Tomorrow September 2014

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September 2014 | 4500 FREE copies per month

A community newsletter for the western Algarve

Concern over Lagos Hospital staffing

By a staff writer

a family doctor and that there had been delays in the mandatory ultrasound scans for pregnant women due to a lack of doctors adding that there was a “nonexistent” response in terms of adolescent psychiatry. One tourist commented on social media: “Having waited eight hours in Lagos hospital’s A&E, my heart goes out to the nurses and to those who rely on the health service here. We were left unseen and was then seen and treated by a doctor at the private hospital within an hour. Not an option for all - not the solution for residents.

Lagos Câmara is calling for an urgent meeting with health bosses in the region after councillors said it had become clear that the town’s hospital was often understaffed and sometimes had no medics at all. One tourist was forced to wait for eight hours at Accident and Emergency without being seen.

It said: “It appears that there are many instances or shifts where only one person of the medical service is present and other occasions where there is no one available.”

In a statement Lagos Câmara said the situation was unacceptable and should never happen.

Union chief Nuno Manjua told the Portugal News that the industrial action was aimed at drawing attention to the alleged shortage of human and material resources at the region’s hospitals and health care centre.

The Municipality of Lagos approved a motion at its board meeting last month after it said it had analysed all the available information.

The Algarve nursing union was due to take strike action last month at hospitals in Faro, Portimão and Lagos.

Another union said that there were close to 150,000 people in the Algarve without

The future generations of Portuguese are not being cared for and empty promises can only fuel this frustration of nurses and patients alike.” In its motion Lagos Câmara urged ‘those responsible, the administration of CHA, the regional health board (ARS-Algarve) and the Ministry of Health, to resolve this situation in the shortest possible time, for the good of all the people in Lagos, their neighbours in the surrounding areas and all those tourists who choose Lagos for their holidays. This is a situation that should not happen.’ Please let us know your experiences at Lagos Hospital by emailing:


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Welcome to our September edition

Useful Numbers - Lagos

This corner of Portugal seems so far removed from the mad world that is all around us but I am very aware that we must not forget what is happening outside the bubble of the western Algarve. SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: Industrias Gráficas Solprint, S.L . Pol. Industrial La Vega, c/ Archidona B5. 29651 Mijas-Costa. Málaga. CIF : B29.593.357

Every one of us can and should make a difference somewhere and with that in mind, I feel honoured that our community sees fit to help those in need around us by supporting all the charities that we promote and that urgently need our assistance. It’s fantastic that so many of you give your time, support and money. We are currently raising funds for Lagos’s Children’s Home and we would like to thank all those people who have offered to help so far. There’s also the charity golf day later this month which you can read more about in this edition. We’ll update you next month about how much has been raised and what it will be used for. We’ve also got an ongoing campaign to raise funds to send Lagos sailor, João Pinto to the para-Olympics in Brazil in 2016. We’ll be interviewing João for next month’s edition. Don’t forget you can get in touch by calling me on 919 918 733 or emailing our editor at Have a great month, best wishes, Tom and the ‘Tomorrow’ team.

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In this issue... P4-18: Community A local legend Lagos landmarks Chicca’s campaign Medieval madness Seismic shifts Quickfire Memory Walk Magical Musical Walk And much more

P21-32: What’s-On Group Art Choir hits Youtube

Our monthly calendar 10 reasons to retire to the Algarve Western Algarve Secrets Open Air Art Sunset supper concerts Tapas Trail Get twitching And much more

P34-37: Health Yin Yang Yoga Pets Mate Farmers market Food Pilates for Neurological Disorders

EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 GNR NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TAXI SERVICE 282 763 587 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 AERODROME 282 762 906 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 TAXI-PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LACOBRENSE CHEMIST 282 762 901 NEVES CHEMIST 282 769 966 RIBEIRO LOPES CHEMIST 282 762 830 TELLO CHEMIST 282 760 556 SILVA CHEMIST 282 762 859 D Concept Dental Clinic 282 763 496 Farmacia (Odiáxere) 282 798 491 Chriropractor lagos 282 768 044 Dental Clinic - Almádena 918 366 646 Lagos Cinema 282 799 138


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P38-40: Business Get a birds eye view Land in Portugal BLiP

P42-44: Food and Drink Make Paella Wine of the month Restaurant reviews Your offers Oooo Coffee by Catheine And much more

P46: Outdoor Gardening with our expert



GAVIN COX WILL & PEDRO WINDOW CLEANING PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR Chimney sweep Locksmith - Luis Drain sPECIALIST - John Satellite & TV - Dave PC centre Painter & decorator Mick James Private luxury transport Mobile Hairdressing Alison Plumber 24 hrs John Senior care at home Baby sitting Maria €8ph Computer problems - Pedro XELI- FLorist Free delivery Electrician Helio CARPET & RUG CLEANING

282 780 700 808 203 537 808 781 212 118 282 782 282 914 479 300 916 606 226 917 370 294 213 308 200 916 430 132 965 353 301 916 591 423 912 417 994 926 860 123 964 605 213 912 712 077 965 774 176 282 960 960 916 050 114 910 384 382 918 663 352 912 712 077 282 767 102 920 419 690 917 165 238 282 768 129 917 288 966 91 55 32 850

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Community legend has it that this is how the family name came about. His mother was the goddaughter of his paternal grandparents and at 20 married his father who was 42 years old. Baby Borba was delivered by Dr Telo, a highly respected physician in Lagos. Sr Borba takes great delight in telling the story of the marital bed: “Dr Telo delivered my own two children in this bed too. It’s over a hundred years old and my wife and I still sleep in it.” Certainly a piece of furniture steeped in family lore. Fate can deal cruel blows and the young boy would never get to know his father.

A local legend with a passion for story-telling By Lena Strang “I’m always curious,” Senhor Borba announces with a glint in his eye. This is prior to launching into another recollection of times past, always enthralling his listeners. At 87 years of age, José Paula Borba has amassed a vast armoury of memories together with artefacts and boxes of old postcards to do with the history of Lagos. With his amazing photographic memory and skill as raconteur, he is a veritable font of knowledge.

are lined with paintings and framed photographs of Lagos of old. The walls of the living room where we are seated are partly covered in blue and white traditional ‘azulejos’ (tiles) and an open fireplace, still in working order, dominates the room. He can account for every artefact displayed in the room, from wrought iron lanterns to carved pieces of stone dating back centuries. I could well have been transported to a museum of local history!

When I need some information about Lagos, I make a beeline for Sr Borba who is always delighted to talk about his beloved city. His unquenchable curiosity and love of local history ensure that I come away with the facts I need and much more besides.

“I like to talk and pass on knowledge,” Sr Borba maintains, “History needs to be preserved and we have a duty to share.” And this is exactly what he has spent a lifetime doing. It becomes clear that the contribution he has made to promote the history and cultural life of Lagos is significant. I slowly begin to piece together his own fascinating life history. His grandparents hailed from areas around Vila do Bispo. His great grandfather used to fetch cattle from an area in the Alentejo named ‘Borba’ and

His house in the historic centre of Lagos is an Aladdin’s cave of memorabilia. The large house spans two floors and the walls on the stairs to the living area

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Being a businessman with close connections in England, he was also British consul in Lagos. In 1907, he lived in London for several months and made regular business trips. He brought back a special kind of wheat suitable for conditions in the Algarve, which was planted on his farm, ‘Herdade da Sinceira’, near Vila do Bispo. What happened next almost defies belief. “My father had a long standing dispute with a neighbour who out of revenge cut down all the wheat one day. This was an enormous blow for my father. When he discovered it, he had a heart attack and died,” Sr Borba explains. He points to a framed photograph of his father on the wall and adds, “I was only five months old when this happened and never had the chance to know him.”

Community His mother remarried and subsequently had five more children. Sr Borba’s life has always been centred on Lagos. “I love the city and have never wanted to live anywhere else,” he smiles. This is where at the age of 16, he met young Maria Lucinda, who five years later became his wife. “She was the one for me. She was very beautiful – and still is. After 66 years of marriage I am still very much in love!” His working life was spent in the banking sector, including a stint at Banco da Agricultura in the 60s. He was offered an enhanced position in a newly established bank where he worked for 22 years until retirement. It is in the civic life of the city that he made his mark. He served as councillor with responsibility for culture when Brigadeiro Costa Franco was Mayor of Lagos from 1964 to 1972, during the time of the dictatorship. “These were difficult times,” he remembers, ”It wasn’t possible to speak openly about issues. I always like to cooperate and don’t like autocratic rule.” He was ceaselessly working to gain municipal support for the preservation of the historical heritage but admits that it was often an uphill struggle: “There were many things I suggested that didn’t happen. Sign posting our historical landmarks is a case in point. How many people know there is for instance, a 2000 year old Roman well, ‘Fonte Coberta’ in Lagos (near Modelo)?” he laments. He is also concerned about the many archaeological artefacts that are simply disregarded.

Motorcycle trip to Silves with friends, 1956. Sr Borba on the left

entitled ‘Esta cidade que eu amo’ (This city that I love).” Radio listeners were also treated to a local programme every Sunday morning. “I did the radio broadcast for a while,” he muses, “but my wife wanted me to come to church on Sunday mornings so I couldn’t continue!” Lagos was socially very divided when he was young. Entertainment was dependent on social class. ‘Sociedade Filarmonica Lacobrigense’, the Cultural Centre of Lagos at the time, was the preserve of the wealthy. Carpenters, artisans and metalworkers had their own guilds while the middle class created their own association, ‘Brasões” to which Sr Borba belonged. Each group organised their own entertainment. Tuesday was a popular day for activities with dancing attracting lots of participants. He remembers that girls sat in a row of chairs, while their mothers were perched behind, keeping a watchful eye. Permission had to be granted for every dance. Carnival time was fun and everyone wore masks. “I think women in particular were keen on these masks so if they were jealous, they could monitor their husbands!” Sr Borba chuckles.

The local padre used to organise short He was actively involved in a variety of local theatre productions where his wife could associations and as a Rotary Club member show off her musical talents. Religious gave talks about the history of Lagos on processions were also a regular feature that a regular basis. His thoughts about Lagos everyone took part in. appeared in ‘Correio de Lagos’ in a column Continued on Page 6 » ,&(&5($0B)$&725< 00 SGI









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COMMUNITY Continued from P 4 & 5 Being tall and athletic, Sr Borba was drawn to sports early on. He played volleyball, did skating and was a keen motorcycle enthusiast. He remembers that during the Second World War, as Portugal had neutral status, both Germans and the allies used to come to Lagos and played sports with the locals. Regular rowing competitions were held in the bay. “And of course,” he adds, “because of the bay we had many foreign ships here with a fair number of spies looking for information.” Sr Borba points to the many vestiges of past daily life that are still evident in Lagos. The city had several mills for making flour, taking advantage of the strong winds. Some of these are still standing today. He remembers people bringing wheat and corn from the nearby countryside to be ground. The owner of the mill kept part of the flour as payment. The same principle applied to ‘forno de poia’, a large bread oven serving the community where people used to take their bread to be baked. The owner kept the ‘poia’, a proportion of the bread for the service rendered. This is still very vivid in his mind. “I remember my mother once sending a turkey to be baked in the oven. They made a mistake and returned the wrong bird. She was not amused!” I am tickled by all the minute details he recalls about transport in Lagos during his youth. In the 30s ‘diligencias’ or horses drawn carriages, were the main mode of travel. ‘Zé Beicinho’ – so named because of a cut on his lipwas in charge. “It was almost like in the old cowboy films here!” Sr Borba laughs. He remembers Zé Beicinho later progressing to drive one of the two ‘carros de praça’, the twice daily transport bus to Sagres. What makes the anecdotes that Sr Borba tells come to life, are the meticulous details and astute observations of people and places – all laced with a good dose of humour. “A people without a story is not a people,” he maintains.

Historical landmarks in Lagos Monte Molião On the hills near the once navigable river Bensafrim, an ancient fortified town, known as ‘Lacobriga’ had been in existence since the Iron Age, between 4th and 3rd centuries BC. This was later part of an extensive Roman settlement spanning Monte Molião and the area around the present Aerodrome. Archeologists have unearthed remains of fortified town walls, houses, ovens, cisterns and a necropolis on the hills. The location was gradually abandoned during the 2nd century BC in favour of another existing nucleus in the historic centre of Lagos. (Monte Molião is situated behind the large Pingo Doce and the Renault garage)

fishermen but applicable also to farmers. Plagues of aphids (pulgões) descended on extensive vineyards cultivated here and prayers were held in the Hermitage to protect crops. Later the name was changed to Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos (hardship) with processions organised in the countryside to ask for protection. During the last Sunday in August a festival is held with a procession and mass in the Hermitage to bless crops and animals. Melons are a traditionally offered to visitors.

Hemitage of São Pedro de Pulgão / Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos Built in 1450 by the River Bensafrim in an area of Roman occupation close to the present Aerodrome. It suffered damage after the 1755 earthquake and reconstructed in Barrock style but has one surviving Manuelan doorway. Initially dedicated to the Apostle Peter, protector of

Hermitage of St John the Baptist This is one of the oldest churches in the Algarve. According to legend it was constructed in 1174 by Christians in Lagos during the Arab period. There is documentary reference to the chapel in 1325. In 1536 King D. João decreed that every year on the 24th July there be mass celebrated in the presence of the nobility who would contribute alms. There is also evidence that the D. Sebastian visited the chapel in August 1573. The sanctuary is the only part that remains from this period. After the earthquake of 1755, the chapel was rebuilt in 1805. Pilgrimages to the chapel ceased but it was adapted for other purposes, including as private residence. In the 20th century a series of water cisterns behind the building were constructed to provide a communal washing space. The chapel is near the ‘Boat’ roundabout and the Municipal Sports Centre. A series of painted azulejos (tiles) commemorates the washing area.

Monte Molião, courtesy of Fototeca de Lagos

Hemitage of São Pedro de Pulgão / Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos

Fonte Coberta Dam

Water cisterns with the Hermitage of St John the Baptist in background

Fonte Coberta Dam Ruins of a 2000 year old Roman dam can be found behind the traffic island by Modelo. It is believed it was constructed as part of the water supply system for the old settlement of Lacobriga on Monte Molião or as irrigation for agriculture. It consists of a 70 m long wall with a rectangular section. The thickness varies between 2.6 and 2.7 metres.

The remarkable sources of information provided by someone like Sr Borba are invaluable in order for us to appreciate the past and where we are today. Lagos is so much richer for its vivid story to have been documented with such passion and care. The curiosity of Sr Borba is the city’s gain.

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Mediaeval Magical Madness By Tom Henshaw

Chicca’s Charity Update If you need a gift set for somebody they start at just €10!! I need your help, please!! 100% of the money will go directly to helping the animals. As for my dogs, they are all fully recovered now from their various illnesses, caused predominantly by neglect and what can only be described as cruelty before I got them from the shelter.

Now that it’s all slowing down to a much healthier manageable pace in the Algarve, we can all step back and get our ‘stuff’ back on track and start planning for the slow calm winter.

One of the very best nights out in the Algarve has to be the mediaeval festival held every summer in the historic town of Silves with its imposing Moorish stronghold which defended this once thriving Moorish settlement in the twelfth and thirteenth century. The streets are decorated and alive with the smells, the sounds and the colours depicting this period in history. There are food sellers all along the streets offering all sorts of very reasonably priced good barbecued food, desserts, dried fruits and massive varieties of chocolates and cakes. Exotic and vibrant with street musicians, belly dancers, drummers and parades all along the streets up to the castle. The church is full of traders offering wonderful gifts depicting the influences of past eras. It is hard not to feel part of the history as for €3 you can hire a complete mediaeval costume and blend in with the whole atmospheric event. It is hard not to enthuse about the fun and activities of this special part of the Algarve. It seems unbelievable in this day and age as a night ticket only costs €2 per person. There are all sorts of other activities in this Silves 10-day festival including jousting, a mediaeval banquet in the castle itself and lots more than we personally saw. Make sure it is in your 2015 calendar! To find out more visit the website.

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At the end of this year I’d really like to be able to say we have made a massive difference to all the abandoned dogs’ lives in our area and any other animal for that matter. So far my amazing charity fund has raised an astonishing €8500 and counting - all of which will go directly to helping the animals, whatever their needs. Vet Lars Rahmquist and myself have made regular two week visits to the Cadela Carlotta shelter, where, thanks to the use of the fund we have been able to vaccinate some of the dogs and all of the puppies. We have given much needed antibiotic shots and tablets to a long list of needy poorly doggies. We have tested many of them for leishmaniasis and other diseases, and treated them accordingly. We have also repaired cuts and wounds, done bandages and stitch ups, not to mention, the first of the castrations..... We intend to start to use our recently finished ‘clinic’ at the shelter which is now looking pretty smart all tiled up, painted and complete with running water, and recovery cages, where the vet can start to castrate and spay the resident dogs. The fund needs to continue to grow as despite Lagos Vet Clinic offering its time and services, drugs and equipment are still required - even at next to cost price there is still a considerable cost involved in neutering every animal. I have to say my fund raising is done through my customers in my restaurant – thank you. I would now like to appeal directly to you, yes you, ‘Tomorrow’ readers, to actually get yourself down to Chicca’s restaurant and physically help by buying a charity gift set, to see if we can really make a big difference.

It always amazes me how quickly a sick, traumatised neglected dog can recover with the right care and treatment. I can’t imagine the sad sorry life my boxer Lola had before we adopted her, all I know is she shows us every day just how very happy and grateful she is to live with us. Adopted dogs always seem to love us more, after being so badly treat, they really appreciate our love and a safe home. I hope to make people realise that dogs are very intelligent precious creatures that have feelings and huge characters. That love us, and dote on any attention and care we give them, even it it’s minimal. Even if we are cruel towards them, they are loyal and thankful in return, eager to please us. Even when we fail them, they are our true faithful companions till the end. They deserve more. Love Chicca xx To adopt or sponsor a dog please contact Cadela Carlotta or go to the web site or Facebook. For any veterinary care contact and to buy a gift set or make a donation to Chicca’s charity go to Chicca’s Restaurant in Luz or call 962742033.

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Seismic shifts By Frederico Mendes Paula - City Architect, the Municipal Câmara of Lagos

The effect of the 1755 tsunami on Meia Praia fort

Lagos is located in an area of low seismic activity but where major earthquakes can occur. The largest earthquake struck on November 1st, 1755 and the effects were catastrophic for the city. The earthquake and the tsunami that followed destroyed almost all buildings in Lagos and brought about profound changes in the urban structure. Lagos ceased to be the capital of the Algarve and the population left, setting up tents in the area around the Chapel of Santo Amaro. The city was abandoned for about 100 years, resurfacing only with the installation of fish canning industries in the late nineteenth century. Lagos Câmara initiated a series of studies in 2002 which aimed at minimizing the effects of any future earthquake in Lagos, according to the following principles: It is possible to predict the occurrence of earthquakes in terms of probability; the best way to confront a particular risk is to have knowledge of how it works and manifests itself; by creating awareness of risk amongst the general population, certain routines can be developed which contribute to an effective collective response; prevention and preparedness for a disaster can save lives. In 2002 a “Study of Seismic Risk in the Historic Centre of Lagos” was developed and a protocol was signed with the Institute of Earth Sciences and Space, as well as the European Centre of Urban Risks, the Geophysics Centre of the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and the Geophysical Institute of the Infante D. Luiz. The study was led by Professor Luís Mendes Victor. The study investigated historical seismic activity in Lagos, assigning magnitude to various earthquakes and establishing probabilities of occurrence. It considered the geology of the city, including the characteristics of ancient stream beds using geo-radar, the response of soil from measurements of seismic noise, or by determining vibration frequencies of shallow

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layers. This is essential for detecting the effects on the area, including amplification of seismic signals or liquefaction of soils. The study identified characteristics of various types of buildings, essential for predicting eventual collapse.

In 2014-15, the INsPIREd project (Involving People in Risk Reduction) in Lagos re-joined the EUR-OPA programme, involving the same partners, but incorporating Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali of Ravello and the Municipality of Setúbal.

It simulated scenarios for each census zone considering intensities from 7 to 10. Information was gained about buildings which were likely to be severely damaged or could collapse, the number of inhabitants who could be made homeless or die. The study also made a start on emergency plans, in terms of general concepts, strategies for evacuation and emergency management. Finally, the scenario of a potential flooding of downtown Lagos by a tsunami was created. The results of the study were published in two editions in 2006, both in Portuguese and in English.

The aim is to provide the population with necessary information on how to prepare for an earthquake and procedures to be adopted during its occurrence and the immediate period following. Actions are necessary in order to increase general risk awareness and involve the population in terms of grassroots organisations. The channels of information for organising a collective response will be identified in accordance with the Emergency Plan of Civil Protection in Lagos.

In 2012-13 Lagos again joined the European Centre for Urban Risk in the VULRESADA Project (Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation). It was developed under the auspices of the EUR-OPA programme, the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement. The project is a result of a partnership between the European Centre for Urban Risk of Lisbon and the Centre pour l’EuroMéditerranéen Évaluation et la Prévention du Risque sismique Rabat, involving local authorities of Cascais and Lagos in Portugal, Tangier and M’Dieq in Morocco, a partnership promoted on the initiative of Professor Luís Mendes Victor. Two fundamental studies have been developed in Lagos. One is a study of building rehabilitation and structural reinforcement in the historic centre of the city. The second one focuses on assessment of its inhabitants and their vulnerability in terms of risk. A brochure has been published in Portuguese and English in order to raise awareness.

A seminar will be held on 4th, 5th and 6th September at the new Câmara building in Lagos. It is in English and is open to the public and is free of charge. Registration will take place at 9.30 am on the 4th September. It is possible to attend specific sessions of interest. On the 6th September a tribute will be paid to Professor Luís Mendes Victor at the old Town Hall in Praça Gil Eanes. The seminar ends in the afternoon with a guided tour to view the scars left from the 1755 earthquake in Lagos.

Green energy systems Wood and pellet stoves Solar, wind and biomass energy systems


Lagos: Rua Vasco da Gama 38 Lj A, (by the new city council building) Phone: 916 391 304 Almancil: Rua Vale de Éguas Phone: 910 263 358


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Riding for the disabled barlavento

Quickfire questions Steven Sutton and his partner have recently moved to Portugal and have set up a new business called ‘The Unlikely Lads’. They will cover all aspects of villa/apartment management from cleaning and maintenance to ensuring the guests’ stay is a memorable one, including meet and greet and point of contact during the entire stay.

Disability can isolate but riding can integrate because it incorporates mind, body and emotions in one experience in a group environment. We are a voluntary organisation dedicated to making a real and lasting difference to the lives of disabled people, enabling them to ride in order to improve their health and well-being, and to achieve new goals. It is not all serious though! At our twice-weekly sessions the riders, qualified instructors, physiotherapists and volunteers share a commitment to the challenges and achievements - pleasure and fun - that the group’s activities create. Horse riding is particularly beneficial for pupils who have profound and multiple learning difficulties, as it provides a multi-sensory experience which is hard to replicate in any other environment. Apart from the physical benefits, parents, teachers, and health professionals have been amazed by the other skills that a riding session can build on, such as numeracy, speaking and listening as well as problem-solving skills.

Here Steven tells us a little bit about what makes him tick. Tell us a little bit about yourself Born and brought up in Essex, moved to Kent in my late twenties. I have worked in retail all my working life. I first had a job at 14-years-old on the markets in Petticoat Lane and Roman Road etc. I then took a Saturday job at ‘Next’ whilst at college. On leaving college I joined Next full time on their ‘fast track’ management course.

Children’s Hospital and meeting Floella Benjamin along the way.

I then spent that next 15 years in luxury retail - Escada and then at Harrods, where I was responsible for running beauty and menswear. After 10 years there, I was head hunted by Selfridges.

What do you want written on your tombstone? ‘Wow! That was fun

I’m a great adventurer and always out in the open air. Love mountain biking, skiing and water sports. Bit of a Bear Grylls on the quiet! Why did you move to Portugal? I moved to Portugal last month because I was fed up with the daily commute and the day to day grind, it became so depressing never any time for the good things in life.

We would welcome new helpers at our sessions at Quinta do Paraíso Alto at Bensafrim on Thursday and/or Friday mornings.

What are you doing now? Setting up a business with my partner ‘The Unlikely Lads’ Cleaning Service and Property Management

If you are interested, or would be willing to help us with much needed fund raising, please contact: Sue Wilson on 912 351 114 or Frank Bulmer on 912967870.

What would you like to achieve in the future? A satisfying and happy lifestyle.

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Any regrets? Only that I didn’t move to Portugal sooner.

What do you find most depressing? Religious conflict and warring countries. We live on such an amazing planet, why are people trying to destroy it? What was the best day of your life? Meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace in recognition of the charity work I have done. Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?. Albert Einstein, Sir Walter Raleigh and David Niven ( brains, adventure and a true gentleman) What would be your motto for life? ‘Go for it’ Find out more about ‘The Unlikely Lads’ by calling 910 629 413 or 919 185 677. Email:

What’s your proudest achievement to date? I think spending 3 weeks in China walking the Great Wall for Great Ormond Street

Walk down memory lane When Alzheimer’s disease walked into my life, everything changed. I am the sole carer for my husband who is now in the late stages of the disease. It is a devastating illness. It not only robs that person of their most precious memories, but of their personality, their ability to express feelings and emotions and eventually will destroy their physical well-being. I am watching the man I married almost 25 years ago disappear in front of my eyes. The blessing for him is

That was a bit surreal as I had watched her in Play School and Play Away when I was a child.

By Marisse Mitchell

that he doesn’t realise the effect it has on me or his close family and friends. This is why I am so passionate about raising awareness and have organised another ‘Memory Walk’ to raise funds for Alzheimer Portugal. We are walking on Sunday September 21st, meeting at 9am at Parque da Cidade in Lagos town (near the playground and skate park). It will be an easy 45 minute walk through historic Lagos,

an easy walk for all. We will have lunch and drinks afterwards including a raffle to raise more money. Last year we raised more than 5,000 euros. Please walk with us or support us with a donation or prize. If you would like more details please contact me by email or by calling 961805909.

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Furniture World



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Magical musical walk If you enjoy a walk in the forest, there couldn’t be a better time to take a stroll than Saturday September 20th at the Parque de Merendas (Picnic and BBQ site) in the Mata Naçional above Barão de São João. As you follow the marked trails through this magical setting you will come across various musicians along the way serenading you in aid of the Lagos Bombeiros. We are hoping that you will show your appreciation by making small (or large!) donations as you pause to enjoy the music. All the money will go to the Fundo para Bombeiros set up by Pat Allen (patallen@ to help provide essential items to Lagos Bombeiros Voluntários. It has already raised money to buy specialist fireproof clothing to protect this brave force.

enjoy a concert while you eat, followed by a general jam session.

After your walk you can enjoy delicious food and drink from the barbecue area (profits to the bombeiros), and at 5pm

This event is being coordinated by Carole Henchy ( or call 918257690.

By Tom Henshaw One of the routes for the walk follows a path lined with poetry and art carved into the surrounding stone, and that alone is well worth the visit. The Mata Naçional is signposted from the picturesque village of Barão de São João, then follow our signs for the Magical Musical Walk. There is plenty of parking, and there is a children’s play area next to the BBQ area. So please make a note in your diary to come and enjoy the forest and help the volunteer force that keeps our beautiful surroundings safe for us.

The Race to the End of the World The first ever Martinhal Triathlon takes places around Sagres on October 26th this year. The event is being hosted by the 5-star Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel and Algarve Triathlons and will raise money for the local charity NECI which helps and supports people with physical and learning difficulties. The resort is surrounded by hectares of natural parks, national monuments, cliffs and beaches. The triathlon aims to give an amazing ride through Sagres and to take participants to “Finisterra” – the end of the world as the Europeans thought it was until the 1400s. The sea swimming will take place at Martinhal Beach while the run will take place around the resort. The bicycle route will take participants through the charming fishing village of Sagres along a route past the historical Fortress of Sagres, and Fort of Beliche, to the lighthouse at the Cape of St. Vincent – located at the south-western-most point in Europe! There will be a Sprint Triathlon (750m swim in the sea, 20km bike and 5km run) as well as an Olympic Triathlon (1.5km swim in the sea, 40km bike and 10km run) at Martinhal and in the Sagres area and we will make the race a firm fixture on the Portuguese Triathlon Federation’s calendar. Participation can be individual or team/ relay. Details can be found on

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Psychologist turned painter!

Martinhal has teamed up with Algarve Triathlons, started up by athletes and local businessmen John Hill and Tom Longhurst, to make the Martinhal Triathlon a reality. John and Tom successfully ran their first triathlon in Praia da Luz on April 26th 2014 when the whole local community as well as foreign participants came together to make the event a true success in the spirit of sportsmanship and fundraising. In total, more than 130 teams and individuals participated – some experienced athletes and some beginners who had only just taken up running – but every single person gave it their all. In a press release the organisers said: “Together we are looking forward to making the Martinhal Triathlon a success too.” For more details about how to compete please go to the website: All proceeds for the participation in the triathlon will go to NECI – a local charity based in the Western Algarve for mentally and physically disabled children and adults. Martinhal Beach Resort and Hotel is an award-winning 5-star resort located in Sagres within 80 minutes from Faro airport. To find out more about the resort please go the website

Stefan Hunold is one of those surprising and inspiring people. He trained as a psychologist in Germany and worked in conflict mediation or restorative justice before giving it all up for a new life. He decided to move to Portugal and focused on his passion as a painter. He now paints anything he can get his hands on from murals to surfboards and even motorbike helmets – in fact he can paint almost any surface to transform it from the sublime to the extraordinary. He originally fell in love with Portugal on a trip here when he was 18-yearsold but there was another big draw – he met and fell in love with his now long-term partner while he was studying in Lisbon. He came back to Portugal three years ago and obviously still loves it here and calls it ‘the wild west’. His motto is: ‘If you want to be satisfied, do it yourself’. I personally prefer delegation but who knows what is right! It is always great to see enterprise and Stefan is building a good name working tto satisfy other people’s aspirations and dreams through his work. Call Stefan 919 393 769, or and Facebook ‘toxic but friendly’.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 15


Help Lagos’ Children’s Home This month the ‘Tomorrow’ fundraising campaign for Lagos Children’s Home gets into full swing with the charity golf day which is being hosted by Espiche Golf on September 18th. The original aim was to raise 5,000 euros but now we are looking to be a little bit more ambitious – who knows – maybe we could even double that amount. We don’t want to say too much at this stage but we’ll be less secretive in our next edition. The Children’s Home looks after some of the area’s most disadvantaged young people. Some of them have been taken into care because they have been physically or sexually abused, others have been handed over because their families can’t afford to keep them and over the years a few have just been abandoned and left on the home’s doorstep. The home has been in urgent need of refurbishment for some time and our first job will be to revamp the main sitting rooms which will mean buying two new televisions, two new laptops, sofas, curtains and repainting. ‘Tomorrow’ will provide a full list of all those that have provided money for hole sponsorship (€100) and all other items and donations in our October issue some have asked to remain anonymous so of course we must honour their request for that. As part of the golf day we will include a fun ‘Slave for a Day’ Auction – we have already had offers of performances from the western Algarve Choir, a roast dinner for four people cooked at your home, a deep house clean, an offer to have your room re-painted and loads more. Lagos artist Ray Gillman has donated 40 hand-painted tiles depicting ‘Birds of the Algarve’ which will be raffled over the next few months. To support the campaign by making a donation, or a service for the ‘Slave for a day’ Auction or a golf hole sponsorship please call Jo on 911 568143. If you would like to find out more about our charity golf day, please contact Pauline Binnie on 282 688 250.

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Let’s Rock ‘N’ Roll! With apologies to the late, great Robin Williams in “Good Morning Vietnam”: “Goooooooood Evening, Algarve! Hey, this is not a test, this is rock ‘n’ roll!” And, yes, as his character, DJ Adrian Cronauer goes on to say, it IS time to rock it from the Delta to the DMZ...! Or, more appropriately, from the Guadiana to the Cape, the Spanish border to Cape St Vincent as 50s rock ‘n’ roll comes to the Algarve in its rawest, purest form. Two of the Algarve’s biggest rock and roll activists, Fernando Caeiros (aka DJ Greaser) and Brian (DJ Rockindad) Jutsum, have teamed up to form a once-a-month 50s Rock and Roll Music Club based in Loulé, with the ambition of ultimately taking the show on the road during the summer months. And the first shout of “Let’s R-r-r-o-c-k ‘n’ roll!” will be heard on September 6th the Baco De Bafo on Rua Alfonso de Albuquerque, starting from 10pm through to 4am, with free admission. The club evenings will take place every month at the Baco De Bafe where the two friends, neither of them professional disc jockeys, first met through a mutual love of rockabilly music. DJ Rockindad explained: “I am not a professional DJ, just a music lover, who decided to start DJ-ing as a hobby because at most of the events I went to, the music played was so poor and lacking in imagination.

By Matt D’Arcy “They didn’t play the music I wanted to listen to and dance to. When people come to my dances, they know it won’t be the dull and dreary songs that clog up the airwaves today. “As for the name, Rockindad is from my vinyl record selling days on the internet! “A mutual friend, Bob, manager of the Baco De Bafo, was a catalyst for our joining of forces and we will be playing original 50s Rockabilly, Hillbilly, Western Swing, Jump Blues, Doo Wop, Rhythm and Blues and Big Band Swing etc. “Any New or Neo Rock and Roll music we play has to be true to the spirit of the Golden Age of Rock and Roll.” Said DJ Greaser: “I think everyone likes rockabilly. The problem is that they don’t already know it! We have great rockabilly bands playing across the Algarve in some different places, and every time they play or every time I dj some rockabilly or rock ‘n’ roll music, the impact on people is very good and almost every person likes it a lot! “I think things come naturally when music is good, and it gets more supporters every time people learn more about the bands and the music.” He added: “This is Rock ‘n’ Roll and Rock ‘n’ Roll is freedom and irreverence, so come and have fun! It’s like a life cycle...Rock ‘n’ Roll never dies!”

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Specialized in French market Rua JosĂŠ Ventura Neto Cabrita Lote 1 R/C Loja B 8600-774 Lagos, Algarve, Portugal Tel.:+351 282 043 679 Email: Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 17


Readers’ Letters... We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email:

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

After a journey of 23 years, the directors and founders of the local charity NECI, which helps people with physical and learning disabilities, Prof. Eduarda and Prof. Campos, think it is time to move on. As the new Board of Directors is in place, we want to acknowledge the collaboration of ALL who have supported us, believing in what we do and helping to build the NECI we have today.

Having now been in Lagos a few weeks, I have observed how involving local events and groups can be. Elderly or vulnerable inhabitants from the London area could all too easily be left isolated through lack of communication or awareness of what outlets and activities were on offer to them. Perhaps the Algarve, having a sizeable ex-pat populous encourages bonds amongst one another, and people are more inclined to discuss local matters. I would like to think this is the case.

As Lagos is flooded with holiday makers, the poor still need help. As September arrives and Lagos restaurants are still enjoying a good summer trade please remember those less fortunate in and around Lagos.

The evolution and growth has only been possible thanks to all the different forms of contributions, regardless of their nature which has helped improve the quality of life of children, youth, adults, and families. It has also meant that social and inclusion practices have developed and improved considerably in our area. We’d like NECI to be an evolving project. This is because projects are open and constantly require ideas, planning, development, evaluation and improvement actions and as such it will always lead to innovation and growth. We’ll continue to work alongside the group “Friends of NECI’ and will be supporting and promoting initiatives that inform the public and organisations of events and activities that promote NECI and its excellent work. We urge everyone to continue helping to safeguard the rights of people belonging to vulnerable groups in our society, as in the case of disability. We hope we can count on your invaluable support in the future. Prof. Eduarda Santos and Prof. José Manuel Campos. Please join us at ‘Friends of NECI’; Eduarda Tel: 91 9217 387 e-mail:

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Speaking with local inhabitants, local events seem to generate a genuine enthusiasm of what is happening - a celebration of local culture and people. I compare this to the major events I handled in London when I was working for the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard. Although attracting a vast amount of spectators and participants, the consensus from my colleagues was that the negative impacts upon the community, on the whole, outweighed the positives. These events also seemed to be primarily attractive for tourists or for those who didn’t actually live in London - with the local inhabitants just simply going with the flow. Tourism is an important industry to both London and the Algarve, but I would be certain that those living here are of a much sunnier disposition. I know you cannot compare London to the Algarve, but in many ways they are similar, the integration of different nationalities and cultures. Maybe my views will change the longer I am here but for now I like what I see and I like the spirit I have encountered. I sincerely hope to integrate with the community, learn the language and have a better quality of life Kind regards, Robbie Collins

The Lagos Soup Kitchen run by the International Community Church is still feeding many with a meal Tuesdays and Friday lunch times. As we look back over the summer season we would like to say THANK YOU to those who have supported us with food, finance and physical help on site. We couldn’t continue to help those in need without you all, so as we continue to see an upturn in the economy of Lagos town please still remember those who need an upturn in their lives. The need is increasing, if you can help please contact us on 963440470. Yours sincerely, David Chester, pastor of the International Community Church

Dear ‘Tomorrow’ magazine, I have placed adverts with you throughout the season and cannot possibly be more impressed with the response I have had from advertising with your magazine. Your monthly editions have proved a huge assistance in getting our bar/grill on the map, and very proud to announce how busy we have become in such a short period of time. Thank you for your support and for all the support you give to the local community. Best regards, Steven Shirley, the Orangery Bar and Grill, Lagos










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MARINA DE LAGOS drink till late tasty Tapa’s & Grill Served day & evening All sports shown, live music, free wi-fi, pool table large outside terrace & lounge area overlooking the marina TheLighthouseBarLagos

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282 762 115 / 968 073 449

WHAT’S ON Your PULL-OUT guide to events this month in the western Algarve

International breakthrough!

Jasmin Chouikha, professional name Ydama, is the second child of a Swiss family of artists and teachers. Her father was an extraordinary artist, photographer, painter and sculptor. Ydama has inherited these many talents. She is a very passionate and ambitious artist. She likes to work with acrylic paints, boundless and uninhibited. Each of her paintings is unique and full of love. Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad have brought her great success. She has recently returned to Portugal after her exhibitions in Uruguay, Australia, and the large and famous exhibition “Art Innsbruck” in Austria. Her work is being shown in a new

group exhibition in the Arte Algarve in Lagoa. It is called ARTE ALGARVE OPEN XI and it started at the end of last month. Future plans include an exhibition in Olten, Switzerland in September this year and next year she has been invited to exhibit in New York and in Manila, Philippines. Her art speaks from her heart; each piece tells a story which Jasmin connects with wonderful memories from her travels. For more information visit: or

Take note - choir hits Youtube Our recent evening outdoor performance by the beach in Luz was a really enjoyable event...thank you to everyone who came along to listen and join in! You can see our performance (along with past work) on our Youtube site ‘The Western Algarve Choir’. We are now looking forward to working on new material for our Autumn/Winter season (which scarily also means starting to rehearse carols in September in preparation for later in the year!). This is a really great time to join the choir as you will be learning new songs at the same time as the rest of the group - so do get in

contact if you enjoy singing, at whatever level, and are looking for a local group to join. The Western Algarve Choir is an allinclusive choir with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, and with a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more information about joining or bookings (including carol concerts later in the year...we are already taking on bookings for the festive season), please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts on:

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 21


10 Reasons to Retire to the Algarve By Fiona Butler, My Destination Algarve

you want, they can advise on improving accessibility in your home and they provide a reliable maintenance service. Great Value Real Estate Real estate in the Algarve is a very valuable commodity, and it is probably better priced now than for many years. If you prefer to buy than rent, now is the time. The range of properties available is huge – check out the Meravista portal for the largest selection of properties for sale in the Algarve. Tax breaks Recent legislation in Portugal means that resident foreign retirees (with nonhabitual resident status) can receive their pension tax free, for 10 years. There is also a cap on income tax for a range of professions for services billed from Portugal. So, your pension will not only go further in Portugal due to lower cost of living, you will have more of it. (Source: Algarve Senior Living).

You may know the Algarve as a great holiday destination, but Portugal’s southern region is also a great place to retire. Easy to get to and easy to get around, the Algarve offers an excellent quality of life for retirees no matter what the budget. Here are some great reasons why you should think about retiring to the Algarve. Algarve Senior Living Algarve Senior Living offers rental based, independent living communities where retirees can opt to stay for long or short periods, in quality self-catering accommodation. Common in the US and Australia, this rental based model has the obvious advantage of not having to commit to a real estate purchase before being totally sure that retirement in the Algarve is for you. Add in the safety net of onsite support, medical assistance, concierge services, as well as a readymade community of new friends and the Algarve Senior Living villages are a great way to begin your retirement. Sulcare Whether you opt for community living or to go it alone, it is good to know that should you already have or later develop mobility issues, professional support is on hand. Sulcare is the leading supplier of quality mobility aids in the Algarve. Not only do they have a great range of products, their customer service is excellent. They help set up any aids

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Healthcare Portugal’s national healthcare system (SNS – Serviço Nacional de Saúde) is based on a universal care system. As with most national health systems, the Portuguese system does have its problems, however it offers residents access to low cost care, both ongoing and in emergency situations. There are also excellent private hospitals and clinics available across the Algarve. Costs can be high but health insurance can help ease the pain. Real life Moving to a new country is always an adventure, moving for retirement even more so. Without the scaffolding of a work place and schedule upon which to build your new life in a new location, how do you find new friends and a place in your new community? The good news is that in the Algarve there is a vibrant expat and local community spirit with plenty of active groups and clubs to suit all tastes. The village of Boliqueime for example, near to the Golden Triangle, not only offers great real estate, it welcomes newcomers with open arms. Joanna from Diamond Properties doesn’t just sell houses in the area – she welcomes people to their new lives in the Algarve with advice and friendship, easing the adjustment to life in the Algarve. And for a quick overview of expat life in the Algarve check out the Meravista Expat Survey from 2013. Perfect leisure Of course, the decision to retire to the Algarve shouldn’t just be based on sound

financial reasons. Fun should count too. If golf is your thing, then time in the Algarve is definitely on the fun list. With over 30 golf courses of exceptional quality to choose from, the biggest problem a golf loving retiree will have in the Algarve is deciding what course to play. Birdwatchers, nature lovers, walkers – all are spoilt for choice with trails and paths to explore in the Algarve countryside. And then there are the beaches……..winter and summer the beaches are superb, perfect for summer fun with visiting family, just right for leisurely strolls on mild winter afternoons. Quality of life Portugal is considered one of the safest countries in the world and the Portuguese people are very hospitable and courteous hosts. Tradition and family are important here. So too is good food. The traditional diet of the Algarve with its Mediterranean influences is now considered one of the tastiest and most healthy diets around, featuring olive oil, lots of fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. Every day your local market will have a range of fresh produce available that would make any chef eager to hit the kitchen. And nothing beats buying fresh fruit from a roadside seller, the fruit plucked from the trees just that morning... Getting here There are several low cost airlines as well as national carriers with regular flights to Faro all year round from most major European cities. From further afield, connections are plentiful via the UK or Lisbon. And once in the Algarve, getting around is pretty straightforward, with a good road system serving the main urban centres, and very light traffic on country roads and in rural areas. The weather And finally, the deal breaker……none of the above would convince many to retire to the Algarve if it rained almost every day. Happily, the weather in the Algarve is fabulous. In this glorious part of the world, the sun shines on over 300 days every year, and the climate is considered to be one of the most stable in the world, with both Mediterranean and Atlantic influences. What that really means is that you can count on more sunshine than rain, that skies are more clear than cloudy and that the weather will not be a limiting factor in your new life in the Algarve.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 23

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Want to buy or sell a property? Please contact us Lagos Center Rua 25 de Abril, Nº31 8600-763 Lagos Tel: (00 351) 282 768 428 E-mail: Marina Lagos Núcleo Gil Eanes, Loja 17 8600-780 Lagos Tel: (00 351) 282 792 277 E-mail: Aljezur & West Coast Rua 25 de Abril, Nº 92 8670-088 Aljezur Tel: (00 351) 282 995 241 E-mail:

Spectacular Contemporary 3 Bedroom Villa Set in beautiful landscaped gardens this villa offers luxury living in a well thought out environment. Ref. C2738

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 25

WHAT’S ON - Weekly calendar Please advise of items and events you may wish to have in our monthly calendar - IT’s FREE OF CHARGE Weekly Any day-Horse Riding for Beginners | All ages - €15 Call Gail for times and more info: 917758404

Computer Classes with Teresa | 918764613 | Lagos Mon, Wed, Thurs & Sat

Swimming lessons with Yvonne | €10 p. lesson | ASA qualified | 917 953 914 | Boavista Golf Resort

Life drawing classes with Kasia | Beginners & professional artists | €10 p/session | 916 035 308


Tuesdays (Continued...) 10.30am 12.30pm 10.30am -12pm

Yoga Classes with Ann: 913 202 621 | €8 | Burgau (& Thurs)

12.30am - 2pm

Yoga Classes with João | €9 | Casa Sakra, Lagos 91 541 0702/

5pm 6 - 7pm 6.30 - 7.30pm

8, 12 & 26 Sept

Chanting Circle Mantras & Songs | 962 962 410 12 & 26 September: 6.30pm - 8pm, Burgau 8 September: 11am - 12.30pm, Bombeiros, Aljezur

Until 30th September

Liz Allen Art Exhibition | Óchálà Casa da Chà, 12 Rua Dr. Samara Gil, Monchique | Alongside home-

7pm 8pm-Late 8.30pm - late

made cakes & speciality teas |

3 & 17 Sept 9.30pm

10am | St. Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz “PIGSTOCK” | Local musicians invited for one big jam Kirtan Chanting Circle | 7pm | €5.50



Ladies Golf & Coffee Morning with PGA Professional Peter Lester | €25 | Espiche Golf | 282 688 250

10am - 12pm

Open Door: Open Door...for everyone to pop in International Community Church, Lagos | 282 086 804

4.30 -5.30pm

Ballet | Move-Ment Dance School Lagos | 913832335


Tone Zone | €6 | Alma Verde Studio | 926 353 452 Swimming Club for Adults with Yvonne | €20 p/m Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914

9 - 10.30am

Yoga Classes with João | €9 | Casa Sakra, Lagos Call: 91 541 0702/

6 - 8.30pm

10am - 12pm

Tai Ji Quan -Beginners | Barão S. João €8 | 919 718 955


Baby Massage Course | 6 Weeks - €58 | Alma Verde 282761745 / 963614499 or

7.30 - 9pm

Live music: Luis bar, Lagos | 282 769 147 (& Thur/ Fri)

Zumba | €5 | Spa Santo António, Budens | 915038184

6 - 7pm

6 - 7pm

Wendy & Adam | The Galley, Luz | 282 769 063

9.30 - 10.30am

Pilates Classes with Lisa: Call 933 714 178 €9 | Pilates Room Lagos |

6pm - (&Thurs)

Singing with Brendan | 1st class FREE | 969870371

Silent Meditation | Barao S. Miguel | 965 292 540

9 & 10.30am (1hr) (Wed & Fri)

5.30 - 7pm

Urban Freestyle Dance with Sander | 282764224 Kapa Dois Center, Lagos


Monte Rosa, Barao S. Joao | 282 687 002

10 - 11am

Circuit Class: Lagos, Shinobi Academy | 916 033 004


Pigshead, Burgau | 934 295 774

4th & 18th Sept

Sanctury - 20 mins Quiet, Music & Refelction St. Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz

Elvis Night | Fools & Horses, Lagos | 282 762 970 Weekly Services | Sundays 8am & 11.30, and Thurs

6 & 7th Sept

Stain Glass Classes with Dianne | €10 | Espiche 919 117 108 | & Thursday 2-4pm | (& Thurs)

Zumba Class with Linda: Call 918 461 840 €6 | Alma Verde | Football Academy 10-15yrs: Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350 | €4

6.15pm 6.30 - 8pm 9pm 9.30pm 9.30pm- Late (& Sat) 11pm- 2am

Capoeira: Kapa Dois Center, Lagos | 282764224

6.30 - 7.30pm

Teen Jazz: Move-Ment Dance School, Lagos, 913832335


Pub Quiz FREE: Kelly’s Irish Bar, Luz | 282 788 631


Live Music: Lazjacks Bar, Lagos Marina | 282 761 384 (Also Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)


Karaoke | Fools & Horses, Lagos | 282 762 970

Tuesdays 7.30-8.30am & Thurs Zazen Meditation | Nr Barão S. João | 919 718 955 8.30am - 1pm & Thurs

Equipment Classes with Lisa | Pilates Room, Lagos 1 Hr | Drop-in | 926 514 613

9.30 - 12.30am

Art Group | €15 | Barao S. Joao | 912 266 835

9.30- 10.30am

Pilates - Monica | €5 | Spa Santo António | 915038184


Hatha Yoga | Monte Rosa, Barao S. Joao | 282687002

26 |

Gymnastik | €7 | Hotel Bellavista | 965 211 996 Yoga Classes with Ann | €8 | Burgau | 913 202 621 Karaoke Night | Pigs Head, Burgau | 934 295 774 Quiz Night | McCabe’s Irish Bar, Lagos | 915 820 215 Late Karaoke | Luis Bar Lagos | 282 769 147 Live Music with Diana Silveira | NOX Club, Lagos


Hatha Yoga | €9 | InLight, Lagos | 965676144 Swimming Club for over 7’s with Yvonne | €20 p/m Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914

K9 Dog training with Luis: Call 964 083 602

9.30- 10.30am

Bodypush with Monica: Parque da Floresta, Budens €5 | Call 915038184


Ladies Golf & Coffee Morning with PGA Professional Peter Lester | €25 | Espiche Golf | 282 688 250

11 - 12pm

NIA Dance & Fitness | €7 Alma Verde | 965768891

12 - 1pm

Do-In Self Massage | TOUCH, Lagos | 913127421

2pm 3- 5pm (& Tues)

Yoga for Backs | Barao S. Joao | 965292540 Aura Reading | € 60 | InLight, Lagos | 96 843 81 68

3-7pm & Wed

E-Drum Lessons with Wale | Lagos | 282764224

4.30 -6.30pm

Mixed Dance | Dance School, Lagos | 913832335

5.30 - 7pm

Tai Ji Quan | Barão São João | €8 | 919 718 955


Pilates with Lisa | Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350

6.15 - 7.15pm

Circuit Classes - Ann: 913202621 | €8 | Burgau (&Tues)

7 - 8pm

Pilates classes with Indah (& Tues) | €5 Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo | 920178024/911754890


Touch Rugby | Burgau Sports Centre | Call: 933713867


F&C-Tomorrow 12-05-2014_F&C Tomorrow 12/05/14 09:35 Page 1

Fridays 11am - 12pm

Dog Obedience/Agility with Margaret/Albertina €25 x 4 sess. | Odiaxere | Call 968 086 320

11am - 12pm

Poweryoga with Lucienne | Hotel Boavista, Luz €6.50 | 968 288 258

12.45 - 2pm

Yoga classes with Sue | €7 | 915233504 | (& Tues)

4.30 -6.30pm

Tap Dance: Move-Ment Dance School, Lagos 913832335 |

5:30 - 6:30pm

Modern Jazz Dance | Lagos | 282764224

6 - 7 pm 6.45-7.45pm 6 - 7.30pm 7.30 - 9.15pm

Salsa & Latin moves with Rosita | €5 (trial class) Marina Club Hotel, Lagos | 916718513 Adult 5-A-Side Football | Burgau Sports Centre €3 | 282 697 350 Healing Circle w/ Marion | 914 523 636 | Figueira Karaoke | Windies, Praia da Luz | 961736455


Pub Quiz FREE: Kelly’s Irish Bar, Luz | 282 788 631


Quiz Night | Pigs Head, Burgau | 934 295 774

(& Sat)

Karaoke | Bar Paris | Lagos | 918 660 457 Live Music | Lighthouse, Marina Lagos | 282 762 115

Saturdays 10 - 11am

Dance Morning | Burgau Sports Centre 913832335 |

10 - 11.30 am

Yoga with Karuna | InLight, Lagos | 913127421

4 - 5pm

K9 Dog Training with Luis: €50 per month Twice a week | Lagos | 964 083 602

4 - 5pm

Dog Obedience/Agility with Margaret/Albertina €25 x 4 sess. | Odiaxere | 968 086 320

5 – 6pm

Oriental dance classes with Célia | Casa Sakra, Lagos | €9 | 91 541 0702/ Live Music | Barroca, Luz | 282 762 799 Live Music | Pigs Head, Burgau | 934 295 774

Sundays 12.30

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Meditation Time | Casa Sakra, Lagos | 915410702


10pm - 1.30am


Jazz Lunch | Fortaleza Da Luz | 912 511 196


Blues, Jazz Music | Luis Bar Lagos | 282 769 147


Live chilled music | 925 167 463 | Tomik, Burgau

From 9pm

Karaoke | Barroca, Luz | 282 762 799 | (&Wed)

Selling your Property? Instruct us, and watch our award-winning marketing strategy in action

Fine & Country is proud to offer its sellers an unbeatable promotional strategy which was recognised in 2013 by the International Property Awards for the 5th year running, having won the award for The Best Real Estate Agency Marketing. Here in the Algarve, as part of Fine & Country's international network of over 275 offices, we offer our vendors comprehensive marketing combining online, press advertising and PR, with an expanding network of offices and associates throughout the region. Our staff speak English, Portuguese, German and French.

West Algarve | Ocean & Country Lda. | AMI No 5653 Praia da Luz office: Rua Direita 44, 8600-160 Luz, Lagos | +351 282 771 007 Lagos office | Avenida dos Descobrimentos 43F, 8600-645 Lagos | +351 282 761614/15 | Central Algarve | Fino Propriedades Lda. | AMI No 9767 Carvoeiro office: Rua do Barranco, Bloco 11/111, Loja 70, Praia do Carvoeiro, 8400-569 Lagoa | +351 282 354 140 | | Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 27


Buy a ticket to win this ‘Azulejo’ Panel ‘Tomorrow’ has persuaded Lagos artist Ray Gillman to paint a new tile panel which is to be displayed at upcoming events. Raffle tickets will be sold to win it and the money raised will go towards ‘Tomorrow’s campaign to raise funds for the Children’s Home in Lagos.

Bluewater Regatta The 7th annual Bluewater Regatta takes place in Lagos this month. Over the three days there will be five races which are open to all classes of boat. This year it will start on September 12th and finish on the 14th. In addition to the sailing there will also be

“There are many advantages of growing your own produce”, he commented. “For a start you can guarantee the freshness of all your produce. You can harvest as and when you need and often the veg is in the ground in the morning and on the plate in the evening.

Restaurateur Luc St John Webb of the Fortaleza restaurant in Praia da Luz recently caught the farming bug after he acquired a farm just outside the village. The result has been a bonanza of gorgeous fresh tasting fruit and vegetables. Every day Luc loads up his vintage van and has great pride in delivering his produce. “I’ve had great success with the strawberries in particular which are so yummy when they are made into ice cream by my other half Carla from The Ice Cream Factory.” We went down to the farm just as Luc was loading up his delivery van full of fresh produce.

Open air art September Supper Club After a break over the summer, the ‘Tomorrow’ Supper Club is back. The next event is taking place at Fresco in Lagos on September 11th at 7.30pm.

To find out more please email: or call 912 417 907.

Restaurateur learns to work the land and reaps a bumper crop!

The panel consists of 40 hand-painted tiles depicting ‘Birds of the Algarve’ – exotic ones like the bee-eater, the hoopoe and the azure-winged magpie, together with tits, finches, swallows, swifts and so on. Totally unique, the panel measures 1m20 by 75cms, and would fetch at least 600 euros if it were to be sold. Please support ‘Tomorrow’ events (like the Supper Club and the Espiche Golf Day) plus others in the run-up to Christmas, buy some tickets, and let’s make as much extra money as we can for the Children’s home in Lagos.

social events every evening including a party on Saturday September 13th at Dunas Beach Bar and a prize giving event on Sunday 14th at Lagos Marina.

On September 27th the ‘Art in Marina’ open air cultural event will be promoting the Marina de Lagos Art Academy. The programme will start at 3 pm and will go on into the late evening.

You also have the pleasure of knowing that it has all been grown organically and that no pesticides have been used. It is located just outside Luz so delicate produce clock up very few food miles. Growing your own fruit and vegetable makes so much sense as out here as we have both copious amounts of water and sun. Just about everything seems to grow with success. Finally, having your own farm represents an ideal opportunity to grow crop not readily available in the local market. Next year we will further expand our plantations and experiment with heir loom varieties as well as various miniatures and varieties not readily available in the Algarve.”

Wrona - painting. The gallery will be open every day (except Saturdays and Sundays) from 10am until 7pm until the 17th of October. The event is being supported by: Marina de Lagos, Marcela Propriedades, Cais J Café and Marina Bar, all of them with shops in the Marina.

The menu will be couvert, minestrone soup, chicken, leek and broccoli lasagne with tomato and mozzarella salad and there’s tiramisu for pudding. Booking is a must call so please Vanessa 913 733 684.

Featuring a mix of artists that will contribute with varied performances. There will be live music by Peyoti Duo (Bakare & Dimascio), a fashion show by Gaia Lina and Susie Q Tee, and a dance act with Sofia Brito, the event will complement the vernissage on the Marina premises (Núcleo Gil Eanes’ Square near Cais J Cafe and Marina Bar).

Marina de Lagos celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2014 and it is far more than just a physical landmark of the town. Its support of local artists is another example of its commitment to improving the quality of life in Lagos by creating an “art centre” in Núcleo Gil Eanes, with exhibitions, art classes and permanent display of the works of several artists.

Let Vanessa know if you have any special dietary requirements or if you require vegetarian food.

The Marina’s Art Gallery will be hosting an opening at 5pm for the renowned artists George Scheele - sculpture - and Kasia

We all have the interest in bringing some more livelihood to the Marina so please support this event.

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Dine & Dance



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(351) 91 312 7421

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Sunset Supper Concerts at Silves Castle By Ray Gillman

The programme of Thursday evening ‘Sunset Secrets’ concerts at Silves’s restored castle is drawing to a close. Don’t miss the chance to see the classical trio of voice piano and flute – The Dell’Acqua Trio, performing on September 4th, the Arabic-tinged sounds of the Eduardo Ramos Trio (complete with belly dancer) on September 11th, and the Latin/Portuguese DesCaroÇaDos, on September 18th.

produce: cheese, sausages, hams, suckling pig and special breads, as well as offering tastings of local wines and cocktails.

The two-part concerts start at 7.45pm and before, during and after the stylish restaurant/snack bar serves ‘tapas’ of local

An initiative by the Silves Câmara, book your place by ringing them on 282 440 800, extension 412.

Entrance is just five euros. Eating and drinking in the landscaped, floodlit, castle gardens as the beautiful music soars into the scented sunset air is a magical experience to be remembered.

Time to talk art You are invited to come for a get together with professionals from the world of theatre, music and dance, organized by TEL, the local theatre group of Lagos, Gwen Ballet School with the collaboration of João Pedro Cunha, the renowned violinist and initiator of the Suzuki program for children in Lagos. They will be discussing the importance of the performing arts in the creation of a well-balanced person, physically and emotionally. As Victor Hugo said, we believe that: “There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” Please join us for the free talk on September 27th at 5.30pm. Local: TEL Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, no 8 e 10, Lagos (oficinas da Antiga Escola Gil Eanes), portões verdes. Please call Gwen Franco: 967 795 383.

Monte da Casteleja: Wine Tours with a Difference stems and ageing in wooden vats. This is all done in order to produce high quality white, red and rosé wines using regional Portuguese grapes in a special limestone terroir. Our traditional family farm is situated on a hillock in the beautiful green countryside only 3km from Lagos, where Romans once grew vines in the ancient past. A unique experience awaits you at Monte da Casteleja. We invite visitors to come to our organic vineyard in Lagos and see for themselves how our wines are produced. We aim to recreate the concept of “vin du producteur”, using a combination of new technologies and traditional methods including feet treading, maceration with

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The visit includes a guided tour of the vineyard and the winery and ends with a tasting of three of our high quality white, rosé and red wines, washed down with savoury and sweet tapas made from regional products. The tour lasts 1 1⁄2 hours and costs €10 per person (reduction for groups). We are open Monday to Saturday.

By Lena Strang

It is also possible to purchase wine and other local products from the farm in our shop. Please phone Guillaume or Susana on 917 829059 or 282 798 408 to make a reservation

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Collar and Cuffs

Be inspired

Nigel and Sarah are the husband/wife music duo “Collar & Cuffs” who have been entertaining along the Algarve since they moved to Lagos from the UK in January 2007.

On the weekend of October 25th and 26th, author Anne Aylor, the winner of the Historical Novel Society Short Story Award 2014, returns to Armação de Pêra to lead her popular “Finding the Inspiration to Write” workshop. The classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday at the Holiday Inn Algarve, with attendees gathering for a meal together on Friday evening. This course is residential or non-residential.

International keyboard player and singer Nigel has been performing professionally for many years in all sorts of venues. Nowadays they can be found working in hotels, restaurants, cabaret bars and holiday centres also for parties and dinner/dances. They have also taken part in charity events raising money for the Lagos Children’s Home, Riding for the Disabled, and recently for the bombeiros. Their music ranges from big-band swing, rock ‘n’ roll, ballads and country to strict tempo dancing. It’s all LIVE. They don’t use backing tracks! Keep an eye out for their posters. To contact Nigel & Sarah please call 282798109 or 916563191

Centenary commemoration

This workshop is open to all levels of writers, from beginners to those have have started any kind of writing project and those who would enjoy being stretched by new exercises and having their work read and discussed.

Tapas Trail The fourth annual Tapas Trail in Portimão gets going on September 5th and will continue until October 12th. It’s the brain child of local civic association Teia D’Impulsos with the support of the town council and local councils. This year the number of businesses taking part is expected to exceed 70 and will include restaurants in Alvor & Ferragudo and Portimão - turning the west Algarve into the “Tapas Capital of the World”!! Participation Passports can be picked up at any of the participating restaurants/cafés, at the Tourist Office in Portimão or at the Municipal Museum. “Snackers” are invited to

Six of the best A Garden Party is taking place at the Palace of Estoi on October 4th as “a crucial reminder of the sacrifices made” in commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the First World War. Verses from the poems of the First World War will be performed. The choir of Luz da Tavira and the choir of The Angels will be entertaining throughout the afternoon. There will also be a Fire Display. Garden Party food will be served within the Formal Gardens, and the use of the Salons and Bar of the Palace will be open for use of people attending the event. This will be a prestigious event and tickets will be on sale at a cost of €15. Should you wish to know more please kindly contact Maxine on 917 267 948.

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At this summer’s Artcatto exhibition, which is open until the end of October, there are six of the best. Philip Jackson, the British sculptor who has produced most of the monumental commissions in England - from the Queen Mother in the Mall to the huge Bomber Command in Green Park to Bobby Moore outside Wembley Stadium. Philip’s own personal work is breath-taking. Philip Jackson had been given the huge honour of being commissioned for the Ghandi sculpture, to be erected opposite the Houses of Parliament in London in 2015. The memorial will stand in Parliament Square

People who attended this workshop have said: “I wrote myself a note of all the things I could remember I had learned during the 2 days—I filled 3 pages.” “The weekend ... built my confidence; it freed my imagination and made me re-look at the way I write.” “If you want to write, you definitely will follow Anne’s lead and write. Well worth the time and money.” Anne’s website has more details on the course, as well as many comments from participants and a review that appeared in Writing Magazine. To speak to the local course co-ordinator, ring Ivan Ellison in Lagos on 969 028 130. make a donation of €1 when picking up the passport to help local charity organisations in the area. Don’t forget to get your passport stamped when you visit a participating restaurant/café. The collection of the stamps entitles you to prizes!!! At participating restaurants you can enjoy taster plates of local savoury dishes for just €2,50 while the local sweets and cakes menu is just €2. Very good value and very tasty! There will also be a great programme of entertainment and cultural activities attached to the event this year. For further information please go to

alongside those of Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela. The Artcatto Summer Exhibition also welcomes the works of Mr He, one of the finest Chinese artists working today who is a master of calligraphy. Alain Bertrand who has a following like no other and who has been a friend of the gallery for many years, will have several works on display as will Vicente Romero - his beautifully crafted work is immensely popular, and finally, Gwyn Jones whose paintings grab the moment with her lively brush strokes and technical prowess. For information, visit:

Sagres Birdwatching Festival 2014 The 5th Birdwatching Festival of Sagres will be held between October 2nd and 5th this year. This acclaimed event is growing each year and offers fabulous birdwatching opportunities as well as plenty of other

activities. The festival attracts international visitors and is a celebration of nature and this beautiful part of Portugal. To get more details about how to register, visit:

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Yin Yoga – Finding balance in a busy world. By Ann de Jongh Our lives are busy, we rush around, creating stress for ourselves and very rarely taking “me time”, time to slow down, to reflect and to allow our minds time to be calm and tranquil. Yin yoga is that quiet time that everyone needs in their lives. It is the balance to the exercise we do, to the stress and strain we put upon our muscles. It is the time to let the body unwind, to allow the connective tissues to unfurl and find their length again, to spend time in poses (often as long as 5 minutes), to let go of the tension that builds up in the body, and to allow the mind to be quiet. It is wonderfully nourishing to the mind & body to allow them both to be still. There is only one standing pose in Yin, the rest are seated or

Pets Mate

By Lars Rahmquist

I have just returned from Australia to see my old man off, leaving this realm on the Swedish midsommar and shooting off to whoknowswhere. He was a gentle man, to the point of his own shagrin at times. It’s hard for me to not to mention it, so I will weave it to a veterinary theme...animals came to him. We were best mates from a young age (mine, not his!) and I saw, for many years, animals around him. Being a horse trainer, I watched

lying down, to allow the poses to envelope the body, creating a release in tension , a lengthening of the tissues and an opening of the joints.

Ann teaches a Yin Yoga class in Burgau at 6.30pm every Wednesday evening. Please call Ann on 913202621.

It is the perfect practice to compliment anyone who experiences any tension, or tightness in the muscles and joints. It especially focuses on the area between knee and navel allowing those tight muscles in the hips and back to unwind. Whether it is for a relaxation of the body or the calmness of the mind, allowing that time to be selfish and to focus solely on yourself and your body should be something that we allow ourselves to do on a regular basis, so that we can continue with the rest of our yang lives.

all manner of species carefully (at first) approach him, with no invitation asking them to. A calm energy draws that out of others. And it is a powerful draw.

When we worry for someone, they will feel our fear and respond to it. Remember that your worry is just your love for that loved one. What you wish for them is peace and calm.

It is nice to be back in the consult room and to see the interactions of owners and their pets. Today there was a dog nervous for an injection with his loving owner trying to help by holding on tight to his collar. We stopped and changed tact. The lady, instead, began to pat him lovingly. Almost instantly he began wagging his tail and panting gently. He didn’t notice the injection.

Those of you bringing your pets to your vet, know that they feed off you (as do your friends, etc) and they will reflect what you project. All you have to remember is that you wish them calm and peace. Com licenca, more actual vet stuff next month. Happy summer to us all.

Bacteria – friend or foe? By Niki Medlock - Air: sneezing and coughing (Tuberculosis) - Contact with animals (Anthrax) - Touching infected people (Strep throat) - From one part of the body to another part (E.Coli from the intestines to the urinary tract) Bacteria cause illness in many ways – destroying tissue directly, becoming so numerous or producing toxins that kill cells. One of the first forms of life, just single cells of different shapes, but basically made the same. Some “swim” from place to place others need mediums - water, wind or animals - to “travel”. Bacterial infections spread through: - Contaminated water (cholera, typhoid,) or food (Botulism, E.Coli, salmonella). - Sexual contact (Chlamydia, syphilis)

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There are good bacteria (approximately 700 different types in your intestines) usually living in equilibrium and very beneficial to your health, destroying bad bacteria and their toxins, stimulating the immune system, helping food digestion and even making vitamins. They also produce the gas created in your intestines - a waste product from digesting your food!

The immune system is activated to protect the body by identifying and responding to antigens (substances found on the surface of the invading bacteria, or viruses and nonliving substances such as drugs, toxins or foreign particles) and chemicals released by dead or dying cells. This reaction includes the inflammatory response, release of certain types of white blood cells (phagocytes that engulf/digest foreign agents) and proteins and chemicals such as antibodies which can either tag a microbe or an infected cell for attack by other parts of the immune system, or neutralise its target directly. But what if this defence mechanism is overwhelmed - enter antibiotics... Next Month!


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Farmers’ market health foods By Hannah Sharpe de Rosa

A herb rather than a vegetable, purslane is a leafy green that’s still in season. Usually mistaken for a weed or even watercress, summer purslane is worth seeking out for its exceptional nutritional profile. Ask for beldroegas, it has red stems and fleshy green leaves that are thicker than watercress leaves. It’s surprising that we don’t hear more about purslane as it has the highest known omega 3 content of any of the leafy greens and has potential to be used by strict vegetarians as a safe source of these fatty acids. The benefits of omega 3s are endless - they fight inflammation and are essential to our diets to support growth, immunity, brain health and to prevent cardiovascular disease. Purslane is rich in the minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. It’s a great source of the antioxidant vitamins, A, C and E and also contains some of the B vitamins. The latest studies have shown that it’s safest to obtain anti-oxidants from foods rather than supplements. The moisture rich leaves are crisp and tangy, often likened to watercress or young spinach. Only eat the smaller leaves raw as the larger leaves are high in oxalates which can be problematic. For a Mediterranean style salad combine the smaller leaves with feta, tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, basil, olive oil and vinegar. Larger leaves can be lightly cooked to reduce the oxalates, they’re ideal for adding to soups. Caution - purslane is a herb with emmenagogue properties and not advised for pregnant women. See or call 914 950 740 for a consultation

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More books at Harmony Earth By Meri Hanlin Trying to keep the kids away from their electronic gadgets and encourage imagination and creativity? I have a fantastic array of children’s books that are educational, help boost self-esteem, teach good morals and are a lot of fun to read! I personally have read most of the new children’s books and have gotten a giggle or two, while seeing what message they are passing along throughout the book. FUN! But still with an educational bent! (Bob the Street Cat has 4 books aimed at kids and two for adults!!!)

Perhaps you would like to write about your journey in one of my beautiful journals -a great self-growth tool. Come on by for a visit. I’m sure you will find something that strikes your fancy (and curiosity!)......And we can’t forget “Bob the Street Cat”....a MUST read for everyone...every age! Harmony Earth is in Luz.

I am constantly increasing my book selection to try and cover most topics typical to a Health Shop, but you will also find books that are fun to read (some with a tear or two I must admit.... Timbuktu instantly comes to mind.) While on vacation, why not expand your mind and soul by choosing a book that could perhaps make you a better boss/ employee when you returned home (The Leader with no title), or a creative genius in the kitchen (Wagamama’s Noodle books! YUM!). Perhaps you fancy Angel Oracle cards and books, or any number of self-help books (detox, alkalising, soul healing, health advice).

Natural anti-inflammatory foods By Dr Andrew Garbett

Now foods that promote inflammation in the body (which is not a good thing) are not normally a reason for people to start getting pain, but foods that are anti-inflammatory can certainly help in the process of reducing pain which has an inflammatory element to it, especially when combined with physical therapy treatment.

To name just a few: Fish - wild salmon, herring, sardines and black cod all contain omega-3 fats which are strongly anti-inflammatory

A small amount of inflammation is necessary when the body is trying to heal itself from an injury or illness, but too much can cause the body to remain in a state of pain or disrepair.

Fruits - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, apples, plums, blackberries, cherries, grapefruits, etc.

The majority of western diet these days are filled with processed foods and fizzy drinks, artificial this and sweetened that, with the majority being pro-inflammatory foods, so if you have any aches and pains they could possibly be making them worse if not keeping the pain there. Choosing more anti-inflammatory foods could make a real difference to how well you recover (if not help you lose weight too) as the best anti-inflammatory foods tend to also be some of the healthiest.

Vegetables - spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, carrots, beets, onions, peas, squashes, etc.

Herbs and spices - cinnamon, turmeric and ginger are powerful, natural antiinflammatory agents. These can be added generously to meals. Start to implement these into your diet and remove the more processed foods and not only will you be generally healthier but possibly aid in reducing you pain. To make an appointment with Andrew please call Eugenia on 282 768044.

Benefits of Pilates for Neurological Disorders By Lisa Longhurst

Neurological Disorders (NDs like spinal cord injury, stroke, MS, parkinsons to name a few...) lead to slowness of movement, as well as difficulty planning and executing muscle movement. Pilates exercises require you to work with as much “mindfulness” as possible toward every movement. The goal is not to get every exercise “correct” but to help neurons fire and to work towards connecting the mind and the body. Improving function will assist in reducing the progression of secondary complications and degenerative changes. Restore postural alignment. Pilates exercises strengthen the deep core muscles, which are very important to help spinal stability, balance and postural alignment. It also helps to create balanced muscle control and length by working the muscle on all planes of movement. Increases joint range of motion and enhance mobility. ND can cause joint stiffness, pain, and loss of mobility. Every movement in Pilates is designed to create length and strength in the muscles. There are ropes and springs on the Pilates apparatus (machines) that are designed to aid with and create movement in the body and joints that may otherwise be very hard to perform or execute. Pilates is low impact, easy on the joints, and allows you to isolate and work muscles that some other forms of exercise cannot reach or accommodate. Reduce stress and boost energy. ND can cause stress, fatigue, low energy, and simply exhaustion. Pilates can be taken very slowly, putting the emphasis on movement rather than speed. Pilates exercises also teaches correct execution of breath. Deep breathing allows more oxygen to flow to the blood stream, muscles, and calms the mind and the body. I am not trying to imply that Pilates is in any way a cure for ND, but it can help to make life and movement easier for those who are living with it. Those with Neuromuscular Disorders do require a one-to-one programme and if you or a family member is suffering and is interested please contact Lisa at the Pilates Room in Lagos on 926 514 613 or email for a personal consultation.

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What are clients expecting from their property search By David Westmoreland For sure the market has picked up. Sales trends are rivalling that of the peak in 2005-2006 but what has changed since that period? Well, the number of potential buyers has returned and indeed they are buying but there is a significant difference in their expectations. Prior to and during the recession many domestic properties in the UK and across Europe experienced huge overhauls. Instead of moving home many people decided to improve their current homes. Kitchens were being knocked through to make large family rooms with kitchens, dining and family rooms. Also the style and standard of kitchens in many households has moved on massively. High gloss units, in-built coffee

machines, ice makers and wine chillers are all becoming a standard feature in many homes. Bathrooms were being turned into wet rooms with rain showers, installation of roll top baths and stylish cabinets along with 3D tiling and magazine quality finish has now become the norm. And because of this, we are seeing a a change in many of our clients’ expectations. They still like the traditional touches such as patterned tiles, archways and bougainvillea climbing the walls but they are looking for so much more when choosing their home in the sun. The properties we are selling are generally those that have had or have been designed to have modern touches. Clients are walking into properties with a high level of minimum requirements. When these are not met the next stage is to look at how much it would cost to

improve the property from your current to their standard. The new buyer is more experienced than before the recession. TV shows, magazine articles and a general rise in exposure to high quality goods are raising the bar in what people are looking for in their holiday homes. It is now just not enough to rely on location, view and the sun. People’s homes are status symbols of their life. The “mod cons” are now prerequisite and without them clients are feeling the properties to be inadequate. Many times I have said if I had 50 contemporary houses I could sell them all! This is becoming more and more prevalent. If you need any advice on how to market and value your property appropriately I am happy to give this help. Contact me on

realistic prices. AVA offer a local, friendly and professional service throughout the Algarve. Professional photographer Paul Fuller has over 25 years’ experience in photography and a talented trained pilot of remote control aircraft.

Birds Eye View By Aerial Vision Algarve More and more businesses are now turning to aerial photography to promote and advertise their business, product and services. These range from beach bars and hotels, estate agents and holiday rentals, to companies organising sporting events or weddings. Aerial photography is now done with amazing accuracy, safely and within budget. The days of it costing a fortune to hire a photographer in a helicopter or light aircraft are long gone thanks to the latest technology of UAV’s (unmanned aviation vehicles). UAV’s are multi-rotor helicopters flown remotely from the ground using state-ofthe-art technology, precise GPS fail safe systems and carry the latest high resolution camera and HD video equipment. The camera offers a live feed to the photographer on the ground, so they

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are able to frame the shot perfectly in real time. The latest UAV’s are powered by very powerful lipo batteries which are safe, reliable, quiet and unobtrusive. UAV’s are capable of covering great distances but the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) regulation states that UAV systems must be flown within “visual line of sight” in Europe. This gives an official operational area of 500 meters horizontally and 400 feet vertically, which is perfect for great aerial photography. A complete professional aerial shoot can now cost from as little as 99 euros... something that all businesses should seriously consider as stunning aerial photographs will put you well ahead of your competition with high resolution images ideal for all print media and websites. Aerial Vision Algarve has built its reputation on producing high quality photographs, exceeding the client’s expectations and at

Paul now purely specializes in aerial photography, working with a great range of clients from estate agents to wedding planners. Whatever the commission, Paul will welcome the challenge, find and create that perfect aerial shot! For more information, please visit or call Paul on 911 126 438.

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Public Domain Land By Cardine Martins - Solicitor Those of you that own assets in Portugal that overlook the beach or are near to the sea or are close to rivers or lakes may have heard of the law that is currently being implemented where your property may be on public land. In the case of the beaches, which are where most people are affected, the area that can be considered public is 50 metres. However, the 50 metres is not necessarily calculated as one would think and properties thought not to be included in this category actually do fall into it. For instance, if your property is located over cliffs, the calculation starts from the tip of the cliff and not from the water edge. If you do fall into the 50 metre category, all is not yet lost. If you have an older building or plot of land and you have documental proof that it was

owned privately before the 31st December 1864 or the 22nd March 1868 if your property is over a cliff top, then your property can be registered in court as private property. If this is not the case, then there are two scenarios. Firstly, the state may proceed with the expropriation, for public use, of any parcels of land whenever this is deemed necessary. Secondly, you may have to apply for a usage license and pay a tax to use what the government considers to be public property. The good news is that with the recent change in law in July, there is no longer a deadline to comply with the proof mentioned above.

JustFly me anytime Julie Battersby


Last week I flew back with the family after their two week holiday here. It’s not always true to say but in this instance - I had a completely stress-free drop off with plenty of time to unload the grandchildren, adults and loads of bags. Thank goodness for JUSTFLY

For more help or information or if you have any questions. Please contact me on or: +351 967 550 485.

Antonio was waiting patiently for us, ready to whisk the car away, and leave it in his private car park. Equally on my return the car was waiting for me in P2 the short term car park – it’s all part of the service. Antonio returns the car just before your pre-arranged scheduled arrival. A simple service so gratefully received at a busy airport. Well done Antonio! You can call Antonio on: 914 025 689

Businesses back BLiP BLiP Expo 2014 is taking place this year on October 4th and 5th. It’s an all-inclusive exhibition which will give businesses, large and small, the best stage to showcase their products and services to residents in Portugal. This is a major event in the business calendar as we start to exit the recession and this year’s exhibition will build on the vitality and innovations introduced in 2013 by the organisers, afpop, to ensure the best experience for both exhibitors and visitors alike. Stand pricing has been reduced to make it even more attractive and affordable for businesses to participate. There will be an enlarged ‘shopping’ area, stands for the Algarve Tourism Board and the Oporto Tourism Board, wine tastings and relaxation areas, live presentations on a variety of subjects, a dedicated area where parents can leave their children to have fun in trained and capable hands. The exhibitors

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are key to a successful event – diversity, enthusiasm, value, choice and service combined under a theme of ‘It’s better living in Portugal….Love It….Live It’. BLiP EXPO 2014 again will be held in the most appropriate venue available, the Portimão Arena, which allows exhibitors to have the amount of space that suits their budgets and design requirements. It also allows visitors to easily circulate throughout the arena ensuring they do not miss anything. Free entry for visitors, free parking and a choice of affordable catering on-site further contribute to BLiP EXPO 2014 being the ‘must-attend’ event of the year. Potential exhibitors can see the floor plan and stand details on the BLiP website and should register their interest in exhibiting without delay via the website or by contacting or calling afpop on 282 458 509.

Luck of the Chimney Sweep Following a tradition that started about 200 years ago when a London chimney sweeper saved the life of King George III. The sweep had been the only person brave enough to stop the King’s out of control horses and carriage. By Royal Decree the King proclaimed that all sweeps are good luck bearers and should be treated with respect. This folklore was established and to this day chimney sweepers are still invited to attend weddings and kiss the bride for good luck. Call Geoff Hurst if you want your bride kissed at your wedding! Cannot guarantee he will bring you luck but he is a very happy chap and he is a mean sweeper!! Call Geoff on 926 860 123

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FOOD & Beverage

O’ Amigo - The By Tom family affair Henshaw

Luis and family have three well respected and friendly bars and two of the bars incorporate restaurants. O ARTISTAS has an excellent restaurant opposite the Tivoli hotel and the food is always fresh every day. However, I was asked to visit the refurbished O AMIGO to try the improved and refurbished restaurant on the first floor. It is very close to Praia Dona Ana. It is well established with a very comfortable and friendly bar area where you can enjoy snacks at great prices. Luis’s family are very welcoming and I must mention Rita who speaks great English and is very friendly and attentive.

Wines this month

This month I want to tell you about a producer that makes a wide range of wines which vary in price and style but are always good quality. “Quinta dos Abibes” is located in Bairrada, a strip of land near the coast in the north, centre of Portugal. This old wine region was very dependent on two grape varieties, the Baga for the reds and the Bical for the whites - no doubt two fantastic grapes that really made Bairrada recognized for its old world style of wines with complexity and great capacity for ageing. But now times are changing in this place and its bursting with new ideas, new projects and different grape varieties. There’s the freshness of the Sauvignon Blanc or the popular Touriga Nacional which are breathing fresh life into this region – those grapes combined with modern techniques of vinification have made these wines more accessible and easier to drink even when they are young. In the past to get the best from these wines you needed to wait for 8 to 10 years to let the tannins get rounder so they would be

Paella By Robin Tibby

I know from experience Luis always has fresh fish and I certainly was not disappointed. The sea bass was perfect and perfectly barbecued by Angostin.

Everything was top quality and good value, nicely presented.

Paella is a dish of the Iberian people. Just as the dish merges chicken, meat, and seafood its very creation can be seen as a merging of two cultures. Here is a classic representation of the famed dish. Enjoy! Serves 4­-6 people

Certainly worth a visit. Please call 282 761 279

Espumantes (sparkling wines) are also a symbol of this region and they make a great alternative to the expensive world of champagnes. Many of these sparkling wines can be bought for less than half the price of an entry level of champagne and sometimes they are just as nice. So please, leave the popular Alentejo or Douro wines for a moment and pay more attention to the diversity that Portugal can offer and you will be surprised with new styles, aromas, grapes and “terroirs” that this country has. Come and visit us to have access to these wines with price ranges from 7€ up to 20€ for the top of the range. Miguel Martins runs the Sommelier Wine Shop in Lagos. Please call Miguel on 927309103, email or

Note: Paella has its own unique pan. Other pans will work, but the pan should be quite flat so that the rice spreads out and slightly cooks to the bottoms.

Shell the prawns, leaving the heads and tails on. Make a stock with the shells by boiling in 1litre of water for 10 minutes. In a large flat pot, sauté the chicken wings and sprinkle with salt. Grate the onion. Add the paprika to the chicken. Then add the splash of white wine, grated onion and tomato sauce.

Ingredients: 1 large whole onion 3/4 large red tomatoes 1 teaspoon of saffron strings 3 cloves of garlic 1/3 kilo of long grain white rice 1/4 kilo of chicken wings or legs 1/3 kilo of large Prawns 1/4 kilo of Clams or Mussels 1 large tablespoon of smoked paprika Large Splash of white wine

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easily drinkable but those days are gone and now these wines are ready sooner.

Dice the tomatoes and chop the garlic. In a large sauté pan, heat olive oil and gently fry the garlic for a minute or 2 before adding the tomatoes. Simmer the tomatoes on low heat for an hour.

The décor is much improved from a visit I made a year ago. They have all your favourite dishes and Piri Piri chicken for example is just €7.50 and a bottle of good house wine is only €8

By ‘Tomorrow’s sommelier, Miguel Martins

In a separate pot, dry toast the saffron strings. Then add the prawn stock. Once fused, add the paella pan and simmer sauce. Now, add the rice and cook on a medium heat. Just before the rice has cooked add the prawns and clams arranging on the top to steam. Serve immediately.

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FOOD & Beverage

Restaurant offers for September

Oooo Coffee By Catheine (our mystery reviewer) Portuguese coffee bars – do try a new one! Chavena dos Cafes, otherwise known as, ‘the pink café’ is diagonally opposite Lidl in Lagos. Here you get very good coffee at a reasonable price, I have yet to have a bad coffee even after several years. If you are hungry their pork sandwich – Sandes Carne Assada - is substantial and delicious (not a bifana). It is cold pork with lettuce, tomatoand mayonnaise.



10% discount on evening menu

Chilli con carne & rice + a large beer/glass

(inc. food & drink ) everyday

of house wine | €6 | The Star, Lagos

Bluewave Beach Bar, Burgau

Tel: 912770647

Special of the day comes with a FREE beer/


wine | Marina Bar, Lagos Marina Tel: 282 789 701

8am-late - Fish,chips & mushy peas

50% off 1st bottle of Wine mention The promo code “Rockefeller’s” + Summer Specials 10€ inc. a free glass of House Wine Rockefeller’s Bar & Grill, Lagos Special of the day comes with a FREE beer/

€6.95 | ‘TOMIK, Burgau Tel: 282 695 525 6pm - Home Made Fish & Chips (+ full menu) | Barroca Bar Praia Da Luz Tel: 282 762 799

wine | Marina Bar, Lagos Marina Tel: 282 789 701


6th & 20th September & 4th October- 7.30pm HOG ROAST €10 a.y.c.e (kids €6) | Live Music Pigs Head, Burgau | Tel: 282 697 315

8.30am onwards - Sunday Special Champ potato topped with fillets of smoked haddock, poached eggs & toast €8 | Lazjacks Bar, Lagos Marina


Tel: 282 761 384

Fijian chicken curry & rice + a large beer/

Sunday Roast | Acoustic Music

glass house wine, €6 | The Star, Lagos

€4 Medium/ €6 Large

Tel: 912770647

Pigs Head, Burgau Tel: 934 295 774

Tuesdays Pie Night | €6 medium, €8 large with sides Pigs Head, Burgau Tel: 282 697 315 Tapas deal 3 for €10 The Lighthouse, Lagos Marina Tel: 282 762 115 / 968 073 449

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They also sell fresh bread and have the usual suspects of Portuguese cakes. If you sit in the outside area be prepared for the smokers. If you do not smoke I would recommend sitting inside. Friendly, fast, efficient service, where, when known, they remember what you have and asking for copa da agua (a glass of tap water) does not cause a meltdown.

To be included, please email with restaurant promotions and we wwill do our best to include you in our monthly list - IT’S FREE OF CHARGE

Pastelaria do Mercado - Fancy a drive in the country? About 15 minutes from Lagos on country roads or 6 minutes at the end of the A2 motorway, the small community of Bensafrim, has a charming coffee bar owned by enthusiastic Luís and Sarah, his wife. Inside, it is tiny and basic with only 3 tables but outside is cute. There are tablecloths of pink and purple, with cushions on the wicker style chairs. An effort to make it look attractive has succeeded, which is needed, as it looks out over a rather uninspiring, dusty car park. The coffee is of course good and very cheap but the main interest is the choice of local cakes made by Sarah. Always a different variety from lemon drizzle, coconut sponge, pineapple, carrot and orange, chocolate, to list a few. You cannot, unfortunately, plan ahead and say ‘oooo lemon drizzle’ for instance as they have what they have. Pastela da nata (custard tart) was the bolo do dia (cake of the day) last time I was there pastry crisp and light. Pastelaria do Mercado Is adjacent to the Municipal Market and next door to the bakery, set back about 30 metres off the main road as you drive through Bensafrim.

Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 45

OUTDOOR Grown from seed it very quickly forms huge tuberous roots enabling it to survive in the poorest of soils with virtually no summer watering. Because it is found growing through rocks and on wasteland across the Algarve it tends to be regarded as a weed yet makes a brilliant splash of fresh green foliage and exotic flowers where little else grows. Given a hot sunny corner, regular water and well-drained soil and Thevetia peruviana flowers throughout the year and gives a marvellous tropical feel to the patio or sheltered border. Commonly known as lucky nut or yellow oleander this shrub or small tree produces scented trumpet shaped apricot or bright yellow flowers which shine out in golden autumn sunshine. Long narrow dark green leaves on thin stems give it the appearance of a delicate Nerium oleander.

Fruit and colour for late summer By Clive Goodacre September can be a difficult month for colour in the garden with bedding plants and summer favourites like oleander and hibiscus past their best. So why not try something different like Physalis ixicarpa? Commonly known as the tomatillo and related to P. alkekengi, the Chinese lantern, tomatillos grow into sprawling plants bearing unusual yellow flowers with purple markings, which then develop into the fruit – technically a berry. This makes a very decorative feature from late summer until early winter changing from green to a deep purple bursting out of the genus’s characteristic Chinese lantern wrapper. The orange fruiting P. peruviana, commonly known as Cape gooseberry although originating from South America, is also widely grown here for its unusual tomato/ pineapple/apple flavour. Physalis is very easy to grow tolerating just about any soil and varying degrees of sun from semi to full. Its needs and vine-like form are similar

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to the tomato - regular water but avoiding heavy waterlogged conditions. Unripe P. ixicarpa is a key ingredient of salsa verde and is also cooked in curries, soup and stews. The fruit sweetens as it turns purple developing a lemony/apple/herby flavour when it can be eaten raw, used in salads or cooked in pies and preserves. Scented autumn flowers tend to be few and far between making Mirabilis jalapa all the more special. Originating from Brazil, it is commonly known as the four o clock plant - although here it tends to open later here flooding the garden with scent all night until the flowers die the following morning. Equally striking are its profusion of intensely coloured small trumpet-shaped flowers. These look as though yellow, magenta, pink and white paint has been sprayed at random across their petals producing stripes, spots and even variations on individual petals.

Although fast growing it can be kept in a pot for several years or more with light pruning making it a suitable indoor plant during winter. Lucky nut can be a bit tricky, but is definitely a plant worth cultivating and looking out for at your garden centre. They are also very easy to grow from seed and can be shaped early on to produce a miniature tree.


Facebook: TomorrowAlgarve | 47



Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

282 780 709

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

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+351 919 869 700

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