Issue 164 - Dr. Desirée Cox

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I S S U E 1 6 4 | L O N G E V I T Y , Q U A L I T Y O F L I F E A N D R E G E N E R A T I V E H E A LT H




PG 48


Dr. Desirée Cox MD, MPhil, Ph.D

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. - G.K. CHESTERTON



Brianna Connors


Riley George


H a n n a h To w n e s


Derek Archer


Lauren Rider


Sarah Cook

contributors Adreana Mendez A n n Y. Drew B. Gaye Newton Gentry Shannon Ionuț Raicea

Louisa Emhof Luke Argue Mălina O. R. Nathan Pipkin Peter C. Yuko Tabasa

trigger & content warning To p D o c t o r M a g a z i n e c a r e s a b o u t y o u r w e l l b e i n g . We a d v i s e r e a d e r d i s c r e t i o n as some of the following articles contain topics related to eating disorders, body image, and mental health. If you or someone you know may be struggling with a n e a t i ng d i s o rd e r, c o n t a c t t h e Na t i o n a l Eating Disorder Associations for support.

a letter from the editor

Living a healthy and balanced life is a daily challenge many of us face. With the constant flow of medical advancements and health trends in lifestyle mixed with the busy rhythm of our lives, we often are prevented from learning these new techniques to improve our lives for the betterment of our health. Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their healthiest and best lives. We seek to bridge the gap between medical professionals and consumers who are seeking to improve their overall health and wellbeing. Our contributors guarantee to constantly keep you up to date in the latest health trends and medical advancements with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, varying from anything like nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices and the latest medical technologies! We hope that our exclusive articles, recipes, and pieces will guide you towards self-realization, self-improvement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves in every health aspect. Because we at Top Doctor Magazine know that when you look your best, feel your best, and understand your health best, you can be the greatest version of yourself possible.

FEATURED 10 How to Start a Garden For the First Time

contents 16 How to Cope With an Anxiety Disorder: 10 Ways to Prevent a Panic Attack

22 Identity and Eating Disorders

30 The Positive and Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery

36 Does a Lack of Serotonin Really Affect Depression?

42 The Connection Between Insomnia and Mental Health

FEATURED 48 Longevity and Quality of Life Through Regenerative Health: An 49 Interview with Dr. Desirée Cox 8

54 Are Eating Disorders Considered Mental Illnesses?

62 What Is Intuitive Eating? Learning to Trust Our Bodies


66 Morinaga: Recent Trend in Functional Food Science

70 What Food Helps with a Bloated Stomach?



High Protein Snack Recipes



How to Engage in Sexual Self Care

90 What Is Menopause?

90 Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 9


how to start a

G ARDEN for the first time

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 11



lanning to start your first garden? Here are a few things to keep in mind! When ready to immerse yourself in gardening, begin by choosing the ideal spot.

Ideally, you want a location with plenty of sunlight and good drainage. If you have a large yard, you're in luck, as various spots can meet these criteria. But if you have a smaller yard or live in an apartment, it's time to get more creative. Maybe a sunny porch or your cluttered balcony cannot wait to become your future green haven! Once you've chosen your location, it's time to head back to the planning board! Flowers, vegetables and herbs are all great options for first-time gardeners. No splendid ideas have grown roots in your mind? You can always talk to your local nursery or gardening store for advice on what plants will do well! And, of course, do some research on which plants will do well in your climate and soil type. All set to go green? Time to get started!

Soil But first, let's lay the groundwork by testing your soil. This step will help determine what tools and plants are best suited for your garden. To test your soil, you'll need a soil testing kit. These can be purchased at most garden centers or online. Once you have your kit, follow the instructions to collect a soil sample from your garden. Then, send the sample off to a laboratory for testing. The results will tell you the pH level of your soil and what nutrients it contains. Based on the results of your soil test, you can then choose the tools and plants your future garden needs. For example, if you have acidic soil, you'll need to be careful about what plants you choose, as some plants prefer alkaline soils.


Be Strategic

Focused on vegetables? You can use

You've learned all about your soil and

Old food or coffee cans make great

equipped yourself with the right tools.

planters for small plants. Just be sure

Time to get all strategic! With a little

to punch a few holes in the bottom

planning, you can grow a beautiful and

for drainage. You can also repurpose

bountiful garden that will provide you

plastic containers like milk jugs or

with fresh flowers and vegetables all

laundry detergent bottles. Cut some

season long!

holes in the bottom, and you're good

Flowers: If you want to grow flowers,

just about any type of pot or container!

to go!

consider a space that gets at least six

No matter what type of pots you

hours of sunlight per day. You'll also

choose, make sure they're big enough

need to ensure you have enough room

for your plants. You don't want your

to accommodate the type of flowers

plants to get too crowded. They'll need

you want to grow.

room to grow!

Vegetables: A vegetable garden is a cut your trips to the produce aisle

Basic Gardening Tools

down. For starters, you'll need a

Gardening may seem like a daunting

space that gets at least six hours of

task when it comes to the tools needed

sunlight per day and is large enough to

to begin. There are so many different

accommodate the type of vegetables

tools and supplies, and it's hard to

you want to grow.

know where to start! But not to worry;

great way to get fresh produce and

Herbs: Interested in growing herbs? Six hours of sunlight per day and adequate space are all these aromatic superfoods need! Once you have chosen what kind of garden you want, you'll need some seeds or seedlings. Your local nursery or gardening center can help you choose the right ones for your climate and space.

Pots and Containers Now that you've chosen your plants, it's time to get some pots or containers for them. The type of pot or container you choose will depend on the plant you're growing. Growing flowers? You'll probably want to use decorative pots or planters. You can find these at most garden stores or online. Just make sure they have drainage holes, so your plants don't get too wet.

it's all about baby steps. Don't try to go pro from the start. You can easily shoot for the stars with simple, day-today tools you might already own! A watering can is one of the essential garden tools. It's perfect for giving your plants a quick drink and easy to transport around the garden. Look for a watering can with a long spout so that you can reach all of your plants easily! Next on the essential garden tool list is a hoe. A hoe is a tool that helps you loosen up the soil, remove weeds and keep your garden beds in good shape. If unsure which hoe to choose, look for one with a comfortable grip and a sharp blade. Shovels are another vital garden tool. You'll need a shovel to help you dig holes for planting and move soil and mulch around your garden. Look for a shovel that's the right size for you — if it's too big or too small, it won't be easy to use.

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Gardening gloves are part of any gardener's toolkit. All that hard work can be tough on your hands, so protecting them is important. Look for comfortable and breathable gloves, so you can wear them for long periods without feeling uncomfortable. Pruning shears are also an important garden tool, especially if you're growing flowering plants. They help you trim dead or overgrown branches to keep your plants healthy and looking their best. Finally, a garden hose will help you water your plants, wash off garden tools and keep your garden looking all neat. Look for a garden hose that's durable and easy to use. So there you have it: some basic garden tools every new gardener needs! With these basic garden tools in your arsenal, you'll be ready to get started on your gardening journey. Happy planting!

Let's Get Started You have all you need to start your first garden! You have the space, the garden tools and the soil. You have chosen the plants you want to grow. The last thing you need to do is get started! To start, you will need to till the soil, either with a garden hoe or a tiller. Remember to loosen the soil so that the roots of your plants can easily take hold. Once the soil is loose, you can begin planting your seeds or seedlings. Be sure to plant them at the correct depth and spacing according to the instructions on the seed packet. Water your plants regularly, especially when they are first getting established. When they mature, you can cut back on watering. Fertilize your plants according to the directions on the fertilizer packaging. Also, you will want to remove any weeds that are competing with your plants for soil and water. That's it! With a little care and dedication and lots of patience and attention, you will soon have a beautiful garden that you can enjoy for years to come!


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sudden sense of fear, dizziness, sweating, breathing problems and a racing heart

– panic attacks are overwhelming and mentally draining. They can leave you powerless for a few minutes before your

body returns to its normal state. Struggling with an

anxiety disorder is hard enough, but experiencing panic attacks can make things worse.


Deep Breathing Exercises Deep breathing exercises can help you manage the hyperventilating that may occur during a panic attack. Frantic

breaths escalate the feeling of fear, which you can

manage with deep breathing. Deep breathing helps lower stress levels and can help you cope with your anxiety and prevent panic

Fortunately, there are ways to cope with your anxiety

attacks. Slow breathing is found to enhance the

and strategies to help you prevent panic attacks.

sensation of alertness, comfort and relaxation while

They can at least help decrease the intensity and

reducing confusion, anger, depression and anxiety.

frequency of panic attacks. It is crucial, however, to consult an experienced mental health professional to create an effective plan to manage your anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

Try breathing in through the nose slowly and feel the air filling your stomach and chest. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Next, exhale the air through your mouth. Repeat this exercise a few times.

Here are some valuable ways to prevent a panic attack:


Identifying Signs of Panic Attack A panic attack can feel scary but acknowledging it and realizing that it won't last long may help calm your body. While this can take time and

effort to practice, identifying the signs of having a panic attack can help you manage the attack.


Keep Lavender Oil Handy Soothing scents help reduce stress and anxiety as they tap into your senses and assist in keeping you grounded. They allow

you to focus on one thing and stay in the moment.

Lavender has been found to enhance the feeling of relaxation and calm, which helps reduce anxiety. You can keep lavender oil with you and gently inhale

Here are some of the common signs that you might

or dab it on your wrist when you feel a panic attack

be having a panic attack:

looming near. You can also try other essential oils to determine what works best in calming your body.

Choking sensation


Racing or irregular heartbeat


Shortness of breath



confrontation, big crowds or enclosed spaces are


Panic attacks are usually intense for 10 minutes, and then the symptoms start subsiding.

Identify your Triggers

One of the most effective ways to prevent a panic attack and manage your anxiety is to learn to identify what triggers your

panic attacks. For instance, issues with money, usually common triggers for many people.

Identifying triggers gives you more control in managing the situations or avoiding them to decrease the chances, intensity and frequency of panic attacks.

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5 6

Make Lifestyle Changes Your lifestyle can also have a significant impact on your anxiety and panic attacks. It is important to identify the areas that increase your anxiety and stress and find ways to change them or avoid them. For instance, consuming a balanced diet, reducing your intake of caffeine or alcohol, staying hydrated and getting sufficient sleep can enhance your overall health

and help prevent panic attacks.

Practice Muscle Relaxation Exercises Muscle tension is another primary symptom of panic attacks and anxiety. Therefore, practicing muscle relaxation methods may decrease this tension and enhance relaxation. Regular practice helps in releasing the stress from group muscles, allowing you to relax your body.

If you feel a panic attack coming, practicing muscle relaxation techniques can allow you to control the response of your body better. A muscle relaxation technique usually includes the following methods: •

Learning ways to tense your muscles before relaxing them

Relaxing the muscles without first tensing them

Relaxing a group of muscles, like legs or shoulders Rapid relaxation by identifying areas of the body that are tensed and then releasing the tension

You can start practicing by focusing on one small muscle, like your finger, to tense and relax your muscles. Once you get a better idea, you can move on to other muscles in your body. This trick is helpful if you have been regularly practicing and can identify a panic attack coming. This allows you to start using this technique to prevent a panic attack.


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Move More Going out in nature for a run or a walk, or finding other ways to move your body, like dancing, can be an effective way of relaxing your body and clearing your

head to prevent a panic attack. Heading outside also allows

you to absorb vitamin D, which can enhance satisfaction and revitalization while reducing depression and anger.


Get Professional Counseling The best way to prevent panic attacks and cope with your anxiety is to consult a professional and certified therapist and get the right counseling you need.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been found to be an effective way of treating and preventing panic attacks.


Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is a practice that can help individuals ground themselves. Panic attacks create a feeling of separation or detachment from reality. Therefore,

mindfulness practice can help you combat the symptoms if you feel a panic attack approaching.

Mindfulness helps you to focus on the present, identify your mental and emotional state, and decrease stress through meditation. You can practice mindfulness by focusing on different physical sensations around you, like feeling the texture of your hand or clothes or your bare feet on the cool floor or sand. These sensations can help you stay in the present and cope with symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety. Mindfulness therapy has also been recommended for individuals with anxiety disorders receiving medical treatment but hasn't found the right treatment that helps.


Take Prescription Medication Your therapist or doctor can give you prescription medications to help you prevent and manage your panic attacks if they are

severe. These medications work by calming your nervous system and reducing the intensity of the panic attack or preventing them altogether.


It is essential to understand that medication can be potentially addicting since they are controlled substances. Therefore, always use them after consulting your doctor, and in the dosage, they recommend to prevent further issues.

WRAPPING UP While dealing with an anxiety order and managing panic attacks can be draining, being mindful and practicing these useful tips and help you in lowering the intensity. However, if these tips are not working for you and the panic attacks are frequent, it is important that you consult a mental healthcare professional immediately. Getting the right help can ensure you find better ways to deal with your anxiety symptoms without your anxiety or panic attacks interfering with your routine. A professional can guide you in identifying your triggers, prescribing medications and establishing the right therapy to help you manage your mental health. Anxiety might stay in your life, but it shouldn't overtake everyday activities. There are multiple ways to manage the symptoms and the anxiety. However, a professional therapist can recommend the best treatment after conducting an assessment. It is important to seek help to improve your life and overall wellness.


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ating disorders are a truly debilitating and deadly

refers to the facets of one's answer to the questions: who am

set of mental health issues. They have one of the

I or who do I want to be?

highest fatality rates out of all mental health conditions, with someone dying approximately every

hour from an eating disorder complication in the U.S.

We must unpack identity and its changes under the influence of eating disorders to discern it accurately and productively.

The prominence of eating disorders is on the rise. A literature


review published in the American Journal of Clinical

What Is an Eating Disorder?

Nutrition of 121 studies conducted between 2000-2018 found

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), eat-

that the prevalence of eating disorders doubled during the

ing disorders are a group of conditions typified by disrupting

period 2013-2018 when compared to 2000-2006.

eating behaviors and patterns due to psychological distress.

Outside of the extensive socioeconomic detriments of eating

The causes and symptoms of eating disorders can be compre-

disorders, these conditions can severely affect one's sense

hensively examined and understood through the biopsycho-

of identity. Identity is a complex psychological concept that

social (BPS) model, the brainchild of American psychiatrist

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George Engel. Engel proposed that we should

Bulimia nervosa: Consuming a significant

view medical conditions through three distinct

amount of food in a short period (a couple of

lenses: biological, psychological and sociological.

hours) and then "purging" by throwing up, using

The example below illustrates the benefit of us-

laxatives or exercising excessively.

ing a multi-pronged approach when considering

Binge eating disorder: Eating an abnormally large

the causes and symptoms of a disorder:

amount of food quickly and feeling immense

A teenage boy has a genetic predisposition to

guilt after consuming it.

an eating disorder (biological), suffers from low

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (AR-

self-esteem (psychological) and grows up in an

FID): Avoiding eating to the extent of becoming

environment imbued with unrealistic body im-

nutritionally deficient and underweight. Those

age expectations (sociological). As a result, he

afflicted with ARFID do not behave this way due

develops an eating disorder. Due to the eating

to their body image issues.

disorder, the boy experiences unhealthy weight fluctuations (biological), becomes pathologically self-conscious regarding his appearance (psychological) and neglects relationships due to his obsession with his physique (sociological).

Are Eating Disorders Diseases? In a definitional sense, a disease is an abnormality causing the interruption of the normal functioning of a biological organism. Even though some medical insurance companies do not provide coverage for eating disorders since they do not consider them actual diseases, it is clear that eating disorders can fit the definition.

Other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED): Those afflicted with OSFED can display a combination of the symptoms of other eating disorders but do not meet the full diagnostic criteria for any single one of them.

Eating Disorder Triggers Many mental health issues are characterized by triggers describing a stimulus that leads to an adverse emotional response. Triggers are diverse and can be external (a place, sound or smell) or internal (experiencing a particular feeling). It is common for those with eating disorders to have triggers. However, as with other mental health disorders, triggers are often highly unique and specific to a person's life experience. Common eating disorder triggers include:

What Are the Criteria for Eating Disorders? The APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is considered the leading authority on the classification and definition of mental illnesses. The DSM's latest iteration, the DSM-5, recognizes the following eating disorders with their respective diagnostic criteria: Anorexia nervosa: The reduction of sustenance to the point of reaching a dangerously low body

Negative emotions such as anger, disappointment, fear, sadness, betrayal, rejection and frustration; Interacting with abusers; Interacting with individuals who form part of a toxic social dynamic; Reminders of traumatic events such as sounds, places, smells and other determinants of context;

weight, an irrational fear of gaining weight and

Feeling unsafe or being in an uncomfortable and

body dysmorphia.

unfamiliar situation.

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identity can be strongly tied to an individual's cultural and social upbringing and environment since these factors usually influence a person's value system Eating Disorder Treatments

Many individuals firmly base their identity on

While eating disorders refer to a varied group

their values, which are often the cornerstone of

of disorders, some common themes are found

one's decision-making process. Consequently,

in their treatments.

identity can be strongly tied to an individual's





disorders are both effective and popular. The most common psychological treatment options

since these factors usually influence a person's value system.

include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),

Some psychologists argue that having multiple

family-based therapy and group therapy. If

identities is beneficial and, in some ways,

these interventions are unsuccessful, more

necessary for everyday life. Humans fulfill

intensive forms of psychological therapy, such

multiple roles throughout their lives. For

as admission into a specialty clinic or hospital,

example, an individual can be a daughter, sister,

are available.

mother, wife, teacher, student and professional

Other treatment approaches include education around diet and nutrition supplemented by planning around one's eating behaviors. Lastly, pharmaceutical therapies are available for eating disorders. They often include medications such as antidepressants and gastroenterological drugs.

What Is Identity As a Psychological Concept? In psychology, identity is a complex, multifaceted term. Simply put, identity is at the heart of the answer to the question: who are you? It entails aspects of one's sense of self, defined as how one perceives themselves in terms of attributes.


cultural and social upbringing and environment

at various points in life and even satisfy some of these roles concurrently. Each of these roles entails different privileges and responsibilities, requiring different behaviors and approaches. This is not to say that one should be chameleon-esque. However, a well-adapted and well-socialized person should be able to balance their innate personality with the demands of the environment and alter this balance as the need arises. Problems can crop up when an individual excessively identifies with a particular role or sub-personality to the detriment of others. This "over-identification" with a specific role or sub-personality is how eating disorders can

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negatively impact a person's identity and sense

it does not need to be a defining factor that

of self.

prevents them from growing and healing. At-

The identity that people assign to a given individual can notably impact their overall behavior and, indeed, their own self-assessment.

tending effective and professional psychological therapy can help ease the transition from intensive therapy to normalcy, thereby avoiding the downfalls of "over-identification" with one's eating disorder.

How Do Eating Disorders Affect Identity? Eating disorders can affect one's sense of self and the identity assigned by society. A study of women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa found that the women felt stigmatized by their diagnosis and, to compensate, sought out pro-eating disorder communities online. Further studies have found that online pro-eating disorder communities offer those afflicted with these disorders a place to feel accepted and validated in their dysfunctional behavior. Such online environments can harm those with eating disorders, as they normalize and create a sense of pride in damaging behavior patterns. Surrounding oneself with an open-minded, understanding, caring and honest support system

Defeating an Eating Disorder and Regaining One's Identity Recovery from an eating disorder is possible with the right tools and a supportive environment. Once it has been achieved, take care not to let yourself be hindered by the labels and stigma associated with eating disorders. Learning to healthily transition from intensive eating disorder interventions to living a well-adjusted life within the framework of an effective support system can be the foundation of a well-balanced and fulfilled life. If you or someone you know may be struggling with an eating disorder, contact the National Eating Disorder Association for support.

is a powerful way to ensure that such an outcome does not occur. Those who have battled eating disorders for long periods can also struggle to dissociate themselves from their disorder. Even once someone has entered into prolonged eating disorder recovery, they might have difficulty moving past their illness, which carries the danger of relapse. Individuals should recognize that while an eating disorder was part of their life for a time,

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 29

PLASTIC The Positive and Negative Effects of




lastic surgery has experienced an explosion in popularity over the past two decades. Some researchers attribute the increase in demand for plastic surgery in the 2000s to the

proliferation and popularity of plastic surgery

image issues and bears unnecessary risks. To objectively and reasonably conclude the costs and benefits of plastic surgery, we must thoroughly analyze the arguments of both sides of the aisle.

reality TV shows. In comparison, the increase in the 2010s is partly ascribed to the influence

of social media. According to a Precedence Research report, the American cosmetic surgery industry will be worth $205.1 billion by 2030, growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 12.42% between 2022-2030. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons' 2020 statistics report 15.6 million cosmetic procedures in the U.S. alone. With plastic surgery occupying such a prominent role in the 21st century, it begs the question: does plastic surgery have a net positive impact


WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PLASTIC SURGERY? The primary reason for someone to seek plastic surgery is to alter their appearance, therefore





confident in their skin. In theory, a successful cosmetic procedure causes increased selfesteem and self-confidence. Plastic





Population Segments A review of 37 studies on the psychosocial

on society? Supporters affirm that plastic

outcomes of plastic surgery published in the

surgery can improve one's self-image and boost

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal

self-esteem. In contrast, detractors argue that

found that most patients were satisfied with

plastic surgery contributes to the root of body

the results of their procedures.

The review notes, however, that patients should

Science journal compared 554 patients who

be screened for their suitability for these types

underwent plastic surgery against a control

of procedures and that certain groups are more

group of 264 individuals who were interested

prone to adverse psychosocial outcomes than

in these procedures but decided against going

others. For example, individuals afflicted by

under the knife. The group that underwent

body dysmorphia (a condition whereby one


obsessively focuses on a perceived physical

outcomes, including self-esteem, overall well-

flaw) and other mental health issues, such

being, mental health, physical health, anxiety,

as anxiety and depression, had an increased

depression and social phobia.

chance of a negative outcome. Moreover, males going for surgery to resolve relationship issues and those with a history of unsatisfactory plastic surgeries were also at an increased risk for poor psychosocial outcomes.

PLASTIC SURGERY BENEFITS ARE BROAD A substantial amount of research attests to the positive outcomes of plastic surgery. A study published in the Clinical Psychological




A two-year study of 360 women who had gone for breast augmentation found that 75-85% of the participants felt that the benefits of their surgeries outweighed the costs and associated risks. While plastic surgery benefits seem vast and accessible to most, certain population groups need to be cautious before undergoing plastic surgery. The best starting point is to consult a medical professional to determine if you can and, if so, how to avoid adverse plastic surgery effects.

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procedures can result in complications, such as facial paralysis from BOTOX, inflammation and scarring.


concerns, such as anxiety, depression and personality disorders, can be at an increased risk of experiencing a negative outcome from cosmetic procedures.

The reported complication rate of plastic surgery varies considerably across sources and according to the type of procedure performed. A review published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery notes that the complication rate can exceed 40% for some treatments.







Plastic Surgeons reported that across 26,302 procedures

A Danish study of 2,761 women who underwent breast surgery found that they were at a notably greater risk of suicide and admission into a psychiatric institution. The study also concluded that these women were more likely to pass away from breast cancer and lung






board-certified 1995-2017,


complication rate within a 48-hour period was less than 1%. Meanwhile, a review of 108,303 plastic surgery patients between 2012-2016 found that 5.78% experienced at least one postoperative complication.

disease. Furthering






studies of women following cosmetic breast augmentation found that the suicide rate among women who have undergone these procedures is between two and three times higher than the average population.

THERE ARE WAYS TO MITIGATE THE RISKS OF PLASTIC SURGERY'S NEGATIVE EFFECTS People considering cosmetic surgery can take tangible steps to significantly reduce their risk

Some scholars have suggested that plastic

of complications. Due to the extensive testing


and training involved, using a board-certified






screening methods before agreeing to take on

plastic surgeon can increase the safety of

a patient for cosmetic procedures.

one's cosmetic procedure. In addition, opting to go for plastic surgery in a single-specialty


setting, such as a plastic surgery outpatient center, reduces the risk of surgical site infection compared to procedures performed in a multi-specialty center (e.g., a hospital).

Invasive cosmetic procedures are no different

occurrence of a seroma (fluid build-up under


the skin), infection and adverse reactions to

Body positivity is intrinsically linked to

anesthesia. Even minimally invasive cosmetic

body image, which describes an individual's

from other surgeries risk-wise. Some of the most common complications of plastic surgery include scarring, damaged nerves, the


PLASTIC Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 33

subjective view of their physical appearance.

opposed to accepting diverse body types, skin

Body positivity is the idea that anyone deserves

tones and other physical characteristics.

a positive and encouraging body image regardless of their physical characteristics.

positive and seeking out plastic surgery are


not mutually exclusive. Undergoing cosmetic

The benefits and risks of plastic surgery are

procedures does not nullify the idea that

often distinct. Deciding whether the gains

everyone is entitled to view themselves

of the former outweigh the costs of the

positively regarding their body image.

latter requires a careful examination of one's







Unfairly expecting an individual to accept aspects of themselves that they could change

You can make a sound decision by taking the

and consequently make themselves feel more

time to research how a given procedure may

comfortable in their skin — the essence of

affect your overall health and provide you

body image acceptance — goes against the

with a range of benefits.

premise of body positivity. An individual who goes for plastic surgery is not inherently



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Experience pain-free treatment through a saline mist that reduces and removes bacteria while promoting healing. UltraMIST is a non-contact, low-frequency ultrasound that painlessly promotes healing when administered by any trained health care professional.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 35



Does a Lack of Serotonin Really Affect Depression?


n the U.S., nearly 17 million of the population is affected by depression, mostly adults, and even this figure is underestimated as many cases are not even brought to medical attention. Depression is a mood disorder that results in sadness, loss of interest, irritable mood and cognitive

changes that affect an individual's ability to function. Many environmental and genetic factors lead to depression, but the exact cause is unknown. One common and persistent idea since the 1960s is that abnormalities in the brain chemicals, specifically serotonin, result in depression. But there isn't much evidence to support this theory. So, it begs the question, does a lack of serotonin really affect depression?

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Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a fundamental physiological role in the human body. WHAT IS SEROTONIN?

Before diving into the relationship between serotonin and depression, let's learn what serotonin is and how it helps the body.

shivering and rapid heart rate. It happens when an individual accidentally mixes two or more medications. In contrast, low serotonin levels lead to serotonin deficiency and affect an individual's mood and ability to function properly. Multiple factors can cause low sero-

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a fundamen-

tonin levels, such as nutritional and vitamin deficiency,

tal physiological role in the human body. Neurotrans-

low tryptophan levels, etc. Researchers also believe

mitters are nerve cells that carry chemical signals that

that low serotonin levels are associated with anxiety,

travel through cells and encourage the body to react in

insomnia, weight gain and irritable bowel syndrome.

a certain manner. They regulate multiple physiological functions, such as appetite, flight or fight response, or emotions.

Because of this, it is one of the most investigated neurotransmitters. According to a study conducted in 2017, convergent data from studies on cerebrospinal

There are more than 100 neurotransmitters in the

fluid levels of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid, tryptophan

human body, including serotonin. Serotonin regulates

depletion,peripheral models of presynaptic serotoner-

multiple activities, such as stabilizing mood, sexual de-

gic neurons, like platelets, neuroendocrine challenges

sire, behavior, digestion, etc. Because of these capabili-

and autopsy seemed to support the presence of de-

ties, serotonin is the primary treatment target for mul-

creased functioning of the serotonin system in depres-

tiple psychological and neurological disorders, such as

sion. However, if these findings are analyzed, you will


also find negative results, but most were neglected. Thus, all these studies led to the advent of Selective Se-


rotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI), which are the first line of medication for severe anxiety, depression and neuropsychiatric disorders and are still widely used today.

The link between serotonin and depression was first depressants were developed that are still widely used


today and backed by leading researchers. But there is

SSRIs are used as the first line of pharmacotherapy for

no concrete evidence available that can support this

depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders due


to their efficiency, safety and tolerability. Common

established in the early 1960s. As a result, SSRI anti-

The relationship between serotonin and depression was critical in the past because of how serotonin levels affect the body. For instance, high serotonin levels create the "serotonin syndrome" effect. Its symptoms include agitation, confusion, headache, nausea, vomiting,

antidepressants include Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine and Citalopram. SSRIs work by holding back the reuptake of serotonin, causing serotonin activity to increase. They have fewer effects on other neurotransmitters, unlike other classes of antidepressants, such as dopamine or norepinephrine.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 39

SSRIs also have relatively fewer side effects, such as:

Simply put, antidepressants work by increasing neuroplas-


ticity, which is the ability of the brain to change neural net-

Agitation or mild irritability

works after growth and reorganization or causing stress to

Dyssomnia or sleepiness

have less harmful effects on neuroplasticity.

Nausea or constipation


Sexual dysfunction

To prevent these side effects, the initial dose is sub-therapeutic and is prescribed for 1 to 2 weeks, which then gradually leads to the therapeutic dose. According to recent research, there is no clear relationship between serotonin and depression, then why do SSRIs work? There must be an explanation. One thing is clear, SSRIs do work for individuals with depression but just not because of the reasons we thought.

In 2022, an umbrella review was conducted on the serotonin system. An umbrella review surveys existing systematic reviews and meta-analyses relevant to a research question and represent one of the highest levels of evidence synthesis available. The researchers first conducted a scoping review to identify


areas of research consistently held to support the serotonin

Let's discuss their mechanism in more detail. Serotonin is a

and conclusions were made on serotonin and 5-HIAA, re-

neurotransmitter that is released by a neuron and binds to

ceptors, serotonin transporter (SERT), depletion studies

another neuron. After traveling through cells and transmit-

and SERT gene and gene-stress interactions.

ting the signals, serotonin is taken back up to await when it is needed. SSRIs work by hindering this reuptake, causing the serotonin to stay afloat between the cells and relay its message multiple times before being taken up. If that's the case, SSRIs simply increase serotonin levels. However, the authors of The SerotoninTheory of Depression: A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Evidence suggest that in the long term, SSRIs might reduce serotonin levels in the brain. So, how do they work? Many researchers believe that antidepressants work by changing other aspects of the brain chemistry aside from serotonin.

hypothesis of depression. The research identified six areas,

Areas of research that provided moderate or high certainty of the evidence, such as the studies of plasma serotonin and metabolites and the genetic and gene-stress interaction studies, all showed no association between markers of serotonin activity and depression. Some other areas suggested findings consistent with increased serotonin activity, but the evidence was of very low certainty, mainly due to small sample sizes and possible residual confounding by current or past antidepressant use. To conclude, a review of the major areas of serotonin research shows that there is no link between depression

Since imipramine's introduction in 1957, numerous antide-

and serotonin or if depression is caused by low serotonin

pressants have been developed with increasing specificity


for the monoamine systems, including selective serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine agents. While these agents lead to an immediate change in monoaminergic neurotransmission, they typically require at least four weeks of treatment before leading to beneficial effects. Moreover, they are only effective around 30%-40% of the time. These observations have led to the conclusion that rather than treating a "serotonin deficit," antidepressants may work by promoting some form of neuroplasticity in brain circuits that are relevant to depression.



A PARTING NOTE Researchers have widely put forward the serotonin hypothesis and chemical imbalance theory for depression over the past few decades. This has led the general public to believe that depression is caused by serotonin and also influenced their decision whether to continue antidepressant medication or not, leading to a lifelong dependency on these drugs. Low serotonin levels might affect your body in some ways, but it has shown no strong link with depression.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 41

The Connection Between

Insomnia and Mental Health WORDS BY PETER C.

Most people will agree that a good night's sleep makes

having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or not

them feel more awake. You probably have heard the

getting enough sleep.

saying waking up on the wrong side of the bed. It refers to a person's bad mood and has some truth to it. If a person didn't get a good night's sleep, this might be the reason behind their grumpiness today!

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that disrupts a person's breathing while they sleep. It is sometimes the root cause of insomnia and other sleep issues.

Even though many factors affect both insomnia and

A physician or sleep specialist can help treat your

mental health, there is good reason to believe that

sleep apnea with various treatments. Factors like

healthy sleep can improve mental health and treat

stress, travel or other life events can bring it on.

many psychiatric illnesses.

Simple therapies like baths, exercise, warm milk or having a peaceful bedroom can help treat the

So far, the evidence points to a two-way link between insomnia and mental health. More research is needed

three weeks, your doctor may recommend seeing

to learn more about this phenomenon.

a sleep disorder specialist.

Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders Nearly 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from sleep disorders, or they struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep each night. If you're suffering from insomnia, that might mean you're


symptoms. If insomnia episodes last for over

Insomnia and Mental Health – The Connection How often do you find yourself losing sleep when you're worried about something? Half of all occurrences of insomnia can be traced back to some emotional or mental strain. Sleep specialists look

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 43

at the signs of insomnia to see if a mental disorder is causing the person not to sleep. Depression can cause people to wake up early, feel tired, have trouble concentrating, feel sad and alter their appetite or weight. A sudden, drastic reduction in sleep with increased activity or a lack of desire for sleep is a sign of mania. A lot of evidence shows a direct link between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and sleep problems. In the same way, panic attacks that happen during sleep may be a sign of a panic disorder. A sign of posttraumatic stress disorder could be the inability to sleep well because of recurring nightmares (PTSD). Sleep problems are another common sign of a problem with drugs or alcohol. Small amounts of alcohol can help you sleep, but drinking too much can disrupt your sleep schedule. Illegal drugs like LSD and ecstasy are also known causes of sleep problems. Sedatives can make you sleepy if you take a lot of them, but their misuse or withdrawal can make it hard to sleep and cause severe sleep problems. Insomnia worsens symptoms of various mental health conditions. Therapy may be less effective if you have severe sleep disorders. There is a clear correlation between insomnia and mental health. The best scientific data suggests that adequate sleep is essential to treating or preventing both.

Sleep and Memory Function During the night's sleep, the brain's activity goes up and down at certain times. During NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep, brain activity goes down as a whole, but there are brief times when it goes up. Because the brain works rapidly during REM sleep, dreams during this sleep phase tend to be more vivid and easy to remember. Each phase helps the brain work well by changing how certain brain parts perform. This, in turn, helps us with things like learning and remembering. Brain activity during sleep significantly affects emotional and mental health. Getting enough sleep, especially REM sleep, helps the brain process emotional information. While we sleep, our brains process and store new information. Thus, not getting enough sleep makes it harder to remember good feelings. This directly relates to the presence and severity of mental health issues, such as depression and suicidal ideation or conduct. So, the conventional belief that sleep disturbances indicate psychological pathology is being challenged. Instead, there is evidence of a bidirectional relationship between sleep and mental health, with sleep problems being both a cause and a result of mental health problems. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is also connected to mental health disorders. People with OSA experience repeated pauses in breathing throughout the night. Evidence suggests a complex association between insomnia and mental health that can be affected by numerous factors.

Treatment Treatment of Insomnia and mental health comes second to establishing healthy sleep routines. Try the following treatments to help get better sleep:


Good Sleeping Habits. As the first defense against insomnia, try to adopt these measures. Start by sticking to a regular sleep schedule, eliminate stimulating activities in the hours leading up to bedtime, and create a relaxing bedroom atmosphere.

Unwinding Techniques. Practice mindfulness, gradual muscle relaxation and deep breathing to relax before bed.

Medication. Although you might have access to a wide variety of psychiatric drugs, it's essential to exercise caution while combining some of them because of the potential for "over-sedation." Some drugs have been licensed for long-term use, but doctors typically advise against using them for longer than a few weeks.

Herbal Remedies. You can find herbal medicines like valerian root and melatonin at most pharmacies and department stores. Remember, neither medication has approval from the FDA, and there is little evidence that they are effective for most patients.

Sleep Limitation. The term "sleep efficiency" refers to how much time a person spends asleep instead of awake in bed, and this therapy aims to improve that. It entails a progressive rise in the amount of time one can spend in bed each night.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Manage and eliminate anxious and negative thoughts with the help of this treatment.

Light Therapy. Light therapy or Phototherapy is a treatment option for people with delayed sleep phase syndrome.

Exercise. The quality of your sleep may increase if you start working out. Consult your doctor about the best form of physical activity for you.

Sleep and Overall Health Getting enough sleep every night is linked to better overall health and quality of life. Current research on sleep shows that sleep may be linked to emotional regulation and memory consolidation and that not getting enough sleep may hurt these things. Getting more sleep can improve performance and memory and even help control appetite and weight. •

Sleeping less than seven hours a night increases the risk of obesity.

Lack of sleep (less than seven hours) and oversleeping (more than nine hours) raise the risk of diabetes.

Sleeping less than six hours every night increases the risk of hypertension by 20% to 32%.

Avoiding tired driving, driving after less than 5 hours of sleep, and driving between 2 and 5 a.m. can minimize automobile accidents by 19%.

Both chronic sleep deprivation and lengthy sleep durations increase mortality risk, although longer sleep durations increase mortality risk.

Happy Sleeping!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 45

RICHARD MACDONALD The National Sculpture Society New York City awarded Richard MacDonald’s Duality, the 2022 Maurice B. Hexter Medal of Honor. Exemplifing the idea that the melding and balancing of opposites creates balance, harmony, and insite into the pervasive principle of Yin & Yang. Masterful sculptors of every era and culture move into the complex field of multiple figure compositions to explore the full emotional range possible when figures interact. Multiple figure compositions create in implied narrative, a suggested relationship, and ultimately, for the viewer. Richard MacDonald has been exploring the complex visual, aesthetic and conceptual relationships of multiple figures throughout his career, and the newest work Duality highlights a theme that runs through the diverse collection. w brings into focus the idea that darkness is defined by light, strength is balanced by tenderness, and that in the balance of opposing forces there is a center of tranquility and peace. It is the age-old concept of Yin and Yang echoed in a new form, and through this lens earlier works can be seen to exhibit the same dynamic balance.



T H E A R T O F R I C H A R D M A C D O N A L D . C O M


7 0 2 . 7 3 0 . 3 9 9 0

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 47

Longevity and Quality of Life Through Regenerative Health An Interview with Dr. Desirée Cox WORDS BY RILEY GEORGE

“In some ways it feels as if my journey has only just begun.” Dr. Desirée Cox said. Dr. Desirée Cox grew up in The Bahamas before the country’s independence, and not on the tropical vacationing side of Nassau - instead on the poor side, the ‘over-the-hill’ neighborhoods in a family of founders for fundamental Christian Pentecostal churches. Her mother, Ena-Mae Cox, insisted that her daughters have the best possible educational opportunities. She wanted her girls to be strong independent women with the skills and confidence to chart their own destinies and create their place in the world. “I grew up poor and with a richness of love, hope and possibility all around me,” Dr. Desirée said. Dr. Desirée was an all-around exceptional academic student with a strong interest and aptitude in the sciences and a passion for music. With a father, James, who taught himself to play four musical instruments professionally and to speak fluent French from comic books and listening to a French-speaking station on transistor radio, Dr. Desirée had it in her blood to love music and would go on to sing and play the piano and perform. This idea that you can do anything you put your mind to, with or without money, was built into Dr. Desirée’s DNA from childhood. Dr. Desirée started her academic journey studying quantum chemistry at McGill University. She then went on to win a Rhodes Scholarship to study medicine at Oxford University, becoming the first Bahamian to win a Rhodes Scholarship and the first woman British Caribbean Rhodes Scholar. As a medical student, she was struck by a sense – an instinct and deep intuition – that the Western approach to medicine was somehow primitive, and that there must be a better way. This idea became a significant driver for her years in clinical medicine studies.


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 49


2023 HEALinc Future Health Innovation Summit

Quality of Life and Access to Longevity and Regenerative Health Technologies, Now!

April 17th-19th, 2023 | Atlantis Resort | Paradise Island, The Bahamas 50+ Speakers

50+ Sponsors

3 Days

100+ Networking Opportunities

Did you know that aging is a disease? Want to know how to program your mind, brain and body with youthful signals so you live better and longer? Learn from top scientists, doctors and healthcare experts about how to: • • • •

Take advantage of new regenerative medicines to transform your quality of life Unlock your innate ability to self-heal Reduce the stress and trauma that cause cellular aging Strengthen your immune system

Limited slots apply for in-person attendees. The 2023 HEALinc Summit will be an intimate conference with a 350 in-person attendee limit. Please be sure to book your spot ASAP.

April 17th – 19th, 2023 Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, The Bahamas

CLICK Register Now! Cutting-edge 2023 HEALinc Summit themes include: Stem Cells, Exosomes, Peptides and Supplements that Promote Longevity | Brain Tissue Rejuvenation | Personalized Medicine and Digital Health | Plant Medicine and Psychedelics | Female Reproductive Longevity | Space Longevity | Aging Biomarkers | Epigenetics

Sponsors and Partners | | +1 (347) 844-3076 50

“Even back then I knew that the intuition that the medicine I was being trained to practice was primitive was just a hint at a deeper idea, something I was reaching for but couldn’t quite see…” - DR. DESIRÉE COX

“I would wake up at around four o’clock

After completing her medical degree

academia, arts, and humanities, and

in the morning and read philosophy,

at Oxford University, Dr. Desirée went


medical anthropology, and history of

to Cambridge University to earn her



pharmaceutical she




the sciences. I read across a wide range

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and

the key to regenerative health and

of disciplines in the sciences, arts, and

Ph.D. degrees. Her advanced studies

longevity is lifestyle and behavioral

humanities, trying to refine my question.

focused on the social, historical, cultural,

change, as well as repair and reversal

Even back then, I knew my intuition

methodological, and political issues

of metabolic damage.

that the medicine I was being trained

that shaped Western medicine and

to practice was primitive was just a hint

the randomized control clinical trial

at something deeper, something I was

(RCT) used for determining the efficacy

reaching for but could not quite see.

of modern biomedicines. Dr. Desirée

It took three years of clinical medical

eventually specialized in psychiatry in

training to refine the question I was

London after completing her Ph.D. In

trying to answer,” she said. Dr. Desirée’s intense curiosity and focus immersed her in a community of Oxford University students and Rhodes Scholars studying in a place where she could openly discuss her ideas and share them with her fellow students and professors while attending regular medical lectures. This ultimate question pressed and tugged at her continuously:

her quest to embody the new medical paradigm she aimed to champion, she retrained her singing voice and, for a while, worked as a doctor by day and jazz singer by night. In the years to come, Dr. Desirée would become a professional visual artist and the CEO/

In 2014, she was invited by the prime minister of The Bahamas, who was visiting London at the time, to help the Bahamian government develop an ethical model for research on stem cell and regenerative medicines to be conducted safely and ethically. The idea was that patients with unmet needs would be able to come to The Bahamas and have access to these advanced therapies with ethical and regulatory oversight.

Founder of the Biotech R&D company

Beyond the safety aspect, which is

BioPep, as well as a medical doctor

paramount, Dr. Desirée’s vision is that

and musician.

the data and evidence collected by US

How did we end up with the medicine

There are many roads to regenerative

and medical system we currently have,

health. For Dr. Desirée, navigating

and could we reverse engineer this to

her path to the emerging field of

create a more advanced, more ‘whole-

regenerative medicine and activating

person’ centered system that’s more

the body’s self-healing mechanisms

aligned with the mind-body’s ability

(while still working as a doctor) spanned

to heal itself?

close to two decades and crossed into different vistas of medicine, research,

and internationally-based companies providing access to stem cells and regenerative



in The Bahamas could be repatriated to the US and elsewhere as part of their dossier for obtaining FDA and European Medicines Association (EMA) regulatory authorization.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 51

“The organizing and operating systems we

of the world, because my aim is to connect

longevity through her Summit, her work,

create shape our realities and our ability to

the dots,” Dr. Desirée said.

and regenerative medicine. She believes

realize the potential of the technologies we discover and develop.” Dr. Desirée said.

The Summit has a clear purpose of connecting the dots between quality of

In 2018, Dr. Desirée received a Stem Cell

life, longevity, and regenerative health to

Advocacy Award at the World Stem Cell

generate a newly connected narrative so

that life is not worth living if there is no incentive to pursue longevity. That’s why Dr. Desirée aims to achieve both. In working to achieve this ideal, Dr. Desirée

Summit (WSCS) for her work in The

people can embed their own personalized

believes that the healthcare workforce also

Bahamas. That same year, she created

health and wellness system in this new

needs to evolve.

The HEALinc (https://www.thehealinc.

paradigm of medicine. In a world where

com) and the annual HEALinc Future




organizations are constantly competing to platform, the

prove they offer the best in healthcare, it’s

realization of a vision whose origins date

easy for individuals to become confused

back to her medical school days at Oxford.

about what’s right for themselves, their

The mission of The HEALinc is to advance

families, and their communities.



the future of healthcare through cuttingedge technologies, mentorship of future health leaders, and education on scientific breakthroughs and innovative healing products. She is particularly passionate about incorporating “young minds” into her Summit so that young adults can get a glimpse of the future of medicine and the sciences beyond their textbooks.




be used to help attendees of the Summit the Summit virtually as well as in-person

mind-body as a complex operating system.

makes this possible.

Where the mind goes, the body must follow. That’s why the aim of the HEALinc Summit is to curate a dynamic connected story of regenerative health so people are empowered to reprogram their minds and ‘Your Health, Your Future, Your Decision’ is the HEALinc motto. So, every year the Summit meets, people will be part of the

From 2023 onwards, the HEALinc Summit

story as it evolves and emerges,” she said.

convening the Summit in different parts

as well as recordings of the lectures, will educate themselves. Being able to attend

of the Summit – to be held in The Bahamas.

the years between 2024 and 2026 we’ll be

at the Summit. The publication of the HEALinc Summit proceedings in journals,

systems, it’s important to see the human

2023 HEALinc Summits – the first five years

will be held biannually in The Bahamas. In

available afterward so others can work and educate themselves on the topics covered

“You see, when we think of operating

reclaim their power and self-sovereignty.

“The idea was always for the 2018, 2019, and

Dr. Desirée plans to make the materials

The main goal Dr. Desirée wants to achieve is quality of life paired with





professionals from all over the world attend and sponsor Dr. Desirée’s Summit because they believe in her goals and passion for creating a new, more inclusive paradigm of health that embraces diverse views. “I'm blown away every year and really grateful for the number of people that contribute in so many different ways to make these three days possible,” Dr. Desirée said.

Your Health, Your Future, Your Decision 52

Dr. Desirée Cox, MD, MPhil, Ph.D., is a medical doctor, visual artist, and CEO of the US Regenerative Medicine R&D Biotech company BioPep. Since 2015 she has spearheaded the ethical model and regulatory oversight system for stem cell and regenerative medicine in The Bahamas. She is based in New York and The Bahamas and is the CEO/Founder of The HEALinc. The HEALinc Future Health Innovation Summit focuses on longevity and quality of life through regenerative therapy forms. It pairs with healthcare innovators and leaders to improve the overall health of humankind while ensuring accessible and affordable ways to achieve the goal of people worldwide. To learn more about her upcoming 2023 HEALinc Summit, held from April 17th -19th at The Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island, The Bahamas, or to register for it, visit

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 53


Are Eating Disorders Considered



he COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a plethora of changes that have changed the landscape of our lives forever. However, some have been beneficial

and much-needed, such as the reduction of mental health stigma caused partly by the highly publicized mental health issues that plagued many during the pandemic.

The mainstream acceptance and discussion of mental health concerns have led to an increased overall understanding that certain behavioral patterns are mental illnesses, not simply "a lack of willpower" or a "cry for attention." Chief amongst these behavioral patterns are eating disorders. Eating disorders are an increasing problem. A literature review of 121 studies on eating disorders published between 2000-2018 found that the prevalence rate of eating disorders has been steadily increasing. It noted a 3.5% prevalence rate between 2000-2006 and a 7.8% prevalence rate between 2013-2018, a doubling in prevalence. Some researchers have suggested that the mass influence of media in the lives of adolescents may be causing body image dissatisfaction, thereby increasing the risk of eating disorders. Irrespective of their causes, eating disorders are a spectrum of mental illnesses worthy of proper medical attention. The prevalence of eating disorders warrants a thorough exploration and a clear understanding of their causes, impact and treatment.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 55

What Are Eating Disorders? According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), eating disorders refer to a range of mental health conditions whereby eating behaviors and patterns are disrupted by negative thoughts and emotions.

and dirt. The symptoms of pica include intestinal



poisoning and infection. Rumination Disorder Rumination




The APA's latest iteration of its Diagnostic

someone unintentionally regurgitates

and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

food to chew on it again and either

(DSM), the world's preeminent guide in

swallows it or spits it out. Symptoms

diagnosing mental disorders, lists diagnostic

include nausea and halitosis (i.e., bad

criteria for numerous eating disorders. Many


of them are also characterized by mental health symptoms such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and social withdrawal. Anorexia Nervosa (AN)




Disorder (ARFID) Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a condition typified by an

Individuals dealing with anorexia nervosa

individual avoiding food and eating to

(AN) severely restrict their caloric intake to

the extent of being adversely affected

avoid gaining weight at all costs. Symptoms


include a warped self-image and the

Symptoms include severe weight loss and

adverse effects of malnourishment, such as


dehydration, fatigue, thin hair and brittle nails. Bulimia Nervosa (BN)





Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED) Individuals afflicted by Other Specified

When dealing with bulimia nervosa (BN),

Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED)

individuals binge eat uncontrolled before

may exhibit a combination of the

vomiting or using laxatives to expel or "purge"

symptoms and characteristics of other

the recently consumed food. Symptoms

eating disorders without meeting the

include the inability to stop the binge-purge

complete diagnostic criterion for a single

cycle, lethargy and dental problems.


Binge Eating Disorder (BED)


Binge eating disorder (BED) occurs when




Disorder (UFED)

an individual engages in uncontrolled food

Individuals who do not meet the

consumption regardless of hunger levels.

diagnostic criteria for the above disorders

Unlike BN, people with BED do not purge

but still experience disrupted eating

after their binging episode. Many BED

behaviors due to emotional difficulties

patients suffer from weight gain and feelings

may be diagnosed with Unspecified

of discomfort and guilt after a binge.

Feeding or Eating Disorder (UFED).



food items such as chalk, soap, hair

This can be a temporary diagnosis in cases where insufficient information is

Pica is a condition whereby an individual

available and further clinical investigation

compulsively swallows a range of non-

is required.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 57

Why Are Eating Disorders Classified as Mental Illnesses? According to Brittany Peters, a clinical psychologist




eating disorders are classified as mental health disorders because they meet the two broad criteria for mental illnesses: •

Having thoughts and feelings associated with unhappiness.

Having a reduced quality of life as a result of your ongoing issues.

What Is the Difference Between Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating? Eating





medically while

disordered eating describes unhealthy behaviors and patterns surrounding eating and food. Certain types of disordered eating, such as restricting one's caloric intake or altering one's feeding behavior due to emotional issues, can be diagnostic markers of eating disorders if they meet the frequency criteria for these conditions. The key difference is that individuals may go through bouts of disordered eating without ever fulfilling the necessary clinical diagnostic criteria for any of the aforementioned eating disorders.

What Causes Eating Disorders? Eating disorders have many of the same causes and risk factors as other mental health disorders. One of the


leading models of the causes of mental

is affected in various ways. For example,

illness is the biopsychosocial (BPS)

those with eating disorders leading

model. Conceived in 1977 by the American

to malnourishment can struggle with

psychiatrist George Engel, the BPS model

fatigue, a compromised immune system

segments the causes and development





of mental health disorders into three

with eating disorders that lead to being


overweight can experience poor physical





psychological and social.

fitness and cardiac health.

An article published in the Frontiers

Psychologically, eating disorders can


detrimentally impact self-esteem, self-




categorizes the potential causes of eating disorders according to the BPS model as follows: •





eating disorders can be biologically predisposed through dopaminergic circuitry and the presence of other mental symptoms such as anxiety. •

Psychological esteem,







body image issues are potential contributing




disorders. •

image and body image perception.

Can Eating Disorders Cause Depression? Research





connection between eating disorders and other mental health problems, including depression. Some studies estimate that over 30% of individuals with AN, BN and BED are also diagnosed with major depressive disorder. While there are established links and associations between eating disorders

Social factors: Social pressures (e.g.,

and depression, it is unknown whether

social media and peer pressure)

the causation is uni- or bidirectional.

and certain family environments can exacerbate the development of eating disorders.


Are Eating Disorders Genetic? Contemporary research backs the idea that eating disorders have a prominent genetic




estimates that over 50% of the population variance in eating disorders is due to genetic factors.

One's Life? living

A study of 66 patients at an infertility clinic found that over 16% of them were diagnosed with an eating disorder. Promisingly, a review of long-term studies on the effects of AN on fertility and reproductive health found a negligible association in patients who had regained weight and were recovering from AN.

How Do Eating Disorders Affect People

Can Eating Disorders Cause

How Are Eating Disorders Treated? A variety of tried-and-tested treatment




are severely impacted by their effects.

options are available to those with eating disorders:



Depending on the nature of the eating

therapy (with a dietician or nutritionist)

disorder, an individual's physical health

and pharmaceutical treatments.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 59


Alternative approaches, such as 12-step-based treatment, have also shown some treatment efficacy. One study estimates that the long-term success rate (3-5 years) of these models can be as high as 50%.

Eating Disorder Prevention Many experts believe prevention is critical in battling the prevalence of eating disorders. Prevention measures aim to mitigate environmental factors that can lead to the development of eating disorders, such as those described by the BPS model. Some of these measures include public policy measures, public education and selective measures aimed at at-risk groups (e.g., prophylactic counseling).

Breaking the Stigma Around Eating Disorders By acknowledging eating disorders as mental health conditions, we can avoid blaming those affected and take a step in the right direction, creating awareness on how to prevent and treat them and improving countless lives. If you or someone you know may be struggling with an eating disorder, contact the National Eating Disorder Association for support.

By acknowledging eating disorders as mental health conditions, we can avoid blaming those affected and take a step in the right direction, creating awareness on how to prevent and treat them and improving countless lives.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 61


WHAT IS INTUITIVE EATING? Learning To Trust Our Bodies


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 63

I spate

n the early 20th century, the link

by the International Food Information

into one's body's needs and wants.

between obesity, poor health

Council, nearly 60% of respondents

Intuitive eating guides adherents to listen

and untimely death started to be

wanted to learn more about intuitive

to internal cues instead of external ones.

understood. Since then, society

eating. The survey also found that almost

Individuals practicing intuitive eating

has accepted a comprehensive

50% of American respondents aged 18-34

trust their bodies to tell them when they


are satiated and stop eating

dumped in favor of newer fads.



once they have perceived this

We have been on a mission to

signal. Conversely, someone

find the best diet to imbue us

following a diet would stop

with health, help us lose weight

eating once they have reached

and drive optimal performance.



Every couple of years, a new

threshold or eaten a planned

diet is purported by experts to


be the one. From a ketogenic diet to veganism, we have been through the wringer in settling








body's messages and trust that

on the ideal diet.

their body will regulate their

It is not a stretch to say that there might be a problem with dieting

are familiar with the concept.

appetite and eating patterns, as it is designed to do.

— or at least diet culture. Following a

Intuitive eating is centered on listening

rigid set of food-related rules creates an

to and trusting our bodies to regulate

environment primed for disappointment,

our appetite and eating habits. For

frustration and self-imposed punitive

anyone struggling with their relationship

measures. Anyone who has attempted

with food, self-image and weight, or for

By nature, diets work through restriction.

a diet and transgressed from it even

those looking to optimize their overall

Whether it is restricting eating periods,

slightly can relate to this torrent of

performance through a healthy eating

portion size or food groups, diets require

negative emotions. Academic to

that adherents explicitly forego



How Does Intuitive Eating Work Differently From Diets?




Contrastingly, intuitive eating

related to dieting. A study

does not explicitly dictate when

published in the Journal of

someone can eat, how much



they can eat and what they can




eat. It avoids the detrimental

restrictive diets are prone to


cycle associated with dieting —

adverse cognitive effects.

deviating from a diet, binging due to the restriction, feeling

It is no surprise that intuitive

immense shame and guilt and

eating (i.e., an eating and food

then punishing themselves by

philosophy) is being touted as a sustainable alternative to dieting. Since its inception in 1995 by registered dietician Evelyn Tribole and nutrition therapist Elyse Resch, intuitive eating has grown in popularity and merit. According to a 2019 survey and report



implementing an even more philosophy, intuitive eating is a concept

austere dieting regimen. Subsequently,

worth exploring.

the individual will likely lapse again,

What Is Intuitive Eating?

fuelling the cycle.

Intuitive eating is a non-diet eating and food philosophy that focuses on tuning

Intuitive eating is more complex than eating when you want and eating until you feel full.

body moving without putting

Intuitive Eating Principles Tribole and Resch, the founders of

yourself under pressure to stick to


strict workout schedules.

controlling behavior.

intuitive eating, outlined 10 principles

10. Honor your health — Gentle

for those who wish to implement their

nutrition. Your body will thank and

eating philosophy.

reward you if you fuel it with real


Reject the diet mentality. People

sustenance. Do not punish yourself

must abandon the diet culture of

over one food-related indulgence.

deprivation and guilt to live totally

Be patient. Actual progress happens


over time — a single setback isn't

Honor your hunger. You can avoid



overeating by indulging in food when your body tells you it needs sustenance (i.e., the true hunger signals). 3.

Make peace with food. You can mitigate insatiable cravings and feelings of guilt by avoiding a list of no-go foods.


Challenge the food police. To break the cycle of diet-related negativity, refrain from categorizing food groups as good or bad.


Discover the satisfaction factor. By creating an environment for yourself to enjoy food, you can better tap into your body's natural signals and determine when you are truly hungry or satiated. Stop





Intuitive eating has also been beneficial for specific population groups. A Canadian study of women in the Québec province who struggle with weight control and body image issues found that intuitive eating improved psychological well-being and eating patterns. Moreover, a study of women who implemented

You can succinctly break down these 10


principles into four overarching themes:

surgery found that they were able to


Permit yourself to eat when hungry

decrease their BMI.

and eat what your body needs.

Implementing Intuitive Eating In Your Life


Eat to nourish your physical body, not to alleviate emotional adversity.

3. 4.




Filter out the noise and attune

Intuitive eating does not mean you

yourself to your internal signals.

must subject yourself to restrictive and

Prioritize your health and well-

punitive diets. You can enjoy a healthy


relationship with eating, food and weight without enduring strict and rigid diets.

What Are the Benefits of Intuitive Eating?

Learn to listen to and trust your body,


truly hungry and satiated.




intuitive eating impact physical, mental and emotional well-being.

and you will understand when you are

If you or someone you know may be struggling with an eating disorder, contact the National Eating Disorder

associating meals with weight gain

nine clinical trials) by Australian-based

Association for support.

and guilt.

researchers found that intuitive eating

Feel your fullness. Pay attention to

boosts psychological

your body's signals about how full

well-being, improves

you are.



Cope with your emotions and



kindness. Emotional eating won't

blood pressure and

dissipate your troubles. Make a

cholesterol markers.

emotional triggers and distinguish them from genuine feelings of hunger. Respect your body. A crucial component of intuitive eating is accepting your physical and genetic makeup. 9.


A literature review of 26 studies (including

concerted effort to identify your


image issues, binge eating, depressive

Movement — Feel the difference. Get your blood flowing and your



longitudinal study





between 2010-2018 found that intuitive eating reduces the probability of low self-esteem,


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 65



Recent Trend In Functional Food Science WRITTEN BY RILEY GEORGE


ntil recently, good health was described

1980s in Japan. It was a time multiple government

as the absence of any diseases for

agencies began approving foods that had proven

centuries. It evolved to include physical,

health benefits to enhance the population's health

psychological and mental well-being. One significant factor in this new definition of health is food. You need nutritious food for the body's growth, development and maintenance. It also helps enhance the overall quality of life.

and wellness. The major examples of functional foods include any food that has been fortified with fiber, probiotics, minerals or vitamins. Ingredients that are rich in nutrients, like grains, seeds, nuts, vegetables and

Functional food science has recently emerged as a

fruits, are also referred to as functional foods. For

popular concept in Europe and the U.S. However,

example, oats include beta-glucan, which is a type of

it originated decades ago in Japan. Functional food

fiber that has been proven to decrease inflammation,

science indicates that foods and their components

enhance heart health and improve immune function.

can significantly benefit the functions of the body.

Morinaga: Pioneering in Functional Foods with Bifidobacterial Research

They also improve health and well-being while reducing the chances of diseases. The latest trend in functional food science is Morinaga Milk. It is a dairy product company with a long history of researching and benefiting from the nutritional properties of functional ingredients.

Understanding Functional Foods Functional foods are considered as those ingredients offering multiple health benefits that include more than the nutritional value. Some ingredients contain

Morinaga Milk is one of the leading probiotic ingredient manufacturers for functional food, dietary supplements and infant formula products. With over 50 years of research experience in the benefits of functional health, safety and mechanisms of HumanResidential Bifidobacteria (HRB), Morinaga Milk creates and supplies probiotics bifidobacteria strains that have higher human compatibility.

additional ingredients or supplements that enhance

The company excels in researching and establishing

overall health.


The concept of functional food started during the





and probiotic ingredients worldwide. They offer probiotic solutions that are proven to be clinically

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 67

effective. They also meet the health needs of humans, including healthy aging, mental health, weight management, infant well-being and health, immunity and gut health. It is essential to understand that all probiotics are not the same. Not all of them comprise of same microbial competitiveness and fitness in the human

While research on functional foods and their advantages is still ongoing, many research studies have shown the following promising benefits of functional foods: Prevents Nutrient Deficiencies

gut. The residential origin and strain specificity

Functional foods are high in multiple nutrients,

determine the way probiotic bacterium interacts

including fiber, healthy fats, minerals and

and contributes to human health.

vitamins. Including a range of functional foods

Morinaga Milk has established a premium line of functional ingredients and probiotic strain products that are safe, high-quality, clinically effective and stable to consume. These strains are the ones that

in your diet, both fortified and conventional, can ensure that you are consuming sufficient nutrients to enhance your protection against nutrient deficiencies.

reside naturally in the human gut and are referred to

The higher consumption of fortified foods has

as Human-Residential Bifidobacteria (HRB). Every

been found to reduce nutrient deficiency around

HRB stain includes a range of health benefits to

the world. After the introduction of wheat flour

improve overall health and wellness.

fortified with iron in Jordon, the iron deficiency

Latest Morinaga Milk Development in Functional Food Science

anemia rates among children were drastically

Morinaga Milk has become the only company in Japan to earn the probiotic strains registration for the New Food Ingredient category. The second strain developed by the company, B. longum BB536, has been granted approvalrecently by China’s National Health Commission (NHC). This strain has been approved as a new food ingredient to be used for toddler and infant foods.

reduced. The process of fortification has been found to reduce the chances of other conditions caused due to nutrient deficiencies, including birth defects, goiter and rickets. Protect against Diseases Functional foods offer key nutrients required to protect humans against multiple diseases. Numerous of these foods comprise antioxidants,

The new food ingredient is one of the regulatory

which help neutralize free radicals, and harmful

systems needed for food ingredients to be

compounds to prevent damage to cells and other

allowed to be used in toddler and infant foods and

chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart

general foods in China. The registered ingredient


undergoes a strict evaluation process to meet the safety, health and nutritional requirements and comply with China's regulatory standards. Only 13 probiotic strains have been granted approval since 2011. The registration process is challenging since the ingredient can have a major impact on the entire population. China continues to update its regulatory framework and safety requirements to ensure and maintain the safety of the population, including young children and infants.


Benefits of Functional Foods

Some functional ingredients have a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to enhance heart health, improve brain function and decrease inflammation. Other foods are loaded with fiber, which enhances blood sugar control and prevents conditions like stroke, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Fiber might also play a role in preventing digestive disorders like acid reflux, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and diverticulitis.

Enhances Growth and Development There are specific nutrients that are integral for the growth and development of children and infants. Having a variety of functional foods as a part of your normal healthy diet ensures all the nutritional requirements are met. Additionally, include fortified functional foods in the diet as they can also play a significant role in the growth and development of children. Low folic acid levels can enhance the potential of neural tube defects that may impact the spine, spinal cord or brain. Increasing folic acid intake can decrease the chances of neural tube defects by 50 to 70%. Other healthy nutrients in functional foods also play a role in the development and growth of an individual, including vitamin B12, calcium, zinc, iron and omega-3 fatty acids.

Wrapping Up Functional foods have been associated with multiple significant health benefits that can enhance the overall health of humans. These foods have been found to reduce nutrient deficiencies, enhance proper development and growth, and offer protection against disease. Additionally, functional foods provide a variety of healthy and nutritious fortified foods. Include them in your diet with whole foods to enhance your health and fill any nutritional gaps to maintain your wellness. It is ideal for including fortified functional foods in your diet. However, consult your health care professional before changing your diet, particularly if you are battling a health condition.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 69

What Food Helps With a Bloated Stomach? WORDS BY RILEY GEORGE


veryone has put up with bloating at least once- your belly unexpectedly becomes puffed, and all you can do is caress it. If you didn’t consume a few beers that

day (a case in which there’s no question concerning the source of bloating!), you might wonder what causes your bloating.


What Causes Bloating? Bloating occurs when your gastrointestinal tract is filled in one of its sections with excessive gas or air. It can also be caused by too much water retention or by the inflammation of the digestive tract. Bloating has many diverse causes, sometimes unclear, but the most frequent causes are: •

fried foods and fatty foods;

indigestible carbohydrates;

soda water and drinks, beer;


low potassium levels;

reduced water consumption.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 71

Best foods for bloating are usually those providing good hydration, fibers and potassium, because these three elements work together to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Can a Dietary Change Relieve Bloating? Two dietary changes might bring relief to your bloating problem: 1.

High-fiber food


Drinking enough water.

do is rich in potassium, antioxidants and healthy fibers, each essential for reducing bloating and for a healthy digestive system. Watermelon Watermelon is a key food to consume if you want to both avoid gaining

Fiber-rich food is good for bloating be-

weight and reduce bloating. Because it

cause it makes your digestive system

is 90% water, watermelon is a low-cal-

work at a normal pace. The same thing

orie food and helps the body to reach

can be said about good hydration. Us-

the hydration level necessary for elim-

ing these tips, you might find signifi-

inating gas pockets.

cant relief.

Bananas Abundant sources of bloating-reduc-

What Foods Bring Relief from Bloating? There’s no doubt that foods can cause bloating, but there are some foods that might debloat your stomach. Best foods for bloating are usually those providing good hydration, fibers and potassium, because these three elements work together to maintain a healthy digestive system. Avocado When it comes to a healthy diet, avocado usually occupies a leading place. We find it by itself, in vegan recipes, sandwiches, salads and even in sushi. A favorite food for BIO diets, avoca-


ing potassium, bananas can be found on most dining room tables. Eating bananas can be a significant step forwards in the fight against bloating thanks to their potassium concentration, which reduces excess sodium and, thus, excessive water retention. Yogurt Yogurt contains probiotics also found in your gastrointestinal tract. Their function is to maintain a balanced digestive system and to reduce gut inflammation. You may be lactose intolerant. There’s still a way for you to enjoy yogurt and partake of its benefits. You can try kefir, which is also rich in probiotics.

Blueberries Blueberries are a rich source of fiber that combines with antioxidants to reduce bloating. Buying them frozen for smoothies won’t affect their nutritional virtues, so you can still enjoy your refreshing blueberry smoothie. Oranges Due to being filled with water, healthy fibers and potassium, oranges may help alleviate your bloating problem. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes have a significant advantage over regular potatoes. They contain elements that blast excessive water retention, preventing the formation of gas bubbles. Cucumbers Cucumbers ensure good hydration for your digestive system thanks to their high water concentration. It also contains two elements providing fluidity throughout the intestinal tract. Apples This common fruit, rich in potassium and natural fibers, may also help you reduce bloating. Apples provide good hydration, ensuring that the digestive tract works at its normal pace.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 73


Cases of bloating are frequently


neither does gulping down food.

Oatmeal recipes are the best friend of gym-goers. They provide essential





calorie intake. They also contain

linked to

a fiber called beta-glucan, an anti-


digestive system work as smoothly

even by

inflammatory agent that helps the as possible.

We recommend you eat slower to avoid eating too much… air! As strange as it sounds, Aerophagia is a real thing, and we should try avoiding it because it sure doesn’t help with our bloating problem. An exercise routine or a walk in the park can also be great tips to avoid bloating that we recommend


you incorporate into your lifestyle.


Kiwifruit has become one of the

When you feel bloated, try to take

most popular healthy foods. It

a walk!


supports heart health, digestive health, and it also boosts your immunity. Due to an enzyme called actinidin and its potassium content, kiwifruit is a good fruit for a bloated stomach.

Finding relief from bloating may sometimes seem difficult, given that it requires a change in our


lifestyle and diet. But delicious food

Tomatoes are an accessible source of fibers that help you fight against bloating. Their high water concentration can also provide sufficient





digestive system. We only have one piece of advice: don’t heat them because this would reduce their

can make everything easier. When shopping at a grocery store in the future, bloating-fighting foods will attract you with more than just their smell and taste. By remembering our medical and dietary tips for bloating, your problem could fade away little by little.

fiber and water content.

Other Tips to Avoid Bloating Cases of bloating are frequently linked to overeating, even by ordinary observers. It stretches your stomach, leading to the formation of gas or air bubbles. Eating smaller portions ensures that your stomach keeps its natural size and functionality. If eating too much in one meal doesn’t help with your bloating,

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 75

High Protein Snack Recipes Easy, Homemade, for Vegetarians, Vegans and Pregnant Women WRITTEN BY ADREANA MENDEZ


raving something to snack on? Perhaps

not only super easy to make but are perfect for

reading or watching television are truly

vegetarians, vegans and pregnant women. Short on

incomplete activities when a snack is absent.

time? Just make these simple and delicious treats to

The crunch of a potato chip or the fizzy taste of a soda

cure your cravings!

is a welcome delight.

Why Protein Snacks?

However, ambling over to the pantry to eye something to eat can be a struggle, especially if, deep down, we know the desired snack is not the healthiest one.

and super unhealthy treats, and for that, the word has plenty of negative connotations. However, snacks are

There isn't a problem with eating the occasional

beneficial in many ways and can help lead to weight

cookie or chip. The problem with snacking on the

loss and maintenance. Snacks help keep hunger at

delicious salty potato chips or sipping an orange-

bay, but the key to these benefits is ensuring that

flavored fizzy drink is that enough is never enough!

the snacks are high in protein. High protein snacks

Even after basically eating the entire bag or helping

satisfy cravings, perfect for pregnant women and are

yourself to another can of soda, you probably still

great ways to repair muscles!

want more. This is where high-protein snacks come

Protein Snack Recipes

in, which not only provide lots of nutrients but are also filling!


The word 'snack' conjures up images of greasy, salty,

Now that you're sold on the wonders of highprotein snacks, perhaps you're asking how you can

However, the struggle isn't always the want for

make these easy snacks yourself. Of course, there

an unhealthy treat but rather the lack of desire to

are plenty of recipes out there, but here are eight

make a snack or the lack of options. Fear not! There

easy high-protein recipes for all kinds of snackers,

are numerous high-protein snack recipes that are

including vegans, vegetarians or pregnant women!

Protein Shakes Protein shakes are great for anyone looking to get full and energized without gaining weight. They are full of nutrients and protein and are filling enough that a protein shake could take the place of a meal!

Here's a simple way to make this delicious drink:


1 cup of ice;

1 cup of frozen milk ice cubes;

¼ cup of frozen cauliflower rice (instead of frozen banana);

Frozen zucchini;

Frozen fruit such as berries.

Blend all of these ingredients, and adjust ice or ingredients if needed.Add some toppings, and enjoy!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 77

Vegan Berry Protein Shake 78

Ingredients: • • • • • • •

1 scoop (25 g) of vanilla protein powder; 1 cup of frozen mixed berries; A handful of spinach (optional); 1 cup of non-dairy milk; 1 tablespoon of cashew or almond butter; 1/2 teaspoon of chia seeds; Ice, if necessary.

Blend the ingredients, and then add any toppings of your choice!

Protein Snacks for Vegetarians

These are the ideal protein snack recipes for vegetarians. They are sweet, filling and protein-packed!

Keto Peanut Butter Balls

Ingredients: • 1 cup of peanut butter; • ½ cup of protein powder; • 1 cup of honey; • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract; • ½ cup of peanuts (optional); • For the chocolate coating; • 3 ounces of baking chocolate unsweetened; • 3 tablespoons of honey or confectioners swerve sweetener; • 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

extract and peanuts in a food processor or blender.


Remove the peanut butter balls from the freezer and coat the balls in the chocolate mixture.Freeze the balls for more than one hour.

Mix the peanut butter, protein powder, honey, vanilla

Make 1-inch balls from that soft dough and arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet or a plate. Freeze the balls for about 20-30 minutes to make the mixture firmer and less sticky. Mix chocolate, sweetener and coconut oil in a bowl to prepare the chocolate coating. Microwave the ingredients in 30-second intervals until melted and smooth.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 79

Breakfast Egg Muffins




1 bell pepper, red;

Preheat the oven to 390 F.

2 spring onions;

Dice and put the bell pepper and onions into a bowl.

6 eggs;

Chop the spinach and add the leaves to the bowl.

1 handful of spinach (or any green leaves);

Add the eggs and salt and mix well.

½ cup of cheddar cheese (grated, but other cheese is fine, too);

Mix in the cheese to the batter.

¼-½ teaspoon of salt;

4-5 splashes of hot sauce or 1 teaspoon of curry powder.

Pour the egg mixture evenly into a greased muffin tin.

Add some hot sauce or curry powder. Bake the muffins for 20 minutes.

Protein Snacks for Pregnant Women

Some of the best easy high-protein snack recipes for pregnant

Protein is crucial, especially during pregnancy, since it helps

women usually include peanut butter and protein powder.

the baby grow, build the immune system, repair and build

The best part is that these are low-fat protein snack recipes!

tissues and regulate hormones!

So, perhaps you're pregnant and getting cravings in the

Some foods that are full of protein include:

evening and looking for a healthy snack to satisfy these

Kale dip;

cravings; well, here are some delicious snacks to satisfy any

Roasted chickpeas;


Kale chips;

Quinoa granola bars;

Dried fruit, including raisins, peaches or prunes;

Peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews or sunflower seeds.

5-Minute Protein Peanut Butter Energy Bites Ingredients: • Peanut butter; • Rolled oats; • Honey, coconut palm syrup or date syrup; • Flaxseed meal; • Chia seeds; • Vanilla extract; • Protein powder of choice;


Add wet ingredients to a medium bowl, and mix. Add in dry ingredients and mix until combined. Make dough balls.


With a food processor: Add peanut butter, honey, vanilla, protein powder, flaxseed meal, oats, cinnamon and chia seeds. Pulse together until well combined. Add in chocolate chips and pulse a few more times. Grab the dough and roll it into 10 balls. Without a food processor:

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 81

Chocolate Chip Protein Powder Muffins Ingredients: •

½ cup of vegan protein powder;

1 teaspoon of baking powder;

1 cup of almond flour;

1 tablespoon of Tapioca flour;

¼ cup of dairy-free yogurt;

⅛ cup of maple syrup;

¼ cup of mini chocolate chips;

1 egg;

¼ cup of non-dairy milk.

Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 F. Combine the first four ingredients in a baking bowl. Add in the wet ingredients one by one and mix well. Fold in the chocolate chips. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes for the ingredients to absorb. Use a trigger ice cream scoop to portion the batter into muffin cups. Bake for 34 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool fully in the pan.


Vegan Protein Snacks

Here are some delicious vegan protein snacks that are sweet and salty, respectively. The first recipe is a tasty sweet treat, while the second recipe is a great small snack full of protein that's great to pack when you’re in a rush!

Fudgy Blackout Brownies Ingredients: • Cooked black beans; • Dates; • Almond flour (gluten-free & higher fat flour); • Almond butter; • Dark cocoa powder; • Almond milk (any plant-based milk will work here); • Molasses; • Hazelnuts; • Dark chocolate;

Soak the pitted dates in a bowl of hot water for about 30 minutes,

Fold in the hazelnuts & chocolate.

Espresso powder.

Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a 9×13 baking pan with parchment paper.

Drain the dates and put them into the food processor alongside the molasses, almond butter, almond milk and vanilla extract to obtain a creamy puree. Then add the black beans to obtain a creamy texture. Mix and add almond flour, espresso powder, flax seeds, cocoa powder and baking powder in the food processor on top of the black bean mixture. Process the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous, smooth mixture. Transfer the batter from the food processor into a large bowl and add the chopped dark chocolate and the toasted hazelnuts, folding them gently. Pour the batter evenly into the baking pan and bake for 20 minutes.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 83

Rosemary Lemon Baked Lentil Chips Ingredients:

Red lentils;



Lemon juice;


Olive oil.


Soak the lentils in water for a minimum of three hours to soften them. Blend the soaked lentils with one cup of water, salt and any seasonings to taste! Spread the blended lentil mixture evenly onto a lined baking tray. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 F. Remove from the oven and cut the lentil flatbread into chipshaped triangles. Bake the triangles on a rack for 30-35 minutes.


A Parting Reminder

Next time the craving for a snack starts to creep in, remember the importance of eating protein and the ease with which you can make high-protein snacks! You don't need to cut snacks like cookies entirely out of your diet, but eat these things in moderation. Opt for a high-protein snack when looking for something to munch on when watching television or packing a lunch bag for work. High protein snacks provide a filling source of healthy nutrients. These snacks are also easy to make with ingredients you can use at home! So, if you're late to the office, grab some peanut butter or protein powder and make an easy snack. Now, enjoy some peanut butter bites and have fun reading that book!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 85


l a u x se e r a c f sel WRITTEN BY RILEY GEORGE



hen we talk about health and self-

you are done, soak in a warm bath or take a warm

care, it generally covers emotions,


mind and body. Our self-care routines

revolve around meditation, eating healthy, exercise

Discover your Sexuality

and skincare, but one crucial category gets neglected

Sexuality is wide and deep. It will take practice and

often is sexual health.

time, but you can discover great creativity, pleasure

Your sexual self is a major part of your overall wellness and deserves time to be pampered. Indulging in healthy sexual self-care activities can

and power within yourself. When you decide to show up for sexual self-care consistently, it will result in sexual growth.

help reduce stress and support psychological and

You can begin this by setting a reminder every few

sexual health.

days a week to check in. Discovering your sexuality

Self-care is undoubtedly one of the best forms of self-love. Including your sexual well-being with your emotional, mental and physical self-care routine can drastically enhance your overall health.

Know yourself Better Before you expect someone else to satisfy your sexual well-being, you need to understand yourself better. This is true not just to explore the things you enjoy when it comes to your sexuality but goes beyond that as well.

can include sexual education, breathing exercises, self-pleasure,




intimacy with your partner or anything that enhances your sexual growth.

Add Sexual Intimacy to your Schedule "That can't be fun!" is something that might have crossed your mind. Scheduling sexual time might not seem romantic or fun but knowing that there is an exciting night on the calendar can be thrilling. We are made to believe that spontaneous sex is how sexual

Take yourself out on a date, understand your

intimacy should be for everyone, but it is far from

emotions, learn new things, and do things you enjoy.

the truth.

Understand that sex is experienced with intention and presence as it is a bodily experience. Connect with your body to learn what works for you.

Just like everything important in love, you should also prioritize your sex life by adding it to the calendar. It can either be with your partner or a solo play.

The self-date can be anything you want, from

Scheduling sexual intimacy prepares you physically,

exploring your body to stretching, taking yourself

spiritually, and emotionally to be in the right mindset

out for dinner, or dancing around in your pajamas.

and get the most out of this experience.

Enjoy an Oil Self-Massage

Mix Things up

An oil massage can be a sensual experience when

While muscle memory can serve you positively in

done right. Giving yourself an oil massage can be

many ways but in some cases, it can restrict you

an even more intimate experience since you are

to the selected sexual likes and desires. One of the

aware of what is working for you. Use a good quality

major elements of sexual self-care is to enjoy some

organic oil, like coconut, jojoba and sesame, as these

curious sexual exploration.

oils can help release internal toxins, soften your skin and calm your nerves.

Change things up with your partner or when you indulge in self-pleasuring. Explore your body with

Start by warming the oil and gently massaging your

different types of pressure, texture and touch; slow

skin from the top of your head before gradually

down or speed up, play music or introduce sex toys

working your way to your feet. Use longer strokes on

in the mix. The more you explore, the better your

all the limbs and circular motions on the joints. Once

sexual health will be.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 87

Understand the Birth Control Options Available One of the best tips to improve your sexual self-

to try •

available for you to find the one that works best for you. While it can be overwhelming to decide with

Using protective measures to lower the STIs risk

Whether or not you wish to start a family

specialist to narrow down the choices.

The number of children you want

The most common and flexible birth control is

These are some of the crucial things you should

hormonal birth control, which may include an

discuss with your partner so that there are no

intrauterine device, patch, shot or pill. These birth

unpleasant surprises for either of you.

so many options, you can consult your healthcare

control options can be stopped easily and are shortterm. Some other options include copper IUDs without hormones, barrier methods like condoms, and spermicidal birth control. Condoms are effective and are always a good idea in all situations since they can also provide protection against STIs.

Don’t be Afraid to Share your Experiences With so much knowledge at the tip of our fingers, sexual education is still lacking. A large population is unaware of aspects safe sex, sexual intimacy, and ways to improve it. Therefore, talk about your experiences and your findings with others to spread

Get Tested


Being sexually active means you are always at risk

Normalizing discussions on sexual intimacy and

of STIs and HIV. Since STIs occur with little to

care can greatly help not just others but you as well.

no symptoms, the risk is higher. Therefore, it is

You might learn things you weren’t aware of that

important to get tested since it is the only way to

could enhance your sexual self-care.

ensure you don't have STI or HIV. Moreover, you can also decrease your risk of HIV or STIs by having

Wrapping Up

protected sex. Avoid using any syringes or needs to

Sexual self-care is certainly an important factor

protect yourself from HIV.

in maintaining your overall wellness. These tips

Discuss Safe Sex with your Partner

can help you explore yourself more and give you a chance to try out new things. It is important, however, to understand that sexual self-care isn’t

Taking birth control measures and getting tested is

a one-time thing. In order to enhance your sexual

the best way to protect yourself and enjoy sexual

health, be sure to be consistent with sexual self-

intimacy, but you must also make sure that your


partner is doing the same. It is important to talk openly with your partner about safe sex.


Ways to lower the chances of an unintended pregnancy

care is to ensure you are being safe. Make sure that you are aware of all the birth control options

Things you enjoy and things you don’t want

Start small instead of trying to make big changes in your routine. Reward yourself when you make

Make sure you and your partner are on the same

some progress. As you start your sexual self-care

page and share the same values so you can continue

journey, you will find out what works for you and

enjoying sexual intimacy with one another. A few

ways you can further improve. You will eventually

things you should discuss include the following:

have the right sexual self-care routine to follow.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 89


You can’t just “make up” menopause dementia. Hormonal fluctuations can have genuine, severe effects on your body and mind.


f you’re a woman in your 40s or 50s,

Menopause, with its notorious hot flashes, has

you’ve probably had moments where you

been an undue source of hilarity in films and

stood in a room and wondered what you

television shows. Unfortunately, the hormonal

were doing there, when you lost the names of

fluctuations accompanying the shift out of

loved ones, or when you started a sentence and

reproductive age can have long-lasting effects on

couldn’t remember what you wanted to say. Some

women’s health and significantly diminish their

women may worry that they are experiencing the

quality of life.

beginning stages of dementia. These symptoms are more likely to indicate menopause than

Stages of Menopause

dementia if they occur with hormone changes and

“Natural menopause” refers to the end of

hot flashes.

menstruation without an apparent medical

You can’t just “make up” menopause dementia. Hormonal fluctuations can have genuine, severe effects on your body and mind.

occurs when ovaries discontinue hormonal This





progesterone release effectively terminates the natural reproductive years.


steps: Perimenopause

Menopause, or the end of menstrual periods, production.

reason. The process takes time and has three




Perimenopause can set in as much as 10 years before menopause after the estrogen production starts decreasing. Perimenopause lasts until menopause, which is when the ovaries stop making eggs. During the last year or two of perimenopause, estrogen levels drop more quickly. At this age, you

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may start to feel the effects of menopause, but you still have your periods and can get pregnant.

with menopause. People talk a lot about hot flashes as a sign of menopause.

Menopause: Menopause is the time when you stop having

Lack of estrogen causes these. Hot flashes are sudden feelings

menstrual periods. At this point, your ovaries no longer

of heat, reddened skin and sweating. They can happen out of

release eggs or make most of the estrogen they used to. When

the blue at any time during the day or night. They can last as

you haven’t had a period for 12 months, your doctor will say

little as a few seconds or as long as several minutes.

that you are in menopause.

Changing your daily habits can do wonders for preventing

Postmenopause: This is the time after a whole year without

and dealing with uncomfortable hot flashes. It might mean

a period (or life after menopause). Symptoms of menopause,

staying away from caffeine and hot drinks.

like hot flashes, might improve during this stage. However, for some, they can linger for years following the menopausal

Immune and Excretory Systems

change. At this stage, the decrease in estrogen level can result

A fall in estrogen levels can also cause bladder leakage or

in a higher risk for various diseases, including osteoporosis

incontinence. You may have to go to the bathroom more

and cardiovascular diseases.

often or leak while laughing, exercising or sneezing. Frequent

Effects of Menopause on the Body

bathroom trips can make it hard to sleep.

Some women look forward to the change that comes with

Cardiovascular System

menopause. The end of periods is a relief for many, and so is

Without the estrogens protecting the heart, menopausal

the idea of having sex without fearing pregnancy.

women may have an increased risk of heart disease.

But, aside from stopping menstruation, menopause can affect the body in many ways. Hot flashes are one example that might be unpleasant, while others might be unnoticeable. Reproductive System The period may have changed during perimenopause, but menopause doesn’t start until the periods entirely stop. This means that the body stops making eggs used to make babies. If a woman didn’t lose an unfertilized egg once a month, she wouldn’t have her period.

Lower estrogen levels also affect cholesterol, increasing the likelihood of a heart attack. Your doctor may suggest hormone replacement therapy to fix some of these problems. Skeletal and Muscular Systems Bones lose density because of menopause, increasing the chance of fractures. Menopausal women have a higher chance of getting osteoporosis. During menopause, you may also lose muscle mass more quickly, and your joints may stiffen and hurt. Regular physical activity can help prevent the loss of muscle mass and bone

Menopause is known to have additional side effects on the

density. It may also relieve joint pain.

reproductive system. Without menstruation, you may not experience the usual buildup of cervical mucus halfway

Effects of Menopause on the Brain

through your cycle, signifying ovulation.

We mentioned earlier how the lack of estrogens and

It can also cause vaginal dryness and a sudden loss of libido, but these changes are often temporary. A store-bought lubricant can improve matters. If you’re experiencing a decrease in your sex drive, your OB/ GYN can recommend treatments to help. Endocrine System The hormones that control reproduction are part of the endocrine system. Estrogen and progesterone are associated

progesterone could cause hot flashes. But these hormones also control how the brain works, and the brain controls their release. This suggests that menopause is a brain process as well. Hot flashes and vaginal dryness have been held up for decades as the primary menopausal symptoms. Those are the easiest indicators, for sure. But estrogen receptors are found all over the brain and body. When estrogen levels transform, the effects can be felt everywhere, especially in thinking and feeling.

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Scientists have seen significant changes in women’s brains by watching them before, during and after menopause. What we know about the brain during the menopausal transition, especially in the two years leading up to and following the final menstrual period, is as follows: Memory Decline Memory and specifically the recall memory starts declining during menopause. You can have trouble remembering an item from the grocery list, an actor in a particular movie, the name of a restaurant or a distant family member, etc.

Even though it sounds shocking, the brain continually experiences clinically unobservable little strokes. These are subtle alterations in the brain’s white matter, rich in myelin and crucial to our accelerated cognitive abilities. This slowing of thought, measured in a lab, is usually one of the great things about getting older. Yet, in the monitored study, women who reported more hot flashes exhibited more ischemia alterations than those who reported fewer. When they add up, these little strokes can change our thinking. So, the question is, can treating these hot flashes help avoid

Menopause can influence brain cells’ generation, connection

the changes in white matter? Though the exact answer is

and even death. These events impact memory-critical brain

unknown, scientists are optimistic.


Last words

Menopause reduces the brain’s supply of glucose, the brain’s primary fuel. The brain then turns to other metabolic sources to get the fuel it needs. This means the brain adjusts to a new hormonal setting to keep working.

Menopause frequently occurs around the same time as other major life events, such as the departure of adult children, the arrival of grandchildren, the onset of chronic diseases like diabetes or heart disease, the need to care for aging parents,

Also, women with other health problems like diabetes and

the beginning of retirement planning, or the opportunity

high blood pressure are more likely to have cognitive decline.

to advance one’s career. Menopause symptoms, including

Understanding this involves research on the brain and body’s

cognitive changes, should be evaluated in light of the whole

similarities in producing energy. It also includes studying


comparing blood pressure and the working of the circulatory system in the brain and body.


Change in Brain Structure

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T O P D O C C L I N I C S M I A M I AT T H E F O U R S E AS O N S O F F E R I N G B O DY C O N T O U R I N G , FAC I A L R E J U V E N AT I O N , & L AS E R T H E R A P Y Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 164 / 97

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