Tomorrow November 2016 Edition

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November 2016 | Edition 60 | 5,000 copies

A community MAGAZINE covering Lagos to aljezur

Community Life in the fast lanes

What’s On Music, talks anda guided walk

Health Straight down the middle

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Food & Drink BBQ Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Outdoor Emphasis on the environment Plus much more...

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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers

Welcome to Tomorrow's November edition

Emergency 112 Hospital 282 770 100 Fire Service 282 770 790 The western Algarve has seen a busy October with plenty of visitors still coming from across Police Service 282 762 930 GNR National Guard 282 770 010 Europe. It seems that more and more people have been enjoying the great weather, food and Telecom Nat. Info 118 hospitality that is shown to one and all. City Council 282 780 900 Tourist Office 282 763 031 Town Info 282 764 111 Having just returned from Corfu where even the price of a cup of coffee - more or less Tourist Support 808 781 212 anywhere we went - was around €4, it is a good time to reflect on the benefits of this corner Taxi Service 282 460 610 of the world in all respects. Bus Station 282 762 944 Train Station 282 762 987 Taxi : Pedro Costa 917 617 675 We were very happy to see that the event we promoted at Jardim das Dunas sold out in less Lagos Cinema 282 799 138 than a week! It proved to be a great evening with fabulous food, entertainment and good Cultural Centre 282 770 450 company. Health Centre 282 780 000 Luz Doc (Luz) 282 780 700 Private Hospital 800 201 000 | 00351 282 790 700 Thanks to Vincent and all the excellent staff at Jardim Das Dunas, we are sure that this will Chiropractor (Lagos) 282 768 044 prove to be a great venue winter and summer. Dental Clinic (Almadena) 918 366 646 Lagos Vet 282 782 282 Funeral Services 282 769 827 We are very pleased that our ‘Loose Ends’ group is building a name for itself helping people Mobility vehicles 964 230 225 that would just like some company for a drink, cinema visit or dinner out occasionally. Please all mobility aids 960 004 682

FARMACIA: Lacobrense Chemist (Lagos) Neves Chemist (Lagos) Ribeiro Lopes Chemist (Lagos) Tello Chemist (Lagos) Silva Chemist (Lagos) Odiaxere Chemist

282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

British France (Faro) German (Faro) Netherlands (Faro) Canada (Faro) Swedish (Faro) Irish

282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL: Portuguese Lessons €5p/h 912 417 994 Translations ENG/PORT 916 618 527 Alice (Survival Portuguese) 914 269 118 Gavin Cox (General Builder) 916 430 132 Tristan (Plumbing & More) 282 101 010 Helio (Electrician) 917 288 966 Luis (Locksmith) 964 605 215 Chimney & Window Cleaner 926 860 123 Russell (English Mechanic) 282 639 778 Ana (Sewing) 919 747 591 Steven (Computer MOT) 936 387 512 Pedro (Computers) 917 165 238 Xeli (Florist, Free Delivery) 282 768 129 Parcel Delivery to the UK 0044 208 123 1966 Graphic & Web Design 916 606 226

read more about it in this month’s magazine.

As we always say, we are here for you and our community so let us help with promoting your up-and-coming events. I remember a saying I heard the other day and I think it’s very apt ‘opportunity is not a frequent visitor’ so we all need to take advantage of being involved, where possible, in our local and very important community. Have a great month and please, do call us with ideas, promotions and events. Best wishes, Tom, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team.  Call Tom on  919 918 733 and email Amber at 

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Community Life in the fast lane By Lena Strang

was a fantastic experience. I just couldn’t believe I was part of this programme,” he enthuses. When he arrived at the ‘38/16 point’ – either 38 years of age or 16 years of service, he decided to take early retirement and so another chapter of his life began. But first I want to find out what it is that attracts him to speed. I know he was also involved in motorcycle racing and restoring Porsche sports cars. “Well, it’s the way I am, I suppose. I love the thrill of speed,” he explains, “When I was a child I used to hurtle around corners on my bike and terrorise the neighbourhood!”

John (1st left) and Squadron at Waddington, 1970

“Life is full of opportunities,” John Ballinger tells me, “and you have to seize them.” And seized them he has. Over the years I have seen John play in the New Orleans Jazz Band in the Algarve and have always enjoyed the way he teases soulful tunes out of his trombone. But when he invites me to his house in Praia da Luz to tell me his life story, I am truly amazed. Tall, upright and rather distinguished looking, he greets me by the front door and leads me into the apartment. Everywhere you look, artefacts compete for space on the surfaces of antique furniture, whilst numerous clocks tick in unison. I get the impression that each of the pieces has its own story to tell. Before taking up residence in the Algarve 17 years ago, his life had a completely different

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trajectory – literally. Having watched a film about the Battle of Britain at the age of 12 in his home town of Horley in Sussex, he knew his ambition was to become a RAF fighter pilot. “After years of gruelling training I joined RAF Bomber Command as a navigator instead and spent my first tour of duty on the elite Blue Steel Vulcan force,” he tells me. As an enthusiastic, super fit, young man at the time, he loved the job but hastens to assure me that he was always mindful of the seriousness of his work. Other opportunities followed, including furthering his skills of navigation and aero systems in different parts of the world. As Squadron Leader at the Ministry of Defence he was involved in various multimillionpound projects. Usually a tour has a 3-year duration but he was asked to stay for another year to see everything through. “It

 TomorrowAlgarve

Any hairy moments? Yes, at a race practice at Oulton Park he was knocked off his bike at 190 km per hour. “I still remember thinking as I was skidding along the track that you have to keep wriggling your body to minimise impact on any one part.” A sprained shoulder meant one month without flying and subsequent pressure from the RAF put an end to his motorcycle racing. “They didn't want all that investment in my training to be jeopardised. But I still had my Porsche cars,” John adds with a chuckle. Marriage to ex British Eagle Airways hostess Gillian in 1971 was another milestone for John. A chance meeting at a party brought them together and for the next 44 years she was his constant companion and support until her death in March this year. I am eager to know what followed his eventful career of flying Vulcans. When he tells me it is antique furniture and clock restoration, I am not surprised. The way his apartment is furnished makes perfect sense to me now. I am aware that a clock

somewhere in the room chimes every so often to punctuate what he says.

Gillian and John at Summer Ball, Scampton 1976

Following his early retirement he took up buying, restoring and selling antiques, establishing a flourishing business. He did thousands of kilometres up and down the country each year, developing an impeccable eye for potential and quality. With his acumen combined with his gregarious personality, I am sure he hit the jackpot a few times! It is still an all-consuming passion that gives him immense pleasure. In 1985 John and Gillian had their first foray into the Algarve. It was love at first sight for Gillian. Having been brought up in Kenya she thought there were many endearing similarities. Four years later they bought an apartment in Praia da Luz and returned frequently over the years. “We liked the friendliness, the laid-back attitude and the agreeable climate – everything really,” John confirms. Another life changing opportunity presented itself in 1999. “We were sitting in this very apartment,” John looks around as he is speaking, “when we were told that the upstairs apartment with stunning views, was for sale. We thought that if everything drops into place now – critical path analysis,” he adds with a broad grin, “we will sell the UK house, sell the antiques business, sell

the Porsche and start our new lives in the Algarve.” On his return to the UK, John bought the apartment over the phone, dealt with his affairs and soon they found themselves living in Praia da Luz. “Ding, ding,” chimes one of the clocks on the wall as if in agreement. One month after settling in the Algarve, John joined the New Orleans Jazz Band and has played with them ever since. Coming from a musical family, he must have been involved with music early on, I assume. “No, I wasn’t interested in music at all as a child; that is until I heard Elvis Presley for the first time and became besotted. But I wasn’t keen on learning to play any instrument,” John says. His older brother who became a well know musician and composer had to assure their jazz musician father that one day the errant younger brother would want to play, as it was in the family blood.

John playing on Lagos Marina

And true enough it happened. “When I was 22, I was out on the town with my friends from the Squadron and reluctantly agreed to finish the evening in a jazz club. Legendary jazz musician Chris Barber just happened to be playing there and within seconds I’d discovered jazz!” John laughs. Buying all the jazz records he could get hold of and listening to another legend, Jack Teagarden, playing the trombone, he knew this was the >> Continues on page 6

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Life in the fast lane >> Continued from page 5

John Ballinger

instrument for him. It is no surprise to learn that soon he perfected his skills, “driving everyone mad whilst learning!” New opportunities presented themselves: playing with the New Orleans revivalist, John Paddon, in his Pilgrims Stompers Boston Band for many years and the pinnacle was playing with the ‘old boys’ themselves on a visit to New Orleans. John emulates the original musicians in that he remembers a song and plays it. “I don’t read music as some of the more technical trombone players do. I play straight from the heart.” He recalls the early years playing with the New Orleans jazz Band in the Algarve.

Being associated with the Faro Filharmonica enabled them to play all over Portugal with a particularly memorable concert at the Cultur Geste in Lisbon that involved repeated encores. They played to rapturous audiences who weren’t accustomed to jazz. John explains that the 1940s jazz revival bypassed Portugal because of the Salazar regime’s aversion to American music. The dictatorship lasting from 1926 to 1974 stifled any developments. Although the music scene has evolved greatly, the New Orleans Jazz Band is one of the only bands in Portugal that plays genuine old style music. They tend to play in local venues in the Algarve and John is pleased that they still draw large audience numbers. His relationship with clocks has continued unabated. The St Vincent Church clock in Praia da Luz had lost its chime and by the time John settled in the town it had stopped altogether. After meticulous work and scaling the heights of the clock tower, John managed to get it back into working order. On his travels around Portugal he noticed the lovely original clocks in all the stations. As Portugal didn't have a clock industry at the time, the clock movements were made by the Paris maker Paul Garnier and would have been delivered between 1876 and 1925. Many of the dials bear the name

of J.C. Santos, Lisbon (including the Praia da Luz church clock), as he would have been responsible for installing the French movements. In 2002-3 John undertook a survey of all the station clocks in the Algarve making meticulous notes and photographing each one. In 2006 he filled in the gaps and to his dismay realised that already by then most of the original clocks were missing or vandalised. “I’m lucky to have done the survey just at the right time as it is part of the national heritage. But I am also disappointed that despite notifying CP, the national railway company, no one seems to be interested,” he says. He has also offered to restore the station clock that is housed in Lagos railway museum (closed for many years) but hasn’t met with a positive response. Apart from restoring clocks and furniture or playing music, John seems to find time to have regular rounds of golf too. And yes, he is a founder member of Boavista Golf Club and has been Honorary Treasurer for the last five years. By the time I finish talking with John, I am exhausted. He has packed so much into his life and intends to keep going. “I’ve still got lots to do. My wife always called me ‘Peter Pan’ and said I’ll never grow old,” he laughs. Go for it, John. Plenty more opportunities out there for you. 

Madrugada president steps down By John Hough emotional, spiritual and social support to the patient and extends this to close family and carers as well.

After seven years of tireless commitment at the helm of Madrugada, Alison Blair has announced she will step down as Executive President at the end of November 2016. Alison has been the vision and driving force behind Madrugada’s growth and development as a provider of help and support to people facing life-limiting illness: in particular, end-of-life palliative care at home. The person-centred holistic approach delivered by Madrugada provides clinical,

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To date, some 90 patients have benefited from Madrugada’s ‘hospice at home’ service: a unique offering in Portugal. None of this would have happened without Alison’s enthusiastic and empathetic oversight coupled with the help of countless volunteers, nurses and care workers. Most importantly, the public through its generosity, donations and support of Madrugada’s charity shops, events, and the Madrugada Support Centre in Luz, contribute to Madrugada providing its services free-of-charge. Alison has brought enormous creativity, energy and flair to the challenges of raising funds; coping with bureaucracy, and most of all, overturning misconceptions

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about palliative care and what Madrugada aims to provide. Her cheerful disposition, determination and resolve have won through where many others would have given up. The many letters of gratitude from `Madrugada Families’ are testament to the importance and success of what Alison set out to achieve when the idea to create the organisation was conceived back in February 2009. Alison’s well-deserved break will allow her to reconnect with her three dogs, her husband and her many other talents. Alison’s successor will be announced at the forthcoming Madrugada AGM in November. We are hugely indebted to Alison and wish her well for the future. John Hough is Vice-President of Madrugada Associação 

Traditional Sunday Roast €13.50 pp add desert €16.95

Pie & Pud Night

Thai Nights

Every Thursday Homemade pie & complimentary pud €13.95 pp

Every Saturday Two authentic Thai dishes €15.00 pp

Quiz Nights

Wine & food spectacular

1st, 15th & 29th November

Friday 18th November Combination of

€12.50 pp includes supper and contribution to the prize fund.

delicious dishes paired with superb wines. €40.00 pp

Chef's November Special From the 1st November to the 30th November, Monday to Saturday between 12 and 6.00pm Two courses for 15€ per person Menu Changes Daily. Our regular menu will also be available.

Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas at Quay

Arrival at 12.30pm | Price: €85 pp

Two course set menu for 19.95€

Welcome Champagne

1st December - 23rd December

Consommé - Chicken spiced dumplings Fruit de Mer - Lemon & Herb Dressing



Roast Turkey with all the trimmings or Sea Bass fillet served with saffron & prawn Risotto

Turkey with all the

Homemade Christmas


Pudding with Brandy

Stilton Tartlet with Port wine


Christmas pudding with Brandy sauce or Chocolate & Rum Torte

Herb Crusted Salmon on

Anglaise OR

Roasted Vegetables and

Baileys Coffee



Coffee We have a few places left for New Year's Eve

Steve will also be baking his delicious home made mince pies

For further information and bookings please contact: T: 282 761 128 | E: quaylagosmarina


Quay Lagos  TomorrowAlgarve


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Are you at a loose end? By Irene Wareing In conjunction with Tomorrow Magazine, ‘Loose Ends’ is a community group set up three months ago to act as a reference group for people newly arrived in Lagos and surrounds, and for singles, couples, the recently bereaved or for anyone wishing to contact like-minded people in an informal and friendly setting. It is open to all.

‘Loose Ends’ members meet at 4pm at a local restaurant to inform the membership of new and existing developments and interests. A list has been compiled outlining available interests including dates, contact details, times and costs for members to contact the providers in the activities they are interested in.

the Marina de Lagos, Lote 31, next door to the Marina Bar at the far end of the Marina.

As well as providing friendship, ‘Loose Ends’ will endeavour to source activities of interest to its membership such as walking groups, playing bridge, golf, computer lessons, arts and crafts, language skills, guitar lessons, watercolour painting, natural therapies or Mediterranean gardening, either through the expertise of its members or through individual providers or groups in the community.

One of the aims of the group is that the members will form into sub-groups with the idea of starting up, for example, a supper club, cinema club, perhaps meet together for a Christmas or New Year dinner or form clubs from the aforementioned activities. New ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

Our next meeting will be held on November 28th at 4pm at the Madness Restaurant in the Marina de Lagos. 

I have found what I hope will be a central and permanent host restaurant for our monthly meetings at Madness restaurant at

or Irene Wareing at:   964416757

On the last Monday of each month the

Manager, João Picotio, has agreed to our using the annex next to the restaurant for our meetings. There is ample parking near the Marina Club Hotel and a ramp and steps leading to the restaurants in the area.

If any Tomorrow Magazine readers are interested in joining ‘Loose Ends’ they can contact either Helen Walker at: 

A day in the life of..... I live in Budens with my husband and my six kids, Tiago, Teresa, João, Julieta, José and Rosa. My day has to start at 7:30am, but it’s not easy and I am more likely to get out of bed by 8am. With two babies, nights are still a bit sleepless so mornings for me are not so easy but I'm fine after a strong coffee. I have breakfast at home with my husband and kids. By 9am we drop them at school here in the village and go for a coffee. It’s my morning meeting people time, talking with friends or simply enjoying a bit of peace on my own.

Ana Custódio is a mother of six who lives in Budens. Here she tells Tomorrow about her busy life raising children, her sewing project and working as a doula, someone who gives support, help, and advice to another woman during pregnancy and during and after the birth. "I’m a stay at home mother of six with lots of projects out and about. I'm a doula and breastfeeding consultant working with couples during pregnancy, birth and post partum care. In a few days I'll be starting a new project on this area, to give more support and help to mothers and babies. You can see more at:  I have also a sewing project (Miminhos da Mãe de Todos) and have the trademark Mimalhos, I transform kids drawings into unique soft toys.

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By 10am I go back home but because I work at home and have two babies I don’t really have much of a routine – I can’t! I have to be flexible. Some days I work on my sewing project during the morning, other days I go out to visit new mums or couples and some days I simply have to be a mum. My days are never the same – the only thing that is the same is that I am always very busy. Sometimes people think because I work at home that I don’t have much contact with others, but it’s not true. As a breastfeeding consultant/doula I do many activities for mothers and babies, I also organise workshops, talks in schools and do

 TomorrowAlgarve

breastfeeding consultations; all this keeps me in contact with many different people. I have lunch with my husband and the babies at home and and he usually does the cooking. After 3:30pm the kids start arriving home so normally I don’t do or book anything after that time. I help them with their homework, prepare dinner, give them baths and put them to bed – I do this on my own as my husband works from 6pm. They go to bed at 9pm and then it’s time for me to answer emails or messages on Facebook, and to relax, write my blog, Mãe de Todos or sleep! The best part of working at home is that I have time for my kids and can organise my work to fit my family demands."    Miminhos da Mãe de Todos  Mãe de Todos

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Introducing the Nesodden & Frogn Kammerkor By Liz Roberts

November sees the 40th anniversary of the Algarve Choir Festival 2016 / XL Festival de Coros do Algarve. Over the weekend of November 5th and 6th there will be performances in both Luz and Lagos featuring a wide variety of choirs from the Algarve, and beyond. One choir who will be travelling especially far for this event will be the Nesodden & Frogn Kammerkor (Chamber choir) from Norway who will be arriving in Lagos on Saturday November 5th to perform at Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo that same evening – the first of several performances that they will hold in the local area over one week.

The Nesodden & Frogn Kammerkor/ Choir (NFK) formed in 1988 and is a mixed choir with about 40 singers from the two municipalities Nesodden and Frogn, close to Oslo in Norway. The group has performed in both national and international choir festivals such as St. Petersburg, Budapest, Spitsbergen, Malta and Le Mans. The programme is widely varied and includes church music, Christmas carols, Norwegian national/ folk music, sea chanties, Barbershop, African spirituals and a variety of international songs including hits from the musicals.

Since its establishment, NFK have been led by its conductor, Gunnar BjerknesHaugen. Gunnar works as chief municipal medical officer in Frogn and runs his own practice. He is an educated doctor from the University of Oslo (UiO), holds a master in science (MSc, mathematics, physics and cybernetics) and a bachelor in music. The Western Algarve Community Choir is delighted to welcome Gunnar and NFK to the Algarve – both connected through our mutual member Knut Arnesen – and are particularly looking forward to our joint performance in Luz on Friday November 11th.  Please contact WACC choir leader, Elizabeth Roberts, for more information on NFK’s Algarve tour performances this month, on : 

10 minutes with… Alyson Sheldrake mind before my brush ever touches the easel!

A former Director of Education in the UK, local artist Alyson now spends her days painting in her Carvoeiro studio. We caught up with her for our monthly feature… 1. What’s your background as an artist? I’m a self-taught artist. My dream was always to have my own studio and be able to paint every day. Five years ago we sold up in the UK, I handed in my notice and here we are, ‘living the dream’. 2. How would you describe your artistic style? I paint in a very unique way that I have called my own 'New Wave' style - I create a focal point painted 'traditionally' then I surround this with curves of colour, creating something bright and fresh. My husband Dave thinks it strange that I can always 'see' the finished painting in my

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3. Much of your work focuses on local landscapes - why’s that? I am so inspired by the beautiful area in which we live. The Algarve is so full of wonderful features, villages, beaches and landscapes that the only problem I have is finding the time to paint all of the ideas that I have! 4. What else do you paint, other than landscapes? I also love to paint pet portraits, and aim to capture something of the character of the pet as well as their likeness. I also paint big bold flowers - I am always drawn to the fabulously detailed centre of a flower. House portraits, planes, old doors and windows of the Algarve, commercial work I've even sneaked in some portraits too.

comprised of three panels] for a client that was 2.4m by 1m - it was a fabulous piece to work. They described their favourite things about holidaying here in the Algarve, and then gave me free rein to paint something for them. It takes pride of place on their wall and inspired me to get bigger and bolder with my paintings. 6. Do you display your work anywhere? My husband Dave is a professional photographer and we run our own exhibitions showcasing our work together each year. I am also happy for people to visit me in my home studio by appointment, and my work is always available to purchase directly from my website. 7. What do you love most about living on the Algarve? The relaxed way of life - being able to enjoy simple pleasures like eating fresh fish, drinking a bica in my local café, and walking on the beach in the sunshine.  

Basically if someone asks me if I can paint something I always say yes and then have a go! 5. What’s been your most unusual or notable piece of work? I completed a massive triptych [a picture

 TomorrowAlgarve

Want to feature in a future 10 minutes with... or know someone who should? Email amber@tomorrowalgarve,com or with your suggestions

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A Christmas Tale Dance Afternoon As the winter nights draw in, it’s the perfect time of year to start getting into the festive season. Keep December 8th free for Nicola’s Move-Ment Dance Academy’s Christmas Show. Dancers will be putting on a festive show and family afternoon, with even the youngest students making an appearance. You are sure not to be disappointed, as students have represented Portugal at the Dance World Cup for two consecutive years. Doors will open at 4.30pm, with a range of Christmas crafts, carols and food on offer.

The show will start at 5pm, and is sure to delight all crowds with a Christmas theme. Afterwards a Santa’s Grotto will be open, and dinner and drinks will be available. Entry €4 (Including Santa Grotto) Held at Nicola’s Move-Ment Dance Academy Studio (5, Rua Bartolomeu Dias, Porto de Mós, Lagos).  Classes for children and adults take place daily. For further information on classes or tickets for the Christmas show contact:  913832335 

Lawn Bowls Summer League The Lawn Bowls Summer League was finalised earlier in the summer. It is a yearly competition and several bowling clubs in the Algarve take part. After a good and rather close competition, Alvor Bowls Club retained the cup, which is now gracing a shelf in the club house in Alvor.

competitions will start and keep them busy until the spring. There will also be roll-ups on Sundays and most Wednesdays at 11am. So if anybody is interested in watching or try to take part and learn more about bowls, welcome! It is a wonderful - and tricky game, but even as a beginner it will give you a lot of pleasure.

Alvor Bowls Club started its new season on October 1st with a traditional ladies against gents’ game.

A very social game as well, good exercise and it gets you out of the house to enjoy a few hours in the fresh air. 

After a couple of weeks where they welcome a number of visiting teams to play with the club members, the winter

For more information go to: 

'Captain Peter' releases new book Looking for something for Christmas?

being given as a prize. Peter aimed to receive 1,000 entries but by the close of the competition, Peter was surprised to find that over 1,600 people had entered.

Algarve author, P.D. Cain, also known as ‘Captain Peter’ of Kiss Fm Portugal, released his A-z of Animal Poems & Colouring Book, which covers the alphabet from ‘Andy the Ant’ and ‘Joey the Budgie’ through to ‘yvonne the yak’ and ‘zebra Crossing’ at the end of September. The book has so far received excellent reviews after it was placed as a Goodreads competition to win one of ten of the books

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One man and his dog

Goodreads chose the ten winners of which five were from the UK and five were in the U.S.A. Peter has also discovered through his Portuguese friends that the A-Z of Animal Poems book is useful for those learning English as a second language as it contains double meanings, phrases and expressions that are not found in the usual English learning publications.  His book is available through Goodreads, Amazon and CreateSpace for just €5 + postage in Europe or £4.50 in the UK. 

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The terrible fires which ravaged the Algarve and other parts of Portugal this year and the bravery of the Bombeiros who fought them have inspired one local resident to raise funds while walking the length of the Algarve. British resident Colin MacBean will be embarking on his fund raising walk in aid of the Bombeiros on October 24th with his canine pal Roly keeping him company along the route. Colin and Roly will be beginning their walk in the eastern Algarve at Vila Real de Santo António and will follow the coast all the way to Aljezur, covering approximately 360 kilometres over 10 days in the process. “The fires this year in Portugal were terrible and when I saw the bravery of the Bombeiros I knew I had to do something to show my respect for the tireless work these volunteers do to keep us all safe,” said Colin. He added: “I thought a walk along the coast of the Algarve would be a great way to raise awareness about the work of the Bombeiros as I pass through the different towns and cities, while also being the perfect opportunity to help to raise funds for much needed equipment.” Colin will be collecting money along the route but there are also fundraising tins for those who would like to show their support, located in Harrys Bar and Hemingways in Carvoeiro and in Algarve 2000 in Rocha Brava near Carvoeiro.  Contact Colin MacBean for details:  962 666 333

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Lagos Fireballs celebrate first anniversary

Local netball squad Lagos Fireballs has recently celebrated its first anniversary, marking an exciting year in which much has been achieved. The club was started in September 2015 by founder and coach, Stephanie Wood (a busy lady, as she also edits our sister edition of Tomorrow in Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo and Carvoeiro). As netball is not a common sport in Portugal, fundraising efforts were needed in order to purchase equipment including posts, balls and bibs. It was also necessary to paint the court by hand at the club’s base behind the Bombeiros building in Lagos - hence the name!

around town in their Lagos Fireballs hoodies and t-shirts) meeting on Wednesday nights for fun drill sessions and informal games. Carol Spires, the owner of Destination Algarve and a former umpire, has been an invaluable recruit, enforcing the game’s rules in a firm but fair manner. She was later joined on the sidelines by Maree Watson, an unstoppable seventy-something who is currently back in the UK completing an umpiring course with England Netball, much to the awe of all the club’s members. The Fireballs have even played a couple of competitive matches with the only other netball team on the Algarve, which is based in Carvoeiro. We’re pleased to report that our local team currently boasts a 100% unbeaten record!

to do fundraising projects in aid of the firefighters too. There’s been much action off the court as well, with the squad enjoying many social occasions together. In addition to the anniversary dinner held at Quay Lagos in September, the club’s unofficial social secretaries Katie Sproston and Emma Hollen organised a very successful Christmas party in December - something they will be looking to repeat this year. Post-netball drinks in the Bombeiros bar are also a firm fixture on the Wednesday night agenda! New members are always welcome. The club currently has a varied mix of ages and abilities, so everyone and anyone is encouraged to get involved. Stephanie is happy to host netball introduction sessions to help those who have not played for many years (or ever!). Anyone with coaching or umpiring experience would be welcomed too.

Since then the club has gone from strength to strength, with over 30 regular members (you may have seen them

The club has been active in the local community too. The members clubbed together to sponsor a tree on the Avenida as part of our Light Up Lagos campaign last year, and also donated much-needed supplies to the Bombeiros following the devastating fires in the summer. Over the coming months, they will be looking

Literary lunch

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

Don't miss an opportunity to meet author Eleanor Michael, known locally by her married name as Elly Clayman, who will be giving a talk about her first novel, Two Months in Summer on November 4th at 12.30pm. The event is taking place at the Holiday Inn Algarve. Set during the war-torn summer of 1974 in Cyprus this is a gripping fictional story of love and separation, inspired by personal, political and historical events, set within two months of major upheaval in the Mediterranean paradise of Cyprus. The presentation will be followed by a three-course buffet lunch to include wine and coffee. €18.50 per person. All welcome!! Book your place now.  Contact:  282 320260 

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Here’s to another exciting year for the club. Go Fireballs!   @netballinlagos   +351 964 187 303

By Kathy Thornhill

At the end of September Burgau Sports Centre hosted a coffee morning, as part of MacMillan Cancer's World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. The idea to take part in this ever-growing and worthwhile fundraiser was that of Lucy Kerr of Bangor in Northern Ireland, with a small team of helpers, of which I was proudly one. Along with Dan and Andy Robinson of Burgau Sports Centre and Tina, also from the Sports Centre, who worked tirelessly washing plates, cups and saucers. We received many willing donations in the form of cakes, quiche, sandwiches, fruit and sausages to create a stunning spread. We were genuinely overwhelmed by the kindness and support for this worthy cause and would like to thank friends who donated delicious and very professional looking cakes and nibbles and Lucy's own

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amazing fruit platter, which formed an attractive and refreshing centre piece to our well laden table. Our particular thanks must go to the following: Baptista Supermarket, LD Carnes (Baptista butcher), Chiccas Restaurant in Luz, Fresco / Bar Habana, Luz, A Fábrica Restaurant, Luz, Tomik, Burgau and Algarve Gardens, Portimão. To our delight the event greatly exceeded our expectations, seeing the Sports Centre car park filled to capacity and consequently creating a very lively and happy atmosphere inside and on the terrace. Clearly an ideal setting for larger gatherings. The generosity of all attendees was overwhelming, raising a grand sum of 1050 euros. Thank you so much one and all!!!! Perhaps we will see you next year. 

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Hiding your own Geocache - Geocaching Part 4 By David Foot In previous issues of Tomorrow we have looked at geocaching, the ‘treasure’ hunting game using the GPS function on your smartphone or a dedicated GPS device. Once you have found 50 or so geocaches you might want to hide some of your own, because all caches are placed by the geocaching community. Firstly read the placement guidelines on the website as there are one or two sensible restrictions. For example caches must be at least one tenth of a mile apart, not be on private property and not in walls, so as to avoid damage to property. Then decide on a location and create your cache container - camouflage it if you wish - and hide it, but be sure to make it sturdy and waterproof. The website allows you to easily create a webpage for your cache. No technical or programming skills are needed. When it is ready to go you submit it online and a volunteer Reviewer will examine the submission to ensure it fits within the geocaching guidelines. They will not visit the location but will view it on Google Maps and ensure it complies with the rules. Don't be disappointed if the reviewer asks for a change as it is easy to overlook something or place a cache too close to an existing hide. I suggest you start with a straightforward traditional cache before venturing into ‘multi-caches’ or ‘mystery

caches’ although devising puzzles for ‘mystery caches’ is a good way to pass the winter evenings. Solving them is also good fun although I confess that some local ones have defeated my simple brain.

• GC49B7W is another clever hide is by local Portuguese geocacher Kopax55;

I will not describe some of the devious cache containers that you will encounter as it will spoil your fun, but be prepared for the unexpected.

Finally, if you fancy a walk near the Bravura Lake north of Odiáxere you could try the circular walk of caches placed by yours truly and my better half, Frango Piri Piri the first of the series is GC3XFMN and the web page gives details of the others.

If you become a geocaching addict you can pay a subscription (US$35) to become a Premium Member which provides a few additional facilities and some extra high quality caches, but this is not necessary. Likewise you could invest in a dedicated GPS like the Garmin Oregon which allows you to download thousands of caches to your device and is theoretically more accurate than your smartphone. To conclude here are a few more geocache codes to search for on the website.

• GC2NRP3 by Sotavento is an easy cache near to Lagos railway station.

Geocaching is a healthy pursuit, great for the kids, ideal for cyclists and dog walkers, and great fun plus you can attend regular gatherings of other geocachers to exchange ideas and experiences if you wish. I hope to bump into you at a cache somewhere, or maybe at one of the local events which are published on the website and app. Happy geocaching! 

All but the first one are tried and tested at some stage by the writer and all are recommended: • GC53FRJ by Burrinha, a Mystery cache which is too difficult for me; • GC5KYRV by German cacher Blue Rabbit is an easier cache of two stages but a tricky hide;

Spot the Geocache 1 and Spot the Geocache 2

Golf lessons at Espiche Our EGTF Professional, Ethan Shaw is available to provide instruction and tips to players of all levels and ages, with special golf lessons available for children.

At Espiche Golf, we understand that everyone has different skills and athletic abilities and tuition is tailored to the exact needs of the individual golfer. Whether you are picking up a club for the very first time, are looking to correct issues with your game or want to take your golf to the next level, lessons and tuition at Espiche Golf will help you to become the golfer you have always wanted to be.

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Ethan strives to help people enjoy the game by improving both their technique and their mentality. He started playing golf at the age of 13 and by the time he was 16 he was helping the professional at Marsden Golf Club, Huddersfield, to give junior lessons. With a passion for golf and a handicap of 5, Ethan decided that he wanted to teach golf for a living, and after finding it difficult to find employment as an assistant, he moved to Alvor, Portugal in 2013 to pursue his dream. Now Ethan is a fully qualified teaching professional and brings his passion for golf to Espiche.

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We have recently added Huxley golf allweather practice mats. These artificial mats are hardwearing for year-round golf practice. The new short game is under construction and will be ready by the end of 2016 which will complement the existing facilities at the Driving Range. Our Driving Range is open every day from 8am until 5pm (winter time) and Individual lessons are available 7 days a week and group lessons available every week. We are also running a competition this month to win a place in our group lesson every week throughout December. All you have to do to take part is send us an email and we will do a raffle with all the entries.  Email to enter: 

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Palácio de Mafra - The Royal Palace that nearly bankrupted Portugal By Ray Gillman build the 38,000m2 structure - a number which went up to 45,000 at times. A force of 7,000 soldiers were permanently garrisoned to keep order on the site. 1,385 workers died during the construction. In the end 5,200 doorways were created, 2,500 windows, 880 halls and rooms, 154 staircases, 29 courtyards, and two bell towers boasting the world’s largest collection of bells (57 in each) that can be heard for 24kms when they are pealed.

In my tile picture (shown here before firing) Mafra Palace dominates the skyline below a representation of its magnificent library. Mafra’s ‘conception’ Mafra Palace was built in a village in the royal hunting grounds north of Lisbon: the ‘Tapada Natural de Mafra’.

The magnificent library with its prodigious lengths of elaborately carved shelves and polished marble- tiled floor contains about 40,000 rare books including a first edition of Luis Camões’s epic poem about Portuguese history and The Discoveries: ’Os Lusiadas’, published in 1572.

In 1711 King João V had made a vow that he would build a ‘convent’ if his new wife, Queen Maria Ana of Austria, gave him an offspring. It took six years, but a first daughter, Princess Barbara, arrived in 1717 and the building started.

How can they afford it? In 1720, when the scale of the enterprise became clear, the French Ambassador reported back to his court that “all the money in Iberia would be insufficient to pay for it”. (The extravagant 'Sun King', Louis XIV, creator of the lavish palace at Versailles, had died only five years earlier after an amazingly long reign of 72 years - his five year old great grandson, Louis XV, succeeded to the throne and would rule for 64 years).

(Some said that it was also built to expiate João’s sexual excesses elsewhere - two nuns bore him sons). It turned into an extravagant project - a palace on a grand scale, which also contained a huge church, a monastery, a hospital, a school and one of the finest libraries in Portugal, rivalling the king’s other famous library in the University of Coimbra. The basilica and convent were inaugurated on October 22nd 1730 - the King’s 41st birthday - and building works were largely completed by 1735. Thinking big King João was determined to build a structure to compete in grandeur with the ‘Escorial’ outside Madrid in Spain. This palace/monastery/ hospital/church/ university was built by Philip II of Spain in the sixteenth century - he who became King Philip I of Portugal when the Spaniards ruled the country between 1580 and 1640. The statistics - and the costs - of Mafra are staggering. A daily average of 15,000 construction workers were employed to

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The pillars of knowledge The basilica contains eleven chapels, six splendid organs, and numerous fine sculptures. So large was the project’s appetite for stone carvings and sculptures that many renowned sculptors lived on site and the Mafra School of Sculpture was established.

But sufficient gold did flow in from the rich mines of Brazil to pay for Mafra, and João V’s other grandiose building projects. But the country’s wealth was largely exhausted by the time of João’s death in 1750, and the nation was dangerously impoverished when the infamous earthquake and tsunami hit it in 1755. Recreational facilities? The Mafra buildings were home to hundreds of monks and clerics, cooks, servants and gardeners but the royal families seldom lived there, deeming it too ‘gloomy’, although the nearby hunting grounds made it a popular recreational facility for them. The king and queen had separate quarters

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(as was usual). Their ‘apartments’ were at each end of a 250 metre long, elevated, hall reached by wide stone staircases. This corridor passes right through the huge basilica with an open space looking down on the main altar, over a carved balustrade, where the royal couple said mass. Irreverently,- when my wife and I visited the palace and saw this arrangement, we couldn’t help but picture the king being borne up the stairs in a sedan chair by servants who delivered him along the corridor to the queen’s bedchamber, making the sign of the cross as he passed by the altar. No doubt her ladies in waiting discreetly withdrew and then both sets of servants waited patiently for their normal services to be resumed, so to speak. Mafra, wars and revolution King João VI moved to Mafra for a year before the French invasion in 1807 forced the family’s decampment to Brazil (taking some of the best pieces of art, furniture and most precious books with them). Napoleon’s general in Portugal - Marshal Junot - took up residence in the palace after the invasion, before being driven out by Wellington and his Anglo-Portuguese forces. Following the reluctant return of the royal family and the ensuing ‘Liberal Wars’ between (the by then) King Pedro IV and his brother, the usurper Miguel - who was exiled to Austria - Pedro died. His daughter, Maria, became queen (reign: 1828 to 1853). Bowing to modernist pressures, the young queen Maria II ordered the dissolution of all religious orders, the Franciscan monks and nuns, abandoned Mafra and in 1849 the monastery was assigned to the military. The last king of Portugal, the young Manuel II (his elder brother and father having been assassinated by revoulutionaries) left from Mafra palace on 5th October 1910, after the new republic had been proclaimed. He sailed from nearby Ericeira to England and his final home: Twickenham in south west London. Manuel died there, childless, in 1932, leaving his cousin in Austria - descendant of Miguel - to claim the ancestral title of ‘Duke of Bragança’.

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Diplomatic Ramblings – Part 18 By Doug McAdam In my two previous ‘Ramblings’ I described our posting in Nigeria in the early nineties where I was in charge of our visa and consular operations. I hope readers might find the following anecdotes of interest.

had been kidnapped!

During my time there a leading British correspondent based in Nigeria had the temerity to link the then President Abacha with a spurious multi-million dam project in the middle of the country (what dam!!!). It quickly became clear that said President was not amused and word to that effect quickly reached the ears of the correspondent. He promptly approached us fearing he might be arrested that evening. We contacted the staff at the correspondent’s house and asked them to contact us if anything untoward happened. Sure enough we had a call that evening saying that the correspondent has been bundled into an unmarked car by people in plain clothes. This was a tactic often used by the dreaded State Security Service (SSS). But we had no way of knowing. So I came up with a ruse which would help us trace his whereabouts. I went along to the local police station, declared who I was, and said I wished to report a serious incident – a British subject

From the whites of his eyes I could see that the duty Sergeant was well out of his depth so he summoned his station commander from home. Clearly an experienced operator he started to take details of the kidnapped subject, but when we got to occupation and I said ‘journalist’, he stopped. He sat back, smiled and said, “I have a theory – he was probably arrested by the SSS”. So I replied that I had a theory which was that the British subject had been kidnapped. I said the only way we could resolve the issue was for him to accompany me to the SSS HQ and ask them directly. He was extremely chary but eventually gave in and reluctantly accompanied me to the SSS. When we got there we were stopped by armed guards and he told me to stay put while he made enquiries. After a long delay he emerged to confirm the arrest. But to my relief went on to say that the correspondent was being expelled that very evening. We later discovered the SSS had forced BA to carry him to London that night despite already being full. Part of my ‘patch’ in Nigeria included our Liaison Office in Ibadan, a large city to the

north of Lagos with a fair sized number of British expatriates. We used the Office occasionally for my meetings with the local Community Liaison Officers (unpaid wardens). On one occasion I went there with one of my senior staff who wished to bid them farewell and took with him the contents of his liquor cupboard for aftermeeting drinks. The others happily tucked into his liqueurs while he and I finished the remnants of a bottle of Macalan. Just as were about to pour the last dregs one of the CLOs said he would love a single malt, so we reluctantly poured the rest of the bottle into a glass for him. His response was to complain that there was not very much and he proceeded to top up the malt with cherry brandy!! I exploded and called him all the heathens under the sun in rather flowery terms! When he returned to England my colleague recounted the tale to the distillery and won a case of Macalan. At one of my annual warden conferences our guy from Kano, made the point of bidding me farewell saying he had been posted by his company to the depths of Central Asia. Little did I know our paths would later cross again!  Doug retired to the Algarve 12 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office.

Archaeological Travels in Turkey By Jane Robertson in archaeology were both kindled by a (terrible!) production of Aida experienced in Covent Garden when she was just 16. They have lived and worked all over the world and made their first visit to Turkey in 1973 on a camping holiday; they have been back regularly ever since.

On Tuesday November 8th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Peter and Sonja Schroeder. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. Peter and Sonja Schroeder have combined their careers in film and opera with their long term interest in history and archaeology. They met whilst filming the 'Barber of Seville' and their honeymoon was spent on 'The Marriage of Figaro'. Sonja's career in opera and her interest

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In this talk they will bring us on a journey through every era since prehistory and the rich heritage still there to be experienced. Peter and Sonja have long been interested in a number of sites, including Gobekli Tepke, the monumental pre-Neolithic site dating back to the 10th millennium BC and its 200 massive intricately carved T-shaped pillars. The site's proximity to the Syrian border has prevented their visit a few times though! They will also be speaking about Catal Huyok, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is a pre-Bronze Age city dating back to to 70000 years BC. The city had up to

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10,000 inhabitants in its heyday, living in an unusual arrangement of mudbrick houses with no streets and access through the roofs. Other sites, including Hattusas, a key Bronze Age city of the Hittite Empire, and Yazilikaya, a Hittite sanctuary with a wealth of rock-cut deities, will also be brought to life for us. Of course, there's also the Romans. What did they ever do for Turkey? Turkey has some of the Roman Empire's most monumental and best preserved evidence inspiring an increased respect for them from Sonja and Peter. Lunch in Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine on  917267948.  For more information:    'Algarve Archaeological Association'.

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The statue at the Cape of St Vincent By Riki Grahne in parallel with the existing profiling of Henry the Navigator, I believe it enhances local knowledge of the saint and the peninsula, which in turn could also revive the once flourishing pilgrimage activities along the ancient pilgrim route.

I think a statue, in the same way as literature and the visual arts, can bring us closer to our history. This notion has propelled me to write and illustrate two books. The first one is The Saint, Vincent and The Cape which contains information about St. Vincent, the Martyr and his Cape of the same name, where the martyr's relics were kept for 400 years. In my second book A Modern Day Pilgrimage to The Cape of St. Vincent I describe my journey following the footsteps of the boy king Sebastian from Lagos to The Cape. I combine history and images with myths. My interest in the Cape of St. Vincent arose five years ago. By then I had moved to Lagos and had visited the peninsula several times. However, I was never given a credible answer to the question of when and why the Cape, the Holy Promontory, had been renamed Cape of St. Vincent. After witnessing a procession at Vila do Bispo on January 22nd, I decided to start collecting information about the forgotten deacon, St. Vincent of Saragossa that was being celebrated. His fascinating history has resulted in the production of two books related to the Martyr and now I have also designed a two and a half metre high statue that symbolizes him. But why this personal financial investment and all the effort - and why a statue? The motive is as follows: by creating awareness and sharing the information about the saint,

Most of the hundreds of thousands of tourists who now visit the Cape have no idea of its historical significance. Since The Cape is a closed area, administered by the Navy, the historical heritage is hidden behind high walls. With my contemporary statue, placed here in a central location in a highly visible place, I think I can arouse considerable interest in this magical Promontory. Perhaps some of the tourists will be coming back as pilgrims? The statue has been a long-term project. It started two years ago when I designed some simple prototypes and took advantage of 3D technology to produce a credible result. I was informed that this project would be difficult to implement on the headland. It would affect seven different authorities including the proprietor of the souvenir shop at the lighthouse. I decided that I would try - after all, I'm retired and have the time! I showed my 3D mini statue to the Bishop of Faro. He reacted very positively and added some suggestions that I incorporated into the next model. I received a letter of support for the book and the statue project, but no financial aid. The Regional Department for Culture in the Algarve also sent a letter of support, emphasising the historical and cultural value a statue would bring to the area. They pointed out some archaeological considerations in raising a statue on this site, which I will obviously take into

account. Having been shown the 3D model of the statue and knowing that the project had full support of the Bishop of the Algarve, the responses of the Mayors of Vila do Bispo and Sagres were positive. Both authorities sent their letters of support but no promises of money. None of the agencies I visited had the authority to decide on the placement of the statue at The Cape, as it is the Navy that has strategic responsibility for the lighthouse zone. After consulting lighthouse staff I received contact information for the person in Lisbon in charge of lighthouses nationally. I've learned during my time as an international consultant and business leader, that it is always best to make contact with those responsible at the highest level. And especially here in Portugal it seems to be important if we want to arrive at decisions. I contacted one of the top officials of the Navy and immediately had a positive response. After a visit to Lisbon, I received the 'green light' for the statue project and the precise location of the statue was agreed. One condition was that the statue must remain there for at least ten years and that the project would not entail any costs for them. Now there is no turning back – but equally there are no grants or financial assistance! The statue, in marine steel, needs to be in place by January 22nd, 2017, on St. Vincent day when the Bishop is likely to be present. I hope to finance the project through the sale of my books. Now many copies have to be sold and at a rapid pace too!  If you would like to support the project and buy The Saint, Vincent and The Cape (€20) or A Modern Day Pilgrimage to The Cape of St. Vincent (€20) please contact Riki:  968811717 

Have fun and raise funds A dinner and quiz night is taking place on November 4th at the Smooth Madness Restaurant on Lagos Marina for the charity Nandi. There will be live music by Nigel and Sarah, Collar and Cuffs. The meal includes Couvert, main course

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and pudding – all for the price of 14 euros per person. This will include a donation to the charity. The event will start at about 7.30pm so please be prompt and booking is advisable on  282 031 280.

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Nandi was founded in 1996 by John and Dorreen Piteleen, who were concerned about the number of stray cats and dogs in the Algarve and opened a shop to raise funds for a sterilisation programme, veterinary treatment, and animal food. 

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A local legend

Pat Allen moved to the Algarve 15 years ago. She was worried that she would be bored but a chance meeting with a firefighter who told her that he was saving up for some fire proof gloves sparked years of tireless fundraising. Here she tells Tomorrow why the campaign to buy the firefighters a new ambulance will be her last. "I was born and raised in Banbury, Oxfordshire – a point in the middle of the country and a long way from the sea in all directions. When I married Terry we lived in various villages within 10 miles of the town. Terry has always been keen on DIY and is very good at it and our last project in the UK was converting a beautiful big barn into a 5 bedroomed house. Building is not his trade, he is an electrical engineer specialising in Control Systems, but he was determined to master all the skills necessary to make our home, which he did. This took longer than we hoped as he travelled all over the world with his work as well. I was also working and my last job was doing the accounts for a company who organised many events – a lot of them involved sports: for example we organised the Davis Cup on numerous occasions, the Transplant Games, we worked on the London Marathon, the European Golf tour, Festival of Speed etc. When I could, I liked to go along to the events and also tried to join Terry wherever he was working for a few days which became easier as our three sons grew older. In January 2001 we came for a week of winter sun to Vilamoura – our first time in Portugal – and we just fell in love with the weather, the beauty, the flowers, the friendliness of the people, so much so that we decided to look for a holiday apartment to buy. We soon realised that as property was so cheap back then, if we sold the barn, we could buy a villa mortgage-free

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and retire here - I was 51. It was an easy decision! We spent our week driving the length of the Algarve viewing properties. We returned a month later for some second viewings and picked a house in Almádena which we bought and then moved over in September – 8 months after visiting Portugal for the first time and knowing little about the country. We stayed in Almádena until we downsized to a bungalow in Luz last year. Obviously, giving up work and knowing noone here, I was lonely and bored – Terry of course spent his time getting the house into shape. I was told to join AFPOP – the association for foreigners in Portugal, not only for the discounts offered but because it was a way of meeting people. In April ’02 we went to a function where the AFPOP Event Organiser said that she was retiring and needed someone to take over her role. I told her that I was very new and did not know my way around yet but if noone came forward by September, I would consider it. However, the next AFPOP magazine stated that Pat Allen would take over from July! And in 2017 it will be 15 years since I did! Originally I just did lunches, then days out and have progressed to organising 4 day breaks which are proving so popular that now each trip needs 3 coaches for the 150 members who want to come along. We have seen Aveiro, Sintra, Granada etc and even though the position is voluntary it takes weeks of full time working to pull it together. I became involved with the Bombeiros when one of the men told me he was saving for some leather gloves as they were safer when fighting fires. I was astounded that they did not have fire-proof ones and also that he had to buy his own so I set out to purchase a pair for every bombeiro at the Lagos station. With the help of a fireman in England, we supplied 110 pairs of fireproof gloves, flash hoods, helmets, boots and trousers – the complete kit. My dream was that 100 or so people would annually deposit an amount of their choosing directly into an account which would be used to purchase essential items for the brigade but unfortunately there

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were only a few people willing to do this – thankfully they continue to do so. But this means that there is not enough in the coffers when the bombeiros need something so I end up on the campaign trail. The campaigns have paid for specialist clothing for the extra summer force required for the forest fires, a Lucas machine which administers CPR, a Defibrillator, fire-blankets, even such simple things as bandages and first-aid kits – all need paying for and when the unit has run out of money, then it must come from somewhere. We even supplied special shoes for a bombeiro's son who had a club foot as the expense was too much for the firefighter. Over the years we have spent about €25k+ on essential items and with the current campaign for an ambulance standing at about €20k it has been a tremendous effort by all who have contributed. After this campaign ends – hopefully with the purchase of an ambulance to replace the old one (even the newest is 15 years old) – I wish to stop collecting for them. This is for a number or reasons but the main one being that I am not registered as a charity organiser and sooner or later the taxman might decide that the money collected is my income! Although I know every centimo is used entirely to help the AHBV Lagos, I am not sure that they would see it in that light so at the end of this year there will be no more campaigning from me. By then, the fund will have topped €50k in the last 13 years so I feel that I have done my bit through your generosity. Instead I hope that Tomorrow Magazine will be able to achieve charity status and I will then encourage people to donate to them so that their good work can continue for all the charities they support– either for individuals or for larger sections of the community. This will also allow me have some breathing space – it will not affect my AFPOP position as that will continue unaltered but the campaign trail will reach the end for me, perhaps giving me some free time."  If anyone is interested in knowing more about AFPOP or wants details about the Ambulance Campaign please feel free to contact me on:   282697548.

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Visiting Sintra: the Mountains of the Moon and good, encouraging bonding between fellow travellers. Arriving at our destination, the coach delivers us into the heart of old Sintra and the first of our organised tours at the Palácio Nacional, instantly recognisable by its extraordinary chimney cones, Gothic arches and Moorish windows. As well as remarkable painted ceiling panels, the Palácio's kitchen (with those chimneys) and a totally over-thetop bathroom are my favourites. I do like a guided tour with a ‘proper’ guide (instead of a machine that you have to press to your ear), and George is cheerful, knowledgeable and takes time to answer questions.

Stephanie Ginger reports on her recent four-day trip to Sintra as part of Afpop’s latest organised group tour. The Romans referred to Sintra and the surrounding serra as the ‘Mountains of the Moon’, and for 500 years Portuguese royalty escaped Lisbon’s summer sizzle for its cooling forests. Literary figures have waxed lyrical about it’s charms too, with Lord Byron – who had little fondness for the Portuguese – talking about Sintra’s “glorious Eden” in one of his best known works, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. We might not be on a Byronic Grand Tour (although the Afpop ‘taster trip’ to Sintra is almost as good), but as Lisbon’s suburbs give way to lush forests and the coach climbs towards Sintra Vila, passing elegant mansions leaning against the mountainside or teetering on the edge of impossible gullies, everyone on board begins to see what all the fuss is about. But I’m racing ahead. This particular coachload of fifty Afpoppers is the second of two four-day trips to Sintra that Pat Allen organised this autumn, and the sixth such excursion to heritage sites in Portugal since her first to Monte Gordo in 2006. Starting out early one Tuesday morning in late September, we are first on the coach. Leaving Alma Verde at 7.20am, there are pick-ups from Almádena to Albufeira at convenient points along the N125, where people can leave their cars for a couple of days. Although many don’t know each other at the start, Pat makes a cheerful pack leader and has devised ice breakers (quiz anyone?), so solo travellers need not worry. Lunch is duck rice and local specialities at the Restaurante Jardim do Moscatel in Vila Nogueira Azeitão, a hidden gem in a tranquil courtyard. Inside the cool, highceilinged quinta there’s free seating on big, round tables and the wine is plentiful

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Although in need of an update, our hotel, the Tivoli, is ideally positioned in the centre of things, across the road from the Palácio Nacional. Our room on the fifth floor is comfortable enough, with an astounding view onto the Moorish castle on the ridge and the Quinta da Regaleira, emerging from the trees. Comfortable shoes are a must to get to grips with Sintra’s steep cobbled streets, as are layers of clothing (the unusually hot daytime temperature of 30°c plummets at sunset) and a sun hat, even at the end of September. Although there are plenty of bars at which to enjoy a sundowner with tasty tapas, we decide to eat on the terrace of the Café de Paris in the square, under the cosy glow of their warming infrared lights. Not the cheapest food to be had, but very good. On day two, we take advantage of our free afternoon and visit Palácio da Pena, the bizarre Disneyland-esque creation of the romantic King Ferdinand II. With 85 hectares of gardens to explore as well as the castle itself, we scarcely scratch the surface. One tip: from the outset, ask about discounted tickets if you’re planning to visit more than one attraction. On day three, we don’t join the planned trip to Lisbon Oceanarium as we’ve already seen it, preferring instead to maximise our time in Sintra. Options for getting around town range from tourist buses, the now ubiquitous tuk tuks and horse-drawn carriages to electric bikes. We opt for the ‘hop-on, hop-off’ open-topped bus on the circular Red Line which goes as far as Cabo da Roca, taking in many surrounding attractions. We have a fabulous time

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and hop off to explore the rather creepy sixteenth century Capuchos monastery (or ‘cork convent’) in the Sintra Hills, as well as climbing to the top of the Castelo dos Mouros, with a spectacular view over Sintra all the way to the Atlantic! But do beware of hopping off and then finding there’s no space on the next bus and you’re stranded for another 40 minutes. An unexpected highlight of the trip is the Palácio de Monserrate and its extraordinary gardens. With species from around the world, this remarkable botanical collection was created by Englishman Francis Cook in the 1850s. Now more than 150 years old with trees up to 50 metres high, it’s like wandering the globe in a couple of hours. And the shady garden house café is a welcome respite for tired legs. On the final evening, everyone exchanges experiences over an enjoyable group dinner at the Tivoli before setting off Friday morning for the return coach journey and a fascinating tour of the Palácio da Bacalhôa, a winery and eclectic museum near Setúbal. The high point of the wine tasting is the distinctive golden dessert wine Moscatel de Setúbal (a case is duly purchased), followed by yet another splendid buffet lunch on the way home at the Dona Isilda Restaurant at Azetão. All in all, at €295 per person – including all the organised excursions and special meals – the Afpop trip was very good value and delivered exactly what it said on the tin. As well as being thoroughly enjoyable, it’s given us a taste of those Mountains of the Moon, although there’s still much left to appreciate: the theatrically-inspired Quinta da Regaleira, afternoon tea at the Palácio de Seteais, a multitude of museums or a musical evening at the Palácio de Queluz. Or maybe just time to sit with a shot of the local ginja (wild cherry liqueur) served in a tiny chocolate cup and to enjoy the stunning view!   

Rua Silva Lopes, 30 8600-632 Lagos Portugal +351 282 792 165

Shop Café / Bistro Roof Terrace Bar Homeware Books & Music Gallery

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Taste the flavours of Portugal type of sausage made with meats and bread, or the boar stew (ensopado de Borrego), then the theme ‘Earth’ is for you. It’s the ideal combination of the elements from the mountain and the ingredients from the farm.

This month why not try out a totally new ‘food experience’ here in the heart of Lagos. Earth, Sea and Algarve are brought together at Mar d’Estórias. On offer is a private dinner, which takes you on a journey into Portuguese cuisine, where you can choose one of the three different themes available, all linked to regional Portuguese cuisine You can indulge your love of the sea with fish and seafood which can include cod dishes and octopus, and all those delicacies that are part of our Maritime Discoveries, such as chocolate, coffee and the spices, and even the fruits coming from Azores and Madeira.

The third option is the chance to experiment with food which is typically and essentially from the Algarve things like tuna ‘muxama’, chourizo from Monchique, honey from the Cotifo in the goat cheese pastry or even the sweet potatoes and the almonds which are great examples of such richness. The Algarve theme will make you feel like a local. Starting from November you can have private dinners in the café-bistro or group dinners.  To find out more about this stunning gallery, shop and restaurant in Lagos, Mar d’Estórias, please go to:   Mar d'Estórias

Dialect Corner Local resident Pauline originates from Exeter. As she says: “You can take the maid out of Devon but you cannot take Devon out of the maid!”

component is the famous pastry, called ‘clacker’ in Devon. They like them so much they sing songs about them! Here’s one from Devonport:

People from Devon, she recalls, are known as ‘Janners’, particularly if they hail from Plymouth.

Makes a lovely clacker, Just enough for you and me, Oh Brother Janner, Oh 'ow 'appy uz shall be!, When uz gets to the Westcountry!, Whur the oggies grows on trees,

Pauline speculates that, because sailors were known as ’Jack Tars’ and Jack stands for ‘John’ and John is pronounced as ‘Jan’ in Devonian dialect - it was then familiarized to ‘Janner’.


It’s a good way to get rid of unwanted household items only. A change in law means that no goods grown, made or bought for profit can be sold. Stallholders will be charged €2 for each table space, x multiples of €2, or €4 for vans (i.e. Transit size) and are permitted to enter and set up their tables from 7.30am to 9am with the sale then being open to the public from 9am.  For more details please go to the Amovate website: 

Call for oil and gas referendum

The Algarve Surf and Marines Activities Association (ASMAA) says it will be leading the idea for a referendum next year. In a statement on its website ASMAA said it wanted to ask people ‘council by council, parish by parish’. “Because a regional people’s referendum in the Algarve will indeed give a clear mandate from the local people about the future of oil and gas exploration in the Algarve!” the statement continued.

'Alf a pound of flour and lard,

Obviously, there’s a massive amount of seafaring history in the area (remember Sir Francis Drake - the pirate who sacked Sagres and burnt down Henry the Navigator’s library?).

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The next car boot sale in Aljezur will be on November 6th at the Old School House, Vales. It is held on the first Sunday of every month.

Anti-gas and oil campaigners are calling for a ‘People’s Referendum’ to be held in the Algarve in 2017.

If you are more willing to go for the most representative plates of the North regions of Portugal, such as the ‘alheira’, a stunning

Pasties are dear to the hearts of Devonians (and Cornish people of course) and these are known as ‘oggies’. A principal

Calling car booters

Oh Brother Janner.  More fascinating examples of Devon dialect from Pauline in a later issue - if you have any from your area you’d like to share with us please email: 

 TomorrowAlgarve

The appeal for the referendum comes hot on the heels of an interview with one of the directors from the oil company Partex. ASMAA’s Laurinda Seabra said there were lots of gaps and misleading statements in Luís Guerreiro’s answers. The interview published in ECO123 assures readers that everything is under control and Portugal’s poor could look forward to prosperity from a future oil and gas industry but ASMAA said it had major concerns about what was said.  You can read more about this story on:  

Boavista Full page advert FINAL.pdf












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Community - West Coast

Campaigners fight to save villages By Matt D’Arcy José Amarelinho (Presidente da Câmara Municípal de Aljezur) addresses the campaigners

The Monte Clérigo Beach Action Group, which formed recently to fight the proposed destruction of one of the Western Algarve’s most cherished seaside villages, plans to take its fight to the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon. Campaigners believe the plans to bulldoze 38 buildings, including 35 homes, around the beach at Monte Clérigo in Aljezur are ill-conceived, unfair and unjustified, and will wipe out one of the most charming and picturesque villages in the region. The plans have been drawn up by The Algarve’s Environment Agency and are aimed at managing land use of the region’s coastline between Odeceixe and Vilamoura, almost 40km of which lie in the municipality of Aljezur. Monte Clérigo has been described as ‘a quaint and charming little seaside locale on the west coast, a beautiful spot that has an endearing charm far removed from the maelstrom of mass tourism’. And the Associação Praia de Monte Clérigo (Monte Clérigo Beach Association) wants to keep it that way. The association was formed in July, and in August staged a protest alongside the beach, which was attended by more than 80 people. It was also addressed by José Amarelinho the Mayor of Aljezur who is a leading member of the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Algarve (AMAL), an organisation comprising the mayors of coastal areas affected by the plan. Nuno Barros, 33, president of this new Monte Clérigo Beach Association, told us: “We believe Monte Clérigo is an important regional heritage of Aljezur and the western Algarve, and that it makes sense to leave it exactly how it is.” Nuno, a Lisbon-born marine biologist specialising in ornithology - his family roots are in Monte Clérigo and he now lives in Lagos - explained: “A new government programme (POC-OV) for coastal management and zonation of the stretch of coastline between Odeceixe and Vilamoura came out for public consultation in June. This plan is proposed by APA, the Portuguese Environmental Agency. It is based on risk assessment modelled by

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computer, zoning and prioritising security buffer areas next to cliffs and dunes, and it included detailed plans of 93 beaches in western Algarve. “But what concerns us is that the Monte Clérigo plan showed the demolition of 38 structures (35 of them private homes), and the destruction of only about 20 other structures (of which only two are private homes)—mainly unfinished, abandoned structures, illegal beach bars etc.—in the remaining 92 beaches for all the rest of the western Algarve. “Some houses marked for destruction in Monte Clérigo are even located outside these so called buffer areas. It is random and does not make a lot of sense. The same buffer areas that, in Monte Clérigo, mark houses for demolition are replicated in the other 92 beaches. But in those they will leave untouched hundreds if not thousands of other houses and establishments that also fall within those buffer areas, sharing the same theoretical risks and conditions outlined by the programme itself. There is no equality. Places like Praia da Rocha, Armação de Pêra or Albufeira, are left intact inside the designated buffer zones, while they propose the demolition of nearly half of Monte Clérigo. “There are thousands of houses in the same situation, close to cliffs or dunes, entire hotels hanging by some metres, throughout western Algarve, and yet almost two thirds of the demolitions proposed are in Monte Clérigo. WHY?” Nuno, is well equipped to discuss the impact of change on the shoreline, having spent 10 years working in marine bird monitoring and conservation plus marine awareness and policy projects both in Portugal and abroad. Last year he began his own business, Birdland, a local company focused on bird watching and wildlife tours and educating people about the need for an environmental conscience. He went on: “Worryingly, these demolition proposals were defined without the knowledge of the Aljezur Câmara. We find it unfair, unjustified, badly drawn up, random, and we demand explanations. We are fighting to preserve Monte Clérigo as it is; that is what we believe in, and we are afraid of what sweeping changes these plans may bring.” The Algarve’s Environment Agency is led by Sebastião Teixeira. The Monte Clérigo

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campaigner went on: “Monte Clérigo is an official proper urban settlement, defined in the Aljezur Municipal zoning plan of 1995. There hasn't been any urban expansion in Monte Clérigo in the last 30 years. Some of those houses have been here for more than 80 years, and belong to families whose ancestors built and shaped what Monte Clérigo is today through five generations. In an Algarve shaped by tourism, Monte Clérigo is unique, for it retains its identity. Locals and tourists value this and we all fear for what could come to the village if the houses go." “We believe Monte Clérigo is an important regional heritage of Aljezur and Western Algarve, and that it makes sense to leave it exactly how it is—untouched and unspoilt.” Summing up the current situation, Nuno explained: “As it stands now, the Portuguese Environment Agency is reviewing public opinion gathered in the public consultation process. So everything is on hold, until publication of a final plan, with no deadline. The Aljezur Câmara, like us, has sent in their protest as well. “The next steps will be for us in the Associação Praia de Monte Clérigo to make plans to speak to central government authorities and to raise the issue in parliament. Meanwhile we will keep spreading the word through the media and gathering more support, and we would certainly like all the foreign community to know what is going on. They are a part of Monte Clérigo too, and of Aljezur, and we would like them to join us in the fight to protect one of the jewels of the western Algarve. Our ultimate goal is that this final plan does not include the nonsense of those demolitions in Monte Clérigo”. Tomorrow Magazine has been in touch with the APA to get a comment from them but at the time of going to press had not received a response. We will endeavour to follow this up with them. Contact the Association on:  www.praiadomonteclerigo.wordpress. com/english   pelomonteclerigo Nuno will also work with Amovate to keep the expat community aware of developments, saying: “I have come across some interesting initiatives promoted by you guys, and congratulate you for that”. 

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What's On Escola de Dança de Lagos Christmas Show

Chamber choir performs for charity The Lions Club de Lagos is hosting its first charity event on November 9th with a charity performance by the Norwegian Chamber Choir. The Norwegian Chamber Choir, on tour in the Algarve, is offering a charity performance and donating all proceeds to LC de Lagos charity fund. The event, which is taking place at Clube Artístico Lacobrigense, Rua General Alberto da Silveira, n.º 8 8600594 in Lagos, starts at 6pm.

Bringing to a close yet another outstanding year of success for the Escola de Dança de Lagos, the school will be holding its Christmas Show on the evenings of December 9th and 10th in the Cultural Centre of Lagos at 7.30pm. Tickets will be on sale from the school office at the end of November and the ticket office of the Lagos Cultural Centre. The school is currently continuing its work in teaching the regular classes of classical ballet, contemporary, national dance and oriental to various groups from the very young of three years upwards to adults, welcoming back their seasoned performers and integrating new pupils. The older and more advanced students are now being introduced to the great works of the classical repertoire of the Bolshoi and Kirov by Professora Nina Minkova both for the pleasure of audiences in Lagos but also for competition. The school has always shown great enthusiasm and confidence in national dance thanks to the expertise of Professora

All fired up

Marina Khametova and this has resulted in the rewards of medals in the Dance World Cup Finals year after year. It is now customary from the pupils to enter national competitions and qualifiers in the spring and then the international finals later, whilst performing locally and regularly through the year. Meanwhile it is steady work and preparation and so the more the merrier, and the school welcomes new students all through the year. Many of our current world medal winners started with the school at 5 or 6 years old and are as keen as ever. Former pupils are on the path to professional careers at the Châpito, Escola Superior de Dança, Escola de Dança Contemporâneo (Setúbal) and the Escola de Dança de Conservatório Nacional so it is always exciting to see how the potential in each child can be harnessed and encouraged whether just for fun , excitement and personal development, or more. Call the secretary for more details on  915812055, or check out the Facebook. 

Nobel Primary is firing up for another roaring success at its Bonfire Night celebration at the Espiche Site in Lagos.

community. There will be food stalls catering to every taste, including wholesome hot food and Indian cuisine, so you can enjoy the awesome firework display that will light up the Algarvian sky.

The fun gets underway at 6.30pm on Saturday November 5th. This spectacular event will bring together the vibrant

A funky live band called The Mashups and well-stocked bar should keep you rocking and rolling into the night.

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By Nirali ShahJackson


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Clube Artistico is on one level and has a purpose built ramp for wheelchair access. Rua General Alberto da Silveira is a continuation of April 25th Street which is one of the main shopping streets in Lagos. The nearest car park is the underground parking which is located on the main Waterfront Avenida Tickets can be ordered by email, to be paid and collected at the entrance of the venue before the performance. Charity fund raffle tickets will be sold at the entrance. The draw is during the interval. To order tickets, which cost €10, email:  or  The programme will include classical, ballads, gospel and Scandinavian songs. 

There will also be a raffle, you can win a prize on the Tombola and buy some art and crafts. Every penny you spend will go to help the homeless and families in need through those fabulous people at the Lagos soup kitchen. Entry: €3 for children (under 3s go free) and adults €5. 

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What's On

Music, talks and a guided walk Why Christmas is on a fixed date when Easter varies is just one of the subjects being discussed by the Algarve History Association this month.

There will be a guided walk, Renaissance Tavira, on November 23rd at 11am. On this walk which will be guided by Isabel Macieira (five euros per person), people will see examples of two architectural styles in different civil and religious buildings in the town.

The talk by Ludo Broothaers will take place on November 7th at 6pm at the Municipal Library Tavira and again on November 8th at 6pm – the venue is still to be confirmed.

D Carlos I: The Last King of Portugal will be the focus of a talk on November 25th at 11am at the Municipal Library Tavira and Tuesday 29th at 6pm at a venue to be confirmed. This talk will be given by Peter Kingdon Booker. 

On November 20 the Aeternus Trio: Alex Stewart (violin), Varoujan Bartikian (cello), Lucjan Luc (piano) will play at 4pm at Quintinha da Música. The cost is €25 per person. The trio will play Elgiaque No 1 in G minor by Serge Rachmaninov, Piano Trio in F Sharp minor by Arno Babajanian and Piano Trio No 1 i D Minor opus 49 by Félix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.

For more information and/or to book, please contact: 

The Western Algarve Community Choir The choir's next performance this month will be a joint recital along with visiting choir, the Nesodden & Frogn Kammerkor (NFK) from Norway. This edition's article on NFK tells you more about the choir (which you can find on page 10), its conductor and the choir’s mini-tour of the Western Algarve this November. The joint performance will be held at Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Luz (Luz church) on Friday November 11th starting at 7pm and will include a great range of music such as African-influenced round singing, a stunning choral work by Grieg and a recent hit by James Bay. This will be a free event, but any donations made will go to the Bombeiros fund.

programme (how time flies) and we will be celebrating it in our usual style with performances of new and old Christmas and seasonal songs at a variety of venues. Our full events programme will be released in the December edition of Tomorrow magazine. In the meantime, we do have one or two remaining booking opportunities available so please do get in contact if you would be interested in the choir performing at your Christmas event this festive season. The Western Algarve Community Choir is for people who want to sing for fun. There are no auditions and everybody is very welcome regardless of experience. 

Algarve Saint By Doug McAdam, Andrew’s Ball Chieftain The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve is a small group of Scots and other nationalities whose main aim is to promote things Scottish, but also to enjoy ourselves. We will be having our annual Saint Andrews Ball on Saturday 26 November. Once again it will be at the marvellous Penina Hotel, which always looks after us so very well. Participants will be greeted by the skirl of the pipes from 7pm played by our wonderful piper Malcolm MacGillivray. Following a champagne reception there will be a bounteous and sumptuous buffet accompanied by wine, followed by coffee and Atholl Brose. Afterwards Scottish dancing will be to the accompaniment our excellent ceilidh band from Scotland, ‘The Sounds of Islay’. So a great opportunity to get out your glad rags. Tickets will cost €45 for society members and €47.50 for non-members. If you prefer not to drive and spend the night at the hotel after the ball, and/or have a round of golf on the Sir Henry Cotton Championship Course, the hotel has made a very advantageous offer for ball participants. If you would like to buy tickets and/or inquire about the Hotel’s special offer – or indeed simply to find out more about the Saint Andrew’s Society and its other events - give Kathy Prentice a ring on:  919 635 246. 

For more information on joining, performances or for future bookings, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts at: 

Following this exciting event, we will be focusing on our Christmas programme of events. This is our fourth Christmas

Charity quiz A quiz night is being held in aid of Riding for the Disabled Barlavento. The event is being held at Boavista Golf and Spa Resort on Thursday November 24th – please arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

It’s for teams of six but if you have fewer people they will make up teams on the night.

Monthly support

It’s a multiple choice type quiz (correct answer provided and you just have to guess which one it is!!)

All proceeds to Riding for the Disabled Barlavento. 

The next meeting of the Alzheimer/ Dementia support group will be on November 16th at 11am. The monthly meetings take place at Restaurant Pirilampo in Rua do Moinho do Azeite in Lagos. Everyone is welcome. 

Tickets are 13 euros per person which includes quiz entry and a chicken pie dinner.

Please contact  for more details.

Please call Carol on  926 297 527 or Kirsteen on  968084946.

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There will be prizes for the winning team and the best team name.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Want to be part of an art group? Want to learn how to paint? Want to paint with like minded people? Get in touch for more information or watch this space

Call +351 911 068 062 or +44 (0)1934 733877 on one of our residential holidays in the UK or here in Portugal in 2017 Learn with some of the All abilities welcome ďŒŽ TomorrowAlgarve

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What's On Calendar What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness


Pilates Mat Classes | Mon, Wed & Fri 09.15 & 10.30, & Mon 18.30 | €10 or €90 for 10 Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer, Semi Private and One to One Classe 926 514 613 | Pilates Room, Lagos |  Fisiopilates | Tues & Thurs - Sat 09.00 & Mon 19.00 | Non-Members €12.50 Cascade Wellness & Lifestyle Resort |  282782707 Mat classes with Andrea | Mon 9.30 & 18.00, Tue 8:30 & 10:30, Wed 10:30, Thurs 18:00, Fri 8:30,10:30 | €10 | AR Pilates Studio, Lagos |  966784280 Pilates with Lucienne | 11.00 - 12.00 Wed | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz  968288258 |  dancebodymind Pilates with Monica | 11.00 - 12.00 Tues & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690086 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa Pilates with Indah | Tues 18.00 - 19.00 & Fri 09:30 - 10:30 Raposeira (sports pavillion) & Thur 10.00 Barão de S. João, Cultural centre | €5 |  911754890 Air Pilates (Perinatal / pelvic floor Pilates (registration necessary 911754890)) with Indah | Mon 13:00 | €10 | Chinicato |  911754890 Pilates | 9.30 Thurs | Boavista Mem. €8, Non-mem. 10€ | Boavista Golf & Spa Resort |  |  282 790 930 Yoga Hatha Yoga | Tue 10.00 & Thurs 09.30 | €7-8 | Alma Verde |  919 297 638 Hatha Flow | Mon & Wed 10.00 - 11.15 | Yin Yoga | Tues 18.00 - 19.15 Yin & Yang Yoga | Fri 08.30 - 09.45 | Inlight Lagos |  913127421 Hatha Yoga with Noeline | 9.45-11.15am Mon, Wed & Fri | €10 |Essential Fitness & Spa – Boavista Golf & Spa Resort |  282 790 930 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Meg | 18.30 - 20.00 Mon - The Yoga Place, Burgau & 12.15 - 14.00 Wed - Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 |  965 201 477 Hatha Yoga with Diana | 10.00 - 12.00 Tue | €7 (regulars) | €10 (drop-ins) Monterosa, Barão de São João |  962 492 607

Weekly Walk with Ros & Lol | 09.30 (approx 2.5hrs) | Various locations | Meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) |  Walking Football | Weds 09.30 -11.00 | Everyone over 50 welcome | Boavista Spa |  Tennis Clinics for children | Mon & Wed | 09.30 | 10€/1 hour Boavista Tennis Courts | Equipment inc. | Booking required Soccer School Children | Wed 17.30 & Sat 09.00 (2.5 - 5 yrs) | €7.50; Wed 18.30 & Sat 10.00 (5 - 15 yrs) | €10 Boavista Golf & Spa Resort, Luz |  282 000 100 Football Academy | Mon (5 - 11 yrs) 16.45 & (12 -16 yrs) 18.15 | | €5 Circuit Training | Wed 10.00 - 11.00 | €5 Fun Tennis Doubles | Thurs 16.30 - 18.00 | €5 Touch Rugby | Thurs 19.30 - 20.30 | €4 Ladies Sports | Fri 13.30 - 15.00 | €5 Burgau Sports Centre |  282697350 Netball in Lagos | 19.00 Wed | All ages & abilities | 'Netball in Lagos' on Facebook |  ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-members) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson free €10 (non members) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz |  919707635 Tennis Academy with certified Pro | Contact us for details | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690008 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa

Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson | Wed 14.00 - 15.00 | €10 pp Espiche Golf “Roll Up” 18h Social Golf | Thu 08.00 | Reduced green fee Women’s Group Golf Lesson | Fri 09.30h - 10.30h & 14.00 - 15.00 | 10€ Junior Golf School | Sun 10.00 | €10 per lesson (Buy 3 get 1 lesson free) Espiche Golf |  282 688 250 Golf Academy with PGA Pro | Contact us for details Golf Santo Antonio, Budens |  282690054 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa

Yoga Classes with Ann | 10.30 - 12.00 Tue & Thurs | for all levels Yin Yoga Class with Ann | 18.30 Wed €10 (residents pay €60 for 8 classes) | Burgau |  913 202 621 Yoga & De-stress | 11.00 - 12.00 Fri | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista |  968 288 258 Yoga Classes for Children | Sat 09.15 (4-7 yrs) & 10.30 (8-12 yrs) Boavista Golf & Spa Resort | Booking required |  282 790 930

Classes | Lessons Practical Portuguese Lessons with Susana | Fri 10.30 - 12.00 | €5 | Lounge Bar, Marina Club Hotel |  964696345 Watercolour Painting with Sandie | Thursday 10.30 - 13.00 | 10€ | All abilities welcome (Materials supplied or BYO) | Fortaleza Da Luz, Luz |  912149839

Zumba Zumba with Linda | 9.45 -10.45 Mon & Fri | €6 | Alma Verde |  918 461 840 Zumba | 9.30 - 10.30 Wed | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio |  282 690 086 Zumba with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Wed & Fri Zumba Step! with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Thurs €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz |  968288258 Zumba | 18.00 Mon & Wed | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre |  282 697 350 Other Bootcamp | Mon - Fri 10.00 & Mon 19.00 & Fri 18.30 | Non-Members €12.50 Tai Ji with Carl | Mon 10.00 (beginners) & Thurs 17.00 advanced | €10 Barão S. João |  919 718 955

Life drawing with Kasia | 11.00 - 13.00 Mon | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos |  916 035 308 Stain Glass with Dianne | Tues &Thurs 10.30 | €10 | Espiche |  919 117 108 Portuguese Language Workshop | 10.30 Sat | €5 Magnólia Beach Club, Lagos |  912 417 994 |  Teresa Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat | All levels | €10 | Lagos |  918764613 Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | Mon & Thurs Afternoon & Sat Morning | €12.50pc (non-members), €10pc (members) Holiday Courses | 3x per Week | €25 (non members) €20 (members) Boavista Golf Resort |  917 953 914

Gymnastik | 18.15 - 19.15 Mon | €7 | Hotel Belavista |  965 211 996

Capoeira | 18.30 - 19.30 (kids) & 19.30 Mon | €7/9 Rhythm & Dance (Tessa Sander) | 18:30 (basics) & 19:30 Tue | €7/9 Hatha Yoga (Maria Brand) | 09:3 Sat | €9 Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa Sander) | 11:15 Sat | €7 Conscious Dance Sessions (Dr. Kathya Kaye) | 11.00 Sun | €9 Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos |  282 764 224

Aqua Aerobics | 16.00 Tues, 9.30 Wed & 9.30 & 16.00 Fri | 1 or 2 x week – 16€/23€ (Owners & Guests), 18€/28€(Visitors) | Boavista Golf & Spa Resort  |  282 790 930

Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes with Eva | Wed & Thursday 15.0017.00 | +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary | €10 | Barão S. João  962039574

Body Fit Classes | 9.30 - 10.30 Tue & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens  282 690 086 |  SantoAntonioVillasGolfSpa

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Entertainment & Events Saxophone Live Music | Tues 19.00 - 22.00 | Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Porto de Mós, Lagos| | Booking recommended  282 763 222  Country, Pop & Soul Live Music Night with Emma Louise | Thurs | 20.30 Dr. Why Quiz | Fri 20.30 Carvery Lunch & Saxophone Music | Sun | 13.00 Clubhouse Restaurant - Boavista Golf & Spa Resort Lagos |  282 000 114  Nandi Dinner with Quiz & Live Music with Nigel & Sarah ('Collar & Cuffs') Fri 4th November 19.30 | €14pp (Courvert, Main Course & Dessert inc. donation to Nandi Charity) Beer, Wine & Sangria Happy Hour Prices | 'Smooth Madness Restaurante', Lagos Marina |  932581407

Activities Open Studio/ Painting Atelier with Eva | Wed & Thurs 11.00 -13.00 | for women to explore their creative potential | €10 | Barão S. João  962039574

Charity | Volunteering | Support Groups Nandi Animal Charity - Volunteers needed | 3 hour shifts: am or pm Make some new friends while helping animals |  913 659 675 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim |  912967870 |  Cadela Carlota Animal Charity | Three hour shifts am or pm | Almadena or Lagos |  912 444 666 Trudy  AA International English Speaking Meeting | AA hotline: 917 005 590 19.30 - 21h00 Wed | Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c 19.30 - 20.30 Sun | 5 Travessa de Santo Amaro, Lagos  964201904  282760506

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos |  960450750 |  Meditation group with Marion | 19.00 Tue | Figueira |  914523636 Power House of Prayer | 11.00 Tue Praise, Worship & Holy communion | 11.00 Sun Oasis Christian Fellowship |  936 358 553 |   964 285 351 |  Communion Services | 10.00 Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) | 8.00 (oral) & 11.30 (choral) Sun | CoE, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz (church by the sea) |  282 788 104  | 

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing: Its free of charge

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What's On - Boavista Charity Walk and Open Day

Making dreams come true The Charity Walk and Open Day at Boavista Golf and Spa Resort last month in aid of ‘Make a Wish Portugal’ raised 1,600 euros.

Portuguese set off for the 10km walk from Boavista to Luz, Porto de Mós and back with stunning views along the cliff tops.

It is hoped this money will help to make wishes come true for children with life threatening conditions.

Intermarché kindly donated 150 bottles and apples positioned at halfway points for the walkers.

In total 90 keen walkers turned up at 9 am on a sunny, bright morning at Boavista. There was a party atmosphere at the start as visitors, foreign residents along with

In the afternoon Boavista Spa organised an Open Day in aid of the charity with plenty of activities for children and adults. There were bouncy castles, face painting,

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traditional games and archery; stalls offering arts and crafts, aloe vera products and home-made soaps along with cakes made by volunteers. Music was provided by Peyoti and the local Senior University. Many took advantage of zumba and yoga sessions and a chance to have a massage or a mini manicure. 

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What's On - Jardim das Dunas Dinner

Jardim das Dunas comes up trumps for our event By Lena Strang The Tomorrow meal at Jardim das Dunas on October 14th was a massive success – tickets sold out just a week after the story appeared in last month’s magazine.

atmosphere.” The three-course meal was superb, courtesy of Chef Caio Reiter. It was well presented, appetising and very good value for money.

Guests were treated to cocktails and tasty canapés on arrival. Everyone soon mingled and people were chatting to each other and making new friends.

António aka ‘Deejay Bridge’ ( bridge.  916078926) ensured that everyone was up and swinging to the tunes that he very aptly selected.

One guest went as far as to say: “This is the best dinner that Tomorrow has organised. The food was delicious and the staff friendly and attentive. Great venue and

Thanks to Júlio Batista, Vicente Costa and Adelaïde Costa for looking after all the guests so well. I think everyone was very impressed by what owners Júlio Batista and

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Fernado Costa have achieved in only four months.  Jardim das Dunas is open every day from 10am. Also available for group and party bookings.  282 769 684   Jardim Das Dunas-Ofical  Urb. Dunas Douradas 18 Meia Praia, Lagos (close to Bom Pecado and Pilates Room, Lagos).




Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lançarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos  TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On - Casas do Barlavento Corporate Golf Day

Success for Casas do Barlavento The second Casas do Barlavento Corporate Golf Day 2016 recently took place at Boavista Golf and Spa Resort. It was another success for the company with 84 players making up 21 teams of 4 players in a Texas Scramble. After a Shotgun start all the teams got off to a fantastic start in the sunshine. With staff members of Casas do Barlavento manning the drinks and food stations on the 11th tee and the 18th Green, fun and frolics soon started as the teams arrived and enjoyed the hospitality.

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Some great golf was played and also some very low scores achieved. At the end players had drinks on the terrace followed by lunch in Boavista’s restaurant. The managing director of Casas do Barlavento, Luis Ledo took to the microphone to presents the awards and trophies for the day. The winner of the Nearest the Pin Ladies: Margaret Davidson The winner of the nearest the Pin Men: Antonio Manta- Boavista The longest drive winner Men: Dan Henderson – Blevin Franks

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The longest drive Ladies: Janice Galloway The team that came first with a score of net 56.7 was made up of Paulo Martins, Brad Davies, Chris Whitman and Dave Powell. Prizes were kindly donated by CDBRESORTS, and Mar D’Estorias in Lagos. The star prize of a week in a two-bed apartment on Estrela da Luz in Praia da Luz was won by Ivor Beresford. Thanks from Casas do Barlavento to the team at Boavista and to all those that took part. 

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Readers' Letters We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Festive Fiuza

Paula recently spoke to us about her 7-year-old cousin Salvador who is suffering from a rare type of cancer and needs to go abroad for treatment. Without hesitation everyone agreed that we should do what we could to help.

Dear Editor, Fiuza Wines very kindly offers Afpop members and their friends a discount on some of their wines.

We had a marvellous day with a bowls tournament and lunch, a cake stall, raffle and auction. Many prizes were donated by local businesses, including Espiche Golf, Solar do Farelo and Rucula restaurants and the Kutting Corner.

You need to buy a case of six but they are very reasonably priced - some from as little as €16 per case, which also includes €1 donation per box for the Ambulance Appeal. The order is sent during November and delivery to my house at Montinhos da Luz will be during December in time for the Christmas festivities. You will have to collect from there within a few days as there is no storage facilities but if anyone is interested in buying some good wine at a good price, please contact me by email so I can send you a list of the wines and the prices. Every little helps the appeal. 

If you would like to make a donation or help at the Mustard Seed please contact Elisabeth on:  932787764. 

Reuniting our readers

So far we have raised the magnificent sum of €1968 with more still coming in from bowlers who couldn't be there on the day. Salvador’s grandmother was there to receive the money in person which added a lovely touch to the day.

I thought you might be interested in a long shot coincidence connected with the publication of your article of my novel Two Months in Summer in the September Lagos issue.

Yours sincerely,

I have just received an email from the son of a neighbour of mine who lived in the same road as me in Pinner, London in the 60s.

Dear Editor,

Lynne Riddle 


Thanks from the soup kitchen Bowlers raise funds for Salvador

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor, On September 22nd Floresta Bowls Club celebrated its 20th anniversary and a wonderful day was had by all. We decided with the full approval of all the members to also use the occasion as a fundraiser for a worthy cause. If anyone has ever been to the club you will know that it is not George and I who run things but Paula, who has been at the club for many years and is more like family.


Daniel Saunite

The winners of the Macmillan Cup Bowls Tournament were Pat Deroune, Sheila Rapsey and Ron Nutter.

Pat Allen

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Yours sincerely,

We would like to thank you for publishing in the Tomorrow Magazine the editorial about the work of the soup kitchen, Mustard Seed, which was sent to you by our friend and helper Bernadette Abbott. We know that through these stories we have received great help in the past and we do believe that now it will be a great help as well. On behalf of the Mustard Seed team and the more than 100 families reached in this area, thank you so much.

 TomorrowAlgarve

It appears that he has a holiday home in Almádena and saw the article in your magazine and recognised me from all those years ago. He was a young boy then and now he is retired. I am eager to meet up with him at some time to hear all about my old friends from so long ago. Thank you Tomorrow I am speaking at the Western Algarve Ladies Lunch Club about my novel on Tuesday November 1st at the Madness Restaurant in Lagos Marina. I was the original founder of this lunch club in 1993 and am pleased to see it still in existence and going strong. Best regards, Elly Clayman 


Tel:(+351)282 031 726 Cell:936114838 Rua Infante Sagres 95-97 Loja B, Lagos, 8600-743  TomorrowAlgarve


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Health Cold versus flu By Niki Medlock

Yin Yoga bringing balance into our busy lives By Ann de Jongh Our lives these days are always super busy, and when we are not busy working or doing daily tasks, we think that when we exercise we need to push it really hard to get results. But there are sometimes times when we need to give our body a bit of TLC, to allow our stress hormones to reset, and to do some exercise that will not exacerbate stress but will help to nourish and nurture our bodies.

So your throat feels scratchy, you start sneezing and coughing and have that achy, feverish, cannot move a muscle feeling – which one is it?? Both conditions are caused by viruses so antibiotics will not be beneficial as they are used to treat bacterial infections! The ‘common’ cold is called this for a reason – there are at least 200 types. The flu virus, however, is identified by three main types – A, B and C but these can mutate into a multitude of strains explaining why we have to have a yearly vaccination which are designed to anticipate the strains of flu for that particular year! Cold viruses attack your upper respiratory tract including the nose, sinuses, throat and upper airways whereas the flu viruses attack the whole of your respiratory tract which includes the lungs. These two conditions are highly contagious because they are spread through droplets in the air when an infected person sneezes and coughs, travelling up to six feet and surviving for several hours in this aerosol state. These droplets either land directly in your mouth nose and eyes or land onto a hard surface, such as a desk, counter or doorknob, where most of them can survive outside the body for up to 24 hours and infection happens when you touch these

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infected surfaces and then touch your face! For both the cold and the flu you are usually contagious one day before symptoms appear and usually remain so for a period of three to four days for a cold and five to seven days for the flu. These diseases are more prevalent in the winter time because: • People are indoors more often so they are in close contact. • Less UV radiation from the sun may reduce damage to viruses by direct radiation damage and Vitamin D production in the skin decreases affecting the immune system. • Cold temperatures lead to drier air, which dehydrate mucous membranes, preventing the body from defending against infection. • Viruses are preserved in colder temperatures due to slower decomposition, so they live longer on exposed surfaces. • Children going back to school after summer creates a good opportunity for these viruses to spread. Next month: Signs, symptoms and treatment.  Niki is head nurse at: 

 TomorrowAlgarve

Yin Yoga is based on the concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin is the stable, unmoving, hidden aspect of things; yang is the changing, moving, revealing aspect. In the body, the relatively stiff connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, fascia) are yin, while the more mobile and pliable muscles are yang. In a Yin class, it is much slower, the poses are held for a longer time, to allow all the connective tissues to release, and by staying in the poses longer it also allows stillness in the body and quietness in the mind, creating a release from the constant stimuli and allowing the mind to switch off. Yin focus on poses that release the area between navel and knee, lower back, hips, knees so it targets the areas that are most commonly problematic and tight. Yin is a great class for all levels, as there is only 1 standing posture in Yin, so the class is carried out sitting or lying down …the perfect way to unwind the mind and body after a busy day. Yin is a great way to bring balance to the very Yang side off our lives. Ann teaches Yin Yoga in Burgau on Wednesday at 6.30pm.   +351 913202621  

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Straight down the middle By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro What are the most common injuries suffered by golfers? How do you recognize them and what treatment is available? • Back pain, the golf swing (not to mention the hunched-over putting stance) puts great stress on the golfer's back, so it's no surprise that back pain is the most common problem for golfers. The discs, ligaments, muscles and joints can all be affected. • Golfer's elbow is inflammation, soreness or pain on the inside of the upper arm near the elbow. Tennis elbow is similar, but on the outside of the upper arm near the elbow. Tennis elbow is actually more common among golfers than golfer's elbow.

• Shoulder pain in a golfer might be caused by several underlying conditions, including rotator cuff tendonitis, an impingement in the rotator cuff, arthritis of the shoulder or instability in the joint. • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress disorder that occurs in the nerves of the hands. At its worst, it’s extremely painful and sometimes incapacitating. • DeQuervain's Tendonitis causes pain in the wrist near the base of the thumb and is caused by inflammation in the tendons that control the thumb. Proper warm up and stretching is important to reduce the risk of injury while playing.

You can download a Golfer’s Exercise Sheet from our website:  that will help you avoid injury. Of course, if you’re concerned about ANY pain, call 282 768 044 or come and see us at Lagos Health Chiropractic. We’re in the big, pink building by the Lidl roundabout. We’ll tell you what’s causing your pain and what can be done to make it go away, whether that’s rest, exercise, a chiropractic adjustment, applying Kinesio taping or just an ice pack! We’re the experts in golfing injuries. 

Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) By John Clifford Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency where the heart stops beating. It is usually caused by an electrical problem with the heart, which causes the heart to stop pumping and loss of consciousness.

you are not putting yourself in danger.

If you discovered someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest, would you know the immediate steps to follow? Check the scene for safety: • Approach the patient with care and ensure

Check the patient: • Shake the patient and shout, "Hello, can you hear me?" • Check if the patient is breathing by tilting the head back to open the airway • Put the side of your face close to the patient’s mouth to listen and feel if the patient is breathing while observing to see if the chest is rising and falling • All of this should take a maximum of 10 sec

Call for help: • If you are by yourself call 112 to activate the emergency services • If there is someone nearby instruct them to call 112. Start CPR (chest compressions)  Next month we will give you tips on how to perform compressions. If you are interested in attending a course please email: 

When it’s time to call a speech therapist By Laura Newman Communication difficulties in children are often missed or ignored and, unless it’s really obvious, parents and teachers assume it will just go away. In most cases children simply grow out of their immature patterns. However, a minority of children (approximately 1 in 10) have persistent issues with communication, which can cause a cascade of related problems, including low self-esteem, negative attitude to school work, attention and behaviour issues, social issues at home or school etc. Speech therapy for children covers a wide range of issues which are not widely recognised. These include:

• auditory processing disorder (affecting understanding & literacy)

• difficulty following instructions in class

• word-finding difficulties (affecting understanding and expression)

• sentence construction is late developing

• making sense of what is said or written

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• literacy skills slow to develop

• attention issues (including ADHD) • behaviour issues related to communication problems • Asperger’s (socialisation) • voice problems (hoarseness) • play development in young children • nasal speech (related to cleft or mouth breathing) Signs to watch out for, depending on their age: • child appears to be in a world of their own • difficulty socialising and making friends • doesn't understand jokes

• reading, writing and spelling issues

• frustrated when talking

• seems to have more to say but can’t find the words

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In summary, if you have any concerns about your child’s speech or language development, including obvious issues like stammering or clarity of speech (lisps, sound errors), then contact a Speech Therapist for a professional opinion. It’s worth checking and sorting out earlier rather than later.  Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc, speech therapist, parenting consultant for children/adolescents with challenges in communication, learning or behaviour   9616-33995 

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Pets Mate By Lars Rahmquist Norm, Normie Normsky, Nonna, Norralingus The Champ, Snouty (Bartfast), Stomin’ Normin Schwartzquist. He went by many names (my mate Owain mentioned 40 at his service) but the Borderline Collie that became the logo of our vet clinic left us all last month. For those of you lucky enough to have met the black 'n white gent, I am sorry to bear you the news. He had a trait that all lovely people and dogs have in common: To offer complete attention and respect to whomever you meet. Norm had many mates in many countries because of it. He was a gentleman and a bloody good laugh, to boot. We first met in a vet clinic in Lismore, NSW. He was off a mountain logging farm and ready to see the world (though he didn’t know it). Our years in Byron Bay saw him nicking off to the beach so often he racked me up hundreds of dollars in fines. One time a flatmate busted him out of the police station, where he was waiting for the pound to pick him up. My mate was installing an airconditioner, saw Normie and snuck him out of the lock-up before they arrived… It was an enthusiasm that stayed with him though life. Wherever he went he was always ‘right up for it’. He has been to all

states in Australia, travelled months on end through the deserts and the snow and the rainforests of Australia with me (‘n Damo); all the way greeting folk and living life. He’s outrun crocs in NT, got bashed by dingoes at Uluru and had a piss on the oldest lifeforms on earth, Stromatolites, in WA. Another year and I find I’m waiting with my mate Coops in a drizzly cargo bay at Heathrow. Norm appears off QF31, still with the red centre dust on him.; he cocks a back leg for a wizz on a bush then hops into Coops’ Mondeo for the next adventure. Norm made the most of a town where he could ride on buses, trains the Tube and hang out in pubs. He loved his London days, but I think he missed the beach. Seven years ago Norm came to be a ‘Hound of Lagos’. There aren’t many waiters, shopkeepers, bartenders and locals who haven’t clapped eyes on the spotty snout as he weaved his way through the crowd chasing balls, catching straws and following me on our varied ventures… As a vet I‘ve seen many people say goodbye to their little loved ones. Some go before their time, and (with our help) some tick on well after their date was due. Either way, after twenty years it still gets me when I see someone lose their little mate…every time. Norm was my best mate, the last

Farmers’ market health foods By Hannah Sharpe de Rosa Portuguese kiwifruits are available throughout the winter in our markets, and are one of the most nutrient dense fruits available. Containing more potassium than bananas, eating this little fruit regularly can lower our risk of blood clots, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Potassium is known for lowering high blood pressure, but deficiency of this mineral commonly manifests as fatigue or poor concentration. The recommended daily allowance for potassium is 4,700mg and eating fruit such as kiwi can help you to reach that target.

One medium kiwifruit provides 30% of our RDA for vitamin K, the vitamin that helps prevent the build-up of calcium in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Vitamin K also supports bone health and is essential for preventing osteoporosis.

A great source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, kiwis are another useful fruit for a healthy digestive system. A large kiwi contains more fibre than a serving of bran cereal, and with a glycaemic index of 52 it’s a safe food for those managing their blood sugar levels.

connection to mum and dad and me mate from Australia that could always take me back…just by looking at his funny face or smelling his fur. It made me smile to see him entertaining strangers in a random town in a new country. Each day was an opportunity to find another smell, another tennis ball and someone to stroke your neck. That’s how he reckoned life ought to be led. I reckon he was onto something. Normie died in my arms on Maia Praia beach in Oct, 2016 aged 15 and something. His passing brought a flood of stories and photos from many countries and many mates that he’d made along the way. He leaves a big hole, wonderful memories, a beaut outlook on life and a logo on my vet clinic door. The King is dead. Long live the King. RIP old mate.  

This superfruit contains more vitamin C than oranges and substantial amounts of vitamin E and lutein, which support collagen production and keep our skin young looking and healthy. Lutein is a powerful phytochemical that also protects our eyes from macular degeneration. Hannah Sharpe da Rosa is a registered nutritional therapist based in Lagos. For further information:  914 950 740 

Get a boot camp class for free The boot camp classes, which are being held at the Cascade Gym AXN Club, are 60 minutes of adventure, challenge and give people a clear sense of accomplishment! A session will work motor skills such as strength, endurance and speed, along with exercises that promote increased

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cardiorespiratory capacity, and burn more fat and tone your muscles. Boot camp is a real challenge that is worth trying. If you take a copy of this magazine with you, you will even get chance to try a class for free. So what are you waiting for?

 TomorrowAlgarve

Boot camp classes are available every day at Cascade Gym Axn Club 100 Lagos (Cascade Resort-Porto de Mós).  For more information please contact:  915183888 

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Animals in the Algarve Travelling with pets – part 3 By Stephanie Ginger

With a pet passport and a bit of forward planning, you can wave goodbye to expensive kennel bills and Felix, Fido and even Freddy (the ferret) can enjoy your holiday or your second home. This month I’m covering ferries and flying. BY SEA: As well as P&O and LD lines sailing between Britain and France, for those travelling to Portugal, Britanny Ferries is undoubtedly the flagship service with a variety of sailings between southern England and Spain. Although the crossing takes from 16 to 24 hours, it shaves off the long drive through France. Facilities for pets depend on the boat and the carriage charge for both cats and dogs is the same: £69.00 return (no charge for a kennel). The ‘Pont-Aven’ and ‘Cap Finistère’ ferries offer purpose-built kennels and a designated ‘dog-deck’ to give owners and their canine companions an opportunity for a “fresh nose”. Cats aren’t permitted in the kennels and as there are no Pet Friendly cabins on the ‘Pont-Aven’, cats must remain in the car, although you can check on them periodically, accompanied by a crew member. ‘Cap Finistère’ however, has Pet-Friendly cabins as do the No-Frills ‘Economie’ services ‘Etretat’ and ‘Baie de Seine’. Be

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aware though that these cabins book up months in advance. British couple Maggie and John have travelled to and fro with their Portuguese Water Dogs for eleven years. They say that the Brittany Ferries operation is now quite slick and although it seems daunting at first, once you’ve worked out the timing for the return journey, it’s actually quite straightforward. They advise booking well in advance. BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE UK: Check the microchip number is correctly entered in your pet’s passport. The microchip can move beneath the skin so get your home vet to show you where it is as you’ll be handed the reader at check in. Buy and fit a good comfortable muzzle for your dog. Nowadays all dogs must wear muzzles when out and about on the ferries and in the port. Buy a Scalibor or Seresta tick collar as a back-up to the Bravecto chewable flea and tick tablet (which lasts three months). Tick Fever is not to be trifled with. BY AIR: If you’re travelling to and from continental Europe with a small animal many airlines such as TAP, Air France, Swissair, KLM, Lufthansa and Iberia allow you to take ‘Hand Baggage’ pets in the cabin. A rough guide seems to be up to 8kg but check well in advance as rules and charges vary between carriers.

 TomorrowAlgarve

TAP does allow small pets to be carried in the cabin on flights out of the UK – useful for those emigrating – but Britain remains steadfastly autonomous and all animals flying into the UK must travel in the hold. For larger dogs only certain airlines (from a few airports) take animals at all. I discovered this a couple of years ago when we brought our now elderly retriever Flossie to Portugal to take up retirement alongside my husband. In April 2014, after weeks of planning the trip like a military campaign with every medical check checked and all the necessary signatures and stamps on her passport, I delivered Flossie to Luton Cargo at 4 am in her special crate and we flew with Monarch to Faro. Through earlymorning mist, I watched from the departure gate as Flossie’s crate was loaded onto the aircraft and again a few hours later from the aircraft window as she was unloaded in brilliant sunshine at Faro. The upside was that it was quick – she was not so much traumatised as irritated – and we were treated like royalty; the pilot even made a special announcement! At Faro, we were reunited in a trice; the Customs Officer never even glanced at the paperwork I’d spent months and a small fortune procuring. The downside: my ticket cost £45 and hers £650 (plus £90 for the crate). TIP: Don’t sedate your pet when transporting in the hold as vets can assume they’re sick and won’t allow them to travel. However, if you’ve got a ‘Hand-Baggage’ pet (under 8kg) and are prepared to travel to Belgium or Holland first, you could get the Dutch Flyer train and ferry overnight across the channel then fly onwards to Portugal. Unfortunately, Eurostar is not an option as only registered guide dogs are allowed; and even then, only four per train. So there you have it! Taking Fido, Felix (or indeed Freddy) along on your holidays may not be plain sailing nor even a walk in the park but when you’ve done it successfully once, who knows, you may never look back!  TAP Customer Support  (+351) 707 205 700 Monarch Cargo (UK):  0845 680 9002  PETS-travel-scheme 

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Business Multirental launches wheelchairaccessible minivans in Lagos

wherever they want. All vehicles will fit a wheelchair of the standard reference wheelchair size. Beatriz Ramos, General Manager of Multirental®, adds: “I am proud to be involved in the first car rental company that is providing a service, thinking about disabled people, a much-needed additional option, for planning their travel or holidays across the western Algarve.” The firm, which is offering car rentals and airport transfers (private and shared), has unveiled its investment in three mobility minivans (Volkwagen Caddy, Fiat Dobló and Peugeot Partner) all with five seats and space for one wheelchair with all the safety and comfort needed for all passengers. Besides the electric rear entry ramp the cars are equipped with GPS, Bluetooth, automatic transmission.

A pioneering new service is getting underway in the western Algarve. There are now wheelchair-friendly minivans available to rent (with or without driver) or you can get wheelchair-friendly airport transfers for the first time in the Western Algarve. “We are pleased that today we have had such a positive response from our disabled customers. Mobility transport is absolutely crucial for many people," said Pedro Ramos, CEO of Multirental®.

They are giving disabled costumers the possibility to rent a vehicle that features a super easy elec-tric rear-entry ramp, winch and restraints, allowing one wheelchair user to travel with 4 additional passengers plus the driver.

The company - Multi Serviços R.G.R. Lda was established in Lagos in 1993, since then it’s continued to improve its services with other new vehicles such as Camper Vans. 

Families travelling to our beautiful region that need a private car with with an accessible wheelchair can now enjoy their holidays with comfort and privacy, which gives the sense of freedom to drive

 Multirental® Trav. Augusta Assunção A. Machado Lote 4 - Pedra Alçada 8600-329 LAGOS  +351 913 002 001 - T +351 282 762 186 


Solar powered Portugal By Raymond Kane We are a new company situated here in the Algarve. We are called Eurosolaris and we specialise in the distribution of solar powered products throughout Europe. We are the exclusive European distributor of ‘SunSmart’ solar power pool pumps. ‘SunSmart’ was the first company to offer a solar powered pool pump into the Australian marketplace in 2010 and it continues to out-sell the competition in Australia. Its products are reliable, robust and come with a five-year warranty. We chose this region to launch our product range for the simple reason, its abundance of sunshine and swimming pools. With over 300 days of sunshine a year the location and product simply go hand-inhand.

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Having lived in the Algarve for over 12 months, we were amazed to discover the small uptake in solar powered pool pumps. After further investigation into the reason behind such a small uptake we discovered that the products on offer weren’t up to the job and the payback period was also too long for most. With SunSmart we aim to keep the payback period between three to four years.

Our aim at Eurosolaris is to change the way people think about their pools and its impact on the environment. When it comes to swimming pool pumps and its effect on the environment, the average pool contributes between five to six tonnes of greenhouse emissions per annum. Now imagine the global impact based on every pool with an electric pump each year!! Installing a SunSmart pump will cut down greenhouse emissions almost to zero.

We were also alarmed at the cost of electricity here in Portugal and the burden it has on households of all budgets.

Always remember it’s ‘your world, your choice’. 

This issue seems to be a pet hate of every resident. With pool pumps being the largest consumer of energy in any household the switch to solar is very obvious.

For more information, contact us at Eurosolaris:  00351 910 430 739  

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TV dragon gets down to business Once an entrepreneur, always an entrepreneur! Duncan Bannatyne OBE is not sitting by his swimming pool with his fiancée, Nigora Whitehorn, all day in Portugal, in fact, less than six months after ‘retiring’ to Portugal Duncan Bannatyne has become involved in property development. The serial entrepreneur and philanthropist, has returned to investment and business after retiring to a sunshine paradise in Portugal. The former BBC TV ‘Dragon’ has made a substantial European investment and established a new venture to renovate and develop properties in the Algarve.

with the aim of retiring with his fiancée, Nigora Whithorn, and building a new life following his BBC TV success. The couple became engaged in June and plan to marry next year. But the lure of business has proved too strong to stop Duncan exploring all the possibilities to add value to assets that have been in need of love and attention. He and his new Portuguese partners are in the process of completing the development of five houses in Apple Tree Lane in the quaint town of Almancil in the Algarve.

and sustained. The effect is spreading to Portugal and the Algarve is at the beginning of a remarkable upturn. I have invested at a time these properties are still within reach of Brits, and other nationalities, with an appetite for a place in the sun and an understanding of the need to buy at the right price and the right time.” The first project on offer is a small group of five villas on an exclusive development for 475,000 euros each. The villas each come with three en-suite bedrooms, two sun terraces, a private garden, private garage and access to a large swimming pool. They are located in the ‘Golden Triangle’ in Almancil, Loulé. You never know, you might find a well-known face showing you round. 

The business aims to bring homes back to life that were part developed before the recession then abandoned when the downturn hit Portugal badly. The first five homes are now on sale and have already attracted the interest of British couples wanting a place in the sun.

Duncan said: "The project was half built then abandoned during the recession which hit Portugal pretty badly. However, all of us living here in Portugal can see a marked upturn in the prosperity of the country. In my opinion property prices in the Algarve are selling below their true value and will rise quickly over the next few years."

The business is marketing its homes through Ideal Homes Portugal - For more details of these ex Dragon villas contact Ideal Homes Portugal on:

Duncan, who is chairman of UK health club chain Bannatyne Fitness, bought his villa

He added: “The recovery in the property market in southern Spain has been rapid

 0800 133 7644 

Time to sell By David Westmoreland The last few months have been a little bit unsettled to say the least. Following Brexit, the UK market was sent into turmoil with buyers getting no assurances from the UK government on how cross bordering will affect foreign home owners. This seems to be now settling down but will take some time before confidence is fully resumed.

buyers from Scandinavia, France, Belgium and various other locations where buyers are realising that Portugal offers much more than just sun and sand. A relatively cheap cost of living, a much slower pace of life coupled to a much safer environment to live has raised the profile and indeed the number of sales from these countries. This has resulted in a record month in September for B&P where we sold a property every working day across the month!

Another area of impact has been the exchange rate with the Pound versus the Euro dropping to around 1.10 euros to the pound as I write. Of course, for UK buyers this is not ideal; however, there is always a silver lining and that is for UK vendors. The market as mentioned in previous articles has been bolstered by a huge increase in

This has meant there is again a shortage of good properties for sale. If you are a UK home owner here in Portugal, now could be an ideal time for you to sell. If your

home is valued at €200,000 and you sell today, you would receive approximately £180,000. If you sold pre-Brexit, you would have received £153,000. That is an increase of around £27,000. There are plenty of Scandinavians, French, Belgian and many other European buyers waiting to view, offer and buy your property, so now may be the best time in the last 2-3 years to sell your property. If you would like a free valuation or would like to put your property on the market, either email me on  or simply call in to the B&P office on the avenida. 

Do you need IT expertise? By Amber Henshaw One of the problems if you are a bit technologically challenged is knowing who to trust to help you. I would be really happy to recommend Steven Dunwell – he’s a lovely chap but he also knows his stuff which you will know if you read his regular column in our magazine.

a top notch service to people across the Algarve. He provides support and assistance to many well-known charities.

tablets, desktop PC’s and smartphones. He’ll quote you ahead of time rather than just charging you.

He travels to customers without charge and you can contact him seven days a week. What’s not to love?

Contact Steven on:  936 387512 

Steven has got 15 years IT experience with a major law firm in London and now offers

He can provide upgrades, software support, printer and internet issues on laptops,

You can read more from Steven next month. 

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Food & Drink BBQ Pineapple Upside Down Cake By Chris Winstanley

ring in the centre and arrange the other pieces around the pan. Set to one side. 4. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda together in a large bowl, whisk the milk, eggs and vanilla in a separate bowl. 5. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer on a medium speed for 2 to 4 minutes until fluffy and light. With the mixer on low, add the milk mixture and then add the flour mixture. Blend this until smooth. Using a spatula spread the mixture evenly over the pineapples in the pan.

People think that BBQs are only for savoury items. Well, here is a recipe that has a retro feel. I remember my Mum making pineapple upside down cake to go with our Sunday lunch back in the days, so I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time we eat this at home. Preparation Time: 30 mins, Grilling Time 45 mins to 55mins Cook on a Gas Barbecue part direct indirect method on a medium heat (180 to 230 degrees C). Serves up to 8 people Ingredients: Topping • 6 Rings of FRESH Pineapple, cored and peeled • 25g melted unsalted Butter • 100g Brown Sugar • 4 Tablespoons Double Cream or Crème Faiche • Half teaspoon ground Cinnamon Cake Mixture • 150g Plain White Flour • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder • Half teaspoon Sea Salt

Christmas at Al Garfo By Tom Henshaw I popped in the other day to see how Zoe and João were doing at Al Garfo and it was great to see that everything is going really

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• Quarter teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda • 150ml Full Fat milk or Buttermilk • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract • 125g unsalted Butter • 150g Sugar Method: 1. Prepare BBQ for direct and indirect cooking and brush the grills clean 2. Brush melted butter onto the pineapple rings and direct grill them for 4 to 6 mins with the lid of BBQ open. Turn them once and grill to nicely marked and then remove from the Barbecue and allow to cool and cut the rings in half, except one. 3. Mix together the brown sugar, cream / crème fraiche, cinnamon and any melted butter left from the pineapple brushing in a 30 cm cast iron frying pan over a direct medium heat.

6. Over INDIRECT HEAT bake the cake for 40 to 50 mins keeping the temperature of the BBQ at around 180 degrees Celsius with the lid closed. It will be done when the top has a golden brown colour and a skewer can be insert in the middle and comes out clean. Using a BBQ mitt or over gloves remove cake from the BBQ and allow it to cool for 10 to 15 mins. 7. Run a pallet knife around the edge of the cake before removing it from the pan. Place a platter large enough to cover the entire are of the pan over the top of the pan. Wearing mitts or oven gloves with care invert the pan and platter, and then slowly remove. If any pineapple remains in the pan remove and place on top of the cake. 8. Let the cake cool slightly before slicing into wedges and serving. Can be served warm or at room temperature. All you need now is to put on your sounds of the 70s CD full of Donny Osmond, David Cassidy, Bay City Rollers, Mud and Slade and the taste of the cake will take you back to a time of flared trousers and platform shoes. Enjoy! 

Cook about 2 mins until the sugar has melted and the liquid has started to bubble around the edge of the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and place it on a heat resistant surface. Place the whole pineapple

Thanks very much to Chris for this recipe. If you would like send us one of your recipes please email our editor

well and their business is growing which just goes to show that determination, Good food and good service really do go hand in hand. So much so that they are planning already for their Christmas event on Christmas day as they had such a resounding success last year.

They also want to wish you all the very best and compliments for the coming festivities over the Christmas period.

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To book in for Christmas day is a must so please call  00 351 917 177 612. Lunch on 25th from 1pm onwards. 

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Food & Drink

From biology to a pop-up bar

Kim Freeman comes from a sleepy town in West Oxfordshire called Witney. After 18 years there she packed up and set off to study Biology and French at university waving goodbye to her mother, father and brother who still live there. She moved to Lagos after meeting her boyfriend during a ski season in France and then came her pop-up bar company. Here, Kim, tells Tomorrow how shaking mojitos nearly broke her. 1. What is your professional background? My professional background has been mostly in hospitality – much of it spent in the French Alps where I managed a bar/ restaurant for eight years. I also spent a few years teaching English language to foreign learners in a language school in Oxford.

own drinks, which we'll serve how you wish, or we can do your drinks shopping for you, and bring it with us on the day.

bar service in the whole of the Algarve, not just locally. We'd like to get into more into the festival scene too, as there seems to be a huge amount of festivals in the summer. This will take some time for sure, but I feel confident that this can be achieved.

4. What gave you the idea?

9. So far - what kind of events have you worked at?

We work alongside Algarve Marquees, who have a huge amount of experience in the wedding/events industry, and we noticed that there weren't any specific bar companies that served your normal drinks like wine and beer, as well as your more specialist tipples like cocktails. So we saw the niche and figured it would be the perfect opportunity to utilise my hospitality experience. 5. What obstacles have you faced in setting it up? The rather relaxed approach the Portuguese have with deadlines has frustrated me from time to time! And of course, the main thing for a new business is just getting your name out there and building a good reputation for yourself, so this is our priority for the moment. 6. What has been the best part of setting up a business here?

2. How and why did you end up in Lagos? I ended up in these parts thanks to my gorgeous boyfriend (I hope he's reading this) who I met in France doing ski seasons. He's grown up here, so after our 2014/2015 winter season ended, I came back to Portugal with him. Oddly enough, I've been coming on holiday to Burgau for the past decade or so, as my auntie and uncle have a holiday home in Alma Verde, so I was quite familiar with the area before I moved out. 3. Tell us about your business My business, The Algarve Bar Company, is a professional bar service which caters for weddings, parties, festivals and corporate events. We bring the whole set up to your event - bar (we even have a choice of two bars - our slick metal and perspex bar or our rustic wooden bar), professional staff, freezer, bar equipment, glasses, ice, straws and napkins, umbrellas and lighting. You have a choice of either providing your

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I've really enjoyed meeting so many great people. Of the people I've met in the industry so far, there seems to be a real feel of camaraderie, whether that was at festivals or at events. We all try to help each other out, which makes things so much easier. 7. What makes you special? Like I mentioned above, there was a niche in the market in the fact that we will provide a service which incorporates everything. There are services that will provide you with only cocktails, or for example at a wedding, just serve you whilst you're having your meal, and then leave as soon as the food is finished. We try to be as flexible as we can be, providing the customer with the drinks they want, and when they want them. 8. What's your vision? Ideally we want to be the ‘go-to’ portable

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We've done a real mix of events; birthday parties, hen-dos, corporate events, postwedding parties, which have catered for fifteen guests to over a hundred. Our highlight of the summer was most certainly our cocktail pitch at the Lagos Food Festival in July. It was three days of some of the hardest work I've done, but was worth it. I could hardly lift my arms at the end of each night after shaking so many caipirinhas and mojitos! For everything we've done, we've received nothing but great feedback, which makes all the work so worthwhile. 10. Anything big coming up? We're getting booked up now for 2017, which is great. We'll hopefully get ourselves more involved in the some of the festivals around the Algarve too. We're really optimistic we're going to get bigger and better in 2017, and beyond!    the Algarve bar company  @thealgarvebarco  912770704

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Food & Drink

From small beginnings my own cafe. I opened Flor das Laranjeiras by Algarve Gardens earlier this year – it’s a deli where you can come and have a healthy lunch, a snack, order a takeaway or have a fresh juice! We have so many options for everyone. We do a daily lunch menu which costs 7.50 and consists of the juice of the day, a main course, a dessert and coffee. Every day we have a meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan option available. If any of our clients require a special requirement such as gluten free, no lactose etc. It can be done! I even receive texts from my clients in the evening telling me what flour they need in their cake the next day, and I love the fact they can count on my team and I. We make fresh juices with all sorts of goodies from the farm. From our Green Goddess Detox which consists of spinach, cucumber, apples and chia seeds to our Tropical Kick with grapefruit, oranges, carrots and wheatgrass. We always have a juice of the day with whatever has been picked that morning from the farm, it couldn’t be fresher.

Kate Inácio is not one to sit back and watch her garden grow. Since moving to the Algarve she has tried to make Algarve Gardens into something a little bit different. There was the gardening maintenance and landscaping side of the business and the fresh organic fruit and vegetable delivery from the family farm in Portimão.

Then we have our baked goods. Cakes and pastries cooked daily for a snack when you fancy it. Also with dietary options always available and are a big hit with the locals. Healthy breakfasts are available to start your day with power too, we even do vegetarian and vegan full English breakfasts! Plus to top it off nutrition consultations.

But when the fruits and vegetables started to go down a storm she thought she would also try her hand at making some food to sell too. Ready meals to make your hard day at work easier with a homemade shepherd’s pie or Thai green curry to just pop in the oven. Here she tells Tomorrow Magazine what happed next… “To my surprise, and to my mother’s even more (she never believed I could cook), my food started to be selling well. With the concept of good homemade food using only fresh organic produce where possible from our farm I really enjoyed creating new recipes and speciality box ideas. It especially gave me a lot of pleasure when I could make a meal with the right ingredients for someone doing chemotherapy or a vegan lasagne for another client who was desperate to find some ready meals she could eat.


For all our meals, snacks and juices we do takeaway which is perfect for the quick working lunch or dinner for the whole family with no fuss. Plus it is now our base for fruit and vegetable box orders, meal orders and garden consultations. So come and visit us whether it’s for lunch, snack or just a chat to find out a bit more about what we do.” 

The more people I met, the more people I started to see really needed food which was healthy, organic and met individual dietary requirements. So I decided to open

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Downstairs we have a large room to hold a capacity of 80 people for events hire, which can be catered by us too. Birthdays, work parties, hen do’s you name, it we can do it. This month we have done a cream tea hen party plus an American style brunch already!

Chryseia 2014 By Miguel Martins, Tomorrow’s sommelier The name needs no introduction; we are talking about one of the most known and distinguished wines of the Douro. The Prats & Symington partnership has continued to produce one of the great wines of the Douro. Quinta de Roriz is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful ‘terroirs’ of the Douro and because of the excellence of its grapes, has the basis for producing a wine that has already been considered by Wine Spectatour as the 3rd best wine in the world, gaining 97 points in 2011. It is not possible to compare the 2014 vintage in terms of style but is undoubtedly the Chryseia that I so far like the most. It has a more mineral character; it’s fresh and has earthy flavours that make for a striking combination. It’s a wine that is ready to be consumed but also has many years ahead of it. It’s an example of the greatness of the Douro wines and comes with a very fair price tag. I was pleased to participate in a very unique event that took place in Oporto – there is no site more appropriate than the Feitoria Inglesa. As the name indicates it’s where for generations, the great wine houses of Oporto come together in an exclusive environment that has limited access to people not linked to the wine world. It is such an emblematic place that we could be here writing page after page about the incredible history and the importance that this site has in the world of wine of Oporto. A gala lunch in the main hall of Feitoria Inglesa was served, offering a properly harmonised tasting menu with the wines of Quinta de Roriz. The day was devoted to the celebration of another new crop of Chryseia but I was particularly pleased with the standard of its younger ‘brothers’, particularly Roriz Term and Post Scriptum; wines that lead this segment of the market and certainly don’t disappoint with their quality. These are wines that are only available on the market in the next few weeks but as is usually the case with Chryseia, having a more limited production, it will prove an excellent choice for Christmas ahead. 

For more information please go to:  Flor das Laranjeiras by Algarve Gardens.

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The Sommelier Shop is on the Avenida in Lagos.

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Outdoor Quinta Fjaere By Jeanette Fahlbusch crockery, drift wood, shells - all planted up with a stunning variety of cactus and succulents. When it transpired that Maria had a specialist nursery near Penina, a visit was a 'must'.

The October outing of the new “Western Algarve/Lagos Mediterranean Gardening Group” involved a visit to ‘Quinta Fjaere’, a specialist cactus and succulents nursery, near Penina, followed by a wine tasting at nearby award-winning ‘Quinta do Morgado da Torre’ vineyard. The visit to the nursery was inspired by the writer having met its owner, charming Maria Eduarda, at the Spring Plant fair organised by the main MGAP earlier this year. Maria Eduarda's plant stall was quite different from the rest: she exhibited an amazing collection of unusual plant containers – old

Our group met at Quinta Fjaere on a bright sunny morning – a hidden and delightful gem! A short drive up a gravel path flanked by rows of mauve/pink Hibiscus and cream climbing roses gave an inkling of what to expect. There were encircled pathways showing off plants to their best amidst stones, pottery and gnarled wood. There were an astonishing variety of draught resistant plants, all of which of course are perfectly suited to the ‘waterwise Mediterranean way of gardening’. All plants for sale are grown on site by Maria herself, and are not shipped in from horticultural wholesalers. Maria, a very knowledgeable enthusiast, introduced her nursery and plants, and this was followed by a lively “Question

and Answer” session, while we strolled around admiring and choosing our plants. We all agreed that we found a wonderful treasure trove, well worth not one, but regular visits. Truly inspired, we left for our wine tasting at award-winning ‘Quinta Morgado da Torre’, one of the oldest farming properties in the county. Sitting in a cobbled courtyard, learning about the history of the vineyard, their grapes and winemaking procedures whilst enjoying 4 award-winning wines with petiscos, was a very enjoyable way to conclude our morning. Our group is open to anyone interested in plants and gardening and we offer a friendly and active social gardening network to go with it.  For more information contact:   969 439 867 Quinta Fjaere  917317 093 

Emphasis on the environment Tomorrow is delighted to welcome Claire Friedlander as one of our new contributors. Claire, an architect and environmental consultant, will write a monthly environment and sustainability piece focusing on local issues as well as international problems. The election campaign drama unfolding in the United States is extraordinary. Television broadcasts Donald Trump’s bluster to every corner of the world, and one can’t help wondering how politics got so crazy. Hurricane Matthew amplified that bluster, storming up the Eastern seaboard leaving a trail of destruction - the most powerful hurricane in a decade, feeding off warmer oceans and rising sea levels. It is difficult not to compare the terrestrial storm with ungovernable ‘natural’ catastrophes coming in off the oceans. In these unsettled times, there is a general sense of global sea-change; of a human and natural world out of kilter. Extreme weather events present just one symptom of climate change, which over 95% percent of scientists believe is caused

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by global warming, precipitated by increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere owing to human activity. Atmospheric CO2 levels are at their highest levels in 650,000 years, surpassing the 400,000 parts per million threshold believed by scientists to be a point-of-no-return. 2016 is also predicted to be the hottest year on record as we approach 1.5ºC warming above pre-industrial levels, a key threshold outlined at last year’s Paris Climate Summit. An accelerated push to reduce emissions is essential to avoid the 2ºC threshold deemed the boundary ‘safe’ limits for climate change. This gargantuan effort will apply to everyone, and will affect lifestyle choices, economic systems, and rejection of fossil fuels. We need to strive for resilience. As an environmental catchphrase, ‘resilience’ is roughly defined as the ability of our ecosystems to modify themselves in the face of environmental changes in order to maintain a steady state and retain systems and functionality- a planet in balance. Our demand on Earth’s natural resources shouldn’t exceed our planet’s capacity for

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supply. Wealthy, developed nations are the greatest culprits of excessive consumption and high carbon emissions- contributing to a larger ecological footprint. This measure of Earth’s carrying capacity quantifies the amount of productive land needed for a population’s resource-needs and waste absorption. Alarmingly, humanity already requires 1.6 planets, to which OECD countries (Portugal is one) contribute a staggering 40%. And this ecological overshoot is growing. Although research, technology, and renewable energy offer hope for overshoot reduction, it remains unfair that developing countries suffer greater vulnerability to the ravages of climate change, despite contributing the least. Fortunately, modern society increasingly acknowledges these imbalances, progressively aspiring to give equal weighting to the economy, social capital and the environment in ‘triple bottom line’ economics. When balanced, this offers a definition of sustainability. To weather climate change’s impending storm, we must strive for sustainability. It’s all about balance. 

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Gardening No rest for the Algarvean gardener – part one By Clive Goodacre

Winters in the UK and most of Northern Europe are a time for putting your feet up and looking at plant and gardening catalogues and dreaming of things to come. Algarvean winters, however, are very different. With little or no penetrating frost to speak of, plenty of warm sunny and moist days - more like spring than winter – this is a great time to be gardening and certainly not one for putting your feet up. Now is the time when bright red Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrimma) come into their own either on sale in shops and garden centres or growing as a rangy shrub coming back year after year glowing with colour throughout the Christmas season. If you take a closer look you will see their centres gradually develop attractive yellow flowers contrasting with their livid red outers leaves known as bracts. Despite its Mexican origins, this plant does not like exposure to full sunlight from the south or west. This probably explains why so many fail when transferred from inside at the end of the Christmas season. Poinsettias prefer rich, slightly acid, welldrained soil and need to be kept moist, although watering should be reduced after flowering and they should never be allowed to sit in water. Taking all this into consideration, plus their dislike of exposure to hot or cold wind makes them tricky to grow on - yet well worth the effort. Love them or hate them, a large Poinsettia in full bloom is an amazing sight.

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The best way of keeping it going – even letting it grow into a large shrub or small tree like in Madeira - is to keep it potted under a warm veranda and wait until late spring before planting out with some slow release fertiliser in a sheltered spot. Literally tens of thousands are grown by Algarvean nurseries and exported across Europe for sale in department stores and supermarkets. Another Christmas present doomed to perish in its thousands is of course the orchid. Few survive much beyond Easter. Elsewhere it seems a cruel twist of fate that orchids leave tropical paradises like the nurseries of Thailand and Singapore, yet within a few days can be baking to death in a Northern European family Christmas front room! But made of much sturdier stuff are succulents which do most of their growing in winter and spring, storing water ready for summer. Twice-a-month watering of Agaves, Aeoniums. Yuccas, Crassulas and other fleshy succulents is normally sufficient in summer and virtually nothing in winter. Notable exceptions are Portulaca grandiflora and Pereskia grandiflora (desert rose) which normally flower during mid-summer and therefore need more regular watering. Cacti like Opuntia, Mammillaria, Ferocactus and Echinocactus grusonii (mother in law’s seat) are often neglected on the basis that they are a desert plants. However, most cacti in the wild, group themselves where at least some moisture is present, so they should be

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treated like succulents. With petunias and other summer bedding fading fast it is time to find replacements which will take you through to Christmas and hopefully beyond. Portulaca grandiflora is one to go for as it is equally at home in pots, hanging over planter or hugging the ground in borders. Its flowers resemble small roses and come in orange, cerise, pink, pale purple, white and yellow – often with several different colours on one plant. Autumn is also a good time for planting new trees which will become established throughout winter with little or no irrigation until next summer. Also now is good time to prepare and plant bulb borders with plants like Iris Iberica, Hemerocallis and a huge variety of lillies, but more of that next month. Light pruning of shrubs and trees in autumn is OK because, unlike northern Europe plants, ours are not shutting down for the winter. Citrus fruit should not be hard pruned since they crop in winter and early spring so fruit is already set and forming. Pruning for shape, quality and to reduce loading may be carried out however depending on the weather. Clive came to the Algarve 15-years-ago with his wife Jenny and set up the PlantScape garden centre in Almadena. Prior to this he was group editor of Thomson Publications in London and wrote features and interviews for syndication in more than 20 languages over the world. He and Jenny also set up Bespoke Publications, a leading graphic arts company which to this day works with companies including HP and Rockwell as well as 3d printing equipment manufactures. Before closing 7 years ago PlantScape Lda carried out garden maintenance and landscaping projects for clients along the Algarve. Clive has written features on notable gardens in Bali, Borneo, Thailand, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Australia, California and of course Portugal. He has been Tomorrow Magazine’s gardening correspondent since it started five years ago. 


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