Live Locally Danville Spring 2023 Edition

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live locally


Message from the Town Council

As the days grow longer and the temperatures get warmer, the Town of Danville is preparing for some exciting activities.

In this issue of Live Locally, you’ll find insight into our Storm Drain Master Plan, following up on the nearrecord winter storms. On Page 6, learn about how the Town invests in quality of life through capital improvement projects. We’ll also introduce you to the 2022 Danville Employee and Police Officer of the year, highlighting their accomplishments.

Our Recreation, Arts, and Community Services department gives us a glimpse of activities to come in spring. Art in the Park will return to the Town Green, and citizens can assist our Senior community on Lend-a-Hand Day. Looking for a summer job? The Town depends on nearly 100 seasonal employees.

Danville Police Department provides tips on how to help prevent residential burglaries, and you can learn how to connect online to the Police Department, Development Services, Maintenance Services, and other teams. Be sure to look over the special events calendar on the back page to get a snapshot of all the fun activities coming up over the next few months. It’s all happening here in Danville, with many opportunities for you to work, shop, eat, play, and live locally.

WHAT’S INSIDE... Storm Drain Maintenance PAGE 8
One Source for Danville News PAGE 3 Art in the Park Returns in May PAGE 10
Crews conduct soil assessments in preparation for the Diablo Road Trail


Danville loves dogs — enjoying the many beautiful parks spaces in Town with our favorite furry friends is part of life in our community. Recently the Town has received an increase in reports of off-leash dogs in public parks, and we wanted to take a moment to remind you of the Town leash ordinance and how it benefits our community.

First, even if your dog finished obedience school at the top of their class, you can’t be sure of the training levels of other dogs. When all dogs are on a leash, it reduces conflict between dogs who may not be on the same wavelength.

Dogs get excited about being at the park. They may forget their manners and approach people who may not like dogs, or who may be harmed by an exuberant dog jumping on them — such as kids or seniors. Everyone deserves to use the parks equally and safely.

We have also seen less-thanrespectful pooches digging in fields, leaving their “business” in areas where children play, and damaging park amenities. We all want our parks to remain safe and enjoyable, so keeping your dog on leash encourages everyone to do the same.

Both Contra Costa County and Town ordinances require that dogs must be kept on leash in public park spaces. Dog owners are responsible for keeping their pets on leash, cleaning up after them, and preventing them from damaging grounds in parks and schools. And don’t forget that dogs can really stretch their legs at the Canine Corral Dog Park at Hap Magee Ranch Park.


This year marks the 19th Lend-a-Hand Day, where community volunteers donate their time to provide yard work assistance to their senior neighbors in Danville by raking, mowing, trimming and gutter cleaning. On April 22, 100+ volunteers will help beautify the neighborhoods by providing individual attention to homeowners who may be no longer able to maintain their yards, and the Town is seeking community members to participate.

Volunteers can range in age from teens 13 and older (with adult supervision) to seniors themselves. No previous yard work experience is necessary. Preregistration is encouraged so Town staff know how many seniors can be assisted, but volunteers can sign up the day of the event as well. Volunteers for the event will meet at the Danville Senior Center to pick up tools and receive their assignments for the day.

Volunteers are assigned to houses based on home assessments made by Danville staff, who determine size and scope of each home project. Senior homeowners who would like to participate in Lend-a-Hand Day should be 55 years or older and live in Danville to apply. Senior homeowner applications are available at the Danville Senior Center or by calling 925-314-3430

For more information about volunteering, visit or contact Recreation Superintendent Jessica Wallner at 925-314-3426 or


Legislative Update for 2023

The 2023 California state legislature reconvened on January 4, starting the two-year legislative session. The Legislature historically introduces over 2,000 bills each year. The 2023 Legislative Session will continue to focus its efforts in housing with several bills geared toward increasing production and providing support to the homeless population. Legislators are also focused on public safety with initiatives to curb controlled substance and fentanyl use, as well as transportation bills.

This past January the Mayor traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the U.S. Conference of Mayors with his fellow Tri-Valley mayors, advocating for regional and local projects, learning about funding opportunities to help Danville and the Tri-Valley move forward, and sharing best practices with mayors from across the country. The Tri-Valley mayors met with representatives from the Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the offices of Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Alex Padilla, Congressman Eric Swalwell, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, and Congressman John Garamendi. The mayors will also participate in a state advocacy trip to Sacramento in the spring. To stay informed and join the conversation, residents are encouraged to:

• Attend Town Legislative Committee meetings the fourth Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m.,

• Tune in to the Town Council Legislative updates during the Town Council meeting

• Visit the legislative project page at

• Sign up for Legislative updates on the Town website,

• Contact State Legislators to voice your opinions on legislation impacting the Town.


With so much happening in Danville, from events to business openings to construction projects, it’s important to have the latest news at your fingertips. The Town of Danville has developed new ways to stay in the know, and has streamlined existing tools to make finding information easier.

Beginning May 1, there will be one convenient account for the Town on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Nextdoor, making it simple to follow one account on your favorite platform. The Town will rename its social media accounts to @DanvilleCAgov, to reflect the Town home page at Current followers will not need to take any action to continue to receive updates. Followers of other Danville accounts for recreation, parks, and arts will need to add @DanvilleCAgov for all Town news.

The Town Police Department will maintain its Facebook account, to provide safety information and community updates. To help share information more widely, they will also launch an Instagram account on May 1. Residents can also sign up for Nixle, a text-based platform that sends local alerts from the Danville Police Department directly to your phone or email address.

Also beginning in May, the Town will offer a new email subscription for a monthly newsletter called Live Locally Now. This roundup of events and news will complement the quarterly printed Live Locally newsletter, and offer updates on projects. With busy schedules in mind, the Town will also send occasional breaking news and event updates to subscribers via email, so you never miss a thing.

Make sure you are following the Town @DanvilleCAgov account on all social media platforms, and look for more information on email newsletter subscriptions at



VINCENT BARBERO, Danville Police Officer

Problem solving skills are key to success in the life of a police officer, paired with the flexibility to tackle whatever may come up in the course of a shift. Officer

Vincent Barbero enjoys that his work may involve responding to crimes in progress, aiding seniors in the community, assisting with a traffic collision, or any safety related issue. Vincent was named the 2022 Danville Police Department Officer of the Year for providing service and care in any situation — big or small.

One of the more memorable cases Vincent solved involved a stolen dog. “As a dog owner myself, I understood how distraught the victim was, and wanted to do everything I could to help,” says Vincent. He found that the dog was picked up in Danville and passed to another person, who took the dog to Oakland. He retrieved the dog, and returned it to the thankful owner. “Her reaction was priceless — it’s one of those experiences I’ll remember forever.”

Having a presence in the community and making personal connections helps officers keep residents safe. Thank you, Vincent!

Now Hiring: Summer Camps & Aquatics

Each year, the Town of Danville depends on nearly 100 seasonal employees to help teach, develop, and safeguard Danville youngsters at summer camps, aquatics activities, and other programs. In addition, these seasonal employees help serve as role models to the children who attend these programs.

These exciting summer jobs are open now for applicants. Apply no later than May 12 for summer camp postitions, and applications for lifeguard/ swim instructor positions will be open until filled. For more information or to apply, visit or contact Human Resources Manager Qiana London at 925-314-3356 or


Springtime is Splash Time

The water features at Hap Magee Ranch and Sycamore Valley Parks are on for the season. These child-friendly water play features are user-activated and run from noon until 6 p.m. on weekdays and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. The Town’s water features typically run annually from April 1 to October 1.

The water features at Diablo Vista and Oak Hill Parks were switched off to preserve water as they are not user-activated, and the water would run continuously. Those features will remain off.

Weather conditions or any potential drought declarations might mean that the Town will need to switch off the water features during the season. Please check before planning your visit.



Civil Engineer Associate

Residents who have made major home improvements or added accessory dwelling units, pools and outdoor kitchen projects may be familiar with the 2022 Town of Danville Employee of the Year. Civil Engineering Associate Mark Rusch works with the Town planning and building divisions to review engineering aspects of individual construction projects as well as large residential developments.

The Town honored Mark as its Employee of the Year due to his ability to act as a conduit between staff, developers, and outside agencies. “I try to make the engineering review go as smoothly and quickly as possible for residents,” says Mark. “It’s a great honor to join others before me who’ve received the award in serving the Town of Danville.”

Mark has been part of the Town engineering team since 2017, and has reviewed plans for and provided guidance to many residents and developers to support successful projects. His favorite experience was working on the team for the construction of the pedestrian bridge linking the Riverwalk Diablo Road trail to the Town Green and downtown. Congratulations, Mark!


Investing in Our Town: The Capital Improvement Program

Since 2000, the Town has invested an average of $7.8 million per year in major projects, resulting in improved public facilities, enhanced park experiences, transportation improvements, and amenities that enhance the overall quality of life in Danville.

The advance planning and budgeting to implement these major projects happens through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is structured to identify, prioritize, and fund projects that address current and long-term community needs. Projects typically include acquisition of land, new construction exceeding $15,000, or capital maintenance activities associated with existing parks, buildings, or streets. In addition, the CIP includes a Pavement Management Program, allocating approximately $3 million annually for maintenance of the 323 lane miles of public streets maintained by the Town.

A 5-year CIP plan is developed every year, prepared by Town staff for a public hearing process and then presented to the Town Council. When the Council approves the CIP, it includes budget appropriation for the future projects.

Conceptual Design: Diablo Road Trail

Funding comes from a variety of revenue sources, primarily general fund revenues and also special funds such as grants, development fees, transportation impact fees, sales tax, and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The funds invested by the Town are often a pre-requisite for gaining outside funding, and for the 2022–23 CIP year, Town staff were able to secure $1.70 in special funds for every $1 invested from the general fund.

The additional funding will come in handy during the challenging construction environment post-pandemic. Construction labor and materials costs have continued to increase, and projects are being evaluated to ensure the most “bang for our buck” while still staying on budget. The next 5-year CIP review process will begin this year in May, and updates on current projects are available at

Here are a few projects in progress now:


Design work is underway for this $5.7 million project which will construct a new 0.9 mile paved trail along Diablo Road between Fairway Drive and the new Magee Preserve development.


The catalyst project is in the schematic design phase, and will move to the construction design phase with a final design expected later this year.


Replaces components within existing facilities, including park play areas, sports fields, courts and hard surfaces, storm drains, sidewalks, and trails.


Annual effort invests $3 million per year to maintain residential streets at a high level of service.


A new playground is in store for Oak Hill Park later this summer, and the turf at Sycamore Valley Park will be replaced this summer. Conceptual designs at Diablo Vista Park are underway for playground improvements and a multi-sport skate park.

For a complete list of CIP projects, budget, and timeline, view the 2022/23 Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program report at

Conceptual Design: Oak Hill Park
• • • • •
Conceptual Design: Prospect Plaza


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design is a crime prevention philosophy based on the idea that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can help prevent crime. Here are a few ways this philosophy can provide defense against residential burglaries:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Lock all outside doors and windows before leaving your home or going to bed. Be sure to include your garage doors.

Have adequate lighting both inside and outside.

Consider using timers inside, and motion sensor or dusk to dawn illumination for exterior lighting.

Alarms systems provide peace of mind to homeowners when installed and most importantly used. Cameras are effective when properly functioning.

Keep doors and windows free of debris and foliage so as not to act as “cover” for burglars.

Never leave keys under doormats, flowerbeds, mailboxes or other “secret” hiding places.

When travelling, be sure to advise neighbors so they can monitor your mail, newspapers and deliveries.

This crime prevention philosophy depends on the whole community acting together, so take care of your property and that of your neighbors by reporting any suspicious activity.

Storm Drain Master Plan Update

A key ongoing project within the Capital Improvement Program is town-wide storm drain maintenance. To better manage more than 128 miles of storm drains, the Town initiated a Storm Drain Master Plan to assess the condition of the system and identify potential maintenance projects.

During the unprecedented storms on New Year’s Eve and the weeks following, ongoing maintenance and improvements proved to mitigate potential further widespread damage. While some homes and areas experienced flooding, having detailed maps and maintenance history of the Town-managed drainage system allowed Town engineers to work with private property owners to identify causes of flooding and work in partnership to address the issues.

The Storm Drain Master Plan includes GIS mapping of storm drain infrastructure, identification of repair and replacement priorities, and annual maintenance recommendations. The recent storms caused a reprioritization of some projects, including the recent replacement of a major drainage culvert under Diablo Road near Alameda Diablo. The Storm Drain Master Plan draft report will be presented to the Town Council during a study session on April 11. To view the staff report, visit for the study session documents.


Turning Up the Heat with Encaustic Art

This spring the Village Theatre Art Gallery is pleased to present Convergence: The Intersection of Wax, Color & Design an exhibition that features the artwork of established Bay Area artists who employ the ancient medium of encaustic painting as their medium. Coming from the Latin word encastiko, encaustic means ‘‘to burn in’’ or ‘‘to fuse together’’ and in fact, the encaustic medium requires a source of heat to melt and fuse the layers together, resulting in a work of art that is rich in texture and colors. The first known pieces of encaustic art are from the Greek period, and the first found encaustic artifacts are from the Roman times in Egypt. While the medium is ancient, it almost disappeared from the global stage when oil paints were invented and only showed up again in 20th century. The works included in the exhibition offer an array of examples of this unique kind of painting. The exhibit will be up on view through May 26.

Looking ahead to summer, the gallery will host its 13th Annual Juried Art Exhibition The Art of a Story, which will feature artwork inspired by stories and places that only exist in fictional worlds. An opening reception will be held on Friday, June 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. The reception will also celebrate the launch of this summer's public art exhibit: Bound for Books, featuring 10 unique and artistic book benches. The benches will be on display during the reception, and then will be on view throughout downtown Danville for the summer of 2023.


The Danville Town Talks webpage is the place to catch up on the latest news on current projects, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback and subscribe to project updates. In addition to project updates, is also where you can find the quarterly Town Talks with the Mayor series.

Back for its third year, Town Talks with the Mayor invites residents to stay connected through regular updates on topics impacting the Danville community. Updates will be provided via written content uploaded to the Town Talks with the Mayor project page. In addition to written content, community members can also participate in the quarterly, live stream broadcast via Zoom.

The program is intended to provide a way for residents to connect with their community leaders and get up-to-the-minute information on the issues and topics important to Danville. The next quarterly broadcast will be June 2, and the April recording is available at the Danville Town Talks page.

To subscribe to updates on projects or Town Talks with the Mayor, visit

PFrom the spring exhibit, by Larraine Seiden



The Town is looking for residents to serve on Town commissions. If you are a Danville resident and interested in the Arts Advisory Board, Senior Advisory Commission or the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, consider contributing your expertise and interest to serve your community.

See the Town website at for applications and a list of responsibilities. Terms begin July 1, 2023. For more information contact City Clerk Marie Sunseri at 925-314-3401 or

Art in the Park Returns in May with Creative, Messy Family Fun

This spring the Town will host Art in the Park, an annual day of hands-on art projects for the whole family. This event features fun — and messy — ways for kids to discover art, and will take place on Saturday, May 20 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the Town Green.

With an assortment of art projects and supplies on hand, families can explore different methods of creativity together while enjoying a spring day outside. Town Staff and volunteers will be on hand to guide and assist with all art projects, and there will also be art projects available to take home. Participating in the arts can have a wonderful impact on developmental growth for children and allow people of all ages a way to destress and expand their skillsets.

If you are interested in fostering art in our community, volunteer opportunities are available. If you would like to assist with leading the children’s art project stations, please sign up online at by Friday, May 5.

Art in the Park is open to kids ages 5 through 10, and registration is $6. Pre-registration at is encouraged, but will also be available the day of the event on site. The event will be at the Town Green, located in front of the Danville Community Center at 420 Front Street in Danville. For more information or to sign up for volunteering at the event, contact Visual Arts Coordinator Marija Nelson Bleier at 925-314-3460 or



In addition to large-scale capital improvement projects (see Page 7), the Town Maintenance Services team performs regular work on parks, roadsides, and streets. This includes a few projects coming soon, and the annual winter moratorium closure.

Each year from December 1 to February 28, there is a moratorium closure for Town-maintained natural grass sports fields and the Canine Corral Dog Park at Hap Magee Ranch Park. This closure allows the grass to recover from heavy usage, and allows necessary projects to be completed more efficiently. In exchange for a few months of closures, the community enjoys well maintained facilities and improved amenities.

This year, new sod was installed in the large dog park area, along with additional bark mulch. Town maintenance crews also sanded and stained the benches, repaired fences, and made irrigation improvements. The baseball diamonds were graded and prepared for the start of the season, and all sports fields were aerated, seeded, and fertilized. Also coming soon are improvements to the playground at Oak Hill Park. In a project started in March, new playground features will be added, including some that are not found anywhere else in Danville. Look for this Capital Improvement Program project to be complete toward the end of summer.

Visit your favorite park this spring to see the improvements, or visit for a list of all Town-maintained parks and sports fields.


Town infrastructure such as roads, facilities, and drainage systems are the most valuable assets managed by the Town. For instance, a recent assessment of the storm drain system estimated a value of $609 million. To get a better picture of the scale of this infrastructure and the maintenance performed through annual schedules and the Capital Improvement Program, here are some numbers to consider:

677,391 linear feet of storm drain pipe

4,372 storm drain inlets

696 storm drain access holes

$2.9 million annual investment in street pavement management

93 public streets to be treated in fiscal year 2022/23

100 potholes repaired annually (average)

350 potholes repaired in the months after New Year’s Eve storm 323 lane miles (lanes on streets multiplied by miles)



Visit for more information.


Saturday, April 8, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Community Center

Hop down to Danville Community Center for a fun-filled morning of egg hunts, arts and crafts, and more.


Saturday, April 22, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Community Center

Join fellow helpful neighbors to provide yard clean-up for Danville seniors.


Sunday, April 23, 1 p.m to 4 p.m.

Peace Lutheran Church, Danville Gather to honor Earth Day through art, music, speakers, and activities; hosted by I-SRV (Interfaith San Ramon Valley)


Thursday, April 27, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Historic Downtown

Enjoy a fun-filled evening of craft brew sampling and shopping hosted by the Museum of the San Ramon Valley.


Sunday, April 30, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Hike the Las Trampas Ridge or walk the Iron Horse Trail to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Prevention.


Thursday, May 4, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Town Green & Historic Downtown

A variety of activities to celebrate all things Star Wars.


Sunday, May 7, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Historic Downtown

Get active with the whole family for a good cause. Choose from a 5K or 10K, 1-Mile Elite Run, a Kids’ Fun Run or even a doggy-mile.


Thursday, May 11, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Historic Downtown & The Livery Hosted by the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce, enjoy a fun evening of vintage wine, local brews, and culinary treats. An enjoyable night to sip and shop locally!


Saturday, May 20, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Town Green

An assortment of different art projects and supplies on hand for all to try. Come prepared to explore different methods of creativity and get messy


Monday, May 29, 10:30 a.m.

All Wars Memorial at Oak Hill Park Honor and remember our fallen veterans at a special ceremony, enjoy live music and entertainment.


Friday, June 9, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Village Theatre and Art Gallery

Join us for a reception for two new exhibits: Bound for Books, a public art project featuring artful book benches; and The Art of a Story, featuring artwork inspired by stories and books.


Wednesday, June 14, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Town Green

Head to the Danville Library for storytime right before lunch and then walk out onto the Town Green for music, crafts, and games!


Friday, June 16 and 30, 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Town Green

Enjoy games, arts and crafts while watching the movies with friends and family.


Saturday, June 24, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Oak Hill Park

Rock out and dance away to the sounds of local bands.

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