Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - November 2019

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Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Editor's note

Who can believe that it is November already, the clocks have changed, and so has the weather. It is that time to pull out your warmer clothes, the long trousers and a coat even, hoping that the mice and the moths haven't found a way into your favourite woollens. Maybe check with your neighbours that they have enough to stay warm during the autumn and winter months. Across the whole of Europe, Portugal ranks highly in terms of fuel poverty, with one in three families unable to heat their homes, while up to 25% of the winter deaths in the country are thought to be caused by cold.

you need to turn to the black market. The Party you don’t want to miss is held on 23rd of the month and all proceeds from the ball go to the latest campaign by T.A.C.T. More details about A Room for Healing are on page 10.

You will also find on page 10, details on how to become a founding member of T.A.C.T. Tomorrow magazines charity, and with 5000 copies printed this month we are hoping for an overwhelming response. The campaign from the Summer Ball, Lids for Life continues, and we appreciate the effort you are making to save those lids.

A big thank you to everyone who dropped by the Tomorrow stand at BLIP, the Better Living in Portugal exhibition last month. The steady flow of well-wishers and enquirers barely left Tom a moment to bite into a sandwich or sip his coffee before it turned cold. In fact Tom enjoyed it so much he has agreed that we will be attending next year too.

We have received a couple of emails and comments from readers who are still confused as exactly which lids you can collect for the campaign for Vicente, so just to confirm that we have put the artwork on our website You will need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find the download link.

There are just a couple of weeks left until the Tomorrow magazine Winter Ball at the Tivoli, Lagos. If you haven't already organised your tickets please reach out to Steven before the last remaining few tickets are all gone, and

Thank you, for all that you do to make this magazine what it is.

On the cover Nothing says November like the sight, sound and taste of hot roasted chestnuts. Across the region the humble food is celebrated at a number of festivals and is sure to bring warmth to your hands on a cool autumn evening.


MEET THE AMBASSADOR If the word "ambassador" conjures images of cocktail parties, dinner jackets and milk chocolate, think again! The only thing on Chris Sainty's mind is Brexit! Sophie Sadler talks to the British Ambassador to Portugal, in an exclusive interview. As I arrive at the Camâra building in Albufeira all anyone is talking about is the incredible drama playing out in Westminster, where the supreme court has just ruled that the government's proroguing of parliament was unlawful. I am here to meet British ambassador Chris Sainty who took up his post in September 2018. As a civil servant, he is politically neutral and does not comment on politics, but he is very open and friendly and keen to engage with the community. He talks to me extremely frankly about his role as ambassador and the current political situation. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN ROLE AS AMBASSADOR? To promote British interests in Portugal, but this also covers making sure we have a good and productive political relationship as well as managing economic, commercial and business relationships. For example, I work on behalf of British companies wanting to export to Portugal, or Portuguese companies wishing to invest in the UK. HOW DO YOU SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THE BRITISH POPULATION IN PORTUGAL? We do that in various ways, with outreach to the community, as I am doing now in the Algarve, and offering advice and trying to answer questions. Of course, currently, a lot of my time is taken up trying to get successfully through this Brexit episode. The most important part of that is putting in place the strongest possible protection of the rights of the British community here and that has been my top priority for the last 12 months Everything I hear I re-play to the Portuguese authorities and British government in London to ensure that the voice of British expats in Portugal are being heard. WHICH ENTITIES OF GOVERNMENT DO YOU WORK MOST CLOSELY WITH? I serve the whole government so I am in contact with all the different bits of Whitehall, but my parent department is the Foreign Office. There is a special department in government being set up to negotiate an exit from the EU and I spend a lot of time doing business directly with them.



I talk to all elements of the Portuguese government as well, but on questions relating to British community interests in Portugal and Brexit, I deal most regularly with the Portuguese Foreign Ministry including the Foreign Minister, high ranking officials and the secretary of state. HOW DID YOU BECOME AN AMBASSADOR? To become an ambassador is part of the British diplomatic career, I joined the diplomatic service in 1989 and worked my way up and this is my first job as an ambassador. WHAT DO THE PORTUGUESE OFFICIALS ALL THINK ABOUT BREXIT? Generally speaking, I think people are sad, they are sorry to see Britain leaving the EU but they understand and respect that there was a democratic decision in 2016 and they are doing their best to facilitate that. Their priority is that if we are going to leave it is done in such a way that it doesn't disrupt the good relations between the two countries and to ensure that Portuguese and British companies can continue to do business together easily after we leave. HOW WORRIED SHOULD WE BE ABOUT THE PROSPECT OF A NO DEAL? There is no doubt that the best way to ensure a smooth exit would be a deal. This would offer the best continuity for citizens living in each other's communities. With a deal, the rights of British citizens living in Portugal would be protected by an international treaty.

"Generally speaking, I think people are sad, they are sorry to see Britain leaving the EU"


But, as the Prime Minister has pointed out we have to be prepared for the possibility of no deal. In this case, the British here in Portugal are very fortunate. The Portuguese government have been very clear in public and to me that they are determined to protect the rights of British citizens living in Portugal. In March parliament passed a law which said even if the UK leaves without a deal, British rights such as residency, health care and driving licenses, will continue to be protected in the future. British people in Portugal are fortunate as they have more assurances than many British expats in other EU countries, that whatever the outcome they can be very confident that their residency rights will be properly protected. WHAT IS BEING DONE TO PROTECT TOURISM WHICH IS THE LIVELIHOOD OF MANY IN THE ALGARVE? Both sides want British people to keep coming here on holiday. From what I see planning is being put in place, by the Portuguese Tourism Department, to make sure people continue to come here post-Brexit. They are determined to continue to attract large numbers of British tourists as it is good for their economy and to make sure there will not be long queues at passport desks. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HELP BRITISH EXPATS WHO CAN Ě T GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH SEF? We talk a lot to SEF and in our meetings with the British community yesterday, in Faro, and today in Albufeira, they sent a representative to address concerns. SEF has told me that if you are unable to get an appointment until after your Residency Card has expired you are not going to lose the right to live in Portugal. But, in recognition of the problems SEF is having, even if we leave on 31st October, they will allow a grace period for people to register until the end of 2020, so people need not be worried if they can't get an appointment before the end of October but our advice would still be

to get on and do it as quickly as you can. DO PEOPLE RISK BEING DEPORTED IF THEY DON'T BECOME A RESIDENT? Ever since I arrived here, myself and the Embassy have been encouraging every British person living here to get your residency. I think it is unlikely you will be deported, but you will save yourself an awful lot of hassle in the future, after all, it is a legal requirement if you live here more than three months to register as a resident, so we would very strongly recommend that people do this. Get on with it, get the piece of paper, then you have the certainty that your rights will be protected. WILL BRITISH PEOPLE LIVING ABROAD LOSE ANY OF THEIR HEALTH CARE BENEFITS WHEN WE LEAVE THE EU? British people living in Portugal are lucky in that your right to access the health service comes with your residency. And this won't change after we leave the EU. For British non-residents, if we leave with a deal then ehic will still be valid for a period of time. If we leave without a deal there is a question mark but we are having a conversation with the Portuguese government to see if we can come to an arrangement about whether this scheme will continue but this is an area of uncertainty. The best way for visitors to Portugal to mitigate this uncertainty is to take out personal travel insurance. CAN YOU GIVE US ANY MORE INFORMATION ON THE NEW RESIDENCY CARDS? There is a programme in progress to replace the cardboard SEF issued card, with a laminated more modern issue. Some people will have new ones and others not. The embassy has discussed this with SEF and there is, again, nothing to worry about. î –



COMMUNITY Your existing card will not become invalid and if you have the old card you will not lose any rights.

WILL THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PORTUGAL AND BRITAIN CHANGE POST BREXIT? I actually think it will get stronger. There is a very old friendship between Britain and Portugal and that is partly why it is such an honour and privilege to be ambassador here. This Brexit episode is complex and has implications for our relationship with Portugal, but it seems to me that what we need to do is look beyond Brexit and think in the most creative and optimistic ways we can about what a strong future relationship between the UK and Portugal, with the UK outside the EU, looks like. I think there is a lot of potential there. We already work very closely with Portugal on the International stage. We have co-ordinated very closely with the Portuguese on climate change initiatives which were recently launched in New York at the UN. I wish to see a lot more of this in the future.

jealous, it is used for lots of conferences, events and receptions. I have three children, two have just graduated from Uni and live in the UK but are regular visitors to Lisbon. My youngest daughter who is 19 has just started at Edinburgh University.

WHERE DO YOU LIVE AND DO YOU LIVE WITH YOUR FAMILY? My wife and I live in a residence in Lisbon that comes with the job but before people get too

I enjoy the fact that the good weather means I can cycle to work, there is one very steep hill which keeps me in shape and at the same time saves some CO2 emissions!

Just giving

The total volume of trade between the two countries is still rising despite the fact that we are leaving the EU. We need to make sure this continues.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT PORTUGAL? It is a beautiful country with a lovely climate and I am also very fond of Portuguese food but the thing that makes it such an enjoyable and rewarding place to live and work are the Portuguese people. We have such a strong and historic bond and you feel this in your personal interactions with the Portuguese and that is why it feels such a privilege to live here. There is a very powerful sense of ancient friendship.



You may have seen it, driving around town, or further afield. The shiny new car sporting a Tomorrow logo. You may have even thought to yourself, has Tom bought his new editors some transportation. Bad news from the editorial team, it isn’t ours. It is in fact the new car belonging to CASLAS, the children’s home in Lagos. The vehicle was purchased with the amazing donations from the readers of Tomorrow, the local community and facilitated by T.A.C.T. Tomorrow’s charity. The car's fabulous new livery, including the Tomorrow decal is there to thank, and to remind readers that it was their generosity making the day's journey possible.

For information on how the UK leaving the EU could affect you check our Living in Portugal Guide: Are you a UK national living in Portugal? Official information for UK nationals, including guidance on EU Exit on #UKNationalsinPortugal

This month saw an amazing gesture from Phil Bull of UK based Eurostar Communities Ltd. He donated one tonne of rice to The Mustard Seed Association for use in the Lagos soup kitchen, through his rice supplier here in Portugal, Sear Santiago do Cacém, which is part of the EURICOM GROUP. One tonne of rice sounds like a lot of food, yet by portion will sustain just 220 people for a week, or 1550 people for only one day, demonstrating just how much food is needed on a weekly basis. Thanks to Phil for such a generous act of human kindness.


LIVING ON IN PORTUGAL BY PHIL EGGINTON I have recently been researching my family history. As part of this, I found one of my grandfather’s service records from the First World War. He had died when I was quite young. When he worked, he immersed himself in the skilled craft of sheet metal work. He had handmade the radiator on Malcolm Campbell’s Sunbeam, Blue Bird, land speed record car. His service record informed me that he had been discharged “medically unfit for service” in May 1918, some six months before the end of the war. As far as I knew he was a fit man, so maybe he had recovered from his physical wounds. However further research showed that more than likely he had suffered from Shell Shock. Today we would call this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All I really knew of him was that within the family he was known as a bit of a loner. He took himself off “down the legion” spending hours there, where he was known to have a beer or two. What was this “legion” my grandfather visited? Why would he go there in particular? The “legion” was one of the many clubs of the Royal British Legion (RBL) which was formed on 15 May 1921. There was little support available for the many ex-servicemen. They all lived to varying degrees with the horror and trauma they had seen. The RBL provided a means for them to meet to help and support themselves. Fund-raising was also undertaken to help veterans with employment and housing. The first-ever Poppy Appeal was held in November 1921, to mark the anniversary of the 1918 armistice. The poppies sold out almost immediately and raised over £106,000, a considerable amount at the time. The Royal British Legion is now at the heart of an international network that supports the Armed Forces community. It is not just in the UK that the RBL is active but across the globe. Indeed, wherever ex-service people settle. Not just the service people themselves but also their dependants. This includes children, spouses and partners, including widows or widowers. Also, relatives, those living with serving or ex-serving personnel or those dependent on them. Naturally, Portugal, including Madeira and the Azores, is a place where ex-service people lived or have settled. The Portugal branch of The Royal British Legion was founded on 27th July 1956 by Legion Members in Lisbon who had served in WW2 and Korea. Among this group were the Defence Attaché and some prominent members of the British Community. Early members included John Stillwell, an officer with the Coldstream Guards in Italy during WW2. He was mentioned in dispatches. John later went on to found one of the Algarve’s first golf resorts at Penina near Portimão.



The current President of the Portugal Branch is HM Ambassador and the current Chairman is Jacquie Collins. Jacquie is supported by a committee of 10. The Portugal RBL branch now has some 226 members and undertakes a number of important roles. Firstly, of course, is fundraising. Centred around the Autumn Poppy Appeal (Poppytide) but active all year round this raises funds which support the Royal British legion’s work across the globe. This year's Poppy Appeal was launched at the Holiday Inn, Armação de Pêra on October 26th. Lunches, dinners, raffles, grand auctions etc are also held for both social and fund-raising purposes. One member has recently undertaken a sponsored parachute jump. Poppies are sold at various outlets all over the country. Major collections are made at the airports, locally at Faro. Last year a total of €34,000 was raised. Help is always required particularly at Faro airport. There are several ex-service people and dependants living locally who need support. This often takes the form of simple visits or accompanying them for medical appointments. There are also a number of cases of PTSD. These have dramatically reduced from the postworld war times, however, the level of support needed has increased. The Portugal branch has 5-6 welfare caseworkers who help provide support. No special qualifications are required just empathy and the ability to help organise. New volunteers are always welcome. Finally, of course, the branch organises and participates in acts of remembrance. Held on the nearest Sunday to November 11th. This year services will take place on November 10th in Lisbon, Madeira, Porto and the Algarve. The main Algarve ceremony taking place at 10.50 am at St. Luke's Church, Palhagueira, near Faro. Reconciliation is also important for the local branch. Portugal RBL takes part in remembrance services in Aljezur, in conjunction with the German consulate, where there are WW2 Luftwaffe war graves. It also participates with the Portuguese Liga dos Combatentes. If you want to help either by selling poppies or with the welfare cases, then please contact the branch. Phil Egginton is a journalist and motorsport photographer who now lives in the Algarve.

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STUNNING 4 BEDROOM VILLA ON FUNCHAL RIDGE 1,350,000€ | REF. M/05385 | LAGOS Situated on the exclusive residential area of Funchal Ridge, this luxury 4-bedroom villa offers privacy and is finished to a very high standard, with immaculate mature gardens. The infinity saltwater pool, which overflows into a smaller pool, has a jacuzzi inset and is set amongst a large terrace offering peace and quiet. Amazing views to the ocean and the town of Lagos can be seen f rom the 1st floor and the sunshine can be enjoyed at any time of day in the ample wrap-around terrace.


www.c a s a sd oba rl ave n m


A Room for Healing

The António Handicap Hospital in Lagos currently offers 24-hour care and nursing for thirty-three people with a variety of individual disabilities. Forty-one trained staff provide care and support around the clock, every single day of the year. This care includes teaching, training, nursing and psychotherapy to people who are in desperate need of support and attention. Two years ago T.A.C.T were able to support the centre by donating many sets of curtains. These are now in place and have had a significantly positive response from the care team. This may not sound much, but it has really improved the feel of the place, brightening up some of the rooms. It is the little things that can really make a difference.

Providing and fitting two small air conditioner units, supplying a water mattress with the chemicals needed to maintain it, a speaker unit and an oil lamp, to stimulate the senses. A customised chair for clients to be completely comfortable and able to relax, along with essential oils to facilitate a calming effect are just some of the equipment needed. T.A.C.T. also intend helping maintain the room in the future. Refurbishing this room will not only help the patients in their every day treatment, it will also allow them to experience a great deal of positive emotions, plus some much needed support and stimulation.

However, during a recent visit to the centre we discovered that they are in desperate need of help with their Calming Room. This room is where the patients go to receive much needed therapy and treatment, to make their lives just that little bit more comfortable.

We are looking to have all of this in place by International Disability Day which is the December 3rd, a day designed to help everyone become more compassionate and understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities.

Currently the conditions are not good, and it is a credit to the people who work there doing the very best that they can. That is why we at Tomorrow and T.A.C.T. are trying to raise €5,000 for all of the equipment needed to refurbish the existing room.

All proceeds from the Tomorrow Winter Ball will go to this very deserving cause. If you can help with equipment or would like to make a donation towards this campaign, or you would like any more information, please drop us a line and we will be more than happy to talk with you.

TACT MEMBERSHIP There’s a proven “feel good factor” about giving, whether it be in monetary terms or in kind. However, with so much need in the world and so many heart-breaking stories, it is easy to feel overwhelmed or even desensitised. At T.A.C.T, we are constantly asked to help causes. How do we choose which cause to support, surely we can’t give to them all? If you are a regular reader of the Tomorrow magazine you will be aware of a team of volunteers based in the Western Algarve who regularly fundraise to assist a number of causes, whether it be individuals who desperately need our support, orphaned children who are thrilled to have a holiday or small charities like the Soup Kitchen, who do their utmost to improve conditions and amenities within our community. Officially registered and known as T.A.C.T (Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust) is now ready to



open its doors to membership, and is inviting you to be part of this Community Trust by becoming a Founding Member. To hear more about the exciting plans for the coming year and to sign-up for Founder Membership come along to our very first Assembleia Geral, at Boavista Golf, Lagos on November 21st at 10.30am. We would love to meet you, and hear your suggestions. There is a warm welcome and a cup of coffee waiting. The cost of membership for this wonderful opportunity to be one of the very first founding members, demonstrating your personal support for a number of causes under one umbrella, is just €10 annually. The “feel good factor” will be yours when you come along and show your support for the wonderful work the T.A.C.T. team are achieving; you will feel proud to be part of it, right from the start as a founder member.

An example of a Calming Room Image Credit:

TACT information and contact details:

TACT Bank Details for Donations ASSOC TOMORROW ALGARVE CHARITY TRUST PT50 0033 0000 4551 3973 43805 +INFO:     +351 919 185 677 Improving today, for a better tomorrow T.A.C.T is a non-profit charity trust. Our aim is to raise funds and help build awareness for local causes in the Algarve, working in partnership with local communities, organisations and people in need.

COMMUNITY in Venezuela. “Life there in the 1950s was exciting for a young child,” he explains. “The strong sunlight, the colours and the vibrant environment created lots of visual impressions for me.” Having had a career centred on creativity back in Sweden, including sound production for Malmö Theatre and animated graphic work for television and also doing painting from an early age, it was his stay in the Algarve in the 1970s that was his greatest inspiration. “Coming to the Algarve was like time travel back to my childhood in Venezuela. Nothing had changed. Time stood still,” he says.


Picturesque streets, cafes and old buildings oozing their own particular charm, captured the imagination of Swedish-born artist, Daniel Hasselmyr, when he lived in the Algarve in the late 1970s. The laid back lifestyle before the onset of mass tourism, beguiled him as did the strong sunlight and dark shadows creating a special ambience. Inspired, he set to work and created a series of watercolour paintings that depicted an era that has largely disappeared. Having had his work previously exhibited by the Royal Watercolour Society, he was awarded a prestigious prize for one of his paintings, Daniel is now providing an opportunity for an audience in the Algarve to view his work. An exhibition of his watercolours opens at Moldopoli, Lagos on the November 16th between 5.30pm and 9pm. I wanted to know more about Daniel, his work and what brought him to the Algarve in the first place. Although born in Sweden he spent the first five years of his life



Describing his experience as pure ‘artistic bliss’, he set to work capturing what he saw around him. “Dilapidated buildings. No supermarkets and little to buy in the shops. No fresh milk. Hardly any cars on the badly maintained roads. Transport was a mule driven cart for the whole family, including the dog and a 50cc moped for the father. If you were lucky the vehicles had some kind of light at night. Very exciting if they didn’t! But I loved every minute of it! How could I not paint and document this paradise lost in time?” Daniel smiles. What strikes me about his work is the masterful interplay between light and shadow, the bold colours and the attention to detail. He seems to find something significant in everyday things, be it a street corner, an abandoned building or two people sitting on a bench at a train station. One commentator on his website bears this out: “I love Daniel Hasselmyr’s paintings and now own several. They draw you into their meditative calmness. I think he captures the uniqueness of the Algarve better than anyone else.” Daniel’s work is not a nostalgic journey into the past, nor a critique of progress made during the last few decades. Having now lived permanently in the Algarve for the last twenty years, he feels the need to share his artistic documentation of a Portugal that has almost vanished. Thanks to Daniel and his work we can at least have a glimpse of it. An exhibition catalogue in the form of Daniel’s iconic book Algarve – Artistic Impressions will also be available. The exhibition is open from November 16th to January 16th between 10am - 7pm (closed between 12.30 and 2.30pm) at Moldopoli –Molduras e Decorações, R. de Ceuta, 8600-654 Lagos (behind São Gonçalo Hospital).

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ALGARVE EVENT RECEIVES OLYMPIAN SUPPORT The Campus at Quinta do Lago will host the Algarve's first running festival of its kind with Run Quinta. Sophie Sadler met up with race ambassador Wendy Sly MBE, who won the 10k World Road Race in 1983 and Olympic 3000m Silver Medal in 1984. When I meet Wendy in the reception of the Quinta do Lago Hotel she looks effortlessly chic despite a hectic start to the morning on the Chris Evans breakfast show, which is being broadcast from the Algarve. She is here to promote a new sporting event in an area where she has enjoyed running for many years. ‘I have been coming to Quinta with my family and friends for over 30 years from when I was still a competitive athlete. The running community here is growing as people are discovering what a great place it is to run, so this event will be a great way for me to share the experience.” Run Quinta provides a perfect opportunity for runners of all abilities, to have fun, participate in a variety of races and enjoy post-race entertainment in the new state of the art, multi-sports training hub, The Campus. The facilities have received high praise from professional runners such as Lily Partridge, Susie Chan and Olympic triathletes Jonny and Alistair Brownlee. Wendy came from a sporty family and had an abundance of energy as a child. At 11 she enrolled in Feltham Athletics Club in February in the middle of the cross country season and found she was good at it. Feltham became her social club and she met her lifelong best friend on the first day. At 16 started to date an older guy from the club and stepped up her training to keep up with him. As a result, she came 2nd in national championships, from that point, it took over her life.



In 1980 she just missed out on the Olympics so she felt that 1984 was her year, “If I had not made it, I would have been very angry. So I wasn’t so much excited as the feeling that I deserved it. Your whole day and life revolve around running, training morning and evening, gym work, running 12 to 13 times a week and eating the right thing.” There was no financial backing in those days, she went to the US in winter months and earned prize money on the road-racing circuit in order to fund her summer race season. She was surely entitled to feel that she had earned her place on the starting block in front of the 84,000 in the stadium. “LA was a huge crowd but you have tunnel vision and the sad thing is that you don’t take in the details, it’s all just background.” Wendy won Silver in the same race as the infamous Zola Budd vs Mary Decker controversy. Barefoot runner Zola Budd, who was running for team GB, seemed to trip the US favourite Mary Decker who fell out of the race. It’s highly regarded as one of the most incredible moments in sport in the UK and had been ranked in the top 100 sporting moments on Channel 4. Is she annoyed that race is famous for the wrong reasons? “At the time I took it badly as no one wanted to talk about the silver medal or wanted to say well done, all anyone was asking was if I saw what happened. Now in hindsight, I know that my performance was unaffected by events. Decker was a lot more vulnerable than she 

"The running community here is growing as people are discovering what a great place it is to run"

COMMUNITY had been 12 months previously, she had been injured and beaten in US trials. We felt Romanian Maricica Puică, who got gold, was always the favourite. Budd wasn't in our thoughts in terms of medal positions, when we watched the heats. If I had not won a medal we would have been very disappointed.”

Decker now admits that she was not tripped but inexperienced at running in a pack. Sly concurs with this, “she had never been in an event like this, she had always been running on her own. When you have people of equal ability you have to keep your head about you and you see people fall over the whole time in the pack.” “To get silver is an emotional moment and one you always dream of.” She keeps the medal in a safe and got it out to mark the 35 year anniversary in August, which she celebrated by having lunch with her coach Neville. Sly still ranks in the UK all-time top-ten lists in the 3000 m, 10,000m, 10k road and 15 k road. She has been involved in the British team management for Cross Country for 13 years and likes to meet the young athletes coming through, many who she counts as friends and says it is nice to feel still involved. Wendy was given an MBE in the 2015 New Year’s Honours list for services to athletics, she is also the manager of Athletics Weekly magazine in which her name started appearing when she was just 11-years-old. Why are runs like this important? “It is one of the easiest ways of keeping fit and being out in the fresh air, good for you. It is good for women of

my age for bone density, muscular strength and keeps the heart and lungs healthy. There is also a great sense of camaraderie and a chance to make friends at the social events, which I didn’t have in my career when I was out to win!” “Chris Evans was telling me this morning how he is a fun runner and loves it, I have a real appreciation of just how much I love the sport and I love Quinta do Lago and Chris told me this morning that he is going to participate which is a great endorsement.” If you want to join Wendy and Chris, there will be three events starting on Saturday November 9th with a half marathon, followed by a party at Dano’s bar and restaurant with live music to keep the fun vibes going. On Sunday 10th you can participate in the 10k or 5k where you will run through the dunes and along the beachfront. Don’t let the fun stop there. On Sunday, the post-race party will be at The Shack with live music and a chance to meet fellow runners. A day package is €25 for race entry or you can take part in multiple races on the €40 weekend pass, both include post-race entertainment. You can also enter as part of the Run Quinta festival package, including accommodation at Quinta do Lago’s four-star boutique Magnolia Hotel, prices start at €299. Run Quinta looks set to become a fixture of the Algarve calendar and if you can see yourself making an Olympian effort and taking part then all details can be found on their website.

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Countdown to Christmas this December while helping local communities in need.



As the festive season approaches once again Chantelle Kortekaas of Quinta Bonita and Bernadette Abbot of Algarve Families in Need are asking you to open your hearts and your cupboards to participate in the Reverse Advent Calendar. This initiative reaches out to those in need at Christmas time whilst also steering ourselves away from material yearning and into thinking of others less fortunate than themselves. In its fourth year, the initiative has gone from helping one Lagos family in 2015 to 50 families across the breadth of the Algarve in 2018, thanks to the generosity of our local communities and Tomorrow magazine readers. This year we hope to extend our reach even further from Lagos, Portimão, Monchique, Alte, Paderne and Albufeira to the

communities in the Eastern Algarve and the homeless. The idea is simple, find an empty box and print the calendar template. Every December day invite your children, your family or remind yourself, to countdown to Christmas by adding something to the box. Then tick, colour or label in the calendar template. Lists of suggested donation items, calendar template and all delivery information are provided as part of the initiative. Delivery is usually around the December 20/21st however if you are going overseas prior to then there will be an early drop off locations available from mid-December.

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© Guaté Mao

© Guaté Mao

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On the Street BY DAVID FOOT

© Moscato

As we reported in the October issue of Tomorrow, artists from across Europe descended on Lagos during September to decorate our streets, and to create a brand new exhibition inside the old town jail which I recommend you take time to visit. The four artists are Moscato (Stephane Moscato) from France, Dno3 (Benoit Doensen from Belgium who we will feature in our next issue), Guaté Mão (an extremely talented artist from France) and EVOL from Berlin who has turned some of the old town street furniture into representations of buildings. EVOL has also produced a 3D version of one of his buildings Under Attack which is the centrepiece of the indoor exhibition. All of this year’s street art is in the old town apart from Guaté Mão’s eyes, on a small box in a surprising place near to the Forte da Ponta da Bandeira, at the end of the Avenida – see if you can find it.



Moscato’s depiction of a smoking rabbit is well worth tracking down, but you won’t see his giant craft knife which two men carried around the old town taking photographs like the one shown here. Not unless you go to the jail where it is on show, but officially only until November 2nd, admission is free. The old town jail is LAC’s artists’ workspace, next door to the GNR station. Why not drop in and say hello? Next month we will feature some unique film posters by Dno3 and work by EVOL plus more from the other artists.

+INFO: LAC - Laboratório de Actividades Criativas  +351 282 084 959  Rua Largo do Convento de Nossa Sra. Da Glória (the old jail), 8600-660 Lagos



If the return of Strictly Come Dancing on BBC1 has got you in the mood to channel your inner Latino soul or sway your hips to a salsa rhythm, then the good news is that salsa dancing is here in the Algarve.

TAX BREAKS Lagos City Council approved, at its meeting in September, a 20% reduction in the rate to be applied to urban buildings leased exclusively for housing and located in the municipality. This tax benefit for landlords depends on the decision of the city councils to apply it or not. For this reduction to apply it is necessary that the property in question be let for residential purposes only. The building must also be registered with the Finance Department and have a valid license for the year of intended benefit. It is also up to the municipality to decide whether the discount applies throughout the municipality, whether it is limited to some parishes or whether their value is different between parishes. This tax benefit is not automatically applied, so owners have to file an application with the municipality and the benefit will apply for the year referred to in the application. The deadlines for filing IMI reduction requests are set by the city councils, and in the case of Lagos City Council the deadline is set to November 30th. If you would like to submit your application, you can access the form on the website listed.

+INFO: 



Salsa traces its origins back to Cuba, especially the capital Havana. So, who better to take eager dance hopefuls through their paces than the ‘Man from Havana’ himself, Cuban born and bred, Aramis Reyes? Chatting to Aramis, he told me about his early and professional life in Cuba in his soft Cuban Spanish accent. He spent most of his adult life, apart from the obligatory national service in the Cuban Army, performing and later teaching dance. Whilst he felt life in the army was relatively easy, he was eager to get back to what he loved best, performing and teaching dance. At the heart of Cuban culture is its music, the central form being Afro-Cuban son (sound), which forms the basis of many other musical styles such as salsa, mambo and cha-cha-chá. Salsa is a mixture of various musical genres including AfroCuban percussion and Spanish canción (song), and guitar infused with North American music styles like jazz. This rich culture of music and dance expression has developed against a backdrop of intrinsic beauty, as the island of Cuba nestles between the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, bathed in a tropical climate moderated by the north-easterly trade winds that blow all year round. His early career saw him performing in Break-dancing and singing group, Estilo Fantástico. As the Soviet backed regime supported artists in Cuba during his youth, at the age of 26, Aramis ventured abroad for the first time, travelling to Spain with the group to perform in the Feria de las Naciones - International Fair. This was the first of many trips abroad to Spain with his dance group, and other

countries like Italy, where he met his wife. It was in Italy that the first of his children, a little girl, was born. It would have made sense to stay there with a career on the up and a young family, but the decision to come to Portugal was effectively made for him. His mother-in-law, who was living in Portugal, became ill. His young family moved to Portugal, where another child followed the first and clearly, his children are the apple of his eye. Through his travels abroad he began to realise that the life he had led in his youth, whilst seemingly idyllic, did not afford him the freedom that he has enjoyed since leaving Cuba. As he said, “as an artist, I had a good life in Cuba, I had everything I needed. I had my family and food on the table.” Whilst in professional terms life in Cuba was similar to his life in Portugal he recognises he has “más libertad” (more freedom) here. Aramis has built up a thriving dance tuition business in the Western Algarve. He gives salsa classes in Lagos, Portimão, Ferragudo and Lagoa, working Monday to Friday leading two or three lessons per day. He takes classes for adults and children alike as dance is popular with local young people. He also works as a DJ in Bar Havana in Armacão de Pera on Wednesday nights, so he is a busy man. But he has never forgotten his roots, and like many dutiful sons, he helps to support his parents and family who still live in Cuba. His classes are held at the Teatro Experimental, Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, no 8, Lagos, with the Beginners’ sessions being held on Thursdays from 6pm until 7.30pm.

+INFO:  Aramis Reyes


SANTA NEEDS YOUR HELP 15th Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly

Castelo de Sonhos registered charity has more than 200 elderly in need, living in this area. This Christmas the 15th Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly are asking for your help. Here is what you’ll need to do: 1. Find an empty shoe box. Most shoe shops are only too pleased to give you one. 2. Decide whether your gift will be for a man or a woman. 3. Fill your shoe box with a variety of gifts, each gift may be individually wrapped. Please pack carefully and wrap breakables well. 4. Wrap the shoebox and label for man or women, or couple.

5. Deliver the filled shoeboxes to Castelo de Sonhos in Silves, the Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra or the Prímavera Restaurant/ Snack Bar in Tunes, between November 15th and December 9th. Alternatively you can bring the boxes on Saturday November 30th to the 3rd Annual Guia Autumn & Christmas Fair taking place at the Guia Football Club Snack Bar from 11am until 4pm. Some practical ideas for items that make box fillers include personal health items such as shampoo, soap, body lotion, bath gel, foam hairbrush, comb, mirror, shower cap, face cloth. Items to combat the chilly winds are always welcome, they include woolly-hat, gloves, scarf, socks, hankies, tights, small shawl. Torch, tea towels, a small notebook and pen, and sweets, chocolates, cake or biscuits are also welcomed. Please ensure any food is still well before its best-before-date. Add a Christmas card to make your gift more personal. Please do not include any types of medication.

+INFO Sue Butler-Cole:   +351 282 330 242 / 933 374 865


YEARS OF EXPERIENCE The Municipality of Portimão paid tribute to seven centenary citizens at a luncheon, followed by an afternoon of Fado, as part of International Day of the Elderly. In a day filled with memory and emotion some of the centenarians shared their secret of longevity. António Boaventura currently resides at Santa Casa da Misericolina de Alvor, where he "feels very good, and exquisitely treated." 103 years old, his life was dedicated to seafaring. At the age of 20 he boarded a cargo ship that



operated in Portimão and worked the seas for decades, carrying coal to the steamboats and tons of fish to the dock of Fábrica Féu.

was to marry a younger woman to take good care of me. ” Maria Perpétua is his 94-year-old wife and they have been married for 76 years.

Daniel da Silva Nobre, who was born in Monchique and lived half of his 101 years in the Mexilhoeira Grande area. "I am a country man, afraid of the sea, I never dared to leave the land, which gave me so much."

Maria Joaquina spent her life working. “Since I was a little girl I walked behind the plough with a hoe and from there I went to the fish canning factory.” She still lives in her home, “whether it is the cleaning, housekeeping or making the food, I also have a couple of grandchildren, a great-granddaughter and a great-great-garnddaughter, this gives me a lot to entertain me.”

Accounting for his longevity, he said, “apart from wiping the floor with our sweat, the best secret is to eat, drink, work and not think too hard about life's hardships. But the big trick


Children in Need

Left to right: Sam, Tom, Amy, Belinda Willis

November is the month when a host of celebrities join the BBC to raise millions for disadvantaged children. Tomorrow magazine has this special report on an algarve children’s charity that needs your support. BY SOPHIE SADLER

For many families, a holiday which most of us take for granted is a huge undertaking when you have a disabled or special needs child. Most families feel they cannot cope with the constant staring and remarks especially when their children may have a meltdown by the pool, spill a drink in the restaurant or just suffer a total sensory overload from everything happening around them. The Centre Algarve’s benefactor Andy Mahoney operates a transfers business in the UK, helping disabled and special needs children get to and from school. After getting to know the families he saw how much they needed a break and asked his friends Tom and Belinda Willis, to look around for a suitable property to create such a complex. Tom and Belinda found the ideal premises in a derelict hotel in Moncarapacho and refurbished the property, with the help of over 1300, mostly work-away, volunteers, into a homely resort catering for all the needs for disabled or special needs children and their families. Tom and his wife Belinda became so involved in the project, that along with their two children Sam and Amy, they now run the Centre Algarve. Amy even took a course in Tourism Management at Faro Hotel and Tourism School that included a module on Accessible Tourism. The property is completely secure with alarms to give the parents the peace of mind that their children cannot get out, a particular concern for children with autism. They have created a Discovery Centre, a sensory room with disco lights, a lounge with a Karaoke machine and an accessible jacuzzi with a hoist for their guests to enjoy. They even have a petting zoo to invigorate the senses and give the children an educational encounter that is unique and fun, to brighten up their holidays. They decided to approach the BBC about a Pudsey Day in order to raise awareness of the Centre Algarve. The BBC confirmed that Pudsey himself had never been on holiday before so decided he could do with some time-out in the Algarve. After signing Pudsey's lengthy contract, he travelled in the epitome of style with Algarve Removals!



Pudsey helped out at the fundraising day, pawing in over €5000 for the BBC Children in Need appeal. Along with the 300 people who attended the event Celebrity Big Brother housemates, Kellie Maloney and Dee Kelly were also queuing up to meet Pudsey. Kellie is an ambassador of the Centre Algarve and spoke to her friend Dee about the special needs holiday centre. Dee's sister has a 2-year old daughter with a disability, so she was keen to come to the day and find out more. Kellie explained; “It’s an amazing place where you can see families and their children enjoying themselves and relaxing like any other family on holiday. I call it a piece of heaven on earth.” Also attending was former Paralympian Ann Wafula Strike who earned an MBE for her services to sport and disability. She brought the Olympic torch so people attending on the day could have their photo taken with the iconic Olympic symbol. Ann said; “The magic unfolded when I spent time at the Centre Algarve with other families. All the facilities are well designed and thought out to ensure disabled and special needs are catered for. The staff bend over backwards to ensure everybody has a great holiday.” They are in the process of creating a Portuguese charity here in the Algarve: “We have found that many of our Portuguese guests that have applied and come here get minimal funding or help from their government so we would like to help them and give back as much as possible. We will be hosting a Grand Christmas Charity Ball on the December 14th, tickets are now on sale.” Pudsey has hopefully ensured that the future families staying at Centre Algarve, will continue to get the Bear Necessities they need to enjoy a well-earned break in the sun!

+INFO:  Centre Algarve  Ball tickets please phone Amy on:  +351 915 488 897


Gonçalo and Scar A Winning Partnership BY DEBBIE DARGAN

They say the relationship between man and dog is one of the oldest in history but the bond between world championship hopefuls Gonçalo Guerreiro and his partner, German Shepherd Dog Scar, is unique. I met Gonçalo for a coffee near the Marina in Lagos to talk about his work with dogs and the World Union of German Shepherds (WUVS) Championships in Modena, Italy that he was preparing for. He seemed happy and relaxed and it wasn’t hard to see why he should be such a master of his craft so early in his career (he is only 19). His love of dogs goes back to his childhood when his father presented him with his first dog, a little Yorkshire Terrier. Then, only three years later at the tender age of 11, he became the national champion in dog obedience! He learned his trade working alongside his father. Whilst attending the Escola Secundária Gil Eanes in Lagos, he only had time to devote to his own dogs, but on leaving school, he started working with other people’s dogs too. He has a very special bond with his German Shepherd dog, Scar, the other half of the double act. When I asked him why he chose this breed of dog to train for obedience events, he answered, “I really like this breed of dog, they have a great ability to be trained.” The thing he likes most about being a trainer is working with his own dog, without a doubt, but the other side of his work is to train obedience and agility to other



people’s dogs too. He is clearly very enthusiastic about all areas of his work and says “there is nothing that I don’t like. I love my clients’ dogs too. They’re all great.” With such a demanding work life, it’s not often that he gets much time for himself, but Summer is the time when he has a chance to relax a little as there aren’t any competitions. Then, from October onwards, he travels to Lisbon regularly for competitions and workshops. His clients are mainly Portuguese with a few English people too, many of whom find him through his Facebook page Instrução Canina and the rest by word of mouth. His sessions usually run for 45 minutes and he does more or less 30 per week. A typical day mid-week starts at 6.30, with breakfast then a workout with Scar. He then runs classes from 8-11ish and at 11.30 he goes to the vet who helps with Scar’s physical preparation. Lunch is usually followed by a trip to the gym, after which he has a busy schedule of lessons from 3-8 pm. On Saturdays, there are more lessons, but Sunday is a day off. His favourite classes are individual obedience classes. He is very positive about dogs and their capacity to 

COMMUNITY learn and be trained. “All dogs can be trained, although some dogs are more able than others. For example, I recently worked with a setter who was 10 years old, although it is not an exact science.”

The highlight of his working life so far has been, undoubtedly, to be chosen to represent Portugal at the world championships in Italy. He wasn’t fazed at being the only representative from Portugal. However, he was travelling with his Dad for moral support and of course, the other half of this amazing duo, Scar. He has had Scar since he was 10 months old and at the time, he thought he had great potential. He wasn’t wrong! He had all the qualities that he looks for in a dog, including a love of competitions. “For dogs to do well in competitions, they must want to do it. If they don’t want to compete, they won’t do any good. Dogs are not machines.” As a trainer, he says “above all else, you have to know dogs, you have to analyse them and understand them. You have to be calm, patient

and persistent. It is also important to have a good relationship with your dog. We enjoy ourselves. We have fun!” If he won, would life be any different? “Well I would be really happy, and it would increase my motivation, even more, to continue working with my dog, but it won’t change me, and life would go on as before". He admitted to feeling nervous and excited as it’s the first time he has competed in the world championships and the competition “is the best in the world.” A few days after our interview I heard some exciting news. Such was the level of talent and bonding between this formidable pair, that they were placed third overall in the Class 2 Obedience competition. They did themselves, Lagos and Portugal proud.

+INFO  Instrução Canina  +351 968 517 370   Anexo Estádio Municipal de Lagos

Algarve Dog Events started in February. What began as a Facebook post with an invitation for other dog walkers to attend a regular walk at the Barragem Bravura. Karl Burkett explains, “as you may know, there are many lonely people here on the Algarve, for a number of reasons, so we created the group initially to connect a nice group of people that all love being out in the open walking their dogs. We started with about four to five people coming along on a regular basis, it has since grown to a good sized group now. Using the Facebook page, posting photographs of our weekly walks, each week we attracted more people. We now have around 25 people and upwards of 30 dogs regularly.

Dog Events 28


Our walks also benefit the dogs in a massive way as a lot of the dogs come from a rescue background, some are very shy and are not very used to being around people or other dogs. The group contains all sorts of dogs from the tiny to great big astrella dogs, all of which are well behaved. We also have one of our members whose name is Rodolfo Aco, the dog whisperer, he does wonders with dogs, training, behavioral problems and so on, he really is an asset to the group, as are all the other members, each who make new members welcome.

Having that regular Saturday walk in your diary is an important thing. We usually walk for around 40 minutes to a water's edge spot, then the dogs all go swimming in the water, it is a great interaction for the dogs. Everyone is chatting, meeting new people and making new friends, which is also what the group is about. We then walk back to the Hello Goodbye cafe, where the owner greets all the dogs with dog treats, we all sit around the back in the picnic area enjoying a coffee, cake and chatting.” In September, the group held their first Algarve Dog Events BBQ at the forest picnic area in Barão de São João, “it was amazing, everyone brought a dish for the table, and we were all fed and watered.” A Christmas winter picnic is in the planning for December with a walking litter pick scheduled during November's walk. Dog walking times are every Saturday morning, meeting in the lower car park, Barragem Bravura at 9.30am, and every Wednesday evening at the picnic area Barão de São João forest at 5pm. The walks are easy trails, lasting approximately two hours, and are free to attend.

+INFO:  Algarve-Dog-Events

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674



Sobre Artes- Dancing Away to Success BY CAROLYN ELLISON

Nicola in World Cup in Germany

Top: Francisca, Nicola and Annika Left: On the right is Lisa Brown on the left is Chantal My daughters have been in dance school from the age of five, which was as soon as they were old enough to attend classes. It is, of course, every mother's dream to see their daughter in a pink leotard but little did I know at that time the journey it would take us on. We are a British family living here since 2002. The girls were educated in the local Portuguese schools and Ensino Articulado in Music. Dance and gymnastics were extra activities but I think ballet certainly leads to an appreciation of music and one helps the other. My daughter Chantal, learnt classical ballet, character and contemporary dance with her first school, before joining Nicola Thomas of Sobre Artes, five years ago. She enjoyed success in competitions and several shows with the school, before taking a break from dance for specialist music studies. Chantal is aged 19 now and after spending three years studying music in Lisbon at the Escola de Musica de Conservatório Nacional she is starting her undergraduate music studies in the UK, she still loves to dance and finished the year with a distinction in her Ballet exam. My other daughter, Francisca, is currently a professional dance student, formerly enrolled in the Escola de Dança de Conservatório Nacional and now in Kings International Ballet Academy in the UK. She too gained a distinction in her IDTA ballet exam last year and represented Portugal in Dance World Cup in Barcelona



last year with two jazz pieces choreographed by their teacher, Nicola. The school has won many medals and trophies in national and international competitions and has represented Portugal in four Dance World Cups. ​Nicola Thomas started teaching one class per week of younger children when she was only 16 years old. Previously she attended other ballet schools in Lagos but her mother Vanessa, the Queen of all dance Mums, wanted her to experience other styles so she opened a studio in her garage! She invited other girls and teachers to join them in their endeavours. Nicola then developed an interest in choreography, and many of her pieces started winning at competitions. Once she finished her A-Levels, despite having the option to follow a more academic path, she chose her passion which was to become the full-time dance teacher. She found a studio at the Luz Social centre and started Sobre Artes, where she has been teaching for the past three years. The second-year exam results for the school were impressive, from the tiny tots taking IDTA Rosettes through to Advanced 1. All of the ballet, jazz and modern results were distinctions, and the tap results were either Merits or Distinctions. The most senior pupil , Annika Thomas, has just learned that she has been invited to participate in the International Dance Theatre Awards of 2020 in February in the Northern Music College, Manchester, for Ballet and Jazz and Modern Dance and will compete against the best of the best pupils, courtesy of her outstanding exam performances. Nicola was awarded another internationally recognised teaching qualification for Modern and Jazz to add the ballet teaching qualifications. ​She is the youngest dance teacher in Portugal to obtain such high results without the supervision of any senior teacher and was recognised by the IDTA examination board with a nomination for their awards being held in Manchester in February 2020. This academic year, the school put on the show Alice in Wonderland in the Cultural Centre of Lagos. It was a sell-out, packed with other proud parents. A collection of ‘ballet mums and dads’ turned their hands to tutu decorating, and prop making and painting and Wonderland arrived in Lagos…. at least, for one night only. I can highly recommend being a dance Mum, seeing your child performing on stage is the ultimate joy but for them, it is giving them something very special and yes it's worth the commitment of taking them to lessons and competitions. So get your child enrolled in a dance class, now!







COMMUNITY Alice in wonderland, 100x100

Lily pond, 80.5x116.5cm

Jade butterfly, 70x100

MEET THE ARTIST LOTTI KLINK PLEASE CAN YOU START BY TELLING US WHERE YOU ARE FROM AND YOUR ARTISTIC BACKGROUND. I was born in Zurich and studied at Art School Wetzikon, Switzerland. As a child I loved to paint, draw and write in all variations, my big Caran d'Ache crayon box was my greatest treasure. TELL US ABOUT YOUR ART AND WHAT YOU SPECIALISE IN. In 2007 I discovered that painting in acrylics provided a fulfilling balance to my professional life as an HR Manager. I create strong abstract paintings with my work an expression of my feelings and emotions being either, bright and bold, or in my favourite earthy colours. My paintings show geometric and playful shapes, rough structures, earthy natural and strong shades. From the beginning nothing is fixed. My work is progressive and characterised through emotions, intuition, spontaneity as I try to live out moods, inner visions, sensations or the pure energy on the canvas. Layer by layer I move from creative chaos to exciting compositions, creating images with depth, space and density. My visions and themes grew towards abstract work. This gives the viewer the freedom for their own interpretation.

In the jungle, 50x150cm

CAN YOU TELL US HOW YOU CREATE YOUR WORK, WHERE DO YOU SOURCE YOUR IDEAS FROM, AND HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH EACH PAINTING? Being retired and living in Portugal now, I fully enjoy the stunning light here for my passion to paint whenever I feel like and especially when I am in a flow.



I only have an idea of the colours that I would like to use, and whether I want to start with some textures or not, and then I let it flow intuitively, just like my feelings, or my mood is in that moment.

WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR WORK OR YOU ART TO DO? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO YOUR WORK? I like to give joy and pleasure to someone with my painting. If they fit in their house or room in the colours and size this makes me very happy. And if I have the opportunity to see the painting at the final place, this is my best, then I can say goodbye to my “baby” and give it over to the new owner. DO YOU HAVE A QUIRKY STORY? Yes, there was an interesting story in the industrial company where I worked as an HR manager, which touched me a lot. We had an exchange trainee from the US who kept giving rise to discussions that took place in my office where some of my pictures were hung. When he said goodbye, he knocked on my office and handed me a canvas with an unusual size (54x81cm) - I thought something like a "compensation" of his numerous failures. I realised that somehow I did not feel like using or painting this canvas. But one day I overcame my anger and it turned out "apparently" as a very energetic picture in blue / green, which I wanted to connect with white splashes. However, I took the wrong translucent white colour, this then boosted me to discharge all of my feelings that connected me to this canvas. At my last exhibition in Switzerland, this painting could have been sold to four different parties. This surprised me a lot and finally turned me in favour of the author.

WHERE CAN WE SEE YOUR WORK? My work is currently in two galleries, LAGO Art Gallery in Almancil and Galeria de Arte, Tavira. My work can also be viewed at my home studio in Boliqueime by appointment and my website.

+INFO:    +351 968 462 032

AMI 1538










00351 282 788 977


What's on in November ALL THE FUN OF THE FAIR

Children in Music

Rebecca Christopherson is an American violinist and Suzuki teacher, who is preparing to launch a Suzuki music education programme for the children of the Algarve. Becki will be giving two lectures at local libraries on the revolutionary Suzuki Method, a method that believes that every child has musical ability that can be learned as a native language given proper instruction, and a nurturing environment.

Lecture dates are November 9th at the Albufeira library from 2-3pm followed by November 30th at the Portimão library from 4pm, also for one hour.



Over the centuries St.Martin’s Day has evolved into another reason for Portuguese communities to find a reason to party. Magusto is a celebration combining the first tasting of the seasons wines, along with the recently harvested chestnuts, which are roasted on open fires. Dancing, singing music and some interesting gambling games are just some of the fun to be had. Dia de São Martinho celebrations are held throughout the Algarve, so check with your local Juntas de Freguesia. LAGOS Magusto São Martinho at Largo do Mercado, Bensafrim, November 11th from 3pm, entry is free. SILVES The annual All Saints Fair takes place in Silves daily until November 3rd. The event will take place at Sítio do Encalhe, the car park behind the castle. This traditional fair has been held in Silves since 1492. Fair visitors will find numerous articles and products for sale,

from clothing, footwear to household items and toys, through the many stalls of chestnuts. PORTIMÃO The oldest popular event to take place in Portimão, São Martinho Fair date back to 1662. The fair takes place November 8th to 17th at Parque de Feiras e Exposições de Portimão. Celebrating São Martinho on the 11th, at this autumn fair there are exhibitors of traditional food products, crockery, plastics, toys, costume jewellery, footwear and textiles. There are also the famous roasted chestnuts and many other stalls selling street food. Bumper cars and other fairground rides add to the entertainment. MARMELETE Chestnut Festival on the November 1st is the most popular festival in the Parish bringing together thousands of visitors to appreciate the roasted chestnut. Music and dancing along with some interesting gambling games add to the good mood and festivities.


THEATRE TIME The fourth cycle of the LAVRAR O MAR project, Arts in the Highlands and the Costa Vicentina is motivated by earth. Following the natural cycle of the earth and the fruit it was decided that the second show would take place during the time of the medronho harvest, since this is precisely what the public will be invited to do. The first three days of November you can experience Theatre in the Mountains and the Distilleries with the show: MEDRONHO- A APANHA, A SANGRADA FAMÍLIA. This in an outdoor show with moderately difficult terrain, it is recommended to wear comfortable footwear and clothing that is appropriate in the event of rain. The show is not recommended for people with reduced mobility or people under the age of eighteen. Being part of the show, you will pick the medronho, as the people from the Serra de Monchique have done for many generations. This will be a day of sharing, with moments of theatrical performances interspersed with work from (and in) the field. Meeting at Heliporto de Monchique at 11am, the five hour drama costs €10 and includes a light meal with medronho tasting. O PRESENTE DE CÉSAR - QUEM VAI PARA O MAR NÃO VOLTA À TERRA Caesar's Gift is the story of Caesar Troy and his family. It tells the story of the Algarvian fishing trade which incorporates its exportation to Norway, the fishing communities of Aljezur and the banks of Newfoundland off Canada.

Bacalhau © Enric Vives-Rubio

Medronho © João Mariano

The public will learn a little about the reality of the cod fishing campaigns, as well as the challenges, dynamics and vicissitudes that the activity entailed. Dinner Theatre with an amazing menu consisting of soup, plate, dessert and of course, wine the show is expected to run for approximately two and a half hours. November 28th until December 1st at Sede do Rancho Folclórico do Rogil, Aljezur from 7.30pm. A second performance at Casa do Povo de Alferce, Monchique, December 5,6,7,and 8th, the show commencing at 7.30pm. Tickets cost €10 which Includes dinner. No entry for those under 12-years.

+INFO: 

Sweet Potato Festival

Celebrating the traditions and culture of the unique potato, the event, organised by Aljezur council and the Aljezur Association of Sweet Potato Producers aims to honour all of the people engaged in the agricultural activity and related food sector who are associated with the root-vegetable. The Aljezur sweet potato has a Protected Geographical Identification (PGI) stamp due to the soil and climate which makes the local tuber have 'the best taste in the world'.

You can decide for yourself, as there will be several restaurants and snack bars offering typical recipes along



with several stalls and street food trucks serving snacks, cakes and even beer made with the local humble potato. . The festival which is one of the biggest Autumn food festivals in Southern Portugal opens daily at midday until Midnight begins on November 29th concluding on December 1st. Admission is free and there is plenty of free parking.


Saint Andrew’s Ball

The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve is a small group of Scots and other nationalities whose main aim is to promote all things Scottish, but also to enjoy ourselves. This year the annual Saint Andrews ball will actually take place on Saint Andrew’s Day, November 30th, at the 5-star, Penina Hotel, 7pm sharp. Participants will be greeted by the skirl of the pipes played by the Society's piper, Malcolm MacGillivray. Following a champagne reception there will be a bounteous and sumptuous Grand Buffet accompanied by wine, followed by coffee and Atholl Brose. Afterwards Scottish dancing will be to the accompaniment of a ceilidh band from Scotland, The Sound of Islay. Each dance will be talked and walked through beforehand so no need for beginners to hang back.

A great opportunity to get out your glad rags and have a great time. Tickets will cost €45 for Society members and €47.50 for non-members. If you prefer not to drive and instead spend the night at the hotel after the Ball, and/or have a round of golf on the Sir Henry Cotton Championship Course, discounted special rates are available for Ball participants. To take advantage of the room and golf special rates you should book directly with the hotel mentioning that you are part of the Saint Andrew’s Group. A note for your diary, now the 2020 Burns Supper will be on Saturday January 25th, the Bard’s birthday, in the Ponte Romana Restaurant, Silves.

LOW TECH GROOVE IN PARADISE The Jazz in the Wineries will have its last session of 2019 on November 9th at 9pm, and 10th at 5pm in the winery Convento do Paraíso, Quinta de Mata-Mouros in Silves. This session will feature Low Tech Groove. The Algarvian group started a journey in 2013 going through different musical styles such as jazz, funk, blues and bossa nova. From this adventure the trio, comprising of guitar, piano and double bass have gathered a diverse sound heritage that has become the basis of their musical creations. Tickets are on sale now, priced €12.

+INFO: 



RIVER THAMES REVISITED On Tuesday November 5th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by William Rathouse. Will is a community engagement archaeologist for Museum of London Archaeology, MOLA.

Their work over the summer has taken them to a number of sites along the Thames including Isleworth, West London where the poorly preserved remains of Royal Navy motor launch ML286 were recorded.

River Thames Revisited, Recent Discoveries, Community Archaeology & mental well-being.

On the community side of the TDP, Will Rathouse will reveal plans for the next phase of funding for the project. This aims to support mental health and wellbeing through outreach work to people in need, such as forces veterans and people experiencing mental health problems, Dementia and Parkinsons. He will explain why this kind of work is revolutionising archaeology in the UK and beyond.

The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. Will Rathouse will talk about the latest finds from the awardwinning Thames Discovery Programme (TDP) and will introduce their sister project CITiZAN (Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeology Network) which monitors and records erosion threatened archaeology on the British coast. The TDP facilitates communities in London to monitor and record the appearing and disappearing archaeology of the Thames Foreshore, or tidal zone.

There is a €5 admission fee for nonmembers, all money raised by the AAA is used for archaeological grants and speakers.

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association

Fulham, London 2019

+INFO / TICKETS:  +351 919 635 246 (Kathy Prentice)  +351 282 420200 (Hotel)




with Swimming Pool near Alvor


430.000 € | REF: VM541 AMI9140

Wonderful Villa




LADO B Great names in modern music playing in Slives. The band Lado B has a number of forthcoming concerts scheduled until December. The first will see the band reunited with David Fonseca, the voice who performed with the group since 1998. Lado B with David Fonseca take to the stage on November 8th at 9.30pm at the Centro Pastoral de Pêra (CPP). The initiative, which is part of the programme is promoted by Silves City Council. The Leiria born musician is deeply associated with the band he gave voice to until he left to pursue a solo career in 2002, and releasing his first of many albums in 2003. Tickets for the show cost €10.

+INFO: 

Until November 30th you can see the Collective 289 from the Cultural Association in Faro, exhibition, A Ponte, Thursday to Saturday from 3pm until 8pm. On November 30th, the 60-year old Brazilian artist Marinês Busetti, known for his intricate work, will be exhibiting at Galeria LAR, no time information is provided yet. VERÃO AZUL CLOSING PARTY Celebrate the conclusion of the 9th edition of this international art festival and the release of 2019 ARTURb catalogue at Laboratório de Artes Criativas on Saturday November 2nd from 10pm until 2am, admittance is free. On the Road At the Centro Cultural de Lagos, on Saturday November 2nd at 9.30pm Tó Trips and Tiago Gomes’ 60 minute show of video and spoken word, the performance is based on Jack Kerouac’s book. Tickets cost €5 The Walk The Meeting point to experience The Walk with Cátia Pinheiro is at Messe Militar de Lagos on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November, from 3pm until 5pm each journey begins with a four minute interval between each spectator.

Limited to 30 people The Walk is a “sitespecific audio journey that thrives on a city and its little fictions. Exploring the boundaries between interior and exterior, public and private, fiction and reality", the audio is Available in Portuguese and English. Raquel André At Centro Cultural de Lagos on Friday November 1st at 9.30pm, Raquel André’s, Collection of Lovers. The sixty-minute performance is subtitled in English and offers a post-performance talk with the artists. Tickets cost €5 MASTERCLASS by Raquel André Collecting in Performance Arts – Tell your story. On Saturday November 2nd, from 10.30am until 1.30pm Raquel will hold a masterclass at the Teatro Experimental de Lagos. Limited to 15 participants and those over 16-years-of-age although participation is free. The aim of this Masterclass is the approach to new theatrical languages realising that we can elaborate stories and theatrical compositions from brief daily narratives.

+INFO:   +351 963 579 289  

Winter Ball

If you are very lucky there may still be some tickets available for event of the year.

The Tomorrow Winter Ball takes place at the Tivoli Hotel in Lagos on the 23rd of November. The party begins at 6.30pm with entertainment provided by the Sex Band.



Tickets for the evening entertainment cost €40 per person and includes welcome drinks followed by a threecourse meal with ½ bottle of house wine. All proceeds from the evening go to T.A.C.T.supported charities.

+INFO:   +351 919 185 677


WALK & ART FESTIVAL The 2nd edition of Barão de São João Walk & Art Festival will take place from the November 1st to the 3rd at the Barão de São João Cultural Centre. The Festival promises three full days of environmental education activities for children and families, technical workshops, lectures, and 8-10 daily walks that can be short or long, and themed. Botany, bird watching, archeology, geology, heritage and culture being some of the topics. This Festival will have a strong artistic component, combining the local artists

that make Barão de São João such a unique place. These artists will be involved in boosting activities ranging from workshops to guided tours allied to their work. Other inhabitants will guide you on routes, showing in a unique way the land where they live, and will tell many stories. An artistic installation made by the artists will be installed In the national forest of Barão de São João and will be available for visit throughout the year.

Operation Green Mountain is back and this year aims to enhance the Algarve with 42,000 new trees to be planted in eight municipalities. The planting will be divided into two days with Sunday, November 10th, for families and individuals while Monday, November 11th will be for school groups and other organisations. They will also be incorporating tree planting of endemic species and the removal or control of alien and invasive species.


Lagos Coral Group Association are putting on three, free concerts. The event on November 2nd at 8pm at the church, Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Luz will feature the choir, inCANTUS de Odivelas. At 9pm the church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, aka Igreja das Freiras, Lagos will feature the vocal sounds of Torres Vedras. November 3rd at 3.30pm Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Igreja das Freiras), Lagos. The choirs, Lagos Coral Group, Silvense Philharmonic Society Choir, Choir inCANTUS and Vocal Camerata of Torres Vedras will each perform.

+INFO: 

Help Plant Trees 42


This event is coordinated by Zoomarine's, Together We Protect initiative and they are growing the area of the planting as well as the number of trees to incorporate the municipalities of Silves, Loulé, Portimão and Monchique. Volunteers will also help to plant in Lagoa, Olhão, Tavira and São Brás de Alportel. Continuing his patronage of the project is the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de

Sousa. The scheme is also supported by the RTA - Region of Algarve Tourism and ALGAR SA. and sponsored by Águas do Algarve SA and Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa. They aim to plant 42,000 more trees in 2019. A spokesman for Zoomarins says; “Green Mountain does not change the world but it can be an important help to some parts of the Algarve, and sometimes just a tree is enough to help make a difference to humans, to other species and to our collective consciousness.” Last year they received 1300 volunteers and this year they are hoping for 2500. Those wishing to volunteer should apply (for insurance reasons and for operational logistics) on the event web page.

+INFO: 


November Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: FITNESS

Nia Technique Class Tues 4pm | Studio Ballet de Gwen Morris Lagos | Fri 5pm Espacão Viral Lagoa €8 or €28p.m, 913006590

Yoga Mon- Fri 9.30am 10.30am & 6pm (Small friendly groups) €10 or €90x10, AR Pilates Studio Lagos 966784280

Qigong Class | Wed 9am | €5, Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntarios, Lagos (small park close by the sports ground) 969147910

Hatha Yoga Mon & Thur 10am Sat 8.30am | Pre natal Yoga Tues 10.30am & Thur 11.30am €12 (drop- in) Baby Yoga Mon 11.30am (2 - 7 months) & Wed 4.15pm (8 -13 months) €15 (drop-in) | Qi Gong Tues & Thur 6.30pm Wed 10.30am, €8 (drop in), Casa Sakra Lagos, 916060814

Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Mat Wed 11am | Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola €7.50, 968288258

Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613

Yin and Tonic Tues 9.30am Vinyasa Yoga 7.30pm €10 SUP Yoga Thurs 11am €15 Body Conditioning blend of pilates & yoga tone & strengthen 9.30am €10, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel Yoga Shala 964593937

CHARITY & SUPPORT November 20th Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590

Tai Chi Wed 1pm Qi Gong Fri 10.30am €7 Taoist Meditation Fri 11.30am (Donation), Madrugada Center, Praia da Luz Tai Chi in the Garden Sat 19th & 26th 10am (City Garden Castle, nr Arco de S. Gonçalo (Donation) 939734394


Beginners Yoga Sat 11am Inlight, Hatha Yoga Wed 6pm Yoga for Back Care

Thur 2pm, Lagos Marina, €10 (€45 for 5) 912176914

Hatha Yoga (Beg) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am, €10, Boavista Golf Resort Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beg.) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde 963614499

Gentle Hatha Fri 6.30 - 7pm Burgau Sports Centre | €8, 965201477

Lagos Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282790930

Biodanza® Wed 9.30Am | €30 P.M, 965227951 | Salsa Cubana Thurs 6pm (Begin.) Mon 8.30Pm (Interm.) Thurs 7.30Pm (Adv.) €35 P.M, Bachata Thurs 9Pm €20 P.M 964151952, Capoeira Tues & Thurs 7Pm €30 P.M, 920547209, Contemporary Dance Wed 7.30Pm €25 P.M, 965310351, Children’s Drama Classes Mon & Wed 6Pm, Teenager’s Drama Classes Mon & Wed 7Pm, 962512133, Tel, Lagos

Cardio Flow Yoga Mon 6.30pm | Yin Yang Yoga Thur 6.30pm, Quinta Bonita €10, Lagos/Luz 964593937 SUP Yoga Mon, Wed & Fri 11am, €20, Alta Vista Luz, 964593937 Yoga Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am | €10 | 75mins Drop-in Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz282767303

CLASSES & ACTIVITIES Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962690582 Open Painting Studio | Wed & Thurs 10.30am-1pm | €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+- | Thurs 3 - 5pm - €10, Barão S. Joao, 962039574 Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789 Circus VagabunT Classes for children (6-12yrs) Tues 4-6pm (7-9yrs) | Thurs 2 - 4pm (4-6yrs) & 4.30 -6.30pm (up to 10yrs), €25 p/m, Leo: 968296503 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613


Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 10am | Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am | Core & More Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau fit2lovelife 913202621

Kundalini Tantra Yoga Thurs 8.30am | Iyengar Infuse Yoga Mon 10am | Yin Yoga Tue & Sat 6pm, €6 - €12, Qi Gong Mon 8.40am | Tai Chi Wed 8.40am €8 InLight Lagos 913127421

Golf School Sat 3pm (Max 10 juniors) €25 p.m Mixed Group Lessons Fri 9.30am (Min 3 p.p. class) €20p.p 24hr advance booking Equipment provided, Espiche Golf, Rally-Obedience Dog Training | Tues 11am €25x4, Espiche 968086320 African Dance Classes (from 12th Sept) Thurs 10.30 €10, Rancho Folclorico Rogil, 964588588 Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm | Beg. & Prof, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, 916035308 Dance classes Mon - Sat from 1pm until 9.30pm (3+yrs) 25€ per month, Lagos, Rua Gil Vicente 50, 912376595 or 915812055 /

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, 919707635 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Interm) €9 (€30 monthly) 11.30am (Improv.) | Wed 6pm (Begin.) & 7pm (Improv.) €8 (€25 monthly) Alvor Community Centre, Social Dance 7pm €20p.m Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis961916821 Aljezur International Choir Singers from the Southwest Algarve | Thurs 2pm | Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, 914285640 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort,

Portuguese Lessons Fri 10.30am | €5, Hotel Marina Club Lagos, 964696345 Portuguese Classes | Individual or groups, all levels | Barão S. João or at your home,966176131 Watercolour classes Thurs 10am - 12pm (beginners welcome), €10, Fortaleza da Luz, Luz ,912149839 Mum & Toddler Dance & Gym Class Thurs 9.3010.15am €6 drop in/ €20 p.m Bilingual Dance Clases All Styles (Babies-Adults) Classes from €20 p.m. Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz 913832335 Oriental Dance Mon 6.30pm | Beginners & Intermediate €6.50 p.class, €20p.m, Lagos 914851331

FAITH Holy Communion Service Sun 8am & 11.30am & Thurs 10am (No Service Thurs 21st), CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813

EVENTS November 9th Journey Through The Chakra Workshop €15, Quinta Bonita Yoga Studio, Lagos/ Luz 964593937 November 10th Remembrance Day Service 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Open Mic Night | Fri 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz | 964201904 Quiz Night Mon 9pm | Rodizio of Tapas (Call for dates) 7pm | BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm - 9pm €7.50, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor, 912441143 Nov 10th Jin Shin Jyutsu Practical (Self-Healing) Workshop 2.30pm Donation (reg. nec.) Nov 10th Chakra Activation & Soundbath 7pm €12 (reg. nec.) Nov 17th Transformative Breathwork 1pm €35 for 3hours (reg. nec.), InLight Lagos 913127421 Nov 1st Acorn Picking 10am - 5pm | FREE | Monchique Nov 3rd Walk "Guerreiros do Rio” 9am - 4pm | €15 Alcoutim Nov 9th Walk in Serra do Malhão | 9.30am - 2.30pm | €10 Nov 16th Quimera 4th Birthday | 10am - 3pm | €10 (Donation to RIAS) | Marim - Olhão Nov 23rd Monchique to Caldas de Monchique 9.30am - 2.30pm | €10 | Nov 30th Walk in Querença 10am - 3pm | €10 | Quimera Experience, 962647741


INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750


FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD One of the most watched films in the world celebrates its 80th anniversary this year and The Algarveans Experimental Theatre Group is commemorating the occasion by staging The Wizard of Oz in November in Lagoa. In this family classic, young Dorothy Gale is a Kansas farm girl who dreams of a land “somewhere over the rainbow.” A tornado transports Dorothy and her dog, Toto, to a bright and magical world where she accidentally makes a mortal enemy of the Wicked Witch of the West. In the Land of Oz, she befriends a scarecrow in need of a brain, a tin man missing a heart, and a cowardly lion who lacks courage and together they have many adventures along the Yellow Brick Road which leads to the Emerald City. There they plan to implore the all-powerful Wizard of Oz to grant them all their heart’s desire. Leading a cast of more than 30 actors from across the Algarve is Director, Karen Barroso. “As a dancer, musicals are in my blood. I have wanted to direct The Wizard of Oz for many years and love the idea of bringing more children into the theatre.” The Algarveans have always encouraged inclusivity and participation from the local community. There are many new members, young, and old in the cast, with the group


boasting a multi-cultural membership. This is the first musical in six years for The Algarveans, and rehearsals have been underway since July. Choreographer Shelly Kenny is teaching dance to go along with the magical melodies, while the production crew are diligently creating whimsical sets and designing colourful costumes. “For 80 years this story has given faithful service to the young-at-heart and time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of fashion. We dedicate this production to all of you who have been faithful to its message." The Wizard of Oz will be performed in English, at the 300-seat Carlos do Carmo Auditorium in Lagoa from November 21st to the 23rd. Show starts at 7.45pm, with a matinee performance on the 23rd at 2pm. Tickets cost €10 and are available at the Auditorium box office, all Worten and FNAC stores or online at If you would like to tread the boards, stretch your creativity by helping with set, costumes or backstage learn more at the website.

+INFO: 

During the long weekend of the November 1st to 3rd, the Lagoa Municipal Auditorium Carlos de Carmo will receive dancers from all over Portugal and beyond in the third edition of this regional international dance competition, promoted by the non profit- making association, Talented Proposal. The competition is open to dancers as young as four up to 25 years, and includes all styles of dance from classical ballet to urban street dance, from the colourful character or national dances to Broadway jazz,and so much more in various classes of groups, duets and solos divided by age. The dancers are also invited to join in workshops with the international judges and other guest teachers. The judges this year are from internationally recognised schools and companies from Spain, United States, and the United Kingdom. They have the difficult task of awarding not just medals and trophies to class winners, but scholarships to summer schools and other special prizes. "Whilst



we welcome all levels, indeed we wish to encourage the young to become more stage confident, the standard is high and some of the foremost schools in Portugal are already booked to come, so it will be an exciting weekend." The competition will be divided into sessions and session tickets will be available through the ticket office of the Lagoa Auditorium and the Convento de São José. The winners will be invited to perform in the Final Gala at 6pm on Sunday November 3rd. The cost of sessions is €3 and the gala tickets are €10. So if you wish to see the stars of the future performing and following Marcelino Sambé to the Royal Ballet, then please come to support this event. If you are a dancer not competing you can register for the workshops.

+INFO:    +351 282 380 452 (Ticket office)


FOUR-WHEELED ACTION November is one of the main months for motorsport action in the Algarve. A traditional closing event for the Portuguese rally championship, the Rallye Casinos do Algarve goes on the road on November 1st and 2nd, with stages running through the municipalities of Lagoa, Portimão, Monchique and Lagos. The rally incorporates the European Rally Trophy Final, a competition that brings together the best drivers from 36 qualifying events that have taken part in 21 countries during the year. The event is also the final round of the Iberian Rally Trophy, the Portuguese Classics Championship and the Southern Rally Championships, with four title contenders aiming for the top step of the podium this promises to be the most exciting edition of the Rallye Casinos in recent years.

LIVING MUSEUM An event not to be missed is the annual Algarve Classic Festival from November 1st to 3rd. The Autódromo do Algarve is turned into a living museum in what is the biggest classic car event in the Iberian Peninsula. The festival will host 11 European Classic Championships and will attract the best historic race cars and drivers, many competing to win the series championships in their final event of the year. Competition is always tough as the drivers go door-to-door in some of the world's rarest automobiles. This is the perfect weekend for any petrolhead or those who are simply in love with classic cars from a time gone by. There are races in many styles of vehicle including Formula Junior single seaters, Pre 1975 Sports Cars, Pre 1963 GT cars, Historic Touring Cars, the Super Sevens, Formula Ford Portugal



and what must be the highlight of the weekend, the two-hour race into the sunset for the 1950s Sports Cars. The car park is always interesting with the random supercar or classic cars and motorcycles adding to the spectacle. Qualifying begins on Friday for each of the classes, while racing commences in earnest at 8.30am on Saturday, nine races are scheduled for the 10-hour day. The event concludes on Sunday with another nine race day. Tickets are available online from €8.

+INFO:  /

The now traditional special night tarmac stage around the closed roads in Lagos starts from 7.30pm on Saturday evening, with racing through until midnight, most of the action will be in front of the Paços do Concelho Building. The morning of the first day begins with shakedown and qualifying stage in the Porches area. Subsequently, the action will continue in Lagoa. Competitors will go to the Portimão section, a new feature in the race that marks the return of this city to host sections of the Rallye Casinos do Algarve. The second day of the race will be held in Serra de Monchique, with two passes through the sections of Nave Redonda and Monchique, interspersed with a passage to the Arade Pavilion, and the special Portimão - promising a big party ending.

Transcendental Meditation The technique for inner peace and wellness

WHAT’S ON 1. © FIM : Christopher Lavery Collection 23/08/1913 The inaugural International Six Days' Trial at Carlisle's Lake District. Charles Collier and his Matchless 964 Sidecar was a member of the winning British team.


2. © Dario Agrati Start of the FIM ISDE 2018 Chile 3. © Dario Agrati - Daniel Milner of Team Australia - KTM at the FIM ISDE 2018

those we are used to having. The six days are going to be the biggest event sporting wise we have held with around 750 riders already registered. We believe that this event will involve 6000 people on the participant side plus 1000 more on the operational side from staff members. It will have a huge impact on the circuit and for the region.”



Originally started under the name ISDT (International Six Days Trial) was was first held in Carlisle in 1913 and is the oldest off-road motorcycle event in the world. Held on the roads of that era, today most of the routes are truly off-road. The early events were a true test of machine, rider skill, and reliability. Over one hundred years later not much has changed. Despite a team of mechanics the rules insist that riders carry out all repairs, change their own tyres and service their own equipment. Mechanics can only help by talking, handing over tools and changing the machines fluids. Six days of gruelling physical racing where the riders will travel over 1000 kilometres and need to be at the height of personal fitness to stand any chance of surviving the test.

Two Wheeled Action BY ANTON NICHOLLS

In essence the event is the Olympics, or the World Championships for off-road motorcycle Enduro riders and this year the immensely prestigious ISDE comes to Portugal from November 11th to 16th. The Algarve provides the perfect stage for professional and amateur riders to do battle over the same course, with each day of competition starting and finishing at the Autódromo Internacional de Portimão paddock from where the various daily stages will take riders around Monchique and surrounding areas.

The 2018 event held in Chile saw the Australians dominate both the male and female divisions with the Italians taking the Youth World Trophy. The 2019 ISDE will incorporate the FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy- where each team must include three riders, each of whom must be aged at least fifty-years-old.

The event will welcome over 750 riders from 34 countries to battle for the various titles in this team event.

This behemoth of motorised adrenaline is truly historic and unlikely that we will have this race return to the Algarve in our life times so make sure to find out the schedule and the best vantage points from where to watch to the two-wheeled action at the official website.

As well as the riders there is an enormous travelling entourage. The United States are sending a team of 31 riders, growing to 135 people when you add the extra personnel needed for technical support, mechanics and assistants, this will truly be an unmissable circus. Autódromo Internacional do Algarve CEO, and FIM ISDE 2019 local organiser Paulo Pinheiro said, “For the race track it is important to host such a different event from


This year is the third time the competition will be held in Portugal with Coimbra in 1999 and Figueira da Foz in 2009 hosting previously. Portugal from North to South is proving itself to be an off-road riders paradise so much so that many leading motorcycle companies visit year after year to launch their newest range of enduro, rally and adventure bikes. Marques such as BMW, Triumph and Suzuki having been here most recently. Most of the big off-road bike manufacturers will release a special signature bike paying homage to the Six Days competition with KTM already launching their 2020 models sporting the Portuguese flag and livery.

The International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) is the ultimate test of man and machine.


One previous competitor back in 1964 representing his country was a rather famous actor who put his dirt bike skills to good use in the movie, The Great Escape, he was of course the legendary Steve McQueen.

Anton is a motorcycle trail riding coach at

+INFO: 


EUROPEAN SAILING CHAMPIONSHIP They said that it couldn’t be done. Beyond expectations, during October Portimão hosted the European Disabled Sailing Championships which brought 113 athletes from 10 countries to the city for a week of intense competition that put the athletes through some real tests of their sailing ability. A full range of conditions, from little wind and lots of sun through to strong wind, some rain and even fog on the final day of the racing challenged the racers. Maria Nobre de Carvalho of Teia D’Impulsos, part of the organisation that worked on ensuring a trouble free event explains, “we had here athletes with all kinds of disabilities, paraplegics, quadriplegics and amputees, among others. All sail together in the same races, it is a truly an inclusive sport and that is what we want to bring to planet earth as well. ” The type of boat that makes an equal playing field for the sailors is the Hansa Class, a low centre of gravity craft, ballast provides great stability making the boat almost impossible to turn over, the brightly colored sailboats make them easily identifiable at sea. Sailors with movement disabilities are able to make use of addied power controls that are servo-assisted for steering the rudder and controlling the sails.

English sailor Allan Hillman has been a quadriplegic for over 20 years said “this was one of the best championships I have had the pleasure of participating in, and I have plans to return to Portugal soon too.” Maria Nobre de Carvalho, “we have shown that it is possible for Portimão to host such a prestigious event. Teia D'Impulsos working with the Marina de Portimão Yacht Club will now try to bring the 2021 World Cup to the city.” Bob Sharingher, President of the Hansa International Class who sailed in the Liberty class during the week concluded, “It was a very good week, with excellent sailing conditions and an enviable organisation. Few championships can match a good sea environment and a rich and lively social programme.” With such a ringing endorsement the possibility of Portimão hosting the World Cup must be achievable, with more hard work from the organisers and army of volunteers who made this event a success.

“I think the most important thing about this event is the ability to sail regardless of one's physical condition,” added Maria.

It was not a complete foreign raid, in the 2.3 class, the smallest of the sailing boats, Portuguese sailors took both Gold and Silver medals. Hui Naval Club athlete Rui Dowling was crowned European Champion ahead of André Bento of the National School of Adapted Sailing. After long days of sailing the visitors were treated to cultural events, concerts, gin and wine tastings and local sea-food dinners.



© Rodrigo Moreira Rato/LX Sailing

There are four classes within the Hansa range, the new servo-assisted Liberty fleet was dominated by the Dutch, who took all three steps on the podium. Polish duo Piotr Cichocki and Olga Gruzdien took the title of European Champion in the 303 doubles class with Piotr also taking the Gold medal in the 303 single class.



After suffering from a chronic illness, dog-lover Gail Skinner found Dog Pulling. The sport allowed her and Pip to paw themselves back from illness and abuse. Here is their story: I have always been involved with dogs from rescuer, rehabilitator, trainer and veterinary nurse. Over the years I have competed with my dogs in different African countries in various sports, but a few years ago disaster struck and I was diagnosed with a chronic illness which would cause me ups and downs and sap my energy to the point that I was unable to compete with my current dogs. Having a very competitive nature and owning many rescue dogs I began to research competitive dog sports which I would be able to take part in. I found three sports which I would be able to manage, and Dog Puller was one of them. I attended a workshop to learn more about this interactive sport and competed the following day at my first National Championship and my Miniature Pinscher, "I'm The Pipstar" took 1st place in the running category and was the 1st Micro Category dog in Portugal to score points in a National Championship. I was hooked and Pip too. Dog Puller is comprised of two categories, the first is the running category. The handler stands in the start zone, claps two puller rings together twice to show the judges he is starting and throws a puller ring in one direction, the dog chases it and catches it whilst it is still in motion and returns it to the handler who can then throw the second puller in the opposite direction. The team have 90 seconds in which to accumulate as many points as possible. The second category is jumping, the handler double claps two puller rings to start the 90 seconds and the dog has to jump and grab the puller offered by the handler. Points are awarded for two paws off the ground and for four paws off the ground. Next, the other puller is offered from the other hand and the dog jumps and grabs this. By alternating the side of jumps from left to right the team tries to accumulate as many jumps as possible. I travelled all over Portugal competing at the National



Championships and Pip and Zsa (my Yorkshire Terrier) were selected to represent Portugal at the World Championships in Hungary. These dogs train five days a week and have a two day rest period. On training days they are not only training the actual sport but are doing fitness training and confidence and flexibility workouts too. My dogs 'work' for all of their daily food allowance, this 'work' is in the form of fun games and relationship building exercises, through these exercises I have built confidence in these dogs. Pip was rescued from a very bad situation and she had an ingrained fear of people, particularly men. When I first started competing with Pip she would easily become distracted and nervous. I worked hard building her confidence levels and she set a National Record in the Jumping Category in her last Championship. She also took Silver in the Jumping Category and Bronze in the Running category at the World Championships. I have taken two lap dogs, a Miniature Pinscher and a Yorkshire Terrier to National level in this sport and qualified for the Portuguese National Team. These two little dogs competed at the World Championship in Hungary this year and are currently ranked 2nd and 4th in the World, not a bad achievement for a couple of silly little dogs that are usually not taken seriously. Olimpia, a beautiful white Spitz, who is also on the National Team took Silver in the Running Category. The new Dog Puller Season started at the end of September with our first National Championship being hosted by and held at the stunning Centro de Desportivo in Mexilhoeira Grande and with it the introduction of a Para class for dogs or handlers with disabilities. The other classes for Dog Puller in Portugal are Puppy, Mini, Maxi, Drive, Veteran and Micro.

+INFO:  +351 917 758 404 (Gail) 




Castores do Arade based in Boca de Rio. Both clubs have excellent coaches with the sports well supported by the local councils, especially in terms of transportation and accommodation. WHY DO YOU BOTH ENJOY BADMINTON AND HOW OFTEN DO YOU PRACTICE? Maria: Training is every day during the week after school, and we have competitions some weekends. Isabella: The training is made fun with lots of different drills and also you get to play against a higher standard to improve our own game. We have also made some great friends there. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU TO BE NATIONAL CHAMPIONS? Isabella: We train a lot so to get the medals and winning is a nice reward.


Isabella and Maria Wilkinson are identical twin girls. Born nine weeks premature in early 2006, both just under 3lbs each (1kg), they spent their first month in intensive care in Faro hospital. Thirteen years later they are a unique sporting double-act. Not only are they singles and doubles National Champions in badminton, the twins create a unique, double whammy, they are also National Champions in kayaking in K1, K2 and K4 for their age group. The girls live in Ferragudo with their English father, George, and Portuguese mother, Carla. I interviewed the girls and dad to find out more. HOW DID YOU GET IN TO SPORT? Maria: We got involved in badminton as part of the Ferias Desportivas programme, one of the coaches from the local club approached us and asked us along to training. Isabella: A coach from kayaking came to our school and offered a trial to our school year. We really enjoyed it, and afterwards they asked us to join the club. George: They play for ACD Chelagoense Badminton, travelling the country and also to Spain to play in competitions. They are members of the Kayak Clube



Maria: Standing on the podium is a nice feeling! Our parents are very proud of us and give us good support. DO YOU HAVE TO COMPETE AGAINST EACH OTHER? IF SO DOES YOUR RIVALRY CONTINUE OFF THE COURT TOO? Maria: We enjoy pushing each other in the competition and it is difficult for our parents to see us play each other, as only one of us can win! We also enjoy playing together in the pairs. Isabella: Although we are identical twins, we have different personalities, so sometimes we fight, but most of the time we are best friends. DO YOU COMPETE IN THE SAME KAYAK OR AGAINST EACH OTHER? Both: We compete in the individual kayak against each other, in pairs together, and also in a foursome with our friends. DO YOU PREFER BADMINTON OR KAYAKING? Maria: It is so difficult to choose, we enjoy them both very much. Isabella: We have different sets of friends with both sports. WHY DO YOU THINK SPORT IS GOOD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE YOU? Maria: A lot of our school friends spend their free time on computers and gaming, which we also enjoy, but we love to exercise too. Isabella: We also have a huge appetite for food, and we know that if we don't exercise we will be very big! IF OTHER CHILDREN WANTED TO GIVE THESE SPORTS A TRY, WHAT SHOULD THEY DO? Maria: Everyone is welcome to come to the clubs and try out the facilities, we have players on holiday from all countries who also come to train with us. Isabella: Both clubs are very welcoming for all new players, both children and adults. 

SPORTS WHAT IS THE SECRET TO YOUR SUCCESS? DO THE TWO SPORTS HAVE SIMILAR DISCIPLINES WHICH MAKE YOU GOOD AT BOTH? Maria: Our parents were very sporty when they were younger, and also we have very helpful, patient coaches for both sports.

Isabella: We have developed good upper body strength from both sports and we also do running for stamina in the kayak races. ARE YOUR COACHES HAPPY THAT YOU PURSUE BOTH SPORTS OR DO THEY WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON JUST ONE? Maria: Sometimes the coaches are not happy if we arrive tired or we have picked up an injury after doing the other sport, but it does not happen very often. Isabella: In the future, depending on how we get on in competitions as we get older, we may have to choose one sport, one may do kayak, the other badminton.

Maria: I love being twins as we are always there for each other, but I still enjoy beating her in a competition! DO YOU THINK YOU WILL PURSUE A CAREER IN THESE SPORTS? George: Obviously it is a little early to whether they will take this to the next level of their sporting journey, but it will definitely be an advantage when having to decide on universities in Portugal or abroad in the next two or three years in terms of sporting placements or scholarships. Isabella: Dad says he would want us to compete for England if we go onto make the Olympics, but we have told him no. Maria: We are competing for Portugal!

DOES COMPETING WITH YOUR SISTER GIVE YOU MORE MOTIVATION AND DO YOU GET ON WELL? Isabella: We push each other to train and as long as we keep on enjoying, we will keep winning together.


One thing is for sure, the Algarve is offering youngsters a great opportunity to get involved in sport and we wish this twin-tastic pair a lot of success and most importantly, fun, in the future.




BY MICKAEL CARVALHO The pro tip this month concerns playing a wood off the deck (specifically the ball lying on the fairway but not on a tee peg). This is a very important shot if you hope to reach the green in two shots on a par 5 but it is generally a dangerous shot as often you will have a lot of danger in front of you, water, out of bounds and tough rough to contend with in attempting to hit the ball such a distance. Our focus here, in reading the notes below, is to prepare you for such a shot. 1. BASICS It is essential that you adopt a dynamic posture in front of the ball at address by maintaining good angles with your back, knees and arms. The ball should be positioned



almost in front of the left heel with the grip in the left direction of your belly button. The right shoulder is lower than the left one, this is important to ensure that you have a great posture. 2. SWING When commencing the back swing, you must have a full shoulder and hip rotation (90 and 45 degrees) to increase the power generated through the movement. The left shoulder must be positioned under your chin and the right leg must remain solid. Then transfer your weight onto the left leg and increase the speed of your arms and hands until the swing is completed. This compresses the ball with the power you have utilised.

3. FEELING What you hope to achieve is the feeling of a little jump movement with your left leg (by placing the leg straight) in order to achieve more power and speed at impact. This movement will ensure that you have good transfer and a big compression on the ball which will ultimately result in extra distance.

Mickael Carvalho is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf.

+INFO:   +351 282 688 250



This month I spent a Sunday wading waist-deep in mud, running uphill and being fully submerged in water. Doesn't sound like your idea of fun? Well, it should, here's why. The 5th Impossible Run in Lagos was held on the October 13th, unlucky for some, it was a lucky day for the population of Lagos who once again enjoyed this fabulous event organised by Lagos em Forma. This year it was bigger than ever with nearly 1400 adults and children taking part. Having set myself a personal challenge to get fit enough to do it in 2019, I had failed in that respect but decided to do it anyway! I shouldn't have worried. Here is the good news. You really don't need to be that fit. Everyone, from the team of burly Bombeiros we had the joy of following at one point, to mums like us, who were mostly the wrong side of 40, can take part. You can walk, run or hobble, and there are even beer breaks along the way. It took us 2 1/2 hours to complete as you need to get over the obstacles, some of which you queue for, which gives you ample opportunity to have a chat, catch your breath or clean the mud from your shoes. On arrival you are presented with a wristband, tee-shirt and some war paint to decorate your face. The first event was the youth race, a fantastic incentive to get children off their devices for a morning of getting wet, muddy and

having fun with friends. As for the adults I haven't had so much fun, well since I was a kid! My merry band helped each other through skips, sinking mud and held hands as we stood on a draw-bridge which fell away dropping you in a most undignified way into the marina. We even swam across the river under the Pingo Doce Bridge, yes the one that smells! And if you don't fancy an obstacle, you just walked around. As well as the teams competing, an amazing group of 20 Lagos-em-Forma employees organised the event, with more than 100 volunteers, from the volunteer firefighters, Scouts, Red Cross, Júlio Dantes school, Lagos companies and individuals all worked together to contribute to the success of the event. Afterwards there was street food, the unstoppable Toby-One on the decks, and a well-deserved beer! If you still don't fancy it, go along next year just to watch people falling into the water, better than any episode of It’s a knockout. So make sure you put it in your diaries for 2020. It was all about fun, friendship, being fearless, fierce and not so fast!



The Lagos Strollers Inaugural Walking Football Tournament was recently hosted at Clube Desportivo De Odiaxere. Spread over two days, the event attracted a dozen teams from across the region culminating in 30 games of football. Teams are 7-a-side, with a maximum squad of ten, allowing for the three flexi-subs that are permitted, players are separated into two age groups. East Algarve Walking Football Olhão won the over 50s, Destination Algarve tournament, while Gerry Hatricks of

Sophie Sadler and her team at the finish

Argyle won the over 60s tournament, Avalon Funeral Plans, Avalon Trophy. Prizes were presented by the Irish footballing legend John Aldridge Jerry Dowd, secretary of Lagos Strollers, “it has been a wonderful Inaugural tournament and we are already working on a second event during 2021.”

+INFO:  Lagos Strollers Walking Football

HEALTH & BEAUTY Golf is very popular in the Algarve. However, like any other sport, golf can cause injuries to the lower back and spine, particularly the sacroiliac joints. Additionally, golfers with recurrent or chronic back pain can become frustrated when their injury impedes their swing. There are a few things that golfers can do to help avoid back pain caused by the game.

Dr. Adam playing golf


WARM-UP BEFORE PLAYING Pre-game stretching will get your muscles ready for the game. Remember to stretch your torso, hips and hamstrings. Warm-up like Miguel Jimenez, you can see his routine in this amusing clip!  PRACTICE SWINGS Smooth, rhythmic and easy swings prior to pulling out your driver will minimise muscle effort as well as disc and vertebrae loading. With a proper swing, the shoulder, pelvis (hips), and thoracolumbar segments (chest and lower spine) rotate to share the load of the swing. GET ADJUSTED BY A CHIROPRACTOR The most common injury I treat

Herb of the Month: Passionflower BY POPPY BURR BSC MCPP

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a herb that I have a lot of time for. Aside from its sleep inducing properties, there are so many other uses for this enchanting plant that make it invaluable in clinical practice. Passionflower was first brought to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors, who learnt from the Peruvian Aztecs that the plant was used as a sedative for nervousness and insomnia. It was introduced into European medicine and cultivated widely, and nowadays it is an essential addition to a modern herbalist’s collection of ‘nervines’ herbs for the nervous system. Looking at the plant, it’s no wonder that passionflower contains hallucinogenic compounds. These are known as ‘indole alkaloids’ - they induce a contemplative state and mild euphoria, and are presumed to work through serotonin receptors.



for golfers is in the sacroiliac (joint between the sacrum and pelvis). The force generated by a golf swing largely stresses the L5-S1 disc space. The sacroiliac joint has only 5mm of movement when functioning correctly so it doesn’t take a lot to restrict this or put it out of place. It then doesn’t allow the golfer to swing right through the ball and will cause a lot of aching after playing a four-hour round of golf. These joints can be very easily adjusted back into place and can give an immediate reduction in pain and golf scores! CONSIDER HOW YOU CARRY YOUR GOLF BAG Repeated bending can stress the lower back and lead to muscle strain. Remember to bend from the knees rather than the back. If you carry your bag then use dual straps to evenly divide the weight evenly across your shoulders and back. And remember – Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and Jordan Spieth all see a chiropractor! Dr. Adam Rich (DC) at Lagos Chiropractic is an experienced chiropractor and keen golfer. Who better to advise you if back pain is hindering your game?

Researchers have differed on whether passionflower’s sedative effects are due to these alkaloids or its rich flavonoid content, including apigenin, scopoletin and chrysin, which binds to benzodiazepine receptors. Passiflora is also said to contain more of the calming neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) than 20 other plants examined. I think of a ‘passionflower person’ as someone who is ‘wound up’, tense and anxious - who finds it difficult to calm down enough to get a good, nourishing sleep. Several clinical studies have confirmed its calming effect. In a randomised controlled trial of 36 patients over four weeks, it was found to be as effective as oxazepam an anti-anxiety drug - with fewer side effects (three). Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can benefit hugely from this plant, as can some people with high blood pressure or a fast or irregular heart rhythm. The herb has also shown promising results in the field of opiate addiction, helping to alleviate the psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal. What an amazing plant, eh? Poppy is a UK-trained medical herbalist practising in the Algarve. She offers consultations and treatment in Western Herbal Medicine, incorporating Functional Medicine testing and nutritional strategies where appropriate.

+INFO: 

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52



Most of us have experienced back pain, and everyone will at least once in their lifetime. Keeping mobile and active will allow symptoms to naturally resolve over a few weeks or months. But what if it doesn’t? Well, sciatica is pain or altered sensations, starting at your lower back, shooting down through your leg and sometimes even reaching the foot. Some people experience sharp, intense pain, whereas others will feel tingling, numbness or weakness in their leg. Arising from the lumbar spine, the sciatic nerve can be compressed by a bulging disc, a bony spur, or even a muscle strain, which could cause sciatica. Sometimes these sensations can worsen by coughing or sitting.

When the diagnosis of sciatica is confirmed and the severity of your condition established, health questions and a physical screening will be sufficient for a clinical suggestion to start with conservative treatments like Pharmaceutics and/or physiotherapy. If the symptoms are severe or the diagnosis is not confirmed, you’ll be referred to a specialist like an Orthopaedic surgeon or Neurosurgeon, to investigate further through imaging and other exams.

If you are in this situation, please consult with your General Practitioner or Family Doctor who will assess you and produce a diagnosis, while ruling out other specific conditions like fracture, infection or cancer.

If you are referred for Physiotherapy, the physiotherapist will assess your movement habits, postural habits, functional capacity and help you get in control of your situation. The aim is to diminish the frequency and

intensity of sciatica episodes and allow recovery to activity. This article is in conformity with the UK's National Institute For Health and Care Excellence's most recent guidelines for back pain and sciatica. These guidelines state the effective treatment methods as; education about your problem, exercise in a therapeutic setting and assurance to remain staying active. Regardless of how you are now, knowing your limits and how to overcome them will help shape a future in better health!

+INFO:  

What does it mean to be Fit & Healthy? BY ANN DE JONGH

These days there is always something claiming to be the “best” weight loss, fitness, fat burning tool. The truth is, it is a multi-billion dollar industry, full of companies trying to make a fortune.

The main tools for being fit and healthy, are free or relatively cheap and don’t need any faddy diets or fitness trends. Its starts with the food that we eat. This fuels our body, helps it to build, repair and to fight illness . Ideally this is as natural as possible, with limited processed food, ensuring whatever else we eat we include lots of fresh vegetables. Our bodies are designed to move and we need to do this in three ways walking, running , cycling etc to increase our cardio fitness and move the body. Strength-training using weights or bodyweight helps to maintain and build our muscles. Flexibility keeps the muscles supple, creating space and movement in our joints. We learn to listen to our bodies to understand what they need, to realise when we eat



something that makes us lethargic, or bloated or foods that energise us. When we stretch and move, we learn to observe how our bodies move, becoming aware of when our body is not moving as it should. This is when we might do some additional stretching or get some massage, physiotherapy or chiropractic work, to help iron out kinks before they become debilitating. Our minds need to be taken care of, and spending time each day meditating, or just being mindful of our surroundings and watching the breath can help with mood, reducing stress levels and allow our days to flow more smoothly. Sleep is a crucial part of health. Ensuring we have 7-8 hours of sleep is vital to our health and wellness, and more and more is being cited as the most critical area of health that we need to focus on. Sometimes we need to go back to the basics. To eat simply and healthy, move, stretch, spend time in nature, rest and sleep. Allowing our bodies the greatest chance to be fit and healthy to carry us through life.

HEALTH & BEAUTY Now that the children have started back at school, wouldn’t it be nice to add a tool to their arsenal to see them excel this year?

Stress-free Schooling BY JOANA FEYO

Improved learning through Transcendental Meditation

So-called “consciousness-based education”, which involves integrating meditation into school curriculums, has arrived in Portugal, and has been introduced into 14 school groups, some of which include more than one school. This programme means the students in each school stop what they are doing, for around 10 minutes, twice a day, and practice Transcendental Meditation, or TM, as it is popularly known. This is a silent form of meditation, that research shows leads to more integrated brain functioning, greater learning abilities, increased creativity, and even higher IQ among students. This may sound like something difficult for children to do, but having taught dozens of children on these programmes, I can confirm that they take to it more easily than most adults. We are seeing an epidemic of stress in educational institutions, not just in Portugal but everywhere, and TM is an easy, natural tool to relieve and release

stress so students can unlock their full potential. This is what children need. These projects have arrived in Portugal through the EU-funded FRIENDS projectFostering Resilience, Inclusive Education and Non-Discrimination in Schools, and come as a result of other successful projects around the world, particularly in the United States and Latin America. TM boasts hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific research studies demonstrating its benefits, and so the EU wanted to test its efficacy on an institutional level here. As a teacher of TM in private and corporate courses across the Algarve, the benefits are visibly obvious. Transcendental Meditation eliminates stress, which is the root cause of so many problems we have to deal with every day, anxiety, unclear thinking, doubts and fears, intolerance, bad decision-making and so on. How can we provide a better learning environment for our children? Meditation could be the key.

+INFO:  /  +351 934 540 782 

BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM As winter draws in one way to avoid getting the seasonal cough or cold is to take a walk in the forest. The cooler weather can be a turn off, but according to studies taking in the forest air can do us a world of good. Apart from the benefits of physical exercise just once a week or two to three days a month spent in the forest can help top up what the body needs to keep the bugs at bay along with regular sleep and a healthy diet. Studies are showing that inhaling the organic compounds emitted by trees can help combat illness. These essential oils are called phytoncides, they are antimicrobial and released by trees to protect themselves from disease. When we breathe them in they boost our natural killer cells (NK). These are white blood cells whose function is to fight off any invading unhealthy cells. One study shows men and women who took two-hour walks in the woods over a two-day period had a 50% increase in levels of natural killer cells and this can last up to 30 days.



Cork oak, pine and eucalyptus are all examples of trees that give off plenty of phytoncides and we are fortunate to have them here in the Algarve. Think of the scent of the forest, that woody, pot pourri of aromas from the leaves, soil, bark and plants. Give yourself a gift this Christmas by taking some time out in nature – it might just be the boost you need. Suzanne Radford is a qualified Forest Bathing Guide & Forest Therapy Practitioner offering public and private walks and tree bathing experiences.

+INFO:    + 351 927 719 010

We care for each other like family.



+351 282 770 050

+351 282 762 901

R. Dr. José Francisco de Matos Nunes da Silva, Lt 5, Lj A • LAGOS

R. Prof. Joaquim Alberto Taquelim, Lt 8, Lj E • LAGOS



How Yoga and Breathwork helps the Respiratory System By practicing yoga both the physical positions and the yoga breathing exercise of Pranayama you can increase your intake of oxygen up to five times. By breathing more deeply and completely, oxygen will better reach the cells which assists with energy release, enables us to think more clearly, boosts our immune system and helps lower the heart rate. Deep yoga breathing also helps to improve the flow of the lymphatic system, helping the body to get rid of toxins. The regular practice of breathing exercises not only multiplies the efficiency of the respiratory system but also can sort out many problems in the respiratory system like asthma, hay fever, sinus, shortness of breath and allergies. In yoga working with the breath is understood as access to the prana, the life energy,

and its manifestation in the body. In the yoga breathing exercise of pranayama body and mind will be connected through breathing. This helps to find and keep the inner balance and boost the joy and energy of life. Practising regularly will improve your holistic perception of body, breath and mind. It makes us more relaxed, helps cope with stress and enables a good night’s sleep! Jacqueline takes regular morning yoga classes as well as private and group breathwork and meditation sessions at Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, all of which are available to non-residents. Jacqueline Bischofberger is a Yoga Instructor at Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda.


The heart is a pump made up of muscle tissue. These tiny cells are stimulated to work by an electrical signal that spreads through the heart thereby: - Regulating the number of times your heart beats per minute (usually 60 – 100 times) increasing this rate to meet your body’s needs, during exercise for example, and decreasing the rate during sleep. - Regulating the heart rhythm in a synchronised pumping action allowing for an orderly contraction of the four chambers of the heart; the atria (the top two) and the ventricles (the bottom two). This is called sinus rhythm. The electrical signal travels through specialised conducting cells in the heart. They create a pathway by means of a complex reaction that allows each cell to activate the one next to it, stimulating it to pass along the signal. We have all heard of artificial pacemakers but, in fact, we have our own natural pacemakers that tell the heart when to beat. The electrical signal starts in a group of cells located in the right atrium and this master



pacemaker is called the sinoatrial node (SA). It acts like a spark plug, firing in a regular rhythmic pattern, triggering the muscle cells in both the atria to contract so that they pump blood into the ventricles. The signal then goes through another group of cells located in the bottom of the right atrium called the atrioventricular node (AV) which (almost like a resistor) slows down the signal allowing the ventricles to fill. The signal then passes through a bundle of special electrical tissue fibres called the Bundle of His which then divide into thin wire like structures called the right and left bundle branches extending into the right and left ventricles causing them to contract and pump blood into the arteries. After your atria and ventricles contract each part of the system electrically resets itself.



Providing Taylor-made Rehabilitation to improve your Physical Pain and Movement Conditions through Manual Therapy and Exercise Home Physiotherapy Available in Lagos, Praia da Luz, Sagres, Aljezur

For enquiries and appointments call 00351 919977007 Find us at: Rua CapitĂŁo Salgueiro Maia, Urb. Lapinha, Lote 5, Loja C in Lagos Certified by Health Regulation Authority Nr: E137763




In early October The Barbers Bar in Praia da Luz celebrated its first year in business by holding a Hawaiian themed party to thank all the regular patrons. Situated on Rua 1. de Maio, between the Spar supermarket and the Crédito Agricola Bank, the Barbers Bar features a modern high-end barber’s salon, and a traditional bar serving beers, wines and spirits, cocktails and soft drinks, all under the same roof. The bar also has a good range of coffees and plays some cool music. Georgia Newstead is the woman who dreamed up this unique concept and is happily running, what is proving to be a very popular business with locals and holidaymakers, both male and female. “It has been a full on year but really enjoyable” says Georgia. “There have been many highlights including organising a pre-wedding day shave and haircut for the groom, his best man and a few friends. We gave them all bucks fizz to help with their wedding day nerves, or maybe it was the wet shave! In any event they all made it to the church in the nick of time, no pun intended.” Georgia who is a fully qualified barber, trained at the

famous Total Barbers Academy in London. She then went onto manage an exclusive salon in Bournemouth but it was always her dream to set up her own business. From a dry or wet hair cut, beard trim or a wet shave, complete with hot towels and moisturisers, Georgia offers the ultimate in male grooming, at very affordable prices. The barber’s element of the business has been so successful Georgia has had to take on another experienced barber, a Portuguese guy called João to cope with the demand. The salon is open from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday, and the popular bar where you can sit inside or outside on the terrace, is open from 9am until midnight every day including weekends. So gentlemen, the next time you are in need of a haircut, shave or just fancy a coffee or cold beer the Barbers Bar is well worth a visit, and you’ll find it is certainly a cut above the rest.

+INFO:   +351 926 825 051


The City Council has implemented a new telephone service aiming to streamline procedures and facilitate the relationship of residents with the municipality. The three new, direct telephone numbers providing a centralised telephone answering service for issues related to private works, water and sanitation.

By consolidating the telephone answering solution a human operator will be able to provide a more personalised



service. Offering any clarifications on water billing or readings, and obtaining detailed information for your homes or offices on the processing of applications, their fees, to providing information on the progress and assessment of applications. The operator will also be able to immediately supply, via email, a duplicate water bill.

+INFO:  +351 282 771 702 / 282 771 706 / 282 780 978

Authorities are warning of an attempted swindle that is targeting accommodation businesses across the region. The criminals, using a fake email address contact local accommodation entrepreneurs demanding, on behalf of Turismo de Portugal, a payment of an alleged “single annual liberatory fee”, a fee which does not exist. Authorities are treating this a serious occurrence, and wish to assure businesses that steps are being taken to identify and hold the perpetrator(s) responsible for this fraud attempt to justice. If you receive any demand for money, do not pay the fee but do report the attempt to your local police station.


TEST YOUR TASTE BUDS Food and Wine with a View at Ceiceira Tasting Lounge Chris and Misha Evoy always dreamed of owning a vineyard and winery one day, then after a romantic marriage proposal in the Douro Valley they set about making their dream a reality. It took a few years, Chris retired as a captain in the British Army and Misha moved full-time from the United States before finally arriving in the Algarve. They saw the potential in a building outside Monchique, it had stood empty for years. Situated just below Foia, the highest point in the Algarve, with stunning views, plenty of parking and room to, one day, store their own vats of wine they set about making their dream a reality. It took six months and lots of work renovating and meeting all the legal requirements necessary to set-up a business and they opened the doors to Ceiceira Tasting Lounge a couple of months ago and they haven’t looked back. The long bar as you enter is designed for standing wine Tastings. The glass fronted atrium seats around 40 people here you can sit and enjoy tapas and wine or one of the Algarve’s craft beers with plenty of room across the whole interior to hold special events and private parties. Whilst they are planning to grow their own vines and eventually have their own label, they are currently showcasing a range of Portuguese

wines from small producers across the country and serving a range of locally sourced ingredients and dishes to complement them. Chef Fernanda Guerreiro heads up the kitchen, originally from Monchique she combines her local knowledge of dishes and ingredients with her experience working in London. She has taken traditional Portuguese recipes and added a twist. These can be ordered as individual tapas, or you can try several items with a “Build Your Own Tasting” menu. All the food on the menu is gluten free, and there are dairy free, vegan and vegetarian options too, so everyone can have a great experience, which was important to Chris and Misha. Big hits already include Monchique black pork and chorizo, with local cheeses and traditional organic breads, along with compotes and dips. The fig, walnut and melted goat cheese crostini and the smoked salmon ceviche are popular choices. The real stars of the show are the wines and Ceiceira boasts a list of around 40 of them including a few surprises, especially among the Portuguese sparklings. There are wines of the month to sample and under Chris’s guidance you can partake in tastings with food pairings and even buy a bottle to take home at shop prices.

A sweet pit stop on the road to Foia The recently opened Cece’s Coffee & Gelato is an extension of Ceiceira Tasting Lounge conveniently positioned on the road from Monchique to Foia, where they serve organic ice cream, coffee and cake. Chris and Misha Evoy noticed a gap in the market for good quality ice-cream when they moved to the area a few months ago. Utilising their restaurant kitchen and access to an old smoking room they converted it into an ice cream parlour and coffee shop. Here you can sample the delights of natural and local ingredients, 12 flavours of gelato to be



precise. These include varieties like a vegan soya chocolate, almond, cinnamon, carob, banana and strawberry, even passion fruit. Who knew you could grow passion fruit in the hills of the Western Algarve? Well it is true, there is passion fruit in the Monchique hills. Like everything the Evoy’s do when it comes to food, quality and local ingredients are always the priority. The ice cream is made by Crema Gelato in Lagos and ice cream maker, Jacopo Bertola, brings his expertise in authentic Italian gelato to the mountain. Misha Evoy says, “We were approached by many companies pitching for business but why buy 

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BUSINESS from say Germany when we are in the Algarve? It was important to have ice cream with fruits and ingredients from here, even if it means eating into our profit."

This carries through to their coffee which is organic Delta Coffee. It is not their intention to push their dietary choices onto others but they believe they are responding to consumer needs and wants. The milk is bio, with a choice of cow’s or oat milk. The only thing that is not organic are the syrups, and they are developing natural alternatives for those. Along with a range of speciality coffees to order there are cakes like the traditional Portuguese chocolate cake, almond tart and they are working on a pastel de nata pie, all gluten free.

Chris and Misha knew they passed the test when locals started dropping by in the morning to have their espresso and medronho. They also seem quite partial to the gelato too!

Ceiceira:  Opening hours 11am – 10pm  Estrada da Foia, 8550-245 Monchique   +351 282 012 958  Ceiceira Cece’s Coffee & Gelato:  Opening hours: 11am – 7pm  Estrada da Foia, 8550-245 Monchique  +351 914 559 269


Breathing new life into your computer “BREXIT” TIME FOR WINDOWS 7 The support for the Microsoft operating system, Windows 7, will end on January 14th 2020. This means Microsoft will no longer send you security updates or fix any bugs you may have. This could make you vulnerable to attack by hackers or from malicious software. Think of this as Brexit date for Windows 7. However, help is at hand. You can upgrade your computer to Windows 10 before this date, and don’t worry, Windows 10 is easy to use, sharing many of the familiar aspects of Windows 7. HOW YOU CAN DO THIS? The device inside your computer that stores all your information like your photos, music, videos etc. is called a Hard Disk Drive (HDD). They contain magnetic spinning disks that are read by a special read/write head on an arm, not dissimilar to a record player. The technology for these HDD’s has been around since the 1950’s but as with all things, the technology has vastly improved over the years. These disks can now hold huge amounts of information, but the speed can be an issue. Coupled with older versions of Windows these disks can cause your machine to slow down and bottlenecks can occur.



My recommendation to improve the speed of your computer is to install a next generation super-fast disk drive. These drives are known as Solid State Drives (SSD). Instead of using the traditional spinning disks, these drives contain special memory chips that store your information. In some cases, these new SSD drives can be as much as 10x faster than traditional HDD devices. They are energy efficient, produce less heat, are silent and are shock proof. It is possible with these new drives to make an exact copy (or clone) of your current system with all your photographs, Emails, personal information and settings etc. Having already installed these for some of my clients many have commented on the very noticeable increase in speed, instantly. TIME TO UPGRADE? So, in conjunction with upgrading your computer to the current Windows 10 version and installing a new SSD you will breathe new life into your computer and have peace of mind that your new software is fully supported.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT


CORIANDER, THE SPICE AND HERB BY SHAIRA THE SPICEGIRL This month I would like to point out a question I get a lot during my Spice and Cook workshops. “What is the difference between a spice and a herb?” Spices are the root, stem, bulb, bark, or seeds of the plant. Herbs are the leafy and green parts. This month I would like to focus on one of my favorite spices that is a herb at the same time. The leaves of the Coriander plant is the part we call herb. If you have coriander in your garden (it grows easily all year round in the Algarve) you might have noticed that after three weeks you can already harvest the fresh leaves. If you leave the coriander to grow further you will notice they will produce tiny white flowers. From these flowers come the coriander seed, which we call a spice. Both the herb and spice from this plant are edible, and full of medicinal properties. Coriander Leaves (the herbal part of the plant) is rich in vitamin C, Vitamine K and Protein. Coriander Seeds (The spice part of the plant) lowers Cholesterol, is a digestive aid, promotes liver function and bowel movements, contains inflammatory and antiseptic properties, promotes the nervous system and can stimulate the memory. These are just some of the medical properties of the coriander seed. Coriander is widely known in various kitchens around the world. This time we are traveling to Uruguay to make Fermented Cilantro Chimichurri. I have been taught this recipe by my Uruguayan grandmother while traveling in Uruguay. This is a tasty, healthy, super sauce that you

can use as a dipper for nachos, as a sauce for taco wraps, and more. The ingredients all grow here in the Algarve. Because we are going to ferment, only organic ingredients can be used for this recipe. Organic coriander is available in most supermarkets. If you however would like to use fresh coriander from a farm, I can highly recommend the Cilantro at Convent Bio, Lagoa. This convent has been turned into an organic restaurant and cafe. The fruits and veggies in the shop also come from the farm, which is located behind the old convent. I will be hosting a Basic Fermenting workshop in Convent Bio on Saturday November 9th. During this workshop I'll teach you the basics of fermenting with spices, and we are also going to make this delicious sauce with the ingredients grown in the Convent Bio farm. During the month of November, I'll be teaching this workshop in several locations in the Algarve. Beijinhos - The Spice Girl

+INFO: 

Abuela Maria’s Fermented Cilantro (Coriander) ChimmiChurri





- 1 bunch of fresh Coriander, roughly chopped. - 2 lemons - 4 cloves of fresh garlic – 1 to 2 teaspoons of chilli flakes of choice (I personally love my homemade smoked Chipotle chillies with this recipe but you can also use the Piri Piri chilli flakes) – 1,5 teaspoon of Flor de Sal – 250 ml of Portuguese olive oil

Take a glass (or plastic bowl) to place the chopped Coriander in. Juice the lemons and chop the garlic fine and add them to the bowl. Add the salt and Chilli Flakes. Stir all the ingredients together. Add the olive oil gently whisk everything together. Place in a Mason Jar and let it ferment up to 24 hours. Keep in the refrigerator to slow down the fermenting process, so it won’t get too sour.


25€ per person


+351 282 792 165 | Rua Silva Lopes, nº30 - 8600-623 Lagos

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

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A LAZY GIRLS’ GUIDE TO NOVEMBER IN LAGOS BY THE LAZY TIGERS It is November and we can glory in the slightly cooler weather. Maybe we could even think about the idea of Hygge: the Danish word for cosiness and comfortable conviviality that makes one feel super contented and safe. Could there be a better time to do this than the November 21st, International World TV day, I will be continuing my binge watching of Downton Abbey, while the other Tigers are settling down to much edgier stuff. As always, we bring you the easiest sofa staples for those nights in front of the box.

Firstly, a lovely hot alcoholic drink. Hot Spiced Cider has existed for as long as cider. It's easy to imagine Bronze Age farmers saying, This is good, but what about making it sweeter, and hotter.” Now for something even easier. Cinder Toffee is fun to make although there is one slightly dangerous manoeuvre, and you will need a very heavy, high-sided pot. For those of us who need something a bit more substantial while spending long hours recumbent on the soft furnishings, why not try some crostini?

Hot Spiced Cider


Ricotta, Fig & Prosciutto Crostini




- 1.5 Litres of a cider of your choice - 2 cinnamon sticks - 4 cloves - 2 star anise - 4 tablespoons of syrup from a jar of preserved ginger (you can substitute honey/agave or maple syrup). - 1 orange. Half for the juice and half for slices.

- 165g of Demerara sugar and 165g of caster sugar (or 330g of any sugar) - 60ml of Golden Syrup - 4 tbsp of water - 15g of diced butter plus a good dollop more to grease - A pinch of salt - 1 tbsp of bicarbonate of soda - Dark chocolate (optional)

- 6 slices of good bread (rustic, sourdough, a nice bagel, or even something fruited) - Olive oil to drizzle - Half of a 250g tub of ricotta - 3 large figs thinly sliced - 90g packet of prosciutto - Some drizzling honey if you must

All the spices are to taste. Try the above combo and see what you think. You may want some extra sugar, you may not. Heat the cider and spices in a pot for a few minutes, then add the ginger syrup, orange juice and slices, and sugar to taste. Bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes then ladle into (up to) six glasses. Decorate it if you can be bothered with more cinnamon sticks as stirrers and, if you must, some canned Chantilly cream.

Line a 24cm square tin with greaseproof paper. Then grease well with the extra butter. Put everything else (except the bicarb) in a deep heavy bottomed pan. Heat and stir the mixture until the sugar completely dissolves. Then turn the heat up and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. It should be bubbly and a deep amber colour. If you have a thermometer it should be 138 degrees. Have a whisk and the bicarb very close to hand. Take the pot off the heat, quickly add bicarb and whisk like mad, making sure the bicarb is evenly distributed. Pour into the tin and let it set. When it's set, break it into manageable pieces. If you like, you can dribble some nice dark chocolate on it before breaking up.



Heat a griddle or a large heavy bottomed frying pan till medium hot. Brush your bread with the olive oil and grill on each side until lightly charred. Spread toast with the ricotta then top with prosciutto and figs. The sweet toothed can drizzle on some honey.



Two-thirty? Well, if your tooth hurty, you should have come to the dentist earlier. This November we are promoting dental health at the Lagos Vet Clinic. Free nurse dental checks will be conducted in our new consult room throughout the month. We will be doing discounted dental cleans and all of our dental hygiene products will be on sale at reception with a promotion price to encourage people to engage with their pet's dental health! Often dismissed with humour, your dog's bad breath could well be a sign of underlying disease. The stink from their chops is caused by bacteria‌this means infection. If you saw your dog chewing at a weeping skin infection, you wouldn't hesitate to take it to the vet, yet oral infections are often left to fester for months, even years. Mouth infections are often left unchecked or unnoticed because they are hidden away, behind the curtain of the gums. Day and night, the animal is fighting these oral infections. It puts strain on the animal in general and creates diseased gums and teeth, which eventually leads to tooth loosening. Ever bitten into an apple and seen that tell-tale spot of blood left behind? Not been flossing enough, hmmmm? Well then, you already know how easily gums bleed. When the mouth is debilitated by infection, a vast

number of bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread around the body. This puts increased demand on the immune system. In older pets these hitchhiking bacteria setup infections in remote parts of the body and can perpetuate kidney and heart disease (for example). Yuk !! Those stinky bad breath bacteria (not Brad Breath, the actor) spreading about and setting up infections in your heart valves!! Some animals are more prone to dental disease than others (like people, I suppose). Once teeth and gums have been scaled and polished, we dispense special products that we stock to prevent these problems returning. It is this prophylactic health that we are promoting the most, so your pet doesn't have to have another anaesthetic and dental surgery (once again: just like us folk). So, bring your pet in for a free dental check with one of our professional nurses. Look after your teeth and they will look after you (the same goes for them). In conclusion: Did you floss your teeth before beddiebyes??

WATER DOGS It swims like a duck, it has webbed feet like a duck, but it is a dog. The Portuguese Water Dog had their 5th International meeting in Lagos during October. Once on the verge of extinction the Algarvian breed is known foremost for its exceptional swimming abilities, and their loyalty. They were often vital companions to the fishermen who owned them.



Like most retired working breeds they enjoy competitions which usually involves a number of work tests for this breed of dog. Organised by the Association for the Protection of the Portuguese Water Dog, grand prizes are awarded for a number of categories, the event attracted breeders from Portugal, Norway, England, Germany and Italy.


LAGOS, AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CITY? ALGAR, the company responsible for the selective collection of packaging from existing ecopoints throughout the 16 Municipalities of the Algarve region, recently released their latest data. Lagos is ranked fifth municipality, in terms of waste sent to recycling, in the first half of 2019 per person. 679 tons of glass, 541 tons of paper and cardboard, 379 tons of plastic and metal were deposited in the ecopoints representing 53 Kg per inhabitant. In the municipality of Lagos alone, there are 802 separate collection points distributed throughout the four parishes, in an area of 213 km2 covering more than 31,000 permanent inhabitants, the population tripling during the summer months. In the year 2018, a total of 764 tons of plastic and metal packaging, 1127 tons of paper and cardboard and 1648 tons of glass were collected in the municipality of Lagos. 2018 registered a 6.9% increase compared to 2017, a value that has been increasing from year-to-year yet still falls short of the target of 71 kg per inhabitant per year. Portimão leads the way in selective collection per inhabitant across the Algarve region. From January to June each resident in Portimão was responsible, on average, for the collection of 58 Kg, totaling 1141 tons of glass, 1232 tons of paper and cardboard, and 851 tons of plastic or metal collected in the municipality. Across the whole region, which serves a population of about 450,000 inhabitants covering a total area of ​​ approximately 5,000 km2, Algarvians separated more than 38,000 tons of waste last year. More than 15,000 tons being glass. The Strategic Plan for Urban Waste has been in place since 2014 and will continue until next year. Raising awareness of the proper management of waste is one of ALGAR's commitments as an entity responsible for the recovery and treatment of urban solid waste. Recently they have launched a number of awareness-raising campaigns on waste separation and to encourage the use of ecopoints by residents. One of ALGAR’s other projects is to involve schools and the students in collecting of recyclable waste by offering cash incentives through a competition that runs for the whole academic year. Registration is already underway for participation in the second edition of Separa e Ganha, (Separate and Win) for the school year 2019/2020. The school competition aims to promote good environmental practices in



schools, rewarding those who perform better in the separation of recyclables. The initiative consists of a competition between institutions of any educational level and size, in the same municipality. Prizes will be awarded according to the types of materials and quantities of recyclable packaging waste placed in the ecopoint indicated by ALGAR for use in the contest. There will be prizes for all schools as long as they meet the minimum set amounts. For every ton of plastic, metal and beverage packages the school receives €77. For each ton of paper or cardboard the amount is €30, and for each ton of glass, the school receives €15. Schools that also separate waste from electrical and electronic equipment will receive an extra bonus for their environmental performance. In the first year 70 schools enrolled with a combined school population of 26,039 students who, between October 2018 and May 2019, separated and deposited in the ecopoints,109,307 Kg of plastic and metal packaging; 119,231 kg of glass and 161,764 kg of paper and cardboard packaging. ALGAR invites all schools in the Algarve to apply to surpass the 390 tons of recyclable packaging collected last year.

"Algarvians separated more than 38,000 tons of waste last year."

TOM-7-14-engl-2_Jens-ESA 16.07.15 16:39 Seite 1

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I receive many requests for ideas from new arrivals to Portugal as to how to attract wildlife into their gardens and, with winter approaching, there’s never been a better time to approach this subject, so here is my tuppence worth gained from the years I have spent here. For a start I have never had much truck with putting out bird feeders, and especially stay clear of those fat balls in plastic netting as it has always been apparent to me that this is not only scratching at the surface but that it only attracts a few select species and does nothing for the insect eaters at all. No, a far better solution is to plant a garden that benefits all species, be they winged, furred or antennae, and this is easily accomplished with little cost and far less maintenance. For successful rewards when undertaking this task there are several points to keep in mind. Water is essential, so a small pond is ideal, and this will add colour and interest to any garden. However, you must keep the water aerated so install an inexpensive solar-powered pump and design a perpetual waterfall - this’ll have the added advantage of giving you a background murmur that makes the hottest day seem cooler. A few fish will keep the mosquitoes at bay. Insect-attracting bushes like Lantana are also necessary and these are not only colourful and attractive but will gain you butterflies like Swallowtails and dayflying Hummingbird Hawk Moths too. A few hours spent researching the larval food-plants of the various butterfly species will pay rich rewards – for instance, planting a couple of Medronho bushes will soon give you the pleasure of seeing Europe’s largest butterfly, the Two-tailed Pasha. On the bird front too a little research goes a long way … you want Golden Orioles? Plant a Common Wild Fig tree (Ficus natalensis, not the human edible variety) – they’d sell their souls for this tree’s fruit!



But by far the most important design feature in any wildlife-attracting garden is variety. Those pristinely manicured “gardens” with pine bark scattered throughout to suppress the “weeds”, lawns and bushes cut to within an inch of their lives, immaculate flower beds and concrete patios are the same as a desert in wildlife terms. Far better to leave a few spaces wild, have some drystone-walls for things to hide in, have a few weeds, a pile of brushwood in a corner for a hedgehog, a rotting treetrunk for the woodpeckers, a few berry bushes planted just for the birds, a rich, year-long flowering and fruiting garden which’ll give you endless enjoyment rather than endless work. After all, that was the origin of the “garden” in the first place – it was an outdoor space where all of life was to be enjoyed, not a sterile, work-producing wasteland. Worried about insects? Don’t. Put those thoughts away. A truly balanced garden means that nothing gets out of hand. I started mine thirty-odd years ago, (and anyone’s welcome to pop up and get some ideas, but please email me first!), and we have no problems with insects at all, despite being the only light or food source for miles around. Keeping these few tips in mind will pay you rich rewards, and, as I said earlier, now’s the time to get things into the ground, so, “Happy Planting” and may you have, like me, many happy hours relaxing to the sights, sounds and smells of a truly wild “Wildlife Garden”!

"the most important design feature in any wildlifeattracting garden is variety"

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Algarve native Gladiolus illyricus

Cistus and lavender are great drought-tolerant choices Native Iris albicans is a trouble-free and rewarding plant



This time of year has a magic to it. Plants that have been dormant all summer begin to awake as night dews form and the promise of rain becomes more palpable. Green tips appear on shrubs which looked near dead, bulbs send up flowers and, as soon as the first heavy rains arrive, a haze of green spreads over the land as annual plants sprout and start their growing cycle. It is an excellent time to plan and carry out works in the garden. Pruning no longer carries the risk of leaving tender new growth exposed to scorching by the sun. Fruits such as pomegranate and the last of the figs are ready for the harvest, with the olive not far behind. Most importantly, it is the ideal time to plant. By getting plants in the ground at this time of year, they have the best opportunity to receive any rain we are lucky enough to get, so watering can be kept to a minimum. Though they may not show a lot of top growth, the roots will be working their way through the soil, ready to supply water and nutrients when plants start into active growth in the spring. Shrubs and trees will feel the most benefit from being in the ground before Christmas, while faster-growing perennials can do well if planted in early spring, (by the



end of March) when they will avoid the coldest weather yet still benefit from spring rain.

Gladiolus nanus hybrid

It is also an excellent time to get spring-flowering bulbs in to fill gaps, brighten pots or create new seasonal displays, and for those lucky enough to have large areas of bare ground, how about a wildflower meadow? Rotovating or ploughing may be desirable to de-compact the soil and stimulate seeds in the ground that need disturbance to germinate, such as poppies. Watch the forecast until some good rain is due and broad-cast additional seed across the area by hand. Then it is simply a matter of watching those green shoots grow and enjoying a brilliant display from March until June. Marilyn Medina Ribeiro is a garden designer who has been living and working in the Algarve for over 10 years. She specialises in low- or no-irrigation gardens using native Mediterranean climate species.

+INFO:  

Meadows are a constant source of delight



Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

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+351 919 869 700




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