little Nellie from the 1967 James Bond classic, You Only Live Twice. An UK operators license can be achieved in 40 hrs giving you the freedom to roam or even go touring. Kevin offers 30, 60 or 90 minutes introductory experiences during which you also have the opportunity to take control and commence your first lesson in flying.

The Aeroclub has produced cadets who began their flying career from this small, friendly club so if you are interested in finding out more about the youth initiative, learning to fly, or just going for a sightseeing trip with a difference then check out the websites for more information.

 Aeroclube-De-Lagos   

Calling all ex-Round Tablers BY GEOFF HARNETT

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A ROUND TABLER? We are the only 41 Club here in the Algarve. We were established 33 years ago and today have 52 members but our wives and partners always participate so making over 100 in all! It’s a big club! We are the Portuguese Club within the Iberian Cluster Group, regularly meeting up with our fellow Iberian Clubs in rotation for a 200 member cluster party. In November this year we will be in the Costa del Sol for three days and next year it’s in Calpe, Spain. The Algarve Club hosted this great event in November 2016 and are due to host again in 2021. Here at home, we are based at the Restaurant O Farol within the Rocha Brava Resort just

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outside Carvoeiro where we meet on the first Tuesday of each month for our business meeting. This is followed by an excellent lunch with the ladies. We also meet socially on the third Tuesday in many places across the Algarve. Our members have lived or worked in many different countries and we are very international in character.

together for our Annual General Meeting. In fact it’s like a four-day party starting on Wednesday May 9th with the Chairman’s Dinner (very informal) the AGM (a bit more formal!) on the Thursday night. A grass bowls competition on Friday and and our black tie Ladies Night on Saturday May 12th which this year is being held at Boa Vista Golf Club.

The club also raise funds for worthwhile local causes in the true Round Table way.

Why not join us? We are always looking for true ex-tablers. Just email our Vice Chairman and membership officer Geoff Harnett who will be delighted to give you further information. We look forward to meeting you!

Within the last year we have donated money to the Salvation Army, the Lagos orphans, Riding for the Disabled and the local charity for people with physical and learning disabilities, NECI. In May of every year we all meet


Wildlife in the wilderness WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR IN MAY? The countryside is now covered in a stunning yellow, white, pink and purple myriad of wildflowers. Most breeding bird migrants have already returned from their tropical wintering grounds and are settling in. The song of Spring is in the air. Every month wildlife expert, Nuno Barros, will tell us what we should be looking out for in the Lagos-Sagres-Aljezur areas.

Photo ©: Bonelli s Eagle - Paul Asman; Melodious Warbler Frank Vassen; Green Hairstreak - Nuno Barros.

It is hard to miss them. Bee-eaters are here. They have recently arrived and are now pairing up. Their conspicuous whistles echoes high up, and you can see them gently feeding each other while perched. This is also the time where Nightingales sing by river valleys all through the night, in one of Spring’s most delightful performances. In densely forested areas, some elusive birds like Iberian Chiffchaffs, Common Redstarts and Melodious Warblers are also singing. In some coastal open fields of the West Coast, male Little Bustards can still be seen. Take a closer look at swallows and try to spot the beautiful Red-rumped Swallows – the largest of our European ones. High up in the skies, look out for large raptors like the Bonelli’s Eagle and the Short-toed Eagle. Some late passage migrants can still occasionally occur, especially in Easterly winds. It is not infrequently that Northern Wheatears, Whinchats or Pied Flycatchers – long distance trans-Saharan migrants – are still spotted in early May. These ones usually in breeding plumage, so a lot more colourful than the juveniles and fainted plumage adults seen during the Autumn passage.


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By dunes and clifftops wildflowers are definitely worth a closer look. Some of the highlights are the delicate white Candyturf and the stunning deep blue Shrubby Pimpernell - described by some botanists as ‘the glory of the Algarve’. On the West Coast, some of the local

endemics are still in flower like the local Thyme Thymus Camphoratus and the rare and vulnerable Biscutella Vicentina. Several species of the Rock Rose family cover the hills, the most abundant one being the Gum Cistus, with its large spotted white flowers and sticky leaves. This is actually a protective layer that reflect sunlight and avoids water loss. Very close to the ground, the strange fleshy Cytinus is a yellow or reddish discrete plant with no chlorophyll, that extracts its water and nutrients from several Rock Rose species. The plant is edible and known by the locals as Maia for they are above ground in May. Although most of the wild orchid show is now over, some late flowering ones can still be found. In shady pine and cork forest edges, the deep red Heart Flowered Tongue Orchid and the robust Epitactis Tremolsii – a Mediterranean species densely packed with flowers - are the ones to look out for. In sunnier coastal areas, some Pyramidal Orchids are still around. Several species of butterfly are now on the wing, some widespread like the delicate Swallowtail and some more localized like the gorgeous Two-tailed Pasha, which can be found near patches of Strawberry Tree. Other noteworthy butterflies to look out for are Small Copper, Marsh Fritillary and Green Hairstreak. The wild Southwest is now bursting with life, and the warm light of late afternoons is already hinting that Summer is coming. Nuno runs Birdland – Wildlife Tours

Jimmy the Marathon Man BY REBECCA SIMPSON

It’s true to say that Jimmy Castela takes fitness to the extreme. After working in Burgau Beach Bar for 26 years, Jimmy is somewhat of a local legend. Nearly 10 years ago Jimmy was determined to stop smoking and needed something to motivate him. He decided to take up running as a hobby to counteract his smoking habit. Admittedly Jimmy still had a good level of fitness from playing amateur football and squash for many years. At the age of 51 Jimmy made the big decision to beat the cigarettes and start running. What started off as an enjoyable hobby has quickly turned into to something of an impressive 'career'. Originally Jimmy started running for approximately one hour at a time. Just after his new hobby began a friend convinced Jimmy to run the New York Marathon which he managed to achieve in 3hrs 53 seconds after very little training. After his first race in New York, Jimmy most definitely caught the running bug and wanted to pursue his talent and hobby further. After some intensive training the next chosen race was the Seville Marathon. Jimmy ran this in 2hrs 51 seconds- an impressive achievement. Jimmy Castela is now ranked in the top 20 in the world for his age group (55-60). If his training continues to go to plan, when Jimmy turns 60 next year, he will then be ranked in the top 10 in the world for the 60-65 age group! When interviewing Jimmy I asked him what motivates him: “Running gives me a huge sense of freedom and strength. It makes me feel good, strong and healthy, always puts me in a good mood!” This may explain why Jimmy is always a welcoming presence down at the Beach Bar in Burgau. “I also enjoy running as it’s good for my physical and mental health, I also feel good after, I can eat and drink a lot”!

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Jimmy trains six days a week, including one long 35 km run once a week and is often seen running down the EN125 anywhere between Salema and Lagos at a very impressive pace! He is currently striving to race all the major global marathons including London, Tokyo, Chicago, Berlin and of course back to New York. He also aims to, hopefully, rank in the top three for his age group in as many of these global events as possible. When asking him about training Jimmy explained that he has a very healthy diet and currently avoids dairy and gluten but does eat copious amounts of pasta pre-race day! Jimmy’s next target and current training plan is all focused on the Hamburg Marathon due to take place in just a few week’s along with the Valencia marathon in December this year. When I asked Jimmy what he aims to achieve through his running he said: “I’d really like to get into the top three for my age group at any of the major races or, better still, win them! I think the most important thing to do with such intensive training is to listen to your body which is why I make sure I look after my health and have one day off training per week.” Jimmy explained how he really doesn’t like running in the Algarve heat so makes sure his training schedule is as early as possible in the summer months. When I suggested that some people believe running is an addiction and did he feel he had caught this running bug Jimmy explained; “‘I don’t agree with that personally, as when you train so hard it’s incredibly tough and more about endurance.” Jimmy has, in total, run five marathons and 14 half marathons - four of which he won last year. He also came third at the famous Lisbon half marathon and aims to keep improving and breaking records. For someone who only took running up to distract from smoking eight years ago, Jimmy has made incredible strides and has certainly become the Algarve’s very own marathon man.

Living the dream A guesthouse with a vegetarian restaurant and a yoga, pilates centre opened in Lagos last year. We wanted to find out more so we spoke to the owner, Lita Santos Pollinger, and find out more the concept. Please tell us about yourself. I was born in Angola and raised in Lagos. After 30 years of living in Germany and numerous journeys all over the world I have returned to Lagos with a mission. I believe that a healthy world begins with healthy people! Being a vegetarian for many years, as well as a yoga and meditation enthusiast with a passion for Indian culture I decided to bring the Lalitana concept and philosophy to my hometown.

Tell us about the chef please.

Please tell us about your professional background.

I think that eating vegetarian/vegan can change the world, I believe in the new generation. Together we can find a way to be healthy and happy while we are here on this planet. And maybe leave it in a better state than we found it.

In search of balance and a new beginning in my life, I have encountered Ayurveda, yoga and meditation. I did a lot of training and specialised in Ayurveda and vegan food. It changed my life completely and a new era began.

Please tell us about your business in Lagos - when did it open? I founded Lalitana in April 2017. Lalitana is not just a concept, it is my brainchild that needs to grow. It is my life philosophy! Here I want to encourage and motivate local people to join our concept and welcome and enrich the tourists from all over the world with a ‘conscious’ vacation, enjoying our delicious dishes, practicing yoga and going on interesting excursions with me.

Why did you decide to start a vegetarian/vegan restaurant here? Because I am a vegetarian and believe that food is medicine! Lagos is a very small city with many restaurants but with almost no vegetarian or vegan option.

What kind of food do you serve? In my artisan cuisine we serve international vegetarian/ vegan dishes like: Vegan Coco Gratin, Beets Risotto, Lalitana Lasagne, Mango Avocado Salad, Chick Pea Burger with Baked Sweet Potato, Oven Vegetables with Smoked Tofu and Quinoa, Chili con Tofu with Corn Tortilla and much more. All our dishes are prepared on the basis of local, seasonal and biological ingredients. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks like wraps, soups, quiche, homemade cakes are offered all day. There is a huge selection of exotic beverages like Chai Tea, Matcha, Kombucha, homemade lemonades, real cocoa from South America with soy, almond or rice milk, as well delicious Smoothies and Detox Juices made from fresh organic vegetables and fruit.

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I create all our dishes in an artistic way with lots of LOVE. We are an excellent team at Lalitana that understands the significance of these creations and is able to bring them to life.

What appeals to you about vegetarian/vegan food principles?

What response have you had so far? We had a great response from local people all over the Algarve. Vegetarian/vegan tourists are very happy when they find us. Some people react like they found water in the desert. When I read what people write on social media, it mostly brings a tear of happiness to my eyes. I am very happy with the feedback and it makes me feel confident that it was the right decision to bring my concept to Lagos! I am very thankful to live in the sunny Lagos City where I meet wonderful people every day!

What are your hopes and ambitions for the restaurant? My hope is that more and more people want to try and eat vegetarian/vegan food. You don’t need to be or become a vegetarian or vegan person, but please don’t close this door! Be open minded, come and try, bring your family and friends, it is good to have a change! Me and my team will be there to cook delicious vegetarian/vegan dishes for you!

Can you give us your favorite vegan recipe and tell us why you like it so much. My favorite Vegan recipe is the “Vegan Coco Gratin with Cashew Nuts” created by myself. I just love it!

 Rua Gil Vicente Nr. 28, 8600-596 Lagos  +351 914 061 143  

You can read Lita’s recipe and read a restaurant review on page 74.


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Animal sterilisation campaign BY JOHN WORMAN Many of us are aware of the number of cats and dogs that roam the streets here in the western Algarve. In theory just one un-neutered cat and its offspring could produce over 300,000 extra cats in five years. Similarly one dog and its offspring dog can produce 60,000 extra dogs in a similar timeframe. Many of us are only too aware of what happens to many unwanted cats and dogs throughout the Algarve. We find unwanted puppies and kittens in lixo bins, tied up to lampposts and signs, in boxes by the side of the road as well as being just dumped on the street. We, at NANDI, exsist as an organisation to combat such cruelty and to try and do our bit to control the animal population. During the month of May, The Nandi Charity Shop will be running an extra campaign to neuter pet cats and dogs whose owners qualify for financial assistance. We will charge €5 per animal and the Nandi Charity will fund the balance. We are pleased to be able to run this campaign in association with our local veterinary surgeons. The campaign is aimed mainly at the intrinsic population who may not have the funds to afford to sterilise the animals themselves. This campaign will run alongside our normal sterilisation activities for street animals. Those people wishing to take advantage of the programme can do so by visiting the vet liaison officer in our furniture shop in Lagos between the hours of 11am and 2pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays where, if they qualify, can obtain a voucher which can then be taken to one of our participating vets who will arrange for the animal to be sterilised.

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The Nandi Charity Shop, is a non-profit making association, run entirely by volunteers providing financial assistance for the sterilisation of street animals in the Western Algarve. The charity is fully registered as an Association in this regard. The neutering activity is funded by the money it makes in its shops selling clothes, furniture and bric-a bric kindly donated by those residing in the area. The charity also financially assists a number of animal sanctuaries and cat colonies throughout the western Algarve and in 2017 we sterilised over 1300 animals. We are supported by our local veterinary surgeons in Lagos, Espiche and Budens with whom we have had an association over many years. We also have a ‘protocol’ with Vila do Bispo Câmara for TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) activities and we are trying to set up a similar arrangement with the Lagos Câmara. We at the Nandi would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who have donated clothes and furniture etc. over the years as well as those that support us by visiting and buying in our shops. Without your help such campaigns would not be possible. The Nandi Charity shop is located in Rua Prof. do Moto Pinto on the roundabout behind the Sao Gonçalo private hospital.

Giving it back Once more unto the beach, dear friends! Last month the Tomorrow team and some of our amazing readers joined forces to take part in our fifth Giving It Back Day. This time 11 willing and enthusiastic volunteers went down to Meia Praia for a solid three hours of cleaning to get rid of the plastic waste that we hate seeing on our beaches. As you know we launched a Clean It Up Campaign a few months ago where we asked readers to pick up three pieces of rubbish when they were out and about and we thought it was important for us to do our bit. Everybody seems to enjoy the ‘get together’ and making a difference in the local community. Well done every one of you who took part and here is the next one. We have received an idea for the next one- the lagoon by the Odiaxere oyster farm. Some friends were shocked by the amount of flotsam and jetsam there! You can read more about that on our letters page. If you have any other suggestions for Giving It Back Day then please let us know.

 thenandicharityshop 


Madrugada is looking for volunteers to help with the renovation works which need to carried out to make the new Support Centre an efficient and welcoming space. Please get in touch if you have some experience in building, plumbing or painting.Alternatively you could sponsor part of the work or equipment. Please contact Madrugada:  +351 282 761 375  Or drop in to the existing centre at Rua Direita No 100, Praia da Luz to chat about how you can help. 

Behind the scenes Ten years ago Carol Minns bought a holiday home in the Algarve but her and her husband quickly decided they wanted to base themselves here permanently. She is now a volunteer at the Luz-based palliative care charity Madrugada. Here she tells us a bit about her life and what volunteering has meant to her.

Please tell us about your link to the Algarve. We came on holiday for a week 10 years ago and after that visit we started to look for a holiday home and just had a feeling we were going to be here. We were soon spending most of the year here and we realised that life was just too short and so we made the break and moved here permanently. We have been living here for three-and-a-half years now. It’s the best decision we ever made, apart from getting married that is! We actually see the grandchildren more than if we lived in the UK as they are spread around over there. In January each year we start to plan the schedule of visits!

How did you start volunteering at Madrugada? It was just over two years ago, after my builder had suggested I give some old furniture to the local charity shop. I called in to see if they wanted my furniture and as I walked out of the store I asked Judith the manager if she needed any help, and I have been helping out ever since!

What do you do for Madrugada? As well as working in the home store (furniture, books etc) I make cards, fancy boxes, soft toys, jewelry, repair and decorate picture frames, I even take home things to repair. Adding something extra to items donated to the shop means that we can sell them for more! I make cards for special occasions, recently I was commissioned to make a card for a 100th birthday and another for a 70th wedding anniversary.

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I learnt to knit on my Grandma’s knee when I was just three-years-old and my first creation was a teddy bear scarf. I went on to make all my children’s clothes and love to have a go at anything. Now all my adult children (boys and girls) can knit and sew as I taught them all when they were little.

What do you get from volunteering? I love my craftwork and meeting people, our customers, especially the local residents as they do not always have the opportunity to buy things elsewhere that we have available in the shop. People visit the shop from all walks of life and nationalities and it is wonderful to see their faces when they find something they like and can afford. It is like giving something back to the community as I feel that we are privileged to live here. I make the cards, soft toys etc to give pleasure as much as anything and I know the money is going to a worthy cause at Madrugada. My husband is very patient and supportive as my craft things are everywhere at home, very organised but lots of them! He has offered to buy me a ‘garden office’!

Is there such a thing as a typical day? There is something different every day, with children’s happy faces when they buy buckets and spades and tourists buying books to read during their holiday and usually bringing them back for us to re-sell. Customers buy furniture for their rental properties or new holiday homes or just accessories to brighten their homes. We have regular delivery and collection days and so we are always reorganising the store waiting to see what will arrive when the van returns. The generosity of people who donate things to the shops from house clearances to small household items is amazing, we couldn’t survive without them. My fellow volunteers come from the local area or as far away as Alvor and so there are lots of different people to meet on either side of the counter. It is really interesting and I get a lot of pleasure volunteering for such a good cause.

was asked to write this book, a tool for other teachers to continue his work, aiming to improve singing in schools and choirs. JC’s technique and caring approach produce excellent results from infants to adults alike. Besides being a music teacher at Gil Eanes School Group, he has a project teaching singing to pre-school children and teachers. In the book there are strategies to help people to overcome problems that prevent them from singing. He is adamant: “Apart from any medical conditions, we can all sing under correct guidance. The voice is our intrinsic musical instrument, and through it, we should learn music the way we learn the mother tongue, developing as we grow. My ideal is to implement the book in pre-school, starting musical education as early as possible and continue through every school year. Music education promotes sensibility, concentration, mutual respect, and has many other benefits. In Portugal, music education in schools is only for the 5th and 6th grades (10 and 11 years old) with a very limited curriculum. Music should be taken more seriously.”

Teaching the world to sing BY BERNADETE BISHOP “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony”. When I heard these words in a song I immediately thought of a music teacher here in Lagos.

Crescer a Cantar Grow to Sing Launched on May 13th, at Lagos Cultural Centre The book is available on the link:

A visionary, determined to prove the power of music in life, music teacher and Choirmaster, José Carlos Bago d'Uva, has dedicated his entire life to teaching children and adults music in a very specific way. He outlines his method in a book Crescer a Cantar (Grow to Sing), which will be launched on the May 13th, at Lagos Cultural Centre. JC feels honoured to have the foreword of his book written by Dr José Maria Pedrosa Cardoso, prestigious musicologist, who led him into the musical world and last year he was awarded the Gold Medal of Cultural Merit by Lagos Town Hall, in recognition of having created International Festivals of Music and Choir in the Algarve along with a series of summer concerts. He founded the Choral Group of Lagos in 1976, shortly followed by the establishment of the Lagos Music Academy. JC spent 11 years in Madeira, where he was given the opportunities to innovate and explore new ideas in order to produce work of quality. “The investment in Art Education in Madeira makes the island a good platform for experimentation and innovation. This should be more widely recognised and accepted as a national model,” he maintains, adding, “I try to instil in my pupils the importance of being rigorous in order to achieve quality.” He coordinated a program of choirs in all schools and

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He combines the knowledge that he has acquired from directing several choirs of children and adults and many international courses he has attended. On the basis of this he has created this process of teaching and learning to sing that he refers to as a ‘spiral cone’. Starting from the elemental level, one progresses through the cone, achieving each step until reaching the top level where one feels uplifted while singing and able to inspire the listener. “Choir is a very formal name. I’d rather use ‘collective singing’, where people sing together for pleasure without the pressure of a public presentation, but with quality,” JC says. Years of investigation resulted in his method for collective singing at school level, extendable to people of various ages who wish to sing better. The book has a well-founded theory, but the DVD accompanying the book is crucial along with the online multimedia support with access to large amounts of information, videos and exercises, spread over 10 progressive levels. Many studies and evidence prove the value of music and singing in the development of children and the benefits for everyone’s health. JC is often invited to do courses in Portugal and recently Brazil. Heitor Villa Lobos, a Brazilian music composer maintained that “people who know how to sing are a step further to happiness; it’s necessary to teach the whole world to sing.” In addition to Dr. Pedrosa Cardoso, he was also influenced by Maestro Edgar Saramago, who taught him the concept of choral direction of the Dutch School, which shapes sound through gesture. In 1991 he met the person who revolutionised his thinking and methodology on how to musically work the voice; Prof Vianey da Cruz, from East Timor, to whom he dedicated the book. “I have no interest in making money from the book, I’m just very grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had in life. Each day my eagerness to teach and pass on the knowledge that I have accumulated increases. As a native of Lagos, I would like to share my method that could be implemented in all schools to the benefit of children and adults in the community. I hope that my book falls in fertile ground and produces better singing and sensitive people. That’s the reason for the title of the book, Crescer a Cantar”. I think Nietzsche’s words: “Without music life would be a mistake” sum up JC’s position perfectly.

Top to bottom, L to R: Brian Oliver; ‘Braunston flight top lock’; ‘Arco da Vila, Faro’; ‘Lagos Old Town’; ‘Praça Infante Henrique, Lagos’; ‘Fortaleza da Ponta da Bandeira, Lagos’

Meet the artist This month as part of a regular 'Meet the artist' feature we would like to introduce Brian Oliver who always loved art as a child growing up in the 1950s. He was offered a scholarship at a London art college but declined because his father thought this would lead to a life of pleasure and debauchery. Instead he entered the world of commerce and only returned to his love of drawing in retirement, some 40 years later. Here he tells us about his work now “My wife and I now live in Lagos for half of the year - returning to the UK for the other six months, where we live in Braunston; a canalside village on the Warwickshire/ Northamptonshire border.

of my home village, in book form. All profits from such sales are donated to local charities. Our area’s historic society has also purchased a copy of my book for inclusion in their ‘time capsule’.

her memory and my wife had to gently point out that it was not her work -or an original! He wished to stick to his choice but asked me to sign the print - which, of course, I was happy to do!

My love is drawing as opposed to painting and I work exclusively in pencil, pen and ink. I draw local places of interest with a preference for subjects with a strong architectural content, which I draw in great detail. I rarely now sketch onsite, preferring to take a photo to work from. Each detailed picture takes around 40 hours to complete split into one to two hour sessions. As a rainy day pastime - I only produce two to three works a year.

I don’t really have a favourite drawing although I am fond of my picture of a French shepherd’s hut, which was an experiment in light and shadow.

By way of advice - above all enjoy your work. Accept advice and experiment but develop your own individual style. It is the individuality and variety that makes all art so interesting and compelling.

Mainly I draw for my own satisfaction and relaxation. However I am flattered to find that many people have purchased prints of my pictures, either plain, framed or, in the case

This article has been provided by the Algarve Society of Artists - a group formed to support and promote art and artists across the Algarve. They have a website www. and publish a free quarterly online magazine entitled Algarve Art! Visit their website for more information.

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This shepherd’s hut picture also gave rise to an odd story. I used to send copies of all my work to a dear aunt who was a celebrated artist in Aldeburgh, Suffolk; for her appraisal. When she passed away she left any of her remaining artwork to be given to those attending her funeral. Unbeknown to me she had had my shepherds hut print framed and this was accidentally included in the collection. It was chosen by one of her close friends to keep in

I hope to create sufficient drawings to put a book together in Portugal. However, with the evident lack of rainy days this may take some time. I have already sold a few prints via local craft fairs etc. again with any profits going to Portuguese charities. I do not do commissions.


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Diplomatic Ramblings BY DOUG MCADAM

My dream final job as Consul General in Hamburg came with considerable baggage. My mission’s role was primary commercial and I was expected to keep tabs on economic and commercial developments in my patch of northern Germany which extended from the Netherlands’ border in the west to the Danish border in the north. Likewise I was expected to keep a finger on the political pulse of the four state governments. I was fortunate to have three excellent Honorary Consuls based in Hanover, Kiel and Bremen – all major players in their local communities and whose offices were the first point of contact for Brits in their areas. But they were also able to make high level commercial and political appointments for me with relative ease. The 7th Armoured Brigade had a large presence on my patch and occasional local sensitivities required my presence. In Hamburg itself my job had an incredibly high profile which reflected the long and close ties between Germany’s second city and the UK. But I also found I was honorary president of any number of organisations including the prestigious Anglo-German Club all of which came with representational expectations. I quickly discovered the downside of living over the shop - far too easy to catch up with work out of hours.The introduction of the euro took place early in this posting and one of the first questions asked by most of the CEOs whom I visited was whether or when the UK would adopt the euro. Certainly in Hamburg the euro became nicknamed the “Teuero” (teuer is German for expensive) given the tendency of retailers to round up rather than down when repricing. Soon after this introduction I took a telephone call from a British shipping charterer who asked if we could agree that my wife Sue become the Godmother of a new-build container ship. When he then told me the ship was to be named the “Euro Squall” I suspected the call was a wind up! This was until he demonstrated that previous ships in the

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same fleet had been named the “Euro Storm” and the “Euro Snow”. Anyhow some time later my wife duly named the ship in Hamburg Port and was then asked to burst a suspended bottle of champagne against the ship’s bow. Unfortunately because of ’health and safety regulations’ the bottle had been shrinkwrapped in strong plastic. Sue tried several times, as did the ship’s charterer, but the bottle merely bounced! Eventually the massively-built ship builder succeeded – leaving the poor ship with several dents! But we and the families of the ship builders had a marvellous day on board – the container ship was completely decked overall and we sailed a few miles down the Elbe with every passing vessel acknowledging our presence with their hooters.

Waiting to get on board We are still unable to provide much of an update currently on the railway museum but we do hope to hear in the not too distant future.

I was able to surprise the Russian captain by speaking to him in his own language. It was with some difficulty that we persuaded the shipbuilder only to give a token gift to my wife since it was the tradition to give the ship’s godmother an expensive memento. But we were very happy to accept a scale model (illustrated) of the ship to remind us of that special day.

In the meantime we thought you would like to know what is currently ‘hidden’ in the Lagos Rail Museum!

As a P.S. to the “Euro Squall” event I was later invited to another ship naming ceremony – this time in the northern port of Lubeck. The ship being named was owned by a Greek charter company and as the plan was for the vessel to ply from Rosyth the then Scottish First Minister, Henry McLeish, was also in attendance.

We will bring some actual news as soon as we can!

The official naming ceremony was even more disastrous than that in Hamburg. An ingenious device was set up designed to smash the champagne bottle on the ship’s bow. Sadly the planner had failed to take account of tidal movement and when released the bottle smashed harmlessly against the dock. Another had quickly to be found which was thrown against the poor ship’s bow! Doug retired to the Algarve 14 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office

And here are some photos of the trains and the carriage still hiding away but in pretty good shape. I am sure more of you rail enthusiasts out there will want to volunteer when we get more news of the plans to take them out of wraps.



Art in the adega Lady in Red, Galeria de Arte is an art gallery with a difference. For starters it’s housed in a cooperative winery which was built in the 1940s. It’s a mix of modern art and industrial grunge. It’s owned by Liz and Peter Roberts. Here Liz tells us how they ended up running a gallery in Lagoa. “We fell in love with Alvor and the Algarve 20 years ago and bought a property so we could spend more time here with our friends and family. We have a few companies, one which provides services to the event and exhibition industry and the other that provides outdoor cinema production. We saw the Adega and its wonderful space one Christmas and were mesmerised how fantastic it was, the space showed art to its full potential and we believed it would also make a great place for events, conferences and functions. We are a 3000sqm art gallery situated within the historical building of the Adega Co-operativa de Lagoa. Our exhibition space is a multifunctional venue, with a lounge bar, stage and exhibition areas. The gallery itself is divided into three spaces, The Red Room, that is strategically lit to showcase new art exhibits, the Blue Room and the Main Art Gallery, a massive central hall that accommodates a vast selection of artworks. It

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shows works of art by Caelyn Robertson, Stela Barreto, Arlindo Arez, Doris Gaspartic, Alexandre Manuel, Marie Sulac, Pascale Fey, Claudia Van Der Kolk, Lander Liñero to name a few. The aim with Lady in Red - Galeria de Arte, is to bring art to all, and as well as having exhibits in the main gallery we will be exhibiting all along the Algarve and into the Spanish Costas with some mini pop-up art exhibitions. We sell a complete mixture of art and sculpture with the aim that there is something here for everyone to enjoy, view and hopefully take home. We seek to represent national and international artists, bringing together the most diverse styles of Art Abstract, Figurative and Non-Objective - in order to delight our visitors and clients with unique Artworks. Lady in Red has also a huge role in the municipality of Lagoa as well as for the Algarve region, as it presents itself as a cultural space that gathers Art from around the world into an amazing historical wine cellar. We now represent around 40 Artists from Europe, South-Africa, and South-America, such as Lander Liñero, Samantha Couto, Stela Barreto, Angelina Maia, Caelyn Robertson, Claudia van der Kolk, Di Della Pace, Tom Bund, Kerstin Wagner, Ernesto Mies and much more. One artist that we ‘discovered’ who has gone on to big things was Angelina Maia who exhibited for the first time with Lady in Red in 2015, with her cardboard sculptures. She then decided in 2016 to participate at an Art Fair in Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, leading to a lot of new international experiences. In 2017, her sculptures are exhibited once again in Paris, but also in Monaco, Brussels, Beijing, Shanghai and New York.”


West Coast Petanca players prepare to get the boule rolling! BY MATT D’ARCY

The West Coast’s third Annual Petanca tournament— created to forge strong bonds between the Portuguese and the expat communities—is to take place on June 16th near Aljezur. Hosted by local community association Amovate and the Associação Petanca Vale da Telha—who are now based at the Amovate Old Schoolhouse HQ—the competition will be held on June 16th and involves a maximum of 32 teams of two players apiece.

Steve added with a rueful smile: “They also have this annoying knack of smacking your ball out of the way if it happens to be nearest the jack. It´s like every game is a cup final with all vying to win the coveted trophy!” The entry fee is €2 to cover the cost of prizes with a trophy for the eventual winners, although every competitor gets a prize—even if it is only a bottle of water for the team finishing last! There will also be a BBQ afterwards at a cost of €5. Anyone wanting to play should email Steve Scott.

Each team comprises a Portuguese player teamed with an expat and the number this year has been limited to 32 as the event is becoming more popular, meaning numbers have to be weighed up against the size of the playing space, and the timescale. Organiser and Amovate committee member Steve Scott told us: “The aim of the event is to promote integration with the Portuguese and it works extremely well—so well in fact that the Portuguese even accept playing our way to ensure there is some control over time! “Although the Portuguese players may take charge when playing, due to their expertise, everybody accepts this fact due to their expertise, as many of them, men and women, play in the leagues. “The Portuguese are very competitive, as are the expats, and you can hear the banter going on throughout the games. “The only barrier that might exist is the language barrier, but even that is swept away in the spirit of the sport.”

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They are also asked to indicate whether they require the BBQ, which is available to spectators who are welcome to come along and watch but who would also need to book in advance by email. The event will start at 1pm (tbc) starting with a round robin of four teams, which involves playing seven ends. The score from each team is recorded and from the eight round-robin groups the top team with the most accumulated points from their three games will go through to a straightforward knockout competition. From the remaining 24 teams there will be a further three knockouts to establish the long list of outright winners down to 32nd. Steve explained: “We do it this way so that every competitor is kept busy playing throughout the afternoon and also so that nobody is left just propping up the bar”.


• Prices from 25 Euros per person/per hour • Departing daily from Marine de Lagos from March to November. • Maximum eight passengers • All drinks and nibbles included • Snorkelling kits provided • WiFi on board • Bluetooth music system

Nauti girl Lagos

Top tips Here, Espiche Golf’s resident pro, Ethan Shaw, tells you how to hit your drives further without swinging faster. I always hear people saying they cannot hit their drives longer because of restrictions in their physique which stops them from being able to swing with more speed.

Painting the past Steph Hayman settled into country life, namely in Aljezur and embarked on an artistic project to capture Portugal’s past. She paints people from a bygone era. Here she tells Tom Henshaw more about her past and her involvement in the local art scene. “I’ve always loved drawing and painting and can remember from a very young age, loving Pixie and Dixie colouring books and magic painting books. After school, I went to Canterbury Art College and gained an honours degree in fine art. I painted a few murals in and around London before working in a flag company where we hand-cut stencils for screen printing. During my travels with my partner I worked in all areas of screen printing in Germany and Australia. My paintings are mainly figurative and in oil. On returning to England we began our own screen printing company and also began our family. It was after one especially rainy year in Devon, we

decided to go in search of the sun and went travelling with our three children around Europe. We finally settled in Aljezur where I’ve been painting people from an era which is sadly coming to an end. Steph’s paintings are especially valuable as an historical reminder for us all how life was in the country in the western Algarve and of course one that will never again present itself in the way Steph has managed to capture lovely snapshots of the area she loves. I have to say her pictures are really magical and add a special dimension to our recollections of life here in Portugal.

 www.

I have a secret to hitting the ball further, without the need to swing quicker; hit the ball when the driver is swinging up!

Here is how to do that:

1) In the setup, tee the ball high and make sure it is far forward in your stance; heel or toe of the front foot (left foot for a right handed golfer). Have 60% of your body weight on your left side, but make sure your head is positioned behind the ball.

2) Make a good shoulder turn during the backswing as you look over your left shoulder and feel 50/50 weight distribution on your feet.

3) At Impact you need to make sure your head is still behind the ball. Be certain to miss the ground and feel like you are hitting the golf ball into the sky, this will promote a positive attack angle, which means the club head is traveling up (or away from the ground) as you hit the ball.

4) A balanced finish position with full rotation is important, feel 90% of the weight on your left foot and try to have your belly button closer to the target than your nose. Trying to get into this position will help the required position at impact, too!

 +351 910 862 832 

38 Community

global press launch of the new Vantage model. The paddock was full with Vantages, all in the same yellow/green distinctive colour. Miguel was clearly proud that such a significant world leading sportscar make had chosen AIA to launch its cars.

Life as a motorbike racer BY PHIL EGGINTON

I first met Miguel Praia when I set up a motorsport business based at the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve (AIA) in 2008. Miguel struck me as a very friendly and approachable person who was also clearly a very talented motorbike racer. I am pleased to say that Miguel has stayed a friend ever since. If you know Miguel then his smile is one thing you will always remember. Secondly is his knowledge of motorsport and finally his passion for the fabulous facility that the AIA is today. Miguel is currently the Director Events and Racing School at the AIA. Miguel was the first employee of Parkalgar, Parques Tecnológicos e Desportivos, S.A, the company that runs the AIA. Miguel’s interest in motorbikes was inspired by his brother, Alberto, who used to race. Tragically Alberto was killed racing but this inspired Miguel to take up the sport in honour of his brother. Miguel proved a fast rider graduating eventually to the World SuperSport championship on a Honda 600cc motorbike. Having been brought up in Albufeira, Miguel became aware of the proposal to build an international race circuit near Portimão. As an example of his passion, he made it his priority to pursue a role for himself there. His persistence paid off and Miguel became the first employee. Miguel’s current role at AIA has a number of elements to it. Firstly, he is responsible for the smooth operation of all events. These include races, racing school experiences, corporate days and client hire of the circuit facilities. On the day we spoke, Aston Martin had the circuit booked for the

40 Community

“The Aston Martin event is an example of where we have provided a full turn key service” explained Miguel. “As well as the circuit facility we have provided the circuit hotel and hospitality for the world press. Today we have press from the USA here”. But it’s not just facilities but practical help as well. “We have provided a team of seven instructors to accompany the press and help demonstrate the cars. These are all highly skilled drivers and most are locally based”. Miguel’s day started with a meeting with the instructors and Aston Martin to check on preparations. “The last day has seen some rain. We needed to adjust the timetable and activities planned to account for the changing conditions”. Miguel is also responsible for selling the facility to new and existing clients. The day I met him he had just returned from the Geneva Motorshow. “AIA is a great circuit and a good test for cars and motorbikes. It is rapidly becoming the benchmark for sports cars. I talked to lots of sports car people about using AIA for product launch and testing. We are doing very well. I am happy to say that we have 330 days booked at AIA already for 2018 and we are booking now for 2019. But we cannot be complacent. We want to make sure not just the circuit is used but all the facilities such as the kart circuit, off road track and surrounding roads.” With a typical smile Miguel explained some of the use the circuit gets. “This year we have had BBC Top Gear here filming an episode featuring the McLaren 720S supercar, Goodyear testing new tyres, Volkswagen testing self-driving cars and soon the British Cycling team training.” Miguel spent the afternoon telephoning new clients following up from his visit to Geneva. “There is so much going on I need to carefully plan my days. I schedule selling activities and once a week try and get out to meet up with clients. Race events are good for us. They not only give us international TV exposure but also opportunities to hire the facilities for racers to come and test. This month we have had teams preparing for endurance racing including our own European Le Mans series and 24Hr series races later in the year.” When not organising or selling Miguel can be found at the controls of the AIA Racing School vehicles, giving visitors the thrill of a lifetime! And of course, having his smiling picture taken with them too! Phil is a motorsport and performance vehicle consultant who has worked professionally in motorsport and for major car manufacturers. He has now retired to the Algarve.


Cristina, Susana Espada, Sr. Bento, Helder (head chef), Sergio, Dandara and Jacinta

Sebastião, Joana and Dean

Meet the staff Boavista is a real hub for the community that live in and around Lagos. It’s a great place to play golf but also to meet friends for a spa, a yoga lesson, ballroom dancing and so much more. Many of us go to the restaurant for a drink or food and every time we go, the same smiley professional faces greet us and make us feel welcome but how much do we know about the people that serve us? We sent George Ford to meet the staff.

If you are a regular at the club there’s no doubt you have met João Patameira, the food and beverage director. João is in charge of managing the restaurant and will always stop for a chat. He is originally from Portimão but now lives more locally with his two dogs Blackie and Alex. You wouldn’t realise from looking at him but 45-year-old João has a sweet tooth and loves nothing more than to indulge himself with chocolate. Events coordinator Joana often stays out of the limelight, although you may spot her big smile at functions as she overlooks proceedings. She helps to create a warm atmosphere whenever she is around the restaurant. When asked to mention something about herself customers may not know, she quipped about her beautiful purple cabbage plant, proudly sitting on her desk. The energetic front of house member, Sebastião will always put a smile on your face. His energy and vibe ensures you enjoy a sincere welcome the second you step foot in the door. With a huge personality and smile to match, Sebastião will do his upmost to make your visit the best it can be. Even as a regular to the resort, you may not know much about the kitchen staff; the unsung heroes working behind the scenes to provide you with the highest quality meals. Sr. Bento is one of the many chefs working at

42 Community

Boavista. At 61-years-young he has been working since the tender age of 16 and is a true Algarvian. As a cycling enthusiast, you may have seen him cruising around Lagos on his bike or heading for some off-road trails. Another keen cyclist amongst the team is André, a front of house waiter. Originally from Sagres, André, 35, now lives in Praia da Luz, often cycling to work. If you are into technology André is the guy to speak to. He is a self-confessed gadget addict, always keeping up-to-date with the latest advancements. We all love dining out, not just for the great food, but also because no one has to do the washing up! Well Sergio is the one taking care of that over at Boavista. Sergio, 57, is hardworking and originally from Moldovia. In his down time his favourite thing to do is cook and spend time with his lovely wife. Also helping out in the kitchen are the two Susanas. Susana Encarnação, 26, keeps the kitchen in high spirits with her sweet singing. She loves music and has even sang at events in the restaurant for a song or two. While Susana Espada enjoys exploring the surrounding towns with her family, discovering new places with them on her days off. Alongside Sr. Bento cooking in the kitchen, the head chef Helder is always focused on providing the best. Originally from the mountain town Monchique, Helder lives in Lagos which suits his favourite pastime, fishing. Aside from being a keen fisherman he also loves motorcycles, so if you know a thing or two about bikes, he’d love to have a chat. Joining in with that chat could well be Jorge, top waiter at the restaurant and fellow motorbike fan. His main passion lies in drumming, as Jorge knows everything there is to know about music. Joana confessed that she always consults Jorge about music acts for events and any technical difficulties that arise. Jorge is the music man of Boavista.

Whether you are a regular at Boavista, or have never been before, we hope that next time you are down there you will feel that you know a little bit more about the people who are on hand to make your visit so special.


May Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

ACTIVITIES ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita Praia da Luz, T: 919707635 Golf Group Lesson Wed 10am €20 p.p. Driving Range & Short Game Area | 5 Week Coaching Programme Fri 2pm €75 p.p. (Booking essential), Espiche Golf, T: 282688250

Tennis Doubles-Round Robin Thurs 3-5pm | €7.50, Golf Santo Antonio Budens, T: 282690008 Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort, T: 282790930 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building | Lagos, E:

EVENTS Lagos International Dance Team Fundraising Events: May 26th Pilates Open Mat Classes 10am (Beg.) 11.30am (Inter. & Adv.) Donation Based | Pilates Room Lagos T: 926514613 & Social Night Two course meal, quiz & games & Competition Dance Display, All Ages welcome 7pm €15 Club CRCD Luzense Luz, Res: 913832335 Dance Presentations: May 12th Almendena Craft Fair for Bobeiros Fundraiser | June 3rd Afternoon International Fair, Fatacil 20th Edition Algarve Choir Week: May 5th Opening Concert 5.30pm, Porches Principal Church | May 9th 9pm, Convento S. José | May 12th Open Choir Rehearsal 12pm, 5 Outubro Garden Place, Lagoa | May 13th Closing Concert 5pm, Lagoa Municipal Auditorium Jazz Lunch Sun 12.30pm, Fortaleza da Luz Restaurant, Luz, Reservations: 912511196

44 Calendar

May 5th Beach Clean Up Praia do Castelejo, Vila do Bispo | 19th May Walk btw Praia da Luz and Salema €10 Quimera Experience, T: 962647741/ 969467275 The Sketch Sessions Creative drawing workshop (+18) Thurs, 6-8pm €12.50 (incl. materials & a drink), Coast, Lagos T: 914148373 Live Sax Music Tues 7pm Sunday Brunch (inc Vegan, Veg & Raw options) Sun 12 - 3pm | €22p.p (not inc. drinks), Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda | Porto de Mós | Lagos, T: 282763222 May 26th Maria João Cerol (renowned flautist) Music from various periods, with explanation, in Pt. & Eng. Questions very welcome, 3pm| Reservation Only €19.50 inc. refreshment buffet with wine, cheese & homemade products, Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena, T: 924204343

FITNESS Pilates Mon & Tue 10am & Fri 6.30pm | Yoga Dance Flow Wed 6.30pm | Power Yoga Thur 10am, €5.50 - €8.50, Lalitana Yoga & Pilates Center, Lagos T: 914061143 Zumba Gold with Marion, €5, Lagos, T: 914731772 Pilates Mat Classes (All Levels) Mon - Fri 8:30, 9:30 & 10:30am & 6pm, €10 or €90 x10, AR Pilates Studio, Lagos, T: 966787280 Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, €5 Golf Santo Antonio Budens, T: 282690086 Legs Bums & Tums Mon 1.30pm | Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm | HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, (€7) Burgau Sports Centre, Boxercise Tues 7pm Lagos nr. Skatepark, Buggy Fit Thurs 9.45 - 11am Wacky Lagos, €6 Soames Fitness (1-2-1 & Group Training available at your location or studio), T: 913425893

Pilates Mat Class Tue & Thur 6-7pm Clube da Raposeira, & Thur 10-11am Centro Cultural Barão S. João, €5 T: 911754890 Gymnastik for a fit back Mon 6.15am, €8, Belavista Luz, T: 965211996 Yoga (Ashtanga based) Tues & Thurs 10.30am Slow Flow & Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am €10 , €65 for 8 (residents) | Yoga for Men Tues 6.30pm €20 for 4, Grupo Desportivo do Burgau fit2lovelife T: 913202621 Pilates Mat Classes Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10 | Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, T: 926514613 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 8pm Old School, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 2pm, Hotel Belavista | Luz | €8 T: 965201477

Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am | Yin Yoga 9.45am | Teen Yoga (1116yrs) Sat 9.15am | Booking required, €10/ €8 (mem). Boavista Golf Resort T: 282790930 Tai Ji Quan Mon 10-11.30am (beginners) & Thurs 5.30 -7.00pm (advanced), €10 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955 Pilates Wed 11am | Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am | Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am | Step! & Tone (pre-booking) Thurs 10am, €7.50 Hotel Belavista Luz, T: 968288258 Healing Meditation with Sacred Geometry Mon 8 9.20pm Suggested donation €10 | Barre infused Yoga Tue 12.30 - 1.30pm | Hatha Yoga Wed 6pm | Yoga Flow Thur 6 - 7.15pm | Vinyasa Flow Sun 9.30 10.45am,€5.80 - 10, InLight Lagos, T: 913127421

CLASSES Open Painting Atelier Thurs 10.30am - 1pm, €12.50 (+ materials),Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 | Barão S. João, T: 962039574 Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. | Espiche, T: 968086320 Walking Tour Portuguese Language Lessons | Once a month Mon, Wed, Fri mornings €15p/h (Private) or €50p/m (Group), Silves, T: 937207384 Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos, T: 916035308

Drumming Classes Thurs 11am-1pm, AmoVate, Vale da Telha Aljezur, T: 960305141 Mediterranean Gardening Classes (Beginners) Green & brown thumbs welcome, small groups | Classical Homeopathy Classes Certified expert Theory & practice | English & German, €45-€65 (35hs), Nr.Lagos, SMS only: 918264864 Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo T: 962690582 Computer Classes Sat 10am All levels | Lagos, T: 918764613

Watercolour Lessons | Thur 10am - 12.30pm | (Beginners welcome) €10, Church Hall Praia Da Luz , T: 912149839 Oriental Dance Class (beginners) Mon 7pm 6.30pm €6/class €20/m, LAC Lagos, T: 914851331 African Dance Classes | Mon 7 - 8.30pm (Teatro Experimental de Lagos) & Tue 10.30am Tertúlia, Aljezur & Tue 7pm & Thurs 10.30am Rogil-Aljezur, €10 | T: 964588588 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 (non-mem.) | €10 (mem.), Holiday Courses | 3x per Week | €25 (non-mem.) €20 (mem.), Boavista Golf Resort, 917953914

Useful Numbers GENERAL

FAITH Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, T: 910640927 Meditation Thurs 5.15pm, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, T: 282790930 / 963614499 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: T: 282789660 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611



May 23rd Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite | Lagos, Carol T: 926297527 or Kirsteen T: 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, T: 915090044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Extra hands needed to help | Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, E: cadelacarlota.comp@ AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, T: 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898

What's on in May More tea vicar? The Algarveans next production, the comedy The Vicar of Dibley, is a stage play by Ian Gower and Paul Carpenter, adapted from the original TV series. Rehearsals are well underway and director Mel Winstanley said: "It’s great fun producing this play, working alongside such a terrific multicultural cast and crew. We have Portuguese, American, Scottish, English, Dutch and Canadians involved.” She continued: “The script is hilarious and it’s great that the charity Comic Relief benefit from the royalties from the show”. The Vicar of Dibley will be performed at the Lagoa Auditorium on June 28, 29 and 30, starting at 7.45pm. Tickets are already available from the Box Office via the website. With the play already proving to be a hit the Algarveans are expecting the show to be a sell out, so book now so as not to be disappointed! The Algarveans is keen to invite younger members into the group. You can find out more from its Facebook page: The Algarveans. Each year The Algarveans support various charities. In 2017 they donated and installed a new oven for the Portimão soup kitchen and Castelo dos Sonhos in Silves benefitted from baby articles and food. This year The Algarveans will be contributing, together with the Masonic Lodge of Peace and Harmony, towards the renovation of the training room at Lagoa Bombeiros thus enabling the Bombeiros to provide the necessary training for fire-fighters and first aiders.

46 What's on

Get ready to run The 30th Lagos International Half Marathon will be held on May 6th at 10am. It is organized by the Olympic Club of Lagos and will also feature a mini marathon and a walk.

connects the marina to the rest of city, along the passage through the wellknown and fascinating Ponta da Piedade, along the avenue next to the Intermaché de Lagos and the main arteries of the city.

This event aims to be a unique experience which will take runners around the Marina of Lagos and the drawbridge that

There will also be fitness classes, stretching, music and other activities planned to take place on the event.

Come for some fun You are invited to an event in Almadena on May 12th. There will be a a craft/ Artesanto and art expo at the Almadena social centre and the proceeds are going to the AIF charity raising money for the direct needs of the bombeiros in times of actual fire. This includes drinks, clothing, food when they are on the frontline of fire.

some wonderful art from the Algarve Society of Artists members. You can see some of their work on the website.

There will be over 35 stalls, including, jewellery, soaps, stained glass, aloe products, teddy bears, pyrography and

The Nicola Move-ment Dance Academy will perform as will the Western Algarve community choir.

We also have an ice cream bike, pig roast serving pork in a rustic bap, we have a tea and cake stall and other bakers and donations, the doors are open from 1pm and the bar is open from 2 pm.

 |  +351 914 185 021

Powerboats in Portimão This month powerboat racing returns to Portimão. The event looks set to attract thousands of visitors to the town between May 18th and 20th. Highly competitive, fascinating, intensely challenging, risky and entertaining, Formula 1 Powerboat Racing is the ultimate adrenalin rush and regarded as one of the most spectacular and exciting sports in the world. The series attracts up to 20 of the world's leading drivers and is a sport that has to be seen to be believed as these diminutive tunnel-hull catamarans enter hairpin turns at over 90mph and top 140mph on the straights. Organisers say: “Picture the scene; 18 to 20 sleek, powerful and lightweight catamarans lining up on the start pontoon. Inside each cockpit sits a lone individual peering through a tiny windscreen. One hand grasps the steering wheel, the other poised over the start button. The tension inside the cockpit is intense as the drivers

wait for the crucial start. Beyond the cockpit, an eerie silence descends over the entire arena, all attention fixed on the start. No sooner does the wait end when 10,000hp of highly tuned brute power bursts into life sending the fleet screaming towards the first corner leaving nothing but a glorious fountain of white spray in its wake.” Qualifying periods decide the formation of the grid, and timing equipment records the performance of competitors to decide the final classification and allocation of championship points.


When the Sahara and Arabia were green BY JANE ROBERTSON

On Tuesday May 8th , the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Dr Paul S Breeze. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

Saudi Arabia, have revealed numerous new discoveries concerning these 'Green Sahara' and 'Green Arabia' periods, and how they may also have played important roles in the early movements of our own species out of Africa.

In this lecture Dr Paul Breeze will be discussing 'when the Sahara and Arabia were green: how Prehistoric climate change influenced human movements and culture in the deserts of the Middle East.'

Dr Paul Breeze is a landscape archaeologist and palaeogeography at King's College, University of London. He researches archaeological sites and evidence for past climate change in deserts.

Today the Sahara and Arabia are relatively arid, forbidding regions. However, repeatedly during the past, climate change altered the monsoon extents and these deserts received a lot more rainfall than today.

Non-members are welcome to attend the lectures for a €6 admission, with all money raised by the AAA being spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

At such times, lakes and rivers formed, and Savannah animals and hominins (human species) moved into these deserts. Over recent years, multi-disciplinary analyses and fieldwork involving several international teams and local specialists in a range of locations, particularly

48 What's on

Further information about the project is available at www.

   Algarve Archaeological Association

International music in Lagos BY LENA STRANG

Lagos has a treat in store for music lovers in June. A series of workshops will be organised giving opportunities for both visiting UK and resident Algarve musicians to hone their skills during one week for a Grand Finale Concert. The success of a similar event two years ago prompted maestro Peter Fudge, Musical Director of Poole Symphonic Concert Band, to repeat the format this year but with an even broader appeal. “We had a mix of 80 musicians from the UK and Portugal who worked together for a week. It was at times challenging to learn new pieces but it all came together for the final concert; a satisfying experience for all concerned. It gave us the impetus to continue and encourage more international musicians to participate,” Peter says. The workshops are scheduled between June 25th and 29th at the Cultural Centre of Lagos with the Grande Finale Concert taking place in the evening of the 29th. Peter hopes to attract a variety of musicians, both Portuguese and members of the foreign community. Anyone, regardless of age or music ability, can take part, but need to be able to play an instrument and read music. It is a unique opportunity to play in a large ensemble whether it’s a young musician seeking performance experience or an old ‘expat’ dusting off the trombone. There will be an eclectic mix of classical and contemporary music, ranging from Brahms, Elgar and Holst to Sinatra and

50 What's on

Starwars film scores by Morricone. Peter’s own association with music goes back a long way. “I started playing when I was 12 in the school and local brass bands. When I was 16 I joined the army as a musician and played at all the major Royal engagements,” he says. Although he spends a good part of the year in the Algarve he still finds time to direct the Poole Symphonic Concert Band and give music lessons. His contribution to the music scene in Lagos is ever expanding. Anyone who happened to be in Lagos just before Christmas will have been roused by the cheerful tunes of carols echoing in the main square. A group of local musicians, led by Peter, were determined to bring seasonal cheer to the town. The music workshops and concert are playing their part in promoting Lagos as an all year round venue for cultural activities. Don’t forget to mark Friday 29th June at 8.30pm in your diaries as the Grand Finale Concert promises to be a memorable occasion! The initiative is supported by Lagos Câmara and the Philharmonic orchestra. To reserve a place or for further information, please contact Peter Fudge. Workshop fee: €25. Deadline for subscriptions is the June 18th.

  00447775725758 (UK)  +351 910 640 763 (Portugal)

Soul in the Algarve Thousands of people looks set to descend on the town of Alvor this month for the annual carnival that sees people dancing in the streets, dressed in the most fabulous costumes. We are delighted that Tomorrow magazine is now working with the organisers to promote the Soul in the Algarve event. This year it will take place on May 13th so prepare to party, party, party. Organisers say: “SITA Carnival is one of the most talked about events by both Soul in the Algarve attendees and locals alike. We dress up in colourful costumes and we parade through the cobbled streets of the beautiful fishing village of Alvor. A day not to miss. It’s an amazing atmosphere.” The first SITA Carnival was in May 2015 and was created by Vivy B to celebrate 10 years of Soul in the Algarve. Since that day they have not looked back and the SITA carnival is now a hugely celebrated annual event in the beautiful fishing village of Alvor. Vivy said: “We dress up in colourful carnival costumes and parade. We put this event on to say thank you to the people of Alvor for welcoming us back each year. “This is our very own Soul In The Algarve Carnival and we are the procession not the spectators! So colourful clothes and carnival costumes are a must for this day.” The event starts at 4pm and for more details please go to their Facebook page.

 Sita Carnival Alvor

Jazz gourmet Between May 25th and May 27th visitors will be treated to the Algarve Jazz Gourmet Moments Festival for the second year running.

Guided walks around Tavira

The Algarve Jazz Gourmet Moments Festival will be visiting a different city and will once again be combining the best of jazz with the Algarve’s excellent cuisine, in an effort to create a unique experience of sounds and flavours.

This month there will be three fascinating guided walks around the historical town of Tavira. You will have the chance to learn more about the demolitions that allow the Praça da República to appear as it does today and much more. These will led by Peter Kingdon Booker start at 11am (meet at the Roman Bridge) on Wednesday 2nd: the walled town; Wednesday May 9th the Medieval Town and on Wednesday 16th the northern suburbs. The cost of to join the walks is €2.50. Please contact the Algarve History Association to find out more.


For three days, the city of Lagos will be the stage for the best music, performed by some of the world’s leading jazz musicians. In addition to the music, visitors to the event can enjoy a gourmet

experience at various restaurants and wineries or discover the art on show at participating art galleries in the city. First class music, art, gastronomy and wine – the perfect combination! For more details about the concerts and restaurants taking part please go to the website.


Beach clean up In an initiative promoted by Zoomarine, the Municipality of Silves is again a partner of Operation Clean Beach. The clean-up will take place on May 13th, from 9am, on the beach of Armação de Pêra and Praia Grande (in Pêra).

During the event people will be urged to collect and remove human debris (such as plastics, cans, fishing nets, parts of vessels, appliances, among other residues) along a 7km stretch of coastline and seabed.

Music from Moscow On Sunday May 6th at 5pm Saxophonist Vitaly Vartulya and pianist Maria Nemtsova will be performing at Quintinha da Música. Tickets are €25. Maria Nemtsova was born in Moscow, Russia and began playing the violin at the age of five, and shortly afterwards took up the piano. By the age of six Maria won her first piano competition and has continued to be a prizewinner throughout her career. Maria is a founder of the “Re:FormersFest” and the charitable project “Music – for peace” which includes

52 What's on

concerts and master-classes for young musicians who live in today`s conflict zones. Vitaly Vatulya is one of the most outstanding young saxophonists of Russia. He was born in Moscow in 1987. He is also involved with the music for peace project and the Reformers Fest. To attend this performance please contact the email below.

  

Day and night photo run This year the 18th annual Photo Run of Portimão takes place on May 19th and has a special day and night component. The night element is to coincide with a European-wide initiative called the 'European Museum Night'. Those interested can apply for the usual ‘Day’ Photo Run, held between 9am and 8 pm, or opt for the ‘Day and Night’ mode, which will run until 11 pm, allowing the participants to continue to photograph in a completely different environment and luminosity. The registration to this initiative, organized by the City Council of Portimão through the Portimão Museum, runs until May 16th and can be made through the following address: 18 Corrida Fotográfica

de Portimão - Museu de Portimão - Rua D. Carlos I - Zona Ribeirinha – 8500 Portimão, or sending the registration form to In the Photo Run the competitors have the opportunity to discover Portimão, Alvor and Mexilhoeira Grande. The best sets of images will be awarded four prizes in material and photographic equipment of different values. The winning works and the best photographs in each category will be part of acollective exhibition taking place at the Museum of Portimão.

Delhi Darbar Why not help Delhi Darbar celebrate its third birthday by treating yourself to special meal at the Indian restaurant in Lagos? It’s official birthday was April 1st and they marked the event with bubbles, balloons and anniversary cake which all the guests sampled. We were invited to join Vickas and his team. The restaurant has been very successful indeed and you will be assured of good food and good service. There is a regular 10% on take away and that includes poppadums and the chutney tray ‘on the house’!

 +351 282 762 249 / 923 206 701  Close to the Repsol petrol station on the Avenida

 +351 282 405 230 / 282 405 269  

Challenge yourself Eurovision comes to Lisbon This year the ever popular Eurovision Song Contest is taking place in Lisbon on May 8th, 10th and 12th. The Eurovision Song Contest is the longest-running annual international TV song competition. It has been held,

54 What's on

primarily, among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. The competition was based upon the existing Sanremo Music Festival held in Italy since 1951. Portugal’s Salvador Sobral won the Eurovision in 2017.


If you fancy the ultimate watersports challenge then Lagos could be the place for you this month. On May 26th and 27th WaterKings is taking place. It a watersports challenge, where teams of 3-4 riders do the maximum laps they can around the course buoys in four different sports. These are: kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing and stand up paddling. The challenge lasts for 12 hours non-stop in a relay mode, where riders change whenever they want to another sport or team mate. Register your team now at!

 events/1621945891252006

Happy fifth birthday BY TOM HENSHAW It is absolutely astonishing that it is five years since the Tomorrow magazine was holding a network meeting in Luz and we ‘found’ the incredible Liz Roberts, a very lucky meeting and one which led to the Western Algarve Community Choir being formed and run by Liz. I was delighted to see 75 choir members and their guests at the Fortaleza Restaurant in Luz for this celebration and I assure you we all enjoyed a great dinner provided by Luc St John Webb and his team. A brilliant evening all round. When we started the choir we needed a room for the regular meetings and Luc, the owner of the Fortaleza

gave us a superb space completely free of charge and so Liz had a great start and she has proved beyond doubt her skills and determination to create a marvellous choir. We look forward to seeing the choir keep moving forward as I know Liz has many plans in the pipline. As you may know Liz makes sure our readers and potential new members get involved and are updated every month. Well done Liz and all your loyal supporters a great local success story!

Get jazzy If you are a fan of the New Orleans Jazz Band, you can see them every Sunday at O'Navegador Restaurant in Alvor (next to the old lifeboat station, in the pedestrian area next to the river) from São Brás de Alportel. The band was formed in 1998 by a group of international jazz musicians, all now living in the Algarve. With musicians from England, Scotland, Holland, and Portugal, they quickly became established as the premiere group playing Dixieland and New Orleans style jazz music from the 1920's in the area. The current line-up is Ray Charsley (trumpet/vocals), Dave Lawson (clarinet/ saxophones), John Ballinger (trombone/ vocals), Cory Sea (guitar), Luis Hilario (contra bass), and Tony Scriven (drums/ leader/vocals).

 

56 What's on

Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup In May Portimão is once again hosting the international capital of Rhythmic Gymnastics. The city is preparing to receive a stage of the world circuit of World Cups of Rhythmic Gymnastics, an organization of the Gymnastics Federation of Portugal, the City Council of Portimão and the Tourism Association of Portimão. The competition will take place between May 11th and 13th at Portimão Arena.

This year the entries will be free as part of a boost to sport in the city which will be the European City of Sport next year. This year the Portimão Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup expects to attract more than 300 participants, representing 34 countries, with 56 individual gymnasts and 14 sets, out of a total of 140 competing gymnasts.

Birthday boy Tom BY GRAHAM JONES “Did you do this?” asked Tom Henshaw as he walked into the room for his surprise 75th birthday party on a bright Tuesday evening last month at Quay on Lagos Marina. “Of course” was the reply from his partner Julie. The surprised look on Tom’s face was similar to a rabbit caught in the headlights, perfectly caught on camera. Forty-plus guests had assembled as he walked in and everyone was greeted by the delight of a newly-created ‘Zit’ cocktail that was a reminder of a chair that Tom invented at one point! Great music from Roger and Matt added to the evening and great food served up by Avril and her team. A canvas with historic pictures of the birthday boy was presented for people to note down their wishes or sarcastic anecdotes. It was after the speeches that the Henshaw Crapper was presented and Tom was left to explain it. If you see him out, please ask. A great evening was had by all to celebrate one of Lagos’s (and the Western Algarve’s) ‘under the radar’ heroes. His contribution to the community is immense and it was a pleasure to be part of a special night . Tom said: “My total surprise birthday party was completely orchestrated by my partner, Julie who

58 What's on

proved beyond a shadow of doubt her ability to astonish me and astound me. “She seems to have thought of everything and put on a great party with the help of Susie from Quay, Graham Jones, Phil Harding, Steven Dunwell and Steven Sutton Suffice it to say I have an amazing partner in Julie and a great family: Amber, our editor, Chad and Todd plus my four fantastic grandchildren, Rawdon, Esther, Gabriel and Skye. Everyone that came (including a suprise guest - my oldest friend Chris Gregory) made my big day very special with loads of surprises which shows me how many great friends I have. Much effort and thought was put into this night and one that will stand alongside my 21st as a totally memorable event. A special thank you to the staff at Quay who put on an amazing spread never mind the brilliant cake!”

War on plastic Dear Editor, Having participated at today's beach clean and seen the good turnout and enthusiasm I suggested to Tom (Henshaw) we could do this in the Lagoon near the Oyster beds. Tom was keen to do this as were a few people this morning and I've got a few others too.

swim or go clamming with the Portuguese in summer. It is a nature reserve but sadly absolutely swamped with amazing amounts of rubbish from the open sea. It will take about 1 1/2 - 2 hours of work in his beautiful spot and we can reward ourselves to an Al fresco lunch at Bar Quim afterwards!

I will check when low tide is in the morning in May. I cannot give a date now but anyone interested can email me beginning of May and I have the dates.

I think this will not only introduce your readers to an area many may not know about but it will be enjoyable and very social.

We then meet in Odiaxere, I will give directions nearer the time. From Odiaxere it's a 10 minute drive. For those who don't know the Lagoon - it is idyllic! Our favourite place to walk the dogs or to

Yours, Jeanette Fahlbusch.

Thanks for supporting Marley Dear Tomorrow magazine, I wanted to take the opportunity to really thank you for everything you have been doing to help Marley recently. With the articles, donation at the auction, and general support has been so invaluable and I am very grateful. We are currently in hospital in Lisbon so I wanted to take some time and send an email of thanks to you. Also Steven (Sutton) - the Man U shirt is the biggest hit this year. Really thank you! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your generous donation for the Marley Benefit. I am very overwhelmed by your kindness and don’t know how to thank you. The event raised over €5800 and donations are still coming in. This journey has been an exceptionally hard one and the battle in front of us seems enormous currently. During times like these however it reveals to you how many wonderful people there are in the world and we are very grateful to have people wanting to help.

60 Letters

We will keep you posted on Marley’s progress. Currently he is undergoing treatment which is predicted to last a minimum of two months and once he has the all clear he can have his operation. As always he’s smiling and very strong. I am very proud of him. I really hope my articles and relationship with yourselves as a magazine and charity can really start to raise some awareness and help others in similar situations. The support you continue to show us is so kind and I just wanted to share my thanks with you. He is such a wonderful little boy and seeing him smile makes me so happy and you were a part in that. We pray every day that he will recover quickly and be a true example of a real warrior. Best wishes, Kate Inacio To find out more and to find out details about how to donate please go to Kate’s website

Rubbish Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate you on reminding people, in your latest issue, to pick up litter when they are at the beach. We visit many countries to enjoy the pleasures of the sea and your article reminds us of the importance of the ocean as the largest ecosystem on earth. By picking up litter on the beaches, we are helping to stop the progression of pollution and look forward to clean oceans as a vital interest for humankind. I would like to read every day suggestions on how to reduce pollution or about giving back articles that are positive and remind us that we are all in together to protect and enjoy this beautiful planet. Sincerely yours, Johanne Labelle




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Stand Up Paddleboard your way to fitness


Stand up paddleboarding has become one of the fastest growing water sports and it is easy to see why, especially when you live in a warm sunny climate. It is a sport that is easily accessible - anyone can do it regardless of age or ability. Whether it is to potter around on a Sunday on a flat sea or river, or to participate in races or surf, there is nothing quite like it. Paddleboarding not only is a way of getting outdoors to have fun, it also works on the whole body, strengthening your core, improving cardiovascular fitness , and involving most of the muscles within the body. I have been paddleboarding for about six years, but in the last 18 months it has become more of a sport for me, participating in the Guadiana Challenge last year, made me realise that not only is it a fun and relaxing thing to do on a sunny Sunday afternoon, it is also a fantastic sport to maintain fitness and to set yourself goals and challenges. With fitness it is always good to have a purpose for your training, not just to lose weight or tone up, but to make

your training sport specific you will also perform better in the sport that you choose, and strengthen your weaker areas to help prevent injuries. Training with a purpose helps to keep you motivated to train and to train harder, enabling you to reach the goals that you set. This year, I will be challenging myself to improve my skills. I want to be able to paddle for longer without stopping for rest breaks and hopefully the training in the gym will ensure I do not have the aching muscles - whatever the distance I go! So if you have not given it a go, why not go and try it out, who knows it may become your new sport. Ann de Jongh is a personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Sports Massage.

 +351 913 202 621 

Why chiropractic care for neck pain? Chiropractors use their hands to make spinal adjustments, along with massage, traction and exercise, to properly align the body's musculoskeletal structure. These chiropractic adjustments restore mobility to joints, caused perhaps by falling over, a car accident, a sports injury or repetitive stress. In a study published in the British Medical Journal, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated either chiropractic treatment (with massage, exercise and education), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (drugs, counseling and education) in a 52-week study. \The clinical outcome showed that chiropractic adjustments resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. See your Chiropractor for neck pain, if: - The pain or stiffness does not improve after a few days - You cannot look to the right or left without pain - You feel that you must use over-the-counter pain

62 Health


medication just to get through the day and are using it regularly to treat your neck pain - Your pain started in the neck, but has moved to numbness or tingling in your hands - Your neck pain is worse when you first wake up in the morning, but begins to feel a little better as the day progresses - You have frequent headaches associated with your neck pain Doctors of Chiropractic help people every day, naturally, without medication or surgery. If you would like to know whether chiropractic care could help you, please get in touch with us at Lagos Health Chiropractic Clinic. Give us a call or just pop in for an informal chat. We’re in the big, pink building by the Lidl roundabout in Lagos, next door to the coffee shop.

 +351 282 768 044 

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Spring herbs BY POPPY BURR

experiences, thoughts and feelings. When everyone has had their say, I share a ‘monograph’ of the plant - a document detailing its uses, medicinal properties and recipes for using the herbs at home.

Each year I’m amazed by the diversity that bursts into life all along the coastline as well as inland, in the forests and wooded areas - there’s so much to see, and so little time in which to do so.

Each month we encounter new herbs as the spring growth kicks into action - these last two walks will be filled with beautiful spring flowers and the heady, earthy scent of the resinous Cistus Ladanifer plants that dominate most of the countryside these days.

This spring I have been hosting a series of herb walks which aim to celebrate the diversity of the natural world on our doorsteps, as well as help people get to grips with the changing seasons and what that means in terms of the huge variety of medicinal plants available to us.

The walks are informal but informational, not that strenuous and usually lots of fun. You’ll learn about which plants you can use to support your health, how to harvest and prepare them, and which ones to stay away from!

There are two of these walks left. One on Sunday May 13th, 2pm, forest behind Barão de São João and the other on Sunday June 10th, 2pm, location TBC.

If you’d like to reserve a space please do so via the website or call. Prices for the workshops are: 1 walk & mystery herb: €20 2 walks/mystery herb: €35

These walks are designed as a mini herb course, with each participant taking home a ‘mystery’ seasonal herb to taste, explore and enjoy after the walk.

Poppy is a degree-qualified medical herbalist practicing from two clinic spaces in Aljezur and Praia da Luz.

Instructions are given to make tea from the herb and a group page is set up for everyone to share their

  +351 969 091 683

Worry will not influence outcome BY TERESA HUGHES Most worries are based on future events which do not actually occur. The process of having such thoughts can create anxiety. Worries are fears which can cause us to get in a physiologically stuck position. We can at times become paralysed by fear and scared to take action. There are times during our lives when we will all have concerns, this is a completely normal human response. It is when worrying becomes a preoccupation and creates negative thought patterns it is time for change. Listen to your internal dialogue, can you identify a pattern of negative thinking? If so are these thoughts realistic? It is as easy to have a positive thought as it is to have a negative one, this is a fact. It can be

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helpful to reality check the issues which are causing you emotional disturbance. Start by writing a list of your worries, carefully examine each item on the list, then write down why this particular worry may not occur. If the situation does arise, how will you deal with it? This will help you develop coping strategies and lead to solution focused thinking. Prior to my training in Counselling and Bereavement Therapy, I was an expert at worrying. This caused me great distress and anxiety. It was compulsory for all prospective students to have ‘Talking Therapy’, this was to prove life changing for me, it enabled me to alter my unhelpful thought processes and I became more confident, positive and empowered as a result.

I believe my experience of anxiety has developed within me advanced empathy with my clients. Talking honestly and verbalising how you feel can be very helpful. There is absolutely no shame in admitting when we are struggling emotionally. It is my belief ‘Talking Therapy’ can be seen as preventative medicine. We can liberate ourselves from unhealthy, negative thinking, embrace life and live it fully without the suffocating burden of fear. From Mark Twain: “I have had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Teresa is a Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and sees her clients at The Hospital Particular, Alvor.

 707 28 28 28 / +351 960 417 731

(respectively). Both these diseases have about a 10% prevalence in southern Portugal. Both of these diseases can be in your dog without showing clinical signs...which will manifest with time. If you haven't had your dog tested for these diseases and have not used prevention against them then strongly consider taking it to your vet for a screening blood test. The sooner Heartworm disease is treated in it's disease process, the better are the post-treatment outcomes. Unfortunately there is NO cure for Leishmaniasis. It is a disease which suppresses the immune system and can appear as simple skin lesions right through fulminant kidney failure. If you have adopted a stray or found an adult dog, it's advised to know the Leishmania (and heartworm) status. Then you know early-on if your dog has one of these diseases.

Pets Mate

With Leishmania, early diagnosis helps us to give appropriate treatment to prolong a good life for infected dogs.

BY LARS RAHMQUIST With the extended fall of life giving angel-tears, the weeds in my garden aren't giving up easily.

AND... there is a new vaccination for Leishmania. We have been using this vaccine for well over a year at Lagos Vet Clinic, we have not seen one vaccination reaction and we are happy with the research data on its efficacy. One injection lasts for a whole year.

With this, and rays of sunshine, mosquito larvae are breeding and hatching like rabbits (granted, rabbits don't hatch. Though there is some odd thing with them and eggs around easter time).

If you haven't used Leishmania protection in your dog, bring it in for a blood test and give it protection for the year. Worth your while, and worth your little mate's while too!

Mosquitos and their cousin, the sandfly, spread both Canine Heartworm disease and Leishmaniasis

Now excuse me, I'm getting to me weeds. Round #2 ding-ding.

The digestive system: our second brain! BY NIKI MEDLOCK Before I go on to what can go wrong with the digestive system I need to explain how important this system is to our bodies as a whole, not just for food digestion!! We are continually learning more about how our bodies work, especially the connection between different parts of our body’s nervous system. We know that the central nervous system (CNS), is made up of the brain and spinal cord which, in turn, is made up of nerves, neurons (nerve cells) and neurotransmitters (chemicals that help pass along nerve cell signals). The CNS is connected to all the major organs in the body but very few of us are aware that there is also a lesser known part of our nervous system located in our gastrointestinal tract!!! The Enteric Nervous System (ENS), sometimes called our “second brain”, is a

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mesh-like network of nerves, neurones and neurotransmitters embedded in the lining of the GI tract, extending from the oesophagus to the anus. In fact our small intestine has as many neurones as your spinal cord and the GI tract contains more neurotransmitters than your brain! The ENS can act independently of the CNS, governing the mechanical and chemical functions of the GI tract, such as controlling the muscles that carry out peristalsis and churning of the intestinal contents, as well as the release of enzymes to break down food to be absorbed into the blood stream. However most times the ENS communicates directly with our brain and they work together, for example, deciding what, when, how much and how fast we eat and drink as well as how fast food is “processed” through the GI tract.

Another example of the GI tract and the brain working together is when a person feels danger and the “fight or flight” response of the CNS is triggered. At this time the ENS responds by slowing down or stopping digestion so that the body´s energy resources can be redirected to areas of the body that require increased strength and speed, such as muscles. Another example is that of emotions such as fear, excitement and nervousness which can cause sensations of a churning stomach – “butterflies”!! A stressed mind can cause adverse effects in the GI tract, such as nausea, diarrhoea and bloating as well as flare-ups of GI diseases such as Irritable bowel syndrome. Next month: Did you know that the GI tract houses 70% of your immune system? Niki is head nurse at

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Chilli Pepper Productions A year after Chilli Pepper Productions setup its video production company and it’s going from strength-to-strength. It’s now branching out into wedding photography. This week we met up with Lewis Moulson the owner who is definitely going places. Lewis said: “The first year was always about applying my trade and fully immersing myself in all things videography. I love my work and the variety of work with which has taken me all over the Algarve from filming some beautiful real estate properties, being on board luxury yachts, gaining a press pass and filming at Portimão Autódromo to the latest offering which was filming for Spring Break. “I move into my second year with a busy diary. The one big change for me is my decision to foray in to the wedding industry and provide beautiful videos capturing people’s special days.” Lewis is currently in the process of building his own video studio which is like a “New York” loft style apartment, very contemporary which he hopes will provide a perfect setting for him to create fantastic films. Lewis has recently put together two simple videos of Ponta de Piedade and Praia da Camilo which have proved to be huge hits Facebook viewing figures in excess of 61,000. You can also find some community videos of Lagos on his Facebook page, or visit his website but please note that he is in the process of revamping it as we speak and will unveil his new website soon.

 chillipepperproductions 

68 Business

Selling your property and moving home? BY ALISON DAUN If you are considering selling your property and moving your money back to your home country, there are a few things to consider before you do.

have to deposit the cheque in an account in your name and wait for it to clear before you can arrange to transfer the money out of the account.

With 15 years of experience, we know the pitfalls of leaving it too late to think about getting your money home. Low daily online banking limits and cheque clearance times have caught many property sellers out.

Online banking limitations

Here are a few things to consider when it comes to your sale.

Cheques at deed (completion) Typically, when you sell your property in Portugal, at deed (or completion), there is an exchange of cheques when signing the contract. Cheques are still used in Portugal, and more so since a law change in late 2017, as the cheque number must be recorded on the deed documentation. Cheques can only be deposited into a bank account bearing the same name as the person on the cheque and they do not always clear instantly. Cheques can take up to three working days to clear. If you are using a solicitor or lawyer to sell your property, the cheque may be made payable to the solicitor or lawyer. If this is the case the solicitor/lawyer will deposit the cheque in their account. Once the cheque clears and any necessary deductions are made the lawyer can, normally, arrange to send your money to an account of your choice, by bank transfer. This is a much more flexible option for you, especially if you are not in the country at the time of sale. If the cheque is in your name, you will

If your cheque has been paid into your bank account, do bear in mind that most banks have a low daily online banking limit for transferring funds out. If you have already left Portugal, you may find it difficult to access your funds. We have had some clients caught out with limits as low as €2,500 per day, with most being around €10,000 per day. That will take quite some time to get the money from your house sale out of your account. If you are still in Portugal you can go into your bank and arrange the transfer to any account with no daily limits. It is important to address what is happening to your money before deed as you don’t want to be caught in another country and not being able to withdraw your funds that are in Portugal. Of course, we will always recommend talking to us so we can help you transfer your money home at great exchange rates. We can also help guide you through the process, so you can avoid the pitfalls. If you are selling your house and would like to talk to us about transferring your money, safely and efficiently, give us a call or send an email.

 +351 282 768 136 


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Going Green: Diving into the Blue BY LENA STRANG

How do you do your bit for the environment, saving scarce resources in an arid climate? Lena Strang met up with Paul Oldham who, after a perilous career as commercial diver, decided to take to the calmer waters in the Algarve and set up business here. Tell me a bit about your background. I was born in Plymouth, Devon in England. My father was in the navy and some months after my birth I moved with my mum and dad to Singapore and Malaysia. When I was four we returned back to the UK and settled in Cornwall. I only remember snippets of my time in the east but about ten years ago I went back to see where I’d lived and was able to re-live some of my memories.

What were your first jobs? I had the chance to try scuba diving in our local pool when I was at secondary school. The instructor threw the equipment underwater and I had to dive to recover it from the deep end. Quite a challenge but it seemed natural to me. I was hooked and I my passion for diving began. Reality check…. I had to get a job and began a two-year apprenticeship to become a welder. I worked for several companies and was once part of a team making a two-man submarine. The sea beckoned though. When I was 19 I began to work as a fisherman in the Barbican harbour in Plymouth. I started as a deck hand, moved up the ranks to engineer and mate and finally became a skipper. For the next 12 years I skippered several Beam Trawlers. It was hard work, involved long hours and dealing with the elements. But it was still rewarding and challenging which is something I thrive on. With the new laws in the EU and a quest for a new direction in my life, I turned to my first passion - diving.

What did the diving work entail? I became a qualified off shore Air Commercial Diver. I travelled a lot and sometimes not to the safest parts of the world. After becoming a Saturation Diver, I lived in a chamber on the vessel, pressurised for the same depth that we where working at. It was more than 200 m and I had to breathe a mixture of Helium and O2 gas.

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What would you consider the most challenging task that you’ve undertaken? I did have some serious encounters, as the safety regulations in the rest of the world were not as strict as in the North Sea. After Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2007, I got the job of cleaning up the area after the oil spill and securing the pipelines to prevent further spills. The Mississippi River was polluted and the visibility was very poor. I remember thinking it was like jumping into Guinness. A staggering number of 150 oilrigs were blown over. Sadly, eight divers died on that job. I knew some, as the diving profession is quite a close-knit group. At this point I decided supervisory work was for me. I became a dive supervisor working on the surface on-board the dive vessel. Less dangerous but still stressful, knowing that the lives of the divers were in my hands.

What brought you to the Algarve? How do you find life here? I’d been a golfer for several years and after trying surfing I loved it too. In 2010 my wife and I decided to pack up and move to the Algarve. We’d been looking for a less stressful life with a warmer climate and the Algarve was just right, especially Lagos. There's a real sense of community with different nationalities mingling together.

What made you start your own business? Offshore diving was in decline and the thought of working away for several weeks in different parts of the world appealed less and less to me. I set up Nautical Diving two years ago. The idea came to me after conversations with people in the trade. I realised that with my skills I could fix pools. Clients no longer needed to drain the pool as I could do the work underwater, saving money for them. The average pool drain and refill costs €1000 but most importantly it would save our scarce natural resource - water! 

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In a nutshell what does this work involve?

It’s quite specialised. It involves finding leaks, re-attaching loose and lost tiles, grouting, removing rust spots, fixing lights, filling deep cracks. The list goes on... I’ve also done some work on water tanks and bore holes. In the winter it’s cold as the average pool temperature is eight degrees! Sometimes I'm lucky and the pool is heated.

Who are your clients? Private villa owners, spa and pool resorts. I cover the whole of the Algarve.

Is there an increasing demand for this kind of pool service? With the environment under constant threat and the increasing risk of forest fires and drought, we all need to do our bit to save water. Environmentally, it’s the greenest form of repairing pools. It saves time and money. A win-win situation.

Anything amusing that has happened when repairing someone’s pool? I was called to repair a light in a resort pool. It was mid-summer and the pool was full of children! I set off to work on the damaged light with children jumping down to see what I was up to. However, one boy who said he’d dived before, became my little helper, and kept all the other children away. Not sure what is the scariest, diving in a pool full of inquisitive kids or offshore in the dark deep depths of the oceans!

Do you see your business expanding in the future? I have plans to extend my business to maybe the commercial side, cleaning hulls and yachts. I've also just invested in some expensive pressure testing equipment so this will make it easier and quicker to identify the loss of water in swimming pools.

What do you do to relax? I don't suppose you go scuba diving? I enjoy golf and play regularly but I love being in or around the water, diving, surfing, swimming and sailing. I suppose you could say I'm totally at home in the water and feel grateful to have a job working in it.

 +351 965 641 898   Nautical Diving / Pool Repair Works

72 Business

Return of the resorts BY DAVID WESTMORELAND

Prior to the recession the resorts in the western Algarve were booming. Prices on resorts such as Boavista, Parque da Floresta & the Oceanico developments had risen to over €4000 per m2, compare this to off-resort, where prices were around €2000-€2500 per m2. As the recession started to bite we saw many of the resort developers go out of business, such as Vigia & Oceanico to name just 2 in this area. Across the Algarve resorts that had previously been flying, stopped trading and mothballed, with half built houses and indeed whole developments. This caused prices to tumble, as either owners who had bought for investment could not get the returns promised, the developers lost large sections of their managed properties and consumer confidence in the resort sector dropped to an industry low. Across the industry we saw house prices drop around 30% from 2006 to 2012. However, as the resort properties had an inflated value pre-recession, we saw an even bigger drop of around 50% in some instances across the resorts. As the industry started to recover we have now seen a steady increase in property prices since 2012. However, 2017 saw the largest yearly increase since before the recession with some stats claiming as much as 22% increase. This, however, has not been the case on resorts. Village houses on Parque da

Floresta (Santo Antonio Golfe) can be bought for as little as €150,000, brand new, never lived in! Compare this with 2006 prices of around €400,000! Front line villas on the newest villa phase are selling between €550,000 and €850,000 compared with €1.1m – €1.4m in 2006. Oceanico has the same situation with Baia da Luz once selling apartments at around €500,000 now selling between €250,000 - €300,000 and villas at Boavista selling at approx. €700,000 once at over €1m. This means there is no better time to invest on the resorts. Confidence is growing as stability on all the developments improves. I am sure it will not be too long before prices return, as one of the good things following the recession is all these resorts still look magnificent. If you love golf, the gym, tennis or just want to be in a safe and organised environment then a resort property may tick all your boxes. For more information on buying property on any of the regions resorts call the resort specialists at B&P Real Estate agents. The core of our team are all exresort people so understand the buying process, costs and benefits of buying and living in an exclusive environment. If you are considering selling again we can offer you the very best & knowledgeable service in the business.


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19/06/2017 10:52

I.T. should be easy BY STEVEN DUNWELL

Free IT Support and help sessions for May 2018 The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos Tuesday 8th & 22nd 11am until 1pm Artesão Café Marina de Lagos Lojas 11/12, Lagos Tuesday 15th & 29th 11am until 1pm No appointment necessary. Bring your device, purchase at least a drink from the establishment and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support. If the issue cannot be resolved, an appointment can be booked at a later date, at your convenience.

New data protection guidelines that affect us all. This month, a subject we all need to be aware of.

but stores information about an EU citizen these guidelines apply to your business too.

New data protection regulations come into force for the EU (including UK who will comply despite Brexit) as of May 25th this year. Companies will be under stricter guidelines to protect your data.

In summary

The new rules will give you more control over your personal data and how it is used by these companies. For example, under the new rules, individuals have “the right to be forgotten”, meaning that they will be able to request that businesses delete personal data this is no longer relevant.

As well as the right to be forgotten, companies must delete your data if you request it. The exception is data you have supplied that must be retained by law e.g. financial records or police checks etc. Theoretically, taking the recent Facebook issues that have been in the headlines, you should be able to request Facebook to delete all of your personal details and they should comply with this.

How will this impact my business? Businesses must comply with these new regulations to keep personal data safe and secure and do their upmost to avoid any data breach.

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help.

Fancy setting sail?

74 Business

A good example is some companies may tell you that they will share some of your data with third parties e.g. if you book a flight online the company may potentially share your details with a car hire or hotel booking company. If they do this, they must now tell you. You now have more control and rights over the information you supply so my advice would be to check thoroughly how this is used.

Yes, if your business is outside of the EU

The Ocean Quest does trips to the Rio Formosa, a beautiful stretch of waters and islands which the Algarve is incredibly lucky to behold. It also has several Historic Algarve trips which last for three hours and take in the local towns and villages. There’s also Nature Algarve which is a six-hour sail where you discover the

So when you conduct online business now is the time to check their terms and conditions and/or privacy statements to ensure that it tells you how your data is being used or stored by them.

How will this impact you?

But I’m not in the EU – will it affect my business?

The gleaming white 18-metre catamaran, the Ocean Quest, which caters for 125 guests, sets sail from Vilamoura Marina daily. Its staff offers lucky voyagers an in depth knowledge of Algarve marine life and conservation so people get a better insight into the places they are visiting.

You may have found recently that if you have conducted business online where you supplied your personal data, you may have received from that business an email advising you of their new privacy laws and/or terms and conditions. This is an example of where the new regulations are coming into force.

stunning beauty of a hidden gem with birdwatching, flora and fauna thrown in. If that’s not whet your appetite then they further tempt you with other tours including an exclusive Fado night, a wine tasting evening and even a G and T night cruise complete with a live saxophonist and sunset cruise – life doesn’t get much better!

 +351 289 102 181 / 938 482 068 

 +351 936 387 512 

It all begins in the kitchen BY JULIE BATTERSBY

Lita is the owner, cook and nutritionist in the new vegetarian restaurant around 100 metres from the cinema in Lagos and the headline quote is Lita’s. It has a fresh and airy feel with simple contemporary lines, low lighting and spacious setting with very pleasant background music. We immediately felt at ease and were very cordially welcomed by Miguel and who took us through the menu. The couvert was a good choice of paprika olive and chickpea dips with fresh bread and we went with the recommendations of broccoli soup and the mango and avocado salad. Both excellent choices.

namely Cerejeiras and we had a glass of both the red and the white and they were very good and reasonably priced.

by a devotee to her passionate beliefs in good vegetarian food and I know we will be back to try more of her planned options.

We are not regular vegetarian eaters so we again went with the house recommendations namely beetroot risotto with pine nuts,coconut and cashew nuts and we also tried the sweet potato, courgette and aubergine with coconut milk and cashew nuts and a lovely mixed salad. Lita confirmed that she is preparing for the increasing move towards vegetarian food by working on many new offerings including a chickpea burger, baked sweet potato and salad and a new chilli con tofu.

Alongside Lita’s restaurant is a lovely guesthouse with seven rooms all differently decorated in the seven colours of the Shakras. To compliment the whole of this ‘healthy living package’ is her Yoga and Pilates centre where meditation, massage and alternative workshops will be taking place and that will also include cookery classes.

We liked the experience with its good wholesome food all naturally fresh and cooked

We were recommended the house wine,

Also every month Lita will be holding art exhibitions from different artists around the restaurant and she is still finding time to write her own cookery book!

 Rua Gil Vicente Nr. 28, 8600-596 Lagos |  +351 914 061 143 | 


Ingredients for four portions of a very tasty and easy vegetarian dish (without parmesan it is vegan): 4 bell peppers 100g soya granules 1 aubergine 1 onion 2 garlic 3 tomatoes 2 spoon of tomato paste Salt Pepper Basil Oregano Parmesan cheese 1 small spoon of sugar

76 Food & drink

1. Soya granules

4. Filling

Soak the soya granules in 200ml of water or vegetable broth for about 10 minutes, then pour away the remaining liquid.

Fill the sauce into the halved bell peppers and put parmesan on top. Bake for about 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius until the peppers are tender.

2. Peppers Cut the bell peppers in half, remove the ends, seeds and membranes. Rinse peppers and put them boiling water for about 2 minutes (blanch). Rinse the bell peppers in cold water and put them aside.

3. Sauce Stir fry the onion and garlic in olive oil until golden brown. Then add tomatoes, tomato paste, spices and water and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the aubergine and soya granules and cook for another 10 minutes.

You can always come to Lalitana Restaurant and try the original. Lita wishes you “Bom Apetite”!

Foodie for thought Earlier this year we wrote a story about Taste of Lisboa, which runs food tours around Lisbon. One reader, James Mayor, decided to try it out with his daughter, Vicky and reported back that it was one of the best food tours he had ever been on. We asked James to give us the lowdown.

Our tour began at the end of the 28 tram line, outside the gates to the Cemiterio dos Prazeres, the cemetery where anyone who is anyone in Lisbon is buried. Despite the seasonal drizzle, Madalena, our guide, could not have been more alive and her warm welcome immediately put us in the mood for experiencing some of the Portuguese food that people are beginning to talk about from New York to Melbourne. Taste of Lisboa has recently celebrated its fourth anniversary and it’s not difficult to see why this foodie tour company has survived and flourished in the competitive tourism jungle. Taste of Lisboa`s founder, Lisbon-born and bred Filipe Valente, has got it all right. Filipa has created tours that are not only gently paced and well curated, but also fun. At the end of our three-and-a-half-hour experience, Vicky and I felt we had got a little closer to the heart of Portuguese culture, through the food which is so important in this relaxed and friendly society. Our tour took us through the attractive residential district of Campo de Ourique. Today it’s a peaceful neighbourhood inhabited by young families in which mid-twentieth century pastel coloured apartment blocks are set out in a grid system around a garden where children play among waddling ducks. In addition to the French Lycee, Campo de Ourique is peppered with good restaurants, including a Japanese place frequented by Madonna. Our first stop was at MBCM, which stands for O Melhor Bolo de Chocolate do Mundo. No exaggeration, this could well have been

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the best chocolate cake in the world. Intense chocolate on a perfect biscuit base. This was indeed a great start to our tour. Our next stop was a tour of the covered market, an elegant structure opened in 1934. Today food stalls mix with foodie and wine outlets and the market is much favoured by Lisbon`s affluent bourgeoisie and crowded at weekends and late into the evening. Madalena gave us an impressively knowledgeable run-down on the different fish displayed on a fish stall, explaining that Portugal has the 10th largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, 97% of it ocean. This must mean that Portugal has a hell of a lot more jellyfish than people. We made another stop for a glass of rosé and some canned sardines and fish roe salad. The Portuguese fish canning industry is still going strong and some of these cans have fabulous retro designs. The sky had cleared now and our small group was feeling in a good mood as we headed for Pigmeu for a slow cooked pork sandwich with ilha cheese and a glass of Douro red wine. Pigs are being given a hard time in France and elsewhere at the moment - and so they should be - but in Portugal, where the top pig - the porco preto - snuffles around in the Alentejo, they are still very much a delicacy. On we waddled to Moules & Beer for an excellent dish of steaming mussels washed down with one of Portugal`s definitely-notto-be-sneered at craft beers. These beers are now making a heady come back and can be a welcome alternative to the inevitable Super Bock or Sagres.

Portugal`s best known modernist writer was Fernando Pessoa who was a recluse during his life but is a posthumous national treasure. The Casa Fernando Pessoa was to be our next stop for a tasting of codfish fritters – the codfish is another Portuguese national treasure – with wonderful soupy rice with beans and a glass of vinho verde. It was nearly time to take our leave of Madalena and the different travellers we had befriended during our tour. But we still had one more stop to make at Hotel da Estrela, between Campo de Ourique and Rato. The Hotel da Estrela is a hotel-school and guests are cooked for and looked after by the students. We tasted an eggy sponge cake and some much-needed iced tea, before hugging each other and saying our goodbyes. Taste of Lisboa offers a great introduction to Portuguese cooking and some of the country`s wines. I would recommend one of their tours as the perfect starting point for a first-time visitor to the country. You will then have the confidence to surf any Portuguese menu and order some unforgettable meals. Our tour with Taste of Lisboa cost €70 per adult. You can book a tour on their web site. James Mayor, is the founder of Grape Discoveries, a wine and culture boutique travel company.

  +351 915 601 908


RUM BAR. Local CRAFT BEER. Good Tunes. Great Vibe. Y’all Come See US! For Reservations: FACEBOOK.COM/olbASTARDs

Tasca Do Kiko BY AMBER HENSHAW From the outside Tasca Do Kiko’s doesn’t look like much. It’s housed in a single-story functional-looking building near to the boatyard in Lagos but as soon as you step inside you realise that looks are deceptive.

served with a garlicky dip. Over the course of our two separate meals we had a range of tapas dishes rather than opting for a main meal. I am a pescatarian so we stuck to the seafood options.

My husband, Al, and I were so taken with it that we went not once but twice over Easter weekend. There is a great buzz as soon you walk in. Everyone looks like they are genuinely enjoying themselves - eating great food in a relaxed atmosphere and having fun.

The stingray mayonnaise was light and tasty but still packed with enough fish to make it seem substantial. We had seared tuna fish with sweet potato which was delicious and tuna tartare with sesame seeds and wasabi. The tuna was so fresh and full of very different flavours. (They had totally sold out of tuna when we went the second time so it was obviously a popular option).

The staff are very welcoming and friendly. It feels like nothing is too much trouble as they spend time chatting, discussing the wine list and menu. Our lovely waitress Carla introduced us to a fantastic Portuguese wine that we had never heard of called Dom Bella Superior, a delicious Sauvignon Blanc. (We also liked it because it has the same name as our youngest!). While we chose our food we had delicious couvert with olives, light crispy toast

We also tried the fish cakes which we enjoyed but perhaps had too much potato for my taste. I had very high hopes for the delicioussounding grilled vegetables with beetroot puree, goats cheese and honey. We had garlic prawns with guacamole both

nights - the prawns were large and succulent on a perfect avocado base. We also tried Prawns Moqueca which came in a light curry sauce and some delicious sticky rice. We had coconut-crumbled Tiger prawns with Asian salad on both nights which was light and full of delicate flavours with some little surprises (like sliced strawberries in the salad). Both of us are very fond of good cheese so we ended both evenings with the cheese board and we were not disappointed with the selection of three cheeses, complemented by a glass of good Portuguese red wine. As I say, it may not look much from the outside but I can tell you that inside it really is a truly fabulous find in Lagos. I would suggest booking ahead - it seems that a lot of other people also love this restaurant!

 Estr. de São Roque A, 8600-315 Lagos  +351 282 046 037

Salema gets a new bar Looking straight over the ocean is the new bar ‘in town ’ namely ‘Bar Central’ which is run and managed by Duane and his partner Rie. We were asked to go along to catch up with the future plans for this very trendy spot with great decor and a cool atmosphere - not to mention the stunning location! This place also has great service and reasonable prices what more could you want on a sunny day? Well, in fact any day of the year! Open every day from 4pm until late for drinks, good wines, champagnes and an excellent range of cocktails. They have also now gone into partnership with outside

80 Food & drink

caterers, The Pickled Carrot, to supply food maybe twice a week. You can find out dates for the food nights from their Facebook page (see details below). All in all this is a very welcome new spot on the Salema landscape!!

 barcentralsalema  +351 282 144 995 / 924 418 918 

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself.

Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays • Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f


Life after grass BY TAMSIN VARLEY We bought our property in the Algarve in 2006 – a new build with a landscaped garden mainly laid to lawn with terracing around the pool. In the UK, we had a beautiful garden with enormous flower beds offset by a large lawn on which we spent huge amounts of money to keep it looking pristine. Our new garden was just lawn with no flowers at all, and I felt depressed by the lack of colour and the narrow biodiversity of the wildlife. On top of that, the grass was horribly coarse and unpleasant to walk on and was full of weeds too. Then, of course, there is the issue of the huge amounts of water required just to keep our poor quality lawns alive. With water being such a scarce resource and likely to become even more so, it seemed irresponsible to keep our lawns so I started to investigate alternatives which had to be drought tolerant, attractive to wildlife, visually appealing and adding much needed colour to the garden throughout the year. In 2009, we stopped irrigating the smallest lawn and let the grass die. We then covered it with weed matting which we pegged down and then covered with small stone chippings. I sourced and planted lots of drought tolerant


82 Outdoor

plants including Choisya, Santolina, Lavender, Gaura, Perovskia, Phlomis, Nepeta and Ceanothus. As it was late in the planting season when the plants went in, I did irrigate them manually for the first summer about once a week. To my amazement, the plants just took off and in a year were a very decent size and it was hard to see the gravel. This area has gone from strength to strength and now nearly 10 years later, looks mature and requires no irrigation at all. Encouraged by the success of stage 1, we embarked on replacing lawn number 2. This time, we killed the lawn with weed killer before putting down the weed matting, which was a better strategy. We also got more ambitious and had some of the area raised, a rock path laid, and top soil imported. For this latter area, we didn’t put down weed matting and mulched instead with shredded plant material we generated ourselves – I wanted a more natural look here with plants self seeding. I also introduced a wider plant variety which included Salvias, Bupleurum, Cistus, Buddleia, Artemisia, Helichrysum, Euphorbias, Leuchophyllum, Grevilleas, Vitex, Irises, Alliums and Freesias. Now this area is a magnificent

sea of colour and interest with a fantastic diversity of leaf shape that looks good at any time of the year. After nearly 10 years, some of the original plants have died, but as most have selfseeded, replacing them is really not an issue. I’ve also had a few failures, but generally, most plants have thrived and I now focus on what I call bullet proof plants that need little water, care or attention apart from a little pruning from time to time. Has it all been worth it? Absolutely. I’ve now achieved a drought tolerant, beautiful garden with an incredible biodiversity of life in it that I just never tire of. I knew I’d achieved one of my goals when bemused guests complained about being woken up by the buzzing of insects outside their bedroom windows. Can you have a better alarm clock than that? Tamsin is the chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards.

 Clube Dos Bons Jardins | 




Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

282 780 709

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

Urgência / Emergency

+351 919 869 700

Group Matwork, Private & Semi Private Classes Tel.: 926 514 613 |

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