Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - September 2019

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Sport Surfaces and Synthetic Grass Solutions Campos Desportivos e Soluções de Relva Sintética 913 056 131 918 190 128

WELCOME TO THE SEPTEMBER EDITION  TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES / MANAGING PARTNER Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: MESSINES DE BAIXO, CAIXA POSTAL 301X, SÃO BARTOLOMEU DE MESSINES, 8375-046. PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 3,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

So after a long Summer, September is upon us and that can only mean one thing in the majority of households, the football season is back! Sorry I’m joking, it is of course, the back to school program. For many it’s the first step in to a new class, new school or indeed a new country. So I would like to take this opportunity in wishing all pupils, parents and not forgetting the teachers the very best for the new school year. Olhão is our next port of call and we are showcasing this vibrant town with the idyllic Ria Formosa nestled beside; the Algarve’s answer to the Caribbean. I love the fact that within a short boat-trip from Olhão the tranquillity and deserted beaches are stunning; even in the busy summer months. Olhão in August was incredibly busy with a cacophony of sounds from the multi-cultural accents and the impromptu jazz performances within the promenade adjacent to the markets. Once again I have experienced parts of Olhão through the eyes of residents, which I cannot begin to tell you ensures you eat incredible food and sample locally produced wines at inexpensive prices. September is my favourite month of the year and this year is particularly even more so, as my boy, Lewis turns 21. Whilst naturally I am rather biased of his work, his fairly rapid growth in the Algarve production scene is down to sheer hard work, skill and tenacity. Feel free to check his work on www.facebook. com/ChilliPepperProductions. September also happens to be the busiest month in the calendar year for marriages; hardly surprising when we have arguably some of the most romantic spots in Europe. The Algarve wedding economy is phenomenal and it’s great to see more and more wedding couples from all over the world wanting to marry in our beautiful country.

Finally, the grape harvesting season, indeed, need I say anymore. Over the next few weeks I am going to start visiting a number of vineyards within the Algarve for wine-tasting and sharing my love and experience of wine. Whilst I cannot deny to say that my favourite wine region in Portugal has to be the Dão region, which takes its name from the Dão river; I continue to taste fantastic wines from all over Portugal. I am pleased to highlight a fantastic product that enables you to taste bottles of wine without removing the cork. This genius product the “Coravin” was created by a dentist and I am pleased to be the proud owner of their new model which I will be writing about my usage with this device within the next edition. I can’t thank everyone of you enough for the on-going support in terms of advertisers, writers and readers who have made our magazine achieve a half-year anniversary of six months in August. With the collaboration of “Networking for Tomorrow” our magazine has been showcased at their monthly meetings which makes me immeasurably proud and has been very well received at the various Camara’s and their prospective community. It also gives me great pleasure to introduce both Jeff and Sophie to the magazine and who between them head-up the editorial aspect. Also special thanks to Phil, Rebeca and Tom for supporting me! Simon and the whole team.

On the cover Thank you to Lewis Moulson for the stunning shot of Olhão.


Burning Rubber "The insurmountable pressure that you have to constantly achieve without any failure is pushing oneself to your utter limits."

Henrique Leis was born in the Amazon, in the province of MaranhĂŁo, Northeast Brazil. His father was a tailor while his mother brought up Henrique and his five older siblings, three brothers and two sisters. His whole life he aspired to become a chef which he thought would be both beautiful and a privilege. He started his quest as a cook at the tender age of 20, which he hoped would evolve through time into becoming a chef. He applied a great deal of commitment and focus remembering fondly the pivotal chefs in his career which he admired and respected in equal measure. His mentor if you will, Margarida Nogueira, a culinary consultant who offered Henrique his first chef position back in 1982 in her restaurant Bem Feito, in Rio de Janeiro. His craft and yearning to learn more skills would see Henrique pass through Italy, France, Germany and other european countries before eventually deciding on Portugal, where his dream would become a reality with the opening of his own restaurant in 1993. His passion for food was rewarded in 2000 when he was awarded a Michelin star. Michelin stars have been awarded by France's Michelin company, the automobile tyre maker, for culinary excellence for over a century, each year publishing a guidebook to the award winning restaurants. In chef terms a Michelin star is a likening to that of receiving an Oscar to an actor.



At the time of receiving the news Henrique was with his wife and two daughters on vacation in the Algarve, he remembers being euphoric on hearing the news. His life exponentially changed when his restaurant joined the higher echelons of elitism in the Chef’ing world, gradually the intensity of business changed, a lot of progress was being gained and service stands intensifying perpetually. It is a monumental achievement in receiving this trusted accolade, it is also another in remaining intrinsically focused whilst maintaining the highest culinary levels. To be constantly creative and innovative was, and still is, a driving force which Henrique and his brigade are constantly striving. After he had maintained the award for five years, he then thought okay, we now must set our sights on the 10-years, then 15 and so on. This year is Henrique's 19th successive year of retaining his Michelin star. Spanish food critic for Madrid's ABC newspaper, Carlos Maribona, points out some pros and cons that come with the stars.


are still as incredibly focused and highly motivated. The menu too will not be changing specifically in-line with the handing back of the star. The menu will change as it has before in-line with the creation of old and new dishes and the market changes. The chef is confident with maintaining the number of customers, and says he is not thinking of lowering the customer base or prices. “My prices are that of a restaurant in Lisbon and I will endeavour to keep them that way!“

“More than anything else, the award helps the chef’s self esteem. Michelin stars are the top of the top. They bring reservations, and consequently, a sales increase.” But recognition also has its downside, “The real cost of keeping the stars is very high. It goes hand in hand with an enormous effort in terms of staffing, installations, not to mention the pressure. Chefs become very intent on either not losing it, or earning another one. Some enter into very dangerous states of mind. They feel obliged by the star and put strong pressure on themselves.” His next birthday Henrique will turn sixty and as far as he is concerned, this is the perfect time to hand back his star and with it becoming the first chef in Portugal to do so. Henrique explains his reasoning behind his decision “From the outset I hoped to be able to maintain the star for a period of five years. The insurmountable pressure that you have to constantly achieve without any failure is pushing oneself to your utter limits. It is also the incredible pressure which doesn’t reprieve for the looming visit of the Michelin Inspector. I have friends much younger than me who are on the verge of a heart attack of such nervousness, because they have no peace.” Henrique told his brigade one week before his ultimate decision. They are resolutely behind him, fully support his reasonings and are also in agreement with his decision.

The one area where Henrique is incredibly passionate about is to re-focus and research more gastronomic Portuguese traditional dishes which are close to extinction, he wants to modernise them, yet still paying homage to their roots. With the world changing and more people going by the collective on-line reviews of a restaurant giving up his star could see another evolution in Henrique's cooking. Pascal Remy, a former Michelin inspector for 16 years, describes the life of a Michelin starred chef as “a vicious circle of debts and pressures in which chefs can only make what they wish when they stop thinking about what the guide would like them to do.” Henrique also plans to spend more time with his wife and daughters, visit more countries where he loves nothing more than to enjoy great food; be that incredible fresh fish in Tavira, to fine dining celebrating a special occasion at Vila Joya or to enjoy either Robalo or Pesgalo, his utter favourite in fish, accompanied with wine at his good friend at GiGi’s restaurant. He adores fish and all methods of cooking, providing it is simply well cooked. As a final piece of advice Henrique gives the inspiring chefs of today some food for thought “be humble, listen to everybody in the kitchen as information is gleaned throughout the brigade, study hard, read a lot, and finally be workers.”

However, don’t think for one moment that their desire is anything but that and they




Nobel School, already recognised as a world Class International Educational institution, with British and Portuguese curricula introduces the new, Forest School for 2019. Forest School is a brand new programme designed within the current curriculum that is open to all year 2-6 primary children, the initiative will begin when the new term commences on September 9th. Following the success of the Adventure Club for school years 5-13 the staff at Nobel wanted to create something special for younger pupils too. The Forest School concept has its roots in 1950s’ Denmark where children explore, discover and experience meaningful experiences that encourage holistic growth. An inspirational process that offers all students regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment, amongst the trees. Nobels' Forest School site is within the school grounds, so completely safe but at the same time creates the illusion of being out in the wilds and away from civilisation. This creates the perfect environment to encourage, motivate, engage and inspire children through positive outdoor experiences following the concept of free flow play and learning from play.

“If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventures should be top priority.”Richard Branson

The nature-based programme aims to develop the physical, social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of the learner under the leadership of teacher Matt Harris, a highly qualified outdoor education practitioner and an accredited Forest School trainer. In 1993 a group of educators from Bridgewater College, England, visited Denmark to see the outdoor, forestbased pre-school system there. What followed in the subsequent years was a new education movement in the UK.

Forest Schools arrived in Wales in 2000, Scotland 2003, and Northern Ireland in 2013 – and at Nobel International School Algarve in 2019. At the heart of our programme is wellbeing, and the social, emotional and physical needs of the primary children. Through a weekly Forest School session, Matt's team will nurture a culture based on collaboration and of embracing challenge so that he can allow, over time, for the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy, and for a greater sense of connection with nature and for our shared future. Each member of the group will feel valued, recognised and nurtured allowing their individual character and connection with nature and their community to grow. The activities vary depending on the age of the group, and the weather conditions, but here are just a few of the types of learning experiences the students will take part in. Literacy through story-telling, arts and crafts, numeracy, ecology, teamwork, cooking, den building, woodworking, communication and risk assessment and taking, along with decision making. The Forest School class run from 2.45pm until 4.30pm with each child allowed to attend once a week as long as they bring their bag containing a sun hat and sunscreen, a pair of wellington boots, a waterproof jacket and trousers.

+INFO:   +351 282 342 547 


A World Class International Education British and Portuguese curricula


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Follow our news on social media and start the journey




I had the pleasure of meeting with both António Nunes, the Comandante of Silves Bombeiros, and Debby Burton, President at the Forest Fire Alert Association recently as I wanted to show my personal gratitude with the services they both provide in protecting our community. I also wanted to see for myself the men and women who work in extremely dangerous circumstances day in-day out, and also to see if there was a way with which our two magazines at Tomorrow could assist.

this. We will then, with the behind the scenes video utilise this and strategically promote the Bombeiros services and the 2020 calendar. Filming will begin late September, early October and we anticipate that the calendars will be available to purchase early by November, making the perfect Christmas stocking fillers. The calendar will be available worldwide through a new website and facebook page.

We came up with the idea of producing a risqué calendar for the Bombeiros stations across the Algarve. This allows us to feature as many fire-fighters and their stations as possible.

We will also be looking for companies to sponsor a monthly page of the calendar, should this be of interest then please send me an email in the first instance.

We not only wish to produce a calendar, but to show the making of the calendar and so with the help and assistance of Chilli Pepper Productions we will capture

+INFO: 

Portuguese Hero... Quinas Returns to the Ocean The giant leatherback turtle that was rescued from Meia Praia beach after being caught in fishing lines has been released.




Like Fernão de Magalhães, 500 years later, Quinas is once again able to circumnavigate the oceans and what is more, he is now carrying a tracking device so you can watch his journey. After a month and a half of rehabilitation at Zoomarine's Porto d'Abrigo (rehabilitation centre for aquatic specimens), Quinas returned to the ocean on August 7th. The Sea Giant’s release was

facilitated by the cooperation of the Portuguese Navy and Quinas was transported on the NRP António Enes (F471), a João Coutinho Class Corvette. A special box was prepared for the journey to the release site, 10 nautical miles south of Portimão. Quinas will carry a device that will allow us to monitor his progress including speed, direction and diving depths over the coming months.

+INFO:   shtml?keyword=quinas

Coravin® Model One


Coravin® Introducing the Model Two CORAVIN™ Wine System


After a long day, nothing’s better than a glass of wine. Now you have the freedom to enjoy one glass without worrying about finishing the bottle. The Coravin Wine System with premium Coravin Capsules lets you pour wine without removing the cork. Enjoy the same bottle day after day, glass after glass. Because your favorite wines should never be compromised. And neither should your choice of when and how to enjoy them.


WAR ON PLASTICS Eupheus International School and Tomorrow magazine unite to eliminate single use plastics The eagerly awaited opening of the new Eupheus International School has been announced for Monday, September 16th. Head of School, Ms Penelope Best, has championed the schools eco-friendly principles since its conception and throughout its development into a state-of-the-art eco-friendly Pre-Prep, Preparatory and Lower Secondary school. Ms. Best is passionate that Eupheus will hold social awareness and ecological impact at its core. She believes that guiding children to understand how they can make a difference to local, national and global issues is a key aspect of everyday learning, leading to the development of vision, energy and compassion. These essential core values are reflected in all aspects of the schools development from its eco-friendly bespoke school uniform, to the use of recycled products in every aspect of the schools creation. Toys purchased are made from palm leaves and environmentally friendly products instead of plastic. These ecoprinciples are exhibited in the use of reclaimed wood for the playground at Eupheus, and the planting of indigenous trees in the grounds. The local fauna has been retained wherever possible during the build process, and the adoption of the Forest school concept will be an integral part of school life. The school has now taken a giant green step forward by partnering with Tomorrow magazine who will provide every Eupheus child with a multi-use water bottle, leading to the eradication of single use water bottles within the school. Head of School Ms Best “As we aim for Eupheus children to become free thinking active responsible members of society it is vital that as educators we lead by example. I realised that the number of small bottles of water we consume on a daily basis in



a hot place like the Algarve is vast, and that I could try and take action to avoid this within our school and beyond. Consequently, I contacted the Tomorrow magazine who I know are very keen to be as environmentally and eco-friendly as possible. Some of the measures that they undertake include calculating their carbon footprint carefully, maximising deliveries and minimising fuel and all printing is on responsibly sourced paper using eco-friendly inks. I proposed that we collaborate to make this small change that will hopefully contribute to make a significant difference We would love for Eupheus children to be ambassadors for this act of green, educating and inspiring all schools and businesses in the Algarve and even the whole of Portugal to become single use plastic free. If we start protecting the environment now, we will create a healthier and more sustainable future. By partnering with the Tomorrow magazine, we can begin to accomplish this and I hope that this idea inspires all Eupheus pupils to become guardians of our planet, presenting ideas and exploring ways to implement them.” Managing Partner of Tomorrow magazine, Simon Moulson added, “it is our absolute pleasure to partner with Eupheus on this important issue. We hope that with this small act to inspire and encourage every school and business to join the challenge to eliminate unnecessary single use plastics from our daily lives.” Help solve this problem, join Eupheus and Tomorrow magazine by using a reusable water bottle. Please contact Ms Penelope Best, Head of Eupheus International School or Simon Moulson, Managing Partner of Tomorrow magazine for additional information.

+INFO: 

PUDSEY PAWS IN THE CASH BY SOPHIE SADLER Pudsey helped out at the fundraising day hosted at the Centre Algarve Moncarapacho, pawing in over €5000 for the BBC Children in Need appeal. Along with the 300 people who attended the event Celebrity Big Brother housemates, Kellie Maloney and Dee Kelly were also queuing up to meet Pudsey. Kellie is an ambassador of the Centre Algarve and spoke to her friend Dee about the special needs holiday centre. Dee´s sister has a 2-year old with a disability so was keen to come to the day and find out more. Kellie explained; “It’s an amazing place where you can see families and their children enjoying themselves and relaxing like any other family on holiday. I call it a piece of heaven on earth.” Also attending was former Paralympian Ann Wafula Strike who earned an MBE for her services to disability sport and charity. “The magic unfolded when I spent time at the Centre Algarve with other families. All the facilities are well designed and thought out to ensure disabled and special needs are catered for. The staff bend over backwards to ensure everybody has a great holiday.” Pudsey has hopefully ensured that the families staying at Centre Algarve will continue to get the Bear Necessities they need to enjoy a well-earned break in the sun! Chilli Pepper Productions will soon be sharing their video of Pudsey in the Algarve on behalf of the Centre Algarve.

+INFO:  CentreAlgarve 


CELEBRATING AMERICANA Manoj Patel's stunning 1957 Cadillac Coupe DeVille was recently crowned as the show winning car at Americars Algarve 2019. With more curves than Marilyn Monroe, bigger fins than jaws and more luxury than Trump Tower, the iconic car attracted many admirers who stood, taking in the curved windows, miles of chrome and the self closing trunk that summed up an era of luxury that was once attainable by a regular American family. Hiding a true gangster pedigree the immaculately presented car was once owned by a moll of the Krays, sadly though, her frame had been bent beyond repair, the Cadillac not the moll, and Manoj had to ship a donor car to the UK from the states once he had found one. Based in Lagoa the american beauty is the perfect car for a wedding or a special day out. The gathering for all things American began as just as car show. The brainchild and hard work of Carlos Miguel Vila. During the day Miguel works in the Sulpeças store in Faro, a shop that his father started in 1976 supplying parts



and accessories for vehicles of two or four wheels. For years his passion was rebuilding his classic 1969 Ford Mustang Convertible. Once his dream car was completed he had the idea to create a gathering for other American car owners. The first event was a huge success attracting 42 cars and hundreds of people who had come to admire the rare vehicles. From those early days the event has become a festival that celebrates American culture, the cars are now joined by motorcycles, bicycles, choppers, american craft and food stalls with live rock and roll throughout. There is also live football with the Algarve Sharks and other American classics, such as the wet tee-shirt competition to fill the weekend entertainment. While almost untouched for centuries is it any wonder that American culture has also found a welcome home in Portugal.

+INFO:   (Manoj)

The 13th Annual Back to School Drive for School Children. Castelo de Sonhos and Acca Kids are once again appealing for assistance to ensure that children who often do without will this year have all they need to return to school. As well as the backpacks every child needs black exercise books, pens, pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, A4 files, set squares, scissors etc. Should you be willing to add some extra items to your shopping trolley, from the 21st of August Continente and other shops will be stocking their Back To School range. Or if you prefer, a donation of €35 will buy and fill one backpack. All donations will be given out at the start of the new school year in September. There is an enormous need and any help will be very much appreciated. School

materials and backpacks can be delivered to the following drop off points up until September 4th. Alcantarilha: The Golf Shack, EN125 Almancil: Curiosa Indoor & Outdoor, Troto, EN125 and Iceland Overseas Supermercados Armação de Pêra: Holiday Inn Algarve Galé: Iceland Overseas Supermercados Guia: Iceland Overseas Supermercados Silves: Castelo de Sonhos Portimão: Iceland Overseas Supermercados

+INFO:  +351 282 330 242 / 968 335 856 (Sue Butler-Cole) 

Tomorrow 135x90 06-19.indd 2

19/06/2019 12:17


FESTIVAL F The 6th Festival F returns to various venues across Faro from September 5-7th. Dozens of diverse musical and comedic talents will celebrate the end of Summer. Close to 50,000 people attended the event during 2018.

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Algarve Nature Festival An event to draw attention to the Algarve’s natural beauty, the three day event will be offering many outdoor activities that you can try free. Walks, birdwatching, dolphin and whale watching, boat trips, cycle outings, horse-back and donkey outings and even airborne and underwater activities are on offer. Algarve Nature Fest takes place September 20 - 22nd.

+INFO: 

What's on in September OCTOPUS WEEK

An initiative of the Quarteira and Vilamoura Entrepreneurs Association in partnership with the Armalgarve Polvo Association, the third annual Octopus Week is packed with gastronomic shows in dozens of restaurants throughout Quarteira and Vilamoura.

to celebrate the octopus as a local gastronomic product and its role in the local economy. Restaurants will showcase the octopus's versatility preparing traditional Portuguese and International recipes. Octopus Week takes place September 7th until the 16th.

There are exhibitions, show-cookings and a recipe contest, the objective

+INFO:   events/477293973103139

NAVIGATING FADO A free concert on September 22nd in the castle grounds at Paderne. Fado Navegado is described as a journey through the World of Fado, reinterpreting this musical style with wind instruments begins at 5.30pm.

+INFO: 

Sun and Moon Bubbasound’s' second initiative of the Sun and Moon Festival is scheduled for September 14th. From 7pm until 7am the moon stage will feature electronic music while live music will entertain from the sun stage.

+INFO:  sunmoonfestivalofficial




WORLD SUPER BIKES RETURNS World Super Bikes (WorldSBK) returns as the main race event of the year to the fabulous Autódromo do Algarve (AIA) over the weekend of September 6-8th. WorldSBK always guarantees a large crowd, with international spectators visiting from the UK, Spain and all over Europe. Last year saw the biggest crowd to date with some 50,125 attending. WorldSBK first visited the Autódromo as its opening event in 2008. The weekend was dominated by Troy Bayliss on his last weekend of racing. The Australian devastated his opponents, taking pole by almost 2.5 seconds before winning both of the races. On that same weekend a young Northern-Irish man, Jonathan Rea, made his World Superbike debut. Switching from the World Supersport Championship Rea impressed everyone with a third place on the starting grid and a fourth place in race one.



Since then Jonathan Rea MBE has gone on to become the joint most successful WorldSBK champion, equaling Carl Fogarty's four championship titles. In 2018 he took his fourth consecutive world title and also set a new record for amount of race wins. He is currently leading the 2019 championship on his Kawasaki, although this year he has not had it all his own way. Fresh from the MotoGP paddock Spanish rider Alvaro Bautista on his Ducati has been taking the chequered flag before Rea and is sure to make this years event even more intriguing. You can order your tickets online and skip the queues with tickets starting at 12€ through to 49€ for the VIP Paddock pass.

Couch to 5k

Vilamoura Runners are offering a ten week running programme designed to take you from a beginner to completing a 5k run, complete with a commemorative medal and certificate. The cost is €20 per person for the whole ten weeks or €3 per session. The session starts Monday September 9th at 7.30pm.

+INFO:  events/vilamoura-portugal/couch-to5k/825822221134950/

+INFO: 

Faro's Old Brewery is the venue for the unique event that promises to fill three days, September 13 -15th, with unparalleled energy of music and dancing. Tattoos are also a big part of this festival with several exhibitors, live tattoo sessions, contests and other activities.

+INFO:  HellgarveTattooRockFest

FEIRA DA TÔR The Feira da Tôr, will be held on September 7th and 8th. There will be around 30 exhibitors of local handicrafts and products, eight gastronomy spaces, children's entertainment workshops, street entertainment, folklore and concerts. Some of the highlights are the concert on the 7th, at 11pm and the walk on the 8th, meeting at 5.30 pm at Ponte da Tôr. The fair is open from 5pm until 2am.



Welcome to

OLHÃO Olhão is the largest fishing port of the Algarve and is home to the stunningly beautiful Ria Formosa. A charming seaside town of white-washed buildings and two incredible markets. Factor-in it's only 10km east of Faro.


INFORMATION Population: 45 396 Area: 130,86 km² Density: 346,9 hab./km²




Meet the Mayor

António Miguel Pina is the 44-year old Socialist Mayor of Olhão. A native of the town Tomorrow magazine went to meet the man.

WHEN AND HOW DID YOU BECOME MAYOR? I became Mayor when I was 38-years old. It was a long process and I am now in my second term where I have another two years of my term remaining. CAN YOU BROADLY DESCRIBE THE MUNICIPALITY AND THE CHALLENGES THAT THE MUNICIPALITY FACES? Olhão has a lot of variety, we have everything here in terms of industry, especially when it comes to all things fishing. Additionally, we have farming, land and sea farming. Olhão is fully involved and has made a lot of progress with tourism too, the major program being the Hotel Real Marina Olhão.

 Hotel Real Marina Olhão WHAT ARE YOUR PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENTS WHILE YOU HAVE BEEN MAYOR? I am very proud of the major on-going improvements in terms of re-modelling and improving the overall look of the town. Another large investment is the building of a brand-new school and the program of improving all schools in Olhão. WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. In the future I want to give computer tablets to children in school. To try and adapt and modernise for the new technologies and for every child to have access to this new technology. I also want to support teenagers, especially in areas that they are less favoured through MOJU, Associação Movimento Juvenil em Olhão, a local youth association that creates spaces for children from under-privileged backgrounds and helps them personally evolve. MOJU tries to give them what their families sometimes cannot always give them.

WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EXPAT COMMUNITY LIKE? Olhão has a lot of foreigners, especially English, French and Italian. They are all integrated very well in to our society and community. We also have a cultural centre, Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14.

 republica.catorze/6 CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE SITUATION AND HOW BEST TO COMBAT THE TERRIBLE DECLINE OF THE SEAHORSES? We have been talking to schools in order to educate the children about the on-going situation about our beloved seahorses. We explain the reasons for people not to touch them, and not to interact with them as they are very sensitive animals. We are going to build a statue to further promote their importance in Olhão. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST EXPORT FROM OLHÃO? No doubt, it will be our fish, in both frozen form and canned which is sent worldwide. WITH THE DECENTRALISATION WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL IMPACT ON OLHÃO RESIDENTS? Since the new law in August 2018 the major improvement is that this allows us to have a better control of our local services in Olhão, which makes sense as we are the ones who live and work in the community. In terms of education, we have taken responsibility fully since 2009, so in terms of decentralisation we have already been doing this and are ahead of the game. Olhão is considered ahead in terms of security also, at the end of this year Av. 5 se Outubro will have video surveillance and the Municipal Police have already selected the policemen for training.

 moju.olhao

Street art

The work of many street artists can be found in Olhão town in the Algarve, in this case depictions of the city's past and the everyday lives of its people.





BOM SUCESSO When the battle to control the Iberian Peninsular broke out in 1807 and the subsequent French occupation of the Algarve, Olhão was notable for one of the few public uprisings against the occupiers. The audacious uprising during June of 1808 forced the French forces to flee Olhão and then the rest of the Algarve. A month after the liberation of Olhão

seventeen men embarked on a voyage to Brazil where the royal family had taken exile just days before the invasion of Lisbon. Their craft, a caique, or small fishing vessel named Bom Sucesso had no navigational aids to assist in the epic voyage. A replica of the boat Bom Sucesso is moored at Olhão's waterfront.

A MAJOR BRAZILIAN EXPORT The well-known Brazilian footballer Neymar was in Olhão this Monday night, where he attended the concert of his compatriot Paula Fernandes, at the Seafood Festival venue. The striker, who represents France's Paris Saint-Germain, but may be leaving for a Spanish club. The sports press

Olhão is a major port and actually the largest fishing port in the Algarve. There are two market buildings side by side along the waterfront, which are a ‘must visit’ for the huge variety of extremely fresh fish and sea food straight from the port and the vast array of locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables.

Ilha da Culatra is surrounded by beautifully clear water, with many species of fish, so it is perfect for diving and snorkelling.

All the littoral coast of Olhão is part of the Nature Park of Ria Formosa, a protected humid zone of worldwide importance.

Handy municipal buses run ‘green and yellow routes’ around town, including to the campground and supermarkets.

speaks of the interest of Real Madrid and Barcelona. Neymar actually took the stage, surprising the thousands of people present in the Algarve festival grounds, as seen in a video shared on Facebook by the mayor of Olhão, António Miguel Pina.

New boat to Olhão made in Vila Real de Santo António.





OLD OLHÃO At the turn of the twentiethcentury there was an influx of educated, sophisticated people from cities in the north of Portugal. They came to run new factories and businesses that had sprung from the industrialisation that every industry was going through. Needing hew homes the new arrivals were influenced by the already small North African and Andulucian style homes that the locals were living in. At the same time a new artistic genre

The Algarve singer Luís Guilherme released the single Por El Amor de Una Mujer accompanied by a video clip, the gateway to the universe from his new album, Timeless. Mirantes de Olhão, Roberto Nobre of cubism was fashionable in Paris, London and Lisbon.

“Luís Guilherme takes us on a time travel through the 50/60/70s, full of melancholy and intense interpretations that will lead us to love,” says the press officer of the artist, born in Olhão.

Out of this period, the architecture in Olhão, its cubes of white houses with their clean lines, lack of fussy detail with just the windows and balconies edged in grey and blue, gave Olhão the title of a cubist city.

Timeless was produced between Portugal, Italy and Argentina and is the most complete album in the entire discography of the Olhanense singer, sung in five languages, and is now available on all digital platforms. This edition will also feature a physical version, which will be available at FNAC stores.

+INFO:  MMOlhao

Luis Guilherme - Por El Amor de Una Mujer (Videoclip Oficial)


Festival do Marisco Hosted by: Olhão Municipality and Fesnima When: August

Festas da Cidade Hosted by: Olhão Municipality and Fesnima When: June



S. Miguel TraditionalFair

Pirate Festival

Hosted by: Olhão Municipality and CR20 When: September

Hosted by: Olhão Municipality and Fesnima When: August

Noites de Levante

Pechão Folar Festival

Hosted by: Olhão Municipality and Fesnima When: August

Hosted by: Clube Oriental de Pechão When: March



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Football Stadium Train Station

Municipal Auditorium

Municipal Arquives Municipal Museum

Fshing Dock Olhão Market

Ferry Terminal




ARADE CANOEISTS DOMINATE Lagoa based Kayak Clube Castores do Arade won five national titles, with dozen's of the team members making the finals and podium places at national canoeing's biggest event. The competition, organised by the Portuguese Canoeing Federation at the Montemor-o-Velho High Performance Centre had 851 athletes representing 53 teams from across the country battling for the 13 national championship titles available across various age ranges. The second National Canoeing Speed Championship dedicated to beginners, children

and cadets provided the biggest highlight with the victory of the twin sisters Wilkinson of Ferragudo in the K2 500m final. Maria Wilkinson dominated her heats and was the only team member to win a medal in all three races taking two gold medals in K4 and K2 and a bronze in K1. This stand-out performance ensured a 6th place overall for Kayak Clube Castores do Arade.

+INFO:  KCCastoresdoArade

AIA BIKE SCHOOL Learn to ride like a motorcycle racer BY PHIL EGGINTON The Autódromo based AIA Racing School holds regular Moto Courses where you can learn, or improve your motorcycle riding skills. I recently had the privilege to watch a course in action. The courses which cater for every level of competence are broken into five groups depending upon their skills. From rookie through junior, senior to elite and pro level riders are taught by such notable riding coaches as Miguel Praia, a former superbike champion. The day was structured very well, featuring a mix of classroom sessions, low speed paddock exercises and of course action on the full circuit. Pupils on the course were introduced to the various aspects of bike racing at a steadily increasing pace. There was no rushing off at high speed to begin with. Everything was done very safely and within the ability of the riders under the close supervision of a team of professional riders. Sessions focussed on aspects such as taking the right trajectory (lines) around the circuit, having the right posture on the bike, how to brake as well as how to accelerate.



One session used small low powered bikes and concentrated on passing a series of cones in the paddock area. The aim being to teach riders how to lean on corners at a very slow and safe pace. Other aspects covered included using video and other data gathering technology on the motorcycle to help improve skills. Riders can use their own motorcycles or alternatively they can hire one from the AIA Racing School. The AIA Racing School has a partnership with Yamaha and have a set of the manufacturers very well presented racing bikes available. Important factors such as insurance, and the even more important video and photographs of the day are all included in the rental price. At the end of the course pupils are presented with certificates and a team photograph is taken too. Phil Egginton is a motorsport photographer and journalist who lives in the Algarve.

+INFO: 



In order to know where to start is to examine your hair, take one strand of your hair between your index finger and thumb and glide it along from root to tip. Where your hair is porous or damaged you will feel the texture changing. Heat from the sun will cause your cuticles to swell and snap leading to damaged, frizzy unruly hair. Also, there are occasions when coarse hair can also present itself this way but it may not be damaged. Therefore it is essential to keep your hair nourished, moisturised and hydrated. The key elements here is to both protect and treat; a double whammy if you like. Buy a spray mist sun cream and apply to your hair, most people don’t realise that you can apply sun tan oils you apply on your skin to your hair. Alternatively, you can use natural products, Almond Oil which has a SPF4 and also smells nice. Or indeed coconut oil. A low cost but effective treatment which will ensure your hair is kept both protected and hydrated. TOP TIP FOR SWIMMERS When you go in to the swimming pool or the sea you need to combat the chlorine and salt, especially blondes. To do this you need to create a barrier treatment, a hair mask which is to be re-applied each and every time you swim. FINDING THE RIGHT SHAMPOO I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. Firstly, it is essential that you know what your hair type and use products that are suitable for your hair type. Then you need to consider what look you want to achieve from your hair, whether this be volume, curl enhancement or another style. So for example for fine damaged hair looking to achieve volume. You would then use a volumizing shampoo and



conditioner, which repairs your hair and conditions your hair from your mid-length to the end. MANY PEOPLE ASK ME HOW OFTEN THEY CAN WASH THEIR HAIR I wash my hair daily, yet I use a penetrative shampoo which deeply conditions my hair. The simple reason I use a penetrative shampoo, it just doesn’t dry my hair out. SO YOU HAVE SPENT GOOD MONEY AND YOU HAVE COLOURED YOUR HAIR Please, don’t just buy a normal shampoo and wash your hair, the reason why, is that it strips your hair of colour and within a fairly short period of time you will then need to have your hair coloured again. Whereas, if you shampoo your hair with a quality salon shampoo, yes there is a price difference, it may well be four times the price of a normal shampoo; but the difference is vast. Firstly, the salon shampoo is concentrated and so you use less and enables your colour to remain for a longer period of time in your hair. So in the long run the price difference is negligible. Coupling the right products with your hair’s wants and needs will make a fundamental difference to your hair. Always remember to get your hair in the best condition, you can start by getting your hair cut regularly. Furthermore, go to a good salon who can treat your hair within the first visit. Enjoy the Summer and remember be considerate to your hair! Lucia is the owner of Lucia London Hair Expert in Almancil, professionally trained in Ireland and London.

+INFO:  LuciaandCoHairExpert

"It is essential to keep your hair nourished, moisturised and hydrated"

JESSICA DUNN ART DUNN STUDIO Viewing by appointment Agostas

Agostas, 8100-061 Boliqueime Tel: 351 962544650


3 WAYS TO SEE MOROCCO Morocco can be discovered in many different ways. BLING IN MARRAKESH Marrakesh – even the name of the place is bewitching! It conjures images of all things exotic: camels and snake charmers, carpet sellers and traders come from the Sahara, and it does not disappoint. The bustling market trading city is now on the tourist trail, with thousands flocking to the Red City to visit the maze of souk’s selling everything from herbal potions and kaftans to ‘Aladdin’ lanterns in the Medina. Musts’ include the famous Jardins de Majorelle, once owned by Yves Saint-Laurent, and the neighbouring new museum dedicated to the French designer, the Place Jemaa El Fna at dusk, haggling in the souk and indulging in a real Hammam. Although the city has retained much of its Arabic character and French colonial charm, it has also embraced western style restaurants and bars in stylish riads, quickly becoming a glamorous cosmopolitan hub.

New Algarve Beer. Join us on the Portuguese craft beer express!




To sleep in style, the Mandarin Oriental is the utmost in deluxe chic. Tucked away in a 20-hectare estate only a few minutes from town. The rooms are decked out with beautiful Moroccan details: teapots, mother of pearl boxes, trays with intricate metalwork, oversized lanterns and local decorative dishes. In the bathroom there is even a Hammam shower next to the giant round bathtub as well as towels adorned with pom-poms, hooded dressing gowns and pointy slippers. A nod to the famous local babouches. The resort is family friendly too, with a great children's club offering unique experiences like baking cookies with the chef, or trying your hand at a potter’s wheel. There is also a petting farm, bikes to ride around and a giant 576m2 outdoor heated pool where children can ride inflatable peacocks and pineapples. It is all extremely Instagram-able too. The Moroccan restaurant Mes’Lalla is set under Arabian style tents

BUSINESS overlooking the water features, while the Cantonese Hakkasan is a vision in designer yellows and black and famous for its DJ parties. Everywhere you turn another picture opportunity presents itself. Oversize cacti, swaying palm trees and tumbling Bougainvillea also make it the perfect backdrop for those holiday memories.

Taroudant is a dry city so guests must bring their own alcohol if they like a tipple with their Tagine!

AUTHENTIC IN TAROUDANT Set in the Sous Valley, Taroudant is just a couple of hours drive south from Marrakech but feels a million miles away. This is the place to go for an authentic Moroccan experience. The town is known as Marrakesh’s Grandmother or Little Marrakesh because of its similar structure, surrounded by ramparts and its protective Kasbah dating back to the 16th Century.

At the MGallery just outside the gates of the Old Town it is all about funky décor, great views and Franco-Moroccan hospitality. The hotel is ultra friendly and welcoming and staff can’t do enough to make you feel right at home. Book into room 270 for the best vantage point to see the kite-surfers on the bay, the lighthouse, fishing port to the right and the old town beyond. Another bonus is the large pool, surrounded by its azure blue loungers, where the clientele laze the days away.

A market town, it is bustling and busy but by no means designed for tourism, you won’t bump into hordes of fellow travellers here! This is the spot to come for a week or rest and relaxation with the odd trip out to the local souk for a souvenir or two, including jewellery or carpets and a horse-drawn carriage tour of the city walls.

The hotel comes with two restaurants, including the Mbar right on the beach where the seabass and grilled calamari are good enough to write home about. Along the beachfront several small canteen style restaurants offer local seafood and couscous on a budget – which make for great foodie feasts without breaking the bank.

To take it easy and live with all your creature comforts, the beautiful Palais des Sables is the perfect place. Literally made of sand, the palace has seven-tastefully decorated rooms, air-conditioning and heaps of charm. There are plenty of nooks and crannies to kick back and take a nap or read a book, from the outside patio to the library or the rooftop terrace. The gorgeous green pool and enclosed gardens are the main attractions. Here, you will meet the odd turtle and see birds twittering in the trees at sunrise and sunset.

In town, there are plenty of opportunities to spend a few Dirhams getting lost in the narrow winding roads, browsing the stalls in the souk’s and haggling for carpets, wooden crafts, jewellery or ceramics – depending on your luggage allowance! Another unexpected activity? A kitty photo safari. It’s hard to resist the array of (mostly) friendly, yet well fed, strays that roam the streets.

The Palais is utterly relaxing thanks to the care and attention of the housekeeper who cooks up glorious fresh Moroccan dishes daily. Try the amazing Aubergine Zalouk, the copious Couscous Royale, the succulent Slow Cooked Lamb or delicious Lemon and Olive Chicken. Each dish is tastier than the next, taking you on a real culinary adventure! Word of warning –

BEACHSIDE IN ESSAOUIRA Once a small fishing town it has been transformed into a charming beachside bolthole for wealthy locals and a tourist friendly hotspot for kite-surfers in search of wind and waves.

Today, Essaouira is unlike any other city in Morocco thanks to its relaxed vibe and laid back attitude. Rowena is a freelance journalist and travel writer who lives in the Algarve.

+INFO:  




SUNNY SHADES Sunny Shade Sails has gone from strength to strength in the last few years, offering a functional and aesthetically pleasing way to keep out of the strong Algarvian sun. They pride themselves on the quality of the virgin highdensity polyethylene knitted fabric, which they import from South Africa and their excellent follow-up services. Every shade is bespoke made and one of their main functions is problem-solving, in order to find a way of incorporating shade and UV protection into spaces of all shapes and sizes. In one case they have had to create a structure that can be put up and taken down easily to comply with planning laws, in another cover a 200m2 space for a jazz festival for Lagoa Câmara. They have clients in Northern Portugal, Spain and France, “We are a little ripple in a big pond,” says Helen. They offer maintenance contracts which involve taking down and cleaning shades at the end of the season and repairs. Their structures are made from construction steel which is powder-coated and cooked at 190º which makes it able to withstand corrosion and rust. All fittings are provided in corrosion-resistant stainless steel. As well as their show-room near Odiaxere in Lagos they get a lot of enquiries on the internet and they have a sales team who travel throughout the Algarve for site visits. Their jobs vary from private properties to playgrounds, schools, hotels and restaurants. Their biggest yearly project is CNEMA in Santarém where they construct avenues of around 80 shades for the European Agricultural Exhibition. Experienced sky-diver Jonothan Wickham brought the idea to Portugal after having seen the concept in

Australia. Sunny Shades believe Jonothan was the first businessman to bring the shade sail to Europe. He met many obstacles, mainly the difficulties with customs bringing the fabric from Australia to Portugal but worked tirelessly with a passion and creative flair. This all came to an end on October 20th 2012 when Jonothan tragically died in a freak sky-diving accident. Jonothan’s company was sold by his wife but his heart-broken parents, Helen and Ray who had been living in the Algarve for over 25 years and were retired, decided to start another business in his memory and build on the foundations he had laid. Sadly Ray also passed away a few years later Helen says; “Jonothan and Ray have been sitting on my shoulders during the process and our success is due to my great team. Three members of our team all had daughters in the same year so this feels like my family and we all look out for each other.” While life for Helen has been shadowed by tragedy the sun has come now that she can see Jonothan’s legacy in the success of his innovative business idea.

+INFO:   SunnyShadeSails

New Business Unbelievable Voyage

Luna Diamante

Is exactly that, the company is providing the most luxurious experiences in the Algarve. Ever since being very young Colin Thomas has sailed and adored the outdoor lifestyle. His company offers the discerning customer a completely exclusive and elite level of service which today’s top executives demand. Factor in the wealth of luxury experiences in the Algarve, excellent climate and intrinsic service levels then you’ve got an “Unbelievable Voyage.”

Is a new italian restaurant offering fine dining and a great atmosphere in the heart of the Algarve. A traditional pizza oven combined with a modern kitchen and inspiring Chef, Mario. Located in the picturesque Sao Rafael and close in proximity to Albufeira Marina and walking distance to several beaches.

+INFO:   +351 912 047 900  unbelievablevoyage

+INFO:   +351 289 516 807  Lunadiamanterestaurant



Open 7-days per week from 2pm – 11.30pm.

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FOOD & DRINK your dining experience. As the sun sets over Quinta do Lago the golf course and hills are forever changing colour, it is a lovely imagery which further enhances dinner.

Amazing Amara

The amuse bouche in the form of a prawn in the lightest wraps of pastry is presented and makes for a very welcome addition. Starters arrive, the service and the presentation is as you would imagine to a very high level. The Foie Gras Mi-Cuit is accompanied with radish, quince gel and jam served with toasted brioche. The seared scallops served with caramelised shallots, sparkling wine Beurre Blanc and a sherry vinaigrette. The food is heavenly and the pairing with the wine makes for a lovely marriage.


Between each courses the table is cleared free of crumbs, wine glasses duly changed in preparation for the mains. The service level is valued and passionate from each of the dining room team. To accompany the mains we are served a Burgundy-esque red which is a Dao vintage from 2011. The Pork Tenderloin with mushroom puree is served with potato gnocchi, a Madeira wine sauce and partnered with braised pork cheek and celery foam. The presentation is stunningly beautiful and the taste of the tenderloin on it’s own is divine, but when you then combine with the cheek it’s sublime. The intensity and richness the chef has gained is incredible. With regards to the lamb, it is cooked to perfection and once again maximum flavour on the searing of the lamb, coupled with the shank ravioli adds additional layers of intensified lamb flavour. Needless to say the wines compliment beautifully for each course and the levels from all aspects of this intimate restaurant are very high. It is a little before 8pm when we arrive at Amara with high hopes. We are shown to our table which is directly in front of the stunning picture window overlooking the golf course and hills into the distance. Only up until fairly recently, November 2018 has this restaurant become available to the public, prior to this it was specifically for guests staying at the resort. The ambiance is relaxed, the lighting is a nod to the almond blossom and the feature wall has been based on the Rio Formosa. We are introduced to our Sommelier, Miguel and straight away we are happy to be guided by his expertise in pairing for our chosen courses. We peruse the menu which makes for a difficult choice primarily due to an enticing menu that salivates our taste-buds. We eventually opt for the Foie Gras and Seared Scallops and for mains, Iberian Pork Tenderloin and Seared Loin of Lamb. There are three types of bread, (farmhouse white, granary and fruit) with accompanying butter beautifully sculpted in to pretty designs. Miguel returns and explains his choice of wines to accompany our starters, it makes for an interesting choice. For the Foie Gras he recommends a Madeiran wine which sits in between a port and sherry. For the Scallops he chooses for us a Vinho Verde with a little degree of fizz. Both taste very well and we are even more eagerly awaiting our starters now. What you can not help but notice is the very relaxed and beautiful atmosphere the restaurant and staff create for



We are now incredibly content and even more so to see Miguel who finally chooses and explains his choices for the dessert wine. For dessert we opt (after a great deal of deliberation may I add, due to so many delights on offer throughout their menu) Dom Rodrigo Egg Cream served with Almond tuile, Egg threads and cinnamon ice cream, Green apple Parfait glace served with mousse and caramel ice cream and finally Callebaut Chocolate Ganache served with caramelised banana, crunch hazelnut and banana ice cream. Once again the superlatives keep on coming, the presentation is sublime and so is the taste, the accompanying wine is on-point and there you have three very happy diners indeed! Coffees are served and chef decides to finally present three individual salted caramel chocolates. All I can say is I am delighted that this restaurant is now available in the public domain!

+INFO:   +351 289 357 579  amarafairways

ENVIRONMENT Even many kilometres from the city, the glow from the poorly designed sodium light swamps the night sky.

Poor Little Owl has lost his darkness!


These are the billows and swirls of our own Milky Way galaxy that we should be able to see on a dark night.

BY DR. BEVERLEY EWEN-SMITH Not many years ago, the Algarve night was pristine and you could look up and enjoy the wonders of the Universe from almost any outdoor location. Our elderly neighbours, who grew up before electric lighting was available in homes, and despite having little formal education, had a comprehensive knowledge of the night sky that amazed us. Gradually, with increasing development, the proliferation of poorly designed lighting meant that we were more and more denied access to this precious and delightful part of our heritage. Many people living in urban areas may never have had the chance to see the stars or the planets and even the Moon could only punch through the insidious glow when it is Full. The good news is that here in the Algarve, things are slowly beginning to improve. Local authorities are slowly waking up to the fact that the quality of lighting can be enhanced at the same time as saving money by designing fixtures that do their job without wasting energy on light that goes straight up into the sky.

"The good news is that here in the Algarve, things are slowly beginning to improve"

In our area, the local authority has begun to replace the old yellow sodium vapour lights with full-cut-off LED lights. For each streetlight that is replaced, we see a measurable improvement in the quality of the night sky. Compared with the old lights, the new LED lights cost much less run, last much longer and show things in their real colours, rather than the monochrome yellow of the old sodium vapour lights. As the new light housings have a flat face, which, if correctly installed, is horizontal and facing downwards, no light at all is directed upwards. As a result, the glories of the night sky are beginning to return to us. This is excellent news for those of us who love the stars, the planets and the Milky Way, but it is also good news for the natural world.



We are only just beginning to understand the ill effects of light pollution on many species, including ourselves. Some birds migrate at night and use the Moon to navigate. In many places, their migration is disrupted by artificial light that confuses their navigation. Other species hunt at night and the lack of darkness interferes with the balance between predator and prey. We have certainly noticed a significant drop in the number of Little Owls around the observatory over the last few years, even though they are diurnal. Many amphibians use night time croaking as part of their mating ritual and poor lighting can seriously interfere with this process. The widely reported drop in insect abundance may, in part, be a consequence of us carelessly turning night into day and upsetting the balance of nature. My personal favourites are the glowworms that used to be abundant here but are becoming rarer as the 'come hither' light of the females is swamped by the glare of artificial light. Thank goodness that things are beginning to improve here in the Algarve.

As the quality of highway lighting improves, the poor design of some privately installed lights becomes more apparent. It always puzzles me that in the Portuguese Highway Code, dazzling oncoming traffic with your headlights is a more serious offence than speeding or drink-driving and is subject to a two year driving ban. At the same time, privately installed lighting beside the highway seems to be free to blind oncoming drivers with impunity. Let's all hope that they too soon get the message and give us back our stars. Bev Ewen-Smith runs the Algarve Observatory with his wife Jan.

+INFO: î €

On the left, the new LED lamps light the roadway perfectly but the lamps themselves can hardly be seen. On the right, the poorly designed sodium light hardly lights the road but blazes into your eyes.

Edifício Sol, Rua Cristóvão Pires Norte Almancil 8135-117 Algarve, Portugal +351 289 393 378


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