Content > 15/05/2018
food&beverage - PHoToSTorY - WHaT&WHere - TraveLLerS' oUTfIT eveNT CaLeNdar - TraveL - faSHIoN - LUXUrY LIvINg - HI-TeCH - INTervIeW
V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ
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NH~NG "bÅo bˇI" N£N Cï TRoNG CHUy⁄N dU LëCH GIA ßçNH MÔa hà lµ thÍi Æi”m nh˜ng Ưa trŒ b≠Ìc vµo k˙ nghÿ dµi, dp Æ” c∂ gia Æ◊nh cÔng nhau tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng chuy’n Æi xa, kh∏m ph∏ thi™n nhi™n... Chu»n b k¸ cµng cho k˙ nghÿ vÌi s˘ hÁ trÓ cÒa c∏c thi’t b c´ng ngh÷ vµ chi’c xe phÔ hÓp vÌi nhu c«u sœ khi’n chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn vµ ng≠Íi th©n c„ th™m nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v. TRAVeL MUSTHAVeS foR A fAMILy GeTAWAy The arrival of summer marks the end of a school year and the kids can finally go on a long vacation with their families to enjoy the beach, explore nature... Good planning along with the use of advanced technology as well as a good family car guarantee you and your family the most enjoyable experience on the road.
5 kHU NGHé MõI, HƒP d√N CHo MùA Há S§I ßóNG > MÌi khai tr≠¨ng trong n®m 20172018, n®m khu resort, kh∏ch sπn Æ≠Óc Travellive l˘a ch‰n sau Æ©y lµ gÓi ˝ l˝ t≠Îng cho k˙ nghÿ hà cÒa gia Æ◊nh. 5 NeW AMAzING ReSoRTS foR yoUR SUMMeR TRAVeL Five newly opened hotels and resorts in 2017-2018 have been picked by Travellive as ideal destinations for you and your family to enjoy this summer.
30 NGÄy CùNG CoN L£N R\NG, LóI bIÕN CÉT bÄ > Sau hai hµnh tr◊nh xuy™n Vi÷t vµ Æi vng quanh c∏c n≠Ìc ß´ng Nam É, Æ©y lµ hµnh tr◊nh dµi ngµy th¯ ba cÒa ˇc khi cÔng bË mã vµo rıng, l™n nÛi, xuËng bi”n. A 30-dAy LeARNING TRIP IN CAT bA WITH oUR LITTLe GIRL Oc had been with us on two long trips. For her third journey and to celebrate her 3rd birthday, we took Oc to Cat Ba and spend 30 incredible days there.
Content > 15/05/2018 INTERVIEW
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ß MÑNH C¶òNG: "T§I ßANG HÑNH PH@C TR£N S# C§ ßóC CûA CHêNH MçNH" "MÈt khi c∏i Æãp Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tr™n n“n t∂ng cÒa s˘ trao ÆÊi v“ lÓi ›ch th◊ c„ lœ cÚng bÌt Æãp ph«n nµo." CuÈc ÆÍi cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng vËn d‹ Æ∑ lµ mÈt "b› mÀt lÌn" vµ anh chºng dπi mang ra Æ” ÆÊi trao. Nh≠ng cuÈc trao ÆÊi nµy lπi mang mÈt ˝ ngh‹a kh∏c: ÆËi thoπi v“ c∏i Æãp. I AM HAPPy WITH My SoLITARINeSS. "Once beauty is based on the exchange of benefits, it loses its value." The life of designer Do Manh Cuong has always been a "mystery", and he is determined to continue to keep it hidden from the eyes of the public. If there is something he never shies away from however, it's dialogue about beauty.
ß⁄N PHUkTAL, CHçM VÄo TRÉI TIM b¿C ƒN > Ng≠Íi ta hay g‰i bang Jammu & Kashmir lµ v≠¨ng mi÷n ƒn ßÈ. Vµ n¨i gi˜ linh hÂn cÒa vÔng Ɔt †y ch›nh lµ tu vi÷n cÊ Phuktal, t‰a lπc tr™n d∑y Himalaya hÔng v‹, Æ›ch Æ’n cÒa chÛng t´i trong mÈt hµnh tr◊nh kh∏ gian nan. IN PHUkTAL, ToUCHING THe HeART of NoRTHeRN INdIA Jammu & Kashmir state is often referred to as the "crown of India". Tucked away in the imposing Himalayas is the ancient Phuktal monastery, the spiritual center of these mountains and our destination on this arduous trip.
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kHUƒy ßóNG MùA Há TÑI 5 C§NG VI£N GIÅI TRê CûA CH¢U É H∑y cÔng Travellive kh∏m ph∏ 5 c´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› h†p d…n nh†t ch©u É vµ l˘a ch‰n cho gia Æ◊nh Æi”m Æ’n th›ch hÓp nh†t. kICk off SUMMeR WITH 5 AMAzING THeMe PARkS IN ASIA Here are five of Asia's most popular theme parks and let us here at Travellive help you pick your favorite one this summer.
V°N PHíNG TP. HCM HcMc OfficE 144 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 028 3930 9641 fax: 028 3930 9642 Website: www.vntravellive.com
ßÖT BÉO ONLiNE for online subscription, please visit: http://vntravellive.com/bookmagazine/
"CH§NG CH£NH" TR£N L¶NG LÑC ßÄ GI~A SA MÑC SAHARA ThÀt kh„ qu™n c∂m gi∏c khi ngÂi tr™n lπc Ƶ Æi chÀm r∑i gi˜a sa mπc m™nh m´ng vÌi nh˜ng cÂn c∏t tr∂i dµi Æ’n v´ tÀn, vµng r˘c d≠Ìi ∏nh næng chi“u tµ vµ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ lËc b†t chÓt cuËn theo Æ∏m bÙi c∏t mÔ mt. "WobbLING" oN CAMeL bACk, IN THe MIddLe of SAHARA deSeRT It's hard to forget the feeling of sitting on a slow walking camel in the middle of an immense desert, where dunes stretch to infinity, when golden light glistens in the afternoon and a sudden whirlwind rolls over in dark dust.
Tía SOÑN HEad OfficE Banbientap@vntravellive.com 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Hoµn Ki’m, HN Tel: 024 3936 8349 fax: 024 3936 8350
Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 04/GP-XBßS In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 05 - 2018 In tπi C´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ Th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN
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NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI TH⁄ GIõI PUBLISHERS CHëU TRÉCH NHIåM XUƒT BÅN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tr«n ßoµn L©m BI£N TÜP EDITORS Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng, Qu˙nh L™, Hµ Ph≠¨ng, Kevin Raison THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT GRaPHIC DESIGN Long Le - Hanh Mai QUÅNG CÉO aDvERTISING Hotline: 0989 946 240 / 0985 116 750 Email: ads@vntravellive.com
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NH~NG HÄNH TRçNH TH@ Vë TRoNG THÉNG 6 ßæm m◊nh gi˜a lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh mµu ng‰c b›ch cÒa vnh L®ng C´ hay tr∂i nghi÷m Æ™m træng n≠Ìc Nga... H∑y cÔng Travellive l≠Ìt qua danh mÙc nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n vµ l˘a ch‰n hµnh tr◊nh ≠a th›ch nhä! 6 MUST-VISIT deSTINATIoNS THIS JUNe Here is a list of 6 amazing destinations Travellive has come up with for you!
Photographer: DUY NAM Model: NGñC CH¢U, TUå KHANH Creative Producer: KINCOI Stylist: NGñC DAO Fashion: RUE DES CHATS, LY VU COUTURE, TOCHIE, KEYBEE, CLOUD 9 Photos retouch: TUART MUA: NGñC MI Location: SOL BEACH HOUSE PH@ QUˇC
(THe LIST WILL be UPdaTed aNd deveLoPed eaCH moNTH) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng) HaNoI caf–S & BaRS (66) 6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge / Church Boutique / Club Opera / Coffee Bike / Cong Cafä (18) / Cora Cafä / Helio Cafä (4) / Highland Coffee (15) / Foutain Cafä / Gardenista / Joma Bakery Cafä / Lissom Parlour / L’Harmony / Manzi / Moca / Paris Deli (2) / Pu Ku / Runam / Runam Bistro / Tay Tap Bar / The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) / Vpresso (6) ñ RESTaURaNTS (34) Don’s Tay Ho Bistro / Home Restaurant / Ly Club Restaurant / Ngon Villa / MyWay Cafe & Restaurant (5) / Nha hang ße Nhat (2) / Nha 9NKC / Pho 24 (6) / Quan Ngon (4) / Rooftop / Sawasdee Restaurant / Pho Bien (4) / Thai Village Restaurant / Swing Lounge / Top Chef Restaurant & Bar / ToViet Cellar / Trong ßong Son Restaurant / Viet Deli ñ SPaS (6) / Hong Ngoc Center / Spa Aquamarine / Thu Cuc Spa (2) / La Casa Spa / Zen Spa ñ aiRLiNES (2) Noi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) / Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airline-Bussiness Class) cRUiSES (4) Emeraude Classic Cruises / Pelican Luxury & Image / Halong Cruises / Paradise Luxury (2) ñ TRaVEL aGENTS (3) Asian Travelmate / Tourist Information Center (TIC) / Vietnam Tourism Association ñ OTHERS (24) BMW Showroom / Ford Showrooms (8) / Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch / Ipanima Showroom (2) / Lounge of Vinhome Time City & Vinhome Royal City / Nest AIA / Nshape Fitness (3) / Peugeout Scooteis / Tan My Design / Techcombank Lounge / Times Square / Toong Working Space (2) / Van Tri Golf ProvINCeS caf– (10) Highland Coffee Parkson Hai Phong (2) / Highland Coffee Parkson / Megastar Hai Phong / Highland Coffee Megastar Bien Hoa / Highland Coffee Big C, Da Nang / Highland Coffee Indochina, Da Nang / Highland Coffee Megastar Vinh Trung, Da Nang / Runam Bistro, Da Nang ñ RESTaURaNT (2) Pho 24 - Nha Trang / Enjoy - Quang Nam ñ aiRLiNES (4) Cam Ranh Airport(Business Lounge) / Can Tho Airport (Business Lounge) / Danang International Airport (Business Lounge) / Lien Khuong Airport (Business Lounge) ñ cRUiSES (7) Aphrodite Cruise (1) / Paraside Luxury (4) / Paradise Previlege (2) / Paradise Peak (1) / Paradise Cruise / Starlight Cruise / Oriental Sail / Calypso Cruise HCmC caf– (104) Cafä EON - EON 51 / Ciao Coffee (3) / Cong Cafä (4) / DeciBel Lounge / Gloria Jean’s Coffee (2) / Goody / Highland Coffee (36) / Inbox / Klasik Coffee Roasters / La Cafeteria de / L’usine (3) / La Fenetre Soleil / La Toronde Cafe / Le Saigonais / MORICO (6) / NYDC (5) / Runam Bistro (3) / Thinker & Dreamer Coffee / Terrace Cafä (5) / The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) / The / Coffee House(13) / The Workshop Cafe / Fly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream ñ cLUBS (2) Club Royale / International Tourist Club ñ RESTaURaNTS (34) Bon Bon Restaurant / Di Mai Restaurant / Gao Restaurant / Jaspas restaurant / Khanh Casa / Pho 24 (19) / sanfulou Restaurant / Shri Restaurant & Lounge / sorae Restaurant / Wrap & Roll Restaurant (2) ñ SPaS (12)Anam QT Spa / Authentic Spa / L’Apothiquaire Spa (3) / Lotus Spa / Sen Spa / Sian Skincare Laser Clinic / Thann Sanctuary Day Spa / The Spa Saigon Pearl / Tropic Spa / Zennova Spa Cay Diep ñ aiRLiNES (2) Tan Son Nhat International Airport (Business Lounges) / Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airline-Bussiness Class) ñ cONSULaTE (1) UK Trade & Investment ñ OTHERS (17) Citimart / Ford Showrooms (11) / Fahasha / International SOS Clinics Viet Nam / IpaNima Showroom (2) / Phuong Nam / Fit 24 Fitness / America Eye Center aTTeNTIoN In cooperation with Vietnam Airlines, Travellive copies are available at business lounges of six international airports in Vietnam, including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang and Can Tho ñ In cooperation with Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airlines). Every business traveller on flight by Turkish Airlines to Vietnam is provided with a Travellive publication for free. ñ 180 Travel Agents, (belonging to Vietnam Tourism Association) in Vietnam Issued by National Newspapers Distribution Company, Fahasa Book Distribution Corporation, Phuong Nam bookshop system, Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...
300 KHÉCH SÑN, reSorT HÄNg ß¡U vIåT Nam 300 THE LEadiNG HOTELS aNd RESORTS iN ViETNaM ñ Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi (For more details, please follow the link below)
www.vntravellive.com/news/kenh-phat-hanh-8392.html TçM ßñc PHi£N BÅN ßiåN T^ TÑi For digital publication, please visit:
edtor'sletter Sol Beach House Phu Quoc
Dear valUeD reaDers,
QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N! Kh´ng ph∂i ng…u nhi™n, hà Æ≠Óc xem lµ mÔa du lfich s´i ÆÈng nh†t, mÔa cÒa nh˜ng ngµy nghÿ dµi, mÔa cÒa ni“m vui b†t tÀn khi con ng≠Íi hfla m◊nh gi˜a thi™n nhi™n rÈng lÌn. ß©y cÚng lµ thÍi gian cho nh˜ng chuy’n Æi k’t nËi gia Æ◊nh, mÎ rÈng th’ giÌi quan cho con trŒ bªng c∏ch cÔng nhau Æ’n c∏c vÔng Ɔt lπ. Travellive k˙ nµy mÍi bπn Ɖc g∆p lπi gia Æ◊nh Harry Trung vµ d‚i theo nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m trong 30 ngµy l™n rıng xuËng bi”n cÒa c´ g∏i nh· nhµ h‰; tÀn h≠Îng ly cocktail s„ng s∏nh ∏nh m∆t trÍi tπi nh˜ng khu nghÿ d≠Ïng tuy÷t Æãp ven bi”n... MÔa hà cÚng lµ thÍi gian hoµn h∂o Æ” thæp l™n c∂m h¯ng chinh phÙc cho du kh∏ch y™u th›ch nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh mπo hi”m. H∑y ÆÂng hµnh cÔng Æ´i bπn trŒ trong chuy’n Æπp xe kh∏m ph∏ quËc gia Trung É Tajikistan, chinh phÙc mÈt trong nh˜ng d∑y nÛi cao Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "n„c nhµ th’ giÌi". Nh≠ng c„ lœ, chi“u cao cÒa nÛi, chi“u s©u cÒa nh˜ng v˘c thºm cÚng ph∂i nh≠Íng b≠Ìc cho nh˜ng chi“u k›ch rÈng lÌn cÒa t©m hÂn vµ ni“m tin. ß„ lµ c∏ch Æ” travel blogger Huy“n Chi chπm tÌi Phuktal, tr∏i tim cÒa vÔng Bæc ƒn, th’ giÌi t©m linh huy“n b› nªm s©u trong d∑y Himalaya. VÌi Travellive tr™n tay, mÍi bπn cÔng tÀn h≠Îng mÔa hÃ! BAN BI£N TÜP
Summer is no doubt the most fun and vibrant season of the year, when you can enjoy long vacations to pristine beaches or explore nature's magnificent beauty. It is also the perfect season for families to spend quality time together, and expand your children's views of the world by taking them to places where they can discover new things. Travellive invites you to welcome back Mr. Harry Trung, his loving family and their little girl in their amazing 30-day journey in Cat Ba. We have also picked out a list of stunning coastal resorts for you and your family to enjoy this summer. Summer is also the perfect time for more adventurous travelers to go on long journeys to farflung corners of the Earth. Join two friends in their incredible cycling trip through Central Asian Tajikistan to conquer a famous moutain range known as "the roof of the world". But perhaps, the height of any mountain or the depth of any abyss is nothing compared to the vast spaces of one's soul and heart. Follow the journey of travel blogger Huyen Chi to Phuktal, where she touched the heart of Northern India - a mysterious spiritual world hidden deep within the majestic Himalayas. We wish you a fantastic summer. EDITORIAL BOARD
ßπi ti÷c bia tπi Kh∏ch sπn Renaissance Riverside
‰a lπc lπi v tr› Ææc Æa g«n c∏c thæng c∂nh nÊi ti’ng vÌi khung c∂nh h˜u t◊nh, Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi lµ kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho bπn hà nµy. VÌi 273 phng kh∏ch thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng vµ nÈi th†t trang nh∑, Æ©y lµ Æa Æi”m tuy÷t vÍi Æ” ngæm nh◊n vµ tÀn h≠Îng m‰i vŒ Æãp cÒa thµnh phË ngµn n®m tuÊi. H∑y thi’t Æ∑i c∏c gi∏c quan cÒa bπn mÈt b˜a ti÷c Æ«y c∂m xÛc vÌi c∏c l˘a ch‰n »m th˘c tinh t’ hay Ææm m◊nh th≠ gi∑n trong kh´ng gian ƺng c†p cÒa Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi. (KHÉCH SÑN PAN PACIFIC HÄ NóI *1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3823 8888 *Website: www.panpacific.com)
DANANG GOLDEN BAY - Và ß—P CûA K∞ QUAN Nªm ngay tπi n¨i giao thoa cÒa dng s´ng Hµn th¨ mÈng, bi”n ß´ng vµ b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ, Danang Golden Bay lµ kh∏ch sπn 5 sao Æ«u ti™n Î ßµ NΩng c„ phng nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ c®n hÈ d∏t vµng vÌi nät ki’n trÛc Æ≠Óc l†y c∂m h¯ng tı s˘ sang tr‰ng cÒa vµng vµ khung c∂nh hÔng v‹ cÒa vnh ßµ NΩng. Næm gi˜ nhi“u k˚ lÙc tπi Vi÷t Nam nh≠ b” b¨i v´ c˘c d∏t vµng 24K, cao nh†t vµ lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi, ta nhµ c„ sË phng kh∏ch sπn lÌn nh†t Vi÷t Nam, kh∏ch sπn Danang Golden Bay c„ 29 t«ng vÌi tÊng cÈng 1.824 phng, c®n hÈ ti™u chu»n 5 sao. Kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p nµy mang lπi nhi“u dch vÙ cho kh∏ch l≠u trÛ nh≠ spa, city tour vµ khu c´ng vi™n k˙ quan d∏t vµng vÌi m´ h◊nh 10 k˙ quan tr™n th’ giÌi vµ Vi÷t Nam thu nh·. (KHÉCH SÑN DANANG GOLDEN BAY *01 L™ V®n Duy÷t, QuÀn S¨n Trµ, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0236 3878 999 *Website: www.dananggoldenbay.com)
H∑y tr∂i nghi÷m b˜a ti÷c sµnh Æi÷u cÔng bπn bà theo phong c∏ch »m th˘c hoµn toµn kh∏c bi÷t tπi Renaissance Riverside Saigon vÌi nhi“u m„n h†p d…n nh≠ hµu ph´ mai ÆÛt l, b›t t’t b sËt ti™u Æen, s≠Ín heo BBQ cÔng bia thÒ c´ng th≠¨ng hi÷u Pasteur Street g‰i kh´ng giÌi hπn. Cn g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi bπn vıa th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ngon, vıa quan s∏t nhp ch∂y cuÈc sËng b™n ngoµi ´ cˆa k›nh, nh©m nhi nhi“u loπi th¯c uËng h∂o hπng vµ th∂ hÂn vµo nh˜ng b∂n nhπc thÍi th≠Óng do c∏c ca s‹ tr◊nh bµy tπi kh´ng gian sang ch∂nh cÒa Rbar. (KHÉCH SÑN RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE SAIGON *8 - 15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3822 0033 *Website: www.renaissance-hotels. marriott.com)
The Alcove Library Hotel SUMMER SaViNGS
TP.HCM MÔa hà Æ∑ Æ’n vµ Kh∏ch sπn The Alcove Library cÚng Æang ∏p dÙng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i tËt nh†t trong n®m: Î 3 Æ™m t›nh ti“n 2 Æ™m (∏p dÙng cho k◊ nghÿ c„ ngµy nhÀn phng tı th∏ng 5 Æ’n h’t th∏ng 7/2018).
The Alcove Library lµ kh∏ch sπn ÆÈc nh†t v´ nh tπi thµnh phË H Ch› Minh vÌi mÈt th≠ vi÷n lÌn ngay trong s∂nh kh∏ch sπn, cung c†p c∏c Æ«u s∏ch v®n h‰c, kinh t’, vµ kh∏ch c„ th” m≠Ón s∏ch mi‘n ph› tπi kh∏ch sπn. Cho dÔ Æ„ lµ mÈt chuy’n Æi rÍi kh·i nhp sËng hËi h∂ Î trung t©m Sµi Gn hay Î lπi mÈt thÍi gian Æ” kh∏m ph∏ tr‰n vãn thµnh phË, du kh∏ch Æ“u sœ t◊m th†y nh˜ng gi∏ tr ÆÈc Æ∏o nh†t Î Æ©y. VÌi ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t nµy, Kh∏ch sπn The Alcove Library sœ mang Æ’n cho kh∏ch hµng nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m sang tr‰ng, gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng, n¨i bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c trµ chi“u trong khu v≠Ín vµ nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n t©m huy’t nh†t tr™n nhµ hµng Bookmark. HCMC Summer travel deals are heating up at The alcove Library Hotel with the best offer of the year - Stay 3 nights and get 1 night fREE (applied for direct booking to stay in May until end of July 2018)
Alcove Queen: USD 75 ++/night Alcove King: USD 82 ++/night Alcove Twin: USD 82 ++/night Alcove Grand: USD 95 ++/night Alcove Suite: USD 102 ++/night (Excluded taxes & service charges)
The alcove Library Hotel is an unrivaled boutique hotel in Ho chi Minh city with a unique design of an extensive library in the lobby, which offers a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books for guests to borrow during the stay. Whether it’s a quick getaway from hustle bustle of Saigon or staying awhile to fully explore all that the city has to offer, visitors will find unbeatable values here. With fantastic summer offer, we look forward to offering our distinguished guests affordable luxury experience at The alcove Hotel, where you can enjoy afternoon tea and drinks in our garden or gourmet dining at Bookmark restaurant. THe aLCove LIbrarY HoTeL * 133A Nguyen Dinh Chinh, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC * Tel: +84.28 6256 9966 * Res.: alcove@alcovehotel.com.vn * W: www.alcovehotel.com.vn
DANANG GOLDEN BAY - A BEAUTY OF WONDERS Located right at the junction where the Han River, the East Sea and Son Tra Peninsula meet, Danang Golden Bay is the first 5-star hotel in Danang that offers both hotel rooms and residence apartments with the feature of gold. The hotel's signature design is inspired by the symbol of gold and the majestic view of Danang.
iscover a refreshing retreat at Pan Pacific Hanoi amidst the quaint setting of the city. Tastefully furnished with elegant interiors and thoughtful amenities, each of the 273 rooms and suites command inspiring views of West Lake, Truc Bach Lake or the Red River. Treat your senses to a wide selection of gastronomic delights at our restaurants, or be revitalised by our range of wellness facilities. The best of Hanoi awaits with the convenience of being minutes away from key attractions in the city. (PAN PACIFIC HANOI *1 Thanh Nien, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3823 8888 *Email: info. pphan@panpacific.com *Website: www.panpacific.com/hanoi)
Beer fest at Renaissance Riverside Hotel Enjoy dinner in style with friends at the Renaissance Riverside Saigon with a variety of delicious dishes such as grilled oysters, beef steak with black pepper sauce, and BBQ pork ribs along with an unlimited flow of premium craft beer from Pasteur Street. Diners have a chance to taste amazing food, enjoy fine drinks, immerse themselves in trendy music at the stylish Rbar, and admire the beautiful views of Saigon through the glass window. (RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE SAIGON HOTEL *8 - 15 Ton Duc Thang, District 1, HCMC *Tel: 028 3822 0033 *Website: www.renaissance-hotels.marriott.com)
The Danang Golden Bay features the world's largest and highest 24k gold-plated infinity swimming pool. With the most number of rooms in Vietnam, the hotel provides a total of 29 floors and 1,824 rooms, all to the 5-star standard. This luxury resort hotel also offers guests amazing spa services, city tours, and visits to the goldplated park with the miniature models of 10 wonders of the world including Vietnam. (DANANG GOLDEN BAY HOTEL *01 Le Van Duyet, Son Tra District, Danang *Tel: 0236 3878 999 *Website: www. dananggoldenbay.com)
h∏ch sπn Saigon Prince mang Æ’n nh˜ng Æ∆c quy“n sang tr‰ng dµnh cho kh∏ch l≠u trÛ Î loπi phng Club ho∆c Club Suite cao c†p. Nªm t∏ch bi÷t vµ y™n t‹nh tr™n t«ng 9, khu v˘c Club Lounge lu´n c„ nh©n vi™n sΩn sµng cho c∏c thÒ tÙc check-in vµ check-out ri™ng. Ngoµi ra, kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c b˜a s∏ng ngon mi÷ng mang h≠¨ng v ch©u ¢u, dch vÙ trµ chi“u sang tr‰ng, b∏nh ng‰t vµ th¯c uËng nhã. Nhªm tËi ≠u h„a s˘ hµi lng, c∏c v kh∏ch Æ∆t phng Club ho∆c Club Suite cn Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng phng h‰p ti÷n nghi mÁi ti’ng mÈt ngµy. (KHÉCH SÑN SAIGON PRINCE *63 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 028 3822 2999 *Website: www.saigonprincehotel.com)
LIåU PHÉP CH°M SïC S`C KHìE TˇI ¶U T‰a lπc b™n khu v˘c h b¨i xinh Æãp tπi t«ng tr÷t cÒa kh∏ch sπn PARKROYAL Saigon, St. Gregory Spa mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch kh´ng gian y™n t‹nh, khung c∂nh hµi ha gi˜a trÍi vµ n≠Ìc cÔng nh˜ng li÷u ph∏p ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e tËi ≠u. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch cÒa mÈt khu nghÿ d≠Ïng hi÷n Æπi, nÈi th†t cÒa St. Gregory Spa Æ≠Óc t´ Æi”m bÎi nh˜ng gam mµu hµi ha vµ ∏nh s∏ng du m∏t vÌi s∏u phng tr li÷u bao gÂm phng cho hai ng≠Íi vµ phng massage ch©n. Bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng l˘a ch‰n cho m◊nh c∏c ph≠¨ng ph∏p tr li÷u dµnh cho da m∆t, toµn th©n vµ dch vÙ tr‰n g„i cÔng vÌi nh˜ng bµi massage theo y h‰c cÊ truy“n Trung Hoa nÊi ti’ng Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n b·i c∏c k¸ thuÀt vi™n chuy™n nghi÷p. (ST. GREGORY SÄI GíN - PARKROYAL SAIGON *309B - 311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, Q. T©n B◊nh, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3842 1111 *Email: stgregory.prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com)
TH¶ôNG TH`C LŸ HóI PHÉO HOA 2018 TÑI NOVOTEL DANANG PREMIER HAN RIVER Novotel ßµ NΩng Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n lµ n¨i sÎ h˜u v tr› l› t≠Îng nh†t thµnh phË Æ” th≠Îng th¯c L‘ hÈi Ph∏o hoa QuËc t’ ßµ NΩng DIFF 2018. T‰a lπc tπi t«ng 4 vµ t«ng 29, h b¨i Splash Pool, nhµ hµng The Square vµ nhµ hµng Premier Lounge sœ Æ≠Óc t©n trang thµnh nh˜ng Æa Æi”m phÙc vÙ mÔa ph∏o hoa tuy÷t vÍi. B™n cπnh Æ„, phng Oasis Spa, phng h‰p ThÊ S¨n vµ phng Corner Suite sœ lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng mong muËn th≠Îng th¯c mµn tr◊nh di‘n trong kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ cÔng gia Æ◊nh vµ bπn bÃ. C∏c g„i dch vÙ c„ gi∏ chÿ tı 1.000.000 VNß/ng≠Íi. (KHÉCH SÑN NOVOTEL ßÄ NøNG *36 Bπch ߪng, QuÀn H∂i Ch©u, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0941 298 599 *Email: H8287-FB2@accor.com *Website: www.novoteldanang-premier.com/vi/offers/diff-2018-packages/)
Meli∏ Ba vi Mountain retreat a HiddEN MOUNTaiN GEM
Melia Ba V◊ Mountain Retreat lµ khu resort Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi V≠Ín quËc gia Ba V◊, c∏ch Hµ NÈi 55 km. N¨i Æ©y Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ nh≠ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ sang tr‰ng nªm bi÷t lÀp gi˜a thi™n nhi™n Î ÆÈ cao 600 m so vÌi m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n. V◊ th’ c∂ resort quanh n®m m∏t mŒ vµ ´n ha. N’u bπn muËn tr∂i qua mÈt k˙ nghÿ dµi Æ” an d≠Ïng vµ thanh l‰c t©m hÂn th◊ Æ©y ch›nh lµ Æi”m Æ’n phÔ hÓp cho bπn. BÎi Melia Ba V◊ Mountain Retreat Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ "Vi™n ng‰c qu˝ trong bµn tay cÒa th«n NÛi".
Melia Ba Vi Mountain Retreat is a resort located within beautiful Ba Vi National Park, about 55 km from Hanoi. The luxurious retreat nestles in a unique secluded area at an altitude of 600 m above sea level, giving the region a pleasant tropical climate all year round. If you are looking for an ideal getaway destination to relax and restore your overall wellbeing for a day, weekend, or longer, then this is it. Come to the Melia Ba Vi Mountain Retreat and enjoy its reputation as a hidden mountain gem.
ßi”m nÊi bÀt cÒa khu resort cn nªm Î lËi thi’t k’ ha hÓp vÌi thi™n nhi™n. MÁi c®n phng vµ bi÷t th˘ lµ s˘ pha trÈn gi˜a ki’n trÛc Vi÷t x≠a vµ ki’n trÛc thuÈc Æa Ph∏p, nªm l‰t th·m trong kh´ng gian xanh m∏t cÒa rıng nÛi ph›a Bæc. B™n cπnh Æ„, d≠Ìi s˘ qu∂n l˝ ch∆t chœ cÒa tÀp Æoµn kh∏ch sπn quËc t’ Melia Hotels & Resorts, Melia Ba V◊ sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng dch vÙ tËt nh†t, tı h÷ thËng h b¨i n≠Ìc n„ng v´ c˘c ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ’n phong v »m th˘c É ¢u phong phÛ. Ngoµi ra, Æ’n vÌi Melia Ba Vi Mountain Retreat, bπn cn Æ≠Óc tham quan c∏c khu ph’ t›ch tı thÍi th˘c d©n Ph∏p nh≠ "Nhµ ßπi t∏", "Trπi g∏i", "S©n ÆÁ tr˘c th®ng" hay tham gia c∏c hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v ngoµi trÍi nh≠ trekking, Æπp xe vµ chÃo thuy“n kayak.
The resort features a harmonious design that blends in perfectly with nature. The rooms and villas are a fusion of traditional Vietnamese and French colonial architecture that offer stunning views of the Northern Delta. Under careful management of the international hotel group Melia Hotels & Resorts, Melia Ba Vi is sure to bring you outstanding services from the unique heated infinity pool to exquisite Eurasian culinary delights. At the Melia Ba Vi Mountain Retreat, guests are also offered free tour to visit the incredible French ruins in Ba Vi including Colonel's Mansion, Ladies' Camp and Heliport, or take part in fun outdoor activities from trekking, to cycling, to kayaking.
Gi∂m gi∏ 15% trong giai Æoπn mÎ b∏n thˆ tÌi 31/5/2018
15% discount during soft-opening period until May 31, 2018
meLIÉ ba vI moUNTaIN reTreaT * Cote 600m, Ba Vi National Park, Ba Vi District, Hanoi * Tel: 024 3200 9999 * Email: info@meliabavimountain.com
ENJOY THE FIREWORKS FESTIVAL AT NOVOTEL DANANG PREMIER HAN RIVER Novotel Danang Premier Han River has always been the best venue to experience the Danang International Fireworks Festival. Located on the 4th floor and 29th floor, The Splash pool, The Square restaurant and Premier Lounge will be converted into exclusive venues to watch the fireworks. These 3 locations will be open to welcome for public. Additionally, private viewing rooms will be available in our Oasis Spa room, selected meeting rooms & Corner suite room. Packages start from VND 1,000,000/person.
(NOVOTEL DANANG PREMIER HAN RIVER *36 Bach Dang Street, Hai Chau District, Danang *Tel: 0941 298 599 *Email: H8287-FB2@accor.com *Website: www. novotel-danang-premier.com/offers/diff2018-packages/)
or an exclusive touch of elegance, Saigon Prince Hotel offers several unique privileges for guests staying in Club Room or Club Suite Room. Set in a private Club Lounge area at the 9th floor, dedicated staff stand ready for personalized check-in and check-out, serving continental breakfast, afternoon tea, evening drinks and canapes. To make the most of your business or personal requirements, guests will have access to a private business centre with one hour of meeting room everyday. Enhance your stay with these unique privileges on your next visit to Saigon Prince Hotel. As a 4-star hotel locating at Nguyen Hue Boulevard - named the gold path right in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon Prince Hotel delivers the best experience to guests in terms of location, amenities, services and privileges alike.
(SAIGON PRINCE HOTEL *63 Nguyen Hue, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 3822 2999 *Website: www.saigonprincehotel.com)
OPTIMAL WELLNESS THERAPY Located near the beautiful swimming pool on ground floor of PARKROYAL Saigon, St. Gregory Spa offers guests the journeys to optimal wellness through gentle therapies in a soothing ambience of relaxation and rejuvenation. Designed as a modern resort, St. Gregory Spa interior is wrapped with soft colors and pleasant lights that will offer you a comfortable feeling. The spa consists of 6 therapy rooms, including rooms for 2 people and foot massage room. Take your pick from assortment of revitalizing massages and therapeutic treatments following well-known traditional Chinese medicine by professional staffs that will undoubtedly satisfy you. Come to enjoy a treatment at the famous St. Gregory Spa which also well-known in Singapore, China, Malaysia and Vietnam. (ST. GREGORY SAIGON - PARKROYAL SAIGON *309B - 311 Nguyen Van Troi, Tan Binh District, HCMC *Tel: 028 3842 1111 *Email: stgregory. prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com)
Ba ¨i m◊nh Æi Æ©u? ô tuÊi 70, vÌi cuËn s∏ch "Ba ¨i m◊nh Æi Æ©u?", l«n Æ«u ti™n Jean-Louis Fournier vi’t v“ hai cÀu con trai tÀt nguy“n cÒa m◊nh, cÚng lµ Æ” dµnh t∆ng chÛng. Nh˜ng Ưa trŒ mæt nh◊n kh´ng r‚, tai Æi’c, ch©n khoÃo, l≠ng gÔ, x≠¨ng y’u. MÈt Ưa chÿ bi’t nhæc Æi nhæc lπi mÈt c©u h·i: "Ba ¨i, m◊nh Æi Æ©u?". MÈt Ưa suËt ngµy ngh‹ m◊nh lµ mÈt ÆÈng c¨ n™n c¯ k™u "brım, brım"... SËng trong th’ giÌi †y, ng≠Íi cha c«n ph∂i lµm th’ nµo? S¯c mπnh lan t·a cÒa c©u chuy÷n c„ thÀt v´ cÔng c∂m ÆÈng nµy Æ∑ giÛp t∏c gi∂ giµnh gi∂i Fämina 2008 vµ Ưng v˜ng tr™n b∂ng x’p hπng bestseller suËt nhi“u tu«n. S∏ch b∏n tπi nhµ s∏ch Tiki, gi∏ 34.000 VNß.
Tı nay Æ’n 20/5
Tri”n l∑m tranh "Mi“n hπnh phÛc" H‰a s‹ ßÁ ThÛy Hªng lµ mÈt ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ b◊nh th≠Íng, dµnh c∂ cuÈc ÆÍi Æ” ki’m t◊m, theo ÆuÊi Mi“n hπnh phÛc. Mi“n hπnh phÛc mµ ch h≠Ìng tÌi giËng nh≠ ≠Ìc v‰ng b◊nh l∆ng cÒa mÁi c∏ nh©n, muËn Æπt Æ’n c∂nh giÌi cÒa Ch©n, Thi÷n, M¸...
TËi th¯ 3, 5, 7 hµng tu«n
onah lµ ch˜ vi’t ng≠Óc cÒa Hanoi, mang h¨i thÎ nhp nhµng Æ«y say m™ nh≠ng cÚng thu«n khi’t vµ tinh kh´i nh≠ ch›nh Hµ NÈi. Nh˜ng buÊi di‘n dµi 70 phÛt lµ s˘ k’t hÓp tuy÷t vÍi gi˜a c∏c vÎ xi’c, kch, nh∂y mÛa,... cÔng ©m nhπc Æi÷n tˆ vµ ©m nhπc d©n gian, ∏nh s∏ng vµ Æ∆c bi÷t lµ hi÷u ¯ng s©n kh†u 3D hi÷n Æπi. Gi∏ vä: 510.000 - 950.000 VNß
(NHÄ HÉT STAR GALAXY *87 L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3664 6969 *Website: nhahat.stargalaxy.com.vn)
KhÎi chi’u 15/6
The Incredibles Sau thµnh c´ng cÒa ph«n Æ«u ra mæt n®m 2004, ph«n 2 The Incredibles lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng t∏c ph»m Æi÷n ∂nh Æ≠Óc chÍ Æ„n nh†t trong n®m nay. ß©y lµ c©u chuy÷n xoay quanh gia Æ◊nh nh· cÒa Helen Parr - Elastigirl vµ Bob Parr - Mr. Incredible. Helen Parr vÌi kh∂ n®ng uËn dŒo sœ quay trÎ lπi vÌi th´ng Æi÷p: Gi∂i c¯u th’ giÌi kh´ng chÿ lµ vi÷c cÒa c∏nh nam nhi. Bob Parr tıng nÊi ti’ng vÌi s¯c mπnh si™u phµm giÍ Æ©y sœ ph∂i h‰c c∏ch ch®m s„c con c∏i, bao gÂm c∂ vi÷c h‰c th™m c∂ ÆËng k¸ n®ng nÈi trÓ Æ” vÓ Æi xˆ l˝ kŒ x†u. CÙm rπp CGV toµn quËc
H‰a s‹ ßÁ ThÛy Hªng y™u hi÷n th˘c (theo c∂ ngh‹a t›ch c˘c l…n ti™u c˘c). Hi÷n th˘c lu´n d©ng trµn c∂m xÛc trong ch, vµ ch ph∂i tho∏t ra kh·i Æ„ bªng nh˜ng gam mµu mπnh, t≠¨ng ph∂n, bªng bÛt ph∏p kho∏ng Æπt, c„ ph«n khÛc chi’t. (PHíNG TRANH ߧNG PHONG *3 L˝ ßπo Thµnh, Hµ NÈi)
9 h - 19 h, 16/6 - 6/7/2018
Tri”n l∑m ∂nh b∏o ch› th’ giÌi 2018 L«n Æ«u ti™n trong suËt 15 n®m, Tri”n l∑m ∂nh B∏o ch› Th’ giÌi Æ∑ tÌi Vi÷t Nam trong hµnh tr◊nh vng quanh th’ giÌi n®m 2018. S˘ ki÷n nµy do ßπi s¯ qu∏n Hµ Lan tÊ ch¯c nhªm Æ∏nh d†u k˚ ni÷m 45 n®m quan h÷ ngoπi giao Vi÷t Nam - Hµ Lan. Tri”n l∑m sœ tr≠ng bµy nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh Æ≠Óc ch‰n l‰c tı cuÈc thi ∂nh B∏o ch› Th’ giÌi l«n th¯ 61. Nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh Æπt gi∂i trong cuÈc thi Æ∑ Æ≠Óc hÈi ÆÂng gi∏m kh∂o xem xät k¸ l≠Ïng tı h¨n 73.000 b¯c ∂nh do 4.548 nhi’p ∂nh gia tı 125 quËc gia nÈp d˘ thi. Tri”n l∑m sœ tÌi th®m h¨n 90 thµnh phË lÌn tr™n th’ giÌi vµ thu hÛt kho∂ng h¨n 4 tri÷u kh∏ch tham quan. Vµo cˆa t˘ do (ßÑI HñC M≤ THUÜT VIåT NAM *42 Y’t Ki™u, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3942 6972)
Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Ionah Show "Ionah", which is "Hanoi" written in reverse, is a fascinating story told in colors that tells the audience about a Hanoi that is rich in history. The 70-minute show is a perfect combination of choreographed dancing, enchanting music, and eye-popping visual, 3D mapping and lighting effects to depict the journey of a young girl and her star-crossed lover. Ticket price: 510,000 - 950,000 VND (STAR GALAXY THEATER *87 Lang Ha, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3664 6969 *Website: nhahat.stargalaxy. com.vn)
Now until May 20
Exhibition "Happy Zone"
t the age of 70, Jean-Louis Fournier tells the story of his two disabled sons for the first time in "Where We Going, Daddy?" and dedicates the book to them. Both children face extremely debilitating physical and mental challenges with one constantly asking, "Where we going, Daddy?" while the other thinks he is an engine, and keeps saying things like, "Brmm brmm..." Imagine living that kind of life, what should a father do? The immense power of this deeply moving story earned the author the prestigious French Prix Fämina Award in 2008 and has been included on many bestseller lists around the world.
Book sold at Tiki bookstore at 34,000 VND.
9 am - 7 pm, June 16 - July 6
World Press Photo Exhibition 2018 For the first time in 15 years, the World Press Photo Exhibition has arrived in Vietnam on its world wide tour. This event is organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to mark the 45 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the Netherlands. The exhibition will feature selected photographs from the 61st annual World Press Photo contest. The winners were chosen by an independent jury that reviewed more than 73,000 photographs entered by 4,548 photographers from 125 countries. The exhibition will visit over 90 major cities in the world and attract over 4 million visitors. Admission is free. (VIETNAM FINE ARTS UNIVERSITY *42 Yet Kieu, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3942 6972)
Artist Do Thuy Hang is an ordinary woman who spends her whole life searching for her happy zone. The happy zone that she is looking for is essentially every individual's quiet desire to be able to "touch" the essence of the true, the good, and the beautiful. Do Thuy Hang love both the good and the bad sides of reality. It is the joy and the pain of reality that give her the rich emotions she often expresses with her free brush strokes and strong, contrasting colors. (DONG PHONG ART GALLERY *3 Ly Dao Thanh, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi)
Opens June 15
Incredibles 2 After the huge success of The Incredibles in 2004, Incredibles 2 resumes to be one of the most anticipated films of the year. The story centres around a family with super powers where Helen Parr is the Elastigirl and Bob Parr is the Mr. Incredible. Helen Parr returns with a strong message that rescuing the world is no longer a man's job. Bob Parr now has to stay at home to take care of their children, and learn new housework skills, so his wife can go and fight the bad guys. Soon showing at CGV cinemas nationwide
H.E SΩn sµng chµo Æ„n mÔa hÃ, chµng h∑y ch‰n cho m◊nh nh˜ng m„n Æ trŒ trung, ƨn gi∂ vµ ti÷n dÙng. Tuy nhi™n, bÈ trang phÙc cÚng kh´ng käm ph«n bæt mæt Æ” cho chµng v…n thÀt nÊi bÀt trong mÁi t†m ∂nh Æ≠Óc l≠u lπi suËt chuy’n Æi. Pick this youthful and stylish men beach look if you want to stand out and look good while frolicking in the sea and sand in the summer.
1, PRADA Camp-Collar Printed Woven Shirt (www.prada.com) I 2, LOCK & CO HATTERS Provence Grosgrain-Trimmed Hemp Trilby Hat (www.lockhatters.co.uk) I 3, VALENTINO Embroidered Canvas Wallet (www.valentino.com) I 4, SHINOLA The Runwell 36 mm Stainless Steel And Leather Watch (www.shinola.com) I 5, DOLCE & GABBANA Slim-Fit Stretch-Cotton Gabardine Shorts (www.dolcegabbana.com) I 6, PERSOL Combo Evolution Round-Frame Acetate And Gold-Tone Sunglasses (www.persol.com) I 7, ORLEBAR BROWN Sutton Canvas And Leather Espadrilles (www.orlebarbrown.com) TRAVELLIVE
h˜ng th˘c ph»m nh≠ hπt ngÚ cËc Æ≠Óc tinh ch’ tı bÈt y’n mπch h˜u c¨, ngÚ cËc Æa n®ng, hπt quinoa, s˜a h˜u c¨ Æ≠Óc lµm tı c∏c loπi hπt... Æang d«n thay th’ nh˜ng th˘c ph»m nh≠ b∏nh m◊, c¨m gπo hay s˜a b. VÌi nguÂn gËc h˜u c¨, ch¯a nhi“u vitamin vµ n®ng l≠Óng ÆÂng thÍi giÛp thanh l‰c c¨ th”, loπi b· ÆÈc tË, nh˜ng th˘c ph»m nµy h¯a hãn sœ l™n ng´i vµ trÎ thµnh xu h≠Ìng trong phong c∏ch ®n uËng cÒa ng≠Íi hi÷n Æπi. VÌi 20 n®m xu†t hi÷n tr™n th tr≠Íng cÔng h¨n 12.000 s∂n ph»m ch†t l≠Óng ƺng c†p tı khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi, Annam Gourmet Market trÎ thµnh ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh th©n thi’t cÒa cuÈc sËng xanh, sπch cÒa ng≠Íi hi÷n Æπi. H∑y Æ’n vÌi Annam Gourmet Market Æ” cÔng sËng xanh-sπch-lµnh mπnh! (ANNAM GOURMET MARKET *T«ng B2, 11-12 ta nhµ Saigon Centre, 65 L™ LÓi, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *16-18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *41A Th∂o ßi“n, QuÀn 2, TP. HCM *SB2-2 M¸ Kh∏nh 4, Nguy‘n ߯c C∂nh, ph≠Íng T©n Phong, QuÀn 7, TP HCM *SË 51 Æ≠Íng Xu©n Di÷u, ph≠Íng Qu∂ng An, quÀn T©y HÂ, Hµ NÈi)
VUI Há THÅ GA - CH∫NG LO V≈ GIÉ L˜ hµnh Vi÷t Æang ∏p dÙng ≠u Æ∑i lÌn nhi“u tour du lch tr‰n g„i, gÂm: Th∏i Lan tı 4.900.000 VNß, Singapore tı 6.900.000 VNß, ßµi Loan tı 8.900.000 VNß, Hµn QuËc tı 9.900.000 VNß, NhÀt B∂n tı 19.900.000 VNß, Ch©u ¢u tı 35.900.000 VNß. C∏c tour Æ“u c„ chu»n dch vÙ 3 - 4 sao, khÎi hµnh Ænh k˙ hµng tu«n. (L~ HÄNH VIåT *Hµ NÈi: 94 Tr«n V¸ *Tel: 024 3763 3222 - ßµ NΩng: 76 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u - Tel: 0236 6271 919 - TP. HCM: 9 Phan K’ B◊nh, QuÀn 1 *Tel: 028 6295 5333 *Website: www. luhanhviet.com.vn)
Visa du lch M¸ d‘ dµng vÌi NATrust NATrust c„ nhi“u n®m kinh nghi÷m trong l‹nh v˘c Ænh c≠, du h‰c, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ visa du lch Hoa K˙. "Gia Æ◊nh NATrust" mong muËn Æ≠Óc s∏nh b≠Ìc cÔng ng≠Íi Vi÷t Æ’n khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi. Tÿ l÷ h s¨ thµnh c´ng tπi NATrust l™n Æ’n 99%. Visa du lch M¸ Æ≠Óc hoµn thµnh trong thÍi gian ngæn, chi ph› tËt nh†t cho bπn. Chu»n b gi†y tÍ, gi∂i quy’t kh„ kh®n bπn sœ kh´ng c«n bÀn t©m. NATrust sœ ÆÂng hµnh cho Æ’n khi visa M¸ Æ≠Óc bπn c«m tr™n tay. (NATRUST *T«ng 6, Toµ nhµ Perfect, 150Bis L™ Th HÂng G†m, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0932 325 325 *Email: EB5@NATrust.com.vn *Website: www.NATrust.com.vn)
S.H.E Thong th∂, th≠ th∏i Æ´i chÛt, nµng xu†t hi÷n Î cuÈc dπo ch¨i trong trang phÙc ƨn gi∂n, nhã nhµng. Th™m mÈt vµi phÙ ki÷n tπo Æi”m nh†t, nµng lπi sΩn sµng cho mÈt di÷n mπo hoµn h∂o, t˘ tin trong ngµy hÃ. A simple, yet elegant outfit with pieces of statement jewlery for you to shine in and wear to almost any occasion this summer.
1, CULT GAIA Stella rattan and woven raffia tote (www.cultgaia.com) I 2, CHLO– Ruffled printed silk blouse (www.chloe.com) I 3, GUCCI Distressed boyfriend jeans (www.gucci.com) I 4, CHLO– Aviatorstyle gold-tone sunglasses (www.chloe.com) I 5, FRED LEIGHTON Collection silver-plated, 18-karat gold and topaz earrings (www.fredleighton.com) I 6, NEOUS Opus leather mules (www.neous.co.uk)
ood such as refined cereal grains from organic oatmeal, to multi-grain cereals, to quinoa, and organic nut milk are slowly replacing food such as bread, rice, and cow's milk. Organic food which contains all the essential vitamins and provides enough energy to keep you going while helping to purify the body, remove toxins, has become a promising food trend for a healthier lifestyle. With a history of 20 years in the market and more than 12,000 high quality food from all over the world, Annam Gourmet Market has become one of Vietnam's high-end supermarket chains that offers an exclusive shopping experience. Come to Annam Gourmet Market to start building a green and healthy lifestyle! (ANNAM GOURMET MARKET *Floor B2, 11-12 Saigon Centre Building, 65 Le Loi, Dist. 1, HCMC *16-18 Hai Ba Trung, Dist. 1, HCMC *41A Thao Dien, Dist. 2, HCMC *SB2-2 My Khanh 4, Nguyen Duc Canh, Tan Phong, Dist. 7, HCMC *No. 51 Xuan Dieu Street, Quang An, Tay Ho, Hanoi)
Easy USA tourist visa with NATrust NATrust has many years of consulting experience for the fields of settlement,
studying abroad, and especially USA tourist visa application process. NATrust aims to take Vietnamese all over the world with a success visa rate of 99%. The USA
tourist visa application process at NATrust takes much less time, and is guaranteed with a visa at the end of the process with an affordable price. NATrust helps
you prepare all the necessary paperwork, solve all of your problems, and make sure you are granted with an USA toursit visa at the end.
(NATRUST *6th Floor, Perfect Building, 150Bis Le Thi Hong Gam, District 1, HCMC *Tel: 0932 325 325 *Email: EB5@NATrust.com.vn *Website: www.NATrust. com.vn)
Lu Hanh Viet is offering attractive tour packages this summer which include Thailand tours from 4,900,000 VND, Singapore tours from 6,900,000 VND, Taiwan tours from 8,900,000 VND, Korea tours from 9,900,000 VND, Japan tours from 19,900,000 VND, and Europe tours from 35,900,000 VND. Services are guaranteed 3-4 star quality. Departures are weekly. (LU HANH VIET *Hanoi: 94 Tran Vy *Tel: 024 3763 3222 Danang: 76 Bach Dang, Hai Chau District *Tel: 0236 6271 919 - Ho Chi Minh City: 9 Phan Ke Binh, District 1 *Tel: 028 6295 5333 - Representative offices in provinces and cities across the country *Tel: 1800 1109 *Website: www.luhanhviet.com.vn)
G.I.R.L C´ c´ng chÛa bä nh· hºn sœ r†t th›ch thÛ vµ Æi÷u Ƶ trong chi’c v∏y hoa nhã nhµng. Sæc hÂng tr™n trang phÙc cÔng vÌi nh˜ng phÙ ki÷n træng tinh t’ Æi kÃm cn mang lπi cho bä con vŒ ngoµi thanh lch vµ sµnh Æi÷u. Dress your little princess in this beautiful light pink floral dress and accessorize it with white items to make her the star of the party. 1, DAVID CHARLES Pearl & Crystal Bracelet (www.davidcharleschildrenswear.com) I 2, LESY White Rose Hairband (www.lesy. it/en) I 3, DOLCE & GABBANA Baby Girls Silk Chiffon Dress (www.dolcegabbana.com) I 4, ARMANI JUNIOR Girls Ivory Handbag (19 cm) (www.armani.com) I 5, KATZ Girls White Satin Special Occasion Shoes (www. katz-dancewear.co.uk) TRAVELLIVE
2 1
Cho nh˜ng k˙ nghÿ cÔng gia Æ◊nh, Æıng qu™n chu»n b cho thµnh vi™n nh· tuÊi nh†t. Chæc hºn nh˜ng k˙ nghÿ hà ƫu ti™n sœ lu´n lµ nh˜ng k˚ ni÷m thÀt Æ∏ng nhÌ. For a complete family holiday look, remember to dress your little ones as well. Their first vacations will always be the most memorable ones. 1, CHIC BY LARANJINHA Baby Boys Dungaree Outfit (www.childrensalon.com) I 2, BOSS Baby Boys Ivory Logo Cap (www.hugoboss.com) I 3, ALVIERO MARTINI Dark Geo Map Bow Tie (www.alvieromartini. it) I 4, ARMANI BABY Baby Bottle & Dummy Gift Set (www.childrensalon.com/armani) I 5, ARMANI BABY White & Navy Blue Baby Shoes (www.childrensalon. com/armani) I 6, PASITO A PASITO Blue Jittery Teddy Toy (20cm) (www.childrensalon.com)
B.O.Y VÌi mÈt bÈ Æ ƨn gi∂n, n®ng ÆÈng, bä trai sœ thÀt tho∂i m∏i, chπy nh∂y vµ kh∏m ph∏ trong suËt buÊi dπo ch¨i. Khi qu∏ m∂i ch¨i, k›nh mæt vµ mÚ sœ giÛp bä tr∏nh bÌt Æi ∏nh næng ch„i chang cÒa mÔa hÃ. An easy, casual look with style for your boy to wear this summer that allows him to be as active as he can be, and be protected from the sun.
1, GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI Black All Over Logo Cap (www.childrensalon.com) I 2, FENDI Black Text Backpack (32 cm) (www. fendi.com)) I 3, MOSCHINO KID-TEEN Boys Cotton Shorts Set (www.moschino.com) I 4, BALENCIAGA White Speed Trainers (www.balenciaga.com) I 5, STELLA MCCARTNEY KIDS Black SUNNIES Sunglasses (www.stellamccartney.com) TRAVELLIVE
¶u Æ∑i cÒa Oakwood cho c®n hÈ dch vÙ Oakwood Residence Saigon Æang c„ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh gi∂m gi∏ 10% cho nh˜ng kh∏ch Æ∆t chÁ tr≠Ìc ngµy 30/6, vÌi thÍi gian l≠u trÛ tËi thi”u mÈt th∏ng.
suzu Vi÷t Nam vıa cho ra mæt th tr≠Íng s∂n ph»m xe t∂i Isuzu mÌi. ß©y Æ≠Óc coi lµ b≠Ìc ti’n khi h∑ng xe t∂i Æ’n tı NhÀt B∂n, lµ mÈt trong c∏c ƨn v Æ«u ti™n ch›nh th¯c ra mæt dng xe t∂i Æπt ti™u chu»n kh› th∂i Euro 4 theo quy Ænh cÒa Ch›nh phÒ Vi÷t Nam. Th’ h÷ xe t∂i Isuzu vÌi ÆÈng c¨ mÌi cn Æ≠Óc trang b th™m tÔy ch‰n bÈ thi’t b an toµn bao gÂm: Mobileye - h÷ thËng tr∏nh va chπm vµ camera lÔi, sˆ dÙng c´ng ngh÷ c∂m bi’n th´ng minh th’ h÷ mÌi nh†t. Khi c„ mËi nguy sæp x∂y ra, c∏c t›n hi÷u b∏o ÆÈng bªng h◊nh ∂nh vµ ©m thanh sœ c∂nh b∏o tµi x’ giÛp kp thÍi xˆ l˝, gi∂m nguy c¨ tai nπn khi xe l≠u th´ng tr™n Æ≠Íng. VÌi nh˜ng c∂i ti’n mÌi, gi∏ ni™m y’t cÒa c∏c dng xe t∂i mÌi chÿ t®ng 5-12% so vÌi xe Euro 2. (C§NG TY TNHH § T§ ISUZU VIåT NAM *695 Quang Trung, P.8, Q. G V†p, TP.HCM *Tel: 028 3895 9203 *Website: www.isuzu-vietnam.com)
TRÅI NGHIåM DëCH V| ß∫NG CƒP TH⁄ GIõI CûA AIR NEW ZEALAND Theo k’ hoπch, tı ngµy 23/6 - 23/10, h∑ng hµng kh´ng Air New Zealand sœ khai th∏c hai chuy’n bay thºng hµng tu«n gi˜a Auckland vµ TP. HCM vµo th¯ ba vµ th¯ b∂y bªng loπi m∏y bay Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. Ngoµi thÍi gian bay thºng, hµnh kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam c„ th” sˆ dÙng dch vÙ nËi chuy’n cÒa Air New Zealand qu∏ c∂nh tπi Singapore. Trong cuÈc b◊nh ch‰n Gi∂i th≠Îng Hµng kh´ng n®m 2018 cÒa ÆÈc gi∂ TripAdvisor (TripAdvisor Traveller's Choice Awards), Air New Zealand Æ≠Óc x’p hπng th¯ hai tr™n phπm vi toµn c«u vµ lµ H∑ng hµng kh´ng tËt nh†t khu v˘c Nam Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng. Hπng gh’ PhÊ th´ng Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa h∑ng ti’p tÙc Æ≠Óc b◊nh ch‰n lµ Hπng gh’ PhÊ th´ng Æ∆c bi÷t tËt nh†t th’ giÌi. (AIR NEW ZEALAND - DISCOVER THE WORLD VIETNAM *Tel: 028 6291 2277 *Email: airnz@discovertheworldvietnam.com *Website: www.airnewzealand.com.vn)
Oakwood Residence Saigon, c®n hÈ dch vÙ Æ«u ti™n Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ bÎi Mapletree Vi÷t Nam, Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c Æ≠Óc vÀn hµnh tı th∏ng 4 n®m nay. Nªm ngay trung t©m khu d©n c≠ thnh v≠Óng vÌi cÈng ÆÂng ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi Æ´ng ÆÛc, Oakwood Residence Saigon c„ v tr› Ææc Æa g«n tr≠Íng quËc t’, b÷nh vi÷n, nhµ hµng, khu th≠¨ng mπi trung t©m... VÌi 237 phng, tı c®n hÈ studio Æ’n c®n hÈ ba phng ngÒ, Æ≠Óc trang b Æ«y ÆÒ nÈi th†t, Oakwood Residence Saigon phÔ hÓp vÌi mÙc Æ›ch l≠u trÛ ngæn hπn vµ dµi hπn, Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho nh„m kh∏ch ho∆c gia Æ◊nh. (OAKWOOD RESIDENCE SAIGON *1056A Nguy‘n V®n Linh, T©n Phong, QuÀn 7, TP. HCM *Email: reservations.residence-saigon@ oakwood.com)
Gamuda City nhÀn gi∂i th≠Îng FIABCI World Prix d'Excellent Award D˘ ∏n Gamuda City cÒa chÒ Æ«u t≠ Gamuda Land Æ∑ dµnh chi’n thæng tπi hπng mÙc B∂o tÂn & C∂i tπo Thi™n nhi™n trong khu´n khÊ l‘ trao gi∂i FIABCI World Prix d' Excellence 2018. Gi∂i th≠Îng vinh danh nh˜ng d˘ ∏n b†t ÆÈng s∂n hµng Æ«u tr™n th’ giÌi trong m‰i l‹nh v˘c. Gi∏m ÆËc Æi“u hµnh Gamuda, ´ng Ngan Chee Meng chia sŒ: "ChÛng t´i r†t vinh d˘ khi d˘ ∏n Gamuda City nhÀn gi∂i th≠Îng nµy. ß©y lµ minh ch¯ng cho nh˜ng nÁ l˘c cÒa chÛng t´i khi tu©n thÒ c∏c gi∏ tr Æ∑ lµm n™n thµnh c´ng cÒa Gamuda Land tπi th tr≠Íng Malaysia vµ th’ giÌi. Khi b∂o tÂn nh˜ng nät Æãp thi™n nhi™n thu«n khi’t, chÛng t´i tπo d˘ng mÈt qu«n th” trÔ phÛ vµ ph∏t tri”n cho cÈng ÆÂng". (GAMUDA CITY *Hotline: 0902 178 088 *Website: www.gamudacity. com.vn)
regent residences Phu Quoc Ngay khi th´ng tin chÒ Æ«u t≠ BIM Group rÙc rch mÎ b∏n giai Æoπn 2 nh˜ng c®n bi÷t th˘ si™u sang 6 sao Regent Residences Phu Quoc, giÌi Æ«u t≠ Æ∑ vÈi vµng Æ∆t chÁ bÎi e ngπi t◊nh trπng ch∏y hµng tıng x∂y ra khi BIM Group mÎ b∏n giai Æoπn 1. Regent Residences Phu Quoc lµ hÓp ph«n th¯ 3 cÒa d˘ ∏n khu ph¯c hÓp du lch Phu Quoc Marina. Phu Quoc Marina c„ tÊng di÷n t›ch 155 ha tr∂i dµi tr™n 1 km bÍ bi”n B∑i Tr≠Íng (Long Beach), nÊi ti’ng lµ n¨i ngæm c∂nh hoµng h´n tuy÷t vÍi Î Æ∂o Ng‰c. Hai hÓp ph«n tr≠Ìc lµ c®n hÈ vµ bi÷t th˘ nghÿ d≠Ïng InterContinenal Phu Quoc Long Beach Residences vµ Phu Quoc Waterfront vÌi c∏c c®n nhµ phË phÔ hÓp kinh doanh th≠¨ng mπi Æ“u trong t◊nh trπng "ch∏y hµng". Regent Residences Phu Quoc sÎ h˜u t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng bi”n hoµn h∂o, d˘ ∏n nªm s∏t bÍ bi”n bao gÂm 76 c®n bi÷t th˘ bi”n vµ c∏c c®n sky villas, phng kh∏ch sπn hπng sang cÔng nhi“u ti÷n ›ch ƺng c†p nh≠: Rooftop bar, Sky bar, Gym, nhµ hµng Æπt chu»n Michelin Star, Beach club, Spa...
SÎ h˜u v tr› Ææc Æa, Æi cÔng vÌi uy t›n cÒa chÒ Æ«u t≠ BIM Group vµ s˘ hi÷n di÷n cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u qu∂n l˝ vÀn hµnh 5 sao vËn nÊi ti’ng tinh t’ trong giÌi nghÿ d≠Ïng xa hoa th’ giÌi, Regent Residences Phu Quoc nhanh ch„ng thu hÛt t«m mæt cÒa giÌi Æ«u t≠ sµnh s·i tı khi d˘ ∏n ch≠a mÎ b∏n. V◊ vÀy, chÿ sau 1 th∏ng mÎ b∏n giai Æoπn 1, 90% c∏c c®n bi÷t th˘ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Æ∆t c‰c vµ k˝ hÓp ÆÂng. §ng Nguy‘n Thµnh DÚng, mÈt nhµ Æ«u t≠ Î Hµ NÈi cho rªng, b†t ÆÈng s∂n nghÿ d≠Ïng v…n lµ k™nh Æ«u t≠ h†p d…n vµ PhÛ QuËc lµ Æi”m Æ’n tri”n v‰ng nh†t tr™n cung Æ≠Íng du lch Î Vi÷t Nam. Hi÷n Î PhÛ QuËc kh´ng c„ nhi“u d˘ ∏n sÎ h˜u nhi“u ≠u th’ nh≠ Regent Residences Phu Quoc c∂ v“ v tr›, th≠¨ng hi÷u qu∂n l˝, thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o. ß∆c bi÷t, ch›nh s∏ch b∏n hµng cÔng vÌi c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cho thu™ linh hoπt lµ mÈt y’u tË quan tr‰ng giÛp nhµ Æ«u t≠ c„ s˘ Æ∏nh gi∏ ch›nh x∏c v“ hi÷u qu∂ Æ«u t≠ bi÷t th˘ Regent Residences Phu Quoc.
regeNT reSIdeNCeS PHU QUoC * Hotline: 0937 971 971 - 0989 999 901 TRAVELLIVE
Special promotion for Oakwood's serviced apartments The Oakwood Residence Saigon is offering a 10% discount for bookings made before 30 June 2018 with a minimum stay of one month.
ir New Zealand will operate two direct flights a week between Auckland and Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesdays and Saturdays, using its Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. Vietnamese passengers can also travel on non-direct flights with Air New Zealand and transit in Singapore. Air New Zealand has once again been ranked second among the world's best airlines, and awarded the Best Airline title in the South Pacific at the 2018 TripAdvisor Traveller's Choice Awards. The airline's Premium Economy Class is once again voted the Best Premium Economy Class in the world. (AIR NEW ZEALAND - DISCOVER THE WORLD VIETNAM *Tel: 028 6291 2277 *Email: airnz@discovertheworldvietnam.com *Website: www.airnewzealand.com.vn)
New Isuzu Forward & QKR trucks Isuzu Vietnam has recently launched two new Isuzu truck lines. The Japanese truck company is making a step forward as one of the first companies to launch the Euro 4 emission standard truck line. The new generation
Isuzu trucks are equipped with an optional safety kit which includes Mobileye - a smart advanced driver assistance system providing warnings for collision prevention and mitigation. When the system senses dangers, visual and auditory alarms will alert the driver so that they can handle the situations and reduce the
risk of traffic accidents. With improved features, prices for the new trucks have increased 5-12% compared to the Euro 2. (ISUZU VIETNAM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY LIMITED *695 Quang Trung, Ward 8, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 3895 9203 *Website: www.isuzuvietnam.com)
Oakwood Residence Saigon, the first serviced apartment invested by Mapletree Vietnam, was launched in April. Located right in the center of an expat community, Oakwood Residence Saigon is ideally surrounded by numerous international schools, hospitals, restaurants, and shopping centers. With 237 fully furnished rooms from studio apartments to three-bedroom apartments, the Oakwood Residence Saigon is a fantastic accommodation choice for both short and long term stays, especially for groups or families. (OAKWOOD RESIDENCE SAIGON *1056A Nguyen Van Linh, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City *Email: reservations. residence-saigon@oakwood.com)
Gamuda City received FIABCI World Prix d'Excellence Award Gamuda City - Gamuda Land's urban development in Hanoi clinched the World Gold Award for Environmental at the FIABCI World Prix d'Excellent Award 2018. "We are truly honoured to receive this renowned award for Gamuda City. To receive this award is a big testament to our town making principles. When we work closely with nature to restore and rejuvenate the land, we create a better place for the community to call home", said Ngan Chee Meng, CEO of Gamuda Land. (GAMUDA CITY *Hotline: 0902 178 088 *Website: www. gamudacity.com.vn)
InterContinental Phu Quoc long Beach resort PH@ QUˇC
InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort t‰a lπc tπi B∑i Tr≠Íng - PhÛ QuËc, b∑i bi”n hoang s¨ nÊi ti’ng Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ n¨i ngæm hoµng h´n Æãp nh†t c∂ n≠Ìc. D˘ ∏n thuÈc Phu Quoc Marina, qu«n th” nghÿ d≠Ïng sang tr‰ng cÔng tÊ hÓp vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› thÍi th≠Óng hµng Æ«u tπi PhÛ QuËc. N’u nh≠ Æa sË c∏c d˘ ∏n khi giÌi thi÷u ra th tr≠Íng hi÷n nay Æ“u chÿ mÌi bæt Æ«u tri”n khai ph«n m„ng; quy m´, ch†t l≠Óng chÿ c„ th” h◊nh dung qua h◊nh ∂nh thi’t k’ vµ nhµ m…u th◊ InterContinental Phu Quoc lπi "ghi Æi”m" tuy÷t ÆËi bÎi vi÷c hoµn thi÷n x©y d˘ng tr≠Ìc khi ra mæt. ß©y cÚng lµ l«n Æ«u ti™n, c∏c kh∏ch hµng c„ c¨ hÈi chi™m ng≠Ïng tÀn mæt s∂n ph»m vµ tr∂i nghi÷m tπi ch›nh c®n nhµ th¯ 2 cÒa m◊nh tr≠Ìc khi ch‰n mua. Kh´ng chÿ h†p d…n bÎi nh˜ng Æi”m kh∏c bi÷t "Æ«u ti™n", InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort cn Æ≠Óc qu∂n l˝ vÀn hµnh bÎi tÀp Æoµn InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), mang th≠¨ng hi÷u InterContinental Hotels & Resorts - th≠¨ng hi÷u kh∏ch sπn quËc t’ hπng sang Æ«u ti™n tr™n th’ giÌi. MÁi c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc cam k’t ch†t l≠Óng hoµn h∂o theo h÷ thËng ti™u chu»n khæt khe do IHG qu∂n l˝ vµ quy Ænh tr™n toµn th’ giÌi, mang lπi tr∂i nghi÷m v“ kh´ng gian sËng cÚng nh≠ k˙ nghÿ th≠Óng l≠u Æ›ch th˘c. Toµn bÈ nÈi th†t cÒa c®n hÈ vµ villa InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort Æ“u mang h¨i thÎ sang tr‰ng vµ hi÷n Æπi. B™n cπnh nÈi th†t ti÷n nghi, d˘ ∏n cn bao gÂm h÷ thËng ti÷n ›ch tuy÷t vÍi kh∏c nh≠ dch vÙ spa ƺng c†p, sky bar sang tr‰ng tπi t«ng 19 cao nh†t PhÛ QuËc, h÷ thËng c∏c nhµ hµng vÌi Æa dπng c∏c phong c∏ch »m th˘c th’ giÌi; b” b¨i v´ c˘c c„ t«m nh◊n kho∏ng Æπt ra Æπi d≠¨ng, phng gym vÌi trang thi’t b hi÷n Æπi nh†t... InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort lµ d˘ ∏n Æ«u ti™n tr™n th’ giÌi cho phäp kh∏ch hµng c∏ nh©n sÎ h˜u c®n hÈ nghÿ d≠Ïng mang th≠¨ng hi÷u InterContinental.
SONATA PREMIER KH§NG GIAN NGHé D¶öNG 5 SAO TÑI NHÄ Gi˜a c∏i n„ng b¯c, oi ∂ cÒa mÔa hà Hµ NÈi, b†t c¯ ai cÚng m¨ v“ mÈt ng´i nhµ vÌi nh˜ng m∂ng xanh Æ«y s¯c sËng vµ kh´ng gian th≠ gi∑n Æ” x„a Æi bao cºng thºng cÒa c´ng vi÷c hµng ngµy. Sonata Premier Æ≠Óc ki’n tπo cÚng v◊ Æi“u Æ„. H∑y nhanh tay Æ®ng k˝ tham quan c®n hÈ m…u vµ c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh b∏n hµng Æ” nhÀn nhi“u quµ t∆ng h†p d…n Th´ng tin li™n h÷: Hotline:1800 400 088 - Website: www.seasonsavenue.com.vn Fanpage: www.facebook.com/SeasonsAvenueCLHT
Nh˜ng b≠Ìc chπy kh·e khoæn tr™n h÷ thËng thang tÀp th” thao ngoµi trÍi; phÛt gi©y th≠ gi∑n ngæm nh◊n thµnh phË hi÷n Æπi trong lµn n≠Ìc cÒa b” b¨i v´ c˘c trµn bÍ; Ææm m◊nh gi˜a kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng cÒa b” b¨i bËn mÔa. Vµ chºng c„ l˝ do g◊ Æ” tı chËi nh˜ng giÍ phÛt th≠ gi∑n tπi khu x´ng h¨i Æ∏ n„ng. Bπn sœ cfln h¯ng khÎi h¨n trong nh˜ng trÀn b„ng rÊ hay kho∂ng khæc t‹nh l∆ng trong khu v≠Ín thi“n... ô Æ©y, mÁi tr∂i nghi÷m Æ“u Æem lπi nh˜ng phÛt gi©y hπnh phÛc tı t©m hÂn vµ th” ch†t, t∏i tπo nguÂn n®ng l≠Óng c®ng trµn cho c≠ d©n mÁi ngµy. B≠Ìc qua c∏nh cÊng r◊ rµo hoa c· cÒa Seasons Avenue, nh˜ng Ân µo kh„i bÙi, c∏i næng gæt cÒa mÔa hà Hµ NÈi bÁng tan bi’n h’t. Chÿ cfln ti’ng n≠Ìc ch∂y r„c r∏ch, ti’ng chim h„t, ti’ng gi„ thÊi r◊ rµo qua nh˜ng kœ l∏. MÈt cuÈc sËng trong veo, c®ng trµn nh˘a sËng Æang n∂y nÎ tıng ngµy. TH§NG TIN TH£M Dflng c®n hÈ "nghÿ d≠Ïng 5 sao tπi nhµ" Sonata Premier (S4) thuÈc d˘ ∏n Seasons Avenue lµ ki÷t t∏c Æ«y t©m huy’t do nhµ Æ«u t≠ CapitaLand - Hoµng Thµnh ph∏t tri”n.
CapitaLand, mÈt trong nh˜ng tÀp Æoµn b†t ÆÈng s∂n lÌn nh†t Ch©u É, hi÷n Æ∑ c„ m∆t tπi b∂y tÿnh, thµnh lÌn cÒa c∂ n≠Ìc, gÂm TP.HCM, Hµ NÈi, H∂i Phflng, Hπ Long, ßµ NΩng, B◊nh D≠¨ng vµ Nha Trang, Æ«u t≠ trong l‹nh v˘c c®n hÈ nhµ Î nh≠ d'Edge Thao Dien, D1MENSION, Vista Verde, The Vista, Mulberry Lane... vµ c®n hÈ dfich vÙ nh≠ Ascott, Citadines, Somerset...
≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ tfla th∏p Æãp nh†t hÈi tÙ nh˜ng tinh hoa cÒa d˘ ∏n, dflng c®n hÈ "Nghÿ d≠Ïng 5 sao tπi nhµ" Sonata Premier (S4) thuÈc d˘ ∏n Seasons Avenue (Khu Æ´ thfi MÁ Lao, Hµ ß´ng) h¯a hãn Æem Æ’n lµn gi„ t≠¨i m∏t cho mÔa hà nµy. 60 ti÷n ›ch ÆÈc Æ∏o Æan xen gi˜a c∏c kho∂ng kh´ng gian xanh theo m´ h◊nh nghÿ d≠Ïng lµ n¨i Æ” bπn tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng k˙ nghÿ Æ›ch th˘c ngay tπi chËn an c≠ cÒa m◊nh. Th∂ hÂn theo "B∂n hfla t†u Sonata", bπn c„ th” t∂n bÈ tr™n Æ≠Íng dπo MÔa Thu rÓp b„ng c©y xanh, th≠ gi∑n b™n dflng suËi MÔa Hπ uËn l≠Ón khæp c∏c lËi Æi, læng nghe ti’ng chim h„t trong khu v≠Ín MÔa Xu©n hay trfl truy÷n †m cÛng tπi v≠Ín MÔa ß´ng. TRAVELLIVE
he Sonata Premier (S4), the project's most premium tower of the Seasons Avenue project in Mo Lao Urban Area, and is expected to bring a new breath of fresh air with premium living to Hanoi's city dwellers this summer. With 60 different unique facilities set among lush greenery with services on par with the 5-star standard, the S4 offers a luxurious retreat for residents right in the heart ofthriving urbanization. Within the "Sonata", you can take a leisurely stroll along the beautiful tree-lined Autumn Walk, relax by the mellow Spring Stream, listen to the birds singing in the Spring Garden, or enjoy a cozy chat in the Winter Garden. Residents of S4 are offered convenient access to a whole range of attractive features at Seasons Avenue, including a modern outdoor fitness gym, stunning views of the city from the infinity pool, and a luxurious all-season swimming pool. You can also enjoy relaxing moments in the hot stone sauna, play basketball, or find a quiet moment in the meditation garden. Here, every experience promises to bring you the deepest level of satisfaction, help restore your energy, and ensure you have access to the highest living standard. Entering the gate of the Seasons Avenue, all the unbearable noise and heat of Hanoi summer seems to fade away, save for the murmuring sounds of water, birds singing, and leaves rustling. A truly heavenly living oasis awaits you. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Sonata Premier (S4) is the most premium tower of the Seasons Avenue project by CapitaLand Vietnam and Hoang Thanh JSC. CapitaLand, one of Asia's largest real estate companies which is now present in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ha Long, Danang, Binh Duong, and Nha Trang providing accommodations in the residential such as d'Edge Thao Dien, D1MENSION, Vista Verde, The Vista, Mulberry Lane... and serviced residences sectors such as: Ascott, Citadines, Somerset...
LUXURIOUS 5-STAR RESIDENCES To escape from the scorching heat of the Hanoi summer, vast open green spaces seem like a dream come true for those who yearn for a place to retreat and leave behind their daily stress. The Sonata Premier is designed to cater to that exact need. Quickly register to visit the show-unit and find out more about the sales programs to receive exclusive gifts. Contact info: Hotline: 1800 400 088 - Website: www.seasonsavenue.com.vn - Fanpage: www.facebook.com/SeasonsAvenueCLHT
Under The G listening Sun D¶õI ÉNH MÖT TRòI
CREATIVE PRODUCER: Kincoi MODEL: Ng‰c Ch©u, Tu÷ Khanh - PHOTOGRAPHER: Duy Nam PHOTOS RETOUCH: TuArt - LIGHTING: Hoµng Oanh STYLIST: Ng‰c Dao - MUA: Ng‰c Mi - ACCESSORIES: Goom FASHION: Rue des chats, Ly Vu Couture, Tochie, Keybee, Cloud 9 LOCATION: Sol Beach House PhÛ QuËc
iÍ lµ lÛc chÛng ta dµnh cho nhau nh˜ng phÛt gi©y s´i ÆÈng hay kho∂nh khæc ™m Æ“m cÒa mÔa hà r˘c rÏ. Bπn h∑y ch‰n nh˜ng bÈ trang phÙc ph„ng kho∏ng, tho∂i m∏i nh†t vµ tÌi nh˜ng n¨i tuy÷t Æãp nh≠ Sol Beach House PhÛ QuËc - ng´i nhµ nh≠ nËt nhπc tr™n bi”n dµnh cho nh˜ng ai muËn c„ nh˜ng giÍ phÛt th≠ th∏i, y™n t‹nh Æ” tÀn h≠Îng tr‰n vãn cuÈc sËng. Nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh cÒa bÈ s≠u tÀp thÍi trang th∏ng N®m cÒa Travellive Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n tπi Sol Beach House PhÛ QuËc cÚng ch›nh lµ tr∂i nghi÷m ng‰t ngµo sœ Æi vµo k˝ ¯c cÒa mÁi thµnh vi™n trong gia Æ◊nh.
YOU MAY THINK that you are giving your kids the perfect summer holiday, and that, if not for them, you might not have this wonderful opportunity to relax. This holiday, bring the most stylish and comfortable outfits to wear at the beautiful Sol Beach House Phu Quoc - a beachfront home perfect for those who want to enjoy memorable moments with their family by the sea. These fashion photos were taken for Travellive's May collection at Sol Beach House Phu Quoc, where sweet and unforgettable memories will linger in your mind.
SOL BEACH HOUSE PHU QUOC Zone 1, Bai Truong Complex,Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam www.melia.com
L“u tr∏nh næng d≠Ìi b„ng c©y nhi÷t ÆÌi lµ n¨i tuy÷t vÍi Æ” th≠ gi∑n, nh†m nh∏p ly n≠Ìc m∏t vµ h≠Îng thÙ ∏nh næng sÌm mai. Sitting under sunshade umbrellas is a cool way to relax, sip a cold drink, and enjoy the morning sunshine with your kids.
ßi”m nh†n trong thi’t k’ cÒa Sol Beach House PhÛ QuËc lµ nh˜ng h n≠Ìc nh· Æi”m xuy’t khi’n c∂nh quan mang vŒ Æãp xanh m∏t, trong trŒo. A highlight in the design of Sol Beach House Phu Quoc is the small ponds that are placed around, creating truly picturesque sceneries. TRAVELLIVE
Kh´ng gian v≠Ín xanh m∏t vÌi lËi Æi l∏t Æ∏ th›ch hÓp cho bä th·a s¯c vui ÆÔa. Beautiful tropical gardens with cobblestone paths are amazing features of the Sol Beach House Phu Quoc that offer even more space for the children to run around.
H b¨i tπi Æ©y phÔ hÓp cho m‰i thµnh vi™n trong gia Æ◊nh vÌi thi’t k’ uËn l≠Ón m“m mπi vµ m˘c n≠Ìc c„ nhi“u c†p ÆÈ kh∏c nhau. Sol Beach House Phu Quoc's swimming pool is beautifully curved and covers a large area. The swimming pool has different water levels to meet the needs of ever family member.
SOL BEACH HOUSE PHU QUOC Zone 1, Bai Truong Complex,Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam www.melia.com
*Anh ch‰n mÈt m◊nh mÈt chi’u... Ng≠Íi Æi ti™n phong c„ c∂m th†y c´ ÆÈc?
Si™u m…u V‚ Hoµng Y’n - Vedette cÒa show di‘n
- Kh´ng tham gia tu«n l‘ thÍi trang, th≠¨ng hi÷u ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng kh´ng bfi t∏c ÆÈng, chi phËi bÎi b†t k˙ tÊ ch¯c nµo. T´i c„ nh˜ng s∂n ph»m hoµn chÿnh mang t™n m◊nh tı BST, sµn di‘n cho Æ’n nh˜ng hi÷u ¯ng lan t·a. Kh´ng nÛp b„ng, hay ph∂i c«u cπnh vµo th≠¨ng hi÷u, s©n kh†u ho∆c c∏i m∏c nµo Æ” Æ≠Óc chÛ ˝. T´i g‰i Æ„ lµ con Æ≠Íng mÈt m◊nh mÈt ng˘a Æ” ti™n phong. T´i hπnh phÛc tr™n s˘ c´ ÆÈc †y bÎi trong 10 n®m
qua, ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng Æ∑ tπo ra bao nhi™u trµo l≠u, bao nhi™u xu h≠Ìng tı ch›nh nh˜ng b≠Ìc Æi Æ«y dÚng c∂m Æ„. H∑y g‰i Æ©y lµ gi∏ trfi Æ≠Óc tπo n™n tı s˘ c´ ÆÈc. *Nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u th›ch vµ l˘a ch‰n trang phÙc tı ßMC h‰ muËn Æ≠a ra tuy™n ng´n g◊ v“ b∂n th©n? Nh˜ng th´ng Æi÷p †y c„ thay ÆÊi theo thÍi gian? -Kh∏ch hµng cÒa t´i cÚng ch›nh lµ mÈt ph«n c∏ t›nh cÒa t´i. Ch›nh h‰ Æ∑ lµ mÈt tuy™n ng´n v“ c∏i Æãp, nh≠ chfi Di‘m My, Ng´ Thanh V©n, Hµ Ki“u Anh, Linh Nga, Gi∏ng My, Hµ T®ng... H‰ ch≠a bao giÍ t˘ l™n ti’ng Æ” khºng Æfinh gi∏ trfi vµ vŒ Æãp. ThÍi trang cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng cÚng nh≠ th’, kh´ng Ân µo, ph´ tr≠¨ng nh≠ng c„ nh˜ng gi∏ trfi ng«m Æ≠Óc khºng Æfinh theo n®m th∏ng, Æ≠Óc tπo n™n tı c∏ch lµm vi÷c nghi™m tÛc, tˆ t’ vµ Æ«y hi”u bi’t bÎi mÈt th≠¨ng hi÷u muËn tÂn tπi vµ tπo d†u †n lu´n c«n s˘ Ên Æfinh. *Tr◊nh di‘n bÈ s≠u tÀp tπi c∏c resort lµ mÈt xu h≠Ìng, lµ ˝ ÆÂ, hay mÈt s˘ li™n danh th≠¨ng hi÷u? - T´i kh´ng g‰i Æ„ lµ xu h≠Ìng mµ lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n. V◊ n’u lµ xu h≠Ìng, bπn ph∂i chÿ ra Æ≠Óc c∏ch lµm Æ„ Æang t∏c ÆÈng Æ’n nhi“u ng≠Íi, nhi“u
nhµ mËt trong mÈt phπm vi nh†t Æfinh. Trong khi Æ„, tπi Vi÷t Nam, t›nh Æ’n hi÷n tπi t´i v…n lµ ng≠Íi ti™n phong, ch≠a ai c„ th” lµm Æ≠Óc mÈt show di‘n chÿn chu nh≠ th’. ThÍi trang lµ kh∏i ni÷m thuÈc v“ c∏i Æãp. Nh≠ng mÈt khi c∏i Æãp Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tr™n n“n t∂ng cÒa s˘ trao ÆÊi v“ lÓi ›ch th◊ c„ lœ cÚng bÌt Æãp ph«n nµo. Trong nh˜ng show di‘n vıa qua cÒa t´i, c„ th” th†y r‚ chºng mÈt th≠¨ng hi÷u hay c∏ nh©n nµo c„ s¯c chi phËi, ∂nh h≠Îng tr˘c ti’p. ß„ lµ Æi“u mµ t´i ngh‹ ›t ai bi’t t˘ chÒ Æ” b∂o v÷ Ưa con tinh th«n cÒa m◊nh. Cfln ri™ng vi÷c Æ∆t BST tr◊nh di‘n tπi Laguna L®ng C´ l«n nµy, t´i cho rªng Æ„ lµ c¨ duy™n vµ s˘ phÔ hÓp. *N’u lµ ˝ ÆÂ, anh c„ nh˜ng "looks" nµo l†y c∂m h¯ng tı khu nghÿ vµ m∂nh Ɔt L®ng C´? -T´i Æ’n vÌi Laguna L®ng C´, t◊m v“ nh˜ng gi∏ trfi v®n h„a lfich sˆ nguy™n b∂n cÒa m∂nh Ɔt mi“n Trung n™n chæc chæn sœ c„ nh˜ng c∂m h¯ng nh†t Æfinh tı nh˜ng Æi“u nµy. T´i kh´ng th” bÀt m› qu∏ nhi“u tr≠Ìc show di‘n nh≠ng chæc chæn Æ„ lµ sœ lµ s˘ hfla quy÷n mÈt c∏ch tinh t’, kh´ng c≠Ïng c«u hay g≠Óng äp gi˜a nh˜ng gi∏ trfi truy“n thËng vµ vŒ Æãp cÒa thÍi trang hi÷n Æπi.
T´i Æ∑ Ænh h≠Ìng r†t r‚ h◊nh ∂nh ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ mµ m◊nh h≠Ìng Æ’n: Xinh Æãp, tµi n®ng, th´ng minh, sæc s∂o... Vµ mÈt trong nh˜ng gi∏ tr tπo n™n h‰ ch›nh lµ thÍi trang.
Th˘c s˘ th®ng hoa v◊ Æ≠Óc ch‰n h≠Ìng Æi cho ri™ng m◊nh
Bµi: ßµm VÚ
C¢U CHUYåN HÜU TR¶òNG ßØNG SAU SHOW DIŸN THòI TRANG HOT NHƒT Há 2018 "MÈt khi c∏i Æãp Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tr™n n“n t∂ng cÒa s˘ trao ÆÊi v“ lÓi ›ch th◊ c„ lœ cÚng bÌt Æãp ph«n nµo." CuÈc ÆÍi cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng vËn d‹ Æ∑ lµ mÈt "b› mÀt lÌn" vµ anh chºng dπi mang ra Æ” ÆÊi trao. Nh≠ng cuÈc trao ÆÊi nµy lπi mang mÈt ˝ ngh‹a kh∏c: ÆËi thoπi v“ c∏i Æãp.
S©n Laguna Golf L®ng C´ n¨i di‘n ra show thÍi trang Xu©n Hà cÒa NTK ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng
*Bi”n hay nÛi? C∏c NTK Æ´i khi l†y c∂m h¯ng tı nh˜ng vÔng Ɔt hay nh˜ng chuy’n Æi, vÌi anh th◊ sao? -Nh˜ng tuy÷t t∏c k˙ v‹ cÒa thi™n nhi™n th◊ kh´ng n™n c„ s˘ l˘a ch‰n nµo c∂ v◊ chÛng Æ“u Æ∏ng Æ” chi™m ng≠Ïng, lµ nh˜ng Æi“u giÛp t©m hÂn chÛng ta rÈng mÎ, tho∂i m∏i vµ d‘ chfiu h¨n. T´i th˘c hi÷n c∏c BST, Æ≠a ra ˝ t≠Îng ph«n lÌn d˘a vµo c∂m xÛc cÒa m◊nh, c„ th” n∂y sinh tı nh˜ng Æi“u r†t nh· nh≠ng gi∏ trfi trong cuÈc sËng. Cfln vi÷c quy ≠Ìc, buÈc chÛng vµo mÈt h◊nh th∏i, ˝ ni÷m nµo Æ„ th◊ h¨i ki™n c≠Ïng, vµ chæc chæn kh´ng ph∂i lµ l˘a ch‰n cÒa t´i. * Anh th›ch c∏c k˙ nghÿ vÌi bπn bà hay b™n gia Æ◊nh? -MÈt k˙ nghÿ Æ≠Óc xem lµ l˝ t≠Îng khi c∂m th†y hπnh phÛc vµ b◊nh y™n. N’u nh≠ vi÷c ÆÂng hµnh cÔng nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn mang lπi nh˜ng ni“m vui b†t tÀn th◊ vÌi gia Æ◊nh, t´i c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ †m ∏p, y™u th≠¨ng vµ nh≠ trÎ v“ vÌi mÈt thÍi thanh xu©n Æ«y ki™u h∑nh, bÎi vÌi gia Æ◊nh chÛng ta lu´n nh· bä (c≠Íi). Lµm cha lµ c©u chuy÷n mµ t´i lu´n c„ nhi“u t©m t≠ nh†t. MÈt qu∏ tr◊nh t´i t˘ h‰c Æ” ngµy mÈt t˘ hoµn thi÷n vµ Æπt Æ’n s˘ c©n bªng. Tı mÈt ng≠Íi b∂n n®ng, c∏ t›nh, bÈc tr˘c trong thÍi trang t´i bÁng trÎ thµnh mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng ch›n chæn, m˘c th≠Ìc vµ c„ ph«n b◊nh l∆ng h¨n. Hai m∂ng ghäp t≠Îng chıng nh≠ ÆËi lÀp nµy Æang tÂn tπi trong cÔng mÈt con ng≠Íi. *M‰i ng≠Íi bi’t nhi“u v“ c∏c Nµng th¨ cÒa anh, th’ cfln ai lµ hung th«n tπo ra s¯c äp/∏p l˘c? Lµm th’ nµo Æ” gi∂i t·a, ho∆c trËn tr∏nh? -C∏ch lµm show cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng lπi c„ chÛt kh∏c bi÷t khi c∏c trang phÙc Æ“u Æ≠Óc b∏n, thÀm ch› mÈt sË "ch∏y hµng" tr≠Ìc khi l™n sµn di‘n. Vi÷c Æ∂m b∂o ti’n ÆÈ cho BST tr◊nh di‘n vµ trang phÙc cho kh∏ch d˘ show lu´n lµ bµi to∏n kh„ cho t´i vµ ™-k›p. C„ nh˜ng lÛc, cÀn k“ show di‘n, t´i nh≠ muËn nÊ tung. NhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ quan t©m cÒa c´ng chÛng lu´n lµ Æi“u hπnh phÛc. D‹ nhi™n, chÛng ta c«n sΩn sµng ÆËi di÷n rªng Æi cÔng nh˜ng lÍi khen lu´n lµ nh˜ng ˝ ki’n kh´ng t›ch c˘c. T´i sœ mıng n’u Æ„ lµ nh˜ng ˝ ki’n mang t›nh Æ„ng g„p vµ sΩn sµng Æ∏p tr∂ n’u Æ„ lµ nh˜ng chÿ tr›ch mang t›nh c´ng k›ch c∏ nh©n, phi’n di÷n vµ thi’u hi”u bi’t. Trong tı Æi”n cÒa t´i kh´ng c„ kh∏i ni÷m hay tı ng˜ nµo mang ˝ ngh‹a trËn tr∏nh. Cµng trËn, cµng tr∏nh ngh‹a lµ bπn kh´ng ph∂i lµ ng≠Íi b∂n l‹nh. Vµ tË ch†t Æ„ lπi cµng kh´ng th” tÂn tπi trong mÈt con ng≠Íi mang t›nh ti™n phong cho ngh÷ thuÀt.
how Exclusive Xu©n-Hà 2018 cÒa NTK ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng sœ ch›nh th¯c di‘n ra lÛc 17h ngµy 26/5 tπi s©n gofl cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ph¯c hÓp ƺng c†p quËc t’ Laguna L®ng C´ - Hu’. D˘ ∏n rÈng 280 häc-ta nµy Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi bÍ bi”n dµi 3 km tπi Khu Kinh t’ Ch©n M©y vÌi t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng thºng ra Bi”n ß´ng. ß©y lµ mÈt khu v˘c nÊi ti’ng vÌi b∑i bi”n nguy™n s¨, khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n k˙ v‹ vµ nªm ngay tr™n Con Æ≠Íng Di s∂n mi“n Trung huy“n thoπi vÌi c∏c di s∂n v®n h„a th’ giÌi Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn. B™n cπnh ch†t l≠Óng cÒa nh˜ng BST Æ≠Óc tr◊nh lµng, kh´ng gian tr◊nh di‘n lu´n lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng y’u tË tπo n™n d†u †n ÆÀm nät cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng trong lµng thÍi trang Vi÷t. Chia sŒ v“ vi÷c l˘a ch‰n Laguna L®ng C´ Æ” lµm Æi”m Æ’n cho ch∆ng hµnh tr◊nh mÌi, ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng cho bi’t: "Vua Kh∂i ßfinh Æ∑ tıng ch‰n L®ng C´ lµm n¨i nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ v› von nh≠ chËn bÂng lai ti™n c∂nh. Trong c∂m nhÀn cÒa t´i Æ©y lµ mÈt vÔng Ɔt hoang d∑, b› »n, k˙ v‹ nh≠ng lπi r†t b◊nh an. N¨i ng≠Íi ta c„ th” qu™n Æi nh˜ng Ân µo, x´ b cÒa cuÈc sËng Æ” t◊m th†y s˘ tho∂i m∏i, hπnh phÛc trong t©m hÂn." Tham gia show di‘n nµy, 50 ng≠Íi m…u vµ kho∂ng 200 kh∏ch VIP sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m tπi kh∏ch sπn Banyan Tree vµ Angsana thuÈc Laguna L®ng C´. ß©y lµ cÈt mËc Æ∏ng nhÌ trong hµnh tr◊nh 5 n®m ph∏t tri”n cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ph¯c hÓp Laguna L®ng C´ tπi Vi÷t Nam, cÚng nh≠ Æ∏nh d†u hµnh tr◊nh mÌi cÒa NTK ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng.
Toµn c∂nh khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ph¯c hÓp Laguna L®ng C´ tı tr™n cao TRAVELLIVE
* You have always chosen to play your own game. Do you feel alone being a trendsetter? My decision is not participating in Fashion Week so people can see that my brand is not influenced by any organization. I have created my own collections, organized my own catwalk shows, and everything else is simply a halo effect. I have never felt the need to depend on any brand, label, or stage to promote myself. I love being a trendsetter and I am happy with my solitariness. As you can see, for the past 10 years, the trends I've created that put a deep impact in the fashion world and I truly embrace the bold steps that I took. What matters is how much effort you put into your creativity. * For those who love to dress in your designs, what kind of statement are they making about themselves? And do the messages they want to convey change over time? My clients represent a huge part of my personality. From Diem My, Ngo Thanh Van, Ha Kieu Anh, to Linh Nga, Giang My and Ha Tang, they themselves are a manifesto of beauty. They have never spoken about what it means to be beautiful, and neither have my designs tried to convey that. I want to avoid ostentatiousness at all cost. A design piece is timeless or not, it depends on others' perception, and of course, my strong personal work ethics and deep understanding of what it takes to thrive in this competitive industry and leave a mark, play an essential role.
A BEHIND THE SCENES STORY OF THE HOTTEST FASHION SHOW OF SUMMER 2018. "Once beauty is based on the exchange of benefits, it loses its value." The life of designer Do Manh Cuong has always been a "mystery", and he is determined to continue to keep it hidden from the eyes of the public. If there is something he never shies away from however, it's dialogue about beauty.
The inevitable success of being a trendsetter
* Resorts are becoming a popular show venue for collections. Is it a trend, an intent, or is it simply a partnership? For me, it is more of a personal choice than a trend. If it's a trend, you have to be able to find many others who are doing the same thing, but I'm pretty sure that no one else has traveled down that path. I'm still the first and the only fashion designer in Vietnam to have been able to pull it off. Fashion is a concept related to beauty, but once beauty is based on the exchange of benefits, it loses its value. You can see that in my recent shows, no brands or organizations had much impact on my work. Few people are
Do Manh Cuong
aware of what you have to do in order to protect your brand reputation. My Spring Summer 2018 collectin will be taken place at the Laguna Lang Co, simply because I've noticed an opportunity to do something different this time.
I came to Laguna Lang Co with an intent to gain a deeper insight into the history and cultural values of this central land, so yes, you will see some of that in my designs, but I am not able to go into more details before the show. It will be a subtle blend, totally not forced, between traditional values and the beauty of modern fashion. * Did your inspiration come from the sea or the mountains? Which one did you choose? You shouldn't be choosing one or the other. All natural wonders have their own unique beauty, and we are lucky to have them. Most of the designs from my collections are created based on my feelings and emotions, and my inspiration can come from the smallest in life. I never want to associate them with any particular concept. That is not how I work. * You rather spend time with your friends or your family? A vacation is most ideal when you feel happy and at peace in the company you are with. Travelling with friends always brings me the most fun experiences, while being with my
Being a father has taken me on a special emotional journey. I am still learning everyday to become a better person and better father. From being a bold, impulsive, and straightforward person in the fashion world, there's now a sense of maturity, seriousness, and calm in me that I had never had before. The two seemingly opposite personalities are co-existing in the same person.
Model Vo Hoang Yen - Vedette of the show
* If it is your intent, did you draw inspiration from the resort or this particular region?
family there's always a sense of warmth, love, and sweet memories to reminisce on, and especially, your family always treats you like a child no matter how old you are. [laugh].
* People know about your muses, is there any monster in your closet? Is being creative a pressure? How do you relax and how do you escape? Since my collections are always open for sale, sometimes they are even "sold out" before they get on the stage. It has always been a challenge for me and my team to ensure that we produce enough outfits for both the models and the after-show sale. It can be incredibly stressful to the last minute. I'm happy that I have been able to gain public attention for my work, but one is never free from negative feedback, which one must be ready to face. As long as they are constructive, I'm willing to take it as a lesson. But if they are ignorant personal attacks, I would not have it. The word "escape" doesn't exist in my vocabulary. The more you try to escape, the more it reveals that you don't have what it takes to take on the world, and certainly, you can't become a trendsetter.
I have a clear idea of the kind of women who I want to be seen in my designs: the beautiful, talented, smart, and sharp kind. And fashion is a huge part of their personality. TRAVELLIVE
The romantic Banyan Tree Lang Co at night
he exclusive 2018 Spring - Summer collection by Do Manh Cuong is to be held at 5 pm on May 26 at the golf course of the world-class integrated resort Laguna Lang Co (Hue), which covers an area of 280 ha, and is surrounded by a 3 km coastal stretch in Chan May Economic Zone with views of the East Sea. Lang Co, famous for its pristine beaches and incredible natural sceneries, is located on the Road of Heritage Sites in Central Vietnam that links Vietnam's World Heritage Sites together. Besides creating amazing collections, Do Manh Cuong is very picky when it comes to his show venues, and, thanks to that, he has enhanced his reputation in the Vietnamese fashion industry. Laguna Lang Co has been chosen as his show venue this year. "King Khai Dinh used to choose Lang Co for his heavenly retreat. Undoubtedly, the natural and magnificent beauty of this destination has been well preserved to this day, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of the modern world to find peace, comfort, and inner happiness here", shared Do Manh Cuong. For this year's collection, Do Manh Cuong's 50 models and about 200 VIP guests are to be swept away to the stunning location during the 3-day and 2-night event. This event is a remarkable milestone not only for the successful career of fashion designer Do Manh Cuong but also for the 5th anniversary of the development of Laguna Lang Co.
MÌi khai tr≠¨ng trong n®m 2017 - 2018, phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, dch vÙ tËi ≠u vµ Æ∆c bi÷t Æ“u c„ v tr› Ææc Æa, 5 khu resort, kh∏ch sπn Æ≠Óc Travellive l˘a ch‰n sau Æ©y lµ gÓi ˝ l˝ t≠Îng cho k˙ nghÿ hà cÒa gia Æ◊nh.
Five newly opened hotels and resorts in 2017 - 2018 which feature unique architectural styles, outstanding service, and prime locations, have been picked by Travellive as ideal destinations for you and your family to enjoy this summer. Text: Khuyen Pham
Seashells PhÛ QuËc
MÅNH Sí LÑC TR§I B£N Bò BIÕN Vıa ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng ngµy 5/5/2018, Seashells PhÛ QuËc Hotel & Spa t‰a lπc tπi trung t©m thfi tr†n D≠¨ng ß´ng c„ thi’t k’ nÊi bÀt nh≠ mÈt con tµu træng Æang chu»n bfi ra kh¨i. CÚng ch›nh s˘ trŒ trung trong lËi thi’t k’, Seashells Æang lµ Æi”m Æ’n h†p d…n cho nh˜ng ai y™u th›ch s˘ hi÷n Æπi, ph„ng kho∏ng mµ v…n kh´ng thi’u Æi s˘ sang tr‰ng vµ ƺng c†p. Seashells PhÛ QuËc Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng theo c∏c ti™u chu»n quËc t’ khæt khe nh†t, vÌi 252 phflng vµ suite Æ“u c„ ban c´ng ri™ng h≠Ìng bi”n, Æ≠Óc trang bfi nÈi th†t cao c†p.
Seashells Phu Quoc
LOST PIECES OF THE SEA Recently launched on May, 2018, Seashells Phu Quoc Hotel & Spa is nicely nestled in Duong Dong Town, and features a design in the shape of a white ship ready to take off. The hotel is a young and trendy destination for those who love modernity that comes with luxury and class. The Seashells Phu Quoc is designed with international standards with 252 ocean-view rooms and suites and fully-equipped high-end interiors. Come to the Seashells, you can enjoy stunning views of the sun from your ocean-view room or relax at the Cocoon Beach Lounge with a refreshing cocktail and listen to sound of the ocean. Spend your summer with your loved ones and fill it with unforgettable memories. In addition to having incredible space wth beautiful blue sea, the resort also offers plenty of fun activities for your family to enjoy such as kayaking or laying on giant floats in the sea.
ß’n vÌi Seashells, bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng giÍ phÛt th≠ gi∑n Æ∏ng gi∏ khi ngæm b◊nh minh r˘c rÏ tı c®n phflng vÌi khung cˆa rÈng lÌn h≠Ìng ra bi”n hay ngÂi th≠ th∏i Î Cocoon Beach Lounge uËng mÈt ly cocktail nÂng nµn vµ l∆ng nghe s„ng vÁ. MÔa hà cÒa bπn cÔng ng≠Íi th©n cÚng v◊ th’ mµ tr∂i Æ«y nh˜ng k˚ ni÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. BÎi Seashells kh´ng chÿ mang Æ’n cho bπn kh´ng gian †n t≠Óng, vÔng bi”n Æãp xanh ngæt lÈng gi„. N¨i Æ©y cfln cung c†p v´ vµn hoπt ÆÈng thÛ vfi cho gia Æ◊nh bπn nh≠ chÃo thuy“n kayak hay th∂ m◊nh tr™n chi’c phao b¨i khÊng l bÂng b“nh ngay gi˜a Æπi d≠¨ng. SEaSHELLS PH@ QUˇC HoTeL & SPa * 1 V‚ Th S∏u, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc * Tel: 0297 3923 999 * Website: www.seashellshotel.vn
Risemount Resort ßµ NΩng
MóT THOÉNG SANTORINI L†y c∂m h¯ng tı vŒ Æãp quy’n rÚ cÒa hfln Æ∂o Santorini cÒa Hy Lπp vÔng ßfia Trung H∂i, Risemount Resort ßµ NΩng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ thµnh resort nÊi bÀt nh†t b™n bÍ bi”n M¸ An, ßµ NΩng. C∂ khu resort khi’n bπn †n t≠Óng ngay tı c∏i nh◊n Æ«u ti™n vÌi gam mµu t≠¨i s∏ng trong kh´ng gian tho∏ng Æ∑ng gi˜a bi”n trÍi lÂng lÈng. K’t hÓp gi˜a nät Æãp cÊ Æi”n vµ hi÷n Æπi, Risemount Resort l†y t´ng træng lµm t´ng mµu chÒ Æπo hÓp cÔng t´ng mµu xanh da trÍi lµm Æi”m nh†n cho toµn bÈ thi’t k’, tπo ra khung c∂nh l∑ng mπn kh„ qu™n giËng vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ ÆÈc Æ∏o tr™n hfln Æ∂o Santorini. Ngoµi ra, c∏c ki’n trÛc s≠ cfln khäo läo t´ Æi”m cho ban c´ng mÁi phflng bªng nh˜ng giµn hoa gi†y r˘c rÏ vµ thÀt tinh t’ khi Æ≠a nh˜ng c©y c‰ trÂng xung quanh khu v˘c h b¨i. T†t c∂ nh˜ng chi ti’t †y Æ∑ mang Æ’n mÈt Risemount Resort v´ cÔng lπ mæt vµ ÆÀm ch†t ßfia Trung H∂i. Tı 01/6 - 5/9/2018, Risemount ∏p dÙng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i h†p d…n. VÌi gi∏ chÿ 4.588.000 VNß++, bπn sœ c„ 2 Æ™m nghÿ tπi phflng Superior cho g„i ƨn ho∆c g„i Æ´i, b˜a s∏ng quËc t’ t˘ ch‰n, mÈt su†t ®n tr≠a ho∆c tËi cho mÈt ng≠Íi/ ngµy. Ngoµi ra, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng mÈt voucher 300.000 VNß cho dfich vÙ spa. rISemoUNT reSorT ßÄ NøNg * 120 Nguy‘n V®n Thoπi, ph≠Íng M¸ An, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng * Tel: 0236 3899 999 * Website: www.risemountresort.com
Risemount Resort Danang
A GLIMPSE OF SANTORINI Inspired by the enchanting beauty of the Greek island Santorini in the Mediterranean, the Risemount Resort Danang features a striking design on the beautiful My An Beach, Danang with bright colors and fresh, open spaces looking out to the sea. Combining both classic elegance and modern elements, the 5-star luxury resort is mostly in a white tone with pops of blue to create an unforgettably romantic experience, similar to that of the Santorini-style houses. Each room's balcony is decorated with bougainvillea flowers in brilliant colors, and the swimming pool surrounded by palm trees. All of those details bring an incredibly unique Mediterranean style to the resort. From 01 June - 05 Sep 2018, Risemount Resort offers attractive promotions. Price is only VND 4,588,000++ per package for Single or Double, including: 02 nights stay in Superior Room, international buffet breakfast, one set menu lunch or dinner per person per day, one voucher credit VND 300,000 of spa services per person. TRAVELLIVE
L'Alyana Ninh V©n Bay
Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng L'Alyana Ninh V©n Bay sÎ h˜u vfi tr› tuy÷t Æãp b™n vfinh Ninh V©n, d‰c theo bÍ bi”n Nha Trang thanh b◊nh. M∆t ti“n cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng h≠Ìng ra b∑i bi”n trong xanh Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa mi“n Æ∂o, cfln l≠ng t˘a vµo ÆÂi nÛi xanh ngÛt ngµn. TÀn dÙng tri÷t Æ” vfi tr› Ææc Æfia, c∏c ki’n trÛc s≠ Æ∑ tπo n™n b¯c h‰a ÆÂng qu™ tuy÷t m¸ khi tπo n™n khung c∂nh nÛi ÆÂi, c„ rıng c©y vµ c„ bi”n c∂. L'Alyana Ninh V©n Bay Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch lµng qu™ Vi÷t vÌi nh˜ng c®n bi÷t th˘ gÁ lÓp m∏i l∏. MÁi c®n bi÷t th˘ lµ nh˜ng thi™n Æ≠Íng nh· t‰a lπc b™n s≠Ín ÆÂi thoai tho∂i vµ h≠Ìng v“ b∑i bi”n y™n b◊nh.
L'Alyana Ninh Van Bay Resort nestles in a stunning location on Ninh Van Bay, along the tranquil beach of Nha Trang. The resort is hidden amid tropical greenery and encircled by the rocky outcrops and calm green waters of the bay.
N¨i Æ©y Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ n¨i an d≠Ïng l˝ t≠Îng cho h«u h’t c∏c gia Æ◊nh c„ trŒ nh·. Tπi mÁi c®n bi÷t th˘ Æ“u c„ qu∂n gia phÙc vÙ ri™ng vµ Æ“u Æ≠Óc trang bfi Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n nghi cao c†p, qu«y bar sang tr‰ng vÌi tÒ r≠Óu, m∏y pha cµ ph™, bÈ uËng trµ... ¬m th˘c Î Æ©y v´ cÔng Æ∆c sæc, th˘c ƨn t˘ ch‰n hay ti÷c BBQ vÌi nh˜ng s∂n vÀt t≠¨i ngon tı mi“n bi”n trÔ phÛ. ThÀm ch›, bπn c„ th” dÔng b˜a l∑ng mπn b™n hÂ, ngay tπi bi÷t th≠ b™n bi”n hay trong ch›nh kh´ng gian cÒa nhµ hµng The Pillars. L'aLYaNa NINH v©N baY * Th´n T©n Thµnh, X∑ Ninh êch, Huy÷n Ninh Ha, Tÿnh Kh∏nh Ha * Tel: 0258 3624 964 * Website: www.lalyana.com
L'Alyana Ninh Van Bay
With such a prime location, the resort is designed to blend in with the breathtaking landscape of the mountains, the forests, and the sea. Featuring the style of Vietnamese countryside with wooden villas and thatched roofs, each villa is a standalone paradise with its own private terrace and plunge pool. This is an ideal sanctuary for families with young children. Each villa has its own butler service, and is fully equipped with luxury amenities, a luxurious bar with its own wine cabinet, a coffee maker, and a tea set. The cuisine on offer is diverse, and you can choose to enjoy a buffet or BBQ party with the freshest of seafood. Enjoy a romantic candle-lit dinner by the pool, or on the beach, or at The Pillars Restaurant.
Boton Blue Hotel & Spa KIåT TÉC SÉNG TÑO Khai tr≠¨ng Æ«u th∏ng 5/2018, Boton Blue Hotel & Spa lµ kh∏ch sπn mÌi nh†t Î Nha Trang vÌi vfi tr› tuy÷t Æãp s∏t b™n vfinh bi”n. Kh∏ch sπn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ 27 t«ng vµ 3 m∆t ti“n, dÔ Î b†t c¯ c®n phflng nµo bπn cÚng c„ th” ngæm nh◊n thµnh phË vµ vfinh bi”n. ßi“u khi’n kh∏ch sπn trÎ n™n Æ∆c tr≠ng lµ ki’n trÛc ngoπi th†t kh∏ch sπn, vıa mπnh mœ, hi÷n Æπi vıa tinh t’, uy”n chuy”n. ThÀm ch›, vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ s∏ng tπo, Boton Blue sœ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng bi”u t≠Óng ki’n trÛc mÌi cÒa phË bi”n Nha Trang. ß’n vÌi Boton Blue Hotel & Spa, bπn Æıng qu™n tr∂i nghi÷m c∏c m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng Æ’n tı c∏c n“n »m th˘c Trung Hoa, ch©u ¢u, Th∏i Lan, Singapore, Malaysia, NhÀt B∂n vµ Vi÷t Nam. Vµ h∑y ch◊m Ææm trong ©m nhπc, th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng ly cocktail ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ≠Óc pha ch’ tı mµn tr◊nh di‘n Æ«y Æi÷u ngh÷ cÒa c∏c chuy™n gia pha ch’ tπi Diamond Sky Bar tr™n t«ng th≠Óng ho∆c Blue Ocean Bar ngay h b¨i t«ng 7. ß©y ch›nh lµ l˘a ch‰n cho nh˜ng gia Æ◊nh muËn t◊m s˘ y™n b◊nh vµ sang tr‰ng. boToN bLUe HoTeL & SPa * ßa chÿ: 6 Phπm V®n ßÂng, Ph≠Íng V‹nh Ha, TP. Nha Trang * Tel: 0258 383 6868 * Website: www.botonbluehotel.com
Boton Blue Hotel & Spa
A MASTERPIECE CREATION Launched early May, 2018, the Boton Blue Hotel & Spa is a brand new hotel in Nha Trang that proves to be a perfect retreat for you and your families this summer given its incredible location next to the bay. The hotel features a total of 27 floors with both amazing city and ocean views. With ultramodern, inspirational design and state-of-the-art facilities, the Boton Blue holds a significant architectural importance in Nha Trang. Come to the Boton Blue Hotel & Spa to experience authentic cuisines from Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, America, Europe, and Japan. Immerse yourselves in the trendy music, enjoy unique cocktails created by the amazing bartenders at the Diamond Sky Bar on the rooftop or the Blue Ocean Bar by the pool on the 7th floor. The hotel is a fantastic choice for families who are looking for peace and luxury. TRAVELLIVE
Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh H•I THô É ß§NG VÌi lËi thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng vµ thÍi th≠Óng, Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh tπo cho du kh∏ch †n t≠Óng Æ∆c bi÷t ngay tı s∂nh Æ„n. ß„ lµ s˘ k’t hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a nh˜ng chÔm ÆÃn lÈng l…y vµ t´ng mµu gÁ tr«m †m tı c∏c vÀt li÷u trang tr›. Khu resort vËn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch É ß´ng, k’ thıa vŒ Æãp truy“n thËng vµ ph∏t huy tinh hoa cÒa ki’n trÛc hi÷n Æπi. ß∆c tr≠ng cÒa phong c∏ch nµy lµ s˘ gi∂n dfi vµ th©n thi÷n cÔng thi™n nhi™n. H¨n h’t, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh lµ khu resort hi’m hoi Æπt chu»n 5 sao tr™n bÍ bi”n B∑i Dµi thanh b◊nh, th¨ mÈng. T◊m Æ’n vÌi Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh, bπn sœ nhÀn ra mÈt Æi”m chung trong thi’t k’ tÊng th”, Æ„ lµ nh˜ng b¯c tranh thu«n É ß´ng Æ≠Óc bµi tr› mÈt c∏ch khäo läo ngay tı s∂nh Æ„n, d‰c hµnh lang vµ trong tıng phflng Ëc, villa. ßi“u nµy khi’n cho Duy™n Hµ trÎ n™n g«n gÚi h¨n vÌi du kh∏ch Ch©u É, Æ∆c bi÷t h¨n vÌi c∏c vfi kh∏ch Ch©u ¢u. Vµ h¨n h’t, Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c gia Æ◊nh c„ trŒ nh·, bÎi lËi thi’t k’ hfla hÓp vÌi thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹ cÒa Vfinh Cam Ranh cÈng th™m nh˜ng dfich v٠ƺng c†p. Gia Æ◊nh cÒa bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi vÌi b∑i bi”n trong lµnh, c©y cËi xanh m∏t vµ nh˜ng h n≠Ìc tuy÷t Æãp tπi khu villa. VÌi ba khu v˘c ch›nh bao gÂm khu cao t«ng, th†p t«ng vµ bi÷t th˘, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh mang lπi cho du kh∏ch nhi“u l˘a ch‰n phong phÛ vÌi h¨n 500 phflng kh∏ch sπn cÔng 87 c®n bi÷t th˘ tı mÈt Æ’n bËn phflng ngÒ, Æ∆c bi÷t th›ch hÓp cho gia Æ◊nh c„ nhi“u trŒ nh·. Kh∏ch hµng nh› cÚng c„ khu vui ch¨i ri™ng, lÌp h‰c
thÒ c´ng, trfl ch¨i s∏ng tπo... C∏c bä sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng mÈt k˙ nghÿ trµn ngÀp Æi“u thÛ vfi. Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh r‚ rµng lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng phÔ hÓp cho k˙ nghÿ gia Æ◊nh. DÔ bπn c„ m∂i m™ vui ÆÔa vÌi s„ng bi”n hay nªm dµi ph¨i næng c∂ ngµy dµi tr™n bÍ c∏t træng phau, Æıng qu™n dµnh thÍi gian th≠ gi∑n tπi khu Lagoona Spa cπnh bi”n. CÚng Æıng qu™n nh©m nhi t∏ch trµ chi“u hay ly vang Æ· trong kh´ng gian xa hoa, lÈng l…y cÒa Duy™n Hµ Cam Ranh. N’u muËn tr∂i qua nh˜ng ngµy hà r˘c rÏ næng vµng, gia Æ◊nh bπn n™n nhanh ch©n gi˜ cho m◊nh mÈt chÁ tπi khu resort cao c†p Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh. DUy£N HÄ RESORT CaM RaNH * L´ D9B, Khu 3, x∑ C∂m H∂i ß´ng, huy÷n Cam L©m, tÿnh Kh∏nh Ha * Tel: 0258 3986 888 * Website: www.duyenharesorts.com
Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh
AN ORIENTAL BEAUTY VÌi lËi thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng vµ thÍi th≠Óng, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh tπo cho du kh∏ch †n t≠Óng Æ∆c bi÷t ngay tı s∂nh Æ„n. ß„ lµ s˘ k’t hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a nh˜ng chÔm ÆÃn lÈng l…y vµ t´ng mµu gÁ tr«m †m tı c∏c vÀt li÷u trang tr›. Khu resort vËn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch É ß´ng, k’ thıa vŒ Æãp truy“n thËng vµ ph∏t huy tinh hoa cÒa ki’n trÛc hi÷n Æπi. ß∆c tr≠ng cÒa phong c∏ch nµy lµ s˘ gi∂n dfi vµ th©n thi÷n cÔng thi™n nhi™n. H¨n h’t, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh lµ khu resort hi’m hoi Æπt chu»n 5 sao tr™n bÍ bi”n B∑i Dµi thanh b◊nh, th¨ mÈng. T◊m Æ’n vÌi Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh, bπn sœ nhÀn ra mÈt Æi”m chung trong thi’t k’ tÊng th”, Æ„ lµ nh˜ng b¯c tranh thu«n É ß´ng Æ≠Óc bµi tr› mÈt c∏ch khäo läo ngay tı s∂nh Æ„n, d‰c hµnh lang vµ trong tıng phflng Ëc, villa. ßi“u nµy khi’n cho Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh trÎ n™n g«n gÚi h¨n vÌi du kh∏ch Ch©u É, Æ∆c bi÷t h¨n vÌi c∏c vfi kh∏ch Ch©u ¢u. Vµ h¨n h’t, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c gia Æ◊nh c„ trŒ nh·, bÎi lËi thi’t k’ hfla hÓp vÌi thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹ cÒa Vfinh Cam Ranh cÈng th™m nh˜ng dfich v٠ƺng c†p. Gia Æ◊nh cÒa bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi vÌi b∑i bi”n trong lµnh, c©y cËi xanh m∏t vµ nh˜ng h n≠Ìc tuy÷t Æãp tπi khu villa. VÌi ba khu v˘c ch›nh bao gÂm khu cao t«ng, th†p t«ng vµ bi÷t th˘, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh mang lπi cho du kh∏ch nhi“u l˘a ch‰n phong phÛ vÌi h¨n 522 phflng kh∏ch sπn cÔng 87 c®n bi÷t th˘ tı mÈt Æ’n bËn phflng ngÒ, Æ∆c bi÷t th›ch hÓp cho gia Æ◊nh c„ nhi“u trŒ nh·.
Kh∏ch hµng nh› cÚng c„ khu vui ch¨i ri™ng, lÌp h‰c thÒ c´ng, trfl ch¨i s∏ng tπo... C∏c bä sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng mÈt k˙ nghÿ trµn ngÀp Æi“u thÛ vfi. Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh r‚ rµng lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng phÔ hÓp cho k˙ nghÿ gia Æ◊nh. DÔ bπn c„ m∂i m™ vui ÆÔa vÌi s„ng bi”n hay nªm dµi ph¨i næng c∂ ngµy dµi tr™n bÍ c∏t træng phau, Æıng qu™n dµnh thÍi gian th≠ gi∑n tπi khu Lagoona Spa cπnh bi”n. CÚng Æıng qu™n nh©m nhi t∏ch trµ chi“u hay ly vang Æ· trong kh´ng gian xa hoa, lÈng l…y cÒa Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh. N’u muËn tr∂i qua nh˜ng ngµy hà r˘c rÏ næng vµng, gia Æ◊nh bπn n™n nhanh ch©n gi˜ cho m◊nh mÈt chÁ tπi khu resort cao c†p Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh. dUY£N HÄ reSorT Cam raNH * L´ D9B, Khu 3, x∑ C∂m H∂i ß´ng, huy÷n Cam L©m, tÿnh Kh∏nh Ha * Tel: 0258 3986 888 * Website: www.duyenharesorts.com
With a stylish and luxurious design, Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh creates lasting impressions on its guests right at the entrance. It is a subtle combination of beautiful chandeliers and earthy wood tone decorative materials. The resort features an oriental design that preserves the beauty of traditions and highlights the essence of modern architecture. The style is simple and friendly with nature. Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh is among the most luxurious 5-star resorts on the peaceful and picturesque Bai Dai Beach. The Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh features a number of authentic oriental arts in the lobby, along the corridors, and in each room and villa, to remind Asian travelers of their roots, and bring a completely different experience for European visitors. The Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh is an ideal choice of accommodation for families with young children who love to be among nature and be provided excellent service. Your family can enjoy from pristine beaches, to green, beautiful ponds near the villa. With three main areas including high-rise, low-rise and villas, Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh features a wide selection of rooms with over 522 hotel rooms and along with 87 residential villas of one to four-bedroom, is perfect for families with young children. Children have their own play corner with craft classes to enjoy a totally fun and interesting holiday experience. The Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh is clearly one of the most ideal resorts for a family vacation. Immerse in the pristine waters, or sunbathe all day long on the white sandy beach, or treat yourselves to relaxing moments at the ocean view Lagoona Spa. You can also enjoy delicious afternoon teas or have a glass of red wine in the luxurious space of Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh. The resort is the perfect place for you and your family to retreat this summer under the glistening sun. Book early to reserve a room at the luxurious Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh.
cung Æ≠Íng l™n Ao ⁄ch hi”m trÎ
N’u hai hµnh tr◊nh tr≠Ìc ph∂i di chuy”n nhi“u Æfia Æi”m, c«n hµnh l˝ g‰n nhã, th◊ chuy’n l™n rıng, xuËng bi”n l«n nµy chÿ Î mÈt n¨i cË Æfinh, nh≠ng vÌi Æi“u ki÷n sËng hoµn toµn kh∏c nhau.
T´i v…n nhÌ tuÊi th¨ m◊nh vÌi nh˜ng buÊi tr≠a hà næng chang chang chπy tr™n c∏nh ÆÂng, nh˜ng gËc rπ tr¨ sau mÔa g∆t, vÌi nh˜ng buÊi chi“u m≠a t«m t∑ chπy ra ngoµi s©n ch¨i Æ∏ b„ng vÌi lÚ trŒ cÔng khu, hay Æi c©u c∏ Î c∏nh ÆÂng. Nh˜ng ngµy Æ„ Æ∑ lu´n trÎ thµnh mÈt ph«n k˝ ¯c ™m Æ“m vµ Æãp nh†t trong tuÊi th¨ cÒa t´i. Mong muËn kh∏t khao Æ„ khi’n t´i mang ˇc vµo rıng cÔng bË mã, Æ” con Æ≠Óc th˘c s˘ tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng g◊ thuÈc v“ thi™n nhi™n. Th’ lµ ngay tı cuËi th∏ng 2, mÈt m◊nh t´i Æi Æ’n V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ Æ” kh∂o s∏t m‰i th¯. S˘ nhi÷t t◊nh hÁ trÓ, h≠Ìng d…n vµ s˘ th©n thi÷n cÒa Ban qu∂n l˝ v≠Ín giÛp t´i c„ th™m r†t nhi“u th´ng tin, s˘ y™n t©m vµ Æ∂m b∂o cho mÈt chuy’n Æi dµi ngµy tr∂i nghi÷m cho ˇc.
T´i trÎ v“ Hµ NÈi vµ c∂ nhµ lπi trong t©m trπng h∏o h¯c, hËi h∂ chu»n bfi m‰i th¯ cho chuy’n Æi. Hai tu«n tr≠Ìc ngµy khÎi hµnh, chÛng t´i ph∂i chu»n bfi nhi“u th¯, v◊ chuy’n Æi nµy kh∏c hºn vÌi hai hµnh tr◊nh tr≠Ìc. N’u hai hµnh tr◊nh tr≠Ìc Æi sang nhi“u Æfia Æi”m kh∏c nhau, c«n di chuy”n nhi“u, c«n hµnh l˝ g‰n nhã, th◊ chuy’n l™n rıng, xuËng bi”n l«n nµy chÿ Î mÈt n¨i cË Æfinh, nh≠ng vÌi Æi“u ki÷n sËng hoµn toµn kh∏c. C∂ nhµ trang bfi Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c Æ chuy™n bi÷t c«n thi’t tı gÀy leo nÛi, tÛi nhã, ∏o gi„, gi«y leo nÛi, ÆÃn pin Æi trong rıng, ÆÃn ÆÈi Æ«u, thi’t bfi GPS, la bµn, Ëng nhflm, k›nh hi”n vi... T†t c∂ Æ“u Æ≠Óc t›nh to∏n k¸: Mang g◊ phÔ hÓp? ß g◊ cho con ch¨i? ß g◊ giÛp con kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi thi™n nhi™n?...
C©u chuy÷n cÒa rıng h˜ng ngµy Æ«u ti™n trong khu V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ lµ nh˜ng ngµy Æ«y næng, Æ«y tr®ng vµ sao, lµ ti’ng chim ch„c mÁi buÊi s∏ng trong khæp khu rıng. MÁi buÊi s∏ng th¯c dÀy, mÎ cˆa ra lµ c∂ mÈt kh´ng kh› ™m Æ“m, trong lµnh, trµn ngÀp mÔi s≠¨ng Æ™m, mÔi cÒa hoa c·. Ph›a nÛi tr≠Ìc m∆t ƪng xa lµ nh˜ng tia næng †m ∏p cÒa mÈt ngµy mÌi, tr™n trÍi lµ nh˜ng Ƶn chim bay qua, kh´ng kh› xung quanh b◊nh y™n, d‘ chfiu, vÌi nh˜ng ti’ng chim r©m ran nhã nhµng khæp n¨i tı trong khu rıng. Trekking trong rıng lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi mŒ ngay c∂ vÌi t´i. H´m Æ«u, t´i cho ˇc Æi tuy’n Æ≠Íng trekking ngæn vµo rıng. ß©y kh´ng ph∂i lµ tuy’n Æ≠Íng ch›nh mµ chÿ lµ mÈt Æoπn Æ≠Íng mfln Æi s©u vµo rıng mµ th´i. Chÿ chıng kho∂ng 600 m tı khu Villa lµ Æ∑ tÌi Æoπn Æ≠Íng nµy nh≠ng bπn nh≠ th” Æ∑ lπc vµo th’ giÌi cÒa rıng, vÌi mu´n vµn ti’ng chim ch„c, m‰i loπi ©m thanh cÒa t˘ nhi™n nÛi rıng. BuÊi Æ«u vµo rıng toµn nh˜ng Æi“u mÌi mŒ vÌi ˇc, nh˜ng chÛ ki’n bfl d≠Ìi th∂m l∏ c©y d≠Ìi Ɔt, nh˜ng chÛ mËi Æang lµm tÊ trong mÈt th©n c©y gÁ mÙc, nh˜ng chÛ b‰ mµu sæc s∆c sÏ d≠Ìi t∏n l∏ c©y, vµi chÛ chim Æang chπy tr™n cµnh, nh˜ng chÛ b≠Ìm tung t®ng bay tı cµnh nµy sang cµnh kh∏c, ∏nh næng lung linh xuy™n qua nh˜ng t∏n l∏. TRAVELLIVE
ˇc Æ≠Óc bË h≠Ìng d…n sˆ dÙng la bµn
BuÊi Æ«u vµo rıng toµn nh˜ng Æi“u mÌi mŒ vÌi ˇc, nh˜ng chÛ ki’n bfl d≠Ìi th∂m l∏ c©y d≠Ìi Ɔt, nh˜ng chÛ mËi Æang lµm tÊ trong mÈt th©n c©y gÁ mÙc, nh˜ng chÛ b‰ mµu sæc s∆c sÏ d≠Ìi t∏n l∏ c©y, vµi chÛ chim Æang chπy tr™n cµnh, nh˜ng chÛ b≠Ìm tung t®ng bay tı cµnh nµy sang cµnh kh∏c.
ˇc r†t th›ch thÛ khi c«m Æ≠Óc mÈt cµnh c©y c„ hoa nh· vµ thÊi cho nh˜ng c∏nh hoa bay ph†p phÌi tr™n kh´ng trung. C∂ nhµ lπi b≠Ìc ti’p, Æi theo lËi mfln vµo rıng, mã vıa Æi vıa h∏t bµi: "Ta Æi rıng h∏i sim c„ con chim", ˇc cÚng bæt Æ«u h∏t theo mã. T´i vıa Æi vıa bÀt GPS Æ” Æfinh vfi, Æ∏nh d†u nh˜ng Æi”m c«n thi’t, khi vµo Æ©y lµ s„ng Æi÷n thoπi m†t, b∂n Æ cÒa Google Map kh´ng c„, mµ gi∂ sˆ c„ bÀt Æ≠Óc b∂n Æ Google Map cÚng kh´ng ch›nh x∏c n˜a. ô gi˜a rıng thÀt s˘ r†t kh„ x∏c Æfinh ch›nh x∏c m◊nh Æang Î Æ©u, Æ´i khi cfln c∂m th†y hoang mang, lo sÓ mÈt chÛt. Nh≠ng khi mang theo GPS vµ Æ∏nh d†u cung Æ≠Íng Æi c»n thÀn th◊ c∂m gi∏c y™n t©m vµ an toµn h¨n r†t nhi“u. ˇc c˘c k˙ h∏o h¯c vÌi l«n Æi nµy khi Æ≠Óc nh◊n, Æ≠Óc nghe, Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m c˘c nhi“u Æi“u mÌi, dÔ kh´ng hºn c∏i g◊ con cÚng hi”u. ˇc c«m chi’c la bµn tung t®ng Æi d…n Æ≠Íng, Æ«u ÆÈi mÚ giËng ki”u h≠Ìng Æπo sinh, tr™n cÊ lµ chi’c Ëng nhflm, tr™n tay lµ c©y gÀy Æi trekking chuy™n
nghiáp. ˇc Æi bĂ‹ Æâ€? cÂŤm GPS Garmin, con cÂŤm ch¨i c∂ buĂŠi kh´ng châˆ?n, rĂ‚i lĎ€i sˆ dĂ™ng Ă‹ng nhm nhâ—Šn ng„ nghi™ng Ɗy Æ„. Th˘c ra thâ—Š con cĂšng ch≠a hiâ€?u gâ—Š lĂŚm, nh≠ng con th›ch thĂ›, vĂ€y lÂľ Æ≠Óc.
âˆ?c chuy’n Æi trekking sau, con quen h¨n vÂľ Æi Æ≠Óc nhËœng ÆoĎ€n Æ≠Ă?ng xa h¨n, c„ cung Æ≠Ă?ng dÂľi nh≠vÂľo Ao â „ch, t´i ph∂i chia ra Æâ€? Æi nhËœng ÆoĎ€n ngĂŚn, rĂ‚i dÂľi h¨n. Con Æi c∂ tuy’n Æ≠Ă?ng giâˆ?o dĂ™c, rĂ‚i Æi l™n tĂŒi Æÿnh MŠy BÂŤu. Ă&#x;≠Ă?ng Æi vÂľo Ao â „ch r†t Æãp, n™n th¨, mĂ i khi âˆ?nh nĂŚng xuy™n vÂľo khu rÄąng thâ—Š c∂nh Æãp nh≠trong b†t kË™ bĂˆ phim nÂľo bĎ€n c„ thâ€? hâ—Šnh dung ra. Ă&#x;oĎ€n Æ≠Ă?ng mĂŒi vÂľo Ao â „ch thâ—Š bÂŞng phÂşng d‘ Æi h¨n nh≠ng ÆoĎ€n sau Æ„ thâ—Š ph∂i leo bĂ€c thang, leo vâˆ?ch nĂ›i, leo Æâˆ? thâ—Š v†t v∂ h¨n r†t nhi“u. VĂŒi ng≠Ă?i lĂŒn Æi mĂˆt mâ—Šnh, kh´ng vâ‰ ĂŒng gâ—Š, nh≠ng cĂšng ph∂i cÂŤn c„ sÂŻc vÂľ tĂ€p luyán mĂŒi c„ thâ€?
Æi Æ≠Óc. VĂŒi trĹ’ con thâ—Š hoÂľn toÂľn khâˆ?c. MĂˆt km Æâ€? leo nĂ›i Æ„ bÂŞng 3 km Æi bĂˆ Æ≠Ă?ng bÂŞng, vÄąa Æi, bĂ‹ mĂŁ lu´n ph∂i hâˆ?t, Ă†Ăˆng vi™n Æâ€? ˇc Æi ti’p. HÂŤu h’t ˇc c„ thâ€? t˘ Æi mĂˆt mâ—Šnh, ho∆c nĂŚm tay bĂ‹ ho∆c mĂŁ Æâ€? Æi, trÄą ÆoĎ€n nÂľo vâˆ?ch Æâˆ? thâ—Š cÂŤn bĂ‹ mĂŁ ÆĂ?, Ɲy, Ă’n m´ng th´i. TrĹ’ con c„ nhËœng h´m thâ—Š r†t hÂľo hÂŻng, r†t th›ch t˘ giâˆ?c Æi, nh≠ng c„ h´m thâ—Š chÂşng vâ—Š lË? do gâ—Š kh´ng chďŹ u Æi, chĂż th›ch b’, ho∆c th›ch bâˆ?nh... bĂƒo nhĂƒo. DĂ” so vĂŒi nÂŽm ngoâˆ?i, nÂŽm nay ˇc lĂŒn h¨n, cÂŻng câˆ?p h¨n r†t nhi“u, rĂŚn r¡i vÂľ tr≠Îng thÂľnh h¨n, nh≠ng v‌n lÂľ mĂˆt c´ bä bâˆ?nh bĂƒo ch›nh hiáu. Ă&#x;≠Ă?ng vÂľo Ao â „ch c„ v´ sĂ‹ chĂ› bâ‰ ĂŒm Æãp, rĂ‚i nhËœng cŠy n†m, nhËœng chĂ› ki’n Æ¡ to ÆÔng. RÄąng lÂľ mĂˆt th’ giĂŒi v´ vÂľn nhËœng Æi“u mĂŒi mĹ’ thĂ› vďŹ vĂŒi ˇc. Khu villa cĂ’a V≠Ă?n QuĂ‹c gia Câˆ?t BÂľ nÂŞm ĂŽ giËœa Ă†âˆ‚o, giËœa mĂˆt vĂ”ng bâˆ?t ngâˆ?t mÂľu xanh cĂ’a nĂ›i rÄąng. TÄą Ɗy c„ thâ€? Æi bĂˆ theo nhËœng cung Æ≠Ă?ng mn vÂľo rÄąng. Ă&#x;i ng≠Óc l™n ph›a BĂŚc lÂľ v“ x∑ Gia LuĂ€n Æâ€? Æi sang Qu∂ng Ninh, Æi v“ ph›a TŠy thâ—Š v“ x∑ PhĂ” Long c„ rÄąng ngĂ€p m∆n, cn v“ ph›a Ă&#x;´ng Nam thâ—Š Æi v“ thďŹ tr†n. BuĂŠi chi“u khi m∆t trĂ?i vÄąa l∆n sau r∆ng nĂ›i ph›a xa, trĂ?i tĂ‹i r†t nhanh. Ti’ng chim, ti’ng khĂż, ti’ng cĂ’a nhËœng loÂľi c´n trĂ”ng ÂŽn Æ™m ĂŽ Ɗu xa v‰ng lĎ€i. C∂ nhÂľ Æi nhanh Æâ€? v“ nhÂľ, ˇc vÄąa Æi vÄąa
cÂŤm chi’c Ă†Ăƒn pin chi’u l™n bÂŤu trĂ?i. Tr™n trĂ?i lÂľ nhËœng vâ—Š sao l†p lâˆ?nh cĂ’a buĂŠi Æ™m trong rÄąng.
CŠu chuyán cĂ’a trÂŽng, sao vÂľ Ă‹ng k›nh thi™n vÂŽn M†y Æ™m ƍu ti™n lÂľ nhËœng ngÂľy trÂŽng trn Æãp Æ’n m™ mÂťn. ChĂż cÂŤn bâ‰ ĂŒc ra kh¡i phng lÂľ c∂ mĂˆt bÂŤu trĂ?i Æ™m trÂľn ngĂ€p âˆ?nh trÂŽng Æãp huy“n ∂o, ngay c∂ Æ’n trong phng cĂšng toÂľn mĂˆt âˆ?nh sâˆ?ng cĂ’a trÂŽng dďŹ u dÂľng vÂľ mĂ? ∂o. ˇc th›ch lĂŚm. C∂ nhÂľ mĂŽ h’t cˆa ra Æâ€? âˆ?nh trÂŽng trÂľn vÂľo phng, chĂż Æ’n lĂ›c khi Æi ngĂ’ mĂŒi Æ„ng cˆa vÂľo, nh≠ng cĂšng mĂŽ h’t t†t c∂ rĂƒm ra Æâ€? cho âˆ?nh trÂŽng trÂľn vÂľo. C∂m t≠Îng d≠Ă?ng nh≠lÂľ c„ thâ€? ngĂ’ ngoÂľi trĂ?i ngÂľn sao cĂšng Æ≠Óc. Énh trÂŽng trÂľn vÂľo tr™n khĂŚp c∂ khu villa trong rÄąng, xung quanh chĂż lÂľ ti’ng cĂ’a chim ch„c, cĂ’a d’, cĂ’a c´n trĂ”ng rŠm ran khĂŚp n¨i, cn lĎ€i chĂż lÂľ âˆ?nh trÂŽng trÂľn ngĂ€p tr™n nĂ›i, tr™n nhËœng b∑i c¡. C„ h´m nÂŞm tr™n gi≠Ă?ng nhâ—Šn ra th†y c∂ nhËœng ng´i sao Æang l†p lâˆ?nh. ˇc trâ‰ ĂŒc khi ngĂ’ cn ngŠm nga hâˆ?t "north star, north star, are you near or are you far" (ng´i sao ph≠¨ng BĂŚc kia, bĎ€n ĂŽ gÂŤn hay ĂŽ xa). Trong nhËœng ng´i sao Æ„, ng´i sao nÂľo lÂľ ˇc, ng´i sao nÂľo lÂľ cĂ’a bĂ‹ vÂľ ng´i sao nÂľo lÂľ cĂ’a mĂŁ.
ˇc th›ch thÛ vÌi x∏c mÈt con c´n trÔng trong tuy’n Æ≠Íng gi∏o dÙc
Nh˜ng h´m Æ«u khi Æ™m tr®ng s∏ng, c∂ nhµ m™ m»n ra ngoµi mang h’t t†t c∂ Æ ngh“ tı k›nh thi™n v®n, Ëng nhflm cho Æ’n m∏y ∂nh. ThÀt ra t´i Æ’n giÍ nµy cÚng mÌi dÔng thˆ Ëng thi™n v®n, n„ nhi“u th¯ phÙ ki÷n qu∏, læp m∑i, læp m∑i mµ bi’t bao nhi™u lµ phÙ ki÷n, vıa xem h≠Ìng d…n vıa læp. Mã ˇc cÚng vµo trÓ giÛp, cfln ˇc th◊ h’t v∆n c∏i Ëc nµy lπi v∆n con v›t kh∏c, rÂi c«m c∏c thfi k›nh l™n, læp thˆ vµo. M†t nguy™n c∂ ngµy Æ” læp Ëng thi™n v®n vµ l“u mµ læp xong n„ v…n cfln thıa m†y th¯ kh´ng bi’t læp vµo Æ©u! ˇc c„ Ëng nhflm ri™ng cÒa ˇc, mÈt chi’c Ëng nhflm bä, nh≠ng ch†t l≠Óng, cfln bË c„ mÈt chi’c Ëng nhflm to h¨n. ˇc l«n Æ«u Æ≠Óc nh◊n Ëng nhflm, th›ch læm, li™n tÙc Æfli Æ≠Óc xem, bË cÚng h≠Ìng d…n ˇc tıng chÛt Æ” c®n chÿnh Ëng nhflm nh◊n sao cho nät. BuÊi Æ™m khi b«u trÍi trong
trŒo, nh◊n qua Ëng nhflm, b«u trÍi bÁng hi÷n l™n hµng ngµn ng´i sao r˘c rÏ, to nh· kh∏c nhau. ß„ lµ mÈt th’ giÌi k˙ di÷u, tuy÷t vÍi bi’t bao, mÈt th’ giÌi r˘c s∏ng, Î t›t xa, huy“n b›.
bªng nh˘a trong suËt, c„ mÈt d©y Æeo cÊ, mÈt th†u k›nh lÛp Æ” ph„ng to, mÈt m∆t vÌi r†t nhi“u lÁ Æ” tho∏t kh›, cÈng th™m c∂ mÈt chi’c gæp n˜a. ˇc kho∏i ch› v´ cÔng v◊ Æ≠Óc bË mua cho mÈt hÈp ri™ng Æ˘ng c´n trÔng.
C©u chuy÷n cÒa nh˜ng bπn c´n trÔng
H´m Æ«u c„ mÈt chÛ b‰ ng˘a r†t to t◊m Æ’n, t´i cho vµo trong hÈp, c∂ hai bË con say s≠a cÔng nh◊n chi’c hÈp, quan s∏t chÛ b‰ ng˘a kh“u kh“u hai chi’c ch©n trong chi’c hÈp. ß∆c bi÷t khi nh◊n qua chi’c k›nh lÛp tr™n chi’c hÈp th◊ lπi nh◊n cµng r‚ h¨n. ˇc c¯ say s≠a nh◊n chi’c hÈp vµ ngæm chÛ b‰ ng˘a. H´m sau th◊ chi’c hÈp c„ th™m nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn mÌi, mÈt chÛ ch©u ch†u, mÈt chÛ xän t„c, mÈt bπn b≠¨m b≠Ìm. H´m kh∏c th◊ mÈt chÛ ong t◊m Æ’n.
Ìi ng≠Íi lÌn th›ch Î nh˜ng n¨i thµnh phË Ân µo, Æ´ng ÆÛc h¨n, nh≠ng vÌi trŒ con, rıng c„ v´ vµn nh˜ng th¯ h†p d…n, nh˜ng th¯ mÌi lπ mµ con kh´ng th” t◊m Æ≠Óc khi Î nh˜ng thµnh phË lÌn. Nh˜ng ngµy Î trong rıng, c„ bi’t bao nhi™u lµ bπn c´n trÔng, bπn th◊ t◊m Æ’n phflng, bπn th◊ g∆p Æ≠Óc tr™n nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng Æi vµo trong rıng. Tr≠Ìc khi Æi, t´i Æ∑ Æi t◊m vµ mua Æ≠Óc mÈt chi’c hÈp Æ∆c bi÷t. ß„ lµ mÈt chi’c hÈp
Chi’c hÈp bi’n thµnh c∂ mÈt th’ giÌi c´n trÔng v´ cÔng h†p d…n vÌi ˇc. C„ th” con ch≠a bi’t nhi“u ki’n th¯c sinh h‰c, nh≠ng
C∂ nhµ cæm trπi trong mÈt cung Æ≠Íng trekking
ˇc hoµn toµn th›ch thÛ th’ giÌi c´n trÔng nh· xinh Æ„. C∏c bπn T©y mµ ˇc lµm quen trong thÍi gian Î rıng cÚng r†t th›ch thÛ, ngπc nhi™n vÌi chi’c hÈp cÒa ˇc. MÁi tËi, ˇc lπi ra chµo nh˜ng bπn thπch sÔng ho∆c th«m th◊ vÌi bπn: "Don't be scared, I'm not a lion" (Thπch sÔng ¨i Æıng sÓ, m◊nh kh´ng ph∂i lµ con s≠ tˆ Æ©u.)
C©u chuy÷n cÒa bi”n... Bao quanh Æ∂o C∏t Bµ c„ r†t nhi“u Æ∂o nh·. Sau nh˜ng h´m Æi rıng, t´i cho ˇc Æi v“ thfi tr†n, ra ch¨i Î b∑i C∏t Cfl 3, vÌi b∑i c∏t træng tuy÷t Æãp. C„ h´m trÍi kh∏ lπnh, c„ h´m trÍi næng tuy÷t Æãp. Nh≠ng dÔ b†t k” thÍi ti’t nh≠ nµo, ˇc cÚng Æ“u r†t th›ch bi”n. Kh´ng cfln sÓ bi”n nh≠ n®m tr≠Ìc, c„ h´m trÍi kh∏ lπnh, ˇc v…n c¯ lao xuËng bi”n, rÂi t˘ ngh‹ ra ÆÒ trfl Æ” ch¨i. ˇc th›ch c«m s·i näm, th›ch nªm xuËng c∏t tr≠Ín tr≠Ín ra bi”n giËng nh≠ mÈt con rÔa, hay ch¨i trfl x©y l©u Ƶi c∏t ho∆c ch´n ch©n xuËng c∏t. Ngoµi khu b∑i tæm ch›nh th¯c, t´i cfln Æi xe m∏y vflng quanh Æ∂o C∏t Bµ vµ t◊m Æ≠Óc cho ˇc mÈt b∑i bi”n hoang vu chºng c„ t™n. N„ nªm Î ph›a x∑ Hi“n Hµo, g«n vÌi ng∑ ba gi˜a mÈt lËi ven bi”n Æi v“ ph›a thfi tr†n C∏t Bµ, vµ mÈt Æ≠Íng Æi v“ khu V≠Ín QuËc gia. C∂ nhµ Æi ra Æ„, mang Æ«y ÆÒ ÆÂ, tr∂i th∂m xuËng, mã nªm Ɖc s∏ch, cfln t´i vµ ˇc lao ra ngoµi vÌi r†t nhi“u trfl ch¨i. Trfl ÆËt lˆa trπi vÌi nh˜ng cµnh phi lao kh´ tr™n c∏t, trfl Æi t◊m nh˜ng vÚng n≠Ìc tr™n Æ∏ Æ” Æi bæt Ëc, Æi t◊m nh˜ng con cua Î ven bÍ. N¨i nµy lµ mÈt b∑i bÂi lÌn, s∏ng sÌm khi n≠Ìc bi”n rÛt Æi Æ” lπi mÈt b∑i n≠Ìc n´ng vÌi nhi“u loµi kh∏c nhau sinh sËng.
Kinh nghi÷m du lch vÌi con trong rıng ñ Chu»n b Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c loπi thuËc chËng c´n trÔng vµ dÙng cÙ s¨ c¯u, c∏c loπi thuËc c¨ b∂n ho∆c c∏c thuËc chÿ Ænh ri™ng cho con tÔy theo tıng nhµ. ñ ßi rıng tËt nh†t n™n c„ gÀy leo nÛi, gi«y leo nÛi, ÆÃn pin chuy™n dÙng cho c∂ nhµ Æ” Æ∂m b∂o an toµn vµ tr∂i nghi÷m tËt nh†t. Con n™n c„ gÀy leo nÛi cÒa ri™ng m◊nh, n„ sœ giÛp con th®ng bªng tËt h¨n khi Æi cÚng nh≠ khi leo nÛi. N’u c„ th™m nh˜ng thi’t b kh∏c nh≠ Ëng nhm hay GPS, con sœ c„ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v h¨n. ñ MÚ c„ che g∏y, k›nh chËng næng, kem chËng næng. ñ Mang b∏nh ho∆c chocolate Æ” ÆÈng vi™n con khi con c∂m th†y buÂn ch∏n ho∆c m÷t m·i. ñ Lu´n mang theo ÆÒ n≠Ìc cho con. ñ H≠Ìng d…n con loπi c©y g◊ c„ th” chπm vµo, loπi nµo chÿ quan s∏t th´i. C∏c loπi c´n trÔng cÚng vÀy, loπi nµo con c„ th” cÔng mÈt c∏ch an toµn. Trong rıng c„ r†t nhi“u loπi n†m, c©y, hoa lπ, n’u bπn kh´ng bi’t loπi nµo th◊ tËt nh†t kh´ng cho con thˆ, kh´ng cho vµo mÂm, v◊ r†t c„ th” do b∂n t›nh hi’u ÆÈng con sœ b· ngay vµo mÂm Æ” thˆ. ñ Ch¨i cÔng vÌi con, k” chuy÷n vÌi con nh˜ng ki’n th¯c v“ thi™n nhi™n, v“ c©y cËi, v“ bi”n, v“ tr®ng sao. ñ H≠Ìng d…n con kh´ng v¯t r∏c Î trong rıng, kh´ng ÆËt lˆa, kh´ng ch∆t c©y lµm tÊn hπi rıng. TRAVELLIVE
Kinh nghi÷m Æi rıng, bi”n, Æ∂o C∏t Bµ T´i d…n ˇc t›t ra ngoµi Æ” ch¨i nghfich bÔn. L«n Æ«u ˇc Æ≠Óc ch¨i nghfich bÔn tho∂i m∏i vµ sung s≠Ìng nh≠ vÀy. Ch¨i ch∏n d≠Ìi bÔn, hai bË cfln lπi Æi d‰c bÍ bi”n Æ” t◊m nh˜ng chÛ Ëc, san hÂ, v· sfl bi”n. T´i dπy ˇc lµm bÈ s≠u tÀp ri™ng v“ bi”n, bÈ s≠u tÀp v“ rıng vµ v“ c´n trÔng.
...Vµ chuy÷n cÒa ˇc †y ngµy Æ«u vµo rıng, ˇc cfln træng trŒo, bÙ b…m, xinh xæn, cfln sÓ con s©u, sÓ con thπch sÔng, sÓ con ong. Sau mÈt th∏ng Î rıng th◊ ˇc trfln lºn, Æen nh∏m c∂ ng≠Íi, ch©n tay chæc nfich. Con bæt Æ«u th›ch khu rıng, th›ch nh˜ng bπn c´n trÔng, vµ bæt Æ«u quen vÌi t†t c∂ m‰i ng≠Íi Î trong khu V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ rÂi. Hµnh tr◊nh 30 ngµy trong rıng Î V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ l«n nµy lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m sœ kh„ qu™n vÌi ˇc, vÌi tuÊi th¨ cÒa con. T´i bi’t con sœ nhÌ m∑i khu rıng, nhÌ ti’ng ong, ti’ng k™u cÒa c∏c bπn tæc kÃ, nhÌ nh˜ng chÛ thπch sÔng Æi s®n mÂi vµo buÊi Æ™m, nhÌ ti’ng g‰i cÒa rıng. 30 ngµy Æ„ sœ lµ mÈt ph«n trong k˝ ¯c tuÊi th¨ con. C∂ nhµ Æ∑ hoµn thµnh Æ≠Óc h«u h’t c∏c mÙc ti™u trong chuy’n Æi, con th›ch Æi cæm trπi, con t˘ m◊nh Æi trekking trong rıng, con th›ch leo nÛi, con th›ch ngæm tr®ng, ngæm sao, con bæt Æ«u th›ch ch¨i Î bi”n. Con tr∂i nghi÷m t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ thuÈc v“ th’ giÌi t˘ nhi™n nµy. Con h‰c Æ≠Óc v´ vµn th¯ mµ kh´ng bi’t lµ m◊nh "Æang h‰c". Sau chuy’n Æi, ti’ng Anh cÒa con tËt h¨n r†t nhi“u, v◊ nh˜ng ngµy Î trong rıng, ˇc g∆p r†t nhi“u bπn t©y. L«n nµo ˇc cÚng c„ th” t˘ tin chµo h·i, bæt chuy÷n vµ trfl chuy÷n c∂ hµng ti’ng ÆÂng h vÌi c∏c bπn T©y Æ„, mµ kh´ng c«n hÁ trÓ g◊ cÒa bË mã. TrÎ lπi Hµ NÈi sau mÈt th∏ng, bË mã lπi tÀp trung vµo c´ng vi÷c, vµ k’ hoπch ti’p theo lµ t◊m c´ gi∏o dπy ti’ng Trung cho ˇc Æ” chu»n bfi cho hµnh tr◊nh M´ng CÊ, Trung QuËc, NhÀt B∂n vµo cuËi n®m nay - mÈt hµnh tr◊nh dµi ngµy n˜a kh∏m ph∏ ß´ng Bæc É cÔng bË mã.
ñ N’u Æi xe kh∏ch, bπn c„ th” Æi xe Daichi Group thºng tı phË cÊ Hµ NÈi tÌi tÀn V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ ho∆c th tr†n vÌi chi ph› chÿ 200.000 VNß/ng≠Íi. N’u Æi xe ´ t´ c∏ nh©n, bπn c„ th” Æi thºng tı Hµ NÈi Æ’n H∂i Phng, rÂi Æi ti’p c«u v≠Ót bi”n xuy™n qua Æ∂o C∏t H∂i tÌi b’n phµ G„t. Tı b’n phµ G„t Æi chıng 10 phÛt tÌi phµ C∏i Vi“ng. Tı phµ C∏i Vi“ng Æi chıng h¨n 10km n˜a lµ tÌi V≠Ín QuËc gia. TÊng thÍi gian Æi lπi chıng 3 ti’ng r≠Ïi cho Æ’n 4 ti’ng. L≠u ˝ phµ chπy vµo giÍ chΩn, n™n Æi Æ’n phµ tr≠Ìc giÍ Æ„ Æ” tr∏nh ph∂i ÆÓi phµ l©u.
ñ Nhµ ˇc ch‰n Æi mÈt th∏ng, tuy nhi™n lch tr◊nh hÓp l˝ nh†t cho gia Æ◊nh n™n lµ mÈt tu«n. N’u bπn kh´ng c„ nhi“u thÍi gian, h∑y sæp x’p ›t nh†t bËn ho∆c n®m ngµy v◊ trŒ nh· c«n nghÿ ng¨i, di chuy”n Î m¯c ÆÈ hÓp l˝.
L¶U TR@ ñ C„ r†t nhi“u n¨i Æ” l≠u trÛ tπi th tr†n C∏t Bµ, vÌi c∏c m¯c chi ph› phÔ hÓp vÌi tıng gia Æ◊nh. Nh≠ng Æ” th˘c s˘ tr∂i nghi÷m rıng, bπn n™n ch‰n khu villa trong V≠Ín QuËc gia C∏t Bµ. Li™n h÷ tr≠Ìc vÌi Ban qu∂n l˝ V≠Ín QuËc gia Æ” Æ∆t phng. ¬M TH#C ñ ô th tr†n C∏t Bµ c„ r†t nhi“u l˘a ch‰n ®n uËng, cn Î trong khu villa th◊ nhµ ®n tÀp th” do b™n V≠Ín phÙ tr∏ch lµ l˘a ch‰n thuÀn ti÷n nh†t. N’u Æi xa h¨n chıng 1,2 km, bπn c„ th™m ch‰n l˘a kh∏c lµ nhµ hµng Î Hoi Farm Lake hay Î khu Ecologic g«n ÆÈng Trung Trang.
CHI PHê ñ Chi ph› ti“n phng Î villa trong V≠Ín kho∂ng tı 400 cho Æ’n mÈt tri÷u tÔy vµo thÍi Æi”m, ngoµi phng Î villa c„ th” Î khu nhµ tÀp th” vÌi m¯c ph› th†p h¨n. Ti“n Æi lπi lµ 200.000 VNß/mÈt vä cho mÈt ng≠Íi lÌn Æi xe Daichi Æ„n thºng tı phË cÊ tÌi tÀn cÊng V≠Ín QG C∏t Bµ, n’u trŒ con ngÂi cÔng gh’ th◊ th≠Íng kh´ng t›nh ph›. Ti“n ®n uËng th´ng th≠Íng Î V≠Ín QG lµ 50.000 VNß/ng≠Íi mÈt su†t ®n cho ng≠Íi lÌn ti™u chu»n. Î c∏c qu∏n hµng kh∏c th◊ kho∂ng 100.000 VNß/ng≠Íi lÌn, cn n’u ®n Î th tr†n th◊ c„ th” cao h¨n Î m¯c 200.000 VNß - 400.000 VNß cho mÈt gia Æ◊nh 2 ng≠Íi lÌn vµ mÈt bä. Ngoµi ra ti“n vä tham quan vµo c∏c n¨i nh≠ Æi l™n Æÿnh Ng˘ L©m, Æi Ao ⁄ch hay Æi ÆÈng Trung Trang lµ 40.000 VNß/vä ng≠Íi lÌn. N’u nh≠ nhµ bπn c„ 2 ng≠Íi lÌn vµ mÈt bä, Æi Î V≠Ín theo lch tr◊nh 4 ngµy 3 Æ™m th◊ chi ph› toµn bÈ ≠Ìc chıng 4 tÌi 5 tri÷u. THòI GIAN ßI ñ B†t k˙ thÍi gian nµo trong n®m cÚng c„ nh˜ng Æi“u thÛ v cho bä nhµ bπn tr∂i nghi÷m C∏t Bµ, tuy nhi™n mÔa hà th◊ phÔ hÓp h¨n. Ngoµi mÔa hÃ, C∏t Bµ sœ lπnh h¨n vµo c∏c mÔa kh∏c, bπn c«n chu»n b qu«n ∏o †m phÔ hÓp h¨n cho con. Nh≠ng hà lµ mÔa cao Æi”m, c∏c dch vÙ c„ th” b qu∏ t∂i.
Text and photos: Harry Trung Nguyen
learning trip in Cat Ba with our CùNG CON little girl l£N r\NG, lóI BIÕN CÉT BÄ Oc had been with us on two long trips where we traveled from the north to the south of Vietnam and around Southeast Asia. For her third journey and to celebrate her 3rd birthday, we took Oc to Cat Ba and spent 30 incredible days there.
With the two prior journeys that we took, we visited many different places, and were constantly on the go, and thus needed lightweight luggage.This time however with only one destination in mind and completely different living conditions, we wanted to be more than well-prepared.
y childhood was spent running wild among the fields of rice plant stumps after the harvest season, playing soccer with the local kids under heavy afternoon rains, or trying to catch fish in the rice fields. Those are the most beautiful memories that I have of my childhood. There is nothing more comforting than hearing the sound of children' laughing, enjoying vast natural space along with the sun and rain, and the sound of the frogs among bamboo trees near the pond close to our home. It would be a shame if our little girl missed out on such experiences, so we took Oc again on yet another long trip with us to help her explore the beautiful nature around her. By the end of February, I had traveled alone to Cat Ba National Park to do a site check, was provided helpful information by the park's enthusiastic management staff, and assured that it would be an amazing learning experience for Oc. When I returned to Hanoi, my whole family was excited, and could not wait to embark on the trip. We had two weeks to prepare everything, and since this trip
was a little different from the two that we took where we visited many different places and were constantly on the go and thus needed lightweight luggage, this time, with only one destination in mind and completely different living conditions, we wanted to be more than well-prepared. Our travel items included climbing sticks, lightweight bags, wind-proof jackets, trekking shoes, flashlights, headlamps, a GPS device, a compass, and a pair of binoculars, and a magnifying glass. Everything was prepared with the sole intention of letting Oc learn and have fun while exploring the natural world.
The story of the forest Our first days in Cat Ba National Park were blessed with beautiful weather that allowed us to enjoy the sun, moon, stars, and birds singing every morning throughout the forest. Everyday we woke up to a stunning scene of lush forests, and fragrant flowers, as well as clean, fresh air. The mountains in front of our eyes were painted yellow with the color of the sun, while the sky was filled with all kinds of birds flying by. We were simply immersed in the most pleasant and peaceful atmosphere imaginable.
route, and instead followed a small trail that led to the forest. It was about 600 m from where we stayed, and as soon as we completed the trail, we found ourselves lost in an incredible world of trees, birds, and the sound of nature. We sprayed mosquito repellant on Oc to prevent her from getting bitten, but mosquitoes and bees still circled around us. Oc got to see many new things during her first day in the forest, from ants crawling under the brown carpet of leaves on the ground, to termites making a nest in a tree trunk, to colorful bugs which could be spotted under the leaves, as well as all kinds of different birds and butterflies flying from one branch to another while the sun was piercing through the lush forest.
Trekking in the forest was a new experience for the whole family, even for me. I was not sure if Oc was ready for it, even though she had traveled everywhere with us. She is only 3 years old after all, and trekking in the forest requires strength and perseverance.
Oc found a small branch with flowers, and enjoyed blowing the petals away. The whole family continued to follow the small trail into the forest. My wife suddenly started singing, and Oc sang along cheerfully with her mother, while I turned on the GPS to navigate my way around, and mark important spots. My 3G connection was weak, and I was not sure if I could trust my Google Map since it might not have been accurate anyway. It is very difficult to determine exactly where you are when you are standing in the middle of the forest, and easy to panic if you are lost. I felt much more confident taking the GPS with me, so that we knew where we were and where we were headed.
On our first day, I took Oc for a short trek into the forest. We did not go on the main trekking
Oc was excited to see, hear, and experience so many new things, although she had yet to
understand everything. I gave her the compass to carry, along with the binoculars on her neck, a trekking stick in her hand, and a hat to wear. Oc even played with my Garmin GPS for a while until she was bored, and moved on to playing with her binoculars. We wanted her to get familiar with the items, even though she had little knowledge of their purposes. Oc became used to trekking, and we went on further routes. One particularly long trek was to Ao Ech, where we had to split the distance into shorter trails. We completed the Forest Education Trail, and passed the May Bau Peak. The trail leading to Ao Ech is picturesque whenever the sun pierces through the forest, creating a breathtaking scene, the kind that you often only see in movies. The terrain was flat at the beginning of the trail, but the later part was made up of steep slopes and cliffs that required more intense climbing and was a lot more challenging. TRAVELLIVE
Oc got to see many new things during her first day in the forest, from ants crawling under the brown carpet of leaves on the ground, to termites making a nest in a tree trunk, to colorful bugs which can be spotted under the leaves, as well as all kinds of different birds and butterflies flying from one branch to another.
rekking is a task that often requires adults to have strength, endurance, and some degree of physical conditioning. With children, it is a different story. One kilometer of climbing equals a 3 km walk on flat terrain, so we had to sing to Oc to motivate her. She mostly walked by herself, except for some parts where she held our hands, or needed to be lifted or held. With children, each day gives a different experience. On a normal day, she would get very excited and could walk long distances, but on a different day, she would refuse to walk by herself, and wanted to be held instead. Oc is older this year, but still very much a little girl. We encountered countless colorful butterflies, mushrooms, and huge red ants on our way to Ao Ech. The forest is such a great world with so many things to explore for Oc. We stayed at a villa in Cat Ba National Park where we were surrounded with lush mountains and forests. From here, you can trek along a number of trails into the forest. To the north is Gia Luan Commune where you cross over to Quang Ninh, to the west is Phu Long Commune, well-known for its mangrove forests, and to the southeast is the town. As soon as the sun sunk behind the far away mountains, everything became pitch black, and the sound of birds, monkeys, and night insects echoed from afar. We quickly trekked back to the villa with Oc holding the flashflight to show us the way. Up in the sky were countless stars lighting the night forest.
The story of the moon, stars and telescope We were lucky to experience the moon at its peak during our first nights. The full moon lit up the sky with its magical light, and its beautiful presence was felt even when we were inside the room. Oc loved the experience. We opened all the windows to let the light in, and only closed them when we went to bed, but still we kept the curtains open. If we had to, we could have easily slept under this beautiful starry sky. The moonlight spread over the entire villa and the surrounding forest. We could hear the sound of birds, crickets, and insects clearly throughout the nights. Sometimes the glistening stars were spotted from our beds. Oc loved to sing the North Star song, "North star, north star, are you near or are you far?" before she went to bed. Her favorite thing to do was to assign the stars, one for her, one for me and one for her mother. We brought out our telescope, binoculars, and camera during our first nights to try to capture the breathtaking beauty of the moon. It was my first time getting the telescope out, and putting it together was no
Travel with children in the forest ñ Bring insect repellents, a first aid kit, some basic medicines or specific medications for your children. ñ Bring a climbing stick, trekking shoes, and a good flashlight to ensure the family has the safest and most enjoyable experience. The children can have their own climbing sticks to help them balance when going long distances or when climbing though this isn't necessary. Bring along items such as GPS, binoculars, and telescope for a more fun experience. ñ Wear a hat with a neck flap, sunglasses, and sunscreen. ñ Bring some snacks for your children to eat along the way. ñ Bring plenty of water for the whole family. ñ Tell your children which plant is safe to touch and which plant is not. The same goes with the insects. There are many kinds of toxic mushrooms, plants, and flowers in the forest. It is best to advise your children not to touch or eat anything while in the forest. ñ Teach your children about the natural world, the forest, the sea, the moon, and the stars. ñ Remind your children not to litter in the forest, make a fire, or damage any plants to protect the environment.
easy task since it came in with many different parts. It took me forever to read the instruction and assemble the telescope. Oc's mother came to my aid, while Oc played with different screws, and lenses. It took me almost a day to set up the tent and get the telescope together, yet some parts still remained unfitted as I had no idea where to place them. Oc had her own binoculars, a small one, which works perfectly fine, while we had a bigger pair of binoculars. It was Oc's first time looking at things through the binoculars, and she loved it. I helped her adjust the lenses for sharper images. At night, when the sky is clear, is when we used the binoculars to watch thousands of bright stars of different sizes. It was a truly spectacular sight.
The story of the insects We as adults often prefer the convenience and comfort that big cities provide, but to young children, being in nature with the opportunity to explore seems to make them the happiest. The forest is home to many different types of insects, and we encountered many both at the villa and on our trails. I brought along a container made of transparent plastic that has air holes on one side, all equipped with a neck strap, a hand lens, and an insect tweezer. Oc was very happy that her daddy bought her an insect container to study live insects. We caught a big mantis on our first day in the forest. After placing it in the container, we observed the mantis together. We used
both our eyes and the hand lens to watch the mantis in close up. Oc could not keep her eyes away from the mantis. The next day, we added other insects including a grasshopper, a longhorn beetle, and a butterfly to our little container. We later also found a bee. The box turned into Oc's own world of insects, and she was very fond of it. Despite the little knowledge she had about insects, she enjoyed studying them nevertheless. Oc's friends, the children of other vacations, who she met in the forest all wanted to take turns to have a look at Oc's amazing insect box. We also found many house lizards inside the villa, whom Oc loved saying hello to in the evening, and sometimes eve whispered to them, "Do not be scared, I'm not a lion."
Additional information GeT THeRe ñ You can take a direct Daichi Group bus from the Old Quarter in Hanoi to Cat Ba National Park or Cat Ba Town for only 200,000 VND/person. If you want to travel by car, first drive from Hanoi to Hai Phong, then continue on to the sea bridge to cross Cat Hai Island to the Got ferry station. From here, it takes about 10 minutes to get to Cai Vieng ferry station. From Cai Vieng, drive for about 10 km to the Cat Ba National Park. Total travel time is about 3.5 hours to 4 hours. Please note that the ferry runs on even hours, so get to the ferry on time to avoid waiting. STAy ñ You can find many hotels to stay in Cat Ba Town for an affordable rate. But to truly experience the forest, you should choose to stay at the villa in Cat Ba National Park. Contact the park management for reservations. eAT ñ There are many dining options in town, but if you stay at the villa in the park, their communal cafeteria is the most convenient option. If you go further for about 1.2 km, you can find a restaurant at Hoi Lake Farmstay or at the 24rest Ecologic near Trung Trang Cave. ITINeRARy ñ We chose to spend a whole month here, but you could spend at least a week. If you have limited time, arrange at least four or five days for the children to enjoy the trip. CoST ñ A villa at the park costs between 400,000 to 1,000,000 VND depending on the season. In addition to the villa option, you can stay at their communal house for a lower rate. It costs 200,000 VND/person for a Daichi a bus ride from Hanoi to Cat Ba National Park (if your child can sit on your laps, it is usually free). A meal at the National Park costs around 50,000 VND/person, while at other restaurants in the area, it is around 100,000 VND/person. If you eat in town, the cost can be higher ranging from 200,000 - 400,000 VND for a family of 2 adults and 1 child. Admission tickets to enter Ngu Lam Peak, Ao Ech, and Trung Trang Cave cost 40,000 VND/person each. If you are a family of 2 adults and 1 child, the total cost for a 4-day and 3-night journey is about 4,000,000 - 5,000,000 VND. WHeN To Go ñ You can visit Cat Ba National Park any time since there is always something interesting for you and your family to explore, but summer time is an ideal time. Cat Ba is cooler during other seasons, so warm clothing is essential for the children. Summer is also the peak season, and services may be overloaded.
The story of the sea Cat Ba is an island surrounded by many other small islands. After the jungle trip, we took Oc back to town, and went to the white sandy Cat Co 3 Beach. We had both cool breezy days, and beautiful sunny days. Regardless of the weather, Oc loved spending time near the sea. Oc was bolder than on previous trips, and was no longer afraid of the water. On days when the water was colder, Oc still headed to the sea, jumped into it, and played there until she got tired. Her fun activities include throwing stones into the sea, crawling across the sandy beach like a turtle, building sand castles, and getting her feet buried in the sand. We hired a motorbike to explore around the island, and ended
up finding a beautiful secluded beach located in Hien Hao Commune, close to the junction where a coastal road takes you to town and one takes you to the Cat Ba National Park. We decided to bring our things there to camp. While her mother got her book out to read, Oc and I did some fun activites together. We went to find dry branches to make a fire, catch sea snails on the rocks, and look for crabs on the beach. The beach is a large mudflat, where the tide recedes early in the morning leaving many different marine species stranded on shore. We also played in the mud. It was Oc's first time playing in the mud, and she absolutely loved it. We later went to find all different kinds of shells for Oc to collect. It was important to me to teach Oc about the worlds of natural life.
Oc's story
hen we first arrived Cat Ba, Oc was a plump and pale little girl who was afraid of worms, geckos, and bees. After a month in the forest, Oc became a lot tougher, started to enjoy life in the forest, became familiar with the insects, and got to know everyone at the park. Our 30-day trip to Cat Ba National Park was an unforgettable experience for Oc, and her childhood memory made special by it. We know that her memories of the forest, the sound of the bees, the calls of the tokay geckos, house lizards at night, and the sound of the forest will live on until she becomes an adult. We accomplished most of the goals we had set before the trip for Oc from camping, to trekking on her own in the forest, to climbing mountains, to watching the moon and the stars, and playing in the sea. Oc got to experience nature in a way that most city kids nowadays seldom have the opportunity to. She has learnt so many things without knowing that she was learning. Oc also had a chance to practice her English during the trip as she met kids from many different countries. Oc was able to greet, talk, and chat with her new friends without any hesitation. The whole family returned to Hanoi, and while we are back at work, we are already planning for the family's next trip, and looking for a Chinese tutor for Oc. Our next journey which is likely to be at the end of the year, will include Mongolia, China, and Japan - another long trip of Oc to discover the northeast Asia. TRAVELLIVE
NH~NG HÄNH TRçNH TH@ Vë TRONG THÉNG 6 ßæm m◊nh gi˜a lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh mµu ng‰c cÒa vnh L®ng C´, l™n phË nÛi ßµ Lπt "s®n" m©y hay tr∂i nghi÷m Æ™m træng n≠Ìc Nga, ngæm "tuy’t r¨i mÔa hÃ" tπi @c... lµ nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· qua khi bπn l™n k’ hoπch du lch trong th∏ng 6. CÔng Travellive l≠Ìt qua danh mÙc nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n vµ l˘a ch‰n hµnh tr◊nh ≠a th›ch nhä!
L°NG C§ - XANH MÄU NGñC BêCH ®ng C´ nªm gi˜a ßµ NΩng vµ Hu’, ph›a nam lµ ÆÃo H∂i V©n, ph›a bæc lµ ÆÃo PhÛ Gia. CÚng ch›nh nhÍ vfi tr› Ææc Æfia mµ L®ng C´ sÎ h˜u vŒ Æãp t˘ nhi™n hi’m c„, Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi nÛi non h˜u t◊nh vµ bÍ bi”n trong xanh tuy÷t Æãp. ß∆c bi÷t, L®ng C´ lµ mÈt trong sË ›t vfinh bi”n hi’m hoi Î Vi÷t Nam c„ mµu xanh ng‰c b›ch. N’u c„ dfip Æ’n Æ©y vµo mÔa hÃ, bπn sœ hi”u tπi sao bi”n L®ng C´ lπi th›ch hÓp cho du lfich nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ’n vÀy. MÔa hà ΠL®ng C´ kh´ng n„ng, kh› hÀu ´n hfla vµ thÍi ti’t lπi v´ cÔng m∏t mŒ. Tuy nhi™n, thÍi Æi”m th›ch hÓp nh†t Æ” kh∏m ph∏ vfinh bi”n nµy chÿ käo dµi tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 7, bÎi thÍi gian sau Æ„ lµ bæt Æ«u mÔa m≠a b∑o.
TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: Bπn c„ th” xu†t ph∏t tı ßµ NΩng hay tı Hu’ bªng xe kh∏ch ho∆c tµu lˆa, thÀm ch› bπn c„ th” di chuy”n bªng xe m∏y. - ¬m th˘c: ß’n L®ng C´, h∑y ®n thˆ b∏nh canh ch∂ cua nÊi ti’ng, bÛn ri™u cua cµng b„c v· vµ mæm s L®ng C´... Ngoµi ra, bπn c„ th” Î lπi c∏c lµng chµi ven bi”n, ®n h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng. - M∏ch nh·: H∑y dµnh 3 ngµy cho k˙ nghÿ Î L®ng C´, bπn sœ ÆÒ thÍi gian tham quan nh˜ng Æa danh l©n cÀn nh≠ ß«m LÀp An, ßÃo H∂i V©n, Rıng quËc gia Bπch M∑, CË Æ´ Hu’ vµ L®ng Kh∂i ßnh.
ßÄ LÑT - MùA S°N M¢Y NÊi ti’ng vÌi m÷nh danh "Thµnh phË s≠¨ng", mÔa xu©n Î ßµ Lπt s≠¨ng phÒ træng trÍi. Tuy nhi™n, th∏ng 6 vµo hπ, s≠¨ng bæt Æ«u tan vµ m©y gi®ng khæp nÛi rıng. Vµo mÔa "s®n" m©y Î ßµ Lπt, bπn ph∂i dÀy tı 5 giÍ s∏ng v◊ khi næng l™n m©y sœ tan h’t.
THÉI NGUY£N - LÑC VÄO M£ CUNG CHá Nªm Î vÔng Æ´ng bæc Bæc bÈ, Th∏i Nguy™n sÎ h˜u phong c∂nh s¨n thÒy h˜u t◊nh, non xanh n≠Ìc bi’c, vÌi nh˜ng ÆÂi chà xanh m≠Ìt khi’n khung c∂nh n¨i Æ©y cµng th™m th¨ mÈng. MÔa thu hoπch chà ΠTh∏i Nguy™n th≠Íng bæt Æ«u vµo th∏ng 5, th∏ng 6 - thÍi Æi”m tËt nh†t Æ” chà Ʃm chÂi, trÊ bÛp nhi“u nh†t. ß©y cÚng lµ mÔa Æãp nh†t Æ” th≠Îng ngoπn c∂nh Æãp cÒa vÔng trung du nµy. Du kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi ngæm nh˜ng ÆÂi chà sum sÛp nh≠ b∏t Ûp, Æ©u Æ©u cÚng nhuÈm mÈt mµu xanh t≠¨i m¨n mÎn trµn Æ«y nh˘a sËng, tπo n™n m´i tr≠Íng sinh th∏i trong lµnh, m∏t mŒ. H◊nh th∏i sinh tr≠Îng cÒa ÆÂi chà t˘a nh≠ m™ cung cÚng lµ c∂nh quan †n t≠Óng Æ” du kh∏ch c„ Æ≠Óc nh˜ng t†m ∂nh l≠u ni÷m tuy÷t Æãp. ß∆c bi÷t, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn mæt ngæm nh◊n Æ´i bµn tay tho®n thoæt h∏i chà cÒa nh˜ng c´ g∏i b∂n Æfia, kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng ph≠¨ng ph∏p sao chà tı truy“n thËng Æ’n hi÷n Æπi, vµ thˆ mÈt l«n hfla vµo nhfip sËng nhÈn nhfip cÔng ng≠Íi d©n vÔng chÃ. TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: Bπn c„ th” di chuy”n bªng xe kh∏ch ho∆c xe m∏y bÎi Th∏i Nguy™n kh∏ g«n s©n bay NÈi Bµi - Hµ NÈi. - ¬m th˘c: B∏nh ch≠ng BÍ ßÀu, c¨m lam ßnh H„a, b∏nh co„c m cÒa d©n tÈc Tµy vµ chà Th∏i Nguy™n lµ nh˜ng m„n nh†t Ænh ph∂i thˆ. - M∏ch nh·: H∑y dµnh 3 ngµy cho chuy’n Æi nµy, bπn cÚng c„ th” l≠u lπi l©u h¨n Æ” kh∏m ph∏ t◊m hi”u v“ c´ng Æoπn s∂n xu†t chà hay ch‰n Th∏i Nguy™n lµ n¨i nghÿ d≠Ïng cÚng r†t tuy÷t. Vµ l≠u ˝ rªng Æıng b· qua h NÛi CËc vÌi vŒ Æãp Æ∑ thµnh huy“n thoπi.
Kh› trÍi ßµ Lπt s∏ng sÌm th≠Íng lπnh n™n sœ thÀt th≠ th∏i n’u Æ≠Óc th∂ hÂn l¨ Æ∑ng theo nh˜ng Æ∏m m©y vµ chÍ Æ„n nh˜ng tia næng Æ«u ti™n trong ngµy. M©y Î Æ©y th≠Íng m·ng, c„ khi tr∂i dµi nh≠ t†m lÙa, c„ khi cuÂn cuÈn x’p lÌp nh≠ nh˜ng ÆÓt s„ng tr´i gi˜a kh´ng trung. H¨n h’t, "s®n m©y" sœ tπo cho bπn c∂m gi∏c cao h¨n m©y, v◊ lÛc nµy m©y luÂn d≠Ìi c∏c t∏n c©y, c∏c d∑y nÛi vµ cæt ngang qua nh˜ng ng‰n ÆÂi. ß’n ßµ Lπt, bπn Æıng qu™n ghä lµng CÔ L«n, lµng ߆t Sät, nhµ thÍ Con Gµ hay ti÷m b∏nh CËi Xay Gi„ nÊi ti’ng. TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: M∏y bay, tµu lˆa vµ xe kh∏ch lµ nh˜ng ph≠¨ng ti÷n c„ th” Æ≠a bπn Æ’n ßµ Lπt. Bπn d‘ dµng Æ’n phË nÛi ngµn th´ng, v◊ Æ©y lµ thµnh phË du lch nÊi ti’ng, c∏ch TP.HCM chÿ 300 km. - ¬m th˘c: MÈt ly s˜a ÆÀu nµnh n„ng tr≠Ìc khi xu†t ph∏t lµ l˘a ch‰n tËt nh†t cho chuy’n Æi s®n m©y cÒa bπn. Bπn cÚng c„ th” ®n b∏nh ≠Ìt lng gµ, b∏nh m◊ x›u mπi hay m„n kem b¨ bäo ngÀy. - M∏ch nh·: ßµ Lπt kh∏ nh· n™n bπn chÿ c«n dµnh 3 ngµy Æ” tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› trong lµnh Î Æ©y lµ ÆÒ. Bπn c„ th” ngæm m©y tr´i l∑ng Æ∑ng tr™n ÆÂi trµ, Trπi M∏t, h SuËi Vµng, th∏c Hang C‰p.
NGA - M£ HOÖC CùNG "ߣM TR¿NG" "ß™m træng" lµ mÈt hi÷n t≠Óng thi™n nhi™n v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o Î Nga, bæt Æ«u tı th∏ng 5 Æ’n gi˜a th∏ng 7. Dfip nµy, du kh∏ch th≠Íng ÆÊ x´ tÌi x¯ sÎ bπch d≠¨ng Æ” ngæm nh◊n b«u trÍi Æ™m k˙ ∂o, t≠Îng chıng nh≠ ch≠a h“ tæt næng. Kho∂ng thÍi gian nµy, m∆t trÍi th≠Íng l∆n lÛc 11 giÍ r≠Ïi Æ™m, ban ngµy käo dµi g«n 19 ti’ng. Saint Petersburg vµ Moscow lµ hai n¨i mµ bπn c„ th” ch¯ng ki’n "Æ™m træng" r‚ nät nh†t v◊ Î Æ©y c„ ÆÈ cao phÔ hÓp, c∂nh quan tho∏ng Æ∑ng. Tπi Saint Peterburg, hi÷n t≠Óng "Æ™m træng" bæt Æ«u tı ngµy 11/6 Æ’n 2/7 mÁi n®m. Nh˜ng ngµy nµy, m‰i ng≠Íi th≠Íng käo nhau ra qu∂ng tr≠Íng tÙ h‰p ho∆c th¯c træng Æ™m Æ” chi™m ngæm khung c∂nh huy“n ∂o cÒa thµnh phË, lÛc b«u trÍi chuy”n sang mµu s˜a m¨ mÈng, Æ´i khi pha ∏nh hÂng nhπt, c„ lÛc lπi s∏ng r˘c rÏ nh≠ ban ngµy. MuËn ngæm hi÷n t≠Óng nµy tπi Moscow, h∑y Æ’n khu v˘c Qu∂ng tr≠Íng ß· vµ nhµ thÍ Th∏nh Basil. TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: Tı Vi÷t Nam c„ Æ≠Íng bay thºng Æ’n Moscow vµ Saint Petersburg. - ¬m th˘c: Th≠Îng th¯c b∏nh hπnh phÛc Pelmeni vµ b∏nh Pirozhki lµ tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. - M∏ch nh·: Bπn c„ th” dµnh 10 ngµy Æ’n 2 tu«n Æ” kh∏m ph∏ n≠Ìc Nga tuy÷t di÷u, bÎi n≠Ìc Nga c„ v´ vµn c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc nÊi ti’ng nh≠ Cung Æi÷n Peterhof, Cung Æi÷n Catherine, Th∏nh Æ≠Íng ChÛa c¯u th’ hay Qu∂ng tr≠Íng ß·. TRAVELLIVE
ß⁄N @C NG¿M "TUY⁄T R•I MùA Há" QuËc gia Î Nam b∏n c«u nµy c„ di÷n t›ch lÌn th¯ 6 tr™n th’ giÌi, bÎi th’, kh› hÀu Î @c kh∏ Æa dπng vµ kh∏c bi÷t. MÔa Æ´ng Î Æ©y th≠Íng bæt Æ«u vµo th∏ng 6, käo dµi h’t th∏ng 8. N’u Î Vi÷t Nam Æang lµ mÔa hà th◊ Î @c Æang Æ„n nh˜ng b´ng tuy’t Æ«u ti™n vµ chu»n bfi cho l‘ hÈi mÔa Æ´ng. ß” th≠Îng th¯c "tuy’t r¨i mÔa hÃ" tπi @c vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng thÛ vfi, h∑y Æ’n bang Victoria c∏ch thµnh phË Melbourne kho∂ng mÈt ngµy Æ≠Íng. Tr™n suËt d‰c Æ≠Íng Æi, bπn sœ bæt g∆p hµng tr®m cung Æ≠Íng tr≠Ót tuy’t c„ khung c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp. Bπn cÚng Æıng qu™n ghä khu nÛi tuy’t Mount Buller Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m bÈ m´n l≠Ìt v∏n vµ tr≠Ót tuy’t Æ«y thÛ vfi. Sœ thÀt b†t ngÍ khi mÔa hà cÒa bπn Æ≠Óc phÒ tuy’t træng x„a. Ngoµi ra, bπn c„ th” tham gia c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ngh÷ thuÀt ÆÈc Æ∏o nh≠ L‘ hÈi mÔa Æ´ng Alpine, Æ™m nhπc Alittle Night Music tπi nhµ h∏t Opera hay ghä tham quan B∂o tµng Melbourne... Chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn sœ tr‰n vãn h¨n n’u bπn Æ’n th®m nhµ thÍ Th∏nh Patrick vÌi ki’n trÛc Gothic nguy nga, lÈng l…y, thu hÛt Æ´ng Æ∂o du kh∏ch quËc t’. TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: Tı TP.HCM c„ chuy’n bay thºng Æ’n Melbourne. C∏c chuy’n bay kh∏c qu∏ c∂nh tπi Singapore vµ Sydney. - ¬m th˘c: ßıng qu™n th≠Îng th¯c mÈt ly bia h≠¨ng lÛa mπch th¨m nÂng cho nh˜ng ngµy Æ´ng nghch mÔa cÒa bπn tπi @c. - M∏ch nh·: Bπn c„ th” dµnh 1 tu«n cho chuy’n Æi nµy. N’u bπn th›ch mua sæm th◊ Æ©y cÚng lµ thÍi gian tuy÷t nh†t Æ” bπn mang v“ nh˜ng m„n hµng gi∏ rŒ tπi c∏c con Æ≠Íng nÊi ti’ng nh≠ Chapel Street, Acland Street Î Victoria.
N’u Ireland lµ Æi”m Æ’n c„ sΩn trong k’ hoπch cÒa bπn th◊ mÔa hà lµ thÍi Æi”m tuy÷t nh†t Æ” bπn ghä th®m quËc gia nµy. MÔa m≠a Î Ireland th≠Íng käo dµi vµ s≠¨ng mÔ bao phÒ nhi“u thµnh phË lÌn nh≠ng Æ’n th∏ng 6 trÍi bæt Æ«u næng vµ kh› hÀu cÚng d«n †m l™n. ThÍi ti’t thÀt l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn th®m thÛ vµ kh∏m ph∏ c∏c l©u Ƶi cÊ, c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc l©u ÆÍi vµ c∏nh ÆÂng c· xanh m≠Ìt. Kh´ng mang vŒ Æãp sËng ÆÈng cÒa thµnh phË c´ng nghi÷p, quËc gia T©y ¢u nµy ch¯a Æ˘ng mÈt nät Æãp k˙ b› vµ lπ lÔng khi’n du kh∏ch quËc t’ muËn kh∏m ph∏. H∑y dµnh nhi“u ngµy cho chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn Æ” c„ th” ghä th®m l©u Ƶi Blarney, l©u Ƶi Ashford, lang thang c∏c con hŒm, c∏c b∂o tµng Î thÒ Æ´ Dublin hay thÀm ch› ngÂi m¨ mÈng b™n v∏ch Æ∏ b c´ng anh Moher. TH§NG TIN TH£M - Di chuy”n: Hi÷n tı Vi÷t Nam ch≠a c„ chuy’n bay thºng Æ’n Ireland, nh≠ng bπn c„ th” bay Æ’n Anh, rÂi bay tÌi thÒ Æ´ Dublin. - ¬m th˘c: ¬m th˘c Ireland kh∏ Æ∆c sæc, bπn n™n thˆ b∏nh khoai n≠Ìng Boxty hay m„n Coddle - khoai t©y h«m nÊi ti’ng cÒa Dublin. - M∏ch nh·: Ireland kh´ng nªm trong khËi Schengen n™n bπn ph∂i xin visa ri™ng khi vµo quËc gia nµy. ß∆c bi÷t, Ireland kh´ng c„ tµu Æi÷n ng«m n™n Æ’n Æ©y, bπn c„ th” di chuy”n bªng xe lˆa, xe Æi÷n vµ xe bu˝t. Bπn n™n dµnh mÈt tu«n cho chuy’n Æi Ireland Æ” c∂m nhÀn cuÈc sËng Î n¨i Æ≠Óc xem lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng "quËc gia c„ ch†t l≠Óng sËng tËt nh†t th’ giÌi".
T ext : B a o K hu y en - P ho t o s: Ma n y p ho t o g r a p her s
From immersing in the lush green water of Lang Co Bay, to cloud hunting in the city of Dalat, to witnessing incredible White Nights in Russia, to experiencing a cold summer in Australia, or taking a leisurely stroll around Ireland on warm sunny days, those are the things you should include in your travel plans this June. Here is a list of 6 amazing destinations Travellive has come up with for you!
ang Co is a township situated between Danang and Hue with the scenic Hai Van Pass to the south and Phu Gia Pass to the north. Thanks to its unique location, Lang Co is surrounded by majestic mountains and crystal clear water, making it a site of an incredible natural beauty. Lang Co Beach is one of the few gulfs that has jade green water in Vietnam. The destination is perfect to visit in summer, though be prepared to be blown away by its breathtaking sceneries. The weather is temperate, cool, and not too hot during summer. The most ideal times to explore Lang Co is from April through to July, just before the start of the rainy season. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: From Danang or Hue you can travel by bus, train, or even motorbike.
6 must-
- Eat: Try the popular "b∏nh canh ch∂ cua" (crab cake soup), "bÛn ri™u cua cµng b„c v·" (crab noodle soup), and "mæm s" (fermented clam sauce) in Lang Co, in addition to a wide variety of fresh seafoods. - Tip: Spend 3 days for your stay in Lang Co to visit nearby attractions such as Lap An Lake, Hai Van Pass, Bach Ma National Park, Hue Imperial Citadel, and Khai Dinh Tomb.
ocated in the northeast region of Vietnam, Thai Nguyen provides a charming landscape of lush tea hills and picturesque rivers. The tea harvest season in Thai Nguyen usually starts in May and June - the best time for blooming tea buds, and the most beautiful season for visitors to enjoy with amazing green carpets of tea hills and cool breezy weather. During this season, the incredible landscapes of Thai Nguyen are simply picture-perfect. Visitors can watch local women pick the tea leaves, discover traditional and modern methods of tea production, and experience the daily life of the locals. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: You can travel by bus or motorbike to Thai Nguyen since it is located quite close to Noi Bai Airport - Hanoi. - Eat: Bo Dau rice cake, Dinh Hoa bamboo rice, "b∏nh cooc m" of the ethinic Tay, and aromatic Thai Nguyen tea are a must-try. - Tip: Spend at least 3 days in Thai Nguyen to explore the process of tea production or make it a retreat holiday. Also visit the nearby beautiful Nui Coc Lake.
DALAT - CLOUD HUNTING SEASON Known as "the city of mist", Dalat is often covered in mist all year round with summer being the only exception, especially in June, when the mist starts to disappear and the clouds take over the region's lush mountains. To go "clound hunting", rising early is essential to catch a glimpse of the beautiful white clouds before the sun goes up. Dalat in the early morning is chilly, and is the perfect time for you to relax, watch the clouds passing by, and wait for the first sun rays of the day to appear. The clouds are, if not spread out like a long piece of white silk, rolled into layers of waves drifting amid the air. Dalat is a truly romantic city to visit this June with your loved one. When going "cloud hunting" in the mountains, you can find the chance to stand above the clouds as they drape over trees, and mountains and cut through the hills. When in Dalat, take the opportunity to visit Cu Lan Village, Dat Set Village, Chicken Church, and the popular Windmills Cafä.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: You can travel by airplane, train, or bus to Dalat since it is a popular tourist destination only 300km from Ho Chi Minh City. - Eat: Drink a glass of hot soy milk before going cloud hunting to keep yourself warm. You should also try b∏nh ≠Ìt lng gµ (chicken giblet salad), b∏nh mÏ x›u mπi (meatball sandwich), and delicious avocado ice-cream. - Tip: Dalat is a small town, so spending 3 days to enjoy the fresh air is enough. You can watch the clouds on tea hills, visit Trai Mat, Suoi Vang Lake, and Tiger's Cave Waterfall.
RUSSIA - ADMIRE THE ENCHANTING SKY OF WHITE NIGHTS The "White Nights" is a very unique natural phenomenon occuring from May to mid-July in Russia, where tourists often flock to this far north country to enjoy the amazingly bright night sky with seemingly round-theclock daylight. During this period, the sun goes down at 11 pm, and daylight lasts almost 19 hours. St. Petersburg and Moscow are the two places you can see the White Nights most clearly. In St. Peterburg, the White Nights start from June 11 to July 2 annually. During those days, people often gather at the squares or stay up the
AUSTRALIA - EXPERIENCE A COLD SUMMER Located in the southern hemisphere, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world with a climate very unique and different to other parts of the world. Winter here usually begins in June and lasts through to August. While it is summer in Vietnam, Australia is experiencing colder months, and is preparing for its winter festivals. To enjoy colder weather this summer holiday with lots of fun activities, visit the state of Victoria and its capital, Melbourne, where you can find hundreds of beautiful snow-covered ski trails. Do not forget to visit Mount Buller resort town for an incredible snow boarding and skiing experience.
whole night to enjoy the enchanting scene of the city when the sky turns to a dreamy milky color, or light pink, or brilliant yellow. Go to the Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow to have an unforgettable experience. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: Direct flights are available from Vietnam to Moscow and St. Petersburg. - Eat: Try Russian dumplings Pelmeni and stuffed buns Pirozhki for an amazing culinary experience. - Tip: You should spend from 10 days to 2 weeks to explore the wonderful country of Russia since it is rich with famous architectural works from the Peterhof Palace, to the Catherine Palace, to the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, and the Red Square.
You can also take part in unique arts events from the Alpine Winter Festival, to the Alittle Night Music at the Sydney Opera House, or visit the Melbourne Museum. For history lovers, do visit the St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne with splendid Gothic style architecture that attracts a large number of international visitors. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: Direct flights to Melbourne are available from Ho Chi Minh City. Most other flights transit in either Singapore or Sydney. - Eat: Try delicious Australian beer during your winter days in Australia. But be warned, it's typically much stronger than Vietnamese beer. - Tip: You can spend a week for this trip. If you like shopping, this is also the best time to bring home quality items at an affordable price from popular shopping streets such as Chapel Street and Auckland Street in Victoria.
IRELAND - VISIT THE "ANCIENT PEARL" OF WESTERN EUROPE If Ireland is a destination listed in your plan, late summer is the best time to visit this beautiful country. The rainy season in Ireland often lasts for a long time with fog covering most major cities, but the weather starts to clear and get warmer in June, making it the perfect time for visitors to explore ancient castles and buildings, and enjoy lush pastures everywhere you go. Despite not having the lively atmosphere of an industrial nation, Ireland nevertheless possesses a mysterious charm that has enticed international travelers again and again. Spend an extra few days on your trip to visit the Blarney Castle and Ashford Castle, wander around the alleys, visit museums in Dublin, or the Cliffs of Moher for stunning views. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Get there: Direct flights to Ireland from Vietnam are not yet available, but you can transit in the UK before flying to Dublin. - Eat: Irish cuisine is very unique. You should try traditional Irish potato pancake Boxty, and Coddle, an interesting Irish dish that uses up leftovers. - Tip: Ireland is not part of the Schengen Area, so you must apply for a separate visa when entering the country. Ireland does not have subway, but you can travel by train, tram, and bus. You should spend at least a week in Ireland to experience "the country with the best quality living in the world". Keep in mind though that people drive on the opposite side of the road, so be sure to look both ways when crossing streets.
Kick off summer with 5 amazing theme parks in Asia "C´ng vi™n gi∂i tr›" c„ lœ lµ cÙm tı Æ≠Óc t◊m ki’m nhi“u nh†t trong mÁi dp hà bÎi Æ„ lµ nh˜ng Æa Æi”m cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh vui ch¨i th·a th›ch, t†t c∂ trong mÈt. H∑y cÔng Travellive kh∏m ph∏ 5 c´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› h†p d…n nh†t ch©u É vµ l˘a ch‰n cho gia Æ◊nh Æi”m Æ’n th›ch hÓp nh†t. "Theme parks" is probably the most searched phrase in summer given it's the perfect all in one destination that some of you are looking for to engage in some classic fun with your family. Here are five of Asia's most popular theme parks and let us here at Travellive help you pick your favorite one this summer. Text: Bao Khuyen * Photos: Many authors
UNIverSaL STUdIoS - SINgaPore ß≠Óc x©y d˘ng tr™n Æ∂o Sentosa, C´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› Universal Studios Î Singapore c„ di÷n t›ch l™n Æ’n 20 ha. Khu gi∂i tr› Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi m´ ph·ng h«u h’t c∏c bÈ phim nÊi ti’ng tr™n th’ giÌi nh≠ C´ng vi™n k˚ Jura, Ai CÀp huy“n b›, Transformer, ChÛ mÃo Æi hia... B™n cπnh vi÷c t∏i hi÷n lπi c∏c bÈ phim, n¨i Æ©y cn cho bπn tr∂i nghi÷m c∂m gi∏c s∂i b≠Ìc tr™n Con Æ≠Íng danh v‰ng Î Hollywood vµ kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng ta nhµ cao t«ng Æ«y †n t≠Óng. Ngoµi ra, Universal Studios cn lµ n¨i tÊ ch¯c nhi“u show di‘n hoµnh tr∏ng nh≠ show tr◊nh di‘n nhπc n≠Ìc Wings of Time, show mÛa rËi m∏y Crane Dance. Di chuy”n: Xu†t ph∏t tı Vivo City, c„ hai c∏ch Æ” bπn Æ’n Æ∂o Sentosa: Æi bÈ 800 m qua con Æ≠Íng BoarsWalk vµ tr∂ 1 Æ´ la Sing ph› vµo Æ∂o ho∆c Æi tµu Æi÷n Sentosa Express (kho∂ng 4 Æ´ la Sing/vä) Æ” tÌi tÀn cÊng ch›nh * ¬m th˘c: Tπi khu vui ch¨i c„ nhµ hµng Trung Hoa, Buggers vµ nhµ hµng KT's Grill * M∏ch nh·: Bπn c„ th” Æ≠a nh˜ng Ưa trŒ cÒa bπn Æ’n tham quan n´ng trπi Hay Dairies g«n Æ„. ô Æ©y c„ h¨n 1.000 chÛ d™ thuÈc nhi“u giËng kh∏c nhau. H∑y ghä tr≠Ìc 10h30 s∏ng Æ” t◊m hi”u qu∏ tr◊nh væt s˜a.
Located on Sentosa Island, the Universal Studios Singapore covers a huge area of 20 hectares with seven different themed zones. Each zone is based on a popular blockbuster movie or a television show from Jurassic Park, to Ancient Egypt, to Transformers, and Puss in Boots. A replica of the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame and iconic buildings of New York can also be found at the park. This amazing theme park is also home to many spectacular shows including the mesmerizing "Wings of Time" and "Crane Dance" shows. Get there: From Vivo City, there are two ways for you to get to Sentosa. You can either take a 800-meter walk on the BoarsWalk Road and pay 1 SGD for admission or take the Sentosa Express which costs about 4 SGD/ticket that takes you straight to the main gate * Eat: You can find over 30 places to eat including Chinese restaurants, Burgers, and the KT's Grill * Tip: Take your kids to visit the nearby Hay Dairies Goat Farm where there are over 1,000 goats of different breeds. Try to visit before 10.30 am to learn about the milking process.
LegoLaNd - maLaYSIa Nªm tπi thµnh phË bi”n mi“n nam Johor Bahru cÒa Malaysia, C´ng vi™n Legoland Æ≠Óc xem lµ c´ng vi™n Æ«u ti™n cÒa ch©u É ph∏t tri”n ngh÷ thuÀt x’p lego. ß’n Æ©y, bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y nhi“u Æa danh du lch nÊi ti’ng nh≠ "Vπn L˝ Tr≠Íng Thµnh", "T≠Óng Ƶi Merilon", "Th∏nh Æ≠Íng HÂi gi∏o Putra Mosque" vµ c∂ "Khu phË cÊ HÈi An - Vi÷t Nam". ßi“u b†t ngÍ lµ t†t c∂ Æ“u Æ≠Óc læp r∏p tı hµng ngµn mi’ng lego. CÚng giËng nh≠ nhi“u c´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› kh∏c, Legoland cn c„ khu v˘c tr ch¨i dµnh cho nh˜ng bä ≠a th›ch mπo hi”m nh≠ tµu l≠Ón tr™n kh´ng, Æua ´ t´, tr≠Ót n≠Ìc... Ngoµi ra, Î Æ©y cÚng x©y d˘ng nhi“u m´ h◊nh vui ch¨i Æ” bπn c„ th” ch¨i cÔng con trŒ nh≠ læp r∏p l©u Ƶi lego vµ vœ tranh. Di chuy”n: Tı thÒ Æ´ Kuala Lumpur, bπn c„ th” di chuy”n bªng ´ t´ Æ’n Johor Bahru, thÍi gian Æi kho∂ng 5 ti’ng ÆÂng h * ¬m th˘c: Tπi Æ©y, ngoµi »m th˘c Malaysia, gia Æ◊nh bπn c„ th” tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c quËc t’ tπi c∏c nhµ hµng É - ¢u * M∏ch nh·: MÈt khi Æ∑ Æ’n Legoland, bπn n™n tranh thÒ ghä th®m thµnh phË cÒa Hello Kitty (Little Big club & Sanrio Hello Kitty) vµ c´ng vi™n Angry Bird Activity Park Î g«n Æ„.
Located in the beautiful southern coastal city of Johor Bahru, Legoland Malaysia is the first of its kind in Asia. Attraction sites at the park include the China's Great Wall, Singapore's Merlion Statue, Malaysia's Putra Mosque, and even Vietnam's Hoi An Ancient Town, all assembled from tens of thousands of lego pieces. Like many other amusement parks, Legoland features a special area for adventurous kids from roller coasters, to motor racing, to water skiing. Other fun actitivities you can play with your kids include assembling lego castles and painting. Get there: From Kuala Lumpur, you can travel by car to Johor Bahru for about 5 hours * Eat: In addition to Malaysian cuisine, your family can enjoy international cuisine at many Eurasian restaurants * Tip: Also visit the nearby Sanrio Hello Kitty Town, Little Big Club, and Angry Birds Activity Park.
LoTTe WorLd - Korea Lotte World lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› Æ≠Óc chia thµnh 2 khu v˘c: khu v˘c ngoµi trÍi lµ "Magic Island", khu v˘c trong nhµ lµ "Adventure". Lotte World c„ c∏c tr ch¨i h†p d…n nh≠ Giant Loop, khi Æ„ ng≠Íi ch¨i lao nhanh trong vng trn 360 ÆÈ vµ b treo ng≠Óc tr™n kh´ng trung mÈt c∏ch ÆÈt ngÈt. Bπn c„ th” thˆ ÆÈ can Æ∂m vÌi tr ch¨i Gyro Drop - r¨i t˘ do Î ÆÈ cao 70 m vÌi tËc ÆÈ 100 km/h. N’u Æi vÌi c∏c bä, bπn c„ th” ch‰n nh˜ng tr ch¨i gia Æ◊nh nh≠ Vng quay ng˘a gÁ Camelot hay ngÂi tr™n khinh kh› c«u Æ” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh c´ng vi™n vÌi The aeronaut Balloon. Di chuy”n: ßi tµu Æi÷n ng«m Seoul Æ’n ga Jamsil (tuy’n Seoul Subway sË 2), Lotte World Æ≠Óc nËi tr˘c ti’p vÌi ga * ¬m th˘c: Nhµ hµng BBQ Lotte World lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æa Æi”m ®n uËng h†p d…n Î Æ©y. Ngoµi ra, Lotte World City Shopping li“n k“ khu vui ch¨i cÚng lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n hay cho gia Æ◊nh * M∏ch nh·: MÈt n¨i kh∏c mµ gia Æ◊nh bπn c„ th” ch‰n lµ ThÒy Cung trong nhµ lÌn nh†t Hµn QuËc - ThÒy Cung Lotte World.
Lotte World is made up of two main sections, the outdoor amusement park Magic Island, and Adventure, the world's largest indoor theme park. At Lotte World, many exciting games are available for visitors of all ages including the Giant Loop, where passengers are constantly taken for 360 degree spins in a circular rail and hung up in the air while upside down. Try your luck with the Gyro Drop, where you experience shocking freefalls from 70 meters reaching the speed of 100 km/h. If you travel with young children, try more kid-friendly activities such as the Camelot Carrousel or get on the Aeronaut Balloon Ride for amazing views of the park from high above. Get there: Take the Seoul Subway to Jamsil Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), the Lotte World is directly connected to the station * Eat: BBQ Lotte World Restaurant is one of the most popular places to eat at the park. Do visit the nearby Lotte World City Shopping Center for a fun family shopping experience * Tip: For a different experience, take your family to Korea's largest indoor aquarium, the Lotte World Aquarium.
3 4
oCeaN ParK - HoNg KoNg Kh´ng giËng vÌi nhi“u c´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› kh∏c, Ocean Park Hong Kong c„ h¨n 17 show di‘n cÒa c∏c loµi ÆÈng vÀt bi”n qu˝ hi’m. Tπi Æ©y, bπn c„ th” chπm tay vµo s≠ tˆ bi”n, h∂i m∑ vµ chim c∏nh cÙt Hoµng Æ’ ho∆c t◊m hi”u v“ ÆÍi sËng cÒa "S„i Bæc C˘c" tπi tri”n l∑m. H¨n th’, gia Æ◊nh bπn cn Æ≠Óc tham quan Æπi thÒy cung Grand Aquarium, ngæm nh◊n 5.000 c∏ th” bi”n sËng ÆÈng. B™n cπnh Æ„, c´ng vi™n v…n c„ nh˜ng tr c∂m gi∏c mπnh nh≠ Hair Raider - tµu l≠Ón si™u tËc, xoay 360 ÆÈ vµ r¨i g„c 90 ÆÈ khi’n bπn c∂m gi∏c nh≠ lao thºng xuËng Æπi d≠¨ng. Di chuy”n: Lu´n c„ chuy’n xe bu˝t Æ’n thºng c´ng vi™n tı trung t©m thµnh phË * ¬m th˘c: C„ r†t nhi“u th¯c ®n nhanh Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ tπi c´ng vi™n, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n hotdog, gµ r∏n, m˙ ≥ vµ c∂ nh˜ng m„n n≠Ìng ki”u HÂng K´ng * M∏ch nh·: Ng≠Íi HÂng K´ng c„ th„i quen ngÒ muÈn n™n dÀy muÈn, v◊ th’ Ocean Park Hong Kong sœ mÎ cˆa lÛc 10 giÍ s∏ng. N’u bπn lµ ng≠Íi dÀy sÌm, h∑y y™n t©m bπn sœ kh´ng ph∂i chen l†n, x’p hµng.
Unlike other theme parks, Ocean Park Hong Kong has 17 shows of rare marine species. Here, you can come into close contact with sea lions, walruses, and emperor penguins, or learn about the life of the Arctic Wolf at the park's exhibition. You can also visit the amazing Grand Aquarium to see 5,000 marine animals. The park also features adventurous rides such as the Hair Raiser roller coaster which rotates 360 degrees and drops at 90 degree angle to give you an unforgettable experience. Get there: A direct bus to the park is available from the city center * Eat: There are many fast food restaurants in the park. You can choose to eat hotdogs, fried chickens, pastas, and even Hong Kong style grilled dishes * Tip: Hong Kong people have a habit of sleeping in, so Ocean Park Hong Kong is only open from 10 am. If you are an early riser, get there early and it may save you from the incredibly long queues.
5 ToKYo dISNeYLaNd - JaPaN Tokyo Disneyland lµ mÈt trong n®m c´ng vi™n lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi vÌi tÊng di÷n t›ch h¨n 460.000 m2. c´ng vi™n nµy c„ 7 khu v˘c Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo c∏c chÒ Æ“ ri™ng bi÷t vÌi h¨n 40 tr gi∂i tr› h†p d…n. Ngay tı cÊng vµo, Tokyo Disneyland Æ∑ khi’n bπn ph∂i cho∏ng ngÓp vÌi khu mua sæm World Bazaar rÈng lÌn. Nh≠ng trung t©m cÒa c´ng vi™n nµy vÌi l©u Ƶi "Cinderella Castle", nhµ Mickey, thuy“n cÒa Donald, nhµ tr™n c©y cÒa Chip vµ Dale mÌi th˘c s˘ lµ nh˜ng khu v˘c thu hÛt c∏c bä. Th∏m hi”m vÚ trÙ qua c∏c tr ch¨i trong seri phim "Chi’n tranh gi˜a c∏c v◊ sao" hay "Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters" trong phim "Toy Story" cÚng lµ tr∂i nghi÷m l˝ thÛ. Ngoµi ra, c„ mÈt tr ch¨i mµ gia Æ◊nh bπn kh´ng n™n b· lÏ khi Æ’n Æ©y lµ "Big Thunder Mountain". Di chuy”n: Tı thÒ Æ´ Tokyo, gia Æ◊nh bπn c„ th” sˆ dÙng xe bu˝t, taxi, tµu lˆa ho∆c tµu Æi÷n ng«m Æ” di chuy”n Æ’n Tokyo Disneyland * ¬m th˘c: Nhµ hµng "Restaurant Hokusai" lµ n¨i bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n ÆÛng ki”u NhÀt * M∏ch nh·: V◊ du kh∏ch ghä Æ’n Æ©y r†t Æ´ng n™n bπn c«n ki™n nh…n x’p hµng Æ” tham gia c∏c tr ch¨i.
Tokyo Disneyland is one of the five largest theme parks in the world with a total area of over 460,000 m2. The park features seven themed areas with over 40 attractions. Right at the main entrance is the huge World Bazaar shopping area. The Magical Cinderella Castle, Mickey's House, Donald Duck's Boat, and Chip In Dale's Treehouse can all be found at the center of the park, and are the kids' most favorite areas to be sure. You can also take part in Star Wars or Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters from Toy Story games for an exciting experience. Another fun activity that should not be missed while you are here is the classic Disney attraction Big Thunder Mountain, where you go on a wild runaway train ride that allows you to enjoy amazing views of the Westernland. Get there: You can travel by bus, taxi, train, or subway to get to Tokyo Disneyland * Eat: At the Restaurant Hokusai you can find many authentic Japanese dishes from Chirashi Don (sushin in a bowl) to Maple Leaf Tempura * Tip: The queues can be extremely long, so be patient while lining up for the games. Try not to miss any activities that you want to partake in.
Trong hµnh tr◊nh 21 ngµy Î Ai CÀp, chÛng t´i dµnh ra ba ngµy Æ” th∏m hi”m Ëc Æ∂o Siwa. ß” Æ’n Ëc Æ∂o, h«u nh≠ chÿ c„ mÈt ph≠¨ng ti÷n lµ xe bu˝t, m†t h¨n 11 ti’ng cho qu∑ng Æ≠Íng g«n 600 km tı thÒ Æ´ Cairo. ˇc Æ∂o tr™n sa mπc r†t giËng nh≠ mÈt hfln Æ∂o gi˜a bi”n kh¨i, t∏ch bi÷t vÌi cuÈc sËng hi÷n Æπi n¨i Ɔt li“n. Ngµy x≠a, Æ” b®ng qua sa mπc, ng≠Íi ta ph∂i Æi thµnh tıng Æoµn, mang theo thÀt nhi“u l≠¨ng th˘c, n≠Ìc uËng. C∏c thµnh vi™n ph∂i mÈt m˘c nghe theo lÍi "thuy“n tr≠Îng", v◊ mÈt khi Æ∑ ra sa mπc, b†t tu©n l÷nh c„ th” d…n Æ’n c∏i ch’t do nh˜ng sai l«m ngÌ ng»n cÒa b∂n th©n. ß´i khi, Æoµn l˜ hµnh kh´ng may g∆p nh˜ng phi’n qu©n, bfi c≠Ìp b„c ho∆c t÷ h¨n lµ m†t mπng. Cfln nay th◊ chÿ c«n mua mÈt vä xe bu˝t lµ Æ’n n¨i. Siwa gi∏p vÌi Lybia v“ ph›a T©y vµ ph›a Bæc lµ ßfia Trung H∂i. ß’n n¨i cÚng lµ lÛc trÍi vıa tÍ mÍ s∏ng. ChÛng t´i thu™ mÈt b∏c xe th chÎ c∂ nh„m v“ kh∏ch sπn, Æ∏nh mÈt gi†c Æ∑ ÆÍi sau chuy’n xe dµi vµ u” o∂i. Bæt Æ«u dÀy tı tr≠a, ®n uËng rÂi lao ngay ra Æ≠Íng vÌi chi’c m∏y ∂nh tr≠Ìc ng˘c.
ktal Ng≠Íi ta hay g‰i bang Jammu & Kashmir lµ v≠¨ng mi÷n ƒn ßÈ, mÈt ph«n v◊ Æa th’ nªm Î c˘c Bæc Ɔt n≠Ìc, mÈt ph«n v◊ vŒ Æãp th«n ti™n cÒa n¨i nµy. Nˆa ß´ng bang J&K lµ vÔng nÛi huy“n b› vµ hoang s¨ Ladakh. Vµ n¨i gi˜ linh hÂn cÒa vÔng Ɔt †y ch›nh lµ tu vi÷n cÊ Phuktal, t‰a lπc tr™n d∑y Himalaya hÔng v‹, Æ›ch Æ’n cÒa chÛng t´i trong mÈt hµnh tr◊nh kh∏ gian nan. Bµi vµ ∂nh: BÔi Huy“n Chi TRAVELLIVE
Zanskar hoang s¨ T´i Æ’n Zanskar vµ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh vµo khung c∂nh hÔng v‹ cÒa nh˜ng d∑y nÛi cao vµ thung lÚng Suru. Zanskar lµ mÈt ph«n cÒa Ladakh, Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ Ti”u T©y Tπng, thuÈc bang Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), vÌi ph›a T©y gi∏p Pakistan, ph›a ß´ng vµ Bæc gi∏p T©y Tπng. J&K tıng chinh phÙc tr∏i tim mÈt vfi vua ƒn, khi’n ngµi ≠u ∏i g‰i n¨i Æ©y lµ "thi™n Æ≠Íng hπ giÌi". Qu∂ thÀt, J&K vıa dfiu dµng nh≠ n≠Ìc h xanh thºm, vıa hÔng v‹ nh≠ s´ng b®ng, nÛi tuy’t thuÈc Himalaya, vıa hoang dπi nh≠ nh˜ng dflng s´ng ch∂y xi’t, vıa tr«m læng nh≠ nh˜ng tu vi÷n tr™n s≠Ín nÛi, vıa l∑ng mπn nh≠ nh˜ng thung lÚng phÒ l∏ vµng. Tı Leh, thÒ phÒ vÔng Ladakh, t´i Æ’n Zanskar khi hµnh tr◊nh Î Bæc ƒn Æ∑ qua h¨n nˆa. Leh c∏ch Kargil, cˆa ng‚ vµo Zanskar, chıng 220 km vµ b∂y ti’ng Æi xe. Sau mÈt Æ™m ngÒ lπi Kargil, chÛng t´i Æi th™m h¨n m≠Íi hai ti’ng, tr™n 240 km Æ≠Íng nÛi hi”m trÎ mÌi Æ’n Æ≠Óc Padum.
Padum trong thung lÚng cao Padum nªm s©u trong vÔng Zanskar th«n b›, hoang s¨ nh†t ƒn ßÈ vµ lµ mÈt thfi tr†n nh·, hŒo
l∏nh, nªm g«n ng∑ ba s´ng Doda, Tsarap vµ Zanskar, tr™n vÔng lflng ch∂o cao h¨n m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n 3.600m, bao quanh bÎi c∏c Æÿnh nÛi bπc Æ«u. Nh˜ng Æÿnh nÛi nh‰n hoæt, hªn d†u thÍi gian, gi„ vµ b®ng tuy’t. Padum Î trung t©m Zanskar, vÌi d©n sË kho∂ng g«n mÈt ngh◊n ng≠Íi. Ph«n lÌn vÔng Zanskar theo Æπo PhÀt, nh≠ng giËng nh≠ Kargil, Padum nªm d≠Ìi s˘ qu∂n l˝ cÒa ng≠Íi HÂi gi∏o dflng Sunni. ô Æ©y, PhÀt gi∏o vµ HÂi gi∏o cÔng song song tÂn tπi. T™n thfi tr†n Padum Æ≠Óc Æ∆t theo Padmasambhava - Li™n Hoa Sinh (sinh ra tı hoa sen), mÈt trong hai vfi cao t®ng Æ∑ truy“n PhÀt gi∏o ƒn ßÈ sang T©y Tπng. PhÀt gi∏o ƒn ßÈ khi Æ’n T©y Tπng Æ∑ giao thoa vÌi Æπo Bön l©u ÆÍi cÒa ng≠Íi Tπng, tπo n™n PhÀt gi∏o T©y Tπng r†t ri™ng bi÷t, mang mµu sæc phäp thuÀt, th«n linh h¨n. PhÀt gi∏o T©y Tπng sau Æ„ Æ∑ theo ch©n nh˜ng ng≠Íi Tπng di c≠ trÎ lπi Ladakh. PhÀt gi∏o Ladakh v◊ th’ mang ∂nh h≠Îng r†t lÌn cÒa T©y Tπng, vµ c„ hai dflng ch›nh lµ Drugpa (HÂng Mπo Gi∏o - ph∏i MÚ Æ·) vµ Gelugpa (Hoµng Mπo Gi∏o - ph∏i MÚ Vµng). VÔng Zanskar cÚng kh´ng ph∂i ngoπi l÷. ChÛng t´i Î lπi Padum vµi ngµy Æ” th®m thÛ v´ sË lµng mπc, tu vi÷n,
tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› trong trŒo thanh b◊nh cÒa Zanskar, rÂi l™n Æ≠Íng trekking vµo Phuktal. Bao nhi™u m÷t m·i sau nh˜ng ch∆ng Æ≠Íng dµi Æ“u bay bi’n h’t khi Æ≠Óc th∂nh th¨i ngÂi tr™n bÀu cˆa mÈt tu vi÷n cÊ ngh◊n n®m, cheo leo tr™n v∏ch nÛi. Tr≠Ìc m∆t lµ kho∂ng kh´ng rÈng lÌn. B™n d≠Ìi, mÈt dflng n≠Ìc uËn l≠Ón, len gi˜a vµi m∏i nhµ vµ nh˜ng v≠Ín c©y. Ph›a xa in b„ng r∆ng Zanskar chÀp chÔng tuy’t træng. T†t c∂ Æ“u t‹nh l∆ng, chÿ c„ ti’ng gi„ r›t qua khe cˆa lµm bªng gÁ, ti’ng d∂i cÍ lÀt phÀt gi˜a s©n vµ ti’ng l∏ va vµo nhau lao xao. T´i y™u vµ tr©n tr‰ng gi©y phÛt nµy bi’t m†y.
Tı Padum Æi Phuktal Ngµy h´m sau, chÛng t´i rÍi Padum tı chπng vπng Æ” Æi Phuktal. Phuktal lµ mÈt tu vi÷n cÊ cÒa ph∏i Gelugpa, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ kÿ th¯ 12 bªng vÀt li÷u th´ s¨, chÒ y’u lµ bÔn vµ gÁ. Phuktal c„ mÈt vfi th’ Æ∆c bi÷t, th∂ m◊nh tı mÈt hang ÆÈng t˘ nhi™n, lˆng l¨ b∏m vµo hŒm nÛi b™n tr™n s´ng Tsarap. Tu vi÷n ngµy nay lµ n¨i c≠ ngÙ cÒa t∏m m≠¨i vfi s≠ nh≠ng lπi bi÷t lÀp vÌi th’ giÌi b™n ngoµi. Tı Padum, l∏i xe Kunga Æ≠a chÛng t´i v≠Ót qu∑ng Æ≠Íng h¨n hai ti’ng r≠Ïi Æ’n lµng Anmu c∏ch Padum 30 km.
j&K vıa dfiu dµng nh≠ n≠Ìc h xanh thºm, vıa hÔng v‹ nh≠ s´ng b®ng, nÛi tuy’t thuÈc himalaya, vıa hoang dπi nh≠ nh˜ng dflng s´ng ch∂y xi’t, vıa tr«m læng nh≠ nh˜ng tu vi÷n tr™n s≠Ín nÛi, vıa l∑ng mπn nh≠ nh˜ng thung lÚng phÒ l∏ vµng.
C«u treo th¯ nh†t bæc qua s´ng Tsarap
ß≠Íng ng≠Óc dflng s´ng Tsarap, len l·i gi˜a hŒm nÛi hãp, mÈt b™n lµ nÛi cao, mÈt b™n lµ s´ng s©u cuÂn cuÈn. S∏ng sÌm lπnh, phong c∂nh nÛi s´ng trong veo vµ Æãp Æ’n k◊ lπ.
ß≠Íng ng≠Óc dflng s´ng Tsarap, len l·i gi˜a hŒm nÛi hãp, mÈt b™n lµ nÛi cao, mÈt b™n lµ s´ng s©u cuÂn cuÈn. S∏ng sÌm lπnh, phong c∂nh nÛi s´ng trong veo vµ Æãp Æ’n k◊ lπ. ß©y Æ„, kh„i bay l™n tı nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nh·, long lanh d≠Ìi lµn næng sÌm. Tıng Ƶn chim se sŒ lÛc ÆÀu, lÛc bay tr™n nh˜ng kho∂ng ÆÂng Æ∑ g∆t. T†t c∂ Æãp nh≠ mÈt bµi th¨. Duy chÿ c„ con Æ≠Íng xe chÛng t´i Æang chπy lµ gÀp gh“nh Æ∏ s·i. Nhi“u Æoπn, Æ≠Íng thæt lπi, xe bÀt t≠ng t≠ng, b∏nh tr≠Ín ra s∏t bÍ Æ∏ dËc. Næng xi™n xi™n tr™n s≠Ín nÛi, xe nghi™ng nghi™ng tr™n mi÷ng v˘c. Nh◊n th†y sÓ. Sau m†y l«n th„t tim, chÛng t´i cÚng dıng lπi ng´i lµng nh· Anmu. Tı Æ©y Æi bÈ h¨n 12 km Æ≠Íng mfln n˜a sœ Æ’n Phuktal. ChÛng t´i rÍi Anmu lÛc h¨n 9 giÍ s∏ng h´m sau. ßoπn trek Æ«u ti™n thoai tho∂i nhã nhµng, kh´ng qu∏ l™n, cÚng kh´ng qu∏ xuËng. S¯c t´i thuÈc loπi trung b◊nh, nh≠ng Î ÆÈ cao 4.000 m, t´i mÌi bi’t m◊nh cfln y’u h¨n m‰i khi v…n ∂o t≠Îng. Sau hµnh tr◊nh hai ti’ng r≠Ïi tı Anmu, chÛng t´i Æ’n lµng Cha vµ dıng lπi nghÿ tr≠a. Lµng Cha cfln c∏ch Phuktal kho∂ng 7 km n˜a vµ Î Æ©y chÿ c„ vµi hÈ gia Æ◊nh. Nh˜ng ng´i nhµ træng, khung cˆa n©u ƨn s¨ nh≠ng xinh xæn. ßi kh·i lµng Cha, mÈt con dËc cao Æang ÆÓi sΩn, ÆÛng lÛc m∆t trÍi Æang nªm tr™n Æÿnh Æ«u. ChÛng t´i nh›ch Æ≠Óc vµi b≠Ìc lπi dıng, cË ÆÈng vi™n nhau l™n ti’p. Sau Æoπn dËc, Æ≠Íng mfln thoai tho∂i Æi xuËng. Vµi tr®m mät b™n d≠Ìi, s´ng Tsarap v…n m∂i mi’t ch∂y v“ Padum. Lµng Purney cÔng vÌi lµng Cha lµ hai n¨i hi’m hoi c„ ng≠Íi Î tr™n Æ≠Íng tÌi Phuktal. Bæt Æ«u tı Æ©y, phong c∂nh ngµy cµng Æãp Æ’n si™u th˘c. Sau mÁi khÛc quµnh, khung c∂nh hÔng v‹ mÎ ra tr≠Ìc mæt cµng rÈng lÌn h¨n, cho∏ng ngÓp h¨n. ߯ng tr™n cao, t´i
l∆ng ngæm s´ng Tsarap oªn m◊nh gi˜a hai hŒm nÛi hãp. S´ng sao mµ trong, mµ xanh. NÛi sao mµ cao, mµ rÈng. M∆t trÍi chi“u chπm d«n vµo Æÿnh nÛi, tan thµnh tia, lµm n≠Ìc long lanh, lµm hÂng m∆t Æ∏. Vµo ÆÛng kho∂nh khæc †y, t´i chÓt hi”u tπi sao Æπo Bӧn nguy™n thÒy cÒa ng≠Íi Tπng lπi tin rªng vπn vÀt, tı nÛi, c©y, s´ng, hÂ, Æ“u mang linh hÂn. M‰i th¯ xung quanh t´i Æ“u v´ cÔng nguy™n s¨ vµ sËng ÆÈng. ChÛng g«n gÚi Æ’n m¯c t´i c∂m th†y chÿ c«n Æ≠a tay ra, t´i sœ thÀt s˘ Æ≠Óc chπm vµo h¨i thÎ k◊ di÷u cÒa thi™n nhi™n. T´i sœ v…n ng©y ng≠Íi ra mµ chi™m ng≠Ïng n’u nh≠ næng chi“u Æang nhπt d«n kh´ng nhæc t´i ph∂i nhanh ch©n, r∂o b≠Ìc. Qu∑ng Æ≠Íng cfln lπi hãp h¨n, c„ vµi Æoπn Æ∏ sπt xuËng s∏t mäp Æ≠Íng, h¨i kh„ Æi mÈt chÛt. ThÀt may cho chÛng t´i, h´m Æ„ trÍi kh´ng m≠a.
Chπm Æ’n Phuktal Sau ba ti’ng tı khi rÍi lµng Cha, chÛng t´i tÌi nhµ nghÿ nªm d≠Ìi ch©n tu vi÷n. N¨i Æ©y hoµn toµn c∏ch bi÷t, kh´ng s„ng Æi÷n thoπi, kh´ng internet. Vµo mÔa hÃ, du kh∏ch c„ th” Æi bÈ, cfln lıa ho∆c ng˘a th hµng tr™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng mfln ven nÛi. N’u Æi vµo mÔa Æ´ng, thÍi ti’t khæc nghi÷t sœ Àp xuËng Zanskar, m‰i nhu y’u ph»m chÿ Æ≠Óc chuy”n Æ’n tr™n m∆t s´ng Tsarap Æ∑ Æ„ng b®ng.
Phuktal Æ©y rÂi ! Sau bao th∏ng ngµy mong chÍ, t´i cÚng Æ’n Æ≠Óc Æ©y. Phuktal lu´n nªm trong sË nh˜ng ng´i cÊ t˘ hŒo l∏nh, huy“n b› nh†t. Gi˜a vÔng nÛi hoang d∑, tr∂i qua bao th’ kÿ ÆËi m∆t vÌi thi™n nhi™n khËc li÷t, Phuktal Æ≠Óc che chÎ bÎi hang Æ∏ t˘ nhi™n tr™n v∏ch nÛi, v…n Ưng Æ„, cÊ k›nh vµ Æi“m nhi™n.
VISA ñ Bπn c„ th” xin visa ƒn ßÈ tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n Î Hµ NÈi ho∆c lµm e-visa tπi website cÒa ßπi s¯ qu∏n theo Æ≠Íng d…n: www. indianonlinevisas.org HÄNH TRçNH ñ Tı Vi÷t Nam c„ nhi“u chuy’n bay Æi New Delhi, thÒ Æ´ cÒa ƒn ßÈ. Tı Æ©y, bπn Æ∆t chuy’n bay cÒa c∏c h∑ng nÈi Æa ƒn ßÈ Æ’n Srinagar ho∆c Leh, lµ hai thµnh phË lÌn cÒa bang Jammu & Kashmir. Tı hai thµnh phË lÌn nµy c„ r†t nhi“u h∑ng tour cung c†p dch vÙ kh∏ch sπn, xe kÃm tµi x’, Æ≠a bπn Æ’n lµng Anmu (Æi qua Padum). CUNG ߶òNG ñ ß” Æ’n tu vi÷n Phuktal, bπn ph∂i chinh phÙc cung Æ≠Íng Leh - Kargil - Padum - Phuktal ho∆c Srinagar - Kargil - Padum - Phuktal. Toµn tuy’n nµy dµi kho∂ng 500 km Æ≠Íng nÛi. Lµng Anmu lµ lµng cuËi cÔng mµ xe ´ t´ c„ th” Æ’n. Sau Æ„ Æi Æ≠Íng trek dµi chıng 12 km sœ Æ’n Phuktal (Æoπn nµy dµi tı 24 - 25 km c∂ Æi l…n v“). Tπi Padum, bπn c„ th” t◊m porter ki™m d…n Æ≠Íng, Æi xe cÔng bπn Æ’n Anmu rÂi d…n bπn Æ’n Phuktal. L¶U TR@ ñ C∏c thµnh phË lÌn cÒa vÔng Ladakh Æ“u c„ nhi“u nhµ nghÿ vµ kh∏ch sπn, c„ n≠Ìc n„ng lπnh. C∏c c´ng ty tour sœ cho bπn danh s∏ch Æ” l˘a ch‰n, ch†t l≠Óng tÿ l÷ thuÀn vÌi gi∏ ti“n cÒa tıng tour. Ri™ng nhµ nghÿ Î Phuktal do c∏ch bi÷t v“ Æa l˝ vµ thi’u ph≠¨ng ti÷n li™n lπc, n™n kh´ng th” Æ∆t tr≠Ìc. Gi∏ phng 1000 INR (kho∂ng 15 USD /ng≠Íi /Æ™m). N’u Æ’n n¨i th†y kh´ng cn phng, bπn c„ th” l™n xin ngÒ nhÍ Î tu vi÷n. Hai lµng g«n tu vi÷n c„ th” t◊m Æ≠Óc chÁ ngÒ lµ lµng Cha vµ Purney.
Phuktal lµ linh hÂn cÒa thung lÚng Lungnak (Tsarap). C∏c s≠ giÛp bµ con tÊ ch¯c c«u phÛc, c≠Ìi h·i, ma chay vµ mÎ tr≠Íng dπy h‰c c∏c m´n c®n b∂n kÃm gi∏o l› cho trŒ con tı lÌp 1 Æ’n lÌp 8. B÷nh x∏ cÒa tu vi÷n v…n cfln l≠u truy“n c∏c b› quy’t y h‰c truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Tπng, giÛp ch˜a b÷nh cho d©n lµng l©n cÀn. ChÛng t´i Æ’n ÆÛng dfip c∏c s≠ Æi væng, chÿ cfln vµi vfi Î lπi chÔa. V◊ th’ quang c∂nh Æ∑ y™n æng nay cµng l∆ng lœ. Phuktal, h¨n b†t k◊ Æ©u, lµ n¨i Æ” »n c≠, thi“n Æfinh. T™n Phuktal Æ’n tı hai tı "Phuk" ngh‹a lµ "hang" vµ "tal" - "nghÿ ng¨i", ho∆c "thar" - "gi∂i tho∏t". DÔ xa x´i, kh∏ch l˜ hµnh v…n kh´ng qu∂n Æ≠Íng x∏ hi”m trÎ Æ” Æ≠Óc mÈt l«n chπm tay Æ’n n¨i nµy. C„ lœ v◊ Î Æ©y, chÿ c„ m◊nh vµ thi™n nhi™n, ta c„ th” Æ” qu™n h’t muÈn phi“n. ß™m h´m Æ„, chÛng t´i ngÒ lπi nhµ tr‰ d≠Ìi ch©n tu vi÷n. Nhµ tr‰ chÿ c„ bËn phflng r†t ƨn s¨. Tı b™n ngoµi, kh´ng c„ c∏ch g◊ li™n lπc Æ≠Óc Æ” Æ∆t phflng. May qu∏, khi chÛng t´i Æ’n n¨i, v…n cfln hai phflng trËng, chen chÛc mÈt chÛt cÚng ÆÒ cho m≠Íi ng≠Íi. C„ Æi“u c∏c s≠ Æi væng h’t, s∏ng h´m sau sœ kh´ng c„ Æ ®n s∏ng cÒa tu vi÷n. ß’m Æi Æ’m lπi, ÆËng m◊ t´m Æem theo v…n kh´ng ÆÒ cho c∂ s∏ng vµ tr≠a mai. M◊ t´m cÒa qu∏n tr‰ th◊ qu∏ hπn tı h¨n nˆa n®m. ô n¨i heo hÛt th’ nµy, thÀt kh„ t◊m Æ ®n tˆ t’. H´m sau, trÍi cfln tÍ mÍ s∏ng, chÛng t´i nhµo dÀy vµ l™n Æ≠Íng ngay. Tuy bi’t sœ m÷t h¨n, chÛng t´i v…n quy’t ch‰n Æ≠Íng v“ qua
lµng Purney, dµi h¨n Æ≠Íng h´m tr≠Ìc qua lµng Cha mÈt chÛt. C©y c«u treo Æ«u ti™n bæc qua s´ng Tsarap c∏ch Phuktal chÿ vµi b≠Ìc ch©n. M∆t trÍi v…n ch≠a l™n, b„ng nÛi t›m ngæt ÆÊ xuËng dflng n≠Ìc lπnh lÔng, cuÈn ch∂y. ChÛng t´i d«n l†y lπi kh› th’ khi Æ’n g«n lµng Purney, c∏ch Phuktal ba ti’ng. ß≠Íng s∏ng nay rÈng h¨n, nh≠ng kh´ng thoai tho∂i nh≠ h´m qua mµ Æi l™n rÂi lπi xuËng kh´ng ngıng. Purney hi÷n l™n thÀt Æãp, vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ træng nh· l∆ng lœ näp m◊nh trong næng sÌm cfln Æang ch™nh ch’ch.
T´i cÚng nhÌ lπi nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc h n≠Ìc xanh hi÷n sau mÈt khÛc quanh, hay khi m∆t trÍi l™n lµm c∂ kh´ng gian s∏ng bıng s˘ sËng, khi hai dflng n≠Ìc s´ng kh∏c mµu hfla vµo nhau thµnh mÈt. Vµ t´i bi’t v◊ sao t´i lπi Î Æ©y. MÁi chuy’n Æi khi’n t´i th†y m◊nh hπnh phÛc Æ’n hai l«n. MÈt l«n khi t´i r∂o b≠Ìc tr™n con Æ≠Íng dµi, khi nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh Æãp Æong Æ«y mæt vµ nh˜ng c∂m xÛc Æãp Æong Æ«y tim. Vµ l«n cfln lπi lµ khi t´i trÎ v“, Æ»y cˆa vµo nhµ, n¨i nh˜ng ng≠Íi t´i y™u th≠¨ng Æang chÍ Æ„n.
Purney nªm Î ng∑ ba s´ng. Ngay d≠Ìi kia, con s´ng Kargyag xanh ÆÙc, ch∂y tı Shingo La, hfla vµo dflng ch∂y trong veo cÒa s´ng Tsarap l†y nguÂn tı Baralacha La. S´ng Tsarap sau Æ„ ch∂y ti’p v“ ph›a Padum Î h≠Ìng T©y Bæc Æ’n khi g∆p thung lÚng ch›nh Zanskar, mµ ng≠Íi Æfia ph≠¨ng hay g‰i lµ Jung-khor. T´i nh≠ bfi th´i mi™n bÎi hai dflng n≠Ìc †y. ChÛng c„ g◊ Æ„ thÀt b› »n vµ k◊ di÷u.
L¶U ≥ S`C KHìe
Th™m hai ti’ng n˜a tı Purney, chÛng t´i Æ’n c©y c«u treo th¯ hai, cfln dµi vµ ch™nh v™nh h¨n c©y c«u tr≠Ìc. LÛc Æ„ Æ∑ qu∏ tr≠a, Æ≠Íng v“ cfln kh∏ xa. Mæt t´i nhfla Æi v◊ næng, v◊ gi„, v◊ bÙi. T´i v…n l«m lÚi nh›ch tıng b≠Ìc ch©n. Ngay lÛc †y, t´i nhÌ lπi nh˜ng ng≠Íi t´i Æ∑ g∆p tr™n Æ≠Íng, nhÌ nÙ c≠Íi hi“n hÀu cÒa nh˜ng bµ l∑o Ưng tr≠Ìc hi™n ng´i nhµ træng vÌi khung cˆa n©u, ∏nh mæt dfiu dµng cÒa nh˜ng bµ mã bÂng con, vŒ m∆t ng©y th¨ cÒa nh˜ng Ưa trŒ sinh ra gi˜a ÆÂi nÛi hoang vu, lÌn l™n nh≠ c· dπi.
Ng≠Íi Zanskar chÒ y’u theo Æπo PhÀt vµ nhi“u ng≠Íi ®n chay tr≠Íng. V◊ th’ tht c∏ Î Æ©y r†t khan hi’m. Bπn n™n chu»n b Æ ®n kh´ tı nhµ Æ” b˜a ®n Æ≠Óc Æa dπng.
ñ VÔng Zanskar nªm Î ÆÈ cao tr™n 4.000 m. V◊ vÀy, bπn c«n chu»n b k¸ v“ v†n Æ“ s¯c kh·e, Æ∆c bi÷t n™n tham kh∂o b∏c s‹ Æ” Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n v“ thuËc chËng sËc ÆÈ cao. NH~NG TRÅI NGHIåM TH@ Vë ñ Th®m h ƴi Lang Tso, Stat Tso, s´ng b®ng Drang-Drung, tu vi÷n Rangdum tr™n Æ≠Íng tı Kargil Æi Padum ñ Th®m lµng vµ tu vi÷n quanh Padum, t◊m hi”u cuÈc sËng ng≠Íi vÔng Zanskar: lµng Sani, tu vi÷n Karsha, tu vi÷n Dzongkul ñ ßi trekking vµo Phuktal vµ c∂m nhÀn vŒ Æãp cÒa s´ng nÛi hÔng v‹ ¬M TH#C
CHU¬N Bë TH£M Ngoµi Æ Æπc c∏ nh©n nh≠ nh˜ng chuy’n Æi th´ng th≠Íng, Æ’n vÔng Zanskar vµ Æi trekking Phuktal bπn c«n mang th™m mÈt sË vÀt dÙng: ñ TÛi ngÒ phng khi ch®n kh´ng ÆÒ †m ñ Giµy trek loπi tËt ñ Chai n≠Ìc gi˜ nhi÷t Æ” pha trµ, ´m Æi ngÒ ñ Éo heattech vµ qu«n ∏o tho∂i m∏i, m∆c Æ≠Óc nhi“u lÌp ñ Kem d≠Ïng »m cho da vµ m´i, thuËc chËng sËc ÆÈ cao CHI PHê THAM KHÅo ñ TÊng cÈng 1.300 USD cho chuy’n Æi dµi 17 ngµy, Æ∑ bao gÂm vä m∏y bay vµ ph› visa.
Sau bao th∏ng ngµy mong chÍ, t´i cÚng Æ’n Æ≠Óc Æ©y. phuktal lu´n nªm trong sË nh˜ng ng´i cÊ t˘ hŒo l∏nh, huy“n b› nh†t.
a deserted area near Dzongkhul Monastery
destination Jammu & Kashmir state is often referred to as the "crown of India" due to its geographical location and its majestic beauty. The Eastern half of J&K state is home to the wild and enigmatic mountains of Ladakh. Tucked away in the imposing Himalayas is the ancient Phuktal monastery, the spiritual center of these mountains and our destination on this arduous trip. Text and photos: Huyen Chi Bui
j&K enCompaSSeS The genTle beauTy of iTS deep blue laKe, iT iS aS STunning aS iTS glaCieRS and SnoWy himalayaS, iT iS Wild aS The RoaRing RiveR, aS quieT aS The monaSTeRy of The SlopeS, and juST aS RomanTiC aS The valleyS ConCealed in golden leaveS.
Into the wild in Zanskar pon arrival in Zanskar, I felt immersed in its picturesque landscape of high mountains and the powerful Suru valley. Zanskar is part of Ladakh, or little Tibet, and it belongs to Jammu & Kashmir (J&K); the western part of the state reaches Pakistan and the eastern and northern parts border Tibet. J&K once captured the heart of an Indian king, who dubbed the land "paradise on Earth". J&K encompasses the gentle beauty of its deep blue lake, it is as stunning as its glaciers and snowy Himalayas, it is wild as the roaring river, as quiet as the monastery of the slopes, and just as romantic as the valleys concealed in golden leaves.
Departing from Leh, capital of the Ladakh region, half of my journey had already passed when I arrived in Zanskar. Leh is about 220 km and a seven-hour ride from Kargil, gateway to Zanskar. After staying the night in Kargil, we made another twelvehour trip on a 240 km mountain road arriving in Padum.
Up to the high valley, Padum Padum lies deep within the pristine Zanskar region of India and is a small, secluded town located near the confluence of the Doda Fork, Tsarap and Zanskar rivers, in the basin 3,600 m above sea level, surrounded by mountain peaks where time has left them scarred with ice and wind. Padum is located in the heart of Zanskar, with a population near 1,000 people. The inhabitants are primarily Buddhists; however, similar to Kargil, Padum is also under the control of Sunni Muslims. Here, Buddhism and Islam exist in parallel. TRAVELLIVE
VISA ñ You can apply for Indian visa at the embassy in Hanoi or make an e-visa at the embassy's website at www. indianonlinevisas.org. ITINeRARy ñ From Vietnam there are many flights to New Delhi, the capital of India. From here, you can fly Indian domestic carriers to Srinagar or Leh, two major cities of Jammu & Kashmir. From these two major cities, there are a number of tour operators providing hotel services and driver assistance, bringing you to Anmu village (passing through Padum). STAyING ñ Ladakh's major cities have many guesthouses and hotels, with hot and cold water. The tour companies will give you the list to choose from, the quality is proportional to the price of each tour. Private accommodation in Phuktal is geographically isolated and lacks communication facilities, so reservations can not be made. Room rates INR 1000 (about 15 USD per person per night). If there is no room upon arrival, you can go to monastery and ask for a place to sleep. The two nearest villages to the monastery are Cha and Purney villages.
he town of Padum is named after Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born, one of two monks who spread Indian Buddhism to Tibet. Through its introduction to Tibet, Indian Buddhism has become interwoven with the ancient Bӧn religion of the Tibetan people, forming a distinct Tibetan Buddhism that encompasses a magical flair and divine spirituality. Tibetan Buddhism followed the Tibetan immigrants back to Ladakh. Taking its influence from Tibet, the Buddhism of Ladakh follows two main branches, the Drugpa and the Gelugpa. The Zanskar region is no exception.
We stayed in Padum a few days to visit nearby villages and monasteries, to enjoy the pure and peaceful atmosphere of Zanskar before starting our trekking journey to Phuktal. The fatigue from our long trip melted away at the sight of the thousand year old monastery door, veiled on the cliff. In front of me now is a vast space. Below, a stream of water
winds between rooftops and gardens. Far away, the shadow of Zanskar casts upon white snow. All was quiet, except for the whistling of the wind through wooden chinks in the door; in the courtyard the flag flew overhead as the leaves fell against each other. How I love and appreciate this moment.
From Padum to Phuktal The next day, we left Padum early in the morning for Phuktal, an ancient Buddhist shrine associated with the Gelugpa. Built in the 12th century from mud and wood, Phuktal has a special position, dropping itself from a natural cavern and looming over the canyon above the Tsarap River. Today the monastery remains isolated to the outside world but is still home to eighty monks. From Padum, our driver named Kunga drove us over two and a half hours to Anmu village situated about 30 km away.
iT iS aT ThiS momenT ThaT i begin To undeRSTand Why The TibeTanS of The bÓŚn Religion believe The mounTainS, TReeS, and RiveRS all CaRRy SoulS. The WoRld aRound me appeaRS aS pRimiTive yeT lively. Upstream of the Tsarap River, the road sits narrowly between slender canyons. On one side is a high mountain, on the other rests a deep river. In the early morning, the river is translucent and elegant. From a distance, smoke arises from small houses, glittering in the early sun while sparrows fly over harvested fields. All as in a poem. In reality, we are moving along on a rocky road. The road tightens, winds, the car is thumping against the rocks, wheels sliding along the rock-strewn slope. The very look of the road is enough to strike fear in us. Finally we have reached the small village of Amnu. Phuktal is just a 12km walk away. When 9 am rolls around we depart
from Amnu. The first trek appears easy, it's not too steep nor too deep. My strength is average, but at the altitude of 4,000 m above sea level, I realize that I am weaker than I thought. After a two and a half hour hike from Anmu, we arrive at Cha village where we rest for lunch. From Cha village to Phuktal is another 7 km and there are few households here. All of the white houses here are very simple but idyllic. Out of Cha village, a steep slope was waiting for us just as the sun was on the top of our heads. We move a few steps to stop and try to encourage each other to continue. After the ramp, the trail gently descends. A few hundred meters below us the Tsarap River is flowing
to Padum. Purney village and Cha village are the two rarer inhabited places on the way to Phuktal. From here, the landscape becomes surreal, the dreamlike landscape opens up to us and each turn provokes scenery more dazzling than the last. From the top, I gaze upon the Tsarap River flowing between two straight canyons. How can that river be so crystalline, and the mountains so breathtakingly vast? The sunset, dipping into the mountain peak, melts into rays and bathes the rocks in rose, sending the water below into a serene shimmer. It is at this moment that I begin to understand why the Tibetans of the BÓ§n religion believe the mountains, trees, and rivers all carry souls. TRAVELLIVE
afTeR monThS of WaiTing, i have finally made iT. phuKTal iS amongST The moST SeCluded and mySTeRiouS of anCienT ShRineS. he world around me appears as primitive yet lively. It is so close that I feel that by merely lifting my hand, I will truly be connected to the miraculous breath of nature.
I will still be out to see if the afternoon sun is fading, do not remind me to hurry, I'm watching my step. The ledges are narrow, some of the rocks are near the edge of the road; our movements are slight as the terrain is difficult. Fortunately for us, it was not raining that day.
Touching Phuktal Three hours after leaving the Cha village, we came to the lodge at the foot of the monastery. This place is the quintessence of isolation: no phone signals, no internet. In the summer, visitors can walk or travel by donkeys or horse drawn carts over the mountain trails. However, in winter, extreme weather will blanket Zanskar and the Tsarap River will freeze over.
We've arrived at Phuktal! After months of waiting, I have finally made it. Phuktal is amongst the most secluded and mysterious of ancient shrines. In the midst of the wilderness, seasoned by centuries of fierce weather, Phuktal has been shielded by the natural cave in the cliff, standing defiant, ancient and calm. Phuktal is the soul of the Lungnak valley (Tsarap). The monks here
assist the people by organizing prayer, weddings, funerals and open schools teaching basic subjects and religious lessons to children from grades 1 to grade 8. To this day, the monastery's clinic hands down the traditional medical knowledge of the Tibetan people; they also help to heal the neighboring villagers. The monks were away when we reached the monastery, only a few stayed in the temple. The tranquility of this landscaped is dwarfed by the silence of the temple. Phuktal, more than anywhere, is a place to disappear and meditate. Phuktal comes from the words "Phuk" meaning "cave" and "tal" - "rest", or "thar" - "liberate". It's far off distance does not dissuade travelers seeking absolute isolation. Travelers may find that being alone with nature will melt
away the concerns of life. That night, we slept at the inn on the foot of the monastery. The inn was simple with only four rooms; there was no way to book rooms in advance. Luck was on our side as there were two little rooms available. It was only a tiny bit crowded for ten people. As the monks were away, we couldn't have breakfast at the monastery the following morning. The instant noodles we packed were not nearly enough for both lunch and breakfast. The instant noodles offered by the inn had expired 6 months ago. Finding a proper meal proved more difficult in this land of isolation. We left immediately the next morning. Although we knew that this route would tire our bodies, we still chose to take the road passing by
is very scarce. You should prepare dry food from home to make the meal varied. NoT To Be MISSed exPeRIeNCeS IN ZANSKAR ñ Visit Lang Tso Twin Lake, Stat Tso, Drang-Drung Glacier, Rangdum Monastery on the way from Kargil to Padum ñ Visiting villages and monasteries around Padum, exploring Zanskar people's life: Sani Village, Karsha Monastery, Dzongkul Monastery ñ Trekking into Phuktal and feeling the majestic beauty of the river RoAdS
ñ To go to Phuktal Monastery, you have to conquer Leh - Kargil Padum - Phuktal or Srinagar - Kargil - Padum - Phuktal. The entire route is about 500 km of mountain roads. Anmu village is the last village where cars have access. Then take the long trek about 12 km to Phuktal (this section is between 2425 km for return trip). At Padum, you can find a porter- guide who can take you by car to Anmu and take you to Phuktal.
ñ In addition to common personal belongings, for trips to Zanskar area and trekking Phuktal you need to bring some other items:
ñ Moisturizing cream for skin and lips
ñ The Zanskar region is located at altitudes above 4,000 m. Therefore, you should be well prepared for health problem, especially consult your doctor for advice on antihypertensives. CUISINe
ñ Sleeping bags when the bed is not warm enough ñ Good trekking shoes ñ Thermos bottle to keep water hot longer for making tea or carrying to bed ñ Heattech clothing and comfortable clothes, multi-layer
ñ Altitude sickness medicine RefeReNCe feeS ñ A total of 1,300 USD for a 17-day trip, including airfare and visa fees
ñ Zanskar people are mainly Buddhist and vegetarian. Fish here
Purney village, a little bit longer than the path through Cha village. The first suspension bridge across the Tsarap River is just steps away from Phuktal. The sun has yet to rise, the shadows of the mountain are still sleeping on the frigid flowing water. Our energy streams back into us as we near the Purney village, three hours from Phuktal. The road is wider this morning, but it is not the gentle road of yesterday as it is a continuous up and down. Purney shows up beautifully, with small white houses quietly nestled in the early sun. Purney is located at the confluence of rivers. Down below, the muddy Kargyag River, flowing from Shingo La, merges into the clear stream of
the Tsarap River from Baralacha La. The Tsarap River then flows towards Padum to the northwest until it meets the main Zanskar valley, which is called Jung-khor by locals. The convergence of these two streams mesmerizes me with their mystery and wonder. Two more hours from Purney, we reached the second suspension bridge. This one is longer and rickety than the one before. It was too late, the road back was now far away. My sight is dimmed by the sun, dried and clouded by the wind and the dust. I try to continue my steps. At that moment, I recalled the people I met on the streets, remembering the gentle smiles of the old women standing on the porch of the white house
with brown frame, the gentle eyes of mothers holding children, innocent faces of the children born in the wild hills, grown like weeds. I also recall the moments when the green lake revealed itself behind the turn, the moment the sun rose to bring the world to life, when two streams of different colors merged into one. I know why I am here. Every trip makes me happy twice. First when I journey on the long way, when beautiful images fill my eyes and moving emotions fill my heart. And the other is when I return, push open the door of the house where the people I love welcome me back.
http://issuu.com/Travellive TRAVELLIVE
"VùNG ߃T CƒM" ß¡Y M• ¶õC TÌi Dushanbe - thÒ Æ´ cÒa Tajikistan, vi÷c Æ«u ti™n lµ chÛng t´i lao tÌi OVIR (V®n phflng qu∂n l˝ VISA) Æ” xin gi†y phäp. Kh∏ hÂi hÈp, bÎi c∏ch Ɔy mÈt tu«n, chÛng t´i Æ≠Óc tin cao nguy™n Pamir Æ„ng cˆa, c†m kh∏ch du lfich v◊ l› do nÛi lÎ. CuËi cÔng m‰i chuy÷n di‘n ra su´n sŒ khi qua ngµy h´m sau, chÛng t´i Æ∑ c„ trong tay t†m gi†y "mµu nhi÷m" vµ c„ th” l™n Æ≠Íng. Trong khi Æ≠Íng Î Uzbekistan ph«n lÌn phºng phiu, d‘ Æi, Tajikistan thˆ th∏ch chÛng t´i ngay tı nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u vÌi nh˜ng con dËc vıa cao, vıa dµi. CÚng nh˜ng ngµy nµy, chÛng t´i Æ∑ c∏n mËc 10.000 km, mÈt con sË Æ«y t›nh bi”u t≠Óng, khi’n chÛng t´i bÂi hÂi nhÌ lπi ngµy khÎi hµnh tı Paris c∏ch Æ©y 9 th∏ng. Tı nh˜ng vflng quay ban Æ«u Æ«y bÏ ngÏ, giÍ Æ©y chÛng t´i Æ∑ trÎ thµnh nh˜ng chi’n binh dπn dµy s≠¨ng gi„! Hµng ngµy chÛng t´i tÿnh dÀy tı tÍ mÍ s∏ng, lÛc kh› trÍi v…n cfln m∏t mŒ vµ xe cÈ mÌi l∏c Æ∏c tr™n Æ≠Íng. M‰i ng≠Íi Æ“u v…y tay vui vŒ chµo chÛng t´i. MÈt l«n, c„ chi’c xe c‰c cπch chÎ Æ«y d≠a dıng lπi, anh l∏i xe nh∂y xuËng, t∆ng chÛng t´i mÈt qu∂ to rÂi lπi hÌn hÎ l™n Æ≠Íng. Nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u, chÛng t´i Æπp d‰c bÍ s´ng Panj, bi™n giÌi t˘ nhi™n vÌi Afganistan. Tı r†t l©u, chÛng t´i m¨ ≠Ìc Æ≠Óc tÌi th®m vÔng Ɔt mµ vŒ Æãp vµ lflng hi’u kh∏ch cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æ∑ trÎ thµnh huy“n thoπi nµy. GiÍ Æ©y, c∏ch "vÔng Ɔt c†m Æ«y m¨ ≠Ìc" chÿ mÈt con s´ng, chÛng t´i cÚng th†y n´n nao kh„ t∂.
CuÈc sËng tr´ng thÀt thanh b◊nh, chºng ai c„ th” ngÍ rªng Æ„ lπi lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Ɔt n≠Ìc hi”m nguy nh†t th’ giÌi.
Bµi vµ ∂nh: B◊nh Nguy™n
VÌi nh˜ng Æÿnh nÛi cao tr™n 7.000 m tÀp trung Î ph›a Æ´ng Tajikistan, cao nguy™n Pamir Æ≠Óc xem lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng "n„c nhµ cÒa th’ giÌi" vµ tıng c„ v tr› quan tr‰ng tr™n con Æ≠Íng t¨ lÙa x≠a kia. Kh∏m ph∏ cao nguy™n Pamir theo Æ≠Íng cao tËc M41 ch™nh v™nh tr™n ÆÈ cao h¨n 4.000 m - con Æ≠Íng cao th¯ hai th’ giÌi - lµ mÈt thˆ th∏ch Æ«y kh„ kh®n, vµ v◊ th’, Æ«y h†p d…n vÌi d©n Æπp xe Æ≠Íng tr≠Íng.
MÁi s∏ng, chÛng t´i th¯c dÀy trong khung c∂nh th«n ti™n, lflng trµn ngÀp bi’t ¨n cuÈc sËng!
C„ h´m, chÛng t´i d˘ng trπi Î n¨i Æãp nh≠ trong mÈt c´ng vi™n b∂o tÂn quËc gia. Nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi sıng s˜ng bao quanh chÛng t´i Æ«y che chÎ. TrÍi n„ng khi’n m∆t Ɔt n¯t nŒ, kh´ cong nh≠ng ph›a d≠Ìi lµ mÈt con suËi reo vui. H¨i v†t v∂ mÈt chÛt nh≠ng chÛng t´i cÚng leo xuËng Æ’n n¨i, th∂ m◊nh trong dflng n≠Ìc m∏t, gÈt h’t v†t v∂ m÷t nh‰c cÒa mÈt ngµy bÙi Æ≠Íng. C„ h´m, chÛng t´i d˘ng l“u s∏t bÍ s´ng Panj. ô b™n kia s´ng, tıng nh„m phÙ n˜ Afghan v∏y ∏o xÛng x›nh, c≠Íi n„i rÊn r∂ng xuËng s´ng gi∆t qu«n ∏o. ß©u Æ„ lµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi ch®n cıu tr™n Æ≠Íng lÔa cıu v“, lµm bÙi bay mÔ trÍi. Thÿnh tho∂ng, mÈt vµi chµng trai Æ«u qu†n kh®n, ∏o kho∏c bay trong gi„, ph„ng nh≠ bay tr™n nh˜ng chi’c m´t´ Cross gi¨ tay v…y chÛng t´i. CuÈc sËng Î Æ©y thÀt thanh b◊nh, chºng ai c„ th” ngÍ rªng Æ„ lπi lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Ɔt n≠Ìc hi”m nguy nh†t th’ giÌi.
NH~NG Kà L~ HÄNH K∞ Dë TR£N CON NG#A S¿T LÛc chÛng t´i tı bÍ s´ng chπy qua nh˜ng ng´i lµng nh·, nh˜ng Ưa trŒ nhem nhuËc, ch©n vµ Æ«u tr«n, m∆t ch∏y næng nh≠ng Æ´i mæt c¯ t≠¨i r„i, lu´n hfl reo, Ưng x’p hµng Æ” vÁ vµo tay chÛng t´i - nh˜ng kŒ l˜ hµnh k◊ dfi, lu´n m h´i m k™ nh‘ nhπi tr™n nh˜ng con ng˘a sæt ch†t Æ«y ÆÂ. C„ lœ, Æ„ lµ mÈt ni“m vui lÌn trong ngµy cho lÚ trŒ Î nh˜ng vÔng hŒo l∏nh †y. ChÛng lµm t´i nhÌ Æ’n nh˜ng Ưa trŒ cÒa Thπch Lam, mong chÍ giÍ tµu qua mÁi tËi mang theo th¯ ∏nh s∏ng c„ th” khi’n cho cuÈc sËng ÆÏ chÛt buÂn tŒ.
Ngµy nµo, chÛng t´i cÚng mua tı chÛng mÈt hai x´ m¨. Nh˜ng qu∂ m¨ vµng ruÈm, ch›n c©y ng‰t lı giÛp chÛng t´i chËng lπi c∏i n„ng khæc nghi÷t vµ Æ ®n thi’u thËn. ß’n giÍ, nh˜ng qu∂ m¨ ng‰t ngµo †y v…n khi’n chÛng t´i nh· d∑i. Kh´ng chÿ c„ nh˜ng Ưa trŒ, ngµy nµo chÛng t´i cÚng c„ nh˜ng cuÈc g∆p gÏ thÛ vfi. Chÿ c«n dıng lπi mÈt chÛt lµ Æ∏m thanh ni™n Æang v©y quanh qu∂ b„ng tr™n c∏nh ÆÂng xanh r◊ sœ h hÎi rÒ chÛng t´i ch¨i cÔng. Chÿ c«n chÛng t´i cæm l“u Î g«n khu d©n c≠ lµ m‰i ng≠Íi sœ lÚ l≠Ót Æ’n th®m, rÒ chÛng t´i v“ nhµ, t∆ng Æ ®n. Lflng hi’u kh∏ch v´ t≠ cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng lu´n lµm chÛng t´i ngπc nhi™n vµ c∂m ÆÈng tr™n hµnh tr◊nh thi™n l˝. ß≠Íng cao tËc M41, trÙc Æ≠Íng mµ chÛng t´i di chuy”n, lµ mÈt trÙc giao th≠¨ng ch›nh Î Trung É. ßi“u nµy khi’n chÛng t´i c„ ph«n e ngπi. Nh≠ng ho∏ ra, chÿ c„ c∏i t™n lµ "cao tËc" th´i, cfln Æ≠Íng kh∏ hãp vµ x†u, Ê gµ Ê voi lÊn nhÊn, giao th´ng cÚng kh∏ th≠a thÌt, chÒ y’u lµ xe t∂i chÎ hµng, Æi thµnh tıng Æoµn dµi. Tı ÆÈ cao 3.000 m, Æ™m bæt Æ«u m∏t rÂi lµnh lπnh, chÛng t´i kh´ng cfln chfiu c∂nh Ɔt cæm l“u n„ng nh≠ hun, thÀm ch› cho tÌi s∏ng h´m sau n˜a. ß≠Íng tı Æ©y cÚng ngµy cµng v†t v∂ h¨n, nh†t lµ khi chÛng t´i l™n cao h¨n 4.000 m, n¨i kh´ng kh› lo∑ng khi’n chÛng t´i ph∂i tËn s¯c g†p Æ´i, g†p ba b◊nh th≠Íng. Trong khi dËc cao th◊ v…n c¯ cao, Æ≠Íng x†u th◊ c¯ ti’p tÙc x†u! ß’n Æ©y, ngay c∂ nh˜ng chi’n binh l∑o luy÷n cÚng chÿ cæm cÛi Æπp ch¯ kh´ng cfln s¯c chuy÷n trfl, c≠Íi ÆÔa n˜a. Th¯c
®n cÚng ngµy cµng hi’m hoi h¨n, hoa qu∂ kh´ng cfln, c¨m cÚng n†u m∑i kh´ng ch›n. ChÛng t´i quanh qu»n vÌi b∏nh m◊ ch†m s˜a Æ∆c cho b˜a s∏ng, ngÚ cËc vµ Æ hÈp cho b˜a tr≠a vµ tËi. ß” bÔ lπi, chÛng t´i Æπp xe hµng ngµy gi˜a mÈt khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹, Æãp Æ’n nghãt thÎ. MÁi chi“u, chÛng t´i dıng ch©n Î mÈt Æi”m Æãp h¨n h´m tr≠Ìc, nµo s´ng xanh hi“n hfla, nµo nÛi ngÚ sæc vÌi nh˜ng tπo h◊nh k◊ thÛ. MÁi s∏ng, chÛng t´i th¯c dÀy trong khung c∂nh th«n ti™n, lflng trµn ngÀp bi’t ¨n cuÈc sËng. C∂m gi∏c Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh vÌi thi™n nhi™n, t˘ do, t˘ tπi vi™n m∑n thÀt kh„ t∂. Nh˜ng ngµy nh≠ th’, chÛng t´i kh´ng g∆p mÈt ai, chÿ th†y v’t xe Æπp hªn tr™n c· t˘ lÛc nµo.
C¿M TRÑI ô NG§I LÄNG TR£N NïC NHÄ TH⁄ GIõI ChÛng t´i quy’t Æfinh Æi Æ≠Íng vflng Æ” tÌi th®m Bulunkul, mÈt ng´i lµng hi’m hoi tr™n cao nguy™n Pamir. TrÍi xanh, nÛi Æ·, c∏t vµng, khung c∂nh kh´ng ngıng khi’n chÛng t´i Æi tı ngπc nhi™n nµy tÌi thÛ vfi kh∏c. Tuy nhi™n, ng´i lµng lπi lµ mÈt nÁi th†t v‰ng khi h«u nh≠ t†t c∂ nh˜ng ng≠Íi chÛng t´i g∆p Æ“u trong t◊nh trπng say xÿn, ngay c∂ lÚ trŒ con tr´ng cÚng buÂn tŒ. B· qua lÍi chÃo käo cÒa bµ chÒ homestay, chÛng t´i quy’t Æfinh Æi ti’p Æ” cæm l“u gi˜a thi™n nhi™n, ngay c∂ khi ph∂i ÆÊ th™m vµi l›t m h´i, ti™u th™m vµi ngµn calories tr≠Ìc khi t◊m Æ≠Óc Æi”m ≠ng ˝, v…n phÔ hÓp vÌi chÛng t´i h¨n.
MÁi buÊi s∏ng lu´n h¯a hãn nh˜ng Æi“u tuy÷t vÍi TRAVELLIVE
TÌi Murgab, m÷t rÚ r≠Ói nh≠ng Æ«y t˘ hµo, chÛng t´i g‚ cˆa Pamir Hotel - Æi”m dıng ch©n cÒa d©n Æπp xe, n¨i gi≠Íng ™m, Æ÷m †m, nhµ tæm c„ n≠Ìc n„ng vµ mÈt nhµ b’p th˘c s˘ Æang chÍ chÛng t´i. ô Æ©y, chÛng t´i c„ hai ngµy nghÿ ng¨i th∂nh th¨i, bu´n chuy÷n quanh nh˜ng lon bia m∏t lπnh, chu»n bfi cho ch∆ng Æ≠Íng cuËi cÚng kh´ng käm ph«n gian kh„: Æÿnh ÆÃo Akbaital, cao nh†t cao nguy™n Pamir vÌi ÆÈ cao 4.655 m, v…n cfln c∏ch chÛng t´i h¨n mÈt ngµy Æ≠Íng. L™n Æÿnh xong rÂi th◊ cÚng ph∂i xuËng, vµ Æ≠Íng xuËng kh´ng käm ph«n kh„ kh®n. ThÀm ch› nguy hi”m h¨n v◊ Æ≠Íng qu∏ x†u, Æ«y Æ∏ d®m, nhi“u Æoπn lπi l≠Ón s„ng nh≠ m∏i t´n khi’n c∂ xe, c∂ ng≠Íi lu´n rung b«n bÀt. ß’n cuËi ngµy, chÛng t´i Æ“u Æi ch©n h◊nh ch˜ b∏t, m◊nh m»y ™ »m, Æau nhı nh≠ng v…n x„t xa cho nh˜ng con thi’t m∑ cÒa m◊nh h¨n. ß∆t ch©n Æ’n h Karakul nÊi ti’ng, mÎ ra tr≠Ìc mæt lµ b¯c tranh thi™n nhi™n vÌi n≠Ìc xanh ngæt, trÍi xanh ngæt, ph›a sau lµ nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi phÒ tuy’t træng to∏t, m©y træng bÂng b“nh. ChÛng t´i ®n tr≠a tπi mÈt ng´i nhµ trong lµng rÂi Æ≠Óc mÍi nghÿ tr≠a - Æi“u mµ d‹ nhi™n chÛng t´i kh´ng tı chËi. Ng´i nhµ Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Trung É lu´n c„ mÈt c®n phflng rÈng, vÌi Æ«y th∂m Æ· r˘c rÏ vµ nh˜ng gËi ngÂi xung quanh phflng. Lflng t´i chÔng lπi khi t◊m th†y Î Æ©y nh˜ng Æ trang tr› cÒa Li™n X´ cÚ, r†t thfinh hµnh Î Vi÷t Nam c∏ch Æ©y h¨n 30 n®m, khi t´i cfln bä t›. Tajikistan vµ cao nguy™n Pamir, kh´ng hÊ danh con Æ≠Íng Æ’n "n„c nhµ th’ giÌi", Æ∑ thˆ th∏ch chÛng t´i cho tÌi phÛt ch„t. Nh˜ng km cuËi cÔng, con dËc cuËi cÔng tr≠Ìc khi tÌi
BçnH ngUy£n RÍi b· c´ng vi÷c vµ cuÈc sËng Ên Ænh Î ph∏p, B◊nh Nguy™n vµ chÂng Rasom alessio (quËc tch ≥) Æ∑ cÔng nhau th˘c hi÷n chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh vng quanh th’ giÌi tı paris v“ Hµ NÈi bªng xe Æπp. L†y bi÷t danh "rollingpotatoes", B◊nh Nguy™n vµ Rasom alessio th˘c hi÷n chuy’n kh∏m ph∏ dµi bæt Æ«u tı paris, tr∂i qua 18 n≠Ìc. Hai "cÒ khoai t©y l®n" nµy x∏c Ænh c∏ch Æi cÒa m◊nh lµ tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng thˆ th∏ch ch¯ kh´ng ch‰n cung ƨn gi∂n. C„ th” theo d‚i nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh cÒa h‰ tr™n trang: www.rollingpotatoes.com
ñ Tajikistan kh´ng y™u c«u du kh∏ch mang quËc tch Vi÷t Nam xin visa tr≠Ìc khi bay. Visa sœ Æ≠Óc c†p tπi s©n bay quËc t’ Dushanbe. Du kh∏ch c„ th” xin visa Æi÷n tˆ vµ Æ≠Óc nhÀp c∂nh t†t c∂ c∏c cˆa kh»u. ñ ThÍi gian l≠u trÛ: 45 ngµy. HÈ chi’u cn hπn tËi thi”u 6 th∏ng k” tı ngµy nhÀp c∂nh vµo Tajikistan. ß∂m b∂o hÈ chi’u cn ›t nh†t 2 trang Æ” trËng vµ ch≠a Æ„ng d†u th th˘c. ñ N’u hµnh tr◊nh cÒa bπn Æ’n Tajikistan ph∂i qu∏ c∂nh Î mÈt quËc gia kh∏c, n™n ki”m tra xem c„ c«n xin visa qu∏ c∂nh hay kh´ng. HÄNH TRçNH ñ ß” tÌi Dushanbe tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn c„ th” l†y chuy’n bay cÒa Turkish Airlines, qu∏ c∂nh tπi Istanbul, Æ©y cÚng lµ dp hay Æ” kh∏m ph∏ thÒ Æ´ cÒa ThÊ Nh‹ K˙. PH¶•NG TIåN dI CHUyÕN ñ N’u kh´ng muËn li™n h÷ mÈt Æπi l˝ du lch Æa ph≠¨ng Æ” thu x’p mÈt chuy’n Æi vÌi xe Jeep, bπn c„ th” t˘ Æi m´t´ Æ” kh∏m ph∏ cao nguy™n Pamir. ñ N’u bπn lµ mÈt ph≠Ót thÒ dπn dµy kinh nghi÷m, bπn c„ th” thˆ s¯c vÌi xe bu˝t Æa ph≠¨ng ho∆c bæt xe d‰c Æ≠Íng. Xin n„i tr≠Ìc, giao th´ng Î Æ©y kh∏ th≠a thÌt, c„ lœ bπn sœ ph∂i chÍ l©u tr≠Ìc khi t◊m Æ≠Óc xe. ñ H·ng phanh, nÊ lËp lu´n lµ v†n Æ“ th≠Íng g∆p. N’u may mæn g∆p ai Æ„, m‰i ng≠Íi sΩn sµng dıng xe lπi Æ” giÛp ÆÏ nhau. NH~NG TRÅI NGHIåM KH§NG THÕ Bì QUA
bi™n giÌi Kyrgyzstan c„ lœ lµ nh˜ng giÍ phÛt kh„ kh®n nh†t, v†t v∂ nh†t. Vıa th«m nguy“n rÒa gi„ ng≠Óc chi“u, nh˜ng con dËc d˘ng ghÀp gh“nh, chÛng t´i vıa nghi’n r®ng gfl l≠ng, l«m lÚi cÛi Æ«u vµ cæm cÛi Æπp, thÀm ch› h◊ hÙc Æ»y xe, giµnh giÀt tıng mät Æ≠Íng. Nh≠ng c„ Æi rÂi sœ c„ tÌi, sau h¨n ba tu«n rong ruÊi, chÛng t´i cÚng ph∂i chia tay Tajikistan. Tr≠Ìc khi b≠Ìc sang Kyrgyzstan vÌi nh˜ng cuÈc phi™u l≠u mÌi, chÛng t´i cË ph„ng t«m mæt, thu lπi trong t©m tr› mÈt l«n n˜a, nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh cuËi cÔng v“ n¨i mµ thi™n nhi™n vµ con ng≠Íi Æ∑ Æ” lπi trong lflng t´i nh˜ng k˚ ni÷m kh´ng th” phai mÍ.
ñ ô Khorog, bπn c„ th” t◊m xe tÌi Eschekershim vÌi phi™n chÓ nÊi ti’ng mÁi ngµy th¯ b∂y. ß©y lµ n¨i duy nh†t bπn c„ th” Æ∆t ch©n l™n Ɔt Afganistan vÌi visa Tajikistan. ñ Tπi Khorog vµo th∏ng 7 c„ l‘ Bam-i Dunya, mÈt l‘ hÈi v“ ngh÷ thuÀt truy“n thËng cÒa vÔng cao nguy™n Pamir. ñ ß’n mÁi thµnh phË, h∑y b· chÛt thÍi gian Æi th®m chÓ, bπn sœ c∂m nhÀn nhi“u h¨n "hÂn" Tajikistan qua nh˜ng khu chÓ s∆c sÏ Æ«y m«u sæc, mÔi v, ©m thanh. ñ H Bulunkul vµ Kara Kul lµ nh˜ng n¨i c„ phong c∂nh Æãp nh†t tr™n cung Æ≠Íng nµy. ñ Nh˜ng cˆa hµng Æ≠Óc mÎ tr™n nh˜ng chi’c xe bu˝t h·ng Î lµng Yamg lu´n lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n quen thuÈc cÒa du kh∏ch. L¶U TR@ ñ Kh´ng c„ kh∏ch sπn, nhµ nghÿ Î ngoπi ´ c∏c th tr†n lÌn nh≠ Murghab vµ Khorog. L˘a ch‰n cho du kh∏ch Æi tr™n tuy’n Æ≠Íng Pamir chπy qua Tajikistan lµ Î lπi nhµ ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng theo ki”u homestay, ho∆c cæm trπi ven Æ≠Íng giËng chÛng t´i. ¬M TH#C ñ ¬m th˘c Trung É kh´ng phong phÛ læm. Bπn n™n thˆ m„n plov - c¨m trÈn rau cÒ vµ tht cıu, kurutov - b∏nh m◊ vÌi hµnh t©y, cµ chua vµ samsa - mÈt loπi b∏nh gËi nh©n tht cıu.
Text and photos: Binh Nguyen
ROOF OF THE With mountains over 7,000 m situated in eastern Tajikistan, the Pamir Mountains are referred to as "the roof of the world" and were once considered a strategic trade route on the Silk Road. The historic Pamir Highway, officially called M41 and located at an altitude of over 4,000 m - the world's second highest international highway - is an excellent challenge for adventure cyclists.
Every morning we woke up to a magical setting, and were overjoyed with a profound gratitude for life.
DREAMY FORBIDDEN LAND As soon as we arrived in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, we headed to the OVIR (Migration Police) office to apply for our visa permit. Just a week before we left, we were told the Pamirs had been closed to tourists due to rockfalls. Fortunately, the problem had been managed, and we received our visas the next day before hitting the road. Most of the roads we cycled on in Uzbekistan were flat and easy to travel, but the ones in Tajikistan had many slopes that were not only high but also long. Despite the challenge, we reached our milestone of 10,000 km, a remarkable figure that reminded us that we had only departed Paris nine months ago. From inexperienced beginner cyclists, we have now become seasoned warriors. We woke up early in the morning when the air was still breezy and
only a few vehicles could be spotted on the streets. Everyone was exceptionally warm toward us. One day, we were given a huge melon by a driver from a melon pickup truck before he happily drove away. During our first days, we cycled along the scenic Panj River that borders Afghanistan, a country we had long wanted to visit where the beauty of the land and the hospitality of the people have became legendary. The feeling is hard to describe when we were just a river away from the "dreamy forbidden land". We chose an incredibly beautiful location to camp with majestic mountains surrounding us. The hot climate caused the ground to crack, but below it ran a mellow stream. It was difficult for us to get down, but in the end we managed to bathe ourselves in the cool water, and washed away all the sweat and hard work of the day. On another day, we set up a tent
right next to the Panj River. On the other side of the river, a group of Afghan women dressed in long skirts were seen laughing and washing their clothes, while local shepherds made their way back home with their cattles, taking the dust up in the air. We also spotted young men with their heads wrapped and jackets flying in the wind on Cross motorcycles raised their hands to wave at us. Life there seems peaceful, but no doubt Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous place in the world.
FULL OF SWEAT TRAVELERS ON TWO WHEELS From the river, we headed toward the villages to experience the locals' daily life. Small kids with bare feet and sunburnt faces but sparkling eyes stood cheering us on and clapped their little hands for us sweat-drenched travelers on two wheels. Seeing us must
Clockwise from this picture: Alessio, Binh Nguyen's husband; Riding donkey, a familiar animal in the highland's life; Tajikistan smile; The nomad opens the tent welcomes travelers
have been a particular delight for children in those remote areas. They reminded me of the children in the Vietnamese writer Thach Lam's story, who waited daily for the train to pass as some sort of joy that made their lives less dull. Every day we bought two buckets of apricots from the local children. The sweetness of the golden apricots enabled us to resist the terrible heat and cope with the lack of food. Even now, thinking of them makes my mouth water. Besides meeting the kids, we had interesting encounters everyday. We were sometimes invited to play soccer with the young men in the green fields. When we camped
near the villages, people would either pay us a visit, invite us to their home, or give us food. The incredible hospitality of the locals took us by surprise and deeply touched us. The M41 highway, where we cycled was once a major trading route in Central Asia. It turns out that, despite being called a "highway", the road is quite narrow and in bad condition with many potholes. Traffic is sparse with mainly cargo trucks traveling this road. At an altitude of 3,000 m, the nights became colder, and the ground cooler, a stark contrast to our previous days' experiencing heated campgrounds that lasted
through the night. It also became more difficult for us to continue our climb when we reached the altitude of 4,000 m, where the lack of oxygen required us to double our strength. There were steep slopes one after another and the condition of the road remained challenging. At this point, even experienced cyclists had to try their hardest to push on the pedals while everyone simply went quiet. Food became increasingly sparse with no fruits were available and cooking dishes became difficult. We mainly had bread with condensed milk for breakfast, along with cereals and canned foods for lunch and dinner. TRAVELLIVE
In return, we were rewarded with the most magnificent and breathtakingly beautiful scenes. Every stop was more beautiful than the previous with gentle rivers and majestic mountains twisting in exotic shapes all about. Every morning we woke up to a magical setting, and were overjoyed with a profound gratitude for life. It felt incredible to be in harmony with nature and we were awash with a deep sense of inner peace. We went on and hardly met anyone along our trail. All that was left behind was our bike tracks.
CAMPING ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD We decided to take a detour to visit Bulunkul, a remote village in the Pamirs. We were taken by surprise with the stunning scenery of blue sky, red mountains, and golden sand. However, the village was a disappointment. Almost everyone we met was in a state of drunkeness, and the children seemed bored. We turned down the offer to stay at one of the locals' homestays, and decided to camp among nature instead, even if we had to sweat a few liters more and burned a few thousand more calories before finding a
good spot. We made it to Murgab totally exhausted but full of pride. We found a place to stay at the Pamir Hotel, a godsend for tired cyclists who wanted nothing more than a soft bed, hot bath, and a real kitchen. We spent two days here to rest, relax, and drink a few cold beers before heading for our final leg of the journey - conquering the Ak-Baital Pass, the highest point of the M41 highway at 4,655 m height which was more than a day away.
After getting to the top, we came back down and the trail was just as challenging as the way up, if not more dangerous with bumpy ground and winding paths. At the end of our journey, we all walked around with limp legs and our bikes were absolutely worn out. When we arrived at the Karakul Lake what opened before our eyes was amazing scenery with blue water, clear sky, and white clouds against the backdrop of snowcovered mountains. We had lunch at a local's house in the village
We grinded our teeth, lowered our heads to concentrate on the pedaling, and had to push our own bikes at some points.
ñ Vietnamese nationals are not required to apply for a visa before arrival. The visa is issued at the Dushanbe International Airport. Travelers can apply for an e-visa to enter all gateways. ñ Duration of stay: 45 days. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into Tajikistan. Make sure your passport has at least 2 clear pages for the visa stamp. ñ If your trip to Tajikistan requires no transit in another country, check whether you might need a transit visa. GeT THeRe ñ To get to Dushanbe from Vietnam, you can fly with Turkish Airlines, transit in Istanbul. Take the opportunity to explore the beautiful capital of Turkey. GeT ARoUNd
BInH ngUyen Having left Vietnam to settle in France, Binh Nguyen joined his friend Rasom Alessio of Italian nationality to travel around the world from Paris to Hanoi on a bicycle. Taking the nickname "rollingpotatoes", Binh Nguyen and Rasom Alessio made their long journey from Paris to 18 countries. The "rollingpotatoes" are adventure cyclists who often seek the most challengeing trails. You can see pictures from their past trips on www.rollingpotatoes.com.
before being offered a place to rest, and we simply could not refuse. The house was in the typical style of Central Asia which features a large room with bright red carpets and sofa pillows scattered around the room. I even found precious pieces of decoration from the Soviet Union in their house, which were very commonly used in Vietnam over 30 years ago when I was still a child. The country of Tajikistan and the Pamir Mountains are no doubt "the roof of the world", and we were challenged to the last minute. The last distances and the last slopes before we reached the Kyrgyzstan border
were probably our most challenging moments. We had to go down in the oppositie direction of the wind, and overcome steep slopes. We grinded our teeth, lowered our heads to concentrate on the pedaling, and had to push our own bikes at some points. After spending over three weeks in Tajikistan, we finally said our goodbyes. Before heading to Kyrgyzstan for a totally new adventure, we looked back for one last time, trying to take in as much of the incredible views of nature and the hospitality of the locals, so that this unforgettale experience would be forever engraved in our hearts.
ñ If you do not want to contact a local travel agent to arrange a jeep, you can hire a motorbike to explore the Pamir Mountains. ñ If you are a seasoned traveler, try local buses or catch the bus along the way. Please be advised that the local traffic is sparse and you might have to wait for a long period of time. ñ Brake issue and tire blowouts are common problems. If you are lucky enough to meet someone, they are always ready to help. However, it's better to always be prepared for such events NoT To Be MISSed exPeRIeNCeS ñ From Khorog, you can catch a bus to the Ishkashim Border Market which is open every Saturday - the only place in Afghanistan that allows you to enter with a Tajikistan visa. ñ Visit Khorog in July, you can enjoy Bam-i Dunya, a traditional arts festival of the Pamirs. ñ When in every city, take some time to visit the local markets to experience a true feel of Tajikistan through different colors, tastes, and sounds. ñ Bulunkul and Karakul lakes have the most beautiful views along the highway. ñ The souvenir shops set up in broken buses in Yamg Village are popular stops for visitors. STAy ñ There are no hotels or motels in the suburbs of Murghab and Khorog. The only option for travelers on the Pamir highway is to stay at a local's home, or camp along the road. eAT ñ Central Asian cuisine is not particularly diverse. You should definitely try Plov (rice is simmered in a rich stew of meat and vegetables) and Kurutob (flat bread served in a warm yogurt based sauce topped with onions, tomatoes, and fesh herbs). TRAVELLIVE
ThÀt kh„ qu™n c∂m gi∏c khi ngÂi tr™n lπc Ƶ Æi chÀm r∑i gi˜a sa mπc m™nh m´ng vÌi nh˜ng cÂn c∏t tr∂i dµi Æ’n v´ tÀn, vµng r˘c d≠Ìi ∏nh næng chi“u tµ vµ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ lËc b†t chÓt cuËn theo Æ∏m bÙi c∏t mÔ mt. Ngay c∂ c∂m gi∏c ™ »m cÒa ph«n c¨ th” ti’p xÛc tr˘c ti’p vÌi y™n lπc Ƶ trong suËt hai ti’ng ÆÂng h Æi vµo th’ giÌi hoang vu Î Morocco cÚng thÀt kh„ qu™n. N„ giËng nh≠ bπn Æang ngÂi tr™n y™n xe Æπp vµ Æπp xe qua mÈt con Æ≠Íng toµn Ê gµ, Ê voi. MuËn c„ b¯c h◊nh Æãp, bπn n™n nh∂y xuËng Ɔt, chu gi„ c∏t t∏p vµo m∆t, chπy bÈ ÆuÊi theo Æoµn lπc Ƶ. Bªng c∏ch Æ„, bπn sœ c„ ∂nh Æãp. QuËc anh - Ng≠Íi Æam m™ dch chuy”n - k” lπi kho∂nh khæc khi anh chÙp b¯c ∂nh tr™n sa mπc Sahara. It's hard to forget the feeling of sitting on a slow walking camel in the middle of an immense desert, where dunes stretch to infinity, when golden light glistens in the afternoon and a sudden whirlwind rolls over in dark dust. Even the feeling of dull lasting pain from a two-hour camel ride in Morocco is difficult to forget. It's like sitting on a bicycle saddle and riding that bike through a pot-poled path. Taking pictures via camel is also no easy task due to the wobbly position. If you desire desert pictures with the walking camel corps, you should jump to the ground, sustain blasts of sandy wind whipping your face and run after the corps to take photos. Travel blogger Quoc Anh telling the story behind the stunning photo of the Sahara he captured. Anh Giµ
Bµi: Qu˙nh L™ Ånh: Qu˙nh L™, yamini Cuki
Ngoπi trı B∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia, khi l™n lch tr◊nh th®m thÛ ßµi Loan, t´i kh´ng h“ c„ ˝ Ænh dµnh chÛt ≠u ti™n nµo cho mÈt b∂o tµng kh∏c. Nh≠ng k’ hoπch chuy’n Æi cÒa t´i Æ∑ hoµn toµn thay ÆÊi khi lang thang trong kho b∏u v≠¨ng gi∂ †y...
ß æm s ay vÌ i nh ˜ng x ¯ ß µi
"louvre" cÒa ßµi loan iËng nh≠ mÈt Ưa trŒ lu´n hµo h¯ng trong c∏c trfl ch¨i ki’m t◊m kho b∏u th†t lπc, t´i vËn lµ ng≠Íi dµnh s˘ m™ Ææm Æ∆c bi÷t cho c∏c b∂o tµng. Trong m‰i chuy’n Æi cÒa m◊nh, b∂o tµng lu´n lµ nh˜ng Æ›ch Æ’n Æ«u ti™n t´i nhæm Æ’n. Hµnh tr◊nh Æ’n ßµi Loan vıa qua lµ hµnh tr◊nh Æ«u ti™n t´i d˘ t›nh kh´ng Æ∆t vfi tr› ≠u ti™n cho c∏c b∂o tµng bÎi trong suy ngh‹ chÒ quan cÒa t´i th◊ ßµi Loan lµ mÈt l∑nh thÊ cfln non trŒ n™n sœ kh„ c„ Æ≠Óc thµnh t˘u Æ∏ng k” trong l‹nh v˘c b∂o tµng. Vµ th˘c t’ cho th†y t´i Æ∑ l«m l…n Æ’n Æ∏ng tr∏ch th’ nµo.
Ban Æ«u, t´i chÿ l˘a ch‰n B∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia ßµi Bæc bÎi v◊ trong m‰i cuÈc b◊nh ch‰n, b∂o tµng nµy lu´n nªm trong Top 10 b∂o tµng nÊi ti’ng nh†t th’ giÌi. Tı khu phË Æi bÈ Ximending (T©y M´n ß◊nh), t´i Æi bÈ tÌi b’n xe bu˝t Tai Taipei Station Zhan chÿ m†t 10 phÛt. Chuy’n xe 304 chπy thºng tÌi cÊng ch›nh b∂o tµng. B∂o tµng lµ toµ nhµ lÌn ki”u cung Æi÷n Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng theo lËi s©n v≠Ín truy“n thËng Trung QuËc n™n kh´ng m†y g©y †n t≠Óng vÌi t´i. Nh≠ng Cho∏ng ngÓp - Hµo h¯ng Nghe m∏u reo trong huy’t qu∂n, Æ„ lµ c∂m nhÀn th˘c s˘ cÒa t´i khi b≠Ìc vµo nh˜ng gian tr≠ng bµy cÒa B∂o tµng. Nh◊n tr≠Ìc, nh◊n sau, quay ph∂i, quay tr∏i, Æ©u Æ©u cÚng lµ b∂o vÀt. ß©y qu∂ thÀt lµ kho b∏u v´ gi∏ cÒa v®n h„a Trung QuËc, bao gÂm c∏c hi÷n vÀt Æa dπng vµ tinh t’, c∏c tπo t∏c ngh÷ thuÀt Æÿnh cao nh≠ c∏c b¯c th≠ hoπ cÊ, s∏ch cÊ, ng‰c b›ch, ÆÂng ÆÛc, s¯... tr∂i dµi 8.000 n®m qua nhi“u tri“u Æπi lfich sˆ.
C∏c hi÷n vÀt thuÈc dng gËm ÆÍi nhµ TËng Æ≠Óc tr≠ng bµy tπi b∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia ßµi Loan
B∂o tµng chia thµnh nhi“u kh´ng gian tri”n l∑m, c∏c b∂o vÀt Æ≠Óc bË tr› theo thÍi gian tı v®n ho∏ Trung Hoa thÍi Æ Æ∏ mÌi (giai Æoπn 4.500 - 2.700 TCN) Æ’n th’ k˚ 20. ô Æ©y, t´i Æ≠Óc tÀn mæt ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng tπo t∏c Æ ÆÂng qu˝ hi’m Æ∑ l™n mµu Æen b„ng, nh˜ng vi™n ng‰c b›ch Trung QuËc r˘c rÏ sæc mµu vµ to∂ s∏ng l„ng l∏nh dÔ Æ∑ c„ hµng ngh◊n n®m tuÊi, nh˜ng di s∂n th≠ ph∏p tı tri“u T«n, nh˜ng Æ gËm s¯ tuy÷t Æãp vµ nh˜ng cuËn s∏ch qu˝ hi’m tı tri“u TËng hay th≠Îng th¯c bÛt ph∏p tuy÷t h∂o cÒa vfi vua Cµn Long nhµ Thanh nÊi ti’ng tµi hoa... Th´ng qua vi÷c kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng b∂o vÀt nµy, du kh∏ch c„ Æ≠Óc mÈt c¨ hÈi Æ” chπm khœ vµo nh˜ng gi∏ trfi s©u rÈng cÒa n“n v®n ho∏, tri’t h‰c vµ phong tÙc phong phÛ cÒa Trung QuËc. Ti’c rªng, du kh∏ch kh´ng th” ngæm tr‰n vãn g«n 700.000 hi÷n vÀt mµ B∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia ßµi Bæc Æang sÎ h˜u n’u chÿ tÌi th®m mÈt l«n. Do sË l≠Óng qu∏ nhi“u, c∏c hi÷n vÀt tri”n l∑m tπi b∂o tµng Æ≠Óc lu©n chuy”n ba th∏ng mÈt l«n. Vµ t´i cÚng kh´ng Æ≠Óc nh◊n th†y hai m„n Æ nÊi ti’ng nh†t trong bÈ s≠u tÀp lµ ThÒy ng‰c bπch th∏i (c©y c∂i th∂o bªng ng‰c) vµ mi’ng thfit kho tµu tπc tı khËi Æ∏ thπch anh BÅo TÄNG CUNG ßIåN QUˇC GIA ßÄI LoAN ñ ß≠Íng Zhi Shan, quÀn S¸ L©m, ßµi Bæc ñ GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 8h30 - 18h30 hµng ngµy; 8h30 - 21h00 th¯ s∏u vµ th¯ b∂y ñ Gi∏ vä: 350 TWD. Mi‘n ph› cho trŒ em tı 5 - 12 tuÊi ñ Ph≠¨ng ti÷n Æi lπi: xe bu˝t 304 chπy thºng tÌi b∂o tµng ñ Website: https://www.npm.gov.tw TRAVELLIVE
b∂o tµng quËc gia v“ Khoa h‰c T˘ nhi™n
b∂o tµng m¸ thuÀt quËc gia ƒn t≠Óng tı B∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia Æ∑ khi’n hµnh tr◊nh du ngoπn ßµi Loan cÒa t´i chuy”n h≠Ìng vÌi lfich tr◊nh tÌi c∏c b∂o tµng Æ≠Óc Æ≠a l™n hµng Æ«u. B· lÏ B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt ßµi Bæc v◊ b∂o tµng nµy Æ„ng cˆa Æ’n mÔa hà n®m 2018, t´i tÌi ßµi Trung Æ” kh∏m ph∏ B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt QuËc gia. ß≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng b∂o tµng ngh÷ thuÀt hi÷n Æπi nh†t Î ch©u É, B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt QuËc gia ßµi Loan trong c∂m nhÀn cÒa t´i lµ mÈt kh´ng gian c˘c k˙ thÛ vfi, v®n minh, trang nh∑ vµ th›ch hÓp cho c∏c gia Æ◊nh. Tfla nhµ ch›nh Æ∑ ph∏ vÏ quan ni÷m truy“n thËng v“ mÈt ng´i nhµ bªng c∏ch sˆ dÙng hµnh lang trong suËt k’t nËi b∂o tµng vµ khu v˘c c´ng vi™n ph›a tr≠Ìc toµ nhµ, tπo ra mÈt s˘ chuy”n ti’p kh´ng gian vµ truy“n th´ng giao thoa l…n nhau. Kh´ng giËng B∂o tµng Cung Æi÷n QuËc gia ngÀp trµn c∏c b∏u vÀt cÊ, B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt QuËc gia chÿ dµnh kh´ng gian t«ng ba lµm khu v˘c tri”n l∑m v‹nh vi‘n. C∏c hi÷n vÀt tr≠ng bµy tπi Æ©y cÚng chÿ tÀp trung vµo c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt ßµi Loan tı th’ k˚ 18 Æ’n nay.
Nªm Î thµnh phË ßµi Trung, B∂o tµng QuËc gia v“ Khoa h‰c T˘ nhi™n ßµi Loan c„ di÷n t›ch rÈng l™n Æ’n 89.000 m2, gÂm h¨n 30 khu v˘c tri”n l∑m th≠Íng tr˘c vÌi chÒ Æ“ Æa dπng giÛp du kh∏ch kh∏m ph∏ khoa h‰c vµ t˘ nhi™n th´ng qua c∏c hi÷n vÀt cÊ, tri”n l∑m t≠¨ng t∏c, khoa h‰c v“ ng≠Íi m∏y vµ tranh lÀp th”.
Trong khi Æ„, t«ng 1 vµ t«ng 2 cÒa b∂o tµng Æ≠Óc dµnh cho c∏c tri”n l∑m tπm thÍi, tÀp trung vµo c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt ph≠¨ng T©y, tranh vœ Trung QuËc, Æi™u khæc, ho∆c c∏c bÈ s≠u tÀp ngh÷ thuÀt c„ gi∏ trfi. Ngoµi ra, c„ th” nhÀn th†y r‚ s˘ ≠u ∏i Æ∆c bi÷t mµ b∂o tµng muËn dµnh cho trŒ em, khuy’n kh›ch trŒ em t◊m hi”u ngh÷ thuÀt vµ Æ’n th®m b∂o tµng th´ng qua khu v˘c Picture Book Area Î t«ng h«m vµ Family Room Î t«ng 2. ß©y th˘c s˘ lµ nh˜ng kh´ng gian c„ s¯c h†p d…n mπnh mœ vÌi trŒ em.
ThÛ thÀt, t´i ch≠a tıng b≠Ìc vµo tri”n l∑m nµo c„ c∏ch tr≠ng bµy sËng ÆÈng, t›nh t≠¨ng t∏c cao vµ Æ∏p ¯ng y™u c«u v“ th»m m¸ tuy÷t vÍi Æ’n th’. Nµy nhä, kh´ng chÿ c„ c¨ hÈi quan s∏t nh˜ng h„a thπch khÒng long, c∏c m´ h◊nh khÒng long c„ th” cˆ ÆÈng cfln cho t´i bi’t chÛng chuy”n ÆÈng nh≠ th’ nµo. Nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh, m´ h◊nh vµ c∏c tri”n l∑m cho th†y s˘ ti’n ho∏ cÒa con ng≠Íi, c∏c loµi chim vµ nhi“u loµi ÆÈng vÀt kh∏c, cho th†y c∏ch chÛng bay, chπy, Æi hay tr≠Ín, bfl.
Tuy vÀy, ÆËi vÌi t´i, ph«n cuËn hÛt nh†t cÒa b∂o tµng nµy lµ khu v≠Ín xanh nªm ph›a tr≠Ìc lËi vµo ch›nh cÒa toµ nhµ. C´ng vi™n nµy cÚng lµ mÈt kh´ng gian tri”n l∑m cÒa b∂o tµng vÌi 45 t∏c ph»m Æi™u khæc vµ khu rıng Æ∏ gÂm 50 vi™n Æ∏ Æ≠Óc chπm khæc BÅo TÄNG M≤ THUÜT th≠ ph∏p cÒa c∏c h‰c gi∂ nÊi ti’ng ng≠Íi QUˇC GIA 2 ßµi Loan. RÈng tÌi 102.000 m , c´ng vi™n ñ ß≠Íng Wuquan West, Æ≠Óc trÂng nhi“u c©y vÌi nh˜ng th∂m c· quÀn T©y, ßµi Trung ñ GiÍ mÎ cˆa: th¯ hai Æ„ng m“m xanh m∏t khi’n du kh∏ch kh´ng cˆa; th¯ ba Æ’n th¯ s∏u: 9h c≠Ïng nÊi ≠Ìc muËn Æ≠Óc nªm dµi tr™n c·, - 17h; th¯ b∂y, chÒ nhÀt: 9h nhæm mæt tÀn h≠Îng s˘ vuËt ve cÒa lµn gi„ - 18h nhã, læng nghe ti’ng c≠Íi gifln tan cÒa lÚ ñ Gi∏ vä: Mi‘n ph› ñ Ph≠¨ng ti÷n Æi lπi: xe bu˝t sË trŒ Æang chπy ch¨i xung quanh. MÈt ngµy 51, 5 vµ 75 qua Æi Æãp Æ’n th’ lµ cÔng.
ô Æ©y, t´i Æ≠Óc t◊m hi”u v“ 4 ph∏t minh v‹ Æπi nh†t cÒa ng≠Íi Trung QuËc lµ lµm gi†y, ch’ tπo thuËc sÛng, in †n, lµm ra la bµn, nghi™n c¯u v®n t˘ cÊ vi’t tr™n mai rÔa, ngæm nh◊n m∏y d÷t thÒ c´ng Æ≠Óc ch’ t∏c h’t s¯c tinh vi, kh∏m ph∏ h÷ thËng huy÷t Æπo tr™n c¨ th” ng≠Íi vµ nh˜ng ki’n th¯c y h‰c nÊi danh lµ b∏c Æπi tinh th©m cÒa ng≠Íi Trung QuËc, quan s∏t h¨n 100 loµi th∂o d≠Óc kh∏c nhau cÚng nh≠ c„ th” t◊m hi”u v“ th’ giÌi th«n linh cÒa ng≠Íi Trung QuËc...
ñ Website: www.ntmofa.gov.tw
hºng c„ g◊ ph∂i ngπc nhi™n khi B∂o tµng QuËc gia v“ Khoa h‰c T˘ nhi™n ßµi Loan thu hÛt tÌi ba tri÷u kh∏ch du lfich mÁi n®m. ßi“u Æ∏ng ngπc nhi™n Î Æ©y lµ quy m´ rÈng lÌn, sË l≠Óng hi÷n vÀt phong phÛ, Æa dπng vµ c∏ch tr≠ng bµy qu∏ hoµn m¸ mµ b∂o tµng Æem lπi cho du kh∏ch.
BÅo TÄNG QUˇC GIA V≈ KHoA HñC T# NHI£N ñ SË 1, Æ≠Íng Guanqian, quÀn Bæc, ßµi Trung ñ GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 9h - 17h th¯ ba Æ’n chÒ nhÀt, th¯ hai Æ„ng cˆa ñ Gi∏ vä: 100 TWD/ng≠Íi lÌn, 70 TWD/trŒ em ñ Ph≠¨ng ti÷n Æi lπi: xe bu˝t sË 51, 18, 159 ñ Website: http://www. nmns.edu.tw
Du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” t◊m hi”u v“ ÆÍi sËng cÒa ng≠Íi b∂n Æfia ßµi Loan cÊ vÌi c∏ch th¯c trÂng tr‰t vµ Æ∏nh bæt, chi™m ng≠Ïng bÈ s≠u tÀp Æ∏ qu˝ vµ kho∏ng s∂n h’t s¯c phong phÛ cÒa b∂o tµng, t◊m hi”u v“ rıng m≠a nhi÷t ÆÌi vÌi h¨n 800 loµi th˘c vÀt... C„ th” n„i, dÔ chÿ b· s„t mÈt g„c nh· cÒa b∂o tµng th◊ Æ„ cÚng lµ s˘ hËi ti’c dµnh cho bπn. MÈt ph«n kh´ng th” b· qua khi nh◊n nhÀn v“ thµnh t˘u cÒa B∂o tµng QuËc gia v“ Khoa h‰c T˘ nhi™n lµ c∏ch th¯c tr≠ng bµy cÒa b∂o tµng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc n©ng l™n t«m ngh÷ thuÀt. Tı c∏ch thi’t k’ c∏c khu v˘c tr≠ng bµy, bË tr› hi÷n vÀt, tÀn dÙng di÷n t›ch, sˆ dÙng ∏nh s∏ng vµ mµu sæc..., ph≠¨ng di÷n nµo cÚng th” hi÷n t›nh th»m m¸ vµ n®ng l˘c t≠¨ng t∏c cao, Æ∏ng Æ” ng≠Ïng mÈ. T†t c∂ nh˜ng y’u tË Æ„ khi’n B∂o tµng QuËc gia v“ Khoa h‰c T˘ nhi™n kh´ng chÿ lµ mÈt trung t©m gi∏o dÙc quan tr‰ng cÒa quËc gia, c„ n®ng l˘c k›ch th›ch Æam m™ nghi™n c¯u h‰c h·i Î c∂ ng≠Íi lÌn vµ trŒ em; ÆÂng thÍi, Æ©y cÚng lµ trung t©m gi∂i tr›, lµ Æi”m Æ’n hoµn h∂o cho ng≠Íi d©n vµ du kh∏ch.
Thuy“n Æ∏nh c∏ cÊ cÒa ng≠Íi d©n b∂n Æa ßµi Loan TRAVELLIVE
b∂o tµng kh´ng th” kh´ng Æi Î ßµi loan BÅO TÄNG M≤ THUÜT ßÄI B¿C Trong 30 n®m qua, B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt ßµi Bæc g©y Æ≠Óc †n t≠Óng s©u sæc bÎi t›nh s∏ng tπo vµ nhi“u thˆ nghi÷m mÌi mŒ. Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt truy“n thËng ßµi Loan cπnh nh˜ng t∏c ph»m thˆ nghi÷m mÌi mŒ nh≠ phim vµ ngh÷ thuÀt sæp Æ∆t, chi™m ng≠Ïng t∏c ph»m ti™u bi”u cÒa ngh÷ s‹ ßµi Loan vµ quËc t’ tı th’ k˚ 19 Æ’n nay. B∂o tµng cÚng kh´ng ngıng thay ÆÊi kh´ng gian tr≠ng bµy theo nhi“u ph≠¨ng ∏n thˆ nghi÷m mÌi mŒ Æ” Æem lπi hi÷u ¯ng tËt nh†t. Tπi b∂o tµng, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” tham gia di‘n Ƶn Art Talk v“ nh˜ng ngh÷ s‹ vµ tr≠Íng ph∏i ngh÷ thuÀt Æang Æ≠Óc tr≠ng bµy ho∆c h‰c v“ nh˜ng k¸ thuÀt mÌi mŒ cÒa c∏c ngh÷ s‹ tπi x≠Îng ngh÷ thuÀt. Du kh∏ch c„ th” Æ’n b∂o tµng bªng xe bu˝t (xuËng tπi trπm B∂o tµng M¸ thuÀt ßµi Bæc) ho∆c tµu Æi÷n ng«m (xuËng tπi gia Yuan Shan). ßa chÿ: ß≠Íng Zhongshan, quÀn Zhongshan, ßµi Bæc GiÍ mÎ cˆa: B∂o tµng hi÷n Æang Æ„ng cˆa. D˘ ki’n mÎ cˆa trÎ lπi vµo mÔa hà 2018.
BÅO TÄNG QUˇC GIA ßÄI LOAN ß≠Óc thµnh lÀp vµo n®m 1908, Æ©y lµ b∂o tµng l©u ÆÍi nh†t cÒa ßµi Loan. B∂o tµng QuËc gia ßµi Loan c„ nÈi dung nh†n mπnh vµo gi∏o dÙc vµ nghi™n c¯u, Æ∆c bi÷t chÛ tr‰ng v“ v®n h„a cÒa ng≠Íi ßµi Loan b∂n Æa vµ ng≠Íi gËc H∏n. Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch c„ dp chi™m ng≠Ïng bÈ s≠u tÀp nh©n chÒng h‰c Æ sÈ nh†t quËc Æ∂o nµy, t◊m hi”u v“ nh˜ng chÒ Æ“ Æa dπng nh≠ tµi nguy™n ÆÈng th˘c vÀt bÀc cao, c∏c loπi t∂o hay s˘ Æa dπng sinh h‰c, nh≠ng di chÿ kh∂o cÊ v®n h„a ti“n sˆ Vi™n S¨n... B™n cπnh Æ„, ki’n trÛc cÒa ta nhµ b∂o tµng mang phong c∏ch Doric Hy Lπp vÌi nh˜ng cÈt trÙ tπi cÊng vµo vµ m∏i vm Æ∆c tr≠ng cÚng lµ mÈt di s∂n v®n h„a c„ gi∏ tr lÌn. Du kh∏ch c„ th” Æ’n B∂o tµng QuËc gia ßµi Loan bªng c∏ch Æ„n tµu Æi÷n ng«m vµ xuËng tπi ga B÷nh vi÷n ßπi h‰c QuËc gia ßµi Loan. ßa chÿ: ß≠Íng Xiangyang, quÀn Zhongzheng, ßµi Bæc GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 9h30 - 17h th¯ ba Æ’n chÒ nhÀt, Æ„ng cˆa th¯ hai Gi∏ vä: 30 TWD. Gi∂m 50% cho trŒ tı 6 - 12 tuÊi, sinh vi™n ho∆c nh„m tı 20 ng≠Íi trÎ l™n. Mi‘n ph› cho trŒ d≠Ìi 6 tuÊi, ng≠Íi lÌn tı 65 tuÊi trÎ l™n vµo c∏c ngµy trong tu«n, ng≠Íi khuy’t tÀt. Website: http://www2.ntm.gov.tw/
Gi∏ vä: 30 TWD. Gi∂m 50% cho sinh vi™n (k” c∂ sinh vi™n n≠Ìc ngoµi), qu©n nh©n, c∂nh s∏t vµ t◊nh nguy÷n vi™n trong l‹nh v˘c v®n ho∏ gi∏o dÙc.
BÅO TÄNG SINH VÜT VÄ THûY SINH QUˇC GIA B∂o tµng Sinh vÀt vµ ThÒy sinh QuËc gia hay cn g‰i lµ Vi÷n H∂i d≠¨ng h‰c B◊nh ß´ng Æ≠Óc thµnh lÀp vµo n®m 1991, lµ b∂o tµng sinh h‰c bi”n Æ«u ti™n vµ lÌn nh†t Î ßµi Loan. Nªm Î c˘c Nam cÒa ßµi Loan, b∂o tµng rÈng tÌi 97ha vµ ta nhµ ch›nh rÈng 36 ha khi’n m‰i du kh∏ch tÌi Æ©y Æ“u c∂m th†y cho∏ng ngÓp. B∂o tµng bao gÂm ba tri”n l∑m ch›nh: V≠¨ng quËc san h´, khu H∂i d≠¨ng h‰c ßµi Loan vµ khu H∂i d≠¨ng h‰c th’ giÌi. Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ m´i tr≠Íng sinh th∏i t˘ nhi™n cÒa c∏c vÔng bi”n tr™n l∑nh thÊ ßµi Loan, h÷ sinh vÀt Î nh˜ng h ch¯a n≠Ìc lÌn, l≠u v˘c c∏c con s´ng, th≠Îng th¯c mµu sæc r˘c rÏ cÒa nh˜ng r∆ng san h´ d≠Ìi lng bi”n giËng h÷t nh≠ c∏c thÓ l∆n chuy™n nghi÷p nhÍ Æ≠Íng h«m d≠Ìi lng bi”n dµi 84 m; mÎ rÈng t«m nh◊n vµ nhÀn th¯c v“ h÷ sinh th∏i bi”n Î c∏c vÔng bi”n nhi÷t ÆÌi nhi“u vÔng tr™n Tr∏i ߆t. Tı thµnh phË Cao HÔng vµ trung t©m huy÷n B◊nh ß´ng, du kh∏ch c„ th” tÌi th®m b∂o tµng bªng xe bu˝t ho∆c tµu lˆa, tµu si™u tËc. ßa chÿ: ß≠Íng Houwan, Checheng, huy÷n B◊nh ß´ng GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 9h - 17h vµo mÔa Æ´ng ; 9h - 18h vµo mÔa hÃ
Website: https://tfam.gov.taipei/
Gi∏ vä: 450 TWD, mi‘n ph› cho trŒ d≠Ìi 6 tuÊi. H‰c sinh, sinh vi™n vµ trŒ tr™n 6 tuÊi: 250 TWD
Website: https://www.nmmba.gov.tw
Tπp ch› Forbes tıng Æ∏nh gi∏ v“ b∂o tµng K˙ M¸: Æ©y lµ "mÈt trong nh˜ng s≠u tÀp ngh÷ thuÀt Æ∏ng kinh ngπc nh†t". VÌi nh˜ng ai th›ch t◊m hi”u v“ b∂o tµng hay nghi™n c¯u v®n h„a m¸ thuÀt, ngh÷ thuÀt ph≠¨ng T©y th◊ b∂o tµng K˙ M¸ ch›nh lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n thÀt s˘ l˝ t≠Îng gi˜a ch©u É mµ kh´ng c«n ph∂i m†t qu∏ nhi“u chi ph› Æ” Æ’n ch©u ¢u xa x´i. Nªm trong khu´n vi™n c´ng vi™n Metropolitan ßµi Nam, b∂o tµng K˙ M¸ lµ mÈt ta nhµ tr∏ng l÷ mang phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc Hy Lπp cÊ, bao gÂm bËn phng tr≠ng bµy v“ tranh, c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt Æi™u khæc ch©u ¢u, nhπc cÙ, vÚ kh› vµ lch sˆ t˘ nhi™n. ß∆c bi÷t, b∂o tµng nµy nÊi ti’ng vÌi bÈ s≠u tÀp Ƶn violin v◊ Æ©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng s≠u tÀp Æ«y ÆÒ nh†t th’ giÌi. ßa chÿ: ß≠Íng Wenhua, quÀn Rende, ßµi Nam GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 9h30 - 17h30 c∏c ngµy trong tu«n, Æ„ng cˆa th¯ t≠ hµng tu«n
BÅO TÄNG T¶ôNG NIåM QUˇC GIA 228 ß©y lµ b∂o tµng Æ≠Óc thµnh lÀp Æ” t≠Îng ni÷m nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ∑ ch’t trong bi’n cË ngµy 28/2/1947 d…n tÌi cuÈc th∂m s∏t khi’n hµng chÙc ngh◊n ng≠Íi thi÷t mπng. ß©y lµ mÈt d†u mËc Æen tËi trong lch sˆ ßµi Loan vµ Æ’n nay v…n ch≠a Æ≠Óc lµm s∏ng t·. Sˆ dÙng ph≠¨ng ph∏p t≠¨ng t˘ nh≠ trong B∂o tµng Do Th∏i Berlin, B∂o tµng T≠Îng ni÷m QuËc gia 228 cÚng Æ≠a h◊nh ∂nh cÒa nπn nh©n vµ sˆ dÙng trÙc thÍi gian Æ” m´ t∂ nh˜ng g◊ Æ∑ x∂y ra vµo thÍi Æi”m Æ„. Ta nhµ b∂o tµng nµy tr≠Ìc Æ©y lµ ßµi ph∏t thanh ßµi Bæc, lµ n¨i QuËc D©n ß∂ng sˆ dÙng cho c∏c mÙc Æ›ch tuy™n truy“n vµ xˆ l˝ s˘ ki÷n vµo thÍi Æi”m di‘n ra bi’n cË. ßa chÿ: Æ≠Íng Nanhai, quÀn Zhongzheng, ßµi Bæc
Gi∏ vä: 200 TWD
GiÍ mÎ cˆa: 10h - 17h th¯ ba Æ’n chÒ nhÀt, Æ„ng cˆa vµo th¯ hai
Website: www.chimeimuseum.org
Gi∏ vä: 20 TWD
Text: Quynh Le - Photos: Quynh Le, yamini Cuki
ex plo re Taiwan's In addition to the National Palace Museum, Taiwan offers other amazing museums for visitors to enjoy, many of which are considered national treasures, and left me in awe during my recent trip to this beautiful country.
The "louvre" of Taiwan
NATIoNAL PALACe MUSeUM ñ Zhi Shan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan ñ Opening hours: 8.30am - 6.30pm daily & 8.30am - 9.00pm on Fridays and Saturdays ñ Ticket price: 350 TWD. Free for children aged 5 to 12 years old ñ Transportation: Bus 304 runs directly to the museum ñ Website: https://www.npm.gov.tw
I have always had an interesting fascination with museums. Everywhere I travel, museums are usually the firsts on my list of places to visit. My recent trip to Taiwan was one of the few trips with exception since Taiwan is a very young country, and I thought its museums were not worth visiting. It turned out that I could not have been more wrong. Initially, I only intended to visit the National Palace Museum in Taipei as it is always ranked among the top 10 most famous museums to visit in the world. As soon as I entered the gate however, I was completely in awe. Everywhere you look is a priceless Chinese antique or artifact that exemplifies the finest craftmenship and imperial taste encompassing 8,000 years
of China's historical and artistic achievements. The museum offers a number of display rooms and galleries exhibiting works of calligraphy, renowned paintings, bronze relics, porcelains, jade artifacts, curios, tapestries, rare books, and documents that date back thousands of years from the Neolithic age (4,500 - 2,700 BC) through to the 20th century. These priceless treasures give visitors a glimpse into China's rich history, culture, philosophy, and customs. Unfortunately, visitors can not admire all of the nearly 700,000 artifacts that the Taipei National Palace Museum currently possesses if they only visit the museum once. Due to the excessive amount, the artifacts exhibited at the museum are rotated once every three months. I did not have the chance to view the museum's two most prized items, the Jadeite Cabbage - a piece of jadeite intricately carved into the shape of a Chinese cabbage, and the Meat-shaped Stone - a piece of jasper that resembles a hunk of pork belly.
national Taiwan museum of fine arts eaving the Taipei National Palace Museum, I decided to add other museums across Taiwan to my must-visit list. The Taipei Fine Arts Museum is closed to the public until the summer of 2018, so I headed to Taichung to explore the National Museum of Fine Arts. Considered one of the finest modern art museums in Asia, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts provides a playful and interesting learning space for kids.
The main building breaks the traditional scheme of architecture by using a transparent corridor that connects the museum and outdoor nature scenes to create a spatial transition and communicate a mutual awareness. Unlike the Taipei National Palace Museum, which houses a permanent collection of artifacts, the National Museum of Fine Arts features only one permanent exhibition on its third floor, which consists of mostly Taiwanese artifacts from the 18th century to the present day. The lower floors of the museum regularly hold exhibitions featuring Western artworks, Chinese brush paintings, sculptures, and its own collection of valuable pieces of art. The National Museum of Fine Arts also provides a number of kids-friendly zones to encourage children to explore art and visit the museum's Picture Book Area and Family Room, both of which are often filled with children of all ages.
My favorite part of the museum is the green park that surrounds the main entrance. The park contains 45 sculptures, and a stone tablet forest with 50 calligraphic tablets engraved onto stone by renowned Taiwanese scholars. The whole area measures 102,000 square meters with vast grassy areas where visitors often like to sit to enjoy the gentle breezes, and listen to the children laughing.
ñ Transportation: Buses number 51, 5 and 75
ñ Wuquan West Road, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan ñ Opening hours: Monday closed; Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 5pm; Saturday, Sunday: 9am - 6pm ñ Ticket price: Free
ñ Website: www.ntmofa.gov.tw
http://issuu.com/Travellive TRAVELLIVE
national museum of natural Sciences t comes as no surprise that the National Museum of Natural Science attracts three million visitors each year since it is one of the most frequently visited museums in Taiwan. With an area of 22 acres, the museum is a large complex of six seperate venues, which offer all from exhibitions to learning facilities for adults and children of all ages.
Located in Taichung, the National Museum of Natural Science covers a vast area of 89,000 square meters, including over 30 permanent exhibition areas where diverse subjects are explored, encouring visitors to have a deeper understanding of nature and science through interactive exhibits, robotics, and cubism. The National Museum of Natural Sciences offers one of the most lively and highly interactive exhibits that I have ever been to. In
the Dinosaur Gallery, you will find more than 50 different kinds of fossils and replicas as well as four life-size and life-like animatroic dinosaurs. The Human Culture Hall offers an insightful look into the evolution of humans, birds, and other animals. At the museum is where I learned about China's four greatest inventions from paper making, to gunpowder making, to printing, and compass making, as well as where I read ancient writings on the turtle shell, studied a sophisticated textile weaving machine, explored the system of acupuncture points on the body, and other forms of traditional medical knowledge which China has been known for, as well as admire over 100 different herbs and discover the Chinese spiritual life. Visitors can also learn about the life of ancient Taiwanese with their traditional cultivation and fishing methods, explore the museum's collection of precious gems and minerals, and discover
a rainforest with over 800 species of plants. Try to learn as much as posible while you are here and you will not regret it. The National Museum of Natural Science has one of the finest state-of-the-art facilities around the world, as can be seen in the design of the exhibits, and clever use of space, light and color to create an aestheticly pleasing and highly interactive space for its visitors. The National Museum of Natural Sciences plays the roll of not only an important educational center on a national scale, but also is able to arouse both adults' and children's interests in science. The museum is also a fantastic recreation venue perfect for both locals and visitors alike. NATIoNAL MUSeUM of NATURAL SCIeNCeS ñ No. 1, Guanqian Road, North District, Taichung, Taiwan ñ Opening hours: 9am - 5pm Tuesday to Sunday, Monday closed ñ Ticket price: 100 TWD/adult and 70 TWD/child ñ Transportation: Buses number 51, 18, 159 ñ Website: http://www.nmns.edu.tw
must-visit museums in Taiwan NATIONAL TAIWAN MUSEUM
Established in 1908, the museum is the oldest in Taiwan. The National Taiwan Museum places a strong emphasis on education and research, particularly on the culture of ancient Taiwanese and the Han Chinese. At the museum, visitors can admire Taiwan's largest anthropology collection and learn about diverse subjects such as zoology, botany, anthropology and earth sciences. The museum's design, which feature vaulted ceiling and finely carved pillars at the entrance, resembles magnificent European-style cathedrals.
Considered by Forbes Magazine as "one of the most surprising art collections", Chimei Museum is a must-visit spot for those who are interested in the studies of fine arts and Western Art. The Chimei Museum is an ideal stopover in Asia without having to travel all the way to distant Europe.
The museum was established to remember the victims of the February 28 Incident of 1947, which resulted in the death of tens of thousands people. This is a dark period in Taiwan's history, and lots of evidence has not yet been clarified. Using the same display method as the Berlin Jewish Museum, the National 228 Memorial Museum includes images of victims arranged in a timeline to describe what happened during the period.
Visitors can get to the National Taiwan Museum by metro, and it is accessible within walking distance just northwest of the National Taiwan University Hospital Station. Address: Xiangyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan Opening hours: 9.30am - 5pm from Tuesdays to Sundays, closed on Mondays Ticket price: 30 TWD. A 50% discount is offered for children aged 6 - 12 years, students or groups of 20 people or more. Free for children under 6 years of age, adults 65 years of age or older on weekdays, and people with disabilities. Website: http://www2.ntm.gov.tw/ TAIPEI FINE ARTS MUSEUM Over the past 30 years, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum has been recognized for its creativity and innovation in the field of research. Here, visitors can enjoy traditional Taiwanese artworks, and other forms of art such as films and installation arts, and admire the works of Taiwanese and international artists from the 19th century to the present day. The museum regularly hosts different exhibits in the most innovative ways for maximum impact. At the museum, visitors can also join the Art Talk forum for discussions on artists and art schools currently featured at the museum, or learn new art techniques at the art studio. Visitors can reach the museum by bus (get off at the Taipei Art Museum) or metro (get off at Yuan Shan). Address: Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan Opening Hours: The museum is currently closed. It is expected to reopen in the summer of 2018. Ticket price: 30 TWD. A 50% discount is offered for students (including foreign students), military personnel, police officers, and volunteers in the field of culture and education.
Located within the Tainan Metropolitan Park, the Chimei Museum is a magnificent Greek-style building featuring four galleries that include paintings, European sculptures, musical instruments, arms, and natural history. The museum also houses one of the largest collections of violins in the world.
The museum building was formerly the Taipei Radio Station, which the KMT used for propaganda and handling events at the time of the incident.
Address: Wenhua Road, Rende District, Tainan, Taiwan
Address: Nanhai Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Opening hours: 9:30am - 5:30pm weekdays, closed every Wednesday
Opening hours: 10am - 5pm Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday
Ticket price: 200 TWD
Ticket price: 20 TWD
Website: www.chimeimuseum.org NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MARINE BIOLOGY AND AQUARIUM The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium was established in 1991, and is the first and largest marine biology museum in Taiwan. Located on the southern tip of Taiwan, the museum covers an area of 97 hectares with the main building spanning over an area of 36 hectares, aweing visitors with its incredible size. The museum consists of three main exhibitions: Waters of Taiwan, Coral Kingdom, and Waters of the World. Visitors can explore all from the water systems of Taiwan, to the aquatic animals native to Taiwan indigenous to rivers as well as the open sea, to different coral reef habitats. The musem also houses an 81 m underwater moving track, giving visitors an insightful look into the marine biology in many parts of the globe. From the city of Kaohsiung and the center of Pingtung County, visitors can get to the museum by bus, metro, or bullet train. ____ Address: Houwan Road, Checheng Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan Opening hours: 9am - 5pm in winter; 9am - 6pm in summer Ticket price: 450 TWD. Free for children under 6 years old. Students and children over 6 years of age: 250 TWD Website: https://www.nmmba.gov.tw
Website: https://tfam.gov.taipei/
H∑y th¯c dÀy sÌm dπo mÈt vng phË cÊ Æ” quan s∏t c∏ch ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi chµo buÊi s∏ng! ߨn gi∂n lµ lµm hµi lng dπ dµy bªng Æ ®n s∏ng. VÌi th˘c ƨn h†p d…n, Æa dπng nh≠: phÎ b, phÎ gµ, bÛn m‰c, bÛn Ëc, b∏nh cuËn, x´i xäo, b∏nh m˙ pate, ch∏o s≠Ín, tr¯ng vt lÈn..., bπn chÿ c«n ch‰n l†y mÈt qu∏n nh·, ngÂi vµo mÈt bÈ bµn gh’ nh˘a tr™n vÿa hà vµ ®n no c®ng nh≠ t†t c∂ nh˜ng ng≠Íi xung quanh.
πo qua Hµng B´ng, Hµng Gai, Hµng ßµo..., r†t d‘ nhÀn bi’t nh˜ng qu∏n ®n t™n tuÊi c„ b› quy’t ch’ bi’n chu»n ngon, ÆÈc Æ∏o vÌi hµng dµi kh∏ch ch†p nhÀn x’p hµng chÍ tÌi l≠Ót. Ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi nghi÷n nh†t m„n phÎ. PhÎ bfl, phÎ gµ, phÎ sËt vang Æ“u Æi qua nÂi n≠Ìc dÔng h«m bªng x≠¨ng vµ th¨m mÔi th∂o mÈc. B∏t phÎ vÌi nh˜ng l∏t thfit th¨m ngon Æi”m th™m m†y c‰ng hµnh hoa xanh n‚n n„ng hÊi mµ chÿ c«n væt mÈt mi’ng chanh, th™m t≠¨ng Ìt, d†m t·i... th◊ dÔ kh„ t›nh th’ nµo bπn cÚng ph∂i th≠Îng th¯c vÌi t†t c∂ s˘ hµi lflng. M„n b∏nh cuËn sœ ph∂i ÆÓi h¨i l©u mÈt chÛt. Ai th›ch ®n th◊ ph∂i ÆÓi, c´ chÒ qu∏n sœ tr∏ng b∏nh tr™n nÂi h†p nghi ngÛt kh„i, ph’t mÏ, ræc hµnh kh´, cuËn lπi vÌi thfit, t´m... Cfln n’u qu∏ vÈi vµo buÊi s∏ng, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n cho m◊nh b∏nh m◊ pat™, thfit tr¯ng r∏n, x´i ÆÁ xanh, x´i khÛc rŒ mµ ngon. BuÊi sÌm Hµ NÈi nh≠ vÀy Æ„, thoang tho∂ng mÔi th¨m cÒa nÂi n≠Ìc h«m phÎ, bÛn ri™u... bµn gh’ nh˘a xanh Æ· nh≠ mÍi bπn ngÂi xuËng vµ g‰i cho m◊nh m„n ®n y™u th›ch. TRAVELLIVE
Good morning HANOI Text and photos: Ngoc Tran
Rise early and take a walk around the Old Quarter to see how Hanoians greet the morning! Hanoians love to fill their stomachs with a good traditional breakfast. Choose from a variety of delicious breakfast options from rice noodle filled soups, to different types of vermicelli noodles, to sticky rice, to pŠtä with bread as well as rib porridges and balut. All you have to do is pick a street stall, sit down on the plastic stool on the sidewalk, and enjoy your favorite breakfast.
ou can find a number of popular food stalls on Hang Bong, Hang Gai, and Hang Dao where their longstanding reputation attracts long queues of customers every morning.
Hanoi's staple dish is the famous 'phÎ' with options ranging from beef to chicken, to beef stew noodle soups, all using a fragrant semi-clear broth made from pork or chicken bones and a number of spices. A bowl of 'phÎ' never looks more tempting than with thin cuts of beef or chicken and green onions fresh and aromatic in the morning air. Squeeze in a bit of lime juice, add chili sauce and garlic vinegar to your soup to get the finest flavor and enjoy your 'phÎ' in all of its glory. 'B∏nh cuËn' or rolled-rice noodle is another favorite dish of Hanoians that takes some time to make, but it is totally worth the wait when the lady steams the rice batter, rolls them into sheets with cooked seasoned ground pork, adds dried onions, and brings it to your table. It's simple, but incredibly satisfying. If you are too busy in the morning, try the cheap and delicious p©tä with breads, sticky rice with fried eggs, mungbean sticky rice, or 'x´i khÛc' (stuffed sticky rice) for a quick breakfast on the go. Hanoi in the morning is probably at its most mesmerizing with different smells of food inviting you to sit down and order some of the most amazing breakfast dishes while the rest of the world still slowly wakes. It's a rare glimpse of a calmer, simpler, more tranquil Hanoi. TRAVELLIVE
Bµi: Ng‰c Anh
Nh˜ng "b∂o bËi" n™n c„ trong chuy’n du lch gia Æ◊nh
TRAVEL MUST-HAVES MÔa hà lµ thÍi Æi”m nh˜ng Ưa trŒ b≠Ìc vµo k˙ nghÿ dµi, dp Æ” c∂ gia Æ◊nh cÔng nhau tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng chuy’n Æi xa, kh∏m ph∏ thi™n nhi™n, c∏c n“n v®n h„a vµ chia sŒ nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc Æ∏ng nhÌ. Cµng ngµy cµng c„ nhi“u gia Æ◊nh ch‰n di chuy”n bªng ´t´ vÌi nh˜ng chuy’n Æi c„ qu∑ng Æ≠Íng kh´ng qu∏ xa. Chu»n b k¸ cµng cho k˙ nghÿ vÌi s˘ hÁ trÓ cÒa c∏c thi’t b c´ng ngh÷ vµ chi’c xe phÔ hÓp vÌi nhu c«u sœ khi’n chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn vµ ng≠Íi th©n c„ th™m nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v. The arrival of summer marks the end of a school year and the kids can finally go on a long vacation with their families to enjoy the beach, explore nature, and learn about different cultures, as well as share memorable moments. Traveling by car has become a popular choice among families on journeys that are not too far. Good planning along with the use of advanced technology as well as a good family car guarantee you and your family the most enjoyable experience on the road.
`Ng d|Ng TrIPIT L™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt chuy’n du lch gia Æ◊nh (Æ´i khi c„ c∂ ng≠Íi giµ vµ trŒ nh·) ph¯c tπp h¨n nhi“u so vÌi nh˜ng chuy’n Æi cÔng bπn bÃ, Æ´i l¯a. H∑y bao qu∏t chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn vÌi ¯ng dÙng Triplt. Kh´ng ph∂i ai cÚng bi’t rªng, TripIt lµ ¯ng dÙng Æ∑ tıng Æ≠Óc trao gi∂i "¯ng dÙng du lch tËt nh†t tr™n Æi÷n thoπi" trong khu´n khÊ gi∂i th≠Îng Webby. Danh ti’ng Æ„ ÆÒ Æ” bπn c©n nhæc trang b ¯ng dÙng nµy cho thi’t b di ÆÈng ngay b©y giÍ. TripIt cung c†p cho bπn nh˜ng th´ng tin c¨ b∂n v“ n¨i bπn sæp Æ’n. B™n cπnh Æ„ lµ nh˜ng th´ng tin v“ c∏c chuy’n bay, kh∏ch sπn... giÛp bπn l™n k’ hoπch tÊ ch¯c vµ sæp x’p cho chuy’n Æi cÒa m◊nh mÈt c∏ch tËt nh†t. NhÍ Æ„, bπn c„ th” ti’t ki÷m Æ≠Óc r†t nhi“u thÍi gian Æ” tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ cÒa m◊nh hoµn h∂o. `ng dÙng hÁ trÓ tr™n h÷ Æi“u hµnh IOS, Android, Windows Phone.
TRiPiT aPP Planning for a family trip that sometimes includes the elderly and young children is much more problematic than traveling with friends or your loved one. Be sure to download the free Triplt app for added convenience. An interesting fact for you to know is that TripIt won the Best Travel Mobile App at the Webby Awards. If that alone does not make you want to install this app on your mobile devices right away, I don't know what will. TripIt is a complete, hassle-free way to combine all your travel confirmations, flight bookings, and hotel bookings in one place to help you better organize and arrange your trips, allowing you to save time and energy and simply enjoy perfect holiday. Available on your iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
ford eCo SPorT 2018 ß©y th˘c s˘ lµ chuy™n gia Æ≠Íng phË - "Street Smart" - vÌi hµng loπt c∂i ti’n trong thi’t k’ nÈi ngoπi th†t, camera lÔi, t›nh n®ng t˘ ÆÈng tæt/khÎi ÆÈng ÆÈng c¨ khi dıng ÆÃn Æ·, h÷ thËng k’t nËi th´ng minh SYNC3 vµ nhi“u trang b an toµn, th´ng minh kh∏c. VÌi SYNC 3, ng≠Íi l∏i c„ th” dÔng kh»u l÷nh g‰i vµ n„i chuy÷n Æi÷n thoπi, Æi“u khi”n c∏c ti÷n nghi gi∂i tr› kh∏c trong khi v…n gi˜ tay tr™n v´ l®ng vµ tÀp trung Æi“u khi”n xe. Khoang hµnh l˝ ph›a sau thi’t k’ rÈng r∑i vÌi dung t›ch 348 l›t lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” sæp x’p c∏c Æ Æπc d∑ ngoπi cho gia Æ◊nh, thÀm ch› c„ th” mÎ ra mÈt kh´ng gian l™n tÌi 1.145 l›t khi hµng gh’ sau Æ≠Óc gÀp xuËng. Ford EcoSport 2018 c„ 8 c„ gi∏ b∏n lŒ tı 545.000.000 VNß (Æ∑ bao gÂm 10%VAT).
2018 fORd EcOSPORT cOMPacT SUV The 2018 EcoSport features a slew of improvements in its interior and exterior design, rear camera, auto startup function, smart SYNC3 system, and other outstanding safety features. With the SYNC 3, drivers can use voice commands to answer calls and talk on the phone, and access control over entertainment functions while still keeping their hands on the steering wheel and focusing on driving. The spacious rear compartment with a capacity of 348 liters is perfect for carrying family picnic items, and can even expanded to a space of up to 1,145 liters when the rear seats are folded down. The 2018 Ford EcoSport is priced at around 545,000,000 VND (included 10%VAT).
Bó THEO DîI HÄNH L≥ TRaKDOT N’u kh´ng muËn lµm th†t lπc ÆËng hµnh l˝ cÂng k“nh cÒa c∂ gia Æ◊nh khi Æi du lch, h∑y sæm ngay bÈ theo d‚i hµnh l˝ Trakdot Luggage Tracker. S∂n ph»m nµy c„ mÈt chip GSM b™n trong Æ” cÀp nhÀt cho bπn v“ v tr› cÒa hµnh l˝. Khi hµnh l˝ Î c∏ch bπn kho∂ng 9 mät, Trakdot sœ gˆi mÈt c∂nh b∏o Æ’n Æi÷n thoπi ho∆c m∏y t›nh b∂ng cÒa bπn. S∂n ph»m hÁ trÓ tr™n h÷ Æi“u hµnh IOS vµ Android. S∂n ph»m Æ≠Óc b∏n tr™n Amazon vÌi gi∏ kho∂ng 900.000 VNß.
mÖT NÑ LÖN SeavIeW 180 Sv2 VÌi nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u th›ch Æi du lch vµ l∆n bi”n ngæm san h´ th◊ m∆t nπ l∆n Seaview 180 SV2 lµ c«n thi’t. M∆t nπ nµy cung c†p t«m nh◊n rÈng, c„ gæn camera hµnh tr◊nh vµ hai buÂng thÎ ri™ng bi÷t Æ” gi∂m mÍ do h¨i n≠Ìc vµ Æ” bπn thÎ d‘ dµng h¨n d≠Ìi Æ∏y Æπi d≠¨ng.
The tracker can be purchased on Amazon at about 900,000 VND.
Th†u k›nh lÌn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ” cung c†p t«m nh◊n 180 ÆÈ v“ c∂nh bi”n Î ph›a tr≠Ìc vµ buÂng thÎ th´ng gi„ tËt Æ≠Óc t∏ch ra kh·i mæt Æ” gi˜ cho kh´ng c„ h¨i n≠Ìc phÒ l™n che t«m nh◊n.
Xe bÉN TÅI CHevroLeT SILverado 3500Hd HIgH CoUNTrY 2018
MÈt mi’ng silicon b“n tπo thµnh mÈt lÌp k›n n≠Ìc xung quanh khu´n m∆t cÒa bπn, vµ n’u c„ n≠Ìc tr´i qua c∏c lÌp b∂o v÷, n„ sœ t˘ ÆÈng tho∏t ra th´ng qua mÈt c«n van khi bπn n©ng Æ«u ra kh·i n≠Ìc. Ngoµi ra, m∆t nπ l∆n Seaview 180 SV2 cn c„ mÈt m∏y ∂nh hµnh tr◊nh gæn kÃm giÛp bπn quay lπi nh˜ng video k˙ thÛ d≠Ìi n≠Ìc. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 2.000.000 VNß.
SEAVIEW 180 SV2 SNORKLING MASK For those who love to snorkel and enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the Seaview 180 SV2 snorkling mask is a must-buy. The full face snorkling mask sports a wide field of vision, an action camera mount, and two separate breathing chambers to reduce fogging and let you breathe easier. The particularly large lens is designed to provide a 180-degree view of the ocean, and the mask features a separate breathing chamber with twice the ventilation of most other full-face designed masks to maximize fresh air flow and reduce fogging. A durable silicone insert forms a watertight seal around your face, and if any water does slip past the defenses, it automatically drains out via the one-way chin valve when you lift the head out of the water. The Seaview 180 SV2 mask also sports a removable mount for action cameras on the side to help you take incredible underwater videos. The snorkling mask is priced at around 2,000,000 VND.
To prevent your luggage from getting lost when you travel, get a Trakdot Luggage Tracker to give you that much needed peace of mind. The tracker is equipped with an internal GSM chip to emit signals when your luggage is near you. When your luggage is 9 meters away from you, Trakdot warns you by sending a notification to your phone or tablet. Available on iOS and Android.
ß©y cÚng lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o kh∏c cho c∏c chuy’n Æi cÒa gia Æ◊nh nhÍ ≠u th’ thÔng xe lÌn, khoang ngÂi rÈng r∑i. M…u xe nµy t≠¨ng t˘ phi™n b∂n 2500HD, chÿ kh∏c lµ xe Æ≠Óc læp 6 b∏nh lËp. Xe Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh "con qu∏i vÀt" khi sÎ h˜u khËi ÆÈng c¨ t®ng ∏p Diesel Duramax 6.6L V8 s∂n sinh ra 445 m∑ l˘c, m´men xoæn c˘c Æπi 1000 ft-Ib giÛp xe c„ s¯c käo Æ’n 20.000 pound. Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD High Country c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 2 t˚ ÆÂng.
2018 cHEVROLET SiLVERadO 3500Hd HiGH COUNTRY 4X4 TRUCK This is another great alternative for family trips thanks to its large rear compartment and spacious seating. This model is similar to the 2500HD, except that the car is equipped with 6 tires. The 3500HD is dubbed the "monster" with a Duramax 6.6L V8 Turbo-Diesel that produces an earthshaking 1000 Ib-ft of torque and 445 horsepower, enabling a maximum towing capacity of 20,000 pounds. The 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD High Country is priced at around 2 billion VND.
L≈U C¿M TRÑI BELL TENT G«n Æ©y, Camping (L“u trπi) vµ Glamping (L“u trπi sang tr‰ng) Æang lµ xu h≠Ìng du lch mÌi - du lch "d∑ chi’n", g«n gÚi vÌi thi™n nhi™n nh≠ng kh´ng käm ph«n ti÷n nghi, sang tr‰ng. ßËi vÌi chuy’n Æi gia Æ◊nh theo h◊nh th¯c nµy, th¯ kh´ng th” thi’u ch›nh lµ L“u trπi cÏ lÌn Bell Tent 5m, c„ di÷n t›ch 25 m2. L“u Bell Tent Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t bªng v∂i canvas ho∆c canvas oxfort c„ kh∂ n®ng chËng tia UV, chËng n≠Ìc vµ chËng ch∏y r†t tËt. L“u Bell Tent kh∏c c∏c loπi l“u du lch th´ng th≠Íng Î chÁ c„ m∏i cao (3 m) n™n tπo ra kh´ng gian b™n trong l“u r†t rÈng r∑i, tho∏ng m∏t. MÈt Æi”m h†p d…n kh∏c cÒa l“u Bell Tent lµ ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng c„ th” tho∂i m∏i s∏ng tπo trong vi÷c trang tr› nÈi ngoπi th†t cho l“u Æ” tπo ra kh´ng gian l≠u trÛ Æ«y c∂m h¯ng vµ phÔ hÓp vÌi nhu c«u cÒa m◊nh. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 10.000.000 VNß.
BELL TENT Camping and Glamping (glamor camping) are the two hotest travel trends where one experiences being close to nature yet with added convenience and luxurious services. For families to fully enjoy this experience, you will need a 5 m wide Bell Tent that can cover an area of 25 m2. Bell tents are usualy made of canvas or oxfort canvas with UV resistance, water resistant and fire resistance. Unlike normal tents, the bell tents feature a high roof (3 m) to create a larger space inside the tent for a roomy feel. With bell tents, users can decorate both the interior and exterior of the tent to make a fun living space for the whole family. The tent is priced at around 10,000,000 VND.
PALM GARDEN N’u c„ k’ hoπch cho k˙ nghÿ hà cÔng gia Æ◊nh tπi HÈi An, bπn n™n Æ≠a Palm Garden Resort vµo danh s∏ch. Khu nghÿ Æang c„ nhi“u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i, gi∂m gi∏ 35% nh©n dp chµo hà (tı 2/5 - 30/6). Theo Æ„, chÿ vÌi 2.990.000 VNß++, bπn sœ c„ mÈt Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Deluxe Garden View dµnh cho hai ng≠Íi vµ b˜a s∏ng buffet t˘ ch‰n tπi resort. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË: 0235 3927 927 ho∆c website: www.palmgardenresort.com.vn. EQUATORIAL
NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT Tho∏t kh·i kh´ng kh› ngÈt ngπt vµ Æ´ng ÆÛc cÒa thµnh phË, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc dp ha m◊nh vµo thi™n nhi™n tπi Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Leisure Escape Promotion" Æang Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng tπi Novotel Phu Quoc Resort. G„i ≠u Æ∑i 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m c„ gi∏ 4.664.000 VNß++/ phng Superior; 5.464.000 VNß++/phng Deluxe/Suite; 15.246.000 VNß++/bi÷t th˘ 3 gi≠Íng ngÒ vµ 22.028.000 VNß++/bi÷t th˘ 4 gi≠Íng ngÒ hπng deluxe. Gi∏ bao gÂm: mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng dch vÙ F&B tr gi∏ 500.000 VNß cho kh∏ch l≠u trÛ tπi phng Superior/Suite/Deluxe, dch vÙ F&B tr gi∏ 1.000.000 VNß cho kh∏ch l≠u trÛ tπi bi÷t th˘ 3/4 phng ngÒ, mÈt tour Nam ß∂o c„ ®n tr≠a, mi‘n ph› mÈt b˜a tr≠a/ tËi vµ c∏c dch vÙ ti÷n ›ch tπi resort... Li™n h÷ bÈ phÀn Æ∆t phng theo sË: 0297 626 4912 ho∆c email: H9770@accor.com.
Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng, kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng, c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.
Th∏ng 5 nµy, Æ’n vÌi Kh∏ch sπn Equatorial Sµi Gn, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c nhi“u m„n ®n Malaysia truy“n thËng vµ quËc t’ do ch›nh tay b’p tr≠Îng cÒa Equatorial chu»n b. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh di‘n ra vµo buÊi tËi c∏c ngµy 18, 19, 25 vµ 26/5 vÌi gi∏ 738.000 VNß++/kh∏ch, 369.000 VNß++/trŒ em (d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi). Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷ theo sË: 028 3839 7777, m∏y lŒ 8000 ho∆c email: dine@hcm. equatorial.com. NHÄ HÄNG OVEN D'OR Tı nay Æ’n 30/6, h∑y cÔng bπn bà th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon tπi nhµ hµng Oven D'or, Kh∏ch sπn Sheraton Hanoi vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i "®n mi‘n ph› cho ng≠Íi Æi cÔng". MÈt ng≠Íi bπn Æi cÔng sœ Æ≠Óc dÔng buffet mi‘n ph›. Buffet tr≠a c„ gi∏ 620.000 VNß++/su†t vµ buffet tËi lµ 1.100.000 VNß++/su†t. ß” Æ∆t bµn, g‰i theo sË: 024 3719 9000 ho∆c truy cÀp www. sheraton.com/hanoi Æ” bi’t th™m chi ti’t. HOÄNG Y⁄N BUFFET PREMIER Ti’p nËi thµnh c´ng tı nh˜ng n®m tr≠Ìc, n®m nay Hoµng Y’n Buffet Premier ti’p tÙc tÊ ch¯c L‘ hÈi »m th˘c Hµn - NhÀt Æ” chi“u lng c∏c t›n Æ cÒa hai n“n »m th˘c nµy. Theo Æ„, tı nay Æ’n 20/5, bπn sœ c„ c¨ hÈi
th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng NhÀt - Hµn cÔng nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng vµ ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n vÌi m¯c vä kh´ng ÆÊi. B™n cπnh c∏c m„n ®n NhÀt Æ∆c tr≠ng nh≠ sushi, sashimi, udon, ramen, soba, dorayaki..., th˘c kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n nh≠ c∏ n≠Ìng sËt teriyaki, c∏ sËt miso ho∆c m„n c∏ thu n≠Ìng ki”u NhÀt. Ngoµi ra, khi Æi nh„m bËn ng≠Íi vµo th¯ b∂y vµ chÒ nhÀt, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng mÈt voucher cho l«n sˆ dÙng sau vÌi gi∏ kh´ng ÆÊi. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ hotline: 0934 086 638 ho∆c website: http://premierbuffet. com.vn. LOUNGE 83 ß’n Lounge 83 cÒa Kh∏ch sπn Movenpick Hµ NÈi, bπn kh´ng n™n b· qua th≠Îng th¯c ly r≠Óu th¨m vµ nh†m nh∏p chÛt Æ ®n nhã trong th˘c ƨn "H≠¨ng v Vi÷t th©n quen". Nh˜ng m„n ®n Vi÷t lu´n Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n vÌi h≠¨ng v h†p d…n mµ thanh nhã vµ tËt cho s¯c kh·e. "H≠¨ng v Vi÷t th©n quen" gÂm c∏c m„n gµ n≠Ìng cuËn l∏ n’p, ch∂ m˘c Hπ Long dÔng kÃm t≠¨ng Ìt ng‰t, nem cuËn c∏ hÂi vÌi sËt chua ng‰t vµ nhi“u m„n kh∏c. Th˘c ƨn Æ∆c bi÷t nµy Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ tı nay Æ’n 20/6. Th´ng tin chi ti’t, li™n h÷ theo sË: 024 3822 2800, m∏y lŒ 6101. BMB VIåT NAM Th≠¨ng hi÷u loa hµng Æ«u NhÀt B∂n BMB Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c s˘ ki÷n tr∂i nghi÷m s∂n ph»m mÌi BMB Karaoke Home Series dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh tπi TP. HCM thu hÛt s˘ tham gia cÒa nhi“u kh∏ch hµng. Loa c„ thi’t k’ ƨn gi∂n nh≠ng sang tr‰ng, tinh t’, phÔ hÓp vÌi phng kh∏ch cÒa gia Æ◊nh. BMB Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng ch†t li÷u gÁ Æ∆c tr≠ng lµm Æi”m nh†n nÊi bÀt cho toµn bÈ s∂n ph»m. Kh´ng chÿ Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ cao trong thi’t k’, dµn BMB karaoke home cn g©y †n t≠Óng vÌi ng≠Íi dÔng bÎi ch†t l≠Óng ©m thanh tuy÷t h∂o. S∂n ph»m Æ≠Óc t›ch hÓp c´ng ngh÷ ©m thanh HD Audio ti™n ti’n v◊ th’ cho ch†t
©m chi ti’t vµ trong trŒo h¨n, r†t l˝ t≠Îng Æ” nghe nh˜ng th” loπi nhπc nhã, tr˜ t◊nh, d©n ca, bolero... Gi∏ b∏n lŒ BMB Home: Combo 1 - Basic: 22.900.000 VNß; Combo 2 - Advanced: 31.900.000 VNß; Combo 3 Premium: 40.900.000 VNß. Vê MOMO Ng©n hµng Shinhan ch›nh th¯c phËi hÓp cÔng V› MoMo tri”n khai dch vÙ chuy”n ti“n ki“u hËi qua v› Æi÷n tˆ MoMo. VÌi dch vÙ nµy, ng≠Íi Vi÷t Æang lµm vi÷c vµ h‰c tÀp tπi Hµn QuËc c„ th” chuy”n ti“n tı Ng©n hµng Shinhan tπi Hµn QuËc vµo ¯ng dÙng V› MoMo cÒa ng≠Íi nhÀn (Æ®ng k˝ bªng sË Æi÷n thoπi di ÆÈng) tπi Vi÷t Nam. ß∆c bi÷t, dch vÙ nµy hoµn toµn mi‘n ph› giao dch tı nay Æ’n h’t ngµy 31/8. Ti“n trong v› MoMo c„ th” Æ≠Óc rÛt v“ tµi kho∂n ng©n hµng Æang li™n k’t vÌi v› cÒa ng≠Íi nhÀn ti“n ho∆c sˆ dÙng ngay Æ” thanh to∏n hµng tr®m dch vÙ nh≠ thanh to∏n h„a ƨn, mua vä m∏y bay, vä tµu, vä xe, vä xem phim, mua b∂o hi”m, Æ„ng thanh to∏n tr∂ g„p, mua sæm online, thanh to∏n tπi h¨n 4.000 Æi”m ch†p nhÀn thanh to∏n (cˆa hµng ®n uËng, vui ch¨i, mua sæm...) cÒa MoMo. DANANG GOLDEN BAY Chµo mıng s˘ ki÷n cuÈc thi ph∏o hoa quËc t’ hµng n®m, Danang Golden Bay vÌi chuÁi s˘ ki÷n "Beer Pool Party", mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m xem ph∏o hoa Æãp nh†t tπi ßµ NΩng, h¯a hãn bÔng nÊ vÌi kh´ng gian ti÷c s´i ÆÈng, trŒ trung. ß©y cÚng lµ n¨i duy nh†t tπi thµnh phË ßµ NΩng cho bπn mÈt s˘ tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn kh∏c bi÷t khi c„ th” "vıa b¨i, vıa ngæm ph∏o hoa". Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Beer Pool Party" di‘n ra tı 16h - 23h c∏c ngµy 26/5; 2, 9 vµ 30/6 vÌi gi∏ vä 299.000 VNß/ng≠Íi (kÃm mÈt bia vµ Æ ®n nhã). Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË: 0236 3878 999 ho∆c tπi website: www. dananggoldenbay.com.
HÄ NóI DAEWOO Tı nay Æ’n h’t mÔa hà 2018, th˘c kh∏ch dÔng b˜a tr≠a ho∆c tËi t˘ ch‰n tπi nhµ hµng Cafä Promenade trong kh∏ch sπn Hµ NÈi Daewoo sœ c„ c¨ hÈi tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt trong nh˜ng b” b¨i trµn bÍ †n t≠Óng nh†t Hµ NÈi. ß∆c bi÷t, bπn n™n dµnh thÍi gian tr∂i nghi÷m ti÷c BBQ buffet cuËi tu«n vÌi Æa dπng c∏c m„n ®n cao c†p tı bi”n nh≠ t´m hÔm, s Æi÷p, bπch tuÈc, ghã, hµu... Ti÷c buffet c„ gi∏ 590.000 VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn vµ 290.000 VNß++/ trŒ em (Æ∑ bao gÂm n≠Ìc ng‰t, bia, n≠Ìc tr∏i c©y, r≠Óu vang kh´ng giÌi hπn). Chi ti’t li™n h÷: 024 3831 5000 ho∆c tham kh∂o tπi website: www.daewoohotel.com.
PALM GARDEN If you are planning for a family summer holiday in Hoi An, be sure to include Palm Garden Resort in your list. The resort is offering a special 35% discount for summer stays (from May 2 to June 30). At only 2,990,000 VND++, you can enjoy one night stay in the Deluxe Garden View room for 2 people and a complimentary breakfast buffet at the resort. For more information, contact: 0235 3927 927 or website: www. palmgardenresort.com.vn. NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT Escape the hustle and buslte of the city to immerse yourself in nature at Phu Quoc Island with the amazing "Leisure Escape Promotion" offered by Novotel Phu Quoc Resort. The special package which includes a 3-day and 2-night stay is priced at 4,664,000 VND++ for Superior Rooms, 5,464,000 VND++ for Deluxe Rooms and Suites, 15,246,000 VND++ for 3-bedroom villas, and 22,028,000 VND++ for 4-bedroom deluxe villas. The price includes food & beverage services valued at 500,000 VND for guests staying in Superior/Suite/Deluxe rooms, food & beverage services valued at 1,000,000 VND for guests staying in 3- or 4-bedroom villas, a South Island tour including lunch, one complimentary lunch or dinner, and other services at the resort. Contact reservations at: 0297 626 4912 or email: H9770@accor. com. EQUATORIAL Come to the Equatorial Hotel Saigon this May, diners will have a chance to enjoy exquisite traditional Malaysian as well as international cuisine prepared by the amazing head chef of Equatorial. The event is held in the evening of 18, 19, 25, and 26 May for 738,000 VND++ per adult and 369,000 VND++ per child (under 12 years). For more information,
contact 028 3839 7777, 8000 ext or email dine@hcm.equatorial. com. HANOI DAEWOO From now until the end of summer of 2018, lunch and dinner buffet diners at the Cafä Promenade in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel can enjoy one of the most impressive swimming pools with a spillway in Hanoi. Guests are also recommended to try the weekend BBQ buffet, which includes exquisite seafood dishes made from lobsters, scallops, octopuses, crabs, and oysters at 590,000 VND++ per adult and 290,000 VND++ per child (with unlimited water, beer, fruit juice, and wine). For more information, contact 024 3831 5000 or visit www. daewoohotel.com. LOUNGE 83 Come to Lounge 83 at Hanoi Movenpick Hotel to enjoy delicious wine and savor incredible food from their "Familiar Vietnamese taste" menu. Traditional Vietnamese cooking has always been known for its fine taste with the use of fresh ingredients to make one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. The special menu includes grilled chicken with pandan leaves, Ha Long squid cake with sweet chili sauce, salmon fresh rolls with sweet and sour sauce, and many other amazing dishes. This menu is available from now until June 20. For more information, contact 024 3822 2800, extension 6101. BMB VIETNAM The leading Japanese speaker brand BMB recently launched an event to introduce the new BMB - Karaoke Home Series in Ho Chi Minh City. The speaker features a simple design but with a luxurious and delicate feel, making it the ideal speaker for home entertainment. The use of wood for its exterior design is an outstanding feature of the BMB. In addition to a sleek design, the
sound quality is also impressive. The BMB is integrated with advanced HD Audio technology to give better sound quality, and is perfect for acoustic, folk, and bolero music. The retail price for the BMB Home: Combo 1 Basic: 22,900,000 VND, Combo 2 - Advanced: 31,900,000 VND, Combo 3 - Premium: 40,900,000 VND. MOMO WALLET The Shinhan Bank has partnered with Vietnamese Mobile Wallet MoMo to launch the remittance transfer service via MoMo e-wallet, allowing Vietnamese who are studying and working in Korea to transfer money from their Shinhan Bank in Korea to the recipient's MoMo Wallet account (registered by mobile number) in Vietnam. The service offers free transactions for users from now to August 31. Money received through the MoMo account can be cashed at the bank the recipient had registered for the account or used to make thousands of online payments such as bill payments, airfare, train tickets, movie tickets, insurance, pay installments, and online shopping at over 4000 MoMo payment points (restaurants, shopping centers...). DANANG GOLDEN BAY To celebrate Danang's annual International Fireworks Festival, the Danang Golden Bay is offering "Beer Pool Party" events for guests to enjoy the spectacular fireworks shows. The events promise to provide a vibrant and exciting atmosphere for party goers. This is the only place in Danang where you can watch the fireworks while taking a dip in the pool. The "Beer Pool Party" events take place from 4 pm to 11 pm on May 26, June 2, 9, and 30 at a price of 299,000 VND/person (including one beer and snacks). For more information, call 0236 3878 999 or visit our website at www.dananggoldenbay.com.
HOANG YEN BUFFET PREMIER The Korean-Japanese Cuisine Festival is once again held at the Hoang Yen Buffet Premier to please culinary fans of these cuisines. From now until May 20, you can enjoy amazing Japanese and Korean dishes as well as interesting activities and attractive offers at the festival. In addition to typical Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, udon, ramen, soba, and dorayaki, diners also get the chance to enjoy teriyaki grilled fish, fish stewed with miso sauce, and Japanesestyle grilled fish. Groups of 4 people who visit on Saturday and Sunday will receive a voucher for the next visit at the same price. Contact hotline 0934 086 638 or visit http://premierbuffet. com.vn.
An array of promotions and special offers by restaurants, hotels, resorts, fashion brands, airlines and tourist agencies in Vietnam and other countries.
OVEN D'OR RESTAURANT From now until June 30, enjoy delicious food with your family and friends at the Oven D'or Restaurant, Sheraton Hanoi Hotel with the special "free meal for one" promotion. A friend who accompanies you will get a free buffet. The lunch buffet is priced at 620,000 VND++ per meal and the dinner buffet at 1,100,000VND++ per meal. For bookings, call 024 3719 9000 or visit www.sheraton.com/hanoi for more information.
SUZUKI GSX-R150 GSX-150R lµ m…u sportbike cÏ nh· cÒa Suzuki c„ ki”u d∏ng th” thao, d‘ l∏i, ÆÈng c¨ mπnh mœ, t›nh n®ng hi÷n Æπi vµ m¯c gi∏ d‘ ch†p nhÀn trong ph©n khÛc. Xät theo d∂i s∂n ph»m, GSX-R150 giËng nh≠ mÈt b≠Ìc khÎi Æ«u cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi trŒ mÌi ch¨i xe m´t´, tr≠Ìc khi d†n th©n s©u h¨n vµo thÛ ch¨i nµy. GSX-R150 mang thi’t k’ c„ t›nh kh› ÆÈng h‰c cao, ph«n Æ«u ÆÃn vuËt ng≠Óc v“ ph›a sau. T≠ th’ ng≠Íi l∏i gÀp v“ ph›a tr≠Ìc vıa ph∂i, ÆÒ tπo c∂m gi∏c th” thao nh˜ng cÚng d‘ chu n’u th≠Íng xuy™n Æi phË. ßi”m Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ nh†t cÒa phi™n b∂n Æ∆c bi÷t GSX-R150 Special Edition nªm Î bÈ tem xe mÌi Æ«y t›nh th” thao. Xe c„ b∏n tπi c∏c Æπi l˝ Suzuki, vÌi gi∏ b∏n lŒ Æ“ xu†t gÂm VAT lµ 76.900.000 VNß. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ hotline: 1900 6950.
Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“ Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...
Vıa qua, tπi Paris, HÈi ÆÂng t≠ v†n Mπng l≠Ìi C´ng vi™n ßa ch†t Toµn c«u thuÈc TÊ ch¯c Gi∏o dÙc, Khoa h‰c vµ V®n h„a Li™n Hi÷p QuËc (UNESCO) Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c c´ng nhÀn C´ng vi™n Æa ch†t Non N≠Ìc Cao Bªng lµ C´ng vi™n ßa ch†t Toµn c«u. C´ng vi™n ßa ch†t Toµn c«u Non N≠Ìc Cao Bªng lµ mÈt mi“n Ɔt hi’m c„, n¨i c„ th” t◊m hi”u lch sˆ tr™n 500 tri÷u n®m cÒa tr∏i Ɔt qua c∏c d†u t›ch cn lπi Î Æ©y. C∏c h„a thπch, tr«m t›ch bi”n, Æ∏ nÛi lˆa, kho∏ng s∂n..., Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c∏c c∂nh quan Æ∏ v´i, lµ nh˜ng minh ch¯ng tuy÷t vÍi cho s˘ ti’n h„a vµ thay ÆÊi cÒa tr∏i Ɔt. ß©y lµ c´ng vi™n Æa ch†t toµn c«u th¯ hai cÒa Vi÷t Nam, sau Cao nguy™n Æ∏ ßÂng V®n (tÿnh Hµ Giang) Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn tı n®m 2010. AMANOI V≠Ót qua c∏c khu nghÿ d≠Ïng nÊi ti’ng kh∏c trong khu v˘c, Aman Spa thuÈc khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Amanoi Æ∑ giµnh chi’n thæng xu†t sæc Æ” trÎ thµnh "Resort Spa cÒa n®m" khu v˘c ch©u ∏ vµ ch©u ßπi D≠¨ng vÌi gi∂i th≠Îng World Spa & Wellness 2018. Gi∂i th≠Îng Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ qua mÈt quy tr◊nh gæt gao bÎi c∏c cË v†n chuy™n m´n ÆÈc lÀp, cÔng vÌi mÈt gi∏m kh∂o Æ≠Óc cˆ tÌi tıng khu nghÿ d≠Ïng nhªm Æ≠a ra nh˜ng k’t qu∂ ch›nh x∏c vµ c´ng t©m nh†t. BRG ßÄ NØNG GOLF RESORT BRG ßµ NΩng Golf Resort vıa ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng s©n golf phong c∏ch bÍ kà Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi Nicklaus Design, nhµ thi’t k’ s©n golf hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi. K’t hÓp hoµn h∂o cÔng s©n 18 hË sΩn c„ cÒa Greg Norman, s©n golf mÌi cÒa Nicklaus Design sœ Æem Æ’n mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn kh∏c lπ vÌi bÍ kà gÁ chπy d‰c theo c∏c Tee, Fairway vµ Green. S©n golf thi’t k’ bÍ kà gÁ ch≠a tıng xu†t hi÷n tπi ch©u É sœ
ha hÓp cÔng b∑i c∏t træng d‰c theo bÍ bi”n ßµ NΩng sœ Æem Æ’n cho c∏c tay golf nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m ch¨i v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o. AIR SEOUL MÌi Æ©y, h∑ng hµng kh´ng gi∏ rŒ Air Seoul cÒa Hµn QuËc th´ng b∏o sœ mÎ mÈt Æ≠Íng bay mÌi tÌi thµnh phË ßµ NΩng vµo th∏ng 5/2018. ß≠Íng bay mÌi c„ mÙc Æ›ch mÎ rÈng c∏c dch vÙ cÒa h∑ng trong khu v˘c ch©u ∏ - Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng. Ng≠Íi ph∏t ng´n cÒa Air Seoul cho bi’t: Chuy’n bay Æ«u ti™n sœ Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n vµo ngµy 18/5, sˆ dÙng m∏y bay A321 vÌi 195 chÁ ngÂi. HUAWEI NOVA 3E Nh„m Kinh doanh & Ti™u dÔng Huawei ch›nh th¯c giÌi thi÷u Huawei Nova 3e Æ’n th tr≠Íng Vi÷t Nam. ThuÈc dng Nova dµnh cho ng≠Íi trŒ n®ng ÆÈng, quan t©m cÀp nhÀt xu h≠Ìng mÌi, Huawei Nova 3e lµ s˘ k’t hÓp gi˜a thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng vµ hi÷u n®ng mπnh mœ, mang lπi gi∏ tr v≠Ót trÈi cho ng≠Íi dÔng. Smartphone ph©n khÛc t«m trung hi÷n c„ hai phi™n b∂n mµu: xanh (Klein Blue) vµ Æen (Midnight Black), Æ≠Óc trang b h÷ Æi“u hµnh Android 8.0; mµn h◊nh trµn vi“n 2.0 t˚ l÷ 19:9 vÌi thi’t k’ Notch Screen; camera tr≠Ìc 16MP vµ camera käp sau 16MP+2MP Æ≠Óc t›ch hÓp thuÀt to∏n lµm Æãp t˘ nhi™n, cho h◊nh chÙp sËng ÆÈng vµ ch©n th˘c. ß∆c bi÷t, Huawei Nova 3e hÁ trÓ sπc nhanh 9V/2A, gi∂m 30% thÍi gian sπc, cÔng h÷ thËng b∂o v÷ l≠Ìi 15 lÌp. Thi’t b c„ bÈ nhÌ 4GB + 64GB, cho phäp ng≠Íi dÔng tho∂i m∏i ch¨i tr ch¨i, nghe nhπc, xem video mµ kh´ng ph∂i lo læng v“ dung l≠Óng. CRESCENT MALL S˘ ki÷n Ngµy hÈi Du lch tπi Crescent Mall mÌi Æ©y Æ∑ mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi mŒ, tuy÷t vÍi dµnh cho t›n Æ "x™ dch". Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch Æ≠Óc trang b Æ«y ÆÒ hµnh trang cho chuy’n du lch sæp tÌi cÒa m◊nh,
Æ≠Óc Ææm ch◊m trong thi™n Æ≠Íng mua sæm ≠u Æ∑i cÒa mu´n vµn vÀt dÙng Æ’n tı c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u uy t›n hµng Æ«u nh≠ Samsonite, Travel Zone, Coleman... Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ c¨ hÈi ti’p cÀn nh˜ng tour du lch, vä m∏y bay, phng kh∏ch sπn cao c†p vÌi m¯c gi∏ tËt. BAMBOO AIRWAYS BÈ nhÀn di÷n th≠¨ng hi÷u cÒa H∑ng hµng kh´ng Bamboo Airways l†y h◊nh ∂nh c©y tre c∏ch Æi÷u lµm chÒ Æπo, k’t hÓp vÌi logo m´ t∂ ph«n Æu´i m∏y bay mang mµu xanh d≠¨ng cÒa bi”n vµ b«u trÍi. BÈ nhÀn di÷n th≠¨ng hi÷u Bamboo Airways do c´ng ty thi’t k’ th≠¨ng hi÷u hµng Æ«u NhÀt B∂n LIFT Strategic Design thi’t k’. ß©y cÚng lµ ƨn v tıng thi’t k’ nhi“u th≠¨ng hi÷u hµng kh´ng nÊi ti’ng tr™n th’ giÌi nh≠ China Airlines, Philippines Airlines, Oasic HongKong... Theo d˘ ki’n, Æ” Æ∏p ¯ng vi÷c c†t c∏nh vµo cuËi n®m nay, H∑ng Bamboo Airways sœ thu™ 10 m∏y bay. D˘ ki’n, 24 tµu bay A321 NEO do Bamboo Airways Æ∆t mua sœ Æ≠Óc nhÀn tı n®m 2021. ALBA WELLNESS RESORT Ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng vµo trung tu«n th∏ng 4, Alba Wellness Resort lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ«u ti™n tπi Hu’ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ t›ch hÓp Æa ti÷n ›ch. N¨i Æ©y giÛp du kh∏ch t◊m hi”u v®n h„a b∂n Æa, nghÿ ng¨i vµ phÙc hÂi s¯c kh·e gi˜a thi™n nhi™n nguy™n s¨, lµm Æãp vµ trŒ h„a c¨ th” bªng c∏c hoπt ÆÈng tæm Onsen, thi“n, yoga, spa tr li÷u. ß≠Óc bao quanh bÎi rıng c©y, h n≠Ìc vµ nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng rÓp b„ng tre, Alba Wellness Resort c„ 56 phng kh∏ch sπn vµ phng bungalows nªm Î hai khu ri™ng bi÷t: Alba Inn vµ Alba Village. VÌi trang trπi h˜u c¨ Alba rÈng 1,7 ha, Alba Wellness Resort mang Æ’n cho bπn c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc tÀn mæt nh◊n th†y ng≠Íi n´ng d©n trÂng c©y theo ph≠¨ng ph∏p h˜u c¨ vµ Æ≠Óc n’m qu∂ ch›n ngay tπi trang trπi. Th´ng tin th™m tπi: www.albawellness.com.
L'ESPACE Vıa qua, ßπi s¯ Ph∏p tπi Vi÷t Nam Bertrand Lortholary vµ Hi÷u tr≠Îng ßπi h‰c Ki’n trÛc Hµ NÈi L™ Qu©n Æ∑ khai tr≠¨ng chi nh∏nh mÌi cÒa Vi÷n Ph∏p tπi Hµ NÈi: L'Espace Hµ ß´ng. Thµnh qu∂ hÓp t∏c gi˜a Vi÷n Ph∏p tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ ÆËi t∏c Æπi h‰c trong n≠Ìc lµ mÈt bi”u t≠Óng mπnh mœ cho c∏c hoπt ÆÈng k˚ ni÷m 45 n®m thi’t lÀp quan h÷ ngoπi giao gi˜a Vi÷t Nam vµ Ph∏p. Kh´ng chÿ ƨn thu«n lµ mÈt Trung t©m Ph∏p ng˜, L'Espace Hµ ß´ng cn lµ n¨i giao l≠u g∆p gÏ, qu∂ng b∏ v®n h„a vµ s∏ng tπo ngh÷ thuÀt.
CAO BANG The Advisory Council of the Global Network of Geoparks of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recently recognized the Cao Bang Geopark in Vietnam as the World Natural Heritage or Global Geopark. The Cao Bang Global Geopark is a rare area where the Earth's history of 500 million years can be traced through fossils, sediments, volcanic rocks, and minerals. The limestone landscapes are excellent evidences of the evolution and change of the Earth. This is Vietnam's second global geopark with the first being Dong Van Karst Plateau (Ha Giang Province) which was recognized by UNESCO in 2010. BRG DANANG GOLF RESORT The BRG Danang Golf Resort has opened a new stunning course in classic sand dune style designed by the world’s leading golf course architects Nicklaus Design. Perfectly harmonizing with the existing Greg Norman's 18-hole course, the new Nicklaus course promises to bring a completely different golf experience for golfers due to the wooden bulkheads that line many of the Tees, Fairways, and Greens. This new feature is the first ever in Asia, and will blend with Danang's smooth white sand beaches to offer players a unique golf experience. AIR SEOUL South Korea's low cost carrier Air Seoul is launching a new route to Vietnam’s Danang in May. The new route aims to expand its services in the Asia-Pacific region. Air Seoul spokesman said the first flight will be taking off on May 18, using the A321 aircraft with 195 seats. L'ESPACE The French Ambassador to
Vietnam Bertrand Lortholary and President of the Hanoi University of Architecture Le Quan have recently opened a new branch of the French Cultural Center L’Espace in Ha Dong. The cooperation between the French Cultural Center in Vietnam and the domestic university partner is a powerful symbol for the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and France. The L'Espace Ha Dong welcomed 80 students for its course and will become a new French language center at many universities and educational facilities in Hanoi.
bikes in the same range, the GSX-R150 is ideal for young motorcycle beginners with less experience in the game. The GSX-R150 features a high aerodynamic design with a headturning back lamp. The rider’s forward position is just right to create a sporty feel, but also pleasant enough to drive on the streets. A major hightlight of the GSX-R150 Special Edition is its unique sporty paint scheme.
The Huawei Consumer Business Group has introduced the new Huawei Nova 3e in Vietnam. With the Nova catering especially to trendy young consumers, the Huawei Nova 3e features an elegant design along with powerful performance and outstanding value.This stylish mid-range smartphone comes in two color choices: Klein Blue and Midnight Black. The Huawie Nove 3e runs Android 8.0, features a display 2.0 with 19:9 aspect ratio with Notch Design, and is equipped with 16MP front camera and 16MP + 2MP dual camera setup with integrated natural beauty algorithm for vivid and true to details shots. The Huawei Nova 3e supports 9V/2A high voltage fast charging, which reduces charging time by 30%, coupled with a 15-layer security net protection system. The device also features 4GB RAM and 64GB internal memory, allowing users to play games, listen to music, and watch videos without worrying about memory or storage limitations.
The recent Travel Fair at the Crescent Mall offered unique and exciting shopping experiences for travelers. At the fair, visitors were able to purchase numerous travel items for their upcoming trips, and immerse in a shopping paradise that sold items from prestigious brands such as Samsonite, Travel Zone, and Coleman. In addition, visitors also had access to a number of tours, airfare, and luxurious hotel rooms for an affordable price.
SUZUKI GSX-R150 The GSX-150R is a small sport bike model that is easy to drive and is equipped with a powerful engine, modern features, and has an acceptable price. Among
Available for sale at Suzuki dealers at a suggested retail price of 76,900,000 VND including VAT. For more details, contact hotline 1900 6950.
BAMBOO AIRWAYS The Bamboo Airways’ brand identity recognizes the stylized bamboo as their main theme, incorporating a logo depicting the tail of the aircraft and using blue as the color of the sea and the sky. This brand identity is designed by leading Japanese brand design company LIFT Strategic Design, who designed a number of well-known airlines around the world such as China Airlines, Philippines Airlines, and Oasis Hong Kong Airlines. The airline is set to begin operations later this year with 10 aircrafts on lease before receiving 24 of their own A321 NEO aircrafts in 2021.
ALBA WELLNESS RESORT The Alba Wellness Resort which was launched in mid-April, is the first resort in Hue featuring an outstanding multifunctional facility. The 5-star resort offers guests the chance to learn more about the local culture, retreat, relax among nature, and rejuvenate the body by taking part in holistic Onsen bath rituals, meditation, yoga, and spa therapy. Surrounded by lush forests, natural hot springs and bamboolined paths, the Alba Wellness Resort features 56 hotel rooms and bungalows in two separate areas: Alba Inn and Alba Village. With an area covering 1.7 hectare, guests staying at the Alba Wellness can visit the resort's organic farm to learn about organic agriculture and taste freshly picked fruits at the farm. For more information, visit: www.albawellness.com.
Updated information about new flight routes, culture programs, tourism policies, ranking & awards... in Vietnam and other countries
AMANOI Overcoming other famous resorts in the region, Amanoi's Aman Spa was named the "Spa of the Year" in Asia and Australasia at the 2018 World Spa & Wellness Award. The award winners are announced after a thorough review process by independent advisors and a judge who was assigned to visit each resort in order to produce the most accurate and honest results.
EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES AIRLINES TRAVEL AGENTS TAXIS HOTELS/RESORTS RESTAURANTS BARS/CAFES SPAS BANKING SERVICES SOUVENIR SHOPS CULTURE SHOPPING MALLS SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o
(Telephone Code: 024) EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES GERMANY (29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3843 0245) KOREA (28th, Lotte Center, 54 Li‘u Giai *Tel: 3831 5110) USA (7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850 5000) MALAYSIA (43 - 45 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49) SINGAPORE (41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3848 9168) THAILAND (63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 5092)
TURKEY (Floor 14, HCO Building, 44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3822 2460) AIRLINES HONGKONG AIRLINES (Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai *Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www. hongkongairlines.com.) JAPAN AIRLINES (30 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 7303 3030 *Website: www. japan-airlines.com) EVA AIR (Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh *Tel: 3936 1600 *Website: www. evaair.com) VIETNAM AIRLINES (200 Nguy‘n S¨n, B ߓ, Long Bi™n *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website: http://www.vietnamairlines.com) TRAVEL AGENTS BUFFALO TOURS (70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 0702 *Websitel: www.buffalotours.com) GOLDEN TOUR (1st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 ) CTY TNHH TM & DU LëCH BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A TRAVEL MATE CO. LTD. (39 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370 *Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367) (113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38 66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76 (45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (8454)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax: (84-54) 393 44 57)
For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit www.vntravellive.com for advertising information
TAXIS THÄNH C§NG TAXI ( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website: www.thanhcongtaxi.vn) MAI LINH (T«ng 5, ta ATS, 252 Hoµng QuËc Vi÷t *Tel: 3833 3333 *Website: http://www.mailinh.vn) HOTELS/RESORTS FORTUNA HOTEL HANOI (6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831 3333 *Website: www.fortuna.vn) INTERCONTINENTAL HANOI WESTLAKE (5 Tı Hoa, Qu∂ng An, T©y H *Tel: 6270 8888 *Website: http://www.intercontinental.com)
LOTTE CENTER HANOI (54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333 6016 *Website: www.lottecenter. com.vn) PAN PACIFIC HANOI (1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 8888 *Website: www.panpacific.com/en/hotelsresorts/vietnam/hanoi) SHERATON HANOI HOTEL (K5 Nghi Tµm, 11 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website: www.sheratonhanoi.com) RESTAURANTS THE VIN STEAK (7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y H *Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www. thevinsteak.com) C•M VIåT (75 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920)
LA CASA HANOI HOTEL Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ y™n t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. Located in the old tranquil French Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the friendly and enthusiasm will make you feel like being home. 84 rooms, 4 apartments with modern design and amenities, and our system of restaurants, bar, gym, pool and spa will bring you memorable experiences. (17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656 0560 * Email: info@lacasahotel.vn, Website: www.lacasahotel.com.vn)
CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) DA PAOLO WESTLAKE (32 Qu∂ng Kh∏nh, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3718 6317) DON'S TAY HO BISTRO (16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828) LONG ßçNH (64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168) HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: http://ngonhaisan.vn) HOME HANOI RESTAURANT (34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Website: www.homehanoirestaurant.com)
KOTO (59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http:// www.koto.com.au) NHÄ 9NKC
*Tel: 6270 0408 Website: www. vpresso.vn)
Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307 9898)
M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820)
(19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846 3757)
9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m, Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website: www.nha.coffee)
(No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi *Tel: (+84) 4.3221 2222 *Website: www. ngonvilla.com) MAISON VIE RESTAURANT (28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba Trung Dist - Hanoi - Vietnam *Mail: info@maisonvie.vn *Tel:+84 3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150 383 *http://www.maisonvie.vn) PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website: http://pho24.com.vn) PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: http://www.original.vn/ webapp/home.php) POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204) QUÉN °N NGON 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133 *Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email: ngonhanoi@vnn.vn) SIXTY SIX RESTAURANT (66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04 3266 8888) S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website: www.subuffet.vn)
VUA CHÅ CÉ (48 Nguy‘n Th ßnh, Trung Ha, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3221 6599 *26C Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3392 5999 * 76a Mai Hæc ß’, hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 3399 *Website: www.vuachaca.vn) BARS/CAFES CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444) VPRESSO (45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem
(59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 0888)
(T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza, Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 04 7305 5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bi™n, 390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bi™n *Tel: 04 7302 6696)
(36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9936 *Website: baotangphunu.org.vn)
(38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 5368) THE KAFE (18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www. thekafe.vn) THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website: http://www.coffeebean.com) THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901)
ZEN SPA (164 Tı Hoa, Qu∂ng An, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3719 9889 *Website: zenspa.vn)
(250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: http://amadoraspa.vn/vn/howto-spa.html) ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE
(Thanh Ni™n, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)
VIETCOMBANK 23 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 3524 *Website: http:// www.vietcombank.com.vn) SOUVENIR SHOPS CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website: http://www.carat.vn/) CASA D'ORIENTE
(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Hotline: 0932 391 888) ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website: http://www.anamqtspa.com)
(43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *Website: www. craftlink.com.vn)
AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website: http://aqmspa.vn)
IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website: http://ipa-nima.com)
(Add: 68 Nguy‘n Du - Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0868 038 080 *Email: info@deaura.com.vn)
(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733)
(51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y H *Tel: 04 3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u Gi†y *Tel: 04 3788 6688 *25 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04 3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 04 3974 9191 *T«ng 3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam Tı Li™m *Tel: 04 7306 6655 *T«ng 6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch› Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307 8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B Phπm
CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3521 1118 *Website: http://www.citibank.com.vn)
(23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www. casadoriente.com)
CHú ߤNG XU¢N - DONG XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi)
(ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)
T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1154 *Website: http://www.tanmydesign.com) TRANH TH£U XQ (13 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website: http://tranhtheuxq.com/vi/)
CON ߶òNG GˇM S` - HANOI CERAMIC MOSAIC MURAL (HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: http://www.vme.org.vn) VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Trµng Ti“n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2853 *Website: http:// www.baotanglichsu.vn) VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// www.vnfam.vn/) SHOPPING MALLS AEON MALL LONG BI£N (Add: SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bi™n, Hµ NÈi *http://aeonmall-long-bien. com.vn) VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// vincomshoppingmall.com/vi-VN/VincomCenterBaTrieu) TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) SUPERMARKETS
CULTURE BÅO TÄNG HÄ NóI - HANOI MUSEUM (SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website: baotanghanoi.com.vn)
CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 2999 *Website: http://citimart.com.vn INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2054 *Website: http:// www.intimexna.com) TRAVELLIVE
EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES AIRLINES TRAVEL AGENTS TAXIS HOTELS/RESORTS RESTAURANTS BARS/CAFES SPAS BANKING SERVICES SOUVENIR SHOPS CULTURE SHOPPING MALLS SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o
(Telephone Code: 028)
(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800)
KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) USA
(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173)
(4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610)
(77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637)
(93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)
AIRLINES KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www. koreanair.com)
QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: http://www.qatarairways.com) TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website: http://www.turkishairlines.com)
TRAVEL AGENTS GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 *www.ginkgovoyage.com SAIGONTOURIST TRAVEL SERVICE (45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http:// www.saigontourist.net) VINH HAN INTERNATIONAL CO., HCM BRANCH (27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988 *Email: chris@viet4mua.vn/ hieu. chrisnguyentim@me.com *Website: www.viet4mua.vn)
For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit www.vntravellive.com for advertising information
TAXIS TAXI 27/7 (162 ß≠Íng Tu÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, 11 District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: http://www.27-7.com.vn/home/index. html) HOTELS/RESORTS CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: http://www.caravellehotel.com) LE MERIDIEN SAIGON (3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 8 6263 6688) *Website: lemeridiensaigon.com) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3822 5678) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE (17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717) NEW WORLD SAIGON HOTEL (76 L™ Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822 8888 *Website: http://www.saigon. newworldhotels.com
NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 3829 5368 *Fax: 3829 3415 *Email: info@norfolkhotel.com.vn *Website: www.norfolkhotel.com.vn HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: info@hcm.equatorial.com *www. equatorial.com) PARKROYAL SAIGON (309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: 3842 1111) THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Ch›nh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website: www.alcovehotel.com.vn) RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE HOTEL SAIGON (8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 3822 0033 *Website: www. renaissance-saigon.com) WINDSOR PLAZA HOTEL *18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp. HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688 *Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@ windsorplazahotel.com *Website: windsorplazahotel.com)
http://www.spatropic.com/) ELITE FITNESS
AU LAC DO BRAZIL STEAK RESTAURANT (238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820 7157 - 0909 478 698*Website: www.aulacdobrazil.com) HOME FINEST RESTAURANT (252 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2666 *Website: www. homefinestrestaurant.com) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website: www.thegoodmorningvietnam.com) INDOCHINE (26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3 * Tel: 3930 8421) M¢M VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT (193 Hai Ba Trung, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3939 3888 *Website: www. mamvietnameserestaurant.com) THE CHOPSTICKS SAIGON RESTAURANT (216/4 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2889 *Website: www.thechopsticksaigon.com) PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL (311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 1111 * www.parkroyalhotels.com/saigon.) PHô 24 (20B Nguy‘n Th Minh Kha, District 1*Tel: 3910 1038 *Website: http://pho24.com.vn) NHÄ HÄNG NGON (160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7131 *Fax: 3827 7127 *Email: info@quananngon.com) QUÉN NGON 138 138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, T.p H Ch› Minh *Tel: 38 279 666 / 38 257 179 *Email: ngon138@ saigonkhanhnguyen.vn *Website: www.quanngon138.com) SAIGON INDIAN (Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi, District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671) SHANG PALACE (1st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-1921 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823 2221 *Website: www.shangpalace. com.vn)
NGON ASIA HOUSE TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa, Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng mÈt m∏i nhµ. Home to more than 300 signature dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam. (Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821, Facebook: www.facebook.com/ngonasia) BARS/CAFES CHILL SKYBAR SAIGON (T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76A L™ Lai, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website: www.chillsaigon.com) CALIBRE CHARNER (Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon, 56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District *Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http:// www.palacesaigon.com) LA HABANA (152 L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3925 9838 *Website: lahabanasaigon.com) MAGNOLIA KITCHEN & CAFE (Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Website: www.magnoliakitchen.com *Facebook: Magnolia Kitchen & Cafe) SAXN'ART CLUB (28 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954 *Website: saxrnart.com) THE JAZZ CAFE (97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1 *Tel: 3925 0388)
(T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä Q.1 *Tel: 08 7307 9899 *T«ng 3, Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 08 7303 9888)
ANZ (39 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http:// www.anz.com/vietnam) EXIMBANK (1 & 7 Floor, Ta nhµ 229 ßÂng KhÎi, B’n Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0055 *Website: http://www. eximbank.com.vn) SAIGONBANK (2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www. saigonbank.com.vn) STANDARD CHARTERED (Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building 37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1 *Tel: 3911 0000 *Website: http:// www.standardchartered.com.vn) VIETCOMBANK (69 BÔi Th Xu©n, NgÚ L∑o Ward, District 1*Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://www.vietcombank.com.vn)
(Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu, Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847 9964 *3847 9295)
(Tel 0909 66 22 31 *www.HoangGiaPearl.com)
(72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:
(114 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493 *Website: http://tdtc.com.vn) CULTURE WAR REMNANTS MUSEUM (28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3) OPERA HOUSE (7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.) COULEURS D'ASIE BY R–HAHN -SAIGON (157/1 Dong Khoi, District 1) FINE ARTS MUSEUM (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1) H¤ CHê MINH MUSEUM (65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1) SHOPPING MALLS
PARKSON (35Bis, 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7636)
(9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http:// www.anupa.net)
(1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1 *Tel: 3925 1495)
(74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809 *Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website: www.shapeline.com.vn
(97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http:// vietnamartist.com/index.aspx)
(50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http:// www.apricotgallery.com.vn)
DIAMOND PLAZA (34 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5500)
(26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http:// www.senspa.vn)
(Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 028 6284 1188 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei Vietnam)
(91 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http:// www.huongngafinearts.vn/)
MOSAIQUE SAIGON (98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www. mosaiquedecoration.com) NGA ART AND CRAFT
DUY TAN SAIGON ARTISAN (47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www. saigonartisan.com)
KHAI SILK (81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1 *Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 1146 *Website: http://khaisilkcorp.com/ khaicravat/shopping.html)
IPA NIMA (90 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http:// ipa-nima.com) KENLY SILK (132 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3829 3847 *Website: www.kenlysilk.com)
SAIGON CENTRE (65 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 ) VINCOM CENTER A (171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999 *Website:vincomshoppingmall.com) VINCOM CENTER B (72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: vincomshoppingmall.com SUPERMARKETS ANNAM GOURMET (16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District & 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel: 3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website: www.annam-gourmet.com) B⁄N THÄNH MARKET (L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)
EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES AIRLINES TRAVEL AGENTS TAXIS HOTELS/RESORTS RESTAURANTS BARS/CAFES SPAS BANKING SERVICES SOUVENIR SHOPS CULTURE SHOPPING MALLS SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o
SAPA (Telephone Code: 0214) HOTELS/RESORTS SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// www.sunnymountainhotel.com) VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: resa.sapa@victoriahotels.asia *www.victoriahotels.asia) RESTAURANTS FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438)
OBSERVATORY 39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019) TRAVEL AGENTS KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: http://vietdiscovery.com) NG§I SAO SAPA (68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website: http://sapastar.com)
HÅI PHíNG - CÉT BÄ (Telephone Code: 0225)
HOTELS/RESORTS CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website: http://catbaislandresortspa.com)
(111-113-115 L™ Lai, M∏y Chai, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679 *Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www. viet4mua.vn)
(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http:// dulichhaiphong.com.vn/)
(Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888 *Website: http://www.dosonresorthotel.com.vn)
(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330 *Website: http://dosontourism.com/)
(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)
PARKSON (1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website: http://www.parkson.com.vn/)
GREEN MANGO (Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www. greenmango.vn/) TR@C L¢M (3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833) TAXIS (SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864) MAI LINH
(Telephone Code: 0229) HOTELS/RESORTS THE REED HOTEL (ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website: thereedhotel.com)
ߤ S•N
For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit www.vntravellive.com for advertising information
(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website: http://www.mailinh.vn) BANKING SERVICES VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. vietcombank.com.vn/) ACB (69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www. acbbank.com.vn) TECHCOMBANK (5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: www.techcombank.com.vn) SUPERMARKETS CHú S¿T (Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng) INTIMEX MINH KHAI (23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www. intimexco.com)
HÑ LONG - QUÅNG NINH (Telephone Code: 0203)
HOTELS/RESORTS LA PAZ RESORT HALONG (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0888 762 266 *Website: facebook.com/lapazresorthalong) PARADISE SUITES HOTEL (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0986 567 545 *Website: www.halongparadisesuites.com) TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA (Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http:// www.tuanchauholidayvilla-halong.com)
Legend Halong
WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG (No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province *Tel: (+84)-33-3636555 *Website: www.wyndhamhalong.com)
SPA/FITNESS ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P. Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 033 3841 166)
*Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://bidv. com.vn)
(Telephone Code: 0235)
CRUISES ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://www. aucocruises.com) APHRODITE CRUISES (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong *Tel: 6281 888 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi *Tel: 04 2220 8686 *Website: www.aphroditecruises.com)
HOTELS/RESORTS ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT (1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 510 391 4555 *Fax: +84 510 391 4515 *Email: hoian@ anantara.com) BOUTIQUE HóI AN RESORT (Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website: http://www.boutiquehoianresort.com)
CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. halongcalypsocruise.com) ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. orientalsails.com) PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747 8006 *Website: http://www.halongphoenixcruiser.com) PARADISE CRUISES (Hanoi Sales Office: Unit 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 0906 099 606 *Website: www.paradisecruise.com) RESTAURANTS 1958 VIETNAMESE (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 3815 088) HOÄNG GIA (Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 3675 757) MAI LINH (Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266)
(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa) TRAVEL AGENTS HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http:// www.hoiantravel.com/) RESTAURANTS
HOI AN BEACH RESORT (SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: reservation@hoianbeachresort.com.vn *Website: www. hoianbeachresort.com.vn) LOTUS HóI AN (330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website: http://hoianlotushotel.com/) PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA HOI AN (Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http:// www.palmgardenresort.com.vn/) SUNRISE HóI AN BEACH RESORT (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. sunrisehoian.vn) GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN (Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http:// www.goldensandresort-spa.com.vn) FOUR SEASONS THE NAM HAI
(149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535) SOUVENIR SHOPS É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)
(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website: http://www.heavengardenres.com/vn)
HOME HOIAN RESTAURANT (112 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Quang Nam, Da Nang *Tel: 3926 668 *Website: homehoianrestaurant.com) (Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http:// secretgardenhoian.com/)
(C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282) (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http:// tranhtheuxq.com)
(Telephone Code: 0236) HOTELS/RESORTS
SEN (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252 *Website: http://nhahangsenhoian.vn) BARS/CAFES HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: http://www.hoianfullmoontowns.com) TAM TAM CAF– (110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www. tamtamcafe-hoian.com) TAXIS HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) MAI LINH (410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292 *Website: http://www.mailinh.vn) BANKING SERVICES VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: http://www.vietinbank.vn) CULTURE
(Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844 749 *Website: http://vietcombank. com.vn)
(26 Phan Boi Chau)
(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 05103 950 777)
(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)
(Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai
(ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel: 3940 000 *Website: http://www. thenamhai.com/)
(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3911 382)
PEARL RIVER HOI AN HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Huy“n Tr©n C´ng ChÛa, C»m Ch©u, HÈi An *Tel: 3666 886 *Website: www.pearlriverhoian. com)
Ä LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3 959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web: www.alacarteliving.com *Email: reservation-dn@alacarteliving.com) AVANI QUY NHON RESORT & SPA (Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon City, Vietnam *Tel: +84 (0) 56 3840 132 *Email:quynhon@avanihotels.com) NEW ORIENT HOTEL DANANG - WORLD CLASS ORIENTATION (20 Dong Da Street, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3828 828 *Website: neworienthoteldanang.com) FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website: http://www.fusionmaiadanang.com) INTERCONTINENTAL DANANG SUN PENINSULA RESORT (B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888 *Website: www.danang.intercontinental.com/) GRAND TOURANE HOTEL (252 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Son Tra Dist *Tel: 3778 888 *Website: www.grandtourandehotel.com)
FUSION SUITES DANANG BEACH (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel: 3919 777 *Website: www.fusionsuitesdanangbeach.com)
*Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http:// www.anamandarahue-resort.com)
(21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http:// www.centarahotelsresorts.com/cdv/ cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM)
TRAVEL AGENTS ASIANA TRAVEL MATE (Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website: http://www.asianatravelmate.com) TAXIS S§NG HÄN
PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG (99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998 *Website: www.premier-villagedanang.com) PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: www.pullman-danang.com) GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website: http://www.accorhotels.com/7821)
(37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258) RESTAURANTS TR@C L¢M VI£N (8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: http://truclamvien. com.vn/) SPA VINCHARM SPA (Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: http://www.vincharmspa.com) BANKING SERVICES
(36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: http://www. novotel-danang-premier.com)
(244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http:// www.techcombank.com.vn)
FURAMA RESORT DANANG (V‚ Nguy™n Gæp, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3847 333 *Website: www.furamavietnam.com)
CULTURE DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website: http://www.chammuseum.danang.vn) (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website: http://www.baotangdanang.vn) SOUVENIR SHOPS
(176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)
SPAS HU⁄ (Telephone Code: 0234)
LA RESIDENCE HUE HOTEL & SPA (5 L™ LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475 *Website: www.laresidence-hue.com CENTURY RIVERSIDE HOTEL HUE (49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: ( 3823390 *Website: http://www.centuryriversidehue.com) IMPERIAL HU⁄ (8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website: http://www. imperial-hotel.com.vn/) VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: http://www.vedanalagoon.com/) RESTAURANTS CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http:// www.royalpark.com.vn/) TèNH GIA VI£N (7/28 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243 & 3510 644 *Website: http://www. tinhgiavien.com.vn/) NHÄ HÄNG LE PARFUM (5 L™ LÓi, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 054 3837 475) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 357 5757) MAI LINH
(105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555 *Email: info@indochinepalace.com *Website: www.indochinepalace. com)
(12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www. albahotels.com.vn) INDOCHINE PALACE
(Tel: 3898 989) BANKING SERVICES VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http:// www.vib.com.vn) VIETCOMBANK (78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900
Website: http://www.vietcombank. com.vn)
CULTURE THI£N M| PAGODA (Hµ Kh™, H≠¨ng Long) NHA TRANG (Telephone Code: 0258) HOTELS/RESORTS L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY (Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 384 7333 *Website: www.anlamnvb.com) BOTON BLUE HOTEL & SPA NHA TRANG (6 Pham Van Dong, Vinh Hoa *Tel: 3836 868 *Website: www. botonbluehotel.com) CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Website: www.rivieraresortspa.com) MERPERLE SUNSET VILLAS MERPERLE HON TAM RESORT - MERPERLE SPARKLING WAVES (Add: Hon Tam Island, Vinh Nguyen, Nha Trang) MERPERLE SEASUN HOTEL (Add: SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc Th‰, Nha Trang THE COSTA NHA TRANG RESIDENCES (32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222 *Email: reservation@thecostanhatrang.com) SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: http://www.sunrisenhatrang.com.vn/) SIX SENSES NINH VAN BAY VIETNAM (Tel:+84 58 3524 268 *Email: reservations-ninhvan@sixsenses.com) RESTAURANTS LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE (Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. louisianebrewhouse.com.vn/) BARS/CAFES GUAVA (34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp *Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http:// www.guava.vn/)
RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351) TAXIS NHA TRANG (*Tel: 381 8181)
062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333 *Email: reservation@thecliffresort. com.vn, *website: www.thecliffresort. com.vn) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www. gmvnmuine.com)
KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) BANKING SERVICES
SWISS - BELRESORT TUYEN LAM (Zone 7&8, Khu du lch H Tuy“n L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt) TERRASSE DES ROSES (35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7, Thung LÚng T◊nh Y™u, ßµ Lπt *Tel: 06 3356 5279 *Website: www. terrassedesrose-villa.com *E-mail: info@terrassedesroses-villa.com) TERRACOTTA HOTEL & RESORT DALAT (Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL h Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063 3883 838 / Website: www.terracottaresort.com)
(4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http:// www.vietinbank.vn)
(Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: (84.62) 3683 115 / 3683 117 / 3683 279 *Fax: (84.62) 3683 114 *Hotline: (84) 974 496 660 *Website: www. rockwaterbay.vn *Facebook: Rock Water Bay Resort *Email: info@ rockwaterbay.vn)
BçNH D¶•NG (Telephone Code: 0274)
(Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website: http://www.saigon-art.com)
BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://bidv.com.vn/) VIETINBANK
SOUVENIR SHOPS (Telephone Code: 0252) HOTELS/ RESORTS ANANTARA MUI NE RESORT (Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888 *Fax: 374 1555 *Email: muine@ anantara.com AROMA BEACH RESORT & SPA (Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3828 288, Fax: 3828 111 *Email: reservation@ aromabeachresort.com *Website: www.aromabeachresort.com) PH@ HÅI RESORT (Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t *Tel: 062. 3 812 799 *Website: www.phuhairesort.com) BLUE BAY MUI NE RESORT & SPA (Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888 *Website: www.bluebaymuineresort. com) VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: resa.phanthiet@victoriahotels.asia *www.victoriahotels.asia) SONATA RESORT & SPA (Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62 3846 768 *Web: www.sonataresort. com) THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES (Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9111 /
VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213) SUPERMARKETS CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http:// www.coopmart.vn)
ßÄ LÑT (Telephone Code: 0263) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website: http://anamandararesort.com/) BINH AN VILLAGE RESORT DALAT (H Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4, ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 800 999 *Email:dalat@binhanvillage. com *Website:www.binhanvillage. com) DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www. dalatedensee.com/) NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT (10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ ngocphatdalathotel.com *Website: www.ngocphatdalathotel.com)
RESTAURANTS LE RABELAIS (12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)
(21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: rsvn.sr@anlam.com *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550)
reservations@almaoasislonghai.com, Website: www.almaoasislonghai.com) THE GRAND HO TRAM STRIP (Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc, Bµ Ra, VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631, Email: info@thegrandhotram.com *Website: www.thegrandhotram.com) SIX SENSES CON DAO VIETNAM (Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email: reservations-condao@sixsenses.com) TAXIS MAI LINH (12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656) PETRO (50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a *Tel: 3851 851) RESTAURANTS DAVID (92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2 *Tel: 3521 012) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 959 )
PH@ QUˇC (Telephone Code: 0297)
THE MIRA HOTEL (555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax: 0650 367 8880 *Email: info@ themirahotel.com.vn *email: sales@ themirahotel.com.vn / reservation@ themirahotel.com.vn) BECAMEX THU DAU MOT HOTEL (230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650 222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342 *Email: sales@becamexhotel.com / reservation@becamexhotel.com / booking@becamexhotel.com)
HOTELS/RESORTS LA VERANDA RESORT PH@ QUˇC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: contact@laverandaresorts.com *Website: www.laverandaresorts.com) NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT (Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077 626 0999 *Email: H9770@accor. com *Website: www.novotelphuquoc. com) VINPEARL PHU QUOC RESORT
VüNG TÄU (Telephone Code: 0254) HOTELS/RESORTS H¤ TRÄM BEACH RESORT&SPA (H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website: http://www.hotramresort.com/) TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA (44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß· *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http:// www.tropicanabeachresort.com/) ALMA OASIS LONG HAI (Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:
(B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077 3847 771 *Email: info@vinpearlphuquoc-resort.com *Website: www. vinpearlresort-phuquoc.com) SALINDA RESORT PHU QUOC ISLAND (Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911 *Email: contact@salindaresort.com, *Website: www.salindaresort.com) CAF– BUDDY ICE CREAM & INFO CAFE (No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong *Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website: www.visitphuquoc.info) TRAVELLIVE
ß\NG Bì Lö C• HóI THAM D# NH~NG S# KIåN ßÖC S¿C TÑI CÉC ßIÕM ß⁄N TRONG VÄ NGOÄI N¶õC T\ 15/05 - 15/06/2018 Do not miss chances to join these amazing events taking place from May15th to June15th, 2018 in Vietnam and other countries. June 1 - 2, Malaysia
April 29 - June 30, Vietnam
gawaI Dayak FestIval, MalaysIa
InternatIonal FIreworks FestIval, Danang
Ng≠Íi ÆÂng bªng vÔng Sarawak tÊ ch¯c l‘ hÈi Gawai Æ” mıng mÔa mµng thæng lÓi. Ha m◊nh vµo s˘ ki÷n ÆÈc Æ∏o nµy, du kh∏ch c„ dp ch¯ng ki’n nh˜ng nghi l‘ truy“n thËng, nh˜ng bµi ca, ti’ng h∏t, nh˜ng Æi÷u nh∂y mÛa vui nhÈn. ß∆c bi÷t lµ Æi÷u mÛa Ngajat Lesong, trong Æ„ mÈt vÚ c´ng sœ ch¯ng t· s¯c mπnh vµ k¸ x∂o cÒa m◊nh bªng c∏ch n©ng chi’c cËi gi∑ gπo bªng hµm r®ng cÒa m◊nh. Ngoµi ra, truy“n thËng qua Æ™m trong rıng cÚng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng nät ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa Gawai.
L‘ hÈi ph∏o hoa quËc t’ ßµ NΩng 2018 quy tÙ 8 ÆÈi thi thuÈc hµng nh˜ng c≠Íng quËc v“ ph∏o hoa cÒa c∏c ch©u lÙc. Du kh∏ch sœ m∑n nh∑n vÌi nh˜ng mµn tr◊nh di‘n cÒa sæc mµu, cÒa ∏nh s∏ng, cÒa ©m thanh tr™n bËi c∂nh lung linh cÒa s´ng Hµn. B™n l“ c∏c Æ™m thi ph∏o hoa cn c„ nhi“u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ÆÈc Æ∏o nh≠: L‘ di‘u hµnh xe hoa ngh÷ thuÀt, carnival Æ≠Íng phË, l‘ hÈi »m th˘c, cuÈc thi flashmod...
This annual festival takes place in Sarawak to mark the end of a successful rice harvest season. Visitors to the event can enjoy traditional rituals, singing, and fun dancing. During the Ngajat Lesong dance, a dancer is to demonstrate his power and skills by lifting the rice mortar with his teeth. Sleeping overnight in the forest is an unique feature of the festival.
The Danang International Fireworks Festival 2018 gathers eight world-class teams from across the globe for the annual competition. Visitors can enjoy spectacular performances of colors, lights, and sounds against the beautiful backdrop of the Han River. A number of events will also be held during the festival including the flower carriage parade, a street carnival, a food festival, ...
May 28, USA lantern FloatIng FestIval, HawaII
1 0
June 9 - 11, Italy genzano InFIorata Flower FestIval
ß©y lµ nghi l‘ PhÀt gi∏o truy“n thËng Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi b∑i bi”n Ala Moana. Tπi Æ©y, nh˜ng ng≠Íi tham gia vi’t lÍi c«u nguy÷n vµ th∂ ÆÃn lÂng ra bi”n Æ” t´n vinh nh˜ng binh l›nh Æ∑ hi sinh trong chi’n tranh ho∆c nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ∑ thi÷t mπng do c∏c tai h‰a th∂m khËc. ß©y cÚng lµ dp t≠Îng nhÌ nh˜ng ng≠Íi th©n y™u Æ∑ qua ÆÍi. BuÊi l‘ mang th´ng Æi÷p h≠Ìng tÌi th’ giÌi ha b◊nh trong khung c∂nh †m ∏p.
TÊ ch¯c Æ«u ti™n vµo n®m 1778, l‘ hÈi hoa truy“n thËng Infiorata Genzano Æ∑ trÎ thµnh mÈt s˘ ki÷n t´n gi∏o, lch sˆ, d©n gian nÊi ti’ng nh†t n≠Ìc ≥. M‰i ng≠Íi tı khæp n¨i ÆÊ v“ con Æ≠Íng Via Belardi d…n Æ’n nhµ thÍ Santa Maria della Cima Æ” chi™m ng≠Ïng nh˜ng th∂m hoa tuy÷t Æãp, Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ nh≠ c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt. Vµo ngµy cuËi cÔng, h‰c sinh Æa ph≠¨ng Æ≠Óc phäp chπy trµn l™n th∂m hoa Æ” x„a tan chÛng nh≠ mÈt nghi th¯c ch†m d¯t l‘ hÈi.
Originally a traditional Buddhist ceremony held at Ala Moana Beach. Here, participants write prayers on candelit paper lanterns and release them to sea to honor those who have lost their lives in war or to catastrophic disasters, as well as loved ones who have passed away. The ceremony prays for a future of peace and harmony for the world as dusk descends.
Firstly held in 1778, the Genzano Infiorata Flower Festival and the celebration of the Eucharist have become the most famous religious, historical, and folklore-based event in Italy. People from everywhere flock to the Via Belardi Road that leads to the Church of Santa Maria della Cima to admire amazing flower beds designed as art works. On the last day of the festival, local students are allowed to run over the flower beds to clear them as a ritual to end the festival.