Issue 177 - HealthBanks

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“Creating an overall healthy lifestyle for yourself doesn’t require a radical diet or significant life change. In fact, it can be attained through common sense decisions about the way we eat, move, and live.”
– Harley Pasternak
T O P D O C C L I N I C S M I A M I O N B R I C K E L L A V E N U E O F F E R I N G A E S T H E T I C S , W E I G H T O P T I M I Z A T I O N , & I V T H E R A P Y CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION TODAY 3 0 5 - 4 8 6 - 7 3 6 2

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson

Contributing Authors: Dr. Christopher Davis, Riley George, Sydney Good, Hannah H., Ashleigh Quint



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10,000 Steps A Day: A Fad Or An Important Goal? Discover If It's Right For You

Why Intermittent Fasting Isn't One-SizeFits-All: A Guide for Men and Women of All Ages

Eating For Your BloodType: Behind the Phenomenon That's Helped Thousands

HealthBanks Biotech and the Future

of Cell Banking: An Interview with Dr. Chris Xu

Glowing Skin From Within: Blueberry

Glow Smoothie

Absolute Beauty: Illuminating Stem Cells in SkinCare

Make the Most of Warm Weather: The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

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Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 9

10,000 STEPS A DAY:

A Fad Or An Important Goal? Discover If It’s Right For You

Iremember when Fitbits were all the rage. Suddenly, everyone seemed obsessed with reaching a goal of 10,000 steps a day. I thought it was silly. Why 10,000 steps? I figured people could just prioritize exercise, be it lifting or doing cardio. To me, that would be enough.

As Fitbits have faded away, should we also give up the ambition of hitting 10,000 steps a day? Is this cardio goal one we should set out to achieve? Or, was it some fad that we all should forget about?

Let’s take a closer look.

Why 10,000 Steps?

It turns out that the 10,000 steps goal didn’t originate with the Fitbit. The goal came from one professor’s theory during the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.¹ Professor Yoshiro Hatano studied how to fight obesity and theorized that walking 10,000 steps a day— equaling about five miles—would be the right amount to keep people healthy. Hatano developed the “Manpo-kei,” a pedometertype device that motivated people to get up and move. The device was a huge hit since people were already thinking about health and fitness during the Olympic season.

Eventually, the U.S. and other countries got in on the excitement. They realized that 10,000 steps a day can allow someone to hit their necessary aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is crucial to taking care of cardiovascular health.² It’s needed for controlling blood pressure and blood sugar. It helps manage weight and improves mental health. It also strengthens the immune system and boosts brain power.

The official recommendation now is to get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week or 75 minutes a week for more intense movement. If you divide 150 minutes into 30 minutes five days a week, you could hit about 7,000-8,000 steps at a brisk pace.³ So,

you could argue that all you need is about that much a day.

Are 10,000 steps necessary, then? Truthfully, you’ll get a different answer from every health expert you ask. Here’s the thing, though. Most of us have become far too sedentary, so it’s good to make yourself move more throughout the day. We all need aerobic exercise daily, regardless of your fitness goals. Depending on your health goals, it’s up to you if you want to hit that many steps, but it is a good number to get the official cardio requirement and then some. It’s also a recommended step number for weight loss.⁴

The Power of Walking

The good news is that you don’t need to go on a run to get your cardio in. Walking is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Fitness trainer Gina Florio recommends walking as a weight loss tool for her clients.⁵ Florio noted that high-intensity workouts are effective, but they’re not appealing to the everyday person who just wants to be healthier. She goes on to say that for people who are already stressed—which many of us are nowadays—high-intensity training can be counterproductive because it creates more stress.

Higher-intensity workouts like running may burn more calories in a shorter time, but it’s harder on the body and stresses the heart.⁶

Even if weight loss isn’t your goal, walking is a simple yet effective way to take care of your health. Whatever your health goals are, it’s time to get walking!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 11

Getting in Your 10,000 Steps

At this point, you might be wondering if lifting weights counts for aerobic exercise. The answer is: sorta. Generally speaking, cardio, like walking, swimming, running, biking, etc., counts as aerobic exercise. When you lift weights or sprint, you’re doing anaerobic exercise.⁷ This means you use energy from contracting muscles as opposed to oxygen, like when you’re walking. Yet, lifting weights can count toward cardio at the right intensity.⁸ For overall health, it’s recommended to have a mix of cardio and lifting.

Reaching a goal of 10,000 steps is much simpler than you think. Here are some ways you can mindfully walk more throughout your day.

Go on Walks

This one’s a no-brainer, but it is the best way! Take a half hour of your day and go for a walk outside. Grab a buddy or two and make it a social event. Listen to your favorite podcast, catch up on an audiobook, or create a great playlist. Do whatever it is to make it an enjoyable part of your day!

Park Farther Away

It’s easy to want to nab the closest parking spot, especially if the weather outside isn’t ideal. But, if you park farther away, you’ll start adding up those steps. Your health will thank you for it!

Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator

We might groan when we hear this, but once you get in the habit of choosing the stairs over the elevator, your body will adapt, and you won’t even think about it.

Move When You Can

If you’re making phone calls for work, walk around instead of sitting. If you need to study or read something, take it with you to the treadmill. Get up and move around periodically if your job has you sitting down all day at a desk. If you can opt for movement, it’ll be much better for you!

Take Multiple Trips

Whenever we unload our car with groceries, it’s easy to want to grab as many bags as possible so that we don’t have to take as many trips. Instead, do the opposite and be less efficient! Take several trips in whatever you do.

Track Your Steps

One way to know how many steps you’re taking is to get some sort of step tracker. You could opt for something like an Apple Watch, but there are several free step-tracking apps that you could go for instead if you don’t want to make the purchase. Whatever you choose, you don’t need to hit 10,000 steps on day one. Take your time working up to that. As long as you move mindfully, you’ll be on your way to better health.


While Fitbits may have faded away, it doesn’t mean we have to end our goal of 10,000 steps. Cardio is important to our physical and mental health, and we don’t need to be a marathon runner to do it. It’s all about mindful and intentional movement to get the necessary steps.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 13

Why Intermittent Fasting Isn’t One-

Size-Fits-All: A Guide for Men and Women of All Ages

Intermittent fasting has surged in popularity as a holistic and sustainable approach to weight management and overall health. Unlike traditional diets, it’s not about restricting specific food groups but revolves around when you eat. The core idea is to optimize metabolic processes and unlock various health benefits.

Why is Intermittent Fasting Beneficial?

• Weight Management

Intermittent fasting can be an effective strategy for weight loss. By restricting the eating window, individuals often consume fewer calories, leading to a calorie deficit and weight loss over time.

• Improved Metabolism

Fasting periods can enhance metabolic health by regulating blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. This may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

• Cellular Repair and Longevity

During fasting, cells undergo a process called autophagy, where they remove damaged components. This is believed to contribute to cellular repair and potentially promote longevity.

• Brain Health

Intermittent fasting may have neuroprotective effects, supporting brain health and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe?

Intermittent fasting is generally considered safe for most healthy adults, but individual experiences may vary. It’s important to note the following considerations:

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals: Before starting any fasting regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications, consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance based on your individual health status.

Nutrient Intake: While intermittent fasting doesn’t prescribe specific foods, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet when eating. Ensure your meals contain essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and adequate protein.

Hydration: Staying hydrated is key during fasting periods. Drink water, herbal teas, or other non-caloric beverages to prevent dehydration.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals. Adjust your fasting window or consider a different method if you experience dizziness, extreme hunger, or other discomfort.

Individual Variation: What works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different methods to find the approach that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Intermittent Fasting for Men

Ages 20-30:

• Fasting Window: 16:8 method (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating).

• Meal Timing: Experiment with different eating windows to find what suits your lifestyle. Consider skipping breakfast and having your first meal around noon.

• Training: Exercise in the morning during the fasting period or right before breaking the fast.

Ages 30-40:

• Fasting Window: You can continue with 16:8 or try the 18:6 method.

• Meal Composition: Focus on a balanced diet with sufficient protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

• Hydration: Drink plenty of water during fasting hours.

Ages 40-50:

• Fasting Window: 16:8 or 18:6 may still be suitable.

• Meal Quality: Pay attention to nutrient density and overall food quality. Consider incorporating more antioxidants.

• Regular Check-ups: Regular health check-ups become more important as you age.

Ages 50-60:

• Fasting Window: Consider a flexible approach like alternate-day fasting or 14:10.

• Nutrient Intake: Ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D, for bone health.

• Medical Consultation: Regular health monitoring and consultation with a healthcare provider are crucial.

Ages 60-70+:

• Fasting Window: Listen to your body; consider shorter fasting windows like 12:12 or 14:10.

• Meal Consistency: Aim for balanced meals with a focus on digestion. Consider smaller, more frequent meals.

• Medical Monitoring: Regular health check-ups are essential, and consult with healthcare providers on any adjustments to fasting.

Intermittent Fasting for Women

The principles for women are generally similar, but it’s important to be mindful of hormonal fluctuations and potential effects on reproductive health. Women may need to be more cautious with extended fasting.

Ages 20-30:

• Follow a similar approach as men in the same age group, but be attentive to hormonal changes. Consider a 14:10 or 16:8 fasting window.

Ages 30-40:

• Consider shorter fasting windows like 14:10 or 16:8.

• Pay attention to nutrient-dense foods, especially if planning for pregnancy.

Ages 40-50:

• Be mindful of hormonal changes during perimenopause.

• Consider shorter fasting windows and focus on maintaining bone health with adequate calcium and vitamin D.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 17

Ages 50-60:

• Adjust fasting windows based on individual needs and hormone fluctuations.

• Prioritize nutrient-dense foods and monitor bone health.

Ages 60-70+:

• Shorter fasting windows may be more suitable.

• Focus on maintaining overall health with a well-balanced diet.

Remember, individual responses to fasting can vary, and paying attention to how your body reacts is crucial. It’s important to note that before starting any new diet or fasting regimen, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health concerns.

Common Misconceptions

Fasting Leads to Muscle Loss:

• Misconception: One prevalent myth is that intermittent fasting leads to muscle loss. However, numerous studies indicate that intermittent fasting can preserve muscle mass while promoting fat loss when combined with resistance training.¹ It may even enhance muscle protein synthesis during the eating window.

Fasting Slows Down Metabolism:

• Misconception: Some believe fasting slows down metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Contrary to this, studies suggest intermittent fasting may actually boost metabolism by promoting fat oxidation and improving insulin sensitivity, supporting efficient energy utilization.²

Intermittent Fasting is Only for Weight Loss:

• Misconception: While intermittent fasting is often associated with weight loss, its benefits extend beyond that. Scientific evidence suggests it plays a role in promoting overall health, improving metabolic markers, reducing inflammation, and supporting longevity.³

Fasting is the Same for Everyone

• Misconception: Individual responses to intermittent fasting can vary. Factors such as age, sex, and overall health influence how the body responds to fasting.

It is essential to tailor an intermittent fasting approach that suits individual needs and lifestyles, approach it mindfully, and seek professional advice if you have any health concerns.

Learn more about Dr. Christopher Davis, his career, and how you can get in touch through the links below!




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Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 19
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behind the phenomenon that’s helped thousands

Have you noticed that some diets work well with some people and not so much for others? Could it be linked to willpower or the person’s preference? Perhaps you’ve tried an array of diets and wondered why they didn’t work.

On top of all that, there are the never-ending diet trends. One day, we’re told you should eat meat, the next, you shouldn’t. Or, you should only eat fish. Add more vegetables. Don’t eat too many leafy greens because they’re less beneficial than we thought. How can you know what’s best for you?

According to Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, your blood type can tell you. That’s right. Your blood type determines what kind of nourishment you need. This is called the Blood Type Diet, and it might be the solution you’ve been searching for this whole time.¹ It’s one that’s loved by celebrity trainers and Victoria’s Secret models alike, so you might find yourself falling for it, too.²

Let’s dive in.

Behind the Blood Type Diet

Dr. D’Adamo discovered the Blood Type Diet when he found that certain blood types responded better to some foods. D’Adamo is a naturopathic physician and believes food is medicine.³ In his research, he found that people with blood type A had more diseases associated with overeating meat. Conversely, people with blood type O do well when they eat a lot of meat, but their bodies tend to have trouble with carbohydrates.

That’s when D’Adamo formulated the hypothesis that each blood type should have its own eating program. He knew that many diet plans didn’t always reflect the uniqueness of the individual. For instance, some dieticians say that a high-protein diet can steal calcium away from the bones. But, D’Adamo notes that type O’s have an enzyme that can process

protein and receive calcium. In other words, type O’s protein processing is unique from other types and requires a highprotein diet. At the same time, type A’s don’t have the enzyme that processes calcium from protein.

That’s why some food groups don’t work for everyone. You need one that’s special to you, and the Blood Type Diet is designed to cater to your needs.⁴

The Benefits

So, what do you have to gain from going on the Blood Type Diet? Well, it’s something you could potentially lose: excess weight. According to D’Adamo’s website, of 6,000 people who participated in this type of eating, about 75% of them lost weight. That translates to three out of four people who did the Blood Type Diet lost weight.⁵ Additionally, people experienced better digestion, less stress, improved mood, and more energy and mental clarity. Some of the types are more prone to cancer, so going on the Blood Type Diet could help lower those chances.⁶

More than that, D’Adamo says many people have been cured of serious diseases after going on the diet. He shared one particular story about a patient who had a skin autoimmune disease called Pemphigus.⁷ The disease causes blisters, and it’s deadly. The patient was a vegetarian and even won national vegetarian trivia awards. However, he was only getting sicker. He disagreed with Dr. D’Adamo’s idea for the Blood Type Diet, but he didn’t want to die over being vegetarian. He decided to give Dr. D’Adamo’s diet a try and switched over to meat since he was type O. That decision saved his life. His Pemphigus went into remission, and muscles that steroids had destroyed even grew back.

No matter where you are on your health journey, eating for your blood type could help you achieve the healthiest version of yourself.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 23

The Type Breakdown

Here’s D’Adamo’s analysis of all the blood types and what he recommends for each.

Type O

As previously mentioned, type O has a unique enzyme that processes protein and takes in calcium.⁸ The best foods for this type are organic meats, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits. People with type O don’t process carbs as well and tend to store them as fat. More than that, carbs in type O can cause inflammation and auto-immune issues. Here’s more on what’s suggested for type O’s to eat.⁹

In response to stress, people with type O build up adrenaline. It’s helpful then to exercise at least three to four times a week. This exercise should challenge both the muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems. Out of any other type, type O’s benefit the most physically and mentally from exercise.

Type A

Type A’s are essentially the opposite of type O’s. Unlike type O’s, type A’s do not process animal meat or fat very well, and they have more diseases associated with animal products.¹⁰ Instead, they thrive off carbohydrates and a more vegetarian diet with plant proteins. Here are more recommendations for people with type A to eat.¹¹

This type produces more cortisol than others. Type A’s need to focus on stress-reducing exercises like stretching, pilates, and Tai Chi. They want to be mindful that they’re not raising their cortisol while working out, which could happen during high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Type B

While type O’s and A’s are opposites, type B strikes a balance between the two.¹² Some good foods for people with type B are animal products like lamb, venison, goat, rabbit, eggs, and low-fat dairy. Green vegetables are also beneficial. Foods that type B should limit are corn, lentils, wheat, buckwheat, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. These

foods can cause weight gain and a drop in blood pressure. Additionally, chicken can be a problem because it negatively impacts the bloodstream. You can learn more about diet recommendations for people with type B here.¹³

Type B produces cortisol similarly to type A; however, people with type B experience physical effects from stress. Dr. D’Adamo recommends exercise that is both mentally and physically challenging, such as tennis, hiking, golf, and martial arts. Type B's can be more creative and easygoing, so they should try to lean into those areas. When living healthily, type B is the most fit and mentally balanced out of all the types. Dr. D’Adamo also notes that type B's are statistically the tallest of all the types!

Type AB

This is the rarest of all the types. Type AB has a mix of both Types A and B, as you can imagine.¹⁴ Type AB does well with tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. Fish, such as salmon, tuna, mahi-mahi, red snapper, and sardines, are especially good. Dairy like yogurt and kefir are also beneficial, but type ABs should avoid smoked or cured meats. These can cause issues in the stomach acid, which could lead to cancer. Type ABs should also be mindful of combining certain foods, such as protein and starchy vegetables. More recommendations for type AB are here.¹⁵

According to Dr. D’Adamo, type AB is similar to type O and type B in response to stress. Like type O, type AB produces more adrenaline, but like type B, it also experiences the physical effects of stress. Dr. D’Adamo recommends combining calming exercises and physical challenges for type AB, such as devoting some days to aerobic exercise and others to stretching or Tai Chi.


There’s a reason why the Blood Type Diet is popular among Victoria’s Secret models. It’s shown to have positive results among thousands, from weight loss to healing diseases. With the Blood Type Diet, you can feed your body what it needs to live your best life.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 25


“In the last 15 years, Dr. Chris Xu pioneered a world-class regenerative and cell banking consortium to help heal the world.”

Dr. Chris Xu's journey from immunologist and researcher to pioneering entrepreneur in the fields of regenerative medicine and cell banking is a testament to his vision and dedication to advancing healthcare. Beginning his career in academia, Dr. Xu contributed significantly to organ and stem cell transplantation research at Washington University School of Medicine. His transition into the pharmaceutical industry, where he played a crucial role in drug discovery and development at Pfizer, laid the groundwork for his later entrepreneurial endeavors.

The establishment of his company, Boyalife, marked a significant shift in Dr. Xu's career. Leveraging advanced automated technology licensed from ThermoGenesis, Boyalife became the first internationally accredited stem cell bank in China. This achievement underscored Dr. Xu's ability to identify and capitalize on cutting-edge technologies to drive progress in the field. Boyalife's rapid growth and success, culminating in a staggering $300 million valuation, exemplify Dr. Xu's strategic vision and operational excellence.

Dr. Xu's acquisition of ThermoGenesis Holdings Inc. and, later, HealthBanks Biotech Inc. demonstrates his commitment to advancing the field of cellular medicine. By transforming HealthBanks into a leading cellular medicine company and relocating its headquarters to California, Dr. Xu has positioned the company at the forefront of the industry. The operation of four world-class facilities in the United States further solidifies HealthBanks USA's standing as a pioneer in regenerative medicine and cell banking.


Sacramento Facility

HealthBanks Irvine Facility

HealthBanks Irvine Facility

Aspire Orlando


Dr. Xu's journey reflects a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in healthcare. Through his leadership, Boyalife and HealthBanks USA have become key players in the global effort to harness the potential of cellular medicine to heal the world. His work not only represents a significant contribution to the field but also offers hope for the development of new treatments and therapies that could transform patient care in the coming years.

HealthBanks Biotech Group, under the leadership of Dr. Chris Xu, has positioned itself as a trailblazer in the field of cellular medicine through its vertical integration and diversified business model.

The company's operations span four key areas: automated technologies, cell banking, cell manufacturing, and cell therapies. This comprehensive approach allows HealthBanks to control the entire process, from cell collection to the development of cell-based therapies, ensuring high standards of quality and innovation. A standout aspect of HealthBanks' technology portfolio is its ThermoGenesis subsidiary, which is pivotal in automating cell processing.

ThermoGenesis has revolutionized the cord blood banking industry with its technology, supporting 500 cord blood banks globally. This achievement is significant given that about 90% of all FDA-approved clinical-grade cord blood stem cell units used for transplantation are stored using ThermoGenesis ’ BioArchive smart cryostorage system. This system is renowned for its precision, reliability, and contribution to advancing stem cell transplantation therapies.

The adoption of ThermoGenesis technology by leading industry institutions, including the New York Cord Blood Bank, MD Anderson, Cleveland Clinics,

Duke, and CBR, underscores its impact and value. Furthermore, the technology's global reach, extending to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and over 130 institutions in nearly 40 countries, highlights its worldwide acceptance and the trust placed in it by the medical community.

HealthBanks Biotech Group's success reflects not only its technological innovation but also its commitment to improving patient care through advanced cell therapies. By leveraging automated technologies in cell banking and manufacturing technologies, the company is at the forefront of developing treatments that could potentially revolutionize healthcare.

The dedication to excellence and innovation, as demonstrated by Dr. Chris Xu and his team, positions HealthBanks as a key player in the ongoing evolution of regenerative medicine and cell therapy, promising new hope for patients around the world.

Dr. Chris Xu and HealthBanks Biotech Group have indeed been at the forefront of innovation in the cell banking industry, pioneering technologies that have significantly contributed to the advancement of cellular medicine.

Their development of automated platforms like AXP and BioArchive has revolutionized cord blood banking by enhancing efficiency and reliability in stem cell processing and storage. Furthermore, HealthBanks' introduction of cord tissue, placenta banking, and, notably, the first automated immune cell banking technology has broadened the scope and potential of cell banking services, offering new avenues for therapeutic applications.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 29


HealthBanks is the only approved immune cell bank in the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

Immune cell banking represents a significant shift in the cell banking industry, focusing on the collection and storage of immune cells from adults rather than cord blood and tissues from newborns.

This innovation is particularly crucial in the context of the rapid developments in cell and gene therapies, where stored immune cells can be utilized for advanced cancer treatments like CAR-T therapy. The concept of using a patient's immune cells to create highly personalized and effective treatments marks a new era in cancer therapy, offering hope to patients with conditions that were previously deemed intractable.


The FDA's approval of CAR-T therapy in 2017 as a treatment for several types of blood cancers underscores the transformative potential of these advances. By modifying a patient's immune cells to target and fight cancer, CAR-T therapy has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in clinical trials, achieving a 93% efficacy rate. The stories of patients experiencing remission after failing conventional treatments highlight the profound impact of CAR-T therapy and the importance of immune cell banking as a foundational technology that enables these life-saving treatments.

The miraculous recoveries of patients treated with CAR-T therapy emphasize the critical need for accessible immune cell banking. This technology facilitates the development of CAR-T and similar therapies and underscores the necessity of preserving immune cells as a resource for potentially life-altering treatments.

Since HealthBanks has the only approved immune cell banking in the United States and the Western Hemisphere, it stands as a pivotal player in making these advanced cancer therapies available to patients in need, reinforcing the vital role of innovative cell banking technologies in shaping the future of medicine.

Dr. Chris Xu's vision for HealthBanks Biotech Group goes beyond pioneering advanced cell banking technologies; it extends to making transformative cell and gene therapies accessible and affordable for all patients. The realization that the high cost of cellular medicine could be a barrier to treatment for many underscores the need for innovation in therapy development and manufacturing.


The introduction of the CARTXpress platform represents a significant leap towards achieving this goal. By quadrupling the efficiency of drug manufacturing, HealthBanks has been able to cut the costs of cellular medicines by half. This reduction is a critical step in making these treatments more accessible to a broader population, addressing the pressing issue of affordability in healthcare.


Dr. Xu's commitment to further reduce these costs reflects a deep understanding of the economic challenges in the healthcare system and a dedication to patient-centric care. HealthBanks' efforts to develop a robust pipeline of cellular therapies for a range of diseases, from diabetes to aging, further demonstrate the company's comprehensive approach to improving healthcare. The successful anti-aging clinical trial for Cockayne Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, and the anticipation of moving this cellular drug candidate to orphan drug clinical trials highlight HealthBanks' commitment to addressing significant unmet medical needs.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 31


The evolution of stem cell banking from a novel concept to a foundational component of cellular medicine underscores its profound impact on healthcare.

The establishment of the first cord blood bank in New York in 1992 marked the beginning of a new era in medical treatments and therapies. This practice has transformed once-discarded tissues at birth into invaluable sources of stem cells, catalyzing advancements in a wide range of therapeutic areas.

Stem cell banking's significance is further highlighted by the growing list of FDA-approved treatments that utilize stem cells derived from cord blood. These treatments now address over 80 different diseases, covering a spectrum from cancer to metabolic diseases, showcasing the versatility and potential of stem cells in medical therapies.

The first FDA-approved cord blood prescription, HemaCord®, exemplifies the critical role of stem cell banking in modern medicine. Developed by the National Cord Blood Program at the New York Blood Center, HemaCord's success is partly attributed to the technological support from HealthBanks' subsidiary, ThermoGenesis. The AXP and BioArchive systems— both powered by patented technologies from ThermoGenesis —have been instrumental in processing and storing cord blood units, contributing to the successful transplantation of 6,000 units over the past decade.

Dr. Chris Xu's remarks about HealthBanks and its subsidiaries' achievements underscore the synergy between technological innovation and medical advancements. By providing the technological backbone for stem cell banking and processing, companies like HealthBanks and ThermoGenesis are not just supporting existing treatments but also paving the way for the development of new therapeutics. Their work represents a critical junction of technology and medicine, where ongoing research and development promise to unlock even more uses for stem cells, potentially transforming patient care in unprecedented ways.

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Dr. Chris Xu's vision for HealthBanks Biotech Group, underlined by the commitment to making cellular therapies accessible to all, represents a paradigm shift in healthcare. His focus on democratizing access to these advanced treatments reflects a deep understanding of the challenges faced by patients worldwide, especially concerning the affordability and accessibility of cutting-edge medical care.

This approach is not merely about advancing medical science; it's about reshaping the healthcare landscape to be more inclusive and equitable. The innovative subscription business model for immune cell banking introduced by HealthBanks is a testament to this vision.

By making immune cell banking more affordable and accessible, HealthBanks is pioneering a preventive healthcare measure that doubles as a form of "Critical Sickness Insurance." This model not only democratizes access to potentially life-saving cellular therapies but also offers peace of mind to individuals, knowing that they have taken a proactive step in managing their future health needs.

Such initiatives align perfectly with the growing demand for cellular therapies, which are becoming increasingly recognized for their potential to treat a wide range of conditions. By addressing the twin challenges of availability and affordability, HealthBanks is not just catering to the current market but is also anticipating the future needs of healthcare, positioning itself as a leader in the field of cellular medicine. Dr. Xu's dual focus on ensuring the availability of necessary cells and making therapies affordable is critical in this regard. The subscription model and efforts to reduce drug manufacturing costs through technological innovations like the CARTXpress platform demonstrate a commitment to breaking down barriers to access.

This approach ensures that HealthBanks' advancements in cellular medicine are not reserved for the wealthy but are available to a broad spectrum of patients, embodying the true spirit of innovation in healthcare.

As HealthBanks continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in cellular medicine, its efforts to make these treatments more accessible are likely to profoundly impact patients around the globe. Dr. Xu's mission and the strategies employed by HealthBanks could indeed serve as a model for the future of healthcare, where advanced treatments are not a luxury but a standard component of medical care accessible to everyone, irrespective of their financial situation.

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• AXP II®, for cord blood banking

• AXP® II, a U.S. FDA 510k class II approved medical device, is the world’s leading automated cell processing system for cord blood banks, has performed over 1.2 million procedures worldwide.

• PXP-1000®, for immune cell banking

• PXP-1000®, a U.S. FDA 510k class II approved medical device, is the world’s first automated immune cell banking technology, increasing 16 times processing efficiency.

• 90% all FDA BLA-approved clinical grade cord blood units in the United States are stored in BioArchive® BioArchive AXPII PXP-1000

• BioArchive®, for cryostorage of clinical grade cell therapy

• BioArchive®, a U.S. FDA 510k class I medical device, is world’s leading smart cryostorage system for clinical samples





The introduction of a new subscription business model for immune cell banking is an unconventional new business model aimed at making the banking of immune cells more accessible. By offering this service at a cost as low as $29.99 per month for individual subscribers and even lower rates for corporate clients as part of employee healthcare benefits, HealthBanks is setting a new standard for preventive healthcare measures. This model not only makes immune cell banking more affordable but also encourages a proactive approach to personal healthcare management, enabling individuals to store their immune cells for future therapeutic use.

The commitment to reducing drug manufacturing costs is equally significant. By continuously developing new technologies to enhance manufacturing efficiency, HealthBanks aims to keep the prices of cellular medicines low. This focus on innovation in manufacturing processes is crucial for the sustainability and scalability of cellular therapies, ensuring that these advanced treatments are not just effective but also economically accessible to a broader population.

Dr. Xu's emphasis on HealthBanks as an industry leader and innovator highlights the company's role in shaping the future of cellular medicine. By addressing the critical barriers of availability and affordability, HealthBanks is paving the way for a future where advanced cellular therapies are a realistic option for everyone, not just a privileged few.

This vision not only showcases the potential of cellular therapies to revolutionize healthcare but also reflects a commitment to social equity and the well-being of communities worldwide.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 37


With its 30-year history and substantial annual global revenue, the cell banking industry stands at a critical juncture.

Despite its success and growth, challenges such as industry fragmentation, limited access to capital, and the need for technological innovation remain. The predominance of privately owned cord blood banks, each with relatively modest revenues, highlights the need for a new approach to sustain and enhance growth.

Dr. Chris Xu and HealthBanks are spearheading an ambitious initiative to address these challenges head-on. By building a global alliance and network of banks worldwide, HealthBanks aims to foster collaboration, share advanced technologies, and create a unified, competitive front in the cell banking industry.

This vision of transforming traditional cord blood banks into comprehensive cell banking and cell drug manufacturing centers is not only innovative but also strategic. It leverages cord blood banks' existing infrastructure and expertise while introducing new revenue streams and business models that can significantly impact their growth and sustainability.

The concept of advancing banks from focusing solely on cord blood to including immune cell banking and cell drug manufacturing represents a shift towards a more integrated approach to cell banking. This transition is crucial for meeting the evolving needs of the healthcare sector, particularly in the field of cellular therapies, which demands a robust and versatile cell banking infrastructure.

Dr. Xu's belief in the potential for prosperity across the cell banking industry through collaboration reflects a visionary approach to solving complex industry challenges. By creating what could be the world's largest cell banking and cell manufacturing network, HealthBanks aims not only to revolutionize the cell banking industry but also to impact the broader field of cellular medicine significantly. This endeavor promises to enhance access to cutting-edge therapies, drive down costs, and ultimately improve patient outcomes on a global scale.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 39




• The only GMP-immune cell bank in the United States

• The only automated cell processing and smart cryostorage technology provider for the cord blood banking industry

• Support 130+ major institutes in close to 40 countries


• CARTXpress® cell manufacturing platform increases 4 times efficiency, and reduces 50% cell drug cost

• Proprietary immune cell processing platform increases 16 times efficiency

• Providing comprehensive process development and contract manufacturing services (CDMO), 3 FDA registered cell manufacturing sites in the United States


• World’s first clinical trial in anti-severe aging

• Usage of CCR5-/- cord blood for the treatment of HIV

• High-fidelity gene editing platform in hematopoietic stem cells for the treatment of inherited genetic disorders



The Bricopia Project, as envisioned by Dr. Xu, is a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and strategic vision in transforming the landscape of healthcare and making advanced treatments more accessible to all.

The vision behind the Bricopia Project, as articulated by Dr. Chris Xu, is a testament to the innovative strides being made in the intersection of technology and healthcare.

By founding the International Consortium of Stem Cell Research, operating under the name Bio-Registry, Dr. Xu has set the stage for a collaborative effort aimed at promoting stem cell research and technological development.

This initiative is not just about advancing the science but also ensuring that the benefits of stem cell research are accessible to all patients, reflecting a commitment to democratizing healthcare advancements.

Bricopia, as a project under the Bio-Registry umbrella, represents a pioneering approach to integrating blockchain and AI technologies within the cell banking and healthcare sectors. The application of blockchain technology, known for its security, transparency, and traceability, to cell banking is revolutionary. It addresses a critical need for enhanced quality control and security in managing and tracking cellular medicines from their point of origin to their application in patient care.

This innovation ensures that stem cells, which Dr. Xu aptly describes as people's intrinsic health assets, are managed with the highest standards of integrity and accountability. Bricopia's significance extends beyond its technical merits.

By leveraging blockchain technology, the project aims to empower individuals with health freedom and peace of mind, knowing that their biological assets are safeguarded and their therapeutic journey is transparent and secure. Dr. Xu's vision of Bricopia being the first blockchain application in the cell banking and healthcare industry is indicative of a broader trend toward the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to solve longstanding challenges in healthcare.

Integrating AI and blockchain in cell banking could revolutionize how we approach healthcare, making treatments more personalized, secure, and accessible. Bricopia's initiative could set a new standard for how biological assets are handled across the industry, fostering a more interconnected and transparent healthcare ecosystem. As this project progresses, it could potentially pave the way for broader applications of blockchain and AI in various aspects of healthcare, underlining the transformative power of technology in enhancing patient care and medical research.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 41
"I have been in the cell banking and cell therapy industry for over 25 years. The future is yet to come and is getting increasingly brighter."
-Ms. Zhu

Michelle Haihong Zhu serves as the President and Chief Operating Officer of HealthBanks Group, where she plays a pivotal role in steering the company towards innovation and excellence in the cell banking and cell therapy industry. With over 25 years of experience under her belt, Michelle has established herself as a luminary in the field, contributing significantly to advancements in cell preservation and therapeutic applications.

Her leadership extends beyond operational oversight; as a Board Director, she actively shapes strategic directions and fosters collaborations that drive the sector forward. Michelle's profound understanding of the complexities of cell banking, coupled with her commitment to enhancing healthcare outcomes, underscores her invaluable contribution to HealthBanks Group and the broader scientific community. Her work reflects a deep passion for science and healthcare and a forward-looking vision that aims to leverage cell therapy's potential to revolutionize treatment paradigms and improve patient care.

Expanding on Michelle Haihong Zhu's insightful quote, we delve into her deep-seated belief in the boundless potential of cell banking and cell therapy, honed through over a quartercentury of dedicated experience. "I have been in cell banking and cell therapy for over 25 years." This reflects not just her journey but also the evolution of a field that stands at the cusp of a medical revolution. Her tenure in the industry has witnessed significant milestones—from the early stages of stem cell research to the latest advancements in personalized medicine and regenerative therapies.

When she says, "The future is exciting and the best is yet to come," Michelle encapsulates a vision of optimism and progress. This perspective is built on the rapid technological advancements and the increasing success rates of cell therapies in treating previously intractable diseases. Her confidence in the future speaks to the emerging innovations in genetic engineering, automation in cell processing, and the expansion of applications for cell therapies in combating a broad spectrum of conditions, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and degenerative disorders. Her statement underscores a commitment to continual learning, innovation, and the belief that the most transformative discoveries in cell banking and therapy lie ahead.

Michelle's forward-looking stance not only inspires her team at HealthBanks Group but also resonates with the broader scientific community, encouraging a collaborative effort towards unlocking the full potential of cell-based therapies. It's a call to arms for researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to push the boundaries of what's possible, ensuring that the best outcomes for patients and the advancement of healthcare are indeed yet to come.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 43
Michelle Zhu, HealthBanks President and COO
Robert Pang, HealthBanks Board of Directors

From Luxury Hospitality to Regenerative Wellness Industry

Robert (Bob'B) Pang's career trajectory is a compelling narrative of versatility, foresight, and a relentless quest for excellence. Initially making his mark in the luxury hospitality industry, Bob'B's transition into the cutting-edge realm of regenerative health and wellness with HealthBanks Group is a testament to his dynamic adaptability and visionary leadership. In the world of luxury hospitality, Bob'B honed skills that are crucial to his success in the health and wellness sector: an unwavering commitment to service excellence, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to anticipate and fulfill the needs of a discerning clientele. These qualities, combined with strategic foresight and operational acumen, positioned him as an ideal candidate for HealthBanks Group, a company at the forefront of leveraging cellular therapies for improved health outcomes.

Bob'B's recent appointment to HealthBanks Group's high-profile Board of Directors underscores the value of his unique perspective and expertise. In this role, he is expected to bring fresh insights into customer experience, service delivery, and strategic growth, directly influencing the company's trajectory in the rapidly evolving field of regenerative health and wellness.

Moreover, as the Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Bob'B faces a challenging yet exhilarating role. Here, he is tasked with steering the company through complex market dynamics, identifying growth opportunities, and developing strategies that ensure HealthBanks Group remains at the leading edge of innovation in cell banking and therapy. This role not only capitalizes on his strategic prowess but also on his ability to navigate change, inspiring his team to embrace new directions and opportunities. Bob'B's journey from luxury hospitality to a pioneering position in regenerative health highlights the transferability of leadership skills across sectors and the importance of vision in driving change.

His role in HealthBanks Group signifies a promising new chapter, both for him and for the company, as they work together to unlock the potential of regenerative health solutions for a global audience.

His career, which began with a key role in establishing the Shangri-La Hotels chain and senior management roles with the Westin Hotels chain, demonstrates his strategic planning and project management capability. His work under Robert Kuok's mentorship not only laid the groundwork for his future successes but also instilled in him a profound understanding of business development and operations. Bob Pang's venture into the healthcare and wellness sector, particularly his focus on stem cells, cell therapies, and regenerative wellness, signifies a pivotal shift towards a domain with profound impact potential on public health and longevity.

His collaboration with Dr. Chris Xu in Asia-Pacific underscores a strategic move towards harnessing cutting-edge technologies in cell banking and healthcare to address current challenges and future demands.

The establishment of HealthBanks and Bricopia in Singapore, which is recognized for its competitive economy and openness to innovation, positions the company at the heart of Asia's booming health and wellness sector. Bob's experience in Asia and the United States equips him

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 45

with a unique perspective on global markets, enabling him to drive HealthBanks' mission to expand its technological, product, and service awareness in the Asia-Pacific region.

The participation in and partnership with Ageing Asia Alliance, along with the sponsorship for Ageing Asia Festival 2024, mark significant milestones in HealthBanks and Bricopia's efforts to influence the future of health and longevity. These platforms offer unique opportunities for showcasing advancements in cell banking and regenerative health technologies to a wide audience of healthcare professionals and industry stakeholders.

Bob Pang's excitement about Dr. Chris Xu’s mission to develop the first blockchain application in cell banking and healthcare is particularly noteworthy. This initiative illustrates the innovative approach to solving industry challenges and highlights the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize the security, efficiency, and transparency of cell banking processes.

Lastly, the vision to build the world's largest cell banking, cell manufacturing, and cell therapy network reflects an ambitious and forward-thinking strategy. With significant investment in research and development, the goal to make cell therapy drugs affordable and accessible to all patients who need them is both noble and crucial for the advancement of healthcare treatments.

Bob Pang's closing statement encapsulates his unwavering belief in Dr. Chris Xu's mission, reflecting a shared vision for revolutionizing the cell banking, manufacturing, and therapy industry on a global scale. This belief is not just a testament to HealthBanks and

Bricopia's potential under their leadership but also highlights the ambitious goal of creating a worldwide network and consortium that serves not only business partners and affiliates but also customers across the globe.

The emphasis on building the most extensive network and consortium underscores a commitment to innovation, accessibility, and collaboration. It suggests that success in this field requires advanced technologies, substantial investment in research and development, a strong network of partners, and an unwavering focus on customer needs.

This approach aligns with the broader goals of the healthcare industry to make cutting-edge treatments more accessible and affordable, thereby enhancing the quality of life and longevity for people worldwide.

Bob Pang's support for Dr. Xu's mission also reflects confidence in the strategic direction of HealthBanks and Bricopia and its role in shaping the future of healthcare. It acknowledges the significance of pioneering efforts in cell banking, therapy, and manufacturing, recognizing their potential to address some of the most pressing challenges in medicine today.

This shared vision between Bob Pang and Dr. Chris Xu, rooted in innovation, collaboration, and customer focus, sets a foundation for HealthBanks and Bricopia to lead in transforming healthcare through regenerative medicine. It's a vision that not only looks forward to achieving remarkable scientific advancements but also to making these advancements accessible to people around the world, demonstrating a profound commitment to improving human health and wellness.




For More Information, Scan the QR Code on the Right!
Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 47

The future of skin longevity is here

Meet OS-O1, the first ingredient to target the root causes of skin aging

Our topical products work at the molecular level to promote healthy skin aging and are designed with every skin type, from dry skin to sensitive skin, in mind. Our proprietary peptide, OS-O1, is scientifically proven to

Improve Skin Barrier (Average Improvement + 15%)*

Improve Skin Elasticity (Shown in 90% of users)**

Improve Skin Evenness, Radiance, Pores, & Firmness (Shown in 95.5% of users)**

Diminish Wrinkles (Shown in 87% of users)

Improve Skin Smoothness & Overall Appearance (Shown in 100% of users)

*Instrumental Evaluation - Vapometer analysis

*Double-blind expert clinical grader evaluation

02 03 04 05 Baseline Week 12 Scan here to learn more

Glowing Skin From Within:

b b Blueberry Glow Smoothie

With spring in full bloom and sunnier days ahead, everyone’s focus starts to shift to the annual summer glow-up, which oftentimes includes focusing on fitness and healthier eating habits after the needed comfort foods in the winter slump. One of the natural results of focusing on healthier habits is that your skin benefits in the process. Considering it is our biggest organ, what we eat and put on it can have a positive or negative impact.

Warmer weather means various fruits and vegetables are now in season, perfect for a smoothie that can help you achieve the spring and summer glow. Head to your local farmers market or drop by the grocery store to get these easy, fresh ingredients and enjoy a delicious blueberry smoothie.

Blueberries are well-known for being a skin superfood, but why? The main reason is how many vitamins and antioxidants blueberries have in them.¹ All of these make blueberries perfect for repairing the skin and fighting against wrinkles, inflammation, and many of the harmful causes linked to acne.² Similar to blueberries, some fruits and vegetables like cranberries, acai, kale, and spinach are fantastic for the skin.³

Ingredients Instructions

X 1 Cup Blueberries

X 1 Cup Ice

X ½ Cup Acai

X ½ Banana

X ½ Cup 100% Cranberry Juice

X Handful of Kale

X Handful of Spinach

X 2 TBSP Honey

Wash the berries and veggies and add them to the blender, along with the banana, cranberry juice, and ice. Blend together and add more juice if you want a thinner smoothie. Drizzle honey on top if you want to add some sweetness!



In the pursuit of eternal youth, skincare enthusiasts are increasingly turning to a revolutionary ingredient: stem cells. Praised for their regenerative capabilities, these powerful cells hold the potential for smoother, more youthful skin. Stem cells, sourced from a 4% conditioned medium, are believed to stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines, and improve overall complexion. However, amid the excitement, questions persist: Do these products truly deliver on their promises? Are they worth the investment? And what ethical considerations surround their sourcing?

Dr. Brian Mehling, a prominent figure in the field of regenerative medicine, particularly known for his work in stem cell therapy, is the founder and CEO of Blue Horizon International (BHI), a healthcare consulting company focused on stem cell research, therapy, and education. BHI Therapeutic Sciences, a subsidiary of Blue Horizon International, is engaged in clinical research and the development of innovative stem cell-based treatments for various medical conditions. Spearheaded by BHI Therapeutic Science, Alpha Blu Skincare emerges as a pioneering force, seamlessly blending therapeutic science with advanced research and philanthropic endeavors. This skincare line introduces a groundbreaking concept integrating therapy, research, and philanthropy into its Alpha Blu Skincare product line.

At the core of Alpha Blu's skincare range lies BLUE CELL, also known as BlueCelluleCM™, a proprietary ingredient heralded as a game-changer in the science of skincare and beauty. BlueCellule-CM™ harnesses the regenerative power of cytokines within its conditioned medium, derived from umbilical cord blood, infused into all Alpha Blu Skincare formulations. Alpha Blu’s revolutionary blend contains growth factors and immune-boosting cytokines, with each product boasting a potent 4% concentration of this transformative ingredient.

Why choose human-conditioned medium stem cells over plant stem cells? While the allure of plant-based skincare products may seem enticing, scientific truth reveals a stark reality: plant cells and human cells are fundamentally incompatible for skin regeneration. In contrast, human stem cells, particularly those derived from umbilical cord blood, offer unmatched potential for rejuvenation. BHI, backed by rigorous testing

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 53

and ethical standards, holds true skincare excellence in unlocking these human-derived cells for skin regeneration. From promoting cellular regeneration to addressing a wide range of dermatological concerns, the transformative power of human-conditioned mediums surpasses the limitations of plant-based alternatives.

In today's beauty realm, a plethora of creams, lotions, extracts, and gels flood the market, each boasting transformative anti-aging effects. However, the abundance of commercial products often leads to confusion and misguidance among consumers, as many lack substantiated research on safety and efficacy.

BlueCellule-CM™ Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the remarkable ability to develop into various specialized cell types within the body. They play a crucial role in growth, tissue repair, and maintenance. Unlike mature cells with specific functions, stem cells remain unspecialized, allowing them to divide and differentiate into specific cell types as needed by the body. This versatility makes stem cells vital for the body's regenerative processes, contributing to the maintenance and repair of tissues and organs throughout an individual's life.

The innovative application of BlueCellule-CM™ stem cells in skincare marks a significant shift in the beauty, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine industry. Stem cells, once confined to regenerative medicine, are now gaining traction in the pursuit of radiant and youthful skin. This novel approach harnesses the regenerative potential of stem cells to address various skincare concerns, heralding a new era where science intersects with beauty. Traditionally associated with medical breakthroughs, stem cells are now being cultivated and integrated into skincare formulations. The essence of this groundbreaking approach lies in stem cells' ability to renew and repair damaged tissues. When applied topically, stem cells stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, promoting a more youthful complexion. Alpha Blu Skincare stands out in this landscape by addressing the root causes of skin aging and damage. Unlike superficial treatments, Alpha Blu's stem cellbased products penetrate deep into the cellular level, initiating repair mechanisms and encouraging the production of healthy skin cells. This approach is particularly effective in combating the signs of aging, diminishing fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible indicators by promoting collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity. The result is not merely cosmetic but a comprehensive transformation that prioritizes skin health.

"Embrace your natural beauty with Alpha Blu, empowering you to exude confidence, vitality, and radiance at every stage of life.”
-Ashleigh Quint, Alpha Blu Athlete

Alpha Blu Skincare extends beyond anti-aging benefits to address various skin conditions, from scars to pigmentation issues, in a month of daily use. The regenerative power of stem cells offers a promising solution for those seeking comprehensive skincare solutions. Alpha Blu Skincare offers a multifaceted approach to skincare, delivering impressive results that redefine the standards of anti-aging solutions. From repairing and promoting new cell growth to reducing wrinkles and combating aging effects, Alpha Blu Skincare rejuvenates and restores, revealing a radiant and youthful complexion. Studies affirm its efficacy, with users reporting visible improvements in skin texture, reduced fine lines, and enhanced overall skin health. Alpha Blu's anti-inflammatory properties and regenerative effects further contribute to its effectiveness in combating oxidative stress and scavenging free radicals, bolstering skin resilience and longevity. When applied to the skin, these cells work their magic, stimulating the regeneration of skin cells and promoting a more youthful complexion.

As the beauty industry evolves, Alpha Blu stem cell skincare represents a cutting-edge intersection of science and aesthetics. Consumers are increasingly drawn to Alpha Blu Skincare for its potential to rejuvenate skin naturally. Stem cell skincare signifies a departure from conventional approaches, indicating a future where beauty products are not only cosmetic but also therapeutic, promoting genuine skin health from within. In essence, Alpha Blu stem cell skincare is revolutionizing our approach to beauty by nurturing skin at its core, resulting in a radiant, revitalized complexion that transcends surface-level enhancements.

Alpha Blu Skincare products are suitable for both men and women. The Day Cream and Night Cream are versatile and can be applied all over the body. The Skin Serum, specifically designed for facial use only, offers healthy anti-aging properties that can benefit teenagers seeking a clearer, brighter, and healthier appearance.

Use code: UpliftAsh for purchase of your Alpha Blu Skincare

Studies show that BlueCellule-CM™ helps improve undesired skin conditions such as oxidation and aging.

•100% Silicone, Color & Scent Free

•We only use the best ingredients and the most effective formulas for all our products, no fillers.

•BHI’s in-depth research consistently shows that BlueCellule-CM™ can be the most effective rejuvenator in the beauty, regeneration and anti-aging market.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 57
MAKE THE MOST OF WARM WEATHER: The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

Are you tired of the same old routine of indoor workouts? Well, it’s time to lace up your sneakers, grab your water bottle, and head outside! Outdoor exercise and adventure therapy offer a plethora of benefits for the whole family, from physical health to mental well-being. Let’s explore why stepping into nature can be your family’s ticket to health and happiness.

Physical Health Benefits

Vitamin D Boost

Spending time outdoors isn’t just fun—it’s also a fantastic way to boost your body’s vitamin D levels. Sun exposure stimulates vitamin D production, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system. According to research by Micahel Holick, adequate vitamin D levels have also been linked to a reduced risk of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases.¹

Fresh Air

Take a deep breath! The great outdoors offers an abundance of fresh air, which can work wonders for your lungs and overall well-being. A study from Rucker et al. suggests breathing in clean, oxygen-rich air improves lung function and helps oxygenate your blood, leaving you feeling invigorated and refreshed.²

Natural Terrain Challenges

Say goodbye to the monotony of indoor workouts! Outdoor trails provide an exciting array of natural terrain challenges that engage different muscle groups and enhance the effectiveness of your exercise routine. Whether it’s navigating rocky paths or conquering steep inclines, outdoor workouts offer a dynamic and engaging way to stay fit.³

Calorie Burner

Looking to shed some extra pounds? Head outdoors! Activities like hiking, biking, or playing frisbee in the park can torch calories more effectively than indoor exercises, helping you maintain a healthy weight and boost your fitness levels. So, ditch the treadmill and hit the trails for a calorie-burning adventure.⁴

Mental Well-Being

Stress Reduction

Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life by immersing yourself in nature. The serene beauty of the outdoors has a calming effect on the mind, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation. Whether it’s listening to birds chirping or feeling the gentle breeze on your skin, nature provides the perfect antidote to stress.⁵

Mood Booster

Need a mood lift? Step outside! Outdoor exercise triggers the release of endorphins—feel-good hormones that can lift your spirits and enhance your mood. So, lace up your sneakers, hit the trails, and let nature work its magic on your happiness levels.⁶


Connection with Nature

Reconnect with the natural world and experience a sense of awe and wonder. Spending time outdoors allows you to connect with the beauty of nature, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world around you. Whether it’s marveling at a breathtaking sunset or feeling the earth beneath your feet, nature has a way of soothing the soul.⁷

Family Bonding

Unplug and reconnect with your loved ones in the great outdoors. Outdoor activities provide the perfect opportunity for quality family time away from screens and distractions. Whether you’re hiking through scenic trails or enjoying a picnic in the park, these shared experiences strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories.⁸

Adventure Therapy

• Team Building: Adventure therapy activities such as ropes courses or rock climbing require teamwork and cooperation, helping family members learn to communicate effectively and trust one another.⁹

• Problem Solving: Outdoor challenges present opportunities for problem-solving and critical thinking, teaching valuable skills that can be applied in everyday life.¹⁰

• Confidence Building: Overcoming obstacles in a natural setting can boost selfconfidence and self-esteem, empowering family members to tackle challenges with courage and resilience.¹¹

• Emotional Healing: Nature has a therapeutic effect on the mind and soul, providing a healing environment for individuals dealing with stress, trauma, or mental health issues.¹²

Incorporating outdoor exercise and adventure therapy into your family’s routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by scheduling regular outings to local parks, hiking trails, or playgrounds. Encourage everyone to participate in activities they enjoy, whether it’s biking, playing sports, or simply taking a leisurely stroll.

Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and stay hydrated, especially on hot summer days. And remember to use different forms of sun protection during the hotter parts of the day, like a hat, long sleeves, or natural sunscreen.

So, what are you waiting for? Step outside, breathe in the fresh air and embark on an adventure with your family today. Your health and happiness await in the great outdoors!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 63



1. Seaver, Maggie. “Just 4,000 Steps a Day Can Help Boost Longevity and Prevent Heart Disease, Study Says.” Real Simple, August 15, 2023.

2. Marcin, Ashley. “13 Benefits of Aerobic Exercise.” Healthline, February 25, 2020.

3. Michelson, Andrea. “Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps a Day for Your Health?” Verywell Health, August 10, 2023.

4. Florio, Gina. “Walking Is The Number One Form Of Cardio I Recommend To My Weight-Loss Clients And Here’s Why.” Evie Magazine, August 23, 2022. walking-number-one-form-cardio-i-recommend-weight-loss-clients.

5. Ibid.

6. Hugoboom, Anna. “How To Make Your Hot Girl Walk The Best Part Of Your Day.” Evie Magazine, September 1, 2023.

7. D’Souza, Gillian. “Lifting Weights vs. Cardio: Which Burns More Calories?” Medical News Today, February 27, 2024.

8. “Cardio vs Strength Training: Which Is Effective for Overall Health?” Crunch Fitness, May 25, 2022.,you%20finish%20your%20 weight%20session.



1. Learn more about Dr. Davis, follow along on socials, and explore his other endeavors through the links below!


• Reveal Vitality Website

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• WebMD Care


1. Visit for more information on HealthBanks Biotech

2. Check out their LinkedIn here


1. Learn more about the Blood Type Diet here

2. Hugoboom, Anna. “The Blood Type Diet: What Is It and Why Is It Loved by the Victoria’s Secret Angels?” Evie Magazine, June 2, 2023.

3. Bates-Ballard, Patty. “The Blood Type Diets : Career Spotlight: Peter J. D’Adamo, ND.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

4. Hugoboom. “Why Is It Loved by the Victoria’s Secret Angels?”

5. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Welcome to the Blood Type Diet® and Personalized Nutrition.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

6. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Blood Type and Your Health.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

7. Bates-Ballard. “Career Spotlight.”

8. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Blood Type O.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 65

9. Lam, Dr. Michael. Blood Type O Diet. Dr. Lam Coaching. Accessed February 19, 2024. https://www.

10. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Blood Type A.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

11. Lam, Dr. Michael. Blood Type A Diet. Dr. Lam Coaching. Accessed February 19, 2024. https://www.

12. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Blood Type B.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

13. Lam, Dr. Michael. Blood Type B Diet. Dr. Lam Coaching. Accessed February 19, 2024. https://www.

14. D’Adamo. “The Blood Type Diets : Blood Type AB.” Eating Right for Your Type®, January 12, 2023.

15. Lam, Dr. Michael. Blood Type AB Diet. Dr. Lam Coaching. Accessed February 19, 2024. https://


1. Arora, Dr. Neha. “Discover the Top 10 Skin Benefits of Blueberries You Never Knew.” Ningen Skin Sciences Pvt. Ltd., December 31, 2023.,and%20elasticity%20in%20the%20 skin.

2. Ibid.

3. Arora, Dr. Neha. “Discover the Top 10 Skin Benefits of Blueberries You Never Knew.” Ningen Skin Sciences Pvt. Ltd., December 31, 2023.,and%20elasticity%20in%20the%20 skin.


1. Use code: UpliftAsh for purchase of your Alpha Blu Skincare


1. Holick, Michael. “Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1678S-88S.

2. Rucker et al. “The role of outdoor physical activity and sedentary behavior in predicting adolescent mental health.” Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2010; 15(6): 371–376.

3. Thompson Coon et al. “Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? A systematic review.” Environ Sci Technol. 2011 Feb 15;45(5):1761-72.

4. Ainsworth BE et al. “Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities.” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000 Sep;32(9 Suppl):S498-504.


5. Gladwell VF, Brown DK, Barton JL, et al. “The effects of views of nature on autonomic control.”

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2012;112(9):3379-3386.

6. Reed J, Buck S. “The effect of regular aerobic exercise on positive-activated affect: A meta-analysis.”

Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2009; 10: 581–594.

7. Mayer FS, Frantz CM. “The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’ feeling in community with nature.” J Environ Psychol. 2004;24:503–515.

8. Heath GW, Brownson RC, Kruger J, et al. “The effectiveness of urban design and land use and transport policies and practices to increase physical activity: a systematic review.” J Phys Act Health. 2006;3(s1):S55-S76.

9. Gass MA, Gillis HL, Russell KC. “Adventure therapy: theory, research, and practice.” Routledge, 2012.

10. Priess HA, Olson DH. “Outdoor adventure education: Applying transformative learning theory to understanding instrumental learning and personal growth in environmental education.” Journal of Environmental Education, 2010; 41: 4–17.

11. Bandura A. “Self-efficacy: The exercise of control.” W H Freeman/Times Books/ Henry Holt & Co, 1997.

12. Williams F, Carter M. “Healing nature: an ecological concept of healing.” Journal of Holistic Nursing, 1997; 15(2): 179–191.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 177 / 67

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.