Going Green

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total wellness

a ucla student welfare commission publication

green dining:

eco-friendly ways and places to eat out LA air pollution:

how bad is it?

organic clothing 6 ways to + green your closet

compost! an easy way to reduce waste and go green

the guide: new uses for old things

also: 5 nutrients you may be missing summer 11 | vol 11 | issue 5

editor’s note As a student whose life primarily runs on an academic calendar, I find that it really is only during the summer (AKA, the season of longer days and freer time), that I do a lot of my much belated "spring cleaning." For me, spring cleaning refreshes in so many ways: it clears clutter, opens spaces, and even stirs nostalgia. If I'm spring cleaning my place in L.A., I won't hesitate to dedicate a day or two to the endeavor and just go to town. My room back at home in northern California though – that's a different story. That place has been a repository of stuff that's been sedimenting since the 8th grade. This year, though, in the true spirit of cleaning (and summer), I decided to finally, seriously, clean. Don't get me wrong – I'd like to think that I'm generally pretty organized, but maybe that's been the problem. Invariably, I follow the same old stuffy drill, a regimen of shuffing items around, moving books into new crates, reorganizing and making more room on my bookshelf, etc. But, this summer, instead of merely rearranging the clutter from point A (room) to point B (other part of the room/house), or even keeping old belongings that just don't belong, I felt even better finding a new place or purpose for the stuff that no longer serve their need. And it didn't diminish the reward of de-cluttering one bit. The reality is that while reorganizing is great, sometimes cleaning is even better. And it's very, very green, provided you know how to repurpose your stuff and throw away your junk (remember: old electronics don't just go into the trash can!). If you didn't manage to sell off your old books, why not use them as yoga blocks in the meanwhile (page 36)? Or make pillow cases from old t-shirts? It makes for a great DIY project, all while keeping the peace in your storage space, and, best of all, being green.

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Director & Editor-in-Chief Art Director Assistant Director Research Editor Finance Director Food & Nutrition Editor

Elizabeth Wang Karin Yuen Grace Lee Leigh Goodrich Stephan Chiu Anna Wong

Staff Writers Yessenia Chaiu, Jennifer Danesh, Amarbir Gill, Julia Horie, Cindy La, Melody Lavian, Nicole Lew, Trang TJ Nguyen, Shannon Wongvibulsin, Eric Yu, Lillian Zhang Design Chloe Booher, Amorette Jeng, Grace Lee, Jennifer Shieh (Intern), Elizabeth Wang, Karin Yuen Advisory & Review William Aronson, MD

Professor, UCLA School of Medicine

Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD

Assistant Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition

Leah FitzGerald, RN, FNP, PhD

Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Nursing

Katherine Grubiak, RD

UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center

Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Public Health

Eve Lahijani, MS, RD

Nutrition Health Educator, UCLA Bruin Resource Center

Melissa Magaro, PhD

Clinical Psychologist, UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services

Lilia Meltzer, RN, NP, MSN

Lecturer, California State University, Long Beach

William McCarthy, PhD

Adjunct Professor, UCLA School of Public Health

Rena Orenstein, MPH

Assistant Director, Student Health Education

Allan Pantuck, MD, MS, FACS

Associate Professor, UCLA School of Medicine

Raffi Tachdjian, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine

Elisa Terry, NSCA-CSCS

FITWELL Services Program Director, UCLA Recreation

Alona Zerlin, MS, RD

Research Dietitian, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition

In the spirit of summer and all of the big and little joys it brings to us – sunshine, trips out to nature, and belated spring cleaning – we've come out with an issue that celebrates the season: the green issue. For all that being green may mean for you – recycling, reusing, reducing – trust that we've got your bases covered. Enjoy!

Total Wellness is a free, student-run, biquarterly publication published 7 times a year and is supported by advertisers, the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center, the On Campus Housing Council (OCHC), the Student Welfare Commission (SWC), UCLA Recreation, and the Undergraduate Students Association (USAC).


Contact 308 Westwood Blvd., Kerckhoff Hall 308 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone 310.825.7586, Fax 310.267.4732 swctotalwellness@gmail.com www.totalwellnessmagazine.org www.swc.ucla.edu

Elizabeth Wang Director & Editor-in-Chief

Total Wellness is a division of the Student Welfare Commission that is dedicated to spreading awareness of and sharing knowledge on issues of student health and health care. By providing an understanding of health and lifestyle issues, elucidating health concepts, providing recommendations for physical, mental, and social well-being, and making visible and accessible various health resources, programs, and events occurring at UCLA, Total Wellness seeks to empower students with up-todate and accurate knowledge on the appropriate management of their health.


total wellness

Subscription, back issues, and advertising rates available on request Volume 11, Issue 5 © 2011 by Total Wellness Magazine. All rights reserved. Parts of this magazine may be reproduced only with written permission from the editor. Although every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the published material, Total Wellness cannot be held responsible for the opinions expressed or facts supplied by authors. We do not necessarily endorse products and services advertised. The information in Total Wellness is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult a health care provider for clarification.

summer 2011

contents 2 4 5 42 43

Editor’s Note In the News Q&A Food Pick Credits


24 Composting: One Man's Trash is Another Plant's Treasure 26 Look & Feel Natural with Organic Clothing 30 Eat Your Greens: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Restaurants 34 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 37 City of Smog 40 Discarding Your E-Waste


Get Active 6 Exercise: Why the Common Excuses Don't Work

Mind Matters 9 Five Anxiety Busters Eat Right 12 Essential Nutrients 14 Quick & Healthy Fixes for an Empty Lunch Box

16 Functional Foods: Can Food Serve as Medicine?

Body in Focus 19 First Aid Basics

ON THE COVER 30 37 26 34 12

Green Dining LA Air Pollution Organic Clothing New Uses for Old Things Five Nutrients


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

cover: roberto a sanchez/istockphoto; right: mark wragg/istockphoto


in the news

what’s happening in


news - updates - discoveries // by leigh goodrich | design by elizabeth wang Roundup, the most common herbicide, may have negative health consequences

Roundup weedkiller is ubiquitous in large-scale farms and backyard gardens alike, but has recently come under fire with the release of a report by Earth Open Source suggesting increased regulation. Earth Open Source, a non-profit organization that urges sustainability in food production, points out that glyphosate, the active ingredient in herbicide, has raised concerns such as causing birth defects in laboratory animals. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency is assessing the compound’s safety.

Produce contamination sparks food safety scare

Earlier this summer, the Food and Drug Administration warned consumers to avoid eating alfalfa sprouts and spicy sprouts baring labels from Evergreen Produce due to possible Salmonella contamination. Most recently, Evergreen released test results that came back negative for the pathogen, yet this does not rule out the sprouts as the source of a 20-case Salmonella outbreak. In fact, raw sprouts have frequently been the culprits of foodborne illness outbreaks, raising concerns about manufacturing and packaging safety. The FDA suggests avoiding raw sprouts, cooking them thoroughly, and staying up to date on recalled products.

Girl Scout cookies under fire for use of unsustainable palm oil

The wholesome imagery on the boxes of delicious Girl Scout cookies sugarcoats the reality of the ingredients used – an issue that has been brought to light by two Girl Scouts themselves. Two girls, supported by the Rainforest Action Network and other activists, have been working to get palm oil removed from the classic cookies, due to the implications the ingredient has for sustainability. Palm oil comes from Indonesia, where the industry causes deforestation to make room for palm plantations, which then devastates the ecosystems and many endangered species in the region. As this story is brought to light, supporters are urging the Girl Scout cookie producers, as well as other companies, to seek alternatives.

Olive oil may lower risk of stroke The Mediterranean staple has already been linked to multiple benefits like cardiovascular health and weight control, but now olive oil is being explored for its link to decreased risk of stroke. A new study published in Neurology found that older adults who frequently consumed olive oil were 41% less likely to have a stroke after five years than those who did not consume it. It is important to note that the study was observational, which limits its applicability more than an interventional study would.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

At UCLA: researchers use saliva to pinpoint age

Research conducted at UCLA and recently published in PLoS One highlights the ability to use a mere saliva sample to identify a person’s age. The study authors developed this method by looking at markers of methylation, a chemical process that changes DNA over time. After collecting data and creating a predictive model, researchers were able to look at DNA and accurately predict age within five years. This fascinating research has implications in both forensic science, and also in health care through the idea of bio-age being different than actual age. Looking at the age-related changes in DNA could foster individualized patient care in a personalized medicine setting. t w



source: huffington post


number of miles per gallon that the Obama administration told automakers that cars and light trucks should get by 2025


estimated millions of people living with diabetes, showing a doubling of the incidence in the last 30 years


percentage of people in the U.S. who will have post-traumatic stress disorder at some point in their lives

top doodle: faye brown/istockphoto; olive oil: anne-louise quarfoth/istockphoto; alfalfa: joe biafore/istockphoto; right: willie b. thomas/istockphoto



Q: A:

Fruit. To eat or not to eat?

Seems like a silly question at first. It’s universally known that everyone should be eating their fruits and veggies every day. However, among the many different low-carb diets out there, there seems to be the notion that fruits are “bad” since they are believed to contain a lot of sugar and thus carbohydrates. While it is true that fruits naturally contain sugar, the negative connotation that comes with this is misunderstood. First off, carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. They’re so important, in fact, that most of our daily intake of calories should come from carbohydrates (about 50-60%). The cells in our brain as well as our red blood cells can only use carbohydrates for energy. Thus, eating fruit, which do contain a good amount of carbohydrates, is a healthy option for the body.

// by anna wong | design by jennifer shieh and elizabeth wang

Fruit isn't all sugar– it contains many essential nutrients needed for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

It’s also important to remember that fruit isn’t just all sugar; it also contains many other essential nutrients. A medium sized apple, for example, contains about 19 g of natural sugar, but with that you also get 17% of your daily value (DV) of dietary fiber, 14% of your DV of vitamin C, and 6% of your DV of potassium. In addition, apples have a high water content, which will keep your stomach satiated for longer. On the other hand, highly processed foods can have less added sugar, but may be devoid of any nutritive value. On top of having vitamins and minerals, fruits have a reputation for fighting off diseases. Many fruits, especially cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries, contain a copious amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital for protecting against DNA damage caused by free radicals. Blueberries, in particular, have shown promising protective qualities against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

got aa question? question? We Welove lovecurious curiousreaders. readers.Send Sendyour your got questionover overto toswctotalwellness@gmail.com swctotalwellness@gmail.comand andthe the question answermay mayappear appearin inaafuture futureissue. issue. answer


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

So what’s the verdict? As you can see, in addition to having natural sugars, fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, as well as fiber. And according to the Center for Disease Control, those who include more generous amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diets have a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Thus, fruits provide a plethora of healthful benefits that supersede the concern of loaded sugar. So enjoy the juiciness of these colorful plants! t w

get active

exercise: // by eric yu | design by amorette jeng

Some people revel in the sweat

of a good work out, while others dread the inevitable pain surrounding a session at the gym. Most likely, you fall somewhere in between, but even the best of us occasionally drop a cop-out line. It’s pretty common to present a generic excuse not to go to the gym. Fortunately (or unfortunately), some of the most common ones can be easily rebutted.

total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

So, prepare to throw out those selfpardoning one-liners and throw on some gym clothes the next time you're thinking of dodging a workout by saying something along the lines of:


left: brian moore/istockphoto; clock: michael rozanski/istockphoto; tissue: doug cannell/istockphoto; next page: tape: pgiam/istockphoto; kale: suzannah skelton/istockphoto

why the common excuses don't work

“I’m too tired.”

“I’ve got no time.”

Fatigue is an all too familiar feeling, especially among college students pulling all-nighters. However, recent research suggests that exercise, rather counter-intuitively, can reduce tiredness. For instance, a 2008 study published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics separated subjects who reported persistent fatigue but had no official medical conditions into three groups: one that engaged in 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise three times a week, another that engaged in 20 minutes of low-intensity aerobic exercise three times a week, and a third that did not exercise for the six-week period at all. They found that the two groups that exercised had a 20% increase in energy levels compared to the group that did not. Interestingly, they also found that the low-intensity group experienced greater fatigue reductions than the moderateintensity group. Therefore, the next time you’re about to throw down the towel and pick up the remote, keep in mind that even just an easy 20 minute stroll in the park a few times a week can improve energy levels substantially.

If your idea of a workout involves a sequence of intense activities that can take an hour or more, light exercises intended to save you some time might not quite cut it for you. Fortunately, there's a quicker and equally (if not more) effective way of working out that could take as little as 20 minutes to complete. We're talking about circuit training, a series of exercises that combine resistance

training (e.g. weight lifting) and high-intensity aerobics designed to build strength as well as endurance. Each “circuit” describes one whole rotation where each exercise is sequentially done one after another. Most circuit training sequences involve multiple sets with short breaks in between each circuit, but are easy to follow and can be easily modified to suit your endurance, allotted time, and physical goals. Routines vary widely but can include pullups, push-ups, various resistance exercises, and sit ups. Best of all, there are plenty of circuit training sequences available online to try out.

“I’ve got a cold.” and Microcirculation found that even light exercise and massages lead to circulatory increases associated with enhanced lymphatic drainage. Hence, even just light exercise may not only boost our immune systems, but also lead to faster recovery from illness – two important things to consider. Of course, rest is essential for more debilitating illnesses like the flu and exercising during the peak stages of an illness may not be the best idea. However, if you feel a bit under the weather or you’re in the end stages of recovering, a short session of jumping jacks or even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator might save you a sick day.

Even taking the stairs instead of the elevator might just save you a sick day.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

In the past two decades, various studies measuring blood levels of immunerelated species during exercise have indicated a strong positive correlation between exercising and immune system activity. In short, people who exercise regularly tend to have higher immune functions. However, what if you’re already sick with a cold? The idea of a morning jog doesn’t sound very appealing in this state. However, some findings suggest that exercise can improve our body's ability to fight off existing infections. It does so through the lymphatic system, a network of conduits called lymph nodes that are critical for trapping and eliminating harmful bacteria, cancerous cells, etc, in circulation. For instance, a 2000 study published in Clinical Hemorheology

“I feel self-conscious at the gym.”

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Feeling self-conscious in a public setting is understandable and part of our human nature. Even though we know there is no reason, sometimes we can’t help but feel like the people around us are looking at us. This holds especially true at the gym where working out may feel like a competition. However, there are things that one can do to feel more comfortable and confident while exercising in public. For example, get to know the layout of the gym and how to use the various equipment by asking a trainer at the gym. This way, you will be much more comfortable in the environment and confident in using

the machines. Another way to feel less self-conscious at the gym is to bring some music to prevent distraction by the hustle and bustle. Most importantly, work at your own pace and direct your competitive focus on yourself rather than the people around you. Bringing a friend with similar fitness goals may also be a great way to feel more at ease with your surroundings while having fun.

“The gym is too packed.”

“I’d rather just watch what I eat.”

If you've ever been to the John Wooden Center between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM on a weekday, you're probably familiar with the outrageous density of people. We're talking the kind of crowd that has you idling 10 minutes prior to each machine or waiting 30 minutes to get on the treadmill. However, there are a number of ways to get around the hustle and bustle.

While losing weight by solely regulating food intake is possible, it is somewhat difficult since watching what you eat becomes central to daily routines. Working out, even lightly, can improve the efficacy of a diet regimen and provide benefits for our health that dieting alone cannot (or sometimes detracts from). For example, a 1991 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine examining cholesterol levels in moderately overweight individuals (132 men, 132 women) found that even regular moderate to light exercise increases good cholesterol (HDL).

A number of classes are available at Wooden that are scheduled so you can get started right away once you get to the gym. For a nominal fee ($25), a UCLA student can have access to a large variety of instructional classes that span from yoga to strength & conditioning to rock climbing to Thai kickboxing. If this isn't your slice of pie or you're looking for a cheaper alternative, consider workouts that you can do right from your home with the aid of a single set of dumbbells or resistance bands. Some examples include Tony Horton's infamous P90 series and a variety of celebrity workouts usually created by highly-paid fitness experts. Most of these workout routines can be found for free online (try YouTube). The best part of an at-home workout? You can exercise whenever you want without having to waste any time standing idle. To increase the efficiency of your efforts, we suggest maintaining a weekly workout schedule, and keeping a daily log of your progress (check out iWorkout on the UCLA Recreational Center website).


In any case, exercise and dieting really share a glove and hand relationship. The purposes of most (healthy) diets are to increase intake of healthy foods while reducing intake of harmful substances (fats, cholesterol, etc.) and to create a gradual decrease in daily caloric intake. However, regular exercise improves our metabolism, expediting the baseline number of calories we burn every day by increasing the rate at which our body uses nutrients throughout the day. In other words, working out on a regular basis pays off even when you’re just sitting in class taking notes!

When the other health benefits of exercise are considered – increased cardiovascular health, better immune system, clearer skin – there really are a number of compelling reasons to incorporate exercise into a weight-loss program. t w

mind matters

❢busters five


// by melody lavian | design by amorette jeng

Feeling worried, keyed up, or on edge?

Tense, overworked, or exhausted? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 18.1% of American adults live with an anxiety disorder that has lasted a year or longer. Stressful lifestyles, situational factors, and genetics all contribute to heightened anxiety levels, and college students are unfortunately not immune to feelings of general concern and unease. Read on about five common anxiety triggers, anxiety symptoms, and tips for how to calm the jitters before they get out of control.


trigger: test anxiety The dreaded words “Your time is up, the exam is now finished” can provoke unsettling feelings, even for adults out of school. Even students who have diligently studied for a test can feel completely helpless due to a gnawing fear that plagues them on exam day. What are the origins of test anxiety? Not being prepared, for one. But, a 2008 study published in Learning and Individual Differences found that a student’s personality traits are a strong predictor of test anxiety, especially if that student scores high on the personality trait known as neuroticism, a disposition towards experiencing negative emotions often.

Though a small level of anxiety might be helpful in keeping you alert while taking your exam, if your test anxiety is overwhelming, make sure you are adequately prepared and on time with the right supplies for your exam. If you find yourself continuously thinking about your fear of the enormous pressure associated with the exam, take a deep breath and understand that though you may not be in control of how anxious you feel, you are in control of the test and can dictate how it goes. If your mind goes blank, don’t panic; skip the question and return to it later – sometimes the answer will come to you as you move through the test. Remind yourself that you’re doing your best, and set up a reward for yourself that you can look forward to once you have completed your exam. Keep your eyes on the clock so you don’t run out of time. If you can, check your answers to eliminate the anxiety you might feel after you have turned in your exam.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

main image: trevor smith/istockphoto; top right: hannahgleg/istockphoto

try this:



trigger: public speaking

Although meeting new people is usually fun and exciting, it can sometimes induce major anxiety, especially if an individual is attending a party alone where he or she doesn’t know anybody else. Even small talk with strangers is a social activity that is feared if someone is anxious about the possibility of rejection or embarrassment. Luckily, there are some small tips that might help a person who is feeling antsy about interacting with a group they are unfamiliar with.

try this:

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Feelings of anxiety in social situations are often commonplace and even sometimes expected. To avoid stress and worry when meeting new people, try to boost your confidence by using positive affirmations and positive thinking. One type of treatment known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, teaches individuals to restructure their thoughts by avoiding thinking errors such as catastrophizing (going to the worst possible scenario) or all-ornothing thinking (raising the stakes of situations). If you find yourself thinking that you are inferior when interacting with others, realize that you are probably being too hard on yourself. Instead of reprimanding yourself for telling a joke that only received polite chuckles, remind yourself that everybody has a different sense of humor, and the reaction you received doesn’t mean that your sense of humor is inadequate, nor does the reaction say something global about your personality.



trigger: phobias The fear of heights, flying, and spiders are all types of specific phobias. For a specific phobia to be clinically diagnosed, a person’s fear of a specific trigger must be both irrational and intense. About 19.2 million American adults are affected by a specific phobia, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The good news is that these fears respond very well to treatment, usually using a method called exposure therapy. This type of treatment exposes the person to their phobia using a variety of methods, and ultimately helps them overcome their fear.

try this:

One form of exposure therapy used in psychological treatment is called systematic desensitization. In systematic desensitization, the object which is feared is exposed to the individual gradually — first the person imagines the fear-inducing object, then he or she views pictures of the object, then he or she might see the object in person from afar, and eventually he or she might handle the object. During this process and with the guidance of a therapist, the individual practices muscle relaxation techniques that help ameliorate feelings of panic. In this way, the person begins to associate feelings of relaxation, rather than fear, with the dreaded object. Other forms of therapy for specific phobias include virtual reality exposure, and in vivo exposure, which are similar to systematic desensitization but are much shorter, usually only lasting a few hours. Some options to try at home to curb your fear are relaxation techniques, educating yourself about your phobia, and questioning your negative thoughts in order to better understand and conquer them.

Standing in front of an audience to give a speech or presentation can certainly be nerve-wracking. With all eyes on you, it can be difficult to ignore the fact that you are being evaluated by a large group. Public speaking anxiety, or more specifically, glossophobia, is one of the most common phobias, so if you experience apprehension when all eyes in a room are on you, you’re not alone.

try this:

The first thing that will ease your anxiety is being prepared and comfortable with the material you are speaking about. Knowing that you have practiced your speech or report will probably give you some peace of mind, although it might not eliminate your fear completely. Beforehand, also try visualizing yourself giving a successful speech, over and over again, until you really believe you are capable of accomplishing this goal. While in front of the audience, it’s helpful to realize that they probably don’t notice the little things that seem embarrassing to you, such as sweaty palms and trembling hands. If your hands do quiver, clasp them together; if your voice does waver, pause and smile, and continue with your speaking once you have regained your composure. Remember, complete calmness is not necessary for giving a good presentation; feeling nervous in front of an audience is completely normal. Knowing how to respond to anxiety, however, might help you feel more in control during public speaking.

this page: bottom left: eric hood/istockphoto; top middle:rhoberazzi/istockphoto; bottom right: don bayley/istockphoto; next page: mustafa deliormanli/istockphoto

trigger: meeting new people

anxiety symptoms and what to do insomnia

pounding heart

❯ Journaling or reading before bed ❯ Establishing a bedtime routine ❯ Exercising regularly, but avoiding exercise in the evenings before bed ❯ Taking 30 minutes to wind-down before sleeping ❯ Associating your bed with only sleep—reserving your bed for sleep only, not studying, eating, or watching television ❯ Cutting back on caffeine ❯ Avoiding big meals before bed

❯ Concentrating on breathing ❯ Reducing caffeine intake ❯ Recognizing that your pounding heart is a symptom of anxiety, not extreme danger ❯ Reducing stress levels by exercising, journaling, spending time with loved ones, and cutting back on work, if necessary ❯ Monitoring heart palpitations by keeping a log so you are aware of the situations that cause you the most anxiety

try this:


trigger: physiological changes Blushing, sweaty palms, parched throat, and restlessness are all signals that show you are nervous and afraid. According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, it is the physiological response our body produces when confronted with something frightening that invokes the emotions of anxiety and terror. For instance, a person with arachnophobia will immediately be drawn into the fight-or-flight response when observing a spider. According to this theory, it is the bodily reactions of a pounding heart, shortness of breath, and flushed face produced by the sympathetic nervous system that then trigger the feelings of anxiety and worry. Though this theory is well supported, it is still under continuous experimentation and review.

try this:


muscle tension

❯ Pointing out that you’re blushing, instead of trying to hide it, since trying to mask your blushing can be anxietyprovoking in and of itself ❯ Relaxation techniques ❯ Restructuring your thoughts to realize everybody blushes, and it’s not strange for you to do so ❯ Blushing cannot be controlled and is involuntary, but paying attention to solutions for other anxiety triggers can help reduce blushing

❯ Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation ❯ Regular stretching ❯ Getting a massage ❯ Breathing exercises ❯ Consistently exercising

try this:

try this:

try this:

nausea try this:

❯ A cup of soothing peppermint tea or some ginger ❯ Drinking plenty of water and fluids ❯ Avoiding strong odors ❯ Relaxing and taking your mind off of the anxiety provoking situation ❯ Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet

According to Dr. Melissa Magaro, a psychologist at UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, it is helpful to keep in mind that "anxiety is natural, inevitable and adaptive, but the key is to learn how to effectively manage anxiety, not eliminate it all together." tw


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

If you feel the physiological changes associated with anxiety creeping up on you, the key to minimizing symptoms is to realize that these bodily responses are not dangerous. For relief, try some relaxation techniques. Focus on your breathing and visualize a situation that is peaceful, rather than intimidating. You can also attempt to progressively relax your muscles by gradually tensing and then releasing each muscle area. Muscles can be tensed for about five seconds, then relaxed for about 30. Yoga, Tai Chi, music, exercise, and meditation can all be helpful supplemental activities to help you achieve a better state of general calm.

eat right


nutrients // by anna wong | design by amorette jeng

potassium In the U.S., on average, men get 3,200 mg of potassium a day while women get 2,400 mg. The recommended amount of potassium per day for adults is about 4,700 mg.

why it’s important:

been criticized for eating too much, but we can also be accused of eating too little. Too little of essential nutrients, that is. Find out why nutrients like potassium, fiber, calcium, and magnesium are so important and where to get more of them.

published in Hypertension suggest that potassium increases the flexibility of large blood vessels and dilates the small blood vessels. In addition, the citrate that is normally bound to potassium in fruits and vegetables may help prevent kidney stones. In a 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, which compared multiple dietary factors with the risk of incident kidney stones in 45,000 men, reported that those who consumed the most potassium had about half the relative risk of getting kidney stones compared to those with the least amount of potassium in their diets. Potassium citrate binds to calcium in the urine and prevents calcium from sticking to oxalate and forming mineral crystals. It is important to note that it is the citrate that accomplishes this task so other potassium complexes such as potassium chloride (present in salt substitutes, supplements, and potassiumfortified foods) won’t have the same effect on kidney stone incidences. Other general

benefits of potassium include: helping with muscle contraction, transmitting nerve signals, and regulating fluid and mineral balance in the body.

where to get more: According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans written by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Adequate Intake (AI) for potassium is 4,700 mg per day for adults. Fruits and veggies overall are a great way to get potassium in the diet including tomatoes/tomato juice, cantaloupe, oranges, broccoli, and beans. Some other good sources include 8 ounces of plain nonfat or low fat yogurt (531-579 mg); a medium sweet potato, baked in skin (542 mg); a medium banana (422 mg); and one cup of skim milk (382mg).

vesna cvorovic/istockphoto

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

One out of three U.S. adults has high blood pressure and additionally one out of four adults has prehypertension. Many factors contribute to raising blood pressure, but sodium has been the most infamous culprit. Most people know that too much sodium can inevitably result in high blood pressure, or hypertension, but many don’t know that potassium may work to counteract the effects of sodium. It’s still a bit uncertain as to how potassium does this, but some studies such as a 2010 study

Americans have notoriously


dietary fiber Most Americans only eat about 15g of dietary fiber per day; the recommended amount of daily fiber is 25g for women and 38g for men.

why it’s important: Fiber refers to the complex carbohydrates in plants that your body cannot digest. There are two different types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation by adding bulk and softness to stools. Soluble fibers help lower blood cholesterol by binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract, which is then excreted.

calcium + vitamin D Most Americans only get about 50% of their recommended daily amount of calcium.

why it’s important: The human body contains more calcium than any other mineral in the body, and 99% of the calcium is in your bones. Calcium is best known for its role in building bone mass and slowing down bone loss as you get older. This is especially important for the prevention of osteoporosis, which caused more than 2 million fractures in 2005. Though building


why it’s important: According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It maintains normal muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and heart rhythms, and is also involved in keeping bones strong and sustaining a healthy immune system.

bone is most important during adolescent years, it is still just as important for college students in their twenties as the period of building peak bone mass continues until the early thirties. Calcium is constantly being deposited and withdrawn from your bones, and thus it is essential to get a regular intake of calcium to compensate for losses. Calcium can also be stocked up and stored for later use like a savings account to make up for the days in which you may not consume an adequate amount of calcium. In addition to calcium, vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Thus, vitamin D is necessary to reap the benefits of calcium. Sun exposure is an easy way to get this vitamin D, but including this vitamin in your diet is essential as well.

Magnesium also has some promising benefits regarding diseases such as type 2 diabetes, a disease which affects approximately 23.6 million Americans. According to a 2004 study published in Diabetes Care, which followed over 85,000 women and 42,000 men for 18 years, those who included the most magnesium in their diets had a 27% lower risk of diabetes when compared to those who consumed the least amount of magnesium. The reasoning behind this association is still unclear, but it is thought that since the mineral is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, this somehow influences how much insulin is released in the body.

that since fiber causes carbohydrates to break down more slowly, this in turn slows down the rate at which sugar is released and absorbed, thus slowing the rise of blood glucose levels.

where to get more: According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Adequate Intake (AI) for fiber is 25 g for women and 38g for men. Some good sources of dietary fiber include: ½ cup of cooked beans such as navy, pinto, black, kidney, white, great northern, or lima (6.2-9.6 g); 1/3 cup of bran cereal (9.1 g); a medium pear (5.5 g); and a medium sweet potato baked in skin (3.8 g).

where to get more: According to the American Dietetic Association, the Adequate Intake (AI) for an adult through age 50 is 1,000 mg of calcium daily. Some good sources of calcium include: a cup of calcium fortified orange juice (500 mg); 8 ounces of nonfat plain yogurt (452 mg); 2 ounces of pasteurized processed Swiss cheese (438 mg); and a cup of nonfat milk (299 mg). The AI for vitamin D is 5 mcg, or 200 International Units (IU). Some good sources of vitamin D include: 3 ounces of smoked salmon (19.8 mcg); a cup of vitamin D fortified orange juice (3.4 mcg); 3 ounces of light tuna, canned in water (3.8 mcg); and a cup of nonfat milk (2.9 mcg).

where to get more: According to the American Dietetic Association, the recommended daily allowance for adult males is 400 mg daily through age thirty, then 420 mg daily after that. For women, it is 310 mg daily though age thirty, then 320 mg daily after that. Some good sources of magnesium include: ½ cup of spinach (80 mg); 2 tbsp. of peanut butter (50 mg); an ounce of dried pecans (40 mg); and a slice of whole-wheat bread (25 mg). t w


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

68% of Americans consume less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium.

Dietary fiber that occurs naturally in foods has been known to have other benefits as well, including a decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. A 2004 pooled analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed 10 different studies on dietary fiber and its link to coronary heart disease, and it was concluded that dietary fiber was associated with a 14% lower risk in all coronary events and a 27% lower risk of coronary death. Another 2008 pooled analysis based on 11 different studies with over 427,000 individuals concluded that those with high whole grain or fiber consumption had a 29% lower risk of diabetes. It is still uncertain as to how dietary fiber lowers the risk of diabetes. However, the American Dietetic Association suggests

eat right

quick and healthy

fixes for an empty lunch bag // by jennifer danesh | design by karin yuen


Hearty Mediterranean Tofu Panini

Slice four ounces of tofu into bite-size pieces and fry in a pan for two minutes with one ounce of canola oil. Remove mixture and place onto a plate. Then, obtain desired amount of tomatoes, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, onion, olives, lemon juice and pepper to be placed on the panini. Place all ingredients as desired in between two slices of wheat bread, and put the panini into the pan along with one teaspoon of canola oil or a nonstick spray over medium heat. Cook this side until golden brown, flip over, and cook other side. This is a great choice, not only because the ingredients are easy to find in the market, but also because it will provide your body with protein from the tofu, calcium from the cheese, and several servings of veggies.

Quick Tomato Basil Soup

While it seems like it may be hard to bring soup to school, it can actually be very easy by bringing it in a sealed glass container or a thermos, which will also keep it warm. Obtain a creamy tomato soup base from the market, and boil about one and a half cups of it in a pot over medium heat. Add a freshly chopped tomato, basil leaves, and a desired amount of onions. Furthermore, the addition of leftover rice or chicken will improve both the taste and nutritive value. Let simmer for about 5 minutes, and pour into desired container. This meal goes great with saltines or wholewheat crackers, so make sure to bring those along as well!

doodles: diane labombarbe/istockphoto

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Many students find themselves rushing to class bright and early, with not much time left to prepare lunch. While many say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping lunch or resorting to junk food most definitely affects health as well. Everyone’s body needs a variety of nutritious foods to perform daily activities, whether it’s studying or exercising at maximal efficiency. It is important to include in each meal a variety of nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruit, a source of calcium and healthy fats. Now, the trick is how to quickly put foods from each of the five categories into a meal in order to help you get the fuel you need for the rest of the day. Students who often find themselves strapped for time can utilize this guide for quick and easy lunch ideas. The following list of lunches can be made to go:




Italian Turkey Wrap

For this delicious meal, you will need a tortilla, about four turkey slices, Âź cup spinach leaves, six thin tomato slices, and a tablespoon of Italian salad dressing. If desired, red onions will also make a great addition! Spread a thin layer of salad dressing over the tortilla, topping it with turkey, tomatoes, spinach, and onions. Roll up the tortilla, cut it in half, and cover in either foil or plastic wrap. For some extra flavor, try tortilla wraps flavored as sundried tomato basil or spinach garden herb. For a more wholesome choice and extra fiber, use a whole-wheat tortilla.


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Colorful Tuna Salad

This is a great option for a lunch with inexpensive and easyto-find ingredients. Wash and dry a serving of either romaine lettuce or assorted greens, and top with a can of chunky light tuna. For extra taste, blend in half an avocado with the tuna. Next is your opportunity to add a variety of rich nutrients and vitamins. You may want to add carrots for vitamin A , bell peppers that are high in vitamin C, tomato slices that provide the antioxidant lycopene, canned beans that are high in fiber, and dried cranberries for additional vitamin C and a sweet touch. Feel free to add any other fruits or vegetables as desired. Top it off with balsamic vinaigrette.

Restaurant-Style Chicken Sub


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total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

Make this sub sandwich using a whole-wheat French baguette cut horizontally, or simply cut a pita pocket in half and put a Mediterranean spin on it. Line the length of the bread with about five thinly-sliced pieces of white chicken breast meat. Add a stalk of romaine lettuce or spinach leaves, sliced tomatoes, onions, and your favorite sliced cheese. For added flavor, lightly spread mustard, a salad dressing, hummus, or guacamole on your creation. Mix and match flavors to vary your lunchtime meals! t w

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eat right



can food

serve as


total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

General interest in the concept of functional foods has existed long before the term was coined. In fact, over 150 years ago, bakers in Britain began to market “digestive� biscuits, claiming that consumption would aid in digestion. More recently, manufacturers have produced margarine with pine extracts to help reduce cholesterol, cereal with added vitamins, yogurt with probiotics, and numerous other products. While it is only natural to turn towards food to satisfy a growling stomach and to meet the body's energy needs and nutritional demands, can food play more of a role than simply that of providing sustenance? Can foods be functionalized with certain health benefits to be considered as medicine?

// by shannon wongvibulsin | design by amorette jeng and elizabeth wang


what exactly are "functional foods"? The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine defines a functional food as “any food or food ingredient that may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients it contains.” However, since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not specifically define the term, there is no official category for “functional foods” that is regulated by the law. As a result, manufacturers of these products have the freedom to decide how to classify their products when submitting them for approval. One of the main decisions manufacturers must make is whether to categorize their product as a food or a drug. The American Council on Science and Health warns that consumers should be aware that in the United States, foods do not have to meet any set criteria to be characterized as “functional.” Also, be aware that claims made by manufacturers can either be “health claims” or structure-or-function claims. While “health claims” must be approved by the FDA, structureor-function claims are not regulated. Regardless, it is often difficult for the average consumer to differentiate between the two categories. For instance, the Center for Science in the Public Interest notes that the health claim “may reduce the risk of heart disease” and the structure-or-function claim “promotes a healthy heart” are typically seen as comparable statements to most people. However, while the first statement would be regulated and restricted, the second would not.

❧ functional foods promote good health, but are functional foods always the healthiest option? Some foods with added components, such as iodized salt and vitamin D-fortified orange juice and milk, confer certain health benefits by potentially compensating for nutritional deficiencies. These functional foods are particularly effective because they are usually part of a typical person’s ordinary diet. However, because manufacturers now fortify a variety of products that may not necessarily have much nutritional value on their own, a major concern is that consumers will flock to these fortified foods misguidedly. The Center for Science in the Public Interest warns that fortified junk foods are still junk foods. As a safe practice, be sure to check the nutrition label before purchasing, regardless of advertisements for the benefits of fortification.

❧ what are functional foods not?


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Keep in mind that functional foods are not "magic bullets" and the best formula for good health is maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly. A main concern surrounding functional foods is that people will fall into the mindset that functional foods are a free pass that will allow them to remain in good health without having to follow a healthy lifestyle consisting of a well-balanced diet and exercise. According to the American Council on Science and Health, functional foods can be an effective method to promote good health if they are incorporated with other healthy habits.

the guide ❯❯ what are functional foods? // by shannon wongvibulsin| design by amorette jeng examples of manufacturer made functional foods orange juice with vitamin D While vitamin D is known for its importance in bone development and calcium absorption, it is also essential for tissues in the body to function properly. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and many autoimmune diseases. Because vitamin D deficiency is a common problem, a wide variety of foods have been fortified with this vitamin. Orange juice enhanced with vitamin D can make this vitamin more accessible to the general population. In fact, a 2003 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fortified orange juice delivers vitamin D as effectively as pill supplements of the vitamin.

eggs with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acid Numerous scientific studies support the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and may be important in novel ways to treat and prevent inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Although the relationship between omega-3’s and memory is still an area of active research, it is generally accepted that omega-3 fatty acid consumption promotes brain health. While all eggs naturally contain omega-3 fatty acids, hens with modified diets consisting of DHA-rich foods such as marine algae, fish oil, or pearl millet produce omega-3 enriched eggs that can contain up to 12 times the omega-3 content of a typical egg. For those who dislike seafood, but want to increase their intake of omega-3, eating omega-3 enriched eggs may be a good alternative.

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

yogurt with probiotics Probiotics can confer a wide range of health benefits depending on the strain of bacteria. As a result, many yogurt manufacturers now add live bacterial cultures to their products. Numerous studies support probiotics’ anti-diarrheal effects and their ability to aid with stool regularity. Some strains may also reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Additionally, there is ongoing research exploring probiotics’ possible role in enhancing the immune system and reducing the risk of certain cancers, such as colorectal cancer.


some natural foods are also considered to be "functional" due to their disease prevention benefits flaxseed health benefits ❯ Flaxseed is an oilseed crop that has been known for its medical benefits since its cultivation beginning around 5,000 BC. This functional food is not only the leading source of the omega-3 fatty acid, linolenic acid (ALA); it is also a good source of lignans, a type of phenolic compound. While ALA is known for its potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lignans also may reduce the risk of hormonally-dependent cancers like breast and prostate cancers. ❯ According to a 2001 review article in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, multiple studies have reported that daily consumption of about 30 grams of flaxseed reduces both total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Additionally, studies of postmenopausal women reveal that flaxseed helps maintain bone health and reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers.

easy ways to incorporate flaxseed into your diet ❯ Stir ground flaxseed into juice or blend with smoothies ❯ Mix in with pancake batter ❯ Top yogurt with flaxseed

garlic health benefits ❯ As a member of the Allium genus, garlic contains the phytochemical allicin, which may aid in the production of enzymes that combat cancer-causing agents. ❯ A 2006 review in the Medical Journal of Australia reports that daily consumption of between a half and one clove of garlic can lower cholesterol by up to 9%.

cooking tips that preserve garlic's health benefits ❯ While intact garlic bulbs have few medicinal benefits, crushing or chopping garlic prompts enzymes to convert the amino acid allin into allicin, which decomposes into sulfur compounds that give garlic its anti-carcinogenic properties. ❯ Dr. John Milner, PhD, head of the Department of Human Nutrition at Penn State University, recommends waiting at least five minutes after crushing garlic before cooking it. This provides the time necessary for the sulfur-containing compounds to develop and allows garlic to confer its maximal health benefits. t w

body in focus

first aid basics If your friend was in an emergency situation, how would you react? Unfortunately, you can't know until you're in that circumstance, but there are ways to be prepared. If your idea of first-aid is wrapping a Band-Aid, pay special attention to how to handle the following common injuries.

According to the American Red Cross, when constructing your own first aid kit, some essential components to include are the following: ❯ Sterilized gauze pads with adhesive cloth tape ❯ Antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin ❯ Anti-histamine medication, and a pain reliever, such as aspirin ❯ Instant cold compress ❯ Tweezers ❯ Adhesive bandages ❯ Thermometer (digital recommended) ❯ First aid instructions ❯ Non-latex gloves to protect against potential infection You may also want to include personal medications and emergency phone numbers. Be sure to check expiration dates and replace items accordingly.

common injuries: to do or not to do?





You are preparing a lovely dinner for two and as you go to grab your delicious baked chicken out of the oven, your hand gets burned on the oven tray. What should you do?

There are three major types of burns: first degree (results in simple redness on skin), second degree (results in blisters on affected area), and third degree (causes skin to split and become a charred color).

Immediately place burned area under running, cold water or in an ice bath to decrease swelling and pain. Clean gently with soap and water. First degree burns do not require bandage. For second degree burns, leave blisters intact. Cover area with a sterile non-adherent gauze and bulky dry sterile dressing, for protection against infection. For third degree burns seek immediate medical attention.

Use an ice pack on second or third degree burns, as ice can further damage already severely burned skin. Do not use burn cream, antiseptic ointment or oil and butter on the affected areas. Use of these substances may not only increase the risk of infection, but also insulate the skin, causing heat retention and further damage.

You are driving in the passenger seat of a convertible with the top down and a speck of dirt gets lodged in your eye. Your first instinct is to rub your eyes to get rid of the dust, but is this safe?

A foreign object in the eye can include dirt, sand, an eyelash, contact lens or any piece of debris or glass flying through the air. The victim may experience pain, irritation, or blurry vision.

Blink several times to get rid of the foreign object, or rinse eye with water or normal saline. If it does not resolve or you have pain or discomfort, follow up with your ophthalmologist or optometrist immediately.

Rub your eye, as even the smallest speck of dust can cause damage to the cornea when rubbed vigorously against it.




total wellness ▪ summer 2011

left story: main image: natalia lisovskaya/istockphoto; the guide: left half (in order): ma-k/istockphoto; lim beng chee/istockphoto; oxfordsquare/istockphoto; right half right: jakob schäfer/istockphoto;

: elenathewise/istockphoto; magnetcreative/istockphoto

// by amarbir gill | design by amorette jeng

building your own first aid kit



total wellness ▪ summer 2011







You and your friend are having a nice dinner at your apartment. Suddenly, he begins coughing and demonstrates difficulty breathing: he is choking. What do you do?

Choking may be indicated by a difficulty in coughing, breathing, and speaking.

Contact 911. In the mean time, for anyone older than one, use the palm of your hand to strike the back between the shoulder blades. The victim should be leaning forward. If this fails, proceed to perform the Heimlich maneuver: place arms around victim’s waist, make a fist below individual’s belly button, and grab the fist with your other hand. Pull up and in at the same time to force the obstruction out of the windpipe. If you are the victim and are alone, either use your own hands or position yourself against a hard surface, such as the edge of a counter.

Give the individual who is choking any liquids, for this may further block the airway. Do not push down on the chest or upper abdomen.

Your friend has just come down on the foot of another player while playing basketball. He has sprained his ankle and needs to sit out. What advice do you give him?

Sprains occur when a ligament around a joint is stretched beyond capacity, and may be accompanied by bruising and swelling of the area.

Immobilize the joint for 24 – 36 hours. Elevate when at rest. Apply ice in 20-minute intervals for 24 hours then as needed for pain relief. Take either acetaminophen or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory every 6 hours for analgesic and antiinflammatory effects.

Continue to play or work through the pain. Do not apply heat to the sprain as this only increases swelling.

Fumbling through the cluttered mess on the side of your desk, you cut yourself on the sharp, broken edge of a very old soda can and the cut begins to bleed.

Any scrape, cut or other wound bleeding openly should be immediately tended to so as to prevent infection.

Place a clean cloth on the wound to stop the bleeding. Clean the area with clean soapy water, and cover with a bandage. Change dressings at least twice a day (morning and night). Before going to bed replace the bandage with one that is tied loosely. In the morning, change to a slightly tighter one. According to the American Red Cross, you should avoid using antibiotic creams, since they will keep the wound moist, whereas for quick healing, it is important to ventilate the wound, expose it to fresh air and keep it dry.

Attempt to use the previous tactics on a serious wound that is bleeding profusely. Rather, seek medical attention.

You get up from the couch to grab some food when you suddenly feel a warm liquid flowing down from your nose. You have had a few nosebleeds before, but you are not sure how best to stop the bleeding.

A nosebleed occurs when a blood vessel in the nose breaks. Nosebleeds are usually not serious and look worse than they really are. However, you should seek medical attention if the nosebleed follows a blow to the face or head, the bleeding does not stop after 20 minutes, or if the nosebleed is accompanied by blurry vision and headaches.

Tilt the head forward slightly and pinch the nose below the bridge; pressure should be maintained for up to 15 minutes. An ice pack may also be used to constrict the blood vessels and facilitate clotting. To prevent another nosebleed, avoid bending down, putting anything in or blowing your nose for a few hours.

Tilt the head back, as this may cause the blood to flow down the throat and be swallowed.

left: blackred/istockphoto; bee: punkn doodle designs; mitten: sharon dominick/istockphoto








You are walking through the flower garden in a friend’s backyard. You come across a group of bees swarming some of the plants. As you attempt to use your hand to clear them away, one stings you. What should you do?

Bee stings can result in a hypersensitivity reaction usually occurring within seconds to minutes after exposure. The reaction ranges from mild symptoms to rapid death. A local reaction causes pain and redness around the affected area, as well as swelling. In the more serious allergic reaction, the victim’s body may break out in hives, the victim’s mouth and throat may swell, and the victim may demonstrate nausea, vomiting or wheezing- and in the worst case scenario an anaphylaxis reaction.

Wash the area gently with soap and water, making sure to remove any jewelry first. Position the affected site below your heart to increase blood flow. If the stinger is buried in the skin, make sure to remove it, either by scraping it off with the edge of a credit card or by using tweezers to physically remove the stinger. You can also use materials such as baking soda paste and ice to help reduce swelling and facilitate healing, which may take up to two weeks. Go to the ER in the case of an allergic reaction, especially if you’ve never been stung before.

Inject the victim with epinephrine via an “epi-pen” in the absence of a severe allergic reaction, and even then, only do so if the epi-pen has previously been prescribed by a physician.

You wake up after a night of camping in your favorite wilderness setting and feel a burning and itching sensation on your right arm. How do tell if this is a spider bite or simply a harmless bug bite, and what do you do?

In the US, the two most common spiders harmful to humans are the black widow and the brown recluse; both prefer warm climates and dry, cluttered areas. Individuals bitten by these spiders have been known to demonstrate the following symptoms: an intense and searing pain accompanied by stiffness, as well as nausea and dizziness.

Wash the area with warm water and soap. Snugly wrap a pressure bandage above the area of the bite (if on a leg or arm) and elevate the limb to keep the venom from spreading to other areas of the body. Apply cloth dampened by cold water or ice on the site. Seek medical attention.

Put off seeing your doctor if you do indeed experience the above mentioned symptoms after a bite.

You are hiking the beautiful mountains of Santa Monica. Just as you are coming up to the top of the mountain where you can see far out across the vast ocean, you hear a cry from behind. Your friend has been bitten by what he claims is a rattlesnake. What should you do?

North America is home to several species of venomous snakes, the most common in Southern California include the rattlesnake and the coral snake. The best form of protection is prevention: in areas that snakes are likely to inhabit, wear long pants and shoes that cover the ankle, stay clear of tall brush and make lots of noise.

Immediately call 911. In the meantime, wash the area with warm water and soap, and keep the bitten below the victim’s heart. Wrap a constriction band above the site of the bite. A different technique for impeding the absorption and spread of the venom consists of placing a firm dressing, such as a folded gauze or a clean handkerchief, over the bite site; with Ace bandage tightly wrap the area of the bite as proximal to the bite. Remove constricting clothing and jewelry surrounding the bite, since these items may become painfully constricting once the affected area begins to swell.

Attempt to suck out the venom; upon injection, the venom does not stay localized in the area of the bite, so trying to suck it out will be ineffective. Do not attempt to cut the bite; this may cause muscle and nerve damage, and increase the risk of infection. Do not elevate the limb.

You and three of your friends are in a cabin on a cold winter evening. Two of your friends begin to have trouble feeling and bending their fingers. What should they do?

The body’s extremities, specifically the hands and feet, tend to become numb when exposed to cold temperatures for prolonged periods of time.

Use warm water or dry heat to gradually bring feeling back into the hands. Avoid re-exposure.

Use hot water, as intense heat will further damage the frigid skin. t w


total wellness ▪ summer 2011




"When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves." – David W. Orr, environmental scholar and writer


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

roberto a sanchez/istockphoto

total wellness ❯❯ on the cover


composting: one man’s trash is another plant’s treasure

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Unless you’re a gardening enthusiast or an environmental activist, you probably don’t know too much about composting. This waste-reducing and energy-efficient method of recycling, however, is an easy way to go green.

// by leigh goodrich | design by amorette jeng 24

mark wragg/istockphoto; right: kateleigh/istockphoto

what is composting? Compost refers to organic matter that is used as soil to fertilize plants. It is used in organic farming as an alternative to synthetic products and pesticides, and is quite sustainable because it is produced through the decomposition of yard trimmings, food residuals, and other materials. According to the EPA, yard trimmings and food waste, which could have been composted, account for 23% of the U.S. waste stream.

what can be composted? Yard trimmings like leaves and weeds can, of course, be composted. But there are many items that might seem unlikely. Cardboard rolls, for example, and cotton rags can be composted. So, too, can coffee grounds and filters, eggshells, fruits and vegetables, nut shells, tea bags, and newspapers. Some items to avoid composting include any dairy products, fats and grease, or meat and fish bones or scraps. These all attract pests due to odor problems.

why compost? Food waste is an increasingly important issue in this country, as Americans continually throw out more and more food. According to a 2008 article in The New York Times, 27% of food available in this country is wasted – roughly a pound of food per person per day. And a mere 2% of food waste is composted. Cutting down on this waste would be a significant environmental benefit. Composting also helps the environment as a great way to create natural fertilizer through the enrichment of soil. Adding compost enhances the nutrients in the soil and facilitates plant growth through the production of bacteria and fungi that help break down organic material to make nutrients available.

Besides boosting agricultural yield, composting can also clean up soil that has been contaminated, by absorbing harmful compounds and degrading certain chemicals like preservatives and pesticides. Composting also acts as a low-cost and low-impact alternative to traditional waste. As opposed to filling landfills with extra materials that contribute to global carbon emissions, composting is a form of recycling organic material back into the earth. This also saves money, water and resources because compost can replace other forms of soil enrichment, including the use of chemical products.

how can I compost on campus? If you live in an apartment that has a green garbage bin, you can put all materials that can be composted in there except for eggshells. You can also purchase a backyard compost bin or a worm compost bin from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. The department holds composting workshops every Saturday morning at different locations throughout the county. Of course, if you live in the dorms or don’t have the time to start your own compost bin, you can also reduce your waste. Simply collect materials that can be composted (like banana peels and apple cores from the dining hall) in a plastic bin. When the container fills up, take it to Sunset Rec, where there is a compost pile near the organic garden. The compost pile, which is clearly marked, is on the third level near the ropes course.

If you would like to get involved in the organic garden or the composting projects on campus, go to the website for E3, the sustainability club on campus that maintains the garden (www.e3la.org). UCLA dining facilities have also made strides toward sustainability. All four dining halls have composting programs, where both pre- and post-consumer food waste products are composted off-site. Additionally, at Rendezvous, all the napkins, containers, cups, and cutlery are compostable. According to the UCLA Sustainability Committee, an average of over 50 tons of food waste is recycled from dining areas each month. t w

total wellness â–Ş summer 2011



look & feel natural with

organic clothing

// by julia horie | design by trang t.j. nguyen

S total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

tamped across food labels, emphasized in commercials, and prominently presented in restaurants, the organic designation has become a widespread marketing tool to appeal to a growing population of health-conscious and environmentally friendly consumers. With fears of harmful pesticides, herbicides, and other artificial additives, it has increasingly become routine to think twice about what is in food products. But, how many times have you thought twice about putting on your favorite t-shirt or slipping on a pair of jeans?


what does sustainable clothing mean? To avoid confusion, it is important to make the distinction between organic and sustainable fabrics. Organic fabrics, such as cotton, wool, silk, or hemp, must abide by the regulations set by the Organic Trade Association in regards to non-toxic processing, production, dying, and handling. Sustainable clothing, though related to organic clothing, is not regulated by federal guidelines or certifications. It is part of the growing environmental movement that emphasizes the reuse and recycling of materials, as well as the minimization of energy consumption and harmful materials used in every step to create the finished product. The following generalized steps for the production of a finished clothing item is presented as a reminder that chemical and energy usage considerations come into play from an item’s very first stitch to its final distribution.

1. choose easily renewable fibers:

At the fiber level, using easily renewable fibers like viscose or bamboo minimizes the amount of land and energy used. The manufacturing of polyester, as well as other synthetic fabrics, is an energyintensive process that uses incredible amounts of crude oil and releases emissions including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and acid gases such as hydrogen chloride. These chemicals cannot only provoke respiratory disease in those working in polyester production plants but are also emitted in the wastewater of polyester manufacturing plants. Choosing organic cotton over regular cotton prevents chemicals from harming the consumer and the environment. Using fibers closest to the end retail location also cuts down on energy consumption in transportation.

2. the milling process:

Sustainable clothing production does not end with the choice of an organic fiber – the milling process of transforming the organic fiber into a sustainable clothing item is equally important. While some bamboo fabrics are processed heavily with chemicals before they are finished, natural color organic cotton and hemp do not require as much processing to make the finished fabric.

3. cut, sew, ship:

After the milling process, companies must cut, sew, and ship the sustainable clothing. Globalization has made this process seemingly speedy and effortless. Its tremendous cost is perhaps masked by the disproportionally low prices stickered on the items during retail. According to the UN Commodity Trade Statistics database, China accounts for 30% of the world’s apparel exports. While Americans purchase approximately a billion China-made garments each year, the US National Labor Committee states that Chinese workers make as little as 12-18 cents per hour working in poor conditions. Choosing to buy local items ensures fair labor practices and stimulates the local economy. Buying clothes from a local source also means less energy was used in transporting them, which translates into less environmental damage.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Believe it or not, harmful chemicals, like the ones in food, contaminate clothing as well and can adversely affect our health and environment. From synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, to chemical finishes for shrink resistance and wrinkle-reduction, an interminable array of toxic chemicals make their way into our clothes. Formaldehyde, for example, is often coated onto clothing to give it its anti-wrinkle, anti-shrink, perspiration proof, and mildew resistant finishes. However, it is classified as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and can cause allergies, respiratory problems, contact dermatitis (rashes), in addition to possible unknown consequences. Because the government does not strictly regulate clothing manufacturers, the problems with clothing materials have become ubiquitous – their effects come at an invaluable cost to human health as well as the environment. Clothes made from synthetic fibers such as nylon, acrylic, and polyester, are petroleum-based and depend on chemicals for their production, perpetuating global warming. Cotton is no better, if not worse. It takes approximately a third of a pound of pesticides and fertilizers to grow enough cotton for just one t-shirt. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, cotton-producing fields are doused with 50 million pounds of pesticides each year, accounting for up to 25% of the world’s pesticide use. And the damage does not end there – these pesticides pollute the surrounding soil and watersheds, causing irreversible damage. Organic farming, on the other hand, utilizes composting in lieu of more questionable and artificial fertilizers, thereby preserving the health of the cotton farmers and consumers and preventing the release of toxins into the earth. Methods used to grow organic cotton replenish and maintain soil fertility and enhance biologically diverse agriculture. In the United States, fibers must be grown within federal government regulations in order to be considered organic. These regulations forbid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and require that the clothing item be approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A clothing item labeled with the “USDA organic” seal (the same one used to label food), signifies that 95-100% of the item is made from organic materials and processes. In other cases where the clothing item may not have the USDA stamp, consumers can email the designer or manufacturer to inquire about what they consider to be “organic.” A population-wide switch to wearing organic clothing is unlikely to occur overnight, but on an individual level, it is becoming increasingly easier as more organic clothing options hit the stores and the Internet. Many clothing industry giants are also jumping on the organic bandwagon. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), which includes Nike, Gap Inc, H&M, Levi Strauss, and Patagonia, is working to develop sustainable strategies to lower water consumption, eliminate exposure to toxic chemicals, and develop a system whereby sustainability practices can be more transparent.

Here are some eco-friendly clothing brands to give your closet a kick in the “green” direction.

Recycle a Tee ($) This brand displays unique graphic tees and tanks made with organic cotton, for just about $20 a shirt. Recycle a Tee uses sustainable dyes and environmentally responsible printing, and they recycle 90% of the waste generated from their manufacturing processes. As an added bonus, if you no longer want the shirt, you can send it back for 25% store credit, with free shipping, no matter the condition! (www.recycleatee.com)

Threads for Thought ($$) With affordable clothes made from organic cotton and recycled water bottles, this brand has sustainability and social consciousness as its number one priority. To top it off, a portion of each purchase is donated to charity. Find Threads for Thought at various store locations, including Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Whole Foods Market. (www.threadsforthought.com)

Spun ($$) Launched by a mother in Seattle in 2008, this brand strives to prove that “organic clothing doesn’t have to be a luxury, it should be a choice.” Spun reaches out to everyday girls and blends practicality together with fashion and affordability. Although the line is sold at just one location in California, many online boutiques make Spun easily accessible. (www.choosespun.com)

EcoSkin ($$$)

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Based in Los Angeles, EcoSkin is a local, environmentally friendly brand that ensures sustainable practices inside and out – even the hand tags and labels are earth-conscious! EcoSkin products can be purchased at dozens of locations across California, including Boulmiche in Beverly Hills and Fred Segal Emphatic in Santa Monica. (www.ecoskincollections.com)


keep an eye out for these sustainable fibers: bamboo fiber

a completely biodegradable and soft fiber that thrives naturally with minimal water and without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. While there are some concerns about the processing methods and chemicals used to make the clothing product, its environmentally friendly growth requirements make it a more viable option than the infamous inorganic cotton.


does not need chemical pesticides since it naturally repels insects and pests. Not only do this plant’s long roots prevent erosion and retain topsoil, hemp also has the capability to stimulate the soil, leaving it with more nutrients than before it was planted. Its durability and ecological nature make it one of the most environmentally friendly crops for clothing.

organic cotton fiber

is cotton grown without herbicides or pesticides and its benefits for health and the environment are widespread. Non-organic cotton is the most pesticide intensive crop among textiles and has dramatic impacts on pollution.

soy fiber

has the advantage of being both biodegradable and replenishable, meaning that it grows back quickly after being harvested. Due to its soft, durable, and cotton-like consistency, it is sometimes referred to as “vegetable cashmere”.

organic linen fiber

comes from the flax plant and takes on absorbent and cooling properties.

lyocell fiber (tensel)

is produced from cellulose, the main component in plant cells. The all-natural fiber is 100% biodegradable, and the production process is environmentally friendly.


is a recycled polyester fiber made from recycled plastic soda and water bottles. Although EcoSpun products tend to be on the pricey side, with tote bags selling for a couple hundred dollars, it is a step towards finding a more environment-conscious alternative to the petroleum-based polyester.

previous page: blend_images/istockphoto; top left: andrei nikolaevich rybachuk/istockphoto; jaroslaw wojcik/istockphoto; rightjoakim leroy/istockphoto; fabric swatches: petek arici/istockphoto

where can i purchase sustainable clothing?

tips for greening your closet: 1. Reduce.

When clothing is too cheap, it is easy to over-consume. Keep in mind that just like food, clothing is an agricultural product, and purchasing too much of it can have tragic costs for the environment. By buying less, wearing something for longer, and using detergents without harsh chemicals, consumers can reduce the harmful impacts on their health and the water supply.

2. Reuse.

Approximately 12 million tons of textile waste end up in North American landfills each year, accounting for 5% of all landfill production. Yet, over 90% of that waste is recyclable. Instead of throwing old clothes in the trash, box them up and drop it off at a thrift store or another organization that accepts donations.

3. Do some digging.

Go to a company’s website and find out for yourself how green the company actually is. The more transparent the company is about their green initiative, the more authentic it probably is.

4. Consider consignment stores.

How many times do you wish you could just walk into your friend’s closet and borrow his or her clothes? Consignment stores, like Buffalo Exchange or Crossroads Trading Company, sell used clothes on behalf of others. The eclectic mix of clothes, shoes, and jewelry, packed into racks really does give the feel of walking through a closet. Not only is it more ecofriendly, it is a field day for your wallet as well – you get high quality clothes and designer brands for a fraction of the retail cost! For those who don’t like to sort through racks of clothes, Ebay Clothing Resale is a great online option to buy and sell used clothes. For a list and details of local secondhand and consignment stores, see www.housing.ucla.edu/clothingreuse.

5. Use environmentally safe detergents.

Most detergents contain surfactants and phosphates, which wreck havoc on aquatic life forms when they are released into the water supply. Certain optical brighteners and colorants used in detergents can also cause cancer and other adverse effects to humans. When shopping for a “green” detergent, look for the “Design for the Environment (DfE)” label, which indicates that it meets the EPA’s standards for toxicity and biodegradability. These contain plant-based enzymes, ethanol, and sodium bicarbonate for cleaning in lieu of phosphates and plant essential oils for scents rather than synthetic fragrances. Some highly rated detergents carrying the DfE label include Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, Country Save Laundry Detergent Powder, and Method Liquid Laundry Detergent. Homemade options such as vinegar and elbow grease also get the job done, with no harm done to the environment!

6. Get creative!

Tired of an old white shirt? Get together with some friends and have a tie-dye party. Don’t have anything to do with old prom dresses? Cut, restyle, and embellish with buttons, zippers, and lace to create an irresistible one-of-a-kind dress to flaunt on a late night out. Find ways to recycle unused or unwanted garments to transform them from ordinary to extraordinary. t w

total wellness ▪ summer 2011




total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

a guide to eco-friendly restaurants // by trang t.j. nguyen | design by trang t.j. nguyen 30

left: webphotographer/istockphoto; right: daniel burch/istockphoto

eat your greens


what makes a restaurant green? National, state, and local organizations can offer green certification for restaurants that take the extra step in conservation and sustainability. Following are categories and examples of what green certified restaurants have been accomplishing as a result of the green movement.

sustainable food

The unsustainable practices and notoriously harmful effects of the American food industry – factory farming, meat production, pesticide use, and fishery depletion – have plagued the health of the environment for years. The GRA estimates that the average American meal travels 1,500 miles to get from farm to plate. Green certified restaurants promote the purchase of both local and organic foods, hoping to avoid the deleterious effects of large-scale farming and associated practices such as soil erosion, synthetic pesticide use, cruel animal treatment, and massive fuel, water, and energy use. Contrary to popular belief, not all green certified restaurants are solely vegetarian or vegan-directed, as many choose to serve meat, dairy products, and seafood. Nonetheless, all foods within green certified restaurants are considered sustainable as they use organic, locally-farmed ingredients.

water efficiency

It is estimated that the average American restaurant uses 800,000 gallons of water per year – that’s more than five times as much as the average annual household water use! In order to reduce unnecessary water utilization, green certified restaurants encourage water-conserving practices through the use of sustainable kitchen, restroom, and landscaping appliances and practices. For example, some green restaurants possess equipment such as high-efficiency toilets and EnergyStar qualified dishwashers, and carry out practices like reusing grey water for irrigation and plumbing.

waste reduction and recycling

With an annual average of 50,000 pounds of waste production per restaurant, the Rule of the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – is becoming very applicable to the commercial food service industry. Unnecessary waste production leads to overcrowded landfills and all types of environmental pollution, not to mention long-term economic losses for restaurants. Green certified foodservice facilities are gearing toward zero-waste by increasing reusable items, recycling, and composting leftover foods. Specific actions include donating or composting


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

s countless industries are adapting their practices to fulfill the rapidly growing “green agenda,” it is no surprise that the restaurant industry – notorious for its role as retail’s largest energy user – has recently boarded the bandwagon as well. With the average U.S. restaurant consuming 500,000 kilowatt hours of electricity and 300,000 gallons of water annually, restaurants utilize almost five times more energy per square foot than any other kind of commercial building. Unfortunately, 80% of this energy consumption is lost through inefficient cooking and storage practices. Additionally, the Green Restaurant Association (GRA) estimates that the average restaurant produces about 150,000 pounds of garbage annually. Multiply these values by 945,000 – the number of restaurants in the U.S. – and you can imagine the implications for the environment if a complete green revolution were to occur – or not to occur – within the commercial food service industry. In fact, that’s why organizations such as the GRA have been created: to curb the vast environmental damage associated with massive amounts of waste and inefficient energy and water use, and encourage longterm sustainable practices within the commercial food service industry. And while only a recent phenomenon, the green revolution is quickly gaining pace within the restaurant industry, satisfying its ravenous appetite to buy green, feed green, and be green.

excess food, replacing Styrofoam (a non-degradable petroleum-derived material) with more sustainable materials, and ordering in bulk to avoid excessive packaging of materials. As food waste comprises about half of many restaurants’ garbage production, composting is a great way to keep landfills to a small size and keep soil fertile, moist, and full of nutrients.

chemical and pollution reduction

Green restaurants have changed standards of transportation, storm water management, pest management, light pollution, and chemical management to minimize air and water pollution. Menus are encouraged to be printed in soy-based (or other vegetable-based) inks, and deliveries made by bicycle or alternative fuel vehicles (hybrid, biodiesel, electric) to minimize carbon dioxide and other harmful gas production. Additionally, restaurants try to upgrade products usually abundant in chemicals, like cleaning products and paints, to GreenSeal standards.


Reliant on energy-consuming appliances such as refrigerators, iceboxes, and ovens, the restaurant industry does not shy away from consuming massive amounts of electricity, using a third of all U.S. energy utilized by the retail sector. Most of this electricity is derived from petroleum and natural gases and few from renewable sources. According to the Green Restaurant Association, the average restaurant uses energy for the following purposes: 22% food preparation, 18% sanitation, 17% HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning), 13% lighting, 13% food preparation, 11% kitchen exhaust and ventilation, and 6% refrigeration. In place of standard energy, green restaurants encourage the implementation of on-site renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines. Furthermore, Energy Star qualified appliances are promoted for more efficient energy use.

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

7 ways to green your dining experience: Here are some simple tips provided by the GRA that you can use to maximize sustainable and eco-friendly practices at restaurants.

3. Carry pocket-size guides to sustainable seafood, like the ones from Blue Ocean Institute, to help you make smart seafood choices at the fish counter, or your local sushi joint.

1. Choose to dine green by patronizing Certified Green Restaurants®.

4. Bring your own mug for coffee. Make sure to remind staff to make your drink in the cup you bring, not to waste by making it in a togo cup, then pouring it into your travel mug.

2. Walk, take public transit, dine at a restaurant close to your home or office, or carpool when dining out.

5. Consider menu items lower on the food chain. For example, chicken has a lower environmental impact than beef, while


green restaurant organizations While many local eateries have been operating sustainably for decades, largerscale organizations specializing in the promotion of environmentally sustainable restaurant practices are just beginning to encourage a large-scale reduction in environmentally degrading activities. The before-mentioned GRA is a wellrecognized national non-profit group that “provides a convenient and cost-effective way for restaurants, manufacturers, distributors, and consumers to become more environmentally responsible.” Along with the provision of environmental assessment and consulting, the GRA offers green certification to restaurants that demonstrate outstanding environmental sustainability practices. In order to obtain GRA certification, restaurants must meet minimum standards in the categories of water efficiency, waste reduction and recycling, sustainable furnishings and building materials, sustainable food, energy, disposables, and chemical and pollution reduction. For example, points are awarded on a systematic basis of sustainable appliances and practices such as composting leftover food and using alternative fuel vehicles when making deliveries. Additionally, the National Restaurant Association (NRA) was created in 1919, but only recently drafted a Green Task Force that aims to “implement environmentally friendly practices that link sustaining the environment with business growth through promotion, support and education.” Their website (conserve.restaurant.org) offers a wide variety of tips and information for restaurants on eco-friendly matters.

sustainable seafood has a lower impact than chicken, and vegetarian and vegan items have the lowest of them all.

6. Bring your own re-usable container and offer it to your server when you ask to take your leftovers home. 7. Several restaurants claim that 25% of food ordered by customers is wasted and thrown out. Be conscious about what you order and really think about how hungry you are.

Looking for a local green restaurant to try?

2901 Ocean Park Blvd. Ste 123, Santa Monica, CA 90401

13354 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066

Addressing the health of both their customers and their planet, Pizza Fusion is an eco-friendly pizzeria that is separated from the outdoors by simple glass walls - literally one with nature. Pizza Fusion serves oven-baked pizzas, salads, soups, and sandwiches made with only fresh, organic ingredients. Both vegan and non-vegan foods are served, and customers may choose from a variety of crusts such as multigrain and organic white. In addition to delivering in hybrid vehicles, using eco-friendly cleaners, and providing employees with ecoapparel, Pizza Fusion hosts free “organic kids” classes every third Thursday of the month educating children about the importance of eating organic and recycling.

In the mood for something Asian? Fresh in the Box is a healthy, organic Japanese restaurant that originated from its owner’s (Michiyo) personal desire to serve the health (and tastebuds) of its customers and treat the environment with respect – values her parents raised her with as a child. This restaurant offers organic salads, brown rice sushi, and other dishes made specially with fresh seafood, pork, and natural free range chicken. Additionally, Michiyo sells special reusable chopsticks which she encourages her customers to bring and use anytime they eat out at an Asian restaurant. Fresh in the Box’s menus are also printed in soybased inks and their decor adorned with live bamboo plants straddling the earth-colored walls.

Try the: Spinach and Artichoke Pizza, Pear and Gorgonzola Salad

Try the: Calorie-Mate Box: Grilled teriyaki salmon, brown rice, and seaweed salad

1110 1/2 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Located in the heart of Westwood, Native Foods Cafe is a vegan restaurant that specializes in fresh foods made with local and organic ingredients. Native Foods offers a variety of ethnically distinct dishes ranging from Greek to Moroccan and Mexican to Indian. As well as providing healthier food options, this animal-friendly restaurant promotes sustainability by contributing to environmental organizations and supporting various recycling programs. Everything on the menu is made fresh from scratch every day and tries not to harm any animals in the making. Chef Tanya, the restaurant’s owner, expresses that in her family, mealtime always began in the backyard garden, a tradition still existent in her restaurant.

Try the: Gandhi Bowl, portobello and sausage burger tw


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

left: ferhat mat/istockphoto; right: pizzafusion.com; communiity.cbs47.tv; fresh-in-the-box.com; yelp.com; nativefoods.com; wordpress.com

Here are some eco-friendly restaurant suggestions that will keep you coming back for more.


reduce, reuse,

new uses for old things // by lillian zhang | design by trang t.j. nguyen


t’s an unfortunate truth that as we grow older, we accumulate more and more… stuff. Some things we keep, some things we give away, but most things, one way or another, end up in the discard pile. Many of these items have, long ago, served their purpose, and we simply just don’t know what to do with them anymore. There may yet be hope for these “useless items”. If you’re looking for a new way to “go green”, consider repurposing your non-recyclables to make them useful in ways other than their intended functions.


If newspapers are for reading and you’ve already finished today’s issue, what other use could you possibly have for it? Before you start searching for the nearest recycling bin, stop and think about how else you could use that newspaper.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Smelly feet? Stinky food containers? Odor in your fridge? Try stuffing your shoes with newspaper to soak up the smell. Putting newspaper in your shoes can also help to dry them since the newspaper will soak up the water while simultaneously deodorizing them! This same method can be used with food containers that have acquired an unpleasant smell that you just can’t seem to get rid of. Put the newspaper in the container overnight with the lid on and the next day, the smell should be gone! Additionally, if you line the bottoms of your vegetable and fruit drawers in your fridge with newspaper, this can help get rid of unwanted smells.

window washer

It might seem counterintuitive to use a newspaper to clean something, but newspaper actually leaves behind less lint and residue than paper towels do. Just spray them with some window cleaner and wipe away for streak-free clean windows!


for easy access and storing. Decorate the tube with your own design to give it a more personal touch!

pest trap

Take a hands-on approach with those pests flying around your room by placing double sided tape on the outside of a cardboard tube and hanging it in an appropriate location, such as near a light, to attract and trap those flying bugs.

protect important documents

Before storing away important documents such as certificates or diplomas, roll them inside a paper towel tube first! This will keep your precious papers crease-free and dry.

› cardboard tubes

from top left: faye brown/istockphoto; doram/istockphoto; right: rami ben ami/istockphoto; ldf/istockphoto; henk badenhorst/istockphoto

store hair accessories

Instead of leaving your hair accessories lying around your bathroom counter or buying an expensive case to store them in, try wrapping your hair ties around a toilet paper tube instead. Bobby pins and other hair clips can easily be fastened to the top of the tube

› socks

Tired of constantly finding scratches on your sunglasses or scuffmarks on your nice shoes after towing them around in your backpack? Trying storing your sunglasses in a colorful sock or mitten to protect them from harm. For your shoes, protect them by pulling a larger sock over individual shoes. Another trick to consider is pulling a shower cap, such as the kind you get from hotels, around a pair of shoes to not only keep them together, but to prevent them from being scratched as well when you travel.

› plastic bags Haven’t kicked the habit of using plastic bags yet? Have an overabundance of them spilling out from various nooks and crannies of your room? Aside from using them as trash and storage bags, how else can these plastic bags be used without having to just throw them away?

bubble wrap replacement

The next time you send a package to someone, consider using plastic bags as an alternative to bubble wrap. Stuff the box with plastic bags as a cushion for your package and include a note telling the recipient to do the same the next time they have to mail something!

“recycled” rug

As a fun, creative project, consider making a rug out of plastic bags. Use bags of all one


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

At a loss for what to do to keep your boots from flopping around, sprawled messily on the floor? Want to prevent them from developing creases where they fold over after failing to stay upright? Keep your boots standing tall by placing a cardboard tube, soda bottle, or wine bottle inside them for support.

To repurpose a not-so eco-friendly object for a more eco-friendly use, consider turning a plastic bag into a hanging planter. Layer a couple plastic bags together for support and poke a few small holes in the bottoms. Add a plant and soil to the plastic bags, and voila, a homemade hanging planter!

anti-scratch protector

wrinkle prevention

boot supporter

hanging planter

Maybe you still have the socks you wore when you were younger. Maybe you have some lonely socks whose partners never came home from the laundry. So what can you do with these forlorn bits of clothing other than toss them in the trash?

At the center of every paper towel or toilet paper roll, there lies a cardboard tube and the ever-present dilemma of what to do with said cardboard tube. When you were younger, perhaps you used them for arts and crafts to make sculptures or English party crackers. But now that you’re older, how can these cardboard tubes be of use to you?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we might try, those pesky wrinkles in our clothes just won’t go away. To prevent wrinkles from appearing in clothing items such as scarves, wrap them around a paper towel tube before your store them away. If you hang your folded pants over the sides of hangers and are tired of that unwanted crease appearing there, cut a line lengthwise down a paper towel tube and wrap it around the bottom of the hanger. When you hang your pants over the paper towel tube, that annoying crease will stop appearing.

color, or mix and match for more variety. Easy to follow instructions can be found on a number of different websites. For crocheting experts, consider making a more complicated rug. Get creative!

coffee sleeve

Ever make a cup of hot coffee or tea and not been able to hold the cup because it’s too hot? Cut the toes off a colorful sock and pull it over the cup to use as a coffee sleeve or decorate a white sock with your own design! Don’t have any socks to spare? An old wristband can also be used to the same effect.

cord holder

Behind every desk, there probably lies a hidden mess of cords from the various electronic gadgets that live on or near the desk. Cut the toes off an old sock and use it to contain those haphazard wires in one nice bundle instead!


In addition to outgrowing clothes, sometimes people outgrow books as well. Stuck with a shelf of books you don’t need anymore? Instead of tossing them, consider these fun ways to transform those unwanted books into useful household items.

step aerobics or yoga block

Instead of buying expensive exercise equipment, stack a couple of old books together and use them for step aerobics or as yoga blocks. Tape a couple books together or cover them with fabric to keep them in place.

make recycled paper

What can you do with old paper? Make new paper! Use the pages of old, unwanted books to create paper that can be used as stationary. Instructions for making recycled paper can be found online.

For origami novices or professionals, using the pages of old books to make origami creations serves as an eco-friendly way of practicing this art. Try making origami flowers from old books to send to the book lover in your life.

storage box

Always wanted a book shaped storage box to hold your secret treasures? Make one yourself by cutting out the center of a book. Use it to store your jewelry, or even as an inconspicuous iPod carrying case. Be sure to reuse or recycle the paper that you cut out though!


Free T-shirts from events or various organizations seem to be a ubiquitous part of any college student’s life. At some point, however, the number of T-shirts you need and the number of T-shirts you have becomes unbalanced. Instead of throwing out those old T-shirts, consider what else they might be used for.


Put your old T-shirts on display by making a throw pillow or pillowcase from the scraps. This easy-to-do project not only allows you to recycle your old T-shirts, but saves you from having to buy new pillowcases when your old ones wear out.

hand bag

Want to show your support for a cause or organization but don’t want to wear the T-shirt? Make a handbag out of the T-shirt instead and show your support while still looking fashionable.

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

make new clothes

Get creative! Many people have found ways to transform their oversized and drab T-shirts into fashionable new pieces that they can use for everyday wear. Look online to find patterns from DIY websites, or take a chance and make your own design. From scarves and headbands to more complicated designs such as shirts and dresses, anything is possible! t w


books: soren pilman/istockphoto; tshirt: anatoly vartanov/istockphoto; right: main image: rvika/istockphoto; bottom right: marguerte voisey/istockphoto



city of smog just how bad is los angeles air? a look into the sources of air pollution and how to manage living with them

// by yessenia chaiu | design by chloe booher, karin yuen, and amorette jeng

It’s a gorgeous day in Los Angeles,

why is LA so susceptible to these problems? Though Los Angeles ranks slightly better than Philadelphia (the most toxic city in the U.S. according to Forbes), Los Angeles remains one of the most toxic urban cities due to its enduring smog problem. But, why Los Angeles? The city’s contending position as a polluted metropolis can be attributed to a multitude of factors, which include climate, geography, and population.


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

with clear blue skies, radiant sunlight, and cool breeze sweeping through the air. You might be prepared to head to the beach and unwind after a hectic week, but don’t be too quick to relax your mind and body just yet! This beautiful image, unfortunately, is merely a deceptive visage cloaking one of the greatest environmental challenges seen among the nation's metropolises. According to an article published by Forbes in February 2011, a recent survey of toxic chemical concentrations in water, air, and hazardous waste sites in 80 metropolitan cities in the United States ranks Los Angeles as the sixth most toxic city in the country. Despite the recent advances in pollution reduction, Los Angeles, especially in regards to regulating particulate matter emissions, has consistently failed to achieve acceptable federal safety levels. Although many readily recognize that smog is no stranger in Los Angeles, these sources and health consequences associated with these toxins still often miss our radar.

health consequences

SOURCE #1: climate and geography: In the Los Angeles basin, a local phenomenon known as an inversion layer effectively traps noxious gas and air pollutants. Normally, as warm surface air rises in elevation it will slowly cool, creating a gradient of decreasing air temperatures that allows for better dispersal of pollutants. However, the air in Los Angeles undergoes the exact opposite, increasing in temperature with increasing altitude. Because cold air is denser than warm air, the warm air hovers above the heavier, colder air below, preventing the usual vertical mixing of air necessary for pollutant dispersal. Inversion layers are common in Los Angeles for numerous reasons that include natural topography, weather conditions, and proximity to the Pacific Ocean. Most frequently seen in Los Angeles is marine inversion, which is created by the sea breeze pushing cold air from the southwest into the LA basin, where mountains (up to 10,000 ft high) in the northeastern edge block the dissipation of air. The city’s sunlight also undergoes a photochemical reaction with certain chemicals (volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides) found in the atmosphere, subsequently forming the infamous LA smog.

SOURCE #2: automobile population:

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Los Angeles is the second most populated city in the United States, with a dense population of 3 million residents. Additionally, public transportation is not used nearly as much as in other large cities. The immense output of fossil fuel emissions from cars, manufacturing and refining industries stresses the air and presents a significant health risk to all residents of the city. Primary pollutants emitted from vehicles include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds and ultrafine particulate matter. Secondary pollutants, derived from the reaction of sunlight with existing pollutants, include acid rain and ozone. A report by Planetizen in 2005 illustrated a study that linked high cancer risks with residents near Los Angeles and Long Beach ports exposed to diesel particles emitted from commercial trucks.


Despite decades of increased efforts to control air pollution, air quality is only slowly improving and smog still remains one of Los Angeles’ greatest public health issues. Because air pollution involves thousands of different toxins and chemicals, the associated health risks are numerous and varied. The EPA has created a set of guidelines to assess atmospheric pollution and to establish national air quality standards to protect public health and wellness. To determine air quality in the United States, the EPA relies on an air quality index (AQI) scoring scale that tracks five important air pollutants: ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. An AQI score greater than 100 indicates significant respiratory health risks especially for children, seniors and people with lung illnesses. The majority of US cities never exceed an AQI score of 100, but shockingly, Los Angeles violated this score for up to 14 days in 2009. Seniors, children, and people with lung disorders are highly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. Ozone, while important in preventing UV radiation from reaching Earth’s surface, is a respiratory irritant in the troposphere. Ground level ozone aggravates asthma, reduces lung function, and may even cause permanent lung damage. Another irritant is particulate matter, which may lodge itself in human tissue and cause individuals with heart disease to experience palpitations, chest pain, fatigue and even heart attack. An EPA study found residents of Cerritos, located at the center of the LA basin, to have an increased cancer risk of 1,200 deaths per one million people in the population – the highest risk level in the country and 33 times the national average. A report published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2009 also found that pregnant women exposed to local traffic pollution were 42% more likely to experience premature infant delivery and preeclampsia — maternal and prenatal death.

managing your risk Even though Los Angeles air pollution may be a scary and intimidating problem to everyone living in the city, being aware of your own health and air pollution conditions gives you additional opportunities to improve your personal wellness in spite of these hazardous conditions. Air quality varies greatly with the time of day, temperature, weather conditions, and season. Most air pollutants in Los Angeles reach peak concentrations from the late morning to the afternoon. For example, ozone formation takes time and the highest levels of ozone are found in the afternoon. Especially for those with respiratory illnesses and heart disease, it is important to reduce outdoor exposure and activity when air quality is unhealthiest. You may also try to prevent engaging in strenuous outdoor activity that requires heavy and intense breathing. Switching to more relaxing activities like walking, as opposed to running, can help you protect your health by reducing your exposure to the toxins in the air.

Areas most affected by Southern California air are the Bakersfield, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Riverside, and the Fresno and Madera Counties. A study by Cal State Fullerton in 2008 showed that within Los Angeles, the San Joaquin Valley and the South Coast Air Basin exhibited more deaths than other LA regions from respiratory illness caused by particulate pollution. Although moving may not be a practical solution, it is useful to know that areas that are located inland within mountainous regions and foothills of the northeastern margins of the LA basin (i.e., Riverside) are more likely to contain higher concentrations of pollutants in the air. In addition, people who live near traffic-heavy roads, such as highways, receive greater exposure. This may be an important point to note for seniors, children, and people with heart and lung illnesses. In the long run, the most important action to take to alleviate LA’s growing pollution crisis is to reduce overall air pollution emissions. Driving less by more frequently using public transportation, carpooling, biking and walking are better alternatives to driving individually to work and school each day. Choosing air-friendly products, such as those that do not release VOCs, and reducing waste and energy usage are helpful lifestyle behaviors that anyone can adopt. t w

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You can also check out the UCLA Marina Aquatic Center on the web at www.recreation.ucla.edu/ MAC for more water sports such as rowing, surfing, windsurfing, and sailing. They can also be contacted at (310) 823-0048 or MAC@recreation.ucla.edu.

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total wellness â–Ş summer 2011

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discarding your e-waste getting rid of old gadgets takes more than a toss to the trash. a how-to on getting rid of your electronic waste:

// by

jennifer danesh

| design by karin yuen,

amorette jeng, and trang tj nguyen

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

In 2008, about 50 million tons per year of e-waste was accumulated across the globe, 3.16 million of which came from the United States. Of our e-waste here in the U.S., only 17.7% of it was recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The rest of this waste is trashed in landfills or incinerators, which gives rise to the release of toxins into the environment. The environmentally responsible disposal of these items is essential since the improper processing of electronic waste is damaging not only for the environment in terms of pollution, but can also cause serious health issues. Many electronic products contain toxic materials such as lead, cadmium, mercury, brominated flameretardants and other toxins that can escape into the atmosphere, landfills, and water. Once in the water supply, such chemicals can accumulate in not only our tissues, but also in the tissues of animals that we consume, such as fish. These chemicals are known to damage the nervous system, kidneys, and brain, and to cause cancer and birth defects.


In addition to proper recycling it is best to hold on to our electronics for a longer period of time. While it is tempting to get the latest and greatest new gadget, the environmental and public health footprint for these products is enormous and today’s favorite gadget quickly becomes tomorrow’s toxic e-waste. Disturbingly, many local recycling companies simply export old products and move the burden to developing nations around the world. It is estimated that 50-80% of all e-waste is actually exported out to developing countries, where it is dismantled primitively, causing toxic exposure to the workers and environmental disasters in the surrounding community. All recyclers are not created equal and consumers should know that sending e-waste to just any “recycler” does not ensure that it will be handled in an environmentally responsible way. Many recyclers simply collect materials and sell them to the highest bidder without ensuring that those materials will be responsibly managed. It is essential to find a reliable recycler to avoid inadvertently contributing to the global dumping problem. Thankfully, there are proper ways to discard such materials to avoid adverse effects. Read below to see which common materials qualify as e-waste and how to deal with them once their lifetime is over:

learn more Watch "The Story of Electronics" on storyofstuff.org for an entertaining and enlightening eight-minute description of what happens with electronics through their lifetime from the time of purchase to the time of destruction. To learn more about the importance of recycling electronics, visit www.e-stewards.org and click on the “The e-waste crisis” tab. Visit the Center for Environmental Health’s website for tips on what we can do at our university both as individuals and as a school.

left: original illustration by trang tj nguyen; right: cajoer/istockphoto

Ever wonder what to do with your dead batteries? An old cell phone? An electronic that is too old or too broken to donate? Some consumer electronics and related items cannot be disposed of along with the rest of your household garbage. These items are called Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), more commonly referred to as “e-Waste.” Electronic waste build-up has become a global epidemic, growing three times faster than the rate of other municipal waste.

the guide ❯❯ recycling electronics Since all recyclers are not created equal, how can you tell which recyclers are doing the right thing? Unfortunately, many recyclers themselves do not know where all the materials and parts they collect are sent, while other recyclers are simply unscrupulous. Luckily, there is a group of recyclers called e-Stewards Recyclers who meet the high environmental and health requirements needed for this globally accredited, third-party audited program developed by the Basel Action Network (BAN). E-Stewards recyclers comply with international hazardous waste protocols. This means they do not deposit toxic e-waste in landfills or export such materials to the

developing world. Instead, they have safe, on-site rules for handling the materials, and strict rules for legitimate re-use and refurbishment of electronics. Lastly, unlike some recyclers, they prohibit prison and child labor in the recycling process. To find an e-Stewards Recycler near you, go to http://e-stewards.org/find-a-recycler/. In addition, Best Buy has contracted with an e-Stewards Recycler in California, so you can bring e-waste to your local Best Buy. Samsung is the only manufacturer that has committed to the use of e-Stewards exclusively, so Samsung items can also be returned to Samsung for proper recycling.

Ink Cartridges

Digital Cameras

As you may know, iPods generally reach the end of their lifetime after substantial usage. These can be conveniently recycled through Apple, by visiting www.apple.com/recycling. Here, you can find instructions on how to send in any iPod at no cost with a prepaid package. In addition, if you take in the old iPod to an Apple store, functional or not, you will get 10% off the purchase of a new one. If you have a different brand of mp3 player, it can be safely returned to an e-Stewards recycler as described earlier.

Many ink cartridge manufacturers include a returnable pre-paid envelope with their new cartridges for your old ink. Cartridges and toners can also be dropped off at the majority of electronic stores, such as Best Buy. While this is a great way of recycling these items, an even better alternative for students is to turn in cartridges for money. For example, Office Max, Office Depot, and Staples offer store credit for each ink cartridge submitted to their recycling program.

For this device, your best bet is to check with the manufacturer, as they will usually provide information on how to recycle the product. For example, Sony and Canon both have recycling programs for their products. If your manufacturer does not take back your model, such as Nikon, they may just take back the rechargeable battery. Lastly, make sure to check out Best Buy’s trade-in center at www. bestbuytradein.com/bb/ to find a location near you. e-Stewards recyclers will also properly manage digital cameras.


Computers and Laptops

Cell Phones

Believe it or not, there are quite a few steps necessary for throwing away regular household batteries. First, remove the battery from the device - if the battery appears to have corroded or leaked, wear gloves for protection. Following removal, put each individual battery inside a resealable plastic bag. These items must then be dropped off at a hazardous waste location. The easiest way to find one is to go to www.call2recycle.org and click on “recycle your rechargeable batteries and cell phones.”

Computers contain toxic materials such as lead and mercury, whose release into the atmosphere can be harmful to health once it makes it into the water supply. Other toxins such as dioxins and furans are also released upon burning of the computer’s plastics after they reach landfills. Apple will take back both Mac and PC computers and will refund you in Apple store credit if your device has monetary value. If the computer is worthless, the store will properly recycle it to avoid harm to the environment. The e-Stewards website mentioned above can also provide information about additional local recycling centers.

While old batteries aren’t of much use, cell phones can be discarded in several ways depending on whether the phone is broken or still functional. In many cases, students simply upgrade to a new phone, neglecting the previous one that is fully functional and can be of use to another individual. If you are strapped for cash, you can actually get money for sending in your phone to Capstone Wireless (an e-Stewards Recycler). Visit www. capstonewirelessllc.com/ to see if they are currently buying back your specific phone.

What about laptop batteries? In college, it’s likely that a laptop battery will need to be replaced once or twice. Certain computer manufacturers will accept old batteries and provide a discount towards the purchase of a new one, such as the Apple store. Old laptop batteries can also be recycled with an e-Stewards recycler.

If your cell phone is not functioning at all, due to water damage or other problems, you can still send it to Capstone Wireless for proper recycling (go to their website to print out a free return shipping label) or if it is a Samsung phone, you can return it directly to Samsung. t w


total wellness ▪ summer 2011


food pick

cherries ➺

// by anna wong | design by karin yuen

Whether you have them as a refreshing summer afternoon snack or just something to top off your frozen yogurt, cherries come packed with health benefits in addition to their tasty goodness. In fact, a 2008 animal study conducted at the University of Michigan found that cherry consumption is associated with lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, and thus suggested that cherries may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Think of that the next time you hear “pretty please, with a cherry on top!” Here’s more on what this delicious fruit has to offer:

from the cookbook

❯ Just one cup of cherries provides you with 12% of your daily value of dietary fiber, 16% of your daily value of vitamin C, and 9% of your daily value of potassium. All this for only 87 calories.

cherry quinoa summer salad 1 cup quinoa 1 cup cherries, pitted 4 pieces kale, destemmed 1 scallion, chopped 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 juice from half a lemon salt and pepper to taste

❯ Anthocyanins, which give cherries their crimson red color, are natural pain relievers. They inhibit proteins called COX-2 which are involved in the pain and inflammation process. Common pain medications aim to block these proteins, but cherries provide a sweet alternative. In fact, studies have shown that the inhibitory effects of anthocyanins in cherries are comparable to the inhibitory compounds in ibuprofen. Generally, the darker the cherry, the more anthocyanins.

Boil two cups of water over medium-high heat and stir in quinoa. Then cover and let simmer for 15 minutes over mediun-low heat. While the quinoa is cooking, cut the cherries into quarters, destem the kale, and chop the scallion and walnuts. Once the quinoa has finished cooking, stir in the cherries, kale, scallion, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Then drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice and use the salt and pepper to taste. Can be served either warm or cold.

❯ Nutrients in tart cherry juice may protect against exercise-induced muscle damage. In a 2006 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 14 college students drank either 12 ounces of tart cherry juice or a placebo twice a day for eight days in addition to performing elbow contractions on the fourth day. This was repeated weeks later to compare muscle strength before and after cherry juice consumption. They found that muscle strength loss was 22% with the placebo but only 4% with the cherry juice.


SOURCE: secondact.com and prevention.com

total wellness ▪ summer 2011

❯ Cherries have a reputation for putting up a fight against gout, a severe form of arthritis caused by high blood uric acid levels. A 2003 study published in the American Society for Nutritional Sciences supported this reputation when studying ten healthy women participants. The participants consumed two servings of cherries (about 280 g) after fasting overnight, and blood and urine samples were collected before and after the fast. Five hours after cherry consumption, they found a significant decrease in blood uric acid levels when compared to baseline supporting cherries’ anti-gout properties. t w

2 cups whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt zest and juice of 1 lemon 2/3 cup raw sugar 2/3 cup soy milk 1/2 cup sunflower oil 2 egg whites 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 cups pitted, fresh cherries 1/4 cup fat-free ricotta cheese

Preheat the oven to 325ºF and line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper liners. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl. Then add the lemon zest and juice, sugar, soy milk, oil, egg whites, vanilla extract, and almond extract and stir until smooth. Very gently swirl in the cherries and the ricotta. Pour batter into the muffin pan and bake for 22 minutes, rotating the pan 180 degrees after 15 minutes.

cassandra tiensivu/istockphoto; right: monia33/istockphoto

cherry whole wheat muffins

❯ Some studies suggest that tart cherry juice may aid with insomnia in older adults. In a 2010 pilot study published the Journal of Medicinal Food, 15 older adults experiencing insomnia were given tart cherry juice or a placebo for two weeks. The study concluded that though the cherry juice was much less effective than other forms of insomnia treatments (such as hypnotic techniques), they found that the cherry juice had a modest beneficial effect on the participants’s sleep.

credits We would like to acknowledge the following people for their contributions to this edition. We would also like to make special mention of the following UCLA physicians, professors and faculty members who donated their time and expertise to ensuring the accuracy of content published in the following articles:



Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, Assistant Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition Eve Lahijani, MS, RD, Nutrition Health Educator, UCLA Bruin Resource Center •

exercise: why the common excuses don't work

Christian Roberts, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Nursing

five anxiety busters

Melissa Magaro, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Affective Disorders Program Coordinator, UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services

essential nutrients

Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, Assistant Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition Eve Lahijani, MS, RD, Nutrition Health Educator, UCLA Bruin Resource Center •

quick and healthy fixes for an empty lunch bag Eve Lahijani, MS, RD, Nutrition Health Educator, UCLA Bruin Resource Center

functional foods: can food serve as medicine? Eve Lahijani, MS, RD, Nutrition Health Educator, UCLA Bruin Resource Center

first aid basics

Robert Gilbert, PhD, Housing and Hospitality Services Sustainability Coordinator Rebecca Miller, Sustainability Analyst, UCLA Housing & Hospitality Services •

city of smog

Wolfgang Buermann, MS, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences William C. Hinds, ScD, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences •

look & feel natural with organic clothing

Robert Gilbert, PhD, Housing and Hospitality Services Sustainability Coordinator Rebecca Miller, Sustainability Analyst, UCLA Housing & Hospitality Services •

food pick: cherries

Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, Assistant Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition

copy-edits and review

Leigh Goodrich, Anna Wong, and Elizabeth Wang

layout revisions

Karin Yuen, Amorette Jeng, and Elizabeth Wang

cover & table of contents Designed by Elizabeth Wang

discarding your e-waste

Judy Levin, MS, Pollution Prevention Coordinator, Center for Environmental Health


total wellness ▪ summer 2011

Leah FitzGerald, RN, FNP-C, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Nursing

dining green: a guide to ecofriendly restaurants

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