Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro October Edition 2016

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October 2016 | Edition 4 | 3,000 copies


A community Magazine for PortimĂŁo, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro

Singing with soul Uncovering fado

Community HOPE for cancer patients

Portugal Masters Brit bids for title defence

Expert tips Nature photography

Come dancing! New local lessons Plus much more...

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Photograph courtesy of

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Emergency 112 Tourist support 808 781 212 British consulate 282 490 750 French Consulate (Faro) 281 380 660 German Consulate (Faro) 289 803 181 Dutch Consulate (Faro) 289 820 903 Canadian Consulate (Faro) 289 803 757 Swedish Embassy 213 942 260


Taxi Diago Silva Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Hospital Fire Police Station Aerodromo


Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Praia da Rocha Hospital Centro Fire Police Station Maritime police Train Station

966 214 517 965 026 176 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581

965 026 176 282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056


| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

City council offices 282 356 690 Town Info 282 357 728 Taxi Company (TAXIARADE) 282 460 610 Private Airport Transfer 965 026 176 Bus Station (only Lagoa) 282 341 301 Pharmacy 282 357 463 Hospital (centro de saúde) 282 357 320 Fire Station (only Lagoa) 282 352 888 Police Station 282 356 460 Plumber António Cruz 962 870 665 Builder Boto 282 461 336 Electrician Eurico 968 778 953 Mechanic Carlos 282 085 027 Hairdresser Vitor Picardo 282 356 894 House sellings Nelson Reis 919 839 299 TV & satellite repairs Rui 926 459 429


Taxi Antonia Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Hospital (Portimão) Fire Police Station Painter Mario Lawyer Celia Tree Surgeon Firewood

965 881 917 965 026 176 282 461 361 282 461 232 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 420 750 967 881 062 282 476 305 964 384 613 917 601 798

Welcome to October’s edition of Tomorrow Autumn is upon us and, with the shorter days, cooler breeze and impending winding back of the clocks (October 30th), the Algarve starts to march to a different beat. With the tourist season starting to quieten down, it’s often the month that locals rediscover what it’s like to have some quality ‘me’ time. And there couldn’t be a better month for it, as there is plenty going on! From major sporting events including the Portugal Masters and the Algarve Classic Festival to a new schedule of dance classes and the European premiere of a locally-produced musical, turn to our What’s On section (from page 16) to plan your diary. One event that you can still catch is the Tasting Trail in Portimão and Alvor, which runs until October 9. We went along in September and were very impressed. The participating restaurants made us feel welcome, the food was exceptional, and best of all it took us to local venues that we had not discovered previously. More info can also be found in What’s On. Elsewhere in this issue, our features writer Lena uncovers the soul of fado after experiencing the moving Portuguese musical style at a local restaurant. You’ll also find details of two incredible and inspiring projects - HOPE and Vela Solidária - run by local community group Teia D’Impulsos, a tasty homemade falafel recipe, a natural approach to treating a common, pesky health problem, and much more. It is with a heavy heart that we must once again mention the most recent round of devastating bushfires in and around Monchique. Over 600 brave firefighters from the local bombeiros fought the blaze, which sadly devastated great swathes of the beautiful countryside. It’s impossible to praise our bombeiros highly enough for the job they do, but if you’d like to show your appreciation then details of how to help replenish their vital supplies following the fires are on page 19. We’re now four issues in to Tomorrow for Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo and Carvoeiro, and the magazine is going from strength to strength! Thank you for all your continued support, and remember to get in touch if there’s anything you’d like us to cover in our upcoming issues. Steven, Stephanie and the rest of the Tomorrow team    +351 919 185 677 (advertising and sales)   +351 964 187 303 (editorial)

On the cover This month’s cover shot features the dramatic scenery to be found at Praia dos Três Irmãos in Avlor. It was taken by local photographer Dave Sheldrake, whose wife - artist Alyson - we’ve interviewed on page 34! 

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Community keyboard and that was it!” she laughs. “I spent much of my childhood playing for audiences at parties and dances.” Fado was ever present as her mother used to sing in the house. “As a child I pretended that I was a fadista. I borrowed my mother’s high-heeled shoes, put a duster over my shoulders as a shawl and used a spoon as a microphone. I rehearsed my moves in front of a mirror!” I can tell that the years of practice have certainly paid off.

The soul of fado By Lena Strang

Local fado singer Ana Marques

Dressed in black, a sequinned shawl loosely draped over her shoulders, she sings of love, longing and loss. Her voice trembles with emotion, the two guitars seemingly answering her call. This is fado at its best. O Cangalho restaurant at Lagos Zoo, just outside of Barão de São João, is hosting one of its regular fado evenings and local fadista Ana Marques is enthralling the audience. Paulo, the restaurant owner, sings a duet with her and the audience joins in whenever there is a well-known tune. Amália Rodrigues, the famous ‘Queen of Fado’ keeps a watchful eye over proceedings via a large mural of her painted on the wall. This must be closest one gets to a traditional fado house in the Algarve. The soulful tunes have made an impression on me and I want to discover more.

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When I meet up with Ana - who hails from Portimão and performs across the Algarve - she tells me what fado means to her. “It comes from the heart. The poems tell such beautiful stories about life and the way we feel. We sing about things that happen in our lives; whether they are sad or happy. Fado can create the most profound emotions and I am fortunate to be able to transmit these to others.” She has a vast repertoire of songs, from traditional fado to folklore. For a number of years she has been performing regularly in the Algarve, in venues including restaurants, hotels, casinos, cultural centres and private functions. She is now preparing the launch of her second album. Although Ana started singing relatively late, music has always dominated her life. “When I was seven my mother bought me a small

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At the age of 18 she sang in public for the first time. Along with her future husband, a skilled musician in his own right, she was asked to perform at the Filharmónica de Lagos. “I was so nervous,” she remembers. “I selected all the well-know tunes and the audience joined in. Afterwards they complimented me on my singing and I was so pleased. And that’s how it all began!” Ana confirms that fado is usually associated with Lisbon, where its roots lie. The word itself comes from the Latin fatum, meaning ‘destiny’. While there is a long history of troubadours singing of love and friendship with elements of the burlesque at the medieval courts of Portugal, it was the 15th century voyages of discovery that gave rise to what became fado. Sailors, faced with long perilous voyages away from their families took comfort in their songs, expressing their sadness, nostalgia and longing, something captured in the Portuguese word saudade. They always brought their banza, guitars evolved from the medieval lute. This twelve string Portuguese guitar is still an essential part of fado. “There are always two guitars and one singer,” Ana explains. “The classical guitar accompanies the Portuguese guitar; it is as if it responds to the voice of the singer. We sing and the guitar answers.”

I mention that there seems to be a code of behaviour expected from the audience at all the concerts I have attended. “Yes, this is true,” Ana confirms. “We expect silence as we can’t raise our voices and perform over noise. The quality of the voice changes for the worse.” It is sometimes difficult to make this clear to a non-Portuguese speaking audience but she maintains that generally foreign visitors are aware and show great respect. Ana performing at O Cangalho with guests

Fado was everywhere in early 19th century Lisbon, evoking urban conditions and exploring social issues. It brought together gypsies, bohemians, artists and noblemen in cafés, taverns, alleyways and streets. I was interested to learn of Maria Severa, one of the greatest fado singers at the time. The relationship between the Romani gypsy prostitute and Count Vimioso, a bohemian aristocrat, gave rise to one of the enduring myths in the history of fado. In fact, the very first Portuguese sound film, A Severa, in 1931 featured her story. By the middle of the 20th century fado had become well established, with fado houses emerging all over, especially in the Bairro Alto district of Lisbon. The Grande Noite de Fado competitions first organised at this time still attract huge audiences today. “Fadistas from the Algarve often take part and many achieve considerable success,” Ana says. “The Algarve isn’t usually associated with fado but we have some great singers here too.” Her favourites? It is no surprise that she singles out Amália Rodrigues, along with many other traditional singers. “I like the old guard and listen to them for hours without tiring,” she smiles. “There are singers who have popularised fado, which is good in so many ways, but we must not lose its ‘essence’ and its roots.”

During her long career as a singer there must have been many memorable incidents. “Lots of them!” she chuckles. “Sometimes things go a little bit wrong, but you have to take it in your stride.” She remembers singing in a restaurant where a one-year-old toddler was celebrating her birthday but kept on crying. “I sat her on my lap and she became quiet, but whenever I put her down she started howling again. I ended up singing with the baby in my lap all evening!” She also recalls an unforgettable occasion when a roomful of marines were overcome with emotion. Playing at a military reunion, she sang a song she rarely performs as it always affects her deeply. “I sang the song in a husky voice with my eyes closed and tears welling up. When I opened my eyes all the soldiers were crying too. They were feeling exactly the same as me. Quite an experience.”

The Portuguese guitar used in fado

>> Continues on page 6

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The soul of fado >> Continued from page 5

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All This Is Fado

This month’s photo competition winner…

The lyrics one of the most famous fado songs, Tudo Isto É Fado by Anibal Nazaré and made famous by Amália Rodrigues, is a great example of its sombre, moving nature… 'Queen of fado' Amália Rodrigues

I am amazed when she tells me that she performs most evenings in venues around the Algarve, works as a secretary during the day and also has a family to support. She admits that it is difficult at times to reconcile all the different demands, “arriving home from work and then off to perform late at night.” But singing in front of an audience that enjoys her music gives her a profound sense of satisfaction.

You asked me the other day If I knew what fado was I said I did not know And you were surprised Without knowing what I was saying I lied to you at the time I said I did not know But I will tell you now

She confesses she is not driven by ambition and an international breakthrough isn’t imminent. Yes, she would like to perform abroad and has had many invitations, but achieving this requires a high profile. “I am a dreamer but with my feet planted firmly on the ground.” What is important to her is to do what she loves best: “I live through my music but I also like to have my home life as a mother and wife and interact with friends. I’m dynamic and want to make the best of life – and I need to sing!”

Defeated souls Lost nights Bizarre shadows In Mouraria A ruffian sings Weeping guitars Love, jealousy Ash and flames Pain and hurt All this exists All this is sad All this is Fado If you want to be my master And have me by your side Don’t just speak of love Tell me about fado Fado that is my punishment Created to make me sin Fado is everything I say And that which I cannot express. 

With fadistas like Ana, the Algarve will continue to offer music of the highest quality. And perhaps it’s best to have a hanky ready…

Carvoeiro baby and toddler group Local little ones along with their family and friends are invited to visit a baby and toddler group that takes place every week in Carvoeiro.

more the merrier! For more information, join the Little 6’s Mummy Meeting closed group on Facebook. 

Called Little 6’s Mummy Meeting (although dads and uncles are welcome too!), it takes place every Thursday at 4pm in local bar and restaurant Carvoeiro Six, where you can also enjoy a drink or a bite to eat. Mats and toys are provided and there’s no fee to attend. Organiser Amy Dawn Rafis encourages anyone interested to come along. The

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This month’s winner of our regular photo competition is Jane Sutherland from Carvoeiro, who sent in this sweet picture of her cat, Ted! Jane told us that she rescued Ted after finding him trapped in some wires, but thankfully he is now doing well. Congrats, Jane and Ted! Fancy yourself as next month’s winner? Then now’s the time to send in your snaps. We’re looking for a shot that captures what it’s like to live in the local area, and we’ll print our favourite in every issue. And that’s not all - each month’s winner receives a free meal for two worth €50 at a restaurant on the Algarve! The snap below was sent in by our very first winner, Diane Groves, who chose to pay a visit to Quay Lagos for what she tells us was a lovely dinner. Entering is easy. Simply email your pictures to us on: or upload your shots on Facebook and tag @Tomorrow Algarve (you’ll need to ‘like’ us first). Either way, make sure you include where the picture was taken and any other relevant information. The Tomorrow team will chose their favourite (and therefore the winner) on 15th of every month. Entries after this date will be included in the next month’s competition. Good luck and happy snapping!

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Vela Solidária needs you! The project also seeks to promote the development of key skills such as conflict management, teamwork, resilience, problem solving and social integration, contributing to the overall development of its participants and the improvement of their daily life.

With another brilliant Paralympic Games wrapping up just a few short weeks ago, it seems like a great time to shine a light on Vela Solidária, a local charity doing fantastic work with disabled people. Established in 2011 by Luís Brito as part of the Teia D’Impulsos group, the organisation enables people with disabilities of any type or degree, along with children and young people living in institutions, to learn and practice sailing on a regular basis, bringing the pursuit to people who would not have the opportunity to experience it otherwise.

Five years on, Vela Solidária now works with more than 400 children, teenagers and adults with disabilities who participate in activities across Portugal, with operations here in Portimão as well as Lagos, Lisbon and Porto. They have even produced a three-times national champion and twotime vice European champion in the form of João Pinto, a major source of inspiration for other members of the organisation. And it’s not just the participants that get something out of it. Volunteer Maria Nobre de Carvalho told Tomorrow: “I love this project, it’s very rewarding. It’s great to see them having a relaxed time. I like the

sense of normality it gives these young girls and boys.” The group runs a series of regular activities in Portimão, particularly on Saturday. In the morning they currently take around four or five guys in wheelchairs or with other physical disabilities out onto the water. Then in the afternoon they work with a group of girls from Casa Nossa Senhora Da Conceição, the orphanage in Portimão. Other activities also run in the week. There are several ways in which you can support this great cause. Volunteers who can spare some time to help with the activities, organisation, logistics or any other area are especially needed - get in touch for more information. You can also make a donation to help with the charity’s running costs - the bank details are on Vela Solidária’s website.     +351 917 454 779

Geocaching part three: Mystery Caches and Travel Bugs By David F In the last two issues I have introduced geocaching, the ‘treasure’ hunting game that uses the GPS function on your smartphone or a dedicated GPS device to find ‘caches’ - containers with a logbook to sign inside.

* GC1V8CH - Gruta da Afurada in Ferragudo, placed by TNT_Duck

You can find a geocache in a few spare minutes, for example when you are visiting another town or country, or you can visit several locations as part of a planned multi-cache ‘walk with purpose’. It's great for keen ramblers and walkers, and even better for the kids as there are sometimes toys or trinkets placed in the caches.

* GC2Y37J - Complexo Desportivo da Mexilhoeira Grande, placed by Scouts_ Family.

However, some caches are not straightforward - sneaky people (myself included) create puzzles that must be solved, either at home or at the cache location. These are called Mystery Caches and there are some to try in the local area listed below (type the code in the search box on the Geocaching app or at * GC593FV - Big Foot in Carvoeiro, placed by geocaching duo Tiago and Marina, AKA 6Sentido * GC5NE8F - The Obelix Lost Menir in Portimão, placed by DiabloSLB

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* GC4VBNY - Atributas aterra nas fontes in Fontes de Estômbar, placed by Alvor-based Psipsina

You might also find a ‘trackable’ in any cache that you visit. They carry a unique code on them and the idea is that you move them to another cache, recording the pick-up and drop-off on the geocaching. com website or app (don’t hold onto them for long, please!). You and the owner can see the places visited on a map and some are entered in races. Trackables can take the form of Travel Bugs or Geocoins. A Travel Bug is a trackable tag attached to an item that geocachers call a ‘hitchhiker’. Each Travel Bug has a goal set by its owner. Goals are typically travel-related, such as to visit every country in Europe or travel from coast to coast. My most travelled bug, which I called ‘Come on England’, has covered just under 49,000 miles and has been all over Europe, South and North America. It is currently in a cache in Tennessee!

 TomorrowAlgarve

Meanwhile, Geocoins are customisable coins created by individuals or groups of geocachers as a kind of signature item or calling card. They function exactly like Travel Bug trackables and should be moved to another cache, unless otherwise specified by their owners. Trackables can be purchased for anything from €3 or €4 at specialist retailers such as, and you can also attach other items to them in order to (once registered) send them round the world by dropping them in geocaches that you visit. Now that we’ve mastered the basics, introduced multi-caches and familiarised ourselves with trackables, my final instalment of this series in next month’s Tomorrow. 

An example Travel Bug






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Local theatre group marks 25 years of entertaining the Algarve Twenty-five years ago, in September 1991, twenty people gathered at Algarve expat Jerry Lane’s house following an advertisement placed in the local paper. It resulted in the formation of theatre group The Algarveans, which last month celebrated it’s 25th anniversary.

party coming up, plus quiz nights, play readings and themed BBQs. In December we are having a 25th anniversary celebration at Pinta Golfe in Carvoeiro, too.” As if that wasn’t enough, it’s a particularly busy time for the group right now, with preparations for Pollen: The Musical in full swing. “Lots goes on behind scenes,” says Melanie. “We produce two to three shows a year that always require far more people behind the scenes as appear on stage to get each show off the ground.

The group has come a long way since its very first performance (the pantomime Puss In Boots, staged four months after formation), with around 60 productions under its belt. Now it is marking its anniversary year with new show Pollen: The Musical, set to be staged at Lagoa Auditorium later this month. However, there are some things that haven’t changed. “We are still a vibrant group of people from all walks of life,” chairperson Melanie Winstanley told Tomorrow, adding: “There are about 60 members and we all live anywhere between Aljezur and Albufeira. We still have some original members from 25 years ago.” Much of the organisation’s success can no doubt be attributed to the inclusive community that The Algarveans prides itself on. Asked what its members get most out of being a part of the group, Melanie says: “Friendship, fellowship. It can be a real confidence builder. “We have social functions outside of our productions, for example we have a beach

“For Pollen, we had our first costume design meeting in May. The set is being built as we speak. Press and publicity also play a big part; designing posters and logos, writing press releases. We won't sell tickets if no one knows about it!” This particular production will have an extra-special feel, too. “We are having a Gala Night on the first night to celebrate the fact it is a European premiere and our 25th anniversary,” Melanie shares. “There will be a pre-show champagne reception with canapés, reserved seating and a celebratory programme, as well as a chance to meet the author and director.” Fancy yourself as a thespian or a behindthe-scenes helper? The group is always looking to increase its membership and invites people to bring their own special talents to the table, whether in performing,

directing, costume design, set building, publicity or otherwise. Involvement in the group has even reaped extra rewards for some members, with Melanie saying: “In the last few years, several of our younger members have gone on to fashion careers in theatre and film.” She adds: “Entertainment is about bringing enjoyment to the audiences at our disposal in the Algarve. We like to push to the boundaries sometimes and each production presents its own unique challenges.” Melanie’s final word goes is for everyone who has supported The Algarveans over the years by buying a ticket to one of their shows. “If our audiences didn’t like our productions, then we would not have the support we have enjoyed from them over the years. “For all the production teams involved over the last 25 years, the biggest sign of success of any of our shows has been the applause and thanks audiences have communicated to us after each performance. Their smiles, tears, laughter and their generous financial support, which goes back into the community, make our efforts to entertain worth while!"  Turn to page 20 to read more about Pollen: The Musical. 

Sailing to Silves: so much more than a boat trip By Maisie Devoy Last month, I finally took the boat trip from Portimão to Silves. It was a wonderful afternoon, and well worth the €20 ticket price. Accompanied by friends, we boarded the boat - a small water taxi complete with canopy - alongside the Naval Club next door to Portimão museum, which was our pick-up point. The weather could not have been better; the sun was shining and the Arade river was calm. As we made our way up stream, the skipper imparted very interesting facts and plenty of information, not only about the river and its wildlife but about the small towns and the abandoned buildings that line it. He certainly knew his stuff when it came to the river’s history, recounting the boom days of the sardine canning trade. You get a completely different perspective of these deserted buildings and the surrounding

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countryside when viewing from the river. I was also surprised at the traffic on the river, with pleasure boats and jet skis frequently passing us. The trip takes three and a half hours; one hour each way on the river, with an hour and a half in Silves. On disembarking in the historic town, we had a very pleasant time strolling around and enjoying a refreshing drink before it was time to head back. The return trip was just as beautiful as the journey up river, and we were offered a choice of drinks - water, juice or a glass of wine. I booked my trip through local company Yellow1 Travel who were fantastic, and accommodated my friend’s wheelchair no problem. There is one sailing per day as they are dictated by the tides and you will be informed of the daily sailing times when

 TomorrowAlgarve

you book your ticket. They operate all year round provided the weather is fine. I would highly recommend this trip. It’s not just for tourists, it’s for everyone who has an interest in local history and nature too. Portimão:  + 351 282 423 278 Ferragudo & Praia da Rocha:  + 351 282 496 312

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Giving HOPE to cancer patients in Portimão from Pedro Bernardo, a self-confessed “aquarium addict” whose wife works at the hospital. “The dream came from the people who work here,” Bernardo told Tomorrow at the aquarium’s official unveiling. “I was having dinner with my wife, who was talking about how bleak the room is, and as I was listening I was looking at my aquarium.”

An impressive 300-litre aquarium filled with exotic fish was unveiled in the oncology department of Portimão Hospital last month, giving a much-needed focal point to a room where cancer patients spend many hours receiving treatment. The idea was to bring life to a place where hope runs thin, and to give patients something vibrant and peaceful to look at whilst receiving treatment. Studies have shown that aquariums deliver significant health benefits, improving people's mood and significantly reducing heart rates and blood pressure, making for a relaxing environment in which to be treated. The aquarium was the first initiative to be completed by HOPE, a new project from Teia D’Impulsos, with the goal of aiding and improving the lives of people with cancer. The initial idea for the aquarium came

Following that initial seed of an idea, Bernardo approached aquariofilia. net, a website and forum dedicated to aquariums that he is a member of. After presenting the idea and getting approval for the aquarium from the hospital board, Bernardo and Aquariofilia joined forces with Teia D’Impulsos to get the project up and running. Appeals for help with the project both on the website and at a trade show in Lisbon resulted in all the necessary resources needed to build the aquarium, in addition to the all-important fish, being donated by business owners across Portugal - a truly charitable act, Bernardo (who also built the aquarium) says. “Everything came from the heart - the sponsorship, the materials, the involvement. The companies didn’t just do it to get their name out there, they really wanted to help.”

HOPE is the latest project from Teia D’Impulsos, a Portimão-based volunteer organisation that supports and develops local social, cultural and sporting initiatives. The aquarium is the first in a long list of plans that HOPE will implement over the coming months, as head of the project Luis Matos - an architect who works for Monchique Câmara - explained at the opening. “HOPE is much bigger than this,” he said, revealing that the group will be installing another aquarium elsewhere in the hospital this December. A group of professionals have also offered their services for free to deliver alternative therapies such as yoga, reiki and acupuncture at Teia D’Impulsos new headquarters in Portimão, as well as to individual treatments including massages and aesthetic treatments such as hair and make-up in order to help cancer patients feel better inside and out. To keep up-to-date with all of Teia D’Impulsos projects, like the organisation’s Facebook page.    ‘Teia D’Impulsos'

Top nature photography tips Hunting For Fish by Eric Esterle

such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds, as well as the ethics of nature photography. Organised by Portuguese nature association Aldeia, it will be led by teacher Vasco Flores. Ahead of the course starting, we asked Vasco to share his top nature photography tips with Tomorrow readers… Marvelling over this incredible picture? It’s just one of the stunning submissions to this year’s National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year contest, which is open for entries until November 4th. If you fancy giving the competition a go (first prize is a 10-day trip for two to the Galápagos, so it’s worth a shot!), the upcoming Introduction to Nature Photography course at the Ecoteca Olhão in Ria Formosa Natural Park is a must. Running over the weekend of October 10th-11th, the course will cover subjects

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1. Know your subject matter. Spend some time researching the about the species that you want to shoot and their habitat. Knowing the habits of animals is essential to achieve the proximity needed in to take great pictures. 2. Start in your own garden. There are many animals and plants that live in our gardens that make for beautiful pictures without needing to make long trips. 3. Be patient. Most nature photography subjects endure long hours of waiting in camouflaged

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shelters or seeking out the species they want to photograph. 4. Get the right gear. No matter how skilled you are, without the right gear it's impossible to shoot birds or small insects. A tele or macro lens is useful. 5. Be aware of your impact. Some species are shy and many habitats are very fragile, and there are some considerations you should be aware of, such as avoiding photographing endangered species, respecting breeding seasons and not shooting bird nests. Come along to my course to learn more! Visit Tomorrow’s Facebook page to be inspired by more of the National Geographic competition entries.    com/nature-photographer-of-theyear-2016

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Travelling with pets: part two By Stephanie Ginger To make like Tracy and Alfie, register your pet on your Eurotunnel crossing booking. Return tickets starts from €32 per car each way and can be amended any time before leaving home. Having another responsible person travel with you in the car is preferable, and two drivers is even better. Pick your stopover hotel carefully; I once booked into a place in an idyllic village on the Spanish-Portuguese border that claimed to be dog-friendly, but upon arrival expected me to chain Flossie to a wall in the basement garage. It was either that or leave her in the car in the village square overnight. (Don’t do this! However cool your car may seem after the sun has gone down, it will be as hot as a tin can as soon as the sun comes up. At only 22°C outside, the inside of a car can reach an unbearable 47°C in an hour.) Needless to say, I had to find last-minute alternative accommodation. Not easy with a pet as your ‘plus one’!

Flossie enjoying the trip through southern Europe

These days, under the EU Pet Travel Scheme – updated in 2014 – and armed with a Pet Passport, it’s now easier than ever for your cat or dog (or even your pet ferret!) to travel with you, provided it’s on the list of approved countries. Last month, I covered the steps needed to get your fuzzy friends their own passports and checking with your vet about protection against certain diseases prevalent in southern Europe, such as leishmaniasis (sandfly disease), ehrlichiosis (tick fever) and filariasis (heartworm). So assuming that Fido, Felix and Freddy (the ferret) are ready to rumba, now comes the fun bit. How to get them there – and back! Probably the simplest method to and from the UK (although the longest drive) is through the Eurotunnel, taking you through France and Spain to or from Portugal. Many people choose this route for peace of mind and flexibility; your pet is with you, you’re not confined to any timetable except your own, and you can schedule as few or as many stopovers as you like, staying in pet-friendly hotels en route. A friend of mine, Tracy, makes this trip from the UK to Portugal every year with her cat Alfie, who relishes his month-long sojourn sunning himself in Luz with the family – as well as, I daresay, his nights out ‘on the town’.

Recommended pet-friendly hotel chains include NH, Accor, Ibis and Campanile. Many French B&Bs are also accommodating. Visit to search specific locations. STRESS-FREE TRAVEL Many vets prescribe sedatives but Flossie was much happier with her wits about her. Good natural alternatives to keep your pet calm on the journey include Adaptil (a dog appeasing pheromone) collars and spray for dogs, synthetic pheromone spray Feliway spray for cats, Zylkene capsules ( a natural supplement for both cats and dogs) sprinkled on food, and Pet Remedy, a blend of stress-relieving essential oils and extracts that comes with a travel diffuser. BEFORE LEAVING Check your pet insurance, take a good, clear photo of your pet, and make a note or take a

Exam success at Nobel Congratulations to Nobel International School Algarve’s 2015/16 students, who achieved great examination results.

Algarve Mathematics students was 61.7% compared to the national average of 47%. The Nobel Algarve average for Portuguese was 60.1% compared to the national average of 57%.

The students achieved excellent results in recent IGCSE, Edexcel and 9 Ano external examinations. In the International section 75.1% of pupils attained A* to C grades compared to the UK average of 66.9% – an impressive result. In the 9 Ano exams, the average for Nobel

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Nobel Algarve is the largest private school in the south of Portugal. The school was founded in 1972 by a group of local residents led by Eva and Paul Schelfhout.  

 TomorrowAlgarve

photo of the microchip barcode as well as a hard photocopy of the Pet Passport. Load the car so that all your pet paraphernalia is easily accessible. Restraining your pet in the car with a harness, crate or guard is the law in most countries, but requirements change frequently and differ from country to country. Check before you leave. For dogs you will need a crate or blanket, a lead, poo bags, treats, food, water and bowls. Recommended gadgets include the RAC ‘nose-shaped’ travel water bottle and a CLIX CarSafe seatbelt. For cats, pack a collar and lead, cat box, litter tray with litter, treats, food, water and bowls. Cats are the masters of escapology so a ‘rabbit’ collar with chest piece and lead is essential so that you can get out for a walkabout en route confident that the cat won’t scarper. A pack of large-size antiseptic wipes also comes in handy. TRACY’S TOP CAT TRAVEL TIPS * Familiarising your cat to collar and lead (and possibly the car) in advance is a good idea. * Covering the cat box with a towel often calms a distressed cat down. * Air-conditioning in the hotel room is useful; you can shut the windows to prevent your feline friend escaping, it keeps them animal cool and muffles strange noises outside. In next month’s instalment, we’ll cover flying and ferry crossings with your beloved four-legged friends.    +44 (0) 370 241 1710 (Pet Travel Helpline)  travelling-with-your-pet

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On Portugal Masters celebrates 10th anniversary

around the corner, it’s a real hot spot for people to go on holiday and enjoy the golf course as well,” he said. “For me over the last few years, it’s been a great opportunity to take the family out there, it’s very relaxed and an enjoyable golf course to play. You can get low numbers out there but to have the family close, that’s what I absolutely love about it." He added: “The government really gets behind it and show a lot of support to put on a great tournament, which is really nice to know because a lot of the guys on tour really enjoy playing there.” Last year’s victory saw Sullivan become the ninth different player to win the Portugal Masters from the nine times the event has been played.

Can Andy Sullivan repeat his 2015 Portugal Masters success?

The Portugal Masters returns to the Oceânico Victoria course from October 20th-23rd, marking ten years of the tournament on the PGA European Tour.

club coming out,” he said. “With any luck the crowds will be cheering me on and getting behind me, and hopefully that will inspire me to go on and do it again.”

Englishman Andy Sullivan will be hoping to mark the occasion by becoming the first player to successfully defend the title, after winning last year’s event by a nine-shot margin.

Sullivan’s winning total of 261 was the lowest in Portugal Masters history. The Nuneaton native came into the final round with a five-shot lead, and a closing 66 extended that to nine strokes as he finished the week on 23 under par to secure the third European Tour title of his career in emphatic fashion.

Fresh from making his Ryder Cup debut on the first weekend in October, the 30 year old is excited to have his friends and members from his local golf club – dubbed the ‘Sulli Army’ – joining him in the Algarve. “It will be nice to go back to Portugal to try to put up a stellar defence and regain the title, especially with 70 members of my golf

Sullivan speaks fondly of one of his favourite events on the European Tour, the course and relaxed atmosphere in Portugal clearly appealing to his laid-back personality. "It’s a fantastic location, the Tivoli Hotel on site is absolutely beautiful and with the marina

“I had a game plan to make the lead as big as possible, play as aggressive as I had all week and it worked for me. I played really well, went bogey-free on the final day and managed to extend the lead even more,” he said. “I think the guy who plays the best golf during the week generally wins there, sometimes you don’t always get that on some courses but the Oceânico Victoria seems to provide that.” So can Sullivan make history once more by becoming the first player to defend their Portugal Masters title? Head down to the Vilamoura course at the end of the month to find out! Tickets for the event are available now. One-day tickets are priced at €20 for adults and €15 for concessions, whilst three-day tickets are €52.50 and €42.50 respectively.  

Last chance to sample Portimão’s Tasting Trail The Portimão leg of the annual Rota do Petisco - or ‘Tasting Trail’ - draws to a close on October 9th, so now’s the time to get involved! A massive 125 local restaurants are participating in this year’s event, with the action spilling across into neighbouring Alvor too. The idea behind the Tasting Trail is simple: pick up an official passport for €1 and then you can enjoy a speciality tapas plate with a drink for just €3 (or a dessert and a drink for €2) at any of the restaurants taking part.

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Some establishments are also offering a kids-only option so your little ones can get involved. At each stop, a stamp will be placed in your passport, with prizes for those who rack up the most. Passports can be purchased at the tourist offices in Portimão, Praia da Rocha and Alvor, Portimão museum and Casa Manuel Teixeira Gomes, as well as all participating restaurants. All the money raised from the purchase of Tasting Trail passports will be donated to charity, with over €21,500

 TomorrowAlgarve

donated to 13 local projects last year. Plan your hit-list in advance in order to make a day or night of it, visiting a number of different establishments to please your tastebuds and fill your belly with a host of different flavours. All the dishes on offer are detailed in the passport, and check out last month’s issue or the Tomorrow Facebook page for a handy guide to some suggested eats. Go forth and feast!    @TomorrowAlgarve

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What's On

Lynx Trail 2016: run to save Portugal’s endangered wild cats

Algarve Classic Festival returns

After the success of last year’s inaugural Lynx Trail, the event is set to return this month to raise money and awareness around one of Portugal’s most beautiful wild cats that is sadly at risk of extinction.

and a unique code with which you can then enter your chosen race - the 12km route costs an additional €10, whilst the 32km route is €15. Packs can be purchased instore and online at FNAC.

Organised by event and marketing company Fire! and supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Portuguese League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) and the Association of Algarve Trail Running, the Lynx Trail traces the footsteps of the Iberian Lynx, the most endangered cat in the world. Whilst it is classified as ‘endangered’ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it is ‘critically endangered’ in Portugal.

The Iberian Lynx used to populate five regions in Portugal: the Algarve, Serra da Malcata, Serra de São Mamede, Vale do Guadiana and Vale do Sado. The southern strip of Portugal was the area with the greatest concentration, occupying an area of about 650 square kilometres between the Monchique, Caldeirão and Espinhaço de Cão mountain ranges. Now, there is a move to re-introduce them in Portugal by breeding them in captivity from animals brought from Spain.

If the thought of seeing (and hearing) an Aston Martin DB4 Zagato or Ferrari 512M driven at full throttle revs your engine, then make sure you race down to the Autodromo Internacional do Algarve from October 28th-31st for the eighth instalment of the Algarve Classic Festival.

Taking place in the beautiful countryside around Silves and Monchique on Saturday October 8th, the event features two trail options. The first is a 12km route that you can either walk for fun or race as part of a competition. Alternatively, for more seasoned runners there is a 32km trail to test your legs. Whichever challenge you choose, the event promises to have a fun, inclusive atmosphere for all who take part. Note that participants must be aged 18 years or over.

Growing up to one metre in length and to a height of 50cm, their distinguishing features include a yellow-brown pelt with black markings, a short tail with a black tip, pointed ears with tufts of fur at the tip, and big black and white ruffs around their faces.  

To register, you must first ‘adopt’ a Lynx by purchasing a race pack for €19.99, €5 of which will go to the LPN and the WWF, two organisations who actively work in the preservation of the Lynx’s natural habitat. The pack includes a t-shirt, a Lynx teddy

Live music at NoSoloÁgua Wednesday night is live music night at NoSoloÁgua this October.

powerhouse vocalist Diana Silveira. Meanwhile, anyone who enjoyed Daddy Jack’s funky sounds at one of NoSoloAgua’s summer sessions will be thrilled to learn that the local band are taking to the stage for the October 12th and 26th slots.

Following a busy summer of parties, the Portimão venue is winding down with a series of live sessions from some of the most exciting local bands and musicians. What better way to celebrate making it to hump day? If you’re a fan of jazz, head down on Wednesday October 5th where you can enjoy some smooth sounds whilst you sip a cocktail by the beautiful poolside. Alternatively, if blues is more your thing, you’ll enjoy October 19th’s set by BB Kween, a four-piece band fronted by

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And if that wasn’t enough to look forward to, we’ve arranged a very special offer exclusively for Tomorrow readers - a free welcome drink at any of the Wednesday night sessions at NoSoloÁgua Portimão pool! Simply show your copy of Tomorrow at reception to claim yours. Cheers and see you there!   @NoSoloAguaPortimao

 TomorrowAlgarve

Portugal's biggest historic motorsport event brings the best classic racing cars and most skilled drivers to the Algarve. Each year over 300 international drivers descend on the race track, along with around 80 local drivers for a series of classic car competitions including the MRL 50s Sports Car and the 90s Endurance Legends races. The 2016 edition of the ACF features 10 European Classics Championships. A highlight of the programme is the Classic Endurance Racing championship; organised by Peter Auto, it features a Lola T280, Chevron B31, Lola T70 and Porsche 935 among other rare and beloved cars. Another unmissable race will bring together more than twenty vintage Formula 1 cars. The season ending of this popular European championship, organised by the Historic Grand Prix Car Association (HGPCA), is returning to Portugal after several years. The HGPCA F1 Pre-1961 showcases Formula 1 cars from the 1950s, and the HGPCA F1 Pre66 presents Formula 1 cars of the 1960s. Paulo Pinheiro from Autódromo Internacional do Algarve: “The Portimão circuit is delighted to host again the Algarve Classic Festival. We are certain that the 2016 edition will be a success, thanks to the important synergies established with [organiser] Diogo Ferrao, who will apply his skills, know-how, enthusiasm and passion for classic cars to help bring to Portimão even more exciting races.” Ticket prices start from €10 for the stands and €19 for paddock access, where you can get up close and personal with the cars. Paddock tickets are limited, so early booking is advised. All tickets are available from the Autodromo Algarve website, with special rates available for duo and weekend ticket purchases.   

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On

Try Something New: dance classes


Tell me more Both Modern Ballroom and Latin American are danced as couples. Ballroom is the more classical style where partners generally maintain hold (the position you think of when you think of ballroom dancing), whereas Latin is a more energetic style of dance that is rich in cultural history. What’s it all about? Former competitive dancer turned teacher Caroline Johnstone is leading classes for a third year at the Tennis Club in Carvoeiro. She will be teaching Ballroom dances the waltz, foxtrot, quickstep and tango, as well as Latin American dances the cha-cha-cha, rumba, jive, samba and paso doble - no doubt all familiar names to any Strictly Come Dancing fans! Classes are enjoyable and fun, as well as a good workout - a great way to improve on or maintain your fitness.

participating, and teach at a pace to suit each person.” No former experience is needed, and there’s no need to worry about fitness levels either - you can do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Anyone attending on their own will be partnered up or can dance with Caroline, although to get the most from the class it is ideal to come with a partner. “Many of the men are persuaded by partners to come along, but they often end up completely hooked!” Caroline told Tomorrow. What do I need to take part? There is no set dress code, although long trousers are better for men. Shoes are preferable to trainers and a low heel is best for ladies. A bottle of water is also advisable. How can I get involved? Classes will be on Thursday nights from October 6th, with a beginners class at 5.30pm and Improvers at 6.30pm. Classes are €8.50 per session or €28 per calendar month. Private lessons can also be booked, subject to room availability, and start at €20.   +351 961 916 821   @strictlydancingcarvoeiro Want your group, club or organisation to feature in an upcoming Try Something New? Email stephanie@tomorrowalgarve. com with your suggestions.

Who can join? “Dancing is for everyone,” says Caroline, adding: “I have people of all ages

Bounce down to the Loulé Cup

If you enjoyed watching the trampolining at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro over the summer (not to mention Team GB’s Bryony Page winning a silver medal!), then bounce on down to the 11th edition of the Loulé Cup at the end of the month. Scheduled to take place on October 28th and 29th, the annual international trampolining event will see around 400 gymnasts from Portugal, the UK, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Denmark,

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France, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the United States battling it out in the springboard single, double-mini trampoline and tumbling events. This is the first official international competition following the end of the Olympics, and will see incredible athletes compete in an event that has built a good reputation, whilst giving them the chance to enjoy the beauty of the area’s beaches and other attractions. Organised by the Association of Parents and Friends of Gymnastics of Loulé (APAGL) with the support of Loulé Câmara, the action will happen at the town’s municipal sports centre. The preliminary rounds will take place on Friday October 28th, followed by the finals on Saturday October 29th. Entry to the event is free.  

 TomorrowAlgarve

See the European premiere of Pollen: The Musical Local theatre group The Algarveans is marking its 25th anniversary (as detailed on page 10) with the very first performance of new production Pollen: The Musical. Set to be staged this month, the show was first conceived over 25 years ago by long time Algarve-based musician and entertainer Ian Carfrae, who has been a member of The Algarveans for over five years. Having co-written the production with Robert Hay-Smith, Ian will also serve as the show’s musical director. Ian - once part of the New Vaudeville Band, which had many hits in the 1960s including the USA number one Winchester Cathedral - said: “I had a pocketful of really good songs that I just felt deserved to be part of a musical, so in the 1990s an old band member and I took time out to write Pollen: The Musical. Ever since it has been my dream to see the show performed live.” Pollen tells the story of an enchanted garden in an old house where the flowers talk to Ben, the gardener who looks after them, and their battle against the new owner of the house who intends to destroy the beautiful space. This is a story which will touch your heart whether you are eight or 80 years old. “I am so excited to get started now,” said Chris Winstanley, the show´s director. “Ian has been living with this dream for over 25 years and I have been with him for the last two years adding new songs and putting some additional material into the show. I cannot wait to bring it to the stage and I am completely honoured to be directing the 25-year anniversary show for the theatre group.” The show will run for three nights at Lagoa Auditorium from October 20th22nd, starting at 7.45pm. A special Gala Night with a champagne reception is scheduled for 6.45pm on the opening evening. Tickets are €12 for regular tickets and €20 for the Gala Night.    + 351 913 723 611 / 282 496 635 

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:



Algarve Classic Festival | October 20th - 30th | Historic car event, 300 cars and 500 Drivers, coming from 23 countries | The Algarve International Circuit  +351 917 515 665 Rota do Petisco (Tasting Trail) | September 9th - October 9th  Yoga | 8am - 9.30am Monday & Wednesday Pilates | 1pm - 2pm Wednesday & Friday Yoga | 6pm - 7.15pm Monday & Friday Meditation | 8pm - 9am Fri €25 p.m | Villa Prana, Portimão |  |  +351 282 484 256

Tandem Skydive | €219 | Skydive Algarve, Aerodromo Municipal de Portimão, Alvor |  +351 9142 668 32 Aerobics Fitness | Monday 9.30am Total Toning | Wednesday 9.30am Body Conditioning | Thursday 10.30am Alvor Community Centre

Ferragudo Yoga Paddle Board Classes with Silvia Duarte | Saturday 09.30am | Kalu Beach Bar, Praia Grande Ferragudo |  +351 282 461 115


Further afield

Fitball with João | Monday 9.15am - 10am | €8.50 Total Conditioning with Julie | Tuesday 9.30am - 10.40am | €8.50 Yoga with Jane | Tuesday 11am - 12noon | €8.50 Body Shape with Jaqueline | Wednesday 10am - 11am | €8.50 Qi Gong with Gabriele | 11am - 12noon | €8.50 Power Pump with Julie | Friday 6.30pm - 7.30pm | €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro |  +351 282 350 800

Birdwatching Festival | September 30th - October 5th | Sagres 3rd Lagoa Guitar Festival | September 11th - October 30th | Lagoa Course Introduction to Photography Nature | October 10th & 11th |  +351 927 659 313 |  | 

Ballroom and Latin American Dancing with Caroline Thursdays 5.30pm Beginners & 6.30pm Improvers | €8.50 or €24 p/m | Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis |  +351 961 916 821 | 

A Taste of Yoga | Tuesday 8.45am - 10.15am, Serenity, Lagoa Hatha Yoga | Wednedsay 8.45am - 10.15am, Serenity, Lagoa Gentle Yoga | 11am-12.30noon, Rocha Brava, Lagoa 

A Taste of Yoga | Monday 10-11.30am, Tuesday 4.30-6pm, Vale d’Oliveira Yin Yoga | 11am-12.30pm, Rocha Brava Hatha Yoga | Wednesday 11am-12.30pm, Rocha Brava Gentle Yoga | Friday 11am-12.30noon, Vale d’Oliveiras 

Enjoy the Arts? Visit the Galeria de Arte in Lagoa, “The Tate Modern of the Algarve”.National and International artists : Gervásio, Stela Barreto, Laureutino Cabaço, Kerstin Wagner, Marta Fresneda to name a few. On the EN125 at the Única - Adega Coopertiva, free parking, relax in the lounge, wine tasting too!

Tide TideTable Tablefor for October... October... LOW TIDE Moon 1 SAT 2 SUN 3 MON 4 TUE 5 WED 6 THU 7 FRI 8 SAT 9 SUN 10 MON 11 TUE 12 WED 13 THU 14 FRI 15 SAT 16 SUN 17 MON 18 TUE 19 WED 20 THU 21 FRI 22 SAT 23 SUN 24 MON 25 TUE 26 WED 27 THU 28 FRI 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 MON


Height (m)

08:14 08:45 09:16 09:48 10:23 11:00 11:44 00:02 01:08 02:39 04:00 05:00 05:48 06:32 07:14 07:56 08:39 09:23 10:11 11:03 00:26 01:46 03:18 04:34 05:29 06:12 06:47 07:19 07:50 08:21

0,85 0,85 0,89 0,98 1,11 1,26 1,43 1,54 1,67 1,69 1,58 1,37 1,12 0,88 0,67 0,53 0,47 0,50 0,63 0,83 1,31 1,48 1,51 1,43 1,30 1,18 1,07 0,98 0,92 0,89

HIGH TIDE Afternoon 20:33 21:02 21:33 22:04 22:38 23:16 12:43 14:06 15:34 16:40 17:30 18:14 18:56 19:37 20:18 21:01 21:45 22:32 23:23 12:04 13:20 14:50 16:12 17:13 17:58 18:34 19:06 19:35 20:05 20:35

Height (m)


Height (m)

0,81 0,85 0,93 1,05 1,20 1,37 1,57 1,63 1,55 1,36 1,13 0,89 0,68 0,53 0,46 0,50 0,62 0,82 1,06 1,06 1,26 1,34 1,30 1,21 1,11 1,02 0,95 0,91 0,88 0,90

02.16 02:47 03:18 03:49 04:21 04:56 05:37 06:30 07:40 09:01 10:12 11:10 11:58 00:27 01:09 01:52 02:34 03:18 04:05 04:55 05:51 06:57 08:14 09:35 10:45 11:39 00:07 00:45 01:19 01:50 02:20

3,42 3,43 3,40 3,32 3,22 3,08 2,94 2,80 2,73 2,76 2,91 3,14 3,39 3,39 3,61 3,76 3,84 3,82 3,72 3,54 3,33 3,13 3,00 2,98 3,05 3,15 3,10 3,21 3,31 3,37 3,41

 TomorrowAlgarve

Afternoon 14:31 15:02 15:33 16:05 16:38 17:16 18:03 19:07 20:30 21:50 22:53 23:42 12:43 13:27 14:11 14:56 15:43 16:32 17:26 18:29 19:43 21:06 22:22 23:21 12:23 13:00 13:33 14:05 14:36

Height (m) 3,49 3,44 3,36 3,23 3,08 2,92 2,75 2,63 2,60 2,70 2,90 3,15 3,62 3,80 3,90 3,89 3,79 3,59 3,34 3,08 2,88 2,81 2,86 2,98 3,24 3,31 3,35 3,36 3,34


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What's On

Algar Seco Cliff Jumpers event August 28th, Carvoeiro The second annual Algar Seco Cliff Jumpers day took place at the end of August, three weeks after bad weather leading to safety issues forced the cancelation of the original event. Thankfully this time round conditions were perfect, and the event was a great success. The day was attended by people from across the Algarve, along with some special guests who made the trip from England, although sadly not quite as

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many took part as the approximate 500 people who turned up on the initial scheduled date. Still, a good time was had by all at the beautiful cliffs just outside of Carvoeiro. The event was organised by local cliff jumper and filmmaker Sebastien Kock, who said: “It was perfect weather and we had some amazing experiences.” He also extended special thanks to the local capitania, the Instituto de Socorros a

 TomorrowAlgarve

Náufragos (ISN), Lagoa bombeiros and the municipal câmara, who all supported the event. Sebastien will be organising small cliff jumping events through the year, whilst repeating the main event for a third time next summer. To find out more, check out the group’s Facebook page.  @algar.seco.cliff.jumpers

What's On

Algarve Archaeological Association host talks On Tuesday October 4th the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, titled The U35 Project - the actions of Submarine U-35 off Sagres and Lagos on 24th April 1917. Delivered in English by Portuguese Naval Captain Augusto Salgado and MA student Jorge Russo, the first lecture will be at 2.30pm in the Museu do Trajo in Sao Bras and the second lecture will be at 5.45pm in the Convento in Lagoa. Project co-ordinator Captain Salgado (PhD) is a researcher at the Portuguese Naval Research Centre, a member of the Academia de Marinha and also the Portuguese Military History Commission. He has been a keen underwater archaeology enthusiast since 1996 and an underwater photographer for over 30 years. His colleague Jorge Russo is a Maritime History MA student at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa/Escola Naval. He is a researcher at CINAV, publishing papers mainly on steam navigation and wreck identification methodology, especially from WWI and WWII.

AlaModa fashion show September 17th, Portimão Who needs London Fashion Week? Portimão hosted it’s very own catwalk show last month, a partnership between Teia D'Impulsos, the council and local shop owners association ACRAL, in a bid to encourage people to shop locally. A total of 18 stores participated in the event, showing off their new autumn/winter clothing, accessory and jewellery collections. Eighty models took to the runway, including 50 children between the ages of 4 and twelve. The event was a hit, with a full house attendance including members of the local câmara and junta de freguesia.   |  ACRAL

The talk will focus on the Imperial German Submarine U-35, commanded by the 'Ace of Aces' Lothar von Arnauld de la Periere (1886-1941), which left the naval base of Cattaro (Montenegro) heading for the busy merchantman route around Cape St Vincent in 1917. On April 24th she sank four ships off Sagres and Lagos: two Norwegian and one Danish steamer, and an Italian sailing vessel. Started in 2014, the project is an historical and archaeological exploration of this episode of the Great War which brought the war to continental Portugal. During 2014 and 2015 the U-35 Project looked 650m deep for the Italian vessel, in addition to finding relatives from the U-35 and one of the Norwegian steamers. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – call for details.   +351 917 267 948  

October at Bela Vista Bela Vista, the five-star hotel in Praia da Rocha, has a fantastic offer running this month. From October 8th-22nd, there’s 50% off all treatments in its luxurious spa, the only one in Portugal to use L’Occitane products. There’s plenty going on when it comes to the hotel’s social calendar, too. Their final Sunset Party of the year will take place on October 8th, featuring specially selected wines from Douro winery CARM. The hotel is also hosting a exclusive gastronomic event titled ‘Mar Adentro’ at Vista, its fine dining restaurant, on 14th and 15th. The exclusive event will see Michelin-starred Portuguese chefs creating a treat for the tastebuds. Places are strictly limited to 30 people and cost €150 per person.  

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Health Don’t suffer with psoriasis By Lesley Wall

Now I know that potatoes are my trigger, and I avoid them completely. I do have the odd flair up, usually after using a shopbought sauce containing potato starch, so now I make my own. So what is it about nightshade foods that can cause psoriasis? These foods contain an alkaloid compound called solanine (the Latin name for nightshade family is solanaceae). Solanine is a natural defence system for plants that acts as a nerve poison on insects that try to eat them. Obviously humans are bigger than bugs so one potato is not going to kill me, but their toxic nature can have a negative effect on your health.

I suffered with psoriasis for 10 years (in a very delicate area, I might add) which drove me up the wall. The intense itch, the flaking, the bleeding, the whole process over and over again. I tried everything from medicated creams to making my own natural remedies and nothing worked; after a day or two of relief, it always came back with a vengeance. Three years ago I started doing some research on the nightshade family of foods, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines, and psoriasis kept coming up as one of the side effects. At that point I was a bit of a non-believer in the theory that certain foods can cause health problems, always believing that a good diet including plenty of vegetables was good for me.

With nothing to loose and still suffering, I decided to cut all foods from the nightshade family out of my diet. Lo and behold, my psoriasis cleared up in just one week. At first I did think this was perhaps a fluke, but I persisted with my new diet for a whole month and the condition did not return. For the first time in 10 years, I had no psoriasis. I can’t tell you what a relief it was. I love tomatoes and potatoes and it was a huge effort to cut them out so, with still no sign of psoriasis, I decided to try introducing one thing back into my diet at a time. I tried tomatoes first (I was craving them) and that was all okay. The following week I added potatoes and bang! Within two hours I had the intense itch, and the flaking followed the next day.

Solanine is more concentrated in the stems and leaves of these plants, which is why we don’t put potato or tomato leaves in salad. Also, have you heard that green potatoes are poisonous? Well, it’s true - green potatoes with sprouting eyes contain high levels on solanine, so it’s best not to eat them. Note that sweet potatoes are not part of the nightshade family, so these are a great substitute if you can’t imagine life without jackets and chips. Also remember that vodka is made from potatoes, so this is also a no-no. If you suffer with psoriasis, try cutting out nightshade foods for yourself - you have nothing to lose, it doesn’t cost you anything and it worked for me.  Lesley is an ITEC Qualified Aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor. 

Problems with alcohol? The Twelve Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped people around the world since it was first set up in 1935. There are English-speaking meetings all over the world, including here in the Algarve. The thinking behind Alcoholics Anonymous (as detailed on the organisation’s website) is as follows: “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their

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common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. “The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are selfsupporting through our own contributions. “AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor

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opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.” Help is closer than you think, but you have to ask for it. So to find the nearest meeting or for help and assistance, get in touch using the numbers below.   +351 919 005 590  +351 937 029 619

How yoga can help protect your lower back By Andrea Schoonheim Lower back pain is something that many of us, whether old or young, suffer from nowadays. Sometimes the cause is obvious - you’ve lifted something heavy, been working in the garden or made an awkward movement - but often it is just there, causing great upset and discomfort. Often when people first start yoga classes, they discover they’ve got lower back problems or movement limitations. In most cases, this is caused by the muscles in the lower back being very short. A simple test will tell you if you’ve got short muscles in your lower back, which we simply call a ‘tight’ or ‘stiff’ lower back. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Is your back erect? Can you hinge forward from your hips with an erect back or do you have to lean back? If you’re leaning back or can only just about sit with an erect back, your back muscles need lengthening. Why, you might ask. Well, the tighter the lower back muscles are the more risk there is that you will injure them and worsen or even create lower back pain. Two questions then arise: how did you end up with a tight lower back, and how do you make it more flexible? Usually the causes of tightness are associated with a person’s job, study or hobby. The most common reasons are sitting on a chair or driving a car for long periods, as well as doing certain sports like surfing or cycling. In yoga it is said that the only way a human being can sit with a relaxed spine is when they squat. Instead of getting rid of all your chairs or quitting your job, you might want to do yoga or have a massage to get your back moving again. Tight lower backs always go hand-in-hand with tight hamstrings, the muscles at the back of your thighs. To get more movement in the lower back, start doing very gentle warming-up exercises for this part of the body. When the back is safely warmed-up you first have to lengthen your hamstrings, before starting to lengthen your lower back muscles. The reason is that your tight hamstrings pull so much on your lower back that it is difficult to stretch the muscles there. Although this three-step approach generates more ‘space’ in your lower back straight away, regular practice is required to make the improvement permanent.  Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher who leads classes in Carvoeiro and Lagoa.     +351 911 510 641

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Business Seeing the world through Charlotte Jane Photography’s eyes

Snapping everything from weddings and engagement shoots to families and birthday parties, Charlotte Jane (known as Charlie to her friends) is a unique new photographer on the Algarve. She tells Tomorrow how she turned her passion into a business… I started modelling in my mid teens, and this is where my fascination for photography started. I grew up in a small town in the North East of England, leaving when I was 18 to travel the world. After one photoshoot with a photographer in Malaysia, he gave me his unwanted camera - a Canon 350D - and my love affair with photography began. I’ve never had a photography lesson, teaching myself

everything that I know about the art. Some of the best photographers in the world are self taught! The thing I love most about photography is that it’s made me see the world in a whole new way. It wasn’t until I started capturing photos and seeing the beauty on my screen that I began to really see details, colours and light. Now I’ll spot someone sitting in a restaurant and think, ‘Wow, look at the perfect light on their face. That would make a perfect portrait.’ Looking through the lens of my camera is like a veil being lifted. What makes a great photo? For me, is it’s ability to evoke emotion; a photo should tell a story. But photography is not just about

the photographer - the subject’s willingness to have fun and enjoy the moment can take a shot to the next level. I choose angles and backgrounds that make everything look its best, and then I try to capture something real from the people I’m snapping. I’ve shot all sorts since picking up that first camera, but the thing I love to capture most is people, which is why I decided to set up Charlotte Jane Photography. It’s a funny thing; a lot of people I know think they aren’t photogenic, but I always see the beauty in someone when they might not see it themselves. To show that to them in my photos is an incredible gift. I particularly love wedding photography because of the emotion that comes with it. Not only do they take place in beautiful locations, but they are also chock full of genuine emotion. I get to spend the day capturing happiness, laughter, joy, anticipation, excitement, and maybe even some sadness. It’s so jampacked with photographic opportunities! I launched Charlotte Jane Photography earlier this year, and it’s been non-stop since then. Next year is already starting to fill up too! I’ve been overwhelmed with the response I have received from my clients. Whether it be a wedding, family, birthday party or maternity shoot, when they look through their pictures it takes them back to the emotion and love they felt on that day which is exactly what I want to capture with my photos.    @charlottejanephotography  +351 927 819 645 

Algarve Business Directory: putting the Algarve and its residents first The idea for the Algarve Business Directory was originally formed in 2015 by Matt Love. Having worked here on the Algarve since 2013 in both the information technology and service industries, Matt was surprised to see how many fellow residents struggled to find reliable products and services, choosing instead to ship items from abroad as their easiest solution.

computer or portable devices. Launched in March 2016 after extensive research, the directory provides a one-stop shop where you can find local businesses and contact them via social media, their website, email or telephone, or even navigate to them via GPS. With map pointers and easy-to-search categories, it’s something the Algarve has needed for a long time.

After much thought about how to resolve this situation, he decided to create an online portal for residents and local businesses to connect via their desktop

The directory is growing every day with the addition of new businesses, and also offers users the chance to suggest business listings.

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Algarve Business Directory aims to have 2,000 listings by the end of 2017, with at least 3,000 by the end of 2018. It’s free to use and offers free listing for businesses, with upgrade options for those that wish to increase their online visibility and achieve higher ranking not just within the directory, but on search engine results too. Add your business to the Algarve Business Directory today and help your customers find you!  

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Could a Quarter Share investment work for you? most popular areas in Portugal for overseas buyers, with increasing numbers of French, Scandinavian and Belgian property buyers looking to invest in the region alongside the traditional buyers from the UK, Ireland and Germany.

With the Portuguese real estate market returning to form and property prices steadily rising across the country, there has never been a better time to invest. Property prices here have remained consistently stable, especially in comparison to prices in other Southern European countries where a glut of properties have left supply out-stripping demand. In Portugal and the Algarve this has not been the case, and now that confidence has returned to the market, so too have buyers. According to a new survey by Idealista, property prices in Portugal have risen by some 5.4% during the second quarter of 2016, in comparison to the same period during 2015. The Algarve continues to be one of the

Of course, not everyone is looking for somewhere to live full-time, which is why many are turning to Quarter Share. An ideal option for those looking for a ‘lock up and leave’ solution, Quarter Share allows property owners the opportunity to enjoy their home for set periods but without the stress of managing the property the rest of the time, or incurring maintenance or housekeeping costs. There are a limited number of Quarter Share properties available in the Algarve, with the only five star offering located at Vale d’Oliveiras Quinta Resort and Spa near Carvoeiro. Many people have opted to take advantage of the benefits that come from purchasing a Quarter Share in one of this luxurious and relaxing resort’s one and two bedroom townhouses. If you can spend only a few weeks a year in your holiday home, a Quarter Share property saves you the time, effort and expense of maintaining your property all year round,

leaving you free to relax and focus on your holiday. All purchase options allow full access to the resort’s facilities, housekeeping and maintenance, with the option to benefit from the Touristic Rental Agreement for those that don’t wish to use all their allocated time and instead achieve some income. The resort is managed by Macdonald Hotels & Resorts, a UK-based hospitality company with many years’ experience in this sector and which currently runs 800 holiday homes in 10 luxury European resorts. At Vale d’Oliveiras you can indulge yourself in 5 star facilities including the spacious open-air swimming pool and terrace, The Olive Tree restaurant and Olive Bar, the tropical poolside Jasmin Bar and the renowned Lisvaÿa Spa, which offers a steam room and a large range of massage and beauty treatments. The Health Club features a fitness room, heated indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna, whilst the Kids Park includes an outdoor playground and activities program. If you’re looking for a flexible option, there has never been a better time to invest in this property solution made to suit you.     +351 282 380 560

Watch your favourite TV channels with IPTV Two years ago, the communications satellite Astra 2E reached its final orbital position of 43.5º East and all UK Freeview channels disappeared from satellite receivers in the south of Europe - a nightmare for many. Living without TV can be difficult when you live abroad, loosing ties with the language, news and culture from one's home country.

solution still works today, despite some scaremongers saying that internet would never cope with such demand or fretting that FilmOn would be closed. People also speculated that having to install an internet connection would raise monthly expenses. Yes it does, but only a few of us can live these days without a smartphone, a tablet or a computer.

IPTV services are widely available these days, and your STB will always give you UK Freeview channels, even without a subscription. However, only one can combine UK Freeview with a flexible 30 day subscription of just €14.95 for premium channels such as Sky Sports, BT Sport, CTH, Sky Movies and more. You can even watch these on your iPad.

Another player came around: Intelsat 907, (the so-called Military or Gibraltar Satellite) that, in spite of broadcasting scrambled channels, offered a simple but quality choice for BBC One, Two and Four, ITV and Channel 4. However, accessing additional channels was still an issue.

Since then, Set Top Boxes (STBs) have come a long way. Whereas Android Boxes were the best machines two years ago, we now favour Linux-based STBs that boot up in 20 seconds, providing an exceptionally dynamic picture clarity. Coupled with the outstanding growth of bandwidth speed, no one doubts that IPTV (Internet Protocol television) is the future of multimedia; BBC Three recently became an online-only channel.

Further options are available with a Mag 250/4 STB, with up to 14 days catch-up TV and packages from France, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, and more.

At Algarve Satellite Centre, we found a solution to the problem: internet streaming through an Android Box. The

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To discuss all of these options, contact the helpful and friendly team at Algarve Satellite Centre today.   +351 917 545 644  +351 967 505 055

A busy month at Quinta do Vale da Lama Sustainable living centre Quinta do Vale da Lama is gearing up for autumn and winter, with lots on offer. A pioneering Permaculture Research Design course will be hosted at on-site educational campus Campo do Vale from October 9th-13th, a gathering that promises to strengthen networks and practical work being developed in the field of permaculture research throughout the world. The Projecto Novas Descobertas (PND) Counsellor training and Summer Camp Management course (both in Portuguese) are also running this month. They aim to expand the knowledge and experience that the team has gathered over their 22 years of running summer camps. These are now increasingly focused on bringing people closer to nature. There are still places left on the courses. The following retreat programmes are available at Casa Vale da Lama EcoResort during October too… October 2nd - 8th: Heart / Healing Retreat - The Jewel of Yoga October 9th - 16th: Yoga and Surf Autumn Retreat - Develop 360º October 16th - 22nd: Food / Healing Retreat - The Jewel of Yoga The EcoResort is now open all year round. Why not visit during the autumn and winter low season for a few relaxing days either as a couple, with family or with good friends? Packages with accommodation, food and leisure activity and relaxation around the farm are available. There is also a new voucher scheme for Casa Vale da Lama and Sweet Spot Cafe, as well as offers for farm stays, experiences, meals or pizza nights.  

The advantages of being an entrepreneur in Portugal Last month, Ideal Homes Portugal founder Chris White gave us an insight into how he became a successful businessman. This month, he reveals the three biggest business advantages of being an entrepreneur in Portugal… A big benefit is the lower corporation tax – it is easier to make a profit in Portugal. And the Portuguese government are very used to small and medium sized companies – they are not dominated by major corporates, which makes life easier. Secondly, there is little competition. When the crash of 2008 occurred most of the competition vaporised. Ideal Homes Portugal rode the storm and we are the ones who have benefitted from buyers returning to the market. Thirdly, the minimum wage in Portugal is €480 a month. It means I can pay a fair wage here for a whole team of experienced, bilingual telemarketers for the price of just one in London – and of course the overheads are lower here too. And one extra advantage – the sunshine makes my staff happy. Happy staff sell houses – so this is another winning formula!  

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Food & Drink the processor sides, periodically pushing the mixture down. Stop when the mix is between the texture of couscous and a paste. You want the mixture to hold together. Don’t over process, you don't want hummus.

Recipe: homemade falafel

4. Once the mixture has reached the desired consistency, place in a bowl and give a quick stir with a fork. Cover the bowl with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 1-2 hours. 5. Remove the mixture from the fridge and fill a frying pan with vegetable oil to a depth of 1.5 inches. Heat the oil slowly over a medium heat.

Simon Davies, owner of mobile catering business The Little Kitchen Company, reveals his tried-and-tested recipe for homemade falafel… Falafel is a tasty, versatile staple in many Middle Eastern and North African countries. As a result, recipes vary; in Egypt, where falafel is said to originate from, they like to use fava beans, rolling the mixture in sesame seeds for a better crunch. Meanwhile, in Israel they generally use chickpeas, adding lots of fresh herbs like coriander or parsley. The recipe below is a good starting point for the first-time falafel maker, and works well if catering for a large group. I serve it alongside pita bread and other MiddleEastern-style accompaniments (see below). Ingredients 1 pound of dried chickpeas (do not use canned, it will not work) 1 onion

1/4 cup of chopped fresh parsley 3-5 garlic cloves (I like to roast them first) 1 & 1/2 tbsp flour 2 tsp salt 2 tsp cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper Pinch of ground cardamom Vegetable oil for frying Directions 1. Pour the dried chickpeas into a large bowl and cover with about three inches of cold water. Let them soak overnight - they will double in size. 2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas well, then place them in a food processor along with the chopped onion, garlic cloves, parsley, flour, salt, cumin, coriander, black pepper, cayenne pepper and cardamom. 3. Pulse all the ingredients until a rough coarse meal forms. As you pulse, scrape

6. Meanwhile, roll the falafel mixture into little balls or small burger-shaped patties, using about two tablespoons of mixture per ball. It's best to do this with wet hands to stop the mixture sticking to you. The balls will stick loosely at first, but bind nicely once you fry them. 7. Before starting my first batch, I like to test one in the centre of the pan. If the oil is the right temperature, it will take 2-3 minutes per side to brown. If it browns faster than that, the oil is too hot and your falafel will not cook in the middle, so just cool down the oil and try again. 8. Once the oil temperature is right, cook them in batches of 5-6 at a time, so as not to overcrowd the pan. 9. Once the falafel are fried, remove with a slotted spoon and leave to drain on a paper towel. They're best served hot. I hope you enjoy!     +351 913 344 655  @littlekitchenportugal

Serve it with… These Middle Eastern accompaniments make the perfect side dishes for your freshly-fried falafel Hummus A chickpea dip made with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Store-bought is fine but homemade is best.

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Israeli salad A chopped salad of finely diced tomato, onion, cucumber, bell peppers and chilis adds colour and crunch.

Mint yogurt dip A refreshing dip that is found on dinner tables throughout the Middle East that adds a cool, delicate flavour.

Vegetarianism in childhood is it healthy? By Vera Belchior Science shows that a vegetarian diet is healthy but there are still those who argue that, without animal products, children cannot grow in a healthy way. Is it really true? Qualified naturopathist Vera Belchior reveals all… Planned and supplemented with specific vitamins, a vegetarian diet provides excellent nutrition in all stages of a child's life, from birth to adolescence. Children who are fed a vegetarian diet not only grow strong and healthy, but also have a reduced risk of developing clinical conditions in adulthood such as obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes - conditions that not only impact on their own lives, but also on wider society. Nowadays, many infants are fed diets that are over processed and severely deficient in important elements such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Rich in phytonutrients, these foods have protective effects against the main causes of death worldwide, including cardiovascular disease (the number one cause of death in Portugal), making them an important part of a healthy diet. These same foods are the basis of a meat-free diet. Why is this important? Because the majority of today’s children pass the day without consuming at least three pieces of fruit, and consume an excess of saturated fat - major sources of which are dairy products and meat - that obstructs the arteries. This eating pattern has lead to about 70% of obese children having one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For example, one recent study showed that 40% of children aged between 6 and 11 years old already had high cholesterol levels. Hypertension is also increasingly common in children. In these respects, a vegetarian diet is beneficial because it is free of cholesterol and low in saturated fat. There is much evidence that confirms that vegetarian diets are safe at all stages of life. The American Dietetic Association argues that, so long as it is wellplanned and supplemented with vitamin B12 (which can be lacking when going meat-free), a vegetarian diet is appropriate in all stages of life, including childhood and adolescence. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees, saying: ”Well planned, dietary patterns vegetarians are healthy for babies and children.” Therefore, a well-structured vegetarian diet can bring great benefits to the health of a child. I would also venture that when we educate a child to feel empathy for an animal, we are teaching them one of the most valuable lessons in life. We are teaching true respect for others, which will hopefully be applied in all areas of their life, and lead to a more sustainable society - good for us and, above all, good for the planet!  Vera will be speaking on the topic of children and vegetarian diets at Albufeira Vida Eco on October 9th, a full day of free activities dedicated to the themes of health, ecology and sustainability.  

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Outdoor Graded waste makes finer flowers* By Clive Goodacre

and experiment before going full tilt. Thick palm stems split with a machete and fed into the side chute get chopped up nicely. Collect sort and store material for shredding in containers like large plastic flowerpots rather than in a heap - then you can see what is what. A good practice is to double shred where you have mixed hard and soft material or stuff that has passed through in large bits. Pine needles and small leaves are better shredded as they reduce dramatically in bulk and are much easier to spread on paths or as weed suppressing mulch, for example. Mix pine if possible with other shredded waste such as prunings and leave for a few months to reduce acidity.

The autumn clear-up in the garden is an annual routine here, creating piles of leaves and other debris deposited during the summer. Many of us do not have lawns, leaving messy areas of gravel and earth to clear up. So what to do – make furtive trips to the waste bins, pay someone to take it away or risk a fire? Years ago shredders were in vogue, but went out of fashion after people expected them to process all kinds of mixed garden detritus and pernicious contraries, resulting in frequent jams and terminal collapse. Yet with good waste management shredders are, in an age of recycling, virtually indispensable in the medium to larger garden. OK, they are not for everyone, especially if you have a gardener that takes all the waste away – but where does it end up? Here we also have to consider that today’s garden waste is tomorrow’s fire hazard. Armed with a shredder you will have a more tidy and ordered approach to gathering up the litter raining down after a dry summer from conifers, oleanders and the like. Then there are those piles of dead bedding plants and dried-out shrubs. Instead, why not turn them into an almost endless supply of mulch and compost for soil improvement, creating informal paths, and general weed surpressing? Without a shredder you have piles of garden debris that are practically useless –

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most compost heaps here are just piles of dry rubbish. It is amazing how a shredder can reduce a mountain of waste into a small compact heap. Rake out the debris from under trees and bushes, gather up old waste tucked away at the bottom of the garden, clear that messy bonfire patch, reduce that sprawling area you call a compost heap and shred! Think about sharing a shredder with a neighbour if you cannot justify having one outright. But before loading up, here are a few words of advice. Firstly, unless you have an industrial strength shredder do not process succulent or yucca waste. There is a good reason why rope is traditionally made from several members of the yucca family. Even chopping up agave leaves or cactus into small pieces will strain your machine and produce fluffy balls of waste. Ignore at your peril or be prepared for hours of fun with a Stanley knife! Another one to avoid is Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise), whose stems and leaves are incredibly tough. Vines and climbers in general can be OK with a bit of common sense and careful feeding – cut them up into short pieces and largely avoid the old, tougher stems altogether unless you have a shredder with a side chute for chopping stems and branches. The latter is also very good at chopping up palm fronds, although varieties like the wild palm (Chamaerops humilis) can jam things up, so go steady

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Old potted plants and those dead rooty bits encased in dried-out soil that seems to accumulate by the end of summer can prove very shredable and even create new potting material. The adventurous even toss them into the top feed complete with plastic pot provided of course there are no crocks in the base and it is made of brittle rather than flexible plastic. Garden centres often shred old plastic pots and water containers to reduce bulk and provide a drainage medium for new plants. But again it comes down to common sense and whether your shredder is up to scratch. Sharpening is not a real issue because shredders mostly work by smashing the stuff you put into them so the blades don’t need to be kept sharp – it is all about power and torque, so do the research and go for the best you can afford, preferably petrol driven. Mine is a veteran of 30 autumns (see picture), was bought second hand and has never been sharpened. Finally, make it easily accessible. Many of us have bought garden tools and machinery that after the first flush of enthusiasm seldom see the light of day. A good shredder is a heavy machine and needs to be central to your garden maintenance programme. Which brings me back to the beginning - above all, sorting and preparation before shredding your garden waste is the key to success. *To paraphrase those Mother’s Pride ads of the 70s - ‘Graded grains make finer flour!’

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Aeródromo Municipal de Portimão

Situado no topo da falésia entre a vila e a zona ribeirinha, a Casa do Rio oferece-nos uma vista deslumbrante sobre a Ria de Alvor e a baia de Lagos. Para um almoço entre amigos ou um jantar romântico ao pôr-do-sol o Restaurante Casa do Rio, é o local perfeito. À sua espera encontrará uma excelente variedade de peixe fresco, mariscos, cataplanas, espetadas entre muitos outros pratos. A Casa do Rio oferece-lhe ainda a possibilidade de criar Menus à medida para festas de aniversário, grupos, casamentos, despedidas de solteiro e baptizados. Situated on the cliff top between the village and waterfront, Casa do Rio offers us a breathtaking view over the Ria de Alvor and the Bay of Lagos. For a lunch with friends or a romantic dinner at sunset Casa do Rio Restaurant is the perfect place. Waiting for you is a great variety of fresh fish, seafood, casseroles and kebabs among many other dishes. Casa do Rio offers you also the possibility to create special menus tailored for birthday parties, groups, weddings, bachelor parties and christenings.

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Restaurante Casa do Rio

R. de São João 25A 8500-009 Alvor +351 282 457 443 N 37.12873, W 8.59564 Aberto: Diariamente 10:00-24:00 Reservas: Aconselhável no verão Open: Daily 10:00-24:00 Reservations: Recommended during high season


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And Finally 10 minutes with… Alyson Sheldrake

I Spy Algarve: local wildlife Inspired to embrace your inner Attenborough by our nature photography story earlier in this issue? Here’s a handy guide to some of the creatures to be found in the Algarvean countryside - some easier to spot than others! Mediterranean chameleon An indigenous inhabitant on the Algarve, these beautiful colourchanging creatures are fairly common sights in autumn.

A former Director of Education in the UK, local artist Alyson now spends her days painting in her Carvoeiro studio. We caught up with her for our monthly feature…

work - I've even sneaked in some portraits too. Basically if someone asks me if I can paint something I always say yes and then have a go!

1. What’s your background as an artist? I’m a self-taught artist. My dream was always to have my own studio and be able to paint every day. Five years ago we sold up in the UK, I handed in my notice and here we are, ‘living the dream’.

5. What’s been your most unusual or notable piece of work? I completed a massive triptych [a picture comprised of three panels] for a client that was 2.4m by 1m - it was a fabulous piece to work. They described their favourite things about holidaying here in the Algarve, and then gave me free rein to paint something for them. It takes pride of place on their wall and inspired me to get bigger and bolder with my paintings.

2. How would you describe your artistic style? I paint in a very unique way that I have called my own 'New Wave' style. I create a focal point painted 'traditionally' then I surround this with curves of colour, creating something bright and fresh. My husband Dave thinks it strange that I can always 'see' the finished painting in my mind before my brush ever touches the easel! 3. Much of your work focuses on local landscapes - why’s that? I am so inspired by the beautiful area in which we live. The Algarve is so full of wonderful features, villages, beaches and landscapes that the only problem I have is finding the time to paint all of the ideas that I have! 4. What else do you paint, other than landscapes? I also love to paint pet portraits, and aim to capture something of the character of the pet as well as their likeness. I also paint big bold flowers - I am always drawn to the fabulously detailed centre of a flower. House portraits, planes, old doors and windows of the Algarve, commercial

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6. Do you display your work anywhere? My husband Dave is a professional photographer and we run our own exhibitions showcasing our work together each year. I am also happy for people to visit me in my home studio by appointment, and my work is always available to purchase directly from my website. 7. What do you love most about living on the Algarve? The relaxed way of life - being able to enjoy simple pleasures like eating fresh fish, drinking a bica in my local café, and walking on the beach in the sunshine. 

Iberian lynx These beautiful, unique cats are sadly at threat of extinction. Find out how you can get involved in efforts to save them on page 18. Spanish pond turtle These little chaps are common in the pools and ponds of the Algarve, although snapping one could be challenging they can be shy! Iberian hare With long ears and ginger, brown, black and white fur, this is the only hare to be found in Portugal and is quite common. Wild boar Called javali in Portuguese, you’ve likely seen this on a local menu, but there are plenty to be found in the wild too!


Egyptian mongoose Likely introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors, this furry fellow has a pointed snout and a grey or reddish-brown coat.

Want to feature in a future 10 minutes with... or know someone who should? Email with your suggestions!

Turn to page 12 to discover wildlife photographer Vasco Flores’s top five tips for snapping these and other creatures on the Algarve.

 TomorrowAlgarve

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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 TomorrowAlgarve


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13/09/16 17:19

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