SENTECH offers an array of digital infrastructure services, that enable connectivity and content delivery.
As an enabler of connectivity and content delivery, these offerings include:
Video and Audio Content
Provision of digital platforms for the delivery media services in South Africa and Africa through DTH, DTT, SENTECH Apps, AI enabled Set-Top-Boxes and 5G broadcasting.
With the wealth of strategically positioned Towers, Sentech provides broadcast coverage to more 100% of the population.
Facility leasing and co-location on its masts will provide managed
Find us:
Address: Sender Technology Park, Octave Street, Honeydew
infrastructure of both passive and active infrastructure solutions with value added services for its customers.
Sentech connects households, healthcare centres, education facilities and communities in South Africa through Satellite (VSAT), Fixed Wireless, 5G, and Cloud services.
Data Centre Infrastructure Provider
Sentech offers cloud and data hosting services, which will provide compute power, storage and disaster recovery capabilities.
Satellite Operations
Sentech is developing a geo-spatial satellite which will enable broadband communication services in sub-Saharan Africa. @Sentech
Postal: SENTECH, Private Bag X06, Honeydew, 2040
WhatsApp: 060 062 5458
Call Centre: 0860 736 832
Email: support@sentech.co.za
Your guide to all things #SentechAfricaTechWeek. Check out our CEO, moderators, partners and more in this official Sentech Africa Tech Week Post Event Report.
A brief breakdown of the 4-day conference.
Keep up-to-date with all the sessions and topics throughout the conference.
Conference Stats
The official conference statistics of Sentech Africa Tech Weekonline and in-person.
We thank our sponsors and partners for their contributions in bringing you the 2023 Sentech Africa Tech week.
Letter From The CEO
An introduction by the CEO of Topco Media, Ralf Fletcher.
Get to know the hosts of the show, Susan Oh & Bobby Brown.
We ake a look at some of the images from #SentechAfricaTechWeek.
The #SentechAfricaTechWeek Awards.
CEO of Sentech, Mlamli Booi’s Foreword.
Government officials, business leaders & more. Have a look at all the speakers we have lined up just for you.
The Gamer’s Corner
Take a break with our ATW themed word search and Sudoku puzzles.
And we are live!
Please note that this programme is subject to change without any notice, and printed prior to the actual event. Scan the QR code for the online Africa Tech Week Souvenir Programme.
As we gather for the Sentech Africa Tech Week Conference 2023, I am reminded of the journey that brought us here.
At Topco Media, we have spent years grappling with the challenges of digitisation, driven by curiosity and frustration with the many hurdles we encountered along the way. It was this desire for answers that led us to create Africa Tech Week.Through this event, we aim to bring together entrepreneurs, policy makers, investors, and startups to learn, inspire, and forge new partnerships.
It is a remarkable opportunity for all of us to discover what sets successful companies apart and how we can drive impact in our respective fields.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Let us come together to inspire and drive positive change in our communities, and show the world what Africa is truly capable of achieving. I am honoured to welcome you all to the ‘new frontier’- a place created in Africa, for Africans, by Africans.
Let us seize this opportunity to learn, inspire, and make a difference.
Thank you.
As my team and I have come to discover, Africa is a hotbed of potential for testing new ideas and concepts. Though we may lack in capital, we more than make up for it with ingenuity, resilience, and a ‘can do’ attitude. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a great chance to reset and level the playing field, and Sentech Africa Tech Week is a golden opportunity we cannot afford to miss. As we work towards transforming the world, we need advocates like you to give us feedback and connect with one another.
It is going to take all of us shining a light on the good and great that is happening around tech in Africa to help propel the continent’s growth and reputation. In the words of one of my favourite quotes,
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
Ralf Fletcher, CEO | Topco Media
This year’s Techweek promises to be on a higher level than what we have seen before, judging by the lineup of speakers and participants. Africa is going through is not a struggle to move to digitisation, but it is a collective and collaborative effort to reach the pinnacles we need to achieve as Africa in solving problems faced by Africa. I will keep my introduction succinct lest I delve too deep into the intricacies and technicalities of digital advancement in Africa . I am a devoted proponent of the digital economy, and get straight to the main gist of the conference and the awards ceremony for the 2023 conference.
This year , the SENTECH Africa Tech Week will most certainly deliver on its set objectives, as it has done in the previous year, to propel Africa into the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). The challenges that many Africans are faced with, because of the lack of connectivity, include; children not receiving new technological skills set from school curriculum because of the lack of advanced digital infrastructure. Also, healthcare remains an inaccessible essential service in indigent constituencies, environmental consequences, increased poverty, higher unemployment, and cybercrimes. As SENTECH we constantly seek to find permanent solutions, not respite, to Africa’s digital shortfall. No one person or community should be deprived of digital connectivity to suffer the deleterious effects of a digital divide.
As government entities, policymakers, the academia, young and old innovators, private organisations, and global leaders, we are accountable for building a sustainable and competitive Africa. It all begins at the SENTECH Africa Tech Week. This renowned conference will ensure that it lives up to its theme Unleashing Africa’s Digital Economy
As our mission statement states, “A global leader in digital infrastructure, enabling connectivity and content delivery”; we are committed and determined to put Africa on the map and contribute to technological advancements towards bridging digital divide!
Scan the QR code to read the full 2 day programme
While he is a creative and innovative thought-leader on the topic of future entrepreneurship, Bobby started his multi-media career as an ordinary journalist, cutting his teeth with the Sunday Times, Joburg’s Star newspaper and Primedia’s 702 Eyewitness News, before moving on to television broadcasting and later entrepreneurship.
A natural storyteller, he is best remembered for his exciting and novel presentation-style on SABC2’s previous breakfast TV show AM2Day, where he held his own alongside some of the country’s most seasoned professionals - Alex Jay, Shado Twala, Martin Bailey, Nomfundo Madumo and Jeremy Maggs, among others. He has lectured in journalism, is a voice-over artist, loves to travel, consume documentaries and is an obsessive collector of all types of music.
Susan is a fractional CMO and advisor to a number of AI and blockchain based start ups, working with Menas Global in Dubai, and US-based Hangry Animals, Ngeni AI lab in Kenya. She is the former CMO of robotics company, Beyond Imagination, cofounded by Harry Kloor and Ray Kurzweil, and was a founding Board Member of Blockchain Commission For Sustainable Development, with support of the Office of Partnerships UN GA.
A journalist since age 16 (CNBC, Newsweek, EIU), Susan started writing about tech start-ups in 2012 as a business reporter, to then be asked by the companies she profiled to advise them. She began working as a founding member of AI start-ups in Silicon Valley and New York City in 2014, to then working with blockchain tools in 2017 in order to track data integrity for her training corpus in her study of NLU/NLP.
At ATW, we love a good easter egg!
Think you’ve got a sharp eye and quick fingers?
Be the first to spot all six of our #ATW swag bag stickers hidden across this programme. Snap a pic of each of them, tweet us @AfricaTechWeek with each of them & #ATW23 to stand a chance to WIN!
Hurry up and get hunting xx
Link Africa is South Africa’s largest independent Fibre Network Operator, which builds and operates Fibre Optic Networks using an innovative patented infrastructure deployment method on various modes of infrastructure.
Taking your organisation to the edge of compute
NLD and IPLC par tnerships
Enabling IOT
Link Africa has the exclusive South African rights to deployment in water & sewer systems.
Link Africa has the exclusive South African rights to deployment in water & sewer systems.
Link Africa has the exclusive South African rights to deployment in water & sewer systems.
As a leader in the industr y, we have been building and operating Fibre Optic Networks Provider (ISP). choice.
As a leader in the industr y, we have been building and operating Fibre Optic Networks Provider (ISP). choice.
As a leader in the industr y, we have been building and operating Fibre Optic Networks since Provider (ISP). choice.
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corpo citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We beli universal access for all.
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corpo citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We beli universal access for all.
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corporate citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We believe in universal access for all.
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as w surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as w surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as well as in surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few Our vision make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice provide reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few Our vision is to make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice providers to reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few. Our vision is to make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice providers to reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor
A first of its kind.
As a people-first technology company that prides itself on delivering innovative and disruptive Fintech, Mobile and Digital solutions, IMS Global Ventures, in partnership with SANTACO, are excited to launch FairPay as part of its transport sector
digitization strategy. FairPay is a single, data rich platform that integrates into SANRAL’s Automated Fare Collection System. With SANTACO, we aim to use innovative solutions to affect positive and meaningful change across the industry, driving interoperability with other public transport operators. Not only does FairPay enable consumers to transact and travel on taxi, bus or train without
carrying cash, but consumers will be able to purchase airtime, data bundles, and electricity quickly and easily. Where consumers are without cash, but needing to travel or transact, we facilitate financial service offerings.
What’s more, in keeping with our purpose, to positively impact the lives of consumers whilst delivering real value to our partners, Fairpay with SANTACO, are setting up an agent distribution network that will be responsible for selling and topping-up of transport cards and the FairPay wallet. This initiative intends to create over 10,000 jobs within the taxi rank ecosystem.
For more information: Email: support@fairpay.co.za Phone: +27 100 056 777
Take advantage of our awsome delegate dicounts at these partipating hotels.
Century City Hotel
Single Superior Canal Facing room –R 1600 per room, per night including breakfast
Single Superior Piazza Facing room –R 1600 per room, per night including breakfast
All the above rates include uncapped Wi-Fi and excludes 1% Tourism Levy.
Century City
Hotel Urban Square
Single Superior room – R 1700 per room, per night including breakfast
For more information on our hotels: cchotels.co.za
Guests are welcome to use the following reference when booking their accommodation: Africa Tech Week
Promo Code Name: AfriTech
Discount: 30%
Bookable Period: From 2 April 2023
Valid Stay Dates : 2 - 5 May 2023
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a string of letters (and numbers) provided by the domain name system (DNS) to allow people to find their way around the Internet using names instead of the numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS) works like the cellphone: instead of memorizing your friend’s number, you simply allocate their name to the number so that all you need when you call them is just to recall their name. Likewise, the DNS allows you to allocate the domain name instate of a tricky IP address, e.g. yourname co za
How do I register a .za name?
What can I do with my .za domain?
• Look professional with your very own personalised .za email address & .za website page.
• Link your social media profiles to your za website
• Advertise on your own .za web address.
• Open an online store using your za website!
Use a .za website to track and measure which product or service your website visitors are looking for, and prioritise what to advertise.
Why choose a .za domain name?
A .za domain name gives you a clear South African online ID. Nothing online says better that you’re South African than a .za domain name!
za domain name registration is done on world-class domain name registration system that allows names to be registered online without human interference.
za registration fees are very competitive e g Co za, Net za, Org za & Web za wholesale fee cost only R55 excluding VAT. And Ac.za, Gov.za, Nom.za domain name registration is free!
.za has a proven dispute resolution (ADR) against cybersquatting & intellectual property abuse in co.za, net.za, org za and web za domains
You will be investing in the local ICT industry (because your fees are used in South Africa).
Attract potential customers online through your .za website, as you rank better on search engines when people search for South African businesses, products & services
A .za domain name (web address) gives you exclusive, much better South African online real estate that you hold
Nigeria - 165 (3.68%)
Kenya - 85 (1.9%)
Ghana - 37 (0.82%)
YES - 9.3 %
NO - 78 %
KIND OF - 12.7 %
YES - 33.3 % NO - 45.7 %
ALMOST - 21 %
We trended on Twitter!
“Whether you are in the public sector, the private sector, supply chain or an interested individual, PSL has something for you“
AWS is helping the public sector improve citizen ser vices with secure and sustainable cloud ser vices.
From migrating mission-critical systems to exciting digital innovation, AWS suppor ts the government’s ambition toward digital transformation.
E mpow HER: Creating access to markets for
Proto is a virtual transportation device that lets viewers see, hear and interact with others both live and pre-recorded
You are literally 'beamed in' from anywhere in the world in life-size, high density resolution with built-in motion cameras and high fidelity speakers
Proto delivers a truly real-life, real-size, realtime digital presence through volumetric display. Proto brings the magic & power of digital into the real world.
Viewers can’t help but stop and wonder at PROTO.
We are changing the way the world connects.
Channel Africa is South Africa’s international public broadcast radio station whose primary audience is the entire African continent. Our secondary audience is the rest of the world, where we harvest our news and information. As an International Public Broadcaster, our core values subscribe to the highest journalistic ethics which find expression in fairness, accuracy, and impartiality.
Channel Africa is a platform through which Africa is engaged in debate with itself, and recognises South Africa as a role player in continental and international a airs.
Vision: “The African Perspective”
Mission: “to promote the regeneration, revival, and rejuvenation of Africa, through the production and broadcast of dynamic, stimulating, and interesting programmes”.
Contact Information:
Tel: 011 714 2997
Fax: 011 714 2072
Email: info@channelafrica.co.za
Web: www.channelafrica.co.za
Twitter: channelafrica1
Instagram: channelafricaradio
EduTech of the year award
Health Tech of the year award
Digital Transformation of the year award
Security Technology Company of the year award
Women in Tech of the year award
Ceo of the year award
T r a n s f o r m y o u r l i v i n g a n d w o r k s p a c e i n t o a l u x u r i o u s h a v e n w i t h o u r c a p t i v a t i n g h o m e f r a g r a n c e s - e a c h i n f u s e d w i t h t h e r i c h n e s s a n d n a t u r a l b e a u t y o f A f r i c a .
Manage to solve the puzzles? Check your answers!
Meet the team responsible for Unleashing Africa’s Tech Giants at this year’s Sentech Africa Tech Week Conference. See any of us around the event? Come and say hi!