Strength isn’t measured on a scale but in our hearts—and in our willingness to do what it takes to be part of the larger community. By Mary Boutieller We just moved through another month knowing way more than we had ever hoped about pandemics and coronaviruses, putting into practice what was not thinkable just a few short months ago. It’s now time to take a deep breath and take stock of what we have learned, where we are and where we go from here. Probably, we’ve moved beyond the novelty of it—the excitement of free time and quiet spaces and nothing to do. Maybe we’ve moved through the bulk of our sadness, the larger fears about our health and safety, the languid heaviness that took over our minds as weeks turned into months. Yet it’s not over. We know that many have suffered and are still struggling, and that that struggle will linger on long after the virus has been abated. So where do we go from here? ... What have we learned about ourselves, our needs and emotions, our neighbors and our town, our country and the world? How do we move forward in this alternate universe? If you are expecting the answer, I’m sorry to disappoint you! These questions are as individual as you; the answers come from your point of view and your experiences. They come from how much you’ve been willing to grow and how much you’ve decided to
stay the same, neither of which is right nor wrong. And whichever path you’ve taken, it is all okay and all acceptable and not for me or anyone else to judge. It is simply life. What I know about these last few months is that I’ve grown in many ways. I learned new things, tried new recipes, practiced more yoga, exercised more regularly, caught up on some reading, and I am truly getting tired of puzzles, as much as I enjoy them! I’ve called more people, pondered what my life is really all about, been fascinated that time really can slow down, and have become more comfortable with the quiet solitude of a smaller circle of life. I’ve also been reminded to appreciate the people and things I often take for granted, like healthcare, grocery store and sanitation workers, and I’ve become a bit more patient with people being people, especially when they are misbehaving (in my mind). I’ve realized how little I need to be content, as shopping for anything except groceries has all but disappeared. I’ve found that strength isn’t measured on a scale but in our hearts, and in our willingness to do what it takes to be part of the larger community. I’ve learned that love works its magic in ways that are not always visible, not always physical, and that you really can feel a hug from six feet away.