Tomorrow Algarve Magazine - October 2021 (Tablet & smartphone friendly version)

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In this edition The Man Who Refused to Die Interview with endurance cyclist James Golding

A Fireman's Tired Eyes Confronting mental health issues

Tracking Progress The politics behind the Algarve's rail network

Beyond the Hijab A woman's escape from Iran

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Editor's note Dear Tomorrow readers, Happy October and thank you for once again delving into our pages. As the weather grows gradually cooler, the team at Tomorrow are all feeling a warm glow as September saw us return to what we do best - raising money for good causes. The John Aldridge Golf Classic, Jürgen Klopp cap auction and screening of The Bromley Boys raised a staggering 10,282€ for charity. As our motto is “Improving today, for a better tomorrow”, this makes us very happy! The money will mainly go to help Algarve families who have been affected by the pandemic and the Soup Kitchen. A huge thank you to everyone who supported these events and in particular, John Aldridge, TJ Herbert and Espiche and Boavista golf courses. October is the start of autumn in the Algarve, but we can still expect some lovely weather and, of course, to see pumpkins appearing in the supermarkets. Like many European countries, the Halloween celebration is becoming increasingly Americanised in Portugal. However, did you know that pumpkin 3

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carving goes back longer as a tradition in Northern Portugal in places such as Beira? Here they are known as coca or coco, after a mythical monster. Don´t forget to have a supply of sweets and treats ready for eager trick or treaters on the 31st! I hope you enjoy the articles we have for you this month. My interview with James Golding was one of the most inspiring stories I have had the privilege of writing and his skills at raising money for charity slightly overshadow ours! A huge thank you to him for finding time in his schedule to talk to me. Amongst him and the other interviews in these pages, I find it continually uplifting to find how many talented people driven to make a positive change - are moving to our corner of paradise. I hope you enjoy reading the magazine. Sophie, Tom and the Tomorrow team.

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Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

 TomorrowAlgarve  @TomorrowAlgarve  Sophie Sadler - Editor   +351 912 176 588 Tom Henshaw - Sales ON THE COVER: The Igreja da Misericórdia in Silves. The church dates from the second half of the 16th century and its intact, highly-decorative Manueline doorway, is one of the most important pieces of Portuguese late gothic architecture preserved in the western Algarve.

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COMMUNITY © Joolze Dymond

The Man Who Refused to Die BY SOPHIE SADLER

This is not a story you would have expected to have a happy ending. In February 2008, 28-year-old James Golding was diagnosed with cancer and later was given less than a 5% chance of survival. Now living in Loulé, James is an endurance cyclist and a world record holder – in 2022, he plans to become the first British rider to win Race Across America (RAAM). How did this remarkable turn of fate come around? James’ relationship with bikes started at an early age. “I wasn’t a kid who wanted to play football but riding a bike gave me something that was mine.” James didn’t get on at school, he didn’t have many friends and he felt he didn’t fit in, he was one of the first kids to be signed out of school early to embark 7

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upon an apprenticeship scheme. He trained to be a plasterer and, at 15, he was released from school prior to his exams. In 1998, tired of being a plasterer, James walked into an estate agency and asked if they had any jobs. He progressed from a sales negotiator to office manager to owning his own investment company and then a new-build sales and marketing company. “From about 1999 I didn´t own a mountain bike. I became very materialistic,’’ he says about that time. When the market collapsed in 2007, he went back into plastering. In early 2008 he started to experience back pain. Doctors found an 11.5 cm tumour next to his spine, kidney and bowel. By February 2009, James had dropped from 14 stone to just six; he was soon being rushed into emergency surgery where four surgeons spent six hours working through the night trying to save his life before putting him in an induced coma for two weeks. He says, “If I hadn’t been so young and fit, they would have sat me in a corner and made me comfortable." James learnt a lot from the experience, “My strapline is one step at a time. I couldn’t move my legs, but I could wiggle my toes, then slowly I began to be able to lift my head up – every day I made a small improvement.” During his convalescence, there was an unused mountain bike in the corner of the house. He couldn’t walk to the end of the 8

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road but setting off for a five-mile ride around a reservoir with the wind in “what hair I´d got” gave James a sense of freedom after six months in hospital. “It made me feel alive,” he recalls. His recovery period was memorable in one other respect; James met his now-wife Louise. Remarkably, one year later, he decided to cycle across America to raise £100,000 for Macmillan, the idea being to finish in Miami a year to the day that he got the all-clear. Things did not go to plan. Just outside New Orleans, he was hit by a truck at 70 miles an hour. He received three broken ribs, a smashed elbow, lost all the skin off his legs, and ended up having an MRSA infection on his elbow. “I was back in hospital a year after I left, unable to move,” he says. However, he knew having recovered once, he could do it again. Post-recovery, James had unfinished business in America and embarked on a self-supported trip with just his bike and a mate driving an RV. He completed his 3500-mile journey ten days quicker than expected. He continued with his charity work for MacMillan, cycling across Mexico and completing a challenge in Mallorca. After a week with friends in France in 2011 and shortly after finding out Louise was pregnant, something they were told would never happen, he was diagnosed with a tumour for a second time. 9

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Intensive care

James and his family

“People might say I’m unlucky because I’ve had cancer twice and I’ve been hit by a truck, but in hindsight, cancer is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” In fact, it was the “darkness” that came after the cancer that nearly floored him. Some days he found it hard to get out of bed. Louise remembers, “Cancer we could deal with, but when it’s depression, it’s almost worse.” The turning point came when James found a picture his son Freddie had drawn of the whole family and everyone was smiling in it apart from Daddy. He then started talking to someone and realised, “Things won’t change unless you make them change.” Coming back from that remission, he started looking at doing an around the world trip. But the company he was working with on that project wanted to see him complete another challenge, so he built in a seven-day world record attempt. They said if he 10

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did the world record, they would look at the other challenges he wanted to achieve. His first attempt in 2014 failed, but in 2017 he became the Guinness World Record holder for the most miles covered in seven days. He shared the data from that ride with a number of successful high-level coaches who said, “If you can ride that far at that speed with that heart rate, you can become someone who can win Race Across America.” It was at that point he realised he had the potential to go a long way with his talent. In 2019, James completed Race Across the West and finished in third place to qualify for RAAM, which was cancelled in both 2020 and 2021. The aim now is to do the race in 2022. Red Bull Media recorded a movie about the journey, which has had 150,000 hits on Youtube and more on Red Bull TV. They have just started making the second film which will come out after the race. James is now 41 and, on 12 September, it was ten years since he had his second tumour removed. He puts his love of cycling down to being able to “make changes in people’s lives” by what he does, but there is also an element of therapy in it.” He has raised an incredible £3.5 million for Macmillan, Cancer Research, UK Youth, the Buffalo Foundation (of which he is a trustee) and Action Medical, to name but a few. 11

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Race Across the West © Joolze Dymond

James started coming to the Algarve ten years ago when his Dad bought a house over here. He began visiting more and more as he loved the cycling conditions. Louise and Freddie also loved being here. “It got to the point where we were spending so much time here it started to feel like home.” They bought the house from James´ Dad and have lived here for the last two-and-a-half years with the latest addition to the family, daughter Laila aged three. “Riding is just really good here and the weather obviously helps. The roads are fantastic and not too busy with a good selection of gradients. You can get a really good day out on the bike with lots of options for rides.” James has been relaxing over the summer and enjoying time with his kids. For pure enjoyment, he continued to ride his bike four times a week but turned off his heart rate and performance monitor. 12

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“I love riding a bike and if you don’t remember why you love what you do, the training becomes harder.” RAAM starts on 14 June 2022. “You have to have the confidence to believe you can win it and that’s not being cocky; it’s having the mindset and belief that anything is possible – which it is. If you believe you can win it, you train to win it, you eat to win it and you sleep to win it. If you don’t win it, someone was better than you on the day, but you have to believe you are the best. The amount of money and time this project has taken, I´m going there to win, not just make the number up.” Normally, only 50 cyclists a year enter the solo division, which you have to qualify for. James is riding in support of the Buffalo Foundation. When James resumes his training this week, he will be out six-seven hours a day. He stops eating junk food and gets back into the routine of going to bed early and getting up early. He will be developing a training schedule of between 300 - 600 miles per week and that is no easy ride. He burns 700 calories an hour, which he says is low and the result of his low heart rate, something his trainers believe sets him apart from other athletes he is competing against. James admits that such is the level of the challenge he now faces that he’s prepared to do what he’s told. “What I do isn´t really up to me,” he admits. These days he has a large 13

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entourage of experts behind him including; Paul Morton – crew chief, Dean Downing – coach and road manager, Charlie Ward – physio and massage therapist, Lee Prescott – onroad nutritionist and biomechanics, Mark Sinclair – manager and best friend, along with a sports scientist and the drivers who accompany him on his challenges. His nutritionist tells him what to eat based on his training. “If Deano tells me to do a five-hour ride, I do it. If the sports scientist tells us we’re pushing too hard, we adjust.” The challenges are made possible by a range of sponsors. Morgan Stanley Bank, Brewin Dolphin Investment Management, Babble Technology, Trek Bicycles, Santini Clothing and a number of people from within those businesses help them run the events. There are 18 sponsors in total and a team of around 20 people working in the background. “This is a huge project now because of the goals I set myself, because of the ability I seem to have of eating miles and spending big days in the saddle. You now have people involved who say you can ride 900 miles in three days with an average heart rate of 106; why can your body do that? We need to know. I pay attention to what’s going on, but I don´t analyse it anymore.” RAAM is not James’ only big project. Part of the reason for moving to the Algarve was to set up a cycling camp and cycling cafe. When Monchique cycling café Velochique opened, he started chatting to the owner Lee and business partner Neil. 14

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Race Across the West © Joolze Dymond

“We were on common ground with what they wanted to do with Velochique and what we wanted to do. We all got on and we were all on the same page but with different attributes. We all complement each other and we have a shared vision." The trio want to create multiple outlets that form the base of a cycling community here. Their vision is to provide a go-to for people who want to come to the Algarve to cycle and to showcase what is on offer here. “It baffles me that so many people go to Mallorca to cycle but not the Algarve when we have an infrastructure here that supports cycling. The airport offers easy access to Loulé and Boliqueime, where some of the best cycling conditions in Europe are on offer. Volta ao Algarve is getting bigger and bigger each year and is a good way to showcase what we have to offer and bring people together who have a shared common 15

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interest in riding a bike. “There is also a huge enthusiasm for cycling among the Portuguese, but it´s not shouted about in the same way Mallorca does. I think the Algarve is missing out on a huge source of potential income. In the Algarve, we focus so much on the summer months but if we did more with cycling we would be busy throughout the year." A lot of James’ passion for the sport is now more about sharing his experiences and knowledge as well as creating change in other people lives through his charity work. He also runs two group rides a week on a Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. from Vilamoura. If you join Velochique´s page you can sign up to ride between 45 and 55 miles with James. “I like to share what I have learnt from some of the best cyclists in the world and tell them about endeavours they can only dream of doing. That is more important than the personal satisfaction of getting on a bike.” James´ story is the stuff of legends; after listening to his achievements, drive and enthusiasm, I feel like I have cycled up a very large hill! I can´t help wondering how his life could have been very different if he hadn´t seen an unused mountain bike in the corner of the room. As he says, “You can change your life on a bike – it will break you down, it will make you cry, it will make you the happiest you have ever been.” 16

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 You can view the Red Bull Media movie about James’ remarkable journey to completing Race Across the West and stay in touch with his progress on: Join James' bike rides by signing up on Strava:


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

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A Fireman's Tired Eyes BY SOPHIE SADLER

A retired fireman used the COVID lockdown to create a series of books to help service personnel come to terms with their demons. Now living in Portugal, he wishes to use his knowledge and charity to help the local Bombeiros.

After 28 years as a fireman in Chippenham and Swindon in the UK, Rob Evans has seen things most of us can’t imagine in our worst nightmares. As a leader of a firetruck for 23 years, he regularly made life and death decisions, while he says he “just kept going”. Working 96 hours then 48 hours off – then two days and two nights shift patterns – as well as bringing up a family, he had no time to stop and think. 19

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“I’ve always been there for everyone else first. I led by example and would always volunteer to lead from the front. I suppressed my feelings and emotions, and missed events I cannot ever reclaim, like family birthdays or Christmas and New Year celebrations. The shift patterns of public servants are not family-friendly.” Retiring in 2017, Rob pursued his dream of moving to France with his falconry business Wings and Talons, including falcons, owls, hawks and an eagle. He started the enterprise while still in the service and it was his therapy during the years he was working. He would present educational displays with the birds of prey for dementia patients, autistic children, hotel and wedding guests in his spare time. He dreamed of his birds living in his garden and putting on similar displays in his new homeland. Instead, due to high taxes, he was forced to sell them and dismantle his aviaries, and then he found himself in a very strict lockdown. With time on his hands, he started to relive the past. “No longer on a schedule and timescale, lockdown allowed me time to reflect and ponder on what I’ve witnessed, withstood and achieved. Stopping from a rapid pace of life has, in turn, allowed so much to show itself. Stuff that was shoved down and forgotten, only to fester consciously or subconsciously.” 20

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As he no longer had his birds of prey as a distraction, he started to write to get things out of his head, firstly on his blog. “A lot of people label it as stress, but it’s more than that. After feedback from readers, I came up with the idea of writing a book to help people to recognise what they have in themselves and recognise it in others.” Sadly, France did not work out for Rob as he faced a number of challenges which made him and his wife realise the area and weather was not for them. He rehomed his birds of prey which was incredibly hard, as he had reared many of them from chicks and some were over 15 years old and very attached to him. Rob's first book A Fireman's Tired Eyes was written after his move to the Algarve in February 2021. It recounts his experiences in the fire service, “I’ve written this merely to   help understand what I’ve experienced and in doing so be more able to write about it and to potentially help others. I am not here for sympathy, praise or credit. This is about giving back and helping.” In the book, Rob identifies triggers that lead him to negative feelings and he believes this will be relevant to anyone in uniform or the NHS. “There is a lot of bravado in the services, but this joviality sometimes hides a deep vulnerability.” It could be that you don’t want to attend a BBQ because the 21

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Red Watch Swindon

smell reminds you of burning bodies." Rob advises coping strategies to help deal with trauma and PTSD and advocates using doTERRA essential oils to help ground you when you experience a trigger. “Now I have got all this on paper, I have dealt with it and I am in a better place. I am not a therapist or counsellor, nor wish to be. I have studied a course on PTSD, CBT, and REBT, but I am not advocating any skills. This project is about giving support on mental health issues that arise from the effects of trauma witnessed in the emergency services that can manifest into acute PTSD.” Not content with one book, Rob started on the second, Fireman’s Tired Eyes and Mind (Signs, Symptoms and Triggers). Now living in Ferragudo, in a strange twist of fate he was reunited with locally renowned champion of the Bombeiros Debbie Burton, who established the Alerta charity. He has 22

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known her from school age; both attended a swimming club together for many years. He is now donating the proceeds of the book to the Bombeiros as well as a fire service charity in the UK. Rob is now working on his third book, Fireman’s Tired Mind (Breaking the Stigma of Therapy and Alternative Therapy) and is organising a two-week documentary tour of the UK fire service next year to promote and highlight the importance of talking about your feelings and emotions from traumas. He also hopes to be able to translate the book to Portuguese and do the same here in Portugal. He is also currently filming a documentary about his experiences here in Ferragudo. As well as working on his mental health, he is focused on fitness, he cycles to get in shape and eats well. He also advocates meditation. “If you can sit with your negative thoughts, then you can beat them. Reframe the negative thoughts into positive ones, which in turn leads to action.” So is there anything he misses about his old job? “The camaraderie; everyone has each other’s back, but I miss the clowns and not the circus.” Rob’s books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.  23

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With modern and contemporary architecture, this new development in the Algarve, is built with high-quality materials giving top quality finishes. The apartments offer spacious kitchens, fully equipped with leading brand appliances, an open-plan living room and dining room. All the rooms in the apartments have panoramic windows that provide lots of light, and the areas are exceptionally large. The owners have access to swimming pools, sauna and gym. Each apartment has a private outdoor space, terraces with fantastic views, storage space and room to gather all of the family for outdoor meals. Contact us for more information about the apartments at Santa Maria II, Lagos, Portugal.



International Literacy Day BY ANNIE O’DEA

International Literacy Day this year was on 8 September and was celebrated by Vale Verde students enjoying shared books and writing together during their IGCSE Literature lessons. Drama classes embraced the theme through group/individual presentations about their own cultural heritage and literacy, in their vernacular language. A positive learning experience was shared by all. As part of International Literacy Day, a writing competition was launched, entitled Our Tomorrow with a futuristic theme. Whether composing a personal letter to their 100-year-old self, writing a rap about what their town might look like in twenty years’ time, or re-imagining a classic tale with a sci-fi-style makeover, it’s a chance for young people to put themselves on the page and explore their creative visions of life to come, in fiction, non-fiction or poetry. 25

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One such young lady who did exactly that is Bailey Vierthaler in Y10 at Vale Verde International School. She has won the Young Writers Award with her winning entry The Book on the Shelf; a beautifully crafted, creative piece that embraces her love and study of Literature. Next up will be Poetry Day on 7 October and the theme this year is Choice. Watch this space for more budding talent. More details/packs for the writing competition can be obtained from me - for those who wish to participate. The deadline is 25 November, so there's plenty of time to get those creative juices flowing.


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Meet the Locals A World Champion BY SOPHIE SADLER

When I meet Teresa Duarte, she will be the world champion of her discipline for another week. Becoming champion in 2018 – the next competition will be held in Italy this month – she will have to relinquish her crown as she is currently eight months pregnant. Her sport is an unusual one; 2018 was the first year that ladies had competed internationally. When the CMAS World Championship was held in the Algarve, Teresa won the very first ladies spearfishing cup. What is even more remarkable was that this was the first competition Duarte had ever entered. 28

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Previously, Teresa has only gone fishing with her older brother Luís, (featured in Tomorrow in June), whom she calls her “inspiration”. The desire to copy him led to her passion for water sports; Luís also surfed and spearfished. She started snorkelling very young and, at 14, she started competing in bodyboarding competitions and was three-times National Champion. She took part in the European Tour and later the World Tour, which took her to Australia, Mexico, the Canary Islands, Hawaii and Brazil. When she graduated from high school at 19, Teresa decided to follow her passion for animals and attended the Veterinary University in Lisbon. The course took her six years to complete due to her commitment to the world tour. When she finished the course, however, she quickly realised that the working routine was far removed from her desire to have a peaceful and tranquil daily life in contact with nature and the landscape. “So I decided to return home and started fishing for seafood, shellfish and particularly goose barnacles (perceves) with my brother for a living, so he is my regular worker and teammate. My daily routine and life has always been organised towards the ocean.” She followed her brother into spearfishing in 2013 when she was 30. In 2018, a friend of Luís', Jody Lot, was competing in the championships and went on to win the men's world title. He 29

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recommended her to the Portugal selectors. Teresa took part in a competition to qualify to represent Portugal. In the championships in Sagres, Teresa competed with sixteen other lady ‘spearos’ from Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Greece, Portugal, Spain and the US. She admits she had a home advantage. “I had about 20 days to prepare for this event and at the same time, I was still doing my job. Somewhere in the middle of this period, I had an ear infection that kept me out of the water for five days. As the competition area was a very large and shallow area with a sandy floor, our strategy was to take advantage of knowing the area well and getting closer to the rocks where the surf was more intense because that is usually where the fish gather to feed and take shelter. Another tactic was to focus on a diversity of species in order to 30

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get the most points possible with mullets, white sea breams, gold lines, wrasses and rocklings. These last ones are very hard to find in the competition area, but I had the good fortune to find one in an already highly scouted area by other divers.” After five hours of competition, Teresa was victorious, with 17 fish and 32992 points. She also won the prize for the biggest fish. She remembers, “It was really special to arrive at the dock and have that immense crowd cheering for us girls. I didn’t imagine how big the Portuguese spearfishing community was until I started to receive their appraisal, comments, congratulations and best wishes. I felt proud for representing all that love for the sport.” She is particularly grateful to her teammate Catarina and Rui Torres (captain of the Portuguese team) for their advice and guidance and to her sponsor Salvimar for the support and encouragement they gave her throughout the preparation. Teresa attributes her success to being born in Vila do Bispo. “It is a very special and quiet place and it promotes full contact with nature. My first contact with the ocean happened when I was still in my mother’s belly. My family has been closely related to the ocean for at least four generations.” She has not ruled out competing again if she can manage a schedule alongside motherhood,, but sadly she also had 31

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a negative experience when she attended a spearfishing competition in Denmark and a Lagos-born competitor died. “I would like to thank my family for instilling the love for the sea in me and always encouraging and supporting me when a lot of people thought I was weird.” She now hopes the daughter she is expecting will be the fifth generation to succumb to the lure of the ocean. Far from being “weird”, Teresa's story is an inspiration and demonstrates the deep connection and bond the locals have for the ocean, sea life and fishing.


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Read Tomorrow and say Cheeeeese! We are asking readers to take photos of themselves reading Tomorrow, with a picturesque, creative or exotic backdrop. This month we are delighted to have received photos from the Associação de Dança de Lagos who said, "We were at Lagos Dance School reading your magazine and saw the note on page 24 asking for photos of people reading Tomorrow. The girls love it. It's colourful, with bright pics of delicious food and shows beautiful people." Hendrine de Jong sent a photo of her reading the magazine in Holland, while Geoff Hollow sent a picture of him in his beautiful garden in Devon, England enjoying the read. "Having visited the Algarve many times over the last 15 years, Sue, my wife and I were pleased to be able to return 34

Associação de Dança de Lagos

Hendrine de Jong

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in September for the first time in 15 months to see our family who live there. We picked up this month's excellent "bumper copy" of Tomorrow magazine and brought it back to Devon to read and show to our friends."

Geoff Hollow

Please keep sending them in:


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Tracking progress? BY JAMES PLASKITT

If you have ever used the coastal railway to travel between Lagos and Faro, and the stations in between, then ‘quaint’ may be the politest term that comes to mind. Alternative descriptions might be a bit harsher, especially in the days when you could barely even see out of the graffiti-covered windows. But as the section of line from Lagos to Tunes approaches its centenary, is it, at last, about to get a makeover? This section was the last part of the coastal line to be built, the Faro to 37

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Tunes section having opened in 1889. The single track line broadly follows the curves of the coast and is definitely scenic. However, the trains themselves are now 60 years old and many of the stations are looking dilapidated. Like many things here, there has been talk of modernisation for many years – especially before the elections. So far nothing has happened, but now the plans are back, and, this time, feel a bit more robust than on previous occasions. Earlier this year, the government launched its National Rail Plan, which includes a budget of €740 million set aside to complete electrification of the entire network. This was followed by the publication of the tenders for electrifying the 46 km Tunes - Lagos section. The original budget set aside for this was €23 million, 85% of which comes from EU funding, and the tendering process was originally set to close next March. The indicated timetable for completion of electrification was optimistically set at "the end of 2023". The Plan also includes the provision of new trains and a new signalling system. The initial expressions of interest were all over budget, however, and the tender was reissued in August. While electrification has its obvious benefits, it is not without complications. So the tender for the Tunes - Lagos 38

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section also includes the removal of level crossings at Silves, Estômbar and Portimão. These are to be replaced by bridges. Level crossings are inherently dangerous – three people have died having been struck by trains in the last four years – but the dangers increase when electrification is added. This issue, and others, have been picked up by the Lagos Council, which has lodged objections to the proposed modernisation. The final stretch of the line into Lagos runs along the edge of the Meia Praia beach and there are many pedestrian crossings on the line. The council fears these will not be viable after electrification, and bridges, together with the overhead wires and gantries, would be visually unacceptable. The council also wants to safeguard fish farming at Vale de Lama, and protect the many small businesses which operate along the beach, but which are only accessible by crossing the line. The council has called for a full environmental assessment to take place before any investment is committed, but Infraestruturas de Portugal – which operates the line – maintains that this is not required. The argument between the council and IP could have the potential to delay progress. You can argue, on the other hand, that the line is a missed opportunity for the Algarve economy and, in particular, for tourism. 39

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Along the route, there are many architecturally attractive original stations which, if restored, could attract tourist business. The lovely original station at Lagos still stands but is in a dismal state. Renovated, and given a new use, it would be a distinctive feature in the town. Also at Lagos – behind the station, in a nondescript building – are two of the original steam locomotives, made in Manchester by Beyer-Peacock, and which were shipped out in the early 1900s to operate on the Algarve line. One restored, and allowed to operate in the summer season, would add a new tourism opportunity for the area. Comboios de Portugal, which operates the trains, saw the opportunity with the Douro Valley line, so why not here? And finally, while modernising and electrifying the line, why not build a spur into a new station at Faro airport? The line passes within 2.5 km of the terminal. The prospect of a train ride to the holiday resorts, for a few euros, would surely be 40

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an attractive proposition – to everyone except the transfer companies! The idea has been proposed before, but nothing has ever come of it. The graffiti has been cleaned off the carriage windows recently and once again the great views along the route are visible. Is this the start to celebrating the line’s centenary, or will it be as far as it goes? James Plaskitt is a former minister in Tony Blair's government in the UK. He has now retired in the Algarve.


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We’ll look after your tax affairs while you look after your lifestyle


Life Beyond the Hijab BY HELEN DANIEL

Six years ago, Maryam Rostami came from Iran to live in Portugal. Residing now in Lagos with her son, 20-year-old Armin, she explains, “I love Iran and my people. It’s a wonderful country, but the laws that oppress women are harsh. I resented being treated like a secondclass citizen.” Maryam was born and brought up with her six siblings in the Mazandaran province of Iran, next to the Caspian Sea. Her parents worked in the local hospital, her mother in the laboratory, and her father as a radiologist. Maryam, at 16, became responsible for her younger siblings when her mother died, and she became proficient at catering for the family and gatherings. “This was when I gained the cooking skills that I now use to earn a living,” she remarks. 43

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After marrying at the age of 20 and becoming a mother to Elham at 21, Maryam continued her education, gaining a bachelor’s degree in English translation. Working full-time as an English studies translator, Maryam managed motherhood and domestic duties simultaneously. When she was 31, she gave birth to Armin, but still progressed with her career, teaching English, translating for a paper-making project, and then working for a travel agency. Homelife was unhappy so, in 2008, Maryam left her husband and went to Tehran. Her daughter was 19 at the time, but Armin was only eight. “The rule of Islam,” Maryam explains, “Is that children belong to the father. I had to leave my children behind, and I was devastated. Women suffer under a system of discrimination in the laws concerning marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody. Luckily after one year, my exhusband got weary of childcare duties, and the children came to live with me.” Life got more challenging for Maryam in Tehran. “As a divorced woman, it was complicated for me to rent a room and retain employment. I was seen as a rebel as not only was I divorced, but I was indifferent to religion. I didn’t participate in the daily fasting and praying. Women are obliged to wear hijabs, and black clothes and I was opposed to that. I acquired teaching work, but the Ministry of Education constantly sabotaged my 44

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Maryam`s cooking

Maryam`s handiwork

career, and I lost position after position. They thought that I would rot the brains of the students.” Eventually, Maryam secured work as a translator for a mineral water factory in Tehran, which also had a branch in Dubai. She travelled back and forth between the two countries, but the stigma of being divorced still thwarted her life. “I was dissatisfied with being discriminated against and considered a predator when I spoke to male colleagues. I saved money, applied for a master’s degree course in Tourism Management in Faro, and flew there in 2016.” Armin stayed in Tehran with his sister, and ten months later, once Maryam had secured residency, he joined her in Faro. During student holidays, she worked as a receptionist in a hostel in Lagos. After she had graduated, they moved there for her to work full-time. “Armin and I were treated like family. We 45

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were happy, but when COVID struck, the hostel shut down, and I was without work,” she explains. Since then, Maryam has been concentrating on her culinary skills and is producing food for private events. An expert at cooking, including vegan, vegetarian, and kosher cuisine, her speciality is Iranian food. “This is my passion, and I want to release what I can give. People can touch a part of my culture by tasting my food. One day I would love to open a restaurant.” Maryam also makes rugs and bags using traditional crochet, knitting and needlework methods. “There is a saying in Iran,” she recounts, “It’s essential to have a creative skill as with this you will never go hungry.” Much happier living her life in Portugal, Maryam remarks, “It’s fantastic to feel unrestricted. Here people respect me, and I am free to show my personality.”  WhatsApp:+351 919756225


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Sisters at Altura beach by Johnny Olofsson

Sisters of the Sea

Vaughan Willmore speaks with the Sisters of the Sea, women who, for their own wellbeing and the chance to reflect on the beauty of life, meet every Sunday morning in the calming surroundings of Altura beach.

Do you believe it’s beneficial to be ‘present in the now’ rather than worrying about the past or what the future might – or might not – hold? Do you believe words have energy and the way we describe things, ourselves, and others makes a difference to how we feel about them? The Sisters of the Sea do and based on my discussions with two of the women involved, I’ve every reason to believe they’re right. 48

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The Sisters of the Sea are women in and around Altura who, for their own wellbeing and the chance to reflect on the beauty of life, meet every Sunday morning in the soul-calming surrounds of Altura beach. I spoke with Pernilla Nordenmark and Yvonne Silversten to understand more about how they benefit from their meetings, and how I (and others) might do the same.

Lifelong friends Yvonne (left) and Pernilla by Lars Nilstrom

Pernilla and Yvonne are Swedish nationals now living in Portugal and are lifelong friends. Pernilla emigrated three years ago, with Yvonne following a year later. Together, they founded the Sisters of the Sea. I asked them to give me a sense of the nature of their meetings. Pernilla explained, “It’s always good to pause in life, to notice how you are doing and where you’re heading, especially now with everything that has been happening. So we started meeting at our local beach to ground ourselves and reflect. Our meetings have evolved over time and are based on discovery and learning, by sharing life experiences, passions, good food, and conversation. We all have something to contribute and everyone gains something to bring home in their hearts.” 49

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Pernilla explained the importance of dialogue and how the words we use create energy. “Forming a thought and then dressing it up in words by speaking it out loud creates a sound, and inside your body there is a resonance. Outside your body, another resonance is created as the eardrums of the receiver vibrate. Words are really moving energy and we all react to them. By being aware of the words you use and others’ reactions to them, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and other people.” Meditation is one of the practices the women embrace. “Meditation is a little like taking an internal vacation. It’s a chance to relax and take the opportunity to invest in myself and those dear to me.” Yvonne added. “We laugh a lot too! It is so much fun being in such a friendly and supportive group." Pernilla described how “Meditation to music is really helpful and practising it together is amazing. Before starting, we call in the Sisters who, due to all the travel restrictions, are currently living elsewhere. We join forces with them at a precise hour, listening to a guided meditation on YouTube, so we connect to each other through space and time. Love has no boundaries, nor has energy.” The two certainly find their meetings to be beneficial. Indeed, I was so enamoured with their energy and positive outlook that I would really like to join them or at least be part of something 50

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similar. I asked Yvonne why they found it necessary to distinguish between the sexes and she replied, “It isn’t really! However, there is a simplicity in joining with people who have the same bodysuit as myself because the one I have in this lifetime will almost certainly have experienced similar things as my sisters, so they can help me best.” Since we met, Pernilla has kindly pointed me in the direction of Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author of the millionselling The Power of Now. It’s a book I know I will enjoy reading, just as I enjoyed and benefited from meeting the Sisters of the Sea.  (Pernilla) (Yvonne)


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

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Bramwell Returns BY BRIAN TORA

Last month our Anglican community welcomed Bramwell Bearcroft to assist in the ministry in the Algarve. Bramwell is hardly a stranger to our church. Ordained in Ely Cathedral in 1989, he was a school chaplain for five years and became headmaster at a school in Somerset where he was licensed to a local benefice. In 2002, he took early retirement and moved to France, where he renovated an old farmhouse. But his involvement with the church did not end there. He was granted the Bishop of Europe’s licence and worked part-time in the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine, became Priest in Charge of Bordeaux in 2012 and four years later was acting Chaplain of Aquitaine. In recent years he has undertaken locum work in a variety of European countries, including here in the Algarve. For three years Bramwell and his wife Jennifer have owned an apartment in Moncarapacho, between Faro and Tavira. Bought originally to allow them both to play golf more easily in the winter (he plays off seven!), it introduced them to the Anglican 53

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church here in the Algarve. Bramwell met Jennifer in Cambridge, where they were both students, and they were married in Grantchester a little over 39 years ago. The couple has two daughters: one married recently in France, while the other is due to be wed next month in Portugal – an expensive year for their parents! Sport has played an important part in the couple’s lives. Bramwell met his wife on a squash court, played ice hockey in Canada, where he lived for eight years when his parents emigrated there, and again in Cambridge, where he went to university. He has also played cricket for a Cambridge college and the Ely clergy team. Aside from his sporting interests, Bramwell is a more than competent trumpet player, having played professionally in Canada, and has a six-piece New Orleans style jazz band back in France. We look forward to seeing them here on a more permanent basis and learning that Jennifer has worked for a number of years with a homeless charity back in France is a positive plus. 


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The Return of the Choir BY ELIZABETH R. HONEY

After 18 long months of choir rehearsals held solely on Zoom (the experience of which would require an article all on its own to describe), the choir celebrated singing LIVE together again this September. It was a very special event, and it would be difficult to put into words the emotion in the room when the first notes were sung out loud. Throughout the pandemic, singing was almost vilified as being a high-risk activity – the science was hard to argue with, but it was still heartbreaking for choirs and choir leaders around the world who knew first-hand the many ways 55

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that singing together can be beneficial for us emotionally and socially – particularly when people appeared to be needing those things the most. Our first rehearsal was in many ways different to the last time we met together in March 2020. This time we wore masks to enter and leave the rehearsal space, the chairs were spaced apart and marked out by crosses on the floor, and there was no hugging (but plenty of hand sanitiser). However, this very special rehearsal truly was a testimony to the power of singing in a group, and it felt very good to be back. As a group, we've had some low times and some fun times over the past few months, while managing to hold it together on a tiny computer screen which meant that, like so many people across the world, our experience of actually being in a room together again was profound. We really want to thank the amazing Boavista Golf and Spa Resort for so generously allowing us to use their wonderful premises to hold this rehearsal and for making us feel so welcome. The choir will be celebrating our ninth year together next year, so it's full steam ahead to get ourselves ready for 2022 and a full season of performances to bring the joy of singing back to our community. In the meantime, we are super-excited to be 56

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dusting off our reindeer antlers (makes sense if you've seen our winter performances) and get our Christmas songs and carols out to as many people as possible this festive season. Last Christmas was quiet for so many of us. This year, there will be music and singing again. Now that’s something to celebrate. The Western Algarve Community Choir (WACC) is an all-inclusive choir founded in 2013, with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary and a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more details about our events calendar, joining the choir, or for booking future events, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts Honey. 


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How to create a witch for Halloween As we look forward to Halloween, Tomorrow invited talented local makeup artist Tanzey Stent to create the ideal look for your child's spooky party this year. Self-taught Tanzey Stent is only 15 and his work is nothing short of unique, radiating true passion and creativity. He started exploring make-up art two years ago, after discovering a talent for drawing and painting at school, initially taking inspiration from YouTube videos. Tanzey finds make-up art a way of expressing himself and mainly uses Plouise’s waterproof paints to achieve incredible and colourful looks. For more of his dramatic looks follow him on Instagram. 


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙


1 First, apply a blue or green base all over the face and set with translucent powder. You can even use talcum powder if you don’t have translucent powder.

2 Once the face is covered use dark green around the hairline, cheek bones and nose. This creates depth to the look. Use the light green along the cheekbones to highlight the area.

3 Use the same dark green in the crease and outer corner of the eye. Blending it out with the light green.

4 Add black to the outer corner of the eye for a more dramatic look. Pat on shimmer or glitter to the eyelid. 60

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5 Add purple underneath the eye and blend it out into the black. Fill in the eyebrows with a black eyeshadow or pencil.

6 Create beauty marks with a black eyeliner or face paint. Apply black mascara.

7 Paint the lips bright red. For an even more dramatic look add more purple and smudge a bit of black face paint on the outer corner of the eye blending it in with the purple.

8 Add on any accessories, wigs or costumes to complete the look.


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Bringing art and architecture to life Vaughan Willmore speaks with the owners of Sentire, a local business dedicated to developing environmentally friendly projects and making the most of the owners’ artistic and architectural expertise. When I first visited the Costume Museum in São Brás de Alportel in April of this year, one of the highlights was the chance to watch conservation and restoration specialist Patrícia Varela at work. Patrícia was painstakingly and lovingly restoring one of the museum’s many delightful murals, each of which dates back several decades to when the building was used as a bank, and bank managers had the discretion to commission such work! Intrigued, I spoke with Patrícia to learn more about her work. 63

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I asked Patrícia about the restoration work I witnessed at the museum and how she went about doing that. “Firstly,” she said, “I started with the chemical cleaning of the dirt and the old varnish that was turning the mural yellow. After that, I consolidated parts of the mural that needed it and removed fillings previously applied with poor materials. After that, I refilled and painted the missing gaps and applied the varnish.” Patrícia added, “The cleaning is the most difficult aspect but also the most enjoyable. It requires patience and expertise so you don’t remove the pictorial layer but it’s also the part where you see the painting coming to life again, as it was originally painted by the artist.” Patrícia and her husband, Rui Moura Jerónimo, have been inspired to establish Sentire – a new business dedicated to developing environmentally-friendly projects – making the most of their combined expertise. Patrícia and Rui met at high school in Faro and have been together for eleven years. Patrícia has a degree in Cultural Heritage and Archaeology from the University of Algarve and a Masters in Conservation and Restoration Sciences from the University of Lisbon. Rui has a Masters in Architecture, also from the University of Lisbon, and is an active member of the Order of Architects. 64

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After completing university, and for Patrícia, a two-year stint in the army, this engaging couple worked for private sector companies in Rome and Lisbon, using their time well, absorbing the atmosphere, art, and architecture of two of the world’s most beautiful cities. After several years of paid employment, they became frustrated at the lack of creative autonomy and in 2019 established Sentire, which is based in Faro. Rui described how the word Sentire has, in the Italian language, a double meaning. “It can mean ‘feel’, just like in English, but it also means ‘hear’. We felt it a good name as we have a shared belief that in this digital world, art and architecture can help people to listen and connect with each other more.” Despite the obvious challenges of the last 18 months, the couple have been busy working on numerous public and private sector projects. Rui explains, “We believe the correct use of space, light and materials significantly contributes to improving quality of life. I’m especially proud of a project I did with a small lot in Loulé that was transformed into a T2 with a garage and a garden. This was quite an achievement, given it’s in the somewhat cramped historical centre of the city.” It was truly inspiring to talk to Patrícia and see the quality of their craft. You can see more of their work on their website 65

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and at the Costume Museum itself, where Patrícia hopes to return soon to restore the remaining three murals. As for the future, Patrícia and Rui are keen to undertake a wide range of projects both here in Portugal and abroad. I’ve no doubts they’ll achieve their ambitions and, with their combined expertise, help improve people’s quality of life by bringing art and architecture back to life. 


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

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In this new series we reveal interesting facts about Portuguese historical figures.

Facts About Rainha Santa Elizabeth NAME: Rainha Santa Elizabeth BORN: 4 January 1271 DIED: 4 July 1336

Queen Elizabeth, mounted on a mule, prevents a civil war in 1323, on the field of Alvalade

BIO: Saint Elizabeth of Portugal was the queen consort of Portugal, a tertiary of the Franciscan Order. She is venerated as a saint of the Catholic Church due to the rose miracle. She was born Elizabeth of Aragon at the Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza, Spain, the daughter of King Pedro III and Constance of Sicily and the sister of three kings: Alfonso II and James II of Aragon and Frederick III of Sicily. She married King Dinis of Portugal in 1288 when she was 17.


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The legend of the roses is associated with Elizabeth in popular Portuguese culture. Married to the profligate King Dinis, Elizabeth was charitable to the poor, against the wishes of her husband. The story goes that while delivering bread in her apron her husband caught her and told her to show him what she carried and the food was transformed into roses. This legend has also been attributed to her better-known Aunt, Elizabeth of Hungary, and is a reoccurring myth in western European culture.


At her birth in 1271, her father Pedro III, future king of Aragon, was reconciled with his own father James, the reigning monarch.


Her marriage to Dinis was arranged when she was only ten and she was married aged 17, her dowry included the towns of Óbidos, Abrantes and Porto de Mós. Dinis is said to have been sinful and abusive towards her but her patience and devotion to religion eventually converted him and he renounced his life of sin.


Elizabeth bore two children: a son who became Afonso IV of Portugal and Constance of Portugal, who married King Ferdinand IV of Castile.


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She acted as an intermediary between her husband and son during the civil war of 1322-24. Afonso greatly resented his father, whom he accused of favouring his illegitimate son. Dinis was prevented from killing his son by Elizabeth, who in 1323 mounted a mule and positioned herself between the two armies in order to prevent the combat. Peace was returned in 1324 and the illegitimate Afonso Sanchez was sent into exile, while the legitimate Afonso swore allegiance to his father.


Elizabeth is usually depicted in royal garb with a dove or an olive branch. She earned a reputation as a peacemaker on account of her efficacy in solving disputes.


After Dinis' death in 1325, Elizabeth retired to the monastery of the Poor Clare nuns in Coimbra, which she had founded in 1314. She joined the Third Order of St. Francis, devoting the rest of her life to the poor and sick in obscurity.


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She was called upon as peacemaker for the final time in 1336 when Afonso IV marched his troops against King Alfonso XI of Castile, the son-in-law he accused of neglecting and ill-treating his daughter Maria. The queen dowager insisted on hurrying to Estremoz, where the two kings' armies were drawn up. She again stopped the fighting and enabled terms of peace to be agreed; however, the exertion brought on her final illness. As soon as her mission was completed, she took to her bed with a fever from which she died on 4 July, in the castle of Estremoz.

She was beatified in 1526 and canonized by the Pope in 1625 and her saints day is 4 July.

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The Rhino behind Calçada


Did you know that a rhino is responsible for the creation of the Portuguese calçada? No, you did not misread that – nor is it a joke.

History says that the King of Portugal, D. Manuel I, decided to do a march in the streets of Lisbon for his birthday on 21 January, where a rhino from India would be presented, for the first time, to the crowd. As it was winter, it would probably rain, and the king didn’t want the richly ornamented royal family and himself to get dirty with mud, so he decided to pave the floor, a decision which explains the origin of the Portuguese calçada. This operation involved a great deal of money, because the granite stones came from Porto. This was around 1500, and the rhino, whose name was Ganga (after the sacred Indian river) was offered to D. Manuel I as 73

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a gift from Modofar, the King of Cambaia in India. D. Manuel wanted to build an embassy there and sent an ambassador with presents to the king to try to persuade him. Modofar didn’t agree with the request, but in return offered him a rhino. It was the first time such an animal had set foot on European soil since the third century, and its presence caused immense curiosity. Ganga was installed at Ribeira’s Palace along with an elephant. D. Manuel organised combat between the two animals, which was attended by him and the queen, plus other important guests. The elephant ran as soon as he saw the rhino. To guarantee the support of the Pope to Portuguese expansion, D. Manuel sent him many gifts: one of these gifts was Ganga. Tragically, the ship sank and Ganga drowned (rhinos can swim but he was tied up). His body was later found, impaled and sent to the Holy Priest. Portuguese calçada is famous worldwide. Tourists come to Portugal to see this beautiful art form. These traditional pavements are also popular in other countries, particularly France, perhaps because so many Portuguese go there as emigrants. THE BRAZILIAN WHO BUILDS PORTUGUESE CALÇADA Marcelo Santana left Brazil at 18 to try his luck in Portugal. 74

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Back there, he worked in a pharmacy, but things were not going well and he decided to emigrate. When he arrived in Portugal, an opportunity arose for him to learn how to build Portuguese calçada, in an internship that lasted for three months. He learned from a friend, but at the time there were courses from the Employment Centre for those who were willing to learn. “Back then there was training available,” he explains. “But young people do not want to do this anymore, and the opportunities for learning this craft are now fewer than before.” For Marcelo, this is an advantage, because he always has work, especially now that he opened his own business. His wife works with him, and they have two little children, a girl who is five and a three-year-old boy. A typical day starts with taking kids to kindergarten before 9 o’clock, since this is the time they need to start working to complete six hours per day of labour. They leave at 4 pm to get the children from school at 5 pm. The craftsman says they are “in a hurry” all day long, to be able to care and spend time with their babies at the end of the day. The work is hard, and particularly tough on the back and knees, but it is what Marcelo loves to do. He has no regrets about 75

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giving up his career as a pharmacy technician and does not believe people look down on him because of what he does. On the contrary, he gets a lot of compliments for his work, especially from passing tourists. For Marcelo, his work is a form of art, and he would like his children to learn how to do it, and to study arts, even though they “will be free to do whatever they want in life”.  +351 963 940 228 (Marcelo) Facebook: Marcelo Santana


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Barroca BAR & GRILL


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I recently had a life-changing encounter with Tibetan Lama Dorje in Costa Rica. This unexpected meeting was deeply transforming for me and I am excited that he accepted my invitation and agreed to visit the Algarve in October for a series of lectures and workshops. I went to the mountain retreat in Costa Rica run by Lama Dorje with my two children (12 and two) and, despite the strong heat and simple living conditions, we returned surprisingly totally recharged. Lama Dorje conveys a powerful energy for the joy of life. Although steeped in Buddhist philosophy, he provides a lot of practical knowledge which can be applied in everyday life. Even children as young as mine were mesmerised by his charisma. 78

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Drupon Lama Dorje was born in the small village of Limi in a nomadic community of the Himalayan region. At the age of five, he decided to become a monk in the Drikung Kagyu lineage and later went into solitary retreat for four years in the mountains of India, where he trained deeply in the five-fold path of Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Six Yogas of Naropa. Directly after the retreat, his teachers assigned him to live in Chile to expand the teachings of awakening human potential. Over the past ten years, Lama Dorje dedicated his life to sharing these important teachings throughout the world through diverse events, seminars, courses and retreats, music albums, books, and sacred journeys in India and Nepal. He has a unique, down to earth, charismatic teaching style which he directly transmits through Spanish (he is accompanied by an English translator). Travelling the world, Drupon Lama Dorje skillfully teaches Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy of Life while also advocating topics such as environmental regeneration, intercultural unity, resilient education, and much more. Lama Dorje’s mission is to awaken the happiness of all beings, unite all cultures in global peace, and regenerate our home, the Earth, by expanding the altruistic actions of unconditional love, compassion, joy, and equanimity for the sake of all that live. 79

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With so much going on in the world today, we are honoured that Drupon Lama Dorje will be bringing such heart-warming teachings to share in the Algarve in the month of October. 3 October: Chod – Tibetan Sound Healing: Karuna Retreat Center, near Caldas de Monchique Contact: Anna 912 221 857 8 October: Inner Education: Aljezur International School 9 October: Bend it like Buddha, Yoga Studio Portimão Contact: 966 150 073 10 October: Cultivating Wisdom & Happiness Through Challenge: InLight Yoga, Lagos Contact: Asa 912 670 527 12 October: Dharma Tea Talk: AgniWay, Lagos Contact: Agni 0048 668 314869, 920 581 070 16 October: Shamata Meditation Workshop, Lagos Contact: AgniWay, 17 October: Medicine Buddha Empowerment: InLight Yoga Contact: Asa 912 670 527 29-31 October: Green Tara Empowerment Retreat, three days 80

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of teachings and practices Contact: Agni 0048 668 314869, 920 581 070 For a private consultation with Lama Dorje, please contact Ania Purdy 920 265 137.

Did you know... Lama (meaning ‘superior one’) is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism. Originally used to translate “guru” (‘venerable one’ in Sanskrit) and thus applicable only to heads of monasteries or great teachers, the term is now extended out of courtesy to any respected monk or priest.


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What's on For more events and activities check our online calendar  If you have an event you would like to add to the calendar please get in touch: 

Archaeology The Algarve Archeological Association is hosting its first lecture since the easing of restrictions. Speaker Pedro Horta will be dissecting the latest discoveries from Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria) in order to understand the first European humans.  When: 12 October at 2.30 pm Where: Museu do Trajo, São Brás de Alportel When: 12 October at 6 pm Where: Convento de São José, Lagoa Price: 5€ for non-members Info: 83

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Harfeast A harvest-feast event, where people can gather and celebrate the joy of food and wine. On Saturday 9 October, enjoy an evening of festivities as the sun goes down over the Monchique mountains. You can enjoy a delicious farm to table Iberian hog roast by @feito_ no_zambujal prepared over an open fire and live music. The featured wine is Palhete ‘19 (Crato Branco & Negra Mole). On Sunday 10 October, award-winning chef André, from @ attlarestaurant in Lisbon, will be starring in an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime lunch under our 2,000 olive trees, paired with our most prized wines, followed by a 15-minute tribute harvest for our upcoming Late Harvest.  When: 9 and 10 October at 5 pm Where: Morgado do Quintão Tickets: 84

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The Superbikes The World Superbike Championship returns in 2021, promising a unique opportunity to watch the most challenging two-wheel competition at the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve, Portimão.  When: 1-3 October Tickets: + 352 282 405 600

Music at the Altar The municipality of Lagos is rich in churches, which are part of its identity and history. They symbolise, therefore, the perfect setting for a cycle of musical performances. IN PRAYER The concert focuses on themes of spirituality, faith and devotion to God, with a recital for singing and piano, 85

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accompanied by João Rosa, resident in Lagos, with the accomplished lyrical singer Ângela Silva. When: 2 October at 7 pm Where: Santa Maria Church

ACCORDION, PIANO, FLUTE AND CLARINET WITH PAULO RIBEIRO The repertoire ranges from Mozart to Paganini, from Beethoven to Villa-Lobos and from Chopin to Piazzola. Free entry by prior registration through an online form. When: 9 October at 7 pm Where: Luz Church

VIOLIN AND PIANO RECITAL WITH JOÃO PEDRO CUNHA AND ELENA TSOURANOVA With established credits on the national and international scene, the artists present a comprehensive programme, travelling from the depth of Handel to the rapture of Piazzolla. When: 16 October at 7 pm Where: Church of S. Sebastião

CLASSICAL GUITAR CONCERT WITH JOSUÉ NONES From the music of Heitor Villa Lobos - a Brazilian maestro and composer, considered an exponent of the erudite music of Brazil. When: 23 October at 7 pm 86

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Where: Church of Bensafrim 

Heterodoxy in Portuguese-Jewish Thought: What is the connection between heterodoxy, exile, and identity? The first session of a cycle that aims to bring together, at the Library, all those interested (Jews and nonJews) in participating in meetings connected with Jewish tradition, culture, history and religion. This event will explore the influence of Maimonides (alAndaluz, Egypt): From the Abravanels (Portugal, Italy) to the Amsterdam of Uriel da Costa and Baruch Spinoza, with Kurt "Vos" Albert as an intermediary. Participation is free of charge but subject to a limit of 48 prior registrations via telephone 282 767 816, Facebook page of the Library or email  When: 21 October at 8 pm Where: Lagos Library Lagos Library +351 282 767 816 Kurt Vos Albert +351 962 828 212 87

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Charity News Tomorrow catches up with Vicente's progress following his second operation. Unfortunately, Vicente´s surgery in April was unsuccessful and medical experts suggested another operation which had to be cancelled on 13 April after Vicente suffered a fit. The operation was rescheduled for May using funds donated by TACT and former Liverpool striker John Aldridge. Prior to his operation Vicente was in a lot of pain when having his nappy changed or opening his legs and walking was difficult.This time the operation went well, as surgeons carried out a Proximal Femoral Varus Derotation Osteotomy and reduction of the right hip with an external fixator, (a metal rod screwed into the bone) which had to be used for two and a half months. The operation and recovery period was not easy for his family as Vicente had a lot of pain at the beginning. He could only be in two positions, either on his back or on his side and was 89

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not able to leave the house for fresh air. To eat was punishing because of the position he was in. “It’s been a difficult two and a half months, but Vicente has overcome one more stage,” says his mother, Vera. Vicente’s quality of life has now improved a lot and he is no longer in pain. Now that the hip is in place, it is easier for Vicente to work or trying to walk. The five-year-old has a very strong personality and despite his limitations, he is very bright. Vicente doesn’t like to be separated from his mother and always cries when she leaves him. “He already knows what he wants, whether he wants to drink water from this or that glass, what to eat this or that and say perfectly yes or no," says his mother. "He loves the beach, water and bolas de Berlim. He loves to be read a story and listen to music and tries to sing and everything." When Vera heard of the donations from TACT, John Aldridge and others, she remembers, “It was a mixture of emotions, crying, laughing, I have no words to describe such a gesture and I will be grateful for the rest of my life, gratitude to all those who helped us because if they hadn’t helped me, it would have been very difficult to get the money to operate on Vicente." You can still help Vicente with the collection of bottle tops and 90

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caps and leave them at the various collection points or with donations to his account. The clinic accepts plastic and metal bottle tops in exchange for his treatment. “The next objective with the therapies is to recover everything that Vicente lost during the four months because of the operations, and at the moment, we will have to step back a little so that he can gain more muscle and trunk strength. But we haven’t been standing still, since he removed the external fixator, he has been doing physiotherapy every day for one hour, speech therapy twice a week and osteopathy once a week,” explains Vera. On 6 September, another cycle of intensive treatments began at the CHS clinic in Braga for another nine weeks. “Another long step ahead, but with a lot of faith and love, you get there, never give up,” concludes Vera. Bottle tops and lids can be left at the following locations: Tennis Club and Padel de Lagos, Churrasqueira Marques, Remax, Clube Desportivo de Odiaxere, Spa in Praia da Luz, Baptista.  Facebook: O Mundo Colorido do Vicente IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4553 8620 459 05


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Bromley Boy Scores for Charity The screening of The Bromley Boys in Lagos on 11 and 12 September raised money for TACT and will be given to Families in Need in Lagos. The audience was kept entertained by the heart-warming movie about a teenager´s love of Bromley Football club in the 1960s/70s. The feel-good movie made us all laugh and cry and was in the genre that British movies do so well - that of championing the underdog, in this case Bromley FC. Producer and cast member TJ Herbert, who now lives in Lagos, came to the screening and entertained everyone with his on-screen performance as Roy and with his Q&A after the event, as himself! 92

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A huge thanks to everyone who attended the event and dug into their pockets for the raffle of movie memorabilia which, with ticket sales, raised a final score of 447€. If you couldn´t make the screening, the movie is available in Portugal through all pay-TV operators including NOS, Vodafone, MEO and Nowo.


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John Aldridge Scores a Hat-trick for Tomorrow Charity BY PHIL HARDING

On Friday 10 and Saturday 11 September, John Aldridge helped Tomorrow magazine get back in the game with their fundraising for the Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT). After the COVID pandemic had thwarted any attempts to raise money in 2020/21, it felt like a monumental achievement to tee off at the John Aldridge Golf Classic. The event started on Thursday night when all the teams met up at Hugo Beaty’s in Luz, where Rui and his team provided lovely food and the beer flowed. Special guests included a couple of John's Liverpool teammates – Jason McAteer and Don Hutchinson. Friday was the warm-up day at Espiche Golf Club. It was incredibly well-organised by Pauline Binnie and the team at Espiche and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day. The format was a shotgun start and Texas Scramble. We decided to have a 10€ entry per player; we kept half of the money for the charity, then the remaining amount was split between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. The winners on the Friday event were none other than John’s team (John 95

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Aldridge, Jason McAteer, Don Hutchinson and Keith Hill). The day finished off with a superb BBQ buffet and Jim Goldie kindly entertained everyone with an array of acoustic songs. Saturday was the main event at Boavista Golf Club, again with a shotgun start; however, it was a four-ball better-ball this time. Again the staff at Boavista were superb and everyone was full of praise for how well the day and event went. John’s team won for a second time – the first time John has won in the 20 years the event has been running! Boavista provided a BBQ buffet and then John started with a game of heads and tails which raised 560€. The prize was a weekend at Boavista’s Bela Colina for two people plus a round of golf and was won by Andy Coles. Then, John, Jason and Don took to the mic to speak about their careers and finished with a Q&A session which was great fun. The auction followed with prizes that included a signed (Bryan Robson and Mickey Thomas) Manchester United Shirt, a signed (Thiago) Liverpool shirt, four tickets to any Liverpool Champions League game, a VIP Legends Lounge invitation for four people to any Liverpool Champions League home game (this went for 2,500€) and much more football memorabilia. The fundraising tally increased by another 335€ with our 96

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online auction for a signed Jürgen Klopp cap, which was won by delighted Liverpool fan Tracy Duckworth. We asked John to pick a number; he chose 104 – the number of Liverpool appearances he has made – and selected Tracy. This took the total raised to a hole in one to 9,835€, which will all go to Algarve charities and to help those affected by the pandemic. We would like to thank Espiche and Boavista golf clubs for their support and fantastic hospitality as well as the golfers who took part. We will see you again next year. Photos © Fátima Vargas @fatmavargas


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The winning team: Jason McAteer, Don Hutchinson John Aldridge and Keith Hill.


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Meet the Artist Fun art is fine art too BY ALYSON SHELDRAKE

Some artists try to shock you with their art, while others aim to impart a sense of tranquillity. Rowan Marques of Cat House Fun Art wants you to laugh when you look at her art. Yes, laugh right out loud at her cool cats, dynamic doggies, bold birdies and funky flowers! Her motto is ‘Fun art is fine art too!’ Originally from the US, and after having lived in Mexico, Brazil, Italy and France, Rowan has now settled in Vale da Telha and paints from her in-home studio under the gimlet supervision of her furry muses. Working primarily in acrylics and mixed media, she loves using bold colours and texture in her art. She paints a bit of everything but specialises in fun animal art and 102

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pet ‘paw-traits’ with an eclectic style ranging from realistic to abstract. Art, in Rowan’s view, is an ever-evolving activity as essential to her as breathing. She strives to keep a beginner’s mindset by experimenting with new mediums and techniques and studying art history. She states, “Art is completely essential to my wellbeing; it signifies renewal, growth, knowledge, and relaxation of mind and spirit. In our chaotic world, art is often an inner need that is revealed by an outer catalyst. After careers in education and advertising, I was at a loose end a number of years ago without even being conscious of it. An artist friend invited me to visit, sat me down and insisted that I paint with her. I will be forever grateful. It was love at first brushstroke and it opened up a whole new world for me.” Teaching students of all ages also keeps her mentally fresh and artistically challenged. “I teach, but I also learn so much from my students too. It is an amazing artistic give and take.” Inspiration is plentiful and comes from everywhere imaginable: daily life, reading about art and famous historical figures, people watching, nature, travel, and, of course, the antics of her fabulous feline top models and those of her friends. Rowan also greatly admires Gustav Klimt, the Viennese Art Nouveau Master, for his symbolism and geometric detail and has created her own funky feline 103

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versions of some of his famed artworks, such as Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer (aka The Woman In Gold – one of her favourite paintings) and The Kiss. The artwork of Louis Wain, a Victorian-era artist specialising in anthropomorphic cats, inspired her to begin painting fun art and this influence is evident in her paintings of globetrotting kitties playing at being rock stars and racing car drivers, dogs enjoying a good laugh, and flirtatious cows and pigs. Does Rowan have any advice for an aspiring artist? Yes, indeed! “First and foremost, paint for yourself and for your own personal joy and development. Believe in yourself always, never stop learning and above all else, HAVE FUN!” Rowan is an ardent supporter of animal shelters in Portugal and worldwide. For every sale of one of her paintings, she makes a donation. She frequently offers her artwork to animal charity fundraisers. Rowan accepts commissions and you can see her available work on her website.  Facebook: Cat House Fun Art Instagram: rowanmarques 104

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Sara Bussotti was born in Italy, in the city of Livorno, about 80 km from Flarença, on 12 March 2003. At the age of three, she went with her parents to Maputo, Mozambique, where she stayed until she was nine years old. She then came to live in Lisbon, where she finished fifth grade in Odivelas. Later, she returned with her parents to Italy, graduating from the Livorno Liceo with a mark of 18 (out of 20). Bussotti signs her works as Newasse and has opted for a watercolour technique that cultivates realism and the appearance of detail in the beautiful still lifes that she favours. The watercolours of Newasse bring us closer, in terms of influence, to two well known watercolourists of our 106

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time: Lizete Amaral and Jaime Isidoro. Her strokes are structured, sometimes loose, of an erratic nature although realistic. Sometimes the watery treatment, created by the brush strokes, give an almost plastic quality to the colours. Blues predominate (reminiscent of Paulo Ossião, another watercolour artist of reference). Newasse is an artist who prefers to remain faithful to a classical temperament and chooses the medium of watercolour for her expression. Portraits, still lifes (made up of baskets of fruit or flowers) and landscapes feature heavily in her vast body of work. These are wet and beautiful watercolours in their pictorial outlines, of a figurative taste, warm and luminous, of balanced technique and drawing. She still lives in Italy and maintains an atelier in Livorno. Her works currently oscillate between 500€ and 2,500€ for small, medium and large formats. Newasse is a name to be noted in the context of modern art.


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Review of the month Max The Miracle Dog, by Kerry Irving BY ANNIE O’DEA

The Heart-Warming Tale of a Life-Saving Friendship In 2006, a traumatic car accident changed Kerry Irving’s life forever. This is Irving’s true and inspiring story about Max the spaniel, who helped him overcome severe physical and mental health issues following a tragic accident. Thanks to one very special dog Max and some help from the mountains, Kerry Irving writes “On top of Ben Nevis that day I felt like a king.” The book is dedicated to all animals that help humans. Kerry states, “They walk beside us when we are beside ourselves.” It is an astute reflection about the power of man and animal 108

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working together. This bestseller embraces the positivity of nature and Mountains for the Mind – a UK campaign from Trail magazine promoting the benefits of being outside for better mental health. As a Springer Spaniel owner and an avid lover of nature and the outdoors, this book resonated in me a deep connection. Vividly written the author draws on the harsh reality of growing up in a broken family. Set amidst the backdrop of the Lake District where his heart is, Kerry comes to realise, “I am lucky to be alive to enjoy such simple pleasures that make this life so precious.” In 1998, Kerry’s marriage to Angela allowed him to return to the Lakes, and the couple settled in Keswick. Part two of the book (Summer 2006) opens with a truck hurtling into his stationary car stuck in rush hour traffic and crumpling his car’s rear end. Irving describes the impact as seeming “like a bomb had just detonated inside my car”. With spinal injuries and in extreme pain, Kerry felt like “a shell” of his former self; he was no longer the “fit, outgoing man that everyone knew”. Now helpless and housebound with suicidal thoughts, it was a chance encounter in the corner shop in the winter of 2009, 109

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that turned his life around. Max The Miracle Dog is an emotional read, which explores the truth about life’s ups and downs; how personal challenges can enrich you and make you all the more human in the end. It tells us how personal challenges are not necessarily the end, but the beginning. An uplifting and powerful story of one man’s journey with his faithful companion and friend at his side - Max The Miracle Dog.


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Algarve Sports Round up BY DAVID LUGG

Basketball Portimonense will begin their first-ever season in the ProLiga (Tier 2) with an away match at Galitos. They made history by winning the National Division 1 Championship in July and, following a number of new signings, have high aspirations for the upcoming season. The team play their home matches on Saturday afternoons at the Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Portimão. Full details and ticket information can be found at: Imortal remain the top-ranked club in the Algarve following their wonderful season in the Liga Portuguesa de Basquetebol (Tier 1). After finishing third in the league, they eventually lost out to basketball giants Porto in the semi-final play offs. They begin this season with an away match at newly-promoted CD Póvoa. Club and ticket info: 112

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Motor cycling The World Superbike Championships return to the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve on 1-3 October. Jonathan Rea, from Northern Ireland, has been the dominant force of late and has been world superbike champion for the past six years. Riding the Ducati, he will be the firm favourite again this year, especially after dominating last year’s event. His main competition is likely to come from young Turkish rider Toprak Razgatlıoğlu who rides for Yamaha. Tickets:

Beach soccer Reigning world champions Portugal have crashed out in the group stages of the 2021 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup in Moscow. Following a disappointing 7-6 defeat to Uruguay, the Portuguese men’s side finished third in their group leading to their earliest exit in the history of the competition. Algarvian defender Rui Coimbra, was part of the team, but will now focus his attention on retaining the domestic league title with Sporting Lisbon. The women’s Beach Soccer World Cup begins on 11 October in Alanya, Turkey.

Cricket The Portuguese national side finished top of the group in the inaugural Portugal Tri-Nation Series. With round-robin Twenty20 matches against Malta and Gibraltar, Portugal won 113

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all four games comfortably to take the trophy in style. It is hoped that this will ignite some enthusiasm in a country that has so far failed to take cricket to their hearts. There have been various attempts to start sides here in the Algarve, but currently the only national league is based around the Lisbon area. The tournament victory sees Portugal rise to their highest ever world ranking of 53.

Paralympics Portimão athlete Luis Costa finished a credible 7th at the H5 cycling time trial in Japan. Luis, who competes on a handbike, finished the 24-kilometre race in a little over 42 minutes. Competitors had to complete three laps of the Fuji International Speedway, a circuit more used to motor sport than cycling. After the race, Luis admitted that the race “did not go as well as I wanted” but there is no doubt that he has done the Algarve (and his country) proud.

Football Following a poor start to the season, SC Farense have sacked their manager Jorge Costa. The Faro-based side recently suffered relegation from the Primeira Liga and their bad form has continued into the new season, with them gaining just one point from their opening four matches. Primeira Liga team Portimonense have sold their star striker Beto to Italian side Udinese for a fee in the region of 10 million 114

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Euros. Last season, the 23-year-old scored 11 goals in 30 games for the side from Portimão. He has reportedly signed a four-year deal for his new club.

Sport of the month Are you looking to become more active and take part in some physical activity? Here is your chance. Each month we shall be profiling a sport that you can take part in right here in the Algarve. This month we look at basketball: Basketball was invented by a Canadian gym teacher in 1891 with the primary intention of keeping his class active on a rainy day. In 1932, Portugal was one of the founder members of FIBA, the organisation that governs the sport worldwide. Today, basketball remains a popular sport within the country and is well-represented within the Algarve. There are 11 senior clubs across the region, all of which are open to spectators. Many of the clubs have men’s, women’s and youth teams. These clubs are as follows (alphabetical order): ACD CBR (Olhão); Albufeira, CFBF (Faro); Farense (Faro); Ferragudo; Ginásio (Olhão); Imortal (Albufeira); Juventude (Vila Real de Santo António); Portimonense (Portimão); Tavira; 115

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Tubarões (Quarteira) Basketball may be a hard sport to master, but its beauty lies in its simplicity, as all you need to begin with is a ball and a hoop. If you would like to give the sport a try or wish to improve your skills, there are a number of courts across the Algarve that are open to the public. These can be found in Albufeira, Carvoeiro, Faro, Lagos, Montegordo, Portimão, Quarteira, Vilamoura and Vila Real Santo António. Your closest court can be found on


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

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'Layup' for success Portimonense SC have been an integral part of sporting life in the Algarve for 107 years. Aside from a Primeira Liga football team, they also host handball, futsal and recently added e-sports to their impressive repertoire. However, last season, it was the basketball side that won the greatest acclaim for the Portimão based club. In a pandemic-affected season, Portimonense achieved promotion to the ProLiga (Tier 2 of the national pyramid) for the first time in their history. Considering the challenges they faced, it was an extraordinary achievement and one that deserves recognition. -

The coach Carlos Almeida is the head coach of the senior men’s basketball team. Last season, he led his side to a historic promotion to the ProLiga for the first time in the club’s history. He explains why it was far from an ordinary season and talks about the challenges that lie ahead. 118

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The 2020/21 season must rank as one of the most memorable in the history of Portimonense SC? For basketball, it was the most important year in the club’s history. I think it was a season in which what had never been achieved before was achieved. That makes all of us at Portimonense very proud. But it was memorable for a number of different reasons. For example, the team had to stop playing in the middle of the season due to the pandemic. What effect did that have on you and the players? It was a very bad period because basketball is a group sport and it is very difficult to motivate the athletes for so long to train at home. However, the players were trying to keep themselves in the best shape as much as possible and, because of that, I don’t think the team suffered that much physically. When the season restarted in May, you had to play 10 games in about four weeks. That must have been tiring? It was pretty tough. We had to play weekends with two and three games, which is a very big effort from the athletes, both in what concerns the game and in their personal lives; however, all the players faced the same challenge. With a lot of will, optimism and professionalism we ended up being successful. 119

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Ultimately, 13 wins in 15 games took you all the way to the southern playoff final where you defeated Angrabasket 71-67 to secure promotion to the ProLiga. How were emotions on the day? It was a very long day with a lot of anxiety. Once the game arrived, we were very confident we could achieve victory. At the beginning of the game, those emotions disappeared and we just thought about what was happening on court. In the end, when we seized victory, our emotions took over again, but in this case, they were feelings of joy and satisfaction. From there you progressed to the Division One national final, where you beat Galitos 72-61. Becoming Division One champions must have been very special? Winning a national title in a division was a very special feeling. There was great pride and satisfaction for all the sacrifices that we all made every day for this passion of ours that is basketball. Looking ahead at the ProLiga competition, I’m sure you will be expecting a much tougher season. What are your realistic goals? Our aim is to stabilise the club in this division, in other words, strive for permanence. You have two exciting games against local rivals GC Olhanense. Is it a friendly rivalry between the two teams? 120

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There is no doubt that in that game we will only be opponents on the court. But it will be great to meet up again with GC Olhanense, a club we have a lot of esteem for, and in my case, friendship with many of its elements. Portimonense has an excellent reputation for promoting youth basketball for both boys and girls. Tell us a bit more about that. It is one of our big goals, if not the biggest goal, to promote basketball for our young people. We work for them on a daily basis so that they have the opportunity to practice the sport they love in the best possible conditions. The promotion and development of basketball in the city is the club’s main objective and, before the pandemic affected us, we had 250 athletes registered. This is your sixth season at Portimonense. How do you stay passionate about the club? I am a person who is passionate about basketball and when I came to live in the Algarve, Portimonense gave me the opportunity to do what I love so much, as well as being part of a great club. This club includes other very enthusiastic people who are passionate about this sport and make someone like me feel very good with this symbol on my chest.  121

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The player Raheem Watts is the new kid in town. In October, he will make his debut for Portimonense Basquetebol, adding some extra firepower to a team which has just been promoted to the ProLiga. Since leaving the Mississippi Golden Eagles, the twenty-seven year-old ‘forward’ has seen his career take him to far-flung parts of the globe, but the 6’7” (2.01m) American now finds himself in Portugal and is very much looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead. This is your first season playing for Portimonense. How are you enjoying Portugal so far? Portugal is a beautiful country. I have enjoyed myself here so far and it will only get better as I learn more about the city (of Portimão) and get around more. 123

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Your journey from the US to Portugal has not exactly been straightforward. Where else has professional basketball taken you around the world? Previously, I’ve played basketball in Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Vietnam. That’s quite an impressive list. I see that most of your career has been spent in warmer climates. By contrast, how was your experience up in the Baltic States of Latvia and Lithuania? It was extremely cold in Lithuania and in Latvia. I have never experienced a place colder than those two, but it was still a nice experience for me. Portugal aside, where is your favourite place that the basketball has taken you? As of right now, I would say Vietnam. The food was amazing. They treated me very well and the basketball atmosphere there is growing. They have a big fan base. I loved the experience in that country a lot. You started your professional career at the Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. How does professional basketball in the US compare with other countries where you have played? Is there more pressure? I wouldn’t necessarily say more pressure, but there’s definitely a larger pool of top talent in the US that you’re competing 124

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against so you have to work that much harder to separate yourself from the rest. It is a very competitive sport that is huge in the US so you definitely have to work hard to play there. Obviously, we wish you a long, successful career at Portimonense, but is there anywhere else in the world that you would like to play? I haven’t thought much about a certain place. I would just like to be in the best possible position for myself and my family wherever that will be. My goal is to be the best player I can be and do what I came here to do – and that’s to win. Will you ever return to the US to play professional basketball? I will leave that talk for the future, but I definitely have thought about it. As a player, what do you hope to bring to Portimonense? I hope to bring wins. I can’t promise anyone anything but I will work to put myself and my teammates in a position to win games because we have goals and we want to fulfil them. And what about as a person? How are you off the court? I’m very relaxed and laid-back off the court. I like to be near the water, read books, write poetry and just really enjoy life. I’m very fun to be around. I like to have a good time with friends. 125

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Soul Food

A guide to feeding and nourishing your mind, body and soul BY CHLOE WARD

Each month I will share a helpful and practical guide to living your best life. This will also include handy journaling tips and monthly insights into the moon’s energy and how it may affect you. Let’s begin with journaling. Journaling is a very effective and low-cost tool to explore and express your thoughts and feelings. It can illuminate areas of improvement in your life and can help you to decide how to move forward. Journaling is an investment in your well-being. For me, journaling is a way to make sense of thoughts, release my creative energy and remind myself of ideas, dreams and 127

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areas of focus when I look back later. Similar to making a vision board, journaling helps transfer your weird and wonderful thoughts into decisions or goals and makes them a reality. When you start, you can’t stop. There’s no need to hold back: this is YOUR life so be honest with your writing, even if it feels raw, emotional, powerful. Meditating before you start will help clear your mind of today’s chatter and give your subconscious thoughts more space, but it’s not essential. Begin with gratitude. Take your journal and write down today’s date, then write what you feel grateful for today, right now, this moment. Try starting your day this way too. By filling our minds with gratitude, we are immediately lifting our energies. We can’t be grumpy and grateful at the same time! Next, jot down something you can completely lose yourself in because you love it so much. Finally, list or scribble what makes your heart happy. You may be surprised with the answers that appear on the page and where your writing takes you. NEW MOON: 6 OCTOBER IN LIBRA This new moon is all about balance. Where is your life out of balance? This is a time to look at relationships, work and play. Do they give you everything you need for a balanced life? What do you need from each and are you getting it? 128

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FULL MOON: 20 OCTOBER IN ARIES Time to step into your soul’s calling and life mission. Be proud of your gifts and share them with the world. Remember this is a fire sign, tempers might flare and negotiation may be required. Where can you learn to respond and not react? What can you let go of? Where can you tie up loose ends and close a chapter? Next month moon magic and to how to work with lunar energy. 


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Tips for Self-Care BY FIONA MAGUIRE

We have never before experienced a pandemic and all the uncertainty and changes that have come with it. Thus, it is more important than ever to take care of yourself. Self-care is giving the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.

Below are some good ways to take care of yourself: TAKE TIME TO STARE It is very easy to get to the ocean if you are living in the Algarve. Find a quiet spot on a cliff or a beach and look at the waves with a soft focus. Allow yourself to be quiet and maybe daydream. If your mind starts to think about something, take a breath and bring your attention back to the sea. With less light pollution than the cities, the Algarve also offers the potential for stargazing. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEELINGS Take at least a few moments throughout the day to experience what you feel. This is very important as so many people get stuck in their thoughts and are on autopilot. 131

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SELF MASSAGE Put some lotion, talc or water on your hands and massage your body after a swim or a shower. Always bring your hands in the direction of your heart. Take this time to connect with your body and appreciate it. EXERCISE With more sunny days than not, the Algarve has the perfect climate to get out of the house and enjoy exercising in the fresh air. Walk, cycle or swim every day for at least 20 minutes at a time, at least once per day. Get your body moving and your heart pumping. Try to exert yourself so that it is not so easy to talk, but you can talk. GROUNDING Get into your garden or onto the beach with bare feet and connect with the ground. Imagine that you have roots that go all the way to the centre of the earth. LAUGH Play, dance, sing and laugh as if no one else is watching – by yourself or with others. Having fun is great for your well-being as laughter is a great way to boost your immune system and keep you well.  +351 926 533 185 132

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Sensory room On 9 July, the Espiral de Vontades (Association for the Support of the Underprivileged) opened a sensory space in their charity shop in Monchique. This is the only sensory room open to the public in the Algarve and is aimed at the vulnerable in the community. The collective that has been developing their social work in the area was featured in a previous edition to publicise their world record attempt. They are still trying to achieve their goal of setting a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest crochet blanket. According to Luís Martins, 45, a volunteer nurse and chairman of the board. “It is a room in which we do physiotherapy and psychomotricity using lights, sounds and smells. All the senses here are important to enhance therapy”, she explains. This space was made possible thanks to the support of the Banco BPI Foundation La Caixa through the Rural BPI award with a budget of more than 20 thousand euros. The project 133

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had the support of the municipality of Monchique. “I think it's a good bet for several reasons. In addition to having a very ageing population, we also have many children in Monchique with learning difficulties or developmental problems who can also enjoy this room, as well as the population of neighbouring municipalities,” Luísa states. They intend to open on Saturdays to help people who work during the week to visit. They stress the room is not just for medical or health therapies and over the summer they held mother and baby sessions. They also promoted Grandparents' Day, inviting grandparents to attend with their grandchildren. Session costs follow an affordable philosophy. “All prices are social. We will also make monthly prices to make sessions cheaper for those who need several. We don't want there to be difficulties,” she says. The association is concerned with the increasingly ageing population, who, since the fires, increasingly need help especially with clothes and furniture. There is also a growing problem with dementia. Their future objective is to form partnerships with clinics and take a van with the equipment to both rural areas and towns.  134

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Pre-loved on the Free-love Highway BY SARAH ANN MURRAY

Vintage fashion: treasure-trove or minefield? Fashionistas all over the world have been rummaging among the rails of vintage stores for years, finding pre-loved gems to elevate their wardrobes to dizzying heights leaving us wondering, where on earth do they find such unique pieces? But, you don’t have to be Sex and the City’s stylist or have Kate Moss’s effortless bohemian style to master the art of shopping the latest trend in sustainable fashion. Remember the gold hot-pants that famously re-launched Kylie Minogue’s career? Well, they were found by her stylist in a charity shop for a pound. I’ve found Ray-Bans for a fiver, bought a Billabong wetsuit 136

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in perfect nick for fifteen quid and a vintage Nike tennis jacket. In the Madrugada charity shop in Luz, I picked up the perfect cotton trousers for 4€ and my find of the century? The comfiest pair of Salomon ski boots for 25 shiny pounds. The stigma of the dusty, old charity shop is long gone, and so are people’s attitudes towards pre-owned pieces. Today, the pre-loved experience is more of a curated boutique with its own identity, where owners meticulously and passionately source unique pieces that offer us, the shopper, a chance to experiment with our wardrobes for a fraction of the cost of shopping brand new. Not to mention the benefits of avoiding fast fashion and its inevitable landfill resting place. With an open mind and a will to rummage, vintage stores could be your best financial and eco-friendly opportunity to revamp your closet. Sarah Murray is a freelance stylist, shoot creative director and menswear luxury specialist. Instagram: @sarah_ann_murray


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Luah Vintage Gorgeous boutique-style Luah Vintage has quietly been going about its business for the last six months, offering new and pre-loved pieces. Acquiring a brilliant mix of cool and elegant garments, this little store could be on the corner of Portabello Road or Williamsburg, Brooklyn. From classic Levis denim to cool Ts and little black dresses, it’s the perfect place to find pre-loved style with a fantastic collection of shoes to boot. They also do a great job of offering styling tips and putting entire outfits together in-store to help make your shopping experience feel more fabulous than flummoxed.  R. Dr. José Joaquim Figueiredo Luis, 8600-714 Lagos

The Urban Jungle Say ‘aloha’ to the coolest interpretation of the now totally acceptable patterned shirt style. For your bolder patterns and summer vibes, you have to check out The Urban Jungle in Lagos old town. Funky 139

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retro and rad prints, there’s something for everyone in here and it’s a great way to delve into pre-loved fashion. Grab a shirt in your favourite colour, throw it over a monochrome T-shirt or bandeau top and wear it with jeans, loose trousers, denim shorts – these loose shirts, worn open or closed, add a little flair to every outfit. But that’s not all The Urban Jungle offers; hats, bags and jewellery are to be found hidden deep in this jungle ...  R. Prof. Luis de Azevedo Lote 8, 8600-617 Lagos

We Thrift

Pop-up stores across the Western Algarve We Thrift is a new conscious clothing company based near Lagos whose key focus is a commitment to reducing environmental impact and textile waste as they source some of the coolest, design-led second-hand sustainable women’s wear, menswear and accessories. The business was born out of its founders’ love for spending their weekends looking through rails of second-hand garments for unique pieces. Jade and Dan have established their own style 140

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through timeless staples, such as denim, quality fabrics, wellmade pieces, vintage Italian shirts as well as some pre-loved high-street classics. This is so much more than just your usual ‘vintage clothing store’. Find out when their next pop-up is scheduled by contacting them by email or follow them on Instagram.  Instagram:

Styling tips

BE BOLD This is your chance to try something new without breaking the bank. If something takes your fancy but seems too daring, you don’t necessarily need to know how to wear it right there and then. Take it home and wait for a day when you’re feeling creative and inspired to add that one statement piece to your outfit. MIX IT UP Embrace mixing high and low, designer and thrift, new and old, 141

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plain and patterned; the contrast in an outfit can make for a fantastic look and often vintage stores have more interesting pieces that can become your statement piece for any outfit. REFERENCE YOUR DECADES A bit of fashion retrospective knowledge is a great thing when it comes to wearing vintage. Knowing the era – which if you’ve lived through the original decade will come quite easily – will allow you to find a stylish harmony in your overall look. The key is to find the balance between a cool nod towards that decade and mixing it with modern pieces. Try picking one piece and wear it boldly.


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Part two

Let's Talk about Feet BY NIKI MEDLOCK

WHAT CAN GO WRONG? Where do I start – I am only going to list the most common conditions, as there are many weird and wonderful (or not) things that can happen to feet. GOUT This is a type of arthritis where uric acid builds up in the body and forms crystals that are deposited in joints, especially the big toe joint! This causes severe pain, redness and swelling. PLANTAR FASCIITIS This is one of the most common causes of heel pain when there is inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot connecting your heel bone to your toes (the plantar fascia). Symptoms can include a stabbing pain, normally with your first steps in the morning. As you get up and move, the pain generally decreases, but it might return after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting. 144

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HEEL SPURS This is abnormal bone growth when calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone. A lot of people have this condition but do not feel pain. This process usually occurs over a period of many months and can cause pain, inflammation and swelling at the front of your heel and eventually a small bony protrusion may become visible. ATHLETES FOOT AND NAIL FUNGAL INFECTIONS These are caused by a variety of fungi that require keratin (a protein found in hair, nails, and skin) for growth. These fungi thrive and begin to overpopulate in closed, warm, moist environments such as under, or on, the nails and between the toes. Athlete’s foot usually presents as a dry flaky rash, usually causing itching, stinging and burning. Nail fungal infections can present with a distorted, discoloured nail that can be brittle or thickened and may lift off the nail bed. BUNION This is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. It happens when some of the bones in the front of your foot move out of place causing the tip of your big toe to move towards the smaller toes. This displacement causes the joint at the base to stick out. Symptoms can include swelling, redness or soreness around your big toe joint and chronic or intermittent pain, as well as limited movement of your big toe. 145

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CORNS AND CALLUSES These are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop when your skin tries to protect itself against friction and pressure and most often develop on the feet and toes (where there is a lot of friction and pressure!). Corns are smaller than calluses and have a hard centre surrounded by inflamed skin. They generally develop on parts of your feet that don't weight-bear, such as the tops and sides of your toes and even between your toes’ they can be painful when pressed. Calluses are rarely painful and usually develop on the soles of your feet, especially under the heels or balls. They vary in size and shape and are often larger than corns. Niki Medlock da Silva is a Nurse at Luzdoc. 


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Forever Young BY ANN DE JONGH

Ageing is an inevitability, but just because we age does not mean our bodies should not move as well as they used to. So many times I hear people talk about aches and pains, or the inability to move well and just put it down to ageing and think there is nothing they can do; they just put up with it. There is so much we can do to make sure that we can keep moving well and without too much pain and discomfort. We might need to change the way we exercise or add more mobility and flexibility into our day-to-day routines. It is, in fact, more important to create an exercise and mobility routine as we age than when we are younger. It is surprising how quickly aches and niggles can disappear as we start to 147

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move and to stretch those areas that have got tight. Working out doesn’t always need to be super hard, we are individuals so how we exercise and move is also individual; what works for a friend won't necessarily work for us. With injuries or surgery it is always best to seek advice and to get guidance as to how to exercise and the movements that will be best for you. Over time, as you start to move and exercise, you notice what feels good, which moves help to release the tension, and which create more space in the joints and allow them to move freely again. Feeling stiff and immobile is not an inevitability of ageing, it only occurs when we stop allowing our bodies to stretch to create space and to allow them to move as they should do. Whether we are in our 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s, it is not too late to start to incorporate exercise and mobility into our daily lives. 


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Finance Matters Each month we receive different questions from our readers. Although some of these questions are related to specific situations, sometimes the answer may help you to better understand the tax system in Portugal and answer the queries from other readers. Q We bought a property in Alvor at the beginning of this year. What should I do to get an exemption on my IMI council tax? If you are a resident in Portugal and your tax office address is the same as this property, there are two different types of council tax (IMI) exemption. The first one is a permanent exemption and is based on a low income. So if your household does not earn more than 15,295€ and the property has a tax value (VPT) not higher than 66,500€, then you should be exempt. Please note that this exemption is normally granted automatically. It’s important that if you are a resident, you submit your yearly tax declaration; otherwise you may receive an automatic IMI 150

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exemption, which will be reverted later (with interest) when the tax authorities find out that you should have made a tax declaration with your earnings. The other popular IMI exemption is available when you purchase a property, providing the earnings of the household are up to 153,300€ per year and the house has a tax value not higher than 125,000€. This IMI exemption needs to be requested (can be done online) and is valid for three years. Each household can only benefit from this temporary IMI exemption twice in a lifetime. If you have a property that was built over 30 years ago and it’s located in a Urban Rehabilitation area, you can also apply for the IMI exemption, providing the property is used as primary habitation or rented for the same purpose. In this case, the exemption can be up to five years. Q We have a car in Portugal but never received the road tax. The tax offices have been closed; how can we pay this? The car tax is not posted to the taxpayer address; it needs to be requested either online or at the tax office. Ideally, you should log in and apply for this to avoid fines and interest, which in the case of the car tax are unfortunately very high. Remember, the car tax is normally due during the month of the Portuguese licence You can check this date on the car 151

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document. We normally suggest to all our clients to allow the direct debit for the car tax, to avoid surprises. Please feel free to send us the questions you may have to We will select some of these to be published. 


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Leaving On a Jet Plane…? This month I thought I would share with you some of the I.T. challenges I’ve been asked to assist with regarding travel requirements. Please bear in mind that the comments listed below are current at the time of writing, so please always check before you depart. RYANAIR I’ve been told that at Faro airport there is a desk where you can have your documentation checked to ensure it is all correct. A sticker will be issued to you to help you through passport control. Other airlines might also provide this service, so check with them before travelling. UK PASSENGER LOCATION FORM A few clients have asked for assistance with this site as it can be confusing. An important thing to note is that you can only 153

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complete the information on the website 48 hours BEFORE departure. You can create an account on the site so that it remembers details like your name, contact details, passport number, etc. and this information is saved for six months. However, you do not have to create an account; you can complete the form just for your upcoming journey. When you are asked, “Do you have a passenger locator form account?” select NO. You will then be asked, “Do you want to create an account?” and you can select NO again. COVID DIGITAL CERTIFICATE It is recommended that you carry at least two copies of your latest COVID Digital Certificate, which can be downloaded and printed from the SNS 24 website. You can also download the SNS 24 phone app from the Apple and Google Play Stores.  +351 936 387 512


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Love Legacy Kelly and John Harper moved to Portugal in 2017 and used their personal and business experiences to establish a home-care service that won a Portugal Prestige Award for best Home Care Business 2020/21. Here is Kelly´s moving story: Before moving to Portugal, our journey started from a humble experience in the UK. After struggling with the work/life balance after having my second child, I left a high-profile retail role and went into the care industry. When my Dad turned very sick in 2007 and my Nan was diagnosed with dementia in the UK, I had the privilege of caring for them both in their final years. I then went on to develop myself in other areas of health and social care, mainly leadership, training and organisational excellence. 156

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My Dad passed away in 2008. The years went by and my Mum, Janet Dugmore, who has always been a huge inspiration to me because of her strength, grit and determination as well as the love and kindness she gave to her family, always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I had always wanted my own care company so coming to Portugal and setting up this business was a dream come true, but after caring for Nan, my real passion lay in dementia care and supporting people and their families who are living with this terrible curse. After a very personal experience coupled with the startling fact that over fifty thousand people are currently living with dementia, the dream quickly became focused on pursuing a project that would not only support dementia sufferers giving them quality of life during their journey, but also supporting their families. The purpose for my dream to become reality was made even more apparent in the past few months of this year, 2021. In December 2020, if living with all of the stresses and restrictions of Coronavirus wasn’t enough, Mum was diagnosed with early-stage Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Knowing what Nan went through we were absolutely devastated, and I prayed that this awful hideous disease didn’t take away her dignity, she didn’t deserve that. 157

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In a way my dream came true, rather than embarking on a very uncertain dementia journey, Mum passed away on 12 January 2021 after contracting COVID-19. To say I’m heartbroken is an understatement but at least she didn’t lose what little life dementia would have taken from her in the most humiliating way. I was lucky enough to manage to have a very brief Zoom call with Mum before she passed away in the early hours with the most amazing nurse by her side holding her hand in the Nightingale Hospital in Exeter, Devon. Now, above every door, on every wall, on all our marketing material and social media pages and through everything we do as a company, you will be able to see and feel her final words to me: “DON’T WORRY DARLING DON’T CRY, IT WILL ALL BE OK I PROMISE, BE STRONG, I LOVE YOU” Janet Dugmore 12 January, 2021 Mum may not be here anymore but through her strength and her beauty, I am more determined than ever to make ACS the number one care service. Healthcare provision is a huge part of the development plans 158

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for Portugal’s future. As a country they have moved beyond miles to improve their social care system however, there is still a long way to go to rank with other European countries when it comes to offering high quality social care options for everyone, including those who are not Portuguese but have chosen to call Portugal home. I saw a huge opportunity to make a difference here and so I decided to contribute and help Portugal find their place on the map of Social Care Confidence in Europe. With two successful care related businesses under my belt and over 12 years working in hospitals and care organisations in the UK, I decided to explore the option of a Community Care Service focused on assisting Expats and giving them support they needed in their later life here in the Algarve. I am thrilled to say the business has been welcomed with open arms in the Expat Community and we are now building the foundations for better social care provision. As the business grows, we will reinvest profits into building state of the art residential care facilities that will welcome all nationalities, but the goal focuses on a purpose-built Memory Town supporting people living with dementia and helping them to live well, here in the Algarve.  +351 910 854 720 159

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Part two

Flowering Trees

Following on from last month’s article about flowering trees, I have now chosen another four beautiful species to share with you.

THE JUDAS TREE Cercis siliquastrum, also known as the Judas tree, looks amazing in March and is a common wild tree in the Algarve. It’s easily spotted on roads up to Monchique and around Loulé. It is quite a slow growing tree or large shrub. I planted one in my garden about fifteen years ago and it is now about four metres tall with a spread of three metres. It is drought tolerant once established and can grow in poor stony soils. Plant when small though, as it does not like being transplanted when larger. In spring, it makes a spectacular sight when the branches, twigs and sometimes even the main trunk are smothered in pink pea shaped flowers. They are replaced by long-lasting, 161

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reddish, flattened pods that can persist long after the leaves have fallen in autumn. After the flowers, the attractive deciduous leaves emerge, which are bright green and heartshaped, so that the tree continues to look most attractive over the summer too.

THE SILKY OAK A fast-growing and easy tree is Grevillea robusta, also known as the silky oak, which is native to Australia. It can grow up to thirty metres high with a spread of ten metres so do allow a lot of space for it. It is also what I would describe as a messy tree in that it drops a lot of leaves especially in the spring, which do not seem to rot down, so bear that in mind when choosing a planting site. It has delicate fern-like leaves which are silvery underneath. The yellow flowers appear in spring in dense clusters and are very showy. It is an easy tree to grow as it thrives in most soils and is drought tolerant once established.


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THE CORAL TREE A tropical tree that seems to do well in Portugal is the coral tree or Erythrina species. I’ve seen them in quite a few private gardens in the Algarve and there is also a very nice group of them by Aldi in Lagoa. There are two species here – E. caffra and E. crista-galli. Be warned though that both species have thorns on the trunk and branches, which can be vicious. The larger of the two is Erythrina caffra which is native to South Africa. It is a slow growing tree that typically reaches about ten metres high and forms a wide spreading canopy. It needs full sun and does better with some moisture in the soil, but can tolerate drought when established. In spring, the bare branches produce terminal clusters of bright orange, showy tubular flowers. After flowering, the heart-shaped leaves appear, which are made up of three leaflets. Erythrina crista-galli is native to Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina. It is a much smaller tree or small bush and grows up to four metres tall and is densely branched. In spring, the red-pink flowers emerge along the ends of the branches and are beak-shaped, arranged in clusters. This species tolerates 163

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cold quite well, but requires a sheltered position as it needs protection from the wind and, like its close relative, should be in full sun.

Tamsin Varley is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardin. This small, friendly multi-national garden club meets at different locations around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday of every month with an optional lunch afterwards. 


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On a sunny day at the beginning of August, my wife, daughter and I decided to explore the Algarve coast between Meia Praia and Praia de Alvor. Our goal was to take a look at the estuary encompassing the wetlands. It’s a kiteboarding Mecca, a water bird habitat and, as we soon discovered, a shellfish haven. On the N125 road from Lagos, we turned right toward the coast just after Odiáxere and soon got lost. The golf resort of Palmares should be avoided and the signs to Estra do Vale de Lama followed until there is a crossing to traverse the railway line and onto the dirt road that parallels the shore. We saw a patch of sandy beach and parked the car. Right there, 166

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was a small oyster farm and the ladies immediately made enquiries. Result: a kilo of oysters, a shucking knife and a couple of lemons – for 5€. We set up the deckchairs, opened up the chilled bottle of white wine and started shucking. Some kiteboarders who were passing by commented that we were living the life of Riley and we couldn’t really deny it. Oysters are one of the wonderful natural foods that thrive in Portugal, especially in the Algarve. There are many rivers that terminate in the Algarve’s low-lying wetlands and these estuaries provide a perfect habitat for this popular shellfish. Oyster farming and harvesting is becoming an increasingly busy and fruitful coastal industry in Portugal. Along with clams, mussels, shrimps and fish, the oyster is a valuable addition to the many popular culinary seafood stews like cataplana, a firm favourite in Algarve restaurants. The cultivation of oysters is a time-consuming operation and there are certain requirements necessary to assure success. Oysters naturally grow in estuarine waters where the brackish waters of sea and river are found. The temperature and salinity of the water is monitored to ascertain the spawning period – the time to maturation can take up to three years. Many growers will buy seed oysters of perhaps 3 mm and then place them in cages or racks. Others may spread them over muddy areas and harvest them using the old-fashioned method of dredging or raking. 167

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In the area we visited at the Ria de Odiáxere/Alvor estuary the tidal flow of fresh, clean seawater was clearly visible, very important for successful cultivation. At low tide, oyster racks could be seen and several oyster cultivation operations existed nearby. However, the primary centre for oyster farming in the Algarve is the estuary of the Ria Formosa and the outlying islands of Culatra, Farol, Armona and Deserta. Boat trips to the islands from Olhão are available and September, October and November are perfect months for this excursion. Several trips include oyster tasting accompanied by a cool glass of white wine and Portugal is home to the light and bubbly vinho verde – perfect! The foodie tradition says that oysters should only be eaten during those months with the letter ‘r’ in them. Perhaps for the preservation of the species or perhaps for the pure, clean and fresh flavour during those months. There is something almost surreal about oysters. They are a high-fashion food and can command very high prices in top hotels and restaurants. The fact that they can produce pearls adds to the mystery. Then there is the much-talkedabout quality of oysters being an aphrodisiac – a fact backed 168

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by scientific studies which confirm that oysters have unique amino acids which stimulate sexual desire in both men and women. All of this before we even consider the delicate flavour and texture of the raw oyster or the wonderfully cooked dishes created by the chefs of the Algarve. Oyster recipes to try are oyster soup, oyster stew and stuffed oysters. However, real oyster enthusiasts may cry out at this bastardisation of one of the world’s great delicacies.


Tomorrow Magazine ∙ October 2021 ∙ Tablet & Phone friendly version ∙

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A Lazy Girl's Guide to October BY THE LAZY TIGERS

Welcome to October everyone. Well, it turned out it wasn’t the end of the world after all, and here we are with all that beautiful autumnal sun, and mild balmy evenings. If you are thinking of having a wander in town and sitting down outside for a snack or three, don't forget that the Rota do Petisco is still on till the 10th of the month and is a great way to while away a quiet evening’s stroll. However, if you have seen so much dazzling produce in the markets that you must cook indoors, why not try a petisco or two at home yourself. We can heartily recommend a visit to the Saturday morning or the Wednesday evening market to check out the variety of home-grown fungi. For us very Lazy Girls, the supermarkets also carry a wide selection. 171

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If you see any oyster mushrooms why not try this `shrooms on toast recipe? It’s vegan but you can add butter or cream or cheese if you prefer. Our other recipe works much better with a button or chestnut mushroom, but as always with our dishes, use what you have around. People should be grateful you have cooked for them at all! This is good finger food for those who are gluten intolerant or are on the Keto diet - fairy cake frittatas. Our drink this month isn’t so much a cocktail as a store freezer idea. We were thinking about making frozé (frozen rosé). So let’s sit outside and bask in the late summer weather, sipping a frozen cocktail. You know it makes sense. Maybe come and join us at London Tiger Coffee for a frosty one that you don’t have to make yourself. 


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Oyster mushrooms on toast TO MAKE 2:  200 grams of oyster mushrooms (or any nice firm variety)  Half a thinly sliced onion or a couple of thinly sliced shallots  2 tbsp of olive oil  1 tbsp of fresh herbs (tarragon is nice, as is coriander or parsley)  2 tbsp of sweet sherry Clean the mushrooms with as little water as possible. Some damp paper towel works well. Then separate the clumps into individual mushrooms. Heat the oil in a frying pan till medium hot. Add the mushrooms and cook for five minutes, then add the onion and cook for a further five minutes. Both the mushrooms and the onions should be golden brown Add the sherry and stir with a wooden spoon or spatula, while scraping anything that is stuck to the bottom of the pan. Add the chopped herbs and serve on some toast. You can add melted cheese or garlic butter to the toast.


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Fairy cake frittatas TO MAKE 12:  150 grams of sliced chestnut or button mushrooms  1 small thinly sliced onion or 4 thinly sliced spring onions  A crushed clove of garlic  2 tbsp of olive oil (or sunflower or rape)  6 medium eggs  2 tbsp of thin cream or full milk  100 grams of a grated hard cheese like Cheddar, Gruyere, Emmental Preheat the oven to 180°C/350F/Fan 160°C/Gas Mark 4. Fry the mushrooms, onion, and garlic for about five minutes until soft, then divide them up in a 12-hole bun tin either greased or lined with fairy cake cases. Whisk the eggs and cream in a jug and season, then pour into the bun tin and top each fairy cake with the grated cheese. Bake until golden (15 -20 minutes). Cool and remove from tin. It’s nice hot, but nicer cold.


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Frozé TO MAKE FOUR BIG ONES: Freeze a bottle of rosé in an ice cube tray or bags for about eight hours. Place the cubes in a blender with some red fruit and some lemonade. That’s it … and then we thought: what about all the other cocktail ingredients you can freeze first. How about some strong coffee frozen and then blended with Baileys or Tia Maria? Or some orange or peach puree mixed with fizzy wine for a frozen Mimosa or Bellini?


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Carob Harvest Celebration


Early in September, Cheryl and Graham Smith hosted an evening celebrating the end of the carob harvesting season at their beautiful house on the Funcho reservoir near São Bartolomeu de Messines. Over twenty guests mingled on the decking below two carob trees before being seated for a delicious tapas supper and a short lecture about carobs by Cheryl. We learned that the carob tree (or alfarroba in Portuguese) is a flowering evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region. The trees are slow-growing and tolerant of a wide variety of growing conditions and can live up to five hundred years. Be wary of old trees, however, as another name for them is “widow-maker” due to their tendency to suddenly shed branches. An old carob tree is a beautiful sight to behold as often the trunks become hollow and contorted offering wonderful homes to a wide variety of birds and insects. 177

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In September, the insignificant flowers appear spirally arranged in clusters on old wood or even the trunk of the tree. From these, the leathery pods emerge, which take years to develop, turning from green to dark brown when they are ripe. When mature, they fall naturally, carpeting the Cheryl and Graham ground beneath the tree. A sure sign that it is carob harvesting season is hearing a steady “tap, tap, tap” as bamboo canes are used to loosen the pods and assist their descent to the ground. Portugal is the largest producer of the carob in the world and the pods have been described as black gold. Currently, carob pods are commanding high prices and, in just five years, the price per fifteen kilograms has quadrupled to 18€ (2021). The flattened pod can grow between fifteen and thirty centimetres long and consists of a sweet chocolate-tasting pulp and small hard inedible seeds. When processing the pods commercially, the seeds are removed and the pulp is dried and ground to make carob flour that looks like cocoa powder. The seeds are roasted to remove the skin and ground up to make carob powder, which is used as a thickening agent or gluten replacement in the food industry. Carob flour is sometimes described as a “superfood”, meaning it offers 178

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maximum nutritional benefit with minimum calories. It is a great source of vitamin A, the B-complex vitamins, calcium, fibre and antioxidants, which contribute to the healthy functioning of the nervous system, heart and muscles, aid concentration and help prevent vision loss due to ageing. It is also gluten-free, so provides an excellent alternative to conventional flour. After our brief lesson on the carob, Cheryl Carob flower then led us on a culinary journey demonstrating how to use the carob in our everyday foods. She started off making a breakfast smoothie with almond milk, carob flour, bananas, spinach and cinnamon, which had a definite chocolatey taste but would have benefitted from being chilled. We also had baskets of carob bread on our tables, which she suggested partnering with pumpkin or fig jam with cheese. She recommended substituting between 35 and 150g of wheat flour with carob flour in a typical 500g loaf, depending on the amount of nutty flavour you want. She also suggested adding variety to the bread with different combinations of molasses, cinnamon, dried figs, honey (including carob honey), ginger and nuts. 179

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A carob vegan mousse made with carob flour and aquafaba, which is the liquid from a tin of chickpeas, served with yoghurt to counteract the sweetness is a tasty light meal. A spicy carob hot drink made with milk, cinnamon, honey and ginger helps to promote a good night’s sleep. Our furry friends can also benefit from carob. Cheryl came across Little One dog treats online made from polenta, peanut butter, carob flour and oats. Carob bread and rolls can be found in most local supermarkets. Carob flour can be found in health shops or the health sections of supermarkets. A carob almond paste, not dissimilar to Nutella but much healthier, can be bought at Loulé market or online at and carob honey can be found in many local markets. To find out more about a carob cookery workshop or future supper clubs, check out Other activities include yoga retreats, painting and walking holidays and wedding packages.


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Andreas Noe, a German citizen, left his job as a molecular biologist to pursue his dream of raising awareness about the excessive use of plastics and their release into the ocean. As I write this, he is travelling to the Algarve for several clean-up operations. His goal is to clean cigarette butts from the beaches, and several Portuguese NGOs have joined his efforts to open the minds of Portuguese people across the country.


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Andreas has already adopted Portugal as a place he “feels at home” and does not intend to return to Germany. He is even learning to speak Portuguese and could proudly pronounce some words. He considers Portugal “a beautiful country” for surfing, his other passion besides the environment. Last year, he walked every single kilometre of the Portuguese coastline and collected 1.60 tons of plastics from its beaches. He carried a refillable water bottle to alert people to the planet’s waste of resources and pollution. Andreas did not feel fulfilled by doing a conventional job, so instead he decided to take action to tackle a cause close to his heart. When I ask him how he is managing to survive while not working, he says: “I will continue doing this until I run out of money.” He also relies on people’s donations and some occasional agreements with municipalities and companies. His crusade is “not easy”, but he maintains a strong will to pursue his objectives. Now he can, at least, count on the regular financial support of the Novo Mundo Association in Almada, but any additional help is welcome. His primary purpose with his campaigns is to “show where the ocean starts: it is with us - in every little action we perform”. As Andreas says, the pollution at the beaches does not start at the coastline, but in other places where there are rivers that 183

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run to the sea, taking rubbish with them. He explains he did not choose Portugal because the problem is more evident here but because it has a more extensive coastline. Regarding possible measures to tackle the problem of plastic usage, especially of single-use, Andreas explains people must become more conscious of the three words “refuse, reuse and recycle” in this order. As consumers, we can refuse to buy plastic, but when this is not possible, we must use them as many times as we can, recycling being the last resource. “People should not rely only on the recycling process because not every plastic is recyclable, and it consumes a lot of energy resources.” He argues the usage of glass is more sustainable, and glass containers should be washed and refilled – reused instead of recycled. He is also of the opinion that there should be legislation that forbids the use of plastics by companies in the short term, and they should use more environmentally friendly wrappings to their products. Andreas talks at schools and universities about this global problem. As a molecular biologist, he is well-qualified to offer advice, with all his opinions being based on the latest scientific data.  184

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Electro Solar Boats in the Algarve BY JULIAN PUTLEY

A new eco-friendly start-up company in the Algarve is catering to residents, visitors and the tourist market. The focus of Algarve Sun Boat Trips is to provide interesting fun trips with no carbon footprint. The vessels available at the moment are the SunCat – a 12-metre catamaran, their hallmark vessel, and a seven-metre monohull. Both crafts are powered by solar panels, which transmit the sun’s energy to a bank of batteries providing a capacity of 160 kWh. These in turn power twin propellers (in the catamaran) that not only run the boat but also provide power for onboard services, lights and navigation instruments. The cruising speed is a comfortable seven knots. 186

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The sunshade canopy is completely covered with solar panels. The guest seating area is equipped with comfortable fitted cushions and up to thirty passengers can be accommodated. There are wonderful views of the coast or both banks of the river, depending on which trip you choose. There is outside sunbathing on the sundeck forward and a stop for swimming is always fun. The draft of the vessel is only 1.1 metres allowing the boat to nudge up close to the beach or shore. Alternatively, the onboard anchor and windlass provides for anchoring offshore. Tours on the two solar boats depart from the Marina de Portimão. There are three popular options: firstly, to the fascinating caves at Benagil, following the coast east to Carvoeiro, Algar Seco and finally Benagil. The second choice is an inland trip up the Arade river to the historic town of Silves. For those wishing to enjoy a short sunset cruise the Algarve Sun Boat Trips have included this option in their list of itineraries. Thirdly, there are customised trips where clients rent the boat and crew, and then arrange their own itinerary (with the approval of the captain), with drinks and possibly lunch on board. You can bring your own, or the company can arrange a sumptuous buffet if enough notice is given. What a way to celebrate a special occasion! The boat trips offered by this innovative start-up are unique in that both boats use only eco-friendly electric motors that are 187

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clean and quiet, with zero pollution from oily discharges into the water and fumes from the exhausts of fossil fuel motors. This is of primary importance in reaching the target of at least 55% net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 set by the European Commission in July 2021. The ultimate goal is to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. This fact alone makes these boat trips most attractive to those with an eye on the future and concern for the planet. Even the toilet facility is eco-friendly, with no effluent pumped into the water. The CEO of the company Pedro Mestre is keen to point out that his vessels are 99% constructed with Portuguese technology. The SunCat is built in the Algarve by Sun Concept solar boat builders in Quelfes, Olhão. In April 2021, the vessel was awarded the Multihull of the Year award in the multipower category of the Multicoques magazine in France. Quite a feather in the cap for the Portuguese company. Imagine cruising along the coast listening only to the seagulls and the lapping of the waves – or perhaps the mellow sounds of a Mozart concerto from the onboard sound system. Then the music ramps up and it’s time to jump in the water for a refreshing dip. If it’s a special day you’re looking for, this option may be for you.  188

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Migration mysteries

Buteo buteo

The ability to spend part of the year on the other side of the world is one of a birds’ most fascinating behaviours and holds a multitude of mysteries, some still unanswered. WHY DO BIRDS MIGRATE? In Portugal, every year we’re visited by birds like the common crane and the northern lapwing, which take refuge here from the inclement weather and scarce food further north. On the other hand, in spring and summer birds like the famous housemartins come from the south to breed here. These two scenarios illustrate the debate among scientists: did migratory behaviour evolve as a way to escape the blight of winter at higher latitudes, or as a way to avoid “crowding” in the tropics and ensure better chances of finding space and resources to raise young? To solve this mystery, scientists at the University of Michigan tracked the family tree of around 800 American bird species, analysing where successive generations of ancestors bred and wintered. For most of those species, results trace a route from north to south: birds that initially lived in North America year190

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round gradually moved south in the winter, establishing the patterns we know today. But there are some bird migrations that scientists still can’t explain. Like the ancient murrelet, a bird from the puffin family, which flies from Canada to Japan and China every year – an almost 8,000 km trip over the planet’s largest ocean, to reach a destination where conditions seem to be very similar to those it left behind. HOW DO THEY KNOW THE WAY? Many birds follow the same route year after year, over thousands of kilometres, without needing a map or GPS. The mystery of how they navigate isn’t yet completely solved, but we have some clues. We know that birds can use the position of the sun and stars and that they can sense the Earth’s electromagnetic field, although scientists haven’t yet been able to pinpoint exactly how they do so. When they repeat the journey, they also use visual references to confirm they’re on the right route. And we also know that their sense of smell can play an important role, especially for seabirds. WHAT’S THE IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES? One of the most generalised effects of human activities over the last century is climate change. It’s hardly surprising that climate change impacts a process as intimately connected to seasonal variations as migration. Birds that reproduce in 191

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northern Europe, where spring is arriving earlier and earlier, are migrating sooner – but it may not be enough. Between milder weather and greater food availability thanks to human presence, birds like the white stork may be abandoning migration entirely in some regions, including the Iberian Peninsula. For those who still undertake these regular voyages, humans bring other risks. For small songbirds that fly across continents, and which fly mainly at night, navigating by the stars, city lights can be disastrous. Even if they can avoid crashing into buildings (especially skyscrapers), they’re forced to use up extra energy, calling and fluttering about, disoriented, and exhaustion leaves them vulnerable to other threats. In the US, Audubon created the Lights Out programme, which, similarly to SPEA’s lights-out campaigns in Azores and Madeira to protect seabirds, encourages people, companies and public institutions to turn off their lights during the most critical periods of bird migration. Another threat, which is unfortunately very significant in Portugal, is illegal bird trapping. Every year, thousands of birds are killed or caught in traps, to be sold as delicacies or pets. A threat that SPEA is fighting, battling for better laws and working with the authorities to improve the efficacy of the fight against these crimes, in projects such as LIFE Nature Guardians. 192

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IS IT WORTH IT? The large number and variety of bird species that fly between territories every year indicate that despite all the risks, migration pays off. In a study published in 2017, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, in Germany, showed that blackbirds which migrate south in winter are more likely to survive than those that stay in central Europe year-round. Bird migration seems to be here to stay, to the delight of birdwatchers and researchers who will be able to continue to unravel the mysteries of this fascinating behaviour. This article was first published (in Portuguese) in SPEA's Pardela magazine. The Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) is a nonprofit scientific association that promotes the study and conservation of birds in Portugal. The full version can be read on our blog. Don´t miss the Sagres Bird Watching Festival from the 1st -5th October. The biggest nature event in Portugal is back! There's a range of offers this year: field trips, boat tours, workshops, talks, environmental education activities, bird ringing sessions and much, much more. There will also be hikes, photography courses, history-themed guided tours or dolphin-watching. 193

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Carlota Cats BY EMMA YATES

When I mention the name Cadela Carlota to people in Lagos, most know it as an association for dogs, but in fact, we have a big cat section too, in the form of a shelter in the old town which houses between 50 and 60 adult cats. These cats have generally come into the shelter through no fault of their own – most commonly their owner has died or become ill, or moved abroad and cannot (or will not) take their pet with them. Upon arrival at the shelter every day, the volunteers are greeted by the cats who seem to love the company and demand to be fussed and petted. We have many beautiful friendly cats that the volunteers would dearly love to find new homes for, but most potential owners seem to prefer kittens – and particularly this year there have been so many kittens needing homes, it seems that our lovely adult cats are being overlooked. This is such a pity as there are some real advantages to adopting an adult cat. 195

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We recently launched a new Facebook page purely for cat adoptions. Not all available cats are yet on the page, more are in the process of being added, but if you are interested in any of the cats shown, or you’d like to arrange a visit to meet the cats, please get in touch. We rely heavily on our volunteers and donations, so please contact us if you are able to help in any way. We have charity shops in Lagos (near Santo Amado market) and Almadena.

Five reasons to adopt an adult cat: 1 Older cats are already trained. Kittens are cute but they need a lot of attention and can be messy and destructive. An older cat will already know how to use the litter tray – and tend not to chew everything in your home! 2 What you see is what you get. Kittens are cute; however, you don’t know how their personalities will develop. By choosing an adult cat, you can pick one with a personality that suits you. 3 Older cats are generally better with young children.


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4 If you already have a cat and you want a friend for him, an adult cat can be the best choice. Kittens are very playful which could upset and annoy your cat instead of providing companionship. 5 Older cats need you! You could be giving a cat its last chance of a forever home.

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The Soccoro dove The Soccoro dove (Zenaida graysoni) is an extremely rare species and extinct in the wild, but now you will be able to enjoy observing its beautiful plumage in the Algarve. There are only 161 individuals of this species left. Currently, the entire world population of Soccoro doves is distributed among only 35 zoos. Zoomarine will become part of this preservation group and will act as a modern-day Noah’s Ark for one of the most threatened species in the world. The dove was endemic to Socorro Island in the Revillagigedo Islands off the west coast of Mexico. The last sighting of it in its natural habitat was in 1972. To contribute to this urgent conservation action, three males arrived at Zoomarine in September from the Ostrava Zoo in the Czech Republic. These birds will live in the 'Americas' habitat and represent about 2% of the world's population – which is a heavy responsibility. 198

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This trio were born throughout 2020, within the scope of EEP – European Endangered Species Program (EAZA Ex situ Programme), an international cooperative effort coordinated by the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, of which Zoomarine is a part. (The World Congress will take place at Zoomarine, at the end of September 2022.) The future arrival of females will be a fundamental step to ensure the start of another breeding colony – but this step will only happen after guaranteed good and complete acclimatisation of the young males.


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Barking Mad Boris resumes his terrier’s eye view on life Well, hello. Have you missed me? I’m still stuck in England, I’m afraid, but you’ll never guess what? Those rotten owners of mine have returned to Luz AND LEFT ME BEHIND! Even worse, my mistress has been walking on the beach every morning – WITHOUT ME. I ask you, what’s a poor Jack Russell meant to do? To be fair, all the other dogs and their owners have been asking where I am. Some have been really concerned, worried that something might have happened to me. Well, it hasn’t, apart from the fact that I’m on an enforced staycation because my mistress was not allowed to take me with her on an aeroplane – she said. The good news is that I’m coming back this month. Or, at least, I hope I am. I know they’ve booked a place for me on the ferry, but with this wretched Covid, not to mention Brexit, and all the rules and regulations that now have to be followed – including by me – I’ll only believe it when I’m burying balls on the beach – that is, if I’m allowed on the beach. Travel is so complicated these days. All the tests that my 201

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owners have to go through – a bit like me when I’m travelling, though a lot more expensive by all accounts. At least with Lars, my friendly vet at Lagos Vet Clinic, you know where you are. While they don’t have a pill thrust down their throat, having a stick pushed up their nose doesn’t sound much fun either. With luck my Portuguese Pet Passport will get me through without too much hassle. Actually, my owners weren’t away for long. Apparently they went to a friend’s birthday party and to check the house was OK. They said there weren’t as many British tourists as usual, but the place was still pretty busy. And most of the dogs they encountered were the same as last year. Let’s hope next time I report it’s from the centre of the universe that is Luz. Keep those tails wagging! Brian Tora is a financial journalist and broadcaster.


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Super dog


We have been having great excitement and success with the initiation of Project Super. As laid out in a previous article the project is divided into different areas: dog walking, enrichment, basic training, calmness and focus, and confidence building. The volunteers and I are starting to see resultsfrom the training, which is carried out at Cadela Carlotta and our training center in Pereira. In general, there's more calmness in the dogs who were previously over-excited. These three dogs – Sporting, Bobi1 and Chico – have been given mental enrichment techniques which have enabled them to socialise more and in Chico's case, stimulate him mentally to improve his unwanted anxious behaviour. The project has helped Sporting so much that he is now reserved for a family. Prior to this project, you couldn't approach his run without him lunging and barking aggressively. 203

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Spot, who was hyper-energetic, received calming exercises by volunteers allowing him to relax mentally and increase focus. He was walked with more structure and with exercises to focus on disengagement from the environment and engagement on his handler. He has also been adopted. All new volunteers are now welcomed at Cadela Carlotta, with basic rules and orientation by one of the existing volunteers. An in-depth orientation workshop will be held soon for all volunteers and will cover K9 body language, approaching and handling dogs, and safety. Volunteers will then specialise in one of the areas of the project and receive training accordingly. All the awesome volunteers (some pictured) are already using their strengths to make these dogs more adoptable. It's a huge team effort to get these dogs rehabilitated and ready for homes. But we are already seeing results and with the enthusiasm and continuing help from all the volunteers we can only improve and get more dogs out! There is still much work to be done, but we are proud of every bit of progress that brings us closer to getting the dogs out. If you have time and would like to get involved with this project please contact us.  +351 917 758 404 204

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Celebrating a Decade Happy Lagos Day, reader - for the 27th of this month. It also just happens that this Dia do Lagos is the 10th anniversary of the Lagos Vet Clinic. We had our opening party on the Lagos Day feriado in 2011, before we opened the doors on the 28th. Not shy of hosting pizza puppy parties, we were hoping to have a little bash on the 2021 October feriado, to mark our 10 year day. But alas, E17…sorry, C19 is amongst us. This actually makes E17 the preferred option. Interesting. So, with COVID lingering around like a bad smell (that can kill you), we figured we´d skip the 10-year heels-up and have a humdinger of a Legs 11 next year, instead - hopefully, without masks, etc. Inshallah. Ten years ago, we were working in the clinic which I bought and then closed, in order to open LVC. We were running on 206

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skeleton furniture in October - especially if you are reading this article on the 20th of the month. By the time we were moving into the new clinic, I had brought over the doors, surgical sinks and table, hospital cages, anaesthetic machines, a massive X-ray unit, an ultrasound, consult table, and by the 20th, the reception balcão was moved over too. Kay was tap dancing in front of a (nicely clad) fold-up garden table, selling Advantix and receiving clients. And to that end, I´d like to thank---my Straka. Yes, I am proud to say that all the doors and sinks and all the heavy veterinary equipment, we managed to move on our own - all in the back of my old Straka! I loved that car. Cheekiness aside, let me not understate the un-enduring (though sometimes long-enduring) work/help/support/comic relief and sensitivity of the inimitable Kay. Anyone who knows LVC knows of whom I refer. So, thank you again, Kay, for the Lagos Vet Clinic actually opening and, indeed, staying afloat for ten amazing years. Credit where credit is due! It is, of course, also due to the great work of many vets and nurses over the years; you know who you are! This October, we are also losing our nurse, Ana (Jesus). Ana has been with us from the early years of LVC, helping the animals and charming their owners all along the way. We are very sad to see her go, wishing her all the best with her business pursuits, and for life in general! It is now ten years of excitement and rewards from with 207

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working with local animals. Being the trade, there were also many sad times experienced. It is this mix that makes vetting very difficult at times and wonderful at others. Our staff have been amazing on this journey, too. To all our clients: thanks for being loyal, fun, emotional and real. The exciting new team at LVC is here to keep attending to all your animal health needs. Now with four vets and four nurses, two grooming staff and Kay (!), we are here to help, from the banal (or just anal) to cardiology and airway surgery. Commitment to complete animal health is what the LVC team is all about. We wish you all a happy October. Next month I will try and write something a little less self-absorbed and a bit more animallysort of thingy. I am writing to you, Lars, to thank you sincerely for all the support you have given to the Tomorrow magazine by providing every month but two of the 118 editions informative and genuinely amusing articles that truthfully have captivated our readers. You certainly have a large ‘fan club’ and long may this commitment to the magazine continue. THANK YOU!!! From Tom Henshaw 208

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Animal Rescue

Remember the osprey rescued from a pisciculture protection net? It was released back to nature in a magical moment! This osprey was found entangled in a pisciculture protection net, and had lesions on the right wing, specifically in the tendons and at the neurological level. Fortunately, there were no lesions in the circulatory system that could compromise the wing. The recovery process included a daily supply of fresh fish and physiotherapy so the eagle could regain its optimal physical condition. After three months in recovery, the eagle was released back to nature by the person that sponsored it, during a magical sunset by the Ria Formosa. If you want to participate in a moment like this, consider sponsoring an animal.  209

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Book shop with English books for all We are able to make home deliveries in Lagos & surrounding areas. Please call to check how we can help you.  914 561 254  Rua Marreiros Neto 67, Lagos

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Chasing waterfalls

© Michael Mardon


Not so much a chase but a slow meander, looking and listening for the sound of natural flowing water and experiencing the thrill of the first sighting. Waterfalls have long been the inspiration for poets and scientists, nature at its best and nestled in the mountains around Monchique there are plenty. I found my first waterfall in the Algarve when I arrived four years ago. A long-time hiker, always curious to explore my environment, I walked the many tracks and trails around Monchique and got acquainted with the mountains. Walking with my dog one day, we followed the sound of what could be mistaken for the wind blowing through trees but I sensed it 211

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was something more. We ventured off the trodden path and into the trees, climbing up until eventually, we came to the source. A secret waterfall in the heart of the forest, with cascading water falling over rocks and moss into a pool with rivulets of water escaping down the hillside. This has become a place I visit regularly, either alone or when I guide people on forest therapy walks. Sitting on the boulders, surrounded by lush vegetation, watching the water, listening to birdsong brings such peace; it is one of my favourite places to be. A well-known waterfall in the area, and the largest, is Cascata do Barbelote, which you can access from Fóia or from the M1067 road. If you prefer the adventure on foot, you can walk to it from Fóia, following part of the Via Algarviana walking trail. The waterfall flows all year round, but during the winter after the rains it comes into its own and is a spectacular sight when the water spills over from a great height in full force. Trees block some of the views but if you go carefully along the rough pathway you can see it in all its glory. For the more adventurous and nimble-footed, follow the path all the way down to the water; it can be slippery, but it’s worth the descent to stand beneath the water, to feel the freshness on your skin and breathe in its spray. 212

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Every winter, and with the first big rains, I look and listen in anticipation for nature to spring into action. It is a joy to hear the mountains come alive with the sound of water gushing. This is when the waterfalls of Penedo do Buraco and Cascata do Chilrão start flowing again. There, at Chilrão, I sit and imagine where the water goes, finding its way through the valleys, flowing into the Ribeira da Cerca that heads to the west coast and the ocean at Amoreira. There is a hike that links the three waterfalls, it’s around 17.5 km so you need a day but you will see the biodiversity that makes Monchique special. There are shorter routes and circular walks, or simply visit each one separately and spend some time relaxing. One of the guided walks I offer includes the main ones, and there are hidden ones, the little gems I have discovered taking in a total of five waterfalls over a gentle five-hour walk. They are not all big but they are all bursting with life. It’s fascinating in itself, what attracts us to waterfalls. There is beauty, of course, and how nature makes us feel. There is the knowledge that the water rejuvenates and replenishes the earth and plants. But being in the presence of waterfalls benefits us too. Our brains and bodies are made up of 95% H2O and it is water and being hydrated that allows us to function well. Mindfulness around water can help ease stress and anxiety. 213

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Science tells us that breathing in negative ions from water boosts our sense of wellbeing and watching the movement of water can be meditative. In day-to-day life, we seldom check in or listen to our bodies. During a forest therapy walk, I invite people to spend a moment and tune into the body and really listen to where it wants to bring you; to follow the movement of the water, and how it picks up light and carries sound; to notice any scents or sensations, and metaphorically let the water carry away any worries. Next time you feel like a break, I recommend seeking out, chasing or, better still, slowly finding a waterfall. Stand among trees and rocks that have been here for hundreds of years and open the senses. Stay in the forest a while, breathe it in and let tranquillity and calm wash over you. Suzanne Radford is a certified forest therapy practitioner and forest bathing guide. Co-ordinates for Barbelote and Chilrão 37.31625011251138, -8.613678573771445 For more information on guided walks and workshops including the secret waterfall contact Forest Bathing Algarve. 214

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