VISC204 Project 2: Posters for the Harm Reduction Coalition
Travis Bodell
History & Advocacy — Harm reduction ideals have been practicted by advocacy groups since the 70s. Prepare for the inevitable instead of pretending like it isn’t happening. — Starkly opposite approach to Nixon’s War on Drugs when addressing America addiction. — Recognizes the role that systemic racism and injustice plays in America’s drug abuse problem. — Aims to provide resources for addicts to get help while also providing the means for safer drug use; break stigma on seeking help.
Travis Bodell
Audience — There are two main groups I could target: the drug users themselves, or those unfamiliar with or critical of what the Coalition advocates for. Users themselves are more likely to benefit from a tangible list of — resources rather than punchy statements about destigmatizing drug use. — Those unsure of what harm reduction means or stands for are the most reachable audience.
Travis Bodell
Messaging — The HRC works to establish community and educate both users and non-users. This means a lot of their messaging comes in the form of bulks of information and infographics. Ending the War on Drugs (criminalization of drug use that — resulted in mass incarceration, particularly of black men) is a prominent messgae — Learning to administer Naloxone is a harm reduction process, so I was thinking of using that as a starting point. — A needle seemed too aggressive and scary for a neutral audience.
Travis Bodell
Photo-Based Sketches
Travis Bodell
Type-Based Sketches
Travis Bodell
Type-Based Sketches
Travis Bodell
Poster Drafts Type-Based
Travis Bodell
Poster Drafts
Travis Bodell
Poster Drafts Type-Based
Travis Bodell
Poster Drafts
Travis Bodell
Poster Drafts
Travis Bodell
Chalk Letter Exploration — I made a complete chalk alphabet for my first poster idea, which gave me a lot of practice working with texture TIFs.
Travis Bodell
Idea 1 Variations
Travis Bodell
Idea 2 Variations
Travis Bodell
Idea 3 Variations
Travis Bodell
Idea 4 Variations
Travis Bodell
Editorial Art Sketches — My article was about how needle exchanges not only prevent the spread of disease, they are also financially sound.
Travis Bodell
Editorial Art Sketches
Travis Bodell
Editorial Art Drafts
Travis Bodell
Editorial Art Drafts
Travis Bodell
Final Posters Me talking to myself: This is easily the most I’ve learned during a single project in my time at KU. This was my first time using texture extensively as a designer (they don’t teach you that stuff in high school newspaper) and I’m content with what I was able to produce. There was also an emphasis on the meaning and concept behind design during this project. I felt like the entire project started to make sense once I began to keep the concept at the front of my mind while designing.
Travis Bodell
Final Posters Mock-Ups Image-Based
Travis Bodell
Final Editorial Art Me talking to myself: I am way less satisfied with how this turned out compared to my two posters. This part of the project made it clear to me just how short the turnaround is for editorial artwork, and now I know I want nothing to do with ed art ever again! I think my messaging is pretty much there, but I think I could have found a way of execution more pertinent to my topic.
Travis Bodell