Ok some people like to take dominos stand them on end in a pattern then watch the whole thing move as they all fall over. Well that’s kind of what life is like for a wheelchair person such as myself. I’ll explain— because my pop worked his tail off twenty-four-seven literally sometimes and he had a disabled son me, Uncle Sam also known as the government sends me a check each month to try and live off of, they call it Supplementary Social Security income, but most folks I know just call it-Peanuts! The money is supposed to help cover the cost of doctor’s pills and such also to make life easier for the person getting the funds. Each state can decide on the size of the amount they give, I don’t know how they do it. But the state of FL must give out one of the smallest amounts... All I know is there’s a book load of paper work whenever I need something extra… when you stop and think about it the domino effect or whatever you choose to call it can change everyone’s life in one way or another. Point 1. As I told you I get a small amount each month to live off of. But, the state of FL. monitors all of my banking and if I go over a pre-set number total in any account in any way, I get cut off. You know the term domino effect was the only idea I could come up with to help draw you a mental picture and a better understanding of the problem I’m talking about. As I’ve told you many times before a disabled person needs to depend on lots of others to act as one set of arms and legs for two different people. If one of my health care staff doesn’t show for work, I’m stuck in bed. Also, if I don’t have a driver—someone I can trust behind the wheel of my van the BLACK BEAUITY, I’m screwed I miss lunch meetings all kinds of appointments you might as well say I lose half of my life. Now I know what you’re thinking, well he could just take the DART bus [Dial A Ride Transportation], I have used the bus in past, but I like my own wheels and the DART program could be better. In addition, I have other ideas and projects I’d like to work on but, I can’t get