I don't like anybody going for the white house, when all else fails vote for me, how bad could I be? Remember FDR? Wouldn't it be hip to re-elect a crip. Put Top on top! Date4:35 PM 3/18/2016... Approved by Toppy L. Carter III Ironside THIS IS THE NEXT POTUS? /// Originally I wrote the Ad above on Facebook as kind of a joke. Because I really don’t like anybody that’s on the ballet and running for president. First there is Hillary Clinton who would be the first female President in our history. But with all the things that have been said over the years about the Clinton family and her husband’s Bill’s background. Who’s to say that Hillary doesn’t skeletons in her closet either? As President Clinton there was Monica Lewinsky, who knows if we get a female president put in there. It could be a Marvin Lewinsky. With a blue necktie instead of a blue dress. They say what is good for the Goose is good for the gander. It may be one of those kinds of things. I’ve also heard it said that the Clinton’s have a lot of dirt on different people in Washington. Most people say that they wouldn’t be afraid to use it as blackmail to get another Clinton in the White House. Number two, what about Bernie Sanders? Who has been in congress for a long time so they say? But I never heard of them? Back ten years or so they say He worked with Hillary Clinton on passing some type of legislation, and now these days they are yelling back and forth at each other in the latest campaign. Ten years ago they were working together and saying nice things and now everything has turned around. Sometimes both Hillary and Mr. Sanders contradict themselves. From thye things that they said ten years ago, now they are saying things totally opposite. I