Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - October 2019

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Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Editor's note

Before the September edition had reached the shelves I found myself taken ill, a guest of the medical system I could only watch, while outside my hospital window Summer was at its most potent.

Since arriving home it is more evident that the cooler weather is already upon us, leaves and flower heads litter my garden. All eyes now turn to the migrating birds for an indication too whether they will stay for the winter, meaning a mild one for us, or whether they continue on their path to a warmer destination leaving us to face the changing climate of winter. I would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who took the time to visit me or send me their best wishes. I would also like to thank everyone at Tomorrow who have worked extra hours this month to ensure that the magazine reaches the shelves as expected. With October 31st merely weeks away Tig James brings us the latest news and advice for Britons living in Portugal on what, for some will be the scariest day of the year.

culture and we have a special feature this month detailing which parties to attend. Having lived in the United States for a number of years, I witnessed first hand the exuberance placed upon this festival. Houses throughout the neighbourhood decorated with all sorts of crazy and weird designs, while the whole town would be dressed in some form of fancy dress. Seeing every member of staff at the bank dressed as characters from the Munsters is a somewhat surreal experience. Last year my home was visited by the tiny sized witches, goblins and ghouls, out trick or treating so this month I will be stocking up on treats in case they come back. Whatever you are doing this month we hope that you enjoy it.

During October the whole Tomorrow team, across both magazines, will be attending the Better Living in Portugal, or BLIP, exhibition where we are looking forward to meeting our readers and advertisers for a coffee and a chat. Tomorrow magazine will be located on stand S03 so make sure and drop by to say hello on the 12th or 13th to Sophie, Tom, Simon, Phil, Jeff and the team.

Halloween, love it or hate it, you cannot ignore that the day is seeping further into Portuguese

On the cover Will they stay or will they go. October is bird watching month with hundreds of activities at the annual Sagres Nature Festival. One bird not migrating will be the Eurasian Hoopoe, (pictured)) as they are residents of Portugal.

COMMUNITY Photo credit ©Philippe Le Roux / ALP : TF1



Survivor, Sofi Chevalier left her home in the Algarve to take part in a gruelling french TV challenge. Leaving her young daughter for two months, just weeks after her marriage ended, Sophie Sadler chats to the kite-surfing action woman to find out how the experience has given her a new direction. The TV show, called Koh-Lanta in France aired in March on channel TF1. Like the name suggests contestants are sent to an island with nothing and have to survive the ordeal while taking part in a number of challenges to either win a “comfort” or avoid being voted out of the game by fellow contestants. Not unfamiliar to challenges Sofi, who was born in Brittany, left her job in teaching to become a kite-surfing instructor in Zanzibar. It was here that she met her British husband Marcus, who was in IT and together they set up the kite mag KiteSista, dedicated to female kite-surfers. After the birth of their daughter, Anita, they moved to Lagos in 2017 due to its great kitesurf conditions, friendly atmosphere and good International schools for Anita. While here Sofi was approached by someone from a production company who had identified her as a possible contestant for a TV show called Ninja Warriors. Sofi turned down the part but said if an opportunity ever came up to appear on KohLanta she would be interested. Sofi had watched the show since she was a teenager and was a huge fan and always wondered if she would be able to do it. To her delight, she was invited to a casting in Paris, where you are put in front of a camera



and then probed to see how you react once pushed so they can assess your personality. She then got a call back where potential contestants are given psychological, physical and drug tests. Three weeks before the show started, she found out that she was one of 21 selected to take part from the 45,000 that applied. She could tell only close family members where she was going due to the high secrecy surrounding the show so needed to make excuses to explain her absence to others. Sadly, just two weeks before she was due to leave for the show her relationship with Marcus ended and she found herself in Fiji with 21 challengers. The first test of the season taking part in the mythical Post-Test, which is usually the final round of the show reserved for the last three candidates in the game. This year it was their first test, where they must stand on a post of just 10 cm in the blazing sun balancing until they fall off. She lasted 1 ½ hours due to her yoga skills but she eventually fell as she was still a bit seasick from the journey. This is how the game started and following this, she went 11 days without any food apart from some coconut and water to survive. She lost 10

"She went 11 days without any food apart from some coconut and water to survive"


kilos but says it takes you into a totally different mindset. There is literally nothing given to contestants so they have no shelter, no beds, no form of entertainment, no contact with anyone from the outside apart from the tasks and only a few clothes. “Everyone should experience hunger like that in order to take a step back to analyse how you live normally to excess.” Unfortunately missing her daughter and reflecting on what had happened took her into a dark place. “My mind was just in a loop worrying that Anita would think I had abandoned her. Fortunately, the producers of the show watch you and could see I was distressed so they talked to me and assured me that if there were any problems with my daughter they would tell me, so they were very caring in that way.” In one challenge the chief of their tribal team had to choose whether they received a comfort which was a phone call to their family or food. The team chose rice as they were starving but then the presenter confronted her about how she felt having missed her baby so much but choosing food. She became very emotional but felt having food for the team was a priority. The only food they did get during the experience was rice, a type of sweet potato which grew on the island and they also ate geckos and spiders!

She was voted out 10th, after 27 days, after she was assigned to work with a male competitor and she felt the other competitors voted against him so therefore she had to leave as well. She confesses she was not one of the big “personalities” of the season as she did not excel in anything and did not get into any fights or confrontations but felt proud that she had stayed level headed and came away with her integrity. And before you ask, no there was no romance, she says you feel far too smelly to feel attractive although she did cuddle up to some men during the night but only for warmth; “You just start feeling like you are taken over by animal instincts and the desire to cuddle up to someone in the night is for warmth, not any romantic ideas!” Far from driving Sofi into the media world, she found the experience had the opposite effect and it made her re-evaluate her priorities. She is still teaching kite-surfing in Lagos and has decided to follow a more spiritual path. Her grandmother though her Reiki and tarot card reading and she is now looking to give people spiritual guidance. Her latest business venture is to offer retreats which incorporate kite-surfing, spiritual healing and yoga. Despite all this, she says she would definitely do the show all over again as it was one of the best experiences of her life. This is one survivor who can’t be kept down for long!

+INFO:    sophiekohlanta

Sofi's daughter - Anita




THE MIRACLE OF THE SUN – FACT OR FICTION? BY LEN PORT On October 13th 1917, an estimated crowd of 70,000 gathered for an extraordinary event, said to have been prophesied by the Virgin Mary near the village of Fátima in central Portugal. Eye-witnesses claimed that, amid radiant colours, the sun moved in a manner that defied cosmic laws – it trembled, whirled and appeared to come crashing down towards the earth. But was this really a “miracle”? The accuracy of the most publicised eyewitness accounts cannot be confirmed and it is not disputed that some of those in the crowd did not see the sun do anything amazing at all. Still, it seems clear that early that afternoon Dr José Maria de Almeida Garrett, a professor of natural sciences at Coimbra University, or his lawyer son, were keeping an eye on the three children who had claimed to have witnessed apparitions of the Virgin Mary on five previous occasions. The eldest of the children, Lúcia, aged 10, later claimed that the Virgin Mary, known to her as Our Lady of the Rosary, personally spoke to her just before the miracle. Dr Garrett reportedly told an investigator: “It must have been about 1.30pm when there arose at the exact spot where the children were, a column of smoke, thin, fine and bluish, which extended up to perhaps two metres above their heads and evaporated at that height. “The smoke dissipated abruptly and after some time it came back to occur a second time, then a third time. “The sky, which had been overcast all day, suddenly cleared; the rain stopped and it looked as if the sun was about to fill the countryside with light that the wintry morning had made so gloomy. “I was looking at the spot of the apparitions in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. “The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds that hid it and now shone clearly and intensely. Suddenly I heard the uproar of thousands of voices, and I saw the whole multitude spread out in the vast space at my feet, here and there concentrated in small groups around the trees, turn their backs away from the spot towards which up until now they had focused their attention, and look at the sun on the other side. “I turned around too, toward the point commanding their



gaze, and I could see the sun like a very clear disc with its sharp edge, which gleamed without hurting the sight. It could not be confused with the sun seen through a fog for it was neither veiled nor dim. At Fátima, it kept its light and heat and stood out clearly in the sky with a sharp edge, like a large gaming table”. A journalist from the newspaper O Dia reported on the reaction of the crowd to the light: “The sun had a transparent gauzy veil so that the eyes could easily be fixed upon it. The grey mother-of-pearl tone turned into a sheet of silver, which broke up as the clouds were torn apart and the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds. “A cry went up from every mouth and people fell on their knees on the muddy ground. The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands. “The blue faded slowly and then the light seemed to pass through yellow glass. Yellow stains fell against white handkerchiefs, against the dark skirts of the women. They were repeated on the trees, on the stones and on the surrounding countryside. “People wept and prayed with uncovered heads in the presence of the miracle they had awaited.” Dr Garrett’s recollection was similar: “Then, suddenly, one heard a clamour, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was truly terrible.” Dr Garrett reassuringly concluded his account thus: “All the phenomena I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.” Many others have tried to do just that. Opinions, however, are divided. Philosophers and theologians have been trying to explain so-called divinely inspired supernatural wonders since ancient times. Far from being uncommon, “miracles” have been abundant and have occurred in many countries across the world in all the main religions over the years. 

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle” Albert Einstein

COMMUNITY Most modern scientists reject the notion of God, let alone divine miracles. They seek evidence-based natural explanations for extraordinary events.

The Catholic Church is cautious when it comes to approving claims of the supernatural, as it was in the case of the Miracle of the Sun. It did not officially recognise it until October 13th 1930. Twenty years later, in October 1950, Pope Pius XII claimed to have seen a similar miracle of the sun from the grounds of the Vatican on four different days. He was alone on each occasion. Curiously, back in 1917, apart from the crowd of 70,000, only a few people living about 18 km from Fátima claimed to have seen the sun’s odd behaviour that afternoon. Not a single astronomical observatory anywhere in the world noted anything at all considered abnormal. Meteorologists have suggested that the turbulent weather conditions and maybe a sand storm being blown in from the Sahara Desert created the spectacular images impressed upon those who were hoping for a miracle at Fátima. Psychologists and sociologists are familiar with the mindsets of expectant crowds and the effects of mass suggestion and hallucination. Sceptics such as the evolutionary biologist Prof. Richard Dawkins have conceded that mass visions are harder to write off than children hallucinating about the Virgin Mary, but write them off he has. Prof. Dawkins has summed up the October 13th 1930 events at Fátima

Photo © Shrine of Fatima Archive, Photographic Section thus: “It may seem improbable that 70,000 people could simultaneously be deluded, or could simultaneously collude in a mass lie. Or that history is mistaken in recording that 70,000 people claimed to see the sun dance. Or that they all simultaneously saw a mirage. But any of those apparent improbabilities is far more probable than the alternative: that the Earth was suddenly yanked sideways in its orbit, and the solar system destroyed, with nobody outside Fátima noticing.” Perhaps we shall never know the absolute truth, but a quotation attributed to Albert Einstein may do for now: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”. Len Port is the author of the book Fátima - Milagre, ilusão ou Fraude? published by Guerra e Paz, Lisbon, and available in English from Amazon as an ebook entitled The Fátima Phenomenon - Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud?


The Meia Praia dunes cord will be rehabilitated following an agreement between the Municipality and the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). The decision was based on the findings of the state of degradation of the important 5km long dune between the Ria de Alvor marshland and Ribeira de Bensafrim. Aware of the value that this stretch of coast represents in terms of landscape, but also as a barrier to the



progression of the sea, the Municipality has set, as a priority, the prevention and management of coastal risks associated with dune instability, a situation caused not only by the effect of weather and natural conditions, but also by human actions. The next stage is more studies followed by a funding request to implement the programme, a date for commencement of the works has not yet been set.

LUXURY VILLA IN LAGOS 2.300.000 € | REF. M/05234 | PORTO MÓS Located in Porto de Mós - Lagos, this luxury villa with a contemporary design and panoramic sea views offers 3 bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a living/dining area that is accompanied by spacious balconies. The basement offers access to outdoor space and the possibility of creating a cinema, games room or additional accommodation. In the outdoor areas, there is a swimming pool, a jacuzzi and an extensive garden with a terrace.


www.c a s a sd oba rl ave n m




First up is Les Princesses from French circus company Cheptel Aleikoum, running from the 17-20 October in the Aljezur community hall before moving to Monchique from 24-27th.

brings us Theatre in Distilleries, directed by Giacomo Scalisi and written by Sandro William, running from November 1st – 3rd.

Fables and fairy tales inspire the story behind the show as we are presented with a dynamic new take on Little Red Riding Hood that promises to appeal to both adults and children alike. The show highlights the bond between man and animals that has been forged over centuries and throughout history. This highly creative circus has been described as ‘poetic’ with a more experimental style of performance scheduled for the end of the year in Monchique. This is becoming somewhat of a tradition, as the circus tent goes up at the end of December and performances run throughout the New Year’s festivities, and into January.

Raising a glass of medronho, the local spirit, the cast of characters take the audience on a journey into the forest to pick the fruit from the arbutus, or strawberry tree. Then, in a few months there is a follow up visit to literally see the fruits of their labour and observe how the drink is distilled. All this, whilst the drama unfolds for the characters as the audience watches on. Theatre in Distilleries opens the door to what life is like living in the mountains, for the men – and the women. There is hardship, there is the land and there is ritual. The show acknowledges the way of life and brings us closer to the local community.

Madalena explains, “Contemporary circus loves to turn things on its head and create magic and we have magical performances in bundles. We love to showcase new productions and the show this month is the first for the Algarve, being performed here before Lisbon or anywhere else in Portugal.” Madalena and her artistic, and life partner - Giacomo Scalisi created Lavrar O Mar four years ago when they moved to the Algarve after enjoying successful careers in Lisbon and throughout Europe contributing to festivals and working on creative and cultural projects. Lavrar O Mar, as the name suggests, is about strengthening the connection to the land and sea, as in the hill town of Monchique and coastal town of Aljezur and all that lies in between. Above all, the shows and stories are about strengthening our awareness of local people, customs and culture. Madalena and Giacomo aim to make theatre and performance accessible to all. In previous years, the themes for the shows have centred on water, fire and air. This year it is earth. What better way to demonstrate our connection to the earth than to go fruit picking in the forest? Next month,



The provenance of food always plays a strong role in Lavrar O Mar’s programming and in November they bring us gastronomic theatre in Rogil, as part of the Sweet Potato Festival in Aljezur and surrounding area. Salted cod is centre stage as the cast of performers share a slice of Portuguese history, you might be surprised to discover how this dish came to be a part of Portuguese culture. The audience will dine and eat the salted cod with sweet potato recipes whilst watching the performance. There is more to look forward to in the New Year as the programme runs until May. There will be interactive performances for children, creative arts workshops and walks and talks in the forest. So, watch this space for more information on those and until then, as they say in the business, ‘Let’s get this show on the road!’

+INFO:  +351 282 144 379  

Les Princesses @Ian Greanjean

This month Lavrar O Mar launch a new season of exciting contemporary circus, theatre, dance and interactive performances. Suzanne Radford sat down with one of the Artistic Directors, Madalena Victorino, to find out what they have in store for us this autumn.




Inexorably, time has moved on and the Portuguese Parliament has passed legislation protecting the approximately 60,000 British citizens currently residing in Portugal, covering deal, no deal or revocation of Article 50. Worryingly, although the Portuguese Parliament have done everything they can, only 30,000 British citizens residing in Portugal have registered for residency. This leaves 30,000 not having a legal status and the additional should Brexit occur. The British Embassy advise all British citizens, to protect their rights, to register for residency. This then allows registration at a Centro do Saude for health care and provides a health number to be placed on the medical form, necessary in order to exchange a UK driving licence for a Portuguese one. Registering or exchanging your UK driving licence at any IMT office should take place within 60 days of residency status. Residency in Portugal ensures you will receive ongoing health care as you are only entitled, as an EU citizen, to emergency care. For those wishing to obtain EHIC’s, they are only likely to be available until the UK leaves the EU. Anyone in receipt of a state pension or transferable UK benefits applies to the UK NHS Overseas office for an EHIC. Others outside of that category may apply for a Portuguese EHIC, subject to certain conditions. Residency papers due for renewal at SEF, a number will know, there are no current appointments at most SEF offices in Portugal. This situation is ongoing and attempts are being made to rectify this situation as SEF have said they will honour any renewal if an appointment is made prior to its expiry. At the time of writing this is now not possible. As soon as any further information is given, it will be posted on British in Portugal Facebook group. Please note, residency means you cannot be out of Portugal for more than six months in a year. On Brexit occurring, residency papers will be exchanged for residency permits. These will be available, for a fee, at certain Câmara offices where there will be kiosks for that purpose. The Portuguese Government have promised a communications campaign giving British citizens the details.



Additional advice includes, if travelling, ensuring a minimum of six months on your UK passport, not including any from a previous passport. Also, please take with you your Portuguese residency documents as well as having travel insurance. For those returning to the UK please be aware that it may take time to register for NHS health care and for DWP benefits. This is due to establishing you are now habitually resident in the UK. Free hospital care is given to those habitually resident in the UK. Some British citizens resident in Portugal receive the UK state pension which the UK Government have agreed to uprate regardless of Brexit. However, the last agreed uprating is April 2022. Ongoing negotiations are attempting to increase uprating after that date. For anyone in receipt of UK benefits, these will continue regardless of Brexit. To finish, some good news. The Portuguese Government have said those already resident in Portugal can continue to vote in elections, bar the EU elections if Brexit occurs. UK citizens resident in Portugal after Brexit can vote after three years of residency. All views stated above are just my humble opinion which can be looked upon as needed to be taken on board or consigned to the nearest recycle bin. Whatever you think, enjoy living in this wonderful country which has made us all as welcome as it is possible to be. For any further opinions or views please see the Facebook groups below.

+INFO:  British in Portugal  British in Europe  Brexpats Hear Our Voice



After a successful musical career in France where Wesley Seme achieved fame by reaching the final of The Voice, he decided he needed a break from the limelight and discovered the Algarve, where he now lives. I caught up with him to find out about his gospel choir and reveal his next exciting challenge. Born in Martinique, Wesley grew up singing in his church choir, but it was only after moving to Paris to continue his studies in International Business, that he discovered his talent. “I started to do jamming sessions and was asked to perform gigs, from then on it became my career. I have done backing vocals, taught master classes and directed mass choirs of 200 people.” As well as exploring jazz and soul influences, his background in gospel led his to a highlight of his career, when he performed in a concert in Italy on an airport runway in front of a crowd of over 600,000 people, standing just metres away from the Pope. He counts his musical heroes as Stevie Wonder and Luther Vandross and like his idols, he has performed on huge stages such as the Bercy Stadium in Paris and has provided backing vocals to Belgian star Viktor Lazlo. He remains true to gospel though and has worked with big american stars such as Kirk Dewayne Franklin, directing the choir when he visited France.



Now 37, he came to Monchique to perform and discovered the region and love! He met Swiss-born Leila who had just returned to Portugal from acting school in Hollywood. As she had Tunisian heritage she found she was natural belly-dancer and was performing at the same event as Wesley. “I felt the fame I achieved from The Voice in France, fake and heavy. I wanted some peace of mind and rrest, to live a quieter life and find myself,” Wesley tells me. They set up home in Lagos, but Wesley travels all over Europe to perform and has sung in many different languages. In order to give something back to the music which he first fell in love with, he has acquired premises in the centre of the old town of Lagos called Weslei's, “Wes” for Wesley and “Lei” for Leila, where every Sunday from 4.00 - 5.30pm his 30-strong gospel choir meet. The choir is open to new members and Wesley tells me you do not need to have a particular kind of voice, just be able to sing. If you are not a singer but appreciate live music, on Thursdays from 6pm until 8pm, he holds Dancing with Wesley, anyone can come and listen to Wesley sing, although he asks that people notify him in advance that they are coming. Leila also sings in the gospel choir and they have two new members, their adorable son 10-month-old Zildjian and his new sister who is to be born in November. Wesley tells me there will be a big baby shower for Leila with the choir. The exciting news does not stop there! Wesley announced to Tomorrow magazine, that he has just auditioned for The Voice, Portugal. “I want to tell people in Portugal that I am here and of course I would love to pursue a solo career". His audition will be airing in October and we, of course, will keep you updated.

+INFO:  Weslei`s, 23 Rua Canal, Lagos Centre  Weslei`s   +351 924 051 220



Overcoming adversity has become second nature for Fátima Garcia Vaz, owner of contemporary Lagos art gallery ‘66’. Escaping from war-torn Angola, enduring personal tragedy and surviving illness, opening ‘66’ is her latest challenge.

I chatted to Fátima one sunny August morning when she told me about her life and new business venture at ‘66’, an upmarket contemporary art gallery in Rua da Barroca. Her family originated from Sá de Bandeira in northern Portugal, although she was born and raised in Angola. Her father was in the military and later set up a factory that made wooden furniture for local people. Her childhood memories are filled with happiness and an awareness of the beauty of the environment in which she grew up, where food was abundant with three crops from the fruit trees every year. It was also a country rich in mineral resources such as gold, petroleum, diamonds and iron. Life was good…….and peaceful. All that changed suddenly after independence from Portugal in 1974. As communist and right-wing groups fought for supremacy, the country was plunged into civil war. It was time to leave. Just 16 years old when the fighting started, she hid under a bed for three days with her family in silence for fear of being heard, before fleeing to the airport to escape. Fátima very soberly told me, “We saw a lot of dead bodies along the way. It was a nightmare.”



They left everything behind except the clothes they were wearing and one small bag of belongings to make room for more people on the flight. “We started from zero when we arrived in Portugal.” On arrival in Lisbon, they were met with a certain amount of resentment. “They called us the Retornados (the Returned), they didn’t see us as Portuguese.” Life was difficult, but people did whatever they could to survive. Later, in Lisbon, Fátima became reacquainted with her old high school friend from Angola, Quinito, the man she would later marry. Quinito, who trained as a rural vet, found little work in the city. Meanwhile, Fátima, who had attended three years of art school fell pregnant with her first child. It was time to move on and find work elsewhere, and so they moved to Lagos. Her husband set up the Zapata night club in Lagos in a disused stable. A novelty after the austerity of the Salazar dictatorship, it became the toast of the Algarve, drawing in people from across Portugal and abroad. Then in 1998, tragedy struck. Her husband was killed in a motor accident, leaving her with her 9-year old son and 7-year old daughter to

raise by herself. In order to support her young family, Fátima went to work at an art gallery owned by a friend near the Slave Market in Lagos. Unfortunately, wages were basic, there was no commission on sales, times were tough. But she was learning about the art business all the time. After three years, the owner moved on and Fátima took the opportunity to enter into partnership with a customer. Later, when her partners decided to move to Luxembourg, she took over the business herself, taking a commission on all pieces sold. She did this for 15-years until the fickle hand of fate struck again. Fátima developed cancer so reluctantly gave up the gallery while she underwent three separate cycles of chemotherapy over a period of eight years. She was lucky to survive the second round of treatment. During her illness, she received no financial support from the state. She even wrote a personal plea to the President, but to no avail. She had the option to buy the gallery, but it was beyond her means financially. Instead, to make ends meet, she took a part-time job at a friend’s estate agency in Luz. Unfortunately, leaving the art business meant she lost contact with her valued customers. After her treatment, Fátima explained that, “it took two years to get back to feeling normal”. But in April, despite all the setbacks life had thrown at her, she decided it was time for her new venture, Art Gallery 66. Exhibits include a range of contemporary artworks, paintings (both acrylic and oil on canvas) and sculptures, that command prices upwards from €1500. Some of the pieces have been exhibited in galleries in New York and Tokyo. Asked about plans for the future, she said, “I have no plans. I live day by day,” and that if the gallery didn’t work out, she would try something else, because, as she said, “I’m from Africa, I have a Rhinoceros’ skin!”

+INFO:  Rua da Barroca, 66, in Lagos,  +351 914 198 733  66 Contemporary Art Gallery


Photo © Emma Jervis Photography

The Carob Queen October is the month of the Carob Harvest, Sophie Sadler meets Shaira Soekhai to find out how she became the Carob Queen.

Shaira left behind a successful career and a collection of shoes that Imelda Marcos would have been jealous of because she felt something was missing. Her journey led her to the Algarve where she discovered how to make delicious chocolates from carobs. You might recognise Shaira’s name as she is one of the new food and drink columnists at Tomorrow, The Spice Girl. She set up a company Spicelifeshop, with the aim to get people closer to the source of their food. Shaira is involved with the markets in Aljezur and in Barão São João in order to bring the consumers closer to the farmers and enhance their awareness of where their food comes from and how it grows. Having previously lived in a big city in Holland, she became discontented with the commercialism and set off travelling to find herself. The desire for travel is not surprising given her heritage. She was born and spent the first years of her life in Suriname in South America, “coming from the rainforest it is heartbreaking to me that we are losing plants that we haven't even discovered yet,” she says. Her father is Indian, her grandmother Dutch, her grandfather is from Java, her Great Grandfather originated in Macau and her great grandmother was Native American. “My whole background centres around the colonial spice route so it is not surprising this has influenced me.” She sailed across the Atlantic location and lived in caves where she discovered how little we need to be happy and how much of what we think we need is forced on us by advertising. “Women used to forage for berries but now because of consumerism we are



foraging for the latest fashion or gadget and it's not making us happy or healthy.” Shaira came to the Algarve to visit friends and was offered a job here as a Socio Therapist, helping Dutch children with behavioural problems. While discovering all of the local natural ingredients available in the region, she decided she wanted to make people here aware of the origin of their food and to go to the farms they buy from. She argues that you do not need to spend money buying something with an organic sticker. “Your small farmer is probably more organic and sustainable than the large farms which have the money to achieve this accolade.” Shaira’s Indian grandmother taught her about spices and the concept of Ayurveda which in Sanskrit means “science of life.” It is an ancient system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent, Shaira's grandmother taught her the medicinal benefits of spices and food. Knowing how to achieve good health is about understanding that the mind and body are linked and Shaira combines spices, food, yoga and meditation in her retreats. Ideal nutrition comes from consuming a variety of fresh foods that are appropriately prepared and eaten with awareness. “Spices are holistic,” Shaira tells me; “They are about the flavour but also about the health benefits.” Shaira is sharing her knowledge which has been passed along generations, by hosting a number of workshops and retreats. One of her workshops has been on fermenting vegetables, which is a great source of probiotics. “Now we have fridges, the art of

fermenting is vanishing at the expense of a number of health benefits.” It was while she was experimenting with local foods that she discovered the Carob. After asking farmers what they did with it, most told her that they fed it to cattle but her research showed that it had great health benefits with no fat, natural non-processed sugar and high in antioxidants, which prevents ageing and keeps cells healthy. Incentivised by this she went into her kitchen and started experimenting with a way to make this natural ingredient into chocolate. “I could not believe that no one was doing this, but it took six months to get the right balance and it also depends on the weather to get the right structure.” Finally, she succeeded in creating healthy chocolate containing coconut and dates. She now holds workshops to teach other people how to make the chocolate. Sharia has a myriad of professional strings to her bow, including being a social science teacher, a nurse and a social therapist so if you want the benefit of all of Shaira’s wisdom, her retreat on the West Coast in October will include lessons in carob chocolate making, fermenting classes, international cooking classes, herbal walks and cosmetic workshop. She is currently growing all the vegetables she needs for the classes at the retreat and you will also be to forage for food. She is meeting farmers and trying to get them to work together as a co-operative. Her next project is to build an app which will connect local farmers directly to the consumer, which is a very noble enterprise. Shaira is also organising farm visits which will be a fun day where people can explore the farm where their food comes from, “I don’t want people to consume, I want them to experiment and discover the origin of their food.”

+INFO: 



Rui, Joel and Molly working in the stuido


Fala Português? Do you speak Portuguese? For many of us from the foreign community living in Portugal, this is a question often asked. No doubt, there are many who have attempted to learn vocabulary in order to ask for a coffee or exchange some pleasantries with neighbours. It can be rather disheartening to be met with an uncomprehending look or a torrent of words that makes little sense! Some give up at the first hurdle, finding the language challenging and resort to communicating in English. While you can easily manage in English, especially in the Algarve, life can be enormously enriched with a passable knowledge of Portuguese. Having attended numerous courses, waded through language CDs and subscribed to various internet sites, the lack of useful European Portuguese resources was always an issue. However, a couple of years ago I came across a website called Practice Portuguese that featured a number of videos and podcasts –for free. I was smitten. I spent the next few days watching every single video and listened to all the podcasts. Up until then I had never thought learning Portuguese could be so entertaining and rewarding! I knew that the two project managers, Joel Rendall and Rui Coimbra were working hard to expand and improve their site but wanted to find out what makes its appeal so special and what goes on behind the scenes. Today it is a fully fledged learning platform with a Learning Studio housing a host of materials at beginner, medium and advanced level, recently launched ‘Shorties’ podcasts, longer videos and animations, extensive learning notes and a forum where members can interact. Listening to podcasts and videos is free but I decided to pay the €12 monthly subscription and can access useful transcriptions in both Portuguese and English, as well as additional exercises and quizzes to support learning. To judge by all the positive reviews received, they have obviously hit on a successful formula.



And how did it all come about? A chance meeting it seems. 32-year-old Canadian born Joel, trained in Jazz and Contemporary music, spent some years performing on cruise ships, travelling the Americas and the Mediterranean. During a break in Lisbon, a colleague introduced him to Rui. Their relationship blossomed to the extent that Joel decided to relocate to Lisbon when his contract came to an end. “I was drawn to the idea of settling down in a wonderful country like Portugal,” he explains, “but even with the high level of English of the native population, I knew I would be limiting myself greatly and setting myself up for a lot of frustration by not making a serious effort to learn Portuguese.” Lisbon-born, 38-year-old Rui, a graduate in Biotechnology as well a flight steward for a number of years, did all he could to help his partner acquire necessary language skills. Joel attended some intensive language classes but noticed the lack of European Portuguese materials. “In the past I had learnt some Spanish using podcasts so after talking about this gap in the market, we both kind of stumbled on the idea of making a European Portuguese podcast. This was in 2012. Even if it weren’t perfect at first, it would be better than nothing,” Joel states. And so Practice Portuguese was born! Joel’s skills as a free-lance web designer came in handy as the project evolved. Knowing that they could offer a worthwhile service to language learners they were committed to putting in a consistent long-term effort. The launch of the Learning Studio after two years of development was a major turning point. They were able to go full-time and start to bring on a programmer, teachers, and content contributors behind-the-scenes while maintaining the characteristic familiar touch. Molly, an American, is involved with the work on a day-to-day basis. As she is studying European Portuguese she has become a barometer helping them to understand the needs of a learner. 

"Even with the high level of English of the native population, I would be limiting myself by not making a serious effort to learn Portuguese”

COMMUNITY Joel and Rui recording

She assists with the production of the ‘Shorties’ podcasts and reviews the English transcriptions of all content. Joel himself is now a fluent Portuguese speaker – all that effort has paid off! – but there is still room for improvement. The episodes where he reads a passage and Rui corrects his pronunciation are most useful, I find.

Rui has also enlisted members of his family, with mother Ana contributing to content and Rui senior lending his voice to many audio and video episodes. They have had friends who have featured in episodes throughout the years, “and even our dog, Elza sneaks her way in with her paws clattering the floor in the background while we record!” Joel adds laughing. Many would agree with me that Grandmother Odete must surely be the star of the show!

Appearing in some episodes, her sprightly and endearing character comes across in the way she speaks and interacts with her grandson. Highly entertaining and useful to hear colloquial language spoken in real settings. Perhaps what characterises Practice Portuguese most is the close relationship developed with the learners. “As we continue to grow, customer support is an on-going challenge and priority,”

Joel maintains. “We really strive to maintain a personal touch with all our members. This has been a focus from the beginning as something that would set us apart.” The content is aimed at capturing people’s interest and sustaining motivation both for beginners and the more advanced. “A measure of our success is when our materials can act as a launching pad for learners to venture out and have conversations with locals or understand most of what they’re reading in a book or watching on Portuguese TV,” Joel concludes. With the help of sites like Practice Portuguese, perhaps more of us can be supported to do just that.

+INFO:   Practice Portuguese

INSPIRATIONAL DOLPHIN Robyn, aged 10, Tia, aged 12, and Bradley at the front, aged 7

In the June edition Sophie Sadler wrote an article about the art installation that was on display in Marina Lagos, entitled Plastic Problems in our Oceans. The story made such an impact on one visitor to the town that when they returned to England they already had a project in mind. Elizabeth Fotheringham explains “While on holiday in Lagos my husband and I spent a long time admiring and studying BJ Boulter’s Dolphin sculpture. I was really impressed with the whole concept of the sculpture and was delighted to read all of the details of its history in Tomorrow magazine. On returning home I set my grandchildren the challenge to



copy the dolphin during their school holiday break. We all collected waste plastic and the children set about their challenge of producing a dolphin. They made a dolphin about five-feet long (1.5metres). They were so thrilled with the result that the children sent a photograph and a letter to BJ Boulter. Recently we took the model to our church to display, and, to hopefully pass on the message of the dangers to ocean life from plastic waste.” What a creative way to spend the holidays, well done from us all at Tomorrow.


CASLAS… A HOME FROM HOME BY PHIL EGGINTON The Lagos based Centro de Assistência Social Lucinda Anino dos Santos (CASLAS) is a nonprofit and private association whose mission is to contribute to the social inclusion and advancement of people in fragile situations. Amongst their local centres is the Lar de Jovens Nossa Senhora do Carmo Youth Home, originally created in 1931. The home was the foundation for the subsequent development of CASLAS. Today Lar de Jovens is the family home for children / young people from 2 to 25 years-ofage. The youngsters who live in the home are there because for some reason they cannot have a normal family life. The young person protection system in Portugal is all strictly governed by law. Youth Commissions exist all over the country under the government’s Social Security department. They work with families to try to resolve issues where the young are, for example, neglected or abused. As a last resort the young can be placed into a home. Importantly this is all controlled by the law and a court judge must make the order to home them. In some cases, the young people ask themselves to be moved to a home. This must still be subject to a court order. The whole system is designed to protect the young. Because the system only rehomes as a last resort, often it is older young people who live in CASLAS. At the time of writing, the youngest person is 11 years old. Also, as protection is a priority, it is not local youngsters who live there. Currently, young people from Madeira, Lisbon and Porto have CASLAS as their home. In the absence of a normal family homes, CASLAS becomes this. They summarise their job as life preparation, just as any responsible parent does. They provide all the normal things that would be done in a good family home. Young people are integrated in the local community and supported to develop them into autonomous adults. Schooling is done through local schools. Other normal activities like religion, youth associations, music, dance and sports are



all organised. The young are encouraged to be self sufficient in preparation for adult life. They are taught cooking, how to wash clothes, keep rooms tidy and financial management. All of them over 16 are encouraged to find summer jobs. Anything they earn is theirs. They are however, encouraged to save part of their income for “bigger” expenditures such as buying a mobile phone or going out for a meal with friends. They are allowed time out to meet friends around town, with agreed return times just as any responsible parent does. If the specific court allows it then they are encouraged to keep in touch with their real family either by telephone from the home or CASLAS will also organise visits to their family. The system recognises that the role of home does not end at 18, when they become adults. Young people need home support whilst going through university, or undertaking training, hence the upper age limit being 25. At the age of 18, the young people are given a choice on this themselves. They can opt to leave, or they can stay at CASLAS. As usual the court needs to agree to this. It is a great testimony to how good a job CASLAS does that on average 70% of the young people do choose to stay beyond 18. Here are some examples of the young people I have met who are benefiting from the great work done by CASLAS. One girl came with learning disabilities. She is very responsible and caring, but had a hard time learning at school. She loves animals so started horse riding lessons at a local stable. She goes there once a week and helps there during holidays. She feels safe there. She improved her learning and can read and write much better. Her dream is to do an equine management course. 


Three girls over 18 years have been mixing school with part time jobs. They have saved from their earnings and are able to buy some little luxuries for themselves. They opted to stay at CASLAS to continue studying and take advantage of the social, psychological and educational support they provide. At school they attend professional vocational courses for catering, bar work or child care.

have been involved over a period of 10 years. They started by donating goods and have gone on to share their time with the young people. Offering practical support like taking them out for meals or supplementing their clothes.

Finally one youngster had an outstanding performance during secondary school. She also opted to stay at CASLAS. She is now at University of the Algarve and has completed two years of a tourism course. She shows a lot of commitment and responsibility.

Another volunteer, Jacquie Collins, told me how she first got involved via the “Lunch Bunch” who support local charities. She gets involved in taking youngsters out and helping to teach them English. She also co-ordinates the purchase of birthday presents for them. Jacquie said, “I find it rewarding to be of use and the opportunity to identify other areas where help is required, for example the recent donation of laptops by the local Freemasons”.

The Youth Home has an extensive multidisciplinary team however funding provides for only the basic needs. CASLAS therefore relies upon donations such as money and time to help enhance the life of the young people. Volunteers have donated clothes, furniture, air conditioning, singing lessons and to get the exterior painted for example. Local businesses and organisations have donated goods and skills such as pizzas, dentistry, laptops, barbeque grilles, cakes and horse rides. Volunteers also help directly with the young people such as taking them to the cinema, sports, camping, bowls or Slide & Splash. The volunteers have a WhatsApp group to communicate and share between themselves.

CASLAS is always looking for new volunteers either to donate money and things or to provide physical help. Appropriate checks will be done but it is not necessary to speak Portuguese to help. If you would like to help, then please get in touch with either: Ana Leal or Susana Pales on 917 775 933 or via email on Phil Egginton is a motorsport photographer and journalist who now lives in the Algarve.

A couple of volunteers I met are Canadians who live in Lagos during the autumn and spring. They

The Big Clean

With the bulk of the visitors gone for another year Lagos Municipality promoted several cleaning actions in the county with initiatives taking place between September and October. During September it was the beaches at Porto de Mós and Meia Praia that benefitted from a clean up. On October 1st removal and cleaning of the weeping willows at the Ponta da Piedade lighthouse takes place between 10am and midday. The weeping willow (Carpobrotus edulis) is a species of invasive plant originating in South Africa that was cultivated in the past to fix the dunes and slopes. However, the presence of the chorão



prevents the development of native vegetation, and its removal is important. On October 13th, it will be Odiáxere's turn, with a clean-up action inside the parish's urban perimeter and more specifically along its secondary roads. The initiative will take place from 7am in Largo da Alegria (near Moinho) and will be attended by the Group of residents and friends of Odiáxere Village and with the support of the Parish Council and local businesses. Please be a part of these initiatives, and contribute to taking care of the Lagos environment.


Nelia before

Nelia now

Nelia now


It took great courage for Nelia to allow photos to be taken of her without clothes and to be exposed to friends, family and the community to see the truth of her condition. Fearing death, she felt this was the only course of action left to her. I became aware of the tragic case of local resident Nelia when Tomorrow magazine received a heart-breaking plea from her sisterin-law. Fearing Nelia was about to die, Zenrika felt powerless to help with her psychological condition and so set up a fundraising campaign to get her the help she needed to save her life. South African born Nelia, who has lived in the Algarve for 22 years, is suffering from Anorexia Nervosa. Zenrika tells us; “We are really worried and in fact at this stage we are afraid for her life.” Nelia is 46 years old and has been battling Anorexia for many years. She is, sadly, not managing to beat this monster. Amidst her battle with Anorexia, however, Nelia still shows zest and creativity. On a good day she takes care to dress theme related, still going to the Africa Craft shop where she is still maintaining a job to the best of her ability. Taking inspiration from the case of Rachael Farrokh (an actress suffering from anorexia), Zenrika decided to set up a Gofundme page for Nelia. “In Portugal, treatment for Anorexia is extremely rare. There are no exclusive facilities for this treatment and the few private Mental



Clinics that accommodate patients suffering from Anorexia, are very inaccessible due to extreme costs.” Two years ago, after a long struggle with hospital authorities, her family managed to get Nelia into the Psych Ward of a big Public Hospital in Lisbon, where a very short term effect of just gaining weight was achieved, but no real long term solution was found. As soon as she got out, she just fell back into a downward spiral to the point that her life is in danger. Zenrika tells me; “Anorexia is a horrible, misunderstood, disease, that is not easily treated or cured. It subtly steals your life away from you in all aspects, and over the years you become mentally, physically and financially exhausted, drained and depleted!” For Nelia, constant nausea, dizziness and extreme fatigue is making normal life impossible. She can not maintain a full time job, so she does not have a steady income. Her eating disorder is taking its toll, causing severe depression, putting more strain on her mind, body and soul. Her organs are not functioning well and are near the point of shutting down. She is very ill. 

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674

COMMUNITY As a result of her campaign and fundraising Nelia has just passed a lengthy admission process and been accepted into an Eating Disorder clinic in Cape Town, South Africa. Her flight took off on September 8th. The family have enough funds for her plane ticket, and one months treatment and medicine. Her treatment program is a minimum of three months, in order to achieve best results, so their campaigning is still continuing.

Zenrika tells me; “Nelia is so eager to get started, but really nervous at the same time. Like we all know, there is no quick fix for this complex illness known as Anorexia Nervosa. So please keep on campaigning for Nelia on Social Media,

spreading the word of her heartbreaking story. We desperately need more funding to give Nelia a chance of recovery and a new life. She plans to create more awareness and understanding of Anorexia Nervosa when she returns to Portugal.” If people reading the article in Tomorrow could also start spreading the word, it can be another platform, where as many new people as possible can be reached... please help us help Nelia.

+INFO: 

Anorexia Nervosa - The Medical Facts Helen Kampfraath is a GP who works with patients with eating disorders, we interview her to find out more about Anorexia and what help is available in Portugal. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF ANOREXIA AND HOW CAN PEOPLE SPOT IT IN A FAMILY MEMBER? Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric illness that can be present for a long time before any weight loss occurs. In the beginning of the illness the control over food intake and weight is associated with feeling safe and emotional control. It is often a way to suppress and control negative feelings, like fear of rejection, underlying anger or sadness. Some patients need the eating disorder to cope with traumatic events and the disease often starts after bullying at school, a divorce, emotional or sexual abuse, but not in all cases. Underlying feelings of grief, anger or fear of rejection are factors that are suppressed and controlled by the eating disorder. These factors are also keeping the disorder going. Taking away the disorder confronts the patient with almost unbearable negative and fearful feelings. Patients create a world of their own. What they don’t realise is that the initial safety they experience by control of emotions through food and weight is in fact a coping mechanism that is turning against them, and controlling the patient. Imagine the disorder as a very powerful tyrant or force in the brain, controlling the thoughts and keeping the patient prisoner in her own body. Many anorexia patients spend all their time, energy and attention on what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, and how to compensate for calorie intake after eating, through physical exercise, or purging, or fasting. It is a terrible life, with immense suffering for the patient, both mental and physical, and a disorder that is destroying relationships, families, friendships, careers and savings accounts. IS IT TREATABLE AND HOW? Anorexia is treatable, but it takes time and expertise. When talking to the patient, the counselor will notice that it is as if the patient has two voices: one controlled by the disorder and one healthy, authentic voice of the patient. As the disorder develops, the voice controlled by the disorder tends to get stronger, to the detriment of the healthy voice. For a counselor it is important to strengthen the contact with



the healthy and often weakened voice of the patient. This part of the patient knows perfectly well that it is not right to starve themselves. Often in treatment the therapist literally has to sit down with the patient and supervise eating, while keeping close contact with the healthy voice in the patient, and chasing away the strong voices of the eating disorder. In the meanwhile the underlying causes that keep the disorder going have to be treated. If patients are physically in a critical condition, the refeeding has to be closely monitored, because underweight as well as refeeding syndrome can be life threatening. ARE CERTAIN PEOPLE AGES MORE SUSCEPTIBLE, AND IS IT PREVENTABLE? It is not clear why some people develop an eating disorder and others don’t, but there seems to be a genetic trait. Also some personalities are more susceptible, like very perfectionist and sensitive characters. Early interventions are essential, because once the eating disorder settles in the brain, it can be very difficult to reprogram the thinking. Eating disorders often start in early adolescence, although we are seeing a shift to younger ages, and to boys. WHEN SHOULD PEOPLE GET HELP? Early interventions are essential, because once the eating disorder settles in the brain, it can be very difficult to reprogram the thoughts. WHAT HELP IS AVAILABLE FOR TREATMENT IN PORTUGAL? Nélia would have to be admitted to a specialised centre that has the necessary expertise of the physical and emotional aspects of the eating disorder. Forced feeding at a general hospital can be life saving in the short term, but it will not cure the eating disorder if no attention is paid to the process behind it. In fact, forced feeding can easily become another traumatic experience that strengthens the disorder rather than diminish it.

The International Health Centres, Albufeira:  +351 289 588 923



BLACK TEAR Acrylic on canvas 70x120cm

Ana Nobre painting

Street Musician Acrylic on Canvas 50x70cm

MEET THE ARTIST Ana Nobre PLEASE CAN YOU START BY TELLING US ABOUT YOURSELF. My name is Ana Nobre, I was born in Lisbon in 1979. Graduated in Fine Arts in ESAD, at Caldas da Rainha. Five years ago I moved to Lagoa. Since then I have been painting, teaching, exhibiting, studying, everything I have in my power to live from my art. Right now I am finishing a Graphic Design course in ETIC Algarve. I am also writing and illustrating a book, which is a new experience for me. In parallel I continue to teach painting to children and adults. TELL US ABOUT YOUR ART AND WHAT YOU SPECIALISE IN. It is not possible to separate myself from my art, it is a part of me, a basic necessity. I don’t think it truly matters the way we express our creativity, the need is to create. In my case, more than in any other way, is through painting. The inspiration comes from everything, good and bad, happy and sad, casual or not, the pain and the pleasure have to become me, my way of seeing and feeling it and my way of illustrating it. So if I have to say what am I specialised in, I would have to say life, people, emotions, the reality, and the fantasy. The things that make us humans.

WHAT MEDIUMS DO YOU WORK WITH? Usually acrylics, but sometimes pastel, watercolor, crayons, color pencil. I like to combine the fluidity of the ink with the scratching of the pencil. I like to paint what I see, what I feel, reality and imagination. HOW DO YOU CREATE YOUR WORK, WHERE DO YOU SOURCE YOUR IDEAS FROM? There's no prescription, no trick. Ideas can arise while I sleep, or when I feel or see something that somehow marks me. They can arise from moments of happiness or moments of pain. Then I just let go of everything in the canvas, let my hand lead the way of the brush. The goal is to capture emotion rather than reason. HOW LONG DOES EACH PIECE TAKE TO CREATE? It depends, sometimes it could take weeks, and sometimes it could take only hours. Sometimes I have to paint it all over and start again, and sometimes I do all of it in only one brushstroke. WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR WORK OR YOU ART TO DO? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO YOUR WORK? I expect that I can transmit a message with my work, that people look inside and appreciate and respect themselves and others. That it’s

ok to have dreams and hopes. That fantasy is a part of us all. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE PAINTING? I have several favourite paintings, some of them are hard for me to let go. They are my babies. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR AN ASPIRING OR HOBBY ARTIST? If this is what you love to do, don’t stop, no matter what other people say or think. But be yourself, find your own language. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN ANY UPCOMING SHOWS OR EVENTS? WHERE AND WHEN? After going to Kensington to participate in Parallax Art Fair, I was invited to go to Florence to receive an award, Botticelli International Art Prize. After that exhibiting at the Rossocinabro Gallery in Rome during August. In April 2021 I have a solo exhibition in Artifact Gallery in Manhattan. I know it is in 2021, but I am looking forward to it. I have my work exhibited in Portugal too, in Alvor at Taproom Bar, at the hotels Luna Alvor Village and Luna Alvor Bay. From October the 3rd until the 30th my exhibition, BLURRED Lines, is at Casa Manuel Teixeira Gomes in Portimão. I hope to see you there!

+INFO:    ARTESANANOBRE  artesananobre  +351 968 598 961



AMI 1538










00351 282 788 977


Winning team 2019

Nineteen teams enjoyed the two-day golf event which is split between the courses at Espiche and Boavista.

A charity auction finished the event, one lot being a signed Lionel Messi Barcelona shirt.

The opening day held at Espiche was a Texas Scramble, followed by a barbeque. The main competition day was held at Boavista with a combined Pairs Better Ball, the team scores determining the winners. John Glennon, Damien Hendley, Colm Gleeson and Steve Downey picked up the trophy with a winning score of 90 points.

Thanks to John, Espiche and Boavista the tournament was a huge success raising over €9000 for local causes and charities.

Following the barbeque buffett John Aldridge took to the microphone for an interesting questions and answers session about his career.

Dates are already confirmed for next year as September 4th & 5th, 2020. Anyone interested in entering a team can contact Phil Harding.

+INFO:  +351 916 606 226 

 Go to to view and download all photos Photo ©




WORLD MUSIC October 5th is World Day of Music with celebrations taking place from 9.30pm at the Lagos Cultural Centre with a concert by the Lagos Light Orchestra. Ticket prices are €8.

+INFO:   CulturaldeLagos

What's on in October FORGOTTEN FOOD FESTIVAL This picnic intends to recreate some habits of the mid-20th century, when many Algarvians gathered in the countryside to share in a picnic. Gathering with family and friends the concept of sharing diverse food traditions of each place the events had a great social meaning for those who participated as they contributed to strengthening bonds and relationships.

This experience starts with a small interpretative walk to reveal the identity of the place and will have accordionists and folklore dancers that will perform algarvian corridinho. The picnic takes place on Saturday October 19th from 10am until 4pm in the vicinity of Silves, tickets cost €20.

+INFO: 

PORTUGAL MASTERS The most important event in Portugal's many golf challenges returns during October. The Portugal Masters takes place at the Dom Pedro Victoria Golf Course from October 24th through 27th. Competition is set to be fierce as the stars of the European Tour bid to secure their place in the season-ending tournaments, one of the last opportunities to earn points on the Race to Dubai Rankings and secure their spots in the final three Rolex Series events of the season. In addition to the world-class golf on the course, there will be plenty of activities for families to enjoy in the Championship Village. There will be junior golf activity for children from local schools and golf clubs, Callaway Challenge, and Colour



Path Golf will be on site with a putting challenge and PGA professionals will provide lessons throughout the week. Tickets for the 2019 Portugal Masters at Dom Pedro Victoria Golf Club are available from €8 for juniors (ages 12-17), €17 for concessions and €20 for adults. Season tickets are available for €24 for juniors, €50 for concessions and €60 for adults.



NATURE FESTIVAL Sagres Birdwatching and Nature Activities Festival returns for its 10th year. Billed as the biggest nature event in Portugal, there are a range of activities, many of which are free. With over 80 field trips, 60 bird-watching activities, more than 40 workshops, courses and talks, which includes comparisons of the results from the migration studies conducted over the previous decade. There are more than 50 water based activities and 20 plus activities designed just for children, so plenty of interesting things to do. To participate in the activities you need to have the free, festival bracelet that you can obtain from the event headquarters in Belice Fort. A full list of activities, many of which you may need to book due to limited spaces can be found on the website. The festival runs from October 10th - 13th.

IMPOSSIBLE RUN Impossible Run is an obstacle race where the main purpose is to get together to build team spirit and understand the need for mutual help. The 2019 edition

The second session of the lecture series, Learn To Live Naturally with Sofia Loureiro returns on October 26th at 6.30pm in the Municipal Library. Optimizing Digestion for a Healthy Life is a talk that examines food combinations, the importance of seasonal foods, which foods to favour, which to avoid, and how to use the elimination diet as a tool for detecting food sensitivities. The 90-minute class is open to any age and is free to attend.

+INFO:   BibliotecaMunicipaldeLagos

+INFO: 

The 5th Impossible Run will take place near the Municipal Stadium, Sports Complex, Fair Park and Ribeira de Bensafrim on October 13th from 10am.


comes with a totally renewed route with new obstacles and surprises. This year will see the addition of a new challenge, the Impossible Kids, a course designed specifically for children and young people between the ages of 8 and 13.

+INFO: 

Visit the Ruínas

Take a step back in time to visit the Megalíticas de Alcalar with a two hour tour which begins with a staged show introducing the history of the Algarve, its native people and traditions. This journey is interspersed with old songs plus a handicraft workshop and is suitable for ages 12 and over. Tickets cost €10 without transportation and €20 to travel by Happy Van with Paulo Ferreira and João Simão who will entertain the passengers. Happy Van tour begins at 2.30pm on October 12th.

+INFO: 




BLiP EXPO 2019 October 12th and 13th are the dates for the 19th annual Better Living in Portugal Exhibition (BLiP EXPO) organised by afpop to bring key businesses, residents and property owners together in a faceto-face environment.

BLiP provides an informal but professional environment in which to explore lifestyle solutions. Previous Exhibitors will be joined by many newcomers and there will be promotions and special offers throughout the Arena.

Whether you are a business wanting to meet prospective customers or a resident wanting to find out what is available to make your life even better in Portugal, BLiP EXPO is for you. There will be a wide variety of products and services for visitors to peruse at their leisure, providing for the needs of all-comers.

Afpop will of course welcome Members old and new on their stand to renew subscriptions, discuss matters or just say, “hello” over a cup of coffee and a biscuit.

Again the venue is the Portimão Arena with plenty of free parking and entry for visitors to the exhibition is also free. There will be on-site catering with a coffee area, cafeteria plus a hot and cold selection for lunch in the upstairs restaurant.

This year the opening hours have been slightly adjusted on the Sunday to better suit the needs of Exhibitors and Visitors. The hours are: Saturday 10am to 6pm and Sunday 10am until 4pm. Don't forget to come and see the Tomorrow magazine team on Stand S03.

Fado Final

The Final of the Lacobrigense Artistic Club amateur Fado competition takes place on October 12th at 9.30pm at the Lagos Cultural Centre in the Duval Pestana Auditorium. Unknown senior, and young singers seeking to make their talent and vocal skills known to the public will compete in the singing challenge. Tickets cost €12.

+INFO:   CulturaldeLagos

+INFO: 

ALGARVE AUTHORS IN ACTION Don't miss the opportunity to meet three local authors presenting and signing their books at the BLiP Expo. Coming from very different backgrounds, it is the Algarve they now call home and this is reflected in much of their work. Their wide-ranging stories are bound to captivate the imagination of readers. Italian-born Peter Giacomini outlines his life experiences in The Cardboard Suitcase. How does a poor boy from a small town in northern Italy in the middle of the war, manage to reach the highest echelons of the luxury restaurant business? His inspiring story reflects his courage, passion and perseverance and will take readers into the exhilarating world that only a hotelier can know. Artist and writer Daniel Hasselmyr, originally from Sweden reflects on the changes that the Algarve has undergone in the last few decades. When he visited the Algarve in the late 1970s and 80s he was inspired to capture what he saw in the form of beautiful watercolour paintings. He has now compiled his paintings into book form, together with reflections on the history that has now partly disappeared. Algarve – Artistic Impressions is an iconic book that adds to our understanding of the recent past and changes that have occurred for better or worse. Tomorrow magazine’s own writer, Lena Strang, will also present her work. Although born in Finland and



Daniel Hasselmyr

Lena Strang

Peter Giacomini

spending most of her professional life teaching English in the UK, she has settled in the Algarve where she enjoys finding out about life in the region. Over the years she has spent much time listening to people in the towns and villages in the Algarve, telling their stories as well as unravelling histories behind abandoned houses and historic places. These have been collated into two books: Touching Lives: Remarkable People and Places in the Western Algarve and the second one, recently launched: Crossing Cultures in the Western Algarve. The books, available in English and Portuguese, are veritable treasure troves of stories, capturing the essence of the Algarve. Meet the authors at stand 27 in the coffee area. They will be happy to chat to visitors and sign books.











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UNWINDING THE THREAD OF MUSICAL TIMES The Baroque Ensemble Arianna, represented by its vocal section, Ars Vocalis, visiting from the south of France will be performing two, free shows during October. A repertoire of masterpieces the audience can expect to hear popular pieces from the 18th century baroque era from composers such as Bach, Vivaldi and Telemann. This ensemble was founded in 2000 by harpsichordist Marie-Paule Nounou to explore and develop the musical heritage of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Ars Vocalis was formed in 2008 to be the choral partner of Ensemble Arianna and has performed with them at a number of musical events in the South of France. They have also participated in masterclasses given by prestigious professional singers. Today the Ensemble counts for some 20 members, under the musical direction of Paule Nounou, who is also responsible for the piano accompaniment. They will be performing on the 19th from 5pm at Ermida de N. S. de Guadalupe in Vila do Bispo and then on the 20th at 4pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.





On October 11th from 3pm through 5pm the Lagos Cultural Centre hosts Tourism UP, an acceleration programme in the tourism sector that aims to support business development in this area, fostering innovation and the creation of entrepreneurial networks. The Taste UP programme focuses on encouraging projects in the sectors of Gastronomic Tourism and Wine Tourism, with special attention to creativity and tourism experience in these fields.

Both programmes begin with a nationwide roadshow where training and dissemination workshops will be promoted. 36 projects will be selected from these workshops who will have the opportunity to move to the second phase: two intensive bootcamp days with

access to mentoring and training that take place October 26-27 and November 22-23. The programs will end with a final public presentation on December 5th, where the winning projects will be announced. The two programmes promoted by the Creative Territories, Turismo de Portugal and APTECE will make available for 1st place €5000 in monetary value and €500 to be applied in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), €1000 for 2nd place and €500 for 3rd. If your business is in the Tourism, Gastronomic Tourism and Wine Tourism and Entrepreneurship and sectors you can find out more online.

+INFO: 

ANTI RUMOUR WORKSHOP What Is The True Colour Of Clouds with Marina Palácio October 19th at 11am at the Lagos Municipal Library, is a two hour course for children 6-years and over. Aimed at families, this workshop on wild thinking, comics, gastronomy and human nature on “Reading the World” without stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination was conducted from the book, A Little History of the World, by E. H. Gombrich. It

aims to raise awareness of issues related to civility, education, society, creativity, critical thinking, among others. Admission is free although children are required to register, and spaces are limited to 20 participants.

+INFO: 


FESTA DA DESFOLHADA Enchanting Algarviana combines choral music from different origins along with walks on the Via Algarviana. Walking the various routes through many different Algarve boroughs the activity aims to promote different aspects of the musical, cultural and natural regional heritage.

From October 2019 to March 2020, the Choir Ossónoba will promote six events, combining concerts and walks. Valuing traditions and the richness of biodiversity in the Algarve, this experience will allow you to enjoy the traditional gastronomy in local restaurants. The first walk takes place on October 12th, at 3pm. The route Via Algarviana – Percurso Pedestre de Marmelete, PR6 MCQ, the meeting point being Igreja Matriz de Marmelete, Monchique. The circular route is described as medium in difficulty and is a 8.4km walk taking you up to elevations that provide superb views of the coast. The concert commences at 6pm at the Junta de Freguesia de Marmelete, Monchique, tickets cost €5.

+INFO: 

On October 5th at 3.30pm at Lagos Municipal Library the movie Furar Contrato will be screened.

Blue Summer The Performing Arts Festival returns to various venues including the Lagos Cultural Centre, Lar Gallery, LAC and in the public spaces commencing October 30th to November 2nd. The 9th edition of Summer Blue is a festival of performing arts with events taking place in the cities of Faro, Loulé, Quarteira and Lagos. The programme features theatre shows, including two

for the younger audience, concerts, film screenings and a soundtrack specifically made for the host city. Besides the shows, the festival also promotes workshops, masterclasses and various moments of community participation.



In southern Portugal, home to the most beautiful beaches in all of Europe, major oil and gas companies acquire fossil fuel exploration contracts along its coast. Joao Camargo, activist and climate expert, Angela Rosa, a local farmer, and Laurinda Seabra, a former South African oil industry worker, are struggling to save their land and form community support groups. Taken as a true example of unity and civil force, the film raises a number of pertinent questions about civility, economics, and society that will be debated after its screening. Entry to the 50-minute movie is free

+INFO:   /BibliotecaMunicipaldeLagos

+INFO: 



There are two new workshop events from Jacqueline Bischofberger during October. Free your inner joy, with a playful yoga workshop on Monday the 7th from 3pm until 4.30pm.

from 2pm until 4pm in Barão de São João. The course is for anybody interested in clowning around and was designed to introduce adult participants to the first steps in to the life of a clown.

Followed by Clown Workshop which takes place October 19th

+INFO: 


October Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: FITNESS

Cardio Flow Yoga Mon 6.30pm | Yin Yang Yoga Thur 6.30pm, Quinta Bonita Yoga Studio, €10, Lagos/Luz 964593937 Yoga Mon- Fri 9.30am 10.30am & 6pm (Small friendly groups) €10 or €90x10, AR Pilates Studio Lagos 966784280 Hatha Yoga | Mon & Thur €8 | Studio room - Clube Recreativo Cultural e Desportivo Luzense, 916826041 Qigong Class | Wed 9am | €5, Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntarios, Lagos (small park close by the sports ground) 969147910

CHARITY & SUPPORT October 23rd Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590

Yoga Mon - Sat 9am | €10 | 75mins Drop-in | Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz, 282767303 Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Mat Wed 11am | Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola €7.50, 968288258 Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613


Kundalini Tantra Yoga Thurs 8.30am | Iyengar Infuse Yoga Mon 10am | Yin Yoga Tue & Sat 6-7.15pm, €6 - €12, InLight Lagos -, 913127421 Hatha Yoga (Begninners) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am | | Booking required, €10, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beginners) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde, 963614499

Qi Gong Mon 8.40am | Tai Chi Wed 8.40am €8 Inlight, Lagos, 913127421 Tai Chi Wed 1pm | Qi Gong Fri 10.30am €7 Taoist Meditation Fri 11.30am (Donation), Madrugada Center, Praia da Luz Tai Chi Sat 19th & 26th 10am (City Garden Castle, nr Arco de S. Gonçalo (Donation) 939734394 Gentle Hatha Fri 6.30 - 7pm & Wed 12.15-2pm | Burgau Sports Centre | Burgau | €8, 965201477

Yin and Tonic - relaxation and meditation Tues 11am €10 | SUP Yoga Thurs 9.30am €15 | Body Conditioning blend of pilates & yoga to tone and strengthen your body 11 am €10, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel Yoga Shala 964593937 Mum & Toddler Dance & Gym Class Thurs 9.3010.15am €6 drop in/ €20 p.m Bilingual Dance Clases All Styles (Babies-Adults) Classes from €20 p.m. Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz 913832335

SUP Yoga Mon, Wed & Fri 11am, €20, Alta Vista Luz, 964593937

CLASSES & ACTIVITIES Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962690582 Open Painting Studio | Wed & Thurs 10.30am-1pm | €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+- | Thurs 3 - 5pm - €10, Barão S. Joao, 962039574 Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789 Beginners Yoga Classes Wed 2pm Hatha Yoga Classes Wed 6pm Yoga for Back Care Thur 2pm, Lagos Marina, €10 (€45 for 5) 912176914 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613


Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 10am | Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am | Core & More Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau fit2lovelife 913202621

Golf School Sat 3pm (Max 10 juniors) €25 p.m Mixed Group Lessons Fri 9.30am (Min 3 p.p. class) €20p.p 24hr advance booking Equipment provided, Espiche Golf, Rally-Obedience Dog Training | Tues 11am €25x4, Espiche 968086320 African Dance Classes (from 12th Sept) Thurs 10.30 €10, Rancho Folclorico Rogil, 964588588 Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm | Beg. & Prof, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, 916035308 Dance classes Mon - Sat from 1pm until 9.30pm (3+yrs) 25€ per month, Lagos, Rua Gil Vicente 50, 912376595 or 915812055 /

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, 919707635 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Interm) €9 (€30 monthly) 11.30am (Improv.) | Wed 6pm (Begin.) & 7pm (Improv.) €8 (€25 monthly) Alvor Community Centre, Social Dance 7pm €20p.m Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis961916821 Aljezur International Choir Singers from the Southwest Algarve | Thurs 2pm | Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, 914285640 Lagos Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282790930

Circus VagabunT Classes for children (6-12yrs) Tues 2.30-6.30pm Aljezur/ Wed 2-5.30pm Budens/ Thurs 3-6.30pm Odeceixe, €25 p/m, Leo: 968296503 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort, Portuguese Lessons Fri 10.30am | €5, Hotel Marina Club Lagos, 964696345 Portuguese Classes | Individual or groups, all levels | Barão S. João or at your home,966176131


FAITH Sunday Eucharist Services 8am & 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813

EVENTS October 4th Crystal Sound Healing 8pm €12 October 13th Intro Transformative Breath Workshop 1-40pm, €35, sign up at Inlight Lagos October 5th Journey Through the Chakras Workshop | Balance & heal your third eye & awaken your intuition , €15 October 15th Relaxation Day Retreat | A day of gentle yoga, meditation & a Crystal healing workshop delicious meals and drinks 10am - 4pm €70 Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel 964593937 Oct 17-20 The Art of Breathing | Demos & workshops. Live Music, Belly Dancing, Drumming, Singing, Qigong & more, All welcome, By Donation, Odiaxere 936456244 Open Mic Night | Fri 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz | 964201904 Quiz Night Mon 9pm | Rodizio of Tapas (Call for dates) 7pm | BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm - 9pm €7.50 The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor, 912441143

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750


ARGENTINE FEELINGS A night of Tango on October 19th at 9.30pm at the Lagos Cultural Centre, Duval Pestana Auditorium. An Argentine Company with nine dancers on stage who perform music with native instruments and dances such as Tango, Waltzes and Milonga, Alambo, Bombos and Boleadoras. Tickets for the show cost €10 with usual discounts apply.

+INFO:   CulturaldeLagos

JAZZ IN SILVES The 4th edition of Jazz in the Wineries will start on October 5th, at 6pm, with a different and itinerant session. Jazz in the Wineries is organised by the Silves City Council and is integrated into the 365Algarve cultural programme. Wandering the streets of Silves on a historical and monumental heritage trip of the town, the Feel Good Band the musical hosts, will transport the audience along a route that includes several important sites within the city. At all the stopping points wine tasting from Silves county producers will accompany the musical moments, which will make this a special and different session, for which everyone is invited to come, prepared

with walking shoes and comfortable clothes. Tickets cost €12 which includes the concert, wine and tapas tasting of local products, a visit voucher to the Castle and Municipal Archeology Museum and the offer of a bottle of wine which is available to buy on the BOL platform. Due to the alcoholic element of the event you must be over 18 years of age to participate.

+INFO:  

VILLAGES ART EXPERIENCE At Galeria LAR the following shows and exhibitions will take place during October. From the 4th until November 30th a collective exhibition from the Faro based Cultural Association 289. Events include: 5th, Rock n Bingo 12th, Milonga do LAR 30th and 31st screening movies as part of Verão Azul also at Galeria LAR. October 26th is an opportunity to join the Villages Art Experience, viewing art displays in Lagos, Barão S. João, Mexilhoeira Grande, Figueira, S. Bartolomeu de Messines and Alte before returning to Lagos. The tour runs from 10am until 5pm tickets cost €20.



The script Villages Art Experience explores the potential of interventions by artists Xana, Jorge Pereira, Mariana the Miserable, Padure, Susana Gaudêncio, Menau and Tiago Batista, emphasising the stories that have been inscribed in public places and squares. A script for contemporary public art that values communities in low density areas, in a rediscovery of the rural Algarve. The programme includes a light meal at one of the localities. Last but not least, until November 2nd the ARTURb 2019 Stencil Masters Edition 0.2 exhibition > LAC. During October a Stencil Workshop with Samina at LAC will be offering the opportunity to learn new skills, the workshops taking place October 19th and 20th.

+INFO: 




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October 2nd at the Portimão Gymnastics Pavilion, Diabetes in Motion is aimed at people with type 2 diabetes. Supervised exercise sessions three times a week, 75 minutes long, over a nine-month cycle, guided by a qualified technician and in the presence of a nurse. The initiative is free and will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3pm until 4.30pm. Interested parties should enquire with their family doctors or nurses about the possibility of participating as registration is limited to 60 people.

Series Elite is a brand new race series exclusively for competitors over 40-years of age. The drivers will campaign the Jaguar XE SV Project 8 car with a 5.0L V8 engine developing 600PS and a top speeds of 200mph, the four-wheel drive has been developed in-house at Jaguar’s Special Vehicle Operations facility in Coventry and will offer racing on a level-playing field for the drivers of the 20 vehicles.

Le Mans Series heads back to the Algarve The last weekend in October sees the return of the European Le Mans Series (ELMS) to the Autódromo do Algarve.

competitiveness means there is plenty of track action throughout the large grid of 40+ cars.

The ELMS is a Europe based sports car racing endurance series inspired by the world famous 24 Hours of Le Mans race. Prototype sports cars, which are out and out racing cars, run in two classes, LMP2 and LMP3. The cars have covered cockpits and wheels unlike the open single seaters of Formula 1. Costs of both classes are strictly controlled along with specified V8 racing engines. Accompanying the prototype cars are GT’s based on road going performance cars such as Ferrari 488’s and Porsche 911’s.

Local interest includes Stewart Cox’s Guia based Algarve Pro Racing with an Oreca 07 sports prototype car in class LMP2. Portuguese driver Filipe Albuquerque, is also racing in LMP2 for UK based United Autosports.

The European Le Mans Series gives everybody the opportunity to take advantage of motor racing in a different way. The choice between Prototype and GT cars give the competitors the opportunity to compete in a first-class series according to their budgets. The level of



The main 4-hour race takes place on Sunday October 27th. Paddock tickets from €10 also give access to the grid before the main race. Support races for Le Mans Cup, Caterham’s and Jaguar Series Elite are also planned over the weekend. By Phil Egginton is a motorsport photographer and journalist who now lives in the Algarve.

+INFO: 

Designed for novices who never had the opportunity to get involved in their youth, as well as more experienced drivers who raced in their younger days and still have the need for speed, the series concludes their first year’s racing at the Autodrome over the weekend of the October 25th.

+INFO: 



CUTE LITTLE COFFEE & GELATO SHOP IN MONCHIQUE. Our gluten free gelato is made with local, fresh ingredients, including several vegan flavors. Our coffee and loose-leaf teas are from Portugal, all cakes are homemade in Aljezur and Monchique, and our chai, hot cocoa, and lemonade are made from scratch.  +351 282 102 356  CECESCOFFEEANDGELATO  ESTRADA DA FOIA CEICEIRA, MONCHIQUE


DIRTY GIRLS Stereotypically seen as a male dominated activity, women motorcycle riders are on the increase.

The last few years have seen an increase in the number of women motorcycle riders not only in europe but throughout the world, even countries such as Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. The UK statistics on bikes and motorcycle licence holder confirm that there are now over half-a-million women holding a full motorcycle licence. Here in Europe more recently two names have really come to the forefront of motorcycle racing. Spain's Laia Sanz won the Women’s category of the DAKAR while finishing 39th overall from a 186-bike field. Last year Spanish rider Maria Herrera finished 13th in the World Supersport 300cc category having also been the first ever woman rider to win a moto3 race in the Spanish closed circuit racing series. Gaining confidence to ride with the boys can be intimidating for the new girl rider so perhaps it is not surprising that a local company, Algarve Trailriding Tours, based on the west coast in Aljezur have decided now is the time to offer a women only courses for a First Time Offroad Experience. “As long as prospective offroaders have either a valid full, or A2 (up to 600cc) motorcycle license they will be able to attend.

It only takes three days to bring riders who have very little or zero off-road experience into a confident rider with sufficient skills to take on challenging and difficult terrain that this part of the Algarve has to offer,” says Anton of Algarve Trailriding Tours. The motorcycles used for this project are actually made in Portugal (Penafiel) and are building a worldwide reputation for competing in the Hard Enduro scene. The bikes for the FTOE are the 250cc AJP PR5 model. It is hoped that by bringing more female riders forward into the world of Enduro/Adventure/Trail-riding, not only will they be inspired to participate in an amazing adventure activity but in turn they may inspire some young girl somewhere to pick up a helmet and boots to challenge men for world championship honours. With limited spaces the course will take place October 28th to 30th inclusive.

+INFO:  

ADAPTED SAILING Portimão, as part of the continuing European City of Sport initiative, will host the 2019 National and European adapted sailing championships on the Arade river from September 30th through until October 12th, the event being the largest adapted sailing event ever held on the shores of Portugal.

24hrs of Portimão

More 24hour racing at the Autodrome in October, this time the final event in the Citroen C1 series.

Teams comprising from three to eight drivers and with up to fifty C1's expected to battle for a number of trophies in the



professional and ameuter catagories that concludes the series. Training on October 4th racing begins at midday on the 5th with the chequered flag being deployed 24 hours later, at midday on Sunday 6th. Tickets cost €5 from the Autodrome.

A project of Teia D'Impulsos, in partnership with the Portimão Marina Yacht Club expects to run a race series that will see competitors from 20 countries participating. Up to 400 people will be involved in what will be the largest adapted sailing event in Europe during 2019. With a wide range of disabilities the competitors will be depending upon an army of volunteers for their premier event of the year. For information on how to enter or volunteer contact the organisers.

+INFO: 


AUTUMN GARDEN FAIR This annual Autumn Mediterranean Gardening Fair will, this year, be open two days in order to give visitors more time to enjoy the variety of plants on offer and also give nurseries an opportunity to bring more plants to display. Following the success of the spring event the organisers were invited by the Freguesia of Silves, the President, Sr Tito Coelho da Sousa and his team, to hold their autumn fair in the dedicated FISSUL exhibition centre, in the town centre of Silves, adjacent to the river. The centre offers more space for exhibitors, all of which are under cover. For the visitors there is extensive free car parking. This year one of the new features will be an extensive display of ornamental orchid species, all of which are suitable for the Algarve garden and shady terraces. The Orchid Society of Portugal will also host a talk at the event by their President, expert and author, José Santos.

Another new attraction will be the MGAP Plant Sales table, organised by the members, with plants from their own gardens, they will be able to give the best advice about how to look after them. There will also be a selection of Mediterranean bulbs for sale suitable for naturalising. There will be native plants and seeds for sale as well as ornamental and container plants. There will be rare and unusual plants from arid and tropical zones. A display garden plus fruit trees and herbs. There will be a wonderful range of succulents available both for the garden and for containers. An opportunity to buy the most appropriate plants for your garden while benefiting from the advice and guidance of the knowledgeable nursery owners, speakers and MGAP Members. After completing a purchase you can take advantage of the plant créche, where purchases can be left in safe hands while you

continue to enjoy the many attractions of the day. High quality botanical art and card sale are also available. A programme of free talks, workshops and demonstrations will be provided. Hot refreshments and bar facilities will be available, there will also be a range of organic produce and products for sale and the MGAP stall offering new and second-hand specialist gardening books, wildflower seeds, advice and information. The Mediterranean Autumn Garden Fair is open from 10am until 6pm on Saturday 26th, and 10am until 4pm on Sunday 27th at the FISSUL Exhibition Centre, Silves.

+INFO:    +351 289 791 869 / 918 718 474

POLICE CHALLENGE The Police Challenge comes to Praia Da Rocha, Portimāo for the final event in the OCR Police Challenge circuit. Sunday October 27th from 9am until 2pm as part of Portimão, European City of Sport 2019, the event is a challenge open for everyone. A 8/10Km course set with dozens of natural and pre-installed obstacles that involve strength, coordination, water, mud and most importantly, fun.



Allowing you to choose the challenge that best fits your goals and ability, the event is divided into three types of athletes, elite, competitive and overall. Enter as an individual or as a team which can be mixed gender and consisting of three athletes. The minimum age to enter is 16years. For the younger athletes there will be a shorter course with less challenging obstacles.

+INFO: 


HAPPY HALLOWEEN BY CAMERON COBB Did you know that Halloween originated from the pagan religious festival of Samhain, an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition celebrated on October 31st which honoured the harvest and prepared for the darker, colder half of the year, and while it might not be the modern holiday attire, it certainly had costumes and treats. The festival held the belief that the barrier separating Earth and the spirit world was temporarily opened, connecting humans and those on the other side. Celebrators would leave offerings outside for otherworldly beings. During the celebration Celts often dressed up to look like monsters or animals in hopes of evading kidnap from any wandering spirits. During the eighth century, Pope Gregory was credited with dubbing November 1st to be All Saints’ Day which took some of the traditions of Samhain. The night before All Saints’ Day came to be Hallows Eve and eventually the Halloween that many countries around the world celebrate in different ways today. HALLOWEEN FACTS:

Witch Night with Joana Espiñal October 19th at 9pm at the Municipal Library the 2-hour class for children between 5 and 12 years of age. This is a scary night where the children will find out that they are very brave and can handle witches, ghosts and monsters. Learning to be afraid and

have the courage to face it while finding that their best weapons are courage and determination. The class offers free admission although is subject to registration with a limit of 15 participants.

+INFO:   LibraryMountaindeLagos

Halloween at Zoomarine From October 15th until November 2nd, witches, ghouls and zombies will spook the whole family when Zoomarine will transform the park for 15 days, featuring scary halloween themed decorations, surprises and fun performances, for a day shrouded in dark mystery, a Halloween for children and adults alike. October 15,18,19,25,26, 31 and November 1st is

includes the Live Statues Festival that promise to give you the chills! During this festive Halloween season there is a 10% online discount for 1-Day individual tickets.

+INFO: 

Carvoeiro Halloween Party Club. The bar will be open with food available too.

2. Halloween is known for being the second highest-grossing commercial holiday, with Christmas being the first.

Kids Entertainment are bringing to you spooky, freaky awesome Family Halloween parties, open to all ages, there will be Fancy Dress Competitions, Freaky Mocktails, snacks, treats, games, a photo booth, musical entertainment, a Creation Station and Glitter Bar.

3. Have a fear of Halloween? There is a word for that, Samhainphobia.

The fun starts at 2pm until 5pm on Sunday October 27th at Carvoeiro Tennis

+INFO:  events/513429049229408

Halloween is not widely celebrated in the Algarve, though in the past local spots like Loulé’s Saturday Market, have celebrated with spooktacular decorations, so be on the lookout for what you might find this horrific holiday season.

Burgau Halloween Party

1. Before pumpkins, Jack O’ Lanterns were first carved from turnips!

The apple bobbing and trick or treating continues when the party moves to the Burgau Sports Centre. The party starts at 7pm on Wednesday October 30th.

+INFO:  events/501486877321191

rip 54


Prices are 5€ per child which includes all above with complimentary Mocktail & Light snacks for the children.

Halloween Fun Day Saturday, October 26th, from 9am until 7pm, and Sunday October 27th from 9am until 7 pm at the Portimão Arena promises two days of family friendly entertainment.

+INFO: 



2 different ways

with every Adventure you‘ll get a 20% discount voucher for



Hot Stone


Bouncy Castle

Avenida dos Descobrimentos above the underground car park


JOINING THE ORANGE ARMY Motorsport is a multimillion euro international business. Many will be familiar with the top levels of sport we see on TV such as Formula 1 or MotoGP. The costs of competing even at a basic level can be high. There is an old saying which exemplifies this, “to make a small fortune in motorsport…start with a big one”! However, what many may not be aware of is the role played by a vast army of volunteers, without which the sport would not exist. Known within the sport as the “Orange Army”, these are the marshals. Marshals are the power behind motorsport. Recognisable from their orange overalls, hence the Orange Army, they're vital to the safe and effective running of events all over the world. Marshals perform a range of essential duties, from displaying flag signals for competitors at race events to manning time controls or junctions on a rally. They also get one of the best seats in the house, going behind-the-scenes at all the most exciting events. Marshaling is for anybody who is interested in and wants to be more involved in motorsport. You don’t need any special skills or qualifications to start; just some common sense and an awareness of self-preservation. Events at the Autódromo do Algarve (AIA) near Portimão rely upon these marshals. One such marshal is Carvoeiro based Roger Morse. I caught up with Roger shortly before this year’s World Superbike event at the beginning of September. Roger had a career as a civil servant which took him all over the globe. Roger and his wife fell in love with the Algarve following a package holiday in 2004. The geography, weather and especially the welcoming Portuguese people all attracted them. There was plenty to do regarding their interests including tennis, gym, swimming, yoga etc. They purchased a house near Carvoeiro and retired there in 2006. The house required some renovation which they set about doing. They quickly made new friends and also took advantage of touring in their motorhome. Roger volunteered to join the AIA marshals after attending the first World Superbikes event held in 2008. He contacted Daniel Matos, the sporting director, who welcomed him enthusiastically to the team. Training took place on the job with Roger working with a team of marshals on their “post”. These posts are spread at regular intervals all over the circuit. Each post can see,



as a minimum, the previous and following posts. All posts are in communication by radio with the central race control. Race control has TV monitoring of the entire circuit. Roger explains, “All communications are in Portuguese. It really helped me to improve my language skills. I'm a great believer in speaking Portuguese if you live here. Too many people only bother to lean how to order three beers and a packet of crisps!”. Post marshals either use flags to signal the competitors or they undertake “intervention”. Intervention is required when debris or a brokendown car or bike needs clearing. So, what is it like being a marshal, I asked? “Marshals require a lot of concentration. You need to have eyes on the circuit all times the cars and bikes are running. We have a variety of different colour flags which give information to those racing. Yellow flags warn of incidents such as a crash or broken-down car. Blue flags are in constant use as these give a warning that a faster vehicle is trying to overtake. The rapid changes of elevation at AIA, which is one of its great appeals to drivers and riders, can give us issues. We need to try and anticipate when overtakes may happen and the elevation changes can hinder this.” How do you keep concentration going, for example during the recent 24 hour race? “I did an overnight shift from 10.00pm to 8.00am in the 24 hour race. To ensure concentration I made sure I stood on my feet. If you sit down, it is too easy to drop off”. Roger has built a group of international friends through marshaling. He now regularly goes to Assen in Holland to marshal at MotoGP and the Dutch marshals in return come to AIA for Superbikes. “I'd love to see MotoGP at Portimão. It would be superb to see. The circuit and marshals have earnt it”. When not marshalling, Roger can be found playing tennis, on his motorbike or playing guitar in a local bar. For more information on marshals at AIA search on Facebook for “AIA Motor Clube” By Phil Egginton is a motorsport photographer and journalist who now lives in the Algarve.

"Marshals require a lot of concentration. You need to have eyes on the circuit all times the cars and bikes are running"


RECOGNITION OF LAGOS ATHLETES The City Council recognised and congratulated the sporting merits of two of the town's many athletes. José Seromenho was crowned champion and brought home the Gold Medal in the superveteran category at the trap 5 IV World Shooting Championships, which took place in Valencia, Spain recently. This title was achieved in the scope of the Portuguese Hunting Shooting Team through the Barlavento Shooting Club in Lagos where José hones his shooting skills. The second athlete was the young man, Diogo Marreiros, who single-handedly, brought home

four medals from the Euroepan Speed Skating Championships held in Pamplona, Spain. Already holding National, European and World titles, Diogo, a member of Roller Lagos Skating Club, claimed the Silver in the 10 km, Bronze in the 15 km, Bronze in the 1km track race, wrapping up his succesful competition with taking the Silver Medal in the Marathon race. In this public tribute, the Chamber extended the vote of praise to the leaders of the Roller Lagos Skating Club where athletes have been training and developing the sport.

GOLF PRO TIP THE MEDIUM IRON In considering a medium distance shot you are often considering the tee shot on a par 3, the second shot on a par 4 OR the third shot on par 5. Such a shot determines whether you can hit a green in regulation and guarantee your par or even offer a good birdie opportunity. Statistically these medium range shots are ever so important. The intent with this tip is to show you how to succeed with these medium range shots. 1.) ROUTINE First, you must take aim on your target line by placing yourself 9 feet behind the ball. Concentrate on where you want the ball to finish (your target) ensuring that you have



selected a safe zone that is away from hazards such as bunkers or water. Then place the club behind the ball on the target line, take your stance (width of your shoulders) and keep your grip (neutral), now you are ready to make your swing. 2.) SWING Place the club using your arms, then your hands and your shoulders, do not forget that the rotation of your hips and shoulders should just follow the arm and hand movement. Move the weight onto your left leg and accelerate through the shot until the finish. The principal aim during the swing is to hit the ground under the ball sending it high into the air aimed directly at the flag.

3.) PLAYER PRO SECRET It is extremely important to stay calm and focused on where you want the ball to finish. Do not forget to breathe through the address until the finish of the swing, a tightness in the body and lack of smooth breathing will almost certainly cause a poor result to your intended target. Mickael Carvalho is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf.

+INFO:   +351 282 688 250


CAPTAIN’S WALK TO MONTE REI Captain Peter McDonagh together with two club colleagues at Parque da Floresta Golf Club, Giles Fox and Dave Chicken, have picked a novel way to attend the annual Captain’s Away Trip. On October 24th they will start walking from PdF to Monte Rei Golf & Country Club, a distance of approximately 150km right across the Algarve, carrying the Captain's golf clubs to make the 1st tee on time on Thursday 31st October. Anyone who wants to come and join the walk at anytime are very welcome. The golfers are doing this to raise money to help in the fight against cancer in the society by supporting Stand up to Cancer. In addition to Stand Up To Cancer the walk is also supporting Madrugada, a vital charity in the Algarve. Madrugada offers support throughout illness and beyond, to people in the Algarve who are affected by


a life limiting illness. Their specialist clinical team provide home-based end of life care to those who prefer to spend their remaining days in their own home and provide support, equipment and counselling to carers and relatives. So if you see three men trudging along with a set of golf clubs in an unlikely setting during the last week of October you now know what they are doing. All and any support will be most gratefully received.

+INFO:  www.justgiving/fundraising/captainswalk

Partners, owners, and buyers have witnessed the 5th corporate golf day from Casas do Barlavento. The event took place at the Boavista Golf Resort & Spa. The number of entries has been increasing year after year, this year exceeded all expectations with 90 golfers participating. All had contributed to an excellent day, with an initial 9am shotgun and followed 4-ball Texas Scramble game.




At the end of the game, drinks and nibbles were served at the terrace with live music, followed by lunch at the clubhouse, prize giving and charity raffle that was sponsored by CdBResorts, Mar d’Estórias, Boavista Golf Resort & Spa, Alloro Ristorante Italiano, Hugo Beaty Restaurant and Bar, Palmares Golf, Espiche Golf, Bom Dia Boat Trips, Sealife, Seafaris, Pro Putting Garden and others. Soon after that, the winners were revealed and given the corresponding prizes to the categories:

THE BEST TEAM: Paul Oldham, Trevor Shaw, Justin Ryan, Martin Vivian Charity hole Lagos Firefighters – NEAREST THE PIN IN 2 SHOTS: Alan Bell NEAREST THE PIN: Men - Ulf Soderberg Ladies – Sue Rose LONGEST DRIVE: Men – Douglas Knight Ladies – Laura Melling BEAT THE PRO: Brandon Murphy Martin Date Richard Dale The charity aspect remained at this event, with the Charity hole dedicated to Lagos Firefighters, where the event was able to raise 1000€, which was subsequently doubled by Luís Ledo, Managing Director at Casas do Barlavento.


HERB OF THE MONTH Wild Juniper BY SHAIRA THE SPICEGIRL A native Algarvian told me that there was an old saying that you never have to go hungry in the Algarve. Your pockets will always be filled with almonds, bayleaf and juniper. October is the month the Juniper bush brings out the best wild juniper berries which are known for their distinguished smell and flavour. Most Dutchies will know Jenever, an alcoholic drink made from a juniper infused distillate. There are many species of juniper growing wild in the Algarve. So how to recognise and choose the one with characteristic scent, flavour and aroma that is commonly used for cooking. 1- It is a small bush no bigger than a metre. 2- The leaves are spikey, thin and green/blueish and about the same size as the berries. 3- Depending on where in the Algarve, the colour of the berry can be dark purple, through to black, opening the berry the smell will immediately tell you if it is Juniper or not. Fresh Juniper berries, when compared to the dried version, have a more flavoursome smell. Do not eat wild herbs and spices unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing.

JUNIPER SPICED BISCUITS: - 150 grams of cold vegetable butter - 150 grams of cane sugar - 200 gram flour or whole grain flour - 3 fresh juniper berries or 5 dried juniper berries - pinch of salt Preheat the oven at 180 degrees 1. Grind up the berries and add them to the sugar 2. Sift the whole grain flour and add the juniper/sugar mixture 3. Kneed the vegetable butter into the mixture. The dough is ready to be baked when it stops sticking to your fingers. 4. Divide the dough into 4-balls and place them in the fridge for 10 minutes. 5. To prevent sticking, cover the rolling surface with some flour. Roll the dough out until it is about half a centimetre thick. Cut the cookies out using a suitable cutter. The dough can be frozen. Bake the cookies for 15 minutes in a gas oven or 20 in an electric, remove and cool on a wire rack before storing.

+INFO: 

BY POPPY BURR Juniper, Juniperus communis, is not an herb that I use in my practice every day, perhaps because of its extremely specific physical and emotional uses. The berries contain potent antimicrobial properties which traditionally were used to ward off colds and flu as well as to treat stubborn urinary tract infections. This, along with its diuretic action, explains why Juniper is such a great remedy for kidney stones or gravel in the urine, helping to cleanse the urinary system of particles and toxins. It is also a powerful circulatory stimulant and blood cleanser, helping to treat arthritis caused by the cold weather, while also used to clear up chronic skin disease due to poor circulation. As a ‘hot and dry’ herb it even works on the kidneys in an energetic sense, cutting through the cold, watery element in a person which is so widely associated with sluggishness, melancholia and general debility in traditional medical cultures. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, the kidneys are thought to be the seat of your Yang Qi, or Yang



life energy. A person with kidney ‘yang’ deficiency is said to have cold extremities, sore joints and muscles, fatigue and urinary problems, a collection of symptoms also known as the internal cold. Junipers warm fiery properties would therefore suit this person well, boosting their vitality, soothing pain and warming them up from the inside out. In Western herbal medicine Juniper is also thought to disperse the cold, damp, emotions of fear, hatred and negativity, giving way to clarity and direction in a spiritual sense. In any case, Juniper must be used carefully, it can be irritating to the kidneys and too strong for people who tend towards a weak constitution. Pregnant women, children and the elderly should avoid Juniper in general as should those with high blood pressure and any form of chronic kidney disease. And how to take Juniper berries? The traditional British way, sprinkled over a gin & tonic with a twist of lemon, on a warm summer’s eve.

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19/06/2017 10:52


Getting out into Nature BY ANN DE JONGH

Moving our bodies is something that most of us take for granted, but there will be times in our lives when our movement patterns don’t work as we want them to, whether it is through injury, illness or lack of movement. It is so important to move our bodies and to breathe. Taking time each day to do some breathing practices is incredibly beneficial for our body and mind. A lovely simple practice to relax and calm us, is to sit still and just breathe in and out to a count, making the out breath double the in breath so you might start with breathing in for three and out for six and then over time this may increase. Living in the Algarve we are very lucky to be able to get out into nature on pretty much a daily basis, without having to worry about getting

rained on, so we want to add some movement in nature to our daily routine. Take the time to go out and walk, run, or stretch outdoors. Be aware of your surroundings, observe the small things around us, the little flowers, the birds, the sound of the waves. Find somewhere to sit, to breathe to be outside in nature to realise how precious it is and how precious our bodies our, and allow our bodies to move and stretch as they need. Having dogs means that every day I have to start the day outdoors, walking, moving and breathing, but this helps me set up for the day , but you don’t need dogs to go out for a walk, so why not try during October to spend time everyday in nature moving, breathing and observing.

BE A STICK IN THE MUD! Why you should have a mud treatment?

Rasul thermal mud treatments are a traditional Arabian inspired cleansing ritual that dates back hundreds of years. It combines the health-enhancing properties of heat, steam and mineralrich mud for a totally relaxing and skin conditioning treatment.

plumped, smooth and soft. When the mud is dry, shower in warm water to remove the mud and then turn to cool as this will help close your pores and help your body cool down. Just dry off and feel how soft and smooth your skin is now.

For this self-applying treatment, you first shower and wash your hair, then exfoliate your body to remove all the dead skin and enable the minerals in the mud to impart their nutrients deep into your skin and hair. Then smear the mud over yourself, not forgetting your face and hair and sit back and relax whilst your body purifies itself and the essential oils in the mud are absorbed.

The combined effects can promote hormonal change to take place within the body resulting in the suppression of stress hormones. Perspiration helps the body regulate body temperature and keeps the circulatory system running smoothly.

When the body is exposed to heat, the blood supply to the skin is increased and heat is lost through perspiration which is absorbed into the mud. This helps your body rid itself of toxins, impurities and sebum (skin oil). The heat also enlarges pores which helps your skin absorb the essential oils in the mud leaving it feeling



It can also reduce muscle spasm, relieve inflammation and balance blood pressure, alleviate eczema and psoriasis and improve the complexion. The metabolic effects of a mud treatment have a positive influence as negative ions are released in the process which increase your feeling of well-being. Sharon Hurst The Spa Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda - Lagos

Transcendental Meditation The technique for inner peace and wellness



85% of people suffer with back pain at some point in their life... WHY? Between the ages of 35 and 65 the spine enters an unstable phase as the discs start to degenerate. The areas of the spine such as the lower vertebrae (L4 and L5) are under the most pressure as they take all the weight and force through the spine and are the most common area for the discs to start to wear. Disc degeneration disease (DDD) causes the disc to dehydrate, prolapse, herniate, or bulge and is more commonly known as a slipped disc. Anything can accelerate this process including poor posture, core weakness, repetitive work positions and actions and poor nutrition. Once the disc changes it causes misalignment of the vertebrae that people often describe as ‘my back feels out’. Once two vertebrae are misaligned or subluxated (partiality dislocated) the whole complex of vertebrae and disc further degenerate because the whole area is not moving correctly and not allowing the disc to get its nutrients, so the area begins to get inflamed and painful. At this point, the back can lock up and this tends to be the point when people seek help. Those who go to their doctor are generally given anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the pain and inflammation. This does not solve the underlying cause. The inflammation is reduced thereby reducing the pain but the problems remain and will return again.

SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER? The problem segment (two vertebrae with the disc in-between) needs to be realigned and have the movement returned to it. This is done by manipulating the vertebrae back into place and returning full movement, which allows the disc to regenerate by receiving its nutrients. The whole complex can then rehabilitate and heal properly. Although the pain and inflammation improve after 3-4 treatments it does not necessarily mean the segment has regained full function and health. Patients often stop treatment once the inflammation reduces and pain subsides but the area is still not operating correctly and the problem will return.



Even if the correct cause of treatment is completed the problem will return if people don’t address the undying cause i.e. work postures, lifestyle changes, lack of exercise etc. To address these issues chiropractors offer maintenance care which allows patients to return between 4-6 weeks to have the segments manipulated to prevent the problem building up again and prevent further degeneration occurring by allowing the bones/ vertebrae to maintain their full range of movement and thus allowing the disc to receive its daily nutrients through being able to rehydrate and dehydrate through its daily cycle - dehydrating through the day and rehydrating at night. I always work closely with GPs, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists. It is knowing when each profession can be most effective at the right point within the process and for this to occur a correct assessment and diagnosis needs to be established at the beginning. In the UK the co-ordination of all the professions working closely and cooperatively together increased the effectiveness from 15% to 99%. The winner in this situation was the patient who received the correct care at the appropriate time with the most appropriate practitioner. Previously the NHS were finding they were delivering 15% success for a cost of £1500 per patient, following our project they were receiving 99% success for an average cost of £300. I want to solve the back pain problem in the Algarve by adopting the same strategies and some of this is educating patients to complete a course of treatment and not just stopping when the inflammation subsides and their pain reduces but actually get the problem segment functioning optimally. If they are unable to make lifestyle changes due to busy lives then enter into regular maintenance care to preserve the health of their spines.

We care for each other like family.



+351 282 770 050

+351 282 762 901

R. Dr. José Francisco de Matos Nunes da Silva, Lt 5, Lj A • LAGOS

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According to the World Health Organization stress is the “Health Epidemic of the 21st Century”. Extended working hours, increased use of technology and being available 24/7, piled upon family commitments, illness or loss of a loved one are all factors that can cause a rise in stress levels. Studies show that spending time in forests, sitting looking at trees, plants and listening to birdsong can reduce blood pressure as well as the stressrelated hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Yoshifumi Miyazaki, a professor at Chiba University in Japan, upon researching the benefits of Forest Bathing found that leisurely forest walks can give a 12.4% decrease in cortisol, compared with, say, a walk in a town or built up area. Participants in his studies also reported better moods and lower anxiety. A little bit of stress is okay, it is what they call the ‘flight or fight’ response. Stress over prolonged periods without proper rest and recovery can manifest in the body leading to conditions like adrenal

fatigue or ‘burnout’, or even contribute to diseases like cancer and diabetes. Stress can present itself in a variety of ways: persistent headaches, digestive issues, feeling overwhelmed or emotional, aggression, pain and insomnia. If you are concerned about any of these symptoms always seek the help of a medical professional and look at lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and alcohol intake to help manage the ill effects. It is good to connect with others too so maybe do something social whilst making time for yourself. Simply sitting in nature and noticing what is there can have a hugely beneficial impact on our wellbeing. Suzanne Radford is a qualified Forest Bathing Guide offering groups public and private nature walks and tree bathing experiences.

+INFO:    +351 927 719 010


Arthritis is one of the most deliberating conditions that can badly affect our mobility and day to day activities. The aim of treatment is normally to control pain, minimize joint damage and improve or maintain a quality of life. The good news is that there are alternative treatments to the standard prescribed pain killers, gels and ointments. We work with a large number of clients who have difficulty walking down steps, getting out of a car, holding a pen or lifting ordinary objects because of Arthritic joint pain. The method of using gentle massage strokes helps to loosen up the joints and internal movement of the bodily fluids that build up around a joint, causing inflammation, stiffness and pain. By correcting malpositions in the body can help prevent the condition from getting worse. Clients typically become pain free after just a few



treatments. There are other benefits to this treatment: clients are able to do more activities, which has the added benefit of exercising the affected areas, and thereby keeping the body parts supple; and of course they feel happier to be active again rather than sitting at home nursing their pain. The longer term benefits of treatment are that cells around the affected joints are renewed, the metabolism is given a kick-start which means clients can go for longer periods without pain. Keeping to a healthy diet of course will benefit as certain foods naturally contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, e.g. celery, spinach, kale, almonds and walnuts, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna or sardines and fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries and oranges.

+INFO: 


Spider Veins BY SAKIA VIZ

Millions are affected by spider veins, Telangiectasias, which are red, bluish or purple and mainly appear on calves, ankles and thighs. You will be pleased to hear they are easily removable, here is how. Spider veins can be a result of sun exposure, oral contraception, hormone therapy, weight gain, or sitting or standing for long periods. Laser therapy is safe, effective and does not require surgery or any incisions. The laser is applied to the vein which delivers a series of light pulses to the vein. This targets specific blood vessels without damaging the surrounding tissue. The blood vessels in the spider-vein are then gently heated by light pulses allowing the blood to clot and then collapse. The blood is absorbed by the body in the natural healing process.


Some patients experience mild discomfort during the laser treatment but this is reduced with the use of a cooling device. There is no pain afterwards and you can resume normal activities straight away. Often patients see the spider-vein disappear in front of their eyes. Having more than 10-years experience with laser treatments I can say the results depend on each patient, but definite results are seen within three to four treatments with most patients seeing a satisfactory results after just two.

+INFO:   saskiabeautysalon






The collagen stimulating treatment Now that I am well into my forties, I am always looking for new procedures and treatments that help with the anti-aging process. If something has on the tin that it firms, tightens and lifts, it is straight in the shopping bag! Something that has recently caught my eye is a new treatment called Radiesse. I started to do some research and found that celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston are rumoured to be having it done and let’s be honest, she looks amazing! What is Radiesse? Well, it’s a type of dermal filler. Unlike conventional fillers, Radiesse contains calcium-based microspheres. This mineral is found in teeth and bones and suspended in a water-based gel. As we age,



we are unable to produce as much collagen so we start to lose elasticity in the skin but…..all is not lost as this liquid gold triggers collagen production and over time the calcium is naturally absorbed into the body. As Radiesse has these collagen-stimulating qualities the effects can last up to 18 months compared with hyaluronic acid-based fillers. The procedure can be performed on areas such as the face, neck, décolletage, stretch marks, hand and arms and even the knees!

After the initial consultation, we decided that my cheeks and jawline were my areas of concern. It only took about 20-minutes and there was minimal discomfort. I could see straight away that my cheeks had more definition and my jawline smoother. I was informed that to get the desired effect, I would need to wait two months. With the added bonus of knowing that the microspheres are triggering my collagen production at the same time, I think that it is a fantastic anti-ageing treatment. The treatment is available at Medi Lagos.



Helen Wickham established Sunny Shade Sails in memory of her son, five years on, she has become a successful businesswoman and has found a new family. Sunny Shade Sails has gone from strength to strength in the last few years, offering a functional and aesthetically pleasing way to keep out of the strong Algarvian sun. They pride themselves on the quality of the virgin highdensity polyethylene knitted fabric, which they import from South Africa and their excellent follow-up services.

Jonothan’s company was sold by his wife but his heart-broken parents, Helen and Ray who had been living in the Algarve for over 25 years and were retired, decided to start another business in his memory and build on the foundations he had laid.

Every shade is bespoke made and one of their main functions is problem-solving, in order to find a way of incorporating shade and UV protection into spaces of all shapes and sizes. In one case they have had to create a structure that can be put up and taken down easily to comply with planning laws, in another cover a 200m² space for a jazz festival for Lagoa Câmara. They have clients in Northern Portugal, Spain and France, “We are a little ripple in a big pond,” says Helen.

Sadly Ray also passed away a few years later, Helen says; “Jonothan and Ray have been sitting on my shoulders during the process and our success is due to my great team. Three members of our team all had daughters in the same year so this feels like my family and we all look out for each other.”

They offer maintenance contracts which involve taking down and cleaning shades at the end of the season and repairs. Their structures are made from construction steel which is powder-coated and cooked at 190º which makes it able to withstand corrosion and rust. All fittings are provided in corrosion-resistant stainless steel.

While life for Helen has been shadowed by tragedy the sun has come now that she can see Jonothan’s legacy in the success of his innovative business idea.

+INFO:   SunnyShadeSails

As well as their show-room near Odiaxere in Lagos they get a lot of enquiries on the internet and they have a sales team who travel throughout the Algarve for site visits. Their jobs vary from private properties to playgrounds, schools, hotels and restaurants. Their biggest yearly project is CNEMA in Santarém where they construct avenues of around 80 shades for the European Agricultural Exhibition. Experienced sky-diver Jonothan Wickham brought the idea to Portugal after having seen the concept in Australia. Sunny Shades believe Jonothan was the first businessman to bring the shade sail to Europe. He met many obstacles, mainly the difficulties with customs bringing the fabric from Australia to Portugal but worked tirelessly with a passion and creative flair. This all came to an end on October 20th 2012 when Jonothan tragically died in a freak sky-diving accident.



Photo of the team in the file from left to right: Zsolt Vajda, helenn Wickham, Frances Wickham, Margarida Correia, Tiago Rosa, Rute Santos, Eduard Boldan

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What is possibly better than Pizza and exercise in the outdoors? At Foodie you can buy delicious authentic Italian pizza whilst also renting and or purchasing E-bikes. Praia da Luz is host to a new business venture. Daniele Caon and Valeria Spinola are both biologists from Rome. They both share a passion for food and sport and have together created Foodie Eat & Ride. After leaving Italy five years ago Daniele and Valeria wanted to create something a little different whilst incorporating their passions.

They were inspired to incorporate pizza and cycling as a concept because they are both addicted to Sport and believe pizza is a fantastic base for any outdoor activity!

“We travelled a lot around the world and decided to look for a place where we could stay and create a new venture and concept.” Our Pizza is typical Roman Pizza which we call Pizza al Taglio (gourmet slices), we only use Italian products and invest a huge amount of time and effort into the quality of our delicious pizza”.

“We use the E-Bike brand Agogs from the Czech Republic and at Foodie we rent and sell these fantastic bikes”.

The pizza dough takes approximately 36 hours to grow and it's very digestible with thousands of bubbles inside from the fermentation. Along with the pizza slices they also sell larger trays for families and big groups.

Foodie Eat & Ride really is a hidden gem in Praia da Luz. The pizza is delicious and the E-bikes are a great addition to the business.

+INFO:  Foodieride  foodie_eat_ride


With summer coming to an end and all your visitors going home, keep in touch with them and your loved ones for free (with an internet connection and a similar device at their end) with three of the best video and voice calling applications: SKYPE



Available on: Android, iPhone, Mac or Windows PC Skype is one of the oldest and best-known apps providing video and voice calling functionality. Users can communicate with other Skype users totally free, it also supports both front-facing and rear cameras. It allows sharing of files and sending text messages between the two devices. It also offers low cost calling and messaging facility to mobiles or landlines.

Available on: iPhone, iPad or Mac PC If you own an iPhone, iPad or Mac then FaceTime is an easy way to get a free video chat started.

Available on: Android, iPhone, Mac or Windows PC WhatsApp lets you text individuals or groups of friends, make a voice call or place a video call totally free. It checks your contacts and shows you which of them already has WhatsApp installed. WhatsApp can also be installed on Windows and Mac PC’s, so you can use the software to send and receive video calls through your computer.

Just open the FaceTime app and tap on the name of the person you want to call or tap on the name of someone in your Contacts list and tap on the video icon. Audio and picture quality are usually very good. Nice and simple.

Any questions about this topic, suggestions for future subjects or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am always happy to help.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT




The Lagos Coffee Revolution BY REBECCA SIMPSON

Two new coffee shops have proved an “instant” success! Known for its walled old town, cliffs and Atlantic beaches Lagos has now also become host to some new and quirky coffee shops. Speciality coffee is a trendy feature to most cities around the world and Lagos has certainly not been left out. Two new additions to the Lagos coffee scene include Coffee and Waves and Black and White. Previously the old German bakery, Coffee and Waves has taken Lagos by storm since opening last year. Using Flor da Selva, which is one of the oldest and largest coffee roasters in Lisbon, Coffee and Waves is bringing the best of singleorigin Portuguese coffee to Lagos. Sam and Anastasia originally opened Coffee and Waves as a Surfboard workshop. The home of Bob’s Boards a surfing brand who share the magic process of creating a surfboard and showcase the final product with bespoke boards and workshops. Sam and Anastasia also thought along with Bob’s Boards why not also open a café with incredible coffee. Using approximately 20-kilos of fresh coffee every week, the menu is quirky with traditional coffees, such as the espresso and macchiato along with adventurous options such as coffee lemonade and the marokino. Using a bright pink Victoria Arduino coffee machine their fabulous coffee options add a spin of quality and magic to any standard cup. The menu has been inspired by a Hawaiian holiday with a colourful and wholesome Avocado toast along with delicious smoothies and Kombucha. Sam and Anastasia have also collaborated with a local farm who they supply all organic waste to in order to create compost. As the first place to use recyclable and compostable takeaway coffee cups, this coffee shop is also a sustainable and environmentally aware organisation.



A few streets away Lagos is also host to another quirky coffee orientated establishment. Australian inspired Black and White opened in August this year and is run by Flora and Kevin. Ex-professional cricketer Kevin spent five years in Australia, during which time he really came to love the trendy coffee shop vibe down under. Black and White use Australian roasted coffee from The Roasting Party delivered from the UK. As a coffee shop with light food, Black and White also have incredible smoothie bowl options and another twist on the millennial avocado toast. Using a La Marzocco coffee machine this Aussie inspired coffee shop is another great addition to the continually growing international city of Lagos. The name Black and White was inspired by the different varieties of black and white coffee. The ethos of this coffee shop is to break down barriers as coffee can be a complex affair with so many options, bringing these options back to basics with a strong focus on really good quality. Black and White also have a strong concentration on recyclable take away coffee cups being a very environmentally aware business. Flora and Kevin also own three Aussie themed coffee shops in the UK with their new shop in Lagos being their first international venture. Coffee and Waves along with Black and White are two fantastic additions to the Lagos coffee scene and clearly another example of how Lagos is continually evolving and embracing a new international dynamic.


+351 913 505 038 | | R. Lançarote de Freitas, 18 - 1º - 8600-605 Lagos

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f


Alma Lusa


Meaning Portuguese soul

"Hard to compare and certainly hard to beat it will surely end up as one of our favourites". As soon as you walk in you feel as though you have made a great choice and all six of us had the same impression. It has a great contemporary feel, clean lines, uncluttered and slightly minimalist giving an elegant yet vibrant feel. The other immediate observation is that the staff are most courteous and certainly welcoming. We especially liked the decor. The attention to detail, like the linen napkins, the fresh flowers on all tables, the Portuguese tableware and cutlery. We all found the menu different, comprehensive and inspiring which always gives an ‘edge’ to your appetite whilst the prices gave me a relaxed feeling as these are not over-the-top prices and we would say they are very wallet friendly! The food was beautifully presented with lovely variety of meat and fish dishes, really too many good choices to mention here I am afraid! We chose the house wines, both red and white

from Fonte Do Ouro range and the white was an excellent medium dry wine whilst the red was robust and certainly to my taste, it must have been good as we ended up having three bottles! The whole evening made a great impression with all our guests who were very much involved in our comments of the evening and meal experience. A thoroughly successful evening at an especially lovely restaurant and certainly one not to be missed! Well done Daniel and team, who made everyone welcome and managed to pay attention to all their clients, particularly important to all their visitors! Please book to ensure your visit is not wasted. Closed on Tuesdays. Fado night on Wednesdays.

+INFO:  +351 282 761 670  Rua Gago Coutinho, Lote Gaveto nº 6, Loja 3, Lagos Photo ©

Some might think that Indian restaurants are ‘taking over’ the food scene in the western Algarve but far from it, however there is a new Indian restaurant in Luz which opened three months ago and which is already proving to be a ‘hit’ with lots of admirers and of course it really means that we all have so much more choice of styles and flavours to entice us!




Sandeep and his partner and chef, Hemant, from Pakwan Restaurant, in Praia da Luz, opened above the pharmacy, in Luz, in a large space that had been an Indian restaurant some years before and they have big plans for the long-term to offer private dining facilities too. As a lover of Indian food and amongst a group who call ourselves ‘the curry Club”, I always try, before anything else,

the the chicken tikka masala, as a guide to how I will like the restaurant. Well I I have to give them a big ‘YES’ for their offering. We liked the open layout of the restaurant and also the very open view of the kitchen so that everyone can see their meal being prepared. We particularly noted the high level of service and their obvious wish to please their growing number of happy customers! I believe Sandeep and his team will have great success in the area and wish them well and recommend them to please keep up the high standards already achieved, and if you maintain this, you will always have a following!

INFO:  +351 931 749 048 / 282 764 653


A LAZY GIRLS’ GUIDE TO OCTOBER IN LAGOS BY THE LAZY TIGERS It is October and it is here at last, the day the whole town has been waiting for: October the 3rd, World Temperance Day. Love it or hate it. Now come on everybody, we can do this. We have had the scorching days of summer with beer and white wine on the beach, followed by the balmy nights filled with music, and punctuated by the tinkle of cocktail glasses. All we are aiming for here is one day, we are not expecting Go Sober for October! There are some fabulous Mocktails out there and here are two of them for you to try. One from the golden age of Hollywood and the other is a little more tropical, not to mention one of your five-a-day. The Shirley Temple was invented in the 30s by a bartender in Chasen’s, Beverly Hills for the eponymous child star. It is very sweet and children love it. You can make it into a Dirty Shirley by the addition of 5ml of your favourite vodka. If you prefer something more substantial, try a Cantaloupe Cooler. Cantaloupes originated in South Africa but are now widely grown in Europe and are certainly available in Lagos. Towards the end of October there is another of our favourite events: World Nacho Day. Now, `is there anything lazier than nachos?' you say, and `Can we not obtain a perfectly adequate nacho dish in many of the reasonably priced hostelries in town?' you say. To which we would reply `Have you tried the best ever lazy nacho dish?' If not, here is our recipe for Cincinnati Chilli 5 (or 6 or 7 or 8 or… you get the idea) Ways. I have not given the exact details for the ragout since we have all been making spaghetti sauce in our sleep these many years. So, there we are, sitting outside on a slightly cooler evening, thank goodness, enjoying our chilli with a refreshing drink, and loving the more mellow days in lovely Lagos. If you feel like coming out for a late evening coffee or a cocktail, come and see the Lazy Tigers at London Tiger Coffee in the old town.



SHIRLEY TEMPLE (MAKES 1): - 7.5ml of Grenadine - Ginger Ale or another mixer of your choice - Juice of half a lime - Maraschino cherry

Pour the Grenadine over ice in a Collins or Lemonade glass, top up with the mixer leaving some room for the lime, which you then add to taste. Garnish with a cherry, or lots of cherries if it is for a child

CANTALOUPE COOLER (MAKES 4): - 1 ripe cantaloupe - 15ml of fresh orange juice - The juice of 1 or 2 limes to taste - A handful of mint leaves chopped with a few sprigs for garnish - Slices of lime - 25ml of ice Open the melon, remove the seeds, and add all the flesh to a blender. Add orange juice, mint, ice, and lime to taste, and blend till smooth. Pour into 4 tall glasses and garnish with the mint springs and lime.You can freeze the melon first if you want a slushie, you can add vodka or Malibu if you want to get sloshie.

CINCINNATI CHILLI MANY WAYS (SERVES 4): A ragout/spaghetti sauce made with 500g of beef mince or stewing steak to which you have added an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 – 2 tsp of ground coriander, cumin, and chilli to taste, plus a jar of good supermarket tomato sauce. Serve hot in a large central dish with side dishes placed around containing: A drained and warmed up large can of Feijão Manteiga (Haricot Pinto) beans. If you must use kidney beans feel free to do so. A large red onion cut into rings. At least 150 grams of grated Mozzarella (I think more of this would be better). A big carton of sour cream or fromage frais (full fat please)

….and the Hero Ingredient, a huge bag of your favourite flavor of Doritos (other nacho type snacks are available but are not as nice) You may also serve any of the following and much more besides. Use your imagination. More chilli. Fresh, mild, strong, sliced up bottled ones: go for it. (I think of this as an essential rather than optional). Fresh coriander (a bit of a `love it, hate it thing). Chorizo (Yum). Mayonnaise (to get the fat content up). Grated dark chocolate (going for that Mole vibe)



Isn’t it great that awareness is growing about the damaging effects of single-use plastic on the environment? More and more of us are starting to avoid plastic and turn to greener options… but sadly these don’t equate to zero impact. If only life were that simple. We’ve all been there, out with friends at the pizzeria and everyone has a slice or two left over. Not wanting to waste food (and who doesn’t love a slice of cold pizza in the morning?) we get our leftovers in a takeaway pizza box. It’s not plastic, so no harm is being done, right? Wrong. The truth, unfortunately, is that everything we use has an environmental impact, including the humble pizza box. Let’s face it – a whole box just for a tiny slice is perhaps over the top and provides a good example of how we can rethink our resource-use. A quick look at the impacts of paper production on the environment reveals some startling facts: - 40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is used for paper production - Pulpwood plantations destroy natural habitats (see our local eucalyptus plantations, grown for the now diminishing paper-pulp market but resulting in a loss of biodiversity and heightened risk of forest fires) Paper production uses vast amounts of water and energy - Most non-recyclable paper and card (including that greasy pizza box) ends up in landfill where it generates methane gas, with a strong global warming potential. Do we honestly need a whole box for a slice or two of pizza, when a napkin would do just as well? To measure the total environmental impact of a product, we can use a process called life-cycle assessment. This looks at the whole journey of a material from cradle to grave, including growing or extracting the raw materials, transporting and processing it, its use, and finally disposal. Life-cycle assessments can throw up some very interesting facts and questions, and show that the environmental footprint of supposedly greener alternatives can be surprisingly large. A recent life-cycle assessment by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency looked at shopping bags, taking into account greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy consumption, disposal, pollution, and many other factors. To have the same environmental impact as a standard plastic shopping bag, a paper bag



would need to be used 43 times; a bag for life (made from polypropylene – yes, another plastic) 45 times; and a cotton bag a whopping 7,100 times! The seemingly “green” decision by certain supermarkets and high street shops to replace plastic bags with paper is at best misguided and at worst pure greenwash. How likely are you to reuse a paper shopping bag once, let alone 43 times? From our experience they are nowhere near as strong or practical as reusable plastic bags. Even if the paper bags are sent for recycling, the process to turn them into pulp, de-ink the pulp, and make new paper is hugely resource-intensive. Well-meaning customers are being lulled into a false sense of eco-security, whereas in reality it would be much better to simply bring our own reusable shopping bags. There is a perfectly logical reason why the mantra is Reduce – Reuse – Recycle, in that order. Recycling should be seen as a last resort. Alternatives like cornstarch bags, or biodegradable plastics made from seaweed are not necessarily that much better. They are complex to compost, cause problems in recycling systems (by contaminating more common plastics), and still take a large amount of energy to produce in the first place. Ultimately, we need to address our usage. While singleuse plastics quite rightly have a bad reputation, we ought to be focusing more on the “single-use” aspect than the material itself. We live in such a throw-away society that the concept of something being redundant after just one use is completely normal, when in reality it is such a huge waste and drain on resources – and so damaging for our environment. Single-use needs to be consigned to the dustbin, once and for all. Can you think of more examples? Join the discussion on our facebook page, Attainable Sustainable, Algarve. In the next edition we will get back to nature and look at planting for biodiversity, a cooler climate, and a more resilient future. This series is helping raise awareness of – thanks for your support.

"Well-meaning customers are being lulled into a false sense of eco-security"

TOM-7-14-engl-2_Jens-ESA 16.07.15 16:39 Seite 1

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Pedro Horta

Jebel Irhoud excavation


'The emergence and expansion of Modern Humans throughout the Old World' On Tuesday October 1st, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will present two lectures, in English, by Palaeolithic archaeologist Pedro Horta. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje, São Bras, the second lecture at 6pm at the Convento de São José, Lagoa. Pedro Horta will be speaking about how modern humans emerged and spread throughout the Old World. Humans as a species (Homo sapiens) appeared sometime in the middle late Pleistocene in Africa. The finds in Jebel Irhoud, Morocco have pushed the date of the emergence of modern humans as early as 300,000 years ago (Hublin et. al 2017). In that same moment the Old World was inhabited by several other species of hominins. Africa was populated by a mix of derivatives of Homo ergaster, Homo heidelbergensis and Homo naledi in the South. Western Eurasia was occupied by both Neanderthals and possibly other groups like Denisovans and Homo heidelbergensis, while eastern Eurasia was populated by both Denisovans and Homo erectus populations. From that moment onwards humans started to expand their territory throughout Africa and, soon after, into Eurasia slowly replacing all species that populated these areas. This replacement wasn’t sudden and is likely to have happened in waves as it took at least 260 thousand years for humans to be the only hominin species left on Earth. But how did this replacement happen? When did humans start moving into these territories? What made them thrive, what contact did they have with the inhabitants of these territories? Genetics show that to some extent some of these species met and interbred. Furthermore, how different were these modern humans from the rest? From a biological, ecological and cultural point of view? What made humans different? The talk aims to explore these topics by taking into consideration



the most current data available in the literature. It serves as a continuation of the previous talk (Modern Humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans) and will focus on the emergence and expansion of Homo sapiens as a species. From the earliest culture and finds through to the replacement of all other hominin species throughout the Old World. Pedro Horta is a Palaeolithic archaeologist interested in the evolution of hominin adaptation and migration strategies from the earliest stone tool industries to the more complex stone tools used by modern humans. He is currently a PhD student and a Research fellow at ICArEHB, University of Algarve (UAlg), where he completed his BA and MA. His ongoing PhD project is generating new data on how bipolar stone tool strategies impacted the arrival and settlement of early modern humans in Europe through a combination of controlled experiments, 3D scanning software and stone tool analysis. He has excavated a number of Palaeolithic sites in Europe and North Africa and is currently involved with projects in Southern Portugal (Val Boi and Gruta da Companheira) and Bulgaria (Bacho Kiro). Both projects are focused on hominin adaptations just prior to and after the arrival of modern humans in Europe, a subject which Pedro Horta has mainly focused and published on. Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a €5 admission fee, with all of the money raised by the AAA being used for archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or Facebook page for any last minute changes.

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association

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Houseplants Part One: Understanding the Basic Requirements & Succulents BY TAMSIN VARLEY

There are so many benefits to growing house plants too as they purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen levels; they remove harmful chemicals from furniture, cleaning products and building materials; they relieve stress and add life to space as well as decorating your home. There are some important factors to be considered for successfully growing houseplants and these include light, water requirements and any longer-term aftercare such as feeding the plants and repotting them. Another important consideration is if you have pets as some plants are toxic to animals and should be avoided. The one thing that is important for any plant is light as it is essential for them to photosynthesise their food. Light intensity (or brightness) impacts stem length, leaf colour and flowering. If a plant is grown in light levels that are too low, it will become spindly and light in colour. Windows that face south have the strongest light intensity – east and west facing aspects received about 60% of the light intensity of southern exposures with northerly aspects receiving just 20%. A lot of the easiest house plants prefer low light levels in which case a rough rule of thumb is to place them close to a north facing window, about 1.5-metres away from an east facing window and about 3-metres away from a south or west facing window. The other essential requirement for house plants is water. Generally, people have a tendency to over water so it is always best to err on the dry side, plants will let you know when they need a drink as their foliage wilts. Obviously, watering varies depending on the plant variety, the size of the pot, the size of the plant and its location within the house and also the time of the year. Feeding your plants is also important if you want them to thrive. The general rule of thumb is to only fertilise them when they are actively growing. Most house plants will not need to be fertilised more than once every 1-3 months, between March and September. During the short days of winter, plants experience a rest period and usually need very little or no additional fertiliser. Plants should be repotted every 12-18 months, but if they are slow growing, they can stay in the same pot for years. Early spring, before the start of the growth



season, is the best time for repotting. Signs that a plant needs repotting are when you see roots growing out of the bottom of the pot, you find matted roots near the soil surface and when you slip the plant out of its container, you see more roots than soil. Quite a lot of the garden centres in the Algarve have a reasonable range of succulents and cacti and some of them make very easy and attractive houseplants. It’s best to stick with green ones as plants with red or yellow hues in the leaves do better outside. You can easily buy a few different plants with contrasting colours, shapes and leaf patterns and textures to make a mixed planting which can look terrific on a dinner table. Ensure the container you choose is porous though so that water can evaporate easily. Most succulents (apart from Haworthias and Gasterias) like a lot of sunlight so can be placed in a sunny window. The secret to succulents is the watering regime. They like to be soaked (as in a desert storm) and then dry out completely between waterings. Aloe vera is a well-known medicinal succulent as the sap within its leaves has been used for centuries to soothe burns and heal wounds. It’s also one of the best plants for purifying air for toxins found in cleaning materials and paints. The only downside of most succulents is that they are not pet friendly, but none of my cats have ever been tempted to chew on their leaves. Tamsin is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

+INFO: 

Haworthia attenuata striata; Jade Plant in flower; Mixed succulent planting

A lot of my friends react with horror when you mention looking after house plants telling me that they are renowned as a plant killer. However, the good news is that there are a lot of very tough plants out there that thrive on minimal attention.



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282 788 217

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