Special Issue | Dr. Davis

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Publisher: John Highland

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Contributing Authors: Ivor Campbell, Dr. Ken Davis, Riley George, Sydney Good, Ashleigh Quint


Vice President of Development: Mark Carvalho

Business Director: Rob Fletcher

Fractional Marketing Officer: Craig Handley

Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson



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Up All Night! 3 Ways to Sleep Through the Night The Top 5 Fermented Foods to Heal Your Gut

Do You Know How Cold Water Affects Your Health? How One Chiropractor Has Become A Pro Bodybuilder At 70 Years Old: An Interview with Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis Protecting Your Skin: Avoiding Common Irritants

Don’t Miss A Beat: How To Stay On Track With Your Fitness Regimen When Away From Home! Healthy Pre-Workout Snacks To Help You Stay In Shape


3 Ways to Sleep Through the Night

For many, a restful night’s sleep can feel elusive, with tossing and turning becoming a nightly ritual. Sleep disturbances not only leave us fatigued but can also impact our overall health and well-being. Fortunately, there are various strategies and natural remedies that can help promote better sleep. In this article, we explore three effective ways to overcome sleep troubles and achieve a peaceful night’s rest.


Establishing a consistent sleep routine is one of the most effective ways to improve sleep quality. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This consistency reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Prioritizing sleep hygiene practices is essential to establish a consistent sleep routine. This includes creating a relaxing bedtime ritual to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or stretching can help calm the mind and prepare you for sleep.¹

It is also crucial to avoid stimulating activities, such as using electronic devices or watching TV, before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles.² Instead, opt for activities that promote relaxation and set the stage for a restful night’s sleep.


In addition to establishing a consistent sleep routine, incorporating natural remedies can further enhance sleep quality. Several herbs and supplements have been traditionally used to promote relaxation and alleviate sleep disturbances.

One popular natural remedy is valerian root, a herb known for its soothing properties. Research suggests that valerian root may help improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.³ Similarly, passionflower, chamomile, and lavender are herbs with calming effects that can be brewed into teas or used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation before bedtime.⁴

Melatonin supplements are another option for those struggling with sleep disturbances. Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body in response to darkness, signaling it’s time to sleep. Supplementing with melatonin may help regulate sleep-wake cycles, especially for individuals with irregular sleep patterns or jet lag.⁵

When using natural remedies for sleep, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions.



In addition to lifestyle changes and natural remedies, practicing relaxation techniques and cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective strategies for improving sleep quality.

Relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.⁶ These techniques involve focusing on the present moment and calming the mind and body, ultimately facilitating the transition into sleep.

CBT for insomnia is a structured therapy approach that helps identify and address the underlying factors contributing to sleep disturbances. Through cognitive restructuring, sleep hygiene education, and stimulus control techniques, CBT aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with sleep difficulties.⁷ Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBT in improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia symptoms.

Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine can help break the cycle of sleep troubles and pave the way for a more restful night’s sleep.


In conclusion, overcoming sleep troubles requires a multifaceted approach encompassing lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and therapeutic techniques. By establishing a consistent sleep routine, incorporating natural remedies, and practicing relaxation techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy, you can enhance sleep quality and wake up feeling revitalized.


So, you want to focus on gut health. Or, if you’re new to this, I’m here to tell you that you should! Poor gut health has been linked to several serious health issues, like thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, cancer, and many others.¹ Suffice it to say gut health is essential!

One surefire way to help your gut is to consume probiotics, which are easily found in fermented foods. Before you wrinkle your nose, you don’t need to eat anything like pickled eggs. Fermented foods can be as common as coffee or chocolate.² Not all fermented foods are made the same. You want to ensure they contain probiotics, which will aid the good bacteria in your gut.

Here are some of the most beneficial ones.



If you like dairy, yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics. It’s full of vitamins like calcium, potassium, and vitamin B12. Make sure to get yogurt with live cultures because not all yogurts have probiotics.³

Some studies show that yogurt has helped lower blood pressure, improve bone density, and prevent weight gain.⁴ It’s best to pick an unsweetened yogurt and add fruit or honey to help the taste. Getting it unsweetened can help you control the quality and quantity of the sugar in the yogurt.

You could opt for goat or sheep’s milk if you have trouble with cow dairy. Either way, it’ll be beneficial if it’s grass-fed and organic.⁵

Greek yogurt is a good probiotic option and contains extra protein to help you reach your daily intake goals.⁶ Greek yogurt does have a more bitter taste than the “fun” yogurts, so you could add some honey to sweeten it. With some blueberries and granola, you’ve got a great snack!

Kefir is good for helping digestion and reducing inflammation.⁷ Inflammation has been linked to chronic issues like heart disease and cancer. Kefir and yogurt have the most data showing their probiotic benefits.⁸ If you have some sort of lactose intolerance, kefir may or may not work for you, though it doesn’t have as much lactose as milk.

This one has a more sour, distinct taste, so if you think Greek yogurt is too bitter, you might not like it. I’d recommend offsetting the taste by adding something sweet like honey or fruit or even adding it to your yogurt or smoothie. Believe it or not, you could even use it to marinate chicken!


If you don’t do dairy, you could opt for a probiotic like sauerkraut. It’s an excellent addition to sandwiches, burgers, casseroles, and soups.

This condiment has actually been around for centuries. It has ancient ties to Germany, Russia, and China, with cuisines going back 2,000 years.⁹ It’s low in calories and full of fiber and vitamins C and K.¹⁰

Make sure your sauerkraut is unpasteurized so it still has beneficial bacteria. The best way to ensure this is to look for refrigerated sauerkraut, as that indicates its freshness.

Keep in mind that sauerkraut does not work well for people with irritable bowel syndrome.¹¹ It’s best to try a tablespoon at a time and see how your stomach takes it.


Made from green or black tea, kombucha is one of my go-to’s for probiotics since I don’t consume a lot of dairy. It’s fizzy and tasty, making it a great alternative to soda.

Kombucha can be beneficial for reducing inflammation, boosting your immune system, and aiding digestion. Additionally, it could help fight against heart disease and cancer. Just be sure you read the ingredients to ensure you’re getting a good one that doesn’t contain harmful additives.

It’s best to start small when drinking kombucha, especially if you’re new to consuming probiotics.¹² A safe amount could be about 4 ounces a day. You’ll want to begin slowly and see how your body reacts, as too much could cause bloating or hindered sleep.


Kimchi is a Korean food that’s made from fermented vegetables like cabbage. It’s good for improving cholesterol and insulin.¹³ One study followed people with prediabetes who ate kimchi for almost five months. After that period, their insulin levels went down, along with their blood pressure and weight.

Like many other fermented foods, Kimchi is good for fighting cancer, lowering cholesterol, and boosting the immune system.¹⁴ You don’t need a lot of kimchi. Like some of the others, try a little bit at a time and make sure your stomach has a good reaction to it. You will probably want to add a small amount to your food, given its distinct taste. You could add it to a sandwich, salad, or warm bowl of food.

This list is by no means extensive, but these are some excellent options to help your gut. Others include apple cider vinegar or foods made from soybeans, such as tempeh, miso, and natto. I’m personally not a fan of soy, but these can serve as other dairy-free options.

Lastly, if you want to heal your gut, I’d advise against taking too many probiotics. It’s best to start slowly and build on that based on how your body feels taking them. A little can go a long way!

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An Interview with Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis

“I have always

been in awe of the body’s intelligence and ability and power to heal itself,” Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis, founder and developer of Davis Advanced Health System, said.

Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis founded his private practice in Ridgewood, New Jersey, 47 years ago. He currently practices in Montclair, New Jersey, and his practice focuses on a variety of procedures and techniques that incorporate advanced chiropractic procedures. Those procedures include Craniopathy, Soft Tissue Orthopedics, Sacro Occipital Technique, Applied Kinesiology, Bio-Vibrational Therapy, and clinical nutrition.

At first, young Kenneth Davis had never heard of Chiropractic. He had always wanted to be a dentist since he was a young boy. Attending Erskine College in South Carolina, Davis received a baseball scholarship. However, he left Erskine, forfeiting his scholarship because he was homesick, and entered Fairleigh Dickinson in Rutherford, New Jersey.

Little did young Davis know that this would impact his life for the better. At Fairleigh Dickinson, he met another student who was studying to be a medical doctor, who ended up being a key component in his life. Suffering from tension headaches from studying, he suggested that Davis join him for a chiropractic appointment and see how it was conducted.

After he watched his friend get adjusted, he found his love and passion for Chiropractic.

Photographed by Kelly Walsh
Photographed by Kelly Walsh

“I fell in love with the philosophy of what I always believed as a boy growing up. That the body has the ability and the power to heal itself,” he shared.

Upon being accepted into the Columbia Institute of Chiropractic in New York, Dr. Davis began his journey by calling chiropractors around the area to see if he could shadow their work. After the fiftieth call, a doctor in the area allowed young Davis to shadow his high-volume practice and record his work. He also learned how to develop X-rays and other systems. Learning through this valuable experience, Dr. Davis became proficient in a system that incorporates a specific way to correct pelvic imbalances and holistic care.

“The systems that I began to use were not simply looking at a spine or femur, but looking at a patient in a holistic manner,” he said.

During his school tenure, Dr. Davis learned many techniques and became one of the youngest certified instructors in these specialized techniques. He also became certified as a Craniopath, a practitioner who takes a course within a system to evaluate cranial motion and make specific cranial corrections.

“One of the things I tell my patients when they come into my office is ‘I’m about a thousand percent different than everybody else,’” Dr. Davis told us.


“The Davis Advanced Health System is an accumulation of techniques and systems I have learned and developed over the years. I’ve incorporated them into my practice based on a fundamental foundation of evaluating a human being mentally, physically, and spiritually,” Dr. Davis shared.

He believes that the body is a roadmap with indicator systems and reflexes that point to imbalances in the body. One assessment tool used at Davis Advanced Health System is manual muscle testing. The system utilizes muscle testing for specific reflexes and indicators that relate to every component part and system of the body. The practice utilizes many different systems to help patients in the most efficient manner. For more information on what other systems they use, visit their website at http://www.davisahs.com.


Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis learned a principle of human existence from his mentor, Dr. M.L. Rees of Sedan, Kansas, referred to as The Triune of Health or Well-Being. This three-pronged model teaches that the bottom of the triangle is the physical component, such as bones, nerves, and tissue, which makes us not too different from animals. The second side is the emotional side, which includes thoughts, feelings, and emotions or desires. The final element of this triangle is the spiritual component.

“The spiritual component is the essence of who and what we really are: a spiritual being having this human experience. People have asked me over the years, ‘What do you mean by that, Dr. Davis.’ I try to explain that I’m not just talking about a religious component. The element of the energy that makes us up is beyond the mind and the body component. You can call it consciousness if you want to, but that is one side of the triangle. The spiritual side allows us to have joy and recognize that there’s more than our physical bodies. It makes us ask, ‘What is the light within us?’” Dr. Davis shared.

Another aspect of the triangle is balance. If you distort any one angle, the rest of the angles become distorted as well, which is why there has to be a balance of The Triune of Well-Being if one is to have optimal health.

“If the mental side of the triangle is the priority in a patient, it will impact them through their physical body and spiritual well-being and vice versa. If the spiritual side is the priority, it can impact the mind angle and then impact the body angle. There needs to be a balance,” he said.

Dr. Davis shared that many practitioners focus on the triangle’s physical and often emotional sides, but few focus on the spiritual side. What separates his practice from many others is the addition of the spiritual side as a main component and factor of human health and well-being.

He teaches his students to focus on more than just the physical being of a patient. At his Three Day Essentials program in his office, healthcare practitioners are immersed in a three-day learning program where he teaches them the Davis Advanced Health System.

“Your patient on the table initially does not care about the degrees you have behind your name. What they care about is that you have the goods and the tools and understand the cause of their problem, where it comes from, and how to fix it. That’s what a patient wants, and that’s what they want in our practice. Then after you do that, you can educate them more and more,” Dr. Davis shares with his students.


“At 70 years old, I went on a journey to win my Pro Card in bodybuilding,” Dr. Davis said.

In 2018, he took up bodybuilding and competed in two National Championship NPC shows in New Jersey, where he placed fourth in a class of 60. A few years later, in 2022, Dr. Davis was awarded his Pro Card and became a professional bodybuilder at 70. He went on to compete in his first professional competition a month later and was featured on the cover of Parrillo Press Magazine twice.

Dr. Davis Competing in the 50-year-old division at Iron Sharpens Iron, Allentown, P.A. October, 2021.
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography
Dr. Davis Competing in the 50-year-old division at Iron Sharpens Iron, Allentown, P.A. October, 2021.
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography
Photographed by Jeff Bins Photography

In 2023, Dr. Davis competed in three different Pro Events: the Maxfit Pro, the World Masters Championships, of which he became World Champion in the Men’s over 70, 212 Division and the Daytona Pro, where he dropped down into the over 60-plus year-old division and placed 5th in Men’s Physique. He also competed in the Men’s Physique, over 55-year-old class in Miami Beach on June 1, placing third.

“I guess you could say that I am a poster boy for people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies as I have gotten to the point and realized that I’m not too old. I can do it. I’m able to utilize what I do and believe in bodybuilding. Age is just a number. We can be healthy and start any process we put our minds to. We can make a touchdown even if we get tackled a bunch of times,” he emphasized.

His bodybuilding career this late in life has opened his eyes to the obesity pandemic around the United States.

“I’m going to devote much of the rest of my life to helping educate, which is what’s needed to help people. Everyone who is determined to get back in shape can come to realize that age is just a number. I plan to educate as many people as possible to understand the body, how to eat properly, how to exercise, and how to incorporate other elements that I believe are the true anti-aging components,” Dr. Davis said.

Dr. Davis’ second book, Holistic BodyBuilding, addresses this topic. Newly released at Barnes & Noble, the book chronicles his bodybuilding and holistic health journey from age 66 to the present day. He has no intention of stopping, feeling he gets better year after year.

“The true element of anti-aging is three components, which is what my book is about. It covers training, diet and nutrition, and cardiovascular exercise. Another aspect is implementing a powerful mindset and changing cellular structure, biochemistry, minds, and emotions,” Dr. Davis explained.

Helping others identify what they can do to be overall healthy individuals through holistic care is Dr. Davis’ main priority when he teaches and mentors through his books. Helping patients determine what they should eat, how they should exercise, and what their healthy heart rate is has become his major passion.

“I call myself a “Super Ager.” I’m almost 72 years old and look about 45. I don’t say that to be egotistical. I’m just sure of my ability to be able to help people realize they can do it too. They don’t have to be a competitive bodybuilder. They must be educated. A lot of what’s missing today is the education process to educate people about how to eat and exercise properly,” Dr. Davis concluded.

Dr. Ken Davis is available for speaking engagements, workshops and coaching sessions. You can reach him at info@davisahs.com, 973.744.7447 or Davis Advanced Health System, 66 Park St., Suite 101, Montclair, NJ 07042.


Avoiding Common Irritants

Protecting Your Skin: Avoiding Common Irritants

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, serves as a protective barrier against the outside world. However, it’s susceptible to irritation from various substances we encounter daily. From rubber to adhesives on bandages to ingredients in detergents, these irritants can lead to discomfort and skin conditions if not managed properly. Understanding these irritants and taking steps to avoid them is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Latex and Rubber

Rubber is a ubiquitous material found in everyday items such as gloves, elastic bands, and footwear. However, it can cause skin irritation, especially in individuals with latex allergies. The proteins present in natural rubber latex can trigger allergic reactions ranging from mild itching to severe rashes. To avoid this, individuals with latex sensitivities should opt for latex-free products labeled as such or made from alternative materials like nitrile or vinyl. Always check the labels and conduct thorough research, as some alternatives will still contain small amounts of the allergen.


Adhesive bandages are a common household item used to cover wounds and minor injuries. However, the adhesives used in these bandages can contain chemicals that irritate the skin. Prolonged exposure to adhesive residues or repeated use of bandages in the same area can lead to redness, itching, and even contact dermatitis. Choosing hypoallergenic bandages designed for sensitive skin can help minimize the risk of irritation.


Laundry detergents often contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin. Residue from detergents left on clothing can also come into contact with the skin, leading to itching, redness, and eczema flare-ups. Opting for fragrance-free detergents formulated for sensitive skin and using an extra rinse cycle to remove detergent residue from clothing can help prevent skin irritation.

Fragrances and Preservatives

Fragrances and preservatives are common culprits behind skin irritation and allergic reactions in skincare products. While they may enhance the scent or shelf life of these products, they can cause adverse effects ranging from mild irritation to severe allergic contact dermatitis. It is essential to read ingredient labels carefully and opt for fragrance-free products formulated for sensitive skin to reduce the risk of irritation.

Avoiding Irritants

Taking proactive steps to avoid common skin irritants can help protect your skin from unnecessary discomfort and maintain its health and integrity. By choosing latexfree products, hypoallergenic bandages, fragrance-free detergents, and skincare products formulated for sensitive skin, you can minimize the risk of irritation and keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

There are several ways to avoid skin irritants and maintain healthy skin.

Fabrics such as wool and synthetic materials can be irritating to sensitive skin. Opt for breathable, natural fabrics like cotton or bamboo, which are gentler on the skin and less likely to cause irritation. 1.

Choose Clothing Wisely


Avoid Harsh Weather Conditions

Extreme temperatures, wind, and low humidity can strip the skin of its natural moisture and lead to irritation. Protect your skin by dressing appropriately for the weather and using moisturizers to hydrate and nourish the skin.

3. Practice Proper Skincare

Establishing a regular skincare routine tailored to your skin type can help prevent irritation and maintain skin health. Use gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen daily, and avoid over-exfoliating or using harsh skincare products that can disrupt the skin’s barrier function.


Be Mindful of Personal Care Products

Haircare products such as shampoos and conditioners, as well as body washes and soaps, can contain ingredients that irritate the skin. Look for products labeled as hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, and consider patchtesting new products before using them regularly.

5. Protect Your Hands

Frequent hand washing and exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning products can lead to dryness, irritation, and even eczema on the hands. Wear gloves when cleaning or using chemicals, and moisturize regularly to keep your hands hydrated and protected.


Stress can exacerbate skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and lead to flare-ups of irritation. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help manage stress levels and promote skin health.

By incorporating these additional strategies into your skincare routine and daily life, you can further minimize exposure to skin irritants and promote healthy, radiant skin. Remember to listen to your skin’s needs and seek professional advice if you experience persistent irritation or skin conditions that do not improve with home care measures.

7. Manage Stress

Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water each day helps keep the skin hydrated from the inside out, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day, and limit caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate the skin.


How to Stay on track witH your FitneSS regimen wHen away From Home!

If you are a true fitness enthusiast, I know you work very hard daily to build more muscle, burn off excess body fat, and stay as healthy as possible. You more than likely pre-prep all of your meals, carefully strategize your supplement regimen and make sure to hit the gym between 4 and 7 days per week.

However, sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust your routine if you plan a short or extended visit away from home, whether for work, school or just a well-deserved vacation. In these cases, you may not have access to a commercial gym full of fancy machines, be able to prepare or weigh your food, or even have the time or ability to consume every meal precisely on schedule.

This does not mean giving up, giving in, or simply accepting that you will have to take a few steps backward. By making a few well-thought-out and intelligently planned tweaks to your fitness regimen, you can prevent yourself from going backward, and you may even be able to make additional progress during your time away!

Here are some strategies you can utilize to keep your physical transformation routine on track, even when obstacles or travel try to derail you.


At home, controlling all aspects of one’s diet is effortless. You can make a quick trek to the market when running low on food. You can prepare all meals under a watchful eye in your own kitchen, and you can precisely measure all necessary nutrients to ensure proteins, carbs, and fats are exactly where they need to be. However, while away, you may not have access to all the foods you regularly consume, the necessary tools or time to cook your meals, or even the ability to stick to your regular eating schedule.

You may have no choice but to eat on the run, rely on rapid “feedings,” or consume food from a restaurantor whatever can be found at social or work events. So, while sticking to your exact nutritional regimen may be difficult in these situations, it does not mean that you cannot still eat in a manner that allows you to at least maintain the look of your physique and current level of health and fitness.

Coach’s Suggestions for Staying on Track

* Carry protein powder, water, and a shaker cup with you wherever you go so you never miss out on a protein meal.

* Take easy-to-carry and easy-to-eat foods with you to use as healthy snacks or additions to protein powder such as nuts, seeds, fruit, grain bread, and rice cakes.

* When eating out, try to fill half of your plate with quality protein, ¼ with a healthy carb, and ¼ with a vegetable.

* When eating out, ask for all foods to be prepared without added butter or high-calorie sauces.

* Put a timer on your watch to go off every 2-3 hours so you know it’s time to get in a nutritious meal of some kind.

Sample Day

Meal 1: Egg Whites, Turkey Bacon, Whole Grain Toast

Meal 2: Protein Powder, Fruit

Meal 3: Salad with Chicken Breast, Rice Cakes

Meal 4: Protein Powder, Nuts

Meal 5: Lean Steak or Fish, Vegetables

Meal 6: Protein Powder


Obviously, you can use a wide array of products at home to create a maximally effective supplement regimen. However, when traveling or going on vacation, taking the entire kitchen pantry in a separate suitcase is unnecessary. With that said, certain nutritional supplements should always remain in one’s program, which will help keep you on track no matter how many miles from home you are venturing.

Coach’s Suggestions for a Supplement Mini-Stack

* Multivitamin or Complete Green’s Powder

* Whey Protein Powder

* Pre-workout Powder

* Immunity Boost (Vitamin C and D, and Zinc)

* Omega 3 Fatty Acids


It’s always a good idea to call ahead when traveling to find out if there is a local gym that provides daily or weekly passes to visitors. Depending on what hotel you may be staying at, you might also find that they have a fitness center with enough equipment to get in a solid workout while away.

However, if no gyms are available or your schedule does not permit you to travel back and forth to a gym, you can still ensure your muscles and cardiovascular system get the stimulation they need with nothing more than a pair of exercise bands, a jump rope, and your own bodyweight. In these cases, a little creativity can go a long way.

Sample Workout

The sample workout below is meant to be performed as a “circuit,” so you will move from one exercise to another without rest. This will allow you to work the muscles while raising your heart rate for an added cardiovascular effect.

* Wide Grip Push Ups - 15 Reps

* 2 Arm Bent Over Band Row - 15 Reps

* Bodyweight Squats - 25 Reps

* Band Upright Row - 15 Reps

* Band Curls - 12 Reps

* Alternating Bodyweight Rear Lunges - 12 Reps Per leg

* Band Triceps Kickbacks - 12 Reps

* Bicycle Crunches - 20 Reps Per Side

* Bodyweight Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift - 10 Reps Per Leg

* Jump Rope - 1-3 minutes

*No rest to be taken between exercises (or as little as possible)

**Rest 3-5 minutes once entire circuit is complete. Repeat circuit 2-3 more times.

Next time you are heading out of town, whether for work or pleasure, use the above tips to stay on point with your fitness routine! Just like with anything else, “where there is a will, there is a way!”



1. National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Healthy Sleep Tips. Retrieved from https://www.sleepfoundation.org/healthy-sleep-tips

2. Harvard Health Publishing. (2018). Blue light has a dark side. Retrieved from https://www.health. harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side

3. Bent, S., Padula, A., Moore, D., Patterson, M., & Mehling, W. (2006). Valerian for sleep: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Medicine, 119(12), 1005-1012.

4. Sarris, J., Panossian, A., Schweitzer, I., Stough, C., & Scholey, A. (2011). Herbal medicine for depression, anxiety and insomnia: a review of psychopharmacology and clinical evidence. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21(12), 841-860.

5. Ferracioli-Oda, E., Qawasmi, A., & Bloch, M. H. (2013). Meta-analysis: melatonin for the treatment of primary sleep disorders. PLoS One, 8(5), e63773.

6. Ong, J. C., Shapiro, S. L., & Manber, R. (2008). Combining mindfulness meditation with cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia: a treatment-development study. Behavior Therapy, 39(2), 171-182.

7. Riemann, D., Baglioni, C., Bassetti, C., Bjorvatn, B., Groselj, L. D., Ellis, J. G., ... & Spiegelhalder, K. (2017). European guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia. Journal of Sleep Research, 26(6), 675-700.


1. Good, Sydney. “Listen to Your Gut: Why You Need to Prioritize Gut Health This New Year.” Top Doctor Magazine, January 1, 2024. https://topdoctormagazine.com/wellness/health-nutrition/listento-your-gut-why-you-need-to-prioritize-gut-health-this-new-year/.

2. Levy, Jillian. “15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health” Dr. Axe, November 22, 2023. https://draxe.com/nutrition/fermented-foods/.

3. Ajmera, Rachael. “8 Fermented Foods and Drinks to Boost Digestion and Health.” Healthline, May 5, 2023. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/8-fermented-foods#8.-Probiotic-yogurt.

4. Ajmera, “8 Fermented Foods and Drinks.”

5. Levy, “15 Fermented Foods for a Health Gut.”

6. Levi, Anthea. “The Top 8 Fermented Foods to Eat for Gut Health.” Health, January 9, 2024. https:// www.health.com/fermented-foods-7970958.

7. Ajmera, “8 Fermented Foods and Drinks.”

8. Levi, “The Top 8 Fermented Foods to Eat.”

9. Levy, “15 Fermented Foods for a Health Gut.”

10. Ajmera, “8 Fermented Foods and Drinks.”

11. Levi, “The Top 8 Fermented Foods to Eat.”

12. CFH Admin. “HOW OFTEN YOU SHOULD DRINK KOMBUCHA: CAN YOU DRINK KOMBUCHA EVERY DAY?” Cultures For Health, March 9, 2023. https://culturesforhealth.com/blogs/ learn/how-often-should-you-drink-kombucha.

13. Ajmera, “8 Fermented Foods and Drinks.”

14. Levi, “The Top 8 Fermented Foods to Eat.”


1. You can discover more articles like this one by visiting www.topdoctormagazine.com.


1. Dr. Ken Davis is available for speaking engagements, workshops and coaching sessions. He can be reached at info@davisahs.com, 973.744.7447 or Davis Advanced Health System, 66 Park St. Suite 101 Montclair, Nj 07042.

2. You can find Dr. Davis’ newest book, ‘Holistic Bodybuilding: The Aging Antidote,’ on Amazon https://a.co/d/03kyNh87.


1. American Academy of Dermatology Association. (n.d.). Contact Dermatitis. Retrieved from https:// www.aad.org/public/diseases/eczema/contact-dermatitis

2. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Latex Allergy. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/latex-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20374287

3. National Eczema Association. (n.d.). Skin Irritants. Retrieved from https://nationaleczema.org/ eczema/causes-and-triggers-of-eczema/skin-irritants/

4. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (n.d.). Types of Allergens. Retrieved from https://www.aaaai.org/conditions-and-treatments/library/allergy-library/types-of-allergens-and-allergic-reactions



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6. FULLTIME BODYBUILDING TV: https://www.youtube.com/@fulltimebodybuildingtv2667

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