Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro December Edition 2016

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FREE December 2016 | Edition 6 | 3,000 copies |


A community Magazine for PortimĂŁo, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro

Making medronho A local producer tells all

10 minutes with... Carvoeiro's charity walker

Smells like Christmas spirit 6 essential oils to try

What's on Concerts, the circus & Santa

Picture special Penina's 50th anniversary Plus much more...

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Almancil: Rua da República, 64, 8135-121 Almancil - Tel: (+351) 289 040 403 Luz: Praceta José António Viegas, Loja 8, Waterside Gardens, Praia da Luz, 8600-162 Lagos - Tel: (+351) 282 762 002 |

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 TomorrowAlgarve

SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000

Useful Numbers General

Emergency 112 Tourist support 808 781 212 British consulate 282 490 750 French Consulate (Faro) 281 380 660 German Consulate (Faro) 289 803 181 Dutch Consulate (Faro) 289 820 903 Canadian Consulate (Faro) 289 803 757 Swedish Embassy 213 942 260


Taxi Diago Silva 966 214 517 Private Airport Transfer 965 026 176 Health Centre 282 459 268 Pharmacy 282 459 588 Hospital 282 420 400 Fire 282 420 130 Police Station 282 420 750 Aerodromo 282 496 581 The Salon Alvor 282 415 460 Portas do Sol (music lesson) 965 017 845 Sports Centre 282 457 841 Community Centre 282 457 499


Merry Christmas from all the team at Tomorrow! And just like that, the final month of the year is upon us. It comes around so fast! December is also a landmark for us here at Tomorrow, as it marks half a year since we launched. It’s been a whirlwind six months, and we can’t thank everyone who’s supported us enough - from our growing team of contributors and valued advertisers to you, our lovely readers. We look forward to making the magazine bigger and better in 2017! Before that, there’s the December issue to enjoy. This month, staff writer Lena reveals the painstaking process behind Monchique’s premiere product, medronho. We also chat to charity walker Colin MacBean, who has raised a whopping €1,500 for the bombeiros. With the festive season just around the corner, there’s plenty going on in our pocket of the Algarve, too - from Christmas concerts to charity dips and more besides, plan your month from page 18 onwards.

| TIPOGRAFIA: C/ Al Mediterráneo, 29, Polígono de San Rafael, 04230, Huércal de Almería CIF: B04250056

965 026 176 282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

We had the pleasure of attending Penina’s 50th anniversary dinner in November - there we are above in our black tie finery! It was a fitting celebration of one of our region’s - and indeed the Algarve’s - most iconic venues. See more from the night on page 19.

City council offices 282 356 690 Town Info 282 357 728 Taxi Company (TAXIARADE) 282 460 610 Private Airport Transfer 965 026 176 Bus Station (only Lagoa) 282 341 301 Pharmacy 282 357 463 Hospital (centro de saúde) 282 357 320 Fire Station (only Lagoa) 282 352 888 Police Station 282 356 460 Plumber António Cruz 962 870 665 Builder Boto 282 461 336 Electrician Eurico 968 778 953 Mechanic Carlos 282 085 027 Hairdresser Vitor Picardo 282 356 894 House sellings Nelson Reis 919 839 299 TV & satellite repairs Rui 926 459 429

We received great feedback following last month’s edition, especially on Stephanie’s piece about HMS Pickle. Thank you for all your comments, and remember you can always read previous issues by visiting

Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Praia da Rocha Hospital Centro Fire Police Station Maritime police Train Station

At this time of year we should spare a thought for those less fortunate than us, and there are plenty of local activities to help achieve this. One such initiative is the annual shoebox appeal, which is accepting donations until December 9th - read more on page 14.



Taxi Antonia Private Airport Transfer Health Centre Pharmacy Hospital (Portimão) Fire Police Station Painter Mario Lawyer Celia Tree Surgeon Firewood

965 881 917 965 026 176 282 461 361 282 461 232 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 420 750 967 881 062 282 476 305 964 384 613 917 601 798

In closing this final edition of 2016, we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy your time with family and friends at home and abroad. Feliz Natal! Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team   (advertising and sales)  +351 919 185 677  (editorial)  +351 964 187 303

On the cover This month's cover shot was taken by Dave Sheldrake at last year's Living Statues at Christmas event in Lagoa. It returns for a second year on December 16th (3-6pm) and 17th (10am-1pm) and features an appearance by Staticman, the world record holder for motionless! ​ 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Community Savouring the delights of Monchique By Lena Strang

is so inaccessible. Everything has to be done manually,” Paulo points out. “This is the only time that I rely on others to help, otherwise I do everything else myself.” The knowledge and experience he has gained over a lifetime, having observed his father and others at work, is put to good use. He shows me the room where fermentation takes place. As the berries are picked – between 50 and 100 kilos per day - they are deposited in dornas, big wooden barrels. After adding crystal-clear Monchique water from a natural spring on his land, the barrels are left for three months.

Berries growing on a medronho tree, which are used to make the tipple of the same name

Spectacular mountain scenery and blissful tranquillity are just part of the charm of the Monchique mountains; there is much more that the region has to offer. I am here to learn about medronho, a drink steeped in tradition and very much part of local identity. Many will have tried it, but perhaps not all are aware of the story behind the traditional beverage, often referred to as aguardente or ‘firewater’. I meet up with Paulo Carriço at his distillery, Quinta da Brejeira, hoping that he will be able to unlock the secrets. He is one of about 70 small producers in Monchique who harvest the fruit of the medronho tree (also called the strawberry tree) that grows wild here. The long, whitewashed quinta nestles on the slopes of the forested mountain, with a commanding view over the valley and beyond. He tells me that medronho has been produced on this very spot for several generations. “It’s a family tradition. I am following in the footsteps of my grandfather and father,” Paulo says proudly.

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With a sweeping gesture of his arm, he points to the land that belongs to him. Apart from the four hectares that we can see, he has additional plots within a range of 10km. It is an advantage, he says. “Having plants from a variety of locations with slightly different conditions gives us a better selection. This means that the final product is improved.” Anyone who has visited the Monchique mountains will have seen the low, sprawling medronho tree, with its reddish-brown wood and waxy evergreen leaves. What’s special, of course, are the berries. They take a whole year to develop from flower to ripe fruit, eventually turning a red colour reminiscent of a strawberry, ready to be harvested from September to December. During this period you see the tree bearing the different stages of the ripening fruit. Harvesting is inevitably a long and complicated process, as it is necessary to return to the same trees several times. “We can’t use machinery because the ground

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By mid-January the fermentation will be complete and the alcoholic liquid is ready for distillation. The traditional boiler used is made of copper, a good conductor of heat. Paulo calculates that from 100 kilos of berries, he gets about 10 to 15 litres of medronho. “Each producer decides on the alcohol content of their medronho,” he tells me. “Mine is around 48% to 50% proof which I think is right in order to ensure a good flavour.” The first run is always discarded as it will often have a copper content higher than allowed by EU regulations, and careful analysis has to be made of each batch. Other processes such as bottling are done in a clean, sterile area of the distillery. Producers seldom sell the whole year’s production. Paulo has taken the initiative to age the medronho that is left, unlike other producers. The superior quality of an aged medronho has a high value. The wooden barrels are maintained full to the brim to ensure nothing evaporates, and the aged product is often kept for more than a year. “I still have some from when I started producing. Perhaps one day I can have a museum and display my medronho from different years!” he smiles. What a good idea – a medronho museum in the heart of Monchique would be most fitting!

As with any small business, the red tape is formidable. When setting up, Paulo had to get permission from the Ministry of Agriculture, a licence from the Câmara, and needed to register with Customs and Excise. A small distillery like his is allowed to produce up to 2,000 litres per year – any more than that and it’s classed as an industrial enterprise with much more tax to be paid.

Paulo ferments his medronho berries

Another little snag is that medronho producers can’t have an additional licence for making liqueur from the fruit; a most peculiar ruling, but often there are ways round such things. Paulo has created a different company in the name of a family member to register production of melosa, a liqueur based on medronho and honey. When I taste it later I am thankful for his resourcefulness, as the smooth yellow nectar turns out to be exquisite! Do medronho trees have to be looked after, I wonder? “In other parts of Portugal attempts are made to cultivate trees, but we don’t do it here,” Paulo tells me. “We prune the plants and help new saplings along when necessary.” The humble tree’s metaphorical roots go back a long way. Romans were familiar with it, and there are numerous references throughout history. It was given the Latin name Arbutus unedo, with a literal translation of ‘I eat only one’. While the fresh berries are perfectly edible, it suggests that consuming large quantities isn’t advisable! Meanwhile the fruit and the leaves have long been used as part of folk medicine to treat problems like diarrhoea, and kidney and bladder infections. The high pectin content of the berries makes them ideal for preserves and jams. As the wood is very hard it’s suitable for use in handicrafts. It also makes excellent firewood and its branches are perfect for flower arrangements. Paulo is keen to explore further byproducts. “The ‘borra’ or residue left over

when we make medronho is usually thrown away, but I am convinced it can be used for other purposes. I would relish working in partnership with someone who would like to investigate this.” I think most of us who see a bottle of medronho on a shelf have little idea of the work involved. Paulo points out that it is not easy. “Customers often complain about the high prices charged without realising what’s involved. I have lots of expenses and the financial rewards aren’t great. I continue making it because it is an old tradition that needs to be kept alive – and I do love it!” Besides the round of fairs and exhibitions at Christmas, Easter and Carnival time, he sells in local shops. Tourists are always keen to buy but he feels much more marketing needs to be done. Thanks to local initiatives, things are starting to happen. His face lights up as he describes how the community is rallying around to promote their traditional drink and customs. Some years ago an association was formed, which also inspired the creation of a choir. “We call ourselves the ‘Monchiqeiros’,” he chuckles. “Some years ago city people used it as a derogatory term for us. We adopted the name to show that we are proud of where we come from.” The 30-strong mixed choir received coaching from a local music teacher, instruments were bought and, with minibuses subsidised by Monchique Câmara, they travel around different regions singing the praises of the traditional drink. “It’s great fun. We are invited to lots of events and each time we set out to conquer more hearts.”

The motto for the association is Unedo omnes dies, an amusing play on the original Latin name that translates as ‘medronho every day.’ Paulo hastens to add that responsible consumption of medronho is actually good for you. What better way to end a meal than with a small glass of the satisfying liquid? >> Continues on page 6

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Savouring the Delights of Monchique

>> Continued from page 5

Paulo welcomes visitors to Quinta da Brejeira to sample his produce and a wellequipped separate building has been set aside to receive guests. How does an afternoon spent in the Monchique mountains sound? After an interesting tour around the distillery, lunch consisting of local delicacies can be

enjoyed on the patio overlooking the green mountains while a chorus of birds does the entertaining. That small glass of medronho is bound to go down smoothly, and Paulo’s melosa liqueur is guaranteed to work its very own magic, too.   www.confrariadomedronhomonchique.

Some facts about the medronho tree (Arbutus unedo) • The beautiful evergreen tree or shrub that bears the fruit used to make medronho belongs to the Ericaceae family

Ovid in Book I of his Metamorphoses, where he pays tribute to “the food that grew without cultivation”

• The tree has glossy, dark green leaves that are 5-10 cm long, bell-shaped white flowers that are pollinated by bees, and bears red berries 1-2 cm in diameter with a rough surface

• It was brought to England from Ireland in the 16th century and established as a garden plant

• Native to the Mediterranean region, north Africa and western Europe, the tree is naturally adapted to dry summer climates, but also grows well in temperate regions with cool wet summers • In southwest Ireland it is known as the Irish or Killarney strawberry tree • The tree is mentioned by Roman poet

• Dunster Castle in Exmoor is home to the National Collection of Strawberry Trees • The tree features on the coat of arms of Madrid, a shield bearing el oso y el madrono - ‘the bear and the strawberry tree’. This image appears on crests, taxis, manhole covers and other city infrastructure, and a statue of a bear eating the fruit is also on the east side of Puerto del Sol square in the centre of the city. As a side note, it is said

that some bears get drunk on the fruit that ferments on the trees! • The tree serves as a bee plant for honey production and its berries are food for birds • The tree has many other uses other than medronho production. The fruit is used to make jams and, in folk medicine, the plant is used for antiseptic, astringent, intoxicant, rheumatism and tonic purposes. The quality of the wood is also good for handicraft • The plant is available from nurseries and garden centres, or is fairly easy to propagate either from seeds or from cuttings. Unlike most Ericaceae, it grows well in basic (limy) pH soils

Travelling with pets: part four In her final instalment of this series, Stephanie Ginger explains how your fourlegged friends can take to the skies with you on certain flights… As covered in previous instalments, with a Pet Passport and a bit of forward planning you can wave goodbye to expensive kennel bills and Felix, Fido and even Freddy (the ferret) can enjoy your holiday or your second home. Having provided a checklist for making the car journey to and from Portugal through mainland Europe and addressed travelling by ferry in previous issues, this month I’m covering flight options. If you’re travelling to and from continental Europe with a small animal, many airlines including TAP, Air France, Swissair, KLM,

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Lufthansa and Iberia allow you to take ‘hand baggage’ pets in the cabin. A rough guide seems to be dogs up to eight kilos, but check well in advance as rules and charges vary between carriers. TAP does allow small pets to be carried in the cabin on flights out of the UK – useful for those emigrating – but Britain remains steadfastly autonomous, and all animals flying into the UK must travel in the hold. However, if you are prepared to travel to Belgium or Holland with your hand baggage pet first, you could get the Dutch Flyer train and hop on an overnight ferry. Unfortunately, Eurostar is not an option as only registered guide dogs are allowed, and even then only four per train are permitted. For larger dogs, only certain airlines at a few airports take animals at all. I discovered this

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a couple of years ago when my husband and I brought our now elderly retriever, Flossie, to Portugal as we took up retirement. In April 2014, after weeks of military-like planning and getting all the medical checks and necessary signatures on her passport sorted, I delivered Flossie to Luton Cargo at 4am in her special crate and we flew with Monarch to Faro. Through early-morning mist, I watched from the departure gate as Flossie’s crate was loaded onto the aircraft, and again a few hours later from the aircraft window as she was unloaded in brilliant sunshine at Faro. The upside was that it was quick, relatively pain-free (she was not so much traumatised as irritated) and we were treated like royalty; the pilot even >> Continues on page 8

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282 762 070 Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - info @ -  TomorrowAlgarve


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Travelling with pets: part four made a special announcement! (One tip: don’t sedate your pet when transporting in the hold as vets can assume they’re sick and won’t allow them to travel.) At Faro, we were reunited in a trice, and the customs officer never even glanced at the paperwork I’d spent months and a small fortune procuring. The downside: my ticket

>> Continued from page 6

cost £45 whilst Flossie’s was £650, plus £90 for the crate. So there you have it! Taking Fido, Felix or indeed Freddy with you on your travels may not be plain sailing, but when you’ve done it successfully once, who knows: you may never look back. 

TAP Customer Support  +351 707 205 700 Monarch Cargo (UK)  0845 680 9002  To read all of Stephanie’s articles in this series, visit where you can find all of our past issues.

More reasons to visit Parque da Mina By Stephanie Wood

Parque da Mina - the five and a half hectare park and museum close to Caldas de Monchique - has extended its collection as part of an exhibition titled Traditions and Experiences of the Serra de Monchique, making now a perfect time to visit the local attraction. Displays representing traditional shoe making, carpentry and textile production have been added to the permanent collection, which is designed to tell the story of Monchique’s rich cultural heritage. The exhibition also features a collection of photographs from Portugal’s Other Kingdom, a University of Texas book produced in the sixties that details the geography and culture of the region as it first felt the impact of industrialisation, offering a unique insight into traditional life in the area. Explaining the shoe display - which features a craftsman seen hard at work surrounded by his tools - the park’s manager, Sandra Baiona, told Tomorrow: “Portugal produces very good shoes. In the north there are now many manufacturers, but in the past there were a lot of shoemakers in Monchique. They would make boots for the agricultural workers; very strong ones with good leather, very resistant.” Much of the collection is housed within the park’s 18th century manor house, a beautifully grand building that is a real

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highlight of any visit. The new additions are mainly found in the building’s impressive cellar, alongside displays depicting traditional local activities such as medronho distillation, farming with animals and butter production. There’s also a recreation of a historic Portuguese grocery store - complete with vintage Sagres and Cristal bottles which were last seen in the area thirty to forty years ago.

the 18th century. They had lots of land, with plantations of cork, olives and medronho trees. The working copper mine on the site was also an important source of income. The estate was bought in 1995 by an Algarvian family who originally planned to use it as a private residence, but then decided to open the gates to the public in 2005, working with the original family to fully understand the house’s history.

Back upstairs, the story of the house’s heritage is told through a series of themed rooms featuring an impressive collection of artefacts, many of which originate from Africa, where the original owners had connections. The clock room - containing a vast array of timepieces including a majestic grandfather clock - is a treat, whilst the perfectly preserved old bedrooms, parlour, bathroom and kitchen give great insight into what life must have been like ‘back in the day’.

Parque da Mina is open from 10am to 5pm on Wednesday through Sunday until the end of March, when it opens seven days a week until 7pm. Tours are offered throughout the year in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Tickets are €10 for adults, €8 for seniors (65+), €6 for children (4-11) and €26 for a family of four. 

There’s just as much to discover in the park’s grounds, where extensions of the exhibition can be found, including the new display on weaving that explains how the flax plant was used to spin linen. Another display reveals the labour-intensive process traditionally used to make charcoal, whilst honey making is also covered. All manner of animals is to be found elsewhere on the grounds, including donkeys, dwarf goats, Vietnamese pigs and birds such as ducks, geese and chickens. Bags of food can be purchased to feed the animals, which is a real treat for children as is the fun mirror maze that was added to the offering this summer. The estate was originally owned by a wealthy Portuguese family at the start of

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The exhibition official runs until December 31st, but Sandra anticipates everything remaining in place into the new year and beyond.

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Visiting the local magusto fair in Alferce By Alyson and Dave Sheldrake, Algarve Blog made cakes on offer (which were delicious… well, we had to try some!), as well as figs, medronho and honey liqueurs, and (Kat the dog’s favourite) presunto and sausages. There was also a fine-looking hog roast, and the pork roll was delicious.

We have a bit of a joke running with friends who took us to visit the quaint village of Alferce near Monchique… that no-one actually lives there! It’s a tiny village with a population, according to Wikipedia, of 441 people in an area of 96.12 km². However, when we visited on that occasion we didn’t see a soul and nothing was open! So when we saw the village’s annual magusto fair advertised, we thought it would be fun to visit and see if anybody turned up. Well, what a surprise we had! The village certainly comes to life on November 1st, and we had a fantastic day out – alongside several hundred other people. Admittedly when we arrived at midday it was a bit quiet, even if the village’s clock did tell us it was 4.40pm (we were glad to see it wasn’t just us that couldn’t get the hang of the clocks changing the previous Sunday!). Most of the stalls around the main square were just setting up, but that gave us a chance to have a wander around this pretty little village. The village is surprisingly larger than it looks as you approach it from the main road. It has some excellent facilities for such a small place, including a fabulous open-air swimming pool and a sports complex. After a lovely exploration, it was time to wander back to the square where most of the stalls had opened and were ready for business. There was a lovely selection, with home-

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Elsewhere there were crochet and craft stalls with items such as basket-weaved bottle holders, and a great plant stall. The friends we were with were most impressed and bought several new fruit trees and plants. The prices were extremely reasonable, too. Kat and I had a quick rest whilst they were busy choosing their new plants, and then it was time to witness the main event… the chestnuts! We already knew that the St. Martin’s Day festival, held in late autumn each year, is a celebration of the harvest, and that the Dia de São Martinho on November 11th is the day to celebrate the maturation of the year’s wine production. It is also the day when a bonfire is built, and the recently-harvested chestnuts are roasted. This festival is known as the magusto, which is believed to come from the Latin magnus ustus or ‘great fire’.

the flames and carry a lighted bundle of kindling across to the next stack. And boy did the flames go up! The air was soon filled with the smell of the bonfire kindling. Then, as soon as the flames went out, the people rushed up to grab handfuls of scalding hot scorched chestnuts. It was fabulous watching it all happen, and to see the amazing array of ‘suitable’ containers people used to collect their chestnuts, including plastic pots and bags that soon melted in the heat. Several enterprising people had even brought gloves to wear to protect their hands whilst shelling the charred outer casing of the chestnuts, and one lady even had her oven gloves on! There also appeared to be a local tradition of smearing the charcoal over your face. We have no idea why, but it was reminiscent of Ash Wednesday! It was also lovely to see traditional costumes being worn too, with older ladies dressed in headscarves and hats. And then it was time for music and dancing - lots of dancing! We sat with our friends enjoying the music and the spectacle of it all, and agreed that it was such a treat to be there, watching families, children of all ages and the older generation genuinely enjoying themselves in such an engaging and traditional way.

"It was such a treat, watching people of all ages enjoy themselves in a traditional way"

So we were expecting chestnuts at the Alferce fair, but what we hadn’t experienced before was the fabulous spectacle of a traditional chestnut roasting ceremony! Giant purpose-built ’tiles’ were laid on the ground, and dried pine-scented kindling laid onto them. A full sack of chestnuts was thrown into the centre, then more kindling was added before it was set alight. Pitchforks were at the ready to stir

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We left around 5pm, and the visitors and cars were still streaming into the village. We went off to our friend’s place for dinner and left them all dancing, drinking, eating and enjoying the event, but we promised that we will definitely go back there again next year on November 1st. It was one of the most enjoyable afternoons we have spent here in Portugal, full of life, colour, tradition, flames and food!  

Geocaching adventures in our local area By Stephanie Wood My childhood best friend, Beth, and I were forever devising treasure hunts for one another, coming up with cryptic clues and meticulously mapping the streets around our homes to direct each other to ‘treasure’ (usually a Chomp bar) that we’d stashed. Years later and it turns out that treasure hunting has lost none of its appeal for me. Inspired by Tomorrow contributor David F’s series on geocaching (visit to catch up), the worldwide treasure-hunting app that uses GPS - rather than the scribbled maps of my youth - to navigate to hidden containers, I set about exploring our local area in a new, unique way… Carvoeiro Most of the caches in the Carvoeiro area are hidden along the coastline, but it’s well worth ticking off the easy cache in town, located near Algarve Book Cellar. As I hunted for it, I heard a voice crying, “Em cima!” (“On top!”) Looking up, I found both the cache and the lady that voice belonged to, whose property the cache is located on (placed there by her granddaughter, she said). We ended up having a lovely chat as she helped me sign the cache’s log-book. Ferragudo I had a great time tracking down the Ferragudo e o Arade cache, which takes you high into the town’s winding streets. This one is a ‘multi-cache’, and starts at the beautiful Nossa Senhora da Conceição church (well worth a look inside). A numeric clue requiring a bit of simple maths gave me the co-ordinates to a second location, where I spent a good 20 minutes hunting down the tiny ‘microcache’ - two pairs of eyes or more are definitely useful here! The third and final location takes in the fort of São João do Arade. For more of a physical challenge, the caches at Praia dos Carneiros require you to scurry through tunnels, climb rocks and even swim out to sea in order to locate them. Best completed before having a cocktail at the beachside bar! Alvor Following a recent family lunch, I found myself with a spare hour in Alvor and so set off towards the beach in search of the Alvor Tour Guide cache. It has a difficulty rating of 2.0, meaning it’s fairly easy - the only problem was that my GPS signal wasn’t great, so I found myself going round in circles for a while! Connection issues resolved, a little wading led me to an island and the cache, nestled in a bush. Portimão Portimão is a geocacher’s paradise, with countless caches to find. One must-try, however, is Algarve’s First Cache, originally placed back in 2002. It’s another multi-cache that requires a bit of clue-cracking. When you find it, the cache is concealed in a brilliant hiding place and, as a Brucie bonus, you’re also rewarded with a stunning view. I hope to see you geocaching in the local area soon! 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Ladies that lunch By Elly Clayman I have lived in the Algarve since the early eighties, and in those days life was very basic. There were hardly any surfaced roads outside of the main towns. There were no supermarkets, only small grocery shops with very limited stock. There was only one cinema, no concerts, shows or social clubs, and only one golf course at the Penina hotel. Not much stimulation at all! So when, in the early nineties, an enterprising lady started a ladies lunch club in Almancil, we all joined. But the journey for us from the west was long and hazardous on the old EN125, so before long a friend and I decided to start a club closer to home. We opted for the Três Castelos hotel in Praia da Rocha as the venue; the management was very efficient and obliging, so that became the home of the Western Algarve Ladies Lunch Club for many years. Between forty and sixty ladies would meet there once a month to have a good lunch, make new friends and listen to a diverse range of speakers who we co-opted from the interesting and colourful expat population that had made their homes in the Algarve. We had TV actors, writers, a retired SAS warrior, historians, beauticians, health specialists, garden designers, hoteliers; there seemed no limit to the

people that we found tucked away along the length and breadth of the Algarve, who had been or done interesting things. The club was a great success. Many things have changed in the Algarve since those days, but the Western Algarve Ladies Lunch Club is still in existence after 25 years. It is now based in Lagos, and Gillian Goode and Jenny Clarke are the two busy ladies at the helm. Members currently come from right across the area, including Silves, Armação de Pêra, Alvor, Portimão and Alcantarilha. It felt as if I was in a time warp when they recently invited me to talk to the ladies about the founding of the organisation and how my debut novel, Two Months in Summer, was connected to the club. It was strange to be standing there, not only as the founder of the club, but also given that it was Pamela Oldfield, a writer of many fictional historical novels and one of our first guest speakers, who encouraged me to write my book. It is based on my experiences while living in Cyprus during the fateful summer of 1974, when the beautiful island was invaded and ravaged by Turkish forces who eventually captured a third of the land. The novel is described as a gripping fictional adventure inspired

by personal historical and political events in the two months of major upheaval in the Mediterranean paradise. It is now listed on Amazon as a paperback and a Kindle ebook under my pen name Eleanor Michael. I was impressed to see the restaurant packed with almost sixty well-turnedout ladies, who were very friendly and appreciative of the goods that Gillian and Jenny had arranged for an early Christmas gift sale. Gillian is an accomplished artist and there were some of her cards and prints, along with some lovely jewellery designed and made by Susan, another member of the club, as well as pretty pots of pickles, jams and cakes made by some of the other ladies. I enjoyed my time with the ladies of the club and felt proud that something we had started so many years ago was still so well attended and flourishing in the capable hands of Gillian and Jenny. For information about the club, contact them directly.  Gillian:  Jenny:   +351 919 041 903

Paradise for pooches opens in Porches By Steven Sutton lessons are offered on a private or group basis. Dog and owner socialisation walks are also available. Downstairs is the retail section, selling everything from toys, treats, collars and leads to comfy dog beds, mats and natural dog foods.

Last month, I was invited to a preview of what has to be one of the most amazing, original new ventures in our local area: Dog Emporium in Porches. I was shown around by Gail Skinner, who has transformed what used to be a bridal shop into ‘an emporium just for dogs’, as it says on the store front. In this amazing space puppies will be trained as both assistance dogs and medical alert dogs. In the training room - designed to resemble the mountains of Monchique - courses such as puppy socialisation, tricks and companion dog

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Up the main staircase is the doggy spa, where pooches can have their hair and nails (they don’t say claws here) done by a professional groomer. All spa dogs are given a general health check and weigh-in, too. Bowen therapy, an alternative therapy that’s great for a range of health problems such as muscle stiffness, joint problems and circulatory issues, is also available - for both humans and dogs!

walker - has been involved with animals all her life. She worked as a veterinary nurse in Africa for many years, and had the difficult task of rehabilitating and re-homing many abused animals, achieving amazing results. She is currently training two assistance dogs here on the Algarve, including Key, an eight-month-old border collie who is being trained to alert his owner when they forget to take their medication. The other is Zwi, a six-week-old puppy who is being trained as a diabetes alert dog for a lady in Lagos.

There is also a bespoke section where you can have absolutely anything made specifically for your dog, from a treat bag to blankets to match your car interior or sofa.

Located on the EN125 near the roundabout in Porches, Dog Emporium officially opened in mid-November. Gail and her team invite you and your dogs to socialisation coffee mornings on Fridays at 10am throughout winter, so pop along and see what this wonderful place has to offer. 

Gail - who is the centre’s veterinary nurse, Bowen therapist, dog trainer, groomer and

  +351 282 343 491 / +351 967 925 099

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Oil and gas exploration in Portugal By Claire Friedlander Recent world political events confirm that the winds of change are blowing, and they herald chilling times. It’s been a bad year for the environment, with two influential democracies (post-Brexit Britain and postelection USA) set on course to undermine their environmental departments. Portugal’s outlook has been somewhat sunnier. Approximately 48% of our electricity is now from renewable sources, and in May the entire country ran for four days on renewable energy alone. Opponents of Portuguese oil and gas exploration reached a further environmental milestone in July when Parliament approved suspension of Algarve oil drilling, but many argue that oil and gas investment in the Algarve would benefit impoverished local communities. The World Bank, however, suggests that the opportunities for poverty reduction ostensibly offered to developing economies and local communities are marginal, citing a “paradox of plenty” to highlight the imbalance between resource development and expected benefits. Portugal’s projected ‘billion barrels’ of oil

is nonetheless enticing but, to understand it’s real scale, this quantity is only enough to supply global demand for about ten days at the current rate of consumption! Furthermore, the onus would be on the government to assure sound, stringent macroeconomic policies and governance to guarantee any economic advantage from corporate juggernauts. One legitimate argument in favour of oil and gas regards transition to renewables. Pragmatically, it would be almost impossible to turn off the fossil fuel taps without many things grinding to a halt - transportation, for instance. For electricity production, however, energy diversity affords consumer protection against fuel price volatility and encourages development of green energy technologies. Oil and gas have a substantial head start over renewables, but financial investment in research and development bolstered by international climate goals and incentives could quickly change that. Comparatively, offshore wind offers a rapidly advancing alternative and, despite uncertainty regarding long-

Shoebox drive to help the elderly Silves-based charity Castelo de Sonhos has more than 200 needy elderly people living in the local area, and its 12th Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly seeks to help them this Christmas. The boxes will be delivered during December by the Castelo de Sonhos team, bringing cheer at what can be a lonely and difficult time of year. If you’d like to get involved in the drive, here’s what to do… 1. Find an empty shoe box - most shoe shops will be only too pleased to give you one. 2. Decide whether your box will be for a man or a woman. 3. Fill your shoe box with a variety of gifts - see some suggestions of what to include below. Be sure to pack your boxes carefully and wrap breakables well. Each gift may be individually wrapped if you wish. 4. Wrap the whole shoebox and label it for a man, woman or couple. 5. Deliver your filled shoeboxes directly to Castelo de Sonhos or Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra, which is once again supporting the campaign. The deadline

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for receiving boxes has been extended to Friday December 9th. Useful items you can include in your box are: - Toiletries (shampoo, soap, body lotion, bath gel, shaving foam, hairbrushes, combs, mirrors, etc) - Woolly hats, gloves, scarves, socks, hankies, tights or small shawls - Sewing kits - Shower caps - Torches - Packets of tissues - Face clothes - Tea towels - Small notebooks and pens - Sweets, chocolate, cakes and biscuits, but please ensure they are well in date - Small ornaments - Christmas decorations - A Christmas card Please do not include medicines. For more information contact David or Sue ButlerCole.   +351 282 330 242 / +351 968 335 856   @OCasteloDeSonhos

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term environmental impact, installation is getting cheaper and increasingly nondisruptive. Conversely, the oil and gas industry is bad for the environment. Carbon emissions are just one aspect. Requisite seismic surveys are likely responsible for unexplained mass whale beaching in exploration areas. Oil recovery from wells on the ocean floor releases toxins such as mercury, lead and arsenic into the sea. And can Portugal cope in the event of an oil spill? Considering the risks to the environment and local communities, and with only forty years of proven global fossil fuel reserves according to a recent BP report, investment in renewable technologies makes more sense. Weaning ourselves from fossil fuel dependence is necessary rather than desirable and Portugal is ideally placed to set an example, favouring investment in revolutionary technologies instead of in fossil fuels. Where to start? Perhaps the answer is blowing in the wind…. 

Store's pride over bombeiros kit Staff from Intermarché in Alvor were “filled with pride” as they delivered new sets of protective equipment to Portimão’s bombeiros recently. Stores across Portugal sold educational children’s book The Profession of a Firefighter over the summer. Developed by Intermarché’s social responsibility group Os Mosqueteiros (The Musketeers) in partnership with the League of Portuguese Firefighters, the goal of the book was to explain the work of the bombeiros to young people. With the money raised, 500 sets of boots, gloves, balaclavas, trousers, jackets, helmets and sweatshirts were purchased, and are currently being distributed to fire brigades across the country. Franck Saintemarie, store owner of Intermarché Alvor, said: "This book has highlighted the importance these professionals have in the community and also raised the necessary funds to improve the safety of Portugal’s firefighters.” 

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What's On Try something new: bowls

to tournaments and social bowls. The main season (when most of the competitions are played) is from October 1st to March 31st, and includes both club competitions and competitions with the other bowls clubs in the Algarve. The club has ‘roll-up’ days year-round on Wednesdays and Sundays, where both experienced and new bowlers of all ages are welcome. Tuition can also be given for anyone new to the game. In addition, the club also welcomes several touring groups from abroad that visit on bowling holidays. Who can join? Contrary to many other sports, lawn bowls is easy to enjoy even if you are not an advanced level player, and beginners will get a lot of pleasure out of it. It is a very social game, with bowlers often enjoying a snack or light meal and drinks in the club house after playing.

For this month’s regular feature, Lone Kallqvist from Alvor Bowls Club explains more about this popular game… What’s it all about? Bowls or lawn bowls is a sport in which the objective is to roll biased balls so that they stop close to a smaller ball called a ‘jack’ or ‘kitty’. It is played on a bowling green which may be flat (for ‘flat-green bowls’), or else convex or uneven (for ‘crown green bowls’). Here in the Algarve it is played outdoors on grass or on carpet. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy good company, fresh air and pleasant weather whilst getting some exercise at the same time. Tell me more Bowls is played between either two single players or two teams of up to four players. The green is divided into parallel playing strips called rinks, with bowlers

playing up and down the length of their designated rink (called ‘ends’). In turn, each player rolls a wood, attempting to get as close to the jack as possible. Being biased, the woods will follow a curve, so the players must not only judge the length of their roll but also the curve in which it goes. The winner is the team that gets the most woods closest to the jack after a specified number of ends. A game usually takes between two and two and a half hours. How can I get involved? Founded in 1995, Alvor Bowls Club (previously Santo Antonio Bowling Club) was one of the first bowls venues in the Algarve. Nowadays it is under the management of keen bowler Jose Manuel Martins, who takes pride in keeping the green in immaculate condition. It comprises nine rinks and provides a wide variety of bowls experiences, from competitive games

What do I need to take part? If you are a beginner you can borrow woods at the club, but at a later stage you may want to buy your own. You have to wear flat shoes with no profiles in the soles so as not to ruin the grass. Traditionally players wear white when playing, too. Annual membership is €65, whilst the green fees are €5 for members and €8 for non-members. Alvor Bowls Club will be holding an open day in early 2017, details of which will be published in an upcoming issue of Tomorrow.   Want your group, club or organisation to feature in an upcoming Try something new? Email stephanie@tomorrowalgarve. com with your suggestions.

Charity Christmas concert in Ferragudo Lagoa-based cultural association Ideias do Levante is holding a Christmas charity concert in the church at Ferragudo on December 4th. Starting at 5pm, the concert will feature the Ideais do Levante choir and Lagos Choral Group, conducted by Vera Batista. The event will also incorporate ARTENATA, the local Christmas fair, which runs from December 3rd-4th on Largo Rainha D. Leonor and the surrounding area.

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The concert is recommended for adults and children over six years old. The church seats around 200 people and there are no tickets or reservations, just turn up on the night. There is no fee, but donations for the charity collection are requested instead. Ideais do Levante will also be staging another Christmas concert, titled Dell’Acqua, on December 18th at 5pm.

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Taking place in Lagoa’s Convento São José, it will feature soprano Carla Pontes, flutist Grace Borgan and Cristiana Silva on piano. Advance tickets are available by calling the number below. They are priced at €8, and there is a 20% discount for Passporte Cultural de Lagoa holders.   +351 282 380 434 

What's On

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Christmas Events


Wine, Food &Art Market 2016 | Saturday December 10th from 2pm until 7pm | Mexilhoeira da Carregação - Lagoa |   915 787 401 | GPS: 37º08’32.07”N 8º30’43.29”O Vila Vita Christmas Market | December 3rd-4th, 10-11th & 17th-18th, 1-8pm | Reflecting the spirit and style of Northern Europe’s traditional Christmas markets, delicious seasonal food, drink, crafts, gifts, music and more will be on display in the beautiful setting of the Vila Vita Biergarten in Porches, with traditional wooden huts and glühwein. Father Christmas Tour, Armação de Pêra | December 3rd, 10am Don a Santa suit and join this festive walk or bike ride (approx. 18km) to help out those in need. Food and cash donations will be collected on the day. The event starts at 10am in from of the Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra.  /  Artenata Christmas Fair | December 3rd-4th, 10am onwards Ferragudos’ Largo Rainha D. Leonor and the surrounding area  @freguesiadeferragudo Madrugaga Christmas Fair | December 3rd, 10.30am - 2.30pm Madrugaga charity shop, Praia da Luz | Enjoy mulled wine, mince pies, refreshments and snacks while you browse our Christmas Fair for those extra special gifts and stocking-fillers. Free entry |  @madrugadaportugal Living Statues at Christmas | December 16th (36pm) and 17th (10am-1pm) See the performers in the streets around the centre of Lagoa  @estatuasvivasnatal

Yoga | 8am - 9.30am Mon & Wed Pilates | 1pm - 2pm Wed & Fri | 5.30pm - 6.30pm Tue & Thu Yoga | 6pm - 7.15pm Mon Meditation | 8pm - 9pm Fri - Monthly €25 p.m | Villa Prana, Portimão |  |  282 484 256

Carvoeiro Keep Fit For Golf with João | Monday 1pm - 2pm | €8.50 Fitball with Joao | Mon & Thurs 9.15am - 10am | €8.50 Taekwondo with Miguel | Mon & Fri 7pm - 8pm | €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Yoga with Jane | Tues 11am - 12 noon | €8.50 Power Pump with Julie | Tues 6.30pm - 7.30pm | €8.50 Body Shape with Jaqueline | Wed 10am - 11am | €8.50 Power Hour with Julie | Thurs 10am - 11am | €8.50 Qi Gong with Gabriele | Thurs 11am - 12 noon | €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro |  +351 282 350 800 Ballroom and Latin American Dancing with Caroline Thursdays 5.30pm Beginners & 6.30pm Improvers | €8.50 or €24 p/m | Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis |  +351 961 916 821 |  A Taste of Yoga | Mon 10-11.30am Vale d’Oliveira, Tue 4.30-6pm Rocha Brava Yin Yoga | Tue 08.45am - 10.15am, Serenity Hatha Yoga | Tue 16.30pm - 18.00pm Vale d'Oliveiras, Thurs 08.45am 10.15am Serenity Gentle Yoga | Fri 11am-12.30noon, Vale d’Oliveiras Sat 11.00am 12.30noon Rocha Brava | 


Christmas Fair at Taste Carvoeiro | December 18th, 1-7pm | Live music with Mandy Davies, fun for the children, handicrafts, food and drinks  @tastecarvoeiro

Ballroom and Latin American Dancing with Caroline Tuesday 10:00am Beginners & 11:00am Improvers/Intermediate | €10 a couple | Alvor Community Centre |  961 916 821

ACCA Kids Christmas Market | December 18th, 10.30am - 6.30pm Conrad Hotel, Vilamoura | Gather the family and friends for another memorable day of festive flavours, entertainment and of course with Santa’s visit! |  @accakids

Aerobics Fitness | Monday 9.30am Total Toning | Wednesday 9.30am Body Conditioning | Thursday 10.30am Alvor Community Centre

Tide Table for December LOW TIDE Moon 1 THU 2 FRI 3 SAT 4 SUN 5 MON 6 TUE 7 WED 8 THU 9 FRI 10 SAT 11 SUN 12 MON 13 TUE 14 WED 15 THU 16 FRI 17 SAT 18 SUN 19 MON 20 TUE 21 WED 22 THU 23 FRI 24 SAT 25 SUN 26 MON 27 TUE 28 WED 29 THU 30 FRI 31 SAT


Height (m)

09:10 09:45 10:23 11:05 11:52 00:06 01:10 02:24 03:38 04:44 05:41 06:34 07:24 08:12 09:00 09:48 10:37 11:28 00:35 01:40 02:54 04:05 05:04 05:52 06:33 07:10 07:45 08:20 08:55 09:31

0,94 0,99 1,06 1,15 1,23 1,39 1,46 1,45 1,35 1,17 0,96 0,76 0,60 0,51 0,50 0,58 0,71 0,89 1,30 1,44 1,52 1,50 1,43 1,32 1,21 1,09 0,99 0,91 0,86 0,85

HIGH TIDE Afternoon 21:19 21:54 22:32 23:15 12:50 13:58 15:09 16:16 17:14 18:06 18:55 19:42 20:28 21:14 22:00 22:47 23:38 12:23 13:24 14:31 15:38 16:37 17:26 18:07 18:44 19:20 19:55 20:29 21:04 21:40

Height (m)


Height (m)

1,01 1,09 1,18 1,29 1,30 1,32 1,26 1,14 0,98 0,82 0,69 0,62 0,61 0,66 0,77 0,94 1,12 1,08 1,25 1,36 1,40 1,37 1,31 1,22 1,13 1,05 0,98 0,93 0,92 0,94

03:03 03:37 04:14 04:54 05.40 06:33 07:36 08:45 09:54 10:57 1:55 00:24 01:13 02:01 02:49 03:36 04:24 05:14 06:07 07:04 08:07 09:15 10:20 11:16 00:25 01:02 01:37 02:11 02:46 03:21

3,38 3,34 3,28 3,20 3,11 3,03 2,98 3,01 3,10 3,24 3,40 3,49 3,65 3,76 3,80 3,75 3,63 3,46 3,25 3,05 2,89 2,79 2,77 2,81 3,03 3,15 3,26 3,35 3,40 3,43

 TomorrowAlgarve

Afternoon 15:22 15:59 16:38 17:22 18:13 19:14 20:22 21:31 22:34 23:31 12:48 13:38 14:28 15:16 16:05 16:55 17:46 18:42 19:44 20:50 21:56 22:55 23:43 12:03 12:44 13:21 13:57 14:32 15:07 15:43

Height (m) 3,18 3,12 3,03 2,94 2,86 2,82 2,83 2,93 3,09 3,29 3,54 3,63 3,64 3,59 3,47 3,30 3,11 2,93 2,80 2,73 2,74 2,80 2,91 2,88 2,97 3,05 3,13 3,18 3,21 3,20


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What's On

Santa Claus comes to Carvoeiro

Roll up, roll up! will see French collective Cheptel Aleïkoum, Circa Tsuica present their new circus show Maintenant ou Jamais (Now or Never). Performed in a traditional big top where every seat is the best in the house, the show features trapeze artists, trampolinists and bicycle stunts, combined with live music and humour.

The circus is coming to town at the end of this month as part of a new cultural initiative titled Lavrar O Mar. Part of the 365 Algarve programme, the initiative - which runs until May 2017 - seeks to counteract the traditional seasonality of the Algarve, from the mountains of Monchique to the Vicentine coast, with a diverse range of dance, music, theatre performances and other exhibitions. One of the first events under the initiative

A very special guest will be putting in an appearance at Carvoeiro Six this month - Santa! The red-suited one will be paying a visit to the popular bar and restaurant to bring festive cheer to local children on December 16th. He will be at the venue between 4.30pm and 6.30pm giving out sweets to the kids, whilst there will be mince pies for parents. The Christmas tunes will be playing, and mulled wine and cider will be available for a small price. Head on down so your children can let the big man know whether they’ve been naughty or nice!

Performances will take place at 9pm on December 29th, 30th and 31st at the heliport in Monchique, with 400 seats per show. Tickets cost €5 or €2.50 for children up to the age of 12. They can be purchased online or via email using the contact information below, or at the venue from two hours before each show.     +351 282 099 452 / +351 913 943 034  

Santa’s visit is just one of the festive events planned at Carvoeiro Six, which reopens on December 9th following a few weeks’ holiday. On December 24th there’s a special Christmas Eve party night, whilst on the big day itself they’ll be hosting Christmas Day drinks between 11am and 2pm. That will be followed by Boxing Day brunch, with all the day’s sport shown on the bar’s TV screens. All this is in addition to their popular fish ’n’ chip Fridays, pie Wednesdays and Sunday roasts.

Enjoy the magic of Disney in Portimão Kids of all ages (big ones included) will enjoy Disney in Concert: Magical Music from the Movies, which is taking place at Portimão Arena this month.

projected onto the big screen whilst the 55 musicians and four singers perform, making for a truly magical musical experience that families will love.

Under the direction of conductor Nuno de Sá, the Lisbon Film Orchestra will be playing themes from Disney favourites including The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Frozen and many more. Images from each of the films will be

The concert takes place on December 10th. Ticket prices range from €12.50 to €27.50 and are on sale now. Children under the age of three are not allowed. 

Sandra and the team look forward to welcoming you!   @carvoeiro.six


Wind down the year in Caldas de Monchique If the madness of Christmas leaves you in need of some serious R&R, then Villa Termal in Caldas de Monchique has the remedy. The four-star spa resort is offering a relaxing New Year’s package so you can ease yourself into 2017. The special deal features two nights’ accommodation with breakfast on December 30th and 31st, a special New Year’s Eve dinner with drinks and entertainment (featuring musical duo Arizona 2), and a New Year’s Day brunch including drinks. Nestled in the Serra da Monchique mountains, Villa Termal is perfectly placed to make the most of nature’s restorative

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qualities. Guests can also make use of the hotel’s excellent facilities, including an outdoor swimming pool, hot spring spa, indoor hydro pool, sauna, Turkish bath and gym. The alkaline waters of the thermal spa - the only one in southern Portugal - have healing properties, aiding relaxation and wellbeing. Various wellness programmes and treatments are offered at an extra cost. For those wanting to take advantage of the special New Year package, a standard double room costs €155 per person. A more luxurious room costs €175 per person, whilst junior suites are €205 per person. All of these prices are based on double occupancy. Single rooms

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are also available at a cost of €205, and supplements for extra adults and children are payable.     +351 282 910 910

What's On

Penina’s 50th anniversary dinner - November 18th Half a century after it first opened its doors, Penina Hotel and Golf Resort proved that it’s still one of the Algarve’s premier destinations by hosting an extravagant black tie dinner to celebrate its 50th anniversary last month. Following a reception complete with drinks, canapés and elegant piano music, Tomorrow and the 200+ other guests including a Scottish gentleman who first visited in 1966, the hotel’s maiden year made our way into a stunning see-through marquee. Why see-through? So we could

appreciate the aerial artists twisting into a series of incredible shapes in the trees outside, of course. Following speeches by Ruben Paula, COO of the hotel’s parent company, JJW Hotels & Resorts Portugal, Desidério Silva, President of the Algarve Tourism Board, Isilda Gomes, Portimão’s mayor, and Eduardo Cabrita, Portugal’s deputy prime minister, we tucked into a delicious four-course meal. It was inspired by the hotel’s inaugural menu, and each plate was perfectly paired with

a beautiful wine. As we ate, singer Sandra Croft, keyboard player Duncan Kinnell and saxophonist Matt Lester performed, creating the perfect atmosphere. The hotel is currently taking bookings for their festive dining and party options, including Christmas Day and NYE, plus a Christmas Eve golf tournament. If you’re looking for a sophisticated way to spend the festive season, you won’t be disappointed.  

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On

Take a Christmas dip for charity

event saw a sizeable group brave the chilly ocean waters, with many dressed in Santa suits - a tradition that organisers are encouraging people to continue this year.

What better way to work up an appetite for your festive lunch than with a Christmas Day dip? For the thirteenth year, a group will be gathering just down the coast at Armação de Pêra on the morning of December 25th for a fun-filled charity swim. Last year’s

Anyone wishing to join in the fun is instructed to meet at the Holiday Inn Algarve at 11am. Bring your swimwear and a towel ready to take a dip, or even just a paddle - so long as a part of you gets wet! Both adults and children are welcome to take part on the understanding that they do so at their own risk. Afterwards you can recover at the Holiday Inn hotel bar with a hot bomba. Donations will be collected on the day in aid of two local children’s charities: Espaço Amigo in Armação de Pêra and A Gaivota

Algarve Jazz Orchestra swings into Lagoa Sinatra needs no introduction, and the concert will feature some of the classic crooner’s most iconic songs including Fly Me To The Moon, I’ve Got You Under My Skin and Come Fly With Me.

The Algarve Jazz Orchestra will be swinging into Lagoa in December for two exciting gigs. On Friday December 2nd, the 17-strong orchestra - which comprises trumpets, trombones, saxophones and a rhythm section - will be joined by Tom Fitzpatrick, the UK's youngest professional swing singer (pictured above), for An Evening with Sinatra and Basie at Lagoa Auditorium.

Perhaps lesser-known, Count Basie was an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer. He and his orchestra joined forces with Frank for the 1962 album Sinatra-Basie, and the pair recorded a second studio album, It Might As Well Be Swing, in 1964. Basie’s orchestra also featured on Sinatra’s live album, Sinatra at the Sands, and to honour their various collaborations, the Algarve Jazz Orchestra will also be performing some of Basie’s hits. One week later, on Friday December 9th, the band return to the Lagoa venue with

Four-wheeled fun for Alvor children’s home at the Lagos Municipal Sports Centre on Saturday December 10th at 8.30pm. The event is being held in aid of the Good Samaritan Children's Home, which offers shelter to children and young people whose lives have been at risk, particularly as a result of abandonment and family neglect. Six members of the club - whose mission is to develop future skating champions - are residents of the children’s home. A charity rollerskating event aims to raise money for the children’s home in Alvor this month. Lagos Roller Skating Club will be performing

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The theme of the show is Around the World, and will see the skaters performing choreographies to traditional songs from a range of countries.

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children’s home in Albufeira. All gifts will be gratefully received. And if you’re too busy gleefully unwrapping presents on Christmas morning, there’s another dip at the same time and place on New Year’s Day. This time participants are invited to wear their pyjamas (although this is not mandatory), and the swim will be followed with hot chocolate drinks at the Holiday Inn. The perfect way to start the new year with a splash! For more information please contact the Holiday Inn Algarve.   +351 282 320 260 

A Lyrical White Christmas Medley - the perfect show for the yuletide season. They will be joined by guest singer Carlos Guilherme, considered the greatest Portuguese tenor, and together they will perform festive favourites including Silent Night, Silver Bells and White Christmas. Tickets are priced at €6 and €8 respectively, and can be purchased at www.bilheteira., or on the day from the box office. Both concerts are part of 365 Algarve’s programme of events, a new initiative that seeks to promote the Algarve as a year-round tourist destination, which we featured in our last issue.    @orquestrajazzalgarve

It is the first show of its kind to be staged in Lagos and will feature guest clubs, including Arpa-Albufeira, Sport Lisboa e Benfica, Real Amizade Farense, Patinagem Clube de Tavira and Grupo Desportivo os Olhanense. The admission cost is just €2 per person, and all money raised will go straight to the Good Samaritan Children’s Home. So make the trip to Lagos and take a tour Around the World to help those who need it most!   @rollerlagos 

What's On

Feira de São Martinho, Portimão

November 4-13th By Algarve Blog & Dave Sheldrake Photography As ever, this year’s Feira de São Martinho - or St. Martin’s Fair - in Portimão was the same mix of bright and brash fairground rides, fast-food stalls and an almost bewildering array of clothes, shoes, toys and food stalls. It’s nice that the first thing that greets you are the chestnut sellers, though, as this

is the theme and tradition of the fair, and their heady, smokey scent really hit you as you entered the park area. For us, it’s always the people at the fair that we love the most – we photographed one man doing something to an octopus, but we have no idea what exactly! Suggestions on a postcard…

Rotary Christmas Fair, Parchal

November 19th-20th By Algarve Blog & Dave Sheldrake Photography Organised and run by the Rotary E-Club Porches, the fair’s chosen charity this year was Lar de São José, an elderly care centre in Ferragudo and a very worthwhile local charity. There were so many stalls, crafts and gifts on sale, including beauty products, arts and crafts, jewellery, jams and chutneys,

 TomorrowAlgarve

and much more. There were plenty of people visiting, too. Organiser Claire Larson told us that this year’s fair has been a great success and they are already thinking ahead to next year’s – it will be the third weekend in November. A date for your 2017 diary already! 


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Health 6 essential oils to try this Christmas

a ray of sunshine indoors no matter what the weather is doing outside. Clove bud A full-bodied, warm aroma very closely associated with the spices used in mulled wine or a delicious baked ham. A classic combination is to blend clove bud oil with sweet orange oil to create an instant enlivening fragrance that appeals to everyone. Great for the immune system, and it is also an insect repellent. Ginger This spicy yet sweet aroma can help with motivation. When you feel stuck to the sofa and you know you need to be up and about, ginger oil gives you strength, determination and clarity. It also helps to purify the air against viral infections.

Lesley Wall explains how to evoke the spirit of Christmas with the aroma of six festive essential oils. Fill your home with these welcoming, natural aromas this Christmas to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. You can use them individually or blend them together to your own personal taste. The six oils below have the added bonus of being anti-bacterial and containing anti-viral properties, so not only are they warming, they are great natural bugbusters too. There are three ways to utilise the oils. If using an oil burner use a total of 20 drops mixed together with 30ml of water. Alternatively, for mist sprays use 100 drops mixed with 100ml of water, or sprinkle 200 drops over potpourri.

Pine needle The smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree. The tangy spice of freshness when you walk into the room is uplifting and instantly transports me back to the Christmases of my childhood. Health-wise, this oil clears nasal congestion and is therefore great for colds and flu. Cinnamon Such a spicy aroma which is warming, comforting and strengthens the mind, especially when you have a huge list of chores or Christmas shopping to do and your energy is flagging. Just a whiff can give you the boost you need. Another oil great for colds and flu, too. Sweet orange So uplifting and refreshing, this cheery oil offers a burst of citrus freshness that brings

Frankincense A rich, earthy fragrance with a sweet balsamic undertone, frankincense has a calming, relaxing aroma that is perfect for the run up to Christmas. It has long been used for meditation, as it gives an atmosphere of serenity and allows you to breathe deeply, even in the most tense situations. Please note that the pure oils are highly concentrate and should not be used on the skin. If contact does occur wash off immediately, and always store essential oils out of the reach and sight of children. Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a very happy New Year.  Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor. 

A simple tip for healthy knees By Andrea Schoonheim We all know that it’s a good idea to bend one’s knees before lifting a heavy object in order to protect our lower back. To test the flexibility of your knees, sit with your hips over your heels, and your lower legs and feet tucked under and flat on the floor. If you can do this without difficulty or pain, then your knees are in good shape. However when you can’t sit like this without pain, a few body parts may be at risk of losing their flexibility and becoming stiff.

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Diamond pose - the position described above - is used in yoga to do breathing exercises and to meditate. It calms and stabilises the mind and helps to get rid of lower back pain. Besides that, the pose can be used to increase the flexibility of your ankles and knees. If you struggle with the pose, instead try sitting over your knees with the tops of your feet flat on the floor. If your knees feel sensitive kneel on a blanket or soft rug.

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Slowly bring your hips back in the direction of your heels. If your feet or ankles are uncomfortable then place something underneath them, such as a rolled-up towel. Now the ankles don’t have to bend so far and you might be able to put your weight on them. But maybe your hips don’t reach your heels. In other words, your knees don’t bend enough or they start hurting when you try. Make sure they don’t have to bend further than they can by >> Continues on page 23

A simple tip for healthy knees placing a folded blanket (or two) in the creases of your knees. Place enough padding there to be able to sit comfortably and with an erect back. Breathe slowly and stay in the pose until it gets too uncomfortable. Do this on a daily basis and you will be surprised about a few things. Very soon you will be able to stay in the pose longer and the amount of padding you require will decrease very quickly. Eventually you won’t need any ‘props’ at all. It’s possible that you will feel a pull in your thighs sitting in diamond pose. Before doing any yoga poses it is important to know there is a difference between pain and discomfort. Remember that you do yoga because you want change; to improve physical and mental wellbeing, flexibility, strength or health. Whatever your goal is, for change you have to leave your

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comfort zone and by definition this will be uncomfortable. Pain however is not good and should be avoided. So be aware of the difference, and stop any activity that causes pain. One common reason that your knees may not bend is that the thigh muscles are short. If that has been the case for a long time, they might even cause pain in your knees. Short muscles constantly pulling on a joint can cause problems. Sitting in diamond pose with padding in the right places stretches them gently. Do this regularly and you will find that your knees bend better, the pull in your thighs is less and either your knee pain disappears or is vastly improved. If your ankles are very stiff, you might want to warm them up before doing the pose.

Sit on a chair, lift your right foot and rotate it slowly clockwise. Do the same with the other foot. Go back to the first foot and rotate anti-clockwise - the slower the better - and repeat after a few rotations with the other foot. Next month, after you’ve mastered sitting happily in diamond pose for five minutes, I will be sharing a breathing exercise to improve your balance, concentration and intelligence; a very good resolution for the New Year.  Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher who leads classes in Carvoeiro and Lagoa.     +351 911 510 641

Headaches? These could be the causes… By Dr. Bock When your head is pounding and life seems to get very small, we want ways to fix the pain and the problem. Most common headaches are tension headaches, caused by excess muscle tension and nerve irritation. Often what sets this up is postural problems, many times from sources that we might not consider and yet are easy to remedy. At the top of the neck we have nerves that exit the spinal cord and then wrap up around the back of the head. When these nerves are irritated they can cause the muscles of the head to spasm, causing headaches. It makes for a dual problem: pain from the irritated nerves, and pain from the spasmed muscles.

head looking downward for long periods of time can cause significant problems. When looking straight forward, our head puts five kilos of downward pressure on our neck. When we place our head into the common smartphone position (now called ‘text neck’), the downward pressure on our neck skyrockets to 27 kilos! Then the muscles at the back of the head, neck, and shoulders have to hold the head up against gravity for very long periods of time. These tight muscles squeeze the nerves traveling to the head, leaving you with a bad headache.

"Smartphones, tablets and laptops are now major contributors to the alarming rise in neck and head pain"

Chiropractors, who treat headaches daily, are seeing an alarming rise in neck and head pain. One culprit? Technology. Smartphones, tablets and laptops are now major contributors to this increasing problem. A recent medical study showed that the position, or malposition, of our

We are now seeing X-rays of patients necks who are showing a complete reversal of their spinal curve. This abnormal curve causes tremendous tension and stress to the joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves of the entire neck. Another common postural problem can be sleeping with a pillow that is not well suited to us. Usually, we need a pillow that supports our head in a relaxed and comfortable position. A pillow that is too

small can cause a collapse of the neck and shoulders resulting in compression of neck joints, ligaments, and nerves. Conversely, a pillow that is too high can cause over-stretching of the same joints, ligaments and nerves. Find a pillow that properly supports you on your mattress and it will go a long way towards a comfortable night's sleep and lessen the chance of a morning headache. One caution: just because a pillow is advertised as ‘orthopedic’, it does not mean that it is the right pillow for you. When headaches become ongoing or recurrent, chiropractors are specialised in evaluating and treating the underlying causes and correcting the nerve irritation. Quite often it's just a matter of a few treatment sessions to rid you of your pain. Hopefully, you can correct these postural issues before they become a major, well, headache!  Dr. Bock can be reached at Active Quiroprática. Please consult a healthcare provider for specific advice regarding your health.   +351 966 706 606

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Business Doggy dinner service set to launch

They claim that, in just a few days of switching to Jacques Gourmet Dinners, you will see a difference in your dog’s general wellbeing and energy levels - and that it tastes so good, you’ll want to pinch some for yourself! Their winter menu includes:

Is your dog tired, lethargic and bored at tea time? No wonder - have you tasted offthe-shelf dog food? Yuk! To combat these feeding time woes, a new doggy dinner service is launching on the Algarve. Jacques Gourmet Dinners is the brainchild of Justin and Karen Wride, who set up the company after they devised a diet for their own dog who was having problems. Having tried all types of dog food - which she often refused to eat - they started home cooking for her with foods that dogs need and love. They soon noticed a difference; she had much more energy, lost weight,

had a shiny coat and couldn’t wait for tea time! Based on their experience, Justin and Karen have devised a unique menu of exciting dog dishes. Their healthy, vitality-boosting meals are lovingly prepared by their diplomatrained chef and include all the essential carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables that your dog needs for optimum fitness. They also include herbs and spices that have been proven to boost your dog’s immune system, so helping to fight everyday illnesses. The range can be used on its own or mixed in with dry biscuits if you prefer.

- Braised beef in a gravy reduction with green beans, pea purée and basmati rice (€2.95) - Pan-fried chicken in olive oil with chorizo, broccoli florets and turmeric basmati rice (€2.95) - Turkey liver and hearts fricassee in a rich jus with sweet potato and garden peas (€2.75) - Pork medallions with diced carrot and beans in a ginger and turmeric sauce (€2.75) - Minced beef gravy with coriander, spinach and fusilli pasta (€3.25) - Steamed fresh vegetables and turmeric- infused rice (vegetarian option, €2.50) The new venture opens on January 2nd so get your orders in now. There is a minimum of seven meals per order. All courses are vacuum packed and frozen, and come in 500g portions. They are available for pick-up from selected outlets across the Algarve and home delivery may also be available, depending on location.  

Property market busier than ever By David Westmoreland, B&P Property Talk about Indian summers; 2016’s rolled right through to November this year! This has been the most amazing summer I can remember, with an unprecedented number of visitors filling the Algarve’s parking spaces, beaches and restaurants, and a diverse cross-section of tourists coming from all over the globe - making for an interesting year to say the least. At B&P we have enjoyed our fourth consecutive increase year on year in 2016. We have sold properties to over 15 nationalities already this year, and holiday bookings have come from as far as America, Brazil and Australia, in addition to the usual clients from the UK, Ireland, Sweden and our European neighbours in France, Spain and Benelux.

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Bolstered by the French & Swedish markets, we now are seeing Italians, Belgians and even Germans buying again. This has resulted in B&P selling a property every 2.5 days, every week of the year for the third year running. So what are they buying? It has been another diverse year. Firstly the average sale value has increased by around 8%. Some of this increase is down to recovering prices and some down to the strengthening of the mid-market over €500,000. An increase in viewings is reflected with similar numbers. B&P average around 25 unique client viewings every week, with an average of four properties being shown from our excellent portfolio to each one of them. Of course, for this to continue we need to

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replenish the sold properties and we have an active campaign to constantly achieve this, but we still need more; 70% of our sales are properties that have been on the market for less than 10 weeks! So if you are planning to sell or if you are not getting the viewings you want, contact B&P and we will offer you professional, personal and efficient service in the listing, viewing and selling of your property. We pride ourselves on our customer service whether you are buying or selling. For more information, get in touch or call into the office.   

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Apps of the month By Steven Dunwell Our IT expert recommends a handy post office app and an even handier cocktail one for the Christmas party season! CTT – Correios de Portugal Supports: Android 2.3 and higher, Apple iOS 10 Application language: English

Relax overseas transfers are our business Considering buying or selling a property in Portugal?

A nice, uncomplicated app that provides various handy CTT services, including checking and validating Portuguese postcodes and addresses, tracking your deliveries in real time, finding your local post office address and contact details, getting your parcels re-forwarded to another address or local post office, and checking your unpaid tolls.

It is never too early to choose your foreign exchange company. We pride ourselves on getting to know our clients and their needs.

Cocktail Flow Supports: Android 2.3 and higher, Apple iOS 7.0 and higher Application language: English A sweet cocktail mixing app with great content and a beautiful, clear interface that allows you to browse recipes by category, drink type or party event. Features include ‘your bar or cabinet’ where you can mark the ingredients you already have at home and it will show you a list of the drinks you can make, and a shopping assistant that can calculate prices of new ingredients in the local currency.  If you have any IT questions or require assistance, give Steven a call.   +351 936 387 512

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US election shocker: what it means for your money By Simon Eastman, Currency Index

Last month saw the conclusion of the US presidential election race and, in a surprise upset, outspoken Republican Donald managed to Trump his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to win the top job. Markets were forecasting horrible things if Trump won the election and, as the results came in during the early hours, stock markets around the world plummeted. The currency markets went into meltdown, with the US dollar losing multiple cents against the pound and the euro. Eventually we saw Trump announced as the winner, taking to the stage to deliver a very humble acceptance speech. Markets liked what they heard and the trend reversed as the dollar made significant gains across the board, most significantly moving 15% against the Mexican peso! With the currency ‘see-saw’ in full effect, a stronger dollar meant the euro weakened and in the subsequent days the pound made decent gains against the single currency too. For those moving money to Portugal from the UK, you’ll be enjoying an extra six cents for every pound you transfer, which - with the festive season around the corner - will be a gratefully received Christmas present, I’m sure. The team at Currency Index would like to offer a little extra festive cheer by giving free transfers for 2017 to anyone mentioning Tomorrow magazine when registering by the end of the year!  

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Food & Drink Recipe: Christmas mincemeat By Simon Davies, The Little Kitchen Co.

Zest of two oranges Zest of two lemons Method Combine all of the ingredients except the brandy in a large bowl and mix together thoroughly. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and leave the mixture in a cool place for 12 hours (overnight works well) so that the flavours have chance to mingle and develop. When the mix is ready, pre-heat the oven to 110°C. Cover the bowl loosely with foil and place in the oven for three hours, then remove. The mincemeat will be swimming in fat, but don’t worry - that’s what’s supposed to happen. As it cools, stir the mixture from time to time; the fat will coagulate and encase all the other ingredients.

Mince pies are a Christmas favourite and, whilst I know it’s a lot easier to buy premade mincemeat, it can be hard to find (and expensive!) here in Portugal, and homemade really does make a difference. Use the following recipe with your favourite pastry to create a Christmas classic… Ingredients 450g Bramley apples, cored and chopped

50g slivered almonds 4 tsp mixed ground spice 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg 6 tbsp brandy 225g shredded suet 350g raisins 225g sultanas 225g currants 225g chopped candied peel 350g soft dark brown sugar

When the mincemeat has totally cooled, stir well again and add the brandy. If not using immediately for mince pies, put the mixture into sterilised jars and cover the top with waxed discs. Your mincemeat can last up to three years if kept in a cool, dark cupboard. Enjoy and merry Christmas!  

Christmas feasts, delivered

Christmas Dinner Box This option includes your choice of freerange chicken, turkey, beef sirloin, pork joint or nut roast. Vegetable accompaniments for your meat of choice include organic potatoes, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, sprouts and leeks. Also included are homemade cauliflower cheese, sage and onion stuffing, Yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets, cranberry sauce, gravy, bread and onion sauce, homemade bread and your choice of dessert: Bailey’s cheesecake, chocolate orange cake, Christmas pudding trifle or Christmas panna cotta pots. This box will serve four generously and costs €100. If you have more people to

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feed you can add extras for €20 per person, and more meat can be ordered if needed. Christmas Hamper Box An ideal gift for foodies, this box includes your selection of five homemade, organic items for €40 or 10 for €60, all nicely wrapped and delivered to your choice of address. Choose from: Honey, spicy or normal chorizo, goats’ cheese, mixed fruit and nut granola, salted caramel hot chocolate, olive oil, garlic pesto, caramel and whisky sauce, spiced meat rub, chili-infused vodka, melosa, medronho, lavender sugar, spiced beetroot and orange chutney, mini Christmas cake, Bailey’s fudge, chorizo jam, triple chocolate cupcake kit jar, organic bath salts, spiced pecans, mixture of fresh herbal teas, or vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetable delivery. Boxing Day Recovery Box This box contains everything you need for a lazy Boxing Day, including: Chestnut cream soup, vegetarian or chicken tikka masala with wild rice, mango chutney cheese bites, Boxing day Bombay potatoes, spiced apple

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coleslaw, beetroot pâté, homemade bread, selection of cheeses, crackers and chorizo, medronho or melosa, salted caramel hot chocolate, and a choice or apple and raspberry crumble, banoffee pie or festive rocky road brownies. This box will serve four generously and costs €80, with extra people charged at €10pp. The Night Before Christmas Box A real treat for children, this box includes a handwritten personalised letter from Father Christmas, as well as mince pies and carrots for Santa, pyjamas in your child’s size, chocolate covered popcorn, sprinkles and sweets for ice cream, a cookie kit in a jar, snowman marshmallows, a Christmas present application form, colouring pencils and Christmas stickers. Each personalised box is €40 per child.    +351 927 094 497  @algarvegardens

Photo credit:

Portimão-based fresh food delivery service Algarve Gardens is now taking orders for their delicious Christmas boxes, containing everything you need to gorge your way through the festive season. Filled largely with organic goodies grown at their own farm, delivery is free to most areas. Check out the yummy options and get your orders in now…

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Outdoor A winter warning

December is upon us, which generally means we have to don an extra layer when we venture outdoors. But, while we can reach into the wardrobe, our delicate plants are left shivering in the cold. If you’re lucky enough to live near the sea or in a sheltered pocket in the countryside, you may have been tempted to fill your garden with tropical or more tender plants, thinking that your little micro-climate would last the whole year through. But the meteorologists amongst us will tell you that cold air is heavier than warm, so on those winter nights you might find that all your hard work cultivating those beautiful plants and climbers is obliterated by just a few nights’ visit from Jack Frost. The sharp drop in temperature brings cold air flowing downhill, which collects in low-lying pockets. This is then accentuated if the valleys are open with few trees as protection, and don’t get the winter sun until later in the day. Small ice crystals form in the cell walls of plants and cause dehydration and therefore damage to the plant from top to bottom. Depending upon the severity and regularity of the frost, it may spread deeper into the structure of the shrub and kill it completely. Prolonged frost is quite rare, but there are many areas in southern Portugal and central Spain that will experience a prolonged cold spell where temperatures will dip below freezing on consecutive

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By Justin Wride, Mediterranean Gardening and Outdoor Living

nights. Some species, such as bougainvillea, lantana, the trumpet tree, cannas and an assortment of fruit trees, will succumb to the first signs of frost, and can often give up the ghost completely unless given some sort of protection. The best solution, if the forecast is particularly severe, is to buy a horticultural fleece or to cover the plants with plastic buckets or pots at night to lessen the blow, then remove them in the morning when the sun warms the day. If your plants do succumb, the short term solution is to nip off the frost-bitten tips before the damage spreads too far, but the longer-term solution would be to replace them with plants that have some agricultural anti-freeze built in. Having said that, it’s very hard to determine how any plant will survive a frost. There are many hardy plants that will easily tolerate a level of -1 or -2°C, but if the temperature drops to -3 or -4°C, then even these will suffer greatly. Another good tip if you have prior knowledge of an impending frost is to irrigate the garden thoroughly the night before. This may sound bizarre but, interestingly, moist soil holds heat up to four times higher than dry soil. This is because as water freezes, it releases heat to its surroundings. This in turn will help prevent damage to your plants and their root structure. You can water the plants during an actual frost too, as this will also help keep the shrub’s internal temperature above freezing, providing no frost damage

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has occurred already. So what is the alternative? Good landscaping plays a part; try creating some sort of tree canopy that will protect your more delicate species in exposed areas and also act as a buffer from cold winds. Otherwise, look for species that are simply more cold hardy. You can learn a lot by studying the types of plants that thrive naturally in areas prone to frost, or take a look at your neighbour’s garden to see what success they have had. Often you will see olive trees, schinus molle, cypress and conifers used as large screen trees, and oleanders as hedging or secondary protection. A range of yuccas, hebes and lavenders will hold up well to prolonged exposure, as well as gazanias, rosemary, sage and a large variety of roses. So don’t give up. Look at implementing some of the methods I have mentioned here and you’ll see it does pay to persevere. 

Frost-hardy vegetables Broccoli Carrots Turnips

Swede Cabbage Onions

Sprouts Cauliflower Parsnips

Frost-hardy plants and trees Ginkgo biloba Spirea Euonymus Buddleias Viburnum Olive Lavender Penstemons Sage Thyme Ornamental grasses Star jasmine Pepper tree Tamarix Melaleuca

Clematis Honeysuckle Mediterranean fan palm Canary island palm Citrus trees Cypress sempervirens Bottlebrush Gazanias Myrtle Oleander Santolinas Solanum Acacia

Bear in mind that, although all of the above can tolerate some frost, continuous freezing conditions will adversely effect all plants. 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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And Finally 10 minutes with… Colin MacBean

I Spy Algarve: Archeological sites The Algarve has a wealth of interesting archaeological sites dating from the prehistoric period onwards. For this month’s regular I Spy Algarve feature, the Algarve Archeological Association reveals six of the best… 1. Alcalar Megalithic Monuments Located north of Penina hotel, these chambered tombs date from 3200-1200 BC. The site has a visitor centre and is associated with Portimão Museum.

There’s that lovely clifftop walk from Porto de Mós to Praia da Luz. Ah! I loved it.

What gave you the initial idea? When I first moved here I would walk the dog from my home in Vale de Centianes to Armação de Pêra and back. I thought to myself, “One day I’m going to walk the length of the Algarve.” I mentioned the idea to a few people earlier this year and they said “do it!”

You’ve lived here 12 years - what brought you to Carvoeiro originally? Easyjet! No, I wanted to live abroad and try something different. My wife and I had been here on holiday a few times, and the most recent time we stayed in a villa in Vale de Centianes. That was the eureka moment; I was back within six weeks of flying home.

What was the best thing about doing the walk? People have been so great, and I’d like to say a massive thanks for all the support. I was in a little bar in Tavira where the owner asked if I’d eaten. When I said no, he went home, picked up a bowl of his wife’s homemade soup and served it to me at the bar with a big French stick. Things like that really make you believe in humankind. Why did you choose the bombeiros as your charity? It’s been a tough year for them. A lot of people were helping out after the fires. I had friends who went out and bought socks, water and things, so I thought I’d do my bit. Which leg of the walk did you most enjoy? Caneiros to Alvor, because it was the shortest! Lagos to Budens was nice, too.

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How can Tomorrow readers donate? Now that I’ve collected in all the cans, the best thing to do is leave donations behind the bar for me at Harry’s Bar, Hemingways or Carvoeiro Bar.

What do you do here? I was a central heating engineer at home in Manchester, but there’s not much call for that here! So now I mainly do plumbing, tiling, painting and decorating, and the like. What do you do when you’re not walking or working? I play darts in a winter league at Harry’s Bar - my team won last year. I also do a bit of stand-up comedy. There was an open mic night last year at what used to be Rascals, and I won! My favourite joke? A dyslexic walks into a bra… What do you love about living in the Algarve? I love Portuguese food. My favourite dish is feijoada; the one at Escondidinho at Quinta do Paraíso is fantastic. I also love bacalhau com grão. Lovely! 

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3. Silves Castle Built by the Moors in the 11th century, this is one of the best preserved castles in the Algarve. The archaeological museum within the old city walls is also worth a visit. 4. Roman ruins at Cerro da Vila Situated near Vilamoura Marina, the site includes a museum with remnants of historic civilisations and prehistoric tombs. 5. Paderne Castle Built by the Moors in the 12th century as a hilltop stronghold, this red mudbrick (taipa) construction is one of the seven castles featured on the Portuguese flag. 6. Faro Municipal Museum The permanent exhibition features artefacts from prehistoric to neoclassical times - a highlight is the large third century Roman mosaic of Oceanus, god of the sea.  

Paderne Castle image:

Along with his dog, Roly, Carvoeiro man Colin recently walked 160 kilometres, from Vila Real on the Spanish border to Carrapateira in Aljezur, to raise money for the local bombeiros. We caught up with him after his mammoth charity effort, which has so far raised €1,500 - and counting…

2. Milreu Roman villa and temple This site in Estoi was occupied from the 1st-11th century, and includes Roman mosaics, baths, a temple and a medieval building.

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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