Issue 176 | Dr. Adam Scheiner

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“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.”
– Anne Bradstreet
T O P D O C C L I N I C S M I A M I A T T H E F O U R S E A S O N S O F F E R I N G A E S T H E T I C S , W E I G H T O P T I M I Z A T I O N , & I V T H E R A P Y BOOK APPOINTMENT TODAY 3 0 5 - 4 8 6 - 7 3 6 2

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson

Contributing Authors: Eric Broser, Rob Fletcher, Riley George, Sydney Good, Hannah H., Elizabeth Kanna, Terri Oppenheimer



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Sleep Is Needed To Achieve High Levels of Physical Fitness


Seasonal Allergies: How to Naturally Nip Them in the Bud



March Madness: An Exclusive Interview with Aaron Wiggins, Former College Basketball Player and Current Player for the Oklahoma City Thunder

Innovating Eyelid and Facial Rejuvenation: An Interview with Dr. Adam Scheiner



Spring into the New Season with a Fresh Salad

Tongue Scraping: A Practice Rooted in Ancient Wisdom



How to Win In Modern Wellness: A Q&A with Modern Wellness Expert Sam Tejada

The Surprising Benefits of Grounding



Sleep is (unfortunately) a rarely considered piece of the health, wellness, and physique transformation puzzle, but in reality, it is one of THE most important aspects involved in being your absolute physical best! Even if you are diligent about working out, eating a proper diet, and taking nutritional supplements, you more than likely will never reach your goal if you do not pay just as much attention to getting in enough quality sack time. With that in mind, let’s take a deeper look into the very important subject of SLEEP!

Sleep and General Health

Sleep is just as important as a proper diet and sound exercise routine when it comes to building and maintaining your overall health. A good night’s sleep is also necessary for optimal functioning during everyday tasks like driving, working, studying, and even social interaction. Here is a list of the ways that a chronic lack of sleep can affect you.

-Lack of sleep can lead to obesity.

-Lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system, creating longer and more frequent illnesses and infections.

-Lack of sleep will increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

-Lack of sleep increases insulin production, leading to greater fat storage and risk of type 2 diabetes.

-Lack of sleep has been linked to mental health issues such as

depression and even increased risk of death by suicide.

-Lack of sleep can increase markers of inflammation and lead to cell damage.

-Lack of sleep can increase the risk of respiratory diseases.

-Lack of sleep has been shown to often play a significant role in tragic accidents.

Furthermore, for athletes and serious fitness buffs, lack of quality sleep can seriously hinder progress, whether one’s goal is muscle gain, fat loss, or increased skill and performance.

Here are some of the most important reasons why this is so:

-Lack of sleep can lead to decreased HGH and testosterone production (these are the two main musclebuilding/fat-reducing hormones in the body).

-Lack of sleep can increase cortisol output, leading to increases in body fat and losses in lean muscle tissue.

-Lack of sleep can negatively affect speed, agility, accuracy, alertness, and reaction times. Not a good situation for athletes that engage in sports.

-Lack of sleep can lead to a lack of motivation, drive, focus, and concentration. How can you train without these things?

-Lack of sleep negatively affects one’s ability to recover from intense exercise, which can reduce future

performance, shut down the anabolic (muscle-building) processes, and increase the likelihood of injuries during training.

Are You Sleep-Deprived?

Exactly how much sleep you need is an individual matter, although for most, 7-8 hours per night is usually sufficient. Depending on genetics, quality of rest (time spent in “delta” sleep), overall activity levels, and age, some may need more or less sleep to function and perform optimally.


A few signs that you may be sleep-deprived include:


-Lack of motivation

-Aggressive behavior/irritability

-Mood swings

-Decreased libido

-Increased desire for food, especially carbohydrates

-Constant yawning

-Memory loss

-Slowed or slurred speech patterns

-Difficulty learning

-Impaired motor skills/clumsiness

-Inability to focus on a task

-Increased anxiety

Ways To Improve Sleep

There are a plethora of reasons why one’s ability to sleep may be impaired, but many can be addressed rather easily, leading to more efficient and restorative sleeping patterns.

-Utilize relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, muscle tensing and un-tensing, and guided imagery.

-Avoid alcohol and stimulants too close to bedtime.

-Do not perform intense exercise too close to bedtime.

-Avoid afternoon naps if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

-Try to stick to a schedule regarding when you retire in the evening and when you get up in the morning, even on weekends.

-Keep your room cool (between 60 and 67 degrees) and free of light. Use blackout blinds if necessary and cover up any devices that emit light. Some do well by

wearing something over their eyes while sleeping. Fans or noise machines may help calm your mind while you attempt to doze off.

-If having trouble falling asleep, try reading, preferably from a book and not a tablet or cell phone.

-If you find your mind racing, quickly jot down what is troubling you and revisit in the morning rather when you need to be sleeping.

-Turn off or silence any electronic devices that may produce disruptive noises before going to bed – or place them in another room.

-Make sure that your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive. At a certain point, old pillows and mattresses can hinder sleep if they do not properly support your back, head, and neck.

-Stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise program daily. Drink plenty of fluids, but reduce intake when nearing bedtime.

-Utilize a natural, effective, and proven sleep supplement that supports your ability to fall asleep more easily, spend more time in deep sleep, sleep throughout the night, and wake up rested and restored.

Now that you can see just how profoundly vital sleep is to general well-being and health, as well as successful athletic endeavors and positive physical transformation, I hope you will take all measures necessary to make sure you get the 7-9 hours of rest all of us need each and every night. If you are dedicated to training hard, eating right, and taking the highest quality supplements, then please do not leave out the final piece of this 4-pronged fitness puzzle: SLEEP!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 13

About Coach Eric Broser

Eric Broser has been involved in the health and fitness industry as a trainer, strength/ contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist, consultant to nutritional supplement companies, and gym owner for over thirty years. He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge, and now NPC Masters Competitor.

Eric has penned over 1000 articles (for web and print) on training, supplements, mindset, and nutrition, which have appeared in such major publications as Flex, Iron Man, Planet Muscle, Natural Muscle, Muscular Development, Muscle Mag International, Human Muscle and Performance, UCW, and Muscular Health and Performance Illustrated. He has authored four books on the subject of rapid and substantial physique transformation, including one in partnership with the late Author L Rea and another with world-renowned fitness industry attorney Rick Collins. Eric is the pioneer/developer of the world-renown POWER-REP RANGE-SHOCK™, SPEC™, O-BEY-6™, FTX2™, ESPX2™ and FIBER DAMAGE/FIBER SATURATION™ training methods, which are currently utilized by tens of thousands of bodybuilders and athletes across the globe.

Eric has also become one of the most sought-after personal trainers/performance nutrition consultants and contest/event preparation coaches in the field by athletes, bodybuilders, high-powered executives, and entertainment industry members. He currently works with clients all over the globe.

Eric’s exclusive online training show, “B Built by Broser” has appeared on such online platforms as Muscular Development, Muscle Insider, Evolution of Bodybuilding, Flex, Digital Muscle Media, Jay Cutler TV, and currently on Muscle and Fitness+ and FULL TIME BODYBUILDING TV.



Facebook: -


Broser Built (website):

SpellBound Nutrition:

Broser Built (YouTube): UCwgMC0n89Nh3wp1aJGkpKvA

FULLTIME BODYBUILDING TV: fulltimebodybuildingtv2667


For contact regarding media appearances, seminars, Skype/Zoom consults, and events, please email bodyfx2@ or text 516-680-9392

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 15

Discovery Call

F i ll i n g out our b r ief D i s c o v e r y

F orm pr i or to y our Z oom ca ll w i ll a llo w D r M a rt i n pr e p a r a t i on bef or e s i tt i n g d o w n w i t h y ou to di s c uss if our pro g r a m i s a g oo d fi t f or y our pr ac t ice a n d y our g o a ls

Contract & Payment

Y ou w i ll r ecei v e a c ontr ac t to s ig n a s w e ll a s a S tr i p e l i nk to s e t up y our mont h l y p a y m e nts v ia t he e m ai l add r e ss y ou pro v ided


Y ou w i ll be pro v ided w i t h acce ss to t he ' A l ig nm e nt

H ea lt h A cade m y' ( h om e to our propr ie t a r y tr ai n i n g m a t e r ia ls ).

Y ou w i ll a lso be i n v i t ed to a tt e n d our w ee kl y A d v a n ced

T r ai n i n g v ia Z oom on

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Graphics Package

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Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 19
Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 21


An Exclusive Interview with Aaron Wiggins, Former College Basketball Player and Current Player for the Oklahoma City Thunder

March Madness is always a highlyanticipated time of year for college athletes and sports fans alike. With so many teams competing for the top spot, it is always fantastic to see the hard work these athletes put in with their teammates while remaining dedicated to classwork, getting enough rest, and keeping up their stamina for those few hectic weeks.

We had the privilege of interviewing former University of Maryland basketball player and current Oklahoma City Thunder player, Aaron Wiggins. He gave our readers a glimpse into what March Madness looks like for the athletes on the qualifying teams, the transition from college to professional basketball, and advice to rising college athletes and future professionals.


Q). Could you tell us more about your story and how you got into basketball initially?

A). It probably started the minute I could hold a basketball. I was four or five years old, and I think it just came naturally to me. I immediately fell in love with the game, began playing at a really young age,

and did a lot of other activities outside of basketball. Once I got into middle school, I decided basketball was something I wanted to do long-term both in high school and hopefully college one day.

In high school, I wasn't sure whether or not I'd be able to play in college until my junior year. I started being recruited by Division One schools, and eventually, the University of Maryland offered me a position on the team. I felt like they were a school that I could have success in, and made me a priority, so I accepted their offer and went there until my junior year. It was a great school. They had great staff, great strength and conditioning coaches, nutritionists, and medical staff. Everything about Maryland was very special and helped me get to the point where I could have a career professionally, as well.

We know you all are doing great right now in your season, playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder. People have been giving you huge compliments, saying you're like a Swiss Army knife. The team can throw you into any situation, and you’re really adaptive to that.

You also did really well in your last college conference, beating the University of Connecticut, and you alone scored 27 points against Alabama during your last college career game, which is incredible.

Your life must have been pretty busy and hectic during that time, though.

Q). How did you keep your energy up during the season, particularly when the team was in the midst of March Madness?

A). March Madness is a very chaotic time. As a student-athlete, you have basketball, and obviously, you have schoolwork you're dealing with as well. Specifically, my teammates and I at Maryland did a really good job of being motivated through each other. We had an understanding that it’s a time when there are so many emotions because it's win or go home. You're fighting for the next game or the end of your season.

Guys wanted to play and win a championship, so there were a lot of motivating factors. Naturally, you find ways to make sure that you're eating the right way, taking care of your body and preparing to be your best self when it comes to game time. Our guys were motivated, and we had a good group who understood what it would take to put ourselves in the best position to win games.


Q). Seeing that you were maneuvering between school and basketball, what did your schedule look like? How did that pan out typically?

A). That was tough. Since game times would vary based on where you were slotted in the tournament, sometimes games could be at 1:00 PM and other times it could be at 8:00 PM. Our school designated early mornings as a time to take care of any schoolwork we had.

We also worked with our professors to figure out scheduling because sometimes classes could fall during the tournament schedule. Organization was one of the biggest assets they prioritized. They ensured we had the right resources and clear communication with our professors to guarantee we were getting our schoolwork done before our games.

After taking care of schoolwork, we would watch film and have a walkthrough or practice. In between our walkthrough and practice, and before our games, we had some free time to either get more schoolwork done, take care of our bodies, eat, or take a nap. There were plenty of opportunities to make sure that we were preparing physically and mentally and staying up to date with assignments for school so we were ready to play.

Q). What was your favorite part of March Madness? What did you enjoy most during that time?

A). Definitely the anticipation of games and winning. Regardless of what game it is, winning one in the NCAA tournament is super fun. It’s a great feeling to know we were one step closer to the ultimate goal, which is winning a championship. Even though I wasn't able to get an NCAA championship, one of the best feelings as a college athlete was being in that environment and seeing our team get recognition for their season.

Q). From college to pros, how big of a difference is it? What was that transition like for you? How does your schedule, training, and recovery differ from when you were playing college ball?

A). It's significantly different. The number one reason is that in college, your time is obviously split between having to handle school, basketball, and everything else you have to focus on.

Once you make it to the NBA, that’s your job. Every day, your biggest priority is making sure you're physically feeling okay, getting your treatment, getting your recovery, you're at practice, getting the right lifts in, and eating well. Everything pours into the focus and idea of being ready to be an elite basketball player and play professionally.

Outside of that, some of the big changes are the physicality of the players in college compared to the NBA. There's a big difference in the physical size of players, as well as the speed of the game.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 25

There's also a deeper knowledge and understanding of basketball when you’re playing at a higher level. You are constantly learning and growing throughout the professional game because that’s your main focus. Unlike professional basketball, there are different factors in college that can alter and limit the way you grow and develop as an individual player.

Q). Do you have any words of advice for future college or professional athletes? Is there anything you found that has encouraged you to work hard and continue in your athletic career?

A). One thing that everyone always says is ‘hard work works.’ If you work hard, you'll see success. Along with that, I’ve learned that time management is huge. I think it's something that college players might not think about as much. Managing your time and working ahead allows you to take care of your body, eat better, catch up on sleep, or go to the gym and work hard. It sets you up to focus more on basketball and take care of life outside of school and basketball.

If college players can pick up on time management early on, it'll be easier when they go pro. Outside of game time and practice, you have a lot of free time as a professional during the season. That time should be spent preparing yourself for the next day. There are 82 games in a season in the NBA, so it's nonstop. In comparison, college only has 30 games, which is about a third of that. Managing your time properly and focusing on taking care of your body, eating the right way, and preparing for the next day of practice or the next game you have would put college players at an advantage.

It was a pleasure being able to interview this rising basketball professional and share his story of dedication to the game. We look forward to following Aaron’s career with the Oklahoma City Thunder and wish him and the team a healthy and successful season.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 27
Kevin Graves, AAU Coach and Trainer for Aaron during his early high school years


An Interview with Dr. Adam Scheiner

When Dr. Adam Scheiner chose cosmetic surgery for his life’s work, it was the face’s power to communicate that most inspired him. “That really sent me on my path. I thought the face, in particular the eyes, was really the area from which we communicate. It’s so powerful for people when they look their best, so that’s where I wanted to specialize.”

Fortunate to have trained under Dr. Sterling Baker, the pioneer of laser eyelid surgery, Dr. Scheiner completed his fellowship in Oculoplastic and Laser Facial Aesthetic Surgery with skills and knowledge that far exceeded what most others in the field could do. Still, he was compelled to do more.


While working with Dr. Baker, Dr. Scheiner was particularly fascinated by the problem of festoons. Also known as malar mounds, festoons are a medical condition in which the skin of the lower eyelids and cheek regions becomes swollen with fluid as a result of sun damage, lifestyle factors, genetics, or the natural aging process. For most patients, festoons are a source of true unhappiness. “They tell us that they are ‘tired of looking tired’ and that they are a distraction that disfigures the face and diminishes self-confidence.” Festoons are also one of the most challenging aesthetic conditions. Many cosmetic surgeons refuse to treat them at all.

Dr. Scheiner is far more than a physician. He is a researcher, a scientist, and a student of what we, as humans, find beautiful. He understands physical beauty’s role in communication, the importance of the messages our faces send, and the frustration his patients feel about time’s impact on their faces. Building on what he learned from Dr. Baker, Dr. Scheiner made significant improvements to laser festoon treatment, perfecting a surgical deep laser skin resurfacing procedure and healing protocol and calling it RESET for Festoons.

In his work to perfect festoon treatment, Dr. Scheiner recognized that scalpelbased surgical techniques were why other physicians’ attempts at fixing festoons failed. Rather than working to remove excess fat and skin, his RESET procedure relies on a laser.

“It brought a huge smile to my face, knowing that my treatments could really dramatically change someone’s life. I was truly touched,” he said.
RESET Full Face, RESET for Festoons RESET for Festoons


Dr. Scheiner’s RESET for Festoons, laser blepharoplasty, and RESET Full Face procedures put him at the leading edge of laser cosmetic procedures. Performing laser blepharoplasty provides full eye rejuvenation in a way that scalpels cannot, and RESET Full Face is a cutting-edge procedure that delivers unparalleled results, once again eclipsing what had once been thought possible. It penetrates and restructures skin at a deeper layer, reversing the impact of gravity, the sun, and aging. It does more than rejuvenate: it restores the face’s skin to the same condition as decades earlier.

The effect is like taking an eraser to the years. In fact, Dr. Scheiner’s patients who’ve undergone the procedure have shared stories of being carded in restaurants and bars. One woman even explained the procedure's positive impact on her dating success.


RESET’s remarkable, lasting results drew national media attention. Dr. Scheiner was invited to speak about his innovation — not just to other facial surgery professionals, but also on national media outlets, including Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and the Howard Stern Show. He was profiled in the New York Post, the New York Daily News, and other consumer publications that reported on his work. The recognition resulted in patients seeking treatment from far beyond his Tampa practice.

“New patients come from all around the world for help from my patient rejuvenation procedures in general and festoons specifically.”

While Dr. Scheiner’s work is groundbreaking, it is far from all he has accomplished in the world of cosmetic surgery. He is the author of a fascinating Wall Street Journal best-selling book, The True Definition of Beauty, which examines the role that facial cosmetic treatments play in modern beauty and communication and the relationship between the two. In his book, he explains that the human determination of beauty is hard-wired, objective, and based on ratios to which we are naturally attracted, pointing to examples as diverse as seashells and Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. He also explores the role this ratio — its presence or absence on the human face — has on the way the world relates to us.

Dr. Scheiner’s understanding of these basic principles has guided him through 25 years of practice, from his earliest days as an ophthalmology resident at the University of Pennsylvania’s Scheie Eye Institute to today as a renowned surgeon. He has perfected the art of performing cosmetic treatments that deliver powerful yet natural results, and he has never stopped looking for new ways to use technology to improve upon his abilities.

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Dr. Scheiner continues to push his abilities further, constantly searching for breakthroughs that allow him to deliver even more remarkable results for his patients. His drive and unquenchable scientific curiosity led him to explore the multiple possibilities of what could be done using today’s laser technologies, and that resulted in his latest innovation: RESET for Upper Lids. Using similar techniques to what he’d perfected for treating festoons, Dr. Scheiner is now able to offer his patients the same surgical skin laser resurfacing procedure for upper lids, delivering improvement to a small area in a big way.

The delicate skin of the upper eyelid has long represented a sort of no-man’s land for cosmetic surgeons: the use of powerful lasers on this fragile area has been viewed as too difficult. But Dr. Scheiner is a perfectionist when it comes to his patients’ appearances, and it has bothered him that patients who’ve undergone laser upper lid blepharoplasty to fix hooded eyes and drooping skin have still been left with an aged-looking eyelid surface. After years of scientific inquiry, he has determined the exact right level of laser energy use on the surface of the upper eyelid. He likens the results to transforming wool into silk, leaving behind an eyelid that is as smooth as that of a newborn baby.


Dr. Scheiner has proven that the impossible is just an invitation to try harder when it comes to cosmetic surgery. His RESET procedures are a testament to his scientific curiosity and dedication to his patients. Everything he does is geared toward helping them achieve their goals, regain their confidence, and ensure that their faces are communicating who they really are and how they really feel. RESET for Festoons, Full Face, and Upper Eyelids speaks to the power of the possible and of Dr. Scheiner’s commitment to helping his patients put their best faces forward. As technology continues to improve, he will continue to innovate.

For more information on Dr. Scheiner’s surgical RESET procedures, laser blepharoplasty procedures, and other services offered in his practice, visit his website at

RESET Full Face, Eyelid Rejuvenation Lower Lid Rejuvenation

Spring into the New Season with a Fresh Salad

If you live in a warmer climate, you might already be seeing spring bloom on your corner. As everything is waking up from the winter’s cold and embracing sunnier days, you might start craving some fresh produce that comes with the new season. Along with the flowers and trees starting to bloom, various warm-weather produce will become available, letting you have a taste of spring wrapped into a delicious salad. Check out the recipe below and make adjustments to your diet and liking!

Strawberry Rhubarb Salad


1 Serving


B ½ Cup Arugula

B 1 Handful Kale

B 1 Handful Spinach

B ½ Rhubarb Stalk

B 2 Cups Whole Strawberries

B ¼ Cup Radish

B ¼ Cup Walnuts

B ¹/₈ Cup ¼ Cup Chopped Spring Onion

B Salt and Pepper to Taste


B 1 ½ Rhubarb Stalks

B ½ Cup Chopped Strawberries

B ¼ Cup Balsamic Vinegar

B ¹/₈ Cup Olive Oil

B 1 TBLS Honey

B Salt and Pepper to Taste

Get in your daily protein by adding farm-raised chicken or quinoa for a vegetarian option, cooked how you like!



B Add kale and spinach to a medium bowl and set aside

B Cut rhubarb stalk into small pieces

B Chop strawberries in halves

B Cut radish into thin slices

B Add rhubarb, strawberries, and radish slices and toss salad

B Add chicken or quinoa

B Add arugula, walnuts, and spring onions for garnish and season with salt and pepper to taste


B Dressing

B Chop rhubarb stalks

B Dice strawberries

B Put rhubarb, strawberries, olive oil, and honey into blender and blend until liquid consistency

B If needed, add a splash of water to make dressing thinner or leave out if thicker dressing preferred

B Add a dash of salt and pepper to taste

We hope you enjoy this spring produce-focused salad! It’s a great way to get in your greens and protein for lunch or a snack during the day while getting a refreshing taste of spring.

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Tongue Scraping: A Practice Rooted in Ancient Wisdom

While oral hygiene often revolves around brushing and flossing, a lesser-known but incredibly beneficial practice has gained attention in recent years: tongue scraping. Rooted in ancient Ayurvedic traditions, tongue scraping involves gently cleaning the tongue’s surface to remove accumulated bacteria, toxins, and debris. Beyond the immediate benefits for oral health, research and anecdotal evidence suggest that regular tongue scraping can contribute to overall well-being in unexpected ways.

The Science Behind Tongue Scraping

The tongue is a prime breeding ground for bacteria, dead cells, and toxins. Overnight, these substances accumulate on the tongue’s surface, leading to the notorious phenomenon known as morning breath. However, the benefits of tongue scraping extend far beyond combating bad breath.

Improved Oral Health

A 2005 study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that tongue scraping is more effective than tooth brushing alone in reducing the production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) – the compounds responsible for bad breath.¹ By removing the bacteria that contribute to VSCs, tongue scraping plays a crucial role in enhancing overall oral hygiene.

Reduction of Bacteria and Toxins

Research has shown that the tongue harbors a significant amount of harmful bacteria that can contribute to various oral and systemic health issues. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found that tongue scraping resulted in a significant reduction in the total bacterial count on the tongue’s surface, thereby minimizing the potential for oral infections.²

Enhanced Taste Perception

The tongue is responsible for detecting flavors, and a coated tongue can dull taste perception. By regularly scraping the tongue, individuals may experience an improvement in their ability to taste and enjoy food, as suggested by a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry in 2016.³


Prevention of Systemic Health Issues

The oral cavity is a gateway to the rest of the body, and maintaining oral health is integral to overall well-being. Research published in the Journal of Oral Microbiology in 2012 suggests that oral bacteria and inflammation may contribute to systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.⁴ Tongue scraping, by reducing the bacterial load in the mouth, may play a role in preventing these broader health issues.

Tips for Effective Tongue Scraping

Choose the Right Tool

Various tongue-scraping tools are available, including metal and plastic scrapers. Choose one that feels comfortable in your hand and has a gentle, curved edge to prevent irritation.

Scrape from Back to Front

Gently scrape your tongue from the back to the front, ensuring that you cover the entire surface. Be mindful not to press too hard, as this can cause discomfort and may damage taste buds.

Incorporate into Daily Routine

Make tongue scraping a part of your daily oral hygiene routine, ideally in the morning before brushing your teeth. This helps remove accumulated debris from overnight and sets a fresh foundation for the day.

Maintain Consistency

Consistency is key for reaping the full benefits of tongue scraping. Incorporate it into your daily routine, and over time, you may notice improvements in oral health, breath freshness, and overall well-being.

Incorporating the ancient practice of tongue scraping into your daily routine can be a small yet powerful step toward enhancing oral health and overall well-being. Backed by scientific research, this simple practice offers benefits beyond the prevention of bad breath, including the reduction of harmful bacteria, enhanced taste perception, and potential systemic health implications. As we delve into the wisdom of traditional practices, tongue scraping emerges as a valuable addition to modern oral hygiene, reminding us that maintaining health can often be found in the simplicity of time-honored rituals.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 39

How To Win in Modern Wellness:

A Q & A with Modern Wellness Expert Sam Tejada

Sam Tejada is a retired firefighter paramedic in Broward County, Florida and a health and wellness expert leading the industry through his company, Liquivida. Sam has multiple wellness centers throughout the nation. The Liquivida franchise is changing the course of healthcare, taking a proactive, preventative approach to health rather than the reactive process we are so used to - waiting until you’re sick and then seeking medical attention. Through his book, “How To Win in Modern Wellness,” Sam is on a mission to inspire, educate, and rewrite the script on health and wellness.

Sam, can you share a little about your background and how you came to be considered as a sought-after expert in the modern wellness industry? How did you get started?

I got into this industry as a side hustle on my days off from the fire department. While working for a private company, my eyes were opened to the benefits of alternative types of healthcare, like IV therapy, that, at that time, could only be enjoyed by those who could afford it. I saw this glaring disparity as an opportunity to save far more lives than I could as a firefighter. I had a mentor, attended seminars, conferences, and courses to learn everything I could and started Liquivida to bring the benefits of preventative medicine to the masses.

You’ve been doing this for nearly a decade. What are your thoughts on the health and wellness industry? Where do you see things going?

The proactive approach to health and wellness is a change that has been needed for a long time. The industry is expanding and evolving very quickly. Consumers are the ones who are driving this, choosing services and modalities that will maintain and optimize their health rather than taking medications and treatments to manage their sickness. Alternative therapies are reshaping the health and wellness landscape, and medical professionals and entrepreneurs are paying attention to that. I think this rapidly growing industry still has plenty of room for growth and that we’ve barely scratched the surface to help improve people’s lives.

What does Liquivida do to help improve people’s lives?

We began solely as an IV Vitamin infusion company. Since then, we have grown into a fullservice wellness franchise, expanding to include such services as regenerative therapies, medical grade weight loss, HRT, SmartGraft Hair Transplants, sexual health, and medical aesthetics.

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Why did you write the book, “How To Win in Modern Wellness”?

I’m a person who strongly believes in the value of relationships and collaboration. When I entered the modern wellness industry, I made the conscious decision not to go the cut-throat route when it came to my competition. Over the years, I have developed strong ties and initiatives with many other industry leaders. As I engaged with these trailblazers and visionaries, we began discussing standards and regulations and exploring ways to expand access to preventive treatments and modalities, and I knew what was needed. We needed more people to get into this industry.

I deal with medical professionals who are tired of sick care, frustrated with insurance companies, and only able to spend barely 10 minutes with a patient. I also speak to a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who have a passion for health and wellness. It occurred to me that they all needed two things. Number one - to be motivated. And number two - to have some direction on how they can make things happen on their end. So, this book was created as a sort of educational and inspirational guide for them. To make it a true resource, I decided to ask these industry leaders to talk about what they’re doing, their successes, failures, insights, and lessons learned. In the end, the book is to help our industry growwhether through creating more franchises or creating even more competition for ourselves!

What advice would you share with medical professionals and entrepreneurs who may want to enter the health and wellness space?

Honestly, the first thing I would tell them is to read this book! The people who have contributed to it are some of the sharpest minds and highly regarded people in the industry. They have so much insight, experience, lessons, and strategies to share.

The second thing I would do is strongly encourage them to go the franchising route. This is an incredibly rewarding industry, but there is also an incredible amount of knowledge, regulation, oversight, and compliance involved. Franchises, like Liquivida, have already navigated that. We’ve made it easy for people to implement IV therapy because we’ve laid the groundwork for it for the past decade. Instead of people having to try to figure out how to succeed in this industry, we’ve already done it. We’ve taken the guesswork out of it. We’ve done it with IV therapy and expanded into all the other services and modalities we offer. We’ve done it with our franchise models, and we’ve done it through the organizations and platforms that we’ve created to be able to give medical practitioners trying to get into the industry the support they need.


With consumers reading all about things like regenerative medicine, peptides, gene therapy, and all of these other modalities, they are seeking treatment and better health. There’s so much to learn, so how can practitioners who have not been doing these things for years, make the transition? What resources are available for people who want to be able to keep up to date?

I would highly recommend that anyone entering this industry join one of the various accredited organizations, such as the A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) and AIVA (American IV Association). We all participate in them to make things easier for people trying to get into the health and wellness space. These organizations provide invaluable resources, education, and training. I was recently named Chairman of the American IV Association’s Leadership Advisory Board, which is playing a pivotal role in unifying, shaping, and driving the IV Hydration Therapy industry forward safely, supporting IV hydration therapy providers across the nation by delivering patient safety and best practices.

The most important thing we can do in and for this industry is focus on the importance of bringing everybody in this world of functional medicine together. Sharing knowledge, ideas, and resources – having one united, strong voice- is the path to really changing the course of medicine. Of course, being under the umbrella of a franchise, with the oversight, training and support they provide, is the most effective way to access the knowledge you need. But all the leaders in this industry collaborate because we understand that we need to create that one strong voice. We’re getting on different podcasts, interviewing one another, sharing our expertise, and really standing together to grow and fortify this industry.

Where can people buy the book?

Get in Contact with Sam and follow along on his socials through the links below:

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 43

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The SurprisingBenefits GROUNDING


Benefits of GROUNDING

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 47

In our fast-paced, modern world, where technology and urbanization dominate, it’s easy to lose touch with the natural world. A growing body of research suggests that reconnecting with the earth through a practice known as grounding, or earthing, can offer an array of health benefits!

Grounding involves direct physical contact with the earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, soil or sand, and has been associated with improved well-being across various aspects of physical and mental health.

Is There Science Behind Grounding? Reduction in Inflammation Improved Sleep

Grounding is based on the principle that the earth carries a subtle electric charge, and direct contact with its surface can help balance the body’s electrical charge. This concept is rooted in the understanding that the earth’s surface is abundant in free electrons, which are negatively charged particles. When a person is in direct contact with the earth, these electrons can be transferred to the body, neutralizing positively charged free radicals and reducing inflammation.

Stress Reduction

Grounding appears to have a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety. A small pilot study published in 2015 found that participants who practiced grounding techniques reported lower levels of stress and improved overall emotional wellbeing.⁴

Several studies have suggested that grounding may have antiinflammatory effects on the body. In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research, participants who grounded themselves showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers, indicating that contact with the Earth may help modulate the body’s inflammatory response.¹

Grounding has been linked to better sleep quality and duration. A 2004 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that participants who slept grounded experienced improvements in sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and decreased nighttime awakenings.² The balancing effect on cortisol, the stress hormone, may contribute to these positive sleep outcomes.³

Improved Blood Flow and Cardiovascular Health Pain Management

Preliminary research suggests that grounding may positively impact cardiovascular health. A study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health in 2012 found that grounding resulted in improved blood viscosity and flow, potentially contributing to better overall cardiovascular function.⁵

Grounding has shown promise as a complementary approach to pain management. A 2017 study found that grounding reduced the intensity of chronic musculoskeletal pain and improved participants’ overall quality of life.⁶ While more research is needed, these findings suggest that grounding could be a valuable addition to pain management strategies.


Practical Ways to Incorporate Grounding into Your Life:

1. Barefoot Walking

Spend time walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, soil, or sand. This direct contact allows the transfer of electrons from the earth to your body.

2. Gardening

Engage in gardening activities where you come into direct contact with the soil. Planting, weeding, or simply sitting on the ground can provide grounding benefits.

3. Beach Time

Take advantage of the beach environment, where the combination of sand and water provides an excellent grounding experience. Walk barefoot along the shore or sit in the sand to enhance the connection.

4. Grounding Mats and Sheets

Grounding mats and sheets with conductive properties are designed to connect to the earth’s electric charge. Using these products while sleeping or sitting can offer the benefits of grounding indoors.

As we navigate the challenges of modern living, the simple act of connecting with the earth may hold profound health benefits. Grounding has the potential to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, alleviate stress, enhance cardiovascular health, and aid in pain management. While more research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind these effects fully, the existing evidence suggests that incorporating grounding practices into our daily lives could be a valuable component of a holistic approach to well-being. So, kick off your shoes, step onto the grass, and let the earth’s natural energy contribute to your overall health and vitality!

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1. For more information or to get in contact with Eric, visit


1. Ambardekar, Nayana. “Allergic Reactions: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatments.” WebMD, March 13, 2022.

2. Kerr, Michael. “Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment.” Healthline, March 8, 2019.

3. May, Madison. “The Real Reason Allergies Are on the Rise.” Evie Magazine, October 7, 2022. https://

4. Ibid.

5. Eske, Jamie. “Antihistamines: How They Work, Types, and Side Effects.” Medical News Today, February 16, 2023.

6. Cleveland Clinic. “Finding Allergy Relief without Medications.” Cleveland Clinic, April 25, 2022.

7. Good, Sydney. “Listen to Your Gut: Why You Need to Prioritize Gut Health This New Year.” TopDoctor Magazine, January 4, 2024. listen-to-your-gut-why-you-need-to-prioritize-gut-health-this-new-year/.

8. Frothingham, Scott. “Home Remedies for Allergies: Relieve Allergy Symptoms.” Healthline, February 14, 2023.

9. BCB Honey Farm. “Benefits of Raw, Unpasteurized Local Honey for Seasonal Allergies.” BCB Honey Farm, May 17, 2021.

10. Frothingham. “Home Remedies for Allergies.”

11. Link, Rachael. “The Herb That Relieves Allergies, Migraines & More.” Dr. Axe, April 28, 2018.

12. Mann, Denise. “What You Should Know about Spirulina Benefits, Nutrition, and More.” The Healthy, May 17, 2023.

13. Frothingham. “Home Remedies for Allergies.”

14. May. “The Real Reason Allergies Are on the Rise.”




1. 1. You can follow Aaron for more content on socials @a.wigg.


1. For more information on Dr. Scheiner’s surgical RESET procedures, Laser Blepharoplasty procedures, and other services offered in his practice, visit his website at www.adamscheinermd. com.



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1. Pedrazzi, V., et al. (2004). Tongue-cleaning methods: a comparative clinical trial employing a toothbrush and a tongue scraper. Journal of Periodontology, 75(7), 1009–1012.

2. Shetty, S. S., et al. (2017). Effectiveness of tongue scraping on morning bad breath—A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 11(9), ZC58–ZC61.

3. Rukmini, N., & Vijayalakshmi, R. (2016). Effect of tongue scraping on oral malodor. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 8(2), e131–e135.

4. Fine, D. H., et al. (2012). The use of systemic markers to determine the pathobiology of periodontal disease and the development of a new classification system. Journal of Oral Microbiology, 4(1), 1–9.

5. Tonzetich, J., & Ng, S. K. (1976). Reduction of malodor by oral cleansing procedures. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, 42(2), 172–181.


1. For more information or to get in contact with Sam, visit

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 176 / 51


1. Chevalier, G., et al. (2015). Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons. Journal of Inflammation Research, 8, 83–96.

2. Ghaly, M., & Teplitz, D. (2004). The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep, as Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain, and Stress. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10(5), 767–776.

3. Ibid.

4. Oschman, J. L., Chevalier, G., & Brown, R. (2015). The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers’ Pain and Overall Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Explore, 11(4), 263–272.

5. Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2012). Earthing the Human Body Influences Physiologic Processes. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012, 1–8.

6. Sinatra, S. T., et al. (2017). Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Strategies Should Include Earthing (Grounding): Review of Research Evidence and Clinical Observations. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 23(5), 347–354.


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