Well ladies and gentlemen; my brain has been percolating again, whether that’s good or bad I’ll let you decide for yourself. When I was growing up in the early 50s and 60s as a small child they decided to do away with the Lord’s Prayer in school, has something to do with the declaration between church and state. So we could tell the difference between the man made laws and the laws god created in the bible, but it seems to me that we need to go back to a little bit of both with everything that is going on in the world today. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but it seems to me that certain parts of the news media and might I add I like to consider myself a member of that organization. But sometimes it seems to me that we are reporting more bad news than bad these days for example the case of George Zimmerman because we still allow guns in our part of the world. Some people may react too fast, rather than stopping and thinking about what they do before they act. Not only did the case of George Zimmerman, but I can’t remember the gentleman’s name, but there was a case where a gentleman and his lady had stop for gas at the filling station on the Southside. While the lady went inside for a drink, the gentleman outside try to asked the care next to him to turn the radio down. But the young man in the back seat of the vehicle gave the traveler a dirty look and indicated that he might have a gun with him. Without stopping to think the man who had stopped for gas got his target pistol out of the glove box and proceeded to open fire on the youth in the back seat of the vehicle next to him. The police then tracked the tired traveler to his home outside Orlando, I do believe. Where he was eventually brought back to Jacksonville for trial and I’m not sure, but I believe he got life in prison but I may be mistaken. Let s also remember the case of OJ Simpson, the well know all American football player who was found innocent of the murder of his wife and her acquaintance Ronald Goldman. This just goes to show you, I believe that even if you are found innocent in Earthly court of law. God knows you have done something wrong he will take