LEDinside- Belight vol.06

Page 1

Commercial Space Lighting With Smart LED Light Source

We bring quality to light.

LED test & measurement solutions from the world leader Instrument Systems continues to set the benchmark in LED metrology. Whether testing individual LEDs (standard or high-power), LED modules, or OLEDs - the global LED industry relies on us to engineer superior measurement equipment for high-speed production testing and high-performance R&D and QC applications.

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light measurement Instrument Systems Germany · Phone: +49 89 45 49 43 0 · info@instrumentsystems.com · www.instrumentsystems.com


BeLight vol.03, 2010

vol.03, 2010 BeLight





Cover story Commercial Space Lighting With Smart LED Light Source


- Commercial Space Lighting, The Pioneer of LED Lighting -by Ivan Lin


- Basic Knowledge About Different Kinds of LED Power Supplies -by Ivan Lin


- LED Will Lead The Way For Next Generation Of Outdoor Lighting -by Ivan Lin


- Key issue of LED Street Light


- LIGHTING JAPAN 2011, 3rd LED/OLED Lighting Technology Expo -by Ivan Lin

Advertiser’s Index IFC

Market Watch



Instrument Systems




ATP Electronics Ltd.


- LED Price: Demand recovery not in sight -by Doris Yang


- From Financial Reports of Major LED Manufacturers: The Outlook in 2011 -by Roger Chu


- The Trend of LED Backlight Modules for TV and Monitor -by Eric Chou


- The Niche Points of LED Application in Head Lamp of Vehicle -by Duff Lu


GlacialTech, Inc.


Leeleds Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.


Macroblock, Inc.






WellyPower Optronics Corp.


ThermoKing Technology


Shanghai Int'l Lighting Expo 2011




LEDinside Greater China Events 2011


LEDinside Market Intelligence


Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd.


- High Thermal Conductive Organic Substrate Materials For LEDS




- Veeco Launches New LED MOCVD Multi-Reactor System TurboDisc MaxBright





LEDinside Advertising Info

- High Voltage LEDs -Create Commercially Sensible and Simple Solid State Lighting Integral Lamps -by Ewing Liu


BeLight Advertising Info


- Principles of Choosing LED Lamps -by Ivan Lin


BeLight Subscription Form


2011 LED Event Lighting


Messe Frankfurt (GILE)

OBC Philips Lumileds

Interview 34

- Osram will continue to focus on the market of vehicle application,lighting and consumer electronics Interview with with Dr. Alfred Felder, President and CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Asia Ltd. -by Ivan Lin


- Win the world and create the high-quality LED lighting enterprise Interview with vice president of Kunshan Lutek. -by Ivan Lin




vol.06, 2011

According to LEDinside, revenues from LED lighting applications are estimated at $1.8 billion in 2010, an 81% annual growth rate compared to 2009, of which, architectural lighting and projection for commercial purposes account for the majority. In general lighting market, the price difference between LEDs used in indoor lighting and traditional lamps is still significant, and thus, it creates a huge hurdle in consumers’ willingness to switch. Climate change has brought more pressure on countries around the globe to reduce carbon emissions, and governments in many countries continue to implement subsidies for renewable energy and other means of carbon reduction. Japan, being the most representative country among all, carried out a comprehensive plan called “EcoPoint,” aiming to provide subsidies for energy-saving household appliances. The outcome was a huge success in 2010. In particular, the Japanese government encouraged consumers to use the Eco-Point obtained from buying appliance in exchange for free LED bulbs, which indirectly stimulated the LED market. Eco-Point program was initially slated to expire at the end of 2010, but considering the domestic economic condition, the Japanese government extended the subsidy till March 2011. There is currently no official information as to whether there will be other similar subsidy policies after Eco-Point is terminated.

Ivan Lin

2010 is an evolutionary year for LED manufacturers, while 2011 will become brighter year.

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First Published In 2009 © 2011 LEDinside, a subsidiary of TrendForce Corp. All rights reserved.



Commercial Space Lighting:

The Pioneer of LED Lighting C

ompared with home lighting, which is designed for the sake of creating a homely and comfortable atmosphere, commercial space lighting is more diverse and features special and trendy elements in order to cater to different needs of various commercial spaces. In recent years, the percentage of LED lighting application in commercial spaces has been on a gradual increase due to following reasons:

1. Its excellent compatibility with commercial space lighting. 2. It requires higher initial cost, which makes it more affordable in terms of commercial space lighting application. 3. It is economical. 4. Its light directivity. 5. Its flexibility in adopting space-saving design. In daily life, natural light is considered the most accessible for human beings, and it matches perfectly with nature. We tend to feel the warmth in a natural light environment.


BeLight vol.06, 2011

Status of commercial lighting

Commercial lighting needs to fit the design of commercial space.

The quality of light source plays a critical role not only in commercial space lighting design but also in optimizing the use of space. The use of lighting in commercial exhibition space is more important than in any other kind of architectural space, because a good lighting design brings attention to the products, as well as establishes the tone of interior design in exhibition space, which helps build a solid image of the commercial exhibition.

According to DOE, solid-state lighting (SSL) has the capability to save 15 billion USD a year in energy costs by 2030, which makes SSL a key part of administration efforts to recognize energyefficient lighting technologies. The industry of commercial lighting is rapidly changing with new technologies that achieve substantial energy savings, better control of light, and help improve the global environment. Good design of LED light source could get into ready-to-ship components that can enable industry to develop highly efficient LED fixtures from main lighting to downlights and from desk lamps to A-lamps.



Commercial space lighting: What you can do to save more energy Despite of the increasing focus on energy conservation and the ongoing development of energy-saving products among lighting manufacturers, energy conservation still seems to be easier said than done – high-energyconsumption caused by commercial lighting of stores is a prime example. As commercial store designs become more trendy and refined, it inevitably results in an increase in energy consumption. In general, energy consumption caused by commercial lighting of stores accounts for 25% of total energy consumption of the building. Such consumption is quite a burden for store owners, which leads to a question: how to achieve energy conservation in commercial lighting?

When it comes to commercial space lighting, besides safety issues and creating a satisfying and comfortable visual environment, maximizing energy conservation should always be made the first priority. Currently, the primary usage of LED lighting in commercial space is regarding indirect lighting and display window lighting: the former replaces fluorescent tubes with LED strips, and with different wavelengths, LED strip will present in different colors, embellishing the commercial space with a varied ambiance; the latter replaces M16 halogen light bulbs with MR16 LED light bulbs, generating considerable energy saving.

about a bigger demand than residental spaces, which comparatively becomes a wasteful design. Nonetheless, for commercial purposes, these ambient and decorative lighting designs are indispensable. Therefore, in order to reduce cost, it is vital to adopt LED lights in commercial space lighting. While choosing light sources for commercial spaces, we suggest T5 phosphoric tube as the main source, which is cheaper by comparison, and use LED lights for indirect lighting, decorative lighting, and partial lighting for display windows, floor, and storeroom.

In addition to these two LED applications known to the world of commercial space lighting , trendy lighting design brings vol.06, 2011 BeLight




1. The quality of light source is important. 1 2


2. With new idea, the LED lighting fixutures looks better. 4


3. There are more commercial lighting ideas to come. 4. Many commercial lighting application are used in restaurant. 5. Redesign the LED light source shape.


BeLight vol.06, 2011



When we design lighting for commercial spaces, the quality of LED lights outweighs other factors. LED products with shorter service life may not last as long as that of the written service years of the products, and the benefit of energy saving will also likely be compromised – for example, inefficient LED driver IC and thermal design will reduce the lighting efficiency of LED lights. In the world of commercial space lighting, it is not just about minimizing the cost by choosing relatively cheap LED lights with questionable quality; only by taking the quality of LED lights into serious consideration will we be able to reduce the total cost.

OLED is rising Another good light source of commercial lighting is the OLED. It is a good flat type lighting source. OLED can achieve the luminous efficiency of 100 lm/w, which is expected for further development in 2011. The great urgency is to cut the production cost of OLED, and maintain the strong competitive edge in the market of commercial space, residential lighting, and office illumination.

In large space, OLED lighting will become main type of flat light source.

-By Ivan Lin (Chief Editor)

vol.06, 2011



Basic Knowledge About Different Kinds of LED Power Supplies Although LED power saving efficiency is higher than ordinary light sources, it can not be connected directly to public grid voltage like those ordinary ones. It should be configured with special voltage switching device, which can supply it with rated voltage and current, providing a sound condition for it to function normally. This is the so-called special power supply for LED.

LED power supply can be classified into six types according to the structure of the circuit


Conventional transformer step-down Although the size of this kind of power supply is very small, it is a bit heavy, and the efficiency is very low, at about 45%~60%. Also, its reliability is not high, so it is rarely used.


Electronic transformer step-down The disadvantages of this kind of power supply is its low switching efficiency, narrow voltage range (about 180~240V), and its strong ripple interference.


Capacitance step-down This kind of LED power supply can easily be influenced by the grid voltage fluctuation, and the efficiency is very low. It is not recommended to use it in flashing LEDs because the charge anddischarge

process in the capacitance step-down circuit will cause extremely large instant current flow, which can easily damage the chip in the flashing LEDs.


Resistance step-down The power supply efficiency in this kind of circuit as well as its reliability is very low. The circuit is interfered by the grid voltage fluctuation, so it is difficult for the power supply to stabilize its voltage. Large power consumption is another disadvantage for this resistance stepdown power supply.


RCC step-down switching power supply

Advantages: wide range of stabilized voltage; high power supply efficiency (at about 70%~80%).

Disadvantages: difficult to control the switching frequency; large ripple coefficient of the load voltage; weak loading adaptability in abnormal condition.


PWM control switching power supply At present, the PWM control switching p o w e r s u p p l y i s m u c h m o re i d e a l t h a n other kinds of power supplies. Its output voltage and current are very stable, and the efficiency can reach as high as 80%~90%. This kind of LED power supply is made of four parts: input rectification filter, output rectification filter, PWM voltage stabilizing control unit, and power switching unit. High reliability is another advantage for this power supply because the circuit is well protected.



LED Will Lead The Way For Next Generation Of Outdoor Lighting -By Ivan Lin (Chief Editor)

LED outdoor fixtures need customization


The issue of "Climate Change" has effectively raised the awareness of energy saving and emission reduction around the world, which will lead to brighter prospects in the global LED street lamp market. In fact, many outdoor lighting companies have done well in the global market. In developed countries, such as those in Europe and America, enterprises must boost their R&D input to


ensure a stable quality of LED outdoor lighting fixtures in different climates.


enerally speaking, those who believe that there is no possibility of a large scale replacement with LED for outdoor lighting mainly take two factors into account: the quality and cost of LED street lamps. The quality problem exists in all aspects: luminous flux, luminous efficacy, luminous decay, thermal dissipation, color temperature, luminance distribution, stability, homogeneity, power supply, and lifespan of other components. The LED outdoor lighting, however, has its own strength in energy-saving, theoretically long service life, and environmental-friendliness. As green environmental protection becomes a global theme today, it has won extensive support from governments and industries. Breaking the bottleneck is only a matter of time, as governments around the world increase funding for LED industry input and aids. A high input into LED research and production from governments and enterprises will effectively enhance the quality of LED products and reduce the cost. With continuous enhancement of LED chip efficiency, the energy saving advantage of LED products will become more remarkable. In the future, as new materials and technologies are adopted in the LED outdoor lighting, its overall quality problems, including luminous efficacy, lumen depreciation, heat dissipation, color temperature, luminance distribution, homogeneity, stability, and power supply, will have better solutions. Technological advancements and mass production will not only effectively lower the cost but also gradually resolve the existing bottlenecks of the LED for outdoor lighting.


BeLight vol.06, 2011

Customization is to produce the best and most suitable products to meet different needs. Since LEDs for outdoor lighting are used in different environments, needs vary widely depending on time, location, and weather. W h e n t h e L E D st re e t l a m p industry reaches a mature stage, manufacturers are fully capable of providing LED street lamps according to various needs and, even further, offering the best solution based on information provided by the customer. Major countries and regions, including China, America, Japan, Taiwan, a n d Ko re a , a re d e ve l o p i n g industry standards for LED street lamps and other outdoor lighting fixtures, whose implementation will give better benchmarks and guarantees for LED outdoor lighting development and production. New research topics on LED outdoor lighting needs are proposed. A systematic research needs to be conducted to determine the most suitable l i g h t s o u rc e a n d d e s i g n i n different environments. Due to the specialty of the l i g ht s o u rc e , t h e o ret i ca l l y, LED fixtures can present any

color. However, there is still no authoritative theory about the most suitable color and brightness under different road conditions. For example, many car owners found LED street lamps fixed on some roads better than high pressure sodium lamps. As sharp performance discrepancies exist under various road conditions, the government or industry can organize experts conduct a systematic research on the needs of light under different road conditions (including altitude, area, climate, time, and user), in order to discover the best solutions. For instance, different surroundings require the light color to be white, yellow, even red, green, or blue; other requirements include luminous flux or luminance distribution and so on. When those research results form a comprehensive database, LED fixtures makers will be able to offer product meeting specific needs. It is even possible for an LED street lamp with automatic adjustment system to give off different colors according to varying needs.


1 2




1. Outdoor lighting could match with Solar energy. 2.Multiple outdoor lighting system could add with smart control system. 3. Outdoor lighting from Avox, Japan. 4. LED street lighting from EverLight, Taiwan.

vol.06, 2011 BeLight



Intelligent Control System

LED makers expand R&D investment

Intelligent Control System is another advantage over traditional outdoor lighting. Unlike conventional light sources, in terms of some features, LED is an electronic component which can be intelligent-controlled via IC. Current LED intelligent control system can perform stepless control of LED brightness based on road conditions so as to extend the service life of the LED street lamp and save energy.

LED makers should raise the proportion of financial input for the R&D, instead of rushing to establish production bases.

For example, the LED outdoor intelligent control system is composed of the following intelligent control devices: motion image sensor components to detect moving objects on the road and transmit the result to the microprocessor, which receives the detection result, and generates orders of programmed lighting time and transmit them to the switch control, which keeps the specified LED lamp on for programmed timelength. The intelligent control devices also include communication components, like a sender and a receiver. Moreover, the motion image sensor components can detect the moving direction of a moving object, which in turn is sent to the microprocessor to light up the LED outdoor fixtures right in the direction in advance. In future, the ultimate development of the intelligent control system may realize not only the automatic adaption of the brightness, color, and angle of the LED street lamp is based on different environments, but also the real-time monitoring of the lamp is used in order to achieve optimization under intelligent control.



BeLight vol.06, 2011

When LED technology becomes mature, its strength in ecofriendliness will be more salient. Nowadays, the LED industry is one of the most promising industries, where the speed of technological advancement has gone beyond imagination and industry standards are being established. When the LED street lamp has a stable quality, long lifetime, and intelligent control, its cost will then lower to an acceptable range, and LED street lamps will ultimately replace the conventional ones. Although the development of LED outdoor lighting is not as fast as expected, it still embraces a bright future. Optimistic about the outlook that LED street lamp sare to replace conventional ones, LED enterprises are rushing to invest in LED street lamp R&D. Currently, there are over a hundred companies that launched LED street lamps, but most of them have not materialize mass production. Despite the promising outlook, faced with insufficient market demand at present, a question about how to make wise decisions poses a headache for all LED companies. While their sales volume of LED street lamps has already reached a certain scale, more companies thrive on sales of other products rather than sales of LED street lamps. Apart from those mentioned above, there are quite a few large projects under construction or ready for construction optimization under intelligent control.

Outdoor lighting concept demo from AOP, Taiwan.

Key issue of LED Street Light In

recent years, LED lighting efficiency has largely increased from 150lm/W (2010~2011). Judging from the increasing LED efficiency, LED products are expected to replace traditional lighting , especially in high power consumption products. Due to the extensive lighting market, there are various new market entrants in the recent years. However, the quality of the LED products became a concern, especially among the new companies. On the other hand, the characteristic of LED is obviously different from that of the traditional lamp. For example, increase of halogen lamp efficiency depends on increasing the heat, but overheating is a problem for LEDs. Directivity of LEDs are very different from that of traditional lamps. Due to theexisting differences, the thermal, optical, power,

mechanism, and control of LEDs becomes crucial in their design as lighting products. Topics about LED streetlights have been widely discussed due to the scale of its market and its power-saving performance, especially for replacing the 250W or 400W mercury lamp. To build LED streetlights, the key issue is to reach and meet a specific specification. For example, it needs to guarantee a lifespan of 5 years (though LED lifespan is approximately 50,000hours), meet the specific light pattern requirement to comply with roadway regulations, reach dust and water-resistance at IP65, and provide enough mechanism strength, etc. Based on these requirements, the design of LED streetlights needs to take thermal, optical, power, and mechanism into consideration.



LIGHTING JAPAN 2011 3rd LED/OLED Lighting Technology Expo – Taiwan Pavilion


3rd LED/OLED Lighting Technology Expo was held at Tokyo Big Sight between January 19th and 21st, featuring a wide variety of equipments, components, materials for designing and manufacturing technology of LED/OLED lighting devices. With over 400 exhibitors from 15 countries, LIGHTING JAPAN proved to be the best opportunity for business and network expansion in the LED/ OLED lighting industry of Asian market.


Exhibition Highlights:

Opcom introduced its new products with good thermal dissipation and efficiency

With increasing application of LED technology, the LED/OLED Lighting Fixture Fair was established as a special fair at LIGHTING JAPAN 2011. Suppliers showcased end products of LED/OLED lighting in various application fields, such as LED/OLED lighting for housing, LED streetlight, LED backlight, and automotive interior LEDs. A great number of exhibitors from 15 countries participated in LIGHTING JAPAN, and important s u p p l i e r s a n d m a n u fa c t u r e r s ga t h e r e d i n t h re e r e g i o n a l p av i l i o n s - S e o u l Pav i l i o n , Taiwan Pavilion, and China Pavilion. These suppliers exhibited a great number of newly launched products and technologies of high quality, yet with low cost. As for the visitors, a large n u m b er o f p ro fes s i o n a l s p ec i a l i st s from both domestic and overseas attended the exhibition and other concurrent events. In particular, many industry heavyweights visited LIGHTING JAPAN for technical consultations and business meetings, and attended the technical conferences to learn about the latest industry trends and build business and network connections.


addition to the latest LED trends and m a r ke t i n fo r m a t i o n p r e s e n t e d b y European and American manufacturers, Japanese manufacturers exhibited a variety of new materials, components, and LED lighting products; products showcased by Taiwan manufacturers were among the most coveted items at the exhibition. Upon interviewing with Japanese manufacturers, LEDinside noted that some m a n u fa c t u re rs a d o pte d e p i c h i ps f ro m


BeLight vol.06, 2011

LED lighting panels introduced by Epoch

Ta i wa n - b a s e d L E D c h i p m a n u fa c t u re rs . A n u m b e r o f Ta i w a n - b a s e d L E D c h i p manufacturers. A number of Taiwan-based LED chip manufacturers, including LiteO n Te c h n o l o g y, Eve r l i g ht , a n d FO R E P I , actively participated in the exhibition. B.J. Lee, Chairman of Epistar, a leading Taiwanbased LED epi wafer manufacturer, attended several important events and made a speech. In the Taiwan manufacturers’ exhibition section, Taiwan manufacturer Opto Tech, w h i c h h a s c l o s e b u s i n e s s re l a t i o n s h i p

with Japanese LED maker Nichia, also showcased LED lighting products that are in line with Japan’s JEL 801 specifications, a move that is substantially helpful in securing orders in the Japanese market. The JEL 801 specifications are relatively more rigorous, and these requirements are uniquely applied in Japan. Despite certain disputes regarding the detailed requirements, many Japanese manufacturers introduced L E D p ro d u c t s t h at a re co m p l i a nt to t h e JEL 801 specifications (such as ROHM) at



1. Optotech launched LED tube light






the exhibition. According to manufacturers that LEDinside interviewed, some LED lighting projects, such as private company buildings, do not strictly specify the compliance to JEL 801 specifications. JEL 801 compliance would be one of the key issues of discussion in government projects and government subsidies for replacements with LED lighting in the energysaving stimulus package going forward. Taiwan manufacturers’ booths were set up in West Pavilion 2 at LIGHTING JAPAN, including

2. In addition to showcasing LED lighting products, Sunlike Display Tech also presented a series of OLED display module 3. TeamWin introduced LED downlights 4. LED lighting panels introduced by Epoch 5. Optotech launched LED tube light

Epoch, Opto Tech, FITI, FSP Technology, TeamWin Opto-electronics, Keeper Technology, which is Tekcore’s subsidiary company, T-Bestek, Advanced Tech, LEDlink, Linkcom, Neotroni, Sun Pro Optronic, Bo Sheng Yang, Sunlike Display Tech, and Unistar Opto. Taiwan manufacturers primarily exhibited LED components, LED lighting products, and LED modules. In particular, Sunlike Display Tech showcased OLED modules for small-sized digital screens for basic display purposes, which used the same

s et s o f O L E D p a n e l p ro d u c e d by Ta i wa n manufacturers. The effect of the OLED panel is better than that of the small-sized LED screens that had been in the market in the past – images displayed from these OLED screens are visible from afar, though consuming around 30% more energy than that of LED digital module. In addition, the light panels introduced by Taiwan-based Epoch for office lighting, as well as artistically designed LED light panel, were also outstanding at the exhibition.

vol.06, 2011 BeLight


The Art Inside Intelligent Lighting If your visions are to become reality you need both creativity and technical expertise. With us you are the artist – creating light, connecting light, controlling light. As a proven solutions provider to some of the world’s leading lighting companies, as well as a pioneer in enabling green technologies, Renesas Electronics has what it takes to help you realise your visions in energy-efficient, safety certified and network-enabled intelligent lighting.



World’s 1st microcontroller with integrated constant current driver for large scale high brightness LED systems.

Graphically create complex lighting sequences, colour mixes, fine-step dimming, flashing and strobing.

World’s 1st microcontroller providing LED drive and Power Factor Correction in a single chip.

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Award-winning high integration, dedicated function low cost fluorescent & HID ballast microcontrollers.


No previous experience needed with dedicated starter kits and software tools for white, colour and general lighting.

Complete 1st class support from the world’s leading microcontroller supplier. Full development & reference platforms. Full software libraries. Full solution portfolio: - Power MOSFET’s - IGBT’s - Optocouplers - LED Drivers - PFC IC’s - ZigBee™ - Powerline ...




demand recovery not in sight Pressure of 2010 Q4 LED price decline expected to According to the latest price survey Due to relatively stable demand from extend till by LEDinside, an LED research division mobile phone applications, LED prices

2011 Q1


BeLight vol.06, 2011

of TrendForce, in 2010 Q4, demand from LED applications still has not recovered, including continued inventory adjustment of large-size panels and lower-than-expected demand from general lighting. As a result, pressure of LED price decline extends from 2010 Q3. Among them, price of LED for large-size panel applications fell by 5%-9%, with most substantial decline in TV backlight applications; high power LED lighting applications declined by more than 12%.

in this segment are fairly stable with a mere 3% seasonally adjusted decrease.

As for prices of LEDs in large-size backlight applications in 2010 Q4 due to slowerthan-expected panel shipment recovery, vendors have adjusted shipments, while LED demand recovery is not yet in sight. Hence, in TV backlight applications, LED prices of mainstream specification 5630 decreased by 9%, to US$ 0.11 ~ US$ 0.15, while LED prices of LCD notebook backlight dropped by 5%-6%.



LEDinside noted that at this stage, LED prices for mobile backlighting applications, including specifications 0.4t and 0.6t, are relatively stable

due to stable shipment; price decline for this segment is estimated at 3% in 2010 Q4. In high power LED lighting applications, LED prices declined substantially, affected by weak demand coupled with inventory pressure; prices of mainstream specification 100-120lm plummeted by 2% in 2010 Q4.

2011 Q1 LED market price outlook Due to greater inventory pressure from large-size backlight applications, LEDinside expects demand in this segment to recover gradually at the end of 2011 Q1; therefore, price pressure is expected to ease thereafter. As for the price of LED in LCD TV applications, LEDinside estimates a 9% decline in 2011 Q1. High power LED may face pressure from inventory clearing; therefore, its prices are expected to post a double-digit decline.

Doris Yang Research Manager

vol.06, 2011 BeLight


Wellypower Optronics Corporation; part of AUO and BenQ groups, also a Taiwan IPO company; is one of the world top manufacturers of Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL), Light Emitting Diode (LED), and Hot Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (HCFL) for TFT LCD backlight and lighting applications. With more than 15 years experiences of manufacturing, Wellypower has been known as reliable and responsible partner in this industry.

T5 Fluorescents

LED AR111 10W

HE , HO ,UV-CUT types

LED Bulb 7W


LED Linear Light 4W, 8W, 12W. 16W


LED Desk Lamp Max 12W


8W, 12W. 18W, 21W

Slim LED Down Light 12W

Slim CCFL Down Light 12W

Wellypower Optronics Corporation Address : No.20-1, Kwang-Fu N Rd., Hsin-Chu Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu Hsien, Taiwan (303) EMAIL: lighting@wellypower.com Telephone : 886-3-5977182




(LED Tunnel Light)


01 Innovated and owns patents of 3 major dissipation methods as international intellectual properties Natural、Force flow and Liquid cooling system. 02 The first and only light-weight 350W high power LED projection light in the world – efficient to replace the traditional 1000W Mercury projection light. 03 Collaborates with world famous LED chip manufacturers: OSRAM & CREE. 04 Approved by UL, CE, CNS, C-Tick, PSE certifications. 05 Obtained ISO9001, ISO14001 for quality assurance. 06 Awarded the gold prize and the silver prize in the international invention fairs of Taipei. 07 Awarded "The Taiwan Best Brand " prize of the LED lamp manufacturing industry.

Headquarter & RD Center: No. 22, Wuquan 3 rd Road, Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 24891, Taiwan TEL:+886-(0)2-22983728 FAX:+886-(0)2-22983702



From Financial Reports of Major LED Manufacturers:

The Outlook

in 2011

2010 was a fruitful year for the LED industry. A recent survey by LEDinside suggests that, in 2010, the sales revenues of LED companies were up 40 ~ 50% compared to 2009. Due to the decline in demand in the LED backlight and lighting market, the 4Q10 financial performance of LED companies were not as strong as expected. Yet, from LED companies’ future outlook, released in their financial reports, most companies remain optimistic about 2011. Although the demand for LED backlight and lighting market will increase substantially in 2011, concerns about oversupply in LED market still exists. Therefore, LEDinside predicts a fierce price war amongst LED industries in 2011. Only companies that are able to cut costs without sacrificing quality will win the battle.

TV Vendors to Aggressively Introduce LED Backlit Specification in 2011


2010 TV Brand

Total TV Shipment

LED TV Shipment


TV Brand

Brand's BP%

LED TV Shipment

LED TV (%)
























































































Source: LEDinside, Witsview

Major lighting manufacturers, such as Philips and Osram, are making a breakthrough into LED lighting market. Amongst Philips' lighting products, revenues from LED lighting products account for 14% of traditional lighting in 4Q10, on account of the fact that over 200 lighting stores in China provide a series of professional LED solutions and that the

BeLight vol.06, 2011



Source: LEDinside, Witsview, Jan/2011

Major Lighting Manufacturers Making a Breakthrough in LED Lighting Market, LED Lighting Applications Market Affected by Ongoing Inventory Adjustment


LEDinside Est.

Total TV Shipment

profit growth in India and North America compensates for the decline in Western E u ro p e ; L E D l i g ht i n g g rew by 4 t i m e s compared to that of 4Q09. Benefited from the growth of emerging markets in Asia and Australia, Osram's 4Q10 sales revenues of LED department were up 14% compared to 4Q09. On the other hand, suffering from profit

decline in Asia, 4Q10 sales revenues of Cree, a LED lighting component supplier, underperformed. As a result, accounts receivable turnover increased to 47 days, while inventory turnover increased to 96 days. As for the outlook in 1Q11, Cree indicated that affected by ongoing inventory adjustments from Asian customers, first quarter revenues are expected to reduce to $245-265 million dollars.



Sapphire Substrate Market Still Going China's Subsidy Policy Underpins 4Q10 LED TV model number in chain Store Demand for MOCVD Equipment Strong Rubicon Technology Inc., a provider of sapphire substrate (LED upstream material), announces in its financial report: 4Q10 revenues reached $29.537 million dollars (YoY+246%, QoQ+44%). The surge in its revenue growth is attributed to the capacity expansion from new factories, and favorable price position caused by short supply of sapphire substrate. The company's gross profit margin also increased by 63%, up from 54% in 3Q10. With sapphire substrate price remaining stable, Rubicon Technology expects revenues to reach $34~36 million dollars, a 20% QoQ increase. Based on the observation of LEDinside, the short supply of sapphire substrate has improved from last year, leading to downward adjustment in price of sapphire substrate. With sapphire ingot price remaining high, a decrease in profit is expected in sapphire substrate chip plants. Sapphire substrate companies in South Korea, China, and Taiwan, however, continue to expand their capacity of sapphire ingot. Hence, LEDinside expects supply and demand gap in sapphire substrate industry to narrow in 2H11.

A Considerable Growth Expected in LED Backlight Market in 2011 South Korean company LG Innotek's 4Q10 sales revenues of LED products reached 211 billion WON (YoY +101%, QoQ -17%), influenced by inventory adjustments and price decline of LED TV. Samsung LED's 4Q10 sales revenues reached 210.6 billion WON (YoY-7%, QoQ-39%). Seoul Semi's 4Q10 sales revenues reached 222.2 billion WON

Veeco's 4Q10 MOCVD equipment sales revenue hit a record high 240 million dollars (YoY+246%, QoQ+44%), with orders from more than 20 companies, most of them producing lighting applications in China. However, the company’s 1 Q 1 1 r e v e n u e o u t l o o k i s b e l o w m a r ke t expectations, which is mainly due to deferred revenue recognition for 15-20 sets of their new MOCVD equipment "MaxBright". Veeco remains optimistic about the 1Q11 performance due to following reasons: 1. Benefitied from China's subsidy policy, many new LED companies will continue to increase demand for MOCVD equipment.

TV Brand

LED TV (%)





















2. South Korean companies are expected to Source: LEDinside, Witsview increase orders in second and third quarter, with focus on LED backlight and lighting market. 3. An increase in orders for K465i and MaxBright is expected from Europe, Taiwan, and the United States.

In the short-term, there will be no demand increase in sight in the backlight market, w h i c h w i l l s e ve re l y h u r t t h e re ve n u e performance of South Korean LED companies. Based on the observation of LEDinside, however, in 2011, penetration of largesize LED backlight is on a gradual increase. F u r t h e r, v i r t u a l l y a l l n e w l y l a u n c h e d monitor models adopt LED backlighting, and penetration of LED-backlit LCD TV is expected to reach 40-50%, from 18% in 2010. Hence,

LEDinside expects considerable growth in demand for backlight applications in 2011.

Roger Chu Research Director

vol.06, 2011 BeLight




The Trend of LED Modules for LED backlight modules for LED TV According to the latest survey by WitsView, a research division of TrendForce, due to the sluggish LED TV sales in 4Q10, not only did it affect the demand for LED backlight modules, but also weakened the price negotiation power of backlight module makers. In terms of the cost ratio of the TV backlight light source, for LED products, it has dropped from 60% in 4Q09 to 30% in 1Q11. Compared to the current 25% of CCFL products, the difference has grown rather small. Meanwhile, improvements in the backlight design have also reached a mature stage. Further cost savings will be achieved by focusing on the heat removing aluminum substrate (will be replaced by the SECC) and optical film (further reduce the usage of DBEF films) segments. Specifically, for models that are expected to roll out this quarter, they will basically be divided into two groups. The first will be medium to high-end models employing lightbar on dual vertical sides plus local dimming features. The second will be entry level models that use lightbar on single horizontal sides. The two will be launched simultaneously in an attempt to grab away a bigger share from their CCFL competitors. In 2011, not only are LED monitors experiencing a “slimness wave�, the thickness of LED TVs are also becoming even thinner. Due to the thinness, the middle power 5630


BeLight vol.06, 2011

products will gradually be phased out by the 7020 LED, thereby achieving the same synergy effect as that of the monitors. However, some hurdles remain to be overcome before the slimmer light guide plates can be efficiently produced. One of the issues is that the mainstream extrusion production method becomes harder to manage. Meanwhile, given the large TV display size, utilization of the injection molding technique is also more difficult. Finally, the printing yield rate drops as well when the light guide plate becomes slimmer. As these three obstacles await to be solved, the adoption rate of 2mm light guide plates in ultra slim TVs is projected to be 10~15% in 2011. A more optimized cost structure will naturally bring forth more competitive panel price quotes. Thus, the overall LED TV penetration rate in 2011 is expected to reach 43%. Finally, constrained by the cost and thickness, although direct type LED backlights deliver much better contrast ratios over edge type light sources, it remains difficult to find a suitable position in the current market conditions. For 2011, it is expected that only roughly 10% of LED TVs will employ directtype LEDs.



Backlight TV and Monitor LED backlight modules for LED Monitor Monitor panels ranging from the smaller 18.5W to the larger 23W or 24W, which employ a single light bar configured on the short side (vertical side), are starting to launch in 1Q11. Currently, the smaller cost difference can not be immediately reflected in the panel price. But by taking the 18.5W as an example, the cost difference between LED and CCFL models are now less than $3. Once panel makers begin to promote LED monitor products more aggressively, there is a chance to see LED and CCFL panels having the same price quotes, which will naturally accelerate the penetration of LED monitors into the larger-sized segment. In terms of model type, CCFL prices have dropped to a point where further declines are nearly impossible. In 1Q11, its cost will drop by a mere 2~2.5%. As for the LED models, where production continues to increase, the LED cost pressure remains higher than other components. Coupled by the more aggressive attitude of panel and backlight makers in the lightbar price negotiations, the quarterly price decline of LEDs and lightbars is predicted to reach 6%. This should result in a 4~5% drop in the LED backlight cost structure. With the decline being larger than their CCFL counterparts, it will further reduce the cost difference between the two.

Currently, LED backlight modules utilizing the 3 mm light guide plate have become the market mainstream. Korean panel makers have been adopting the design more quickly, and their shipment of the slim 2mm LED monitors should reach 30~40% this year, evidently higher than the 20% global average. From LED specification standpoint, manufacturers are phasing out the old format and adopting the 7020 instead. The 7020 is packed in a longer manner and uses middle-powered LEDs. As manufacturers continue to try to reduce the number of LEDs, adoption of the longer 7020 LEDs appears to be a response in solving the persisting hot spot problem, which is created by the uneven lighting distribution from the sides. In light of the current respective 55% LED monitor set and 59% LED panel market penetration rates, the required PMMA monitor light guide plates are predicted to account for 36% of the total demand.

Eric Chiou Research Director

vol.06, 2011





The Niche Points of LED Application in Head Lamp of Vehicle

26 30

BeLight vol.03, 2010



ith the stable development of LED industry, LED application fields have been developed from primary backlight to automotive lighting. It is estimated that LED shares of entire lighting market will increase from 20% in 2011 to 60% in 2014, and the luminous efficiency and heat dissipation technique will also achieve great improvements. In other words, the era of LED application in vehicle is coming soon. As the improvement of automotive electronics in transmission efficiency and high-voltage modularization, the achievements of vehicle industry have been introduced in more vehicle designs. At present, there are 3 standards for LED head lamps, including service life, cost, and energy saving. In terms of service life, LED front light, equivalent to common HID head lamp, can be used for about 20,000 hours. As for cost, because the heat dissipation techniques have not been widely available, the cost is much higher than that of traditional HID head light, and the price gap ranges from 1.5 to 4 times. In other words, LED head lights are mostly equipped in high-grade vehicles. Regarding energy saving, the LED lamps can save 20~30% energy compared with traditional head lights. Because of industrial pace and capacity constraint, the actual usage of vehicle head lights mainly depends on high technology instead of energysaving efficiency. However, with the evolution of automotive electronics, it is expected that LED head lamps will be rapidly and widely popularized in the coming two years.


The Application of Energy Storage System in Transmission Network Besides power generator, grid system also includes other two parts of power transmission facility and terminal user, and energy storage system has the functions of holding buffer, transmission efficiency improvement, and multiple-terminal distributed application. Most of the connections between energy storage system and LED industry belong to terminal usage. The application of energy storage system in transmission network covers various secondary batteries, such as NaS, Hydroelectric, Compressed Air, Super Capacitor, Flywheel, Lead Acid, and LIB. Energy storage system being the source of power generator. Generator includes large-scale battery systems of NaS, Hydroelectric, Compressed Air. Generator is closely connected with the power generator of electrical power system and h a s t h e fe at u re s o f h i g h reliability and low energys t o r a g e c o s t . H o w e v e r, battery system is restricted by special natural environments. Tr a n s m i s s i o n c a n u s e the battery systems with controllable volume, such as Super Nas, Super Capacitor, and Flywheel, which is to ensure stable current. The end user application can be divided into three parts , which are power storage, energy saving, and power generation. Energy saving is mainly for LED and other lighting systems, and power generation matches with the module systems of wind or solar energy. In addition, power storage is generally involved with LIB or Lead Acid, which is closest to ordinary consumers, but main effect factors will still face the challenge of unit price. At present, the unit price of Lead acid energy storage system is about $0.8/Ah, but the use cost of LIB still maintains $2~3/Ah. As a result, there is a huge price gap to overcome when LIB is penetrating into Lead Acid area.

Duff Lu Research Manager


vol.06, 2011 BeLight


LEDinside Greater China Events 2011


EnergyTrend & LEDinside are embarking on joint effort to bring a thematic session "Develop a Smart City by Using Energy Storing, Saving and Novel Energy Technologies" at Green Lighting Shanghai 2011 on May 11th.

LEDinside Market Intelligence 2011 is a new and dynamic year for LED industry, and LEDinside's Market Intelligence program oers extensive research reports on the LED industry, prices and market trends, which will help you gain insights into the rapidly changing LED industry. LEDinside oers 3 extensive and in-depth reports that covers the High Brightness LED Market (gold report), price and market trend (silver report) and customized reports.

Silver Member Service Quarterly Price Information - Netbook / Notebook Application - Mobile Backlight Application - Large-size Backlight(TV/Monitor) Application

Gold Member Service

Customized Report

- Lighting(High Power)Application Quarterly Market Trend - Lighting Market Overview and Forecast

The LED market is a rapidly moving industry, and to provide LED players with the most updated information,

Worldwide LED Market Forecast ad Summary

- Backlight Market Overview and Forecast

01. Worldwide LED Demand

- Show Reports

02. Worldwide LED Supply Forecast

- Product Applications

to reflect the market trend and

03. Cost Analysis Compare to Traditional

- Technology Development

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Light Source

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LEDinside's customized report provides the latest information on the upstream, midstream, LED chip price, and demand

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Contact us at account@ledinside.com | +886-2-77026888 Ann Chang ext. 665 | Joanne Wu ext. 972



Osram will continue to

focus on the market of vehicle application, lighting and consumer electronics >> The exclusive interview with Dr. Alfred Felder, President and CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Asia Ltd.


Besides the fields of lighting and backlight, the LED demand has also increased in the emerging applications of vehicle, projector, and flashlight in recent years. LEDinside had the exclusive interview with Dr. Alfred Felder, the President and CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Asia Ltd., owned by Osram group, and discussed the major LED companies’ views about the future of LED industrial


development, as well as the fields that would become the development direction in the future market.

Osram will continue to focus on the market of vehicle application, lighting and consumer electronics Dr. Alfred Felder previously took the position of the general manager of OLED, the department of the company located in USA, and also worked in Siemens and Infineon Technologies. He believes that the whole LED industry is still an important emerging industry, with a promising future. Osram-OS estimates that the global light source market, applied by general lighting, will increase to USD$ 15.9 billion by 2020. On the occasion, LED light source will develop greatly, accounting for 50% of the total market shares. Besides LED illumination, Osram will also focus on the market of vehicle applications and consumer electronics.

The further improvement of LED light source technology Dr. Alfred Felder says that Osram holds the optimistic attitude toward new ThinGaN technology, which is deemed an excellent solution to improve LED light extraction efficiency. This technology will make the LED light extraction efficiency exceed 80%, which is more favorable than any previous LED product. The advantage of this technology lies in the fact that GaN-based LED component is separated from the original structure and gives off lighting in more effective ways, which will also improve the overall LED IQE efficiency. In addition,


BeLight vol.06, 2011

Source: OSRAM

Diana Thater: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS, a video installation on LED-screens

Osram will also provide UX:3 technology, which can improve the luminance of white LED by 10%-20%. At present, the Osram’s production capacity has reached 120 lm/w, which is expected to reach 200 lm/w in the future. H e b e l i e ve s t h at C R I i s o n e o f the important elements for LED lighting products, which is also different in varioos situations and applications. The primary task of lighting product manufacturers is to

ensure the best quality of LED light source. At the present stage, the Osram LED has achieved the luminous efficiency of 150 lm/w under the LED component with CRI 90 standard. He also points out that Osram’s Ostar, besides multiple-wafer technology, also has the array design of LED wafer. The company has also developed the LED products with high voltage drive, which will contribute to some specific markets in the future.



Benefited from LED light source, the vehicle lighting product will have more innovations. In terms of the vehicle lighting m a r ke t , t h e L E D l i g h t i n g factories will cooperate with v e h i c l e m a n u fa c t u r e r s t o produce more creative and diversified vehicle lamps with the rise of new-model LED light sources, which has been more and more adapted in some vehicle giants’ new senior cars, Hybrids and EVs.

efficiency but also cut CO2 emission. Therefore, the vehicle l i g ht s o u rc e s , f ro m i n s i d e to outside, widely use LED products. Regarding the most energyintensive driving light and the head lamp, with the development of LED manufactures’ technology, the LED lighting has been applied in headlights, which will be used in more vehicles in the future.

He points out that the new vehicles are required to reduce the CO2 emission under Europe policy. Besides the improvement o f e n g i n e e f f i c i e n c y, t h e traditional engine vehicle can also reduce the power consumption of other components, which not only can improve fuel

H e e m p h a s i ze s , t h e y e a rs o f experience in vehicle lighting market ensure that Osram still shows high visibility in LED market. At present, the company’s vehicle LED products, including driving lights, take up about 40% of global market.

Pico light source product will be in large scale in the future In addition, Dr. Alfred Felder predicts that Pico Projector with LED light source will increase to 7 million units in 2013. Besides Pico Projector, the LED light source will also be applied in notebooks, tablet computers, smart phones, and digital cameras, which will become the digital equipments with the function of Pico Projector. LED is the best choice fo r t h e s e P i co P ro j e c to rs .

Osram has also prepared a range of products and will cooperate manufacturers to introduce more products in 2011.

Source: OSRAM

Life-cycle assessment proves how environmentally friendly LED lamps are

OLED lighting focuses on commercial space and indoor illumination Osram has also achieved rapid development in OLED lighting technology. He reveals that OLED light source in the company’s lab can achieve the luminous efficiency of 100 lm/w, which is expected for further development in 2011. However, the current urgency is to cut the production cost of OLED and maintain the strong competitive edge in the market of commercial space, residential lighting, and office illumination. He predicts that OLED lighting market will show obvious growth trend in 2012. By 2016, OLED lighting will achieve commercial success in the fields of cost, production, efficiency, and sales.

Although the quantity is not very large at the primary stage, he is very optimistic about the market development, and Osram has made full preparation. -By Ivan Lin (Chief Editor)

vol.06, 2011 BeLight




The exclusive interview with the vice president of Kunshan Lutek -By Ivan Lin (Chief Editor)

“ Win the world

and create the high-quality LED lighting enterprise ” LEDinside has recently visited Kunshan Lutek Industrial Co., Ltd., a company specializing in LED lighting products. In the interview, Mr. Fang, the vice president of Lutek, explains their efforts and achievements in Chinese and global market and shares his trend forecast of LED market.

Lutek is known for its high power LED street lights with single polycrystal and heat- d i s s i p at i o n ca s i n g. Wi t h its independent thermal emission technology, Lutek a strong position in the market of high power indoor LED lights and making great achievements in the products of office lights, factory lights, special parking lights, outdoor garden lights, and AC bulbs. In Lutek, the fields of patents and standards are also very positive, and many certifications of safety and patent have been passed. The company’s strategy is to focus on the world market and cooperate with the agents to expand the Chinese market.

The unique lighting design and complete safety certification contribute to global marketing Vice president Fang points out that Lutek has exerted more efforts to improve the design of LEDs than that of other manufacturers. Most of the designers are from Taiwan, who not only are experts in the fields of LEDs structure, light and lamp design, but also have rich experience in products’ color and appearance. More designers will be assigned to the factory in Mainland China, in order to promote the quality of light design to a higher level.


BeLight vol.06, 2011

The engineering design team has put great efforts in the requirements of safety and electrical property and is of great strength in indoor and outdoor lighting C E s a fe t y c e r t i f i c a t i o n h a s b e e n approved, and the authentications of 3C and CQC are still in the testing process. Besides, UL has been applied for checking and approval. Vice president Fang indicates that Lutek has devoted much efforts because UL is required that every material must pass the testing standards, which is also applied for the approval of ROHS certification. He also mentions that the different product models, such as the products with different powers, should be tested for safety approval; therefore, the cost in this field can not be cut since it contributes to global marketing greatly. He believes that the certifications play a significant role in global marketing, and more and more customers request for the products with safety approvals. It is expected that the related standards w i l l b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e l aws a n d regulations of various countries in the future, which will be good news for both manufacturers and consumers.

Vice president Fang, Lutek Industrial Co.


Interview The outdoor lighting products take the majority of current market shares, and the indoor products will increase greatly in 2011 He also indicates that the company's strength lies in the high power products, so the outdoor LED lighting products have been chosen for the market entry. The outdoor lighting products still take the majority of product proportion, accounting for about 80%. As for indoor LEDs, besides the existing indoor lighting products, Lutek will not only increase more product lines in 2011, but also mainly invest in home lighting products. In other words, the proportion of indoor lighting products in the company will greatly increase in 2011, which is promising for more achievements. Take Chinese Mainland market as an example, the energy saving requirements have been listed in the star rating of restaurants and hotels in 2011, so the utilization of LED lighting and power saving will become a widely-discussed issue. In addition, many countries have introduced energy saving policies, which is beneficial for the expansion of LED lighting market. The energy saving requirements have been illustrated in 12th Five Year Plan, and the power saving standards will be released by the government, in order to prepare for the promotion of energy saving products. Fang believes that energy saving is the global issue. As a result, it is important that LEDs can save 50%-60% electricity in public and home lighting.

The market of LED street lights will become even more developed, and Lutek ready for the challege is ahead He further states that the company has installed the LED street lights in many places of Mainland China and made great achievements successively. Meanwhile, in thermal dispersion, the advanced materials have been utilized in lamp shade, which has passed the certifications by related laboratories and can decrease the lumens depreciation. At present, the Chinese central government has introduced more policies on LED street lights, under which the different provinces are also developing related regulations, and it means that all manufacturers of LED street lights must conform to these standards and requirements. Generally speaking, LED street light will take the place of traditional sodium lamp, and the company’s 60W LED street light is equivalent to 150W traditional street light, which can save a tremendous amant of energy. The company has also been praised for the LED street light installation in Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science and Technology Park. In terms of the current market condition, many LED street lights are only at the testing phase, but the outlook is promising. Photo credit: Lutek Cooperation

vol.06, 2011 BeLight




High Thermal Conductive

Organic Substrate Materials

Thermal conductivity

1.5 w/mk


Halogen Free

Thermal conductivity

1.0 w/mk

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in needs for slimmer and smaller implemented devices due to the miniaturization of electronic devices, as well as the mounting of LED chips on displays and lighting. The main factor behind the generation of heat by devices such as LED chips and other implemented components is the low thermal conductivity of epoxy resins (0.2~0.3 W/m・K) which are the main component of plastic substrates. On the other hand, although metal substrates are used as high heat dissipation board materials, these substrates suffer from electrical reliability and processability problems. To overcome the problems of plastic and metal substrates, we propose the following two solutions.

1 High thermal conductivity:

Circuit board material thermal characteristics Mounted LED class / by application

In addition to the existing 1.0w/m・k type, a 1.5w/m・k & halogen free type has been newly added to our lineup.

3 Excellent processability

*Drill processing, punching processing, through hole processing possible

LED Temperature Evaluation Our Conventional FR-4





w/mk Halogen Free

Reference Product


Halogen Free

Reference Product

Flexible Type

Metal PCB

*High electric strength, tracking resistance, CAF resistance

Thermal resistance (℃/W)

2 Excellent insulation reliability:

1w Halogen Free




Halogen Free


LED lighting



Edge-Light type backlight

Reference Product





Local dimming type backlight

Metal CCL

Our Conventional FR-4


Decoration lighting


Low Cost

LED Thermal simulation 47.7℃


●Test Condition


Size of test sample

LED : □3×2mm LED temperature : 0.4W(with Cu on the backside of board) Property

Thermal conductivity [W/m・K]

LED Copper foil






No copper foil applied to the back side

Aluminum plate



Aluminum plate

Boundary condition

We can also provide a flexible substrate (ECOOL-F) that achieves the same level of heat dissipation as aluminum substrates, allowing for use in applications that require thinner, lighter, and flexible substrates. This flexible type uses a thin, uniform polyimide film as an insulating layer, achieves low thermal resistance levels, and also possesses high electric strength.


Thermal conductivity of circuit board materials(W/m・K) Temp

LED temperature






Reference Product 80

100 80 60


40 0.5

Thermal exchange at 8W/m2K with 20℃ air

35μm Cu (Right below LED) Resin portion

Standard FR-4/ CEM-3Level

Flexible type

1/4 model



B oard thickness 1.0mm


Analysis mesh





HF FR-4/ HFCEM-3Level





Halogen Free


0.8 94.6

1.0 88.6

NEW Reference Product

1.5 80.4



Veeco Launches New LED MOCVD Multi-Reactor System TurboDisc® MaxBright


eeco Instruments Inc. (Nasdaq: VECO) announced the introduction of the TurboDisc® MaxBright™ Gallium Nitride (GaN) Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Multi-Reactor System for production of high-brightness light-emitting diodes (HB LEDs). MaxBright has already been accepted by a leading LED manufacturer and Veeco is currently shipping MaxBright systems to additional top manufacturers in Korea, Taiwan, and China.

MaxBright leverages Veeco’s marketleading Uniform FlowFlange® technology and automation expertise by combining multiple, new, high-throughput MOCVD reactors in a modular two- or four-reactor c l u s t e r a rc h i t e c t u re . T h e M a x B r i g h t reactors, based on the production-proven K 4 6 5 i , fe at u re b o t h ex p a n d e d wa fe r capacity and advanced, proprietary, closed-

loop, and thermal control technology. These reactors achieve 25% higher throughput than the standard K465i, while extending proven performance advantages – uniformity, repeatability, and material quality. The MaxBright MOCVD system offers industryleading wafer capacity of up to 216 x 2”, 56 x 4”, 24 x 6” or 12 x 8” wafers. In addition, seamless recipe transfer from K465i to MaxBright enables customers to achieve rapid production start. According to William J. Miller, Ph.D., Executive V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f Ve e c o ’s C o m p o u n d Semiconductor Business, “MaxBright’s value proposition is clear: it’s the highest productivity MOCVD system for HB LED manufacturing on the market. The architecture enables single chamber or multi-chamber layer growth capability, increasing process flexibility for demanding LED structures. MaxBright’s compact architecture also enables a footprint efficiency

gain of up to 2.5 times standalone MOCVD systems. Overall, MaxBright delivers a 500% productivity gain compared to the K465i in a flexible and compact package.” John R. Peeler, Veeco’s Chief Executive Officer, added, “Veeco has dramatically accelerated our MOCVD technology investment and new product development programs to further reduce LED manufacturing costs. We are excited to launch this new, high productivity system as part of our multi-generational roadmap for improving MOCVD process capability and capital efficiency. MaxBright will enable the industry to accelerate its transition to LED lighting. In 2010, the K465i became the market-leading MOCVD system. And now, MaxBright further extends Veeco’s product leadership position as the most productive and lowest cost of ownership MOCVD tool on the market.”

vol.06, 2011 BeLight




High Voltage LEDs >>

Create Commercially Sensible and Simple Solid State Lighting Integral Lamps - By Ewing Liu Ewing Liu is a Product Manager for Everlight Electronics Co, Ltd. He is responsible for LED lighting products.


This article addresses the needs in the LED retrofit bulb market and how high voltage LEDs provide a viable solution


to address these needs and bring LED products even closer to consumers.

The Current Situation Solid State Lighting integral lamps are expected to reach 71 million pieces in 2010 and 108 million pieces in 2011. Initially, this quantities may seem impressive. Yet when compared to the number of traditional and CFL bulbs, the number of LED Integral Lamps are still very small with a penetration rate of well below 5%. The slow growth is a result of consumer price acceptability and performance. Solid State Lighting for residential applications and retrofit lamps is still beyond the threshold of what consumers will pay off the shelf. In reality, a consumer will hesitate to pay ten times more for a replacement that is just as good as its traditional counterpart, despite its environmental influences. Generally speaking, when purchasing a bulb consumers consider first the price, then packaging, performance and energy savings, lifetime, aesthetic appeal, and finally brand. To catalyze the quick growth of LED integral iamps, a new type of light source is needed to address these obstacles.

The Problem

Everlight high voltage LEDs create commercially sensible and simple Solid State Lighting integral lamps. Source: Everlight Electronics


BeLight vol.06, 2011

Traditional lamps have very low efficiencies. Halogen MR and PAR Lamps have an efficiency of around 20lm/W. Incandescent A-Lamps have an efficiency of barely 20lm/W. LEDs offer a superior alternative with higher efficiencies. Current LED light bulbs have DC LEDs as the main light source. When comparing the efficiency of an LED light bulb to that of a DC LED component, the disparity is undeniable. For example, a 100lm/W LED, even if implemented properly, will result in a bulb efficiency of 70lm/W or lower. Efficiency deductions are a result of loss in optics, heat, and most of all, the driver solution. Not only does a standard driver solution require 20-30% of the total bulb power consumption but it occupies up to 25-30% of the bill of materials. The most expensive component in the driver solution is the AC-DC converter, typically comprising of a transformer and rectifier or other electronic components. If an LED integral lamp could perform without a full driver solution, the total lamp efficiency would more closely resemble that of an LED, its light source. It could potentially gain back all the lost efficiency and reduce the overall price of an LED integral lamp.



The Solution High voltage (HV) LEDs are essentially DC LEDs in terms of performance. In short, a HV LED is multiple DC LEDs strung into a single package or chip. The only difference is in how you drive the HV LED. The closer the HV LED’s voltage is to mains RMS voltage, the fewer the components needed in the driver solution. Furthermore, as the HV LED’s voltage matches the mains RMS voltage, the need for a converter in the driver solution is completely negated. This results in the increase of total efficiency and decrease in bill of material costs for the LED integral lamp. The Everlight HV LED solutions that will be available in

Carbon footprint is drastically reduced – There are less carbon emissions due to fewer components manufactured and fewer steps in the assembly process. Space management is improved – There is smaller bill of materials and more space for added heat sinking. Lifetime is improved – Lifetime of LED lamps are often based on the lifetime of the more fragile driver components and IC’s. Lifetime is now based on the longer lifetime of the LED component itself and can be further increased by the added heat sinking. Dimming adaptability – HV LEDs can be dimmed with proper design.

2011 include a single chip 48-54V HV LED, a 4 chip 110V range (North America and Asia), and a 4 chip 220V range (Europe) HV LED. When these HV LEDs are implemented into an LED integral lamp, the full driver solution is no longer needed. Only a bridge rectifier, resistor, and capacitor are needed for very basic operation. A few other electronic components can be added depending on the target performance and design. Aside from the improved cost and efficiency, further benefits result from reduced electronic components in the LED Integral Lamps.



3 Fig. 1: LED Design Concepts Fig. 2: Advantages of Everlight Electronics’ High Voltage LEDs Fig. 3: LED Advantage Comparison The disparity between the efficiency of a light fixture and efficiency of an LED states the need for a solution to negate the need for converters, drivers, and supplemental components.

Contact information: www.everlight.com

Everlight Electronics Europe GmbH Tel: +49-(0)721-824-473 info@everlight-eu.de

vol.06, 2011 BeLight




-By Ivan Lin (Chief Editor)

Principles of Choosing LED Lamps The use of high brightness LED in acrylic channel letter and architectural illumination is increasing day by day. Red LED is gradually occupying a leading position in acrylic luminous advertisement signs; meanwhile, LEDs with diverse colors are improving their brightness and power in a large extent. Thus, LED illumination is predicted to gain more market share and develop much faster in future application of acrylic luminous signs and advertisement billboards. Currently, the production cost of LED has reduced gradually, and the demand is surging. Instead of just focusing on replacing incandescence lamps and neon lights, industry makers are trying to design more reasonable LEDs, aiming to attract more customers in different fields. As competition in LED market is fierce, good and bad LEDs are intermingled. When choosing LED lamps, consumers should be critical, trying to pick out LED lamps with best performance to price ratio. The following passage well be discussing the basic performances of LED, instructing customers how to select better LED lamps.

Principles of Choosing LED Lamps

1.LED with better light output performance

6.LEDs with different lighting angle

2.LED with consistent wavelength is better

7.LED chips with different prices

3.LEDs with different brightness

8.The life span of LED

Although the price of LED with better light output performance is higher, its life-span is longer too. Only this kind of LED can be used as LED lamps.

Only industry makers that are equipped with spectrometers and color separating machines can produce LEDs with pure color and consistent wavelength. The price of this kind of LED is higher.

The prices of LEDs with diverse brightness are different. LEDs that used to make LED lamps should be pass the safety standards. The LED lamp should also meet the DOE Energy Star's related standards.

4.LED with small electricity leakage is better

LED is an illumination of unilateral conductivity. Electricity leakage occurs when the circuit has countercurrent. The price of LED with large electricity leakage is low, but the life-span is short.

LEDs with different usages illuminate in different angles. For example, full diffusion angle LED has a very special lighting angle, its price is comparatively high.

The illumination of LED comes from its chips. The prices of different chips vary in a large extent, based on the bin table of LED, CRI, and Color Uniformity.

The life span of LED depends on its lumen maintenance. LED with lower lumen maintenance has longer lifespan but higher price.

that has anti-ultraviolet radiation and fireproofing 9.Colloid functions

Common LED uses epoxy resin as colloid. If anti-ultraviolet radiation and fireproofing functions are added to the colloid, then the LED’s price is higher. Generally, high quality outdoor LED lamps all bear these two functions.

5.The size and package form of LED chips

The size of LED chips is measured according to its side length. The package form the LED component itself is related to the price of LED.

Customers should also know that each kind of LED lamps has its distinct design to make it fit for specific application environment. Choosing a proper LED lamp is the most important principle. Besides, health issue, electric safety, environmental safety, fireproofing safety, mechanism safety, safety time limit, and other problems should come into considerations. Consumers should be cautious as misfeasance in LED lamp market would cheat the vendors to get manufacturing materials, produce unqualified products, and sell at lower prices to get illegal profit. Meanwhile, a handful of LED lamp manufacturers would trick on dealers and users and shirk their responsibility when problems come out.

vol.06, 2011 BeLight


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Tentative distribution locations: (30,000 copies each volume) Vol. 6 Vol. 4

Event Name



European LED Lighting Summit 2011

London, United Kingdom

April 27-28, 2011

ESC Silicon Valley 2011

San Jose, California

May 2-5, 2011

Green Lighting Shanghai Expo and Forum 2011

Shanghai, China

May 11-13, 2011

Lightfair International 2011

PA, United States

May 17-19, 2011

LEDforum Shenzhen 2011

Shenzhen, China

May 27, 2011


Coventry, United Kingdom

June 8-9, 2011

Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE)

Guangzhou, China

June 9-12, 2011

Vol. 7 Event Name



LOPE-C 2011

Frankfurt, Germany

June 28-30, 2011

LEDforum Shanghai 2011

Guangzhou, China

July 6-7, 2011

Shanghai International Lighting Expo 2011& LED Shanghai 2011

Shanghai, China

July 6-9, 2011

SEMICON West 2011

CA, United States

July 12-14, 2011

SEMICON Taiwan 2011

Taipei, Taiwan

September 7-9, 2011

Lighting & Display Korea

Daegu, Korea

September 28 - 30, 2011

LED Systems, Technologies and Applications Exhibition

Istanbul, Turkey

September 29 - October 2, 2011

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BeLight on the forefront of LED industry trends





LED Street Light just around the corner? Special Report Analysis on LED Packaging Technology Development Status : Lighting Class LED

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LED Mini-projector Explores More Possibilities for Consumer Market

LED light bulbs to dominate the lighting market

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Ban on incandescent light bulbs creates immense business potential

How to utilize Low-Temperature LED Illumination?

Energy industry to become the main battleground DOE promotes LED lighting projects

The LED-backlit LCD TV will lead to a reshuffle in china market LED prices dipped slightly in 1Q10 Veeco: Outlook for the MOCVD market Everlight: One-stop solution for the LED market

Rising adoption of LED architectural lighting worldwide Shanghai Expo’s Architectural LED Lighting

Taking a Closer Look at LED Architectural Lighting China to become an LED production stronghold, with government subsidy policies



SAVOSIL: Sustain lumen efficiency RGB LED in Architectural Lighting




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2011 International LED Events Event Name





The Arc Show 2011

London, United Kingdom

January 12-13



LED/OLED Lighting Technology Expo: Lighting Japan

Tokyo, Japan

January 19-21



SPIE Photonics West

CA, United States

January 22-27



SEMICON Korea 2011

Seoul, Korea

January 26-28



LED Expo 11 Mumbai India

Mumbai, India

February 12-14



LED China 2011

Guangzhou, China

March 1-4



Lighting Fair 2011

Tokyo, Japan

March 8-11



Electronica & Productronica China 2011

Shanghai, China

March 15-17



Taiwan International Lighting Show

Taipei, Taiwan

March 18-21



Light 2011

Warsaw, Poland

March 23-25



Expo Light 2011

Shanghai, China

March 29 - April 1




Guangzhou, China

March 30 - April 1



4th Lighttech Fair

Istanbul, Turkey

March 31 - April 3



Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition)

Hong Kong, China

April 13-16



2011 Beijing International LED Exhibition

Beijing, China

April 26-28



European LED Lighting Summit 2011

London, United Kingdom

April 27-28



China LED Expo

Beijing, China

April 27-30



ESC Silicon Valley 2011

CA, United States

May 2-5



Green Lighting Shanghai Expo and Forum 2011

Shanghai, China

May 11-13



Lightfair International 2011

PA, United States

May 17-19



LEDforum Shenzhen 2011

Shenzhen, China

May 27




Coventry, United Kingdom

June 8-9



Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE)

Guangzhou, China

June 9-12



Photonics Festival in Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan

June 14-16



Int’l LED Expo & FPD Korea 2011

Seoul, South Korea

June 21-24



LOPE-C 2011

Frankfurt, Germany

June 28-30



LEDforum Shanghai 2011

Shanghai, China

July 6-7



Shanghai International Lighting Expo 2011& LED Shanghai 2011

Shanghai, China

July 6-9



SEMICON West 2011

CA, United States

July 12-14



Qingdao International Building Energy-saving Fair 2011

Qingdao, China

July 21-24



The LED Show

NV, United States

July 26-27



China International Optoelectronic Expo 2011

Shenzhen, China

September 6-9



China Tianjin Lighting Expo

Tianjin, China

September 8-10



Lighting & Display Korea

Daegu, Korea

September 28-30



CEATEC Japan 2011

Tokyo, Japan

October 4-8



Green Device 2011


October 26-28



Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition)

Hong Kong, China

October 27-30



LEDforum 2011 Taipei

Taipei, Taiwan

November 1-2



LED Forum Moscow (Interlight)

Moscow, Russia

November 9-10




Chiba, Japan

December 7-8



For listing consideration, contact : angelatong@trendforce.com

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