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Kerry Parents & Fri A ar y Celeb

Kerry Parents and Friends Association celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year and we are marking this signi�icant milestone throughout the year in the following ways:

O cial Opening of our new Tralee Service, Unit 1 & 2, Fabrik Building, Godfrey Place, Tralee, from 2-5pm

Gathering of invited guests, people we support, families and friends, sta and former sta , Directors past and present to celebrate our 50th year and incorporating the O cial Opening of the Sensory Garden, at Port Road, Killarney. A day of fun and entertainment for all 12-5pm

Sunday September 24th - To conclude our 50th Anniversary Celebrations, the Association will host a Special Mass at 1-4pm, at Tearmann Lodge, Rathmore, celebrated by Rev. Pat O’Donnell, marking the exact date of the rst meeting of Kerry Parents & Friends in Rathmore.

Looking forward to celebrating together as we give thanks for this service and all who support it

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