TemerIN 2014 ENG

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So near Temerin, a colorful small town that will fascinate you with its tranquility, is situated in the south of Bačka by the highway, at the distance of 20 km from Novi Sad and 80 km from Belgrade. Entering the municipality of Temerin you will feel the hospitality of our hardworking residents. Nice houses, greenery and a great number of small and middle firms testify to diligence of the inhabitants of Temerin and their devotion to the town. If you walk in Temerin, buy in shopping centers, swim in the swimming pool or enjoy a walk along the Jegrička River, you will hear several different languages. Multiculturalism is the essential characteristic of Temerin and we are proud of it. During the last few years Temerin is considered as a place of rich ethno gastronomic offer. Today our visitors are especially interested in wine ranches and small private wineries. In their vineyards high-grade sorts of grapes are grown and typical local wines are made. Numerous restaurants with authentic Temerin’s specialities and wine from our wineries will help you to enjoy with all of your senses. Besides the delicious local cuisine and nice wine, every trip to Temerin implys very cheap but qualitative shopping in numerous department stores. Rich cultural-historical and natural heritage is recognizable in preserved objects of the Sečen Palace, old park around it and ethno houses that cherish traditions of the residents of Temerin. In the surroundings there are many nice places for walking, enjoying on the banks of Jegička River and other kinds of active relaxation. Dynamism of the town is reflected in a great number of cultural, artistic and sports manifestations which take place here during the whole year. Temerin, on the basis of unofficial data, has got the longest street in Serbia – today’s Novosadska Street or former Maršal Tito Street is 12,5 km long. Coming from Novi Sad, the first is Bački Jarak where the street has 142 numbers and in Temerin the numbers start again from 2 and go to 694.

A walk through history First time Temerin was mentioned in 1332 in receipt of payment of Pope’s tenth which was issued to parish priest Laurentije de Temeri after whom Temerin was probably named. At that time the settlement was a part of the Hungarian Kingdom and settled mostly by the residents of Roman-Catholic confession. After 1526 the Turkish period started. The oldest and the first census of a Serbian village Temerin was found among the account books of Szeged territory for 1560/1561 tax year. On the basis of taxes might be seen that the residents occupied themselves with producing grains and vegetables, cattle breeding and beekeeping. After liberation from the Turkish reign, during the whole 18th century and farther, Temerin was a part of the Habsburg Monarchy and belonged to the Bodroski District (The most part of Bačka was the Komorsko Estate). The first military map of settlement Temerin is from 1783. The old Serbian village Temerin was drawn into it. The first primary school was founded in 1742. Temerin was rich and developed place whose residents built the Orthodox Church which was dedicated to St. Assumption of the Lord between 1746 and 1749. Besides the military map about the existence of this church testify the church books. Some of them have been kept at church of village Djurdjevo up to the present days. The church was made of bricks which is the important fact because the most churches of that time were made of wood. Temerin and Bački Jarak were sold to count Šandor Sečen in 1796 for 80.000 forints. Afterwards the Hungarians were settled into village Temerin first of all because of count Sečen’s effort to provide workforce. It was followed by settling of Germans to Bački Jarak which was the Temerin moors up to then. Since then up to nowadays Temerin is multinational milieu with often fluctuation of population. The count Sečen’s attempt to turn Serbian people into serfs resulted in removal of the Serbs from Temerin in 1800. They demolished their houses and the church and moved building material to a new settlement which was named Đurđevo. In the 19th century Temerin was mainly inhabited by the Hungarians. Between 1796 and 1804 the count Sečen had a representative building – a palace or a kastel – built. In 1799 Temerin was proclaimed the status of a provincial town and got the right to hold four cattle markets per year. The Catholic Church was built in 1804 and the ‘old school’ was erected in 1835. In Serbian-Hungarian conflict in 1848 Temerin was burnt down and the residents as refugees moved to the north of Bačka, to Bačka Topola, Mali Iđoš and Čantavir. After two or three years most residents came back to their homes. In 1860 a merchant Antal Fernbah from Apatin bought the Sečens’ property and kastel. His inheritors kept the large estate in Temerin till the land reform in the period of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. During the Austrian empress Maria Theresa’s reign the construction of the main road had started and the local residents continued to invest in building this road in the next decades. There used to be a custom to put On 20 July (St. Ilija’s day) in 1853 Temerin was hit by bad weather. Heavy storm and ice destroyed the fields. The Hungarian people swore that they won’t work on that day in the future and proclaimed it as their patron saint’s day. The custom of blessing the new bread followed by street procession was renovated in 1991.

crosses with Jesus instead of foundation stone. One of them could be seen at the exit of Temerin towards Bečej. For a long time a main street was the first stop of post carriages which came from Vieena and via Petrovaradin went to Temisoara and Brasovan. The local residents of Staro Đurđevo retold that building of the first houses started around 1900 and history remembered that in the thirties of 20th century the poor was leased sites out. In such a way dilapidated road surrounded by marshes started to look like street which, during the time, is going to be the longest and the most populated street in former Yugoslavia and in today’s Serbia. Railroad Novi Sad-Temerin-Bečej was put into circulation in 1899 and it stimulated the industrial development of Temerin. Brickyard and the first steam mills started working. Temerin became one of the most important commercial centers in the south – east Bačka. The new period in history and economy of settlement has started in 1920. Agricultural authorities from Belgrade and Novi Sad directed the Serbian volunteers from the First World War to settle Temerin. The settlers originally came from Bosnia, Herzegovina, Lika and other areas. They colonized the new settlement which was called Staro Đurđevo in remembrance of the old Serbian settlement in Temerin. At the place of today’s Bački Jarak there used to be the old settlement which was mentioned in 1267 under the Slav name Ireg, Irgud, Ervg but also Vreg that means ditch. This name is after the trench that has been existed from Roman period. Bački Jarak was founded in 1787 as the last colonized settlement of the emperor Joseph II. The first settlers were from Virtemberg, Hesen-Nasau, Falacka and Alzas. Up to the Second World War the municipality of Bački Jarak was inhabited by the Germans of Evangelical confession and numbered about 2000 inhabitants. Till the First World War the place is called Jarak but in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes ‘Bački’ is added to its name to distinguish it from the place with the same name in Srem. The residents of Jarak were the count Sečen’s serfs from 1798 to 1848. The count Sečen was the owner of the village and ruled it. The first place of worship was a house but in 1823 the new church was consecrated. In 1946 a great number of people from Krajina, Bosnia and Herzegovina settled Bački Jarak after the Germans had been forced to leave their homes at the end of the Second World War. Sirig is the smallest and the youngest settlement in the municipality of Temerin. To smaller colonies Ka mendin and Savez and some ranches are an integral part of it. In historical records it was mentioned in the 15th century. It is supposed that the present name is connected to the name of the Sirig moors. Today’s settlement has started to develop intensively since 1927 when the families of Serbian volunteers, the Salonica warriors, from Bođani and Vajska were displaced because of floods of the Danube in 1924 and 1926, and settled the place of Sirig. Later 25 families of volunteers from village Sokolac in Banat came to Sirig. The significant development Sirig reaches after the Second World War.

The famous persons Lukijan Mušicki – a man who thought up the letter Đ Lukijan Mušicki was born on 27 January 1777 in Temerin. He completed the primary school in Temerin, the secondary school in Novi Sad and Szeged and sudied low and philosophy in Pest. After finishing the studies he became an administrator at the arch bishop’s office in Karlovci, a teacher at theological seminary and, after turned monk, an archimandrite of Šišatovac. As a very well educated writer Mušicki has written four books of lyric poems with patriotic, moral and didactic contents. He lived when Vuk Stefanović Karadžić reformed language and orthography and he also occupied himself with a matter of language. At the time he lived he was considered very learned person. So, it is not strangely that he is meritorious for introduction of letter Đ into the Serbian cyrillic alphabet.

Karolj Baranji i Zlata Markov Baranji – the contemporaries of Picaso Karolj Baranji and Zlata Markov Baranji, a married couple of artists and sculptors, left the legacy of priceless value to Temerin believing that local people are in tune with their world, expression and reflection in time. They created at the same time as Picaso and in 1937 Karolj, with Ivan Tabaković, got the Gran pri at the World exhibition in Paris. Karolj’s rewarded work of art ‘Ikar’ graced the plane factory in Zemun. Their works embelish many spaces; among other things there is Zlata’s sculpture ‘Autumnal sun’ in the park at Palić. In front of KIC (Cultural informative centar) ‘Lukijan Mušicki’ in Temerin there is the sculpture ‘A girl who combs herself ’ and it is possible to visit a museum space in the centre of the town where the works of these two artists are exhibited.

Sirmai Karolj – the writer of two towns Karolj Sirmai was born in 1890 in Temerin. Since 1923 he lived in Vrbas where he was buried in 1972. He completed the secondary school in Novi Sad, studies in Pest and won his doctor’s degree in Budapest. He published more than ten books, stories and one novel and between 1933 and 1941 he edited and published the magazine ‘Kalanđa’. His most famous stories are ‘The snowstorm’, ‘Roaming trains’ and ‘Bridges at night’. In remembrance of this writer who lived and worked in Temerin and Vrbas these two towns founded the Memorial and the literary prize under his name in 1975. The Memorial take place by turns in Temerin and Vrbas every second year. But the literary prize is awarded every year for stories and novels printed in Hungarian and Serbian language.

Sečen’s palace The Sečen palace in Temerin sets a distinct seal on its history and culture. Walls, over two hundred years old, have remembered many significant events. Among those walls important people stayed and famous families lived. Kastel was built by the Sečen family in 1975. Its architects aren’t known but according to some tellings the reception room and the eastern part of the palace were built on the basis of the plans made by famous canal constructor Jožef Kiš. The Sečen family, by available data, ruled Temerin for many years and stayed at Castel where they led very luxurious life. Although it was hard time, a lot of revolutions and troubles, the Sečen family was appreciated by the serfs. In one chronicle Karolj Sečen was called ‘father of his serfs’ because he sacrificed himself

The Sečen palace is the object with clear stylistic characteristics of the elegant and simple Baroque - Classicism. The residential noble building is preserved in its authentic shape. As a prominent cultural value the palace in Temerin was put under the protection in 1949. Today in the palace building there is the secondary school Lukijan Mušicki.

for them and shared grain and money. During the conflicts in 1848 the SeÄ?en family left the palace which sustained many damages. In 1874 the last offspring of this family sold the property and kastel to rich merchant Antal Fernbah and that is the beginning of new period in a life of kastel. The family Fernbah and mostly Ana Fernbah contributed that the palace and park around it look like the castles in France and England. The Fernbahs were very rich family and owned the whole Temerin until the land reform in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. After the land reform, The Fernbahs sold the palace to the Matković family and the palace was their ownership till the end of the Second World War. After nationalization there was placed the Head of National Committee.

Old park The Sečen palace is surrounded by the old park which stretches on the ground of 20 acres. The wall made of bricks and the built ditch sheltered the park from the outside world. The best gardeners made this park at the time of the Sečen family. In the middle of 19th century the palace became the ownership of the Fernbahs and the gardener Vince Sadlek transformed the surrounding park into the decorative garden – arboretum. The gardens were full with flowers, decorative plants and fountains. Park was decorated with two gazebos, one in the garden and the second on the hillock by the lake. Since the beginning of the 20th century the garden planted with choice and unusual trees was adorned with fountains and sculptures. The family and its guests used to spend most of the day in the park behind the palace. The common people used to go for a walk in the park on Sundays but on the other days only students and intelectuals were allowed to enter the beautiful gardens. Among the gardeners who arranged the park Mikloš Terteli from Temerin distinguished himself. He was the educated gardener who was on duty for almost 20 years, in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century, and did it with love and care. In his hands the park reached the bloom. Today park is kept by JKP Temerin (municpal services). The apperance of the park is enriched with the lake and for recreational activities the new track was built. Park was put under the protection in 2001 and was classified as the monument of nature of the third category.

Homeland house in Temerin is the last example of boarded facade in the shape of sunbeams on this territory.

Homeland house - TÁJHÁZ This is the Panonian – lowland type of house. It represents the national rural arhitecture of the Hungarian residents in Temerin and the things that were used every day or in festive occasions in compliance with traditional and rural way of life. The house is shown on the land registry map from 1892. The structure of roof is angular and it is covered with thatch. Along the porch (gong) on the wall hand tools are ready and reminds of one-time importance of hemp treatment. The curiosity is the wooden washing machine which was made and patented by a carpenter Ujvari. There are saddler’s tools, an anvil to sharpen scytne, the hand tool to shell maiz and the weel wright’s (vaulting) horse. It used to be cooked at the fireplace in the kitchen. There is a kitchen cupboard and a shelf with cutlery. Front room or clean room is the nicest room in the house and it shows conditions from the first third of the 20th century. It was used for guests accomodation or for mothers with a new-born baby. Everyday life of the family was set in the back room. A big furnace heated the room and the oldest family members had priority to sit on footstool by it. In this room women weaved and spun, old men chopped up tobacco leaves and children played. The most important object in the front yard is the summer furnace. The small gate (kapidžik) leads to the stable and the back yard. There is crib for cattle and horses, different tools necessary for cattle and horse breeding, equipment for making twig brooms, horse – drown vehicle, a tool used for separating hemp fibers… In experts’ opinion this is one of the best ethno houses in the region. During the year the yard and other facilities are used for art exhibitions, literary evenings and music programmes. It was open on 20 July 2003. ‘Creative house’ is a new object which is placed in the yard of homeland house. The creative house is a place where artistic workshops are carried out by the association of artist (TAKT) from Temerin. There is a gallery and an attic foreseen for guests and artists accommodation.

Open-air museum ‘Brvnara’ Folklore village ‘Brvnara’ in Bački Jarak is unique open-air museum. It is situated by the main traffic artery at the entrance to the settlement from the direction of Novi Sad. Homeland museum collection with its ethnologic and historical characteristics was founded on initiative of the residents of Bački Jarak. They are the Serbs from Bosanska Krajina. The idea of its foundation showed up in 1946 with a wish to cherish memories of homeland and object was erected in 1978. The central object of this complex is Brvnara (log cabin) where is the ethnological part of permanent exhibition. It was built of logs and reminds of traditional house in Dinaric area. It is two part building divided into one bigger room with open fireplace called ‘house’ and a smaller room where is a built stove. The new permanent exhibition was realized by the Museum of Vojvodina in 2012. It presents original museum items, historical documents and photo-material important for national culture and history of people from Krajina. In the yard of the house there is outbuilding (vajat), a house for the young married couple, dairy for keeping and preparing milk and milk products and barn for keeping and drying maize. These three objects are authentic, brought from the old area and made in the same way as before. The mentioned objects fit into the space and with the main building make an authentic environmental whole of yard from Krajina with residential and secondary objects.

Sečen’s palace

Nature park - Jegrička Jegrička is an autochthonous river of Bačka and it is 64,5 km long. Watercourse lost its primary look because the river bed was rearranged. It hasn’t got a usual spring and represents a system of connected ponds where water runs out to its mouth into the Tisa River. Through the municipality of Temerin Jegrička runs with length of 18 km which is 28% of its total length. Only 2 km from Temerin to the north there is the Informative centre of the nature park – Jegrička. Its aim is to offer visitors all necessary information and services. The Informative centre is open on 27 May 2010 at the location where is the object of the Public Water Management Company ‘Vode Vojvodine’ – a keeping house Temerin – not far from the bridge on the road Novi Sad – Bečej. The small river Jegrička is the real natural oasis, shelter for many protected plant and animal species. The landscapes and the Informative center attracts more and more visitors and tourists who want natural environment, recreation, peace and silence on the river’s bank. Here it is possible to enjoy walking along the paths of health, birdwatching, riding in the wooden boats... Premises of the Informative centre are used for different activities. First of all for scientific–research work, presentations of natural values, education... Cultural and sports events, gatherings and promotions take place here. Programmes for children imply one-day trips and educational workshops in the nature. Children familiarize with the values of this area and take part actively in scientific–research activities and ecological workshops.

Jegrička is on the international list of important birds’ habitats (IBA 1997) and also has got the international importance as botanical area (IPA 2005). It is protected area under treatment of protection of the second and third level. Since 2005 it has been managed by the Public Water Management Company ‘Vode Vojvodine’.


There are about 15.000 ha of huntingground on the terittory of the municipality of Temerin. The hunting ground ‘Jegrička – Mali bent’ spreads on 11.000 ha and it is run by the new hunting association ‘Roebuck’. An offer of fairgame includes roebuck, rabbits, pheasants and quails. The second part of hunting ground is managed by hunhting society ‘Sirig’.

Mini ZOO

Mini ZOO was open in 1991 and since than it is a favourite place for many visitors. Predominantly there are marshy birds (25 species), a baboon, guinea pigs, vietnamese pigs, ostriches, roe deer... Relaxed atmosphere and immediate contact with nature and animals at this ZOO attracts families with children and excursions.


Fish pond ‘Jezero’ – Bački Jarak Fish pond ‘Jezero’ is placed in Bački Jarak at the entrance to the municipality of Temerin from the direction of Novi Sad. It spreads on 2 ha but the surface of the water is 1,5 ha. In the lake there are between 6 and 7 tons of capital fish (carp, amur, pike, perch...) The fish pond is open during the period from March to November.

Fish pond ‘ Bušido’ The fish pond ‘Bušido’ is located at gentleness of Vojvodina, on the third kilometer of road from the exit from Temerin towards Bečej. It began in 1998 when the branch of a nearby river Jegrička was reconstructed. In untouched reed and bullrush, in perfectly clean water carp, amur, tench, tolstolobic and white fish found the ideal conditions for life and spawn. A specail challenge and pleasure for fisherman is the fact that two thirds of pond is cowered with reed. It is possible to rent a boat for a ride.

Medicinal water in Temerin Exploitation of thermal water on Temerin territory started long time ago in 1914 when on an estate of Grisa family was dig a well 417 m deep and the first spa capacities were open. Borehole gave 384 l of sulphurous, yellowish water per minute with temperature of 29oC. There was established the presence of iodine, bromine, fluorine, lithium, strontium and the medical features of this water. For the first time methane was separated from water and used to heat water and bathrooms during winter. By its medicinal features, mineral structure and balneological characteristics Temerin thermal water is similar to water of many famous spas of the Panonian plain with alreday acquired reputation. Very successfully it heals degenerative diseases and nonjointed rheumatism, dermatologic and gynaecological illnesses and also has got germicide features. Former Grisa’s bathroom in modern time is a unite for rehabilitation of the Health centre in Temerin. In the vicinity of bathroom there are taps and the residents of Temerin gladly use thermal water for drink. At the beginning of eighties of the 20th century the new well was dug not far away from the centre of Temerin. In the neighbourhood of this well the complex of swimming pools was open in 1985. Here water is drawn from the depth of 600 m and the temperature of water is 37 oC. It is classified as exceptionally healing and balmy water rich with minerals, iodic and sulphuric compounds. Having a bath in the swimming pools with thermal water is recommmended for curing and preventing rheumatic, degenerative and skin diseases.

Swimming pool in Temerin One of nicer arranged complex of swimming pools in Vojvodina spreads on 19.500 m2 and consist of the big Olympic swimming pool and two pools with thermal water. Beside the medicinal features of thermal water, many recreational facilities are available to the visitors: three beach volley fields, playground with accessories to entertain the youngest, school for nonswimmers, aquafittnes. Grassland for rest and recreation is carefully cultivated. Visitors can spend pleasant moments at few catering gardens with rich offer of food and cooling drinks. The swimming pool with its facilities is a place where many sports, cultural and entertaining events take place. The swimming pool is open from the beginning of June to the middle of September and its working time is from 10 am to 7 pm.


azen.c b i k s n i r e m e www.t

Wine ranch – Vindulo The winary Vindulo is a family manufacture that occupys itself with wine production and wine-tourism. Tourists go sightseeing of vineyards and wine-cellars, familiarize with production process, taste wine with chosen specialities of Bačka and great amusement. Wine tasting for 15 and more persons is booked in advance. Winter seating capacity for wine tasting is 60 people but in summer authentic Bačka’s yard and terrace have the capacity of 100 guests. In the beautiful setting of Bačka’s plain you may enjoy wine that are laureled with many champion cups at the competition in the country and abroad. In a wide assortment of wine the next ones stand out: Mirna Bačka, Panonija, Rosana, Tri Star and Slatka Eva.


Buca’s ranch Buca’s ranch is a real small oasis, a place ideal for rest and relaxation. Marvelous ambience of this ranch with farmyard and typical animals offers numberless opportunities for enjoyment. Rich menu and excellent hosts will make your stay at this ranch unforgettable. Buca ranch is 2 km far from the centre of Temerin and it is an ideal place to escape from hurly-burly of city life.

Wine fair

JANUARY Organizer: The Society of friends of gardens, Temerin

Every year in January Temerin becomes the centre of wine culture. This fair is international and, besides domestic vintners, gathers vintners from Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Slovenia. In 2010 the record in the number of wine samples was set. It is one of the biggest tourist-wine events in Vojvodina, Serbia and the region and gathers few thousands visitors. It takes place at different locations and the programme of fair includes: reunion of vintners from the Panonian plain, gathering of international and local wine evaluators, assembly of wine societies from Serbia and surrounding countries, experts’ lectures and wine tasting. Wine fair contributes significantly to popularization of wine production and viniculture in Temerin. Beside Wine fair in January, the Society of friends of gardens organizes ‘Pumpkin festival of South Bačka’ in October and ‘Brandy fair’ in May.

BEAN festival

JUNE Organizer: Ecocenter ‘Vodomar 05’, Temerin

In the previous ten years Temerin became famous for the BEAN festival – international competition in cooking bean soup. Bean festival is gastronomic, cultural and entertaining event inspired by our culinary tradition. In 2010 the largest number of teams enter for this competition. Folow up programmes are: ‘Sweet street’ and ‘Lowland games’. The biggest lunch at Balkan is prepared at the BEAN festival. This is the action of cooking for charity, about 4.000 portions of bean soup is distributed and collected funds are given to ones who really need support. One of the organizer’s aims is to promote ecology and to raise awareness of importance of protection and preservation of the environment. Open-air concerts during two festival days cater for musical tastes of the tenths thousands visitors. Besides the BEAN festival Ecocenter ‘Vodomar 05’ organizes an ecological event ‘Ride a bike and help the planet’ to draw attention of public to disadvantages of driving and pollution it causes. There are ‘Eco patrol’, ‘Be an artist and recycle’ and many others.

Publisher: Tourist organization of the Municipality of Temerin 403 Novosadska Street 21235 Temerin E-mail: temturorg@hotmail.com Web: www.temerintourism.org.rs For the publisher: Ivana Pejović Authors: Ivana Pejović Zoran Govedarica Tamara Šite Design: Biljana Kozomora

Photography: Majoroš Žužana Nenad Glišić Slavuška.Bč Skrivi Photography Mihailo Berček Nikola Stojanović Slavica Dejanović Miodrag Grujičić Translator into English: Stanislava Bakić Jokanić Print: Grafoprodukt Subotica Prvo izdanje Temerin, 2014.

CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 908(497.113 Temerin)(036) PEJOVIĆ, Ivana Temerin / authors Ivana Pejović, Zoran Govedarica, Tamara Šite ; photos Majoroš Žužana ... [et al.]. - 1st ed. Temerin : Tourist organization of the Municipality, 2014 (Subotica : Grafoprodukt). - [30] str. : ilustr. ; 22 cm Tiraž 300. ISBN 978-86-917539-2-4 1. Govedarica, Zoran 2. Šite, Tamara a) Темерин - Водичи COBISS.SR-ID 287383303

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