3 minute read
If circumstances require cancellation of registration, then you will be charged $50 for two weeks before, and $100 for one week before.
After that or during the program, refunds will be offered for illnesses or accidents with a physician’s note, less a $50 administration fee. During the program, refunds may be prorated based on the length of attendance, less a $50 administrative fee. The Summer at Tower Hill Program reserves the right to cancel or modify individual programs due to enrollment or weather conditions. If Tower Hill decides a program change is necessary, the student will be placed in an alternative program or the program will provide a full refund.
Photo Release
The photo release in the online registration states that Tower Hill School may use a camper’s name, portrait or likeness, video or artwork in connection with Summer at Tower Hill activities, in publicizing or in social media as well as future known or unknown technologies. By registering for any program, you are signing a release for your child to attend any off site field trip, scheduled pool trip or bus ride, described in the brochure for that particular week of camp. These field trips may need to be changed if the venue becomes unavailable for any reason.
In case of a life-threatening emergency, the school will call 911 and then follow the steps below. In case of other emergencies and/or need of medical or hospital care:
1. The school will call the cell phone numbers listed for both parents/guardians.
2. If there is no answer, the school will call the home number (if listed).
3. If there is no answer at the home, the school will call the parent’s/guardian’s place of employment (if listed).
4. If there is no answer at the place(s) of employment, the school will call the other telephone number(s) listed and the physician.
5. If none of the above answers, the school will call an ambulance, if necessary, to transport the child to a local medical facility.
Based upon the medical judgment of the attending physician, the child may be admitted to a local medical facility. The school will continue to call the parents, guardians or physician until one is reached. If they cannot be reached and the school authorities have followed the procedures described, parents/guardians agree to assume all expenses for moving and medically treating the camper. Parents/guardians consent to any treatment, surgery, diagnostic procedures or the administration of anesthesia that may be carried out based on the medical judgment of the attending physician.
Behavior Policy
All students must conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner while attending Summer at Tower Hill. All campers in the Green Group must be potty trained before camp begins. Any camper who is involved in inappropriate behavior that raises significant concerns will be subject to immediate dismissal and forfeiture of payment.
(See Health section on page 15)
All parents of campers will arrive and be dismissed using a carline to expedite our dismissal process. If your child’s dismissal arrangements change for the day, please send a note to your child’s camp teacher in the morning. We appreciate learning about dismissal changes upon your child’s arrival; however, if a change is necessary, please call the Day Camp Office 302-575-0550.
Please follow the State of Delaware’s regulations regarding car seats, seat belts and rear seating for children. Students must be seated in the rear of passenger vehicles and be secured in booster seats if they weigh less than 60 pounds. Children over 60 pounds must use seat belts.
In order to dismiss all children safely at each day camp’s end, it is imperative that all drivers refrain from cell phone use for talking or texting while waiting in the car line as this has proven to be a distraction and a delay.
Day Camp students are expected to remain in their parents’ cars until a staff member gets the camper from the vehicle during the morning. In the afternoon, children will be escorted to their vehicles by Day Camp staff. The streets immediately surrounding the school are subject to heavy traffic and, as a result, are extremely dangerous. Parents are asked to abide by following the procedures listed below:
1. Carline will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. in the morning and 3 p.m. in the afternoon.
2. Cars may begin lining up in the horseshoe at 8:15 a.m. in the morning and 2:45 p.m. in the afternoon.
3. Follow car line routes as directed.
4. Students will be called by last name to your vehicle in the afternoon.
5. Exit the parking lot safely upon receiving your child from camp staff.
Please be on time to pick up your child from camp or aftercare. Any children not picked up on time at either 3 p.m. for day camp or 5:30 p.m. from aftercare will be charged $1 per minute.
All Enrichment Camps take place in the main school building. Campers should be escorted to their camp via the main school entrance on W. 17th Street. Campers enrolled in multiple programs and/or extended care will be accompanied by the camp staff during transitions.
Sports Camp
Campers should be dropped off and picked up at the flagpole on W. 17th Street.
Extended Care
Parents should escort campers into the Day Camp building for Before Care and collect them from the building from After Care.