Purpose, Perspective & Action
As a global society, our greatest challenges - be it a pandemic, equality, climate or health - cannot be solved by one person or one community alone. Instead, it requires collaboration from citizens who show awareness and empathy, who are committed to a purpose beyond themselves and who are willing to participate and lead. Increasingly, prospective employers are looking for today’s graduates to have the necessary skills for working in global environments, however, the importance of purpose, perspective and action cannot be overstated. It is why we nurture our students to find where their talents and passions intersect, why we provoke reflection and discussion in the classroom, why we prioritise the development of skills over the memorisation of facts and why we empower our students to have a voice and use it. Toorak has a rich history of equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make a difference in the world and with so many graduates leading positive change, we recently caught up with four Collegians to hear their take on what the world needs in its future leaders.