Issue 173 - A Year in Review

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ISSUE 173 | Dr. Robert Goldman
“Gratitude can transform common thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into change ordinary opportunities into
days into into joy, and blessings.”
T O P D O C C L I N I C S M I A M I A T T H E F O U R S E A S O N S O F F E R I N G A E S T H E T I C S , W E I G H T O P T I M I Z A T I O N , & I V T H E R A P Y BOOK
TODAY 3 0 5 - 4 8 6 - 7 3 6 2



EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Michelle Richardson



Dr. William J. Cole Jr.

Riley George


Our mission and purpose at TopDoctor Magazine is to foster connections within the health and wellness community and empower our readers to make well-informed healthcare and lifestyle decisions. We pride ourselves on being the ultimate resource for interviews with health and wellness leaders, trending medical news, and healthy living topics.

We understand that choosing a healthcare provider is a crucial decision. Our in-depth interviews with esteemed doctors and medical professionals aim to bridge the gap between them and their clients. By providing our readers with personal insights, philosophies, and areas of expertise, we facilitate a deeper understanding of the individuals responsible for your health and wellbeing. We also strive to highlight our outstanding practitioners, showcasing their dedication to their patients and contributions to the medical community.

The field of medicine is constantly evolving, with new practices, therapies, and technologies emerging at a rapid pace. At TopDoctor Magazine, we strive to keep you updated on the latest

advancements in the medical world. Our comprehensive coverage of trending medical news equips both doctors and patients with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about healthcare options.

Building strong connections within the medical community is essential for enhancing patient care and driving medical progress. Our magazine serves as a bridge, connecting medical companies with doctors and vice versa. By facilitating these connections, we aim to catalyze collaborations that can lead to innovative solutions and improved healthcare outcomes for everyone.

It is our firm belief that wellinformed individuals make better decisions about their health. By providing you with insights into established and emerging medical trends and technologies, we empower you to take an active role in your healthcare choices. Whether you are a healthcare professional seeking to stay updated on the latest advancements or a patient eager to make informed decisions about your well-being, TopDoctor Magazine is here to support you.

In every issue, we strive to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity, accuracy, and relevance. Our dedicated team of writers, editors, and medical experts work tirelessly to bring you well-researched and compelling content that is both educational and engaging. Moreover, our graphic design team is committed to delivering an aesthetically pleasing reading experience where captivating design seamlessly merges with informative content, ensuring each issue becomes an engaging journey of discovery.

As we embark on this mission to serve as your trusted source of medical information and insights, we encourage you to join us on this exciting journey. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for being a part of the TopDoctor Magazine community. Together, let us embrace knowledge, forge connections, and make informed decisions to lead healthier lives.

With warmest regards, Hannah H.

10 32 22 26 30 10 30 22 26 32 A Year in Review Christmas Cranberry Potpourri Winter Wellness: Strategies to Combat Cold Wather's Impact on Your Body The Field of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedic Surgery: An Interview with Bruce FIshman, M.D. A4M and Regenerative Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Robert Goldman CONTENTS Table Of
58 42 54 48 42 54 48 58 Gifts for Well-Being: A Health and Wellness Gift Guide Meet Dr. William J. Cole Jr. Embarking on the Path to Longevity and Vitality: Bio-Optimized Living Take Your Zinc Before Flue Season This Year!

A Year Review

Year In Review

TopDoctor Magazine has had the privilege of featuring a multitude of distinguished professionals in the health and wellness space in 2023. The TopDoctor Magazine team wanted to recognize and thank our featured medical experts and guest authors for contributing to a successful year in bringing the health and wellness community relevant information about medical and lifestyle news covering everything from cardiology to fitness to regenerative health and beyond. This article is a tribute to all the hard work and incredible people we’ve connected with along the way. Below, you can find excerpts from each of the issues we released from January to November of this year that highlight our cover features, contributing authors and some of our favorite articles from 2023. We hope you enjoy this review and look forward to bringing more excellent content in the years to come.

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What Does the Organic Label Mean?

January 2023 | Issue 162

Decision paralysis often strikes when we are confronted with long lists of nutrition facts and declarations, like organic labeling, on the packaging. An increasing number of products on the shelves carry the organic label, so what does this mean for us as consumers?

Food Additives Banned in Europe but Not America

April 2023 | Issue 165

In August 2022, the European Commission banned titanium dioxide, a food additive. This preservative remains legal and unbanned in the U.S. With countries that many assume are similar in many aspects, what would prompt Europe to ban titanium dioxide and the U.S. to not?

Morinaga – Recent Trend In Functional Food Science

March 2023 | Issue 164

Functional food science indicates that foods and their components can significantly benefit the functions of the body.

The latest trend in functional food science is Morinaga Milk. It is a dairy product company with a long history of researching and benefiting from the nutritional properties of functional ingredients.

Removing Mental Blocks to Break Through Barriers: An Interview with David Nurse, Mental Skills Specialist

April 2023 | Special Issue - David Nurse

David Nurse, a mental skills specialist, works with and coaches high-profile actors, athletes, CEOs and celebrities to take their mental skills to the next level and dig deeper into mindset development. By focusing on removing barriers, Nurse helps clients reach their full potential in their careers and personal lives.


A Heart for VIP Service

January 2023 | Special Issue - Dr. Francisco Cabal

“My dream is to deliver the best care to the international community in the areas covered by our project,” Dr. Francisco Cabal said.

Dr. Francisco Cabal, MD, believes in a teambased concierge medical services model in which all parties involved coordinate their roles to get the best results.

Longevity and Quality of Life Through Regenerative Health: An Interview with Dr. Desirée Cox

March 2023 | Issue 164

Dr. Desirée Cox, MD, MPhil, Ph.D., is a medical doctor, visual artist, and CEO of the US Regenerative Medicine R&D Biotech company BioPep.

“Even back then, I knew my intuition that the medicine I was being trained to practice was primitive was just a hint at something deeper, something I was reaching for but could not quite see.”

How PRP Healing Changed One Man’s Life and Now Will Change Many: William Heskett and His Non-Profit

February 2023 | Issue 163

Heskett is the President and founder of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation. The charity focuses on public citizens who qualify physically and financially as an option to receive PRP or regenerative medicine, including stem cells, that can be helpful in treating the musculoskeletal system, such as bone and or soft tissue injuries.

How Chinese Medicine May Be the Solution to Your Chronic Issues: An Interview with Dr. Laura Capina

May 2023 | Issue 166

Growing up in Lavia, Dr. Laura Capina did not see the magnitude of allergies, asthma, or obesity that she saw when she came to the U.S. at the age of 20. Instead, she had grown up in a world where natural remedies and medicinal herbs were used to treat illness.

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The New Medicine: An Interview with Curtis Martin D.C. July 2023 | Issue 168

“I was a chiropractor right out of school and ready to make a difference. In my heart, helping people like my dad to avoid needless suffering and live strong has always been my passion, mission, and drive.”

A Different Approach to Psychiatric Care: An Interview with Dr. Hyla Cass June 2023 | Issue 167

An Integrative Psychiatrist for over 30 years, Dr. Cass described how the practice of medicine was woven into the fabric of her life from an early age. She has continued to evaluate individuals biochemically and physiologically to find the root cause of their problems. And the good news is most issues uncovered within her patients can be corrected naturally.

How Psychedelics Have Changed Holistic Medicine: An Interview with Bianca Abbott July 2023 | Issue 168

When working with plant medicine, like psilocybin and ayahuasca, detoxing the gut is vital to having a powerful experience. Abbott’s LunaFast program is beneficial for this process as it guides clients through an alkaline elimination diet through five fasting phases to cleanse and detox the gut, which is considered the first brain.


August 2023 | Issue 169

Your body is fully equipped with all that you need to be strong, energetic, happy, and fulfilled. But you have to do the work. No one is coming to make you do it.

Revitalize Your Body, Boost Your Confidence, and Ignite Your Sex Life with These Expert Tips August 2023 | Issue 169

Men, if you’re ready to feel great, have a stellar sex life, look great naked, and have unshakable confidence, then this is for you. You have the ability to make your future even better than your past through good nutrition, sleep, exercise, and sexual health.


Seeing Medicine as More Than Just Physical Treatment: An Interview with Dr. Ramy Mitwalli, M.D.

May 2023 | Issue 166

The medical field encompasses so much more than just physical well-being. Dr. Mitwalli feels that the focus in the medical field should be on the mind, body, and spirit, not just another pathology of a physical body. Regardless of the condition, every patient must be seen as a single, interconnected mind-body-spirit — that is, a patient.

Revolutionizing Health and Fitness: The Power of Collaboration and Anti-Aging Medicine

August 2023 | Issue 169

“Collaboration and strategic partnerships are the keys to unlocking the true potential of the health and fitness industry. Together, we can achieve optimal health and performance with remarkable transformations.”

From College Athlete to Acclaimed Strength Coach: The Inspiring Journey of Ashleigh Quint

August 2023 | Issue 169

Ashleigh Quint’s transformative journey from a college athlete to a renowned strength coach has been an inspiring one in the world of sports performance and fitness.

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Nobel-Prize Inspired Innovation: Centropix Pioneers A New Era In Wellness Technology

September 2023 | Issue 169

Alternative wellness usually conjures thoughts of essential oils, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture needles and yoga. But now, holistic care is rising to a level of Nobel-prize-winning science, incorporating physics, chemistry, and electromagnetic technology — finally addressing the root cause of biological imbalance.

Mastering Your Diet: The Key to Health and Performance

October 2023 | Issue 170

Good nutrition is an important aspect of leading a healthy lifestyle. Your diet, combined with physical activity, can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and promote your overall health.

Products, Services and Legacies: An Interview With Jeffrey Luckey

October 2023 | Issue 170

“We want to help doctors expand their practices, grow their businesses, make themselves known through TopDoctor Magazine, and build relationships with them,” said Jeffrey Luckey, TopDoc’s Chief Revenue Officer.


Protein Needs as We Age | Jackie Kaminski MS, RDN September 2023 | Issue 169

By now, the health and fitness industry has shed an abundance of light on the importance of protein in your diet. But… do your protein needs change as you age?

OneSkin: The Most Innovative Way to Treat Your Skin October 2023 | Issue 170

“There are so many potential applications in using stem cell biology science to help people and avoid diseases that affect the health and quality of life for individuals,” Carolina Oliveira, co-founder and CEO of OneSkin, said.

Breathwork is Medicine November 2023 | Issue 171

Life begins and ends with an inhale and an exhale. I often begin my Activation Breathwork journeys with a verbal walk-in as I talk about the first breath starting our Earth Heart.

From Private Chef to Health Crusader: Chef Tzarina’s Journey of Transformation Through Food October 2023 | Issue 170

In the world of haute cuisine and culinary artistry, there are chefs who not only tantalize our taste buds but also transform lives through the power of food. Chef Tzarina, the culinary virtuoso gracing the cover of TopDoctor Magazine, is one such remarkable figure.

80-year-old Stan Cottrell’s HOME RUN FOR VETERANS! November 2023 | Issue 171

At the age of 80, Stan Cottrell is not just running; he’s on a mission to change the world, one stride at a time. His incredible journey is a testament to the human spirit’s boundless potential for greatness.

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Scan Here

Cultivating a Room of Excellence: Chris Himel’s IV Biz Bash Event and the Future of Medicine

October 2020 | Special Issue - IV Biz Bash

“Our true mission is that we want to impact 1 million alternative medicine practitioners and holistic medicine business owners so they can go out and affect a thousand people. And with that, we can impact the health and the life of a billion people,” - Chris Himel

Like us, if you too are interested in learning more about emerging health trends, lifestyle tips and medical news, scan the QR code for easy access to our website, or visit to read these articles and more!

A Lifelong Journey in Cardiology: Dr. Monzur Morshed’s Journey and the Future of Heart Care

November 2023 | Issue 171

“The best preventative care comes from our lifestyle. Focus on reevaluating stress, sleeping well, and healthy oils and fats along with proper use of BMI,” Dr. Morshed said. Preventative care starts now.

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T H E R E ’ S A L O T Y O U C A N ’ T




T o p D o c D X d e l i v e r s a h o l i s t i c p e r s p e c t i v e o f a

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h i d d e n d i s e a s e s i n a s y m p t o m a t i c p a t i e n t s , p r o v i d i n g t h e m w i t h v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t s i n t o t h e i r

h e a l t h f r o m t h e i n s i d e o u t .

1 5 - M I N U T E N O N - I N V A S I V E O N - S I T E D I A G N O S T I C T E S T S t o p d o c d x . c o m




Winter Wellness


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 173 / 23

Along with the cozy feelings of the holidays come earlier sunsets and colder winter weather. As the air gets cooler, you might find your body and mental health are also going through some seasonal changes. These are things you can easily prepare for, prevent and address as winter sets in. In this article, we will explore a few ways winter weather might affect your body, how to combat these effects and ways to stay active mentally and physically during these chillier days.

Winter Weather Effects on the Body

Muscle Stiffness and Joint Pain:

Cold weather can contribute to muscle stiffness and joint pain, making movement more challenging and uncomfortable. While cold temperatures can have an impact on people with normal muscle and joint use, it could have a greater effect on those with pre-existing conditions like arthritis or Lyme disease.

• Dry Skin: The cold, dry air of winter can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leading to dryness, irritation, and even cracking. Those with skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis or cystic acne will most likely notice an increase in sensitivity during the winter months.

• Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): There could be an explanation for why you feel a bit down during the holidays and following cooler months, even if you feel like there isn’t a reason. With the winter months come shorter days. Reduced sunlight during winter can affect mood and lead to

symptoms of SAD, including feelings of lethargy and sadness.

How to Address Winter Weather Effects

• Warm-Up Exercises: Easily combat regular muscle stiffness and joint pain with some simple stretches and warm-ups. Prior to outdoor activities, engage in thorough warm-up exercises to increase blood flow, loosen muscles, and reduce the risk of injuries in cold weather. If you have any pre-existing conditions, ensure that any stretches or warm-ups you do are gentle on your muscles and joints and properly address any pain.

• Moisturizing: The best way to combat dry skin is prevention! Regularly moisturizing the skin helps prevent dryness and maintains its natural barrier against harsh winter conditions. If irritation and extreme dryness persist, research a holistic care doctor or dermatologist in your area and see if they have any suggestions to combat abnormal dryness.

• Light Therapy: Exposure to bright light, especially in the morning, can help alleviate symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder and regulate mood. An easy way to do this is to get 15 minutes of morning light and 15 minutes of evening light. Bundle up and go for a walk, or simply open your blinds and sit by the window for a while. Some people find that sun lamps are also effective in combating SAD.


Active During Winter:

• Winter Sports: Just because it is cold out doesn’t mean you can’t stay active outside. Embrace the season by engaging in activities like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or even just going for a walk during the warmer parts of the day. As suggested above, make sure to stretch or do some warm-up exercises inside in order to maintain good muscle and joint health.

• Indoor Workouts: If winters get too bitingly cold where you live, there are other options to stay physically active that can also improve your mental health during winter. Join a gym, take fitness classes, take up indoor rock climbing or follow online workout routines to stay active indoors. Research to see if there is an indoor pool near you and join for a low-impact way to exercise. Keeping active is also proven to improve mental health. So, continuing to exercise during the winter months could not only help your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional well-being. A lot of these indoor exercises can also help you socialize more this winter. Grab a group of friends and join a Pilates class, or see if you could join an indoor running group. The possibilities are endless!

• Puzzles and Books: Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise, especially if you are looking for ways to combat Seasonal Affective

Disorder or regulate your mood with less light during the daytime. Nothing is better than curling up by a warm fire and reading a book or putting a puzzle together. Both of these activities are great ways to engage your mind and tune out any racing thoughts for any amount of time. You could pick up a book while waiting for something to bake or work on a puzzle when you have some downtime and need to be doing something. These don’t have to be activities done alone, either! Joining a monthly book club can help you meet new people, or having friends over for dinner and a night of puzzles and games can help you enjoy social interactions with people you have established relationships with already.

You don’t have to endure the winter months with persisting pain, skin irritation and feelings of sadness without knowing how to combat them. While everyday muscle and joint pain can worsen with cold weather, stretching and warming up before going outside or participating in outdoor activities can help ease any stiffness. Along with stretching before being outside in the cold, be sure to put on your favorite moisturizer to prevent any dryness or skin irritation. It’s good to put this into practice, even when you’re inside, as house heaters can also dry out the air, causing skin irritation. If you do choose to take a walk outside, remember that the sunlight can also help regulate your moods and aid in combating Seasonal Affective Disorder. Don’t be afraid to pick up a new hobby or join a club to meet new people and boost your mood! Combating the effects of cold weather starts with taking these easy and practical steps toward a winter full of physical and mental well-being.

Activities to Stay Physically and Mentally
Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 173 / 25

The Field Of Regenerative Medicine In Orthopedic Surgery:

An Interview With Bruce Fishman, M.D.


Dr. Fishman has provided orthopedic care and treatment to the Los Angeles community for over 30 years. He maintains offices in the Encino and Lancaster, California areas. His current practice includes interventional regenerative orthopedics utilizing cutting-edge biologics, laser, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, peptides and minimally invasive procedures.

Dr. Fishman began his life in a blue-collar family in Detroit, Michigan. His entire family was working in the automotive industry with scrap metal. In high school, he worked sorting metal, loading trucks, driving forklifts and using pallet jacks. He also worked at the Fisher Body Plant at their metal punch facility. He would see severe injuries, including amputations, crush injuries, fractures, back injuries and head injuries. “I saw a lot of disability from these work injuries. I hoped one day I could help these people,” he said.


Dr. Fishman went on to college and was in the premed program at Wayne State University. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. He was accepted to medical school, completed his M.D. degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine with honors, and the board elected him into the AOA National Honor Medical Society. Dr. Fishman received his orthopedic training at

the Henry Ford Hospital Medical Center in his hometown of Detroit. This is a nationally known medical center and University of Michigan affiliate. This facility provided him the opportunity to treat all individuals regardless of gender, ethnicity, background or socioeconomic standing. His training came full circle as many of the injured patients he saw were blue-collar automotive workers injured on the job where Dr. Fishman planted his very own roots.

Beyond just training, Dr. Fishman is a Diplomate of the American Board of Clinical & Orthopedic Surgery, a Fellow of the International College of Surgeons in Orthopedic Surgery and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurologic and Orthopedic Surgeons. The goals of these organizations are to provide continuing education, spread awareness of medical, social, and political changes and provide a community for practicing orthopedic surgeons throughout the country. Dr. Fishman is constantly exposed to and educated on the newest and most successful procedures, which he can utilize for his own patients.

“These advances being front and center for the orthopedic surgical societies have expanded my horizon to a great extent and exposed me to a myriad of alternatives available without necessarily resorting to major surgeries as we used to do in the past,” he said.

Over the last 30 years of his practice in Los Angeles, Dr. Fishman has seen a constantly evolving medical field where surgical care has become more innovative and minimally invasive. He has utilized his orthopedic skills with a regenerative approach following these new technological advances.

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As an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network and with their institutional review board, Dr. Fishman has been part of a regenerative medicine expansion utilizing cellular treatment for injury and diseases. “There are many potential benefits to working with stem cells in the field of orthopedic surgery.”

Some cells come from the patients themselves, originating from bone marrow or adipose tissue. Umbilical cord tissue can also provide other cellular materials. Regenerative medicine is a constantly evolving field, and Dr. Fishman keeps up with advancements and continues to use them in his practice.

A new and exciting advancement in the treatment of chronic refractory low back pain has recently become available for those patients who have failed all treatment protocols, including surgery. It is the Discseel® procedure.

The Discseel® procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fibrinogen and prothrombin to repair torn discs. The mixing of these two materials results in fibrin, which is a natural substance that helps to seal the tear and promote tissue growth. Studies affirm its fibrin properties as a sealant, adhesive, anti-inflammatory and chemotactic regenerative agent. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes about 45 minutes. The patient is given mild sedation during the procedure. The FDA has approved non-autologous fibrin for multiple applications in the human body. The Discseel® procedure has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and improving function in patients with torn discs. It has proven itself to be an effective alternative to surgery for the treatment of torn discs in people with chronic low back pain.

In addition to using biologics, Dr. Fishman also uses technologies such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and laser treatment to promote rapid tissue healing. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that delivers pure oxygen to the body under higher-than-normal pressurized environments. It is a noninvasive treatment that enables increased oxygen levels to permeate all levels of the body. It has been shown to be successful in helping to treat many underlying medical conditions and is used in concert with some of the biologics noted above.

Low laser light therapy is a minimally invasive to noninvasive treatment used to assist in reduction of pain, inflammation and sustained regeneration of injured and diseased tissue. It is often used in combination with biologic treatment, including PRP, cellular therapy and interventional spine procedures. German technology Weber low laser light therapy, as used in Dr. Fishman’s office, is FDA-approved for both intra-articular and interstitial treatment, as well as noninvasive treatment.



With over 30 years of experience in the field of orthopedic practice and treatment, Dr. Fishman has many credentials. He received a distinction in medicine for 25 years of service to the community from the Wayne State University School of Medicine. The Consumer Research Council of America has recognized Dr. Fishman as a Top American Orthopedic Surgeon.

Dr. Fishman is a frequent lecturer on orthopedic permanent disability injuries, where he shares how he treats and evaluates injured workers for the Worker’s Compensation Division of the State of California. He provides Agreed Medical Evaluations for the State, which requires precise calculations for fair impairment and disability determinations.

“These are life-altering effects and decisions for permanently disabled patients. Some of them are private patients, some of them are military, our police officers, first responders and firefighters. Many of them have given a great deal of their life in order to protect our communities. I want to make sure these injured patients and heroes have a final report that is very precise,” Dr. Fishman said.


The field of Regenerative Medicine is constantly evolving and moving forward. On the horizon, stem cell treatment has the ability to take a patient’s own stem cells and bank them in a specialized laboratory facility. Essentially, Dr. Fishman said this is a procedure where stromal vascular fraction and stem cells are harvested, processed and sent to an FDA-approved laboratory. These stem cells are cryopreserved, stored and made available for patients on an individual basis for future use.

“This allows for an almost unlimited amount of stem cells because these stem cells are expanded, and the patient has future access to their own stem cells indefinitely. What some people have chosen to do with their stem cells is they are banking them when they are younger, such as in their 30s. The cells are preserved and stay in that same state as if the patient is 30 years old. As the patient gets older, in their 50s or 60s, they can later access their cells. Should the patient sustain an injury or develop medical problems, they can now have their 30-year-old stem cells sent to their treating doctor for administration,” Dr. Fishman shared.

To learn about regenerative medicine and the impact it has on Bruce Fishman’s practice in orthopedic surgery, visit his website at

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cranberry potpourri

As the holiday season approaches, the warm and inviting scent of a natural stovetop potpourri can infuse your home with the delightful aromas of Christmas. This cranberry and orange potpourri recipe not only fills your space with a festive fragrance but also adds a touch of seasonal decor with its vibrant colors. Whether you’re hosting a gathering, wrapping presents, or simply enjoying a cozy day by the fire, this potpourri will create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your home.


- 1 cup fresh cranberries

- 2 oranges, sliced

- 3 cinnamon sticks

- 6 whole cloves

- 1 small sprig of fresh rosemary

- 1 small sprig of fresh thyme

- 1 small pine branch or a handful of pine needles (optional)


1. Prep the Ingredients:

M Rinse the fresh cranberries and set them aside.

M Slice the two oranges into rounds. You can also cut them into smaller pieces if you prefer.

2. Assemble the Potpourri:

M In a small pot or saucepan, add the cranberries, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and whole cloves.

M Place the fresh rosemary and thyme sprigs on top of the other ingredients. These herbs will release a wonderful fragrance as they simmer.

3. Add Pine (Optional):

M If you have a small pine branch or a handful of pine needles available, you can add them to the potpourri for an extra touch of Christmas tree scent. This step is optional but highly recommended.

4. Simmer on the Stovetop:

M Fill the pot with water until it’s about 3/4 full or as desired.

M Place the pot on the stovetop over low heat. Allow the potpourri to simmer gently.

M As the mixture heats, the scents will combine, filling your home with the delightful aroma of cranberries, oranges and spices.

5. Keep an Eye on It:

M Check the water level periodically, and add more water as needed to prevent it from evaporating entirely. You can continue simmering the potpourri for as long as you like; just remember to keep an eye on it.

6. Enjoy the Aroma:

M As the potpourri simmers, your home will be filled with the warm and comforting scents of the holiday season. The cranberries and oranges will release their fragrant oils, and the spices will add depth to the aroma.

This natural stovetop potpourri, infused with the delightful combination of cranberries and oranges, evokes the spirit of Christmas and will make your home feel even more special during this festive time of year. The warm, inviting scents will create a cozy atmosphere that’s perfect for holiday gatherings, quiet moments by the fire or simply adding a touch of Christmas to your everyday life. Enjoy the season and the wonderful aromas that this potpourri brings to your home.

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An interview with Dr. Robert Goldman A4M AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE

The inspiring story of Dr. Robert Goldman helped send him on a path that has now led to hundreds of thousands of people being better educated in regenerative medicine and expanding the world of anti-aging to provide exceptional training to health professionals worldwide. In our interview with Dr. Goldman, we explore regenerative medicine and A4M’s founding, Dr. Goldman’s achievements and inspiration, training health professionals, and tips that anyone can take away for living and aging healthier.

Regenerative Medicine and the Founding of A4M

Regenerative medicine is becoming more and more influential and paramount in the lives of many around the world. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, or A4M, was founded in 1992 by Dr. Robert Goldman and Dr. Ronald Klatz and has become the global leader in medical education continuation in total body care. They provide medical education opportunities to those around the world in training of all sorts, including university-level certifications, workshops, CME events and more. A4M seeks to provide care and training beyond the traditional standard of healthcare to improve the longevity and lifespan of people worldwide.

“We want to continue to educate the physician community as we have done for three decades,”

Dr. Robert Goldman said.

Dr. Goldman helped found A4M in acknowledgment that standard medical education could be better in staying up to date on the newest variables and enormous volumes of information out in the world. There are millions of journals to read and articles to educate, and being able to stay wellinformed on everything would take a lot of work. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine wanted to

become a platform where medical societies could become educated on many topics rather than just one specialty.

"We're very inclusive. We have many forms and specialties. In other words, we will have a plastic surgeon next to an internal medicine guy next to a cardiologist. And this way, we can take the best knowledge base from every specialty and combine that all together to help all of these specialists to enhance their knowledge in areas that they may not have been familiar with when they attended medical school," Dr. Goldman said.

A4M had to create a field that previously did not exist, especially when it came to regenerative medicine. Traditional medicine often treats symptoms and the issue itself rather than finding the origin of the problem and treating it. The organization wanted to train medical professionals on the entirety of the body so they could treat the origin of the issue rather than just the problem.

"Doctors would end up trying to fix one thing. Then they end up creating four other bad things for the patient, and so we were able to literally turn this whole thing around," he said.

Where Dr. Goldman's Interests Began

So, what started Dr. Goldman on the path to helping cofound some of the world's most well-known anti-aging and professional health education programs?

When Dr. Robert Goldman was working in gyms and health clubs in the 80s, there were no titles like 'Certified Personal Trainer' or an 'Educated Personal Fitness Trainer.' He noticed the need for basic first aid training and the lack of any form of health training for the people at the facilities. Wanting to create a profession that did not currently exist, Goldman worked toward founding the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and helped create a whole personal

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fitness trainer certification program through NASM, where about 1.6 million have now been certified.

Goldman also founded the term CPT or 'Certified Personal Trainer,' which is now in use worldwide. As he grew older, he realized that older people needed aid as well. To tackle this, Goldman and A4M co-founder Robert Klatz flew 12 doctors to Chicago, where they tried to strategize a new form of medicine. There, they addressed the health and longevity

issues of those as they aged in a new approach. From this knowledge and research, A4M was born.

Now, thousands of doctors join their training programs, modules and master's degree programs with memberships from 120 countries.

"The reason that I felt it was important to do this was for our own personal health and for that of our patients," he said.

Further Achievements and a Message from Rob Fletcher of Muscle & Fitness+

Dr. Goldman is no stranger to high achievements, holding over 20 world strength records, a 6th-degree Black Belt in Karate, winning the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Physical Fitness Award three times and receiving many other championship awards throughout his life.

Along with these awards and recognitions, Dr. Golman holds two Physician and Surgeon Medical Degrees and two Ph.D. Doctorates. He has also served as a Senior Fellow at the Lincoln Filene Center, Tufts University, as well as an Affiliate at the Philosophy of Education Research Center, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University.

Overseeing and founding multiple cooperative research agreement development programs and receiving his aforementioned degrees have qualified Dr. Goldman to serve as the chairman of many other committees and boards, such as the International Medical Commission, the AAU/USA Sports Medicine Council, the President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports and many more.

"Dr. Robert Goldman has made countless selfless contributions by supporting, promoting and helping others, especially in the world of sports, bodybuilding, health, fitness, anti-aging and martial arts. He's been the head of organizing and hosting multiple events and certification programs that improve our society physically, mentally, educationally and spiritually. With countless awards, accomplishments, and accolades, Dr. Robert Goldman has chosen not to base his legacy on these things but rather on making a positive impact and a difference in the world.

Recipient of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dr. Goldman has shown a relentless drive to consistently better people's lives worldwide through anti-aging, health and fitness. His efforts remain unmatched to make the world better, healthier, happier and stronger. His selfless contributions to inspire and motivate others have been proven through the Founding of the International Sports Hall of Fame (ISHOF), a non-profit that recognizes inductees not only for their accomplishments on the field, in a ring or on stage but for those who contribute to society by giving back — especially among our youth. Goldman himself donates 80% of his time to these charitable pursuits.

Dr. Goldman has a lifetime mission to support and promote events that align with his values, beliefs and efforts. He has recently partnered his global brand, with the global brand Muscle & Fitness, Muscle & Fitness Hers, FLEX Magazine, and the OLYMPIA Weekend in a combined effort at the international event, the A4M Anti-Aging Conference, to be held at the Venetian Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, December 14-16. A4M is a gathering of leaders and experts in anti-aging with speakers, workshops, forums and exhibitors featuring new advancements in technology, innovation, products and services. This year's keynote speaker will be Dr. Oz, who will be joined by a long list of highly recognized worldwide leaders. They will be sharing their knowledge at the A4M conference to improve the lives of others for optimal health and performance.”

- Rob Fletcher, Business Development Director Muscle & Fitness+

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Training Medical Professionals Through A4M

A4M invests significant resources in its sophisticated training, which encompasses various regenerative medicine techniques such as stem cell therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Even business aspects for medical professionals are covered and taught in the training through A4M.

"Everything under the sun, we have developed specific fellowship training programs to enhance the doctor's knowledge. So they are the best on the planet, and we are reaching out to the physician community to help them to be the most proficient and best trained out there. That's why after a patient goes to one of our doctors, they never want to go back to a conventionally trained doctor again. Because a conventionally trained doctor is not trained in nutrition," he said.

A4M trains its professionals to spend time with the patient and figure out the root cause of their issues and where they may be stemming from, which is an alternative to

traditional medicine. A4M's organization played a pivotal role in the development of medispas, as well as in the global expansion of concierge and precision medicine around the world.

"We are one of the very few organizations that have held world congresses all over the globe, everywhere from South Africa, China, Singapore and Thailand. Many organizations would have one big show every one to every four years. We have two major ones every year in America, with dozens of workshops every year in America. And we have held multiple conferences even in the same years as we have a congress in China, Singapore, Germany, France- we've had these all over the world. This really made us a very unique organization, and that was because of the experience I had in how to run global," Dr. Goldman shared.

The training is world-renowned and helpful to anyone in the medical field. For more information on upcoming events, visit their website at


While aging is inevitable, it is possible to be proactive and engaged in that process. Dr. Goldman gave us three suggestions for the best ways to age well and live a longer, healthier life.

Tips for the Best Aging Exercise

Exercise may seem like an over-exaggerated part of a healthy life, but Dr. Goldman has expressed that in his years of research and practice, exercise is one of the most basic yet important things to remember as you age. Weight lifting and moving the body are two of the most critical parts of healthy aging. Years ago, doctors did not promote weight lifting but now would suggest it as one simple, healthy way to exercise.

“I think that exercise and weight training is critical and very, very important. This is something that was resisted by a number of areas in the sporting community because if you were a football player, they would say, ‘Just play football;’ if you were a baseball player, ‘Just play baseball,’ and they were almost anti-weight room, and now there isn’t a sports team in the world that doesn’t have a fully-fledged training facility,” he said.

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Diet is another simple yet vital piece of healthy aging and living. Eating healthy and making health-conscious food decisions can tremendously prolong your life through your health journey.

“Diet is critical, especially since so much of the food has been manipulated. You want to try and get as much organically-based healthy natural foods as possible. Now, with all the artificial components put in food, you have to be very careful what you eat,” Dr. Goldman said.

Just because something has the ‘organic’ label does not mean those items have not been manipulated or have GMOs in them. Oftentimes, pollution is also present in our water sources. Because of this, Dr. Goldman suggests vitamin supplementation in daily eating habits while still watching what foods you consume.

Watch Your Stress Levels

“Hard work won’t kill you, but stress will,” Dr. Goldman said.

Stress harms the longevity of your life because there are physical effects of stress that come out during the time of stress. There are even long-lasting effects of stress that those wanting to increase their lifespan should avoid.

Dr. Goldman suggests different breathing exercises done in the East and meditation techniques that are done all over the world. These are simply coping mechanisms for stress that can aid your lifespan.

“These are things that are also very helpful because you can try to calm and nurse the body, but if you don’t take good care of the mind, the stress will kill you because it causes micro and macro inflammation. We are living in a toxic environment, and if you don’t try to counteract, there will be issues,” he said.


Regenerative medicine can be as simple as choosing the right foods and exercises while maintaining low stress levels. Visiting a regenerative medicine doctor and receiving treatments is an excellent way to boost your health and age better, but simple daily choices help the most in terms of longevity and healthy living.

"People now value their health as number one. There's no excuse if you can find at least 30 minutes a day to do an exercise program. If you can't spend a little bit of time and self-

control on your diet, and you're not willing to spend a little bit of money for nutritional supplementation, then you're missing the boat because people don't care about things until they're taken away," Dr. Goldman concluded.

Explore more ways on how to be proactive with your health and age well. Visit to learn more about Dr. Goldman, the mission of A4M and regenerative medicine and find inspiration to face aging head-on.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 173 / 39

Cloaked in the soft reflections of a contemporary black patina, the “Three Trumpets” dance to music that we can imagine. They spring from a world of hope and gratitude, and carry in their gestures a sense of freedom. They are both earthly and material, and other-worldly in their grace and light hearted spirit. Joy is the music of the “Three Trumpets,” and their carefree dance beckons us towards a bright and hopeful future

The Art of Richard MacDonald THREE TRUMPETS THIRD LIFE BLANC NOIR 3600 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Bellagio Resort & Casino Located in the lobby of the “O” Theatre (702)217-2380
Bronze 33” x 30” x 20”
Contact: Myrna soderquist

A Health and Wellness GIFT GUIDE


Wellness GUIDE giftsfor wellbeing:; -

Welcome to our Christmas gift guide, brought to you in affiliation with TopDoc Clinics in Miami. As we approach the holiday season, what better way to show your love and care for your friends and family than by giving the gift of well-being? From promoting restful sleep to enhancing oral hygiene and supporting a healthy lifestyle, we've curated a diverse selection of gift ideas for a happier and healthier you. Whether you're looking for a thoughtful skincare basket, eco-friendly glass containers, or even a membership to an ingredient-savvy app, our guide has something for everyone. So, this Christmas season, let's prioritize health and wellness and share the gift of self-care and vitality with ourselves and our loved ones.

1. Hatch: Restore 2


A full night's rest is essential for muscle recovery and can even help digestion. The Hatch: Restore 2 is a great gift for anyone needing more restful sleep or would like to wake up peacefully rather than to a blaring alarm every morning. Add it to your Christmas list this year, or get one for someone you know is needing a better night’s sleep.

2. Queen of Thrones Castor Oil Pack Kit


Castor oil packs are an easy gift for anyone in your life who likes taking a more natural approach to health and wellness. Using castor oil packs can be beneficial for improving circulation, reducing inflammation and relieving pain in specific areas of the body, making them a popular natural remedy.

3. Skincare Basket

A skincare basket can be a thoughtful gift for someone who has an extensive skincare routine or can be nice to give someone trying to figure out what their skincare routine looks like. Here are some ideas if you’re thinking about putting a skincare basket together for someone this Christmas: a face cleanser, their favorite moisturizer, a gua sha tool, face masks, a facial steamer, a gift card to get facial or reusable eye patches. This kind of gift is very customizable to any individual and budget.

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4. 20-Piece Round Glass Containers with Bamboo Lids Set


5. Giftcard to TopDoc Clinics

6. Unrefined Coconut Oil

Glass storage containers are a wonderful gift for the person in your life who is trying to avoid using plastic for any number of reasons, and will be a welcomed gift this Christmas. Glassware is a reusable and sustainable way to store food and takes away the worry of the harm of microplastics.

Who doesn’t love a trip to the spa? A TopDoc Clinics gift card could be the perfect gift to give someone close to you this Christmas. The options are endless, with TopDoc Clinics Miami offering a number of different services from hydrafacials, to cryotherapy to aesthetics. If you want to treat someone else or yourself this holiday season, get the Wellness Circuit Package for a month of access to the cryochamber, anti-aging bed, red light therapy bed and more. Call 305-486-7362 for more information!


If you know someone who is serious about their oral health, unrefined coconut oil is an easy gift for them. Some believe oil pulling can help reduce harmful bacteria, prevent bad breath and promote healthier gums and teeth. While it doesn’t replace regular oral hygiene like brushing and flossing, it can be used as a fantastic addition to their oral hygiene routine.

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7. Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser


Speaking of oral health, a water flosser could be a great addition to your (or anyone you're giving gifts to this Christmas) oral hygiene regimen. Add this to your Christmas wishlist, or get it for anyone who’s been wanting to step up their oral health routine.

8. Charity Donation to a Health and Wellness Initiative

A charity donation is the perfect gift for the person who loves to give. If one of your friends or family members has a charity they enjoy

supporting, donate in their name this year. It’s a thoughtful way to show you are attentive to their interests and give back to support the health and well-being of others in the community.




An all-natural cookware set is a must for anyone who’s tired of every product in their house being harmful to their bodies. If you’ve been wanting to make the switch to non-toxic cookware, put this set on your wishlist this year or check it out for a friend or family member.

10. YUKA Membership


This app is a brilliant way to see what ingredients are in the food, cleaning, and skin care products you’re using and get suggestions for more natural or healthier options. The membership allows you to search for any product without having to scan its barcode code, and it is a great last-minute gift if you waited a little too late to buy gifts this season!

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11. Véritable® SMART Garden System


Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the space for a garden, but as personal gardens have been making a comeback in recent years, a compact garden system could be an excellent gift for someone who has been wanting to start their own. This is an easy way to get started and allows them to grow fresh food for any delicious dishes they want to make throughout the year.

12. Gym Membership or Class Pass

Get moving in the new year! The gift of a gym membership or class pass is a practical gift for anyone in your life who loves being active. If someone you know frequents the gym or loves taking classes, this is a great way to show them your support for their lifestyle and hobbies.

13. Local Produce Box

A local produce box can be an easy gift to support not only your friend or family member’s healthy lifestyle but also local farmers this Christmas. Most towns have produce box programs you can easily join, and you could always pair it with a locally made apron or cooking utensils for anyone who loves to cook or even add it to your Christmas wishlist!

10. 11. 12. 13.
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Embarking on the Path to Longevity and Vitality: Bio-Optimized Living


Every great journey commences with a single, deliberate step—the decision to begin. Biohacking is the art of optimizing human performance and well-being through strategic interventions. It is a multifaceted approach to enhancing longevity and vitality. As an expert in the field, I live this Bio-Op Life successfully and advocate for a comprehensive strategy that includes not only individual practices but also the cultivation of a supportive community. Below are top biohacking tips, each integral to the quest for a longer, healthier life, and the added dimension of community as a vital component of this journey.

Mindfulness for Self Mastery:

Everything starts in the mind. Mindfulness and stress reduction are vital practices in the biohacking toolkit, as they help mitigate the detrimental effects of chronic stress on the body, enhance mental clarity, and promote a balanced emotional state, all of which are foundational for long-term health and vitality.

• Dedicate time to mindfulness or meditation, reducing stress’s impact on aging.

• Utilize breathing techniques to activate

the parasympathetic nervous system.

• Cultivate positivity through gratitude practices.

• Use visualization and affirmations to maintain focus on your health objectives.

• Stimulate your mind with brain training, new skills and complex tasks.

Understanding your Personalized Metrics

In the pursuit of longevity, biohacking isn’t merely about adopting a set of best practices; it’s about understanding and tracking the unique biological markers that define our individual health. By comparing our biomarkers to those of the healthiest individuals, we achieve a marker of peak performance. Through diagnostic testing, you can have a personalized plan to reach your Optimized Performance Levels.

• Blood Panels

• DNA Testing

• Food Inflammation Testing

• Gut Microbiome Analysis

• Hormone Testing

• Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Sleep Tracking

• Telomere Testing

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The Art of Rest and Recovery:

Rest and recovery are not just intermissions in our bustling lives; they are essential chapters in the story of our health. Taking cues from the regimens of top athletes, incorporating a rest protocol that transforms downtime into a strategic component of health optimization is essential.

• Aim for 7-9 hours of restorative sleep per night.

• Consistency is key; maintain a regular sleep schedule to regulate your circadian rhythm.

• Create a sanctuary for sleep: ensure your bedroom is dark, cool and quiet.

• Reduce blue light exposure in the evening to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

Food As Fuel:

Nutrition is the premium fuel for the intricate machinery of your mind and body, powering every function and facilitating optimal health, while the practice of fasting acts as a reset button, enhancing cellular repair and metabolic efficiency.

• Choose a diet abundant in whole foods, fostering cellular health and longevity.

• Experiment with intermittent fasting to promote autophagy and metabolic balance.

• Reduce intake of sugars and processed foods to decrease inflammation and slow aging.

• Support a healthy microbiome with a fiber-rich diet and fermented foods.

Adding the Missing Building Blocks of Life

Supplementation has become an essential tool for filling nutritional gaps and ensuring our bodies receive the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals required for optimal health. The efficacy of supplements hinges not only on their intrinsic nutritional value but also on the integrity of their sourcing, the reputation of the manufacturing company, the transparency of user testimonials, and, critically, their bioavailability—ensuring that the body can readily absorb and utilize them to the fullest extent.

Test for nutrient and mineral deficiencies and supplement for personalized optimization.

Movement for Life:

Regular physical activity not only plays a pivotal role in stimulating the lymphatic system, essential for immune function and bodily detoxification, but it also triggers the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters that elevate mood and contribute to mental well-being.

• Engage in a balanced mix of aerobic and resistance training for overall fitness.

• Incorporate HIIT for enhanced metabolic health and endurance.

• Practice flexibility and balance exercises to preserve mobility and prevent injuries.


Using Technologies to Unlock Peak Performance:

My bio-optimized living protocols, crafted with precision, incorporate a suite of advanced modalities. Each of these modalities has been selected for its evidence-based capacity to profoundly influence health, forming the pillars of a protocol that stands at the forefront of anti-aging and restorative medicine.

• Near-Infrared Red Light: Penetrates deep into tissues, stimulating cellular repair and regeneration.

• Far-Infrared: Enhances circulation and promotes detoxification at the cellular level.

• Cold Therapy: Boosts metabolism and inflammation control, fortifying the body’s resilience.

• PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy): Encourages cellular recovery and balances the body’s electromagnetic fields.

• Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Saturates cells with oxygen, vastly improving healing and function.

Environmental Optimization:

Addressing environmental stressors is imperative as they can insidiously undermine our health, contributing to chronic disease and diminishing our body’s innate capacity to heal and thrive.

• Reduce toxin exposure by choosing natural products for cleaning and personal care.

• Invest in air and water purification to minimize environmental pollutants.

• Practice grounding to connect with nature and reduce inflammation.

The Power of Community:

The embrace of a supportive community is a cornerstone for longevity, providing social connection, shared knowledge and the collective encouragement that are essential in nurturing and sustaining a long, vibrant life. I personally attend conferences worldwide to gain more knowledge in my field and create relationships with those elevating the regenerative medical and self-development space. I also personally have been a part of a health and wellness community through Jennifer Nicole Lee for years, and it ensured a support system connected with like-minded women all looking to live their best, fittest and healthiest lives. Seek out communities living the examples you want to live.

• Immerse yourself in a health-conscious community for support and shared knowledge.

• Participate in group activities that encourage physical and social engagement.

• Share your journey with peers to build accountability and collective wisdom.

As you weave these biohacking strategies into the fabric of your life, remember that the journey is deeply personal. Approach each practice with curiosity and adaptability, and always consult healthcare professionals who are living these practices successfully. The path to longevity is a marathon, not a sprint, and each step forward is made richer through the support and camaraderie of a like-minded community.

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A Board Certified Regenerative Medicine Expert Transforming Lives and Assisting in Healing Without Drugs or Surgery Meet Dr. William J. Cole Jr.:

Get to know Regenerative Medicine

Expert Dr. William J. Cole Jr., who serves patients throughout the State of Florida and the entire US to “Have the Body Heal the Body®”

Dr. Cole is a renowned regenerative medicine expert who has dedicated his medical career to decreasing pain and increasing function without unnecessary drugs or surgeries.

He is the president, founder, and CEO of RegenaMed.US®, OrthoMed® Pain & Sports Medicine, the kNOwPAIN Institute & Foundation® and proud father of Dr. Mary Jane® - Medical-Grade CBD, which has replaced up to 50% of the narcotics formerly prescribed by his two certified pain clinics in Southwest Florida.

Dr. Cole completed training at NYU Rusk Institute in 2004, just after a life-threatening motor vehicle accident deprived him of the use of his hands. As a result, he changed his career path from orthopedic surgeon to physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist. He underwent the first of seven surgeries in 2003 and concluded with a cervical decompression in 2013, resulting in a spinal cord injury that nearly made him a quadriplegic. As Dr. Cole had already changed so many lives through regenerative medicine, he then underwent extensive regenerative

treatments resulting in a tremendous reduction in pain and an increase in functional abilities, in lieu of the typical four-level cervical fusion with a 10% success rate, as recommended by traditional neurosurgeons that would have ended Dr. Cole’s successful career in regenerative, conservative and interventional pain management.

For nearly 20 years, he built a very successful, outpatient-based, multi-location regenerative and orthopedic medicine group serving thousands of local, regional, national and international clients with customized traditional and regenerative treatments of the highest quality care, resulting in exceptional outcomes and lives that have been positively changed.

Dual board certified in regenerative medicine and interventional PM&R, Dr. Cole is a Diplomate of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR). He is one of five in the world with this rare double-board certification

While working with some of the most prominent orthopedic surgeons in the United States, Dr. Cole has devoted his career to mastering and perfecting minimally invasive interventional procedures to maximize benefits and minimize pain while working toward a better quality of life for the patients.

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He specializes in advanced regenerative therapies for all joints, muscles, tendons, spine and nerves with Ultra PRP and “SMART” Cell Nano Particle Treatments via fluoroscopic and ultrasound-guided interventions, with over 60,000 total procedures performed throughout his 20-year career. He has also achieved major medical innovations such as The Sciatica Solution via the kNOw PAIN® approach to diagnose and treat over 10,000 patients with difficult and elusive disorders with outstanding results and very happy patients.

Dr. Cole has pioneered multiple adjunct therapies that are safe and effective non-surgical alternatives to surgery or narcotics, such as Dr. Mary Jane, a medical-grade CBD that has the potential to reduce not only muscle and joint pain but also nerve pain, spasms, anxiety, insomnia and other disorders as it resets the body into our tranquil “rest and digest” sense of well-being, but without the unwanted effects of THC products. He even developed a 100% natural 16-component IV essential vitamin and mineral therapy that he generated from 66 National Institute of Health Coronavirus Studies to hyperboost immunity, turbocharge antioxidants, assist in preventing respiratory disorders and stop viruses from replicating, and is a wonderful adjunct treatment to help prevent vulnerable patients from getting sick.

For the last 16 years, Dr. Cole has served as an assistant clinical professor at LECOM in Bradenton, teaching all aspects of conservative and interventional pain management, in

addition to regenerative medicine, to build strong community and medical ties to future physicians, as he believes in giving back to the medical and local community.

Among his professional affiliations, Dr. Cole is Director of Orthopedic Medicine for the American Association of Stem Cell Physicians and an esteemed member of the American Osteopathic Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, American Academy of Pain Medicine, the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, the Florida Medical Association, the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association, the Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, the North American Spine Society and the Sarasota County Medical Society, and will be the founder of the AARP (American Association of Regenerative Physicians).

Having come to the realization that patients deserve a better quality of life, Dr. Cole’s motto is to “FIND IT, and FIX IT” to get patients back to their lives faster, fitter and more functional than our failed traditional medicine, for the exceptional health of all patients today, tomorrow and in the future. And as Dr. Cole always says: “The future of medicine is to have the body heal the body… naturally, and I LOVE WHAT I DO!”

While PM&R aims to treat those with physical impairments or disabilities, such as disorders of the brain, spinal cord, spine, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, Dr.

Cole’s advanced regenerative treatments utilize Cutting-Edge Nano-Technology to stimulate your body to rapidly rebuild, restore, repair, renew, rejuvenate, replenish and revitalize those same tissues of the body to enhance and restore the natural functional ability and quality of life, but without pain.

Happily married for 23 years (and counting), Dr. Cole and his lovely wife, Dr. Liliana Cole, are bilingual in English and Spanish and raise their two children by example by serving our Florida community through the kNOwPAIN Institute & Foundation® by assisting patients in the diagnosis and treatment of severe or chronic illnesses for those who deserve but can’t afford quality healthcare.

Learn More about Dr. William J. Cole Jr. through his findatopdoc profile: doctor/149407-William-Colephysiatrist-physical-medicine-Saraso ta-FL-34232 or through OrthoMed Pain & Sports Medicine, https://www., and at meet-dr-cole/, or “DrMaryJane.US”


FindaTopDoc is a digital health information company that helps connect patients with local physicians and specialists who accept your insurance. Our goal is to help guide you on your journey toward optimal health by providing you with the know-how to make informed decisions for you and your family.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 173 / 57

Take Your Zinc Before Flu Season This Year!

As we see flu season on the horizon, the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system becomes increasingly apparent. Among the various minerals and nutrients essential for immune health, zinc stands out as a crucial element that can bolster our body’s defenses against seasonal illnesses like the flu! Its role in supporting immune function has been well-documented, making it a valuable addition to our health regimen both before and during flu season.

Zinc as a Preventative Measure

Before the onset of flu season, providing your body with zinc can be an effective preventive measure. This essential mineral plays a pivotal role in numerous bodily functions, including immune response, cell division and wound healing. It acts as a catalyst for over 300 enzymes, contributing to the proper functioning of many biochemical processes in the body.

Zinc is particularly renowned for its ability to enhance the activity of immune cells. It helps regulate the production and function of various immune cells, such as neutrophils and natural killer cells, which are essential for combating infections. Additionally, zinc assists in the production of antibodies, which are crucial for the body’s defense mechanism against pathogens like influenza viruses.

Studies have indicated that maintaining adequate zinc levels can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold,

which shares symptoms with influenza. While not a direct cure for the flu, incorporating zinc into your diet or as a supplement before flu season may provide an added layer of defense against viral infections.

Alleviating Cold and Flu Symptoms

During flu season, the benefits of zinc become even more pronounced. As the virus spreads more readily, reinforcing your immune system becomes crucial in warding off illness. Zinc supplementation during this period can help shorten the duration of flu symptoms and potentially reduce the likelihood of developing severe complications.

Research suggests that zinc cough drops or syrup taken within 24 hours of the onset of flu symptoms may decrease the duration of the illness by interfering with the virus’s ability to multiply and spread in the body. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of zinc supplementation may vary depending on the formulation, dosage and individual factors, so consulting a healthcare professional should be a first step.

Zinc’s anti-inflammatory properties can assist in alleviating symptoms commonly associated with the flu, such as sore throat and cough. By reducing inflammation and supporting the body’s immune response, zinc can contribute to a speedier recovery from flu-related discomfort.

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Dietary and Supplemental Sources of Zinc

You might be asking a necessary question: What is a good source of zinc? There are various ways you can have a higher intake of this mineral during this year’s cold and flu season. One of the easiest ways to get zinc is through seafood like oysters and crab or through red meat. These have the highest presence of zinc out of all the foods you could eat for a natural source of zinc. If you are not partial to seafood or are trying to avoid red meat, there are other foods that have a great source of zinc! Brown rice, legumes such as kidney beans, blueberries and even cheddar cheese are fantastic natural sources where zinc can be found.

If you feel you are not getting enough zinc through your diet, there are also supplements you can take. This can be an easy way to ensure you are getting enough of this cold-fighting supplement during cold and flu season to help your immune system ward off any cold-related symptoms.

Striking a Balance

However, it’s crucial to strike a balance with zinc intake, as excessive amounts can have adverse effects on health. Overconsumption of zinc may lead to gastrointestinal disturbances and interfere with the absorption of other essential minerals like copper and iron. Therefore, moderation

and adherence to recommended daily allowances are essential. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating zinc into your daily routine.


Incorporating zinc into your health regimen before and during flu season can offer significant benefits for immune health. Whether through dietary sources like nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains or as a supplement, maintaining optimal zinc levels can bolster the body’s defenses against seasonal illnesses like the flu. As always, it’s best to seek guidance from a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and form of zinc supplementation tailored to your individual needs.

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