Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro August 2016

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August 2016 | Edition 2 | 3,000 copies


A community newsletter for PortimĂŁo, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro

Creating magic

Ferragudo's Studio Bongard

Top 10 picks

Summer activities for kids


50 years of an icon

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Photograph courtesy of

What's on

Lagoa Fatacil Festival

Hot dogs

Help them beat the heat Plus much more...

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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers General

Emergency 112 Tourist support 808 781 212 British consulate 282 490 750 French Consulate (Faro) 281 380 660 German Consulate (Faro) 289 803 181 Dutch Consulate (Faro) 289 820 903 Canadian Consulate (Faro) 289 803 757 Swedish Embassy 213 942 260


Taxi Diago Silva Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Hospital Fire Police Station Aerodromo


Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Praia da Rocha Hospital Centro Fire Police Station Maritime police Train Station

966 214 517 965 026 176 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581

965 026 176 282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

City council offices 282 356 690 Town Info 282 357 728 Taxi Company (TAXIARADE) 282 460 610 Private Airport Transfer 965 026 176 Bus Station (only Lagoa) 282 341 301 Pharmacy 282 357 463 Hospital (centro de saúde) 282 357 320 Fire Station (only Lagoa) 282 352 888 Police Station 282 356 460 Plumber António Cruz 962 870 665 Builder Boto 282 461 336 Electrician Eurico 968 778 953 Mechanic Carlos 282 085 027 Hairdresser Vitor Picardo 282 356 894 House sellings Nelson Reis 919 839 299 TV & satellite repairs Rui 926 459 429


Taxi Antonia Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Hospital (Portimão) Fire Police Station Painter Mario Lawyer Celia Tree Surgeon Firewood

965 881 917 965 026 176 282 461 361 282 461 232 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 420 750 967 881 062 282 476 305 964 384 613 917 601 798

Welcome to August’s edition of Tomorrow The whole Tomorrow team would like to thank everyone for the enthusiastic and positive feedback we received following last month’s launch magazine. It didn’t seem possible, but this follow-up issue has been even more of a challenge than the first (many bicas were consumed during its production!), but here it is - we very much hope you enjoy reading it. If you picked up July’s magazine, you will already know what to expect from the following pages. For anyone who wasn’t lucky enough to snare a copy, Tomorrow is dedicated to bringing you all the local news, events and other helpful information from around our local community. This month we have a fascinating profile of Sylvain and Tara Bongard, the artists behind Studio Bongard in Ferragudo and Arte Bongard in Monchique. Meanwhile, on page 10 you’ll find an interesting read on the history of the Penina Hotel, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Elsewhere there’s a guide on the best things to do with kids this summer, vet-approved advice on keeping your dogs cool in the warmer months, and an interview with one of the performers set to appear in historic dress at this year’s Silves Medieval Fair, along with previews of all the other exciting events coming up this month. Tomorrow is your magazine, and we love to receive contributions of any kind. Perhaps you run a new business or have achieved something great with an existing business that you’d like to shout about? Maybe you are organising a charity event and want to rally support? Or perhaps you have expertise that you could spin into a regular column for one of our various sections? Either way, don’t be shy - if you have an interesting story, something worthwhile to say or just want to give us more feedback, please get in touch so we can share it with the community and make the magazine even better. We hope you have an enjoyable, sun-soaked August and we’ll see you in September! Steven, Stephanie and the rest of the Tomorrow team  (advertising and sales)  +351 919 185 677  (editorial)  +351 964 187 303 PS - We’re pleased to reveal that the winner of last month’s competition to win a BUGG BBQ (courtesy of Moveison) is Joyce Grinnall from São Bartolomeu de Messines. Congratulations, Joyce - and happy barbecuing!

On the cover This month's cover shot was taken at the Candlelit Cultural Market in Lagoa, which took place in July. You can see more from this amazing event on pages 18 and 19. Our thanks to Dan Birch at Birch Photography for the cover image. 

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Community their home. He went to school in the Algarve and after a stint of four years doing A-levels in England and additional studies in Germany, returned to Portugal, which he considers home.

Creating magic in Ferragudo and Monchique By Lena Strang

Sylvain and Tara at work

Lena Strang enters the wonderful world of Sylvain and Tara Bongard, the artists behind Ferragudo’s Studio Bongard, to learn more about their nature-inspired work I‘m in a magical world of wonder. As I walk through the cool passageway into the building, I’m struck by the dense green vegetation, sound of running water and colourful walls adorned with remarkable ceramic figures. Venturing further into the space inside, I’m surrounded by creatures small and large – fish, urchins, sea gods, birds, animals and heads of people, all in different shapes, colours and sizes. More creatures emerge in the inner courtyard amongst the tall palms and rainforest plants. I notice a chair covered in barnacles and shells, which looks as if it has been there forever. A stairway takes me to a shady roof terrace where I’m tempted to

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while away the rest of the morning peering over the town and the sea beyond, in the company of yet more fantastical creations. But I have a job to do. I am here on the invitation of Sylvain and Tara Bongard, the creators of the works of art here and owners of Studio Bongard in Ferragudo, in addition to Arte Bongard in Monchique. They are both hard at work in their studio but Sylvain takes time off to speak to me. We sit on a bench in the office part of the studio. The seat is already partly occupied by a quizzical looking ceramic pig who doesn’t seem to mind. Sylvain tells me that he was born in Switzerland and lived there until the age of eleven when his parents relocated to Portugal and made the town of Carvoeiro

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And where did the fascination with animals and the natural world, so apparent in all the work he does, come from? “I was fascinated by animals from an early age,” he tells me. “My parents let me indulge my passion and I had hundreds of animals at home - from dogs, cats and canaries to crocodiles, lizards and monkeys. Nowadays I think it’s not right to keep animals in cages but then it was so much part of my desire to learn about the animal world.” His childhood in the Algarve was spent enjoying what the sea had to offer – scuba diving, fishing and observing birdlife at close quarters. “What you see today in my work is all based on these early experiences,” he explains. “If I create a lobster, seahorse or an owl, I do it all from memory. I don't rely on someone else’s observation.” Before the current work of ceramic sculptures and the commercial success that followed, he was engaged in other types of artwork. “I was always interested in drawing, but in 1987 I started dabbling with traditional tile painting. It was a hobby to begin with, but I enjoyed it very much and began exhibiting my work locally,” he explains. “I developed my own style based on natural observations and experimented with shape and colour.” He found that he could earn his living from this work and over the next 20 years had an outlet for his products in multiple locations on the Algarve. In his various rented accommodations - he moved 12 times in 15 years - Sylvain was always resourceful enough to be able to create

a studio and exhibition space, be it on a patio or a roof terrace.

Sylvain with one of his creations

The Studio Bongard premises opened in 1998, and two and a half years ago Arte Bongard opened its doors in Monchique. Were these milestones, I wonder? Yes and no, he tells me. Although he has had several studios before, being able to establish a permanent venue in a place like Ferragudo was ideal. After nearly 20 years it has developed into a house with a life of its own where it’s possible to work and exhibit in an oasis far removed from the busy life outside. Meanwhile, Arte Bongard, a medieval three-storey town house in the centre of Monchique, functions as a shop and museum. True to Bongard style, the different rooms are occupied by – yes, you’ve guessed it - a variety of creatures! Meeting Tara, his Anglo-Portuguese wife, in 2008 must have been another very significant event in his life, I imagine. Sylvain tells me she was an accomplished artist, apprenticing in carpentry and glass painting whilst living in Israel, producing decorated mirrors and other painted wooden pieces. Her passion for drawing was revived on meeting Sylvain and she rapidly learnt how to do tile work. “I’d always wanted to return to clay art and started moulding in between doing my other work,” Sylvain explains. “A year after we’d met we were both doing clay sculptures and our work

evolved together along with Tara’s drawings in graphite and pastels.” Looking around the studio I can see many examples of Tara’s exquisite drawings of animals and the human form. If there is a perfect working relationship, this must surely be one. The majority of the work done by the couple is ceramic sculptures. “We start with a fresh ball of clay and mould it to shape. Often I have no clear idea in my mind when I start and the piece evolves in the process. All sculptures are unique. If I make an animal,” he laughs, patting the pig sitting next to him, “it will always have its own peculiar expressions and movement.” The sculptures, ranging in size from a few centimetres to up to three metres, are fired in a kiln at 1,300°C. The high temperature makes the process more intense and complicated but achieves interesting colour palettes. And how do they sell and market their products? In the last 20 years Sylvain has exhibited extensively in the Algarve and in Lisbon. The exhibition that stands out most took place at the Portimāo Sardine Museum in 2011. Lasting six months, the ‘Submerged Art’ project involved objects such as the chair I’d already spotted, a clock, telephone, trumpet and other items being placed on the seabed at Praia da Vau and professionally photographed by scuba divers.

Ceramic figures

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Creating magic in Ferragudo and Monchique >> Continued from page 5 Enlarged photos were used as visually stunning backdrops to the exhibition and, in keeping with the museum’s name, a sardine installation reached up to the ceiling. The last major exhibition - at the Lisbon National Tile Museum - Sylvain describes as “life changing”. It was a huge venture that took two years to plan but opened new avenues for the couple in the north of the country. Exhibitions are less on the agenda now because of the logistics and timescales involved, although they would love to mount one abroad one day. It can’t always have been plain sailing of course, and when I ask about difficulties involved Sylvain smiles. “For sure, there are always problems, and at times it has been an uphill struggle, but we have managed,” he says. The duo don’t rely on outside financial support and have never applied for grants, preferring to be self-sufficient without having to make compromises.

“Many shops are full of very cheap and cheerful articles as shop keepers think this is a solution in an economic crisis,” Sylvain says. “We find the opposite is true. When people see our smaller items for sale they do recognise their worth and are prepared to pay more for quality.” Products are sold in the two studios, online and in many wellselected shops, as well as being displayed in restaurants in the Algarve and several museums in Lisbon. Is there anything in particular that Sylvain wants to convey with his sculptures? “The enormous personal enjoyment I have,” is his immediate response. “Every time a large sculpture comes out of the kiln, I feel like a little kid at Christmas! It’s the anticipation and then the surprise.” He feels very strongly about protecting the natural environment that he portrays so keenly in his work. By people visiting the tranquillity of their studio and observing their work, Sylvain and Tara hope to contribute to a different perception. “Yes, perhaps I should have been an environmental warrior,” he laughs. “But this is my way of highlighting issues.” The couple spend the majority of the week in Monchique with their five children. They

tell me they do appreciate having been able to make this part of the Algarve their home. They enjoy the spectacular countryside and continue to derive inspiration from the surroundings they so beautifully depict in their art. When asked if there are any future projects planned, they outline their dream. On a sizeable plot of land they would love to create a large, sub-tropical botanical garden where sculptures and creations would be an integral part of the scenery, “peering at you from corners and hidden crevices.” What a great idea. A project that would appeal to art and nature lovers and anyone who wants to have a flight of imagination. But in the meantime, visitors can still let their fantasies run riot in the Bongard studios.  Studio Bongard in Ferragudo and Arte Bongard in Monchique are open to the public Monday to Friday from 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. For private appointments, please call:  +351 968 362 930    Studio Bongard

Donkey Sanctuary in need of volunteers - can you help?

Refugio dos Burros - also know as the Donkey Sanctuary - is appealing for volunteers to help the long-running animal charity continue its good work. Established 17 years ago by Nan Richardson and Peter Lee Lander, the charity’s priority is to help animals who have no-one. Originally founded to provide a much-needed home for donkeys, today the refuge also houses dogs ,cats, goats, pigs and any other animal that is in need of rescuing, and the grounds of the organisation’s farm in Estômbar are now bursting at the seams. The aim is to sterilise, vaccinate and

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rehabilitate the animals, with the ultimate hope of finding a good, permanent home for them. However, if the animal is too old, has an illness or is not sociable enough to be re-homed, then it will live out its days in the safety and comfort of the farm.

The locations of the three Refugio dos Burros charity shops are Rua Francisco Sá Carneiro in Lagoa (next to Pastelaria Helydoce), Rua do Barranco in Carvoeiro (next to Motorent), and Rua Infante Dom Henrique (just down from the dentist) in Ferragudo.

Help is most needed in the charity’s three shops, located in Lagoa, Carvoeiro and Ferragudo. Currently staffed by a very loyal band of volunteers, the stores desperately need more helpers, and the charity’s Vice President, Christina Cottas, kindly asks anyone who can spare four hours a week to get in touch. In return for your help, Christina promises an enjoyable time will be had. “Working in our shops is great fun and very sociable,” she says.

The shops are open Monday to Friday from 10am - 6pm (except the Ferragudo store, which closes at 4pm), and Saturdays from 10am - 1pm. The Ferragudo store also opens every second Sunday of the month to coincide with the town’s carboot sale.

In addition to volunteers, the shops are always very happy to receive any donations of clothes, furniture, books, bric-a-bric and other items. “There is not much we haven't sold over the years, from commodes to cuddly toys,” Christina told us.

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Fundraising also plays a part in keeping the sanctuary up and running, and the organisation’s annual Golf Day is scheduled to take place on 2nd September. Fashion shows, dances and quizzes have also been held in the past, and the charity would be very grateful to anyone keen to organise a fundraiser on its behalf. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Christina directly.  +351 966 033 127 

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Top 10 activities to keep the kids entertained this summer The Algarve is a great place to be in the summer but, as any parent knows, keeping the kids busy and happy can be a challenge to say the least. With that in mind, in collaboration with My Destination Algarve, we’ve compiled 10 of the best activities for kids to help you make this summer the best yet. Go forth and have fun!

Get wet and wild With no less than four exiting venues to choose from in the Algarve, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to waterparks - and there’s never been a better time to visit them. Slide & Splash is celebrating its 30th anniversary with an exciting new slide, The Big Wave, set to open this summer. Meanwhile, Zoomarine - which has rides and shows focused on environmental education as well as slides - is celebrating 25 years, with lots of fun stuff going on. Book online in advance for discounts of up to 15% at both venues. Visit the land of sand Now in its 14th year, the annual Fiesa Sand Sculpture Festival at Pêra is back and better than ever! Billed as the largest sand sculpture festival in the world with up to 40,000 tonnes of sand used, it’s lovely during the day and magical by night. There’s a bar serving drinks and snacks, occasional live music and a very relaxed vibe. This year’s theme is music, so kids can enjoy spotting the likes of Lady Gaga and the characters from Frozen - or else you can educate them in the ways of U2 and Frank Zappa! Tickets are €9 for adults, €4.50 for children up to 12 years, and free for children five and under. Senior citizens receive a 15% discount. 

Take to the trees If you’re looking for an adventure, a trip to a tree-top assault course is just the ticket. With sites in Albufeira and Lagos, Luso Aventura adventure parks have a variety of high rope courses designed for those seeking an exciting physical challenge, all under the watchful supervision and encouraging guidance of qualified personnel. Both parks offer courses accessible from four years old, and no physical training is required to enjoy them.  Embrace your inner pirate While they might not usually want to sit still for too long, most children really enjoy boat trips. The adventure of boarding, hoisting the anchors and riding the waves while trying to spot pirates on the horizon usually goes down very well. Add in a trip through the caves and secret grottos of the coastline aboard a small boat and a BBQ lunch on a private beach and you should have a very happy tribe of swashbucklers at the end of the day. Go hunting for ‘treasure’ - or Pokemon! Everyone loves a treasure hunt, and geocaching has been dubbed the world’s biggest. It involves using GPS-enabled devices (such as mobile phones) to navigate to geocaches (containers) hidden at local locations. Check out our detailed guide to the craze on page 12. Alternatively, give in to the global phenomenon that is Pokemon GO. Download the app and then hunt the local streets, beaches and parks for the cute characters, which appear on your screen thanks to augmented reality technology. Flick to page 32 for a fun guide to some of the Pokemon team Tomorrow has caught. Awaken their curiosity Kids love to get involved and that’s exactly what they can do at the Centros de Ciências Vivas in Faro and Lagos. There are plenty of interactive exhibitions and experiments to awaken curiosity. The centres are inspired by Portugal’s rich seafaring past and give a nod to renewable energy. Great on cloudy days or for a break from the heat, and very good value for a few hours’ fun. A family ticket for two adults and up to six children costs €8.  Pack a picnic Leave the beach behind for a few hours and discover the beauty of inland and rural Algarve. In the west, head uphill to Monchique where you can enjoy some great country walks and find some lovely

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scenic picnic spots - the ‘small routes’ on the Via Algarviana are ideal. Elsewhere, at Fontes de Estômbar (natural springs) you can follow trails along the River Arade, do a spot of bird-watching and fire up the barbecue for lunch while the children enjoy the playground. To the east, Pego do Inferno near Tavira is spectacularly beautiful, with a waterfall, rock pools, rich vegetation and picnic areas galore. Discover a whole world of fun FunWorld in Porches ( is once again hosting a summer programme of events for six to 16 year olds, with the focus on being active, healthy and, as the name suggests, having lots of fun! Weeklong camps run until 16th September (8:30am to 5:45pm daily), each with a different theme - everything from Star Wars and the Wild West to Junior Masterchef! Costs include all activities, insurance, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks, and drinks. Kart them to the racetrack If your kids feel the need, the need for speed, then karting is an option with three locations in the Algarve. The indoor track at Olhão is the largest in Europe, there is a pretty impressive outdoor track at Almancil, and another fabulous karting track near Portimão, adjacent to the International Race Track, home to the world championships and Superbike competitions.

Get active There are so many activities available across the Algarve, particularly during the summer months. Check out the local tennis clubs, and ask about surf and sailing schools at the marinas and beaches. Do a bit of horseriding - there are centres all across the region offering lessons and guided treks through the countryside or on the beach. Meanwhile, each summer at Praia da Rocha beach there is a full programme of beach activities - volleyball, hydro gymnastics, yoga, surfing try outs and even scuba try dives. Best of all, many of these activities are totally free of charge!  

Local bookseller turns national supplier books. Moving to Portugal from Sussex the previous year, Ray discovered that good value books were difficult to come by.

knocking through to create the book lovers’ paradise that is the Algarve Book Cellar today.

“Back in those days, so-called new books were around ten quid, nearly €15,” he says. “I thought, ‘I can’t pay that, I read three or four a week’. So I thought I’d open my own shop.”

The store mainly stocks good quality second hand books. Most are in English, but the shop’s backroom is filled to the brim with a collection of titles in German and Dutch. The average price is €5 a book and Ray operates a €2 credit system for returned books. He also happily orders in any titles that he doesn’t have on his shelves, charging nothing for delivery.

Anyone who’s popped their head into the Algarve Book Cellar in Carvoeiro won’t be surprised to learn that the shop is home to some 300,000 books.

Having searched the length of the Algarve for the perfect location, Ray and his wife Jenny settled on Carvoeiro - although they nearly ended up elsewhere.

Boasting what owner Ray Compton believes to be the largest collection of Englishlanguage books in Portugal, the store has now become a valuable resource for bookstores elsewhere in the country, with buyers coming from as far as Lisbon to stock up.

“The first shop we saw that I thought ‘this would make an ideal bookshop’ was in Albufeira,” Ray says. “It had a cellar, so I came up with Algarve Book Cellar. I like playing with words, so ABC worked - and it still sounds like I’m an Algarve book seller!

“There’s one [book seller] from Albufeira who comes at least once or twice a year and buys books from me,” Ray told Tomorrow. “Now I’ve got two sellers coming from Lisbon. One has been down already and one’s coming down in the summertime to get some books.”

“When we went back that shop had gone so we started asking around about others, but they were asking €2,000 a month rent. So we came back to the town we knew and loved the best, Carvoeiro, and ended up setting up the first shop, which only cost me €800 a month.”

Surrounded by his piles of beloved books every day and with business ticking over nicely, it’s clear that he is doing just that. 

The Algarve Book Cellar started life in 2002 with a comparatively measly 20,000

That first shop was extended six years ago when Ray acquired the neighbouring lot,

 +351 282 354 310

“I order at least 20-25 books every month from a company in England, “ Ray says. “That only costs me around £11 delivery, so therefore I don’t charge anyone extra and hence I work out cheaper than other companies. I’m not here to make a fortune, I’m here to enjoy myself.”

Algarve Book Cellar is open 9.30am - 5pm Tuesday to Friday and 9.30am - 2pm on Saturday.

World’s longest zip-line and cable car planned for Monchique It’s already a haven for nature lovers, but Monchique could be about to become an adrenaline junkies’ paradise too. Plans have been submitted to build both a cable car and a zip-line connecting the quiet mountain town with the peak at nearby Pictoa, reports local Portuguese newspaper Barlavento. Covering a distance of 2,360 metres, the zip-line would be the longest in the world. The current holder of that title is ‘The Monster’ at Toro Verde Adventure Park in Orocovis, Puerto Rico, which measures 2,205 metres. Funded by a private investor, the €6 million project promises to revolutionise Monchique, making it one of the leading extreme sport centres on the Algarve. The plans received by Monchique’s Municipal Câmara show that the cable car entrance building will be built close to the

town’s current heliport. There will also be a restaurant, ice cream parlour, toilets, a small children’s leisure park, and a handful of shops. An extreme sports hub is also planned, with a paragliding and hand-gliding launchpad, and an abseiling area. Designed to blend in with the natural surroundings, with a green roof and using raw materials such as wood and cork wherever possible, the cable car structure will also have a system for collecting rainwater, to be used for irrigation and cleaning.

"The idea is to create a structure that will allow people to spend a whole day in Monchique, not just an hour or two,” the project’s head architect, Eric Castaldo, explained to Barlavento. Pointing out that many local businesses have been forced to close their doors in recent years, Monchique’s mayor, Rui André, added: “This infrastructure will also be a way to revitalise the local economy, creating attractive new opportunities.”

The project has also sparked plans for a bus station, to be located near the cable car entrance in order to improve bus links with Portimão and avoid traffic congestion.

Provided the project is given the green light by local authorities, work is scheduled to start on the construction of the cable car and zip-line in 2017, with a view to opening the facilities in the summer of 2018.

It is hoped that the development will help boost Monchique’s tourist trade, and in turn its local economy, by getting people to stop in the town rather than just pass through.

Ticket prices for the cable care are estimated at €6 and the plan is to operate all year round, albeit with a reduced service in the winter months. 

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Penina: 50 years of a local icon By Stephanie Wood in Lisbon, now the Hotel Ritz Four Seasons - designed the hotel, whilst Conde Lencastre led the interior design and famous hotelier Jack Gauer was brought in to oversee the management.

As Penina Hotel and Golf Resort celebrates 50 years since it first opened its doors and welcomed visitors to the Algarve, Tomorrow reveals the fascinating history of this jewel in the region’s crown.

The hotel was officially opened two and a half years later on 5th November 1966 by Portugal’s then-President, Américo Tomás and, as a lasting memory of that day, the club and ball he used to inaugurate the golf course can still be found hanging in the main reception.

welcoming celebrity guests (stars including Bing Crosby, Sean Connery and Lewis Hamilton have paid a visit over the years) to inspiring a Beatle to pen a song (more of which later), the old adage ‘if these walls could talk’ certainly applies here! Thankfully, Sandra Santos, Director of Sales & Marketing at Penina’s owner, JJW Hotels & Resorts Portugal, was on hand to speak to Tomorrow on their behalf. “Whilst amusing anecdotes and famous faces are all part of the history and charm of Penina, what makes it really great is the legacy it created, and how the values it laid down 50 years ago are still very much present today,” she told Tomorrow.

MAKING A GOLFING MECCA Cruising through the beautiful pine and eucalyptus-lined stretch of the N125 between Figueira and the Alvor exit, drivers are treated to a brief but breathtaking glimpse of what is undoubtedly one of the most iconic buildings in our local area; the magnificent Penina Hotel, which this year celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Penina is, of course, synonymous with one of the Algarve’s biggest draws: golf. Three glorious courses are housed within the hotel’s grounds, as well as a driving range.

BUILDING AN ICON The seed of what would become Penina Hotel and Golf Resort (to quote its full - and rather grand - title) was planted in 1961, when the hotel’s founder, John Stilwell, was holidaying with friends in Praia da Rocha. Mr Stilwell - born in Lisbon in 1925 to a Portuguese mother and British father - recognised that, whilst the sun-soaked summer months created an obvious draw to the Algarve, there was little to attract tourists to the area during the winter months. And so began a dream to create a year-round resort. Having investigated various sites, Mr Stilwell eventually settled on Penina’s current location, which at the time was largely made up of rice paddies. This was key in establishing the hotel’s beautiful grounds (all 360 acres), because there’s one thing that both rice paddies and lush grounds need: an abundance of water. With rivers and streams feeding the Alvor estuary, just a stone’s throw away, the site offered just that and this, coupled with its proximity to beautiful beaches and resorts including Praia da Rocha, Alvor and Portimão, made it the ideal location for Stilwell’s dream to take shape. Construction began on 7th March 1964. Famous Portuguese architect Leonardo de Castro Freire - whose portfolio of work also includes the grand Hotel Ritz

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“It put the Algarve on the map as a place where luxury travel, golf and endless relaxation could converge in a year-round paradise.”

The hotel can actually lay claim to playing a pivotal role in establishing the Algarve as a golfing destination, thanks to three times British Open champion Sir Henry Cotton laying out the region’s first 18-hole course at the hotel in 1966 - something he described in his biography as his ‘greatest achievement’. At that time golf was virtually non-existent in the Algarve. Fast forward 50 years and today it is one of the world’s premier golfing destinations, with over 40 courses and more than a million rounds played every year. Fittingly, the Sir Henry Cotton Championship course - which has played host to the Portuguese Open on ten occasions, and has a hole (the 13th) voted one of the top 500 in the world - still ranks amongst the very best. With a par of 73, the Championship course puts top-quality golfers to the test, but the hotel’s additional courses - both comprising nine holes - cater to all abilities. The Resort Course, located on the far side of the hotel, is a pleasant course with enough good holes to test the best golfers. Meanwhile, the Academy course, which winds its way between the holes of the Championship Course, is ideal for anybody starting the game or golfers who want to improve their iron shots. A DONKEY AND A BEATLE Like all the best hotels, Penina has created many stories during its history. From

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Perhaps one of the most unusual of those “amusing anecdotes” from the hotel’s history is the story of its very own donkey, Pacifico, who lived at the onsite stables until recently. The pet of Sir Henry Cotton, who in later life had his very own suite at the hotel, Pacifico was often ceremoniously led to the first tee for photo-shoots with golfers at important tournaments. Big-name players including Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer and Nick Faldo had the pleasure of his company when they played the course, with the mule acting as loyal caddy for his master who had trained him for the task. But the tale of Sir Henry’s donkey is outshone in terms of star quality by the tale of Sir Paul the Beatle. Yes, Paul McCartney of the Beatles is amongst Penina’s list of celebrity visitors. The star paid a visit to the hotel with then-girlfriend Linda during the height of his fame in December 1968, shortly after the release of the band’s White Album, and it was there that he was inspired to pen a song - titled Penina - after joining the hotel’s house band, Jotta Herre, on stage one night.

The musical legend himself explained how the song came to be in an interview with Beatles fanzine Club Sandwich, saying: “I went to Portugal on holiday and one evening, when I returned to the hotel already a little bit inebriated, I decided to take a few more drinks in the bar. A band was playing and I ended up on the drums. The hotel was called Penina and I then improvised a song about this name. Afterwards someone asked if he could keep the song. I never thought to record it myself.”

Jotta Herre went on to do just that, as did Carlos Mendes, a member of the Portuguese band the Sheiks, and his version of the song - which includes the lyrics “I've been to Albufeira / I had a good time there / Then I came to Penina / And found good friends” - features on the album The Songs Lennon and McCartney Gave Away. A framed copy of the song’s lyrics now hangs proudly in the hotel’s reception.

high speed internet access and in-room entertainment systems coupled with an extensive choice of top-class restaurants and bars mean the hotel can compete with the best in the business in terms of luxury, whilst still retaining the charm, grandeur and impeccable service that has made Penina an icon of the Western Algarve for 50 years - a title it will no doubt retain for many years to come. 


Celebrations are already underway to mark the hotel’s half century. With the Sir Henry Cotton International Trophy Challenge kicking off proceedings in early July, the hotel will host a charity golf day - including a gala dinner and auction - on Saturday 13th August.

Whilst there are plenty of other artefacts from the hotel’s rich history other than the McCartney lyrics housed inside it’s grand walls - including a grand piano gifted by Queen Amelia of Portugal - the building was given a modern makeover in 2007, with major renovation seeing the overhaul of the hotel’s 188 rooms and suites, its bathrooms, corridors and lounge. Modern additions such as LCD flat screen TVs,

Visit the hotel’s website for more details. 

Portimão therapy centre launches Portugal’s first Ayurveda course Portugal’s only certified Ayurveda training course is set to start in Portimão next month. Taught over 18 months, the course will be led by Ayurveda physicians David Ferreira and Kindala Rocha at Villa Prana in Portimão, an Ayurvedic therapy centre. An ancient Indian medicine practice, Ayurveda recognises a universe in each one of us. It is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. As such, the practice proposes tailored treatments according to the profile of each person, using Ayurvedic medicine techniques to restore optimum health (and beauty) and ensure a more harmonious and healthy life. This traditional medicine approach offers a number of treatments, incorporating simple and intuitive habits (such as massage, how to breathe properly, the use of herbs, diet and exercise) for deeper detoxification but the effectiveness of these approaches depends on the individual patient. That's because, according to this philosophy, each individual has a unique constitution (or biotype), determined by the balance and imbalance of the three vital energies (doshas): vata (concerned with mind and

body), pitta (which controls digestion, metabolism, and energy production) and kapha (which governs structure and fluid balance in the body). The excess or deficiency of these energies generates pathological changes and imbalances in the physical body. Ayurvedic practices apply techniques to restore the energy balance. To choose the proper technique, the professional takes into account the psychological, physical and metabolic profiles of each person, with an initial assessment including questionnaires and careful physical examination of the skin, hair, nails, eyes and so on to check any symptoms, define the patient’s doshas and the likely problems. Starting over the weekend of 17th and 18th September, the course will be taught once a month for the first four months, and then twice a month for the remainder of the programme. Teaching will take place at Villa Prana, which is aiming to become a respected Ayurveda medicine and therapy centre. For more information or to register your interest, contact the team at Villa Prana.    +351 282 484 256 

 TomorrowAlgarve

This month’s photo competition winner is…

…Diane Groves. Diane captured this typically Algarvean scene - fishing boats bobbing around in the sea - whilst out and about in Alvor. As this month’s winner, Diane will enjoy a meal in a local restaurant worth €50. Congrats! August’s competition is now open. You don’t have to be a professional photographer to enter by any means what we are looking for is a snap that really captures the essence of what it’s like to live here in Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo, Carvoeiro and the surrounding area. To enter, either email your pictures to us on, or upload your shots on Facebook and tag Tomorrow Algarve (you’ll need to ‘like’ us first). The Tomorrow team will chose their favourite on the 15th of every month. Good luck and happy snapping!


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Come and have a free and healthy breakfast! By Stephen Wakefield Maybe a ham, cheese or presunto roll with a yoghurt drink, milky coffee or choice of fruit? We only ask for a small favour in return - a pint of blood!

enhance the quality of life of someone with a chronic disease. As for the positive effects on your body, giving blood regularly will:

Do you realise that your ‘pint of blood’ can not only help save the life of more than one person, but that giving blood can also improve your own health?

• Make your body replenish the blood it has lost which helps your body function effectively;

Anyone aged 18-65 years can donate. Men may give blood every three months and women every four months at Portimão Hospital from 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and also every first Sunday of the month from 9am to 12:30pm. Parking spaces are specially reserved for blood donors by the main reception - just inform security.

• Reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly in men, by keeping the iron levels in the blood in check;

The ‘Imunohemoterapia’ clinic is on the first floor, between the intensive care unit (CI) and the laboratorios.

• Lower the risk of some types of cancer.

You can also give blood at Lagos hospital every last Thursday of the month between 9am and 1pm.

• Provide you with a free health check because your blood pressure is taken and your blood is tested for any abnormalities;

Once your blood leaves the donation centre, it is rushed to a laboratory to be split into its main components in a completely sterile way. The result? A pack of red blood cells, a pack of platelets and a pack of plasma. These are stored in a fridge or freezer until required by a patient. Perhaps your red blood cells will be given to an accident victim. Your platelets might help stem severe bleeding in a leukaemia patient, and your plasma could help replace blood loss during heart surgery. Or perhaps your blood donation will be used to

receive it and also for yourself. If you're not already a blood donor perhaps the time is ripe to become one!

The short 10 minutes you spend donating your blood will result in long lasting, positive effects for the different people who

Go and be a hero soon! 

A guide to geocaching, part one: How to find a geocache By David F Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices, like your smartphone or a dedicated GPS device. The ‘treasure’, or geocache, can be anything from a 35mm film container to a Tupperware box. There is generally little of value in the geocache - often just a logbook and possibly some toys for the kids - but the pleasure comes from trying to find the box.

To play, register for free on the website (normally using a pseudonym), then download the Geocaching app. You will find a short explanatory film on the website guiding you through the process. There's also an option to purchase Premium Membership (US$35) which gives you some extra bells and whistles and access to some exclusive caches, but this is not necessary until you get the bug!

Having found the container, you can log your find on the geocaching website ( which will keep a record of your exploits and provide you with details of the more than 2.8 million geocaches across the world (plus one in the International Space Station). Some caches are easy to find, but some can be sneaky. They may be camouflaged or you may need to visit several places to gain information. Some even require you to solve puzzles. You may bump into one of the three million other geocachers from around the world on your quest, too.

Once registered you are ready to go. You will find many cache details in English as well as Portuguese, and there are no ongoing charges other than normal data usage from your mobile provider. On a laptop or PC it is easy to call up a full screen map showing the location of all our local caches and I'll guarantee you will be surprised at how many are right near you.

Enter your town in the search box on the website and you will get a full list of local caches. You will probably be surprised to learn that there are 38 geocaches hidden in Portimão and Alvor alone (including the Algarve’s first ever cache!), and more than 300 others in the Western Algarve between Portimão and Sagres.

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All caches are placed by the geocaching community, so when you’ve really got the hang of it you might even want to hide some of your own. The website will create a webpage for your cache, which will then be reviewed to ensure it fits with the geocaching guidelines. More details on how to hide your own geocache will follow in following instalments of this series! There’s also the possibility to attend an ad hoc local event where you can meet the many Portuguese cachers in the area, as

 TomorrowAlgarve

well as a good few Brits and others. You will be made to feel very welcome. As a start, try one of the easy-to-locate geocaches hidden at Portimão train station. On the homepage, search for geocache GC2NKXN. Use the app to navigate to the given GPS coordinates and find your first geocache, but make sure you are not seen by muggles (the name given to non-geocachers) - keeping the location of geocaches secret is key. Remember to sign the logbook (take a pencil) and return the cache as found. If there are any goodies inside then feel free to help yourself, but please replace with something of similar value. Then record your find online with a short note, but don't post anything that will give clues to others.  Next month: Circular geocaching walks and the different types of caches in the Algarve and around the world. Plus some more difficult ones to try!

Sometimes caches are off the beaten track

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On This year’s Fatacil Festival celebrates ‘Lagoa - City of Wine’

Hot ticket: Global superstar Aloe Blacc playing in the Algarve this month It’s a bit of a chore to have to trek up to Lisbon every time you want to see a world-class music act, as anyone who made the trip to see Adele earlier this year will attest (that’ll be everyone, then). Which is why we’re pleased to report that the next musical megastar to pass through Portugal is performing right on our doorstep.

After successfully hosting the Algarve International Fair back in June, the exhibition space in Lagoa will once again be put to good use this month for the annual Fatacil Festival. With last year’s event featuring over 800 exhibitors and attracting more than 170,000 visitors, it’s a major event on the summer calendar. Now in its remarkable 37th year, the Fatacil will see craft stalls and local businesses set up shop in the space. Food and drink stands will also be on hand to feed and water, and there will be a full programme of entertainment, including music from top

national performers and horse shows. This year the event will tie in with the ‘Lagoa City of Wine’ celebrations that are running throughout 2016, and will see particular emphasis given to wine production - no doubt there will be plenty of bottles to sample too! All in all it promises to be a fun affair for all the family, and one that’s definitely worth checking out.  The Fatacil Festival at Lagoa runs from 19th - 28th August, and is open weekdays from 6pm to 1am and weekends 4pm to 1am.

Aloe Blacc - whose collaboration with superstar DJ Avicii, Wake Me Up, hit the number one spot in 102 countries - is set to take to the stage at Pine Cliffs Resort’s Summer Gala in Albufeira on Saturday 6th August. The Grammynominated star’s other hits include ridiculously infectious tunes I Need A Dollar and The Man. Held under the stars at the exclusive coastal resort, the Pine Cliffs Summer Gala is an annual event that always delivers big name stars, with past years seeing performances by the likes of former-X-Factor-winner-turnedglobal-success-story Leona Lewis and American R&B star Ne-Yo.  Tickets for this year’s event start at €30.

Silves Medieval Fair 2016 Prepare to grab your joust, charge your tankard and don your finest tunic, because the annual Silves Medieval Fair returns for its thirteenth year this month. Taking place within and around Silves Castle in the historic centre, this year’s event will once again transport the city back to the historic medieval period when it was the capital of the Algarve, celebrating its Moorish and Christian heritage. The Royal Banquet will recreate a hearty and exquisite medieval meal with Arabian dishes such as couscous, harira and tagine, whilst performers from the Milícia AlMu'tamid group will reenact traditional life,

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dressed in robes and welding swords. Add to that dancers, snake charmers, jugglers, acrobats, musicians and more on hand to entertain, plus plenty of food and drink stands, and it’s a fun evening out for young and old alike. Running for 10 days between 12th and 21st August, the fair is open from 6pm to 1am daily. Entry is €2 a day and, for those really wanting to embrace the spirit of the event, costume hire is available at a cost of €3 for adults and €2 for kids. See you there!  Turn to page 32 to read our interview with one of the performers set to re-enact medieval life in Silves at this year’s fair.

 TomorrowAlgarve

For more information, visit: 






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 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On

Ferragudo Beach Festival By Steven Sutton 15th-17th July, Club Nau, Praia Grande This year's Ferragudo Beach Festival took place at Club Nau last month, with people enjoying three days of great music and good times. I went along on 16th July and did not leave until the 17th, as it went on well into the small hours! The music was terrific. Live bands played all evening and DJs took over at midnight. The setting could not have been better; a huge stage was set up on the beach, with a backdrop of yachts bobbing around the bay of Praia Grande. It was a fantastic evening and I’m already looking forward to next year’s festival.   Club-Nau

NoSoloÁgua’s 10th anniversary party 9th July 2016, Portimão NoSoloÁgua celebrated its 10th birthday in suitably lavish style last month, hosting one of its infamous parties at Portimão Marina. Dressed all in white, hundreds of revellers sipped on champagne as they took to the sand and partied poolside, with DJs including Tiago Vicente, Henrique Pontes and Djeff Afrozila spinning the tunes. The party was one of this season’s first major events at the venue, with plenty more planned for the summer months, including sunset sessions and an 80s night. Check out Facebook for full details of what’s coming up over the rest of the summer.  NoSoloÁgua Portimão

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 TomorrowAlgarve



Battle Royale | 1st August | DJs and 1,500 litres of glow in the dark ink 

Ice Cream ‘Sundae’ at Skydive Algarve | Receive a free ice cream when you do a tandem Skydive on this day | €219 | Alvor | 914 266 832

Sardine Festival | 3rd-7th August | 7pm - 1am | Riverside area 

Aerobics Fitness Mon 9:30am | Total Toning Wed 9:30am Body Conditioning Thurs 10:30am | Alvor Community Centre

Neon Run | 13th August | 9pm | Night race for all ages |  Fun Brick Lego Exhibition | 16th Aug - 4th Sept | Portimão Arena Yoga 8am - 9:30am Mon & Wed | Pilates 1-2pm Wed & Fri | Yoga 6-7:15pm Mon & Fri | Meditation 8-9pm Fri | €25 p.m | Villa Prana, Portimão |  |  282 484 256

Ferragudo Futevolei National Championship 2016 | 6th & 7th August | Ferragudo Ocean Swimming Competition | 13th August, 9am - 3pm Ferragudo Praia Grande |  Yoga Paddle Board Classes with Silvia Duarte | Sat 9:30am | Kalu Beach Bar, Praia Grande Ferragudo |  282 461 115 / 917 734 087

Carvoeiro Carvoeiro Open 3 Seniors Tennis Tournament - C level | 13th - 15th August Carvoeiro Cup 2 Sub 12 & Sub 16 Tennis Tournament | 20th & 21th August Fun Junior Tournaments 6th & 27th August Junior Summer Academy (12yrs and over) | €17.50 per time Junior Summer Academy (12yrs and under) | €12 per time Fitball with Joao | Mon & Thur 9.15 - 10pm | €8.50 Zumba with Coral | Mon & Fri 11am - 12pm | €8.50 Total Conditioning with Julie | Tues 9:30-10:40am | €8.50 Yoga with Jane | Tues 11-12am & Wed 6-7pm | €8.50 Body Shape with Jaqueline | Wed 10-11am | €8.50 Qi Gong with Gabriele | Thurs 11am - 12pm | €8.50 Power Pump with Julie | Tue 6.30-7.30pm | €8.50 Power Hour with Julie | Tue 10-11am | €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro |  282 350 800 / 917 490 155

Further afield Pirate Week | 4th-11th August | Music, entertainment, food | Armação de Pêra Shark Race Circuit Run | Starts in Tavira 14th August, ends in Lagos Meia Praia on the 28th with a stand-up comedy session Dine in the Sky | 7th August | Quinta Do Lago |  289 390 700 5th Americancars Algarve Show | 27th-29th August | 10am start | Faro Lagoa Fatacil | 19th-28th August | Exhibitions, demonstrations, shops, food & concerts | Municipal Festival Grounds of Lagoa  282 353 453 Silves Medieval Fair | 12th-21st August | Silves Castle and surrounding streets

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

Tide Table for August... LOW TIDE Moon 1 MON 2 TUE 3 WED 4 THU 5 FRI 6 SAT 7 SUN 8 MON 9 TUE 10 WED 11 THU 12 FRI 13 SAT 14 SUN 15 MON 16 TUE 17 WED 18 THU 19 FRI 20 SAT 21 SUN 22 MON 23 TUE 24 WED 25 THU 26 FRI 27 SAT 28 SUN 29 MON 30 TUE 31 WED


Height (m)

06:59 07:43 08:23 09:02 09:39 10:15 10:53 11:32 00:01 00:48 01:47 03:01 04:15 05:16 06:04 06:4 07:25 08:03 08:41 09:20 10:02 10:46 11:35 00:06 01:07 02:25 03:52 05:06 06:03 06:49 07:29

0,94 0,84 0,79 0,78 0,83 0,92 1,06 1,21 1,24 1,40 1,53 1,60 1,56 1,44 1,28 1,10 0,93 0,79 0,69 0,65 0,68 0,78 0,94 1,02 1,22 1,37 1,40 1,31 1,17 1,03 0,91

HIGH TIDE Afternoon 19:33 20:15 20:54 21:32 22:08 22:44 23:21 12:16 13:11 14:22 15:46 16:56 17:50 18:34 19:13 19:51 20:29 21:07 21:47 22:29 23:15 12:33 13:46 15:16 16:41 17:48 18:38 19:20 19:57

Height (m)


Height (m)

0,77 0,70 0,68 0,72 0,80 0,92 1,08 1,38 1,53 1,63 1,62 1,51 1,34 1,14 0,95 0,78 0,65 0,58 0,58 0,67 0,82 1,13 1,29 1,35 1,27 1,12 0,97 0,85 0,77

00:56 01:44 02:27 03:07 03:45 04:23 05:00 05:39 06:21 07:10 08:12 09:26 10:36 11:32 00:00 00:44 01:24 02:02 02:41 03:21 04:03 04:47 05:35 06:30 07:35 08:52 10:13 11:22 00:46 01:29

3,25 3,33 3,38 3,39 3,34 3,26 3,14 3,01 2,86 2,74 2,65 2,65 2,75 2,91 2,87 3,06 3,24 3,41 3,52 3,58 3,57 3,49 3,35 3,19 3,04 2,96 3,00 3,14 3,20 3,31

 TomorrowAlgarve

Afternoon 13:17 14:02 14:44 15:23 16:01 16:38 17:16 17:55 18:39 19:33 20:43 22:01 23:08 12:18 13:00 13:39 14:18 14:57 15:38 16:22 17:08 18:00 19:00 20:13 21:35 22:53 23:56 12:18 13:05 13:45

Height (m) 3,49 3,59 3,63 3,60 3,51 3,38 3,21 3,03 2,84 2,69 2,59 2,60 2,71 3,11 3,32 3,51 3,67 3,76 3,78 3,72 3,58 3,39 3,16 2,98 2,90 2,95 3,07 3,30 3,45 3,54


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What's On

Candlelit Cultural Market

Photographs courtesy of

7th - 10th July 2016, Lagoa Culture met candlelight in Lagoa last month for the annual Candlelit Cultural Market (Mercado de Culturas à Luz das Velas), with more than 40,000 people paying a visit over four days. Now in its third year, the market took place in the area surrounding São José Convent. Opening at 7pm each night, it saw artisan craft stalls, food outlets and entertainers filling the streets, which were lit by some 12,000 candles. The theme of this year’s market was ‘celtic culture’, and the influence was evident throughout; a

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celtic tavern set up shop in the convent’s cloisters, a photography exhibition celebrated the Iberian peninsula’s celtic heritage, and a daily tarot workshop using celtic runes took place. Fifty Iberian celtic masks were also on display. The entertainment had a celtic air too, with bagpipe player Malcolm Macmillan, Irish folk singer Linda Scanlon, harpist Morgane Le Cuff and many other acts performing for the crowds every night. A witchcraft ritual performance called ‘The Burnt House’ and a reenactment of the tale of Merlin the

 TomorrowAlgarve

Magician also took place nightly. But the main draw was undoubtedly the candles, which always lend a romantic air to the event. Each nestled in a small glass jar and painstakingly lit every night at 8.30pm by a group of young volunteers, they lined the streets and were also arranged into celtic patterns and words to magical effect. The dates and theme for next year’s event have already been announced; it’s set to take place from 6th to 9th July 2017 and will celebrate the Orient. Scribble it in your diary now! 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On

Major Lego exhibition returns for a second year battlefield. Elsewhere there are pirates, famous monuments, Star Wars scenes and a space city to be explored, as well as a Lego Friends section.

Kids of all ages (big ones included) will be delighted by the Fun Brick exhibition taking place at Portimão Arena from 16th August to 4th September. Following on from last year’s successful inaugural event, the exhibition features the largest collection of Lego constructions in the country. Designed and built by a single collector, the exhibition is spread over more than 90 sq metres and features around five million Lego pieces.

For those who feel inspired by the incredible display, there is a Play Zone where you can build your own Lego creation, and a Fan Zone where you can purchase official products. What’s more, Lego enthusiasts from the local area have the opportunity to get involved with the initiative by displaying their own creations in the Fan Zone 2. Anyone interested should email The exhibition is open between 2pm and 10pm Monday to Thursday and from 2pm to 11pm on Fridays. Weekend hours are 10am to 11pm on Saturdays and 10am to 8pm on Sundays. Tickets cost €3.50 for adults, €2 for children aged four to 10, and kids under four go free. For every ticket sold, Portimão Câmara will donate 10 cents to a local IPSS charity. 

Sights to spot in the display include a medieval town with an imposing castle where hundreds of warriors and men on horseback are seen mid-fight on the

Americancars Algarve Show Fans of American motors should get themselves down to Faro at the end of the month, where the fifth instalment of the popular Americancars Algarve Show will take place. Visitors are expected from across Europe to marvel at the collection of vehicles on display, which in previous years has included Ford Mustangs, Chevrolet Camaros and Plymouth Barracudas. In addition to the mean machines, there will be a display of motorbikes and chopper bicycles, as well as a pin-up contest, live rockabilly and blues music, and an appearance by the Algarve Sharks American football team. The Americancars Algarve Show takes place on 27th and 28th August at Parque de Lazer das Figuras, Faro.   Americancars Algarve 

Grab a glow-stick and join Portimão’s first Neon Run first ever Neon Run is set to take place. Starting once the sun goes down, it will see hundreds of people run, walk or even dance their way around a 5km course, specially decorated with luminous apparatus and neon lights to illuminate the way. And it’s not just the course that will shine bright - as part of the registration cost, participants are supplied with a kit that includes an ultraviolet t-shirt, glow-stick and neon body paint to help really get in the

The night may seem a little brighter in Portimão on 7th August, as the town’s

mood. There will also be a neon paint booth on the night to further customise your look. Music will be blasting along the route to help give runners a boost, and on crossing the finish line they can head to the Neon After Party where live DJs will be playing. The run is open to anyone over the age of seven, and discounts are offered for groups of five people or more.  

Enjoy sardines every which way at annual Portimão festival The annual Portimão Sardine Festival takes place this month and, as ever, will celebrate the fish that is so synonymous with Portugal. From 3rd to 7th August, stalls will line Portimão’s waterfront promenade serving up a variety of tasty sardine treats. It’s been a tough year so far for the local sardine fishing industry, with a ban from Brussels stopping fisherman taking to their boats during the early part of this year in a bid to boost local reserves. But since that ban was lifted at the start of May, sardines

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are now firmly back on the menu. There’s plenty to choose from on that menu, too. It’s hard to beat the taste (or the smell) of perfectly grilled sardines simply served with a side of bread and salad, but sardine sandwiches and dishes incorporating the fish in marinated form will also be available. And when your belly is happily full, there’s live music every evening to entertain the crowds. Acts scheduled to play include

 TomorrowAlgarve

Carolina Deslandes, a former finalist on the Portuguese version of Pop Idol, and an accordion orchestra. Other scheduled entertainment includes craft stalls, a book fair and the latest addition to Portimao’s riverside, the ferris wheel.  The Portimão Sardine Festival is open 7pm - 11pm from 3rd to 7th August. Entry is free. 

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 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On - Tomorrow Charity Golf Day

Golf for a good cause 22nd July 2016, Espiche Golf Club Following last month’s report on the successful Tomorrow Summer Ball, we bring you more news of another brilliant fundraising event held by our sister magazine in Lagos.

These include CASLAS, the home for disadvantaged children (we are hoping to send at least 20 children on a camping holiday), palliative care charity Madrugada and the local Soup Kitchen.

This year’s third annual Charity Golf Day, a collaboration between Espiche Golf Club and Tomorrow, was a great success. The event took place just as we went to print, so we are unable to report the overall total raised, but we have our clubs crossed that it’s our biggest year yet. Whatever the final total, the money will help support our chosen charities in the Lagos area.

Having held the Golf Day at Espiche for the last three years, we know that it is a top venue. The wonderful management and staff there support us to the hilt, charging just €50 per player for the round of golf and the subsequent dinner, with half of that money going straight to the charity fund. Our thanks go to all at Espiche Golf Club.

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 TomorrowAlgarve

Photographs courtesy of Charlotte Jane Giving back to the community in which we live and work is a major priority for all of us here at Tomorrow, and as such we’re delighted to announce that plans are a-foot to hold the first charity event hosted by this, our new edition covering Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo and Carvoeiro. Do let us know if you would be keen to get involved with organising the event, or want to be first to hear when details are announced - simply pop an email over to Steven and we’ll keep you posted.  

SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? WE BRING BUYERS TO VIEW PROPERTIES 7 DAYS A WEEK, 364 DAYS A YEAR PUT ‘SOLD’ ON YOUR PROPERTY BY CONTACTING US NOW! Our dynamic, multilingual listing team are waiting to hear from YOU! Head Office Tel: +351 289 513 434 | Freephone: 0800 133 7644 Email: |

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Health Hot dogs and hamburgers By Lars Rahmquist, BVSc

the thermometer, there are other things to consider. If you must tether your dog, make sure they have access to both water and shade. Again, it is much better if there is a draft where the dog is left. If you have a long-haired dog then a trip to the groomers for a short back and sides is worthwhile to help with the heat. Be sure to use anti-mosquito products (such as Activyl or Advantix) too, as they are more prone to Leishmania infection from mozzie bites without a full coat. If it is REALLY hot, beware of the asphalt. Melting tar will scald paws and necessitate a vet consultation, with a week or more of foot pads for your little mate’s burnt feet!

Tomorrow's more distinguished, middleaged readers may recognise the title’s reference to John Cougar Mellencamp (recording under that banner, and not John Cougar). He had twenty-two top 40 singles in the 80s; you young’uns can Google him when you’re bored enough. And so, a tenuous link to the rising mercury levels. We have all read that hot dogs die in cars. As a vet, it is with sadness that I can confirm this happens. Over the years in Australia (and even in the UK) I have had clients that have lost their little mate in such unfortunate circumstances. It is more often the dog that has jumped into the open door without the owners realising this has happened. So when you arrive home, check

that your dog(s) are all out of the car when you close it. Use some common sense when leaving your dog in the car when you are out and about, too. Park in the shade and have two or more windows open to allow a draft to pass through the cabin. If you see a dog in distress in a locked car, contact the GNR - it is a criminal offence to break a window, in case you are feeling heroic. Know also that the dog in that car may attack you, as you are encroaching on its territory. If you feel you must, then proceed with caution! With the mercury thinning into the top of

Finally, be extra cautious if your dog has a heart condition (or, even more so, an upper respiratory condition). Panting from the heat can lead to respiratory failure (this is a bad thing!). All brachycephalic breeds (pugs, some boxers, some maltese, etc) can have problems with this. If you are concerned, speak to your vet. If you think your dog is suffering from heatstroke (this is well beyond panting, basically starting to loose consciousness) then put a wet, cold towel over him, ensure some air flow over the towel and make sure there is some moisture on the tongue for them to evaporate. Then get to the vet clinic ASAP. With air-awareness, your hot dogs can enjoy the summer with you - and maybe even a hamburger crust.  

Apple cider vinegar: your kitchen’s wonder remedy! By Lesley Wall Naturally high in phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many health benefits, making it an inexpensive natural remedy. While science is yet to prove many of the health claims associated with ACV, it is generally considered harmless. Of course with any medical condition, please consult your doctor.

Tackle dandruff Mix equal parts of ACV and water and apply to the scalp with a spray bottle or cloth. Leave for one to two hours with a shower cap on, then rinse with water. Repeat once or twice a week for best results.

Relieve Sunburn An ACV & chamomile or mint spray works wonders on red skin. Pour boiling water into a cup with two tea bags of either chamomile or mint tea, allow to cool then mix with 250ml of ACV. Pour into a spray

Kill foot fungus If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in equal amounts of ACV and water. This one is a stronger formula so it might tingle, but it will clear up even the worst cases of fungus. For children or those with sensitive

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bottle and apply to the burnt area as often as needed to cool and soothe.

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skin, you will need to dilute it further. Treat insect bites and jellyfish stings Apply a 50-50 mix of ACV and water to the bite, using a soaked cotton pad or cloth for application. Relieve itchy skin on dogs Mix one part ACV with 9 parts water. Pour into a spray bottle or soak a cloth and apply to the affected area.  Lesley is an ITEC Qualified Aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor. 

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Business Down on the (blueberry) farm

disease and cancer, and improve brain function and memory – a true superfood! At that time, blueberries were not grown locally but imported from Spain and further afield. This meant they had to be chilled or even frozen, reducing the nutritious value and adversely affecting both taste and consistency. We decided to grow them as organically as possible in our unspoiled countryside. The first plants were sourced from northern Portugal, and were planted in prepared terraces in October 2013. With intensive care they are now thriving, and our first proper harvest arrived this year, one year ahead of the expected schedule thanks to the wonderful weather and constant care. We are delighted to find the taste is excellent!

Chris and Sue Wells - who currently split their time between Portugal and Liverpool in the UK - explain how they established Quinta do Pincho, a blueberry farm located close to the Barragem de Bravura We visited the Algarve in 1998 and by our next visit had decided to retire here. By 2003 we had lined up the purchase of land with planning permission to build, but then this fell through due to complicated and incomprehensible regulations. We eventually bought an adjoining villa and ended up with 40 hectares (100 acres) of

beautiful tranquil countryside, with a huge lake, trees and copious weeds! We decided to use the plentiful water on our land to good effect and, in consultation with the ever helpful and supportive Patrick Castaldo from Flora Verde, decided that the best crop to cultivate was blueberries (mirtilos). As health care professionals (Chris is a retired doctor and Sue was his Practice Manager), we know they are low in calories but highly nutritional. These little berries can reduce DNA damage, lower blood pressure, protect against heart

Friends and customers have been thrilled with our blueberries and can’t get enough of them. We enjoy them for breakfast with yoghurt, and they are great as a smoothie or used in cooking. We currently sell to wholesalers, local shops and restaurants, and individuals, and plan on starting a ‘pick your own’ service soon. Our Sales Director, Elaine Matthews, is currently in Portugal arranging sales.  To enquire about Quinta do Pincho’s blueberries or for further information contact: Elaine  Chris and Sue 

Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort sea in the distance. There’s easy access to walking and cycling paths, and Meia Praia beach is only a 30 minute walk. Lagos and Portimão are 15 minutes drive and the nearest village of Odiáxere is 2km away.

Looking for somewhere different to stay this summer? If you are keen on ethical lodging and food in a natural environment, Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort might just be the answer. The EcoResort is located in the central part of a large farm. Surrounded by gardens and water features, it faces a river with the

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Being a guest at Casa Vale da Lama is a sustainable, ethical choice. Here you can engage in diverse seasonal activities and experience a low impact way of living. Farm-based learning experiences are offered, perfect for anyone who likes to be close to nature. Meanwhile, the Sweet Spot Cafe and the farm shop’s delicious organic food, preserves, jams and other delicacies from the farm are bound to tempt. Meals are optional and depend on availability;

 TomorrowAlgarve

advance notice is requested if you would like meals on the farm. Bed and breakfast service is offered, and families with children are most welcome. Rooms and common areas are cosy and simple, with space for indoor and outdoor activities, including a swimming pool and herb garden. There are no televisions or room service; however, most services are available upon request. All in all, a perfect choice for those seeking a quiet and relaxing eco-holiday experience.     +351 282 764 071 | +351 913 485 568

Alvor Situado no topo da falésia entre a vila e a zona ribeirinha, a Casa do Rio oferece-nos uma vista deslumbrante sobre a Ria de Alvor e a baia de Lagos. Para um almoço entre amigos ou um jantar romântico ao pôr-do-sol o Restaurante Casa do Rio, é o local perfeito. À sua espera encontrará uma excelente variedade de peixe fresco, mariscos, cataplanas, espetadas entre muitos outros pratos. A Casa do Rio oferece-lhe ainda a possibilidade de criar Menus à medida para festas de aniversário, grupos, casamentos, despedidas de solteiro e baptizados. Situated on the cliff top between the village and waterfront, Casa do Rio offers us a breathtaking view over the Ria de Alvor and the Bay of Lagos. For a lunch with friends or a romantic dinner at sunset Casa do Rio Restaurant is the perfect place. Waiting for you is a great variety of fresh fish, seafood, casseroles and kebabs among many other dishes. Casa do Rio offers you also the possibility to create special menus tailored for birthday parties, groups, weddings, bachelor parties and christenings.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Restaurante Casa do Rio

R. de São João 25A 8500-009 Alvor +351 282 457 443 N 37.12873, W 8.59564 Aberto: Diariamente 10:00-24:00 Reservas: Aconselhável no verão Open: Daily 10:00-24:00 Reservations: Recommended during high season


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IT can be easy By Steven Dunwell Ever wondered what all those extra keys are for on a computer keyboard? Well wonder no more! Here’s an explanation of some of the least obvious ones on a PC keyboard… Short for ‘escape’, Esc is a key located on the top-left of a computer keyboard that allows a user to cancel or abort operations. For example, press Esc to stop a slow internet page loading.

Short for ‘alternate’, Alt is a key located on both sides of the spacebar key on a computer keyboard. Alt is most often used to describe a key combination such as CTRL + ALT + DEL or pressing ALT + TAB to switch between open programs. Handy hint: pressing CTRL + ALT + 4 on a UK keyboard gives you the Euro symbol!

The Caps Lock key is a toggle key that enables or disables all the letters being typed in uppercase. When the Caps Lock key is enabled, the keyboard types ‘LIKE THIS’ and when it is disabled, it types ‘like this.’

Sometimes abbreviated as Prscr, PRTSC, Prtscrn, Prt Scrn, the Print Screen key, sends the current onscreen image to the computer clipboard or the computer printer depending on the software being used. Pressing Shift + PrtScrn takes just a snapshot image of the window you are working in.

Short for ‘control’, Ctrl is a key found on the bottom left and right portion of the main keyboard. Ctrl is mainly used in keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL + ALT + DEL to unlock a computer or CTRL + S to save a document or file.

Sometimes abbreviated as ScLk, ScrLk, or Slk, the Scroll Lock key is often found next to the Pause Break key. While not often used today, the scroll lock key was originally intended to be used in conjunction with the arrow keys to scroll through the contents of a text box.

Located near the top right of most computer keyboards and shared with the break key, the Pa or Pause key can be used to temporarily halt the actions of the program being run. Short for numeric lock or number lock, the Num Lock key is located at the top left corner of the numeric keypad of the keyboard and enables and disables the numeric pad. Turning the Num Lock on allows you to use the numbers on the keypad, very similar to a calculator keyboard. If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any IT challenges, I am very happy help.  Steven Dunwell runs a one stop PC support & maintenance service in the Western Algarve.   +351 936 387 512

Just Fly at Faro Airport: a friendly, reliable service By Tom Henshaw As a keen and regular user of Just Fly whenever I jet off from Faro airport, I can honestly say that I am always amazed by how efficient they are.

your baggage and hey presto, the car is whisked away and stored securely. It is then returned approximately 30 minutes before your return flight is due to land, thoroughly cleaned and ready for you to collect from the short stay car park.

Antonio Ribeiro started this business in 2012 and they really do offer a great service. You take your car to the airport where Antonio will greet you. You unload

The charges are extremely reasonable seven days is only €30, 15 days is €50 and

30 days is €90. The company also runs a ‘Top Flight’ service offering almost any repair, with prices quoted and guaranteed before you depart. So give Antonio a call to discuss your travel arrangements - he speaks excellent English, and also offers 10% discount on your first service.  +351 914 025 689 

Monchique’s first five-star hotel sets a new standard By Steven Sutton to say thank you to the local community for their patience whilst all the construction work was taking place. I’m pleased to report it is a beautiful hotel with a lot to offer.

On the picturesque drive up to Monchique, you will possibly have seen the construction of a new hotel over the last year. The hotel is now open, and is the first five-star resort in the area. Located high up in the Serra de Monchique mountain range, it is called the Macdonald Monchique Resort & Spa. I was lucky enough to be invited to a cocktail party there recently to mark its opening, and also

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The fantastic spa offers a variety of relaxing treatments and facilities, including Turkish baths, a sauna, aroma room, indoor heated pool, relaxation room, seven individual treatment rooms and also a couples’ treatment room. For foodies, there is no less than four restaurants to choose from; Mon-Chic, a fine dining experience serving seasonal local specialities of fresh fish and meats, perfectly paired with Portuguese fine wines; Pizzaria da Serra, serving authentic Neapolitan pizzas on a spacious outdoor

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terrace; A Petiscaria, a tapas-style restaurant serving the best of Portuguese cuisine made with local produce and seasonal ingredients; and O Mercado Culinário, where guests can enjoy themed lunches and dinners with local and international specialities combined with show cooking by the kitchen team. There are also three bars. The interior of the hotel is cool and calming with a modern twist, whilst outside it is surrounded by the idyllic terrain that makes Monchique so special. I would invite all our readers to pay a visit to relax with a drink on the terrace, whilst taking in the breath taking views. I can assure you it will be time well spent.  

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 TomorrowAlgarve


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Food & Drink Recipe: Smoked sardines on toast with parsley salsa

Sprinkle some good sea salt on a clean, dry chopping board, then give the sardine fillets a quick cure. Place them on top of the salt and sprinkle more salt and also some black pepper on top. You should allow this to cure for about 6-7 minutes. Whilst the fish is curing, you can make the dressing to go over the fish. Chop the red onions finely and place them in a bowl. Squeeze the juice of the lemons over the top. Finally, break off the stems of the parsley, but leave about 2-3cm of stem, which you should chop up and put into the bowl. Then rough-chop the leaves and put them into the bowl too. Add the olive oil and mix this great little parsley salsa together. Set aside ready to pour over the smoked sardines.

Get in the mood for this year’s Portimão Sardine Festival (3rd-7th August) with this tasty recipe, submitted by Chris Winstanley, owner of Moveison Outdoor Living Store I was reading in the newspaper the other day that the Portuguese sardine fleet has been allowed back out to sea as fishing quotas have been changed. So as we are fast approaching sardine season, I thought it was a good time to share an amazing recipe that will give you awesome smoked sardines like you have never tasted! You can also try it with mackerel, should you wish. It is a bit fiddly but well worth it, as it makes a lovely starter or lunchtime snack. The recipe serves four. Ingredients 12 good-sized sardines Sea salt Thick-cut caseiro bread Ground black pepper

For the salsa 2 small red onions 3 lemons Bunch of parsley Good olive oil

Method Firstly, descale the sardines. The easiest way is to rub your thumb along the fish and the scales come off easily. When you have completed this, rinse the sardines to remove any final scales and wash your hands to get rid of them too. With a sharp knife cut along the bottom of the fish, from head to tail, and remove any guts you find and discard. Then ‘butterfly’ the sardine by gently separating the flesh you have cut, gently pressing down the back of the fish from the head to the tail – this will help to separate the flesh from the bone. Turn the fish over and gradually detach the head from the fish and pull away, from head to tail, the attached bones. This should remove 95% of the bones. Do not worry, the sardine that is left will look a mess, but this is about flavour! Repeat for each fish. The fiddly bit is now over!

Back to the sardines. Place them in a bowl of water to rinse off the excess salt, but do not leave in too long as you don’t want them absorbing water again; you should notice that the fillets have firmed up. Pat the fillets dry with some kitchen roll. Whilst all this has been going on, you should have your smoker or barbecue set at a temperature of between 95-1150C. Sprinkle your wood chips on the charcoal if you are using a smoker, or place them in the smoker box if you are using a gas or charcoal barbecue. As they start to smoke, lay your sardine fillets on the grill and bring your lid down. The fish will hot-smoke very quickly and should be ready to serve in 5-7 minutes. Thick-cut the bread and toast. When the fish is cooked, place the bread on the plate and the smoked sardines on top, and finally drizzle the fish and bread with your parsley salsa. And there you have it! Sardines – the staple diet of Algarveans – smoked and delicious. 

Three wines to try with your sardines… To enjoy your freshly smoked sardines to the fullest, try pairing them with one of these recommended wines

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Ponte de Lima Vinhão Vinho Verde Tinto

Fonte do Nico Rosé Light Terras Sado

Onda Nova Verdelho Vinho Branco

Yes, that’s a red green wine! Who knew? Well, the winemakers at Ponte de Lima for one, who have produced this fresh, elegant and light vinho verde tinto.

Rosé makes for a great sardine pairing and, with it’s pale colour, intense, fruity aroma and pleasant taste, this one is our favourite.

This fresh, fruity white wine hails from Adega do Canto, Sir Cliff Richards’s vineyard in Guia, and is a great choice for your sardine feast.


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Outdoor Now for something different By Clive Goodacre

Hoya carnosa

Stapelia gigantica

As summer continues to scorch and simmer, shade is a great place for gardening and admiring some of nature’s more unusual plants. For a tropical jungle look, it has to be the philodendron family, which includes climbers and of course that star of the 70s Habitat lifestyle, the Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa. But P. bipinnatifidum makes a far stronger plant for Algarvean gardens, growing in shade or dappled sun, eventually reaching up to four metres high. Its glossy, deeply split leaves can easily measure 1m long. Originating from Brazil, P. bipinnatifidum does not like cold winters although it quickly grows back after shedding some or all of its leaves. Plant it against a courtyard wall in rich soil, water regularly (a full washing up bowl works fine), and enjoy its fabulous, exotic effect. Semi-shade suits a surprisingly wide variety of succulents normally regarded as needing full sun. Rather than ‘need’ it is more a case of ‘tolerate’ because the difference between agaves, for example, grown in full baking sun and dappled shade is striking. When looking at weird and wonderful succulents, few are more exotic than Stapelia gigantea, featuring clusters of fleshy stems. What sets it apart are huge, hairy, star-shaped flowers measuring almost 20cm across, which can appear several times during the year, although mostly in late autumn. Originating from South Africa, this easily grown succulent is commonly known as the carrion flower because of its bad smell

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and attraction to flies. But don’t let this put you off as the flowers have a bizarre attraction. Adeniums are also another group of succulents with special appeal. However, because of their Namibian heritage, for years they have been grown half-starved as small desert plants on low water when in fact they thrive in partial shade with moderate feeding and watering. Given this treatment they develop fabulous fat, swollen, twisted stems, crowned by pink flowers on stubby trunks reaching 1m high or more. Adeniums make ideal pot plants, resembling large bonsai trees somewhat provided in winter they are not allowed to stand in water or become continuously damp. Some plants are more prone to aphids than others, such as the evergreen climber Hoya carnosa, which unfortunately can attract masses of orange bugs on its growing tips and stems. (The best solution by far is to simply spray it with the hose and wash them away. The same goes for any other infested plants – support the infested area with your hand or a fly swat, for example, while spraying.) Otherwise known as the wax flower, this is an exotic curiosity with fragrant hanging bunches of waxy pink, star-shaped flowers and thick, shiny, fleshy leaves ranging from red to dark green in colour. It works well in a pot in a semishady position with regular water and good soil, flowering until late summer.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Long-lasting cut flowers for interior use can be hard to find in Algarvean gardens during summer and for this reason Alstroemeria aurantiaca (Peruvian lily) is well worth planting. They are a tuberous perennial that can be left year after year to form large clumps of brilliant colour up to one metre high, ranging from yellow and red to the deepest purple. As cut flowers they can easily last several weeks, while outside they can flower all summer. For quick results, buy pot-grown flowering specimens for decoration around the house and patio that can be planted out once they have finished, ready to give masses of cut flowers next year onwards. Average water and average soil with minimum disturbance or fuss makes the Peruvian lily a long-lived summer favourite here. Tibouchina urvilleana is one of those indoor-outdoor plants which can stay out all year, but in many areas benefits from being brought inside for a couple of winter months. After a short rest indoors it usually comes back into bloom. Beautiful velvety leaves tipped with red and masses of intensely violet flowers emerging from pink buds make this small shrub something special. Outside give this Brazilian beauty protection from wind, a little shade and regular water and feed, plus periodic pruning and shaping up to stop it becoming straggly. 

Tibouchina urvilleana

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And Finally 10 minutes with… João Ramalho

I Spy Algarve: Pokemon The global phenomenon that is new app Pokemon GO launched in Portugal last month, and already has kids of all ages (including some fully grown ones…) hooked. Here’s a selection of what - and, crucially, where - team Tomorrow and their families have found whilst wandering in the local area…

João (third right) with his fellow Milícia Al-Mu’tamid members

With the 13th Silves Medieval Fair set to take place this month, we caught up with the leader of Milícia Al-Mu'tamid, the group that put on the dramatic re-enactments that make this event so special Tell us about yourself I'm João and I'm 20 years old. I was born in Leiria in central Portugal, but my mother is from Silves so we came to live in the Algarve when I was two. I currently live in Silves Gare, but during the academic year I live between Silves and Faro where I go to college. At the moment I have a summer job, selling ice-creams at Zoomarine.

As leader, what’s your role in the group? I'm the person who manages the group and serves as the communication link to the Câmara. I've been a part of the Milícia since its inception. When the group was created we had various workshops with the Viv'arte theatre company, which involved acting, sword fighting, dance and juggling. I'm a jack of all trades, but my specialty is sword fighting. What is it like to be a part of Silves Medieval Fair? It's always exhilarating, although it is a

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LOT of work. We tend to rehearse at night to fit around our day jobs and the fair also takes place at night, so we are usually exhausted by the end of each day, but it’s so rewarding that we don’t mind - we just keep going and always give it our all. We have plenty planned this year, so please do come and see us!

Zubat Like Pidgey, the ‘bat Pokemon’ is very common. The key difference is that this winged creature is to be found in the skies - so look up!

Where do you source your costumes from? We buy or make some of the clothes, and people have even bought their own swords. The Câmara also helps; last year they gave us some djellabas (robes), and they’ve also bought us swords, shields and helmets.

Pikachu Perhaps the most famous of all the Pokemon, Pikachu is a relatively rare find. You’ll discover them in ‘industrial’ areas, such as car parks, school campuses and other concreted areas.

Why do you love being part of the Milícia Al-Mu'tamid group? There aren't any other groups like Milícia Al-Mu’tamid around Silves, so it’s a great asset for this important, historical city. The thing I love most though is sword fighting. It’s challenging to choreograph a fight that seems real and spontaneous but it's also a ton of fun. Where else would I find a place that I can (safely) fight with a real sword and not be called crazy?

What is the Milícia Al-Mu'tamid group? It’s a group of young people from the municipality of Silves who love history and enjoy the opportunity to bring it to life. The Milícia was established in 2009 by the Câmara working with the young people in the community. Our numbers fluctuate from year to year, but we currently have around 15 members.

Pidgey As one of 22 ‘normal’ Pokemon, Pidgey is a common find. You’ll catch them more or less everywhere you go, meaning you can build up a good number.

What do you love about living on the Algarve? It's a cliché answer but I'd have to say the weather and the beaches. I love to snorkel and the water here is warm enough to spend lots of time in the ocean without becoming too cold.  See João performing with Milícia Al-Mu’tamid at Silves Medieval Fair, 12th - 21st August.  miliciaalmutamidsilves

 TomorrowAlgarve

Goldeen As a ‘water’ Pokemon, it’s no surprise to learn that Goldeen can be found lurking near bodies of water - another reason to head to the beach! Abra Difficult to catch because, as a ‘psychic’ Pokemon, it has the ability to teleport to a different location. They tend to appear in residential areas at night, and near hospitals (something to do with the equipment apparently, so get down to Portimão!). Good luck with (as the slogan says) catching ‘em all! 

The best summer colors is one of our kind. ďŒŽ TomorrowAlgarve

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