Issue 178 - Dr. Anna Lorenzi

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“Happiness is a habit. So is your skincare.”
— Linden Tyler
T O P D O C C L I N I C S M I A M I O N B R I C K E L L A V E N U E O F F E R I N G A E S T H E T I C S , W E I G H T O P T I M I Z A T I O N , & I V T H E R A P Y CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION TODAY 3 0 5 - 4 8 6 - 7 3 6 2


Publisher: John Highland

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Contributing Authors: Eric Broser, Riley George, Sydney Good, Hannah H., Ashleight Quint


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Business Director: Rob Fletcher

Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson



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Should You Replace Your Metal Filling? Exploring The Benefits and Considerations

BCAAS: A Must-Use Supplement For Athletes, Weightlifters and All Fitness Buffs!

Should You Drink Regular Water or Vitamin-Rich Water?

Custom-Tailored Treatments for Each Unique Skin Type: An Interview with Dr. Anna Lorenzi Superior Alternatives to Traditional Drugstore Multivitamins

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Power Balls

Protecting Your Skin: Avoiding Common Irritants


Metal dental fillings, often referred to as amalgam fillings, have been the standard treatment of cavities for decades. However, concerns about their potential toxicity have led many individuals to consider replacing them with alternative materials. In this article, we’ll delve into the topic of metal fillings, discussing their potential risks and the benefits of replacing them with modern alternatives.

Understanding Metal Fillings

Metal fillings are composed of a mixture of metals, including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. While these fillings have been widely used in dentistry due to their durability and affordability, there is growing concern about the presence of mercury, a known toxic substance. According to the American Dental Association, Mercury vapor can be released from metal fillings over time, especially during activities such as chewing and teeth grinding.¹

The Toxicity Debate

The debate surrounding the toxicity of metal fillings has been ongoing for years. While some studies, reported by the World Health Organization, suggest that the levels of mercury released from fillings are within safe limits², other studies as reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, raise concerns about the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to mercury vapor.³ Common concerns include neurological issues, immune system disorders, and adverse effects on overall health.

Benefits of Replacing Metal Fillings

1. Reduced Exposure to Mercury: One of the primary reasons for replacing metal fillings is to reduce exposure to mercury vapor. The National Institutes of Health notes that by opting for alternative materials such as composite resin or ceramic, individuals can minimize their risk of mercury toxicity and its potential health consequences.⁴

2. Improved Aesthetics: Unlike metal fillings, which are silver or gray in color and may become visible when smiling or laughing, tooth-colored fillings blend seamlessly with the natural tooth enamel. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, this aesthetic advantage makes them a popular choice for individuals seeking a more natural-looking smile.⁵

3. Preservation of Tooth Structure: Composite resin and ceramic fillings require less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to metal fillings. The Journal of the American Dental Association mentions this preservation of tooth structure can contribute to long-term dental health and reduce the risk of complications such as tooth fractures or sensitivity.⁶

4. Enhanced Biocompatibility: Modern dental materials offer enhanced biocompatibility, meaning they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or sensitivities in


individuals with metal allergies. As stated on PubMed, this makes them a safer and more suitable option for a wider range of patients.⁷

Considerations Before Replacement

Before deciding to replace metal fillings, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

1. Evaluation of Existing Fillings: Not all metal fillings may require immediate replacement. A thorough evaluation by a qualified dentist can help determine the condition of existing fillings and whether replacement is necessary.

2. Cost and Insurance Coverage: The cost of replacing metal fillings with alternative materials can vary depending on factors such as the number of fillings and the type of material used. Additionally, not all dental insurance plans may cover the replacement cost, so checking coverage details beforehand is essential.

3. Potential Sensitivity: Some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity following the replacement of metal fillings, especially if the new fillings are larger or closer to the nerve of the tooth. Dentists can provide recommendations for managing sensitivity and ensuring patient comfort during the transition period.

The decision to replace metal fillings with alternative materials is a personal one that should be made in consultation with a qualified dentist. While metal fillings have been used successfully for many years, concerns about their potential toxicity have prompted individuals to explore safer and more aesthetically pleasing options. By weighing the potential benefits and considerations, individuals can make an informed decision that promotes their dental health and overall well-being.


A Must-Use Supplement for Athletes, Weightlifters and all Fitness Buffs!

I have been heavily involved in the fitness industry for 30 years now, spending most of that time as a competitive bodybuilder, trainer, coach, and physique transformation specialist. I have also worked with many of the most prominent supplement companies, helping to research, formulate, and test hundreds of compounds and products meant to enhance performance, boost fat loss, augment muscle growth and increase overall health and wellness. Some of these products showed great promise based on scientific research but failed to live up to expectations in the “real world.” Others developed cult followings (at least for a time) despite never impressing those who work in lab coats. However, only a handful of pills, potions and powders have truly stood the test of time – becoming essential pieces in the supplement puzzle for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts the world over. BCAAs are one of them.

What are BCAAs?

Annie Stuart defines Branch Chained Amino Acids as “essential nutrients that are proteins found in food. Your muscles “burn” these amino acids for energy. The names of the specific amino acids that make up the branched-chain amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The term branched-chain simply refers to their chemical structure.”1

Wow, sounds pretty technical, huh? Yeah, but who cares, right? You want to know whether you should be using them or not! Keep reading…

What the Naysayers Will Tell You

Just about every high-level coach (top bodybuilders, pro, and Olympic athletes), I have communicated with about BCAA supplementation has related to me that they are absolutely essential (and I agree) in just about every phase of training for elite athletes and serious trainees. However, there are still skeptics out there who insist that a high-protein diet rich in whey is all that is needed. They fervently argue that consuming BCAA supplements will do nothing more than thin out your wallet. So, is it time to head to the cabinet and make some extra room by tossing out those canisters of BCAAs? Not so fast!

The vital difference between consuming foods high in BCAAs, such as meat, fish, chicken eggs, and yes, even whey vs. pure supplemental BCAAs is the time it takes them to enter the bloodstream and exert their positive effects. BCAAs found

in whole proteins are peptide-bound to other amino acids and, therefore, need to be liberated via the digestive process before absorption, which is not nearly as efficient for igniting anabolism, fat loss, and energy production at the specific times the body is primed for these processes.

However, the BCAAs found in supplements are “free form” and thus do not require digestion. Because of this, they rapidly enter the bloodstream and spike amino acid levels more quickly and to a greater extent than BCAAs from food and even whey.

Now, are you getting the picture?

The Ratio is Vital

When discussing BCAA supplements, it is essential to consider the “ratio” of leucine to isoleucine to valine contained within the formula. There has been a plethora of scientific studies performed on this subject, all attempting to determine what is most effective for triggering anabolism, igniting themTOR pathway and enhancing muscle hypertrophy. The vast majority of research seems to point toward a 2:1:1 ratio as being optimal for increasing performance and muscle growth. Many products out there will boast about containing higher levels of leucine because it is known that this particular amino acid has the most profound effect on protein synthesis. However, it has never been shown that this produces more significant results than the aforementioned 2:1:1 ratio.

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The Magic of BCAAs

So, just how vital are BCAAs for enhancing the appearance and health of your body? Let’s take a quick look at some of their most significant benefits.

1. BCAAs enhance protein synthesis – Combined with weight training, BCAAs turn on the mTORC1 pathway, which is our primary mechanism for muscle growth. BCAAs, in fact, have the ability to trigger protein synthesis even in the absence of exercise, which can minimize atrophy during time off from the gym.

2. BCAAs reduce protein breakdown – This is accomplished by decreasing activity of the protein breakdown pathway and decreasing the expression of several complexes involved in these actions.

3. BCAAs can keep energy boosted during exercise – By reducing the amount of tryptophan that passes through the blood-brain barrier, BCAAs help prevent the rise of serotonin produced while training, which reduces fatigue and keeps you alert and focused.

4. BCAAs support fat loss – The amino acid leucine has been shown, when used in conjunction with both isoleucine and valine, to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Additionally, not only does isoleucine improve glucose tolerance on its own, but also the entirety of BCAAs can support insulin sensitivity and metabolic rate. Combined, all of these effects will result in a leaner, more defined physique.

5. BCAAs decrease muscle soreness—This is a very important effect, especially for bodybuilders and athletes who must be able to train and perform maximally with extreme frequency.

6. BCAAs improve hormonal profile while training –Studies have proven that consuming as little as 6 grams of BCAAs for three weeks helped keep testosterone levels higher and cortisol levels lower during intense training periods. This in and of itself will increase one’s ability to build or maintain muscle mass during all the various yearly training cycles. This is especially vital when undergoing a hypocaloric dieting phase.

Dosage and Timing

I highly recommend using a BCAA supplement at three specific times per day.

-When: Immediately upon awakening.

-Why: Since we get up in a fasted state, our muscles are becoming catabolic and literally starving for BCAAs.

-Dosage: 5 grams.

-When: 45 min before weight training.

-Why: To supply energy and support muscle tissue when undergoing intense stress.

-Dosage: 10 grams

-When: All throughout weight training workout. Why: It helps delay fatigue and keep blood amino acid levels high throughout the workout while additionally reducing (not stopping) the post-workout inflammatory response.

-Dosage: 5-10 grams

Note: When dieting on lower calories and carbohydrates, 2.5-5 grams of BCAAs can also be consumed between meals to help maintain energy and blood sugar while also keeping appetite under control.



Eric Broser has been involved in the health and fitness industry as a trainer, strength/contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist, consultant to nutritional supplement companies and gym owner for over thirty years. He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge and now NPC Masters Competitor. Eric has penned over 1000 articles (for web and print) on training, supplements, mindset and nutrition, which have appeared in such major publications as Flex, Iron Man, Planet Muscle, Natural Muscle, Muscular Development, Muscle Mag International, Human Muscle and Performance, UCW and Muscular Health and Performance Illustrated. He has authored four books on the subject of rapid and substantial physique transformation, including one in partnership with the late Author L Rea and another with world-renowned fitness industry attorney, Rick Collins. Eric is the pioneer/developer of the world-renown POWERREP RANGE-SHOCK™, SPEC™, O-BEY-6™, FTX2™, ESPX2™ and FIBER DAMAGE/FIBER SATURATION™ training methods, which are currently utilized by tens of thousands of bodybuilders and athletes across the globe. Eric has also become one of the most sought-after personal trainers/performance nutrition consultants and contest/event preparation coaches in the field by athletes, bodybuilders, high-powered executives and members of the entertainment industry. He currently works with clients all over the globe. Eric’s exclusive online training show, “B Built by Broser,” has appeared on such online platforms as Muscular Development, Muscle Insider, Evolution of Bodybuilding, Flex, Digital Muscle Media, Jay Cutler TV and currently on Muscle and Fitness+ and FULL TIME BODYBUILDING TV.



Broser Built Website: WWW.BROSERBUILT.COM

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Should You Drink Regular Water or Vitamin-Rich Water?


The Choice of Hydration: Plain Water vs. Mineral-Rich Water

Water, the elixir of life, is essential for our existence. However, the debate over the benefits of plain water versus mineral-rich alternatives has gained traction with the rise of various infused waters, such as nettles or fruit-infused concoctions. While both options offer hydration, they differ significantly in their nutritional profiles and potential health benefits.

Mineral-Rich Water: Nettles and Fruit Infusions

Plain Water: The Timeless Essential

Plain water, devoid of any additives, remains the gold standard for hydration. It is calorie-free, easily accessible, and crucial for maintaining bodily functions. Here are some key advantages of opting for plain water:

1. Hydration without Calories. Plain water is calorie-free, making it an ideal choice for those aiming to manage their weight or calorie intake.

2. Natural Detoxification. Water plays a vital role in flushing out toxins from the body through urine and sweat, aiding in detoxification processes.

3. Optimal Digestion. Drinking plain water before, during, or after meals can aid in digestion by helping to break down food and move it smoothly through the digestive tract.

4. Regulates Body Temperature. Water acts as a coolant, regulating body temperature through sweating during physical activity or in hot environments.

5. Maintains Cognitive Function. Staying hydrated with plain water is essential for optimal cognitive function, as dehydration can impair concentration and cognitive performance.

Mineral-rich waters, such as nettles or fruit-infused varieties, offer hydration along with additional nutrients and flavors. While they may provide certain health benefits, it’s essential to consider their pros and cons:

1. Nutrient Boost. Nettles and fruit-infused waters can provide additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants compared to plain water, depending on the ingredients used.

2. Enhanced Flavor. Infusing water with fruits, herbs, or vegetables can enhance its flavor, making it more enjoyable for those who struggle to drink plain water.

3. Potential Health Benefits. Certain ingredients like nettles are touted for their potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Fruit-infused waters can also provide antioxidants and other bioactive compounds from the fruits used.

4. Variety. With a multitude of ingredients to choose from, mineral-rich waters offer a wide variety of flavors and combinations, catering to individual preferences.

5. Reduced Sugar Intake. Compared to sugary beverages like sodas or fruit juices, fruit-infused waters offer a more refreshing alternative with minimal or no added sugars.

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Choosing the Right Option

When it comes to hydration, both plain water and mineral-rich alternatives have their merits. The choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, dietary needs, and health goals. While plain water remains the cornerstone of hydration, mineral-rich waters can be a flavorful and nutritious addition to one’s hydration routine.

However, it is essential to be mindful of potential drawbacks associated with flavored or infused waters. Some commercially available varieties may contain added sugars, artificial flavors, or preservatives, which can negate their health benefits. Opting for homemade infused waters with fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure both hydration and nutritional value.

In conclusion, whether you prefer the simplicity of plain water or the added benefits of mineral-rich alternatives, staying hydrated is paramount for overall health and well-being. By making informed choices and prioritizing hydration, you can quench your thirst while nourishing your body with the essential fluid it needs to thrive.

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Dr. Anna Lorenzi: creator, innovator, and entrepreneur. These are a few of the qualities that allowed her dreams to blossom into reality. Over the last 15 years, Anna has opened three clinics in Ukraine under her own brand, the Anna Lorenzi Clinic.

“When I was 15, I decided that I wanted to work with skin. That’s why I went to school with the intention of pursuing healthcare and then went to university, obtaining my degree in medicine,” Dr. Lorenzi said.


always carefully examine the patient’s skin and assess the situation based on their skin type and specific skin condition. I must assess the best products or treatment regimes to solve the issue. I can recommend brands I like, but I prefer to use custom treatments for the patient’s unique needs,”

- Dr. Lorenzi


While launching these clinics, her pursuits led her to earn her Ph.D. in medicine. She is now in the midst of continuing her schooling to include a doctoral dissertation. Her research currently focuses on skin pathology and treatment for patients in all her clinics and around the world. Now that there is a variety of skincare innovations and treatment options that are becoming more easily accessible, Dr. Lorenzi’s focus on personalized skincare has become prominent in her practice and throughout the cosmetic industry.

TopDoc Wellness has been fortunate to forge a partnership with Dr. Lorenzi and her incredible work in cosmetic care and rejuvenation. Her 15 years of work on cosmetic treatments have impressed the world-renowned clinic into a partnership where Dr. Lorenzi can utilize her knowledge to help people at any stage of their skincare journey in the U.S. and abroad.


Dr. Lorenzi’s practice extends beyond basic skincare. She and her team also provide dermatology, gynecology, cosmetology, IV therapy, injection techniques, laser dermatology, cosmetology, and medical analysis services.

The team at the Anna Lorenzi Clinic is committed to treating the patient as a whole and offering various services to meet their patients’ needs. Medical analyses are an integral part of comprehensive treatment, upon which the entire clinic’s work is based. They are necessary to gather a complete medical history, establish a diagnosis, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The main areas of expertise in the clinic include classical dermatology, specifically the treatment of dermatological conditions and removal of skin growths, and aesthetic dermatology, encompassing all aesthetic and injectable procedures that can only be performed by a dermatologist.

The Anna Lorenzi Clinic also offers laser dermatology, which can address various issues, such as pigmentation treatment, skin resurfacing, vascular removal, and skin rejuvenation techniques that work on all layers of the dermis.

The classical gynecology offered encompasses the treatment of gynecological issues, as well as aesthetic and laser gynecology. That includes vaginal muscle tightening, intimate area whitening, and injectable methods for gynecological improvements.

Cosmetology, including aesthetic procedures for facial and body skincare and additional services, such as IV therapy (detox and vitamin drips), are also available to maintain overall tone and health from within.

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Dr. Lorenzi has many preferred brands she recommends and promotes across her multiple social media platforms. Some favorite cosmetic brands of Dr. Anna Lorenzi are ZO®️ Skin Health, Skinbetter, Maria Galland, Jan Marini, Jean D’Arcel, Alastin Skincare, and Neauvia. Each of these brands Dr. Lorenzi recommends is known worldwide and well-respected in the skincare industry. Most of these brands have been around for over fifty years, each holding its own unique composition of why Dr. Lorenzi advocates for their products. A few also offer medical-grade cosmetics to help address a multitude of skincare concerns.

The philosophies and focus of these companies align with Dr. Lorenzi’s goal to establish meaningful relationships with her patients to help them best achieve their skincare goals.¹ Each of these companies has created brands that put careful consideration into their product’s design and uses, ensuring quality care for different skin types. With years of experience in the aesthetics industry, these companies have combined science and beauty to promote keeping the biggest organ in one’s body healthy and glowing.²

Understanding the outstanding accomplishments of the brands above, Dr. Lorenzi carefully considers every product she endorses. While many dermatologists and medical professionals will simply prescribe a medication or treatment that works for most people, Dr. Lorenzi intentionally chooses specialized formulas for each patient and creates a plan and treatment that will have the best results based on each client rather than the status quo treatments.


Along with her recommended product lines and treatments, Dr. Lorenzi has successfully been developing her proprietary skincare line.

“I have created a secret lotion recipe that works wonders for people with problematic skin. I had acne in my childhood, and I know how challenging it is to treat this issue, especially during adolescence. That experience inspired me to develop my own lotion based on acids that inhibit acne bacteria, serving as an alternative to acid peels and being safe for home use. This solution has helped numerous people with acne problems. I am already


working on special documents to make it available for sale beyond my clinics, throughout Ukraine and soon in the U.S. and South America.”

Dr. Lorenzi takes time with each client who walks through her door to ensure she fully understands what treatments they need for beautiful skin. Some clients will have exhausted their options before they meet with Dr. Lorenzi, but she keeps going until she can find the solution to their ailments. Skincare is a highly populated industry with plenty of treatment options, so Dr. Lorenzi discusses the clients’ lifestyles and conditions to find the root problems beneath the skin.

Some clients simply need lifestyle changes rather than medication to aid their skin. However, some require medical-grade care, while others do best with holistic treatments. The point is that each client has a different story and skin type, which needs to be treated uniquely.

Dr. Lorenzi assesses all variables to require an understanding of each client rather than labeling them into a generalized group with one path for treatment. She works with them to find the best solutions to have long-lasting, beautiful effects.

“Sometimes, I can recommend treatments or helpful exercises if needed. But what if this patient is in pain and needs medical treatment? If that patient does need medical treatment, I can explain its side effects and walk them through their options. I assure the best results with everyone, utilizing all our assets. I always recommend what I am confident will work, whether that’s exercise, diet, treatments, or medication,” she said.


Dr. Lorenzi’s brand has seen an increase in business since she attended multiple medical conferences and spoke about her experience in skincare with specific treatment options. Her love for education has not ended and will continue into the future. As she helps more clients in Ukraine and the U.S., Dr. Lorenzi plans to expand and continue educating on healthy skin and skin care treatments.

Dr. Lorenzi and her team continually look for opportunities to expand their knowledge. In recent years, they have attended laser cosmetology training at several different conferences with various

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trainers who have taught them unique techniques. The specialists at the Anna Lorenzi Clinic also undergo training to expertly utilize the equipment from Alma Lasers which are frequently used in the clinic.

Dr. Lorenzi and her team constantly seek opportunities to expand their knowledge while systematically attending global congresses and undergoing professional development with leading experts. That is why she attended the 25th-anniversary IMCAS World Congress 2024 in Paris, one of the most authoritative events in the world of aesthetic medicine. This congress, which brought together over 17,000 doctors from around the world, is notable not only for the exchange of cuttingedge knowledge and achievements in the fields of cosmetology and dermatology but also for its exceptional exhibition.

The exhibition featured devices with innovative technologies that elevate the quality of procedures to an entirely new level. Additionally, visitors had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with products from top cosmeceutical brands, including preparations with the most innovative active ingredients that meet the highest standards of beauty and health.

Renowned speakers from around the world presented the latest advancements and innovations in aesthetics, discussing new technologies for procedures and innovative approaches to skincare. This event provided a unique opportunity for knowledge and experience exchange, contributing to further development and improvement in aesthetic medicine.

Dr. Lorenzi understands the importance of innovation and continuous development in service delivery. Therefore, she not only keeps up with the latest trends in aesthetic medicine but also actively implements cutting-edge methodologies and technologies to ensure clients receive the highest quality of service.

In 2020, she attended two conferences. The first was the Injection Congress 2020 in Ukraine, an annual injection congress that gathers all the country’s dermatologist injectors in one place. The second was From Surface to Shape 2020 in Ukraine, a congress for dermatologists and aestheticians.

Anna Lorenzi organized the first gynecological conference in Ukraine in 2021 with Lyudmila Shupenyuk, the country’s leading gynecologist and well-known TV presenter. The conference attracted hundreds of gynecologists from different parts of the country.


In 2021, she was also able to attend the Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition, an annual congress featuring top dermatologist speakers and an exhibition of leading manufacturers in the field of medicine, as well as Global Aesthetics 2021, Miami, which is a congress featuring presentations by top dermatologists and surgeons from the USA.


Dr. Lorenzi has worked toward her passion for skin care and treatment from a young age. Her successful brand has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve better skin. Through her specialized treatments, custom-tailored to each client, her results speak for themselves.

Achieving better skin does not have to take a toll on you. Clients who speak with Dr. Lorenzi can attest that her custom treatments achieve the results they have been searching for over time. Dr. Lorenzi’s unique protocol with clients ensures success, even if it is through nontraditional routes that clients don’t typically experience in the medical industry. Whether for cosmetic or health reasons, Dr. Lorenzi and her team work tirelessly to help clients reach their goals of clear, healthy skin.

To learn more about Dr. Lorenzi, visit her clinic website https:// or her company website

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In today’s health-conscious society, individuals are constantly seeking ways to optimize their well-being, often turning to multivitamin supplements as a quick, easy, convenient solution. However, with the market flooded with various supplement options, it’s essential to discern between typical drugstore multivitamins and healthier alternatives to increase your health. Don’t settle for ineffective multivitamins that waste your money and don’t properly absorb in your gut. Consider these impactful and healthy alternatives to buying grocery store multivitamins!



Traditional multivitamins often contain synthetic nutrients that may not be as readily absorbed by the body compared to those derived from whole foods. Whole food-based multivitamins, on the other hand, are crafted from real food sources, ensuring better absorption and utilization by the body. Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, an internationally recognized expert in the fields of integrative medicine, dietary supplements, and women’s health, highlights the importance of whole food-based supplements. In her book Fortify Your Life, she emphasizes that whole food-based multivitamins contain nutrients in their natural form, along with beneficial phytonutrients and cofactors, which contribute to better health outcomes.¹ The MegaFood®️ brand offers a range of whole-food multivitamins made with real food sourced from trusted farm partners. They prioritize using organic and non-GMO ingredients in their formulations.


Nutrient-dense superfood blends are another promising alternative to conventional multivitamins. These blends combine a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, providing a wide array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Research conducted by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a biomedical scientist renowned for her work in aging, cancer, and nutrition, suggests that consuming a diverse range of nutrient-dense foods can positively impact health and longevity.² Superfood blends offer a convenient way to incorporate multiple nutrients into one’s diet, promoting overall health and vitality. The Designs for Health brand’s Chocolate Superfoods Formula is an excellent option for children, parents, and adults wanting a phytonutrient-packed blend of organic fruits, vegetables, greens, and fiber delivered in a delicious chocolate-flavored powder designed to support children’s overall health and antioxidant status. Other brands to look for are Amazing Grass, Navitas Organics, and Vital Proteins.

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Maintaining proper hydration is vital for adults to support optimal performance, cognitive abilities, and overall health. Inadequate hydration can result in tiredness, reduced focus, and decreased productivity. Therefore, integrating enjoyable and effective hydration options into daily habits is essential for sustaining peak vitality and well-being! KING KONGIN Energy Drinks offer multiple benefits: they contain no sugar, calories, carbs, and artificial colors, promoting health and boosting energy. This formula is packed with 180mg of natural caffeine from tea and essential vitamins, specially designed to meet your all-day energy requirements.³


Herbal tinctures are liquid herbal extracts that provide a more effective herbal solution than capsules or powders. This form best preserves the active elements, assures potency, and allows the herbs to enter the bloodstream faster. Conventional vitamins in pill form from grocery stores are full of binders and fillers to make them keep their shape and hold all the ingredients together. Liquid herbal vitamins are made without binders and fillers, making them easier to digest. Plus, the vitamins you get are from real food sources and not synthetic ones, making them more biologically friendly to your body! Consider more brands like Herb Pharm, Gaia Herbs, Mountain Rose Herbs, and Naturapthica.


While various flavored energy drinks are available, opting for healthier alternatives in energy drinks made from tea caffeine not only quenches thirst but also offers additional benefits from incorporating Vitamin B, electrolytes, minerals, and natural flavors in these drinks, which is crucial. The KING KONGIN Energy Drink is a testament to the possibility of achieving a harmonious blend of taste and functionality, providing a refreshing and nourishing option for individuals seeking a flavorful beverage that supports their active lifestyles.


Choose supplements that focus on specific nutrients your body needs, such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and antioxidant supplements like vitamin C, vitamin E, or resveratrol to combat oxidative stress and promote overall health. Patients working with their physicians striving for optimal health know the importance of following this alternative by working with a doctor, testing your lab work, and creating an individual supplement protocol based on your body’s needs.

Dr. Andrew Weil, a prominent figure in integrative medicine, underscores the importance of using singlenutrient supplements judiciously, recommending that they be taken cautiously and ideally under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Dr. Weil emphasizes the potential for single-nutrient supplements to disrupt the delicate balance of nutrients in the body.⁴ Patients can alternatively work with their physician in building med packs for individual supplement needs because they offer convenient, pre-packaged doses that ensure consistent and accurate intake, reducing the risk of missed doses and simplifying supplementation management.

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is formulated to provide enhanced support for balanced metabolic detoxification, including macro- and micronutrients for optimal liver function.⁵ Dr. Morrison’s popular formula is like a multivitamin, multi-mineral, and protein supplement in a satisfying shake – everything you need for a highly nutritious meal. Dietary supplementation with the glutathione precursors, cysteine and glycine fully restores glutathione synthesis and concentrations and lowers oxidative stress and oxidant damage levels. This option is a practical and effective approach to decreasing oxidative stress in aging, offering high-powered, wellrounded nutritional support crucial for our phase I and II liver detoxification systems, especially during times of increased stress or exposure to toxins. Its comprehensive vitamin and mineral blend ensures optimal nutrition, aiding in effectively eliminating toxins from the body and promoting overall health during detoxification.


The last alternative is to chew your multivitamins. This can be a more accessible alternative for older adults, young kids, and pregnant mothers. Chewable Gummies with high-quality ingredients and natural flavors are essential when choosing gummies. Remember that as delicious as gummy vitamins can be, consuming excessive amounts of specific vitamins or minerals can be harmful, so following recommended dosages is crucial. Some brands to consider are SugarBear, Olly, and Chewsy.



When selecting alternative multivitamin options, it’s crucial to prioritize quality assurance and transparency. Look for products that undergo rigorous testing for purity, potency, and contaminant levels. Third-party certifications such as NSF International, USP Verified, or ConsumerLab. com assure product quality and adherence to industry standards. Additionally, opt for brands that are transparent about their sourcing practices, manufacturing processes, and ingredient origins.

By choosing pharmaceutical-grade supplements, quality control measures to ensure purity, potency, and consistency are more rigorous. Pharmaceutical-grade supplements contain higher concentrations of active ingredients compared to drugstore brands, making them more effective. Consumers can trust that they are investing in supplements that deliver on their promises, ensuring clinical evidence backed by more extensive clinical research demonstrating their effectiveness and safety profiles.

The quest for healthier alternatives to traditional drugstore multivitamins has led to the emergence of various options that offer superior quality, efficacy, and transparency. From whole food-based multivitamins to nutrient-dense superfood blends and targeted nutritional supplements, individuals now have a plethora of choices to support their nutritional needs. By making informed decisions and prioritizing quality, consumers can harness the potential of supplements to enhance their health and well-being, choosing healthier alternatives and making an investment in their overall long-term wellness journey.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 178 / 35

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Week 12


Consuming dairy-free and gluten-free power balls can offer several potential benefits:

Allergy or Sensitivity Considerations

Many individuals have dairy or gluten allergies or sensitivities, which can cause digestive discomfort or other health issues. You can avoid triggering any adverse reactions by opting for dairy-free and gluten-free snacks like these power balls.

Digestive Health

For some people, dairy and gluten can be difficult to digest, leading to bloating, gas, or other digestive issues. Choosing snacks that are free from these ingredients can help support better digestive health and comfort.

Nutrient Density

Despite being free from dairy and gluten, these power balls are still packed with nutritious ingredients like oats, almond butter, chia seeds, and maple syrup. These ingredients provide essential nutrients such as fiber, healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutrient-dense snack option.

Sustained Energy

The combination of complex carbohydrates from oats, protein from almond butter, and healthy fats from chia seeds can provide a steady release of energy, helping to keep you feeling satisfied and energized between meals.


These power balls are customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your taste preferences and dietary needs. You can easily swap out ingredients or add extras like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to enhance flavor and nutritional content.

Overall, dairy-free and gluten-free power balls can be a convenient, satisfying, and nutritious snack option for anyone looking to support their overall health and wellbeing, particularly those with specific dietary restrictions or preferences! Without further adieu, here is a recipe for gluten-free, dairy-free power balls.



- 1 cup gluten-free rolled oats

- 1/2 cup natural almond butter (or any other nut or seed butter of your choice)

- 1/4 cup maple syrup or agave nectar

- 1/4 cup dairy-free chocolate chips

- 2 tablespoons chia seeds

- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- A pinch of salt

- Optional: shredded coconut, chopped nuts, cocoa powder for coating


1. Gather all the ingredients listed.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the rolled oats, dairyfree chocolate chips, chia seeds, and a pinch of salt. Stir until evenly mixed.

3. Add the almond butter, maple syrup (or agave nectar), and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients. Mix well until a thick, sticky dough forms. If the mixture seems too dry, you can add a little more almond butter or maple syrup.

4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a lid and chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Chilling will help the mixture firm up and make it easier to roll into balls.

5. Once the mixture is chilled and firm, remove it from the refrigerator. Using your hands, scoop out about a tablespoon of the mixture at a time and roll it into a ball between your palms. Repeat until all the mixture is used up, placing the balls on a plate or baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

6. If desired, you can roll the power balls in shredded coconut, chopped nuts, or cocoa powder for an extra layer of flavor and texture.

7. Store the power balls in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Enjoy them as a quick and healthy snack whenever you need an energy boost!

These power balls are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients from the oats, almond butter, and chia seeds, making them the perfect treat for any time of day. Enjoy!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 178 / 39


Avoiding Common Irritants

Protecting Your Skin: Avoiding Common Irritants

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, serves as a protective barrier against the outside world. However, it’s susceptible to irritation from various substances we encounter daily. From rubber to adhesives on bandages to ingredients in detergents, these irritants can lead to discomfort and skin conditions if not managed properly. Understanding these irritants and taking steps to avoid them is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Latex and Rubber

Rubber is a ubiquitous material found in everyday items such as gloves, elastic bands, and footwear. However, it can cause skin irritation, especially in individuals with latex allergies. The proteins present in natural rubber latex can trigger allergic reactions ranging from mild itching to severe rashes. To avoid this, individuals with latex sensitivities should opt for latex-free products labeled as such or made from alternative materials like nitrile or vinyl. Always check the labels and conduct thorough research, as some alternatives will still contain small amounts of the allergen.



Adhesive bandages are a common household item used to cover wounds and minor injuries. However, the adhesives used in these bandages can contain chemicals that irritate the skin. Prolonged exposure to adhesive residues or repeated use of bandages in the same area can lead to redness, itching, and even contact dermatitis. Choosing hypoallergenic bandages designed for sensitive skin can help minimize the risk of irritation.


Laundry detergents often contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin. Residue from detergents left on clothing can also come into contact with the skin, leading to itching, redness, and eczema flare-ups. Opting for fragrance-free detergents formulated for sensitive skin and using an extra rinse cycle to remove detergent residue from clothing can help prevent skin irritation.

Fragrances and Preservatives

Fragrances and preservatives are common culprits behind skin irritation and allergic reactions in skincare products. While they may enhance the scent or shelf life of these products, they can cause adverse effects ranging from mild irritation to severe allergic contact dermatitis. It is essential to read ingredient labels carefully and opt for fragrance-free products formulated for sensitive skin to reduce the risk of irritation.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 178 / 41

Avoiding Irritants

Taking proactive steps to avoid common skin irritants can help protect your skin from unnecessary discomfort and maintain its health and integrity. By choosing latexfree products, hypoallergenic bandages, fragrance-free detergents, and skincare products formulated for sensitive skin, you can minimize the risk of irritation and keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

There are several ways to avoid skin irritants and maintain healthy skin.

Fabrics such as wool and synthetic materials can be irritating to sensitive skin. Opt for breathable, natural fabrics like cotton or bamboo, which are gentler on the skin and less likely to cause irritation. 1.

Choose Clothing Wisely



Avoid Harsh Weather Conditions

Extreme temperatures, wind, and low humidity can strip the skin of its natural moisture and lead to irritation. Protect your skin by dressing appropriately for the weather and using moisturizers to hydrate and nourish the skin.

3. Practice Proper Skincare

Establishing a regular skincare routine tailored to your skin type can help prevent irritation and maintain skin health. Use gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen daily, and avoid over-exfoliating or using harsh skincare products that can disrupt the skin’s barrier function.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 178 / 43


Be Mindful of Personal Care Products

Haircare products such as shampoos and conditioners, as well as body washes and soaps, can contain ingredients that irritate the skin. Look for products labeled as hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, and consider patchtesting new products before using them regularly.

5. Protect Your Hands

Frequent hand washing and exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning products can lead to dryness, irritation, and even eczema on the hands. Wear gloves when cleaning or using chemicals, and moisturize regularly to keep your hands hydrated and protected.



Stress can exacerbate skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and lead to flare-ups of irritation. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help manage stress levels and promote skin health.

By incorporating these additional strategies into your skincare routine and daily life, you can further minimize exposure to skin irritants and promote healthy, radiant skin. Remember to listen to your skin’s needs and seek professional advice if you experience persistent irritation or skin conditions that do not improve with home care measures.

7. Manage Stress

Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water each day helps keep the skin hydrated from the inside out, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day, and limit caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate the skin.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 178 / 45



1. American Dental Association (ADA)

2. World Health Organization (WHO)

3. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

4. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

5. American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD)

6. Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA)

7. PubMed




3. Facebook:


5. Broser Built (Website):

6. SpellBound Nutrition:

7. Broser Built (YouTube):



10. For contact regarding media appearances, seminars, Skype/Zoom consults, and events, please email or text 516-680-9392.



1. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). The Nutrition Source - Healthy Drinks. Retrieved from

2. Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition Reviews, 68(8), 439–458.

3. DiNicolantonio, J. J., & O’Keefe, J. H. (2017). Effects of dietary fats on blood lipids: A review of direct comparison trials. Open Heart, 4(1), e000729.


1. “Learn About Jan Marini Skin Care Products and Research.” Jan Marini Skin Research®️. Accessed April 24, 2024.

2. “About Skinbetter Science.” skinbetter. Accessed April 24, 2024.

3. To learn more about Dr. Lorenzi, visit her clinic website ua/, company website, or her social media:

4. Clinic Instagram: web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

5. Company Instagram:

6. Be on the lookout for her future partnership with TopDoc Wellness and learn more by calling (305) 4TOPDOC.



1. Low Dog, T. (2016). Fortify Your Life: Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and More. National Geographic.

2. Patrick, R. (2019). The Ultimate Micronutrient Smoothie. FoundMyFitness. Retrieved from https://


4. Dr. Andrew Weil’s work, referenced in Hyman, Mark. Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? New York, New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2018.


6. Ashleigh Quint is a nationally recognized strength coach with 20+ years of coaching experience and a leading expert in health optimization. For inquiries please contact: Follow: @up_lift_gym


1. Discover more recipes on our website at!


1. American Academy of Dermatology Association. (n.d.). Contact Dermatitis. Retrieved from https://

2. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Latex Allergy. Retrieved from

3. National Eczema Association. (n.d.). Skin Irritants. Retrieved from eczema/causes-and-triggers-of-eczema/skin-irritants/

4. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (n.d.). Types of Allergens. Retrieved from

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