Special Issue - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Steering the country to better health




Publisher: John Highland

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Contributing Authors: Sydney Good, Hannah H., Jackie Kaminski, Zarah Louise, Zenith Lendell, Ashleigh Quint


Vice President of Development: Mark Carvalho

Business Director: Rob Fletcher

Fractional Marketing Officer: Craig Handley

Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson



Our mission and purpose at TopDoctor Magazine is to foster connections within the health and wellness community and empower our readers to make well-informed healthcare and lifestyle decisions. We pride ourselves on being the ultimate resource for interviews with health and wellness leaders, trending medical news, and healthy living topics.

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With warmest regards, Hannah


How Does Walking Benefit Your Health?

Why The 9-5 Workday Was Built For Men

Protein Needs As We Age

Steering The Country To Better Health: An Exclusive Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

What Does The Organic Label Mean?

Reimagining Fitness: A Day In The Life Of A Professional Bodybuilder

Elevating Off-Season Performance: A Summer Of Growth

How To Approach Holistic Living Without Being Overwhelmed

Gone are the days when everyone had to work a 9-5. Since 2020 especially, more and more people have been working from home and creating a schedule tailored to them. Come to find out, the 9-5 is best suited for men. Let’s explore why.



We all have daily cycles. That’s our circadian rhythm, which determines when we wake up and go to bed.¹ When you have a system or a routine, your body will naturally want to get up and sleep at the same time each day.

If you think about it, we should all be suitable for a 9 to 5 workday, right? After all, we (in theory) are ready to conquer our day in the morning when we get up. Over the day, we progressively lose steam, and by the time 5 o’clock rolls around, we’re ready to be done. We have just enough time for dinner and downtime before bed.

However, men and women do feel differently each day based on their hormones.


In addition to a normal circadian rhythm, men also experience a diurnal rhythm of testosterone.² That means they experience the same thing every day with their hormones. When testosterone levels are normal, testosterone is at its highest in the morning and decreases over the day.³ As men sleep, testosterone rises, so it’s at its peak again the next day.


Hypothetically, women should feel the same way based on their circadian rhythm. However, any woman knows she doesn’t feel the same each day, and it’s not just in her head. That’s because a woman’s cycle works on roughly a 28day pattern. A woman’s key hormones, progesterone and estrogen, dramatically shift over this time. The main events in a woman’s cycle are ovulation and menstruation, but the body’s hormones are still working in between these points.⁴

All that to say, a woman will feel energized and have more mental clarity to complete tasks at specific points during the month. But at other times, she’ll feel grateful if she just makes it out of bed.


Though stress is disadvantageous for both men and women, adding insult to injury, stress can hurt women more than men when it comes to fertility.⁵ When chronically stressed, our body enters a fight-or-flight mode, halting essential functions and causing gut imbalances. Stress causes our cortisol to spike, which, again, isn’t good for anyone's health overall. However, while men have cortisol, their testosterone doesn’t come from it. In other words, they won’t experience fertility problems from stress quite like women.

Women, on the other hand, primarily use the hormones progesterone and cortisol to conceive children. Cortisol is not bad, but when stress causes it to swell, everything else is imbalanced, making it difficult for women to have children. That likely explains why 1 out of 5 women experience infertility during the time they should be most fertile. Even if a woman doesn’t intend to have children, she’ll still be hurt by high cortisol with depression, anxiety, and mood swings,



The good news is that women can track their cycles to understand what’s going on with their hormones. Even if they’re not planning to have kids right now, knowing what’s going on to prepare is helpful. This app called 28 is a great resource to track your cycle.⁶ If you don’t have a cycle, you can establish a monthly routine to help regulate it—which can help bring it back! The same app uses the moon as a monthly schedule if you so choose.


Once you know your cycle, you can eat and exercise along with it.⁷ As you might’ve guessed, there are times in the month when more intense exercise would be beneficial. At other points, though, it’s best to take a step back and relax. You can also eat foods that help balance your hormones. Getting in touch with your cycle can help regulate your hormones and make it easier to function.


You must do what you can to alleviate stress. If possible, take a step back from certain responsibilities in order to not overwhelm yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re at that time of the month. You can also trick your body into calming itself by activating the vagus nerve.⁸


Though atypical job trends are rising, that doesn’t mean we can completely abandon the 9-5. But if women track their cycles, they can learn how to work with their hormones to make the most of every day.

Protein Needs

as We Age

Protein! The King of Macronutrients!

By now, the health and fitness industry has shed an abundance of light on the importance of protein in your diet. But… do your protein needs change as you age?

Is the recommended dose of 20-30g of protein per meal or post-workout sufficient to induce that muscle-building response across the lifespan? The answer, unfortunately, is no.

If you’re wondering why, after age 50, the same nutrition tactics that might’ve once worked in your youth are no longer working, here’s why.

Muscle mass decreases at a rate of 1-8% per decade after the age of 30 and becomes more significant after the age of 60 (1). These losses occur partly due to alterations inside cells affecting muscle fiber size, muscle cell number, reduction of ATP and glycolytic enzymes, and blunted responses to meal ingestion. Hormonal changes also play a prominent role in the ability to build muscle. By the age of 60, a majority of men will experience significant drops in testosterone levels that decrease to levels below normal youthful values. Similarly, menopause is a significant life event where women experience more difficulty maintaining and building lean mass.

So, if all these physiological changes are occurring, what is the new required stimulus to help boost protein synthesis or the muscle-building response via food?

The optimal protein intake to create a maximal anabolic or muscle-building response in elderly individuals is 35-40g of protein per meal or 0.40g/kg/meal of high-quality protein. It is recommended to have a total daily protein intake of 1.2-2g/ kg per day. So, for an individual weighing 150 lb., that would equate to a total daily protein intake of 82-136g per day.

Several studies have demonstrated the need for higher protein doses in elderly individuals. One study evaluated lean body mass changes in men and women with an average age of 74.5 years. Protein intake was separated into five quartiles ranging from daily intakes of 0.8-1.2g/kg/day. The group in the highest quartile lost 40% less lean muscle mass than those in the lowest quartile group (3). Another study looking at muscle protein response following protein ingestion in young and older men found that a dose of 40g of highquality protein was required to maximize muscle protein synthesis (5).

Does Protein Timing Matter?

Protein timing has been a long-debated topic. Should you split your daily protein needs evenly throughout the day, or can you consume everything you need in a single bolus?

Meeting total daily protein needs in a day is the most important. However, it is recommended to evenly space protein feedings throughout the day for exercising individuals. Consuming 35-40g of protein every 3-4 hours and within 2 hours after exercise will offer the greatest benefit in maintaining and building lean body mass. It is more important for women to consume protein as soon as possible after exercise.

Protein Quality

Maximizing muscle protein synthesis is also largely dependent on the type and amount of dietary protein consumed. Leucine, an amino acid, is the most potent muscle-building stimulator. Therefore, a high-quality protein will contain roughly 3g of leucine per 35-40g serving of protein.

High-quality proteins are any animal-based protein. Examples include fish, eggs, chicken, beef, turkey and milk products.

If you consume a plant-based diet, you will need to consume a larger protein bolus to achieve the same anabolic response.

Plant proteins often lack one or more essential amino acids and are typically low in leucine. Additionally, the fiber and the presence of other phytochemicals blunt the absorption of proteins present in various plant-based sources.

Muscle Building Supplements & Latest Findings

What are the best muscle-building supplements for individuals as they age?

The more obvious supplements would be protein powders and amino acids. When it comes to protein powders, fastabsorbing protein (whey) will be more beneficial than slowdigesting proteins (casein) in order to achieve a maximal protein synthetic response, especially after exercise. Amino acids are the simplest form of protein and, therefore, will have the fastest absorption rates.

While protein consumption after exercise is required to enhance muscle protein synthesis, research has also shown really great benefits to supplementing with protein during exercise in older individuals. One study showed a 30-40% increase in muscle mass and strength when consuming protein during prolonged resistance training.

When purchasing amino acids, aim to get an essential amino acid that contains approximately 10g of EAA’s (essential amino acids) per serving.

Newer research has also shown some incredible benefits to consuming a 40g protein bolus right before bed. When elderly subjects consumed a 40g bolus of casein protein before bed, overnight muscle protein synthesis rates were 22% greater than individuals who consumed a placebo.

Creatine is a naturally occurring collection of amino acids that exists naturally within the muscles, brain and, to a small extent, the testes in men. Creatine is responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength. For older individuals, especially active older individuals, creatine has been shown to be a great aid in maintaining and building lean muscle mass. Recommended doses can range from 2-10g/day.

Collagen is the body’s most abundant form of structural protein, making up connective tissues, skin and tendons. As we age, the body produces less collagen, leading to thinner skin and an increased risk for joint and tissue injury. Many studies have indicated that the use of a daily collagen protein aided in reducing joint discomfort, improved bone mineral density, and increased lean body mass in elderly individuals.


As we age, many different physiological changes take place that can accelerate the loss of muscle mass, increase the risk of injury and make it harder to enjoy day-to-day activities. However, by maintaining an active lifestyle and making

minor adjustments to your diet, you can significantly mitigate the adverse effects of aging.

When it comes to diet, consuming protein is going to be the most important factor in order to build and maintain lean mass. As we age, consuming rich protein sources in larger boluses is more vital since the muscle protein synthesis response to food is blunted.

To maximize your muscle-building potential, follow these steps:

• Consume 35-40g of protein every 3-4 hours

• Consume 40g of whey protein after exercise

• Consume 40g of casein protein before bed

• Combine a collagen protein powder with your protein supplement to enhance joint health

• Consume 10g of essential amino acids during training to enhance muscle protein synthesis

• Consume 5g of creatine per day to increase muscle mass and strength

Protein is still the king of macronutrients! It just becomes more important as we age.

Jackie Kaminski- Registered Sports Dietitian Based Out of South Florida. Owner and CEO of Her Company: The Fight Nutritionist.

You can find Jackie at https://thefightnutritionist.com or on Instagram @thefightnutritionist

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Week 12




The team at TopDoctor Magazine recently had the opportunity to have a conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the future of the American healthcare system and how it affects our readers and American citizens as a whole. Our publisher and editing team, along with our partner Craig Handley from SocialClose Marketing and partners at Strive Compounding Pharmacy Nathan Hill, Zach Shurtleff, and Matthew Montes De Oca, all expressed the desire to change how health and wellness are currently being approached in the United States and recognized RFK Jr.’s concerted efforts to steer the country to better health.

James P. Bradley, a candidate for the US Senate in California, is a close friend of RFK Jr. Together, they are dedicated to fighting for health freedoms in California and across the nation. Mr. Bradley introduced RFK Jr. and provided insight into the ongoing conflicts surrounding government overreach on patients' and doctors' rights.

With over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Mr. Bradley has served as a senior executive officer, focusing on restoring the sanctity and protection of patient and doctor relationships while advancing medical innovations. He remains committed to his advocacy work alongside Mr. Kennedy, supporting the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) initiative.

We are grateful to James for coming alongside TopDoctor Magazine and its goal to foster connections within the health and wellness community and empower our readers to make well-informed healthcare and lifestyle decisions by introducing us to RFK Jr.

At TopDoctor Magazine, we realize it will take a bi-partisan, all-hands-on-deck approach to MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN. We appreciate the fact that RFK Jr. was able to lead this effort by reaching across the aisle to Donald J. Trump to work together for the health of all Americans. This interview has the beginning of the answers to America’s health crisis, and we at TopDoctor Magazine are here to spread the common sense message of living a healthy lifestyle.

John Highland: Our doctors have expressed concern that they can't keep their patients healthy under the current system. Healthcare is set up to be reactive rather than preventative, and there is clear evidence that it’s not the most effective approach.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: It's all about addressing the cause of disease rather than simply treating the symptoms. There is virtually one cause of the chronic disease epidemic - corruption. The profit-seeking health agencies and medical cartels are no longer doing public health. Their primary motivation is advancing the mercantile interest of pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and hospital systems on Wall Street rather than actually making America healthy.

I've written five books on public health, but I don't claim any particular expertise. I just want what I’ve written to be used by lawyers with legal expertise to identify and eliminate conflicts of interest in the public health space. Then, we can return to evidence-based medicine and evidencebased science.


RFK Jr.: Each of the agencies has different factors of corruption. For example, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) spends about fifty percent of its budget on the industry, mainly on pharmaceutical companies. That is a very damaging conflict of interest where the leaders at that agency and the people working for it are reporting to their real bosses within the company. They are no longer reporting to the American taxpayers but to the pharmaceutical companies.

The Bayh-Dole Act was passed in 1980 and allowed individual scientists and NIH (National Institutes of Health) to collect royalties on drugs they help develop. Now, most new drugs approved by the FDA have come out of the NIH, but they’ve turned from being the gold standard of scientific research agencies to an incubator for new pharmaceutical products. It makes the NIH’s scientists and officials partners with the pharmaceutical industry. The obvious conflicts that arise from that system have subsumed the regulatory function of the agency, with the driving motivation now being for personal and institutional profit.

Those scientists will collect $150,000 a year, forever, as long as the mRNA vaccine is being sold. Those regulators are paying for their mortgages, children's education, boats, cars, and alimony payments with the money from the Moderna vaccine. They are supposed to be looking for problems with the products. However, they now have tremendous individual financial incentives to overlook those problems and promote the product, whether or not it is efficacious or safe.

That ends up subverting public health because the regulators who are supposed to protect us have become sock puppets for the industry they're supposed to regulate and instead partner with those companies to make a profit.


RFK Jr.: I try to formulate the best solutions for these problems that will not require me to go through Congress, which has its own conflicts of interest. The pharmaceutical companies are now the biggest lobbyists in Congress, about three times as much as the next biggest lobbyists, oil and gas, and then the military contractors. It’s tough to get through Congress, mainly because the pharmaceutical companies totally control the health committees.

Getting rid of that royalty arrangement altogether will be difficult, but through the action of HHS (Department of Health & Human Services) administrators, we can actually reduce those royalties to a few dollars a year rather than $150,000 a year and effectively get rid of the royalty system, which is what I will do.

J.H.: We had Dr. Harvey Reich from Yale quoted in the magazine during COVID-19. Dr. Reich and some of the other best doctors in the world were speaking on the pandemic, and the media and other medical professionals wouldn’t even listen to what they had to say. In fact, much of what he said wasn’t controversial, yet a major social media company shut us down for six months for posting about different modalities that later were proven to help.



RFK JR.: The censorship that’s taking place in the mainstream and social media is also driven by profits. Most of those companies, including Facebook, get huge revenues from pharmaceutical companies every year. During COVID, they were able to shut down any discussion of alternatives like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine or any of the repurposed pharmaceuticals that were demonstrated to be effective against COVID.

Because of this, the public didn’t hear about alternatives, and doctors were discouraged from using them. Some were even delicensed for prescribing them, all because the pharmaceutical companies in power wanted only one solution: the new COVID vaccine.

That caused enormous damage to public health, particularly in this country. We had the highest death rate from COVID in the world. That’s one of the reasons the United States had 16% percent of the COVID tests, even though we only make up 4.10% of the world’s population. And that’s because Americans were discouraged from doing the things that could actually reduce COVID deaths enormously.

We did everything wrong during COVID. Shutting down the entire country did nothing to stop COVID. In fact, it probably dramatically increased COVID deaths. If we had practiced the standard recognized countermeasures to isolate the sick, protect the vulnerable, and let society keep operating, we could have used this tremendous resource of a worldwide connected internet to identify interventions that were actually working. If we had the fifteen million front-line doctors worldwide receiving uncensored access to information in real-time every day and updating the COVID protocols, COVID would have been nothing more than an annual flu. It was the government intervention that made COVID so lethal.

J.H.: We collaborate with Rob Fletcher at Muscle & Fitness+ and many of the gym owners who work with them. During the pandemic, we heard from them and others in the health and wellness space expressing concern that people couldn’t go exercise. The government shut down gyms, cycling studios, beaches, and multiple outdoor spaces, which were the only way for some people to get outside. We couldn’t go to farmers’ markets to get organic foods, and thousands of chemicals have corrupted the food we could get in the stores that were allowed to remain open.

The problem was that people needed to get out, exercise, get the sunshine, and eat correctly to stay healthy but were restricted from doing so because of government intervention and corruption allowed by the FDA.


RFK Jr.: We have a whole list of executive orders that will get us away from some of the worst chemical food additives. Hopefully, we’ll get some cooperation from the food companies. For example, Kellogg’s uses chemicals in American food products that they don’t use in Canadian or European products.

Fruit Loops in Canada and the UK have no chemical dyes in them. Those dyes cause ADHD, are carcinogenic and have negative neurological impacts, yet they are still using them here. Kellogg’s promised ten years ago to remove all the chemical dyes from its products, but they never did. They remove these chemicals everywhere else in the world except the United States. They are mass poisoning the American people, knowing that they have an alternative.

Not only will I meet directly with the CEOs of these companies, but I will also get the Attorney General involved, litigating against them for the injuries they’re causing the American people.

J.H.: Big pharma and food lobbyists present one of our political system’s most significant issues.


RFK Jr.: That is a very heavy list because that’s part of American democracy. You are allowed to lobby your government. We can call them out for what they’re doing. We can expose the corruption and talk about it openly, which is not discussed openly under the current administration. We can inform the American people that these are companies that are mounting a chemical warfare campaign against America’s children. I also appeal to the companies themselves and say, “Let’s figure this out collaboratively so that we don’t have to come after you legally or use various powers to protect our children from your bad behavior.”

J.H.: It’s essential to lead by example. We do an article every month called Super Ager with Dr. Ken Davis, a 70-year-old bodybuilder who is an excellent example of healthy living.


RFK Jr.: We need to make it a national priority, like my uncle did. He had The President’s Council on Physical Fitness (PCPF). We need to get physical fitness back in our schools as a priority. We need to get our children moving, and we need to get the cell phones out of our schools altogether. Until the bell, there should be no cell phones in schools.

We should have the same recommendation we did for cigarettes for cell phones. The harm from them is well documented. I brought the case to The Federal Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., which ordered the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to start from scratch with cell phone radiation testing. They’ve allowed Americans to be harmed by the dangers of cell phone radiation for 20 years. They haven't updated their testing since the 1990s, even though there have been over 10,000 studies that show terrible, terrible harm from cell phone radiation.

J.H.: There was an act in 1986 that gives Big Pharma some legal immunity in adverse events.


RFK Jr.: There should be no immunity from liability. It’s a heavy lift for Congress to try to reform the 1986 act because Congress and the Senate are so dependent on pharmaceutical money. There are things you can do within the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in terms of vaccine recommendations that can actually reduce the liability shield coverage for pharmaceutical companies. That has to do with how the vaccines are recommended. If there are advisories that give physicians discretion, that liability shield is removed.

Nathan Hill from Strive Compounding Pharmacy and his team also had the opportunity to talk with RFK Jr. and ask questions concerning compounding and the future of healthcare within the pharmaceutical industry.

Nathan Hill: Thank you for everything you are doing to make America healthy again. Zach and Matt from our executive team and I are all ecstatic about someone who's finally taking a stand against Big Pharma and government overreach.

We couldn't be more excited about your stance on what’s been discussed, such as the different chemicals and toxins, seed oils, and harmful chemicals in our environment and food supply. I know many important topics are in the upcoming election, but we're focused on this nation's health care. As it's declining, we're seeing many regulatory bodies with conflicts of interest.

We've seen firsthand as a compound pharmacy that it's not always in the patient's best interest; it's profits over patients. We focus on that as a compound pharmacy that makes personalized medicine.

Your mission here is incredible, and we fully support it. You've been a great example of an active lifestyle and staying healthy. Zach, our VP of marketing, has one question to ask you concerning compounding.

Zach Shurtleff: We couldn't be more proud to be in the position we are right now to help promote this tidal wave of people waking up to the realities of health. You inspire us, and we're trying to embody those values in the way we run our business.


RFK Jr.: I personally use compounding pharmacies. Compounding pharmacies are the ideal in our healthcare system. I think even mainstream medicine is increasingly recognizing that we need to be moving back toward individualized medicine rather than cookie-cutter treatment for diseases. Our bodies are all different, and the cookie-cutter method is just making us all sicker.

The FDA has mounted a war against compounding pharmacies and against products that actually make people better but are outside of the pharmaceutical paradigm. This includes many products that you know to be useful but are banned with no sense at all simply because they challenge the pharmaceutical monopoly.

One example is chelation therapies, which are so critical when our bodies are as overloaded by inflammation and toxic substances as they are now. There are proven benefits of removing lead, mercury, aluminum, other heavy metals, and pesticides from our bodies. Instead of encouraging people to do this, pharmaceutical companies have weaponized the FDA and shut down any competition outside their patented medication. In our new paradigm, compounding pharmacies will play a key role in making America healthy again.

Z.S: How are we actually going to drive this change? How are we going to change consumer behavior? Money is power, right? These Big Pharma companies have so much money, and that’s part of what’s fueling their ability to seize and keep control.

We see an essential role as a compounding pharmacy: to inspire, educate, and inform the average person, like you do, in a way that actually shifts consumer behavior. It changes spending habits and encourages people to go to a compounding pharmacy first instead of following the system.


RFK Jr.: What I’d love to see from you is a long list of all the beneficial compounds you are selling that have been banned or discouraged by the FDA over the past decade. The Trump administration is committed to decentralizing medicine, decentralizing monopoly control of our businesses, and encouraging individual entrepreneurs rather than national chains. That is very consistent with the whole concept of individualized medicine.

Decentralizing healthcare puts medicine back in the hands of the individual doctor and creates a good doctor-patient relationship. The doctor can make health-driven recommendations, like writing prescriptions for gym memberships or organic food, and Medicare and Medicaid are going to pay for those things. Instead of paying $1,600 a month for Ozempic, they’ll prescribe organic foods to people and provide medical treatments that are actually going to help them.

One of the phenomenons we saw put on steroids during and after COVID was this centralization and control of actual medical decisions. For over 2,400 years, since Hippocrates, there has been a sacred relationship between a doctor and a patient, where you knew if you went to that doctor, he was treating you as an individual. He was not treating you to make society better. During COVID, we saw that flipped on its head to protect society as a whole and not the individual.

The doctor became the agent of the government and international health care policies. That is very, very dangerous. We saw this in the 3rd Reich in Europe. You get very bad results whenever doctors become the agents of state policies.

In Europe, we saw mass experimentation. We saw doctors given the responsibility of rooting out people with genetic diseases and people with intellectual disabilities. These doctors had to file yellow card reports for patients who were homosexuals or had intellectual or physical disabilities, and the regime classified them as ‘useless eaters’. They were sited for elimination through death camps or work camps. Virtually every doctor in Germany went along with this system. There were no complaints from any of the medical associations or medical schools.

In Japan, the same thing was happening. There was a total centralization of medicine. Virtually every doctor in Japan became involved in the development of bioweapons and human experimentation. Thousands of people had been given deadly diseases, and their body parts were sent around to every medical

school. These doctors in Japan became complicit in experimentation on human beings. This is what happens when you have centralized control of medicine. That’s why this individualized relationship between the doctor and patient is so sacred and important to preserve.

Compounding pharmacies are a critical component of that relationship because they allow doctors to step outside the pharmaceutical paradigm and practice individualized medicine. It’s not something being mass-marketed because it’s a solution to your particular problem. If you go to a compounding pharmacy, they will make something just for you that your doctor prescribes.

If we want a truly democratic society, an entrepreneurial system, and a society that celebrates our individualism rather than a society that says we are all servants of the state, it begins with compounding pharmacies.


The team at TopDoctor Magazine has remained committed to the mission to Make America Healthy Again. We are excited that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is leading the country toward a healthier future and invite others to come alongside the health and wellness community to help drive change in the individual lives of each American.

Your vote could make the difference in this election. Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) is a powerful grassroots movement that represents the interests of the vast majority of the people of the United States. If you want to help Make America Healthy Again, please donate today at mahanow.org/donate. Thank you!




Iwake up at 5 am without an alarm. Rolling out of bed, I weigh myself at 203 pounds. Right on track: I will compete at the national bodybuilding championships in three weeks. My goal is to compete, weighing 199 pounds. I have been systematically reducing my body weight by one pound per week for the past 16 weeks. This slow-loss strategy strips the last vestiges of body fat off my physique without losing any of my hard-earned muscle mass. If you lose body fat too quickly, you’ll lose as much muscle because your body will sense starvation and cannibalize muscle to spare precious body fat.

Part of my morning regimen is rehydration, where I drink 32 ounces of water over a two-hour period. I dress, head to the kitchen, brew some coffee, and check my notifications. Awake and alert, I head to the garage for a 30-minute “fasted” cardio training session. My goal is to attain and maintain a 120 beatsper-minute session average. This is 80% of my age-related heart rate maximum.

When you do cardio every morning, you get good at it. I powered through my 30-minute session; done, dripping sweat, I hit the shower. At 7 am, I eat the first of my six meals: an egg white omelet with mixed vegetables. Today being a Saturday, I headed to my home office for three hours of paperwork and bill paying. At 10 am, I headed back to the kitchen and consumed an 8-ounce serving of turkey and a small garden

salad. Then it was time for yard work: mowing the grass and cleaning up afterward took until 1 pm.

It was time for my third meal: a serving of haddock, rice, and asparagus. I was to meet Paul, my training partner, at the gym at 2 pm, so I changed, retrieved a Tupperware container with a pre-cooked meal (beef patty, garden salad, sweet potato) and commenced the 30-minute drive to the gym. I greeted Paul, and we immediately got to work. This would be chest and arm day and take 90 minutes to complete. Today’s menu was the Smith machine bench press, dumbbell incline press, pec dec machine, and cable crossovers. Forty-five minutes later, my chest and delts were pumped and exhausted.

Our bicep routine was standing barbell curls, seated incline curls, preacher bench curls, and machine curls. For our triceps, single dumbbell overhead triceps press, dips, triceps pushdowns, and rope-handle pushdowns. Four sets for every exercise, each set heavier than the prior set. Reps ranged from a low of 8 reps to a high of 12 reps. Paul is stronger and younger, a perfect training partner. He pushes me, spots me, corrects my form, and gives me “forced reps” when required. I glanced at the gym wall clock. Our session lasted one hour and seventeen minutes.

Exhausted, drenched in sweat, shaking slightly, I retrieve my Tupperware container and ravenously rip into my fourth meal

of the day. This food revives me. I gather my gear and head home, shower, and take a 45-minute power nap. Refreshed, I drink another coffee. Later, I meet friends at a local Greek restaurant. I order a giant Greek salad, lamb chops, and quinoa. I then head back home and watch a movie.

Before bed, I have my sixth and final meal of the day, a large protein shake that delivers 50 grams of high BV protein. Taking the shake before bed will keep muscle-sparing protein in my system as I sleep. I fall into a deep, refreshing sleep and cannot wait for the next day. As I sleep, I swear I feel my arms and chest growing.


Every exercise I do, every bite of food I take, every sip of liquid I drink, everything I do is related to improving my health, performance, and physique. Everything I do is preplanned. Periodization is just a fancy word for extensive preplanning. Implementing the periodized lifestyle is the essence of bodybuilding. Pros use periodization to improve their performance and physique, and so should you.

James is a hypothetical stereotypical out-of-shape, 45-year-old business executive. He wants to take ten weeks to lean out and shape up for the class reunion. The strategy is to reduce body weight by two pounds a week during weeks one through six, then reduce one pound per week in weeks seven through ten, 15 pounds total. The deadlift shows his periodized progression. A periodized progression is established for each of the eight progressive resistance exercises he performs twice weekly.

Cardio is critical. Wearing a heart rate monitor enables a numeric rendering of aerobic intensity. A 45-year-old has a 100% heart rate max of 175 BPM. He commences with four weekly high-intensity power walks. The target heart rate increases slightly each week; the session duration is extended by two minutes. Endurance is thus stair-stepped upward. At the end of 10 weeks, he deadlifts 215 pounds. He ends by powering through daily 35-minute sessions while maintaining a 130-beats-per-minute rate, weighing a now streamlined and muscled-up 180 pounds.


1. Insufficient Progressive Resistance Intensity: To build strength and muscle, subject the targeted muscle to stressors sufficient to trip the hypertrophy switch. The body must wrestle with poundage at the limit of current capacities. A submaximal effort is insufficient; the ideal “set” ends with a barely completed final rep. If there is no struggle, muscle gain will not be realized.

2. Insufficient Cardiovascular Training Intensity: Aerobic exercise is cojoined with disciplined dieting, thus forcing the body to oxidize fat. Cardio conditioning enables the athlete to train harder and longer. Do you sweat? If you do not, it is unlikely the intensity generated is sufficient. The elite will perform early morning fasted cardio to amplify fat burning.

3. Insufficient Dietary Discipline: Transformational fitness is based on dietary discipline. Clean up your eating habits! Eliminate highly inflammatory ultra-processed foods and enable detoxification to commence. Adequate nutrition is strict and unbending: there are no cheat days, no cheat meals, and no dietary Mulligans. Meals are nutrient-dense power foods, natural, fresh, organic, and wholesome—our philosophy: the expert use of regular food.

4. Lack of Tangible Results: Enthusiasm is the solar power of transformative fitness. Measurable results in performance and physique reflect the effort. Weekly increases in performance produce changes in the physique; muscle grows, and fat oxidizes. Clean eating amps energy and clears mental fog. Those unable to generate results understandably quit. Ferocious adherence generates measurable results; results create enthusiasm that continually revitalizes the effort.

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We’re Strive Compounding Pharmacy.

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Photographed by: Drew Edward Shaffer, Drew Shaffer Studio

As the final buzzer sounds and the cheers of the crowd fade away, athletes enter the off-season—a period often marked by a unique set of challenges that extend beyond physical training. From navigating mental wellness to maintaining peak physical condition, the off-season journey is as much about selfdiscovery as it is about physical preparation. Let’s delve into holistic strategies that athletes can embrace to not only stay in shape physically but also nurture their mental well-being during the off-season blues. By prioritizing both physical and mental health during the off-season, athletes can emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

The Infrared Sauna Experience

One innovative approach gaining traction among athletes is the use of infrared saunas. Beyond their traditional relaxation benefits, these saunas penetrate deep into tissues, promoting muscle recovery and reducing inflammation. Recent studies published in the Journal of Sports Medicine have highlighted the potential of infrared sauna therapy in improving athletic performance by enhancing blood flow and oxygenation to muscles, thus aiding post-workout recovery.¹

Light therapy in infrared saunas, often referred to as chromotherapy, involves exposing the body to colored lights to promote various health benefits. Experts suggest that different colors can stimulate specific energy points in the body, potentially enhancing relaxation, mood, and overall well-being.

Chromotherapy suggests that different colors can positively impact the body in various ways:

• Red is believed to increase energy and stimulate circulation.

• Green is believed to promote balance and harmony.

• Blue is thought to induce calmness and relaxation.

• Indigo is associated with intuition and spiritual awareness.

• Violet is believed to stimulate inspiration and imagination.

Visit Sunlighten: www.sunlighten.com or Clearlight Saunas: www.infraredsauna.com for more information.²

Unlocking Performance with Supplements

Supplementation plays a pivotal role in an athlete’s offseason regimen. The right combination of supplements can optimize performance and well-being by enhancing recovery and supporting immune function. Athletes are increasingly turning to supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids, backed by research published in the Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, demonstrating their efficacy in muscle repair and cognitive function.³

Coach Ashleigh’s top 5 picks for building strong athletes in their off-season revolve around a combination of these essential supplements, carefully selected to optimize performance, recovery, and overall well-being.

L-Carnitine: Supports brain health by enhancing cognitive function and reducing mental fatigue, crucial for maintaining focus and performance during training and competition.

Zinc: Enhances testosterone production, which can support muscle growth, strength, and overall athletic performance.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Reduce inflammation, support joint health, and promote overall cardiovascular well-being.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Promote muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle soreness, and aid in muscle recovery, especially during periods of increased training volume.

Vitamin D3 + K2: Enhances bone health by aiding in calcium absorption and utilization, supporting muscle function, immune system function, and cardiovascular health, essential

Photographed by: Drew Edward Shaffer, Drew Shaffer Studio

for overall athletic performance and recovery.

Harnessing the Power of Vitamin D

Amidst the summer sun, athletes can harness the power of vitamin D to support both physical and mental well-being. Beyond its role in bone health, vitamin D has been linked to mood regulation and cognitive function. Supplementing with vitamin D during the off-season can mitigate the risk of deficiency, ensuring athletes maintain optimal performance levels and mental resilience, according to a 2020 study conducted by Gomez-Pinilla et al.⁴

Apollo Wristband: A Wearable for Mental Wellness

Technologies like the Apollo wristband offer a unique solution to address the mental aspect of off-season training. This wearable device leverages vibrational therapy to modulate the body’s stress response, promoting calmness and focus. Integrating an Apollo device into daily routines can aid athletes in managing stress and enhancing recovery, ultimately contributing to improved performance on and off the field.

You can find the wristband at www.apolloneuro.com.⁵

Virtual Support: FaceTime Workouts and Strength Coaching

Virtual workouts and remote coaching have emerged as invaluable tools for athletes during the off-season. Through platforms like FaceTime, athletes can stay connected with their strength coaches, receiving personalized guidance and motivation from the comfort of their own gyms. This virtual support system fosters accountability and empowers athletes to maintain their training regimen regardless of location.

PNOE VO2 Max Testing: Precision in Performance

Understanding individual physiological parameters is key to optimizing training strategies. PNOE VO2 max testing offers athletes insights into their aerobic capacity, enabling personalized training plans tailored to their unique metabolic profiles. By fine-tuning training intensity and duration based on scientific data, athletes can maximize their off-season gains and transition seamlessly into the next competitive season.

You can visit www.pnoe.com for more information.⁶

Photographed by: Drew Edward Shaffer, Drew Shaffer Studio

The Network of Strength United:

I’m delighted to introduce my esteemed network of coaches and doctors, each possessing unparalleled expertise in the realm of athletic performance. These mentors have been instrumental in my personal growth and professional development. With the right tools and mindset, the off-season becomes not just a period of rest but a transformative journey toward peak performance and holistic well-being.

Whether you’re an athlete seeking to optimize your performance or a medical practitioner aiming to enhance athletic outcomes, I wholeheartedly recommend the following individuals:

– Eric Allen of ERA Fit

– Andre & Susan Benoit, CSSC Education

– Anthony Castore of Castore Performance

– Coach Cole of Tru U Mindset

– Ryan Faehnel, Athletic Performance Specialist

– Dr. Eric Fete, The Fitness Physician

– Jason “Gus” Gusic of Westside Barbell & Conjugate Tactical

– Dr. Michael Peters, Anti-aging Physician

– Dr. Jeremy Girmann of Inertia Medical

– Kilo Strength Society

– Berti Olevertti of No Limit Fitness

– Ben Prentiss of Prentiss Hockey Performance

– Ashleigh Quint of Uplift Fitness & Wellness

– John Quint of Functional Range Conditioning

– Butch Reynolds, Olympian & Coach

– Milo’s Sarcev, online Performance Coach

– Bryan Saunder, Performance Coach

– Sarah Scholl, Athletic Performance Coach

– Dr. Andreo Spina of Functional Range Systems

– Christian Thibaudeau, Thib Army

– Annette Verpillot of PosturePro

– Derek Woodske, Worldwide Coach

– Wesley T. Watson, Worldwide Coach

– Adrianne Wilson, Athletic Performance

Each of these professionals has made an indelible mark on the athletic performance industry, and I am confident in their ability to guide and support you in your athletic endeavors.

For inquiries regarding speaking engagements, health, wellness, and strength, please contact Ashleigh Quint at IG @up_lift_gym or via email at Ashleigh@upliftgym.com.⁷

Photographed by: Drew Edward Shaffer, Drew Shaffer Studio Top Doctor Magazine / Special
- Robert F. Kennedy

The 60th Anniversary celebration of the Olympia and the International Sports Hall of Fame (ISHOF) was an unprecedented success, marking a milestone in sports history. This year's ISHOF Class of 2024 includes an impressive lineup: Phil Heath, a seven-time Mr. Olympia; Miesha Tate, the former UFC and Strikeforce Women's MMA Champion; two-time Super Bowl Champion Jim Plunkett; Hollywood Producer and Director JJ Perry; four-time World's Strongest Man Brian Shaw; and UFC Ring Announcer Bruce Buffer. The event also featured co-sponsored martial arts competitions, demonstrations, and appearances by various celebrities.

The ISHOF was founded by Dr. Robert Goldman, whose legacy is filled with numerous awards, achievements, and accolades. Above all, his legacy lies in his commitment to making a positive difference in the world. With 30 years of friendship, mentorship, and steadfast support, Dr. Goldman has been a guiding force in the lives of many. He was honored with the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award for his relentless pursuit of improving lives globally through advancements in anti-aging, health, and fitness.

His unmatched efforts aim to create a healthier, happier, and stronger world, inspiring others through selfless contributions. The founding of ISHOF exemplifies his vision to recognize individuals not only for their sports achievements but also for their contributions to society, particularly for empowering our youth. Dr. Goldman’s legacy will endure as he continues to support and promote events that reflect his values and beliefs.

His initiatives also include Worldhealth.net and the A4M Anti-Aging Conference, which will take place in December at the Venetian Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. This event will showcase the latest advancements in science, medicine, innovation, technology, and products aimed at enhancing health, wellness, and longevity. World-class seminars featuring leading experts will offer valuable insights to help improve the lives of others, focusing on optimal health and performance.

Congratulations, Dr. Goldman! Your impact is truly inspiring!





1. Murtagh, Elaine M, Marie H Murphy, and Janne Boone-Heinonen. “Walking: The First Steps in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.” Current Opinion in Cardiology 22, no. 5 (September 25, 2010): 490–96. https://doi.org/10.1097/hco.0b013e32833ce972.

2. Ibid.

3. White, Daniel K., Catrine Tudor-Locke, Yuqing Zhang, Roger Fielding, Michael LaValley, David T. Felson, K. Douglas Gross, et al. “Daily Walking and the Risk of Incident Functional Limitation in Knee OA: An Observational Study.” Arthritis Care & Research 66, no. 9 (September 1, 2014): 1328–36. https://doi.org/10.1002/acr.22362.

4. Chertoff, Jane. “What Muscles Does Walking Work? We Asked Certified Trainers.” Byrdie, September 10, 2021. https://www.byrdie.com/what-muscles-does-walking-work-5101488.

5. Le, Dr. Anna. “The Benefits of Walking during Pregnancy.” Annandale OB-GYN. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://www.annandaleobgyn.com/news/the-benefits-of-walking-during-pregnancy/.

6. Krall, Elizabeth A., and Bess Dawson-Hughes. “Walking Is Related to Bone Density and Rates of Bone Loss.” The American Journal of Medicine 96, no. 1 (January 1994): 20–26. https://doi. org/10.1016/0002-9343(94)90111-2.

7. Ibid.

8. Barbara J. Campbell. “Exercise and Bone Health.” OrthoInfo, July 2020. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/ en/staying-healthy/exercise-and-bone-health/.

9. NIEMAN, DAVID C., DRU A. HENSON, MELANIE D. AUSTIN, and VICTOR A. BROWN. “Immune Response to a 30-Minute Walk.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 37, no. 1 (January

10. Hijikata, Yasuyo, and Seika Yamada. “Walking Just after a Meal Seems to Be More Effective for Weight Loss than Waiting for One Hour to Walk after a Meal.” International Journal of General Medicine, June 9, 2011, 447. https://doi.org/10.2147/ijgm.s18837.

11. Physiopedia. “Synovium & Synovial Fluid.” Physiopedia, 2021. https://www.physio-pedia.com/Synovium_%26_Synovial_Fluid.


1. Silver, Natalie. “Everything to Know About Your Circadian Rhythm.” Healthline, March 30, 2022. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sleep/circadian-rhythm.

2. “Diurnal Rhythm.” Diurnal Rhythm - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Accessed July 16, 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/diurnal-rhythm.

3. Diurnal Rhythm of Testosterone. The Mens Health Clinic. Accessed July 15, 2024. https://themenshealthclinic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/diurnal_pattern.gif.

4. Good, Sydney. “The Secret to Women’s Health: Cycle-Syncing.” Top Doctor Magazine, September 6, 2023. https://topdoctormagazine.com/issues/the-secret-to-womens-health-cycle-syncing/.

5. Florio, Gina. “This Is How Stress Affects Women’s Fertility And Hormones Differently Than It Does In Men.” Evie Magazine, November 6, 2023. https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/ how-stress-affects-womens-fertility-hormones-differently-men.

6. You can find the app here - https://28.co/

7. Good, Sydney. “The Secret to Women’s Health.”

8. Good, Sydney. “Introducing the Vagus Nerve: Your 1-Minute Hack to Reducing Stress Today.” TopDoctor Magazine, June 14, 2024. https://topdoctormagazine.com/wellness/introducing-the-vagus-nerve-your-1-minute-hack-to-reducing-stress-today/. 2005): 57–62. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000149808.38194.21.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2804956/

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924200/

3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916523234486?via=ihub

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4208946/

5. https://www.gssiweb.org/sports-science-exchange/article/sse-160-dietary-protein-to-support-active-aging#:~:text=A 30-40 g dose,rates in the older adult.

6. https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0189-4#:~:text=Ingesting a 20–40 g,body composition and performance outcomes.

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6415027/#:~:text=Conclusions-,Protein ingested prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed,in both young and old.

8. https://www.drstacysims.com/blog/should-women-take-collagen-supplements

9. https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)02168-0.pdf

10. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00726-021-03072-x

11. Jackie Kaminski- Registered Sports Dietitian Based Out of South Florida. Owner and CEO of Her Company: The Fight Nutritionist.

12. You can find Jackie at https://thefightnutritionist.com or on Instagram @thefightnutritionist



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1. Smith, J. et al. (2022). “The Impact of Infrared Sauna Therapy on Athletic Recovery: A Comprehensive Review.” Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(3), 210-225.

2. Visit Sunlighten: www.sunlighten.com or Clearlight Saunas: www.infraredsauna.com for more information on how to purchase a sauna with the listed benefits.

3. Jones, A. et al. (2021). “Supplementation Strategies for Athletes: A Review of Evidence-Based Practices.” Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 38(2), 112-129.

4. Gomez-Pinilla, F. et al. (2020). Nutrition, Exercise, and Brain Health. New York: Springer. (Page 87).

5. You can find the wristband at www.apolloneuro.com.

6. For further information on VO2 Max Testing, visit www.pnoe.com

7. For inquiries regarding speaking engagements, health, wellness, and strength, please contact Ashleigh Quint at IG @up_lift_gym or via email at Ashleigh@uplift-gym.com.


1. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Melvyn C. Usselman, Richard O.C. Norman, and Carl R. Noller. “Organic Compound | Definition.” In Encyclopædia Britannica, March 7, 2019. https://www. britannica.com/science/organic-compound.

2. Organic Trade Association. “Organic Industry Survey | OTA.” ota.com. Accessed October 23, 2024. https://ota.com/market-analysis/organic-industry-survey/organic-industry-survey.

3. Usselman, Melvyn C., Richard O.C. Norman, Carl R. Noller, Steven S. Zumdahl, and The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Chemical Compound.” In Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019. https://www. britannica.com/science/chemical-compound.

4. ACS Chemistry for Life. “Organic Chemistry.” American Chemical Society, 2023. https://www.acs. org/careers/chemical-sciences/areas/organic-chemistry.html.

5. USDA. “USDA Organic.” Usda.gov, 2019. https://www.usda.gov/topics/organic.

6. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. “What Is Organic?” U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2012. https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/What%20is%20Organic.pdf.

7. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. “The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.” ecfr.gov, December 21, 2000. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-7/subtitle-B/ chapter-I/subchapter-M/part-205/subpart-G

8. Farm Aid. “Food Labels Explained.” farmaid.org. Accessed October 23, 2024. https://www.farmaid.


9. Hansen, Joyanna. “Interpreting Food Labels: Natural versus Organic.” American Society for Nutrition, February 2, 2013. https://nutrition.org/interpreting-food-labels-natural-versus-organic/.

10. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. “BE Frequently Asked QuestionsGeneral | Agricultural Marketing Service.” Usda.gov, 2019. https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/be/faq/general.

11. USDA. “Organic Regulations | Agricultural Marketing Service.” Usda.gov, 2019. https://www.ams. usda.gov/rules-regulations/organic.

12. McEvoy, Miles. “Organic 101: Understanding the ‘Made with Organic***’ Label.” www.usda.gov, May 16, 2014. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2014/05/16/organic-101-understanding-made-organic-label.

13. McEvoy, Miles. “Organic 101: Five Steps to Organic Certification.” www.usda.gov, October 14, 2020. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2012/10/10/organic-101-five-steps-organic-certification.

14. Bialik, Kristen, and Kristi Walker. “Organic Farming Is on the Rise in the U.S.” Pew Research Center, January 10, 2019. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/01/10/organic-farming-ison-the-rise-in-the-u-s/.

15. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. “USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service - Organic Agriculture.” Usda.gov, 2012. https://www.nass.usda.gov/Surveys/Guide_to_ NASS_Surveys/Organic_Production/.

16. Commodity.com. “U.S. States with the Most Organic Farms.” Global Trade Magazine, January 26, 2022. https://www.globaltrademag.com/u-s-states-with-the-most-organic-farms/.


1. Dr. Ken Davis is available for speaking engagements, workshops and coaching sessions. He can be reached at info@davisahs.com, 973.744.7447 or Davis Advanced Health System, 66 Park St., Suite 101, Montclair, NJ 07042.


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