Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagoa - September 2020

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As Tom has been a little bit poorly this week (nothing serious), he has writer's block! So it falls to me to sum up the month with some good news and some bad news.

and German. Though one shop owner indicated that Brits made up 60% of their business, so many business owners are still down as much as 70-80% year-on-year.

I like to get the bad news over with first, so here it is. I have just heard from Tomorrow's "force for good" Steven Sutton that not only have the John Aldridge golf days been cancelled but the Tomorrow Winter Ball has also had to be put on hold. This means all our four big fundraisers for 2020 have been unable to take place.

The opening of the airbridge doesn't mean it is all over. These are still challenging times, which is why we are featuring an article on Rota de Petisco. This tapas trail was originally conceived to help restaurants after the last economic crash and will be needed particularly this year. Please take advantage of this low-cost way of getting out and about and support local businesses.

T.A.C.T raises most of its charitable funds from these events. If you would like to make a donation to allow us to continue to support our good causes or if you would like more information about the charity, please email Steven. Now for the good news. The UK quarantine on Portugal has been lifted. Finalmente, we all shout as we raise a glass of Portuguese wine and lament the British for neglecting us for so long. Optimo, now back to business! Earlier this month, I was asked onto a BBC breakfast show to comment on how the Algarve is coping with still being on the quarantine list. I asked business owners to post their thoughts on Facebook. Most businesses noted an increase in trade in August attributed to different nationalities including Spanish, French, Dutch

As more and more events are now able to take place, we have created an online WhatsOn page, allowing a more comprehensive and definitive list of what entertainments are available to enjoy in the coming month. We compile this with the help of Lagos and Portimão câmaras and There is some fantastic content to get your reading glasses out for this month. Thanks so much to my merry band of writers, who I rely on to find the best stories in the Algarve. Now brace yourself, here come the Brits! Sophie, Tom and the Team T.A.C.T

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 6,500 TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Areas we cover  Aljezur  Vila do Bispo  Lagos  Portimão

 Lagoa  Monchique  Silves

Monchique Aljezur Portimão Burgau Vila do Bispo

Lagos Luz


Silves Lagoa




What's on the cover this month: A seahorse, (hippocampus) found in Algarve waters.


The Explosive History of Praia da Luz BY LUĂ?S AZEVEDO RODRIGUES

All the multicoloured layers of Praia da Luz are pages of a book, in which each page tells us a moment of the geological history of the Algarve. 4

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The multicoloured rock sequences reveal the composition of the sedimentary rocks. Still, they also show us 120 million years of history, stories of advances (transgressions) and retreats (regressions) from the sea, a coastline that is constantly changing. The strata of fine sediments, such as marl and clay (green, red and violet tones) were deposited in environments further from the coastline. In contrast, the sandstones (yellow tones), where, for example, we can observe the Nerineas (fossil shells), and are sediments deposited near the shoreline height, in an environment similar to a beach. The cliffs of beautiful coloured layers close to which we now place our towel were once a deep seabed or a coastal area close to the continent of that time, or even a beach environment. How do we know this? We can see this from the characteristics of the rocks, for the size and types of its minerals, and its colours. If we walk east, with the sea on the right, we reach the natural limit of Praia da Luz, a dark rocky barrier, almost black in some places, that almost prevents the walk. This barrier is Ponta das Ferrarias, popularly called Rocha Negra (Black Rock). These are the remains of an ancient volcano, which was created around 70 million years ago, making it the same age as the Monchique formation, which is not volcanic. Despite not being as big or impressive as Vesuvius or Etna, we are still able to recognise part of the walls of the Luz volcano dating from the upper Cretaceous. This period of the earth's history immediately follows the famous Jurassic.


Rocha Negra

Photo © Filipe Palma


is a mega-concentration of fossils - the gastropod Nerinea algarbiensis. The fossils of these animals are found in yellowish sandstones, in large quantities, and it is possible to observe that many of them are aligned. This fact is an indicator of the tidal movements of the upper Cretaceous, with a different coastline than the current one, since the tidal movement caused the alignment of its shells.

Approximately 70 million years ago, the Iberian Peninsula continued to be a "stone raft", relatively isolated from the rest of the European continent and increasingly far from the American continent. These paleogeographic changes, which have been accentuated for some tens of millions of years, are the consequence of the removal of the tectonic plates that precipitated the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. If we press a chocolate gateau, whose exterior is solid, but whose interior is in a liquid state, the filling will come out, and we will be left with a plate of varied textures. This also happened about 70 million years ago in various parts of the Iberian Peninsula. With the great tectonic movements, several zones of weakness were created, which, as in the cake analogy, caused melting material from the Earth's interior to ascend to the surface. It was these materials that gave rise to the Rocha Negra volcano and the other smaller volcanic structures, such as the one that exists right in the centre of Vila da Luz, in a garden of a private house.

If we close our eyes, we may still be able to imagine these seas and coasts of 120 million years ago, when the Nerineas' habitat was close to the coast and where their shells are now deposited. These are some of the stories that the geology and palaeontology of Praia da Luz have to tell us. Luís is a Palaeontologist (PhD) and Executive Director of the Ciência Viva Centre in Lagos,

AND THE FOSSILS, WHAT GEOLOGICAL STORIES TELL US? At Ponta da Calheta, on the west end (the right side of those looking at the sea), there

Scientific Tourism of the Ciência Viva de Lagos Center The Ciência Viva Centre in Lagos accepts bookings for guided visits either to Praia da Luz or to the dinosaur footprints of Praia Santa or Praia da Salema. Groups / families up to 8 people. The Centre also organises the same type of visits to the dinosaur footprints of Praia Santa and the footprints of Praia da Salema.  Video produced by the Ciência Viva Centre of Lagos on Praia da Luz: 

Luz's Explosive Secret BY SOPHIE SADLER It was during lock-down that I was invited by a lady resident of Parque de Praia in Luz, to see a small mound. She had been told by a visiting geologist that it had volcanic origins and asked Tomorrow to investigate. Being quite frankly glad to get out of the house, I went to view the site. Father Rob Kean kindly let me into his garden to view the mound, which adjoins his garden. I had previously never taken notice of this small hill but sure enough, recalling my geography A-level days; it did look like an off-shoot of the volcano, we know existed here that formed Rocha Negra. My curiosity ignited I made it my lock-down mission to find out the truth. At this time, I was interviewing the director of the Lagos Science Museum, Luis Azevedo Rodrigues, for the story on his production of COVID-19 masks. I found the hillock on Google Earth and sent the image to him. He put me in touch with a volcanologist who wrote to me: "The so-called Rocha Negra is in fact of magmatic origin. It consists of several pulses of magmatic activity with a composition similar to basalts. It also shows typical geological features that are likely to find in volcanic vents. So, it is more likely to be the feeder of a possible volcano that was between two to three km above. If a volcano was constructed, all the typical features (cone, crater, etc.) were eroded. Typically, this type of igneous activity is prone to offshoots, and the place that is shown in the Google Earth image is precisely one of these offshoots. It has been recognised in the geological history of the region (indicated by the arrow in the image attached)." Case concluded! Luis kindly has written the fascinating article on the geology of Praia da Luz to accompany this discovery. I hope you find it as intriguing as I did.



can recommend it. This clinic was not at all suitable for my situation. It was more a place for younger girls or teenagers, who are just in the first stages of anorexia. They very soon told me that my case was too advanced for them, and I was in too a weak state for their level of treatment. I was devastated. After spending such a big part of the money my well-wishers has donated, I was in a worse position than before I left. Thankfully we did manage to get reimbursement on leaving the clinic. What I'm going to tell you now will maybe not be believable or acceptable for some people, but it is the honest truth. A group of people in a small village called Douglas, in the Northern Cape in South Africa, heard of my desperate situation and invited me to come and live with them and allow them to give me spiritual guidance and spiritual therapy. Before

"I was devastated. After spending such a big part of the money my well-wishers has donated, I was in a worse position than before I left"


Back from the Brink In last October's magazine, we covered the heart-wrenching story of Nelia Bosman, a longterm resident of Praia da Luz. She was suffering from anorexia, and feared she would die. Terrified, her sister-in-law Zenrika, appealed to our readers to donate to the fund to give her a chance at recovery. Although Nelia was able to travel to a clinic in South Africa, in an amazing twist of fate, her recovery was due to an entirely different discovery. Here is her story:

We talked to the people who had donated money, they all agreed that I could use it for the three and a half month stay in Douglas, and for travelling between Portugal and South Africa, and Capetown and Douglas. I went with a heavy heart and many misgivings. How wrong I was. It was a life-changing experience with a wonderful group of people. They taught me to see myself through the Lord's eyes. To realise that He loved me just as I am. That only when I put my faith in Him and deny Satan the opportunity to destroy my life, will I have the strength to fight anorexia. I am not claiming to have completely overcome the disease. But I have the strength and the tools to fight it, and I'm winning! I feel so grateful, happy and positive. I wish that I could help any or every person that suffers from anorexia to feel like me. If there is anybody that wishes to speak to me about their suffering and struggle with anorexia, I would do my utmost to walk the road with them. I was a wreck and not able to fill a meaningful position in the working environment, but I'm now healthy and strong and hope that something will turn up for me after COVID-19.

I am telling my story as if it can help even one person to realise it is a fight worth fighting, then it is worth it.

In the meantime, I help my mom in her shop and have enrolled in Portuguese classes.

When my dearest sister-in-law launched the appeal for help, I was in a desperate condition. I was critically underweight. My organs were shutting down. My blood test results caused great concern, and one doctor told me that if I didn't turn my eating habits around, I would not live another year. I was taking numerous anti-depressants and sleeping tablets. In short, my life was a mess.

Praise the Lord and bless everybody that contributed to my recovery.

Zenrika started the fund for me, and so many wonderful people donated money. Words can't say how grateful I am. I want to thank everyone that contributed, but especially Zenrika. Without the fund and your contributions, I believe I would not have been able even to start changing my life. I left here on 8 September 2019, to go to the clinic in Cape Town. If you are looking for a clinic be very careful and preferably go to one where somebody that has been there


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Nelia's walk to freedom

Nelia's return to Portugal

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"I want people to feel confident they can speak with officers" COMMISSIONER MARADO

anti-social behaviour and low-level street crime. However, a busy city also acts as a preventative measure, deterring such things as muggings and vehicle crime".

Policing Faro In an exclusive interview, Vaughan Willmore spoke with Commissioner Hugo Marado, the officer responsible for policing our region’s capital city. Approximately 60,000 people live in the city of Faro, making it one of the most populated localities of southern Portugal. If we factor in tourism, a vibrant nightlife, a coastline, and a transportation network providing access to (and from) Lisbon and practically all areas of the Algarve it’s easy to see how Faro has everything to make it a popular place to live, and a challenging place to police. Commissioner Hugo Marado is the man responsible for overseeing policing operations, and he’s an impressive figure. Still only in his mid-thirties, he was one of the youngest police officers in Portugal when he joined the Public Security Police (PSP) 20 years ago. Spending his first five years working at the Officer Training Academy in Lisbon, he moved to the Algarve 15 years ago. We met early one August morning in the Commissioner’s office on Rua da Policia da Seguranca Publica, where most of his 130 staff are also based. We discussed the challenges of policing Faro and where he’s made most progress since taking office three years ago. Firstly, however, it’s helpful to understand the role of the PSP. While there are numerous component parts to the policing family for many people, it is the PSP and the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) who are the public faces of the force. PSP officers are especially visible in their light-blue shirts, black trousers, and blue and white vehicles. It is the PSP who are responsible for policing the biggest cities.


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In terms of progress, two factors figure prominently in the Commissioner's thinking. Firstly, drug trafficking. In the last few years, the PSP has overseen operations seizing huge amounts of cannabis (100kg in one operation), heroin and cocaine, successfully preventing them from reaching the city streets. The second is rough sleeping, which a few years ago was a big problem. As the Commissioner said, "While this involved less than 20 people, its impact was significant and especially in terms of the attitude to alcohol and anti-social behaviour". The method in which these issues were addressed is symptomatic of the progressive attitude of the Commissioner. "In terms of people sleeping rough, I am pleased we dealt with this by working with partner organisations and by helping people access alternative accommodation." Likewise, that support was provided to those suffering from drug addiction, an approach which is in accordance with Portugal’s much-heralded decriminalisation and support programmes.

Looking to the future, the PSP will experience another new challenge, albeit a welcome one. Thanks to city centre-based Farense FC gaining promotion to the Primeira Liga, thousands of supporters from Lisbon and elsewhere will be descending on the city on a regular basis. As someone who worked for the police in the UK, one of the most striking aspects of living here is the high-profile presence of the police and how they’re routinely equipped with firearms. It was interesting speaking to the Commissioner that, from his perspective, the equipping of officers with weapons is so embedded as a cultural norm that it’s not really a point of discussion. It was nevertheless reassuring to hear that many officers will work throughout their careers without brandishing their firearms. In terms of messages to the local community, Commissioner Marado said, "I want people to feel confident they can speak with officers. It’s important if you experience crime or know anything about a crime that you tell us, because only then can we do something about it." After meeting with the Commissioner, I headed to the marina and reflected on how fortunate I feel to live in such a safe country. Undoubtedly, it’s the work of Commissioner Marado and his staff that help make Portugal such a good place to live.

In terms of today’s Faro then as any visitor will testify, it is a dynamic city. This year, it has been particularly important to keep pace with how the city is changing. As the Commissioner explained, "In most ‘normal’ years major public events like the annual International Faro Bike Meet are a big focus, with thousands of people arriving here. This year is different. With so many people staying at home, Faro has been less busy, so there has been less

+INFO:   112 (Emergency number)  +351 282 780 240 (PSP Lagos non-emergency)  (Vaughan Willmore)

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Shipwrecks of the Algarve BY JULIAN PUTLEY

Over the centuries Portugal’s Algarve coast has seen the demise of many vessels. It is in a strategic position, lying as it does on the northern approaches to the Mediterranean and the bottle-neck of the Straits of Gibraltar. From the battles of the Napoleonic wars to two world wars, coupled with the wrecks of storms, navigational errors and mechanical breakdowns, the Algarve has more than its share of shipwrecks. During WW1 several vessels working on behalf of the allied powers were attacked and sunk by a notorious German U boat, SM U-35, commanded by Lothar von Arnauld de la Perriere. Two vessels, in particular, the Wilhelm Krag and the Torvore, were both sunk on the 24th April 1917 and today they comprise two of the best shipwreck dives in the western Algarve. The Wilhelm Krag, a steam-driven freighter, had been chartered by a British company and although ‘in ballast’ was considered a worthy target. The ship was ordered to disembark the crew and was then dynamited. This caused the ship to sink horizontally making it, today, a perfect dive site. She lies in about 29 to 36 meters in depth. Unfortunately, over the years, fishing nets, lines, hooks, and other debris have entangled the ship. The Lagos dive centre, Dive Time, have had the Herculean task of cleaning it up. She is now home to a wide variety of fish, eels and crustaceans. The Torvore, a Norwegian flagged vessel also in the sights of the voracious U-35, was dynamited after supplies, food, fuel and water were taken off. The crew were successfully evacuated from the vessel. She lies in 28 to 32 meters on a sand bottom and is in relatively good condition. She was en-route from Swansea to Naples carrying a cargo of charcoal bricks, still visible today. The explosions of the action were heard in Lagos, and the Portuguese sent an armed tugboat, Galgo to Sagres. The U-35 was identified, but the confrontation lasted only a short time; the small 37-mm Hotchkiss machine gun on the tug boat was no match for the 105-mm guns of the U-35 sub. However, the Portuguese tugboat survived and dedicated the next 48 hours to rescuing survivors.

the best real wreck dives on the Algarve coast. Mendes has been instrumental in cleaning up these dive sites from tons of discarded fishing nets and other debris deposited there over the decades. Shipwrecks make excellent habitats for marine life. Now, these historical wrecks are protected from fishing, and the marine ecosystem can begin to flourish again. Diving on wrecks from actual historical events is often the most fascinating. But some seven or eight years ago a project, Ocean Revival, was envisaged by the owner of Portimão's premier Scuba operation, Subnauta. In collaboration with the local Câmara, MUSUBMAR, a non-profit association was formed, to create a unique underwater park. The Portuguese navy complied and four decommissioned ships were sunk to create an unparalleled dive site. The ships were the Oliveira e Carmo corvette, the Zambeze patrol ship, the frigate Hermenegildo Capelo and the Almeida Carvalho oceanographic vessel. Situated two miles south of Portimão in approximate depths of 30 metres, these vessels provide a fantastic artificial reef and will take you on a historical maritime journey at the same time. For something completely different a WW2 plane crash near Faro provides a unique wreck dive. The plane, a four-engine Liberator B-24 bomber, lost radio contact and found itself engulfed in by heavy fog. The US navy bomber eventually ran out of fuel at night and crash-landed in the sea near Faro on the 30th November 1943. Of the eleven crew, six were killed on impact, and five were rescued by local fishermen. A wide field of wreckage can be explored, and this artificial reef is now home to a myriad of underwater life. There are good diving conditions in the Algarve in spring and summer, but September is the best month with relatively warm, calm and clear water. Learn to dive courses right through to dive instructor are available from Dive Time in Lagos and Subnauta in Portimão.

Other ships were sunk that day and, in 2017, the wrecks of these ships came under the protection of the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, which Portugal ratified in 2006. Divers can now explore, examine and enjoy these wrecks, with much underwater sea life, both fauna and flora and especially fragile corals.

Dive Time covers the area from Sagres to Portimão, while Subnauta concentrates on the coast from Portimao to Faro but advertises dive sites along the entire Algarve. Other dive centres can be contacted for individual schedules.

Nuno Mendes, managing partner in Lagos’ PADI-certified Scuba Centre, Dive Time, explained that these two dive sites are perhaps

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Nuno Mendes, Partner, Dive Time


Artistic Impressions Giving Painting a Buzz BY SOPHIE SADLER Artist Jean Davis uncovered a lost art form when she moved into a property next to a beekeeper. Jean, who moved to Portugal from England 18 years ago with her husband, has always loved experimenting with design. With a strong creative flair, she started her artistic exploits by using pastels to draw portraits. She then went on to explore mediums, such as acrylics, oil, ink and resin. Then even designed her quirky house in the hills near Silves. Moving to Portugal gave her more time to explore her artwork. Then seeing her neighbour's bees suddenly inspired her to incorporate beeswax into her art pieces. Using beeswax for art is not a new idea. Also known as encaustic art, the practice is thousands of years old. The art form dates back to the early Greeks who used to mix pigments with beeswax and paint, to waterproof their boats and even paint their mummies. Jean buys her beeswax from the local beekeeper in the field next to where she lives. She melts it with dammar resin which is tree sap that gives the wax extra stability. The painting remains stable, able to withstand temperatures to 65c / 150f. "The studio permeates the most beautiful smell, and I sometimes use the wax with shellac which I make into a liquid from the secretion of a beetle from India." She paints on a wooden board with several coats of the beeswax mixture, fusing each layer. A keen gardener she often walks around the garden with her camera. "I take photos of flowers and plants in their prime and take them into my studio for painting ideas. It is immersing myself in nature that helps enhance the inspiration for my creativity and flair for design." After painting with the beeswax mixture, she paints over it in ink which leaves a beautiful lustre to the finished product. "Layering beeswax has a translucent and radiant quality that cannot be achieved in other mediums. You can create a lot of texture with the beeswax which stimulates not only the sense of sight and smell but also the sense of touch."


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Not one to stop experimenting, Jean has also been creating more abstract works by making specialised paints. From a mixture of wax and pigments of oil, she manufactures oil bars. She now has 145, each in a unique colour, that can be spread over the wax, giving a creamy texture. "These mediums give you a wide spectrum to achieve the subject matter in hand. I do believe I am the only artist in the Algarve using encaustic; the beeswax makes a wonderful creamy-textured base to apply other mediums." "Being an artist to me is about putting colour on the wall, to brighten a room with a "wow" factor that lifts your spirits. While my paintings look very modern, my technique is a very ancient procedure. I am working with the very same materials as those Greek artists used thousands of years ago." Jean is now focusing on selling her work on Etsy and online through Online Art Direct, and we are sure she will be creating a real buzz in the local art world. To arrange for a viewing of her work you can email Jean on +INFO:  

Did you know... Encaustic painting is now termed hot wax painting. Artists add coloured pigments to heated beeswax. There are 600 surviving encaustic works from 100–300 A.D. in Egypt, a testament to encaustic art’s beauty and durability over the ages. Encaustic painting was brought to the peak of its technical perfection by the genre painter Pausias in the 4th century BCE. The Fayum Mummy Portraits, dated around 100–300 AD are the oldest encaustic panel-paintings from the Romano-Egyptian period.


All images © Dave Sheldrake Photography

Finding Ferragudo With many in the Algarve experiencing financial hardship, in this new series, Alyson Sheldrake suggests things to do for free in the Algarve. Is Ferragudo the most photographed village in the Algarve? It is undoubtedly one of the prettiest. Many of the houses in Ferragudo are traditional fishermen's homes, and there is a sense of an unhurried and gentle way of life here. Most activities centre around the square with its many cafés and small restaurants. It is a great place to sit and have a coffee. In the summer evenings, there is often free entertainment laid on in the form of live music and dancing. There is a local flea market on the second Sunday of each month - a great place to grab a bargain. Across from the square is a free small children’s play area. The ACD Ferragudo, the cultural and sporting venue in town, has a wide range of activities and classes on offer. One of the best things about Ferragudo is to leave the main square and explore the cobbled streets that eventually lead you to the church. Here you can enjoy magnificent views of the town and beach and across to Portimão and Praia da Rocha. The church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição was initially built in 1520, although it was destroyed by the earthquake of 1755, and rebuilt. It is usually open. The interior is a surprise of ornaments, saints, artwork and an ornate reredos. From the church, walk down the road to the Casa do Real Compromisso Marítimo de Ferragudo. This building has a free, permanent art exhibition by José Cortes, who was a local sculptor and artist. The little museum also has art and relics from the past, showing people's daily lives, from fishing to agriculture. Ferragudo has two main beaches. Praia da Angrinha houses the majestic Fort of São João do Arade. It was initially built as a watchtower, in around 1520, to defend the peninsula from pirates. The fort was added in 1643. At the beginning of the 20th century the poet, Coelho Carvalho, turned it into a home. It is still privately owned so unfortunately, you can’t go inside. The walk along Praia Grande beach is one to be savoured and enjoyed. It is a protected bay, with a beautiful wide

beach and pretty coastline. If you are brave and sure-footed at the end of the beach, you can climb up and continue along the coastal footpath. Or drive to the nearby lighthouse - the Farol da Ponta do Altar - and enjoy the walk along the top of the cliffs. For lunch, head back down into the town and eat where the locals eat. I can recommend the Pastelaria Lanchonete, with a simple Portuguese menu. Prices start from only 1.50€ for a bowl of mom’s home-made soup. If you are local, why not volunteer at the local charity shop in town or collect items for the Families in Need charity. For a different day out, you can head to the nearby Sítio das Fontes near Estômbar. Pack a picnic and enjoy the 18 hectares of municipal park and lake. Follow the path that leads down to the water, and take the beautiful woodland walk that follows the line of the river Arade. The park was created in 1989, and the added facilities blend well into the natural environment. The site has an exercise route scattered amongst the trees and an open-air amphitheatre used for concerts and events. There is a secure children’s play area with some convenient adult seating nearby, and toilets on-site. And if you are feeling brave, you can swim in the clear water. The site has built-in barbeques – just bring your charcoal, or enjoy a picnic overlooking the lake. There is also a reconstructed traditional Algarve house which hosts free art exhibitions. Finally, head back into Ferragudo for an evening stroll along the waterfront and enjoy the sights of this pretty town. Alyson Sheldrake is an artist and writer. She is the author of the best-selling book Living the Dream - in the Algarve, Portugal, which is available to purchase on Amazon.

Special Offers This month enjoy these exclusive discounts from local Ferragudo businesses. Mention Tomorrow Magazine and receive: A Free bottle of wine with an evening meal for two at Petiscos Capela restaurant. A 50€ discount on a Private Charter Trip for up to six people with Wildwatch Algarve. A free bottle of wine with an evening meal for two at Fim Do Mundo restaurant. Contact them for more information and bookings.


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Visitors Centre for Roman Luz Lagos council have announced a project to build a visitor centre at a Roman site in Praia de Luz. In our July edition, we described the Roman ruins in Lagos. Nearby in Luz, the Balneário Romano ruins dating back to the 2nd and 3rd century also exist. These are Roman baths complete with mosaic floors and fish salting tanks. Lagos council recently announced the construction of a visitor centre for Balneário Romano. The project will cost around 300,000€ and take 240 days to

Roman Baths at Luz Image courtesy Lagos Council

Dance For All

The Dance School of Lagos is re-opening in September and welcomes anyone over three years of age who loves to dance.

complete. As well as a visitor centre, the project includes routes for visitors to explore the site, conservation of the existing excavations, models of the bath building and interpretation displays of the archaeology found. We will report on the centre once it is open. By Phil Egginton, who is a journalist and photographer and now lives in the Algarve.

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Since 2007, the school has had a very good record, with a number of students going on to dance at the National Conservatory Dance School and at The Higher School of Dance, in Lisbon. The school has performed on many world stages, winning gold at the World Dance Cup 2017 in Brighton in the UK and other national prizes. Students perform three public dance performances every year at the Lagos Cultural Centre and other performances within the municipality of Lagos. +INFO: 

Incubating Entrepreneurs On 10 August StartUp Portimão celebrated three years of entrepreneurial spirit and working towards a more prosperous future for the Algarve. An event, attended by the Secretary of State of Trade, Sevices and Consumer Protection, saw the public presentation of two guidebooks to support entrepreneurs and investors wishing to invest in the municipality. It was followed by a discussion with one of the most recent entrepreneurs from the Algarve's business incubator. In the opening session, the president of the host city, Isilda Gomes, shared, "The expressed desire for Startup Portimão to be a space where we build opportunities for those who want to start their business can make their dreams come true". A challenge was given to companies in the tourism sector to find new methods of innovation. The President urged entrepreneurs to, "Let us know how to explore all the added value of the Algarve to improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens and the ability to receive our tourists".


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After recognising the work of the Municipality of Portimão to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem, the Secretary of State, João Torres, left an encouraging message to the meeting, "We must continue to believe in the future". In his speech, Vítor Neto, president of NERA and partner of the incubator that also attended the opening session of this anniversary, highlighted, "the very positive work developed by Startup Portimão, which already has an influence in various sectors and in other areas of the region". Operating since 2017 in facilities located at the Autódromo Internacional of the Algarve, StartUp Portimão has been supporting entrepreneurship, currently assisting 20 incubated startups (physically and virtually), 80 per cent of which are in the SmartCities area. +INFO: 


Get Fit, Stay Fit Lagos City Council is going to build yet another new sports centre, thus increasing the network of playgrounds that serves the population of the municipality. The new venue will be located in Odiáxere, behind the Urbanização Varandas de São Francisco. The new equipment will allow the practice of various sports, namely futsal, basketball and handball. The project also provides for the arrangement of the surroundings with the planting of trees, paving access to the Sports Centre and installation of urban furniture.

Where is the Love? Lisa Lewak trained in Montreal in Chinese medicine and as a Shaman and is now hoping to help people in the Algarve to find the love. Not for each other, but for themselves. For the last 20 years, Lisa has lived in Montreal, although she originally hails from Eastern Europe. After finding the Canadian winters were taking their toll, she decided to try to find a warmer climate. While exploring Lagos, she got stuck here during lockdown and has now decided to stay and is looking for clients to help with her unique blend of healing. She trained for five years in natural and holistic medicine, from massage to acupuncture and Chinese medicine. One of the teachers, a shaman herself, introduced Lisa to the shamanic school. After six years she qualified, although she has embarked on a path on which you will never stop learning. "Shamanism is about helping people to reconnect back to nature. If you go far enough back in any civilisation, you will find cultures such as the Celts, Native American and Aboriginal people that lived in total harmony with nature, animals, the seasons and the stars. In modern society, there is a total disconnection, and this is causing depression, stress and anxiety. Shamanism is a great healing tool."

Iron Man The municipality of Silves' enhancement of the public space continues with the installation of four sculptures, by Carlos de Oliveira Correia at the Riverside Park. With the aim of promoting sports and recreation, the four iron figures represent activities such as running, cycling and yoga.


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Lisa does not use shamanism for all her treatments; she brands herself under the umbrella of a life coach. When she treats people, she uses elements from her extensive tool kit in order to help and heal, including energy work, flower essences, holistic and talk therapy. "Working with a life coach is particularly beneficial to people who have experienced trauma, loss, stress, separation, divorce, anxiety, worry, loneliness and much more. A coach can guide people through what I call life-work-relationship change management." After working as a lecturer at Montreal University her Union went out on strike.

Faced with a huge loss in income she started thinking about writing a book, something friends had been encouraging her to do for years. She has no idea what to write about until she decided it was time to heal a traumatic relationship she had as a child. "I had been working a lot on this issue myself, so I decided I was at a point where I could address it. Then one day I just started writing, I have no idea where it came from. It was a very cathartic process, taking seven years to complete as I had to do my own healing as the book unfolded. For this reason, it is a very powerful book." Lisa identifies Loving who I Am as another critical element missing in society. She questions how we can love others if we don't love ourselves? "We are all so traumatised in so many ways that we have to look at ourselves in order to heal. Many of us can't deal with what life throws at us, and this impacts on our hearts. Humans are complex animals living in a society that is head orientated while the heart has been forgotten." Lisa relates this to Chinese medicine, where you have three main soul aspects or energy centres which need to be aligned to bring ourselves back into balance. "When you are in the heart, you have feeling and empathy for others, for the environment, but normally we need a crisis before people go there." With what has happened in 2020, there is probably a no better time than to find time to reassess and love ourselves and each other. +INFO:  +351 920 573 949 


Back to school Parents will be heaving an even bigger sigh of relief than usual this September when kids head back to school, many for the first time since March. Tomorrow has compiled this special report on how the state school system works in Portugal for anyone wishing to enrol their children for the new school year. We also have news on some innovative fee-paying schools in the area. If you arrive in Portugal and wish your child to become fluent in the language and fully immersed in the culture of Portugal here is what you should know about state-funded education. In Portugal the school stages are divided into the following: PRESCHOOL (3-6 years, optional). From three, all kids can be matriculated, but there is no place guarantee. If there are places, the preschool is free, only meals are paid. PRIMARY SCHOOL  1º Ciclo (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year) - Ages 6-10  2º Ciclo (5th and 6th year) - Ages 10- 11  3º Ciclo (7th, 8th and 9th year) - 12 - 14 (There are often separate "middle schools" for this period of schooling SECONDARY SCHOOL  Secundário (10th, 11th and 12th) - 15-18 From the 10th year the pupil can choose if they want the normal academic curriculum or if they want to enrol onto a professional school or course. Some schools are more orientated towards arts and others to sciences. One important thing to be aware of is the school times which may differ from what you are used to. In Secondary school, lessons can start at 8 a.m and be over by 1 p.m, or begin at 1 p.m and end at 5 p.m. There is a very complicated system in Portugal of appointing teachers, often from different geographical areas. After teachers apply and are accepted for a post they are given a long time to decide if they wish to take the post and if they decide not to, the process must begin again. Often parents complain of their child not having a teacher for a certain subject for a term or more and teacher strikes or teachers being given baixa (sick leave) are a regular part of school life.


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Having said that, if your child passes through the system they will have received a comprehensive education recognised by overseas universities and will be fluent in Portuguese and their mother tongue. You will also see the benefit in your bank balance as compared to paying for International private education. Enrolment starts in April. For foreigners, you may find it easier to go to your local school to enrol your kids as they will give you all the information and tell you which documents you need. This will include a residência and tax number for your child. Online when you do the matriculations the school list appears and you can matriculate in any school, but your address will influence where you receive a place. You can, however, make the argument that you wish your child to attend a school in the town where you work rather than where you live. BACK TO SCHOOL WITH COVID On contacting the Ministry of Education on how schools should be preparing post-COVID-19 we received the following statement: "Schools will be disinfected in early September and awareness-raising actions will be carried out with Civil Protection to the educational community. Following general guidelines from the Portuguese government, the Directorate-General for Health and the Directorate-General for Education, new standards will also be applied, such as the mandatory use of masks for children from 10 years old, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and external elements; spaces will also be reorganized to ensure social distance; provision of disinfectant gel at the entrance of the spaces." These and other rules are available in our useful links section. Useful links:   MATRICULAS_2021.pdf


Fee-paying schools Nobel New Campus

The Best of Both Worlds

The inauguration of the new Nobel International School Algarve campus in Almancil will take place this month.

If you wish to give your child the more traditional structure of a private school where they will still become fluent in Portuguese, Colégio S. Gonçalo in Luz covers ages from four months to 10 years old following the Portuguese curriculum. The schoolcelebrated its 10th birthday this year.

The ceremony will be held on Friday, September 4, at 4 p.m, and will be attended by Loulé Mayor Vítor Aleixo and Loulé Councillor for Education Ana Machado who will participate in the proceedings. The event represents not only the culmination of a year of construction and a major financial investment in the building itself, but also a significant investment in regional education on behalf of Nobel International School Algarve and the Globeducate group. +INFO: 

Having a bilingual system in pre-school and Cambridge Exams in primary years, this academic year they are starting a Social-Emotional Education Programme completely new in Portugal, with the brand of PATHS Education from the age of three. Among many awards received over the years of their activity, they received in 2013 and 2015 the School Award from the Minister of Education and Science, Professor Nuno Crato. The award distinguishes the school as having the best education practices in the Algarve. +INFO: 

Illuminating a New Path in Education An innovative new learning centre is opening its doors in September based on the Lumiar Methodology and Curriculum. The Hub is a bilingual (Portuguese and English), learning environment for kids in 16 hectares, 8 minutes drive from Lagos. The pedagogy focuses on project-based learning through educators, with no teachers. The tutors facilitate learning through dialogue, discussion and negotiation with the learners. After 20 years working for children's rights in the developing world, the vision of founder Christin Lidzba is that the method promotes social skills, giving young people the ability to negotiate whatever hurdles or technology may face them in the future. This school is open for enrollment for children between the ages four-13 with currently 18 pupils and a team of 10 educators. +INFO: 

Barlovento Comes Under New Management Aljezur International School has taken over the guardianship and management of the Nobel Lagos Campus which will now revert to Barlavento International Primary School. Karen Whitten and Sílvia Catarino are the owners and directors of Aljezur International School, and they both have strong emotional attachments to Barlavento. Sílvia taught there from 2001 until 2010 and her son attended the school for five years. The Headteacher of Barlavento is Amanda Turner who has 38 years of teaching experience behind her, and her daughter, Hannah, is Deputy Headteacher. The school follows the UK national curriculum adapted to life here in Portugal. Plans are already underway to create a vegetable garden, food forest and enclosure for small livestock such as chickens. +INFO: 

For a full report on each school featured, and a complete schools listing please go to: 



Giving Education a Happy Ending BY HELEN DANIEL & ROBIN VAN DER WEIDE

Angelina Farmer

A school that encourages children to learn through kindness and their connection to nature. "Magical" is how Angelina Farmer describes the process of the Story Forest school being founded in Aljezur three years ago.

these skills are necessary for modern life. The kitchen is well equipped, and the cooks provide tasty meals made with organic, plant-based, locally sourced food.

Angelina is British-born, but for many years worked in a large International School in Qatar. "The heat there is extreme, so the 2000 children and the 200 staff stay inside all day long, working with the latest technology and with the air conditioning on full blast."

Everyone in the school, staff and children alike are encouraged to learn Portuguese. Angelina emphasises that it is essential for her pupils to integrate into the Portuguese community. "We do have some Portuguese students attending and would very much like to have more."

Looking at the school Angelina has created in Portugal, you couldn’t get more of a contrast. The Story Forest is based in an old farmhouse, sitting in beautiful countryside, near Aljezur. The outside play area is extensive, with wooden jungle gyms, tree houses, climbing frames and even a teepee.

The school encourages service-learning by organising trips to Lagos orphanage, Aljezur's retirement home and organic markets amongst others. This way, the children can practise their language skills and mix with people in different situations.

The name Story Forest comes from the forest school idea of children engaging in enchanting fairy tales. "Fairytales captivate the imagination of the minds of young children and enhance their creativity and reasoning skills," says Angelina. "They play an important role in their literacy and creative development." Angelina was influenced by the Anastasia books by Vladimir Megre. "The philosophy behind the Russian Tekos school - written about in these books - has helped me form the way the school is run by focusing on natural learning. Anastasianism recognises the spiritual phenomenon connected with the sacred Ringing Cedars. Cedarwood is a powerful symbol that stands for wisdom and encourages kindness." Cedar is a powerful and present symbol in the school. Angelina, her colleagues and all the children wear a cedarwood necklace. The children learn through play, work experience, collaboration, volunteering, exploring and experiencing the natural environment through practical activities. The aim is to teach them the essential tools of survival, shelter, food and communication skills. "We focus on language, building, cooking, creative classes and promote environmental awareness," explains Angelina. There are wooden canopies for outside classes, where many lessons take place. Computer techniques are taught, with 20 laptops available for the children; it is recognised that


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The school has tripled in numbers since it first started and has 18 dedicated members of staff. With the influx of so many young families into the Aljezur area, it is expanding rapidly. Many people believe that Aljezur sits upon the intersection of three ley lines. "Even before Aljezur was popular, it was always known as a magical place to attract and heal. This magnetism could be why so many people are drawn to the area," she says. The school accepts children from three to 11 and currently comes under the title of Outside Language and Development Centre. It is in the process of becoming a registered school by the Ministry of Education. Angelina and her colleagues are driven and motivated and have many plans for the future. They have applied for funding from the EU Community Project. When that comes through, they will introduce a community learning centre, a library and a community garden. A planned sensory garden is designed to stimulate all senses which are especially beneficial for those with learning difficulties. If all goes as planned, the Story Forest starts its new term in September, welcoming new pupils to come and feel the magic. +INFO:  +351 282 997 319 

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairytales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairytales." Albert Einstein


Makana’s Magic and Mermaids BY ERIN MCINTOSH

It’s 5 p.m on a hot and sticky Friday, and Ellie Clifton has opened the doors of her little shop, Makana. Despite the heat, a few customers walk in. It’s unpredictable how many people will stop by, but Clifton is comfortable with the quiet. They walk around and admire the handmade products for sale: textiles, soaps, candles, prints, artwork. It’s a completely different pace for Clifton, who for 15 years worked as a freelance jewellery designer for high street retailers in London. "I want to support the smaller person now, the small designers, the smaller maker, because it’s much more interesting," Clifton says. It was seven years ago when Clifton and her husband decided to move to Lagos to take a permanent break from their busy lives in London. They opened a guest house, which was exciting and successful, but Clifton’s interest in textiles and retail never faded.

Millie Wilkens is one of those independent designers. She created the illustrative storybook sitting on Clifton’s shelf, How the Grumpy Mermaids Got Their Scales. It tells the tale of a woman becoming a mermaid, after spending too much time in the sun, and smoking too many cigarettes. Wilkens is also from the UK but has called Lagos home for the past four years. After working with The Surf Experience for two years as a surf instructor, Wilkens wanted to focus more on her art. She dabbles in a variety of styles: self-portraits, life drawings, illustrations, murals, and mermaids. Her mermaids are inspired by real people, from her unfinished life drawings. "While I am drawing them, I’m thinking of the story of each one. It gets a little storybook-like because I imagine them being down in the ocean and why they’re there," Wilkens says. "The book is one idea of how they ended up being there."

On a road trip through California, Clifton visited stores that focused mainly on locally sourced, independent products. It inspired her to dive back into retail. She started selling handmade Portuguese rag-rugs and Algarvian palm baskets through Etsy, an online marketplace for independent creators.

Wilkens' mermaids made their debut in Clifton’s store a year ago, after Clifton discovered her work through mutual friends. "It felt like a really big step for me to have work in a shop," Wilkens says. "It’s nice that people like Ellie are really supportive of the artsy people, putting their art on the walls and promoting it in their own spaces."

Then two years ago, a shop on R. dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra went on the market. "It was a tiny, smelly little damp hole. But I could envision it," Clifton says. With a long list of renovations, and a baby on the way, Clifton says the whole project "was a bit of a slow burner". But soon Makana, meaning "gift" in Hawaiian, became a reality. Clifton and her partner sold the guest house, allowing her to focus more on the store.

Back in Makana, a little breeze from outside rustles the clothes and sways the hanging baskets. It’s peaceful in the shop. The soft white walls, and bursts of colour from the plants and textiles give the store a subtle beach feel, infused with city life. Not far from Makana the streets of Lagos are busy with tourists. But Clifton enjoys being off the beaten track. The store has been well received by a mix of both tourists and locals. "I think it’s something really different because obviously, it’s not just a tourist shop," Clifton laughs. "I don’t just specialise in cork."

Her shelves are stocked with the rag rugs, the hanging baskets and a whole mix of Portuguese and international products. "The whole ethos of the store was I wanted it to be all about independent designers and makers; the opposite of what I used to do," Clifton says. "I wanted people who are really starting out, almost unheard of in a way."


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+INFO:  R. dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra 5, 8600-578 Lagos  Makanastorelagos


What's on in September For more events and activities in the Algarve, please visit our website:

Hiking with Art Art in the Marina On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Art Academy Marina de Lagos is holding an exhibition of works from an international group of artists sponsored by Marina de Lagos. Art Academy offers life drawing, photography workshops, creative writing and occasionally watercolour workshops.  When: 12 September, 4 p.m until 7 p.m. Where: Marina de Lagos gallery, on the Gil Eanes square, near the Cais J Café.

Fado concert Lacobrigense fado singer Helena Candeias, a frequent presence in Fado shows throughout the Algarve, will be the main attraction of the reopening of the Duval Pestana Auditorium on a very special night at the Lagos Cultural Center. Applauded by the national and international public, with "O Silêncio da Alma" the artist will reveal all her passion for Fado.  When: 5th September at 9.30 p.m. Where: Lagos Cultural Center Tickets: 8€ (


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Car boot sale

Lavrarmar is offering 17 options for hiking trails, each will have a theme, and a guide. (10 in Aljezur and seven in Monchique). They will talk about such varied subjects as journalism, climate activism, literature, bee-keeping, photography, architecture, dance, food, art and history, among others.

 When: 3rd Saturday of every month. 19th September 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Where: Espaço Raiz - Rua Francisco Daniel 41, 8500797 Portimão  teiadimpulsos

 When: 20th September 10.30 a.m. Where: Vilarinha, Bordeira, Aljezur

Jazz Gourmet Festival Algarve Jazz Gourmet Moments Festival combines the best of jazz with the excellence of the Algarve's gourmet cuisine, wines and products. With the cities of Lagos, Lagoa and Loulé as a backdrop, and to the soothing sounds of jazz, discover gourmet menus and smooth sessions in selected restaurants.  When: 25th to 27th September Where: Lagos, Lagoa and Loulé  This event is included in the Lagos Câmera initative "Lagos Nights Out" with music events against the backdrop of the city walls. From 24 to 27of September 9.30 p.m. at Cais das Descobertas (Constituição garden). +INFO: 

When: 27th September 10.30 a.m. Where: Moinho do Poucochinho – Parque do Barranco dos Pisões, Monchique Price: 10€ (  

Avenida History "Avenida dos Descobrimentos - Lagos, 60 Years". This exhibition records the history of the main riverside Avenida in Lagos. From an old and colourful riverside drive with boats unloading fish and barges carrying preserves or cork to the thousands who are strolling along the pedestrian zone today, the avenue frames this river course, this city and its charm.  When: until October 30 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Where: Former City Hall Price: Free


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Murder Mystery BY ANNIE O’DEA

Four Decades Of Lies, Deceit, Corruption And Murder by Patricia Bromley First published in 2017, Patricia Bromley’s debut novel is a must for those who enjoy a good murder mystery fiction book. Its intricate web of characters, twists and interconnecting storylines will keep readers on their toes. With intriguing and realistic characters, the plot becomes more complex as their lives unravel over thirty years. Former teenage friends Susan, Patricia, Gillian and Kim are reunited at Sir Gerald Aitken’s funeral; Susan’s late husband. What initially appears like suicide, turns out to be far more sinister as the police investigate further. A dark world of shock and horror is revealed as the truth, spanning over four decades, is slowly unearthed. Written in the third person, past tense, Bromley carefully draws her characters. Her opening chapter, The Funeral, depicts in vivid detail the four friends, focusing first on Kim. Bromley alerts the reader to Kim’s appearance: "She had chosen to wear a black Chanel boucle wool suit with a gold trim edging at the hem of the jacket and sleeves. Black Dior silk blouse and black leather gloves and boots".

It becomes clear that Kim is set apart from the other three girls who had shared humble beginnings with a state education. Kim however, despite her privileged background, had not achieved "any more rewards than that of the others who’d not had the benefit of private tutors and finishing school". From this start, the novel opens up a web of betrayal, infidelity, abuse, homosexuality, blackmail and ultimately murder. A story of intrigue, corruption and disbelief, the reader is kept in anticipation of the next discovery. What is the best thing about being a writer? Patricia Bromley says, "The first time you get to see your work in artistic form and your book cover design and back cover blurb is very rewarding. I am in the early phase of building up awareness". We await the sequel to be published: The Truths Unfold.

More "Precious" Cases to Solve

Christine Welstropp, owner of The Owl Bookshop, reviews To the Land of Lost Friends by Alexander McCall Smith Precious Ramotswe is back once more in Alexander McCall Smith’s 22nd book in his No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series. This 2019 novel finds Precious reflecting on the need we all have for friendship in our lives. For those of you who have never read any of this series, Precious started the Agency (called the No. 1 Agency - not that there were any others in Botswana!) with a husband-hunting assistant named Grace. The main character has a truly good heart, does not pontificate and reflects carefully upon everything. No gory murders or gruesome atrocities for the Agency to solve but this gentler approach to life’s vicissitudes brings out the author’s feel for people and their interaction with others in their community makes one nod with understanding, shake one’s head or smile. The author’s knowledge of the country and its traditions is excellent as befits someone who lectured there in Law at the University. His observations on the human condition are impeccably drawn and that, coupled with his


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precise use of language make it a joy to read. Throughout this series he draws on the changes in society - some more so than others such as the expectations of modern women in Botswana and the problems and challenges in the world – and people's way of accommodating such changes. One of the really interesting elements of these books is that the reader is gently prodded by the author to look around at their own circle of family, friends and business acquaintances and immediately recognise these human traits in all of us! The fact these novels are set in Botswana makes not a jot of difference - the characters could have been placed in any community anywhere in the world. All life is actually contained in these pages. The Owl Story Book Store, stocks a wide range of new and second hand books in English. +INFO:  R. Marreiros Netto, 8600-754 Lagos  owlstorybooks


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Rural Fires Up and Down BY RAY POCOCK Members of the Up and Down Dale Walking Club (also known as the Beery Hikers), have always been highly appreciative of the work the Bombeiros do, concerning the forest fires. Our members have always been very careful on the walks, highly aware of the damage the fires cause. We regularly have a litter collection for the final two kilometres to clear other peoples’ rubbish to help make a safer environment. Our walks cover the whole of the southwest of the Algarve, so we have witnessed the aftermath many times. Our initial fundraising schemes were based on an annual calendar and the sale of branded polo and t-shirts for our members. I then decided to make some funny, adultorientated badges, to sell in our local bar in Lagos, Fools and Horses. They were a great success. I was unsure how they would sell, but at only 2€ they literally flew out of the door, and we have quickly raised 400€ to support the Bombeiros. Another idea that grabbed people’s attention was designed by Menna DaviesBatista and Donna Fields, two of the regulars. For a donation to the Bombeiros, you could draw or paint a memory you had while in the lockdown. The canvas is full, some amusing and some thoughtprovoking. So to date 550€ has been sent to the fund, with more to follow. We used the Associação Alerta de Incendio Florestal / Forest fire Alert via Facebook to make a donation. It was great to get a response telling us exactly how the money raised was used. It was particularly pertinent as the recent fire near Vila Do Bispo directly affected some of our walks and club members.


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BY DAVID THOMAS, PRESIDENT SAFE COMMUNITIES PORTUGAL All countries face natural hazards, for example extreme heat, earthquakes or floods. In Portugal one of the high risks is rural fires. This year up to 31st July there have been 5294 rural fires resulting in 24 680 hectares of burnt area. Compared with the previous 10 years, however, there were 43% less rural fires and 34% less burnt area compared to the annual average of the period. We all have a responsibility in keeping these figures as low as possible. Unfortunately most fires are caused by negligence, primarily people burning their land or debris and allowing the fire to get out of control. Some are deliberate, and only 2% resulting from natural cause e.g. lightning. Fires often occour in isolated places with very limited access. This poses a challenge because unless a fire is contained very quickly, in windy conditions it can spread very rapidly, thereby requiring a massive response sometimes taking days to extinguish – example the 2018 Monchique fires. Civil protection describes this year’s firefighting tactics as a "muscular approach" with maximum use of aerial means right at the onset of fires, as it is recognised that in inaccessible areas firefighters using vehicles or on foot will take time to reach fire fronts. In these situations, and particularly during multiple major fires, it may mean fire fighters are unable to reach isolated properties in areas affected by fires. Knowing what to do in such situations is therefore essential and could save your life. We often read, for example, that 500 fire fighters are dealing with a fire. Remember however that this is the total deployed, including: drivers, those taking a welldeserved break, those undertaking essential support duties and those helping with evacuations. Those on the front line at any given time are less than this. The 2017 fires identified a clear need for greater awareness among people on how

Safe Village Safe People briefing at Corte de Oura village Loulé to protect themselves. For example during those fires people left their homes when it was unsafe to do so and tragically died on the roads, others returned to save their animals and also met the same fate. The Safe Village Safe People programme was introduced in 2018 and Safe Communities has been closely involved since then including a visit to Talasnal near Coimbra. Basically it is about protecting villages and people by ensuring everyone is aware of the correct actions to take before and during rural fires. This covers: what to do if a fire approaches your home, if you get surrounded by a fire, if you are confined within a building, what to do if there is a need to evacuate, preparing evacuation kits etc. For those living in high risk villages, in remote areas including the northern Algarve, the programme gives details of alarms that should sound in case of fire, escape routes and assembly points. There are many actions to take, which can be downloaded in seven languages from the Safe Communities website ruralfires/duringfires . Some of the most important are: to be aware NOW so you act instinctively should a fire occour, during the fire follow the instructions of the authorities, avoiding inhaling smoke by using a wet face cloth, try to remain calm in stressful circumstances and help children and the most vulnerable. Safe Communities is a qualified Civil Protection Volunteer organisation under Portuguese law and has participated in many Civil Protection exercises. If you would like to volunteer to help, especially those with policing, fire service, civil protection or communication experience, please get in touch. +INFO:   duringfires

Tasting Tapas From 11 September to 11 October, the tradition and richness of Algarvian flavours are celebrated in Rota do Petisco’s 10th year. The event entices you on a route through more than 200 of the best establishments in the region, where you can taste regional tapas and sweets paying only 3€ and 2€ respectively (drink included). Inspired by local products and the gastronomical traditions of the region, Rota do Petisco celebrates the Algarvian gastronomy and allows you to enjoy the final summer days outdoors with friends and family without having to dig too deep into your wallet. Since 2011, Rota do Petisco has grown from 31 establishments in Portimão to 231 establishments from Aljezur to Tavira, going through all the 13 counties in between. Initiated by the non-profit organisation Teia D’Impulsos (TDI), Rota do Petisco aims to promote local restaurants and market sectors. In 2020, Rota do Petisco has again adopted the mission for which it was developed in 2011, i.e. to revitalise the local restaurant sector and boost the region’s economy, not neglecting this year's motto: "Take the Rota and have Tapas Safely!" "Rota do Petisco comes, in 2020, with a great meaning of perseverance, coming back to its origins of economical importance towards the restaurant and market local sector, offering its participants a safe experience, relaxing and rich in gastronomy. With one more county (Loulé) this year, Rota do Petisco is proof the Algarve is alive with hope and wit of overcoming the toughest moments in safety", states Luís Brito, president of Teia D’Impulsos, the organisation that for 10 years has been responsible for organising the event, with the support of over 200 institutional and private partners that make the sustainability of the project possible. Rota do Petiscos includes an alternate menu with options for younger foodies, with Rota dos Môces Pequénes (Rota of the Little Ones), and Rota dos Chefs (Chef’s Rota), with the dish prepared by some of the most renowned chefs of the region, based on local flavours. To set sail in this journey, participants must purchase a Passport, at the restaurants or online for 1,50€. The money raises is given to different local social projects that have been selected to be supported by Rota Solidária. You can also collect stamps at each establishment where you enjoy tapas. By collecting 12 seals you can apply for the prize draw that will happen at the end of the event. Teia d'Impulsos is a non-profit association whose main objective is the development of social, cultural and sporting projects with the ethos of equal rights and opportunities for all. +INFO:  +351 966 467 870 


Bell Boy to Golf Pro BY HUGH CARSLAW

José Dias is a talented golfer known to many in Lagos. His story is a remarkable one and begins a long way from the fairways. José left school aged 10 and became a bell boy in a hotel by the age of 11. When he was 24, he had progressed to running a restaurant and night club/bar. By the time he was 33 he had morphed into a professional golfer and taught himself to speak six languages. This may sound like the realms of fiction, but over the 30 years I’ve known him I have gradually learned his true story. "To leave school at the age of 10 was not unusual when I was growing up," he tells me. "There was the option to stay on, but many of us left at that age. I started work aged 11 as a bell boy in the Tivoli Hotel then went to catering school and progressed through the ranks to be the Tivoli’s number two barman." José's friends tell me that he was a bit of showman, the Portuguese version of Tom Cruise in Cocktail. This I can believe as he used to open bottles of bubbly for us using a carving knife which would send the cork with a ring of glass flying out over his restaurant. Before and after his year of National service in 1979, he continued to work in the restaurant-bar trade, including running a disco with a friend. By the age of 21, he had progressed to becoming head barman in a large resort complex in Luz. By this time he had taken up golf. "When I was working at the Tivoli, one of the regular guests asked about golf courses. There was only Penina and Palmares at that time and I was friends with the professional at Palmares, Luis Espadinha, who would sometimes come to the hotel with clients. The guest needed a playing partner and invited José to join him. "This was just after the 1974 revolution. There were very few tourists, so the golf courses were nearly empty. I was invited to "have a go". I was 18 at the time. I just tried to copy him and hacked around."


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"Not long afterwards, Luís invited myself and a friend to come to Palmares for lessons and that was it - I was playing golf. We eventually had a regular fourball, the fourth being a local businessman, and we played every weekend sometimes 36 holes in a day." As a teenager, José befriended Ian and Lynn Grey, who owned The Bellfield Tavern in Kilmarnock. "I stayed with them for six months working behind the bar and playing golf at the famous links courses - Barassie, Glasgow Gailes and Royal Troon. By the end of my six months work experience, my handicap was down to four. Our friendship continues and I’ve got them to thank for my hint of a Scottish accent!" When José was 24 he was invited to take over A Colina in Salema as well as a separate bar and snack bar. He had 24 staff and the restaurant was very popular with the visitors and owners from the newly opened Parque da Floresta golf course. He was awarded honorary membership as a thank you for having catered for over 1000 people over two days for the course opening celebrations. By the time I arrived in Salema in 1991 the restaurant was thriving, and I had noted José did not appear to need a lot of sleep. We would see him in the morning, bringing in supplies for the restaurant. He would then golf in the afternoon and be ready to put on his charm offensive for his restaurant clientele in the evening, not leaving until the last guests had finished, often well after midnight. By 1991 José had a whole list of amateur titles to his credit and was representing Portugal internationally. These include Golfe Sul player of the year (1988), Algarve Amateur Open (1991), Palmares Almond Blossom 1st gross (1992) and the Schroeder Asseilly Tournament 1st (1992). 

SPORTS Cabrera and former Ryder Cup star Paul Wade. He also represented Portugal at the World Cup in Jamaica in 1997.

 "I was down to scratch by the age of 30, and a couple of years later, Luís suggested that I turn pro as he needed help to provide lessons for an increasing number of clients. Making the break from the restaurant business was not a difficult decision and it also allowed me to spend more time working on my game." Between 1994 and 2001 José proved to one of the most consistent Portuguese professionals, ranking in the top three to top five on the Portuguese order of merit between 1996 and 2001. As a result he was in receipt of invitations to play in European tour events including the Portuguese, Madeira and Moroccan Open Championships and at times playing with top players including U.S. Open Champion Geoff Ogilvy Masters and U.S. Open champion Angel

The combination of golfing skills, being multilingual and natural charm made him an ideal fit for the Oceanico property group. "I was appointed pro at the Arnold Palmerdesigned Victoria course. Unfortunately, the crash in the economy saw the demise of the group which was really doing well up until that time." Since then José has freelanced as a pro and has no shortage of clients. He now teaches mainly in the Vilamoura area. I regularly remind José how much I have contributed to his pension fund with all of my losses over the years! He still plays excellent golf and won the Portugal Senior's title in 2019. I continue to marvel at his near Seve Ballesteros short game skills. If anyone is looking to improve their golf game this writer has no hesitation in recommending the services of José Dias. +INFO:  +351 962 032 390 (José Dias)

Golf Masters returns

Today, let me tell you how to play the 6th hole at Espiche Golf. 1. DESCRIPTION The 6th hole is a narrow par 4. It’s a straight hole surrounded by bushes from the tee to the green (Picture 1). You have 350 meters from the white tees to the green (334 meters from the yellow one and 309 meters from the red one) and the fairway is 30 meters wide. (Picture 2).

The 2020 Portugal Masters Golf, originally scheduled for October, will now take place from 10 to 13 September at the Dom Pedro Victoria Golf Course in Vilamoura.

The 2019 Portugal Masters Image courtesy of European Tour

The Race to Dubai is a season-long competition to crown the European Tour’s number one player. The season was suspended in March due to the pandemic but resumed with a revised schedule in July.

The 2020 European Masters features star players such as the USA’s Patrick Reed, England's Lee Westwood and Mathew Fitzpatrick, Australia’s Lucas Herbert and South Africa’s Luis Oosthuizen.

The Algarve is one of golf’s top destinations and naturally an Algarve round is integral to the European Masters. The Dom Pedro Victoria course has been home to the Portugal Masters since 2007. At the time of its creation, the course was hailed as the most ambitious golf project Portugal had ever witnessed. Designed by golfing legend, Arnold Palmer, it has quickly become one of the best golf courses in Portugal, with a layout that presents a challenge even for the most seasoned players.

At the time of writing, spectators were not being allowed access, but this can change. Keep an eye on the European Master website for more information.


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Beat the Bunkers

By Phil Egginton, who is a journalist and photographer and now lives in the Algarve.

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The fairway pushes your ball to the left, in the direction of the water hazard and the green is defended by two bunkers on each side to the front. 2. STRATEGY On the tee, don't be aggressive on this tough hole. Take your five wood and aim to the right side of the fairway to keep the ball out of the rough. The second shot must be accurate on two points: aim to the middle of the green to avoid the bunkers and hit the green without danger. Then the birdie putt is yours! Play well, stay safe and see you soon at Espiche Golf. Mickael Carvalho is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf. +INFO:   +351 282 688250

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Back on Track With government backing, major sports events like Formula 1, MotoGP and Portugal Masters Golf are spearheading the revival of the Algarve economy this year. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Portuguese president, said, "When the Government spoke of a specific Algarve plan, the opposition leader agreed, I thought that was a good sign. This is a national priority. It is not the government's, nor the opposition's. It belongs to everyone". On Friday 24 July, the news that many motorsport fans were waiting for was confirmed. Formula 1 is coming to the Algarve on 23 to 25 October at the Autódromo do Algarve (AIA). I have been following this topic closely. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has been bidding for this. Paulo Pinheiro, the AIA CEO, working in conjunction with Ni Amorim, president of the Federação Portuguesa de Automobilismo e Karting (FPAK), has worked tirelessly to make it happen. The AIA has always made sense for an event. The circuit itself has a very large paddock, pit garages and its own hotel complex. An ideal venue for an event in isolation "bubble" away from the outside world. Put that together with a track layout, which many drivers call the best in the world, makes for a great race. Many times I was expecting good news but it did not happen. I was beginning to fear that the lack of an air bridge to the UK had torpedoed the chance. But I was wrong. It was a much wider issue for existing Formula 1 contracts. Portugal had to wait for contracted races in the Americas and the Far East to be cancelled. This was only done in late July. The other important factor in Formula 1 is the escalating cost. The starting point for countries to hold a race is normally €30M - 40M per year. Many middle and far east countries pay double. Given the unusual events of this year, Formula 1 was keen to hold events to retain sponsorship and TV income. In fact, the only costs to Portugal are for resurfacing


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of the track and other minor improvements. The price of this is some €3.5M, which has come from the Portuguese government. Anyone who has watched Formula 1 this year will see that most races have been held "behind closed doors", with no spectators. However, the Portuguese Grand Prix is open to the public! Again the nature of the circuit means all the grandstands are outside the race track layout. Spectators and race teams/officials do not need to mix. Even VIP guests in the VIP tower can access this from outside the circuit. Obviously social distancing means fewer people in the stands. The circuit is working with the Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) to ensure safety and confidence of the spectators will be paramount. Many visitors will be international with hotels, travel and other income to the region. Rita Marques, Secretary of State of Tourism, says "the net benefit to the region will be between €30M and €130M this year". Tickets ranging from €85 to €655 per person went on sale immediately. Within 24 hours, the first 5000 had sold out and some grandstands sold completely. VIP boxes in the main grandstand, for 10 people, at €10,000 each sold out in 48 hours. Boxes in the VIP Tower for up to 20 people at up to €55,000 per box have probably sold out by the time you read this. Also announced on Monday 10th August is the final race of the 2020 MotoGP season also to be held at the AIA on 20 to 22 November. Get your tickets for this too before it sells out. But it is not just top-level motorsport that is helping the Algarve. You can read elsewhere in this edition about the Portugal Masters Golf this month at Vilamoura. As Albert Einstein said, "in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity" and Portugal seems to have grasped this with both hands. By Phil Egginton, who is a journalist and photographer and now lives in the Algarve. +INFO: 

Rita Marques, Secretary of State of Tourism, says "the net benefit to the region will be between €30M and €130M this year".


Handmade Natural Live in balance with nature and nurture your soul, with Handmade Natural

Márcia Rodrigues grew up learning about natural remedies from her mother. This was why, when she experienced dryness from supermarket-bought shampoo, she decided she would make her own.

ingredients are 100% natural, which means you are leaving no carbon footprint when using her products. They can be used on babies or animals without a problem and are not tested on animals.

Márcia aged 20 from Barão de São João recalls, "My mother used to boil flowers, put them in fabric and apply them to a wound or bruise". Skills like these stayed with Márcia for life and helped her think of natural solutions when facing problems.

"The oils inside the soaps are not only good for your skin, but also your mind. Some of them can help you relax while others can evoke a sense of happiness. " She explains, "the skin is our biggest organ".

Márcia started by researching more about phytotherapy; the art of herbal medicine. Herbal medicine, also known as herbalism, is the study of medicinal plants and herbs. Archaeological evidence indicates that the use of medicinal plants and herbs dates back as far as 5,000 years, thus making it an ancient practice. After using her newly created remedies, she started gifting them to family and friends. They were so satisfied with the products that they began to ask her for more, willing to purchase them. Since the Algarve is full of people who are looking to live in balance with nature, Márcia felt it would be a perfect opportunity to start selling her products. She now sells solid shampoos, soap, lip balm, facemasks, natural incense, bath bombs and much more. Everything is biodegradable, (even the packaging) and the

Márcia makes everything herself, from the pigments to the essential oils. They do not contain palm oils but are instead made with vegetable glycerine. Carrying on the legacy of spreading the knowledge of herbs, most of her ingredients are from her mother's garden! Since they are all handmade, no product is the same, making each and every one unique. Should you be interested in her products you can message her on Instagram or Facebook. She also does custom products as long as they are natural.

+INFO:  +351 935 033 269  @Hand_MadeNatural  @HandMadeNaturall (Robin van der Weide, instagram: @robinsartsycorner)

Herb of the Month Cistus, also known as rock rose, sticky bush or esteva in Portuguese, is one of the few wild herbs that survives and thrives in the dry Algarvian summer heat. And it seriously packs a punch in terms of medicinal activity.

mould) infections. It has also been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria and bacterial biofilms - the presence of which is a major contributor to chronic disease.

Gum cistus or Cistus ladanifer boasts long sticky leaves dripping with resinous sap known as labdanum which is incredibly healing to the membranes of both the digestive and respiratory tracts, while also being a calming nervine.

Most importantly, it has also shown antiviral activity against influenza A and specifically rhinoviruses, so it could be especially beneficial for COVID-19 infection. It improves viral outcomes by targeting the envelope proteins on viral capsules, preventing them from attaching to host cells and replicating. A cistus extract reduced common cold symptoms in one trial of 300 people and decreased both symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers in another test of 160 patients with upper respiratory tract infections.

I often prescribe the wild herb in tea form to patients healing from ‘leaky gut’ or intestinal permeability. Drinking the tea while avoiding common food allergens like wheat and dairy, for a period of six weeks, can do wonders for an inflamed intestinal tract. Cistus species can also be used to heal chronic bacterial, fungal or viral infections. Most research has been done on cistus incanus, a hybrid of Cistus albidus and cistus crispus with auspicious effects - it has shown activity against HIV, Ebola, Lyme/Borrelia, Candida and Aspergillus (common


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The best way to use Cistus - any species is fine - is to make a tea from the fresh or dried leaves and take two to three cups daily, increasing that during an infection or after a tick bite. +INFO: 

Ocean Treatments Mobile Therapy in Lagos • Luz • Burgau

Massage & Beauty in the comfort of your own home (With hygiene & safety measures) Tropic Skincare Facial Products Freshly Made Cruelty-Free Beauty that is good for you. For appointments contact Sharon: (00351) 936 264 958


Finding your Balance As we age, the risks associated with falling over become greater. We lose strength and bone density, our sense of balance deteriorates, and the impact of this can be quite debilitating. In the UK every year, around 30% of over 65s will have a fall which can result in a serious injury, the most common of which is a hip fracture. It is crucial that we "bulletproof" our body to enable us to age with strength, balance and vibrancy. Doing exercises to strengthen our muscles, especially our feet, legs, bottom and core, are essential. These do not need to be exercises done in a gym. We can do exercises at home using our body

weight and holding poses to create strength in the muscles. Balancing on one leg is something we should do every day to help maintain our balance. The more we practice balancing, the easier it will become. A simple balance is to stand up straight and raise one knee. As we stand on one leg, we want to keep our eyes focused on one spot, feel that we are engaging our abdominal muscles, and try to keep our body as aligned as possible. At first, this may only be a short distance from the floor, and for a few seconds, but over time we will be able to raise our knee higher and hold it for longer. When we feel that we want to challenge ourselves a bit more, we can try to do Tree Pose (as seen in the photo). This is a great yoga pose that helps balance, as well as strengthening legs and core. Try to incorporate some balance every day, no matter what age you are, so that we can help to make our bodies as functional and resilient as we age. +INFO: 

More than Meets the Eye What can we do about dark circles under the eyes? There are many reasons for getting dark circles under the eyes. The chances are we will all experience it at some point in our lives. While we plaster on the concealer to hide it, we can try to help reduce it by finding the cause. The dark that you see is actually tiny blood capillaries. We all have them, but certain factors can make them more obvious.

Sun exposure - When we bask in the sun, we produce a pigment called melanin. This provides the colour in our skin. However, it can cause dark patches to form particularly around the eye area so gives the appearance of dark circles.


WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP? Using eye creams won’t get rid of the dark circles, but there are a few creams on the market that contain high tech ingredients which help to constrict the blood vessels.

Fatigue - The most common of them all. When we are tired, our skin becomes pale and dull, making the vessels more evident than usual. Age - We lose the fat and collagen that is needed to maintain the plumpness and elasticity. Eye Strain - Too much time on the iPad or phone can cause the vessels to enlarge, giving the appearance of dark circles. Allergies - When we have allergies, our body produces histamines, which can cause itchiness, puffy eyes and redness, making the vessels dilate. Dehydration - If we don’t replenish ourselves enough with fluids (I'm talking water), the skin beneath your eye starts to look sunken and dull due to the proximity of the bone showing those little vessels once more.


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Genetics - There is not a lot we can do about this. We can thank the family tree for this one!

Sleep, sleep, sleep! Keep your head a little more elevated. So remove that pillow from over your husband's face and put it behind your head. Having your head higher prevents the pressure and fluids building up around the eyes. Cold compresses work well at reducing puffiness and helps to shrink the blood vessels. Cucumber is excellent for cooling and has a lightening effect. You can also use teabags. These are packed with caffeine and antioxidants. Coconut oil works well if you add a few drops every night.

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How to make homemade eye masks 1. Extract the juice of potatoes on to cotton pads. Leave on the eyes for 10 minutes. The potatoes are a great source of vitamin C. Rinse with water. 2. Mix pineapple and turmeric together. Leave on the eye area for 30 mins. Apply every day for two weeks. 3. Use 4 tbsp of whole milk and 2 tbsp of baking soda. Mix into a paste and put into the fridge. Once chilled, apply around the eye area for 20-25 minutes. Remove with water.


Near the Golf and the Sea With total privacy, nestled in a huge, all fenced plot, surrounded by spacious gardens and a swimming pool, Vila Nostra, built in 1999 but recently renovated in an elegant style, mixes in an artistic way the use of natural stone, wood, ceramic materials and glass. It offers four bedrooms in the main house (two en-suite) plus an independent studio. The location in Lagoa, between the two renowned golf clubs Vale da Pinta and Gramacho, and close to the famous Praia do Carvoeiro, is extraordinary. Land 3,69 ha · Total surface 428 m² · EC: A+ E&V ID W-02JCFM · Price € 1.600.000

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It's All in the Cards

Keziah Gibbons is a Tarot reader and teacher in the Western Algarve, an accredited NLP Trainer, Reiki teacher and meditation guide. She teaches a 30-day self-paced audio course, Tarot Wisdom, on Insight Timer, and twiceyearly live Tarot Immersion courses. In the second of this two-part series, she explains what actually happens in a Tarot reading. What takes place very much depends on the reader. My advice to anyone thinking of getting a reading is to contact the reader first, to discover more about their style.

Then the reading itself – looking at the cards and how they influence each other – works best as a collaborative affair. My skill is in using the cards as prompts to help the querent (Tarot client) to discover their own, sometimes hidden, motivations and behaviour patterns. I am enabling them to understand how the elements of their situation relate to one another. Sometimes, it just helps them to acknowledge something they knew already but needed confirmation. It would be easy to say that it’s a kind of Barnum effect – the querent could be presented with any card or set of cards, and would apply it to their own situation. Experience tells me that this is not quite the case. I don’t know how it happens, but I do know it to be true that the right cards always come out for the right person.

The most dramatic example was a woman that I read for when I was first practising this skill. We did a six-card reading, but she didn’t like what she got. So, we each shuffled the cards, and we read again – four of the same six cards. We tried again, a third time, still, each of us shuffling before the reading, only to draw the same six cards, this time reversed. That only happened once, but I have discovered that readings could not be interchangeable. When I used to read at fairs, and people came through my booth one after another, I witnessed how each reading was very specific to that person’s set of circumstances. I don’t know how it works; I just know that it does. The mystery of how the right cards always come out aside, Tarot works through the unconscious mind, delivering messages through symbolism and archetypes. Usually, the cards will combine elements of collective narratives and aspects of personal meaning for the querent. Weave this with carefully crafted exercises, and you have an incredibly powerful tool for both personal and professional development. Thousands of students in my Tarot Wisdom class have found Tarot to be a wonderful tool to get to know themselves, with the rich gifts which come of this. +INFO: 

Beauty without pain


Lagos beautician Sofia, is introducing her clients to a way of eliminating wrinkles in a painless and safe way.

skin and feel that cosmetic creams and treatments no longer work. Or if you are fearful of operating rooms, but want a treatment with visible results, without needles or excessive spending.

The Hyaluron Pen is a new system that gives you a wrinkle-free complexion without needles and without an operating room. It has several functions: from providing a natural volume to lips, to filling in wrinkles, removing blemishes, acne, scars, stretch marks and even localised fat. It is ideal for skin with fine lines or wrinkles.

AND NOW FOR THE SCIENCE! From the nose up Sofia uses mesobotox, from the nose down hyaluronic acid. This is because mesobotox is more liquid and as we have a lot of small veins and nerves on the top part of our face, it’s safer to use. Hyaluronic acid is more like a gel.

WHAT IS THE HYALURON PEN? It is a type of stainless steel pencil that introduces hyaluronic acid or mesobotox under pressure, but without causing any type of perforation into the skin. WHO SHOULD USE THIS TREATMENT? For all those who want a renewed and youthful


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Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance we have in the body, that helps to keep the skin hydrated, elastic and young. Over the years, this substance is lost. For this reason, more and more cosmetics and devices based on hyaluronic acid are appearing on the market. It is a safe and natural aesthetic botox, based on peptides (small chains of amino acids).

After Mesobotox MesoBotox is made of a very small amount of Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX) diluted with skin hydrating agents like vitamins and minerals or normally used diluents. The pen puts pressure on the liquid forcing it into the skin in order to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. By adding vitamins and minerals to the skin, the skin achieves re-hydration and the resultant effect is smoother and plumper skin which does not have any criss-cross patterns of age-lines or expression lines. Treatment cost depends on the type of skin and number of sessions needed, speak to Sofia to get a free evaluation with no commitment. Readers that mention Tomorrow +INFO: Magazine get a  +351 282 761 019 / 916 293 342 10% discount on  their treatment.


Taking Fashion Seriously BY SARAH ANN MURRAY

Ethical, Sustainable and Eco-Conscious Fashion If this year has taught us anything, it’s that our lives and our planet are precious. In our sunny corner of Western Europe, with miles of clean sandy beaches, oceans for days, surf on tap and fresh food straight from the Atlantic, we’re reminded of the delicate balance between tangible beauty and commercial expansion. It was some five years ago during Fashion Week, the question of eco-conscious, sustainable production really came to the forefront of the fashion world. People were growing cautious of throw-away fast-fashion, and the savvy shopper was questioning sweat-shop, highpriced ‘luxury’. At last, fashion was growing a conscience - thanks primarily to you, the informed consumer. And so, to Portugal. Once a country from where pioneers set sail to discover new pastures, it’s here that visionaries, fashion brands and textile entrepreneurs are flocking, tapping into Portugal’s spirit of innovation, transparent manufacturing and excellent local craftsmanship. In this issue of Tomorrow and the next, we bring you style that’s made, sold or designed with the planet in mind, in this beautiful country we call home.

Next of Skin

To Protect and Surf

Truly organic in every sense of the word, Organic Basics is setting the standard for eco-innovations and highlighting that responsible fashion not only relates to the environmental impact of garment production but also the human impact.

Did you know you can make board shorts out of coconuts and plastic bottles?

Sustainable, and totally lush, men's and women's underwear and activewear brand, Organic Basics, only works with trusted, certified factory partners - these are the good guys who uphold a sustainable vision, continuously reducing their environmental footprint. These factories also ensure that their workplace is free of child labour and forced labour, their workers are in a safe working space, paid a living wage and offered employee perks like free lunch and childcare. It’s hard to imagine that this isn’t the norm across the world. Three of their key factories are in Portugal no less, (another tick for our adoptive land) where Organic Basics handpicks every single fabric based on its environmental footprint and lifetime durability. This means, natural, renewable, recycled, biodegradable and low-impact textiles only. What more could you ask for to protect and support your precious packages.

Well, Vissla do, and in the teeming world of surf-inspired style, this ocean-friendly brand represents the best in design and sustainability. Yup, this is some tasty innovation. In an ongoing effort to minimise their environmental impact by improving their products and practices, Vissla works with Repreve, an ecological company who innovatively turn plastic bottles into fabric yarns. (So far they’ve recycled some 21 billion bottles). With a huge portion of Vissla’s garments made and sold locally here in Portugal, over half of their apparel lines consist of recycled or upcycled products; even their wet-suits are made from eco-friendly Neoprene. And so, as the autumn months beckon, this new post-beach day Solid Sets Eco Crew Fleece (traditionally menswear but looks like one I’d steal from his wardrobe) made from 60% cotton and 40% recycled polyester from plastic bottles, is perfect to warm you as the sun goes down over the ocean we’re all working so hard to protect… one recycled bottle at a time.

+INFO:  +INFO: 

Personal Trainer Now if you’ve not heard of Allbirds, please allow me to introduce you to your next pair of trainers. They’re a true ‘it’ trainer and not just because various stylish celebrities have been seen in them – but for all the right responsible fashion reasons. Employing all that Mother Nature has to offer, Allbirds are made from naturallysourced materials like sustainably-sourced wool, tree-fibre, sugar, castor-bean oil and in an effort to leave the environment cleaner than how they found it, they use recycled plastic.

Tree Dasher

Did I mention they’re one of the comfiest trainers I’ve ever owned and that they deliver to Portugal? And their colours are literally, out of this world – no really – they’re made from natural dyes, geddit?! +INFO: 


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Sarah Ann Murray is a fashion stylist, creative director and brand consultant, specialising in luxury and sportswear

AURA TAROLOGA Personal Coaching & Wellness Therapies

NEW SHOP IN PORTIMÃO! Online consultation also available  (+351) 910 914 910  Rua Dom Carlos I lt 100, 8500-607 Portimão

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Coping with COVID Dividing my time between England and Portugal (though I much prefer being in the Algarve), I have the unique opportunity to compare the way in which the current pandemic is being handled. There are similarities and differences in both approaches and in the success and otherwise of the efforts to contain the problem. One thing is clear, though. In both countries – and indeed around the world the shift in emphasis is away from personal health to the health of the economy. This should come as no surprise. Governments are forking out vast sums of money to stabilise an uncertain situation that could otherwise erupt into social unrest and real hardship for many. They need to recoup at least some of this expenditure by stimulating economic recovery, though I fear many countries will be mired in debt for many years to come. Let’s look at the numbers that outline the damage this pandemic has wrought. In Portugal, the government’s deficit has spiralled to €6.7 billion for the first half of 2020 – a tenfold increase from last year. This is understandable, given that revenue is down by nearly 10%, with taxation income falling dramatically, while expenditure rose by more than 5% as social programmes were enhanced to protect the vulnerable, not to mention the rise in healthcare spending. On the overall economic front, Portugal has fared better than many, though it is still in the bottom half of Eurozone countries in terms of performance. Second-quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a figure that combines the value of all goods and services within a country and is the usual measure applied to determine economic performance, fell by just over 14%. Contrast that with the UK’s contraction of around a fifth over the same period. Even Spain fared less well, with an 18.5% fall in economic output – the worst in Continental Europe. For the year as a whole, no one is expecting a swift recovery, though the Bank of


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England has revised up its expectations for economic growth in 2020 to just under minus 10%. Portugal’s central bank is forecasting a similar experience, though the government here is more optimistic, expecting a fall of less than 7% for the year. There will be few, if any, nations delivering a positive return for the current year overall, so the outlook for the global economy is looking muted, to say the least. Does this matter? Of course, it does. A global recession means less tax take for governments, putting pressure on centrally funded services, including, crucially, healthcare. Moreover, recessions can be self-perpetuating, with higher unemployment leading to lower consumer expenditure. Not a pretty prospect. With Portugal so dependent on tourism, potential visitors with fewer euros to spend could impact on the recovery in an adverse way. The drop in international travel will also mean a fall in foreign tourists. But all is not doom and gloom. By and large, we have adapted well to the change in circumstances, even if there will be some undoubted losers along the way. And in my long and not inconsiderable experience in the financial field, all things - both good and bad - come to an end eventually - and usually sooner than you think. We need to be thinking about the recovery, when it will arrive and what form it will take. Arguably the recovery has already started. When the second-quarter GDP figures came out for the UK, it was stated that June had seen a strong rebound in economic activity, with both industrial and manufacturing production beating expectations. Mind you, that mainly serves to illustrate how dire April and May had been. You really can’t win in the statistics game. My advice is to go out, spend and enjoy yourself. Portugal deserves it. Brian Tora is a financial journalist and broadcaster.


A Yoga Studio and Healing Hub A long-standing dream of yoga teacher Noeline Oldham has finally become a reality. While practising yoga and doing voluntary healing work in the UK many years ago, the seed was sown for the creation of a yoga centre offering holistic treatments in the right location. Locating to the Algarve and working here as a yoga teacher and therapist for over eight years, she knew this was the perfect place. After the conversion of a sizable commercial property In Praia da Luz, the Zen Garden Yoga Studio and Healing Hub in Praia da Luz opened in August. The view from the back windows over a verdant grass bank complete with flowering bushes further enhances the sense of the outdoor and inside merging. It feels more like a serene retreat than anything else. Noeline and her yoga colleagues Kaja da Pink and Cony Walker offer a variety of yoga, from Hatha and Yin to Nidra. Noeline also conducts sessions in Chakra Dance (a meditative dance with free-flowing movements), reflexology, massage, and crystal healing. Three therapists, Johnny White, Felipe Silva and Miguel Torres, work at the centre and offer different treatments from sports and Thai massage, Reiki, and Qigong to naturopathy and Crystal Sound Baths. Sessions are open to all at any level. There are beginners' groups and one-to-one sessions for anyone wanting to have a try. Advance booking is essential. +INFO:  

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StressLess Transfer Jewellery Gem Prullária Art and Gift shop in Monchique opened its doors on the 5th of March this year, unaware of the pending lockdown. Owner Mercedes Englebert grew up in Portugal from a young age and is now a member of the art association N’Arte Cicus. Despite the difficult circumstances affecting everyone in the community, she continues her passion for creating unique and colourful jewellery. Mainly working with epoxy resin, she also loves to create with beads, semi-precious stones and also paints tote bags. Mercedes supports local artists from the area and the shop has a colourful mixture of locally handmade products, from artwork, delicate crochet items to divine natural soaps. For collectors and vintage lovers Prullária also presents an authentic vintage and second-hand art selection and will schedule future vintage clothing and vinyl record pop up sales. We really hope the residents and tourists of the Algarve continue to visit Monchique and visit Prullária to support local artisans. +INFO:  Prullaria Opening Hours: 10.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.


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Taking the stress out of transferring money abroad

Making a Splash If you are looking to make a splash with your new bathroom then Around Bathroom and Tiles is a one-stop-shop for top brands. They are suppliers of Margres, Living Ceramics, Bisazza, Grohe, Gessi, Catalano, Jacuzzi and Foursteel and their showrooms in Lagos and Loulé, allow you to view the high-quality products first-hand. Living Ceramics uses only materials that reflect original and practical resources, such as Spanish ceramics. The ultimate goal of the company is customer satisfaction with attention to detail and products tailored to the needs of customer and incorporating new trends. Catalano invests and manufactures solely in Italy, where each product is conceived, designed and produced to ensure a wholeItalian quality, that can be summed up in five keywords: vision; know-how, high quality, value and design. Catalano and Living Ceramics are both exclusively represented in the south of Portugal by At Around, where the team understands the needs of all their customers, whether they be constructors, individuals, decorators or architects. You can find the complete collection of these excellent brands with a team of professionals completely at your disposal.

Remembering to transfer funds overseas on time can often be stressful. Have you ever forgotten to make your monthly transfer to your overseas account and then realised your bills hadn’t been paid? If you need to move money abroad regularly, then a Recurring Payments service could be perfect for you. This service is quick and easy and comes with a great exchange rate. This is particularly useful if you:  Transfer your pension each month  Transfer funds to make your mortgage payments  Pay regular household bills and expenses  Pay ongoing school or university fees RECURRING PAYMENTS, HOW DO THEY WORK? The Recurring Payments service starts with arranging a standing order from your home bank account to a currency specialist like GC Partners. As soon as your funds are received, they are converted to the chosen currency and sent to your designated overseas bank account. Typically, it takes 24-48 hours to receive those funds in your account. You have complete flexibility to decide what date you want to arrange for the Recurring Payment to take place, and how often. Once set up, this will automatically give you peace of mind that the money for your mortgage, pension or bills are transferred without you having to think about it. You can even fix the exchange rate for an agreed period of time.

Around Tiles & Bathrooms has two showrooms, one in Lagos (Urbanização Industrial da Marateca, lote 27, 8600-314 Lagos), and another in Loulé (EN125, Km 86, 8100-328 Quarteira-Loulé).

As a UK company, GC Partners have an experienced and friendly local team in Portugal and offices worldwide. They will help you maximize your returns when it comes to your foreign currency exchange requirements. They have a rating of 4.9 out of 5 on TrustPilot, one of the highest in the industry.

+INFO:  +351 926 978 813 (Lagos) / 918 714 478 (Loulé) 

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Opening of Re/ MAX in Aljezur The world of Aljezur real estate has just got better with the opening of Re/Max Monte, part of Re/Max Diamond Group. After eight years as a real estate agent, one of the first Re/max agents in Portugal, Lurdes Martins opened an agency with the brand in Lagos, where it has been operating for over 12 years. With 20 years of experience in the real estate market, the time has come for expansion, and the Diamond Group has now opened an office in Aljezur, in a continuous effort to better serve the needs of their clients. This new office aims to better cover the market demand of property services in Aljezur, Vila do Bispo and Monchique areas. Lurdes Martins, the owner and Broker of Re/ Max Diamond, said: "This is an important move, especially due to the increase in requests that we have received as a major brand from customers who are considering moving permanently to more remote areas where they can have outdoor spaces and where it is not as crowded as the big cities." Joining Lurdes Martins in the new venture is her son, Claúdio Faustino, who decided to leave a career in the hotel business and embrace the challenge of managing the Aljezur office. The office is located on the main road from Aljezur, Rua 25 de Abril,51, next to Caixa Agricola Bank. +INFO:   +351 282 998 135


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I.T. can be easy BY STEVEN DUNWELL

Keeping an eye on it! It seems that everyone is staring at some kind of screen these days, be it a computer, phone, tablet or other digital device. And it can cause a condition called "digital eye strain". Symptoms can include eye fatigue and discomfort, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain, eye twitching and red eyes.

A NICE WARM GLOW Apple and Microsoft supply free tools to help with digital eye strain. These tools help by moving the colours shown on the computer screen to the warmer end of the spectrum, removing the harsher blues, which is easier on the eye, especially at night.

Here are a few tips and simple exercise along with some computer apps to help those tired eyes.

Apple Mac OS X (Sierra and later) Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Displays. Click the Night Shift tab, follow the onscreen instructions

BLINK Blinking is very important when working at a computer as it moistens your eyes to prevent dryness and irritation. When staring at a screen for a prolonged period, people tend to blink only about one-third as often as they normally do. To reduce the risk of your eyes drying out, try this exercise: Every 20 minutes, blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if falling asleep. This will help remoisten your eyes. LOOK INTO THE DISTANCE Another cause of digital eye strain is something called "focusing fatigue", this is caused by constantly focusing on your screen for long periods. Try to look away from your computer at least every 20 minutes and gaze at a distant object (the sea, a nice glass of wine or even a loved one), at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This is known as the "20-20-20 rule". Looking far away relaxes the focusing muscle inside the eyes. TAKE A BREAK To reduce the risk of eye fatigue along with reducing pain in neck, back and shoulders, take frequent breaks away from the screen (aim for at least one 10-minute break every hour). Stand up, move about and stretch your arms, legs, back, neck and shoulders to reduce tension and muscle fatigue.

Apple iPhone and iPad Go to Settings > Display & Brightness. Drag the slider to the right or left to adjust the brightness or turn the Night Shift option on. Microsoft Windows 10 Click on the Action Centre icon bottom right corner of the screen and select the Night Light icon to turn the function on and off.

Free IT Support 8th and 22nd September 11am until 1pm The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, 16th September 11am until 1pm Wonderland Tea Room Rua Da Hortinha 20 Rc Ferragudo

+INFO:  +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT


BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Whether we’ve flourished during COVID-19 or struggled, it’s certain that a great change is upon us. It’s seen a surge of people moving to Yoga and Meditation but have we considered why they’ve become so important lately.

The Spirit Within

In the first of this two-part series, Angie Beadle explains how to achieve Spiritual Health in these changing times.

A few years ago I asked my students to consider the Wellness Wheel. I urge you to take a look at the Seven Dimensions of Wellness and consider your wellbeing according to it. Think about (and possibly fill in) where you think you are within each component and list two positive and negative factors affecting each dimension. The idea is that the components are equally balanced so your wellbeing functions at an optimum level and moves you effortlessly through life. After contemplating these dimensions, we realised there was some confusion about the Spiritual Health component. This sent me on a journey to unravel the mystery surrounding our spirituality and how it affects our wellbeing. Perhaps one of the reasons for less emphasis and more confusion around spiritual health is the fear that it is a religion. This is a misconception as religion and spirituality are different. Religion asks that you follow an organised set of beliefs and practises whereas spirituality is a personal process

Let’s Get Talking!

and the beliefs that arise are as unique as you are because they are formed by our own experiences and feelings. So what is spiritual health? It is a deep connection to ourselves, those around us, nature and ultimately to something much greater than ourselves. The most important benefit of optimum Spiritual Health is the absolute sense of inner peace that is felt. What has been made apparent in lockdown is that we tend to search for this peace externally yet it’s within and around us all the time and the journey to finding it is most definitely worth embarking on. Next month Angie explains how to achieve spiritual health. Angie Beadle trained as an Iyengar Yoga teacher 23 years ago and has been running Spiritual Healing Retreats worldwide since 2005. She’s hosting her next retreat in Portugal at Aterra Eco Resort October 9th-12th. +INFO: 


What to do when locals respond in English After having studied Portuguese for a while and tried to memorise useful vocabulary, you are keen to put it all into practice. Easier said than done. While struggling to verbalise your thoughts coherently in Portuguese, the local you are talking to responds in English. Sounds familiar?

language and would like to practise. Estou a aprender a língua e preciso de praticar. It’s surprising how often this works. It's important to stand your ground and keep up the conversation in Portuguese. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; it's communication that matters.

The reasons are various. In a busy restaurant, the waiter simply hasn't got the time or patience for the order to be made in halting Portuguese. Many youngsters speak English quite fluently and like to practise. They often meet English speakers who aren't interested in learning their language and presume you prefer to communicate in English. Yes, it's frustrating, and many of us give up. But don't! There are ways to overcome this.

One of the best ways is to befriend locals or team up with a language partner. Practising in a relaxed way will help with confidence. One of my closest friends is a native Portuguese speaker. As she was keen to speak English and my Portuguese was still shaky at the time, we first talked in English. We agreed to speak Portuguese every so often when going for a coffee or shopping. My clumsy expressions occasionally caused some hilarity! But lo and behold, perseverance has paid off, and now our conversations are entirely in Portuguese.

Be insistent. If you have initiated a conversation in Portuguese and the response is in English, state politely that you would prefer if they could speak Portuguese to you. Pode falar em português comigo, por favor? You could add as an explanation that you are learning the


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Write down or even verbalise your own mini monologue about anything that interests you. Recording yourself and listening back also makes a huge difference. Improvise and get around the problem the best you

can. You can always ask the listener to supply the Portuguese word, and more often than not, they are pleased to oblige. (Como se diz … em português?) Immerse yourself in the language whenever you can, label objects in Portuguese around your house. Try to learn a new word or phrase each day and use it in context. Listen to people speaking, read articles and newspapers and most importantly, try to overcome your shyness of speaking. Be patient, as many small efforts can lead to impressive results. Next time someone responds to you in English, be prepared! Practice Portuguese has created a free, short Portuguese dialogue (with an interactive, translated transcription) to help you prevent your next Portuguese conversation from reverting back to English. +INFO: 

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Landscape architecture consulting Landscaping and maintenance services Irrigation systems Tree services (pruning, palm trees treatment) Garden recovery


The Peak of Excellence BY THE YUM YUM BOYS We decided to take a trip to Carvoeiro recently to see how things were and an Indian was on the cards. We located the Gurka Kitchen and what a great find. The cuisine is Nepalese, rather than the Indian dishes you may be thinking about (but they are catered for on the menu). It’s up a hill, one of the many roads turning off the main strip in a pleasing location. A lovely shady, outside place was ideal for social distancing, but the inside was spacious too. We settled to have a look at the menu and, not having been for a Nepalese meal before, we decided to try an assortment of dishes. We started with the usual pile of poppadums with chutneys and onion bhaji. You could tell that all these were fresh and not stacked ready for people to eat. The bhaji was light, well-cooked and just enough to whet the appetite. For mains, we had the Himalayan Cham Cham curry which is chicken cooked tandoori style, stir-fried with onion, peppers, garlic and ginger in a medium spiced special Nepalese creamy sauce to give a Himalayan taste. This was a bit different and very tasty. You could taste all the delicious ingredients. Yum Yum partner had the Sherpa lamb curry (which was gluten-free). This is slow-cooked and comes with potatoes, onion and spices. Another great choice as the meat was so

tender, it melted in your mouth. Pilau rice accompanied the dishes and it was just enough to go with the food, adding bhajis would make it too much. Both curries were delicately spiced and had the right amount of heat to make them different from the usual Indian curry menu I’m sure you are all familiar with. We washed it all down with beer and cokes. No puddings as our yum yum tums were too full! The service was excellent and very attentive and the food was served up just at the right time. All came to about 50€ but I would say both the curries were the chef's recommendations so we were happy to pay this price. Being honest, I love Indian food (and now Nepalese food) and we all know that your local restaurant is always the best. I would go out of my way to eat here. It was superb and a return visit is very much on the cards next week with friends.

+INFO:  +351 920 169 028  Rua das Amoreiras 14,, Carvoeiro 8400-503

A Lazy Girl's Guide to September BY THE LAZY TIGERS

It's simple, we are lazy girls, and any month with the Rota do Petisco in it, is a lazy girl's paradise. This year (postponed from spring due to the current unpleasantness), it runs from the 11th of September till the 11th of October. For those of you who haven't taken part before, it is very simple: you pick up a `passport' at participating establishments, it costs pennies and the money goes to charity. This allows you to go into a huge number of local bars, cafes, and restaurants and get a cheap little dish and a drink. Savoury dishes plus a drink are 3€ and sweets are 2€. Basically, you can trawl around the town shooting the breeze with the locals and meeting up with friends AND get a decent dinner plus drinks and coffee for less than 10€. Result! There are also random prizes for taking part. If you must socialise at home, why not try making Bellini Slushies? There is a small bit of prep, in that


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you must open freeze the peach slices a few hours before, or preferably overnight. BELLINI SLUSHIES (makes 6 large flutes worth)  750ml (about 6 medium fruit) of frozen peach slices  250ml of mango nectar  1 bottle of Prosecco (it doesn't need to be top- notch, but not hooch either)  A few more peach slices for garnish Blend the frozen fruit and the mango nectar till smooth. Half fill your biggest champagne flutes with the puree. Top up with the Prosecco. Garnish with a slice of peach. Whatever you do, don’t drink it all yourself: think of the calories in the mango nectar. Also, come and visit us at London Tiger Coffee – we are on the Rota!

Kiko’s Tasca Wine, food and friends. Unique, Exclusive and Distinct wines from Portugal. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner.

Don´t forget to visit our new wine cellar. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays. Reservations only by telephone +351 282 046 037 Email: • f Centro Naútico Sopromar - Est. Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176'


Wine Talks Five tips to buying Portuguese Wine

How do you know you’re buying a good wine and to your taste? A good looking label? A good price? Or is it the region of production and grape varieties? We at Repolho Gastrobar would like to give you some tips for a better choice. CHOOSE THE REGION With Portuguese wines, usually the most southern regions produce "warmer" wines. In the northern areas, due to the altitude, the wine is generally lighter, and you can taste the freshness of the grape. We dare to say, the lightest and freshest wines from Portugal are from the Minho region. GRAPE VARIETY COUNTS Did you know that the same grape variety may have different names according to a region? A grape variety may create its own "nuances" due to altitude, type of soil and the amount of rain. For instance, Crato Branco, a traditional variety from the Algarve, is called Roupeiro in the Alentejo and Síria in Beira Interior. How can you choose a wine, when usually wines result from a blend of varieties? Our suggestion is to try single-grape variety of wines from different regions until you find out which ones you like better. HOW IMPORTANT IS THE ALCOHOL VOLUME? Let us demystify the theory that alcohol volume makes a better wine or preserves a bottle of wine for 10 years. That is a myth! In fact, what preserves the wine is its acidity. The alcoholic volume just makes the wine "lighter" or "heavier" so, again, it’s a matter of taste.

Vinho Regional (regional wine) is a wine that is produced in a specific region. DOC (Denominação de Origem Controlada) gives a 100% guarantee that a wine is produced at one particular winery from that certified and controlled region. This last classification is our top tip! In a DOC wine, you have the guarantee of maximum quality from a specific region as it is certified. EVERYTHING COMES DOWN TO THE PRICE, RIGHT? Let’s do some maths. If you go to the supermarket and buy a wine bottle for 1.99€, from that price you take the profit for the supermarket, the reseller, the costs for transportation, cork, capsule, stamp, label, box, etc… and the producer also needs his payment. Are you sure that you’re drinking wine? Our advice is to buy a wine priced from 3.99€ up, considering any discounts. If you choose a stupidly cheap wine the quality will be very poor. Be aware of those wines that last week cost 10€ and now you can buy it for 3€. They were most likely never valued at 10€. Visit us at our Wine Shop, where we will be pleased to find the best wine to your taste, and share a few more tips about the wine culture in Portugal. Remember, there are always good stories in a bottle of wine. Cheers to all.

Take into consideration the wine classification – In Portugal there are three classifications:

Repolho Gastrobar is a wine shop, which also serves traditional Portuguese tapas for a different wine experience. Wine tastings are available any day, at any time, always pairing with great quality tapas at an affordable cost.

IVV ( Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho ) is the authority that allows an entity to sell wine in Portugal.

+INFO:  Gastrobarlagos  Largo Salazar Moscoso 8600-513 Loja B, 8600-513 Lagos


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Eat with Zero Waste Watermelon Skin Soup Cidália Cruz, author of Mais Sabor, Menos Desperdício, shares her recipe for a nutritious and tasty summer soup using peel.  One litre of water  Half a kilo of organic watermelon peel (white part)  Two tablespoons of olive oil  Three cloves of garlic  200 ml of vegetable cream  One chopped onion  One tablespoon of chopped basil  Salt and black pepper to taste Remove the green part of the watermelon skin and discard. Cut the white part of the watermelon skin into pieces and blend with the water. Chop and sauté the garlic in the oil, then add the onion and blended watermelon skin. Cook on the hob for ten to fifteen minutes. Two minutes before the soup is ready, add the basil, salt, black pepper (to taste) and vegetable cream (reserve some basil for serving). The Farmers Restaurante is open 9 a.m to 6 p.m, Monday to Friday and until 10pm on Saturdays. +INFO:  +351 935 371 466   Farmers Restaurante & Art Café

Best pizza in Praia da Luz

Open 7 days a week 11.30am - 11.30pm Friday 5pm - 11.30pm î ” (+351)

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Sagres Birdwatching & Nature Activities Festival, 11th edition. Between 2 and 5 October, Sagres hosts the country’s largest nature event, the 11th edition of the Sagres Birdwatching & Nature Activities Festival this year having a supporting online component. Alongside the usual field trips, there are walks and workshops suitable for all ages, including activities especially for children. Online activities will enable people from all over the world to attend talks, workshops and more. The field trips and walks will cover much of the approximately 60 square kilometres of the triangular-shaped Sagres peninsula, which is bathed on two sides by the Atlantic. The area’s deserved claim to fame among nature watchers is its remarkably strategic position as an autumn migration watchpoint. Every autumn tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of seabirds fly past the headlands. Somewhere in the order of 5000 raptors circle the skies and major falls of thousands of southbound European summering songbirds occur. The Sagres peninsula holds many high natural values apart from its birdlife, its flora being world-famous among field botanists. The area holds a collection of species and habitats found nowhere else in the world. All of these are sights to behold, though often missed by visitors uninitiated in nature observation. During the festival, an abundance of highly experienced nature guides will be on hand, running plentiful field trips, mostly free of charge. The guides, all well known and experts in their field, are there to assist attendees in seeing unforgettable species and migration events. Some will be stationed at fixed places that can be visited. Apart from the birdlife, there will be guides conducting tours to observe the unique flora and habitats of the peninsula, activities as diverse as exploring sustainable ways of obtaining food in nature, e.g. a workshop showing how to make the most of a vegetable patch by the sea, or a guided tour of Sagres. As is traditional during this festival, there will be guided boat trips every day to see pelagic marine life, including species of dolphins and many different seabirds difficult to see at all from land, at close quarters. These trips are very popular, especially with photographers.


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In this 11th edition of the festival, activities don’t stop at sunset. In the hours of darkness, there’s the challenge of discovering sound with experts and their equipment; both of migrating birds and of bats. Or you can get a close look at some of Portugal’s 3000 species of moths. ONLINE FESTIVAL This year there will also be online sessions, which will enable people from all around the world to join this celebration of nature and migration. Every day of the festival, from 9 to 10 pm, you can watch the "Women Saving the World" talks remotely. Other webinars include topics as varied as Ria Formosa’s seahorses, the fight against environmental crime and scientific illustration workshops. SAFETY The Festival’s sites and activities will be adapted according to health authorities’ recommendations in light of the COVID19 pandemic. The Birdwatching & Nature Activities Festival is organised by the Câmara Municipal de Vila do Bispo, in partnership with the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA, BirdLife Portugal) and Almargem Association. To make a booking for any number of the festival’s mostly free activities, simply visit Look at the schedule and enrol for whatever interests you.. (Note the English language button on the top right). Simon is an experienced bird guide with foreign visitors and has led many field trips voluntarily for the Portuguese Birdlife International partner, SPEA (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves) & the LPN (Liga de Proteção de Natureza) since the late 1990’s. +INFO:   birdwatchingfestivalofsagres  sagresbirdwatchingfestival


Pet's Mate So the weather has been very odd this summer. August came in July and October came in August. This author is going to suggest that by publication, we are going to see a bit more rain and thus a flush in the mosquito population. Mozzies and sand-flies spread Heartworm and Leishmania (respectively). Avid readers of this column will know well the blurb on these diseases. This last month we have been treating a lovely Labrador called Marco. He came to us as a second opinion with large areas of his feet ulcerating and parts of his foot pads falling off. We diagnosed a specific presentation of Leishmaniasis as the underlying cause. With intensive and costly treatment, Marco is now walking well and bouncing around on the beach. But, he will be on Leishmania treatment for the rest of his life. There are two protective vaccinations for Leishmania. The newest one is called LETIFEND. Since its appearance on the market about three years ago we have been urging clients to use it with their dogs. It is cheaper, safer and (in my opinion, at least) more effective than the other vaccination on the market. If you have not been made aware of it, the cost is somewhere around 60€ for one year of protection. Certainly cheaper than the hundreds of euros that Marco's owner spent in the initial treatment phase of his Leishmaniasis… Plus lifelong treatment, plus the chronic insidious debilitation that the disease will have on Marco, himself. If you want your little mate to have a Leishfree life and can afford the 60-70€ cost for one year, please go to your vet and ask them about LETIFEND vaccinations. Let's see what September brings us. If you can, please support local businesses. Have a staycation, enjoy Lagos and support each other. See you in October. Where has this year been going? Hmmm, actually don't answer that. 2020, eh?! +INFO:  +351 282 782 282 (Lagos Vet Clinic)


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Wildlife Rescue Here in the Algarve, the beautiful Ria Formosa Natural Park brings visitors from all over the world every year to see the wildlife and experience the wonderful landscape that nature has provided. In the grounds of Quinta de Marim, Olhão, the headquarters of the Natural Park, it is possible to find RIAS, a wildlife rehabilitation and research centre. Since 2009, it has been run by a non-profit organisation called ALDEIA, with the support of the Forest and Nature Conservation Institute (ICNF). The centre receives animals from all over the Algarve and Baixo Alentejo, with the help of park rangers and SEPNA/GNR teams, or directly through the person that finds the animal. Unfortunately, RIAS is not able to collect the animals, but thanks to all these people, the centre receives around 2 000 animals per year (3 000 animals last year). RIAS aims to rehabilitate sick and injured wildlife, ranging from amphibians, reptiles like chameleons and freshwater turtles, mammals like hedgehogs, bats, and badgers, to birds. This is the group of animals that the centre receives the most, and ranges from small birds like swallows, sparrows, and blackbirds, to gulls, storks, eagles, owls, and vultures. All the dedication and effort put into the recovery culminates in a special moment - the release of the animal back to nature. Additionally, RIAS has also an important research element. Together with several universities and government entities, studies different risk factors for the conservation of wild animal populations. But there is no conservation without education. A big part of their time is invested in environmental education, focusing on the general public, but mainly for children. By going to schools and events, or receiving groups/visitors in the interpretative centre, RIAS has already reached around 165 000 people since 2009.

All the work mentioned above wouldn’t be possible without the help of volunteers. RIAS has a team of six people, plus four volunteers (or double in the summer) who help with all the daily tasks (maintenance, feeding, cleaning, helping with the treatments or surgeries, etc. HOW CAN YOU HELP RIAS You can donate money or supplies such as cat/dog food and cleaning materials. You can also sponsor an animal in recovery, and have the opportunity to be present at its release back into nature. YOU'VE FOUND AN INJURED ANIMAL. NOW WHAT? If you feel comfortable, you can try to catch it. Lay a towel over the animal’s head and capture it. Place the animal inside an appropriate size cardboard box (with small breathing holes previously made). Pay special attention to the animal’s muzzle/ beak/claws, to avoid injuries. After, you can take it directly to RIAS, in Olhão. This is the fastest way of getting the animal help. If you can’t take the animal yourself, leave it in the closest GNR police station, where park rangers or SEPNA/GNR teams will collect the animals and transport them to RIAS. If you are not able to catch the animal, please contact SOS Ambiente (environmental help-line): 808 200 520. +INFO:  +351 927 659 313    @rias.olhao  rias_olhao


The Changing Tides BY ELIO VICENTE

It has been a surreal year in which the tides have turned in the world, but we can still enjoy the same reliable and beautiful waters in the Algarve. The Algarve has been known, for millennia, for its diverse, unique and memorable resources. From sharks to the Conii people, from Romans to the world’s sweetest oranges, from tourists to amazing carob trees, from stunning beaches to the enchanting "Ria Formosa", literally everyone can find something interesting to eat, drink, see, photograph (and immediately post online) and experience. And a considerable part of its charm and richness comes directly from the sea. The Conii or Cynetes, (Algarve’s earliest known dwellers), Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Visigoths and Moors (and everybody else since then) very quickly fell in love with this southern paradise and many aquatic species have been doing the very same thing. A well sought-after place for sailing and scuba-diving, the Algarve is much more diverse than one could imagine. Every year it surprises even the most experienced researchers associated with the University of the Algarve. The university is recognised as a pioneer and an international reference in marine sciences, conservation and education, which continuously contributes, year after year, to this neverending endeavour: discover what the oceans still keep hidden from Homo sapiens. Above and below the surface, at the beach and embedded in rock formations, one can immediately testify to the richness of life in the Algarve. It is summertime when most of the region’s diversity can be more easily enjoyed - and, quite frequently, disturbed, jeopardised and even killed. Endangered species, like the sea-horses, enigmatic and fragile taxa, known for its beauty and unique reproductive strategy – as the males are the ones who get pregnant swim in our waters. With hundreds of species of bony and cartilaginous fish to jellyfish - fragile and beautiful but not fish - the Algarve waters are rich with sea life. From tiny seahorses (yes, a fish!) to big whales, razorfish (again, not a fish), to dolphins (mammals, not fish), and from seagulls to starfish (yes, you guessed it: not a fish, either), the Algarve’s ocean is a kaleidoscope of colours, sizes and strategies - of adaptation, feeding and survival. But such survival is getting more and more challenging. Boats and jet skis noise pollution, plastic bags, nets, PCB and DDT, over-fishing, bycatch and even well-intentioned tourists, but intruding tourists can have a tremendous


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impact on the welfare and survival of many individuals and even some species. On a normal summer day, it is quite common to encounter the dolphins and whales that Portuguese waters host, permanently or on migration, 25 different species – including orcas. There are dozens of aquatic bird species and thousands of fish - such as the sunfish which holds the world’s record as the most egg-laying species: 300 million each time. Odd-looking invertebrates (including the beautiful but dangerous Portuguese-man-of-war) and even reptiles, like the common turtle and the green turtle, thrive in the Algarve. Most of the specimens are a common sight even on winter days, as many of them live all year round in Portuguese waters. But during the summer, with boats and swimmers, with jet skis and scuba divers, and with calmer waters, such encounters can be much easier and enjoyable (enjoyable for humans, anyway). Sometimes, we can even find such specimens stranded on the beach. On these not-so-rare occasions, urgent help might be required; and, in these situations, the expert hands of rehabilitation professionals (marine biologists, veterinarians, veterinarian nurses) can be the difference between a life (many times, of an endangered species), being saved or lost. Even when such emergency responses are not successful - not so infrequently, such specimens are too old or too sick or even too fragile to survive the first minutes of its stranding - one can still learn a lot. It is not uncommon to find rarely-seen animals (such as the very long and stunning oarfish – yes, a true fish!), the majestic leatherback sea turtle, and one of the slowest, shyest and totally harmless creatures of the Portuguese sea, the impressive basking shark. However, these events are not without risks – as sick and even healthy animals, when manipulated by nonexperienced hands, can represent a danger for both parties (including zoonoses). However, living or visiting the Algarve will never be dissociated from the ocean. And if for millennia, the Algarve has been a paradise, the regular sighting of its aquatic inhabitants is, and always will be, one of its most impressive highlights. And as long as we can co-exist with, for example, the giant and gentle basking shark, then we can be certain that the Algarve and its waters are still an extraordinary place to visit, a paradise to admire and protect. Elio Vicente, a marine biologist at Zoomarine.



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Nature with a Kiki twist


An evening meander through some of the western Algarve’s most magical places, interspersed with divine food and drink. Toss in a sunset, some music and a little shared knowledge about wildlife, culture and history and the experience sounds about perfect. And yet there is an additional strand to the walking tours led by wildlife enthusiast Ulrike Koether aka Kiki … something she playfully refers to as the ‘Kiki twist’. "With me, it’s never just a walk," she expands. "I always like to introduce a surprise or some sort of extra element. My aim is to get people out and about, to make walking and nature attractive and interesting for them. During a hike, we might visit a winery, pick blueberries, or maybe focus on mindful walking. "I know a lot about Algarvian wildlife, edible flowers and wild herbs and I try to pass that on," she adds. "You can barely see the wild orchids in springtime, but there are many different kinds here. Once people know, a whole new world opens to them and they go looking for these treasures themselves. I love that." Kiki has always loved nature; however, it wasn’t until she arrived in the Algarve four years ago that the trained kindergarten teacher turned her passion into a business. Portugal was a country, she reasoned, where she could connect more closely with nature and indulge her love of hiking. "I love the kindness of the Portuguese people, the food and how the natural landscape varies across


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the country," she says. "I wanted to learn about Portugal’s rich culture and history and share it with my customers." In Belgium, Kiki ran her own business organising outdoor events and pop-ups. "The bars were based in beautiful abandoned buildings like warehouses awaiting demolition," she explains. Kiki continued to work in tourist ventures for a year or two, including as a freelance travel/hiking guide for a Dutch company. Even then her walks were a little unorthodox: "sometimes I would combine the hiking with cliff jumping, a safari tour and litter picking". Eighteen months ago, she set up Kiki Tours Portugal concentrating on providing something different for people who enjoy getting off the beaten track and learning more about the Algarve. "Kiki Trips Portugal grew organically and is 100% me: my passion for nature, being outdoors and hiking," Kiki says. "I focus on small groups, which allows me to pay more attention to detail and the person." Walking offers a great way for people to connect and strike up conversation with strangers. "You get inspired while you walk, there’s always something to talk about without sitting face to face," Kiki says. Divine in the Wild is proving popular. After an easy two-kilometre walk during which they learn about the local plants and taste medronho (a local fruit

brandy), diners arrive at a ‘magical spot’ where delicious organic food and good company awaits. There are evening sunset trips to the west coast where walks vary from 5km to 8km and end with a glass of prosecco. The ‘Kiki twist’ is a performance from professional dancer Sofia Brito and others. A 5km morning walk is done in silence, with Kiki introducing the concept of mindfulness and a rooftop tour is being developed in Lagos. "I’ll be combining places of interest with the best rooftops/beach terraces; we’ll finish at a local Fado restaurant." Kiki’s measure of a successful trip is when "people who were strangers at the start share phone numbers at the end and are making plans to meet." Andrew Riedel enjoyed his divine dining experience. "I learned a lot about the flora and fauna and alcohol of Portugal and met some wonderful people." "I guess the ‘Kiki twist’ is basically about me sharing my contagious passion for the outdoors, while keeping things relaxed, authentic and accessible," Kiki adds.

+INFO:   kikitripsportugal   +351 918 280 809 (whatsapp)


Onboard a Powerboat Near Lagos, Image Courtesy Phil Egginton

Messing About in Boats Inspired by looking at boats at Lagos Marina, I took the plunge and decided to find out how to drive one. In 2005, one of the first places I visited in Lagos was the marina. While sat by a bar, sipping the obligatory large beer, I was struck by the large fleet of boats. From large catamarans, down to small dinghies. In between all sizes of sailing cruisers, powerboats and dolphin trip boats. I love the sea, being on the waves, with the wind in your hair. Some years ago, I attended night school to learn navigation and sailing. I had obtained my "ticket" as a Coastal Skipper, but work impeded doing anything practical. My sea ventures remained dreams. Having retired to Lagos in 2017, my mind again turned to boats. I made friends with a couple who were heading on a sailing trip into the Meditteranean. With other friends, we all decided to go out to explore the local coastline. The couple eventually left and continued their sailing adventure. I longed to get afloat again. Recently, another friend announced that he would be getting a powerboat based in Lagos. "Would anyone like to help out?" he asked. My answer can be summed up by various well-known phrases involving the colour of the sky and bears in the woods!

to do simple manoeuvres and turns within the safety of the marina. All was done at very slow speed and in utmost safety. We then practised stopping at (known as picking up) mooring buoys. Following a lunch break, we learnt how to launch a RIB into the marina. The rest of the afternoon was spent learning how to stop (coming alongside) at a variety of different berths in the marina. The next day commenced with some classroom work about charts (maps of the sea), avoiding collisions, tides and tying knots. We then set out in the RIB but headed out to sea. Here we took turns at high-speed boat handling, learnt how to anchor and practised man overboard rescue. We used a weighted boat fender (bumper) to act as the person overboard. Then back again to the marina for more practice on coming alongside and turning etc. What impressed me was the patience and time Martyn and Marc put into the course. The detail was great to learn. I had not appreciated, for example, how much a powerboat is affected by wind and tide when manoeuvring.

Martyn Falkous is a well-known face around the Marina, who I have known for over 10 years. A professional dive instructor, Martyn now also spends time driving dolphin tourist boats and instructing in powerboating. My friend who has the boat, another friend and I booked ourselves onto one of his 2-day courses.

The course is accredited by the UK-based Royal Yachting Association (RYA), and we were all presented with photocertificates. Martyn’s powerboat course is part of a range of courses offered by Lagos-based RU Sailing who also offer similar sailing training. You don’t have to own a boat or know someone who does to do the course. Many companies will hire you a boat, including a professional skipper if you want. Have a look at the Marina website for more info.

We all assembled one morning at the Marina to meet Martyn for coffee together with another instructor, Marc. Safety is all-important, and we started with a briefing on this. All of us were equipped with automatic inflatable lifejackets.

Next time you’re sitting having a relaxing drink at the marina, take a second look at the boats and give it a go!

Initially, we used my friend’s boat but later changed to Martyn’s own RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat). The boat's single lever control was explained together with the importance of using the safety cord. We then started, each taking control,


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By Phil Egginton, who is a journalist and photographer and now lives in the Algarve. +INFO:  /

Next time you’re sat having a relaxing drink at the marina, take a second look at the boats and give it a go!

Tomorrow 90x65 05-20 FINAL.indd 2

21/05/2020 12:54


Bring on the Blues A few years ago, when I was in Morocco, I visited the famous Majorelle gardens in Marrakesh. It was created by the French artist Jacques Majorelle in 1923, and he devoted over 40 years to developing the gardens. Following his divorce in the 1950s, Majorelle was forced to sell the house and garden, and it fell into disrepair. Luckily for us, his legacy was saved when the garden and villa were discovered in the 1980s by the fashion designers Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé who set about restoring them to their former glory. The gardens consist of winding walkways through luxuriant planting with various Islamic style cooling water features throughout. There are many mature trees and lots of succulents, and it’s a rich habitat for birdlife. My overriding memory of the garden is the sound of birdsong and the use of colour, especially the famous Majorelle blue, which was patented by the artist shortly before his death. There are many brightly coloured pots throughout the garden in red, yellow, light blue and orange which look so dramatic against the strong blue walls and bring shady areas to life. I was so impressed by the gardens that I decided to try and create a miniature of them in my own garden on our return. I had a small, neglected corner near my gates and the borehole pump house which had a few sad banana plants struggling to survive due to a lot of impenetrable bedrock. Our trusted landscape gardener, Dee Southey, came in with her team and a huge JCB and removed the worst of the huge rocks and used them to build up a rockery. Extra soil was brought in so, at long last, plants had a chance to put roots down and thrive. I copied the planting style from the Majorelle gardens and chose predominantly succulent plants, as I wanted a low maintenance area that required no irrigation. I love the shape and contrasting colours of succulents that look fantastic at any time of the year. An added bonus is in January when the Aloes flower and it really looks spectacular then. I like to mix other drought-tolerant plants with the succulents and have planted the yellow-flowered emu plant (Eromophila) from Australia, a worm wood (Artemisia) with its delicate feathery grey foliage, orange-


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flowered daylilies (Hemerocallis) and various Euphorbias with their acid yellow flowers in spring (E. dendroides and E. lambii). One side of the area is bordered by the house boundary walls which are white on the outside. Of course, they had to be painted blue on the inside and really set off the blueygreen colour of the Aloe attenuata planted by it. I’ve also added a couple of brightly coloured pots there too – one red and one yellow to bring more colour to the area. This year as we had some time on our hands, the blue wall was repainted, and one wall of the pump-room was also painted blue and the trellises mounted on it were refreshed and are now a bright red, yellow and green. It’s brought the whole area to life again, and we’re thrilled with it. On a smaller scale, try mixing blue pots with different coloured ones that you can paint yourself. You will be amazed at how it can transform an area. Tamsin Varley is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different location around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards. +INFO: 



Majorelle Garden


Walkingworld arrives in the Algarve BY TRACY BURTON

When two old school friends came up with the idea of starting an online database of walking routes, they were hoping to gather a few hundred at most. Twenty years later, – a contributor-based publishing platform for walkers – has surpassed Nicholas Rudd-Jones and David Stewart’s early expectations and boasts over 8,500 published walks across nine countries, including Portugal. Chris and Dave Stewart

"Our main aim is to simply keep people walking, enjoying this beautiful world we are lucky to live in and having fun."

As David’s wife Chris explains, "Walkingworld started life as a ‘downtime’ project for the web team at DVA, a Hampshire-based company, with the original website going live in 2000. We started with ourselves, family and friends walking and logging routes, then launched a very successful UK-wide campaign encouraging walking groups to contribute routes. After two years, we had a catalogue of 1,000 walks and launched our subscription service." Walkingworld offers walks in Britain, Northern Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Norway and Australia. An annual subscription costs £18 – roughly the price of one local guidebook plus a map. There is no limit on the number of routes someone can download and the stepby-step format means you can be certain the contributor has actually walked the route. Non-members can buy individual walks for £1.95. The emergence of digital mapping and apps like Viewranger have enabled Walkingworld to offer walks outside Britain without the need for mapping licenses for every country. "While our printable maps are produced the same way as twenty years ago, every single waypoint position recorded is now digitally recorded as a latitude and longitude, no matter where in the world it may be," explains Chris. "Walkingworld’s system is entirely contributor-led," she adds. "We now have around 500 contributors, most of whom live in Britain and with two contributors based in the Algarve. We set the bar high and expect a lot from them,


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not just doing new walks, but maintaining information and responding to feedback." The site’s record-breaking contributor is Jim Gringle, who is now in his eighties and still submits two or three routes a month. Since 2001, Jim has contributed 576 walks, mapping an incredible 5,686.42 kilometres and climbing 111,740 metres. Despite the site’s success, the Walkingworld team has remained small but dedicated. David looks after all aspects of the website as well as the UK Walkingworld app, while Chris liaises with contributors. Son Charlie, works mainly on mapping and son-in-law Sam, helps with admin. Long-time contributors account for the rest of the team. I wondered if, as keen walkers themselves, Dave and Chris have ever considered walking the Via Algarviana, a 300km trail across the Algarve. "We’d love to do it," Chris sighs. "We’ll never find the time …" INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CONTRIBUTOR? Chris’s advice to anyone thinking of joining Walkingworld. com as a contributor is to look at the free walks available on the website. The format is the same for every route, with general information and advice, a navigational section and digital and other forms of mapping. There is a downloadable contributors’ guide (Site Stuff/Submit a Walk). For each walk they supply, the site’s contributors have free access to the whole Walkingworld database for one year, plus a small download payment (paid annually). "There is a lot to learn to start with; however, I will always do my best to help anyone who gets stuck at any part of the process," Chris says. "Once there is a substantial portfolio of walks in a new area, we like to promote it in our newsletter and on our website."

+INFO:   Walkingworld



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