Special Issue - Eluumis

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If a person gains access to the original biological photon, they will be able to activate what is inherent in themselves by nature

That is why ELUUMIS was created.


Publisher: John Highland

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Contributing Authors: Riley George, Sydney Good, Hannah H., Gary Kiss, Ashleigh Quint, Taisia Shine


Vice President of Development: Mark Carvalho

Business Director: Rob Fletcher

Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson



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Healthy Pre-Workout Snacks To Help You Stay In Shape

10,000 Steps A Day: A Fad Or An Important Goal? Discover If It’s Right For You

Should You Drink Regular Water or Vitamin-Rich Water?

Eluumis Biophoton The Power of the Sun in Your Hand

Up All Night! 3 Ways to Sleep Through the Night

Savory or Sweet? You Choose! 2 HeartHealthy Breakfast Recipes

Absolute Beauty: Illuminating Stem Cells in Skincare

The future of skin longevity is here

Meet OS-O1, the first ingredient to target the root causes of skin aging

Our topical products work at the molecular level to promote healthy skin aging and are designed with every skin type, from dry skin to sensitive skin, in mind. Our proprietary peptide, OS-O1, is scientifically proven to

Improve Skin Barrier (Average Improvement + 15%)*

Improve Skin Elasticity (Shown in 90% of users)**

Improve Skin Evenness, Radiance, Pores, & Firmness (Shown in 95.5% of users)**

Diminish Wrinkles (Shown in 87% of users)

Improve Skin Smoothness & Overall Appearance (Shown in 100% of users)

*Instrumental Evaluation - Vapometer analysis

*Double-blind expert clinical grader evaluation

Week 12

10,000 STEPS A DAY:

A Fad Or An Important Goal? Discover If It’s Right For You

Iremember when Fitbits were all the rage. Suddenly, everyone seemed obsessed with reaching a goal of 10,000 steps a day. I thought it was silly. Why 10,000 steps? I figured people could just prioritize exercise, be it lifting or doing cardio. To me, that would be enough.

As Fitbits have faded away, should we also give up the ambition of hitting 10,000 steps a day? Is this cardio goal one we should set out to achieve? Or, was it some fad that we all should forget about?

Let’s take a closer look.

Why 10,000 Steps?

It turns out that the 10,000 steps goal didn’t originate with the Fitbit. The goal came from one professor’s theory during the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.¹ Professor Yoshiro Hatano studied how to fight obesity and theorized that walking 10,000 steps a day— equaling about five miles—would be the right amount to keep people healthy. Hatano developed the “Manpo-kei,” a pedometertype device that motivated people to get up and move. The device was a huge hit since people were already thinking about health and fitness during the Olympic season.

Eventually, the U.S. and other countries got in on the excitement. They realized that 10,000 steps a day can allow someone to hit their necessary aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is crucial to taking care of cardiovascular health.² It’s needed for controlling blood pressure and blood sugar. It helps manage weight and improves mental health. It also strengthens the immune system and boosts brain power.

The official recommendation now is to get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week or 75 minutes a week for more intense movement. If you divide 150 minutes into 30 minutes five days a week, you could hit about 7,000-8,000 steps at a brisk pace.³ So,

you could argue that all you need is about that much a day.

Are 10,000 steps necessary, then? Truthfully, you’ll get a different answer from every health expert you ask. Here’s the thing, though. Most of us have become far too sedentary, so it’s good to make yourself move more throughout the day. We all need aerobic exercise daily, regardless of your fitness goals. Depending on your health goals, it’s up to you if you want to hit that many steps, but it is a good number to get the official cardio requirement and then some. It’s also a recommended step number for weight loss.⁴

The Power of Walking

The good news is that you don’t need to go on a run to get your cardio in. Walking is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Fitness trainer Gina Florio recommends walking as a weight loss tool for her clients.⁵ Florio noted that high-intensity workouts are effective, but they’re not appealing to the everyday person who just wants to be healthier. She goes on to say that for people who are already stressed—which many of us are nowadays—high-intensity training can be counterproductive because it creates more stress. Higher-intensity workouts like running may burn more calories in a shorter time, but it’s harder on the body and stresses the heart.⁶

Even if weight loss isn’t your goal, walking is a simple yet effective way to take care of your health. Whatever your health goals are, it’s time to get walking!

Getting in Your 10,000 Steps

At this point, you might be wondering if lifting weights counts for aerobic exercise. The answer is: sorta. Generally speaking, cardio, like walking, swimming, running, biking, etc., counts as aerobic exercise. When you lift weights or sprint, you’re doing anaerobic exercise.⁷ This means you use energy from contracting muscles as opposed to oxygen, like when you’re walking. Yet, lifting weights can count toward cardio at the right intensity.⁸ For overall health, it’s recommended to have a mix of cardio and lifting.

Reaching a goal of 10,000 steps is much simpler than you think. Here are some ways you can mindfully walk more throughout your day.

Go on Walks

This one’s a no-brainer, but it is the best way! Take a half hour of your day and go for a walk outside. Grab a buddy or two and make it a social event. Listen to your favorite podcast, catch up on an audiobook, or create a great playlist. Do whatever it is to make it an enjoyable part of your day!

Park Farther Away

It’s easy to want to nab the closest parking spot, especially if the weather outside isn’t ideal. But, if you park farther away, you’ll start adding up those steps. Your health will thank you for it!

Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator

We might groan when we hear this, but once you get in the habit of choosing the stairs over the elevator, your body will adapt, and you won’t even think about it.

Move When You Can

If you’re making phone calls for work, walk around instead of sitting. If you need to study or read something, take it with you to the treadmill. Get up and move around periodically if your job has you sitting down all day at a desk. If you can opt for movement, it’ll be much better for you!

Take Multiple Trips

Whenever we unload our car with groceries, it’s easy to want to grab as many bags as possible so that we don’t have to take as many trips. Instead, do the opposite and be less efficient! Take several trips in whatever you do.

Track Your Steps

One way to know how many steps you’re taking is to get some sort of step tracker. You could opt for something like an Apple Watch, but there are several free step-tracking apps that you could go for instead if you don’t want to make the purchase. Whatever you choose, you don’t need to hit 10,000 steps on day one. Take your time working up to that. As long as you move mindfully, you’ll be on your way to better health.


While Fitbits may have faded away, it doesn’t mean we have to end our goal of 10,000 steps. Cardio is important to our physical and mental health, and we don’t need to be a marathon runner to do it. It’s all about mindful and intentional movement to get the necessary steps.

Should You Drink Regular Water or Vitamin-Rich Water?

The Choice of Hydration: Plain Water vs. Mineral-Rich Water

Water, the elixir of life, is essential for our existence. However, the debate over the benefits of plain water versus mineral-rich alternatives has gained traction with the rise of various infused waters, such as nettles or fruit-infused concoctions. While both options offer hydration, they differ significantly in their nutritional profiles and potential health benefits.

Mineral-Rich Water: Nettles and Fruit Infusions

Plain Water: The Timeless Essential

Plain water, devoid of any additives, remains the gold standard for hydration. It is calorie-free, easily accessible, and crucial for maintaining bodily functions. Here are some key advantages of opting for plain water:

1. Hydration without Calories. Plain water is calorie-free, making it an ideal choice for those aiming to manage their weight or calorie intake.

2. Natural Detoxification. Water plays a vital role in flushing out toxins from the body through urine and sweat, aiding in detoxification processes.

3. Optimal Digestion. Drinking plain water before, during, or after meals can aid in digestion by helping to break down food and move it smoothly through the digestive tract.

4. Regulates Body Temperature. Water acts as a coolant, regulating body temperature through sweating during physical activity or in hot environments.

5. Maintains Cognitive Function. Staying hydrated with plain water is essential for optimal cognitive function, as dehydration can impair concentration and cognitive performance.

Mineral-rich waters, such as nettles or fruit-infused varieties, offer hydration along with additional nutrients and flavors. While they may provide certain health benefits, it’s essential to consider their pros and cons:

1. Nutrient Boost. Nettles and fruit-infused waters can provide additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants compared to plain water, depending on the ingredients used.

2. Enhanced Flavor. Infusing water with fruits, herbs, or vegetables can enhance its flavor, making it more enjoyable for those who struggle to drink plain water.

3. Potential Health Benefits. Certain ingredients like nettles are touted for their potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Fruit-infused waters can also provide antioxidants and other bioactive compounds from the fruits used.

4. Variety. With a multitude of ingredients to choose from, mineral-rich waters offer a wide variety of flavors and combinations, catering to individual preferences.

5. Reduced Sugar Intake. Compared to sugary beverages like sodas or fruit juices, fruit-infused waters offer a more refreshing alternative with minimal or no added sugars.

Choosing the Right Option

When it comes to hydration, both plain water and mineral-rich alternatives have their merits. The choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, dietary needs, and health goals. While plain water remains the cornerstone of hydration, mineral-rich waters can be a flavorful and nutritious addition to one’s hydration routine.

However, it is essential to be mindful of potential drawbacks associated with flavored or infused waters. Some commercially available varieties may contain added sugars, artificial flavors, or preservatives, which can negate their health benefits. Opting for homemade infused waters with fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure both hydration and nutritional value.

In conclusion, whether you prefer the simplicity of plain water or the added benefits of mineral-rich alternatives, staying hydrated is paramount for overall health and well-being. By making informed choices and prioritizing hydration, you can quench your thirst while nourishing your body with the essential fluid it needs to thrive.


The Power of the Sun In Your Hand Biohacking Health. Mind. Spirit.

Quantum Energy Into Health and Wellness

Until now, no devices have been advanced enough to harness an unlimited source of natural living energy from the quantum energy field to restore all aspects of our health. Most devices require an external power source to generate simulated healing frequencies or light. The team at ELUUMIS has cracked the code on harnessing the most potent form of unlimited healing energy without a power source, nor does it have to be recharged. This energy is known as biophoton.

The Root of All Disease is the Lack of Natural Light!

For many years, sunlight has been considered the primary source of biophoton energy. Essentially, natural sunlight is a biophoton and serves as the main energy source for all biological forms on our planet. These biological lights power and trigger all biochemical processes in our bodies, directly impacting our mood, emotions, hormones, biochemical reactions, and every aspect of physical and energetic health. It is the most important component of our well-being. The presence or absence of natural light affects chemical and mental reactions in humans. For example, countries and states with the fewest sunny days have higher rates of suicide and depression. On the other hand, exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s production of the happy hormone serotonin, which improves mood and helps the brain concentrate on tasks.

Do I Have Biophoton Light?

Biophotons are intelligent particles of light generated by the sun and every biological system on Earth, including people, animals, and plants. Science calls this phenomenon “Ultraweak Biophoton Emissions.” We are carriers, creating and absorbing biological light every second. This intelligent energy works invisibly and participates in all our processes, from digesting food to achieving deep sleep. We absorb biophotons through our eyes, skin, and brain, triggering key neurotransmitters and affecting our cells, such as the mitochondria, which converts them into ATP, our ultimate biological energy source that we use for thinking, feeling, acting, and reacting. Biophotons are even responsible for stem cell differentiation.

Visualize your body as a miniature universe teeming with tiny specks of light known as biophotons. These biological photons are emitted and absorbed by every cell in your body, from the skin to the brain. Cells communicate with each other using these light particles as

messengers. Essentially, biophotons act as tiny couriers within us, ensuring the smooth and harmonious functioning of our biological processes.

Biophoton and DNA

Back in 1984, German biophysicist and cancer radiotherapist Fritz-Albert Popp showed the importance and appearance of biophoton in DNA. Your DNA accumulates a significant amount of biophotons, with one human DNA molecule containing 1000 photons. Multiply that by the 93 trillion DNA molecules in our bodies. When our DNA absorbs biophotons, it receives energy and starts vibrating. This vibration activates our natural defense systems: the immune system and the biofield. The higher our vibration, the greater the absorption and output of energy, leading to optimal health. Our DNA is the level where our body of energy combines with our physical body; they cannot be separated.

Lack of Biophotons

The presence of biological photons has a significant impact on our overall well-being. Depending on factors such as constitution, perception, age, and lifestyle, a deficiency in internal light can result in issues ranging from fatigue to severe conditions like cancer. Biological photons influence our energy levels, focus, stress management, nutrient absorption, nervous system function, emotional stability, and cognitive processes. A lack of biological photons may contribute to problems such as mental restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, weakened immune system, increased susceptibility to infections, neurotransmitter imbalance, depression, mood swings, nutrient deficiencies, weakened biofield, and lack of concentration. Our internal light plays a crucial role in rejuvenating our immune system on both physical and energetic levels. A deficit in internal light weakens our natural defenses, compromising both physical and energetic immunity and negatively impacting our DNA.

For instance, if an individual has a damaged left shoulder and captures the body’s bio-photonic emissions in a picture, they will observe an “indent” in the energy field precisely at the location of the left shoulder.

Healthy cells have a regular round shape, enough “space for division,” and emit a strong biophoton glow. If a cell is unhealthy, it loses its biophoton glow, changes shape, and can no longer perform its basic functions.

What Affects Our Absorption of Biophotons?

Now more than ever, society faces massive problems that negatively affect the absorption of biophotons. With the development of technology, EMF radiation and data pollution were introduced, moving a person further away from ideal health and wellness. Every day, we are affected by the environment, toxins, emotional stressors, passive and sedentary lifestyles, toxic chemical elements in most products, improper nutrition, polluted air, and poor-quality water. Our day and night regimens are adjusted to the time of day set by corporations. We completely ignore the natural internal clock.

Constant active advertising pushes us to the path of continuous consumption. And to consume, we need to earn. Society is set up for you to constantly compare yourself, your children, your partners, and your achievements with someone else. We no longer feel safe and healthy. This

all drastically reduces the body’s ability to absorb the necessary amount of bio-photons. Our bodies then store these toxins, disrupting our biochemical processes and natural defenses.

Eluumis Natural Biophoton Device

Finally, a device has appeared on the market that helps replenish biophoton energy –ELUUMIS. A young, innovative company has created not just a device but an entire method of healing and self-healing based on the work of biophotons. The company’s owners, Gary Kiss and Taisia Shine believe in an integrative method that combines the medical and scientific world with the energetic and spiritual realms. Their device is a truly innovative technology on the verge of science and spirituality. Even the shape, appearance, and material have a completely new look. ELUUMIS is not what we are used to - it is futuristic technology and science!

ELUUMIS emanation technology is the world’s most advanced, intelligent healing device that can be applied to humans, animals, agriculture, and the environment.

Biophoton: The Ultimate Healer and Protector

When a biological photon enters your biofield or physical body, it acts like stem cells, reacting to inflammatory signals. Biophoton energy has the potential to harmonize your physical body, emotional state, relationships, DNA, spiritual and energetic components, brain and mind functioning, and clear any blocks you may have.

Access to the original biological photon can activate the inherent ability to self-healing. ELUUMIS devices help replenish the inner light and create a field that protects us from anything preventing harmony, health, and happiness.

Eluumis Biophoton Activates Self-Healing Ability

“Creating the first ELUUMIS device took more than two years of work and study of the properties of matter, metaphysics, time, and vibrations. I didn’t try to create something that already exists. My mission was to empower nature and humans to activate the self-healing that is already in our DNA. Biophotons in any biological organism or ecosystem strive for harmony and the highest form of coherence. In fact, each of us can self-heal using a biological photon. That is why ELUUMIS was created”, says Taisia Shine, creator of ELUUMIS devices.

“If a person gains access to the original biological photon, he will be able to activate what is inherent in him by nature - THE ABILITY OF SELF-HEALING. These devices not only help replenish the inner biological light but also create a field of protection around us by constantly charging and strengthening our biofield, which is the most important key in protecting ourselves from harmful EMFs and negative frequencies.”

Protection Against EMFS and Negative Frequencies

Negative frequencies are one of the biggest threats to our health. Oftentimes, when we talk about harmful frequencies, we think of EMFs. Negative energy from other people is equally harmful as data pollution, electrosmog, and geopathic zones. Even parasites can be transferred through the biofield! But when the biofield is supercharged with biophotons, it acts as a protective shield and helps rid the body of toxic radiation.

Many effective devices on the market are designed only to block harmful frequencies, which are

great for indoor usage. However, what happens when you go out and you’re exposed? Within minutes, your thyroid and cells can absorb harmful radiation. What’s protecting you, then? Realistically, you cannot take it with you everywhere you go. SO… isn’t it best to charge your own biofield, which will protect you 24/7? Combining the Eluumis device with other EMF devices will be the ultimate bio-hack to protect against negative frequencies.

Eluumis: The Natural Biophoton Device

“We offer more than just a device; we provide a program to assist you in using the device. Biophotonic energy is effectively utilized in both everyday and professional settings. We divide our method into two different programs and devices which encompass professional as well as personal use: ELUUMIS SKY and ELUUMIS MATTER”, says Gary Kiss, Head of Business Development of ELUUMIS.

What is fascinating is when people hold the Eluumis device, they feel energy pulsations throughout their body and brain. It will even start to release emotional blockages and energetic traumas stored in the cell, but it’s felt most in previously damaged areas. This is how you know it immediately starts the healing process. Most or all will experience a calming sensation in the nervous system and mind within minutes. MANY PEOPLE report the sharpening of their intuitive senses. This energy is intelligent; therefore, everyone has a unique experience. It’s incredible to feel the level of energy being emitted from the device, yet it has no external power source, and it never has to be recharged! The energy is perpetual. There is nothing like it!

Not All Light Is The Same!

There is a big difference between a biophoton versus a simulated photon. In all cases, technologies on the market simulate photon energy and light, creating an artificial pulse of light. Such technologies use artificial light and artificial vibrations, which can contribute to some stimulation of biochemical processes in the body based on the photon’s known physical properties. However, such a photon has limited properties and effects. The biophoton is a natural carrier of cellular genetics and cellular information.

ELUUMIS is a unique device that captures and transmits the flow of natural biological photons to restore and balance the source of cellular and genetic light energy into every cell in our body.

Uniqueness of ELUUMIS

1. ELUUMis requires no additional light or energy sources to function. It works without recharging, even in complete darkness.

2. ELUUMIS’s physical material is 100% natural and composed of an alloy of minerals. Moreover, this alloy cannot absorb and only reflects a biophoton. Due to this property, concentrated transmission of biological photons occurs.

3. ELUUMIS adapts to each individual and interacts by tuning in to their specific frequency. Biophotonic energy will travel where it is most needed or according to the protocol chosen by the person.

4. Due to constant connection and photon energy emission, ELUUMIS emits a highvibration field. This field harmonizes and protects at the vibration level.

5. ELUUMIS emits a double positive (++) biological photon, which is pure light and cannot be influenced by extraneous influences. This energy can be combined with any method and modality and easily integrated into any practice.

Biophoton Healing 24/7 at Your Device

So everyone has access to natural biological therapy, we took it one step further to create a unique Eluumis device that can powerfully stream biophoton energy via any video platform. Biophotons are not limited to distance and time; therefore, they can be transported through a vector such as a video stream.

“It’s not that far-fetched,” says Gary. “Every one of us streams information and frequencies daily, from streaming music, television, Bluetooth, and even talking on the phone. Now, we are able to stream healing energy. Even healers are streaming their energy remotely. We not only provide the opportunity to access universal biological energy but also let you choose the necessary protocol that is aimed at improving health in the selected area: ANXIETY, MIND CHATTER, FOCUS, STRESS, BRAIN FUNCTIONS, MEMORY, ULTIMATE HEALTH, FATIGUE, AURA RECHARGE AND PROTECTION etc.”

People from all over the world will now have access to 24/7 live streaming of biophoton energy. It will be the biggest breakthrough in healing masses without the need for a physical person.

Eluumis Biophoton Invistigations

“This is one of the most important breakthroughs of our time,” says Taisia, the creator of the first Natural Bio-Photon Technology. “We “cracked the code,” harnessing and consistently replenishing the body’s absorption of biophotons into all cellular and sub-atomic levels! We continue to study the influence of biological photons on various aspects of life, health, and wellness, attracting independent specialists.”

Major Breakthrough in Cellular Light Restoration

One of the case studies was conducted with independent medical and blood analysis experts. They were invited to observe the effects of biophoton energy applied to the blood. The entire team was stunned by what they saw. Cells that were prematurely dying were restored back to their original state with a healthy electrical charge. Blood flow was restored, and toxins and pathogens were eliminated in record time.

Typically, after 10-12 minutes, cells outside the body would perish. One of the most jawdropping observations in this study was the cells survived for over 30 minutes and even replicated. This is the height of anti-aging and regenerating your own stem cells!

“BUT that’s the natural function of a biological photon,” says Dr. Joshua Helman, M.D., a double board-certified physician in microbiology who studied biophotons during his training at Harvard & MIT.

During our testing and investigations, we saw how a person’s physical and energetic components receiving pure, concentrated biological energy included self-healing and harmonized vital processes. We recorded how a person’s first time holding an ELUUMIS device for 15 minutes completely balanced his emotional state, cleansed and balanced the chakra system, balanced the Yin-Yang of energy and vibration, and quickly balanced heart and brain coherence.


The Eluumis Biophoton device is the fastest way to biohack your way to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We invite you to experience the world’s most intelligent, powerful, ancient, yet advanced technology that brings our lives back into coherence. Imagine the equivalent of having the power of the sun’s living energy and all its benefits at your fingertips. Eluumis Biophoton technology will change your life from the moment you touch it!

We wish you vitality, happiness, and health

From Gary Kiss and Taisia Shine, Founders of Eluumis

Scan the QR code for more information on Eluumis and how you could improve your well-being with this healing device.


3 Ways to Sleep Through the Night

For many, a restful night’s sleep can feel elusive, with tossing and turning becoming a nightly ritual. Sleep disturbances not only leave us fatigued but can also impact our overall health and well-being. Fortunately, there are various strategies and natural remedies that can help promote better sleep. In this article, we explore three effective ways to overcome sleep troubles and achieve a peaceful night’s rest.


Establishing a consistent sleep routine is one of the most effective ways to improve sleep quality. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This consistency reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Prioritizing sleep hygiene practices is essential to establish a consistent sleep routine. This includes creating a relaxing bedtime ritual to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or stretching can help calm the mind and prepare you for sleep.¹

It is also crucial to avoid stimulating activities, such as using electronic devices or watching TV, before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles.² Instead, opt for activities that promote relaxation and set the stage for a restful night’s sleep.


In addition to establishing a consistent sleep routine, incorporating natural remedies can further enhance sleep quality. Several herbs and supplements have been traditionally used to promote relaxation and alleviate sleep disturbances.

One popular natural remedy is valerian root, a herb known for its soothing properties. Research suggests that valerian root may help improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.³ Similarly, passionflower, chamomile, and lavender are herbs with calming effects that can be brewed into teas or used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation before bedtime.⁴

Melatonin supplements are another option for those struggling with sleep disturbances. Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body in response to darkness, signaling it’s time to sleep. Supplementing with melatonin may help regulate sleep-wake cycles, especially for individuals with irregular sleep patterns or jet lag.⁵

When using natural remedies for sleep, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions.



In addition to lifestyle changes and natural remedies, practicing relaxation techniques and cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective strategies for improving sleep quality.

Relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.⁶ These techniques involve focusing on the present moment and calming the mind and body, ultimately facilitating the transition into sleep.

CBT for insomnia is a structured therapy approach that helps identify and address the underlying factors contributing to sleep disturbances. Through cognitive restructuring, sleep hygiene education, and stimulus control techniques, CBT aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with sleep difficulties.⁷ Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBT in improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia symptoms.

Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine can help break the cycle of sleep troubles and pave the way for a more restful night’s sleep.


In conclusion, overcoming sleep troubles requires a multifaceted approach encompassing lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and therapeutic techniques. By establishing a consistent sleep routine, incorporating natural remedies, and practicing relaxation techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy, you can enhance sleep quality and wake up feeling revitalized.

OR You Choose! 2 Heart-Healthy Breakfast Recipes

February is well-known for being American Heart Month. Considering heart-related problems are the leading cause of death in the United States, it’s important to consider easy lifestyle improvements that can make a world of difference in your heart health as you age. One easy way to make a small shift is to start your day off right with a heart-healthy breakfast. Whether you like a sweet or savory breakfast, we have included two easy recipes to start your day right and move toward a healthier heart. Let’s dive in!

Morning Oatmeal Recipe


¹/3 Cup Sprouted Quick Oats

¾ Cup Water or Milk

Pinch of Salt

¹/3 Cup Cranberries

½ Cup Peaches

1 TBSP Flax Seeds

1 TBSP Hemp Seeds

1 TBSP Honey


Bring water or milk to a boil

Add salt

Reduce heat to a simmer and add oats

Cover for 2-3 minutes

While oats are cooking, wash and cut fruit

Take off heat and pour into bowl

Add fruit, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and top off with honey

Let cool, and enjoy!

Breakfast Quinoa Bowl


1 Cup Organic Quinoa

2 Cups Water

3 Garlic Cloves

½ Cup Green and red peppers

½ Avacado

1TBSP of Sesame Seeds

1 TSP Salt

1 TSP Pepper

2 TSP Red Pepper Flakes

½ Lime

1 TBSP Honey


Add quinoa, salt and water and bring to a boil

Mince garlic cloves and green and red peppers

Add minced garlic and peppers and reduce to a simmer

Cover and let cook 15 minutes

Cut avocado into thin slices, set aside

Squeeze lime into bowl and mix in honey and red pepper flakes

Once quinoa is cooked, season with pepper, add avocado, sprinkle sesame seeds and lime dressing on top

Let cool, and enjoy!

You can pair both of these dishes with your favorite protein for a well-rounded, heart-conscious breakfast. We hope you enjoy these recipes. Take a picture and tag @topdoctormagazine to show off your cooking skills!


In the pursuit of eternal youth, skincare enthusiasts are increasingly turning to a revolutionary ingredient: stem cells. Praised for their regenerative capabilities, these powerful cells hold the potential for smoother, more youthful skin. Stem cells, sourced from a 4% conditioned medium, are believed to stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines, and improve overall complexion. However, amid the excitement, questions persist: Do these products truly deliver on their promises? Are they worth the investment? And what ethical considerations surround their sourcing?

Dr. Brian Mehling, a prominent figure in the field of regenerative medicine, particularly known for his work in stem cell therapy, is the founder and CEO of Blue Horizon International (BHI), a healthcare consulting company focused on stem cell research, therapy, and education. BHI Therapeutic Sciences, a subsidiary of Blue Horizon International, is engaged in clinical research and the development of innovative stem cell-based treatments for various medical conditions. Spearheaded by BHI Therapeutic Science, Alpha Blu Skincare emerges as a pioneering force, seamlessly blending therapeutic science with advanced research and philanthropic endeavors. This skincare line introduces a groundbreaking concept integrating therapy, research, and philanthropy into its Alpha Blu Skincare product line.

At the core of Alpha Blu's skincare range lies BLUE CELL, also known as BlueCelluleCM™, a proprietary ingredient heralded as a game-changer in the science of skincare and beauty. BlueCellule-CM™ harnesses the regenerative power of cytokines within its conditioned medium, derived from umbilical cord blood, infused into all Alpha Blu Skincare formulations. Alpha Blu’s revolutionary blend contains growth factors and immune-boosting cytokines, with each product boasting a potent 4% concentration of this transformative ingredient.

Why choose human-conditioned medium stem cells over plant stem cells? While the allure of plant-based skincare products may seem enticing, scientific truth reveals a stark reality: plant cells and human cells are fundamentally incompatible for skin regeneration. In contrast, human stem cells, particularly those derived from umbilical cord blood, offer unmatched potential for rejuvenation. BHI, backed by rigorous testing

and ethical standards, holds true skincare excellence in unlocking these human-derived cells for skin regeneration. From promoting cellular regeneration to addressing a wide range of dermatological concerns, the transformative power of human-conditioned mediums surpasses the limitations of plant-based alternatives.

In today's beauty realm, a plethora of creams, lotions, extracts, and gels flood the market, each boasting transformative anti-aging effects. However, the abundance of commercial products often leads to confusion and misguidance among consumers, as many lack substantiated research on safety and efficacy.

BlueCellule-CM™ Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the remarkable ability to develop into various specialized cell types within the body. They play a crucial role in growth, tissue repair, and maintenance. Unlike mature cells with specific functions, stem cells remain unspecialized, allowing them to divide and differentiate into specific cell types as needed by the body. This versatility makes stem cells vital for the body's regenerative processes, contributing to the maintenance and repair of tissues and organs throughout an individual's life.

The innovative application of BlueCellule-CM™ stem cells in skincare marks a significant shift in the beauty, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine industry. Stem cells, once confined to regenerative medicine, are now gaining traction in the pursuit of radiant and youthful skin. This novel approach harnesses the regenerative potential of stem cells to address various skincare concerns, heralding a new era where science intersects with beauty. Traditionally associated with medical breakthroughs, stem cells are now being cultivated and integrated into skincare formulations. The essence of this groundbreaking approach lies in stem cells' ability to renew and repair damaged tissues. When applied topically, stem cells stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, promoting a more youthful complexion. Alpha Blu Skincare stands out in this landscape by addressing the root causes of skin aging and damage. Unlike superficial treatments, Alpha Blu's stem cellbased products penetrate deep into the cellular level, initiating repair mechanisms and encouraging the production of healthy skin cells. This approach is particularly effective in combating the signs of aging, diminishing fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible indicators by promoting collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity. The result is not merely cosmetic but a comprehensive transformation that prioritizes skin health.

"Embrace your natural beauty with Alpha Blu, empowering you to exude confidence, vitality, and radiance at every stage of life.”
-Ashleigh Quint, Alpha Blu Athlete

Alpha Blu Skincare extends beyond anti-aging benefits to address various skin conditions, from scars to pigmentation issues, in a month of daily use. The regenerative power of stem cells offers a promising solution for those seeking comprehensive skincare solutions. Alpha Blu Skincare offers a multifaceted approach to skincare, delivering impressive results that redefine the standards of anti-aging solutions. From repairing and promoting new cell growth to reducing wrinkles and combating aging effects, Alpha Blu Skincare rejuvenates and restores, revealing a radiant and youthful complexion. Studies affirm its efficacy, with users reporting visible improvements in skin texture, reduced fine lines, and enhanced overall skin health. Alpha Blu's anti-inflammatory properties and regenerative effects further contribute to its effectiveness in combating oxidative stress and scavenging free radicals, bolstering skin resilience and longevity. When applied to the skin, these cells work their magic, stimulating the regeneration of skin cells and promoting a more youthful complexion.

As the beauty industry evolves, Alpha Blu stem cell skincare represents a cutting-edge intersection of science and aesthetics. Consumers are increasingly drawn to Alpha Blu Skincare for its potential to rejuvenate skin naturally. Stem cell skincare signifies a departure from conventional approaches, indicating a future where beauty products are not only cosmetic but also therapeutic, promoting genuine skin health from within. In essence, Alpha Blu stem cell skincare is revolutionizing our approach to beauty by nurturing skin at its core, resulting in a radiant, revitalized complexion that transcends surface-level enhancements.

Alpha Blu Skincare products are suitable for both men and women. The Day Cream and Night Cream are versatile and can be applied all over the body. The Skin Serum, specifically designed for facial use only, offers healthy anti-aging properties that can benefit teenagers seeking a clearer, brighter, and healthier appearance.

Use code: UpliftAsh for purchase of your Alpha Blu Skincare http://www.alphabluskincare.com/

Studies show that BlueCellule-CM™ helps improve undesired skin conditions such as oxidation and aging.

•100% Silicone, Color & Scent Free

•We only use the best ingredients and the most effective formulas for all our products, no fillers.

•BHI’s in-depth research consistently shows that BlueCellule-CM™ can be the most effective rejuvenator in the beauty, regeneration and anti-aging market.



1. Visit topdoctormagazine.com for more health and wellness tips.


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1. For more information on Eluumis, visit the website https://www.eluumis.com/.

2. Follow along on social media https://www.instagram.com/photon_healing_/.


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1. For more healthy recipe ideas, visit topdoctormagazine.com.

1. Use code: UpliftAsh for purchase of your Alpha Blu Skincare http://www.alphabluskincare.com/

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